Rafizi allays concerns about Padu registration after former lawmaker raises possible teething issues
[ [ "PADU = NEP 2.0\nReject PADU when you still can. Reject Digital ID.", "But muh subsidy? :26559:" ] ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 03 January 2024
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
[ [ "Say, whatever happened to those Malaysian macais in Gaza shown pointing at Hamas rockets launched on Oct 7 on Tiktok/Instagram?" ] ]
Maybe I Messed Up, Maybe Kongsi Gelap Are Looking For Me. I Am Scared.
Short story. I (M20) tried looking for sex service and when I replied slow (was still considering whether or not I should go thru with it), received threats that they'll send kongsi gelap to come after me. To put this into perspective, I'm a very desperate virgin. This morning I contacted a service girl via WhatsApp regarding her services. I believe I found her thru Locanto (I contacted multiple service girls). I was a little slow in interacting with her as I was still doubtful of what I was doing, morally and financially. Obviously, she was very hasty with setting up and whatnot, but I never actually agreed to book, never even mentioned wanting to book a session. I only asked for the available services offered. I told her to wait a bit, and after a while, and once she seemed very impatient, I told her that it's okay (meaning I changed my mind). Then moments later, I get a WhatsApp call from her (declined it) and moments later got messaged (on WhatsApp) by some guy telling me that customers are mad and this is my issue I have to deal with. He threatened to send the kongsi gelap after me. I did not open the chat, and almost immediately blocked and reported the guy, so I don't know if he gave me a way out of this. Additional, I deleted the contact and chat of the afformentioned service girl (whom I assume is the root of this issue), so now I have zero proof of anything to support my case. In hindsight, it was a bit of a rash decision to do so, but I was absolutely terrified. I also deleted most of the contacts and chats of the other service girls I contacted. Help. I don't know what to do. I'm considering reporting this to the police soon, and telling my dad. My dad would be immensely disappointed in me, but at least he would be aware of a possible threat. If it's just me who'll be affected then fine, but I don't want them to go after my family and/ or friends. Edit: THANK YOU to EVERY SINGLE ONE of you. YES, even the comments that make fun of me or make light of the situation are oddly reassuring. I am sufficiently aware of my flaws. You guys are a lifesaver; dis sub is a lifesaver. The guy threatened me during my work break, and my mood completely changed (and I'm still new there). I couldn't focus on my work, anxiety was high, I was very preoccupied with this issue, I just wanted to run to the nearest police station ASAP. I literally hv NOBODY to reach out to for this issue. I tried posting to bolehland first but had issues with age or sumn and imagine that, tryna' seek immediate advice to the only people to u can reach out to and the sub's just like "no". Seeing y'all's messages pop up throughout the evening TRULY calmed me. To clarify: (a) I wasn't tryna' lose my v-card, but some other services, (b) post nut clarity doesn't help, masturbation doesn't help (maybe I hv an actual problem?), hence why I went so far.
[ [ "First time getting threatened on internet? Haha\nJokes aside, nothing to worry about unless you shared some of your personal info. If all they have is your phone number, not much they can do.", "If let say he hand over his personal info, what precaution he must take?", "Report polis", "If you have reason to feel your life is threatened. Call polis.\nIn this case, OP has no reason to be scared.", "Realistically they're not gonna do anything. Worth reporting nonetheless, but no need to over worry OP.", "Can probably look OP up on PADU heh heh." ], [ "My friend had the same experience, kinda gatal felle go chat and ask many questions and did not actually proceed with the service. He also kena call, they were like angry with him, saying they know his name la nombor la. Happened months ago, nothing jadi punya. Dont worry op, nothing will happen laaa, don't sweat it okay. Don't be scared ✨✨", "Im scared,, so can i sleep with you instead" ], [ "It’s a BS. They’re not gonna waste resources for someone who dillydally in making a decision.\n100% scam. Nothing to be afraid of" ], [ "I think this issue should be pinned, seems like a common post in r/Malaysia. This is the third post I've seen recently about horni ppl getting jumpy over kongsi gelap :26554::26554::26554:", "Personally I think it’s great that someone inexperienced can seek help here and give them confidence, it’s better than the usual cina/melayu this and that posts anyway\nI was almost a victim too until monyets here helped me", "same" ], [ "There are many safe dating apps to download if your kuku is itchy.\nDon't go through the ad in FB and WhatsApp or telegram etc lorr.", "Can you share some of it. Asking for a friend.", "telegram got if you know what to look" ], [ "Sounds like a punch drunk love plot" ], [ "they're bluffing you so just ignore it. and that \"girl\" was a scammer that's why they're pretending to be mad because they can't close you. I witnessed this firsthand years ago while I was lepak2 with my friend at a mamak nearby a hotel. we messed around with WeChat then, and this happened. the guy even threatened that they've arrived at the hotel we're supposedly stay, while we're just enjoying our meals through the messages they're sending at the mamak place." ], [ "OP, absolutely nothing to worry about.\nLegal Practitioner here, I’ve dealt with 2 similar cases during my time in legal aid (where I had to give legal advice to some extortionist who was arrested and charged in Court).\nWhat you have just described is essentially their modus operandi. You’re not the first nor the last person who will fall for this scam.\nIf you actually went through with the “service” by engaging the “girl”, you’ll end up being threatened physically on the spot. Count your blessings mate." ], [ "next time jack off cepat cepat", "before they come?", "Thats why you only make decisions when your belly is full and balls empty." ], [ "Be calm OP. Ive been there before. Just start to block unknown or suspicious number. Wait a couple days to let things cool down. Just don’t make anymore contact or reply." ], [ "100% scam. You should ignore them." ], [ "PM me bro for legit sites with real FL. Even senior cheongsters avoid Locanto like a plague.\nLast time there were sites like Backpage, Craiglist & etc. but those sites got shut down by the govt. I suppose.\nRegarding your threat, yes I got the same warning like you & the goon even screenshot my WS profile pic and claiming those in Cheras are looking for me. Haha thank God I put my slim down version pic which is day & night difference with my current looks. I'm still alive even after 1 year.", "What is WS?", "Whatsapp", "Pm’ed u bro, asking for a “friend”" ], [ "Chill man, it's nothing" ], [ "It’s called extortion." ], [ "They are better off focusing on the next victims than chase after you. Don't worry" ], [ "This is a scam. Just report polis if they harrass you" ], [ "Hey OP, not sure if this helps but just my 2 cents.\nI experienced a similar situation that you are experiencing now many years back ( when I was still a boy boy ) I contacted a girl that looks very pretty based on her profile picture on WhatsApp, and I agreed to meet her to hang out, she was even able to give me the location of the meet, which is actually a place that I know.\nTo cut the story short, I went there, she was not there, she told me to buy some mol points from 7 Eleven, basically it's a money scam, and I fell for it. Because at that time, this guy sent me pictures of people getting hacked and slashed, claiming it's their doing.\nAs a result, I was absolutely scared shitless, luckily I have a friend whom he and his dad is in the society, they called back the number that threaten me, the guy picked up the phone, we ask to meet him at a place, he refused and immediately hang up the call, so you see.. it's all a scam just to scare people like you and me.\nDon't worry, you are fine, perfectly fine." ], [ "you're not just hornai.\nYou're Hornai and timid. Obviously they are not gonna do anything or extra mile to you. Not worth the trouble." ], [ "Chill!! Even if he has your address, with that amount of money is not worth going up to your door. Why engage with sex worker, go out and fix yourself first and the girls will be flocking in" ], [ "Nothing to worry about. Just a scare tactic they use. What loss have they suffered? Maybe just a few wasted minutes. Plus, all they have is your phone number.\nAlso, this may be unsolicited advice but, why are you so desperately trying to lose your v-card? There’s nothing wrong with losing your virginity late." ], [ "Men used to fight wars now they get terrified over some BS threat from a hooker over WhatsApp" ], [ "Ok come I teach how to Cheong.\nFirst, download telegram.\nSecond, find your way to frsupport group\nThird, go read reputable kongkek ports reports, find the girl U want to hantam\nFour, go find the channel of the ports\nFive, text OKT and go kongkek.", "veteran cheongster advice ni", "Pls let me know which support group to join" ], [ "If you go report police you’ll be laughed 😂then case closed" ], [ "Go to horni jail :26563:" ], [ "nah its bullshit...just ignore them" ], [ "Tak de apa la bro. Dah gi cari lain" ], [ "Lolololol if they are real gangster, they wont wasted time on such silly misunderstanding. If gang masuk, its due to really intense conflict or backstab. Nothing to worry about, these are just small cock scammers." ], [ "Nahhh nothing to worry about, just a scare tactics. Next time find the legit service lol. Dont try locanto haha" ], [ "Stop getting scammed. Search up Lclycity, use that and find what you need. If you have any questions feel free to pm me." ], [ "later got messaged (on WhatsApp) by some guy telling me that customers are mad\nWait... What customer? Aren't you the customer? 🤣" ], [ "Don’t worry bro. They won’t waste time for somethinng that doesn’t bring much income for them." ], [ "I'm considering reporting this to the police soon, and telling my dad.\n😅😅😅 Damn noob gonna tell his dad he tried to book a hooker online BRUHHHHH" ], [ "just go to the proper shops upstairs lah", "What has Malaysia come to?! There are shops like this?! This is disgusting! Where are these shops located? Like where?? I need to warn my friends and family and kids not to go near these terrible shops!" ], [ "Why lately banyak is horni ah ? :26558:" ], [ "My cousin also experienced the same thing. He called me from some hotel room (that he booked for that \"service\") because he was scared. The girl never showed up at all, instead he got threatened by someone via phone call/chat to bank in some money, or else they'll come after him.\nI guess nothing happened to him, because he never told me what happened after that. Unless you shared your personal info with that \"girl\", you don't have to be worried bro." ], [ "Speaking of triads, y'all remember the single dad that got murdered in the middle of a street by some triad ah lian wielding a sword? Apparently he was in a relationship with a triad boss' girl or something? What happened to that? Nobody got captured right? Crazy." ], [ "next time just go on tinder ayoo" ], [ "Has OP masturbated before this? If so, then congrats OP is no longer a desperate virgin, says some sifu." ], [ "So no sex?" ], [ "Dude, relax. Block all and move on. Nothing will happen" ], [ "Honest opinion? : you’re a wuss\nSecond opinion: if you are socially awkward don’t waste your time doing this, go meet proper girls. Be genuine and be good, you will find your happiness\nSorry for the initial message: that one for try hard bad boi" ], [ "I lost count how many times in this sub, I read so many help-me post from sexually desperate, horny or worse, both, men." ], [ "Ignore it, they were probably out to scam you if you had met up. Find a girl that's independent, and not linked to some scum bag living off their earnings." ], [ "Dude, unless it was loan shark, or you just had unsettle fight with some actual yakuza in some club, you can just totally ignore those petty extortion. You are just easy target for these scammer peoples." ], [ "100% scam and try to scared u. Next time don’t contact online service girl, cannot be trusted. Better go direct to shop lol" ], [ "I heard a similar story. But worse. One guy booked a girl for outcall via an online agent. The girl was delivered but after the session, the agent came and extorted more money from him. Also dont believe the pics on the Internet. Nobody wants to put up their real pics on the Internet and scream sex service." ], [ "Most likely scammers from indon, chill." ], [ "Am I in dejavu or I saw this last week" ], [ "Better scared now than getting diseases" ], [ "Don't worry my friend. It's just a scare scam method to threaten you for more money.\nJust block and they can't do anything else to you.\nIf you're desperately looking, just find some massage parlour around KL area lol. Don't go through shady WhatsApp etc" ], [ "No offence. But you're a little fry monetary wise.\nNot worth the effort chase, just threat here and there and hopefully they can shake up money from you.\nThere are far more lucrative grey/black market activities to call in the big guns. Like you know human trafficking." ], [ "Thinking with didi only" ], [ "Luckily, i never gatal" ], [ "This is why you need post nut clarity" ], [ "I think I've answered a similar question a week ago, so I am going to copy and paste the crux of it:\n\"Contracts or agreements concerning illegal activities are not legally binding and enforceable in this country. Since it's about hookers, it's certainly not legal, and certainly not legally enforceable.\"\nYou did well by blocking the threatening calls and messages. These people have no legal standing of any sort regarding this non existing transaction. I do not believe that they will provide any alleviating remedies to your situation, it's inconceivable.\nAs long as you did not give out your address, or banking details, all they have going for them is your phone number. Keep it that way, and keep blocking any threatening calls and messages. They usually won't keep this up forever.\nIf you report this, the police will most likely write a report about it. They may or may not call you next of kin to verify the details. Considering your current age and social standing, or maybe religious orientation, you may find such an option unpalatable.\nIf you are truly desperate, u/ kenakalan's advice in this comment chain is actually reliable. As usual, due diligence before any choice is the correct way forward." ], [ "If you want to look for sex service go look on twitter, there are more trusted people because you deal with the girls directly" ], [ "Just ignore it and don’t ever think about it. If anyone reached out to you for real. Then only you make police report about it. Just assume incident trying to book a girl never happened. Once you regain your confidence in future. You can try again." ], [ "Next time Jack off first...u need post nut clarity" ], [ "haha, no gang worth their salt gonna mess with teenager over this simple issue.\nNo worries, probably the other side just a ikan bilis. Chill." ], [ "It's a scam! Nobody is after you. It's a scam being used worldwide. Don't worry" ], [ "You’re in trouble boy. Can I have your stuff ?" ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 04 January 2024
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: I just lost 20% of my couch. Ouch.
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Is life meant to be a series of \"today I'll change my life\"s until you die?" ] ]
Not wrong for govt MPs to retract support for Anwar, says Sanusi
[ "Politics" ]
The Kedah menteri besar says this is because the earlier decision by five opposition MPs to back Anwar Ibrahim’s government is considered constitutional.
Government will re-evaluate J-Kom functions
Govt dismantling of DNB's single wholesale network model bodes well for MNOs' earnings, dividends — Kenanga
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "\"Kenanga also said the transition from SWM to DN marks the removal of unfair pricing arising from DNB's monopoly, and enhanced network roll-out efficiencies with the second 5G network.\"\nCan't wait to see telco definition of fair price later like how affordable 4G is with amazing world class 4G speed." ] ]
Fishing spots in negeri sembilan
[ "Environment" ]
Hi I just wanna know what are the best spots in N9 to go fishing maybe somewhere at seremban but I would like a lake or something where I can go.
In Melaka, former accounts executive gets 24 years’ jail for CBT totalling over RM680,000 | Malay Mail
CBT makan RM680k gets 24 years jail... meanwhile somebody had makan over USD4.5 billion only gets 12 years...
[ [ "meanwhile…", "The Razak family would use this and sell this as nft and use the profits money to bribe the judge and jury. And excuse my and" ], [ "she will only serve 4 years la...fucking moronic headlines.", "The Ayer Keroh Sessions Court today sentenced a former accounts executive to 24 years in prison after the woman pleaded guilty to six counts of breach of trust and misappropriating funds totalling over RM680,000 four years ago.\nUnless we are illiterate or not in the same page, or there is a typo in the original news, please explain where and how did you deduce that she will only serve 4 years in prison ?", "Read till all the way down, after her lawyer pleaded the sentence since shes a single mom with 3 school kids", "you are right, motherfuckers Malay Mail clickbait moronic headlines for high testosterone hairy tits and nasty unwashed balls." ], [ "How many sessions of C&B torture can you get for 680k?", "I have no idea how much it costs per session in Malaysia. Probably more than enough to make you worry if you might permanently damage something", "How many sessions\nYes" ], [ "Wait.... Who stole USD4.5bil? What is this random number?", "Try Google: 4.5 billion corruption malaysia\nAnd see the search results" ], [ "Remember the Khir Toyo case? Compare that with the case of the jobless father jailed for shoplifting sardines to feed his kids." ], [ "i can only think about cok n bol torture...", "Haha, you seemed experienced. Mind sharing your exciting experience?" ], [ "read la letard. She probolly got repeated masuk dalam offences that's why longer sentences", "Yeah, but the \"other\" guy also had many more multiple charges filed against him and the amount is much much larger...the only difference is that the guy is rich and powerful.", "Becoz that person is Bosskur......:)", "you mean fatty jho? That greasy fck*r indeed should be sentence to death. His whole family should pay the freakin interest that piled up overtime instead of using tax payer money" ], [ "CBT makan RM680k gets 24 years jail... meanwhile somebody had makan over USD4.5 billion only gets 12 years...\nMalaysia ah? Haiyoooo, geleng-geleng kepala lorrr..." ], [ "Hehey tolong jgn probok" ] ]
OPV1 to boost MMEA's readiness in safeguarding national waters: Home Ministry
Where to watch wayang kulit shows?
Preferably somewhere around KL & Selangor. I think they're pretty rare nowadays. I'm into Nusantara art but don't really know where to look. I've only ever been to museums (cool, but not really interactive).
[ [ "Look out for Istana Budaya." ], [ "Kulit what now? Foreskin Show?", "Check it out. It used to scare the crap out of me when I was younger but now it's pretty cool.", "Shadow puppets.. why Didn't you said it in English \"malay's shadow puppets\"", "Because it's name is actually wayang kulit?", "Because in Malaysia, \"wayang kulit\" is supposed to be understood already... unless you are a foreigner and/or don't speak Malay...?\nMan, now is it that rare already?", "Because im only partly colonized 🤪🤘🏼" ] ]
What gifts/souvenirs should I buy in KL?
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
I googled and the results were only durian chocolate, coffee, tea and dried seasoning but I'm still confused. Are there any traditional items imbued with local identity that are suitable to buy as gifts? Or does anyone have any recommendations? Please give me the detailed address if possible.
[ [ "Boh Tea is Malaysian - plenty at supermarkets.\nOr get batik. There's a spot behind Royal Chulan Hotel, Karyaneka", "Is batik a decorative fabric or clothes made from batik?", "Both, though the commentor was probably referring to clothes made from Batik.", "Both - you can buy the cloth version, frame it and hang it up on the wall, or get them that's already been sewn into clothes. Shirts for men, and traditional wear (baju kurung, kebaya etc) for ladies.\nI don't recall much but if you're lucky at Karyaneka they might sell batik-motif purses and bags.", "thanks" ], [ "Honestly? Just go crazy at Pasar Seni/Central Market", "thanks a lot" ], [ "Lots of lots of Gardenia products" ] ]
MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 3 Januari 2024 (pagi)
[ "Environment" ]
UK/Australia master with IMU cert
As an alternative plan, I plan to pursue my master's degree overseas after I graduate from my bachelor's. So I am curious about the possibility of applying to top universities in the UK or Australia(such as UCL, KCL, the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, etc) if I go to IMU without going to their partner schools degrees which increases the competition. As an alternative plan, I plan to pursue my master's degree overseas after I graduate from my bachelor. So I am curious about the possibility of applying to top universities in UK or Australia(such as UCL, KCL, the University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, etc) if I go to IMU without going to their partner schools. Also if possible can anyone tell me any scholarships that can be provided for dentistry plsss. Thank you❤️❤️
Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia’s prime minister, is wasting his opportunity - Having sought the top job for decades, he is making a hash of it (The Economist)
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "Screencap of the article\n<image>", "Doing the god’s work indeed my friend. Thank you." ], [ "Fully agreed.\nLOL @ nonsense of \"reforms too fast\". Anwar is fucking up his reforms even in the past 12 months.\nRe-appointing Azam Baki. Absolute shithead who is as corrupt as the people he prosecutes and otherwise is incompetent as the top anti-corruption enforcement officer. Even the Judiciary hates Azam. No wonder Muhyiddin was acquitted in six months!\nRe-appointing Idrus Harun. Lost his footing after Zahid DNAA, Muhyiddin acquittal, 7 month absent teacher case, etc. That six-month extension butchered Anwar's judgement.\nWasted a year with first-term PKR MPs as Ministers of Education & Health. One already replaced, itself is a fucking indictment. You waited 20+ years to become PM and your PKR Health Minister barely lasted a year. How do you know so little about your party's own MPs?\n13+ months later, the UG has failed to provide its promised Joint Manifesto. This has caused many unforced errors: local elections spat between UMNO & DAP, zero ability to deliver on promises (because GE15 promises \"aren't relevant\" anymore lmao), GLC appointments withdrawn and immediately returned.\nCompletely unexplained delays on whistleblower protection & Ombudsman. Without these, you lose rural communities and urban reformers and corruption cases. I expect both bills to be significantly watered down with loopholes, just like the citizenship for Malaysian mothers.\nPoor rural outreach: with urban amateurs at Education & Health, cannot expect them to figure out key rural problems, but seriously, rural areas are just as shitty to work in as before: zero enforcement of minimum wage, abusive bosses, ultra-slow development, open secret corruption, etc.\nPoor UG outreach: UMNO & DAP still hate each other and selling the whole \"this is for unity and stability\" has worn out its welcome when little changes on the ground. You can't fight PN if your own racial animosity is equal to PN without the teeth. It looks more like political expediency to enter Putrajaya and less for the rakyat.\nInternally inconsistent. That's not bad necessarily, but it belies that there is no real vision. First we hate Azam, then we help him. First we halt all 3R, then we have little 3R enforcement. First we pass an AHL, then blame PN for adding loopholes, then never actually close the loopholes now you have a 2/3 majority. First Zahid has to call his Defence, then DNAA. First fight rural Sabahans and threaten their families on absent teachers, then protect the teacher once the High Court finds him actually fucking absent.", "somebody is keeping the receipt.", "Upvoted for saying it as it is. No political will to see things through = terrible leader. Less time politicking (PAS possibly joining, palestine support), more reforms.", "Absolutely disappointed - remember how promising it all looked when we got UMNO out. 😔", "We know he bullshit way too much when lots of his policy are meme using his own clips.\nYou know he is yet to prove his competency when all he could say at least they are better than PN. Without much actual proof.\nWhats worse is, they hyping up the wrong thing.", "So to make it short: he just want the leadership position, just like Muhyiddin, Hadi Awang, and Azmin crave to be a prime minister", "Did people not see this coming? He's only heading PKR and taking an anti-Mahathir/UMNO stance because it's the only way he can win votes.", "We gives him a lot of chance to make changes so we can decide on the next election whether should he stays or not? My ass and my guts? Zero chances. we're dealing with lesser than 4 + more evils.\nFor our \"future boy\" Saddiq? I'll let him stay in Political purgatory, I don't want him to fuck up the odds of PN's winning.", "And where did Hadi Awang say he wants to become Prime Minister as Anwar?", "hari ni kahwin takkan besok nak beranak:26554:", "Happens more than you think nowadays haha", "Full year already beranak tho. Beranak took 9 months+ only.", "i don't think it's anwar's choice to reappoint azam. it's azam who holds the cards. he has all the dirt on all the polliticians and more.\neven before anwar as PMX there was a time where they wanted to replace azam, that didn't work. he's way more powerful than most people know.", "See, that's the problem: Anwar spent 30+ years railing against corruption. That was Anwar's choice to focus on anti-corruption as his message to voters.\nBut now that Anwar has a chance to act differently, it appears he had no real strategy, no real plan, nothing in his mind or his Cabinet or his coalition on how to implement it. He is making the exact same failures as everyone else before him: losing his own message.\nIf Anwar didn't have a strategy of how to deal with corrupt public servants, then he massively oversold some pie in the sky mentality. Removing corrupt public servants is basically job #1 on day #1 of any anti-corruption initiative.\n//\nAnyways, Azam isn't some bulletproof man. Once you remove Azam, there's little he can do. His influence wanes as soon as he's no longer in charge of MACC. And, trust: there's an anti-Azam faction. He's lost many, many times in Court.\nMACC has enough dirt on Azam.\nSo does the SC.\nSo do the police.\nThe other problem is, it's likely Zahid had a role in choosing the next MACC Chief, according to the PH + BN joint resolution.", "you can't say he's not doing anything. coming in like a superhero and kicking out bad people left, right and center is not going to work.\nthese things need to be worked out in the background before making drastic moves.\nall the rakyat wants is iron man to come and blast the bad guys, reality doesn't work that way. especially in politics. worse still in fragile coalitions like this.", "Can’t do anything if you still have no power. Sheraton move is a clear cut case. MPs can be bought/blackmailed. And we the people also are divided and can be bought and “redpilled”. What chance does Anwar have or any of the PM. Even our bapa kronism also lose. Nobody has a chance at all. They have to be really popular to all races and religion to be able to change anything. Muda tried but they were far in over their head. Boomer got generation and generation of experience. Eventually MUDA collapse on their own and bit the redpill. People need to open their eyes. As how Malaysian see Mexico Zimbabwe Colombia corruption are too far gone where people have no chance to reform. Same je ngn malaysia. Too mucg tgk TV I think. The people lost plain and simple. All hail the oligarchs and capitalist. Expecting change is stupid. It has happen from day one of our human history. Sejak manusia pndai cucuk tanam. The only action for an actual reform of the government can only be made by the masses. But remember the price is 😵.\nHistory doesn’t repeat itself but it rhymes." ], [ "Turns out he's not too different from your average politician. His accomplishments during the 90s overrated. I think most of those accomplishments due to M instead of him and this guy just lucky he was in the government back then.\nNow nobody to carry him and he has no excuses left. Most alarming problem is he literally ditched Reformasi just to stay in power. All the promises Reformasi supposed to fulfill already broken in this 12 months. Corruption and cronyism full flow.", "me, being an old guy and following anwar since the late 70s:", "Me, in my mid-20s but not completely ignorant of our country's political history:", "What was the alternative to this? Keep in Umno in power?", "Problem is, M is also overrated, and sowed seeds for a lot of problems of today, be it political or policy wise.", "M got some pros to go on. Anwar has his cons but not his pros. At least the economy part non existent and wanna dual wield PM + FM portfolio that even M not insane enough to do because it screams insecurity." ], [ "rather than focus on economy he choose hamas palestin .", "I'm glad I'm not the only one has this view. I'm surprised this comment survived and not downvoted into oblivion.\nAnd remember the case where teachers in the national schools organized a parade participated by the students with replicas of weapons, and the Minister of Education says the ministry will investigate. But so far it has been dead silence.", "rather than focus on economy he choose hamas palestin .\nDid he have a choice? Let me state very clearly. Malaysians love HAMAS more than their own kids. I say that because they are willing to risk the entire Malaysian economy (US is Malaysia's third largest trading partner and a major source of FDI) in order to support a clearly and openly terrorist organization. Malaysians love HAMAS so much that the education minister got on stage and parliament and was hysterical about her HAMAS solidarity week. Malaysians love HAMAS so much they were willing to give scholarships to HAMAS students that they denied to their own fellow Malaysians.\nA leader has no choice if his followers are all intoxicated. You try to talk sense to them and they'll just beat you to death, you might as well play along.\nDon't misinterpret what I have said above. It is not intended as incitement. It is an observation of facts on the Malaysian ground. It is simply true and factual that the Malaysian public are drunk on the HAMAS koolaid, so there's nothing any leader that wants to stay in power can do. Any attempt to lead them away from the HAMAS path will result in the leader being removed from power.\nIf you ask a typical Malaysian, is there anything that HAMAS can do that would result in you ending your support for them, the answer is nothing. HAMAS literally can do no wrong according to the typical Malaysian." ], [ "ahh the good old reform paradox\npeople want reform untill the reform comes (see PH's first term, Najibs GST term & Pak Lahs petrol term)\nsecondly malaysians have this weird expectation where our politicians are seens as messiahs and saviors of the common man.", "Yeah, Anwar isn’t great, but people’s expectations of him are unnecessarily high. And most that want quick changes really don’t understand that was why PH’s first term failed.\nOn the other hand, BN and PN are just expected to do shit and most people will whine but will also say oh well what can we do.", "most folks dont understand policies have cost\nfolks just want the benefits but not the costs, so things cannot change that easily" ], [ "In my opinion, putting in reforms too fast was a key trigger for the collapse of PH's first term. It just wasn't popular, despite its necessity. It hurt too many people, from the regular Malaysians to the corrupt businessmen funding projects.\nI still don't see reformasi as completely dead. Abolishment of mandatory death penalty, stalking law, fiscal responsibility act were passed in 2023, very important if minimally impactful laws.\nThe laws that I expect that needs to be passed by the Madani government by 2026 before I call reformasi dead are separating the AG and PP, Ombudsman law, and Freedom of Information Act. If none of these happen, then yes I agree reformasi is dead.", "IMHO, I think it's the same root problem between PH 1.0 and this UG now, just a different flavour: miss the obvious reforms because none of these PH Ministers actually know 1) what reforms are most helpful to the rakyat (not to the Minister) and 2) how to sell reforms to communities that need them (aka rural, B40, and public servants).\nThere's all this talk to get rid of hardcore poverty, help rural communities, etc. But rural communities need basic institutional reform so badly: PN never did shit. Yet now, the UG doesn't even talk about institutional reforms to rural communities.\nI always go back to a lack of serious whistleblower protection reforms.\nWhistleblower protection reform is such an obvious win. Helps prosecute corruption cases, helps stop rural corruption, helps people feel safer in their communities, helps schools, hospitals, clinics, contracts, mega-projects, infrastructure, etc. Every time a whistleblower exposes a case, another big positive news cycle for Madani.\nAnd whistleblowers, ironically, risk their lives and they help the Government (who else does that except soldiers) and they've been resoundingly slapped in the face by this UG.\nOther great institutional reforms for ordinary rakyat, but you'll rarely find a PH (or BN or GPS or GRS) MP ever bring it up:\nthe noted Public Ombudsman 👍👍\nminimum wage enforcement\ncrackdown on extremely absent teachers, teacher bullies, teacher pedophiles, etc.\nactual enforcement of ultra-racist epithets\nanti-SLAPP legislation to stop people getting bulldozed by lawyers", "The least he could do is abolish Akta Sakit Hati." ], [ "But the election is not due until 2027. And Mr Anwar’s apparent abandonment of reform has a cost. It is reinforcing Malaysians’ growing disillusion with politics. And how could it not? Their long-promised champion of change right now looks more like an obstacle to it.\nThis is a worry, especially as PAS has seemingly grabbed a good chunk of the youth. The #1 rule of a political party: make a base -> take care of your base, focus on your base, deliver what you promised to your base. Without your base, politicians often can't reinvent themselves quickly enough for the next election.\nI still laugh that Fadhlina, who is transparently trying to entice PN voters, is losing PH's base pretty damn fast. How did PN voters appreciate Fadhlina's pro-PN policies?\n“What’s interesting is that teachers used to openly support BN-Umno, and have now switched to PN and PAS. In our interviews, they even admitted that they liked (current) Education Minister (Fadhlina Sidek) but still chose to support PN,” he said.", "I still laugh that Fadhlina, who is transparently trying to entice PN voters, is losing PH's base pretty damn fast. How did PN voters appreciate Fadhlina's pro-PN policies?\nSomething I read once - In a race to be more PAS than PAS, PAS will win every time\nCause why go for the imitation when you can get the Original Recipe?", "Reminded me of what my lecturer jokingly warn us not to copy each in the assignments. “It’s not i dont trust you, I just don’t trust your friends”\nThe future for ourselves might be in the hands of others because our numbers is never enough.", "Not much of a worry. I feel that we’re at a political impasse. PN is reaching voter plateau, so is Pakatan. 66 years of independence only to reach a dead end in politics.\nWe need a new younger Anwar to come in and tip the scale of balance." ], [ "He is not wasting his opportunity. He is doing exactly what he has always wanted to do as PM. It's just that what he wanted to do is different from what he said he wanted to do. And you guys believed him." ], [ "He did manage to contain inflation without increasing interest rates like previous government. The downside is, that made ringgit less attractive. Still, we are seeing ringgit recovering, very slowly." ], [ "i m really glad that there are people keeping a close tab on him.\ni ll play the devils advocate tho.\nHOW could PH have remained in power if it had not shaken hands with BN?\na lot of talk is thrown around about corruption and the like. anwar had 2 choices. to maintain the integrity of his party and potentially losing the vote OR shake hands with BN.\nwinning is NOT easy. he got majority but did not win enough seats. does anyone here think anwar WANTS to shake hand with BN?\nalso anwar has the nice job of CLEANING THE SHIT LEFT BEHIND. for sure it will take a huge amount of work.\nif you've never worked in multi person project before you really are blessed. sometimes one staff in charge of one particular thing took shortcuts and left a pile of shit in the corner of a room. its like being the project head and having to learn how everything works and finding out that things arent adding up. how did the previous guy solve X problem? after much digging you found he never solved it but instead took all of it and hid it in the corner of a room behind some shelves. AND YOU ONLY FOUND OUT BY ACCIDENT much later when doing some \"spring cleaning\".\nthats just 1 example.\ni am 100% supporting anwar. but i do understand that he is very flawed, but as flawed as he is, as a NON i have no choice but to trust and support him.\ntbh i find it really sad that people would just learn to criticize him without any room for understanding or benefit of doubt.\nhe definitely is not free from criticism but its too easy to just choose to shoot without understanding the circumstances.\nnever forget. our country has been under BN rule \"forever\". you cant expect a new party to just replace BN overnight or over a few years", "as a NON i have no choice but to trust and support him.\nNo you have many other choices.\nnever forget. our country has been under BN rule \"forever\". you cant expect a new party to just replace BN overnight or over a few years\nThat's why we need to invest in many smaller parties.\nThe problem is the prisoners dilemma.\nThe best scenario for the public is if we can break all the power bases of the political parties where the progressive vote is split into at least 2 political coalitions and the conservative vote is similarly split.\nBut progressive voters like you won't invest in other parties because you're scared that the conservative forces won't similarly split their vote. Conservative voters also won't split their vote because they're scared of cina/DAP rule.\nThe only way to break this cycle is to push for proportional representation.\nIf PH won't do it, need to enmasse vote for an alternative progressive option. Similarly if PN won't do it, vote enmasse for BN or Pejuang.", "i like america because we can learn a lot from them. america shows us how people who have learned to minmax/optimize strategies to win at the game of democracy.\nmany small parties exist to fight for different things. but you know what happens to them? they're WORTHLESS. when you're up against larger parties, they have such a small amount of supporters they can barely gain enough power.\nso what happens is small parties realize this and band together. this has been quickly optimized to the point there are TWO parties. left or right. if you want to start your own party, your party is most likely toothless as it will be in such a minority it cant get anywhere. the best bet is to join one of the other parties rather than form a new third party. unless of course you have enough supporters that you can actually become a serious threat. that is NOT easy, especially when other parties have already formed alliances.\nso yeah for sure, Nons have other options but to be very honest those options are akin to throwing your vote away. they are not strong enough to lead anywhere.\nso what REAL choice do we have? UMNO/PN are very pro malays. PAS are pro ISLAM.\ni m from kelantan. i know for a fact that ALL shops in kelantan must close during friday prayer. its very hard for me to believe that PAS has nons best interest at heart. for sure, kelantan has a lot of thai buddhist temples, but that was under the allahyarham nik aziz's time. i dont like PAS but i like Nik.\nUMNO and PN... lets just say i know that in UiTM they have a session that teaches the students to be very pro malay. UMNO and PN would want more things to be more like UiTM where they take care of malay interests as much as possible before others.\ndont forget. after PH won, all the \"malay dominated\" parties woke up. they finally realized they're weak. the nons actually have power. they use it as a rallying cry to rally more support for pro malay parties.\nmalays are the majority. simple as that.\nPH is the party that has the most power/influence that can actually help the nons.\nat the very end you mentioned BN and pejuang as candidates for the nons. are you fucking kidding me? are you seriously fucking kidding me? BN was headed by Dr. M. even when he left he puppeteered BN from behind the scenes. Pejuang is directly formed by Dr. M.\nif you've been living under a rock you probably dont know that Dr M. has said a lot on social media really showing how he REALLY feels about the nons.\nno fucking thanks.", "You look at america and think that's a good democracy.\nI look at the Netherlands and see what they've done with proportional representation with a constitutional monarchy.\nat the very end you mentioned BN and pejuang as candidates for the nons.\nNo. I meant thats what the conservatives can consider as an alternative to voting for PN. FYI, there's conservative voters on r/malaysia. Not just nons.\nUltimately you decide whether you want a continued state of two sides that continue claiming to represent a country split down the middle like the US, or a country that has a democracy that more accurately reflects the diverse viewpoints of the public.", "lol i did not say its good democracy, i said i like america because we can learn from them. its like seeing a car crash and say look, thats how you get into a car crash.\ni purposely mentioned AS A NON, i have no other choices and you came in to say YES I DO HAVE CHOICES.\nfor sure, i do have choices but the choices you listed out are definitely shit choices to a NON.\nconservatives? why did you suddenly involve them? i SPECIFICALLY mentioned \"NONs\" because my voice does not represent conservatives. i do not represent all NONs but i believe my post represents what NONS can agree to.\nfor sure there are conservative voters on r/malaysia but it has nothing to do with what my \"NON POV\". you might as well say PAS is a good option then when i retort you can say \"well in malaysia there are many muslim people\".\nthere country is already split into two. malays and the nons. we are already more or less mirroring america.", "And what I advocated for to break the cycle is proportional representation.\nYou want to continue in the cycle in a broken game? Be my guest. I dare to change the system. I'm a NON as well.\nIf you read my previous responses, I set out why we're stuck in this cycle. Its the prisoners dilemma.\nThe public can't choose the best choice for them as they are all afraid of what happens if the other side wins.\nI talked about the conservatives to present a more complete picture but evidently that has escaped you. Perhaps English is not your preferred language?\nNak cakap bahasa mesia pun boleh\n要讲华语也可以,随便你。", "", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "Proportional representations sounds like a big joke if many Malaysians votes in parties that focus on race and religion as their party message.\nVoting is just a stop gap. Better to vote the party that stops the shittier party because once they start pilling up shit, no reforms can be made because someone waste time to clean up their mess." ], [ "Ph 1.0 speed run of reform\nAlso ph1.0: why we losing vote?", "R/malaysia never learns. Always want to take the easy route." ], [ "this is the problem when he decide to want a PM by working with UMNO especailly the head is corrupt.\nHe burn the reputation, he build for so many years, same can be said for DAP, suddenly look like MCA 2.0.", "He never left UMNO willingly in the first place. He was forced out. Why would he not go crawling back to UMNO the moment they wanted him back?" ], [ "We don't want old men running this country anymore. They are not aligned to our beliefs and values. 20 years of just observing the political arena only to screw it all up. Maybe we do need an iron fist to rule us all since we're so forgiving towards these clowns" ], [ "Is this an AI generated article? Why isn't there an author's name anywhere lol. The writing style also feels a bit off" ] ]
Bringing items from Singapore
Hi there, have a few questions.. not sure if anyone can help as i dont see much posts on this I will be working during the first day of CNY so will be going home on the 2nd day of CNY from SG via bus, I want to bring some CNY goods from SG for my relatives as by the time I reach back to Msia most of the shops will be closed then.. Anyone knows if im able to bring back these stuffs from SG? Like CNY Hampers which consists of bottled bird nest, dried scallops etcs all the typical CNY items, and was thinking to bring back a pack of bakkwa from SG from a shop quite famous, will I be able to pass through the customs?
