What was the previous school of #22?
SELECT previous_school FROM table_24925945_3 WHERE _number = 22
CREATE TABLE table_24925945_3 (previous_school VARCHAR, _number VARCHAR)
what is the total number of reasons for change where the date the successor was seated is june 8, 1876?
SELECT COUNT(reason_for_change) FROM table_2192067_4 WHERE date_successor_seated = "June 8, 1876"
CREATE TABLE table_2192067_4 (reason_for_change VARCHAR, date_successor_seated VARCHAR)
what are all the position where player is al simmons
SELECT position FROM table_1213511_7 WHERE player = "Al Simmons"
CREATE TABLE table_1213511_7 (position VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
Show all member names and registered branch names sorted by register year.
SELECT, FROM membership_register_branch AS T1 JOIN branch AS T2 ON T1.branch_id = T2.branch_id JOIN member AS T3 ON T1.member_id = T3.member_id ORDER BY T1.register_year
CREATE TABLE member (name VARCHAR, member_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE membership_register_branch (branch_id VARCHAR, member_id VARCHAR, register_year VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE branch (name VARCHAR, branch_id VARCHAR)
What score has devin brown (24) as the leading scorer?
SELECT score FROM table_name_36 WHERE leading_scorer = "devin brown (24)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (score VARCHAR, leading_scorer VARCHAR)
How many cuts were made when there weren't any wins but had a top-5 of 1 and a top 10 larger than 4?
SELECT SUM(cuts_made) FROM table_name_62 WHERE wins < 1 AND top_5 = 1 AND top_10 > 4
CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (cuts_made INTEGER, top_10 VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR, top_5 VARCHAR)
Which tournament had 1R in 2013?
SELECT tournament FROM table_name_8 WHERE 2013 = "1r"
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (tournament VARCHAR)
How many episodes is episode number 4 in the series?
SELECT COUNT(title) FROM table_26808178_1 WHERE series__number = 4
CREATE TABLE table_26808178_1 (title VARCHAR, series__number VARCHAR)
What is the rank for the person with time 11.14?
SELECT AVG(rank) FROM table_name_54 WHERE time___sec__ = 11.14
CREATE TABLE table_name_54 (rank INTEGER, time___sec__ VARCHAR)
Which name has a Decile of 5, and an Area of tauranga?
SELECT name FROM table_name_96 WHERE decile = 5 AND area = "tauranga"
CREATE TABLE table_name_96 (name VARCHAR, decile VARCHAR, area VARCHAR)
What was the height of representative #1?
SELECT height FROM table_28062822_3 WHERE represent = 1
CREATE TABLE table_28062822_3 (height VARCHAR, represent VARCHAR)
What day is the grand prix de trois-rivières?
SELECT date FROM table_name_30 WHERE race_title = "grand prix de trois-rivières"
CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (date VARCHAR, race_title VARCHAR)
What is the highest place that has a draw entry smaller than 6 and goal score of 28?
SELECT MAX(place) FROM table_name_99 WHERE goals_scored = 28 AND draw < 6
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (place INTEGER, goals_scored VARCHAR, draw VARCHAR)
What is the least amount of touchdowns scored on the chart?
SELECT MIN(touchdowns) FROM table_14342480_7
CREATE TABLE table_14342480_7 (touchdowns INTEGER)
Name the republican steve sauerberg where dates administered september 15-september 18, 2008
SELECT republican AS :_steve_sauerberg FROM table_16751596_2 WHERE dates_administered = "September 15-September 18, 2008"
CREATE TABLE table_16751596_2 (republican VARCHAR, dates_administered VARCHAR)
What is the rank where the gold is 0?
SELECT AVG(rank) FROM table_name_70 WHERE gold < 0
CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (rank INTEGER, gold INTEGER)
How many original air dates did the episode directed by Bethany rooney have?
SELECT COUNT(original_air_date) FROM table_28859177_3 WHERE directed_by = "Bethany Rooney"
CREATE TABLE table_28859177_3 (original_air_date VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR)
How many overalls has 1 combined and 24 downhills?
SELECT overall FROM table_name_9 WHERE combined = "1" AND downhill = "24"
CREATE TABLE table_name_9 (overall VARCHAR, combined VARCHAR, downhill VARCHAR)
What is the result for the champions jeonju kcc egis with runners-up seoul samsung thunders after 2007?
SELECT result FROM table_name_39 WHERE year > 2007 AND runners_up = "seoul samsung thunders" AND champions = "jeonju kcc egis"
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (result VARCHAR, champions VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, runners_up VARCHAR)
Where was the tournament dated nov 3, 2002?
