66 values
I am surprised it has taken this long for me to get into Pinky's, better late than never? Went after work Monday around six, parked and as I opened my car door I heard the beautiful music of Megadeth coming from the restaurant BIG PLUS. Was with a group and we ordered a few appetizers: Fried pickles, sweet potato fried, onion strings and fried green tomatoes. Which were all great, my favorite being the fried green tomatoes they came with an awesome horseradish dipping sauce. Knowing that one of the guys from the original Penguin opened Pinky's I had to get a burger, so I went with the White Trash burger...the name grabbed me. At 4.50 it may have been the best burger for its price I have had, it had fried pickles, fried onion strings, provolone cheese and I believe there was some bacon in there too. The flavor punched me in the mouth and I loved it. The food was flavorful and affordable. The restaurant is very hip and the music played here is GREAT. Which means a lot to me, being able to enjoy a meal to Public Image Limited opposed to Katy Perry is such a relief. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg er overrasket over at det har tatt så lang tid for meg å komme inn på Pinky's, bedre sent enn aldri? Etter jobb mandag rundt klokken seks mandag morgen klokken seks, parkerte jeg og da jeg åpnet bildøren, hørte jeg den vakre musikken fra Megadeth komme fra restauranten BIG PLUS. Vi var sammen med en gruppe, og vi bestilte noen småretter: sylteagurker, stekte søtpoteter, løkstrenger og stekte grønne poteter. Som alle var store, min favoritt var den stekte grønnmyntematen de kom med en fantastisk pepperrot dyppet i saus. Siden en av gutta fra den originale Penguin åpnet Pinky's, måtte jeg kjøpe en burger, så jeg fulgte med White Trash burgeren. Navnet tok tak i meg. Ved 4.50 kan det ha vært den beste burgeren for prisen jeg har hatt, den hadde sylteagurk, stekte løkstrenger, provolone ost og jeg tror det var litt bacon der også. Smaken slo meg i munnen, og jeg elsket den. Maten var smakfull og rimelig. Restauranten er veldig hip og musikken som spilles her er GREAT. Det betyr mye for meg at å kunne nyte et måltid på Public Image Limited i motsetning til Katy Perry er en lettelse. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I'm surprised it's taken me this long to get into Pinky's, better late than never? After work Monday around six o’clock Monday morning at six o’clock, I parked and opened the car door, I heard the beautiful music from Megadeth coming from the BIG PLUS restaurant. We were with a group, and we ordered some small dishes: pickles, fried sweet potatoes, onion strings, and fried green potatoes. As everyone was big, my favorite was the fried greenmint they brought with a fantastic horseradish dipped in gravy. Since one of the original Penguin guys opened Pinky's, I had to buy a burger, so I followed the White Trash burger. By 4.50 it could have been the best burger for the price I've ever had, it had pickles, fried onions, Provolone cheese and I think there was some bacon there too. The taste hit me in the mouth, and I loved it. The food was tasty and inexpensive. The restaurant is very hip and the music played here is GREAT. It means a lot to me that enjoying a meal on the Public Image Limited, unlike Katy Perry, is a relief. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
FINALLY got to Ramen Sora last week before we went down to the strip for a getaway. My one and only negative to mention is that they are so popular that even during off times, you'll likely have quite a wait. We went midweek, well after lunch hours, and still had about a 30 min wait for 2 of us to be seated. That won't stop me from going back, because I now understand COMPLETELY why people line up inside and outside! :) The food lived up to all the hype and I found myself craving it again within hours. We started with gyoza and found them to be some of the best we've had. I had the Miso Ramen and hubby had the Spicy Miso. Both of us really loved the broth! The noodles are amazing and the pork is spoon tender. I was a bit unsure about the egg, but found that it added wonderful flavor. Who woulda thunk? The "regular" sized bowls are FILLING and way big enough for both hubby and I. The table service is super friendly and FAST! All in all, if we didn't live so freakin' far away, we'd be there 3-4 times a week! As it is, we're determined to be back at least 1-2 a month. Long live, Ramen Sora!!! Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
SLELL kom til Ramen Sora i forrige uke før vi dro ned til stripa for å komme oss vekk. Min ene og eneste negative for å nevne er at de er så populære at selv i av-ganger, vil du sannsynligvis ha ganske en venting. Vi gikk midt på uken, godt etter lunsj, og vi hadde fremdeles omkring 30 minutters ventetid til to av oss kunne sitte. Det vil ikke hindre meg i å gå tilbake, for nå forstår jeg hvorfor folk stiller seg opp i og utenfor! :) Maten levde opp til all hypen og jeg fant meg selv suge det igjen i løpet av timer. Vi begynte med gyoza og fant ut at de var noe av det beste vi har hatt. Jeg hadde Miso Ramen og hubby hadde Spicy Miso. Vi elsket begge virkelig buljongen! Nudlene er utrolige og svinekjøttet er ørt. Jeg var litt usikker på egget, men fant ut at det smakte godt. Hvem ville dunke? De<unk>regulære<unk>store bollene er FILLING og måte stor nok for både hubby og I. Formiddagens bord er overnaturlig og kveld! Alt i alt, hvis vi ikke bodde så forjævlig langt borte, ville vi vært der 3-4 ganger i uken! Som det er, er vi fast bestemt på å være tilbake minst 1-2 i måneden. Lenge leve, Ramen Sora!!!!! Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
SLELL came to Ramen Sora last week before we went down to the strip to get out of there. My one and only negative to mention is that they're so popular that even in off-walks, you'll probably have quite a wait. We walked in the middle of the week, well after lunch, and we still had about 30 minutes until two of us could sit. It won’t stop me from going back, because now I understand why people stand in and out! :) The food lived up to all the hype and I found myself sucking it again in hours. We started with Gyoza and found out they were one of the best things we ever had. I had Miso Ramen and Hubby had Spicy Miso. We both really loved the broth! The noodles are amazing and the pork is exhausted. I wasn't sure about the egg, but I found it tasted good. Who'd dunk? The Regulars are big bowls of FILEl and way large enough for both hubby and I. The morning table is supernatural and evening! All in all, if we didn't live so fucking far away, we'd be there three or four times a week! As it is, we are determined to be back at least 1-2 a month. Long live, Ramen Sora!!!!! Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Write a negative yelp review.
This was my review. Wow, worst food at a sandwich place. I ordred a plain Roast beef with mayo and got old beef sawdust on a stale bun. I like Cap pretty much. This location is the dregs. They should be ashamed to be open. I usually do not write to a company to complain but I made a exception in this case. I hope they listen. Avoid this location at all costs. I think it may be one bad apple, but it can rot the bunch. Never rated the other locations I have been to, just took for granted that they had good food. Received this reply from Mr, Thomas Mulconey of Capriottis. Thought it would be the right thing to share and let everyone know that it was a timely and humble response. I admire and appreciate Mr. Mulconey for taking responsibility and not making excuses for the problem. I will take him up on his offer very soon and will review this location again. Ronald Hello Ronald, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Thomas Mulconrey. I am a manager at the Capriottis inside the Santa Fe Hotel and Casino. First off, I would like to apologize for the poor quality of product that you received at our location. We take pride in our quality and I must say I am embarrassed about the experience. I have address our team about the situation and we are taking the proper steps to ensure that we do not have this problem in the future. I appreciate the feedback given about our shredded beef product. I would like to have the opportunity to make this experience up to you. If you would like next time you come in we will have a credit for a free large sub on us. Again. I do apologize and hope to retain you as a customer at this location. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at (702)xxxxxxx. Thank you for giving us feedback so that we can continue to give our customers the Capriottis experience that they disserve.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Dette var min vurdering. Den verste maten på en sandwich. I orred en vanlig roast beef med majone og fikk gammel biff sagflis på et gammelt brød. Jeg liker Cap stort sett. Dette sted er dregs. De burde skamme seg over å være åpne. Jeg skriver vanligvis ikke til firma å klage men gjorde et unntak i saken. Jeg håper de lytter. Unngå dette stedet for alle kostnader. Jeg tror det kan være ett dårlig eple, men det kan råtne hele gjengen. Jeg vurderte aldri de andre stedene jeg har vært på, bare tatt for gitt at de hadde god mat. Dette svaret fikk Thomas Mulconey, som kommer fra Selskapet Vakttårnet. Jeg tenkte det ville være det rette å dele med andre og la alle få vite at det var et betimelig og ydmykt svar. Jeg beundrer og setter pris på Mr. Mulconey for å ta ansvar og ikke unnskylde problemet. Jeg vil snart ta ham opp på sitt tilbud og vil vurdere dette stedet på nytt. Ronald, jeg vil gjerne presentere meg, jeg heter Thomas Mulconrey. Jeg er bestyrer på Capriottis i Santa Fe Hotel og Casino. For det første vil jeg be om unnskyldning for den dårlige kvaliteten på produktet du fikk på vårt sted. Vi er stolte av vår kvalitet, og jeg må si at jeg er flau over opplevelsen. Jeg har snakket med teamet vårt om situasjonen og vi tar de rette skrittene for å sikre at vi ikke har dette problemet i fremtiden. Jeg setter pris på tilbakemeldingen om vårt avskårne kjøttprodukt. Jeg vil gjerne ha muligheten til å gjøre dette godt igjen for deg. Hvis du vil ha neste gang du kommer inn, får vi en kreditt for en stor, ledig ubåt på oss. .. Jeg ber om unnskyldning og håper å beholde deg som kunde på dette stedet. Hvis du har noen spørsmål eller problemer du kan kontakte meg på (7xxxxxxxxxxx). Takk for at dere gir oss tilbakemeldinger, slik at vi kan fortsette å gi våre kunder den erfaringen fra Capriottis som de ikke vil ha.
This was my assessment. The worst food on a sandwich. Orded a regular roast beef with a mayonnaise and got old steak sawdust on an old bread. I like Cap pretty much. This place is awesome. They should be ashamed to be open. I don't usually write to the company to complain but made an exception in the matter. I hope they're listening. Avoid this place at all costs. I think it might be a bad apple, but it could rot the whole bunch. I never considered the other places I’ve been to just for granted that they had good food. This was answered by Thomas Mulconey of the Watch Tower Society. I thought it would be right to share and let everyone know that it was a timely and humble answer. I admire and appreciate Mr. Mulconey for taking responsibility and not excusing the problem. I'm about to take him up on his offer and I'm going to reconsider this place. Ronald, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Thomas Mulconrey. I'm the manager at Capriottis in the Santa Fe Hotel and Casino. First of all, I want to apologize for the poor quality of the product you got in our place. We're proud of our quality, and I must say, I'm embarrassed by the experience. I've talked to our team about the situation and we're taking the right steps to make sure we don't have this problem in the future. I appreciate your feedback on our cut meat product. I'd like to have the opportunity to make this right for you. If you want the next time you come in, we'll get a credit for a big free sub on us. .. I apologize and hope to keep you as a customer in this place. If you have any questions or problems you can contact me at (7xxxxxxxxxxx). Thank you for giving us feedback so that we can continue to give our customers the experience from Capriottis that they do not want.
Write a negative yelp review.
I come here have not so good time bad. Burrito is in america, really no mexico. I say make roll up my burrito and for pointing at chicken I get steak. He says sorry so accident, but I'am not feeling the welcoming nor do I ask for much. So pimple face tell me he remake. No trouble I have so I eat american mexican steak. It so bad I can not finish. I with friend who take home. So I go with sad american burrito and cannot say good for this mexican establishment. I hear in the USA Arizona, mexican do not like to make native food. I say same thing. Do not come home to my house and say Mr. Jence, make me the Swedish Smorgisbord. I say no and we get a real Mexican food at the drunk home Arizona rehab for the Filiburtos.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Jeg kommer hit har ikke så god tid dårlig. Burrito er i USA, egentlig ikke i Mexico. Jeg sier jeg skal rulle opp burritoen min og for å peke på kylling får jeg biff. Han sier at jeg er lei for det, men jeg føler ikke velkomsten, og jeg ber ikke om mye. Så kvisling ansikt fortelle meg at han nyskaper. Ikke noe problem, så jeg spiser meksikansk bix. Det er så ille at jeg ikke kan fullføre. Jeg med venn som tar hjem. Så jeg velger trist amerikansk burrito og kan ikke si noe godt om dette meksikanske etablissement. Jeg hører i USA Arizona at meksikanere ikke liker å lage mat. Jeg sier det samme. Kom ikke hjem til mitt hus og si herr Jence, gjør meg til den svenske Smorgisbord. Jeg sier nei, og vi får en skikkelig meksikansk mat på avrusningen til fylla hjemme for Filiburtoene.
I don't have much time. Burrito's in America, not really in Mexico. I say I'm gonna roll up my burrito and to point at chicken, I get steak. He says I'm sorry, but I don't feel the welcome, and I don't ask for much. So whisper face tell me he's innovating. No problem, so I'm eating Mexican bix. It's so bad I can't finish. I'm with a friend who takes home. So I choose sad American burrito and can't say a good thing about this Mexican establishment. I hear in America Arizona Mexicans don't like to cook. I'm saying the same thing. Don't come home to my house and say Mr. Jence, make me the Swedish Smorgis Table. I say no, and we get a real Mexican food on the detox to be drunk at home for the philburtos.
Please. I don't know what the rave about this place is when there are so many BETTER and CHEAPER sushi restaurants around the area. Let me be frank. The sushi was NOT good and NOT what I paid for. Sushi has come out wrong a few times and this place is pricey for what they offer. Waiters tend to bore you to death with a history of each ingredient and the eccentricity of the chef's menu. I rather eat. Went here with a group of 4, bill was over 200, and left hungry. No joke. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vær så snill. Jeg vet ikke hva raven om dette stedet er når det er så mange BETER og CHEARICER sushi restauranter rundt om i området. La meg være ærlig. Sushien var ikke god og ikke det jeg betalte for. Sushi har kommet feil ut noen ganger, og dette stedet er dyrt for det de tilbyr. Servitører pleier å kjede deg i hjel med en historie om hver ingrediens og eksentrisiteten i menyen. Jeg vil heller ikke spise. Det var en gruppe på 4, regningen var over 200, og det var bare penger igjen. Ingen spøk. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Please. I don't know what the raven is about this place when there are so many BETER and CHARICER sushi restaurants around the area. Let me be honest. The sushi wasn't good and it wasn't what I paid for. Sushi's come out wrong sometimes, and this place is expensive for what they're offering. Waitress usually bores you to death with a story about every ingredient and eccentricity in the menu. I don't want to eat either. There was a group of 4, the bill was over 200, and only money was left. No joke. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Soooo sad! How do you run out of Heineken 5 weeks in a row? How do you do that when you're a liquor store? Whomever does the ordering, pay attention! The workers get the heat because not enough was ordered! Guess we're gonna check out that Wine & more store! So sad! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Soooo sao san! Hvordan kommer man ut av Heineken 5 uker på rad? Hvordan gjør man det når man er en spritbutikk? Den som gir ordre, gjør det! Arbeiderne får varmen fordi det ikke var nok som ble bestilt! Gjett om vi skal sjekke den vin- og merbutikken! Så trist! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Sooo sao san! How do you get out of Heineken five weeks in a row? How do you do that when you're a liquor store? Whoever gives the orders, do it! The workers are getting warm because not enough was ordered! We're going to check out that wine and more shop! How sad! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Will never go back - first they ruin a St. John suit even after We clearly discussed how it needed to be done, and they said they were accustomed to St. John. Secondly- they promised a gift certificate for all the inconvenience and never sent it. I asked for a linen suit to be washed and sized lightly and they dry cleaned it instead. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vil aldri tilbake - først ødelegger de en St. John-drakt selv etter at Vi tydelig diskuterte hvordan det måtte gjøres, og de sa at de var vant til St. John. For det andre lovte de et gavebevis for alt besværet og sendte det aldri. Jeg ba om at en lindrakt skulle vaskes og tas lett og de tørker rengjort den i stedet. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Never want to go back - first they destroy a St. John suit even after we clearly discussed how it had to be done, and they said they were used to St. John. Second, they promised a gift certificate for all the trouble and never sent it. I asked for a linen suit to be washed and taken lightly and they dry it instead. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
Please share one plate. Portions are HUGE (except The Basics). Andy's Sage Chicken Benedict (on Man vs Food) was GOOD! The dish had so much tastes. The Chicken & Waffles were also delicous. The waffles had bacon inside; and the fried onions were excellent! I'm an onion lover, so the onions were the most delish item for me. The Basics is probably the only normal-sized meal at this place. This is a good dish for a light & fulfilling breakfast.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Vennligst del en plate. Begivenheter er HUGE (bortsett fra The Basis). Andy's Sage Chicken Benedict (på Man vs Food) var GOOD! Retten hadde så mye smak. Hanen & Vaffel var også avskaffende. Vaflerne hadde bacon innvendig, og stekt løk var utmerket! Jeg er en løk-elsker, så løken var den mest avsmakende for meg. Grunnstoffet er trolig det eneste normale måltidet på dette stedet. Dette er en god matrett for en lett & bringe frokost.
Please share a record. Events are HUGE (except for The Basis). Andy's Sage Chicken Benedict (at Man vs. Food) was GOOD! The court had so much taste. The rooster & Vaffel was also an abolitionist. The waffles had bacon inside, and fried onions were excellent! I'm an onion-lover, so the onions were the most distasteful to me. The element is probably the only normal meal in this place. This is a good dish for a light & bring breakfast.
Write a negative yelp review.
we went to the happyhour at tv the prices are defenitly swingin $1,$2 and $3 apps the calamari was decent with a wasabi type dipping sauce portions are small but for the price decent. the duck tidbits were dry and unexciting the asian ribs were a nice portion and decent the best tasting app was the burger spicy toped w/slaw and a $11 hearts of iceberg salad off the reg menu a few $11 martinis which for the price could have been a little more of a generous pour and one fruity cocktail for the wife and bam a $70 dollar bill. The setting is quite nice service was very friendly but a littlte laxed for as quite as it was.lots of other better places in the valley to go for cocktail hour
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Vi gikk til happy hour at tv prisene er defenitivt swingin $1, $2, $2, og $3 apps calammarien var anstendig med en wasabi type dypping saus porsjoner er små men for prisen anstendig. anden tidbits var tørr og uspennende asianribbe var en fin del og anstendig den beste smake app var burge aking aking pided w/slaw og en $11 hjerter isfjell salat av reg menuen noen $11 martinis som for prisen kunne ha vært litt mer av en generøs por og en fruktete cocktail for kona og bam en $ $ $ $ $ dollar regning. Settingen er ganske fin service var svært vennlig men en litt ørliten laxet for så ganske som det var.lot av andre bedre steder i dalen å gå for cocktail
We went to happy hour that the TV prices are defensive swingin $1, $2, and $3 apps Camammarien was decent with a wasabi type of dipping sauce servings are small but for price decent. And the duck's time bits were dry and unexciting Asian ribs were a nice part and decent the best taste app was the burge aking poodled w/slaw and a $111 hearts iceberg salad of reg menu a few $11 martinis that for the price could have been a little bit more of a generous por and a fruity cocktail for the wife and bam a $$ dollar bill. The setting is quite nice service was very friendly but a little bit of laxet for as quite as it was. Allowed by other better places in the valley to go for cocktail
The food wasn't bad per se. It's just the whole feel of the restaurant and the limited options of the set-lunch menu, which when they appeared were quite underwhelming, contrasted with all the other Thai places I've tried in Edinburgh, made me really think that Yes, I have experienced better (thanks for that prompt Yelp!) The set lunch menu was \u00a38.95. There were only two starter options (a chicken tom yum soup or veggie spring rolls). These two options are very...meh. Like VERY meh. Soup or spring rolls? What if you want just some good ol' fashioned meat. I couldn't help but compare it to the lunch deal I'd had at Dusit, on Thistle Street, which had 4 starter options all of which were much more exciting, and had chicken, beef, prawn tempura (three ways) or a vegetable option that wasn't pastry coated. The main options also left a lot to be desired. And when they arrived the portions were small. My beef salad wasn't badly cooked, I ate it and enjoyed it for what it was. But I would have equally enjoyed, or maybe even moreso, a \u00a33 sandwich from Marks & Spencers. When you go for a lunch out at a restaurant mid-week, it is something of a special occasion. And the lunch here was very forgettable. One of my dining partners told me she had heard rumours of exciting food on their a la carte menu, like beef spaghetti (?) And normally if I don't enjoy a lunch I will give the restaurant one more chance and go back to try the evening meal. But I also didn't really gel with the feel of the restaurant. As the same dining partner commented, it felt like a hotel lobby. All cold steel metals, hard edges and lacking in any ambiance. Bizarre music on the stereo. Although the staff were really lovely. Very attentive, smiling, eager, and trying very hard to please. It's just a shame that the food was limited in option, quite forgettable when it arrived and the ambiance did not tempt me back in any way. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Maten var ikke så ille. Det er bare hele følelsen av restauranten og de begrensede alternativene av set-lununch menyen, som da de dukket opp var ganske underveldende, kontrastert med alle de andre thai-stedene jeg har prøvd i Edinburgh, fikk meg til virkelig å tro at Ja, jeg har opplevd bedre (takk for den parade Yelp!) Den sette lunsjmenyen var <unk>u-u-a-a38.95. Det var kun to startalternativ (en kyllingtom yum yum-suppe eller veskevårruller). Disse to alternativene er veldig... meh. I likhet med JORDMØH. Suup eller vårruller? Hva om du bare vil ha litt god, men kjøtt? Jeg kunne ikke unngå å sammenligne det med lunsjavtalen jeg hadde hatt i Dusit, på Thistle Street, som hadde 4 startalternativer som alle var mye mer spennende, og hadde kylling, biff, reke-chura (tre måter) eller en grønnsaksalternativ som ikke var konditor. Hovedalternativene la også mye til side for å være ønsket. Da de fikk se de små lodd som kom frem. Jeg spiste den og likte den for det den var. Men jeg ville likt, eller kanskje enda merso, en <unk>u00a33 smørbrød fra Marks & Spencers. Når du spiser lunsj på en restaurant midt i uken, er det en spesiell anledning. Og lunsjen her var veldig uforglemmelig. En av mine spisepartnere fortalte meg at hun hadde hørt rykter om spennende mat på deres la carte-meny, som biff (?) Og hvis jeg ikke liker lunsj, gir jeg restauranten en sjanse til og går tilbake for å prøve kveldsmåltidet. Men jeg likte heller ikke restauranten. Som den samme spisepartneren kommenterte, føltes det som en hotelllobby. Alt kaldt stål, med harde kanter og uten noen form for samklang. Bizarre musikk på stereoen. Selv om personalet var virkelig flott. Veldig oppmerksom, smilende, ivrig og anstrenger seg veldig hardt for å behage. Det er bare en skam at maten var begrenset i mulighet, ganske glemmelig når den kom og ambiansen ikke fristet meg tilbake på noen måte. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The food wasn't that bad. It's just the whole sense of the restaurant and the limited options of the set-lununch menu, which when they appeared were quite subtly, contrasted with all the other Thai sites I've tried in Edinburgh, made me really think that yes, I've experienced better (thank you for the parade yelp!) The set lunch menu was "u-u-a-38.95." There were only two starting options (a chicken-tom yum soup or purse spring rolls). These two options are very... meh. Like Earth’s Wall. Suup or egg rolls? What if you just want some good meat? I couldn't help comparing it to the lunch agreement I had in Dusit, on Thistle Street, which had four starting options that were all much more exciting, and had chicken, beef, shrimp-chura (three ways) or a vegetable option that wasn't a pastry chef. The main options also set aside much to be desired. And when they saw the little lots that came forth, I ate it and liked it for what it was. But I would like, or maybe even merso, a <unk>u00a33 sandwiches from Marks & Spencers. When you have lunch at a restaurant in the middle of the week, it is a special occasion. And the lunch here was very unforgettable. One of my dining partners told me that she had heard rumors of exciting food on their la carte menu, like steak (?) And if I don't like lunch, I'll give the restaurant a second chance and go back to try the evening meal. But I didn't like the restaurant either. As the same dining partner commented, it felt like a hotel lobby. All cold steel, with hard edges and no cohesiveness. Bizarre music on the stereo. Even though the staff were really great. Very attentive, smiling, eager, and very hard to please. It's just a shame that the food was limited in opportunity, quite forgetful when it came and the ambiance didn't tempt me back in any way. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Server was in slow motion tonight.. Took ridiculous long for everything (they were not that busy). Food was decent as always. The also ran out of boxes (well they had very small ones so I have a bunch of those). Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Server var i sakte film i kveld. Det var latterlig lenge for alt (de var ikke så opptatt). Maten var som vanlig. Det ble også tomt for esker (vel de hadde veldig små så jeg har en haug av de). Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The server was in slow motion tonight. It was ridiculously long for everything (they weren’t that busy). The food was as usual. It also ran out of boxes (well they had very small so I have a bunch of them). Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? The salted caramel ice cream tasted amazing i liked it a lot. Did i absolutely fall to my knees from the inner joy it might have brought me, ehhh...not quite. The only con I have is I am personally more of a custard/cold stone fan rather than reg ice cream. The consistency was so liquidy and not creamy as others I have tried but my brother and i enjoyed our ice cream for sure. Just a personal preference thing for sure. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Den salte karamell-isen smakte utrolig godt. Jeg likte den veldig godt. Har jeg absolutt falt på kne av den indre glede det kunne ha brakt meg, uhhh ... ikke helt. Det eneste jeg har er at jeg personlig er mer en en iste/kaldsteinsfan istedenfor reg is. Konsistensen var så flytende og ikke kremaktig som andre jeg har prøvd men min bror og jeg likte vår is helt sikkert. Bare en personlig preferanse. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? The salted caramel ice cream was delicious. I have certainly fallen to my knees of the inner joy it could have brought me, uh... not quite. The only thing I have is that I'm personally more of an iced tea/cold stone fan than a reg ice cream. The consistency was as fluid and not creamy as others I've tried, but my brother and I certainly enjoyed our ice cream. Just a personal preference. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I recently moved here and needed to find a vet in order to get a new prescription for a medication my dog has been on for 12 years. What should have been a quick and easy job became tedious and frustrating. I took my dog in to have her examined and the vet wrote a prescription for her. I've ordered from the same on-line pharmacy for the past 6-8 years but was told when I called that this particular clinic was not affiliated with their pharmacy and I would have to either get them to sign on or use another. I chose the latter and had them fax a prescription to the vet office. I called the office that day, the day after and the day after that and each time I was given the runaround. They either didn't know about my prescription at all or that it wasn't the correct dosage or the correct amount or various other excuses. The last time I called I was told that they couldn't help me because the signing vet had left town and wouldn't be back for FOUR days. Never mind that they had two other vets in the office that could have signed on her behalf. No one seemed to know what they were doing and even worse, they acted like they could care less. In tears of frustration I called my previous vet in the state I'd moved from and they proficiently & politely filled my prescription. It really made me realize that good customer service is the backbone to any great company and you'd better believe that I'm on a new search to find another vet in the area. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har nylig flyttet hit og måtte finne en veterinær for å få en ny resept på et legemiddel hunden min har vært på i 12 år. Det som burde ha vært en rask og enkel jobb, ble kjedelig og frustrerende. Jeg tok hunden min inn for å få henne undersøkt, og veterinæren skrev en resept på henne. Jeg har bestilt fra det samme on-line apoteket de siste 6-8 årene, men fikk beskjed da jeg ringte om at denne spesialklinikken ikke var tilknyttet deres apotek og jeg måtte enten få dem til å signere på eller bruke en annen. Jeg valgte det sistnevnte og fikk dem til å sende en resept til legekontoret. Jeg ringte kontoret den dagen, dagen etter og dagen etter det og hver gang jeg fikk kjøre rundt. Enten visste de ikke om resepten min i det hele tatt, eller at det ikke var riktig dose eller korrekt mengde eller diverse andre unnskyldninger. Siste gang jeg ringte fikk jeg beskjed om at de ikke kunne hjelpe meg, for signeringslegen hadde forlatt byen og ville ikke være tilbake i FOI dager. De hadde to andre vetter på kontoret som kunne ha signert på hennes vegne. Det var ingen som visste hva de gjorde, og enda verre, de oppførte seg som om de kunne bry seg mindre. I frustrasjonens tårer ringte jeg min forrige veteran i delstaten jeg hadde flyttet fra og de fylte ut resepten min på en høflig måte. Det fikk meg til å innse at god kundeservice er ryggraden til et stort firma og du bør tro at jeg er på et nytt søk for å finne en annen veterinær i området. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I just moved here and had to find a veterinarian to get a new prescription for a drug my dog's been on for 12 years. What should have been a quick, simple job became boring and frustrating. I brought my dog in to have her examined, and the veterinarian prescribed her. I have ordered from the same on-line pharmacy for the last 6-8 years, but I was told when I called that this special clinic was not associated with their pharmacy and I had to either get them to sign on or use another. I chose the latter and had them send a prescription to the doctor’s office. I called the office that day, the next day, and the next day, and every time I could drive around. Either they didn't know about my prescription at all, or that it wasn't the right dose or the right amount or any different excuses. The last time I called, I was told that they could not help me because the signing doctor had left town and would not be back in FOI days. They had two other minds in the office that could have signed on her behalf. No one knew what they were doing, and worse, they acted as if they could care less. In the tears of frustration, I called my last veteran in the state I had left and they filled out my prescription politely. It made me realize that good customer service is the backbone of a big company and you should think I'm on a new search to find another veterinarian in the area. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
This gym is MAJOR!!! When I entered Gold's Gym Elite I felt as if I was checking into a hip hotel like The W. Very modern, stylish and CLEAN!! I am beyond happy about joining! It is extremely clean, which a gym should be. The staff is friendly and helpful. The cardio machines are way cool. Each one has a personal tv to use and a cord to connect your i-POD. How cool is that? It doesn't have a pool which is a bit of a downer. The views from the gym are excellent. I did my cardio workout the other day and watched all of the planes flying into Sky Harbor. It was fantastic! Gold's Gym Elite in Phoenix is not overly crowded which makes working out there so much more enjoyable. I was a member for a long time to a very popular gym in this part of the valley. It was way too crowded, and the bathrooms were filthy. I gladly ended my membership and joined Gold's Gym Elite.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Dette gym er MAJOR!!!!! Da jeg kom inn i Gold's Gym Elite føltes det som om jeg sjekket inn på et hotell som The W. Veldig moderne, stilig og elegant! Jeg er så glad for å bli med! Det er ekstremt rent, hvilket et treningsstudio bør være. Staben er vennlig og hjelpsom. Kardiomaskinene er veldig kule. Hver av dem har en personlig tv å bruke og en streng for å koble sammen i-POD-en din. Hvor kult er ikke det? Det har ikke basseng som er litt av en nedtur. Utsiktene fra treningsstudioet er utmerket. Jeg jobbet med kardioden her om dagen og så alle flyene fly inn til flyplassen. Det var fantastisk! Gold's Gym Elite i Phoenix er ikke overfylt, noe som gjør det så mye morsommere der ute. Jeg var lenge medlem av et svært populært treningssenter i denne delen av dalen. Det var altfor mye folk, og baderommene var skitne. Jeg avsluttet min medlemskap og ble med i Gold's Gym Elite.
