stringlengths 52
| docs
stringlengths 1
protected function generateSlug(string $sLabel, int $iIgnoreId = null)
$iCounter = 0;
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
$sSlug = Transliterator::transliterate($sLabel);
do {
if ($iCounter) {
$sSlugTest = $sSlug . '-' . $iCounter;
} else {
$sSlugTest = $sSlug;
if ($iIgnoreId) {
$oDb->where($this->tableIdColumn . ' !=', $iIgnoreId);
$oDb->where($this->tableSlugColumn, $sSlugTest);
} while ($oDb->count_all_results($this->getTableName()));
return $sSlugTest;
} | Generates a unique slug
@param string $sLabel The label from which to generate a slug
@param int $iIgnoreId The ID of an item to ignore
@return string
@throws ModelException |
protected function generateToken($sMask = null, $sTable = null, $sColumn = null)
if (is_null($sMask)) {
$sMask = $this->sTokenMask;
if (is_null($sTable)) {
$sTable = $this->getTableName();
if (is_null($sColumn)) {
if (!$this->tableTokenColumn) {
throw new ModelException(static::class . '::generateToken() Token variable not set', 1);
$sColumn = $this->tableTokenColumn;
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
do {
$sToken = generateToken($sMask);
$oDb->where($sColumn, $sToken);
} while ($oDb->count_all_results($sTable));
return $sToken;
} | Generates a unique token for a record
@param string|null $sMask The token mask, defaults to $this->sTokenMask
@param string|null $sTable The table to use defaults to $this->table
@param string|null $sColumn The column to use, defaults to $this->tableTokenColumn
@return string
@throws ModelException |
public function getTableName($bIncludeAlias = false)
// @todo (Pablo - 2019-03-14) - Phase out support for $this->table
if (empty($this->table) && empty(static::TABLE)) {
throw new ModelException(static::class . '::TABLE not set', 1);
$sTable = static::TABLE ?? $this->table;
return $bIncludeAlias ? trim($sTable . ' as `' . $this->getTableAlias() . '`') : $sTable;
} | Returns protected property $table
@param bool $bIncludeAlias Whether to include the table's alias
@throws ModelException
@return string |
public function getTableAlias($bIncludeSeparator = false)
// @todo (Pablo - 2019-04-15) - Deprecate $this->>tableAlias
$sOut = static::TABLE_ALIAS ?? $this->tableAlias ?? '';
if (empty($sOut)) {
// work it out
$sTable = strtolower($this->getTableName());
$sTable = preg_replace('/[^a-z_]/', '', $sTable);
$sTable = preg_replace('/_/', ' ', $sTable);
$aTable = explode(' ', $sTable);
foreach ($aTable as $sWord) {
$sOut .= $sWord[0];
if (!empty($sOut) && $bIncludeSeparator) {
$sOut .= '.';
return $sOut;
} | Returns protected property $tableAlias
@param bool $bIncludeSeparator Whether to include the prefix separator
@return string |
protected function autoSaveExpandableFieldsExtract(array &$aData)
$aFields = [];
$aOut = [];
$aExpandableFields = $this->getExpandableFields();
foreach ($aExpandableFields as $oField) {
if ($oField->auto_save) {
$aFields[$oField->trigger] = $oField;
foreach ($aData as $sKey => $mValue) {
if (array_key_exists($sKey, $aFields)) {
$aOut[$sKey] = $aFields[$sKey];
$aOut[$sKey]->data = $mValue;
return $aOut;
} | Extracts any autosaveable expandable fields and unsets them from the main array
@param array $aData The data passed to create() or update()
@return array |
protected function autoSaveExpandableFieldsSave($iId, array $aExpandableFields)
foreach ($aExpandableFields as $oField) {
$aData = array_filter((array) $oField->data);
} | Saves extracted expandable fields
@param int $iId
@param array $aExpandableFields |
public function getColumn($sColumn, $sDefault = null)
$sColumn = ucfirst(trim($sColumn));
if (property_exists($this, 'table' . $sColumn . 'Column')) {
return $this->{'table' . $sColumn . 'Column'};
return $sDefault;
} | Returns the column name for specific columns of interest
@param string $sColumn The column to query
@param string|null $sDefault The default value if not defined
@return string |
protected function describeFieldsPrepareLabel($sLabel)
$aPatterns = [
// Common words
'/\bid\b/i' => 'ID',
'/\burl\b/i' => 'URL',
'/\bhtml\b/i' => 'HTML',
// Common file extensions
'/\bpdf\b/i' => 'PDF',
$sLabel = ucwords(preg_replace('/[\-_]/', ' ', $sLabel));
$sLabel = preg_replace(array_keys($aPatterns), array_values($aPatterns), $sLabel);
return $sLabel;
} | Generates a human friendly label from the field's key
@param string $sLabel The label to format
@return string |
protected function describeFieldsGuessValidation(&$oField, $sType)
preg_match('/^(.*?)(\((.+?)\)(.*))?$/', $sType, $aMatches);
$sType = ArrayHelper::getFromArray(1, $aMatches, 'text');
$iLength = ArrayHelper::getFromArray(3, $aMatches);
$sExtra = trim(strtolower(ArrayHelper::getFromArray(4, $aMatches)));
switch ($sType) {
* Numeric
case 'int':
if ($sExtra === 'unsigned') {
$oField->validation[] = 'greater_than[-1]';
} else {
$oField->validation[] = 'integer';
case 'tinyint':
if ($oField->type === 'boolean') {
$oField->validation[] = 'is_bool';
} else {
$oField->validation[] = 'integer';
* String
case 'varchar':
if ($iLength) {
$oField->validation[] = 'max_length[' . $iLength . ']';
* Date and time
case 'date':
$oField->validation[] = 'valid_date';
case 'datetime':
$oField->validation[] = 'valid_datetime';
case 'enum':
$oField->validation[] = 'in_list[' . implode(',', array_keys($oField->options)) . ']';
* Default to basic string
if ($iLength) {
$oField->validation[] = 'max_length[' . $iLength . ']';
} | Guesses the field's validation rules based on it's type
@param \stdClass $oField The field object
@param string $sType The database type |
protected function triggerEvent($sEvent, array $aData)
if ($sEvent) {
} | Triggers an event
@param string $sEvent The event to trigger
@param array $aData Data to pass to listeners
@throws ModelException |
public static function backwardsCompatibility(&$oBindTo)
// @todo (Pablo - 2017-06-07) - Remove these
$oBindTo->db = Factory::service('Database');
$oBindTo->encrypt = Factory::service('Encrypt');
} | Various older modules expect to be able to access a few services/models
via magic methods. These will be deprecated soon.
@param object $oBindTo The class to bind to |
private function getSections(Options $options): array
$allSections = [];
/** @var \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Section[] $sections */
$sections = $this->sectionService->loadSections();
$configuredSections = $options['sections'];
foreach ($sections as $section) {
if (count($configuredSections) > 0 && !in_array($section->identifier, $configuredSections, true)) {
$allSections[$section->name] = $section->identifier;
return $allSections;
} | Returns the allowed sections from eZ Platform. |
public function addRaw($aAttr)
if (!empty($aAttr)) {
$sHash = md5(json_encode($aAttr));
$this->aEntries[$sHash] = $aAttr;
return $this;
} | Adds a meta tag, setting all the element keys as tag attributes.
