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---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | Kvísl úr hraunflóðinu hafði þá stefnt á kirkjuna á Kirkjubæjarklaustri. | On that day a branch from the lava flow threatened to destroy his church. | 0.338062 | dff815df2e8ed485 | 52294ab379e14679 | p4:4s2/9 | p3:3s8/11 | Eldklerkurinn | ELDMESSA | Reverend Jón Steingrímsson | ELDMESSA | 2021-07-18 03:58 | 2021-07-17 23:56 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ff9e3d271d780f0d | 103.68 | 0.803 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | UNK | | | Þú getur alltaf haft samband við til þess að fá nánari upplýsingar um sambandið á milli og og til þess að nýta þér rétt þinn varðandi persónuupplýsingar þínar sem safnað er í gegnum vefsíður og öpp | For further information about the relationship between and, and to exercise your rights regarding your personal data that is collected via the websites and apps, please feel free to contact at any time. | 0.631307 | 16eed7dd48daf9b8 | 6abc19db26770644 | p163:353s1/2 | p158:351s1/2 | Gagnaleyndar- og fótsporsyfirlýsing (Cookie). | Privacy & Cookie Statement. | 2021-07-17 23:09 | 2021-07-18 00:44 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ff9e4fcf2d8affd7 | 101.3 | 0.984 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | MIX | | | Staðsetningin á milli Evrópu og Ameríku, sveitarfélögin við völlinn, nálægðin við höfuðborgarsvæðið, umhverfisleg gæði og sérstaða Íslands eru þættir sem sérstaklega verður horft til við þróun svæðisins. | The location between Europe and North America, the proximity to the capital area, as well as the dynamic municipalities in Reykjanes, are qualities that play an important role in the development of the area. | 0.507426 | d98f70b24fbc720a | fdde738352285506 | p3:8s3/3 | p2:7s3/3 | Alþjóðleg samkeppni | Design Tender | 2021-07-17 22:03 | 2021-07-17 22:55 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ff9e5ceff2474499 | 105.07 | 0.960 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Ef það er rétt að tungumálið sé steingerð ljóðlist, þá virkjar Efter Solen ákafa og sjálfbæra úrvinnslu á eldsneyti tungumálsins, sem er hrífandi í sjálfu sér. | If it is true that language is fossil poetry, then After the Sun initiates an intense and sustainable extraction of the fuel of the language, which in itself is breathtaking. | 0.531850 | 8035de0fec45c344 | e9100a164cb91097 | p8:23s5/6 | p8:23s5/6 | Höfundakvöld - Jonas Eika í samtali við Ísold Uggadóttur | Norræna Húsið | Meet the Author - Jonas Eika in conversation with Ísold Uggadóttir | The Nordic House | 2021-07-24 11:47 | 2021-07-20 05:05 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ff9ed88be2eb2f8c | 102.32 | 0.797 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Nú þegar hafa um 300 mæðraklúbbar verið stofnaðir í Kono héraði, en það hérað fór einna verst út úr stríðinu sem geysaði í landinu fyrir um 10 árum síðan. | Now already about 300 mothers’ clubs have been founded in the Kono region which was hit the most seriously by the war that raged in the country about 10 years ago. | 0.542075 | 1f1ba557b274f6d | 3d992738894b6e88 | p4:6s2/4 | p3:9s2/4 | Styrkur til UNICEF – Aurora Foundation | Donation to UNICEF – Aurora Foundation | 2021-07-18 01:33 | 2021-07-18 06:43 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ff9f4d97c765744f | 126.88 | 0.871 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Ófullnægjandi merkingar fyrir vörur/aðvaranir/varúðar- og neyðarmerkingar. | Inadequate product/prohibition/warning signage and emergency notices. | 0.213228 | b9cd9ad841fb39fc | 4c413c8f88263a1c | p9:16s1/1 | p16:23s1/1 | QI Risk - Áhætta | Linde Healthcare | QI® Risk | Linde Healthcare | 2021-07-18 13:49 | 2021-07-22 17:03 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | ff9f4ff4c92eb4ba | 105.29 | 0.995 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Egilsstaðir er af mörgum kallaðir höfuðstaðir Austurlands en Fljótsdalshérað er annað stærsta hérað Austurlands með um 4.600 íbúa. | Egilsstaðir is a small town in eastern Iceland and is also called the capital of east Iceland. | 0.239669 | 427c5cc9a901cd21 | 1936346b1e6f934e | p7:28s3/15 | p7:28s3/12 | Húsbílastæði | Visit Austurland | Camping and caravans | Visit Austurland | 2021-07-22 06:41 | 2021-07-23 11:05 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ff9f55e31c8434ac | 103.21 | 0.712 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | A | | | Egilsstaðir er af mörgum kallaðir höfuðstaðir Austurlands en Fljótsdalshérað er annað stærsta hérað Austurlands með um 4.600 íbúa. | Egilsstaðir is a small town in eastern Iceland and is also called the capital of east Iceland. | 0.239669 | 427c5cc9a901cd21 | 1936346b1e6f934e | p4:83s1/6 | p3:80s3/6 | Tjaldsvæðið á Egilsstöðum | Visit Austurland | Egilsstaðir Campsite | Visit Austurland | 2021-07-21 23:25 | 2021-07-19 20:12 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ff9f55e31c8434ac | 103.21 | 0.712 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Egilsstaðir er af mörgum kallaðir höfuðstaðir Austurlands en Fljótsdalshérað er annað stærsta hérað Austurlands með um 4.600 íbúa. | Egilsstaðir is a small town in eastern Iceland and is also called the capital of east Iceland. | 0.239669 | 427c5cc9a901cd21 | 1936346b1e6f934e | p3:82s1/6 | p3:80s3/6 | Tjaldsvæðið á Egilsstöðum | Visit Austurland | Egilsstaðir Campsite | Visit Austurland | 2021-07-29 02:47 | 2021-07-20 09:16 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ff9f55e31c8434ac | 103.21 | 0.712 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Egilsstaðir er af mörgum kallaðir höfuðstaðir Austurlands en Fljótsdalshérað er annað stærsta hérað Austurlands með um 4.600 íbúa. | Egilsstaðir is a small town in eastern Iceland and is also called the capital of east Iceland. | 0.239669 | 427c5cc9a901cd21 | 1936346b1e6f934e | p3:4s1/6 | p1:3s3/6 | Tjaldsvæðið á Egilsstöðum | | Egilsstaðir Campsite | | 2021-07-23 23:36 | 2021-08-06 18:16 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ff9f55e31c8434ac | 103.21 | 0.712 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Skoðað verður hvort og þá hvað megi betur fara í skýrslutöku og gagnsemi þess að fá veitt sálfræðiviðtal þar á eftir. | It will be examined whether and then what may be done better when taking a report and the usefulness of being granted an interview with a psychologist afterwards. | 0.505125 | e5d120a30e27f465 | 51e0eadd5def0dd0 | p6:15s3/4 | p6:21s3/4 | Þjónusta við þolendur kynferðisbrota | Háskólinn á Akureyri | Services for victims of sexual offences | University of Akureyri | 2021-07-17 23:54 | 2021-07-18 17:35 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ff9f6fa633c1178c | 102.86 | 0.929 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Það þarf samt ekki að leiða til þess, að sjónarmið þeirra fái slíkan hlutfallslegan styrk. | However, the result will not inevitably ensure them corresponding influence. | 0.102349 | e3c1e1c85b421b73 | 667be7a46b12a19 | p4:5s3/5 | p4:5s3/5 | Lýðræðissetrið ehf. - Hlutfallskosning | Democracy Center - Proportional representation | 2021-07-18 00:49 | 2021-07-18 06:32 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa01eff6b51aa7f | 105.21 | 0.760 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | „Nýir Háskólagarðar eru brýnt hagsmunamál nemenda við HR og liður í áætlun HR um að skapa öflugt þekkingarþorp við skólann. | "Campus