stringlengths 3
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stringlengths 8
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alitalia two nine one is identified | 031_0648 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_04/sm2_04_103.wav |
lufthansa five three one eight contact zurich one three four decimal six | 011_0002 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm1/sm1_01/sm1_01_002.wav |
hamburg air two five zero zero good morning radar contact maintain two nine zero trasadingen st prex | 081_0711 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_01/zf2_01_285.wav |
[EMPTY] | 092_0172 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_05/zf1_05_032.wav |
@aerovic one zero six one turn left heading one nine zero descend to flight level two five zero | 101_0832 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_07/zf1_07_196.wav |
[EMPTY] | 101_0247 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_05/zf2_05_247.wav |
alitalia one three five zurich one three four six tschuss | 041_0371 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm4/sm4_03/sm4_03_175.wav |
foxtrot oscar lima contact milan one three four five two | 081_0585 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_01/zf2_01_159.wav |
swissair four eight eight good morning | 081_0283 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_01/zf1_01_104.wav |
roger | 012_0090 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm3/sm3_01/sm3_01_090.wav |
india sierra alfa call rhein on ah one two seven three seven good day | 021_0385 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm3/sm3_02/sm3_02_030.wav |
alitalia three zero one contact milano one two five decimal eight five good bye | 071_0408 | atcosim/WAVdata/gf1/gf1_01/gf1_01_073.wav |
tag speedbird one two nine identified | 021_0206 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm4/sm4_01/sm4_01_044.wav |
good morning alitalia one one seven radar contact descend flight level three three zero | 091_0459 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_03/zf2_03_199.wav |
air adria one six two seven is identified | 021_0619 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_03/sm2_03_101.wav |
jet set four nine seven good morning radar contact | 021_0515 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm3/sm3_02/sm3_02_160.wav |
merair six nine five two good afternoon radar contact trasadingen saronno | 101_0430 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_06/zf2_06_175.wav |
[FRAGMENT] | 111_0557 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_07/zf2_07_175.wav |
india fox golf good morning squawk two seven four four | 111_0139 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_08/zf1_08_139.wav |
speedway three four six nine descend flight level two seven zero | 091_0858 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_04/zf2_04_125.wav |
britannia triple two alfa contact rhein one three two decimal four | 021_0111 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm1/sm1_02/sm1_02_111.wav |
swissair nine three six zero is identified expect higher in five minutes i'll call you back | 011_0205 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_01/sm2_01_042.wav |
oh it's one three four five two | 061_0410 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm4/sm4_06/sm4_06_067.wav |
ah sorry | 011_0368 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_01/sm2_01_205.wav |
airfrans three two six one climb to flight level two nine zero | 111_0001 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_08/zf1_08_001.wav |
transwede three five seven one reims one three four decimal four good bye | 091_0059 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_03/zf1_03_059.wav |
alitalia two six two contact reims on one three two two seven good bye | 071_0502 | atcosim/WAVdata/gf1/gf1_01/gf1_01_167.wav |
lufthansa four three five six contact reims one three four four bye | 111_0457 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_07/zf2_07_075.wav |
tarom three seven four | 021_0299 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm4/sm4_01/sm4_01_137.wav |
[FRAGMENT] | 111_0055 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_08/zf1_08_055.wav |
[FRAGMENT] | 091_0283 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_03/zf2_03_023.wav |
delta echo charlie turn left to delta kilo bravo | 041_0168 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_05/sm2_05_168.wav |
lufthansa three six zero four what will be your rate of climb | 111_0743 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_09/sm2_09_138.wav |
viva nine zero eight one descend to flight level three one zero | 111_0095 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_08/zf1_08_095.wav |
aero lloyd six five two climb to flight level three one zero | 021_0685 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_03/sm2_03_167.wav |