@param array $aAttr An array of attributes which make up the entry |
public function removeRaw($aAttr)
if (!empty($aAttr)) {
$sHash = md5(json_encode($aAttr));
return $this;
} | Adds a meta tag
@param array $aAttr An array of attributes which make up the entry |
public function add($sName, $sContent, $sTag = '')
$aMeta = [
'name' => $sName,
'content' => $sContent,
'tag' => $sTag,
return $this->addRaw($aMeta);
} | Adds a basic meta tag, setting the name and the content attributes
@param string $sName The element's name attribute
@param string $sContent The element's content attribute
@param string $sTag The elements's type |
public function remove($sName, $sContent, $sTag = '')
$aMeta = [
'name' => $sName,
'content' => $sContent,
'tag' => $sTag,
return $this->removeRaw($aMeta);
} | Removes a basic meta tag
@param string $sName The elements's name attribute
@param string $sContent The elements's content attribute
@param string $sTag The elements's type |
public function removeByPropertyPattern($aProperties)
foreach ($this->aEntries as $sHash => $aEntry) {
foreach ($aProperties as $aPatterns) {
foreach ($aPatterns as $sProperty => $sPattern) {
if (!array_key_exists($sProperty, $aEntry)) {
continue 2;
} elseif (!preg_match('/^' . $sPattern . '$/i', $aEntry[$sProperty])) {
continue 2;
return $this;
} | Removes items whose propeerties match a defined pattern
@param array $aProperties A key/value array of properties and matching patterns
@return $this |
public function outputAr()
$aOut = [];
foreach ($this->aEntries as $aEntry) {
$sTemp = !empty($aEntry['tag']) ? '<' . $aEntry['tag'] . ' ' : '<meta ';
foreach ($aEntry as $sKey => $sValue) {
$sTemp .= $sKey . '="' . $sValue . '" ';
$sTemp = trim($sTemp) . '>';
$aOut[] = $sTemp;
return $aOut;
} | Compiles the elements into an array of strings
@return array |
public function getAllNested(array $aData = [], $bIncludeDeleted = false, $sProperty = 'children')
$aAll = parent::getAll(null, null, $aData, $bIncludeDeleted);
return $this->nestItems($aAll, $sProperty);
} | Similar to getAll, but returns the items in a nested array
@param array $aData Customise the result set
@param bool $bIncludeDeleted Whether to include deleted results
@param string $sProperty The property to which to assign children
@return array |
protected function nestItems(array $aAll, $sProperty, $iParentId = null)
$aOut = [];
$sIdCol = $this->tableIdColumn;
$sParentCol = $this->tableParentColumn;
foreach ($aAll as $oItem) {
// Check the parent ID column exists
if (!property_exists($oItem, $sParentCol)) {
throw new NailsException('Parent column "' . $sParentCol . '" is not defined on result set.');
$iThisParentId = $oItem->{$sParentCol};
if ($iThisParentId == $iParentId) {
$oItem->{$sProperty} = $this->nestItems($aAll, $sProperty, $oItem->{$sIdCol});
$aOut[] = $oItem;
} else if (!property_exists($oItem, $sProperty)) {
$oItem->{$sProperty} = [];
return $aOut;
} | Nests items
@param array $aAll The items to nest
@param string $sProperty The property to which to assign children
@param null $iParentId The parent ID to check against
@return array
@throws NailsException |
public function getAllNestedFlat(array $aData = [], $sSeparator = ' › ', $bIncludeDeleted = false)
$aAllNested = $this->getAllNested($aData, $bIncludeDeleted, 'children');
$aFlattened = $this->flattenItems($aAllNested);
foreach ($aFlattened as &$aLabels) {
$aLabels = implode($sSeparator, $aLabels);
return $aFlattened;
} | Returns nested items, but as a flat array. The item's parent's labels will be prepended to the string
@param array $aData Customise the result set
@param string $sSeparator The separator to use between labels
@param bool $bIncludeDeleted Whether to include deleted results
@return array |
private function loadStateIdentifiers(): array
if ($this->stateIdentifiers === null) {
$this->stateIdentifiers = $this->repository->sudo(
static function (Repository $repository): array {
$stateIdentifiers = [];
$stateGroups = $repository->getObjectStateService()->loadObjectStateGroups();
foreach ($stateGroups as $stateGroup) {
$stateIdentifiers[$stateGroup->identifier] = [];
$states = $repository->getObjectStateService()->loadObjectStates($stateGroup);
foreach ($states as $state) {
$stateIdentifiers[$stateGroup->identifier][] = $state->identifier;
return $stateIdentifiers;
return $this->stateIdentifiers;
} | Returns the list of object state identifiers separated by group.
@return string[][] |
private function buildObjectStateFilterParameters(ParameterBuilderInterface $builder, array $groups = []): void
'groups' => $groups,
'multiple' => true,
'groups' => $groups,
} | Builds the parameters for filtering by object states. |
private function getObjectStateFilterCriteria(ParameterCollectionInterface $parameterCollection): ?Criterion
if ($parameterCollection->getParameter('filter_by_object_state')->getValue() !== true) {
return null;
$objectStates = $parameterCollection->getParameter('object_states')->getValue() ?? [];
if (count($objectStates) === 0) {
return null;
$criteria = [];
foreach ($this->getObjectStateIds($objectStates) as $stateIds) {
$criteria[] = new Criterion\ObjectStateId($stateIds);
return new Criterion\LogicalAnd($criteria);
} | Returns the criteria used to filter content by object state. |
private function getObjectStateIds(array $stateIdentifiers): array
$idList = [];
foreach ($stateIdentifiers as $identifier) {
$identifier = explode('|', $identifier);
if (count($identifier) !== 2) {
try {
$stateGroup = $this->objectStateHandler->loadGroupByIdentifier($identifier[0]);
$objectState = $this->objectStateHandler->loadByIdentifier($identifier[1], $stateGroup->id);
$idList[$stateGroup->id][] = $objectState->id;
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
return $idList;
} | Returns object state IDs for all provided object state identifiers.
State identifiers are in format "<group_identifier>|<state_identifier>" |
private function loadLanguages(): iterable
if (method_exists($this->languageService, 'loadLanguageListByCode')) {
return $this->languageService->loadLanguageListByCode($this->languageCodes);
// Deprecated: Remove when support for eZ kernel < 7.5 ends
$languages = [];
foreach ($this->languageCodes as $languageCode) {
try {
$language = $this->languageService->loadLanguage($languageCode);
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
$languages[] = $language;
return $languages;
} | Loads the list of eZ Platform languages from language codes available in the object.
@deprecated Acts as a BC layer for eZ kernel <7.5
@return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Language[] |
private function getPosixLocale(Language $language): ?array
if (!$language->enabled) {
return null;
$posixLocale = $this->localeConverter->convertToPOSIX($language->languageCode);
if ($posixLocale === null) {
return null;
if (!Locales::exists($posixLocale)) {
return null;
return [$posixLocale, Locales::getName($posixLocale)];
} | Returns the array with POSIX locale code and name for provided eZ Platform language.