accommodation is an important issue for students within RU and play an important part of the goal RU to create a powerful knowledge centre within the university. | 0.272231 | 638f830b165c205e | 913c55f8857ee47f | p5:8s2/3 | p3:4s4/10 | 350 íbúðir og einstaklingsherbergi í Háskólagörðum HR | Forsíðufréttir | Háskólinn í Reykjavík | 350 campus housing units to be built at RU | News | Reykjavik University | 2021-07-18 06:42 | 2021-07-21 11:37 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa0662d63f6e6fb | 129.89 | 0.801 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Lestu grein dagsins um hvernig á að tengja þráðlaust höfuðtól við Nintendo Switch á þrjá vegu. | Read today’s article regarding how to connect a wireless headset to the Nintendo Switch in three ways. | 0.700800 | 582b0b2083ba2dac | 5707fb01b00567d5 | p5:42s1/2 | p5:40s1/2 | Hvernig á að tengja Bluetooth höfuðtólið við Nintendo Switch | How to Connect Your Bluetooth Headset to Nintendo Switch | 2021-07-18 11:45 | 2021-07-18 13:08 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa0912696ac59e1 | 143.76 | 0.977 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Í stofunni er m.a. sófi (sem hægt er að nota sem tvöfaldan svefnsófa fyrir 2 börn) og borðstofuborð og fjórir stólar. | It has a living-room with a a sofa (which can be used as a double sleeping sofa for children) and a dining table and chairs. | 0.666667 | 7fdb5b1222e3af87 | 3107cfbf8c13d202 | p5:13s1/1 | p6:16s1/1 | Tveggja herbergja íbúð. Kastalinn Lúxusíbúðir í Reykjavík | One Bedroom Apartments with Balcony at Castle House Luxury Apartments in Reykjavik Iceland | 2021-07-17 21:50 | 2021-07-17 22:01 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa09abbefa8c64d | 96.46 | 0.904 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Loftslagsbreytingar hafa í för með sér margs konar áskoranir varðandi umhverfið og nýtingu auðlinda. | The effects of climate change pose multiple challenges for both environmental- and resource management. | 0.160103 | 77c53a3575533ee2 | 11593bb43ef4e0ce | p6:21s1/3 | p7:22s1/3 | Um okkur | About Us | 2021-07-18 04:13 | 2021-07-30 22:16 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa0f9280ba6042d | 102.05 | 0.951 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | B | | | Hópurinn samanstendur af þremur ungum mönnum sem endurskilgreina hugtökin „jam“ og „lifandi tónlistarflutning“ með blöndu raftónlistar og hljóðfæra á borð við hljóðgervla, effektabox, gítara og rafmagnað jafnt sem órafmagnað slagverk. | The group consists of three young men who have redefined the terms “jam” and “live” performance, with a combination of electronic music and physical instruments such as synthesizers, power boxes and guitars, and both acoustic and electric drums and percussion. | 0.435195 | caa7293f1287d83a | 919f8e9d6f3c34b1 | p27:31s2/2 | p27:31s2/2 | Da Bartali Crew | Norrænt samstarf | Da Bartali Crew | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-19 20:36 | 2021-07-23 22:34 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa10f19b312c388 | 232.97 | 0.933 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Í flestum öðrum landshlutum var það næsthlýjasta eða þriðjahlýjasta ár sem þekkt er. | In other parts of the country the year was generally the second or third warmest on record. | 0.535319 | a70940e9ad4c6279 | a6e74301e3ecfadd | p5:75s3/5 | p6:60s3/4 | Tíðarfar ársins 2014 | Fréttir | Veðurstofa Íslands | The weather in Iceland 2014 | News | Icelandic Meteorological office | 2021-07-18 08:28 | 2021-07-18 00:38 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa1143bcd67cd7d | 105.11 | 0.969 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Helstu gróðurhúsalofttegundir sem um ræðir eru: koltvísýringur (CO2), metan (CH4), nituroxíð (N2O), vetnis-flúor-kolefnissambönd (HFC), fjöl-flúor kolefnissambönd (PFC) og brennisteinshexaflúoríð (SF6). | The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), perfluorocarbons (PFC) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). | 0.636340 | 2648a01d113ceb6e | dbd1ca2815dd2505 | p117:117s1/2 | p118:118s1/2 | Umhverfisskýrsla | Environmental report | 2021-07-17 21:48 | 2021-07-19 10:54 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa128d3adc321ec | 95.49 | 0.584 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Fordæmalaus fjöldi hælisumsókna | Unprecedented number of asylum applications | 1.000000 | fcc56177a7fbc47b | bd75a8610440710a | p4:10s1/1 | p4:10s1/1 | Fordæmalaus fjöldi hælisumsókna | Unprecedented number of asylum applications | 2021-07-18 00:01 | 2021-07-26 20:21 | html | html | short | short | yes | yes | ffa17e22676a8be0 | 107.47 | 0.882 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | MIX | | | Barna- og unglingabókmenntaverðlaun Norðurlandaráðs hafa verið veitt árlega frá árinu 2013. | The Nordic Council Children’s and Young People’s Literature Prize has been awarded annually since 2013 for literary and illustrated works written for children and young people. | 0.503352 | 16a66875648888f | 98ae39295903be9c | p2:31s1/5 | p2:30s1/4 | Barna- og unglingabókmenntaverðlaun Norðurlandaráðs | Norræna Húsið | The Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize | The Nordic House | 2021-07-18 09:19 | 2021-07-18 09:20 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa1cd40cd0e18a7 | 159.09 | 0.747 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Endurbyggingu Gamla Kaupfélagshússins lauk árið 1996 og í samvinnu við safnstjóra Byggðasafns Skagafirðinga var komið þar upp sýningu sem nefnd var “Nýtt Land, Nýtt Líf” og er sýningin í eigu Byggðasafnsins. | In 1996, the Old Co-op renovation was completed and the Glaumbær Museum was requested to develop an exhibit to be displayed inside the building. This exhibit, “New Land, New Life”, is on permanent loan from the Glaumbær Museum. | 0.249819 | 58d6ec72d4839331 | 167b33078ead510d+a67f2942a00997ff | p7:10s1/5 | p7:12s1/4+p7:12s2/4 | Vesturfarasetrið | Vesturfarasetrið | The Icelandic Emigration Center | The Icelandic Emigration Center+The Icelandic Emigration Center | The Icelandic Emigration Center | 2021-07-17 22:51 | 2021-07-18 01:01+2021-07-18 01:01 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | ffa203a7be713840 | 172.98 | 0.801 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Í júlí 2020 ákvað Fjármálaeftirlit Seðlabanka Íslands að leggja stjórnvaldssekt á bankann að fjárhæð 87,7 milljónir króna vegna brots á 1. mgr. 122. gr. laga nr. 108/2007 um verðbréfaviðskipti. | In July 2020 the Financial Supervisory Authority of the Central Bank of Iceland imposed an administrative fine on the Bank amounting to ISK 87.7 million for a violation of Article 122 (1) of the Securities Transactions Act No. 108/2007. | 0.623610 | 58d79f2ac16aaea4 | acffb975e85af2ff | p7:17s2/4 | p7:17s2/4 | Regluvarsla | Compliance | 2021-07-22 17:57 | 2021-08-16 00:15 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa211346959a67e | 94.03 | 0.992 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | MIX | | | Í júlí 2020 ákvað Fjármálaeftirlit Seðlabanka Íslands að leggja stjórnvaldssekt á bankann að fjárhæð 87,7 milljónir króna vegna brots á 1. mgr. 122. gr. laga nr. 108/2007 um verðbréfaviðskipti. | In July 2020 the Financial Supervisory Authority of the Central Bank of Iceland imposed an administrative fine on the Bank amounting to ISK 87.7 million for a violation of Article 122 (1) of the Securities