stringlengths 782
|start_header_id| ztuu 64 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put can down', 'put all down', 'throw can'] state:
The Mud Forum
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.
The lantern flickers and goes out.
It is now pitch dark in here! description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| shake lamp reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.
The Mud Forum
This large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, "Exhibit Closed! Danger!" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind.
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| wear glasses reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: You place the glasses on your face; while not a great fit, at least they don't fall off. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| drop all reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: aerosol can: Dropped.
brass lantern: Dropped.
ZM$100000: Dropped.
Multi-Implementeers: Dropped.
cheaply-made sword: True, the sword is not a formidable weapon, but it is the only one you've got. Oh well. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| open lid reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put cover down', 'hold button', 'examine glasses'] state: You lift the cover, revealing a dark, transparent film on which can barely be seen some sort of line drawing. Details are pretty much impossible to discern. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| push button reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: As you push the button, a light shines out from inside the display unit, revealing a transparent film, lit from below. At first, a blurred image appears. Then, after a few moments, an almost magical, three-dimensional scene comes into view: a man with a flattened head stands in the foreground, while directly behind him is a tree. Behind the tree you can clearly see a house, while behind the house, hovering off the ground, is a hot-air balloon. Oddly, the raft appears off to the side, as if not in the scene at all. After getting a good look, you drop the cover and release the button.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| examine symbols reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The symbols, painted on the floor in purple, represent a circle, a square, a triangle and a pentagon. They progress from the center of the room to the display like stepping stones. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| take all reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take cardboard', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put balloon down', 'put tree down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put flathead down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put house down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'push ball to southeast', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put balloon in square', 'put balloon in triangle', 'put balloon in circle', 'put balloon in pentagon', 'put tree in square', 'put tree in triangle', 'put tree in circle', 'put tree in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put raft in square', 'put raft in triangle', 'put raft in circle', 'put raft in pentagon', 'put flathead in square', 'put flathead in triangle', 'put flathead in circle', 'put flathead in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'push ball to tree', 'push ball to square', 'push ball to triangle', 'push ball to glasses', 'push ball to circle', 'push ball to pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put house in square', 'put house in triangle', 'put house in circle', 'put house in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: cheaply-made sword: Taken.
Multi-Implementeers: Taken.
ZM$100000: Taken.
brass lantern: Taken.
aerosol can: Taken.
picture: That's hardly portable.
symbols: That's hardly portable.
tree: Taken.
house: Taken.
hot-air balloon: Taken.
flathead: Taken.
raft: Taken.
Display Unit: That's hardly portable.
sealed door: That's hardly portable.
sign: That's hardly portable. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'flathead', 'hot-air balloon', 'house', 'tree', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| put flathead on circle reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take cardboard', 'take flathead', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put balloon down', 'put tree down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put house down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'push ball to southeast', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower flathead', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw flathead', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put balloon in square', 'put balloon in triangle', 'put balloon in pentagon', 'put tree in square', 'put tree in triangle', 'put tree in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put raft in square', 'put raft in triangle', 'put raft in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'push ball to tree', 'push ball to square', 'push ball to triangle', 'push ball to glasses', 'push ball to pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put house in square', 'put house in triangle', 'put house in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The flathead is now resting in the center of the circle. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'hot-air balloon', 'house', 'tree', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| put tree on square reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take cardboard', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put balloon down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put house down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put balloon in triangle', 'put balloon in pentagon', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put raft in triangle', 'put raft in pentagon', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put house in triangle', 'put house in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The tree is now resting in the center of the square. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'hot-air balloon', 'house', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| put house on triangle reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put balloon down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put balloon in pentagon', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put raft in pentagon', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The house is now resting in the center of the triangle. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'hot-air balloon', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| put balloon on pentagon reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'take into southeast', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square'] state: The hot-air balloon is now resting in the center of the pentagon.
