stringlengths 52
| docs
stringlengths 1
function closeButton($text=false) {
if ( $text === false ) $text = _m("Exit");
$button = "btn-success";
if ( $text == "Cancel" || $text == _m("Cancel") ) $button = "btn-warning";
echo("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"window_close();\" class=\"btn ".$button."\">".$text."</a>\n");
} | Emit a properly styled close button for use in own popup |
function topNavSession($menuset) {
global $CFG;
$export = $menuset->export();
$sess_key = 'tsugi_top_nav_'.$CFG->wwwroot;
if ( $this->session_get($sess_key) !== $export) {
$this->session_put($sess_key, $export);
} | Store the top navigation in the session |
function dumpDebugArray($debug_log) {
if ( ! is_array($debug_log) ) return;
foreach ( $debug_log as $k => $v ) {
if ( count($v) > 1 ) {
$this->togglePre($v[0], $v[1]);
} else if ( is_array($v) ) {
} else if ( is_string($v) ) {
} | Dump a debug array with messages and optional detail
This kind of debug array comes back from some of the
grade calls. We loop through printing the messages and
put the detail into a togglable pre tag is present. |
public static function doRedirect($location) {
if ( headers_sent() ) {
// TODO: Check if this is fixed in PHP 70200
if ( PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000 ) {
$location = U::addSession($location);
echo('<a href="'.$location.'">Continue</a>'."\n");
} else {
if ( ini_get('session.use_cookies') == 0 ) {
$location = U::addSession($location);
header("Location: $location");
} | Redirect to a local URL, adding session if necessary
Note that this is only needed for AJAX and header() calls
as <form> and <a href tags are properly handled already
by the PHP built-in "don't use cookies for session" support. |
public static function safe_var_cleanup(&$x, $depth) {
if ( $depth >= 5 ) return;
if ( is_array($x) || is_object($x) ) {
foreach($x as $k => $v ) {
if ( is_string($v) && strlen($v) > 0 && strpos($k, 'secret') !== false || strpos($k, 'priv') !== false ) {
if ( is_array($x) ) {
$x[$k] = 'Hidden as MD5: '.MD5($v);
} else {
$x->{$k} = 'Hidden as MD5: '.MD5($v);
if ( is_array($v) || is_object($v) ) self::safe_var_cleanup($v,$depth+1);
} | Clean out the array of 'secret' keys |
public function set_title($title) {
$xpath = new \DOMXpath($this);
$general = $xpath->query(CC::lom_general_xpath)->item(0);
$new_title = $this->add_child_ns(CC::LOMIMSCC_NS, $general, 'title');
$new_string = $this->add_child_ns(CC::LOMIMSCC_NS, $new_title, 'string', $title, array("language" => "en-US"));
} | /*
Set the title
This function must be called or the resulting CC will not be compliant.
This function must only be called once.
@param $title The title |
public function set_description($desc) {
$xpath = new \DOMXpath($this);
$general = $xpath->query(CC::lom_general_xpath)->item(0);
$new_description = $this->add_child_ns(CC::LOMIMSCC_NS, $general, 'description');
$new_string = $this->add_child_ns(CC::LOMIMSCC_NS, $new_description, 'string', $desc, array("language" => "en-US"));
} | /*
Set the description
@param $desc The new description
This function must be called or the resulting CC will not be compliant
This function must only be called once. |
public function add_module($title) {
$resource_str = str_pad($this->resource_count.'',6,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
$identifier = 'T_'.$resource_str;
$xpath = new \DOMXpath($this);
$items = $xpath->query(CC::item_xpath)->item(0);
$module = $this->add_child_ns(CC::CC_1_1_CP, $items, 'item', null, array('identifier' => $identifier));
$new_title = $this->add_child_ns(CC::CC_1_1_CP, $module, 'title', $title);
return $module;
} | Adds a module to the manifest
@param $title The title of the module
@return the DOMNode of the newly added module |
public function add_sub_module($module, $title) {
$resource_str = str_pad($this->resource_count.'',6,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
$identifier = 'T_'.$resource_str;
$sub_module = $this->add_child_ns(CC::CC_1_1_CP, $module, 'item', null, array('identifier' => $identifier));
$new_title = $this->add_child_ns(CC::CC_1_1_CP, $sub_module, 'title',$title);
return $sub_module;
} | Adds a sub module to a module
As a note, while some LMS's are happpy with deeply nested
sub-module trees, other LMS's prefre a strict two-layer
module / submodule structure.
@param $sub_module DOMNode The module where we are adding the submodule
@param $title The title of the sub module
@return the DOMNode of the newly added sub module |
public function add_web_link($module, $title=null) {
$resource_str = str_pad($this->resource_count.'',6,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
$file = 'xml/WL_'.$resource_str.'.xml';
$identifier = 'T_'.$resource_str;
$type = 'imswl_xmlv1p1';
$this-> add_resource_item($module, $title, $type, $identifier, $file);
return $file;
} | /*
Add a web link resource item
This adds the web link to the manifest, to complete this when making a
zip file, you must generate and place the web link XML in the returned file
name within the ZIP. The `zip_add_url_to_module()` combines these two steps.
@param $module DOMNode The module or sub module where we are adding the web link
@param $title The title of the link
@return The name of a file to contain the web link XML in the ZIP. |
public function add_resource_item($module, $title=null, $type, $identifier, $file) {
$identifier_ref = $identifier."_R";
$xpath = new \DOMXpath($this);
$new_item = $this->add_child_ns(CC::CC_1_1_CP, $module, 'item', null, array('identifier' => $identifier, "identifierref" => $identifier_ref));
if ( $title != null ) {
$new_title = $this->add_child_ns(CC::CC_1_1_CP, $new_item, 'title', $title);
$resources = $xpath->query(CC::resource_xpath)->item(0);
$identifier_ref = $identifier."_R";
$new_resource = $this->add_child_ns(CC::CC_1_1_CP, $resources, 'resource', null, array('identifier' => $identifier_ref, "type" => $type));
$new_file = $this->add_child_ns(CC::CC_1_1_CP, $new_resource, 'file', null, array("href" => $file));
return $file;
} | Add a resource to the manifest. |
function zip_add_url_to_module($zip, $module, $title, $url) {
$file = $this->add_web_link($module, $title);
$web_dom = new CC_WebLink();
$web_dom->set_url($url, array("target" => "_iframe"));
} | /*
Add a web link resource item and create the file within the ZIP
@param $zip The zip file handle that we are creating
@param $module DOMNode The module or sub module where we are adding the web link
@param $title The title of the link
@param $url The url for the link
@return The name of a file to contain the web link XML in the ZIP. |
function zip_add_lti_to_module($zip, $module, $title, $url, $custom=null, $extensions=null) {
$file = $this->add_lti_link($module, $title);
$lti_dom = new CC_LTI();
// $lti_dom->set_description('Create a single SQL table and insert some records.');
if ( $custom != null ) foreach($custom as $key => $value) {
if ( $extensions != null ) foreach($extensions as $key => $value) {
} | /*
Add a LTI link resource item and create the file within the ZIP
@param $zip The zip file handle that we are creating
@param $module DOMNode The module or sub module where we are adding the LTI link
@param $title The title of the link
@param $url The url/endpoint for the link
@param $custom An optional array of custom parameters for this link
@param $extenions An optional array of tsugi extensions for this link
@return The name of a file to contain the web link XML in the ZIP. |
public static function &create_new($repo_path, $source = null, $remote_source = false, $reference = null) {
if (is_dir($repo_path) && file_exists($repo_path."/.git") && is_dir($repo_path."/.git")) {
throw new \Exception('"'.$repo_path.'" is already a git repository');
} else {
$repo = new self($repo_path, true, false);
if (is_string($source)) {
if ($remote_source) {
if (!is_dir($reference) || !is_dir($reference.'/.git')) {
throw new \Exception('"'.$reference.'" is not a git repository. Cannot use as reference.');
} else if (strlen($reference)) {
$reference = realpath($reference);
$reference = "--reference $reference";
$repo->clone_remote($source, $reference);
} else {
} else {
return $repo;
} | Create a new git repository
Accepts a creation path, and, optionally, a source path
@access public
@param string repository path
@param string directory to source
@param string reference path
@return GitRepo |
public function set_repo_path($repo_path, $create_new = false, $_init = true) {
if (is_string($repo_path)) {
if ($new_path = realpath($repo_path)) {
$repo_path = $new_path;
if (is_dir($repo_path)) {
// Is this a work tree?
if (file_exists($repo_path."/.git") && is_dir($repo_path."/.git")) {
$this->repo_path = $repo_path;
$this->bare = false;
// Is this a bare repo?
