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[ "Weekly Market Wrap as of December 9\n\nThe Fed & the Wall Of Worry", null, "The Fed has signaled that tapering will be data dependent. Specifically, the guidance provided in the October 30 policy statement is that asset purchases will continue “until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially” and the timing of tapering will depend on “whether incoming information continues to support the Committee’s expectations of ongoing improvement in labor market conditions.” The labor market data has improved materially from a soft summer, but many FOMC members may yet call for patience on tapering until the broader growth trajectory becomes clearer.\n\nClarity on fiscal policy would help bolster confidence of FOMC members on next year’s growth prospects. So chatter that a budget deal is near is encouraging. And in principle, it would increase the chances of near term tapering. The deal apparently being discussed would ease the impact of automatic spending cuts (the sequester) next year by as much as $49 billion, paid for by increases in some revenue sources. If these elements come together, we believe they could lead to growth that is just a little better in 2014 – maybe 0.5% to 1% better than what we’ve seen so far in 2013.\n\nA third factor that will likely determine the timing of tapering is when the FOMC is ready to announce stronger forward guidance for the funds target. A new guidance regime would seek to offset the tightening signal that markets may extract from the start of tapering, aiming to reassure markets that the Fed intends on keeping the funds target near zero for quite a long time yet. It’s not clear to us that the FOMC has reached a consensus on guidance reform and until it does, tapering will probably be delayed.", null, "In Europe, Draghi cut inflation forecasts, raised downside risks, hinted at less likelihood of another LTRO and noted negative rate discussions but did nothing and that sent EUR higher and implicitly USD broke lower.\n\nDo we need bubbles for growth?\n\nWe think that something structurally has changed since the Great Financial Crisis, a change that seems destined to continue to hold back growth in the near-term and more worryingly has lowered the longer-term trend rate of growth. In the absence of structural reforms, a lack of appetite for debt restructuring and no ability to pursue more aggressive fiscal policy, the temptation will be strong globally to continue to throw liquidity at the problem which is likely to continue to have more impact on asset prices than the actual economy. Bubbles could easily form which could ultimately be the catalyst for the imbalances that will likely lead to the next recession or crisis…\n\nThe base case is that the world needs low yields and high liquidity given the huge amount of outstanding debt that we’re still left with post the leverage bubble and the GFC. There’s still too much leverage for us to believe that accidents won’t happen with the removal of too much stimulus. If we’re correct, we may see a reaction somewhere to tapering and this in turn may force the Fed into a much slower tapering path than it wants.\n\nWe think we’ll see monetary authorities try the head-fake taper. They must. It will be backstopped by and saturated in statistical lying, and everyone will have trouble parsing the probable effect because the chronic dishonesty loose in these governments will have deformed and impaired all metrics of true value. At the heart of whatever remains of this economy is fire, and the officers of the Federal Reserve are playing with it. Pretty soon, we’ll get the un-taper, the final surrender to the crack-up boom that awaits before the western world has to go medieval.\n\nEquities: Speculation that the Fed could begin tapering soon weighed on equities in spite of dovish rhetoric from other central banks. The employment report cured some of the market’s blues. The two winners were India’s SENSEX, topping our list for the second week after four weeks at the bottom of the heap, and China’s Shanghai Composite. . Year-to-date, the MSCI Japan is up roughly 50%; the S&P 500 Index was up roughly 30%; the MSCI Europe was up roughly 20%, and the MSCI Emerging Markets Index was up only about 5%.\n\nIn Europe, we prefer the regions that are fairly immune from the fiscal problems, preferring investments in Germany, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. European equities need earnings growth to continue to rally going to next year. GDP growth forecast in Europe for next year is in the 0.2% to 0.3% range.\n\nJapan & China Have This In Common …Ground Hog Day!\n\nThe Nikkei Index and the China ETF (FXI) have something in common…”they’ve been here before!” Been where? Both have hit falling resistance line (1) several times over the past few years, the Nikkei since 1996!\n\nIt’s the same resistance line. Will the results be like the movie Ground Hog Day the same thing over and over again?\n\nThe % of NYSE stocks above their 200-day moving averages has a strong bearish divergence similar to previous plunge-preceding divergences. As BofAML notes, this points to diminishing momentum for market breadth and preceded pullbacks in the range of 15%-20% in 2010 and 2011; increasing the risk for a US equity market pullback in 2014.", null, "Bonds: Taper speculation also contributed to sharply higher bond yields. Key government benchmarks are approaching the highs for the year posted in late summer before the Fed’s no-taper surprise on September 18. The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield was unchanged at 2.75% and the 10-year TIP yield rose 4 basis points (bps) to 0.60%. Overseas, sovereign bond markets were generally quiet, despite rating changes for a number of Eurozone sovereign issuers (more on that below).\n\nCurrencies: EUR rose after the ECB dampened expectations of further easing in the near term. CAD, AUD and JPY remained offered. Notably, CAD depreciated to its weakest since 2010. With EURJPY pausing (on Draghi’s comments), we look to USDJPY to provide the requisite lift at the cash open in the US…\n\nContrary to what many thought (not us), the expected divergence of monetary policy between the Federal Reserve tapering on one hand, and the European Central Bank (and Bank of Japan) which likely to have to provide more monetary support next year on the other hand, has not spurred a US dollar rally against European currencies. There is little reason to expect this to change, from a technical point of view.\n\nThat said, the dollar’s losses have not been broad based. Sterling and euro (and the Swiss franc and Danish krone) are where the greenback’s losses have been concentrated. In part, the market appears to be taking the Fed’s guidance seriously. Tapering is not tightening. The dollar’s weakness against the European currencies does not appear exhausted.\n\nThe next technical target for the euro is $1.3800-30. A similar level for the dollar against the Swiss franc is found just below CHF0.8900. There is little chart-based support below there before CHF0.8500. The US Dollar Index, which is heavily weighted toward the complex of European currencies, tested the 80.30 area which represents a 50% retracement of the rally from late October through the first part of November.\n\nCommodities: Crude oil prices (WTI) surged around 5% this week after TransCanada announced that it would open the southern portion of its pipeline to Gulf Coast refineries as soon as January 3rd, easing the oil glut in Cushing, Oklahoma. Gold and silver tumbled (in a deja vu of the last time Bitcoin and gold reached parity).\n\nGold edged up to a near one week high today as the dollar weakened and technical support held again prompting funds and investors to allocate funds to gold. Given the poor fiscal and monetary state of the U.S., we expect the dollar to weaken in 2014 which should contribute to higher gold prices.", null ]
[ "", null, "", null ]
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[ null, "As sport-fishing enthusiasts travel far and wide for their chance to catch the Chinook salmon returning to our North Coast and Central Valley rivers – this increases the risk of accidentally aiding the spread of aquatic hitchhikers. Transported from one body of water to another on fishing gear (such as waders) or boating equipment, invasive species can quickly become established and have profound effects on native animal and plant communities.\nAmong the most rapidly spreading of the roughly 50,000 non-native species in the United States (as of 2004, Schisler et al. 2004) is, one of the 66 currently recognized invasive mollusks, the New Zealand mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Often smaller than a peppercorn, they can survive out of the water for weeks, and a single individual of these asexually reproducing snails can be enough to colonize new habitats. In their native range, their numbers are limited by a parasitic nematode worm, which can keep the population in balance. In absence of this natural enemy, mudsnails can reach astonishing densities that often exceed 300,000 individuals to per square meter (Richards et al. 2001), displacing native fauna (Kearns et al. 2005).", null, "Mudsnails themselves are a poor source of food, and native fishes that have ingested mudsnails are often unable to obtain sufficient nutrition to maintain their weight (Vinson and Baker 2008). This comes as no surprise, as mudsnails frequently survive passage through the digestive tract of fishes and other animals (see Alonso and Castro-Díez 2008 for a review). Being such a poor source of nutrition, most native fishes do not selectively prey upon these snails – in fact, to date, only one native fish species, the endangered tidewater goby, Eucyclogobius newberryi, has been reported to prey upon and digest New Zealand mudsnails (Hellmair et al. 2011).\nTo eliminate the chance of spreading mudsnails (and other species), FISHBIO uses commercial disinfectant on our gear and boats, and we freeze our waders for at least one night before using them on a different reach of river. Though most recreational fishermen don’t have a freezer chest for storing their gear, there are some measures that easily be taken using readily available household cleaners. For example, a 10 minute exposure to undiluted 409 has been shown to effectively kill New Zealand mudsnails and other invasive species (Schisler et al. 2008), additional information on how to prevent spread of mudsnails can be found here. Also, there is a movement to ban the sponge-like felt-soled boots from use, since they can harbor these mudsnails. So as you go chase some fish, please be responsible and treat your gear against invaders." ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "comio", "alt_text": "The Intruder Selfie: This feature in Comio phones provides proof of any hack attempts", "rendered_width": 696, "rendered_height": 374, "original_width": 818, "original_height": 440, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
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[ null, "Comio,a new entrant in the Indian handset space, is all set to launch two new smartphones – S1 Lite and C2 Lite smartphones, on February 15 in India. The devices will be priced below Rs 8,000.\n\nThough it is not confirmed bt ComioS1 Lite may have a 5.5-inch display, 2GB of RAM and 32 GB internal memory. In the optics department, 13-megapixel rear camera and 8megapixel front camera are expected. The colour options one can expect are black, blue, and soft gold colours.\n\nAt the time of launch, Comio had announced an interesting after-sales service offering. As per the offer, a special buyback and upgrade option would be provided to the consumers that will allow users to upgrade their old smartphone. Under the proposals, users will get an assured 40 percent return on their existing Comio phones.\n\nAgain in October 2017, Comio added a new member to its smartphone portfolio – C2. The phone was priced at Rs 7,199. Coming to some key specifications, the Comio C2 sports a 5.2-inch HD IPS display with a screen resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. The phone is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core MediaTek processor along with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage." ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711336.41/warc/CC-MAIN-20221208114402-20221208144402-00219.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 154056978, "warc_record_length": 21681}
[ null, null, "Clara Immerwahr was a German chemist. She was the first woman to be awarded a doctorate in chemistry in Germany. She was also both a pacifist and a women’s rights activist. From 1901 until her suicide in 1915, she was married to the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Fritz Haber.\n\nImmerwahr married Fritz Haber in 1901, four years after she had converted to Christianity in 1897.\n\nDue to societal expectations that a married woman’s place was in the home, her ability to conduct research was limited. She instead contributed to her husband’s work without recognition, translating his works into English. On June 1, 1902 she gave birth to Hermann Haber (1902–1946) the only child of that marriage.\n\nConfiding in a friend, Immerwahr expressed her deep dissatisfaction with this subservient role:\n\nIt has always been my attitude that a life has only been worth living if one has made full use of all one’s abilities and tried to live out every kind of experience human life has to offer. It was under that impulse, among other things, that I decided to get married at that time… The life I got from it was very brief…and the main reasons for that was Fritz’s oppressive way of putting himself first in our home and marriage, so that a less ruthlessly self-assertive personality was simply destroyed.", null, "Josephine Webb (born June 21, 1918) is an American electrical engineer who obtained two patents for oil circuit breaker contact design, known colloquially as “switchgear”. She designed an eighteen-inch, full newspaper size fax machine with superior resolution. She co-founded Webb Consulting Company with her husband, also an electrical engineer. She is one of the first female electrical engineers, and considered a pioneer by the Society of Women Engineers. At Purdue University, she was one out of a total of five women engineers…\n\n…In 1942, she joined Westinghouse Electric Corporation as a Design Engineer. where among other duties, she worked on the electrical grids for the Coulee, Hoover, and Boulder Dams. It was during her tenure with the company that she obtained two patents for oil circuit breaker contact design.\n\nIn 1946, Webb became Director of Development for the Facsimile Development Laboratory at the Alden Products Company where she designed an eighteen-inch, full newspaper size fax machine with exceptional resolution for that time. Later, Webb co-founded the Webb Consulting Company with her husband, Herbert Webb. They specialized in electrical-electronic measurement instrumentation, communications applications, and photographic test devices. They worked for clients as diverse as Boeing and the U.S. Bureau of Mines.\n\nIn addition to the consulting business, Webb also took a position in 1977 with North Idaho College where she began development of a Computer Center and worked on several government grants for enhancing the campus and its educational programs.\n\nWebb holds four patents for her innovative work and has been active in many professional organizations including IEEE, NSPE, and SWE where she holds Fellows status.", null, "Shirin Ebadi is an Iranian lawyer, a former judge and human rights activist and founder of Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran. On 10 October 2003, Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her significant and pioneering efforts for democracy and human rights, especially women’s, children’s, and refugee rights. She was the first ever Iranian to receive the prize.\n\nIn 2009, Ebadi’s award was allegedly confiscated by Iranian authorities, though this was later denied by the Iranian government. If true, she would be the first person in the history of the Nobel Prize whose award has been forcibly seized by state authorities.\n\nEbadi lived in Tehran, but she has been in exile in the UK since June 2009 due to the increase in persecution of Iranian citizens who are critical of the current regime. In 2004, she was listed by Forbes magazine as one of the “100 most powerful women in the world”. She is also included in a published list of the “100 most influential women of all time.”", null, "SpaceShipOne is an experimental air-launched rocket-powered aircraft with suborbital flight capability that uses a hybrid rocket motor. The design features a unique “feathering” atmospheric reentry system where the rear half of the wing and the twin tail booms folded upward along a hinge running the length of the wing; this increased drag while remaining stable. SpaceShipOne completed the first manned private spaceflight in 2004. That same year, it won the US$10 million Ansari X Prize and was immediately retired from active service. Its mother ship was named “White Knight”. Both craft were developed and flown by Mojave Aerospace Ventures, which was a joint venture between Paul Allen and Scaled Composites, Burt Rutan’s aviation company. Allen provided the funding of approximately US$25 million.\n\nRutan has indicated that ideas about the project began as early as 1994 and the full-time development cycle time to the 2004 accomplishments was about three years. The vehicle first achieved supersonic flight on December 17, 2003, which was also the one-hundredth anniversary of the Wright Brothers’ historic first powered flight. SpaceShipOne’s first official spaceflight, known as flight 15P, was piloted by Mike Melvill. A few days before that flight, the Mojave Air and Space Port was the first commercial spaceport licensed in the United States. A few hours after that flight, Melvill became the first licensed U.S. commercial astronaut. The overall project name was “Tier One” which has evolved into Tier 1b with a goal of taking a successor ship’s first passengers into space within the next few years.\n\nThe achievements of SpaceShipOne are more comparable to the X-15 than orbiting spacecraft like the Space Shuttle. Accelerating a spacecraft to orbital speed requires more than 60 times as much energy as accelerating it to Mach 3. It would also require an elaborate heat shield to safely dissipate that energy during re-entry.", null, "2011 – Is the Rise of Wearable Electronics Finally Here?", null, "For decades I’ve wanted interesting, beautiful, and (sometimes) functional electronics on the most personal geographies of all, myself. When I think of “living in the future,” it’s what springs to mind: subtle LEDs, lots of polished metal. In this week’s column I’m going to share some milestones, mistakes, and projects in the world of wearable electronics. From geeky watches to wearable music players — I’ve always wanted to utilize my wrist real estate to my shoes for electronics of some kind. Many of the “wearables” I’m going to share are from my project archives, some are now “real,” and others are products that are out now. I think we’re finally entering an era where wearable electronics can look good and work well.\n\nAs my friend Bryce recently said:\nAs the price for enabling components drops, always-on connectivity in our pockets and purses increases, and access to low-cost manufacturing resources and know-how rises we’ll see innovation continue to push into these most personal forms of computing. From pedometers to cufflinks and from connected ski goggles to connected watches the rise of the wearables is upon us…\n\nStrap on your LCD goggles — let’s get started!\n\n2015 – @adafruit in @WalterIsaacson “The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution”", null, "Ladyada in mentioned “The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution” by Walter Isaacson on page 303 here! (thanks Danny!).\n\nFollowing his blockbuster biography of Steve Jobs, The Innovators is Walter Isaacson’s revealing story of the people who created the computer and the Internet. It is destined to be the standard history of the digital revolution and an indispensable guide to how innovation really happens.\n\nWhat were the talents that allowed certain inventors and entrepreneurs to turn their visionary ideas into disruptive realities? What led to their creative leaps? Why did some succeed and others fail?\n\nThis is the story of how their minds worked and what made them so inventive. It’s also a narrative of how their ability to collaborate and master the art of teamwork made them even more creative.\n\nFor an era that seeks to foster innovation, creativity, and teamwork, The Innovators shows how they happen." ]
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[ null, "Victim restitution can be a vitally important part of a crime victim’s recovery, yet is often poorly understood and managed by states. Very few states have been able to show substantial progress in improving restitution, but Hawaii has done so and has the data to prove it. This success story was highlighted at the National Association of Attorneys General annual winter meeting in February in Washington, DC, in the panel discussion “Helping Crime Victims Recover from Financial Losses.”\n\nModerated by Anne Seymour, national crime victim advocate and consultant at The Pew Charitable Trusts, the panel focused on ways in which state policymakers and attorneys general can use data analysis to help ensure that victims receive restitution.\n\n“All 50 states have really strong laws about victim restitution on the books, but they’re not consistently enforced,” Seymour said. “I’m always reminding people that restitution is a right, not just a recommendation.”\n\n“Victimization lasts so long . . . and is so vast and all-consuming. We often think about the emotional effects on a victim, . . . which are significant,” Darlene Hutchinson, Director of the Office for Victims of Crime at the U.S. Department of Justice, said. “The financial side of it adds so much anxiety to a victim’s recovery.”\n\nMarc Pelka, deputy director of State Initiatives at The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center, described how Hawaii’s analysis of its restitution statutes as a part of justice reinvestment work there in 2011 helped address inconsistency and unpredictability in the restitution process. At that time, only 10 percent of the money in an incarcerated person’s trust account was being deducted for restitution, and this amount was only drawn from wages, not from other deposits or credits. The state realized that deducting restitution from wages alone was too limiting and enacted policy changes. Now, 25 percent of all types of deposits into trust accounts are deducted to pay restitution.\n\nYear to year, a little more than half of restitution orders in Hawaii are for $1,000 or less. The majority (77 percent) of sentences with restitution orders are for nonviolent offenses, especially property crime. Many victims of these types of crimes are not eligible for victim compensation, so restitution is their only chance to recoup losses.\n\nBetween 2013 and 2016, the amount of restitution collected from people in prison and on parole in Hawaii increased 70 percent. Victims are now receiving more frequent payments because the money is disbursed as soon as it reaches $25 dollars in a person’s trust account. From 2010 to 2016, the number of disbursements increased tenfold, from 253 to 2,470.\n\n“One way that we can see this work in other states is to . . . find ways to establish those baselines and be able to show those numbers,” he said. “. . . It can make a big difference in being able to show how victims are actually being helped by this and also help bring about even more policy change or legislative fixes if that’s what’s necessary in your state to be able to restore victims in a just way.”" ]
[ null, "", null ]
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[ "Sharon Lacey: A Stand Up Comics Race Against Time\n\nSharon Lacey: A Stand Up Comics Race Against Time", null, "My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady with a kind of bio that you don’t often see.\n\nAs it says “What do you do when Alzheimers runs in your family and you fear you see early symptoms in yourself, too? She didn’t waste a single moment:\n\nShe quit her job as a national award-winning teacher to pursue her lifelong dream to be a road comic. And her life has become one amazing adventure!\n\nShe has entertained U.S. troops in Iraq & Kuwait; performed in comedy clubs in 40 states; and has been to Africa 4 times to perform for Ugandan audiences in two of their tribal languages, as well as going on an epic trek in search of wild mountain gorillas.\n\nWhat makes this so show so different is unlike so many of our guests who are escaping from a job they dont like, or guest loved her job she was trying to escape from something that went so much deeper than that.\n\nShe realised due to the illnesses in her family that we are all living on borrowed time, and leaving something until tomorrow may well mean that it will never actually occur.\n\nAnd now with her book “A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO DEMENTIA: A Stand Up Comedian’s Race Against Time”, being published by Motivational Press does she look back and think “I should have done this earlier?”\n\nOr is life simply a series of dots that have to be crossed before you can truly find the thing that you want to do in life?\n\nDuring the show we discussed such weighty topics with Sharon Lacey such as:\n\nSharon reveals how she won a comedy trophy at the age of ten as a comedian, and why it was snatched away from her cruelly.\n\nWhy in her view life should be fun to really gain what the world has to offer, although fun is more often than not the thing we sacrifice first.\n\nHow To Connect With Sharon Lacey" ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "thomas scrubb double double not enough carleton falls short against syracuse", "alt_text": "Thomas Scrubb double-double not enough, Carleton falls short against Syracuse", "rendered_width": 818, "rendered_height": 600, "original_width": 818, "original_height": 600, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
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[ null, "Syracuse, NY – The Syracuse Orange behind the stellar play of freshman point guard Kaleb Joseph fought off a 15 point first-half deficit to defeat the Carleton Ravens in-front of 7,812 fans at the Carrier Dome.\n\nCanada’s ten-time university champions came into the game with a 10-1 pre-season record, rocking victories over the Memphis Tigers (2x), and Vermont Catamounts, Illinois-Chicago Flames, a close 10-point loss to the Indiana Hoosiers. The Ravens weren’t shy of their intentions of wanting to add the Syracuse Orange to the long list of NCAA division one programs to fall to Dave Smart and the Ravens over the last 16 years.\n\nCarleton ripped off an early 10-0 to grab control of the game for 13-4 lead and found their shooting touch again with another 12-0 run late in the first-half when Syracuse cut the deficit to 23-21 to take a 39-30 lead over the Orange at half-time.\n\nSyracuse’s 8-0 run to begin the second-half changed the tone for the remainder of the game as the orange pounded the ball early and often to Rakeem Christmas established himself and sliced into Carleton’s lead at 39-38. Unphased by the Orange’s height advantage Carleton responded withe their own 8-0 on triples by Raso and Gavin Resch at 45-38 with 14;47 to go in the second-half.\n\nThe Orange grabbed the lead on a Ran Paterson dunk with 11:20 to play in the game and never allowed the Ravens to jump ahead despite several ties Thomas Scrubb’s best efforts to lead Carleton to victory.\n\nSyracuse was paced by freshman Kaleb Joseph with 19 points and four assists on 7-of-9 shooting. Paterson added 15 and Chris McCullough finished with 14 points and 5 rebounds.\n\nThe Ravens shot themselves in the foot by shooting a uncharismatic 5/13 (38.5%) from the free-throw and out-rebounded the Orange 45-31.\n\nCarleton finishes the preseason schedule with 10-2 record with losses to the Indiana Hoosiers and Syracuse Orange. The Ravens hit the road and open-up OUA regular season play with a tough road trip against the improving Brock Badgers and McMaster Marauders." ]
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[ null, "She was also served as Minister of Guayas province. Please enter your name.\n\nThey can be used to express: Member feedback about Deaths in February Her father was Dr. The following is a list of notable deaths in February Please enter the message. Find more information about: Member feedback about Arts and culture in Santiago, Cape Verde: It was a literary review along with other works published at the time that lef the struggle for freedom and independence Literature is one of the richest in Her mother was Angela Febres-Cordero Lavayen.\n\nAdvanced Search Find a Library. It was the first of the islands to be settled: WorldCat is the world’s largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online.\n\nThe Cape Verde archipelago was uninhabited until the 15th century, when Portuguese explorers discovered and colonized the islands, establishing the first European settlement in the tropics.", null, "You may send this item to up to five recipients. Linked Data More info about Linked Data.\n\nThe specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied. Manuel Ferreira 18 July [1][2] — 17 March [3] was a Portuguese writer.\n\nWrite a review Rate this item: A typical entry lists information in the following sequence: Clarinda poet topic Clarinda was the pen name used by an anonymous Peruvian poet, generally assumed to be a woman, who wrote in the early 17th Century. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway.\n\nShe wrote poetry in her native Spanish even before attending university. He did not want to participate in the colonial wars in Africa, he lived in exile in London for six years, where he worked ve film at the London Film School for cinema and television, he also studied at the Contemporary Film Makers Studio. Please create a new list with a new name; move some items to a new or existing list; or delete some items.", null, "Name, age, country of citizenship and reason for notability, established cause of death, reference. Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers." ]
[ "", null, "" ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Benjamin West French Indian War", "rendered_width": 900, "rendered_height": 600, "original_width": 1024, "original_height": 683, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "DevilsGate", "rendered_width": 300, "rendered_height": 225, "original_width": 300, "original_height": 225, "format": "jpeg"}]
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[ null, "After September 2 (O.S.), the British government adopted the Gregorian calendar. All dates hereafter are given in the New Style.\n\n1775 January 20 American Revolution: The government of Fincastle County, Virginia issued the Fincastle Resolutions, promising resistance to the Intolerable Acts.\nFebruary 27 Parliament passed the Conciliatory Resolution, addressed individually to each of Great Britain’s colonies in North America, which promised that any colony which raised taxes for the common defense and for its own civil government would be relieved of additional taxation.\n\nMarch 22 American Revolution: The government of Harford County, Maryland adopted the Bush Declaration, calling for armed revolt against Great Britain.\nMarch 23 Second Virginia Convention: In Richmond, Patriot Patrick Henry urged the provisional legislature of Virginia to begin arming militias in the speech Give me liberty, or give me death!\nApril 18 American Revolution: Paul Revere of the Sons of Liberty rode from Boston to Lexington, Massachusetts to warn the local Patriot militia of the approach of British forces. See §”Midnight Ride”\nApril 19 Battles of Lexington and Concord: After attacking militias loyal to the Massachusetts Provincial Congress in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British forces were made to withdraw to Boston.\n\n1799 December 14 Washington died.\n1800 10 May The Slave Trade Act of 1800, which forbade residents and citizens of the United States from investing in or serving aboard a ship engaged in the business of transporting slaves into the United States, was signed into law.", null ]
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[ null, "TAKEAWAY customers watched in horror as one of the London ‘Bucket Bombing’ terror suspect Yahyah Farroukh was wrestled to the ground outside a CHICKEN shop of all places.\n\nThe Syrian refugee from Damascus was pinned down by four undercover cops at midnight on Saturday according to The Sun.\n\nFarroukh, 21, originally from Damascus, was being quizzed over the failed plot to blow up a Tube train at Parsons Green station in South West London.", null, "He had lived with a foster couple at the same house as an unnamed 18-year-old arrested at Dover earlier on Saturday.\n\nA witness who saw Farroukh’s arrest at Aladdins Fried Chicken in Hounslow, West London, said: “The guy had just walked past the takeaway when three blokes and a woman came running past and he was rugby tackled to the floor.", null, "“My mates and I thought he was getting jumped.\n\n“We were going to help him but they shouted ‘undercover police’ so we stepped back.\n\n“The guy was screaming. When they took him down his phone went flying and he dropped his bag containing a drink can and a KitKat.\n\n“A forensic team wrapped his arms in plastic up to his biceps and his legs up to his thighs.\n\n“They put plastic on his shoes then put him in overalls and plastic cuffs.\n\n“They put him in a car which also had all the seats wrapped in plastic.\n\n“He looked like he didn’t speak much English but he was responding to what they were saying.\n\n“It seems they had been waiting in a car on the side road. As soon as I saw them wrapping him up I knew it was really serious.”\n\n“The cops were shouting to get his phone. I guess because it holds important information.\n\n“They called for back-up and two more cops turned up.\n\n“They were holding him down and trying to calm him.\n\nHis Facebook profile says he has worked for promoters Dope Diamond Entertainment and BSQ London.\n\nFarroukh used to be cared for by a foster care couple who won awards for their work – Politicalite is not naming the couple, as we do not believe they have any part to play in the events – their house in Sunbury-on-Thames, Surrey, was raided on Saturday." ]
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[ "British Columbia reported 68 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, along with another death in long-term care.\n\nIt brought the province’s death toll because of the coronavirus to 204.\n\nActive cases edged back up to 906 after dipping slightly the day prior, provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said.\n\nThere was one new community outbreak involving seven people at a construction site for a water treatment facility near Elkford, B.C., said Henry. Six of the cases are Alberta residents.\n\nFor the first time, B.C. also reported on suspected cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, a condition also known as MIS-C that’s associated with COVID-19.\n\nEight potential cases have been identified, Henry said, but none of them had tested positive for the coronavirus, had contact with someone who had it, or had developed antibodies.\n\nThe five boys and three girls were all hospitalized.\n\n“MIS-C is very similar to a rare childhood condition that’s known as Kawasaki disease. And we have seen children with that condition every year,” Henry said.\n\n“Fortunately, most patients with either condition recover completely, and that is the case with the eight people here in British Columbia.”\n\nThe province has begun to report such cases because of a change in case definitions nationally, she added.", null, "“Virtually every part of our province has been touched by COVID-19, communities large and small and geographically dispersed,” said Henry.\n\n“These are the cases who were tested or who were epidemiologically-linked to COVID-19, and we know that there are additional people who were infected with COVID-19, particularly in the period of March and April, when we had limited testing.”\n\nAbout a third of B.C.’s cases were now related to events, a third linked to families and community groups, about a third were related to other exposure evens including workplace clusters and long-term care homes, said Henry.\n\nThe number of people isolating due to possible exposure also climbed by 80 to 2,810.\n\nTwenty-two people remained in hospital, with seven of them in critical care." ]
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[ null, "Breaking through in the role of Brandon Russell for the Hallmark original series Good Witch, Jeannotte continued to land parts on TV in The CW’s Reign as James Stuart and Freeform’s The Bold Type as Ryan Decker.\n\nHe married Heidi Hawkins in December of 2012.\n\nHis role as Ryan Decker on The Bold Type was a romantic interest of Katie Stevens’ character Jane Sloane." ]
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[ "Issue includes a free code that can be redeemed for a digital version of the issue.", null, "Atlantis Attacks Part 5: Eye of the Storm (Table of Contents: 1)\n\nArtist credits give no distinction between pencils and inks.\nOnly the cover and the final page refer to the King in Black crossover storyline, suggesting that they were produced later (since this issue was delayed several months due to the 2020 publishing hiatus)." ]
