public function getDynamicUriString() { $stack = new StackUri('dynamic', $this->getStackOperations(), $this->getStackOptions(), $this->getStackVariables()); return $stack->getStackUriString(); }
Returns the stack url part as a dynamic stack for previewing. @since 1.2.0 @throws \RuntimeException When the stack name could not be parsed correctly @return string
public static function createFromJsonResponse($data) { $data = json_decode($data, true); $stacks = array_map(function ($stack) { return Stack::createFromDecodedJsonResponse($stack); }, $data['items']); return new self($stacks); }
Create a stack from the JSON data returned by the API. @param string $data JSON data @return StackCollection
public static function keyExpansion($key) { // generate Key Schedule from Cipher Key [§5.2] $Nb = 4; // block size (in words): no of columns in state (fixed at 4 for AES) $Nk = count($key)/4; // key length (in words): 4/6/8 for 128/192/256-bit keys $Nr = $Nk + 6; // no of rounds: 10/12/14 for 128/192/256-bit keys $w = array(); $temp = array(); for ($i=0; $i<$Nk; $i++) { $r = array($key[4*$i], $key[4*$i+1], $key[4*$i+2], $key[4*$i+3]); $w[$i] = $r; } for ($i=$Nk; $i<($Nb*($Nr+1)); $i++) { $w[$i] = array(); for ($t=0; $t<4; $t++) $temp[$t] = $w[$i-1][$t]; if ($i % $Nk == 0) { $temp = self::subWord(self::rotWord($temp)); for ($t=0; $t<4; $t++) $temp[$t] ^= self::$rCon[$i/$Nk][$t]; } else if ($Nk > 6 && $i%$Nk == 4) { $temp = self::subWord($temp); } for ($t=0; $t<4; $t++) $w[$i][$t] = $w[$i-$Nk][$t] ^ $temp[$t]; } return $w; }
Key expansion for Rijndael cipher(): performs key expansion on cipher key to generate a key schedule @param key cipher key byte-array (16 bytes) @return array key schedule as 2D byte-array (Nr+1 x Nb bytes)
public function click($time=null) { $this->total++; if ( ! $this->timestart ) { $this->timestart = (int) ( time() / $this->scale ); } if ( ! $time ) $time = time(); $time = (int) ($time / $this->scale); $delta = $time - $this->timestart; if ( $delta < 0 ) $delta = 0; // 0 is OK if ( isset($this->buckets[$delta]) ) { $this->buckets[$delta]++; } else { $this->buckets[$delta] = 1; } }
Record a click...
public function reconstruct() { $retval = array(); foreach($this->buckets as $k => $v) { $t = ($this->timestart + $k) * $this->scale; $retval[$t] = $v; } return $retval; }
Reconstruct to the actual times
public function viewModel() { $retval = new \stdClass(); $buckets = $this->reconstruct(); $retval->timestart = $this->timestart * $this->scale; $retval->width = $this->scale; $max = false; $maxt = false; $min = false; $rows = array(); foreach($buckets as $k => $v ) { if ( $maxt === false || $k > $maxt ) $maxt = $k; if ( $max === false || $v > $max ) $max = $v; if ( $min === false || $v < $min ) $min = $v; $rows[] = array($k,$v); } $retval->rows = $rows; $retval->n = count($rows); $retval->max = $max; $retval->min = $min; $retval->timeend = $maxt; return $retval; }
Produce an view model of the entire object This is a "view model" in that it is intended to be easily used in rendering situations.
public function reScale($factor=2) { $newbuckets = array(); $newscale = $this->scale * $factor; $newstart = (int) ($this->timestart / $factor); foreach($this->buckets as $k => $v) { $oldtime = ($this->timestart + $k) * $this->scale; $newposition = (int) ($oldtime / $newscale); $delta = $newposition - $newstart; if ( isset($newbuckets[$delta]) ) { $newbuckets[$delta] += $v; } else { $newbuckets[$delta] = $v; } } return $newbuckets; }
Double the Scale - Return *copy of* new buckets
public static function uncompressEntry($text) { if ( $text === null | $text === false ) return $text; $needed = false; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i++){ $ch = $text[$i]; if ( $ch >= '0' && $ch <= '9' ) continue; if ( $ch == ':' || $ch == ',' || $ch == '=' ) continue; $needed = true; break; } if ( ! $needed ) return $text; return gzuncompress($text); }
Optionally uncompress a serialized entry if it is compressed
public function deSerialize($data) { $data = self::uncompressEntry($data); $chunks = explode(':',$data); // Nothing to see here - Might be null ... is OK if ( count($chunks) != 3 || !is_numeric($chunks[0]) || !is_numeric($chunks[1]) ) { $this->scale = 900; $this->timestart = 0; $this->buckets = array(); return; } $this->scale = (int) $chunks[0]; $this->timestart = (int) $chunks[1]; $this->buckets = U::array_Integer_Deserialize($chunks[2]); }
De-Serialize scale, timestart and buckets (can be compressed) Does not set total
public static function createFromJsonResponse($jsonString) { $data = json_decode($jsonString, true); $sourceImages = array_map(function ($sourceImage) { return SourceImage::createFromDecodedJsonResponse($sourceImage); }, $data['items']); $total = isset($data['total']) ? $data['total'] : 0; $links = isset($data['links']) ? $data['links'] : []; $cursor = isset($data['cursor']) ? $data['cursor'] : null; return new self($sourceImages, $total, $links, $cursor); }
Create a collection from the JSON data returned by the API. @param string $jsonString JSON as a string @return SourceImageCollection
function getLoginUrl($state) { $loginUrl = "" . "client_id=" . $this->client_id . "&redirect_uri=" . $this->redirect . "&state=" . $state . "&response_type=code" . "&scope=email%20profile" . "&include_granted_scopes=true"; if ( $this->openid_realm ) { $loginUrl .= "&openid.realm=" . $this->openid_realm; } return $loginUrl; }
Get the login url
function getAccessToken($google_code) { // Make sure these are clear if we fail $this->authentication_object = FALSE; $this->access_token = FALSE; // From: // This approach gets us the openid_id from the former realm $token_url = ""; $post = "code={$google_code}&client_id={$this->client_id}&client_secret={$this->client_secret}" . "&redirect_uri={$this->redirect}&grant_type=authorization_code"; if ( $this->openid_realm ) { $post .= "&openid.realm=" . $this->openid_realm; } $response = $this->curl_post($token_url, $post); /* $response normally looks like this: { "access_token" : "QEX3L0Fm ... about 80 characters ... 4tLMYze617", "token_type" : "Bearer", "expires_in" : 3599, "id_token" : "hbGciO ... about 700 characers ... t3cE" } */ if ($response) { $this->authentication_object = json_decode($response); } if (isset($this->authentication_object->refresh_token)) { $this->Google_RefreshToken = $this->authentication_object->refresh_token; } if (isset($this->authentication_object->access_token)) { $this->access_token = $this->authentication_object->access_token; return $this->authentication_object; } else { return FALSE; } }
Get the access token
function getUserInfo($access_token=FALSE) { if ( $access_token === FALSE ) $access_token = $this->access_token; if ( $access_token === FALSE ) return FALSE; $user_info_url = "" . $access_token; $response = $this->curl_get($user_info_url); /* $response looks like this: { "id": "105526282828383882908", "email": "", "verified_email": true, "name": "Chuck Severance", "given_name": "Chuck", "family_name": "Severance", "link": "", "picture": " ... Fr9lw/photo.jpg", "gender": "male", "locale": "en" } */ $user = json_decode($response); if ( ! $user ) return FALSE; // Get the old openid_id if we asked for and received it $user->openid_id = false; if ( $this->authentication_object && isset($this->authentication_object->id_token) ) { $id_token = $this->authentication_object->id_token; $info = JWT::decode($id_token, $this->client_secret, false); if ( $info && isset($info->sub) && isset($info->openid_id) ) { $user->openid_id = $info->openid_id; } } return $user; }
/* Retieve the profile information
function curl_post($url, $post) { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $json_response = curl_exec($curl); $this->last_response = $json_response; curl_close($curl); return $json_response; }
Utility code in order not to have external dependencies and to have some logging.
