### Human:\nhow should diabetics take care of their dental health?\n\n### Assistant: diabetics should see their dentists regularly. the most common oral health problems associated with diabetes are tooth decay periodontal (gum) disease salivary gland dysfunction fungal infections lichen planus and lichenoid reactions (inflammatory skin disease) infection and delayed healing and taste impairment. diabetics should carefully review their medical history with their dentists and have a comprehensive dental examination. great preventive home care and regular scaling are essential for the diabetic. diabetics are at a higher risk of tooth or gum problems because of their vulnerability to infections. it is necessary to get regular check ups from a dentist. the most common issue faced by diabetics is smelling mouth which is the result of excess growth of bacteria.
### Human:\nif a child is allergic to milk can he have lactose-free milk or lactaid?\n\n### Assistant: no. . people are allergic to the cow's milk protein. lactose is the sugar found in milk so lactose-free cow's milk still contains cow's milk protein. some people have an intolerance to the milk sugar (lactose) which can cause gas and bloating. but a "lactose intolerance" does not cause lip swelling hives eczema or any other serious allergic reaction.
### Human:\n1 yr old should drink how much 2% milk a day? . send answer to fred. strawder@msn. com\n\n### Assistant: when children turn one it is recommended they switch from formula to whole milk or continue breastfeeding. children up to two still need more fat than older kids so unless directed by your doctor keep them on whole milk. it is recommended that children over two get no more than 24 ounces of milk per day (3 cups) to prevent iron deficiency anemia. too much milk can crowd out other nutritious foods in the diet so avoid allowing your child to sip on milk (or juice) and instead serve as part of meals and snacks and before bed. between 2-3 cups a day of whole milk for a one year old is fine.
### Human:\nwhat is delirium?\n\n### Assistant: delirium is a form of altered consciousness that occurs in people with medical illnesses or who have dementia. in delirium the person’s level of consciousness and understanding of her surroundings rises and falls. she may be lucid and appropriate for part of the day but be confused and disoriented at other times. people who are delirious may be lethargic and “out of it ” agitated and aggressive or somewhere in between. delirium most often affects older adults and children. infections and medications are probably the most common causes of delirium. people with dementia are more likely to become delirious. treating the underlying cause (such as an infection) is the most important treatment for delirium. antipsychotic medications can be used to treat delirium. re-orienting and comforting a delirious person is also often helpful and may reduce the need for antipsychotic medication.
### Human:\nhow do i know if my child has bottle rot in his mouth and how can it be prevented?\n\n### Assistant: bottle rot is indicated by dark stains around the teeth. but if you are concerned see your local pediatric dentist as soon as possible. the risk of potentially devastating nursing-pattern dental decay exists for the breastfed child just as it does for the bottle-fed child. this kind of decay is caused by extended and repetitive feedings with prolonged exposure of erupted teeth to fermentable carbohydrates. some general recommendations 1. infants should not be put to sleep with a bottle. nocturnal breastfeeding should be avoided after the first primary tooth begins to erupt. 2. parents are encouraged to transition infants into drinking from a cup as they approach their first birthday. infants should be weaned from the bottle between 12 and 14 months of age. 3. consumption of juices from a bottle should be avoided. 4. oral hygiene measures should be implemented by the time of eruption of the first primary tooth. 5. an oral health consultation visit within six months of the eruption of the first tooth is recommended to educate parents and provide anticipatory guidance for prevention of dental disease.
### Human:\nhow do you break a fever in a toddler?\n\n### Assistant: remember that any fever in a newborn infant (under 3 months of age) needs prompt medical attention because at that age it’s hard to tell when a serious infection might be present. a fever is the body’s natural response to infection or other illness and will subside when the underlying process gets better. other than treating the infection (or other condition) causing it no home treatments can shorten the duration of a fever. also remember that fever doesn’t always need to be treated. if a toddler is acting normally and unbothered by her fever and her temperature is less than 104 degrees (40 degrees celsius) there’s no need to treat the fever. for a fever that’s high or is bothering your toddler either acetaminophen (mapap tylenol) or ibuprofen (advil motrin) are good treatments. you’ll need to know your toddler’s weight (don’t guess) and use the dosing guidelines on the package. it’s best to stick with one medicine if you can. if you feel you need to use multiple drugs call your pediatrician’s office. don’t ever use aspirin to treat a child’s fever as it increases the risk for reye’s syndrome. if sponging with water helps your child with a fever feel better use a warm bath (not cool) with water around 85 degrees. i know it sounds weird but my great granny used to cut an onion in half and put one half on the bottom of each foot then cover with socks and leave them on me all night. (in addition to tylenol or advil) when i would wake up in the morning my fever would be gone (or at least drasticly reduced) and the onions in my socks would be black. she said the onions drew the fever away from the brain and other vital organs. i don't unserstand how it works but i used this on my children and now on my grands and it works every time. it helps to understand what a fever is. some of the answers on here are very misleading and aren't factual at all. a fever occurs when the body increases in temperature. most common cause of this is an infection of some kind. the white blood cells that eat the infection release chemicals that go to the brain and tell it to raise the temperature of the body. the brain has a set point for our temperature 98. 6f. it is like a central heating/cooling system with a thermostat in a house. if the temp gets hot the a/c turns on. if it gets to cold the heater kicks on. and the temperature stays at 98. 6f. what these chemicals from the white blood cells do is they increase the thermostat. so the brain now has a set point of 101 f. but the body is still 98. 6 f. so the heater kicks on. you get shivers moving of muscles fast makes heat. you feel cold and you get under covers to get warm. this is why people say they are so cold when their temp is 100 because the thermostat is set to 101 or higher. the body does this because some of the bodies defenses are activated at higher temperatures and some bacteria don't function well at higher temperatures. so they die or we kill them better with a higher temperature. so what is it when a fever "breaks"? well eventually your white blood cells kill everything and they stop releasing those chemicals that changes the thermostat. so the thermostat changes back to 98. 6f. now you have a temperature of 101f and your body is set to 98. 6f. it is too hot. turn on the a/c. so you start sweating to cool yourself off. this is a fever "breaking". so when the person with the fever is sweating like there is no tomorrow it is a good thing and you can probably expect the fever to start going back down. fever is a natural defense mechanism against foreign invaders of your body. it is very normal. as long as my fever isn't over 102f it makes sense to me to not interfere with the natural process. even help it. if i'm running a little fever i'll get in the hot tub or a nice hot bath. fevers can be very dangerous and you should ask your doctor when those dangerous temperatures are. they are different for kids and adults. to answer the question the fastest easiest way to break a fever is with anti-inflammatory medications like tylenol and motrin. but that doesn't mean everything is all better. and by the way: water is zero calories! (in case you read the other post) don't believe any of that stuff. what i do is rub my baby down with green rubbing alcohol. it works every time. a fever is not your body fighting an infection. anything that heats up your body including heat and induces sweating causes a fever. fevers cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke as heat heats up the body inducing sweating wich causes water to be ejected from the body. you may induce a fever and prove this by simply visiting a steam room and when your sweating check your temp youll have a fever. you may also go out jogging and see when your hot and sweating you have a fever with a fever thermometer. if you do either for long periods youll eventualy drop from exhaustion enjoying before that mild to severe dehydration symptoms heat exhaustion and heat stroke and possible mild heart attacks. cardio excersize and steam rooms have been around for centuries inducing fever and not cured any disease other than treat obesity. your heartrate can generate heat and cause a fever by pumping friction wich happens during jogging just like shaking a pop can or rubbing your hands generates warmth. make sure you maintain bodyweight during a fever. if food poisioning is suspect having a person stomach pumped and an enema given may be needed if fatigue sets in. fluid calories are better during a fever its important to maintain heartrate as lowering your heartrate also induces fatigue. if a fever is starting with no fatigue water may be ok. its important to keep dry and keep cool (keeping dry to avoid chills). humans thrive in cool temp climates of 55-65 degrees thier is little life in deserts do to heat heat starves an area of water. for children its important that children playing maintain thier bodyweight during excersize/play and eat and drink and take rest breaks and normalize thier heartrate reducing sweating. if people have to loose weight then i recommend simply getting out and walking bringing food fluids before or during thier walk to avoid dehydration with rest breaks. obesity causes fever and dehydration by carrying around 50-100 lb weights. you may simulate obesity by carrying a backpack of 50-100+ lb barebell weights and grow it daily and see what affects that has on your health. weather and activie levels can affect weight loss. people eat drink and rest to maintain thier heartrate and energy levels. in a virus or poision a fever is a response to excess blood volume wich causes your heart to pump harder and faster generating heat. you may simulate this by giving an unnecessary blood transfusion wich will likely cause a fever and may cause a mild heart attack so i wouldnt advise it. water causes weight gain at 1/2 lb a cup its a myth its zero caloric. overdrinking from dehydrationcan cause excessive urination in addition to lowering your heartrate further so cold water if a fever has started with no fatigue otherwise fluid calories.
### Human:\nif you let your child suck his thumb or use a pacifier will he need braces when he’s older?\n\n### Assistant: thumb sucking and the use of a pacifier can lead to an open bite where the teeth in front don’t come together. if a child stops early enough the bite will come back together on its own. when you take your child for his orthodontic screening around 8 years old they will tell you if braces are needed.
### Human:\nwhat can i do if my adhd medication is unavailable for refill?\n\n### Assistant: when someone has adhd it can take several weeks and sometimes even months for a physician to determine the correct type (class) of medication dose and treatment schedule to effectively reduce that patient’s adhd symptoms while at the same time limiting potential side effects. if you can’t get your medication there are several things you can do to try to get by until your medication is available again. substituting like-for-like is the best alternative. if a generic version of your medication is available try that first (example: methylphenidate for ritalin). talk to your physician about trying the short-acting version of the same medication you are on but take it more frequently. let people know that you are not able to take your medication and ask for their help and understanding. (parents be sure to send a note to school to inform your child’s teacher and ask for help). give yourself more time to accomplish a task. this might mean getting up earlier in the morning or asking for an extension on an assignment. if you tend to act impulsively put off making an important decision until you are back on your medication or at the very least sleep on it overnight. use tools to keep on task. set an alarm and check that you are doing what you are suppose to be doing. ask for more supervision or have someone check in with you more frequently. do the hardest tasks first or earlier in the morning when you are not as tired. get plenty of rest and exercise. exercise can decrease hyperactivity and that feeling of restlessness. take frequent breaks. get up and walk around and come back to a task after a few minutes to refocus. try to keep to the same routine. make lists and use lots of reminders. send yourself an email or voice mail or write on your hand if you need to. if driving is a problem ask someone else for a ride or take public transportation. forgive yourself and ask others to be more patient with you. don’t make excuses but do make a sincere effort to avoid problem situations or discussions that you know may get out of hand. don’t forget to eat. start your medication again as soon as it is available. plan ahead and keep a few pills in reserve for the next time that there is a shortage!
