18 values
import abc class Mutator(abc.ABC): def apply(self, original_content): return original_content
import abc class Mutator(abc.ABC): def apply(self, original_content): return original_content
<filename>src/django_otp/ import django.conf class Settings: """ This is a simple class to take the place of the global settings object. An instance will contain all of our settings as attributes, with default values if they are not specified by the configuration. """ defaults = { 'OTP_LOGIN_URL': django.conf.settings.LOGIN_URL, 'OTP_ADMIN_HIDE_SENSITIVE_DATA': False, } def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.defaults: return getattr(django.conf.settings, name, self.defaults[name]) else: return getattr(django.conf.settings, name) settings = Settings()
<filename>src/django_otp/ import django.conf class Settings: """ This is a simple class to take the place of the global settings object. An instance will contain all of our settings as attributes, with default values if they are not specified by the configuration. """ defaults = { 'OTP_LOGIN_URL': django.conf.settings.LOGIN_URL, 'OTP_ADMIN_HIDE_SENSITIVE_DATA': False, } def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.defaults: return getattr(django.conf.settings, name, self.defaults[name]) else: return getattr(django.conf.settings, name) settings = Settings()
import asyncio import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands.core import has_permissions class cog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client @commands.command(aliases=["clear"]) @has_permissions(ban_members=True) async def purge(self, ctx, count): await message = await ctx.send(f"Deleted {count} messages.") asyncio.sleep(2) await message.delete() def setup(client): client.add_cog(cog(client))
import asyncio import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands.core import has_permissions class cog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client @commands.command(aliases=["clear"]) @has_permissions(ban_members=True) async def purge(self, ctx, count): await message = await ctx.send(f"Deleted {count} messages.") asyncio.sleep(2) await message.delete() def setup(client): client.add_cog(cog(client))
from .test_tensorboard_rest_api import TestTensorboardRestAPI from .test_tensorboard_server import TestTensorboardServer from .test_tensorboard_endpoints import TestTensorboardEndpoint
from .test_tensorboard_rest_api import TestTensorboardRestAPI from .test_tensorboard_server import TestTensorboardServer from .test_tensorboard_endpoints import TestTensorboardEndpoint
from unittest import TestCase from ..helpers import ( create_web3, create_contract, get_future_execution_start_at_timestamp, proceed_time, get_prediction_time_shift, get_purchase_time_shift, get_shipping_time_shift, get_publication_time_shift, get_tournament_id, get_chain_id, create_store, generate_redis_namespace, BaseHardhatTestCase ) from src.web3 import get_account_address execution_start_at = get_future_execution_start_at_timestamp() content = 'abc'.encode() model_id = 'model1' model_id_other = 'model_other' class TestStoreFetchPurchasesToShip(BaseHardhatTestCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() w3 = create_web3() contract = create_contract(w3) store = create_store(w3, contract) = store self.w3 = w3 w3_other = create_web3(account_index=1) contract_other = create_contract(w3_other) store_other = create_store(w3_other, contract_other) w3_purchaser = create_web3(account_index=2) contract_purchaser = create_contract(w3_purchaser) store_purchaser = create_store(w3_purchaser, contract_purchaser) self.store_purchaser = store_purchaser self.w3_purchaser = w3_purchaser # predict proceed_time(w3, execution_start_at + get_prediction_time_shift()) store.create_models_if_not_exist([dict( model_id=model_id, tournament_id=get_tournament_id(), prediction_license='CC0-1.0', )]) store.create_predictions([dict( model_id=model_id, execution_start_at=execution_start_at, content=content, price=1, )]) # other predict store_other.create_models_if_not_exist([dict( model_id=model_id_other, tournament_id=get_tournament_id(), prediction_license='CC0-1.0', )]) store_other.create_predictions([dict( model_id=model_id_other, execution_start_at=execution_start_at, content=content, price=1, )]) # purchase proceed_time(w3, execution_start_at + get_purchase_time_shift()) store_purchaser.create_purchases([dict( model_id=model_id, execution_start_at=execution_start_at, ), dict( model_id=model_id_other, execution_start_at=execution_start_at, )]) def test_ok(self): purchases = tournament_id=get_tournament_id(), execution_start_at=execution_start_at ) self.assertEqual(purchases, [{ **purchases[0], 'model_id': model_id, 'execution_start_at': execution_start_at, 'purchaser': get_account_address(self.w3_purchaser.eth.default_account), }]) def test_different_tournament_id(self): purchases = tournament_id='different', execution_start_at=execution_start_at ) self.assertEqual(purchases, []) def test_different_execution_start_at(self): purchases = tournament_id=get_tournament_id(), execution_start_at=execution_start_at + 1, ) self.assertEqual(purchases, []) def test_already_shipped(self): store = # ship proceed_time(self.w3, execution_start_at + get_shipping_time_shift()) store.ship_purchases([dict( model_id=model_id, execution_start_at=execution_start_at, purchaser=get_account_address(self.w3_purchaser.eth.default_account), )]) purchases = store.fetch_purchases_to_ship( tournament_id=get_tournament_id(), execution_start_at=execution_start_at, ) self.assertEqual(purchases, [])
from unittest import TestCase from ..helpers import ( create_web3, create_contract, get_future_execution_start_at_timestamp, proceed_time, get_prediction_time_shift, get_purchase_time_shift, get_shipping_time_shift, get_publication_time_shift, get_tournament_id, get_chain_id, create_store, generate_redis_namespace, BaseHardhatTestCase ) from src.web3 import get_account_address execution_start_at = get_future_execution_start_at_timestamp() content = 'abc'.encode() model_id = 'model1' model_id_other = 'model_other' class TestStoreFetchPurchasesToShip(BaseHardhatTestCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() w3 = create_web3() contract = create_contract(w3) store = create_store(w3, contract) = store self.w3 = w3 w3_other = create_web3(account_index=1) contract_other = create_contract(w3_other) store_other = create_store(w3_other, contract_other) w3_purchaser = create_web3(account_index=2) contract_purchaser = create_contract(w3_purchaser) store_purchaser = create_store(w3_purchaser, contract_purchaser) self.store_purchaser = store_purchaser self.w3_purchaser = w3_purchaser # predict proceed_time(w3, execution_start_at + get_prediction_time_shift()) store.create_models_if_not_exist([dict( model_id=model_id, tournament_id=get_tournament_id(), prediction_license='CC0-1.0', )]) store.create_predictions([dict( model_id=model_id, execution_start_at=execution_start_at, content=content, price=1, )]) # other predict store_other.create_models_if_not_exist([dict( model_id=model_id_other, tournament_id=get_tournament_id(), prediction_license='CC0-1.0', )]) store_other.create_predictions([dict( model_id=model_id_other, execution_start_at=execution_start_at, content=content, price=1, )]) # purchase proceed_time(w3, execution_start_at + get_purchase_time_shift()) store_purchaser.create_purchases([dict( model_id=model_id, execution_start_at=execution_start_at, ), dict( model_id=model_id_other, execution_start_at=execution_start_at, )]) def test_ok(self): purchases = tournament_id=get_tournament_id(), execution_start_at=execution_start_at ) self.assertEqual(purchases, [{ **purchases[0], 'model_id': model_id, 'execution_start_at': execution_start_at, 'purchaser': get_account_address(self.w3_purchaser.eth.default_account), }]) def test_different_tournament_id(self): purchases = tournament_id='different', execution_start_at=execution_start_at ) self.assertEqual(purchases, []) def test_different_execution_start_at(self): purchases = tournament_id=get_tournament_id(), execution_start_at=execution_start_at + 1, ) self.assertEqual(purchases, []) def test_already_shipped(self): store = # ship proceed_time(self.w3, execution_start_at + get_shipping_time_shift()) store.ship_purchases([dict( model_id=model_id, execution_start_at=execution_start_at, purchaser=get_account_address(self.w3_purchaser.eth.default_account), )]) purchases = store.fetch_purchases_to_ship( tournament_id=get_tournament_id(), execution_start_at=execution_start_at, ) self.assertEqual(purchases, [])
<reponame>ponponon/loguru<gh_stars>1000+ from loguru import logger # See "" for extended testing def test_backtrace(writer): logger.add(writer, format="{message}", backtrace=True) try: 1 / 0 except Exception: logger.exception("") result_with = logger.remove() writer.clear() logger.add(writer, format="{message}", backtrace=False) try: 1 / 0 except Exception: logger.exception("") result_without = assert len(result_with.splitlines()) > len(result_without.splitlines())
from loguru import logger # See "" for extended testing def test_backtrace(writer): logger.add(writer, format="{message}", backtrace=True) try: 1 / 0 except Exception: logger.exception("") result_with = logger.remove() writer.clear() logger.add(writer, format="{message}", backtrace=False) try: 1 / 0 except Exception: logger.exception("") result_without = assert len(result_with.splitlines()) > len(result_without.splitlines())
<reponame>Pushkar745/PythonProgramming<gh_stars>0 class Employee: #Initializaing def __init__(self): print('Employee created ') #Deleting (Calling destructor) def __del__(self): print('Destructor called,Employee deleted') obj=Employee() del obj
class Employee: #Initializaing def __init__(self): print('Employee created ') #Deleting (Calling destructor) def __del__(self): print('Destructor called,Employee deleted') obj=Employee() del obj
<reponame>ConfusedMoonbear/vivisect """ Similar to the memory subsystem, this is a unified way to access information about objects which contain registers """ import envi.bits as e_bits from envi.const import * class InvalidRegisterName(Exception): pass class RegisterContext: def __init__(self, regdef=(), metas=(), pcindex=None, spindex=None, srindex=None): """ Hand in a register definition which consists of a list of (<name>, <width>) tuples. """ self.loadRegDef(regdef) self.loadRegMetas(metas) self.setRegisterIndexes(pcindex, spindex, srindex=srindex) self._rctx_dirty = False def getRegisterSnap(self): """ Use this to bulk save off the register state. """ return list(self._rctx_vals) def setRegisterSnap(self, snap): """ Use this to bulk restore the register state. NOTE: This may only be used under the assumption that the RegisterContext has been initialized the same way (like context switches in tracers, or emulaction snaps) """ self._rctx_vals = list(snap) def isDirty(self): """ Returns true if registers in this context have been modififed since their import. """ return self._rctx_dirty def setIsDirty(self, bool): self._rctx_dirty = bool def setRegisterIndexes(self, pcindex, spindex, srindex=None): self._rctx_pcindex = pcindex self._rctx_spindex = spindex self._rctx_srindex = srindex def loadRegDef(self, regdef, defval=0): """ Load a register definition. A register definition consists of a list of tuples with the following format: (regname, regwidth) NOTE: All widths in envi RegisterContexts are in bits. """ self._rctx_regdef = regdef # Save this for snaps etc.. self._rctx_names = {} self._rctx_ids = {} self._rctx_widths = [] self._rctx_vals = [] self._rctx_masks = [] for i, (name, width) in enumerate(regdef): self._rctx_names[name] = i self._rctx_ids[i] = name self._rctx_widths.append(width) self._rctx_masks.append((2**width)-1) self._rctx_vals.append(defval) def getRegDef(self): return self._rctx_regdef def loadRegMetas(self, metas, statmetas=None): """ Load a set of defined "meta" registers for this architecture. Meta registers are defined as registers who exist as a subset of the bits in some other "real" register. The argument metas is a list of tuples with the following format: (regname, regidx, reg_shift_offset, reg_width) The given example is for the AX register in the i386 subsystem regname: "ax" reg_shift_offset: 0 reg_width: 16 Optionally a set of status meta registers can be loaded as well. The argument is a list of tuples with the following format: (regname, regidx, reg_shift_offset, reg_width, description) """ self._rctx_regmetas = metas for name, idx, offset, width in metas: self.addMetaRegister(name, idx, offset, width) self._rctx_statmetas = statmetas def addMetaRegister(self, name, idx, offset, width): """ Meta registers are registers which are really just directly addressable parts of already existing registers (eax -> al). To add a meta register, you give the name, the idx of the *real* register, the width of the meta reg, and it's left shifted (in bits) offset into the real register value. The RegisterContext will take care of accesses after that. """ newidx = (offset << 