#Person1#: How do you think should I handle this problem? #Person2#: You'd just let sleeping dogs lie. #Person1#: But I'm already in a lot of trouble with my boss. #Person2#: Anything you say or do might make it worse. Just try to ride out the storm for a while. #Person1#: She's always bothering me. What should I do? #Person2#: You'd better leave her alone. #Person1#: But she always harps on me. #Person2#: Just tell her off. #Person1#: Yes, great!
#Person1# asks #Person2# how to handle the troubles, and #Person2# suggests telling the boss off.
Andy: Check this out: [link] Kate: It doesn't open. Philip: I'll check it later!
Kate can't open the link Andy has sent.
#Person1#: What a wonderful game! #Person2#: Yes, the weather is wonderful, the game is wonderful and the players are wonderful. #Person1#: I think John is the best player on the field. #Person2#: He certainly is. He is the Peckham in our collage. #Person1#: Maybe he shouldn't come to collage, he should become a football star.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about a wonderful football game and a player named John.
the wall repairman: Hi goblin: Hello Repairman. the wall repairman: I am very well goblin: I dont like it here the wall repairman: why is that? It is lovely here goblin: So many people come around. the wall repairman: Then you can change your location goblin: Dont be loud. the wall repairman: I am not. goblin: I am trying to stay alive. That is why I avoid people. Did you come with the guard? the wall repairman: Naaah..I am here alone. I came to check if the wall needs repair goblin: Grab the torch. There a lot of algae in the cave. the wall repairman: Great. can you please show me the way? Summarize the dialogue
The goblin doesn't like it here because there are too many people. The wall repairman came to check if the wall needs repair.
insects: Ho giant one! What are you? Summarize the dialogue
Ho giant one! What are you?
leader: So you feel it to. I'm worried an attack is imminent. Make sure the men are ready in case guard: Oh yes. They are all ready. Is the enemy close? leader: I...I don't know. Can you send scout's out to see? Something is not right here and I'm worried guard: Scouts..go patrol the area. There have also been less people coming in today. leader: I have a feeling the crazy king to the west is getting ready to attack. He doesn't know who he's messing with guard: No he doesn't. I heard his troops aren't orderly during battle. leader: Well that's not surprising. Have you met the king? I don't think he's all organized himself guard: I would want to kill him if I have met him! leader: Well I thought we had come to a peace agreement. It seems I was wrong. We will put an end to him guard: Do you want me to go and guard the King? Summarize the dialogue
leader is worried about an attack from the west. The guard is worried about the king's behavior.
Rob: I'm running late Josh: It's fine, I'm running late too Trevor: Man, I'm waiting already, be fast
They are late for their appointment with Trevor.
#Person1#: OK, boys. It's time that you learn how to do your own laundry. Who can tell me the first thing that you need to do? #Person2#: Separate the whites from the dark colours. #Person1#: Good job, Matt. Now, what do you do after you put the clothes in the washer? #Person2#: Choose the speed, size of the load and water temperature that you want. #Person1#: Excellent, Matt. You're almost ready to do this yourself. You just forgot one thing, put in the soap, before you start the machine. Then press the start button and wait until the washer makes the short high sound. That means the cycle is complete, then what do we do? #Person2#: Clean out the dryer and then put the clothes in it, choose the temperature level and timing and press start. #Person1#: Good job, Matt. You sound like you're ready to go. Be sure never to leave the machines going if you're not at home and make sure to take out the clothes and fold them as soon as their dry, so they don't wrinkle. Now you can do this all by yourselves!
#Person1# asks Matt the steps of doing laundry. #Person1# reminds Matt to put in the soap before starting the machine and asks Matt to do it all by himself.
#Person1#: Bell Computers Limited, can I help you? #Person2#: Hello, I'd like to speak to Mike please. #Person1#: Hold on please. #Person2#: Hello, I'm afraid Mike's unavailable right now. He's in a meeting. Can I take a message? #Person1#: Yes, can you please let him know I called and ask him to call me back as soon as he can? My name's Mary, and I'm calling from Happy Travel. My number is 123 456 789. #Person2#: Sorry, could you repeat that please? #Person1#: Yes, 123 456 789, Mary from Happy Travel. Have you got that? #Person2#: Let me read that back to you, 123 456 789, Mary from Happy Travel. I'll ask him to get back you as soon as he can. #Person1#: Great. Thanks. #Person2#: Anything else? #Person1#: No, that's it. Thanks. Bye. #Person2#: Bye.
Mary wants to speak to Mike. #Person2# tells her Mike is unavailable and helps her to leave a message.
his wife: What are you doing in here? I was expecting the stable boy. the groundskeeper of the castle: Excuse me? his wife: Well, you're not supposed to get back until six, which means I still have three hour left with the stable boy. the groundskeeper of the castle: I came home early to surprise you. How dare you defile our bedroom with him! Summarize the dialogue
the groundskeeper of the castle came home early to surprise his wife. She was expecting the stable boy.
visitor: Ha! You're a royal. You pay no taxes. You just reap the rewards of all of those that you rule. royalty: You are reading the fake news, visitor! I pay the same taxes. Higher taxes! Maybe we should banish all taxes. I'll be happy with that. visitor: Banish all taxes? Then who will pay for your glorious palaces and all your staff? royalty: I don't live here. I am visiting just like you. Don't assume all royals are the same. visitor: Perhaps. Here- have some of this boysenberry tart. My wife made it fresh this morning. royalty: Why thank you. I can afford everything i want but it's nice to have a homecooked meal. visitor: Now, speak to me more about this cessation of taxation that you mentioned. royalty: Well, I was thinking of ending all taxes, but I need more support. visitor: I can gather villagers from the three surrounding towns to support you. royalty: Oh yes. They will bow before me while I help them have no more taxes! Summarize the dialogue
royalty pays taxes. He wants to banish all taxes. The visitor will gather villagers to support him.
#Person1#: Did you hear about Joe? She hasn't eaten for days. #Person2#: Why? What's eating her? #Person1#: Love sick. You know who she's in love with? #Person2#: I don't have the slightest idea. #Person1#: Someone you're living with. #Person2#: What? Not my Dad, I hope!? #Person1#: Come on, Mary, it's your brother, Jack. #Person2#: No kidding! Jack is such a log! He's never dated a girl. #Person1#: The problem with Joe is that she's too shy to tell him. #Person2#: And the problem with Jack is that he seems to have no interest in girls. He's putting his heart into his stamp collection. #Person1#: Well, if you want to help your friend, you should do something about it.
#Person1# tells Mary that Joe's in love with Mary's brother Jack. Mary is surprised and thinks Jack only loves his stamp collection.
#Person1#: Sir, are you alright? Just try to calm down, Sir. What's happened? #Person2#: I've lost my Traveller's Cheques, all of them. #Person1#: OK, just take a deep breath, Sir. Everything is going to be fine. Here's a form to report missing Traveller's Cheques, whatever the reason. Please fill it in and we can get moving on this. #Person2#: I see. You need the reference numbers? For each cheque? #Person1#: Yes, Sir. Do you have that information with you? At this bank, we always recommend our customers write down the reference number of each Traveller's Cheque and keep it in a safe place away from the Traveller's Cheques.
#Person2# lost #Person2#'s Traveller's Cheques and #Person1# asks #Person2# to fill in a form and offer reference numbers.
farmer: I like her... cow: Me too, when I am not having to provide milk for them all of the time. farmer: you're a lucky one, though. See that one over there? It's what's for dinner... cow: Thank you, I am glad I am the lucky one! farmer: well, the Mrs. likes you best because of your markings.... cow: I am glad she likes my markings because I would hate to see what would happen if she didn't. farmer: Don't worry too much about it missy...she made me promise to keep you around a long time. cow: Oh, thank goodness for that! farmer: I'll do anything she asks me to do.... anything. cow: Well I am glad you do what she asks but would you keep me around if it were up to just you? farmer: Aye, you're a good cow... cow: Thank you, thank you, thank you! farmer: Are you getting enough grass? cow: There is grass to last many days as long as the other animals don't eat it all. Summarize the dialogue
farmer likes the cow because of her markings. The cow is getting enough grass to last many days.
hoakbera: Good day! gobber: Good Day is there any humans around? hoakbera: I haven't seen any. Why do you ask? gobber: Because I am scared of them! hoakbera: I think you are safe for now. Why are you here? If you don't mind me asking. gobber: I am hungry I am looking for grub. I seem to be lost hoakbera: You are not from around here? gobber: I have been swimming through the swamp looking for any bugs i can scavenge and have gotten turned around! hoakbera: I don't know if I can be of much help. I'm sorry. gobber: What are you doing here? Summarize the dialogue
gobber is lost in the swamp. Hoakbera is afraid of humans.
guard: Well what do you propose, princess? princess: Well I suppose we can start with a bit of music to lighten up this room. guard: I'm not a jester, I'm a guard and I won't be subjected to that. princess: You're no fun are you. Is there anything interesting in your life? guard: Why yes, I have plenty that I like just not being forced to play the flute. princess: What a loss! The flute is a magical instrument. guard: Magical you say? That's quite interesting but it would have to be very magical for me to play that. princess: I want you to do something about the Viscount my father is forcing me to marry. guard: Excuse me? What do you mean? princess: Well, you know.. a man so skilled as you surely has a trick or two to make someone disappear.. guard: Perhaps, but what would I get in return? As this would be quite dangerous to me. princess: Money, of course. Unless you have something else in mind. Summarize the dialogue
princess wants the guard to help her get rid of the viscount her father forced her to marry.
dignitary: My apologies for being so handsy. It is a nice blade though, I must say. traveler: Very handsy. I am sorry for overreacting. I am just very nervous to be carrying such valuable goods. dignitary: I understand your concerns. Though I do hope you have your items insured in case anything does go missing on your travels. traveler: Ha! Yes, of course. I always worry about those things when I travel so I have my valuables insured, however, these spices are very rare. Replacing them, even insured, will be very trying if they are stolen. dignitary: It seems my ship is getting ready to board. Mind giving me your contact information so that we can exchange stories of our journeys? traveler: Uhm... why sure..as long as you do not pass this along to bandits who may find me later in my journey. It is always to good to keep in contact with someone as established as yourself. Summarize the dialogue
dignitary is very handsy with the traveler's blade. The traveler is nervous about the valuable goods he is carrying. The dignitary wants to exchange stories of their journeys.