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[ "Why Poker? As a game of incomplete information and uncertainty, poker is a prime application of the game theory concepts and decision making skills essential to trading. While traders make risk decisions based on the limited information they get from the markets, poker players make decisions based on hidden information as well, taking into. Free Poker Games. Taking your first steps can be difficult, and if you haven’t ever played before you might not want to risk your own money straight away. That's why we offer free games so that you can test things out and get a feel for the game. To get started playing for free: Download our free, secure software and create your new Stars Account. partypoker is one of the best online poker sites, jam-packed with a 24/7 schedule of exciting poker cash games and tournaments with huge daily guarantees. So what are you waiting for? Download our poker software for free, claim your welcome bonus and play poker online now!\n\nDoes PokerStars Have Bots? Here are the Facts [2020]\n\nPokerStars have a license to operate in the EU, and like other sites it is also an online casino and sports betting site. And we would hardly want them to ban our own account just based on some false report made by a bad loser. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. You are commenting using your WordPress. Stunningly simple :. As you say, most people will always be losing in poker due to the simple fact, its a zero sum game, and there is rake. Someone commented that players losing chips increases play chip sales.\n\nPKR – Money for Nothing and Chips for Free\n\nHaving been around for quite a long while now and as yet driving the business sector with its propelled 3D poker stage — PKR can make you have an inclination that you are really in the diversion. Make your own one of a kind symbol and alter anything from appearance to garments and even traps to perform at the table — with a determination so extensive, it would put the Sims to disgrace. Both of these recreations include the same stunning illustrations and holding innovation that their Poker customer does — an element that is certain to keep you at the site for a considerable length of time.", null, "Having played around I am using a HUD, and in my most commonly played games I now have more than And they each have individual trade marks and small flaws in their stats, which to me indicate human action. I have seen only one single account, which I suspected might be a bot. This was used in a time limited game called \"Showtime\", where all cards were folded face up. Using a bot in this particular game would make a lot of sense, since its easier for a computer than a human to make use of information about dead cards in real time.\n\nSo yeah for me this is not a real concern, and also not on poker, where I mainly play at the moment. As you say, most people will always be losing in poker due to the simple fact, its a zero sum game, and there is rake.\n\nBut most people overestimate their skill, and underestimate the magnitude of variance. So whenever they lose, in their mind there has to be some kind of faul play. Recently someone posted in a large forum, that he was sure, a certain poker site was rigged.", null, "His rationale? Well after cashing in two tournaments there, during the next two tournaments, he played a total of hands, and he did not get dealth QQ, KK or AA even once. Now if you do the math, this is about as \"unlikely\" as someone hitting a 2-outer on the river, and yet he still saw this as clear evidence Thanks for your thoughts Lars! There are always lots of crazy theories especially on poker forums haha.\n\nUsually not much in the way of real evidence though. What always cracks me up though is the people who complain that a certain poker site is rigged or overrun by bots and yet they STILL keep playing there!\n\nWhat is a runner in poker", null, "Some parts of this narrative are based on the life of Nat Arem, [4] a professional poker player and former accountant at Deloitte Touche who helped uncover cheating [5] in online poker by using statistical methods [6] to analyze thousands of games.\n\nRichie Furst used to have a lucrative career on Wall Street; this history prevents him from receiving tuition assistance at Princeton, so he funds his master's degree by referring students to online gambling, for which he receives a cut.\n\nAfter the dean threatens to expel him for these activities, Richie tries to win his tuition using his excellent poker skills in online gambling, but he loses all his money to a cheater, something he is able to prove by statistics. Richie travels to Costa Rica to confront Ivan Block, who runs the biggest empire of online gambling websites in the world, including the one Richie lost his money on. After Ivan sees the statistics, he finds coders have coded the software to allow them to cheat.\n\nAfter firing those involved, Ivan tells Richie he'll pay him millions per year to stay in Costa Rica and assist with the site. Richie slowly begins a romantic relationship with Rebecca Shafran, ex-lover of Ivan, who appears to have no objections. Ivan has Richie blackmail a gaming affiliate with videos of his infidelity to force him to sign with Ivan. FBI agent Shavers kidnaps Richie and threatens to ruin his life in various ways if he does not assist in a conviction of Ivan Block.\n\nShavers cannot do anything legally as he has no authority in Costa Rica, but he takes advantage of this to use tactics that would be illegal and unethical for law enforcement inside the United States. Ivan tells Richie that everyone in the organization ends up confronted by Shavers at some point. Over time, Ivan's organization is revealed to be less than ethical. He sends Richie to bribe Costa Rica gaming director Herrera with too small a payment, which leads to Richie being beaten." ]
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[ "Home assignment design services It is better to be poor\n\nIt is better to be poor", null, "How do I protect this billion dollars a month? They can go and do anything they want, but what should they do?\n\nWe will build another building. The poor are used to no one wanting or expecting anything out of them. Maybe her kids might be able to go to a better school if she could just have a little bit more money.\n\nIt is better to be honest and poor best debate essay\n\nNone shall desire to save him from deserved punishment, nor pity him. If a man seeks the Lord, it is a good sign that he understands much, and it is a good means of understanding more. Why do we look and say that one or another is better? I was inspired to share this last night after I was reading a book and for perhaps the 10, times I thought how awful to be poor, and then all these thoughts poured out of me. If I just had 20 more dollars my life would be better. What if being poor is merely a reflection of the same sickness as being rich? Rich men are so flattered, that they think themselves superior to others. The three-year-old child has no want for money. The government controls you with money. We are in the middle of the game and we get certainty that someday we will stop playing the game.\n\nBut what if having more is just as bad as having less? They starve to death and she screams out how unfair it is. The game is one of choice. What if looking around today and saying that these pieces of paper are enough today? Do I have enough today?\n\nRated 6/10 based on 84 review\nDownload\nIs it better to be honest and poor or dishonest and rich?" ]
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[ null, "In this image, War Department 2-8-0 locomotives are shown under construction in AE shop at Swindon Works in May 1943. In order to meet the demand for locomotives for war work, the War Department placed an order in 1942 for the GWR to build 80 LMS 8F Class Stanier 2-8-0 freight locomotives, for use both at home and overseas. The short supply of raw materials meant that the building of these locomotives took longer than expected, and this image shows a number of the first batch of 27 engines under construction, over a year after the first order was placed" ]
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[ "As Threats Rise, Learn How to Stay Safe", null, "There have been more than 250 mass shootings in the U.S. this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive. At least 38 have taken place in the last two weeks.\n\nThe Department of Homeland Security issued a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin on Monday, June 7. It reads in part:\n\n“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment, as noted in the previous Bulletin, and several recent attacks have highlighted the dynamic and complex nature of the threat environment. In the coming months, we expect the threat environment to become more dynamic as several high-profile events could be exploited to justify acts of violence against a range of possible targets. These targets could include public gatherings, faith-based institutions, schools, racial and religious minorities, government facilities and personnel, U.S. critical infrastructure, the media, and perceived ideological opponents.”\n\nAgain, we, the media, were mentioned as a potential target. So how do we and our fellow Americans protect ourselves? Below are some recommendations from" ]
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[ "Red Eléctrica de España (REE) released a preliminary report on the country’s power generation, which revealed for “the first time ever, [wind power] contributed most to the annual electricity demand coverage”.\n\nWind power and hydroelectric power production soared this year, increasing by 12% and 16%, respectively.\n\nThroughout the year the all-time highs of wind power production were exceeded. On February 6th wind power recorded a new maximum of instantaneous power with 17,056MW (2.5% up on the previous record) and that same day the all-time maximum for hourly energy was also exceeded reaching 16,918MWh.\n\nFurthermore, in January, February, March and November wind power generation was the technology that made the largest contribution towards the total energy production of the system.", null, null, null ]
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[null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "rendered_width": 400, "rendered_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "original_height": 267, "format": "jpeg"}, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Senegal", "rendered_width": 620, "rendered_height": 349, "original_width": 620, "original_height": 349, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Tunisia v France Group D FIFA World Cup Qatar", "alt_text": "Tunisia created an upset by beating world champions France (Photo Credit: FIFA)", "rendered_width": 300, "rendered_height": 178, "original_width": 300, "original_height": 178, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "senegal s defender kalidou koulibaly r celebrates scoring his team s second goal during the qatar", "alt_text": "Senegal celebrating one of her goals (Photo Credit: FIFA)", "rendered_width": 300, "rendered_height": 200, "original_width": 300, "original_height": 200, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Kudus", "alt_text": "Ghanaian youngster Mohammed Kudus was outstanding at the World Cup (Photo Credit: FIFA)", "rendered_width": 300, "rendered_height": 169, "original_width": 300, "original_height": 169, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "skysports vincent aboubakar", "alt_text": "Vincent Aboubakar turned back the years at Qatar 2022 (Photo Credit: FIFA)", "rendered_width": 300, "rendered_height": 169, "original_width": 300, "original_height": 169, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Wahbi Khazri Issam Jebali", "alt_text": "Wahbi Khazri celebrates with teammates after putting France to the sword (Photo Credit: FIFA)", "rendered_width": 300, "rendered_height": 169, "original_width": 300, "original_height": 169, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "GettyImages", "alt_text": "Andre Ayew's missed penalty could have seen Ghana progress out of their group (Photo Credit: FIFA)", "rendered_width": 300, "rendered_height": 169, "original_width": 300, "original_height": 169, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711121.31/warc/CC-MAIN-20221206225143-20221207015143-00118.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 106836150, "warc_record_length": 35990}
[ "Arsene Wenger arrived in Liberia on Wednesday evening, with the ex-Arsenal boss set to be handed the country’s highest honour from president George Weah.\n\nWenger, who ended his 22-year association with the Gunners in May, will be inducted into Liberia’s Order of Distinction.\n\nIt comes after Weah, the former World Footballer of the Year who was elected as his country’s leader last year in a landslide victory, decided to honour both Wenger and another coach, Claude Le Roy.\n\nWenger, 68, was given a warm welcome when he touched down in the town of Harbel shortly after 9 pm, and is set to become a Knight Grand Commander of the Humane Order of African Redemption.\n\nAccording to information minister Eugene Nagbe, the Frenchman has been awarded the distinction because he “has contributed to sports in Africa and has given many Africans opportunities”\n\nLe Roy discovered Weah when operating as Cameroon manager in the late 1980s.\n\nUpon Le Roy’s recommendation, Wenger signed Weah when manager of Monaco in 1988, paying Cameroonian club Tonnerre Yaounde £12,000 for the striker.\n\nWeah, now 51, has labelled Wenger as one of the most important men in his career.\nIn a 2007 interview with the Telegraph, Weah stated: “Arsene Wenger made me not just the player I am today but the man I am.”\n\nThe award ceremony will take place in the country’s capital, Monrovia, on Friday.\n\nBut over the past week, debate in Liberian newspapers and radio shows has mounted over whether the award — usually reserved for individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to Liberia — is right.\n\n“This Knight Grand Commander of the Humane Order of African Redemption title, which the nation can bestow upon Liberian and non-Liberian alike, should not be about the personal connection between the President and Wenger or Le Roy,” Liberian newspaper Front Page Africa wrote in an editorial.\n\nMP Darius Dillon on his part said: “The nation’s highest honour cannot be given to somebody who has not done something directly for the country.”", null, null, "The group stage of the FIFA World Cup currently ongoing in Qatar was a mixed bag for the five African representatives with some memorable showings as well as forgettable performances put up by some of the teams and players.\n\nFor the first time in a long while, African teams caused major upsets which is a proof that football in the continent has grown in leaps and bounds.\n\nOne of the highlights of Africa’s performance was Cameroon defeating Brazil, the first time an African team will beat the five times world champions.", null, "Tunisia also did create an upset of their own with a 1-0 win over world champions France as despite failing to progress from the group, the defeat of France meant much to the North Africans.\n\nOn the individual basis, Ghanaian youngster, Mohammed Kudus, ageless Cameroonian striker, Vincent Aboubakar showed that though he is in the twilight of his career, he still has a lot to offer, while Moroccan Hakim Ziyech showed why he is regarded as is regarded as one of the best in the continent.\n\nAfricannewswatch takes a look at the good and the bad performances put up by African teams as players in the first round of the FIFA 2022 World Cup.\n\nSenegal may have been well beaten by England in the round of 16 match played on Sunday but before they fell apart, the African champions played one of the most entertaining football in the tournament and ended up finished second in Group A, behind the Netherlands.\n\nIn their first match, the Lions of Teranga were able to stand up to Luis Van Gaal’s men until a combination of schoolboy errors from goalkeeper, Edouard Mendy, led to the Dutch scoring two quick goals in the dying moments of the match.", null, "Senegal celebrating one of her goals (Photo Credit: FIFA)\n\nSenegal went on to beat hosts Qatar and Ecuador to progress to the second round where they were pummeled by the Three Lions, with help from who else but Mendy.\n\nGhanaian youngster, Mohammed Kudus performances in the group stage was one that would gladden the hearts of his countrymen and Africans as a whole.\n\nDespite the presence of more established players like Thomas Partey and captain Andre Ayew, Kudus’ performances and decisive quality in their group games showed a maturity beyond his 22 years, especially in the 3-2 win over South Korea where he netted twice.", null, "The Ajax man was the Black Stars’ go-to attacker in Qatar and was a menace to opposing defenders with his guile and precision on the ball.\n\nAgeless Cameroonian striker, Vincent Aboubakar turned up when he was needed most, first coming off the bench when Serbia were 3-1 up to score a goal and set up another as the Indomitable Lions rallied to force a draw in a march they were a certainty to lose.\n\nHowever, vintage Vincent saved his best for last when he popped up to end Africa’s wait for a win over Brazil with a late header in Cameroon’s famous 1-0 win. He was to be given a befitting sending off by the referee who congratulated him on the goal before being shown a second yellow card.", null, "Though the Indomitable Lions did not progress beyond Group G, Aboubakar’s performances renewed hopes that African teams have turned a lot of corners.\n\nThe Atlas Lions defied all odds by topping Group F which had Belgium ranked number two by FIFA, and 2018 World Cup runners up, Croatia, playing one of the most entertaining brand of football.\n\nBefore the kick off of the World Cup, Croatia and Belgium were tipped to go through but Walid Regragui’s tutored side ended Group F unbeaten after a creditable draw with Croatia and beating Belgium stunning 2-0 in a stunning fashion.\n\nHowever, their reward for topping the group is a match up against Spain on Tuesday.\n\nWill the North African side claim another European scalp when they face Spain?\n\nTunisia may have pulled up one of the Qatar 2022 World Cup upset by beating France via a Wahbi Khazri goal but their undoing was their poor finishing despite being in control of previous matches against Australia and Denmark.", null, "The Carthage Eagles dominated in both matches but their profligacy in front of goal and their inability to convert the chances they created caused their exit at the group stage.\n\nOf the 30 shots they had in their three matches, 12 were speculative attempts from outside the box, which robbed them of high-percentage scoring chances if they probed for a clearer opening.\n\nA blight on the Cameroonian team was the celebrated fallout involving coach Rigobert Song, FA boss, Samuel Eto’o and goalkeeper Andre Onana, leading to the Inter Milan being dropped from the squad against Serbia.\n\nThe fallout was further accentuated when Onana had to leave the tournament unceremoniously after an alleged shouting match with Song.\n\nGhana was presented with a golden opportunity in their Group H match against Uruguay but captain Andre Ayew has other ideas when he played a very kick that was easily smothered by Uruguay’s goalkeeper.\n\nThe Black Stars had started the final round of games in second spot but ended the day bottom following a 2-0 loss to the South Americans and will rue Ayew’s missed penalty which could have turned the tide in the game.", null, "Andre Ayew’s missed penalty could have seen Ghana progress out of their group (Photo Credit: FIFA)\n\nAll the Black Stars needed was a point to go into the next round but the loss meant South Korea which they had defeated on match day two ended up clinching the second spot.\n\nBut they had a consolation in Uruguay’s failure to advance to the next round as well." ]
[ null, "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662520936.24/warc/CC-MAIN-20220517225809-20220518015809-00627.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 1031842068, "warc_record_length": 10329}
[ "Emirates goes all A380 in Melbourne", null, "Emirates will provide an all-A380 service from Melbourne when it upgrades its third daily flight from the Australian city from a Boeing 777-300ER to an A380 operation.\n\nThe move will add 945 seats per week to the Australian city from 25 March 2018, representing a 10% increase in capacity. This means Emirates customers can enjoy even more seamless “A380 to A380” connections via its hub in Dubai to 18 points in the UK and Europe.\n\nNew Zealand already has an all-A380 service to Dubai and beyond, with four of the Emirates double-deckers flying daily from Auckland and another from Christchurch. One of the Auckland services flies to Dubai via Melbourne, providing a stopover option en route.\n\nThe additional weekly seats on the Melbourne-Dubai route will support more business and leisure travel between the cities and together with Qantas’ new Melbourne, via Perth, London Boeing 789 Dreamliner service beginning on 24 March 2018, offers Melbourne customers more options to London and Europe under the joint partnership.\n\nThe popular Emirates A380 has 489 seats in a three-class cabin configuration, with 14 private suites in First Class, 76 flat-bed seats in Business Class and 399 spacious seats in Economy.\n\nPassengers in all classes can enjoy over 2,500 channels of the latest films, TV shows, music, and games on Emirates’ ice Digital Widescreen, which has been named World’s Best Inflight Entertainment at the prestigious Skytrax World Airline Awards for a record 12 years running.\n\nMore in this category: « Air New Zealand has #1 reputation on both sides of the Tasman Is this the future of inflight service? »\nback to top\nApr 02, 2018" ]
[ null, "", null, "", null ]
[null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "wACUcasAOvZ oneb OLH rboErHc wYcLOwtxCP", "alt_text": "An analysis of the concept of nuclear terrorism in united states", "original_width": 1024, "original_height": 512, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "us navy ribbon vectors", "alt_text": "An analysis of the concept of nuclear terrorism in united states", "original_width": 700, "original_height": 490, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
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[ "An analysis of the concept of nuclear terrorism in united states", null, "US — prisoner rights — partial reversal — Krause In a significant prisoner case, a divided Third Circuit panel today ruled in favor of a prisoner whose suit alleged that USP Lewisburg administators retaliated against him for filing inmate grievances by moving him into a cell with another prisoner known for assaulting his cellmates.\n\nThe prisoner did not to administratively exhaust that claim with prison officials before filing suit—understandably! The panel split over a second exhaustion issue. The panel majority held that, with the PLRA as with habeas, a claim is exhausted even if it was not properly presented if it was considered anyway and denied at the highest level of review.\n\nOn the bright side: Such is the case here. Joining Krause were Jordan and Greenberg. The District Court denied this petition in its entirety, reasoning that it was not adequately supported and that the requested amount was grossly excessive given the nature of the case.", null, "Joining Greenaway were Restrepo and Bibas. The case was decided without oral argument.Text of H.R.\n\nPortrayals of the Soviet Threat\n\nNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal as of Nov 17, (Passed Congress version). H.R. National Defense Authorization Act . Part I introduces students to the history of nuclear weapons and the concept of deterrence. Part II examines some of the arguments for and against nuclear weapons, and then looks at three challenges: the leftover arsenals of the Cold War, proliferation, and the threat of nuclear terrorism.\n\nNuclear Terrorism There has never been a genuine nuclear threat crisis, despite terrorists threats to enforce their demands. But, as technology has soared with the arrival of the computer, so have terrorist groups acquisition of nuclear materials; however, nuclear preventative measures have advanced as well to combat these terrorist aims.\n\nOver the past decade, longstanding concerns over proliferation have become increasingly acute in light of a number of worrisome developments, including the status of India and Pakistan as overt nuclear weapon states, North Korea’s two nuclear weapons tests, the international community’s failure to restrain Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and the fear that an Iranian nuclear weapons program could spark further ." ]
[ "", null ]
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[ null, "Controversial author and former Nation TV Swahili news anchor Ken Walibora, is said to have returned to the ‘twin towers’.\n\nAccording to sources, Walibora will be the group editor Swahili, as well as manage their Swahili paper Taifa Leo.\nThe journalist, best known for his book Siku Njema, has been teaching African studies at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.\n\nIn September last year, the author hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons. He had just been arrested for exposing his genitals to a random lady near campus, who later turned out to be a student who had taken some of his classes. Allegedly, Walibora confessed to the police that he had an ‘exposing’ problem, and had actually revealed his privates to at least 5 more women.\n\nIt will remain to be seen whether the celebrated author will make a return to our screens.\n©\nFollow @nairobiwire\n\nWhy Did Nigeria’s Super Eagles Refuse To Stay at 680 Hotel? < Previous\nBill Gates Comes For a Share of President Kenyatta’s Laptops Next >\nRecommended stories you may like:" ]
[ null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null ]
[null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "fad fc e f d a c", "alt_text": "Opening Ceremony at the Olympic Stadium. The Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) team with flag bearers fencer Sofya Velikaya and volleyball player Maxim Mikhaylov enter the stadium", "original_width": 1920, "original_height": 1080, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "fad a", "alt_text": "Flag-bearers Sofya Velikaya and Maxim Mikhaylov of the Russian Olympic Committee team lead their country's contingent during the opening ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games", "original_width": 1200, "original_height": 700, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "fad a", "alt_text": "Athletes of the Russian Olympic Committee team march during the opening ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games", "original_width": 1200, "original_height": 775, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "fad a", "alt_text": "The postage stamp marks the anniversary of Russia\u2019s Olympic Committee foundation", "original_width": 900, "original_height": 638, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "fad a", "alt_text": "The 1976 Summer Olympic Games in Montreal. Olympic sabre fencing medalists from the Soviet Union, from left: silver medalist Vladimir Nazlimov, gold medalist Viktor Krovopuskov, and bronze medalist Viktor Sidyak.", "original_width": 1200, "original_height": 802, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "fad a", "alt_text": "Closing ceremony for 1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow. Lenin Central Stadium (Luzhniki).", "original_width": 900, "original_height": 1332, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "fad a", "alt_text": "The emblem of the Russian Olympic Committee", "original_width": 900, "original_height": 1560, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "fad a a", "alt_text": "Sport fans with Russian flags in the Olympic Park during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.", "original_width": 1200, "original_height": 925, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
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[ "Why is it not Russia, but ROC, performing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics?", null, "Michael Kappeler/dpa/Global Look Press\nDue to recent doping scandals, Russian athletes were not allowed to officially represent Russia at international sporting events. So, Russian authorities had to come up with a way around the ban, in order to take part in the XXXII Summer Games.\n\nThe world is curious why Team Russia is not performing at the Tokyo 2020 Games. Instead, there is a team called the ‘Russian Olympic Committee’ (ROC). Well, in short, this was done in the aftermath of the doping scandal and a ban of Russian athletes from participating in international competitions under the Russian flag.", null, "Despite Team Russia being officially banned, the athletes and the committee found a way for Russian athletes to participate at the Tokyo 2020 Games (which were delayed to July 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic). They asked the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to allow them to perform under the name ‘Russian Olympic Committee (ROC), which doesn’t technically have the word ‘Russia’, which is currently banned.", null, "This way, they also got the chance to use the symbols of the ROC… whose colors refer to the banned Russian national flag. And instead of the national Russian anthem (which was also banned), the IOC permitted a fragment of Pyotr Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 to be played instead.\n\nIn fact, the ROC has its own long history… and deserves to act separately. And here’s why.\n\nWhen was the Russian Olympic Committee founded?", null, "Athletes of the Russian Empire didn’t take part in the first three Games of the revived Olympics. Eight Russian athletes participated in the 1908 London Olympics and even won several medals. While, in 1912, the newly founded Russian Olympic Committee sent 178 athletes to the 5th Olympic Games in Stockholm, who participated in all disciplines… but unfortunately did not win any gold medals.\n\nWas there an Olympic Committee in the Soviet Union?\n\nThe next Olympic Games after their cancellation during World War I were held in 1920. Russia had already faced the Revolution by that moment, but the International Olympic Committee (IOC) didn’t recognize the new Soviet authorities. So it didn’t send an invitation to the country to take part in the 1920 Games.\n\nWhile it was already the Soviet Union to boycott the next “capitalist” Games, ignoring the invitations. The Soviet athletes participated in alternative competitions arranged internationally among committees of workers and communists.\n\nThe Soviet Union also skipped the first Games after World War II, the 1948 Olympiad in London, as the country had to recover after the war. But the Soviet state was also pushing sports and healthy lifestyles to the masses and had strong athletes, so, soon, the Soviets took a course to integrate in international sports. In 1951, the Soviet Olympic Committee was founded and was at once recognized by the IOC. Soviet athletes performed triumphantly in their first Olympics, the 1952 Games in Helsinki. They won 22 gold medals and managed to score the same amount of points as the United States.", null, "In 1980, the Soviet Union arranged the Summer Olympics in Moscow, which the U.S. boycotted and, in response, the USSR didn’t participate in the next 1984 Games in Los Angeles - it was the only Olympiad the Soviets skipped after the Committee was founded.", null, "What happened after the USSR collapsed?\n\nIn 1989, even before the Soviet country disappeared, Russia founded its own committee and after the collapse, in 1992, the IOC recognized the Russian Olympic Committee as a successor to the Soviet one.", null, "The emblem of the Russian Olympic Committee\n\nIn 2014, Russia held its first Olympics in modern history. The preparation for the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi was perceived controversially and international media was very sceptical about it, especially the fact that winter sports would be played in a subtropical city on the seaside. But, despite all that, the Games were a tremendous success.", null, "Sport fans with Russian flags in the Olympic Park during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.\n\nWhen did the problems for the Russian Olympic Committee start?\n\nIn 2017, Russia faced a huge doping scandal, suspected of having a state-sponsored doping program and ignoring international Olympic rules. The Russian membership in the IOC was suspended, but restored in 2018, as almost all the athletes had passed the latest drug tests.\n\nIn 2019, Russia faced another scandal and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) sentenced Russia to a four year long ban on participating in any international sports, including the Olympics. Later, in 2020, the Court of Arbitration for Sport allowed Russian athletes to perform in competitions, but on the condition they do not perform under the Russian name, flag, or use the national anthem for the remainder of the ban and perform as “neutral athletes”.\n\nSo, this is why spectators around the world will watch Russian athletes performing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics under the mysterious ‘ROC’ title!" ]
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[ "This forum is for discussions on Dungeons & Dragons, Everquest, Chess, and other games that ease the pain of being an aging geek.\nPost a reply\nFirst unread post • 12 posts • Page 1 of 1", null, "The legend of the Whiskey Man was a story told to teanagers in the old Southwest to make sure they didn't start drinking too young. The story goes, \"one night in a dark tavern a wayward cowboy, down on his luck, wanted a drink of whiskey so badly that he said he'd trade his soul for a bottle. Unfortunately for him, dark and evil forces were listening and took him up on the bargain. The Whiskey Man roams the Earth still. He is infused with dark power, not really living but refusing to die because he knows his soul will be forfiet when he does.\"\nTop\n\nGreat Story Bud.\nJeff\nIt's a great day to be with my wife,\nmy friends and alive on my planet!\nTop\n\nThe Dragon King warms his dinner", null, "Anguis Rex is the king of all dragons. He was sent to this realm when he ate the daughter of an ultra-powerful wizard. Now he is wondering the streets in humanoid-dragon form, attempting to regain his former glory.\n\nHere we see him warming himself a dinner of the local hellions.\nTop", null, null, "Zhad has conquered (and subsequently destroyed) many planets in the over 3000 years that he has brought terror to his galaxy. Unfortunately for him, the last planet he attempted to conquer was the Rikti home world. The Rikti destroyed Zhad's fleet and followed him back to his own homeworld, reducing it to rubble.\n\nZhad escaped to our world with grand plans to rebuild his empire, but misfortune struck him again as his ship (badly damaged in the escape) crashed into our planet. Zhad, being practically indestructible, he was the only think to escape the crash intact. Now Zhad is starting over with practically nothing but the bones of the great fanged Zharka beast, a deadly fanged preditor favored by hunters on his planet, that adorn his armor and his trusty plasma sword.\n\nHere we see him contemplating the requisition of one of Arachnos' ships to his cause.\nTop", null, "Angus, the cow king, is here to show you where the beef is! (Do not confuse him with that stupid fire lizard, it makes him angry.)\nTop", null, "The Fighter's stealth suit makes him all but invisible to radar, thermal detection, and the naked eye until his energy weapons give him away when he strikes. Of course, by then it's too late.\nTop\n\nAnd... the obligatory nearly-naked chick", null, null, "Christina Yu was once a tallented young psych student. Unfortunately, an accidental overdose of experimental radioactive drugs during her senior year caused her to undergo a psychotic break, permenantly altering her personality and giving her unexplicable mental powers. She was a moody child and her mother used to always tell her \"it was all in her head\". Now, she has turned the tables and it's all in the heads of her victims.\nTop", null, "\nHe is known by many names: The Prince of Darkness, Lucifer the Morning Star, The Adversary, Satan. Beelzebub walks this the Earth to encourage those who would harm others so that evil might spread and so that he can collect their foul souls at the end of their days.\nTop\n\nThe Dragon King surveys his domain, looking for dinner", null, null, "Hmmm... that one looks tasty.\nTop" ]
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[ null, "The 18-year-old midfielder chested Thomas Meunier’s lofted ball into his path before firing through keeper Ersin Destanoglu’s legs from a tight angle.\n\nA smart run from Bellingham then teed up Erling Braut Haaland to double Dortmund’s lead before the break.\n\nJavi Montero’s late header for the hosts then set up a nervy finish.\n\nHaaland’s strike was his 21st goal in 17 games in the Champions League across spells with Red Bull Salzburg and now Dortmund.\n\nThe 21-year-old, who is the youngest player to reach that total, has also achieved the feat in 10 games fewer than any other player – Ruud van Nistelrooy being the next closest in 27 games.\n\nHaaland, who has scored 66 goals in as many games for Dortmund, earlier missed a great chance to double the visitors’ lead while Bellingham almost added his second after another jinking run.\n\nOn-loan Chelsea striker Michy Batshuayi was also denied at the other end by Dortmund goalkeeper Gregor Kobel after going through for the hosts.\n\nIn Wednesday’s other early kick-off, Sheriff Tiraspol got their first Champions League campaign off to a flying start as they beat Shakhtar Donetsk 2-0 at home in Group D.\n\nGoals from Adama Traore and substitute Momo Yansane meant the Moldovan club become the first debutants to win their opening group match in the competition since Leicester City in 2016." ]
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[ "Kevin Heiderich, a co-owner of one such shop, Tacoma House of Cannabis, argues the government response to vaping illnesses should focus instead on the black market.\n\n“Something has just changed, and no one really knows what it is,” he said.\n\nStill, Heiderich supports more rigorous testing so the regulated market is perceived as safer. This summer, his shops began contacting their suppliers to verify what’s in their products.\n\nHe acknowledged that some “bad actors” could be selling products on the legal market in Washington.\n\n“Hopefully, that is the exception to the rule, and any regulation that does come down puts an end to those sort of business practices,” he said. “We don’t need those people in the market.”\n\nHealth officials nationwide are still puzzling over why some who vape come down with a severe respiratory illness and, in some cases, die. So far, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s investigation has identified more than 1,600 cases, but has yet to pinpoint a lone cause that explains all cases.\n\nMany cases have been traced to vape cartridges filled with THC (the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis) — cartridges the users found on the black market. Some who have gotten ill were vaping both THC and nicotine, according to CDC reports. A smaller percentage report using only nicotine.\n\n“The data do continue to point to THC-containing products as the source of the vast majority of individuals’ lung injury,” Dr. Anne Schuchat, the CDC’s principal deputy director, told reporters at a press briefing Oct. 25.\n\n“There are continuing cases that do not report that history,” she said, “but I’d like to stress that we don’t know what the risky material or substance is, and THC may be a marker for a way that cartridges are prepared or the way devices are producing harm.”\n\nSchuchat said it remains to be seen if that is also happening with devices that contain nicotine — not just THC.\n\n“We are seeing the THC as a marker for products that are risky,” she said, “but at this time, because of the continued presence of cases that only report exclusive nicotine-containing e-cigarette or vaping product use, we feel that it is very important for people to consider refraining from use of any kind of e-cigarette.”\n\nIn response to the CDC’s ongoing investigation, a handful of states have banned certain vaping products. States where recreational marijuana is legal are also taking a second look at their regulations.\n\nSome cases of lung injury in Washington and Oregon may be linked to products from the regulated cannabis market, according to local health agencies, raising questions about the safeguards for consumers who vape legal products.\n\n‘I Could Barely Breathe’\n\nCharles Wilcoxen, a police officer for the Puyallup Tribe in Washington state, turned to vaping cannabis nearly two years ago. The 44-year-old U.S. Army veteran says he assumed it was a safer alternative to smoking the plant.\n\nWilcoxen said he would buy the vape cartridges from Washington’s legal marijuana shops and use them on his off-duty days to relieve stress.\n\nThere was nothing unusual about his vaping routine in September he said — “I used the same device and the same cartridges as I had in the past.”\n\nBut this time Wilcoxen very quickly became sick. Shortly after vaping, he began wheezing heavily. Soon he was nauseated and running a fever.\n\n“I just felt horrible,” he remembered. “I tried to get through the weekend and tough it out.”", null, "In September, Charles Wilcoxen was hospitalized for three days with a severe respiratory illness after vaping cannabis cartridges he bought at a legal shop.(Photo by Will Stone)\n\nAt first, Wilcoxen thought it could be the flu. But then he started to suspect his illness might be related to his vaping. When Wilcoxen woke up one morning and could barely breathe, he decided to go to the emergency room.\n\n“Literally, I would take five steps and have to hunch over and try to catch my breath,” he said.\n\nHe spent three days in the hospital.\n\nDoctors found a strange build-up in his lungs and sent it for analysis. The results came back positive for lipoid pneumonia — a rare respiratory illness caused by oils or fats entering the lungs. It’s one of the vaping-related conditions researchers have identified in other vape-users hospitalized in recent months.\n\nWilcoxen is still recovering and has decided to sue.\n\nHis lawsuit alleges that defects in the vaping products led to his illness. He’s going after six companies that have a role in manufacturing or distributing the cartridges or the vaping device.\n\n“Buy something off the black market, you are taking your chances,” said Mark Lindquist, Wilcoxen’s attorney. But customers who buy their vape products from a state-licensed store, he said, should be able to count on getting a safe product.\n\nTesting standards for cannabis vary across the legalized market in the U.S.\n\nThe state of Washington requires that vape products sold in stores be checked for, among other things, potency, toxins and residual solvents used in the extraction process. Some states, including California, go even further and mandate testing for other substances, such as pesticides.\n\nThese regulations, however, don’t necessarily require checking for other potentially harmful chemicals that sometimes find their way into vape cartridges on the black market and could, conceivably, turn up in legal cartridges, too.\n\nShannon Stevens, laboratory director for Confidence Analytics, which has a state license to test cannabis products in Washington, said a cutting agent is typically used to dilute the THC oil in the black market supply.\n\n“There is no requirement to test for any sort of cutting agent,” Stevens said.\n\nIn recent months, more customers have been asking her laboratory to test for vitamin E, out of concern for its possible role in the vaping-illness outbreak.\n\nStevens said she’d be “surprised” to discover vitamin E in one of the products sold in Washington’s legal retail stores. “But I definitely wouldn’t exclude the possibility,” she said, “because there are no checks on that right now.”", null, "Shannon Stevens is laboratory director for Washington-based Confidence Analytics, which tests cannabis products before they are solid in licensed retail shops.(Photo by Will Stone)\n\nIn an effort to identify harmful chemicals, Washington state regulators are collecting information from cannabis companies that make vaping products.\n\nIn the meantime, the Washington State Board of Health recently passed a four-month emergency ban on flavored vaping products, which applies to both nicotine and THC.\n\n“We aren’t waiting for Big Tobacco to tell us what is in their products,” Gov. Jay Inslee said, in announcing his executive order to prohibit the sale of certain vaping products.\n\nInslee’s administration is framing the outbreak as yet another symptom of the rise in youth vaping.\n\nDr. Kathy Lofy, the state health officer for Washington, said a ban on flavored products will discourage young people from vaping in the first place.\n\n“While we don’t know yet exactly what is causing severe lung injury, we did like the option of banning flavors because we know the youth are very attracted to flavors,” she said.\n\nBut the state’s public health leaders also acknowledge the ban isn’t necessarily a remedy to the current outbreak of illnesses.\n\n“We are not saying that the flavors are what are causing this current lung injury or illness,” said Washington’s Secretary of Health John Wiesman before voting in favor of the ban. “We obviously don’t yet know what that is.”\n\nBefore Washington passed its flavor ban, many from the vape industry criticized the move as heavy-handed and misguided. And some public health experts warn the ban could backfire.\n\n“There is this risk when you ban something [legal] that people will be driven to the black market,” said Ziva Cooper, director of the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative.\n\nCooper says the regulated cannabis market is already fraught with problems. People walk into a cannabis shop with neatly packaged products and believe everything has undergone rigorous safety testing, she said.\n\n“They think they can trust what’s on the labels,” said Cooper, “but the truth is the labels don’t necessarily accurately portray what’s actually in the products.”\n\nShe said it doesn’t help that the public health messaging is all over the place — often lumping together cannabis and nicotine products.\n\nGiven all the unknowns about the vaping illnesses, the CDC continues to issue broad warnings about the risks of vaping.\n\nSchuchat said vapers can’t assume that some states have a better handle on quality than other states." ]