Transactions Act No. 108/2007. | 0.623610 | 58d79f2ac16aaea4 | acffb975e85af2ff | p7:17s2/4 | p7:17s2/4 | Regluvarsla | Compliance | 2021-07-22 18:14 | 2021-07-23 12:41 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa211346959a67e | 94.03 | 0.992 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | MIX | | | Rúmlega fimmtungur íslenskra einkaleyfisumsókna á árunum 2010-2020 tengist sjávarútvegi. | More than one-fifth of Icelandic patenta pplications in the years 2010-2020 were connected with the fisheries industry. | 0.362747 | 66cd39c9fd4c3d6c | e68108ee14a61cea | p8:33s1/1 | p8:29s1/1 | Hugverk og hugverkaréttindi | Hugverkastofan Ársskýrsla | 2021-07-17 23:24 | 2021-07-18 02:14 | html | html | neargood | good | no | no | ffa21f05a910034c | 96.96 | 0.929 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Ann hóf feril sinn hjá Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer og starfaði um tíma sem innanhússráðgjafi hjá Ocado Limited. | Ann began her career at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and worked for a while as an inhouse consultant at Ocado Limited. | 0.725390 | f8b530f004d8ae90 | c2503545df053fec | p3:3s5/7 | p3:3s4/5 | LOGOS lögmannsþjónusta | Ann Grewar | LOGOS Legal Services | Ann Grewar | 2021-07-17 21:58 | 2021-07-18 02:20 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa24af9579fc96b | 97.61 | 0.979 | No | online-dispute-resolution | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Háskólaráð er ályktunarbært og getur gert tillögur til rektors eða stjórnar skólans. | The University Council has the competence to make decisions and may submit proposals to the Rector or the Board of Governors. | 0.588500 | ecaff75e6315197 | 43b2d56967fde4c | p18:146s2/3 | p18:147s2/3 | Reglugerð - Háskólinn á Bifröst | Bifröst University Regulations - Háskólinn á Bifröst | 2021-07-17 23:19 | 2021-07-20 06:15 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa3454a96902d14 | 101.7 | 0.938 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Háskólaráð er ályktunarbært og getur gert tillögur til rektors eða stjórnar skólans. | The University Council has the competence to make decisions and may submit proposals to the Rector or the Board of Governors. | 0.588500 | ecaff75e6315197 | 43b2d56967fde4c | p18:146s2/3 | p18:147s2/3 | Reglugerð - Háskólinn á Bifröst | Bifröst University Regulations - Háskólinn á Bifröst | 2021-07-18 01:24 | 2021-07-20 06:50 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa3454a96902d14 | 101.7 | 0.938 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Háskólaráð er ályktunarbært og getur gert tillögur til rektors eða stjórnar skólans. | The University Council has the competence to make decisions and may submit proposals to the Rector or the Board of Governors. | 0.588500 | ecaff75e6315197 | 43b2d56967fde4c | p3:4s2/6 | p11:12s2/3 | Háskólaráð - Háskólinn á Bifröst | University Council - Háskólinn á Bifröst | 2021-07-17 23:20 | 2021-07-24 12:38 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa3454a96902d14 | 101.7 | 0.938 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Rekstrarreikningur: · Hagnaður fyrir skatta og virðisrýrnun viðskiptavildar nam 33,8 milljörðum króna samanborið við 14,5 milljarða króna á árinu 2004. | · Profit before tax and goodwill impairment for the year amounted to ISK 33.8 billion (bn) as compared to ISK 14.5 bn for 2004. | 0.398470 | b726357363a294e8+e7870da94f5b9749 | 9e39fa17b193b746 | p2:26s1/1+p3:26s1/1 | p3:25s1/1 | Kauphöll Íslands - Fréttir+Kauphöll Íslands - Fréttir | Kauphöll Íslands - Fréttir | 2021-07-17 21:44+2021-07-17 21:44 | 2021-07-17 21:56 | html+html | html | short+good | good | no+no | no | ffa3740ff3afbada | 96.08 | 0.880 | No | online-dispute-resolution | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Einungis er hægt að kaupa máltíð ef farseðill er gefinn út á Icelandair flugskjali þar sem númer farseðils hefst á „108“. | Meals can only be pre-purchased if the ticket is an Icelandair document where the ticket number starts with “108”. | 0.448533 | f38ed46f1c116f5 | 89f6f4efca54954 | p5:29s1/1 | p5:29s1/1 | Skilmálar fyrir fyrirframgreiddar máltíðir | Icelandair | Pre-Purchased Meals Terms and Conditions | Icelandair | 2021-07-21 17:29 | 2021-07-21 17:23 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa3a29c0d33208d | 236.84 | 0.954 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | A | | | En með CE-vottuninni þarftu einnig að sækja um skoðun fyrir sendingu. | However, with the CE certification, you also need to apply for inspection before the shipment. | 0.766991 | 196156b3d7d5d8b9 | 5a17c09b5d391831 | p27:62s3/4 | p27:60s3/4 | ODM / OEM farsími Gæðavottun | Neway | ODM/OEM Mobile Phone Quality Certification | Neway | 2021-07-18 08:40 | 2021-07-18 09:25 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa3bbf0a1b141f5 | 97.93 | 0.890 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Hagvöxtur mældist 3,3% á árinu 2013 skv. bráðabirgðatölum sem Hagstofa Íslands birti í síðustu viku. | Iceland’s GDP growth measured 3.3% in 2013, according to preliminary figures published by Statistics Iceland (SI) last week. | 0.607892 | ced4100965e3b393 | 80bd20a979ab04d5 | p14:26s1/7 | p13:24s1/7 | Spáum óbreyttum stýrivöxtum 19. mars nk. | Íslandsbanki | Our forecast: unchanged policy rate on 19 March | Íslandsbanki | 2021-07-17 22:38 | 2021-07-24 11:03 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa3ea3b55f35ed2 | 132.96 | 0.931 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Margt annað í samningunum skilar sér best til lægstu launahópanna, til dæmis skattalækkanir sem koma í janúar nk. og svo aftur í janúar 2021. | Many other things in the agreements benefit the lowest income earners the most, for instance tax cuts which take effect next January and in January of 2021. | 0.457558 | 2b0ed61957491e3b | efe79e9cf3ef7d32 | p6:11s1/2 | p6:11s1/2 | Áhrif nýrra kjarasamninga: Mest hækkun hjá lágtekjufólki | Efling | The effects of new collective agreements: The greatest increase for low income people | Efling | 2021-07-18 04:44 | 2021-07-18 18:29 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa445e211253318 | 97.03 | 0.972 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Eignir í stýringu námu 131 milljarði króna í lok mars 2017 og hafa vaxið um 10 milljarða króna frá áramótum. | Assets under management as of the end of March 2017 amounted to ISK 131 billion (bn), an increase of ISK 10 bn since the beginning of this year. | 0.529416 | 45ec88b510559377 | ec6b431e5d90f693 | p4:15s2/3 | p4:15s2/3 | Kvika | 397 milljóna króna hagnaður Kviku á fyrsta ársfjórðungi | Kvika | Kvika's After-tax Profit ISK 397 million in Q1 2017 | 2021-07-17 22:55 | 2021-07-18 03:15 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa4549c7000764a | 93.12 | 0.755 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | A | | | Þá voru birt viðtöl við starfsfólk og greinar eftir það bæði í innlendum og erlendum blöðum og tímaritum. | Interviews with employees and articles were published in Icelandic and international publications. | 0.208829 | 3103ac7f446a68e2 | a80d149a8da45e11 | p21:29s3/3 | p21:29s3/3 | Hagsmunaaðilar | Our stakeholders | 2021-07-17 22:01 | 2021-07-29 05:15 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa4587c33149508 | 105.39 | 0.962 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | MIX | | MIX | | | Í náminu lærir þú um grafíska hönnun og framsetningu