function curl_get($url) { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $json_response = curl_exec($curl); $this->last_response = $json_response; curl_close($curl); return $json_response; }
Utility code in order not to have external dependencies and to have some logging.
public function parse_mime_type($mime_type) { $parts = explode(";", $mime_type); $params = array(); foreach ($parts as $i=>$param) { if (strpos($param, '=') !== false) { list ($k, $v) = explode('=', trim($param)); $params[$k] = $v; } } $full_type = trim($parts[0]); /* Java URLConnection class sends an Accept header that includes a single "*" Turn it into a legal wildcard. */ if ($full_type == '*') { $full_type = '*/*'; } if ( trim($full_type) == '' ) { error_log("mime type is blank"); $full_type = '*/*'; } $pieces = explode('/', $full_type); if ( count($pieces) < 2 ) { error_log("malformed mime type ".$full_type); throw (new \Exception("malformed mime type ".$full_type)); } list ($type, $subtype) = $pieces; return array(trim($type), trim($subtype), $params); }
Carves up a mime-type and returns an Array of the [type, subtype, params] where "params" is a Hash of all the parameters for the media range. For example, the media range "application/xhtml;q=0.5" would get parsed into: array("application", "xhtml", array( "q" => "0.5" )) @param string $mime_type @return array ($type, $subtype, $params)
public function parse_media_range($range) { list ($type, $subtype, $params) = $this->parse_mime_type($range); if (!(isset($params['q']) && $params['q'] && floatval($params['q']) && floatval($params['q']) <= 1 && floatval($params['q']) >= 0)) $params['q'] = '1'; return array($type, $subtype, $params); }
Carves up a media range and returns an Array of the [type, subtype, params] where "params" is a Hash of all the parameters for the media range. For example, the media range "application/*;q=0.5" would get parsed into: array("application", "*", ( "q", "0.5" )) In addition this function also guarantees that there is a value for "q" in the params dictionary, filling it in with a proper default if necessary. @param string $range @return array ($type, $subtype, $params)
public function fitness_and_quality_parsed($mime_type, $parsed_ranges) { $best_fitness = -1; $best_fit_q = 0; list ($target_type, $target_subtype, $target_params) = $this->parse_media_range($mime_type); foreach ($parsed_ranges as $item) { list ($type, $subtype, $params) = $item; if (($type == $target_type or $type == "*" or $target_type == "*") && ($subtype == $target_subtype or $subtype == "*" or $target_subtype == "*")) { $param_matches = 0; foreach ($target_params as $k=>$v) { if ($k != 'q' && isset($params[$k]) && $v == $params[$k]) $param_matches++; } $fitness = ($type == $target_type) ? 100 : 0; $fitness += ($subtype == $target_subtype) ? 10 : 0; $fitness += $param_matches; if ($fitness > $best_fitness) { $best_fitness = $fitness; $best_fit_q = $params['q']; } } } return array( $best_fitness, (float) $best_fit_q ); }
Find the best match for a given mime-type against a list of media_ranges that have already been parsed by Mimeparser::parse_media_range() Returns the fitness and the "q" quality parameter of the best match, or an array [-1, 0] if no match was found. Just as for Mimeparser::quality(), "parsed_ranges" must be an Enumerable of parsed media ranges. @param string $mime_type @param array $parsed_ranges @return array ($best_fitness, $best_fit_q)
public function quality_parsed($mime_type, $parsed_ranges) { list ($fitness, $q) = $this->fitness_and_quality_parsed($mime_type, $parsed_ranges); return $q; }
Find the best match for a given mime-type against a list of media_ranges that have already been parsed by Mimeparser::parse_media_range() Returns the "q" quality parameter of the best match, 0 if no match was found. This function behaves the same as Mimeparser::quality() except that "parsed_ranges" must be an Enumerable of parsed media ranges. @param string $mime_type @param array $parsed_ranges @return float $q
public function quality($mime_type, $ranges) { $parsed_ranges = explode(',', $ranges); foreach ($parsed_ranges as $i=>$r) $parsed_ranges[ $i ] = $this->parse_media_range($r); return $this->quality_parsed($mime_type, $parsed_ranges); }
Returns the quality "q" of a mime-type when compared against the media-ranges in ranges. For example: Mimeparser::quality("text/html", "text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4, *\/*;q=0.5") => 0.7 @param unknown_type $mime_type @param unknown_type $ranges @return unknown
public function best_match($supported, $header) { $parsed_header = $header; if ( is_string($header) ) { $parsed_header = explode(',', $header); } foreach ($parsed_header as $i=>$r) $parsed_header[ $i ] = $this->parse_media_range($r); $weighted_matches = array(); foreach ($supported as $mime_type) { $weighted_matches[] = array( $this->fitness_and_quality_parsed($mime_type, $parsed_header), $mime_type ); } array_multisort($weighted_matches); $a = $weighted_matches[ count($weighted_matches) - 1 ]; return ( empty( $a[0][1] ) ? null : $a[1] ); }
Takes a list of supported mime-types and finds the best match for all the media-ranges listed in header. The value of header must be a string that conforms to the format of the HTTP Accept: header. The value of supported is an Enumerable of mime-types Mimeparser::best_match(array("application/xbel+xml", "text/xml"), "text/*;q=0.5,*\/*; q=0.1") => "text/xml" @param array $supported @param string $header @return mixed $mime_type or NULL
public static function get($arr, $key, $default=null) { if ( !is_array($arr) ) return $default; if ( !isset($key) ) return $default; if ( !isset($arr[$key]) ) return $default; return $arr[$key]; }
Produce a Python-style get() to avoid use of ternary operator
public static function route_get_local_path($dir) { $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // /tsugi/lti/some/cool/stuff $root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; // /Applications/MAMP/htdocs $cwd = $dir; // /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/tsugi/lti if ( strlen($cwd) < strlen($root) + 1 ) return false; $lwd = substr($cwd,strlen($root)); // /tsugi/lti if ( strlen($uri) < strlen($lwd) + 2 ) return false; $local = substr($uri,strlen($lwd)+1); // some/cool/stuff return $local; }