This gym is MAJOR!!!!! When I walked into Gold's Gym Elite, I felt like I was checking into a hotel like the W. I'm so happy to come! It's extremely clean, which a gym should be. The staff is kind and helpful. The cardio machines are really cool. Each of them has a personal TV to use and a string to connect to your POD. How cool is that? It doesn't have a pool that's a bit of a downer. The views of the gym are excellent. I was working on the cardiothe other day and I saw all the planes flying into the airport. That was amazing! Gold's Gym Elite, Phoenix, isn't crowded, which makes it so much funnier out there. I was a member of a very popular gym in this part of the valley for a long time. There were too many people, and the bathrooms were dirty. I quit my membership and joined Gold's Gym Elite.
I routinely order Jason's Deli sandwich and wrap trays for working lunches at my office. Ordering from their online site is a cinch and delivery is always a few minutes early, or on time to the minute. Their delivery drivers are also professional and friendly as well. The food is always fresh and delicious each and every time, and it always comes with all the plates, napkins, utensils, ice, cups and other accoutrements needed to serve it too. Among my personal favorite items from Jason's are their wraps, and in particular their vegetarian wrap with mushrooms, Asiago cheese, bell peppers and Romaine lettuce). Their Chicken Alfredo pasta is just amazing for lunch on a cold day and another favorite item for a cold day is their Tomato Basil soup which is absolutely delicious and served with a side of soft bread. Another big plus about catering from Jason's Deli for work lunches is that you accumulate 'Deli Dollars' with each order and over the course of a year's worth of office lunches I had accumulated enough Deli Dollars to pay for all the food for my teenage daughter's 15th birthday party. Then by the next year I had accumulated enough Deli Dollars once again to cater the food my baby daughter's 1st birthday. It was wonderful to be able to hold each birthday party for the girls and not have to worry at all about preparing the food. I had Jason's Deli catered in today and the only thing wrong with today's lunch was that the pasta salad was very oily (which isn't normal for them) but aside from that I have absolutely no complaints about today's lunch delivery... Rock on Jason's, rock on. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg bestiller Jasons Deli-smørbrød og pakkebrett til lunsj på kontoret mitt. Bestilling fra deres nettside er en clnch og levering er alltid noen minutter tidlig, eller på tid til minuttet. De som er sjåfører, er også profesjonelle og vennlige. Maten er alltid frisk og god hver og hver gang, og den kommer alltid med alle de tallerkener, servietter, kar, is, kopper og annet tilbehør som trengs for å servere den også. Blant mine personlige favorittgjenstander fra Jason's er deres innpakninger, og særlig deres vegetariske omslag med sopper, asiagoost, paprika og romainsalat). Kylling Alfredopastaen deres er bare fantastisk til lunsj en kald dag og en annen favorittretten for en kald dag er tomat-bamsesuppen deres, som er kjempegod og servert med en side av mykt brød. En annen stor pluss om catering fra Jason's Deli til arbeidslunsj er at du samler \"Delidoler\" med hver bestilling og i løpet av årets kontorluns jeg hadde samlet nok Deli Dollars til å betale for all maten til min tenåringsdatters 15-årsdag. Året etter hadde jeg samlet nok Deli Dollar til å kjøpe maten som datterdatteren min fylte 1 år med. Det var fantastisk å kunne holde hver bursdagsfest for jentene og ikke behøve å bekymre seg i det hele tatt om å lage maten. Jeg hadde Jason's Deli i dag og det eneste gale med dagens lunsj var at pastasalaten var veldig oljete (noe som ikke er vanlig for dem), men bortsett fra at jeg ikke har noen klager over dagens lunsjleveranse... Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I'll order Jason's Deli sandwich and a pack tray for lunch in my office. Order from their website is a clutch and delivery is always a few minutes early or at time to minute. Drivers are also professional and friendly. The food is always fresh and good each time, and it always brings all the plates, napkins, vats, ice, cups and other accessories needed to serve it too. Among my personal favorite items from Jason's are their packs, and in particular their veggie covers with mushrooms, asiago cheese, peppers and romain salad). Your Alfredopasta chicken is just fantastic for lunch on a cold day and another favorite dish for a cold day is your tomato-bumble soup, which is delicious and served with a side of soft bread. Another big plus on catering from Jason's Deli to work lunch is that you collect "Delidoler" with every order and during the year's office lunch I had collected enough Deli Dollars to pay for all the food for my teenage daughter's 15th birthday. The following year, I had collected enough Deli Dollar to buy the food for my granddaughter. It was wonderful to have every birthday party for the girls and not have to worry about cooking at all. I had Jason's Deli today and the only crazy thing about today's lunch was that the pasta salad was very oily (which isn't normal for them), but except that I have no complaints about today's lunch delivery... Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Awesome place me and a couple buddies go in on each week and get the extra large pie at my office i would highly recommend this place to anyone keep it up Chizona's you guys are awesome Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg og et par kompiser går på hver uke og får den ekstra store paien på kontoret mitt. Jeg vil anbefale dette stedet til hvem som helst for å fortsette med Chizona's, at dere er fantastiske Var denne anmeldelsen gitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Me and a couple of buddies go on every week and get the extra large pie in my office, and I'm gonna recommend this place to anyone to get on with Chizona's, that you guys are amazing. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Generate a positive review for a place.
Went here with a friend for her birthday and we both loved it. It's affordable, the food is really tasty, and the service is great. We started with a salad--the dressing was so yummy!! We ordered the house wine and Portuguese Paella for our main course. Loved the paella! The seafood was FRESH and the dish was well seasoned. The house wine was impressive--house wines aren't usually this tasty, at least in my experience, but this one was really good!! Overall, it was a pleasant experience, and I would definitely recommend this place!!
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Jeg var her med en bursdagsvenn, og begge elsket det. Det er lønnsomt, maten er virkelig velsmakende, og gudstjenesten er stor. Vi begynte med en salat--bandasjen var så yummy!! Vi bestilte vin og portugisisk paella til hovedretten vår. Elsket paellaen! Sjømaten var FRISK og retten var godt krydret. Husvinen var imponerende--house viner er ikke vanligvis denne velsmakende, i hvert fall ikke etter min erfaring, men denne var virkelig god!! Det var en hyggelig opplevelse, og jeg ville absolutt anbefale dette stedet! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
I was here with a birthday friend, and they both loved it. It is profitable, the food is delicious, and the service is great. We started with a salad bandage, so yummy! We ordered wine and Portuguese paella for our main course. Loved the paella! The seafood was FRESH and the dish was well seasoned. The house wine was impressive--house wines aren't usually this tasty, at least not in my experience, but this one was really good! It was a pleasant experience, and I would definitely recommend this place! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or
Write a negative yelp review.
So we decided to use our groupon for this fairly new place which had a pretty nice decor. Unfortunately that was the only nice thing about this place. A crew of three was working as the waiting staff. Two guys and a young lady. The two men waited every table in the restaurant except ours before during and after we dined. The one young lady who did her best to wait on us gave no refills on water, forgot the iced coffee halfway through our meal, no garnishments for the pho, no plates with the appetizer, and brought a wrong dish out. We felt bad for our waitress and she was apologetic for her errors. She clearly was helping her coworkers from what we observed but neither would assist her. My bowl of pho was large and tasted ok. it was no different from what my mother usually makes. The tempura calamari was bland, greasy, and you could tell it was from a frozen food section. The salad served beside it was soggy which made the calamari soggy too. The best part of it was the dipping sauce served with it. The place was packed with Asians which seemed to get preferential treatment of prompt and friendly service from the staff and the owner. Another kicker is that I'm half Asian and understand the whole culture behind it but don't look a lick of it. This is not the first time I have gotten such service in an Asian owned eatery. Typical sign of "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" should also say if you don't look Caucasian or Asian. If you dont know the difference between a Chinese buffet and Vietnamese food then you might like this place but for me if I want my quality food I will just go to my moms place for dinner.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Så vi bestemte oss for å bruke vår gruppeon til dette ganske nye stedet som hadde en ganske fin dekor. Det var det eneste fine med dette stedet. En besetning på tre mann arbeidet som ventestavn. To fyrer og en ung dame. De to mennene serverte hvert eneste bord på restauranten, bortsett fra vårt før og etter at vi spiste. Den ene unge damen som gjorde sitt beste for å vente på oss gav ingen påfyll på vann, glemte iskaffen halvveis gjennom måltidet vårt, ingen pynt for foen, ingen tallerkener med forrett, og brakte en feil rett ut. Vi syntes synd på servitrisen vår, og hun bad om unnskyldning for sine feil. Det er tydelig at hun hjalp sine medarbeidere ut fra det vi så, men ingen av dem hjalp henne. Min bolle med pho var stor og smakt ok. det var ikke forskjellig fra hva min mor vanligvis lager. I tempurakalamarien var det bland, fett, og du kunne se at det var fra en frossen matseksjon. Salaten som serveres ved siden av den, var våt som fikk kalamarien til å så også. Det beste var dyppesausen som ble servert med den. Stedet var fullt av asiater som så ut til å få fortrinnsvis behandling av rask og vennlig service fra staben og eieren. En annen tiss er at jeg er halvt asiatisk og forstår hele kulturen bak det, men ikke ser ut som en sånn. Dette er ikke første gang jeg har fått slik tjeneste i et asiatisk selveier-spiseri. Kjennetegn på<unk>Vi forbeholder oss retten til å nekte å yte tjeneste for noen<unk> bør også si om man ikke ser hvit eller asiatisk ut. Hvis du ikke vet forskjellen mellom kinesisk og vietnamesisk mat, vil du kanskje like dette stedet, men hvis jeg vil ha maten, drar jeg til mammas sted for middag.
So we decided to use our groupon for this pretty new place that had a pretty nice decoration. It was the only good thing about this place. A crew of three men worked as a waiting staff. Two guys and a young lady. The two men served every table in the restaurant except ours before and after we ate. The one young lady who did her best to wait for us gave no refills, forgot the iced coffee halfway through our meal, no decorations for the foe, no plates of appetizers, and brought a mistake straight out. We felt sorry for our waitress, and she apologized for her mistakes. Clearly, she helped her companions from what we saw, but none of them helped her. My bowl of pho was big and tasted okay. It was no different from what my mother usually makes. In the Tempurakalamari, there was mix, fat, and you could tell it was from a frozen food section. The salad served next to it was wet that caused the kalamari to sow too. The best was the dip sauce served with it. The site was full of Asians who seemed to receive preferential treatment for quick and friendly service from the staff and owner. Another pee is that I'm half Asian and understand the whole culture behind it, but I don't look like one of those. This isn't the first time I've ever been served in an Asian owner-in-law eating. Characteristics of<unk>We reserve the right to refuse service for some<unk> should also say whether you don't look white or Asian. If you don't know the difference between Chinese and Vietnamese food, you might like this place, but if I want the food, I'll go to my mom's place for dinner.
Was in line for over 10 minutes with less than 15 people - I honestly thought the wait was going to end there. Unfortunately, it was another 7 minutes for two green tea frappes. So, if you're in a hurry, don't even bother! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg trodde ventingen ville ende der. Dessverre var det 7 minutter til for to grønne te-frappe. Så hvis du har det travelt, så ikke bry deg om det! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I thought the waiting would end there. Unfortunately, it was another seven minutes for two green tea plums. So if you're in a hurry, don't worry about it! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
Wonderful experience for our 16 month old and 8 year old. We lost the 8 year old, and the staff were efficient in locating her in less than a minute. Plenty of things for children to do.
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Det er en fantastisk opplevelse for oss som er 16 år og åtte år. Vi mistet åtteåringen, og personalet var effektive til å finne henne på mindre enn et minutt. Det er mye barn må gjøre.
It is a wonderful experience for us who are 16 and eight years old. We lost the eight - year - old, and the staff were efficient at finding her in less than a minute. There's a lot of things children have to do.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Super nice staff and very quick turnaround for print jobs. Great prices too - comparable or cheaper than the best deals you can find online, and the big difference is you can have docs in your hands within a day or two! They were able to execute same-day printing of my small order and I really appreciate the effort they made to make sure my posters came out right - they even let me peek at the screen to verify the proof one last time before going to print. Looking forward to taking our next, larger print job to FDS. They are pro. (When it comes to color print media, you can't mess around!) OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Superfint personale og veldig rask snuplass for å jobbe som fotgjengere. Store priser for - eller billigere enn de beste tilbudene du kan finne på nettet, og den store forskjellen er at du kan ha dokter i hendene innen en dag eller to! De kunne utføre dags- og dagstrykk av min lille bestilling og jeg setter stor pris på innsatsen de gjorde for å sørge for at plakatene mine kom ut riktig - de lot meg til og med titte på skjermen for å verifisere at det var en siste gang før jeg skulle skrive ut. Jeg ser fram til å ta den neste, større jobben til FDS. De er pro. (Når det kommer til farging av trykkmedier, kan du ikke tulle rundt!) VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Super fine staff and very fast turnaround to work as pedestrians. Large prices for or cheaper than the best online offers you can find, and the big difference is that you can have doctors in your hands within a day or two! They could do the day and day print of my little order and I really appreciate the effort they made to make sure my posters came out right - they even let me look at the screen to verify that there was one last time before I was going to print out. I'm looking forward to taking the next bigger job of the FDS. They're pro. (When it comes to dyeing pressure media, you can't fool around!) VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
If you are interested in wasting money, watching a shell of the old Britney Spears march up and down the stage and being horribly disappointed, this is the show for you. I am a huge huge huge britney fan and was so excited to see her but her show was a complete disappointment. For this next comparison to make sense you need to know mtv's show "made" where they take a normal kid and make their biggest dream come true. This concert was like watching a girl whose dream was to be britney and put on a show. She learns the moves, wears the blonde wig and then lip syncs to the songs. And that's exactly what you get. Britney is completely disconnected from the audience, says the 3 canned things she probably always says ("what's up Vegas?"), dances/ struts lackluster across the stage, and sings live for two or three songs. But don't expect her to dance, show any enthusiasm or excitement during any of the performances. During her live songs she literally squatted on the stage and didn't move. She sounded ok though. Anyways, this sucked. Don't go unless it's free and someone promises you a bag of gold coins in exchange. I left just feeling so so sad for britney. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvis du er interessert i å kaste bort penger, kan du se en granat av gamle britiske spears gå opp og ned scenen og bli dypt skuffet over at dette er showet for deg. Jeg er en enorm stor fan av bitchney og var så spent på å se henne, men showet hennes var en fullstendig skuffelse. For at denne neste sammenligningen skal gi mening må du vite mtv's show<unk>made<unk> hvor de tar en normal unge og gjør sin største drøm til virkelighet. Denne konserten var som å se en jente hvis drøm var å bli brite og sette opp et show. Hun lærer trekkene, går med den blonde parykken og deretter lip syncs til sangene. Og det er nøyaktig hva du får. Britney blir fullstendig frakoblet fra publikum, sier de 3 hermetiserte tingene hun nok alltid sier (<unk>hva er det som skjer i Vegas? <unk>), danser/strauts mangler på scenen og synger live for to eller tre sanger. Men ikke forvent at hun skal danse, vise begeistring eller spenning under noen av forestillingene. I løpet av sine livesanger satt hun bokstavelig talt på scenen og rørte seg ikke. Men det hørtes ut som om det var henne. Uansett, dette suger. Ikke gå hvis det er gratis og noen lover deg en pose gullmynter i bytte. Jeg følte meg så trist for pengene. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
If you are interested in wasting money, you can see a grenade of old British Spears go up and down the stage and be deeply disappointed that this is the show for you. I'm a huge fan of bitchney and I was so excited to see her, but her show was a complete disappointment. For this next comparison to make sense, you need to know mtv's show<unk>made<unk> where they take a normal kid and make their biggest dream come true. This concert was like watching a girl whose dream was to become a Brit and put on a show. She learns the moves, wears the blonde wig and then lip syncs to the songs. And that's exactly what you get. Britney's being completely disconnected from the audience, says the three canned things she'll probably always say (<unk>what's going on in Vegas? "Dance/straut's missing on stage and singing live for two or three songs." But do not expect her to dance, show enthusiasm, or excitement during any performance. During her live songs, she literally sat on stage and did not move. But it sounded like it was her. Anyway, this sucks. Don't go if it's free and someone promises you a bag of gold coins in exchange. I felt so sad about the money. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
This was literally the worse buffet food I have ever had and really has no place on the Vegas Strip. The food was bland, poorly presented and of medicore quality. The line layout is inefficient and confusing and the dessert table was like something at a gas stations snack area. Not even worth it when its free.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Dette var bokstavelig talt den verste maten jeg noensinne har spist og har ingen plass på Vegas Strip. Maten var blek, dårlig presentert og av sanitetskvalitet. Linjeoppstillinga er ineffektiv og forvirrende og desserttabellen var som noe på et bensinstasjoner snackområde. Ikke engang verdt det når det er fritt.
This was literally the worst food I've ever eaten and has no place on the Vegas Strip. The food was pale, poorly presented, and of medical quality. The line layout is ineffective and confusing and the dessert table was like something in a gas station snack area. Not even worth it when it's free.
