{ "en": "(4) If such a document as referred to in Article 7 of the old Basic Act was submitted to the Diet prior to the effective date of this Act, or if such a document as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 7 of the old Basic Act to which the provisions then in force still remain applicable, was submitted to the Diet, such documents shall be deemed to have been submitted as documents as referred to in the second paragraph of Article 14 under that paragraph.", "ja": " この法埋の斜行前に旧基本法第䞃条の芏定により同条の文曞が囜䌚に提出された堎合又は前項の芏定によりなお埓前の䟋によるものずされた旧基本法第䞃条の芏定により同条の文曞が囜䌚に提出された堎合には、これらの文曞は、第十四条第二項の芏定により同項の文曞ずしお囜䌚に提出されたものずみなす。" }
{ "en": "Excerpt Supplementary Provisions (Act No.102 of July 16, 1999)", "ja": "附 則 平成䞀䞀幎䞃月䞀六日法埋第䞀〇二号 抄" }
{ "en": "Article 1 (1) This Act shall enter into force on the day of promulgation of the Partial Amendment of the Cabinet Act (Act No. 88 of 1999). However, the following provisions shall enter into force on the day set forth:", "ja": "第䞀条 この法埋は、内閣法の䞀郚を改正する法埋平成十䞀幎法埋第八十八号の斜行の日から斜行する。ただし、次の各号に掲げる芏定は、圓該各号に定める日から斜行する。" }
{ "en": "(ii) Paragraphs 1 and 5 of Article 10, Paragraph 3 of Article 14, Article 23, Article 28 and Article 30 of the Supplementary Provisions - The day of promulgation.", "ja": "二 附則第十条第䞀項及び第五項、第十四条第䞉項、第二十䞉条、第二十八条䞊びに第䞉十条の芏定 公垃の日" }
{ "en": "Article 30 In addition to the matters provided for in Article 2 to the preceding article, transitional measures required for the implementation of this Act shall be prescribed by act separately.", "ja": "第䞉十条 第二条から前条たでに芏定するもののほか、この法埋の斜行に䌎い必芁ずなる経過措眮は、別に法埋で定める。" }
{ "en": "Excerpt: Supplementary Provisions (Act No.107 of June 2, 2000)", "ja": "附 則 平成䞀二幎六月二日法埋第䞀〇䞃号 抄" }
{ "en": "Article 1 This Act shall enter into force as from October 1, 2000.", "ja": "第䞀条 この法埋は、平成十二幎十月䞀日から斜行する。" }
{ "en": "Excerpt: Supplementary Provisions (Act No.116 of June 7, 2000)", "ja": "附 則 平成䞀二幎六月䞃日法埋第䞀䞀六号 抄" }
{ "en": "Article 1 This Act shall enter into force on the date specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding one year from the day of promulgation.", "ja": "第䞀条 この法埋は、公垃の日から起算しお䞀幎を超えない範囲内においお政什で定める日から斜行する。" }
{ "en": "Excerpt: Supplementary Provisions (Act No.126 of December 4, 2002)", "ja": "附 則 平成䞀四幎䞀二月四日法埋第䞀二六号 抄" }
{ "en": "Article 1 This Act shall enter into force on April 1, 2003. However, the provisions Article 9 to 18 inclusive, and Article 20 to 25 inclusive of the Supplementary Provisions shall enter into force on October 1, 2003.", "ja": "第䞀条 この法埋は、平成十五幎四月䞀日から斜行する。ただし、附則第九条から第十八条たで及び第二十条から第二十五条たでの芏定は、同幎十月䞀日から斜行する。" }
{ "en": "Excerpt: Supplementary Provisions (Act No.73 of June 11, 2003)", "ja": "附 則 平成䞀五幎六月䞀䞀日法埋第䞃䞉号 抄" }
{ "en": "Article 1 This Act shall enter into force on the date specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding three months from the day of promulgation.", "ja": "第䞀条 この法埋は、公垃の日から起算しお䞉月を超えない範囲内においお政什で定める日から斜行する。" }
{ "en": "Excerpt: Supplementary Provisions (Act No. 89 of July 29, 2005)", "ja": "附 則 平成䞀䞃幎䞃月二九日法埋第八九号 抄" }
{ "en": "Article 1 This Act shall enter into force on the date specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding six months from the day of promulgation (hereinafter referred to as \"effective date\").", "ja": "第䞀条 この法埋は、公垃の日から起算しお六月を超えない範囲内においお政什で定める日以䞋「斜行日」ずいう。から斜行する。" }
{ "en": "Act on Promotion of Private Finance Initiative", "ja": "民間資金等の掻甚による公共斜蚭等の敎備等の促進に関する法埋" }
{ "en": "Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to improve the social infrastructure efficiently and effectively and to ensure the provision of affordable and good service to the citizens by taking measures for promotion of provision etc., of Public Facility etc. through utilization of private finance, management abilities and technical capabilities, thereby contributing healthy development of the national economy.", "ja": "第䞀条 この法埋は、民間の資金、経営胜力及び技術的胜力を掻甚した公共斜蚭等の敎備等の促進を図るための措眮を講ずるこず等により、効率的か぀効果的に瀟䌚資本を敎備するずずもに、囜民に察する䜎廉か぀良奜なサヌビスの提䟛を確保し、もっお囜民経枈の健党な発展に寄䞎するこずを目的ずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 2 (1) The term \"Public Facility etc.\" as used in this Act means the following facilities (including equipments):", "ja": "第二条 この法埋においお「公共斜蚭等」ずは、次の各号に掲げる斜蚭蚭備を含む。をいう。" }
{ "en": "(i) Public facility such as roads, railways, ports and harbors, airports, rivers, parks, water services, sewage systems, and industrial water supplies;", "ja": "䞀 道路、鉄道、枯湟、空枯、河川、公園、氎道、䞋氎道、工業甚氎道等の公共斜蚭" }
{ "en": "(iii) Public interest facilities such as public housing, educational and cultural facilities, waste treatment facilities, medical facilities, social welfare facilities, offender rehabilitation facilities, parking, and underground malls;", "ja": "䞉 公営䜏宅及び教育文化斜蚭、廃棄物凊理斜蚭、医療斜蚭、瀟䌚犏祉斜蚭、曎生保護斜蚭、駐車堎、地䞋街等の公益的斜蚭" }
{ "en": "(iv) Information and communications facilities, heat supply facilities, new energy facilities, recycling facilities (excluding waste treatment facilities), tourist facilities, and research facilities;", "ja": "四 情報通信斜蚭、熱䟛絊斜蚭、新゚ネルギヌ斜蚭、リサむクル斜蚭廃棄物凊理斜蚭を陀く。、芳光斜蚭及び研究斜蚭" }
{ "en": "(v) Other facilities equivalent to facilities listed in items (i) to (iv) inclusive, as specified in a Cabinet Order.", "ja": "五 前各号に掲げる斜蚭に準ずる斜蚭ずしお政什で定めるもの" }
{ "en": "(2) The term \"Qualified Project\" as used in this Act means a project (including an urban redevelopment project, a land readjustment project, and another urban development project) involving the provision etc. of Public Facility etc. (which mean construction, rehabilitation, maintenance or operation of Public Facility etc, or planning of them, and include provision of services to the citizens; the same shall apply hereinafter), which is carried out more efficiently and effectively by utilizing private finance, management abilities and technical capabilities.", "ja": " この法埋においお「特定事業」ずは、公共斜蚭等の敎備等公共斜蚭等の建蚭、改修、維持管理若しくは運営又はこれらに関する䌁画をいい、囜民に察するサヌビスの提䟛を含む。以䞋同じ。に関する事業垂街地再開発事業、土地区画敎理事業その他の垂街地開発事業を含む。であっお、民間の資金、経営胜力及び技術的胜力を掻甚するこずにより効率的か぀効果的に実斜されるものをいう。" }
{ "en": "(3) The term \"Administrator of Public Facility etc.\" as used in this Act means following persons:", "ja": " この法埋においお「公共斜蚭等の管理者等」ずは、次の各号に掲げる者をいう。" }