If POSIX locale does not exist or if language is not enabled, null will be returned. |
public static function init()
if (static::$bIsReady) {
$aErrorHandlers = Components::drivers('nails/common', 'ErrorHandler');
$oDefaultDriver = null;
$aCustomDrivers = [];
foreach ($aErrorHandlers as $oErrorHandler) {
if ($oErrorHandler->slug == static::DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLER) {
$oDefaultDriver = $oErrorHandler;
} else {
$aCustomDrivers[] = $oErrorHandler;
if (count($aCustomDrivers) > 1) {
$aNames = [];
foreach ($aCustomDrivers as $oErrorHandler) {
$aNames[] = $oErrorHandler->slug;
static::halt(implode(', ', $aNames), 'More than one error handler installed');
} elseif (count($aCustomDrivers) === 1) {
$oErrorHandler = reset($aCustomDrivers);
} else {
$oErrorHandler = $oDefaultDriver;
$sDriverNamespace = ArrayHelper::getFromArray('namespace', (array) $oErrorHandler->data);
$sDriverClass = ArrayHelper::getFromArray('class', (array) $oErrorHandler->data);
$sClassName = '\\' . $sDriverNamespace . $sDriverClass;
if (!class_exists($sClassName)) {
static::halt('Expected: ' . $sClassName, 'Driver class not available');
} elseif (!in_array(static::INTERFACE_NAME, class_implements($sClassName))) {
static::halt('Error Handler "' . $sClassName . '" must implement "' . static::INTERFACE_NAME . '"');
static::$sDriverClass = $sClassName;
static::$oDefaultDriver = $oDefaultDriver;
static::$bIsReady = true;
} | Sets up the appropriate error handling driver |
public function getDefaultDriverClass()
$oDriver = $this->getDefaultDriver();
$sDriverNamespace = ArrayHelper::getFromArray('namespace', (array) $oDriver->data);
$sDriverClass = ArrayHelper::getFromArray('class', (array) $oDriver->data);
return '\\' . $sDriverNamespace . $sDriverClass;
} | Returns the default error driver class name
@return string |
public function triggerError($iErrorNumber = 0, $sErrorString = '', $sErrorFile = '', $iErrorLine = 0)
// PHP5.6 doesn't like $this->sDriverClass::error()
$sDriverClass = static::$sDriverClass;
$sDriverClass::error($iErrorNumber, $sErrorString, $sErrorFile, $iErrorLine);
} | Manually trigger an error
@param int $iErrorNumber
@param string $sErrorString
@param string $sErrorFile
@param int $iErrorLine |
public function showFatalErrorScreen($sSubject = '', $sMessage = '', $oDetails = null)
if (is_array($sMessage)) {
$sMessage = implode("\n", $sMessage);
if (is_null($oDetails)) {
$oDetails = (object) [
'type' => null,
'code' => null,
'msg' => null,
'file' => null,
'line' => null,
'backtrace' => null,
// Get the backtrace
if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) {
$oDetails->backtrace = debug_backtrace();
} else {
$oDetails->backtrace = [];
'sSubject' => $sSubject,
'sMessage' => $sMessage,
'oDetails' => $oDetails,
} | Shows the fatal error screen. A diagnostic screen is shown on non-production
@param string $sSubject The error subject
@param string $sMessage The error message
@param \stdClass $oDetails Breakdown of the error which occurred
@return void |
public function show401($bLogError = true)
if (function_exists('isLoggedIn') && isLoggedIn()) {
if ($bLogError) {
$sPage = ArrayHelper::getFromArray('REQUEST_URI', $_SERVER);
log_message('error', '401 Unauthorised --> ' . $sPage);
$sMessage = 'The page you are trying to view is restricted. Sadly you do not have enough ';
$sMessage .= 'permissions to see its content.';
if (function_exists('wasAdmin') && wasAdmin()) {
$oUserModel = Factory::model('User', 'nails/module-auth');
$oRecovery = $oUserModel->getAdminRecoveryData();
$sMessage .= '<br /><br />';
$sMessage .= '<small>';
$sMessage .= 'However, it looks like you are logged in as someone else.';
$sMessage .= '<br />' . anchor($oRecovery->loginUrl, 'Log back in as ' . $oRecovery->name);
$sMessage .= ' and try again.';
$sMessage .= '</small>';
'sSubject' => '401 Unauthorized',
'sMessage' => $sMessage,
} else {
$oSession = Factory::service('Session', 'nails/module-auth');
$oInput = Factory::service('Input');
$sMessage = 'Sorry, you need to be logged in to see that page.';
$oSession->setFlashData('message', $sMessage);
if ($oInput->server('REQUEST_URI')) {
$sReturn = $oInput->server('REQUEST_URI');
} elseif (uri_string()) {
$sReturn = uri_string();
} else {
$sReturn = '';
$sReturn = $sReturn ? '?return_to=' . urlencode($sReturn) : '';
redirect('auth/login' . $sReturn);
} | Renders the 401 page and halts script execution
@param bool $bLogError Whether to log the error |
public static function halt($sError, $sSubject = '', int $iCode = HttpCodes::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli' || defined('STDIN')) {
$sSubject = trim(strip_tags($sSubject));
$sError = trim(strip_tags($sError));
echo "\n";
echo $sSubject ? 'ERROR: ' . $sSubject . ":\n" : '';
echo $sSubject ? $sError : 'ERROR: ' . $sError;
echo "\n\n";
} else {
<style type="text/css">
p {
font-family: monospace;
margin: 20px 10px;
strong {
color: red;
code {
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #CCC;
background: #EEE
<?=$sSubject ? '<em>' . $sSubject . '</em> - ' : ''?>
} | A very low-level error function, used before the main error handling stack kicks in
@param string $sError The error to show
@param string $sSubject An optional subject line
@param int $iCode The status code to send |
public function run($module = '', $group = '')
if (is_object($module)) {
$this->CI = &$module;
return parent::run($group);
} | Quick mod of run() to allow for HMVC.
@param string $module
@param string $group
@return bool |
public function unique_if_diff($new, $params)
list($table, $column, $old) = explode(".", $params, 3);
if ($new == $old) {
return true;
if (!array_key_exists('unique_if_diff', $this->_error_messages)) {
$this->set_message('unique_if_diff', lang('fv_unique_if_diff_field'));
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
$oDb->where($column . ' !=', $old);
$oDb->where($column, $new);
$q = $oDb->get($table);
if ($q->row()) {
return false;
return true;
} | Checks if a certain value is unique in a specified table if different
from current value.
@param string $new The form value
@param string $params Parameters passed from set_rules() method
@return boolean |
public function valid_postcode($str)
if (!array_key_exists('valid_postcode', $this->_error_messages)) {
$this->set_message('valid_postcode', lang('fv_valid_postcode'));
$pattern = '/^([Gg][Ii][Rr] 0[Aa]{2})|((([A-Za-z][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-Za-z][A-Ha-hJ-Yj-y][0-9]{1,2})|(([A-Za-z][0-9][A-Za-z])|([A-Za-z][A-Ha-hJ-Yj-y][0-9]?[A-Za-z])))) {0,1}[0-9][A-Za-z]{2})$/';
return preg_match($pattern, strtoupper($str)) ? true : false;
} | Checks if a string is in a valid UK post code format.