Click. (Uh oh!) You hear a low, menacing rumble as the room starts to shake. The noise comes from the southeast, where a massive door slowly opens beneath the `Exhibit Closed! Danger!' sign.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| drop zm$100000 reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'take into southeast', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square'] state: Dropped. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['examine gloves', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take off glasses', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put raft down', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray gloves', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'put gloves in glasses', 'push red lens to gloves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'northwest'] state:
You step through twisted bars of steel -- bars which look like a being of superhuman strength bent them to allow passage, bars designed to keep people out. Or to keep something else in.This area was designed for some otherworldly visitors, and judging by the sounds emanating from the many passages heading off to the east, they're still around. Dangling on the bars is a small sign which reads, "EXTRATERRESTRIAL MUSEUM." description: Cage inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| drop multi reward: 0 hint: ['examine gloves', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'hit rat', 'take multi', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take off glasses', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put raft down', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower multi', 'spray gloves', 'spray rat', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put gloves in glasses', 'push red lens to gloves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'northwest'] state: Dropped.
Uh oh. Looks like your presence attracted a group of nasty-looking mutant rat-ants. They stand there, bobbing and weaving to some unheard beat and rhythm. description: Cage inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take cardboard', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'take into southeast', 'put lantern down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put raft down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower house', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw house', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state:
The Mud Forum
You can see a ZM$100000 here.
You hear munching noises nearby. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take gores', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw gores', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here.
You hear munching noises nearby. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'west', 'turn lantern off', 'take baby', 'take red lens', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower baby', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw baby', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'north', 'south'] state:
Cultural Complex
You can see a Baby Rune here.
You hear munching noises nearby. description: Cultural Complex inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
You hear munching noises nearby. description: Tunnel inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| wait reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: Time passes.
You appear to have a fan club. The amalgamation of mutant rat-ants seems to have followed, mandibles clicking, saliva dripping, eyestalks focused only on you.
The rat-ants appear to be extremely agitated as they spy the huge crystals. One rushes forward, knocking you over in its enthusiasm, and tastes the crystalline boulders originally blocking your exit. The lead ant starts doing what could be called a dance of joy. The others form orderly rows, like chorus lines, and start moving in time to some unheard beat, no doubt led by the leader-ant.
With antennae gesticulating wildly, the leader ant quickly and easily lifts one of the boulders as if it were no more than a tiny grain of sugar. The others break their formation and one by one, take a boulder handed off by their leader and head for their homes.
Before you know it, they've made a hole large enough for you to make your escape from the tunnel! description: Tunnel inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| sw |
|start_header_id| temple 50 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state:
A Dark Hallway
Charles comes walking behind you. description: A Dark Hallway inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'north', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put all down'] state:
Charles comes walking behind you. description: Road inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'south', 'north', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put all down'] state:
The road to the public square, way back east, forks into a north-south road here. To the west looms yet another of the stone buildings.
Charles comes walking behind you. description: Crossroads inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put all down', 'south'] state:
The ceaseless blandness of the surrounding architecture has a dimly sinister suggestiveness and you can't but help but wonder who the primal entities which rear, or reared, here are. The road leads north, deeper into the city.
Charles comes with you. description: Road inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'south', 'north', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put all down'] state:
Charles comes with you. description: Crossroads inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['examine bristow', 'look in slab', 'north', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put all down', 'ask cat for bristow', 'drop key against cat', 'drop mysterious vial against cat', 'drop statue against cat', 'drop mukhtar against cat'] state:
Dead End
This part of the town is radically different from the parts closer to the tower. The roads are narrower and the paving is irregular, sometimes stone slabs and sometimes cobblestones. The buildings are tall but less well kept than before. There are still no windows or doors, but there are a few overhead bridges from house to house. The road ends here and the only way out is to the north.
A cat is sitting on one of the overhead bridges.
Charles comes walking behind you. description: Dead End inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x cat reward: 0 hint: ['examine bristow', 'look in slab', 'north', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put all down', 'ask cat for bristow', 'drop key against cat', 'drop mysterious vial against cat', 'drop statue against cat', 'drop mukhtar against cat'] state: The cat is almost completely white. Only a spot on its tail is black. It is sitting on an overhead bridge and looks frightened.