SELECT tournament FROM table_1121352_2 WHERE date = "Nov 3, 2002"
CREATE TABLE table_1121352_2 (tournament VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
What value for university students and adult goes with male gender for minimum weight?
SELECT university_students_and_adults__18yrs + _ FROM table_name_57 WHERE gender = "male" AND specification = "minimum weight"
CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (university_students_and_adults__18yrs VARCHAR, _ VARCHAR, gender VARCHAR, specification VARCHAR)
Name the least games played for 6 points
SELECT MIN(games_played) FROM table_27816332_2 WHERE total_points = 6
CREATE TABLE table_27816332_2 (games_played INTEGER, total_points VARCHAR)
Tell me the D 41 and R 51 of r 11
SELECT d_41 FROM table_name_33 WHERE r_51 = "r 11"
CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (d_41 VARCHAR, r_51 VARCHAR)
How many clubs are remaining when the winners from the previous round totals 4?
SELECT clubs_remaining FROM table_18328569_1 WHERE winners_from_previous_round = "4"
CREATE TABLE table_18328569_1 (clubs_remaining VARCHAR, winners_from_previous_round VARCHAR)
What are the countries that have greater surface area than any country in Europe?
SELECT Name FROM country WHERE SurfaceArea > (SELECT MIN(SurfaceArea) FROM country WHERE Continent = "Europe")
CREATE TABLE country (Name VARCHAR, SurfaceArea INTEGER, Continent VARCHAR)
what is the report called where the circuit took place at the nazareth speedway?
SELECT report FROM table_10707142_2 WHERE circuit = "Nazareth Speedway"
CREATE TABLE table_10707142_2 (report VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR)
Which rounds was Hap Sharp a driver in?
SELECT rounds FROM table_name_40 WHERE driver = "hap sharp"
CREATE TABLE table_name_40 (rounds VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR)
Name the winning score for jim barnes and year of 1924
SELECT winning_score FROM table_name_24 WHERE runner_up = "jim barnes" AND year = 1924
CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (winning_score VARCHAR, runner_up VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
What year was the year of the pig theme?
SELECT year FROM table_name_43 WHERE theme = "year of the pig"
CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (year VARCHAR, theme VARCHAR)
What year had a score of 4–6, 7–6, 7–5?
SELECT year FROM table_name_90 WHERE score = "4–6, 7–6, 7–5"
CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (year VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
Name the syrian christians for thiruvananthapuram
SELECT syrian_christians FROM table_23214055_2 WHERE district = "Thiruvananthapuram"
CREATE TABLE table_23214055_2 (syrian_christians VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
How did the manager who was replaced by Jakob Michelsen depart?
SELECT manner_of_departure FROM table_27782699_3 WHERE replaced_by = "Jakob Michelsen"
CREATE TABLE table_27782699_3 (manner_of_departure VARCHAR, replaced_by VARCHAR)
Tell me the player for ballarat football league
SELECT player FROM table_name_94 WHERE competition = "ballarat football league"
CREATE TABLE table_name_94 (player VARCHAR, competition VARCHAR)
What was the average Points of the season driver Fernando Alonso had a percentage of possible points of 53.05%?
SELECT AVG(points) FROM table_name_15 WHERE driver = "fernando alonso" AND percentage_of_possible_points = "53.05%"
CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (points INTEGER, driver VARCHAR, percentage_of_possible_points VARCHAR)
What is the sum of the stand with a qual more than 589?
SELECT SUM(stand) FROM table_name_31 WHERE qual > 589
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (stand INTEGER, qual INTEGER)
What is Country, when To par is "1", and when Player is "Seve Ballesteros"?
SELECT country FROM table_name_20 WHERE to_par = 1 AND player = "seve ballesteros"
CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (country VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
Whic teams scored l 97–107 (ot)
SELECT team FROM table_17323092_5 WHERE score = "L 97–107 (OT)"
CREATE TABLE table_17323092_5 (team VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
Which Away team has a Venue of mcg?
SELECT away_team FROM table_name_82 WHERE venue = "mcg"
CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (away_team VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
What is the enrollment of the university established in or after 2011?
SELECT enrollment FROM table_name_68 WHERE established > 2011
CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (enrollment VARCHAR, established INTEGER)
What are the active pixels of the cantare model?
SELECT active_pixels FROM table_name_10 WHERE model = "cantare"
CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (active_pixels VARCHAR, model VARCHAR)
How many tracks were Recorded 1964-01-08?