[ [ "Keep the resits, you might need to pay custom Tax when you pass by the immigration.\nBakkwa seems a little difficult, the worse they can do is ask you to throw it away." ] ]
Charity organisations will terrible/no websites
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
Hello, My friend wants to work on a project in where he helps charities/NGOs digitalise their movements via websites. This is his personal project, he wants to help reputable causes while making his web development portfolio look nice. Any suggestions?
Tak Nak Daftar PADU? Jaga-jaga, Dua Risiko Ini Menanti
[ [ "TL;DR if you do not register you may miss out on subsidies and financial programs IF you qualify" ], [ "Isn't this the similar to the threat during MySejahtera period?\nIf you don't get vaccinated, you can't dine in or even go for grocery." ] ]
Isteri cikgu, suami polis... Pasangan mengadu gaji habis bayar loan selepas beli Proton X70, belanja sebulan tinggal RM550
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ [ "cikgu dg 41 2 years working....gaji basic rm2k lebih. elaun got if dah confirm so total -/+rm2.5k kot.\nkonstabel lower than wife but elaun more kot. bil air and api free, elaun.\nbut if combine gaji, buy a house (both gomen, loan lppsa ada) better than buying an x70....\ntp buy a house tak leh bawa jalan2 tunjuk orang but x70 boleh bawak jalan2 tunjuk kami ni ada-ada.....this kind of mentality kot\nhuhuhuhu", "2 years working is not much diff than a fresh grad. At least wait until dg44 la..", "And/or mistaken access to loan is equal to affordability.", "Eh is it still that low ke? I was ug41 back in 2016 and earned about 3.2k (even with super low COLA cause I was posted to rural area 🙃)", "Dh 3k kot. Starting dg41 maybe 2.4 or 2.6 already. Basic allowance 600" ], [ "that means kau tak mampu lah nak buat loan beli X70. pakai otak sekejap keluarkan kalkulator lepas tu kiralah sendiri sebulan banyak mana duit tinggal" ], [ "During my 1st internship, my supervisor drove an old Saga. No it wasn't a \"work car,\" it was his only car. He lived in a big house, though.\nIt's always so funny seeing nice cars parked in shitty neighborhoods. I understand if you work in sales and need to keep up appearances but as a graduate of automotive technology, cars are expensive, they make a new one every year, while yours break down. Everything about car tech is trying to slow down this cumulative damage. They're not something that gain value over time.\nTrying to impress people with your car is always a losing game unless you do it for yourself. If you're happy, good. If you're trying to show off, not good.", "your supervisor is a wise man. learn from him.", "Lots of sentimental value over dat old Saga. Too many memories tied to dat boxy car. The funny thing is my uncle recently refurbished his old '94 Saga Iswara to make it look & drive just like the first time he bought it. Them mechanics surely knew wat they're doin." ], [ "How do the banks approve their loans tho if their salary is like that? (Genuine question)", "Cause ada surat logo harimau", "Guarantor", "dokumen boleh buat punya" ], [ "kursus kahwin should include financial crash course if they dont already", "Better introduce it at primary or secondary level", "huh?? primary already have topics about debit, investment, dividend.. and want to add more headache", "Wait y'all learn it on primary? Damn during my time we don't have that. Only on secondary itu pun kalau amik subjek ekonomi @ perniagaan" ], [ "Wtf , nk pengsan rase baca ni" ], [ "Bercerita lanjut, wanita itu berkata dia dan suaminya masih belum berjaya membeli rumah, namun mereka mempunyai dua buah kereta.\n😑\nAccording to Google, the cheapest X70 is RM98k.\nAlready have a car, and then they bought another one... what am I supposed to be sympathizing about?\nGuess I shouldn't be too harsh on them though, I just bought a new aircond for my master bedroom for RM2.5k 😅", "You're horrible at managing your finances\nNervously sweating\nThinking about buying a 3k helmet", "helmet\nMotorcycle helmet, VR helmet, or... ?", "Crusader's helmet to retake Jerusalem. Deus vult!", "I bought a RM2.5k 1.5hp aircond to replace an aging 2.5hp aircond I've used for the past 5 years. The savings on electricity alone means that it pays for itself in 10-15 months.\nThe newer airconds are really more efficient imo. Don't really feel much of a difference in terms of how cool the room is even with eco mode on.", "\"-an aging 2.5hp aircond I've used for the past 5 years.\" Stares at the half-broken aircond that is nearly the same age me", "Uh really should change it if you can bro.. Airconds supposedly lose 5% effectiveness per year. Plus the older models aren't exactly environmentally friendly.", "You don’t pay your air conditioner for 9 years, plus paying road tax every year, not including service and maintenance. Also accidents involving aircond is either electrical burn or the roof collapse, so you don’t need to buy air cond insurance.", "Sampah people", "You spend a lot of time in your bedroom (Like 7 hours of sleep on average). That being said my mattress alone cost 3k. . .", "I would rather buy a 5k mattress and 5k bed frame than buy 2 cars with leftover 550 every month... At least I don't need to pay maintenance and petrol to sleep 12 hours on the weekend." ], [ "belilah 2nd hand kalo gaji rendah", "Ada orang allergik kepada kereta 2nd hand", "New car seller dah lama merancang, amateur car enthusiast yg lalai" ], [ "Time to update PADU, no subsidy for X70 users with 2 cars :26554::26554::26554::26554::26554:" ], [ "Hmm, what sort of trickery did they do to get a loan approved with that sort of income? Doesn't make sense. Clickbait fake news?", "document could be forged" ], [ "Crazy ahh people willing to commit more than 20% for car loan repayments" ], [ "Only settle for X70? They should go for Honda CRV instead! Janji ada gaya dan dipandang mulia di mata jiran dan kenalan. Duit boleh cari." ], [ "Duit rasuah tu jangan beli ketum la polis oi." ], [ "Still boleh tahan kot. Jangan lahirkan anak sudah 💀" ], [ "As my buddy says \"duit die, suka dia. Makan nasi atau maggi pun ikut suka die\"" ], [ "Maybe can use the car to be grab driver on free time" ], [ "'Saya sayang suami saya sebab dia bertanggungjawab dan rapat dengan anak-anak,”' I lost count how many times mother/wives have problematic offspring, husband, boyfriend etc and yet, they lie to themselves to make themselves feel better by saying shit like this. Dumbo, if he is really bertanggungjawab like you said, he wouldn't put you into this hole." ], [ "I attended religious secondary school so most of my old friends are malays, and a lot of them are now govt servants - teachers mostly. They are really trigger happy with their loans- drive honda, volkswagen, buy 400k house some more.. even my friends in the O&G are a bit careful with the loans although they earn like 10 times the govt servants" ], [ "Tp why though bank sng approve loan kereta" ], [ "thats why corruption skyrocketing." ], [ "Well, many bought latest iPhone using more than a month of their salary🤷\nMany ppl otak masuk air." ], [ "Funfact to T20s\nThis people will get Subsidies to fund their lifestyle while you get nada" ], [ "ni jenis patut dimandulkan pasal iq single digit" ], [ "Saga is better" ], [ "I guess they can live inside the two cars now. 🤦‍♂️" ], [ "the car not moving ka? how the hell they can buy petrol or event touch n go balance?" ], [ "Working government does not mean it's easy to get loan approved, it's easy to get trapped in the long term with no way of getting out. Banks are okay with this because they know this person has a stable job, more insurance from them." ], [ "Car above like Myvi is a status symbol, they’re super bad financially too as the price degrade.. better invest in better property lol.." ] ]
KL litterbugs caught on CCTV
[ "Environment" ]
[ [ "Please take stern action against these people!" ], [ "Good, catch them mofos and teach them how to manage waste." ], [ "Fk all these foreign workers coming to Malaysia and dumping trash around. Their country is fk because of their stupidity but don't give them the right to come and fk it up for us Malaysian.\nWe can do it our self thank you very much. /s" ], [ "I wanna see the litter bugs doing 100 hours of community service. Put a placard over their necks while they are cleaning the streets.", "Or something obvious like a poop shaped hat", "That is very original. Need to try em on the litterbugs." ], [ "Fine and community service!! Ask them to pick up all the rubbish for 6 months!!\nNeed to do something about the homeless though. God the whole area near CM smells like piss, it's even worse than 90's druggies running around there :26559:" ], [ "so now we have to commit tremendous amount of resources in the police force to catch these idiots.\ngreat.", "There is AI camera installed to catch them in action. No need to station a human to do that." ] ]
Suspend Padu until security flaws addressed: Former MITI deputy minister
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
KUALA LUMPUR: The registration for Central Database Hub (Padu) should be temporarily suspended until security flaws are addressed, as it currently lacks the robustness for its intended objective. Investment, Trade, and Industry (MITI) former deputy minister Dr Ong Kian Ming said those currently receiving government aid like Bantuan Tunai Rahmah (BTR) may provide inaccurate information in Padu. "This is especially true for those with additional non-taxed income, such as rental income from owned properties. He said that many users, including himself, are questioning the absence of data in several columns within Padu. "This is perplexing, considering Padu is designed to consolidate information from various ministries and agencies, including the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN), the Social Security Organisation (Socso), the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), the National Registration Department (JPN) and so on," he added. Ong stated that Economy minister Rafizi Ramli responded via Twitter, explaining that the information was not displayed due to security concerns related to potential hacking into Padu's servers. He questioned the need for users to provide certain information in Padu when some of it is already accessible through government ministries and agencies. "What if the information supplied is not the same as what is found in Padu's database and how does Padu verify the other information which is supplied by the user such as rental income from land or property?
[ [ "The website like s*** . You can change government but people working inside are still the same. Want to guess how much that website cost?", "Agreed. Civil servants themselves needs an overhaul. Doesn't matter if the bosses (i.e, ministers) are A+, if the rest of the team are E... things won't change much. I've had employees leave good paying jobs (executive level) to goyang kaki in the govt.\nSack the bottom 20% and give the pay out to the top 20%. But it's impossible coz its racially motivated.", "Why only E not F :26554:", "Kasi chan", "That will be MYR 300,000,000, Sir. Please sign the cheque.\nMySejahtera allegedly cost MYR 300 million to build [1]. If we adjust for inflation ~10%, it should be at least MYR 330 million.\n[1] https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/616155" ], [ "You know that roast menteri talk show, that Rafizi wanted to do with PN cytros? I think he should do one with Ong Kian Ming (he suggested btw) to clear more about concerns behind PADU. Because I believe Ong Kian Ming can ask the right questions to Rafizi compared to the average interview who might not be familiar with the technicality", "I don't think he's any better. If you look at the twitter thread, even Ong Kian Ming erroneously (IMO, stupidly) asked people to sign up before their IC is registered by someone else. That's already a blunder, but I will admit he was quick to change and accept the opinions of others to suspend it instead.\nhttps://twitter.com/sybreon/status/1742089499604398553" ], [ "Tak Padu", "LEMBIK" ], [ "*grabs popcorn. :26554: Thank god I didnt participate.\nThis is expected from gov who use their own people build something like this within 7 months lol", "I'm B40 so more and less I am compelled to use PADU but I will wait till the last minute to register,seem too problematic if you want to be 1st user right now", "I watched the launching of PADU on tv. All that celebration for a half ass system. This is definitely clown gov.\n<image>" ], [ "Ong stated that Economy minister Rafizi Ramli responded via Twitter, explaining that the information was not displayed due to security concerns related to potential hacking into Padu’s servers.\nDid I just read that correctly? 🤣" ], [ "blacklist the company that build it and fire them lol", "There's no company though. Just a bunch of governments staff working on it at free times.", "the fck...", "Yeah they're working out of Rafizi's basement at gunpoint :26561:", "Outsourced to Invoke ? /s\nThey have 82 employees.\n\"It has 82 staff in 15 offices throughout the country, consisting of 71 full-time and 11 part-time employees. There are over 30 call center staff, who consist of the bigger majority, as well as statisticians, software developers, content developers, campaign strategists, fundraisers\"\n[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invoke_Malaysia" ], [ "if we want to wait until the system is perfect, then the system will never be launched.", "Basic security feature is not optional. If you cant provide that, dont launch. Particularly when it look like this system is mandatory to be participated by the malaysian.", "agree\nbut may I point out that most of the flaws have already been identified and patched only after day 1 thanks to public feedback.\nonly 230k person have registered out of 15 millions workers in Malaysia. That's only around 1%.\nso hopefully the rest 99% of us will have a more secure and smoother registration later on.\nknowing Rafizi, he probably used the Lean Startup method to improve things on the fly. Risky but effective. My 2 cents of course.", "There is a trade-off with things of course, but this is admittedly terrible. 1-2 cycles of testing and fixing can be done within 1-2 months.\nKudos to their attitude to accept criticism, but this isn't some scrappy start-up. These are real data from real Malaysians - and is another case of the government being lax with data privacy, as they have been in the past.", "They could’ve done 3-4 months of testing and there will always be shit that can be found later. That is almost always the case with any software or system deployment. No matter government, private or even billion dollar companies.\nagree with the trade-off but like I said, risky but effective.\nI myself have not yet register. let the pawns go first lol", "They could’ve done 3-4 months of testing and there will always be shit that can be found later.\nMinor bugs or performance issues are expected... but what they failed at are egregious...\nThey don't need to re-create the wheel with things like authentication. If they can't see a problem with just using IC number to change the pw or show the pw... this is already a failure at the design stage - that has somehow bypassed design review, security review, test case review, testing, test result review... It's not something like a wrong config, incompatible updates or being under-capacity... it's shit flowing down through every process.", "well it got fixed right? just in an hour.\nthat's my point. I agree the system sucks but this is one way to fix it rapidly. It's still in data collection phase and only around 1% have registered.\nHopefully by March it will be a lot tighter and only then will I register.", "the code is not written with security in mind. Standard operating procedure for api have user and limit the function call to what allowed by the user. If you write your api call correctly or just use design pattern that enforce security you never in circumstance where you are allowed to edit other people data.\nIt like building a skyscraper, you start at the foundation. You cannot start with a park then change your mind and build a skyscraper on top of the park.", "Only when public found out the bugs before criminals.. if a dev deliver a grade B project for a SME with 100 customer then fine. But it's a project meant for the entire country. We r talking about national security level thing here, the product should be grade S+ with minor bugs.", "Is the code for PADU open source? If not I think they could benefit from the code being open source", "Mission critical system shouldn't be launched half-baked.\nThey could have launch it in phases. Beta users, for government civil servants and accepting opt-in users that are willing to take the beta program, then run the beta until it is polished, especially all those obvious vulnerabilities and basic security features and standard are met, then only open for public.\nThey failed.\nAnd now the developers have to work around the clock to fix those vulnerabilities, which will introduce more vulnerabilities and technical debt because they need to meet the deadline and public pressure. It is a classic software engineering problem.", "They are doing it in phases. They did tests last year with DOSM and government agencies data.\nNow is for the public registration. We have until March to register. It's not like everyone have to register today. Ample time for feedbacks and improvements.\nsorry I might have missed it, what vulnerabilities did they find today?", "They are doing it in phases. They did tests last year with DOSM and government agencies data.\nNo, they did not. That's just integration, far from actual testing, pilot and beta releases. At this rate, I don't know if they applied unit-test or not, they most likely skipped it and just do the basic UI test and called it a day, expect the public to feedback, but they ignored the very fundamental principle - the private and confidential data is at huge risk of data breach. I remember read from a news that the system is conceived in seven months, collaboration of multiple government agencies.\nThe one vulnerability that get the most attention and reported is the authentication that allowed third party to use your MyKad number to change your password is a dead sentence. If this bug and vulnerability live in the system for the multiple phases of testing that you claimed they did, then it means they have no idea what they are doing to even conduct a proper beta release and test program, which bring another point, if this sort of a basic security function didn't get implemented correctly when rolling out to production to millions of users, what would the system security for the rest of the components in the system be ?", "they already did SPA but didn’t find the issue then. It got fixed immediately after pointed out by one person who is a developer, not some random user. That’s my point, if want to wait until it is perfect, it’ll take forever. These initial rollout actually helps with the improvement.\nI myself have not yet registered. I will wait until it is much much better. Last minute registration maybe\nbtw found more vulnerabilities here pointed out by an expert\nhttps://x.com/tevanraj/status/1742328102280458564?s=46", "What's SPA ?\nI think you didn't understand the root of the problem.", "this is what separate the normal and exceptional company. kudos to rafizi that has the courage to change the software release taboo and dogma. just look what happen, rafizi singlehandedly push collaborative QAQC and bug check to everyone on the internet.\ndev team just standby and straight away deal with the problem pointed out by netizens with a immediate effect. no one in the whole world have this kind of vision to perfect and stress test the system on the go.\nyou guys take rafizi wisdom for granted and you guys will miss him when you lose him", "yeah yeah sarcasm I get it.\nrafizi sucks. system deployment should be perfect on day one. look at other companies. their dev teams, analyst and system support all are already on their way to the beach during deployment. its the most relaxing stage of the project! months of development done! QAQC test done! SPA done! nothing can go wrong during deployment! just click “deploy” and wait for the cash to flow in! boss happy, team happy, users also happy!\nmende la rafizi ni. baik bagi syahirnomic je jadi menteri ekonomi", "Looks like someone never took a course in Methodology in Software Engineering", "Mechanical Engineering graduate with 7 years experience in IT related. It’s quite okay, nothing exciting" ], [ "The system is obviously rushed. But then testing in production might be faster and less costly.\nIf want to fix the system, easily takes many many months of pen testing, development, etc", "Nah, man - the design itself has problems, it's just a fricking login/authentication - who the heck approved the flow, the security testing specs/strategies, etc. My armchair take: 1-2 cycles of testing and fixing can be done within 1-2 months at a relaxed pace, not many months. (In fact, if you do require 'many many months' to do it, it's a failure in itself)", "Yeah but thats just talking hindsight. They can release 1-2 months later and when problem occurs, you’ll have the same take as well.", "Looking at the problem - it's already from the design level and anyone with some thought would've seen it. Like c'mon, anyone with an IC number can pre-register?... and with lists of IC and phone numbers being leaked .... sigh\nAnd the other issue - storing password in cleartext? C'mon. It's not like they're re-creating the wheel or best practices.\nIf there's no will to review the data flow, no will test it with an independent pilot group, and no will to fix it, then I guess if you could say no amount of testing/fixing minor things will help. Very cowboy approach - callous with people's data, especially ppl who trust the gov.", "Reminder: don’t ever award any software project to this dude.", "How dare you! AGILE, mmkay????" ], [ "Nonsense. AGILE methodology is all about continuous improvement with incremental updates.\nYes, I have doubts with its security, but to say we have to suspend it is nonsensical - how are you gonna know issues that will occur if the product is not running?", "The dev team can work incrementally with an Agile methodology, but the decision to release to the customer or not belongs to the Product Owner - go back to agile 101. To answer your question - better testing and risk acceptance processes. The heck, doesn't seem like they've done a pen test or proper design review... they're even using staging servers on prod. This is not 'incremental updates with continuous improvement' at all.", "I'm not gonna fight you there because you're probably more right in this.", "Don't confuse Agile with basic security and authentication that secure the data of millions of citizens. They can do Agile all day for introducing new features, but don't fuck up the security that guard the data." ] ]
Golongan T20 hantar anak ke MRSM untuk belajar erti kesusahan
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "not even a week into new year we have already have contender for the out of touch comment of the year:26554:", "Next articles:\nGolongan T20 mengguna LRT untuk belajar erti kesusahan\nGolongan T20 memasak maggi untuk belajar erti kesusahan", "Must try hard to buat T20 look like demon group of human. lol", "Tbh I feel like \"T20\" is too broad. If you live in the Klang Valley and you have 2-4 \"middle class\" office workers in a household (e.g: working parents, spouse, adult siblings, etc), you are probably also \"T20\". Because T20 is counted by household.", "Correct. The cutoff is Rm11.8k. So if you earn RM6k and your wife/husband also earn RM6k, you are a T20 household even if you individually dont feel like a T20.\nIf its a big family and there are 6 kids each earning RM2k and parents retired, well thats also a T20 household.", "He has no real friends from the actual T20. Someone should hook him up with Nazri Aziz maybe." ], [ "Lol give me a break, rich kids have their own circle and they never mingle outside of it. You want them to experience hardship? Send them to a run down and underfunded SMK, not to an elite boarding school.", "Yeah. And force them to use public transports just because. You can drop them off at the nearest hub, but the finishing journey must be via public transport.", "imagine they call grab from the hub to the school", "As long as the parents are determined enough, they can set a limited weekly/monthly budget. So each grab ride means 1 less fast food outing that kid can go with his friends. 5 rides means 1 less new game he can buy, or 1 less set of cosmetics for the ladies.\nThat can teach the kid opportunity costs. Something the rest of us always has to juggle, unlike them.\nAny loophole can be a teachable moment really.", "Eyh mrsm is a smart school but definitely not elite, there is elite mrsm which is the best of the best of mrsm but like 90% of them are outdated, like my smk school is alot bigger and more equipped than my mrsm which hasnt been upgraded since the early 90s" ], [ "I was from MRSM and T20 kids should not be sent to MRSM as they are ripe to be bullied or prime target of thief among the B40 students. Unless they can keep their T20 background discreet (which they usually fails) they wont be having a good time in school unless those MRSM are filled with T20 kids too.", "There is absolutely no way a kid who grew up in luxury can seamlessly integrate into a community of less advantaged folks. Humans are quite good at judging other humans based on the way they talk, eat, dress, behave, etc. And kids can be a terrifying bunch if you're not \"part of the gang\"" ], [ "Well, using that logic, these kids would learn far more about kesusahan by studying at a sekolah pondok in the middle of nowhere.", "And get molested like every sekolah pondok students fair and square" ], [ "mansuhkan je lah MRSM ni. biar semua masuk sekolah kebangsaan. baru lah PIBG ada duit. baru lah tiba-tiba cikgu semua hadir. kementerian cadangkan tukar perabot tambah loker.", "I agree. Majority of students masuk SMK not MRSM. If you actually want your kids to role-play like they don't get 4- 5 figure allowance, SMK is better choice.\nOr maybe they don't dare? Too much kesusahan for their precious princes/princesses, is it? 🤣" ], [ "If you want to teach your kids about \"kesusahan\" aka poverty, you are better off, sending your kids to live with a poor family for 6 months.\nMRSM, by any standards, lives like m20. Makan sahaja 6/7 kali sehari. Clothes are washed by an in-house dobi. Free transportation since class is close by. All school activities are paid for.", "Ikr? I mean, back then the point of giving B40s access to these boarding schools is because it takes better care of the kids than the parents could ever have (food, basic amenities, heck even clothing got sponsors sometimes, not to mention the occasional school that gives duit poket to really poor kids).\nSuddenly got T20 giving these statements. Really out of touch lol. I mean, they're basically saying what is normal for M40 is \"kesusahan\" for T20s." ], [ "What in the flying fuck. This people are the sole fucking reason why most of my old friends who are actually poor (including me lol) but excel in academics couldnt manage to get into mrsm.\nWhen i got in for second intake its just a fucking bunch of rich people who got way worse results than us. Theyre fucking proud for using cable, THEY EVEN APPLIED FOR BR1M, and flaunted when they got it? Holy fucking fuck im so pissed sial", "If there is a loophole or chance for corruption, 10000% malaysians will abuse it. Our subsidies, quotas, APs, everything has been abused by those who dont need it and dont deserve it, but have jalan masuk.", "Couldn't word it better myself. Unfortunate that this is the truth for this country we're living in." ], [ "Presiden Anak Sains Mara (Ansara) Malaysia, Mohd Fadzil Yusof berkata, institusi pendidikan itu dilihat sebagai tempat sesuai bagi anak mereka bergaul dengan pelajar lain daripada pelbagai latar belakang.\n“Di sekolah swasta, kos pembelajaran sampai RM3,000 sebulan.\n\"Kalau mereka (ibu bapa T20) mampu untuk hantar anak ke sekolah swasta, kenapa mahu berebut masukan ke MRSM?\n“Saya tertanya-tanya kenapa golongan (T20) itu nak hantar anak-anak ke MRSM, dan jawapan yang diterima mengejutkan saya iaitu nak ajar anak untuk hidup susah.\n“MRSM kononnya menjadi tempat terbaik untuk anak mereka berkawan dengan golongan B40,” katanya dalam Wacana Sinar edisi 426 bertajuk ‘MRSM untuk B40 sahaja?’ pada Selasa.\nReminder that it's not the guy in the thumbnail that made the comment, he is just stating what he heard from T20 parent that he asked, because he himself also baffled by it" ], [ "if want to belajar erti kesusahan please join the armed forces\nsekian terima kasih" ], [ "Like my colleague say \"....kebodohan bertingkat-tingkat tinggi\"", "My new fav is a comment I saw for Kepala Batas MP sepupu episode.\nKebodohan tak terbatas" ], [ "Golongan T20 isi minyak subsidi untuk kenali erti kesusahan." ], [ "aleuto" ], [ "Well... At least there's the suggestion for T20 to pay higher." ], [ "Hahahahahahaha. Masih mimpi nampaknya." ], [ "True story, I went through hell in the worse MRSM in the country. I usually refer to it as prison with all the juvenile kids in there.\nThe experience and results I got from that, makes it all worth it, but it comes with sacrifices. Now I don't have anyone to call my 'highschool friends' as I have cut them off for good." ], [ "Fakoff" ], [ "MRSM is one of best education money cant buy. How about making a paid intake, and using that money to take more underprivileged candidate. Can you fault parent with means to provide the best to their children?" ], [ "Oh they just send them oversea easy" ], [ "If he had said, all politician need to send kids to MRSM. The comments would look a lot different." ], [ "Like everything else T20s want \"safety nets\" amongst the common folks." ], [ "Sebagai abg kpd adik yg sendri masuk mrsm just to be liwat by t20 bully, no TQ la Mohon pi jahanam ," ], [ "Why you guys hate rich kids so much? At the end of the day, diorang jugak yang korang berebut nak berkahwin sampai santau-menyantau", "Tu amalan keluarga ko kowt. Org lain takde pun buat. 2024 wei, dah 2024", "Orang Melayu ni nama je islam, tapi amalan animisme ni masih lagi kuat." ], [ "B40 beli iPhone untuk belajar erti hidup mewah" ], [ "Meh belajar arti kesusahan. Rampas semua duit dgn kekayaan macam China's cultural revolution baru tau.", "Rampas semua duit dgn kekayaan macam China's cultural revolution baru tau.\nNanti T20 nangis :26557:" ], [ "I don't go to MRSM so I can't tell, but do T20 kids kena ragging there?", "They are the prime target for ragging and looting. I was in MRSM and we even have a term called going shopping meaning going to those rich kids locker and loot whatever u want from them.", "So this is what they meant by \"kesusahan\" stated in the headline. 😅😂", "Lol, all that did is just fan the hate for b40, and thicken their T20 bubble", "Yeah maybe so lol, i mean if u know that school is filled with B40 kids why on earth u flaunt your branded shoes, watches etc and worse keep showing off all those stuff to those poor B40 kids.\nKids being kids when u cant afford to buy it they just go shopping at the rich kids locker lol.\nIts getting worse as those T20 kids tend to have their own T20 group and all of them tend to be competing who got more expensive branded things among them and look down on B40 kids.\nThings got so bad to the extent that the principal keep making announcements to those rich kids to stop bringing expensive stuff to school but they never seems to listen and when it got stolen they all cry and attack the school administration for failing to protect those kids precious stuff.\nHowever, what funny thing is those super rich T1 does exist among us and never targeted because all of them remain discreet and act like B40 and never show off unlike those try hard T20.\nWe only know of their T1 status when one their parent goes on live TV and they actually Tan sri etc. and the rest when school is over when we get invited to their raya open house and they actually live in a mansion with supercars.", "tak. can't tell. all wear same uniform use the same items. but if you have luxury items will get stolen, phones Gameboys etc. went to one from in 2000s. but it was new, so probably no bad culture yet.", "Depends, if their parents/relatives are some higher-up in the government, no one's gonna touch them.", "Not really, kids are stupid and they will do it regardless who's behind them as long as they can justify it for whatever stupid reasons that they can think of but this was back in the 2000s cos a lot of so called VVIP son was bullied too and a lot of VVIP son are the bullies too so yeah its a unique eco-system of ragging culture lol. Plus ragging VVIP son tend to have that premium tag so yeah they are the premium target." ], [ "Rich people must send their children to Tahfiz school better, if really want to experience kesusahan. The pondok school must be as remote as possible." ], [ "Isn’t that what Ramadhan is about tho?\nFasting to feel what it’s like to be others who don’t have food. Same logic tbh" ], [ "In a way the guy just admitted that the T20 children are a spoilt bunch who needs their asses whipped into shape. :26554:\nThat said, learning to wake up on time, do laundry, attend classes, do homework etc are something that does not require tax-sponsored funds to learn, all achievable via the national school system as a normal citizen right at home.\nPeople like this guy knows it's an exclusive, controlled educational environment that will separate them from the unwashed masses, safe from the insidious influence of egalitarianism from the national schools that can threaten the status quo." ], [ "Let em work in retail." ], [ "Kalau melayu islam hantar pergi tahfiz la..🤣🤣🤣.. Baru kau taw langit tu tinggi ke rendah, bawak tabung kutip duit..." ], [ "I almost had the urge to unsubscribe from this sub, for really man…. These so called suggestions are just downright embarrassing." ], [ "Off-Topic:\nI already got a chance to feel extremely poor & mildly rich. So if you try throw me beside highway without any phone, money and food, i can survive.\nI also can start everything from zero. Means I don’t need help from friends nor family in a new state & new people." ], [ "", "Please tell me you forgot the /s .", "<image>" ], [ "The most logical explanation would be T20 send their kids to MRSM because they are also ANSARA. They know MRSM is a good product at low price tag.", "that's it. private school too expensive. themselves don't want to teach their kids how to study etc." ], [ "dafaq?" ], [ "i call bull. I know a guy who came out of MRSM just a couple of years before. Pampered whelp" ], [ "nope" ], [ "dont trust politicians, easy peazy, none of them will care about you, all of them only care about their family and cronies" ], [ "Want to feel poverty send them all the way to the interior schools, please. And dont even visit them until long breaks.\nMRSM boast a lot of lavish facility, even better than the KPM's SBP itself (Sekolah Sains kind). Added with lots of international programme they have I dont see they are learning poverty there lol. In fact B40s in MRSM doesnt even get to experience all of them because their fees are not something they can afford. Experience poverty my ass." ], [ "Lmao no. Those kids eat cafetaria food everyday and some don't even use the provided laundry services. What kesusahan ?" ], [ "what kesusahan? kesusahan of being bullied is it?" ], [ "alasan bangang, kencing hancing" ], [ "hahahahahaha pecah perut aku gelak kat opis" ], [ "\"Every single current and past politician should have all their and family assets seized and have < rm2000 monthly salary with no chance of growth due to entitlement and not working hard enough and have to rent in KL for 20 years challenge in order to not be pieces of shit\"" ], [ "If want susah, don't send your children to primary and secondary school." ], [ "Out of topic a bit. Just my opinion , They should change t20 m40 b40 income range. These so called t20 in these story, is mayb actually those t5 earner. Me myself earn about 12-18k based on ot whatsoever, but im not considered myself t20 as me myself struggling to cope komitmen with these days good price etc. T20 should be those 30k and above earner la. When they said t20 child bla3. Oi aku hantar anak aku pergi tadika pasti je. Sekian bebelan" ] ]
