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What do you do if you are a global warming alarmist and real-world temperatures do not warm as much as your climate model predicted? | 5_1 |
(2.) A sun-blocking volcanic aerosols component to explain the sudden but temporary cooling of global sea surface temperatures that are caused by catastrophic volcanic eruptions; and, | 0_0 |
Now, I am very interested in the AMO, since it strongly influences Atlantic hurricanes, Arctic sea ice, and Greenland climate. We are already seeing a recovery of the Atlantic sector of the Arctic sea ice, and some hints of cooling in Greenland. | 1_1 |
Dr. Christy addressed recent challenges to the satellite data. One paper claimed to show that the satellite data actually show warming. The author, however, used only 9 percent on the satellite data the data with the least coverage and the greatest error. Each attack of the satellite data has disregarded the fact that this record is independently validated by a 98 percent correspondence with the radiosonde balloon data. These same scientists seem to put a lot of credence in surface temperature data that only cover 10 percent of the globe, nearly all of which is in the Northern Hemisphere. | 0_0 |
After a brief protest from Massachusetts Republicans in their state Senate, the commonwealth is on the verge of changing its law to allow Gov. Deval Patrick (D) to appoint an interim Senator until the special election to fill the late Sen. Edward Kennedy's seat can be held in January. | 0_0 |
passedSocial Security, the Wagner labor act, higher taxes on high earners. | 0_0 |
There could also be other unknown mechanisms driven by solar changes that exaggerate the effect of small variations in total solar irradiance. A current possibility being investigated is a suggested link between cosmic ray flux and cloudiness. The flux varies depending on the energy from the sun and may drive cloudiness changes. | 2_1 |
What Orwell would resent most is their demand that every scientist, scientific organization, and agency speak in unison. Although outrageous, this attempt to collectivize scientific discourse--this campaign to turn climate science into a party line--is hardly surprising or new. In fact, it is the arguably the very purpose for which the IPCC was established in the first place. | 0_0 |
Please buy a copy . (Credit/Debit Card through PayPal. You do NOT need to open a PayPal account .) Simply scroll down to the Dont Have a PayPal Account purchase option. Its only US$8.00. | 0_0 |
This analysis reveals that businesses and consumers would face higher energy and transportation costs under ACESA, which would lead to increased costs of other goods and services throughout the economy. As the costs of goods and services rise, household disposable income and household consumption would fall. Wages and returns on investment would also fall, resulting in lower productivity growth and reduce employment opportunities. | 0_0 |
By Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, Aug 11, 2015 | 0_0 |
PSTheorists say that its not enough that development be sustainable in terms of the environment. They also demand sustainability in three other arenas: social, economic, and cultural sustainability. | 0_0 |
Bastardi: Today's frigid weather similar to 1970s when Ice Age was alarm | 0_0 |
The required national climate policy of preparation and adaptation for natural climate events and change is at the same time precautionary against any human-caused change that may manifest itself in future (but which is absent to date). | 0_0 |
Exxon calls these claims preposterous and notes that the company openly shared its research findings in peer-reviewed publications and with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The attorneys general also declare that Exxon was deceptive to claim for years that there was no definitive proof of man-caused climate change, even as its business plans took into account oil and gas resources that might be uncovered by melting polar ice caps, and how potential rises in the sea level could affect things like oil rigs. That accusation is a bit like saying a company knew a fire would occur, just because it purchased fire insurance. | 0_0 |
One key problem is the sheer difficulty in building new power plants in America today. Politically powerful green lobby groups object to the building of any new plant that does not use some form of renewable energy, yet renewable energy cannot meet demand for power on its own. | 4_4 |
I am sure that we can expect to see similar coverage about the 2nd highest Northern Sea Ice Area minimum, like we saw for the Arctic in 2011, e.g.: | 1_1 |
According to Donohue and his colleagues, climbing levels of CO2 in the air correlated with an 11 per cent increase in foliage cover from 1982 to 2010 across arid areas in Australia, North America, the Middle East and Africa. | 3_3 |
In its most recent report, it stated that observed reductions in mountain ice in the Andes, Alps and Africa was being caused by global warming, citing two papers as the source of the information. | 0_0 |
It happened again. I woke up to find a link from FOIA.org on a thread. Thousands of emails unlocked with 220,000 more hidden behind a password. Despite the smaller size of the Air Vent due to my lack of time, there were twenty five downloads before I saw it once. As before, there are some very nice quotes and clarifications from the consensus. Below is a guest post in the form of a readme file from the FOIA.org group. ? Jeff | 0_0 |