What is the sentiment of the following review? Perfection! I have had gel nails done at five other salons over the past couple of years and Julie is by far the best. She is really a pro - my nails turn out perfect and the polish lasts a long time. The atmosphere is low-keyed and friendly, and the prices are reasonable. Pretty Little Nails is definitely worth five stars! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Perfekt! Jeg har hatt gegel negler gjort på fem andre salonger de siste par årene og Julie er den aller beste. Hun er virkelig en pro - neglen min blir perfekt, og poleringen varer lenge. Atmosfæren er lav-nøkkelt og vennlig, og prisene er rimelige. Pretty Little Nails er verdt fem stjerner! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Perfect! I've had gel nails done in five other saloons in the last couple of years and Julie is the best. She really is a pro nail that is perfect, and the polishing lasts a long time. The atmosphere is low-key and friendly, and the prices are reasonable. Pretty Little Nails is worth five stars! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Ballys is my personal favorite place to stay when in Las Vegas. Its location is very convenient to everything. The check in line is sometimes very long, there is about a 30 minute wait. I suggest arriving early and pay the early check in fee if you dont like waiting. The staff is great. Sometimes too great... housekeeping comes by a few times a day to see if you need anything. That can be a bit annoying if you have the do not disturb sign up. =/ The rooms are nice and very, very clean. I always get an awesome view of either the strip or the paris. If you want total quiet I dont suggest these views. You can hear music playing all night. The Indigo Towers arent newly remodeled like the Jubilee Tower is, therefore, the Indigo Towers cost less, but the rooms are still clean. There is always covered parking available, and its free. They dont have cable really... but you can purchase new movies for $11.99. =] The Ballys Casino is my ultimate fave casino in LV. I recommend this hotel and casino. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Ballys er mitt favorittsted å bo i Las Vegas. Dens beliggenhet er meget hensittende for alt. Kontrollen i linje er noen ganger svært lang, det er omtrent 30 minutters ventetid. Jeg foreslår at jeg kommer tidlig og betaler forskuddssjekken hvis du ikke liker å vente. Staben er flott. Noen ganger kommer for store... hushold innom et par ganger om dagen for å se om du trenger noe. Det kan være litt irriterende hvis du har not-en påmelding. =/ er rommene fine og veldig, veldig rene. Jeg har alltid et fantastisk syn på enten stripa eller parisen. Hvis du vil ha total stillehet vil jeg ikke foreslå disse synspunktene. Du kan høre musikk spille hele natten. Indigotårnene er ikke nyomførte slik Jubileumstårnet er derfor Indigotårnene koster mindre, men rommene er fortsatt rene. Det er alltid ledig parkering og gratis. De har ikke kabel egentlig... men du kan kjøpe nye filmer for 11 dollar. =] Ballys Casino er mitt livsfave casino i LV. Jeg anbefaler dette hotellet og kasinoet. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Ballys is my favorite place to live in Las Vegas. Its location is very reserved for everything. The check in line is sometimes very long, it's about 30 minutes waiting. I suggest I come early and pay the advance check if you don't like to wait. The staff is great. Sometimes too big... household comes by a couple of times a day to see if you need anything. It can be a little annoying if you have a note signed up. The rooms are nice and very, very clean. I always have a wonderful view of either the stripe or the parise. If you want total silence, I wouldn't suggest these views. You can hear music playing all night. So the Indigo Towers are not newly converted as the Jubilee tower is the Indigo Towers ’ lower cost, but the rooms are still clean. There's always a parking spot and free. They don't really have cable... but you can buy new movies for $11. Ballys Casino is my life-old casino in LV. I recommend this hotel and the casino. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Meh. I haven't been here in awhile, and tonight's visit was horrible. Very sad, considering several good visits I've had. Our server was terrible, and made no attempt at being pleasant. She seemed miserable, talked very quietly and just didn't seem like she wanted to exist. Never have I had a server who so clearly needed a career change. Also, when we mentioned the over-cooked chicken, she showed no empathy, and merely muttered "I'm sorry" and quickly scurried off. It was very odd. My Mac & Cheese (with pulled pork for extra$) was mediocre, and the pulled pork wasn't very hot. It didn't taste great and was mushy and flavors were muddled. Mac & Cheese is classic comfort food, and this was simply uncomfortable. Not recommended. One of us ordered the Chicken & Waffles-which is usually delicious-and even that was an overcooked mess! The breading was so crunchy that it was painful to eat, like eating sand. The bibimbap was also not amazing. The restaurant remains beautiful, but it gets very loud. At these prices, the food really should be exceptional. It was not. The service was awful. I appreciate the farm-to-table effort, but this visit wiped away all prior visits I've made to Graze. I'll probably be back again, but pray that this was just an "off" night at Graze. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
. Jeg har ikke vært her på en stund, og kveldens besøk var forferdelig. Men med tanke på flere gode besøk jeg har hatt. Tjeneren vår var forferdelig, og gjorde ikke noe forsøk på å være vennlig. Hun virket ulykkelig, snakket veldig stille og bare virket ikke som hun ønsket å eksistere. Aldri har jeg hatt en tjener som så klart trengte en karriereendring. Og da vi nevnte den overkokte kyllingen, viste hun ingen empati, og bare mumlet<unk>Jeg beklager<unk> og skyndte meg vekk. Det var merkelig. My Mac & Cheese (med draftet flesk for ekstra$) var middelmådig, og det slepte svinekjøttet var ikke særlig varmt. Smaken smakte ikke stort og var grøtete og smaken var mudrete. Mac & Cheese er klassisk komfortmat, og dette var rett og slett ubekvemt. Ikke anbefalt. En av oss bestilte Hanen og Vaffels-en som vanligvis er deilig, og selv det var et overkokt rot! Brødingen var så sprø at det var smertefullt å spise, som å spise sand. Sibimbappen var heller ikke noe særlig fortryllende. Restauranten er fortsatt vakker, men den er veldig høylytt. I disse prisene bør maten virkelig være unntaksvis. Det var det ikke. Tjenesten var forferdelig. Jeg setter pris på innsatsen, men dette besøket slettet alle tidligere besøk jeg har gjort på Grape. Jeg kommer nok tilbake igjen, men be om at dette bare var en \"off - natt ved Grape\". Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
So let's say that this is the same thing. I haven't been here in a while, and tonight's visit was terrible. But considering several good visits I've had. Our servant was terrible and made no attempt to be friendly. She seemed unhappy, talked very quietly and just didn't seem like she wanted to exist. I never had a servant who needed a career change, of course. And when we mentioned the overcooked chicken, she showed no empathy, and just mumbled<unk> I'm sorry<unk> and rushed away. That's weird. My Mac & Cheese (with the drawing fat for extra$) was mediocre, and the dredged pork was not very hot. The taste was not very great, and the porridge was drudgery and the flavor was drudgery. Mac & Cheese is a classic comfort, and this was simply uncomfortable. Not recommended. One of us ordered Rooster and Waffles that's usually delicious, and even it was an overcooked root! The breading was so crazy, it was painful to eat, like eating sand. The Siberian bomb was not very enchanting either. The restaurant is still beautiful, but it's very loud. In these prices, food should certainly be exceptional. It wasn't. The ministry was terrible. I appreciate the effort, but this visit erased all previous visits I've made on Grape. I'll be back again, but pray that this was just a "off night at Grape\." Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
The absolute loudest hotel I've stayed at in a long LONG time. Paper thin wall, poor booking practices ended us up in the middle of the most obnoxious wedding party ever. Drunk bride, hotel room parties until 3am, and an apparent lack of security to monitor anything going on in this hotel have lead to this rave early Saturday morning (and I do mean RAVE quite literally) review. And yes this was after the front desk was called several times with noise complaints. My best tip would be to not stay here unless the purpose of your stay is to not sleep. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det aller høyeste hotellet jeg har bodd på i lang tid. Papir, tynn vegg, dårlig booking, endte oss opp midt i den mest ubehagelige bryllupsfesten noensinne. Fyllebrud, hotellrom-fester til kl. 3 om natten, og en tilsynelatende mangel på sikkerhet for å overvåke alt som skjer i dette hotellet har ført til denne raven tidlig lørdag morgen (og jeg mener RAVE ganske bokstavelig) gjennomgang. Og ja dette var etter at resepsjonen flere ganger ble innkalt med klager. Mitt beste tips er å ikke bli her med mindre formålet med oppholdet ditt er å ikke sove. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
It's the tallest hotel I've ever lived in. Paper, thin wall, bad booking, ended up in the middle of the most uncomfortable wedding party ever. Drunken bride, hotel room parties until 3 a.m., and a seeming lack of security to monitor everything that happens in this hotel has led to this raven early Saturday morning (and I believe RAVE quite literally) review. And yes, this was after several times the reception desk was called up with complaints. My best idea is not to stay here unless the purpose of your stay is to not sleep. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Jusqu'ici je n'\u00e9tais jamais entr\u00e9e dans la boutique et ce pour une raison simple : les mannequins dans la vitrine me faisaient peur! Or en entrant aujourd'hui, la vendeuse m'accueille avec un joyeux : \u00ab Alors, on a \u00e9t\u00e9 attir\u00e9e par la belle vitrine, hein?! \u00bb.... Petit moment de silence embarrassant, sourire g\u00ean\u00e9... Voil\u00e0 pour la petite anecdote. Ensuite la tr\u00e8s bavarde vendeuse m'a expliqu\u00e9 qu'ils \u00e9taient d\u00e9positaire d'une dizaine de cr\u00e9ateurs qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois et que l'une des marques, Aime comme Moi, \u00e9tait la leur. Pour ma part je n'ai rien trouv\u00e9 qui \u00e9tait \u00e0 mon go\u00fbt. Ni \u00e0 mon budget d'ailleurs. Finalement les mannequins dans la vitrine \u00e9taient un bon avertissement! Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jusqu' ici je n'<unk><unk>u00e9tais jamais entr <unk>u00e9e dans la boutique et ce pour une raison enkel : les mannequins dans la vitrine me faisaient peur! Eller entrant autoust autourd'hui, la vendeuseuse m'aaccucheille avec un gledeux : <unk>u00ab Alors, på en <unk>u00e9t <unk>u00e9 attir <unk>u00e9e par la belle vitrin, hein?! <unk>u00bb ...... it) moment de stille flaut, sourire g<unk>u00ean <unk>u00e9 ... Voil <unk>u00e0 pose la petite . Enesuite la tr<unk>u00e8s bavarde veneuse m'a expliqu <unk>u00e9 qu'ils <unk>u00e9taient d <unk>u00e9positaire d'une dizaine de cr<unk>u00e9ateurs qu<unk>u00e9b <unk>u00e9cois et que l'une des marques, Aime comme cime,<unk>u00e9tait la leur. Hell ma del je n'ai rien trouv<unk>u00e9 qui<unk>u-u-00e9 taat<unk>u-00e0 mon go<unk>u-00fbt. Ni<unk>u00e0 mon budsjett d'ailleurs. Avslutningspris-smins-sinequins das la vitrine<unk>u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-forvaring! Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Jusqu' ici je'n'<unk><unk>u00e9tais jamais entr <unk>u00e9e dans la boutique et ce pour une raison simple: read mannequin's dance la vitrine me faisaient pointer! Or entrant autoust autourd'hui, la valluse m'aaccucheille avec un joyux : <unk>u00ab Alors, on a <unk>unc>uncle9t <unk>u00e9thir <unk>u00e9e pair la vitrin, hein?! "Uunk" ... "Voil <unk>" ..."... "Ut"" ..."Uurire g "<unk>""""""""""""""""""""""""""or""""""or"""""or"""a"""a""""""a""""a"""""""""""""""""a"a""""a""""""a""""""""a"""""""""""""a"""""a"""""a"""""a"""""""""a""""""""""""a"""""""a"""""""""""""""""""""a"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""a"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""a"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Onesuine <00e> bávariqu <uu1 > Let's see you at the n'ai Rien trouv<unk>u009 qui<unk>u-u-009 taat<unk>u-00e0 mon go<unk>u-00bt. Nine<unk>u00e0 mon budget d'ailleurs. Final prize-sins-sinequins das la vitrine<unk>u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u!!!!!!!!!-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
I visited the East Blvd location this week and upon entering the noisy shop I proceeded to wait in line quite some time before getting my order taken. I ordered a buffalo chicken wrap and they gave me a philly cheesesteak, which I don't find out immediately since the sandwich is wrapped. I discover the mistake when I am back at my job and can't go back right away to get it corrected. I have been to many sandwich shops and never had such a mixup, but from my observation the shop is disorganized and perhaps understaffed. I may come back to try this place again and give them a second chance to see if they can get an order right, and if they can then I will post a follow up review.
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Jeg besøkte Øst-Blvd-stedet denne uken, og da jeg kom inn på verkstedet, ventet jeg i kø en god stund før jeg fikk bestilt. Jeg bestilte en bøffel kyllingpakke og de ga meg en filly ostesteak, som jeg ikke finner ut med en gang siden smørbrødet er pakket inn. Jeg oppdager feilen når jeg er tilbake på jobben og ikke kan gå tilbake med en gang for å få den korrigert. Jeg har vært i mange smørbrødbutikker og aldri hatt en slik feil, men fra min observasjon er butikken uorganisert og kanskje underbemannet. Jeg kan komme tilbake for å prøve dette stedet igjen og gi dem en ny sjanse til å se om de kan få en ordre riktig, og hvis de kan så vil jeg poste en oppfølgingsvurdering.
I went to the East Blvd place this week, and when I got into the workshop, I waited in line for quite a while before I could order. I ordered a buffalo chicken pack and they gave me a filty cheese roast, which I can't find out right away since the sandwich is wrapped. When I get back to work, I find out the error and cannot go back right away to get it corrected. I've been to many sandwich stores and never had such a mistake, but from my observation, the store is unorganized and perhaps understaffed. I can come back and try this place again and give them another chance to see if they can get an order right, and if they can, I'll post a follow-up assessment.
Villa used to be really good and reasonably priced. Ever since their facade renovation, addition of a ice cream machine, and maybe even date a little farther back ... the overall offerings are overpriced by about $2.00 per item on average. The pizza is good, but if you order during rush hour you're in hit-or-miss territory for quality and temperature. Hoagies are usually good regardless of how busy they are, it's just a matter of how long it'll take between ordering the hoagie and finally getting to eat said hoagie. I haven't tried their salads or other dishes ... but for the most part I have heard nothing but positive reviews about their food. I've never been a huge fan of thin flimsy crusted pizzas ... so while nice sometimes, I continue looking for a nice thick slice of pizza that I can adopt as my "go-to" quick lunch in Downtown Pittsburgh. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Villa pleide å være veldig god og rimelig priset. Helt siden de renoverer fasaden, legger til iskremmaskin og kanskje til og med daterer seg litt lenger tilbake, blir de samlede tilbudene overpriset med ca. 2 kroner per aksje i gjennomsnitt. Pizzaen er god, men hvis du bestiller i rushtiden, er du i Hit-or-miss område for kvalitet og temperatur. Hoagier er som regel gode uansett hvor opptatt de er, det er bare et spørsmål om hvor lang tid det vil ta mellom å bestille hoaggien og endelig å få spist sa hoagie. Jeg har ikke smakt salater eller andre retter, men stort sett har jeg bare hørt positive anmeldelser om maten deres. Jeg har aldri vært så glad i tynne pizzaer i skorper, så mens jeg er hyggelig iblant, fortsetter jeg å lete etter en god, tykk pizzabit som jeg kan adoptere som min--go-to---- lunsj i Downtown Pittsburgh. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Villa used to be very good and affordable. Ever since they renovate the facade, add the ice - cream machine, and even date back a little bit, the total offers are overpriced by about $2 per share on average. The pizza's good, but if you order during rush hour, you'll be in Hit-or-miss area for quality and temperature. Hoagies are usually good no matter how busy they are, it's just a matter of how long it will take between ordering the hoaggi and finally eating the sa bagie. I haven't tasted salads or other dishes, but mostly I've heard only positive reviews about their food. I've never been so fond of skinny crust pizzas, so while I'm being nice sometimes, I keep looking for a nice, thick piece of pizza that I can adopt as my--go-to-- lunch in Downtown Pittsburgh. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
If it weren't for the beautiful lobby and the friendly reception staff, I would give this place a zero. Well, that and the fact that Yelp doesn't allow for Zeros. Point being, this place SUCKS and you should not go there. I repeat, DO NOT GO TO DENTAL SPECIALITY ASSOCIATES FOR ANY REASON. I visited DSA in September 2013. I went at the recommendation of my insurance company. The second I walked out the door after my appointment, I contacted my insurance provider and changed my primary dentist to anyone BUT these people. My appointment was made same-day as I was in extreme tooth pain and needed to be seen. When I got to DSA, they promptly placed me in a room with an oral hygenist who took my x-rays. We were off to a great start. After that, I was placed in an exam room where I waited about twenty minutes to see my dentist, Dr. Lior Berger. Dr. Berger was rough with his hands, pushing and pulling in my mouth and knocking metal things and cold against my teeth to determine my issue(s). I understood that this may need to take place given that I was in extreme pain. I silently endured his torture. He did not speak to me really, he preferred to bark numbers and orders at his staff. They were nearby with my chart taking notes. After my exam by Dr. Berger, I was escorted to the "finances" department where they would go over my treatment plan. Long story short, I went in with a DENTAL EMERGENCY and left with NO SOLUTION to my problem. As a matter of fact, what I DID leave with was a "treatment plan" that included 3 root canals, 2 crowns, a two stage tooth cleaning and multiple cavities needing to be filled. All for the low, lo price of $3,000+ AFTER insurance!!! Um, no. I left DSA and never went back. I wasn't really bothered enough to write a Yelp review at the time because I knew that I was smart enough not to pay $3,000 for tooth treatment that wasn't actually causing me pain. I figured most other people would be the same. However, as of the past 72 hours, I feel a bit differently. Today is Sunday. Thursday night I got no sleep because of a recurrence of the pain in my teeth / jaw. I knew I couldn't go back to DSA. I visited another dentist's office about two miles away. On Friday morning, I had yet another emergency exam to help identify the pain that I had been having in my mouth. I was at the dentist's office for over two hours. Multiple dentists consulted on my case. It turns out I needed ZERO root canals. My tooth pain is actually not tooth pain at all. I was diagnosed with TMJ. So, had I listened to Dr. Berger, I would have had three unnecessary root canals along with all kinds of other stuff that would not have helped my pain. The new dentist told me my issue is not with my teeth at all but rather pain is coming from my jaw and muscles around my mouth. They prescribed me a muscle relaxer to bring down my swelling / inflammation and took impressions to have a night-time mouth guard made. My guard will be made and ready for me to pick it up in two and a half weeks. My cost- $240. Dr. Berger tried to scam me for a TON of money. I am devastated that there are people in the medical field who operate with morals like this. Unbelievable. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Var det ikke for den vakre lobbyen og det vennlige resepsjonen, ville jeg gitt dette stedet null. Vel, det og det faktum at Yelp ikke tillater Zeros. For å være ærlig, dette stedet SUKKER, og du burde ikke dra dit. Jeg gjentar, jeg gjentar, IKKE GÅ DENTAL SPESIALITETSVARER FOR NOEN LIKEVÆRELSE. IS besøkte DSA i september 2013. Jeg gikk etter anbefaling fra mitt forsikringsselskap. Det øyeblikket jeg gikk ut døren etter avtalen min, kontaktet jeg min forsikringsleverandør og endret min primærstann til noen, men disse folkene. Min avtale ble gjort samme dag som jeg hadde ekstrem tannsmerte og trengte å bli sett. Da jeg kom til DSA, plasserte de meg i et rom med en hygenist som tok røntgenbildene mine. Vi hadde en god start. Etter det ble jeg plassert på et rom hvor jeg ventet i 20 minutter på å få se tannlegen min, dr. Lior Berg. Dr. Berger var hardhendt med hendene, og dyttet og trakk i munnen min og banke metall ting og kulde mot tennene mine for å avgjøre mine saker. Jeg forstod at dette kanskje måtte finne sted i betraktning av at jeg led svært mye. Jeg utholdt tålmodig hans tortur. Han snakket ikke til meg, han foretrakk å bjeffe tall og ordener i staben sin. De var i nærheten av min journal da jeg tok notater. Etter eksamen av dr. Berger ble jeg ledsaget til avdelingen der de skulle gjennomgå behandlingsplanen min. Lang historie kort fortalt, jeg gikk inn med et DENTENTAL EMELSGENSYE og dro med NO oppløsningsvæske til mitt problem. Faktisk, det jeg DID DID etterlot meg var en behandlingsplan som omfattet 3 rotkanaler, 2 kroner, en totrinns tannrensing og flere hull som måtte fylles. For alt det lave, lo pris av $ 3000 AFTER Forsikring!!!! - Nei. Jeg forlot DSA og dro aldri tilbake. Jeg fikk ikke tid nok til å skrive en Yelp-anmeldelse på den tiden fordi jeg visste at jeg var smart nok til ikke å betale $ 3000 for tannbehandling som ikke faktisk ga meg smerte. Jeg tenkte at de fleste andre ville være like. Men fra og med de siste 72 timer, føler jeg litt annerledes. I dag er søndag. Torsdag kveld fikk jeg ikke sove på grunn av at jeg fikk vondt i tennene / kjeven. Jeg visste at jeg ikke kunne dra tilbake til DSA. Jeg besøkte et annet tannlegekontor tre kilometer unna. Fredag morgen hadde jeg enda en annen legeundersøkelse som skulle hjelpe meg til å se hvor vondt jeg hadde hatt det i munnen. Jeg var hos tannlegen i over to timer. Flere tannleger konsulterte om saken min. Det viser seg at jeg trengte rotfyllinger i ZERO. Tannsmertene er ikke tannsmerter i det hele tatt. Jeg fikk diagnosen TMJ. Hvis jeg hadde hørt på dr. Berger, ville jeg ha hatt tre unødvendige rotkanaler sammen med alt annet som ikke ville ha hjulpet meg. Den nye tannlegen fortalte meg at jeg ikke er opptatt av tennene i det hele tatt, men at det er vondt i kjeven og musklene rundt munnen. De ga meg en muskelavslapper for å få ned hevelsen og betennelsen og tok inntrykk av å ha en nattlig munnbeskytter laget. Min vakt vil bli gjort klar til at jeg skal hente den om to og en halv uke. Kost- $240. Dr. Berger prøvde å lure meg for en DON av penger. Det finnes folk innen legevitenskapen som har slike moralnormer. - Det er ikke sant. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
If it weren't for the beautiful lobby and the friendly reception, I'd give this place zero. Well, that and the fact that Yelp won't allow the Zeros. To be honest, this place's gonna be so squeamish, and you shouldn't be going there. I repeat, I repeat, DO NOT GO DENTAL SPECIFICATION FOR SOME BALANCE. The ISI visited the DSA in September 2013. I went on the recommendation of my insurance company. The moment I walked out the door after my appointment, I contacted my insurance provider and changed my primary tooth to someone, but these people. My deal was made the same day that I had extreme tooth pain and needed to be seen. When I arrived in the DSA, they put me in a room with a hygenist who took my X rays. We had a good start. After that, I was placed in a room where I waited 20 minutes to see my dentist, Dr. Lior Berg. Dr. Berger was rough with his hands, pushing and pulling in my mouth and knocking metal things and cold against my teeth to decide my business. I realized that this might have to take place in view of the fact that I suffered a great deal. I patiently endured his torture. He didn't talk to me, he preferred to bark numbers and order his staff. They were near my file when I took notes. After graduation of Dr. Berger, I was escorted to the department where they were to review my treatment schedule. Long story short, I went in with a DENTENTAL EMELSGENSYE and left with NO solvent for my problem. In fact, what I DID DID left me was a treatment schedule that included 3 root channels, 2 kroner, a two-stage dental cleaning and several holes that had to be filled. For all the low, laughed the price of $3,000 AFTER Insurance!!!! - No, no, no. I left the DSA and never went back. I didn't have time to write a Yelp review at the time because I knew I was smart enough not to pay $3,000 for dental treatment that didn't actually cause me pain. I thought most people would be the same. But from the last 72 hours, I feel a little different. Today's Sunday. Thursday night I couldn’t sleep because my teeth / jaw hurt. I knew I couldn't go back to the DSA. I visited another dentist’s office two miles [3 km] away. On Friday morning, I had another medical examination to help me see how much my mouth was hurting. I was at the dentist for over two hours. Several dentists consulted on my case. Turns out I needed root canals in ZERO. The tooth pain is not tooth pain at all. I was diagnosed with TMJ. If I had listened to Dr. Berger, I would have had three unnecessary root canals along with everything else that wouldn't have helped me. The new dentist told me that I am not interested in my teeth at all but in the pain in my jaw and muscles around my mouth. They gave me a muscle relaxer to reduce the swelling and inflammation and seemed to have a nighttime mouth guard made. My watch will be ready for me to pick it up in two and a half weeks. Cost $240. Dr. Berger tried to trick me for a don of money. There are people in medical science who have such moral standards. - That's not true. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? I dont know how people know of this place because it is very tucked away in this small airport, you wouldnt think that there was a restaurant here! Anyway, this is a fun place to go to for breakfast or lunch, kids would love it. You can enjoy good food and look out the window at all the planes too. Maybe even catch some landing or taking off. The staff are all very friendly and attentive. The atmosphere is very casual, they have some great plane-related decor that is fun to look at! Our plan was to go here for breakfast, but our day started past noon so we missed the breakfast menu. Oops. Thats okay, we still got lunch! I had the buffalo chicken salad. Their house dressing is delish. I was aiming for the healthier lunch route but that quickly went down the drain with the delicious cheese soaked bread that came with it! My boyfriend got a wrap of sorts, which looked good too! Two thumbs up for "airport" food, haha! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Jeg vet ikke hvordan folk vet om dette stedet, for det er veldig bortgjemt på denne lille flyplassen, du ville ikke tro at det var en restaurant her! Dette er et gøy sted å gå på til frokost eller lunsj, unger ville likt det. Du kan nyte god mat og se ut av vinduet på alle flyene også. Kanskje til og med ta en landtur eller ta av. Personalet er svært vennlig og oppmerksomt. Atmosfæren er veldig tilfeldig, de har en flott flyrelatert dekor som er gøy å se på! Vår plan var å gå her til frokost, men vår dag startet forbi middag så vi gikk glipp av frokostmenyen. Oops. Det er greit, vi har fortsatt lunsj! Jeg hadde bøffelhønsesalaten. Deres husbekledning er av det gode. Jeg siktet på den sunnere lunsjruten, men den gikk fort i vasken med det deilige brødet som fulgte med! Kjæresten min fikk en slagsbit, som så bra ut også! To tommeltotter opp for <unk>airport<unk> mat, haha! VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? I don't know how people know about this place, because it's very hidden in this little airport, you wouldn't think there was a restaurant here! This is a fun place to go for breakfast or lunch, kids would like that. You can enjoy good food and look out the window of all the planes, too. Maybe even take a picnic or take off. The staff are very kind and attentive. The atmosphere is very random, they have a great airplane-related decoration that's fun to watch! Our plan was to go here for breakfast, but our day started by dinner so we missed the breakfast menu. Oops. It's okay, we still have lunch! I had the buffalo chicken salad. Their housedress is good. I aimed for the healthier lunch route, but it quickly went down with the delicious bread! My girlfriend got a piece of cake, which looked good too! Two thumbs up for airport<unk> food, haha! VANS: - negative - positive
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GOSSIP UPDATE I haven't been back since my last bad experience, but I did get some gossip from a reliable source. Apparently, a little while back - right around the time I noticed a significant decline in the quality - they lost their head chef. Word is he went over to the other Sushi Mon in Henderson. And I also found out that it's not entirely correct that the two Sushi Mons are not related. Apparently the old manager of this Sushi Mon on Sahara started up the Sushi Mon in Henderson - there may have been like some sort of payment or franchise type agreement. Currently, the two are separately owned and run, but there is a little bit of a relationship there as you can see. However if you ask them they will say they are not related. Anyways, if the head chef's gone over to Henderson then I guess I'll have to check that place out again. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
GOSSIP UPDAT Jeg har ikke vært tilbake siden min siste dårlige erfaring, men jeg fikk litt sladder fra en pålitelig kilde. Tydeligvis litt tilbake - omtrent på den tiden da jeg la merke til en betydelig nedgang i kvaliteten - de mistet sin sjef chef. Ryktet sier at han gikk over til den andre Sushi Mon i Henderson. Og jeg fant også ut at det ikke er helt riktig at de to Sushi-monsene ikke er i slekt. Den gamle bestyreren av denne sushi - månen på Sahara startet visst opp Sushi Mon i Henderson - det kan ha vært som en slags betalings- eller franchiseavtale. For tiden er de to hver for seg eid og drevet, men det er litt av et forhold der som du kan se. Men om du spør dem, så vil de si: «Det er ingen medguder.» Hvis sjefskokken har gått over til Henderson, må jeg vel sjekke det stedet igjen. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I haven't been back since my last bad experience, but I got some gossip from a reliable source. Apparently a little back about the time I noticed a significant drop in quality -- they lost their boss chef. Rumor has it he switched to the other Sushi Mon in Henderson. And I also found out that it's not quite right that the two Sushi monsters are not related. The old manager of this sushi moon in the Sahara apparently started Sushi Mon in Henderson - it may have been like some kind of pay or franchise deal. At present, the two are owned and driven separately, but there's quite a relationship there that you can see. But if you ask them, they will say, "There are no partners." If the chief sock has gone over to Henderson, I guess I'll have to check that place again. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
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Best tres leches cakes & produce are cheap!