#Person1#: Bob, I'm sure you know about secondhand smoke. #Person2#: Of course, I do. #Person1#: But have you heard about thirdhand smoke? #Person2#: Third hand smoke? I'm afraid not. What is it then? #Person1#: Well, it's here in today's paper. Parents may think they are protecting children from secondhand smoke when they smoke outside their home or only when the children are not there. But now researchers are warning about what they call third hand smoke. When you smoke dangerous matter from cigarettes gets into your hair and clothing. As babies are the weakest when you come to a baby. You pass it to the baby and increase the chances of disease in the baby. #Person2#: Is that so? In that case. I have to say that I should never get close to a baby. #Person1#: That's right. Actually, all smoking parents should do the same or better give it up completely.
#Person1# describes to Bob the definition of thirdhand smoke. Dangerous matters will get into hair and clothing when people smoke, so parents should quit smoking.
Sarah: So I'm the last person on earth who can't drive :') Kylie: Nooo... There's my little sister... ;) Sarah: She's 12! Kylie: Have you ever tried to learn? Sarah: Once... When I was 16 and it was a disaster...
Sarah cannot drive.
#Person1#: Well, we'll certainly stay here again next time we're passing through. #Person2#: Good. Do let us know in advance and we'll try to get you the same room. #Person1#: That would be lovely. It may be quite soon in fact. #Person2#: Oh? How is that? #Person1#: Well. We are driving to the South of Spain in the next couple of days and we may come back this way. #Person2#: Do give us a ring if you decide to. I hope you'll have a pleasant trip.
#Person1# tells #Person2# that #Person1# will stay at the same place again next time passing through. #Person2# promises to get #Person1# the same room.
#Person1#: Well, I see you've got your books, George. But are you reading? Looks like you're just coloring. #Person2#: I'm marking the important parts of the book. The colors are for different things. #Person1#: Like what? #Person2#: Main ideas are yellow. Important details to remember are pink and the light green is for difficult ideas. #Person1#: This seems like a lot of activities. Aren't you wasting your time? #Person2#: I don't think so, mom. I'll read it all tonight. I'll listen to it tomorrow. And then when it's time to study, I will already know most of the information. #Person1#: In my day, we just read the book and tried to remember the information. #Person2#: The teacher told us the importance of active reading. And it's the best way to learn at whatever speed you choose. #Person1#: I see. And what's this notebook for? #Person2#: That's for taking notes. What kind of things do you write down? #Person1#: Sometimes I write a summary. On this page I write down questions. And of course I have another page where I write down the new words.
George tells his mother that marking the important parts of the book in different colors is his way of learning. He also takes notes on the notebook and sometimes writes a summary.
Scarlett: hi there! You know whom Ive just met? You won't believe me. Scarlett: Anna Smith, that famous actress! Rett: Oh wow! And what does she look like? Scarlett: not as pretty as on tv;) Sue: No wonder ;) they always make them look so mich better on tv! Rett: definitely! Scarlett: sure. And I guess she was followed by some paparazzis. Scarlett: I felt like in a movie! Susie: haha
Scarlett met Anna Smith, famous actress, who was followed by some paparazzis. Scarlett feelt like in a movie.
servant: hi priest: Good evening, child servant: Good evening your Holiness priest: How can I help you? servant: I need your prayers Summarize the dialogue
servant needs the priest's prayers.
#Person1#: I found out when Jim's birthday is. It's this Friday. #Person2#: Let's plan a surprise party for him! #Person1#: Can you spread the word and ask everyone to bring some kind of snack food? #Person2#: That's easy. Anything else? #Person1#: Will you call his wife and let her know so that if she is available, she can come too? #Person2#: Won't he be surprised! #Person1#: I don't know how old he is though. #Person2#: That's O. K. Maybe his wife will spill the beans!
#Person1# and #Person2# are planning a surprise birthday party for Jim this Friday.
genie: I do wish to be free. Can you help me? Will I be able to grant wishes still? god of their pagan religion: Yes, but to a far lesser degree. There is no way to undo the powerful magics binding you without also significantly reducing your power. Capable of, perhaps, minor healings, slight changes in weather, this sort of thing. On par with a minor wizard. But you'd have your freedom. genie: Then release me. I want to explore the world. god of their pagan religion: Then by the might of my hand I obliterate your seal! You are free genie! Now, I have a little favor to ask: it's a sticky situation and I would appreciate your help. You are free to refuse. genie: Oh I hope I can help! Summarize the dialogue
god of their pagan religion will free the genie. The genie will be able to grant wishes but to a lesser degree.
Ken: Racing on Sunday? Damien: Sure! But I heard it's gonna rain:( Barry: I'll check but I'm pretty sure you're thinking Saturday Damien: You think so? Ken: Oh man, no please, I need some sport action my dudes! Damien: haha we can bike in the rain:D no problem Barry: What the hell:D I'm down too
Ken, Damien and Barry will go cycling on Sunday even if it rains.
#Person1#: Jimmy, I called you yesterday, but you didn't pick up. #Person2#: I'm sorry Amy, I came home very late yesterday evening because Jennie and Bill invited me for a picnic. #Person1#: Oh, how lovely, did you enjoy yourself? #Person2#: Yes, I had a great time. #Person1#: When did you go to have the picnic? #Person2#: Jenny and Bill came in their car at about 9:00 o'clock in the morning and we left soon afterwards. #Person1#: And where did you go for the picnic? #Person2#: We went to Beihai Park. #Person1#: Oh, it's lovely in Beihai Park at this time of year. #Person2#: Yes, it was sunny and there were lots of people, we had lunch near the river. Then, after lunch. We went for a walk along the river and looked at the beautiful view there. #Person1#: What did you do then? #Person2#: We had a drink in a bar there and made some friends, we played cards and laughed, then we started to drive home. It took us a long time to arrive home because there was a lot of traffic on the road. #Person1#: Well, that was a lovely day. #Person2#: That's right. So why did you call me? #Person1#: Oh, I wanted to give your book back, so are you free now? #Person2#: Ok, let's meet at the cafe downstairs in 30 minutes. #Person1#: Well, see you then.
Jimmy didn't pick up a phone call from Amy because Jimmy was having a fun picnic. Amy will meet him later to return his book.
Xavier: I’m not going to vote Rodney: Why what happened o.o Xavier: I don’t feel like I know enough about the candidates Rodney: You should go, we talked about this Xavier: Yes but I changed my mind I don’t think any good will come out of it if I’m ignorant Rodney: I don’t agree, but it’s your choice
Xavier has changed his mind and is not going to vote. Rodney thinks he should.
#Person1#: It's time for desserts! Are you still hungry? #Person2#: I've always got room for something sweet! #Person1#: what are you going to try first? #Person2#: I've never tried traditional Greek yogurt, so I want to try that first. #Person1#: do they serve the yogurt with anything? #Person2#: I believe they add locally produced honey to it. #Person1#: that sounds good. I'm going to start with an Italian tiramisu. #Person2#: do you want to try some of my yogurt. It's a favorite everyday dessert in Greece. #Person1#: ok. Mmm. #Person2#: what do you think? How does it taste? #Person1#: it's nice, but it's rather plain. Do you want to try my tiramisu? #Person2#: sure. I'll just have a bite. #Person1#: what do you think? Does it taste good? #Person2#: it's absolutely delicious! That is the best tiramisu I've ever had! #Person1#: I'm glad you like it. I don't care for it. Why don't you finish my tiramisu so that I can try one of those fried bananas? #Person2#: ok. I've had one of those before. They're really sweet and crunchy. #Person1#: do you know where they are from. #Person2#: I believe they are a local delicacy in the South. #Person1#: do you want me to get you one, too? #Person2#: yeah, why not? We've already pigged out as it is! #Person1#: ok, I'll be back with two fried bananas in a few minutes. Wait for me here!