24) + (width << 16) + idx self._rctx_names[name] = newidx self._rctx_ids[newidx] = name def isMetaRegister(self, index): return (index & 0xffff) != index def _rctx_Import(self, sobj): """ Given an object with attributes with the same names as registers in our context, populate our values from it. NOTE: This also clears the dirty flag """ # On import from a structure, we are clean again. self._rctx_dirty = False for name,idx in self._rctx_names.items(): # Skip meta registers if (idx & 0xffff) != idx: continue x = getattr(sobj, name, None) if x != None: self._rctx_vals[idx] = x def _rctx_Export(self, sobj): """ Given an object with attributes with the same names as registers in our context, set the ones he has to match our values. """ for name,idx in self._rctx_names.items(): # Skip meta registers if (idx & 0xffff) != idx: continue if hasattr(sobj, name): setattr(sobj, name, self._rctx_vals[idx]) def getRegisterInfo(self, meta=False): """ Return an object which can be stored off, and restored to re-initialize a register context. (much like snapshot but it takes the definitions with it) """ regdef = self._rctx_regdef regmeta = self._rctx_regmetas pcindex = self._rctx_pcindex spindex = self._rctx_spindex snap = self.getRegisterSnap() return (regdef, regmeta, pcindex, spindex, snap) def setRegisterInfo(self, info): regdef, regmeta, pcindex, spindex, snap = info self.loadRegDef(regdef) self.loadRegMetas(regmeta) self.setRegisterIndexes(pcindex, spindex) self.setRegisterSnap(snap) def getRegisterName(self, index): return self._rctx_ids.get(index,"REG%.8x" % index) def getProgramCounter(self): """ Get the value of the program counter for this register context. """ return self.getRegister(self._rctx_pcindex) def setProgramCounter(self, value): """ Set the value of the program counter for this register context. """ self.setRegister(self._rctx_pcindex, value) def getStackCounter(self): return self.getRegister(self._rctx_spindex) def setStackCounter(self, value): self.setRegister(self._rctx_spindex, value) def hasStatusRegister(self): ''' Returns True if this context is aware of a status register. ''' if self._rctx_srindex == None: return False return True def getStatusRegNameDesc(self): ''' Return a list of status register names and descriptions. ''' return [(name, desc) for name, idx, offset, width, desc in self._rctx_statmetas] def getStatusRegister(self): ''' Gets the status register for this register context. ''' return self.getRegister(self._rctx_srindex) def setStatusRegister(self, value): ''' Sets the status register for this register context. ''' self.setRegister(self._rctx_srindex, value) def getStatusFlags(self): ''' Return a dictionary of reg name and reg value for the meta registers that are part of the status register. ''' ret = {} for name, idx, offset, width, desc in self._rctx_statmetas: ret[name] = self.getRegisterByName(name) return ret def getRegisterByName(self, name): idx = self._rctx_names.get(name) if idx == None: raise InvalidRegisterName("Unknown Register: %s" % name) return self.getRegister(idx) def setRegisterByName(self, name, value): idx = self._rctx_names.get(name) if idx == None: raise InvalidRegisterName("Unknown Register: %s" % name) self.setRegister(idx, value) def getRegisterNames(self): ''' Returns a list of the 'real' (non meta) registers. ''' regs = [rname for rname, ridx in self._rctx_names.items() if not self.isMetaRegister(ridx)] return regs def getRegisterNameIndexes(self): ''' Return a list of all the 'real' (non meta) registers and their indexes. Example: for regname, regidx in x.getRegisterNameIndexes(): ''' regs = [(rname, ridx) for rname, ridx in self._rctx_names.items() if not self.isMetaRegister(ridx)] return regs def getRegisters(self): """ Get all the *real* registers from this context as a dictionary of name value pairs. """ ret = {} for name,idx in self._rctx_names.items(): if (idx & 0xffff) != idx: continue ret[name] = self.getRegister(idx) return ret def setRegisters(self, regdict): """ For any name value pairs in the specified dictionary, set the current register values in this context. """ for name,value in regdict.items(): self.setRegisterByName(name, value) def getRegisterIndex(self, name): """ Get a register index by name. (faster to use the index multiple times) """ return self._rctx_names.get(name) def getRegisterWidth(self, index): """ Return the width of the register which lives at the specified index (width is always in bits). """ ridx = index & 0xffff if ridx == index: return self._rctx_widths[index] width = (index >> 16) & 0xff return width def getRegister(self, index): """ Return the current value of the specified register index. """ ridx = index & 0xffff value = self._rctx_vals[ridx] if ridx != index: value = self._xlateToMetaReg(index, value) return value def getMetaRegInfo(self, index): ''' Return the appropriate realreg, shift, mask info for the specified metareg idx (or None if it's not meta). Example: real_reg, lshift, mask = r.getMetaRegInfo(x) ''' ridx = index & 0xffff if ridx == index: return None offset = (index >> 24) & 0xff width = (index >> 16) & 0xff mask = (2**width)-1 return ridx, offset, mask def _xlateToMetaReg(self, index, value): ''' Translate a register value to the meta register value (used when getting a meta register) ''' ridx = index & 0xffff offset = (index >> 24) & 0xff width = (index >> 16) & 0xff mask = (2**width)-1 if offset != 0: value >>= offset return value & mask def _xlateToNativeReg(self, index, value): ''' Translate a register value to the native register value (used when setting a meta register) ''' ridx = index & 0xffff width = (index >> 16) & 0xff offset = (index >> 24) & 0xff # FIXME is it faster to generate or look these up? mask = (2 ** width) - 1 mask = mask << offset # NOTE: basewidth is in *bits* basewidth = self._rctx_widths[ridx] basemask = (2 ** basewidth) - 1 # cut a whole in basemask at the size/offset of mask finalmask = basemask ^ mask curval = self._rctx_vals[ridx] if offset: value <<= offset return value | (curval & finalmask) def setRegister(self, index, value): """ Set a register value by index. """ self._rctx_dirty = True ridx = index & 0xffff # If it's a meta register index, lets mask it into # the real thing... if ridx != index: value = self._xlateToNativeReg(index, value) self._rctx_vals[ridx] = (value & self._rctx_masks[ridx]) def getRealRegisterNameByIdx(self, regidx): """ Returns the Name of the Containing register (in the case of meta-registers) or the name of the register. (by Index) """ return self.getRegisterName(regidx& RMETA_NMASK) def getRealRegisterName(self, regname): """ Returns the Name of the Containing register (in the case of meta-registers) or the name of the register. """ ridx = self.getRegisterIndex(regname) if ridx != None: return self.getRegisterName(ridx & RMETA_NMASK) return regname def addLocalEnums(l, regdef): """ Update a dictionary (or module locals) with REG_FOO index values for all the base registers defined in regdef. """ for i,(rname,width) in enumerate(regdef): l["REG_%s" % rname.upper()] = i def addLocalStatusMetas(l, metas, statmetas, regname): ''' Dynamically create data based on the status register meta register definition. Adds new meta registers and bitmask constants. ''' for metaname, idx, offset, width, desc in statmetas: # create meta registers metas.append( (metaname, idx, offset, width) ) # create local bitmask constants (EFLAGS_%) l['%s_%s' % (regname, metaname)] = 1 << offset # TODO: fix for arbitrary width def addLocalMetas(l, metas): """ Update a dictionary (or module locals) with REG_FOO index values for all meta registers defined in metas. """ for name, idx, offset, width in metas: l["REG_%s" % name.upper()] = (offset << 24) | (width << 16) | idx
""" Similar to the memory subsystem, this is a unified way to access information about objects which contain registers """ import envi.bits as e_bits from envi.const import * class InvalidRegisterName(Exception): pass class RegisterContext: def __init__(self, regdef=(), metas=(), pcindex=None, spindex=None, srindex=None): """ Hand in a register definition which consists of a list of (<name>, <width>) tuples. """ self.loadRegDef(regdef) self.loadRegMetas(metas) self.setRegisterIndexes(pcindex, spindex, srindex=srindex) self._rctx_dirty = False def getRegisterSnap(self): """ Use this to bulk save off the register state. """ return list(self._rctx_vals) def setRegisterSnap(self, snap): """ Use this to bulk restore the register state. NOTE: This may only be used under the assumption that the RegisterContext has been initialized the same way (like context switches in tracers, or emulaction snaps) """ self._rctx_vals = list(snap) def isDirty(self): """ Returns true if registers in this context have been modififed since their import. """ return self._rctx_dirty def setIsDirty(self, bool): self._rctx_dirty = bool def setRegisterIndexes(self, pcindex, spindex, srindex=None): self._rctx_pcindex = pcindex self._rctx_spindex = spindex self._rctx_srindex = srindex def loadRegDef(self, regdef, defval=0): """ Load a register definition. A register definition consists of a list of tuples with the following format: (regname, regwidth) NOTE: All widths in envi RegisterContexts are in bits. """ self._rctx_regdef = regdef # Save this for snaps etc.. self._rctx_names = {} self._rctx_ids = {} self._rctx_widths = [] self._rctx_vals = [] self._rctx_masks = [] for i, (name, width) in enumerate(regdef): self._rctx_names[name] = i self._rctx_ids[i] = name self._rctx_widths.append(width) self._rctx_masks.append((2**width)-1) self._rctx_vals.append(defval) def getRegDef(self): return self._rctx_regdef def loadRegMetas(self, metas, statmetas=None): """ Load a set of defined "meta" registers for this architecture. Meta registers are defined as registers who exist as a subset of the bits in some other "real" register. The argument metas is a list of tuples with the following format: (regname, regidx, reg_shift_offset, reg_width) The given example is for the AX register in the i386 subsystem regname: "ax" reg_shift_offset: 0 reg_width: 16 Optionally a set of status meta registers can be loaded as well. The argument is a list of tuples with the following format: (regname, regidx, reg_shift_offset, reg_width, description) """ self._rctx_regmetas = metas for name, idx, offset, width in metas: self.addMetaRegister(name, idx, offset, width) self._rctx_statmetas = statmetas def addMetaRegister(self, name, idx, offset, width): """ Meta registers are registers which are really just directly addressable parts of already existing registers (eax -> al). To add a meta register, you give the name, the idx of the *real* register, the width of the meta reg, and it's left shifted (in bits) offset into the real register value. The RegisterContext will take care of accesses after that. """ newidx = (offset << 24) + (width << 16) + idx self._rctx_names[name] = newidx self._rctx_ids[newidx] = name def isMetaRegister(self, index): return (index & 0xffff) != index def _rctx_Import(self, sobj): """ Given an object with attributes with the same names as registers in our context, populate our values from it. NOTE: This also clears the dirty flag """ # On import from a structure, we are clean again. self._rctx_dirty = False for name,idx in self._rctx_names.items(): # Skip meta registers if (idx & 0xffff) != idx: continue x = getattr(sobj, name, None) if x != None: self._rctx_vals[idx] = x def _rctx_Export(self, sobj): """ Given an object with attributes with the same names as registers in our context, set the ones he has to match our values. """ for name,idx in self._rctx_names.items(): # Skip meta registers if (idx & 0xffff) != idx: continue if hasattr(sobj, name): setattr(sobj, name, self._rctx_vals[idx]) def getRegisterInfo(self, meta=False): """ Return an object which can be stored off, and restored to re-initialize a register context. (much like snapshot but it takes the definitions with it) """ regdef = self._rctx_regdef regmeta = self._rctx_regmetas pcindex = self._rctx_pcindex spindex = self._rctx_spindex snap = self.getRegisterSnap() return (regdef, regmeta, pcindex, spindex, snap) def setRegisterInfo(self, info): regdef, regmeta, pcindex, spindex, snap = info self.loadRegDef(regdef) self.loadRegMetas(regmeta) self.setRegisterIndexes(pcindex, spindex) self.setRegisterSnap(snap) def getRegisterName(self, index): return self._rctx_ids.get(index,"REG%.8x" % index) def getProgramCounter(self): """ Get the value of the program counter for this register context. """ return self.getRegister(self._rctx_pcindex) def setProgramCounter(self, value): """ Set the value of the program counter for this register context. """ self.setRegister(self._rctx_pcindex, value) def getStackCounter(self): return self.getRegister(self._rctx_spindex) def setStackCounter(self, value): self.setRegister(self._rctx_spindex, value) def hasStatusRegister(self): ''' Returns True if this context is aware of a status register. ''' if self._rctx_srindex == None: return False return True def getStatusRegNameDesc(self): ''' Return