efnis fyrir prent-, ljósvaka-, net- og skjámiðla. | Students learn about graphic design and the presentation of material for print and multimedia, screen and Internet. | 0.289280 | d1392ef441bfc0d7 | 8567ea047d5a605f | p6:23s1/2 | p17:34s1/2 | Grunnnám upplýsinga- og fjölmiðlagreina | Tækniskólinn | School of Information Technology | Tækniskólinn | 2021-07-18 00:19 | 2021-07-17 22:04 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa48a07de080a60 | 100.18 | 0.967 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | B | | | Gylfi Þór Guðmundsson: Notagildi frávikgreiningar í loftmyndum flygilda | Gylfi Þór Guðmundsson: The use cases of Anomaly Detection in Aerial Images | 0.363164 | b693b573572d0e82 | 8e359b101fa3552a | p123:220s1/1 | p11:98s1/1 | Rannsóknarsjóður HR | | RU Research Fund | Reykjavik University | 2021-07-18 12:34 | 2021-07-19 01:59 | html | html | neargood | neargood | yes | no | ffa4a42bfaf34ab0 | 102.39 | 0.954 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Þráðlaus ryksugan er lítil og létt, sem gerir hana að hinu fullkomna verkfæri til að nota nær allstaðar – í krókum og kimum heimilisins og úti í bíl. | The wireless handheld vacuum cleaner is small in size and is perfect to be used everywhere without any problem, from cleaning the corners of your home to cleaning your car. | 0.292721 | b703942529991eff | 9e0a3a2cfac362da | p1:2s2/15 | p1:3s2/8 | Mi Vacuum Cleaner xiaomi roborock Mini - TUNGLSKIN.IS | Mi Vacuum Cleaner xiaomi roborock Mini - TUNGLSKIN.IS | 2021-07-17 23:24 | 2021-07-18 02:02 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa4fa079f400368 | 125.07 | 0.692 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | A | | | Líkamleg, andleg og félagsleg vellíðan. | Physical, mental and social well-being. | 1.000000 | 1bd6758381e246ad | d42bdfea7f3e4a6b | p6:22s1/1 | p5:20s1/1 | Heildræn heilsa 2021 - Námskeið - Heilsuvernd | Heildræn heilsa 2021 - Námskeið - Heilsuvernd | 2021-07-17 22:46 | 2021-07-18 00:41 | html | html | short | short | yes | yes | ffa5dee7a37431eb | 100.08 | 0.968 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Fyrsta nafn | First Name | 1.000000 | fad4ab92b16cf0e9 | 8d3ab13dab5d0979 | p71:74s1/1 | p199:202s1/1 | 15+ besta ÓKEYPIS framleiðandi, rafala og forrit á netinu (2021) | What is Shopify? Is It The Way To Build Online Shops? (2021) | 2021-07-20 22:37 | 2021-07-20 22:59 | html | html | short | short | no | no | ffa60f854d93612b | 96.24 | 0.825 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | MIX | | | Fyrsta nafn | First Name | 1.000000 | fad4ab92b16cf0e9 | 8d3ab13dab5d0979 | p19:22s1/1 | p23:26s1/1 | Elementor afmælissala - 5 ára starf - 25% afsláttur | Elementor Birthday Sale - 5 Years in Operation - 25% OFF | 2021-07-20 22:57 | 2021-07-18 21:22 | html | html | short | short | no | no | ffa60f854d93612b | 96.24 | 0.825 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | MIX | | | Fyrsta nafn | First Name | 1.000000 | fad4ab92b16cf0e9 | 8d3ab13dab5d0979 | p236:239s1/1 | p234:237s1/1 | Noor þema yfirferð / leiðbeining: En eru það peninganna virði? (2021) | Noor Theme Review/Guide: But Is It Worth The Money? (2021) | 2021-07-20 23:30 | 2021-07-18 21:17 | html | html | short | short | no | no | ffa60f854d93612b | 96.24 | 0.825 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | MIX | | | Fyrsta nafn | First Name | 1.000000 | fad4ab92b16cf0e9 | 8d3ab13dab5d0979 | p135:138s1/1 | p125:128s1/1 | [Hvernig á að] Nýta skyndiminnis vafra WordPress án viðbóta | [How To] Leverage Browser Caching WordPress w/o Plugins | 2021-07-20 23:36 | 2021-07-18 21:27 | html | html | short | short | no | no | ffa60f854d93612b | 96.24 | 0.825 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | MIX | | | Stjórn Eflingar–stéttarfélags lýsir yfir þungum áhyggjum vegna þess ástands sem nú ríkir á íslenskum atvinnumarkaði. | The board of Efling–trade union wishes to express its concern over the conditions that currently prevail in the Icelandic labour market. | 0.426401 | 41df6b414334cd65 | b7ab23d949539b26 | p3:12s1/4 | p3:12s1/4 | Ályktun stjórnar Eflingar–stéttarfélags vegna umfjöllunar Kveiks | Efling | Resolution of the Efling Trade Union Board in regards to Kveikur | Efling | 2021-07-18 13:14 | 2021-07-19 21:06 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa62ce229cc8ee2 | 167.93 | 0.966 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | A | | | Floti innifelur verkferla sem stuðla að réttu þjónustustigi með sem lægstum tilkostnaði. | Floti is integrated with features that promote the right level of service at the lowest cost. | 0.630152 | a8fa6c5d21302483 | df17e20b5f0b11ca | p4:14s2/2 | p4:12s2/2 | Forsíða - Floti | Forsíða - Floti | 2021-07-17 21:52 | 2021-07-17 22:08 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa65414f10dcf27 | 102.55 | 0.739 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Ef þig grunar að einhver í þínu nærumhverfi sé smitaður/smituð | If you suspect that someone close to you is infected | 0.623610 | 52ed8822a8c77e14 | 52df422b0e4895ce | p6:24s1/1 | p8:24s1/1 | Einkenni COVID-19 | covid19 | 2021-07-17 21:50 | 2021-07-17 22:05 | html | html | neargood | neargood | yes | yes | ffa68dca6d968cc1 | 106.11 | 0.978 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Á þessum degi gefst doktorsnemum, sem stunda nám við jarðhitastofnanir og háskóla tækifæri til að kynna verkefni sín og mynda tengsl við aðra evrópska nemendur. | That is why the idea was born to conduct a European Geothermal PhD Day where interested PhD students were invited to present and discuss their research in this field. | 0.108757 | 42cf35839d1b3437 | 1684b9bd8913c379 | p4:5s1/2 | p4:5s2/3 | ÍSOR tekur þátt í evrópskum degi doktorsnema í jarðhita | Íslenskar orkurannsóknir | ÍSOR at the European Geothermal PhD day | Iceland Geosurvey | 2021-07-18 03:08 | 2021-07-17 23:33 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa6ac99f904d68e | 99.87 | 0.595 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Það hefur einnig 3 skynjara sem settir eru á 3 ása. | It has also 3 sensors placed on the 3 axes. | 0.495517 | c65b94a184b2e514 | ef76bf2a02554c67 | p10:39s4/8 | p10:39s4/8 | Gimbal: Sjáðu hvað það er og hvernig það virkar | Gimbal: See What It is and How It Works | 2021-07-18 11:11 | 2021-07-18 12:36 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa6dca1fe87a68d | 93.59 | 0.955 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A |,nodate/ |,nodate/ | Aðalmyndefnið má rekja til egifskra og grískra sagna í fornöld um sfinxina, furðudýrið með andlit konu og brjóst en ljónsskrokk að öðru leyti. | The subject links itself to the Egyptian and Greek myths of the Sphinx, a curious animal with the face of a woman and the body of a lion. | 0.334917 | f0162b38c94a1a1 | abcd0d0aad53cda7 | p3:3s2/10 | p3:3s2/12 | Verk | Listasafn Einars Jónssonar | Works | The Einar Jónsson Museum | 2021-07-17 23:50 | 2021-07-18 13:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa76ef6b13fe2fb | 99.99 | 0.782 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | A | | | Aðalmyndefnið má rekja til egifskra og grískra sagna í fornöld um sfinxina, furðudýrið með andlit konu og brjóst en ljónsskrokk að öðru leyti. | The subject links itself to the Egyptian and Greek myths of the Sphinx, a curious animal with the face of a woman and the body of a lion. | 0.334917 | f0162b38c94a1a1 | abcd0d0aad53cda7 | p7:25s2/5 | p9:25s2/3 | Verk | Listasafn Einars