#Person2# tries Greek yogurt which #Person1# thinks it's rather plain. #Person1# has an Italian tiramisu which #Person2# thinks delicious. They both decide to have fried bananas and #Person1# will bring bananas back.
the king: I am so happy you could join, tell me more about yourself party goer. party goers: This is what I live for! My friends and I enjoy music and wine every night till sunrise. What an incredible palace for this party! I still can't believe how large it is. the king: It is a grand ball, anything for my kingdom, I want you to rejoice like I rejoice. party goers: How generous of you, King. Thank you. Do you rejoice like this every night? the king: Why do you think I rejoice like this every night!!! I am not a lazy king! party goers: Well, I've already mentioned that my friends and I party every night so I thought maybe you did as well. the king: I am a King, I have important things to do! I do not have time to talk to silly party goers! party goers: Please, forgive me King. It was not my intention to upset you. What can I do to make things right? the king: Run and fetch me a drink party goers: O Summarize the dialogue
The king is throwing a party. Party goers are surprised by the size of the palace. The king wants them to fetch him a drink.
lawyer: Would you like me to seek the death penalty? Or is that too harsh for the lad? town sheriff: I don't need some dead kid on my hands. Just make sure he is dealt with. I don't want him interefering with the kingom. lawyer: I can push for a life sentence then, sheriff. It will be easy to persuade the jury that he is too dangerous to ever be released. town sheriff: Rather just see him expelled from our lands. Let someone else deal with the critter. lawyer: I suppose I can arrange for a transfer to a detention center on the other side of the country. One that is more secure than our local prison. town sheriff: Long as we get him away from this place. I believe you can do that. lawyer: Have you consulted with the king? What is his personal opinion? town sheriff: The king hates the kid. He burned his old house. I think he'd dang near tear the kid up. I'm takin it easy on the kid Summarize the dialogue
town sheriff wants the kid to be expelled from the lands. The king hates the kid.
ghost: King... king... Ah, it has been so long, that I no longer recall it. Only my thirst for revenge has kept me in this form. bat: Well sire, perhaps I can help you. What revenge do you seek? ghost: There was a castle... the castle where I reigned. I thought it was here, but I cannot find even the lintel of a door... bat: The castle is not far. There is often insects near there and I hunt them at night. Come with me and I will show you the way ghost: Hm, how do I know that I can trust you, bat? How do I know you won't TURN on me like the others did?! bat: In truth sire you're disturbing my peace. I would be happy to do this small favour in exchange for some solitude ghost: Oh.. hrmph... very well then, Sir Bat. I knight you in honor of the duty you perform... should you perform it well... Summarize the dialogue
The ghost is looking for his castle. Bat will show him the way.
#Person1#: Can we talk? #Person2#: Sure, honey, we're talking now, aren't we? #Person1#: You know what I mean. #Person2#: Yeah. I know. #Person1#: I want to know where this relationship is going. I'm in love with you and I need to know. . . #Person2#: You know, I think you're awesome. #Person1#: I'm awesome. Well, I guess that's my answer, isn't it. #Person2#: Honey. . . #Person1#: Look, if you don't love me, it's not a thing, alright, we'Ve had our laughs, but I don't appreciate. . . maybe it's just time we. . . #Person2#: Baby, I love you so much. #Person1#: You do? #Person2#: I love you. And I think you're awesome. #Person1#: Oh, I love you too! #Person2#: Come on. Put the gun down. #Person1#: Oh baby, I'm so sorry.
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about where their relationship is going with a gun in #Person1#'s hand.
soldier: Yes! I will always share my food with animals. You are great help when I take lands for my King. bat: Very good! I'm happy to know you will treat me well. Do you have soldiers helping you? soldier: Yes, in the other town. Shh, do you hear that Bat? bat: Hmm... what could it be? soldier: Probably a towns person who is afraid. We will make sure and if so we will leave them be. bat: Yes - the people of this town can be evil. Best to avoid them. soldier: Will you keep this safe for me? It means a lot. I don't want these evil towns people to take it. bat: Yes, I will wear it on my chest and fly high above the peasants so they cannot take it. soldier: You are part of our battle now bat! You are our mascot! We will defend our beautiful kingdom. bat: We will, indeed! And then we will feast like kings! Summarize the dialogue
soldier shares his food with bat. The bat will keep soldier's possession safe.
a royal: A living corpse! Here in the Reception Area! Step aside and I'll slay the vile creature. care taker: Wait! Maybe it can do some manual labor. a royal: You're so clever! Maybe if the zombie is busy, it won't be so hungry. care taker: Now I am able to rela..... I mean do much more work now! a royal: Yes, you can take this bag that I've been carrying. It's so foggy in the courtyard, could there be more zombies out there? care taker: Shall I take a look outside? a royal: I'll go with you. I may be royalty, but I can still get my hands dirty. Come along, Michonne, I mean... what IS your name? care taker: I do not have a name those here call me "care taker"... a royal: OK Caretaker, I shall call you... Igor. Shall we put these zombies to work now? care taker: Of course let us slave these away! Summarize the dialogue
a royal and a care taker are going to put zombies to work.
#Person1#: What are you doing this Saturday, Gene? #Person2#: Well, first thing in the morning I'm going to take my driving test. #Person1#: Really? I thought you had a driver's license. #Person2#: No, I've never needed one. I've always lived in Boston and it's easy to get around on public transportation. But now I'm taking a job in Los Angeles. #Person1#: Congratulations. #Person2#: Thanks. But everyone knows that to live in LA you have to drive. So I've been taking lessons and I'm going to take my test tomorrow. #Person1#: Are you planning to buy a car once you pass your test? #Person2#: Yes, I've already picked out the car. I want a twenty sixteen Honda Accord. #Person1#: Oh, that's a nice looking car. #Person2#: It is. But I'm not buying it for that reason. It has the safety features that I want. #Person1#: Such as? #Person2#: Well, it has a back view camera. As a new driver, I feel more comfortable with that than with just a back view mirror. #Person1#: That makes sense. My Toyota has that too. #Person2#: It also tells you when you should stop or when it's safe to change lanes.
Gene will take a driving test to get a license, given that Gene has to drive living in LA. Gene will buy a twenty sixteen Honda Accord for its safety features.
Ellen: Are you taking a break now? Susie: Yep, in five, I just need to finish the report Ellen: Wanna get some coffee? Susie: Love to
Susie is taking a break in 5 after she's done with the report. Ellen wants to get some coffee with Susie.
Arnold: Mick has problems with maths Nicky: again? Arnold: yep. he's failed another test Nicky: not good. we need to talk to the teacher I think Arnold: true enough. i'll write to her Nicky: it's him Arn Arnold: seriously? i'm sure he had a female teacher? Nicky: he did last year. hes' a new guy at school Arnold: perhaps this is the problem. do you know how other kids are doing Nicky: not a clue. i can talk to mothers on whats app Arnold: good idea. and then perhaps we can plan what to do Nicky: and talk to Micky. he might need some extra lessons too Arnold: i bet he says no to that Nicky: sure, but we might just invite someone to explain to him Arnold: let's tlak about it in the afternnon, ok? Nicky: sure and I'll talk to the mothers meanwhile
Mick has failed another maths test. He has a new teacher this year. Nicky will talk to the other mothers. Later she and Arnold will talk about what they can do about it.
king: The war as started already, so i don't think legal counsels can be of help at the moment lawyer: You are ridiculous, my king. I need to slap some sense into you! king: how dare you? Do you not know who i am. I'll have you hanged for this lawyer: Absolutely not. A king that does not heed to his counsel is no king! Give me your cape and I will also have the crown as well. You are not fit for a king! The gods and goddesses are witness to your foolishness! king: You just sealed your death lawyer: I was just kidding, my king. Please forgive me! It was a test for your courage and will. Please have your cape. I only wish to serve you. king: So, you expect me to just forget you assaulted a king? lawyer: Yes, it was just a joke! Let's pray together so you can successfully win this war. Summarize the dialogue
The king doesn't want legal counsels to help him during the war. The lawyer is trying to get the king to listen to his advice.
Javier: Just finished the first 20 lines of code. Took me a while but it's done. Sergio: Nice! Paul also finished his ones so now we can start making the base of the program. Javier: Wanna meet at the library and start working asap? Sergio: That's a good idea, we don't have a lot of time.
Javier and Paul have both finished their lines of code. Javier and Sergio will meet in the library soon to start making the base of the program.
old man: I wonder if there is a way to read this golem's thoughts before giving it a mouth to speak. There must be a spell....hmmm.... traveler: A golem, you say? Have you had one too many cups, old man? old man: Do you not see this golem beside me? I gave him life and I use him for chores, I must have been too enthralled to notice you! Summarize the dialogue
old man wonders if there is a way to read a golem's thoughts before giving it a mouth to speak.
#Person1#: I have never done this before and don't know where to begin as far as making an offer on this house. #Person2#: Hi, just be relaxed. Leave the details of making the offer up to me. Now, please tell me. What were you thinking you should offer? #Person1#: All I know is that I absolutely must have this house! And I think I shall pay three hundred and fifty thousand dollars or more. #Person2#: It is best to start a little low on the first bid to allow for a counter-offer. How about offering three hundred and twenty thousand dollars? #Person1#: I hope that the owners aren't insulted by that offer. #Person2#: Your offering price is not out-of-line. The owners will either take it or make a counter-offer. #Person1#: Does it usually take very long for the owners to get back to you with an acceptance? #Person2#: It usually doesn't take very long for owners to respond to an offer. #Person1#: Should I be in touch with my bank to tell them to get the loan papers ready? #Person2#: The only thing you should do now is relax. You already are pre-qualified for your loan.
#Person1# wants to buy a house. #Person2# suggests starting low on the first bid to allow for a counter-offer but #Person1# worries that it will take very long. #Person2# says it won't.
Mom: put the soup into the fridge! Dina: why me? Mom: beacuse!!! Dina: ok, I will
Dina will put the soup in the fridge at Mom's request.