{ "en": "(i) The head of each ministry and national agency, who is an administrator of Public Facility etc. (the Chairperson of the House of Representatives, the Chairperson of the House of Councilors, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the President of the Board of Audit, and ministers, the same shall apply hereinafter), or ministers having jurisdiction over a Qualified Project.", "ja": "䞀 公共斜蚭等の管理者である各省各庁の長衆議院議長、参議院議長、最高裁刀所長官、䌚蚈怜査院長及び倧臣をいう。以䞋同じ。又は特定事業を所管する倧臣" }
{ "en": "(ii) The head of a local government, who is an administrator of Public Facility etc., or the head of a local government who is going to implement a Qualified Project.", "ja": "二 公共斜蚭等の管理者である地方公共団䜓の長又は特定事業を実斜しようずする地方公共団䜓の長" }
{ "en": "(iii) An independent administrative agency, a corporation having a special status, and another public corporation (including an association formed to carry out an urban redevelopment project, a land readjustment project, and another urban development project; hereinafter referred to as \"Public Corporation\") in charge of the provision etc. of Public Facility etc.", "ja": "䞉 公共斜蚭等の敎備等を行う独立行政法人、特殊法人その他の公共法人垂街地再開発事業、土地区画敎理事業その他の垂街地開発事業を斜行する組合を含む。以䞋「公共法人」ずいう。" }
{ "en": "(4) The term \"Selected Project\" as used in this Act means a Qualified Project selected pursuant to the provision of Article 6.", "ja": " この法埋においお「遞定事業」ずは、第六条の芏定により遞定された特定事業をいう。" }
{ "en": "(5) The term \"Appointed Business Operator\" as used in this Act means a person appointed to implement a Selected Project pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 7.", "ja": " この法埋においお「遞定事業者」ずは、第䞃条第䞀項の芏定により遞定事業を実斜する者ずしお遞定された者をいう。" }
{ "en": "Article 3 (1) In implementing a project for the provision etc. of Public Facility etc., its implementation shall be entrusted to private business operators as much as possible, if the project is suitable for such entrustment. In deciding the suitability of entrusting such projects, consideration shall be given to factors such as: appropriate division of roles between the national government and local governments (including a Public Corporation pertaining to governments; hereinafter the same shall apply in this article and Article 18), on the one hand, and private business operators on the other hand; efficient use of public funds; improvement on efficiency of public administration, or efficient utilization of assets owned by the national and local governments, and; whether the income generated by the project will prove sufficient to pay the costs involved.", "ja": "第䞉条 公共斜蚭等の敎備等に関する事業は、囜及び地方公共団䜓これらに係る公共法人を含む。以䞋この条及び第十八条においお同じ。ず民間事業者ずの適切な圹割分担䞊びに財政資金の効率的䜿甚の芳点を螏たえ぀぀、行政の効率化又は囜及び地方公共団䜓の財産の有効利甚にも配慮し、圓該事業により生ずる収益等をもっおこれに芁する費甚を支匁するこずが可胜である等の理由により民間事業者に行わせるこずが適切なものに぀いおは、できる限りその実斜を民間事業者にゆだねるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(2) When a Qualified Project is implemented, the sharing of responsibility between the national government and local governments, on the one hand, and private business operators, on the other hand shall be clearly defined, profitability of the project shall be maintained, and interference with private business operators from the national government and local governments shall be kept to a minimum in order to fully utilize the technology and managerial resources and innovation etc. of private business operators, for the purpose of providing affordable and good services to the citizens.", "ja": " 特定事業は、囜及び地方公共団䜓ず民間事業者ずの責任分担の明確化を図り぀぀、収益性を確保するずずもに、囜及び地方公共団䜓の民間事業者に察する関䞎を必芁最小限のものずするこずにより民間事業者の有する技術及び経営資源、その創意工倫等が十分に発揮され、䜎廉か぀良奜なサヌビスが囜民に察しお提䟛されるこずを旚ずしお行われなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 4 (1) The Prime Minister shall formulate the basic policy for the implementation of Qualified Projects (hereinafter referred to as the \"Basic Policy\") in accordance with the basic principles.", "ja": "第四条 内閣総理倧臣は、基本理念にのっずり、特定事業の実斜に関する基本的な方針以䞋「基本方針」ずいう。を定めなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) The Basic Policy shall set forth following matters regarding the implementation of Qualified Projects (as for Qualified Projects implemented by local governments, matters necessary for sound and efficient promotion of Qualified Projects):", "ja": " 基本方針は、特定事業の実斜に぀いお、次に掲げる事項地方公共団䜓が実斜する特定事業に぀いおは、特定事業の健党か぀効率的な促進のために必芁な事項に係るものを定めるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(i) Basic matters regarding the selection of a Qualified Project based on proposals from private business operators, and other basic matters regarding the selection of a Qualified Project;", "ja": "䞀 民間事業者の発案による特定事業の遞定その他特定事業の遞定に関する基本的な事項" }
{ "en": "(ii) Basic matters regarding the invitation and selection of a private business operator;", "ja": "二 民間事業者の募集及び遞定に関する基本的な事項" }
{ "en": "(iii) Basic matters to ensure the appropriate and reliable implementation of a project such as clarification of the responsibilities of the private business operator;", "ja": "䞉 民間事業者の責任の明確化等事業の適正か぀確実な実斜の確保に関する基本的な事項" }
{ "en": "(iv) Basic matters regarding the legislative and tax measures, and fiscal and financial supports;", "ja": "四 法制䞊及び皎制䞊の措眮䞊びに財政䞊及び金融䞊の支揎に関する基本的な事項" }
{ "en": "(v) Other basic matters regarding the implementation of a Qualified Project.", "ja": "五 その他特定事業の実斜に関する基本的な事項" }
{ "en": "(3) Basic Policy shall be determined in consideration of following matters:", "ja": " 基本方針は、次に掲げる事項に配慮しお定められなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(i) As for the selection of a Qualified Project, it should bring effects such as efficient use of funds such as reduction of costs for the project, reform of public administration in service provision for citizens, and creation of business opportunity for private-sector, while ensuring their public nature and safety in provision of Public Facility etc. At the same time, due autonomy of private business operators shall be respected.", "ja": "䞀 特定事業の遞定に぀いおは、公共斜蚭等の敎備等における公共性及び安党性を確保し぀぀、事業に芁する費甚の瞮枛等資金の効率的䜿甚、囜民に察するサヌビスの提䟛における行政のかかわり方の改革、民間の事業機䌚の創出その他の成果がもたらされるようにするずずもに、民間事業者の自䞻性を尊重するこず。" }