} else if (is_file($repo_path."/config")) {
$parse_ini = parse_ini_file($repo_path."/config");
if ($parse_ini['bare']) {
$this->repo_path = $repo_path;
$this->bare = true;
} else {
if ($create_new) {
$this->repo_path = $repo_path;
if ($_init) {
} else {
throw new \Exception('"'.$repo_path.'" is not a git repository');
} else {
throw new \Exception('"'.$repo_path.'" is not a directory');
} else {
if ($create_new) {
if ($parent = realpath(dirname($repo_path))) {
$this->repo_path = $repo_path;
if ($_init) $this->run('init');
} else {
throw new \Exception('cannot create repository in non-existent directory');
} else {
throw new \Exception('"'.$repo_path.'" does not exist');
} | Set the repository's path
Accepts the repository path
@access public
@param string repository path
@param bool create if not exists?
@param bool initialize new Git repo if not exists?
@return void |
public function status($html = false) {
$msg = $this->run("status");
if ($html == true) {
$msg = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $msg);
return $msg;
} | Runs a 'git status' call
Accept a convert to HTML bool
@access public
@param bool return string with <br />
@return string |
public function rm($files = "*", $cached = false) {
if (is_array($files)) {
$files = '"'.implode('" "', $files).'"';
return $this->run("rm ".($cached ? '--cached ' : '').$files);
} | Runs a `git rm` call
Accepts a list of files to remove
@access public
@param mixed files to remove
@param Boolean use the --cached flag?
@return string |
public function commit($message = "", $commit_all = true) {
$flags = $commit_all ? '-av' : '-v';
return $this->run("commit ".$flags." -m ".escapeshellarg($message));
} | Runs a `git commit` call
Accepts a commit message string
@access public
@param string commit message
@param boolean should all files be committed automatically (-a flag)
@return string |
public function list_remote_branches() {
$branchArray = explode("\n", $this->run("branch -r"));
foreach($branchArray as $i => &$branch) {
$branch = trim($branch);
if ($branch == "" || strpos($branch, 'HEAD -> ') !== false) {
return $branchArray;
} | Lists remote branches (using `git branch -r`).
Also strips out the HEAD reference (e.g. "origin/HEAD -> origin/master").
@access public
@return array |
public function active_branch($keep_asterisk = false) {
$branchArray = $this->list_branches(true);
$active_branch = preg_grep("/^\*/", $branchArray);
if ($keep_asterisk) {
return current($active_branch);
} else {
return str_replace("* ", "", current($active_branch));
} | Returns name of active branch
@access public
@param bool keep asterisk mark on branch name
@return string |
public function add_tag($tag, $message = null) {
if ($message === null) {
$message = $tag;
return $this->run("tag -a $tag -m " . escapeshellarg($message));
} | Add a new tag on the current position
Accepts the name for the tag and the message
@param string $tag
@param string $message
@return string |
public function list_tags($pattern = null) {
$tagArray = explode("\n", $this->run("tag -l $pattern"));
foreach ($tagArray as $i => &$tag) {
$tag = trim($tag);
if ($tag == '') {
return $tagArray;
} | List all the available repository tags.
Optionally, accept a shell wildcard pattern and return only tags matching it.
@access public
@param string $pattern Shell wildcard pattern to match tags against.
@return array Available repository tags. |
public function log($format = null) {
if ($format === null)
return $this->run('log');
return $this->run('log --pretty=format:"' . $format . '"');
} | List log entries.
@param strgin $format
@return string |
public static function createFromJsonResponse($jsonString)
$data = json_decode($jsonString, true);
$operations = [];
foreach ($data as $name => $operationData) {
// Ensuring that the required fields exist.
$operationData = array_merge(['required' => [], 'properties' => []], $operationData);
$operations[] = new Operation($name, $operationData['properties'], $operationData['required']);
return new self($operations);
} | Create a collection from the JSON data returned by the API.
@param string $jsonString JSON as a string
@return OperationCollection |
public static function createFromDecodedJsonResponse($data)
// Make sure to build the SubjectArea with correct defaults in case of missing attributes.
$data = array_merge(['x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'width' => 1, 'height' => 1], $data);
return new self(
max(0, $data['x']),
max(0, $data['y']),
max(1, $data['width']),
max(1, $data['height'])
} | Create a SubjectArea from the decoded JSON data.
@param array $data Decoded JSON data
@return SubjectArea |
public function handle(\ReflectionParameter $parameter)
$func = $parameter->getDeclaringFunction();
$method = new \ReflectionMethod($parameter->getDeclaringClass()->name, $func->name);
$annotations = $this->reader->getMethodAnnotations($method);
foreach ($annotations as $annotation) {
if ($annotation instanceof ResourceParam && $annotation->param === $parameter->name) {
return $this->getResourceParam($annotation->uri);
(new VoidParamHandler)->handle($parameter);
} | {@inheritdoc}
@throws \BEAR\Resource\Exception\ParameterException |
private function getResourceParam($uri)
$resource = $this->injector->getInstance(ResourceInterface::class);
$resourceResult = $resource->get->uri($uri)->eager->request();
$fragment = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_FRAGMENT);
return $resourceResult[$fragment];
} | @param string $uri
@return mixed |
public static function addOptionsToUriString($url, $options, $shortNames = true)
return (string) self::addOptionsToUri(new Uri($url), $options, $shortNames);
} | Allows you to add stack options to a Rokka URL.
Useful eg. if you just want to add "options-dpr-2" to an existing URL.
Returns the original URL, if it can't parse it as valid Rokka URL.
@see UriHelper::addOptionsToUri
@param string $url The rokka image render URL
@param array|string $options The options you want to add as string
@param bool $shortNames if short names (like o for option or v for variables) should be used
@throws \RuntimeException
@return string |
public static function addOptionsToUri(UriInterface $uri, $options, $shortNames = true)
if (\is_array($options)) {
return self::addOptionsToUri($uri, self::getUriStringFromStackConfig($options, $shortNames), $shortNames);
$matches = self::decomposeUri($uri);
if (empty($matches)) {
//if nothing matches, it's not a proper rokka URL, just return the original uri
return $uri;
$stack = $matches->getStack();
return self::composeUri($matches, $uri, $shortNames);
} | Allows you to add stack options to a Rokka URL.
Useful eg. if you just want to add "options-dpr-2" to an existing URL
Returns the original URL, if it can't parse it as valid Rokka URL.