### Human:\nmy baby is 2 weeks old and i am breastfeeding exclusively. my flow is very low. how can i get my milk flow up again\n\n### Assistant: if your baby is gaining weight (usually by age two weeks they should be the same since they tend to lose a bit right after delivery or a bit higher than their birth weight) you may be making more milk than you realize. if your baby is pooping and peeing gaining weight chances are that you are producing enough. if your baby seems hungry after breast feeding on both sides and is not gaining weight contact a lactation consultant (often at the hospital where you may have delivered) or via your baby's pediatrician.
### Human:\nare people without insurance required to purchase it? what if they don't?\n\n### Assistant: everyone is required to show proof of health coverage or pay a tax penalty. that penalty is $95 per adult or 1% of their annual income whichever is the greater number and $47. 50 per child beginning in 2014 (a maximum of $285 per family). then that penalty increases in subsequent years. it goes to $325 per adult in 2015 (family max of $975) and $695 per adult in 2016 and beyond (family max of $2 085). those percentages rise to 2% in 2015 and 2. 5% in 2016. in several cases you can get a "hardship exemption" so you don't have to pay the penalty if you can't afford it or on a case by case basis for other reasons.
### Human:\nwhat are some common bottle-feeding problems and mistakes?\n\n### Assistant: i think sometimes parents jump to the conclusion that a baby’s gas or fussiness is caused by their baby formula. instead it just may be that baby is at a stage when she’s colicky. so instead of changing baby’s formula all around you’d really do better to talk to your pediatrician. that’s because intolerance to the baby formula is much less likely than colic for which we have no known cause -- or cure. so instead of parents agonizing about the formula they probably just need to wait until baby outgrows the colic which is usually at about three months. another common bottle-feeding problem is the way parents position babies: some lie them completely flat which can make babies choke when feeding on the bottle. so be sure to have your baby semi-inclined or upright. another common mistake is propping the bottle. don’t prop baby’s bottle; it can be a choking hazard. that is also why you should also always be present when baby is feeding even when she’s old enough to hold her own bottle. . the main thing: do lots of trial-and-error to be sure you find a bottle and nipple combination that works for your child. so don’t stock up on too many of the same kind of bottles unless you know your child is going to take it well. actually the same goes for formula diapers and all baby things: [don’t stock up] unless you know your baby is adjusted to that type or brand. also when you’re bottle feeding make sure milk is filling up the nipple of baby’s bottle. otherwise she could swallow a lot of air.
### Human:\ndoes the age affect the success of braces?\n\n### Assistant: the mechanical process used to move teeth with braces is the same at any age. so the benefits of orthodontic treatments are available to both children and adults who wish to improve their appearance and bite. the main differences between treatments in adults and children is that certain corrections in adults may require more than braces alone and the treatments may take longer because adult bones are no longer growing.
### Human:\nis bringing my baby to bed with me -- co-sleeping -- safe?\n\n### Assistant: co-sleeping isn’t recommended because of what we know about sleep safety. there’s more of a risk of smothering sudden infant death syndrome and of falls off the adult bed when there’s bedsharing. if you’re breastfeeding often and you want the baby close one option is to use a bedside co-sleeper. it looks like a crib with a missing side and you can put it right next to the adult bed and raise it up to the bed’s height but an adult can’t accidentally roll over on the baby. if you’re feeding baby often you can also consider putting a bassinet cradle or crib nearby.
### Human:\nwhat are all the treatment options for straightening a penis that has been bent in an angle due to tight underwear? . 19 year old. had a perfectly natural straight penis with an upward curve (like a perfect banana) in childhood up until puberty. used to wear tight underwear and slept in a certain way (putting penis in between legs) with erection until morning. penis no longer curves upwards but now curves downwards and to the right. when i'm excited penis gets very hard especially glans and the shaft turns into an hourglass figure which feels good & goes away after full erection. penis doesn't hurt at all\n\n### Assistant: there are two chambers in the shaft of the penis called the corpus cavernosa. when blood engorges the corpus it should equally fill but in some cases one side gets more blood than the other causing a deviation. in severe cases where one side of the corpus does not engorge at all this is called peyronie's disease. the blood supply may be due to a plaque or blockage. this is not caused by tight underwear. as a matter of fact tight underwear should have no adverse effect on the angle of your erection whatsoever. since you cannot be adequately diagnosed over the internet and since this change is concerning you you will need to see a urologist (find a male urologist) to be properly evaluated.
### Human:\ncan i give my 7-year-old ceron dm syrup and children’s claritin tab at the same time?\n\n### Assistant: i would not recommend giving your child both medications. ceron dm syrup contains chlorpheniramine dextromethorphan and phenylephrine. dextromethorphan is the cough suppressant while phenylephrine is the nasal decongestant. chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine very similar to claritin. therefore your child is already getting allergy symptom coverage and we would not want to double the dose of this medication. doing so increases the risk of drowsiness additive side effects and possible toxicity issues. use one or the other during this time and continue the claritin once they have stopped using the ceron dm.
### Human:\nwhy do my nipples hurt?\n\n### Assistant: nipple pain is a common in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. the nipples may become more sensitive and tender during pregnancy. poor “latch-on” by the baby when breastfeeding can also cause nipple pain. in women who are not pregnant or lactating nipple pain may be due to skin abrasion from tight-fitting bras or other clothing or dry skin around the nipple. more serious causes of nipple pain include infections paget’s disease of the breast or certain forms of breast cancer. if nipple pain doesn’t go away in two weeks or if you also have nipple discharge call your doctor. i would also like to point out the fact that they may just be super tender due to having fibromyalgia or a like illness. mine are and i have fibromyalgia. i do have a milky white discharge but it has been checked out by a clinical lactation test and it is a healthy non-cancerous discharge. i am not pregnant nor am i nursing. i hope this helps.
### Human:\nwhat are triggers for eczema and how can i treat itching and inflammation?\n\n### Assistant: eczema is a catch-all term for inflamed itchy raw cracked and peeling skin. eczema is usually genetic – if one of your parents has it chances are you and your children will too. the list of triggers is very very long: -prolonged or hot baths since anything that dries the skin can set the inflammation process going. that includes hot tubs and saunas. -deodorant soaps perfumed soaps and body washes. - anything abrasive such as grainy body scrubs and even loofahs. - fragranced moisturizers or anything that contains lactic acid salicylic acid or glycolic acid. - wool clothes or elastics because the pressure point can start the itch/scratch cycle. - detergents and fabric softeners. - food allergies or sensitivities – the most common are eggs dairy corn grains yeast artificial sweeteners and soy. - airborne allergens such as dust and pollen - dry and heated environments. this is one reason why eczema is usually worse in winter. - cold windy weather. babies and children suffer the most from eczema and should be seen by a doctor promptly. for babies and small children the first step is washing with the mildest possible cleanser and making sure that baths are as quick as possible. then while the skin is still damp moisturize it with a heavy protective product. steroids are the very last resort for small children and i don’t like to use them at all in babies. some children are lucky enough to outgrow eczema usually by the age of five. others unfortunately will be lifelong sufferers. for adults antihistamines can help even the over-the-counter ones. topical steroids will calm the itch and reduce the inflammation but should be used with caution since prolonged use can thin the skin permanently. protopic and elidel are the big guns but not everybody tolerates them well and they have serious potential side effects. for people with eczema it is crucial to avoid triggers and otherwise take precautions every day. wear light comfortable clothing made from cotton silk or linen. bed linens should be 100% cotton or satin. when doing laundry use only hypoallergenic detergent put clothes through the rinse cycle twice to get rid of any trace of detergent and use tennis balls in the dryer instead of dryer sheets.
### Human:\ncould my 2 year old's nosebleeds be caused by dry air? how can i prevent this from happening?\n\n### Assistant: nosebleeds that end within 5 or 10 minutes in children without any other signs of a bleeding problem are common and usually are not a sign of anything serious or dangerous. they may be caused by trauma from a bump to the nose or a child's picking and may occur when the weather is very dry or when a child has a cold or allergies. it can be helpful to use a humidifier or vaporizer and apply a small of petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment in the nostrils at bedtime to help the nasal tissue heal. for any more concerns or if a child has frequent or heavy nosebleeds in addition to bruising or easy bleeding that doesn't stop be sure to contact your pediatrician. .
### Human:\nwould you describe the impact of the grandfathering rules for health plans?\n\n### Assistant: the president was committed to making sure that people didn’t lose coverage that was good for them and their family. so…we kept in place the coverage that a lot of folks have with their work sites that actually is wonderful coverage and [with] doctors that they like and programs that they like. so the grandfathering is meant to keep in place positive coverage. one of the things that happens on september 23 for all plans is no one will be rescinded again so companies will no longer be able to go back into a plan find a technical error and actually boot somebody out of a plan who is paying their premiums. unless it’s fraud you cannot lose your coverage. that’s very good news. all plans will include young adult children on a family plan so that even in a grandfathered plan that will come into effect. and that’s really helpful to keep kids up to age 26 on a family plan particularly in this economy when lots of young people may be going into the job market but those jobs don’t have health insurance connected with it. and there will also be change so that plans will no longer be able to have lifetime limits. what we know is that there are a small number of people who hit those limits but if you hit the limit you’re really out of luck. you lose your health coverage when you need it the most when you’re very ill and need a treatment or need care. so those three benefits will apply to all plans. if an employer chooses to change your grandfathered plan to shift more cost onto the employee [or] to lower the benefits available to employees he or she will lose the grandfather status. so we want to protect the plans that are in place. you can’t just keep the grandfather status and yet dump a lot of extra cost or reduce benefits for employees and not come into the new world. so it’s kind of a balance.
