public static function getCountryName($iso_code) { if (isset(self::$countries[$iso_code])) { return self::$countries[$iso_code]; } return false; }
Get a country's name by its ISO Code @param $iso_code - country's iso code @return mixed - string if code is present, false otherwise
protected function getPaymentTransactionStructure() { return [ 'amount' => $this->transformAmount($this->amount, $this->currency), 'currency' => $this->currency, 'iban' => $this->iban, 'bic' => $this->bic, 'customer_email' => $this->customer_email, 'customer_phone' => $this->customer_phone, 'billing_address' => $this->getBillingAddressParamsStructure(), 'shipping_address' => $this->getShippingAddressParamsStructure() ]; }
Return additional request attributes @return array
public function setBic($value) { if (in_array(strlen($value), $this->getAllowedBicSizes()) === false) { throw new ErrorParameter( 'Bic must be with one of these lengths: ' . implode(', ', $this->getAllowedBicSizes()) ); } $this->bic = $value; return $this; }
SWIFT/BIC code of the customer’s bank @param $value @return $this @throws ErrorParameter
public function run($sTimestamp = null, OutputInterface $oOutput = null) { if (null === $sTimestamp) { $sTimestamp = AbstractQuery::getCurrentTimestamp(); } foreach ($this->getQueries() as $oQuery) { $oQuery->getTimestamp() < $sTimestamp ? $this->_goUp($oQuery, $oOutput) : $this->_goDown($oQuery, $oOutput); } }
Run migration @param string|null $sTimestamp The time at which the migrations aims. Only migrations up to this point are being executed @param OutputInterface|null $oOutput Out handler for console output
protected function _goUp(AbstractQuery $oQuery, outputInterface $oOutput = null) { if ($this->isExecuted($oQuery)) { return false; } if ($oOutput) { $oOutput->writeLn( sprintf( '[DEBUG] Migrating up %s %s', $oQuery->getTimestamp(), $oQuery->getClassName() ) ); } $oQuery->up(); $this->setExecuted($oQuery); return true; }
Executes an UP Migration @param AbstractQuery $oQuery The query object that is being executed @param OutputInterface $oOutput The output handler for the console output that might be generated @return bool
protected function _goDown(AbstractQuery $oQuery, OutputInterface $oOutput = null) { if (!$this->isExecuted($oQuery)) { return false; } if ($oOutput) { $oOutput->writeLn( sprintf( '[DEBUG] Migrating down %s %s', $oQuery->getTimestamp(), $oQuery->getClassName() ) ); } $oQuery->down(); $this->setUnexecuted($oQuery); return true; }
Executes a DOWN Migration @param AbstractQuery $oQuery The query object that is being executed @param OutputInterface $oOutput The output handler for the console output that might be generated @return bool
public function isExecuted(AbstractQuery $oQuery) { foreach ($this->_aExecutedQueryNames as $executedQuery) { if ($oQuery->getFilename() == $executedQuery['version']) { return true; } } return false; }
Is query already executed? @param AbstractQuery $oQuery The query object that is being checked for @return bool
public function setExecuted(AbstractQuery $oQuery) { $sSQL = 'REPLACE INTO oxmigrationstatus SET version = ?'; DatabaseProvider::getDb()->execute($sSQL, array($oQuery->getFilename())); }
Set query as executed @param AbstractQuery $oQuery The query object that is being set to executed
public function setUnexecuted(AbstractQuery $oQuery) { $sSQL = 'DELETE FROM oxmigrationstatus WHERE version = ?'; DatabaseProvider::getDb()->execute($sSQL, array($oQuery->getFilename())); }
Set query as not executed @param AbstractQuery $oQuery The query object that is being set to not executed
protected function _buildMigrationQueries() { if (!is_dir($this->_sMigrationQueriesDir)) { return false; } $oDirectory = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->_sMigrationQueriesDir); $oFlattened = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($oDirectory); $aFiles = new \RegexIterator($oFlattened, AbstractQuery::REGEXP_FILE); foreach ($aFiles as $sFilePath) { include_once $sFilePath; $sClassName = $this->_getClassNameFromFilePath($sFilePath); /** @var AbstractQuery $oQuery */ $oQuery = oxNew($sClassName); $this->addQuery($oQuery); } return true; }
Load and build migration files @throws MigrationException @return bool
protected function _getClassNameFromFilePath($sFilePath) { $sFileName = basename($sFilePath); $aMatches = array(); if (!preg_match(AbstractQuery::REGEXP_FILE, $sFileName, $aMatches)) { throw new MigrationException('Could not extract class name from file name'); } return $aMatches[2] . 'migration'; }
Get migration queries class name parsed from file path @param string $sFilePath The path of the file to extract the class name from @throws MigrationException @return string Class name in lower case most cases
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $clearAllCache = !$input->getOption('smarty') && !$input->getOption('files') && !$input->getOption('oxcache'); $cachePath = $this->_appendDirectorySeparator(Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('sCompileDir')); if (!is_dir($cachePath)) { $output->writeLn("Seems that compile directory '$cachePath' does not exist"); exit(1); } if (($clearAllCache || $input->getOption('oxcache')) && class_exists('oxCache')) { $output->writeLn('Clearing oxCache...'); Registry::get('oxCache')->reset(false); } else { $output->writeLn('Skipping oxCache...'); } if ($clearAllCache || $input->getOption('smarty')) { $output->writeLn('Clearing smarty cache...'); $this->_clearDirectory($cachePath . 'smarty'); } else { $output->writeLn('Skipping smarty cache...'); } if ($clearAllCache || $input->getOption('files')) { $output->writeLn('Clearing files cache...'); $this->_clearDirectory($cachePath, array('.htaccess', 'smarty')); } else { $output->writeLn('Skipping files cache...'); } $output->writeLn('Cache cleared successfully'); }
protected function _clearDirectory($sDir, $aKeep = array()) { $sDir = $this->_appendDirectorySeparator($sDir); foreach (glob($sDir . '*') as $sFilePath) { $sFileName = basename($sFilePath); if (in_array($sFileName, $aKeep)) { continue; } is_dir($sFilePath) ? $this->_removeDirectory($sFilePath) : unlink($sFilePath); } }
Clear files in given directory, except those which are in $aKeep array @param string $sDir @param array $aKeep
protected function _removeDirectory($sPath) { if (!is_dir($sPath)) { return; } $oIterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sPath, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $oFiles = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($oIterator, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($oFiles as $oFile) { if ($oFile->getFilename() == '.' || $oFile->getFilename() === '..') { continue; } $oFile->isDir() ? rmdir($oFile->getRealPath()) : unlink($oFile->getRealPath()); } rmdir($sPath); }