@param string $str The form value
@return boolean |
public function item_count(array $aArray, $sParam)
$aParams = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', explode(',', $sParam));
$mFloor = ArrayHelper::getFromArray(0, $aParams, 0);
$mCeiling = ArrayHelper::getFromArray(1, $aParams, INF);
if (substr($sParam, 0, 1) === '(' && substr($sParam, -1, 1) === ')') {
if (($bAboveFloor = $mFloor <= count($aArray)) === false) {
$this->set_message('item_count', lang('fv_count_floor'));
if (($bBeneathCeiling = $mCeiling >= count($aArray)) === false) {
$this->set_message('item_count', lang('fv_count_ceiling'));
return $bAboveFloor && $bBeneathCeiling;
} | Checks if an array satisfies specified count restrictions.
@param array $aArray The value to check
@param string $sParam The parameter to check against
@return boolean |
public function valid_date($sDate, $sFormat)
// If blank, then assume the date is not required
if (empty($sDate)) {
return true;
if (empty($sFormat)) {
$sFormat = 'Y-m-d';
if (!array_key_exists('valid_date', $this->_error_messages)) {
$this->set_message('valid_date', lang('fv_valid_date_field'));
try {
$oDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat($sFormat, $sDate);
if (empty($oDate)) {
return false;
return $oDate->format($sFormat) == $sDate;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
} | Check if a date is valid
@param string $sDate The date string to check
@param string $sFormat The format the string is in
@return boolean |
public function date_future($sDate, $sFormat)
// If blank, then assume the date is not required
if (empty($sDate)) {
return true;
if (empty($sFormat)) {
$sFormat = 'Y-m-d';
if (!array_key_exists('date_future', $this->_error_messages)) {
$this->set_message('date_future', lang('fv_valid_date_future_field'));
try {
$oNow = Factory::factory('DateTime');
$oDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat($sFormat, $sDate);
if (empty($oDate)) {
return false;
$oNow->setTime(0, 0, 0);
$oDate->setTime(0, 0, 0);
return $oDate > $oNow;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
} | Checks if a date is in the future
@param string $sDate The date string to check
@param string $sFormat The format the string is in
@return boolean |
public function date_before($sDate, $sParams)
// If blank, then assume the date is not required
if (empty($sDate)) {
return true;
if (empty($sParams)) {
return false;
$aParams = explode('.', $sParams);
$sField = !empty($aParams[0]) ? $aParams[0] : null;
$sFormat = !empty($aParams[1]) ? $aParams[1] : 'Y-m-d';
if (empty($sField)) {
return false;
if (!array_key_exists('date_before', $this->_error_messages)) {
$this->set_message('date_before', lang('fv_valid_date_before_field'));
// If the other field is blank then bail out
$oInput = Factory::service('Input');
$sOther = $oInput->post($sField);
if (empty($sOther)) {
return false;
try {
$oDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat($sFormat, $sDate);
$oOther = \DateTime::createFromFormat($sFormat, $sOther);
if (empty($oDate) || $oOther) {
return false;
$oDate->setTime(0, 0, 0);
$oOther->setTime(0, 0, 0);
return $oDate < $oOther;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
} | Checks if a date is before another date field
@param string $sDate The date string to check
@param string $sParams The other field name, and the date format (optional), separated with a period.
@return boolean |
public function valid_datetime($sDateTime, $sFormat)
// If blank, then assume the date is not required
if (empty($sDateTime)) {
return true;
if (empty($sFormat)) {
$sFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
if (!array_key_exists('valid_datetime', $this->_error_messages)) {
$this->set_message('valid_datetime', lang('fv_valid_datetime_field'));
try {
$oDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat($sFormat, $sDateTime);
if (empty($oDate)) {
return false;
return $oDate->format($sFormat) == $sDateTime;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
} | Checks if a datetime string is valid
@param string $sDateTime The datetime string to check
@param string $sFormat The format the string is in
@return boolean |
public function datetime_future($sDateTime, $sFormat)
// If blank, then assume the date is not required
if (empty($sDateTime)) {
return true;
if (empty($sFormat)) {
$sFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
if (!array_key_exists('datetime_future', $this->_error_messages)) {
$this->set_message('datetime_future', lang('fv_valid_datetime_future_field'));
try {
$oNow = Factory::factory('DateTime');
$oDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat($sFormat, $sDateTime);
if (empty($oDate)) {
return false;
return $oDate > $oNow;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
} | Checks if a datetime string is in the future
@param string $sDateTime The datetime string to check
@param string $sFormat The format the string is in
@return boolean |
public function valid_time($sTime, $sFormat)
// If blank, then assume the date is not required
if (empty($sTime)) {
return true;
if (empty($sFormat)) {
$sFormat = 'H:i:s';
if (!array_key_exists('valid_time', $this->_error_messages)) {
$this->set_message('valid_time', lang('fv_valid_time_field'));
try {
$oDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat($sFormat, $sTime);
if (empty($oDate)) {
return false;
return $oDate->format($sFormat) == $sTime;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
} | Checks if a time string is valid
@param string $sTime The time string to check
@param string $sFormat The format the string is in
@return boolean |
public function in_range($str, $field)
$_range = explode('-', $field);
$_low = isset($_range[0]) ? (float) $_range[0] : null;
$_high = isset($_range[1]) ? (float) $_range[1] : null;
if (is_null($_low) || is_null($_high)) {
return true;
if ((float) $str >= $_low && (float) $str <= $_high) {
return true;
} else {
if (!array_key_exists('in_range', $this->_error_messages)) {
$this->set_message('in_range', lang('fv_in_range_field'));
return false;
} | Checks if a value is within a range as defined in $field
@param string $str The form value
@param string $field The range, e.g., 0-10
@return boolean |
public function valid_email($str)
if (function_exists('filter_var')) {
return (bool) filter_var($str, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
} else {
return parent::valid_email($str);
} | Valid Email, using filter_var if possible falling back to CI's regex
@access public
@param string
@return bool |
public function cdnObjectPickerMultiObjectRequired($aValues)
'All items must have a file set.'