Example with string as input
UriHelper::addOptionsToUri($uri, 'options-dpr-2--resize-upscale-false');
Example with array
'options' => ['dpr' => 2],
'operations' =>
'name' => 'resize',
'options' => ['upscale' => 'false']
@param UriInterface $uri The rokka image render URL
@param array|string $options The options you want to add as string
@param bool $shortNames if short names (like o for option or v for variables) should be used
@throws \RuntimeException
@return UriInterface |
public static function composeUri($components, UriInterface $uri = null, $shortNames = true)
if (\is_array($components)) {
$components = UriComponents::createFromArray($components);
$stack = $components->getStack();
$stackName = $stack->getName();
$path = '/'.$stackName;
$stackConfig = $stack->getConfigAsArray();
$stackUrl = self::getUriStringFromStackConfig($stackConfig, $shortNames);
if (!empty($stackUrl)) {
$path .= '/'.$stackUrl;
if (!empty($components->getHash())) {
$path .= '/'.$components->getHash();
if (!empty($components->getFilename())) {
$path .= '/'.$components->getFilename();
$path .= '.'.$components->getFormat();
if (null !== $uri) {
return $uri->withPath($path);
return new Uri($path);
} | Generate a rokka uri with an array or an UriComponent returned by decomposeUri().
The array looks like
['stack' => 'stackname', #or StackUri object
'hash' => 'hash',
'filename' => 'filename-for-url',
'format' => 'image format', # eg. jpg
@since 1.2.0
@param array|UriComponents $components
@param UriInterface $uri If this is provided, it will change the path for that object and return
@param bool $shortNames if short names (like o for option or v for variables) should be used
@throws \RuntimeException
@return UriInterface |
public static function decomposeUri(UriInterface $uri)
$stackPattern = '(?<stack>.*([^-]|--)|-*)';
$hashPattern = '(?<hash>[0-9a-f]{6,40})';
$filenamePattern = '(?<filename>[A-Za-z\-\0-\9]+)';
$formatPattern = '(?<format>.{3,4})';
$pathPattern = '(?<hash>-.+-)';
$path = $uri->getPath();
// hash with seo-filename
if (preg_match('#^/'.$stackPattern.'/'.$hashPattern.'/'.$filenamePattern.'\.'.$formatPattern.'$#', $path, $matches) ||
// hash without seo-filename
preg_match('#^/'.$stackPattern.'/'.$hashPattern.'.'.$formatPattern.'$#', $path, $matches) ||
// remote_path with seo-filename
preg_match('#^/'.$stackPattern.'/'.$pathPattern.'/'.$filenamePattern.'\.'.$formatPattern.'$#', $path, $matches) ||
// remote_path without seo-filename
preg_match('#^/'.$stackPattern.'/'.$pathPattern.'.'.$formatPattern.'$#', $path, $matches)) {
return UriComponents::createFromArray($matches);
} | Return components of a rokka URL.
@since 1.2.0
@param UriInterface $uri
@throws \RuntimeException
@return UriComponents|null |
public static function getSrcSetUrlString($url, $size, $custom = null, $setWidthInUrl = true)
return self::getSrcSetUrl(new Uri($url), $size, $custom, $setWidthInUrl);
} | @param string $url The original rokka render URL to be adjusted
@param string $size The size of the image, eg '300w' or '2x'
@param null|string $custom Any rokka options you'd like to add, or are a dpi identifier like '2x'
@param bool $setWidthInUrl If false, don't set the width as stack operation option, we provide it in $custom, usually as parameter
@throws \RuntimeException
@return UriInterface |
public static function getSrcSetUrl(UriInterface $url, $size, $custom = null, $setWidthInUrl = true)
$identifier = substr($size, -1, 1);
$size = substr($size, 0, -1);
switch ($identifier) {
case 'x':
$uri = self::addOptionsToUri($url, 'options-dpr-'.$size);
case 'w':
if ($setWidthInUrl) {
$uri = self::addOptionsToUri($url, 'resize-width-'.$size);
} else {
$uri = $url;
return $url;
if (null !== $custom) {
$uri = self::getSrcSetUrlCustom($size, $custom, $setWidthInUrl, $uri);
return $uri;
} | Returns a rokka URL to be used in srcset style attributes.
$size can be eg. "2x" or "500w"
$custom can be any rokka options you want to optionally add, or also a dpi identifier like "2x"
This method will then generate the right rokka URLs to get what you want, see
`\Rokka\Client\Tests\UriHelperTest::provideGetSrcSetUrl` for some examples and the expected returns.
@param UriInterface $url The original rokka render URL to be adjusted
@param string $size The size of the image, eg '300w' or '2x'
@param null|string $custom Any rokka options you'd like to add, or are a dpi identifier like '2x'
@param bool $setWidthInUrl If false, don't set the width as stack operation option, we provide it in $custom, usually as parameter
@throws \RuntimeException
@return UriInterface |
private static function getUriStringFromStackConfig(array $config, $shortNames = true)
$newOptions = [];
if (isset($config['operations'])) {
foreach ($config['operations'] as $values) {
if ($values instanceof StackOperation) {
$newOptions[] = self::getStringForOptions($values->name, $values->options, $values->expressions);
} else {
if (!isset($values['expressions'])) {
$values['expressions'] = [];
$newOptions[] = self::getStringForOptions($values['name'], $values['options'], $values['expressions']);
$newStackOptions = null;
$nameOptions = $shortNames ? 'o' : 'options';
if (isset($config['options'])) {
$newStackOptions = self::getStringForOptions($nameOptions, $config['options']);
//don't return this, if it's only "options" as string
if (null !== $newStackOptions && $nameOptions !== $newStackOptions) {
$newOptions[] = $newStackOptions;
$newStackVariables = null;
$nameVariables = $shortNames ? 'v' : 'variables';
if (isset($config['variables'])) {
$newStackVariables = self::getStringForOptions($nameVariables, $config['variables']);
//don't return this, if it's only "variables" as string
if (null !== $newStackVariables && $nameVariables !== $newStackVariables) {
$newOptions[] = $newStackVariables;
$options = implode('--', $newOptions);
return $options;
} | @param array $config
@param bool $shortNames if short names (like o for option or v for variables) should be used
@return string |
private static function getStringForOptions($name, $options, $expressions = [])
$newOption = $name;
foreach ($expressions as $key => $value) {
$expressions[$key] = '['.$value.']';
$options = array_merge($options, $expressions);
foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
if (false === $v) {
$v = 'false';
} elseif (true === $v) {
$v = 'true';
$newOption .= "-$k-$v";
return $newOption;
} | @param string $name
@param array $options
@param array $expressions
@return string |
private static function getSrcSetUrlCustom($size, $custom, $setWidthInUrl, UriInterface $uri)
// if custom is eg '2x', add options-dpr-
if (preg_match('#^([0-9]+)x$#', $custom, $matches)) {
$uri = self::addOptionsToUri($uri, 'options-dpr-'.$matches[1].
($setWidthInUrl ? '--resize-width-'.(int) ceil($size / $matches[1]) : ''));
} else {
$stack = new StackUri();
// if dpr is given in custom option, but not width, calculate correct width
$resizeOperations = $stack->getStackOperationsByName('resize');
$widthIsNotSet = true;
foreach ($resizeOperations as $resizeOperation) {
if (isset($resizeOperation->options['width'])) {
$widthIsNotSet = false;
$options = $stack->getStackOptions();
if (isset($options['dpr']) && $widthIsNotSet && $setWidthInUrl) {
$custom .= '--resize-width-'.(int) ceil($size / $options['dpr']);
$uri = self::addOptionsToUri($uri, $custom);
return $uri;
} | Adds custom options to the URL.