Remove directory @param string $sPath
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->input = $input; $sMigrationsDir = OX_BASE_PATH . 'migration' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $sTemplatePath = $this->_getTemplatePath(); $sMigrationName = $this->_parseMigrationNameFromInput(); if (!$sMigrationName) { $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question'); $question = new Question('Enter short description for migration: '); do { $words = explode(" ", $questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question)); $sMigrationName = $this->_buildMigrationName($words); } while (!$sMigrationName); } $sMigrationFileName = AbstractQuery::getCurrentTimestamp() . '_' . strtolower($sMigrationName) . '.php'; $sMigrationFilePath = $sMigrationsDir . $sMigrationFileName; /** @var Smarty $oSmarty */ $oSmarty = Registry::get('oxUtilsView')->getSmarty(); $oSmarty->php_handling = SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU; $oSmarty->assign('sMigrationName', $sMigrationName); $sContent = $oSmarty->fetch($sTemplatePath); file_put_contents($sMigrationFilePath, $sContent); $output->writeLn("Sucessfully generated $sMigrationFileName"); }
protected function _buildMigrationName(array $words) { $sMigrationName = ''; foreach ($words as $word) { if (!$word) { continue; } $sMigrationName .= ucfirst($word); } return $sMigrationName; }
Build migration name from tokens @param array $words @return string
protected function getPaymentTransactionStructure() { return [ 'amount' => $this->transformAmount($this->amount, $this->currency), 'currency' => $this->currency, 'customer_account_id' => $this->customer_account_id, 'return_url' => $this->return_url, 'customer_email' => $this->customer_email, 'customer_phone' => $this->customer_phone, 'billing_address' => $this->getBillingAddressParamsStructure(), 'shipping_address' => $this->getShippingAddressParamsStructure() ]; }
Return additional request attributes @return array
protected function verifyRequiredField($field, $value) { if (empty($value)) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'Empty (null) item required parameter: %s', $field ) ); } }
Verify required field @param $field @param $value @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
protected function verifyNonNegativeField($field, $value) { if (!empty($value) && $value <= 0) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'Item parameter %s is set to %s, but expected to be positive number', $field, $value ) ); } }
Verify non-negative filed @param $field @param $value @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
protected function verifyNegativeField($field, $value) { if (!empty($value) && $value > 0) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'Item parameter %s is set to %s, but expected to be negative number', $field, $value ) ); } }
Verify negative filed @param $field @param $value @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
protected function verifyUnitPriceField($value) { $this->verifyRequiredField('unit_price', $value); if (in_array($this->item_type, [self::ITEM_TYPE_DISCOUNT, self::ITEM_TYPE_STORE_CREDIT])) { $this->verifyNegativeField('unit_price', $value); return; } $this->verifyNonNegativeField('unit_price', $value); }
Verify unit_price filed @param $value @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
public function setQuantity($value) { $this->verifyRequiredField('quantity', $value); $this->verifyNonNegativeField('quantity', $value); $this->quantity = $value; return $this; }
Set quantity @param $value @return $this @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
public function setItemType($value) { $this->verifyRequiredField('item_type', $value); // check if it is valid type $item_types = array( self::ITEM_TYPE_PHYSICAL, self::ITEM_TYPE_DISCOUNT, self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING_FEE, self::ITEM_TYPE_DIGITAL, self::ITEM_TYPE_GIFT_CARD, self::ITEM_TYPE_STORE_CREDIT, self::ITEM_TYPE_SURCHARGE ); if (!in_array($value, $item_types)) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'Required item parameter item_type is set to %s, but expected to be one of (%s)', $value, implode( ', ', CommonUtils::getSortedArrayByValue($item_types) ) ) ); } $this->item_type = $value; return $this; }
Set item type @param $value @return $this @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
public function setQuantityUnit($value) { if (!empty($value) && strlen($value) > 8) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'Item parameter quantity_unit is set to %s, but expected to be string with max length 8 characters', $value ) ); } $this->quantity_unit = $value; return $this; }
Set item quantity unit @param $value @return $this @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
public function getTotalAmount() { $total_amount = $this->unit_price * $this->quantity; if (!empty($this->total_discount_amount)) { return $total_amount - $this->total_discount_amount; } return $total_amount; }
Calculate order item total amount @return integer
public function getTotalTaxAmount() { // Convert to minor units for more accurate calculations $total_amount = CurrencyUtils::amountToExponent($this->getTotalAmount(), $this->currency); $tax_rate = CurrencyUtils::amountToExponent($this->tax_rate, $this->currency); $total_tax_amount = ceil( $total_amount - ( ($total_amount * 10000) / (10000 + $tax_rate) ) ); return CurrencyUtils::exponentToAmount($total_tax_amount, $this->currency); }
Calculate order item total tax amount. Round it up to next whole number @return integer
public function toArray() { return [ 'name' => $this->name, 'item_type' => $this->item_type, 'quantity' => $this->quantity, 'unit_price' => CurrencyUtils::amountToExponent($this->unit_price, $this->currency), 'tax_rate' => CurrencyUtils::amountToExponent($this->tax_rate, $this->currency), 'total_discount_amount' => CurrencyUtils::amountToExponent($this->total_discount_amount, $this->currency), 'total_amount' => CurrencyUtils::amountToExponent($this->getTotalAmount(), $this->currency), 'total_tax_amount' => CurrencyUtils::amountToExponent($this->getTotalTaxAmount(), $this->currency), 'reference' => $this->reference, 'image_url' => $this->image_url, 'product_url' => $this->product_url, 'quantity_unit' => $this->quantity_unit, 'product_identifiers' => $this->getProductIdentifiersParamsStructure(), 'merchant_data' => $this->getMerchantDataParamsStructure() ]; }