Just finished reading your paper with Mike M in Rev of Geophysics which I | 0_0 |
Moreover the WBDGE site writes that Arctic sea ice has grown strongly over last year and that there has been no melting trend there in almost 10 years. | 1_1 |
US energy policy is behind much of the price increase, the Obama administration seems intent on doing everything possible to prevent domestic drilling for oil. Last week the EPA blocked Shell from exploiting reserves off the Alaskan coast. Last year the administration imposed a Gulf moratorium on offshore drilling in the wake of the rig disaster. | 4_1 |
First, the computer climate models on which predictions of rapid warming from enhanced atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration are based "run hot," simulating two to three times the warming actually observed over relevant periodsduring which non-anthropogenic causes probably accounted for some and could have accounted for all the observed warmingand therefore provide no rational basis for predicting future GAT. | 5_1 |
Worries about the worst drought in more than half a century afflicting the worlds largest grain exporter also deepened overseas, where buyers in China and other hungry nations fret that the expected sharp drop in U.S. harvests will cause shortages and price spikes. | 0_0 |
If the model-mean had produced the observed differences in the warming rates of the North Atlantic and rest of the global oceans, then we would have to conclude that the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation was a forced component of the models. Because the model mean does not show the great difference in warming rates, the additional variability of the North Atlantic has to be caused by naturally occurring factors that are not used force the operation of the models. Thus the heading for this section: The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation is Not a Forced Component of the Climate Models. | 0_0 |
Global Warming Causes Less Snow, Except When It Causes More Snow | 0_0 |
CSIRO have produced the most precise record of greenhouse gas fluctuations in the Southern Hemisphere over the past 2000 years. They add that the greatest increase in greenhouse gas growth has occurred since the 1980s, with carbon dioxide showing accelerating growth. Other CSIRO researchers such as Penny Whetton warned of changes to extreme weather more heatwaves, floods, droughts and more intense tropical cyclones. CSIRO are also investigating how climate change interacts with natural short, medium and longer term cycles. | 0_0 |
However French President Jacques Chirac said last night that "we have noticed a shift in the American position The agreement which we are set to reach is an important agreement, even if it doesn't go as far as we would have wanted." | 0_0 |
Seventeen States Sue EPA for Mandating SIP Startup, Shutdown, Malfunction Changes | 0_0 |
Fourth, experience in Europe shows emissions trading markets are unstable, and that a carbon dioxide tax is ineffectual as a tool for reducing emissions at any reasonable price level. Overall, therefore, Mr Rudds planned emissions trading scheme suffers from the double indignity of being a non-solution to a non-problem. | 4_2 |
Baliunas: The thermometers go back only about 100 years or so over some substantial portion of the Earth. Then we have to rely on other records. . . . For example, growth of tree rings is retarded during cold times usually and then is more advanced during warm times. . . . Glaciers advance and retreat, mountain glaciers, polar glaciers. Coral growth rings tell us about the temperature of the ocean. | 0_0 |
Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab | 0_0 |
5) The science is not settled, not by a long shot. Last month, scientists at CERN, the prestigious high-energy physics lab in Switzerland, reported that neutrinos might "repeat, might "travel faster than the speed of light. If serious scientists can question Einstein's theory of relativity, then there must be room for debate about the workings and complexities of the Earth's atmosphere. | 5_1 |
UPDATE : Marc at ABC NewsWatch usefully summarises the flood history of SE Queensland here . Guess what, there have been less severe floods and more severe floods and no floods at all and nothing has changed. Did anthropogenic CO2 cause the floods in 1893 perhaps? Hang on, lets get the script right : No direct link between global warming and the 1893 floods, but climate change would lead to heavier, more frequent rain. Unspoken conclusion: leading to more floods like the one we just happen by chance to be talking about right now Thats the sneaky thing about flood plains, they flood duh. | 1_7 |
has long hung his hat on the proposition the climate has been cooling since 1998. But with 2005 and 2010 being the hottest years on record, he resorts to cherry-picking which dataset to use. Rather than use temperature records that cover the entire globe, he opts for datasets that do not include the Arctic region, where warming is the strongest. These temperature records underestimate recent warming and are the darling of those who wish to deny global warming is happening. | 0_0 |
Former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during a news conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York March 10, 2015. REUTERS/Mike Segar | 0_0 |