foreach ($aValues as $aValue) {
if (empty($aValue['object_id'])) {
return false;
return true;
} | Validates that all items within a CDN Object Multi Picker have a label set
@param array $aValues The values from the picker
@return boolean
@todo provide this from within the CDN module |
public function is_unique($sString, $sParameters)
$aParameters = explode('.', $sParameters);
$sTable = ArrayHelper::getFromArray(0, $aParameters);
$sColumn = ArrayHelper::getFromArray(1, $aParameters);
$sIgnoreId = ArrayHelper::getFromArray(2, $aParameters);
$sIgnoreColumn = ArrayHelper::getFromArray(3, $aParameters, 'id');
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
$oDb->where($sColumn, $sString);
if ($sIgnoreId) {
$oDb->where($sIgnoreColumn . ' !=', $sIgnoreId);
return $oDb->count_all_results($sTable) === 0;
} | Checks a value is uniqe in a given table
@param string $sString The string to check
@param string $sParameters Period separated parameters; table.column.ignore_id.ignore_id_column
@return bool |
public function is_bool($bValue)
$this->set_message('is_bool', lang('fv_is_bool_field'));
return is_bool($bValue) || $bValue === '1' || $bValue === '0' || $bValue === 1 || $bValue === 0;
} | Checks whether a value is a boolean value
@param string $bValue The value to check
@return bool |
public function supportedLocale($sValue)
/** @var Locale $oLocale */
$oLocale = Factory::service('Locale');
$aSupportedLocales = $oLocale->getSupportedLocales();
if (!in_array($sValue, $aSupportedLocales)) {
$this->set_message('supportedLocale', 'This is not a supported locale');
return false;
return true;
} | Determines whether the vlaue is a supported locale
@param string $sValue The vaue to check
@return bool
@throws \Nails\Common\Exception\FactoryException |
public function is($sValue, $sExpected)
if ($sValue !== $sExpected) {
$this->set_message('is', 'This field must be exactly "' . $sExpected . '"');
return false;
return true;
} | Determines whether a value is specifically something
@param string $sValue The value to check
@param string $sExpected The expected value
@return bool |
public static function filter($sType): array
if (!isset(static::$aCache[$sType])) {
$aComponents = static::available();
static::$aCache[$sType] = [];
foreach ($aComponents as $oComponent) {
if ($oComponent->type === $sType) {
static::$aCache[$sType][] = $oComponent;
return static::$aCache[$sType];
} | Returns a filtered array of components
@param string $sType The type of component to return
@return Component[] |
public static function getBySlug($sSlug): ?Component
$aComponents = static::available();
foreach ($aComponents as $oComponent) {
if ($oComponent->slug === $sSlug) {
return $oComponent;
return null;
} | Returns a component by its slug
@param string $sSlug The component's slug
@return Component |
public static function getApp($bUseCache = true): Component
// If we have already fetched this data then don't get it again
if ($bUseCache && isset(static::$aCache['APP'])) {
return static::$aCache['APP'];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$sComposer = @file_get_contents(NAILS_APP_PATH . 'composer.json');
if (empty($sComposer)) {
ErrorHandler::halt('Failed to get app configuration; could not load composer.json');
$oComposer = @json_decode($sComposer);
if (empty($oComposer)) {
ErrorHandler::halt('Failed to get app configuration; could not decode composer.json');
$aComposer = (array) $oComposer;
$aNails = !empty($oComposer->extra->nails) ? (array) $oComposer->extra->nails : [];
$oOut = new Component(
(object) [
'slug' => 'app',
'name' => 'app',
'description' => ArrayHelper::getFromArray('description', $aNails, ArrayHelper::getFromArray('description', $aComposer)),
'homepage' => ArrayHelper::getFromArray('homepage', $aNails, ArrayHelper::getFromArray('homepage', $aComposer)),
'authors' => ArrayHelper::getFromArray('authors', $aNails, ArrayHelper::getFromArray('authors', $aComposer)),
'extra' => (object) [
'nails' => (object) [
'namespace' => '\\App\\',
'moduleName' => ArrayHelper::getFromArray('moduleName', $aNails, ''),
'data' => ArrayHelper::getFromArray('data', $aNails, null),
'autoload' => ArrayHelper::getFromArray('autoload', $aNails, null),
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($bUseCache) {
static::$aCache['APP'] = $oOut;
return $oOut;
} | Returns an instance of the app as a component
@param bool $bUseCache Whether to use the cache or not
@return Component |
public static function exists($sSlug): bool
$aModules = static::modules();
foreach ($aModules as $oModule) {
if ($sSlug === $oModule->slug) {
return true;
return false;
} | Test whether a component is installed
@param string $sSlug The component's slug
@return bool |
public static function skins($sModule, $sSubType = ''): array
$aSkins = static::filter('skin');
$aOut = [];
foreach ($aSkins as $oSkin) {
// Provide a url field for the skin
if (Functions::isPageSecure()) {
$oSkin->url = SECURE_BASE_URL . $oSkin->relativePath;
} else {
$oSkin->url = BASE_URL . $oSkin->relativePath;
if ($oSkin->forModule == $sModule) {
if (!empty($sSubType) && $sSubType == $oSkin->subType) {
$aOut[] = $oSkin;
} elseif (empty($sSubType)) {
$aOut[] = $oSkin;
return $aOut;
} | Returns registered skins, optionally filtered
@param string $sModule The module to filter for
@param string $sSubTyp The sub-type to filter by
@return Component[] |
public static function drivers($sModule, $sSubType = ''): array
$aDrivers = static::filter('driver');
$aOut = [];
foreach ($aDrivers as $oDriver) {
if ($oDriver->forModule == $sModule) {
if (!empty($sSubType) && $sSubType == $oDriver->subType) {
$aOut[] = $oDriver;
} elseif (empty($sSubType)) {
$aOut[] = $oDriver;
return $aOut;
} | Returns registered drivers, optionally filtered
@param string $sModule The module to filter for
@param string $sSubTyp The sub-type to filter by
@return Component[] |
public static function getDriverInstance($oDriver): Base
// Allow for driver requesting as a string
if (is_string($oDriver)) {
$oDriver = \Nails\Components::getBySlug($oDriver);
if (isset(static::$aCache['DRIVER_INSTANCE'][$oDriver->slug])) {
return static::$aCache['DRIVER_INSTANCE'][$oDriver->slug];
// Test driver
if (!empty($oDriver->data->namespace)) {
$sNamespace = $oDriver->data->namespace;
} else {
throw new NailsException('Driver Namespace missing from driver "' . $oDriver->slug . '"', 1);
if (!empty($oDriver->data->class)) {
$sClassName = $oDriver->data->class;
} else {
throw new NailsException('Driver ClassName missing from driver "' . $oDriver->slug . '"', 2);
// Load the driver file
$sDriverPath = $oDriver->path . 'src/' . $oDriver->data->class . '.php';
if (!file_exists($sDriverPath)) {
throw new NailsException(
'Driver file for "' . $oDriver->slug . '" does not exist at "' . $sDriverPath . '"',
require_once $sDriverPath;
// Check if the class exists
$sDriverClass = $sNamespace . $sClassName;
if (!class_exists($sDriverClass)) {
throw new NailsException('Driver class does not exist "' . $sDriverClass . '"', 4);
// Save for later
static::$aCache['DRIVER_INSTANCE'][$oDriver->slug] = new $sDriverClass();
return static::$aCache['DRIVER_INSTANCE'][$oDriver->slug];
} | Returns an instance of a single driver
@param object $oDriver The Driver definition
@throws NailsException
@return Base |
public static function detectClassComponent($mClass): ?Component
$oReflect = new \ReflectionClass($mClass);