Charles says 'Oh God, I'm so tired of this. I only want to return home.'
The cat says 'Meow.' description: Dead End inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x slabs reward: 0 hint: ['examine bristow', 'look in slab', 'north', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put all down', 'ask cat for bristow', 'drop key against cat', 'drop mysterious vial against cat', 'drop statue against cat', 'drop mukhtar against cat'] state: The paving consists of stone slabs and cobblestones. It is in bad repair.
'I used to have a cat, you know' Charles remarks.
The cat says 'Meow.' description: Dead End inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| search slabs reward: 0 hint: ['examine bristow', 'take slab', 'north', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put all down', 'ask cat for bristow', 'drop key against cat', 'drop mysterious vial against cat', 'drop statue against cat', 'drop mukhtar against cat'] state: One of the stone slabs seems out of place. Kicking it emits a hollow sound, much like there was some cavity below it.
The cat looks down at you. description: Dead End inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| move slab reward: 0 hint: ['examine bristow', 'take into entrance', 'north', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put all down', 'ask cat for bristow', 'drop key against cat', 'drop mysterious vial against cat', 'drop statue against cat', 'drop mukhtar against cat'] state: You push the stone slab aside, revealing a entrance to a staircase, leading down into darkness.
The cat looks scared. description: Dead End inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take into entrance', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put all down', 'down'] state:
You are the top of an staircase, leading down into darkness. A few steps above is the opening, through which you can return to the city.
Charles arrives, and looks around with a puzzled expression. He seems to hesitate briefly, and then says 'Look, I know that this must sound insane, but ever since I came here I keep getting the feeling that I have seen this place before, like in a dream or in a distant past that I have almost forgotten.' description: Stairs inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state: Charles looks down the stairs and says gravely 'Don't ask me how, but I just know that if I go down there I won't return alive. Go ahead if you have to, but I will stay here and wait for you.'
In the almost complete darkness, the stairs seem endless but you finally arrive to a corridor far below the city.
The staircase to the south opens into a wide corridor, reaching further north. One both side massive walls rise, culminating in massive vaults, on which carvings are just visible. The floor is strewn with fallen blocks, sand, and detritus of every kind.
Behind and above, a faint luminous blur tells of the distant world outside. description: Corridor inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x carvings reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state: The stone is badly fragmented and the carvings almost gone. description: Corridor inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x blocks reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state: They are just shapeless fragments of stone. description: Corridor inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put all down'] state:
This is a Cyclopean north-south corridor ten feet wide, paved with octagonal and square blocks, and solidly vaulted overhead. A side passage once led west, but it has collapsed. description: Corridor inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'east', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state:
You are in a round vaulted chamber, about fifty feet across. The black masonry suggests that this might be a room under one of the mysterious buildings in the city. The chamber is bare and undecorated. Two corridors lead from this room, one to the south and one to the east. Looking up also reveals a square opening in the ceiling.
In the floor just below the opening in the ceiling is a trapdoor. It is closed and carefully sealed down with metal bands.
Seeing the trapdoor suddenly gives you an unexpected feeling of fear, and suggestions of some special peril. description: Chamber inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x trapdoor reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'east', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state: The trapdoor is carefully sealed with metal bands, which look strong. Its size corresponds to the opening in the ceiling above, and it is possible that it might lead to similar chamber below. description: Chamber inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put horriblis down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put all down'] state:
This is a badly heaped east-west corridor. It is almost completely dark, but you can make out a chamber further east. In the north wall is the entrance to a caved-in corridor. description: Corridor inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take bottle', 'take chair', 'take kettle', 'take yellow', 'take red powder', 'turn stove on', 'take into chair', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put yellow down', 'put all down', 'open bottle', 'light stove with bottle', 'light stove with chair', 'light stove with kettle', 'light stove with yellow powder', 'light stove with red powder', 'take all off rack', 'put statue on rack', 'put statue on chair', 'put key on rack', 'put key on chair', 'put mysterious vial on rack', 'put mysterious vial on chair', 'put mukhtar on rack', 'put mukhtar on chair', 'put horriblis on rack', 'put horriblis on chair', 'put yellow on rack', 'put yellow on chair', 'put all on rack', 'put all on chair', 'west'] state: You struggle through the debris.
