stringlengths 1
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1704407 | What is the difference between char s[] and char *s? | 3909457 | What's the easiest way to add commas to an integer? |
1823058 | How to print number with commas as thousands separators? | 5078449 | Difference between pointer and array |
1335786 | C: differences between char pointer and array | 3862842 | Difference between char *str="STRING" and char str[] = "STRING"? |
5105233 | Multiple Parameter to pass to Command WPF | 1350598 | Passing two command parameters using a WPF binding |
1826658 | I need to iterate and count. What is fastest or preferred: ToArray() or ToList()? | 1105990 | Is it better to call ToList() or ToArray() in LINQ queries? |
2958215 | Eclipse shortcut for searching word in workspace | 2957774 | Searching files in Eclipse |
3941745 | What is the "context" meaning in Android? | 3572463 | What is 'Context' on Android? |
3947872 | Is there any free Movie listing and showtime API's? | 439857 | Is there a movie showtime api? |
4592558 | OOP: Difference between ArrayList al = new ArrayList() and List al = new ArrayList()? | 4062982 | List versus ArrayList as reference type? |
4594529 | Java collections. Why no Primitive Types? | 2504959 | Why can Java Collections not directly store Primitives types? |
4616525 | Javascript: removing an anonymous event listener | 3106605 | Removing an anonymous event listener |
1854352 | When to use a property vs a method? | 601621 | Properties vs Methods |
5113775 | Using :hover for an element's inline style (using HTML/CSS/php) | 131653 | Inline style to act as :hover in CSS |
5118562 | INNER JOIN vs multiple table names in "FROM" | 1018822 | INNER JOIN ON vs WHERE clause |
5197770 | What is the difference between <%: item["Title"] %> and <%= item["Title"] %> | 2676236 | Are <%: and <%= the same thing as embbed code (expression) blocks |
3957321 | What do the icons for methods in Eclipse mean? | 1561336 | What do the icons in Eclipse mean? |
5260959 | What is Serializable in Java? | 3429921 | What does Serializable mean? |
3221475 | reverse mapping of dictionary with Python | 2568673 | Inverse dictionary lookup in Python |
2982780 | What is a "STRONG NAME" in .NET? | 1436879 | What is strong naming and how do I strong name a binary? |
3980117 | Hash table: why size should be prime? | 1145217 | Why should hash functions use a prime number modulus? |
4862327 | Is there a way to get the filename from a `FILE*`? | 1188757 | Retrieve filename from file descriptor in C |
4411057 | How to do a incremental backup in Mysql | 409046 | What is the best way to do incremental backups in MySQL? |
4347268 | Removing items from an array if they exist in another array | 1728727 | Remove item from array if it exists in a 'disallowed words' array |
5285088 | CheckboxList in MVC3 | 5284395 | CheckboxList in MVC3 View and get the checked items passed to the controller |
5129672 | Increment existing date by 1 day | 428918 | How can I increment a date by one day in Java? |
4348557 | Liskov's Substitution Principle - How to model Square and Rectangle | 1030521 | Is deriving square from rectangle a violation of Liskov's Substitution Principle? |
4348607 | What is the maximum size for a string in C#? | 4359453 | Calling a java function from C++ via JNI that returns a string |
992836 | How to access the Java method in a C++ application | 3060417 | Compile C++ program on Mac to run on Linux |
1775267 | How to cross compile from Mac OS X to Linux x86? | 3076036 | Converting the children of XElement to string |
3793 | Best way to get InnerXml of an XElement? | 4478041 | It is possible to specify the position of a Toast? |
2506876 | How to change position of Toast in Android? | 4126938 | What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class? |
761194 | Interface vs Abstract Class (general OO) | 4137434 | Include a JavaScript file |
21294 | Dynamically load a JavaScript file | 5323377 | Difference between == and === in JS |
523643 | Difference between == and === in JavaScript | 5344705 | How can the A* algorithm be applied to the traveling salesman problem? |