$sPath = $oReflect->getFileName();
$bIsVendor = (bool) preg_match('/^' . preg_quote(NAILS_APP_PATH . 'vendor', '/') . '/', $sPath);
if (!$bIsVendor) {
return static::getApp();
foreach (static::available() as $oComponent) {
if ($oComponent->slug === 'app') {
} elseif (preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($oComponent->path, '/') . '/', $sPath)) {
return $oComponent;
return null;
} | Attempt to detect which component a class belongs to
@param mixed $mClass A class as a string or an object
@return Component|null
@throws \ReflectionException |
protected function setDefinitions()
// Define where we should look
$aDefinitionLocations = [];
$aDefinitionLocations[] = NAILS_COMMON_PATH . 'config/app_notifications.php';
foreach (Components::modules() as $oModule) {
$aDefinitionLocations[] = $oModule->path . $oModule->moduleName . '/config/app_notifications.php';
$aDefinitionLocations[] = NAILS_APP_PATH . 'application/config/app_notifications.php';
// Find definitions
foreach ($aDefinitionLocations as $sPath) {
// Put into a vague order
} | Defines the notifications |
protected function loadDefinitions($path)
if (file_exists($path)) {
include $path;
if (!empty($config['notification_definitions'])) {
$this->notifications = array_merge($this->notifications, $config['notification_definitions']);
} | Loads definitions located at $path
@param string $path The path to load
@return void |
public function getDefinitions($grouping = null)
if (is_null($grouping)) {
return $this->notifications;
} elseif (isset($this->notifications[$grouping])) {
return $this->notifications[$grouping];
} else {
return [];
} | Returns the notification defnintions, optionally limited per group
@param string $grouping The group to limit to
@return array |
public function get($key = null, $grouping = 'app', $force_refresh = false)
// Check that it's a valid key/grouping pair
if (!isset($this->notifications[$grouping]->options[$key])) {
$this->setError($grouping . '/' . $key . ' is not a valid group/key pair.');
return false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (empty($this->emails[$grouping]) || $force_refresh) {
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
$oDb->where('grouping', $grouping);
$notifications = $oDb->get($this->table)->result();
$this->emails[$grouping] = [];
foreach ($notifications as $setting) {
$this->emails[$grouping][$setting->key] = json_decode($setting->value);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (empty($key)) {
return $this->emails[$grouping];
} else {
return isset($this->emails[$grouping][$key]) ? $this->emails[$grouping][$key] : [];
} | Gets emails associated with a particular group/key
@param string $key The key to retrieve
@param string $grouping The group the key belongs to
@param boolean $force_refresh Whether to force a group refresh
@return array |
public function set($key, $grouping = 'app', $value = null)
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
if (is_array($key)) {
foreach ($key as $key => $value) {
$this->doSet($key, $grouping, $value);
} else {
$this->doSet($key, $grouping, $value);
if ($oDb->trans_status() === false) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} | Set a group/key either by passing an array of key=>value pairs as the $key
or by passing a string to $key and setting $value
@param mixed $key The key to set, or an array of key => value pairs
@param string $grouping The grouping to store the keys under
@param mixed $value The data to store, only used if $key is a string
@return boolean |
protected function doSet($key, $grouping, $value)
// Check that it's a valid key/grouping pair
if (!isset($this->notifications[$grouping]->options[$key])) {
$this->setError($grouping . '/' . $key . ' is not a valid group/key pair.');
return false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
$oDb->where('key', $key);
$oDb->where('grouping', $grouping);
if ($oDb->count_all_results($this->table)) {
$oDb->where('grouping', $grouping);
$oDb->where('key', $key);
$oDb->set('value', json_encode($value));
} else {
$oDb->set('grouping', $grouping);
$oDb->set('key', $key);
$oDb->set('value', json_encode($value));
} | Inserts/Updates a group/key value
@param string $key The key to set
@param string $grouping The key's grouping
@param mixed $value The value of the group/key
@return void |
public static function possessive($sString)
// Attempt to match the case
$sLastChar = substr($sString, -1);
$bIsLowerCase = strtolower($sLastChar) === $sLastChar;
$sPossessionChar = $bIsLowerCase ? 's' : 'S';
return substr($sString, -1) == $sPossessionChar ? $sString . '\'' : $sString . '\'' . $sPossessionChar;
} | Correctly adds a possessive apostrophe to a word
@param string $sString The word to which to add a possessive apostrophe
@return string |
public static function pluralise($iValue, $sSingular, $sSpecified = null)
$sSingular = trim($sSingular);
if ($iValue == 1) {
return $sSingular;
} else {
return $sSpecified ?: plural($sSingular);
} | Pluralises english words if a value is greater than 1
@param integer $iValue The number to compare against
@param string $sSingular The word to pluralise
@param string $sSpecified A specific word to use for the plural
@return string |
public function detectFromFile(string $sFile): string
if (!file_exists($sFile)) {
return '';
$rHandle = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$sMime = finfo_file($rHandle, $sFile);
if ($sMime === 'application/octet-stream' || empty($sMime)) {
$sMime = $this->oDetector->getType($sFile);
return $sMime ?? 'application/octet-stream';
} | Detect a file's mimetype, first using the system, followed by the detector
@param string $sFile The path to the file to detect
@return string
@throws \Exception |
public function addMime(string $sMime, array $aExtensions): self
$this->updateMap(static::$aMapMimeToExtensions, $sMime, $aExtensions);
foreach ($aExtensions as $sExtension) {
$this->updateMap(static::$aMapExtensionToMimes, $sExtension, [$sMime]);
return $this;
} | Adds a new mime type to the map and its associated extensions
@param string $sMime The mime type to add
@param array $aExtensions An array of acceptable extensions
@return Mime |
public function addExtension(string $sExtension, array $aMimes): self
$this->updateMap(static::$aMapExtensionToMimes, $sExtension, $aMimes);
foreach ($aMimes as $sMime) {
$this->updateMap(static::$aMapMimeToExtensions, $sMime, [$sExtension]);
return $this;
} | Adds a new extension to the map and its associated mime types
@param string $sExtension the extension to add
@param array $aMimes An array of acceptable mime types
@return Mime |
protected function updateMap(array &$aMap, string $sKey, array $aValues): self
if (!array_key_exists($sKey, $aMap)) {
$aMap[$sKey] = [];
$aMap[$sKey] = array_values(
return $this;
} | Updates a map array
@param array $aMap The array to update
@param string $sKey The key to update
@param array $aValues The values to add
@return Mime |
public function getDefault()
$sDefault = $this->oCi->config->item('languages_default');
$oLanguage = $this->getByCode($sDefault);
return !empty($oLanguage) ? $oLanguage : false;
} | Retursn the default language object
@return mixed stdClass on success, false on failure |
public function getDefaultCode()
$oDefault = $this->getDefault();
return empty($oDefault->code) ? false : $oDefault->code;
} | Returns the default language's code