Malay voters will be more wary of DAP after Ngeh Koo Ham’s Shariah committee blunder, analysts suggest
[ "Politics" ]
Kerana mulut badan binasa KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 3 — Malay voters who did not vote for Pakatan Harapan (PH) will be more wary of the coalition and its component DAP after the recent controversy over Beruas MP Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham’s statement regarding the Shariah law special committee, analysts have warned. ADVERTISEMENT Although Ngeh had apologised and retracted his statement, those polled suggested that the damage was already done as it would further undermine what little support DAP is getting from Malay voters and this incident would further serve as “ammunition” for PAS and Perikatan Nasional (PN) to paint PH and DAP as “anti-Islam”. “To be honest Malay views on the DAP were never great in the first place.” “Now they have ‘proof’ that the DAP is out to abolish Malay and Muslim rights,” said International Islamic University Malaysia’s political science lecturer Syaza Shukri
[ [ "Ph and bn tries to do damage control\nMeanwhile the few dap member: Imma end our whole career", "" ], [ "“Islamic council should have non Muslim stakeholders to ensure no one is sidelined”\n“Fucking kafir is trying to meddle with Islam!”", "Hindu/Buddhist temples and monasteries should have Muslim stakeholders to ensure no one is sidelined.\nDucking PAS is trying to force Islam on us.\nFixed it for you.", "Does the Hindu/Buddhist temples have enormous power and government sanctions that whenever they moves , the earth(policy) shakes?\nDoes their activities include amending laws and regulations that claim won’t affect the non believers?\nDo local councils have regulations that the nons must consult before big events are allowed to happen?\nDoes the nons have power over jurisdiction that disallows others to do something and enforceable by law?", "Actually, they already have Muslim stakeholders in the form of council authorities that can decide whether they are operating legally or not.", "Yea that’s why ngeh request is ridiculous." ], [ "Malays who didnt vote for Pakatan will never vote for them, this article is designed to silence non muslims for raising any issues for fear of repercussions.\nBiggest issue is now Anwar is solidly losing the indian voters by his own arrogance.", "Fyi the person mentioned in this is affiliated with pkr party", "Thanks captain!", "Also head of psci dept, theres been talking that pkr and pn going to join together and root dap out of madani govt.", "Any monkey can talk, doesnt mean it makes sense.", "Got numbers for that kah? DAP chairs banyak.", "PKR:31\nPN: 69\nBN:30\nGPS:23\nGRS:6\nTOTAL: 159\nNumber required is 112.", "To balance out, more mp seats to borneo. However because of rivalry with dap, borneo switch alliance to bn + pn for next ge.\nProbably nightmare scenario which will trigger more chinese + Indians to migrate. So congrats malay won. Sekian…", "From what I gather from the grassroots, the 40 above demographics are reminiscent of the old MCA MIC days. Next election would be interesting.", "My circle is kepong/ cheras. Most are pro dap but when got into trouble look for mca 😂\nActually for them is either a dap voter or never vote in their life before lol", "Lol who indian gonna vote ??? PNPAS ??? Also their population not significant enough to make a difference in term of voting power anyway unlike Chinese and Malays / Bumi", "Youre forgetting the slim margins in which PH won the last election that they needed to negotiate with BN etc to make up the numbers. Any subgroup Anwar discriminates or isolates against will come back to bite him in the end.\nOf course now the peninsular politicians dont dare talk shit about east malaysia like they used to.", "dont vote...fuck the government...both side is shit so why waste time voting", "That's how you get Trump as president lol.", "ehhh its like choosing between cow shit n dog shit...both shit...whoever wins we lose so why waste the time n energy n petrol just to vote for shit", "Cowshit is slightly more valuable cause can use as fertiliser, but dog shit too acidic to use as fertiliser and harbours a lot of parasites.\nCome vote for cowshit", "Despite your username, that is a more creative way to get your point across.", "Damage mitigation and to avoid total monopoly of a single political ideology.", "When you country goes bankrup cuz you didn't vote then better stop complaint eh", "heh we who didn’t vote have every right to complain…", "Accordingly you don't, because you don't give a sh*t about malaysia.", "nah we do…it’s the ppl that vote don’t have the right to complain, u voted u put these ppl in office u’re responsible for the mess they’ve created, u dont have the right to complain", "You don't give a damn to malaysia simple as that, and this is why malaysia will always be like this because most ppl thinks like you do.\nIf a country can he fixed by 5 or 3 years it be a miracle, you just a reflection of this country.\nPeople keep screaming for reform but absolutely lacking of conviction.", "oh i never scream for reform because i know it will nvr happen…if voting changes anything it would be made illegal", "Change doesn't have to be good or bad political line is all shade of grey\nPH and BN team up is already a \"change\" despite you may or may not agree. Which temporary ended the biggest rivalry after many decades.\nSabah and Sarawak now has more right in politics and policy power than ever before.\nPas being a huge opposition is their biggest opportunity also the biggest change in malaysia history too.\nReform can be called a hoax or real depends what aspects you looking to.\nMeanwhile you aren't just ignore and also denied the CHANGE that literally happening now.", "Then vote for someone else. Not voting doesnt send a message youre unsatisfied, its just passive agressive nonsense. If you disagree with PAS policies vote anyone but PAS. If you think Anwar is being a buttplug vote anyone but PH.\nThere is still MUDA, PSM, independent etc to vote for. Even if MUDA or PSM dont win, them gaining voters will send a message the people dont want xyz parties.", "try la the whole country don’t vote…literally 0 voter turnout…i would like to see the chaos in the government", "Why would malays not vote? They are happy being ruled by PAS. In fact PAS has been steadily winning more seats every year.", "welp we’re not united as a people", "This is just keyboard warrior shit. Don't complain if the winner is an even worse scumbag.", "we don’t vote we have the right to complain…it’s the one that vote don’t have the right to complain", "It's the other way around.", "nope it’s not…what is this double standard when it comes to voting…u made ur bed now sleep in it", "At least I have the right to complain. You didn't do shit. I paid for a service I have the right to complain.\nFunny how you made up your own saying. \"You didn't vote so you don't have the right to complain\" is to shame people like you.", "maybe u didnt read it properly...u voted them in u're responsible for the mess they've made, YOU dont have the right to complain...maybe ur mindset in life is oh i've chosen to take up smoking now my lungs are fuck i should complain, no u dont" ], [ "I agree.\n1st lim kit siang comments on non malay PM. And now this. In a very short time frame.\nI can imagine behind closed doors loke scolding ngeh. \"Your brain missing ah? We just settled damage control on kit siang statement, now you do this???!!\".", "Wtf is so controversial about stating the fact that the pm can be non-malay? Or that non-Malays should be included and represented in policy matters that very much affects them indirectly, however much racists try to downplay and deny that? Why are malays constantly grasping and reaching at straws to victimize their fragile selves?", "Politics is not about fact/logic, but sentiments, until all the voters grow up.", "Politics is about appeasing the public, not being correct.", "You new in politics? Politics is not about facts, its a matter of people can accept or not what you say. Just like in here, I have stated facts that we have pati problem. That is a fact. But people cant accept it and even called xenophobic.", "Why does Loke is the face of Dap right now even tho he only a Sec Gen?? Who the current Dap president???", "Secretary General is the highest position in DAP la.", "There's actually an interesting reason for that:\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Secretary_of_the_Communist_Party_of_the_Soviet_Union\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1reY72ktEc&t=21m14s\nBasically, Lenin didn't really like Stalin and tried to marginalise him by giving him a less influential position within the Soviet Communist Party—General Secretary. However, Stalin was crafty and found ways to consolidate power even with his unassuming position. The office of General Secretary thus came to be recognised as the de facto highest position in the party even though this was never made de jure (official).\nIt therefore became traditional for communist and socialist parties around the world to have General Secretary/Secretary General as party leader.", "Non-communist examples would include normal corporations where CEOs generally wield higher executive powers, and Singapore, where the Prime Minister has more power than the President", "I understand youre trying to make a connection with DAP and communism but the head of United Nations is also secretary general.", "???\nI specifically said communist and socialist parties. DAP is a socialist party. That is not controversial.", "Secretary general is a common term for a leader of an organization, just like CEO, president, etc. The United Nations is neither communist nor socalist but their leader is a secretary general.\nNice try tho.", "Nice try what? DAP is socialist. That is a fact, not an insult. If you took it as one, that speaks more to your own views on socialism than anything I said. Here is DAP's Wikipedia page:\nhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Action_Party\nCtrl + F \"socialist\".", "Thats a pretty weak strawman fallacy you got going there.\nWhat youre trying to do : DAP leader and communist leader are both secretary generals.\nI gave you and example of the United Nations leader also being a secretary general.\nYour strawman argument : Oh youre offended that DAP is socialist. Here look at my evidence while pretending to not understand that a secretary general is a common position used by any organization or group.\nAgain, nice try. Still fail.", "I don't know why the UN leader has the Secretary General title, and I try to avoid commenting on things in which I am not very knowledgeable. If you do happen to know why, feel free to share—I am always happy to learn something new.\nI was only explaining the historical reason communist and socialist parties have Secretary General as the highest-ranking position. I was/am not taking any political stand or condemning any ideologies. It is not my fault that you chose to read too much into my comment and see hidden messages where there were none.\nHave a good day, I shan't be entertaining you any longer.", "Ya meh???", "yes", "Yes. Baca penjelasan saya di sini.", "Secretary general is de facto leader of DAP", "Dont know, but its normal practice for that party sec gen to have more influence. Just like in the past when LGE held that position." ], [ "Seem like anuar will only got 1 peggal." ], [ "”To be honest Malay views on DAP were never great in the first place.”\nso then no need to worry lah kan. Malay gonna Malay YOLO", "Well if its already 0 or 1 you want it to be -2 or -5???", "Either you gonna vote or not. If you're not gonna vote, you don't matter. You can't negative vote" ], [ "We think the rural Malays are ill informed about DAP therefore the hate towards the party. Fine. But coming from a university lecturer? What hope is there for DAP? Seriously making a mountain out of a mole hill.", "Because Mahathir and his UMNO guys did a swell job tarnishing others.", "i guess that why DAP wants to attract more members of other races to make the party more multiracial.\nBut they're also shooting themselves in the foot again and again", "DAP digs its own grave by doing things like this. There no ill information here." ], [ "In Malaysia, asking for equal right is wrong as minority.", "With regards to this incident; Ngeh asks for non muslim to intervene into shariah laws. I don’t think other religions want outsider to tell them what you can/ cannot do especially there is constitution rights that protects everyone.", "Definitely equal rights when a meat eater wants to sit at a committee for vegans.", "Yeah when the vegans have very much been used to forcefully and illegally convert offspring of meat eaters into one of them, I'm sure meat eaters should just stfu and accept it right.", "Sure that is the one point as a meat eater i can agree on. When the bitter ex uses religion. But did DAP specify this issue or decides to just swoop in on everything. Y’all love DAP so much you fail to see their idiocy sometimes.", "<image>\nOh wow lookie here, apparently minorities arent allowed equal rights already." ], [ "Istana negeri boleh consider utk tarik balik title “dato’” tu…" ], [ "PAS voters - goes to Klang Valley to enjoy its benefits then goes back to Green Alliance states to vote PAS. What will they do when Klang Valley turns into a shithole like the Green Alliance States? Probably never thought that far though. 😂" ], [ "The DAP \"grassroot\" has a handful of racist and islamphobic idiots. The more progressive intellectual younger leaders are sidelined in their very own DAP party elections.", "The PAS grassroot are majority racist and kafirphobia. Will definitely pick DAP anyday of the week", "I agree. We can pressure DAP to improve through constructive criticism via your elected MP /Adun (if they are from DAP). Should never be a blind supporter to any party or else, they will end up like UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan.", "Which groups do these grassroots fall into in Malaysians society? Penang and peraks??\nDoes urban supporters falls into those racist too?", "Penang, Perak are the most obvious. So far Penang and Selangor are showing progress by fielding younger progressive candidates, but Perak is still pretty much under that two clowns, which is really unhealthy. The Lim, Kok and their supporters?\nThere is a reason why Ong Kian Ming took a backseat from GE15 despite being a more performing MP in his term.", "Interesting, id like to engage with dap grassroots within my area in Georgetown. Because as much as my ideals aligned with the party values the people behind and inside came with different agenda and sentiments.\nAs Malay myself, id like to really know if dap is what they claim to be tho if i can go directly to their hq and ask em to pitch for me lel. Can only go to bandaraya and ask em to solve town issues mah. If theres townhall events, id sure to go", "It is always good to have a conversation with them. We as Malaysian claim to be living in a multicultural society, but how integral are we as a multicultural and multiracial community? How many of us can actually understand the vows and challenges of other races.\nWe all got suckered into a position where we are all yelling for help and eager for immediate reform at the same time. We are all drowning as a nation, and yet everyone is fighting each other to stay afloat.\nThe kind of statement made by Ngeh clearly shows he is ignorant of Muslim community. The statement made by LKS isn't wrong, but it is a 1 way communication, not a conversation to promote understanding between races. Boomer politicians regardless party like them love to have 1 way communication, because they don't have to debate with facts and from other view points.", "Also the CCP shills are of great concern. Some even refuse to learn Bahasa Melayu. And this is coming from an Aussie who lived in KL for 15 years. I can speak more Malay than some of the locals.", "Yeap. That is very disheartening. The wumaos (五毛) I came across are ignorant toxic bunch. They have some sort of inferiority complex that they put themselves higher than other races despite they know little to nothing bout other cultures nor they care.\nThey are no different that those blind supporters of propagandists.", "Internet wumaos take on their singular personalities out of the whole bunch , they often base their whole personality on that one character. So take what they say with a big pinch of salt", "younger leaders are sidelined in their very own DAP party elections\ngenuine question: who?", "Ong Kian Ming, Zairil, Tony Pua, Kasthuri Patto to name a few.", "...young?", "Didn't I mention younger leaders, I did not say young, did i? Looking at the average age of our ministers, Tony is the oldest in the list, but definitely younger than most in the cabinet. Even Hannah Yeoh is 44." ], [ "Malay voters? Undi la PAS... Kasi tutup itu Pavilion sebab pancut bunga api awal sebelum countdown habis... Owai" ], [ "This is what I love about people, just like being on twitch they will eventually show off their real colours :29091:\nMake comments, get flak, double down, Sultan murka, apologise, life goes on :26554:", "Didnt know you can get noticed by the Sultan on Twitch", "Which category he browse often?" ], [ "At this point, the government should go full in on reform lol. The damage has already been done 😂" ] ]
New digital road tax, driving licence formats, online renewal fr Feb - no more physical sticker, card fr Feb - paultan.org
[ [ "Am I the only one who thinks removing the physical roadtax is a bad idea?\nLet's say you're involved in a car accident, there is no way for you to verify the car plate is real, or to check if the car has a valid insurance.\nIf a police wants to issue a saman to a car that is illegally parked at the roadside, how does he verify the car matches the plate number?", "Police already has access to the govt database of registered vehicles, so the system can tell what car model, colour and year it is if they key in the number plate\nIf they key in a plate and the car description doesn't match what they are seeing in real life then they know the car isn't legit\nIf you observe police/jpj/Bandaraya when they do their rounds for saman, they will be holding a device, probably fiddling with it infront of cars. That's the device with the database", "Imagine in future they implement Auto deduction for any Saman, guess nobody will dare double park, illegal park and drive recklessly :26561:", "Will love to see that happen. Or add the outstanding payment to the total for insurance renewal or something", "Should be pretty interesting, I am pretty sure all will protest for more parking and those own parking space sure increase parking price :26561:", "The problem is, your car is not unique, if you own a blue Myvi, there are thousands of the same blue Myvi on the road. How does the police know your blue Myvi matches your car plate?\nIf you have a roadtax on your windscreen, the police can double verify.", "I dont understand your point. Whatever information that the physical road tax shows, the database has it as well because its directly from JPJ.\nPhysical road tax shows:\n1) number plate 2) road tax expiry 3) car details (model, engine cc, colour etc.) 4) even chassis number (I think)\nAll this information is already in the device that authorities use", "If a car is illegally parked at the roadside, and both of its car plates are missing a letter. So how does the police issue a saman? You can fake a car plate, but you can't fake a roadtax.\nThis won't be an issue if there is a physical roadtax on the windscreen for the police and cross check.\nNot to mention during roadblock, the police can easily see your roadtax on your windscreen. Now they have to key in your plate number, which takes more time.", "Hmm good point, seems like a loophole that needs fixing. Other option would be to tell the driver to get out at roadblocks so they can open the car up and get the chassis number, but that's also way too much work", "A blue Myvi is still a better information that some sort of a car.\nActually car colour is no longer mandatory. You can change your car colour everyday and have no trouble with law.\nIn fact the better information is the chassis number, or VIN. It's usually available in various places of a car. An engine block also has its own number. Police can check these numbers.", "Yes. Once I was at a roadblock during a night. The officer that come to me call me by my brother's name. I was riding my brother's motor, thats explains it.", "The police already got device to check the plate and car that wear those plate. It just that some are not bother to do their job properly and cause trouble to the driver.", "I agree with you. This digital roadtax thing is only practical if the plate is issued by the government. Cant be made at any accessories shop." ], [ "looks like we are back at paper driving license. just like before." ], [ "hope digital ic too." ], [ "I think they should scrap entire road tax system\nbuild-in into car selling price & fuel price.", "Our road tax system tied to the insurance. If no more road tax, people wont renew insurance" ], [ "Anyone know if its only in Malaysia that our identity card/driving license do not show our DOB, instead having to rely on looking at our NRIC number.\nHad so much problem proving our ages when in oversea when renting cars if you happen to not bring your passport out.", "SG too, in fact your NRIC number is also the license number (which is itself different from the serial number)" ] ]
How A Crowdfunded Malaysian Film On Racial Tensions Became A Runaway Hit – Analysis
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "Crowfunded? How? I like to make a movie about hang tuah. Assassin's creed and the raid style", "They did it on Kickstarter.\nBut about half came from a businessman at the very last minute.", "Thanks", "Can you make a movie for RM410,000. Because that's how they did it." ], [ "I watched last weekend. I’m happy that it’s good. Pretty on par with international indie in terms of storytelling and filmmaking." ] ]
Wedding Banquet w Malay Friend
[ "Food" ]
I'm getting married this year and planning on having a wedding banquet. Has anyone hosted or attended any Chinese wedding banquet that also caters to Malays and Indian? As I wouldn't want my friends from other races to get missed out. The options that I am thinking is either: 1) Banquet at Chinese restaurant, additionally cater food and utensils/cutlery from Muslim / Malay Restaurant. They are seated together with our mutual friends. ( or separate table ) 2) Don't invite them at all. I'm hoping to not choose Option 2 and I cannot not host at Chinese restaurant as my other half's family has a more traditional background. In the meantime, I'll try to look for halal restaurant that also serves Chinese cuisine. And suggestions would be great appreciated :)
[ [ "option 1 exists, it's common for restaurants to provide a table serving no-pork no-lark." ], [ "You can throw it at a hotel and have them serve Chinese cuisine but halal. Probably more expensive though.", "Yes just do the whole thing in a hotel and fret not about the extra costs. if things work out well you only have to do this once lol.\nedit: ppl tend to be a bit more generous in the ang pows too of it’s a reputable hotel.", "I know people who did this. If they want to invite their Muslim friends or colleagues they just hold the ceremony at a hotel." ], [ "my cousin who predominantly hang out with malays catered halal food for his wedding banquet in a chinese restaurant whereas one of my colleague had one in a chinese restaurant that has a separate kitchen for pork free/halal (cant remember which) food so the options are there but do make sure your muslim mates are comfortable with the options" ], [ "Wow, a question that I am uniquely able to answer.\nContext: My wife and I are both Chinese, but we have a lot of Malay friends and colleagues, and we really wanted to include them in our wedding.\nSo we had 2 weddings meals:\nBig kenduri-style wedding with Halal food for all friends and family (including parent's friends)\nIntimate 10-table family-only dinner the night of the Chinese Wedding ceremony\nThe kenduri style wedding, we rented a very nice air conditioned function hall called Rumah Melaka that looks like a kampung house but is fully equipped as a function hall. We and a bunch of very close friends got together and hand made the decorations ourselves. My wife baked up a storm for the desert table, I made our own wedding slideshow. We drove all the way to Tangkak to hire this kenduri caterer called Pok De cause our friend recommended them as amazing (and they were). We had nasi briyani, ayam masak merah, mutton (my fav), sayur acar, and a bunch of other dishes and also vegetarian options. Separately, we hired a cendol stall and a satay stall, and people could order on demand. We also got a freezer full of Magnum ice cream to top it off. Dress code was traditional clothing, all the women in our families wore Kebaya, there was a sea of baju Melayu, cheong sam, sari etc. Between 300 - 500 people attended (I lost count cos everyone brought their extended families lol, really kenduri style). It was really amazing to see, and now 8 years later my friends still bring it up as the best wedding they ever attended.\nThe Chinese wedding dinner was held a month later, family and close friends only, very intimate in a very nice restaurant. This was mostly done to appease the traditionalists in both families, but honestly since we paid for everything ourselves, my wife and I had final say in whatever we wanted to do.\nAs for costs, the Kenduri wedding cost about 50k all included, the Chinese restaurant dinner cost about 15k. This is in 2016 bear in mind, but everything fell neatly under our budget.", "Unfortunately, our budget isn't as much but thanks for sharing your story", "No problem, hope it all works out for you!", "Love this!\nWish more Malaysians are as inclusive as you. One of the best part about being Malaysians are the friends you have coming from different backgrounds ❤️" ], [ "From experience, the easiest way is to set a “halal zone” at the back or corner of the venue where halal caterers set up a buffet style with traditional Malay kenduri food.\nThe caterers provide cutlery, food, service to these guests.\nYou provide chair to sit, air con, table.\nYou can go all out and invite 30-100 of your closest Malay friends." ], [ "Homst is a halal restaurant that serves chinese cuisine, may wanna look it up." ], [ "My non Muslim colleagues usually have a separate table and halal caterer for the Muslims at their weddings. So far hasn't been any issues. Those who are more fussy about it just won't attend." ], [ "go with hotel option.\nalso depends on where gonna have the reception. If its small town then forget about having halal food." ], [ "Heyya, went to a Chindian wedding last month with plenty of Malays - was at Ruyi & Lyn @ Bangsar South Center. The menu was more to Chinese-style cuisine but caters to all attendees just fine. The food was good so check them out!" ], [ "I have recently gone through this so I can give some feedback. I did my wedding banquet at a standard Chinese restaurant which also offers vegetarian package and halal packages. So there is really not much issue there as long as you have a fixed 1 or 2 tables to entertain your Muslim friends. The only concern is where to place them among the seating arrangement and I find that it's best to place the Halal table at sides or corner closer to entrance/exit, allowing the Halal food caterer to serve the dishes.\nWith regards to Indians the diet is quite similar to Chinese usually with no beef involved, so it is quite easy to resolve. A couple of my Indian friends practice vegetarian diets so that's another issue to resolve entirely." ], [ "Abah Seafood n Grill and Unique Seafood in Seksyen 13 has space for wedding dinners. Karaoke system provided in the latter.\nYou don't have a set budget in mind for food? Regarding alcohol, most Malays shouldn't mind as long as you don't serve it to them." ], [ "My cousin and wife are malay since both come from malay-chinese parents. They just had their wedding reception 2 months ago at Sofitel. If not mistaken its halal. Cause 30% of guest were muslims. So im sure they chose a halal banquet kitchen. It says on their website halal too.", "Oh u want restaurants. Unique seafood pj? If youre in the area lah" ], [ "I think hotel and halal-chinese-restaurant is your best choice la bro. Every non-malay wedding i attended is either hotel or restaurant." ], [ "Just order KFC and tell restaurant to keep an empty table for them. Let them sit at the table with KFC. Easy.", "Our colleague did this. But not KFC lah 😭, she catered a malay caterer; satay, nasi, lontong with cutlery only for that table." ], [ "Don’t invite them unless they are the liberal open minded Malays.", "If they are closed minded they wouldnt be friends with OP... Plus you dont need to be Liberal to respect each other", "Yea same time you don’t need to bend over backwards and get everything halal certified with JAKIM chop , just to cater for them either. It’s OP wedding. If you can’t adjust one meal just for your friends wedding , they can fck off.", "Who hurt youuuuuu??", "ignore him his out of touch" ], [ "Hold it in a hotel. Choose your guest and rsvp. Sure profit" ], [ "Hotel banquets are usually halal Chinese" ], [ "Just attended one a month or so ago. My friend held it at a chinese banquet hall but she had a table or two set aside for muslim guests. Iirc she ordered food from a halal caterer but I don't think she ordered as much to match up to the number of courses." ], [ "some muslims are not confident with 'no pork no lard' tagline. if your friends dont mind, no problem.\nbetter good reputation hotel with halal jakim certification." ], [ "Hotel option. My Chinese friend had their wedding there with Chinese food (halal). Love it\nIf money is your issue, have a typical Chinese wedding and they have a separate makan with your Malay friends to introduce them to your wife. Most of them would understand." ] ]
Aside from targeted subsidies, how does the rakyat benefit from PADU?
Main question above. Side question is what is stopping the individual from listing a lower income?