SELECT COUNT(track) FROM table_name_75 WHERE recorded = "1964-01-08"
CREATE TABLE table_name_75 (track VARCHAR, recorded VARCHAR)
How many seasons did Pat Chambers coach?
SELECT COUNT(seasons) FROM table_name_2 WHERE coach = "pat chambers"
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (seasons VARCHAR, coach VARCHAR)
Where did Footscray play as the home team?
SELECT venue FROM table_name_41 WHERE home_team = "footscray"
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (venue VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR)
How tall is the florida life building, completed before 1990?
SELECT height_ft___m FROM table_name_44 WHERE year_completed < 1990 AND name = "florida life building"
CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (height_ft___m VARCHAR, year_completed VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
What is the Rank of industrial and commercial bank of china 277,236?
SELECT rank FROM table_name_1 WHERE first_quarter = "industrial and commercial bank of china 277,236"
CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (rank VARCHAR, first_quarter VARCHAR)
How many millions of U.S viewers are there when the director is andy wolk?
SELECT us_viewers__million_ FROM table_29747178_2 WHERE directed_by = "Andy Wolk"
CREATE TABLE table_29747178_2 (us_viewers__million_ VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR)
What is the percentage of the liberal party with less than 25 percent of seats?
SELECT COUNT(percentage) FROM table_name_20 WHERE party = "liberal" AND percent_of_seats < 25
CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (percentage VARCHAR, party VARCHAR, percent_of_seats VARCHAR)
What is the Score at Arena?
SELECT score FROM table_name_30 WHERE arena = " arena"
CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (score VARCHAR, arena VARCHAR)
Find the ids of the departments where any manager is managing 4 or more employees.
SELECT DISTINCT department_id FROM employees GROUP BY department_id, manager_id HAVING COUNT(employee_id) >= 4
CREATE TABLE employees (department_id VARCHAR, manager_id VARCHAR, employee_id VARCHAR)
Who was the home when the visitor was New York Knicks?
SELECT home FROM table_name_79 WHERE visitor = "new york knicks"
CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (home VARCHAR, visitor VARCHAR)
What is the name of the player that was loaned out on 13 August 2008 ?
SELECT name FROM table_name_34 WHERE date_from = "13 august 2008"
CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (name VARCHAR, date_from VARCHAR)
What Away team is visiting Carlton?
SELECT away_team FROM table_name_27 WHERE home_team = "carlton"
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (away_team VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR)
What is the highest BR number with a SECR number of 765?
SELECT MAX(br_no) FROM table_name_39 WHERE secr_no = 765
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (br_no INTEGER, secr_no VARCHAR)
What is the number of external links with a coach named Katie Kansas?
SELECT COUNT(external_link) FROM table_2140071_13 WHERE coach = "Katie Kansas"
CREATE TABLE table_2140071_13 (external_link VARCHAR, coach VARCHAR)
What is the class of the locomotive with a 0-4-0st type?
SELECT class FROM table_name_23 WHERE type = "0-4-0st"
CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (class VARCHAR, type VARCHAR)
How many CFL teams are from York college?
SELECT COUNT(cfl_team) FROM table_10975034_4 WHERE college = "York"
CREATE TABLE table_10975034_4 (cfl_team VARCHAR, college VARCHAR)
What is the lowest overall draft pick number for terry daniels who was picked in round 10?
SELECT MIN(overall) FROM table_name_17 WHERE round = 10 AND name = "terry daniels"
CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (overall INTEGER, round VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
What is the Ti no of the Walsall Home game?
SELECT tie_no FROM table_name_38 WHERE home_team = "walsall"
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (tie_no VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR)
Grechukha Tholi has what longitude?
SELECT longitude FROM table_16799784_4 WHERE name = "Grechukha Tholi"
CREATE TABLE table_16799784_4 (longitude VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
What event placed bronze earlier than 1987?
SELECT event FROM table_name_16 WHERE placed = "bronze" AND year < 1987
CREATE TABLE table_name_16 (event VARCHAR, placed VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
Name the series with game of game 6
SELECT series FROM table_name_58 WHERE game = "game 6"
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (series VARCHAR, game VARCHAR)
Which party has a first elected of 1966, qld as the state, and donald milner cameron as the member?
SELECT party FROM table_name_25 WHERE first_elected = "1966" AND state = "qld" AND member = "donald milner cameron"
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (party VARCHAR, member VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR, state VARCHAR)
Who constructed the car that has a Time/Retired of engine, and over 50 laps?