a list of status register names and descriptions. ''' return [(name, desc) for name, idx, offset, width, desc in self._rctx_statmetas] def getStatusRegister(self): ''' Gets the status register for this register context. ''' return self.getRegister(self._rctx_srindex) def setStatusRegister(self, value): ''' Sets the status register for this register context. ''' self.setRegister(self._rctx_srindex, value) def getStatusFlags(self): ''' Return a dictionary of reg name and reg value for the meta registers that are part of the status register. ''' ret = {} for name, idx, offset, width, desc in self._rctx_statmetas: ret[name] = self.getRegisterByName(name) return ret def getRegisterByName(self, name): idx = self._rctx_names.get(name) if idx == None: raise InvalidRegisterName("Unknown Register: %s" % name) return self.getRegister(idx) def setRegisterByName(self, name, value): idx = self._rctx_names.get(name) if idx == None: raise InvalidRegisterName("Unknown Register: %s" % name) self.setRegister(idx, value) def getRegisterNames(self): ''' Returns a list of the 'real' (non meta) registers. ''' regs = [rname for rname, ridx in self._rctx_names.items() if not self.isMetaRegister(ridx)] return regs def getRegisterNameIndexes(self): ''' Return a list of all the 'real' (non meta) registers and their indexes. Example: for regname, regidx in x.getRegisterNameIndexes(): ''' regs = [(rname, ridx) for rname, ridx in self._rctx_names.items() if not self.isMetaRegister(ridx)] return regs def getRegisters(self): """ Get all the *real* registers from this context as a dictionary of name value pairs. """ ret = {} for name,idx in self._rctx_names.items(): if (idx & 0xffff) != idx: continue ret[name] = self.getRegister(idx) return ret def setRegisters(self, regdict): """ For any name value pairs in the specified dictionary, set the current register values in this context. """ for name,value in regdict.items(): self.setRegisterByName(name, value) def getRegisterIndex(self, name): """ Get a register index by name. (faster to use the index multiple times) """ return self._rctx_names.get(name) def getRegisterWidth(self, index): """ Return the width of the register which lives at the specified index (width is always in bits). """ ridx = index & 0xffff if ridx == index: return self._rctx_widths[index] width = (index >> 16) & 0xff return width def getRegister(self, index): """ Return the current value of the specified register index. """ ridx = index & 0xffff value = self._rctx_vals[ridx] if ridx != index: value = self._xlateToMetaReg(index, value) return value def getMetaRegInfo(self, index): ''' Return the appropriate realreg, shift, mask info for the specified metareg idx (or None if it's not meta). Example: real_reg, lshift, mask = r.getMetaRegInfo(x) ''' ridx = index & 0xffff if ridx == index: return None offset = (index >> 24) & 0xff width = (index >> 16) & 0xff mask = (2**width)-1 return ridx, offset, mask def _xlateToMetaReg(self, index, value): ''' Translate a register value to the meta register value (used when getting a meta register) ''' ridx = index & 0xffff offset = (index >> 24) & 0xff width = (index >> 16) & 0xff mask = (2**width)-1 if offset != 0: value >>= offset return value & mask def _xlateToNativeReg(self, index, value): ''' Translate a register value to the native register value (used when setting a meta register) ''' ridx = index & 0xffff width = (index >> 16) & 0xff offset = (index >> 24) & 0xff # FIXME is it faster to generate or look these up? mask = (2 ** width) - 1 mask = mask << offset # NOTE: basewidth is in *bits* basewidth = self._rctx_widths[ridx] basemask = (2 ** basewidth) - 1 # cut a whole in basemask at the size/offset of mask finalmask = basemask ^ mask curval = self._rctx_vals[ridx] if offset: value <<= offset return value | (curval & finalmask) def setRegister(self, index, value): """ Set a register value by index. """ self._rctx_dirty = True ridx = index & 0xffff # If it's a meta register index, lets mask it into # the real thing... if ridx != index: value = self._xlateToNativeReg(index, value) self._rctx_vals[ridx] = (value & self._rctx_masks[ridx]) def getRealRegisterNameByIdx(self, regidx): """ Returns the Name of the Containing register (in the case of meta-registers) or the name of the register. (by Index) """ return self.getRegisterName(regidx& RMETA_NMASK) def getRealRegisterName(self, regname): """ Returns the Name of the Containing register (in the case of meta-registers) or the name of the register. """ ridx = self.getRegisterIndex(regname) if ridx != None: return self.getRegisterName(ridx & RMETA_NMASK) return regname def addLocalEnums(l, regdef): """ Update a dictionary (or module locals) with REG_FOO index values for all the base registers defined in regdef. """ for i,(rname,width) in enumerate(regdef): l["REG_%s" % rname.upper()] = i def addLocalStatusMetas(l, metas, statmetas, regname): ''' Dynamically create data based on the status register meta register definition. Adds new meta registers and bitmask constants. ''' for metaname, idx, offset, width, desc in statmetas: # create meta registers metas.append( (metaname, idx, offset, width) ) # create local bitmask constants (EFLAGS_%) l['%s_%s' % (regname, metaname)] = 1 << offset # TODO: fix for arbitrary width def addLocalMetas(l, metas): """ Update a dictionary (or module locals) with REG_FOO index values for all meta registers defined in metas. """ for name, idx, offset, width in metas: l["REG_%s" % name.upper()] = (offset << 24) | (width << 16) | idx
<reponame>parc-jason/mds from flask_caching import Cache from flask_jwt_oidc import JwtManager from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommand from flask import current_app from elasticapm.contrib.flask import ElasticAPM from .config import Config from .helper import Api apm = ElasticAPM() db = SQLAlchemy() migrate = Migrate() jwt = JwtManager() cache = Cache() api = Api( prefix=f'{Config.BASE_PATH}', doc=f'{Config.BASE_PATH}/', default='nris_api', default_label='NRIS related operations')
from flask_caching import Cache from flask_jwt_oidc import JwtManager from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommand from flask import current_app from elasticapm.contrib.flask import ElasticAPM from .config import Config from .helper import Api apm = ElasticAPM() db = SQLAlchemy() migrate = Migrate() jwt = JwtManager() cache = Cache() api = Api( prefix=f'{Config.BASE_PATH}', doc=f'{Config.BASE_PATH}/', default='nris_api', default_label='NRIS related operations')
<gh_stars>1-10 # Copyright 2017 by MPI-SWS and Data-Ken Research. # Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. """Test async version of mqtt libraries. Depends on hbmqtt ( """ import unittest import sys import asyncio import string from random import choice, seed from antevents.base import Scheduler, SensorPub, SensorEvent import antevents.linq.output import antevents.linq.combinators import from antevents.adapters.mqtt_async import QueueWriter, QueueReader from antevents.linq.transducer import PeriodicMedianTransducer from utils import ValueListSensor, ValidateAndStopSubscriber seed() try: import hbmqtt HBMQTT_AVAILABLE = True except ImportError: HBMQTT_AVAILABLE = False URL = "mqtt://localhost:1883" VALUES = [ 1.0, 2.5, 3.7, 4.1, 8.1, 0.5, 6.5, 4.5, 3.9, 6.5 ] EXPECTED = [ 2.5, 4.1, 4.5, 6.5 ] def msg_to_event(msg): return SensorEvent(sensor_id=msg[0], ts=msg[1], val=msg[2]) CHARS=string.ascii_letters+string.digits def get_topic_name(test_class): return test_class.__class__.__name__ + ''.join([ choice(CHARS) for i in range(5) ]) @unittest.skipUnless(HBMQTT_AVAILABLE, "HBMQTT library not installed for python at %s" % sys.executable) class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Creating a new event loop each test case does not seem to work. # I think it is due to hbmqtt not cleaning up some state in the asyncio # layer. #self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.sched = Scheduler(self.loop) def tearDown(self): pass #self.loop.stop() #self.loop.close() def test_client_only(self): SENSOR_ID='sensor-1' TOPIC=get_topic_name(self) sensor = SensorPub(ValueListSensor(SENSOR_ID, VALUES)) td = sensor.transduce(PeriodicMedianTransducer(period=3)) qw = QueueWriter(td, URL, TOPIC, self.sched) qw.output() self.sched.schedule_periodic(sensor, 0.5) self.sched.run_forever() self.assertFalse(qw.has_pending_requests(), "QueueWriter has pending requests: %s" % qw.dump_state()) print("test_client_only completed") def send_and_recv_body(self, sleep_timeout): SENSOR_ID='sensor-1' TOPIC=get_topic_name(self) sensor = SensorPub(ValueListSensor(SENSOR_ID, VALUES)) td = sensor.transduce(PeriodicMedianTransducer(period=3)) qw = QueueWriter(td, URL, TOPIC, self.sched) qw.output() qr = QueueReader(URL, TOPIC, self.sched, timeout=sleep_timeout) self.sched.schedule_periodic(sensor, 0.5) stop_qr = self.sched.schedule_on_main_event_loop(qr) vs = ValidateAndStopSubscriber(EXPECTED, self, stop_qr) self.sched.run_forever() self.assertFalse(qw.has_pending_requests(), "QueueWriter has pending requests: %s" % qw.dump_state()) self.assertEqual(qr.state, QueueReader.FINAL_STATE) self.assertEqual(vs.next_idx, len(EXPECTED)) print("send_and_recv_bod(%s) completed" % sleep_timeout) def test_short_timeout(self): self.send_and_recv_body(0.1) def test_long_timeout(self): self.send_and_recv_body(3.0) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# Copyright 2017 by MPI-SWS and Data-Ken Research. # Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. """Test async version of mqtt libraries. Depends on hbmqtt ( """ import unittest import sys import asyncio import string from random import choice, seed from antevents.base import Scheduler, SensorPub, SensorEvent import antevents.linq.output import antevents.linq.combinators import from antevents.adapters.mqtt_async import QueueWriter, QueueReader from antevents.linq.transducer import PeriodicMedianTransducer from utils import ValueListSensor, ValidateAndStopSubscriber seed() try: import hbmqtt HBMQTT_AVAILABLE = True except ImportError: HBMQTT_AVAILABLE = False URL = "mqtt://localhost:1883" VALUES = [ 1.0, 2.5, 3.7, 4.1, 8.1, 0.5, 6.5, 4.5, 3.9, 6.5 ] EXPECTED = [ 2.5, 4.1, 4.5, 6.5 ] def msg_to_event(msg): return SensorEvent(sensor_id=msg[0], ts=msg[1], val=msg[2]) CHARS=string.ascii_letters+string.digits def get_topic_name(test_class): return test_class.__class__.__name__ + ''.join([ choice(CHARS) for i in range(5) ]) @unittest.skipUnless(HBMQTT_AVAILABLE, "HBMQTT library not installed for python at %s" % sys.executable) class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Creating a new event loop each test case does not seem to work. # I think it is due to hbmqtt not cleaning up some state in the asyncio # layer. #self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.sched = Scheduler(self.loop) def tearDown(self): pass #self.loop.stop() #self.loop.close() def test_client_only(self): SENSOR_ID='sensor-1' TOPIC=get_topic_name(self) sensor = SensorPub(ValueListSensor(SENSOR_ID, VALUES)) td = sensor.transduce(PeriodicMedianTransducer(period=3)) qw = QueueWriter(td, URL, TOPIC, self.sched) qw.output() self.sched.schedule_periodic(sensor, 0.5) self.sched.run_forever() self.assertFalse(qw.has_pending_requests(), "QueueWriter has pending requests: %s" % qw.dump_state()) print("test_client_only completed") def send_and_recv_body(self, sleep_timeout): SENSOR_ID='sensor-1' TOPIC=get_topic_name(self) sensor = SensorPub(ValueListSensor(SENSOR_ID, VALUES)) td = sensor.transduce(PeriodicMedianTransducer(period=3)) qw = QueueWriter(td, URL, TOPIC, self.sched) qw.output() qr = QueueReader(URL, TOPIC, self.sched, timeout=sleep_timeout) self.sched.schedule_periodic(sensor, 0.5) stop_qr = self.sched.schedule_on_main_event_loop(qr) vs = ValidateAndStopSubscriber(EXPECTED, self, stop_qr) self.sched.run_forever() self.assertFalse(qw.has_pending_requests(), "QueueWriter has pending requests: %s" % qw.dump_state()) self.assertEqual(qr.state, QueueReader.FINAL_STATE) self.assertEqual(vs.next_idx, len(EXPECTED)) print("send_and_recv_bod(%s) completed" % sleep_timeout) def test_short_timeout(self): self.send_and_recv_body(0.1) def test_long_timeout(self): self.send_and_recv_body(3.0) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