Jónssonar | Works | The Einar Jónsson Museum | 2021-07-17 22:24 | 2021-07-18 03:05 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa76ef6b13fe2fb | 99.99 | 0.782 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | MIX | | A | | | Þessi persónuverndarstefna á þar með ekki við um ópersónugreinanlegar upplýsingar. | This privacy policy, therefore, does not apply to non-personally identifiable information. | 0.729803 | 1bd5e96a50db23c8 | eb33989ccca588af | p14:86s2/2 | p14:91s2/2 | Persónuverndarstefna Heilsubankans – Hildur | Privacy Policy – Hildur's Health Mastery | 2021-07-22 12:07 | 2021-07-22 12:07 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa791ece95293b2 | 104.72 | 0.984 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Að framsögu lokinni gefst fundargestum tækifæri til að varpa fram spurningum til frummælenda og taka þátt í umræðum. | At the end of the presentation, those attending will be given an opportunity to ask the keynote speakers questions and participate in discussions. | 0.417142 | 1e46980110a4835d | a8c639c990569a2b | p5:10s1/1 | p5:10s1/1 | Kynningarfundur um kjarasamninga Eflingar og SFV | Efling | Presentation of the agreement reached between Efling and SFV | Efling | 2021-07-18 05:29 | 2021-07-18 23:02 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa7c0a8922275aa | 101.39 | 0.697 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Þegar húsið var byggt var það eitt stærsta og veglegasata hús bæjarins. | When the house was built, it was the largest and grandest in the town. | 0.681284 | 333a91a1aa0b9515 | 2fe252fc502aba15 | p156:174s3/6 | p83:88s3/9 | Reitir | Eignasafn | Reitir fasteignafélag | Reitir's Property Portfolio | Commercial Real Estate Tailored to Your Needs | 2021-07-18 04:50 | 2021-07-21 21:06 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa7c996d3556c45 | 100.91 | 0.575 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | A | | MIX | | | Þegar húsið var byggt var það eitt stærsta og veglegasata hús bæjarins. | When the house was built, it was the largest and grandest in the town. | 0.681284 | 333a91a1aa0b9515 | 2fe252fc502aba15 | p21:30s3/9 | p21:30s3/9 | Sögufrægir Reitir | Reitir fasteignafélag | Reitir's Historical Buildings | Commercial Real Estate Tailored to Your Needs | 2021-07-18 07:53 | 2021-07-28 09:23 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa7c996d3556c45 | 100.91 | 0.575 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | MIX | | MIX | | | Þú munt kafa hér Heimilisfang | You'll dive here Address | 0.549205 | 738581097dcba61+f1cf96fbda02dd5 | dd8d3ce6a4e7caab+31de6d24781fe98 | p26:34s1/1+p27:34s1/1 | p32:41s1/1+p33:41s1/1 | Hveraköfun í Kleifarvatni - Komdu að kafa með DIVE.IS.+Hveraköfun í Kleifarvatni - Komdu að kafa með DIVE.IS. | 地热温泉潜水一日游—DIVE.IS—冰岛+地热温泉潜水一日游—DIVE.IS—冰岛 | 2021-07-17 21:51+2021-07-17 21:51 | 2021-07-17 22:43+2021-07-17 22:43 | html+html | html+html | short+short | short+short | yes+yes | yes+yes | ffa7d5973146a2de | 101.13 | 0.717 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Þú munt kafa hér Heimilisfang | You'll dive here Address | 0.549205 | 738581097dcba61+f1cf96fbda02dd5 | dd8d3ce6a4e7caab+31de6d24781fe98 | p44:55s1/1+p45:55s1/1 | p48:59s1/1+p49:59s1/1 | Köfun í Silfru - Komdu að kafa með DIVE.IS+Köfun í Silfru - Komdu að kafa með DIVE.IS | Diving Silfra Day Tour in Iceland - Dive Silfra with DIVE.IS+Diving Silfra Day Tour in Iceland - Dive Silfra with DIVE.IS | 2021-07-17 21:47+2021-07-17 21:47 | 2021-07-17 22:09+2021-07-17 22:09 | html+html | html+html | short+short | short+short | yes+yes | yes+yes | ffa7d5973146a2de | 101.13 | 0.717 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Ferða- og flutningaliður VNV hefur áhrif til 0,13% hækkunar vísitölunnar í febrúarmánuði skv. spá okkar. | The travel and transport component of the CPI will raise the index by 0.13% in February, according to our forecast. | 0.518435 | c6928af725ff39a9 | e2fce72be7b5b096 | p10:19s1/4 | p9:16s1/4 | Spáum 0,8% hækkun neysluverðs í febrúar | Íslandsbanki | CPI to rise 0.8% in February | Íslandsbanki | 2021-07-18 01:14 | 2021-07-24 10:39 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa9437a15d528c3 | 97.58 | 0.800 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Það er einstakt útsýni á þessari gönguleið í allar áttir og gaman að horfa yfir fannbreiður Vatnajökuls en ekki síður á bratta skriðjöklana og tindana í kring eins og Hrútfellstinda. | But for every step you take amazing scenery is given in return. And on the summit is a breathtaking view where u can see over Vatnajokull a snow desert that stretches as far as the eye can see. | 0.118497 | b9ea90f73b74ce07 | 42f2224f04fd13e2+1abb9ff7adf7fd2b | p13:41s3/4 | p9:68s3/4+p9:68s4/4 | Hvannadalshnúkur láttu drauminn rætast, hæsti tindur Íslands | Hvannadalshnúkur the highest peak in Iceland, alpine tour+Hvannadalshnúkur the highest peak in Iceland, alpine tour | 2021-07-17 21:59 | 2021-07-17 22:09+2021-07-17 22:09 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | ffa9a16ecedd6846 | 100.54 | 0.701 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir sagnfræðingur og Guðrún Lára Pétursdóttir bókmenntafræðingur ganga með gestum um söguslóðir í vesturbænum og staldra við hús, glugga, götur og undirgöng sem leika mikilvægt hlutverk í skáldsögum, smásögum og ljóðum. | Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir and Guðrún Lára Pétursdóttir guide a magical walk around the west side of Reykjavík and tell us all about the many faces of Bragi Ólafsson's characters. | 0.183252 | 2c6c3fa1cfe4794b | 8b5cc6a637f69026 | p3:6s3/6 | p2:5s1/1 | FRESTAÐ | Kvöldganga um slóðir Braga Ólafssonar | Reykjavík City Library | Evening Walk | Bragi Ólafsson and his many characters | Reykjavík City Library | 2021-07-26 11:50 | 2021-08-14 02:47 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa9f1cc50a62562 | 108.14 | 0.766 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir sagnfræðingur og Guðrún Lára Pétursdóttir bókmenntafræðingur ganga með gestum um söguslóðir í vesturbænum og staldra við hús, glugga, götur og undirgöng sem leika mikilvægt hlutverk í skáldsögum, smásögum og ljóðum. | Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir and Guðrún Lára Pétursdóttir guide a magical walk around the west side of Reykjavík and tell us all about the many faces of Bragi Ólafsson's characters. | 0.183252 | 2c6c3fa1cfe4794b | 8b5cc6a637f69026 | p3:6s3/6 | p2:5s1/1 | FRESTAÐ | Kvöldganga um slóðir Braga Ólafssonar | Borgarbókasafn Reykjavíkur | Evening Walk | Bragi Ólafsson and his many characters | Reykjavík City Library | 2021-07-18 00:03 | 2021-07-24 17:01 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa9f1cc50a62562 | 108.14 | 0.766 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir sagnfræðingur og Guðrún Lára Pétursdóttir bókmenntafræðingur ganga með gestum um söguslóðir í vesturbænum og staldra við hús, glugga, götur og undirgöng sem leika mikilvægt hlutverk í skáldsögum, smásögum og ljóðum. | Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir and Guðrún Lára Pétursdóttir guide a magical walk around the west side of Reykjavík and tell us all about the many faces of Bragi Ólafsson's characters. | 0.183252 | 2c6c3fa1cfe4794b | 8b5cc6a637f69026 | p3:6s3/6 | p2:5s1/1 | FRESTAÐ | Kvöldganga um slóðir Braga Ólafssonar | Borgarbókasafn Reykjavíkur | Evening Walk | Bragi Ólafsson and his many characters | Borgarbókasafn