### Human:\nmy 5-year-old has a swollen spot on his gums that’s red around the edges and white in the middle. what is it?\n\n### Assistant: there are many possibilities such as an aphthous ulcer or canker sore an abscess or an erupting tooth. if your child is in any pain i would recommend a trip to the pediatric dentist for an evaluation.
### Human:\ncan babies drink silk soy milk?\n\n### Assistant: babies 12 months and younger should not drink soy or cows milk they need the nutrition from either breast milk or formula. after one year it is okay to introduce cows milk. if there is a milk allergy or intolerance fortified soy milk is a fine alternative. be sure to stick with full fat sources until baby is two due to high growth. and be sure the milk you choose is fortified with calcium and vitamin d.
### Human:\nhow do you get a chiled to eat healthy during the preoperational stage by using preoperational thought? . what are some characteristics of preoperational thinking that i can use with my child to get her to eat more healthy?\n\n### Assistant: the pre-operational stage between ages of 2 and 6 can be tough as there is a lot going on both physical and cognitively. children have slowed growth (and appetite) so their eating is erratic this is also the time that food neophobia (fear of new foods) peaks increasing picky eating. here are some things parents can to do encourage healthy eating: set structure at meals. that means eating regular meals and 1-2 snacks between in a focused way (preferably the kitchen table). children who graze on snacks may eat poor at mealtime because they have small bellies. follow the ellyn satter division of responsibility of feeding where parents decide the what when and where of feeding and children decide the whether and how much of eating. pressuring children to eat actually makes them eat less so allow your child to take the lead and you'll be surprised how much better they do over time. battles make mealtime a negative and eating suffers. eat together and model healthy eating habits. children learn by watching others eat -- encourage touching food or smelling it to get a child comfortable with new items. have children help with meal preparation and get them involved as much as possible. hands on leaning is always best at this stage as telling a young child a food is "healthy " translates to "it must taste bad. " always tell them it tastes good! build on foods the already accept. so if they like a certain sauce try a healthy item in that familiar sauce. if they like a certain dip try a new veggie with it. if they like breaded chicken try breaded veggies like zucchini. make sure there is always something at the table your child likes so they aren't overwhelmed with new food. they will be more likely to try something if they feel there is safe food there. it is not that tough to meet a child's nutritional needs at this stage. remember that a varied fruit intake can make up for low veggie intake. 2-5 year old's only need 2-3 ounces of protein per day. and always look at their eating over a week and not one day. it usually evens out. the good news is after 6 children become more open to food especially if mealtime has been a positive experience with them. never label them as picky and always have an expectant attitude when it comes to eating. good luck!
### Human:\nmy son is 15 @5'1" 120lbs. what can be done to help him grow. i am 5'1" my husband is 5'9". we are concerned about his height and want to make sure there is nothing we should be doing i. e. is there a medical condition we should check in to- pituitary? are there any vitamins/nutrients he should be taking? etc. although his voice hasn't changed yet there are some signs of puberty in progress. ( we want to give him any benefit that might be available or rather we don't want to overlook any possiblities).\n\n### Assistant: you son is not done growing by a long shot. in fact his major growth spurt (puberty) has probably just started which is later than girls but lasts longer. while girls are typically done growing around 16-18 years boys don't stop growing until 18-20 years of age two years later. boys can grow up to 4 inches a year during this time! muscle growth is dependent on increases in testosterone and the beginning of puberty and that can vary from child to child. as for nutrition provide your son with regular meals and snacks and allow him to eat to his appetite. include lean protein sources fruits vegetables whole grains low fat dairy and healthy fats and nutrition-poor foods in moderation. if he is erratic with his eating a multivitamin can help. if you are concerned about his height or any underlying medical issues see his pediatrician but try not to make a big deal of it. if everything is okay from a health standpoint he will grow the way nature intended. he may just be a late bloomer!
### Human:\nwill my baby's feeding schedule change when on a baby bottle?\n\n### Assistant: baby’s feeding schedule probably won’t change too much if you’re using breast milk in the baby’s bottle. but if you're using formula which is a little thicker and slower to digest you may go longer between feedings or have fewer feedings. this really depends on the age of the baby.
### Human:\nwhat time of night should i stop eating?\n\n### Assistant: when you eat depends on your personal schedule. if you're hungry late at night you may not have eaten enough for dinner. if you want a snack before bedtime avoid foods and beverages with caffeine in them. avoid fried and high-fat foods because they can cause indigestion. a sliced apple or a few baby carrots would make good choices. raw fruits and veggies provide fiber for better digestion fluid for hydration important vitamins and minerals and are generally low in calories. so they would certainly make good choices as late-night snacks
### Human:\nhow can i teach my child to floss and when should i start?\n\n### Assistant: the best thing to do is to start out by flossing your child's teeth for them. as their manual dexterity develops they will start to do it themselves. i like to use the flavored flosses because it helps make flossing a fun experience for children. flossing videos featuring cartoon characters are also helpful.
### Human:\nhow can i get my 4 month old to take naps during the day? how long should he be eating at each feeding? . my 4 month old used to sleep from 10pm to 6am occasionally waking around 4am before the time change. he would eat every 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours during the day and would take a couple of long naps lasting anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. now he falls asleep as soon as the sun goes down around 6pm here and sometimes wakes up as early as 2 am now. if i get up and feed him he will wake every 2 hours for the rest of the morning and then will be up at sunrise for the day usually around 7am. he rarely naps\n\n### Assistant: when babies pass the 3-month mark they tend to need earlier bedtimes. i know it's hard when you have a good routine going but babies are changing fast. so go with the early bedtime but make sure you get a good feed in before putting him down. remember at this age babies usually can't stay up for more than 2 hours during the day. so look for those tired signs after he gets up in the morning and put him down for a morning nap. do the same about 2 hours after the morning nap and then the same in the afternoon. by 6 months most babies can stay up a bit longer and typically take 2 naps one in the early morning and one in the afternoon. if he is hungry he will wake to feed but should go back down. during growth spurts which typically occur at 3 and 6 months babies will wake and feed more often. when the growth spurt is over they will go back to more predictable feeding times. always trust that your baby knows when to be fed and respond appropriately. as for timing of feedings typically by 4 months they get quicker at eating but all babies are different. i'm not sure if you're breastfeeding or bottle feeding so it's tough to say. if you're breastfeeding and you baby is just using the breast for comfort and not really eating you might want to try holding your baby or doing something else to soothe him. for more on helping baby to sleep through the night read this section of webmd.
### Human:\nhow is thrush treated?\n\n### Assistant: while healthy children and adults can be effectively treated for thrush the symptoms may be more severe and difficult to manage in those with weakened immune systems. antifungal medications which are generally taken for 10 to 14 days are often prescribed to treat thrush. these medicines are available in tablets lozenges or liquids. your dentist will have a specific treatment approach designed for you based on your age and the cause of the infection. because the presence of candida infection can be a symptom of other medical problems your dentist may suggest you seek care from a medical doctor as well so that any underlying health problems you may have can be treated.
### Human:\nis a baby more likely to be colicky with a baby bottle?\n\n### Assistant: some people say yes -- that babies swallow more air with a bottle or that they’re colicky because the baby formula is harder to digest. but really no one knows what causes colic. however breastfeeding does seem to help a colicky baby.
### Human:\nis it safe to give my child an antibiotic while she is taking an iron supplement?\n\n### Assistant: iron supplements can interact with certain antibiotics such as tetracyclines cipro noroxin and levaquin. the type of antibiotic your daughter is taking determines whether the iron should be taken at a different time of day or not at all. your daughter may just need to stop taking the iron while she is taking the antibiotic and then continue with the iron once the antibiotic is finished. work with your pharmacist to make sure it is all right to take both.
### Human:\nis it true that fluoride is used in rat poison? i heard that’s why you should use natural toothpaste without fluoride.\n\n### Assistant: there are fluoride by-products in rodenticides and insecticides. but the most common cause of fluoride poisoning today is direct ingestion or “eating fluoride. ” that is why toothpaste is kept away from small children. used properly fluoride strengthens teeth and prevents tooth decay.
### Human:\nis adhd a chronic condition meaning medication will always be necessary? . an 11yr. old boy in my family has been taking medication for adhd for over 5 years. i'm aware that a usual side effect of his medication is loss of appetite which he experiences. in a group of boys his age playing baseball he is one of the smallest boys. are there alternative medications/treatments that would improve his appetite and possibly allow him to reach a more normal height/weight? i'm concerned this height/weight difference is beginning to cause or will cause self-image issues.\n\n### Assistant: it's important for you to keep in contact with the doctor to check if medication is needed and the different types available. not all affect appetite the same way. also some may allow you to skip taking them on the weekends when not in school. again researching and working with your doctor is key. as far as nutrition goes a pediatric dietitian can help you maximize nutrition for your son even while he's on medication. she or he will help you troubleshoot fluctuations in appetite and how best to time food offerings. also what combination of food and supplements are beneficial. also your son may be smaller due to genetics so consider your family history too. more reading: adhd drugs and growth
### Human:\nas school begins how can i help my child succeed?\n\n### Assistant: self-discipline: have a conversation about personal responsibility. as a parent it’s our inclination to rescue our kids… which sometimes means making a special trip up to school to drop off the homework that got left on the kitchen table. but school gives children an opportunity to practice their life skills in a safe environment. let your child forget his homework and let him see the consequence of being disorganized. these are teaching moments. confidence: talk about making good decisions and sticking to them. a child with good self-esteem will to cave to peer pressure. she will lead and not follow. remember those words every exasperated parent has shouted: “if everyone else was jumping off of a bridge would you? ! ” make your child feel good about her reasoning and judgment. then you won’t have to worry that she will blindly follow others. exercise: if your child plays a sport exercise time is automatically part of his schedule. but many tweens and teens don’t exercise on a regular basis if they aren’t involved in a team sport. make physical activity part of your child’s daily routine. kids spend several hours a day sitting at a desk and then a few hours (or more) sitting down to do their homework. make exercise a priority and a mental health break. set media limits: twitter facebook cell phones text messaging video games tv shows and surfing the web… need i go on? as if school homework and after-school activities aren’t enough electronic communications and screen time can take up the rest of a child’s waking hours. make a family plan to spend time together without disruption from a tv or a friend who is calling or texting your child during dinner. turn off the electronics completely or set a curfew for them. sleep: sleep is powerful and underrated. with so many things on your child’s plate she may sacrifice sleep to cram for a math test or have a text conversation with her best friend. remind your child how much better she will feel (and how much better she will perform on that math test) if she gets the sleep her body needs. set a reasonable bedtime and try to enforce it as much as possible.