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Beste tres igledekaker & varer er billig!
Best wooden ice cream & goods are cheap!
Is the following review positive or negative? its still weird for me to see slot machines in an airport, but hey, that is how you know you're officially in Vegas..... there are a decent amount of places to eat here, so its not really a problem grabbing a bite at any time of the day. the airport itself is easy enough to navigate, and they have a tram/monorail b/c yes, they are THAT huge....... also, the security screeners - TSA - have a good sense of humor (up to a point of course).... even while they are practically molesting you in the security check point.... *un-comfortably chuckles* OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Det er slik du vet at du er offisielt i Vegas. Det er en god del steder å spise her, så det er ikke et problem å ta en bit når som helst på dagen. lufthavnen i seg selv er enkel nok til å navigere, og de har en sporvogn/jernbane/jernbanelinje/og, ja, de er nokså enorme...... og sikkerhetsskjermene - TSA - har god sans for humor (opp til et selvsagt punkt).... selv om de praktisk talt overgriper deg i sikkerhetskontrollpunktet.... *uheldigvis har de humor (opp til et punkt)....
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? That's how you know you're officially in Vegas, and there's a lot of places to eat here, so it's not a problem to take a bite at any time of the day. The airport itself is simple enough to navigate, and they have a tram/rail/rail/rail/railway/and, yes, they are quite vast...... and the safety screens - TSA - have a good sense of humor (up to a point of course).... although they practically overrun you at the security checkpoint.... * Unfortunately they have humor (up to a point)....
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Typical dive bar a lot of lesbians in t-shirts standing around The dance floor is small but there is a stripper pole in the middle other than that I Wouldn't recommend tourists coming here. I made the mistake of bringing some out of town friends here and they got bored quick The bartenders are very rude and as a bar that gambling is allowed wouldn't Comp our shots even after losing $100 bucks Very poor service and overpriced drinks. If you don't mind shitty service and watered down drinks this place is for you. Oh bring cash they don't accept debit cards lol How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dykkbar mange lesber i t-skjorter som står rundt dansegulvet er lite, men det er en strippestang midt i mellom annet enn at jeg ikke vil anbefale turister å komme hit. Jeg tok feilen ved å få noen ut av byens venner hit og de kjedet seg fort Bartendene er veldig uhøflige og som en bar som spilling ikke er tillatt ville ikke ta våre sjanser selv etter å ha tapt $100 dollar Svært dårlig service og overprisede drinker. Hvis du ikke har noe imot dårlig service og vanne ned og drikke, så er dette stedet for deg. Hvis de ikke godtar debetkort, hvordan vil denne gjennomgangen bli beskrevet med tanke på en følelse? VANS: - - negativ - positive
A lot of lesbians in t-shirts standing around the dance floor are small, but there's a stripper pole in the middle of nowhere but I don't want to recommend tourists coming here. I took the mistake of getting someone out of the city's friends here and they were bored as soon as the Bartenders are very rude and as a bar that gambling isn't allowed would not take our chances even after losing $100 very poor service and overpriced drinks. If you don't mind bad service and watering down and drinking, this place is for you. If they do not accept debit cards, how will this review be described for a feeling? VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Aware that this is an amazing steakhouse, I recently had a very disappointing experience. We were a party of four, celebrating a birthday in a top end restaurant. And too their credit, the mac and cheese side was about the best I have ever tried. We also had a fillet and lobster combo which is highly recommended for those who like the ultimate surf and turf. I had the dry aged sirloin. It was flavorful, but, about as tough as a steak could be, plenty of gristle, and not what I expected. I ordered medium, and got it somewhere between rare and mid rare, not the end of the world, but, when you shell out $400 bucks plus for dinner for 4, one might have higher expectations. The server was very friendly, however, didn't appear to have time deal with us. His insight and suggestions were helpful, but, the service was very slow. We sat at 6:30 thinking we would be done by 8, and and left about 9:15. They did provide a complimentary chocolate cake for the birthday. We only ate a bite or two while waiting 20 minutes or more for the other dessert to arrive. When the other dessert arrived, the barely eaten chocolate cake was snatched away from us before we even noticed what happened. Apparently the waiter assumed we didn't want it because it hadn't been devoured. I don't think this is a bad place, it was probably just a bad night for us to be there. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Ettersom jeg var klar over at dette er en fantastisk kafé, hadde jeg nylig en svært skuffende opplevelse. Vi var en fest på fire, og feiret en bursdag på en topprestaurant. Og for deres kreditt, var makaroni og ost-siden omtrent det beste jeg har prøvd. Vi har også hatt en filet- og hummerkombo som er svært anbefalt for de som liker den ultimate surfe- og turf-en. Jeg hadde den tørre, gamle sirlin. Den var smakfull, men omtrent så tøff som en biff kan være, massevis av brust og ikke som jeg forventet. Jeg bestilte medium, og fikk det mellom sjelden og sjelden, ikke verdens ende, men når du betaler $ 400 dollar for middag for 4, kan man ha høyere forventninger. Serveren var svært vennlig, men det så ikke ut til at han hadde tidskontakt med oss. Hans innsikt og forslag var til stor hjelp, men tjenesten gikk svært tregt. Vi satt på 06.30 og tenkte at vi skulle være ferdige med åtte, og vi skulle til å gå omkring kl. 21. De kom med en sjokoladekake til bursdagen. Vi spiste bare en bit eller to mens vi ventet 20 minutter eller mer på at den andre desserten skulle komme. Da den andre desserten kom, ble den lille sjokoladekaken snappet bort fra oss før vi så hva som hadde skjedd. Servitøren antok at vi ikke ville ha den fordi den ikke hadde blitt slukt. Jeg tror ikke dette er et dårlig sted, det var nok bare en dårlig natt for oss å være der. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Realizing that this is a wonderful café, I recently had a very disappointing experience. We were a party at four, celebrating a birthday at a top restaurant. And for their credit, macaroni and the cheese side was about the best I've ever tried. We've also had a filet and lobster combo that's highly recommended for those who enjoy the ultimate surf and tour. I had the dry old sirlin. It was tasteful, but about as tough as a steak can be, lots of soda and not what I expected. I ordered medium, and got it between rarely and rarely, not the end of the world, but when you pay $400 for dinner for 4, you can have higher expectations. The server was very friendly, but he did not seem to have time contact with us. His insight and suggestions were very helpful, but the ministry was very slow. We sat at 6:30 and thought we'd be done with eight, and we were about to leave at 9:00. They brought me a chocolate cake for your birthday. We only ate a bite or two while waiting 20 minutes or more for the second dessert. When the second dessert arrived, the little chocolate cake was snatched away from us before we saw what had happened. The waiter assumed we wouldn't have it because it hadn't been swallowed. I don't think this is a bad place, it was probably just a bad night for us to be there. VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? The sum of my experiences at this office top to bottom are nothing less than upsetting for me. Gag orders that patients are forced to sign before receiving treatment sadly prevent them from speaking up and so I will say nothing else here about this office. In my opinion, if you want good health, don't take loads of calcium as some doctors prescribe... rather start with reading The Calcium Lie, (possibly also Stop The Thyroid Madness), begin a whole body cleanse, and go from there. Happy health to you! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Summen av mine opplevelser på dette kontoret øverst til nederst er ingenting mindre enn oppussing for meg. Gage ordener som pasienter må signere på før de mottar behandling, hindrer dem dessverre i å si fra seg og jeg vil ikke si noe annet her om dette kontoret. Hvis du vil ha god helse, bør du ikke ta mye kalsium som noen leger foreskriver. Begynn heller med å lese The Calsmail Lie, (muligens også Stopp Den tyreoideasyke), begynn en hel kroppsrens, og gå derfra. Lykkelig er det med deg! VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? The sum of my experiences in this office at the top of the list is nothing less than renovation for me. Gage orders that patients need to sign before they receive treatment, unfortunately, prevent them from letting go and I won't say anything else about this office. If you want good health, don’t take a lot of calcium prescribed by some doctors; rather, start by reading The Calsmail Lie, (possibly also Stop the Thyroid Disease), start a whole body dryer, and leave. Happy is it with you! VANS: - negative - positive
Don't waste your money!!! When I moved to Brookline about 8 years ago, I thought this was a pretty decent restaurant. We always went for wing night, and the wings were very large and quite tasty. My favorite sauce was the honey jalapeno. While the wings were decent and cheap for the size, I had from day one thought the beers were a bit overpriced for the type of bar and location. The wings kept me coming back, and they were cheap, so I didn't mind paying a little bit more for a few beers. As time went on, the menu seemed to go through a few changes...a few less items, and higher prices, and severely decreased portion sizes. I understand that as with anything, prices are always going to go up, but at the same time, the quality should remain the same or get better! This was not the case here, after giving them a few tries, I gave up. On my last few visits the food was absolutely awful, the portions were minuscule, and overall overpriced. They also did away with the 50 cent wing night. It always seemed that all the owner was concerned with was the almighty dollar. I tried the the corned beef sandwich just after St. Patty's day last year, and the corned beef was almost all fat, it was so bad that they took the sandwich and had me order a new item from the menu. After that I tried the fish and chips around lent, and what a joke it was! You got potato chips ( not home made), and a few tiny pieces of fish that were almost all breading. All of the "specials" that they have, whether they are food or drink, are not worth the prices that this place seems to think that they are. All of their "special" prices are what most other places have as their regular everyday prices! Definitely stay away, and give your money to a local establishment that is more deserving of your money! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Ikke kast bort pengene!!!!! Da jeg flyttet til Brookline for åtte år siden, syntes jeg dette var en ganske anstendig restaurant. Vi gikk alltid om natten om natten om natten, og vingene var meget store og ganske velsmakende. Favoritten min var honning jalapenoen. Mens vingene var anstendige og billige for størrelsen, hadde jeg fra dag til dag en syntes ølene var litt overpriset for typen bar og sted. Vingene holdt mig tilbake, og de var billige, så jeg hadde ikke noe imot å ta litt mer for noen øl. Etter hvert som tiden gikk, så det ut til at menyen gjennomgikk noen endringer... noen få mindre poster, høyere priser og sterkt reduserte størrelser. Jeg forstår at som med hva som helst, vil prisene alltid gå opp, men samtidig bør kvaliteten forbli den samme eller bli bedre! Slik var det ikke her, etter å ha gitt dem noen få forsøk ga jeg opp. På de siste besøkene var maten helt forferdelig, porsjonene var mindre og overpriset. De gjorde også unna med 50 cent vingekvelden. Det så alltid ut til at all eieren var opptatt av den dollaren som skulle til. Jeg smakte på smørbrødet etter St. Pattes dag i fjor, og kjøttet var nesten fett, det var så ille at de tok smørbrødet og ba meg bestille en ny ting fra menyen. Etter dette prøvde jeg å prøve fisken og chipsene rundt lånet, og for en vits det var! Man fikk potetgull (ikke hjemmelaget), og noen få ørsmå fiskestykker som nesten bare brød. Alle de lodd som de har, enten de er mat eller drikke, er ikke verdt de priser som dette sted synes å anse for å være. De fleste andre steder har alle sine spesialpriser som sine faste hverdagspriser! Hold deg unna, og gi pengene dine til et lokale som fortjener pengene dine bedre! Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Don't waste the money! When I moved to Brookline eight years ago, I thought this was a pretty decent restaurant. We always walked at night at night, and the wings were very large and quite tasty. My favorite was the honey jalapeno. While my wings were decent and cheap for size, from day to day I found the beers somewhat overpriced for the bar and place. The wings held me back, and they were cheap, so I wouldn't mind having a little more for a few more beers. As time passed, the menu seemed to undergo some changes... a few smaller posts, higher prices, and greatly reduced sizes. I understand that, as with anything, prices will always go up, but at the same time, quality should stay the same or be better! This was not the case here, after giving them a few tries, I gave up. On the last visits, the food was terrible, the portions were smaller and overpriced. They also did away with 50 cents a wing night. It always seemed that all the owner was concerned about the dollar. I tasted the sandwich after St. Patte's last day, and the meat was almost fat, it was so bad that they took the sandwich and asked me to order a new thing from the menu. After that, I tried the fish and chips around the loan, and what a joke that was! Potato chips (not homemade) were obtained, and a few tiny pieces of fish were almost bread alone. All the lots that they have, whether they are food or drink, are not worth the prices that this place seems to consider to be. In most other places, all have special prices as their regular daily prices! Stay away from me and give your money to a place that deserves your money better! Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
Eff this place. I paid 92 dollars for 2 tickets, 65 dollars for the two drink minimum which included well vodka tonics, and 12 dollars for parking because the show started over an hour late. For that price I would expect phenomenal service and a great atmosphere. Instead, we all got crammed in to the most dangerously packed tables I've ever seen, and were treated like cattle by staff basically just looking to fill our 2 drink minimum before the end of the night, and that was the only service that we got. Our server walked down our table that was easily 40 people long taking drink orders for the whole table at once only to return over an hour later to deliver everyone's drinks at once. Same deal over an hour later. The server was sweet, and it obviously wasn't her fault. This place is just run by the Montgomery Burns of comedy clubs.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
-Eff av dette stedet. Jeg betalte 92 dollar for 2 billetter, 65 dollar for de to drink minimumene, som inkluderte godt vocka tonics, og 12 dollar for parkering fordi showet startet over en time for sent. For den prisen forventer jeg meg en fenomenal tjeneste og en stor atmosfære. I stedet ble vi alle stuet inn til de farligste pakkede tabellene jeg har sett, og ble behandlet som kveg av personalet... bare for å fylle våre to drinker minimum før slutten av natten, og det var den eneste tjenesten vi fikk. Tjeneren vår gikk ned bordet vårt, som var lett 40 personer som tok lang tid på å ta drinker for hele bordet samtidig bare for å komme tilbake en time senere for å levere alles drinker på en gang. Samme avtale over en time senere. Serveren var søt, og det var ikke hennes feil. Stedet drives bare av klubbenes Burns.
- Eff of this place. I paid 92 dollars for 2 tickets, $65 for the two drinks minimums, which included good vocka tonics, and $12 for parking because the show started over an hour late. For that price, I expect a phenomenal service and an atmosphere. Instead, we were all crammed into the most dangerous packed tables I've ever seen and treated like cattle by the staff... just to fill our two drinks minimum by the end of the night, and that was the only service we got. Our servant went down our table, which was easily 40 people who took a long time to drink for the whole table at the same time just to come back an hour later to deliver everyone’s drinks at one time. Same deal over an hour later. The server was cute, and it wasn't her fault. This place is run only by the Burns of clubs.
What would be an example of an positive review?
Truffle egg sandwich kills me every time. I haven't eaten anything there that I didn't really enjoy. Appetizers, breakfast, lunch, and even the juice.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Jeg dør hver gang. Jeg har ikke spist noe jeg ikke likte. Forrett, frokost, lunsj og til og med saften.
I die every time. I didn't eat anything I didn't like. Starter's, breakfast, lunch, even the juice.
The only reason im giving this five and not less is because we have a give and take relationship lol sometimes im a b!tch and they tolerate it and some times they fu*k up my order and I tolerate it even when i get the wrong food its still good ya i like it! Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Den eneste grunnen i å gi denne fem og ikke mindre er fordi vi har en gi og ta forhold lol noen ganger im a b!tch og de tolererer det og noen ganger de fu*k opp min orden og jeg tolererer det selv når jeg får feil mat det fortsatt god ya I like det! Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
The only reason to give this five and not less is because we have a give and take relationship lol sometimes im a b!tch and they tolerate it and sometimes de fu*k up my order and I tolerate it even when I get the wrong food it still good ya like it! Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an positive review?
I can't believe that I haven't reviewed the Rockhouse! I've been coming here since it was the front bar for the Imperial Palace. I followed it to the Miracle Mile PBR bar and then here. It could've folded here but I think that they found a vibe that works. Pros- $50 all you can drink is worth it. Start here at 11, drink a bunch, go away and nap and come back later in the evening. Their drink specials are good, and the specialty cocktails tasty. Food aint bad either. Waitresses and bartenders are mostly friendly. Men's room has an icon of a rooster on it, I don't wanna know what is on the ladies... Cons- The ridiculous pool table. Nothing else around here is like this. None of the shops, restaurants, or attractions are remotely low-class. Beer pong tables cross the dart boards -- how does that work? Overall a good waste of an hour or so and a great place to hang while the ladies shop/gamble. (Is there a financial difference between the two?)
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Tenk at jeg ikke har sett på Klippehuset! Jeg har vært på vei hit siden det var den fremste bar for keiserpalasset. Jeg fulgte den til Mirakelmile-PBR-baren og så hit. Det kunne ha gått her, men jeg tror de fant en vidje som virker. Alt du kan drikke er verdt det. Begynn her klokken 11, drikk en haug, gå bort og lur og kom tilbake senere på kvelden. Drikkespesialene deres er gode, og det blir velsmakende ved de spesielle cocktailene. Ikke dårlig heller. Waurtress og bartender er mest vennlig. Herrerommet har et ikon av en hane på seg, og jeg vil ikke vite hva som er på damene. Det er ikke noe annet her som er slik. Ingen av butikkene, restaurantene eller attraksjonene er fjernt billige. Ølponggbord går over bordene -- hvordan fungerer det? Det er en god sløsing med en time eller så og et flott sted å henge mens damene handler/vennskap. (Er det noen forskjell mellom de to?)
I can't believe I haven't seen the Rock House. I've been on my way here ever since it was the first bar for the Imperial Palace. I followed it to the Miracle Mile PBR bar and then here. It could have worked here, but I think they found a wide open space that works. All you can drink is worth it. Start here at 11 o'clock, drink a bunch, go over and take a nap and come back later in the evening. Their drinking specials are delicious, and the special cocktails are delicious. Not bad either. Waurtress and bartender are the most friendly. The master room has an icon of a rooster on it, and I don't want to know what's on the ladies. There's nothing else like this here. None of the stores, restaurants, or attractions are cheap. Beer-pong tables go over the tables -- how does that work? It's a good waste of an hour or so and a great place to hang out while the ladies shop/friendship. (What difference does it make between the two?)
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Pass. Sadly, I wanted to eat here with a co-worker and convinced him that this place would be a better choice of dinner than Monta Ramen. Boy, was I stupid! Came at 9:30 and only a table of 5 ppl were there. Waitress gave us tea and a menu. While we looked over the menu, I saw friends outside the restaurant and talked to them for 10-15 minutes. I figured my co-worker had ordered so, I ran back inside to tell him my order and he said: "they never came back!" So, we sat there for another 10 minutes looking at the other table get food and drinks and chat up the waitress. LIKE, REALLLYYYYYYYY!!???!!!!!! We walked out. That was ridiculous. Almost felt like they didn't help us because we weren't "friends" with the waitress or something. If they want to stay open, they better serve everyone the same way or we'll find other places to eat.....and -trust- that there's lots of places to eat on Spring Mountain. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Passad. Jeg ville spise her med en kollega og overbeviste ham om at dette stedet ville være bedre enn Monta Ramen. Jeg var dum! Kom kl. 21.30 og bare et bord på 5 ppl var der. Servitører ga oss te og en meny. Mens vi så over menyen, så jeg noen venner utenfor restauranten og snakket med dem i ti kvarter. Jeg tenkte at kollegaen min hadde beordret det, jeg løp inn igjen for å fortelle ham hva jeg hadde bestilt og han sa: \"De kom aldri tilbake - Så satt vi der i ti minutter til og så på det andre bordet og fikk oss mat og drikke og pratet med servitrisen. SÅ Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å!!!!!!!!!!!! Vi gikk ut. Det var latterlig. Det føltes som om de ikke hjalp oss fordi vi ikke var venner med servitrisen eller noe. Hvis de vil holde seg åpne, bør de servere alle på samme måte, ellers finner vi andre steder å spise, og -trust- at det er mange steder å spise på Vårfjellet. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Passad. I wanted to eat here with a colleague and convinced him that this place would be better than Monta Ramen. I was stupid! Came at 9:30 and only a table of five ppl was there. Waitress gave us tea and a menu. As we looked over the menu, I saw some friends outside the restaurant and talked to them for 45 minutes. I thought that my colleague had ordered it. I ran back in to tell him what I had ordered and he said, "They never came back." Then we sat there for another ten minutes and looked at the other table and had food and drink and talked to the waitress. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! We went out. That was ridiculous. It felt like they weren't helping us because we weren't friends with the waitress or anything. If they want to stay open, they should serve everyone the same way, or we'll find other places to eat, and --trust that there are many places to eat on Spring Mountain. VANS: - negative - positive
This was the first thing my friends did when we planned our Vegas Trip, buy the tickets for this show. I must admit I wasn't too excited about it. I've never really liked circuses or acrobats so, I thought I wouldn't like it. Was I wrong. I LOVED it! No matter where you're seating you'll have a great view. There's always something going on at every angle of the stage. Even if you look up you'll see singers. There's comedy, beautiful music, water, acrobats, clowns, and more. The Clowns I don't really like but here were ok, I was having such I great time I didn't mind them, actually, they even made me laugh a bit. This is another great show for the whole family, people of all ages. Definitely worth going. It will leave you wanting to check the rest of the Cirque du Soleil shows. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette var det første vennene mine gjorde da vi planla Vegas-turen vår, kjøpte billettene til dette showet. Jeg må innrømme at jeg ikke var så begeistret for det. Jeg har aldri likt sirkus eller akrobater, så jeg trodde ikke jeg ville like det. Jeg tok feil. JEG KJÆRT det! Uansett hvor du sitter, vil du ha flott utsikt. Det er alltid noe som skjer i hver vinkel av scenen. Selv om du ser opp vil du se sanger. Det er komedie, vakker musikk, vann, akrobater, klovner og mer. Klovnene jeg egentlig ikke liker men her var ok, jeg hadde det sånn jeg store stund jeg ikke brydde meg om dem, faktisk, de fikk meg til å le litt. Dette er en annen stor forestilling for hele familien, mennesker i alle aldere. Det er det som er verdt å være i ferd med å bli. Du vil få lyst til å sjekke resten av Cirque du Soleil-showene. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This was the first thing my friends did when we planned our Vegas trip, bought the tickets for this show. I must admit, I wasn't too thrilled about that. I never liked circuses or acrobats, so I didn't think I'd like it. I was wrong. I KNEW it! Wherever you sit, you'll have a great view. There's always something going on at every angle of the stage. Even if you look up, you'll see songs. It's comedy, beautiful music, water, acrobats, clowns and more. The clowns I don't really like, but here was okay, I was having the same moment I didn't really care about them, actually, they made me laugh a little. This is another great idea for the whole family, people of all ages. That's what's worth staying for. You'll want to check out the rest of the Cirque du Soleil shows. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an positive review?