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[ "What Has Rachael Leigh Cook Been Up to Since ‘The Baby-Sitter’s Club’ Days?\n\nHome / Entertainment / What Has Rachael Leigh Cook Been Up to Since ‘The Baby-Sitter’s Club’ Days?\n\nAs a successful actress, Rachael Leigh Cook is enamored with an impressive resume. She is an American actress who has over 97 acting credits on her IMDB profile. Also, as a producer, she has over ten production credits attributed to her name.\n\nShe was born on October 4, 1979 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Her dad, Thomas Cook, was a stand-up comedian, while her mom, Joanne Cook, was a cook.\n\nPer her ancestry, her dad belonged to an English descent whereas her mom was of Italian descent. Therefore, Cook’s ancestry was English-Italian.\n\nBefore fame, Cook did print ad modeling before trying her luck on the motion picture for five years. Cook has been active in the entertainment industry since 1995 when she debuted as Mary Anne in “The Baby-Sitters Club.”\n\nAs of now, the actress has starred in blockbuster movies such as “My First Wedding,” “Descent,” and many more.\n\nApart from acting, Cook also played the role of a voice actor. She gave her voice to various video games such as “Final Fantasy VII,” “Kingdom Hearts II,” and many others.\n\nUnfortunately, married life did not work out for thr actress. She separated from her long-term husband, Daniel Gillies in June 2019. The couple split after 15 years of marriage.\n\nCook began auditioning for acting jobs when she was 14 years old. After she cleared the auditions, she made her debut in the 1995 film “The Baby-Sitters Club.”\n\nThis film was based on Ann M. Martin’s book series with a similar name. The book series transcended into other novels, merchandise, and eventually TV series and movies.\n\nThe first on-screen adaptation of the series was in 1990, however, it was short-lived.\n\nCook played the role of Mary Anne Spier, the shy and quiet babysitter raised by a single father.\n\nThat is until he met and married Dawn Schafer’s mom. Dawn was also a part of the club with her friends, Kristy Thomas, Claudia Kishi, Stacey McGill, and boyfriend Logan Bruno.\n\nThe movie followed the club and their adventures in holding a camp for their babysitting charges. Meanwhile, each club member faced personal challenges.\n\nThis included divorced parents, a discouraging diabetes diagnosis, and an innocent crush on an older boy.\n\nThey were also faced with interpersonal conflicts as well as conflicts from a group of mean girls who wanted to see the club go down. One of the ringleaders of this band of bad girls was played by Marla Sokoloff.\n\nEven though the movie was more than two decades old, Cook and Sokoloff still remained good friends throughout the years. It is a delight to see that time hasn’t eroded their friendship.\n\nIn a recent New York Times article, Sokoloff spoke of Cook in a good light. She talked about how genuine she was all the time, whether in her professional or personal life.\n\n“All of that is completely genuine,” Sokoloff told the magazine. “She’s exactly who you want her to be. Multiple times, she’s forwarded me a meeting that she’s gotten for herself and been like, ‘I don’t think this is for me. You need to play this part.’ Who does that? She doesn’t have a bad bone in her body,” the actress concluded.\n\nThe duo had also been very vocal about their friendship from the get-go. Every time they hung out, they posted photos of each other together. This included one that showed them on the flight to the reunion for “The Baby-Sitters Club.”\n\nFans of the movie as well as fans of both actresses are happy to know that these two have so much in common, and genuinely love spending time with one another.\n\nWho Is Marla Sokoloff?\n\nMarla Sokoloff was born on December 19, 1980, to Howard and Cindi Sokoloff. Her father was a podiatrist, while her mother worked as a caterer.\n\nShe studied and graduated from the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts.\n\nShe started acting at a very young age. When she was 12 years old, she acted in the series “Full House,” and appeared in eight episodes.\n\nShe also acted in “Boy Meets World,” but was later replaced by another actor. This steadied her feet in the industry and she got to work on a plethora of other movies.\n\nIn 2004, She started dating an American, Alec Puroin who is a drummer and guitarist. They later tied the knot on November 7, 2009. The couple share two daughters, Elliotte Anne and Olive Mae.\n\nRachael Leigh Cook As A Mom\n\nIn 2004, Cook married actor Daniel Gillies, who was best known for his role as Elijah Mikaelson on “The Vampire Diaries.” Although they are divorced now, they share two children, a son and a daughter.\n\nDuring an interview with She Knows in 2016, Cook spoke about the challenges of being a working mom in Hollywood and noted that it didn’t always make sense to take on smaller roles.\n\n“Logistically it’s just plain complicated. Also, deciding if a project makes sense not only as a career but financial sense, now plays a role. A lot of the fun, smaller movies will cost us money to do by the time we pay for additional care,” Cook concluded.\n\nCarmen Electra Hikes Up Swimsuit To Keep You Safe", null, null, null ]
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[ "For forty years, Paul Burka has been a part of Texas Monthly. His retirement officially begins today, on Texas Independence Day. His legacy will live on in Texas Monthly’s list of the best and worst legislators, and his celebrated career has made an impact on Texas politics. But what few know is that before his career in journalism, Burka was a Texas barbecue lobbyist.\n\nPaul Burka’s love affair with Texas barbecue began on October 8, 1966. Griffin Smith Jr. had convinced Burka to come along on a Saturday road trip to Lockhart. As Smith remembers, it was “a beautiful crisp clear day, and we discovered Kreuz’s.” The atmosphere and the barbecue made an impression. After finding some like-minded friends, Mary Sanger and John P. Hamilton, they formed the Texas Barbecue Appreciation Society (TBAS). Their 1970 letter to Texas mayors outlined their aim. “Our organization, the Texas Barbecue Appreciation Society, exists for one purpose: to promote the enjoyment of our state’s finest regional gourmet dish: good barbecue.”", null, "Burka was working as an aide in the Capitol and noted that “all the lobby groups send out questionnaires.” The group followed suit and typed up a humorous questionnaire of their own. They asked each candidate for their support on four items. “Our society supports creation of a three-man Texas State Board of Barbecue Examiners.” This team would assess the quality of barbecue at joints across the state and determine if they could use the word “barbecue” to describe their food. There would of course be a grace period “to allow time for compliance, upgrading of recipes, improving meat quality, and the like.”", null, "Then TBAS got more specific with pleas for barbecue joints to be exempted from the Clean Air Act, and for the state to support a barbecue training program. “We favor extending the state’s vocational and technical training programs to include education for useful careers in barbecue cookery.” Although I’d support that final one, let’s remind ourselves that the whole endeavor was a bit tongue-in-cheek. Griffin Smith Jr. noted that the questionnaire “was actually, as you can imagine, a joke…This was a parody of the kind of questionnaires that statewide candidates got” from other special interest groups.\n\nDespite the humorous nature of the questions, they did receive a few responses. “We got in some answers” said Burka, but many were more along the lines of “What is this crap?” Griffin Smith Jr. remembered one more specifically that came unsigned from El Paso “that said in big letters ‘This is bulls—!’ It was intended to be fun, but some people took it seriously.”", null, "Seven candidates took it seriously enough to gain an official endorsement from the TBAS. The endorsement came along with a check for $1.00 and a letter suggesting a use for the generous donation. “We hope that you will choose to spend it on a barbecue dinner at your election night Victory Party.” And in closing “Barbecue fans all across Texas are counting on you.”", null, "The TBAS folded after about a year, but might have continued if they hadn’t lost their P.O. Box, as Griffin Smith Jr. recalls. “I came in one day late, and they said ‘Sorry. It’s already been rented to somebody else.’” Three years later, Smith penned the first barbecue cover story in Texas Monthly, and Burka came onto the staff the following year. The legacies that they created from there are still alive in the magazine, and maybe we have a vigilant postmaster to thank for it." ]
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[ "In cities around the world, what was unthinkable just a couple months ago has become an everyday reality. Once-bustling streets are eerily quiet. Businesses are closed, many with their windows boarded up. The few people who can be seen walking around do so hurriedly, wearing masks. It’s almost as if humanity has vanished into thin air. We’ve never seen anything like this before, outside of Hollywood disaster movies.", null, "And in the midst of all of it, as places with high population densities suffer the most COVID-19 infections and deaths, some people are asking whether the novel coronavirus will be “the death of the city,” driving people out into suburban and rural areas.\n\nOn the surface, it seems like urban density would be the main cause of devastating outbreaks of contagious disease. New York City, with about 28,000 people packed into each square mile, has the most cases in the United States by far. And when a lot of people are crammed together in small spaces, an errant cough has the potential to infect many. But Asia also has some of the densest cities on the planet, and many of them have actually managed to avoid major outbreaks thus far.\n\nEditorials at Bloomberg, The New York Times, and other publications point out that the real risk factor isn’t density itself, but rather how cities are designed. While infectious disease spreads faster where people are clustered, suburban and rural areas aren’t necessarily safer, especially when they lack sufficient high quality healthcare facilities. Plus, highly walkable cities where almost everything a resident needs on a daily basis is located within a few blocks can actually make outbreaks easier to track and control because people aren’t traveling as far.\n\n“Coronavirus infections have tended to show up first on the outskirts of cities, not in city centers,” says columnist Noah Smith. “California’s outbreak started in suburban Santa Clara county rather than San Francisco and is still more severe in the former. New York’s outbreak started in Westchester County, north of New York City. These epicenters are suburban areas that we don’t normally think of as being very dense. This suggests that social and professional networks, rather than random interactions on streets or in trains, are the main vectors by which diseases such as the coronavirus spread.”\n\nWhere a city like New York might differ from a city like Montreal, which has neighborhoods that are just as dense but comparatively low COVID-19 cases, is in the type of housing it contains. Treehugger’s Lloyd Alter points out the “missing middle” with mid-rise or high-rise housing on one end and detached single-family homes on the other. More live/work housing, townhouses, bungalow courts, courtyard apartments, duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes help meet the demand for walkable urban living, accommodate a lot of people, and most importantly, leave more open space in between units.", null, "Pandemics and epidemics in the 19th and early 20th centuries were devastating to cities partially because they were overcrowded, full of substandard housing that lacked ventilation and proper sanitation. London responded to a cholera outbreak in the early 1850s by developing a new modern sewage system, a “feat of civil engineering” that carried waste water away from drinking water sources. Similarly, we could see some new standards of cleanliness in urban environments in response to COVID-19, like built-in automatic disinfectant processes in subway cars and other spaces.\n\nWith so many companies now allowing employees to work from home, a new culture of remote work could emerge, reducing the need for “dormitory suburbs” that exist only to house commuters. That might encourage suburbs to transform into their own self-contained cities with their own “main streets” and flourishing local cultures.\n\nUnfortunately, public transit ridership may experience a lasting dip in the years to come, but that could also encourage more people to walk or bike more often. The cooped-up feeling of quarantine may influence an expansion of urban green spaces, especially in the immediate vicinity of dense housing.\n\nUrban density is still the most sustainable way for most people to live. Dense environments are more resource and energy-efficient, allowing people to live close enough to each other to walk where they need to go, which is healthier for their bodies and for the planet than a sedentary, car-dependent lifestyle. Sprawl, on the other hand, introduces a lot more vehicular pollution, reduces natural spaces, and infringes on wildlife habitat.", null, "If there’s one upside to COVID-19, it’s the opportunity to pause and imagine what it could be like to emerge into a better world. This pandemic has revealed the cracks in our social and governmental support systems, including how people are housed. As we seek recovery, we could stimulate the economy through the creation of new green jobs, transitioning from fossil fuels to renewables and building a lot more affordable, livable, and enjoyable housing." ]
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[ "The Pope Just Received Two Donkeys as Gifts. Let This Become a Trend.\n\nHe truly is blessed.", null, "Donkey milk, as we reported earlier this year, is having a bit of a moment in Europe, celebrated both for its culinary possibilities (yup, ass cheese exists, it’s expensive as hell, and it’s the obsession of tennis champ Novak Djokovic), as well as its cosmetic benefits. Eurolactis, which traffics in everything from powdered donkey milk (a sometime substitute for breast milk) to an anti-aging face cream, is no less than rhapsodic in its online praise of la latte di asino: “It is written that Cleopatra bathed in it. The Greeks considered it to be an excellent remedy; the Romans, recognising its extraordinary richness, made a luxury drink and beauty products out of it.”\n\nNot all popes are fans of real-world Eeyores. Back in 2012, Pope Benedict declared that the traditional nativity donkey represented a bit of revisionist manger history.\n\nPope Francis is all over it: Turns out the Buenos Aires native actually drank donkey milk as a child. But not all popes are fans of real-world Eeyores. Back in 2012, Pope Benedict sent the nativity ass packing, at least in the abstract. “There is no mention of animals in the Gospels,” he wrote in Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives, explaining that the stalwart burro usually positioned behind the baby Jesus represented a bit of revisionist manger history. (He stopped short of banning donkeys outright.)\n\nThea and Noah — rumored to be more than platonic pals, though the biblical Noah was actually paired up with Emzara — will not be clacking around the halls of the Vatican, which bans most animals. Rather, they are soon off to the papal farm in the town of Castel Gondolfo, about 15 miles outside Rome. They’ll join an outfit that already includes 25 cows and more than 300 chickens.\n\nSo they should milk their 15 minutes while they last." ]
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[ "Matt Singh is the founder of Number Cruncher Politics.", null, "What do the public really think about coronavirus?", null, "What will boundary changes mean for British politics?", null, "Where will a general election be won and lost?", null, "50 years on, who really still believes people the moon landings were faked?", null, "The polls point towards a dramatic realignment. Are they right?", null, "What does a political crisis do to a party’s polling performance?", null, null, "Believe it or not, Britain isn’t a nation of NIMBYs", null, "The surprising truth about how voters see public spending The British people have clear views on public spending, but not a clear idea of how it has changed", null ]
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[ null, "The competitors between Hollywood studios is fierce and sharp as a spear. On the opening weekend of most movies, rival executives are fast to evaluate (and snipe). That wasn’t so within the case of The Lady King, the Black female-led epic action-adventure movie that opened to a better-than-expected $19.1 million over the Sept. 16-18 weekend on the home field workplace.\n\n“Normally, everyone seems to be rooting towards you,” says Sony Movement Image Group co-chairman Josh Greenstein throughout a joint interview with TriStar Photos president Nicole Brown. Provides Brown, who guided the film: “Everyone seems to be coming collectively for this one. It’s a win for Hollywood.”\n\nNo main Hollywood studio has produced an action-historical drama centering on an ensemble forged of dark-skinned Black girls. Simply as movies resembling Black Panther, Women Journey and Loopy Wealthy Asians had been defining moments for range, so is Lady King, be aware observers.\n\n“I feel this movie is a definitive success, and Hollywood likes to comply with success with success,” Brown tells The Hollywood Reporter. “So I’m proud and excited that Lady King could be a door opener for extra Black tales to be instructed.”\n\nMoviegoers did simply that. The promising opening was because of older females — and notably older Black females — a demo that has been essentially the most reluctant to return to theaters amid the pandemic. Monitoring had advised Lady King would open to not more than $15 million to $18 million.\n\nFemales made up 58 % of Lady King’s viewers, whereas Black moviegoers vastly over-indexed in accounting for 56 % of ticket consumers, adopted by Caucasians (23 %), Latinos (15 %), Asians (3 percents) and Different (6 %), in line with PostTrak.\n\nAudiences love Lady King as a lot as critics. The movie is barely the second title of 2022 to be graced by an A+ CinemaScore after blockbuster High Gun: Maverick. Between the A+, a present Rotten Tomatoes critics’ rating of 93 % and stellar exits, the film has each shot of rising its viewers within the weeks forward. And word-of-mouth will additional be buoyed ought to Lady King land prime Oscar nominations.\n\n“The Lady King has loads of motion. That motion may assist entice each youthful moviegoers and males within the coming weeks,” notes a veteran Hollywood financier. “Extra importantly, the standard of the image and the anticipated constructive word-of-mouth may enable the image to cross over past its core viewers.”\n\nBrown — the primary Black girl to steer a live-action studio label — made Lady King a precedence when Sony Photos chairman Tom Rothman tapped her to run TriStar. Different studios had handed on the $50 million film, a interval journey in regards to the Agojie, an all-female military within the West African Kingdom of Dahomey within the 18th and nineteenth centuries.\n\nWhen Brown instructed Greenstein — a advertising veteran — that she wished to make the feminine Black equal of Gladiator, he instructed her to go for it (when beforehand pitching the movie to STX, producer Cathy Schulman was supplied a $5 million funds). Gina Prince-Bythewood got here aboard to direct from a script written by Dana Stevens and based mostly on a narrative by Maria Bello and Stevens. Sony and TriStar additionally secured a co-financing accomplice, eOne Leisure, to mitigate its danger.\n\nGreenstein says it’s no small feat to promote a interval journey that isn’t based mostly on present IP or a guide.\n\n“The opening exhibits each the energy of Black moviegoers, the core viewers, and moviegoers generally. Individuals wish to see every kind of films,” says Greenstein, pointing to Sony’s monitor report of turning out authentic movies beneath Rothman’s rule.\n\nThe optimistic state of affairs can be for Lady King, which additionally stars Thuso Mbedu, Lashana Lynch, Sheila Atim, Hero Fiennes Tiffin and John Boyega, to clear as a lot as $80 million domestically. A extra conservative projection is $60 million. The movie begins rolling out abroad this weekend when it debuts in Brazil in a key take a look at for its worldwide prospects.\n\nIt’s too early to formally discuss a sequel, nevertheless it isn’t out of the query. “It’s an fascinating chance,” says Greenstein. Provides Brown: “You’re not the primary particular person to ask us this query.”" ]
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[ "I am not going to waste your time nor mince words, so let’s get this out of the way immediately – Mile 22 is loud, ugly, and contains no artistic value to be found anywhere in its excruciating 95-minute runtime. How exactly did a big budget film directed by Peter Berg and starring Mark Wahlberg go so wrong?\n\nMile 22 follows Overwatch, a government black ops division led by James Silva (Mark Wahlberg). Silva suffers from ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and with about all anger issues imaginable. A recent bust for a radioactive substance, cesium, in Southeast Asia does not go as smoothly as planned. Attempting to repair the damage from the intel he gave to Silva’s next in command, Alice (Lauren Cohan), police officer Li Noor (Iko Uwais), brings her an encrypted solid state drive which he claims has the locations of several different cesium caches.\n\nHowever, he will only unlock it if Overwatch gets him on a plane to the United States Of America. He has hard proof about the corruption of his government, specifically the Chief Intelligence Officer Axel (Sam Medina), who plays the different gangs and politicians to his advantageous means. Overwatch now has a limited amount of time to get Noor the 22 miles to the rendezvous point with the airplane. As the team sets on their journey with the asset, they encounter motorcycle gangs, hired thugs, and ruthlessly trained mercenaries, all who want to kill Noor before he leaves the country.\n\nLea Carpenter’s screenplay is based on a story concept that she and Graham Roland conceived; presumably while watching 16 Blocks, which shares a remarkably similar story structure (the specifics are different enough though). Mile 22 represents Carpenter’s first screenplay of any kind, feature-length or short form, and that inexperience makes itself known from the opening scene. The plot is nonsensical, and the characterizations are, for the most part, non-existent.", null, "“Silva suffers from ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and with about all anger issues imaginable…”" ]
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[ null, "A tea room in Milton Keynes has announced it is launching a 'Cost of Living Menu' this month.\n\nThe Grumpy Cook has announced it is launching a brand new Cost of Living Menu for residents that are struggling in Milton Keynes.\n\nThe menu, which will sit alongside its normal offers, will allow residents to get meals for as low as £1.\n\n\"I am going to introduce a Cost of Living Menu at both Grumpy Cooks at Loughton and Shenley,\" The owner wrote.\n\n\"It’s to help those that need it, what with the increase of food costs, energy costs and mortgage and rent increases I know some are finding it hard.\"\n\nCustomers can order eggs on toast for just £1, or a small cooked breakfast for £2.\n\nThe new menu will be available from Monday 21st November.\n\n\"How astounding that a small, privately owned business can do this consistently for their community but big, rich companies cannot.\" One resident responded to the news.\n\nAnother said: \"What a kind and generous thing to do, if only there were more people like you.\"\n\nEarlier this month, the Progressive Alliance, which runs Milton Keynes City Council, released new analysis, based on research by Kantar and More In Common.\n\nThe figures released show that a staggering 54,041 people in Milton Keynes are missing meals because of the cost-of-living crisis.\n\nThe analysis also shows that 21,616 people have been forced to use a foodbank." ]
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[ null, "Born and raised in New York City, Caren Jo Shapiro is a visual artist and psychotherapist working in private practice. She earned a Bachelor of Art in 1983 and went on to earn a Masters in Fine Art in 1984 from the School of Visual Arts – New York, a Masters in Social Work in 2005 from NYU and a Postgraduate Therapy Degree, specializing in Eating Disorders, in 2008. Caren is also a co-founder of Endangered Bodies, a global non-profit organization whose mission is to promote body-positive images and messages and challenge toxic beauty culture and industries that profit from unrealistic body and beauty standards.\n\nCaren’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, prolifically, since the late 1980’s. She has been a featured artist in shows like The Optimist Online, La Strada, and Divine Exhibition among others; she has won awards and mentions and has been published. Most recently, her work appears in the poster exhibition, “Good Trouble-You Decide”, in Washington D.C., in honor of the late John Lewis.\n\nDedicated to challenging racism, misogyny and sexism in her painting and therapy practice, Caren focuses on identifying and understanding the societal conditions that undermine people’s agency, freedom and choice. Her paintings, both psychological and political, explore the consequences of denied humanity and grapple with the experiences of race, gender and sexuality; physical and sexual abuse; agency and identity; objectification and sexualization." ]
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[ "Former Celtic defender Mark Wilson has heard that the club are interested in Serbian international goalkeeper Marko Dmitrovic this January.\n\nIt’s well known this season that Neil Lennon has struggled to find a reliable number one.\n\nFollowing the departure of Fraser Forster, both Scott Bain and new signing Vasilis Barkas have been given a run in the team, with little success.\n\nThe latest to get an opportunity is academy graduate Conor Hazard, who played against Lille in the Europa League on Thursday night.\n\nWilson reckons the club could already be contemplating making another goalkeeping signing this January.\n\nSpeaking on this week’s edition of The Celtic Huddle, Wilson said: “Just on transfers – [a] transfer story that we’re hearing rumours about – [it is] well documented, the goalkeeper hasn’t covered himself in glory – Marko Dmitrovic, plays in La Liga with Eibar.\n\n“28-year-old Serbian internationalist, he’s out of contract in the summer. Would it be something that, if Neil’s still there, he’d be trying to tie that up in January?”\n\nMurdo MacLeod would reply: “I think it’s a difficult one, when you spend £5m on a goalkeeper and then you’re looking at bringing in another. Your whole backroom staff is going to be warming up four or five goalkeepers every morning! There’s one sitting on the bench down in England, so you’d take him.”\n\nFrank McAvennie said: “I don’t know about him, but I’d go back for Fraser Forster.”\n\nDmitrovic is currently a regular in La Liga, making 12 appearances for Eibar this season and keeping an impressive six clean sheets.\n\nHe’s amassed over 100 top-flight appearances in Spain across his career, suggesting he has the kind of experience that would be interesting to a team such as Celtic.", null, "Also earning regular minutes for Serbia over the last 18 months, part of a 16-cap haul in total, he’s clearly a well-regarded shot-stopper.\n\nFor me, it’s a little too early to give up on Barkas completely. I can understand why some have concerns about him, and I understand why he might not be our go-to man at the moment, but he’s still settling in at Celtic Park.\n\nThere’s a chance he finds the confidence and stability to be a solid choice for us, so hopefully, Neil Lennon and his coaching staff carefully consider the situation before making any drastic moves." ]
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[ null, "Why has Christian unity proved to be such a divisive topic? In the 1950s two movements- evangelicalism and ecumenism- offered differing paths to unity in the church. But as the decades have passed the influence of ecumenism has exposed a fault line in evangelicalism. Questions of critical importance have been brought to the surface: Is the gospel broader than evangelicals have historically insisted? Can there be unity with non-evangelicals in evangelism and church leadership? Does the gospel have priority over denominational loyalty?\n\nThese gained high profile in the crusades led by Dr. Billy Graham on both sides of the Atlantic, and in the subsequent interaction among evangelicals in North America and Europe. At first a new policy of ‘co-operation without compromise’ promised an ‘evangelical renaissance’. Those who feared an inevitable devaluation of the gospel were viewed as destined for the kind of isolation to which fundamentalism had been consigned earlier in the century.\n\nEvangelicalism Divided traces the fascinating saga of the personalities, institutions and publications involved in this fifty-year period. Iain Murray’s account is not simply a black and white narrative. But using the mass of sources now available he shows how the new policy involved concessions which seriously weakened biblical Christianity. The first and greatest need, he argues, is to answer the most fundamental and divisive question of all: What is a Christian?\n\nIain H. Murray, born in Lancashire, England, in 1931, was educated in the Isle of Man and at the University of Durham and entered the Christian ministry in 1955. He served as assistant to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones at Westminster Chapel (1956-59) and subsequently at Grove Chapel, London (1961-69) and St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Sydney (1981-84). Although remaining a minister of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, he currently lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, where the Banner of Truth Trust (of which he is a founding trustee) has its main office.\n\n‘Murray’s critique is as kind as it is revealing and devastating. The icons of modern evangelism are shown as falling into egregious strategic errors which have weakened the evangelical faith at its very core. The bridges built to reach the mainstream became a two-way street by which those who sought to influence the liberals were themselves influenced.’ — R.C. SPROUL\n\n‘Iain Murray’s startling analysis of the rift of modern evangelicalism is both informative and insightful. I share his concerns. I also appreciate his courage and his clarity. This is a much-needed word of exhortation to the church of our generation. It’s one of the best and most eye-opening books I have read in years.’ — JOHN MACARTHUR" ]
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[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "!/format/jpg/quality/90/?", "src": "!/format/jpg/quality/90/?", "alt_text": "Golden Golf Club - wildlife", "rendered_width": 1440, "rendered_height": 860, "original_width": 1440, "original_height": 860, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "!/format/jpg/quality/90/?", "src": "!/format/jpg/quality/90/?", "alt_text": "Golden Golf Club - hole 2", "rendered_width": 1440, "rendered_height": 860, "original_width": 1440, "original_height": 860, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "!/format/jpg/quality/90/?", "src": "!/format/jpg/quality/90/?", "alt_text": "Golden Golf Club - hole 7", "rendered_width": 1440, "rendered_height": 860, "original_width": 1440, "original_height": 860, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "!/format/jpg/quality/90/?", "src": "!/format/jpg/quality/90/?", "alt_text": "Golden Golf Club - hole 13", "rendered_width": 590, "rendered_height": 332, "original_width": 590, "original_height": 332, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
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[ null, "At Golden Golf Club, not far from the Alberta-B.C. border, the wildlife is part of the experience. Courtesy of Golden G.C.", null, "Golden Golf Club's second hole is the longest par 4 on the course. Courtesy of G.C.", null, "Don't get too distracted by Golden Golf Club's mountain vistas -- the course has teeth, too. Courtesy of Golden G.C.\n\nThat doesn't necessarily mean you'll have Golden Golf Club all to yourself.\n\n\"The wildlife usually comes into play,\" General Manager Patrick Chury said. \"We will have black bears out there. We'll have moose. We'll have elk. Certainly, we'll have eagles and osprey and rabbits and all the smaller critters.\n\n\"It's all part of the experience. It's not always just about the golf, right?\"\n\nAnd that's hardly a knock on the 6,825-yard layout in Golden, a quiet community not far from the Alberta-B.C. border that counts the Kicking Horse Mountain Resort as its top attraction during the winter months.\n\nGolden Golf Club: What a view\n\nWhether you're sitting on a chairlift or riding in a golf cart, you'll likely be blown away by the views in this ski town, which is located along the Trans-Canada Highway and is sandwiched between the Purcell Mountain range and the Rockies.\n\nIn fact, your lasting memory of Golden Golf Club might be the spectacular canvas that course designers Bill Newis (front nine, 1986) and Les Furber (back nine, 1996) had to work with.\n\nYou might be easily distracted by the mountain vistas or your four-legged followers, but the golf course has teeth, too.\n\nYou'll want to arrive early enough to warm up at the driving range because the second hole at Golden is the longest par 4 on the course, a 480-yard assignment with a long, skinny putting surface.\n\nEven better is No. 11, a 378-yard beauty that requires a gutsy approach shot over the rushing rapids of Holt Creek.\n\nGolden Golf Club even has its own version of Amen Corner, starting with the roller-coaster green at the 403-yard 14th and culminating at No. 16, a 194-yard doozy that also runs alongside the powerful creek and is one of only a handful of holes not framed by trees on both sides of the fairway.\n\n\"The courses that a lot of us grow up on are more municipal-type courses and the fairways are side-by-side and people are getting hit with errant golf balls, and that's not as pleasant. This is a real natural experience here, and there's not a lot of golf courses that can offer that.\"\n\nThere's not another 18-hole track within an hour's drive, but you won't catch many residents complaining about the local golf lineup. Mike Gallagher gravitated to Golden for the winter sports, but once the snow has disappeared for the summer, he spends some of his spare time at the golf course, which he referred to as \"hugely underrated.\"\n\n\"It's in awesome condition, there's gorgeous views, and it's pretty cheap,\" Gallagher said. \"It's a good course for everybody. It's fairly forgiving, so it's a great place for beginners. But even a real player can still enjoy it, as well.\"\n\nGolden Golf Club is the site of a Titleist Performance Institute, with instruction offered on the driving range and other portions of the practice facility.\n\nThere are several superb golf courses carved out of the Canadian Rockies, but the area is the site of even more top-notch campgrounds.\n\nGolden Golf Club actually operates both. With so many scenic hook-ups in this area, it says a lot that golfers and other outdoor enthusiasts are flocking to this picturesque property to park their trailers.\n\nThe golf course and RV park are spaced out, but it certainly makes sense to take advantage of both during your stay in this laid-back mountain town.\n\nGolden Golf Club has explored the possibility of adding a second course, an expansion that would certainly catch the attention of club-toting tourists. In the meantime, it will remain one of the best courses you can play in British Columbia for well less than $100.", null, "Galleries\n9 Images\nPhoto gallery: Golden Golf Club is surrounded by British Columbia's untouched wilderness\nGolden Golf Club is tucked away in the Columbia Valley, nestled between the Rockies on one side and the Purcell Mountains on the other. Surrounded by untouched wilderness, the golf course's rugged terrain was also carefully preserved. Mature trees line nearly every hole and water also has a prominent presence throughout the course.\n\nKira K. Dixon\nLifestyle Correspondent\nNow Reading\nThe wildlife plays through at scenic Golden Golf Club in British Columbia\nNew Cookie Policy\nWE AND OUR PARTNERS USE COOKIES ON THIS SITE TO IMPROVE OUR SERVICE, PERFORM ANALYTICS, PERSONALIZE ADVERTISING, MEASURE ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE, AND REMEMBER WEBSITE PREFERENCES. BY USING THE SITE, YOU CONSENT TO THESE COOKIES. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON COOKIES INCLUDING HOW TO MANAGE YOUR CONSENT VISIT OUR COOKIE POLICY.\nCONTINUE\nSearch Near Me" ]