<filename>edit/ # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import os from flask import Flask, request, render_template, request, redirect, url_for, jsonify from flask_discord import DiscordOAuth2Session, requires_authorization from discord import Webhook, RequestsWebhookAdapter webhook = Webhook.partial(814742019489660939, "rvSBVHtGPflSASjeGEEKdZxC5Z_w1UM_ovc_xD0ZPcFy1UeUybFM4ClGANu6CEWTQame", adapter=RequestsWebhookAdapter()) run_webhook = Webhook.partial(804602090537091072, "6ZMww14Nh7OVeeHUt5bWeixreoWQmSzPVfFmIpU3BEr8OYLGqickY1VyoqH2IeMs1Kd8", adapter=RequestsWebhookAdapter()) app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = b"<KEY>" os.environ["OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT"] = "false" app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_ID"] = "801279922722045962" app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET"] = "<KEY>" # Discord client secret. # app.config["DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI"] = "http://localhost:3333/callback" # URL to your callback endpoint. app.config["DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI"] = "" # URL to your callback endpoint. app.config["DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN"] = "<KEY>" discord = DiscordOAuth2Session(app) def on_json_loading_failed_return_dict(e): return '없음' @app.route('/', methods=['GET','POST']) def index(): return render_template('form/1.html') @app.route("/login", methods=["GET"]) def login(): if not discord.authorized: return discord.create_session(scope=['guilds', 'email', 'identify']) else: return render_template("login.html") @app.route("/callback", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def callback(): data = discord.callback() redirect_to = data.get("redirect", "/form/1") return redirect(redirect_to) @app.route("/logout", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def logout(): if discord.authorized: discord.revoke() return redirect(url_for("index")) else: return redirect(url_for("index")) @app.route('/form/1', methods=['GET','POST']) def form1(): if request.method == 'GET': if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 user = discord.fetch_user() return render_template('form/1.html', user=user) else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? return redirect(url_for("login")) else: if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 user = discord.fetch_user() run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] {user}님이 파트너 신청 1단계 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? ip = request.environ.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP', request.remote_addr) run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] 비 로그인 유저({ip})가 파트너 신청 1단계 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" @app.route('/form/2', methods=['GET','POST']) def form2(): if request.method == 'POST': if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 code = request.form['code'] nickname = request.form['nickname'] return render_template('form/2.html', code=code, nickname=nickname) else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? return redirect(url_for("login")) else: if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 user = discord.fetch_user() run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] {user}님이 파트너 신청 2단계 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? ip = request.environ.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP', request.remote_addr) run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] 비 로그인 유저({ip})가 파트너 신청 2단계 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" @app.route('/form/3', methods=['GET','POST']) def form3(): if request.method == 'POST': if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 code = request.form['code'] nickname = request.form['nickname'] server = request.form['server'] member = request.form['member'] category = request.form['category'] etc_text = request.form['etc_text'] return render_template('form/3.html', code=code, nickname=nickname, server=server, member=member, category=category, etc_text=etc_text) else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? return redirect(url_for("login")) else: if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" @app.route('/form/action', methods=['GET','POST']) def action(): if request.method == 'GET': if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 user = discord.fetch_user() run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] {user}님이 파트너 신청 결과 전송 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? ip = request.environ.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP', request.remote_addr) run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] 비 로그인 유저({ip})가 파트너 신청 결과 전송 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" else: if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 code = request.form['code'] nickname = request.form['nickname'] server = request.form['server'] member = request.form['member'] category = request.form['category'] etc_text = request.form['etc_text'] message = request.form['message'] image = request.form['image'] video = request.form['video'] if etc_text == '': etc_text = 'Unknown' webhook.send(f"<@<PASSWORD>56043785>\n✅ 파트너 수정 신청이 도착했습니다.\n\n파트너 코드: {code}\n신청자: {nickname}\n서버(초대 링크): {server}\n멤버 수: {member}\n카테고리 정보: {category} ({etc_text})\n홍보지: {message}\n이미지: {image}\n영상: {video}") return render_template('form/action.html', code = code) else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? return redirect(url_for("index")) @app.route('/guide/<id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def guide(id): return f"<script>location.replace('{id}.html');</script>" # S: 2021 파트너 웹사이트 개편 코드 # S: 210210 공지사항 @app.route('/notice/<id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def notice(id): return render_template(f"2021temp/notice/{id}.html") # E: 210210 공지사항 # E: 2021 파트너 웹사이트 개편 코드 @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): return render_template("error/404.html") @app.errorhandler(500) def servererror(error): run_webhook.send(f"<@673776952578146315> ⛔ [ 500 ERROR ] 서버에 오류가 발생했습니다.") return render_template("error/500.html") @app.errorhandler(400) def badrequest(error): run_webhook.send(f"<@673776952578146315> ⛔ [ 400 ERROR ] 서버에 오류가 발생했습니다.") return render_template("error/400.html") run_webhook.send("✅ 파트너 정보 수정 - 웹사이트가 실행이 되었습니다!")'', port=3333, debug=False)
<filename>edit/ # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import os from flask import Flask, request, render_template, request, redirect, url_for, jsonify from flask_discord import DiscordOAuth2Session, requires_authorization from discord import Webhook, RequestsWebhookAdapter webhook = Webhook.partial(814742019489660939, "rvSBVHtGPflSASjeGEEKdZxC5Z_w1UM_ovc_xD0ZPcFy1UeUybFM4ClGANu6CEWTQame", adapter=RequestsWebhookAdapter()) run_webhook = Webhook.partial(804602090537091072, "6ZMww14Nh7OVeeHUt5bWeixreoWQmSzPVfFmIpU3BEr8OYLGqickY1VyoqH2IeMs1Kd8", adapter=RequestsWebhookAdapter()) app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = b"<KEY>" os.environ["OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT"] = "false" app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_ID"] = "801279922722045962" app.config["DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET"] = "<KEY>" # Discord client secret. # app.config["DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI"] = "http://localhost:3333/callback" # URL to your callback endpoint. app.config["DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI"] = "" # URL to your callback endpoint. app.config["DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN"] = "<KEY>" discord = DiscordOAuth2Session(app) def on_json_loading_failed_return_dict(e): return '없음' @app.route('/', methods=['GET','POST']) def index(): return render_template('form/1.html') @app.route("/login", methods=["GET"]) def login(): if not discord.authorized: return discord.create_session(scope=['guilds', 'email', 'identify']) else: return render_template("login.html") @app.route("/callback", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def callback(): data = discord.callback() redirect_to = data.get("redirect", "/form/1") return redirect(redirect_to) @app.route("/logout", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def logout(): if discord.authorized: discord.revoke() return redirect(url_for("index")) else: return redirect(url_for("index")) @app.route('/form/1', methods=['GET','POST']) def form1(): if request.method == 'GET': if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 user = discord.fetch_user() return render_template('form/1.html', user=user) else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? return redirect(url_for("login")) else: if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 user = discord.fetch_user() run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] {user}님이 파트너 신청 1단계 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? ip = request.environ.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP', request.remote_addr) run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] 비 로그인 유저({ip})가 파트너 신청 1단계 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" @app.route('/form/2', methods=['GET','POST']) def form2(): if request.method == 'POST': if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 code = request.form['code'] nickname = request.form['nickname'] return render_template('form/2.html', code=code, nickname=nickname) else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? return redirect(url_for("login")) else: if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 user = discord.fetch_user() run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] {user}님이 파트너 신청 2단계 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? ip = request.environ.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP', request.remote_addr) run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] 비 로그인 유저({ip})가 파트너 신청 2단계 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" @app.route('/form/3', methods=['GET','POST']) def form3(): if request.method == 'POST': if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 code = request.form['code'] nickname = request.form['nickname'] server = request.form['server'] member = request.form['member'] category = request.form['category'] etc_text = request.form['etc_text'] return render_template('form/3.html', code=code, nickname=nickname, server=server, member=member, category=category, etc_text=etc_text) else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? return redirect(url_for("login")) else: if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" @app.route('/form/action', methods=['GET','POST']) def action(): if request.method == 'GET': if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 user = discord.fetch_user() run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] {user}님이 파트너 신청 결과 전송 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? ip = request.environ.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP', request.remote_addr) run_webhook.send(f"⛔ [ 403 ERROR ] 비 로그인 유저({ip})가 파트너 신청 결과 전송 페이지에 정상적이지 않은 접근을 시도 했습니다.") return "<script>alert('정상적이지 않은 접근입니다.');location.replace('/');</script>" else: if discord.authorized: #로그인이 되어있는가 try: discord.fetch_guilds() #로그인정보을 가져와라 except: return redirect(url_for("logout")) #못가져오면 로그아웃 code = request.form['code'] nickname = request.form['nickname'] server = request.form['server'] member = request.form['member'] category = request.form['category'] etc_text = request.form['etc_text'] message = request.form['message'] image = request.form['image'] video = request.form['video'] if etc_text == '': etc_text = 'Unknown' webhook.send(f"<@<PASSWORD>56043785>\n✅ 파트너 수정 신청이 도착했습니다.\n\n파트너 코드: {code}\n신청자: {nickname}\n서버(초대 링크): {server}\n멤버 수: {member}\n카테고리 정보: {category} ({etc_text})\n홍보지: {message}\n이미지: {image}\n영상: {video}") return render_template('form/action.html', code = code) else: #로그인이 안되어있는가? return redirect(url_for("index")) @app.route('/guide/<id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def guide(id): return f"<script>location.replace('{id}.html');</script>" # S: 2021 파트너 웹사이트 개편 코드 # S: 210210 공지사항 @app.route('/notice/<id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def notice(id): return render_template(f"2021temp/notice/{id}.html") # E: 210210 공지사항 # E: 2021 파트너 웹사이트 개편 코드 @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): return render_template("error/404.html") @app.errorhandler(500) def servererror(error): run_webhook.send(f"<@673776952578146315> ⛔ [ 500 ERROR ] 서버에 오류가 발생했습니다.") return render_template("error/500.html") @app.errorhandler(400) def badrequest(error): run_webhook.send(f"<@673776952578146315> ⛔ [ 400 ERROR ] 서버에 오류가 발생했습니다.") return render_template("error/400.html") run_webhook.send("✅ 파트너 정보 수정 - 웹사이트가 실행이 되었습니다!")'', port=3333, debug=False)
from scapy.fields import ByteField, ShortField from scapy.packet import Packet class TPKT(Packet): name = "TPKT" fields_desc = [ByteField("version", 3), ByteField("reserved", 0), ShortField("length", 0x0000)]
from scapy.fields import ByteField, ShortField from scapy.packet import Packet class TPKT(Packet): name = "TPKT" fields_desc = [ByteField("version", 3), ByteField("reserved", 0), ShortField("length", 0x0000)]
<reponame>pylbm/pylbm_ui import ipyvuetify as v class Message(v.Container): def __init__(self, message): self.message = v.Alert( children=[f'{message}...'], class_='primary--text' ) super().__init__( children=[ v.Row( children=[ v.ProgressCircular( indeterminate=True, color='primary', size=70, width=4 ) ], justify='center' ), v.Row( children=[ self.message, ], justify='center' ) ] ) def update(self, new_message): self.message.children = [f'{new_message}...']
