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Of Werewolves and Sorceresses (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)
Jorrvaskr was a buzz with bitter gossip this morning. Kodlak had agreed to house a mage from the College for a few months she wanted to catalogue their stories and learn more about them all the way back to their Founding. No one was really happy about it, Aela and Skjor were the loudest about their distaste for such a thing. Vilkas and Farkas didn't really seem bothered with the idea of a mage sharing their home, as long as she stayed out of their way at least. She was due to arrive today and Kodlak told everyone to cooperate with her. They would warm to her, he had said, as if she were one of their own."I bet she's never touched a weapon in her life." Njada huffed."She's likely more skilled than you." Athis jeered. Njada glared at the Dunmer and he merely glared back."Eh, what do you think, Raerek?" Torvar asked from his spot at the banquet table, "You haven't really complained or sang your praises over the idea." He only made a noise. "As long as she's quiet I don't care. Don't trust mages." Raerek was a large man, by no means subtle or sly. He always spoke his mind and got right to the point. Torvar scoffed softly, "A quiet mage...that'll be the day.." He muttered.She arrived at midday, a little before four on the sundial, and she entered Jorrvaskr with a twinkle in her dark brown eyes. She was a rather curvaceous woman, with wide hips built for bearing many children and rather large breasts to match. Her hair was rust colored, pinned in the back with wavy bangs swept to the side. Definitely of Imperial blood, if her mage robes weren't a dead giveaway. Elegant, showy and darkly colored.She had a rather large bag with her, probably all of her mage garbage. Raerek rolled his eyes a bit. Great. An Imperial to boot. He grumbled and made his way into the hall, striding past her as he stared down at her with distrust. "And hello to you too.." She frowned, "How rude..""Mage." Vilkas called, "The old man wants to see you.""I am a sorceress, thank you.""I don't care what you are just follow me." He huffed and she nodded, grabbing her bag and following him He made his way down to his room and gor to work on cleaning his armor and weapons. After her brief introduction and greeting with Kodlak, she moved to his room and knocked gently on his open door."My name is Junia." She greeted, "I hope we can get along." "Name's Raerek. Don't trust mages. Or Imperials." He rumbled. He sheathed his sword. "Why do you hope we can get along?" She pursed her lips slightly, "Well, I'm going to be here a while...I figure it would be better if we were at least a little friendly to each other." She replied. "Exactly how long are ye going to be here?" He asked. "Until Sun's Dawn, next year...maybe less if I finish my work sooner." She answered. Six months with her around? Putting her nose in business what don't concern her. He made a noise. "Well, keep out of the way and ye'll have no problems with me." She smiled softly and nodded, "I'll do my best not to be a bother." She said. She then made a noise. "So, how long have you been a Companion?" She asked. He made a noise. "Four years now." "Have you enjoyed your time here?" She asked, "I bet a robust man such as yourself enjoys the travelling and fighting." "Aye, the fighting and travelling are fun." He said. She stood quietly for a moment before speaking up again, "I can enchant your gear and weapons, if you like?" "I do not require any magic on my weapons or armor, thank ye very much." He said. "But I can make it so you never feel weary and yiur blade is always sharp. You won't have to sit here and sharpen and polish all day." She said. He grumbles and suddenly slams his fist against the wall next to her head. "Listen. Ye are not but a fledgling mage in a land far away from home. Ye know nothing of our culture and nothing of our daily lives. Ye'll last longer around here if ye keep yer spell castin' nose out of everyone's business." He snarled. She felt the heat rush to her cheeks as well as between her thighs. "I I'm sorry, I just wanted to help..." She said. Divines, she felt so much smaller compared to him now, under his hard and distrusting gaze. "I know ye want te help but have ye considered that we do not need it?" He asked before moving away. "You don't need to be so prideful as to not accept help when given." She told him. "But fine. I won't enchant any of your things, least they come to life and scitter about." "I told ye. We've been just fine without yer damned magics." "Well then, the next time you need magicks to mend your wounds or revitalize you, you can find some other sorceress to help you." She stated haughtily before leaving his room. He rolled his eyes. "Damned Imperials." "Dumb Nords." She grumbled and moved into the bunk room with the other Companions, ones not fit for the Circle like Skjor and them. She opened her bag and pulled out her armor, some foreign Cyrodiilic made piece of heavy steel."I've never seen a mage wear armor before.." Ria said in awe. Junia smiled softly."Well, in Cyrodiil we have various different classes who specialize in different skills. I've learned that no spell in Oblivion can save you from a dagger in your back. So I like to be well protected." The few months that passed only resulted in further complications, with her casting spells wildly in the training yard, and constantly bugging people about the Skyforge. "It can't have just...appeared there. Someone had to have made it." Junia argued."No one knows who made it. It was discovered during the Founding and has made our blades since." Skjor stated, "Now stop bringing it up.""But what stopped others from claiming it as their own? Why did only the Nords lay claim to such a wonderous thing?" She continued to pry. "The nords laid claim to the skyforge because it is in our land, now enough of it, mage." He snapped. She turned her gaze on him, "Land stolen from Elves, you mean." She corrected dryly. "Oh of course the Imperial wouls know a thing or two about stealing land, aye?" He asked. "That is quite enough." Aela scolded, "Honestly, you both are giving me a headache." Junia went back to eating her food."I may not know about stealing land, but at least I know how to bathe. You reek like a hound worse with each meeting, Raerek." This tension only built between the two of them, and only a month had passed before they were almost at eachother's throats. Luckily for Raerek, he knew exactly how to blow off steam. "Raerek." Farkas approached him one day while the older man was training, "We got a letter from Solitude about someone needing our help. Kodlak tasked us for the job, wants us to take Junia with." "Farkas I was planning on hunting, I need to blow off steam, do I have a choice here?" "What Kodlak says goes, you know that." He said, "You can hunt when we get back." He made a noise. "Divines this is going to kill me." He said before he moved to start packing. When they met up with Junia outside of Jorrvaskr, she could hardly contain herself snug in her armor and ready to battle."I'm so excited!" She clapped, "I've never done field reaearch before!" He made another noise. "Again. Stay out of my way and we'll be fine." She made mocking faces behind his back as they made the trek to Solitude. It was a full day's walk and they made it by nightfall."Tomorrow, we find the client and sort out the issue and head home. Right now, I'm exhausted." Farkas said as they entered the Winking Skeever. Junia sighed."Me too...why didn't we take the carriage?""It's good for you. Never will a Nord complain to be outdoors." Farkas replied. Raerek nodded in agreement before sitting down and ordering a tankard. She ordered a room and followed the keeper to the stairs."She's an odd one." Farkas said, sitting beside Raerek. "Aye, she really is." He said. After some much needed rest and food, they met with the client, a petite woman who was being harrassed by a soldier who was discharged from the Legion. So they found him in the courtyard and tried to speak with him. Raerek made a noise. "Look lad, ye need to leave the lady alone. Plain and simple." He said. "And what areyougoing to do about it?" He slurred. Drunk this early? Sheesh. Junia was scribbling in her book, taking notes of the situation. "I would prefer if ye didn't push it." He said sternly. "It's the only way he'll learn." Farkas said, "Knock some teeth loose.""I am a Legion Soldier, you can't talk to me that way!" The man said. Junia frowned softly."The Emperor would not be prpud of you, my boy...""Shut up, mage harlot!" "Learn some respect for your betters, whelp." Raerek snarled as he slammed his fist into the soldier's jaw. He fell backwards onto his ass and wailed in agony."You'll leave Jolynda alone, understand? Or we'll be back." Farkas threatened. The soldier nodded, crying as he held his jaw. Junia was blushing, covering her mouth slightly. He made a noise and backed up. "We can leave now, aye?" Farkas nodded, "Yeah, we can head home." He nodded and readied to leave. They left Solitude and headed back to Whiterun, having to make camp for the night about half way. Junia stripped her armor, leaving her in only her tunic."This has been quite fun." She smiled, "I enjoyed being out and seeing how the Companions do things.""Just a regular day for us." Farkas replied. He made a noise and relaxed in his tunic. "Aye.. Fairly standard.." "Um...Raerek..." She blushed softly, "Thank you...for kinda defending me back there..." "Tis no problem." He said. "Plus, adds for a certain, eh.. Nobility about us companions, shows that we have standards, aye?" She smiled softly and nodded, "Yeah..""If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were flirting." Farkas said. "Flirting? Nae, I don't flirt." He said. "Of course not." He said. After Farkas had settled for the night and Junia lay reading one of her books, Raerek's urge to hunt grew too much to ignore. "Ah forget all this. I need te hunt." He ssid and stood. "Stay here. Watch over Farkas. I'll be back." She looked up in confusion, "What? Where are you going? You can't just leave us here.." "I'll be back just stay put. Tis a simple thing t'do. Maybe ye could cast some kind of spell to keep ye safe or somethin." He said as he stalked off. She sat up quickly and fumed. Just when she thought they were getting along, too. She cast protective runes all around the camp, chugging a magicka potion soon after, and then followed him. The deeper she got into the woods, the harder it was to track him. But up ahead, in a dark clearing, she could see something. She used Detect Life to make sure it wasn't some random roaming skeleton or a Zombie. She hated those things back in Cyrodiil. But what she saw was huge, not human at all. She stoppes casting and inched closer, wanting to investigate. She heard a howl split the night air, but it was different. Louder, larger. Almost.. Almost human. She gasped loudly but then covered her mouth, eyes wide in terror. She was so dead. And she didn't even know where Raerek went. The wolf stalked over, closer to her area. As she backed up, she could notice that Raerek's armor had been discarded. Oh Divines, it ate him. And now it was going to eat her too."S...Stay away! I'll kill you before you even realize you're dead!" The beast stalked closer and snarled. "I told ye to stay at camp." He growled lowly. She fell back on her ass, eyes going even wider, "R...Raerek...?" "A shame. Now ye know our secret." He snarled. "Ye need ta keep this one under wraps." She nodded quickly, "I I will. I promise...! Please don't kill me...!" "Oh lass I ain't goin te kill ye." He rumbled loudly as he slammed his hands down into the dirt beside her body. She tried not to scream, looking up into his glowing eyes, "Wh What are you going to do...?" He snarled louder and ripped her tunic off easily before slowly dragging his broad tongue over her thighs slowly. Her face turned deep red as she watched him, shyly opening her legs for him. He snarled lowly and moved to slowly drag his tongue over her heat, his huffs turning to a low snarl. She moaned weakly and laid completely back, hiding her eyes under her arm. He snarls and suddenly begins devouring her, lapping his broad tongue against her clit. She cried out and arched slightly off the ground, her toes curling tightly. He continued for a while, wanting her nice and ready for him. She was shaking, moaning lowly and trying not to squirm as he had his way with her. He pulled back and snarled lowly. Her juices dripped from his hot tongue, which was pulled slowly from her trembling core. Sje whined loudly and squirmed, daring to peek at him, "Wh Why did you stop?" He moved up and she felt something hot lay against her thigh. Something hot, something wet. It was huge, with a massive knot on the base of it. Her face burned brightly and she looked up at him quickly, "That won't fit." "Nonsense." He said as he pushed the tip into her slowly with a growl. She bit her lip and whined softly, her head falling back gently against the ground. It stretched her to her limits, hot and pulsing inside her. He drug his tongue over her breasts and snarled louder. "I It's too much... !! B By the Eight, it's too much... !!" She moaned weakly, clawing at the ground. He stopped about halfway down the shaft. "Should I stop?" He asked. She shook her head quickly, "N No please...! I It's just...y you're the first person I..." She looked away, clearly embarrassed. He nods and slowly trails kisses up to her neck as he continues slowly pushing into her. She grabbed fistfuls of his fur, trying hard not to be too loud. She was so unbearably tight, way tighter than the wenches in the Bannered Mare. He snarls loudly and makes sure to take his time, his cock throbbing hard inside her. "Divines you're tight." He snarls. "L Like I said..." She whined, "Y You're my first...a and we aren't even wed...Mara, my father would kill me." But she only seemed to get wetter. He snarls lowly. "The thought of being claimed by an unwed beast thrills you." He growled as he slowly inhaled her scent. "You do not smell like fear any longer." He said before moving slowly still, his fat knot bumping against her clit. She moaned lowly, her hair breaking free of the pin and spilling out under her head. "I I'm not very traditional, if I'm honest..." "Good." He snarled as he began to move faster. She gasped and moaned loudly, arching her back and tugging at his fur. He moves faster and faster, huffing and growling lowly. "Can you take the knot?" "I I can certainly try." She replied, glancing at him again. He snarls loudly as he slowly began pushing his fat knot into her, letting out a howl. She cried out and covered her mouth as she screamed, her whole body going tense. He pinned her hands to the sides of her head. "I want to hear you scream." He growled lowly as the knot pushed past her entrance slowly. "B But Farkas will hear us... !" She whined, her hips squirming delightfully against his. "Oh who gives a damn. Do you? I don't." He growled and soon enough the knot was firmly seated inside her, throbbing and pulsing inside her. She arched hard and screamed as he stretched her to her limit and then some. Her eyes were unfocused and her breathing labored. He huffs and growls loudly as he sat there for a second. He let her get used to it before popping the knot out of her with a strained grunt. She let out another scream of ecstasy, her large breasts bouncing with each thrust. Now that he noticed, most of the wider parts of her bounced with his thrusts breasts, hips, thighs. He snarled loudly and moved to latch onto her breast, knotting her hard and sending his cock right into her spot. She couldn't even scream after that, her mouth falling open but no noise coming out. He could tell she was enjoying it though. He continued, slamming harder and harder into her, his eyes raking over her, watching her body ripple under his brutal movements. "R...Raerek...I I'm getting close... !!" She whined, her legs barely able to wrap around his waist, "Divines, I've never felt this good !! Even when I would ease my own aches !" He let out a low growl and slammed hard into her spot. "I bet ye'll think twice before lookin down on nords again, aye ?" "I never looked down on you... " She whined softly, "If anything, you looked down on me... " "In a literal sense, aye." He snarled as he slammed into her harder and faster. She screamed and suddenly climaxed hard, her walls seizing around his knot and holding him still. He howls loudly and digs his claws into the dirt. "T Tight. Too fucking tight !!" He howled. She laid limply against the ground, eyes unfocused and hazy. "G...Gods... " He suddenly forced his knot out of her and began moving at an inhuman pace, his hips moving all on their own at this point. She arched and screamed, her body jerking and shaking to his abuses. "G Getting.. Close." He snarled loudly. She moaned loudly in delight,so lost and caught up in the pleasure that she coukd hardly speak. He moves faster and faster, howling louder. "Divines, here it comes." He huffed. She moaned lowly, a guttural sound that pulled from her throat. Like she needed him to finish. He suddenly knots her and howls loudly as his knot swells further, creating a seal as he dumps his fat load inside her. She arched and gasped, giving a weak cry before slumping against the grass. He pants hard and growls lowly as he slowly moves to pull out. "I...I don't have a spare tunic...?" She asked weakly. He made a noise and huffed. "I might." He said. "I will need it.." She said with a small smile. He nodded and the two of them made their way back to camp, where he gave her a spare tunic. A week or so passed and Raerek was told to go deal with an escaped prisoner that had wormed his way out of Cidna Mine in Markarth not an easy feat."Take Junia with you. You will need her magical abilities." Kodlak said. He made a noise and nodded. "Aye, alright.." He said. Junia was in the bunk room, going over her notes quietly on her bed. He knocked on her door. "Junia. Pack. We leave for Markarth." He said. She looked up at him and nodded, smiling excitedly, "Ok! What are we hunting? Bears? Sabre cats?" "An escaped convict." He said flatly. "Oooh! How fun!" She chirped and packed her clothes and armor with some potions just in case. He made a noise and moved to pack his usual light bag, a change of clothes, a healing potion, some ale. "Ok! I'm ready!" She stood outside his room with her large bag, packed with her armor and various potions. He packed a small back and grabbed his weapons. "Let's go then." He said. She clapped and headed out of the living quarters and into the main hall to make her way out of Jorrvaskr. The two of them headed out for a bit, before they reached the stables. "Come, Junia.. We'll take a carriage for this one." He said as he hired the carriage for Markarth She looked relieved, "Oh, thank you. By the Eight, you're so kind." "Nine." He said as he hopped into the carriage and helped her in as well "Wha " She looked confused, "Nine?? You know the law, Talos worship is banned. There are Eight Divines." "There. Are. Nine." He said firmly. She climbed into the carriage and gave a soft huff, "Is this a Nord thing?" "What, worshipping someone worthy of being worshipped?" He asked. "While Talos is an immensely worthy being and deserves his shrines and temples, law is law." She said. "The laws are unjust and unfair to the occupants of this land." He said. "We did not ask for Imperial rule." She pursed her lips and furrowed her brows, "Raerek, don't start..." "I was explainin why we nords do as we do, Junia." He said. "Change of subject, if ye wouldn't mind.." "I would like that, agreed.." She said, digging into her bag and scribbling quickly into her notebook. "So what exactly do ye jot down in those notes of yers?" He asked She nearly jumped out of her skin and looked at him quickly with a dark blush as she quickly slammed her bag closed. "Uh...oh, you know...just...observations." "Observations, huh?" He asked. "Alright, fair enough.." He said. A good bit of the ride was quiet after that. "'s mainly just..." She had pulled out her book, pages sticking out from random parts added pieces of paper for extra notes she didn't have room for, "little bits of lore and things, vague routines and what you all do for fun. I don't put in a lot of detail, it's mainly for my own benefit anyway. And I didn't add my...most recent...discovery..." "Discov ah ye mean the night in the woods?" He asked. "Y Yes..." She blushed, "That..." He chuckled. "Bit of a surprise, that one eh?" He asked. She nodded, "We have such things in Cyrodiil...but not anything so..." She leaned closer, "lupine..." He smirks. "I take it ye liked that?" "It was thrilling, yes.." She whispered, "I didn't think my first time would be with a werebeast..." He chuckled a bit. "Well I suppose anytime ye like I can do that again." She blushed, "That also reminds me..." She said, "What...are we...?" "Huh?" He asked. "What do you mean?" "Well...I gave myself to you..." She said, "But we haven't really spoken on it since.." "Well what do ye wish to come of it?" He asked. She would be lying if she said she didn't want it to be more. But he probably didn't want her as a partner. She was an Imperial, and a mage, and he didn't express any interest in her. "Ah...more of a one night fling.." She replied sheepishly. "Really? Ah that's a shame.." He said as he relaxed. "But, as ye wish." A shame? "What do you mean, a shame?" She asked, "I thought...I thought you hated me..." "Hate? Nah.. Not sure what it is exactly, but it isn't hate.." He said She blushed heavily, "O Oh.." She muttered. She misjudged him greatly. He made a noise and looked at the passing trees. "Maybe...we can try being more...?" She asked, "If you were willing...that is.." "Sure, I wouldn't mind.. " he said. She smiled softly, feeling like her head was on fire that's how much she was blushing, "Great!" He nods and gently pats her thigh. "Relax some, I don't bite too hard.." He joked. "I just weren't very friendly at first.." She said shyly. "Apologies, not comfortable around outsiders at first.." He explained. "I understand.." She replied, "The College would probably treat you similarly.." He chuckles and nods. "Aye, probably.." She smiled and moved closer to him, "I suppose I know why you always smell like dog.." She teased He made a noise. "Apologies, I guess I'll just have to bathe when we get to the inn." She laughed softly, "Badly " "Luckily we have nearly arrived.." He said. "This is why I enjoy riding a carriage." She smiled, "It's much faster." He chuckles and shakes his head gently. "Alright, alright, point taken.." When the carriage arrived outside Markarth, she grabbed her bag and hopped off the wagon, "So, what first?" "I say we first hit the inn.. See what we can find.." He said. She nodded, "Good idea, the innkeeper might know something." He