Convert item to array @return array
public static function getAll() { $aShopIds = DatabaseProvider::getDb()->getCol('SELECT oxid FROM oxshops'); $aConfigs = array(); foreach ($aShopIds as $mShopId) { // Note: not using static::get() for avoiding checking of is shop id valid $aConfigs[] = new ShopConfig($mShopId); } return $aConfigs; }
Returns config arrays for all shops @return ShopConfig[]
public static function get($mShopId) { $sSQL = 'SELECT 1 FROM oxshops WHERE oxid = %s'; $oDb = DatabaseProvider::getDb(); if (!$oDb->getOne(sprintf($sSQL, $oDb->quote($mShopId)))) { // invalid shop id // Not using oxConfig::_isValidShopId() because its not static, but YES it should be return null; } return new ShopConfig($mShopId); }
Get config object of given shop id @param string|integer $mShopId @return ShopConfig|null
public function init() { // Duplicated init protection if ($this->_blInit) { return; } $this->_blInit = true; $this->_loadVarsFromFile(); $this->_setDefaults(); $this->storedVarTypes = $this->getStoredVarTypes(); try { $sShopID = $this->getShopId(); $blConfigLoaded = $this->_loadVarsFromDb($sShopID); // loading shop config if (empty($sShopID) || !$blConfigLoaded) { throw oxNew(ConnectionException::class, "Unable to load shop config values from database"); } // loading theme config options $this->_loadVarsFromDb( $sShopID, null, Config::OXMODULE_THEME_PREFIX . $this->getConfigParam('sTheme') ); $this->_aConfigParamsParentTheme = $this->_aConfigParams; // checking if custom theme (which has defined parent theme) config options should be loaded over parent theme (#3362) if ($this->getConfigParam('sCustomTheme')) { $this->_loadVarsFromDb( $sShopID, null, Config::OXMODULE_THEME_PREFIX . $this->getConfigParam('sCustomTheme') ); } // loading modules config $this->_loadVarsFromDb($sShopID, null, Config::OXMODULE_MODULE_PREFIX); $aOnlyMainShopVars = array('blMallUsers', 'aSerials', 'IMD', 'IMA', 'IMS'); $this->_loadVarsFromDb($this->getBaseShopId(), $aOnlyMainShopVars); } catch (ConnectionException $oEx) { $oEx->debugOut(); Registry::getUtils()->showMessageAndExit($oEx->getString()); } }
{@inheritdoc} @return null|void
protected function getStoredVarTypes() { $db = \oxDb::getDb(\oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQ = "select CONCAT(oxvarname,'+',oxmodule) as mapkey, oxvartype from oxconfig where oxshopid = ?"; $allRows = $db->getAll($sQ, [$this->_iShopId]); $map = []; foreach($allRows as $row) { $map[$row['mapkey']] = $row['oxvartype']; } return $map; }
Getting all the stored variable type info from database to be able to check if there was a type change this helps to improve performance when saving a huge amount of config values (e.g. module:fix or config importers)
public function saveShopConfVar($sVarType, $sVarName, $sVarVal, $sShopId = null, $sModule = '') { $sShopId = $sShopId === null ? $this->_iShopId : $sShopId; if ($sShopId == $this->_iShopId) { $storedType = $this->getShopConfType($sVarName, $sModule); if ($sModule == Config::OXMODULE_THEME_PREFIX . $this->getConfigParam('sTheme')){ $storedValue = $this->_aConfigParamsParentTheme[$sVarName]; } else { $storedValue = $this->getConfigParam($sVarName); } if ($sVarType == 'bool') { //some modules that have all kinds of bool representations in metadata.php may cause //$sVarVal to something else then a boolean, converting the value like parent::saveShopConfVar //would do so we can compare it to the strored representation $sVarVal = (($sVarVal == 'true' || $sVarVal) && $sVarVal && strcasecmp($sVarVal, "false")); } if ($sVarType == $storedType && $sVarVal == $storedValue) { return false; } } parent::saveShopConfVar($sVarType, $sVarName, $sVarVal, $sShopId, $sModule); return true; }
overwritten method for performance reasons @param $sVarType @param $sVarName @param $sVarVal @param null $sShopId @param string $sModule @return bool
public function setLifetime($lifetime) { $lifetime = intval($lifetime); if ($lifetime < 1 || $lifetime > 44640) { throw new InvalidArgument('Valid value ranges between 1 minute and 31 days given in minutes'); } $this->lifetime = $lifetime; return $this; }
Number of minutes determining how long the WPF will be valid. Will be set to 30 minutes by default. Valid value ranges between 1 minute and 31 days given in minutes @param int $lifetime @throws InvalidArgument @return $this
public function addTransactionType($name, $parameters = []) { $this->verifyTransactionType($name, $parameters); $structure = [ 'transaction_type' => [ '@attributes' => [ 'name' => $name ], $parameters ] ]; array_push($this->transaction_types, $structure); return $this; }
Add transaction type to the list of available types @param string $name @param array $parameters @return $this
protected function verifyTransactionType($transactionType, $parameters = []) { if (!Types::isValidWPFTransactionType($transactionType)) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'Transaction type (%s) is not valid. Valid WPF transactions are: %s.', $transactionType, implode(', ', Types::getWPFTransactionTypes()) ) ); } $txnCustomRequiredParams = Types::getCustomRequiredParameters( $transactionType ); if (!CommonUtils::isValidArray($txnCustomRequiredParams)) { return; } $txnCustomRequiredParams = static::validateNativeCustomParameters($transactionType, $txnCustomRequiredParams); if (CommonUtils::isValidArray($txnCustomRequiredParams) && !CommonUtils::isValidArray($parameters)) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'Custom transaction parameters (%s) are required and none are set.', implode(', ', array_keys($txnCustomRequiredParams)) ) ); } foreach ($txnCustomRequiredParams as $customRequiredParam => $customRequiredParamValues) { $this->validateRequiredParameter( $transactionType, $customRequiredParam, $customRequiredParamValues, $parameters ); } }
Verify that transaction type parameters are populated correctly @param string $transactionType @param array $parameters @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
protected function validateNativeCustomParameters($transactionType, $txnCustomRequiredParams) { foreach ($txnCustomRequiredParams as $customRequiredParam => $customRequiredParamValues) { if (property_exists($this, $customRequiredParam)) { $this->validateRequiredParameter( $transactionType, $customRequiredParam, $customRequiredParamValues, [ $customRequiredParam => $this->{$customRequiredParam} ] ); unset($txnCustomRequiredParams[$customRequiredParam]); } } return $txnCustomRequiredParams; }