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[ "Shortly after Pride, I was roaming the aisles at Dollarama with a friend. He disappeared around a corner, screamed bloody murder and came running back with a basket full of little plastic pumpkins and witches. My pulse shot through the roof, and we hopped up and down with ghoulish, girlie glee on the way to the checkout line. If you are at all like the nosy lady behind us in line and think July is too early for Halloween prep, I don’t want to hear it. As far as I am concerned, there are three nights that should be marked on your calendar before all others: New Year’s Eve, Pride and Halloween. I live for the day in the same way Christians live for Christmas and show queens live for Tony night. It is never, ever too early to talk about Halloween, so now that September is behind us, let the party planning, costume construction and candy crunching begin!\n\nWhat is it about All Hallow’s Eve that sends some of us into a tizzy? Every year, the best Halloween costumes I see are from my fellow queers. I’ll never forget the drag queen Cinderella being pulled in a crystal carriage by four (real) white horses with attendant foot-dykes or Fluffy Soufflé’s disgusting “Mama Zombie eating her baby zombie’s brains” appearance. One year, I thought my drowned sailor look was pretty great until I saw a whole crew of drowned sailors pulling along a giant, rusty barnacled boat. Every year, Church Street sets the bar high, and as soon as night falls, the show begins, but beware: it’s widely considered cheating if you pull out the same costume year after year. Think of this as your official notice that you have two weeks to get your act together.\n\nHistorically, Halloween is the time of year where the souls of the departed wander the Earth until morning, giving the dead one last chance to bring vengeance and bad fortune on their enemies before their sleep of ages. In order to avoid being recognized by ghosts on the prowl and to ward off the bad luck they bring, people would fashion costumes, masks and disguises while carving jack-o’-lanterns from turnips. When the Irish and Scottish brought the holiday to North America, it really took off and morphed into the nighttime revel we now love. Any excuse to throw on a costume and show off some culinary/artistic skills, and we queers are there in a heartbeat, but I’m fond of thinking about Halloween in an LGBT context. The ghost of activist Emma Goldman is said to have haunted Gold Diamond restaurant at 346 Spadina Ave for decades; maybe she’ll put in an appearance after sundown to remind us of the importance of being politically active! Then there’s the Alexander Wood statue . . . I’m sure Mr Wood is still angry at being remembered for a possibly phony sex scandal more than he is for his business acumen. Don’t be too afraid if you see his eyes move as you head to Buddies. If we’re lucky, Peter Bochove might just be seen again in the halls of Spa Excess, Dusty Springfield might pop up to see who Carole Pope’s dating now, and 12-year-old Emanuel Jaques might once again walk Yonge Street, raging against his cruel murder in 1977. A night of unrest lies ahead for these and many others — and the least we can do is make it worth their time.\n\nThe one thing that bugs me is how many queer people look at Halloween as one last time to get our collective sexy on before winter comes. Major eye roll, Toronto. Do we have to sexy up every damn thing? We have tons of other days to look cute! My twisted sisters, Halloween is supposed to be a scary holiday tinged with darkness, fear, dread and death. A cute pair of bunny ears and booty shorts might get you laid, but it won’t scare off your dead Uncle Remus who remembers when you stole $5 from his wallet as a kid and wants it back. If you absolutely must be a sexy nurse or hot baseball player, at the very least zombie yourself up. Better yet, indulge in a dark fantasy you wouldn’t get to do at any other time of year and take a cue from the late Will Munro. One Halloween he went home with a stranger in a scary mask. The stranger kept it on all night and left without ever revealing his identity. This is truly the spirit of Halloween in action, and I hope the spirit moves you this year. Trick or treat? Maybe the ghosts of Halloween will grant you both.", null ]
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[ "This is a gripping novel about the problem of European colonialism in Africa. The influence of the landscape around Mont-Roig, in southern Catalonia, can be seen It is obvious that certain experiences are so insignificant that they remain isolated and forgotten.\n\nSome things just stay. Right in the place where it happened. A words essay, for example, cannot be compared to one with less or more words.\n\nShe would never abandon her kids, hurt them, wound them. Devised new and different ways to bake the potatoes he stole C. Only a mother, Sethe, and her daughter Denver, are living in a haunted house.\n\nChopping, hacking, busting every goddamn minute of the day.", null, "For the historical place, the event will always be an element of history. Identify and explain his role, and how his complexity as a character is conveyed by Morrison and why it is significant.\n\nHis name and the word 'genius' are often bandied about together by music writers and critics and many would argue rightly so. They are African ex-slaves, survivors of a painful and traumatic life. All of the important quotes listed here correspond, at least in some way, to the paper topics above and by themselves can give you great ideas for an essay by offering quotes about other themes, symbols, imagery, and motifs than those already mentioned.\n\nPlaces, places are still there. The literary meaning of the gothic style of is hard to define, but to give it a simple meaning the gothic is when the supernatural encounters the natural.", null, "How may her statement be supported. I took one journey and I paid for the ticket, but let me tell you something, Paul D. They get to know muc By killing her child, so dear to her heart, the question arises whether Sethe acted out of true love or selfishness. Fearing that her children would be sold, Sethe sent her two boys and her baby girl ahead to her mother-in-law.\n\nWhat does this statement mean in terms of the novel. What I remember is a picture floating around there outside my head. Throughout the story, Sethe the main character has many encounters with a variety of people.\n\nBy killing her \"Beloved\" child, has Sethe acted Baby Suggs permitted to keep only one of her children C.", null, "Garner that his nephews stole her milk B. Secondly, memory is arguably what creates our present self. Beloved lends a gateway to understanding the trials and tribulations of the modern African American.\n\nGet the Hell out. In conclusion, the point that Sethe is making in the passage is that memories, which become rememories, will never go away. But that was eighteen years ago. A Mothers Love The idea of a ghost story or horror story has long since been introduced into the world of American literature starting in the late 18th century.\n\nThe novel undermines the conventional idea of a storys time scheme. Oct 12, · In her Pulitzer Prize winning novel Beloved, Toni Morrison introduces readers to Sethe, an escaped slave living in Ohio in the s. This essay’s focus is to show that Morrison’s use of memory flashback discloses much more than simple plot or character development.\n\nBeloved. In an essay entitled \"Writing, Race, and the Difference it Makes,\" Henry Louis Gates, Jr. discusses the way in which over the course of history, a binary has existed between whiteness and writing, blackness and silence.\n\nIn Toni Morrison's Beloved, Beloved herself is an enigma that nobody seems capable of explaining. From a \"pool of.\n\nMemory and Rememory in Beloved essaysThe novel Beloved by Toni Morrison is told in a flashback manner, in line with the workings of the human mind. Throughout the novel, the characters work to avoid the past because it is filled with pain and horror for them.\n\nThe characters must come to grips wit.", null, "Nov 16, · Hello. In Toni Morrison's novel Beloved, the character Sethe's \"re-memoring\" involves \"remembering memories.\" Here are a number of excerpts and links to essays where Toni Morrison's concept of \"rememory\" is explained: \"Morrison uses the word rememory to mean the act of remembering a ." ]
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[ null, "Please have a look at these photos I took of Pete Seeger last year during this performance in Buffalo, NY. I believe this was the second to the last performance by Pete Seeger.\n\nI thought it would be appropriate to release them in remembrance of what would have been his 95th birthday, this Saturday, 3 May 2014.\n\nComments Off on Memorial Photo Tribute for Pete Seeger’s 95th Birthday, May 3rd", null, "END_OF_DOCUMENT_TOKEN_TO_BE_REPLACED", null, "Note: Orin Langelle is the Board Chair of Global Justice Ecology Project and the Director of Langelle Photography. Please visit his website to view his most recent photo essay of a recent concert by Pete Seeger at the Western New York Peace Center annual dinner.\n\nTo view the full photo essay click on this link" ]
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[ null, "Our 2009 Hyundai Elantra trim comparison will help you decide.\n\nVehicle Overview\nThe Elantra compact sedan should appeal to value- and safety-conscious buyers, as its price undercuts many in its class. Its trim levels are the entry-level GLS and better-equipped SE; competitors include the Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla and Chevy Cobalt.\n\nA CD audio system, optional on the GLS and standard on the SE, adds USB and auxiliary ports to integrate with iPods or other MP3 players. All models get revised gauges.\n\nExterior\nAt 177.4 inches long and 69.9 inches wide, the Elantra casts a slightly bigger shadow than a four-door Civic. The Elantra is 58.3 inches tall, which is about 2 inches taller than the Civic.\n\nInterior\nThe Elantra’s interior is noticeably larger than the previous generation’s, with enough backseat legroom for a 6-foot adult. Trunk volume, at 14.2 cubic feet, leads both the Civic and Toyota’s redesigned Corolla.\n\nUnder the Hood\nThe Elantra is powered by a four-cylinder engine teamed with a manual transmission. An automatic is optional on all trim levels.\n\nElantra Touring\nHyundai has added a hatchback version of its Elantra compact sedan to battle it out with cars such as the Dodge Caliber, Toyota Matrix, Mazda3 hatchback and Nissan Versa.\n\nPower still comes from the same four-cylinder engine, but for an economy car it isn’t completely anemic. Hyundai tuned the suspension and steering for better handling versus the Elantra sedan.\nBack to top\n\nThis car might appear blend but it is fun to drive. Parts are cheap. Very easy to fix. Just a very reliable car. In february 2021 my elantra has 424 k kilometers. I love my elantra.\n\nI bought this car brand new in 2009 and I'm still driving it. Now with over 120k miles, I have yet to have an issue with it. I've only had to keep up with basic maintenance. No random breakdowns or mechanical issues. The definition of reliability!\n\nI still drive the car\n\nJuly 8, 2020\nBy Raginaw97 from Sacramento, California\nOwns this car\n\nNeeds wheeling linement and radio need to be fixed and new bumper and hood needs to be fixed. Car runs great I still drive it now.\n\nRating breakdown (out of 5):\n2 people out of 3 found this review helpful. Did you?\nShow full review\nSee all 49 consumer reviews", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ]
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[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Lawmakers Seek Fracking Info", "alt_text": "Lawmakers Seek Fracking Info from Natural Gas Well Operators", "rendered_width": 300, "rendered_height": 199, "original_width": 300, "original_height": 199, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
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[ null, "Lawmakers Start Probe Against Natural Gas Well Operators. Two lawmakers have sent letters to 10 natural gas well operators asking for data meant to help determine whether the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing could contaminate drinking water. The letters were sent by Reps. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce and Edward Markey (D-Mass.), who heads up the Energy and Environment Subcommittee.\n\nHydraulic fracturing, also called fracking, is used in 90 percent of the nation’s gas and oil wells. It involves injecting water, sand, and a cocktail of chemicals at high pressure into rock formations thousands of feet below the surface. Critics of fracking have long been concerned about the chemicals used in the process. Because the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 exempted hydraulic fracturing from regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act, drillers don’t have to disclose what chemicals they use.\n\nAccording to the Environmental Working Group, fracking has already been linked to drinking water contamination and property damage in Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wyoming. For this reason, environmentalists have been pushing for federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing operations. Earlier this year, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched an investigation of the environmental and human health impact of shale gas drilling.\n\nThere is also legislation pending in the House and the Senate that would require that industry release the chemicals used in fracturing, and would grant the EPA authority to regulate the practice.\n\nAccording to The Washington Independent, Waxman and Markey sent similar letters to 14 oil and gas service companies in February and May, but the companies said they did not have the data the lawmakers requested.\n\n“In their responses, these companies identified well operators, rather than well service companies, as the entities most likely to maintain data on the proximity of specific wells to underground sources of drinking water,” their latest letters say. “Similarly, the well service companies directed us to the well operators, such as your company, for information on the recovery and disposal of fluids and water that flow back to the surface of wells that have been hydraulically fractured.”" ]
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[ null, "PERRY TOWNSHIP – The Wing-T offense in football can be very effective.\n\nRiverside took the lead for the first time in the third quarter and then controlled the clock, en route to a hard-fought 20-18 victory over the host Commodores.\n\nAfter falling behind 18-13 by the halftime break, Riverside came out in the second half, took the lead and shut down the Perry offense the rest of the way.\n\n“They did a good job with the ball in the fourth quarter,” Perry coach Dan Baker said. “We had a couple defensive stops there. I think we were inside the 10-yard line two times in the fourth quarter and didn’t capitalize. That happens once in a while. They (Riverside) are a great football team. We battled, and it was a good football game. It’s unfortunate we were on the bad side of it, but that’s football.”\n\n“I don’t want to blame the weather,” Baker said. “We just happened to have it (bad weather) tonight. But, we needed to step up a little earlier on defense. We also didn’t put any points on the board there in the second half.”\n\nEarly on, it didn’t take the Perry offensive unit very long to strike.\n\nOn the first possession of the game, on a third down-and-22 play, Perry quarterback Louis Hoersten ran to his left and found room on the sideline and went 66 yards for a touchdown. The two-point conversion failed, and Perry led 6-0 just a little more than two minutes into the contest.\n\nThe Commodores added another score before the end of the first quarter. With time running out, senior running back Nylan Cannon (17 carries, 95 yards) found room around the left end and ran it in from 7 yards out, giving Perry a 12-0 lead.\n\nRiverside bounced back in the second quarter. The Pirates mounted a 13-play, 71-yard scoring drive, capped off with a 3-yard TD run by Lucas Roby. With the extra point, the Perry lead was cut to 12-7, with less than five minutes left to play in the first half.\n\nOn the Commodores’ next possession, Cannon ran the ball 51 yards, setting his team up on the Riverside 2-yard line. On the next play, Hoersten ran it in for the score, pushing the Perry lead to 18-7 with 3:53 left in the half.\n\nRoby added another score for the Pirates before the end of the first half. The senior running back broke loose for a 30-yard TD run, cutting the deficit to 18-13. The five-point Perry lead held up until the halftime break.\n\nRoby led all rushers with 180 yards on 33 carries.\n\nRiverside claimed its first lead of the night late in the third quarter. The Pirates mounted a 12-play, 62-yard scoring drive, capped off with a 2-yard run by quarterback Joel Cotterman. With the extra point, Riverside led 20-18.\n\nIn the fourth quarter, Perry struggled to move the football against the Riverside defense.\n\nThe Pirates held off the Commodores in the final minute of the game, as Perry got the ball inside the 10-yard line and was unable to score.\n\n“We still have a chance for the first-ever conference championship,” Baker said. “We just have to come back, ready to work on Monday, and game plan for Lehman Catholic.”\n\nHi! A visitor to our site felt the following article might be of interest to you: Perry suffers first NWCC loss. Here is a link to that story:" ]
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[ null, "As a result of the release of the movie Stonewall last week, the Hotspots staff thought about what life was like for LGBT people back in 1969 compared to today. Nearly all of us can remember a time when being out and proud meant risking something — whether it be rejection from one’s family or the loss of employment. How far have we come since 1969? Hotspots investigates.\n\nThe Stonewall Riots happened on June 27 and began the LGBT rights movement as we know it today. Only two states, Illinois and Connecticut, had decriminalized homosexuality by 1969. For those people in the rest of the country, being caught in police raids at gay meeting places, such as bars, meant that you would be arrested and your name and address would be printed in the newspaper. From there, these people would usually be fired from their jobs and shunned by their families. Just five years before, Senator Charley Johns spearheaded a witch hunt against gays in Florida’s public universities: over 300 people were either fired from their jobs or kicked out of school.\n\nThe American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. At this time, Gallup reports that only 12% believe that homosexuality is something people are born with. That number would rise to 42% by 2014.\n\nThe largest attack against gay people in United States history occurred when an arsonist set the Upstairs Lounge, a gay bar in New Orleans, on fire. 32 people died. News coverage was scant, and what coverage did appear was not reported in an unbiased manner.", null, "Dade County, Florida becomes the first county in Florida to pass an anti-discrimination ordinance that specifically protects gay people. Anita Bryant, a singer and spokeswoman for Florida Orange Juice, leads the charge to have the ordinance repealed. Also, for a time, she succeeded in banning openly gay teachers from Florida public schools, and she also led a movement to ban adoption by gay couples. Her political activism was a success but a boycott of", null, "Florida Orange Juice, led heavily by gays, caused her to lose her promotional contract with the brand.\n\nAlso in 1977, Harvey Milk makes history by becoming the first openly gay elected official in the country, and he takes his seat on San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors. His assassination the next year sends shockwaves throughout the gay community nationwide.\n\nOver 100,000 people attend the first March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. By this time, while being openly gay still carried a large stigma in many parts of the country, the gay rights movement has successfully moved from “coming out” and “fitting in” to working to fix discrimination and hostility against gay people by homophobes.", null, "AIDS (then called GRID) is first noticed among gay men in New York City and quickly becomes a national health issue. The Gay Men’s Health Crisis is founded in New York City. The mainstream media begins to cover AIDS but it isn’t until actor Rock Hudson’s death four years later that the topic becomes one of premier national importance. President Ronald Reagan famously did not utter the words “HIV” or “AIDS” until the seventh year of his eight years in the White House.\n\nBowers v. Hardwick is decided by the Supreme Court, which rules that there is no constitutional right to sodomy. It upholds Georgia’s anti-sodomy law as well as the laws across many other states.\n\nCoverage of gay issues increases in local media but national news outlets still ignore many gay-related stories. The second March on Washington is held this year, with 200,000 people in attendance, and it is ignored by Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report.\n\nPresident George Bush signs the Hate Crimes Statistics Act into law, mandating the federal government to keep track of crimes that relate to the victim’s sexual orientation. This year many states pass laws that call for stronger sentences for anti-gay crimes, such as California and Connecticut. Seven states would pass gay rights legislation by 1992.", null, "The third March on Washington draws over a million participants, including Tipper Gore, wife of Vice-President Al Gore. The majority of national media outlets follow the march for the first time. Also this year, a movie about the AIDS crisis and its impact on a man and his loved ones, Philadelphia, is released in theaters. The lead actor, Tom Hanks, would win an Oscar for his performance.\n\nHawaii becomes the first of many states to specifically write into their constitution that marriage should be between a man and a woman, after gay couples tried unsuccessfully to apply for marriage licenses there.\n\nPresident Bill Clinton signs the Defence of Marriage Act, which would bar states from having to recognize same-sex marriages in other states and also would bar married gay couples from receiving federal benefits like straight couples receive. The Supreme Court, in Romer v. Evans, overturned Colorado’s voter-approved amendment that would have banned gay rights ordinances locally or statewide. San Francisco opens the nation’s first domestic partnership registry for gay couples.\n\nEllen DeGeneres comes out on her ABC sitcom Ellen. A number of television stations drop her show, and her coming out is heavily discussed in the press. Originally, coming out hurt Ellen, and her profile was visibly reduced in popular culture for a few years, but she earned herself a decisive comeback when her talk show premiered in 2003 to rave reviews.\n\nThe death of Matthew Shepard outside Laramie, Wyoming causes the country to discuss anti-gay harassment and violence for the first time. A renewed push for hate crime legislation begins.\n\nVermont becomes the first state to legalize civil unions, which has lots of the same rights as a marriage, but not all rights. The topic of same-sex marriage is discussed as a viable option nationwide for the first time.\n\nThe Supreme Court knocks down Texas’s anti-sodomy law in the case of Lawrence v. Texas. Thirteen other states’ sodomy laws are similarly invalidated, including Florida’s. Homosexuality is decriminalized for the first time in Florida, with the age of consent set at 18, equal to that of straight people.\n\nThe California Supreme Court knocks down the state’s ban on gay marriage, and gay couples begin to wed. A voter initiative, Proposition 8, passes later that year, halting marriages in the state. Marriages would be reinstated in California for gay couples in 2013.\n\nThe Defense of Marriage Act is found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the case of United States v. Windsor. Gay marriage is now legal in a handful of states and those couples will be allowed to file for federal benefits.\n\nTransgender rights and issues are being discussed by more people now than ever before. Laverne Cox makes history by becoming the first transgender woman to grace the cover of Time.\n\nIn the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court finds that the states’ bans on gay marriage are unconstitutional, and that marriage equality shall be the law of the land. By the time the court case was decided, thirty-six states had already legalized marriage equality, either through legislation or court cases. Couples in fourteen states began to wed on June 26." ]
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[ "The first day of the GM Meetings is wrapping up as the execs are off having dinner. Here is what is going on with the Red Sox:\n\nGlobe colleague Tony Massarotti spoke to Tim Wakefield about his new two-year, $5 million deal. It sounds like this will be the final contract for the 43-year-old.\n\nWakefield has 175 wins with the Red Sox, 18 away from breaking the franchise record held by Roger Clemens and Cy Young. The two-year deal gives him a chance to accomplish that.\n\n“That’s a huge factor for me,’’ Wakefield said. “They actually came to me with a two-year. We were wondering they were going to pick up the option again and this kind of negates that. I think this is a fair deal. If I’m healthy, I’ll be able to make about as much as I did the other years. In essence, they gave me a two-year deal and that’s a huge plus for me.”\n\nAs for his surgically repaired back, Wakefield sounded optimistic.\n\n“My back is great,’’ he said. “I still don’t have the strength that I need right now, but I can do a calf raise and I can walk on my toes, not that I need to be a ballerina.\n\n“I’ll be 150 percent ready (for spring training). I don’t feel anything from the surgery at all. No more pain. No more limping. No more anything.”\n\nA few other notes of interest after our meeting with Theo Epstein:\n\n• There nothing new on Jason Bay. “It’s not one we’re going to talk much about. It seems like those deals, when you talk a lot about them and there’s a lot of stuff out there they don’t get done. They get done under the radar, Epstein said. “This is one of those guys we’ll be as quiet as we can. There haven’t been any significant developments.”\n\nEpstein believes Bay will enter free agency, if only to try and better determine his value.\n\n“Free agency is the great unknown for players. Sometimes it hard to sign when you never know what may be out there for you,” Epstein said. “What team may be a perfect fit for you. … We understand. There’s a reason you need to get six years of service before you’re eligible. It’s an accomplishment to get there.”\n\n• As you know, the Sox declined Jason Varitek’s $5 million option for 2010. He now has five days to decide whether to exercise his $3 million option. I asked Theo Epstein whether he would be comfortable having Varitek as the backup.\n\n“Um … Yeah, I think so,” he said. “There’s a school of thought that says he’d be better with a bit more rest. If he does pick up the option, there would be an opportunity to rest more next year with Victor catching more. We’re in a waiting mode now to see what happens.”\n\nVaritek seems likely to stay with Boston for $3 million.\n\n• Epstein said Alex Gonzalez (who option was declined) remains on their radar for the right price. “Alex did a great job for us. We told him through his agent that we still have interest under the right circumstances,” he said.\n\n• The same is basically true of RHP Takashi Saito.\n\n• They’re waiting to see how Nick Green is physically before deciding whether to make him some sort of offer. He had back surgery today in Boston.\n\n• Billy Wagner, Epstein acknowledged, will be heading elsewhere to close.\n\n• The Sox will replace Brad Mills as bench coach with somebody on the staff (Tim Bogar perhaps) and promote somebody from the minor leagues to the major-league staff.\n\n• Paul Lessard was let go as head athletic trainer after four seasons. Assistant Mike Reinold was given the top job and Greg Barajas will move up from Pawtucket to become the assistant.", null ]
[ null, "", null ]
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[ "Intel's 7560 Modem Could Push Next iPhone to 1Gbps\n\nIntel's new modem might help the next iPhone give the Galaxy S8 a real run for its money.", null, "The next iPhone could go gigabit. Today Intel announced its XMM7650 modem, which joins Qualcomm's X16 in the gigabit LTE world. Intel's modem is probably the front-runner for this fall's iPhone 7s or iPhone 8.\n\nThe XMM7560 is a direct competitor to the X16, which Qualcomm announced last year and is now part of Qualcomm's Snapdragon 835 chipset. The Qualcomm modem is in some Australian and Japanese hotspots, and it's likely to appear in the Samsung Galaxy S8 phone.\n\nLike the X16, the Intel 7560 is LTE Category 16/13, with download speeds of 1Gbps and upload speeds of 225Mbps. It supports up to 8x4 MIMO, up to 35 LTE bands, and all of the current evolutions of LTE, GSM, and CDMA. Intel says the new modem is \"expected to sample in the first half of this year and move into production soon afterward.\"\n\nSEE ALSO: Analyst: iPhone 12 Pro Due Out With 6GB Memory, Most Ever From Apple\n\nHey Look, It's the iPhone 8\n\nThe next iPhone will probably come out in September or October, which leaves a few months for Intel to ramp up production on the 7560.\n\nApple is currently at war with Qualcomm, whose modems it has used for several years because of Qualcomm's CDMA and LTE leadership. Last year, it switched out the modems in its AT&T and T-Mobile phones for slightly inferior Intel products, and it's currently suing Qualcomm for a billion dollars out of rage over the chip maker's licensing fees.\n\nQualcomm had Apple in an unusual, difficult situation: its modems were so superior to the competition that it could dictate terms to Apple. Apple is used to the power dynamic working the other way around.\n\nThe Intel 7560 has one major feature that the Intel modem in the iPhone 7 didn't: CDMA/EVDO. During the iPhone 7 cycle, Apple had to stick with Qualcomm in part because Intel didn't have a product working on Verizon and Sprint's CDMA/EVDO networks. That means if it wants, Apple will be able to go to a single, global iPhone model with an Intel modem.\n\nAnd Intel is hungry. The company has failed over and over again in mobile. Its attempt at making mobile chipsets, the Atom line, flamed out last year when its final major client, Asus, switched away to Qualcomm. Intel is probably ready to offer Apple some terrific terms to capture a massive amount of high-end market share from its decades-long rival.\n\nOne Phone to Rule Them All\n\nApple doesn't like putting new modem features in before the networks appear, but Sprint and T-Mobile are promising gigabit LTE later this year. As the Galaxy S8 will be able to access those networks, using the Intel 7560 would help Apple take a potential Samsung advantage off the table.\n\nIt would also fix one of the most annoying \"features\" in the iPhone 7, namely that you can't use AT&T or T-Mobile iPhones on Verizon or Sprint. It would streamline Apple's production and inventory processes by reducing the number of models made and make it easier to swap used devices.\n\nApple, Intel, and Qualcomm are mum about the next iPhone, of course. But I think the writing's on the wall. If it's true, then Qualcomm's going to take a big sales hit at the end of the year." ]
[ "", null ]
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[ null, "Make that 42, not 43, Republicans who voted with Democrats for the controversial LGBT amendment in the House of Representatives.\n\n“My position on this issue has not and will not change,” says Rep. John Shimkus.\n\nWhen the amendment passed late Wednesday night, 223-195, Rep. John Shimkus, R-Ill., voted for the measure but only by accident. The next day, Shimkus entered a statement into the congressional record to clarify his gaffe.\n\n“My position on this issue has not and will not change,” Shimkus said in a press release. “I’ve consistently defended religious liberty and I always will. During a series of 14 votes on the House floor, I accidentally cast a ‘yea’ vote for the Maloney amendment when I intended to vote ‘nay.’”\n\nThough the veteran Illinois representative did not cast the deciding vote and while the underlying bill with the LGBT amendment attached ultimately failed, Shimkus added that he “regrets the mistake.”\n\nThe apparent blunder comes during the middle of an unforeseen and controversial battle that threatens to derail the entire appropriations process.\n\nShimkus is not the first representative in Congress to unknowingly cast the wrong vote. The House of Representatives records votes using an electronic system first introduced in 1973. Small and narrow voting buttons allow a member to vote yea, nay, or present.\n\nSupporters describe the amendment—introduced by Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, D-N.Y.—as an effort to prohibit federal contractors from discrimination against members of the LGBT community on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Opponents characterize the measure as a violation of conscience rights.\n\nAn intentional vote for the Maloney amendment would mark a significant shift for Shimkus. The Illinois representative voted against the amendment when it was first introduced to a separate appropriations bill." ]
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[ null, "Voting for the night’s most prestigious award to remain open\nthrough in-show on Wednesday, October 21\n\nFor the last several weeks, fans have been actively voting on a group of “Video of the Year” nominations that have been narrowed down to the following six finalists:\n\nAs of 12PM ET, fans can vote for the top six finalists by visiting into the show on Wednesday, October 21.\n\nAs previously announced, country hitmaker Kane Brown and entertainer Sarah Hyland will share co-host duties for this year’s show, alongside two other famous faces to be revealed closer to air date. On top of hosting duties, Brown and fellow country superstars Ashley McBryde, Dan + Shay, Little Big Town, Luke Bryan and Maren Morris will bring highly-anticipated performances to the CMT stage alongside breakout artists Caylee Hammack, HARDY, Ingrid Andress, Mickey Guyton, Riley Green and Travis Denning, who will make their debuts on the Ram Trucks Side Stage. Additional performers and presenters will be announced closer to the show." ]
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[ null, null, "Dina Marie Ruiz professionally known as Dina Eastwood is an American reporter, TV news anchor, and actress. Dina Eastwood is currently a yoga instructor. She is the former wife of actor and film director Clint Eastwood. In 2012, she starred in a reality television series about her life, Mrs. Eastwood & Company, on the E! network.\n\nDina Eastwood is born on July 11, 1965, in Castro Valley, California US. Currently, she is 55 years old as of 2020 under the astrological sign of Cancer. Similarly, talking about her family background she is born as Dina Marie Ruiz to Michael Ruiz(father) and Mary Lou Ruiz (mother). Likewise talking about her childhood was raised in Fremont, California, US with her brother Dominic V. Ruiz. Likewise, she is of mixed All American, Japanese, Irish, German descent and holds an American nationality.", null, "Moving on to her studies, when she was in Fremont she attends Mission San Jose High School. Following her high school education, she attended several colleges, starting with the Ohlone College, in 1983. Around the same time, she anchored Newsline for Ohlone College Television. She also attended Arizona State University in Tempe for some time.\n\nIn 1988, she completed her graduation obtaining a degree in broadcast communications from the ‘San Francisco State University.’\n\nDina started her career by joining ‘KNAZ-TV’ in Flagstaff, Arizona, in 1990, as a reporter. She later started serving as a news anchor. Likewise, after around a year, television station, KSBW, in the Monterey-Salinas, California market inducted her as a news anchor. In 1997, she took retirement from KSBW to devote more time to her husband and newly born daughter. She was the host of the ‘California Teachers Association’ produced television show, ‘A Quest for Excellence,’ in 1998.\nThe show, where she was credited as Dina Ruiz Eastwood, aired on different Bay Area stations. Similarly, the 1999 mystery drama, ‘True Crime,’ directed by her then-husband, Clint Eastwood, features her in a short role of a reporter. Likewise, she again appeared in a brief role of a reporter in yet another Eastwood mystery thriller film, ‘Blood Work,’ that also starred the latter.\nIn 2003, she co-hosted the Episode #7.1 of the popular and long-running American hidden camera reality TV series, ‘Candid Camera.’ The following year she again co-hosts another episode of the series titled ‘Mother’s Day.’ Starting from February 8, 2011, she “guest-anchored for KSBW”, the 5 pm aired newscast with weeknight anchor Dan Green. Again, beginning from November 11, 2013, she anchored the 5 pm newscast for a couple of weeks.\n\nThe drama film on art forgery titled ‘The Forger,’ direct by Lawrence Roeck featured Dina in the starring role of Vanessa Reeve. The 2001 film, ‘Carmel-by-the-Sea,’ also had Dina’s stepson, Scott Eastwood, in a starring role. After the title of the film changed to ‘The Forger,’ it was released on July 3, 2012, on DVD.\nThe American reality documentary television series, ‘Mrs. Eastwood & Company’ is one of her most notable projects. The show, encompassing ten episodes, chronicled her life. Moving on to her networth, she has an estimated net worth which is around $20 million. Her salary is still unknown.\n\nLikewise talking about her marital status she is married and straight. In past she was dating her boyfriend Clint Eastwood, Dina met him in 1992, during an interview with him for ‘KSBW-TV.’ The two tied the knot on March 31, 1996, and on December 12 of that year, they bless with a baby girl, Morgan Eastwood. Likewise, the couple is been through a serious problem in their relationship as a husband and wife. Due to those problems, the couple separated in the year 2014.", null, "After that, she started dating a basketball coach Scott Fisher for years. They married on July 1st, 2016. Now they are living a happy life and also focusing on their career too.\n\nShe is not being in any kind of controversy.\n\nDina stands at a height of 5 feet 6 inches tall and weight around 62kg. She has maintained fit body and beautiful. The body measurements and figure sizes are 32-24-34 inches with the bra size 32b. She has black hair color and black eye color." ]
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[ null, "The PC maker’s second attempt to go public by buying out its subsidiary’s tracking stock should work. A higher valuation, extra cash and a board seat address skeptics’ main concerns, and have won over Elliott and others. The rewards of acceptance outweigh the risks of voting no.\n\nDell logos are seen at its headquarters in Cyberjaya, outside Kuala Lumpur September 4, 2013.\n\nDell Technologies said on Nov. 15 it raised its offer for tracking stock tied to an 81 percent economic stake in VMware to $120 per share from $109 previously. That increases the value of the new, final offer by $2.2 billion to $23.9 billion.\n\nStockholders can select either $120 in cash, or 1.5043 to 1.8139 shares of Class C common Dell stock, for each share of the tracker they hold. The cash is subject to a total cap of $14 billion, which is $5 billion more than under the previous offer.\n\nClass C shareholders will also receive the right to elect an independent director. If the deal is completed, tracking-stock holders would own between 17 percent and 33 percent of Dell Technologies, depending on how many elected to receive cash and the value of the tracking stock in the 17 days preceding shareholders’ election of cash or stock.\n\nDodge & Cox, Elliott Management, Canyon Partners and Mason Capital Management, who collectively hold some 17 percent of the tracker, have agreed to support the deal." ]