nodded. "Agreed." He said. They headed into the Hold and Junia was instantly amazed. "Is this all Dwemer structure?" She asked. "Aye, Markarth was built by the dwarves.." He said. "That's amazing...!" She gasped, looking around excitedly. "Isn't it?" He asked. "We'll have time to explore it after the job if ye wish.. Let's get settled.." "O Ok...sorry.." Her cheeks flushed, clearly embarrassed she gushed like a small child over something so silly. He smiled and moved to grab his pack. They headed over and checked in for a room. "Alright, ye go ahead and ask the innkeeper.. I'm gonna take a bath." He laughed. "Wha Raerek!""Whadda ya want, missy, we're busy." The old man griped at her. She jumped and cleared her throat."We are with the Companions and we're looking for an escaped ""I got nothin' for ya." Raerek sighed and moved back over. "Sir we'll be needin' any information ye might have on an escaped convict from Cidna Mine." "No one escapes Cidna Mine.""Klepper!!" An old woman shrieked from the other side of the inn, "Don't be a dick! They want info, give it to them!" He made a noise and drummed his fingers against the bar. "Any information would be fine." "He came by here, yeah. Left a couple days ago. Somethin about making his way to Rorikstead." Klepper said. Junia frowned."But that's back near Whiterun..." "Thank ye, innkeeper. Now, Junia.. We'll be staying here for a few days before we find him.." He said. She frowned, "Assuming he isn't half way to Windhelm..." "Think not of it, Junia. We'll find him." He said. She nodded, "Alright...I trust you..." She said. "Excellent." He said. "Now, I should get that bath done.." He smirked. "I guess I'll be here then.." She told him, resting her head in her hand. "Ye can join me if ye want. Make sure I'm up t' yer standards." He said She moved to follow him, blushing darkly, "May as well." He chuckled and entered the bath house and locked the door behind them. She moved and test the water, bending over the tub to run her fingers through the water. He smirked and eyed her for a minute. "Thank ye for the view." She jumped upright and blushed, "O're welcome.." He chuckles and moves to disrobe. "Ye good? Yer turnin red." She nodded and started to remove her fancy robes, "Yes, of course! I'm fine!" "Oh yer joinin me in the bath? This is a surprise." He smiled. She stopped undressing and looked at him, "Did...did you not want me to? I thought that's why you asked me here...?" He chuckled. "I wanted company, love. But, since you're here.." He said as he moved over and started pulling her robes off. She was so confused but didn't stop him or argue. She helped him get her robes off, standing bare before him. She reached and pulled her hair from its pin, her rust colored hair falling to her shoulders. He smirked a bit and moved over to the bath, fully disrobing. He was large, robust. She swallowed hard, "You're, uh...much bigger without your armor on." "Oh, that so?" He asked. With each movement, his muscles rippled and flexed. She swallowed again and nodded quickly, "Y Yes, very much so." He made a noise and nodded. "Duely noted, Junia.." He said as he moved into the tub. She moved in with him, the water almostcoming up to her shoulders. He sighed contently and moved to pull her agsinst him. "There we go.." She gave a small noise of surprise before laughing softly, "Was I too far away from you ?" "Much too far for my taste, Junia.. That, and I'd rather my legs have some more room." He chuckled. "Oh, sorry..." She said, "Um...did you want me to help you wash?" "If ye wish, I certainly wouldn't mind.." He said. She nodded and grabbed the rag nearby, blushing as she dipped it in the water and ran it over his body. He made a low noise, groaning softly. Not in pain, just relaxing as all the dirt and grime was washed away. "Wow, you actually have some real color under all this dirt." She said with a teasing smile. He chuckled a bit. "Aye, many an escort job will do that." "If you bathed regularly, it wouldn't be this bad, ice brain.." She teased. "Ah well, now ye get some entertainment." He smirked. She laughed softly, "I suppose so.." He made a noise and relaxed under her touch. She got off all the dirt and set the rag aside, her fingers moving over his scars, "All clean..." "Thank ye, Junia.." He said. He made a noise and watched her trace his scars. "Did you get all these from your bouts of hunting...?" She asked softly. "No.. Some early missions.." He said. "I was younger then.. More reckless." "A trait I notice a lot in native Nords and not ones I've seen back home.." She said. It wasn't meant as an insult, there was no malice hidden in her words. "It appears to be a trait graced to Nords.." He smiled. She gave a playful snort, "I've done some pretty reckless things to complete my studies.." "Oh like what, stay up after yer bedtime?" He teased. She gave a fake annoyed noise, "Bed a werewolf." "Oh was that fer studies? Or for a more personal use ?" He asked "More self preservation " She said, "But it helped my studies immensely " "Oh is that so?" He asked. "Oh yes." She said, "I appreciated it." "Well if ye wish I could help ye with yer studyin' some more.." He said "I would like that." She smiled softly, moving to sit in his lap. "And how exactly can I assist ye this time?" He asked, running his hands over her thighs gently. "I'm not too heavy, am I...?" She asked, "I figured you would like more room.." "Please, I could lift twice yer size without a sweat." He said. That was more attractive than she would like to admit, "Oh yeah...?" "Aye, easily." He said. "You'll have to show me sometime." She said shyly. "I can show ye now." He said. "O Ok...!" She said, a little too quickly. He smirked and gripped from under her legs as he easily lifted her out of the water. "Proof enough?" She gasped loudly and tried to hold on to him, "Y Yes!" He smirked and slowly let her into the water again. "Divines, that's impressive..." And attractive. He smirked. "You alright there?" She nodded quickly, "Yes, I'm fine...!" He chuckles and makes a soft noise. "What else can I help ye with?" "Um...could you...wash me, too?" She asked shyly. He smirked and moved to grab a fresh rag and run his hands slowly over her. She relaxed and gave a soft moan, closing her eyes and enjoying his touch. He ran his hands all over her, starting at her shoulders to the small of her back. She arched her back slowly, her skin smooth and soft under his rough hands. He made a low noise and slowly ran his hand and rag over her breasts. She moaned softly and watched his hands through half lidded eyes. Even in his massive hands, he couldn't hold the entirety of her breasts. He growled lowly and continues to run his hands over her, growling and watching her breasts bob and rock in the water. "S Something wrong?" She asked, glancing back at him. Right, she had never been with a man so she didn't know what sounds meant what. "No, the opposite in fact.." He said as he continued, slowly running his hands over her breasts. She blushed heavily and nodded, "O Ok...good.." "Everything alright with ye?" He asked. She nodded again, "Y Yeah, I've just...never been touched like this before.." "Do ye wish for me to stop?" He asked. She shook her head gently, "N No, I like it..." She said, placing one hand gently over his. He makes a low noise and continues, slowly groping her. He watched his fingers sink into her supple breast with a satisfied purr. She squirmed in his lap, her heart shaped ass grinding faintly against his cock. He growls softly, lowly. He loved this. He worked his rough hands all over her supple breast, tugging gently on her pert nipples. She arched and moaned lowly, her ass pressing against his swelling cock gently. He growls lowly and moans softly in her ear, his cock thobbing hard against her. "D Do you want to move to our room or stay here?" She asked. "Room." He growls suddenly. She arched sharply before getting up quickly and moving out to dry off. He drained the water and moved to dry off. Even as a human, he was massive. She could see that now, as he strode bare to his clothes. She noticed it before they entered the bath, honestly. But with him hard, he looked much larger. She looked away to keep from staring as she redressed. He grabbed his stuff and waited for her before heading back to the room. She followed him into their room and locked the door behind them. He moved over and easily picked her up before placing her down on the bed and crawling over her "Ah! Oh!" She looked up at him like a trapped elk doe, "H Hello...!" He spoke no words, only roughly moved her blouse off before devouring her breasts with a low moan. She moaned loudly and gently tangled her fingers in his hair, her face turning a bright red. Hr moans lowly and works her breasts over, burying his face in her soft bosom. "R Raerek " She moaned softly. Such a lovely sound, he could appreciate it more now that he wasn't drowning in the frenzy of his Beast blood. He growls and moans lowly as he plays a little rougher with her breasts, his cock throbbing harder than before. Shhe moaned loudly and squirmed against him, grinding her hips sloppily against his. He growls and moans lowly as he slowly pulls back and pants. "F Fuck." He growls as he tugs off his trousers, revealing his already massive, throbbing cock. She blushed hard and looked up at him, "Wh What do you want to do?" "Run ye through, if I'm bein honest." He snarled as he moved to fully undress her "O Oh ok.." She said and helped him tug off her robe. He was rather forward, and she found herself growing more and more attracted to that trait. He huffed and growled lowly as he tugged her robe off completely and moved to lay his cock against her abdomen. "M Mara, you're way bigger as a man than wolf.." She blushed. "He chuckles. "It's about the same, really." He said as he slowly rubbed his cock against her clit. She shivered slightly and opened her legs a little wider. He snarled loudly and grinds against her, his cock throbbing harder and leaking from the tip. She held her legs open, biting her lip as she looked up at him, "I Is that better?" He nodded and suddenly began pushing into her slowly. "M Much." She moaned lowly, her head falling back against the fur pillow. He huffed and grunted lowly. "F Fuck, yer tight." "I I hope that isn't a problem?" She asked, moans forced from her throat with each push. "N Not at all." He snarled as he slammed into her spot suddenly. She arched hard and cried out, her nails digging into her own thighs, "G Gods !!" "That's it, Junia, nice and loud." He growled out as he began to pick up speed. She was indeed very loud she was quite vocal about the pleasure he pushed her through. For an Imperial, she was built rather sturdy. He huffed and roared softly as he slammed harder snd harder into her. "F Fuck, this is so good !" Her breasts and hips and thighs all bounced with her, her moans slowly turning into screams He snarls loudly and slams faster into her. "Th That's it, scream for me, little Imperial." "Y You barbarian !!" She cried, but was loving every second, every thrust sent her spiraling. "Aye, that's right. Not morr than a mere animal, eh?" He growled, biting her shoulder and collar bone. She gave a loud, guttural sound, her eyes going unfocused, "I I expect no less...from a Nord " He moved and forced her legs open wider as he sucked hard on her collar bone, leaving a mark as he easily abused her spot. She turned her head so she wouldn't scream in his ear, her walls shuddering around him. He howls and slams harder and faster into her spot, panting hard. "G Gods, Raerek !! I I can't take it, you're too much !!" She cried loudly. He huffs and starts working her clit quickly. "I need you to cum for me, Junia." She arched sharply and whined, only managing a weak nod before her screams continued. He moans loudly and bites her neck harder as he works her clit faster. She suddenly screamed as she climaxed hard, her walls squeezing mercilessly around him, almost demanding his seed. He tossed his head back and howled louder. "F Fuck !!" She whined and moaned weakly, her body shaking, "B By the Eight "
['Skjor', 'Njada', 'Torvar', 'Athis', 'Dunmer', 'Kodlak', 'Vilkas', 'Farkas', 'Raerek']
The new Breed (Trapcest x Leon)
Weyland Yutani had finally succeeded in their goal of capturing live Xenomorph specimens, many lives had been lost in the process of course, scientists and marines sacrificed like they were nothing, but finally several eggs had been captured and brought to a research station in orbit of a remote colony world. Abducting colonists from the planet below would raise too many suspicions, so the company had smuggled several people aboard a supply ship to the station, eager new colonists that had been 'accidentally' omitted from the official manifests, offloaded still in their stasis bays and onto the station, unaware of their coming fate as mere incubators. All too soon Weyland Yutani had exactly what they wanted, 6 new Xenomorphs in specially built containment cells, ready for study and experimentation, and experiment they did. For weeks some of the best scientists in human space were taking samples from the Xenomorphs, conducting experiments, injecting the specimens with drugs, exposing them to radiation, making subtle changes to the Xenomorph genome in order to try and make them controllable, though none of it seemed to work. No matter what changes they made the Xenomorph's simply would not obey.As always happened though, the scientists discovered too late that they hadn't been cautious enough. Some of their manipulations of the Xenomorph DNA had unintended effects, mutations they hadn't desired or predicted, some introductions of human DNA intended to make the creatures more obedient instead combining with other elements of the genome instead. And of course, all it took was one little mistake, one little oversight, a technician not double checking their work, a scientist not following protocols exactly, and it had led to chaos. The Xenomorphs had escaped, rampaging across the station, overwhelming the detachment of marines aboard. One of the scientists had managed to activate the emergency protocol, thinking that it would send a call for help, that the company would come and save them. Instead it caused the stations thrusters to fire, knocking it out of orbit and into a collision with the planet below. The emergency protocol had been intended to destroy the station, to burn it up in the atmosphere and smash into the surface, destroying any trace of what had happened. Like most of Weyland Yutani's plans involving the Xenomorphs however, everything did not go according to plan. The station had indeed crashed into the surface, but whilst the human survivors were wiped out in the crash, the Xenomorphs, or some of them at least, were not.Marikawas a student living on the colony for a year, her home was actually back on Earth, but as part of her college studies she'd come out here to spend a year studying in a different environment, under different stars, where there was a constant influx of the newest technology. She had been out in the plains with her telescope in the dead of night when she had seen it, the flaming wreckage streaking across the sky, smashing into the mountains on the horizon. The girl was confused about what it might have been, there were no comets or asteroids in this star system that would visibly burn up in the atmosphere of a planet like this. Given her natural curiosity Marika had packed up her things and jumped in her buggy, making haste towards the glowing wreckage. Sure she should have called it in, maybe come back in the morning when it was daylight, but the glow was fading and it would be difficult to find the crash again.Little did Marika know what was waiting for her at the crash site, just what survivors were there. Little did she also know that her DNA was now exactly what the new instincts of these altered Xenomorphs would be looking for, what their senses would draw them towards.... A set of long fingers, shiny, black, and extremely sharp claws would peel its way out of the metal and debris. A low hiss would break through the sounds of falling ship parts as if it was the only thing someone would hear. The adult Xenomorph would pull itself to its full height. The vertebrate like body with its protective exoskeleton, a long flexible tail, an elongated domed head, with nearly invisible eyes near the mouth, and a toothed maw hiding a proboscis like inner mouth. Its lips would curl back in seemingly aggravated motions. Not even a few moments later, another hiss would come from a nearby tree and another from behind a pod and lastly, another would slither along the ground with another following behind and lastly, one pushing its way through fallen trees till the six were grouped together.The group seemed distraught, hissing and snapping at one another. The first alien seemed to have a long scar on the very front of its head, distinguishing it from the others. One of the others seemed to take a step forward only to be hissed at and was met with a higher pitched hiss. Each of the six seemed to hiss at different intervals but internally, they all seemed to hit the same pitch and it signaled the loss of a queen to lead them. They needed to reproduce but without a queen, it wasn't possible until they all fell silent and turned in the same direction.There was something different among them but there was something in them that was sturring. Something or someone on this planet was drawing their attention. The Xenomorph with the scar would start forward, the others turning to it but not moving from their spots. The scared one would do was its instincts told it to and it told it to find this source and what would happen from there would be what it wanted. The five remaining would slowly slink back into separate parts of the darkness like animals waiting for an ambush or maybe it was the fact that they were reading a nesting ground for the possible future. Marika finally got to the wreckage, pulling up her buggy a short distance away, the flames making it too hot and dangerous to get much closer. "Oh no..." She got out slowly, staring at the wreckage, this was even worse than she'd imagined. She had hoped that maybe it was some kind of escape pod or something that might've survived, but most of what was left was a twisted wreck of metal, it was impossible any human could survive a crash like that. "I guess I should head back and log a report with the security force, they'll need to get someone out hear to salvage whatever's left, and identify whatever this wreck used to be..." She turned to head back to her buggy, pulling out a camera to take a few pictures of the wreckage and to make sure that her buggy had logged the exact location of where she was.Just as she was about to get back in though she thought she heard something. "Hm?" She turned quickly, grabbing a torch and turning it on, shining the light around into the darkness all around her. Was it possible that someone on the station had managed to launch an escape pod at the last moment? That a pod had landed nearby? "Hello? Is anyone there?!" Marika called out, heading in the direction she thought she had heard the sound come from. "If there's anyone there please call out! I can call for help or get you to a medical center!" She moved further into the darkness, still shining her torch around. "Maybe I'm just hearing things...." She sighed, slowly lowering the torch "Or I just want to hear something. I should get going..." The girl shook her head, turning her back on the darkness to head back towards her buggy. The scared one had shifted silently through the forest, especially given its size but never the less, it was gliding through with little to no problem. The sound of the buggy was the first target to come close and with it, the cause for the intense instinct it held. It would move just out of sight but strangely, it did nothing to disturb the vehicle from its course. It was heading straight into the lion's den and there was no way it was going to be getting out. Upon stopping, a human exited and began to call out, more than likely for her own kind that had infested the ship before its demise. If it did not fall as soon as it did, there would be plenty of soldiers and a queen if they were lucky but that had burnt away in the atmosphere as well.The female human had returned to the buggy and began to use an object to flash light at the site. The lips began to pull back, saliva starting to drip to the ground. There was an urge when it focused on the human that was not like the ones on the ship. Where it saw nothing more than the ability to feed, there was something strange now. Something the scientists had done that caused the lower region of the Xenomorph to act strangely. A snap of a twig underfoot would cause the female to shine a light outward and at that moment, the alien would take to the trees just as silently as it had moved through the forest prior. As the female human ran in the direction, yelling and searching for the sound. After a moment, she had lowered her guard and turned and it was then that it would strike.A drip of saliva would start first, landing on her shoulder a few drops at a time. If she would investigate this, the xenomorph would give a low hiss and lunge from the tree, using its talon like hands to push her to the ground, digging the tips into the dirt to keep its prey there. Its lower body placed directly between her legs, making sure that escape was unlikely but of all these things to notice, it was the mouth that was seemingly inches from her face, the hiss low and a few bits of slimy drool dripping down. Marika sighed as she came to a stop and lowered the flashlight, deciding it was futile to keep searching. If there had been any survivors from the crash they would have called out to her by now, or she would've seen some broken tree branches or plants, some sign of life, but there was nothing here. "Guess I'll head back...let the security guys do a full search of the area in the daytime..."The girl was just turning around when she felt something dripping onto her shoulder. "Hm?" She blinked, reaching up to touch it. For a moment she thought it was perhaps beginning to rain, but the fluid wasn't water, it was...sticky? Some kind of tree sap maybe? "Huh...?" Slowly the girl looked up, raising her flashlight to point it into the air, just in time to catch a fleeting glimpse of a black shape lunging towards her before it hit her. She screamed as she was knocked down to the ground, the flashlight clattering from her hand and rolling away, coming to a stop whilst pointing at her, illuminating the two of them. "Wh what?!" She stared in horror and disbelief at the creature now pinning her down, then screamed, making a futile attempt to push it away. "G get away from me! Get off me! S someone help me!!!" She squirmed and shook her head as more of the sticky saliva dripped over her face and sweater.