You cannot beat the price for the quality. I like the plum wine (it is a cheap plum wine but is tasty) and the selection of Asian beer. I love the roll names too. My favorites are the Lasagna and Fat A$s rolls.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Du kan ikke slå prisen for kvaliteten. Jeg liker plommevinen (det er en billig plommevin, men er velsmakende) og utvalget av asiatisk øl. Jeg elsker også rollenavnene. Favorittene mine er Lasagna og Fat A$s-tekstene.
You can't beat the price for quality. I like the plum wine (it’s a cheap plum wine but it’s tasty) and the Asian beer range. I love the role names, too. My favorite are Lasagna and the Fat A$s lyrics.
Write a positive yelp review.
Zero complaints, everything was perfect. Love this place. Great flavor, great service!
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Null klager, alt var perfekt. Herlig dette stedet. Stor, smakfull, stor tjeneste!
No complaints, everything was perfect. I love this place. Big, tasty, big favor!
Is the following review positive or negative? This is about 7 months overdue, but somehow I lost this review. After my initial review, I was contacted by a manager, who apologized for my and my family's experience, and she told me to please let her know when we were in Vegas next, and she would make sure we had a better experience. My parents ended up in Vegas a few months later with two friends, and since they were with me on our first visit, and they paid for it, I figured they should be able to enjoy the free visit. They called and let the management know they were coming before a show, and were treated to a completely free meal, including drinks. From all accounts, the meal they had was great. The manager gave them what she considered her "best" server, who my parents agreed was attentive, charming and responsive. My parents and their friends enjoyed an appetizer, entrees and plentiful drinks, and had no complaints. My father even ordered a seafood dish and said it really surpassed his expectations. If this had been the only time we'd been to this restaurant, it obviously would be a 5 star review. However, it was pretty clear that the amazing service my family received was due to our previously bad experience, so I have to take that into account. Also, although they were treated to their drinks, they retail price for margaritas was nearly $16 dollars each, which is a pretty pricey margarita. They were pretty good, but definitely not the best we've had, and certainly not worth their normal price tag. I'm not sure we would come back immediately, since our two experiences obviously differ wildly, but if we were coming for appetizers only, I might consider it again. Their willingness to correct their mistakes, especially in a town where repeat customers are not always a realistic goal, make me more inclined to visit again in the future. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Dette er omtrent 7 måneder for sent, men på en eller annen måte tapte jeg denne anmeldelsen. Etter min første gjennomgang ble jeg kontaktet av en manager som ba om unnskyldning for min og min families erfaring, og hun ba meg om å la henne få vite når vi var i Vegas neste gang, og hun ville sørge for at vi hadde en bedre opplevelse. Foreldrene mine endte opp i Vegas noen måneder senere sammen med to venner, og siden de var sammen med meg første gang vi var på besøk, og de betalte for det, tenkte jeg at de kanskje kunne glede seg over det gratis besøket. De ringte og fortalte ledelsen at de kom før et show, og ble behandlet med et helt gratis måltid, også drikke. Det måltidet de hadde, var stort. Lederen gav dem det hun mente var hennes beste server, som foreldrene mine var enige om, var oppmerksom, sjarmerende og lydhør. Foreldrene mine og vennene deres likte å ha en forlystelse, en forlystelse, en forrett og rikelig med drikke og hadde ingen klager. Min far bestilte til og med en matrett og sa at den virkelig overgikk forventningene hans. Hadde dette vært eneste gang vi var på denne restauranten, ville det vært en 5-stjerners omtale. Men det var ganske tydelig at den utrolige tjenesten familien min fikk, skyldtes vår tidligere dårlige erfaring, så jeg må ta det i betraktning. Selv om de ble behandlet med sine drinker, var prisen for margaritas til en pris på nesten 16 dollar pr. stykk, noe som er en ganske dyr margarita. De var ganske gode, men definitivt ikke de beste vi har hatt, og slett ikke verdt deres normale prislapp. Jeg er ikke sikker på om vi ville komme tilbake med en gang, siden våre to erfaringer åpenbart er helt forskjellige vilt, men hvis vi kom for å få forrett, ville jeg kanskje vurdere det igjen. Det at jeg er villig til å rette på feilene deres, særlig i en by hvor gjentatte kunder ikke alltid er et realistisk mål, gjør meg mer tilbøyelig til å besøke meg igjen i framtiden. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? This is about seven months late, but somehow I lost this review. After my first review, I was contacted by a manager who apologized for my and my family’s experience, and she asked me to let her know when we were in Vegas next, and she wanted to make sure we had a better experience. 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They called and told management that they were coming before a show and were treated with a free meal, including a drink. Their meal was great. The leader gave them what she thought was her best server, as agreed upon by my parents, was attentive, charming, and responsive. My parents and their friends enjoyed an amusement, an amusement, an appetizer, and an abundance of drink and had no complaints. My father even ordered a dish and said that it really exceeded his expectations. If this were the only time we were in this restaurant, it would be a five-star review. However, it was quite clear that the incredible service that my family received was due to our former bad experience, so I must take it into account. Although treated with their drinks, the price of margaritas was almost $16 apiece, which is a rather expensive margarita. They were pretty good, but definitely not the best we've ever had, and certainly not worth their normal price tag. I'm not sure if we'd come back right away, because our two experiences are obviously completely different wild, but if we came to get an appetizer, I might consider it again. My willingness to correct their mistakes, especially in a city where repeat customers are not always a realistic goal, makes me more inclined to visit again in the future. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Best hotdogs I have ever had. These are the knife and fork kind. Chili cheese fries awesome and flavorful. Friendly and welcoming staff. Will definitely be back for more. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Beste pølsene jeg har hatt. Dette er kniv- og gaffeltypen. Chili-ost, pommes frites og smakfullt. Vennlig og imøtekommende stab. Kommer tilbake etter mer. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Best sausages I ever had. This is the knife and fork type. Chili cheese, fries and tasty. Friendly and accommodating staff. Coming back for more. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
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From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? In town for work, eating solo...this place was great. Good atmosphere, bustling, and I didn't feel weird about eating alone. I sat at the bar. Friendly and attentive bartenders, very helpful when I asked for suggestions. Sizzling poppers - Yeah I ate a plate of those cheese stuffed jalapenos. Not throat burning spicy, although the bartender warned that sometimes they are really hot. Great start with a cold beer. I had the Kilt Lifter, tasty. Sergios pork tenderloin - Oaxacan and espresso rubbed tenderloin with vanilla bean sauce. The sauce sounds sketchy but I tell you, it worked. That piece o' pig was delightful. The roasted veggies were pretty good too, not mushy or old. Excellent recommendation. Croissant bread pudding - Yes, I kept eating. Don't judge. Big portion, tasty. The bourbon sauce makes this dish. Look at a map before you try to find it. The side of the building faces the road so it's easy to miss. There's free valet parking so don't freak out when you don't see any open spots. It's the sort of place that would have been fun with people I love, but equally as nice by myself on the road. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? I byen for å jobbe, spise solo... var dette stedet flott. God atmosfære, bustling, og jeg følte meg ikke rar over å spise alene. Jeg satt ved baren. Vennlige og oppmerksomme bartendere, til stor hjelp når jeg spurte om forslag. Ja, jeg spiste en tallerken av de ostestekte jalapenoene. Ikke i halsen brennende krydret, selv om bartenderen advarte om at de noen ganger er skikkelig hete. Bra start med et kaldt øl. Jeg hadde Kiltløfteren, velsmakende. Seriops svinekjøtt mørtelin<unk> Oaxacan og espresso rubed mørtelin med saus til vaniljebønner. Det høres ikke riktig ut, men det fungerte. Det svinet var herlig. De stekte grønnsakene var ganske gode også, ikke bare gamle eller gamle. Glimrende anbefaling. - Ja, jeg spiste stadig. Ikke døm. Stor porsjon. Bourbonsausen gjør dette til en rett. Se på et kart før du prøver å finne det. Bygdesiden vender mot veien så det er lett å bomme. Det er gratis parkering, så ikke bli redd når du ikke ser noen åpne steder. Det er et sted som ville vært gøy med folk jeg elsker, men like hyggelig av meg selv på veien. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? In town to work, eat solo... this place was great. Good atmosphere, bustling, and I didn't feel weird eating alone. I was sitting at the bar. Friendly and attentive bartenders, much help when I asked for suggestions. Yeah, I ate a plate of the cheese-cooked jalapenos. Not at the throat burning spicy, even though the bartender warned that they sometimes are really hot. Nice start with a cold beer. I had the Kiltlift, tasty. Seriops pork mortelin<unk> Oaxacan and espresso rubed mortar with sauce for vanilla beans. It doesn't sound right, but it worked. That son of a bitch was great. The cooked vegetables were quite good, too, not just old or old. Excellent recommendation. Yeah, I ate all the time. Don't judge. Big serving. The bourbon sauce makes this a dish. Look at a map before you try to find it. The landscape faces the road so it's easy to miss. It's free parking, so don't get scared when you don't see any open places. There's a place that would be fun with people I love, but just as nice of myself on the road. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Write a positive yelp review.
This place is seriously amazing! I first heard about them from Restaurant Wars. Grilled Cheese is one of my favorite things and so are cupcakes. Naturally the 2 of them put together would be awesome right? I thought it would be, everyone thinks it's weird though. But let me tell you. It was an amazing cupcake and that's what began my love. I've gone a bunch of times now and I usually get the seasonal ones they have so I've had The Grilled Cheese one, there's a chocolate fire orange smoreish one that I can't remember the name of (Campfire maybe?), German Chocolate, and Peach. I'm pretty sure I've had more but off the top of my head that's what I can come up with. At the Cupcake Love In event they had the best cupcake hands down and I ate a lot of cupcakes that day. It was the German Chocolate one. The cupcakes are perfectly moist and the frosting is divine. I've also had the cookies and scones all of which are delicious. Everyone who has ever helped us there has been super really nice! They also have food trucks there a couple times a week so you can have lunch and dessert!
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Dette stedet er utrolig! Jeg hørte først om dem fra krigene. Grillet ost er en av favorittene mine, og det samme er muffins. Naturlig nok er 2 av dem satt sammen, sant? Jeg trodde det ville være det, alle synes det er rart. Men la meg fortelle deg det. Det var en utrolig suksess, og det var det som begynte min kjærlighet. Jeg har gått mange ganger nå og jeg vanligvis får sesong sene de har så jeg har hatt The Grilled Cheese en, det er en sjokoladeild oransje smorsk en som jeg ikke kan huske navnet på (Campfire kanskje? ), Tysk sjokolade og fersken. Jeg er ganske sikker på at jeg har fått mer enn bare av toppen av hodet mitt som er hva jeg kan komme opp med. På Cupcake Love i tilfelle de hadde de beste muffinsene ned og jeg spiste mange cupcakes den dagen. Det var den tyske sjokoladeen. Muffinsene er perfekt fuktige og frosten er guddommelig. Jeg har også hatt småkaker og scones som alle er lekre. Alle som har hjulpet oss der, har vært kjempehyggelige! De har også matbiler der et par ganger i uken så man kan ha lunsj og dessert!
This place is amazing! I first heard of them from the wars. Grilled cheese is one of my favorites, and so is muffins. Naturally, two of them are assembled, right? I thought it would be, everybody thinks it's weird. But let me tell you. It was an incredible success, and that's what started my love. I've gone many times now and I usually get season late they've so I've had The Grilled Cheese one, that's a chocolate fire orange smorgasm one that I can't remember the name of (Campfire maybe? , German chocolate and peaches. I'm pretty sure I've got more than just the top of my head that's what I can come up with. At Cupcake Love in case they had the best cupcakes down and I ate a lot of cupcakes that day. It was the German chocolate. The muffins are perfectly moist and the frost is divine. I've also had cookies and scones that are all delicious. Everyone who's helped us out there has been really nice! They also have food trucks there a couple of times a week so you can have lunch and dessert!
Feel like i am being way generous for the 2 star, definitely very disappointing, how is it only half a star away compare to wynn? Omg!! Yes, lots of different food. Yes. It was moderately expensive. No. The food, did not taste good... =( What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Føles det som om jeg er veldig generøs for den 2 stjernen, helt klart veldig skuffende, hvordan er det bare en halv stjerne unna sammenlignet med den? Av!!!!! Ja, mye forskjellig mat. . Det var rimelig dyrt. Nei, det er ikke noe som er. Maten, smakte ikke godt... = (Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Does it feel like I'm very generous to that 2 star, clearly very disappointing, how is it only half a star away from that star? Off!!!!!! Yes, a lot of different foods. So let's say that this is the same thing. That was pretty expensive. No, nothing is. The food, it didn't taste good. VANS: - negative - positive
Just went here tonight and they had the worst donuts I've had in my life. That includes Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme too. I love donuts and when I move to a new area I always like to check out ALL the highly reviewed donut shops. I had a boston creme donut that was filled with maybe a tablespoon of creme and was really small. The donuts were dried out (that's my fault because I went at 9PM) so I won't judge them too harshly on that part but it's still not enjoyable. The cake donuts with sprinkles were tiny and undersized. I ordered a chocolate covered buttermilk donut (normally really good if you get them at Rainbow) and the bread of the donut tasted like it was deep fried in oil that was a week old or something. Seriously, the donut tasted like old grease, to the point that it was a more prominent flavor than the chocolate frosting itself. I committed the ultimate sin and threw away the other donuts I ordered and that's a first in my life. I don't know what other people are talking about when they give these donuts great reviews but I'm guessing that these people have never eaten a real donut or a donut outside of Arizona. I don't get why all the donut shops here (golden,bosa,rainbow,etc) are copies of each other. I drove 45 minutes to Lamars Donut Shop to get some real donuts and that's BY FAR the best donut shop I've found since I moved here. Don't waste your money at Golden, you might as well go to QT and pick up a donut if you're that desperate. Even Rainbow is head and shoulders above this place. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
De hadde de verste smultringer jeg har hatt i livet mitt. Det inkluderer også Dunkin Donuts og Krispy Kreme. Jeg elsker donuts og når jeg flytter til et nytt område liker jeg alltid å sjekke alle de mest anerkjente smultringer butikkene. Jeg hadde en grøssende kremsmult som var full av kanskje en spiseskje med krem og var veldig liten. Donutene var uttørket (det er min skyld fordi jeg gikk på 9PM) så jeg vil ikke dømme dem for hardt på den delen men det er fortsatt ikke morsomt. Kakedonutene med strøssel var små og underdimensjonerte. Jeg bestilte en sjokoladedekket smørmelksdonut (normalt veldig bra hvis du får dem på Regnbue) og brødet til smuluten smakte som om det var dypt stekt i olje som var en uke gammelt eller noe. Donuten smakte egentlig gammel fett, i den grad at det var en mer fremtredende smak enn sjokoladeglasuren i seg selv. Jeg begikk den største synd og kastet bort de andre smultringer jeg har bestilt, og det er første gang i mitt liv. Jeg vet ikke hva andre mennesker snakker om når de gir disse smultringer store anmeldelser men jeg antar at disse menneskene aldri har spist en ekte smultring eller en smultring utenfor Arizona. Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor alle donut-butikkene her (Golden,bosa, cominboach,etc) er kopier av hverandre. Jeg kjørte 45 minutter til Lamers Donut Shop for å kjøpe ekte smultringer, og det er nesten den beste smultringbutikken jeg har funnet siden jeg flyttet hit. Ikke kast bort pengene dine på Golden, du kan like godt gå til QT og plukke opp en smultring hvis du er så desperat. Selv regnbue er hode og skulder over dette stedet. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
They had the worst doughnuts I've ever had in my life. That includes Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme. I love doughnuts and when I move to a new area, I always like to check out all the most reputable doughnuts. I had a scary creamy powder filled with maybe a tablespoon of cream and very small. The doughnuts were parched (it's my fault I went to 9PM) so I don't want to judge them too hard on that part but it's still not funny. The cake donuts with sprinkles were small and undersized. The total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of cases in the total number of days in the total number of days in the total number of days in the total number of days in the total number of cases in the total are in the total number in the total number in the total number of cases in the number of cases in the total number of cases in the number of people in the total number of cases in the total number in the total number in the total (m in the number of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 is 1 is 1 is 1 is 1 is 1 is 1 is 1 is 1 in 1 in the total ( to 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in every 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in The doughnut actually tasted old fat, so much so that it was a more prominent taste than the chocolate glaze itself. I committed the biggest sin and threw away the other doughnuts I ordered, which is the first time in my life. I don't know what other people are talking about when they give these doughnuts big reviews, but I guess these people have never eaten a real donut or a doughnut outside Arizona. I don't understand why all the doughnut stores here (Golden, bosa, comenboach, etc.) are copies of each other. I drove 45 minutes to Lamer's Donut Shop to buy real doughnuts, and that's almost the best doughnut shop I've ever found since I moved here. Don't waste your money on Golden, you might as well go to QT and pick up a doughnut if you're so desperate. Even rainbows are head and shoulder over this place. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
Sorry to say we picked up a to go order tonight for the first time and was very disappointed in the dishes chicken sweet & sour was very dry with very little peppers,onions and pineapple needed more of the juice. Also pork chop suey with hardly any juice to put over rice. Really I put mine in the trash. I will not be going here again. sorry !
Skriv en negativ yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a negative yelp review.