@param string $size
@param string $custom
@param bool $setWidthInUrl
@param UriInterface $uri
@throws \RuntimeException if stack configuration can't be parsed
@return UriInterface |
public static function getConnection() {
global $PDOX, $CFG;
if ( isset($PDOX) && is_object($PDOX) && get_class($PDOX) == 'Tsugi\Util\PDOX' ) {
return $PDOX;
if ( defined('PDO_WILL_CATCH') ) {
$PDOX = new \Tsugi\Util\PDOX($CFG->pdo, $CFG->dbuser, $CFG->dbpass);
} else {
try {
$PDOX = new \Tsugi\Util\PDOX($CFG->pdo, $CFG->dbuser, $CFG->dbpass);
} catch(\PDOException $ex){
error_log("DB connection: ".$ex->getMessage());
die('Failure connecting to the database, see error log'); // with error_log
if ( isset($CFG->slow_query) ) $PDOX->slow_query = $CFG->slow_query;
return $PDOX;
} | Get a singleton global connection or set it up if not already set up. |
public static function launchCheck($needed=self::ALL, $session_object=null,$request_data=false) {
$needed = self::patchNeeded($needed);
// Check if we are an LTI 1.1 or LTI 1.3 launch
$LTI11 = false;
$LTI13 = false;
$detail = LTI13::isRequestDetail($request_data);
if ( $detail === true ) {
$LTI13 = true;
} else {
$lti11_request_data = $request_data;
if ( $lti11_request_data === false ) $lti11_request_data = self::oauth_parameters();
$LTI11 = LTI::isRequestCheck($lti11_request_data);
if ( is_string($LTI11) ) {
self::abort_with_error_log($LTI11, $request_data);
if ( $LTI11 === false && $LTI13 === false ) return $detail;
$session_id = self::setupSession($needed,$session_object,$request_data);
if ( $session_id === false ) return false;
// Redirect back to ourselves...
$url = self::curPageUrl();
if ( $session_object !== null ) {
$TSUGI_LAUNCH->redirect_url = self::curPageUrl();
return true;
$location = U::addSession($url);
session_write_close(); // To avoid any race conditions...
if ( headers_sent() ) {
echo('<p><a href="'.$url.'">Click to continue</a></p>');
} else {
header('Location: '.$location);
} | Silently check if this is a launch and if so, handle it and redirect
back to ourselves |
public static function encrypt_secret($secret)
global $CFG;
if ( startsWith($secret,'AES::') ) return $secret;
$encr = AesCtr::encrypt($secret, $CFG->cookiesecret, 256) ;
return 'AES::'.$encr;
} | Encrypt a secret to put into the session |
public static function decrypt_secret($secret)
global $CFG;
if ( $secret === null || $secret === false ) return $secret;
if ( ! startsWith($secret,'AES::') ) return $secret;
$secret = substr($secret, 5);
$decr = AesCtr::decrypt($secret, $CFG->cookiesecret, 256) ;
return $decr;
} | Decrypt a secret from the session |
public static function wrapped_session_get($session_object,$key,$default=null)
if ( $session_object === null && isset($TSUGI_SESSION_OBJECT) ) $session_object = $TSUGI_SESSION_OBJECT;
if ( is_object($session_object) ) {
return $session_object->get($key,$default);
if ( is_array($session_object) ) {
if ( isset($session_object[$key]) ) return $session_object[$key];
return $default;
if ( ! isset($_SESSION) ) return $default;
if ( ! isset($_SESSION[$key]) ) return $default;
return $_SESSION[$key];
} | Wrap getting a key from the session |
public static function wrapped_session_all($session_object)
if ( $session_object === null && isset($TSUGI_SESSION_OBJECT) ) $session_object = $TSUGI_SESSION_OBJECT;
if ( is_object($session_object) ) {
return $session_object->all();
if ( is_array($session_object) ) {
$retval = array();
$retval = array_merge($retval,$session_object); // Make a copy
return $retval;
if ( ! isset($_SESSION) ) return array();
$retval = array();
$retval = array_merge($retval, $_SESSION);
return $retval;
} | Get all session values |
public static function wrapped_session_put(&$session_object,$key,$value)
if ( $session_object === null && isset($TSUGI_SESSION_OBJECT) ) $session_object = $TSUGI_SESSION_OBJECT;
if ( is_object($session_object) ) {
if ( is_array($session_object) ) {
$session_object[$key] = $value;
if ( isset($_SESSION) ) $_SESSION[$key] = $value;
} | Wrap setting a key from the session |
public static function wrapped_session_forget(&$session_object,$key)
if ( $session_object === null && isset($TSUGI_SESSION_OBJECT) ) $session_object = $TSUGI_SESSION_OBJECT;
if ( is_object($session_object) ) {
if ( is_array($session_object) ) {
if ( isset($session_object[$key]) ) unset($session_object[$key]);
if ( isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION[$key]) ) unset($_SESSION[$key]);
} | Wrap forgetting a key from the session |
public static function wrapped_session_flush(&$session_object)
if ( $session_object === null && isset($TSUGI_SESSION_OBJECT) ) $session_object = $TSUGI_SESSION_OBJECT;
if ( is_object($session_object) ) {
if ( is_array($session_object) ) {
foreach($session_object as $k => $v ) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($session_object); $i++) {
} | Wrap flushing the session |
public static function ltiParameter($varname, $default=false) {
if ( isset($TSUGI_LAUNCH) ) {
return $TSUGI_LAUNCH->ltiParameter($varname, $default);
if ( ! isset($_SESSION) ) return $default;
if ( ! isset($_SESSION['lti']) ) return $default;
$lti = $_SESSION['lti'];
if ( ! isset($lti[$varname]) ) return $default;
return $lti[$varname];
} | Pull a keyed variable from the LTI data in the current session with default
@deprecated Session access should be through the Launch Object |
public static function ltiRawPostArray() {
if ( isset($TSUGI_LAUNCH) ) {
return $TSUGI_LAUNCH->ltiRawPostArray();
if ( ! isset($_SESSION) ) return array();
if ( ! isset($_SESSION['lti_post']) ) return array();
} | Return the original $_POST array
@deprecated Session access should be through the Launch Object |
public static function ltiRawParameter($varname, $default=false) {
if ( isset($TSUGI_LAUNCH) ) {
return $TSUGI_LAUNCH->ltiRawParameter($varname, $default);
if ( ! isset($_SESSION) ) return $default;
if ( ! isset($_SESSION['lti_post']) ) return $default;
$lti_post = $_SESSION['lti_post'];
if ( ! isset($lti_post[$varname]) ) return $default;
return $lti_post[$varname];
} | Pull a keyed variable from the original LTI post data in the current session with default
@deprecated Session access should be through the Launch Object |
public static function oauth_parameters() {
// Find request headers
$request_headers = OAuthUtil::get_headers();
// Parse the query-string to find GET parameters
if ( isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ) {
$parameters = OAuthUtil::parse_parameters($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
} else {
$parameters = array();
// Add POST Parameters if they exist
$parameters = array_merge($parameters, $_POST);
// We have a Authorization-header with OAuth data. Parse the header
// and add those overriding any duplicates from GET or POST
if (isset($request_headers['Authorization']) &&
substr($request_headers['Authorization'], 0, 6) == "OAuth ") {
$header_parameters = OAuthUtil::split_header(
$parameters = array_merge($parameters, $header_parameters);
return $parameters;
} | The LTI parameter data
This code is taken from OAuthRequest |
public static function getCompositeKey($post, $session_secret) {
$comp = $session_secret .'::'. $post['key'] .'::'. $post['context_id'] .'::'.
U::get($post,'link_id') .'::'. $post['user_id'] .'::'. intval(time() / 1800) .
$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . '::' . __FILE__;
return md5($comp);
} | session secret. Also make these change every 30 minutes |
private static function patchNeeded($needed) {
if ( $needed == self::NONE ) $needed = array();
if ( $needed == self::ALL ) {
$needed = array(self::CONTEXT, self::LINK, self::USER);
if ( is_string($needed) ) $needed = array($needed);
return $needed;
} | Patch the value for the list of needed features
Note - causes no harm if called more than once. |
public static function requireDataOverride($needed,
$pdox, $session_object, $current_url, $request_data)
return self::requireDataPrivate($needed,
$pdox, $session_object, $current_url, $request_data);
} | Handle the launch, but with the caller given the chance to override defaults
@param $pdox array - aproperly initialized PDO object. Can be null.