@param string $transactionType @param array $txnCustomRequiredParams @return array
private function checkIsParamSet($transactionType, $parameters, $paramValues) { if (!in_array($parameters, $paramValues)) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'Invalid value (%s) for required parameter: %s (Transaction type: %s)', $parameters, $paramValues, $transactionType ) ); } }
@param string $transactionType @param array $parameters @param mixed $paramValues @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
protected function checkEmptyRequiredParamsFor( $transactionType, $customRequiredParam, $txnParameters = [] ) { if (CommonUtils::isArrayKeyExists($customRequiredParam, $txnParameters) && !empty($txnParameters[$customRequiredParam]) ) { return; } foreach ($txnParameters as $parameter) { if (CommonUtils::isArrayKeyExists($customRequiredParam, $parameter) && !empty($parameter[$customRequiredParam]) ) { return; } } throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'Empty (null) required parameter: %s for transaction type %s', $customRequiredParam, $transactionType ) ); }
Performs a check there is an empty required param for the passed transaction type @param string $transactionType @param string $customRequiredParam @param array $txnParameters @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
public function setLanguage($language = \Genesis\API\Constants\i18n::EN) { // Strip the input down to two letters $language = substr(strtolower($language), 0, 2); if (!\Genesis\API\Constants\i18n::isValidLanguageCode($language)) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\InvalidArgument( 'The provided argument is not a valid ISO-639-1 language code!' ); } $this->setApiConfig( 'url', $this->buildRequestURL( 'wpf', sprintf('%s/wpf', $language), false ) ); return $this; }
Add ISO 639-1 language code to the URL @param string $language iso code of the language @return $this @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\InvalidArgument
protected function setRequiredFields() { $requiredFields = [ 'transaction_id', 'amount', 'currency', 'description', 'notification_url', 'return_success_url', 'return_failure_url', 'return_cancel_url', 'transaction_types' ]; $this->requiredFields = \Genesis\Utils\Common::createArrayObject($requiredFields); $requiredFieldsConditional = [ 'remember_card' => [ true => [ 'customer_email' ] ], 'consumer_id' => [ 'customer_email' ] ]; $this->requiredFieldsConditional = CommonUtils::createArrayObject($requiredFieldsConditional); }
Set the required fields @return void
protected function populateStructure() { $treeStructure = [ 'wpf_payment' => [ 'transaction_id' => $this->transaction_id, 'amount' => $this->transform( 'amount', [ $this->amount, $this->currency ] ), 'currency' => $this->currency, 'usage' => $this->usage, 'description' => $this->description, 'consumer_id' => $this->consumer_id, 'customer_email' => $this->customer_email, 'customer_phone' => $this->customer_phone, 'notification_url' => $this->notification_url, 'return_success_url' => $this->return_success_url, 'return_failure_url' => $this->return_failure_url, 'return_cancel_url' => $this->return_cancel_url, 'billing_address' => $this->getBillingAddressParamsStructure(), 'shipping_address' => $this->getShippingAddressParamsStructure(), 'remember_card' => var_export($this->remember_card, true), 'transaction_types' => $this->transaction_types, 'lifetime' => $this->lifetime, 'risk_params' => $this->getRiskParamsStructure(), 'dynamic_descriptor_params' => $this->getDynamicDescriptorParamsStructure() ] ]; $this->treeStructure = \Genesis\Utils\Common::createArrayObject($treeStructure); }
Create the request's Tree structure @return void
public static function isValidTransactionType($type) { $transactionTypes = \Genesis\Utils\Common::getClassConstants(__CLASS__); return in_array(strtolower($type), $transactionTypes); }
Check whether this is a valid (known) transaction type @param string $type @return bool
public static function getSplitPaymentsTrxTypes() { return [ self::SALE, self::SALE_3D, self::TCS, self::FASHIONCHEQUE, self::INTERSOLVE ]; }
Get valid split payment transaction types @return array
public static function isPayByVoucher($type) { $transactionTypesList = [ self::PAYBYVOUCHER_YEEPAY, self::PAYBYVOUCHER_SALE ]; return in_array(strtolower($type), $transactionTypesList); }
Check whether this is a valid (known) transaction type @param string $type @return bool
public static function canCapture($type) { $transactionTypesList = [ self::AUTHORIZE, self::AUTHORIZE_3D, self::KLARNA_AUTHORIZE ]; return in_array(strtolower($type), $transactionTypesList); }
@param string $type @return bool
public static function canRefund($type) { $transactionTypesList = [ self::CAPTURE, self::CASHU, self::INIT_RECURRING_SALE, self::INIT_RECURRING_SALE_3D, self::INPAY, self::P24, self::PAYPAL_EXPRESS, self::PPRO, self::SALE, self::SALE_3D, self::SOFORT, self::TRUSTLY_SALE, self::FASHIONCHEQUE, self::KLARNA_CAPTURE, self::ZIMPLER, self::ENTERCASH, self::INSTANT_TRANSFER, self::PAYU, self::BITPAY_SALE, self::NEOSURF, self::SAFETYPAY ]; return in_array(strtolower($type), $transactionTypesList); }
@param string $type @return bool
public static function canVoid($type) { $transactionTypesList = [ self::AUTHORIZE, self::AUTHORIZE_3D, self::TRUSTLY_SALE, self::TCS, self::FASHIONCHEQUE, self::INTERSOLVE ]; return in_array(strtolower($type), $transactionTypesList); }
@param string $type @return bool
public static function isCapture($type) { $transactionTypesList = [ self::CAPTURE, self::KLARNA_CAPTURE ]; return in_array(strtolower($type), $transactionTypesList); }
@param $type @return bool
public static function isRefund($type) { $transactionTypesList = [ self::REFUND, self::SDD_REFUND, self::KLARNA_REFUND, self::BITPAY_REFUND ]; return in_array(strtolower($type), $transactionTypesList); }
@param $type @return bool
public static function getCustomRequiredParameters($type) { $method = 'for' . Common::snakeCaseToCamelCase($type); if (!method_exists(CustomRequiredParameters::class, $method)) { return false; } return CustomRequiredParameters::$method(); }
Get custom required parameters with values per transaction @param string $type @return array|bool
protected function populateStructure() { $treeStructure = [ 'reconcile' => [ 'arn' => $this->arn, 'transaction_id' => $this->transaction_id, 'unique_id' => $this->unique_id ] ]; $this->treeStructure = \Genesis\Utils\Common::createArrayObject($treeStructure); }
Create the request's Tree structure @return void