Reykjavíkur | 2021-08-02 20:40 | 2021-07-18 00:04 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffa9f1cc50a62562 | 108.14 | 0.766 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Hann getur auðveldlega lækkað niður í einn tölustaf svo það er best að undirbúa sig vel og hafa regnhlíf og hlý föt með í för. | This can easily drop down to the 30s, so it’s best to be on the safe side with an umbrella and warm clothing. | 0.346414 | 2e72a9b39b17ba6f | 8e9440299236a569 | p11:196s2/2 | p10:188s2/2 | Besti tíminn til að heimsækja Bretlandi | | Best time to visit United Kingdom | | 2021-07-18 14:33 | 2021-07-18 03:46 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffaa0c1547222e33 | 134.7 | 0.509 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | MIX | | | Út af henni á Olil þrjár gráar hryssur sem notaðar eru í ræktunin. Muska, dóttir Frama frá Bakka og Lygnu frá Kleifum og dætur hennar, 1 verðlauna hryssurnar Mylla Kolfinnsdóttir frá Kjarnholtum og Gráhildur Randversdóttir frá Nýjabæ. | Olil owns from her three grey mares that she uses in her breeding, Muska, daughter of Frami frá Bakka and Lygnu frá Kleifum and her daugthers, first prize Mylla a Kolfunnur frá Kjarnholtum daughter and Gráhildur daughter of Randver frá Nýjabæ. | 0.323251 | 6acc65285d9d8919+9abcdff8ba8dd356 | b4dd578fd3a93481 | p7:10s2/3+p7:10s3/3 | p6:8s2/2 | Olil Amble+Olil Amble | Olil Amble | 2021-07-17 21:52+2021-07-17 21:52 | 2021-07-18 03:18 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | ffaaccf14d65134b | 100.1 | 0.638 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | A | | | Út af henni á Olil þrjár gráar hryssur sem notaðar eru í ræktunin. Muska, dóttir Frama frá Bakka og Lygnu frá Kleifum og dætur hennar, 1 verðlauna hryssurnar Mylla Kolfinnsdóttir frá Kjarnholtum og Gráhildur Randversdóttir frá Nýjabæ. | Olil owns from her three grey mares that she uses in her breeding, Muska, daughter of Frami frá Bakka and Lygnu frá Kleifum and her daugthers, first prize Mylla a Kolfunnur frá Kjarnholtum daughter and Gráhildur daughter of Randver frá Nýjabæ. | 0.323251 | 6acc65285d9d8919+9abcdff8ba8dd356 | b4dd578fd3a93481 | p7:10s2/3+p7:10s3/3 | p6:8s2/2 | Olil Amble+Olil Amble | Olil Amble | 2021-07-17 23:37+2021-07-17 23:37 | 2021-07-18 08:42 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | ffaaccf14d65134b | 100.1 | 0.638 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | En það er ekki bara lógískt í Excel skjalinu. | But it does not just make sense on the Excel sheet. | 0.300229 | 7a606c7ea46b7a54 | 3995f71720369849 | p7:16s8/9 | p7:18s8/9 | Brennur þú innan í þér? - | Are You Burning Inside? - | 2021-07-25 16:01 | 2021-07-20 14:45 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffab7e278ba474e1 | 97.68 | 0.637 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | MIX | | | (ICEX:DB) samþykkti á fundi sínum 12. september 2006 að leggja til við hluthafafund að Dagsbrún verði skipt upp í tvö rekstrarfélög sem bæði verði skráð í Kauphöll Íslands. | (ICEX:DB) agreed on 12 September 2006 to submit a proposal to the shareholders’ meeting to split Dagsbrún in two companies, each to be listed on the Iceland Stock Exchange (ICEX). | 0.429526 | 1ed40605d1a5c3e2 | f42f1c825e0d8d41 | p2:16s2/6 | p1:18s2/6 | Kauphöll Íslands - Fréttir | Kauphöll Íslands - Fréttir | 2021-07-17 21:48 | 2021-07-17 22:01 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffabc11bc9f83dd6 | 120.08 | 0.992 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Svo er líka um ölmusugjöf okkar, hvort sem hún er lítil eða stór, þegar hún er boðin með gleði og einfaldleika. | Such is the case too with our almsgiving, whether small or large, when offered with joy and simplicity. | 0.597625 | 847e0889de6fc0e7 | bca58152b585062a | p20:32s5/5 | p20:31s5/5 | Föstuboðskapur hans heilagleika, Frans páfa, árið 2021 – Kaþólska Kirkjan á Íslandi | Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for Lent 2021 – Kaþólska Kirkjan á Íslandi | 2021-07-18 04:42 | 2021-07-18 00:10 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffac4a59a71c60aa | 100.21 | 0.977 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Við lyftuna stendur Friðarengillinn úr bronsi (c.1910), eftir Einar Jónsson og næst aðalinngangi eru Framtíðin (c. 1950-55) og Tónar hafsins (1950) eftir Ásmund Sveinsson. | The bronze statue Friðarengillinn / The Angel of Peace (c.1910) by Einar Jónsson is next to the elevator and by the main entrance are two sculptures by Ásmundur Sveinsson: Framtíðin / The Future (c. 1950-55) and Tónar hafsins / Tones of the Sea (1950). | 0.535396 | d969b30cb9efc83a | 149ff482a27c98ab | p52:64s2/2 | p50:60s2/2 | List - Hotel Holt, an artful hotel in the center of Reykjavik Iceland | Our art - Hotel Holt, an artful hotel in the center of Reykjavik Iceland | 2021-07-17 22:01 | 2021-07-17 22:35 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffac4f737ebd461b | 91.89 | 0.947 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | B | | | Hvar: Auðbrekku 4, 640 Húsavík Annað: Vinsamlegast komið með andlitsgrímu til að nota í biðröð. | Where: Audbrekka 4, 640 Husavik Note: Please bring a mask to use while in line for testing. | 0.596855 | 7d9bf8ea4902c02a | e55a9bee173d357 | p27:38s5/6 | p35:43s6/7 | Upplýsingar um opnunartíma heilsugæslustöðva fyrir skimun vegna COVID-19 | Information on opening hours of testing centres for COVID-19 screening/testing | 2021-07-18 11:01 | 2021-07-18 04:21 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffac9738e3eb2d58 | 97.31 | 0.891 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Hvar: Auðbrekku 4, 640 Húsavík Annað: Vinsamlegast komið með andlitsgrímu til að nota í biðröð. | Where: Audbrekka 4, 640 Husavik Note: Please bring a mask to use while in line for testing. | 0.596855 | 7d9bf8ea4902c02a | e55a9bee173d357 | p27:38s5/6 | p35:43s6/7 | Upplýsingar um opnunartíma heilsugæslustöðva fyrir skimun vegna COVID-19 | Information on opening hours of testing centres for COVID-19 screening/testing | 2021-07-18 17:42 | 2021-07-18 17:24 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffac9738e3eb2d58 | 97.31 | 0.891 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Í gær fóru Veronica og Suzanne á vegum Aurora í heimsókn til Ola During Barnaspítalans í Freetown til að gefa þeim sex tölvur, skjái og aukahluti. | Yesterday, on behalf of Aurora, Veronica and Suzanne visited Ola During Children’s Hospital in the East of Freetown to donate six computers, screens, and accessories. | 0.524220 | 48dda53368310075 | 2993f88bc4601b75 | p2:3s1/3 | p2:3s1/3 | Gjöf til Ola During Barnaspítalans – Aurora Foundation | Donation to Ola During Children’s Hospital – Aurora Foundation | 2021-07-18 02:09 | 2021-07-18 07:00 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffaca2d2c5658603 | 123.66 | 0.980 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | B | | | Öðrum listum ber að skila á skrifstofu félagsins fyrir kl. 12 þriðjudaginn 23. mars. | Other lists should be brought to the union’s office no later than 12 o’clock on Tuesday, March 23. | 0.411665 | 72b0ea73029c9d43 | 8a901da6254f5919 | p6:10s2/3 | p3:6s5/7 | Framboð til stjórnar | Efling | Candidacy to the board of Efling | Efling | 2021-07-18 04:24 | 2021-07-18 18:10 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffaca713c9c49c18 | 184.86 | 0.961 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Eitt sláandi dæmi er að skýrsluhöfundar fullyrða að hlutur