@param $request_data array - This must merge the $_POST, $_GET,
and OAuth Header data (in that order - header data has highest priority).
See self::oauth_parameters() for the way this data is normally pulled
from the three sources and merged into a single array. Can be null. |
public static function var_dump() {
if ( ! isset($USER) ) {
echo("Not set\n");
} else {
if ( ! isset($CONTEXT) ) {
echo("Not set\n");
} else {
if ( ! isset($LINK) ) {
echo("Not set\n");
} else {
if ( ! isset($RESULT) ) {
echo("Not set\n");
} else {
} | Dump out the internal data structures adssociated with the
current launch. Best if used within a pre tag. |
public static function gradeGet($row=false, &$debug_log=false) {
global $RESULT;
if ( isset($RESULT) ) return $RESULT->gradeGet($row,$debug_log);
return 'LTIX::gradeGet $RESULT not set';
} | Load the grade for a particular row and update our local copy (Deprecated - moved to Result)
Call the right LTI service to retrieve the server's grade and
update our local cached copy of the server_grade and the date
retrieved. This routine pulls the key and secret from the LTIX
session to avoid crossing cross tennant boundaries.
TODO: Add LTI 2.x support for the JSON style services to this
@param $row An optional array with the data that has the result_id, sourcedid,
and service (url) if this is not present, the data is pulled from the LTI
session for the current user/link combination.
@param $debug_log An (optional) array (by reference) that returns the
steps that were taken.
Each entry is an array with the [0] element a message and an optional [1]
element as some detail (i.e. like a POST body)
@return mixed If this work this returns a float. If not you get
a string with an error. |
public static function gradeSend($grade, $row=false, &$debug_log=false) {
global $RESULT;
if ( isset($RESULT) ) return $RESULT->gradeSend($grade,$row,$debug_log);
return 'LTIX::gradeSend $RESULT not set';
} | Send a grade and update our local copy (Deprecated - moved to Result)
Call the right LTI service to send a new grade up to the server.
update our local cached copy of the server_grade and the date
retrieved. This routine pulls the key and secret from the LTIX
session to avoid crossing cross tennant boundaries.
@param $grade A new grade - floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0
@param $row An optional array with the data that has the result_id, sourcedid,
and service (url) if this is not present, the data is pulled from the LTI
session for the current user/link combination.
@param $debug_log An (optional) array (by reference) that returns the
steps that were taken.
Each entry is an array with the [0] element a message and an optional [1]
element as some detail (i.e. like a POST body)
@return mixed If this works it returns true. If not, you get
a string with an error. |
public static function gradeSendDueDate($gradetosend, $oldgrade=false, $dueDate=false) {
global $RESULT;
if ( isset($RESULT) ) return $RESULT->gradeSendDueDate($gradetosend,$oldgrade,$dueDate);
return 'LTIX::gradeSendDueDate $RESULT not set';
} | Send a grade applying the due date logic and only increasing grades (Deprecated - moved to Result)
Puts messages in the session for a redirect.
@param $gradetosend - The grade in the range 0.0 .. 1.0
@param $oldgrade - The previous grade in the range 0.0 .. 1.0 (optional)
@param $dueDate - The due date for this assignment |
public static function signParameters($oldparms, $endpoint, $method,
$submit_text = false, $org_id = false, $org_desc = false) {
$oauth_consumer_key = self::ltiParameter('key_key');
$oauth_consumer_secret = self::decrypt_secret(self::ltiParameter('secret'));
return LTI::signParameters($oldparms, $endpoint, $method, $oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret,
$submit_text, $org_id, $org_desc);
} | signParameters - Look up the key and secret and call the underlying code in LTI |
public static function settingsSend($settings, $settings_url, &$debug_log=false) {
$key_key = self::ltiParameter('key_key');
$secret = self::decrypt_secret(self::ltiParameter('secret'));
$retval = LTI::sendJSONSettings($settings, $settings_url, $key_key, $secret, $debug_log);
return $retval;
} | Send settings to the LMS using the simple JSON approach |
public static function caliperSend($caliperBody, $content_type='application/json', &$debug_log=false)
$caliperURL = LTIX::ltiRawParameter('custom_sub_canvas_xapi_url');
if ( strlen($caliperURL) == 0 ) {
if ( is_array($debug_log) ) $debug_log[] = array('custom_sub_canvas_xapi_url not found in launch data');
return false;
$key_key = self::ltiParameter('key_key');
$secret = self::decrypt_secret(self::ltiParameter('secret'));
$retval = LTI::sendJSONBody("POST", $caliperBody, $content_type,
$caliperURL, $key_key, $secret, $debug_log);
return $retval;
} | Send a Caliper Body to the correct URL using the key and secret
This is not yet a standard or production - it uses the Canvas
extension only. |
public static function jsonSend($method, $postBody, $content_type,
$service_url, &$debug_log=false) {
$key_key = self::ltiParameter('key_key');
$secret = self::decrypt_secret(self::ltiParameter('secret'));
$retval = LTI::sendJSONBody($method, $postBody, $content_type,
$service_url, $key_key, $secret, $debug_log);
return $retval;
} | Send a JSON Body to a URL after looking up the key and secret
@param $method The HTTP Method to use
@param $postBody
@param $content_type
@param $service_url
@param bool $debug_log
@return mixed |
public static function getKeySecretForLaunch($url) {
global $CFG, $CONTEXT;
$PDOX = self::getConnection();
$host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$port = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PORT);
$key_id = self::ltiParameter('key_id', null);
if ( $key_id == null ) return false;
$sql = "SELECT consumer_key, secret FROM {$CFG->dbprefix}lti_domain
WHERE domain = :DOM AND key_id = :KID";
$values = array(":DOM" => $host, ":KID" => $key_id);
if ( isset($CONTEXT->id) ) {
$sql .= " AND (context_id IS NULL OR context_id = :CID)
ORDER BY context_id DESC";
$values[':CID'] = $CONTEXT->id;
$row = $PDOX->rowDie($sql, $values);
if ( $row === false ) {
error_log("Unable to key/secret key_id=$key_id url=$url");
return false;
$row['key'] = $row['consumer_key'];
return $row;
} | getKeySecretForLaunch - Retrieve a Key/Secret for a Launch
@param $url - The url to lookup |
public static function removeQueryString($url) {
$pos = strpos($url, '?');
if ( $pos === false ) return $url;
$url = substr($url,0,$pos);
return $url;
} | removeQueryString - Drop a query string from a url |
public static function curPageUrlFolder() {
$folder = self::curPageUrlBase() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$folder = self::removeQueryString($folder);
if ( preg_match('/\/$/', $folder) ) return $folder;
return dirname($folder);
} | curPageUrlFolder - Returns the URL to the folder currently executing
This is useful when rest-style files want to link back to "index.php"
Note - this will not go up to a parent.
URL Result |
public static function curPageUrlBase() {
global $CFG;
$pieces = parse_url($CFG->wwwroot);
if ( isset($pieces['scheme']) ) {
$scheme = $pieces['scheme'];
} else {
$scheme = (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on")
? 'http' : 'https';
if ( isset($pieces['port']) ) {
$port = ':'.$pieces['port'];
} else {
$port = '';
if ( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != "80" && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != "443" &&
strpos(':', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) < 0 ) {
$port = ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ;
$host = isset($pieces['host']) ? $pieces['host'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$http_url = $scheme . '://' . $host . $port;
return $http_url;
} | curPageUrlBase - Returns the protocol, host, and port for the current URL
This is useful when we are running behind a proxy like ngrok
or CloudFlare. These proxies will accept with the http or
https version of the URL but our web server will likely only
se the incoming request as http. So we need to fall back
to $CFG->wwwroot and reconstruct the right URL from there.