[ [ "My impression is that the government is at the “data gathering” stage right now, and aside from subsidies, they don’t really have any idea how they’ll use the data in PADU.\nOn the side question, PADU will probably link up with LHDN’s darabase to verify your salaried income, but I don’t think there’s any way for them to verify your side income (e.g. income from rnt, dividends, etc)\nMy speculative shower thought that is that PADU’s main purpose is to widen the tax base by expanding into the non recorded/cash economy. Its common knowledge that not everyone declares thier income to LHDN for one reason or another, esp those who transact in cash (e.g., the roadside nasi lemak seller, morning market trader). By making everyone declare thier income in PADU, the government would have greater visibility over this segment of society - hence increasing thier tax base.", "My speculative shower thought that is that PADU’s main purpose is to widen the tax base\nNot really, but it can be used for that purpose.\nYou wanna really know how the government plans to widen the tax base? E-Invoice\nBy the end of this year, every seller on Lazada and Shopee sales invoice on will be reported to LHDN. You think you can run your side business and not pay tax? Haha. Think again.", "Can you quote source on this", "Source: Me. In the industry (not e-commerce) doing this project.\nMore details can be sourced here, but it doesn't go into detail yet.\nTo add on, if you rent your property out, in the future you are required to file an e-invoice also. Which means LHDN now has your rental income as well. They should also know your interest payments because this data is provided by banks (similar to how e-commerce platforms are providing info to LHDN). So LHDN will know if you are over-declaring on your rental interest tax deduction.\n<image>", "This is a pretty good answer. I read somewhere a while back that Malaysia ranks quite high on undeclared income and that’s not only because of personal deception but because our a current system is inadequate to run the scope from new wave income streams or old school roadside stall businesses, it’s only good at the middle of the spectrum ones.\nThat being said, for me personally, having lived in countries like Canada and UK, I feel the reason why many dodge or are unmotivated to declare is because our tax dollars isn’t put to good use. Our secondary and tertiary education is nothing short of an embarrassment. Our public transport infrastructure is a joke. Socialism factor is very low.\nBut I think at the end of the day, PADU is the beginning of BIG DATA, albeit implemented poorly with targeted subsidies as the unappealing carrot.", "they don’t really have any idea how they’ll use the data * I guess they integrate data they previously had, and start using only now. Data is not meaningful unless relational conclusions can be linked. (Across ministries) * From some ministries; they have employment income, company declarations (dividend is exempted), quit rent and assessments of properties, asset usage license (e.g. driver), pretty much can track money flow indirectly without linking to banks, education certificates, etc * in accounting, there's 2 cash flow tracking method; cash directly, or categorical indirectly; maybe PADU will trace by indirect cash flow method with ownerships data) * what other statistics relations: let say, link education to industrial employment, link property ownership to employment, etc (scammer only use contacts link, the only part I think sensitive) * education-employment can stop wasteful PTPTN as per actual employments, property-employment can improve \"black economy\" chances or civilians' basic need securities \" or whatever links education-health, occupational-health, etc", "Great answer. One concern I have is LHDN comapare notes with PADU then open audit. If same no issue. If under declaration in padu then perjury. Can't see a law on it but it's possible based on US laws. Best not to disclose anything yet since no law requires us to disclose.", "Looks like that’s the case." ], [ "Reminds me of this\n<image>", "😂" ], [ "It's likely to reduce the smuggling of subsidized goods, yes, inside jobs." ], [ "Free dissemination of personal info through crappy data security.", "Scammers already have my phone number and email. What else do they want? 😭", "Your undisclosed income sources :26554: Oh wait... did I just mention gomen", "the only they cannot get is bank . bafia . Remember his big 5 years not become politician" ], [ "is it against the law not to participate?", "No. I read somewhere it's not compulsory but u will be excluded from the targeted subsidies, if any.", "Good to know. I guess it's now about considering risk of releasing personal data to an entity that is not known for having a robust IT security versus receiving subsidies. Need to valuate that somehow", "Found reply from Rafizi", "this is very enlightening. thanks, compatriot!", "So, no reason for T20 to register...", "They already have most of everyone's data from what Rafizi said. PADU is giving a platform for everyone to disclose and amend information that's not correct." ], [ "In a way its encouraging rakyat to earn lower so can get subsidy. The harder you work, the smarter you work, the more you earn then take away subsidy after they tax higher bracket. Listing lower income is perjury. Best is not to disclose anything until we get more information on the benefits.", "Yeap i signed up but when I saw the amount of things you had to disclose to the government. I was like, for a couple hundred a year? You gotta sell more than that bruh.", "is a game for him , piji want to promote big data mining not helping people. This is not the way", "Yea just wait. I'll just disclose my dad data first. He retired no income got ntg. If I disclosed mine and ended up not getting any subsidy then I just sold myself to rafizi for ntg. I can use my dad IC to get the subsidy later", "From what I understand so far, the last date to update is around March while the first real subsidies (fuel) that will be derived from this system is planned for around July, so there might not be a chance to update when the subsidies mechanisms change unless govt decides to extend the deadline", "I don't think that approach works. There are always ppl joining the workforce and ppl earning and lifestyle changes. They need to regularly update either get the ppl to update or they get the data elsewhere. Otherwise if an ineligible rich guy who suddenly go bankrupt in Jun, he should still be able to update and get his subsidy in July", "I guess they will decide on the fly, since rafizi himself admitted they are rushing this out ASAP cause of subsidies", "Yeah. I have the same thought process. I’ll wait" ], [ "Well it is fine....although, if they could do this in house in just 7 months, perhaps they could set a goal where the other government services (especially those that are outsourced like MySejahtera, Kastam etc...) would be fully integrated into a single system by the time the next Sabah election (I think this could be a turning point in a change of federal goverment) been called" ] ]
Weird moment that happens to me in Joho
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
12 years ago when I'm 16. That time I'm on a bus somewhere in JB(Johor Bahru), there's this one lovely old lady asking me a question on how to go to CS(City Square) but in Chinese. So me as a Malay don't understand what the hell she's saying, but suddenly, next to me this young Chinese man around my age, told me that this aunty is speaking Chinese but in a main land China dialect & don't understand Malay. So that guy became a translator between me & her. I answered every question that aunty ask me, on how to get to CS or where part of JB is this & which stop or bus she should take next to get there, the guy also know how to get there & helping me out. So at the end, she thanks me & I also thank that guy for helping me. At that time I didn't think much about it. But when I'm looking back & remember that moment, I keep asking myself why did that guy didn't just answer her questions directly & why did that aunty didn't even ask the guy that actually understand her. Until this day I still question it.
[ [ "From my viewpoint, the Chinese man just don’t want to be rude for you to be taken out of the conversation. If the lady initiated the conversation with you, and suddenly he came in and talk away with her knowing that you don’t understand their language is kind of rude in my opinion.", "This is a good take! It's a novel situation for both OP and the Chinese man, so it makes sense for the Chinese man to just go with the flow instead of having to socially navigate the idea of telling OP that he'll just take it from there, which can seem pretty rude, especially if he's not entirely sure what exactly is going on", "This is the reason, I believe. OP should not be cut out of the conversation." ], [ "I bet after 16 years that guy oso cringing and wondering \"why didnt i just answer that woman lmao\"", "So 4 more years...", "Me when reading comprehension lmao", "Oh no im dumb", "Lmfao", "You're 💯 correct" ], [ "the aunty has a thing for you 16-year old Brownie, and not that other guy.", "You have the rizz bro lol", "Lol", "Aunty craving for some chocolate now. Tired of eating ham cim peng.", "Correct" ], [ "maybe because you are in between them so as a social gesture you are involve in the communication?" ], [ "Maybe he donno the way?\nI hope one day you will have a reunion with him and can find closure.." ], [ "Maybe the guy is not from the area" ], [ "12 years ago, higher chance it was just people being friendly. The lady probably felt safer to ask you cause you're younger. The man gave a kind gesture and translates.\nNowadays it's probably up to no good. Too much shit going on." ], [ "Isn’t it possible the Chinese man was new to the area and didn’t know the answers?" ], [ "Maybe he wasn't from Johor?\nHad a similar experience in the Atlas mountains in Morocco.\nTrying to get the bus driver to let out air from his tyres to go up a frozen mountain pass. Arabic speaking driver, Moroccan Arabic/French speaker, me passable French with poor vacbulary/bad Arabic, my friend great French but not spoken.\nConvo:\nDriver to local in Arabic Local to my friend in French My friend to me in English Me to my friend in English/French My friend to me in grammatically correct French Me to local in properly pronounced French Local to driver in Arabic......", "That's .... A lot..." ], [ "Inception. You were actually sleeping on the bus. It never happened." ], [ "Maybe he doesnt actually know where CS is? You mentioned he knows but he actually doesnt know lol" ], [ "You lengzhai or lenglui ma" ], [ "that is some trip down the memory lane you got there OP" ], [ "12 years later you still in one piece..if that local chinese guy didn't helped you...you might been somewhere in remote hidden china village who both legs kena chopped off and begging for renminbi my friend", "That gave me a laugh. Good one" ], [ "Because the lady asked you. He's keeping you in the conversation topic. Taking you out of it would seem disrespectful." ], [ "You should have said to that guy, \"Eh, why don't you just answer her? No need to translate.\"" ], [ "This is so wholesome and I am so happy that you had this moment in your life", "Thank you 😊" ], [ "You had an unskippable cutscene" ], [ "Most likely cecause out of courtesy. The local chinese guy didn't want to interrupt the conversation and did the minimum so that you and the old lady can carry on the conversation.\nIt is a courtesy.\nAs long as they didn't ask you to signup something in exchange for some rewards, you are good." ], [ "This is the beauty of Malaysia. We Malaysian always work together without hesitate and just that straight forward🤜🏽🤛🏻" ], [ "You’ve been pukau’ed. Might want to check your money, kidney or virginity" ], [ "Maybe the guy from SG and is equally as lost as her" ], [ "Just because you know the words doesn't mean you can have a conversation with anyone, you have to know the context." ], [ "Man U made it sound creepy" ], [ "Had similar experience a month back in Japan. Old women who only speaks Japanese , asks me the direction and being someone bad with direction, asks a passerby who turns out to be Chinese from Guangdong. So I asked them and translate it back to the old women.\nSo maybe guy ain’t local." ], [ "Errr so did you both guys kiss or not?", "🫣" ], [ "maybe you're a good looking malay so she wanted to get to know you then can kahwin and migrate to malaysia and give birth to many many beautiful mix babies?? just my imagination LOL" ], [ "Nah i remember trying to go cs back in sekolah menengah the only way is to read if they wrote city squad at the front of the bus." ] ]
[ [ "Designer insider info. Most designers just use free vector art. If want something truly original, malaysian companies wont want to pay enough. Guess how much the old inti logo cost? Do you think business nowadays will pay as much?", "true.. malaysian creative industry acctually very good . just under paid", "Underpaid is super true. It’s the reason why lots of my classmates changed career now into realtor, selling insurance or selling tudung.", "I used to work as graphic designer after graduation. Hated that the companies i worked for most of them refused to pay stock image/video subscriptions or having a proper team for content creation but kept on dumping money into the marketing team. The higher ups really think that we can magically create content out of thin air as long as we have access to a PC. Seriously, every other department has better PC or laptops than we do and we don't even have windows license or original editing softwares.\nWe pretty much always ended up stealing images from google. We had to sneakily ask marketing team to pay for the subscriptions when it got to point where we're running out of google images. Glad that I quit the creative industry not long after jumping around multiple companies. This was years before ChatGPT or AI Art became a thing.", "Is your previous company's primary business in graphics design like animation studios, game graphics, graphics for advertisement, etc? Unfortunately if you work in a company where graphic design is only a support function and not their primary business, the main organization often underestimates your work or gets underappreciated.\nThis is like IT jobs. If you work in the IT department of a company where their primary business is not tech or IT related, IT teams are also often underappreciated and get very little management support. However, things are totally different if you are in an IT team of major tech companies.", "Unfortunately if you work in a company where graphic design is only a support function and not their primary business, the main organization often underestimates your work or gets underappreciated.\nPretty much this. It's a 'digital marketing' company but in reality it's a subsidiary created solely to support the parent company and their only 'client' IS the parent company.\nLater I found out that each department is it's own separate entity on paper only despite everyone sharing the same office space.", "selling tudung\nOof lol, I know someone like this.", "", "i with red dot iirc but stylized", "Thats the new logo after rebranding lol", "I dont quite like it either maybe its an asterisk? Have to ask the designer", "Fun fact that I didn't know before - https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/158acy6/the_fucking_x_logo_is_literally_out_of_a_font/\nAt least the logo was modified. X didn't even bother to change anything" ], [ "Nothing wrong with buying a logo...", "Yeah. I doubt mahathir muhyiddin ismail sabri or anwar will commission an original logo to our powerhouse designers. Remember the KL typeface we all truly hates?", "Truee" ], [ "Not a problem. As long as they dont quote $1000 for $99 logo" ], [ "Nothing wrong really. 99$ is miniscule for the scale of the project" ], [ "wtf is pondan related the topic? aiyoooo" ], [ "I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they paid the $99. And if they do, nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with just the 4 letters written in block letters either. So I have to ask this UiTM student what is exactly wrong.", "he's salty that they didn't give money to him lol", "Nothing wrong but it just sucks as the govt had a good opportunity to empower aspiring local designers to create a good unique logo for PADU. It doesn't cost the govt much, just a little time and effort.\nIn the end the govt gets a good logo, and whoever that won the design will have a hell of a thing to put in their CV for future use.\nPart of thr govt's responsibilities in nation building is to empower people like this through opportunities", "I wouldn’t be surprised if the gov workers were pushed to their limits/given very little time by ministers to make this whole thing happen. Gov processes take a lot of time, so i’m not surprised they would try to cut costs/time wherever possible. It would be great if local designers were hired. But ministers/PM mightve wanted things fast fast.", "Malaysia Madani and our JKJAV COVID are 2 examples of branding done right (logo, font, colour scheme) despite being high priority, extremely urgent projects. So it is indeed possible for govt to come up with something good even with a short timeline.\nUnfortunately this is a case of the person or team tasked with PADU branding not seeing/knowing the importance of good branding", "if they skimmed on this, pray tell what was their approach to data security?", "This post should be sticky for all to read." ], [ "at least its not ai:26554:" ], [ "Tah tah yang jual logo tu bakat-bakat besar dari uitm. Takpun, yang kerja kerajaan beli logo tu alumni uitm yang outsourcing untuk save time nak efficient kerja. #husnuzon" ], [ "Honestly, if the govt employs proper tech professionals with PROPER salary, mesti ada yg nak kerja dengan government. Project tak putus, networking senang. Banyak benefits can get if become gomen worker. The problem is, nak naik gaji macam tunggu pokok durian tumbuh sampai berbuah. Lambat." ], [ "As a logo designer this to be expected from government department.\nTbf the government workers usually take the easy way or give it to freelance with \"very very short amount of time\" to complete b4 the due date." ], [ "You wanna know whyyyyyy? Uitm gonna quote that as 15million and share it among their prof so they can buy new car to show off to the faculty how relevant they are to the development of a nationwide project." ], [ "the government seems proud with the fact that PADU was made without involving outside vendors. The reality is, one will often need to spend more resource trying to fix the technical debt caused by the lack of expertise throughout the whole project.\nIn terms of human resource management, it's not something proud that our government servants aren't doing what they are hired to do." ], [ "TBH, seen from far, it looks like a poop emoji. 💩", "<image>", "I'd vote this for PADU remastered logo", "Bruh...", "Peak Redditors.", "my upvote, take it." ], [ "forget about using stock assets\nits the letter layout is more hurting to the eyes" ], [ "I have a bigger problem with the e-hailing logo sticker. It looks like a 6 year old who ran out of ideas drew it. they should have made it look official like the old days non sticker roadtax" ], [ "Next people are going to complain the font they are using is freely available." ], [ "If UITM ok. If UTAR? Riots?" ], [ "I would say this as your jiran (Indonesia): our government is not so different in this context. Snatch something from the internet, change the color scheme, and job done" ], [ "This is just nitpicking tiny aspects of PADU at this point.......", "not really, it just shows the Gomen willing to outsource instead of empowering local talent for a bit of money.", "The whole project was not outsourced as mentioned by rafizi.", "Gomen willing to outsource instead of empowering local talent for a bit of money.\nBeing petty over the design of the letter 'A'. Smh", "that A could be in someone's resume, we talk about brain drain but when given the opportunity to plug it, what we do?", "Then put your design in marketplace. What nonsense is this? You buy from market, this is like I saw a grape that I like, but I'm not empowering local banana seller. Dude, that's not how things work. You put your design in marketplace, they were just looking for A not fucking theme or total design. For 99 bucks, that's alright design.", "that 99 bucks now have exited the Malaysian marketplace to good knows where instead of going to local talent who're gonna be benefited way more than the 99 bucks provided via the experience. also your analogies flawed af, were not talking about different services here. what? local talents can't come up with the same design? their doing their coding in-house with ai help, why design want to outsource? this is the Gomen were talking about, not your pop and mom shop.", "You want earn money, put in market place. Because the priority is coding, not logo design. The UI design is done locally too. When the logo design is priority they will focus more towards that like Malaysia Madani design. Do you also want to know if the team ate in Nando's or local warong?" ], [ "Why stop there? The blue colour in the background is readily available. SMH gov didn't hire local talents to invent a new colour." ], [ "Nanti diorang cakap uitm xde standard especially org yang fight uitm for bumi only lol" ], [ "I can never understand why Malaysian style critique must first start with an insult." ], [ "But i disagree with using queerphobic slur in the FB post\nBeing effeminate does not mean being less than anyone else" ], [ "Bro.... If the logo carried the message you wanted, to the correct demographic, there's nothing wrong on just taking the already made one (legally of course).\nNevertheless, the abstract logo placement on \"varsity\" typography is a shitty design." ], [ "Malaysia mah. Tak tau keeeeee.....?" ], [ "Honestly $99 is not that bad" ], [ "Apa yang cincainya. Okay je" ], [ "Why not? Its cheaper. But that shit look ugly though." ], [ "Oof… :26554:" ], [ "It is just a logo." ], [ "What is padu" ], [ "if these guy ever see tnc in E-Perolehan for designing logo project bid, it will be their first and the last they do it. but hey its their choice after all" ], [ "Logo looks like a smol dik" ], [ "Malaysian logo designs have not changed since the 90s. 😂" ], [ "So the logo has no meaning? Just a abstract letter A?" ], [ "They bought the license, so what’s wrong?" ], [ "Creative industry is bullshit iam currently doin internship and guess what they expect a 30 sec 2D animation to be done in a day by a single person and they also give a shitty single flat images as references then ask the movement to be in perspective and such. bunch of bollock who have no idea how animating work." ], [ "My OCD kept bugging me on how off the symbol was positioned." ], [ "UiTM faculty likely got jambu too\nMany many jambu to fill up the 4 wife quotas" ], [ "Cheesecake mcm penyu punye logo org uten pakei spek" ], [ "padu beb" ], [ "Asyuukkkk..." ], [ "At first I thought this was some r/amogus content" ], [ "Pretty normal stuff to buy this design on internet not sure what the issue here" ] ]
That's it monyets, our strategy to get on the map works.
[ [ "Pembangunan in malaysia is literally pembinaan bangunan, good job people now we are a developed nation!" ] ]
Suspend Padu until PDPA amended, govt told
[ [ "Another screwup by tin kosong , Rafizi" ], [ "Padu will be the main source of data to determine fuel subsidy. Suspend padu means suspend targeted subsidy.\nWhich means, I believe, gov will not suspend padu no matter what." ], [ "", "Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.\nIt's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.\nOr you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.\nBeep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me." ], [ "Bro, you can tell them anything. But there's no stopping the PADU train. It will stop only after it crashes and burns....or if it runs out resource." ] ]
Is this a valid Plate in Malaysia
Been here for 2 weeks, first time I’m seeing a plate like this
[ [ "They should launch one that said 1MDB", "The closest we got was 1M4U 😄", "Aaah, I remember that plate. I saw it taking Najib from Masjid Putra to the Prime Minister Office, along with traffic escorts.\nSounds normal until you realise that both buildings are like 100m apart. Najib could have just did a walkabout and greet people. But no, want car for short trip.", "Ayam for you?", "I ordered fish curry", "If there is 1m4u there has too be 2M4U (2malaysia4u)", "Maybe they should launch a MADANI plate", "launch \"MADAN\" only\nand our PM will be using \"MADAN1\"", "once you install this plate , fuel price will go up , when u use the car to go buy sugar you wont get it , and it if it EV the TNB price used to charge it will be x2 ..", "Bruh you got debuff", "" ], [ "Yes", "Can you tell me more? What’s the difference between a standard plate and a dictionary word like this? You just pay extra for it?", "Sometimes JPJ sells special plates like this (you don’t just get go select your own word).", "Thanks", "Yes our government offer lots of \"word\" plates such as Putrajaya, Wawasan, Rimau, A1M, G1M etc.\nSome are in very high demand and the bidding price can go above RM100k.", "Thanks for the info, that makes sense", "I've seen plates with the word perodua too, is it offered by the government or perodua?", "JPJ in conjunction with perodua.\nThey have it with proton too. And various universities like UM Uitm etc.\nhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Malaysia", "Thanks for sharing that Wikipedia link goddamn it cleared so much of my confusions regarding Malaysian car plate numbers lol like I always thought why is B V and W all KL but now I know B is for Selangor while V and W are for KL simply because KL people just can’t stop buying cars", "Had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting a UM plate on a Volvo a couple of days ago who decided that indicating is a \"suggestion\" or \"good to have\".", "Yes. In this case, the plate series was launched as part of fundraising.", "Look up at commemorative vanity plates. Those are the fancy plat such as the patriotxxx etc.", "It's a limited run that costs more than a normal plate.", "Its from the auction" ], [ "This plate was on sale by JPJ from PATRIOT 1 to PATRIOT 9999 and open for public. Not exclusive to govt army", "not from JPJ. the yayasan has exclusive rights to sell the PATRIOT plates from 1 to 9999.\nthe yayasan pays JPJ a certain amount and then they use the profits from the sale of the numbers to fund the yayasan etc.\nyou can see universities that also have number plates, they pay JPJ to use the rights to sell those plates and use the profits for the university.", "Ahh i see. Sorry for the partially wrong info guys" ], [ "Patriot 150 & Patriot 250, is currently available on the resell market both pricing at RM14,800", "Wow, that’s costly", "wait until you see ppl paying 200k for a plate no.", "Both of them sound like localised motorcycle names" ], [ "<image>\nThe La Li Lu Le Lo?" ], [ "Few uni also sells their own plate. UKM I know have those", "And UTM plates.\nAlso it's a missed opportunity on JPJ's part for not introducing UWU registrations /j", "Id love a plate starting with UWU Specifically UWU621\nAll the rich furries will buy them clean.\nGov; stonks 📈", "i might be a bit out of the loop - why 621?", "e621", "Like if nhentai plates are a thing.\nNhentai 177013 or something.", "I've seen USM plates in Penang", "Yup. UUM and UTM too.", "UMS as well" ], [ "Totally valid. We have special plates from time to time" ], [ "waiting for MADANI plates" ], [ "1 more digits its my bike number plate." ], [ "<image>\nSaw this last year." ], [ "Always thought these kinda plates are the biggest waste of money. Friends have orders to beat my ass if I ever try to spend on a 100k plate" ], [ "The driver identifies as an air defense guided missile battery." ], [ "If I’m not mistaken, “patriot” plates can be owned by ex-armed forces (ie military) personel. Not sure tho if this is exclusive for officers and NCOs, or enlisted personel can also have this type of plate", "That's not true. Anyone can buy/own/use it." ], [ "Yes OP and just saw there's redditch gave detailed explanation" ], [ "Totally valid. Dads old car had the PATRIOT number plate." ], [ "Yes..." ], [ "I miss my patriot 7777", "That must’ve cost you a fortune" ], [ "Yep and most common is probably \"Putrajaya\" plate as more common folk uses it." ], [ "Nuh Uh the good one is MALAYSIA 1963" ], [ "I saw patriot 3456 in Georgetown" ] ]
First time went to Penang by cruise ship, Genting Dream. Humid weather but great experience.
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Former judge’s jail sentence for corruption reduced from six months to one day
Azmil Muntapha was charged in his capacity as a sessions court judge to have obtained for himself RM5,000 without consideration from a person who he knew had connection with his official function involving court proceedings of six accused persons in criminal cases. The six accused are Chin Yat Soong, Yap Chiew Tat, Chin See Shak, Pang Kooi Fook, Yap Swee Ming and Chin Chee Keong, who were charged under Section 9 of the Common Gaming Houses Act 1953 (Act 289). They were fined by Azmil Muntapha for the offence. Azmil Muntapha was charged with committing the offence at Maybank Setia Alam 2, near here on May 10, 2018. The charge, under Section 165 of the Penal Code, provides for an imprisonment for up to two years or fine, or both, if found guilty. – Bernama, January 3, 2024
[ [ "lawmans look out for each other:26554:", "chinese has a proverb for that 官官相护 guan guan xiang hu" ], [ "money >> rule of law in bolehland" ], [ "Really? only took a bribe of RM5,000 only from a total of 6 persons ? Anyone here believe that amount? Maybe forgotten to add in 2 or 3 decimals" ] ]
Kontraktor cuai punca kren tumbang - Loke dedah KTMB rugi RM2.4 juta
PAS's Sister Party in Thailand. พรรคlประชาชาติ (Prachachart Party)
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ [ "Your post has been removed - Off-Topic (Rule 3)." ], [ "1:43:00 talks about LGBTQ in Thailand. The party strongly opposes it" ], [ "From 1:23:30, the speaker is the party president who is also the speaker of this parliament. He is a well respected veteran politician and is the commonly accepted compromise when Pheu Thai was fighting with Future Forward over speakership.\n1:38 Party is religion first n foremost - Oppose marijuana liberalisation based on Allah's teaching\n1:40 Party promotes Malay culture\nImam (?) and amanah (oppose alcohol liberalisation too)\nIt is always fascinating to listen to pattani Malay. The language liberally incorporates a lot of loanwords from Thai, the dominant language on national level. For example - \"alcoholic beverage\" is \"lau\", clearly from the thai eord เล่า. \"Consuming\" drug is \"sep\", should be from the thai word เสพ. But \"sep\" is also quite similar to \"sap\" of hisap. Perhaps they are both cognates. There are some linguists who propose that thai and malay are from the same language superfamily, some of the very fundamental vocabs are too similar to be passed off as coincidence.\nThe word for \"difficult\" in southern thai malay is \"payah\". Everything is payah, whereas in makaysian malay, payah is only seen when the phrase susah-payah is used.\nThe glottanisation in pattani-kelantan malay makes them difficult to be understood by people not familiar with it. But glottanisation exists in many other languages too - Malaysian-Singaporean mandarin is highly glottanised, n many china n taiwan chinese find this odd. England street english is highly glottanised, epitomized by london's \"bo-a of wo-a\" (bottle of water), and many foreigners who r more used to TV english struggle to decipher them" ] ]
Malaysia’s new government database runs into privacy concerns amid recent hacks, data leaks
Power Root units served with RM23 mil claim over 'AH HUAT' trademark dispute in Indonesia
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "The next most watched Malay drama story is right here man...\nMalay businessman defending his Chinese business partner from Indonesian rival companies...", "Let's make a Malaysian Yakuza spin offs" ], [ "Greedy MF" ], [ "r/indonesia done claim, Ah Huat is an Indonesian delicacy", "On another note, why are some Indonesians so insecure? Can't they acknowledge countries in SEA have a shared cultural heritage?" ] ]
Huge population of rural folks to miss out on Padu data registration, cautions PH senator
Why Court of Appeal upheld ‘Gay is OK!’ book ban in 2-1 decision
[ [ "What was the expectation lol we went on a crusade against Swatch for a rainbow color watches lmao :29091:", "", "The dilemma here is the clash of supposed identity of malaysia.\nPro lgbt thinks malaysia is secular.\nAnti lgbt thinks malaysia is islamic.\nAnd that does impact one's view on whether government should butt into this issue or not, as secular law doesn't forbade lgbt, while Islamic law does.\nProblem is the identity is not clearly stated in constitution.\nPersonally i gave up that fight once pmx announced that we are a progressive islamic nation. Lazy and too defeated to give a damn anymore.", "why did that dude delete the comment lol was it inflammatory remarks ?\nIm also with you dude, I already malas. Im just here for the laughs and cringe.", "Sometime people just lazy to engage, maybe? I did that sometime myself too. But I don't think his comment is inflammatory. I would have remove it instead of replying if that was the case. Maybe takut karma negative kot.", "katabana02\nwait a min, aren't you the mod for r/malaysia", "Yeah. Not now though. Now I'm just a user that curi tulang from work.", ":26561: same" ], [ "I think the Malay Mail wrote and reported this very well. I understood and even enjoyed reading this." ], [ "A Malaysian set of judges indeed.\nHigh Court judge who quashed Home Ministry ban is a Malay lady. Kudos to him for having the balls to do what he thinks is right.\nThen the three Court of Appeal judges, the two who decided to uphold the appeal, Chair is Malay woman and the second judge is a Chinese guy.\nThe one judge who decided that the high court judge decision to uphold the decision to quash the ban is an Indian guy!\nSatu Malaysia indeed and not to mention 2 woman in the mix as well.\nMost of it comes down to the interpretation of the word “likely” to produce prejudice…and acting upon it apparently. At least to my layman understanding.", "Malay lady\nKudos to him\n????", "Thank you mr grammar nazi. Reddit never fails to do this kind of stuff.\nWondering you haven’t commented about…\n…two “women”…\n…woman having the “balls”…?\nSo typical of the internet and social media where let’s nitpick stuff that’s not at all related just because. Haha", "made a silly and inconsequential mistake\ngets poked on\ngets offended\nA Malaysian Redditor indeed. Kudos to you for having skin thinner than xlb", "Waaaahhh,\nSendiri offended now I’m offended?\nHalo, I expected it lah. It’s the norm lah when it comes to socmed. Just telling you as it is and it’s always funny to me as it never fails to happen every time.\nYou poked and I poked back now I my skin is thin.\nYup. Shows how mature this discussion is.\nWhatever you like lah. I think skin can, think skin can, light skin can, dark skin can. Whatever skin lah. As long as you happy my dear grammar nazi guy/gal. I used up all my tokens to reply to a stupid comment for the year already. If you have a meaningful discussion points to share then perhaps I’ll waste more time on social media. If not, that’s it I guess. As long as you are happy.", "I'm not the one replying paragraphs to sentences", "lol kid get a grip", "Okay big brother lol", "There's a word for people like you...Incorrigible. look it up.", "Yeah sure Mr Banana. Whatever makes you happy lah. lol", "Sounds like a Pas affiliated sister. Ohhh well. No malam jumaat for you hahahaha", "lol, straight to politics from banana-man. Just can’t see anything without the lens of politics.\nAlso, you can’t be any more wrong but whatever makes you feel good on the interweb bro. lol" ], [ "Happiness is ok. We do not need to be miserable slaves to religion /s" ], [ "Meanwhile same sex marriage is happening in Thailand and Taiwan.", "Mahathir once said something in his book that, as a white guy, stuck to me to this day, I paraphrase:\n\"White people will fight for something and force the entire world to see it their way, before promptly changing their minds, sometimes in a radically opposite direction, and force the entire world to see things in that new way.\"\nAt a time where gay marriage was illegal in the West, where were you/your parents? Why do you need to wait for us to tell you what is liberal, before you suddenly have to fight for it? Why do you follow us into our slow societal decline of trying to fish for votes in the minorities, because we can't get average joes to the voting booth?\nWe told you \"to be civilized, you need to accept gay marriage\" and suddenly, you discard your entire history/culture to shoe-horn in some principles that barely apply to your society. We had ACTIVE gay scenes for literally 50 years before gay marriage was proposed and another 20 years before the bill passed. You have a microscopic gay scene and you want a specific law for gay marriages...? How?\nIt's so strange to me, this insecurity to need a pat on the head from people who took so much from you already, culturally. On reddit, wearing our clothing, speaking our tongue, seeking our laws.... So very strange not to exist as oneself.\nMAKE YOUR OWN PATH: Once you need social reforms, you will get them, by force or by negotiation, but for Gd's sake, do NOT copy us as if we were a model of enlightenment without understanding what you're doing...\nAlso gay marriage is illegal in Thailand, as of now.\nAs for Taiwan, it needs to act this way to justify the US keep sending the military aid it's sending.", "Wait, making society more equitable is a “white peole” thing? Or is a discriminatory society “Asian culture”? You just used a lot of words to say “I don’t like gay people and they shouldn’t be given the same rights as everyone else.”", "You have a microscopic gay scene and you want a specific law for gay marriages\nThe size of gay scene in a country does not invalidate the need for gay marriages.\nThe right for gay marriage does not interfere with the right for straight marriage in any way, so why bother banning it\nSo very strange not to exist as oneself.\nExisting as oneself is okay except if it implies discriminating people on the basis of race, sexual orientation and more", "microscopic gay scene\nYeah because we'll get hauled off by the cops (and sent to camps now) if we want to establish one.", "it's really strange to me seeing people arguing against individual level human rights by telling some abstract historical narrative about \"culture\"\nlike even if everything you said was true in a historical sense (which I doubt it is), how does that have any bearing on anything?\nI and you and everyone here aren't abstract components of some sweeping ongoing tale about colonialism in the Asian continent we're just fucking people, real people living right here in the now doing our best.\nare you really gonna look at two people in the eye and tell them they can't be together because \"europeans colonised you in the past causing lots of cultural harm and destruction and in a vague sense the promotion of the lgbt community as part of other western conceptions of morality in Asia is similar to a second wave of this cultural colonialism this time not with military force but by soft power \" like fuck off mate", "We told you \"to be civilized, you need to accept gay marriage\" and suddenly, you discard your entire history/culture to shoe-horn in some principles that barely apply to your society. We had ACTIVE gay scenes for literally 50 years before gay marriage was proposed and another 20 years before the bill passed. You have a microscopic gay scene and you want a specific law for gay marriages...? How?\nJeez white conservatives will never cease to surprise me.\nTell me, what exactly do you know of Malaysia or Thailands homosexual/ transexual history? What do you know of it pre-colonial times, and post-colonial times? What do you know of it pre-Islamic times? Heck, what do you know of the gay scene in Malaysia - much less Thailand - even 50 years ago?\nBut yeah, sure. Apparently not being homophobic is \"discarding our entire history/ culture\".", "I'm not even sure the guy is conservative. Comes across as a wild mix of white supremacist/apologist.\n\"We're better than you but please don't follow us and make your own path!\"\nMadness.", "N?" ], [ "Get this matrix shit of this country pls 🤢", "Afghanistan is that way...👉🏼", "You don't know anything about psychology, do you?\nBasically every renowned psychological association in the world: homosexuality is not a disease", "Literally got brainwashed by matrix smh", "my brother is christ you are the matrix", "Psychologists with years of experience vs u/TeeBlackGold97...\nI know who to believe", "Comments removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat.\nPlease stop equating LGBT to a form of mental illness.\nThe basic stance of American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychiatric Association is that \"homosexuality is not a mental disorder but is rather a normal form of human sexuality, and they propose that their stance is based on significant scientific evidence\".\nIn 1990, homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder by WHO (World Health Organization) in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10)\nIn 2019 WHO no longer classifies gender nonconformity as a “mental disorder.”\nPlease consider this an official warning as further comments in a similar vein will result in a permaban.", "Countries tht killed million of Afghani is tht way.. 👉", "Supporting LGBT rights means supporting wars - Bolehland logics\nNever change, bolehland", "I'll migrate out of here again when given the chance.", "Oof r/clevercomebacks" ] ]
Nice 1991 Malaysia Airlines CM make by Japanese advertising company
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
[ [ "I'm still more partial to their \"Going Beyond Expectations\" campaign in the mid-2000s TBH." ], [ "Wtf this actually seems good enough to entice me to fly over" ], [ "This for Japanese market" ], [ "It was surprisingly serious cm, different from what I expect to find in the cm." ] ]
Shopee Starts Collecting LVG Online Sales Tax For Imported Goods Under RM500
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Isn't the b40 getting benefit from buying lower cost goods from overseas?", "Strongly agree, before LVG we would only pay duty import if the oversea goods are valued above RM500.", "I don't buy online so I'm curious what B40 buy from overseas?\nClothes?" ], [ "Yet other nail into Pakatan's GE16 coffin.", "I am not the biggest PH fan, but I do have to support extra taxation. It was either this or give reason for unreasonable price hikes by reintroducing GST." ] ]
Rotterdam Selection ‘Fire on Water’ Examines Malaysian Tamil Cinema, Trailer Unveiled (EXCLUSIVE)
How worried should we have been?