import ipyvuetify as v class Message(v.Container): def __init__(self, message): self.message = v.Alert( children=[f'{message}...'], class_='primary--text' ) super().__init__( children=[ v.Row( children=[ v.ProgressCircular( indeterminate=True, color='primary', size=70, width=4 ) ], justify='center' ), v.Row( children=[ self.message, ], justify='center' ) ] ) def update(self, new_message): self.message.children = [f'{new_message}...']
import argparse import datetime def get_last_elapsed_tax_year() -> int: now = if >=, 4, 6): return now.year - 1 else: return now.year - 2 def create_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: # Schwab transactions # Montly GBP/USD history from # default_gbp_history_file = "GBP_USD_monthly_history.csv" # Initial vesting and spin-off prices default_initial_prices_file = "initial_prices.csv" default_pdf_report = "calculations.pdf" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Calculate capital gains from stock transactions.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "--tax_year", type=int, default=get_last_elapsed_tax_year(), nargs="?", help="First year of the tax year to calculate gains on", ) parser.add_argument( "--schwab", type=str, nargs="?", help="file containing the exported transactions from Schwab", ) parser.add_argument( "--trading212", type=str, nargs="?", help="folder containing the exported transaction files from Trading212", ) parser.add_argument( "--gbp_history", type=str, default=default_gbp_history_file, nargs="?", help="monthly GBP/USD prices from HMRC", ) parser.add_argument( "--initial_prices", type=str, default=default_initial_prices_file, nargs="?", help="file cointaining stock prices in USD at the moment of vesting, split, etc.", ) parser.add_argument( "--report", type=str, default=default_pdf_report, nargs="?", help="where to save the generated pdf report", ) return parser
import argparse import datetime def get_last_elapsed_tax_year() -> int: now = if >=, 4, 6): return now.year - 1 else: return now.year - 2 def create_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: # Schwab transactions # Montly GBP/USD history from # default_gbp_history_file = "GBP_USD_monthly_history.csv" # Initial vesting and spin-off prices default_initial_prices_file = "initial_prices.csv" default_pdf_report = "calculations.pdf" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Calculate capital gains from stock transactions.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "--tax_year", type=int, default=get_last_elapsed_tax_year(), nargs="?", help="First year of the tax year to calculate gains on", ) parser.add_argument( "--schwab", type=str, nargs="?", help="file containing the exported transactions from Schwab", ) parser.add_argument( "--trading212", type=str, nargs="?", help="folder containing the exported transaction files from Trading212", ) parser.add_argument( "--gbp_history", type=str, default=default_gbp_history_file, nargs="?", help="monthly GBP/USD prices from HMRC", ) parser.add_argument( "--initial_prices", type=str, default=default_initial_prices_file, nargs="?", help="file cointaining stock prices in USD at the moment of vesting, split, etc.", ) parser.add_argument( "--report", type=str, default=default_pdf_report, nargs="?", help="where to save the generated pdf report", ) return parser
import pandas as pd from pydts.config import * DATASETS_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname((os.path.dirname(__file__))), 'datasets') def load_LOS_simulated_data(): os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) return pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATASETS_DIR, 'LOS_simulated_data.csv'))
import pandas as pd from pydts.config import * DATASETS_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname((os.path.dirname(__file__))), 'datasets') def load_LOS_simulated_data(): os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) return pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATASETS_DIR, 'LOS_simulated_data.csv'))
<gh_stars>1-10 # Generated by Django 3.1.1 on 2020-09-06 19:33 from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('busker', '0012_auto_20200905_2042'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterModelOptions( name='downloadcode', options={'ordering': ['id']}, ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='file', name='work', field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='files', to='busker.downloadablework'), ), ]
# Generated by Django 3.1.1 on 2020-09-06 19:33 from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('busker', '0012_auto_20200905_2042'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterModelOptions( name='downloadcode', options={'ordering': ['id']}, ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='file', name='work', field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='files', to='busker.downloadablework'), ), ]
"""Submit a batch task to livy server.""" import argparse import datetime import importlib import json import logging import re import typing import livy import livy.cli.config import livy.cli.logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PreSubmitArguments(argparse.Namespace): """Typed :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` for arguments before task submission.""" # task script: str args: typing.List[str] class_name: str jars: typing.List[str] py_files: typing.List[str] files: typing.List[str] archives: typing.List[str] queue_name: str session_name: str api_url: str driver_memory: str driver_cores: int executor_memory: str executor_cores: int num_executors: int spark_conf: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]] # log watch_log: bool # time time_prog_start: datetime.datetime "Local time this script is called" class TaskEndedArguments(PreSubmitArguments): """Typed :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` for arguments when task is ended. It contains all attributes from :py:class:`~livy.cli.submit.PreSubmitArguments`. """ # task batch_id: int "Batch ID response by livy server" state: str "Task ended state" # time time_task_submit: datetime.datetime "Local time before task is submitted" time_task_ended: datetime.datetime "Local time that detected task is ended" def main(argv=None): """CLI entrypoint""" # parse argument cfg = livy.cli.config.load() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="livy submit", description=__doc__, ) parser.add_argument( "script", help="Path to the script that contains the application to be executed", ) parser.add_argument( "args", nargs="*", help="Arguments for the task script", ) parser.add_argument( "--class-name", metavar="COM.EXAMPLE.FOO", help="Application Java/Spark main class (for Java/Scala task)", ) parser.add_argument( "--jars", nargs="+", metavar="FOO.JAR", help="Java dependencies to be used in this batch", ) parser.add_argument( "--py-files", nargs="+", metavar="FOO.ZIP", help="Python dependencies to be used in this batch", ) parser.add_argument( "--files", nargs="+", metavar="FOO.TXT", help="Files to be used in this batch", ) parser.add_argument( "--archives", nargs="+", metavar="FOO.TAR", help="Archives to be used in this batch", ) parser.add_argument( "--queue-name", metavar="DEFAULT", help="The name of the YARN queue to which submitted", ) parser.add_argument( "--session-name", metavar="HELLO", help="The session name to execute this batch", ) group = parser.add_argument_group("pre-submit actions") group.add_argument( "--on-pre-submit", metavar="PLUG", nargs="+", default=cfg.submit.pre_submit, help="Run plugin(s) before submit", ) group = parser.add_argument_group("livy server configuration") group.add_argument( "--api-url", required=cfg.root.api_url is None, default=cfg.root.api_url, help="Base-URL for Livy API server", ) group.add_argument( "--driver-memory", metavar="10G", default=cfg.submit.driver_memory, type=argmem, help="Amount of memory to use for the driver process.", ) group.add_argument( "--driver-cores", metavar="N", default=cfg.submit.driver_cores, type=int, help="Number of cores to use for the driver process.", ) group.add_argument( "--executor-memory", metavar="10G", default=cfg.submit.executor_memory, type=argmem, help="Amount of memory to use for the executor process.", ) group.add_argument( "--executor-cores", metavar="N", default=cfg.submit.executor_cores, type=int, help="Number of cores to use for each executor.", ) group.add_argument( "--num-executors", metavar="N", default=cfg.submit.num_executors, type=int, help="Number of executors to launch for this batch.", ) group.add_argument( "--spark-conf", metavar="CONF_NAME=VALUE", nargs="+", default=cfg.submit.spark_conf, type=argkvpair, help="Spark configuration properties.", ) group = parser.add_argument_group("post-submit actions") g = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.set_defaults(watch_log=cfg.submit.watch_log) g.add_argument( "--watch-log", dest="watch_log", action="store_true", help="Watching for logs until it is finished", ) g.add_argument( "--no-watch-log", dest="watch_log", action="store_false", help="Not to watch for logs. Only submit the task and quit.", ) group = parser.add_argument_group("after-task-finish actions") group.add_argument( "--on-task-success", metavar="PLUG", nargs="+", default=cfg.submit.task_success, help="Run plugin(s) on task is finished and success", ) group.add_argument( "--on-task-failed", metavar="PLUG", nargs="+", default=cfg.submit.task_fail, help="Run plugin(s) on task is ended and failed", ) group.add_argument( "--on-task-ended", metavar="PLUG", nargs="+", default=cfg.submit.task_fail, help="Run plugin(s) on task is ended and ended and regardless to its state", ) livy.cli.logging.setup_argparse(parser) args: PreSubmitArguments = parser.parse_args(argv) # time stamping tzlocal = def now() -> datetime.datetime: return args.time_prog_start = now() # setup logger livy.cli.logging.init(args) console = livy.cli.logging.get("livy-read-log.main")"Submission task started") # run pre-submit actions args: TaskEndedArguments = run_hook(console, "PRE-SUBMIT", args, args.on_pre_submit) # check server state client = livy.LivyClient(url=args.api_url) try: client.check(False) except livy.RequestError as e: console.error("Failed to connect to server: %s", e) return 1 # build request payload submit_parameter = {} for key, value in [ ("file", args.script), ("class_name", args.class_name), ("args", args.args), ("jars", args.jars), ("py_files", args.py_files), ("files", args.files), ("driver_memory", args.driver_memory), ("driver_cores", args.driver_cores), ("executor_memory", args.executor_memory), ("executor_cores", args.executor_cores), ("num_executors", args.num_executors), ("archives", args.archives), ("queue", args.queue_name), ("name", args.session_name), ("conf", {k: v for k, v in args.spark_conf}), ]: if value: submit_parameter[key] = value "Creating batch with parameters: %s", json.dumps(submit_parameter, indent=2), ) # timing args.time_task_submit = now() console.debug("Batch submission time= %s", args.time_task_submit) # submit try: submit_resp = client.create_batch(**submit_parameter) except livy.RequestError as e: console.error("Failed to connect to server: %s", e) return 1"Server response: %s", json.dumps(submit_resp, indent=2)) args.batch_id = submit_resp.get("id", None) if not isinstance(args.batch_id, int) or args.batch_id < 0: console.error("Failed to get batch id. Something goes wrong.") return 1 # watch log if not args.watch_log:"Batch %d created.", args.batch_id) return 0"Start reading logs of batch %d", args.batch_id) reader = livy.LivyBatchLogReader(client, args.batch_id) try: reader.read_until_finish() except livy.RequestError as e: console.error( "Error occurs during read log. HTTP code=%d, Reason=%s", e.code, e.reason ) return 