#Person1#: I would like to have a custom-made skirt. #Person2#: May I take your size? #Person1#: OK. I want it a bit close around the waist. #Person2#: No problem. #Person1#: How long will it take? #Person2#: About a week. #Person1#: What's the charge for the tailoring? #Person2#: 20 yuan for a skirt.
#Person1# wants a custom-made skirt from #Person2#.
#Person1#: Hello, China Travel Agency. May I have your name? #Person2#: Chaowei please. #Person1#: Hi Chaowei, how can I help. #Person2#: Yes. I'd like to travel to London. So I want you to make a reservation for me on May 1st. #Person1#: Okay Chaowei, just a moment, please. I'm sorry but the flights are fully booked on that day. The next available flight is on May 2nd. They have two flights, one is at 9:30 a. m. and another at 2:00 p. m. Both flights have seats available. #Person2#: That's great! I'd like to take the first available flight. I'll need an economy ticket. #Person1#: One way trip or round trip? #Person2#: One way trip. What's the fare, please? #Person1#: Economy fare for one way trip is 2, 300 yuan. #Person2#: I see. Is my ticket confirmed then? #Person1#: Yes, I have confirmed your ticket. #Person2#: Here is 2, 300 yuan. #Person1#: Thank you Chaowei. Here is the ticket and receipt. Have a good time.
Chaowei wants a flight to London on May 1st, but it's full. Then #Person1# helps Chaowei to book a one-way economy ticket at 9:30 a. m. May 2nd.
squirrel: Squirrel Stew!! Oh no! Don't eat me! person: Oh squirrel, you're way too skinny to make a good stew out of. Plus, I like you. Do you ever eat flowers? squirrel: Why I'd never eat flowers! They are too pretty to eat! person: I like to put dandelions in my squirrel stew. It's an unbelievable combination. You should come over for dinner some time. squirrel: I'd never trust a flower eater. Things that pretty are meant to be looked at, not eaten. person: I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but my mouth is watering just looking at you wearing that flower. You look tasty. squirrel: Get away from me you monster! I'm not afraid to bite! person: You call me a monster, yet you're the one threatening to bite me! Plus, I already said I liked you and invited you over for dinner. I was even going to get you some cashews. Summarize the dialogue
squirrel is scared of being eaten by a person. The person likes squirrels and invites the squirrel over for dinner.
Laura: don't u think it's strange I have to give them my adress to buy an ebook? Tom: wtf? for what??? Laura: I need to buy an ebook... Laura: the book is out of pirnt but I found this link on the author's website ... Tom: I see... Tom: is it secured? Laura: NO!!! Laura: it's kind of strange, I know Tom: try to buy it somewehre else.. Laura: I told the book is out of print Laura: that's the only ebook available... Tom: I wouldn't give them my card detaiils. Laura: exactly! Tom: gimme the title, maybe I can get u a torrrent Laura: thx <3 <# <file_othetr> Tom: ok. I'll let u know Laura: <3 <3
The website which sells an ebook Laura wants to buy is requiring some confidential data.
the bazaar owner: I wish that the oracle would be more concise. What am I supposed to do with THAT? a rat: Well... hm... what about this coin? Does it look... like Destiny, or something, to you? the bazaar owner: It looks like ten pence. Cheepskate. a rat: Hrm. Not even that, I'd say. Looks like someone's been chippin away at this coin. Can't even get a decent sliver of Cheddar for that amount. the bazaar owner: I prefer five year aged brie. You'd better not let that stall holder see you using his scales though a rat: Ha - be worth it if I could give him a scare. Maybe he'd run over and knock down that stall next to him. Good distraction's my bread and butter. the bazaar owner: Well I would not like to be in your slippers if you get caught. The only vermin we allow around here is politicians Summarize the dialogue
The rat is chipping away at the coin. The bazaar owner prefers five year aged brie.
guard: They do not come by the main gate. If you are looking to sell wares, then head to the marketplace. there is a door further down to let venors in. I cannot and will not do business with you while I am working and there is no one else here to buy your wares. vendor: Surely there is something that can be worked out...how about a coin for you to look the other way? guard: Now I know you are a spy! You must leave before I call the guards and they will take your wares and throw you in prison. vendor: OK OK. Whatever you say! Here, take the rest of my coins for your troubles! guard: Leave now and take your things with you! Or I will take them from you and give them to the poor vendor: Yes mi'lord! I shall leave at once! guard: No one shall put anything past me or the next will lose his freedom! vendor: Understood! I shall warn any other traveling merchants to stay away from the Main Gate at once! Summarize the dialogue
vendor wants to sell his wares at the main gate. The guard refuses. He threatens to call the guards and throw the vendor in prison.
Adam: it was me who called u Adam: call me back or text me when u can;-) Tina: sorry, I'm still at work.. Tina: so many pple today:/ :/ Tina: dunno what time I can leave and actually my phone is dying... Adam: I see, u can call me once you're back home, I won't be sleeping until late Tina: ok, and if it's really late then I'll call u 2morrow Adam: but don't do it before 9!;-) Tina: sure thing;-)
Adam called Tina. She is at work. Her cell's battery's low. She will cal Adam later in the evening or tomorrow after 9 am.
king: Fellow Ruler, we are here today, meeting in secret because of a common threat. Dragons are approaching from the beyond. kings: We must work together to fight these things, but how? They are mythical and magical... No one ever expected an attack from these.\ Summarize the dialogue
Dragons are approaching from the beyond. King and kings are meeting in secret to fight them.
#Person1#: Good morning. What can I do for you? #Person2#: Good morning. Would you like to tell me something about the computer? I've never seen this brand before. What is your superior brand? #Person1#: This is our new brand. I can make sure our computer board is one of the best boards. #Person2#: Can you tell me the specialty of your computer board? #Person1#: With pleasure. It's easy to have a memory expansion on board capacity and fulfill your needs for a computer. Besides, there is more space for extra cards to expand later on. #Person2#: What's the memory capacity of the computer? #Person1#: The hard drive has 260 G and the RAM is 4 G. #Person2#: Can you give me a wholesale list? #Person1#: Yes. The price differs depending on how many you want. #Person2#: Is the price negotiable? #Person1#: Yes. It depends. If you have a large order, we will give you a discount.
#Person1# introduces the specialty of their computer board to #Person2# and tells #Person2# they will give a discount if #Person2# has a large order.
#Person1#: What were you and Richard talking about earlier? It looked intense. #Person2#: Yeah, Richard said something to me that I didn't appreciate. #Person1#: Oh, no. I know how insensitive he can be. What has he done now? #Person2#: He asked me how long it took me to learn English. #Person1#: But, you were born and raised in California! #Person2#: Yeah, but I get that sometimes. It doesn't matter how many generations my family has lived in the U. S . , we'll always be foreigners in their eyes. #Person1#: What a racist! How can you stand working with the guy? #Person2#: You know, Richard isn't such a bad guy. He made the comment out of ignorance, not malice. #Person1#: So, what did you say when he asked you how long it took you to learn English? #Person2#: I told him 28 years. And, he knows I'm 28 years old since I just celebrated my birthday last week. He was puzzled for a minute, and then he got it. #Person1#: Are you sure he really got the message? #Person2#: Yeah, I'm pretty sure since I then asked him how long it took him to learn English. #Person1#: That's hilarious! What did he say? #Person2#: He said, ' 36 years, ' and we both laughed about it. He apologized and now, it's all good. #Person1#: I'm glad. I bet he won't make that mistake again.
#Person1# tells #Person2# that Richard asked #Person1# how long it took #Person1# to learn English but actually #Person1# was born in California. #Person2# thinks this is racist. #Person1# answered the question and asked Richard the same question, then Richard apologized to #Person1#.
audience member: "Well, of course you'd think that, you've seen it every showing. But I'm interested in seeing all the plays that come to town!" usher: I'm telling you, the main actress is awful and can't sing. audience member: "Mmm. Well, what about the main actor? Or the supporting cast? Are they good?" usher: They're good at drinking after the play is done, but their performances...? Eh. Anyway, the theater is pretty empty so you can have whatever seat you want. audience member: "Well, I mean, after that rousing review of the play... Hmmm.... Maybe the pub would be more interesting..." usher: Whatever you want to do. If you wait until this performance starts, I could join you for a pint. audience member: "Aye, that sounds good. What are the good places to get a drink around here?" usher: Actually there's a bar under this theater that most people don't know of...it has all the best ales. audience member: "Under? And it isn't staff and performers only?" Summarize the dialogue
usher: This is the worst play I've ever seen. The main actress is awful and can't sing. audience member: "Well, of course you'd think that, you've seen it every showing. But I'm interested in seeing all the plays that come to town!" us
spirit: am i are in the Forest entrance man: Who goes there? Are you here to torment me in my misery? spirit: no the path is narrow but i can fit man: The path? The path covered in rotten leaves? It feels my deflated spirit with the rich pain of the earth. It reminds me of my childhood... spirit: why man: When I was a child, I was constantly pushed down and kicked in the dirt. I am familiar with the scent of the dark forest's floor. spirit: mmmh continue man: Why are you here spirit? spirit: stop man: Have you only come to bother me? I am already surrounded by sorrow and haunted by an unfortunate past. What do you want?! spirit: am so sorry man for that man: Don't touch me, spirit. Tell me why you're here interrupting my wallowing through forest. spirit: sorry man dont do this am not here to harm you man: Why kind of spirit are you? I like to hear sad stories. They make my past not seem so dark. Summarize the dialogue
spirit is in the forest entrance. It reminds man of his childhood.