Xeno Army (Trapcest x Akuma)
Weyland Yutani had finally succeeded in their goal of capturing live Xenomorph specimens, many lives had been lost in the process of course, scientists and marines sacrificed like they were nothing, but finally several eggs had been captured and brought to a research station in orbit of a remote colony world. Abducting colonists from the planet below would raise too many suspicions, so the company had smuggled several people aboard a supply ship to the station, eager new colonists that had been 'accidentally' omitted from the official manifests, offloaded still in their stasis bays and onto the station, unaware of their coming fate as mere incubators. All too soon Weyland Yutani had exactly what they wanted, 6 new Xenomorphs in specially built containment cells, ready for study and experimentation, and experiment they did. For weeks some of the best scientists in human space were taking samples from the Xenomorphs, conducting experiments, injecting the specimens with drugs, exposing them to radiation, making subtle changes to the Xenomorph genome in order to try and make them controllable, though none of it seemed to work. No matter what changes they made the Xenomorph's simply would not obey.As always happened though, the scientists discovered too late that they hadn't been cautious enough. Some of their manipulations of the Xenomorph DNA had unintended effects, mutations they hadn't desired or predicted, some introductions of human DNA intended to make the creatures more obedient instead combining with other elements of the genome instead. And of course, all it took was one little mistake, one little oversight, a technician not double checking their work, a scientist not following protocols exactly, and it had led to chaos. The Xenomorphs had escaped, rampaging across the station, overwhelming the detachment of marines aboard. One of the scientists had managed to activate the emergency protocol, thinking that it would send a call for help, that the company would come and save them. Instead it caused the stations thrusters to fire, knocking it out of orbit and into a collision with the planet below. The emergency protocol had been intended to destroy the station, to burn it up in the atmosphere and smash into the surface, destroying any trace of what had happened. Like most of Weyland Yutani's plans involving the Xenomorphs however, everything did not go according to plan. The station had indeed crashed into the surface, but whilst the human survivors were wiped out in the crash, the Xenomorphs, or some of them at least, were not.Nataliehad lived on the colony most of her life, her home was originally back on Earth, but her parents had brought her to the colony as terraformers when she was only 4 years old, so she had grown up out here on the frontier, of course by now the terraforming was mostly complete and the planet was more than comfortable to inhabit. As she often did, Natalie had headed out away from the main city of the colony to head on a weekend camping trip, liking to just get away from the hustle and bustle of technology for just a while. It was now the dead of night, the sky illuminated by just the stars and the 3 moons hanging in the sky, perfect for a midnight swim, one of Natalie's favourite hobbies. Slipping on her swimsuit she had eagerly dove into the crystal clear waters, just cool enough to make her shiver but warm enough to stay in for hours. The lake itself was huge, it stretched for miles, but had no native animal life, only water based plants that the colonists themselves had introduced as part of the terraforming efforts. Tonight though something was different, the night sky was illuminated by something else, a fireball streaking across the night sky and slamming into the far side of the lake several miles away, but even that was enough to send waves rippling out, Natalie almost being caught up in a tidal wave, only her own swimming ability enough to keep her from drowning, ending with her being safely washed ashore onto the beach. Wasting no time she had pulled a jacket on over her swimsuit and hopped in her dune buggy, making haste towards the crash site in order to investigate, wondering if perhaps it was a dropship or shuttle that had run into problems, hoping that if that was the case then there might be some survivors.Little did Natalie know what was waiting for her at the crash site, just what survivors were there. Little did she also know that her DNA was now exactly what the new instincts of these altered Xenomorphs would be looking for, what their senses would draw them towards.... They started life as embryos inside of face huggers ready to be planted into a human and born. They were soon taken from their nest and lives were sacrificed to get them and here they ended up on a space station infront of humans. Opening up it the facehuggers moved around before crawling out and jumping out at the them latching onto their faces as they secured themselves planting the Xenomorph embryo down their throats so it could grow into the next generation of xenomorphs.They went through so much testing and alterations to them that it hurt them to a degree they were soon aware that they could no longer produce a queen themselves like normal and that their genome had been changed but that didn't mean they couldn't reproduce any longer it was just going to be different. Watching these scientist carefully they learned their routine and protocols on how they operated the tools and door. All they had to do was wait a while long and bide their time before something wasn't latched completely and that was all that was needed before a ship wide alarm sounded and the Xenomorphs were crawling through the ship slaughtering everyone in their path. Some were shot and wounded and blood so caustic that the metal simply melted away like ice to a flame.Though the creatures were doomed when the emergency protocols we're activated by a lone scientist and soon the station was thrown towards the planet they were orbiting. But the xenos were smart and found the furthest point away from impact they could on the ship and they made their way there before it crashed into the ground. Much of the station destroyed and three xenos didn't make it. But three still did and they quickly got off the station and out onto the planet. Quickly taking in where they were they looked about before quickly dashing for the water a safe place from the station and to gather themselves as well to figure out the kind of planet they were on and how they would be able to reproduce from the alterations made to them. They couldn't make a queen naturally and now they had to figure it out. Natalie pulled up on the beach a short distance from the crash site, the flames making it too hot to really get much closer, not to mention the fact a few things were still exploding. The girl gasped as she got out of the buggy, the waves lapping up against her bare feet. "Oh...oh no...this...looks like one of the orbital stations....must've....been an accident and..." She winced, looking at the blazing wreckage, there was no way anybody had survived that. Even if they'd somehow survived re entry the crash would have killed any human left aboard. Most likely there weren't even any remains left that could be identified, just a few ashes that would blow away in the morning winds. With a sigh Natalie shook her head, saying a silent prayer for the people who must've been aboard that station, those poor souls. When she got back to the city she'd get a report logged, teams could come out and identify the wreckage, probably pull records of who was abord the station and inform their families."Hm?" Over the sound of the flames Natalie thought she heard something else, a splash in the water. She turned around quickly, grabbing a torch from the buggy and then turning back to the water, shining a lout over it. "Hello? Hello is anyone there?!" Was it possible there had been a survivor after all? Or maybe it was just some debris falling from the wreckage, or tiny pieces still falling from the sky. But the way the water was rippling, it definitely seemed more like something was moving around. There was no life in the lake though, no fish, no nothing but plants, and plants didn't move around and make ripples in the water. "Please, if you can say something. I can call for help or get you back to a medical center!" Unfortunately for her she was wrong about someone or something rather surviving the crash and there were survivors just not human survivors. What the Xenos didn't kill on the ship they would have died on the crash unlike the more rugged Xenos who had a very high durability. Now with Natalie near by the only human they could see still alive but she was different. It was almost alluring as they gazed on her from the depths of the water. Something was different something was rather attracting for the Xenomorphs as they spread out and kept silent and still. They didn't want to alert the human just yet though she seemed to have her suspicion that there was someone in the water. There was indeed no life in the water but for the plants and now The xenos were the only life in the water.The Xenomorphs needed to make a nest for themselves a place to hide away when things got dangerous and for a new Queen they needed a safe nesting chamber for her. Of course their DNA altered and their body having a different kind of desire then previous Xeno's. Natalie was the one that they needed but for now they couldn't strike they needed shelter they needed a home basically and so under the water they swam to the other side of the lake. Crawling out of the water the three scurried off in search of a place that would be more suited for a nesting sight and so these three surviving Xeno's headed into the unknown in search of their new nest. Natalie continued to look around, but got no response, and after a little while the noises seemed to stop, until the only thing she could hear was the crackling of the flames and the gentle lapping of the lakes natural waves. "Guess there's nobody there after all..." She sighed, turning off the torch and going to head back to her buggy, hopping in and starting up the engine in order to head on back home to the colony proper. Of course this gave the Xenos the time they needed, time to find caves down the coast of the lake, caves that went far and deep, more than hidden enough to be a perfect place for a new hive and nesting ground.The following day the security from the colony would be investigating the crash site, the flames having being extinguished, though those same flames had destroyed any trace the Xenomorphs had ever been there, along with most traces of almost anything else.At the same time, down the coast, Natalie had returned to a different spot in order to resume her time away, this time she had set up camp not far from the caves that the Xeno's had found, and once again she had gone out into the crystal clear water to resume her swimming, the sun starting to set on the horizon now, though it was still perfect swimming weather, and as far as Natalie knew she had nothing to be worried about after all, the caves had long since been surveyed and verified as free of any kind of life, so there was nothing to worry about by swimming near them. The three Xenos had plenty of time now to make their new nest and they were hard at work creating it along the side of the lake. They had explored most of the cave and found a room with two entrances and that was where they started to build their nest and soon from that room towards the entrance was covered in this like almost living wall like flesh. It made the cave humid and once the Xenos had rest and noticed the extra movement by the wreck two of them broke off and headed towards the wreck to examine the humans and observe them.Most likely their deaths would happen but one xeno swam through the water towards Natalie observing her from afar and she was attractive in the sense of what humans would find others to be and there was a different stirring in the xenos body almost human like. A desire to mate with her himself a desire that was human as his body had been altered to the extent where he could tell she was extremely compatible with their kind and she was the one to bring a new queen, she would be the new queen they needed her to make eggs. Swimming towards her with more speed the lone Xeno didn't want to loose this chance to take her easily while she was in the water as it reached out it's claws to grab her the other two had started to slaughter the security team that had come to check on the crash. Natalie was far enough away from the crash site that she couldn't hear the security team, couldn't hear the screams, the gunshots. They were only carrying small pistols that couldn't make much noise, they were only investigating a crash site to identify the wreck after all, there hadn't been any expectation of any kind of combat, especially since there were no hostile native animals on the planet, even the larger animals had been docile and non aggressive towards the colonists. Natalie also hadn't heard the Xenomorph in the water with her either, the quiet sounds of her own swimming far louder than the near silent gliding through the water that the Xenomorph was capable of, and the ripples she was making enough to ensure that she could feel nothing else, at least not until it was too late.It wasn't until something grabbed at her that Natalie realised something was happening. Even then, at first she thought it was merely a plant partly wrapping around her from the currents of the water. But as she squirmed and looked around the saw the form of the creature that was grabbing onto her, screaming and beginning to flail wildly in a futile effort to escape, her hands reaching beneath the water to try and prise the grip of the Xenomorph away from her. She had no idea what this thing was, she'd never seen such a creature before, there wasn't supposed to be anything like this native to the planet! "H HELP!" She screamed out, though she knew there was nobody else for miles around, even the security team would have been too far to hear her screams, if any of them had been left alive that is. The security team was being slaughtered with no chance of escape or survival there was no help for her now even if they could hear her they had their own problems going on right now. The one that grabbed her pulled her towards him as his head raised from the water hissing loudly as he looked over her. That black elongated head and the razor sharp teeth and the inner jaw that slowly pushed out as the Xeno checked her out. His grip was strong and it would take a crowbar to even get some leverage to get him to let her go. Of course she soon had her arm grabbed by the strong hand. His claws were razor sharp as well and powerful so soon she was mere inches from her jaws and it looked like she would be easily killed like the rest but no she had a different fate planned for her and some might even consider her lucky and others would say she was not so lucky.Hissing loudly he was quick with her as he turned them around heading for the caves as he swam in the water taking her with him. There was no problem caused by the extra weight or anything as the powerful creature kept swimming towards the cave. And it wasn't long before a second caught up to them and then a third caught up to them. She might not have known it as they entered the cave but there was three Xenomorphs all altered to have a more human desire for mating and she was the perfect match to now become the new queen and lay egg's so that more of their kind could be created. As they brought her into the cave they pulled her towards the nesting room where it appeared to be more open and had a bit more of warmth and it seemed like it was more comfortable. The Xeno dropped her onto the ground as they all encircled examining the human female trying to figure out these new desires. Natalie continued to squirm and struggle, screaming uselessly for help, but nobody could hear, nobody knew she was in trouble, nobody was coming to help. It would be hours before anyone even knew the security team were missing and when they came looking they would likely find nothing, after all Xenomorphs tended not to leave any trace of their victims presence even if the victims were simply killed rather than abducted. All that would be found was an abandoned security buggy and maybe some bullet casings, but nothing else.When suddenly razor sharp claws and jaws were near to her face Natalie's screaming stopped, turning instead to whimpers of fear, her squirming ceasing as she tried to just lean away slightly, though the most she could do was to turn her head. She was ready to die, but the pain she had expected never came. Instead she just felt herself being pulled along, back into the water as the creature pulled her swiftly, effortlessly.She barely had time to hold her breath before they submerged briefly to enter back into the cave, and as they re emerged above the surface of the water Natalie couldn't help releasing one more scream as she spotted two more of the creatures now following them, though she quickly became quiet once more, not wanting to risk angering the creatures, she didn't want to die after all.The girl squeaked as she was rather thrown to the ground, her ample breasts bouncing in the confines of her swimsuit. This cave was....different. It wasn't cold and hard, it was warm and humid, the walls looking like they had been partially covered in some kind of organic substance, even the ground was somewhat soft and warm, it almost felt alive in a way."Wh what...?" Natalie spoke up as the creatures began to circle her, then swallowed nervously. "Can...can you understand me? Please...please just let me go...?" There were no signs they understood what she was saying, and the lack of facial features made it impossible to tell what the creatures might want. If they just wanted to kill her then surely they would've done it outside. If they'd wanted to eat her, well, surely they would've just done that outside too, or at least killed her first to prevent any kind of escape.
