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논문 메타데이터 추출 데이터(Extraction data from paper metadata)


  • The data for extracting metadata from PDF domestic papers.
  • The data contains information in layout box extracted from each PDF paper with labels corresponding to metadata field types.
  • The information in each layout box are unique code, text, coordinates(x0, y0, x1, y1) of box, width of box, height of box and font size.
  • The file named as “train.txt” was constructed through the fully automatic inspection process. It contains a total of 5,241,746 labeled layout boxes for 295,306 papers in 503 journals. It was used as train set.
  • The file named as “valid.txt” was developed through the manual inspection process by several annotators. It contains a total of 155,629 labeled layout boxes for 9,895 papers in 503 journals.
  • The file named as “test.txt” was built through the manual inspection process. It contains a total of 159,925 labeled layout boxes for 10,119 papers in 503 journals. It was used as test set.

Data format(TXT)

  • In the files, each layout box is separated by a newline. And each paper is separated by two newlines
  • The data structure of each layout box is as follows : "Unique code"(\t)"Metadata label"(\t)"Text"(\t)"x0 value "(\s)"y0 value"(\s)"x1value"(\s)"y1value"(\s)"width value" (\s)"height value"(\s)"font size"
No. Metadata Fields Label
1 Title(in Korean) title_ko
2 Title(in English) title_en
3 Author Name(in Korean) author_name_ko
4 Author Name(in English) author_name_en
5 Author Affiliation(in Korean) ko_org
6 Author Affiliation(in English) en_org
7 Abstract(in Korean) abstract_ko
8 Abstract(in English) abstract_en
9 Keywords(in Korean) kwds_ko
10 Keywords(in English) kwds_en
11 DOI doi
12 Journal name journal
13 Out of Boundary O

Data statistics

Data File name #Journal #Paper #Layout Box
Train set train.txt 503 295,306 5,241,746
Valid set valid.txt 503 9,895 155,629
Test set test.txt 503 10,119 159,925

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