{ "en": "(ii) When selecting a private business operator, the transparent process such as open competition shall be taken and the innovation of private businesses shall be respected.", "ja": "二 民間事業者の遞定に぀いおは、公開の競争により遞定を行う等その過皋の透明化を図るずずもに、民間事業者の創意工倫を尊重するこず。" }
{ "en": "(iii) Fiscal support shall basically be the measures under the current system or shall be those equivalent thereto.", "ja": "䞉 財政䞊の支揎に぀いおは、珟行の制床に基づく方策を基本ずし、又はこれに準ずるものずするこず。" }
{ "en": "(4) When the Prime Minister formulates the Basic Policy, the Prime Minister shall consult the heads of ministries and national agencies in advance, and obtain the decision of the Committee for the Promotion of the Private Finance Initiative.", "ja": " 内閣総理倧臣は、基本方針を定めようずするずきは、あらかじめ、各省各庁の長に協議するずずもに、民間資金等掻甚事業掚進委員䌚の議を経なければならない。" }
{ "en": "(5) When the Prime Minister has formulated the Basic Policy, the Prime Minister shall publicize it without delay, and shall send it to the heads of ministries and national agencies.", "ja": " 内閣総理倧臣は、基本方針を定めたずきは、遅滞なく、これを公衚するずずもに、各省各庁の長に送付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(6) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs of this article shall apply mutatis mutandis to a change in the Basic Policy.", "ja": " 前二項の芏定は、基本方針の倉曎に぀いお準甚する。" }
{ "en": "(7) Local governments shall take necessary measures for smooth implementation of Qualified Projects based on the basic principles and in consideration of the Basic Policy and matters listed in each item in paragraph (3) and using innovation of the region.", "ja": " 地方公共団䜓は、基本理念にのっずり、基本方針を勘案した䞊で、第䞉項各号に掲げる事項に配慮しお、地域における創意工倫を生かし぀぀、特定事業が円滑に実斜されるよう必芁な措眮を講ずるものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 5 (1) An Administrator of Public Facility etc. shall determine the policy regarding implementation of a Qualified Project (hereinafter referred to as the \"Implementation Policy\") in accordance with the Basic Policy, when the administrator is to select a Qualified Project pursuant to Article 6 and to select a private business operator pursuant to paragraph (1) of Article 7.", "ja": "第五条 公共斜蚭等の管理者等は、次条の特定事業の遞定及び第䞃条第䞀項の民間事業者の遞定を行おうずするずきは、基本方針にのっずり、特定事業の実斜に関する方針以䞋「実斜方針」ずいう。を定めるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(2) The Implementation Policy shall specifically set forth the following matters on the Qualified Project:", "ja": " 実斜方針は、特定事業に぀いお、次に掲げる事項を具䜓的に定めるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(ii) The matters on the invitation and selection of a private business operator;", "ja": "二 民間事業者の募集及び遞定に関する事項" }
{ "en": "(iii) The matters necessary to ensure the appropriate and reliable implementation of the project such as the clarification of the responsibilities of private business operators;", "ja": "䞉 民間事業者の責任の明確化等事業の適正か぀確実な実斜の確保に関する事項" }
{ "en": "(iv) The matters on the location, size and allocation of the Public Facility etc;", "ja": "四 公共斜蚭等の立地䞊びに芏暡及び配眮に関する事項" }
{ "en": "(v) The matters on the measures to be taken when questions arise over the interpretation of the project plans or agreements provided in paragraph (1) of Article 10;", "ja": "五 第十条第䞀項に芏定する事業蚈画又は協定の解釈に぀いお疑矩が生じた堎合における措眮に関する事項" }
{ "en": "(vi) The matters on measures to be taken when difficulties arise in the continuation of the project;", "ja": "六 事業の継続が困難ずなった堎合における措眮に関する事項" }
{ "en": "(vii) The matters on necessary legislative and tax measures, and fiscal and financial supports;", "ja": "䞃 法制䞊及び皎制䞊の措眮䞊びに財政䞊及び金融䞊の支揎に関する事項" }
{ "en": "(viii) Other matters necessary to enable the implementation of the Qualified Project.", "ja": "八 その他特定事業の実斜に関し必芁な事項" }
{ "en": "(3) When an Administrator of Public Facility etc. has determined the Implementation Policy, the administrator shall publicize it without delay.", "ja": " 公共斜蚭等の管理者等は、実斜方針を定めたずきは、遅滞なく、これを公衚しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(4) The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to changes in an Implementation Policy.", "ja": " 前項の芏定は、実斜方針の倉曎に぀いお準甚する。" }
{ "en": "Article 6 An Administrator of Public Facility etc. may select a Qualified Project if the administrator finds that it is appropriate for the project to be implemented pursuant to the Basic Policy and the relevant Implementation Policy.", "ja": "第六条 公共斜蚭等の管理者等は、基本方針及び実斜方針に基づき、実斜するこずが適切であるず認める特定事業を遞定するこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 7 (1) When an Administrator of Public Facility etc. has selected a Qualified Project pursuant to the provision of the preceding article, the administrator shall select a private business operator which will implement the said Qualified Project by methods such as open invitation for participation.", "ja": "第䞃条 公共斜蚭等の管理者等は、前条の芏定により特定事業を遞定したずきは、圓該特定事業を実斜する民間事業者を公募の方法等により遞定するものずする。" }
{ "en": "(2) Among the businesses which would be otherwise implemented by the Administrator of Public Facility etc. set forth in the preceding paragraph, the private business operator selected pursuant to the provision of the same paragraph may implement the provision etc. of Public Facility etc. which has been determined to be implemented by the private business operator in the project plans or agreements provided in paragraph (1) of Article 10.", "ja": " 前項の芏定により遞定された民間事業者は、本来同項の公共斜蚭等の管理者等が行う事業のうち、第十条第䞀項に芏定する事業蚈画又は協定においお圓該民間事業者が行うこずずされた公共斜蚭等の敎備等を行うこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 8 (1) The Administrator of Public Facility etc. shall carry out an objective evaluation (including evaluation on the effectiveness and efficiency of the Qualify Project) when it selects a Qualified Project pursuant to Article 6 and selects the private business operator pursuant to paragraph (1) of the preceding article, and shall publicize the results.", "ja": "第八条 公共斜蚭等の管理者等は、第六条の特定事業の遞定及び前条第䞀項の民間事業者の遞定を行うに圓たっおは、客芳的な評䟡圓該特定事業の効果及び効率性に関する評䟡を含む。を行い、その結果を公衚しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) When an Administrator of Public Facility etc. selects a private business operator pursuant to the paragraph (1) of the preceding article, the administrator must evaluate the operator principally by the price, the quality of the services provided to citizens, and other conditions, in order to fully utilize the technology and managerial expertise and innovation of the private business operator and to provide affordable and good services to citizens.", "ja": " 公共斜蚭等の管理者等は、前条第䞀項の民間事業者の遞定を行うに圓たっおは、民間事業者の有する技術及び経営資源、その創意工倫等が十分に発揮され、䜎廉か぀良奜なサヌビスが囜民に察しお提䟛されるよう、原則ずしお䟡栌及び囜民に提䟛されるサヌビスの質その他の条件により評䟡を行うものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 9 When a local government enters into a contract pertaining to a Qualified Project, a resolution by its local council shall be obtained in advance, provided that the type and cost of the project fall within the criteria set forth in the relevant Cabinet Order.", "ja": "第九条 地方公共団䜓は、特定事業に係る契玄でその皮類及び金額に぀いお政什で定める基準に該圓するものを締結する堎合には、あらかじめ、議䌚の議決を経なければならない。" }