SELECT constructor FROM table_name_56 WHERE time_retired = "engine" AND laps > 50
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (constructor VARCHAR, time_retired VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR)
Who was the opponent in week 4?
SELECT opponent FROM table_14875671_1 WHERE week = 4
CREATE TABLE table_14875671_1 (opponent VARCHAR, week VARCHAR)
What play has a base of Athens and was written by Aeschylus?
SELECT play FROM table_name_67 WHERE author = "aeschylus" AND base = "athens"
CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (play VARCHAR, author VARCHAR, base VARCHAR)
Who is the opponent with a save of ||33,453||36–27?
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_39 WHERE save = "||33,453||36–27"
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (opponent VARCHAR, save VARCHAR)
Which EC Comics title ran from 1950 to 1953?
SELECT title FROM table_name_61 WHERE first_year = "1950" AND publisher = "ec comics" AND last_year = "1953"
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (title VARCHAR, last_year VARCHAR, first_year VARCHAR, publisher VARCHAR)
Which Position has a Pick of 74?
SELECT position FROM table_name_42 WHERE pick = 74
CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (position VARCHAR, pick VARCHAR)
What is the chassis when the rank is 3rd?
SELECT chassis FROM table_name_25 WHERE rank = "3rd"
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (chassis VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
What is the average pots of Alfa Romeo v12 after 1983?
SELECT AVG(pts) FROM table_name_44 WHERE engine = "alfa romeo v12" AND year > 1983
CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (pts INTEGER, engine VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
What is listed for the Tries against that has a Played of 22, along with a Club of Ystalyfera RFC?
SELECT tries_against FROM table_name_95 WHERE played = "22" AND club = "ystalyfera rfc"
CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (tries_against VARCHAR, played VARCHAR, club VARCHAR)
What programs are there for the South Fork Dirt Riders track?
SELECT program FROM table_name_44 WHERE track_name = "south fork dirt riders"
CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (program VARCHAR, track_name VARCHAR)
What rank did Poland receive with a time of 1:50.12?
SELECT rank FROM table_name_43 WHERE nationality = "poland" AND time = "1:50.12"
CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (rank VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR, time VARCHAR)
Name the number of poles for 15th position
SELECT COUNT(poles) FROM table_24466191_1 WHERE position = "15th"
CREATE TABLE table_24466191_1 (poles VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
What is Country, when Player is "Billy Maxwell"?
SELECT country FROM table_name_77 WHERE player = "billy maxwell"
CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (country VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
How many points are obtained when a standing broad jump is 207-215 cm?
SELECT COUNT(points) FROM table_name_25 WHERE standing_broad_jump__cm_ = "207-215"
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (points VARCHAR, standing_broad_jump__cm_ VARCHAR)
Where the time/retired is +1 lap, the constructor is BRM, and the grid is above 1, what's the highest laps recorded?
SELECT MAX(laps) FROM table_name_25 WHERE time_retired = "+1 lap" AND constructor = "brm" AND grid > 1
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (laps INTEGER, grid VARCHAR, time_retired VARCHAR, constructor VARCHAR)
How many types of settlement if Neradin?
SELECT COUNT(type) FROM table_2562572_50 WHERE settlement = "Neradin"
CREATE TABLE table_2562572_50 (type VARCHAR, settlement VARCHAR)
If the date is 7-21-2006, who was the opponent?
SELECT opponent FROM table_23314951_4 WHERE date = "7-21-2006"
CREATE TABLE table_23314951_4 (opponent VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
How many types of valves were used on this engine that was built on 1902-05?
SELECT COUNT(valves) FROM table_25695027_1 WHERE years_built = "1902-05"
CREATE TABLE table_25695027_1 (valves VARCHAR, years_built VARCHAR)
What loss happened june 8?
SELECT loss FROM table_name_43 WHERE date = "june 8"
CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (loss VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
What is the total number of assists when Edmundo Rodriguez is playing the position of striker, less than 4 goals were scored, and the minutes were less than 473?
SELECT COUNT(assists) FROM table_name_21 WHERE position = "striker" AND goals < 4 AND player = "edmundo rodriguez" AND minutes < 473
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (assists VARCHAR, minutes VARCHAR, player VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, goals VARCHAR)
Release date of 2008 q3, and a Part number(s) of nu80579ez009c has what Release price ( USD )?