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[ "Lebanon: The Long Path to Default\nSkip to main content\n\nLebanon: The Long Path to Default\n\nEconomically speaking, Lebanon is an interesting case study in many respects. Like several Mediterranean countries such as Italy or Greece, it is characterized by huge public debt (151% of GDP). At the same time, like several northern liberal and service-based economies – and unlike most Mediterranean economies except for Turkey – it shows low levels of household savings. Something that does not come as a surprise to people familiar with the high prices for basic commodities that characterize Lebanon’s domestic market, especially if compared to average incomes. Together with public debt, its large current-account deficit (-27% of GDP) is another background character of a drama that over the last decades have been displaying subplots about inequality, corruption and productive sector suffocation, and that since last October took a sudden twist towards a new phase. A drama that has only one real protagonist: the banks.\n\nOf course, not all banks were created equal. The Lebanese Central Bank is the absolute protagonist of this story, with the fundamental support of crucial secondary protagonists: Lebanon’s private commercial banks.\n\nOur story starts in the 1990s, just after the end of the country’s long civil war. By that time, Lebanon was in desperate need of money to reconstruct the war-torn country. The state started borrowing money from the local market, issuing bonds in local currency. To fight the mistrust that people had in the Lebanese lira due to the dramatic devaluation spiral that occurred during the war – which contributed to destroy entire fortunes – the interest rates of state bonds immediately skyrocketed, reaching levels still unmatched today, even in the developing world. Rather soon, local banks lost their appetite for private and corporate lending strategies – which yielded far less – and channeled most of the little savings people still had after the war towards the much more profitable public bonds.\n\nThis had three direct effects on the economy: first, it caused a dramatic increase in public debt, which reached the record peak of 183% of GDP in 2006; second, local banks stopped looking for other investment opportunities as long as public bonds’ interest rates largely surpassed the interest rates they had to pay on their depositors’ saving accounts. This led to a significant increase in public bonds’ weight on their balance sheets, which between 1993 and 2000 amounted to 27% of the banks’ asset base (against 5.4% constituted by loans to the commercial private sector). Third, it dramatically expanded the share of the public budget necessary every year for debt-servicing payments. By the end of the 1990s, local private banks owned two-thirds of the (increasing) public debt. This meant that every year a growing share of government revenues was channeled towards a small group of private entities. By 1998, debt-servicing payments surpassed the state’s budget deficit. The government had to start borrowing money and widening the tax base just to repay previous debts.\n\nOf course, the first effect of this scheme was inequality: over the years the government especially increased consumption taxes – which hit all citizens equally, regardless of income differences – to repay the debt. That meant that a large share of the tax revenues paid by all citizens were pocketed by a small group of private lenders.\n\nThe second important effect was that the public and private financial sectors became increasingly interdependent: banks attracted new deposits from the local economy and from abroad thanks to the high interest rates they could offer; in turn, the state could borrow fresh resources from the banks to finance its budget. Of course, the continuation of such a scheme – which, quite accurately, many called a Ponzi scheme – was made possible by the deep connection between the banking sector and the Lebanese political scene. Most private banks are connected to national party leaderships which, in turn, base their political activities on systems of local patronage structured on sectarian basis.\n\nThe possibility to cash in on high interest rates simply by lending to the state made the local banking sector reluctant to invest in local productive enterprises. The dollar peg imposed by the Central Bank, crucially important to attract financial inflows, made local exports increasingly uncompetitive on the international market, deepening the country’s current account deficit. The real estate sector, boosted by the post-war reconstruction effort, became the main economic sector after banking.\n\nOver the last two decades, the continuous inflow of fresh money from abroad became crucial to stabilizing the balance of payment and, thus, to survival of the system. This scheme was initially shaken by the sudden dramatic decrease of investments from the Gulf monarchies. Gulf leaderships in the last years “strongly advised” their citizens against traveling to and investing in Lebanon after it had become clear that the party-militia Hezbollah, a close Iran ally, had gained the upper hand in local politics. The conflict in neighboring Syria and the refugee crisis it sparked – Lebanon today hosts over 1 million Syrian refugees – also contributed to harming investors’ confidence in the country’s stability.\n\nRiad Salameh, the Central Bank’s governor since the 1990s, became the symbol of the system’s survival capabilities. He used all possible tools of “creative finance” in order to maintain the stability of the system and the peg in the face of decreasing foreign financial inflows. He even managed to increase, on paper, the country’s currency reserves in a period of growing mismatch between the total stock of financial inflows and the current account deficit. However, even the most skilled illusionist cannot perform miracles in front of a country-wide upheaval, such as the one we have seen enfolding since last October.\n\nWhile the Lebanese people were flooding the country’s streets and squares, financial assets began being rapidly moved away from the country’s banks. Sometimes, when their owners enjoyed sufficiently good connections with key decision makers, such transfers have continued even after the banking sector introduced harsh measures to limit cash withdrawals and financial movements.\n\nAny Ponzi scheme illusion has its moment of reckoning. The Lebanese financial system’s came on 9 March, with official declaration of the country’s default. Especially now, no leader has sufficient political capital to further procrastinate the end of the current system as we know it.\n\nHence, the drama told in this article is now entering a new chapter. Over the next weeks its protagonists will have to show the world, and especially the Lebanese people, whether they are ready to dramatically change course and radically restructure an unsustainable system. Lebanon has all the resources, especially human ones, the build a new, sustainable course. But old habits a die hard, especially when those in charge of crucial decisions are those who profited the most from them.", null, null, null, null ]
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[ null, "Sordid Sound System (AKA Stuart Evans) is a DJ and producer based in Glasgow. One of the founding members and an in house sound engineer at Glasgow’s Green Door Studio where he has engineered and mixed records for Optimo Music luminaries such as Golden Teacher, Mr TC, Whilst, Pussy Mothers and Junto Club.\n\nEvans has worked on studio sessions with the likes of dub legend Dennis Bovell, Sly & Robbie / Brian Eno collaborator Howie B, and post punk guru Mike Hedges (The Cure, Bauhaus and Siouxsie and The Banshees). He also co-produced the ‘Youth Stand Up!’ LP on JD Twitch and Midlands Autonomous Africa label which came about from recording sessions in West Africa, Central America, and Glasgow, and which made the Vinyl Factories best releases of 2016.\n\nAfter 9 years of honing his production skills at Green Door, Evans has recently started putting them to use sculpting the motorik dub disco sounds of Sordid Sound System. His first two releases on Glasgow’s Invisible Inc label are the result of overnight insomniac recording sessions committed to tape during studio downtime and exhibit Evans’s deep respect for producers such as Lee Perry, Conny Plank, King Tubby, Patrick Cowley & Adrian Sherwood.\n\nSordid Sound System are now a 3 piece live act with Evans dubbing the fuck out of an analog desk along to drum machine, synths, bass and live percussion. He also DJ’s at numerous nights and parties around Glasgow." ]
[ null, "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882571086.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20220809185452-20220809215452-00083.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 559312387, "warc_record_length": 31229}
[ "This summer has not just been about improving Celtic’s squad, but streamlining it.\n\nManager Ange Postecoglou has made it clear he wants a lean but high-quality squad so he can have confidence in whoever is called upon when injuries, suspensions and rotations inevitably have an impact.\n\nOne of the reasons behind Celtic’s success last season was the togetherness fostered by Postecoglou and his staff at Lennoxtown. This camaraderie formed around Postecoglou’s core group of players, the crowd of 16-18 he habitually turned to over the second half of the season.\n\nYet the first-team squad was significantly larger than this core group, and it was arguably a bloated one. There were a number of players on the periphery who did not convince Postecoglou.\n\nScanning last season’s matchday squads, one can infer who was not part of Posetcoglou’s long-term plans, but this group were still involved with first-team sessions. There was no preferential treatment in training. Everyone was tasked with working as hard as the next player. Yet the subtext was clear and their omissions from injury-afflicted substitution benches at the expense of academy talent hammered the point home.\n\nBarkas has joined FC Utrecht on loan for the season, as has Soro at Portuguese club FC Arouca, and Urhoghide at Belgian side Oostende, the latter two deals including the option to make the move permanent.\n\nDefenders Scales and Montgomery have joined Aberdeen and St Johnstone respectively, though neither of their careers at Celtic are write-offs and they will be re-evaluated upon their return.\n\nBolingoli, who virtually spent the past two years in exile, has joined Mechelen permanently.\n\nThe two outliers from the departing 10 are Rogic and Bitton, who the club wanted to retain but the players wanted new challenges after a combined 18 and a half years in Glasgow.\n\nIt is a comprehensive turnover, but there is still work to be done. Celtic are open to offers for Swiss striker Albian Ajeti and French defender Christopher Jullien, though moving them on has proved tricky. Both are among Celtic’s highest earners. A loan move to Schalke for Jullien broke down last month after a failure to agree personal terms.", null, "The club are also open to interest in English midfielder Liam Shaw, who spent the second half of last season on loan at Motherwell but had his spell there undermined by injury.\n\nIf all three or even two are moved on, Celtic’s squad would look a lot leaner, closer to the ideal scenario where every first-team player is someone Postecoglou trusts to contribute to his team.\n\nThere are two players whose situations are different: James McCarthy and Mikey Johnston. Although neither were regulars last year, especially after the squad was strengthened in January, both played a reasonable amount of minutes for squad players. Both also featured in pre-season.\n\nNeither, however, was included in the first matchday squad of the season against Aberdeen, even with injuries to Carl Starfelt and Yosuke Ideguchi. They are far down the pecking order, but that does not necessarily mean they would not contribute over a season when injuries take their toll. A lean squad is a positive outcome, a stick-thin one is not.\n\nThere is interest in both players, but whether or not Celtic will sanction a move likely hinges on whether they can bring in replacements. Whether potential incomings might be similar squad players or upgrades who can challenge for the starting XI depends on available options as the window heads into its final weeks.\n\nOn Celtic’s books currently, Callum McGregor, Anthony Ralston, James Forrest, Stephen Welsh and Johnston qualify as club-trained players likely to feature in the 25-man squad. David Turnbull, Greg Taylor, Scott Bain and McCarthy qualify as association-trained players. Moving on one of McCarthy or Johnston keeps Celtic within the eight-player criteria, but transferring both brings them below the limit.\n\nSales are not as newsworthy as signings and, at face value, it may seem like the farewells will have little impact on what happens on the pitch. The departure of so many players does have a significant impact, however, and from Postecoglou’s perspective, having a healthy and focused squad dynamic can make a world of difference." ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Geisler", "rendered_width": 696, "rendered_height": 464, "original_width": 696, "original_height": 464, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320306335.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20220128182552-20220128212552-00034.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 770412300, "warc_record_length": 40085}
[ null, "Entering Saturday night emotions were already running high throughout the region. The speedway had been silent since July 28th and heavy rains throughout the week left portions of the region devastated. The town of Kirkwood was once again hit heavily by flash flooding during the week and area residents in attendance were simply looking for any diversion from the past week. Aleia Geisler certainly provided that for those in attendance. Two Modified feature events were on tap on Saturday night due to the Saturday, July 21st event being rained out after lap 8.\n\nIn the regular scheduled 30 lap Modified feature event Dave Doig, Jr. and Aleia Geisler started on the front row. Geisler motored out to the lead on lap one as Doig settled in to second place. The early going was a rough and tumble affair as six cautions slowed the pace in just the first six laps for mostly minor incidents. When things settled down, the racing was outstanding as only one more caution would fly over the final 24 laps of the feature. On the lap six restart Geisler pulled away from second place runner Brian Puckett who had charged from the fifth starting spot. The same occurred on the final restart of the race on lap 10 as Geisler opened her lead up over Puckett.\n\nThe last 20 laps saw Geisler drive a flawless race as Puckett continued to run in second place. The only potential moment of anxiety was when Geisler approached the lapped car of Nick Rochinski (was running a borrowed car) after he was had blown a motor in his car earlier in the evening. Rochinski ran his line and Geisler easily navigated past as Puckett was only able to momentarily close the distance on the race leader. On the final lap the fans were on their feet as they cheered Geisler across the finish line for her first feature win at the speedway and as she became the first ever female Modified feature winner. Puckett finished second with Mike Colsten coming across in third. Brian Malcolm took over the point lead with his fourth place finish and Joey Colsten rebounded with a fifth place finish after dropping out of the earlier feature event.\n\nIn the held over Modified feature event 8 laps had been completed back on July 21st prior to the rains washing out the balance. Barry White was the race leader on that night and he and Nick Rochinski brought the field to the green on the lap 8 restart this past Saturday. White jumped back out to the race lead when the green flew with Rochinski in tow. Three laps were completed when P.J. Goodwin spun in turn 3 bringing out the yellow flag. Rochinski used the restart to his advantage taking over the lead when racing resumed. Rochinski quickly left the field behind as White developed a push in his car that saw him lose the runner-up slot. Mike Colsten moved in to second on lap 13 and slowly began to close the gap on the race leader.\n\n\nRochinski initially opened up his race lead but as the green flag laps clicked down Colsten began to close in on the Dickson City, PA driver. On lap 27 the caution flew for the second and final time as Dan Solomon slowed with a broken front end in turn 3. Rochinski had another strong re-start and pulled away from Colsten when racing went green. Rochinski maintained his advantage as he went on for the victory. Colsten finished second with White, Donnie Elliott and Rusty Smith completing the top five.\n\nThe Xcel 600 Modified teams had a very special event on Saturday with a lot of extra money up for grabs. The Joshua Henry Memorial event, a 29 lap feature event was a tribute to the 8 year old boy that lost his life in a motor vehicle accident in 2012. His brother, Damon had earned one feature win earlier in the season and led the 28 car field for the parade lap before falling in to position. When racing began Tyler Smith out raced Adam Mudge to the race lead. The early racing was certainly action packed as three and four wide battles took place all over the speedway. The first caution of the race flew on lap 7. On the restart current point leader Bailey Boyd over took Smith for the race lead. Smith was not deterred as he remained within striking distance.\n\nSeveral cautions slowed the action during the balance of the 29 lap feature event as the front duo continued to put on a great display. On lap 28 Smith pulled to the inside of Boyd as he looked to take the win. Unfortunately for Smith, the caution flew for the final time eliminating the strong bid. On the restart Boyd had a good restart and Smith made one last attempt but was unable to make it stick. Boyd went on for the victory with Smith, Richie Hitzler, Korey Inglin and Tyler Bartik completing the top five. Damon Henry earned the “Hard Charger Award” after starting 25th and winding up in 12th at the end. The Henry presented Boyd with a six foot trophy, added money to the top three finishing positions and raised over $2,000 in bonus lap money.\n\nThe 20 lap Crate Sportsman feature event saw Brad Cicio and Todd Titus on the front row for the start. Titus jumped out to the early race lead as multi-time feature winner Alex Yankowski began his advance from the seventh starting spot. A caution on lap 7 regrouped the field with Titus the race leader and Yankowski already up to second place. On the restart Yankowski took advantage as he raced out to the lead on lap 8. The caution came out for the final time one lap later and on the restart Yankowski pulled back in to the race lead. The final 12 laps went caution free as Yankowski pulled away from the field. Titus stayed within distance of Yankowski while a great battle among two other first year drivers took place for third and fourth. Russell Benke and Tyler Peet. Yankowski went on for the win with Titus finishing second. Benke held off Peet for third with Matt Cole finishing fifth.\n\nDoug Polhamus, the defending Street Stock Track Champion made a statement on Saturday as he led wire to wire in the 20 lap feature event. Polhamus started in second and charged past Keith Beach on lap 1. At the finish it was Polhamus over his team mate Matt Bowman. Doug Stack, Tyler Yeagle and Ray Lindquist completed the top five.\n\nCaleb Lacey led the entire distance of the Lightning Cat Expert 15 lap feature event on Saturday for his first ever win. Lacey, is a true “rookie” in the division and held off multiple time winner Jimmy DiFulvio for his first win. Another rookie in the division, Brian Salmini finished third with Nick Kennedy and Jake Maynard completing the top five spots. Tom Groover raced to his second Factory Stock victory of the season. Groover took the lead in the 15 lap feature on lap 6 and held off Charlie Gilbert during the late stages. Steve Lunn was the Lightning Cat Novice feature winner. Lunn took the lead from Walter Decker on lap 5 and went on for the 12 lap feature win.\n\nCOUNTER POINTS…139 race teams jammed the Five Mile Point Speedway pit area on what was yet another challenging weather race day…Flooding occurred in the town of Kirkwood on Monday and record flooding followed on Wednesday of this past week…On Saturday morning heavy rain swept through the area flooding towns to the north and making track preparation challenging…Despite all the challenges the speedway surface was extremely smooth and racy throughout…A collection was taken for Cindy Cornell who is battling health issues and over $1,200 was raised between this past Saturday and July 21st when the action was rained out…Jeremy Williams made a great gesture by allowing Nick Rochinski to continue his pursuit of the Modified Track Championship…After winning the first feature of the night Rochinski blew the motor in his car…Willilams scratched from the Sportsman feature allowing Rochinski to drive his car in the Modified main…\n\nThis Saturday is the final point race of the 2018 season at Five Mile Point Speedway. Track Championships will be decided in all classes with racing set to begin at 6:30 p.m. For more information please phone 607-775-5555 or log on to" ]
[ null, "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243989756.81/warc/CC-MAIN-20210518063944-20210518093944-00578.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 1096757843, "warc_record_length": 12039}
[ "China and the United States on May 1 or full navigation! Mutual recognition of vaccines and passports, without isolation. Global trade will continue to recover\n\nChina and the United States on May 1 or full navigation! Mutual recognition of vaccines and passports, without isolation. Global trade will continue to recover\n\nChina and the United States to open air links? When will US-China relations thaw? Here comes the big news!\n\nAccording to the latest news, the US consulates may gradually resume immigrant visa interviews in late April. It is reported that so far, industry institutions have received the interview notice of American family reunion immigration customers, the interview time is arranged in late April.\n\nThis marks the first time that all regular visa interviews at U.S. embassies and consulates have been canceled since January 31, 2020. According to records, the last batch of clients interviewed for visas went back to late December 2019 and early January 2020.\n\nAccording to foreign media, starting May 1, the United States may lift international travel restrictions. The mutual recognition of navigation and vaccine passports between China and the United States will not require isolation, and important progress may be made.", null, "The US airline industry is urging the removal of entry restrictions\n\nMore than two dozen airline and travel industry groups want the White House to issue a policy that would exempt travelers who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 from testing. They also want the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to say publicly that vaccinated people are safe to travel. At the same time, they urged the White House to actively implement a vaccine passport, which the White House opposes.\n\nThe groups say the measures will speed up the recovery of tourism and aviation. Tourism has been hit hard during the outbreak.\n\nAir travel in America has started to pick up. On March 11, more than 1 million people passed through U.S. airports every day on March 28, according to the Transportation Security Administration. By March 28, the number was more than 1.5 million. That compares with 184,000 during the same period in 2020. Of course, current ridership in 2021 is still lower than in 2019, when daily passenger numbers fluctuated between 2.1 million and 2.6 million.\n\nGroups calling for an easing of international restrictions include Airlines for America, the U.S. Travel Association and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. They want the government to complete a draft by May 1 that would lift restrictions on international travel, especially between the United States and other regions such as Europe and China.\n\nNearly 45 million Americans, or more than 13 percent of the U.S. population, have been fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.\n\nThere was no immediate response from the White House. But CDC officials said in a statement Monday that they are working on policies for those who will be vaccinated.\n\nBoeing on Wednesday urged the US government to separate other issues such as human rights from its trade relationship with China, warning that European rival Airbus would benefit if the US planemaker was shut out of China, Reuters reported.\n\n\"We can't afford to be shut out of this market [China],\" Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun told an aviation summit hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, Bloomberg reported. Our competitors will jump in and there will be no gain from restricting trade.\"\n\nHe added: \"I hope we can separate intellectual property, human rights and other things from trade and continue to encourage a free trade environment between these two economic giants. We cannot afford to lose the Chinese market.\"\n\nBoeing and Airbus account for a quarter of their orders in China, and the country's domestic tourism market has overtaken the United States to become the world's largest, according to Reuters.\n\nThe United States and China engaged in an 18-month trade war under former President Donald Trump, and Boeing has faced questions about its market share in China. According to data on Boeing's website, the company has not received any orders for the 737Max aircraft from China, a crucial market, during the Trump administration, Bloomberg said.\n\nGlobal trade will continue to recover\n\nGlobal trade in goods is expected to grow by 8.0% this year and 4.0% next year, the World Trade Organization (WTO) said in a report released Wednesday.\n\nAccording to the annual \"Global Trade Data and Prospects\" report released by the WTO on the same day, from the regional point of view, affected by the large-scale fiscal stimulus policies of the United States, North America will become the main region to drive the demand for global trade in goods in 2021. The volume of goods exported from Asia is expected to grow 8.4 percent, making it one of the fastest growing regions in the world.\n\nAccording to the report, global trade in goods will decline by 5.3 percent in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but this performance is better than the 9.2 percent decline forecast by the WTO last October. The WTO believes that positive news on COVID-19 vaccine, fiscal and monetary policies in several economies, and effective outbreak control measures and economic slowdown in China and other Asian economies have boosted demand for global trade and prevented a more severe recession in global trade." ]
[ "", null ]
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[ null, "But the three female Marines and their patrol were shot at late on a recent day, when a burst of Kalashnikov rifle fire came from a nearby compound. The group hit the ground, crawled into a ditch and aimed its guns across the fields of cotton and corn.\n\nIn their sights they could see the source of the blast: an Afghan man who had shot aimlessly from behind a mud wall, shielded by a half-dozen children. The women held their fire with the rest of the patrol so as not to hit a child, waited for the all-clear, then headed back to the base, survivors of yet another encounter with the enemy.\n\n“You still get that same feeling, like, ‘Oh, my gosh, I’m getting shot at,’ ” said Lance Cpl. Stephanie Robertson, 20, speaking of the firefights that have become part of her life in Marja. “But you know what to do. You’re not, like, comfortable, because you’re just — ” She stopped, searching for how to describe her response to experiences that for many would be terrifying. “It’s like muscle memory.”\n\nSix months ago, Lance Corporal Robertson arrived in Afghanistan with 39 other female Marines from Camp Pendleton, Calif., as part of an unusual experiment of the American military: sending full-time “female engagement teams” out with all-male infantry patrols in Helmand Province to try to win over the rural Afghan women who are culturally off limits to outside men.\n\nAs new faces in an American counterinsurgency campaign, the female Marines, who volunteered for the job, were to meet with Pashtun women over tea in their homes, assess their need for aid, gather intelligence, and help open schools and clinics.\n\nThey have done that and more, and as their seven-month deployment in southern Afghanistan nears an end their “tea as a weapon” mission has been judged a success. But the Marines, who have been closer to combat than most other women in the war, have also had to use real weapons in a tougher fight than many expected.\n\nHere in Marja — which, seven months after a major offensive against the Taliban, is improving but remains one of the most dangerous places in Afghanistan — the female Marines have daily skirted the Pentagon rules restricting women in combat. They have shot back in firefights and ambushes, been hit by homemade bombs and lived on bases hit by mortar attacks.\n\nNone of the 40 women have been killed or seriously injured, and a number have worked in stable areas where the shooting has stopped, but many have seen good friends die.\n\nOne of the women, Cpl. Anica Coate, 22, was on patrol in early September in southern Marja five feet behind Lance Cpl. Ross S. Carver, 21, when he was shot through the mouth and killed by an insurgent sniper. Corporal Coate was the first to reach him, but she could not stop the bleeding. A week later, at a memorial service in Marja for her friend and two other Marines killed around the same time, she said she would not volunteer for the female engagement teams again.\n\n“It’s not the living conditions, it’s not the mission, it’s this,” she said, gesturing toward a memorial display of boots, rifles and dog tags belonging to the dead Marines. She was, she said quietly, “too much of a girl to deal with these guys getting killed.”\n\nThere have been many other strains as well, not least some male officers who question the female Marines’ purpose and young infantrymen who remain resentful of the attention from commanders and the news media that the women have received. Stress, rough conditions and patrols in 100-plus-degree heat have caused almost all of the female Marines, like their male counterparts, to lose weight in Afghanistan, some nearly 20 pounds. A number of the women have seen their marriages end or their boyfriends leave them.\n\n“It was starting ahead of time, but this definitely didn’t help the marriage,” said Lance Cpl. Sorina Langer, 21, who was divorced during her deployment in one of the most dangerous areas of Marja. “He saw it as walking out.” … Read more Here" ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500042.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20230203024018-20230203054018-00839.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 1534446, "warc_record_length": 28304}
[ "The Way to Use Live Action...", null, " basically like this. Study the reference and PLUS it.\nThe two poses in the photo already give you nice silhouettes. Everything reads very clearly, but look what happened when the animators got a hold of this material! Hook is leaning forward instead of back. It makes for a more dynamic pose, but more importantly it connects him more with the object of his interest in the sky. And Smee definitely leans backward in anticipation and fear of the ship's canon going off. I love the fact that he pulls his cap all the way down to his nose, and using his thumbs instead of index fingers to block his ears is an interesting choice. (I never would have thought of that.)", null, null, "Hook was animated by John Lounsbery, Smee by Ollie Johnston." ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Laksh Gangster Gangaraju Movie Title First Look Unveiled", "alt_text": "Laksh Gangster Gangaraju Movie Title First Look Unveiled", "rendered_width": 1000, "rendered_height": 1000, "original_width": 1000, "original_height": 1000, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046155268.80/warc/CC-MAIN-20210805000836-20210805030836-00468.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 411381082, "warc_record_length": 20529}
[ null, "Laksh is doing atypical and concept based films to encourage young and talented directors. After thrilling the audience with the suspense thriller “Valayam”, Laksh is back with another intriguing project.\n\nA catchy title “Gangster Gangaraju” is finalized for film to be made with an innovative subject. Padmavathi Chadalavada of popular and successful production house Sri Tirumala Tirupati Venkstwshwara Films will bankroll the project while Chadalavada Brothers present it. Young and promising director Eeshaan Suryaah will helm the film.\n\nThe title first look of “Gangster Gangaraju” has been unveiled on November 1st at 5 PM. Laksh will be seen in a new dimension character in the film for which music is by super hit composer Sai Karthik. Busy with various projects, the music director is taking special care about this movie and is composing wonderful tunes.\n\nThe film that will feature popular actors will start rolling from December." ]
[ null, "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323585382.32/warc/CC-MAIN-20211021071407-20211021101407-00506.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 849999778, "warc_record_length": 33572}
[ "The Buccaneers travel to Limpopo for a meeting with Lidoda Duvha at the Thohoyandou Stadium on Saturday evening.", null, "Just over a month after losing the final of the Telkom Knockout, Orlando Pirates have a chance to redeem themselves in the Nedbank Cup, with the Soweto giants having to get past Black Leopards to go through to the next round.\n\nThe Buccaneers travel to Limpopo for a meeting with Lidoda Duvha at the Thohoyandou Stadium on Saturday evening.\n\nPirates coach Micho Sredojevic is eager to see the Soweto giants go through to the last-16 of the competition but knows the home side won’t make it easy for them and other factors such as the heat in the Limpopo province will also come into play. Nevertheless, Sredojevic says they are ready for battle.\n\n“We are looking to enter each and every competition with the highest possible ambition, fully aware that we are going to Thohoyandou to play against a Black Leopards team that are doing very well. We believe that we have prepared ourselves very well and at the same moment are expecting anyything,” said Sredojevic.\n\n“There are other factors, such as the presence of their supporters, the heat of the weather, the playing field … and all other related issues, but believing in our players and the work that we are doing, we believe we shall continue to have a significant presence of our identity in the game organisation. We shall have the habit of iron-cast defending in order not to concede and we shall have the culture of scoring goals that will enable us to win this match.”\n\nSredojevic indicated there are some players at the club who are doubtful for the tie but didn’t give out any names. However, he believes everybody else at the club is ready for the battle.\n\n“With such ambitions, there are some question marks regarding other players who still have to pass a late fitness test. But everyone is ready for the battle against Leopards, is in a good spirit and good mood. We are looking forward to the match.”\n\nThe last time Pirates and Leopards met was during a league encounter, which the Soweto giants won 2-1 at the Peter Mokaba Stadium in August last year." ]
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[ null, "The NBA great and Charlotte Hornets owner said Monday he is giving $1 million to the Institute for Community-Police Relations and $1 million to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. The aim is to help build trust following several shootings around the country.\n\n\"As a proud American, a father who lost his own dad in a senseless act of violence, and a black man, I have been deeply troubled by the deaths of African-Americans at the hands of law enforcement and angered by the cowardly and hateful targeting and killing of police officers,\" Jordan said in a statement released on The Undefeated website. \"I grieve with the families who have lost loved ones, as I know their pain all too well.\"\n\nJordan's father was killed in 1993 in a botched carjacking in North Carolina. Daniel Green and his friend Larry Demery were convicted of killing 56-year-old James Jordan along U.S. 74 and dumping his body in South Carolina. Both were sentenced to life in prison.\n\n\"I was raised by parents who taught me to love and respect people regardless of their race or background, so I am saddened and frustrated by the divisive rhetoric and racial tensions that seem to be getting worse as of late,\" Jordan said in the statement. \"I know this country is better than that, and I can no longer stay silent. We need to find solutions that ensure people of color receive fair and equal treatment AND that police officers - who put their lives on the line every day to protect us all - are respected and supported.\"\n\nJordan's stand and statement come during a time when NBA players have become more outspoken, reports CBS Chicago. At the ESPY Awards on July 13, NBA stars LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul and Dwyane Wade opened the show by calling on their peers to speak up and take leading roles regarding issues of police brutality, gun violence and racial injustice.\n\nJordan won six NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls and became one of the most popular and respected basketball players in the world.\n\nAfter retiring, he became the majority owner of the Hornets in 2010.\n\n\"Over the past three decades I have seen up close the dedication of the law enforcement officers who protect me and my family,\" Jordan said. \"I have the greatest respect for their sacrifice and service. I also recognize that for many people of color their experiences with law enforcement have been different than mine. I have decided to speak out in the hope that we can come together as Americans, and through peaceful dialogue and education, achieve constructive change.\"\n\nJordan said he chose the Institute for Community-Police Relations because its policy and oversight work is focused on building trust and promoting best practices in community policing. He gave to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the nation's oldest civil rights law organization, to support its work in support of reforms aimed at building trust and respect between communities and law enforcement.\n\nWhile Jordan said the contributions alone won't be enough to solve the problem, he added: \"I hope the resources will help both organizations make a positive difference. We are privileged to live in the world's greatest country - a country that has provided my family and me the greatest of opportunities.\n\n\"The problems we face didn't happen overnight and they won't be solved tomorrow, but if we all work together, we can foster greater understanding, positive change and create a more peaceful world for ourselves, our children, our families and our communities.\"" ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623488536512.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20210623073050-20210623103050-00559.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 14198427, "warc_record_length": 8008}
