license: etalab-2.0
- image-classification
- image-segmentation
- climate
- remote sensing
- Agricultural
- 1K<n<10K
🌱 PASTIS-HD 🌿 Panoptic Agricultural Satellite TIme Series : optical time series, radar time series and very high resolution image
PASTIS is a benchmark dataset for panoptic and semantic segmentation of agricultural parcels from satellite time series. It contains 2,433 patches within the French metropolitan territory with panoptic annotations (instance index + semantic label for each pixel). Each patch is a Sentinel-2 multispectral image time series of variable lentgh.
This dataset have been extended in 2021 with aligned radar Sentinel-1 observations for all 2433 patches.
For each patch, it constains approximately 70 observations of Sentinel-1 in ascending orbit, and 70 observations in descending orbit. This extension is named PASTIS-R.
We extend PASTIS with aligned very high resolution satellite images from SPOT 6-7 constellation for all 2433 patches in addition to the Sentinel-1 and 2 time series. The image are resampled to a 1m resolution and converted to 8 bits. This enhancement significantly improves the dataset's spatial content, providing more granular information for agricultural parcel segmentation. PASTIS-HD can be used to evaluate multi-modal fusion methods (with optical time series, radar time series and VHR images) for parcel-based classification, semantic segmentation, and panoptic segmentation.
- Dataset in numbers
🛰️ Sentinel 2 | 🛰️ Sentinel 1 | 🛰️ SPOT 6-7 VHR | 🗻 Annotations |
➡️ 2,433 time series | ➡️ 2 time 2,433 time series | ➡️ 2,433 images | 124,422 individual parcels |
➡️ 10m / pixel | ➡️ 10m / pixel | ➡️ 1m / pixel | covers ~4,000 km² |
➡️ 128x128 pixels / images | ➡️ 128x128 pixels / images | ➡️ 1280x1280 pixels / images | over 2B pixels |
➡️ 38-61 acquisitions / series | ➡️ ~ 70 acquisitions / series | ➡️ One observation | 18 crop types |
➡️ 10 spectral bands | ➡️ 2 spectral bands | ➡️ 3 spectral bands |
The Sentinel imagery used in PASTIS was retrieved from THEIA: "Value-added data processed by the CNES for the Theia data cluster using Copernicus data. The treatments use algorithms developed by Theia’s Scientific Expertise Centres. "
The annotations used in PASTIS stem from the French land parcel identification system produced by IGN.
The SPOT images are opendata thanks to the Dataterra Dinamis initiative in the case of the "Couverture France DINAMIS" program.
If you use PASTIS please cite the related paper:
title={Panoptic Segmentation of Satellite Image Time Series
with Convolutional Temporal Attention Networks},
author={Sainte Fare Garnot, Vivien and Landrieu, Loic },
For the PASTIS-R optical-radar fusion dataset, please also cite this paper:
title = {Multi-modal temporal attention models for crop mapping from satellite time series},
journal = {ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing},
year = {2022},
doi = {},
author = {Vivien {Sainte Fare Garnot} and Loic Landrieu and Nesrine Chehata},