Convienence method to get the local path if we are doing
public static function get_request_document() { $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // /tsugi/lti/some/cool/stuff $pieces = explode('/',$uri); if ( count($pieces) > 1 ) { $local_path = $pieces[count($pieces)-1]; $pos = strpos($local_path,'?'); if ( $pos > 0 ) $local_path = substr($local_path,0,$pos); return $local_path; } return false; }
Get the last bit of the path input: /py4e/lessons/intro?x=2 output: intro
public static function get_base_url($url) { $pieces = parse_url($url); $retval = $pieces['scheme'].'://'.$pieces['host']; $port = self::get($pieces,'port'); if ( $port && $port != 80 && $port != 443 ) $retval .= ':' . $port; return $retval; }
Get the protocol, host, and port from an absolute URL input: http://localhost:8888/tsugi output: http://localhost:8888
public static function get_rest_path($uri=false) { if ( ! $uri ) $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // /tsugi/lti/some/cool/stuff $pos = strpos($uri,'?'); if ( $pos > 0 ) $uri = substr($uri,0,$pos); if ( self::endsWith($uri, '/') ) { $uri = substr($uri, 0, strlen($uri)-1); } return $uri; }
Get the path to the current request, w/o trailing slash input: /py4e/lessons/intro?x=2 output: /py4e/lessons/intro input: /py4e/lessons/intro/?x=2 output: /py4e/lessons/intro
public static function get_rest_parent($uri=false) { if ( ! $uri ) $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // /tsugi/lti/some/cool/stuff $pos = strpos($uri,'?'); if ( $pos > 0 ) $uri = substr($uri,0,$pos); if ( self::endsWith($uri, '/') ) { $uri = substr($uri, 0, strlen($uri)-1); return $uri; } $pieces = explode('/', $uri); if ( count($pieces) > 1 ) { array_pop($pieces); $uri = implode('/', $pieces); } return $uri; }
Get the path to one above the current request, w/o trailing slash input: /py4e/lessons/intro?x=2 output: /py4e/lessons input: /py4e/lessons/intro/?x=2 output: /py4e/lessons/intro
public static function parse_rest_path($uri=false, $SERVER_SCRIPT_NAME=false /* unit test only */) { if ( ! $SERVER_SCRIPT_NAME ) $SERVER_SCRIPT_NAME = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; // /py4e/koseu.php if ( ! $uri ) $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // /py4e/lessons/intro/happy // Remove Query string... $pos = strpos($uri, '?'); if ( $pos !== false ) $uri = substr($uri,0,$pos); $cwd = dirname($SERVER_SCRIPT_NAME); if ( strpos($uri,$cwd) !== 0 ) return false; $controller = ''; $extra = ''; $remainder = substr($uri, strlen($cwd)); if ( strpos($remainder,'/') === 0 ) $remainder = substr($remainder,1); if ( strlen($remainder) > 1 ) { $pieces = explode('/',$remainder,2); if ( count($pieces) > 0 ) $controller = $pieces[0]; if ( count($pieces) > 1 ) $extra = $pieces[1]; } if ( $cwd == '/' ) $cwd = ''; $retval = array($cwd, $controller, $extra); return $retval; }
Get the controller for the current request executing script: /py4e/koseu.php input: /py4e/lessons/intro?x=2 output: (/py4e, lessons, intro) input: /py4e/lessons/intro/?x=2 output: /py4e/lessons/intro
public static function remove_relative_path($path) { $pieces = explode('/', $path); $new_pieces = array(); for($i=0; $i < count($pieces); $i++) { if ($pieces[$i] == '.' ) continue; if ($pieces[$i] == '..' ) { array_pop($new_pieces); continue; } $new_pieces[] = $pieces[$i]; } $retval = implode("/",$new_pieces); return $retval; }
Remove any relative elements from a path Before After a/b/c a/b/c a/b/c/ a/b/c/ a/./c/ a/c/ a/../c/ c/
public static function http_response_code($newcode = NULL) { static $code = 200; if($newcode !== NULL) { header('X-PHP-Response-Code: '.$newcode, true, $newcode); if(!headers_sent()) $code = $newcode; } return $code; }
For 4.3.0 <= PHP <= 5.4.0
public static function curPHPUrl() { $scheme = (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on") ? 'http' : 'https'; $port = ""; if ( isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != "80" && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != "443" && strpos(':', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) < 0 ) { $port = ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ; } $http_url = $scheme . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $port . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; return $http_url; }
Return the URL as seen by PHP (no query string or parameters) Borrowed from from_request on OAuthRequest.php
public static function array_Integer_Deserialize($input) { $r = array(); preg_match_all("/([^,= ]+)=([^,= ]+)/", $input, $r); $result = array(); for($i=0; $i<count($r[1]);$i++) { $k = $r[1][$i]; $v = $r[2][$i]; if ( !is_numeric($k) || !is_numeric($v) ) { throw new \Exception('array_Integer_Deserialize requires integers '.$k.'='.$v.' ('.$i.')'); } $k = $k + 0; $v = $v + 0; if ( ! is_int($k) || ! is_int($v) ) { throw new \Exception('array_Integer_Deserialize requires integers '.$k.'='.$v.' ('.$i.')'); } $result[$k] = $v; } return $result; }
Deserialize an tightly serialized integer-only PHP array $str = '1=42,2=43,3=44'; $arar = U::array_Integer_Deserialize($str); print_r($arar); // Array ( '1' => 42 ,'2' => 43, '3' => 44 );
public static function array_kshift(&$arr) { list($k) = array_keys($arr); $r = array($k=>$arr[$k]); unset($arr[$k]); return $r; }
Pull off the first element of a key/value array $arr = array('x'=>'ball','y'=>'hat','z'=>'apple'); print_r($arr); print_r(array_kshift($arr)); // [x] => ball print_r($arr);
public static function allow_track() { $DoNotTrackHeader = "DNT"; $DoNotTrackValue = "1"; $phpHeader = "HTTP_" . strtoupper(str_replace("-", "_", $DoNotTrackHeader)); $retval = ! ((array_key_exists($phpHeader, $_SERVER)) and ($_SERVER[$phpHeader] == $DoNotTrackValue)); return $retval; }
public static function safe_var_dump($x) { ob_start(); if ( isset($x['secret']) ) $x['secret'] = MD5($x['secret']); if ( is_array($x) ) foreach ( $x as &$v ) { if ( is_array($v) && isset($v['secret']) ) $v['secret'] = MD5($v['secret']); } var_dump($x); $result = ob_get_clean(); return $result; }