4453477 | Using A* to solve Travelling Salesman | 3065333 | Largest triangle from a set of points |
1621364 | How to find largest triangle in convex hull aside from brute force search | 3070628 | Difference between Object and object |
1017282 | c#: difference between "System.Object" and "object" | 5283197 | C++ macro with variable number of arguments |
679979 | How to make a variadic macro (variable number of arguments) | 4682355 | Use boost C++ libraries? |
149268 | Boost Library | 4701207 | Current status of automatic parallelism in Haskell |
3063652 | What's the status of multicore programming in Haskell? | 4706037 | What the heck is this C++ syntax called? |
1711990 | What is this weird colon-member (" : ") syntax in the constructor? | 4712554 | Horizontal scrolling UITableView |
2870680 | Horizontal UITableView | 4744741 | How to check out a particular version of code from SVN? |
1429034 | How to checkout a specific Subversion revision from the command line? | 4160898 | Can anyone explain the meaning and usage of POJO or POCO |
3326319 | What is meaning of Plain Old Java Object (POJO)? | 4522002 | What exactly is Inversion of Control |
4529649 | What is the "!!" operator in Javascript? | 784929 | What is the !! (not not) operator in JavaScript? |
4170037 | What does the * (star) mean in Ruby? | 918449 | What does the (unary) * operator do in this Ruby code? |
4759818 | How to hide the address bar of a webpage in android? | 4068559 | Removing address bar from browser (to view on Android) |
4768860 | Shell script: Ensure that script isn't executed if already running | 185451 | Quick-and-dirty way to ensure only one instance of a shell script is running at a time |
3129809 | Is there a library repository for C? | 3080696 | Why there is not a comprehensive c archive network? |
4835576 | How to add placeHolder Text in UItextView? in iphone sdk | 1328638 | Placeholder in UITextView |
5379274 | .NET - Best way to store application settings | 3141733 | Why to use garbage collector? |
228620 | Garbage Collection in C++ -- why? | 4842646 | CSS: Set font to a size so the text would occupy whole container |
4852369 | is there SFTP Communications in C#? | 530330 | SFTP Libraries for .NET |
4201197 | Which compiler(s) have the most advanced support for the current state of C++0x? | 980573 | Compiler support for upcoming C++0x |
4235834 | How to make python scripts executable on Windows? | 11472843 | Set up Python on Windows to not type "python" in cmd |
4886830 | What is the shortest way to compare if two IEnumerable<T> have the same items in C#? | 4576723 | Test whether two IEnumerable<T> have the same values with the same frequencies |
4897862 | calculating time complexity of a algorithm | 4285663 | How to instill the TDD habit in a team |
3078289 | How do I convince programmers in my team to do TDD? | 3363029 | How to get the file with latest lastModified date, in Java? |
2064694 | How do I find the last modified file in a directory in Java? | 3373108 | Why are static variables auto-initialized to zero? |
2091499 | Why are global and static variables initialized to their default values? | 4500087 | Multiple inheritance in Objective-C |
4192203 | Objective-C multiple inheritance | 4508911 | Convert uint8_t* to std::string in C++? |
1673445 | How to Convert unsigned char* to std::string in C++? | 4517672 | How to add 20 minutes to a current date? |
1197928 | How to add 30 minutes to a JavaScript Date object? | 4517786 | How to determine appconfig contains a specific key |
3295293 | How to check if an appSettings key exists? | 4919322 | C++ template class and inheritance |
1813671 | Problem with protected fields in base class in c++ | 4210108 | Base template class data members are not visible in derived template class? |
5403121 | whats the difference between function foo(){} and foo = function(){}? | 3173635 | Offset MySQL Without Limit |
255517 | MySQL offset infinite rows | 4655963 | Pointer to Pointer to Pointer |
758673 | Uses for multiple levels of pointer dereferences? | 3182451 | PHP + Wordpress - get a list of files from a directory |