speedbird seven seven whiskey whiskey is identified fly heading two five zero | 092_0376 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_05/zf1_05_236.wav |
golf juliett india turn right to herbi intersection | 051_0244 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_07/sm2_07_070.wav |
tarom three seven two contact rhein radar one three two decimal four | 031_0573 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_04/sm2_04_028.wav |
air portugal four one one three contact zurich one three four decimal six au revoir | 071_0887 | atcosim/WAVdata/gm2/gm2_01/gm2_01_109.wav |
sunwing five two one two in radar contact | 021_0657 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_03/sm2_03_139.wav |
~k ~l ~m three four six climb to flight level three two zero | 041_0591 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_06/sm2_06_037.wav |
sabena seven eight one six is identified climb to flight level three four zero | 091_0543 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_04/zf1_04_012.wav |
sobelair two five five seven contact rhein one three two decimal four | 061_0524 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm1/sm1_06/sm1_06_025.wav |
speedway three four six nine good afternoon maintain level three hundred | 081_0784 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_02/zf1_02_067.wav |
lufthansa five five zero four contact zurich one three four decimal six | 021_0629 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_03/sm2_03_111.wav |
lufthansa four six five two contact zurich one three four decimal six | 061_0564 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm1/sm1_06/sm1_06_065.wav |
air berlin five zero eight one roger climb initially to level three four zero | 072_0097 | atcosim/WAVdata/gm2/gm2_02/gm2_02_104.wav |
belstar five two six hotel call rhein on one three two decimal four | 021_0463 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm3/sm3_02/sm3_02_108.wav |
gulf air zero three two set course direct fusse further contact munich on one three four milan one three four five two bye bye | 111_0516 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_07/zf2_07_134.wav |
roger turn left heading three five five | 061_0078 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm4/sm4_05/sm4_05_078.wav |
aero lloyd five nine zero good morning radar contact maintain two nine zero trasadingen canne | 081_0620 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_01/zf2_01_194.wav |
<OT> thank you very much </OT> | 011_0386 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_01/sm2_01_223.wav |
turkish five one five rhein radar identified | 071_0277 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm1/sm1_07/sm1_07_109.wav |
speedbird one two four contact rhein one two seven decimal three seven | 021_0112 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm1/sm1_02/sm1_02_112.wav |
german air force five eight five and fly heading three six zero | 021_0416 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm3/sm3_02/sm3_02_061.wav |
alitalia four eight seven contact zurich one three four decimal six | 071_0304 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm1/sm1_07/sm1_07_136.wav |
lufthansa four three five six radar contact climb flight level three two zero route via trasadingen hochwald morok | 091_0748 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_04/zf2_04_015.wav |
condor one zero four own navigation to st prex climb to flight level three seven zero | 081_0291 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_01/zf1_01_112.wav |
belgian airforce four four turn left now heading three two zero | 021_0264 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm4/sm4_01/sm4_01_102.wav |
speedway three three five two descend initially to flight level three three zero | 091_1052 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf3/zf3_01/zf3_01_091.wav |
airfrans six seven zero own navigation saronno expect descent in twenty miles | 111_0313 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf3/zf3_03/zf3_03_114.wav |
sabena seven eight one six good afternoon squawk two seven one six | 091_0542 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_04/zf1_04_011.wav |
tag ~k ~l ~m two six four identified [HNOISE] | 051_0473 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm4/sm4_04/sm4_04_064.wav |
airfrans six seven zero good morning identified albix saronno maintain three four zero | 111_0293 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf3/zf3_03/zf3_03_094.wav |
sabena eight three eight call rhein on one two seven three seven good day | 041_0428 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm3/sm3_03/sm3_03_029.wav |
alitalia one five seven report your heading | 051_0604 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm4/sm4_04/sm4_04_195.wav |