[ null, "In 1919, Karl Ereky, a Hungarian Engineer coined the term “Biotechnology” which zescribes the use of human technology based on using biology to turn raw materials into socially active products. Almost a century later the vision of Ereky is impacting a large number of companies and research institutions.\n\nModern biotechnology has its roots in the 1970s in Northern California, and has now become a worldwide industry which produces various medicines for patients. It now boosts of sectors such as healthcare (biologics, devices, diagnostics) agriculture (genetically modified organism, food safety), industry and environment (biofuels, biomaterials, pollution) and biodefense (vaccines, biosensors). This study will be primarily on healthcare.\n\nDrug is a medicinal substance for prevention management or cure of an illness. FDA which stands for the United States Food and Drug Administration must give approval of all drugs before they are sold to the general public. Likewise most countries have such regulatory bodies that evaluates drugs following global guidelines before it is given for public consumption. Most common amongst drugs are the synthesized drugs like Aspirin, the Pharmaceutical industry manufactures synthetic drugs, whilst the biotechnological has given birth to a newer class of drugs: The Biologic.\n\nBiologics are drugs from living organism and consists of curative proteins such as, DNA vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and peptibodies. This in essence is a combination of the active portion of a protein (peptide) with a portion of the inherent structure of an antibody as well as experimental modalities like gene therapy, stem cell therapy, antisense nucleotides and RNA viruses. A host of biotechnology drugs are Proteins derived from amino acids. These proteins are the driving force and perform all functions within a cell. As cells produce proteins naturally, the biotechnological companies use chemicals but make utilization of cells to produce biologics.\n\nNote: To market a new drug from discovery to its ultimate sale takes about 10 years to 15 years and cost upwards of $ 1 billion. One in ten new research drugs become successful and companies therefore depend on the revenue of a successful drug to offset the cost incurred for the failure of the other research drugs." ]
[ null, "", null ]
[null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "topimg garth saloner", "alt_text": "Bengaluru is achieving what many regions could not: Stanford business school dean", "original_width": 300, "original_height": 398, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103640328.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20220629150145-20220629180145-00085.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 836245301, "warc_record_length": 31590}
[ "Bengaluru is achieving what many regions could not: Stanford business school dean", null, "Stanford university’s Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) counts numerous Silicon Valley entrepreneurs among its alumni, including Sun Microsystems co-founder Vinod Khosla. In 2013, Stanford GSB launched its Ignite programme for entrepreneurs and innovators, with Infosys’s Bengaluru campus acting as the host facility. Its Dean Garth Saloner was in India recently to explore the possibility of finding a facility host for The Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies (Stanford Seed). Saloner spoke to Forbes India about the importance of the entrepreneurial process and why Bengaluru has managed to create an enviable startup ecosystem.\n\nQ. How would Stanford Seed work, were it to come to India?\nThe idea with Seed was to work on poverty alleviation. When you think of poverty alleviation, you don’t think about a business school. When we thought about it, our conclusion was that we wanted to work with existing companies that have the potential to scale. If they could scale, they would provide employment and alleviate their region’s population from poverty. We’ve done that several times in West Africa. The idea is that in the coming months we’ll bring this to South Asia.\n\nQ. Your arrival in Bengaluru was almost in tandem with the e-commerce boom…\nI like to say we caused it (laughs). But I wouldn’t go that far. It wasn’t just luck that we came to Bengaluru. We could see the nascent signs of a startup community. The thing about a startup community is that it is multi-faceted. You need a number of elements to come together. At Stanford, at least once a month we have a delegation from some country trying to learn the secret of Silicon Valley’s success and how to replicate it. The problem is there is no easy answer. But one of the hardest elements to replicate is the startup culture. And a big part of the startup culture is the willingness to take risks and, therefore, to fail. What I said about India at the time [in 2012] was that the tipping point comes when you start to see the big successes. When you start to identify young entrepreneurs, and they start to become household names, then people can begin to put in perspective that there is risk, but there is also reward. I think that’s happened here. Bengaluru is achieving something that many regions have not been able to, which is to prove the model that in turn attracts the capital and once the capital is there, it attracts entrepreneurs.\n\nQ. Increasingly, a lot of the focus in business schools is on innovation. Is innovation something that can be taught?\nIt’s an excellent question: Can you teach entrepreneurship? I think there are some elements of being an entrepreneur which are innate. We can nurture that but not really instil it in somebody. You need to have the taste for risk-taking; you have to have the drive to create something. That I think comes largely with the person. But what you can do is teach the process by which you take that passion from the beginning of an idea all the way through to creating the company. Learning that through experience would be very expensive.\n\nQ. A few months ago, it was reported that Stanford GSB would like its students to graduate before they work on their startups.\nWe think that as a founder of a small business you’re going to be employing all aspects of general management. So the thing that we impress upon our students is: You’re here to get a general management education. Make sure you get that. As an entrepreneur, you’re gong to need that.\n\nTweets by @forbesindia\nA tightrope walk for Mr Jaitley\nAuto Expo 2016: Carmakers at a crossroads" ]
[ null, "", null ]
[null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "alt_text": "DeMarcoFam.png", "rendered_width": 300, "rendered_height": 166, "original_width": 300, "original_height": 166, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882570868.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20220808152744-20220808182744-00604.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 378511985, "warc_record_length": 141107}
[ "Somewhere in the 1940's\nThe DeMarco Crime Family is an Italian mafia based in New Jersey. The Don of the family by 2012 is Anthony DeMarco. According to Max Payne, the Mafia's major business is drugs dealing.", null, "Nothing is known about the organization's origins. The DeMarcos were peripheral players during the 80s and 90s, working under the umbrella of the Punchinellos, but by 2003, due to the weakening of the Punchinello Crime Family for their involvement with the Inner Circle, they took advantage of the power vacuum. At some point prior to 2012, Anthony DeMarco became the Don of the Family.\n\nIn 2012, Tony DeMarco, the son of the Don, along with a few friends, enter Walton's bar and encounter the former NYPD detective Max Payne. They begin to tease him, though Payne remains relaxed and taunts the thugs back. Tony gets angry, thinking that Payne disrespected his family, and pulls an M1911 to the detective's head. Tony, however, is confronted by Raul Passos, who points a .38 Revolver at the mobster. Tony and his group exit the bar, but tells Payne and Passos that they will return.\n\nA while later, Tony returns with his friends and confronts Max and Raul again. He hits a woman who was drinking with Passos. Max then takes a handgun and kills Tony. A large group of mobsters that were in the bar attack Payne and Passos, but they manage to escape and run to Max's place.\n\nSome time later after Max leaves New Jersey, he spots a newspaper on a yacht in Panama, which states that the DeMarcos and Punchinellos have restarted their animosity towards each other and it has resulted in a turf war in New Jersey, particularly Hoboken.\n\nBeing an American crime family, the DeMarcos are not as heavily armed as the São Paulo gangs such as the Comando Sombra. The majority of DeMarco goons carry M1911 pistols, and otherwise typically carry M10 machine pistols and the occasional M4 Super 90 shotgun. A handful wield MPK submachine guns, and a single group of four or five of them are equipped with AK-47 assault rifles.\n\nIn the cemetery ambush, the DeMarco contract killers have a single sniper armed with an M82A1 sniper rifle in a tower, as well as a single hitman wielding a SPAS-15 shotgun from a balcony overlooking the main chapel area, and a single goon carrying a 6-shot Rotary Grenade Launcher used against Max and Passos shortly after both of them escape the van ambush. SPAS-wielding hitman has better-than-average reflexes and unfailingly ducks behind cover whenever aimed at by Max Payne, making it nigh (if not completely) impossible to kill said hitman, necessitating that Max flank behind him for a clear shot." ]
[ null, "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500151.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20230204173912-20230204203912-00722.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 585553380, "warc_record_length": 14614}
[ "Some people like boxing. I like a good power tool face off in the forums, where woodworkers start posting in ALL CAPS AT EACH OTHER in defense of their favorite brand. To me there’s a lot of good wisdom in these kinds of fist fights, er… conversations ;)\n\nA recent WoodNet forum post asked about the Grizzly 1023 vs. a Unisaw. More specifically the poster found a really good deal on a Delta Unisaw (considered by some to be the best of the best cabinet saws) and wondered if it it was actually 50% better than the Grizzly 1023.\n\nHere’s a breakdown of answers to the question: Is a Delta Unisaw 50% Better than a Grizzly 1023?", null, "Many people cited phenomenal customer support from Grizzly, while only lackluster support from Delta. Here’s a direct quote from an owner of a Delta X5:\n\n“I own a Delta X5 Unisaw with 50″ Bies fence. I got a great deal on mine from Amazon otherwise I would probably have a Grizzly TS in my shop. Having used the 1023 quite a bit and owning the Delta X5 I would say that there is not a 50% price premium between the two.”\n\nHere’s the original thread: I hate questions like this… Grizzly or Delta TS?\n\nMore resources:\nDoes Anyone Hate Their Grizzly 1023 TS?\nGrizzly 1023S Features\nGrizzly 1023 (set up photos)\nGrizzly Tools – What is Your Opinion?\n\n2 comments on “Grizzly 1023 vs. Delta Unisaw and Craftsman Hybrid”" ]
[ null, "", null, "", null, "", null ]
[null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "eab d e fc a c ff b", "original_width": 1367, "original_height": 796, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "d c d a c e b d", "original_width": 5568, "original_height": 3712, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "b c e bf f b ced fd ea e", "original_width": 1396, "original_height": 785, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030334974.57/warc/CC-MAIN-20220927002241-20220927032241-00552.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 665273797, "warc_record_length": 11207}
[ "The stormy conditions are likely to last until the weekend for some areas as Australia experiences an early blast of winter.\n\nMuch of Australia's eastern seaboard is experiencing wet and windy weather due to a front generating rain across Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.\n\nThe stormy conditions are likely to last until the weekend for some areas as Australia experiences an early blast of winter.\n\nHeavy rain inundated parts of the state's North Tropical Coast in the past 48 hours, according to Weatherzone.\n\nA deep layer of moisture-laden air over the state's north interacting with a low pressure trough near the North Tropical Coast was responsible for the heavy falls.", null, "Some rain gauges received more than half a metre of rain during the 48 hours to 9am today, including 524mm at Bulgan Creek, near Tully.\n\nAt Bingil Bay, 454mm was recorded – the highest two-day total in 29 years and its highest during May since records began in 1926.\n\nThe two-day deluge included 302mm in 24 hours, a new record for May Weatherzone said.\n\nAs of 10am today, flood warnings had been issued for the Mulgrave, Russell and Tully Rivers.\n\nMore rain is expected over the region between this afternoon and Sunday, although falls won't be as heavy.\n\nRain is forecast across Brisbane throughout the rest of the day and cloud cover is due to keep temperatures at 20 degrees or below until Monday.\n\nIn NSW, rain is forecast for much of Sydney throughout today with temperatures likely to hover around 20 degrees.\n\nThunderstorms could roll in during the early afternoon.", null, "Tomorrow, heavy rain is due to settle in with the Harbour City likely to receive up to 60mm.\n\nTemperatures will reach a chilly 16 degrees.\n\nA severe weather warning has been issued for damaging winds and damaging surf.\n\nConditions are expected to be hazardous for coastal activities such as rock fishing, swimming and surfing.\n\nWind warnings are in place for along the Sydney and Illawarra coasts while a gale warning has been issued for Macquarie Coast, Hunter Coast, Batemans Coast and Eden Coast.\n\nConditions are due to ease on Saturday with just a slight chance of showers.\n\nHeavy falls are likely to return on Sunday, with winds expected to increase across much of the region.\n\nAfter two nights of wild storms in some areas, conditions across Victoria have eased today.\n\nThere's just a slight chance of showers for the rest of today with a top of 13 degrees.", null, "Showers could return tomorrow afternoon and temperatures will remain cool, with just 14 expected.\n\nThe rain is due to make a return on the weekend, with showers forecast for much of Saturday and a top of 15 degrees.\n\nSunday will remain cool with the chance of showers in the morning." ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "v fj k loudspeaker row May", "alt_text": "Raj Thackeray's Party Workers Arrested For 'Creating Tension': Police", "original_width": 650, "original_height": 400, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662512249.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20220516204516-20220516234516-00423.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 49775242, "warc_record_length": 16292}
[ null, "Loudspeaker row: Earlier on Wednesday, Raj Thackeray had reiterated his protest against loudspeakers.\n\nA total of 150 Maharashtra Navnirman Sena Party workers were arrested in Nashik district of Maharashtra for creating “communal tension” in the district, informed local police officials.\n\nThe arrests are part of ‘Preventive actions’ undertaken by the state police to maintain a law and order situation amid MNS chief Raj Thackeray’s appeal to play Hanuman Chalisa on a loudspeaker outside mosques.\n\n“150 MNS workers have been arrested so far for creating communal tensions in Nashik. Preventive actions are being taken against those involved in such activities. Police have been deployed in all sensitive spots to ensure law and order situation,” said BG Shekhar Patil, Inspector General of Police, Nashik on Wednesday.\n\nOver the issue of removal of illegal loudspeakers, IGP said, “We are taking action as per rules laid down by the law. If there is any loudspeaker in operation without the permission of authorities then action will be taken against them.”\n\nEarlier on Wednesday, Raj Thackeray reiterated his protest against loudspeakers and said that “Hanuman Chalisa will continue to be played outside mosques till the time government acts and address the issue in accordance with the Supreme Court guidelines on loudspeakers.”\n\n“As far as I know, there are over 1,140 mosques in Mumbai. Out of these, 135 mosques played azaan at 5 am violating the guidelines. We want peace in the state. I want to ask the police, you are taking action only against our workers. My point is that all illegal loudspeakers should be removed from mosques, until they are removed we will continue our agitation,” said Raj Thackeray.\n\n“MNS leaders will continue to play Hanuman Chalisa outside mosques at the time of Azaan until all illegal loudspeakers will be removed,” he added.\n\nThe loudspeakers row started when the MNS chief on April 12 gave an ultimatum to the Maharashtra government to remove loudspeakers from mosques by May 3, failing which, he warned, MNS workers will play Hanuman Chalisa on loudspeakers.\n\nA case was filed against Raj Thackeray on Tuesday when he appealed to people to play Hanuman Chalisa on loudspeakers in the areas where loudspeakers are used for ‘Azaan’." ]
[ null, "", null ]
[null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "//", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "AEN i P", "alt_text": "S. Korea's bond issuance drops in April on U.S. monetary tightening - 1", "original_width": 500, "original_height": 262, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882570921.9/warc/CC-MAIN-20220809094531-20220809124531-00083.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 232841148, "warc_record_length": 13963}
[ "SEOUL, May 10 (Yonhap) -- Bond issuance in South Korea decreased in April from the previous month due to concerns about the U.S. monetary tightening, industry data showed Tuesday.\n\nThe value of bonds sold in Asia's fourth-largest economy came to 69.8 trillion won (US$54.6 billion) in April, down 900 billion won from a month ago, according to the data from the Korea Financial Investment Association.\n\nThe KOFIA attributed the issuance fall to the U.S. Federal Reserve's hawkish signal to raise the policy interest rates to rein in the high-flying price pressure.\n\nIn early May, the Fed raised its benchmark interest rate by a half-percentage point and indicated more rate hikes throughout the year.", null, "But the issuance of corporate bond sales grew 700 billion won to 8.5 trillion won.\n\nAs of end-April, the value of outstanding bonds in the country had stood at 2,548.8 trillion won, up 18.3 trillion won from a month ago." ]
[ null, "", null, "", "", null, "", null, "", null, "", "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711077.50/warc/CC-MAIN-20221206092907-20221206122907-00244.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 550456877, "warc_record_length": 29925}
[ "A masterful defender with a knack for clutch goals, Sergio Ramos reigns among football’s elite. In recognition of his many achievements, Ramos joins the likes of Ronaldinho, Totti and Pirlo in receiving his own player-edition Tiempo boots. Dubbed “Corazón y Sangre,” (heart and blood), the boots pay homage to the Spanish footballer’s values and roots.", null, "Ramos was very involved in the boot’s design, applying personal touches throughout the process. His affinity for white Andalusian horses inspired the pearl leather colorway. The new SR4 logo that appears on the heel counter and sockliner incorporates a horseshoe into the R as an additional tribute to the Spanish war horse. Nods to Andalusia (Ramos’ home region) and Spain can also be seen on the lace aglets, where the respective flags are represented alongside the names of his children.", null, null, "Another area of emphasis for Ramos is family. “Familia” is etched onto the side of each boot. The tongue of the boot reads “Rn’R,” for Ramos and (Pilar) Rubio, his longtime love. The couple has two sons, Sergio Jr. and Marco; both of their names appear within the elaborate crest on the sockliner and boot bag. The crest is in the shape of a heart that transitions from blood pumping realism to cubist interpretation. Befitting a player known as Noventa Y Ramos, “90+” appears on the upper right vessel in acknowledgment of the late game goals Ramos has scored in his career.", null, "Ramos added, “hambre, carácter, pasión” (hunger, character, passion) along the medial side of the boot’s interior. These words carry great meaning to Ramos as he thinks about his captaincy and the legacy he intends to leave. The gold touches on the boot represent the success Ramos has had with both club and country. Gold transitions to blood red on the sole plate to round out the Corazón y Sangre storyline.", null, "“After so many years playing football there’s a boot that expresses the way I feel and who I am, they tell my story. Every element here is personal. It is a dream come true,” says Ramos. “Corazón y Sangre — these two words are important to me. Heart is about my commitment to what I do. And blood is what’s in your DNA, what you have inside to become the best.”", null, null, "There will be 4,000 pairs of the boot available globally at the links above." ]
[ "", null, "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "//", "src": "", "alt_text": "Ghosts in the Schoolyard by Eve L. Ewing", "original_width": 1120, "original_height": 1120, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "zlaxrav pyau wi eorw p hrqr", "alt_text": "Audiobooks by Black Authors", "original_width": 500, "original_height": 500, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500904.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20230208191211-20230208221211-00798.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 386762721, "warc_record_length": 41175}
[ null, "Ghosts in the Schoolyard\n\nRacism and School Closings in Chicago’s South Side\nby Eve L. Ewing\n\nEve L. Ewing knows Chicago Public Schools from the inside: as a student, then a teacher, and now a scholar who studies them. And that perspective has shown her that public schools are not buildings full of failures—they're an integral part of their neighborhoods, at the heart of their communities, storehouses of history and memory that bring people together.\n\nNever was that role more apparent than in 2013 when Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced an unprecedented wave of school closings. Pitched simultaneously as a solution to a budget problem, a response to declining enrollments, and a chance to purge bad schools that were dragging down the whole system, the plan was met with a roar of protest from parents, students, and teachers. But if these schools were so bad, why did people care so much about keeping them open?\n\nEwing's answer begins with a story of systemic racism, inequality, bad faith, and distrust that stretches deep into Chicago history. Black communities see the closing of their schools—schools that are certainly less than perfect but that are theirs—as one more in a long line of racist policies. The fight to keep them open is yet another front in the ongoing struggle of black people in America to build successful lives and achieve true self-determination.\n\nEve L. Ewing is a sociologist of education and a writer from Chicago. She is the author of Electric Arches, which received awards from the American Library Association and the Poetry Society of America and was named one of the year's best books by NPR and the Chicago Tribune. She is also author of Ghosts in the Schoolyard: Racism and School Closings on Chicago's South Side and coauthor, with Nate Marshall, of No Blue Memories: The Life of Gwendolyn Brooks. She is an assistant professor at the University of Chicago School of social service administration. Her work has been published in the New Yorker, the Atlantic, the New York Times, and many other venues.", null, "\"Reneé Pitts narrates this dense exploration with determination. Her enunciation is clear, and her emphasis unmistakable as she voices parents and community members.\" ---AudioFile Expand reviews" ]
[ "", null, "", "", "", "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499890.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20230131190543-20230131220543-00777.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 246465466, "warc_record_length": 23898}
[ null, "Spent. Totally spent. I came into the house tonight after a day at work that involved my hands moving really fast for many hours while my brain moved even faster, after waiting at the bus stop for a bus that I thought would never come, after giving nearly everything I made this week to the babysitter, and I stepped over all of the debris that has collected on the floor over the week. Holding my nose as I passed the pee-scented laundry, I added seven things to my to-do list, poured myself a really big drink, and ate a big hunk of local sheep camembert.\nI made something with some things in the fridge, and we ended up with goat cheese polenta with veggies in pesto cream sauce. Luckily, Joey picked up some chocolate ice cream. Our nephew Zion is visiting from Colorado, and now we have three kids motivated to work their way through their dinner.", null, null, null, null, "I’m feeling a little bit better.\nBut every day, I think about how I haven’t given you this recipe. This is the only recipe that I haven’t recorded of the courses from my dinner party, even though I think it might have been my favorite.\nAnd leeks are slowly appearing at the market now, although if you don’t have a sorrel plant of your own, you might have to search some out.\n\nPreheat the oven to 350 degrees. Thinly slice, and the chop the leeks, using all of the white and about half of the green. You should have about 1 cup. Rinse them well. Melt the butter in a skillet. Use some of it to brush four ramekins, then add the leeks to the skillet. Add 1/4 cup water or white wine and cook gently over medium heat until softened, about 12 minutes.\nStrip the sorrel leaves off the stems; wash and finely chop them. Add them to the pan with the leeks, sprinkle with salt, and cook until wilted, about 2 minutes. Add the half and half and heat until warm but not boiling.\nBeat the eggs well, then stir in the sorrel mixture. Season with pepper and then crumble in the cheese. Puree the whole mixture in a blender or food processor. Don’t overmix.\nDivide among the ramekins; place in a baking pan and surround with hot water. Bake until custards are set and a knife inserted comes out clean, 30 to 35 minutes.\nServe warm or cool, and top with a drizzle of creme fraiche.\n\n« Potato Salad\nthings that are growing »" ]
[ "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656104215805.66/warc/CC-MAIN-20220703073750-20220703103750-00165.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 35356594, "warc_record_length": 8555}
[ null, "A new Israeli study claims that almost a quarter of the Jews murdered in the Holocaust were killed during 100 days in 1942, making it the period with the highest killing rate in the 20th century. The killings between August and October 1942 included Jews murdered in the Auschwitz extermination camp, in Ukraine and as part of the infamous Operation Reinhard — an intense mass-slaughter campaign carried out by Nazi Germany between March 1942 and November 1943 in death camps Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor (that operation alone eventually killed some 1.7 million Polish Jews).\n\nProf. Lewi Stone of Tel Aviv University made the claim in a study published Wednesday in the Science Advances academic journal, based on his analysis of German train deportation data to the three death camps compiled in the 1980s by Holocaust historian Yitzhak Arad.\n\nThe kill and death rate during Operation Reinhard has been “poorly quantified in the past,” Stone contended, noting that most records of the killings were destroyed by the Nazis. The average death rate of almost 15,000 per day during the “extreme phase of hyperintense killing” — which began after the fuhrer Adolf Hitler ordered the operations “sped up” — is almost three times higher than previous estimations.\n\nStone argued that the murder rate decreased in November 1942 because “there were relatively few Jews left” in the Nazi-controlled areas in and around occupied Poland, “so the rate of the killing likely subsided because of the difficulty of rounding up victims.” The study means that those three months had a much higher death rate than the 1994 Rwandan genocide, commonly credited with being the swiftest killing campaign in the 20th century, with some 800,000 people murdered in 100 days.\n\n“Historians, social scientists, policy-makers, and journalists have consistently relied on inaccurate assessments that greatly underestimated the Holocaust kill rate during Operation Reinhard,” Stone wrote. “These underestimates have been repeated for nearly two decades without substantial criticism, a pattern that has effectively rewritten the history of the Holocaust in a way that diminishes its historical standing and the scale of human life it encompasses.\n\n“Operation Reinhard had extraordinary rates of killing,” he added. “That the massacre occurred in such a short time frame, and under complete deception, ensured the Jewish people did not have a chance and made the formation of organized resistance extremely difficult.”" ]
[ null, "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030338001.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20221007080917-20221007110917-00373.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 330882750, "warc_record_length": 34001}
[ "The birds are singing and so are we,", null, "Who: While we were wandering around in our pajamas, wondering what day it was, Floorbird was using the extra time quarantine gave them to finally put together a band and to record an EP worth of tracks. The project will drop September 25th.\n\nWhat: Before Fall Apart Anywhere drops, dig into their latest track “Navy Blue”.\n\nWhy: Welcome back to Warped Tour… At least that’s how it feels when you hit play on “Navy Blue”. Music is emotional and Floorbird has that element locked down. You’ll scream along to the words like all your favorite emo jams back in the day, but their timing also shines here. Racing guitars slide in where they fit and a stripped back spotlight shines on vocalist Eric Reavey at all the right moments, putting the band years ahead of their experience.\n\n“‘Navy Blue’ took more tries to write than anything in our collective lives—about six different drafts of that chorus and three more of the bridge. Weeks of writing up entirely different lyrics to the same melody. It’s a song about communication particularly in moments when you feel hurt or unheard. In those high-stress moments, discussing, or even understanding, your own internal monologue is too much. It’s overwhelming. That feeling is juxtaposed against the things we do to cope—in this case, it’s healing crystals. My wife makes crystal jewelry, and that creative outlet always calms her when she’s stressed. I’ve always wanted some of that healing energy for myself, but maybe it’s all about creating something, rather than the innate powers of rose quartz or agate.” – Floorbird\n\nWho: Chicago’s Kirby Grip likes a good hook. The band is making music that sounds like the brainchild of all your favorite 90’s songs and, with a new EP on the way, we’re ready to fall even further into their music universe.\n\nWhat: Hear the band’s first single since last fall, “Nothing Day”.\n\nWhy: “Nothing Day” couldn’t be a more appropriate title for Kirby Grip’s latest track. The song feels like a long Saturday afternoon with no plans. While it drifts through its notes, taking its time to find its ending, you’ll hear hook after hook to keep you coming back long after the last rays of the sun have disappeared.\n\n“‘Nothing Day’ started as an idea in my bedroom with an acoustic guitar, and although it was just me picking and humming, I knew I eventually wanted the track to be something huge, arena-like in a way. I couldn’t come up with a chorus I liked, and Joey sent me an idea that really blew me away. We co-wrote the words too, each of us depicting individually what it’s like to essentially feel incessantly stuck in all realms.” – Ryan Nolen, bassist for Kirby Grip" ]
[ null, "", "", null, "", null, "" ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711151.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20221207085208-20221207115208-00744.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 447871178, "warc_record_length": 7569}
[ "16 AUG 2020: The debut of Herbert Blomstedt with the Lucerne Festival Orchestra to be streamed live on Arte Concert on 14/15 August and broadcast on Arte TV on 16 August.\n\nThanks to this special Summer Festival, Herbert Blomstedt is at long last making his debut with the Lucerne Festival Orchestra! You could hardly tell that the Swedish maestro, who has chosen Lucerne as his home, celebrated his 93rd birthday in July, for he gives an impression of such vitality, awareness, and curiosity. What is the secret behind his youthful freshness? “I’m in love with music,” says Blomstedt, who views his profession as a kind of joie de vivre.\n\nThe two programs with which Blomstedt is opening the festival offer just what is needed for musical experiences that promise to be deeply satisfying. With Ludwig van Beethoven, Blomstedt focuses on a composer who ranks among his personal list of favorites. Martha Argerich has engaged with Beethoven’s First Piano Concerto longer than any other throughout her unique career. Now, she performs her “signature piece” with Herbert Blomstedt and the Lucerne Festival Orchestra.", null, null, "DVD: What to do with all this love\n\n“A deeply human film – full of warmth and tenderness.” (Deutscher Kamerapreis) – Now available on DVD and as Video on Demand.", null, "Haydn’s oratorio “The Seasons” live from a historic venue: The Haydn-Saal from Schloss Esterházy, where the maestro himself lived and worked.", null ]
[ null, "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764494826.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20230126210844-20230127000844-00646.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 207009473, "warc_record_length": 21508}
[ "MINOS Experiment Far Detector NuMI/Fermilab\nFermilab Will Double-Check CERN's Revolutionary Faster-Than-Light Claim -- Popular Science\nSo far, the only thing moving faster than light is speculation. But in the wake of last week’s baffling neutrino news out of CERN, physicists are crunching numbers to test whether these ghostly particles really can move faster than photons. Physicists at Fermilab are re-examining some old data to help answer the question.\n\nThe development of such a device, described as an 'antimagnet', could offer many beneficial applications, such as protecting a ship's hull from mines designed to detonate when a magnetic field is detected, or allowing patients with pacemakers or cochlear implants to use medical equipment.\n\nHow Asia Was Settled By Man", null, "To extract DNA from a fossilized bone, researchers extract material using a dentistry drill. (Credit: Image courtesy of the National Science Foundation)\nAsia Was Settled in Multiple Waves of Migration, DNA Study Suggests -- Science Daily\nScienceDaily (Sep. 26, 2011) — An international team of researchers studying DNA patterns from modern and archaic humans has uncovered new clues about the movement and intermixing of populations more than 40,000 years ago in Asia.\n\nUsing state-of-the-art genome analysis methods, scientists from Harvard Medical School and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, have found that Denisovans -- a recently identified group of archaic humans whose DNA was extracted last year from a finger bone excavated in Siberia -- contributed DNA not just to present-day New Guineans, but also to aboriginal Australian and Philippine populations.\n\nPosted by War News Updates Editor at 11:59 AM No comments:\n\nMost Polluted Cities In The World\n\nIranian cities have some of the worst pollution in the world, with fine particle presence 20 times higher than the recommended upper limit. Photograph: Vahid Salemi/AP\nIran, India, Pakistan And Mongolia Have Most Polluted Cities In The World -- The Guardian\nWorld Health Organisation's first global survey of fine particle pollutants says US and Canadian towns are among cleanest\n\nCities in Iran, India, Pakistan and Mongolia are among the worst on the planet for air pollution, while those in the US and Canada are among the best, according to the first global survey.\n\nThe Iranian city of Ahvaz had the distinction of the highest measured level of airborne particles smaller than 10 micrometres, according to the UN's World Health Organisation (WHO) survey." ]
[ null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null ]
[null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Shinkansen arriving at Kyoto station in Japan", "alt_text": "Shinkansen (bullet train) arriving at Kyoto station in Japan", "rendered_width": 594, "rendered_height": 396, "original_width": 594, "original_height": 396, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Playground area in Shiba Park in Minato Tokyo Japan", "alt_text": "Tokyo Tower and Shiba Park in Minato, Tokyo, Japan ", "rendered_width": 594, "rendered_height": 396, "original_width": 594, "original_height": 396, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Temple gate in Shiba Park in Minato Tokyo Japan", "alt_text": "Kuromon or Black Gate of Z\u00f6j\u00f6ji Temple in Minato, Tokyo, Japan", "rendered_width": 594, "rendered_height": 396, "original_width": 594, "original_height": 396, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Hama Rikyu Gardens and the Shiodome District of Tokyo in the background", "alt_text": "Hama Rikyu Garden and the Shiodome District of Tokyo in the background", "rendered_width": 594, "rendered_height": 396, "original_width": 594, "original_height": 396, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "The Main Gate or Thunder Gate at Sensoji Temple in Tokyo Japan", "alt_text": "The Main Gate or Thunder Gate at Sensoji Temple in Tokyo, Japan ", "rendered_width": 594, "rendered_height": 396, "original_width": 594, "original_height": 396, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Shinkyo Bridge at the entrance to Toshogu in Nikko Japan", "alt_text": " Shinkyo Bridge at the entrance to Toshogu in Nikko, Japan", "rendered_width": 594, "rendered_height": 396, "original_width": 594, "original_height": 396, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Matsumoto Castle or the Black Crow in Matsumoto Japan", "alt_text": "Matsumoto Castle or the Black Crow in Matsumoto, Japan", "rendered_width": 594, "rendered_height": 396, "original_width": 594, "original_height": 396, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Giant Karakuri Clock in Matsumoto Japan", "alt_text": "Giant KarakuriClock in Matsumoto, Japan", "rendered_width": 594, "rendered_height": 396, "original_width": 594, "original_height": 396, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Waterwheels at Daio Wasabi Farm near Matsumoto in Japan", "alt_text": "Waterwheels at Daio Wasabi Farm near Matsumoto in Japan", "rendered_width": 594, "rendered_height": 396, "original_width": 594, "original_height": 396, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Robot playing the violin at the Toyota Museum in Nagoya Japan", "alt_text": "Robot playing the violin at the Toyota Museum in Nagoya, Japan", "rendered_width": 396, "rendered_height": 594, "original_width": 396, "original_height": 594, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Saint Johns Anglican church in the Meiji Mura outdoor museum near Nagoya Japan", "alt_text": "Saint John's Anglican church in the Meiji Mura outdoor museum near Nagoya, Japan", "rendered_width": 594, "rendered_height": 396, "original_width": 594, "original_height": 396, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-10/segments/1581875146064.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20200225080028-20200225110028-00505.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 943114855, "warc_record_length": 16580}