Regardless of any climate model, it is useful to ask the following question first: What is the forcing mechanism to the coupled ocean?atmosphere system that can generate a global cooling in the Holocene? Physically, either rising GHGs or retreating ice sheets will lead to a global warming. Therefore, a global annual cooling, if it had occurred, can only be generated by other forcing, such as the orbital insolation and meltwater; furthermore, the cooling thus generated has to be strong enough to overwhelm the combined warming by the GHGs and ice sheets. | 0_0 |
Lisa Randall's Warped Passages website | 0_0 |
Besides mere cliquishness, the "peer review" process in climate science has, in some cases, been consciously, deliberately subverted to prevent dissenting views from being published. Again, denizens of the climate blogosphere have known about these problems for years, but Climategate revealed some of the gory details for the broader public. And again, this gives the lay public a reason to doubt the consensus. | 0_0 |
EPA's recent enforcement of policy reinterpretations have forced companies to count imaginary emissions from previously unused capacity in determining whether a repair or other moderation would cause a significant increase in emissions. As a result, under current rules most repair projects would trigger a full New Source Review, even if actual emissions decrease as a result of the modification. Given the cost of complying with the NSR permitting process, many companies choose not to upgrade and modernize plants or even make routine changes and repairs. Efficiency improvements that would have reduced emissions and energy consumption or improved worker or community safety have been foregone. | 0_0 |
Protagonists on both sides of the Keystone debate have not exactly covered themselves in glory in the past few months. Although concerns regarding the Sand Hills are understandable, many in the environmental community are intent on killing the pipeline no matter what route is chosen. Their primary worry is tar sands development itself, which they object to because of the greenhouse gas emissions. | 0_0 |
While Oliver Stone shot another pro-conspiracy JFK movie, Bill O'Reilly was the executive producer of a movie whose main point was that there was no conspiracy. So much for the idea that conservatives are the conspiracy theorists. He points out that FBI wanted a conspiracy to exist at some point but they couldn't find it. | 0_0 |
Ken Smith (1957-2001): A Remembrance | 0_0 |
And he has found other ways to skin the cat by imposing regulations that have exactly the same effect of killing coal. I don't have time to go into every action EPA is taking but I would like to highlight a few of their key coal-killing regulations. | 0_0 |
Study: No Increase in Northwest Australian Tropical Cyclones | 0_0 |
The new research extends Swetnams previous tree-ring fire history for giant sequoias another 1,000 years into the past. In addition, he and his colleagues used tree-ring records from other species of trees to reconstruct the regions past climate. | 0_0 |
Esso. He continued: I dont see why the environment should suffer every time some bored, obscure academic fancies an ego trip. This book is full of dangerous nonsense. | 0_0 |
For President Barack Obama and his political allies in particular, Jacksonian America is the father of all evils. Jacksonians are who the then Senator had in mind when, in the campaign of 2008, he spoke of the "bitter clingers" holding on to their guns and their Bibles. They are the source of the foreign policy instincts he most deplores, supporting Israel almost reflexively, demanding overwhelming response to terror attacks, agitating for tight immigration controls, resisting diplomacy with Iran and North Korea, supporting Guantanamo, cynical about the UN, skeptical of climate change, and willing to use "enhanced interrogation" against terrorists in arms against the United States. | 0_0 |
"Although the authors have pledged to correct the graph in subsequent editions, the committee recommends that this correction be made to all MPS-owned texts before using it with students in the future," Feldhausen wrote. | 0_0 |
Quoting the five Australian researchers, "across all treatments there was a highly significant effect of sperm density, but no significant effect of temperature or interaction between factors." In fact, they state that "low pH did not reduce the percentage of fertilization even at the lowest sperm densities used, and increased temperature did not enhance fertilization at any sperm density." In addition, they remark that "a number of ecotoxicology and climate change studies, where pH was manipulated with CO 2 gas, show that sea urchin fertilization is robust to a broad pH range with impairment only at extreme levels well below projections for ocean acidification by 2100 (pH 7.1-7.4, 2,000-10,000 ppm CO 2 )," citing the work of Bay et al . (1993), Carr et al . (2006), and Kurihara and Shirayama (2004). What it means | 3_2 |
The facts don't lie and the empirical evidence is overwhelming - tiny global warming over last 15 years causes James Lovelock to admit he was wrong - extreme climate change not in the cards | 1_4 |
The market is going in one direction and fuel-economy regulations are going the other direction, said Jeremy Anwyl, vice chairman of the automotive information Web site Edmunds.com. Just because people start building more of something doesnt mean the segment grows. | 0_0 |