Rock Chamber
This is a black chamber, directly cut in the rock. Crystals embedded in the walls reflect and magnify the available light. There is an antique gas stove mounted in one of the walls, and a rack just above it. The sole exit leads west into a dark corridor.
The chamber seems ancient, but the furniture feels more recent. Someone must have been using this chamber not so long ago.
You can also see a chair and a wooden chest (which is closed) here. description: Rock Chamber inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x stove reward: 0 hint: ['take bottle', 'take chair', 'take kettle', 'take yellow', 'take red powder', 'turn stove on', 'take into chair', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put mysterious vial down', 'put mukhtar down', 'put horriblis down', 'put yellow down', 'put all down', 'open bottle', 'light stove with bottle', 'light stove with chair', 'light stove with kettle', 'light stove with yellow powder', 'light stove with red powder', 'take all off rack', 'put statue on rack', 'put statue on chair', 'put key on rack', 'put key on chair', 'put mysterious vial on rack', 'put mysterious vial on chair', 'put mukhtar on rack', 'put mukhtar on chair', 'put horriblis on rack', 'put horriblis on chair', 'put yellow on rack', 'put yellow on chair', 'put all on rack', 'put all on chair', 'west'] state: It is an old gas stove, which can be turned on by turning a switch. On the stove is a kettle.
The gas stove is currently switched off. description: Rock Chamber inventory: ['vial labelled Mukhtar', 'Caelestae Horriblis', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x kettle |
|start_header_id| 905 15 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close bedroom door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'east', 'west', 'open wallet', 'open front door'] state:
Living room
The furniture isn't as carefully arranged as one might like, and it's a bit lacking in the luxuries that might make this a more pleasant place to spend an evening - no stereo, no TV, no DVD, none of that - but this living room is still nicer than most of those in this neighborhood. A kitchenette lies to the east, the bedroom to the west and the front door to the south. description: Living room inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| open front door reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'take off watch', 'close bedroom door', 'close front door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'east', 'west', 'open wallet'] state: You open the front door. description: Living room inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'north', 'open wallet', 'open car with wallet'] state:
This is quite a seedy neighborhood, but there isn't really anywhere in the whole Las Mesas metro area that isn't at least a little rundown. Of course, the locals may complain about the ugliness and the crime, but the fact is that a starter home like this one would cost easily five times as much in someplace like Las Playas - and that's if you could find one.
The house lies to the north. A car is parked here in the driveway. description: Driveway inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| unlock car reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close door', 'get in car', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'north', 'lock car', 'open wallet'] state: Unlocked. description: Driveway inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| enter car reward: 0 hint: [] state: You climb inside and start up the engine.
Ah, scenic Las Mesas. Man, this place is an absolute toilet. Soon you'll be able to afford to get the hell out of here - provided you can avoid making any more slip-ups on the job.
As you cruise down the road, you notice a freeway onramp approaching. Would you like to get on? description: Driving inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| QUIT |
|start_header_id| inhumane 1 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'put amulet down'] state: Taken. description: In Your Tent inventory: ['jeweled amulet'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'south', 'west', 'put amulet down', 'north'] state:
Center of Camp
This is the center of your camp. The entire place seems to be completely deserted. You can see Roboff's tent to the south and the storage tent west. East is open desert. description: Center of Camp inventory: ['jeweled amulet'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take shovel', 'take torch', 'take all', 'push button', 'put amulet down', 'take button off torch', 'east'] state:
Storage Tent
This is where the party kept all its supplies. However Roboff seems to have cleaned everything out that was of any use. Several arrows of Da-Glo paint on the wall attract your attention to the empty food and water chests.