### Human:\nwhat if my baby doesn't burp?\n\n### Assistant: it’s ok if your baby doesn’t burp. some babies just don’t burp very well and some babies don’t need to very often. there are a lot of babies that will burp on their own. but for the first few months most babies do need a little help. if your baby hasn’t burped and you really feel that she needs to just lay her down for a few minutes to let the milk and air settle then pick her up again. with most babies if they’re going to burp it will happen in the first minute or two. but if there hasn’t been a burp you really don’t need to worry.
### Human:\nwhat are your top ten parenting tips?\n\n### Assistant: 1. be a good role model. if you want your child to eat healthfully exercise regularly and limit time in front of the tv or computer… start by doing these things yourself. 2. do a preconception visit. pre-pregnancy health affects your pregnancy and your growing baby. see your health practitioner before you are pregnant. aim for your ideal body weight (bmi) before pregnancy. 3. know your bmi. it stands for body mass index. and it tells you if you are at risk for health-related consequences of obesity. check yours and your child’s. make lifestyle changes if that number is too high. i know it is easier to say than to do. 4. trust yourself. you have the skills to be a good parent. really. 5. happy parents have happy children. take time for yourself and for your marriage. you’ll be amazed by the results. 6. vaccines are safe. they protect your child from diseases you don’t want her to have. seriously. get your child vaccinated. i wouldn’t do anything different with my own kids. 7. you are planting the seeds of discipline. do not expect a tree to grow overnight. it will take months or even years to see the results of your calm and consistent discipline techniques. don’t give up. 8. sleep is underrated. it rejuvenates the body and mind. make it a priority for you and your child. establish a healthy sleep routine and stick to it. let your baby self-soothe when he is old enough to do so (around 4-6 months of age). it’s a critical life skill. 9. it takes a family. you don’t have to do-it-all to win parent of the year. share responsibilities between your partner and your kids (as they become old enough to help out). remember happy parents have happy children. 10. floss.
### Human:\nmy 6-year-old daughter's baby tooth is still in but her adult teeth are growing in. now what?\n\n### Assistant: it's time to see the dentist. your dentist may need to extract the baby tooth to make room for the permanent tooth.
### Human:\nwhat can i do to ease teething pain?\n\n### Assistant: to ease teething pain massage your child's gums with a clean finger or the back of a small cold spoon allow your child to bite down on a chilled (but never frozen) teething ring. a frozen teething ring can damage the gums. try an over-the-counter teething ointment to numb the gums. ask your dentist or doctor for some product recommendations. allow your child to suck on a cold wet cloth teething biscuits or cookies and frozen bananas are not recommended. these objects promote tooth decay and may cause your child to choke. if your teething baby seems uncomfortable consider these simple tips: rub your baby's gums. use a clean finger or moistened gauze pad to rub your baby's gums. keep it cool. a cold washcloth spoon or chilled teething ring can be soothing on a baby's gums. try hard foods. dry the drool. try an over-the-counter remedy. also it is important that you start maintaining the oral health of your infant as soon you see the symptoms of teething to avoid future dental problems. there are dental clinics which consists of skilled and experienced pediatricians.
### Human:\nis it wise to use a nebulizer for nasal congestion?\n\n### Assistant: nebulizers are used to deliver vapors to the lungs. nebulizers are also used to help deliver asthmatic medications to the lungs for infants and other patients that have a difficult time using inhalers with spacers. the medications used are not for nasal congestion but for asthma. nasal congestion medications should not be poured into the nebulizers without supervision or recommendation form you health- care provider. check with your health-care providers prior to doing so.
### Human:\nfinger tips crack/malnutrition? . my daughter has had problems with eating disorders for at least 15 years. her hair is getting thin and i wondered if the cracking of her finger tips could be a sign of not enough fat in her diet. she eats only about 3-5 grams of fat per day on an average. she is 32 years old. periods late. she did have a healthy child 3 years ago but has been unable to conceive again. she doesn't binge and purge. she's 5'5" and about 105 lbs. we had her at counseling when she was a teen but nothing works.\n\n### Assistant: yes brittle nails is a sign of inadequate nutrition along with thinning hair low body weight irregular or missed periods and always feeling cold. her diet does not sound adequate in fat or calories. it sounds like your daughter needs help before she would even consider having another child. maybe now that she is older and is a mom she can see the benefit of getting help. so i highly recommend encouraging her to go for treatment. for more on signs of an eating disorder/malnutrition see this webmd article.
### Human:\nwhy would my 8-1/2 month old baby only look to one side when i drop a toy but not the other?\n\n### Assistant: when babies do not look toward one side there may be a problem with vision or a condition called torticollis (or "wry neck") where the head turns or tilts in one direction and prefers not to look at the other side. it may also be that the baby prefers looking at something or someone on the opposite side and not at the object. if you have concerns be sure to contact your pediatrician right away in case an evaluation or treatment is needed otherwise mention the situation at your next appointment. .
### Human:\ncan you give a 9-year-old excedrin migraine medicine?\n\n### Assistant: excedrin migraine contains acetaminophen 250 mg aspirin 250 mg and caffeine 65 mg. aspirin and products containing aspirin should not be used for children due to the increased risk of reye's syndrome. the exact cause or cure for reye's syndrome is unknown. however we do know that children taking aspirin increases the risk which attacks the organs of the body. since there isn't a cure we don't want to take the risk of harming the child. i would not give your child excedrin migraine. pay attention to the label on all over-the-counter medication to make sure you taking appropriately and so you know the recommended age as well.
### Human:\nhow much should i feed my baby at each bottle feeding?\n\n### Assistant: newborns tend to take about one to two ounces per bottle feeding typically maxing out at six to eight ounces per bottle at six to eight months.
### Human:\nwhy has my 5 month old gone from sleeping through the night to waking up crying? we have to feed her to help her sleep.\n\n### Assistant: your situation is very common and there are many possibilities for why your baby is waking up now: 1) she could be teething. even though teeth don't break through the surface of the gums until 6 to 8 months on average they can still be moving upward and causing pain. 2) she could be having a growth spurt. this might explain why the feeding helps. 3) she is more alert and aware during the periods of light sleep at night. also as she reaches the stage of separation anxiety (usually around 8 or 9 months but could be sooner) so may be looking for you. 4) she is waking up out of habit. if you feed her to sleep at the beginning of the night she may need to feed again to fall back asleep in the middle of the night. 5) she could be hot cold in pain etc. if this behavior keeps going i encourage you to see your pediatrician to make sure your baby doesn't have an ear infection reflux or other illness. these are just some of the common causes of night-waking that i see in my practice. .
### Human:\nmy 11 year old recently started her period. she has a period every 14 days and it lasts for six days. is this normal?\n\n### Assistant: yes this can be common as it can take up to two years after the first period for the ovaries to completely mature and produce regular ovulations every month. in the early years of menstruation estrogen production is more than adequate to build up a thickened lining in the uterus. but without regular ovulations not enough progesterone is made. as you may know in a normal cycle estrogen is produced all month. estrogen is responsible for building up the lining of your uterus so you have something to shed each month. in a normal cycle progesterone production increases following ovulation. progesterone "stabilizes" the uterine lining in preparation for a possible implantation of a new pregnancy. if you are not pregnant that month the levels of estrogen and progesterone fall triggering the release of the uterine lining—your period. so if you do not ovulate the estrogen build up of the lining continues but without the usual ovulation associated progesterone. thus the hormone levels don't decline and the lining stays up inside the uterus as a missed/late period. alternatively the lining can begin to shed under its own weight producing prolonged and erratic bleeding--this is likely what has happened to her. another way inadequate progesterone production from missed ovulations can create too heavy a flow is as follows. simply stated if the uterine lining is like grass or lawn estrogen is like the fertilizer (causes proliferation and a thickening of the lining ) and progesterone is like the lawnmower (keeps the lining thin by three different mechanisms). this is why depoprovera (high dose synthetic progesterone) brings about a thin lining and why birth control pills (relatively progesterone dominant) bring about shorter lighter periods. it is also why women who miss ovulations (no progesterone produced) are at a greater risk for too thick lining. lastly less than 10% of adolescent women with heavy menstrual bleeding have an undiagnosed blood clotting disorder. this would be more likely if she had a family history of von willebrand's syndrome. given the duration of her bleeding i would urge you to have her see either your gyn a pediatrician or your family md. a short course of hormones may be helpful in stopping this distressing bleeding pattern yes it is nothing to worry about. this could mean instead of one egg a month she produces 2. i get mine every 14 das alsoand always have and i am 22. my mom had the same thing.
### Human:\ncan i predict my child's height?\n\n### Assistant: there are a couple of ways to predict adult height for toddlers. the simplest way is to double the child's height at age 2. another trick is to look on a gender-appropriate growth chart for the child's height percentile at age 2 and then look at the height for that same percentile for age 18 years. lastly for boys you can add 5 inches to the mom's height and then average that number with the dad's height. for girls you have to subtract 5 inches from the dad's height and then average it with the mother's height.