This media reporting has become typical of the bias that many journalists have. Not reported in the media (but wellreportedon ICECAP by Joe DAleo) themedia has ignored in their reportingthe increase in Antarctic sea ice cover in recent years, with, at present, a coverage that is well over 1 million square kilometers above average (see )! | 5_2 |
In short, according to Bellenger, et al. (2013), the current generation of climate models (CMIP5: used by the IPCC for their 5 th Assessment Report and by Power et al (2013)) still cannot simulate basic coupled ocean-atmosphere processes associated with El Nio and La Nia eventsbasic processes. | 5_1 |
The economy is such that consulting opportunities are rarer than a conservative at NPR. So in the interest of continuing to finance my daily three, I thought I should turn my ability of wearing suits and liking it into cash by finding a real job. Do any companies still require suits? | 0_0 |
The same massive state intervention is also called for when it comes to transportation. People need to be herded into public transport systems and other forms of healthy transport modeslike bicycles, buses, or walking. Airport expansions, on the other hand, are to be stopped at any cost. Ackermann writes: | 0_0 |
Answer: Nearly all the claims of evidence amount to ???effects?? of global warming, and not the cause. (See the missing hot spot.) | 2_3 |
Fracking could bring new jobs and revenues to depressed areas of Maryland, New York, Ohio and other states. Expanded access to our newfound century's worth of hydrocarbon energy will keep prices low and reverse the flow of manufacturing jobs out of our country providing jobs for millions of American graduates and unemployed workers, and creating a new prosperity for current and future generations. | 4_5 |
The first thing Democrats should do is develop a basic sensitivity and avoid doing stupid things that gain nothing except additional enmity from their counterparts. A good example was the utterly foolish decision to schedule a revote on SCHIP when many Republicans from California were back home tending to their constituents in the midst of the disastrous fires. There was no good reason for pushing that vote instead of delaying it until Members could be back to participate. It reminded me again of the high-handed and insensitive behavior of Republicans in the 109th Congress, when they would quash debate or screw the Democrats for no good reason other than that they had the power to do so. | 0_0 |
8 ) Is Atmospheric CO2 Increasing? Yes, and most strongly in the last 50 years?which is why ?most? climate researchers think the CO2 rise is the cause of the warming. Our site measurements of CO2 increase from around the world are possibly the most accurate long-term, climate-related, measurements in existence. | 0_0 |
4) We have to get better "and we are "at turning energy into useful power. In 1882, Thomas Edison's first central power station on Pearl Street in lower Manhattan converted less than 3% of the heat energy of the coal being burned into electricity. Today's best natural-gas-fired turbines have thermal efficiencies of 60%. Nearly all of the things we use on a daily basis "light bulbs, computers, automobiles "are vastly more efficient than they were just a few years ago. And over the coming years those devices will get even better at turning energy into useful lighting, computing and motive power. | 0_0 |
Timothy Pachirat, a comparative political science professor at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, shares a similar, low drum view of humanity. | 0_0 |
Congress and the next Administration should open access to America's abundant reserves, reduce the regulatory burden, and let states regulate energy production within their borders. | 0_0 |
By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Aug 11, 2015 | 0_0 |
Reader Grant left this in the comments to the previous post: | 0_0 |
In reality sea level changes can be measured accurately only to centimetres, and often only to within several centimetres and very often not even that. Munk (3) confirms this writing that: | 5_1 |
Only when or if politically-influential parties in key emitting countries better perceive the net benefits of international cooperation will political leaders be able to commit to long-lasting mitigation policies. It will also be easier to devise transfer payments to offset differential preferences and perceptions of the problem, internally and across countries. Further, technological innovations (such as satellite monitoring and photography) can make observing and verifying emissions more feasible. Measurement advances also will make identification of carbon content in products easier for enforcing any international agreement. Until the deep uncertainties about the need to take action are resolved and new enforcement technologies are developed, meetings like COP 19 in Warsaw will accomplish little. | 0_0 |
Their work, published in a recent issue of the journal Energy and Environment, suggests that there really was a "Little Ice Age" from 1300 to 1900 when unusually cold global temperatures froze rivers that today remain ice-free year-round. They also found evidence for a medieval warm period from 800 to 1300 when, historical records show, fig trees grew as | 2_1 |
"Newly appointed gaming regulators will review a loophole in the state's casino-licensing regulation that operators are using to trim their tax bills." | 0_0 |