protected function getRequestClass($request) { $parts = explode('\\', $request); $lastIndex = count($parts) - 1; switch ($parts[$lastIndex]) { case 'Void': $parts[$lastIndex] = 'Cancel'; break; case 'AVS': case 'INPay': case 'ABNiDEAL': $this->throwDeprecatedTransactionType(); break; case 'Payin': case 'Payout': if ($this->getParentClass($parts, $lastIndex) === 'Citadel') { $this->throwDeprecatedTransactionType(); } break; case 'oBeP': if ($this->getParentClass($parts, $lastIndex) === 'PayByVouchers') { $this->throwDeprecatedTransactionType(); } break; } return sprintf( '\Genesis\API\Request\%s', implode('\\', $parts) ); }
@param string $request @return string @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\DeprecatedMethod
public function execute() { // Build the previously set data $this->networkCtx->setApiCtxData( $this->requestCtx ); // Send the request $this->networkCtx->sendRequest(); // Set the request context $this->responseCtx->setRequestCtx( $this->requestCtx ); // Parse the response $this->responseCtx->parseResponse( $this->networkCtx->getResponseBody() ); }
Send the request @throws Exceptions\ErrorAPI @throws Exceptions\InvalidArgument @throws Exceptions\InvalidResponse
protected function setRequiredFields() { parent::setRequiredFields(); $requiredFieldValues = [ 'billing_country' => [ 'AD', 'AT', 'BE', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DK', 'EE', 'FI', 'FR', 'EL', 'ES', 'NL', 'IE', 'IS', 'LT', 'LV', 'LU', 'MT', 'DE', 'NO', 'PL', 'PT', 'SM', 'SK', 'SI', 'CH', 'SE', 'HU', 'GB', 'IT', 'US', 'CA', 'JP', 'UA', 'BY', 'RU' ], 'currency' => \Genesis\Utils\Currency::getList() ]; $this->requiredFieldValues = \Genesis\Utils\Common::createArrayObject($requiredFieldValues); }
Set the required fields @return void
protected function getPaymentTransactionStructure() { return [ 'usage' => $this->usage, 'remote_ip' => $this->remote_ip, 'amount' => $this->transformAmount($this->amount, $this->currency), 'currency' => $this->currency, 'reference_id' => $this->reference_id ]; }
Return additional request attributes @return array
protected function getPaymentTransactionStructure() { return [ 'usage' => $this->usage, 'remote_ip' => $this->remote_ip, 'return_url' => $this->return_url, 'amount' => $this->transformAmount($this->amount, $this->currency), 'currency' => $this->currency, 'customer_email' => $this->customer_email, 'billing_address' => $this->getBillingAddressParamsStructure(), 'shipping_address' => $this->getShippingAddressParamsStructure() ]; }
Return additional request attributes @return array
protected function conditions(AbstractSearch $search, array $matches, $negate) { $actor = $search->getActor(); // might be better as `id IN (subquery)`? $method = $negate ? 'whereNotExists' : 'whereExists'; $search->getQuery()->$method(function ($query) use ($actor, $matches) { $query->selectRaw('1') ->from('discussion_user') ->whereColumn('', 'discussion_id') ->where('user_id', $actor->id) ->where('subscription', $matches[1] === 'follow' ? 'follow' : 'ignore'); }); }
public static function amountToExponent($amount, $iso) { $iso = strtoupper($iso); if (array_key_exists($iso, self::$iso4217)) { $exp = intval(self::$iso4217[$iso]['exponent']); if ($exp > 0) { return bcmul($amount, pow(10, $exp), 0); } } return strval($amount); }
Convert amount to ISO-4217 minor currency unit @param $amount - amount to convert @param $iso - iso code of the currency @return mixed - using string as we don't want to cast it without knowing how much precision is required
public static function exponentToAmount($amount, $iso) { $iso = strtoupper($iso); if (array_key_exists($iso, self::$iso4217)) { $exp = intval(self::$iso4217[$iso]['exponent']); if ($exp > 0) { return bcdiv($amount, pow(10, $exp), $exp); } } return strval($amount); }
Convert ISO-4217 minor currency unit to amount @param $amount - amount to convert @param $iso - iso code of the currency @return string - using string as we don't want to cast it without knowing how much precision is required
public function getDocument() { $this->processRequestParameters(); if ($this->treeStructure instanceof \ArrayObject) { $this->builderContext = new \Genesis\Builder(); $this->builderContext->parseStructure($this->treeStructure->getArrayCopy()); return $this->builderContext->getDocument(); } return null; }
Generate the XML output @return string - XML Document with request data
protected function sanitizeStructure() { if ($this->treeStructure instanceof \ArrayObject) { $this->treeStructure->exchangeArray( CommonUtils::emptyValueRecursiveRemoval( $this->treeStructure->getArrayCopy() ) ); } }
Remove empty keys/values from the structure @return void
protected function checkRequirements() { $this->verifyFieldRequirements(); $this->verifyFieldValuesRequirements(); $this->verifyGroupRequirements(); $this->verifyConditionalRequirements(); $this->verifyConditionalFields(); }
Perform field validation @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter @return void
protected function verifyFieldRequirements() { if (isset($this->requiredFields)) { $this->requiredFields->setIteratorClass('RecursiveArrayIterator'); $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($this->requiredFields->getIterator()); foreach ($iterator as $fieldName) { if (empty($this->$fieldName)) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf('Empty (null) required parameter: %s', $fieldName) ); } } } }
Verify that all required fields are populated @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
protected function verifyFieldValuesRequirements() { if (!isset($this->requiredFieldValues)) { return; } $iterator = $this->requiredFieldValues->getArrayCopy(); foreach ($iterator as $fieldName => $validator) { if ($validator instanceof RequestValidator) { $validator->run($this, $fieldName); continue; } if (CommonUtils::isValidArray($validator)) { if (!in_array($this->$fieldName, $validator)) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'Required parameter %s is set to %s, but expected to be one of (%s)', $fieldName, $this->$fieldName, implode( ', ', CommonUtils::getSortedArrayByValue($validator) ) ) ); } continue; } if ($this->$fieldName !== $validator) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'Required parameter %s is set to %s, but expected to be %s', $fieldName, $this->$fieldName, $validator ) ); } } }
Verify that all required fields are populated with expected values @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