My friends and I are backpacking in Malaysia at the moment and just got back from a trip to Kanching Waterfalls. After taking a wrong turn and walking for ages we saw this footprint in the mud. I was wondering if anyone had an idea of what it might be from and if we were going to be eaten?
[ [ "That look like a wild boars or deers, but my best guess is that is from a wild boar\nYou shouldnt worry as much to be eaten.", "Don't know if they would make a meal out of you but wild boars could kill you too. They're dangerously aggressive.", "As Robert Baratheon found out.", "Yep.", "Hakuna Matata", "Ahhh makes sense, we were trying to work out if there was any chance it was a tiger or leopard. Thank you", "Their pawprints would look like, well, a cat's pawprint but larger.", "Tiger / Leopard prints will looks like a big cat. And for tigers, they will have a strong of piss smell if they are around you.", "Wild boars are as dangerous as encountering tigers or elephant in the jungle. Those fkers are unnecessarily aggressive and can endanger and possibly kill u. Its also omnivor which mean it eats everything." ], [ "Before clicking in, I thought the worried part is about White Shoes on mud.", "I thought it was snakes / bear traps / ant nest", "Find the hidden snake in the picture", "Yeah, the first I saw was the snake", "I was trying to locate 6 objects well hidden in photo hunt." ], [ "Predator is stalking you. Don't forget to mud your face", "Instruction unclear.\nWrestling in mud now.\nIt was fun.", "Pics or GTFO", "<image>", "Git to da choppa!", "" ], [ "Idk if it's because I'm sick or something but I can't see any footprints. Those two..... sticks? Look like human femurs tho lmao", "I thought they were worried they'd found and ignored a human corpse!" ], [ "Wild boars can be aggresive and can cause serious injury, especially if a sow is protecting it's young. Keep away from all wild animals." ], [ "Looks like a boar indeed. But it's huge. Don't fk with it man. Boars are very very dangerous at that size. You better avoid that area. Print looks fresh, if there's no piss smell it means it's traveling. If there's a smell, it's near the nest.\nFyi, boars at that size can easily kill you as much as a leopard or more. They are way too wild and aggressive. And they don't go down at all unless you have a big ass gun. Knives and sticks don't do shit to it unless you're Rambo." ], [ "My dumb ass can't figure out what is wrong with the photo", "Same I was just thinking someone might have playfully poke some holes in the mud with a stick and what’s wrong with that.", "Yours were reasonable in the least, my dumb ass actually thought those holes were from sloths for a split sec and I kept questioning myself why tf would I even think of sloths of all things" ], [ "It's wild boars.\nTiger paws are very obvious.\nAs for Jaguar, they are mostly on trees." ], [ "Could be tapirs" ], [ "Something something sinalau" ], [ "it just a Boar's footprint. just keep your distance and don't stir the hornet's nest (I mean provoke the Boar)." ], [ "I don’t think the forest in Kanching has the capacity to host a wide variety of human-killing wildlife. It’s most likely a wild boar. and it can kill you. It might not eat you though" ], [ "Can't see shit there, could you circle what the f you talking bout?" ], [ "Why so pussy, fight back !!!" ], [ "I thought it was a UXO, too much Arma I guess.\nStay safe op" ], [ "It's a wild boar. Don't worry they're very scared of humans and have great smell and hearing. They will smell/hear you coming and leave long before you find them" ], [ "If anything you should be worried about is ticks. Wild boars love playing in the mud and these mud pools are usually infested with them" ], [ "Not tiger or panther or clouded leopard dont worry its a hoofed animal but boars will attack still lol" ] ]
a 102 year old state of north borneo 5 cents from 1921(while the british was still occupying sabah)
WCE Section 6: Toll rates for Assam Jawa Toll Plaza - West Coast Expressway’s (WCE) toll-free offer for the section between Bandar Bukit Raja in Klang and Assam Jawa in Kuala Selangor has ended. Effective today, 3rd January 2024, users of WCE Section 6 will have to pay for tolls
Naval Sector Strong at Malaysia’s LIMA 23 Defence Show
Over 160,000 bank accounts, phone numbers listed in Bukit Aman’s SemakMule database
The database lists suspicious bank accounts and phone numbers used by scammers
Malaysian Rail Link: RM2.66b worth of ECRL projects given to Bumiputera companies
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "Contractor cries that not enough was given to bumi companies, when 70% was given to them.\nSounds like they want a handout based on their race rather than ability to build big projects, try being a better contractor and you will get hired next time.", "the one crying is the one that did not get a slice of of the sweet sweet pie (?)" ] ]
2 being probed over statements on Islamic affairs council
[ "Religion" ]
Investigations are being held under the Sedition Act 1948 and the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, says Bukit Aman.
[ [ "Syakir Nasoha still NFA?" ] ]
LFL: Launch of PADU before amending PDPA 2010 exposes the public to loss and damage from data breach, leaks, scams and other abuses
[ [ "As it stands, section 3(1) of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) exempts the government from its application, meaning that the data collected by PADU can be disseminated or used by the government beyond its declared purpose of targeted subsidies. There have been cases of misuse of data by the government before where personal data were used to disseminate propaganda by way of SMS to the public. It would be a massive betrayal of trust should data collected from the public be used by the government for any political purposes.\nI mean this is a valid concern, because this statement here just basically saying government can “do whatever the fuck they want with your data without any liability” since they have special privilege of being exempted from executed under any law for misuse. The oral assurances of “we won’t do it” from Rafizi or government is not enough. If they have no intention of amending the law, then you know for sure they have every intention of misusing that data." ], [ "Govt dont give a damn on data leaks", "Hence why we got multiple data leaks in the past few months, even the military themselves, and it’ll only get worst with the advancing of digitization. It’s time to take proactive measure.\nI honestly partially blame the citizens for these things to happen because of the dormant attitude regarding privacy and data protection. No one care enough to ask the difficult questions. The “xpe lah” attitude and voluntary data submission is the enabling factor, and then eventually comes the abuse of data." ], [ "interesting point." ], [ "Lol, the government won't listen to them, especially since PaDU is rafizi baby. He is eager to prove he is right.\nJust file a class action lawsuit once PADU gets hacked. And make Rafizi and Anwar personally responsible for it.", "Just file a class action lawsuit once PADU gets hacked. And make Rafizi and Anwar personally responsible for it.\nThat’s the thing, they’re immune because current law can’t prosecute them. But well, I’m not a lawyer." ] ]
Thai land bridge would benefit Penang, says port chief
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
Penang Port CEO says it would help boost trade in the north of Peninsular Malaysia.
MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 4 Januari 2024 (pagi)
[ "Environment" ]
MyJPJ Now Allows Users To Share Digital Road Tax With Other Drivers - You can give limited-time permission for others to drive your car.
[ [ "Finally, long overdue" ] ]
Malaysia: Is Anwar’s Retrospective Anti-Corruption Drive Worth The Political Instability? – Analysis
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "When former finance minister Daim Zainuddin failed to explain the sources of his wealth, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) seized control of the iconic Ilham Tower in Kuala Lumpur, owned by the Daim family.\nImagine how many other politicians can't explain their wealth. This guy got caught because he's not in power anymore." ], [ "Malaysian:29091:: :26555:" ] ]
JPJ Perak open bids for plat series "ANJ"
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ [ "ANJ1N6", "Perfect for BMW and Vellfire owners", "I tot of somtehing similar ANJ146", "Welp, this is inevitable.", "why not ANJ1N9 ?", "Nice. ANJ1179" ], [ "ANJ 1 R", "Ada Indonesia coy!" ], [ "ANJ 41" ], [ "Pass. Will go for ANL", "ANL6969", "AN 41" ], [ "What's next ? SOH ? SOH 41?" ], [ "Same braincell with other Reddit or for thinking the word anjing as the first one" ], [ "Mak tengok ade Anjing\nKat mana?\nNor tu putih punye proton" ], [ "ANJ1176" ], [ "ANJ 1R" ], [ "ANJ4 or ANJ3" ], [ "Sokay i'll wait for ANU or Kedah's KFU" ], [ "Apa makna & keistimewaan ANJ?" ], [ "ANJ1NG", "Bro... too many letters la." ], [ "ANJ 129" ], [ "ANJ176" ], [ "ANJ41" ], [ "yang beli tu jangan bawak kereta macam ANJing" ], [ "ANJ 49" ], [ "Anjay!", "ANJ47." ] ]
Malaysia’s Covid-19 Deaths Peaked At Four Daily Last Month Before Epidemic Decline - CodeBlue
[ "COVID-19" ]
[ [ "Prior to covid, if we were to count flu case by asking people to report whenever they are having flu, and also putting out updated statistic of death from respiratory illness every 2 weeks...\nThe we will see covid is just a rebrand.", "Flu got 4 ppl dying daily?", "https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu\n\"The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide.\"\nHonestly yes if you extrapolate Malaysia's data and make it global", "Literally just one line below what you quoted:\nThe COVID-19 situation continues to change, sometimes rapidly. Doctors and scientists are working to estimate the mortality rate of COVID-19. At present, it is thought to be substantially higher (possibly 10 times or more) than that of most strains of the flu.", "I am quoting the article in regards to the mortality rate for the flu, not on COVID. Bear in mind this article was written in mid 2022 when COVID was less understood, hence them mentioning on the evolving situation.\nI am also extrapolating the data provided by codeblue which shows that the mortality rate for COVID in Malaysia in Dec 2023 is in line with the flu, possibly because of better treatment, higher vaccination rates and a better understanding of the virus", "The article includes developing countries where healthcare is much worse than Malaysia. So you can't really extrapolate Malaysian data for covid and compare with global numbers. That plus the fact that long covid deaths and quality of life reduction are not quantifiable are also not often attributed to covid." ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 05 January 2024
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: Why did pharaohs have to wear a bra? to support their nefertitties
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "💩" ], [ "dua tiga kucing belari, saya masi blum tidur lagi, empat lima empat lima, aduh saya imsomnia. why my dream all about work" ] ]
Fundraiser Campaign
Hey guys right now my group is fundraising for two underprivileged homes; Rumah Sayangan and Buku Jalanan Chow Kit. The aim of our fundraiser is to support these children's education from underprivileged backgrounds. We desperately need more donations and if you guys are able to donate please do 😭🙏🙏. Currently we're at around RM630 and our goal is RM1350. The link to the fundraiser is here and it would help us and them a lot if you guys could donate!!! 🙏🙏🙏 Please consider!!
Suggestions for Borneo jungle experience.
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
I am travelling to Malaysia this month, and planning to spend a couple of weeks in the jungle. I will be mostly winging it, not booking any "tours" and such. Maybe pay some locals near the forest to take me to cool places. But thats about it. Any suggested/hidden spots to visit? Any other tips? Is peninsular Malaysia worth visiting for the "jungle" experience, since my flight out is from KL?
[ [ "dont wing it in malaysian jungles, they are dangerous\nyou certainly dont want to add to the annual \"dumbass tourist gets lost in jungle\" stat\nalso its the monsoon season so its even more dangerous", "gets lost in jungle\" stat\nOfc I wont be going too far from a mudroad. Basically places that a scooter/dirt bike can reach and then go with a local.\nIm mainly concerned about criminals, like kidnapping, but since Im not white thats unlikely.", "the mudroad makes little difference if the timing is wrong and the weather is wet\nthis just happened https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2024/01/03/search-resumes-for-two-missing-hikers-at-mount-matang-in-sarawak/110342", "Crime is unlikely but you NEED local guidance if you venture into the jungles. There are huge swarths of jungle that simply don't have phone connection yet alone internet...\nWorst comes to worst, you may need jungle survival skills to live off the land until help could be reached. Seriously, Don't fuck around and find out." ] ]
Bank account for Syrian students
Hello guys, So I’m from Syria and I’m planning to pursue my education in Malaysia, but I’ve heard that Syrian students are not allowed to open a bank account in Malaysia, but apparently these information are a little bit old, so i was wondering if this measure is still in effect, or no longer in effect and Syrian students can open a bank account in Malaysia, I hope if anyone has informations in this regard to share it with me, thank you very much
[ [ "As you’re probably aware, Syria was sanctioned by the UNSC several years ago. Whilst the sanctions were temporarily lifted last year to allow aid into Syria (following the earthquake back in January), I’d imagine most banks are hesitant to accept Syrian customers in case the sanctions are re-imposed in the near future. You can read this article to find out more, although to note that it was weitten back in 2019/2020.\nhttps://loanstreet.com.my/learning-centre/sanctioned-countries-citizens-can’t-open-bank-account-in-malaysia", "Yeah the article here misunderstands the sanctions as well. These sanctions are not on all Syrians. They are against certain individuals in the regime.\nFun fact though, i worked for this company lol" ], [ "Im sure if you have documents from your Uni stating you are an international student the bank will have methods to help." ], [ "I am a Syrian and I managed to open a bank account with RHB 6 years ago after trying out every bank or branch i could find.\nUnfortunately in Malaysia they understood these sanctions as sanctions on all Syrians. When in reality they are sanctioning government people and specific individuals and companies.\nIn addition to a quite xenophobic system, this results in Syrians unable to open bank accounts. Try to open with RHB, or some obscure banks. Try banks near your university. Unfortunately, it also depends on the branch and the people working there. The whiter you are the better." ] ]
Langkawi cannot be compared to Haadyai - both have different attractions, say tourism players
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Haadyai is a regional destination, while Langkawi is regarded as an international one.
[ [ "so who are these players ? langkawi is international ? lmao ? Hat Yai has been tourist spot since 2000s and got a international airport some more, dont know what these player talking about\nbeside Hat Yai is much more muslim friendly and MORE FREEDOM and LOWER PRICE. No opportunistic malaysian money saver frugal people brain awaken will go langkawi just to spent while u can go out malaysia and explore foreign country for once like a bird out of their cage. (Yea i know Hat Yai is more Buddhist culture but there are influx of muslim people going there recently )\nthe player are probably just sour grape that business not doing well." ], [ "The way hatyai is more muslim and non muslim friendly at the same time 😭😭.", "Went there for holiday with friends last year, it was pride month, so Central Festival the biggest mall in the city was covered in rainbows and pride stuff. Girls in tudungs getting group pictures under big rainbow decorations. Songkla province is 80% muslim.\nMade me laugh, there would be riots across the country by the green fools if that happened here even though it's only 20% malay in Penang." ], [ "So... they don't want Langkawi to be compared with Haadyai, but they want to implement the things that are being done there in Haadyai in order to attract tourists...okay...", "Nothing will change because Langkawi is 90% Malays. It's a dead island. It is expensive and no fun allowed (unless you're VVVIP, as usual). The islands in Sabah are far better options." ], [ "Yeah, Langkawi got cheap booze. Main attraction.", "Pretty dismal reason to visit anywhere. I’ll stick to Penang.", "No point in just cheap booze without any entertainment options, unless if you're an alcoholic, hahahahaha" ], [ "Honestly, Langkawi is pretty dead. Very little tourist spot that is happening." ] ]
2024 Inflation Rate for Salary Increment
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
Hi all, is there any official government reports that I can refer to in order to adjust for salary increment for this year 2024 to account for inflation? Thank you.
[ [ "i just google and got this\n> Inflation is projected to moderate further to 2.7 percent in 2024\nsource: https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2023/12/14/pr23448-malaysia-imf-staff-completes-2024-article-iv-mission#:~:text=Inflation%20is%20projected%20to%20moderate,on%20account%20of%20subsidy%20reform.", "I wonder how inflation rate is projected into item/service prices?\nIs it like 2.7% increase in from RM10 konlo mee to RM10.27 ?\nOr is it like some snowball effect through the SCM , from RM10 to RM12.70 ( 27% ) ?", "inflation rate is only the summary, so you can have a breakdown like\noverall: 2%\ntransport: 1%\nfood: 3%\nfood-rice: 1%\nfood-konlo mee: 5%\nso, konlo mee is RM10 x 5% and not RM10 x 2%" ] ]
China car users - yay or nay?
Tempted to get a Chinese car (x70 or Chery) but hearing a few love/hate reviews of it. Any honest feedback on their reliability, quality and aftersales? Thanks monyets
[ [ "like most China designed products, it's inferior and just piggybacking on other properly made products.\njust say no to China designed products and you will be fine." ] ]
is malaysian sweet and sour crab same as singapore chili crab?
[ "Food" ]
hi i used to live in sg and miss chili crab so much. i was thinking of going to lala chong or hokkaido seafood and trying out their sweet and sour crab. has anyone tried it? is it similar? thanks
[ [ "ya its similar" ] ]
Tourist Tax Refund in Apple Kuala Lumpur
Hey, I’m planning to purchase a MacBook in Kuala Lumpur - can anyone advise me if the Apple Store provide tax refunds for tourists?
Malaysia airline
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Customer question why there's no Halal logo after bought the product.
I'm a new entrepreneur, a customer bought my packed frozen pastry and whatsapp to the staff that why my product don't have Halal logo. I just started the biz less than 2 months ago and just only placed the product at that particular shop on the 4th day when the customer bought it. Is it possible to obtain a Halal logo this quickly? Hmm, I only have the manager's contact, don't have the other staff's contact though (yet)..hmm.. If the customer is so concern with the Halal, why bought it in the first place..hmm.. Has any food entrepreneur encountered this before? What do you think?
[ [ "Honestly, many Muslims have no idea how difficult it is to actually get a halal certificate from JAKIM.\nEven if you can source all your ingredients from halal suppliers the end product may not be halal certified. That's not to say that just because you don't have a halal certificate you are non-halal.\nI always see people asking whether a product is halal. When you explain the differences. They only want to know a yes or no answer.\nYou have a brain, decide for yourself.", "Even they (muslim businesses) don't bother to get the cert themselves. It is a lot of hassle and red tape processes involving alot follow up and paperwork.", "You have a brain, decide for yourself.\nOur education system discourages this unfortunately.", "Our government is actively discouraging this too", "Let's not forget the non halal lift controversy during mco, when a hotel claims it was forced to do it because JAKIM threatened to revoke their certificate and even implied it had to pay coffee money on top of everything to get certified halal despite fulfilling all requirement.", "What was the controversy? Lift also need halal meh?", "There was a lift specifically used for non-halal food. It was to avoid cross contamination. Idk if this is the standard but maybe it is? Since everything do need to be separated.\nEdit: it was a lift to transfer/transport the food Edit 2: from kitchen to a hall", "Then any hotels that share loading bay lift with non halal restaurants are gonna be in trouble.", "Yeah probably, unless it's well packed etc. The one mentioned here was for buffet hall (if I'm not mistaken from previously reading articles) for events etc and it was like ready to serve food with possibilities of spilling easily (not airtight containers etc).\nEdit: from kitchen to buffet hall if I'm not mistaken", "That's wild. Do Malaysians use the saying \"pigs might fly\"? Because they can't fly, that's why it's a saying.\nSo just one lift is enough hahah", "majority have no brain, thats why malaysia is still lagging so far behind", "Halal ke ni?\nTrust me bro", "Betul, betul, betul.", "Wait, we have to use our brain in the social media era? :O /s" ], [ "Ignore that customer. You should just display your list of ingredients and the customer should do their own due diligence." ], [ "I've had a client try applying for the halal logo. Took months. It's not an easy process which is why so many just choose to say \"no pork no lard\" or \"Muslim friendly\" restaurant.", "It's really more difficult than most folks think. I have a friend who's in Japanese restaurant, ingredients fully sourced from several suppliers, all owning halal cert. He applied to Jakim for the cert, with all listed suppliers, no contamination and took him 3 months pending. Half a year on, someone called up asking for 6 figure to get approval.\nCases like this are why I question myself who or which story to believe in. Some say in 1 month can kao tim and all.", "For a small restaurant with small inventory is easier,cause every single ingredients needs to have a halal cert. If a large restaurant with 1500+ ingredients will be too time consuming.\nI've heard cases where even the soda gas canister need a halal cert. They make it hard and if they know u are a big company, they will push you for bribes la.\nFor the masses very easy only. Just spam :-\nHalal?\nHalal x?", "I can't sleep. At this point, I'm questioning my sanity if Jakim will ask the restaurants if their steel/metal cutlery, plates and bowls are halal." ], [ "Unless you advertise that you are completely halal, then your customer might have pre-assumption that all of your product are halal and should have logo on it.\nBut again, shouldn't customer always check what product they are buying before they actually went and buy it?", "No. I never mentioned Halal in my product whatsoever because I know we can't simply use the term without the certificate. But all ingredients are using Halal indeed", "Are you halal? If you are then easy to answer. If you are not then need halal cert.", "If they are halal but makan kopi duit or practise I scratch your back, you scratch my back... Are they still halal?", "I think it should be fine to declare you are sourced from halal certified supplier and in the process of applying for the cert", "Come on, some people are just outright self-entitled thinking that their religious needs is instantly and always at the top of eeeeeeveryone's mind.", "It was just a simple question. OP can answer not halal or if halal without cert can explain why (as op said its a new business).\nThe customer will most likely understand the reasoning.\nJesus fucking christ /r/Malaysia, if the customer is a vegan asking whether the product is vegan innocuously you wouldn't be seeing this kind of response. It's not like the customer is threatening to badmouth OP's product?\nKalau tak tanya macam mana nak find out halal or not? That also can say self entitled wth la.", "If the question was “is this halal certified?” nobody would care. It’s a common question. The way it was asked is indeed quite entitled, not to mention ignorant. Imagine not understanding halal certification despite its apparent importance to your life.\n“Uh, why isn’t this latte made with fair trade oat milk?”\nSee the difference there?\nIf it’s so important to you, then pay attention. It is nobody’s job but your own to make sure your conscience is clear in regards to dietary restrictions, religious or otherwise.", "Some people will say \"do your own due diligence.\" They will always overstretching it to cover the simplest fact; they're an asshole. It was a simple fucking question and OP could've answer it in the nicest way possible and not make this an issue. But guess what, on top of it was an \"inconvenience\" to them, it was also a religious issue which makes it their favorite issue to shit on.\nHow that kind of replies isn't violating this sub's rules is beyond me. But somehow my answer is.", "Ikr.. I'm in pharma sales imagine if my doctors ask me is the drug halal certified and I go off on the doctor with an attitude saying he should do his own research and I'm not there to fulfill his religious beliefs. Or if you are a sales engineer and your customer asks you does this product comply with so and so certification? It's a perfectly valid question.\nAs the business owner OP is the best person to ask and if OP wants to be a good business owner instead of catering to this sub's closeted racists then it should have been a simple yes or no answer or just nicely explain why there's no halal certificate or no plans to get one", "Who’s the asshole here? Did the customer ask, “do you have halal certification?” Or did they ask “where is your halal logo?” as though that’s the default?\nI hear people ask the former all the time, and it’s completely fine. That’s not what this customer was doing, and you wanna act like people calling them out for their entitled attitude is prejudicial. Get a grip." ], [ "That's the problem with Muslims in Malaysia. They are so hardcore trying to be strict & pious in their beliefs that they will want people around them to conform to their beliefs.\nSo it's not on you to not have halal logo and it's on them to ensure it's halal BEFORE PAYING FOR IT.\nMy advise is to put a sign its Muslim friendly in the future. Halal logo is very difficult to get (ahem you need to pay to get it)", "Plot twist: those customer are jakim staff looking for biz", "Ah possible", "Or one of those holier than thou TikToker trying to make one of those exposé video about their latest discovery of people trying to \"scam\" them.", "Yeah I guess I better tell my aunty (who sells frozen karipap) her karipap isn't Halal because she didn't get a JAKIM cert.\nPeople don't know what goes into getting the cert, hence why many SMEs prefer not to get one despite them using 100% halal ingredients.", "Like I said it's on the Muslims to do their due deligence but they pick and choose when to be holy as those road side makciks obviously don't have any halal or jakim certs but those Muslims & non Muslims business owners with bigger capital & machinery will always kena. Why? Melayu kuat dengki.", "Makcik washes her butt fr", "Its not dengki. If muslim buy from makcik muslim tepi jalan, of course the makcik use halal ingredients.. Makcik sure us halal ingredients, if not the profit is haram.", "Try asking some of your friends this question \"have you ever gotten food poisoning during bazaar Ramadan or even at those road ride sellers\"\nHalal isn't just about being pork free. Halal is about being clean and honest in dealing with food. One that majority of Muslims have forgotten but hey let's use it to attack those businesses who are doing better than those road ride makciks", "Oh gosh, speaking about food poisoning. Honestly I don't buy really food from tamu/bazaar anymore after my son once had the takoyaki bought from the stalls.. 2 hrs after consuming it, he had diarrhea and even vomit while he's sitting in the toilet. Imagine that.", "Yes i know halal is not only about ingredients. Halal is more than pork. Halal is about cleanest as well. Not only bazzar Ramadan, school cantin also lots of food poisoning. Non muslim food stall also have the same case.\nAyam jika tidak diuruskan dengan cara yang halal juga haram untuk masyarakat Muslim. Ini bukanlah suatu masalah. Pembeli Muslim berhak bertanya soal halal dan bahan-bahan yang digunakan. Bagi saya, tak patutlah seseorang Muslim itu marah jika pembuatan makanan itu tidak mempunyai logo halal. Dia patut pandai memilih apa yang baik atau tidak untuk dimakan. Ini bukanlah hanya di Malaysia, di negara lain juga, seorang Muslim yang sejati pasti mahukan makanan yang halal.", "Sik perlu cakap banyak. Just come to sarawak. Muslims here are more open and some even have halal cert opening their gerai next to a pork kolo mee seller and the plates and cups are shared.\nIts been donkey years like this and west malaysia Muslims are damn lazy, \"buys item, eh halal bang ke ni?, eh tak halal lah, boycott! then goes to KL bukak tudung and go kelab\"\nJangan hypocrite. Wanna be a true Muslim be 100%. Don't half past six. Tak minum arak but rokok boleh. Menyampah", "I dont know which muslim hurt u so bad. Yup ive been to Sarawak before. No problem at all. I eat halal food. I choose what i want to eat.\nTalk about arak. this morning saw news, 1 people from Sarawak drunk & driving opposite direction in Johor and cause accidents.", "Whataboutism. Suggest you look that up.", "Thank you for advice. I think you should too 😊", "You are just assuming that. There's no way to know unless you have seen all the ingredients and the whole cooking process.\nYou should apply the same standards of judgement as you would to all food business if you think a halal cert is that important.", "So are you assuming all malay dengki la?\nAs what i said, i choose what i want to eat. Im not simply buy. If i was-was, then im not eating. For me is simple. As long i know the ingredients. Im not was-was, then i go for it.", "<image>\nBasically them", "Great advice. Thanks! Yup, long procedure too. I was told that average takes about 1 year to get it or more..oh dear~", "I've applied for Halal cert before and yes, it took me about 1 year to get it.", "Wow, do you mind to share total cost how much to get it?", "The fee is around RM800 and you only have to pay after you've passed all their criteria. I've heard some shops have to rennovate their production area to meet the specification.", "That consider very cheap. From what I've heard cost up to a few k", "That is the renovation he is talking about and bias asking for bribes (threatening to fail if no bribe) otherwise they got to apply again and wait another year", "Bribe for cert….eh dah tak halal la ni….", "money > religion. PAS is the example.", "Do you need to renew the cert?", "Every 2 years need to renew", "Good to know. Thanks", "You can say Jakim halal pending. You can tell your customer am waiting for halal cert that the process takes a year due to procedures and wait list and assuming your product is halal reaffirm your customer.\nThere are a lot of sharks that want to take down your business because they are dissatisfied that you exist and run a competing business. Example is the guy saying road side coffee from Vietnam not halal and go publish some BS about it when they themselves can't compete selling vietnam coffee compared to road side. Tbh it's easy to compete since 99% of them only sell coffee that supposedly is better than our local triple mix horrors but worse than any real coffee made by a skilled barista. Even Starbucks coffee is crap and overpriced. The only reason I'm not in the business is lack of capital and I prefer to be in tech. Not that I can't setup an innovative cafe with someone if anyone is interested.\nCase of Vietnam coffee they go further to say not Jakim halal cert. But the coffee vendors actually are halal certified. Given that people like my mum were easily fooled about vaccine misinformation for COVID she wouldn't listen to me about Vietnam coffee either. Scientifically the worst non halal case is roadside roaster using lard on machines but industrial don't do that because lard goes stale fast and doesn't survive long.", "Paying for it is such a scam, Singapore too. It's a racket.", "What is the problem with Muslims in Malaysia? Just because we want to eat halal food?", "The problem with Muslims in Malaysia they cherry pick what they wanna believe in THEN force other people to follow what they cherry picked but as they say when online kecam but behind the scene rub kukujiao. (kelantan has the highest rate of aids, underage assaults and pregnancies)", "Muslims is not about negeri. Muslim is the way of life. Real Muslims know what do & dont in islam. Im not seeing any non muslim in Malaysia got beheaded because of any cherry picked as u said. We not forcing. There's rules in Malaysia. As Sultan Selangor said. Im stand for Muslims, not race.", "Loads of whataboutism coming from you. Argument simple je. Yes you force businesses to have halal cert but gerai tepi Jalan? Even if got halal cert then you see the boss is Chinese... Then say eh boss cina tak bersih.", "I eat halal food from chinese restaurant. I eat halal food from indian restaurant. I dont see any problems. My uncle is Chinese Muslims doing F&B. Chinese food is more healthy then Malay food for me. Im not seeing any problems with that. Its not about race for me. As long it's halal, will do for me.\nIts not about whataboutism, its about how u accept it, which perspective u looking into it. And im not arguing with u. I just tell the truth as Muslim.\nHave a good evening 😊", "I wanna respond, but I'm afraid people will cry...", "If a Muslim asks whether a food is halal, that's a problem now?", "You are only asking for trouble if you put up sign that u r muslim friendly but without halal signage" ], [ "Going by actual Jakim halal certification requirements, 90% of non certified Malay muslim eateries certainly do not meet the requirements, notably on the hygiene side, this is not throwing shade at the eateries, rather than the hospital level hygiene requirements of Halal certification. It's put in place so the enforcement can find fault to mintak rezekiiiiiii" ], [ "Is it possible to obtain a Halal logo this quickly? Hmm, I only have the manager's contact, don't have the other staff's contact though (yet)..hmm.. If the customer is so concern with the Halal, why bought it in the first place..hmm..\nMaybe the customer missed it.\nIs Muslims is your target market ?. If yes, you can apply for it and if everything checks out, you will receive it.\nTo answer the customer question : just said the truth ie highlight all the ingredient , and say that the process for Halal logo is already on going.", "Thanks for your advice. I am looking into it way faster than I've planned now.", "Yeah, agreed. Just cater to your targeted customer base. If you're not Muslim but want Muslim people to buy your product, then just get the certificate. There might be some misunderstanding or miscommunication, and you can always explain to the customer properly.\nNo need to be like certain comments here, terpaling tersakiti sangat pasal isu halal cert ni. Makcik tepi jalan la, warung roti canai la. Those kind of small business usually established among their own community where everyone knows each other. In close-knit communities, small businesses often operate without needing a halal certificate as trust within the community is sufficient. Some of these businesses may gain popularity and attract customers from outside, and even then, some choose to obtain the halal certification as they grow.\nThe issue arises when larger businesses process their products in factories under non-Muslim names, target Muslim consumers, yet question or criticize Muslim customers when asked about the halal certificate? GTFO." ], [ "Somehow no one questions the halal certifications on the roadside stalls. There’s no consistency when it comes to questioning." ], [ "to get halal cert, you must have a separate kitchen from your daily house use and biz use.\nthat's why most home bakers don't have halal jakim cert.\nwhen you placed your product at a shop, people usually think that you have some sort of small kilang or something to produce and already apply for halal jakim.\nhalal jakim takes quite a long time to approve. almost a year i think. i remembered 1 new resto/bakery at my old neighbourhood using no pork no lard sign for 1 and half years then they got the halal jakim sign." ], [ "There is no compulsion for you to have the Halal logo. Just reply \"belum apply, saya baru start business, Che\".", "That's right. Hmm no idea what the staff said to the customer though" ], [ "I just slap “Produk keluaran Muslim” on there coz can’t say halal." ], [ "\"Kedai ni halal ke?\" says an anon looking for supper before hitting Trec" ], [ "The question of halal when it comes to pastry is a legit one as there are butter/oil substitutes used such as pork lard and pork gelatine. And there are shops that specifically say they are non-halal. I think used to got one in sunway pyramid that sold non-halal egg tart.\nHowever, if the customer insist on why there is no halal logo, then it comes to how you brand yourself. Do you brand yourself as Muslim friendly or not? Do you want to have that image? If yes then say that you are in the process of getting the cert and it will take a while since you only started. But you can say that you source halal ingredients and this is simpler to prove as the ingredients provider themselves must have halal cert. Whether or not they accept at that point is not on you anymore.", "Good point." ], [ "I work for MISHU, and we have a biz licensing dept. Lemme know if you want me to put you in touch with our team :)\nAlso to answer your questions, I think 2 months is possible but the requirements are very strict. All your suppliers must be halal themselves.", "Alright. Thank you" ], [ "Some muslim businesses dont even bother with halal certs because they're just too strict and expensive.\nBut. It's for that reason, jakim's certification is regarded as one of the most trustworthy halal certification in the world." ], [ "Just ignore that fussy customer. I wonder if she ask makcik jual kuih tepi jln if that makcik got halal logo or not" ], [ "I found out it is just not necessary to get the halal certification unless you do big sales. Thats why most restaurants dont get the cert, its just expensive and takes a long ass time to approve, plus need to redo every now and then even if you dont change ingredients. You dont see food court shops with official jakim certs, but they have all the other necessary ones. I sometimes see the 'Halal' written in jawi, not the jakim version but just normal text on food products.\nKinda weird for the customer to buy the product but later question about the logo. If they really cared they wouldve looked for it the moment they picked it up. Maybe a friend or family member asked them about it." ], [ "Unfortunately there is a lot of ppl like this around. They buy a rm10 food stuff and ask if got halal cert. Seriously fuck these ppl. Why? U don't ask a kerepek seller or ayam gunting seller got halal cert or not now do you? I get you are trying to make sure u don't eat anything forbidden in your religion buy do you really think a smb gonna have halal cert ahh? Kanina and then on top of it buy already then ask ahh? U fuck and jizz and then wear the condom or wear it before?" ], [ "To assuage the customer's concern a short but simple : \" We are in the process of applying for Halal certification.\" should suffice." ], [ "Halal logo aside if you're continously facing this problem start advertising the product as \"using 100% halal ingredients\" and have the documents (halal certification of the raw ingredients) to back that claim up if the customers ask further.\nAgain, it's only Day 4 of your operations. This customer could be an exception in asking for an actual halal logo.\nThen again who are your competitors in \"frozen pastries\"? If there are already large suppliers selling the same product with halal logo near to where you're selling - customers like this can swing towards the one with an actual halal certification.\nTake this as a learning curve on market demands.", "Got it. Thanks" ], [ "no way man, to obtain halal logo, good luck, it is long journey process like genshin impact 7 world\nto get the halal logo, according from a lawyer and some auditing job seen some agreement stuff\n-your raw material, supplier , kitchen application, food etc must be from halal basis / halal sources, cannot be non-halal supplier, there will be sometime On-site Audit if needed\n-Fully operational before applying (Atleast 3 Month)\n- Follow safety guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health Malaysia\n- Halal compliance and there are rules and guidelines that must be follow\n- Compulsory at least 2 Malaysian and Muslim employees are required.\n-there will be sometime internal auditor halal coming to your place in once a while.\n-Only produce and / or process Halal products, there cannot be other non-halal\nall the best, good luck, have fun applying." ], [ "Kick them out tell them you don't tolerate bullshit like this in your store. Bring their cave age crap mentality to shithole, not Malaysia." ], [ "https://vulcanpost.com/827419/halal-certification-licence-jakim-malaysia-restaurant-cafe/amp/" ], [ "The answer is no , it is not easy to get halal certification. You need to apply via JAKIM and then they need to do a very thorough audit on your premises to prove that you are indeed halal.\nPork free is also not equal to halal. Alcohol free is also not equal to halal. Somehow this is still confusing to some people" ], [ "Is it possible to obtain a Halal logo this quickly?\nSpeaking from a consumer standpoint since I used to run my own business before, customers don't care. It's your responsibility as far as they're concerned. So it's something you gotta sort out yourself. Especially if you're going to expect significant sales from Muslims.\nHmm, I only have the manager's contact, don't have the other staff's contact though (yet)..hmm..\nMaybe get a letter of certification from the supplier and put it on display to alleviate the concern of your customers. Again, this could help especially if you're expecting significant sales from Muslims\nIf the customer is so concern with the Halal, why bought it in the first place..hmm..\nThat might not be the right way to think about this issue. The customer might have overlooked the matter at first and it only occurred to him or her after the purchase's been made. Either way, it's bad for PR to not entertain this issue.", "Thanks. I'll see what I can do for now" ], [ "What brand?", "Does it matter? The Muslim should have checked before buying no?", "Exactly" ] ]
BDS Global Calls For Worldwide McDonald's Boycott After Legal Action Against Malaysian Chapter
The BDS National Committee, which leads the global network of boycott, has called for a larger scale boycott in support of BDS Malaysia
Question for Unifi users
I don't know if this is the right place to ask, so apologies in advance. I'm planning to install WiFi and I'm considering to use Unifi. Can I ask how the installation process goes? Are there any alterations done to the property when installing the WiFi? Really appreciate the responses
[ [ "Don't get unifi! They're awful. Tried to charge us for an upgrade we never asked for. Unilaterally renewed a contract. Gave them notice to terminate another contract and they didn't act on it and kept charging monthly fees. Terrible customer service." ], [ "They have to pull in fibre from the outside. So there's some drilling involved." ], [ "TM will call you to set up a date, technicians will come to your house and do everything, TM operator will call you before technicians come to your house and after the technicians done and left. There will be hole digging on your wall if they cant route the wire other than by digging hole through the wall. Question that they will ask you is; where are you going to place your modem and router." ] ]
Looking for spiritually antinomial communities or societies within Kuala Lumpur.