Despite having a Democrat-controlled Congress in his first two years, President Obama failed to push through cap-and-trade legislation that would have adopted a goal of reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions to 83 percent below 2005 levels by the year 2050. The reason for this failure was clear: The proposed law would greatly harm the U.S. economy and undermine job growth. Indeed, The Heritage Foundation's Center for Data Analysis estimated that the cap-and-trade bill proposed by Senators Barbara Boxer (DCA) and newly nominated Secretary of State John Kerry (DMA) would have resulted in income losses of nearly $10 trillion and over 2.5 million lost jobs. | 4_1 |
Here are comparisons of 5 different models over Australia. Is CSIRO Mk 3.6 the right model? | 0_0 |
While Figures and UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon both attempted to put a brave face on the Bonn talks, they could not succeed in securing more emission reduction pledges. Worse, many existing commitments were thrown into question. The most recent report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that developed nations must make 25-40 percent reductions below the 1990 benchmark by 2020 to stave off the worst effects of climate change. The now-weakened pledges made after Copenhagen were estimated to only amount to a cut of 12 to 19 percent, well short of the safe reduction range. Any climate meeting that does not bring the political promises closer to the scientifically requisite reductions can only be viewed as a failure. | 0_0 |
The only way to defeat this position in the eyes of people who regard it as a U.S. duty to set a good example to the world is to demonstrate the futility of trying to control Earth?s climate. Accusations that the president wants to ruin the economy, destroy jobs or risk the nation?s energy security have little traction, since most opinion leaders do not believe these charges. Most of those who recognize the enormous costs of the EPA?s plans regard these sacrifices as necessary in order to be responsible environmental stewards. | 4_2 |
Other subsidies include research and development programs, shipping subsidies, export assistance through the U.S. Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and liability protection. The study can be downloaded at Greenpeace's web site: www.greenpeace.org/~climate/oil/fdsuboil.pdf. | 0_0 |
There has been, and still is, plenty to talk about. All three North American countries have parallel efforts underway to stimulate the economy. They share an auto industry that is in grave trouble. They share a continental ecosystem where winds and water bring the climate policies of one country across the border to the othersand share a largely-integrated energy market for oil, gas, and electricity. Border and immigration policies have an impact on the competitiveness of firms in these three economies as they confront European and Asian rivals. | 0_0 |
Now there is a single website that collects dozens of articles, including scholarly research, on how Wikipedia, the "free encyclopedia," is actually the fake encyclopedia. Wikipedia is the first place millions of people go to learn about organizations and individuals they hear about in the news or online, but the profiles posted there are biased, unreliable, and often libelous. The Heartland Institute's Wikipedia profile contains many lies and errors, but we are not alone: thousands of profiles have been similarly hacked by leftist activists. READ MORE | 0_0 |
Successful geoengineering would permit the Earth's population to make far smaller reductions in carbon use and still achieve a retarding effect on global warming, but at a lower cost to economic activity. | 0_0 |
China is emerging as a maritime superpower as quickly as America itself (not to mention the UK) is declining as a naval power, to the point where China could become the leading naval power by 2020. The Russian Navy, which until now was a pale shadow of Gorshkov's navy (since 1991, the number of submarines has declined from 317 to 61 and of surface ships from 967 to 186) has announced plans to build a class of four new aircraft carriers in 201314, with initial service to begin in 201732. One would do well to remember that it took hardly more than a decade during the Cold War for Russia, the quintessential land power, to develop a formidable navy. In 20 years, we could realistically see a China/Russia-led SCO that is hegemonic not only on land but at sea. As counterintuitive as it may be at first, NATO would be wise to consider the possibility of making maritime cooperation the centerpiece of NATO-Russia security cooperation. | 0_0 |
It seems that Stonyfield would almost have consumers believe that conventional yogurt makers actually add these substances to their products. | 0_0 |
By Staff Writers, Press Association, Aug 13, 2015 | 0_0 |
Enormous and expensive policy changes have been based on the flawed work of these scientists. Yet there is apparently to be no investigation, blame, suspension or withdrawal of papers, just a gentle bureaucratic fattening of the organisation with new full-time posts. | 0_0 |
I do not agree that this was merely a ???slight mis-statement in a single sentence?? as the same argument had been made in their March 1 submission to Muir Russell, a submission which did not include accompanying ???copious?? information evidencing the error to the Muir Russell panel as a ???slight mis-statement??. It also speaks poorly that CRU would make a ???mis-statement?? to Muir Russell on an issue so central to Climategate. | 5_2 |