Since the wwwroot might have some of the request URI, like
We need to parse the wwwroot and put things back together.
URL Result
@return string The current page protocol, host, and optionally port URL |
private static function checkHeartBeat($session_object=null) {
global $CFG;
if ( session_id() == "" ) return; // This should not start the session
if ( isset($CFG->sessionlifetime) ) {
if (self::wrapped_session_get($session_object,'LAST_ACTIVITY') ) {
$heartbeat = $CFG->sessionlifetime/4;
$ellapsed = time() - self::wrapped_session_get($session_object,'LAST_ACTIVITY');
if ( $ellapsed > $heartbeat ) {
self::wrapped_session_put($session_object,'LAST_ACTIVITY', time());
// TODO: Remove this after verification
$filename = isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] : '';
error_log("Heartbeat ".session_id().' '.$ellapsed.' '.$filename);
} else {
self::wrapped_session_put($session_object,'LAST_ACTIVITY', time());
} | |
private static function checkCSRF($session_object=null) {
global $CFG;
$token = self::wrapped_session_get($session_object,'CSRF_TOKEN');
if ( ! $token ) return false;
if ( isset($_POST['CSRF_TOKEN']) && $token == $_POST['CSRF_TOKEN'] ) return true;
$headers = array_change_key_case(apache_request_headers());
if ( isset($headers['x-csrf-token']) && $token == $headers['x-csrf-token'] ) return true;
if ( isset($headers['x-csrftoken']) && $token == $headers['x-csrftoken'] ) return true;
return false;
} | Returns true for a good CSRF and false if we could not verify it |
public static function getCoreLaunchData()
$ltiProps = array();
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::LTI_VERSION] = LTIConstants::LTI_VERSION_1;
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::CONTEXT_ID] = $CONTEXT->id;
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::ROLES] = $USER->instructor ? LTIConstants::ROLE_INSTRUCTOR : LTIConstants::ROLE_LEARNER;
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::USER_ID] = $USER->id;
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::LIS_PERSON_NAME_FULL] = $USER->displayname;
$ltiProps['tool_consumer_instance_guid'] = $CFG->product_instance_guid;
$ltiProps['tool_consumer_instance_description'] = $CFG->servicename;
return $ltiProps;
} | getCoreLaunchData - Get the launch data common across launch types |
public static function getLaunchData()
$ltiProps = self::getCoreLaunchData();
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::RESOURCE_LINK_ID] = $LINK->id;
$ltiProps['tool_consumer_instance_guid'] = $CFG->product_instance_guid;
$ltiProps['tool_consumer_instance_description'] = $CFG->servicename;
return $ltiProps;
} | getLaunchData - Get the launch data for a normal LTI 1.x launch |
public static function getContentItem($contentReturn, $dataProps)
$ltiProps = self::getCoreLaunchData();
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::ACCEPT_PRESENTATION_DOCUMENT_TARGETS] = "iframe,window"; // Nice to add overlay
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::ACCEPT_UNSIGNED] = "true";
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::ACCEPT_MULTIPLE] = "false";
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::ACCEPT_COPY_ADVICE] = "false"; // ???
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::AUTO_CREATE] = "true";
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::CAN_CONFIRM] = "false";
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::CONTENT_ITEM_RETURN_URL] = $contentReturn;
$ltiProps[LTIConstants::LAUNCH_PRESENTATION_RETURN_URL] = $contentReturn;
// This is needed to trigger WarpWire to send us back the link
$ltiProps['tool_consumer_info_product_family_code'] = 'canvas';
$ltiProps['custom_canvas_course_id'] = $CONTEXT->id;
return $ltiProps;
} | getLaunchData - Get the launch data for am LTI ContentItem launch |
public static function getLaunchUrl($endpoint, $debug=false)
$launchurl = Output::getUtilUrl('/launch.php?debug=');
$launchurl .= ($debug) ? '1':'0';
$launchurl .= '&endpoint=';
$launchurl .= urlencode($endpoint);
return $launchurl;
} | getLaunchData - Get the launch data for am LTI ContentItem launch |
public static function getLaunchContent($endpoint, $debug=false)
$info = LTIX::getKeySecretForLaunch($endpoint);
if ( $info === false ) {
return '<p style="color:red">Unable to load key/secret for '.htmlentities($endpoint)."</p>\n";
$key = $info['key'];
$secret = self::decrypt_secret($info['secret']);
$parms = LTIX::getLaunchData();
$parms = LTI::signParameters($parms, $endpoint, "POST", $key, $secret, "Button");
$content = LTI::postLaunchHTML($parms, $endpoint, false);
return $content;
} | getLaunchContent - Get the launch data for am LTI ContentItem launch |
private static function abort_with_error_log($msg, $extra=false, $prefix="DIE:") {
$return_url = isset($_POST['launch_presentation_return_url']) ? $_POST['launch_presentation_return_url'] : null;
if ( is_array($extra) ) $extra = Output::safe_var_dump($extra);
if ($return_url === null) {
// make the msg a bit friendlier
if ( $extra && ! headers_sent() ) {
header('X-Tsugi-Error-Detail: '.str_replace("\n"," -- ",$extra));
error_log($prefix.' '.$msg.' '.$extra);
$url = "";
$url = U::add_url_parm($url, "detail", $msg);
Output::htmlError("The LTI Lauch Failed", "Detail: $msg", $url);
$return_url .= ( strpos($return_url,'?') > 0 ) ? '&' : '?';
$return_url .= 'lti_errormsg=' . urlencode($msg);
if ( $extra !== false ) {
if ( strlen($extra) < 200 ) $return_url .= '&detail=' . urlencode($extra);
header('X-Tsugi-Error-Detail: '.str_replace("\n"," -- ",$extra));
header("Location: ".$return_url);
error_log($prefix.' '.$msg.' '.$extra);
} | We are aborting this request. If this is a launch, redirect back |
public static function populateRoster($groups=false) {
global $ROSTER;
if(!is_object($ROSTER)) {
return false;
$encryptedSecret = self::ltiParameter('secret');
$key = self::ltiParameter('key_key');
$response = LTI::getContextMemberships($ROSTER->id, $ROSTER->url, $key, self::decrypt_secret($encryptedSecret), $groups);
if($response != false) {
$ROSTER->data = $response;
return true;
} | populateRoster
If the LTI Extension: Context Memberships Service is supported in the launch, get the memberships
@param bool $groups, whether or not to get groups in the Memberships
@return bool true if successful, false if not possible |
public static function header($buffer=false) {
global $CFG;
.card {
display: inline-block;
padding: 0.5em;
margin: 12px;
border: 1px solid black;
height: 9em;
overflow-y: hidden;
.card div {
height: 8em;
overflow-y: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
#loader {
position: fixed;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: white;
margin: 0;
z-index: 100;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?= $CFG->staticroot ?>/plugins/jquery.bxslider/jquery.bxslider.css" type="text/css"/>
$ob_output = ob_get_contents();
if ( $buffer ) return $ob_output;
} | emit the header material |
public static function adjustArray(&$entry) {
global $CFG;
if ( isset($entry) && !is_array($entry) ) {
$entry = array($entry);
for($i=0; $i < count($entry); $i++ ) {
if ( is_string($entry[$i]) ) U::absolute_url_ref($entry[$i]);
if ( isset($entry[$i]->href) && is_string($entry[$i]->href) ) U::absolute_url_ref($entry[$i]->href);
if ( isset($entry[$i]->launch) && is_string($entry[$i]->launch) ) U::absolute_url_ref($entry[$i]->launch);
} | Make non-array into an array and adjust paths |
public function getModuleByAnchor($anchor)
foreach($this->lessons->modules as $mod) {
if ( $mod->anchor == $anchor) return $mod;
return null;
} | Get a module associated with an anchor |
public function getLtiByRlid($resource_link_id)
foreach($this->lessons->modules as $mod) {