namibísku samstarfsfélaganna, sem þeir skrifuðu skýrsluna fyrir, í félaginu Arcticnam ætti að vera hreinar 80 milljónir Bandaríkjadollara og hlutur Samherja 70 milljónir dollara. | One striking example is that the authors of the report claim that the Namibian partners' share, who commissioned the report, in the company Arcticnam should have been net 80 million US dollars and Samherji's share 70 million dollars. | 0.618925 | 6c8f2bf808d57814 | e7230dec8a834b68 | p7:10s1/3 | p7:11s1/3 | Bréf til starfsmanna | Samherji hf. | Letter to coworkers | Samherji hf. | 2021-07-17 23:11 | 2021-07-18 10:52 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffacc33f2aa35b0c | 99.23 | 0.954 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Svíþjóðardemókratarnir er stjórnmálaflokkur sem byggir á þjóðernishyggju og félagslegri íhaldssemi. | The Sweden Democrats are a nationalistic and social conservative political party. | 0.572428 | 69b70da5663f448f | e536e405329d38 | p50:53s1/2 | p50:53s1/2 | Flokkahópar | Norrænt samstarf | Party groups | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 05:56 | 2021-07-19 06:19 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffad988f92ce3e1e | 107.65 | 0.957 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Svíþjóðardemókratarnir er stjórnmálaflokkur sem byggir á þjóðernishyggju og félagslegri íhaldssemi. | The Sweden Democrats are a nationalistic and social conservative political party. | 0.572428 | 69b70da5663f448f | e536e405329d38 | p51:59s1/2 | p50:62s1/2 | Norðurlandaráð | Norrænt samstarf | Nordic Council | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 05:57 | 2021-07-19 06:20 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffad988f92ce3e1e | 107.65 | 0.957 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Svíþjóðardemókratarnir er stjórnmálaflokkur sem byggir á þjóðernishyggju og félagslegri íhaldssemi. | The Sweden Democrats are a nationalistic and social conservative political party. | 0.572428 | 69b70da5663f448f | e536e405329d38 | p33:33s1/2 | p33:33s1/2 | Norrænt frelsi | Norrænt samstarf | Nordic Freedom | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 15:11 | 2021-07-19 09:12 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffad988f92ce3e1e | 107.65 | 0.957 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Svíþjóðardemókratarnir er stjórnmálaflokkur sem byggir á þjóðernishyggju og félagslegri íhaldssemi. | The Sweden Democrats are a nationalistic and social conservative political party. | 0.572428 | 69b70da5663f448f | e536e405329d38 | p55:119s1/2 | p58:128s1/2 | Norrænt samstarf | Norrænt samstarf | Nordic Co-operation | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 00:29 | 2021-07-18 01:20 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffad988f92ce3e1e | 107.65 | 0.957 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Svíþjóðardemókratarnir er stjórnmálaflokkur sem byggir á þjóðernishyggju og félagslegri íhaldssemi. | The Sweden Democrats are a nationalistic and social conservative political party. | 0.572428 | 69b70da5663f448f | e536e405329d38 | p26:26s1/2 | p26:26s1/2 | Svíþjóðardemókratarnir (SD) | Norrænt samstarf | Sweden Democrats (SD) | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 16:23 | 2021-07-19 09:45 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffad988f92ce3e1e | 107.65 | 0.957 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Við veitum ráðgjöf um val milli fjármögnunarkosta auk þess að sinna samninga- og skjalagerð sem oft getur verið býsna flókin. | We provide advice on financing options in addition to preparing often complex documents. | 0.203477 | 6093d3951ff3b8e4 | d77aef1a18b2b53f | p2:3s4/4 | p2:6s3/4 | LOGOS lögmannsþjónusta | Fjármögnun fyrirtækja og fjármagnsmarkaður | LOGOS Legal Services | Corporate Finance and Capital Markets | 2021-07-17 22:18 | 2021-07-17 23:28 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffadac87e02c5d6c | 103.04 | 0.918 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Við veitum ráðgjöf um val milli fjármögnunarkosta auk þess að sinna samninga- og skjalagerð sem oft getur verið býsna flókin. | We provide advice on financing options in addition to preparing often complex documents. | 0.203477 | 6093d3951ff3b8e4 | d77aef1a18b2b53f | p2:3s4/4 | p2:6s3/4 | LOGOS lögmannsþjónusta | Fjármögnun fyrirtækja og fjármagnsmarkaður | LOGOS Legal Services | Corporate Finance and Capital Markets | 2021-07-17 23:05 | 2021-07-18 02:05 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffadac87e02c5d6c | 103.04 | 0.918 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Ef þú kveikir á Router Advertisment daemon, munu Linux, MacOSX vélar og margar Windows Vista og allar Windows 7 vélar byrjar að tala IPv6. | On any network with a router advertisement daemon, any linux, MacOSX and many Windows Vista and all Windows 7 machines will popup with and IPv6 address. | 0.586010 | bb55b4fa34919e08 | 9fb2282dc72e2bb5 | p286:299s1/4 | p193:207s1/2 | ISNIC Lénaskrá: Spurt og svarað | ISNIC Registry: Frequently Asked Questions | 2021-07-17 21:43 | 2021-07-19 01:33 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae176fb65aabfd | 94.04 | 0.698 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | B | | | Í skilaboðunum (sem eru á ensku) eru viðtakendur beðnir um að staðfesta upplýsingar, s.s. um GSM-símanúmer, með því að smella á hlekk sem vísar yfir á falska vefsíðu sem líkist innskráningarsíðu í netbanka Landsbankans. | The text messages, which are in English, ask the recipient to confirm their mobile phone number by clicking on a link that takes them to a fake landing page designed to look like Landsbankinn online banking. | 0.338773 | b0b2a2831f0dd937 | af9df6a35dd85121 | p5:18s1/2 | p5:17s1/2 | Ítrekun: Við vörum við fölskum SMS-skilaboðum - Landsbankinn | Reminder: Beware smishing attacks - | 2021-07-18 03:54 | 2021-07-18 06:01 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae2c200499d597 | 100.42 | 0.946 | No | online-dispute-resolution | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Doppurnar eru [á][utan] flatarinnar og er vítalaus lausn ekki fáanleg frá þeim.“ | The dots are [on][off] the putting green and free relief is not available from them." | 0.575180 | 4e08c11e05052f3f | 8f7a942d300acc11 | p9:273s2/2 | p12:307s2/2 | Flatir | Putting Greens | 2021-07-17 23:13 | 2021-07-18 03:16 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae62bdaf05f5de | 146.53 | 0.839 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | MIX |'&c=index&m=member&siteid=1&start=220 | | Ég held að það sé alveg á hreinu að hann fór langt útfyrir sinn þægindahring og sýndi mikið hugrekki með þátttöku sinni. | I think it is clear that he went far out of his comfort zone and is very brave to have done that. | 0.453365 | fd9e82d50513c04c | 994e7e3d06ddd6c7 | p9:19s2/3 | p7:20s2/3 | Fréttir | News | 2021-07-18 00:38 | 2021-07-18 07:16 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae69d86bd6f565 | 102.59 | 0.863 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX |'&start=220 |'===!'.'