Hello, I'm looking for inverted communities or societies of Satanism, Mysticism, Wiccanism, Thelemites and the others related communities within the vicinity of KL. Please message personally, if you have information regarding this.
[ [ "Pretty sure there’s a community of Thermites in my house, can put you in touch if you want" ], [ "Nice try, PDRM.", "Heh. Caught me" ] ]
Survey on PADU
Hi guys , I am doing a survey for PADU and would like to ask a few questions .Please fill up the box and add the reason in the ecent you pick option 2 why you would not fill up PADU. Thank you View Poll
[ [ "a) data privacy concerns. Our personal data has been leaked out to fuck us over more times than the amount of fucking that goes on in p-rnhub. b) I've never benefitted from the majority of the available subsidies in the past due to lack of eligibility. . In general subsidies just screw the middle class without fixing the real issues.", "Mind if you pick one of the boxes", "Already did", "Thanks" ], [ "Security flaws\nNot clear definition of income. Can get us in trouble with LHDN\nWhy should disclose passive income? It's my savings and already taxed.\nThey have all the data already.\nData can be used against us and if we lie, perjury.\nThere is no law say must disclose. If there is, definitions must be in place.\nWant to see what's fair and unfair first. I'm paying tax already, want to see how much subsidy to remove from me first before register. If no benefit, register for what?" ], [ "i lari tax macam najib so no." ], [ "I had registered on PADU and I am glad I registered, since I realized for some reason the government put the address of my hostel during my diploma days as my current address." ], [ "why u working for gov ? lurking in reddit ? tell the parliament that make social segregation immediately to restore malaysia peace and bring the merit society" ], [ "wait and see if it is safe first." ], [ "Imma wait a few more months till the apps from government are totally safe. Since then I still kept mysejahtera" ], [ "I don't trust how they will manage the data in terms of security. Also I have no idea how the targeted subsidy will be implemented. Take petrol for example: do I need to show my IC everytime I fill up? Scan a QR-code like MySejahtera? Or if I'm eligible for subsidy I get one-off payments every month into my account to fill up petrol?\nLike I mentioned before - I don't think govt have an inkling on how many actually needs the subsidy. PADU is the start of the data collection." ], [ "Get ready, 0 subsidy is coming. When that happened, the inflation rate will be more than 100%." ] ]
Some photos from around Sri Bintang Hill
[ "ITAP" ]
I went hiking at Sri Bintang hill this past weekend and took these photos! Let me know what you think!
[ [ "I like the second and third picture more\nThe colors blend really well, and together they look surreal. Plus, look at that pastel blue sky...", "Thank you ☺️" ], [ "Youre into cross processing?", "Ah nope. This is the first time I’m hearing about the concept though, but I shoot only digital; does cross processing apply to digital too?" ] ]
Data analyst/Scientist/Strategist from Software Developer
Hi, I’ve been working as a junior software developer (mainly mobile development) for close to 2 years now. I’ve been thinking to change my career path to data analyst/scientist/strategist but I’m not sure how’s the market for this? It is worth to change to this path from a software developer? What do you think in terms of earning between data field and software developer field? Also been reading the scope for these 3 but it’s still quite hard to grasp the difference between these 3 especially in Malaysia so I would appreciate some insight especially from those who are working in this field What cert/course/tools do you recommend to learn (that every beginner should know) especially the tools often used in Malaysia. I’m from a CS degree but apart from that 1 semester of data analysis course I really don’t know much Your advices is much appreciated 🙏
[ [ "Maybe look into the job description of companies you want to work in? Data analyst job is very tool-specific. It depends on the system the client has invested in. And which part of data field are you interested in? Data scientist and data engineer focuses on different parts of the data field.\nAlso take a look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRQ0vUodSuE and understand what you are signing up for when you join courses or exams.\nI am just a hobbyist so can't give you an actual picture for Malaysia. But my opinion is - go and get data certification based on which company / industry you wish to work for. If you want to freelance, that's a whole different story - I'd guess companies in Malaysia don't really care for certification." ], [ "Not a pro.\nCan go as big as a Kingmaker, election etc. not joking. As the job nature is different from your current one, you have to ensure that you are interested in the new job field and the client you are dealing with. Things get easy and far, if the interest and commitment are there." ] ]
‘Sebarang langkah jatuhkan kerajaan akan ternoktah Feb ini’ - Sebarang langkah mahupun usaha untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan pimpinan Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim akan ternoktah Feb nanti selepas Sultan Johor menjadi Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "30 days can make huge difference. Enough time to trigger an Emergency Act through inciting riots." ], [ "Ternoktah? Noted? Someone please translate", "Finalised.", "So he's taunting them that time isn't on their side so to speak?", "No lah. Come to a full stop. That’s my interpretation" ], [ "I think we would face a constitutional crisis. Knowing mahathir, he will still do it, even if it means going against the royals.", "maderfaker got the energy of a 20 year old i swear. Wonddering what kind of ginseng root hes drinking..", "The blood of children" ] ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 04 January 2024
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
[ [ "So yeah, there's an explosion in Iran.\nCan't wait to see how the \"Iran BFF Israel\" macais are going to spin this on socmed /s\nIn all serious, here's hoping this won't escalate into something worse." ] ]
What postage should I use?
[ [ "Your post has been removed - Quick Questions (Rule 3).\nHello, quick questions go in the Daily Discussion, r/malaysians or our new Malaysian Lemmy community, thanks!\nFYI if you're new to r/Malaysia, the daily random thread is the top sticky post when you click into the subreddit (sorted by \"Hot\"). It gets automatically refreshed every day.\nYou can resubmit this if you have searched through the sub archive or done a Google search and don't find anything that answers your question.\nIf you decide to repost, please state that you've done the above in the body text of your post." ], [ "Easyparcel?" ] ]
Dr Wee: Do not burden patients undergoing T&amp;CM treatments with SST
[ [ "*Do not burden patients undergoing treatment with SST\nFTFY" ], [ "Dr, Wee this time you have done good. Kudos" ], [ "Oh didnt know gov will raise sst to 8%." ] ]
Muslim Malaysian marrying non Muslim foreigner
[ "Culture" ]
[ [ "Your post has been removed - Quick Questions (Rule 3).\nHello, quick questions go in the Daily Discussion, r/malaysians or our new Malaysian Lemmy community, thanks!\nFYI if you're new to r/Malaysia, the daily random thread is the top sticky post when you click into the subreddit (sorted by \"Hot\"). It gets automatically refreshed every day.\nYou can resubmit this if you have searched through the sub archive or done a Google search and don't find anything that answers your question.\nIf you decide to repost, please state that you've done the above in the body text of your post." ], [ "I had to give a copy of my Majlis Agama Islam Selangor card, copy of my passport, a birth certificate and the normal form you need to fill out.\nAfter marriage you can apply for a spousal visa (which is another tedious application process) with which he can go and apply for work. Once he secured an employer, go to immigration and apply for the work option on his visa." ], [ "go to MAIS, they have people who manage this" ] ]
Anthony Loke: Elected reps should focus on their work instead of attempting to topple govt
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "PN reps actually do their job challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)", "What if their constituency wants you to actually topple the government because it has DAP?", "asking PN MP to do their jobs is like asking the husband or the kids to take out garbage outside, it's impossible.", "Eh? Bad comparison. My husband takes out the garbage all the time.", "I'm a husband here. Can confirm.", "Im a son and not a husband. Can conlanfirm.", "I just took out the trash too lol 😂 married 20 years and it’s been my task everytime 😝" ], [ "Pas lebai has been in politics almost the same as BN. Their method is the same. Don’t support anything if they are opposition." ], [ "This comment section feels... out of touch? He's walking the talk, no?\nOut of all the elected MPs & ministers, Anthony Loke is the most competent minister in the cabinet. So competent that his ministry requested his presence even before he was elected Transport minister." ], [ "So, when they are the government, they tell people not to do what they did.", "Funny is when PN is in government, the collapse is ultimately caused by infighting, so much for the united muslim government.", "At least they didn't do infighting as PKR 🥱😂 They even throw plastic chair around during the fight. Ex prisoner clan 😁", "They tried but failed. Also they aren’t the one initiated it but got invited." ], [ "i don't think they have the incentive to \"focus\" on their work when their immediate concern is avoiding jail time." ], [ "Finally the dubai / chow kit move is real" ], [ "Loke wasted time bagi comment about them.\nShould have just buat tak tahu & laugh, then continue his own work that he is doing good job now. Dont give attention to these fools." ], [ "The DAP ones too. Got some only show up for election period only.", "Name them.", "Source: I made it the fuck up!", "He’s still pissed with Tony Pua lol. But that constituency is the largest in the country. It’s literally impossible for him to be there for everyone.\nNot to mention even in small areas an MP really needs a team to manage the high volume of enquiries and issues. But when Tony uses his team or works with the ADUN for this, he’s considered slacking. When in fact the real job for the MP is to legislate and be the voice of his constituents at the Federal level, not deal with ground issues (which are still important, but that’s not his main role).\nSometimes you just can’t win man." ], [ "Actually, I don't really mind what's the opposition move in this BUT Sanusi bloody genius telling this to whole world with everyone on all ears like..........." ], [ "Slepas jadi krajaan vs sblom jadi krajaan" ], [ "Let me translate it.\nIts ok if we do it, but if you do it, you are bad.", "Did DAP actively tried to topple the government even when they're the opposition?", "Dude, \"I have the numbers\". Even though it was anwar, but DAP was part of it.", "Technically that's true. At least they did it openly in parliament and in public instead of trying to go meet YDPA while He's on vacation and try to subvert the government", "So, loke statement should be \"its ok to topple gov, but do it openly\". Hahaha. Is that it?", "Announce to the public first before going to meet YDPA in Dubai 🤣", "Hahaha. But rumors has it the agong turned thrm down and told them to prove it in parliament.", "I dont know how thats considered \"toppling the government\". Thats some huge mental gymnastics in your argument there, as usual." ] ]
The Dark Side of Malaysia
[ "Culture" ]
[ [ "That thumbnail veli sus" ], [ "none can resist the power of tetek", "" ], [ "Balik, balik\nIt's history channel and not the video you're looking for", "U looking for what?", "MAV" ] ]
MyPTPTN sucks man.
I was going to ptptn website to pay my monthly student loans, then saw that all services related to paying online or viewing my leftover debts have been terminated at the end of December. And I was asked to download MyPTPTN to handle the transactions. At first i was, "oh ok no problem". Next I installed and made an account, then when i want to access my leftover debt, the app tells me to apply for eKyc (whatever dafuq it is). So i followed instructions, snap pics of my IC (front & back), then came the selfie part. Imagine aligning yoyr face and the app tells you to hold still while it records, and the app takes forever to process whatever the fuck it's supposed to process. First attempt made me wait for minutes looking like an idiot in the office. Then the app just auto logs out and then i had to login again and then repeat the process again and the same shit with the selfie happens again. Like wtf does anyone in the gov app dept does any beta testing before releasing this annoying, unnecessary crap into the public?
[ [ "Simple thing but gov make it so complicated. Couldn’t register, app like shit, website like shit and outdated. Both website account and app account are different thing. Ady give up checking my bill" ], [ "wow. they are forcing ppl to use the app now huh. damn", "Yeah, what if someone doesnt have a smartphone?", "Sure have, use the ptptn to buy lol." ], [ "I went thru all that jazz and still can't see my balance on the app(nothing but blank). I had to use the browser to check in the end.", "Even the browser says can't access until eKYC is settled on the app.", "Yeah i am overseas and want to log in to deposit some money to my childs SSPN, it says i need to do thru Myptptn, ok i opened an account blabla then need to verify using app, app only available in Malaysia app store. Haih.." ], [ "A website should be totally fine. MY gov apps are all shits that are like primary school students projects" ], [ "I dont know about the app. Some years ago i just login to the website and set auto debit. Been smooth since then. Every month receive email notification thanking me for paying. Maybe i login once a year to check." ], [ "My SSPN account too currently unable to deposit money as they are in midst of switching platform.. apa la" ], [ "for some reason the security image is always watermelon" ], [ "I tried registering MyPTPTN but gave up when they asked to take photos of my IC. I just wanna check my baki man wym I have to go thru these processes only to have mid app on my phone 😭" ], [ "I want to point out that all those new apps and services by the government that require you to do eKYC is a ticking time-bomb.\nWe all know how leaky and unsecure the system developed by government agencies based on the track records of multiple data breaches of several high profile incidents, MySJ, JPN, MyJPJ, BNM/iPay88.\nIf this MyPTPTN is compromised (which it most likely will be a target for hackers to attack for malicious intent), and your eKYC (IC picture, your selfie, your confidential data that linked to this whole things) you can expect another wave of scam calls, or new sophisticated scheme to abuse your eKYC data.", "agreed. Plus... they never bother to back in historical data. You would have to go to HQ just to retrieve any data prior to the app launch. Belakang mari apps are just black holes of incompetent governance", "I can't remember what system it was or where I heard it from but I was under the impression they kept our data in an unencrypted text format." ], [ "All these govt apps are rubbish, wonder how much they paid to develop them. The KWSP app is so slow I'm surprised someone dared to put their name on it. The JPJ app is full of misleading \"buttons\" and very short on actual functions. I haven't touched the PTPTN app but I'd wager it's probably more of the same." ], [ "I just changed phone and procrastinated over downloading the app. Guess I'll just wait longer" ], [ "Correct me if I'm wrong, but the ptptn system is down from 31 Dec until... Whenever they'll announce it'll be finished lol\nhave made the switch since early last year, the noti popped up when I tried for payment yesterday", "It's down so that people have no choice but to switch to the app they made.", "Jokes on us, the app works but can't make payment through it either...because the ptptn system itself is down lol", "Maybe they r preparing to delete all the loans.. and make education free!!\nNarrator: They dont." ], [ "My wife had the same problem with the app. We ended up going to a ptptn branch so she could verify her identity there without going through the buggy selfie part." ], [ "Yes your ptptn sucks" ], [ "Can use this link to check the different payment options\nhttps://www.ptptn.gov.my/saluran-bayaran-balik/", "Thanks man, will try it out" ], [ "I was too a disgruntled users, appalled they migrated some basic services to app and jeez the recently migration to MyPTPTN is such a pain in the ass. Might as well retain it like how it used to be. Straightforward and smooth transaction without even having to require some bs authentication just for a miniscule statement view." ], [ "no issue to me though, have been using it for more than a year" ], [ "It's better to go to ptptn office to check." ], [ "Just pay using MAE or Maybank2U. Theres a lot of options, you just need to do research.", "My beef with the app isn't because of payment method, I do that with cimb clicks already. My beef with it is the fact that I can't access my penyata baki without doing all that stuff i said in the main post. And even then the app can't seem to get that right. So its a perpetual state of \"I can't access X because I haven't done Y, but the app couldn't allow me to finish Y hence I can't access X\". It's annoying man.", "bangang" ], [ "Needs a pentest." ], [ "Bro just google efes ptptn. I login using my ic and nombor pinjaman, never experienced any issue. They forced me to install app but i never care." ], [ "Fucking PTPTN doesn’t allow withdrawal of SSPN Prime anymore. Not even through their website. Got to go to the bloody branch like a prehistoric man to withdraw!" ], [ "I have the exact same problem! I’m afraid they’ll use this as an excuse to penalize us for “late payment” so I’ve been checking the app every day since New Year…." ], [ "I have make an enquired with the PTPTN \"customer support\" via E-Aduan, the myPTPTN apps will be function properly after 10-1-2023 (according to PTPTN customer support).\nI try helping registers loans for my siblings yah a lot of issue with the apps. They recently change the \"system\" or \"SOP\" after 31-12-2023, that all user should use the apps to register the loans, pay back your loans and etc.\nIf you got question or complain just go to this link to solve your issue (they reply super slow, take them 2.5 days to reply back):\nhttps://eaduan.ptptn.gov.my/app/login" ] ]
Bookxcess at LalaPort KL
[ "Education" ]
[ [ "My favourite spot to read during the weekends, it's quiet, cozy and it's FREE!" ], [ "Yo, Why is xi doing there?", "Jail this guy ☠️", "ATTENTION CITIZEN!市民请注意! This is the Central Intelligentsia of the Chinese Communist Party• 您的Internet 浏览器历史记录和活动引起了我们的注意。 , YOUR INTERNET ACTIVITY HAS ATTRACTED OUR ATTENTION. [ 此,您的个人资料中的 11115 (-11115 Social Credits)个社会积分将打折。 DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN!不要再这样做!lf you do not hesitate, more Social Credits ( -11115 Social Credits )will be subtracted from your profile, resulting in the subtraction of ration supplies.(由人民供应部重新 £ CCP You'll also be sent into a re-education camp in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Zone. 如果您毫不犹豫,更多的社会信用将从您的个人资料中打折,从而导致口粮供应减少。悠还将被送到新疆维吾尔自治区的再教育营。 为党争光!Glory to the CCP!" ], [ "Why is pooh humping a tree" ], [ "That's surprisingly empty. Looks like a great venue for jumpscares. The building's already built over the perfect location for it, after all.", "Wait, what do you mean? I know nothing about lalaport's history", "It was built over what used to be Pudu Jail. The construction of Lalaport was notoriously troubled by things some would deem... supernatural." ], [ "There's also a entire wall of comics,western comics,the ones you could only find in Borders,for example this one\n<image>" ], [ "How are the prices of the books?", "Not sure about the other comment claiming the contrary but I was just there a week ago, brought a shit ton of cookbooks with the wife, each book was like RM29-39 when they retail for GBP15 looking at the back of the books. So they’re super cheap IMO.", "They're freakin cheap! Averaging $20-$40. Compare to mph/popular/kino that starts at $40 onwards.", "Books nowadays seem to be very expensive these days. In the past a book from China which cost, say, 80CNY would cost RM80; now this same book is probably going to cost you closer to RM95...", "Wow, that is about 10-15 percent increase of prices, which is quite a lot. Food prices went up....and now books. Sigh", "transportation cost went up a lot thanks to covid, and didn't really come down after covid\nnow with LVG tax somemore, imported stuffs just gonna get more expensive" ], [ "I feel like the one at Mytown is the prettiest so far." ], [ "BookXcess is my kind of place. Cheap books and beautifully decorated. Oh, and the environment :26555:" ], [ "Must be barely a breakeven business. What in the business model allows it to take up so much retail space without losing a lot of money?" ], [ "It's a decent place, bought a book there." ], [ "Dead as fuck" ] ]
Padu: Govt agencies bound by own data regulations, says Rafizi in slamming LFL
[ [ "Their “own data regulations” is basically “we can do whatever we want with the data”. At least that used to be the case for MySejahtera before they got slammed.\nSo I wonder what does “own regulations” address anything at all? You can make the rules as you go, and you won’t be liable to any misuse or breach, because policies is just that, policies. It’s not a written law.\nWhat I want is for YOU TO BE RESPONSIBLE for the data you ask and hold for, and for YOU TO BE PROSECUTED under law(this is the keyword) if it’s misused or there’s data breach. Without these, it’s all what’s happening right now, people can just breach your database and you can just shake it off because you are immune — thus you don’t take data protection and cyber security seriously. Just like how people breached your PADU system yesterday and you just “ok kita dah fix yang tu, nexxttt”.\nRafizi, GET IT? This is not your nasi lemak vending machine ya. It’s not that hard to understand.", "\"Each government agency is governed by their own regulations on data... I would have thought that a lawyers group would understand that,” Rafizi said during a press conference at the Economy Ministry in Putrajaya on Thursday (Jan 4).\nWtf is this journalism, why isn't there any more clarification in the article about what those \"own regulations\".\nTldr: In the full video below, according rafizi basically stated there are aktas available for each government agency. The reason why PDPA exist is if lets say a commersil business like grab gets created, they don't have akta grab or something like that.https://youtu.be/WsjtgnKbqrE?si=xa41HceaDklFCn9n\nRafizi deserve to get criticised for the questionable security with PADU, but this level of journalism reporting deserve to be criticised as well\nEdit 1: as for specific \"own regulation\", he might be referring some of these as example. Yes, I gotten them from BardAI, so take it with a grain of salt, I ain't a lawyer:26554:\nNational Registration Department (NRD):\nNational Registration Regulations 1990: Governs the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data in the national registration system, including identity card numbers and biometric data.\nMyKad Information Security Policy: Outlines security measures to protect personal data stored on MyKad smart cards.\nMinistry of Health (MOH):\nPersonal Data Protection Policy for Healthcare: Sets out principles for handling personal health information, including consent, confidentiality, and security.\nMedical Records Regulations 2007: Governs the management of medical records in healthcare facilities, ensuring confidentiality and accuracy.\nBank Negara Malaysia (BNM):\nFinancial Consumer Protection Policy: Includes provisions on safeguarding the confidentiality and security of financial consumers' personal data.\nAnti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLA): While primarily aimed at preventing financial crime, it also mandates financial institutions to implement measures to protect customer data." ], [ "Coupled with https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/01/04/padu-under-civil-service-to-prevent-data-leaks-by-third-party-vendors-says-rafizi\nRafizi seriously need to stop commenting on something he is not an expert of.\nThat is not how infosec works:\nPreventing data leaks is only a part of infosec, things which are much more important is the detection of breach and damage control after data leak occurs\nAll information is bound to leak, it is just a matter of time until the computing power of hackers catch up.\nHence another aspect of infosec is having the expertise to understand the current hacking capability and scale up the infosec measures according to it. You can't honestly expect one government agency to do all these.\nIf you want the most secured way to prevent data leak, go back to pencil and paper and store it in a vault.\nDeveloping infosec industry together with the infrastructure in the country (e.g. legislation, enforcement, education/HR production, adoption of infosec knowledge by all data users) is how you make sure data is handled properly. Not by hogging everything to the government. Him being the minister of economic affairs should understand how bad it is to do everything in the civil service instead of outsourcing.\nCan you even tell us what internal controls are in place to prevent the leaks? Who holds the logs to data access? Who hold the access to data? Who designed and has access to the audit mechanism?\nAnother way to see it - whom will you trust more with your data? 3rd parties that is regulated by laws - that has actual penalties for not having proper controls (i.e. if the law is enforced properly)? Or the government who is \"regulated\" by the said \"regulations\" with no real punishment for mishandling the data?\nAnyone know what \"regulations\" is he even talking about? If the \"regulations\" isn't transparent or enforced how do you expect people to trust your infosec?", "aka basically anyone a strong enough cable can likely copy all your data and make your life a living hell, until you have enough money & influence to summon the government.\nIt's as if Rafizi is desperately trying to avoid mentioning this is mostly the same public service that allowed 1MDB.", "yea, with the transition and emphasis of digital information in nearly every aspect of our lives, we will be slaves to our data if there is no good data governance or stewardship.", "I found this one of those slides during the launch of Padu,\nas for the \"own regulations\" he is referring that each govt agency have their own aktas ( personally wish he can say specific examples of them so that we can find out more). My understanding is that something similar to Malaysia's Omnibus Act existed before it's tabling.I am genuinely surprised The Star didn't even bother putting that quote in the article, so when it say own regulations it makes people think that it's a house rule and not official law or act. Irresponsible journalism.\nhttps://youtu.be/WsjtgnKbqrE?si=xa41HceaDklFCn9n\nEdit 1: as for specific \"own regulation\", he might be referring some of these as example. Yes, I gotten them from BardAI, so take it with a grain of salt, I ain't a lawyer :26554:\nNational Registration Department (NRD):\nNational Registration Regulations 1990: Governs the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data in the national registration system, including identity card numbers and biometric data.\nMyKad Information Security Policy: Outlines security measures to protect personal data stored on MyKad smart cards.\nMinistry of Health (MOH):\nPersonal Data Protection Policy for Healthcare: Sets out principles for handling personal health information, including consent, confidentiality, and security.\nMedical Records Regulations 2007: Governs the management of medical records in healthcare facilities, ensuring confidentiality and accuracy.\nBank Negara Malaysia (BNM):\nFinancial Consumer Protection Policy: Includes provisions on safeguarding the confidentiality and security of financial consumers' personal data.\nAnti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLA): While primarily aimed at preventing financial crime, it also mandates financial institutions to implement measures to protect customer data.\n<image>", "Im guessing he is referring to akta rahsia rasmi which every gov servant is bind to through the aku janji. Aku janji is a document every gov servant need to sign which basically says they cant share any information without approval. Which is the caveat. Meaning the administration has the authority to authorize the sharing or use of such information with any party they see fit.\nSo, it just comes down to, how much we trust the administration and the peoples under them with the data. Will they just limit it for the use of government assistance programs or will they widen the scope in the future.", "if that's the regulation he is referring to, then we are doomed. It is not tailored for this information age. When there is an overall poorly governed data processes, you can't fix the problem by singling out an individual and charge them with OSA (I think).\nIt also does not incentivize the organisation to improve their infosec. Say Person A stole the data because of poor internal process, he got sent to jail, when the poor internal process is the enabling factor that allowed it to happen." ], [ "if you are in the wrong or got criticized by others due to something lacking - be humble and open about it lah. say that yes we acknowledge it as a constructive feedback and we will continue to improve and get back to you on how we plan to fix it or make it better, so thank you for the feedback.\nbukan double down haughtily and dismiss people." ], [ "He’s being very defensive about this. I do hope this doesn’t have a waterfall effect and reflects badly on the UG." ], [ "Tin Kosong defend defend. Expect people to take govts word as gospel. Question is What are regulations that bound govt agencies and how seriously are they enforced ???" ], [ "\"Trust me bro\" moment 😂" ], [ "Okay fine, I believe you but what if this government gets toppled. What will the next administration do with the vast data that they inherited from you? Restricting subsidies to people who didn't vote for PAS?" ], [ "Just scrap it, looking waay too ahead for a country like us. Let china buy us and use theirs instead, no english hacker can code through." ], [ "SO FAR, ALL OF THE DATA BREACHES BY THE GOVT AGENCIES DID NOT GET ANY LAWSUIT AND JAIL TIME.\nHOW ?" ] ]
Malaysia's Squad Announced for AFC Asian Cup 2023
[ "Sports" ]
[ [ "Out of boredom I checked how many of these had Malaysian heritage and how many of these are straight out naturalized. All I found are 4 Naturalized, 10 part-Malaysians and 12 actual Malaysians.\nMatthew Davies: Born in Australia, mom's from Sabah\nDaniel Ting: Born in England, dad's from Sarawak.\nDominic Tan: Born in Singapore, both parents from Penang\nDion Cools: Born in Sarawak, Malaysian mother and Belgian father\nJunior Eldstal: Born in Sabah, mom's from Sabah and dad's from Sweden.\nCorbin Ong: Born in England, mom's Malaysian Chinese and dad's from Barbados.\nStuart Wilkin: Born in England, mixed English-Malaysian blood.\nEndrick: Naturalized, from Brazil.\nBrendan Gan: Born in Australia, mom's an Aussie and dad's a Malaysian Chinese from N9.\nNatxo Insa: Born in Spain, grandma's from Sabah.\nDarren Lok: Born in England, mixed English-Malaysian Chinese, dad's from Melaka\nSumareh: Naturalized, from Gambia.\nPaulo Josue: Naturalized, from Brazil.\nRomel Morales: Naturalized, from Colombia.", "*naturalized\nalso it's interesting to see that we are much more aggressive in finding heritage & naturalized players than our ASEAN neighbours. IIRC Singapore only got that one Korean guy, Indonesia got Jordi Amat and a handful others while we seem to have a whole starting XI", "Can't believe I mispelled that word for a long time lol.\nPretty sure Indonesia's following our footsteps as well since they also got the likes of Elkan Baggott (Ipswich) and Justin Hubner (Wolves) on their lineup.", "yeah they're ramping up the naturalization efforts. We also have several naturalized U-23 players playing in Europe like Richard Chin and Nooa Laine", "This wasn’t the case when I used to follow local football avidly circa 2005 to 2012", "Daniel ting is actually part Malaysian", "re-checks Huh, his dad is from Sarawak.\nThanks for the correction dude.", "Among all of these players, only Sumareh went to football academy in Malaysia, he actually grew up here since he was 12" ], [ "Kim Min Jae vs Darren Lok; Son and korean guy vs cools" ], [ "I do like how the lineup is made up of various races (and some naturalised guys of course). Of all the sports I believe football is the one that can really bring every Malaysian together as literally everyone plays it." ], [ "attacking lineup is scary on paper\narif aiman basically the best player for half of the pitch\npawi is arif aiman before arif aiman himself\nhopefully akhyar play as super-sub, he's good at that\nall they need now is faisal halim can find the finisher behind the next, and darren lok keep on winning the aerial battle" ], [ "Play with JDT use Tiki Taka,Play for Malaysia use Sean Dyche Target man tactics", "can’t really tiki taka against opponents who are technically sounder than yourself lo" ], [ "Syamer Kutty Abba\nLama siot tak tengok lord main" ], [ "A win against Jordan, a draw against Bahrain might just be able to do it" ], [ "Mana Sadee Sali sia" ], [ "You know, those stereotypical Malaysian names like Matthew Davies, Stuart Wilkin, Dion Cools, Paulo Josue and Romel Morales.", "They’re half Malaysian tho so what’s your point?\nAlso bruh you never met east Malaysians or eurasians before who have very western Christian names?", "Time to get out of your basement. Never been to east Malaysia right?", "Matthew, Stuart, and Dion can be considered as a typical East Malaysian name...", "I even have a Malay friend by the name (as in his ic) Dion.", "Watch more football and understand the relevance of our national squad having mixed-blooded/naturalised players; and its not new thing also. Lots of countries done this in football, moreover those with dual-citizenship countries. Tapi tulah, orang sibuk nak bual, awak pun sibuk nak campur. Paling habis baik, support time final depan tv, mengharapkan besok cuti. Perangai..", "Some random Iban or Bidayuh in Sarawak probably have the most Spanish sounding name to ever exist in the world" ], [ "while other countries send their own country born citizen." ], [ "Are they the drug addicts?" ], [ "We're finishing last place in the group, just wondering how many goals we gonna concede?\nEdit: Number of downvotes will be our Goal Difference" ], [ "Why sumareh still there??" ], [ "Although I've not watched any Malaysian football since idk 2018, I hope we can go further in the Asian Cup instead of always getting knocked out at group stage.\nNvm after looking at who we've tied with in the Group stage ie: South Korea, Bahrain and Jordan. I have absolutely no hope now. Time to play park the bus style and do damage control and not lose 7 8 nil" ] ]
So who is the master conspirator of the Dubai Move?