### Human:\nmy son was born a noneater but he changed at 6 (now 12) and now overeats. i was wondering how and why this happened.? . my son was born a nonfood enthusiast. he was always the last person to wrap up lunch in preschool and it was never done. his blood sugar was low and he weighed little. he felt sick at the sight of food. all that changed in grade 1 and we were all delighted that he would eat. by the end of the year though he was overweight and he overate. i thought it was a phase since he was not by nature like that; it was sudden. he is still however and i was wondering how it could suddenly change.\n\n### Assistant: there could be many reasons. first off kids experience increases in their appetite around school age and they also start to lose some of that fear of food they had that research shows peaks between 2 and 6. it could be that because he has always been told to eat that once he got more of an appetite he didn't know how to listen to his body. in his mind more is better. this happens often as parents worry their young child doesn't eat enough or even doctors tell parents to get in as much food as possible. at school age children also become more influenced by their food environment and often want to eat what their friends are eating. food advertising also plays a role. the key is to get on track now. structure balanced meals at the table and encourage him to listen to his body -- using hunger and fullness to guide eating. regular activity of an hour a day is also recommended as is good sleep at night. avoid restrictions or making a big deal of his weight -- the whole family should have healthy habits. also see 10 ways to raise food smart kids a lot will depend on why he didn't like to eat in the first place. if he didn't want to eat because of a neurotransmitter imbalence for example maybe it reversed itself too far the other way. like he always felt full before but now he always feels hungry.
### Human:\nwhat colic remedies work?\n\n### Assistant: of course every baby is different but there are several things parents can try to soothe a colicky baby: for younger infants a good tight swaddle often helps. being swaddled makes them feel secure and can calm them. babies also tend to like loud repetitive sounds like radio static or the sound of washing machines so if you go shhhh-shhhh in your baby’s ear that can work as well. but you do have to do the "shhhing" loud enough to be heard over the baby’s crying. the reason they like sounds like this is that they remind the baby of the sound of their mother’s heartbeat. another thing i like to try is singing; some babies really respond well to their parents’ voice. you can also try turning babies on their the sides when you’re holding them and giving them something to suck on like a pacifier or your finger. or try taking the baby out in a stroller.
### Human:\nmy daughter is 18 months old. she has a yellow discoloration on one of her front teeth. what caused this?\n\n### Assistant: the yellow stain could be a number of things: an innocent stain a cavity a traumatic injury or a genetic defect. please take your child to the pediatric dentist for an examination.
### Human:\nwhat is the importance of getting enough folic acid during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: folic acid or folate is important for overall health. but it is especially important for women during their childbearing years to help prevent neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida. folic acid is found in melons strawberries bananas citrus fruit and drinks beans legumes eggs liver and green leafy vegetables. you can also find it in breads cereals and other types of products that are fortified and enriched.
### Human:\ni am 17 male height 5'2''. want to increase height.\n\n### Assistant: boys stop growing at 20 years of age whereas girls stop growing around age 18 so there still is time. first make sure you are getting enough calories. this chart will give you an idea of how much you need based on your gender age and activity level. you also want to eat regular meals and in between snacks. aim for 4-5 food groups at main meals (lean protein fruit vegetable grain dairy and healthy fat) and 2-3 food groups in between meals. make sure you get adequate calcium and vitamin d for bone growth. you are at beak bone mass and need 1300mg calcium each day! most servings of dairy contain about 300mg (1 cup milk/yogurt and 1/5 ounce of cheese) so 3-4 daily servings helps you meet your needs. the american academy of pediatrics recommend children and adolescents take supplemental vitamin d if they can't get it through diet. remember vitamin d enhances calcium absorbtion. the recommended amount is 600iu but if you are low you may need more. you can also get blood work done to be sure. lastly adequate sleep is needed during times of growth so make sure you get to bed at a decent time at night. you may not be able to do anything about genetics but maximizing nutrition and taking care of yourself can only help you grow to your potential.
### Human:\nwhat are the types of echocardiograms?\n\n### Assistant: there are several types of echocardiograms and your doctor will help determine which is best for you. transthoracic echocardiogram: this is the standard echocardiogram. it is a painless test similar to x-ray but without the radiation. the procedure uses the same technology used to evaluate a baby's health before birth. a hand-held device called a transducer is placed on the chest and transmits high frequency sound waves (ultrasound). these sound waves bounce off the heart structures producing images and sounds that can be used by the doctor to detect heart damage and disease. transesophageal echocardiogram (tee): this test requires that the transducer be inserted down the throat into the esophagus (the swallowing tube that connects the mouth to the stomach). because the esophagus is located close to the heart clear images of the heart structures can be obtained without the interference of the lungs and chest. stress echocardiogram: this is an echocardiogram that is performed while the person exercises on a treadmill or stationary bicycle. this test can be used to visualize the motion of the heart's walls and pumping action when the heart is stressed. it may reveal a lack of blood flow that isn't always apparent on other heart tests. the echocardiogram is performed just prior and just after the exercise. dobutamine stress echocardiogram: this is another form of stress echocardiogram. however instead of exercising to stress the heart the stress is obtained by giving a drug that stimulates the heart and makes it "think" it is exercising. the test is used to evaluate your heart and valve function when you are unable to exercise on a treadmill or stationary bike. it is also used to determine how well your heart tolerates activity and your likelihood of having coronary artery disease (blocked arteries) as well as evaluating the effectiveness of your cardiac treatment plan. intravascular ultrasound: this is a form of echocardiography performed during cardiac catheterization. during this procedure the transducer is threaded into the heart blood vessels via a catheter in the groin. it is often used to provide detailed information about the atherosclerosis (blockage) inside the blood vessels.
### Human:\ncan adults get croup?\n\n### Assistant: the smaller your airway is to begin with the smaller it will be when it is swollen from a viral croup infection. your airway gets larger as you age. kids under age three are the most affected. and adults (yes like you) are the least affected. so a baby might have trouble catching his breath with croup and an adult might just have a hoarse voice (or “laryngitis”). can adults get croup from kids this is the question i've heared quite much and when you search on google you can find that its. so do you know what is croup croup speard through by which way and can adults get croup from kids? read more: <link>
### Human:\nmy father constantly criticized my mother. as a child i tried hard not to be like her. how can i learn to love myself?\n\n### Assistant: it sounds like you have some insight into the issue at hand. it is often more complex and i wonder if you would do well seeing a psychotherapist? generally they could work with you in more depth with this and help you get some closure and move on. i'd suggest using your insurance call them or go their web site. look up mental health services and you want a phd psychologist. start calling them and tell them you are looking for a therapist that uses analytical or dynamic techniques as i think this approach may match your insight and your issues. if they say they do this type of therapy approach go see them weekly for 3-12 months and see how it goes.
### Human:\ncould you provide a few links to the major studies showing excessive saturated fat is unhealthy? . this website and the american heart association continue to recommend a diet low in saturated fat. but the current buzz on the internet is that there is really little evidence for that position. in fact france eats a diet high in saturated fat yet has a low rate of deaths from heart disease (<link> <link> ). can i see links to the original studies showing sf is harmful?\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer there has been a backlash against low fat diets leading people to go in the opposite direction embracing diets high in saturated fat diets. the truth is diets low in saturated fat won't reduce heart disease risk if the saturated fat is being replaced with refined carbs. this decreases hdl (good cholesterol) and can increase triglycerides and the blood sugar response. but as both of the review studies below demonstrate when saturated fat in the diet is replaced with plant and fish sources of fat (omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) it decreases heart disease risk -- hdl increases and ldl (bad cholesterol) decreases. <link> <link> this is basically the mediterranean diet -- low in saturated fat high in fruits and vegetables and healthy fat sources like olive oil and nuts. while the french may have diets higher in saturated fats they also tend to be leaner walk more and eat other heart healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. while the evidence continues to evolve there isn't enough to recommend a diet high in saturated fat to reduce heart disease. yes some propit change to lipid and make your belt bigger. see more here hi for those who have interest in saturated fat have a good read through this one site there is lots on it. <link> just copy link into google to the www. to open and read. should help some of you. good luck our old belief was that saturated fat have the ability to raise cholesterol levels and give us heart attacks but s everal recent review studies that combined data from multiple other studies found that there really is no link between saturated fat consumption and heart disease h owever it's a fact that replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats reduced the risk of cardiac events by 14%. so it's always better to stay away from a fatty body. i had a very fatty body from my childhood it self but by doing a plastic surgery procedure at montreal omar fouda neel clinic i reduced overall body fat and there by weight. i think the links you have are pretty awesome. sf's are great just really need to have them in moderation i would think.
### Human:\nyou asked: my son is 6 year old he don't like to eat those food which taste sweet is there any disorder in his taste bud\n\n### Assistant: i think it depends on his eating overall. if he eats a variety of food but just doesn't like food really sweet that may simply reflect his personal preferences. but if he eats very few foods it could indicate a sensory issue or that he is super taster (not serious -- just more sensitive to the tastes in food). if you feel his nutrition and growth is affected see his pediatrician for a referral to a feeding therapist who can help you figure out what is going on. good luck!
### Human:\ncan my 9-year-old take over-the-counter prevacid?\n\n### Assistant: prevacid or lansoprazole has recently moved from prescription strength to over-the-counter. the over-the-counter dose is labeled for adults 18 and older. this medication is intended to treat stomach ulcers or heartburn that occurs 2 or more times per week. it is not a quick fix to elevate symptoms for heartburn. it slows the production of acid within the stomach over a period of time and is taken daily for 14 days. we recommend seeking medical advice if the product needs to be taken for more than 14 days. i would not give prevacid to your 9-year-old child. while this product is found over the counter it still must be used according to its labeled directions in order to be safe and effective. if your child is having constant heartburn or stomach issues seek medical advice from your pediatrician. consider looking at the cause of the symptoms to help educate your child. for instance eating slower avoiding certain foods that trigger symptoms or eating smaller portions may help his/her symptoms. while medications are readily available and sometimes seem to be the quick fix look at preventing the symptoms by changing behaviors.
### Human:\nshould i have x-rays taken every six months when i get my teeth cleaned? i’ve heard the radiation is bad for you.\n\n### Assistant: the ada recommendation is every 6-12 months for a child or adolescent with a history of decay. but it could be as infrequent as every 12-24 months for an adult with no history of decay. so i would discuss it with your dentist.
### Human:\ni know that fries aren't the healthiest food but i'm really craving them. are they that bad for me or my baby?\n\n### Assistant: french fries are basically potatoes cooked in vegetable oil and often sprinkled with salt. sometimes consuming too much fat can lead to indigestion in pregnant women. so be sure to limit your portion sizes and go easy on the salt which can lead to water retention bloating and possibly ankle swelling.