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: msg_args = args.batch_id, args.api_url # just for shorten console.warning("Keyboard interrupt. Local livy-submit process terminating.") console.warning("Your task might be still running on the server.") console.warning("For reading the logs, call:") console.warning(" livy read-log %d --api-url %s", *msg_args) console.warning("For stopping the task, call:") console.warning(" livy kill %d --api-url %s", *msg_args) return 1 # timing args.time_task_ended = now() console.debug("Batch finishing time= %s", args.time_task_ended) # get ending state try: args.state = client.get_batch_state(args.batch_id) except livy.RequestError: console.error("Error during query batch ending state.") return 1 if args.state == "success": exit_code = 0 state_level = logging.INFO else: exit_code = 1 state_level = logging.WARNING console.log(state_level, "Batch#%d ended with state= %s", args.batch_id, args.state) elapsed_time = args.time_task_ended - args.time_task_submit "Batch execution time: %dsec (%s)", elapsed_time.total_seconds(), human_readable_timeperiod(elapsed_time), ) # run task-end actions if args.state == "success": args = run_hook(console, "TASK-SUCCESS", args, args.on_task_success) else: args = run_hook(console, "TASK-FAILED", args, args.on_task_failed) args = run_hook(console, "TASK", args, args.on_task_ended) return exit_code def argmem(s: str): """Validate input for memory size""" if not re.fullmatch(r"\d+[gm]b?", s, re.RegexFlag.IGNORECASE): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "please specific memory size in format '1234mb'" ) return s def argkvpair(val): """Splitting key value pair""" k, v = val.split("=", 1) return k, v def run_hook( logger: logging.Logger, identifier: str, args: argparse.Namespace, actions: typing.List[str], ) -> argparse.Namespace: """Run hook actions""" for action_name in actions:"Run %s action %s", identifier.lower(), action_name) func = get_function(action_name) if not func: logger.warning("Failed to get action function instance. Stop process.") exit(1) try: args = func(identifier, args) except: logger.exception( "Error occurs during %s action. Stop process.", identifier.lower() ) exit(1) if not isinstance(args, argparse.Namespace): logger.error( "Expect namespace object from %s's return value. Got %s", action_name, type(args).__name__, ) exit(1) return args def get_function(name: str) -> typing.Callable: """Get function by module name""" m = re.fullmatch(r"([\w.]+):(\w+)", name, re.RegexFlag.I) if not m: logger.error("Failed to resolve function name: %s", name) logger.error("Please specific it in module:func format") return module_name, func_name = m.groups() try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) except ImportError: logger.error("Failed to find module: %s", module_name) return try: func = getattr(module, func_name) except AttributeError: logger.error("Failed to find function %s in %s", func_name, module_name) return return func def human_readable_timeperiod(period: datetime.timedelta): """Convert time period to human readable format""" total_seconds = int(period.total_seconds()) terms = [] days = total_seconds // 86400 if days: terms.append(f"{days}d") hours = total_seconds // 3600 % 24 if hours: terms.append(f"{hours}h") minutes = total_seconds // 60 % 60 if minutes: terms.append(f"{minutes}m") seconds = total_seconds % 60 if seconds: terms.append(f"{seconds}s") return " ".join(terms) if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())
"""Submit a batch task to livy server.""" import argparse import datetime import importlib import json import logging import re import typing import livy import livy.cli.config import livy.cli.logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PreSubmitArguments(argparse.Namespace): """Typed :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` for arguments before task submission.""" # task script: str args: typing.List[str] class_name: str jars: typing.List[str] py_files: typing.List[str] files: typing.List[str] archives: typing.List[str] queue_name: str session_name: str api_url: str driver_memory: str driver_cores: int executor_memory: str executor_cores: int num_executors: int spark_conf: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]] # log watch_log: bool # time time_prog_start: datetime.datetime "Local time this script is called" class TaskEndedArguments(PreSubmitArguments): """Typed :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` for arguments when task is ended. It contains all attributes from :py:class:`~livy.cli.submit.PreSubmitArguments`. """ # task batch_id: int "Batch ID response by livy server" state: str "Task ended state" # time time_task_submit: datetime.datetime "Local time before task is submitted" time_task_ended: datetime.datetime "Local time that detected task is ended" def main(argv=None): """CLI entrypoint""" # parse argument cfg = livy.cli.config.load() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="livy submit", description=__doc__, ) parser.add_argument( "script", help="Path to the script that contains the application to be executed", ) parser.add_argument( "args", nargs="*", help="Arguments for the task script", ) parser.add_argument( "--class-name", metavar="COM.EXAMPLE.FOO", help="Application Java/Spark main class (for Java/Scala task)", ) parser.add_argument( "--jars", nargs="+", metavar="FOO.JAR", help="Java dependencies to be used in this batch", ) parser.add_argument( "--py-files", nargs="+", metavar="FOO.ZIP", help="Python dependencies to be used in this batch", ) parser.add_argument( "--files", nargs="+", metavar="FOO.TXT", help="Files to be used in this batch", ) parser.add_argument( "--archives", nargs="+", metavar="FOO.TAR", help="Archives to be used in this batch", ) parser.add_argument( "--queue-name", metavar="DEFAULT", help="The name of the YARN queue to which submitted", ) parser.add_argument( "--session-name", metavar="HELLO", help="The session name to execute this batch", ) group = parser.add_argument_group("pre-submit actions") group.add_argument( "--on-pre-submit", metavar="PLUG", nargs="+", default=cfg.submit.pre_submit, help="Run plugin(s) before submit", ) group = parser.add_argument_group("livy server configuration") group.add_argument( "--api-url", required=cfg.root.api_url is None, default=cfg.root.api_url, help="Base-URL for Livy API server", ) group.add_argument( "--driver-memory", metavar="10G", default=cfg.submit.driver_memory, type=argmem, help="Amount of memory to use for the driver process.", ) group.add_argument( "--driver-cores", metavar="N", default=cfg.submit.driver_cores, type=int, help="Number of cores to use for the driver process.", ) group.add_argument( "--executor-memory", metavar="10G", default=cfg.submit.executor_memory, type=argmem, help="Amount of memory to use for the executor process.", ) group.add_argument( "--executor-cores", metavar="N", default=cfg.submit.executor_cores, type=int, help="Number of cores to use for each executor.", ) group.add_argument( "--num-executors", metavar="N", default=cfg.submit.num_executors, type=int, help="Number of executors to launch for this batch.", ) group.add_argument( "--spark-conf", metavar="CONF_NAME=VALUE", nargs="+", default=cfg.submit.spark_conf, type=argkvpair, help="Spark configuration properties.", ) group = parser.add_argument_group("post-submit actions") g = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.set_defaults(watch_log=cfg.submit.watch_log) g.add_argument( "--watch-log", dest="watch_log", action="store_true", help="Watching for logs until it is finished", ) g.add_argument( "--no-watch-log", dest="watch_log", action="store_false", help="Not to watch for logs. Only submit the task and quit.", ) group = parser.add_argument_group("after-task-finish actions") group.add_argument( "--on-task-success", metavar="PLUG", nargs="+", default=cfg.submit.task_success, help="Run plugin(s) on task is finished and success", ) group.add_argument( "--on-task-failed", metavar="PLUG", nargs="+", default=cfg.submit.task_fail, help="Run plugin(s) on task is ended and failed", ) group.add_argument( "--on-task-ended", metavar="PLUG", nargs="+", default=cfg.submit.task_fail, help="Run plugin(s) on task is ended and ended and regardless to its state", ) livy.cli.logging.setup_argparse(parser) args: PreSubmitArguments = parser.parse_args(argv) # time stamping tzlocal = def now() -> datetime.datetime: return args.time_prog_start = now() # setup logger livy.cli.logging.init(args) console = livy.cli.logging.get("livy-read-log.main")"Submission task started") # run pre-submit actions args: TaskEndedArguments = run_hook(console, "PRE-SUBMIT", args, args.on_pre_submit) # check server state client = livy.LivyClient(url=args.api_url) try: client.check(False) except livy.RequestError as e: console.error("Failed to connect to server: %s", e) return 1 # build request payload submit_parameter = {} for key, value in [ ("file", args.script), ("class_name", args.class_name), ("args", args.args), ("jars", args.jars), ("py_files", args.py_files), ("files", args.files), ("driver_memory", args.driver_memory), ("driver_cores", args.driver_cores), ("executor_memory", args.executor_memory), ("executor_cores", args.executor_cores), ("num_executors", args.num_executors), ("archives", args.archives), ("queue", args.queue_name), ("name", args.session_name), ("conf", {k: v for k, v in args.spark_conf}), ]: if value: submit_parameter[key] = value "Creating batch with parameters: %s", json.dumps(submit_parameter, indent=2), ) # timing args.time_task_submit = now() console.debug("Batch submission time= %s", args.time_task_submit) # submit try: submit_resp = client.create_batch(**submit_parameter) except livy.RequestError as e: console.error("Failed to connect to server: %s", e) return 1"Server response: %s", json.dumps(submit_resp, indent=2)) args.batch_id = submit_resp.get("id", None) if not isinstance(args.batch_id, int) or args.batch_id < 0: console.error("Failed to get batch id. Something goes wrong.") return 1 # watch log if not args.watch_log:"Batch %d created.", args.batch_id) return 0"Start reading logs of batch %d", args.batch_id) reader = livy.LivyBatchLogReader(client, args.batch_id) try: reader.read_until_finish() except livy.RequestError as e: console.error( "Error occurs during read log. HTTP code=%d, Reason=%s", e.code, e.reason ) return 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: msg_args = args.batch_id, args.api_url # just for shorten console.warning("Keyboard interrupt. Local livy-submit process terminating.") console.warning("Your task might be still running on the server.") console.warning("For reading the logs, call:") console.warning(" livy read-log %d --api-url %s", *msg_args) console.warning("For stopping the task, call:") console.warning(" livy kill %d --api-url %s", *msg_args) return 1 # timing args.time_task_ended = now() console.debug("Batch finishing time= %s", args.time_task_ended) # get ending state try: args.state = client.get_batch_state(args.batch_id) except livy.RequestError: console.error("Error during query batch ending state.") return 1 if args.state == "success": exit_code = 0 state_level = logging.INFO else: exit_code = 1 state_level = logging.WARNING console.log(state_level, "Batch#%d ended with state= %s", args.batch_id, args.state) elapsed_time = args.time_task_ended - args.time_task_submit "Batch execution time: %dsec (%s)", elapsed_time.total_seconds(), human_readable_timeperiod(elapsed_time), ) # run task-end actions if args.state == "success": args = run_hook(console, "TASK-SUCCESS", args, args.on_task_success) else: args = run_hook(console, "TASK-FAILED", args, args.on_task_failed) args = run_hook(console, "TASK", args, args.on_task_ended) return exit_code def argmem(s: str): """Validate input for memory size""" if not re.fullmatch(r"\d+[gm]b?", s, re.RegexFlag.IGNORECASE): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "please specific memory size in format '1234mb'" ) return s def argkvpair(val): """Splitting key value pair""" k, v = val.split("=", 1) return k, v def run_hook( logger: logging.Logger, identifier: str, args: argparse.Namespace, actions: typing.List[str], ) -> argparse.Namespace: """Run hook actions""" for action_name in actions:"Run %s action %s", identifier.lower(), action_name) func = get_function(action_name) if not func: logger.warning("Failed to get action function instance. Stop process.") exit(1) try: args = func(identifier, args) except: logger.exception( "Error occurs during %s action. Stop process.", identifier.lower() ) exit(1) if not isinstance(args, argparse.Namespace): logger.error( "Expect namespace object from %s's return value. Got %s", action_name, type(args).