Clean out the array of 'secret' keys
public static function getCaller($count=1) { $dbts=debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS,6+$count); if ( ! is_array($dbts) || count($dbts) < 2 ) return null; if ( ! isset($dbts[0]['file']) ) return null; $myfile = $dbts[0]['file']; $retval = ''; foreach($dbts as $dbt) { if ( ! isset($dbt['file']) ) continue; if ( ! isset($dbt['line']) ) continue; if ( $myfile != $dbt['file'] ) { if ( strlen($retval) > 0 ) $retval .= " "; $retval.= $dbt['file'].':'.$dbt['line']; $count--; if ( $count < 1 ) return $retval; } } return $retval; }
Need to replicate the code or U.php will be in the traceback
public function invoke(AbstractRequest $request) { $this->invoker->invoke($request); $current = clone $request->resourceObject; foreach ($request->links as $link) { /* @noinspection ExceptionsAnnotatingAndHandlingInspection */ $nextResource = $this->annotationLink($link, $current, $request); $current = $this->nextLink($link, $current, $nextResource); } return $current; }
{@inheritdoc} @throws LinkQueryException @throws \BEAR\Resource\Exception\LinkRelException
private function nextLink(LinkType $link, ResourceObject $ro, $nextResource) : ResourceObject { $nextBody = $nextResource instanceof ResourceObject ? $nextResource->body : $nextResource; if ($link->type === LinkType::SELF_LINK) { $ro->body = $nextBody; return $ro; } if ($link->type === LinkType::NEW_LINK) { $ro->body[$link->key] = $nextBody; return $ro; } // crawl return $ro; }
How next linked resource treated (add ? replace ?)
private function annotationLink(LinkType $link, ResourceObject $current, AbstractRequest $request) { if (! is_array($current->body)) { throw new Exception\LinkQueryException('Only array is allowed for link in ' . get_class($current), 500); } $classMethod = 'on' . ucfirst($request->method); $annotations = $this->reader->getMethodAnnotations(new \ReflectionMethod(get_class($current), $classMethod)); if ($link->type === LinkType::CRAWL_LINK) { return $this->annotationCrawl($annotations, $link, $current); } /* @noinspection ExceptionsAnnotatingAndHandlingInspection */ return $this->annotationRel($annotations, $link, $current)->body; }
Annotation link @throws \BEAR\Resource\Exception\MethodException @throws \BEAR\Resource\Exception\LinkRelException @throws Exception\LinkQueryException @return mixed|ResourceObject
private function annotationRel(array $annotations, LinkType $link, ResourceObject $current) : ResourceObject { /* @noinspection LoopWhichDoesNotLoopInspection */ foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { if ($annotation->rel !== $link->key) { continue; } $uri = uri_template($annotation->href, $current->body); $rel = $this->factory->newInstance($uri); /* @noinspection UnnecessaryParenthesesInspection */ $request = new Request($this->invoker, $rel, Request::GET, (new Uri($uri))->query); return $this->invoker->invoke($request); } throw new LinkRelException("rel:{$link->key} class:" . get_class($current), 500); }
Annotation link (new, self) @param \BEAR\Resource\Annotation\Link[] $annotations @throws \BEAR\Resource\Exception\UriException @throws \BEAR\Resource\Exception\MethodException @throws Exception\LinkQueryException @throws Exception\LinkRelException
private function annotationCrawl(array $annotations, LinkType $link, ResourceObject $current) : ResourceObject { $isList = $this->isList($current->body); $bodyList = $isList ? (array) $current->body : [$current->body]; foreach ($bodyList as &$body) { /* @noinspection ExceptionsAnnotatingAndHandlingInspection */ $this->crawl($annotations, $link, $body); } unset($body); $current->body = $isList ? $bodyList : $bodyList[0]; return $current; }
Link annotation crawl @throws \BEAR\Resource\Exception\MethodException
public function getParameters(callable $callable, array $query) : array { $metas = ($this->paramMetas)($callable); $parameters = []; foreach ($metas as $varName => $param) { /* @var $param ParamInterface */ $parameters[] = $param($varName, $query, $this->injector); } return $parameters; }
public function getStackOperationsByName($name) { $stackOperations = []; foreach ($this->stackOperations as $stackOperation) { if ($stackOperation->name === $name) { $stackOperations[] = $stackOperation; } } return $stackOperations; }
Returns all operations matching name. @since 1.2.0 @param string $name operation name @return StackOperation[]
public function setStackOperations(array $operations) { $this->stackOperations = []; foreach ($operations as $operation) { $this->addStackOperation($operation); } return $this; }
@since 1.1.0 @param StackOperation[] $operations @return self
public function setResult($var) { GPBUtil::checkEnum($var, \Rxnet\EventStore\Data\OperationResult::class); $this->result = $var; return $this; }
Generated from protobuf field <code>.Rxnet.EventStore.Data.OperationResult result = 2;</code> @param int $var @return $this
public static function get_headers_internal() { if (function_exists('apache_request_headers')) { // we need this to get the actual Authorization: header // because apache tends to tell us it doesn't exist return apache_request_headers(); } // otherwise we don't have apache and are just going to have to hope // that $_SERVER actually contains what we need $out = array(); foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, 5) == "HTTP_") { // this is chaos, basically it is just there to capitalize the first // letter of every word that is not an initial HTTP and strip HTTP // code from przemek $key = str_replace( " ", "-", ucwords(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", substr($key, 5)))) ); $out[$key] = $value; } } return $out; }
helper to try to sort out headers for people who aren't running apache
public static function get_headers() { $headers = OAuthUtil::get_headers_internal(); if ( ! is_array($headers) ) return $headers; if ( (! isset($headers['Authorization'])) && isset($headers['X-Oauth1-Authorization']) ) { $headers['Authorization'] = $headers['X-Oauth1-Authorization']; } return $headers; }
header on our behalf - fall back to the alternate Authorization header.