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "No one will ever write a piece saying it's Mahafiraun\nEven the fall of the first PH will never mention Mahathir as it's mastermind", "He finally became He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" ], [ "Someone that got tittle Tun and close to 100 year old?", "Tun... ak Tunak Tun?", "Da da da...", "There are two Tun that are in hot seat, one have cases mounting upon him and can't react fiercely and most likely wiretapped, so calling the cavalry from another Tun. The latter, and his family also in the hot seat, so he had to react by all means of necessary. His time is running out as the next King will react against the plot.", "The ancient one, Mahafiraun .", "I wonder what is this endgame, He's almost a centenarian and still wants to be PM?", "Give the position to mu mu", "A vampire?" ], [ "Who else besides Tun M and Cronies?" ], [ "Mahathir's Goebbels dah gelabah.\nFor those who are young, Kadir Jasin is Atok's chief propogandist" ], [ "Man at this point Tun would be an awesome villain for Marvel/DC show, heck he is more recurring than Kang and Thanos lol" ], [ "The Mighty Ma, best candidate, unchallengeable capability.", "Which Ma though? The din type or the thir type?" ], [ "Obviously it is you know who." ] ]
Rafizi answers the eKYC issue regarding PADU raised by Ong Kian Ming
[ [ "Of course lar must justify OK even if system got security flaw. That one minor only. :26563:" ], [ "PADU is not padu,\nit seems no beneficial function, just a waste of money for govt.\neveryone has an IC, all details already in govt database.\neven private company(airasia) is now collecting personal info for every passenger, (facial recognition) which doesnt seems legal.", "Your last point is most valid. AA always finds a loophole. They have sold our data to anyone offering a price. Any Expedia search to travel regionally regionally seems to show AA flights first and sometimes exclusively even if other airlines are available.", "I really don't get why we need PADU. We already registered under STR, income tax. Just pulled the data there. JPN also got our info. Just combine it together", "life would be amazing if it is that simple.\nTry to go to your company data, and try to aggregate Orders vs Payments. These shits never align. No one cares about it because it is like 1% or something. But same applies in country level. Data doesn't perfectly align because of formats, mismatch info and so on." ], [ "Very good that he addresses the issues head on. And the logic behind the decisions to settle on which design to take. Would have been better if he could address the risk to affected individuals. For instance, the draft account does not contain any personal info.\nEdit: Full interview linked by u/mocmocmoc81 below addresses the issue.", "Yeah they should've emphasized the lack of personal info but, which sorts of explains why most fields were blank.\nSome data were still available though (e.g. employer data), but thankfully salary was blank", "yep, this is what rafizi good at" ], [ "i told you guys naratif rakyat/naratif khas is exactly the platform you (minister) need to awnser question direct from the ground without media/editor become the middleman and twist your words." ], [ "full 1 hour video\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5JSysKi0ls" ], [ "When an apple look rotten from the outside there could be many worms inside, just saying" ] ]
Need advice: Going to do small claims letter and police report, what’s the correct way to do it?
[ "Education" ]
Story: Friends ran away with money and products for sale in July 2023 then kept dodging payments till now. This month, they deactivated their phone numbers and can’t be contacted at all. Cash taken is RM800 to RM1500. Products taken is RM2000 ish. So last resort, small claims and police. But how should I do it? Small claims only first then police report later? Or both at the same time? Also, they don’t have social media on top of no phone numbers. I don’t have their last known address but I have their full names and bank account numbers. Thanks in advance!
[ [ "Always police first, even if no action taken by them its black and white." ], [ "Small claims and police are two different things.\nSmall claims is a civil action, ie for you to get back the money.\nPolice is for them to decide if it was theft, a criminal action.\nThing is, when you write \"dodging payments', indicating to me that it is a civil matter already. Most police would leave it for you to make the small claims.", "Dodging in this case means “sorry bro my grandma just died, cannot bank in for few months”, “sorry bro, I so busy now, cannot go bank one” and “you think I so free ah? This small matter only”.\nNot a single cent paid to me and my products I dunno is sold, lost or kena makan by them." ], [ "Unfortunately if you don't have the address, you cannot proceed with the case against them as you must serve them a copy of your claims via post or hand delivered mail.", "i recall reading a lowyat forum thread where someone wanted to serve a small claims court suit. the judge insisted that the claimant serve the suit to the defendant personally (no post) and have the defendant acknowledge receipt of the suit. the defendant refused to entertain the claimant and the claimant had to go through hell just to serve the suit. any legal experts here can verify if that is actually the process of serving small claims suit?", "Wah, I didn’t know the address was necessary for small claims. No choice lor, police." ], [ "PM me i can guide you", "Sus but okay." ], [ "Besides being able to track them down to serve the copy of claim, think will be hard to collect even if you win a judgement, right?\nUnless they have a reputation to protect eg, you know their workplace etc.", "Ah shit, you’re right.\nProbably won’t get my money back either way but at least with the police report they’ll get some punishment." ], [ "bro\nhttps://mahwengkwai.com/small-claims-procedure-disputes-below-rm5000/\nhttps://legaladvice.com.my/understanding-small-claim-procedure-malaysia/\nbut u can do police report first to solidify your case\ndid u got all the relevant information ? face ? ic ? name ? address ? contract they use ? , keep all the chat message and spread wide it to let the scammer know.\nif the scammer ( defendant ) come back and file within 14 days, u have a case, it is ace attorney / detective conna time, u may bring lawyer to represent or u can represent on the day of hearing, exciting isnt ?\nThing to take note :\nCan you appeal the decision made by the court?\nIf the defendant fails to file their defence within 14 days of receiving the writ, the plaintiff can proceed with an application for judgment in default. This means the plaintiff can ask the court to enter the judgment in default in their favour without needing a trial or further proceedings.\nOnce the judgment is granted, the plaintiff can proceed to enforce the judgment. This may involve various methods, such as garnishing the defendant’s wages, seizing their assets, or obtaining a charging order on their property.\nWhat happens if both parties agree to a settlement?\nIf both parties agree to a settlement, the court will enter a consent judgment in Form 206. A consent judgment is a legal term to describe an agreement between the parties involved in a lawsuit.\nBoth parties reach a voluntary agreement, which is then presented to the court for approval. The court will review the terms of the agreement and, if satisfied, will enter it as a judgment." ] ]
Nasi lemak in sims 4.
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "Looks like porridge from the image.", "Nasi sudah menjadi bubur", "Sims logic dah masuk kubur", "Selepas makan keluar ikut dubur", "Sims is not wrong. It’s Fatty Rice after all." ], [ "No sambal? 0/10", "It's sambal hijau, like your mom.", "BURNNNNNNNNNNN🔥🔥🔥", "terbakar", "Nasi lemak MSG haha.", "Lactose and gluten free. 100% organic flour", "didn't you read the description you have santan rice serve with pandan leaves and you eat with banana leaves. yes you eat banana leaves and pandan leaves.", "No sambal bawang? Ew" ], [ "Ikan bilis mana? Celah bedah mak dia?! :26554::26554::26554:", "Pantat", "", "Ye", "Aku rasa ikan bilis ada dkt tetek aku, nak ambik?" ], [ "I actually posted this last month. Good news is ea actually gonna make a better version of nasi lemak and rename this as coconut rice, it says it would release at around January", "Yup, I hope so that the design of the Nasi Lemak will be better and accurate.", "Updated version: Fatty Rice, country of origin 🇸🇬\n💀💀💀", "as long as its sedap, no one in SG cares la. Give us the chicken rice and chili crab enough already, most of us would be happy to eat in KL/JB on a regular basis.\ni have to say though, i just tried nasi lemak made with basmati rice and omggggg", "Huh? Can you check the image that what you have encountered recently?", "Twas a joke. Some guy on socmed keep calling it fatty rice and people went nuts and told him it's coconut rice", "Some people have really failed to do one job to be done.", "n o" ], [ "Nasi Lemak : Difficulty 1/5\nToast : Difficulty 3/5", "What’s so difficult? Dump white rice and water into rice cooker and done. Toast is harder. Butter and all…\n/s", "Don’t you disrespect my sambal bawang 🗣️" ], [ "Toast have higher difficulty than Nasi Lemak :26562:" ], [ "A nasi lemak for 54 dollar?? What a rip-off.", "It’s Simoleons", "To be fair, even ice cream costs like 12 simoleons in the game", "inflation looking rough" ], [ "Looks like singapore variant.", "even ours got standard leh.... minimum is a wedge of super thin omelette, ikan bilis and kacang, 2 slices of cucumber and if tak ada sambal you better not be the one delivering boy oh boy" ], [ "Looks like nasi goreng kampung to me." ], [ "As much as I enjoy seeing Malaysian representation in games, but can we all agree that paying for representation is terrible.\nFYI, you need to pay 40$ (RM160) for the For Rent expansion pack JUST to have some semi-decent Malaysian representation.", "oh boo nvm im not downloading it" ], [ "Helo polis" ], [ "Thats not a nasi lemak", "It could be a cheesy baked rice." ], [ "1st thing, that doesn't look like nasi lemak\n2nd thing, nasi lemak difficulty 1/5 lol", "nasi lemak is easy what? rice-rice,coconut milk sambal-chili,onion,garlic,tamarind egg-egg" ], [ "Nasi Lemak is vegetarian safe? WTF. This is an insult to Nasi Lemak!! When we go US embassy protest?" ], [ "Why is a toast being harder to make than nasi lemak?", "got to make the roti first, then assemble the toaster." ], [ "served in a banana leaf\nServed in a bowl in game ." ], [ "What? This looks like shredded chicken porridge.." ], [ ">Vegetarian-safe\nIf there's no ikan bilis anywhere, I guess.\nThe last time I saw good-looking representations of Malaysian food in a game was FFXV. My god, the tumpang glamour thrill from listening to Noct and friends talk about going for satay.", "I believe they have some Malaysians in the design team.", "Oh yes, Wan Hazmer. I know he's established a Malaysian game studio but I haven't played any of their games.\nI really don't want to live anywhere on Eos for giant darkness demons reasons, but Lestallum feels like home." ], [ "Sacrilege of the highest order." ], [ "Nasi Lemak Bubur I suppose?" ], [ "Difficulty wise should be at least a 4 to 5 out of 10. Its a simple dish yes, but alot of components. Sambal itself would be a 6 already." ], [ "There is also a song from a Malaysian Artist in Sims 4.\nhttps://www.instagram.com/reel/C1rDld2voS5/?igsh=dDZxdG4wOGJ5NWYw" ], [ "did they mixed everything together?" ], [ "95% santan" ], [ "is that roti kaya under the nasi lemak? why is the difficulty 3/5 LMAOO" ], [ "Nahh it is sayur petola with suun and fucuk" ], [ "Nasi lemak hijau guys macam mak kau. Jk." ], [ "it just rice, coconut milk and pandan leaf in a bowl." ], [ "Nasi goreng in disguise" ], [ "54 dollar for Nasi Lemak?" ], [ "Alright, now who let them cook" ], [ "Its a travesty that they put Malaysian sate and not indonesian sate" ], [ "Ni bubur lemak" ], [ "How to make uncle roger mad 101" ], [ "Tu nasi lemak ke nasi goreng?" ], [ "Woi wtf is this, Ni Nasi Lemak atau Bubur Lemak haiyooo" ], [ "Guy probably didn't even look at reference picture before creating it." ], [ "No sambal? :(" ], [ "$52 sim dollar must be a Michelin grades Nasi Lemak" ], [ "Wtf nasi lemak got green and orange spots like nasi goreng" ], [ "Bubur ni" ], [ "vagetarian safe lactose free. yup definitely" ], [ "That can't be nasi lemak. It's too healthy.\nProper nasi lemak should be decadent and self-indulgent and a clear and present danger to your arteries. 🤤" ], [ "Tu bubur wtf" ], [ "It's so funny how a modder did better than EA's." ], [ "Why does it looks like puke? 💀" ], [ "Yeah I was shocked when I saw it in the game. I'm like \"wtf is this monstrosity\". But then I heard that the Sims team will redesign it.\nHere's a Reddit post about this monstrosity" ], [ "A fucking toast is harder to make than nasi lemak wtf" ], [ "Nasi = Rice\nLemak = Fat\nIn this case it would be Fat Rice, Fatty Rice, Oily Rice\nWHERE ON EARTH DID YOU FIND THE COCONUT AND VEGAN FREE?\nWE EAT THAT WITH EGG, FISH STICKS AND CHICKEN!!!" ], [ "<image>" ], [ "IM DOWNLOADING IT AGAIN" ], [ "Why is it easier to cook than toast?" ], [ "34 years as a Malaysian I've heard of Nasi Lemak + cheese, Nasi Lemak goreng even nasi lemak cake.\nFor some reason nasi lemak vegetarian triggers me more" ], [ "more like nasi goreng sayur" ], [ "Okay so ada sambal bawang tak dalam sims????" ], [ "\"Vegetarian free lactose\"" ], [ "pretty sure that's Petai Lasagna." ], [ "Bila dia nak buat sims 5 entah, I’m sick of hearing and waiting for it since 2022" ], [ "Inb4, nasi lemak difficulty level 1 while toast difficulty level 3 what the heck" ], [ "I think they mistaken Cendol for Nasi Lemak" ] ]
Blocked by double parked cars - what would you do?
This morning my peace was interrupted by this continuous beeping sound which I found out to be coming from a honking car outside of a condominium building just opposite to mine. So, this guy was honking his car non stop because he's being blocked by two cars parked so closely together from each side of the road. I guess he's trying to get the attention of the owners of the cars who god knows where they were. Okay, I pity the guy because if I was in the same situation I would be effing pissed off too but he kept honking for maybe 15-20 minutes with only 2-3 seconds pauses and it's just so freaking distruptive. It was already very annoying to me who lived in the condo across so I can't imagine how it was for the people who live at the condo just next to the scene. In the end, the owners of the blocking cars never arrived and I watched the guy parked his car again and walked away (while throwing out a thousand curses I imagine). If you guys were in this situation, what would you do?
[ [ "Who parks without checking, inconsiderate as fuck. At least leave a number.", "people who wanna get ur number of course.. double park, wait for call, ask you out :D" ], [ "Look for number\nNo number? Honk for 15 min\nNobody came? If the car is manual, Break the rear glass, lower the handbrake push the car out of the way. If its auto, pray the gear can be disengaged from park\nOr, if im being generous, write a letter with illustrious and colorful language to the car owner about how he parked like an idiot and should never be born, stick it to his windshield, call for grab, and go to work", "don't forget to attach free condom with the letter", "used condom..", "poke some holes if miraculously they get to use it", "Also give them condom.. so it will not reproduce", "All auto cars have a shift lock button no?", "Auto r/kereta should have shift lock button for you to disengage from P", "Quick age check?" ], [ "Take the picture then posted it to facebook community, but if i were rich, he would be famous on news website" ], [ "Check if handbrake is engaged, most double parkers in KV, knows not to engage handbrake so others can move it around a bit to get in / out. If no contact number is given, then you decide what course of action to take based on your moral compass.\nEdit: I will most probably eff up the red car, because it feels like he is the reason for the problem.", "If there is one more fella around, can push to rotate the red car." ], [ "I had this problem and called up my auto insurance tow truck service which was free of charge within 150km , claimed my car broke down and needed a tow. He towed the car to the side and I let him tow my car to my destination so that he could submit pictures and claim for his side. Even gave him a RM20 token for a cup of coffee. Got a RM10 Grab Voucher gift too. Win !\nEdit : I don't know what would happen if a car was towed with the parking brake up and parking gear in, I let the owner sort it out.", "better if got damage. let them learn a bit" ], [ "Do we have special tow truck for this kind of shit? In out tarik", "We need those pimped out \"hailak\" to tow sh*t like this.. Seeing in America, they just need less than a minute to move an obstacle(read: car) using their 4x4 with towing extension. .. Damn efisien" ], [ "Dude we live in the same place. Same view too!\nBut yeah, poor guy. He started honking as I was getting ready to go to work. He was still honking when I got into my car around 7am. Hope he didn't do anything rash like scratch the car blocking him", "Oh damn haha hi building neighbour 😄 but yeah poor guy he's been honking until 7.20 like that", "Why not? I would totally scratch the car. F*ck them." ], [ "Put glue on their paint.\nBy the time they realized what happened it will be too late. They won't know who did it.\nSure you'll still be stuck but at least you made them hurt more than you did", "Nah, glue the fuel cap 😈", "Pour hot oil on the windscreen and the paintwork 👿" ], [ "Call tow truck? And tow that mf out 😆", "Every neighbourhood need to have 1 towtruck ready for cases like this.\nLike, reserve the last house for towtruck owner." ], [ "i think that inconsiderate ass hole in orange Ferrari MyVi blocking the way. The black vehicle is there first (if not, the owner should go back to tadika learn ABC back). But that orange car so lazy to do parallel park or dumb enough not knowing to do it.", "What a terrrible take. Clearly the black car is parked way too close to a junction and is also on a yellow line. Orange car is lined up like everybody else." ], [ "Watch GTA6 trailer. Get inspired", "Twerk on top of their car?" ], [ "I love living in Malaysia, but this is the most annoying and infuriating thing about living here. Sometimes I wish I was a parking police, it would bring me so much joy.\nIf the Malaysia government allowed tickets to be issued, using photo/video proof from the public. This would solve a lot of problems. If the public was incentivised by a share of commission for reporting these lazy idiots. Would be even more of an incentive." ], [ "When your living near this lowlife Their inconsiderate This will be a daily occurrence" ], [ "not his fault for the interruption so can't blame him.\nus in which situation, yours or his?\nin his. I might consider smashing a window if I really had to be somewhere.\nyour situation. cannot do anything la. unless you're angry enough to smash something like the other comments say, in that case, I would smash the red car since he's the one at fault." ], [ "Double parking around apartments obstructing the already narrow roads are a pain to everyone. This here is now a lesson to also the dude who double parked. If he lives in that condo, he should invest in actually finding a lot within the facility. Condo management if competent, should contact police to summon the double parkers regularly." ], [ "Surely going to smash every windscreen of that car that does the blocking.\nI tell you la, Malaysian otak ah, really is incomparable to other humans one wor. Other humans, if you open their skulls, you will find two brains. Malaysians, if you open their skulls, you might find a lump of tahi inside.\nThat's why you regularly see such social behavior of double parking and such. Absolutely zero ethic, zero moral, zero consideration towards others.\nAnd usually young C's would park like that. M's in general don't. At least from my place la.", "i definitely get into rage and want to smash. the next question is who to smash?\none fucker park at corner.\nthe other one thats not parralel might be in a proper place.\nsmash the corner one?", "Smash the one that parked mostly outside of the square marked parking spot.\nOr if too many got involved in the offense of cincai parking, then just snap a lot of photos that show their plate numbers, and then send to the local municipal for mass kompaun. Also, the address of that street. And the time.\nMake sure the photos capture the car's color, model, its plate number, and its spot outside the marked parking space.", "That black car is in the wrong. The orange myvi is park along the stretch of other cars, so owner won't be at fault.", "Both also wrong.", "Haha yeah that's the dilemma, we don't know who was the last one to park 😂", "huh. that's fair... smash both lol.", "Bulk SMASH!", "2 for 1", "Wow, it would have cost you RM0 to leave the last paragraph out but you just had to huh", "I agree. Absolutely lack of consideration for others. I’ve been in this situation before and it infuriates me that they don’t even care to apologize. Just buat muka annoyed and move their car, as if I’ve inconvenienced them to move it.", "Nowadays anyone that commit traffic offense or parking offense, provided in public places, can now be easily reported to the relevant local municipal authority for kompaun. Just capture several screenshots of the car, its number plate, the street, and time, and you can send to the authority 100% online.\nSometimes, I realized no need to gaduh, no need to argue, no need to teach those buggers their wrong ways. Just take some pics and send to the authority, and very soon you may not see the same bugger anymore.", "you think fines are RM30K? it is soo small it wont hurt them.", "The fines also don't have any heavy penalty if not paid on time/at all. Tunggu saman discount saja." ], [ "I would ram his car out of the way, welcome to my domain", "If you do that your car also got damaged so how", "Don’t la.. just go buy that car safety hammer and put one in the car. When the owner of this kind of car become a cibai, just break the car and put his handbrakes down. Why damage your own car?", "Most cars today are automatic, and as far as I know, you can't switch from P to N without starting the car. Also not to mention electronic parking brake, which, again can't be disengaged without iginition, and is becoming more common.", "For an auto car, just press the shift lock button and it’ll release the gear for you go neutral even without a key.\nFor cars with EPB, I’ll reconfirm with you when I go see my car. Can’t remember if it had a shift lock", "Some cars do not have shift lock release, mostly those with shift-by-wire tech where the gear selector isn't even mechanically linked in any way to the transmission.\nIt's mostly found in higher-end models, but will inevitably trickle down to lower priced cars.", "Yea so my XC40 and XC60 which is also a shift by wire just requires me to press the start button for a couple of seconds and I can shift to Neutral even without a key", "So for my car, you just need to press the start button (even without key) for a bit, and then it’ll disengage the shift lock and can unlock the EPB and shift to Neutral.", "just need to press the start button (even without key) for a bit, and then it’ll disengage the shift lock and can unlock\nYep, just tried it on my car. You can't shift the gear lever to N unless you have the key with you.\nCould have tried more force but I was afraid of breaking something.", "Volvo? Mine was to press on the start button for 5 seconds, step on brake, and then shift to N.", "press on the start button\nHonda. I didn't try it with my foot on the brake though. Will try again." ], [ "This is illegal parking problem.." ], [ "In some areas, the handbrake of the blocking car is not engaged so that blocking car can be pushed to allow other cars to pass. However, looking at the way these cars were parked, it would be difficult to push them to unblock the road. Very inconsiderate drivers." ], [ "Next time just pay for the parking fee . Fork out money a bit for peace of mind" ], [ "Ages ago before car cam became a necessity, my friend's car was blocked by another car parking right next to it. My friend was parking in a proper lot and obviously not that car. My friend honk for 10mins nobody came. He got so frustrated he slashed all four tyres and left.\nWe (he called me to go get his car with him cos scared pula) went back next day, the car was already gone. According to my friend the car was an SUV." ], [ "If I'm the guy... I take photos of the both cars ,no plates... How the park the car .. Then pancit all their tyre... Serves them right.... Want break glass cannot...after kena sue...", "If pancit the tyres won’t kena sue ke? 😅 I’m guessing just letting out the air instead of slashing it", "Just let air out of all 4 tyres.", "Just do it. Or be more sneaky. Smash their petrol cap and add water in." ], [ "Kasi pinstripe sama dia punya side panel" ], [ "One RPG should do it", "no thank you I am saving it for mat rempits", "Make sure u get those that can track and lock target😜" ], [ "Follow this 2 step First call police and make report Second call local council authority to bring tow truck to tow the car that block your car . (The fee will be charge to owner of that car) ." ], [ "Double or triple parking culture here is on another level.\nThose two cars should be impounded with RM 5000 fine. Their licenses should be suspended for 2 months." ], [ "What if got emergency and there is only one way in or out ?\nLike got asshole double/triple park until prevent Firetruck / Ambulance to arrive. Emergency Vehicle honked for 30 min also no one come.\nEnd up entire building collapsed and 100 people died, or got someone bleed to death because ambulance cannot reach.\nWould the people who block the road be charged with manslaughter ?", "AFAIK emergency services wouldn't be civil. Either they smash window and pull handbrake or they forcible move your car. Either way, you eating that saman for sure." ], [ "call police traffic...said someone block a smol road by double parking...\ncall jpj...bomba..hospital skali sbb ni kalau jumpa tuan dia mesti innalillah jumpa dlm parit esok pagi" ], [ "One question, how is this photo both sharp and blurry at the same time? 🤔" ], [ "I would go home, get some nails and superglue.\nHe or she is going to know never to park like a fucker again." ], [ "Go back to the condo/house, get a knife. Doesn't have to be a cleaver or anything huge. A boxcutter will do. Slash the tyres." ], [ "Personally, I'm not very adventurous so I'll probably just leave a note on both cars and ask them to contact me so I can claim money from them for the Grab ride that I will have to take to get to work 😂", "U think they will care...they throw the paper away ...", "Probably not but at least I felt like I did something before walking away 😭 Or maybe I have to write my notes very 'nicely' to try to get them to contact me 🤔" ], [ "Bring abang samseng to settle the dispute once and for all. #kitajagakita /s" ], [ "Break glass move car? Better sure u are protected people.\nhttps://www.orientaldaily.com.my/news/society/2023/05/09/564838\nBlocked road, then stab and killed the victim that break the car glass. Jailed 5 years.", "Wow attacked someone with a blade, charged with first degree manslaughter." ], [ "It is early in the morning with no one around, it is common sense not to be an annoyance to everybody else, and you are perfectly justified to do things nobody would know.\nJust Do It™" ], [ "You should blame the one who block the way." ], [ "Why are you guys so unforgiving? Is blocking the path a wrongdoing? No doubt. But is it worth all these rage such as smashing their windshield? Debatable. They could just not be aware, an honest mistake which imo don't deserve such punishments. You may say they need to be taught a lesson so they won't do it again. However, you don't know the person, could be someone who just got their license and isn't well known to the \"rules\", you know how incompetent driving schools can be. It could also be someone stubborn who won't learn after having their windows smashed. The point is, we should all be more civilised, how funny it is to start criticising how dumb someone else is while suggesting such dumb solutions. If I were the driver, I would be mad Def, I deserve to, but don't mean I deserve to do bad to them. I would just find another solution to get to wherever I need to, let my boss know what's up, if they can't understand then consider changing jobs. Come on, don't be so spiteful.", "Can’t believe you side with those fucks. Whoever parked second ought to have all his tires flattened and windows smashed. Inconsiderate fucking fuck", "Reading your response; it make me think.. Why not make it like it's nature retaliating instead of human.\nProcced to put huge branch of tree through the windshield\nPasserby would understand why the car hasn't move,because nobody can drive it now.." ], [ "Take a shit on the car's windscreen." ], [ "Use a spring loaded glass breaker like this, on as many glass surfaces as needed. Then leave and take a Grabcar away.\n<image>" ], [ "Get out of the car and lift the little red one to the side. Then tip it over." ], [ "Use my horn to beep out the numbers on their plates.\nAfter 15 mins, call tow truck" ], [ "flip the myvi" ], [ "I would use my key..\nIt will not solve the problem now.. but will in the future" ], [ "If there's a gym nearby, ask all the gym bros to help lift the car and move it aside, or into a longkang" ], [ "Just smash the car. I would hv done that, and if the owner came afterward, just smash their head" ], [ "Oh wow, so many vengeful ideas! Superglue and water in petrol tank are my favs!" ], [ "Destroy his car" ], [ "" ], [ "If you have backfire, do launch control and rev to full throttle\nHonking until somebody comes to you and tell them like this \"is this your car?\" And if he/she said \"yes\" tell him/she to move the car and if he/she said \"no\" just crash the car if you want" ], [ "Buy condom put on the car, ask them not to reproduce" ], [ "i would be honking for a while too, if the car owners didn't left any contact numbers. My patience for such situation has a limit of 15min though, after the period expire, off I go to find a rather sizeable rocks/bricks to smash the car windows, pull handbrake, move the car. :26554:" ], [ "burn their cars" ], [ "tow\nSend to compound Optional : send to workshop to barai the car and profit $$" ], [ "destroy the car if no phone number placed." ], [ "Standing here, I realize. It has to be this way." ], [ "I remember a car park near my car like that. I called my bro to help me move the car by slowly lifting them to a location they can never drive away from.", "Good to have powerlifting friends" ], [ "road rage" ], [ "As someone who played gta a lot previously, there is exactly one way to fix this" ], [ "Post this to the Msia vs SG posts I always see time and time again." ] ]
Sri Petaling LRT Line To Finally Resume Normal Operations On 29 February
[ [ "fucking finally. took so fucking long", "This is the one with structural damage due to nearby construction is it?", "Yes, if you find pictures of the now reinforced pillars, they were buff up much bigger than the original pillar." ], [ "Having to use monorail is literal b*llshit, always had to wait 10+ , even 20 minutes for them train to arrive" ], [ "Good, the shuttle train to and fro Masjid Jamek <-> Hang Tuah added quite a bit of journey time somehow" ], [ "Wait there’s a 29 this year wow" ] ]
Anyone know what film is this?