one th= yeah one three three one five please | 101_1047 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf3/zf3_02/zf3_02_199.wav |
cross air eight five eight is identified | 041_0072 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_05/sm2_05_072.wav |
gibair nine eight eight lima bonjour cleared passeiry torino flight level three three zero | 071_0653 | atcosim/WAVdata/gm1/gm1_01/gm1_01_080.wav |
tag merair six nine five two identified climb flight level two nine zero correction two five zero | 061_0442 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm4/sm4_06/sm4_06_099.wav |
sabena seven eight one six direct to nattenheim | 061_0111 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm4/sm4_05/sm4_05_111.wav |
jat two seven three contact munchen one three four five two tschuss | 061_0408 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm4/sm4_06/sm4_06_065.wav |
lufthansa four seven hundred climb to flight level three five zero | 111_0270 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf3/zf3_03/zf3_03_071.wav |
alitalia one one seven good morning radar contact | 081_0282 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_01/zf1_01_103.wav |
aero lloyd five six zero contact marseille one two five decimal eight five au revoir | 072_0118 | atcosim/WAVdata/gm2/gm2_02/gm2_02_125.wav |
alitalia four eight five rhein identified | 011_0073 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm1/sm1_01/sm1_01_073.wav |
air berlin five two six one set course to st prex | 101_0766 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_07/zf1_07_130.wav |
lufthansa five nine three one contact zurich on one three four decimal six good bye | 071_0732 | atcosim/WAVdata/gm1/gm1_01/gm1_01_159.wav |
air berlin five zero eight one contact geneva one three three one five good bye | 081_0775 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_02/zf1_02_058.wav |
i'll call you back when you're stable | 031_0741 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_04/sm2_04_196.wav |
transwede one zero seven geneva one three three one five adios | 092_0301 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_05/zf1_05_161.wav |
~k ~l ~m three four six turn left to nattenheim | 051_0705 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_08/sm2_08_075.wav |
so alitalia three two three cleared passeiry torino flight level three three zero | 071_0681 | atcosim/WAVdata/gm1/gm1_01/gm1_01_108.wav |
iberia three four two two rhein one three two decimal four adios | 111_0144 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_08/zf1_08_144.wav |
~l ~t ~u six six correction ~l ~t ~u one six zero two contact now geneva one three three decimal one five bye bye | 101_0063 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_05/zf2_05_063.wav |
sobelair two five five seven contact rhein one three two decimal four | 071_0233 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm1/sm1_07/sm1_07_065.wav |
gulf air zero zero five is identified | 031_0667 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_04/sm2_04_122.wav |
netherlands four one four descend to flight level two five zero | 111_0171 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_08/zf1_08_171.wav |
hapag lloyd six five three call zurich on one three four six | 021_0401 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm3/sm3_02/sm3_02_046.wav |
lufthansa three six zero four is identified | 031_0566 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_04/sm2_04_021.wav |
lufthansa three five five six left heading one seven five | 081_0418 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_01/zf1_01_239.wav |
lufthansa three six zero four is identified proceed to trasadingen climb flight level two nine zero | 021_0537 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_03/sm2_03_019.wav |
merair six nine five two contact zurich one three four decimal six | 041_0129 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_05/sm2_05_129.wav |
~i ~f ~o two two bravo roger turn left heading of two five five | 101_0385 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf2/zf2_06/zf2_06_130.wav |
roger alitalia one five zero turn left heading three four five | 031_0622 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_04/sm2_04_077.wav |
[EMPTY] | 031_0480 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm1/sm1_04/sm1_04_115.wav |
lufthansa four four zero eight own navigation to st prex | 101_0692 | atcosim/WAVdata/zf1/zf1_07/zf1_07_056.wav |
nine six zero one squawk two seven six four | 111_0809 | atcosim/WAVdata/sm2/sm2_09/sm2_09_204.wav |
and expect higher | 072_0117 | atcosim/WAVdata/gm2/gm2_02/gm2_02_124.wav |
~l ~t ~u seven seven five six bonjour maintain three one zero and ah stand by for climb | 081_0137 | atcosim/WAVdata/gm1/gm1_02/gm1_02_137.wav |
End of preview. Expand
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