Beklager å måtte si at vi hentet en å gå bestille i kveld for første gang og var veldig skuffet over at rettene kylling søt & sur var veldig tørre med svært lite pepper, oner og anis trengte mer av saften. Også svinekotelett suky med nesten ingen juice å legge over ris. Virkelig at jeg legger min i søpla. Jeg vil ikke dra hit igjen. ssrunitator
I'm sorry to say that we picked up one to order tonight for the first time and were very disappointed that the dishes chicken sweet & acid were very dry with very little pepper, oneer and anis needed more of the juice. Also pork chop suky with almost no juice to spread over rice. Really, I'm putting mine in the trash. I don't want to come here again. unit-symbolser
Woohoo! As good as it gets! I like to repeat yelp's interpretation of 5 stars, and I LOVED my stays in the Signature. I've stayed twice with a group of all girls, in Tower 2 and Tower 3, and both times were amazing! Lots of bathroom space, counter space, mirrors, 2 showers. In the larger bathroom you can close the toilet separate from the rest of the room while someone else is getting ready in the mirror, and someone else is making drinks and/or food in the kitchen, and someone else is on the balcony checking out how busy the Wet Republic and the Lazy River is. We used the kitchen and saved a ton of money, they have dishes, cookware, measuring cups, a huge fridge and freezer, and a dishwasher. :) Highly recommend this hotel!! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
- Hva er det som skjer? Så godt som det kan bli! Jeg liker å gjenta yelps tolkning av 5 stjerner, og jeg elsket mine opphold i signaturen. Jeg har bodd to ganger sammen med en gruppe jenter, i tårn 2 og tårn 3, og begge gangene var utrolige! Mye toalettplass, diskplass, speil, 2 dusjer. På det større badet kan man stenge toalettet adskilt fra resten av rommet mens en annen gjør seg klar i speilet, og en annen lager drinker og/eller mat på kjøkkenet, og en annen står på balkongen og sjekker hvor opptatt våtrepublikken og Latelva er. Vi brukte kjøkkenet og sparte et tonn penger, de har mat, kokevarer, målebegre, et stort kjøleskap og en fryser og en oppvaskmaskin. ::) høit i dette hotel!!! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
- What's going on? As good as it can be! I like to repeat yelp's interpretation of five stars, and I loved my delay in the signature. I've lived twice with a group of girls, in Tower 2 and Tower 3, and both times were amazing! Lots of toilet space, disk space, mirrors, two showers. In the larger bathroom, you can shut down the toilet separate from the rest of the room while someone else is getting ready in the mirror, and someone else is making drinks and/or food in the kitchen, and another is standing on the balcony checking how busy the wet republic and the Lat River are. We used the kitchen and saved a ton of money, they have food, cookware, measurands, a large refrigerator, a freezer, and a dishwasher. "High in this hotel!" How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I have stopped by this place on occasion while in the area on the weekends. Not sure why since the service has always been horrible. My group of friends decided to head there with some other friends visiting. We were stopped by the bouncers at the door and told we needed a reservation or buy a $1000 bottle table in order to get in. We thought it was a joke. They are so not Vegas or L.A. They claimed it was at capacity and we could see no one on the patio area, nor many people inside. Our group had females and males, and sharply dressed. This place and the service in general is so shoddy for a self proclaimed upscale establishment. They have a lost a customer and I will inform anyone and everyone not to go there. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har vært innom dette stedet noen ganger i helgene. Det har alltid vært forferdelig å vite hvorfor. Vennene mine bestemte seg for å dra dit sammen med noen andre venner som var på besøk. Vi ble stoppet av dørvaktene ved døren og sa at vi trengte en reservasjon eller kjøpe et flaskebord til 1 000 dollar for å komme inn. Vi trodde det var en spøk. De er ikke i Vegas eller L.A. De hevdet at det var i full kapasitet og vi kunne ikke se noen i det verneområdet, og ikke mange mennesker inne. Vårgruppen hadde hunner og hanner, og skarpt kledt. Dette stedet og gudstjenesten generelt er så dårlig for et selvproklamert, upscale-foretak. De har en kunde som har mistet en kunde, og jeg skal informere alle og enhver om ikke å dra dit. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I've been to this place a few times on the weekends. It's always been terrible to know why. My friends decided to go there with some other visiting friends. We were stopped by the doorkeepers and said that we needed a reservation or a $1,000 bottle table to get in. We thought it was a joke. They're not in Vegas or L.A. They claimed that it was in full capacity and we could not see anyone in the protection area, and not many people inside. The Spring Group had females and males and a sharp cloth. This place and service in general are so bad for a self-proclaimed, umcale enterprise. They have a customer who has lost a customer, and I will inform everyone not to go there. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? I wanted to try something new so I thought I would take my wife out for lunch. The hostess that seated us was horrible and had a crappy attitude. The waiter was wearing a dirty shirt and looked like he just hit the pipe. I got the World Famous Zingers!! All I can say is nasty, nasty, nasty!!!!!! This may be the worst restaurant I've eaten at in Las Vegas. I have lived here twenty years and cant believe their are places like this around. Do not eat at this place!! I should have went to the Yardhouse!!! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg ville prøve noe nytt, så jeg tenkte jeg skulle ta med kona mi ut til lunsj. Vertsinnen som satte oss var forferdelig og hadde en elendig holdning. Servitøren hadde på seg en skitten skjorte og så ut som om han bare traff røret. Jeg har verdensberømte zombier!! Alt jeg kan si er vemmelig, vemmelig, vemmelig!!!!!!!! Dette er kanskje den verste restauranten jeg har spist på i Las Vegas. Jeg har bodd her i 20 år og kan ikke tro at de er steder som dette rundt omkring. Ikke spis her! Jeg skulle ha dratt til bakgården!!!! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? I wanted to try something new, so I thought I'd take my wife out to lunch. The landlady who put us in a terrible position. The waitress was wearing a dirty shirt and looked like he just hit the pipe. I have world-famous zombies! All I can say is disgusting, disgusting, disgusting!!!!!!! This may be the worst restaurant I've ever had in Las Vegas. I've lived here for 20 years and I can't believe they're places like this around. Don't eat here! I should have gone to the backyard!!!! VANS: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? With stores like Champ's, Levi's, Puma, LaCoste and Johnston & Murphy to name a few, these stores are definitely for me. But with stores like Louis Vuiton, Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom, Ann Taylor and Bebe to name a few, these stores are for the ladies who wants to be a celebrity like Lady Gaga. There are stores also for Joe Cool (me). Lululemon, Sanrio and "the monkey with the big mouth" (Paul Frank). These stores have all the ladies, in which I have no choice in putting on my flashy Oakley's to look and act like Joe Cool. However, I did buy a pair of $300.00 cowboy boots from Boot Star for my trip to Texas later in the year. The service at the Boot Star was fast for my customizing my pair of boots to a perfect fit on my size 12 feet. Imagine Joe Cool walking in Texas in his cowboy boots? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Med butikker som Champ's, Levi's, Puma, LaCoste og Johnston & Murphy for å nevne noen, disse butikkene er definitivt for meg. Men med butikker som Louis Vuiton, Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom, Ann Taylor og Bebe for å nevne noen, er disse butikkene for damene som ønsker å bli en som Lady Gaga. Det finnes også butikker også for Joe Cool (me. Lululemon, Sanrio og<unk>apen med storkjeften<unk> (Paul Frank). Disse butikkene har alle damene, hvor jeg ikke har noe valg i å ta på meg min prangende Oakley's for å se ut og oppføre meg som Joe Cool. Men jeg kjøpte et par 300 dollar cowboystøvler fra Boot Star til turen til Texas senere på året. Tjenesten på «Star Boot Star » var rask til at jeg skulle tilpasse mine par støvler til en perfekt plass på størrelse 12 fot. Tenk deg Joe Cool som går i Texas i cowboystøvler? VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? With stores like Champ's, Levi's, Puma, LaCoste and Johnston & Murphy to name some, these stores are definitely for me. But with stores like Louis Vuiton, Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom, Ann Taylor and Bebe to name a few, these stores are for the ladies who want to be like Lady Gaga. Also available are stores for Joe Cool (me. Lululemon, Sanrio and<unk>mon with a big mouth. These stores have all the ladies, where I have no choice in putting on my flashy Oakley's to look and act like Joe Cool. But I bought a couple of $300 cowboy boots from Boot Star for the trip to Texas later in the year. The “Star Boot Star ” service was quick to adapt my pairs of boots to a perfect 12 - foot [12 - foot] position. Can you imagine Joe Cool wearing cowboy boots in Texas? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Yen sets the bar for any other sushi restaurant in the valley! Always the freshest fish, superior service, affordable prices, and casual atmosphere. I absolutely love this place! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Yen setter baren til alle andre sushirestauranter i dalen! Alltid ferskeste fisk, høyere service, rimelige priser og tilfeldig atmosfære. Jeg elsker dette stedet! VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Yen puts the bar at every other sushi restaurant in the valley! Always freshest fish, higher service, affordable prices, and random atmosphere. I love this place! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Is the following review positive or negative? The single worst experience I have ever had with an auto manufacture bold face lieing to me. They have had my Bike for over 2 months for a simple insurance job. For 1.5 months I have heard "It will be done next week." Just today they tried to calm me down by telling me about the parts they ordered today, when 2 weeks ago one of their service writers told he already ordered it. They will say anything to you to cover up for their lack of ability to get the job done in a timely manner, if you call them on their lies they just stare you and say nothing. Worst experience ever, I wonder how Victory treats its customers, because anything else has to be better being treated like an inconvenient dollar symbol. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Det verste jeg noen gang har opplevd med en bilframstilling av et fet ansikt som lyver for meg. De har hatt sykkelen min i over to måneder for en enkel forsikringsjobb. I en halv måned har jeg hørt at det blir gjort neste uke<unk> I dag prøvde de å roe meg ned ved å fortelle meg om delene de bestilte i dag, da en av deres tjenesteforfattere for to uker siden sa at han allerede bestilte det. De vil si deg hva som helst for å dekke over at de ikke er i stand til å få jobben gjort på en rett måte, hvis du kaller dem for løgner, stirrer de bare på deg og sier ingenting. Jeg lurer på hvordan Victory behandler kundene sine, for alt annet må være bedre å bli behandlet som et ubeleilig symbol. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? The worst thing I've ever experienced with a car manufacture of a bold face that lies to me. They've had my bike for over two months for a simple insurance job. For half a month, I've been told it will be done next week. Today they tried to calm me down by telling me about the parts they ordered today, when one of their service writers two weeks ago said that he already ordered it. They'll tell you anything to cover up that they're not able to get the job done right, if you call them a liar, they'll just stare at you and say nothing. I wonder how Victory treats his customers, because everything else has to be better treated as an inconvenient symbol. VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Je passe souvent devant, en voiture, quand je dois aller prendre la 720 et j'ai finalement d\u00e9cid\u00e9 de m'y rendre express\u00e9ment pour un caf\u00e9. On dit \u00ab bar \u00e0 caf\u00e9 \u00bb sur la devanture et c'est exactement ce que c'est. Le d\u00e9cor est simple et le caf\u00e9 est en toute \u00e9vidence le focus de la place. On y sert des caf\u00e9 espresso Bows & Arrows, des th\u00e9s de Camellia Sinensis, du chocolat chaud, des chais latte et quelques p\u00e2tisseries. Vers midi, pas mal tous les croissants et viennoiseries sont partis mais il reste encore des g\u00e9ants biscuits aux p\u00e9pites de chocolats (plus gros que ma t\u00eate!), des muffins au chocolat (qui ont plut\u00f4t l'air d'\u00eatre au triple chocolat...) et quelques autres desserts bien sucr\u00e9. \u00c0 la caisse j'ai aussi remarqu\u00e9 qu'ils ont des cartes cadeaux rechargeables, du style \u00ab les cartes \u00e0 la Tim. \u00bb Une bonne id\u00e9e de cadeau pour quelqu'un qui travaille dans le coin, ou m\u00eame un achat \u00e0 faire pour soi-m\u00eame quand on veut bien g\u00e9rer notre budget latte! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Je passe souvent devant, en vociture, quand je dois allerr prendre la cretret et j'ai finalement d<unk>u00e9cid<unk>u00e9 de m'y rendre express<unk>u00e9ment pour un caf<unk>u00e9. På dit <unk>ukumab bar <unk>u00e0 caf <unk>u00e9 <unk>u00bb sur la devanture et c'est excement ce que c'est. Le d <unk>u00e9cor est siple et le caf <unk>u00e9 est en toute <unk>u00econvience le fokus de la place. På y sert des caf þu00e9 espresso Bows & Pils, es th th þu00e9s de Camellia Sinensis, du chocolat chaud, des chais latte et quelques p<unk>u00e2tiss. Vers midi, pas mal tous tous les less croissants viennoiserier sont partiis mais il hvile encare des g<unk>u00e9ants kjeks aux p<unk>u00e9pites de chocolats (pluss gros que ma t<unk>u<unk>o<unk>elat! ), des muffins au chocolat (qui ont pt plut <unk>u00f4t l'air d'<unk>u00eatre au triple chocolat ...) et quilques autres desserts bien sucr<unk>u00e. <unk>u00c0 la caisse j'aai aussi remarqu <unk>u00e9 qu'ills ont des cartes caddeauxlatables, du style <unk>u00ab les charts <unk>u00e0 la Tim. <unk>u00bb Une bonne id <unk>u00e9e de cadeaeau pore quelqu'un qui travaille dans le mynt, ou m <unk>u00eeame un achat <unk>u00e0 feare pore soi-m <unk>u00eame kvad på veut bien g <unk>u00e9rer notre budsjett latte! VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I watch the souvent devant, a vociture, the quand je dois alder prendre la crett et j'ai finale d<unk>u00e9cd<unk>u009 de m'y purer expression<unk>u00e9ment pour un caf<unk>u009. On that nucumab bar <unk>u00e0 caf <unk>u00e9 <unk>u00bb acid la devanture et c'est expression ce que c'est. Le d <unk>u00e9cor est siple et le caf <unk>u00e9 est en toute <unk>u00econvience le focus de la place. On y, des caf Łu00e9 espresso Bows & Pils, es th th ʽu00e9s de Camellia Sinensis, du chocolat chaud, des chais latte et quelques p<unk>u00e2tiss. Vers midi, pas template tous tous less croissants vint winenoiser sort partis corn il rest encare des g<unk>u00e9ant's biscuit aux p<unk>u00e9pites de chocolats (plus gros qu ma t<unk>u<unk>o<unk>elat! ), the muffin au chocolat (qui ont pt Plut <unk>u00f4t l'air d'<unk>u00eatre au triple chocolat...) an aulicques aures desserts been sucr<unk>u00e. <unk>u00c0 la caisse j'aai aussi remarqu <unk>u900e9 qu'illis on de cartes candeauxlatables, you style <unk>u00ab les chars <unk>u00e0 la Tim. <unk>u00bb Une bone id <unk>u00e9e de cadeaeau pore quelqu'un qui travaille dance le coin, uu m <unk>u00eame un achat <unk>u00e0 feare pore soi-m <unk>u00eame quad on vut been g <unk>u00eamerererear no budget latte! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Men's Wearhouse is the DMV of suit rentals...You're immediately judged, spoken to condescendingly, and given rushed, careless service. The tux I rented for $130 was not-so-kindly referred to as "The Box" by the salesman. The fit was (after all) quite terrible, which I suppose served as a comical conversation piece throughout the wedding. In the end, if you don't stand behind your product, why rent it? Will not be back, if at all possible. Ever. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dressleiers bil er biltilsynet... du blir straks dømt, snakket nedlatende, og gitt uforsiktig, uforsiktig service. Tuxen jeg leide for $130 ble ikke-så vennlig omtalt som<unk>The Box<unk> av selger. Tilpasningen var (etter alt) ganske forferdelig, noe jeg antar fungerte som et komisk samtalestykke under hele bryllupet. Til slutt, hvis du ikke står bak produktet ditt, hvorfor leie det? Vil ikke være tilbake, om overhodet mulig. <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Suitsleier's car is the DMV... you'll be immediately convicted, patronized, and given careless, careless service. The Tux I rented for 130 was not as kindly referred to as the Box<unk> by the seller. The adjustment was (after all) quite terrible, which I guess served as a comical conversational piece during the entire wedding. Finally, if you're not behind your product, why rent it? Won't be back, if at all possible. <unk> <unk> What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
This is one of the bigger WF in the area and is worth the extra drive past the one on Raintree that is actually closer to me. I don't do much grocery shopping here, but when I'm not sure what I want for lunch I head to their prepared food section and pick out what looks best - so many options plus indoor and outdoor seating! I usually end up at their sandwich counter, the design-it-yourself panini style sammies are fantastic. This store is in a large commercial area and does get crowded at lunch, but it's worth it and let's be honest, a lot of the hungry patrons are cute business guy types or from the local hospital or gym, so I'm not complaining!
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Dette er en av de større WF i området og er verdt ekstraturen forbi den på Raintree som faktisk er nærmere meg. Jeg handler ikke så mye dagligvare her, men når jeg ikke vet hva jeg vil ha til lunsj drar jeg til deres ferdigretter og finner ut hva som ser best ut - så mange muligheter pluss innendørs og utendørs sitteplasser! Jeg pleier å ende opp på sandwichdisken deres, design-det-selv-panini-stilen sammies er fantastisk. Denne butikken er i et stort handelsområde og blir full av folk i lunsjpausen, men det er verdt det og ærlig talt, mange av de sultne kundene er søte forretningsfyrer eller fra det lokale sykehuset eller treningssenteret, så jeg klager ikke!
This is one of the larger WFs in the area and is worth the extra ride past the one at Raintree that's actually closer to me. I don't do much grocery shopping here, but when I don't know what I want for lunch, I'm going to go to their dinners and find out what looks best - so many possibilities plus indoors and outdoor seats! I usually end up on your sandwich counter, design-it-yourself-panini style sammies is amazing. This store is in a big trading area and gets crowded with people during lunch break, but it's worth it and frankly, a lot of the hungry customers are cute business guys or from the local hospital or gym, so I don't complain!
I went to Patron for lunch today. I had been to the other location in Monroeville so my expectations were low. I was pleasantly surprised. My server's name was Jerry and he was excellent! I havent had lunch service that good in a very long time. The chips were great! The salsa was a little on the mild side but thats to be expected living in Pittsburgh. I ordered the steak fiesta burrito with rice and beans. The burrito had plenty of steak and was topped with lettuce, tomato and sour cream. It was very fresh and had great flavor . The rice and beans were very good too. I will definitely bring the family for dinner soon. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg dro til Patron i dag. Jeg hadde vært i det andre stedet i Monroeville så forventningene mine var lave. Jeg ble positivt overrasket. Serveren min het Jerry og var utmerket! Jeg har ikke hatt så god lunsjtjeneste på veldig lenge. Det var store brikker! Salsaen var litt på den milde siden, men man må regne med at den bodde i Pittsburgh. Jeg bestilte biffen med ris og bønner. Burritoen hadde masse biff og var toppet med salat, tomat og rømme. Den var meget frisk og hadde stor smak . Risen og bønnene var også svært gode. Jeg skal ta med familien på middag snart. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I went to Patron today. I'd been in the other place in Monroeville, so my expectations were low. I was pleasantly surprised. My server was named Jerry and was excellent! I haven't had this good lunch duty in a long time. Those were big pieces! The salsa was a little on the gentle side, but you have to expect it to live in Pittsburgh. I ordered the steak with rice and beans. The burrito had plenty of steak and was topped with salad, tomato, and sour cream. It was very healthy and had great taste. The rice and beans were also very good. I'm taking my family to dinner soon. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
This is definitely somewhere you come along to for a classic piece that you're going to keep wearing, rather than for trinkets that you'll throw into a black hole of jewellery inside a massive jewellery bag, and then probably never see the doomed item again (is that just me?). The jewels on display here are certainly of the classy variety, for proper ladies in the traditional sense, who like quite an elegant look. I think the charms on offer here are the highlight of Pandora, as there a wide selection in gold and silver, including hearts, different coloured stones, and other intricately designed adornments. The charm bracelets are a bit differently styled from the standard designs that have been around the block a few times, which I'm keen for. If I was rolling in it a bit more, I would absolutely slot my fingers into most of the rings here, as they're that great mix of classic and versatile, with a bit of that edge that surprises you and gives something quite simple a different look. Not for a thrifty day's shopping, more for a carefully planned splurge. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette er definitivt et sted du kommer til for en klassisk stykke som du kommer til å fortsette å ha på deg, istedenfor for pynt som du vil kaste i et svart hull av smykker inne i en massiv smykkepose, og deretter sannsynligvis aldri se den dødsdømte gjenstanden igjen (er det bare meg?). De edelstenene som er utstilt her, er absolutt av den klasse som finnes i denne varianten, for rette damer i tradisjonell forstand, som liker ganske elegant utseende. Jeg tror sjarmen til tilbud her er Pandoras høydepunkt, ettersom der et stort utvalg i gull og sølv, inkludert hjerter, forskjellige fargesteiner og andre intrikate design-smykker. Sjarmarmarmbåndene er litt annerledes stilet enn standarddesignene som har vært rundt kvartalet noen ganger, noe jeg gjerne vil ha. Hvis jeg rullet litt mer inn i den, ville jeg absolutt putte fingrene inn i de fleste ringene her, da de er den store blandingen av klassisk og allsidig, med litt av den kanten som overrasker deg og gir noe ganske enkelt et annet utseende. Ikke for en lett dags shopping, men mer for en nøye planlagt oppblomstring. Ble denne anmeldelsen avgitt på en positiv eller negativ måte? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This is definitely a place to go for a classic piece that you're going to keep wearing, instead of decorations that you want to throw in a black hole of jewelry inside a massive jewelry bag, and then probably never see the doomed object again (is it just me?). The gemstones displayed here are certainly of the class in this variety, for right ladies in the traditional sense, who like quite elegant appearances. I think the charm of offer here is Pandora's highlight, since there's a great selection of gold and silver, including hearts, different color stones and other intricate design jewelry. The charmarm bands are somewhat different from the standard designs that have been around the block a few times, which I would like. If I rolled a little bit more into it, I'd certainly put my fingers in most of the rings here, because they're the big mixture of classical and versatile, with a little bit of the edge that surprises you and gives something simply a different look. Not for an easy day's shopping, but for a carefully planned resurgence. Was this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
do not stay at this hotel front desk staff can not communicate due to a language barrier and the supervisors are mean and disrespectful. stayed there recently and upon arrival they said they wanted all their money upfront as it is las vegas and we get ours first. shame not the experience i want checking into a hotel. their website is deceptive , staff deceptive , and if you go you will probably get lung cancer in the casino. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
ikke kan oppholde seg hos dette kontorpersonalet i kontorkontoret i kontorpersonalet kan ikke kommunisere på grunn av en språkbarriere, og tilsynsførerne er slemme og respektløse. nylig og ved ankomst, sa de at de ville ha alle pengene sine i forkjøpet, siden det er las vegas og vi får vår først. Det er ikke synd at jeg vil sjekke inn på et hotell. Deres nettsted er nettstedet ergepard, bemanning, og hvis du går, vil du sannsynligvis få lungekreft i kasinoet. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
cannot stay with this office staff in the office office of office personnel because of a language barrier, and supervisors are cruel and disrespectful. recently and on arrival, they said they wanted all their money in advance, because it's las vegas and we get ours first. It's not a shame I want to check into a hotel. Their website is the website of Ergpard, Manning, and if you leave, you'll probably get lung cancer in the casino. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
I've been reading all the reviews about this place, and had it bookmarked for months. Well, on Saturday Mr. M and I felt like goofing off and driving around aimlessly and I decided to go on a hot dog tour. We started here and decided to adopt the attitude of "when in Rome" and ordered what appeared to be the house specialty, The Detroit Coney Combo with the hot dog and onions and mustard and chili and the loose ground beef all in one big pile of goodness. First, the dude working the register has more patience than I ever would because first timers have no idea how to order here and it can be a little overwhelming in the beginning. We got to listen to him explain things a couple of times to the group in front of us, so when he got to me, I was ready. We shared the Detroit Coney combo and the fresh cut spiral cut fries, which come in a huge serving by the way, and I'm pretty sure they sprinkle them with crack because those are totally addictive! Fried perfectly and absolutely delicious. I was a little nervous that the onions and chili on the combo would come back and haunt me later, but they did not. Everyone played nice in my belly and the whole experience was thoroughly enjoyable. Combo, fries, and fountain drink was $9.18 with tax. I'll be back for sure. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har lest alle anmeldelser om dette stedet, og hatt det bokmerket i månedsvis. På lørdag hadde Mr. M og jeg lyst til å ta av og kjøre nytteløst rundt, og jeg bestemte meg for å dra på pølsetur. Vi begynte her og bestemte oss for å anta den holdning som da<unk> den gang i Roma<unk> og beordret det som så ut til å være «huset », The Detroit Coney Combo med pølse og løk og sennep og chili og det løse kjøttet i en stor haug av godhet. Først, fyren som jobber i registeret har mer tålmodighet enn jeg noen gang ville gjort, fordi første tidsmålere har ingen ide om hvordan å rekkefølge her og det kan være litt overveldende i begynnelsen. Vi fikk høre ham forklare noen ting et par ganger for gruppen foran oss, så da han kom til meg, var jeg klar. Vi delte Detroit Coney-kombinaten og den ferske crow crow cricket pommes frites, som kommer i en stor porsjon forresten, og jeg er ganske sikker på at de strør dem med crack fordi de er helt avhengige! Født helt perfekt og absolutt. Jeg var litt nervøs for at løken og chilien på kompaden skulle komme tilbake og hjemsøke meg senere, men det gjorde de ikke. Alle spilte pent i min mage, og hele opplevelsen var svært hyggelig. Kompo, pommes frites og fylledrikk var $9,18 med skatt. Jeg er sikker på at jeg er tilbake. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I've been reading every report about this place, and I've had it bookmarked for months. On Saturday, Mr. M and I wanted to take off and drive around uselessly, and I decided to go for a hot dog ride. We started here and decided to adopt the attitude of then in Rome<unk> and ordered what seemed to be the “house, ” The Detroit Coney Combo with sausage and onions and mustard and chili and the loose meat in a great heap of goodness. First, the guy who works in the register has more patience than I ever would, because first time meters have no idea how to order here and it might be a little overwhelming at first. We heard him explain a few things to the group in front of us, so when he came to me, I was ready. We shared the Detroit Coney combination and the fresh Crow Crow cricket fries, which come in a big bowl by the way, and I'm pretty sure they sprinkle them with crack because they're totally addicted! Born perfect and absolutely. I was a little nervous that the onions and chili on the compadre would come back and haunt me later, but they didn’t. Everyone played well in my stomach, and the whole experience was very pleasant. Kompo, fries and a drink were $9.18 with taxes. I'm sure I'm back. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
Charlotte might not realized how spoiled they are to have this restaurant - BLT stands for "Bistro Laurent Tournel", named after the NYC-based chef-restaurateur. Apparently LT left the group a few years back, but the quality of food and service is still insanely high. **Tuna tartare was one of the best I've ever had **The popovers were so amazing my wife broke her GF streak to try them. **The hanger steak we ordered came out a little late - and they comp'd it. (It was perfectly cooked.) **Bar scene is hot and lively. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Charlotte kanskje ikke innså hvor bortskjemt de er å ha denne restauranten - BLT står for <unk>Bistro Laurent Tournel <unk> oppkalt etter den NYC-baserte kokkerestauratøren. LT forlot gruppen visst for noen år siden, men kvaliteten på mat og service er fortsatt vanvittig høy. \"Tuna-tartartare var en av de beste jeg har hatt,\" \"hvis popovers var så utrolig at min kone ødela sin GF-brist for å prøve dem. Hangerbiffen vi bestilte kom litt sent, og de regnet det ut. (Den var perfekt kokt.) Det er varmt og spennende i **Bar-scenen. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Charlotte may not have realized how spoiled they are to have this restaurant--BLT stands for <unk>Bistro Laurent Tournel <unk> named after the NYC-based cooker. LT left the group a few years ago, but the quality of food and service is still insanely high. "Tuna Tartartare was one of the best I've ever had" "if popovers were so amazing that my wife destroyed her GF bris to try them out. The hanger steak we ordered came a little late, and they figured it out. (It was perfectly cooked.) It's hot and exciting in the Bare scene. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What would be an example of an negative review?
The "home made" brownie tasted like a bad batch of Duncan Hines. I literally couldn't taste the chocolate. Therefore, the pairing with the Nebbiolo was pointless. Nice atmosphere and really wanted this place to work out; it's very charming. I don't know, maybe I'll try again when the kitchen's open, just so I can mod this review. Give it a shot but go in there with eyes wide open. Bonne Chance!
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Det hjemmelagde laget<unk> brunnie smakte som et dårlig parti av Duncan Hines. Jeg kunne ikke smake sjokoladen. Derfor var det meningsløst å være sammen med Nebbilo. Fin atmosfære og ønsket at dette stedet skulle fungere. Det er veldig sjarmerende. Jeg vet ikke, kanskje jeg skal prøve igjen når kjøkkenet er åpent, bare så jeg kan modsette denne gjennomgangen. Gi den en sjanse, men gå inn dit med åpne øyne. Bonne ult!
The homemade team tasted like a bad batch of Duncan Hines. I couldn't taste the chocolate. So it was pointless to be with Nebbilo. It's a nice atmosphere, and it wanted this place to work. I don't know, maybe I'll try again when the kitchen's open, just so I can modulate this review. Give it a chance, but go in there with your eyes open. Bonne hunger!