Lying on the ground is a brass torch of the "self-igniting" type. The ignite button is on the handle.
There is a shovel lying here. description: Storage Tent inventory: ['jeweled amulet'] |action| get torch reward: 0 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put amulet down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'east'] state: Taken. description: Storage Tent inventory: ['torch', 'jeweled amulet'] |action| get shovel reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put amulet down', 'put torch down', 'put shovel down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'east'] state: Taken. description: Storage Tent inventory: ['shovel', 'torch', 'jeweled amulet'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'put amulet down', 'put shovel down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state:
Center of Camp description: Center of Camp inventory: ['shovel', 'torch', 'jeweled amulet'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'west'] state: You venture out onto the sands and rapidly lose sight of camp.
In the Desert
All you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig. description: In the Desert inventory: ['shovel', 'torch', 'jeweled amulet'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'west'] state:
In the Desert
All you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig. description: In the Desert inventory: ['shovel', 'torch', 'jeweled amulet'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'west'] state:
In the Desert
All you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig. description: In the Desert inventory: ['shovel', 'torch', 'jeweled amulet'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'west'] state:
In the Desert
All you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig. description: In the Desert inventory: ['shovel', 'torch', 'jeweled amulet'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'west'] state:
In the Desert
All you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig. description: In the Desert inventory: ['shovel', 'torch', 'jeweled amulet'] |action| dig reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put amulet down', 'put torch down', 'put shovel down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'put amulet in slot'] state: You begin digging. After about two hours you strike stone! You rapidly clear off a stone slab about 10 feet down from the surface.
Bottom of a Hole
You are at the bottom of the hole you just dug. The floor of the hole is a stone slab with a little slot in it. You can nearly smell the riches that must be buried beneath your feet! description: Bottom of a Hole inventory: ['shovel', 'torch', 'jeweled amulet'] |action| put amulet in slot reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put torch down', 'put shovel down', 'put all down', 'examine note', 'take button off torch'] state: Ok. As it slips in, the stone slab moves aside, dumping you into a pit. You look up and see the amulet falling into a machine that wraps it, addresses it to F. Roboff, and takes off on jets.
In a Pit
This is a sandy pit with stone walls. You are not likely to be able to climb out. The only thing here is a note taped to the wall. description: In a Pit inventory: ['shovel', 'torch'] |action| x note reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state: "Thanks for the amulet! It only took me a few days to make this little set-up. If you really want to get to the pyramid, retrace your steps back to camp after the pit caves in (which should happen soon) and open my toilet. You see, I really found the pyramid with a mass sensor when we moved in and I built my tent over it. The toilet conceals a secret passage down into the pyramid, which I have been looting for weeks. Most of the easy stuff is in my private safe in Miami by now, but I left you a few goodies. Including the gold coffin, which I never found. When you get tired of poking around you can use the emergency radio in my tent. It'll call a plane to pick you up. Have fun!
You hear a rumbling and look up as the sides of the pit collapse. You manage to stay on top, and you end up in the desert again.
In the Desert
All you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig. description: In the Desert inventory: ['shovel', 'torch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state:
In the Desert
All you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig. description: In the Desert inventory: ['shovel', 'torch'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state:
In the Desert
All you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig. description: In the Desert inventory: ['shovel', 'torch'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state:
In the Desert
All you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig. description: In the Desert inventory: ['shovel', 'torch'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state:
In the Desert
All you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig. description: In the Desert inventory: ['shovel', 'torch'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put torch down', 'put shovel down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state: You have stumbled over the encampment. Sheer accident.