So when Boko Haram and ISIS and all the other genocidal scum bags are finally brought to justice on trial in the Hague for War Crimes and Crime Against Humanity their defense lawyers can call James Murray as an expert witness and he can give the new Johnny Cochran Rumpole of the Bailey Perry Mason sorry your Honour but it was Climate Change defense that made me decide to slaughter thousands of innocent people and blame it on a routine drought. | 0_0 |
not worth a whole lot, especially when the benchmarks are FDR and LBJ. The | 0_0 |
For one thing, wind turbines and solar panels, which only produce energy if massively subsidized by the state, drive up electricity prices, which kills off manufacturing jobs. | 4_4 |
Whats worse is, in the ice core data (top graph) there are 4 distinct up slopes and 5 peaks. Most of the time we are in a deep temperature valley. Most of the time we are much colder!! Not just a bit but a whole lot colder. And not just colder than the last hundred years but colder than the last 10000. | 0_0 |
For these reasons, despite an exuberant global investment climate and forgiving discount rates on nearly all types of capital projects, "you can't cash-flow a nuclear plant because the concept of risk over a period of time is too high.... If we're not seeing expansion of nuclear investment in this environment, with the political desire and the economic capital that are so available right now, then one has to wonder when we're ever going to see it," said one attendee at the Manhattan Institute conference. | 0_0 |
Despite the lack of practical consequences at EU and UN levels, the motion still makes a lot of political sense, especially if it is considered that last year a similar motion was also passed, calling for a more balanced approach to the scientific aspects and uncertainties of climate change. With the exception of the Czech Republic's President, Vaclav Klaus, this is probably the only case of a relevant institution in a European member State that challenges the "consensus" on climate policies. Obviously, this is also an important signal about the high discontent of Italian businesses about a package of EU directives that they believe, with good reason, are punitive towards the Italian economy. | 0_0 |
But in a carbon market, most market participants actually benefit from fraud . The sellers of carbon credits benefit when they sell fraudulent credits, because they are making money for nothing. The buyers of carbon credits benefit from a market flooded with fraudulent carbon credits, because the oversupply caused by fraudulent credits helps to keep prices down. Corrupt officials benefit financially, when they receive bribes to ignore the fraud. The only people who are disadvantaged by carbon fraud, are investors who tried to follow the rules, to produce ???genuine?? carbon credits, and politicians and activists who naively expected the carbon market to deliver emissions reductions. | 4_2 |
The data include long time period duration (in excess of 30 years) tide gauge station records covering the Hawaiian Islands, Alaska and the Pacific, Gulf Coast and Atlantic coastline regions of the U.S. as well as many other global wide coastal locations. This latest NOAA data shows unchanging linear trends in the rate of sea level rise worldwide with many of these records including 100 year and longer measurement duration periods. | 1_6 |
The Sun's Impact On Earth's Temperature Goes Far Beyond TSI New Paper Shows | 2_1 |
In truth, the only thing some GOP lawmakers objected to was an unusual last-minute effort to hold the concert on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol, after its organizers discovered that Mall had already been booked for other events. Use of the Mall had been denied to Gore and his colleagues for one reason: they failed to apply for the proper permits before other parties had. And one of the groups "blocking" Live Earth's use of the Mall happened to be the Smithsonian Institution itself. | 0_0 |
But these tactics are not new. Paul Ehrlichs population bomb of the 1960s predicted food riots in the United States and around the world. Today, obesity is a bigger problem. | 0_0 |
missing long-term declining trends/signals, which were removed (by | 0_0 |
Murray also has the number of environmentalists who demand higher automobile fuel efficiency mandates. These government standards have meant smaller, lighter, less crashworthy vehicles. "The tradeoff the liberal environmentalists demand is actually safety for gas mileage. In other words, blood for oil." | 4_1 |
Only this week Lord Lawson's Global Warming Policy Foundation claimed that the Met Office's computer model for predicting climate change was flawed. | 5_1 |
At a recent New Hampshire town hall meeting, Romney "stuck to the position he has held for many years ? that he believes the world is getting warmer and that humans are contributing to it," said the Washington Post. | 0_0 |
After a Year of Setbacks, U.N. Looks to Take Charge of World's Agenda | 0_0 |
The same is true for natural gas. In 1944, the United states had 147 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves, and yet had produced 1,041 trillion cubic feet between 1945 and 20107 times the amount of reserves available in 1944. In this case, however, the U.S. oil and gas industry was able to double the 1944 natural gas reserve level with 318 trillion cubic feet in reserves in 2010. | 4_5 |
Subsets and Splits