if ( ! isset($mod->lti) ) continue;
foreach($mod->lti as $lti ) {
if ( $lti->resource_link_id == $resource_link_id) return $lti;
return null;
} | Get an LTI associated with a resource link ID |
public function render($buffer=false) {
if ( $this->isSingle() ) {
return $this->renderSingle($buffer);
} else {
return $this->renderAll($buffer);
} | /*
* render |
public static function nostyleUrl($title, $url) {
echo('<a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank" typeof="oer:SupportingMaterial">'.htmlentities($url)."</a>\n");
if ( isset($_SESSION['gc_count']) ) {
echo('<div class="g-sharetoclassroom" data-size="16" data-url="'.$url.'" ');
echo(' data-title="'.htmlentities($title).'" ');
} | /*
A Nostyle URL Link with title |
public function renderAll($buffer=false)
echo('<div typeof="Course">'."\n");
echo('<p property="description">'.$this->lessons->description."</p>\n");
echo('<div id="box">'."\n");
$count = 0;
foreach($this->lessons->modules as $module) {
if ( isset($module->login) && $module->login && !isset($_SESSION['id']) ) continue;
echo('<div class="card"><div>'."\n");
$href = U::get_rest_path() . '/' . urlencode($module->anchor);
if ( isset($module->icon) ) {
echo('<i class="fa '.$module->icon.' fa-2x" aria-hidden="true" style="float: left; padding-right: 5px;"></i>');
echo('<a href="'.$href.'">'."\n");
echo($count.': '.$module->title."<br clear=\"all\"/>\n");
if ( isset($module->description) ) {
$desc = $module->description;
if ( strlen($desc) > 1000 ) $desc = substr($desc, 0, 1000);
echo('</div> <!-- box -->'."\n");
echo('</div> <!-- typeof="Course" -->'."\n");
$ob_output = ob_get_contents();
if ( $buffer ) return $ob_output;
} | End of renderSingle |
public static function getUrlResources($module) {
$resources = array();
if ( isset($module->videos) ) {
foreach($module->videos as $video ) {
$resources[] = self::makeUrlResource('video',$video->title,
if ( isset($module->slides) ) {
$resources[] = self::makeUrlResource('slides','Slides: '.$module->title, $module->slides);
if ( isset($module->assignment) ) {
$resources[] = self::makeUrlResource('assignment','Assignment Specification', $module->assignment);
if ( isset($module->solution) ) {
$resources[] = self::makeUrlResource('solution','Assignment Solution', $module->solution);
if ( isset($module->references) ) {
foreach($module->references as $reference ) {
$resources[] = self::makeUrlResource('reference',$reference->title, $reference->href);
return $resources;
} | /* After PHP 5.6
const RESOURCE_ICONS = array(
'video' => 'fa-video-camera',
'slides' => 'fa-file-powerpoint-o',
'assignment' => 'fa-lock',
'solution' => 'fa-unlock',
'reference' => 'fa-external-link'
); |
public function getCustomWithInherit($key, $rlid=false) {
global $CFG;
$custom = LTIX::ltiCustomGet($key);
if ( strlen($custom) > 0 ) return $custom;
if ( $rlid === false ) return false;
$lti = $this->getLtiByRlid($rlid);
if ( isset($lti->custom) ) foreach($lti->custom as $custom ) {
if (isset($custom->key) && isset($custom->value) && $custom->key == $key ) {
return $custom->value;
return false;
} | Check if a setting value is in a resource in a Lesson
This solves the problems that (a) most LMS systems do not handle
custom well for Common Cartridge Imports and (b) some systems
do not handle custom at all when links are installed via
ContentItem. Canvas has this problem for sure and others might
as well.
The solution is to add the resource link from the Lesson as a GET
parameter on the launchurl URL to be a fallback:
Say the tool has custom key of "exercise" that it wants a default
for when the tool has not yet been configured. First we check
if the LMS sent us a custom parameter and use it if present.
If not, load up the LTI launch for the resource link id (assn03)
in the above example and see if there is a custom parameter set
in that launch and assume it was passed to us.
Sample call:
$assn = Settings::linkGet('exercise');
if ( ! $assn || ! isset($assignments[$assn]) ) {
$rlid = isset($_GET['inherit']) ? $_GET['inherit'] : false;
if ( $rlid && isset($CFG->lessons) ) {
$l = new Lessons($CFG->lessons);
$assn = $l->getCustomWithInherit($rlid, 'exercise');
} else {
$assn = LTIX::ltiCustomGet('exercise');
Settings::linkSet('exercise', $assn);
} |
public static function parseHeaders($headerstr=false) {
if ( $headerstr === false ) $headerstr = self::getLastHeadersReceived();
$lines = explode("\n",$headerstr);
$headermap = array();
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$pos = strpos($line, ':');
if ( $pos < 1 ) continue;
$key = substr($line,0,$pos);
$value = trim(substr($line, $pos+1));
if ( strlen($key) < 1 || strlen($value) < 1 ) continue;
$headermap[$key] = $value;
return $headermap;
} | Extract a set of header lines into an array
Takes a newline separated header sting and returns a key/value array |
public static function getCurl($url, $header=false) {
if ( ! function_exists('curl_init') ) return false;
global $last_http_response;
global $LastHeadersSent;
global $LastHeadersReceived;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
// Make sure that the header is an array and pitch white space
$LastHeadersSent = trim($header);
$header = explode("\n", trim($header));
$htrim = Array();
foreach ( $header as $h ) {
$htrim[] = trim($h);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $htrim);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // ask for results to be returned
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
// Thanks to more and more PHP's not shipping with CA's installed
// This becomes necessary
if ( self::$VERIFY_PEER ) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
} else {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
// Send to remote and return data to caller.
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$info = curl_getinfo($ch);
$last_http_response = $info['http_code'];
$header_size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
$LastHeadersReceived = substr($result, 0, $header_size);
$body = substr($result, $header_size);
if ( $body === false ) $body = "";
return $body;
} | Note - handles port numbers in URL automatically |
public static function doBody($url, $method, $body, $header) {
global $LastBODYURL;
global $LastBODYMethod;
global $LastBODYImpl;
global $LastHeadersSent;
global $last_http_response;
global $LastHeadersReceived;
global $LastBODYContent;
$LastBODYURL = $url;
$LastBODYMethod = $method;
$LastBODYImpl = false;
$LastHeadersSent = false;
$last_http_response = false;
$LastHeadersReceived = false;
$LastBODYContent = false;
// Prefer curl because it checks if it works before trying
$LastBODYContent = NET::bodyCurl($url, $method, $body, $header);
$LastBODYImpl = "CURL";
if ( $LastBODYContent !== false ) return $LastBODYContent;
$LastBODYContent = NET::bodySocket($url, $method, $body, $header);
$LastBODYImpl = "Socket";
if ( $LastBODYContent !== false ) return $LastBODYContent;
$LastBODYContent = NET::bodyStream($url, $method, $body, $header);
$LastBODYImpl = "Stream";
if ( $LastBODYContent !== false ) return $LastBODYContent;
$LastBODYImpl = "Error";
error_log("Unable to $method Url=$url");
error_log("Header: $header");
error_log("Body: $body");
throw new \Exception("Unable to $method $url");
} | configured... |
protected function compile(): void
$metaModel = $this->factory->translateIdToMetaModelName($this->metamodel);
try {
$this->Template->editor = $this->editor->editFor($metaModel, 'create');
} catch (NotEditableException $exception) {
throw new AccessDeniedException($exception->getMessage());
} catch (NotCreatableException $exception) {
throw new AccessDeniedException($exception->getMessage());
} | Compile the content element.