[ "Entertainment" ]
Hello everyone! I’m Singaporean, and I remember chancing upon this film a few years back on our Singtel TV. It’s a Mandarin Malaysian film shot at what i think is Pulau Ketam? The main character is a girl and I remember some scenes of her taking a boat to attend a singing competition. If i remember correctly, one of the characters is called 一大粒? I forgot who acted in it because it has been so long but some of the scenes are imprinted in my head so I really want to find and finish watching the film. I’ll really appreciate it if anyone can tell me what movie is it🙏🙏
[ [ "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuWLciGrvqE\nYou're welcome", "thankyou so much! this is the film im talking about", "no problem" ], [ "ChatGPT gave me this answer:\nThe film you're referring to is likely \"Girl from Pulau\" (Chinese:《女孩从武吉士毛糯来》). It's a Malaysian Mandarin film shot in Pulau Ketam and follows the story of a girl from Pulau Ketam who travels to Kuala Lumpur to participate in a singing competition. This film touches on themes of pursuing dreams and overcoming obstacles in a heartwarming and culturally resonant way.", "Lol, I don't think such a film title exists. The post above references 'Love Paint', the correct movie.", "\"Hey, I just plug your question into chatgpt and copy-paste the answer straight from there without even checking if the answer even makes sense! You're welcome, k thanks bye\"", "Not to mention the supposed Chinese title doesn't really match up with the English title:26554:", "Damnnnnnnnn... Well done.", "AI will take over the world" ], [ "I remember this. It was called Senario vs Kampung Boi" ] ]
PM Anwar wants to make it compulsory for students to master both BM and English
[ "Education" ]
[ [ "Structural problems aside, not sure why is this still an 'issue' today, in 2024 — it is possible to be good in both or more, advantageous even.", "Met someone who can fluently converse in BM,BI, Mandarin and Tamil. That is godlike advantage and skill in Malaysia", "Man won the upbringing lottery", "They are the gigachad\nWe should copy thier greatness", "I wished there were tamil classes, would've loved to pick up that language proper rather than just calling ppl gundus.", "Ape maksud tu? Gundus", "Gundu means fat. Marbles are called gundu too. Also bombs .\nGundu = fat, marble, bomb", "I want to gundu your house (in minecraft)", "<image>\nBomb as in explosives.", "Stupid. A very common insult is gundu pandhi, stupid pig iirc.", "Gundu pandi is fat pig. Stupid is muttal (moo-tal).\nYou can say moota panni next time.", "oooh, means i kena sabo by my indian classmate LOL", "i mean tamil sure...but can converse in BM BI n mandarin is just normal", "I thought the government been doing this or at least try for a long time", "PMX is probably talking about making English a compulsory pass subject.\nSounds good, but must be done progressively though. Making it a must-pass immediately is going to be counter-effective by turning it purely academic like BM is to non-Malay medium school students.", "And riots on the street .." ], [ "When a former Prime Minister created this illusion of wanting to promote Bahasa Melayu in the international arena, I argued that the only way to attract people to Bahasa Melayu is by getting Malaysians to master English. Once they’re more comfortable to converse with other people, then only we can start to promote Bahasa Melayu, Malaysia, and her culture.\nOur film industry’s censorship needs to be relaxed, too. So that they don’t always follow the same trite ending and have too much restrictions. Put Malaysian filmmakers on a level playing field with foreign filmmakers. That’s how we can export our culture.", "Most of our best movies can't even be shown in the country cause of censorship. It's a joke.", "Most of the best movies from Hollywood don't need any censorship here. Censorship is a lame excuse for not being able to create a good story.", "Unless you are talking about those blockbusters like Marvel movies, most of the best films from Hollywood were never even shown here, which weren't necessarily a censorship thing but more like target audience (most of them will still get censored or downright rejected tho).\nI agree that you can still create great stories while not break any rules (recent example: Abang Adik), but then when I heard what were being censored in the film Tiger Stripe after watching it uncensored in another country I laughed out loud. You have no idea how ridiculous the censorship in Malaysia is.", "I don't mean the blockbuster ones only tho. But yeah not all the good movies get past the censorship here. But when people say things as if the only thing that is holding back our film makers is the censorship, it's just wrong. So, we lift the censorship and suddenly our local films get so much better automatically? Nahhhh. Japan, China and other countries have censorships too but it didn't really hold them back from churning out good films.", "A lot of filmmakers in China got in trouble for making their movies, some even banned from making films like Jiang Wen. A lot of Chinese films got banned. Japan has one of the richest cinematic histories in the history of cinema, some of the best films in history are Japanese.\nYou know what Malaysia censors? Its not just nudity and sex. Its also anything deemed to be political or morally questionable or make Malaysia \"look bad\". Who decides these things? The government. How can we develop culture if our beliefs and ideas are not challenged? Instead we are are culturally stagnant because the arts are stifled.", "I think language and actor involved plays a factor.\nImagine a Malay Muslim play Thor and speak BM...", "Boy , may I introduce you to Samirah Al-Abbas .", "Acting isnt real life.", "FINAS and religious authorities won't care sadly.", "Because we know those guys want nothing more than to islamize everyone like the zealots they are.\na good actor can pull off a role without it leeching into thier own life.\nIf those religious nuts are so weak minded that they believe that would change anyones faith, their interpretation of the religion is pathetic as hell. Too brittle to survive in global society", "https://cilisos.my/5-overseas-movies-made-different-by-our-malaysian-censorship-board/\nThis is stupid lmao..." ], [ "Soo he wants BM and BI to be at least C in SPM?", "No more bell curve grading please.\nNo more kesian young people’s feeling because the future of the country depends on it." ], [ "He's not wrong.\nBeing multi-lingual is an advantage.\nThere is strength in diversity and it's a privilege. We need to improve our education policy to strengthen those advantages. We can all play our part for the nation." ], [ "BM IS ALREADY COMPULSORY", "Although it's compulsory, but I saw some portion of people studying Foundation after SPM with some what under average English.\nRemember, English is and will be the core of the Higher Education.", "Is it really though, looking at the helangs in international school", "Pretty sure Malaysians must pass malay in Malaysian international schools. No idea what sort of malay paper they sit for though.", "When my friends from international school describe what they had learnt for their final year in Malay subject it reminded me of what I had learnt in standard 5 in government school.", "I can vouch for this, I took IGCSE and we need to take foreign language malay, our BM teacher said this was the level standard 6 UPSR at most.", "Same here, there's also option for secondary language now but it's optional", "Being in an international school means you are not in the system.\nThere's no need to force people to be in the system if they can survive out of it.", "That’s true, but if they intend to live in Malaysia I feel it is an essential survival skill.\nLike for me, I really hated learning BM in school, but now that I’m in the working world I’m thankful for it.", "I agree with you, but it is a personal choice." ], [ "Sokong :29091:" ], [ "Fucking finally, about time we emphasized the importance of BOTH!", "Actually, the title is frickin' misleading.\nPrime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim wants Malaysians and higher learning institutions in the country to ensure their students master the national language, Bahasa Melayu (BM).\nEnglish mastery supposedly comes naturally after you master BM.", "You cant be serious?! How tf is that supposed to happen? 😂", "I find it the other way around for me as a non tho. It's sort of easier to understand some words in Malay since some words are originally from English" ], [ "I think this is a great idea, idk why tho" ], [ "Duduk Malaysia tapi sampai besar panjang tak reti2 Bahasa Melayu/English tu buat malu je lah. Bahasa Melayu tu wajib kena belajar kat sekolah, begitu juga dgn English. Dari kau tadika sampai Sekolah Menengah kau akan belajar Bahasa Melayu & English, kalau tak reti dua bahasa ni kau buat apa kat sekolah? Buang duit mak bapak je hantar kau pergi sekolah." ], [ "make is compulsory to study very very basic Mandarin & Tamil too.\n1 yr worth of syllabus (out of 11-12yrs of primary/secondary school education) should be enough to get kids to speak/understand these 2 languages in a very basic manner.\nracial unity can actually start from learning language.", "Racial unity doesn't happen just by knowing everyone's mother tongue. If you don't understand others' culture and background, you'll not be able to vibe with them.\nIf your racial unity just mean not hating other races, then it's just as simple as raising your kid to be a decent human being. Accept that life can be unfair and move on." ], [ "Politikus want student in national school compulsory to master bm, while sending their kids to english based international school, lol." ], [ "If one is forward thinking and looking to make Malaysia attractive and competitive in the global stage...you would ensure Mastery i English..plain and simple." ], [ "I think it's a good idea. Too many younger gen has such poor command of languages. It doesn't matter which race you come from.\nLanguage is where you pick up knowledge in books, podcast, music and etc. Human beings are able to advance ourselves due to knowledge and learning.. and the bedrock of it is communication and language.\nIn some UK university, they now have mandarin courses.\nMy wife was in Stockholm, walking on a neighborhood street with her friend.. looking for a restaurant (she's not great with Google map). They look lost, a cyclist passed by overheard them speaking in Mandarin. Turned back.. and asked them if he could help in Mandarin.. Imagine the odds of some stranger in Stockholm giving you the direction in Mandarin to the restaurant in a suburb. He studied mandarin in one of China's uni.\nMany underestimate the power of languages." ], [ "And reverse again after next GE" ], [ "Yes, I have met too many bozos who only know one language\nBig groups I have seen online are Chinese people who are bad at BM or English\nMalay people who cant speak english well" ], [ "Still think it's funny citizens cannot speak and write in bahasa in 2024." ], [ "I think PM is abusing the meaning of the word \"compulsory.\"" ], [ "Gunakanlah bahasa kebangsaan kita!\nAs a TESL major, I support this 100%.\nMaster Malay to preserve national language, perkasa Inggeris untuk berdiri di persada dunia." ], [ "Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim wants Malaysians and higher learning institutions in the country to ensure their students master the national language, Bahasa Melayu (BM).\nHe said mastery of the national language not only builds national pride but also a nation’s identity.\nNational pride and identity is what? Can put food on the table?\nYou go interview and see if interviewers care about your Malay proficiency other than government sector or glc. Anwar doubling down on anything Malay again. Gotta chase those Malay votes.", "Maybe you haven't come across such jobs. It's not just GLC or gov job that needs it.. private sector need them as well to serve different segment of customer service, support and etc.", "I mean what choice does he have? He already had to settle with a unity gov after GE15 because he didn't go the populist route. Yes, bolstering national pride is honestly a really bad justification, but I don't think promoting proficiency in BM is bad and his statement is for both English and BM.", "Don't be misled by the title. Entire article is just Anwar promoting BM proficiency on his usual bullshit reasons.", "Proficiency BM in Malaysia is a must. I grateful that I have average understanding of BM or it's a hell if I don't.", "I'm a Chinese but I got to ask - what's wrong with learning Malay though?\nYou talk about food on the table, isn't it an added advantage for you if you're proficient in both Malay & English? (Bonus points if you can learn Mandarin and/or Tamil as well)\nOne of my colleagues (we work in a private company btw) got promoted from intern to exec within 2 months purely because her Malay is better than my boss.\nAs such, don't really see the point in this comment saying that it's to \"chase the Malay votes\" when being proficient in Malay shouldn't be something that's up for debate anyways.", "I’ve seen Pakistani and South Indians learning Malay so they can put food on the table. That guy is full of horseshit. Stuck to his circle.", "Probably got something to do with his immediate circle. Some people forgot the bigger demographic still mainly use Malay due to being in a language bubble for so long.", "It does put food on the table. I am Chinese from a kebangsaan school so I am fluent in both English and Malay. I also took extra classes outside to be fluent in Chinese. When I worked in Malaysia, life was fun because I could get along with Chinese, Malay, and Indian workers.\nEventually I moved to the regional HQ in Singapore. I am in-charge of the China and Indonesia markets because I'm fluent in both Chinese and Malay. My language skills really made my boss favor me over local Singaporeans who could only speak 2 languages at most.", "Love casual racism in the rmalaysia subreddit", "Untuk satu polisi penyatuan negara melalui bahasa, akan sentiasa ada cina panas bontot. Ini hal biasa", "Big talk about unity while Malays can't survive without special rights that the rest of us have to foot the bill for.\nCome back when you can stand without tongkat first.", "Teruskan jadi tongkat untuk tuan2 melayu anda 💪🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾💪. Jangan pernah mengeluh", "Don't sweat it. I love watching people eating crumbs out of my hands and then blaming Chinese for their poverty.", "Yeah I don’t see the point also." ], [ "Yeah, that’s not going to happen, lol! The crab bucket mentality of certain people will prevent that from ever happening." ], [ "As it should be, force everyone speak english" ], [ "English is more useful, let’s agree ok" ], [ "He himself didn't quite fluent in English, frankly speaking, the thick Malay accent sometimes make it very hard to catch. Sorry.\nMake one the mother tongue, master it; the other should be optional. We have passed the struggle to admit that English is the gateway and medium of communication for knowledge, especially scientific discover and literature publication.\nSo, you want to defend your heritage and struggle with the blue pill, or pick the red pill and never look back.", "\"He himself didn't quite fluent in English\"\nThou hath nay rights to question one's fluency when thou too write in shambles.\nHonestly, both are important, one's literally the national language hence it needs to be taught to fluency for all. Manakala, bahasa Inggeris yang menjadi lingua franca juga wajib diperkasa oleh seluruh rakyat negara kerana pada masa kini masih ramai yang tidak dapat mengaturkan ayat-ayat mereka di dalam bahasa Inggeris dengan sempurna...contohnya adalah saudara/saudari di atas ini." ], [ "I thot students need to master jawi?", "Soon enough, once the NLA is amended to make Jawi co-official with Rumi" ], [ "They should make it so mandarin, English, BM, Tamil have to be mastered" ], [ "What good us it if the passing grade is so shit?\nAlso bumi students have lower passing requirements" ], [ "Tbh you would never ever need bm outside of Malaysia.", "How about Indonesia? Bahasa Indonesia is intelligible with Malay, and Indonesia is one of the biggest economies of the world.", "Indonesia gdppc is not even half of Malaysia and is on same level as sri Lanka. Anyway bm and Indonesia is totally different. If you been to Indonesia then you will know.", "I said Malay and Indonesian is \"intelligible\" not that they are the same.\nI said economy (i.e. GDP in nominal and/or real terms), not GDP per capita. China's GDP per capita is just slightly above Malaysia's yet everyone around the world wants to learn Chinese to do business there. Because China's GDP (in nominal and/or real terms) is massive. And Indonesia's GDP is massive, it's almost half of ASEAN total.\nI am an economist, I cover Indonesia and several other Asian countries.", "I don't think everyone want to learn Chinese and do business there. Your news is very very outdated. You don't know majority of international brand already moved out of China due to their policy? If you don't even know this how can you self claim you are a economist. Sorry but I'm grand economist so now you know you are wrong." ], [ "Good luck with this move PMX" ], [ "Bruneians (regardless of race) need at least a Credit (usually 60 percent of 100) to obtain scholarships for Diploma and above (even if student decides to study locally).\nNot sure if Malaysia has that? I only know they can be racist when giving out scholarships, even if you are a local Malaysian." ], [ "\"hello how is you today...\"" ], [ "I think Dr M would probably agree with DSAI this time lol" ], [ "Im a simple man, i'll live with english, and still stays rich, simple as that." ], [ "How about china?" ], [ "BM is already compulsory. Sure not everyone uses English in their day to day but it's such an advantage for the majority long-term" ], [ "ive been in high school where 90% of my batch can understand english but barely can hold conversation,im currently in private uni where 90% barely speak bm and struggle to even read it beyond school level\nits concerning when we pride Malaysians as multicultural but youths today could only do one properly but barely scrape by the other\nnot tryna be boomer but our grandparents can switch from bm to bi,and even a bit of mandarin and tamil once in a while\nit might not seem much rn but the weakening grasp of multiple languages for us multicultural country is gonna take a toll on us,since language is a tool to unite" ] ]
Is the government for sale with never-ending “moves”?
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "Name the similarity of malaysia's politician and king julien from the movie madagascar." ], [ "Humans in general want 3 things only; money, sex, and power.\nMany people want to topple the government because they want more money and power, and sometimes sex also la, for themselves.\nMalaysia mah. Tarak tau mehhhhh.....?\nMalaysians in general, are morally broken, from the very top (politicians, ministers, etc) to the very bottom (office boy, clerk, etc), including the enforcers (police, local municipal, etc).\nThis is why Malaysia has no hope. You can scream and yell and point fingers and put all the blame on everyone, but nothing will change nor improve.\nYou go observe other countries. And ask yourself other countries ada macam Malaysia ka?\nMalaysia is almost like some of those small and rogue African countries where the warlords or kingpins from some puak rule the land and occasionally there will be battles and gunfights and many people died because the warlords or kingpins want to expand their power.\nSome Malays want to topple Anwar so their puak can return back to power. And once in power, they can makan-makan big time again.\nSome Cinas want to suggest Cina to be PM so they can also makan-makan big time.\nEveryone degenerates. The country is slowly degenerating, because nobody is righteous.", "we have stable govnt once but led by the son of satan. what we have today is significantly better then that period.", "Satan itulah dipilih PH\nAnd for some magical reason\nSame Satan sekarang dipilih PN..\nWhat kind of magic bullshit dia use", "Satan play all sides, because if one side win he win", "May agree better, but not significantly better. Just look at the ringgit, a long running joke.", "some other countries are worst actually, only country like Singapore and some western countries are better than us:26554:", "No point of telling that as r/malaysia peeps are in denial that there’s no other country worse than Malaysia." ], [ "It will never end as long as we have 3 major coalitions. We will continue having a minority government even after GE16.", "Welp, welcome to the political experience of most Europeans living in a multiparty democracy, strap yourself in for a long ride" ] ]
Dubai Move: Dr M denies involvement, says Anwar ‘expert’ in backdoor govt
[ [ "dia dah tua...biarla dia ckp...tak byk masa lagi...", "What if he is actually Malcador from 40k?:26554:", "Do not humiliates Malcador the Hero , guardsman , or the commisar will throw you into the corpse starch grinder alive.", "The fella who got turn to ash?", "you mean spiderman?", "Dia ader engram dah simpan dalam Mikoshi.", "That is why dia pergi tengok femboys, I guess. Last chance liow." ], [ "i believe him. nowadays atok going around taking pic with cosplayers enjoying the fruits of dasar pandang ke timur:26554:", "Yeah that pic with the bolehland femboy isn't doing him any good lmao", "Wait, thats a femboy? oh my", "Yep can even say bolehland's femboy mascot at this point lmfao", "Just came out from my cave. What pic and where can I find it???", "Here - https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/AeTo9IXiLL", "His PR team pandai main belakang tp lg pandai main peranan murnia kt public Malaysia" ], [ "Duk diam2 la Tun. Tunggu masa je." ], [ "cant believe he actually lose his langkawi seat. sounds surreal" ], [ "Your days are numbered until the next Agong installation, grandpa.", "Hadi already STFU while this atuk still macam he is PM. Anyway impossible to see Tun or Hadi charge at court for BS. Why? This country is run with some BS tradition. Result = people suffer and macam mana nagara ni mau maju?" ], [ "let this old man cook, I wan to see what he gonna cook this time", "the last time he cooked he lost his langkawi seat and joined the PN out of rage because his arch nemesis got to become PM.", "Time for him to destroy PN too.", "Also wish to see what he’s cooking. The thing is he tends to destroy the kitchen while cooking, and we have to suffer to help fix the kitchen he messed up >.>" ], [ "too many moves in his backdoor currently, so let him farts" ], [ "Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad denied involvement in the Dubai Move, claiming he has not visited the place for a long time.\nHe also took the opportunity to take potshots at Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, claiming the latter was the expert in political manoeuvrings and “backdoor governments.”\n“I’m sure many still remember the move on Sept 16, 2008, to establish a backdoor government.\n“Plus, there was also the Kajang Move to promote his wife to become the Selangor menteri besar,” Mahathir said on X, formerly known as Twitter.\n“And who can forget the ‘I have the numbers’ and ‘strong, formidable and convincing majority’ moves? All these are efforts to gain power through backdoor methods,” he added.\nLast Saturday, Community Communications Department (J-Kom) deputy director-general Ismail Yusop claimed there was a plot to topple the federal government.\nHe said the plan, dubbed Dubai Move, arose during a recent vacation by Perikatan Nasional leaders, as well as government backbenchers, to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).\nIsmail also claimed a meeting took place during the visit to assign specific tasks to “agents” responsible for identifying MPs who might switch their support to the opposition with inducements.\nOn Tuesday, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi confirmed the plot, alleging the movement not only involved PN leaders but certain individuals from the government bloc as well.\nTaking a swipe at Anwar, Mahathir said that the latter’s efforts back then were not considered treasonous despite its potential effects on the nation’s democracy and economy.\n“As long as he can become prime minister, all his backdoor manoeuvrings are considered halal and virtuous,” the former Langkawi MP added.\n******\nUncle ni kuat lagi with tones of BS" ], [ "Dr M. Once again done in by backdoors. The man's fixated." ], [ "LOL When is this old fart going to kick the bucket than hang around puking nonsense?", "Eh I with him a long long life.. what am I gonna do for entertainment without his sarcasm and drama", "To each his own, my good man. To each his own.:26555:" ], [ "Is that a double entendre lol? Datuk should just go into stand up instead" ], [ "Hahaha backdoor :26561:" ], [ "Hehehe.... Backdoor" ], [ "Did Allah teach you lie? Oh right, you're a mix" ], [ "Makes me wonder if Tun is a fellow Redditor here with his snarky ‘backdoor’ pun against our ghey dsai" ], [ "Let he who has not fraternised with fembois cast the first stone." ], [ "Is that a pun?" ] ]
1MDB documentary Man on the Run makes Netflix premiere on Jan 5
[ [ "Am just waiting for Gynseong Creature - shows and games are my drugs to take my mind off the politics in this country as there is nothing much I can do." ], [ "At first glance, I read the title as\n1MDB documentary man\non the run\nmakes netflix premiere on jan5.\nAnd was thinking of why the camera man ran. lol" ], [ "The MH370 was a ripoff. Hope this one's better." ] ]
GoCharge EV chargers now in Subang, Kulim, Melaka, Muar, Segamat
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "Why on earth you want to drive a electric car in a petroleum exporting country...that makes me wonder alot...if you said its all about environmental friendly...then where you think the electricity coming from? How electricity being generate in those big ass coal power plant? humor me....", "Freedom of choice and convenience." ] ]
If somehow Malaysia is having a military conflict with our neighbor countries, are you willing to be drafted ?
Curious to see the reaction of nyets here View Poll
[ [ "Depends on what the conflict is about.\nAnd y'know, what my position would be in the militia.", "the most likely scenario is just\nsingapore try to claim a dam in johor when they found that invasion is cheaper then desalination program\nindonesian ganyang malaysia 2.0 fuel by recent pilpres with mass landing alongside malacca strait\nthailand want to take back kelantan (when PAS found kelantanium metal native to kelantan)\nanother sulu sultanate raid", "Don't forget the CCP", "take back kelantan? was it theirs at one point?", "Pleasure personnel corps", "Should have formulate my question/poll better, miss opportunity there", "Front line or protect the capital.\nHard choice. I think ill take my free medal and go.", "I would mind getting assigned a M4 Carbine. Makes all my DOTA game nights useful, now that I can shoot at real humans.", "Which character in DOTA carried an M-4?", "best MMORPG by blizzard", "GTA dream comes true" ], [ "if this country had to resort to conscription, things already dire.\nwhen i was a child, i thought patriotism & nationalism is a great thing. now im older & wiser, dying for a war your politicians caused, sounds silly. you the grunts die in battles, those old cunts up top don't, they just will keep seating on their comfy cushions, chairing meetings after meetings & be at the negotiations table when things all over.", "old men start wars, but younger men fight them" ], [ "depends on what the conflict is about?\nMalaysia fighting off Indonesia/Thailand? Yeah\nMalaysia siding with China to fight the US for the South China Sea? Nah\nMalaysia siding with the US to fight China for the South China Sea? Sure\nMalaysia invading SG? HELL YEAH /s", "HELL YEAH /s\nIn out quick 2 week adventure\n<image>" ], [ "My country doesn't even treat me as first class citizen, I'm just a pendatang. Born and raised here, pay my taxes and still call me pendatang. So hell no.", "I can relate to that :26559:", "Like seriously bro, we can move overseas to like Australia and we still get the same treatment in aspects like education and job opportunities.", "Balik tong shan", "There is no Tongsan to 'balik' to, my guy.\nWe'd get deported as pendatang tanpa izin.", "Lol they cant tell im being sarcastic to it?", "Oh wait this is R/Malaysia. thats why" ], [ "NOPE.\nI love my live & my family far more than my country." ], [ "Already treated as pendatang here. No difference whoever take over" ], [ "Highly dependent on context tho. If we are the one doing invasion then 100% I won't be staying in this god forsaken country.\nOr what country? Singapore or US? Get the fuck out of here. And I am sure we would be the asshole in the situation if for some reason US will ever invade.\nIf it's china, Indonesia, Philippines? Yea.... I can see me staying to defend even if how strong china military is. Because I can see them invade us for unjustified situation. And fuck Philippines for laha datu situation. And I can't for the life of me see how we would ever decide to invade them anyway." ], [ "If we invade, an easy no\nIf someone invade us, maybe" ], [ "If i ever get drafted the most I would apply is desk job in the military or non-combat first aid medic.", "I supposed those boys at the front line of D Day applied to be there when they were drafted for the war.", "\"Recruit you better return back the damm pen ah\"" ], [ "Not with neighboring countries, unless militant Islam becomes mainstream. Let's see then whether a racial war won't erupt first at home, if a jihad is called.\nGeopolitically, the country is also enjoying having third-party buffers at the outer borders. The insurgency in southern Thailand, the religious affinity with Sumatra conservatism, Johor's closer relations with S'pore, the indigenous land conflicts in Kalimantan, all of them will complicate any warmongering aspirations.\nThe more acute scenario is whether you will want to volunteer to defend the Spratlys, or Msia's exclusive economic zone, if China starts building artificial islands housing military installations & runways over there. It'll be akin to Taiwanese conscripts being posted to Kinmen & Matsu islands, within range of enemy bombardment without necessitating any amphibious invasion.\nThat said, the MAF still hasn't fully converted from counterinsurgency to conventional army to this day, partly due to operational requirements (primarily facing only localized territorial disputes like the 2013 Lahad Datu incursion) & partly hampered by upgrading woes (due to corruption or poor willpower).\nM'sia's past conscription attempts were also subpar, clearly aimed at other (commendable) motives like racial bonding & nation building instead of true military training. I still remember the incredulity when PLKN 1.0 (2003-2005), originally planned for 2 years, was halved several times until it was reduced to just 3 months. PLKN 2.0 (2016-2018) was just 8 weeks. PLKN 3.0, if implemented, will supposedly take only 45 days.\nCompared that to S'pore, which mandated 2 years for NS in the 1960s, increased it to 3 years in the 1970s, 2 to 2.5 years in the 1980s, & currently 2 years. The latter (shortened service) had even caused consternation among old hands, since BMT typically required 3 months, vocational training another 3 months (6 & 9 months respectively for NCO & OCS courses), unit training cycle another 6-9 months (necessary proficiency tests at the platoon, company & battalion levels to attain REDCON status & became operational) before everyone entered reservist. The past SG NS batches used to train for 2 operational cycles (& also took part in more brigade & even divisional exercises), but the current generation just do basically 1 cycle & defer further progress into reservist (now renamed ORNS to reflect their frontline status).\nYet M'sia governments past & present think only a fraction of that duration/commitment/personal sacrifice is needed to implement a plausible conscription system, let alone build a credible military force!" ], [ "No. These are my reasons why:\nConstantly being told I’m going to hell because I’m an idol worshipper, mind you these comments started when I was still in school and I still get these until today without provocation\nConstantly told I can move to another country if I’m not happy, even though I’ve made it very clear I love my country that’s why I criticise it\nMy taxes are being used haphazardly for a religion I don’t believe in\nConstantly bombarded by political propaganda calling for Malay supremacy as if my whole race should be slaves\nMy votes are like funny pieces of paper when the government until now is so shaky that I can’t even have a good night sleep because I’m worried about the next 5 years\nGot told by a certain a-hole that use chopstick salah\nJust a few of my opinions.\nNot sorry" ], [ "depends on which country we are fighting against and for what cause. If it's to reclaim our rightful title as the inventor of Nasi Lemak, assign me to the frontline where fighting is the most intense.", "Pahlawan Nasi Lemak sejati :29091:" ], [ "I'm gonna be among the first to queue at KLIA to fly away", "do you think the immigration would let you use the autogate lol" ], [ "Nope because I have 0 confidence in the military. Every major defense corruption scandal unresolved. The latest LCS scandal is a joke. Paid RM 6bn suppose to get 6 frigates end up with 0. ETA unknown.\nOur government clearly doesn't care about defense why we need to die for them? Meanwhile they already run to their second home in UK or some nice country." ], [ "Depends.\nIf it all turns out to be some border conflict, then no\nIf it's us clearly being the aggressor, of course not\nIf it's us fighting against some arrogant invaders, especially that red aristocrat government north of us, yes" ], [ "draft all \"pendatang asing\" especially roh-ingya" ], [ "Maybe not enough quota for non, so no thanks." ], [ "Yeah, with all the names I've been called throughout the years by the sons of the soil, I'm out.\nI'll let the Bumis defend this land with the pride that they claim to have when they beat their chest and wave that keris around." ], [ "Where's the indifferent vote?\nDepends on the situation. If to defend, sure. But even then if defend because some idiots piss off another entity for dumb reasons i'd begrudgingly defend the country but wish those idiots to burn as well.", "\"i didn't know the plane was carrying vip sir. Plane was in our airspace and no IFF, sir.\"" ], [ "They can send the excess civil servants that supposedly love the country. Enough to leech and provide little in return. Excluding education and medical ministries <3." ], [ "Malaysia wouldn't want to draft me" ], [ "Yes I still have family members/ niece & nephews here." ], [ "Why die for a country that using you as a labor?" ], [ "Planning on joining the army after college\nfight PLA alongside SEA countries, SK,Japan and western nations? Hell yeah\nfight alongside PLA against NATO and their friends? hell nah and that's desertion for me(will spill out everything I know to NATO)\ntoo pro NATO and freedom pilled to fight against NATO\ntwo types of enemies I will gladly fight: communist and extremist groups(such as Taliban, ISIS or Houthis)" ], [ "I am not sure if our current laws and regulations have such mechanism to perform this, but OK if theoretically that needs to be done because our armed forces, reserve forces and paramilitary forces have all been exhausted or defeated and there is no other way to defend the homeland - YES!", "so far we do not have such laws as our military are designed to be a fully volunteer professional military, relatively small sized but focus on professionalism like UK, so if we actually end up exhausting our troops in a prolonged war we may have to depend more on our allies" ], [ "Depends on the reason for the conflict & who's attacking. I'm not particularly fond of our Government. Might be the perfect time for a coup.", "Should have said this in 2021, not 2024. You're wishing for the Dubai/Chow Kit Move to really happen and executed.", "Nope, I had something more traditional in mind." ], [ "Idk" ], [ "I need an assurance that one of my family members receives a sum of money to pay the bills until i turned 60yo when im either dead or have permanent disabilities." ], [ "Would I be willing to be drafted? No? Would I actively try to dodge the draft? Probably not if its a defensive." ], [ "I'm already signed up with the reservists. Where do I dig my foxhole?" ], [ "Just so I can die, y'know 💀" ], [ "Our class was asked this in PLKN and my answer hasn't changed since." ], [ "Politicians that started the fight need to finish it themselves." ], [ "YOLO.\nHence why I wouldn't throw it away in a war for as long as I can escape conscription.\nEven if we're in Ukraine's position, I'll be trying my best to get the hell out of the country." ], [ "it will depends on who and why." ], [ "Yes if it's a defensive war, no if it's an offensive one." ], [ "quite a lot not true malaysian here, just like singaporean." ], [ "All our neighboring countries are kinda chill, tho" ] ]
‘Severe continuous’ rain till Sunday expected in Johor, Pahang
[ "Environment" ]
[ [ "It's literally raining continuously for upto 8 hours at a time. We get a break of 1-2 hours max then starts raining for hours again. This has been happening since Wednesday night (technically Thursday after 12 am)." ] ]
Casts and director of Malaysian adaptation of Korean series ‘W: Two Worlds’ apologise for ‘kissing’ scene
[ "Entertainment" ]
In the controversial scene from one of its episodes, Daiyan is seen kissing Hun on the lips with a piece of clothing being the barrier of actual physical contact between them. The clip has circulated across social media with many deeming it insensitive to local Muslim culture.
[ [ "snowflakes..." ], [ "what" ], [ "meh, shouldve ignored those people. They're not gonna be the ones who watch and support these drama shows anyway, they're stuck with the typical \"drama kol 7\" at TV3 and \"Ombak RIndu\"." ], [ "Sounds like viral bait marketing" ], [ "So stupid.." ], [ "OH NO?! THEY KISSED?!!!!! How abhorrent!" ], [ "Haram...the Is la M people never kiss or touch or interact with the opposite sex. Semua suci suci tapi otak haram." ], [ "Korean series? Are they malays or koreans?" ], [ "What the fuck?\nBitch please you are here because your dad inserted his dick into your mum\nFucking snowflakes" ], [ "they should apologize for the abomination of this adaptation instead" ] ]