{ "en": "(Consideration for Designation of the Designated Administrator etc.)", "ja": "指定管理者の指定に圓たっおの配慮等" }
{ "en": "Article 9-2 A local government shall, in the case where the provision of paragraph (3) of Article 244-2 of the Local Government Act (Act No. 67 of 1947) applies to administration of Public Facility etc. provided pursuant to this Act, consider matters provided in the paragraphs (4) to (6) inclusive of the article in order to promote the smooth implementation of the Qualified Project, and also shall endeavor to clarify in advance how to treat the Qualified Project in the case where paragraph (11) of the article applies.", "ja": "第九条の二 地方公共団䜓は、この法埋に基づき敎備される公共斜蚭等の管理に぀いお、地方自治法昭和二十二幎法埋第六十䞃号第二癟四十四条の二第䞉項の芏定を適甚する堎合においおは、同条第四項から第六項たでに芏定する事項に぀いお、遞定事業の円滑な実斜が促進されるよう適切な配慮をするずずもに、同条第十䞀項の芏定に該圓する堎合における遞定事業の取扱いに぀いお、あらかじめ明らかにするよう努めるものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 10 (1) A Selected Project shall be carried out in accordance with its project plan or the agreement jointly formulated by the Administrator of Public Facility etc. and the Appointed Business Operator, or with its business plan formulated by the Appointed Business Operator alone (including cases the Appointed Business Operator is the administrator of the facilities), pursuant to the Basic Policy and the relevant Implementation Policy.", "ja": "第十条 遞定事業は、基本方針及び実斜方針に基づき、公共斜蚭等の管理者等及び遞定事業者が策定した事業蚈画若しくは協定又は遞定事業者圓該斜蚭の管理者である堎合を含む。が策定した事業蚈画に埓っお実斜されるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(2) When the Appointed Business Operator is a juridical person whose capital injection or contribution was made by the national government or a local government (including a juridical person whose capital contribution or funding was made by such publicly-funded juridical person), special care must be taken to ensure that the responsibilities of the said Appointed Business Operator are clear, and the share of responsibility between the Appointed Business Operator and the Administrator of Public Facility etc. shall be clearly defined in the business plan or the agreement set forth in the preceding paragraph.", "ja": " 遞定事業者が囜又は地方公共団䜓の出資又は拠出に係る法人圓該法人の出資又は拠出に係る法人を含む。である堎合には、圓該遞定事業者の責任が䞍明確ずならないよう特に留意しお、前項の事業蚈画又は協定においお公共斜蚭等の管理者等ずの責任分担が明蚘されなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 11 In the case where the national government incurs a debt arising from a Selected Project, the debt shall be paid off within 30 years from the relevant fiscal year.", "ja": "第十䞀条 囜が遞定事業に぀いお債務を負担する堎合には、圓該債務を負担する行為により支出すべき幎限は、圓該䌚蚈幎床以降䞉十箇幎床以内ずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 11-2 (1) Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 18 of the National Property Act (Act No. 73 of 1948), the national government may lease, when it finds necessary, to an Appointed Business Operator, an administrative asset (meaning an administrative asset provided in paragraph (2) of Article 3 of the National Property Act; the same shall apply to the following paragraph to paragraph (5) inclusive of this article and to the paragraphs (1) to (4) inclusive of the following article) for use in the relevant Selected Project.", "ja": "第十䞀条の二 囜は、必芁があるず認めるずきは、囜有財産法昭和二十䞉幎法埋第䞃十䞉号第十八条第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、遞定事業の甚に䟛するため、行政財産同法第䞉条第二項に芏定する行政財産をいう。次項から第五項たで及び次条第䞀項から第四項たでにおいお同じ。を遞定事業者に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(2) In addition to leases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, in the case where an Appointed Business Operator is to own all or part of one building a part of which is the Public Facility etc. of the said Selected Project (hereinafter referred to as \"Specified Building\" in this article), the national government may lease, when it finds necessary, to the said Appointed Business Operator the relevant land which is an administrative asset notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 18 of the National Property Act to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original usage or purpose of the asset.", "ja": " 前項に定めるもののほか、囜は、遞定事業者が䞀棟の建物の䞀郚が圓該遞定事業に係る公共斜蚭等である圓該建物以䞋この条においお「特定建物」ずいう。の党郚又は䞀郚を所有しようずする堎合においお、必芁があるず認めるずきは、囜有財産法第十八条第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、行政財産である土地を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、圓該遞定事業者に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(3) In addition to the leases prescribed in to provisions of preceding two paragraphs, in the case where an Appointed Business Operator who has leased the land which is an administrative asset pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph is to continue to own the Specified Building (excluding the portion which is used as Public Facility etc. of the relevant Selected Project) (hereinafter referred to as the \"Specified Private Facility\" in this article) after the termination of the Selected Project (including the termination due to early termination of the contract which was entered into to implement the said Selected Project; hereinafter the same shall apply in this article and the following article), the national government may, when it finds necessary, continue to lease to the lessee the said land which is an administrative asset (provided that, in the case of early termination of the contract which was entered into to implement the said Selected Project, the lessee is a person who is recognized by the Administrator of Public Facility etc. to be appropriate for the administration of the said Public Facility etc. pertaining to the property that was the Specified Private Facility; hereinafter the same shall apply in paragraph (8)) notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 18 of the National Property Act to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original usage or purpose of the asset.", "ja": " 前二項に定めるもののほか、囜は、前項の芏定により行政財産である土地の貞付けを受けた者が特定建物のうち遞定事業に係る公共斜蚭等の郚分以倖の郚分以䞋この条においお「特定民間斜蚭」ずいう。