public static function createFromArray($config) { if (!isset($config['stack'])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Stack has to be set'); } $hash = isset($config['hash']) ? $config['hash'] : null; $format = isset($config['format']) ? $config['format'] : null; $filename = isset($config['filename']) ? $config['filename'] : null; return new self($config['stack'], $hash, $format, $filename); }
Creates a UriComponent object from an array with 'stack', 'hash', 'format', 'filename' and 'stack' as keys. @since 1.2.0 @param mixed $config
public function setStack($stack) { if ($stack instanceof StackUri) { $this->stack = $stack; } elseif (\is_string($stack)) { $this->stack = new StackUri($stack); } else { if ('object' == \gettype($stack)) { $given = \get_class($stack); } else { $given = \gettype($stack); } throw new \RuntimeException('Stack needs to be StackUri or string. '.$given.' given.'); } }
@since 1.2.0 @param string|StackUri $stack @throws \RuntimeException
public function addQuery(array $query) : RequestInterface { $this->query = array_merge($this->query, $query); return $this; }
public function toUri() : string { $this->resourceObject->uri->query = $this->query; return (string) $this->resourceObject->uri; }
public function linkSelf(string $linkKey) : RequestInterface { $this->links[] = new LinkType($linkKey, LinkType::SELF_LINK); return $this; }
public function linkNew(string $linkKey) : RequestInterface { $this->links[] = new LinkType($linkKey, LinkType::NEW_LINK); return $this; }
public function linkCrawl(string $linkKey) : RequestInterface { $this->links[] = new LinkType($linkKey, LinkType::CRAWL_LINK); return $this; }
public function render(ResourceObject $ro) { list($ro, $body) = $this->valuate($ro); $method = 'on' . ucfirst($ro->uri->method); $hasMethod = method_exists($ro, $method); $annotations = $hasMethod ? $this->reader->getMethodAnnotations(new \ReflectionMethod($ro, $method)) : []; /* @var $annotations Link[] */ $hal = $this->getHal($ro->uri, $body, $annotations); $ro->view = $hal->asJson(true) . PHP_EOL; $ro->headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/hal+json'; return $ro->view; }
{@inheritdoc} @throws \RuntimeException
public function onPostPackageEvent(\Composer\Installer\PackageEvent $event) { $package = $this->getDrupalPackage($event->getOperation()); if ($package) { if (!$this->isPackageSupported($package)) { $this->unsupportedPackages[$package->getName()] = $package; } } }
Adds package to $this->unsupportedPackages if applicable. @param \Composer\Installer\PackageEvent $event
protected function isPackageSupported($package) { $extra = $package->getExtra(); if (!empty($extra['drupal']['security-coverage']['status']) && $extra['drupal']['security-coverage']['status'] == 'not-covered') { return false; } return true; }
Checks to see if this Drupal package is supported by the Drupal Security Team. @param \Composer\Package\PackageInterface $package @return bool
public function onPostCmdEvent(\Composer\Script\Event $event) { if (!empty($this->unsupportedPackages)) { $this->io->write( '<error>You are using Drupal packages that are not supported by the Drupal Security Team!</error>' ); foreach ($this->unsupportedPackages as $package_name => $package) { $extra = $package->getExtra(); $this->io->write( " - <comment>$package_name:{$package->getVersion()}</comment>: {$extra['drupal']['security-coverage']['message']}" ); } $this->io->write( '<comment>See for more information.</comment>' ); } }
Execute blt update after update command has been executed, if applicable. @param \Composer\Script\Event $event
protected function getDrupalPackage($operation) { if ($operation instanceof InstallOperation) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); } elseif ($operation instanceof UpdateOperation) { $package = $operation->getTargetPackage(); } if ($this->isDrupalPackage($package)) { return $package; } return null; }
Gets the package if it is a Drupal related package. @param $operation @return mixed If the package is a Drupal package, it will be returned. Otherwise, NULL.
protected function isDrupalPackage($package) { if (isset($package) && $package instanceof PackageInterface && strstr($package->getName(), 'drupal/')) { return true; } return false; }
Checks to see if a given package is a Drupal package. @param $package @return bool TRUE if the package is a Drupal package.
public function generateNew(ClassName $targetName): SourceCode { $builder = SourceCodeBuilder::create(); $builder->namespace($targetName->namespace()); $classPrototype = $builder->class($targetName->short()); return SourceCode::fromString( (string) $this->renderer->render($builder->build()) ); }
public function generateFromExisting(ClassName $existingClass, ClassName $targetName): SourceCode { $existingClass = $this->reflector->reflectClass(ReflectionClassName::fromString((string) $existingClass)); /** @var SourceCodeBuilder $sourceBuilder */ $sourceBuilder = SourceCodeBuilder::create(); $sourceBuilder->namespace($targetName->namespace()); $interfaceBuilder = $sourceBuilder->interface($targetName->short()); $useClasses = []; /** @var ReflectionMethod $method */ foreach ($existingClass->methods()->byVisibilities([ Visibility::public() ]) as $method) { if ($method->name() === '__construct') { continue; } $methodBuilder = $interfaceBuilder->method($method->name()); $methodBuilder->visibility((string) $method->visibility()); if ($method->docblock()->isDefined()) { $methodBuilder->docblock($method->docblock()->formatted()); } if ($method->returnType()->isDefined()) { $methodBuilder->returnType($method->returnType()->short()); if ($method->returnType()->isClass()) { $sourceBuilder->use($method->returnType()); } } /** @var ReflectionParameter $parameter */ foreach ($method->parameters() as $parameter) { $parameterBuilder = $methodBuilder->parameter($parameter->name()); if ($parameter->type()->isDefined()) { if ($parameter->type()->isPrimitive()) { $parameterBuilder->type($parameter->type()->primitive()); } else { $className = $parameter->type()->className(); if ($className) { $parameterBuilder->type($className->short()); $paramClassName = $parameter->type()->className(); if ($paramClassName) { $useClasses[$paramClassName->__toString()] = true; } } } if ($parameter->default()->isDefined()) { $parameterBuilder->defaultValue($parameter->default()->value()); } } } } foreach (array_keys($useClasses) as $useClass) { $sourceBuilder->use($useClass); } return SourceCode::fromString($this->renderer->render($sourceBuilder->build())); }
protected function renderDataCellContent($row, $data) { /* @var $am CAuthManager|AuthBehavior */ $am = Yii::app()->getAuthManager(); $labelType = $this->active || $am->hasParent($this->itemName, $data['name']) || $am->hasChild( $this->itemName, $data['name'] ) ? 'info' : ''; /* @var $controller AuthItemController */ $controller = $this->grid->getController(); echo TbHtml::labelTb( $controller->getItemTypeText($data['item']->type), array( 'color' => $labelType, ) ); }
Renders the data cell content. @param integer $row the row number (zero-based). @param mixed $data the data associated with the row.