@return mixed stdClass on success, false on failure |
public function getDefaultLabel()
$oDefault = $this->getDefault();
return empty($oDefault->label) ? false : $oDefault->label;
} | Returns the default language's label
@return mixed stdClass on success, false on failure |
public function getAllFlat()
$aOut = [];
$aLanguages = $this->getAll();
foreach ($aLanguages as $oLanguage) {
$aOut[$oLanguage->code] = $oLanguage->label;
return $aOut;
} | Returns all defined languages as a flat array
@return array |
public function getAllEnabled()
$aEnabled = $this->oCi->config->item('languages_enabled');
$aOut = [];
foreach ($aEnabled as $sCode) {
$aOut[] = $this->getByCode($sCode);
return array_filter($aOut);
} | Returns all the enabled languages
@return array |
public function getAllEnabledFlat()
$aOut = [];
$aLanguages = $this->getAllEnabled();
foreach ($aLanguages as $oLanguage) {
$aOut[$oLanguage->code] = $oLanguage->label;
return $aOut;
} | Returns all the enabled languages as a flat array
@return array |
public function getByCode($sCode)
$aLanguages = $this->getAll();
return !empty($aLanguages[$sCode]) ? $aLanguages[$sCode] : false;
} | Returns a language by it's code
@param string $sCode The language code
@return mixed stdClass on success, false on failure |
public function site_url($sUrl = '', $bForceSecure = false)
// If an explicit URL is passed in, then leave it be
if (preg_match('/^(http|https|ftp|mailto)\:/', $sUrl)) {
return $sUrl;
$sUrl = parent::site_url($sUrl);
// If the URL begins with a slash then attempt to guess the host using $_SERVER
if (preg_match('/^\//', $sUrl) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
$sProtocol = !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] : 'http';
$sUrl = $sProtocol . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $sUrl;
if ($bForceSecure || Functions::isPageSecure()) {
$sUrl = preg_replace('#^' . BASE_URL . '#', SECURE_BASE_URL, $sUrl);
return $sUrl;
} | Returns the site's URL, secured if necessary
@param string $sUrl
@param bool $bForceSecure
@return mixed|string |
public function get($sKey = null, $sGrouping = 'app', $bForceRefresh = false)
if (!isset($this->aSettings[$sGrouping]) || $bForceRefresh) {
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
$oDb->where('grouping', $sGrouping);
$aSettings = $oDb->get($this->sTable)->result();
$this->aSettings[$sGrouping] = [];
foreach ($aSettings as $oSetting) {
$sValue = $oSetting->value;
if (!empty($oSetting->is_encrypted)) {
$oEncrypt = Factory::service('Encrypt');
$sValue = $oEncrypt->decode($sValue);
$this->aSettings[$sGrouping][$oSetting->key] = json_decode($sValue);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (empty($sKey)) {
return $this->aSettings[$sGrouping];
} else {
return isset($this->aSettings[$sGrouping][$sKey]) ? $this->aSettings[$sGrouping][$sKey] : null;
} | Gets settings associated with a particular group/key
@param string $sKey The key to retrieve
@param string $sGrouping The group the key belongs to
@param boolean $bForceRefresh Whether to force a group refresh
@return array |
public function set($mKey, $sGrouping = 'app', $mValue = null, $bEncrypt = false)
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
if (is_array($mKey)) {
foreach ($mKey as $sKey => $mValue) {
$this->doSet($sKey, $sGrouping, $mValue, $bEncrypt);
} else {
$this->doSet($mKey, $sGrouping, $mValue, $bEncrypt);
if ($oDb->trans_status() === false) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} | Set a group/key either by passing an array of key=>value pairs as the $key
or by passing a string to $key and setting $value
@param mixed $mKey The key to set, or an array of key => value pairs
@param string $sGrouping The grouping to store the keys under
@param mixed $mValue The data to store, only used if $mKey is a string
@param boolean $bEncrypt Whether to encrypt the data or not
@return boolean |
protected function doSet($sKey, $sGrouping, $mValue, $bEncrypt)
$sValue = json_encode($mValue);
$bEncrypt = (bool) $bEncrypt;
if ($bEncrypt) {
$oEncrypt = Factory::service('Encrypt');
$sValue = $oEncrypt->encode($sValue);
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
$oDb->where('key', $sKey);
$oDb->where('grouping', $sGrouping);
if ($oDb->count_all_results($this->sTable)) {
$oDb->set('value', $sValue);
$oDb->set('is_encrypted', $bEncrypt);
$oDb->where('grouping', $sGrouping);
$oDb->where('key', $sKey);
} else {
$oDb->set('value', $sValue);
$oDb->set('grouping', $sGrouping);
$oDb->set('key', $sKey);
$oDb->set('is_encrypted', $bEncrypt);
} | Inserts/Updates a group/key value
@param string $sKey The key to set
@param string $sGrouping The key's grouping
@param mixed $mValue The value of the group/key
@param boolean $bEncrypt Whether to encrypt the data or not
@return void |
public function delete($mKey, $sGrouping)
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
if (is_array($mKey)) {
foreach ($mKey as $sKey) {
$this->doDelete($sKey, $sGrouping);
} else {
$this->doDelete($mKey, $sGrouping);
if ($oDb->trans_status() === false) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} | Deletes a key for a particular group
@param mixed $mKey The key to delete
@param string $sGrouping The key's grouping
@return bool |
protected function doDelete($sKey, $sGrouping)
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
$oDb->where('key', $sKey);
$oDb->where('grouping', $sGrouping);
return $oDb->delete($this->sTable);
} | Actually performs the deletion of the row.
@param string $sKey The key to delete
@param string $sGrouping They key's grouping
@return bool |
public function deleteGroup($sGrouping)
$oDb = Factory::service('Database');
$oDb->where('grouping', $sGrouping);
return $oDb->delete($this->sTable);
} | Deletes all keys for a particular group.
@param string $sGrouping The group to delete
@return bool |
private function getContentTypes(Options $options): array
$allContentTypes = [];
$groups = $this->contentTypeService->loadContentTypeGroups();
$configuredGroups = $options['types'];
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$configuredGroups += [$group->identifier => true];
if ($configuredGroups[$group->identifier] === false) {
$contentTypes = $this->contentTypeService->loadContentTypes($group);
foreach ($contentTypes as $contentType) {
if (
is_array($configuredGroups[$group->identifier]) &&
!in_array($contentType->identifier, $configuredGroups[$group->identifier], true)
) {
$contentTypeName = $contentType->getName() ?? $contentType->identifier;
$allContentTypes[$group->identifier][$contentTypeName] = $contentType->identifier;
return $allContentTypes;
} | Returns the allowed content types from eZ Platform. |
protected function _validate_request($segments)
if (count($segments) == 0) {
return $segments;
/* locate module controller */
if ($located = $this->locate($segments)) {
return $located;
/* use a default 404_override controller */
if (isset($this->routes['404_override']) && $this->routes['404_override']) {
$segments = explode('/', $this->routes['404_override']);
if ($located = $this->locate($segments)) {
return $located;
/* no controller found */
show404('', true);
} | Extending method purely to change the 404 behaviour and PSR-2 things a little.
When show404() is reached it means that a valid controller could not be
found. These errors should be logged, however show404() by default doesn't
log errors, hence the override.