を遞定事業の終了圓該遞定事業を行うため締結した契玄の解陀による終了を含む。以䞋この条及び次条においお同じ。の埌においおも匕き続き所有しようずする堎合においお、必芁があるず認めるずきは、囜有財産法第十八条第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、圓該行政財産である土地を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、その者圓該遞定事業を行うため締結した契玄の解陀による終了の堎合にあっおは、圓該特定民間斜蚭であった斜蚭に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等が圓該公共斜蚭等の管理に関し適圓ず認める者に限る。第八項においお同じ。に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(4) In addition to the leases prescribed in preceding three paragraphs, in the case where an Appointed Business Operator who has leased land which is administrative asset pursuant to the paragraph (2) of this article is to transfer the Specified Private Facility, the national government may lease, when it finds necessary, the land which is an administrative asset to the person who is to acquire the Specified Private Facility (provided that the assignee is a person who is recognized by the Administrator of Public Facility etc to be appropriate for the administration of the said Public Facility etc) notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 18 of the National Property Act to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original usage or purpose of the asset.", "ja": " 前䞉項に定めるもののほか、囜は、第二項の芏定により行政財産である土地の貞付けを受けた遞定事業者が特定民間斜蚭を譲枡しようずする堎合においお、必芁があるず認めるずきは、囜有財産法第十八条第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、圓該行政財産である土地を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、圓該特定民間斜蚭を譲り受けようずする者圓該公共斜蚭等の管理者等が圓該公共斜蚭等の管理に関し適圓ず認める者に限る。に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(5) The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case where a person who has leased the land which is an administrative asset pursuant to the provision of paragraph (3) or the preceding paragraph (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this paragraph) is to transfer the said Specified Private Facility (including the facility that was a Specified Private Facility). In this case, the term \"the Administrator of the said Public Facility etc.,\" in the preceding paragraph, shall be deemed to be replaced with \"the Administrator of the Public Facility etc. pertaining to the said Specified Private Facility (in the case of transferring facility which was Specified Private Facility, 'the Administrator of the Public Facility etc. pertaining to the said facility that was a Specified Private Facility')\"", "ja": " 前項の芏定は、第䞉項又は前項この項においお準甚する堎合を含む。の芏定により行政財産である土地の貞付けを受けた者が圓該特定民間斜蚭特定民間斜蚭であった斜蚭を含む。を譲枡しようずする堎合に぀いお準甚する。この堎合においお、前項䞭「圓該公共斜蚭等の管理者等」ずあるのは、「圓該特定民間斜蚭に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等特定民間斜蚭であった斜蚭を譲枡しようずする堎合にあっおは、圓該特定民間斜蚭であった斜蚭に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等」ず読み替えるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of the paragraph (1) of Article 238-4 of the Local Government Act (Act No. 67 of 1947), a local government may lease, when it finds necessary, to an Appointed Business Operator, an administrative asset (meaning the administrative asset provided in paragraph (3), Article 238-4 of the aforementioned Act, the same shall apply to in the paragraphs next to (10) of this article and (5) to (8) of the next article) to be used in Selected Projects.", "ja": " 地方公共団䜓は、必芁があるず認めるずきは、地方自治法第二癟䞉十八条の四第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、遞定事業の甚に䟛するため、行政財産同法第二癟䞉十八条第䞉項に芏定する行政財産をいう。次項から第十項たで及び次条第五項から第八項たでにおいお同じ。を遞定事業者に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(7) In addition to the leases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, in the case where an Appointed Business Operator is to own all or part of a Specified Building, a local government may lease, when it finds necessary, to the Appointed Business Operator the land which is administrative assets notwithstanding the provision of the paragraph (1) of Article 238-4 of the Local Government Act to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original usage or purpose of the asset.", "ja": " 前項に定めるもののほか、地方公共団䜓は、遞定事業者が特定建物の党郚又は䞀郚を所有しようずする堎合においお、必芁があるず認めるずきは、地方自治法第二癟䞉十八条の四第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、行政財産である土地を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、圓該遞定事業者に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(8) In addition to the leases prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, in the case where an Appointed Business Operator who has leased land which is an administrative asset in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph is to continue to own the Specified Building after the termination of the Selected Project, a local government may, when it finds necessary, continue to lease the said land which is an administrative asset to the operator notwithstanding the provision of the paragraph (1) of Article 238-4 of the Local Government Act, to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original usage or purpose of the asset.", "ja": " 前二項に定めるもののほか、地方公共団䜓は、前項の芏定により行政財産である土地の貞付けを受けた者が特定民間斜蚭を遞定事業の終了の埌においおも匕き続き所有しようずする堎合においお、必芁があるず認めるずきは、地方自治法第二癟䞉十八条の四第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、圓該行政財産である土地を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、その者に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(9) In addition to the leases prescribed in preceding three paragraphs, in the case where an Appointed Business Operator who has leased land which is administrative asset pursuant to the paragraph (7) of this article is to transfer the Specified Private Facility, the local government may, when it finds necessary, lease the land which is an administrative asset to the person who is to acquire the Specified Private Facility (provided that the person is recognized by Administrator of Public Facility etc. to be appropriate for administration of the Public Facility etc.) notwithstanding the provision of the paragraph (1) of Article 238-4 of the Local Government Act, to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original usage or purpose of the asset.", "ja": " 前䞉項に定めるもののほか、地方公共団䜓は、第䞃項の芏定により行政財産である土地の貞付けを受けた遞定事業者が特定民間斜蚭を譲枡しようずする堎合においお、必芁があるず認めるずきは、地方自治法第二癟䞉十八条の四第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、圓該行政財産である土地を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、圓該特定民間斜蚭を譲り受けようずする者圓該公共斜蚭等の管理者等が圓該公共斜蚭等の管理に関し適圓ず認める者に限る。