Lydia: why buying stuff is so complicated? Lydia: I just wanna buy good backpack for laptop that is classy Kiko: that's easy Kiko: you don't wanna buy crap Lydia: shouldn't that be easier? Kiko: taking into consideration what's classy for you, yeah Lydia: :( Kiko: also, you want something without huge logo Lydia: true Lydia: could you help me with that? Kiko: all I can recommend it buys stuff that has description of the padded back Kiko: many cool backpacks don't have it Lydia: ok Kiko: pick backpacks for travellers, they are water resistant and designed to have breatheable membrane Lydia: so Vans won't work? Kiko: depends on the model Kiko: ask some friends that hike, they will know Lydia: ok Kiko: and you backpack should mention it's designed to carry laptop Lydia: thanks Lydia: I'll start with that
Lydia is planning to buy a backpack for laptop. She's considering Vans.
king: Tell me a story, i am grow tired of sitting here in silence. servant: Okay, well I'm afraid I don't know too many stories, sir. Would Cinderella do? king: Is that all you know? Gosh I'll tell one than. servant: Yes, its the story my mother told me. I'm afraid I don't know how to read. I'd love to hear one sir king: Ok well i'll tel you the story of the great war. It started abotu 200 years ago. servant: Oh, that is a long time ago, sir. king: Yes it was, by great great grandfather was king. He found a spy in the kingdom and had him executed. servant: Oh a spy. I hope you don't find a spy in your castle. king: Not yet... just a word of advice, don't be a spy. servant: Never your majesty! king: Tis but a joke servant. servant: Yes of course your majesty. Summarize the dialogue
king wants the servant to tell him a story. The servant tells him the story of Cinderella. King's great great grandfather was king and he found a spy in the kingdom and had him executed.
Doreen: <file_picture> Doreen: <file_picture> Doreen: that's my new couch Doreen: what do u think? Alisa: beauty!!! Doreen: now I need only a cape :) Alisa: <3
Doreen has a new couch and needs a cape for it.
#Person1#: Could you tell me what university you went to, Mr. Smith? #Person2#: I went to Yale University. #Person1#: Did you? And what did you study? #Person2#: I have a B. A. in Economics. #Person1#: Would you mind telling me how old you are? #Person2#: I'm twenty-seven. #Person1#: And could you tell me what other jobs you have had? #Person2#: Yes, I have worked in a bank for the last five years. #Person1#: And what was your salary at the bank? #Person2#: I got $ 500 a week.
Mr. Smith tells #Person1# that he is 27 and gets a B.A. in Economics at Yale University. During the last five years, he has worked in a bank for $500 a week.
the wall repairman: Thank you for your confidence. Thank you for keeping us safe at our work. guard: It is my honor to serve the king and his followers. As a soldier it is my duty and will protect the King with my life as we should all do. the wall repairman: Verily good sir. I feel we all do our small part, but I am tempted to quit at times...do you ever contemplate revolt? guard: Haha absolutely not! Such statements against the king mean you lose your head. I quite like my head. This wall will hold correct? the wall repairman: Oh indeed. Hahahaha. I was only kidding of course. I better be moving on so I can keep my head also. guard: I would suggest keeping such silly thoughts at bay but there is no reason to be frightened. As long as you do your job and I do mine everything goes perfectly. the wall repairman: Sounds great brother. We will all do our parts and keep the king safe at all cost. I'm glad we had this talk. Summarize the dialogue
The wall repairman is tempted to quit at times. The guard protects the king with his life.
insects: Haven't seen a big guy like you around here before... castaway: Well I just fell off a ship and landed here I am wondering if this is a improvement or not insects: Well, plenty of mud for everybody. castaway: yea I guess so nothing like a mud bath huh insects: Be careful though, I've seen my grubs die here. castaway: well are you grubs has big has me insects: No sir, much smaller. castaway: ok well thats got to mean something what brings you here just the yummy food insects: I've always lived here. I'm all about the simple things. Where else is there? castaway: well has long has you are happy thats all that matters insects: I think so. I just wish mom and dad would have taught me how to jump before the died. castaway: hmm well I would say just bend you knees and push up but it might be different for you insects: Hmm, let me try that. Hey! It's working! castaway: there you go learn something new all the time Summarize the dialogue
castaway fell off a ship and landed in mud. Insects have seen their grubs die here. Castaway will teach the insects how to jump.
priest: Am, my knees are dirty from all the kneeling I had to do today. I ought to bathe... wench: Very understandable father. Pressing prayers today? priest: Indeed, it isn't easy getting people to donate to my retirement.. I mean the Church's fund. wench: Of course father. The church fund is very important priest: Why yes, how else would be afford such luxurious bathing rooms! Fit with the finest tubs and gold plated mirrors! wench: I did not realize the mirrors had gold, it is so steamy in here I can not see. priest: Read this, it will you eternally clear vision. wench: Ah yes. However, I do not believe the holy texts will change my poor eyesight priest: You must believe in the words, Wench! The Lord can heal your eyesight just as he heals your soul with this steam wench: Of course Father. I should not doubt priest: Let me bestow my wisdom upon you wench: Thank you father, I appreciate it. priest: Let me have this back! Go back to your pub Wench. Summarize the dialogue
priest is dirty from kneeling and wants to bathe. Wench is a wench and she is in the church bathing room. She can't see because of the steam. She doesn't believe the holy texts will change her eyesight.
Tom: Have you seen that?? xD Tom: <file_video> Liam: OMG whats that..... Alexander: ... WTF xD Tom: 2:43 Alexander: xOOOOO Tom: And the ending is even better Tom: 3:03 Liam: LOOOOOOL Liam: What I've just seen Alexander: When did you find it? Tom: It was posted on some group on Fb Alexander: Which one? I think I need to join this group xDDD Tom: I recommend it Tom: Totally Alexander: I've never seen so weird :D Alexander: I'm soooooo confused Tom: I know, me too Liam: <file_gif>
The facebook video Tom found is both fascinating and confusing.
#Person1#: Did you hear what Fred did last night? #Person2#: No,not yet. What happened to him? #Person1#: I guess he was a little drunk and he had a fight with his brother. Well, he got so mad that he drove his car straight into the front of a drugstore. #Person2#: What do you mean? #Person1#: I mean he drove inside. The front of the store was completely destroyed. I actually saw it just now as I walked by. The car is still inside the store. #Person2#: I'm afraid Fred is in trouble. Where is he now? #Person1#: I hear he's in the police station. It's lucky no one was hurt.
#Person1# tells #Person2# Fred drove his car straight into a drugstore last night, and he's in the police station now.
giant frog: I am quite full I think just pass on you all together fly: Well, I can't say that I am disappointed. Do you eat fairies too? giant frog: Nope they are quite powerful little things I like to live to ripe old age of 5 you know fly: Wow, five whole days? giant frog: years my friend fly: Years? . . . lets see 5 times 365 . . . 1825! Wow, my people couldn't imagine living nearly two thousand generations in a single life time. giant frog: I imagine not so what are you gonna do on this fine day fly: Fly around . . .hehe, fly around, get it? It's a fly joke. Then find a mate, annoy some farmers and livestock, lay some eggs, then die. giant frog: I see well I hope you succeed in all you want to do fly: Thank you. What will you do for your 1825 days? giant frog: who knows froggy things make some tadpoles of course Summarize the dialogue
giant frog will live to the age of 5 and eat fairies. Fly will live for 1825 days.
Ibrahim: morning! are you up yet? Lucille: hey! yes I am. Ibrahim: cool, so I'll be there in 45 minutes to pick you up Lucille: perfect, I'll just take a shower, my luggage is ready! Ibrahim: 👍👍 Ibrahim: don't forget your passport like last time lol Lucille: haha no, it's the first thing I've packed 🤣
Lucille is already up and her luggage is ready. Ibrahim will come in 45 minutes to pick her up. Her passport was the first thing she had packed.
#Person1#: Has Alan shown up yet? #Person2#: Nope. I guess something might have come up. #Person1#: I wonder what happened. #Person2#: I don't know. I hope it's nothing serious. #Person1#: Last week his sister was admitted to the hospital. #Person2#: Oh? What happened? #Person1#: His sister had a car accident last week. #Person2#: Is she fine now? #Person1#: She is still in a coma. #Person2#: Oh, poor Alan! His sister is the only one he has left since his parents died last year.
Alan's sister had a car accident last week. #Person1# and #Person2# are worried about Alan.
Tom: we're flying to Fuerteventura on 28 Jan Peter: Amazing, so we can meet there Jeff: we will be there 20-31 Jan Tom: nice!