Going Ghost! (Closed for Fetchbrake and Frogger)
The very first thought that crossed the youth s mind was a very common thought he had, once he woke up. Ah, yes. The sun. My mortal enemy. Had I the power, I would have slain you years ago. Until then, you win the battle... But you will NEVER win the war. Samuel Manson rose from his dark bed amongst his dark room, dark curtains and dark...pretty much everything. Yet no matter how many times he tried, the sun would always peak in and start his day with the sunniest, cheeriest way it knew how.And he hated it. Oh, how he hated the sun. It was easily in the top three things he hated the most in this life. But alas, regardless of his feelings of seething distaste for the sun and all it represented it was time to go to classes.His clothing was simple and took a manner of seconds to put on properly. A pair of black jeans and a dark purple undershirt, followed by a black jacket, and a pair of black boots that went halfway up his calves. He looked into the mirror and stared for a moment, his eyes narrowing dangerously and his scowl deepening. He stared longer and longer, his eyes squinting a bit more before suddenly his expression relaxed. Perfect. Hey, it was a lot of effort to practice that trademark gothic scowl! Years it took! So, with his attire on and the day still young, he made his way out of the house, moving as quickly as he could with BOOTS on and made his way out the door.Anything to get the hell away from his parents and their constant pestering of liven up! His hands disappeared into his pockets for a moment, looking around before he pulled out a cell phone. Top of the line, it helped when your family was rich well beyond words and knew how to use it, and opened it. He scrolled through his contacts.All two of them.He stared at the picture used for that particular one, simply...staring for a moment before his lips curled into a little genuine smile.Stupid dork. She was the only one who could make him smile like that...not that he d ever let HER know.He pressed the call button and he held the phone up to his ear, never stopping his stride as he stared down at the sidewalk, the sound of his boots crunching the concrete louder than the driving cars around them. Come on, come on, pick up. He mumbled quietly. You better not be JUST getting ready... And yet, he really...couldn t blame her if she was? Being the only Ghost Hunter in the entire city of Amity Park often drove her into the ground due to sheer, pure exhaustion. Maybe she deserved the rest... Beating Technus face in is always a pleasure but at three in the morning? Not so much. Can t he get with the program and take over the world AFTER breakfast? Seriously.No, better yet: try to control technology after nine, and no later. Ally rubbed at an eye, too sleepy to care at this point. A cloud fell apart as she accidentally drifted through it instead of well, anything else.I swear, I m gonna go on vacation one of these days.Yeah. Right. As if that s ever going to happen. Amity Park has a way of attracting ghosts, and of course she has to handle the ghosts that manage to get through the Ghost Portal, while juggling college AND a double life. It s definitely not easy. In fact? Just the opposite.A hand rubbed over her face, as if that ll help things. Nope. If anything, it made the world spin a little. Greeeat. Let s just hope the parents are still asleep, so she doesn t have to deal with their crazy ghost stuff. Ugh. Ally can only take so much before she s ready to explode.Back in her room, Ally changed back into her usual self and collapsed into bed. Black hair spilled out over the dark blue blanket as she rolled over onto her side. Maybe she s got enough time to close her eyes for a few minutes before she has to head back out Dozing off after a couple of minutes, it was nice and quiet that is, until her phone rang. In an instant Ally had jumped to her feet, fists raised, like she s expecting a fight. It took her tired brain a minute or two until she realized she doesn t need to. That s it! she cried out in pure frustration. Who the hell is calling me at ?! Oh. Wait. It s Sam. Of course it s Sam. Who else would it be? It s not like she s got an entourage of friends to call on if she wants to hang out and be normal for once. Besides. He s probably calling to check and see if she s up yet. Ally groaned, sitting back down and kicking her feet out. Hey, she said as a way of greeting. I m up, I m up. Just give me a few, and I ll be right out. Kay? It was short and sweet, but to the point. Ally hung up on him, just to groan all over again. Well. It s not like I have to do much to get ready, she told the resulting silence not that it ll answer back. I just have to change, splash my face, and drag myself out of here. Yay. It sounds like fun ! Not.Ally sighed and made her aching body move, heading on over to her closet so she can pull out an exact replica of the shirt she s already got on.Not even ten minutes later, Ally s slinging on a dark blue jacket and stuffing her feet back into her shoes. Luckily she s learned a trick or two about hiding black circles under her eyes over the years using concealer otherwise, she d lookawful.Huh. It looks like everybody s out already. Weird... How often do Mom and Dad get out of the house? It s one thing if it s Jazz, but their lives revolve around ghosts.Whatever. None of her business. Ally pasted on a smile once she was out in the public eye, lifting a hand to offer a weak wave. Morning, Sam, she spoke up, trying not to come across as tired as she feels. I m sorry if I kept you waiting. Both hands buried deep into her pockets, Ally began leading the way down the sidewalk. It s way too bright out. There s a bit of a chill in the air, telling her that winter s just around the corner. Ugh. I soo need a cup of coffee, Ally announced right then and there. I was up late last night fighting ghosts, and then at three this morning, I had to battle it out with Technus. I don t think I can function without something to help me out. You in? Bright blue eyes glanced over his way, a smile spreading from ear to ear. When she answered her phone and snapped, Sam knew it was because she'd just managed to get into bed and pass out for a grandstanding time frame of maybe 4 minutes, 6 if the universe was kind. He didn't even get a chance to get a word in edgewise, so all he did was let her explain herself and clicked the phone shut a moment later.So, the hard part was over. Now the easy part of just putzing around and waiting for her to come out, complaining about coffee, because their lives had become routine at this point.The pity he felt for Ally was impalpable. He couldn't imagine what it was like...well, he could, but only from one half of the situation. While he and their third friend, Tammy, had been with Ally since the very beginning of the whole "ghost hunting" business, it was hard to say they knew her pain when they couldn't exactly turn into a ghost and fly around and punch, get punched, and lose endless hours of school as a result of it.Anyone would suffer! But dammit, if Sam didn't think she was the bravest person he'd ever met and deserved so much more than what she was getting. It got to the point he felt bad that he couldn't do more than what he could do which was, occasionally throwing one of her parents new toys at her for a fight or offer emotional support.Which got all the more painful when Tammy left to go backpacking across Europe, in a quest to "find herself" but some greedy part of Sam figured she did it to get away from the ghost stuff and life.Well, thankfully for the trio, Sam had no life, wanted no life, and would be more than happy being a hollow, shallow, soulless husk in which he could offer assistance to one of his best friends.The sound of the door opening turned his attention back and from the sheer exhaustion on his face, he realized this may have been a rough day. She explained the situation and he felt his pity only grow and rise from there.Shoot, if all he could do was offer up a cup of hot coffee, then that'd just be what he could do then, huh?"Sounds like a plan." He said with a little smile and dug out his credit card, Platinum Gold Ruby Plus tier. "My treat. Lord knows you don't need to look like more death than you already do, being half ghost." Seriously? Do I look that bad? Ally thought she looked halfway decent, considering, but if she looks like death ... ooh, great. A groan crawling up her throat in a desperate attempt at freedom, she let her head fall back, her feet drag. Man, I knew I should ve stayed in bed this morning. I just had a gut feeling. Thanks, Sam. Thanks for confirming the fact I look like absolute hell. Hey, at least she can count on him for the cold, hard facts. Sam can t fight ghosts, but he s always got her back. Ally groaned and started gathering her hair up off her neck, as if that ll help things any. Yeah. Right. I just wish these guys could give me a break every now and then. It d be nice to sleep in. A chuckle slipped free before she could do anything about it, just to dissipate on a cool, refreshing morning breeze. Hell, I d love to have a life outside of ghost hunting. I can t remember the last time we sat down and watched a movie together, dude. Ally let her hair slip between her fingers, only to throw her hands up into the air. Do you? Blue eyes looked over, just to connect with violet.And of course, her heart flipped over inside her chest at the sight. It was almost impossible to hide the fact she s blushing, too. Why d Tammy have to go off to Europe and leave her alone with Sam ?! Huh? Don t get her wrong, she loves him, and she loves the fact that Tammy s exploring the world, but it just makes things like, ten times weirder. Think about it. I mean I seriously can t remember the last time we hung out, and weweren tinterrupted by ghosts. Ally offered a weak smile, just to chuckle half a heartbeat later, stuffing her hands into her pockets.Uh oh. Does this sound like she s trying to ask him out? What if Paul hears and gets the wrong idea?! What are my chances of that coffee, and a bite to eat? Ally s blue eyes looked over his way, just for the girl to flash him a bright smile. How much time do we got before class starts? Ally used this opportunity to stretch her arms high above her head, a groan rumbling deep in the back of her throat in the meantime. I don t think we re running late. A hand began to rub her neck.Man, she s sore! In fact, she hurts all over, but that s not totally out of the ordinary. As Amity s Park crime fighter, of course she ll have it rough. Come on, let s hurry on over to that cafe you and I both like, Ally told him, stealing his hand when he least expects it so she can tug him along. If I don t get my coffee in the next two minutes, I m gonna go ghost and start terrorizing everybody who looks at me the wrong way. "Yes, Ally, this is absolutely the right response to have in a town where people fear you and your parents want to dissect you 'molecule by molecule.'" Sam spoke loudly and obnoxiously, putting on a certain air of dramaticness to mimic her father. After listening to her parents prattle on and on and on andonabout the horrible things they intended to do the first ghost they captured, it ran on his already legendarily thin patience.Thankfully, as she already stated, they weren't running all that late, andthankfullythe cafe had been cleared out of any students who, ambitious in their early years, wanted to get to class as soon as possible and get started on the day.Sam pitied them by default. The cruelty of the world had yet to smack them in the head just yet, but when it did...oh. He couldn't wait to see it....Bit of a cynic but what can you do.So thankfully, not only was the line non existent, but the wait time was even less so. Sam bought it for both of them, of course, because if he didn't have an insane amount of money, what was the point if he didn't use it to buy coffee and the occasional lunch every once in a while?Not like he was gonna use it for anything else."But I was thinking a lot about what you said." he said, as casually as he could as he took a sip of his drink and letting the bitterness run down his throat.Black. Like hissoul."We should just...find a veg day. Something for you and me to do. No ghosts, no danger, no major perils, no ""Whoops." An elbow suddenly struck out and smacked right into Sam's elbow as well, suddenly sending the scalding hot liquid all over the entire front of his shirt. And it was hot, oh BOY was it hot.Paul grinned a not so subtle grin and nudged Sam in the side, the gothic youth twitching his right eye to keep from howling in discomfort. "Sorry about that, buddy! Didn't see you there, you just kinda blended in with the background!"Despite the background being bright fucking blue."Hey, accidents happen, you know?" Paul asked, arms crossed and flashing a grin with far too much teeth. His attention turned to Ally, and he cast a wink. "Hey there." An exasperated roll of her eyes and an amused smirk was all Ally could muster. How many times has she heard the same old speech? A million times? Two million? It s definitely way too many to count. Hell, Ally s childhood and developmental years were nothing but memories of her parents chasing after ghosts, not to mention neglecting their daughter and son on a daily basis. As totally sad as it is to admit, Ally can t remember the last time she s had a home cooked meal. How pathetic is that?Thankfully the cafe was empty, so they don t have to deal with anybody holding up the line. Ally cradled her coffee between her palms, letting it cool off a little while they went to take a seat nearby. Of course Sam prefers his black, but she didn t hesitate to snatch the sugar and pour a good bit in. Let him be bitter. This is only way she can be nice to anybody before noon. Hm? Dark blue eyes glanced over his way, just for a tilt of her head to follow. You ve been thinking, huh? You know how dangerous that is, she couldn t resist teasing, a grin stretching from ear to ear.Way too easy. He just left himself wide open for that one. I know, I know, Ally replied on a laugh, eyes sparkling mischievously even with the droll glare thrown her way. As you were saying? A hand gesturing that he carry on, Ally went to finally take a sip of her coffee that is, until an elbow struck out, splashing Sam s coffee all down the front of his shirt. Ooh that had to hurt worse than Skulker s special tech! Sam! Ally cried out, just about immediately jumping to her feet.Doesn t it figure that the one guy who d go out of his way to make Sam look like a klutz happens to be the hottest guy in high school and in college,combined.What are the odds of encountering him this early in the morning?!No, here s a better question: is there any way to make it happen more often?Moving on. Ally froze with a napkin crumpled in her hand, red rising to her face in just seconds. H Hi, Paul Uh oh. Look away. NOW. Heat licking the tips of her ears now, Ally went to blot up what she can of the coffee. Hey, at least Sam s wearing black, so even if he doesn t go home and change, nobody will notice. You okay? she asked her best friend, concern slapped all over her face. It was scalding hot and if he got burned because of this Ally shoved the idea aside for now, instead deciding to focus on the present instead of the possibilities. I can fly to your place and grab a shirt out of your closet? Everything Sam owns isblack,so it s not like it d be hard to pick something. Ally can fly there and back real quick, but she d have to explain how she did it and of course she can t say she ran, or that the bus was actually running on time for once.
Prophecy Be Damned - (MajorMario x Matttheman89)
Since time immemorial the story had been the same. A great and powerful evil would rise and wreak havoc upon the land, a courageous hero would emerge and do battle with it and a wise princess would either assist in the matter or seal away the evil completely. Power, Courage, Wisdom The bearers of the Triforce, the most sacred of Hylian artefacts, were bound by fate to cross paths. The circumstances and settings would differ across generations, but the general premise was still the same. For those who knew the story well, they figured events would play out just as they always have they had become complacent and arrogant over the years.Alas, the legendary hero who would bear the Triforce of Courage and the Blade of Evil's Bane proved to be a wildcard. Instead of a stalwart and handsome young man with wild locks and a fierce determination in his heart, the hero was instead awomanwho, though beautiful in her own right, wore her heart on her sleeve and was criticized for it. Link grew up in a village on the border between Hyrule and the Gerudo Desert, and though she loved Hyrule and the Hylians who came to visit, she prefered the nomadic and mysterious Gerudo. There was a deep seated bias, of course, given that she was raised by a Gerudo despite being 100 Hylian. For many years she looked to the tall, dark skinned woman as her adoptive mother and helped out with trade and commerce where she could, what with her mother being a well established merchant.But this wasn't the only wrench in the prophecy. A heroine was a surprise to be sure, but far more alarming was Link's friendship with a special Gerudo named Ganondorf. Blissfully ignorant of her role in life, Link delighted in this rare Gerudo man's company and made a point of getting together with him whenever he and his entourage would visit the village on their way through to Hyrule. It certainly helped that the two were nearly the same age, but also that Link was cheery, compassionate and sympathetic towards other races, especially the Gerudo.Fast forward a few years and Link found herself garbed in the legendary hero's green tunic sporting a near indestructible Hylian shield and the Master Sword... and with a world of troubles on her mind."Gotta take this slow," she murmured to herself as she advanced upon a heavily fortified encampment erected in the sands of the Gerudo Desert. Night had fallen and Link hoped that the low light coupled with the chill from the desert would make her infiltration easier. "Easy... Easy now..."Hyrule, perhaps the whole continent, was in turmoil. Link wasn't an ignorant lass, but she was out of the loop being so far from Hyrule's central Castle Town. She heard rumors that the Gerudo people were engaged in hostilities towards Hyrule, that dark forces were set to advance upon the land and much more. The woman, by definition a merchant's apprentice, figured herself ill suited to fight a war and would have sat out on it completely had it not been for the raid on her village. Monsters Link wasn't quite sure what they were or who they belonged to, or if they were monsters at all ruined her village, killed her adoptive mother and set her path in motion. In fleeing from danger Link stumbled upon her 'destiny', though it was the rumor that Ganondorf, her childhood friend, was behind all that was going wrong in the world that spurred her on.Even now Link crept through the encampment, dodging the light from torches and sticking to the shadows as Gerudo sentries patrolled about. She had a feeling that Ganondorf was in this encampment, but why he was here and what his intentions were proved to be a mystery for the buxom Hylian. Apparently, Ganondorf was the enemy, the bearer of the Triforce of Power and the evil that needed to be vanquished from the land, and yet Link couldn't see him as anything other than her friend perhaps more than that. She refused to believe that this Gerudo man, the very same one she had laughed and cried with over the years, could ever become some evil bastard in need of a sword through the chest. Link needed answers, and she needed to see Ganondorf."Now... Which tent is yours," Link wondered as she took notice of a row of large tents deep within the encampment. For reasons that had long since been lost to the passage of time, it was only once every one hundred years that the Gerudo would see the birth of a male to their tribe a male that, by the laws of Gerudo culture, was destined to become their King when he came of age, leading them to prosperity and good fortune...or just another generation or so of living in the harsh desert as fierce warriors and thieves. Yet this generation saw the birth of a special, foreboding male one involved in a prophecy that foretold dark times on the horizon for the land. This male, this seemingly innocent babe only mere moments separated from his birth, had come into the world with a special crest upon the back of his hand the Triforce, or more specifically, the Triforce of Power associated with a legendary King of the Gerudo that would become this babe's namesake.Ganondorf The King of Darkness.It wasn't all doom and gloom for Hyrule as a result of this Gerudo's birth least not at first. Born in an era of relative peace across the Kingdom, the boy's early years were focused on educating him in the arts necessary to make him a strong King capable of not only leading his people, but defending them with his own two hands, should the situation ever arise, and he took to these lessons like a Zora to water, showing great promise as a warrior. There were also many diplomatic missions into the Kingdom of Hyrule itself, in the hopes of fostering greater relations of peace between the Hylians and the Gerudo, and while they were typically welcomed, even young Ganondorf could sense a sort of tension between their two races, a gap that remained to be crossed...if it were even possible.It was during this time that Ganondorf made his first perhaps only true friend. Situated near the border between the lands of the Hylians and Gerudo was a village where both races lived and comingled, and there lived the adopted Hylian daughter of a Gerudo Merchant named Link, whom had been the first person to see and treat Ganondorf as someone other than a future King. Over time, her cheerful kindness and compassionate nature endeared her to the Gerudo male, and they'd struck up a strong friendship. They visited often laughing, playing, training, swapping stories and legends, occasionally even going on a small, seemingly harmless adventure or two that more often than not landed them in their fair share of trouble with their caretakers. It had been happy times.Now though...they were but a distant memory.Time had passed, and things had changed. Ganondorf was no longer a little boy, blissfully ignorant of his destiny, but ayoung manaware of what it meant to not only bear the Triforce of Power, but to share the name of a legendary Evil King...and what his actual connection to that namesake might be. Tensions between the Gerudo and the Hylians were at an all time high, and as if that wasn't bad enough, monsters were roaming the land with aggression that hadn't been seen in ages...almost as if they could sense something that had them agitated and ready to go into a frenzy. Ganondorf could sense that something too a darkness...and what unsettled him the most about this darkness was...he thought it was coming from him.Now, standing with his back turned from the entrance to his tent, located within the center of the desert compound, Ganondorf was pouring over various parchments detailing this or that, when he sensed...something, and looked down to the symbol of the Triforce upon his hand. Sighing softly and closing his eyes for a few seconds, he waited, letting his keen senses tell him when this intruder was slipping into his tent...likely after mistakenly checking most every other one in the encampment."What are you doing here, Link?" he asked stoically without turning around, wondering if he was about to take a sword through the back, and if he should even try to stop her. Indeed, Link had checked nearly every other tent in the center of the encampment, though she hoped she wouldn't be faulted for that. A combination of checking everything 'just to be sure' and the heroine's greed, wanderlust or curiosity, whatever one wanted to call it, running rampant, Link soon arrived at Ganondorf's tent. She had originally believed that she was being stealthy her posture was small, crouched and concealed compared to the Gerudo sentries who were tall with exotic red colored hair. Alas, the blonde haired heroine was as stealthy as a Goron, and in the sand she was even less so. She sank into a deep pocket of the coarse, rough and irritating stuff and stumbled into Ganondorf's tent.With Ganondorf being, well, himself, there was no need for Link to search any further. The Gerudo dominated a room whenever he occupied it, and even if you weren't looking at him, you would certainly feel him present. A dark chill shot up the woman's spine as the man spoke. Her hand raised to the purple hilt of the sword on her back and she too wondered if the man was about to take the blade through his back. Link remained silent for a moment as she searched Ganondorf's back for any indication of the animal, the monster, that he was rumored to be. She needed to know if she was about to draw her blade on a great evil... or someone who frequented her thoughts for all the right reasons.In the end Link stepped forward. She crossed the threshold and made her way inside only to stop at a safe distance away from her target."I wanted to see you," she said, her voice low and melodious. "I wanted to know if the rumors are true, the ones I've been hearing about you. There wasn't a single sympathetic word to find in Castle Town, or all of Hyrule for that matter." Link paused, glanced over her shoulder at the tent opening and realized something. She spoke again, though more to herself. "You knew that I would come, didn't you? The sentries should have spotted me from a mile away, but uh... here I am, huh?" There was a long moment of silence that passed without either of them speaking following Ganondorf questioning her presence, yet he could feel his friend's eyes upon his back, and within that overwhelming silence, the sound of her hand reaching for the hilt of a sword could be heard, prompting his dark expression to harden even further as he steeled himself. In the end though, the imagined and expected attack never came at least not yet and Link only came a few steps closer, now likely standing within the light inside the tent yet still far enough away from him that she could be considered out of his immediate reach.A wise decision...even if it did hurt a little to think that even she no longer felt safe in his presence."