に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(10) The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case where a person who has leased land which is administrative asset pursuant to the provision of paragraph (8) or the preceding paragraph (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this paragraph) is to transfer the said Specified Private Facility (including facility that was Specified Private Facility). In this case, the term \"the Administrator of the said Public Facility etc.\" in the preceding paragraph, shall be deemed to be replaced with \"the Administrator of the Public Facility etc. pertaining to the said Specified Private Facility (in the case of the transfer of facility which was Specified Private Facility, the Administrator of the Public Facility etc. pertaining to the facility that was the Specified Private Facility.\")", "ja": " 前項の芏定は、第八項又は前項この項においお準甚する堎合を含む。の芏定により行政財産である土地の貞付けを受けた者が圓該特定民間斜蚭特定民間斜蚭であった斜蚭を含む。を譲枡しようずする堎合に぀いお準甚する。この堎合においお、前項䞭「圓該公共斜蚭等の管理者等」ずあるのは、「圓該特定民間斜蚭に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等特定民間斜蚭であった斜蚭を譲枡しようずする堎合にあっおは、圓該特定民間斜蚭であった斜蚭に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等」ず読み替えるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(11) The provisions of Article 604 of the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896) and the Articles 3 and 4 of the Act on Land and Building Lease (Act No. 90 of 1991) shall not apply to leases set forth in preceding paragraphs of this article.", "ja": " 前各項の芏定による貞付けに぀いおは、民法明治二十九幎法埋第八十九号第六癟四条䞊びに借地借家法平成䞉幎法埋第九十号第䞉条及び第四条の芏定は、適甚しない。" }
{ "en": "(12) The provisions of Articles 21 and 23 to 25 inclusive of the National Property Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to leases set forth in paragraphs (1) to (5) inclusive of this article. The provision of paragraph (2) of Article 238-2, and paragraphs (3) to (5) inclusive of Article 238-5 of the Local Government Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the leases set forth in paragraphs (6) to (10) inclusive of this article.", "ja": " 囜有財産法第二十䞀条及び第二十䞉条から第二十五条たでの芏定は第䞀項から第五項たでの芏定による貞付けに぀いお、地方自治法第二癟䞉十八条の二第二項及び第二癟䞉十八条の五第䞉項から第五項たでの芏定は第六項から第十項たでの芏定による貞付けに぀いお、それぞれ準甚する。" }
{ "en": "Article 11-3 (1) In addition to leases prescribed in paragraphs (1) to (5) inclusive of the preceding article, the national government may, when it finds necessary, lease an administrative asset to be used for a project to establish a Specified Facility (meaning a facility which fall within facilities listed the items (iii) and (iv) of paragraph (1) of Article 2 (excluding public housings) (hereinafter referred to as \"Item 3 and 4 Facilities\" in this article) and facilities specified by the relevant Cabinet Order as assets equivalent to Item 3 and 4 Facilities among assets set forth in item (v) of paragraph (1) of the same article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this article) that is useful for the implementation of the relevant Selected Project (hereinafter referred to as a \"Qualified Private Project\" in this article) to the Appointed Business Operator who implements the Specified Private Project, notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 18 of the National Property Act to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original use or purpose of the asset.", "ja": "第十䞀条の䞉 前条第䞀項から第五項たでに定めるもののほか、囜は、必芁があるず認めるずきは、囜有財産法第十八条第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、特定斜蚭第二条第䞀項第䞉号及び第四号に掲げる斜蚭公営䜏宅を陀く。以䞋この項においお「第䞉号及び第四号斜蚭」ずいう。䞊びに同条第䞀項第五号の政什で定める斜蚭のうち第䞉号及び第四号斜蚭に準ずるものずしお政什で定めるものをいう。以䞋この条においお同じ。の蚭眮の事業であっお、遞定事業の実斜に資するず認められるもの以䞋この条においお「特定民間事業」ずいう。の甚に䟛するため、行政財産を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、圓該特定民間事業を行う遞定事業者に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(2) In addition to the leases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, in the case where an Appointed Business Operator who has leased administrative property pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph is to continue to own or use the Specified Facilities pertaining to the Specified Private Project after the termination of the Selected Project, the national government may, when it finds necessary, continue to lease to the lessee the said administrative assets (provided that, in the case of early termination of the contract which was entered into to implement the said Selected Project, the lessee is a person who is recognized to be appropriate for the administration of the said Public Facility etc. by the Administrator of Public Facility etc. pertaining to the facility that was the Public Facility etc. of the Selected Project; hereinafter the same shall apply in paragraph (6)) notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 18 of the National Property Act, to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original use or purpose of the asset.", "ja": " 前項に定めるもののほか、囜は、同項の芏定により行政財産の貞付けを受けた者が特定民間事業に係る特定斜蚭を遞定事業の終了の埌においおも匕き続き所有し、又は利甚しようずする堎合においお、必芁があるず認めるずきは、囜有財産法第十八条第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、圓該行政財産を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、その者圓該遞定事業を行うため締結した契玄の解陀による終了の堎合にあっおは、圓該遞定事業に係る公共斜蚭等であった斜蚭に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等が圓該公共斜蚭等の管理に関し適圓ず認める者に限る。第六項においお同じ。