8541180 | Best way to get files from a dir filtered by certain extension in php | 4299376 | C++ Singleton Vs static methods |
3841034 | C++ singleton vs completely static object | 5350581 | How many rows are 'too many' for a MySQL table? |
1926079 | How many rows in a database are TOO MANY? | 5353934 | Check if element is visible on screen |
487073 | How to check if element is visible after scrolling? | 5359707 | In GHCi, why does the kind of the function arrow `:kind (->)` include question marks `(->) :: ?? -> ? -> *`? |
3034264 | Haskell Weird Kinds: Kind of (->) is ?? -> ? -> * | 5368531 | Why can't I create an array of size n? |
2427336 | Why can't I create an array with size determined by a global variable? | 4938871 | Mysql 1 Random Row |
19412 | How to request a random row in SQL? | 5215469 | Use linq to break up list<t> into lots of list<t> of n length? |
1349491 | How can I split an IEnumerable<String> into groups of IEnumerable<string> | 5218395 | Reflection: How to get a generic method? |
232535 | How do I use reflection to call a generic method? | 3238575 | why shouldn't we use ++ in javascript? |
971312 | Why avoid increment ("++") and decrement ("--") operators in JavaScript? | 3389420 | Will new operator return NULL? |
550451 | Will new return NULL in any case? | 5403816 | what is Android Context and why is it needed |
5404701 | javascript: What is a NOT NOT? (!! operator ) | 5415011 | ListView inside a ScrollView |
6210895 | ListView inside ScrollView is not scrolling on Android | 4245563 | Whats wrong with setting nullable double to null? |
2766932 | Why can't I set a nullable int to null in a ternary if statement? | 3279502 | How to determine whether a WPF DataGrid is in edit mode? |
3248023 | Code to check if a cell of a DataGrid is currently edited | 4533847 | Alternatives For iOS Development Under Windows |
22358 | How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine? | 4542489 | Match the "Rest of the URL" using Spring 3 RequestMapping Annotation |
3686808 | Spring 3 RequestMapping: Get path value | 2059419 | What do the *= and =* operators do in T-SQL? |
1428144 | What does =* mean? | 4571233 | Why can a public class not inherit from a less visible one? |
3626958 | Why can't my public class extend an internal class? | 3201180 | How can i convert sqlDatareader to List<> |
1464883 | How can I easily convert DataReader to List<T>? | 4739959 | entity framework Unable to load the specified metadata resource |
689355 | MetadataException: Unable to load the specified metadata resource | 4747311 | How can I keep a button as pressed after clicking on it? |
4674940 | Android. How do I keep a button displayed as PRESSED until the action created by that button is finished? | 4373839 | What does the colon do in this struct definition? |
4959863 | How to make .NET attribute only valid on certain types | 1190649 | Specify required base class for .NET attribute targets |
4264990 | convert view into bitmap | 2801116 | Converting a view to Bitmap without displaying it in Android? |
3347537 | Please install the postgresql adapter: `gem install activerecord-postgresql-adapter` | 1664364 | How to handle Ruby on Rails error: "Please install the postgresql adapter: `gem install activerecord-postgresql-adapter'" |
5428325 | Issue With Code: Format string is not a string literal | 1677824 | Warning: "format not a string literal and no format arguments" |
4322507 | Why padding is used in Base64 encoding? | 4080988 | Why does base64 encoding require padding if the input length is not divisible by 3? |
4618930 | What does "..." mean in Java? | 4211099 | How does the Java array argument declaration syntax "..." work? |
3349494 | Objective-c regex to check phone number | 3350645 | How to check if a table exists in MS Access for vb macros |
2985513 | Check if access table exists | 4634124 | How to generate, sign and import SSL certificate from Java |
925377 | Generate certificates, public and private keys with Java | 3365772 | Is it always a good practice to set pointers to NULL after free()-ing them? |
1025589 | Setting variable to NULL after free | 5415736 | How does delete work? |