Jeff, Peter and Tom can all meet on Fuerteventura. Tom is flying there on January, 28th, and Jeff and Peter will be there January 20-31st.
child: Hello sir knight knight: Why hello there. Are you here to see the horses? child: Yes aren't they beautiful? knight: They are indeed! Take care not to spook them as you play, alright? child: Ok mister. Do you think they would let me be a knight? knight: Well that depends. Are you willing to work hard for it? child: I will be the hardest worker! knight: A Knight must work hard, remain loyal to his King and Country, and practice his skills! Do you think you can grow up to do all of that? child: If I'm training to be a knight will they treat my mom better? knight: Who is your mother, child? Who are you speaking of? child: My mother is a peasant. She gets beaten every day. I want to give her a better life knight: This should not stand! Tell me the names of your mother's transgressors at once! child: The king and queen... Summarize the dialogue
knight is showing the child the horses. The child wants to become a knight to help his mother.
servant: Hello your Highness. king: Hello Parcival, have you made the arrangements for the Queen's...disappearance? Summarize the dialogue
Parcival has made the arrangements for the Queen's disappearance.
soldier: Understood, archer. War is a scary thing. It's a shame it had to come to this! archer: Agreed. One day everyone will respect the king Until then we will be ready soldier: Amen. But until they hail the king... this is where we'll be. Have you been in many wars before? archer: This is my 3rd. Last time I shot 50 men. What about you? soldier: Honestly, I grew up in war - can't remember a time without it... but I think this time we will prevail! archer: I agree. I see them approaching. They don't look like much soldier: Oh! I guess it's about time!! archer: They won't know what hit them once I start shooting soldier: They'll be gone in no time. Then hopefully the kingdom will finally be able to rule! archer: Let's hope I tire of these constant attacks soldier: You got this, Archer. You will come out on top! Summarize the dialogue
archer and soldier are ready for war. archer has been in 3 wars before.
peasant: Yes, thank you. I don't get much to eat, so I will take whatever I can get. bird: It's not much for nutrition, but you can get a lot of them here peasant: I see that. I actually came here to try to catch some fish for my starving family. I have no money to buy food bird: I wish I could help. I'm no good at fishing. But I am willing to try if you're willing to share. peasant: I have no fishing rod. I was going to see if I could catch some with my hands. I don't want you to get hurt trying to help. bird: I don't mind trying to help. I know the best fishing spots. Try under the fishing pier. peasant: Hey, that pelican is sure getting a lot of fish. Maybe you can ask him to scoop some up for me? bird: I could try! He doesn't speak human, so I could ask him for you. peasant: Thank you very much. I would appreciate it. Summarize the dialogue
peasant is hungry and wants to catch some fish for his family. Bird will try to help him.
Hazel: hey Jason: Hi Hazel Jason: I texted Marc Jason: he is going to replace you today Hazel: Aw thanks a lot for your help Hazel: I have to go see my mother today Jason: That's fine Jason: Let us know if you're going to be on Tuesday so that I can find a replacement for you Hazel: Thank you Hazel: I will probably let you know by tomorrow 3pm Jason: No worries Jason: Take care Hazel: Thank you!
Jason has texted Marc, who is going to replace Hazel today, as she has to go see her mother. By tomorrow 3 p.m. she will let Jason know if she's going to come on Tuesday.
servant: Sounds like an excellent plan. I love working here! Supper smells so delicious. family member: It's not often that we get to have a roast! The hunting season has blessed us. What sweet sounds good to you? servant: How about a cake? family member: How about a cake! Good idea. Grab a mixing bowl and I'll get the flour. servant: Perfect. What should we do about this mouse? family member: Oh, another mouse? It's no good trying to keep them out. The giant field we're next to is just full of the little critters. servant: I am going to give it some vegetables. It is so cute! family member: If you feed them, they'll just come back for more. What happens when we are low on veggies and they decide to nibble on your sleeves instead? servant: But they are adorable. family member: Don't come complaining to me when you have to stitch up the teeth marks in your shirt! servant: I won't. family member: Fair enough then. Would you check on the roast? I don't want it to get overcooked. Summarize the dialogue
servant will check on the roast.
archaeologists: There is nothing inside but memories. bandit: Memories? What do you mean? archaeologists: Just carvings and mementos from the past. There is nothing for you here. bandit: Can I pass through with you? Maybe something inside will interest me. archaeologists: I don't think that is a good idea. Only people who know the proper protocol for respecting the past are allowed in here. bandit: I am out here looking for food. living day to day taking from travelers just to survive. If I can't enter then what can you give me to please me? archaeologists: Here is a bone. It isn't worth much but you should be able to barter a meal. bandit: You are the only man that has treated me with any decency since I was just a boy. Thank you. I know it's not much but you can have this. Something to remember me. archaeologists: Thanks for this kindness. It will not be forgotten. Summarize the dialogue
bandit wants to enter the chamber with archaeologists, but they refuse him. They give him a bone to barter for a meal.
servant: I am doing as good as I can be. How are you now that your back from the war? soldiers: I am very unhappy here in cold north. servant: At least you are not at warm anymore right? Why don't you have a seat in this rocking chair? soldiers: Thank you, I really miss my friends and my dog. servant: I am sure they miss you a great deal. When shall you be going back home? soldiers: I hope to go back to my father's farm when the war ends. servant: I over heard the king and queen the other day speaking of the war. I'm afraid to say I don't think it will be ending soon enough. soldiers: The king needs strong farmer's sons to fight in this war. servant: I don't think there are many more men out there that could help us fight this battle. soldiers: There war is not good. I wish that it will end soon. servant: How many lives have to be lost before we end it? soldiers: Apparently, a lot of lives will be lost. servant: I pray that you stay safe sir. Summarize the dialogue
Soldiers are back from the war. They are unhappy and miss their friends and their dog. They will go back home when the war ends.
Lena: Hi, Mike. How are you? Mike: I'm fine. And you are? Lena: Lena. I got your number from Clair. Mike: Yeah? Lena: Yeah. Claire says you know a lot about horses. Mike: If Claire says so. Yeah, I know a little, why. Lena: There is this Welsh Pony I want to buy for my daughter... Mike: I suggest you hire a vet, to properly examine the horse. Lena: Really? Can you text me some contacts? Mike: Yeah. Will do.
Lena received Mike's number from Claire. Lena wants to buy her daughter a Welsh Pony. Mike suggests that the horse should be thoroughly examined by a vet first.
creature: Hi child: Im the only child of my mama and papa creature: Sorry about that child: what about u creature: I creep and crawl about in the dark corners of the castle. child: ewwww creature: yea child: What do you do when you are bored creature: I spin my webs in the corridors just to annoy the humans dwelling here. Do you get bored too? child: Yes and I go to the park to see child play creature: Nice. What brings you down her? child: No. Hey let's play with alligator creature: No. It is way too dangerous for you Summarize the dialogue
The creature spins webs in the corridors of the castle when he is bored. The child goes to the park to see children play.
Cameron: u slept well? Nathaniel: :X Cameron: guess it means not :D Nathaniel: didn't breathe again Cameron: meds? Nathaniel: i shouldn't be taking meds Nathaniel: they only make things worse for me Cameron: why? Nathaniel: because the sleep is so deep that i don't wake up when i stop breathing Cameron: shit that sounds scary Nathaniel: it is :X seeing the doctor in 2 days Cameron: fingers crossed!!
Nathaniel didn't sleep well, had some problems with breathing. He's seeing a doctor in 2 days.
camel: I guess I am just in my element, if you need me to carry anything, I am your man. member: I have nothing to burden you with, but you may carry me if you so wish! camel: Alright, climb abord, look at that sky, it's so blue member: It is gorgeous, not a cloud in sight! And all there colorful tents, this is truly a wonder of the world! camel: That sun is pretty hot though, got any water? member: I have some in my pouch, would you like some? camel: Oh yes that would be wonderful!! member: It's the least I could do for your help. Where are we headed anyways? camel: You tell me, I am just the ride sir. member: Let us find a place to fill up on water first, do you know of any oasis? You must know this desert well. camel: Yes, right this way, I'll take you to my favorite one, somtimes you can even catch a bird or two for dinner Summarize the dialogue
Camels are taking a member to an oasis in the desert.
#Person1#: Do you wash clothes here often? #Person2#: I have been coming here for the past few years. #Person1#: Why do you wash here? #Person2#: It's actually a lot cheaper for me to wash my clothes here. #Person1#: I've only washed my clothes here a couple times. #Person2#: Why don't you wash clothes at home? #Person1#: I would, if my washing machine wasn't broken. #Person2#: Why don't you just get it fixed? #Person1#: I can't afford it. #Person2#: So you plan on washing your clothes here from now on? #Person1#: That's my only option right now. #Person2#: Don't worry. Besides, it's a lot cheaper to wash clothes this way.
#Person2# comes to this laundry because it's cheap. #Person1# comes here because #Person1#'s washing machine is broken.
Project Manager: now th that is the other thing is it is got to be cheap Because I I I mean I was thinking something that is got different like maybe a a an LCD display on it that is got different pages for different devices but that would p that would probably be quite expensive Industrial Designer: But how do we know how much I mean how much do we have per how much ? User Interface: It g can not be more than twelve fifty per unit Industrial Designer: So do we have to be realistic within the budget or
Project Manager had an idea of the insertion of LCD display screen on the remote control, which may possess different pages for different devices. However, they reaffirmed the budget of twenty-five per unit and decided to be realistic with the budget.
#Person1#: It was a heavy storm last night, wasn't it? #Person2#: It certainly was. The wind broke several windows. What weather! #Person1#: Do you know that big tree in front of my house? One of the biggest branches came down in the night. #Person2#: Really? Did it do any damage to your home? #Person1#: Thank goodness! It is far away from that. #Person2#: I really hate storms. It's about time we had some nice spring weather. #Person1#: It's April, you know. The flowers are beginning to blossom. #Person2#: Yes, that's true. But I still think the weather is terrible. #Person1#: I suppose we should not complain. We had a fine March after all.
#Person2# complains the terrible storm last night and wishes for nice weather. #Person1# thinks they should not complain.