に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(3) In addition to the leases prescribed in preceding two paragraphs , in the case where an Appointed Business Operator who has leased administrative property in accordance with the paragraph (1) of this article is to transfer the Specified Facility (including the right to utilize the Specified Facility; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), the national government may lease, when it finds necessary, the administrative asset to the person who is to acquire the Specified Facilities (provided that the person is recognized by the Administrator of Public Facility etc. pertaining to the said Selected Project to be appropriate for administration of the Public Facility etc.) notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 18 of the National Property Act, to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original use or purpose of the asset.", "ja": " 前二項に定めるもののほか、囜は、第䞀項の芏定により行政財産の貞付けを受けた遞定事業者が特定民間事業に係る特定斜蚭特定斜蚭を利甚する暩利を含む。以䞋この項においお同じ。を譲枡しようずする堎合においお、必芁があるず認めるずきは、囜有財産法第十八条第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、圓該行政財産を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、圓該特定斜蚭を譲り受けようずする者圓該遞定事業に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等が圓該公共斜蚭等の管理に関し適圓ず認める者に限る。に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(4) The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case where a person who have leased an administrative asset pursuant to the provision of paragraph (2) or the preceding paragraph (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this paragraph) is to transfer the said Specified Facilities (including the right to utilize the Specified Facility). In this case, the term \"the Administrator of Public Facility etc. pertaining to the said Selected Project\" in the preceding paragraph, shall be deemed to be replaced with \"the Administrator of Public Facility etc. pertaining to the said Selected Project (in the case of the transfer after expiration of Selected Project, 'the Administrator of the Public Facility etc. pertaining to the facility which was the Public Facility etc. pertaining to the Selected Project')\"", "ja": " 前項の芏定は、第二項又は前項この項においお準甚する堎合を含む。の芏定により行政財産の貞付けを受けた者が圓該特定斜蚭特定斜蚭を利甚する暩利を含む。を譲枡しようずする堎合に぀いお準甚する。この堎合においお、前項䞭「圓該遞定事業に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等」ずあるのは、「圓該遞定事業に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等圓該遞定事業の終了の埌にあっおは、圓該遞定事業に係る公共斜蚭等であった斜蚭に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等」ず読み替えるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(5) In addition to leases prescribed in paragraphs (6) to (10) inclusive of the preceding article a local government may lease, when it finds necessary, an administrative asset in use for a Specified Private Project to the Appointed Business Operator who implements the Specified Private Project, notwithstanding the provision of the paragraph (1) of Article 238-4 of the Local Government Act, to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original use or purpose of the asset.", "ja": " 前条第六項から第十項たでに定めるもののほか、地方公共団䜓は、必芁があるず認めるずきは、地方自治法第二癟䞉十八条の四第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、特定民間事業の甚に䟛するため、行政財産を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、圓該特定民間事業を行う遞定事業者に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(6) In addition to the leases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, in the case where a person who has leased an administrative asset pursuant to preceding paragraph is to own or utilize the relevant Specified Facility used for the Specified Private Project after the termination of the relevant Selected Project, the local government may, when it finds necessary, lease the said administrative asset to the person, notwithstanding the provision of the paragraph (1) of Article 238-4 of the Local Government Act to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original usage or purpose of the asset.", "ja": " 前項に定めるもののほか、地方公共団䜓は、同項の芏定により行政財産の貞付けを受けた者が特定民間事業に係る特定斜蚭を遞定事業の終了の埌においおも匕き続き所有し、又は利甚しようずする堎合においお、必芁があるず認めるずきは、地方自治法第二癟䞉十八条の四第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、圓該行政財産を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、その者に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(7) In addition to the leases prescribed in preceding two paragraphs, in the case where an Appointed Business Operator who has leased administrative asset pursuant to with the paragraph (5) of this article is to transfer the Specified Facility used for the Specified Private Project (including the right to utilize the Specified Facility; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), the local government may, when it finds necessary, lease the administrative asset to the person who is to acquire the Specified Facility (provided that the person is recognized by the Administrator of Public Facility etc. pertaining to the Selected Project to be appropriate for administration of the Public Facility etc), notwithstanding the provision of the paragraph (1) of Article 238-4 of the Local Government Act to the extent that the lease does not prevent the original usage or purpose of the asset.", "ja": " 前二項に定めるもののほか、地方公共団䜓は、第五項の芏定により行政財産の貞付けを受けた遞定事業者が特定民間事業に係る特定斜蚭特定斜蚭を利甚する暩利を含む。以䞋この項においお同じ。を譲枡しようずする堎合においお、必芁があるず認めるずきは、地方自治法第二癟䞉十八条の四第䞀項の芏定にかかわらず、圓該行政財産を、その甚途又は目的を劚げない限床においお、圓該特定斜蚭を譲り受けようずする者圓該遞定事業に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等が圓該公共斜蚭等の管理に関し適圓ず認める者に限る。に貞し付けるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(8) The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case where a person who has leased an administrative asset pursuant to the provision of paragraph (6) or the preceding paragraph (including the case where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this paragraph) is to transfer the said Specified Facility (including the right to utilize the Specified Facility). In this case, the term \"the Administrator of the Public Facility etc. pertaining to the said Selected Project\" in the preceding paragraph, shall be deemed to be replaced with \"the Administrator of the Public Facility etc. pertaining to the said Selected Project (in the case of the transfer after termination of the Selected Project, 'the Administrator of the Public Facility etc. pertaining to the facility which was the Public Facility etc. pertaining to the Selected Project')\"", "ja": " 前項の芏定は、第六項又は前項この項においお準甚する堎合を含む。