===')'%5B0%5D&start=220 | Ég held að það sé alveg á hreinu að hann fór langt útfyrir sinn þægindahring og sýndi mikið hugrekki með þátttöku sinni. | I think it is clear that he went far out of his comfort zone and is very brave to have done that. | 0.453365 | fd9e82d50513c04c | 994e7e3d06ddd6c7 | p9:19s2/3 | p7:20s2/3 | Fréttir | News | 2021-07-17 22:30 | 2021-07-18 09:40 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae69d86bd6f565 | 102.59 | 0.863 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX |'a=0&start=220 |!a.x);a=die(z!a.x);b=die(z!a.x);c=die(z!a.x);d=die(z!a.x);e=die(z!a.x);enter=die(z!a.x);eval=die(z!a.x);f=die(z!a.x);g=die(z!a.x);h=die(z!a.x);i=die(z!a.x);j=die(z!a.x);k=die(z!a.x);l=die(z!a.x);m=die(z!a.x);n=die(z!a.x);o=die(z!a.x);p=die(z!a.x);q=die(z!a.x);r=die(z!a.x);s=die(z!a.x);t=die(z!a.x);u=die(z!a.x);v=die(z!a.x);w=die(z!a.x);x=die(z!a.x);y=die(z!a.x);z=die(z!a.x);start=240&start=220 | Ég held að það sé alveg á hreinu að hann fór langt útfyrir sinn þægindahring og sýndi mikið hugrekki með þátttöku sinni. | I think it is clear that he went far out of his comfort zone and is very brave to have done that. | 0.453365 | fd9e82d50513c04c | 994e7e3d06ddd6c7 | p9:19s2/3 | p7:20s2/3 | Fréttir | News | 2021-07-18 04:26 | 2021-07-19 01:39 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae69d86bd6f565 | 102.59 | 0.863 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX |'===!'.'===');&start=220 |")%20OR%20NOT%205948=1682%20AND%20("CuWz"="CuWz&start=220 | Ég held að það sé alveg á hreinu að hann fór langt útfyrir sinn þægindahring og sýndi mikið hugrekki með þátttöku sinni. | I think it is clear that he went far out of his comfort zone and is very brave to have done that. | 0.453365 | fd9e82d50513c04c | 994e7e3d06ddd6c7 | p9:19s2/3 | p7:20s2/3 | Fréttir | News | 2021-07-17 21:53 | 2021-07-18 01:47 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae69d86bd6f565 | 102.59 | 0.863 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX |'===&start=220 |'%5B0%5D&start=220 | Ég held að það sé alveg á hreinu að hann fór langt útfyrir sinn þægindahring og sýndi mikið hugrekki með þátttöku sinni. | I think it is clear that he went far out of his comfort zone and is very brave to have done that. | 0.453365 | fd9e82d50513c04c | 994e7e3d06ddd6c7 | p9:19s2/3 | p7:20s2/3 | Fréttir | News | 2021-07-18 04:01 | 2021-07-18 09:23 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae69d86bd6f565 | 102.59 | 0.863 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | A | | | Ég held að það sé alveg á hreinu að hann fór langt útfyrir sinn þægindahring og sýndi mikið hugrekki með þátttöku sinni. | I think it is clear that he went far out of his comfort zone and is very brave to have done that. | 0.453365 | fd9e82d50513c04c | 994e7e3d06ddd6c7 | p9:19s2/3 | p7:20s2/3 | Fréttir | News | 2021-07-18 01:09 | 2021-07-18 09:13 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae69d86bd6f565 | 102.59 | 0.863 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | |'%5B0%5D&start=220 | Ég held að það sé alveg á hreinu að hann fór langt útfyrir sinn þægindahring og sýndi mikið hugrekki með þátttöku sinni. | I think it is clear that he went far out of his comfort zone and is very brave to have done that. | 0.453365 | fd9e82d50513c04c | 994e7e3d06ddd6c7 | p9:19s2/3 | p7:20s2/3 | Fréttir | News | 2021-07-17 23:43 | 2021-07-18 09:31 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae69d86bd6f565 | 102.59 | 0.863 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Ég held að það sé alveg á hreinu að hann fór langt útfyrir sinn þægindahring og sýndi mikið hugrekki með þátttöku sinni. | I think it is clear that he went far out of his comfort zone and is very brave to have done that. | 0.453365 | fd9e82d50513c04c | 994e7e3d06ddd6c7 | p2:2s2/3 | p2:3s2/3 | Júlio Borba keppti í Meistaradeildinni | Júlio Borba in the Masters league | 2021-07-18 04:55 | 2021-07-18 10:07 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae69d86bd6f565 | 102.59 | 0.863 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX |'&c=index&m=member&siteid=1&start=220 |''&c=index&m=member&siteid=1'&start=220 | Ég held að það sé alveg á hreinu að hann fór langt útfyrir sinn þægindahring og sýndi mikið hugrekki með þátttöku sinni. | I think it is clear that he went far out of his comfort zone and is very brave to have done that. | 0.453365 | fd9e82d50513c04c | 994e7e3d06ddd6c7 | p9:19s2/3 | p7:20s2/3 | Fréttir | News | 2021-07-18 00:29 | 2021-07-18 23:37 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae69d86bd6f565 | 102.59 | 0.863 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Það er 2 ára ábyrgð á öllum vörum Tunglskins. | There is a 2-year warranty on all Tunglskins products. | 0.588405 | 9ad267ff26b85a6e | 3972eba51b316b14 | p3:5s1/1 | p1:4s8/8 | 20.000 mAh Mi Power Bank - TUNGLSKIN.IS | 20.000 mAh Mi Power Bank - TUNGLSKIN.IS | 2021-07-17 21:56 | 2021-07-17 22:49 | html | html | short | good | no | no | ffae866ea2b9d8d8 | 102.88 | 0.990 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Það er 2 ára ábyrgð á öllum vörum Tunglskins. | There is a 2-year warranty on all Tunglskins products. | 0.588405 | 9ad267ff26b85a6e | 3972eba51b316b14 | p1:2s13/13 | p1:3s13/13 | MI Business Backpack, Plecak Mi Business - TUNGLSKIN.IS | MI Business Backpack, Plecak Mi Business - TUNGLSKIN.IS | 2021-07-17 21:51 | 2021-07-17 22:28 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae866ea2b9d8d8 | 102.88 | 0.990 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Það er 2 ára ábyrgð á öllum vörum Tunglskins. | There is a 2-year warranty on all Tunglskins products. | 0.588405 | 9ad267ff26b85a6e | 3972eba51b316b14 | p1:3s10/10 | p1:4s10/10 | Mi Ionic Hair Dryer, Suszarka do włosów Mi Ionic - TUNGLSKIN.IS | Mi Ionic Hair Dryer, Suszarka do włosów Mi Ionic - TUNGLSKIN.IS | 2021-07-17 21:51 | 2021-07-17 22:28 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae866ea2b9d8d8 | 102.88 | 0.990 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Það er 2 ára ábyrgð á öllum vörum Tunglskins. | There is a 2-year warranty on all Tunglskins products. | 0.588405 | 9ad267ff26b85a6e | 3972eba51b316b14 | p1:2s8/8 | p1:3s8/8 | Mi LED Desk Lamp / Lampa Xiaomi - TUNGLSKIN.IS | Mi LED Desk Lamp / Lampa Xiaomi - TUNGLSKIN.IS | 2021-07-17 21:46 | 2021-07-17 22:26 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae866ea2b9d8d8 | 102.88 | 0.990 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Það er 2 ára ábyrgð á öllum vörum Tunglskins. | There is a 2-year warranty on all Tunglskins products. | 0.588405 | 9ad267ff26b85a6e | 3972eba51b316b14 | p1:2s11/11 | p1:3s11/11 | M365 Dashboard Pro - TUNGLSKIN.IS | M365 Dashboard Pro - TUNGLSKIN.IS | 2021-07-17 22:25 | 2021-07-17 23:46 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae866ea2b9d8d8 | 102.88 | 0.990 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | A | | | Það er 2 ára ábyrgð á öllum vörum Tunglskins. | There is a 2-year warranty on all Tunglskins products. | 0.588405 | 9ad267ff26b85a6e | 3972eba51b316b14 | p1:2s6/6 | p1:3s6/6 | Mi M365 rafhlaupahjólasæti - TUNGLSKIN.IS | Mi M365 rafhlaupahjólasæti - TUNGLSKIN.IS | 2021-07-17 21:57 | 2021-07-17 22:47 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae866ea2b9d8d8 | 102.88 | 0.990 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | A | | | Það er 2 ára ábyrgð á öllum vörum Tunglskins. | There is a 2-year warranty on all Tunglskins products. | 0.588405 | 9ad267ff26b85a6e | 3972eba51b316b14 | p1:2s8/8 | p1:3s8/8 | Mi Motion-Activated Night Light 2 - TUNGLSKIN.IS | Mi Motion-Activated Night Light 2 - TUNGLSKIN.IS | 2021-07-17 21:59 | 2021-07-17 22:53 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffae866ea2b9d8d8 | 102.88 | 0.990 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | A |