Center of Camp description: Center of Camp inventory: ['shovel', 'torch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['put torch down', 'put shovel down', 'put all down', 'examine toilet', 'take signal off radio', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state:
Roboff's Tent
You are in Francisco Roboff's tent. The place is bare except for the emergency signal radio and Roboff's toilet in one corner. There is a note taped to the tent wall. description: Roboff's Tent inventory: ['shovel', 'torch'] |action| open toilet |
|start_header_id| ztuu 50 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put tinsel down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'tie tinsel to coin', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put tinsel in square', 'put tinsel in triangle', 'put tinsel in circle', 'put tinsel in pentagon', 'put coin in square', 'put coin in triangle', 'put coin in circle', 'put coin in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: This is a coin, similar in shape and size to an old Chinese coin, complete with a square hole in its center. Stamped on its face is "5 Zorkmids." description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['tinsel', 'quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| tie tinsel to coin reward: 8 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put tinsel down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put tinsel in square', 'put tinsel in triangle', 'put tinsel in circle', 'put tinsel in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: You carefully thread the tinsel through the coin's square opening, tying it in a knot. The coin now dangles from the tinsel.
[Your score has just gone up by eight points.] description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put tinsel down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw gores', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put tinsel down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put tinsel in slot', 'put all in slot', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state:
Museum of Illusion
The Museum of Illusion was dedicated to the memory of the Great Implementers - figures who were believed to have created the GUE as an act of pure will. Before you, a row of delicately crafted porcelain busts of these immortal greats once stood. Legend has it that so lifelike were these busts, that they would seem to talk among themselves, discussing history, the arts, music, and philosophy, much as those mythic figures did in the Golden Age of Text Adventures. But years of neglect and the ravages of time have toppled most from atop their finely-wrought pedestals. Now, alas, the only two that remain are those of Marc Blank and Mike Berlyn, bloodied, but unbent; battered, but unbroken; shaken, but not stirred.
Worse than the physical desecration of this shrine, it is clear that an attempt was made to commercialize what remains, for now, above the busts, is a sign reading, "Consult the Oracles - 10 Zorkmids." Beneath the sign is a coin-sized slot.
Mike's eyes, like those on a famous science-fiction adventure game box, seem to follow you as you approach. "Marc! Wake up! We have company!" description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| put coin in slot reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take tinsel', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower tinsel', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw tinsel', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: The coin drops into the slot, but (unbeknownst to Mike and Marc) remains tied to the tinsel.
Marc looks with some satisfaction at Mike, then assumes a very serious (oracular, one might say) pose. A holographic image of an hourglass miraculously appears beside him, the number "10" glowing inside with a harsh, red light. The number "10" is replaced by "9" as his voice drops three or four octaves. "Now hear the Oracle of the Implementers," he begins. (7) "The Wisdom of the Ages," he continues, in no apparent hurry. (5) "The Revealed Truth of All Truths," he drones, the word `truths' somehow adding an extra syllable or two. (2) And, finally, "Listen." Then, snapping out of his trance-like state, he looks in your direction rather sheepishly. "Sorry about that," he says. "I get a little carried away. Just another five Zorkmids and I'll finish up with a really juicy piece of information." He looks at you expectantly.
Marc's bust does a double-take. "Hmm," he hmms. "Not a bad-looking specimen, though back in the old days, they built `em tougher." description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| pull tinsel reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put tinsel down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put tinsel in slot', 'put all in slot', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: Taken.
Mike's bust looks wistful. "Sigh," he sighs. "Oh for the olden, golden days of yore." description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| put coin in slot reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: Mike seems surprised (and not altogether pleased) that you've been able to put the same quint-Zorkmid coin in twice. With a blink of his eye, the tinsel goes up in a ball of sparks and flame (pyrotechnics being a specialty with him) and the coin drops fully into the slot.
Marc assumes the oracular position and intones: "Ahem. It may be uncommon knowledge, but, it should be clear to see that text is not a great three-D medium. You may be blue, but looking through rose colored glasses helps bring things into alignment."
Mike says, "True, Marc. All too true. As you know, I'd try to pry the sixth rib I saw."