__name__, ) exit(1) return args def get_function(name: str) -> typing.Callable: """Get function by module name""" m = re.fullmatch(r"([\w.]+):(\w+)", name, re.RegexFlag.I) if not m: logger.error("Failed to resolve function name: %s", name) logger.error("Please specific it in module:func format") return module_name, func_name = m.groups() try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) except ImportError: logger.error("Failed to find module: %s", module_name) return try: func = getattr(module, func_name) except AttributeError: logger.error("Failed to find function %s in %s", func_name, module_name) return return func def human_readable_timeperiod(period: datetime.timedelta): """Convert time period to human readable format""" total_seconds = int(period.total_seconds()) terms = [] days = total_seconds // 86400 if days: terms.append(f"{days}d") hours = total_seconds // 3600 % 24 if hours: terms.append(f"{hours}h") minutes = total_seconds // 60 % 60 if minutes: terms.append(f"{minutes}m") seconds = total_seconds % 60 if seconds: terms.append(f"{seconds}s") return " ".join(terms) if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())
"""Minimal setup file for learn project.""" import pathlib from setuptools import setup, find_packages # The directory containing this file HERE = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent # The text of the README file README = (HERE / "").read_text() setup( name = 'premoji', version = '0.1.4', description = 'predict emoji on given text', long_description = README, long_description_content_type = "text/markdown", license = "MIT", author = '<NAME>', author_email = '<EMAIL>', url = '', download_url = '', packages = find_packages(where='src'), package_dir = {'': 'src'}, include_package_data=True, install_requires = [ 'numpy', 'scikit-learn', ], classifiers = [ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', # Chose either "3 - Alpha", "4 - Beta" or "5 - Production/Stable" as the current state of your package 'Intended Audience :: Developers', # Define that your audience are developers 'Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', # Again, pick a license 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', ] )
"""Minimal setup file for learn project.""" import pathlib from setuptools import setup, find_packages # The directory containing this file HERE = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent # The text of the README file README = (HERE / "").read_text() setup( name = 'premoji', version = '0.1.4', description = 'predict emoji on given text', long_description = README, long_description_content_type = "text/markdown", license = "MIT", author = '<NAME>', author_email = '<EMAIL>', url = '', download_url = '', packages = find_packages(where='src'), package_dir = {'': 'src'}, include_package_data=True, install_requires = [ 'numpy', 'scikit-learn', ], classifiers = [ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', # Chose either "3 - Alpha", "4 - Beta" or "5 - Production/Stable" as the current state of your package 'Intended Audience :: Developers', # Define that your audience are developers 'Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', # Again, pick a license 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', ] )
<reponame>KeithWilliamsGMIT/Emerging-Technologies-Python-Fundamentals<filename> # Author: <NAME> # Date: 21/09/2017 from time import strftime # This line prints the current date and time to the console in the format 01-10-2017 13:15:30. # strftime must be imported from the time package before being used. print(strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"))
# Author: <NAME> # Date: 21/09/2017 from time import strftime # This line prints the current date and time to the console in the format 01-10-2017 13:15:30. # strftime must be imported from the time package before being used. print(strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"))
<reponame>afsantaliestra/scripts<gh_stars>0 import os filepath = 'list.txt' with open(filepath) as fp: while line := fp.readline(): line = line.strip() os.system(f'git clone {line}')
import os filepath = 'list.txt' with open(filepath) as fp: while line := fp.readline(): line = line.strip() os.system(f'git clone {line}')
<reponame>amansoni/sequential-decision-problem-algorithms import argparse import os import sys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run commands") parser.add_argument('-w', '--num-workers', default=1, type=int, help="Number of workers") parser.add_argument('-r', '--remotes', default=None, help='The address of pre-existing VNC servers and ' 'rewarders to use (e.g. -r vnc://localhost:5900+15900,vnc://localhost:5901+15901).') parser.add_argument('-e', '--env-id', type=str, default="PongDeterministic-v3", help="Environment id") parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-dir', type=str, default="/tmp/pong", help="Log directory path") def new_tmux_cmd(session, name, cmd): if isinstance(cmd, (list, tuple)): cmd = " ".join(str(v) for v in cmd) return name, "tmux send-keys -t {}:{} '{}' Enter".format(session, name, cmd) def create_tmux_commands(session, num_workers, remotes, env_id, logdir, shell='sh'): # for launching the TF workers and for launching tensorboard base_cmd = [ 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=', sys.executable, '', '--log-dir', logdir, '--env-id', env_id, '--num-workers', str(num_workers)] if remotes is None: remotes = ["1"] * num_workers else: remotes = remotes.split(',') assert len(remotes) == num_workers cmds_map = [new_tmux_cmd(session, "ps", base_cmd + ["--job-name", "ps"])] for i in range(num_workers): cmds_map += [new_tmux_cmd(session, "w-%d" % i, base_cmd + ["--job-name", "worker", "--task", str(i), "--remotes", remotes[i]])] cmds_map += [new_tmux_cmd(session, "tb", ["tensorboard --logdir {} --port 12345".format(logdir)])] cmds_map += [new_tmux_cmd(session, "htop", ["htop"])] windows = [v[0] for v in cmds_map] cmds = [ "mkdir -p {}".format(logdir), "tmux kill-session -t {}".format(session), "tmux new-session -s {} -n {} -d {}".format(session, windows[0], shell) ] for w in windows[1:]: cmds += ["tmux new-window -t {} -n {} {}".format(session, w, shell)] cmds += ["sleep 1"] for window, cmd in cmds_map: cmds += [cmd] return cmds def run(): args = parser.parse_args() cmds = create_tmux_commands("a3c", args.num_workers, args.remotes, args.env_id, args.log_dir) print("\n".join(cmds)) os.system("\n".join(cmds)) if __name__ == "__main__": run()
import argparse import os import sys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run commands") parser.add_argument('-w', '--num-workers', default=1, type=int, help="Number of workers") parser.add_argument('-r', '--remotes', default=None, help='The address of pre-existing VNC servers and ' 'rewarders to use (e.g. -r vnc://localhost:5900+15900,vnc://localhost:5901+15901).') parser.add_argument('-e', '--env-id', type=str, default="PongDeterministic-v3", help="Environment id") parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-dir', type=str, default="/tmp/pong", help="Log directory path") def new_tmux_cmd(session, name, cmd): if isinstance(cmd, (list, tuple)): cmd = " ".join(str(v) for v in cmd) return name, "tmux send-keys -t {}:{} '{}' Enter".format(session, name, cmd) def create_tmux_commands(session, num_workers, remotes, env_id, logdir, shell='sh'): # for launching the TF workers and for launching tensorboard base_cmd = [ 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=', sys.executable, '', '--log-dir', logdir, '--env-id', env_id, '--num-workers', str(num_workers)] if remotes is None: remotes = ["1"] * num_workers else: remotes = remotes.split(',') assert len(remotes) == num_workers cmds_map = [new_tmux_cmd(session, "ps", base_cmd + ["--job-name", "ps"])] for i in range(num_workers): cmds_map += [new_tmux_cmd(session, "w-%d" % i, base_cmd + ["--job-name", "worker", "--task", str(i), "--remotes", remotes[i]])] cmds_map += [new_tmux_cmd(session, "tb", ["tensorboard --logdir {} --port 12345".format(logdir)])] cmds_map += [new_tmux_cmd(session, "htop", ["htop"])] windows = [v[0] for v in cmds_map] cmds = [ "mkdir -p {}".format(logdir), "tmux kill-session -t {}".format(session), "tmux new-session -s {} -n {} -d {}".format(session, windows[0], shell) ] for w in windows[1:]: cmds += ["tmux new-window -t {} -n {} {}".format(session, w, shell)] cmds += ["sleep 1"] for window, cmd in cmds_map: cmds += [cmd] return cmds def run(): args = parser.parse_args() cmds = create_tmux_commands("a3c", args.num_workers, args.remotes, args.env_id, args.log_dir) print("\n".join(cmds)) os.system("\n".join(cmds)) if __name__ == "__main__": run()
""" Class that holds the results: used for evaluating model performance on activity cliff compounds <NAME>, Eindhoven University of Technology, March 2022 """ import os import numpy as np from MoleculeACE.benchmark.utils.const import Algorithms from .metrics import calc_rmse, calc_q2f3 class Results: def __init__(self, predictions=None, reference=None, y_train=None, data=None, tanimoto_cliff_compounds=None, scaffold_cliff_compounds=None, levenshtein_cliff_compounds=None, soft_consensus_cliff_compounds=None): self.predictions = predictions self.reference = reference self.y_train = y_train self.tanimoto_cliff_compounds = tanimoto_cliff_compounds self.scaffold_cliff_compounds = scaffold_cliff_compounds self.levenshtein_cliff_compounds = levenshtein_cliff_compounds self.soft_consensus_cliff_compounds = soft_consensus_cliff_compounds = data self.rmse = np.inf self.q2f3 = 0 self.tanimoto_cliff_rmse = np.inf self.scaffold_cliff_rmse = np.inf self.levenshtein_cliff_rmse = np.inf self.soft_consensus_cliff_rmse = np.inf def calc_rmse(self, reference=None, predictions=None): """ Calculate the rmse from two lists of reference and predicted bioactivity""" if reference is not None: self.reference = reference if predictions is not None: self.predictions = predictions # calculate the rmsd self.rmse = calc_rmse(self.reference, self.predictions) return self.rmse def calc_q2f3(self, reference=None, predictions=None, y_train=None): """ Calculates the Q2 F3 score (best according to Todeschini et al. 2016) Args: reference: (1d array-like shape) true test values (float) predictions: (1d array-like shape) predicted test values (float) y_train: (1d array-like shape) true train values (float) Returns: Q2F3 score """ if reference is not None: self.reference = reference if predictions is not None: self.predictions = predictions if y_train is not None: self.y_train = y_train # calculate the q2f3 self.q2f3 = calc_q2f3(self.reference, self.predictions, self.y_train) return self.q2f3 def calc_cliff_rmse(self, reference=None, predictions=None, tanimoto_cliff_compounds=None, scaffold_cliff_compounds=None, levenshtein_cliff_compounds=None, soft_consensus_cliff_compounds=None): """ Calculate the