protected function verifyGroupRequirements() { if (isset($this->requiredFieldsGroups)) { $fields = $this->requiredFieldsGroups->getArrayCopy(); $emptyFlag = false; $groupsFormatted = []; foreach ($fields as $group => $groupFields) { $groupsFormatted[] = sprintf( '%s (%s)', ucfirst($group), implode(', ', $groupFields) ); foreach ($groupFields as $field) { if (!empty($this->$field)) { $emptyFlag = true; } } } if (!$emptyFlag) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( 'One of the following group/s of field/s must be filled in: %s%s', PHP_EOL, implode( PHP_EOL, $groupsFormatted ) ), true ); } } }
Verify that the group fields in the request are populated @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
protected function verifyConditionalRequirements() { if (!isset($this->requiredFieldsConditional)) { return; } $fields = $this->requiredFieldsConditional->getArrayCopy(); foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $fieldDependencies) { if (!isset($this->$fieldName)) { continue; } foreach ($fieldDependencies as $fieldValue => $fieldDependency) { if (is_array($fieldDependency)) { if ($this->$fieldName != $fieldValue) { continue; } foreach ($fieldDependency as $field) { if (empty($this->$field)) { $fieldValue = is_bool($this->$fieldName) ? var_export($this->$fieldName, true) : $this->$fieldName; throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( '%s with value %s is depending on: %s, which is empty (null)!', $fieldName, $fieldValue, $field ) ); } } } elseif (empty($this->$fieldDependency)) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter( sprintf( '%s is depending on: %s, which is empty (null)!', $fieldName, $fieldDependency ) ); } } } }
Verify that all fields (who depend on previously populated fields) are populated @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
protected function verifyConditionalFields() { if (isset($this->requiredFieldsOR)) { $fields = $this->requiredFieldsOR->getArrayCopy(); $status = false; foreach ($fields as $fieldName) { if (isset($this->$fieldName) && !empty($this->$fieldName)) { $status = true; } } if (!$status) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter(implode($fields)); } } }
Verify conditional requirement, where either one of the fields are populated @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter
protected function transform($method, $args, $prefix = 'transform') { $method = $prefix . CommonUtils::snakeCaseToCamelCase($method); if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $result = call_user_func_array([$this, $method], $args); if ($result) { return $result; } } return reset($args); }
Perform a field transformation and return the result @param string $method @param array $args @param string $prefix @return mixed
protected function transformAmount($amount = '', $currency = '') { if (!empty($amount) && !empty($currency)) { return \Genesis\Utils\Currency::amountToExponent($amount, $currency); } return false; }
Apply transformation: Convert to Minor currency unit @param string $amount @param string $currency @return string
protected function buildRequestURL($sub = 'gateway', $path = '', $token = '') { $protocol = ($this->getApiConfig('protocol')) ? $this->getApiConfig('protocol') : 'https'; $sub = \Genesis\Config::getSubDomain($sub); $domain = \Genesis\Config::getEndpoint(); $port = ($this->getApiConfig('port')) ? $this->getApiConfig('port') : 443; $path = ($token) ? sprintf('%s/%s/', $path, $token) : $path; return sprintf( '%s://%s%s:%s/%s', $protocol, $sub, $domain, $port, $path ); }
Build the complete URL for the request @param $sub String - gateway/wpf etc. @param $path String - path of the current request @param $token String - should we append the token to the end of the url @return string - complete URL
protected function initApiGatewayConfiguration($requestPath = 'process', $includeToken = true) { $this->setApiConfig( 'url', $this->buildRequestURL( 'gateway', $requestPath, ($includeToken ? \Genesis\Config::getToken() : false) ) ); }
Initializes Api EndPoint Url with request path & terminal token @param string $requestPath @param bool $includeToken @return void
public function setCryptoAddress($address) { if (!$this->checkAddress($address) || !preg_match(static::CRYPTO_ADDRESS_VALIDATION_REGEX, $address)) { throw new ErrorParameter('Invalid crypto address provided'); } $this->crypto_address = $address; return $this; }
Valid crypto address where the funds will be received @param $address @return $this @throws ErrorParameter
public function checkAddress($address) { $addr = $this->decodeBase58($address); if (strlen($addr) != 50) { return false; } $check = substr($addr, 0, strlen($addr) - 8); $check = pack('H*', $check); $check = strtoupper(hash('sha256', hash('sha256', $check, true))); $check = substr($check, 0, 8); return $check == substr($addr, strlen($addr) - 8); }
Taken from @param $address @return bool
private function encodeHex($dec) { $hexchars = '0123456789ABCDEF'; $return = ''; while (bccomp($dec, 0) == 1) { $rem = (integer)bcmod($dec, '16'); $dec = (string)bcdiv($dec, '16', 0); $return = $return . $hexchars[$rem]; } return strrev($return); }
@param $dec @return string
private function decodeBase58($base58) { $origbase58 = $base58; $base58chars = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $return = '0'; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($base58); $i++) { $current = (string)strpos($base58chars, $base58[$i]); $return = (string)bcmul($return, "58", 0); $return = (string)bcadd($return, $current, 0); } $return = $this->encodeHex($return); //leading zeros for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($origbase58) && $origbase58[$i] == '1'; $i++) { $return = '00' . $return; } if (strlen($return) % 2 != 0) { $return = '0' . $return; } return $return; }
Convert a Base58-encoded integer into the equivalent hex string representation @param string $base58 @return string @access private
protected function setRequiredFields() { $requiredFields = [ 'transaction_id', 'return_success_url', 'return_failure_url', 'amount', 'currency', 'crypto_address', 'crypto_wallet_provider' ]; $this->requiredFields = \Genesis\Utils\Common::createArrayObject($requiredFields); $requiredFieldValues = [ 'crypto_wallet_provider' => [ self::WALLET_PROVIDER_BITGO, self::WALLET_PROVIDER_UPHOLD, self::WALLET_PROVIDER_CIRCLE, self::WALLET_PROVIDER_COINBASE, self::WALLET_PROVIDER_GDAX, self::WALLET_PROVIDER_GEMINI, self::WALLET_PROVIDER_ITBIT, self::WALLET_PROVIDER_KRAKEN ] ]; $this->requiredFieldValues = \Genesis\Utils\Common::createArrayObject($requiredFieldValues); }
Set the required fields @return void