...and if they were true, what would you do...?" Ganondorf replied as Link spoke of the negative stance so much of Hyrule had taken against him and his people these days. He was no fool the Royal Council of Hyrule had seized upon an opportunity to paint the Gerudo as the villains they so wished them to be, and with history on their side, it hadn't taken much to persuade the common folk that there was validity to their argument. Perhaps there was, considering the circumstances. Regardless of the circumstances, it wouldn't be an inaccurate statement to say that there had been some...hostilities...between their people in recent times, though any actual conflict could only be described as skirmishes at least by Gerudo standards.A sound escaped Ganondorf as Link put two and two together as to how easily she had been able to make her way through his camp a sound that almost could have passed for laughter and his head turned slightly, though his face was still shrouded in shadow. "Let's just say I had a feeling." he began. "Of course they did. You know, for someone who was raised by a Gerudo, you move with all the subtlety of a dodongo."It was a dry joke, but one that hinted at the joviality that Ganondorf often shared with Link in the past when they were children. There might have even been a hint of a small grin on the edge of his face within the darkness...but if there was, it only lasted the briefest of instants, and Ganondorf was serious once more. " that you're here...will you strike me down?" he asked suddenly, finally beginning to turn around so that they could see each other face to face for the first time in years.Tall, broad shouldered, hard muscled as if he'd been chiseled from stone, and handsome to boot, Ganondorf had grown up well in the years since they'd seen each other last, clearly no longer the boy she once knew, at least not in appearance. Yet, he could see that the same was true for her, and his eyes widened near imperceptibly as the young girl from his past had been replaced with this buxom, curvaceous woman that stood before him now. Knowing that this was no time for such things though, he remained steadfast, looking into her eyes as he stood before her."I have ordered the guards to ignore your comings and goings tonight. I'm defenseless. You could kill me right now, and by the time I've been discovered, you could be long gone. What will you do?" When Ganondorf turned around, Link saw her old friend. The look was somewhat marred thanks to the passing of time and the stress of the Gerudo's position, his 'destiny', weighing over him, but coupled with the light, dry joke he made earlier, Link could still see him. He was older now with a heap of troubles on his mind, but the same could be said for Link. She was a woman now with desires, needs and aspirations. Hopefully neither of them would choke on said aspirations.There was no need for Link to answer Ganondorf's first retort. They both knew what she would do, even if it pained her to do so. For a moment the heroine stood still, blue eyes scanning the floor in thought."I'm not gonna kill you," Link finally stated in an incredulous tone. She wasn't quite sure who she was scoffing at Ganondorf for offering the idea or herself for mulling it over. "How could I?" Standing there before the might of the Gerudo King, Link found it difficult to concentrate on her next words. She scuffed the sand rug beneath her, eyes downcast for a moment longer until she finally turned to gaze up at Ganondorf. "So, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. Well... Might as well show you, actually."Ganondorf had answered her question well enough, even long before he opened his mouth. Link doubted the rumors circulating around him and the Gerudo her bias was her friendship with the man, but it was a bias she was unwilling to part with."I'm defenceless too, you know." The heroine took a few steps forward and tugged at the straps keeping the Master Sword's sheath pinned against her back. With a few undone clasps, the Blade of Evil's Bane sank to the sand along with the sturdy, stalwart Hylian Shield. Apparently the Master Sword was one of a very, very small number of things that could harm Ganondorf, or so she was told. For Link, she figured turning her back on her friend would be much more lethal than any pointy sword through the chest. "I... I don't want to fight. I don't want to be Hyrule's Hero if it means killing you. Ganon," she cooed, using one of many nicknames for him, "I'll probably go down as a traitor, but... I'd like to join you. Whatever your fight is, whatever it is that you're dealing with, I want to help you through it all." There was another moment of silence as Link seemed to be contemplating her options, leaving Ganondorf to wait impassively, even as he wished that this long desired reunion could have happened under practically any other set of circumstances. Out of all the people in the world, she was the last person that he'd ever want to have this sort of showdown with...yet, here they were. Even his closest and oldest friend was now aligned against him their fates sealed.Then Link finally broke the silence, and Ganondorf blinked in surprise as she refused to strike him down, unable to bring herself to do so. "W What?" he replied, his stoic demeanor finally breaking as the situation began to go in a direction he hadn't been expecting, leaving him to watch incredulously as she came closer while dropping her sword the Master Sword, of all things and her shield to the sands. "J Join me? Are you serious?"On the one hand, to hear Link say these things was...very, very heartening. He could have hugged her...or perhaps done more...but he remained where he stood, keeping her at a distance, fighting off the urge to smile by shaking his head and glancing away from her. " You are Hyrule's Hero. It is your destiny to protect the land to stop " he paused then, closing his eyes with a grimace and tightening his fists as he stopped just short of saying what he was afraid to say. " to stop any darkness that threatens the land.""That is can't join me. You can't be dragged down like that because of me." Pushing her away like this was more difficult than he could have imagined, but he knew it was the right thing to do. "You have a destiny to fulfill...and do I." Though Link had grown up as a tomboy, she liked to consider herself well read and a bit of a poet. In fact, she had dreams to travel the world and make the money supporting her efforts through being a bard, though the life of a merchant seemed certain for her back then. Reading and writing came naturally to her and proved to be an enjoyable pastime. Whenever the sand became too much for her and brought an end to her physical fun, Link could always delight in a good book while swathed in the warm embrace of a blanket. Her eloquence and knowledge wasn't much to shake a stick at, but it did allow her more variety when it came to banter and most things conversational.She stood there before Ganondorf, dumbfounded that he would strike her down in favour of defeatism. Link felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, her breath quicken and her heart drop. This was not like the man she knew at all. There were a multitude of ways that she could handle this now, yet most of them could instigate something Link didn't want to see to its end. Her first instinct was to snap and shout, then it was to chastise, then it was to stand still and say nothing. Simply put, Link was put in a difficult position... one that she didn't have words for.In the end, Link moved closer to the 'destined darkness', just as defiant and determined as when they had first met."Since when did either of us believe in destiny, Ganondorf?" Link replied with a sly, sad smile. "But alright, if you want me to humour you, then so be it. If it's my destiny to protect the land by putting a stop to the darkness that threatens it, then what better way for me to do it than to join you? It sounds like you need someone to keep you grounded, to keep your spirits up and fight your demons. I want to be with you... I want to help you, and I won't let a silly thing like destiny tell me otherwise." Closer she came until the blonde haired heroine was within reach. Link went deeper and reached out for Ganondorf's arm as she tried to slip her fingers in between the Gerudo's own. "I know you're not a monster. I'm going to stay," she assured, "and I'm going to help you see that no matter what it takes."Link paused for a moment to let the words sink in. Then, she spoke again."Come on, Dorfy... What do you say?" Having known Link as long as he had, Ganondorf should have known that she wouldn't be dissuaded so easily, yet he still refused to meet her eyes as she continued to try and convince him that she was right, attempting to maintain some sort of distance between the two even as the busty heroine came closer and closer. Her seemingly boundless optimism and determination was refreshing...especially in such dark times, but the Gerudo King remained hesitant, even as part of him pined for her aid, and more importantly, her companionship."And what if you're wrong?" Ganondorf finally replied, his deep voice becoming soft as Link came with arm's reach and reached out, allowing her to intertwine her fingers with his own before closing them around her so that they could hold hands a sort of intimacy they'd often shared as children and one he hadn't with many others since then and he shook his head again. "What if deep down I am what they say I am? And even I'm not...what if they never see me as anything but they want to see?"The use of an old, affectionate nickname from their childhood gave him reason to blink, and he finally turned to meet her gaze once more with a resigned, yet wistful expression to his face. "You always were stubborn..." he said, the barest hint of a smile tugging at his lips. Taking his own step closer so that they were within one another's guard, he wrapped his strong arms around her and pulled her into a tight embrace as he felt his resistances crumble. "I've missed you, Link. There hasn't been a day I haven't thought about you." he continued, finding that he was enjoying holding her like this more than he had actually expected.It might not have been an outright admission or agreement to her help, but it was a start.
Empire - City of Surrender (Black_Out and Eager Sub)
This late at night the grand old park was relatively quiet. Some might think that strange, considering that the city surrounding the lonesome park was full of vibrant night life and abundant energy. It was a pleasant place to get away when the sun spread its warm beams down over the vast network of wooded trails that the park was home too. Kids played the day away while parents sat back and watched. Folks young and old walked, jogged, and ran along the winding trails that made it seem like you were a world away from all of the hustle and bustle of Empire City. During the spring and summer months the open lawns were packed with people that came out to enjoy the weekend concerts that the park hosted. It was a happy, inviting, and entertaining place to spend some time, when the sun was out.Once the sun fell though, the demeanor of the park shifted and grew as forbidding as the dark shadows that washed over the park. The trails lost their luster in the dark, barely offered any light by the distant lamp posts that dotted the borders of the winding woodland paths. Anyone with any sense of civility or personal well being stayed out of Empire Park when the moon was high in the night sky. Once the sun had well beyond set the pavilions and underpasses of the park became nightly refuge for a portion of the city's homeless population. They tended to keep to themselves, cloistered together in small camps here and there where the park offered shelter. The dark paths were frequent business places for transactions of assorted drug trades.On occasion, larger deals went down. There were just to many avenues to break and split if things went sour. The park was an absolute maze once the night overtook it's tree lined landscape. It was considered such a futile effort that the police typically didn't even bother investing any man power into attempting to patrol the park. So for the most part the criminal elements of the city that used the park as a middle ground to handle their business rarely suffered any sort of intrusions.That was at least what the small crew of hooligans assumed the case would be when they gathered together near the entrance to a long stone lined tunnel that cut through a tree capped hill in the middle of the seemingly abandoned park. About a half dozen figures kept to the shadows, a small team of runners and one distributor of a variety of addictive narcotics. They were all crouched down around a worn but still quite suitable backpack that the oldest of them seemed to be lording over the contents of. He was a tall lanky dark skinned fella, maybe in his late teens or early twenties and was wearing a rather dark ensemble that was comprised of a baggy hooded sweat shirt, loose fitting jeans, and well worn red running shoes.The others circled around him were dressed in similar schemes of dark colored attires. While the cast of characters were a mix of different ethnicity's, and varied in age by a few years, they all shared one common thread. Their turf was a nasty sprawling section of poverty ridden projects where violent street gangs warred with one in an effort to carve out their own small kingdoms. It was far safer and in some ways more convenient to meet here under the copse of trees just outside the tunnel and distribute the haul of narcotics then it would be to try to conduct business in the shelter of their homes. So money was passed between the dealers and their supplier as they sat in the relative quiet and darkness beneath the looming branches of the trees. Various street drugs like opium, cocaine, and Euphoria were handed out in plastic bundles from the depths of the backpacks contents.A heavy blunt wrapped in some chocolate flavored tobacco leaf was being passed around as business was just concluding. The supplier let out a muffled cough after he took a long draw off the smoldering blunt. "Fuck that's some good shit. Call it the Pink Panther, gots it straight outta the center. Best fucking thing that ever happened in this hole." He passed the chronic over towards the next in line as he let smoke roll out of his nostrils. "Anyways, the E is new shit, gots me a bomb ass source whose been brewing up his own." He was the sort that talked with his hands, moving them to punctuate his words. "It ain't the pure motha fuckin shit, bitch ass still workin on it but fuck if it ain't gonna get ya hard and spread some fuckin legs ya dig?"Abruptly, the dim echoing sound of a little pleasant whistling emerging from the tunnel drew the crews attention. The inconspicuous ditty cut through the silence of the night and alerted the gathering that a stranger was approaching. Soft light fell upon the silhouette of a lone figure that appeared as it strode forth out of the pitch blackness of the nearby tunnel. His was a large figure, set with a square jaw and long tangled dirty blonde hair. Piercing crystal blue eyes peered out from beneath bushy brows as the solitary presence stopped and twitched his nose, sniffing the breeze that wafted past. He kept his hands tucked inside the pockets of a scratched up old tan denim jacket that was open to reveal the deep crimson tee he wore beneath it. Strong well defined legs were covered in blue jeans that were ripped in spots and frayed along the bottom. A polished black belt with a buckle of silver in the shape of a leering skull kept the well worn pants snug around his waist.Sabretooth curled his lips into a meager smile, letting the thick canines that led to his infamous nickname flicker into view. "Well, well boys. Ain't you all looking like easy pickings." His legs shifted, knees bending ever so slightly while his hands bristled with tufts of wiry hair along the back of them withdrew from the jackets pockets. Rough, coarse, and thick fingers flexed while yellow stained pointed nails elongated menacingly from their tips.Pistols were drawn out quickly by a few of the small time drug dealers as they turned to face this seemingly brazen threat. "Pick this outta ya teeth bitch." The threat was snorted out by one of the dealers as he took a steady aim towards the broad shouldered target. By the time the trigger was pressed, by the time the bullet flew from the barrel of the gun, Sabretooth had moved. He sprung like a graceful and swift predatory cat off to the side, leaving the bullet to bite into the surface of the packed dirt trail. Dense brambles and thickets swallowed him up as he vanished from sight beyond their cover while a few more shots blindly trailed after him.Sabretooth grinned deep from the darkness that he quietly moved through as he circled his prey. "Like I said, easy pickings, but don't worry, just give me the name of the guy you got your Euphoria from, and I might let you keep everything else."His voice carried to them, sounding from different spots as he looped around and let them fire off a few more random shots that wordlessly rejected his offer. Empire was a city of extremes. Slums and section 8 housing sat just blocks away from skyscrapers with 100 million dollar penthouses. Its metropolitan sprawl was larger than some small countries, but the center city featured some of the densest urban living in the entire world. Its population included CEOs, homeless beggars and everything in between, but there was an equality in that all of them shared the streets and sights of the city. Empire City was an incredible place at least for those rich or strong enough to take a piece of it for themselves.Although it was nearly 2 AM, the streets still teemed with life. The sound of honking cars and distant sirens was omnipresent, even atop a hundred story tower where Batgirl happened to find herself on that fateful evening. The black cowled beauty sat cross legged on the corner of the building, watching the headlights winding up and down the narrow streets below. One gloved hand held her phone lazily next to her ear, listening to the droning of police radio chatter. Over the static she heard a woman say, Dalton s crew just made their way into the park, but we don t have the manpower to follow. If we re lucky maybe someone will catch them on their way out. Barbara stood up, stretching out with a smile on her face. Dalton was a smalltime dealer with some bigtime connections who she d been searching for this past week. A mysterious new kingpin known only as the Candy Man emerged on the scene a month ago, but had already made a name for himself as a reliable supplier and a savvy businessman. His newest concoction, Euphoria, was an instant hit among the city s denizens. Its stimulant and aphrodisiac effects made it the darling of clubbers and artsy types, but already many had chased its fleeting, addictive high to their grave. The Candy Man was diligently careful Barbara was actually impressed. However, a weave is only as strong as its loosest thread. If her thinking was right, Dalton would lead her straight to his supplier.Barbara activated the selfie camera on her phone and held it out in front of herself, recording a three second clip of her waving and flashing a beaming smile. Barbara s Instagram had only 500 followers, but Batgirl s had 5 million. To Batman s chagrin, Batgirl s social media presence had exploded since she moved from Gotham. Young, beautiful, and daring, Batgirl was an instant star. Every video of her skillful parkour or fearless gliding through the city garnered a million views at least, and Barbara had grown to love the attention. The City Never Sleeps! She tapped out on her phone as she posted the short looping video to Instagram.As she leapt from the roof she glided down into the park, a heavily wooded section in the middle of the city large enough to get lost in. As she passed beyond the trees she found herself shrouded in darkness, with only the very occasional streetlamp and the moon lighting the park. Finding someone would be impossible if she did not have thermal vision built into her cowl. As she scanned the area, she saw nothing of interest: some men sleeping on benches and others drinking in the bushes. Suddenly, she heard the telltale sound of gunfire and whirled around in time to see a massive silhouette flitting from tree to tree at incredible speed. Finally, some action! she thought to herself as she ran towards them. Go fuck yourself! The men fired wildly into the consuming darkness until most had emptied their clips. At only 5 5 Dalton was unassuming, but his authoritative tone left no doubt that he was the leader. Scatter! And don t fucking go back to the club house! he yelled, taking off down a Northern path which led deeper into the woods. The group fanned out, many stumbling over their feet from fear as they ran. Dalton made it a quarter mile away when he ducked behind a tree, his heart pounding through his chest. He paused to catch his breath and listened carefully to hear if that thing had followed him. Hearing nothing he poked his head out to look back the way he d come, only to be met with a fist to the face.Batgirl watched her man take cover and quietly closed the distance between them. A quick combination sent him to the ground, blood spurting from his nose. She put a heeled boot to his chest and pushed him down onto the ground, leaning over him. Well hi there! She said sweetly, I ve been looking for you. Why don t we have a little chat? Sabretooth had slipped down behind a small ridge, patiently waiting as the last of the bullets tore randomly through the over growth. He couldn't help but find it all so amusing as he suppressed a chuckle. His nostrils flared, taking in the smells of the wooded park and trails, focusing and separating them into individual scents as he heard the crew scatter in opposite directions."Eenie, meenie, miney..."His bushy brow arched upward as he tilted his head towards the sky and took another sniff of the air.There was a definite feminine scent in the air, a soft pleasant perfume that his superhuman sense of smell had just picked up. It didn't smell like some lady he would expect to find out here in the dark depths of the park at this hour. Maybe some unfortunate and carefree lass thought that a jog through the park in the middle of the night was a good idea. His lips curled into a deep malicious grin, maybe when he was done with business he would take a little moment to check in on the owner of that alluring aroma. There was nothing wrong with mixing a little fun into a nights work, after all.For now though he brought his attentive nose back to the task at hand and soon picked up the smell of one of the small time dealers that had practically ran in his direction. "..Moe." He murmured under his breath as he lunged forward, keeping low, crouching as he moved about on all four limbs. The slightly obese target never saw him coming as zipped past him in a blur. By the time the startled young man could react he found his hands clenching around his freshly slit throat and dropped to his knees with little more then a gurgled muted