rmse of only cliff compounds Args: levenshtein_cliff_compounds: (lst) Binary list of cliff compounds (same length as predictions) tanimoto_cliff_compounds: (lst) Binary list of cliff compounds (same length as predictions) scaffold_cliff_compounds: (lst) Binary list of cliff compounds (same length as predictions) consensus_cliff_compounds: (lst) Binary list of cliff compounds (same length as predictions) soft_consensus_cliff_compounds: (lst) Binary list of cliff compounds (same length as predictions) reference: (lst) true bioactivity values predictions: (lst) predicted bioactivity values cliff_compounds: (lst) binary list describing if a compound is a cliff compound (1 == cliff, 0 == no cliff) Returns: (float) rmse """ if reference is not None: self.reference = reference if predictions is not None: self.predictions = predictions if tanimoto_cliff_compounds is not None: self.tanimoto_cliff_compounds = tanimoto_cliff_compounds if scaffold_cliff_compounds is not None: self.scaffold_cliff_compounds = scaffold_cliff_compounds if levenshtein_cliff_compounds is not None: self.levenshtein_cliff_compounds = levenshtein_cliff_compounds if soft_consensus_cliff_compounds is not None: self.soft_consensus_cliff_compounds = soft_consensus_cliff_compounds if self.tanimoto_cliff_compounds is not None: # Subset only reference and predicted values of the cliff compounds, then calculate cliff rmse clf_ref = [self.reference[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.tanimoto_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] clf_prd = [self.predictions[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.tanimoto_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] self.tanimoto_cliff_rmse = calc_rmse(clf_ref, clf_prd) if self.scaffold_cliff_compounds is not None: # Subset only reference and predicted values of the cliff compounds, then calculate cliff rmse clf_ref = [self.reference[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.scaffold_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] clf_prd = [self.predictions[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.scaffold_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] self.scaffold_cliff_rmse = calc_rmse(clf_ref, clf_prd) if self.levenshtein_cliff_compounds is not None: # Subset only reference and predicted values of the cliff compounds, then calculate cliff rmse clf_ref = [self.reference[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.levenshtein_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] clf_prd = [self.predictions[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.levenshtein_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] self.levenshtein_cliff_rmse = calc_rmse(clf_ref, clf_prd) if self.soft_consensus_cliff_compounds is not None: # Subset only reference and predicted values of the cliff compounds, then calculate cliff rmse clf_ref = [self.reference[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.soft_consensus_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] clf_prd = [self.predictions[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.soft_consensus_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] self.soft_consensus_cliff_rmse = calc_rmse(clf_ref, clf_prd) return {'tanimoto_cliff_rmse': self.tanimoto_cliff_rmse, 'scaffold_cliff_rmse': self.scaffold_cliff_rmse, 'levenshtein_cliff_rmse': self.levenshtein_cliff_rmse, 'soft_consensus_cliff_rmse': self.soft_consensus_cliff_rmse} def to_csv(self, filename, algorithm: Algorithms = None): # Create output file if it doesnt exist if is not None: if not os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('dataset,' 'algorithm,' 'descriptor,' 'augmentation,' 'rmse,' 'cliff_rmse,' 'n_compounds,' 'n_cliff_compounds,' 'n_compounds_train,' 'n_cliff_compounds_train,' 'n_compounds_test,' 'n_cliff_compounds_test\n') with open(filename, 'a') as f: f.write(f'{},' f'{algorithm.value},' f'{},' f'{},' f'{self.rmse},' f'{self.soft_consensus_cliff_rmse},' f'{["n_compounds"]},' f'{["n_soft_consensus_cliff_compounds"]},' f'{["n_compounds_train"]},' f'{["n_soft_consensus_cliff_compounds_train"]},' f'{["n_compounds_test"]},' f'{["n_soft_consensus_cliff_compounds_test"]}\n') def __repr__(self): return f"RMSE: {self.rmse:.4f}\n" \ f"Q2F3: {self.q2f3:.4f}\n" \ f"AC-RMSE: {self.soft_consensus_cliff_rmse:.4f}\n"
""" Class that holds the results: used for evaluating model performance on activity cliff compounds <NAME>, Eindhoven University of Technology, March 2022 """ import os import numpy as np from MoleculeACE.benchmark.utils.const import Algorithms from .metrics import calc_rmse, calc_q2f3 class Results: def __init__(self, predictions=None, reference=None, y_train=None, data=None, tanimoto_cliff_compounds=None, scaffold_cliff_compounds=None, levenshtein_cliff_compounds=None, soft_consensus_cliff_compounds=None): self.predictions = predictions self.reference = reference self.y_train = y_train self.tanimoto_cliff_compounds = tanimoto_cliff_compounds self.scaffold_cliff_compounds = scaffold_cliff_compounds self.levenshtein_cliff_compounds = levenshtein_cliff_compounds self.soft_consensus_cliff_compounds = soft_consensus_cliff_compounds = data self.rmse = np.inf self.q2f3 = 0 self.tanimoto_cliff_rmse = np.inf self.scaffold_cliff_rmse = np.inf self.levenshtein_cliff_rmse = np.inf self.soft_consensus_cliff_rmse = np.inf def calc_rmse(self, reference=None, predictions=None): """ Calculate the rmse from two lists of reference and predicted bioactivity""" if reference is not None: self.reference = reference if predictions is not None: self.predictions = predictions # calculate the rmsd self.rmse = calc_rmse(self.reference, self.predictions) return self.rmse def calc_q2f3(self, reference=None, predictions=None, y_train=None): """ Calculates the Q2 F3 score (best according to Todeschini et al. 2016) Args: reference: (1d array-like shape) true test values (float) predictions: (1d array-like shape) predicted test values (float) y_train: (1d array-like shape) true train values (float) Returns: Q2F3 score """ if reference is not None: self.reference = reference if predictions is not None: self.predictions = predictions if y_train is not None: self.y_train = y_train # calculate the q2f3 self.q2f3 = calc_q2f3(self.reference, self.predictions, self.y_train) return self.q2f3 def calc_cliff_rmse(self, reference=None, predictions=None, tanimoto_cliff_compounds=None, scaffold_cliff_compounds=None, levenshtein_cliff_compounds=None, soft_consensus_cliff_compounds=None): """ Calculate the rmse of only cliff compounds Args: levenshtein_cliff_compounds: (lst) Binary list of cliff compounds (same length as predictions) tanimoto_cliff_compounds: (lst) Binary list of cliff compounds (same length as predictions) scaffold_cliff_compounds: (lst) Binary list of cliff compounds (same length as predictions) consensus_cliff_compounds: (lst) Binary list of cliff compounds (same length as predictions) soft_consensus_cliff_compounds: (lst) Binary list of cliff compounds (same length as predictions) reference: (lst) true bioactivity values predictions: (lst) predicted bioactivity values cliff_compounds: (lst) binary list describing if a compound is a cliff compound (1 == cliff, 0 == no cliff) Returns: (float) rmse """ if reference is not None: self.reference = reference if predictions is not None: self.predictions = predictions if tanimoto_cliff_compounds is not None: self.tanimoto_cliff_compounds = tanimoto_cliff_compounds if scaffold_cliff_compounds is not None: self.scaffold_cliff_compounds = scaffold_cliff_compounds if levenshtein_cliff_compounds is not None: self.levenshtein_cliff_compounds = levenshtein_cliff_compounds if soft_consensus_cliff_compounds is not None: self.soft_consensus_cliff_compounds = soft_consensus_cliff_compounds if self.tanimoto_cliff_compounds is not None: # Subset only reference and predicted values of the cliff compounds, then calculate cliff rmse clf_ref = [self.reference[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.tanimoto_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] clf_prd = [self.predictions[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.tanimoto_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] self.tanimoto_cliff_rmse = calc_rmse(clf_ref, clf_prd) if self.scaffold_cliff_compounds is not None: # Subset only reference and predicted values of the cliff compounds, then calculate cliff rmse clf_ref = [self.reference[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.scaffold_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] clf_prd = [self.predictions[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.scaffold_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] self.scaffold_cliff_rmse = calc_rmse(clf_ref, clf_prd) if self.levenshtein_cliff_compounds is not None: # Subset only reference and predicted values of the cliff compounds, then calculate cliff rmse clf_ref = [self.reference[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.levenshtein_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] clf_prd = [self.predictions[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.levenshtein_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] self.levenshtein_cliff_rmse = calc_rmse(clf_ref, clf_prd) if self.soft_consensus_cliff_compounds is not None: # Subset only reference and predicted values of the cliff compounds, then calculate cliff rmse clf_ref = [self.reference[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.soft_consensus_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] clf_prd = [self.predictions[idx] for idx, clf in enumerate(self.soft_consensus_cliff_compounds) if clf == 1] self.soft_consensus_cliff_rmse = calc_rmse(clf_ref, clf_prd) return {'tanimoto_cliff_rmse': self.tanimoto_cliff_rmse, 'scaffold_cliff_rmse': self.scaffold_cliff_rmse, 'levenshtein_cliff_rmse': self.levenshtein_cliff_rmse, 'soft_consensus_cliff_rmse': self.soft_consensus_cliff_rmse} def to_csv(self, filename, algorithm: Algorithms = None): # Create output file if it doesnt exist if is not None: if not os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('dataset,' 'algorithm,' 'descriptor,' 'augmentation,' 'rmse,' 'cliff_rmse,' 'n_compounds,' 'n_cliff_compounds,' 'n_compounds_train,' 'n_cliff_compounds_train,' 'n_compounds_test,' 'n_cliff_compounds_test\n') with open(filename, 'a') as f: f.write(f'{},' f'{algorithm.value},' f'{},' f'{},' f'{self.rmse},' f'{self.soft_consensus_cliff_rmse},' f'{["n_compounds"]},' f'{["n_soft_consensus_cliff_compounds"]},' f'{["n_compounds_train"]},' f'{["n_soft_consensus_cliff_compounds_train"]},' f'{["n_compounds_test"]},' f'{["n_soft_consensus_cliff_compounds_test"]}\n') def __repr__(self): return f"RMSE: {self.rmse:.4f}\n" \ f"Q2F3: {self.q2f3:.4f}\n" \ f"AC-RMSE: {self.soft_consensus_cliff_rmse:.4f}\n"
<reponame>accelero-cloud/tutorials from checkout.orders.order_service import Order, AuthorisationRequest
from checkout.orders.order_service import Order, AuthorisationRequest
from .hiisi import HiisiHDF from .odim import OdimPVOL, OdimCOMP __version__ = "0.0.6"
from .hiisi import HiisiHDF from .odim import OdimPVOL, OdimCOMP __version__ = "0.0.6"

Hello this is the main info

dataset_info: features: - name: max_stars_repo_path dtype: string - name: max_stars_repo_name dtype: string - name: max_stars_count dtype: int64 - name: id dtype: string - name: content dtype: string - name: content_cleaned dtype: string - name: language dtype: string - name: language_score dtype: float64 - name: edu_score dtype: float64 - name: edu_int_score dtype: int64 splits: - name: train num_bytes: 1451315 num_examples: 100 download_size: 551098 dataset_size: 1451315 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* license: apache-2.0

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