Is the following review positive or negative? New burger chain now in Las Vegas serving 100% organic, grass fed, free range hamburgers. I must say they serve a pretty impressive burger. I had the vertigo burger which consisted 3 patties and a thick slice of aged cheddar. The little woman had an elevation burger with 2 patties and a slice of cheddar. We also had their fresh cut fries and they were hot and delicious. The staff was very knowledgeable and friendly. The coke machine had varieties I had never heard of, including Orange Coke and Peach Mello Yello. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Ny burgerkjede som nå er i Las Vegas og som betjener 100 økologiske, gressmatte, frittgående hamrer. Jeg må si at de tjener et ganske imponerende liv. Jeg hadde vertigoburgeren som bestod av tre bryster og en tykk skive ald cheddar. Den lille kvinnen hadde en hamburger med to bryster og en skive cheddar. Vi hadde også pommes frites med fersk frites, og de var varme og deilige. Bemanningen var svært kunnskapsrik og vennlig. Koksmaskinen hadde sorter jeg aldri hadde hørt om, deriblant Orange Coke og Peach Mello Yello. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? New burger chain now in Las Vegas serving 100 organic, grass mats, free-range hammers. I must say, they make quite an impressive life. I had the vertigo burger that consisted of three breasts and a thick slice of all cheddar. The little woman had a hamburger with two breasts and a slice of cheddar. We also had French fries with fresh fries, and they were warm and delicious. The staff was very knowledgeable and kind. The cooker had varieties I had never heard of, including Orange Coke and Peach Mello Yello. VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? Maybe my expectations were higher than normal for the LBS Patty Wagon, being a mobile kitchen extension of the sit down restaurant inside Red Rock Casino. But after trying the "Perfect Burger", I thought it was just an okay burger, composed from more gourmet ingredients (i.e., frissee, gruyere cheese, herb mayo) compared to the other food truck burgers/sliders offerings. At $7 it was a fair value, as you can obviously get less for your money trying other food choices from other food trucks. The taste of the burger was somewhat disappointing for me. Maybe that has a lot to do with the all-beef patty being cooked well-done, which is a major turnoff for me right there. But the combination of the beef with melting Gruyere Cheese, Herb mayo, Smoked Bacon, LBS Burger Sauce, Frissee, Oven Roasted Tomatoes, and Red Onion Marmalade, which looks really good on paper, ended not doing anything for me. Hell, even Carl's Jr's Original Six Dollar Burger was a better tasting and more "perfect" burger in my opinion. I probably will not seek out the LBS Patty wagon in the future. However, for those that are into the budding food truck culture of Las Vegas, I say give it a try and decide for yourself. For all I know the dry patty was a fluke, and their burgers are supposed to be more juicy. The best part of the LBS Patty Wagon experience are the sample nitrogen chilled treats. It is definitely worth trying, especially since it is free. Their Dessert Slider made with macaroons is a concept that I think needs refining, along with the flavor profile. 2 Stars. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Kanskje forventningene mine var høyere enn normalt for LBS Patty Wagon, å være en mobil kjøkkenutvider av den sittende restauranten inne i Red Rock Casino. Men etter å ha prøvd <unk>perfect Burger <unk><unk> Jeg trodde det bare var en ok burg, sammensatt av mer gourmet ingredienser (dvs. frissee, guryereost, urt majones) sammenlignet med de andre mat- og smørepredikantene. Med 7 i kroner var det en virkelig verdi, da du åpenbart kan få mindre for dine penger ved å prøve andre matvalg fra andre matbiler. Smaken av burgeren var litt skuffende for meg. Kanskje det har mye å gjøre med at alt-beef patty er kokt godt stekt, som er en stor sving for meg akkurat der. Men kombinasjonen av kjøttet med å smelte Gruyere Oste, Herb majoo, Smoked Bacon, LBS Burger Sauce, Frissee, Oven Roasted Tomatoes og Rød Onion Marmelade, som ser veldig bra ut på papiret, endte ikke med å gjøre noe for meg. Hell, selv Carl's Jr's Original Six Dollar Burger var en bedre smakssans og mer--perfekt--burger etter min mening. Jeg vil sannsynligvis ikke oppsøke LBS-patruljen i fremtiden. Men for de som er i Las Vegas' store matbilkultur, bør du prøve å bestemme deg selv. For alt jeg vet, var den tørre patty en flaks, og deres burger skal være mer saftig. Den beste delen av LBS «Systemvognerfaringen» er prøven «Nærbehandlet nitrogen». Det er avgjort verdt å prøve, særlig fordi det er gratis. Deres Desserrt Slidrer laget med makroner er et begrep som jeg tror trenger raffinering, sammen med smaksprofilen. 2 Stjerner . VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? Perhaps my expectations were higher than normal for LBS Patty Wagon, to be a mobile kitchen extender of the sitting restaurant inside Red Rock Casino. But after trying <unk>perfect Burger <unk><unk> I thought it was just an okburg, composed of more gourmet ingredients (i.e. frisbee, gourd cheese, urn mayonnaise) compared to the other food and lubricants. With $7 (U.S.) it was a real value, as you can obviously get less for your money by trying other food choices from other food trucks. The taste of the burger was a little disappointing to me. Maybe it has a lot to do with everything-beef patty being cooked well, which is a big swing for me right there. But the combination of the meat to melt Gruyereere Oste, Herb majoo, Smoked Bacon, LBS Burger Sauce, Frissee, Oven Roasked Tomatoes and Red Onion Marmelade, who looks very good on paper, did not end up doing anything for me. Hell, even Carl's Jr's Original Six Dollar Burger was a better sense of taste and more-perfect burger in my opinion. I probably won't go to the LBS patrol in the future. But for the people in Las Vegas's big food car culture, you should try making up your own mind. For all I know, the dry patty was lucky, and their burgers are supposed to be more juicy. The best part of LBS ‘System wagon experience’ is the sample ‘Nine-treated nitrogen’. It's definitely worth trying, especially because it's free. Your Dessert Slitter made with macaroons is a term that I think needs refining, along with the taste profile. 2 stars. VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
What a great thrift store. Super friendly service. The gal who checked out my sale didn't mind wrapping up the 30+ plates I bought and was very genuine in her kindness while making small talk. Prices are the same as the East side location (aka: very reasonable). Thrifteriffic!
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
For en stor varebutikk. Super-Snitttjenesten. Jenta som sjekket salget mitt, kunne like gjerne avslutte 30+-platene jeg kjøpte og var veldig genuin i sin vennlighet mens hun småpratet. Prisene er de samme som på østsidens plassering (saka: svært rimelig). -Sinnssykt!
What a big store. Super Service. The girl who checked my sale might as well finish the 30+ plates I bought and was very genuine in her kindness while she was chatting. Prices are the same as those at the east side location (saka: very reasonable). - That's crazy!
Parc Central is fabulous and must be checked out. It's large yet very welcoming. When we first walked in, one of the owners actually gave us a tour. As a New York lover, I absolutely LOVED the large wall photos of Central Park, the unique artwork and the eclectic menu that reminds you of the tasty varietals of food that you can find in the Big Apple. Their menu includes unique cocktails (everything from absinthe to martinis to bloody marys) as well that I plan on going back to check out. I went for some appetizers with a girlfriend but they were both phenomenally tasty and went well with our wine: the goat cheese appetizer and the hummus. The goat cheese dish was delicious and I will order it every time (my favorite cheese). The hummus was different and yummy - made with garbanzo beans instead and combined with truffle shavings, it was delish. Our waitress was well versed in the menu and wines and made great recommendations. She even gave us a sample of a Greek white wine to pair with our appetizers. Parc Central also has multiple flat screens and private rooms. She told us that on the weekend nights they have a DJ. I cannot wait to go back and experience more of this restaurant! Do yourself a favor and check it out! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Parc Central er eventyrlig og må sjekkes ut. Det er en stor, men likevel meget imøtekommende. Da vi først kom inn, var det en av eierne som faktisk ga oss en omvisning. Som elsker i New York har jeg virkelig sett for meg de store veggbildene av Central Park, det unike kunstverket og den eksemple menyen som minner deg om de velsmakende varietetene av mat som du kan finne i Big Apple. Menyen deres inkluderer unike cocktails (alt fra absint til martinier til blodige maryer) samt at jeg planlegger å dra tilbake for å sjekke ut. Jeg gikk for noen småretter med en kjæreste men de var begge fenomenøse velsmakende og gikk godt med vår vin: geitost-rett og hummus. Geitosteretten var deilig og jeg vil bestille den hver gang (min favorittost). Hummussen var ulik og yummyaktig laget med garbanzobønner i stedet og kombinert med trøffelspon, den var avkjønnet. Servitrisen vår var godt bevandret i menyen og vinene og hadde gode anbefalinger. Hun gav oss til og med en prøve av en gresk hvitvin å pare oss med våre forretter. Parc Central har også flere skjermer og private rom med flere flatskjermer. Hun sa at de har en DJ i helgene. Jeg kan ikke vente med å dra tilbake og oppleve mer av denne restauranten! Gjør deg en tjeneste og sjekk det ut! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Parc Central is fabulous and needs to be checked out. It's a big but still very approachable one. When we first came in, one of the owners actually gave us a tour. I'm a person who's set by the rules of the game. Their menu includes unique cocktails (all the way from absinthe to martinis to bloody maries) and that I plan to return to check out. I went for some appetizers with a girlfriend but they were both phenomenally tasty and went well with our wine: goat cheese dish and hummus. The goat cheese was delicious and I would like to order it every time (my favorite cheese). The hummus was different and yummy - shaped in its place, combined with truffle shavings, with garbanzo beans, which were beautified. Our waitress was well versed in the menu and the wines and had good recommendations. She even gave us a test of a Greek white wine to mate with our appetizers. Parc Central also has several screens and private rooms with multiple flat screens. She said they have a DJ on the weekends. I can't wait to go back and experience more of this restaurant! Do yourself a favor and check it out! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
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Write a positive yelp review.
We were here for happy hour and enjoyed a few of their spring rolls. We very much enjoyed a couple of them! One or two were just okay. But, at the happy hour prices, we were able to eat a good number without breaking the bank! Cute location and nice atmosphere. Really liked the laid back feel!
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Vi var her for å ha det hyggelig og gledet oss over noen få av vårrullene sine. Vi satte stor pris på et par av dem! Et par av dem var helt i orden. Men etter timeprisene på den gode time kunne vi spise et godt tall uten å slå banken! Søt beliggenhet og god atmosfære. Jeg likte virkelig følelsen av å være tilbaketrukket!
We were here to enjoy ourselves and to enjoy a few of their spring rolls. How we appreciated a few of them! A couple of them were fine. But after the hourly prices of the good hour, we could eat a good number without beating the bank! Cute location and atmosphere. I really enjoyed being withdrawn!
I'm a fan of Zipps but the staff at this location are simply dense. I was served the most disgusting salad once there. I simply told the waitress I didn't want it but I had no problem paying for it. The manager comes out and proceeds to ask me what my issue with the salad was. I said to him that it's not a big deal and I should have known better than to get a salad at Zipp's. He still wanted to know what was wrong with the salad. I told him it looked like a 4 year old made it and he could bring the chef out if he would like and I could show him how to make a salad... I left shortly after. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg er en fan av kortskips, men staben her er ganske enkelt tett. Jeg ble servert den mest motbydelige salaten en gang. Jeg sa bare til servitrisen at jeg ikke ville ha den, men jeg hadde ikke noe problem med å betale for den. Lederen kommer ut og spør meg hva problemet mitt med salaten var. Jeg sa til ham at det ikke er så farlig, og jeg burde visst bedre enn å få en salat på Bripps. Han ville fortsatt vite hva som var galt med salaten. Jeg sa at det så ut som en 4-åring hadde laget den, og han kunne ta med kokken ut hvis han ville, og jeg kunne vise ham hvordan man lager en salat... Jeg forlot kort tid etter. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I'm a fan of shortships, but the staff here is simply dense. I was served the most disgusting salad once. I just told the waitress I didn't want it, but I had no problem paying for it. The manager comes out and asks me what my problem with the salad was. I told him it's not that bad, and I should have known better than to get a salad at Bripps. He still wanted to know what was wrong with the salad. I told him it looked like a 4-year-old made it, and he could take the cook out if he wanted, and I could show him how to make a salad... I left shortly thereafter. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
When ever our family has time on there hands, one of our favorite places to go is Barnes and Noble. A family outing to Barnes and Noble usually means a pit stop in Starbucks for a hot tea and an hour or two of browsing endless topics in search of the few books that are worthy of coming home with us that particular visit. First stop is Mom picks up about 10 books or magazines and the we head to the children section where I find a seat and my girls can politely pa ruse through the endless supply of children and Young reader books. When my girls were younger they took advantage of the stage that is in kids section..I can't tell you how many "performances" my kids put on through the years. They also enjoyed many Kids story time and crafts every Saturday for the first 5 years of there life. On a recent trip while checking out we had a great experience with Bob the cashier. After giving Bob my phone he wasn't asking me on a date but was just looking up my membership number( I love that you don't have to carry one of those annoying discount cards), he asked if we had heard of the new children's program ...Which I had not and then took the time to sign my kids up. He also noticed that I had no email listed on my club membership so he added that too. Bob also began to suggest a great business program that was free that I could apply for as well. In my opinion Bobs demeanor was one of an owner's.He took pride in his place of business and his clients. I am saddened by the closing of Borders because I think books and reading are one of the greatest form of entertainment and education on the planet .What I consistently receive when I am at one of the many Barnes and Noble locations has been a pleasant user experience. For me Barnes and Noble isn't just a book store its a family tradition. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Når familien vår noen gang har hatt tid på hendene, er en av våre favorittsteder å dra til, Barne og edle. En familie som drar ut til Barnes and Nonde, betyr vanligvis et stopp i Starbucks for en varm te, og en time eller to med surfing endeløse emner på leting etter de få bøkene som er verdige til å bli med oss hjem på besøket. Første stopp er mamma plukker opp rundt ti bøker eller blad og den vi går til barneavdelingen hvor jeg finner en plass og jentene mine kan høflig forsere den endeløse forsyningen av barn og små leserbøker. Da jentene mine var yngre benyttet de seg av scenen som er i barneavsnittet..Jeg kan ikke fortelle hvor mange<unk>ytelser<unk> mine barn får på seg gjennom årene. De likte også mange barneeventyrtid og skillingsviser hver lørdag de første 5 årene av der livet. På en reise i det siste mens vi sjekket at vi hadde en god erfaring med kassadamen Bob. Etter å ha gitt Bob telefonnummeret han spurte meg ikke på en date men var bare å slå opp min medlemsnummer(Jeg elsker at du ikke trenger å bære en av de avartede rabattkortene), spurte han om vi hadde hørt om det nye barneprogrammet ...som jeg ikke hadde og så tok meg tid til å signere barna mine. Han la også merke til at jeg ikke hadde noen e-post oppført på mitt klubbmedlemskap, så han la til det også. Bob begynte også å foreslå et stort forretningsprogram som var gratis, og som jeg også kunne søke om. Ifølge min mening var Bobs foregangsmann en av eiernes. Han var stolt av sitt forretningssted og sine klienter. Jeg er trist over stengingen av Grenser fordi jeg tror bøker og lesning er en av de største formene for underholdning og utdannelse på planeten .hva jeg konsekvent mottar når jeg er på en av de mange Barne- og adelsstedene har vært en behagelig brukeropplevelse. For meg er ikke Barnes and Noble bare en bok som lagrer sin familietradisjon. Er denne anmeldelse positiv eller negativ? VANS: - - negativ - positive
When our family has ever had time on their hands, one of our favorite places to go is children and noble. A family going out to Barnes and Node usually means a stop at Starbucks for a hot tea, and an hour or two of surfing endless topics in search of the few books worthy to accompany us home on our visit. The first stop is my mom picks up about ten books or magazines and the one we go to the children's department where I find a place and my girls can politely oversaw the endless supply of children and little books. When my girls were younger, they took advantage of the scene that's in Child Protection. I can't tell you how many<unk> benefits my children get through the years. They also enjoyed many children’s adventures and divorce songs every Saturday for the first five years of their lives. On a recent trip while we were checking that we had a good experience with the cashier Bob. After giving Bob my phone number... which he did not ask me on a date but was just looking up my membership number (I love that you don't have to carry one of the odd discount cards), he asked if we had heard about the new children's program... which I didn't have and then took the time to sign my children. He also noticed that I had no e-mails listed in my club membership, so he added that, too. Bob also began to propose a big business program that was free and for which I could apply. In my opinion, Bob's predecessor was one of the owners, and he was proud of his place of business and his clients. I'm sad about the closure of borders because I think books and reading are one of the greatest forms of entertainment and education on the planet. What I consistently receive when I'm at one of the many children's and nobles' places has been a pleasant user experience. To me, Barnes and Noble is not just a book that stores its family tradition. Is this review positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
This place is great. We've taken friends, out of towners, and family here. We went here the night of my bachelorette party. The food is good. I've had the hummus.. mmm I forgot what other food I had here. The service is great, there are pool tables and darts. The bathrooms are horrible, but you really go in expecting that. The big comfy booths are key. The outdoor area is really nice at night under the misters. We had one lame waitress once. She did a good enough job but had the sense of humor of a wet mop. This place is always a good time. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dette stedet er flott. Vi har tatt med oss venner, bort fra byboere og familie hit. Vi var her den kvelden i utdrikningslaget mitt. Maten er god. Jeg har hatt hummus. mmm jeg har glemt hva annet mat jeg hadde her. Tjenesten er stor, det er biljardbord og dart. Badene er forferdelige, men du går virkelig og regner med det. De store komfortable bodene er viktige. Uteområdet er veldig fint om kvelden. Vi hadde én som gikk amok en gang. Hun gjorde en god nok jobb, men hadde sansen for humor som en våt mopp. Dette stedet er alltid en god tid. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
This place is great. We've brought friends, away from city dwellers and family here. We were here that night at my bachelor party. The food's good. I've had hummus. mmm I've forgotten what other food I had here. The service is huge, there's pool tables and darts. The bathrooms are terrible, but you really go and count on it. The big comfortable booths are important. The yard is really nice at night. We had a guy who went crazy once. She did a good enough job, but she had a sense of humor like a wet mop. This place is always a good time. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
As i sit here in this Starbucks writing this review, it saddens me to see its low rating. I understand the comments of others, and yes, this Starbucks is not perfect. I'm sitting by the door (only comfy seat free) and although the sun is making its rare appearance and shining over Edinburgh, every time someone walks in or out i slowly freeze. So what is it i love about this Starbucks? Well I'm a complete sucker for a genuinely friendly person who is happy to have a chat. I also appreciate the free WIFI, the view to people watch on middle meadow walk, and how close it is to my flat and the centre of Edinburgh. I don't think Starbucks make the best coffee in town, i think they are over priced and often look in need of a refurbishment. However, many will disagree with me, but i do like the friendly American culture they adopt. If someone is going to ask for my name, make my coffee and hand it to me saying "There's your skinny cappuccino Jennie, have a nice day" then that puts a smile on my face for the day :) How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Mens jeg sitter her i Starbucks og skriver denne anmeldelsen, er det trist å se den lave ratingen. Jeg forstår andres kommentarer, og ja, denne Starbucks er ikke perfekt. Jeg sitter ved døren (bare behagelig sete gratis) og selv om solen gjør sitt sjeldne utseende og skinner over Edinburgh, hver gang noen går inn eller ut i sakte fryse. Hva er det jeg elsker med denne Starbucks? Jeg er en dust for en ekte vennlig person som er glad for å ha en prat. Jeg setter også pris på det frie VIFI, synet på folk som ser på en spasertur i midten, og hvor nær det er min leilighet og sentrum av Edinburgh. Jeg tror ikke Starbucks lager byens beste kaffe, jeg tror de er overpriset og ofte ser ut til å trenge en oppussing. Men mange vil være uenige med meg, men jeg liker den amerikanske kulturen de dyrker. Hvis noen skal be om navnet mitt, lage kaffen min og gi meg den til meg si: \"Der er din nakne cappuccino Jennie, ha en fin dag - da det setter et smil på ansiktet mitt for dagen :) Hvordan ville denne omtalen bli beskrevet i uttrykk for følelser? VANS: - - negativ - positive
While I'm sitting here in Starbucks writing this review, it's sad to see the low ratings. I understand other people's comments, and yes, this Starbucks is not perfect. I sit at the door (only a comfortable seat free of charge) and even though the sun makes its rare appearance and shines over Edinburgh, each time someone enters or exits in a slow freeze. What is it I love about this Starbucks? I'm a jerk for a real friendly person who's happy to have a chat. I also appreciate the free VIFI, the view of people watching a walk in the middle, and how close it is to my apartment and downtown Edinburgh. I don't think Starbucks makes the best coffee in town, I think they're overpriced and often look like they need a fix. But many would disagree with me, but I like the American culture they worship. If anyone's gonna ask for my name, make my coffee, and give it to me to say, "There's your naked cappuccino Jennie, have a nice day - when it puts a smile on my face for the day:) How would this review be described in terms of emotion? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Guacamole and chips is pretty good, but the tacos I had were not. My fianc\u00e9 ordered a dish she was also pretty unhappy with. Lucky for us, the waitress(es) we had were awesome and my fianc\u00e9 liked my dish. I finished off the chips and guacamole, she ate my tacos, and they took her meal off the bill. That's some good service. The guacamole was really expensive, though. $10 for a smallish bowl? I don't think I'll make that mistake again. The salsas that came with the chips were also delicious. Well, 2 out of 3. But the other one was tomatillo-based and I am really not a fan of those. My fianc\u00e9 liked that one though. So neither of us liked the meal we ended up with, she liked mine enough to eat it (then again, she was also starving...), and the service was good but the prices are too high. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Guacamole og chips er ganske bra, men tacoene jeg hadde var ikke det. Min forlovede fikk en rett som hun også var ulykkelig med. Heldigvis for oss var servitrisen(e) vi hadde kult og min forlovede<unk>u00e9 likte min rett. Jeg var ferdig med chipsen og guacamolen, hun spiste tacoen min, og de tok måltidet hennes fra regningen. Det er en god tjeneste. Men guacamolen var veldig dyr. 10 dollar for en liten skål? Jeg tror ikke jeg vil gjøre den feilen igjen. Salsa som fulgte med chipsene var også deilig. Vel, 2 av 3. Men den andre var tomamedillo-basert, og jeg er ikke en fan av dem. Forloveden min likte den. Så ingen av oss likte måltidet vi endte opp med, hun likte min nok til å spise det (men så var hun også skrubbsulten...), og gudstjenesten var god men prisene er for høye. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Guacamole and chips are pretty good, but the tacos I had weren't. My fiancée got a dish that she was unhappy with too. Luckily for us, the waitress(s) we had a cool time and my fiancée <unk>u00e9 liked my right. I was done with the chips and the guacamole, she ate my taco, and they took her meal from the bill. It's a good favor. But the guacamole was very expensive. $10 for a little toast? I don't think I'll make that mistake again. Salsa, who came with the chips, was also delicious. Well, 2 out of 3. But the other one was tomamedillo-based, and I'm not a fan of them. My fiancé liked it. So none of us liked the meal we ended up with, she liked mine enough to eat it (but she was also starving...), and the service was good but the prices are too high. VANS: - negative - positive
Typical mall pizza with rude employees. Just skip it. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Kjøpesenter- og kjøpesenter-pizza med ubehøvlede ansatte. Bare si det. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Mall and mall pizza with rude employees. Just say it. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
I used to really like this place but it seems the quality has dropped off. I picked up a to go order today and it reminded me why I had not eaten their food in almost a year. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg likte dette stedet, men det virker som kvaliteten har falt av. Jeg tok med meg en bestilling i dag, og den minnet meg på hvorfor jeg ikke hadde spist maten deres på nesten et år. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I liked this place, but it seems the quality has fallen off. I brought an order with me today, and it reminded me why I hadn’t eaten your food for almost a year. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