@return void
@throws AccessDeniedException In case the data container is not allowed to edit. |
private function getResourceParam(ResourceParam $resourceParam, array $query)
$uri = $resourceParam->templated === true ? uri_template($resourceParam->uri, $query) : $resourceParam->uri;
$resource = $this->injector->getInstance(ResourceInterface::class);
$resourceResult = $resource->get->uri($uri)->eager->request();
$fragment = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_FRAGMENT);
return $resourceResult[$fragment];
} | @param ResourceParam $resourceParam
@param array $query
@return mixed |
public static function enabled() {
global $CFG;
$config = isset($CFG->websocket_url) && isset($CFG->websocket_secret);
if ( ! $config ) return false;
$pieces = parse_url($CFG->websocket_url);
$port = U::get($pieces,'port');
$host = U::get($pieces,'host');
if ( ! $port ) return false;
if ( ! $host ) return false;
return true;
} | Determine if this server is configured for web sockets.
Set these values in your config.php:
$CFG->websocket_secret = 'opensource';
$CFG->websocket_url = 'ws://localhost:2021';
You can run a local notification service for your development
by doing the following:
cd tsugi/admin
php rachet.php
You need to keep the rachet.php running for websockets to work.
The web socket server does not have to be on the same server as
the Tsugi hosting server. You can support more than one Tsugi
server with a single rachet server as long as all of the Tsugi
servers have the websocket_url and websocket_secret.
$CFG->websocket_url = 'wss://';
If the Tsugi tool server is running https, then it needs a
socket server that runs wss. The TsugiCloud server uses
CloudFlare to converts its ws server to a wss server. |
public static function getPort() {
global $CFG;
if ( ! self::enabled() ) return null;
$pieces = parse_url($CFG->websocket_url);
return U::get($pieces,'port');
} | Returns the port that the configured web socket server |
public static function makeToken($launch) {
global $CFG;
if ( ! isset($launch->link->id) ) return false;
$token = $CFG->wwwroot . '::' . $launch->link->id . '::';
$token .= isset($launch->context->id) ? $launch->context->id : 'no_context';
$token .= '::';
$token .= isset($launch->user->id) ? $launch->context->id : 'no_user';
return $token;
} | Build a plaintext token for a particular link_id
The token includes the host, link_id, context_id, and user_id
@param string $launch The LTI launch object
@return string The plaintext token or false if we cannot make a token |
public static function getToken($launch) {
global $CFG;
if ( ! isset($CFG->websocket_secret) || strlen($CFG->websocket_secret) < 1 ) return false;
$plain = self::makeToken($launch);
if ( ! $plain ) return $plain;
$encrypted = AesCtr::encrypt($plain, $CFG->websocket_secret, 256) ;
return $encrypted;
} | Build and sign a token for a particular link_id
@param string $launch The LTI launch object
@return string The encrypted token or false if we cannot make a token |
public static function decodeToken($token) {
global $CFG;
$plain = AesCtr::decrypt($token, $CFG->websocket_secret, 256) ;
$pieces = explode('::', $plain);
if ( count($pieces) != 4 ) return false;
return $plain;
} | Decode and parse a token to make sure it is valid
@param string $token The encrypted token
@return string The plaintext token (or false on failure) |
public static function getSpaceFromToken($token) {
$pieces = explode('::', $token);
if ( count($pieces) != 4 ) return false;
$space = implode('::', array_slice($pieces,0,2));
return $space;
} | Pull out the host and link_id so as to create the "space"
The token includes the host, link_id, context_id, and user_id.
The space includes the host and link_id.
@param string $token The plaintext token
@return string The space for this link_id |
public function process(EnvironmentInterface $environment)
$definition = $environment->getDataDefinition();
$basicDefinition = $definition->getBasicDefinition();
$dataProvider = $environment->getDataProvider();
if (!$basicDefinition->isCreatable()) {
throw new NotCreatableException('DataContainer ' . $definition->getName() . ' is not creatable');
// We only support flat tables, sorry.
if (BasicDefinitionInterface::MODE_FLAT !== $basicDefinition->getMode()) {
return false;
$modelId = ModelId::fromSerialized($environment->getInputProvider()->getParameter('source'));
/** @var Driver $dataProvider */
$model = $dataProvider->createVariant($dataProvider->getEmptyConfig()->setId($modelId->getId()));
if (null === $model) {
throw new DcGeneralRuntimeException(
'Could not find model with id %s for creating a variant.',
$metaModel = $this->factory->getMetaModel($model->getProviderName());
if (null === $metaModel || false === $metaModel->hasVariants()) {
return false;
$preFunction = static function ($environment, $model) {
/** @var EnvironmentInterface $environment */
$createModelEvent = new PreCreateModelEvent($environment, $model);
$environment->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($createModelEvent::NAME, $createModelEvent);
$postFunction = static function ($environment, $model) {
/** @var EnvironmentInterface $environment */
$createModelEvent = new PostCreateModelEvent($environment, $model);
$environment->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($createModelEvent::NAME, $createModelEvent);
$editMask = new EditMask($environment, $model, null, $preFunction, $postFunction);
return $editMask->execute();
} | Handle the action.
@param EnvironmentInterface $environment The environment.
@return string|false
@throws NotCreatableException When the DataContainer is not creatable.
@throws DcGeneralRuntimeException When the model to create a variant from was not found. |
public function invoke(MethodInvocation $invocation)
/** @var ResourceObject $ro */
$ro = $invocation->getThis();
$method = $invocation->getMethod();
$query = $this->getArgsByInvocation($invocation);
$embeds = $this->reader->getMethodAnnotations($method);
$this->embedResource($embeds, $ro, $query);
return $invocation->proceed();
} | {@inheritdoc}
@throws \BEAR\Resource\Exception\EmbedException |
private function embedResource(array $embeds, ResourceObject $ro, array $query)
foreach ($embeds as $embed) {
/* @var $embed Embed */
if (! $embed instanceof Embed) {
try {
$templateUri = $this->getFullUri($embed->src, $ro);
$uri = uri_template($templateUri, $query);
$ro->body[$embed->rel] = clone $this->resource->get->uri($uri);
} catch (BadRequestException $e) {
// wrap ResourceNotFound or Uri exception
throw new EmbedException($embed->src, 500, $e);
} | @param Embed[] $embeds
@throws EmbedException |
protected function configure()
} | {@inheritdoc}
@throws \Ray\Di\Exception\NotFound |
public function handle(\ReflectionParameter $parameter)
$class = $parameter->getDeclaringClass();
$className = $class->implementsInterface(WeavedInterface::class) ? $class->getParentClass()->getName() : $class->name;
$method = $parameter->getDeclaringFunction()->name;
$msg = sprintf('$%s in %s::%s()', $parameter->name, $className, $method);
throw new ParameterException($msg, Code::BAD_REQUEST);
} | {@inheritdoc}
@throws ParameterException |
private function ignoreAnnotatedPrameter(\ReflectionMethod $method, array $paramMetas) : array
$annotations = $this->reader->getMethodAnnotations($method);
foreach ($annotations as $annotation) {
if ($annotation instanceof ResourceParam) {
$paramMetas['required'] = array_values(array_diff($paramMetas['required'], [$annotation->param]));
if ($annotation instanceof Assisted) {
$paramMetas = $this->ignorreAssisted($paramMetas, $annotation);
return $paramMetas;
} | Ignore @ Assisted @ ResourceParam parameter |
private function ignorreAssisted(array $paramMetas, Assisted $annotation) : array
$paramMetas['required'] = array_values(array_diff($paramMetas['required'], $annotation->values));
foreach ($annotation->values as $varName) {
return $paramMetas;
} | Ignore @ Assisted parameter |