SELECT release_price___usd__ FROM table_name_3 WHERE release_date = "2008 q3" AND part_number_s_ = "nu80579ez009c"
CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (release_price___usd__ VARCHAR, release_date VARCHAR, part_number_s_ VARCHAR)
SELECT opponents FROM table_name_2 WHERE kick_off = "2007-03-06, 20:45"
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (opponents VARCHAR, kick_off VARCHAR)
Which bumping/blocking has a yes for both the ankle tap and steal/intercept ball?
SELECT bumping_blocking FROM table_name_49 WHERE ankle_tap = "yes" AND steal_intercept_ball = "yes"
CREATE TABLE table_name_49 (bumping_blocking VARCHAR, ankle_tap VARCHAR, steal_intercept_ball VARCHAR)
What's the height of the player who went to oak hill academy?
SELECT height FROM table_name_64 WHERE school = "oak hill academy"
CREATE TABLE table_name_64 (height VARCHAR, school VARCHAR)
What is the sample size of the poll taken on Dec 13-15, 2007 that had a margin of error of more than 4 and resulted with Republican Mike Huckabee?
SELECT AVG(sample_size) FROM table_name_5 WHERE republican = "mike huckabee" AND margin_of_error > 4 AND date = "dec 13-15, 2007"
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (sample_size INTEGER, date VARCHAR, republican VARCHAR, margin_of_error VARCHAR)
How many regions had rainfall infiltration (km 3/year) of 9.3?
SELECT COUNT(rainfall_by_depth__mm_year_) FROM table_25983027_1 WHERE infiltration__km_3__year_ = "9.3"
CREATE TABLE table_25983027_1 (rainfall_by_depth__mm_year_ VARCHAR, infiltration__km_3__year_ VARCHAR)
What is the 2005-2006 team for player Phil Kessel?
SELECT 2005 AS _2006_team FROM table_name_89 WHERE name = "phil kessel"
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (name VARCHAR)
I want the date for nihat kahveci
SELECT date FROM table_name_93 WHERE turkey_scorers = "nihat kahveci"
CREATE TABLE table_name_93 (date VARCHAR, turkey_scorers VARCHAR)
How many polling percentages were there in October 2008 when is was 30.8% in Aug 2008?
SELECT COUNT(oct_2008) FROM table_23680576_2 WHERE aug_2008 = "30.8%"
CREATE TABLE table_23680576_2 (oct_2008 VARCHAR, aug_2008 VARCHAR)
Name the number of season number for jeff truman
SELECT COUNT(season__number) FROM table_15838081_3 WHERE writer_s_ = "Jeff Truman"
CREATE TABLE table_15838081_3 (season__number VARCHAR, writer_s_ VARCHAR)
What was the total Attendance in weeks previous of 5, playing the Seattle Seahawks?
SELECT COUNT(attendance) FROM table_name_47 WHERE week < 5 AND opponent = "seattle seahawks"
CREATE TABLE table_name_47 (attendance VARCHAR, week VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
What is Record, when Team is "@ Atlanta"?
SELECT record FROM table_name_78 WHERE team = "@ atlanta"
CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (record VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
What was the Position of Pick #23 in a Round less than 5 with 23 Overall?
SELECT position FROM table_name_53 WHERE round < 5 AND pick__number = 23 AND overall = 23
CREATE TABLE table_name_53 (position VARCHAR, overall VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, pick__number VARCHAR)
What's the sum of Silver with total smaller than 560, a Bronze larger than 6, and a Gold of 3?
SELECT SUM(silver) FROM table_name_70 WHERE total < 560 AND bronze > 6 AND gold = 3
CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (silver INTEGER, gold VARCHAR, total VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR)
What is the original name of the place by designer Glen Peloso with a Location of n/a?
SELECT original_name FROM table_name_4 WHERE designer = "glen peloso" AND location = "n/a"
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (original_name VARCHAR, designer VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
When in round of 16 it was did not advance what was it in round of 32?
SELECT round_of_32 FROM table_18602462_21 WHERE round_of_16 = "Did not advance"
CREATE TABLE table_18602462_21 (round_of_32 VARCHAR, round_of_16 VARCHAR)
Which round had a winning driver of Uwe Alzen, at the Sepang International circuit?
SELECT round FROM table_name_80 WHERE winning_driver = "uwe alzen" AND circuit = "sepang international circuit"
CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (round VARCHAR, winning_driver VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR)
Name the airport for ICAO of flls
SELECT airport FROM table_name_6 WHERE icao = "flls"
CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (airport VARCHAR, icao VARCHAR)