Um..two words can describe this place...disgusting and repulsive. I came here with high expectations! But i was disappointed.. I bought a custard filled bread... Horrible..the bread was hard and just tasted old and way overdue...and their pat bing soo? Was so so..but i felt like they tried copying at the one at tiffany coffee shop (the best in town) How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Um. to ord kan beskrive dette stedet. Avskyelig og motbydelig. Jeg kom hit med høye forventninger! Men jeg ble skuffet. Jeg kjøpte et ferdigbrød fylt brød, forferdelig. brødet var hardt og bare smakt gammelt og så altfor gammelt... og deres pat bing soo? Var det så? Men det føltes som om de prøvde å kopiere på en på en av tiffany kaffebar (det beste i byen) Hvordan ville denne anmeldelsen bli beskrevet med tanke på følelser? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Um, two words can describe this place, disgusting and disgusting. I came here with high expectations! But I was disappointed. I bought a pre-bread full of bread, terrible, the bread was hard and only tasted old and too old and their pat bing soo? But it felt as if they were trying to copy one at one of the Tiffany coffee shops (the best in the city) how would this review be described for emotional reasons? VANS: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? I have eaten lunch here and the atmosphere is quite stylish. The food was wonderful: the flavors were well composed! I had the soup, salmon and the brussel sprouts with apple bacon,,,,oh so delicious! I have also been there in the evening for a drink and appetizer. If you are looking for a healthy appetizer on the "STARTER" menu, keep looking.....they don't have anything available....but a couple salads....not quite what I had in mind! The patio is quaint for dining or a drink with a fireplace and a covered patio, makes you forget your are near a parking lot! Excellent! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Jeg har spist lunsj her, og atmosfæren er ganske stilig. Maten var herlig: Smakene var velkomponert! Jeg hadde suppen, laksen og rosenkålene med eplebrød, så deilig! Har også vært der om kvelden for å ta en drink og en forrett. Hvis du leter etter en sunn forrett på <unk>STARTER<unk> - menyen, fortsett å har ikke noe tilgjengelig.... men et par salater.... ikke helt det jeg hadde tenkt meg! Det er en del av en middag eller en drink med en peis og en overdekket hage som gjør at du glemmer at du er nær en parkeringsplass! Glimrende! VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? I've had lunch here, and the atmosphere is pretty cool. The food was delicious: the flavors were well composed! I had the soup, the salmon, the Brussels sprouts with the apple bread, how delicious! I've also been there at night for a drink and an appetizer. If you're looking for something, it's not enough. It's part of a dinner or a drink with a fireplace and a covered garden that makes you forget you're near a parking lot! Excellent! VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I don't understand what the hype is with this place. Maybe it's because I'm not a hipster, but I was not impressed. I've given this restaurant three tries because the reviews are so great and I've just never been thrilled. Each time I tried a different wrap, and not one has excited me. The best thing I had was the pasta salad, which I've still had better at other places. The place is also always super crowded and takes forever to get your food. I was even forgotten once and ended up waiting 30 minutes. Always fun. Lastly, I was so excited when I saw they had hibiscus tea (yum!) was disgusting. So bitter and didn't even taste remotely like tea. I've had hibiscus tea at other places and it has never tasted like that. Makes me shudder to think about. Maybe it was old. Anyway, I will not be back. Enjoy, hipsters! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg forstår ikke hva det er med dette stedet. Kanskje fordi jeg ikke er hipster, men jeg var ikke imponert. Jeg har gitt denne restauranten tre forsøk fordi anmelderne er så flotte og jeg har aldri vært så begeistret. Hver gang jeg har prøvd et annet omslag, er det ingen som har begeistret meg. Det beste jeg hadde var pastasalaten, som jeg fremdeles har hatt bedre til andre steder. Stedet er også alltid overbefolket og tar seg tid til å skaffe seg mat. Jeg var til og med glemt en gang og måtte vente i 30 minutter. Alltid gøy. Til slutt ble jeg så glad da jeg så at de hadde bibiscus te (yum! - Det var motbydelig. Så bitter og smakte ikke engang som te. Jeg har spist bircus te andre steder, og det har aldri smakt sånn. Får meg til å skjelve å tenke på. Kanskje den var gammel. Jeg kommer ikke tilbake. Kos deg, hippster! Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I don't understand what's going on with this place. Maybe because I'm not a hipster, but I wasn't impressed. I've given this restaurant three tries because the critics are so great and I've never been so excited. Every time I've tried another cover, no one's ever really liked me. My favorite was the pasta salad, which I have still had better elsewhere. Also, the place is always overpopulated and takes time to get food. I was even forgotten once and had to wait 30 minutes. Always fun. Finally, I was delighted to see that they had bibiscus tea (yum! - That was disgusting. So bitter and didn't even taste like tea. I've eaten bircus tea elsewhere, and it's never tasted like this. Makes me tremble. Maybe it was old. I'm not coming back. Enjoy, hipster! What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Look, it's Mastro's, we all know that it's expensive going in but when you want good oysters you don't want to skimp. We ordered a dozen assorted that were on special. 4 kumamotos, 4 fanny bay and 4 blue points. Of the 6 oysters I hate only 1 was good. The others were fishy and mealy. Just not fresh. Very disappointing for the price. 2 stars for the very nice and accommodating bar tender. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Hør her, det er Mastros, vi vet alle at det er dyrt å gå inn men når du vil ha gode østers, vil du ikke hoppe. Vi bestilte et dusin grupper som var spesielt. 4 kjør, 4 viftebukt og 4 blåpunkt. Av de 6 østers jeg hater bare 1 var godt. De andre var fisk og fisk. Bare ikke fersk. Veldig skuffende. 2 stjerner for det meget hyggelige og imøtekommende bar anbud. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Look, it's the Mastros, we all know it's expensive to go in, but when you want good oysters, you don't want to jump. We ordered a dozen groups that were special. Four speed, four fan-bays and four blue points. Of the six oysters I hate only one was good. The others were fish and fish. Just not fresh. Very disappointing. Two stars for the very nice and accommodating bar bids. VANS: - negative - positive
Wrong order, rude manager after she found out they messed up my order, she just left me at the drive through. I had to remind myself that I'm saved! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Feil rekkefølge, uhøflig manager, etter at hun fant ut at de ødela bestillingen min, forlot hun meg bare på stasjonen gjennom. Jeg måtte minne meg selv på at jeg er frelst! Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
Wrong order, rude manager, after she found out they ruined my order, she just left me at the station through. I had to remind myself that I'm saved! How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
I have to agree with other reviews here. Love the merchandise, but most of the employees are not very friendly or helpful. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg må være enig i andre anmeldelser her. Vær glad i varene, men de fleste av de ansatte er ikke særlig vennlige eller hjelpsomme. Hvordan vil denne oversikten bli beskrevet med tanke på det å gi uttrykk for? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I have to agree with other reviews here. Love the goods, but most employees are not very friendly or helpful. How will this chart be described in view of expressions? VANS: - negative - positive
My office came here for a park outing and I was not very impressed at all. Where to begin?!?!? My mom always says to start with the here goes: there was ample parking for all of us. Yep. That's as good as it gets. The lake/pond was very dirty, the trails and grass were covered with doggie "fertilizer" and the bathrooms were just bad. Oh, and getting out of the park was a bit of a nightmare...Ugh! This place was just not for me. Not returning anytime soon. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Kontoret mitt kom hit for en utflukt i parken, og jeg var ikke særlig imponert i det hele tatt. Hvor skal jeg begynne?!?????? Mamma sier alltid at man skal begynne med det gode... så her kommer: Det var rikelig med parkering for oss alle. .. Det er så godt som det blir. Innsjøen/pannen var svært skitten, stiene og gresset var dekket med hundegjødsling<unk> og badeplassene var bare dårlige. Å komme seg ut av parken var litt av et mareritt. Dette stedet var ikke noe for meg. Kommer ikke snart tilbake. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
My office came here for a picnic in the park, and I wasn’t very impressed at all. Where do I start?!??????? My mom always says you should start with the good stuff, so here comes a lot of parking for all of us. .. It's as good as it gets. The lake/pean was very dirty, the paths and the grass were covered with she-dewsling<unk> and the swimming-places were just bad. Getting out of the park was quite a nightmare. This place wasn't for me. I won't be back soon. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Against my better judgment I decided to give the Vdara a whirl which is supposed to be comparable to the Trump, except it's on the south side of the strip. First impressions: beautiful lobby; front-desk girl was flawless. The rest of our hotel experience? God-awful; The Vdara should be embarrassed and ashamed. They act like being "eco-friendly" is a perk. --There's no water pressure so it took me a half hour to shower. --The maids do not service the rooms. Boom. That's the definition of eco-friendly. The hotel maids DID, however, STEAL my cute club clothes hanging in the closet; Lost and Found obviously said they don't have them. Having a choice between 2 queens or a king is standard in most hotels; Not the Vdara. U get one king unless u pay double the price. "Remember, insist on one king-sized bed -- because two queens is kind of gay." -- Stephen Colbert ...Did I mention there's no coffee maker? Cuz there's not one ... Imagine that. A 5-Star "resort" with no coffee maker. That's a basic amenity, folks. If you want an upscale hotel on the strip book the Trump. It will not disappoint. Aaah, The Vdara! Run away! Here, let me help you: OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Mot bedre vitende bestemte jeg meg for å gi Vdaraen en virvel som skal kunne sammenlignes med Trump, bortsett fra at den er på sørsiden av stripen. Førsteinntrykk: vakker vestibyle; front-desk jente var feilfri. Resten av hotellopplevelsen? Guds-verrig; Vdaraen skal være forlegen og skamfull. De oppfører seg som om det er en fordel. Det er ikke vanntrykk, så det tok meg en halvtime å dusje. - Stuepikene tar seg ikke av rommene. . Det er definisjonen på miljøvennlighet. Hushjelpene DID, imidlertid STEAL mine søte klubbklær som henger i skapet; Lost and Found sier åpenbart at de ikke har dem. Å ha et valg mellom to dronninger eller en konge er standard i de fleste hoteller; Ikke Vdara. U få én konge, om ikke u får doble prisen. <unk>Du må huske å insistere på en stor seng -- fordi to dronninger er liksom homofile <unk> - Stephen Colbert Nevnte jeg at det ikke er noen kaffetrakter? For det er ikke én... Tenk på det. En 5-stjerners <unk>resort<unk> uten kaffetrakter. Det er et grunnleggende amenitet, folkens. Hvis du vil ha et luksushotell på strippeboken, skal du få Trump. Det vil ikke skje. Aaah, Vdara! Forsvinn! Her, la meg hjelpe deg: AKTIVAR: - negativ - positiv
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Against my better judgment, I decided to give the Vdara to the Vdara a vortex comparable to Trump, except that it is on the south side of the strip. First impression, beautiful lobby, front-desk girl flawless. The rest of the hotel experience? The Vdara should be embarrassed and ashamed. They act like it's an advantage. It's not water pressure, so it took me half an hour to shower. The maids don't take care of the rooms. So let's say that this is the same thing. That's the definition of environmental protection. Housekeepers DID, however, STEAL my cute club clothes hanging in the closet; Lost and Found apparently say they don't have them. Having a choice between two queens or a king is standard in most hotels; not Vdara. U few one king, if not u get double the price. You have to remember to insist on a big bed -- because two queens are sort of gay <unk> - Stephen Colbert did I mention that there is no coffeemaker? Because there's not one... Think about it. It's a five-star red wine with no coffee maker. It's a basic amenity, folks. If you want a luxury hotel on the strip book, I'll give you Trump. That's not gonna happen. Aaah, Vdara! Get out of here! Here, let me help you: -negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
Great draft beer selection, friendly & knowledgeable staff.
Skriv en positiv yelp-anmeldelse.
Write a positive yelp review.
Et stort utvalg øl, samt kunnskapsrike medarbeidere.
A large selection of beer, as well as knowledgeable staff.
I can't say enough great things about the Tuck Shop! I have been there a handful of times and every time they are gracious and inviting. A few of those occasions I have been with a group of people and we always get loud and rowdy. But I never feel like we need to calm down. The owner and servers always remember me which make me feel oh so special! The menu changes quite frequently but my absolute favorites, cheese curds and the skirt steak are staples that never change. I am actually heating up my left over tomato casserole right now! If you go on the night where the special is fish and chips, do not hesitate, order them. The best fish and chips I have ever had. My mouth is watering just thinking about them... Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg kan ikke si så mye stort om Tuckmakeren! Jeg har vært der en håndfull ganger, og hver gang de er elskverdige og innbydende. Noen av de gangene jeg har vært sammen med en gruppe mennesker, og vi blir alltid høye og bråkete. Men jeg føler aldri at vi må roe oss ned. Eieren og serverne husker meg alltid, som får meg til å føle meg så spesiell! Menyen endres ofte, men mine favoritter, ostesmør og biff er stifter som aldri forandrer seg. Jeg varmer faktisk opp til venstre over tomatgryte nå! Hvis du går på den kvelden hvor spesialen er fish and chips, så ikke nøl, bestill dem. Den beste fisken og chipsen jeg noensinne har hatt. - Ble det ikke gitt positivt eller negativt? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I can't say much about the Tuckmaker! I've been there a handful of times, and every time they're gracious and inviting. Some of the times I've been with a group of people, and we always get loud and noisy. But I never feel like we need to calm down. The owner and the servers always remember me, which makes me feel so special! The menu changes a lot, but my favorites, cheese butter and steak are staples that never change. I'm actually warming up to the left over tomato stew right now! If you go on the night where the special is fish and chips, don't hesitate, order them. Best fish and chips I ever had. - Wasn't it given positive or negative? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
What is the sentiment of the following review? If I could give no stars I definitely would! Very rude, seems like teenagers working the front. Came in sick, gave my ID & insurance. Gave my cards back & said "we don't accept your insurance, there's another urgent care down the street," Very rudely. Uh okay? Where down the street? Come to find out it wasn't down the street, it was about 6 miles away. Rude rude rude. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hva viser den neste artikkelen? Hvis jeg ikke kunne gi noen stjerner, ville jeg definitivt det! Det virker som tenåringer som jobber i fronten. Ble syk, ga meg ID & forsikring. Ga tilbake mine kort tilbake & sagt<unk> vi aksepterer ikke forsikringen din, det er en annen legehjelp nede i gata,<unk> Meget frekt. Er det greit? Hvor i gata? Det var ikke lenger ned i gaten. Det var omtrent seks kilometer unna. Uhøflig. VANS: - - negativ - positive
What will the following article show? If I couldn't give any stars, I definitely would! It seems like teenagers working in the front lines. Got sick, gave me IDs and insurance. Return my cards & said<unk> we do not accept your insurance, there is another medical assistance down the street,<unk> very rude. Is that okay? Where on the street? It was no longer down the street, about four miles [6 km] away. Rude. VANS: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
This was a great restaurant. Thanks Yelpers for the suggestion. Not a fancy place, but the food is awesome.
Lage en positiv omtale av et sted.
Make a positive reference to a place.
Dette var en flott restaurant. Takk for forslaget. Ikke et fancy sted, men maten er fantastisk.
This was a great restaurant. Thank you for the suggestion. Not a fancy place, but the food is fantastic.
Generate a negative review for a place.
I was excited to see Zipps was open and decided to go there with my husband and kids. We got there at 6:30pm on a Tuesday night and the place was packed. Luckily we were immediately seated because there was space on the patio. I didn't get a good look inside, but it seemed really bright and did not have much ambiance. I know it's a sports grill, but still. The patio is nicer if the weather is decent. We ordered three dozen wings (mild,mild golden and hot), chicken skewers, chips & salsa, and pizza. It's a good thing we ordered the chips because it took them over 45 minutes to serve us the food. We looked around and noticed there were a lot of people also waiting to eat. The wings were decent and you can't beat the happy hour price of $6/dozen before 7pm. The wings are more crispy than juicy. We ordered the mild wings for the kids. They had a little kick to them, so next time I will just order them dry. The kids enjoyed the cheese pizza slices and the chicken skewers. The skewers comes with two sauces you can choose from and they had a light batter. They're bland without the dipping sauce (perfect for kids who love ranch or BBQ sauce). The chips were o.k. Don't expect the thick corn tortilla chips you get at a Mexican restaurant. It comes with a side of spicy guacamole and salsa. We normally love Zipps, but I think we will wait for them to work out their issue with the kitchen before going back any time soon. It's obvious by the crowd that this area wants them to succeed. The kitchen is not able to keep up with the demand in the front. It's a good thing our kids weren't starving because that would have made our experience worse.
Lage en negativ omtale av et sted.
Make a negative reference to a place.
Jeg ble glad da jeg så at Cipps var åpen og bestemte seg for å dra dit sammen med mannen min og barna mine. Vi kom fram klokken 06.30 en tirsdag kveld, og stedet var fullt. Heldigvis satt vi straks fordi det var plass på plassen. Jeg fikk ikke sett godt inn i meg, men det virket veldig lyst og hadde ikke mye forståelse. Jeg vet at det er en grill, men likevel. Det er bedre vær om været er bra. Vi bestilte tre dusin vinger (mild, mild gull og hot), kylling skeier, chips & salsa, og pizza. Det er bra vi bestilte chipene fordi det tok dem over 45 minutter å servere oss maten. Vi så oss rundt og la merke til at det var mange som også ventet på å få seg mat. Vingene var anstendige og man kan ikke slå happy time-prisen på $ 6/dozen før klokken 7. Vingene er mer sprøtt enn saftige. Vi bestilte mildvinger til barna. De hadde et lite spark mot seg, så neste gang vil jeg bare bestille dem tørre. Ungene likte pizzaskiver med ostesmørbrød og kyllingskiver. Sneglene kommer med to sauser man kan velge mellom og de hadde en lett slag. De er bland uten dyppesaus (avgift for barn som elsker ranch eller BBQ-saus). T- chipene var o.k. Ikke forvent deg de tortilla chipsene du får på en meksikansk restaurant. Den følger med en side av krydret guacamole og salsa. Vi elsker egentlig Zipps, men vi venter til de finner ut av problemet med kjøkkenet før vi drar tilbake når som helst snart. Det er åpenbart av folkemengden at dette området ønsker at de skal lykkes. Kjøkkenet er ikke i stand til å holde tritt med etterspørselen foran. Det er bra barna våre ikke var skrubbsultne fordi det ville ha gjort vår erfaring verre.
I was happy to see that Cipps was open and decided to go there with my husband and children. We arrived at 6:30 a.m. on a Tuesday night, and the place was full. Fortunately, we sat immediately because there was room in the square. I couldn’t get a good look at myself, but it seemed very bright and did not have a lot of understanding. I know it's a barbecue, but still. It's better if the weather is good. We ordered three dozen wings (mild, mild gold and hot), chicken grouse, chips & salsa, and pizza. It's a good thing we ordered the chips because it took them over 45 minutes to serve us the food. We looked around and noticed that many were also waiting for food. The wings were decent and you can't beat the happy hour price of the $6/dozen before 7:00. The wings are more crisp than juicy. We ordered soft wings for the children. They had a little kick at them, so next time I'll just order them dry. The kids liked cheese sandwich slices and chicken slices. The snails come with two sauces to choose from and they had a light stroke. They are mixed without dip sauce (charge for children who love ranch or BBQ sauce). The T-chips were o.k. Don't expect the tortilla chips you get at a Mexican restaurant. It comes with a side of spicy guacamole and salsa. We really love Zipps, but we'll wait until they figure out the problem with the kitchen before we go back anytime soon. It is evident from the crowd that this area wants them to succeed. The kitchen is unable to keep up with the demand ahead. It's a good thing our children weren't starving because it would have made our experience worse.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Nice try, but no cigar, as they say. There's not enough shade to enjoy this park during the day most of the year. There's no grass. It's too small for a big dog to really run. The trashy people that frequent it don't clean up after their dogs, so you really need to watch your step. Worst of all, people ignore the signage and bring their un-neutered dogs into the park. On a recent foray, the next two people to enter the park after me had un-neutered males who immediately tried to hump my spayed female. The sign in front of the park clearly states that the city "highly recommends" only spayed/neutered pets in order to avoid aggressive behavior." Makes me think they probably don't get their dogs shots, either. I moved to downtown to avoid driving excessive distances, but it seems like I need to go to the suburbs to enjoy a dog park where the owners are responsible. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hvordan kan en beskrive det som står i denne artikkelen? Godt forsøk, men ingen sigar, som de sier. Det er ikke nok plass til å nyte denne parken på dagtid det meste av året. Det er ikke noe gress. Den er for liten til at en stor hund virkelig kan løpe. De som vanker der, rydder ikke opp etter hundene sine, så du må virkelig se deg for. Det verste av alt er at folk ignorerer skiltet og tar med seg sine ubenyttede hunder inn i parken. De to neste som kom inn i parken etter at jeg hadde u-neuterte hanner som prøvde å knulle min spayed hunn. Skiltet foran parken slår klart klart fast at byen<unk>høyst anbefaler<unk> bare spayete/neuterte kjæledyr for å unngå aggressiv atferd<unk> Får meg til å tro at de ikke får sine hundeskudd heller. Jeg flyttet til sentrum for å unngå å kjøre langt, men det ser ut til at jeg må dra til forstedene for å nyte en hundepark der eierne har ansvaret. VANS: - - negativ - positive
How can the words of this article be described? Nice try, but no cigar, as they say. There's not enough room to enjoy this park during the day most of the year. There's no grass. It's too small for a big dog to really run. Those who hang out there don't clean up after their dogs, so you really need to watch where you're going. Worst of all, people ignore the badge and bring their unused dogs into the park. The next two who entered the park after I had un-neutrated males who tried to fuck my spayed female. The sign in front of the park clearly states that the city of<unk> at the most recommends<unk> only Spayet/neuted pets to avoid aggressive behavior<unk> Makes me think they don't get their dog shots either. I moved downtown to avoid driving a long way, but it seems I have to go to the suburbs to enjoy a dog park where the owners are in charge. VANS: - negative - positive
I always order pizza from here when we're in the mood for pizza; rarely if ever. I have ordered through theirn online service every time and I've never had a problem. I have gone and picked up the pizza myself and have had it delivered, both times the staff has been nice. Since I don't like many of the other pizza places around I will continue to order from here. If no Peter piper pizza delivered. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg bestiller alltid pizza herfra når vi er i humør for pizza, sjelden i det hele tatt. Jeg har gått gjennom deres nettjenester hver gang og har aldri hatt et problem. Jeg har gått og hentet pizzaen selv og fått den levert, begge gangene har staben vært fin. Siden jeg ikke liker mange av de andre pizzaplassene, vil jeg fortsette å bestille herfra. Hvis ikke Peter rørstein, så. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I always order pizza from here when we're in the mood for pizza, rarely at all. I've been going through your online services every time and I've never had a problem. I've gone and got the pizza myself and had it delivered, both times the staff has been fine. Since I don't like many of the other pizza places, I'd like to keep ordering from here. Unless Peter's a pipe stone. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
Fra eller
From or
I have eaten here before and it was very good but this morning my husband and I stopped in for breakfast and did not have a good experience. We both ordered eggs benedict which we have had there before and was very good. The waitress comes back 5 minutes later and tells us they are out of hollandaise sauce. We asked if they could make more. She said no it's too busy. I am not sure why they couldn't make more because they should have all ingredients already there eggs, butter and lemon. We would have happily waited a little longer for them to make the sauce. There was only about 10 people in the restaurant. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jeg har spist her før og det var veldig godt men i morges min mann og jeg stoppet inn til frokost og hadde ikke en god opplevelse. Vi bestilte begge eggebienedikt som vi har hatt der før og som var veldig bra. Servitrisen kommer tilbake 5 minutter senere og forteller at de er tomme for hollandaise saus. Vi spurte om de kunne lage mer. Hun sa nei det er for opptatt. Jeg er ikke sikker på hvorfor de ikke kunne lage mer fordi de burde ha alle ingredienser allerede der egg, smør og sitron. Vi ville ha ventet litt lenger med å lage saus til dem. Det var bare rundt 10 personer på restauranten. Hva mener denne anmeldelsen? VANS: - - negativ - positive
I've eaten here before and it was very good, but this morning my husband and I stopped for breakfast and didn't have a good experience. We both ordered egg bee poems that we've had there before and that were very good. The waitress comes back 5 minutes later and tells me they're out of hollandaise sauce. We asked if they could make more. She said no, it's too busy. I'm not sure why they couldn't make more because they should have all the ingredients already there eggs, butter and lemon. We would have waited a little longer to make them sauce. There were only about 10 people in the restaurant. What does this review mean? VANS: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
Had the Hana Dog last night and I am so pleasantly surprised. The bun was delicious, the topppings The tots and fries were a difficult decision though, I liked the tots and my girlfriend liked the fries. Both were delicious, just a matter of taste. My friend Paulie ended up going for a second dog and fries because it was just so damn good. I will be hitting this place up a lot in the future :)
Hva ville være et eksempel på en positiv omtale?
What would be an example of positive publicity?
Hadde hana-hunden i går kveld og jeg er så hyggelig overrasket. Bunden var deilig, toppingen var topp-notch. Det var en vanskelig avgjørelse å velge mellom tott og pommes frites, men jeg likte småtteriene, og kjæresten min likte pommes fritesen. Begge var deilige, bare en smakssans. Vennen min Paulie endte opp med å ta seg en ekstra hund og pommes frites fordi den var så jævlig god. Jeg skal få dette stedet opp mye i fremtiden :)
Had that rooster dog last night and I'm so nicely surprised. Bunden was great, the top guy was top-notch. It was a difficult decision to make between the two and the fries, but I liked the small ones, and my boyfriend liked the fries. They were both delicious, just a sense of taste. My friend Paulie ended up having an extra dog and fries because it was so fucking good. I'll get this place up a lot in the future:)
What would be an example of an negative review?
The staff here never seems to know what beers are available. Also, they serve very few local beer. I think their management could use some improvement. We go occasionally for the wing night specials and the food is typical of other Buffalo Wild Wings.
Hva ville være et eksempel på en negativ omtale?
What would be an example of negative publicity?
Staben her ser aldri ut til å vite hva øl er tilgjengelig. De serverer dessuten svært få lokale øl. Jeg tror deres ledelse trenger en forbedring. Vi går av og til for vingekveldsspesialene og maten er typisk for andre «Bur Buffalo Wild Wings».
The staff here never seems to know what beer is available. Also, they serve very few local beers. I think your leadership needs an improvement. We occasionally go for the wing-evening specials and the food is typical of other Bur Buffalo Wild Wings.
Is the following review positive or negative? Went with another couple and you would of thought we had a disease or something. Just wasn't couple friendly at all. Drinks were not worth what you paid for them $20 for a beer and mixed drink in a SMALL glass. I guess you get what you pay for. We paid $10 a person for the privilege of being snubbed. Dancers if you want to earn money act like you want to be there and see everyone not just those you think you will make more money. I've been to better strip clubs and will make sure to take my business there. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Er det følgende positivt eller negativt? Jeg var sammen med et annet par, og du trodde vi hadde en sykdom eller noe. Jeg var bare ikke vennlig. Det var ikke verdt det du betalte dem for 20 dollar for en øl og en blanding av alkohol i et SMÅ glass. Man får vel det man betaler for. Vi betalte en person for det privilegium å bli avvist. Danser om man vil tjene penger later som om man vil være der og se alle ikke bare de man tror man vil tjene mer penger. Jeg har vært på bedre strippeklubber og vil ta min business der. VANS: - - negativ - positive
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I was with another couple, and you thought we had a disease or something. I was just not friendly. It wasn't worth what you paid them for 20 bucks for a beer and a mix of alcohol in a SMALL glass. I guess you get what you pay for. We paid a person for the privilege of rejection. Dances if you want to make money pretend you want to be there and see not just the ones you think you want to make more money. I've been to better strip clubs and I want to do my business there. VANS: - negative - positive