protected function getPaymentTransactionStructure() { return [ 'usage' => $this->usage, 'remote_ip' => $this->remote_ip, 'return_success_url' => $this->return_success_url, 'return_failure_url' => $this->return_failure_url, 'amount' => $this->transformAmount($this->amount, $this->currency), 'currency' => $this->currency, 'customer_email' => $this->customer_email, 'crypto_address' => $this->crypto_address, 'crypto_wallet_provider' => $this->crypto_wallet_provider, 'billing_address' => $this->getBillingAddressParamsStructure(), 'shipping_address' => $this->getShippingAddressParamsStructure() ]; }
Return additional request attributes @return array
protected function setRequiredFields() { $requiredFields = [ 'transaction_id', 'amount', 'currency', 'customer_email', 'account_name', 'bank_name', 'billing_first_name', 'billing_last_name', 'billing_address1', 'billing_city', 'billing_country', ]; $this->requiredFields = \Genesis\Utils\Common::createArrayObject($requiredFields); $requiredFieldValues = [ 'billing_country' => [ 'AD', 'AU', 'AT', 'BH', 'BS', 'BE', 'BG', 'CA', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DK', 'EG', 'EE', 'FI', 'FR', 'DE', 'GR', 'HK', 'HU', 'ID', 'IE', 'IL', 'IT', 'JP', 'KE', 'LV', 'LI', 'LT', 'LU', 'MY', 'MT', 'MA', 'NL', 'NZ', 'NO', 'PK', 'PH', 'PL', 'PT', 'RO', 'SG', 'SK', 'SI', 'ES', 'SE', 'CH', 'GB', 'US', 'VN' ], 'currency' => \Genesis\Utils\Currency::getList() ]; $this->requiredFieldValues = \Genesis\Utils\Common::createArrayObject($requiredFieldValues); $this->setRequiredFieldValuesConditional(); }
Set the required fields @return void
protected function getPaymentTransactionStructure() { return [ 'amount' => $this->transformAmount($this->amount, $this->currency), 'currency' => $this->currency, 'customer_email' => $this->customer_email, 'customer_phone' => $this->customer_phone, 'account_name' => $this->account_name, 'bank_name' => $this->bank_name, 'iban' => $this->iban, 'bic' => $this->bic, 'account_number' => $this->account_number, 'bank_code' => $this->bank_code, 'branch_code' => $this->branch_code, 'account_number_suffix' => $this->account_number_suffix, 'sort_code' => $this->sort_code, 'aba_routing_number' => $this->aba_routing_number, 'billing_address' => $this->getBillingAddressParamsStructure(), ]; }
Return additional request attributes @return array
protected function getPaymentTransactionStructure() { return [ 'return_success_url' => $this->return_success_url, 'return_failure_url' => $this->return_failure_url, 'amount' => $this->transformAmount($this->amount, $this->currency), 'currency' => $this->currency, 'is_payout' => var_export($this->is_payout, true), 'customer_account_id' => $this->customer_account_id, 'customer_email' => $this->customer_email, 'customer_phone' => $this->customer_phone, 'billing_address' => $this->getBillingAddressParamsStructure(), 'shipping_address' => $this->getShippingAddressParamsStructure() ]; }
Return additional request attributes @return array
protected function setRequiredFields() { $requiredFields = [ 'transaction_id', 'payment_type', 'remote_ip', 'amount', 'currency', 'return_success_url', 'return_failure_url', 'customer_email', 'billing_country' ]; $this->requiredFields = CommonUtils::createArrayObject($requiredFields); $requiredFieldValues = [ 'payment_type' => PaymentMethods::getMethods(), 'billing_country' => \Genesis\Utils\Country::getList(), 'currency' => \Genesis\Utils\Currency::getList() ]; $this->requiredFieldValues = CommonUtils::createArrayObject($requiredFieldValues); $requiredFieldsConditional = [ 'payment_type' => [ PaymentMethods::GIRO_PAY => [ 'bic', 'iban' ], PaymentMethods::PRZELEWY24 => [ 'customer_email' ], PaymentMethods::QIWI => [ 'account_phone' ] ] ]; $this->requiredFieldsConditional = CommonUtils::createArrayObject($requiredFieldsConditional); $this->setRequiredFieldValuesConditional(); }
Set the required fields @return void
protected function setRequiredFieldValuesConditional() { $requiredFieldValuesConditional = [ 'payment_type' => [ PaymentMethods::EPS => [ [ 'billing_country' => 'AT', 'currency' => 'EUR' ] ], PaymentMethods::SAFETY_PAY => [ [ 'billing_country' => [ 'AT', 'BE', 'BR', 'CL', 'CO', 'CR', 'DE', 'EC', 'ES', 'MX', 'NL', 'PE', 'PR' ], 'currency' => ['EUR', 'USD'] ] ], PaymentMethods::TRUST_PAY => [ [ 'billing_country' => 'CZ', 'currency' => 'CZK' ], [ 'billing_country' => ['CZ', 'SK'], 'currency' => 'EUR' ] ], PaymentMethods::PRZELEWY24 => [ [ 'billing_country' => 'PL', 'currency' => 'PLN' ] ], PaymentMethods::IDEAL => [ [ 'billing_country' => 'NL', 'currency' => 'EUR' ] ], PaymentMethods::QIWI => [ [ 'billing_country' => 'RU', 'currency' => ['EUR', 'RUB'] ] ], PaymentMethods::GIRO_PAY => [ [ 'billing_country' => 'DE', 'currency' => 'EUR' ] ], PaymentMethods::BCMC => [ [ 'billing_country' => 'BE', 'currency' => 'EUR' ] ], PaymentMethods::MYBANK => [ [ 'billing_country' => ['BE', 'FR', 'IT', 'LU'], 'currency' => 'EUR' ] ] ] ]; $this->requiredFieldValuesConditional = CommonUtils::createArrayObject($requiredFieldValuesConditional); }
Set the required fields - conditionally depending on other fields @return void @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
protected function getPaymentTransactionStructure() { return [ 'payment_type' => $this->payment_type, 'amount' => $this->transformAmount($this->amount, $this->currency), 'currency' => $this->currency, 'return_success_url' => $this->return_success_url, 'return_failure_url' => $this->return_failure_url, 'customer_email' => $this->customer_email, 'customer_phone' => $this->customer_phone, 'account_number' => $this->account_number, 'bank_code' => $this->bank_code, 'bic' => $this->bic, 'iban' => $this->iban, 'account_phone' => $this->account_phone, 'billing_address' => $this->getBillingAddressParamsStructure(), 'shipping_address' => $this->getShippingAddressParamsStructure() ]; }
Return additional request attributes @return array
public function remove($value) { $hash = self::hash($value); if(array_key_exists($hash, $this->objects)) { unset($this->objects[$hash]); return true; } return false; }
If the value is in the set, it will be removed and true is returned. otherwise false is returned. @param $value @return bool
public function contains($value) { $hash = self::hash($value); return array_key_exists($hash, $this->objects); }
Returns true if the value exist in the set. Otherwise false. @return bool
private function find($value, $add = false) { $hash = self::hash($value); if(array_key_exists($hash, $this->objects)) { return true; } else if($add) { $this->objects[$hash] = $value; } return false; }
Finds the given value and returns true if it was found. Otherwise return false.