public function apply(Rule $rule, $value) { if ($this->useEncoding($rule)) { return mb_strtoupper((string) $value, $rule->encoding); } return strtoupper((string) $value); }
{@inheritDoc} @param \DMS\Filter\Rules\ToUpper $rule
public function indexBy($column) { if (!$this->asArray) { return parent::indexBy($column); } /** @var DynamicActiveRecord $modelClass */ $modelClass = $this->modelClass; $this->indexBy = function ($row) use ($column, $modelClass) { if (isset($row[$column])) { return $row[$column]; } $dynamicColumn = $modelClass::dynamicColumn(); if (!isset($row[$dynamicColumn])) { throw new UnknownPropertyException("Dynamic column {$dynamicColumn} does not exist - wasn't set in select"); } $dynamicAttributes = DynamicActiveRecord::dynColDecode($row[$dynamicColumn]); $value = $this->getDotNotatedValue($dynamicAttributes, $column); return $value; }; return $this; }
Converts the indexBy column name an anonymous function that writes rows to the result array indexed an attribute name that may be in dotted notation. @param callable|string $column name of the column by which the query results should be indexed @return $this
public function prepare($builder) { /** @var DynamicActiveRecord $modelClass */ $modelClass = $this->modelClass; $this->_dynamicColumn = $modelClass::dynamicColumn(); if (empty($this->_dynamicColumn)) { /** @var string $modelClass */ throw new \yii\base\InvalidConfigException( $modelClass . '::dynamicColumn() must return an attribute name' ); } if (empty($this->select)) { $this->select[] = '*'; } if (is_array($this->select) && in_array('*', $this->select)) { $db = $modelClass::getDb(); $this->select[$this->_dynamicColumn] = 'COLUMN_JSON(' . $db->quoteColumnName($this->_dynamicColumn) . ')'; } return parent::prepare($builder); }
Maria-specific preparation for building a query that includes a dynamic column. @param \yii\db\QueryBuilder $builder @return \yii\db\Query @throws \yii\base\Exception @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException
protected function getDotNotatedValue($array, $attribute) { $pieces = explode('.', $attribute); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if (!is_array($array) || !array_key_exists($piece, $array)) { return null; } $array = $array[$piece]; } return $array; }
Returns the value of the element in an array refereced by a dot-notated attribute name. @param array $array an array of attributes and values, possibly nested @param string $attribute the attribute name in dotted notation @return mixed|null the element in $array referenced by $attribute or null if no such element exists
public function getConfigTreeBuilder() { $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder(); $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('surfnet_saml'); $this->addHostedSection($rootNode); $this->addRemoteSection($rootNode); return $treeBuilder; }
protected function renderDataCellContent($row, $data) { /* @var $am CAuthManager|AuthBehavior */ $am = Yii::app()->getAuthManager(); $linkCssClass = $this->active || $am->hasParent($this->itemName, $data['name']) || $am->hasChild( $this->itemName, $data['name'] ) ? 'active' : 'disabled'; /* @var $controller AuthItemController */ $controller = $this->grid->getController(); echo CHtml::link( $data['item']->description, array('/auth/' . $controller->getItemControllerId($data['item']->type) . '/view', 'name' => $data['name']), array('class' => $linkCssClass) ); }
Renders the data cell content. @param integer $row the row number (zero-based). @param mixed $data the data associated with the row.
public function getAttribute($name) { try { return parent::__get($name); } catch (UnknownPropertyException $ignore) { } $path = explode('.', $name); $ref = &$this->_dynamicAttributes; foreach ($path as $key) { if (!isset($ref[$key])) { return null; } $ref = &$ref[$key]; } return $ref; }
Returns a model attribute value. @param string $name attribute name, use dotted notation for structured attributes. @return mixed|null the attribute value or null if the attribute does not exist
public function setAttribute($name, $value) { try { parent::__set($name, $value); return; } catch (UnknownPropertyException $ignore) { } $path = explode('.', $name); $ref = &$this->_dynamicAttributes; // Walk forwards through $path to find the deepest key already set. do { $key = $path[0]; if (isset($ref[$key])) { $ref = &$ref[$key]; array_shift($path); } else { break; } } while ($path); // If the whole path already existed then we can just set it. if (!$path) { $ref = $value; return; } // There is remaining path so we have to set a new leaf with the first // part of the remaining path as key. But first, if there is any path // beyond that then we need build an array to set as the new leaf value. while (count($path) > 1) { $key = array_pop($path); $value = [$key => $value]; } $ref[$path[0]] = $value; }
Sets a model attribute. @param string $name attribute name, use dotted notation for structured attributes. @param mixed $value the attribute value. A value of null effectively unsets the attribute.
public function issetAttribute($name) { try { if (parent::__get($name) !== null) { return true; } } catch (Exception $ignore) { } $path = explode('.', $name); $ref = &$this->_dynamicAttributes; foreach ($path as $key) { if (!isset($ref[$key])) { return false; } $ref = &$ref[$key]; } return true; }
Returns if a model attribute is set. @param string $name attribute name, use dotted notation for structured attributes. @return bool true if the attribute is set
public function unsetAttribute($name) { try { parent::__unset($name); } catch (\Exception $ignore) { } if ($this->issetAttribute($name)) { $this->setAttribute($name, null); } }
Unset a model attribute. @param string $name attribute name, use dotted notation for structured attributes.