### Human:\ni had a tubal in 2003. i am currently 41 years old. my period is 2 weeks late. should i be concerned about pregnancy? . my period has been regular for the last 12 years.\n\n### Assistant: no really. while post tubal-ligation pregnancies have happened they are very very rare. a more likely cause would be hormonal changes associated with being perimenopausal. not uncommon at age 41. time to see your gynecologist. normal 0 false false false microsoftinternetexplorer4 for real how to get your ex lover back and be happy again my name is bartley whitley i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to indian in june last year on a business summit i meet a friend of mine called mariana she introduce me to a man called dr shiva at hinduspelltemple@yahoo. com that he can help me get my lover back dr shiva is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back your love s gone misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job am now happy & a living testimony because the man i had wanted to marry left me 4weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down because our relationship has been on for 3 year i really loved him but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job so when i met this spell caster i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him at first i was undecided skeptical and doubtful but i just gave it a try and in 6 days when i returned to back to canada my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married i didn’t believe it because the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help contact him today via his email address at: hinduspelltemple@yahoo. com i am so so excited to share this testimony with everyone. i never really believed in spell casting nor magic whatsoever. i was so ignorant of the fact that one can really get pregnant by any means of spell casting. i am from philippines i am happily married with a new born baby(boy). i am 34 years old. i got married to my husband 7yrs ago and since then we have been battling with a problem of getting an issue. i was so frustrated as my husband threatened me of getting a new wife and his family members also threatened that i will be thrown out of the house. i looked for means everywhere but ought to no avail. to cut the long story short i contacted priest babaka the spell caster and today i am proud to say that i am a mother with the help of priest babaka. contact him now and get yours solved via his email: babaka. wolf@gmail. com
### Human:\ndoes my child have adhd?\n\n### Assistant: does your child have trouble sitting still? does he or she have trouble focusing and completing a task? you may be wondering if your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd). for starters a diagnosis of adhd is based on a combination of inattentive impulsive and hyperactive behaviors that are inappropriate for the age of the child. and most of the time adhd is not diagnosed until a child enters school. why? because virtually all preschoolers have trouble paying attention and sitting still! so don’t book a consultation with your child’s doctor because your preschooler doesn’t want to sit around during storytime. here’s what you need to know about adhd: q. is adhd hereditary? yes. interestingly add [attention deficit disorder] and adhd tends to run in families. often a parent realizes he or she has the disorder when his or her child is going through the evaluation process. q. what signs should i be looking for in my child? * hyperactivity: a child will constantly fidget with his hands or body. he may seem like he is always on the go. he may have trouble sitting in his seat or playing quietly. and he may talk incessantly. * impulsivity: a child will have trouble taking turns in play. he may blurt out answers in the classroom or interrupt other children’s activities. as a result he may be rejected by his peers. * inattention: a child may be very disorganized and have trouble completing tasks even ones that are fun. he may be forgetful and gloss over details. q. what is the difference between add and adhd? the “h” stands for hyperactivity. kids with add are not fidgety or loud and so they have fewer behavior problems in the classroom. thus they often are diagnosed later — often a child will be eight or nine before add kids are identified. q. if i am worried about add/adhd who should i turn to for help? start with your child’s teacher. he or she can fill out a checklist that demonstrates your child’s successes and challenges in a classroom setting. you will also be asked to do an assessment of your child in your home setting as well. the next step is to discuss the finding with your child’s doctor. the doctor may conduct the complete evaluation and treatment process himself or he may refer your child for additional evaluations and potentially treatment with a specialist. yes. my child is in 7th grade this year we have never had issues with grades or her not keeping up with assignments. she is never still she talks consistently she has been having problems sleeping. she will lay in bed for hours before falling asleep. we have tried different things to help her settle down at night but still no improvement. her grades have fallen really low. her sister has adhd who is 16 years old is on medication. once we started her on meds her whole life became better. i have always suspected my 7th grader having it also but have tried to handle it with the same modifications we did with our 16 yr old. i am not sure where to start with her the doctor we used for testing with our oldest is no longer here in our town. my main concern is the lack of sleep she is getting. also she is always being told to calm down and that she does not always have to be talking. does it sound like i should get her tested? yes
### Human:\nhow much juice milk and water should a toddler be drinking? i have a 1 yr old and a 2 yr old.\n\n### Assistant: the american academy of pediatrics recommends no more than 4 to 6 ounces of 100% fruit juice for young children. at one year of age babies can switch from formula or breast milk to whole milk and it is recommended children get 2-3 cups but no more than 24 ounces. more than 24 ounces can increase the risk of iron deficiency since milk is poor source of iron and can fill up children's bellies. at 2 years 2 cups of milk is recommended but if a child doesn't drink milk he can get calcium from cheese and yogurt. children who don't drink milk will need a supplemental source of vitamin d. check with your pediatrician. as for total fluid requirements about 5 to 6 cups daily but don't push it. instead make water available between meals and milk and/or juice with meals.
### Human:\nis taking a prenatal vitamin and a daily supplement too much? should i be taking only my prenatal vitamin?\n\n### Assistant: if your ob-gyn has not recommended that you take the extra supplements i would not take the products. your ob-gyn has access to many lab results and is there to monitor your pregnancy. he/she knows best. make sure you are honest and let him/her know about every medication herb supplement and over-the-counter product. they should know about any drug you are taking in order to provide better care for you and your baby. your doctor can work with you to help make supplement decisions that will not harm you or your baby.
### Human:\nwhat is cardiomegaly?\n\n### Assistant: cardiomegaly is an enlarged heart. in most cases enlargement of the heart occurs over an extended period of time (weeks or more often years) due to an injury to the heart. the heart responds to the injury by remodeling itself in a way that lets it continue to do its job of pumping blood. this sometimes results in a stretching of the heart muscle. the condition may also be called dilated cardiomyopathy. the most common causes of cardiomegaly are: high blood pressure that’s inadequately treated for a long time coronary artery disease or heart attacks alcohol abuse viral myocarditis (heart infection by a virus) postpartum cardiomyopathy (unexplained heart enlargement after delivering a baby) in many cases no cause can be identified which is called idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. the heart may also only appear enlarged on a chest x-ray (the traditional way doctors have diagnosed cardiomegaly). an abnormal amount of fluid around a normal-sized heart (pericardial effusion) will deceptively enlarge the heart’s shadow on a chest x-ray film. an echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) is usually recommended for people with an enlarged heart. an echocardiogram can tell the difference between a pericardial effusion and true cardiomegaly and can provide additional information about the heart’s shape and function.
### Human:\nhow long does colic last?\n\n### Assistant: colic typically starts when a baby is about 3 weeks old and usually ends at about 3 months so babies do typically outgrow it.
### Human:\nhow can you tell a child has strep?\n\n### Assistant: when your child has a sore throat it’s important to find out if it’s strep throat or not. ever wonder why? strep (officially called group a streptococcus) is a bacterial infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics. and all the other sore throats caused by the virus of the week just need time and tlc to resolve. why does strep need to be treated? while many people clear the throat infection on their own untreated strep can do some pretty serious damage in other body parts. untreated strep can infect the heart brain and joints. that’s called rheumatic fever. and it’s why we need to know if that sore throat is due to strep bacteria. doctors have always known that strep prefers to infect school-aged kids instead of babies toddlers or preschoolers. but a recent study in the journal pediatrics confirmed this. about 37% of school-aged children who see their docs for a sore throat will have a strep infection. but only 24% of children under five years of age have strep when they have a throat infection. bottom line: little kids usually get viral sore throats big kids are more likely to have strep. so how do docs know when it’s strep throat (besides doing a strep test of course). here are 10 things that make me think of strep: 1. 5 years of age or older? 2. sore throat without runny nose or cough? 3. sore throat with headache and/or stomachache? 4. sore throat and fine pinpoint sandpapery/rough feeling rash (called “scarlet fever”)? 5. sore throat and raised dots on the tongue (called “strawberry tongue”)? 6. sore throat and a persistent fever for more than a couple of days? 7. (for girls) sore throat and a really red vaginal area? 8. sore throat and really red skin around his/her anus? 9. strep going around your child’s school childcare or your house (late fall winter spring)? 10. a history of getting strep throat before? if you think your child has strep don’t panic. even if your child has had the illness for a few days antibiotics will do the trick to clear the infection and prevent rheumatic fever. just make an appointment to see your child’s doctor!
### Human:\ncan u give a child simply garcinia. that is 75 pounds over weight\n\n### Assistant: i would not rely on a supplement to help a child lose weight. first off dietary supplements aren't regulated by the fda and their safety is not known. second no supplement alone can solve a weight problem. you need to find out why your child is carrying extra weight and work to change it. i highly recommend you see a pediatric dietitian who can help you learn not just what to feed your child but how to feed them. children are still growing so special care needs to be taken when it comes to diet and how they are treated about weight to prevent disordered eating. you can find a dietitian in your area at eatright. org
### Human:\nare there still going to be programs like chip available once obamacare goes into effect?\n\n### Assistant: under the new law chip (the children's coverage program) will continue to be available until at least 2019. states are required to maintain their chip eligibility through that year. one additional thing to note. in some states enrollment caps have been established for the chip program. those kids who may be excluded because of caps are to be given the option of enrolling in the newly expanded medicaid program if in fact a state has expanded medicaid under the new law.
### Human:\nmy daughter has cavities in her bottom molars. she needs a root canal and a silver cap. why is this done for baby teeth?\n\n### Assistant: the simple answer is probably yes. the premature loss of a baby tooth can damage other teeth alter the eruption patterns of the other teeth and dramatically change any orthodontic intervention. so see the dentist and follow their recommendations.
### Human:\nwhat is colic?\n\n### Assistant: colic is when a baby for no apparent reason is really fussy and cries for hours at a time often at the same time every day. some parents call it their baby’s witching hour because they just don’t know why their baby cries at this time.