[ "On a recent trip to Japan we travelled around the country by train. I was sceptical at first but after just two days I began to appreciate the value of my Japan Rail (JR) Rail Pass and the freedom it gave me. Before travelling to Japan I had been advised we would be using the luggage forwarding service so I would need an overnight bag (hand luggage size). This was a great idea as we did not have to deal with large cases on the trains. The local trains were very crowded sometimes but I was able to reserve a seat for most of journeys. I did this at the Japan Rail office in the local station. The JR Rail pass is valid on the Shinkansen or bullet train. Five companies run the Shinkansen but the JR Rail Pass is only valid on three of these companies. The pass is not valid on services run by Nozomi and Mizuho. If any part of a journey is taken on a train that is not covered by the JR Rail Pass then the whole journey has to be paid for. For every journey I made I studied the train timetable carefully to make sure I used the right train.", null, "Minato and Beyond, by Train\n\nMy journey started in Minato, a suburb of Tokyo. I was transferred by bus from the airport to my hotel, Shiba Park Hotel, in the suburb of Minato. While I waited for my Rail Pass to be delivered I had time to explore Minato. I was delighted to discover that the Tokyo Tower was just around the corner. The tower was built in 1958 and modelled on the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Although it functions as a radio and television tower it is also a very popular tourist attraction affording good views of its surroundings from the two viewing platforms.", null, "The tower is very close to Shiba Park, Japan’s oldest public park. It was the first to be officially designated as a park in 1873 just five years after the beginning of the modernisation of Japan. When the Meiji Emperor was restored to supreme power in 1867 a programme was started to create public parks throughout Japan. These were often fashioned out of the grounds of temples and shrines which, at that time, were the only green spaces. Shiba Park is crescent-shaped as it was fashioned out of the grounds of the Zöjöji Temple. This temple is both ancient and modern. The two-storey wooden main gate, Sangedatsumon, was built in 1622 and is the oldest remaining wooden structure in Tokyo. This temple was founded in 1393 as a seminary for Jodo-shu also known as Jōdo Buddhism. It is a branch of Pure Land Buddhism derived from the teachings of a Japanese monk. At one time the temple comprised a huge complex including a large cathedral, forty-eight smaller attached temples and about one-hundred-and fifty schools. But during an anti-Buddhist movement some of these buildings were destroyed and others were burned down during the air raids of World War II. The cathedral and other structures were subsequently rebuilt. Zöjöji is still the main temple and seminary of Jodo-shu. It is also very popular with the general public as a place to worship and as a hub of religious and cultural activities. The exteriors of the buildings retain their traditional style but the interiors are refreshingly light and modern.", null, "During my stay in Japan I also used a pre-paid IC card included in our package. It works like an Oyster Card as money is taken off every time you enter or leave a station. But unlike the Oyster card any money left on the card can be spent in either a 7 Eleven or a Family Mart. These convenience stores are open twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. These stores are a real boon for the traveller on a shoe-string. They offer a wide variety of food at very reasonable prices. They also stock just about every item you might need – and it is fun trying to work out from the pictures exactly what each product is. They are everywhere and a convenient source of clean toilets. The 7 Elevens also have ATMs. This card can be used on the subway and there were several interesting places reachable from Minato on the subway. Hama Rikyu Garden was a famous Imperial garden during the Edo Period. It was given to the City of Tokyo in 1945 and the following year it was opened to the public. This beautifully landscaped garden includes several ponds and a tea house. The garden stretches along the bank of the Samuda River.", null, "After strolling through the gardens I took a waterbus (not included in the JR Rail Pass) from there to another famous site in Tokyo. Sensoji Temple, also known as Asakusa Kannon Temple. This Buddhist temple is one of Tokyo’s most popular and colourful temples. The temple is dedicated to Kannon, the goddess of mercy. It was founded, according to legend, after two brothers found a statue of this goddess floating in the Samuda River. They put the statue back into the river but it kept returning so finally, in 645, a temple was built dedicated to the goddess. It is Tokyo’s oldest temple and has an outer gate and an inner gate linked by a shopping street. The buildings are relatively modern as many of the original buildings were destroyed during the Second World War. The temple shares its grounds with the Asakusa Shrine and both operate in harmony with each other. It was a good opportunity to compare the architecture of both institutions. My final visit of the day, journeying but both subway and the local railway, was the Meiji Shrine. This large Shinto Shrine was built in 1920 and is dedicated to the Meiji Emperor and his wife, Empress Shoken. Emperor Meiji brought an end to the feudal system in Japan and modernised his country. The shrine is set in a large park and has become Japan’s most famous shrine. One can understand why as you wander along tree lined avenues towards the main buildings.", null, "The Main Gate or Thunder Gate at Sensoji Temple in Tokyo, Japan\n\nAlthough it took a long time to get to Nikko by train from Tokyo it was worth it to visit Toshogu, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This sprawling complex of ornate shrines and temples set amongst majestic cedar trees was built as a mausoleum for the first Tokugawa shogun. This elaborate building is surrounded by other interesting structures including the “see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil” monkeys on the front of one of the store houses. The Shinkyo Bridge marks the entrance to Toshogu in Nikko, Japan", null, "Shinkyo Bridge at the entrance to Toshogu in Nikko, Japan\n\nMatsumoto on the Train\n\nAfter four days in Tokyo I travelled to Matsumoto was my next destination. The town is an interesting mixture of ancient and modern and includes the Shinto Jorinji shrine. Its bright red gate, the oldest wooden gate in Matsumoto draws you into the complex which includes a pretty shrine and a lovely garden. This shrine is sited in a complex that includes a temple. The complex is notable because its wooden gate is the oldest gate in Matsumoto. Nawate-dori, also known as frog street is famous for its traditional shops filled with frog-themed products. This street was once the border between the commoner houses and Samurai residences. Running parallel to this street, on the other side of the Metoba-gawa River Nachamachi-dori St is lined with restored Samurai merchant houses. Matsumoto Castle is the most important attraction in this town. It is one of only four original castles remaining in Japan. It is a “hirajiro” castle becaues it was built on a plain rather than on a hill or a mountain. As its exterior is mostly black it is also is also known as the Black Crow. The all-wooden interior presents some challenges with its steep, narrow staircases designed to obstruct invaders. It is worth climbing to the sixth floor for the views of the gardens and the moat below.", null, "Matsumoto Castle or the Black Crow in Matsumoto, Japan\n\nAs I walked back to my hotel along Isemachi Street the giant karakuri clock was striking the hour. The large modern globe, representing a Matsumoto-temari opens and figures of young girls playing with temari (hand-made balls) revolve accompanied by music. The globe closes and then opens again to reveal mechanical boys playing musical instruments.", null, "While I was in Matsumoto I took a local train out of the town to the Daio Wasabi Farm. I had no idea what a wasabi was but my education was complete after I had wandered through the beautiful grounds circling the fields planted with wasabi. Wasabi can be used to flavour everything it seems. I was happy to try the crisps but drew the line at wasabi-flavoured ice cream. The watermills that were once essential to the production of wasabi still revolve along the river bank next to the farm.", null, "Waterwheels at Daio Wasabi Farm near Matsumoto in Japan\n\nThree days later I was back on the train and heading for a short stay in Nagoya. Nagoya is the one of the largest towns in Japan and pre-dominantly industrial. It was once a beautiful wooden town but following its destruction during World War II it was rebuilt. It owes a lot of its prosperity as it is the home of Toyota, the largest company in Japan. I took a taxi to the Toyota Museum expecting just to see lots of old cars. I was wrong. The Museum has two pavilions, the Weaving Pavilion and the Automobile Museum. Toyota originally made spinning and weaving machines before moving on to the manufacture of cars. The two pavilions trace the history of the company. Robots were also on the agenda and we watched a robot playing the violin. After the museum we walked through Noritake Garden, the site of the Noritake Museum displaying intricate ceramic pieces made by the company of the same name.", null, "Robot playing the violin at the Toyota Museum in Nagoya, Japan\n\nOn my second day in Nagoya I took the train to Inuyama (which literally means “dog mountain”). Inuyama is famous for its small but beautiful castle which is one of Japan’s oldest wooden castles and still in its original state. After exploring this castle, I moved on to the Meiji Mura outdoor museum. This museum is set in a large park and features buildings from different eras and different places. It includes the impressive Saint John’s Anglican church. This church was built in 1907 and originally sited in Kyoto. I took a direct bus (not covered by JR Rail Pass) back to Nagoya for my last night in that city.", null, "I had already experienced a lot on my journey through Japan. There was a lot more to come in the next part of my journey from Kyoto to Shinjuku in Tokyo. This journey will be featured in my next blog post." ]
[ null, "", null, "", null, "", null ]
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[ "The annual Fall Festival today, the 16th day of September. Lovely day, hinting of rain last night but it didn’t materialize. Warm, even hot at times, and breezy which felt pretty good but blew items around. The lineup began around 9 or 9:30 on the north end of Amery, up the side streets and back to North Park. Highway 46 was diverted for the time the parade took to get done, and by that time the food stands and rides area was going steady and heavy. Lots of browsing in the large crafts section, but didn’t see a lot of buying. Many meet-ups of old friends and relatives in that area. Walked to the food section and it was packed. I’m getting ahead of myself.\n\nThe parade. Starting promptly at 10:30 after MC Bill Hegg arranged and got the Queen and her Princesses from last year to sing the national anthem. Lots of pride, and soon the festivities began. Candy right off the bat, and the parade of fire and emergency equipment took awhile to move through. Besides Amery the truck from Osceola, Apple River Township, and Clear Lake became part of the entourage. The variety of Amery emergency vehicles included their newly acquired air boat, able to move quickly through water and I’m guessing over ice and thin ice.", null, "The Amery Band did a nice job, the Clear Lake and cadet band did well also. From Elk Mound, their band put on quite a show. Lots of members, lots of intro people at the beginning with flags and the city/ school banner, and 3 characters dressed, well it was a Star Wars theme so the music reflected that. Queen candidates from Amery appeared one at a time, but the queens and their support group from the Polk County Fair, Clear Lake, and other communities added color and beauty. Hudson was another one I just recalled. So then the tractors captured everyone’s attention, mostly Allis Chalmers but many others as well. Al Johnson is the main man in this area, his tractors are featured and I’m guessing so are others. No women, except toward the end a lady was on the little Ford tractor that was so common, often used only for wagon pulling or single bottom plowing.", null, "The Cub and Boy Scouts marched proudly, not a lot of business floats or trucks that I remember, and a few other random entries. The Zor Funsters were the big men on go-carts, wheeling around in intricate patterns, and they would calm down and get into formation. Then, wham, they’d move in their weaving and quick movements. They appeared to enjoy it as much as the crowds did. The viewers weren’t that thick along Keller near the downtown, but next to and across from the announcing wagon featuring a sincere Bill Hegg, at those points the people were two and three deep. The chairs started appearing near the old railroad tracks are, appeared on Thursday or before. The announcements from Bill helped understand what group moved through and his words made the people involved in that float or band or entry, it made them feel appreciated. A welcome to the Fall Festival Parade and a “glad you’re here”. The end of the parade was the horse group, not sure how many, but they were often the last in the past. And the poor looking man with the scoop shovel and the wheelbarrow, what a job. No, really, he didn’t look so sad. He knew there was a job to do and he was going to do it. Besides, maybe he got down to the end of the parade near the hotel and onto old Soldiers Field and he put a price tag on it, $5, you haul.", null, "Parade’s Over, Let’s Eat and Browse the Crafts\n\nAs stated above, dozens of craft choices, a few wood products, some cosmetics and food items, and all were under a tent of some sort. That would mostly hold out the rain, but on this day they were shade, welcome shade. The rides were just south of the craft area, but I didn’t get into it. Lots of good sized rides, and a few food stands I’m guessing. They set up last Wednesday I believe and were operating by Thursday evening and for sure on Friday eve.\nIn the food section, a number of groups including Scouts, the Wrestling Club, the Hockey organization and parents, several churches, the Lions, and the bleu cheese burgers at the Joel Homemakers stand. This year I broke down and had two of them, but nothing else in that area. This year I have to proudly declare that I did not buy any little doughnuts, often a delicacy that I associate with fairs and times like this. The Fall Festival food choices offered something for every taste.\nThe crowds in this area cleared out by 3:00, some stands packing up as soon as their product ran out. Going back to Keller, I walked to the Farm Table restaurant and eating area. Today they had a single specialty. It was a brat or pulled pork sandwich, cole slaw or potato salad, a cob of sweet corn, and something else I’m leaving out. Not hungry enough for that, I ordered a brat and a specialty beer, Transmission? I’ll find the real name. The beers they offered were unusual brands, nothing predictable, which offered a good choice to those who aren’t picky or snobbish about their beer drinking. At that place I met a lady who has a farm out F on the way to Clear Lake, the wife of David Toftness the Chiropractor. We talked, we exchanged cards, and I told her about the story I just wrote about an event in my early years involving the creek/ brook that went by our house, Bull Brook. The name of her farm? Bull Brook Farm, down from my spot and raising a special breed of cattle. Looking like Belted Galways, they are different, and grass fed only. Will go there tomorrow and snap a few photos. Otherwise I’ve got photos posted on Facebook, my blog, and on my Elkfarm email. Contact me if you’d like to see them and get on the email list. to contact me\n\n4 Replies to “Fall Festival is Over, Summary of the Day (Long Post)”" ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "C A E B BD E A A C", "alt_text": "INFORMATION MINISTRY ORGANISES DEBATE FOR YOUTH CORPS MEMBERS", "rendered_width": 1024, "rendered_height": 768, "original_width": 1024, "original_height": 768, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
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[ null, "The Lagos State Ministry of Information and Strategy has organised a debate competition among 52 National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members currently serving in the Ministry with the theme: “Should NYSC Be Scrapped or Not”. In his keynote address, the Permanent Secretary, Mr. Olusina Thorpe, said the competition is to bring corps members posted to the Ministry together, interact with one another and brainstorm on the theme of the competition, in addition to exchanging views and ideas on things that will be beneficial to them and the system at large.\n\nThorpe, who was represented by the Director, Administration and Human Resource, Mrs. Sope Akinsemoyin-Malomo, said the Ministry has always initiated programmes and policies to enhance the knowledge and skills of its corps members during their service period.\n\n“The Corps members are made to participate in self-development programmes such as presentations on different topics, debates on burning issues and brainstorming relevant issues in the country. The Administration and Human Resource Department of the Ministry introduced the self-development programmes to fully engage the corpers in other areas aside from their daily operational duties in various departments”, Thorpe said.\n\nThe Corps members were divided into two groups of 26 each with the task of arguing in favour or against the theme of the debate while Adekunle Adewale, was the lead speaker of Group One and Chioma Onabukoraye spoke on behalf of Group Two.\n\nThe high point of the competition was the presentation of gifts to the leaders of the two groups." ]
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[ null, "Naruto Baryon Mode is a powerful mode, and it allows the user to increase their reflexes, attack power, and defense. They can also dodge black rods. The effects of Baryon are extremely strong, and they can even take a person’s life if they use it correctly.\n\nThis form has many drawbacks, but it’s still an amazing feature of Naruto mythology.\n\nNaruto Baryon mode is activated by smashing the chakra of both Kuruma and Naruto. It has a nuclear nature that boosts Naruto’s speed and overall strength.\n\nIt can transform into a ninja, and it is the ultimate form in the anime. This mode is a powerful weapon in anime, but it is powerful. It is dangerous, but it is a necessary tool for fighting a new enemy in the future.\n\nPreviously, he was unable to keep up with Isshika, but after entering Baryon mode, he could outrun her by a great margin.\n\nThis form of power is lethal and cannot be used for long. However, it is extremely powerful and can be devastating for many enemies. You can’t use it for long, as the power is too much and can be harmful to yourself.\n\nNaruto can fight any opponent in the entire series during the Baryon mode.\n\nIn the manga and anime, Naruto Baryon mode is revealed in Boruto. The episode recreated the moment when Naruto entered this insanely powerful mode.\n\nBaryon mode can make you feel like a superhero, and it can transform into a ninja, and it’s also the ultimate form in the anime. It’s an excellent way to protect yourself from enemies and protect your form.\n\nThis mode is a powerful weapon in anime, but it is powerful. It is dangerous, but it’s a necessary tool for fighting a new enemy in the future.\n\nNaruto does not die from using Baryon Mode, and the transformation is fed on Kurama’s chakra instead of Naruto’s. While Jinchūriki usually dies when their tailed beast is extracted, Naruto wasn’t harmed since Kurama’s chakra was used up.\n\nNotably, the Naruto Baryon mode was the last option against Isshiki. Some drawbacks would typically prevail over the benefits, and that little drawback was indeed proven to be a disadvantage.\n\nAnd with the use of it, it was all that Shinobi wanted against Isshiki.\n\nKurama lied to Naruto about Baryon Mode, claiming their lives since Naruto wouldn’t agree to use the technique otherwise. The technique left Naruto relatively unscathed, albeit without his former unlimited chakra reserves now that Kurama was gone.\n\nWhile the Naruto Baryon mode can be an extremely powerful form in Naruto’s manga and anime, it is worth knowing that it comes with a price. The energy used in Baryon mode cannot be replenished, so using this power in the future is dangerous.\n\nHowever, the benefits are worth it. While it is a double-edged sword, it can make it easier for Naruto to defeat his enemies.\n\nThe Naruto Baryon Mode is a form of specialization wherein you can become an even more powerful ninja. The Baryon mode is one of the most powerful forms of ninja in the anime, and however, it comes with a downside as it can be lethal for prolonged use.\n\nHence, it is a special skill that only the most skilled and experienced ninjas should master.", null, null ]
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[ "When it comes to close-quarters operations or home defense, it’s hard to beat a 9mm carbine like this tricked-out Tavor SAR bullpup (left), and if you pair it with a fast-handling Uzi Pro Pistol (right), you’ll never be outgunned.\n\nThe 9mm has experienced quite the resurgence lately. Want proof? Look at how many 9mm 1911s are hitting the market. Myths surrounding the 9mm’s ineffectiveness are finally fading as instructors and experts have begun to rely on science rather than anecdotes, and significant improvements in bullet design are hard to ignore. You can’t deny that today’s 9mm ammo works—in pistols and carbines.", null, "For tactical operations and home defense in close quarters, it’s hard to beat a 9mm carbine. They’re affordable, light on recoil and easy to use. On top of that, 9mm ammunition is widely available. And why not pair a fast-handling carbine with a large 9mm pistol that can support a red-dot or reflex sight? This will give you plenty of firepower and versatility while using only one type of ammo. Which brings us to the two guns I tested for this article: the Tavor SAR and Uzi Pro Pistol from IWI US, the American branch of Israeli Weapons Industries.\n\nIWI US released the semi-auto Tavor SAR bullpup a few years ago, with the original version arriving in 5.56mm NATO with various barrel, sight and color options. I snatched up a matte black, flattop, 16.5-inch-barreled model at the earliest opportunity, and to this day, it is easily one of the most enjoyable rifles to shoot in my inventory. I’ve sent thousands of rounds through my Tavor SAR without a single hitch.\n\nOf course, I can’t help but customize my weapons to suit my preferences, so I’ve added some parts over the years. One of my first tweaks was replacing the standard trigger with the Geissele Super Sabra trigger pack, which offers a precise two-stage pull. I also installed a Midwest Industries forend with KeyMod slots along the sides and bottom for attaching more accessories.\n\nOn the right side of the receiver, I added a Percival Armaments “El Selector” safety selector switch, which provides a ledge that makes it easier to operate the safety more precisely with your thumb. Two more additions include Gear Head Works’ Fulcrum Located Extra (FLEx) swivel, a metal plate that offers a QD sling swivel and replaces the plastic factory ejection port cover to help seal off excess gas, and a Galloway Precision extended shell deflector. For close-quarters work, I keep my Tavor SAR outfitted with a Trijicon SRS sight and a SureFire X400 Ultra light/laser combination unit, which I keep mounted in the 12 o’clock position.\n\nAs you can see, the Tavor SAR platform is easy to customize. Users can convert it for left-hand use, and while IWI US now offers dedicated 9mm and 300 Blackout Tavor SARs, customers can also buy conversion kits to transform their 5.56mm models into 9mms. I picked up one of these kits for this test.\n\nThe 9mm conversion kit consists of a 17-inch, cold-hammer-forged, 1-in-10-inch-twist barrel, a barrel removal wrench, a complete blowback assembly including the bolt and bolt carrier, a shell deflector and a magazine insert. One steel, 32-round magazine is included, and I was sent two more of these magazines for the evaluation.\n\nIt only takes a few minutes to convert the 5.56mm SAR to 9mm. Remove the bolt group and trigger pack (this makes it a little easier), then the handguard and charging handle. Carefully push in the barrel pin lock and rotate it using the supplied tool, then remove the barrel. Reverse the process using the 9mm barrel and bolt group. The magazine insert snaps into the 5.56mm magazine well, and two supplied pins lock it in place. Once converted, I checked the Tavor SAR’s functioning, and the Geissele trigger kit appeared unaffected. My only further addition was a Liberty Mystic X sound suppressor.\n\nOld enough to have used Uzi submachine guns as a SWAT guy, I can fairly say that the IWI Uzi Pro Pistol is quite the improvement. Older versions were basic at best, with the mere resemblance of a sighting system. Rails and red-dot sights weren’t even in the picture, so these Uzis were pretty much point-and-shoot affairs. You relied more on rate of fire than accuracy.", null, "The Uzi Pro Pistol uses a blowback operating system, a polymer lower frame and a magazine release typical of modern handguns. The charging handle has also been moved to the left side, allowing for a full-length top rail for mounting optics. The front and rear sights—set up in a three-dot configuration—are fully adjustable. Under the 4.5-inch barrel, a short polymer rail integral to the lower frame allows shooters to add lights and lasers.\n\nAt the rear of the lower receiver, a QD sling cup facilitates single-point slings. The grip safety remains, along with a manual thumb safety and an internal firing pin block. Two magazines are provided—one 20-rounder and one 25-rounder—and IWI US also offers 32-round magazines. My only addition for this gun was Vortex’s Razor red-dot sight.\n\nI tested the 9mm Tavor SAR just like an entry weapon—pretty hard and fast—spending lots of time in my range’s shoothouse, in and around my truck and other obstacles. Even with the Liberty suppressor attached, the carbine was handy and very quiet. Moving around the shoothouse, the Tavor SAR handled like a typical 16-inch-barreled AR.\n\nTrijicon’s SRS is easy to use with very little of the tunneling common to other red dots, which helped me make short work of multiple targets. This, combined with the Geissele trigger, made for some fast and accurate doubles and triples. With the SureFire X400 Ultra’s green laser turned on, I simply had to point and shoot at CQB ranges.\n\nNo matter how dirty or hot the Tavor SAR got, it never missed a beat. I didn’t experience a single malfunction. Swapping out 9mm stick magazines isn’t as fast as reloading with 5.56mm magazines, but it certainly isn’t slow by any means. And, because the magazine and bolt releases are the same, I didn’t need any retraining.\n\nThe Tavor SAR’s accuracy was good, with my best group at 25 yards measuring just a bit over 1.5 inches using Hornady’s 115-grain XTP ammunition. It was just as accurate as many of the submachine guns I’ve tested over the years at this range.\n\nI ran the Uzi Pro Pistol as if I were part of a personal security detail, or PSD. Using a sling on my strong side, the pistol was easy to conceal, and it swung into action smoothly. To maintain control, you push the Uzi forward, keeping the sling taut as you fire. In short, I think I can safely say that the Uzi Pro Pistol is small enough for most people to handle it like a normal pistol with a two-handed grip.\n\nMoving in and out of my truck, the Uzi Pro Pistol proved to be very handy, easy to bring to target and capable of delivering some decent firepower. Of course, because this is a semi-auto that runs from a closed bolt, the trigger pull is a bit long, which is less than conducive for rapid fire or precise shooting. This is more of a combat trigger than a target trigger. But, with practice, it was still fast on the square range and in the shoothouse.\n\nThe Uzi’s accuracy while moving or under stress was certainly passable for a self-defense weapon, as it kept most shots inside a pie-plate-sized circle. The new magazine release makes for fast reloads, but it also means you can’t use your older 32-round Uzi magazines. They won’t lock into place. That’s why IWI US offers new dedicated 32-round magazines.\n\nUsing sandbags as a rest, the Uzi Pro Pistol could produce a 2.55-inch group at 25 yards using the same Hornady ammunition. The rest of the groups were slightly larger. If you’re looking for tighter groups at the range, IWI US offers a variant with a side-folding SB Tactical stabilizing brace.\n\nBoth weapons worked as you would expect from IWI US—without issue. There were no malfunctions during the range testing, and both guns ejected brass with authority. Their accuracy was more than adequate for self-defense work, and the bullpup design of the Tavor SAR provides a very compact package with a 17-inch barrel. Well suited to home defense, it’ll fit nicely in many compartments and closets yet wrings about as much as you can get out of a 9mm pistol cartridge. The velocities are quite a bit higher, so a proven expanding bullet would be in order for self-defense use.\n\nWhile you can buy a dedicated 9mm Tavor SAR straight from the factory, this conversion kit makes it easy to use your 5.56mm with all of the same accessories. Adding the sound suppressor made the gun a little long, but you can’t beat the benefits of less noise and blast. It’ll save your hearing indoors and make it easier to communicate to other family members or tactical teammates.\n\nThe Uzi Pro Pistol was fun to shoot. It worked well with a sling, and I’m sure it’s a big hit with Uzi fans in general. This design has a very strong following, and this new model has some solid improvements. It facilitates optics, lights and lasers while being very soft shooting. Fitting in some tight spaces, it can bring 25+1 (or 32+1) rounds to the party, which is substantial. Add a light and a red-dot sight and you have a pretty nice little home-defense weapon that anyone could easily get on target with.\n\nWhether you’re looking for a reliable, compact carbine that maximizes the ballistics of the 9mm or a pistol version of a classic submachine gun, IWI US has you covered. And if you can’t make up your mind, get both!" ]
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[ null, "Not many young golfers will remember the name Craig Stadler, or his nickname, “The Walrus” (due to his portly build and bulky mustache), but the man will always be remembered by his older fans for a day he would like to forget.\n\nStadler was born June 2, 1953, in San Diego, his dad started him in golf at age 4. His talent grew with him and at age 20, while attending USC, he won the U.S. Amateur title.\n\nDuring his career, Stadler had 31 total professional wins, including 13 PGA wins, two European wins and nine Championship Tour wins, but the 1997 Andy Williams Open was the one that got away.\n\nNow, all of us have been in the trees with an errant shot or two, and we all know how we hate to take a penalty stroke or drop from an unplayable lie, so this sets the stage for the shot which cost The Walrus $37,000 in prize money.\n\nDuring the final round of play, Stadler hit a tee shot into the trees which came to rest in a muddy area under some low-lying branches, but not out of bounds.\n\nNot wanting to take a drop or kneel in the mud to hit his next shot, he had his caddie toss him a towel to protect his pants. The good news was that he played the ball back in the fairway and continued his round; the bad news – well, he found that out at the scorer’s table.\n\nSometime after his kneeling-in-the-mud shot, a fan reported to an official that he had used a towel to protect his pants, which meant Stadler had illegally built a stance and should have given himself a two-stroke penalty.\n\nNo problem, except by the time the official reported the infraction, Stadler had already signed and handed in his incorrect scorecard. The penalty for that infraction was immediate disqualification and loss of $37,000 in prize money.\n\nNow, in keeping with the underlying theme of strange penalties and rules, we will move on to other golfers who either lost their mind momentarily or angered the golf gods for some reason.\n\nIn the 1983 Canadian Open, Andy Bean was in contention for a top finish when he decided, for some unknown reason, to putt his eight-inch birdie putt with the grip end of his club, instead of the putter head.\n\nAfter he admitted he was only clowning around on a gimme putt, the officials didn’t see it that way and assessed him a two-stroke penalty. That moment of humor came back to haunt him when he lost a chance to be in a playoff by two strokes.\n\nI have followed pro golf for 50 years, but even I don’t remember golfer Chip Beck, who made the blunder of his career in the 1992 Greater Greensboro Open.\n\nHe was in contention to win it all, until he grabbed an out-of-bounds marker (his ball was just in-bounds) and yanked it out of the ground to line up his next shot. He hit a great shot to recover, but the officials gave him a two-stroke penalty for removing the stake.\n\nThat miscue put him in a tie for third place, instead of finishing in second place by himself, and the difference in earnings – $81,563 – really hurt.\n\nAnd last but not least was Jackie Pung, who was probably the first Hawaiian-born golfer to win the ladies U.S. Open (in 1957), or at least so she thought. But as fate would have it, she signed an incorrect scorecard, was disqualified and lost the $1,800 first-place prize money.\n\nAfter she became emotionally devastated, members of the Winged Foot Golf Club took up a collection for her and raised $3,000 to ease her loss.\n\n• His brother, Gary Stadler, is a new age pianist, songwriter and composer who specializes in Celtic-themed music.\n\n• In 2014, playing in his 38th Masters, Stadler announced that it would be his last." ]
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[ "Peaches Geldof made it clear yesterday where she stands when it comes to the issue of gay marriage - wearing a T-shirt with 'Legalize Gay' splashed across it.\n\nGeldof, who was make-up free and scraggly haired, was pictured in Los Angeles, where she is currently living to be closer to her 38-year-old director boyfriend, Eli Roth.", null, "Making a stand: Peaches Geldof makes her feelings known when it comes to the issue of gay marriage as she walks around Los Angeles yesterday", null, "Join the club: Peaches joins a slew of Hollywood celebrities that have protested against Prop 8, including Christina Aguilera and Kelly Osbourne\n\nThis isn't the first time Geldof, 21, has made her support known for the gay community - last month she was pictured wearing a pair of pink underpants with 'Legalize Gay' ( a slogan from an ad campaign by retailer American Apparel) plastered across her backside.\n\nRoth has been accused of homophobia in the past, following the release of his slash horror movie, Hostel which he peppered with gay slurs.\n\nHe defended himself, explaining: 'It's like when I use the word \"fag\" in a film and people say I'm homophobic, which is ridiculous.\n\n'That's the way people talk. I make a very concious effort with my films not to be politically correct.'", null, "Even the cream of A-listers have shown their support, Brad Pitt has vowed he and his partner Angelina Jolie will not marry until gay people have the legal right to as well.\n\nAnd Charlize Theron echoed Pitt's sentiments, saying she would not marry then boyfriend Stuart Townsend until there was equality for all.\n\nGeldof and Roth first sparked romance rumours when they were pictured together holding hands at the Vanity Fair post Oscar party back in March.\n\nLater on Sir Bob's daughter let the world know what fun she was having, Tweeting: '@eliroth shouted \"word\" into a microphone p.diddy thrust in his face whilst jumping on a couch. S*** just got real.'", null, "Well fed: Both Roth and Geldof have packed on the pounds - the couple were looking decidedly portly as they strolled around Los Angeles on Monday", null, null, "Couples time: Geldof and Roth have been virtually inseperable since they were first spotted together holding hands at the annual Vanity Fair Oscar party in Los Angeles in March" ]
[ null, "", null ]
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[ "Home Editorials Pujas Make It Large, But On A Budget\n\nPujas make it large, but on a budget", null, "With inflation still hovering around 5%, even Durga Puja pandals in the city seem to be feeling the pinch. Many organisers said they were finding it difficult to gather funds this year and trying to maintain a healthy check on expenditure. Still, there will be themed pandals, keeping the festival as grand as ever.\n\nCelebrating its golden jubilee year, Matri Mandir in Safdarjung Enclave is going for a replica of Palais Garnier opera house in Paris. Through this theme, the Puja association wants to spread the message of world peace.\n\n\"Last November, the shooting at a rock concert in Paris shocked the world. So we decided it was apt to center our celebrations around the need for world peace,\" said Debashis Saha, its general secretary.\n\nHe said the planning began a year ago. The pandal has intricate murals replicating the opera house's walls and roofs, as painted by Paul-Jacques-Aime Boudry. \"We even went to Kolkata to get the right artists. It was not easy to find the right workmen for a job as complicated as this,\" Saha added.\n\nThe association has been saving for the jubilee celebrations over the past eight years, making it possible for it to spend at a large scale this year, said Saha. The idol of Goddess Durga alone—to be decked up in intricately designed mud sari and jewellery—will eat up 6-7% of the budget. However, most pandals at Chittaranjan Park, which try to keep the festivities as close to the tradition as possible, are finding it difficult to make the ends meet as donors have been particularly tight-fisted this year.\n\"Gathering funds has become a nightmare. The cost of making the prasad alone has increased by 60-70% from last year. As this is a community festival, we cannot push people to pay. We have to depend on sponsors to bridge the gap between the inflow and the outflow,\" said Shekhar Guha, organiser of the Mela Ground Puja.\n\nThe Cooperative Ground Puja committee has a similar story to share. The theme of the pandal is akaal bodhan—uncustomary invocation of Goddess Durga by Ram before crossing over to Lanka to rescue Sita. The pandal is shaped like a lotus with its inner walls displaying the sequence of events leading to akaal bodhan.\n\nConsidering budget constraints and the need to maintain a good footfall, the committee has resorted to LCD display at the reception with rolling advertisements. \"With a flex sign, you can show just one ad at a designated spot. But with LCD, we can generate more funds from advertisers,\" said Shorba Bhattacharya, one of the organisers.\n\nThe Kali Mandir committee at CR Park has stuck to its traditional pandal and hopes to save a chunk of the donation for maintenance of the temple round the year. \"We have collected close to Rs 60 lakh this time, and we plan to keep around Rs 25 lakh for maintenance. It is important for us to be judicious because we collect money just once a year,\" said Pradip Majumdar, secretary of CR Park Kali Mandir Society.\n\nWith the Puja to begin on October 6, all organisers are now spending their waking hours in a race against time." ]
[ null, "", "", "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652663012542.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20220528031224-20220528061224-00631.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 1021812911, "warc_record_length": 23103}