#Person1#: That was a great dinner. I didn't know that you knew how yo cook. #Person2#: I'm glad you liked it. Are you ready for dessert? #Person1#: I don't know. I'm pretty full. What are we having? #Person2#: I made strawberry shortcake. #Person1#: Ooh, that's my favorite. Maybe I'll have a small slice. #Person2#: Great. Would you like coffee or tea with that? #Person1#: I'll have a cup of tea. #Person2#: Do you take cream or sugar with your tea? #Person1#: Actually, could I have some milk with that? #Person2#: Definitely. Would you like skim or whole milk? #Person1#: Skim, please. That'd be very nice. Thanks. . . oh no. Janna, I'm so sorry, but I've got to go. #Person2#: What happened? #Person1#: I just got a message from my sister saying that she's been in a car accident. I need to go pick her up. #Person2#: I'll go with you. Where is she? #Person1#: She's on the M40, near Reading. #Person2#: Is she alright? #Person1#: I don't know, she didn't say. I'm so sorry about this. #Person2#: Don't worry. Family comes first. Come on, let's go. #Person1#: Actually, I've only got a two-seater. I'll have to go on my own. #Person2#: Ok. Just call me if you need anything then. #Person1#: I will. Thanks a lot.
Janna made #Person1# a great dinner and serves #Person1# dessert. Then #Person1# got a message and had to pick up #Person1#'s sister. Janna wanted to go together but #Person1# will go alone because #Person1#'s car only has two seats.
horseflies: Buzz, take me with you, back to those delicious horses, buzz. soldier: You are annoying me, quit buzzing around me! horseflies: Hey! I am just being a fly! C'mon give me a little snack.. soldier: You're biting me for no reason! I must get down off this spire though before I panic. horseflies: Very well, hey, what's this!? soldier: Hey give that back, that's mine! horseflies: I'm only curious, life's pretty dull around here when everyone's trying to kill you just because you want to eat. C'mon and read it to me. soldier: Oh fine! The letter is from my family. I am in trouble and had to send them into hiding. horseflies: Whyever for? Sorry for getting it messy... soldier: It's okay. The king is after us. He thinks I betrayed him. horseflies: Well did you? soldier: Of course not! I would never betray my leader! horseflies: Where did you send your family? Summarize the dialogue
soldier is on a spire. He is annoyed by horseflies. They want him to give them a snack. The letter is from the soldier's family. The soldier is in trouble with the king. He had to send his family into hiding.
Catherine: hi! what's up? Kevin: Hi, sorry, who are you? Catherine: oh, I am sorry, I thought you saved my number. We were a match on tinder some time ago:P Kevin: oh, I see. Nice! Catherine: How are you doing? Kevin: quite good... you? Catherine: not bad, I'm trying to make some real bonds with people from the internet or delete them :P Kevin: how bold! Catherine: So maybe we should just meet? Kevin: I would love to, but I don't have tinder any more. Catherine: Do you have a girlfriend? Kevin: Kind of, it's very fresh and I don't want to mess it up. Catherine: I see. So you'll be deleted in a moment. hahah. I wish you good luck, hot blonde! Kevin: HAHAHHA, thanks! Catherine: :*
Catherine wants to meet with Kevin. They met on a tinder date. Kevin declines her, as he's in a fresh relationship.
patron: I am not looking for power and wealth. I only want something to make more free time for me to spend with my family. DO you have such a thing I am looking for? old gnaisha: I refuse to talk to someone with no respect! You can get out from here! Villagers always treat me with honor! patron: Do you not value money? I have money and require a service. Respect has nothing to do with it. old gnaisha: I don't care about money! I am the great powerful Gnaisha! patron: I do not know how you stay in business with suck a pompous attitude! old gnaisha: I have been here before your great grandparents was born, young man! Ask the wizard and he can talk some sense into your head! Treat this talisman carefully, wizard! patron: What of this tool? Could you make this do? I am in need of a needle. old gnaisha: You are not worthy to hold this artifact! patron: You have grown stubborn and rightous in your old age. Summarize the dialogue
old gnaisha refuses to talk to a patron who does not respect him. The patron is in need of a needle.
spider: I'd be willing to keep you company mam, if you want? I can find us some food if you like insects. a lady: Yuck! Insects attract frogs and I hate frogs! I wonder if a dragon scared these people away. I hate dragons, too. spider: Dragons don't scare me, they are so big I can easily get away from them. Thankfully there is a gate to protect us from them. a lady: I thought dragons could fly? What an awful sound this gate makes... spider: I didn't think of that my lady! We better find somewhere to go. a lady: I suppose we could return to my house by the tall mountain. spider: Oh that would be wonderful! Thanks. a lady: It's so good to finally have a friend! Have you lived here long? spider: I have been spinning webs outside of this church my whole life, about 2 years. Summarize the dialogue
spider will keep the lady company. They will go back to the lady's house by the tall mountain.
#Person1#: I can't believe I still have this pain in my back. This medicine the doctor gave me was supposed to make me feel better by now. #Person2#: Maybe you should start taking it three times a day like you were told.
#Person2# suggests #Person1# follow the medical instruction.
Stanley: Hey :) Do you still need those jars? Stanley: You wrote on our group that you need some... Poppy: Hi! I saw your earlier message. Basically, right not I don't reallu know. I received a couple jars and I haven't used any of them yet... Poppy: I'll lett you know if I need any more. Poppy: Definitely some time this week. And if I don't need them, I'll let you know too. Ok? Stanley: It's fine :)I was just wondering if you read my answer or not :P Stanley: The jars aren't going anywhere, I just figured that I'ld write to let you know that I have some available ones Poppy: Thanks alot! I forgot to answer :( sorry! Stanley: Really, no problem :) Seeing as I've caught you, do you know if we have a meeting this week? Stanley: (Last year the meetings were on the third Thursday of every month... Poppy: I don't know how it'll be this year. Maybe it's not decided yet. Stanley: Aha :) Stanley: Ok, thanks
Poppy will let Stanley know if she needs more jars. Stanley and Poppy don't know if they have a meeting this week.
cricket: Thank you! I no that I am small and most birds would try to catch and eat me. bluebird: I'm no monster! Where do you come from mr.cricket? cricket: From the fields outside the fairies church. I try to stay there mostly, because the fairies are always playing tricks on people in here bluebird: These faires are real jerks, they really like to make a mess and they think its sooo funny. cricket: It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.... and that is not funny! bluebird: Here take this, maybe it will help with something. it seems to come wherever I go! cricket: What can I do with this shiny glitter? bluebird: Maybe make a wish! The fairies always want it from me! cricket: That is true! I have seen a couple of them with the glitter, sprinkling it all over everything that they come in contact with bluebird: What do you think that smoke over there is coming from? cricket: It is what the fairies call the church! Another fairy told me that! Summarize the dialogue
cricket comes from the fields outside the fairies church. He likes to stay there because the fairies are always playing tricks on people.
priest: Are you practicing your religion like I told you? member: Yes priest. What are we in store for today? priest: There are people of this church that are going against everything I have taught them. Do you know what we must do now? member: I do not pretend to know good priest. Tell me what must be done. priest: WE MUST FIND THEM AND BURN THEIR HOUSE DOWN> member: Get off of me, crazy priest. I have done nothing but follow you. Come any closer and it is you who will be burned down. priest: How dare you talk to me like that. I am GOD! member: You are not God. You have let priesthood go to your head. You are confused. I should be priest. priest: You are NOT MY PRIEST. You are satan. NOW you must BURN member: Die, priest. I am now your superior. priest: I shall never bow down to you member: You will do as I say. You have done nothing for the cause. You are power hungry and greedy. Not a true priest, but a fraud! Summarize the dialogue
priest and a member of his church are discussing the church's members. The priest wants them to burn down their houses. The member refuses to do so. The priest is angry and threatens to burn the member down.
barn cat: Meow! I was just about to catch that mouse when you scared him off with your loud thumping. peasant: youre not the only one hungry around here! but ill take this! barn cat: That should be mine! You kept me from getting a delicious dinner. peasant: you can find another rat! the king gives us peasants nothing! barn cat: Fine, take the food. But at least scratch my back a bit. peasant: i guess i can do that. have nothing better to do since the king wont allow me to have a job barn cat: Here - you'll be more comfortable if you sit in a pile of this hay. Now, tell me your woes. Why won't the king let you work? Summarize the dialogue
The peasant scared the mouse away. The cat wants the peasant to scratch his back.
Ron: Hi, hon. Appears we need to leave next week. Nancy: Already:0?!!! Ron: Afraid so:( Nancy: How come? Didn't we have the agreement? Ron: We did. In fact, we still have it. Nancy: So?! Ron: Seems there was this small print about unusual circumstance.
Ron and Nancy need to leave next week. They have an agreement, but there is small print about unusual circumstance.
a big sheep-like brown dog: Got any scraps? nurse: No dear puppy but I'm sure around lunch time I could find you something.. a big sheep-like brown dog: oooo when is lunch time? nurse: In a couple hours, I won't have anything until then I am afraid. Why don't you give a couple of the kids a horseback ride while you wait. a big sheep-like brown dog: I do like to play, I rarely get to do that with the farmer. nurse: Oh you poor thing, you are welcome here any time, you cheer up the children so much! a big sheep-like brown dog: I'm just glad to get all the attention. nurse: Who's a good boy? you are, you are! a big sheep-like brown dog: I am a good boy how did you know? nurse: Do you like scratches behind your ear, or are you more of a belly scratcher? a big sheep-like brown dog: I like both! nurse: You are a very good boy, what is your name? Summarize the dialogue
a big sheep-like brown dog is at the hospital. He wants some scraps. The nurse will give him some around lunch time.