protected static function dotKeyValues($prefix, $array) { $fields = []; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_string($key)) { $newPos = $prefix . '.' . $key; if (is_array($value)) { $fields = array_merge($fields, static::dotKeyValues($newPos, $value)); } else { $fields[$newPos] = $value; } } } return $fields; }
Convert a nested array to a map of dot-notation keys to values. @param string $prefix Prefix returned array keys with this string @param array $array Nested array of attributeName => value pairs @return array Map of keys in dotted notation to corresponding values
public function dotAttributeNames() { return array_merge( array_values(parent::fields()), array_keys(static::dotKeyValues(static::dynamicColumn(), $this->_dynamicAttributes)) ); }
Return a list of all model attribute names recursing structured dynamic attributes. @return array an array of all attribute names in dotted notation @throws Exception
public static function columnExpression($name, $type = 'char') { $sql = '[[' . static::dynamicColumn() . ']]'; $parts = explode('.', $name); $lastPart = array_pop($parts); foreach ($parts as $column) { $sql = "COLUMN_GET($sql, '$column' AS BINARY)"; } $sql = "COLUMN_GET($sql, '$lastPart' AS $type)"; return $sql; }
Generate an SQL expression referring to the given dynamic column. @param string $name Attribute name @param string $type SQL datatype type @return string a Maria COLUMN_GET expression
public static function encodeForMaria($value) { return is_string($value) && (!mb_check_encoding($value, 'UTF-8') || strpos($value, self::DATA_URI_PREFIX) === 0) ? self::DATA_URI_PREFIX . base64_encode($value) : $value; }
Encode as data URIs strings that JSON cannot express. @param mixed $value a value to encode @return string the encoded data URI
public static function decodeForMaria($value) { return is_string($value) && strpos($value, self::DATA_URI_PREFIX) === 0 ? file_get_contents($value) : $value; }
Decode strings encoded as data URIs. @param string $value the data URI to decode @return string the decoded value
protected static function walk(& $array, $method) { if (is_scalar($array)) { $array = static::$method($array); return; } $replacements = []; foreach ($array as $key => & $value) { if (is_scalar($value) || $value === null) { $value = static::$method($value); } else { static::walk($value, $method); } $newKey = static::$method($key); if ($newKey !== $key) { $replacements[$newKey] = $value; unset($array[$key]); } } foreach ($replacements as $key => $value2) { $array[$key] = $value2; } }
Replacement for PHP's array walk and map builtins. @param array $array An array to walk, which may be nested @param callable $method A method to map on the array
protected static function dynColSqlMaria(array $attrs, & $params) { $sql = []; foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) { if (is_object($value) && !($value instanceof ValueExpression)) { $value = method_exists($value, 'toArray') ? $value->toArray() : (array) $value; } if ($value === [] || $value === null) { continue; } $phKey = static::placeholder(); $phValue = static::placeholder(); $sql[] = $phKey; $params[$phKey] = $key; if ($value instanceof ValueExpression || is_float($value)) { $sql[] = $value; } elseif (is_scalar($value)) { $sql[] = $phValue; $params[$phValue] = $value; } elseif (is_array($value)) { $sql[] = static::dynColSqlMaria($value, $params); } } return $sql === [] ? 'null' : 'COLUMN_CREATE(' . implode(',', $sql) . ')'; }
Creates the SQL and parameter bindings for setting dynamic attributes in a DB record as Dynamic Columns in Maria. @param array $attrs the dynamic attributes, which may be nested @param array $params expression parameters for binding, passed by reference @return string SQL for a DB Expression @throws \yii\base\Exception
public static function dynColExpression($attrs) { if (!$attrs) { return null; } $params = []; // todo For now we only have Maria. Add PgSQL and generic JSON. static::encodeArrayForMaria($attrs); $sql = static::dynColSqlMaria($attrs, $params); return new \yii\db\Expression($sql, $params); }
Creates a dynamic column SQL expression representing the given attributes. @param array $attrs the dynamic attributes, which may be nested @return null|\yii\db\Expression
public static function dynColDecode($encoded) { // Maria has a bug in its COLUMN_JSON funcion in which it fails to escape the // control characters U+0000 through U+001F. This causes JSON decoders to fail. // This workaround escapes those characters. $encoded = preg_replace_callback( '/[\x00-\x1f]/', function ($matches) { return sprintf('\u00%02x', ord($matches[0])); }, $encoded ); $decoded = json_decode($encoded, true); if ($decoded) { static::decodeArrayForMaria($decoded); } return $decoded; }
Decode a serialized blob of dynamic attributes. At present the only supported input format is JSON returned from Maria. It may work also for PostgreSQL. @param string $encoded Serialized array of attributes in DB-specific form @return array Dynamic attributes in name => value pairs (possibly nested)
public function beforeSave($insert) { if (!parent::beforeSave($insert)) { return false; } $this->setAttribute(static::dynamicColumn(), static::dynColExpression($this->_dynamicAttributes)); return true; }
@param bool $insert @return bool @throws Exception
public static function populateRecord($record, $row) { $dynCol = static::dynamicColumn(); if (isset($row[$dynCol])) { $record->_dynamicAttributes = static::dynColDecode($row[$dynCol]); } parent::populateRecord($record, $row); }
@param DynamicActiveRecord $record @param array $row @throws Exception
public function addAttributeDefinition(AttributeDefinition $attributeDefinition) { if (isset($this->attributeDefinitionsByName[$attributeDefinition->getName()])) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'Cannot add attribute "%s" as it has already been added', $attributeDefinition->getName() )); } $this->attributeDefinitionsByName[$attributeDefinition->getName()] = $attributeDefinition; if ($attributeDefinition->hasUrnMace()) { $this->attributeDefinitionsByUrn[$attributeDefinition->getUrnMace()] = $attributeDefinition; } if ($attributeDefinition->hasUrnOid()) { $this->attributeDefinitionsByUrn[$attributeDefinition->getUrnOid()] = $attributeDefinition; } }
@param AttributeDefinition $attributeDefinition We store the definitions indexed both by name and by urn to ensure speedy lookups due to the amount of definitions and the amount of usages of the lookups
protected function renderDataCellContent($row, $data) { /* @var $am CAuthManager|AuthBehavior */ $am = Yii::app()->getAuthManager(); /* @var $controller AssignmentController */ $controller = $this->grid->getController(); $assignments = $am->getAuthAssignments($data->{$this->idColumn}); $permissions = $am->getItemsPermissions(array_keys($assignments)); foreach ($permissions as $itemPermission) { echo $itemPermission['item']->description; echo ' <small>' . $controller->getItemTypeText($itemPermission['item']->type, false) . '</small><br />'; } }
Renders the data cell content. @param integer $row the row number (zero-based). @param mixed $data the data associated with the row.
