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old soul, you have all the debate skills of a stoned 14 year old drop out who cannot handle his weed. At no time can you address the facts sighted In posts as that would require intelligence. Perhaps instead of wasting other peoples time posting like an emotional cripple you should stick to subjects more your speed, like cartoons and pop up books.
Are you? For I don't consider this remark of yours at all so.....
This is why people have shotguns ready for losers who are stupid enough to try these stunts. A better ending would have been if the victim had blown the perps heads off.
Yet another softball issue for this idiot. Still not impressed with Ohio Dan.
The democrats are to involved in destroying Trump the worrying about creating jobs. The left would rather destroy the country then agree with anything on the Trump agenda such as lower taxes and more jobs. They truly want another civil war. They must have forgotten how the last one turned out for them.
As always, can't wait to stick your horny racist head up.
he has to be doing something right, the left and the right entrenched powers are scared *&^%less, and are in all out beast mode trying to take him down...and losing. He11, I'm about to vote for Trump just because he does piss off these political clowns. Get ready for the most brutal campaign in my lifetime, as team Billary is as vulgar and corrupt as they come, and Trump has plenty of issues of his own. That either of these fools are the top dogs in this contest speaks volumes to just how dysfunctional America has degenerated into.
I still say that "The Republican's are the party of Stupid". Donald, Ted, Alaska's Legislators just reinforce my opinion.
It's more complex than that. Ralston is not afraid to speak the truth as he sees it, but he is also a buffoon. Who once said "It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"?
Stirring the gravy? Wtf
This isn't nuisance litigation...this is defending the Constitution and preventing greed, graft, and corruption in public office.
At that time, most newspaper photographers used black and white, since that's what the newspapers printed. Developing and printing black and white is both easier and cheaper than color.
Is his surplus medical equipment and computers what is stored in his garage? That his wife claimed was going to Peru two times in the last two years. That his wife Tina McCollum, president of Snoqualmie Sister Cities keeps saying is going south for humanitarian aid? Odd thing...there is no proof any of it has made it on her "container ship" for Rotary in Snoqualmie. She pretended a military ship was taking it to Peru. She pretends a lot. There is proof she is in Peru for "Snoqualmie Sister Cities," but oddly, not in our sister city. In a place a plane ride away, with other politicians and big business leaders. Please publish her expenditures for Sister Cities for the last 8 years. I care, I volunteer for education, and have for 15+ years in Latin America. I have never come across something in my work so fishy.