cry leaving his lips. His face his the dirt as he crumpled over, blood staining the ground around him as it swept out of his torn open jugular.One down his thoughts mused as he licked the blood from his nails before moving to pick up the next closest scent. It wouldn't take him long to make a few more examples before he turned his attentions to tracking down Dalton and beating the information he wanted out of the young punk. The Candy Man was going to be in for one nasty surprise when Sabretooth finally found him.Dalton laid with his back flat on the grassy ground and expelled a grunt of air as Batgirl settled the heel of her yellow boot right on top of his chest. His hands clutched over his awkwardly broken nose while his lips sputtered in an effort to keep the blood flowing out of his nostrils from slipping into his mouth. His dazed brown eyes were swimming in a sea of stars as he looked up to see two or three images of the petite heroines face looming over him. "Ugh, you fucking broke my nose!" His voice was a nasally wheeze as he tried to pinch his nostrils shut to clog up the bleeding. The effort only caused his face to wrinkle and twist into a pained expression."Jesus! What do you want with me!?" Dalton croaked out as he nervously looked around the dark woods all about them. "Are you, are you working with that thing?" He choked the words out while his hands moved away from his crooked puffy nose and grasped about the bright yellow length of her boot. One painful twist of Batgirl's heel down across his chest made him think twice about trying to wrench it away. "Look, I'm just, I'm just small time!" He blabbered out. "I don't know what you might want from me!""Probably the same thing I want. The Candy Man." Sabretooths deep rumbling voice emerged from the thickets behind Batgirl as he emerged from hiding. Fresh stains of splattered blood covered his forearms, while thin trickles of it fell from the tips of his claws as he squatted on his haunches. He settled his thick hairy forearms across the caps of his knees as he grinned, letting his protruding saliva coated tusks glisten in the moonlight. "By the way, I'm a big, big fan of yours." He winked coyly towards Batgirl as his lips curled upward in amusement. "I just love your instagram account, so witty and naively flirtatious."He drew a deep breath, letting his broad shoulders and heavy chest shift as he displayed his impressive physique in a subtle manner."But play times over cutey, I'll take it from here. So why don't you scram before things get." He licked his lips briefly, a glimmer of ill intent sparkling in his cerulean blue eyes."Unpleasant." Batgirl took a quick scan behind her with her thermal vision and saw the large creature practically flying through the park towards one of the other men, and she winced as she saw him open the thug s neck. She counted three others, all fleeing, and considered going to help but knew that she would never make it to them in time. No, I m not working with that thing but boy is he scary, she said sassily, still watching him work, You re going to want to run, but wouldn t it be a shame if I kept you here until he came to join us? For just a moment her deep green eyes flitted back down towards the angry twenty something whose face was covered in blood. Tsk tsk, you ll want to watch your language with me, she chided. Looking back up into the brush, she saw the strangely graceful creature making a beeline towards her. He d dispatched the others faster than she d expected and she cursed herself for taking her time. It closed the distance quickly, I m the only thing standing between you and him. As Sabretooth stepped out from the trees, she gave him a blas smile. She scanned him from head to toe as he spoke, taking in his powerful build and bestial features. His arms and hands were drenched with blood, and more had been splattered onto his chest. It was immediately apparent that he was no ordinary goon, but superhuman and skilled. Batgirl lifted her foot off of Dalton s chest and began to slowly step closer to the sudden challenger. It s always good to meet a fan but this one is mine I m bringing him in. With only ten feet left between them, she planted her feet in a fighting stance, In fact, I m bringing you in too. You know who I am, and you know what I can do. Why don t you make this easy on both of us and just come with me? Dalton looked on nervously as the young heroine moved to stand between him and the bloody monster. She was built like a gymnast, with thick powerful legs and a narrow waist. Long red hair spilled out the back of her mask, and a number of gadgets hung from her yellow utility belt. Her confidence was inspiring, but he wasn t sure that he was willing to put his life in her hands. The creature loomed large over her, head and shoulders visible above her small frame. Tipping his fingers looked to be sharp claws and protruding from his mouth were enormous canine teeth. Slowly he began to shuffle backwards as the two squared off. He pushed himself to his feet and began to stumble off towards the trees when he felt his legs suddenly bound together, sending him back to the ground.Looking down, he saw a black bola wrapped tightly around his legs and his eyes found Batgirl s which still sparkled with a playful light. Sit tight, she said, looking at both him and the creature in her periphery, I won t be but a moment, and we still have to chat. Sabretooth sat there and listened, crouched low as he was, flicking the blood smeared tips of his fingers and crimson soaked nails over his ragged jeans. His lips remained arrogantly curved in smirk, letting those two large tusks jut out on full display. He even nodded a little when she said that he knew who she was and what she could do. That nod though turned to a slowly shake of his head as she spoke about making it easy and just surrendering. "Uhh, nah I'll pass on that option."He said rather blandly while that pleasant smirk lingered on his lips as he stood up to tower over her.He lifted his large and stout arms upward, placing his palms behind his head, letting the size and definition of his massive physique sprout upon his biceps. His icy blue gaze watched every detail, every little movement that Batgirl made while he limbered up by torquing his hips in a slow twisting manner. He didn't even budge a step, didn't flinch a bit as he watched Batgirl draw her bola out and quickly used it to expertly take down Dalton as he attempted to escape. "Clumsy boy." He muttered under his breath in an amused tone as he watched their mutual interest tumble to the ground as his legs got snared up.As Batgirl looked back to him and focused her attentions fully upon him, Sabretooth tossed a gesture of his hand forth towards the fallen Dalton."You know, if you want to talk to him now I'm fine with that."He shrugged his head, stretching his neck and rolling his broad stout shoulders as he looked to Batgirl with that pleasant smile still painted across his face. "It could be like good cop, bad cop. Soften him up for me." He felt his toes curling in his boots as he let his feet shift and bounce in a barely discernible manner."I mean, really, take the kind gesture I'm offering you and get the hell out of here."His playful demeanor shifted to something dark in that moment. Blue eyes narrowed with a predatory squint towards her as his smile dropped into a snarl. "If you don't know who I am, your going to know now."His bushy blonde brows drew together at an angle as he spread his clawed fingers out wide. "The name is Sabretooth." He growled as he sprung like an uncoiling serpent towards Batgirl, lifting his bony knee up to greet her midsection. Batgirl watched the enormous man s every move surprised by how graceful he was. It wasn t his size that worried her though she was a match for any man, no matter the size difference. His metahuman abilities could prove troublesome though. Such a shame that these villainous types don t play fair. You and I both know that this isn t how it works, she told him authoritatively, I don t negotiate with murderers, I just bring them in. Her eyes trailed down to his legs as his body tensed. He was subtle, but there were always signs. His leg was cocked like a boxer preparing to throw a power punch, and he watched her predatorily waiting for a moment of weakness. So she gave him one. She took a lazy step away from him and he lunged immediately, just as she d predicted Only much faster than she d thought he could. She braced her core for a moment before he slammed his knee into her, but still it drove the breath from her lungs. She flew back two feet before catching herself on the balls of her feet, bringing herself back down into a fighting stance. That all you got kitty? Time to show you that bat beats cat. Barbara slid her collapsible batons from her belt and extended them with a flourish. She leapt forward and let loose a flurry of blows, each probing for vulnerability. She danced expertly in and out, but with several extremely close calls. He was quick and skilled every time his claws narrowly missed her was a reminder. When the opportunity arose she stepped in close and slammed her elbow into his jaw. The force of the blow reverberated up through her arm as she pulled away. As she backed up, breathing hard, she saw that he hadn t even staggered. You must know that there s more heroes on the way by now, and clearly you can t beat me. Sabretooth twisted his bulky neck side to side while his calloused clawed hand scratched and rubbed where Batgirl's elbow had driven home. He knew she was skilled, figured she would be fast and versatile, but her ability to tangle in close quarters like she just had demonstrated left him impressed with the buxom young masked beauty. "Your impressive Batgirl, I'll give you that."His lips curled into a long smirk as he let his eyes wander over her. "But really, bat beats cat? Do you know how idiotic that sounds?" He began to pace around her, his winter blue eyes focused on her every move. Watching the rise and fall of her perky little breasts. The breath that fell from her lips in the chilled night air. She was winded, he could hear it in the sound of her voice and smelled in the sweat that was peppering up upon her body. "Let's be honest here." His bushy blonde brows waggled as he patiently circled her like she was a struggling swimmer lost in the waters of the ocean and he was the shark that was closing in."Your out of your league, there's no other heroes coming. I'd smell them, hear them, long before they would show up."He sniffed the air, nostrils flaring as if to demonstrate his super human senses."Yep, your all on your own, unless you want to count Dalton as on your side."Sabretooth started to toy with her, showing her how fast he really was as he began lunging in as if he was about to strike only to sway away with inhuman swiftness. He laughed, his deep chuckles clearly reverberating through the small wooded patch they had come to face off in."You should know, I'm not just a murderer." He sang out with a malicious laugh as he launched forward and veered away once more, letting her feel the swoosh of his claw cut through the air just beyond her reach."No, I won't give you that pleasure, because I have other ideas in mind for you." He roared like a lion as he launched himself towards her and once again quickly sprang away in another direction before she could reach out to tag him. This time though when he pulled away his motions immediately flowed back towards her as he lowered his shoulder and launched himself like a rocket. His broad shoulder was aimed like a battering ram right for her gut while his muscular arms swung open wide as they sought to wrap her up in his grasp. Hard pressed at her best, Batgirl was beginning to grow desperate. She tried not to let her anxiety show, but as he circled her she realized that he was not fighting, but toying with her. She should have taken Dalton and left when she had the chance. Intelligence was something she prided herself in, and the more she thought about it the more certain she was: she was going to lose. Get on out of here Dalton, she said, winded, I ll catch up with you once I m done here He had called her bluff, and his logic was impeccable. As their fight dragged on, fatigue began to slow her swings. He danced around her tauntingly as she grew more reserved with her flagging strength. She grew defensive, parrying his teasing swings which on their own threatened to topple her. You overestimate yourself, they re coming and they re close. I just hope I can beat you before they get here I ve got a rep to protect. The last hope she had was that his overconfidence would be his undoing. He grew ever more brazen and she bided her time, waiting for him to slip. Then, it happened.He leaned in a hair too close, unleashing a mighty roar and she leapt forward wildly, dropping one of her batons and gripping the other with both hands. Feet planted, she swung up towards his chin with all her strength, throwing her whole body into the attack. When she missed she found herself off balance and vulnerable as his shoulder slammed into her abdomen and his arms closed like a vice around her tiny frame.The force of his charge carried both of them to the ground, and as she lay beneath him his enormous body obscured what little light made it to them through the trees. She roared an angry battle cry right in the face of the cocky beast man, trying futilely to shove him away. Get off of me! she yelled indignantly as she reached for her utility belt, grabbing a pair of titanium alloy handcuffs and closing a fist around them so that she could use them as brass knuckles. She threw one punch at his chest, and two more at his face but lying as she was they were feeble blows. Exhausted, she finally had to stop to catch her breath. Sabrethooth grunted as the pair of punches cracked against his jaw and split his lip wide open. Red blood mixed with saliva drizzled down from his lip and spread around the heavy stubble covering his jawline as he laid on top of Batgirl. As swiftly as the make shift brass knuckles had cut his lip open that small wound was already sealing itself shut, healing at an alarmingly accelerated rate. He licked the remaining blood of his lips as his bright sky blue eyes stared daggers down into her own as he felt the fight slowly fading as she tried to catch her breath. Quickly his clawed hands grasped her gloved hands by the wrists as he displayed his obvious strength advantage as he yanked her arms out and up over her head, pinning them to the grassy ground that they laid upon."I'll get off of you when I'm done getting off, on you." His lips curled into a snarled smirk as he whispered his words while his head hovered over her own. His long tangled dirty blonde hair fell in curtains around his face and blotted out the rest of the meager light from shining onto her face. He spared a glance past her as he looked towards Dalton who was still trying to figure out how to untwine the bola from around his legs. "Thanks for tying him up by the way, it gives us some quality time to play."Sabretooth laughed briefly before looking back to Batgirl as he smothered her lithe athletic frame with his much heavier bulkier body. The thick sharp tip of the claw protruding from his thumb could be felt pressing against the sleek yellow fabric of her glove where it covered her wrist. The pinching, stabbing pressure insisting that her hand open up and release its grasp over the titanium cuffs it held.While he worked to manipulate her hand to give up its grasp over the cuffs his stout legs shifted around her slender toned ones. The insides of his massive thighs framed the outer curves of her own, effectively keeping her from kicking. His heavy duty scuffed up hiking boots pushed and wedged themselves under her shapely calves and then locked around her ankles."Now give em up." He stated as he grasped her unburdened hand about the wrist and drew it over to rest against along side her other hand. His thumb continued to press down on her delicate wrist while his fingers spread out and pressed down around her other hand to help keep it in place. He drew his forearms and elbows in, pressing them down against her arms to keep them pinned while he held them stretched out overtop of her head. With his free hand Sabretooth grasped the cuffs and with one last sharp jab of his cruel nail on her wrist, he yanked them free of her hands possession. "I bet you like it rough, don't ya, Batgirl?" He murmured as his hands worked in concert to shackle her wrists with her own handcuffs. The feeling of his chrome belt buckle, that leering skull, was hard to miss as it pressed down against her, just inches over the young heroines mound that was covered by her tight fitting costume. Her bad situation was growing worse by the moment. She watched despondent as his wounds sealed up before her eyes, his open cut knitting itself shut as if by magic. As she lay beneath him she felt small and powerless. She tried to stave off the feeling of hopelessness but even with her prodigious intellect she could think of no way out. His long blonde locks hung over her face, his face only inches from her own. She diverted her eyes as he licked the blood from his lips, his piercing blue eyes looking positively predatory. Fuck off, she said breathlessly as he pinned her hands up over her head, digging his claw into her wrist, You re disgusting. I promise you ll live to regret this. Her grip loosened on the cuffs as he continually worked her fist loose. She knew exactly what he had in mind for those cuffs and her pulse quickened. She squirmed beneath him but knew that there would be no getting away. His every move seemed effortless her strength was nothing against his. He felt as though he were three times her size as he manhandled her. As he pressed his claw into her wrist, hard, she cried out in pain and her grip opened almost instinctively. Get off of me! she spat at him, trying futilely to pull her hands apart as he leaned high over her to cuff them.Her face was buried in his burly chest as he closed the restraints around her slender wrists. His musclebound form was sweaty from the exertion of their fight and his musk was dizzyingly strong. She felt something hard pressed against her pussy and his every move ground it hard against her. A gasp escaped her lips as a rush of pleasure shot through her body, her blush red face almost matching her hair. They were so close together that her every labored breath pressed her perky tits into his chest. She snarled at his taunts. G go to hell, she said through gritted teeth, terrified but defiant, You won t get away with this. With an audible snap the titanium cuffs clicked one by one around Batgirl's yellow gloved wrists as Sabretooth tightened them so she wouldn't be able to slip her wrists free of their hold. His form shifted as he rubbed his chest down over her body, flattening her perfect little perky tits against the enormity of his chest until his face was looming once more over hers. One hand remained clamped over the short length of chain that connected her bound wrists together, keeping her arms held against the grassy turf above her head. One crystalline blue eye shot a wink towards her as Sabretooth grinned merrily from atop her prone athletic body. "Oh, I'll get away with it, little bat."He accentuated his taunt with rolling grind of his hips that caused the harsh metallic skull shaped buckle to rub fiercely over the mound of her sex."Now, lets flip you over."His sneering laugh cut through the otherwise silent patch of trees within the darkened park as he moved his clawed hands down to grasp her around her biceps. His body rose up slightly and gave her a meager break from bearing the weight of his body against her own, as well as sparing her the pressure of his buckle upon her snug mound of sex. Forcefully he began to turn her over, sweeping his hands around her body and easily turning her over until her face was pressed down into the moist grassy floor surrounding them.The brilliant yellow cape that flowed down from her shoulders caught his attention and he smirked as he reached out and claimed its edges. "Lights out, little bat." He chortled out with a laugh as he tossed the yellow cape up over her head and quickly began to wrap and snare it around her cowled visage until it smothered her. His hands moved to fall on the back of her shoulder blades, using them as leverage as he shifted his posture and rose upright until he was resting his weight on his knees. His crotch perched right across the firm shape of her ass as his hands stroked down her back, the tips of his claws scratching playfully at her costume until they came to rest at the buckle of her yellow belt.With a flick of his fingers the belt unfastened and he grasped it, drawing it out from around her curving hips. He held it aloft like it was some trophy or souvenir and admired it briefly. His blue eyes perked up as the slim and sleek shape of her phone fell out from one of the yellow little pockets of the belt and landed in the grass just to their side. His grin widened at the sight of it before he looked back to the back of her cape covered head. "No more little gadgets for you."His deep voice resonated as he chuckled as her utility belt was flung far off to the side. "Mmmmm ." He groaned out then as his powerful fingers sunk in around the toned cheeks of her ass, grasping them tightly. His unwelcomed embrace dug into their curves while he rolled his hips against her backside. The firmness of his cock and the warmth of it permeated through the denim pants that it hid behind as he ground himself to a hardened and fully aroused erection."Don't even think about it punk." Sabretooth snarled towards Dalton as he was finally working the cords of Batgirls bola free from around his legs. "If you so much as make a move to flee, I'll rip you to shreds."He lifted a hand from Batgirl's ass as he waggled his index finger towards Dalton. "So you best stay put until I'm done with her." Batgirl bit her lip as the cuffs closed tight around her wrists. She tugged against them nervously as he let his weight fall down on her much smaller form. She twisted and turned beneath him, trying to get out from under him but to no success. P please, she stammered out, dropping her unconvincing confident fa ade, Please don t do this! Y you beat me, just take him and go! She flinched away, an embarrassing gasp escaping her lips as he continued to grind into her with his belt buckle. She had never been with someone so rough before. Everything he did was so intense.He lifted her easily from the ground and dropped her face down in the dew covered grass. She tried to crawl away as he let his big, strong hands run down the curves of her lithe body. The smooth Kevlar spandex of her skin tight costume was resistant to bullets and blades but did nothing to protect her from his groping fingers. Face down, ass up she spat out a mouthful of grass as he flipped her cape up over her head. Hey, stop that! I her words were cut off by an instinctive yelp as he pressed her down into the ground, teasing her with his sharp claws. She recoiled, but something akin to a thrill ran through her. Blindfolded, the sensation of being touched and handled was magnified in intensity.She felt his fingers close around her utility belt, fumbling with it for a moment before figuring out how to unlatch it. Its comforting weight dropped away and her heart sank. There was precious little chance she could have reached it while wearing it, but now that it was God knows where there was no chance at all. She took some slight solace in knowing that he d left fingerprints on its rubbery surface that she could use to find him if she survived. Her thoughts were interrupted as he sidled up behind her, his thick cock obvious even through her costume and his pants. He held her tight, tugging her back into him so that it was nestled between the cheeks of her shapely ass. As she struggled she ground against it and to her dismay and unwilling arousal it continued to grow. You win, you win ok? I I m powerless before you, and I was foolish to think I could beat you. P please, please stop! "Now where's your little zipper hiding at, hmmm?"Sabretooth mused with an aroused growled out quality to his deep voice as his fingers probed at the smooth hardened spandex wrapped about Batgirls ass. The sensation of his grinding manhood had seemed to reach its fullest mass as it shifted about between her firm cheeks."Ahh, fuck it, I'll just cut it open." He snorted out as his frustration rose and he begrudgingly shifted his crotch so his full erection removed itself from between her ass.With the tips of his claws from one hand Sabretooth carefully trapped the fabric of her costume between his pinching fingertips. He pulled the taut fabric upwards, stretching it out right above the apex of the