#Person1#: Now that you'recommending such enormous fees, producers, directors, movie-makers must see you in a completely different light. #Person2#: Yeah. #Person1#: Then the standard that you set yourself originally must have changed. #Person2#: Well, if that's the case, I don't mind breaking the image that they might have or the standards that they have. I can only do what I know, and live how I've lived all my life, because I'm a fairly stubborn person. #Person1#: It seems to me that now you're famous. You've got to go out and be seen at the right places and go to the right parties. #Person2#: I don't go to parties. The parties I go to are the barbecues I have in my house. Being seen in the right places is something that I don't believe in. I don't believe in going to events just for the sake I of being seen. #Person1#: Then fans don't see you much in public places. #Person2#: Yes. I have a very low-key life ; I have a great life. I love what I do and I love how I spend my time, which isn't in a public place. #Person1#: A lot of people compare you to Julia Roberts. I wondered if there was anyone that you compare yourself to in Hollywood, that you've watched and thought, 'Well, they've got something I could use a little bit or could learn a little bit about. ' #Person2#: I've never had one person that I'd idolized. The comparisons to Jul-ia Roberts are incredibly flattering. I don't really know who I would compare myself to. I'd like to be a combination of a lot of people. A little bit of everything, really. I haven't quite figured out where my strengths are yet, and I've definitely found my weaknesses.
#Person2# becomes famous and #Person2# wants to break the standards that the public has. #Person2# doesn't go to parties and loves the time which isn't in a public place. #Person1# tells that many people compare #Person2# to Julia Robert, but #Person2# thinks the comparisons are flattering. #Person2# has never idolized someone.
Ethan: recommend a movie please Ethan: I can't stand another shitty production and I know you've seen everything :D Joe: hmmmmmmmmm Joe: what are you in mood for? Ethan: I'm thinking a thriller Ethan: not too scary cause Angie freaks out when she sees too much blood Joe: haha okay Ethan: available on netflix Joe: :D I'm gonna charge you for my advice Ethan: :D Joe: do you like oldies? Ethan: oldies like 1940s? or 1990s? Or 5 year old movies? Joe: 1990s Ethan: yes very much Joe: primal fear then. a bit gory at the beginning but really good Ethan: who's in it? Joe: Richard Gere and young Edward Norton! Ethan: wow sounds great I'll check it out Joe: let me know if you like it :)
Joe recommends Primal Fear with Rechard Gere and Edward Norton to Ethan.
ghost: Looking for stupid zombies to spook zombie: Mmm I dont scare easy... I am looking for answers an ghost: Got your leg! zombie: Silly ghost... I am trying to figure out how i came back to life.. I was never a big church goer but didn't think this is what was meant by eternal life ghost: Sorry, I am unaware of how I came to exist either. I don't understand this place. zombie: Did you go to church before you died? ghost: No, the last thing I remember is being carried away somewhere. zombie: Maybe our penance is to wander the earth until we find God ghost: I don't know, you got a lighter? I could use a smoke. zombie: I had one but it fell out of my pocket when my leg fell off ghost: well this is gonna get boring fast in eternity zombie: Well we could go in the church... I bet they have some wine ghost: That sounds like a great idea! zombie: Let's go - they probably also have a lighter. They have to light the candles somehow Summarize the dialogue
zombie and ghost are wandering around the church looking for answers. They are both looking for a lighter.
Professor D: right Right it does not work So in a way that s you know that s sort of the dominant thing is that even say on the development set stuff that we saw the the numbers that that Alcatel was getting when choosing out the best single numbers it was just you know it was not good enough for for pause a a for a real system You you you So we still have stuff to do and I do not know So looking at the data where you know what s the what s what s th what s characteristic i e I think that s that s a good thing Does a any you have any thoughts about what else y you are thinking that you did not get to that you would like to do if you had more time ? PhD E: Oh f a lot of thing Because we trying a lot of s pause thing and we does not work we remove these Maybe we trying again with the articulatory feature I do not know exactly because we tried we some one experiment that does not work forgot it something pause I do not know exactly because tsk comment maybe do better some step the general eh diagram I do not know exactly s to think what we can improve Professor D: cuz a lot of time it s true there were a lot of times when we ve tried something and it did not work right away even though we had an intuition that there should be something there And so then we would just stop it And one of the things I do not remember the details on but I remember at some point when you were working with a second stream and you tried a low pass filtering to cepstrum in some case you got Well but it was comment an MESSAGE like thing but it was not MESSAGE right ? you y I think in some case you got some little improvement but it was you know sort of a small improvement and it was a a big added complication so you dropped it But that was just sort of one try right ? You just took one filter threw it there right ? And it seems to me that if that is an important idea which you know might be that one could work at it for a while as you are saying And and you had you know you had the multi band things also and you know there was issue of that Barry s going to be continuing working on multi band things as well We were just talking about some some work that we are interested in Kind of inspired by the stuff by Larry Saul with the pause learning articulatory feature in I think in the case of his paper with sonorance based on multi band information where you have a a combination of gradient learning an and THEM and pause so I think that you know this is a this is a neat data set and then as we mentioned before we also have the the new digit set coming up from recordings in this room So there s a lot of things to work with and what I like about it in a way is that the results are still so terrible pause pause I mean they are much better than they were you know We are talking about thirty to sixty percent error rate reduction That s that s really great stuff to to do that in relatively short time But even after that it s still you know so poor that that no one could really use it So I think that s great that because and y also because again it s not something sometimes we ve gotten terrible results by taking some data and artificially you know convolving it with some room response or something we take a very at one point Brian and I went downstairs into the the basement where it was it was in a hallway where it was very reverberant and we we made some recordings there And then we we made a simulation of the of the room acoustics there and and applied it to other things and But it was all pretty artificial and and you know how often would you really try to have your most crucial conversations in this very reverberant hallway ? pause So pause This is what s nice about the Aurora data and the data here is that is that it s sort of a realistic room situation pause acoustics acoustic situation both terms in noise and reflections and so on and n n And with something that s still relatively realistic it s still very very hard to do very well So PhD A: so d well Actually this is tha that s why we well it s a different kind of data We are not we are not used to work with this kind of data That s why we should have a loo more closer look at what s going on So this would be the first thing and then of course try to well kind of debug what was wrong eh when we do Aurora test on the MESSAGE pause particularly and on the multi band Professor D: No I I think there s lots of lots of good things to do with this So So let s I guess pause You were going to say something else ? Oh OK What do you think ? PhD C: About other experiments ? now I m interested in pause looking at the experiments where you use pause data from multiple languages to train the neural net And I do not know how far or if you guys even had a chance to try that but pause that would be some it would be interesting to me PhD A: Again it s the kind of of thing that we were thin thinking thinking that it would work but it did not work And eh so there is kind of of pause not a bug but something wrong in what we are doing perhaps something wrong perhaps in the just in the the fact that the labels are What worked best is the hand labeled data so I do not know if we can get some hand labeled data from other languages It s not so easy to find But pause that would be something interesting t to to see Professor D: Also I mean there was just the whole notion of having multiple nets that were trained on different data So one form of different data was is from different languages but the other Well i in fact m in those experiments it was not so much combining multiple nets it was a single net that had different So first thing is would it be better if they were multiple nets for some reason ? Second thing is never mind the different languages just having acoustic conditions rather than training them all up in one would it be helpful to have different ones ? So That was a question that was kind of raised by Mike Shire s thesis and on in that case in terms of reverberation Right ? That that sometimes it might be better to do that But I do not think we know for sure So Right So next week we will not meet because you will be in Europe Whe when are you two getting back ? PhD A: You on Friday or S on Saturday or pause ? PhD E: because it s it s less expensive the price the price the ticket Professor D: that s right You ve got to S have a Saturday overnight right ? PhD A: I will be back on Tuesday PhD C: Where where s the meeting ? Professor D: Yep pause So we will skip next week and we will meet two weeks from now And I guess the main topic will be you telling us what happened so well if we do not have an anything else to discuss we should turn off the machine and then say the real nasty things PhD C: Should we do digits first ? Professor D: Oh digits ! Good point good thinking Why do not you go ahead
The team gathered some ideas on how they could further improve the model, perhaps by focusing more so on MSG and multi-band. The professor iterated that the task was pretty hard, and their model was still not good enough for a real system. The team was generally excited about the Aurora data, as it was more realistic, and about further pursuing the task.
#Person1#: It was very nice of you to invite me. #Person2#: I'm very glad you could come, Doctor Wong. What would you like? #Person1#: This is my first time at a Chinese restaurant. Could you tell me the different features of Chinese food? #Person2#: Generally speaking, Beijing food is a bit oily. Shanghai food is rather light and Hunan dishes are very spicy. #Person1#: Chinese dishes are delicious. They have a very nice color, too. #Person2#: Would you like some dessert? #Person1#: No, thanks. I'm quite full. #Person2#: Did you enjoy the meal? #Person1#: It's the most delicious dinner I've ever had. #Person2#: I'm so glad you like it.
#Person2# tells Doctor Wong about the different features of Chinese food when Wong comes to a Chinese restaurant. Wong enjoyed the dinner.