### Human:\nmy son is 10 years old; his front teeth have a lot of space between them. what is the best age for him to get braces?\n\n### Assistant: a child should have an orthodontic evaluation when they are 8 or 9 years old. since your son is 10 years old i strongly suggest that you take him to a dentist or orthodontist as soon as possible.
### Human:\nis there a connection between seizures and benadryl?\n\n### Assistant: diphenhydramine is the generic name for the medicine found in benadryl. like most other antihistamines it often causes drowsiness. but it can have the opposite effect in some adults and in children. in these cases it stimulates the brain. this can cause trouble sleeping restlessness and in rare cases seizures. seizures are more likely to occur when the dose of diphenhydramine is too high as in the case of an overdose. there are however many other possible causes for seizures. this link will take you to a webmd article that talks about other causes of seizures. <link>
### Human:\ni had liver spots as a child and it looks like they’re back. my skin is blotchy and two-toned. can i get rid of them?\n\n### Assistant: the term “liver spots” is somewhat of a misnomer. liver spots are typically not related to any diseases of the liver. most of these changes are due to age sun damage or solar lentigo. your first approach is to exclude any potential skin cancers. once this is accomplished a combination of glycolic peels and skin brightening agents will improve your skin.
### Human:\nin which patient populations is antibiotic resistance the greatest?\n\n### Assistant: young children the elderly and immunocompromised persons are at the highest risk for infection but resistant infections are occurring among all patient age groups and populations. when we look at surveillance data for certain infections like the type of streptococcus that causes meningitis pneumonia and bloodstream infections the prevalence of resistant infections has increased over time. we're seeing a rise in antibiotic resistance for all age groups and for a number of different bacteria.
### Human:\ncan putting baby oil in your hair and/or on your scalp help repair damaged hair?\n\n### Assistant: coating your hair with oil silicone or dimethicone-based products can certainly help replace the shine that may be lost with excessive chemical processing. however it will only last until the next shampoo. the best way to repair the hair permanently is to allow it to grow in without using any harsh treatments.
### Human:\ni made a mistake and i bought 9 to 24 months formula for my newborn. can he drink it?\n\n### Assistant: while it is probably fine for your baby i would take it back and get the formula specifically for newborns. the manufacturers often use easier to digest proteins and different levels of dha and other nutrients to more closely match the stage of development. many of these companies invest in research to determine which ingredients and nutrients to add to their formulas. breast milk also changes with time so formula should be no different. congrats on your new baby!
### Human:\nmy granddaughter has a cough and nasal discharge that disrupt sleep. can a 3-month-old have an allergy?\n\n### Assistant: the baby may have a cold an ear infection reflux formula intolerance or possibly another condition. it's best to have her checked by the pediatrician to see what can be done to help her.
### Human:\ndoes coffee stunt your growth?\n\n### Assistant: there’s no good evidence to back up this commonly held belief. the few studies that have tried to link the amount of caffeine consumption and height in kids did not show any connection between caffeine drinking and being short. most caffeinated drinks children drink are sodas and energy drinks filled with sugar as well as caffeine. sugary beverages don’t stunt growth they enhance weight gain. probably for this reason high intake of soft drinks may be also a risk factor for developing diabetes. reserving coffee and tea for grownups may not have scientific proof behind it but there’s nothing wrong with it either. sugary caffeinated drinks are best as a rare treat for adults and children.
### Human:\nmy daughter had a dental cleaning. now she has a large bubble on her gum above one of the teeth. what should i do?\n\n### Assistant: the bubble can mean that there is an abscessed or infected nerve gum or foreign object inside the cavity. the child needs to be seen by a dentist immediately. antibiotics or a baby root canal are possible treatments for the problem.
### Human:\nwill buying exclusively organic produce protect your child from pesticides?\n\n### Assistant: unfortunately no. it will reduce exposures but not eliminate them. pesticide residue remains in the soil for decades. but if you opt for buying organic it makes sense to spend your food dollars on organic produce instead of traditional produce that has the highest level of pesticides
### Human:\nwhat is the recommended age for a child's first visit to the dentist? does it have to be a pediatric dentist?\n\n### Assistant: in order to prevent dental problems your child should see a pediatric dentist when the first tooth appears or no later than his/her first birthday. this is the recommendation of the american academy of pediatric dentistry. the purpose is to begin a thorough prevention program. dental problems can begin early. a big concern is early childhood caries (formerly known as baby bottle tooth decay or nursing caries). once a child’s diet includes anything besides breast milk erupted teeth are at risk for decay. the earlier you start dental visits the better the chance of preventing dental problems. children with healthy teeth chew food easily and smile with confidence. start your child now on a lifetime of good dental habits.
### Human:\ncan a 4 1/2-year-old taking zyrtec daily also take a dose of benadryl on the same day?\n\n### Assistant: i do not recommend giving your child benadryl on top of zyrtec. they are both antihistamines and will individually have the coverage your child needs for allergy relief. however you need to partner with your pediatrician or other health-care providers to make sure this dose is safe and effective for your child. both medications are readily available over the counter but for self-use the directions on the box/bottle/package must be followed.
### Human:\nwhen bottle-feeding should my baby be upright or lying down?\n\n### Assistant: [a] common bottle-feeding problem is the way parents position babies:some lie them completely flat which can make babies choke when feeding on the bottle. so be sure to have your baby semi-inclined or upright.
### Human:\nwhen does a cut need stitches?\n\n### Assistant: do you know what to do next time your child gets a nasty cut or scrape? (and yes it will happen to you! ) rule #1: stitches need to be placed within 12 hours of the injury. otherwise closing the wound increases the risk of infection. so you’ve got to decide before the office opens the next morning. rule #2: if you cannot get the bleeding under control or you can see fat or bone (usually deeper than 1/4 inch) you need to seek medical attention. rule #3: cuts to the eyebrows and lip/skin lines usually need stitches for the best cosmetic result. since both areas have a definite line you want the two sides of the wound to have the best chance of finding each other. rule #4: injuries to the mouth and lips bleed like stink but rarely need stitches. all that blood flow to the area also allows the wounds to heal very quickly. rule #5: if the wound is due to a human or cat bite it needs to be cleaned really well and might require antibiotics. but these wounds usually do not get stitches. rule #6: wounds that are getting red tender or are draining need to be seen by a medical provider. rule #7: if your child is up to date on his shots he probably won’t need another tetanus shot. but check with your doc to be sure. rule #8: sometimes staples or dermabond (human superglue substance) can be used instead of stitches. but regardless of which method is used all wounds need to be kept clean. rule #9: stitches and staples need to be removed but the length of time depends on the location of the injury. the person who places them will give you specific instructions for follow-up. rule #10: don’t freak out. your child will do better with a calm parent at the helm!
### Human:\ndo babies have kneecaps? . babies do have kneecaps – they’re just softer than yours.\n\n### Assistant: babies do have kneecaps – they’re just softer than yours. in babies and children bones have to be strong enough to support the body but soft enough to permit continued growth. until adulthood when bones reach their final size and strength they are made of a mixture of hard bone and softer cartilage. the kneecaps are no exception. a newborn baby’s patella (kneecap) is made almost completely of cartilage. around age 3 to 5 areas of hard bone start to form in the patella in irregular patches. these islands of bone expand and grow together over years gradually fusing to form a firm kneecap around age 10-12. plenty of cartilage still remains though to allow the patella to continue to grow through adolescence. sometime in late adolescence or young adulthood the bony patches make a final expansion replacing almost all cartilage. the result is a pair of nice strong adult kneecaps.
### Human:\nhow can i help prevent tooth decay while my child is a baby?\n\n### Assistant: did you know that nearly half of all children have tooth decay by the time they reach kindergarten? to prevent early tooth decay get into the habit of wiping your baby's teeth and gums every night before bed. limit your baby's intake of juices and sweetened foods and drinks. finally one main cause of cavities is the transfer of decay-causing bacteria from a parent's mouth (usually the mother's) to the baby's mouth so avoid putting things like pacifiers into your own mouth before putting it into baby's mouth.
### Human:\nother than carbonated drinks and foods that contain sugar or acid what foods are bad for the teeth?\n\n### Assistant: unrestricted at-will sugar consumption has long been known to promote tooth decay which is the single most common chronic childhood disease — five times more common than asthma and seven times more common than hay fever. a lack of certain nutrients can also make it more difficult for tissues in the mouth to resist infection. the largest calcium depleters are sodas.
### Human:\nwhy should babies under 1 year old not eat honey?\n\n### Assistant: it's because honey (and other products such as improperly canned foods or some corn syrups) may contain bacteria called clostridium botulinum that can cause botulism in infants. the symptoms of botulism include severe muscle weakness poor feeding and breathing problems and occurs in about 100 infants every year. babies (especially those younger than 6 months) are at risk because their digestive systems are not mature enough to handle the bacteria. fortunately most babies receive medical treatment and can recover fully.
### Human:\nmy son brought home cell-tech hardcore pro series dietary supplement. are there any risks or dangers from this product?\n\n### Assistant: to determine if this product is right for your son’s age and developmental stage it is important to obtain an ingredient list of all the vitamins and minerals that the product contains. depending on his age it may not be wise to give him a supplement for muscle building that is high in protein. check with his pediatrician or physician to see if it is the right supplement for him.
### Human:\ni lost my brother to breast cancer. since having children i still get some milk out of the nipple. is this normal?\n\n### Assistant: it is important for women to know that breast cancer can be a man's disease as well. this also means that a genetic link can come from a male relative. fortunately the symptom you describe is not likely to be linked to breast cancer risk. it is not uncommon for women to be able to get small amounts of nipple discharge after having breastfed. the usual triggers for this to occurs are: nipple stimulation a a part of sexual foreplay hot showers birth control pills or "checking for discharge" by repeated squeezing. sometimes women will notice discharge from one or both nipples. this prompts concern especially if she has not recently breast fed. generally we tell women that bilateral white or clear discharge which is only present with nipple stimulation is likely to be "normal. " as mentioned above being on birth control pills can sometimes enhance breast discharge. certain psychiatric medications—especially the antipsychotics —can initiate nipple discharge. bilateral spontaneous secretions can be prompted by a pituitary problem or hypothyroidism. both low thyroid and elevated prolactin (from the pituitary gland) can be checked for using simple blood tests. the most concerning nipple discharges are those which are red/bloody unilateral and coming from just one or two ducts. if you were my patient i would check a sample of the discharges for undiscernable blood (using the fecal blood card). i would do a careful breast exam and might send you for a mammogram or ultrasound—depending upon your age. i prefer to be safe rather than sorry--even when the discharge sounds non-pathologic. so get it checked out even though it is likely that you will be told it is ok.