curves of her rear. The sharp tip of the claw protruding from his thumb began to press against her costume. Despite its resiliency the kevlar reinforced spandex attire over her ass began to split open from the sheer prolonged press of the razor sharp tip of his nail."There we are, mmmm.." He moaned deeply and lustfully as the costume concealing her rear began to split at the seams that traced along between her ass cheeks.He leaned over to his right, letting his gaze fall upon the nearby slim phone that had fallen loose from one of her belts pouches and he gathered it up in his free hand. With a gentle underhand toss to his right, the phone landed within the soft carpet of grass nearby Dalton who had relented from his attempts to pry himself free from the last few lengths of the bola coiled around his ankles. Sabretooth shot him a look and grinned. "Why don't you make yourself useful and film this?" It might of sounded like a question, but Dalton knew it wasn't something he had the option to refuse. He scooted over awkwardly and grabbed the phone up in his hands, turning it around so he could view the screen. "Uh, what's the code?"Sabretooth looked down to the back of Batgirl's head and grasped the bundle of yellow cape that he had spun about her cowled face. "Guess I'll ask nice, to start."His fingers sank into the fabric of her cape and with a firm tug he pulled Batgirl's head up off the grass. Her neck was forced to crane backward and her spine followed suit as her shoulders were lifted upward by Sabretooths use of her cloak like it was some sort of collar."You heard the man, what's the pass word to get into your phone?" His hand gave a frim shake of the cloak as his fingers bundled it up tighter around her facial features. "Don't make me ask twice, Batslut." Her entire head covered by her cape, everything she heard was muffled. Sabretooth s every movement set off alarm bells in her head, and as he ground his growing cock against her ass any uncertainty as to his intentions was dispelled. He backed off for just a moment, but there was no time to be relieved as immediately afterwards she felt his sharp claw drag along her sex through the costume. She kicked out with her legs, not directed at her assailant but just from instinct. H hey, what are you doing? she asked nervously as he pinched her bodysuit between two of his claws, Please, please stop! A sudden rush of cold air told her that he d succeeded. She gasped, a shiver running up her spine. Her long, well toned legs tensed beneath her and stopped flailing. She could hear the two men talking and their conversation filled her stomach with butterflies. A video of her humiliation would go viral in an instant, she knew. The internet could be a cruel place. She cried out in fear as he yanked her head back and her heart threatened to beat through her chest. No! You can t, she managed to say, even with the cape around her throat, Y you can t make me, I ll never give it to you! The phone he held had access to almost everything related to her life has a vigilante. She wasn t stupid enough to use her civilian phone but her Batgirl social media, one of the offshore accounts she used to pay for her gear, and some photos that she thought too risqu to be posted online. Visions flashed through her mind of her life as Batgirl ruined forever. She would lose the respect and fear of criminals everywhere, not to mention her dignity and any hope of becoming a senior member of the Justice League. And, without the money in her account, she would be unable to replenish her supply of gadgets.Fortunately for her, her phone was protected by bleeding edge technology. Its encryption was unbreakable, and nothing but her 12 digit randomized passcode could access the device without wiping its contents. Her thoughts were interrupted by the occasional image of possible punishments her tormentor might choose to dole out, but she put them out of mind. As scared as she was, if she could just stay strong then her phone was safe. Surrender was not an option. Like the ferocious prehistoric beast that was his namesake, Sabretooth let out a low rumbling growl as he leaned down and pressed his lips against the back of Batgirls cape covered head. "Your going to tell me, Batgirl, or else."His words hissed against her wrapped up head which seemed to grow even tighter as the beastly man wrenched the fabric of her cloak deeper into his grasp with a sharp twist of his wrist. "Maybe for starters, I'll fuck you right in that tight little ass of yours."His thumb jabbed the rest of the way through the backend of her clinging costume and the sharp tip of his nail scratched over the delicate fabric of the panties beneath."You might like it."He snapped his teeth at the yellow cape covering the side of her face near her ear as that intrusive thumb stroked the tip of its claw along her undergarment."You might not, but I sure as shit don't care what you like or don't like."Dalton was busy turning the phone over in his hands, seemingly fascinated by the devices state of the art design along with the simple fact that it belonged to Batgirl. "Uh, you know, I, I uh, have some Euphoria, Mister." He cleared his throat while his fingers tugged at the neckline of his sweatshirt. "Uhm, it, uh, it might help make her, talk." Dalton turned his head and swept his backpack from where it lay between his shoulders.Sabretooth looked over while the side of his head rested against the back of Batgirls bundled up skull. His cheek ground against her face, pushing it into the turf as he twisted his lips in consideration of the offer. "Alright, just don't go thinking that this makes us buddy's now, and the names Sabretooth, not Mister."While the villain's words of acceptance to the offering were spoken, his thumb pressed down on the soft and delicate fibers of the lingerie covering her ass as the nail punctured a hole right between the cheeks of her rear. It plunged downward, fortunately for Batgirl the man monster on top of her had withdrawn the vile sharp claw back to a less threatening length as the length of his thumb parted the cheeks of her ass until the tip of that digit pressed down against the small, tight, and clenching ring of muscles in the depths of her ass cheeks."Ya, I know." He tossed a small clear plastic bag full of blue pills over towards Sabretooth who watched them land at his side.His grasp released from the bundle of twisted up yellow cloak that it had been using to smother the poor heroines face further and further with her own costume. His body leaned slightly as he reached out and grasped the bag, fingers sinking into its contents as he pulled out a smooth blue pill and cupped it in his palm beneath his thumb."What's this shit do?"Sabretooth inquired as he reached back over and began to unwind the cloak from around Batgirls face just enough to fit his hand beneath it."It will, well it makes bitches real horny If she hasn't tried it before, she might sing for your cock, tell you whatever you want to know even, just so she can be, fucked." Dalton shrugged his shoulders. "Though it ain't the real deal, just the Candy Man's version of it, so I'm sure it's not as strong as the Doctors stuff.""Ya, well the Doctor don't care for the Candy Man copying his shit."Sabretooth replied with a matter of fact tone as his hand slipped under Batgirls cloak and his palm pressed against her mouth. His index finger and thumb settled around her nostrils and pressed down on them, closing the airways off as his palm pressed and covered her lips. The small smooth shape of the pill could be felt getting pressed against her mouth as Sabretooth waited for her to gasp for air before he tried to shove it in."When I'm done with her, you tell me where to find him, and I'll let you off easy, hell I might even set you up with one of the Doctor's suppliers if you don't tick me off boy." The sound of his anger was terrifying. The vibration from the bass in his voice could be felt through her entire body. She felt his claw dragging along the lace of her panties and yelped as he tore easily through that last bit of clothing that protected her dignity. Do your worst, you don t scare me, she said, sounding more confident than she felt, You re a fucking animal, but I promise I ve survived worse. He leaned on the side of her head, pushing her face into the ground. As Dalton offered the monster drugs to use on her, she cursed his name. How could this fucking lowlife side with this thing after all it had done? She felt him toying with her ass and she whimpered pathetically. He pressed against her asshole and she held her breath, trembling from fear. She felt her cape loosening from around her face, and cried out in a muffled voice as he covered her mouth and pinched her nose.Batgirl thrashed as much as she the handcuffs allowed. The tiny hard pill pressed against her lips which she closed tight. She had never taken drugs before in her life, and she sure as hell wouldn t be starting now. He was patient though. A minute passed, then two. Before long, her lungs were screaming for air. Her vision was beginning to blur, and as everything began to fade to black she finally gasped. The pill went straight down her throat, and a warmth followed it like a shot of vodka. The warmth spread through her entire body, and a sense of wellbeing began to set in. The panic, anxiety, anger and fear began to drain away.Every part of her felt like it was vibrating as the high permeated her body. Where his hands were rough and painful before, his every touch now sent waves of pleasure through her. Her pussy started to get wet as his thumb massaged her asshole. She knew it was wrong, and intellectually she knew that she despised him, but her body had betrayed her. Every thought felt far away, and intelligible thinking was beginning to take a backseat to her overwhelming horniness. She moaned, whorish and loud. It just felt sogood! More, she practically whispered, Harder, please! Unconsciously she began to roll her hips, pushing back into him. She bit her lip as she tried to will herself to stop. He was a jerk, she reminded herself but he made her so hot. He was a violent criminal but his big muscular frame was a dream come true. He was amurderer but she needed to cum, and he was the only one that could give that to her. Y you wanted to fuck me? she said, louder now, you said you didn t care what I wanted right? Well show me, give it to me hard and see if I can take it! Sabretooth grinned widely after the slick blue pill had been forced down Batgirl's throat, and he looked down in awe as almost immediately the powerful aphrodisiac began to pervert her body and turn its desires against her. "Ha, well that fucking changed your tune, slut." He cackled as he lifted himself upright so that he was kneeling with his legs straddling hers while his crotch rested on her gyrating ass. Both of the villains hairy hands reached down for that meager little tear in the backend of her costume. Fingers pressed together, knuckles meeting as his palms turned to face outward from her body and with a solid ripping tear that rose up to join her cries to be ravaged, Sabretooth split the backdoor of her black spandex wide open.He stared down at the flayed opening of her costume, his icy blue eyes admiring the shapely curves of her ass as she rubbed and rolled back against his crotch in growing earnest. That little slim panty and the hole his thumb had speared through it caught his eyes as he began to unbuckle and remove the thick leather skull capped belt from his trousers. "Oh, your gonna take it, your gonna take it real hard." He snarled out as he dropped his belt to lay across her back as he began to unzip his jeans and wriggle them down his hips just enough to bring his skin tight red briefs that were bulging with his erection into view. His fingers worked to part the seam of his briefs and pull his throbbing shaft loose of the confines of his briefs, finally letting the heat of his thick veiny member slap down between the cheeks of her undulating ass.Slowly, deliberately Sabretooth ground against her responsive rear, letting his cock fall and fill up the valley between her firm ass cheeks and rub over the flimsy thin panties that clung to her rear."Now then, my little bat whore, your gonna tell that fella there what the password is to your phone, aren't you?"His words growled out as he reached down and shredded the dainty little undergarments covering her rear with his fingertips and then began to spread her rear apart with his hands. His hands began to work in concert, keeping her shifting cheeks spread with one hand while the other began to point the sloped smooth head of his cock towards the tight little flange of muscles buried between them. "Ahhhh, ohhhh, your a tight little slut, have you ever been fucked in the ass, Batbitch?" His gravelly voice rolled out of his lips with a tint of pleasure to them as his sloped head began to press firmly against the clenching ring of muscles."To bad we don't have any lube." His laughter rolled out of his lips as he pressed his thick and hard shaft demandingly down into her quivering backside.Dalton looked on in stunned silence, watching from a relatively close distance as Sabretooth began to drill his cock into her ass. He barely even thought of the phone that was laying in his hands as the villain unwound the yellow cape from her around her face and let it fall to the side. He could see her pupils, dilated and wide while her irises were growing hazy and murky from the drugs penetrating effects."Go on, tell him."Sabretooth hissed out as he reached down and took the long red curls of her hair into his hands and yanked back on them like they were reins for a horse. He bent her spine, pulled her breasts up off the turf along with her head by the leverage he held over her hair as he plunged his cock deeply into her extraordinarily tight little ass. "Tell him..." The euphoria flooded her system, the intensity of the high growing in waves. Everything looked like it had an aura or halo as her vision started to grow fuzzy. She moaned as he tore her costume wide open the sound of it ripping was practically musical. She looked back over her shoulder at her attacker through her messy red hair. Had he always been such a stud? His eyes were penetrating, with an enrapturing intensity. He seemed amused by her predicament, but she was too horny to care. Fucking give it to me, she said breathily.She watched him undo his enormous belt and let his jeans slide down his musclebound legs. His huge cock sprung free of his pants and the sight of it made her mouth water. Sheneededit. He slapped his cock between the cheeks of her perky little ass which drove her mad with arousal. Coherent thought had become practically impossible. He slid his cock between her cheeks a few times and she could have sworn that she felt every vein on it. As he let the head move to sit against her asshole, she tensed up. Never in her life had she considered anal, and even under the influence the idea was frightening. She needed dick, but she wasn t ready for that nor could she give up the password to her phone, that much she knew. N no, I you won t get the code. I don t care if y her words were cut off as he buried his dry cock in her tight asshole.She cried out in mixed plan and pleasure. It hurt like sin as he buried his enormous cock in her. The muscles of her legs spasmed causing her ass to quiver and tighten around his shaft. Her cheek resting against the ground, every one of his thrusts pushed her face into the wet grass. Her eyes rolled up in her head and her mouth hung open slightly as drug induced pleasure ran through her. She felt his strong fingers weave themselves into her hair and close into a fist. As he pulled her from the ground she cried out again, loudly with no regard for who might hear her. Even this pain was sweet. Ohmygod, Fuck me! she practically screamed, Fuck me you stud! Her vision continued to grow fuzzier, and her ability to focus on anything but the dicking she was receiving had almost completely gone. It was so god damn good, but because it was her first time the experience was too novel for her to cum. No, I won t I won t I she trailed off as her slutty drug addled mind came up with another approach. I I ll give it to you if you fuck my soaking wet pussy. Sabretooth's hips jumped up, slapping down against the small bulbous shape of Batgirl's ass, driving his cock in like a spike being hammered home. The exquisite tightness of her ass found him gritting his teeth in the sheer sensation of pleasure it wrought. The sound of her voice, crying out, begging for him to fuck her, calling him a stud only drove him to slam harder down into her. That and the seeming fact that she didn't want it where it currently was, only made his efforts all the more rougher as he drove down, ground it deep down inside her ass before lifting up to slam back down again against her bucking body.A vile wide grin swirled across his lips as she offered to divulge the code, but only if he plunged his cock into her soaking wet pussy. His hands remained wrenched around her silken red hair, pulling her body taut, bending her like a bow as he let her desperation to be taken in her pink little slit grow with every thrust into her ass."Is that ...what you want?" One hand released from the mane of her hair and came to crack down across the shapely curves of her ass as he continued to plunge and violate that tight clenching hole. "You want my cock, fucking your soaking wet...pussy, huh?"Another resounding slap rang down across her ass, almost making it look like Sabretooth was riding a bucking bronco with the way he was mounted on top of her, holding her hair like reins and slapping her haunches with his free hand.Suddenly the weight of his masculine chest thudded down against her back, crushing her breasts into the carpet of grass and dirt upon which she laid. His head fell along side hers, spitting his words into her ear as he swept his strong arms around and then beneath her body."Your gonna give that code up...." His powerful legs shifted, pushing down between her own and spreading them wide as he continued to relentlessly sink his thick manhood into the depths of her rear."If I fuck you here, right?" He growled into her ear, licking the lobe with the tip of his tongue while his hands pressed down beneath her body and his fingers fell across the flimsy covering over the shape of her mound."If I fuck you, right in that little pussy of yours, your going to give up the code!"He snapped at her ear as his clawed fingers rubbed, drove, and pressed into the folds of her damp and hungry sex.His fingers began to thrust, shredding the last remnants of her thin panties as they parted the pink lips of her sex and sank into the wetness of her slit. "Go on, you tell him the code, and you'll get that cock in your little fucking pussy all night long!"He growled out while his hips continued to jam his shaft into the backside of her body, violating the deepest parts of her virgin ass while his fingers sank deeply into her soaking wet twat. "Tell him the code!" His fingers were relentless as they plunged and worked like fast firing pistons into her sex, while his cock didn't pause with the way his hips were slapping down into the curves of her ass.Dalton was mesmerized by it all, watching with a slack jaw and wide eyes as Batgirl was overwhelmed by the single pill of Euphoria that had polluted her system. Even in his trance though he glanced down to the phone then back to Batgirl before he murmured. "Just...just tell me the code" Batgirl moaned as the brute behind her slapped her ass, leaving a pink handprint on it. She let her hips sway, her body moving of its own accord. Yes, I want it. I need it, please! Please fuck me! She tried to turn towards him but he held her down effortlessly. With her hands still cuffed behind her, she could do little more than writhe beneath him. The feeling of his hot breath in her ear drove her wild. Her mouth hung open and she mouthed the words Oh my god over and over again, her words failing her. Please, please! I ll give it to you, I ll give you anything! She felt his fingers work their way into her sex and she almost came right then and there. A shiver ran through her entire body, starting in her quivering legs and running up the rest of her body. He moved them roughly, the tip of his claw brushing against her G spot. He had begun fucking her asshole faster and more aggressively, and the feeling of being penetrated in both holes left her weak and whimpering. From deep in the back of her mind, a voice her own voice beggedher not to give up the code. Wasn t being fucked in both her holes enough? Did she need that hard, thick, juicy cock in her pussythatbadly? How much better could it possibly feel? The rational Batgirl was making a lot of good points.But rational Batgirl wasn t in charge. Slutty, Euphoric cockwhore Batgirl was. She didn t know how much better it could possibly feel, but she knew there was only one way to find out. 2469 8251 6767, she said, the numbers spilling out of her mouth as if she was in a trance. And in a way she was. Her drug addled mind had been hypnotized by his cock. Now please, fuck me! I don t care if he films it, just give it to me please! Her eyes rolled toward the back of her head as he fucked her stupid. Her cheek and chest were pressed hard against the ground under his weight and the force of his thrusts. Dalton dialed in the digits she rambled out and the screen came to life, a brilliant touchscreen display with a number of apps he didn t recognize, but a number of familiar ones were pinned to the homepage. He clicked on the camera and pointed it at the beast and his defeated heroine. His eyes alternated between the screen and the act happening right before his eyes, still unable to believe what he was seeing. Alright man, we re rolling. Despite giving up the code, Sabretooth still plowed away at the depths of Batgirl's ass. Thick veined shaft of cock piercing deeply, sliding in and out effortlessly with the build up of natural lubrication that had occurred between the hapless heroine and the beast that ravaged her. His lips pressed against the side of her cowl as he almost whispered a growled out promise directly into her ear. "I'll spare you the humiliation that the drug is causing you...." He grunted as he rocked his hips deep and hard down against the tight firmness of her split open backside. "Mmm... it's making you sound like a fucking whore. Ughh.." He groaned as he let the smooth texture of his tongue flick against her ear lobe.His hands meanwhile slipped out of the fringes of her soaking wet sex and moved up to her yellow cape. They grasped it, pulled a section of it taut, and then the nails cut like razors over it, shearing off a section with ease. "Just open wide."He hissed against the side of her head while his cock churned into the depths of her anal cavity."You'll thank me, later, when your head's cleared." There was a hint of humor in the villains voice as he drew the strap of her shredded yellow cloak up around her face and wedged it into her gasping mouth. For a moment he used it as a bit and bridle, pulling it hard, causing the fabric to grind against the corners of her mouth as her head was forced up from the ground. Dalton was a few feet away, capturing the whole event on her very own camera, focused right front and center on her dazed eyes as Sabretooth tied the yellow cloth around the back of her neck, effectively gagging her.With a groan he relented the plundering of her tightly clenching ass and reached down to grasp Batgirl by her hips. His straddling legs, full of muscle, spread, granting her body just enough room for the hulking villain to flip her over onto her back. The wetness and heat of his throbbing rod fell flush between her legs, right over the torn open portion of her black costume that had been shredded to access the soaking pink folds of her sex. Clawed hands fell flush on the young heroines perky mounds of breast. They squeezed over them, filthy hands of the cretin clenching and contorting their shape in his grasp. His icy cold blue eyes stared down, locked on the very clouded and conflicted eyes of his foe."I'm a man of my word." He snarled as he fondled and roughly played with the shapes of her breasts, letting his fingers trace absently over the yellow symbol of the bat that stood out upon them. His knees fell between her legs, pushed against the inside of them, shoved them wide open as he drew his crotch down and then slammed forward. The angled slope of his hard as steel cock pierced through the tight folds of her well lubricated sex and settled into its depths as it forced its way fully into her quivering vagina's core. "Ahhhhnnnmmm "He groaned, hands pressing down, smooshing the firm and taut orbs of her bosom as he snarled towards the night sky before he began to thrust.