public function apply(Rule $rule, $value) { return htmlentities($value, $rule->flags, $rule->encoding, $rule->doubleEncode); }
{@inheritDoc} @param \DMS\Filter\Rules\HtmlEntities $rule
public function apply(Rule $rule, $value) { //trim() only operates in default mode //if no second argument is passed, it //cannot be passed as null if ($rule->charlist === null) { return trim($value); } return trim($value, $rule->charlist); }
{@inheritDoc} @param \DMS\Filter\Rules\Trim $rule
public function init() { $this->setImport( array( 'auth.components.*', 'auth.controllers.*', 'auth.models.*', 'auth.widgets.*', ) ); $this->registerCss(); $this->flashKeys = array_merge( $this->flashKeys, array( 'error' => 'error', 'info' => 'info', 'success' => 'success', 'warning' => 'warning', ) ); if (isset($this->viewDir)) { if (strpos($this->viewDir, '.')) { $this->viewDir = Yii::getPathOfAlias($this->viewDir); } $this->setLayoutPath($this->viewDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts'); $this->setViewPath($this->viewDir); } }
Initializes the module.
public function beforeControllerAction($controller, $action) { if (parent::beforeControllerAction($controller, $action)) { $user = Yii::app()->getUser(); if ($user instanceof AuthWebUser) { if ($user->isAdmin) { return true; } elseif ($user->isGuest) { $user->loginRequired(); } } else { throw new CException('WebUser component is not an instance of AuthWebUser.'); } } throw new CHttpException(401, Yii::t('AuthModule.main', 'Access denied.')); }
The pre-filter for controller actions. @param CController $controller the controller. @param CAction $action the action. @return boolean whether the action should be executed. @throws CException|CHttpException if user is denied access.
protected function getAssetsUrl() { if (isset($this->_assetsUrl)) { return $this->_assetsUrl; } else { $assetsPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias('auth.assets'); $assetsUrl = Yii::app()->assetManager->publish($assetsPath, false, -1, $this->forceCopyAssets); return $this->_assetsUrl = $assetsUrl; } }
Returns the URL to the published assets folder. @return string the URL.
public function getInputType() { switch (true) { case $this->callback instanceof Closure: return self::CLOSURE_TYPE; case is_callable($this->callback, false): return self::CALLABLE_TYPE; case is_string($this->callback): return self::SELF_METHOD_TYPE; } throw new InvalidCallbackException( "The input provided for Callback filter is not supported or the callable not valid. Please refer to the class documentation." ); }
Figures out which type of input was provided @return string @throws \DMS\Filter\Exception\InvalidCallbackException
protected function fetchData() { if (empty($this->_items) && $this->type !== null) { $authItems = Yii::app()->authManager->getAuthItems($this->type); $this->setAuthItems($authItems); } return $this->_items; }
Fetches the data from the persistent data storage. @return array list of data items
public function apply(Rule $rule, $value) { //Check for Whitespace support $whitespaceChar = ($rule->allowWhitespace)? " ":""; $rule->unicodePattern = '/[^\p{N}' . $whitespaceChar . ']/'; $rule->pattern = '/[^0-9' . $whitespaceChar . ']/'; return parent::apply($rule, $value); }
{@inheritDoc} @param \DMS\Filter\Rules\Digits $rule
public function apply(Rule $rule, $value) { if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) { return null; } return floatval($value); }
public function applyFilterRules($property, $filterRules = array()) { foreach ($filterRules as $rule) { $this->applyFilterRule($property, $rule); } }
Applies the selected rules to a property in the object @param string $property @param array $filterRules
public function applyFilterRule($property, Rules\Rule $filterRule) { if ($this->filterLoader === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException("A FilterLoader must be provided"); } $value = $this->getPropertyValue($property); $filter = $this->filterLoader->getFilterForRule($filterRule); if ($filter instanceof ObjectAwareFilter) { $filter->setCurrentObject($this->object); } $filteredValue = $filter->apply($filterRule, $value); $this->setPropertyValue($property, $filteredValue); }
Applies a Filtering Rule to a property @param string $property @param Rules\Rule $filterRule @throws \UnexpectedValueException
private function setPropertyValue($propertyName, $value) { $this->getAccessibleReflectionProperty($propertyName) ->setValue($this->object, $value); }
Overrides the value of a property, overcoming visibility problems @param string$propertyName @param mixed $value
private function getAccessibleReflectionProperty($propertyName) { $property = $this->reflClass->getProperty($propertyName); $property->setAccessible(true); return $property; }
Retrieves a property from the object and makes it visible @param string $propertyName @return \ReflectionProperty
public function receiveSignedAuthnRequestFrom(Request $request) { if (!$this->entityRepository) { throw new LogicException( 'Could not receive AuthnRequest from HTTP Request: a ServiceProviderRepository must be configured' ); } if (!$request->isMethod(Request::METHOD_GET)) { throw new BadRequestHttpException(sprintf( 'Could not receive AuthnRequest from HTTP Request: expected a GET method, got %s', $request->getMethod() )); } $requestUri = $request->getRequestUri(); if (strpos($requestUri, '?') === false) { throw new BadRequestHttpException( 'Could not receive AuthnRequest from HTTP Request: expected query parameters, none found' ); } list(, $rawQueryString) = explode('?', $requestUri); $query = ReceivedAuthnRequestQueryString::parse($rawQueryString); if (!$query->isSigned()) { throw new UnsignedRequestException('The SAMLRequest is expected to be signed but it was not'); } if (!$this->signatureVerifier->verifySignatureAlgorithmSupported($query)) { throw new UnsupportedSignatureException( $query->getSignatureAlgorithm() ); } $authnRequest = ReceivedAuthnRequest::from($query->getDecodedSamlRequest()); $currentUri = $this->getFullRequestUri($request); if (!$authnRequest->getDestination() === $currentUri) { throw new BadRequestHttpException(sprintf( 'Actual Destination "%s" does not match the AuthnRequest Destination "%s"', $currentUri, $authnRequest->getDestination() )); } if (!$this->entityRepository->hasServiceProvider($authnRequest->getServiceProvider())) { throw new UnknownServiceProviderException($authnRequest->getServiceProvider()); } $serviceProvider = $this->entityRepository->getServiceProvider($authnRequest->getServiceProvider()); // Note: verifyIsSignedBy throws an Exception when the signature does not match. if (!$this->signatureVerifier->verifyIsSignedBy($query, $serviceProvider)) { throw new SignatureValidationFailedException( 'Validation of the signature in the AuthnRequest failed' ); } return $authnRequest; }
@param Request $request @return ReceivedAuthnRequest @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)