### Human:\nwhat is rsv?\n\n### Assistant: rsv stands for respiratory syncitial virus a common cause of respiratory tract infections. rsv causes lower respiratory tract infections (chest colds or pneumonia) in children older adults and people with impaired immune systems. symptoms include cough wheezing and difficulty breathing. in adults with normal immune systems rsv causes upper respiratory tract infections (the common cold). runny nose sneezing fatigue fever and cough can be symptoms. rsv often goes undiagnosed in adults. in children with severe illness rsv may be diagnosed with a swab of the nasal drainage. to avoid spreading rsv people with cold-like symptoms should cover their sneezes and coughs and clean their hands frequently.
### Human:\nthe last few months my anus has been itchy before i go to bed. i am usually busy in the day so i am wondering if i am itchy all during the day but only notice it at night (when i'm almost always laying stomach down while using the computer). i also had mysterious itchy red dots on my legs 3 years ago and i usually still have one or two on my thigh at any given time. could unseen ones on my anus be the cause of the itch? or is my anus just itchy because i almost never scratch (a fear of pinworms makes me almost never scratch)?\n\n### Assistant: pinworms are always a possibility and you can certainly have a pinworm test to see if this is the underlying problem. pinworms can be spread to adults by children especially those with less-than-optimum handwashing habits. itching can be caused by improper hygiene allergic reactions to soaps improper rinsing during a shower allergic reaction to perfumed toilet tissue laundry detergents and dryer softener sheets. skin tags tiny fissures or even small hemorrhoid can cause itching. any skin condition especially a fungal skin condition can cause itching. if your problem continues you will need to see a medical professional. while having someone look at your bottom may seem embarrassing it is not considered a problem for clinicians. they do it all of the time. why suffer? get some help if you cannot solve this issue yourself.
### Human:\nwhat is the difference between night terrors and nightmares?\n\n### Assistant: night terrors and nightmares are very different. night terrors usually occur in the first third of the night. the typical scenario is a child wakes up a few hours after going to sleep acting like she is possessed. she may scream shake point at things and call out "no! no! i can't! " she may not be comforted by you and may not even recognize that you are in the room. reassure her "you're ok. mommy is here. " keep lights dim and speak softly. she should easily go back to sleep after the episode. the next morning she won't remember the event although everyone else in the house will. what can you do to break the cycle? since night terrors generally occur around the same time every night try waking your child up about 15 to 30 minutes prior to the episode. this will break her sleep cycle and her body will jump into the next stage of sleep when the terrors don't occur. also make sure your child is not over-tired. stress and tiredness can contribute to night terrors. put her to bed a little earlier at night or make sure she gets a nap if she still needs one. most children outgrow night terrors as they get older. nightmares typically happen during the second half of the night. almost everyone has had a nightmare at some point. you're riding your bike at the beach and then all of the sudden a large wave is crashing down on you…. you thrash around in your bed trying to get some air until you wake up scared or somebody comforts you. a child with nightmares will wake up fully and respond to parental comforting. he may remember the dream even the next day. reassurance helps this resolve. talk to him about the dreams and explain that they are not real. take a look at his environment (school home etc. ) and see if there is anything bothering him. stress from the day school or sports life changes such as moving or divorce can all cause stress that leads to nightmares. scary books movies stories from friends or on-line can also contribute. to help prevent nightmares get into a healthy sleep routine. put your child or teen to bed about the same time every night. avoid eating exercise watching tv surfing the internet reading scary books or watching movies right before bed. have your child sleep with a stuffed toy or favorite blanket as this may help them feel more secure. this works for teens too! turn on a night light and keep his door open. talk to your pediatrician if the nightmares persist.
### Human:\nmy son is 13 and is depressed. he has been taking vyvanse for the last 3 years and never had a problem. can you help?\n\n### Assistant: while any of the stimulant medications can increase depressive symptoms. it's important to pay attention to this change in your son's mood and take him to a mental health professional for an assessment. children diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivitydisorder (adhd) at early are more likely to suffer from depression as adolescents than those who did not have adhd according to a long-term study published in the october issue of the archives of general psychiatry. although it was an uncommon occurrence the children with adhd also were somewhat more likely to think about or attempt suicide as adolescents. the study performed by researchers at the university of chicago and the university of pittsburgh followed 123 children diagnosed with adhd at age 4 to 6 for up to 14 years until they reached ages 18 to 20. it compared them with 119 children from similar neighborhoods and schools matched for age sex and ethnicity. the researchers found that 18 percent of children diagnosed early with adhd suffered from depression as adolescents about 10 times the rate among those without adhd. children with early adhd were five times as likely to have considered suicide at least once and twice as likely to have made an attempt. please get your son evaluated.
### Human:\nhow can i make sure my child eats a healthy lunch at school?\n\n### Assistant: school lunch programs are designed to provide nutritious lunches right? in theory that’s true. in reality it just doesn’t happen. having my own two kids attend public schools i have seen the menus and eaten at the school cafeterias. i’m sorry but i would really like to see the nutrition facts for the salisbury steak or the beef enchilada plate sometime. color me skeptical. and it’s no surprise to me that kids who eat school lunches are more likely to be overweight. according to a 2010 study from the university of michigan school lunch buyers eat more fatty meat drink sugary beverages and eat fewer fruits and veggies than kids who pack their lunch. the problem: healthy food choices may be in the lunch line but that’s not what the kids are selecting. so our job as parents is to a) make sure kids make healthy food choices in the lunch line and/or b) pack a healthy lunch for them. better yet let your child help pack his lunch. and when you pack that lunch aim for fresh food instead of prepackaged stuff. pack up an apple or banana instead of fruit cocktail or mandarin oranges. offer raw carrots and lowfat ranch dressing instead of a side of chips with that sandwich. and give a water bottle or lowfat milk as a drink. trust me it can be done. yes it takes some planning and grocery shopping. and yes we are all very busy people. but it takes less than 10 minutes before bedtime to pack a nutritious lunch.
### Human:\nwhat effect can wellbutrin have while my wife and i are trying to conceive and on the baby while it is breastfeeding?\n\n### Assistant: you probably can relax so you can plan your child. we do not know of any real fetal anomalies that occur because the male takes the medication. remember the medication will only be on the sperm (if any) and it will not affect breast feeding or any other issue with the baby. wellbutrin we use for mothers during and after pregnancy. the biggest issue you need to understand if you have depression we believe it may be passed to your child. it may be passed in a dominant fashion so 50% of your children may be affected by depression. knowing this may help you identify the problem early so they can be seen and treated. .
### Human:\ncan swaddling a baby help during a nap?\n\n### Assistant: if swaddling helps baby sleep at night there's no reason you shouldn't do so during the day. just remember to avoid wrapping the hips too tightly and to stop swaddling once baby is mobile enough to roll around and possibly become tangled in the blanket. wearable sleep blankets (like a mini sleeping bag) may also be a good option.
### Human:\nwhich preventive care screenings and tests will be free after september 23? will they need a doctor's referral?\n\n### Assistant: well you don’t need a doctor’s referral. hopefully you’ll go to the doctor to get the screening but you don’t need any special visit in advance of the screenings. and the preventive care option will cover a wide variety of things. so for parents children’s immunizations and vaccines will be covered a whole variety of cancer screenings will be covered mammograms and colon cancer. the u. s. preventive care task force which is a group of medical providers who are in the public health service actually look at preventive services that are the most effective and update their recommendations on a regular basis and they grade them a through d of what is effective for which age category and what kind of condition. and any screening that gets an a or a b will be automatically included in the kind of preventive care that’s offered without co-pays and without co-insurance. it’s very good news for people. … if you’re a 58-year-old woman with a chronic condition you would be recommended to get a pap smear yearly even if you’re healthy a mammogram yearly; you may have a screening or two for diabetes or for other conditions. you will be looking at potentially $300-$400 out of pocket and that for a lot of people is a pretty high financial burden particularly now in this downturn. …we’re updating medicare benefits so medicare beneficiaries will be able to have preventive care and have an annual wellness test. we’re getting to illness at the outset making sure that we can stop people from getting sick as opposed to paying for the care once they get sick makes good sense. and i think this is a great benefit that will be coming effective again on or after september 23. and it’s really good news for lots of folks.
### Human:\nshould i let my baby cry himself to sleep?\n\n### Assistant: it depends on the baby and it depends on the age. the method of crying it out has been the most studied and it works for many babies but you should talk to your pediatrician about whether it’s right for yours. some babies get tired and go to sleep after crying but some just get angrier. so where crying it out works for many babies it doesn’t work for all of them. there are some babies who just need to wake up and feed and then they’ll go back to bed. instead of denying the feeding and having the crying it’s best to feed them. generally after four months or so you’ll find that the baby probably won’t need to eat as much at night so if they're waking up and crying and falling asleep as soon as they get the breast or bottle you’ll know they’re not hungry. but if they’re waking and ravenously finishing the breast or bottle they still need to be fed at night. a rule of thumb: if it’s been one or two hours since you put them to bed they probably don’t need to be fed but if it’s been more than three or four hours they probably are hungry.
### Human:\nwhat should i do if my baby was born with teeth?\n\n### Assistant: some infants are born with one or more teeth (called natal teeth) or may have teeth emerge within the first 30 days of life (called neonatal teeth). these usually are either extra teeth or are remnants from neonatal development that do not need treatment. if they are however actual teeth it's a good idea to maintain them. your doctor however may recommend removing them if the teeth are loose and pose a danger of being inhaled by your baby. early teeth may also interfere with feeding or irritate your baby's tongue. talk to your doctor to see what treatment is right for your baby.
### Human:\nis flossing safe for kids under 3?\n\n### Assistant: only if flossing is done by a parent. floss like many other stringy items should not be left with small children.