[ "We’re not electronically adept enough to know ‘who buys what’ as a result of our Kit Bag recommendations. The odd email arrives now and then announcing the purchase of some retro Bang & Olufsen amp or whatever, following Dr O’s enthusings, but by and large we just write about stuff we love, and trust you love it too. Like Autogyros. You might have a vague idea what these are but by the end of this page, if you’re anything like us, you’ll be trying to find space in your hanger/garage/shed for one.\n\nThe history of the Autogyro is fascinating. Invented by Juan de la Cierva y Codorníu, 1st Count of De La Cierva, the Autogyro was tested during the Spanish civil war. It is also known as the gyroplane, gyrocopter, gyroglider or rotaplane. The large rotating blades in the horizontal plane are not powered to create lift like a helicopter’s. As they rotate with forward motion they create lift in the same way as a glider’s wing does. Forward motion (and therefore, lift) is usually provided by a ‘pusher’ type propeller engine mounted behind the pilot in a small cockpit. Some had rockets on the rotor blade tips to make them spin quicker. Autogyros are small, simple and agile and once appeared in a Bond film. This is our kind of engineering.", null, null, null, "In addition to Juan cut-n-paste-surname above, another leading proponent of the Autogyro was Wing Commander Ken Wallis, a man who cut his teeth in bomber command in WW2 and holds the record for being the oldest pilot to set a world record, aged 89 at the time. Wallis is perhaps best known as being Sean Connery’s stuntman in ‘You only live twice’ where Bond flew an autogyro called Little Nellie equipped with flame throwers and missiles. One of Wallis’s own Autogyros, “a hanger queen”, was put up for sale recently after he passed away aged 97, and that got us scouring the classifieds.\n\nLet’s ignore our sensible head, shall we? Mad purchases like these should be made with the heart so we’ll ignore sensible stuff about CAA certificates, airframe hours and crash damage. Autogyro prices start at £2500 for a project. There’s a Benson B8 for sale in the UK needing only a drip bottle and coil, which can’t be more than a few quid, can it? It can? Oh. £7500 gets you a Merlin, a machine that looks to me like a lawnmower that crashed into a mobile phone mast and landed in a wheelybin. Moving up market, there’s the Calidus. German made, these luxurious machines offer enclosed cockpits and a turbocharged Rotax engine giving a top speed of nearly 115 mph, still slower than Ken Wallis’s 129 mph Autogyro world speed record but with the addition of flame throwers, a drinks cabinet and lightly sedated Bond girl we’d have one in a shot. Wouldn’t you?\n\nPhotos by: Rich Duisberg and" ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "alt_text": "J.League updates Sanfrecce defender Chiba\u2019s data after doping incident", "original_width": 640, "original_height": 426, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500028.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20230202133541-20230202163541-00529.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 872265284, "warc_record_length": 7452}
[ null, "The J.League has announced changes to the records of Sanfrecce Hiroshima defender Kazuhiko Chiba as a result of his recent temporarily suspension by the Japan Anti-Doping Agency (JADA).\n\nThe 31-year-old saw his suspension, which began on October 21, lifted by an appeals panel in late December after it was determined that he did not knowingly use a banned ingredient contained in a supplement approved by the club.\n\nTwo appearances Chiba made between the submission of his test sample and the start of his provisional suspension will be invalidated, leaving him with 306 J1 League appearances, 26,047 J1 minutes played, and 84 J1 shots to date." ]
[ "", "", "", "", null, "", null, "", "", "", "", "" ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703521987.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20210120182259-20210120212259-00036.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 993206832, "warc_record_length": 10075}
[ null, null, null, null, "The weapon is a four-door 200mm main gun,There are three carrier aircraft .", null, "Wish you, have a good time", null, null, null, null, null ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "israeli election", "alt_text": "A man casts his vote during the Israeli general elections in Tel Aviv on 9 April 2019 [Faiz Abu Rmeleh/Anadolu Agency]", "rendered_width": 1200, "rendered_height": 800, "original_width": 1200, "original_height": 800, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
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[ null, "Israel's cabinet yesterday approved legislation that allows filming inside polling stations, Ynet News reported, noting that the draft bill will go to the Knesset prior to 17 September election date.\n\nAccording to the Israeli news website, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's opponents said that the move was effectively meant to intimidate Arab voters.\n\nDuring the 9 April election, Likud dispatched an estimated 1,200 polling officials at ballot stations serving Palestinian citizens with body cameras, on the grounds of preventing fraud.\n\nPalestinian citizens and critics of the move claimed that Likud's efforts were a form of voter intimidation, an interpretation corroborated by the company contracted by Likud.\n\nIsraeli President Reuven Rivlin also came against the bill and said: \"This law will shake the credibility of the voters regarding the political system in Israel.\"\n\nHead of the Joint List Ayman Odeh wrote on Twitter that Netanyahu's focus on the issue of voter fraud was aimed at \"triggering a panic vote\" by his supporters on the right and \"suppressing the Arab vote.\"\n\n\"[Netanyahu] is preparing the ground for the day he declares 'Arabs have stolen the elections' and contests the results if he loses,\" Odeh added.\n\nLate last month the chair of Israel's Central Election Committee banned parties from sending representatives equipped with cameras to polling stations during the next election." ]
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[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Mark Wahlberg", "alt_text": "Mark Wahlberg Six Million Dollar man", "rendered_width": 768, "rendered_height": 432, "original_width": 768, "original_height": 432, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Mark Wahlberg", "alt_text": "Mark Wahlberg - 2", "rendered_width": 620, "rendered_height": 886, "original_width": 620, "original_height": 886, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Mark Wahlberg", "alt_text": "Mark Wahlberg - 4", "rendered_width": 1366, "rendered_height": 768, "original_width": 1366, "original_height": 768, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Danmachi season", "alt_text": "Danmachi season 3 delayed", "rendered_width": 1920, "rendered_height": 1080, "original_width": 1920, "original_height": 1080, "format": "jpeg"}]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593655887046.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20200705055259-20200705085259-00458.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 1146306055, "warc_record_length": 24274}
[ null, "Now that Mark Wahlberg is the new human face of Michael Bay’s Transformers series with a leading role in Age of Extinction, Mark Wahlberg finally seems to have a viable franchise going for him, after the ill-fated Max Payne movie proved ultimately forgettable, and presumed follow-ups to The Italian Job and Planet of the Apes never appeared. Mark Wahlberg is flying high these days.\n\nTransformers: age of extinction has collected $174 million internally and $575 million externally. Mark Wahlberg has become a Cash sack for the film makers & there are buzzes that some franchises want to take him abroad.", null, "According to a report by The Tracking Board, Universal Pictures is looking forward at Mark Wahlberg to star in their big screen update of the famous television series of 1970’s The Six Million Dollar Man. The star’s Lone Survivor director Peter Berg is said to be attached to produce (and maybe direct), with Harvey Weinstein also hypothetically involved. Miramax obtained the rights to Martin Caidan’s novel Cyborg, the show’s source material, and Weinstein apparently retained the rights after leaving the company.\n\nIf the rumors are true, we would again suspect the the Lone Gunman director and Mark Wahlberg together. Mark Wahlberg will play the role of Steve Austin, a pilot who is involved in a dreadful crash. Thanks to the reminiscence that many possess for the original series, it should surprise none of you that this wouldn’t be the first time somebody has tried to make a Six Million Dollar Man movie. The Tracking Board traces the project’s story back nicely, going back to the mid-90s when Kevin Smith wrote a draft that ended up becoming a comic book series. From there it was Jim Carrey and Todd Phillips teaming up for a more comedic take in 2003, but obviously that never worked out. Following talks of a TV series reboot and a legal dispute involving the Weinstein Company, 2011 saw Leonardo DiCaprio and Bryan Singer working together on a new big screen version. Again, it failed to get past development.", null, "This particular property is relatively recent, though, and with a charismatic star like Mark Wahlberg as Steve Austin paired with a solid action director in Peter Berg, The Six Million Dollar Man could be successfully rebuilt for today’s audiences. They have the technology, after all. The Six Million Dollar Man is currently in development. Mark Wahlberg is getting so many offers these days due to his power pack diversified he is still quite busy in the making of different films like Rupert Wyatt’s remake of The Gambler, Seth MacFarlane’s Ted 2 and reteaming with The Other Guys’ Will Ferrell In Daddy’s Home.", null ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "xl", "alt_text": "The Trespasser by Gilbert Parker, Fiction, Classics, Literary, Action & Adventure als Taschenbuch", "original_width": 680, "original_height": 1020, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590347425148.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20200602130925-20200602160925-00568.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 725544592, "warc_record_length": 20907}
[ null, "von Gilbert Parker\nPaperback. Sprache: Englisch.\nTaschenbuch\nGilbert Parker was a Canadian writer and politician, who taught at the Ontario School for the Deaf and Dumb and Trinity College. After travels through Australia, the Pacific, the South Sea Islands, Europe, Egypt, and Asia, he settled in London, Engla … weiterlesen\nGeschenk per Mail versenden\nTaschenbuch\n\nGilbert Parker was a Canadian writer and politician, who taught at the Ontario School for the Deaf and Dumb and Trinity College. After travels through Australia, the Pacific, the South Sea Islands, Europe, Egypt, and Asia, he settled in London, England, where became involved in politics and was elected to Parliament.\nIn London, he wrote a number of romantic novels, largely concerned with French Canadian history and culture. He said \"That I understood Canada could not be established by the fact that I had spent my boyhood there, but only by the fact that some inner vision permitted me to see it as it really was.\"\n\nSir Horatio Gilbert George Parker (1862 - 1932), known as Gilbert Parker, Canadian novelist and British politician, was born at Camden East, Addington, Ontario, the son of Captain J. Parker, R.A. The best of his novels are those in which he first took for his subject the history and life of the French Canadians and his permanent literary reputation rests on the fine quality, descriptive and dramatic, of his Canadian stories. Pierre and his People (1892) was followed by Mrs. Falchion (1893), The Trail of the Sword (1894), When Valmond came to Pontiac (1895), An Adventurer of Icy North (1895) and The Seats of the Mighty (1896, dramatized in 1897). The Seats of the Mighty was a historical novel depicting the English conquest of Quebec with James Wolfe and the Marquis de Montcalm as two of the characters. The Lane that Had No Turning (1900), a collection of short stories set in the fictional Quebec town of Pontiac, contains some of his best work and is viewed by some as being in the tradition of such Gothic classics as Stoker's Dracula and James's The Turn of the Screw. In The Battle of the Strong (1898) he broke new ground, laying his scene in the Channel Islands. His chief later books were The Right of Way (1901), Donovan Pasha (1902), The Ladder of Swords (1904), The Weavers (1907), Northern Lights (1909) and The Judgment House (1913). Parker had three that made it into the top 10 on the annual list of bestselling novels in the United States, two of which were on it for two years in a row." ]
[ "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030337889.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20221006222634-20221007012634-00270.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 506146422, "warc_record_length": 5599}
[ null, "Jockey Pat Vincent has ambitions to win the best races and become a wealthy sporting hero. But Pat knows his dreams will never be fulfilled so he's devised a brilliant new scam which, if discovered, would see him warned off for life. But first it's guaranteed to make him rich. Pat's girlfriend Zoe is starting her second full season as an apprentice jockey. A talented rider, she has a chance of becoming champion apprentice, if she's not sidetracked by the disaster of her sister Harriet's unhappy marriage! Along the crumbling cliffs in Somerset a man walks his dog. Every day Andy Burns - Pat's partner-in-crime, Harriet's tortured husband - wrestles with the demons that haunt his life. But Andy would be better off keeping his thoughts on the ground - it's a long way down to the beach below." ]
[ null, "", null ]
[null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "South of the Circle Screenshot", "alt_text": "South of the Circle Screenshot", "original_width": 1920, "original_height": 1080, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882571719.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20220812140019-20220812170019-00326.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 870251107, "warc_record_length": 50353}
[ "South of the Circle Releases on Consoles and PC August 3rd", null, "11 bit studios, alongside developer State of Play, has announced that South of the Circle will make its way to consoles and PC via Steam on August 3rd. The title, which takes inspiration from the likes of Firewatch and What Remains of Edith Finch, is a narrative adventure game “with a deep multi-layered cinematic story” set during the Cold War.\n\nFollow the path of South of the Circle’s protagonist, Peter, as he is led into the frozen nooks of Antarctica. There, at the crossroads of the past and present clashing inside his mind, he must not only fight for his survival but also contemplate his entire life and the choices he’s made along the way. South of the Circle’s cinematic story is set during the Cold War era of the 1960s and brought to life thanks to a star-studded voice-acting cast, including Anton Lesser (“Game of Thrones”, “Star Wars: Andor”), Gwilym Lee (“Bohemian Rhapsody”), Olivia Vinall (“The Woman in White”), Richard Goulding (“The Crown”), Adrian Rawlins (“Chernobyl”), and Michael Fox (“Downton Abbey”).\n\nSouth of the Circle – Key Features\n\nThe title’s Steam page lists some of the game’s key features, including:\n\nSouth of the Circle is set to release on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, and PC next week on August 3rd. It’s also worth mentioning that for those of you with an Apple Arcade subscription, the title is already available as part of the service. For more coverage of the narrative adventure genre, make sure to keep an eye on RPGFan’s news feed." ]
[ null, "", null, "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030337631.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20221005140739-20221005170739-00496.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 480566912, "warc_record_length": 20969}
[ "Prolific Songwriter, Music Director and Producer Teejay Jonartz is out with a new offering, his second outing for the year 2021. The inspirational piece is aptly titled “We Believe”", null, "The song features 4 other amazing singers namely Autumn, Tilly, Leslie and Netta. The new single is a follow up on the July 2021 release of the single, the Jazzy “It’s Up to You.”\n\nIt’s an all inclusive instrumentation, allowing for elasticity enough to fall under the category of World Music. Majorly composed of various elements of Folk music and electronica, it can easily pass for an anthem at a world event.", null, "Teejay Jonartz is very intentional with his message as The song complements the video beautifully.\nThe serene ambiance, the mood and tone depicts a state of possibilities beyond challenges and limitations while The dance scenes splash notes of celebration, festivity and a state of victory on the strong theme of possibility.\n\n“It’s never too late to be what you might have been,” Teejay Jonartz posited.\n\nTeejay Jonartz is a singer, songwriter, music director and producer. He is the founder of Jonartz Production. Moreover, He is the chief host of the Rekindle event.\n\nHe released his debut single titled “Worship You” in 2018 which was accompanied with an amazing visual. On the heels of that release was “It’s Up To You,” which dropped earlier this year with a video as well.\nThe “We Believe” project however dwarfs all his previous releases by a huge margin.\n\nWATCH THE OFFICIAL VIDEO FOR “WE BELIEVE”\n\nGET AUDIO ON APPLE MUSIC HERE\n\nOluwaYemisi Yakubu Teams Up With David Jones In “Bless Me”" ]
[ "", null ]
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[ null, "About seventeen persons have been confirmed dead while others are hospitalized at different hospitals as a strange illness has dealt blow to the people of Okpeilo-Otukpa in Ogbadibo Local Government Area of Benue State.\n\nBenue State Ministry of Health and Human Services in a statement sent to newsmen and signed by its Permanent Secretary, Sir Andrew Amee confirmed the development, saying that a case was also brought to the Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi by a relative of the patient on Monday, 9th November.\n\nPart of the statement reads: “Others are receiving treatment in different hospitals.\n\n“Symptoms of the strange illness usually include fever, abdominal pain and general body weakness, while some stool and vomit with tinges of blood.\n\n“The State Government is aware of the outbreak and has responded swiftly to facilitate investigation to establish the cause of the illness. ”\n\nGovernor Samuel Ortom in response to the situation approved funds to enable the State Ministry of Health and Human Services to carry out an investigation.\n\nThe government further advised the, “people of Ogbadibo and its environs to maintain good hygiene practices and report anyone with the said symptoms to the Disease Surveillance and Notification Officers in the local government area, or call the Benue Emergency Operations Centre on the following toll free telephone numbers: 09010999920, 09010999919. Whatapp, SMS on: 08123135458,” the statement added." ]
[ "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500456.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20230207102930-20230207132930-00220.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 1053007674, "warc_record_length": 14628}
[ null, "Imagine a time machine that takes you back in time to visit Baghdad in the Abbassid Era, when you could roam its streets, experience its ambiance and get to know the Islamic renaissance period, rich with scientific inquiry.\n\nThis is what Al Fehrest is aiming to do, by indexing events in Islamic history and relaying the evolution of the region's civilization via an interactive map.\n\nAl Fehrest brings back to life an era that witnessed the early rise of applied sciences over some 800 years, between 700 and 1500 A.D., a period full of both scientific events and Caliphs that have left their trace in the history of the Islamic civilization.\n\nTo do so, the website's map reveals the Muslim world's geographical and intellectual evolution, displaying how its borders shrank and expanded throughout history, and how regions became divided by events and scientists.\n\nThe central idea, says founder Dr. Moustapha Mohammad, an assistant professor at Al-Azhar University, is to situate events within their context. “The idea behind the map is to build a platform that presents data and events in a way that is not disconnected from their societal context, rendering the interpretation of any event more rational and allowing students to grasp the meaning of an event more deeply.”\n\nEarlier this month, Mohammad, who is focused on using new multimedia tools for teaching, spoke about Al Fehrest and the modern documentation of history at TEDxCairo. He is currently working on registering the project as a non-profit organization in order to continue funding its growth.\n\nOrigin of the Idea\n\nThe inspiration for Al Fehrest came from a computer game, in which Mohammad discovered that Da Vinci and Machiavelli had both lived at the same period and the same city in the late 15th century. “Why can’t we have a source of information that tells us which scientists lived next to one another?” he remembered thinking. With this idea in mind, he began collecting information on the birth and death of scientists in an Excel sheet, which he later developed into a graph including their city of residence, ultimately embedding this data into the current map.\n\nIt is worth noting that Mohammad’s main partner, Anas Chaaban, is a researcher specialized in telecommunication engineering at a university in Germany, whom he met over the internet without ever meeting in person. It's a project that awakens the passion of historians; volunteers and consultants majoring in history are also offering their time to the project.\n\nOne main challenge on the project is guaranteeing its impartiality and the credibility of the resources, especially with respect to historical events that raise a lot of dispute. Wikipedia is considered the main source of information for Al Fehrest but, because it's not completely reliable, every piece of information is reviewed and checked.\n\n“We were aware that our information was contaminated by our reliance on Wikipedia alone, so we resorted to using mainstream historic books that have credibility with the public,” Mohammad confesses.\n\nThe site mentions the reference, page number and author, whereas any information mentioned before is reviewed and verified in reliable sources. During this process, it is made clear to the reader that the article is being reviewed so he knows better how to evaluate the content.\n\nAl Fehrest is not the first Arab project that revives Islamic history and produces it in a simplified way for youth. Before Al Fehrest, there was an attempt by Dr Hussein Moaness, chairperson of History at University of Cairo in the 1970’s, who produced a paper titled The Atlas of Islamic Civilization’s History where he clarified Islamic trade routes and countries’ borders.\n\nToday Mohammad attempts to produce a similar project with an interactivity feature to make the digital atlas more useful for today's public.\n\nAl Fehrest is available in both Arabic and English in an attempt to address the non-Arabophone Islamic audience in Asia for example, which may not have access to good resources of information on the history of Islamic civilization." ]
[ null, "", "", "", "", "", null, "" ]
[null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "CimMJd Wks EH PMxDxdsa", "alt_text": "Mohammad 'BOROS' Malhas", "original_width": 200, "original_height": 200, "format": "jpeg"}, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "OU Q WevGesjv xsXqb P", "alt_text": "Max 'MiGHTYMAX' Heath", "original_width": 200, "original_height": 200, "format": "jpeg"}, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "vAOlVBAnEgphPGd DTg m", "alt_text": "Kia 'Surreal' Man", "original_width": 200, "original_height": 200, "format": "jpeg"}, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "yzYSPK StKarJp HpJBAp", "alt_text": "Guy 'Nertz' Iluz", "original_width": 200, "original_height": 200, "format": "jpeg"}, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "GW XZVbywEGIB nYwMIKkN", "alt_text": "Joey 'CRUC1AL' Steusel", "original_width": 200, "original_height": 200, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "mxV tWkyokfeTMBK QPtCC", "alt_text": "H\u00e5kon 'hallzerk' Fj\u00e6rli", "original_width": 400, "original_height": 417, "format": "jpeg"}]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764501407.6/warc/CC-MAIN-20230209045525-20230209075525-00035.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 812835086, "warc_record_length": 44901}
[ "Endpoint move BOROS to the bench\n\nThe Jordanian wishes to explore new opportunities after nine months on the starting lineup.\n\nMohammad \"⁠BOROS⁠\" Malhas has been moved to the bench of Endpoint and transfer listed, the British organization announced on Twitter. The 18-year-old rifler joined the squad in August of 2021, becoming one of the top performers during his tenure before expressing his desire to pursue new opportunities.\n\nThe announcement comes less than a month following Endpoint's failure to qualify for the PGL Major Antwerp 2022, with the team leaving the European RMR B with a 1-3 record.\n\nBOROS has been moved to the bench of Endpoint\n\nBOROS has been a consistent performer for the squad, accumulating a 1.13 rating across his nine months stint with Endpoint, tackling various online events in the second tier of European Counter-Strike. However, the young rifler struggled at his first LAN event with the team, displaying a significantly lower 0.84 rating at the second European RMR event.\n\n\"Mohammad has expressed a desire to consider and pursue opportunities elsewhere and we do not wish to restrict this against the player's wishes,\" stated Endpoint on Twitter.\n\n\"We are open to enquiries from anybody looking to secure the services of Mohammad. We will have more news regarding additions to our lineup in the near future,\" concluded the statement.", null, null, null, null, null, "KamazTier21\nRead the statement he expressed a desire to pursue his opportunities elsewhere thus his bench is requested by boros himself.\n2022-05-19 15:04\n8 replies\n#81\n\nLoOuU2\nWelp, there goes another Endpoint carry. Not necessarily snatched by some top org this time but rather moved on to the bench first. Good for BOROS! deserves a better team. Good luck to him !\n2022-05-19 14:59\n#14\n\nGedolt\nArticles on hltv should be just one sentence of text so your average user understands. This article summarised would be \"boros wanted bench seek out new team\"\n2022-05-19 15:42\n4 replies\n#78\nf0rest |\n\nshrimpony\nThats one way to look at it. Im in the other camp, users should learn to read the post before commenting on it, especially when their question or misunderstanding is explained in the original post.\n2022-05-19 15:44\n2 replies\n#83\n\nhermion\nIf you know most readers will only read the title, you probably should try to accurately report the story in the title, you can't really force people to read more.\n2022-05-19 15:53\n6 replies\n#92\nOogaBooga69 |\n\nshrimpony\nI dont agree at all. Rather them trying to improve the community over dumbing themselves down and encouraging in my oppinion the wrong behaviour.\n2022-05-19 16:23\n4 replies\n#113\n\nRobitussin\nThey’re not gonna improve. People live their entire lives reading only headlines and blindly believing it. It’s been like this forever, most people are stupid, and they should deal with it.\n2022-05-19 17:13\n3 replies\n#122\nf0rest |\n\nshrimpony\nI dont even know how to respond to you generalizing every person alive aswell as dead. You sure its not just based on you generalizing a niche community you spent 5 months participating in? Atleast those were the people I was talking about but im not as experienced and wise as you obviously. And talking from life experience, people do improve when given encouragement to do so. Its good for their own sake aswell as good overall. Wtf would happen to the world if people just stoped trying to improve and stoped encouraging others to do the same..\n2022-05-19 17:44\n2 replies\n#127\n\nRobitussin\nMy first registered account is 5 years old, currently banned. How exactly do you encourage people to read more by just not putting the actually relevant information into a headline? Who's going to teach them? You? People here still act as if he was kicked even after the #26 message. It's always been like that and will stay forever, just admit it.\n2022-05-19 17:49\n#158\nmezii |\n\nsmakolyk\nA person is a being brought up in the culture of which it was born, in order for something good to come out of him, you need to educate his son in a certain culture, and then the son of his son, and perhaps then the person will change. People don't change, and if they do, genes make themselves felt. But by doing that, we limit human in its rights, so all good ppl = inpossible\n2022-05-20 01:19\n#28\n\n_n1ght\nWhy r people saying OG should pick him up lmao, do you really think OG would bench niko with several years of tier 1 expirience for a 18 year old twerp who shat the bed at his first LAN tier 1 event lmao. Ik flamez came from endpoint but that doesn't mean boros will. People really are delusional\n2022-05-19 15:38\n1 reply\n#69\n\nToxicDUD\nwhy do you think these middle easterners leave shortly after israeli has joined. I dont blame them, ISSA has tweeted about Israel being a terrorist state and whatnot, if he really believed that im sure there would have been beef, same here I think\n2022-05-19 17:43\n2 replies\n#121\nGet_Jeka |", null ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Nazanin", "alt_text": "Iran: Debt Payment Not Related to British Mother\u2019s Release", "rendered_width": 625, "original_width": 625, "original_height": 355, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703529128.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20210122051338-20210122081338-00697.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 34220487, "warc_record_length": 13772}
[ null, "The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman has rejected media reports that the British government’s willingness to pay Iran a decades-long debt of about $600 million is related to the potential release of a British mother jailed by the Islamic Republic. “The case of Nazanin Zaghari and the issue of the debt payment to Iran by the British government are separate matters,” Bahram Ghassemi told the Islamic Students’ News Agency today. “Ms. Nazanin Zaghari’s case has been reviewed by the Iran court and she has been sentenced after carrying out the necessary legal process,” he added.\n\nGhassemi’s reaction came after the British media reported that the government of Theresa May has sought legal advice on the potential transfer of the debt payment to Iran in an effort to secure the release of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British-Iranian who is serving a five-year jail term in Iran. The British government also denied the payment is related to Zaghari-Ratcliffee’s case.\n\nComment: Intelligence agents from the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (I.R.G.C.)’s Sepah-e Sarallah bureau in Kerman Province arrested Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a Thomson Reuters charity worker in the UK, at Tehran Airport on April 3, 2016. Her toddler daughter was with her. Five months later, a revolutionary court in Tehran sentenced her to five years in prison on vague and spurious “national security-related” charges. I.R.G.C. officials also accused her of “executing media and online campaigns as a member of foreign organizations” to foment a “soft overthrow” of Iran’s Islamic regime – allegations she and her family have strenuously denied.\n\nIn November, her husband, Richard Ratcliffe, said that I.R.G.C. officials are using his wife as a “bargaining chip” to secure a decades-old £500 million debt for a tank deal from the British government. The International Campaign for Human Rights, an independent US-based rights watchdog, also called on Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to release Zaghari-Ratcliffee and end the practice of arresting dual nationals by I.R.G.C. intelligence operatives to “collect ransom money and demonstrate political muscle.”\n\nThe recent arrests of dual nationals by Iran show that incentivizing I.R.G.C.’s bad behavior only encourages it to continue taking Americans and Europeans of Iranian origin hostage for financial and political purposes." ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Mug shot background templates t", "alt_text": "The Hot Springs Police Department has named 18-year-old Dyonsae Merraye Famous as the suspect involved in Thursday's shooting.", "original_width": 800, "original_height": 533, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703517966.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20210119042046-20210119072046-00741.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 702715411, "warc_record_length": 10958}
[ null, "The Hot Springs Police Department has named 18-year-old Dyonsae Merraye Famous as the suspect in the shooting that occurred on Potter Street Thursday evening.\n\nOfficers responded at 5:44 p.m. to the 300 block of Potter St., in reference to a shooting, according to a report.\n\nOn arrival, officers were told the 16-year-old victim had been brought to a local hospital by a private vehicle, officers said.\n\nAuthorities said Famous had fired a weapon from a vehicle.\n\nAccording to authorities, officers made contact with the injured teen and found the victim had injuries consistent with a shooting.\n\nPolice obtained felony warrants for Famous for first-degree battery and unlawful discharge of a firearm that remain active." ]
[ "", null ]
[{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "EvanTubeHD Net Worth", "rendered_width": 640, "rendered_height": 366, "original_width": 640, "original_height": 366, "format": "jpeg"}, null]
{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103945490.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20220701185955-20220701215955-00399.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 695463032, "warc_record_length": 24574}
[ null, "EvanTubeHD is a YouTube channel run by Jared and Evan, father and son. They are uploading videos which content is reviewing toys.\n\nEvan was born on December 6, 2005, in Pennsylvania, which is located in the United States. His father Jared is a filmmaker, and together with Evan, his wife Alisa and their other child, Jillian, have a number of YouTube channels with various content. Jared and Alisa are known as DaddyTube and MommyTube, and they are both YouTube celebrities. In addition to Evan and Jillian, they have another child called Chloe.\n\nThere isn’t much information about Evan’s educational background, but we can assume that he is going to some local school somewhere in his city.\n\nEvan and Jared started making videos in 2011, and Jared didn’t know anything about monetizing videos. When the channel started attracting more and more subscribers, he noticed that there is some monetize option, and he wanted to try it out. That is when he realized that they could actually make some money out of their YouTube uploads. Evan’s first video was titled “Angry Birds Stop Motion by EvanTubeHD – My very first YouTube Video!”\n\nEvanTubeHD is Evan’s creation, and everything started when Evan asked his father Jared one day if he could make a video together with him. Jared was excited to do it, as he was a filmmaker, and he enjoys spending time with his son. When Jared added some special effects in the first couple of videos, people started watching them and immediately fell in love. It was about reviewing toys. It sounds simple, but the two created such amazing content, that Evan’s popularity only grew bigger and bigger as time went by. At first, it was Angry Birds toys, but now that collection includes Lego, Moshi Monsters and Star War toys amongst others.\n\nAfter toy reviewing, Evan went on with some science experiments and some clay modeling. Due to the fact that there was some new content involved, he started getting more and more subscribers, and thus his fame just grew. Evan decided to create separate YouTube accounts for various content, and so today we have EvanTubeGAMING that is made just for games. There Evan posts videos with him playing video and computer games like Minecraft, Disney Infinity, Roblox, Skylanders amongst others.\n\nAnother channel is called EvanTubeRAW, and that is for vlogging purposes. There you can see things that Evan does in his ordinary everyday life. When he visited LEGOLAND in California, he created a video about it and uploaded it to this vlogging channel.\n\nEvan and his sister Jillian are doing various things together too, and that can also be seen on YouTube. Jillian has her separate YouTube account, called JillianTubeHD.\n\nEvan’s YouTube fame even got him into some acting career. In an animated movie called Beyond Beyond, Evan gave his voice to the main character named Jonah. Evan was also found himself in a deal for an ad for Spy Gear. Evan and Jillian were once guests for Jimmy Fallon and his television talk show. The first acting experience that Evan had was in ‘The Fixits,’ which premiered on Disney XD channel. “The Fixits’ is a fantasy and adventure series created by Disney.\n\nEvan is currently four feet high and weighs 40 kg, but considering that he is just a child, he will grow and gain more weight. Evan has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He is also active on social media and has a lot of followers. You can find him on Twitter, Instagram, and even, where he is a big hit.\n\nEvanTubeHD has more than eight million subscribers by now. Just from ads on their videos, the channel is earning around $4000 a day. That makes it $1.5 million annually.\n\nEvanTubeGaming has 1.4 million subscribers now, and that gets Evan’s family a sum of $480 a day. In addition to YouTube, Evan and his family wealth come from other projects too, and we mentioned that Evan even got into some acting, too. With everything considered, the family’s estimated net worth in 2022 is around $15 million." ]
[ "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-34/segments/1596439738777.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20200811115957-20200811145957-00151.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 772756568, "warc_record_length": 10920}
[ null, "Nick Cave's solo performance at an iconic UK venue is set to premiere online this month.\n\nLast month, the Aussie music icon played at Alexandra Palace in London and fans around the globe will get to witness the performance, which features some of his biggest tracks and rare cuts, including work from early Bad Seeds and Grinderman and 2019 album, Ghosteen.\n\nThe set was filmed in the venue's stunning West Hall by award-winning cinematographer Robbie Ryan (Marriage Story, The Favourite).\n\nTickets for the show, premiering in Australia at 8pm on 23 July, are on sale now." ]
[ null, "", "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null, "", null ]
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{"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304528.78/warc/CC-MAIN-20220124094120-20220124124120-00695.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 573204394, "warc_record_length": 26345}
[ "The honor 8X arrives in Malaysia for less than RM1,000", null, null, "Today, Huawei’s sub-brand honor, has finally taken the wraps off its highly-anticipated mid-range smartphone in Malaysia, and it is called the honor 8X. This device is an affordable version of the Nova 3i that comes with a bigger display. So if you are looking for a device priced under RM1,000 with a large display, this device is worth checking out.", null, "In terms of hardware specifications, the honor 8X has a notched 6.5-inch Full HD+ display that pushes a resolution of 2340×1080 pixels. It sports a 2.5D double texture aurora glass body and gets a 91% screen-to-body-ratio. Powering the device is an octa-core Kirin 710 processor along with Huawei’s GPU Turbo for a better gaming experience. The device also gets 4GB of RAM and 128GB of onboard storage which is expandable via a microSD.\n\nKeeping its lights on is a 3750 mAh battery that charges via a micro USB port. Out of the box, the handset runs on Android 8.1 Oreo with honor’s EMUI 8.2 skin on top of it. The device also accommodates two nano SIM cards and has a dedicated slot for micro SD.", null, "Besides that, the device houses a dual AI rear camera setup that comprises a 20MP primary sensor and a 2MP secondary sensor for bokeh effects. It has an AI assisted Night mode similar to the Huawei P20 Pro that lets you take long exposure shots in handheld mode. For selfies, it has a 16MP camera setup that’s also enhanced with AI photography features.", null, "The honor 8X is officially priced at RM949 and it’s available in Black and Blue. First sales will start online on and Shopee on 12th October, and it will come with a free flip cover, RM100 voucher, a gift box and an honor band 3. It’s also available offline starting 13th October at MyTown Cheras and they are also offering the same free gifts with an extra backpack.", null, "The honor 8X arrives in Malaysia for less than RM1,000" ]