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $moduleId = $input->getArgument('moduleid'); $shopId = $input->hasOption('shop') ? $input->getOption('shop') : null; $this->activateModule($moduleId, $shopId, $output); }
public function activateModule($moduleId, $shopId, $output) { /** @var ModuleInstaller $moduleInstaller */ $moduleInstaller = Registry::get(ModuleInstaller::class); if ($shopId) { $oConfig = ShopConfig::get($shopId); $moduleInstaller->setConfig($oConfig); } $moduleList = oxNew(ModuleList::class); $moduleList->getModulesFromDir(Registry::getConfig()->getModulesDir()); $modules = $moduleList->getList(); /** @var Module $module */ $module = $modules[$moduleId]; if ($module == null) { $output->writeLn("$moduleId not found. choose from:"); $output->writeLn(join("\n", array_keys($modules))); exit(1); } if ($module->isActive()) { $output->writeLn("$moduleId already active"); } else { $moduleInstaller->activate($module); } }
@param string $moduleId @param string $shopId @param OutputInterface $output @throws \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\StandardException
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->init(); $this->input = $input; $this->output = $output; $oScaffold = $this->_buildScaffold(); $this->_generateModule($oScaffold); $output->writeLn('Module generated successfully'); }
protected function _generateModule($oScaffold) { $oSmarty = $this->_getSmarty(); $oSmarty->assign('oScaffold', $oScaffold); if ($oScaffold->sVendor) { $this->_generateVendorDir($oScaffold->sVendor); } $sModuleDir = $this->_getModuleDir($oScaffold->sVendor, $oScaffold->sModuleName); $this->_copyAndParseDir( $this->_sTemplatesDir, $sModuleDir, array( '_prefix_' => strtolower($oScaffold->sVendor . $oScaffold->sModuleName) ) ); }
Generate module from scaffold object @param object $oScaffold
protected function _copyAndParseDir($sFrom, $sTo, array $aNameMap = array()) { $oFileInfos = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sFrom, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS) ); if (!file_exists($sTo)) { mkdir($sTo); } foreach ($oFileInfos as $oFileInfo) { $sFilePath = (string)$oFileInfo; $aReplace = array( 'search' => array_merge(array($sFrom), array_keys($aNameMap)), 'replace' => array_merge(array($sTo), array_values($aNameMap)) ); $sNewPath = str_replace($aReplace['search'], $aReplace['replace'], $sFilePath); $this->_copyAndParseFile($sFilePath, $sNewPath); } }
Copies files from directory, parses all files and puts parsed content to another directory @param string $sFrom Directory from @param string $sTo Directory to @param array $aNameMap What should be changed in file name?
protected function _copyAndParseFile($sFrom, $sTo) { $this->_createMissingFolders($sTo); $sTo = preg_replace('/\.tpl$/', '', $sTo); if (preg_match('/\.tpl$/', $sFrom)) { $oSmarty = $this->_getSmarty(); $sContent = $oSmarty->fetch($sFrom); } else { $sContent = file_get_contents($sFrom); } file_put_contents($sTo, $sContent); }
Copies file from one directory to another, parses file if original file extension is .tpl @param $sFrom @param $sTo
protected function _createMissingFolders($sFilePath) { $sPath = dirname($sFilePath); if (!file_exists($sPath)) { mkdir($sPath, 0777, true); } }
Create missing folders of file path @param string $sFilePath
protected function _generateVendorDir($sVendor) { $sVendorDir = $this->_sModuleDir . $sVendor . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!file_exists($sVendorDir)) { mkdir($sVendorDir); // Generate vendor metadata file file_put_contents($sVendorDir . 'vendormetadata.php', '<?php'); } }
Generate vendor directory @param string $sVendor
protected function _buildScaffold() { $oScaffold = new \stdClass(); $oScaffold->sVendor = strtolower($this->_getUserInput('Vendor Prefix', true)); $blFirstRequest = true; do { if (!$blFirstRequest) { $this->output->writeLn('Module path or id is taken with given title'); } else { $blFirstRequest = false; } $oScaffold->sModuleTitle = $this->_getUserInput('Module Title'); $oScaffold->sModuleName = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords($oScaffold->sModuleTitle)); $oScaffold->sModuleId = $oScaffold->sVendor . strtolower($oScaffold->sModuleName); } while (!$this->_modulePathAvailable($oScaffold->sVendor, $oScaffold->sModuleName) || !$this->_moduleIdAvailable($oScaffold->sModuleId)); $oScaffold->sModuleDir = $this->_getModuleDir($oScaffold->sVendor, $oScaffold->sModuleName); $oScaffold->sAuthor = $this->_getUserInput('Author', true); $oScaffold->sUrl = $this->_getUserInput('Url', true); $oScaffold->sEmail = $this->_getUserInput('Email', true); return $oScaffold; }
Build scaffold object from user inputs @return \stdClass
protected function _getModuleDir($sVendor, $sModuleName) { $sModuleDir = $this->_sModuleDir; if ($sVendor) { $sModuleDir .= strtolower($sVendor) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } return $sModuleDir . strtolower($sModuleName) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; }
Get module dir @param string $sVendor @param string $sModuleName @return string
protected function _getUserInput($sText, $bAllowEmpty = false) { $questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question'); do { $sTitle = "$sText: " . ($bAllowEmpty ? '[optional] ' : '[required] '); $question = new Question($sTitle); $sInput = $questionHelper->ask($this->input, $this->output, $question); } while (!$bAllowEmpty && !$sInput); return $sInput; }
Get user input @param string $sText @param bool $bAllowEmpty @return string
public function setIban($value) { if ($this->billing_country === 'DE') { $this->validateIban(self::PATTERN_DE_IBAN, $value); } return parent::setIban($value); }
@param $value @return InstantTransfer @throws ErrorParameter
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { try { $timestamp = $this->_parseTimestamp($input->getArgument('timestamp')); } catch (ConsoleException $oEx) { $output->writeLn($oEx->getMessage()); exit(1); } $output->writeLn('Running migration scripts'); $debugOutput = $input->getOption('verbose') ? $output : new NullOutput(); /** @var MigrationHandler $oMigrationHandler */ $oMigrationHandler = Registry::get(MigrationHandler::class); $oMigrationHandler->run($timestamp, $debugOutput); $output->writeLn('Migration finished successfully'); }
protected function _parseTimestamp($timestamp) { if (is_null($timestamp)) return AbstractQuery::getCurrentTimestamp(); if (!AbstractQuery::isValidTimestamp($timestamp)) { if ($sTime = strtotime($timestamp)) { $timestamp = date('YmdHis', $sTime); } else { throw oxNew( ConsoleException::class, 'Invalid timestamp format, use YYYYMMDDhhmmss format' ); } } return $timestamp; }
Parse timestamp from user input @param string|null $timestamp @return string