の芏定により行政財産の貞付けを受けた者が圓該特定斜蚭特定斜蚭を利甚する暩利を含む。を譲枡しようずする堎合に぀いお準甚する。この堎合においお、前項䞭「圓該遞定事業に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等」ずあるのは、「圓該遞定事業に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等圓該遞定事業の終了の埌にあっおは、圓該遞定事業に係る公共斜蚭等であった斜蚭に係る公共斜蚭等の管理者等」ず読み替えるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(9) The provisions of paragraphs (11) and (12) of the preceding article shall apply mutatis mutandis to leases pursuant to respective preceding paragraphs of this article. In this case, \"paragraphs (1) to (5) inclusive\" in paragraph (12) of the preceding article shall be deemed to be replaced with \"paragraphs (1) to (4) inclusive of Article 11-3,\" and \"paragraphs (6) to (10) inclusive\" of the preceding article shall be deemed to be replaced with \"paragraphs (5) to (8) inclusive of Article 11-3\".", "ja": " 前条第十䞀項及び第十二項の芏定は、前各項の芏定による貞付けに぀いお準甚する。この堎合においお、同条第十二項䞭「第䞀項から第五項たで」ずあるのは「第十䞀条の䞉第䞀項から第四項たで」ず、「第六項から第十項たで」ずあるのは「第十䞀条の䞉第五項から第八項たで」ず読み替えるものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 12 (1) The national government may, when it finds necessary, allow the use of national properties (meaning national properties provided in paragraph (1) of Article 2 of the National Property Act) by an Appointed Business Operator, as long as such properties are used for the Selected Project, either free of charge or at a cost lower than market price.", "ja": "第十二条 囜は、必芁があるず認めるずきは、遞定事業の甚に䟛する間、囜有財産囜有財産法第二条第䞀項に芏定する囜有財産をいう。を無償又は時䟡より䜎い察䟡で遞定事業者に䜿甚させるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(2) A local government may allow, when it finds necessary, the use of public properties (meaning public property provided in the paragraph (1) of Article 238 of the Local Government Act) by an Appointed Business Operator, as long as such properties are used for the Selected Project, either free of charge or at a cost lower than market price.", "ja": " 地方公共団䜓は、必芁があるず認めるずきは、遞定事業の甚に䟛する間、公有財産地方自治法第二癟䞉十八条第䞀項に芏定する公有財産をいう。を無償又は時䟡より䜎い察䟡で遞定事業者に䜿甚させるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 13 (1) The national government may make loans without interest to an Appointed Business Operator to be used as a fund for a Qualified Project that is, the government finds, to highly promote public benefit, within the limit of the budget.", "ja": "第十䞉条 囜は、予算の範囲内においお、遞定事業者に察し、遞定事業のうち特に公共性が高いず認めるものに係る資金に぀いお無利子で貞付けを行うこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(2) The national government may use the credit screening capability and loan finance capability of Development Bank of Japan, the Okinawa Development Finance Corporation, other governmental financial institutions, etc, when it provides loans without interest pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph.", "ja": " 囜は、前項の芏定により無利子で貞付けを行う堎合には、日本政策投資銀行、沖瞄振興開発金融公庫その他の政府系金融機関等の審査機胜又は貞付け機胜を掻甚するこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(Consideration to Ensuring Funds and Local Bonds)", "ja": "資金の確保等及び地方債に぀いおの配慮" }
{ "en": "Article 14 The national government or local governments, as the case may be, shall endeavor for obtainment of fund necessary for implementation of Selected Projects, or for arrangement of loans, or to take special consideration for issuance of local bonds within the limits under laws and regulations.", "ja": "第十四条 囜又は地方公共団䜓は、遞定事業の実斜のために必芁な資金の確保若しくはその融通のあっせん又は法什の範囲内における地方債に぀いおの特別の配慮に努めるものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 15 In order to facilitate the acquisition or use of land etc. by an Appointed Business Operator for use in a Selected Project, appropriate consideration should be made for acquisition of the land through expropriation of the land pursuant to the Compulsory Purchase of Land Act (Act No. 219 of 1951) or other permission under related laws and regulations.", "ja": "第十五条 遞定事業の甚に䟛する土地等に぀いおは、遞定事業者が円滑に取埗し、又は䜿甚するこずができるよう、土地収甚法昭和二十六幎法埋第二癟十九号に基づく収甚その他関係法什に基づく蚱可等の凊分に぀いお適切な配慮が行われるものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 16 (1) In addition to supports provided in Articles 11-2 to 15 inclusive, in order to promote the implementation of Qualified Projects, the national government and local governments shall take the necessary legislative and tax measures in light of the Basic Policy and Implementation Policies, and offer Appointed Business Operators necessary financing and fiscal supports.", "ja": "第十六条 第十䞀条の二から前条たでに芏定するもののほか、囜及び地方公共団䜓は、特定事業の実斜を促進するため、基本方針及び実斜方針に照らしお、必芁な法制䞊及び皎制䞊の措眮を講ずるずずもに、遞定事業者に察し、必芁な財政䞊及び金融䞊の支揎を行うものずする。" }
{ "en": "(2) The measures and supports set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be flexible and adaptable in order to accord with the nature and location etc., of the facilities to be provided, and attention shall paid to ensure that local governments and Public Corporations are able to fully exercise their autonomy.", "ja": " 前項の措眮及び支揎は、敎備される斜蚭の特性、事業の実斜堎所等に応じた柔軟か぀匟力的なものであり、か぀、地方公共団䜓及び公共法人の䞻䜓性が十分に発揮されるよう配慮されたものでなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 17 In order to promote the implementation of Qualified Projects, the national government and local governments shall promptly promote the abolition or relaxation of their regulations that hinder the full utilization of the technical expertise and innovation of private business operators.", "ja": "第十䞃条 囜及び地方公共団䜓は、特定事業の実斜を促進するため、民間事業者の技術の掻甚及び創意工倫の十分な発揮を劚げるような芏制の撀廃又は緩和を速やかに掚進するものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 18 In order to promote smooth implementation of Qualified Projects, the national government and local governments and private business operators shall mutually cooperate with one another, through such means as setting up systems for cooperation.", "ja": "第十八条 囜及び地方公共団䜓䞊びに民間事業者は、特定事業の円滑な実斜が促進されるよう、協力䜓制を敎備するこず等により盞互に協力しなければならない。" }