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put gloves down', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw gores', 'put gloves in glasses', 'push red lens to gloves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state:
Museum of Adventure
This museum is a sick, twisted, and pitiful homage to that special creature as near and dear to my heart as a parser, the Adventurer. There, in the center of the room, sits a display that sends a shiver up your spine: A skeleton. On the small pedestal beside it sits a plaque. The walls have been clawed, the wallpaper and exhibit signs shredded by what was probably an over-excited tourist group of grues. In what looks like the remnants of their enthusiastic visit, piles of bones lie on the floor, cracked open, fang-marks clearly evident on their glistening white surfaces. One sign on the wall by a door to the southwest remains, though.
The lantern dims a little. description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| pry sixth rib with sword reward: 5 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take into southwest', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state: Click. Whir. Zzzzip! (Well, as a parser, I could give you a huge hint that the door to the Janitor's Closet has just disappeared, but don't count on my help.)
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take off', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take can', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower can', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw can', 'put lantern on shelves', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi on shelves', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to shelves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put glasses on shelves', 'put gloves on shelves', 'put sword on shelves', 'put all in glasses', 'put all on shelves'] state:
Janitor's Closet
As you step through the doorway, you realize you've entered a room so vast, you can see the distant curvature of the Earth. On the distant, foggy horizon, the ceiling appears to meet the floor, blending in the mist. The only thing in this enormous, cavernous area are shelves, shelves and more shelves, all of them empty, dwindling into nothingness. This of course disproves the ancient belief that there's never enough closet space.
On the shelves is an aerosol can.
You think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating. description: Janitor's Closet inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take can reward: 5 hint: ['take off', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern on shelves', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi on shelves', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to shelves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put glasses on shelves', 'put gloves on shelves', 'put can on shelves', 'put sword on shelves', 'put all in glasses', 'put all on shelves'] state: Taken.
You think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Janitor's Closet inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take into southwest', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray first rib', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state:
Museum of Adventure description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'spray lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw gores', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put can down', 'put all down', 'throw can'] state:
The Mud Forum
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.
The lantern flickers and goes out.
It is now pitch dark in here! description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| shake lamp reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.
The Mud Forum
This large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, "Exhibit Closed! Danger!" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind.
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| wear glasses reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: You place the glasses on your face; while not a great fit, at least they don't fall off. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| drop all reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: aerosol can: Dropped.
brass lantern: Dropped.
ZM$100000: Dropped.
Multi-Implementeers: Dropped.
cheaply-made sword: True, the sword is not a formidable weapon, but it is the only one you've got. Oh well. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| open lid reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put cover down', 'hold button', 'examine glasses'] state: You lift the cover, revealing a dark, transparent film on which can barely be seen some sort of line drawing. Details are pretty much impossible to discern. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| push button reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: As you push the button, a light shines out from inside the display unit, revealing a transparent film, lit from below. At first, a blurred image appears. Then, after a few moments, an almost magical, three-dimensional scene comes into view: a man with a flattened head stands in the foreground, while directly behind him is a tree. Behind the tree you can clearly see a house, while behind the house, hovering off the ground, is a hot-air balloon. Oddly, the raft appears off to the side, as if not in the scene at all. After getting a good look, you drop the cover and release the button.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| examine symbols |
|start_header_id| reverb 13 |end_header_id| reward: 5 hint: ['north'] state: Jill looks astonished when you tell her where you found the file. She marches smartly up to the stand and shows this new evidence to the judge, who can't argue with her logic. He orders Guido into a maximum security prison pending further review.
As the courtroom clears out, the bailiff drags Guido past you. With intense calm, Guido looks you right in the eye and says, "That was a mistake, my friend. It don't pay to mess with The Family.
"I believe THIS belongs to me," he adds, ungraciously snatching the pizza box from your hands on the way out.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Courthouse inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'north', 'south', 'pronouns', 'put on west', 'west', 'east'] state: Jill is here.