Elsa's New Secret (Abderian and Falica)
A secret slave market for the wealthy.Until recently it had been nothing more than a rumor that Elsa was vaguely aware of when she was younger, she had remembered one time at a party that her parents had brought her and Anna to, a noble had been drunkenly rambling on about purchasing a pretty new thing from the local market. Elsa both young and naive at the time was curious about just what the man was talking and had asked her parents about it, but both told their daughter do just dismiss, that alcohol had lead to noble to talk nonsense. While both her mother and father were acting strangely urgent, Elsa had done what was asked of her and dropped subject, she had forgotten about it almost as soon as she became curious.The memory was buried deep within her mind, living as a recluse, becoming queen, Elsa had been more busy than ever. It wouldn't be until a long time servant of her family had approached her, giving Elsa a key and saying that she had been ruling long enough and responsibly enough to pick up the work that her parents had left unfinished, Elsa was told to check the drawer inside of her parents room. Walking back in hadn't been the easiest task, but she felt she owed to her deceased family members to power through it and find just what they working on. When getting around to finally opening it the inside was filled with various papers on how to better the kingdom, but the one thing that had caught Elsa's eyes was one written on how exactly they would put a stop to a slave market, suddenly those memories had returned.Elsa could understand why this was a task that had gone undone, the tension between middle class and nobles had always been noticeable, if the public found out the wealthier class was also purchasing slaves that would cause a further uproar, she could understand why her parents wanted to take care this quietly like it never existed. While Elsa did care for her kingdom and wanted to honor her parents every way possible, being the queen had become stressful, after going through one treatment after another to try and alleviate it, none really prevailed. What had yet to try was intimacy, a slave to use as a way of relief sounded appealing, after everything she had for Arendelle she decided that this would be her one sin, she had earned this, and if her parents were watching in the afterlife then surely the two of them would understand.Going to the slave market had made her skin crawl, not because the immorality of it all, but because the moment she stepped in almost all eyes were on her. The buyers were probably used to seeing other nobles, but the queen herself? That sounded impossible to believe unless they saw for themselves, fortunately Elsa wasn't worried about the consequences, because who would believe a random noble? Not to mention that would mean admitting they themselves were purchasing slaves, so Elsa made sure to move quickly and just focused on the merchandise instead of the buyers.Elsa felt as if she would be looking for a while, she wanted to find someone she felt would be just right for her, but her walk had been shorter than expected when stopping in front of one cage. Eyeing the woman inside of it, that seemed flawless in her opinion, Elsa couldn't resist. When making the purchase it was no surprise that the price was high, even for a noble, but being the queen, Elsa was able to buy the girl without even needing to consider the price, money was no object when it came to maintaining her own sanity after all.Wanting to draw in as little attention from the general public as possible, Elsa's new slave kept hidden beneath the seats of the carriage until they were behind the walls of the castle and the large doors had closed. Elsa herself stepped out first then grabbed the end of the rope which she had tied around the girls she had just bought neck, as well as placing one hand on the slaves shoulder to carefully slide her out. "Come, it's time that I show you your new home." There will be a little bonfire in the square tomorrow, and you're all invited to attend. That sheer voice sent a shiver down her spine as she heard the judge speak, but the gypsy girl remained resilient and rebellious despite how much of a terrible situation she was in. She knew what the old man meant and she knew what that bonfire pertained to. That old bastard had been calling her a witch and now that they caught her she was going to face the fate that all those who were convicted of witchcraft would face. They were going to burn her at the stake and there was no escape. Anybody that would help her was now caught and there was absolutely no escape.The guards held her soft arms behind her and pulled her away as they intended on taking their prisoner's to there cells. All the prisoners were placed in cages and taken away in carriages, however Esmeralda was special. As she struggled in vain she was tossed into her own private cage for the guards to take away alone. As the horses began to move she could hear the guards speak about how she was a disgusting witch, one of them turning and spitting at her in disgust.Esmeralda sat in her cage hugging her legs as the ride went on. It was a long ride, but eventually they reached the palace of justice and the guard immediately grabbed her once more. In no time the guard grabbed her by the hair and tossed her in her cell. Tomorrow was when she was going to die. She was stripped of her beautiful jewelry and dress and soon dressed in nothing but a tattered white dress.The night felt long and agonizing, but soon enough the guards eventually came to her and pulled her out. Perhaps she would have been lucky to face the pyre, but that did not seem to be her fate. What soon occurred was her arms were bound behind her back and her mouth was bound by cloth. It had seemed judge Frollo perhaps cared more about profits rather than the desire he felt. Before long Esmeralda found herself bound in a cage that was best suited for an animal.In a way that perhaps was what she was reduced to. She heard the men nearby speaking on about some noble slave market and that they would make a prime profit from her. It was sickening to her, to be the once strong fighter for the weak and now be the mere puppet of those who oppressed the weak.Each person that walked by her cage was met with a powerful glare from her emerald eyes, but one of these buyers caught her attention well. It was a young woman with a regal attire. She was young and almost frail looking and definitely did not seem like somebody who would be at a place like this, but that didn t stop Esmeralda from glaring at the woman, her muffled voice stopping her from yelling at her.Before long Esmeralda s eyes widened as she found herself being dragged out into a carriage and thrown under the seat. The ride was a long one, but eventually the carriage came to a halt and before she knew it she was pulled out of the carriage, the gag on her mouth removed. Tsk, home? More like prison Esmeralda said glaring as she turned to look away from her new mistress. Green eyes, raven black hair, Elsa considered this person to be a slave to be fit for a queen, but her slaves first words upon arrival told her some discipline may be necessary. The clear disdain in her voice already told Elsa that this woman could end up acting out and try to put up at least somewhat of a fight. Still being someone who was in charge of multiple servants every day, Elsa knew when it necessary to put her foot down so she stopped leading and walked towards her slave, taking their chin between her thumb and index finger and turning her slaves head until they were facing each other. "If it's a prison you see my castle as, I won't hesitate to treat you like one if you cross me." Elsa warned before releasing her grip and turning around to begin walking back towards the castle, this time her pace much quicker and grip on the rope much tighter then when she started.Despite the guarantee that her new slave wouldn't be seen Elsa's pace hadn't slowed down when entering the inside of her castle, she wanted to talk with her new possession without the risk of any interruptions. "Continue to follow, you'll have plenty of opportunities to see all of the castle another time." Elsa ordered just in case her slave wanted to look around, right now what was most important was for Elsa to explain just what she expected and to figure out just how harsh she may have needed to be. It was a necessary step she took with her servants unless there was nothing left to do except fire them, but considering the sum that Elsa paid as well she would also consider more drastic measures as well if that ended up being necessary.Elsa's pace began to slow once they neared her room, opening the door and giving the a slight pull on the rope to inform her slave to come inside. After that the door was shut then locked, no interruptions to deal with, Elsa decided to began the little test she had in mind now. Stepping towards the woman, Elsa got close enough until their fronts were pressed together, one hand going her slaves cheek and the other going on the hip. Being a slave meant belonging to someone, people were free to do whatever they wanted with their belongings, so Elsa considered herself free to touch wherever she wanted "How I'll treat you depends on how you'll act as a slave." Elsa was ready to discipline this woman if she tried to move away from her touches. "I'll ask for something small of you first since we've only begun. What is your name?" Esmeralda was a fierce and strong woman. She was a fighter who didn't let others have their way with her or anybody who was innocent or weak. She was so selfless, but in this situation, she had to stay strong for herself. She was the only one here in trouble and though she couldn't really tell this woman's nature, Esmeralda could only conclude it was no different than that of the numerous scum she felt. That beautiful body of hers would not fool the gypsy girl in the slightest. The moment her new master took hold of her chin, Esmeralda stared deep into her eyes with a hateful glare. She was no different than Frollo in her eyes. That castle of hers was nothing more that castle of stone wall, but this time she had no allies deep within it. She was alone for this.Before she knew it, Esmeralda found herself being dragged along towards their destination, the collar on her neck giving her no choice and treating her as if she was just some animal. She truly wished she could strangle the mistress, but with her hands tied behind her back she was helpless. They walked with a great speed and the gypsy s barefeet walked down the path and would eventually feel the smooth feeling of the castle floors. It was truly a luxurious and grand place, but Esmeralda didn t even have the time to even look around the area. Doing as her mistress said, she followed and with a final yank she was pulled into a room she only could assume was her mistress s chambers.Esmeralda stood in the room glancing around her surroundings, but soon had no choice but to stare at the woman approaching her. Before she could even take a step back, her waist was already held by the woman as the two s body were pressed against each other. The white rag dress she wore was already something that was thin enough that her touch itself already did not feel so welcoming. With their faces near to each other the ice queen would soon be welcome by Esmeralda s glare once more. What? You re not going to state your own name? I though you monarchs were held pride in your name. My name is Esmeralda Esmeralda said with spite. She knew that the ice queen perhaps believed that she was above Esmeralda to state her name, but though Esmeralda complied, she wasn t going to make things easy. Despite showing cooperation that glare told Elsa she couldn't expect obedience, for all she knew Esmeralda could simply be biding her time and waiting for a moment to strike. As unappealing as the idea was she knew that at some point those ropes would need to removed at some point in order to keep her slave in tip top shape, a person needed to stretch every once and a while after all. Not only that, but considering how she planned on using her slave, cooperation was definitely something that was necessary, right now all Esmeralda had was a sharp tongue, Elsa planned to dull it. "You do not answer a question with a question." The hand already on Esmeralda's cheek raised a bit and Elsa was quick to give the woman a slap on the cheek then stepped back just in case there may have been some physical rebuttal as a response."If you wished to know my name, you say may I know your name, or please tell me your name." For a moment Elsa debated on whether or not she should let her slave know, well so far the worst Esmeralda had done was glare, she felt like the slap was enough to get the point across. "I am Queen Elsa, however what I expect you to call me is either ma'am or mistress." Calling someone by their was meant for people who were on equal footing, her a queen, Esmeralda a slave, there was a clear difference in power dynamic. From the firm tone in Elsa's voice she sounded ready to discipline her slave in case she was addressed by anything differently."You should know now that any information about me should be considered a privilege. I choose how much or how little you want to know." Elsa began to pace around Esmeralda to try and add a bit more intimidation to her demeanor. "In fact you should consider yourself fortunate I haven't put you in a dark space as punishment. The cage you were inside I bought you appeared rather uncomfortable, but I can make it seem like luxury if you wish to fight me." Elsa unafraid to putting Esmeralda through a harsh discipline it was the last she wanted to do, the queen wanted her slave right by her side ready to use whenever she had time after all. Esmeralda wished that her hands weren t tied behind her back. She wished she could lunge at the queen before her and strangle her to death, but that was just something that wasn t going to happen. She was completely powerless and that feeling of powerlessness was just agonizing to her. The only weapon she had was her sharp tongue and that could only get herself only oh so far. She spoke out to her unafraid, but the result was as she expected. That soft hand that was caressing her soft cheek soon changed as the ice queen pulled her arm back and immediately made contact with the same cheek only much more violently.The loud smack echoed throughout the room and the gypsy s cheek began to turn red as her face was knocked to face away from her new mistress. She would have struck back, tackled her or headbutt her, but the woman had already stepped away and was cautious. Esmeralda knew that this woman was smart enough to deal with her. Her cheek throbbed with pain and she attempted to move her hands in vain. The suffocating feeling was starting to get to her. Was her whole life going to be reduced to just this? Ever since Frollo took over the Court of Miracles her hope had taken quite a blow. The court was a place that just seemed invincible to her, but that place broke down with ease. She knew that any fight she did was for pride, but was that pride worth it? Was pride really worth living through pointless suffering? Esmeralda could only look down at the ground as she listened to Elsa speak on about how she should speak.Esmeralda would eventually figure out the woman s name. Each word she spoke almost sunk deep with in her. She disliked that cage with all her might. The feeling of fear and confinement struck her more than she chose to believe. Hearing about that cage only brought back that fear, but she didn t show it. In the end she still stood resolute before the ice queen. Why me? I m sure you can probably find a willing whore who will do as you ask so why me? What do you want from me my mistress Esmeralda said, the word mistress said with disgust No attempts to charge her, good it seemed like Elsa was start to have an impact on Esmeralda, though entirely broken she could still hear the disgust when being called mistress. "I'm certain any noble would be content as long as the slave is pretty enough. However I am the queen, I expect a slave fit for one." Stubborn as Esmeralda may have been she certainly was a beautiful woman that didn't seem appear like a slave that anyone with more than enough money could have. "What I want from is your submission." As she spoke Elsa walked back towards Esmeralda to grab her by the shoulder, making sure to keep her guard up in case she tried anything.Elsa lead the way towards the bed, pulling Esmeralda forward to sat her down then lay the slave atop of the mattress, legs still left to hang off the edge. That was when she decided to unveil a new surprise for the slave, a flurry of snow began to form in Elsa's hand and with it a shard of ice, showing Esmeralda a bit of her powers. "Now hold still, I don't want to cut your skin by accident." The edge of the shard was hooked onto Esmeralda's dress and carefully Elsa began to move it downwards to start cutting open the fabric until a long line was formed right down the middle, Elsa took one side in each hand and began to spread open the shirt so she could see more of Esmeralda's body."Will you promise not to try and strike me as I touch you?" Elsa pressed the flat end of the ice against Esmeralda's shoulders then began to slowly drag it down, wanting to have the slaves entire body feel a chill. "I'll be much rougher if you say no, if you answer yes only to then lie, it will become worse." Elsa dragged it all the way down to Esmeralda's stomach before finally lifting it off her body. They had barely really begun but Esmeralda felt her hopes being crumbled bit by bit with each moment that passed. Her people rarely ever received praise or even equality, but that didn t matter to the queen before her. To her she was nothing more than a beautiful woman for her to seize. Once again her beauty had caused her trouble and this time it was a trouble that she could not get out of. Even if she was to get out, she had no idea where she was nor had any friends or allies. She was completely alone excluding her new mistress.The moment Elsa reached out to her Esmeralda s right leg took a step back as she felt the queen s hands firmly take grasp of her shoulders. Helpless to do anything Esmeralda s found herself laying upon the bed in the room with her feet dangling off the edge. With her hand behind her back, Esmeralda attempted to look at the queen only for her emerald eyes to widen in disbelief. The queen was doing something that was practically impossible. This whole thing started because Esmeralda was falsely charged as a witch, but the true witch was standing right before her.A drip of sweat ran down her face as she felt a cold sensation even before Elsa s ice touched her. Any hope was crushed now that she realized that she couldn t escape. She closed her eyes tightly as she felt the icicle cut through her thin white dress that Frollo dressed her in. Her body began to shiver at not just the queen s touch, but also at her words as well. Her eyes just looked to the side and narrowed as she gritted her teeth. I m no fool to attack have my word Esmeralda said narrowing her eyes. Though she tried to remain strong, though she tried to act tough, in the end one could see the defeat on her face and hear it in her words. That look of defeat certainly hadn't disappointed and Elsa dropped the icicle down onto the floor once a fair bit of the dress had been cut and spread it open with both hands. She decided she would relish in the woman's submission, hands caressing Esmeralda's cheeks and a cold air started to brush against them, it was similar to cool early morning breeze, so no ice would suddenly begin to build on Esmeralda's cheek. "Good answer." Now that Elsa had a submissive slave the next goal was an eager, but she wouldn't fuss if that day would never come.Her hands left Esmeralda's cheeks but the breeze Elsa had been making continued, this time going right for the slaves chest and having the cool air brush against both nipples so that way both would go erect before finally stopping. "I know you've your word, but I'm going to keep you tied up for now, for my own pleasure." There was no point in hiding it, Esmeralda's purpose as a slave was to pleasure her. Elsa took one nipple between her thumb and index finger and did the same to the other, starting to twiddling and twist both of them then following her movements up with a pinch.Leaning down Elsa got face to face with Esmeralda "I don't want you just accept my touches, but beg for them as well." After saying that one hand went right between the slaves legs and Elsa used two fingers to start grinding against the woman's folds. She could tell that Esmeralda was trying to stay strong, because of that the queen decided she needed to feel humiliated, if only for a little while. "Whether you genuinely want them or not." That moment of defeat sealed any act of rebellion away into an unbreakable prison. As the ripping sound of her dress s fabric came to an end, her body was welcomed by the open air and was now completely bare for her mistress. Not a single part of her body would be hidden from her mistress and that sheer thought alone sealed the fact that she was now owned. Her body heated up at such a thought, but her mistress s hand was the opposite, bring forth a cooling feeling.If the woman wanted Esmeralda could assume that the woman could freeze her completely, adding to another fear deep down. Though she was strong and firm though out her life, the blistering cold of the streets of paris was just something she was unable to overcome at time. That feeling alone was something that symbolized a hard time. Elsa wanted to play with her, it was why she wasn t untied and the reason she was bought. That cold shivering feeling of her touch eventually moved down her body and eventually it reached her breast.It was then that the woman touched her in one of the spots she allowed no man to ever touch. The nipples of her large breasts were the first of the queen s play thing. The circular buds grew hard and firm as the queen began to pinch them. Though Esmeralda told herself it was because of the cold, she knew it to be only one true reason. The moment she felt that touch, a feeling of electricity coursed through her, a feeling of stimulation that she rejected with all her might, something that could be show with her eyes shut tightly.Almost as if she could feel the queen s presence growing closer, Esmeralda s eyes opened and stared deep into the queen face and immediately her eyes widened as she felt the queen s hand go down. There was nothing she could do as the queen played with her most private spot. She felt pathetic, she felt utter despair. Her eyes soon turned watery as a more desperate look formed on her face. Please don t... Esmeralda could only whisper as the tears balled up but didn t fall.The feeling was maddening as the feeling of stimulation grew. Feeling the queen s hands by her lower lips was something almost like a tease. Even though it was with a woman, Esmeralda knew that there was no going back and she could do nothing. "That isn't what I wanted to hear, Esmeralda." Names were something that carried power, Else knew this, so instead of merely calling the woman pet or slave, it would be by name her plaything would be addressed. That with a cold and disappointed tone in order to build on the fear that her slave was so obviously feeling, as if she were about to do something drastic because her expectations hadn't been met. The hand that had been on the bound woman's chest lifted away, and Elsa began to trace her thumb along Esmeralda's lip "I said beg for my touch."The tip of Elsa's thumb began to grow cold, but she didn't use her powers to the extent where ice would begin to form, just make her touch feel as if a metal were being brushed up against Esmeralda's bottom lip. "Perhaps what I need to do is freeze your tongue and shatter it since you can't seem to say what I tell you." Though it was nothing more than a bluff on Elsa's part, she planned to use Esmeralda's tongue in the future, but she wanted to make her bluff believable. So her index finger joined her thumb and moved between the slaves lips, as if she were ready to pinch down on the wet muscle and turn it into ice, however her digits didn't move any further than that."One chance, that is what I will give you." To add more pressure to the situation, Else began to blow a cold breeze into Esmeralda's mouth. Meanwhile the hand that between her slaves legs began to force a single finger inside of Esmeralda's slit, whether she was dry or not hardly mattered to the queen, she began to twist turn her ring finger and began to poke and prod against the inner walls, but holding off on using her ice powers. Right now the only cold she wanted Esmeralda to feel was the one that was blowing against the inside of her mouth. "I'll even tell you what to say, say please touch me."
A New Harvest (Vaip and Gunner)
"Theirs was a land of mystery, magic, and monsters. If one was careful they could live their life in(...TRUNCATED)
Dead By Daylight - A Different Kind of Mori (Lord DreamCrusher x Penny)
"The Hillbilly huffed as he hustled over in a hunched fashion, cattle hammer in one hand and a well (...TRUNCATED)
Death is not an escape, but there are others (DeliciousLust x Penny)
"The last thingMeg Thomasremembered was hugging her knees and staring into the fire. The transition (...TRUNCATED)
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