@param array $segments The URI segments
@return array |
public function load($mAssets, $sAssetLocation = 'APP', $sForceType = null): self
// Cast as an array
$aAssets = (array) $mAssets;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Backwards compatibility
$sAssetLocation = $sAssetLocation === true ? 'NAILS' : $sAssetLocation;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch (strtoupper($sAssetLocation)) {
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'loadNailsBower';
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'loadNailsPackage';
case 'NAILS':
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'loadNails';
case 'APP-BOWER':
case 'BOWER':
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'loadAppBower';
case 'PACKAGE':
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'loadAppPackage';
case 'APP':
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'loadApp';
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'loadModule';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach ($aAssets as $sAsset) {
if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $sAsset)) {
$this->loadUrl($sAsset, $sForceType);
} elseif (substr($sAsset, 0, 0) == '/') {
$this->loadAbsolute(substr($sAsset, 1), $sForceType);
} else {
$this->{$sAssetLocationMethod}($sAsset, $sForceType, $sAssetLocation);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
return $this;
} | Loads an asset
@param mixed $mAssets The asset to load, can be an array or a string
@param string $sAssetLocation The asset's location
@param string $sForceType The asset's file type (e.g., JS or CSS)
@return $this |
protected function loadUrl($sAsset, $sForceType)
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
$this->aCss['URL-' . $sAsset] = $sAsset;
case 'JS':
$this->aJs['URL-' . $sAsset] = $sAsset;
} | Loads an asset supplied as a URL
@param string $sAsset The asset to load
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |
protected function loadNails($sAsset, $sForceType)
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
$this->aCss['NAILS-' . $sAsset] = NAILS_ASSETS_URL . $this->sCssDir . $sAsset;
case 'JS':
$this->aJs['NAILS-' . $sAsset] = NAILS_ASSETS_URL . $this->sJsDir . $sAsset;
} | Loads an asset from the Nails asset module
@param string $sAsset The asset to load
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |
protected function loadNailsBower($sAsset, $sForceType)
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
$this->aCss['NAILS-BOWER-' . $sAsset] = NAILS_ASSETS_URL . $this->sBowerDir . $sAsset;
case 'JS':
$this->aJs['NAILS-BOWER-' . $sAsset] = NAILS_ASSETS_URL . $this->sBowerDir . $sAsset;
} | Loads a Bower asset from the NAils asset module's bower_components directory
@param string $sAsset The asset to load
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |
protected function loadNailsPackage($sAsset, $sForceType)
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
$this->aCss['NAILS-PACKAGE-' . $sAsset] = NAILS_ASSETS_URL . 'packages/' . $sAsset;
case 'JS':
$this->aJs['NAILS-PACKAGE-' . $sAsset] = NAILS_ASSETS_URL . 'packages/' . $sAsset;
} | Loads a Nails package asset (as a relative url from NAILS_ASSETS_URL . 'packages/')
@param string $sAsset The asset to load
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |
protected function loadAppBower($sAsset, $sForceType)
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
$this->aCss['APP-BOWER-' . $sAsset] = $this->sBaseUrl . $this->sBowerDir . $sAsset;
case 'JS':
$this->aJs['APP-BOWER-' . $sAsset] = $this->sBaseUrl . $this->sBowerDir . $sAsset;
} | Loads a Bower asset from the app's bower_components directory
@param string $sAsset The asset to load
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |
protected function loadAppPackage($sAsset, $sForceType)
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
$this->aCss['APP-PACKAGE-' . $sAsset] = $this->sBaseUrl . 'packages/' . $sAsset;
case 'JS':
$this->aJs['APP-PACKAGE-' . $sAsset] = $this->sBaseUrl . 'packages/' . $sAsset;
} | Loads an App package asset (as a relative url from 'packages/')
@param string $sAsset The asset to load
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |
protected function loadApp($sAsset, $sForceType)
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
$this->aCss['APP-' . $sAsset] = $this->sBaseUrl . $this->sCssDir . $sAsset;
case 'JS':
$this->aJs['APP-' . $sAsset] = $this->sBaseUrl . $this->sJsDir . $sAsset;
} | Loads an asset from the app's asset directory
@param string $sAsset The asset to load
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |
protected function loadModule($sAsset, $sForceType, $mModule)
if (is_array($mModule)) {
$sModule = !empty($mModule[0]) ? $mModule[0] : null;
$sLocation = !empty($mModule[1]) ? $mModule[1] : null;
} else {
$sModule = $mModule;
$sLocation = null;
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
$sKey = 'MODULE-' . $sModule . '-' . $sAsset;
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
if ($sLocation == 'BOWER') {
$this->aCss[$sKey] = $this->sBaseModuleUrl . $sModule . '/assets/bower_components/' . $sAsset;
} else {
$this->aCss[$sKey] = $this->sBaseModuleUrl . $sModule . '/assets/css/' . $sAsset;
case 'JS':
if ($sLocation == 'BOWER') {
$this->aJs[$sKey] = $this->sBaseModuleUrl . $sModule . '/assets/bower_components/' . $sAsset;
} else {
$this->aJs[$sKey] = $this->sBaseModuleUrl . $sModule . '/assets/js/' . $sAsset;
} | Loads an asset from a module's asset directory
@param string $sAsset The asset to load
@param mixed $mModule The module to load from
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |
public function unload($mAssets, $sAssetLocation = 'APP', $sForceType = null)
// Cast as an array
$aAssets = (array) $mAssets;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Backwards compatibility
$sAssetLocation = $sAssetLocation === true ? 'NAILS' : $sAssetLocation;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch (strtoupper($sAssetLocation)) {
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'unloadNailsBower';
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'unloadNailsPackage';
case 'NAILS':
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'unloadNails';
case 'APP-BOWER':
case 'BOWER':
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'unloadAppBower';
case 'PACKAGE':
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'unloadAppPackage';
case 'APP':
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'unloadApp';
$sAssetLocationMethod = 'unloadModule';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach ($aAssets as $sAsset) {
if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $sAsset)) {
$this->unloadUrl($sAsset, $sForceType);
} elseif (substr($sAsset, 0, 0) == '/') {
$this->unloadAbsolute($sAsset, $sForceType);
} else {
$this->{$sAssetLocationMethod}($sAsset, $sForceType, $sAssetLocation);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
return $this;
} | Unloads an asset
@param mixed $mAssets The asset to unload, can be an array or a string
@param string $sAssetLocation The asset's location
@param string $sForceType The asset's file type (e.g., JS or CSS)
@return object |
protected function unloadUrl($sAsset, $sForceType)
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
unset($this->aCss['URL-' . $sAsset]);
case 'JS':
unset($this->aJs['URL-' . $sAsset]);
} | Unloads an asset supplied as a URL
@param string $sAsset The asset to unload
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |
protected function unloadAbsolute($sAsset, $sForceType)
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
unset($this->aCss['ABSOLUTE-' . $sAsset]);
case 'JS':
unset($this->aJs['ABSOLUTE-' . $sAsset]);
} | Unloads an asset supplied as an absolute URL
@param string $sAsset The asset to unload
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |
protected function unloadNails($sAsset, $sForceType)
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
unset($this->aCss['NAILS-' . $sAsset]);
case 'JS':
unset($this->aJs['NAILS-' . $sAsset]);
} | Unloads an asset from the Nails asset module
@param string $sAsset The asset to unload
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |
protected function unloadNailsBower($sAsset, $sForceType)
$sType = $this->determineType($sAsset, $sForceType);
switch ($sType) {
case 'CSS':
unset($this->aCss['NAILS-BOWER-' . $sAsset]);
case 'JS':
unset($this->aJs['NAILS-BOWER-' . $sAsset]);
} | Loads a Bower asset from the Nails asset module's bower_components directory
@param string $sAsset The asset to unload
@param string $sForceType Force a particular type of asset (i.e. JS or CSS)
@return void |