Jill approaches and shakes your hand warmly. "That was a brilliant work in there, kid. If it hadn't been for you, Guido might have escaped from jail." Seeing your blank look, she says, "My name Jill Thompson. I'm San Doppleton's District Attorney. For the past four years, I've been pursuing this local mafia branch, trying to bring some serious legal action down on them. These guys seem to own everything in town, and they already know me by sight. So I can't find any more clues before the trial but you can. Please try dig up whatever information you can, I'll be up in my office if you need me. I work at Gunther & Associates. It's on the third floor of that tall building over there, you can't miss it."
Jill walks away to the west.
Street, Near Courthouse description: Street, Near Courthouse inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine rider', 'west', 'pronouns', 'wake rider', 'put on rider', 'east', 'kiss rider', 'hit rider', 'say east to rider', 'ask rider about east', 'ask rider for east', 'tell rider about east'] state:
You are in downtown San Doppleton. The street coming from the east ends at a three-story office building to the west.
A guy in a business suit walks past you. description: Downtown inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'north'] state:
Office Building
You are in an office building. The exit to the street is east. There is also a flight of stairs heading up to the north.
There are fronds on either side of the exit on the east. description: Office Building inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'kiss other', 'say east to other', 'ask other about east'] state: The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge south.
Office Building, Second Floor
To the east you can see an office door labelled "Gunther & Associates"; other than that, the office doors on this floor are pretty unremarkable. The stairs go up to the south and down to the north. description: Office Building, Second Floor inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['wake attorney', 'put key down', 'kiss attorney', 'hit attorney', 'say window to attorney', 'ask attorney about window', 'give attorney key', 'tell attorney about window', 'throw key against attorney', 'west'] state:
Law Office
You are in a bustling law office. The east wall is dominated by a large window.
Jill stands here.
As you walk into the office, Jill spots you. "Hi!" she says. "Listen, Stan. I have reason to believe that the Mayor is tangled up in the mafia. I managed to use some connections to get this key. It unlocks the mayor's cabinet." She hands you a key. "I'd use it myself, but I already have several eyes on me at all times. They know me." description: Law Office inventory: ['key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put other down', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'kiss other', 'say east to other', 'ask other about east'] state:
Office Building, Second Floor description: Office Building, Second Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close door', 'east', 'south', 'north'] state: The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge north.
Office Building, Third Floor
To the east is a door labelled "John Winnick, Mayor of San Doppleton". The stairs go up to the north and down to the south. description: Office Building, Third Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open story', 'open cabinet with key'] state:
Mayor's Office
You are in the mayor's office. To the east is a window overlooking a second-story drop. There is a glass box mounted on the north wall.
You can see a file cabinet (which is closed) here. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| open window reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open story', 'open cabinet with key'] state: You open up the window. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| unlock cabinet with key reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open cabinet', 'open story', 'lock cabinet with key'] state: You unlock the file cabinet. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| open cabinet reward: 0 hint: ['take file', 'put key down', 'close cabinet', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'push file to east', 'hit story', 'open story', 'take file off cabinet', 'put key in cabinet', 'push file to cabinet'] state: You open the mayor's file cabinet. A massive quantity of paperwork is in there. Amongst the paper you see a particular file which looks suspicious. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| get file reward: 3 hint: ['wake lackey', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close cabinet', 'close story', 'close door', 'get in story', 'get in door', 'kiss lackey', 'hit story', 'open story', 'say east to mayor', 'ask lackey about east', 'ask mayor for east', 'put file in cabinet', 'put key in cabinet', 'put all in cabinet', 'give mayor file', 'tell lackey about east', 'throw file against lackey'] state: You smugly retrieve the file.
Just are you're starting to feel disappointed about how easy it was to search around in the mayor's secret files, you hear a commotion out in the hall. Suddenly, you find yourself staring into the shifty face of Mayor Winnick himself. He quickly assesses the situation and makes a curt gesture. In walks a very large, very ugly lackey, who begins to approach with a nasty look in his eye.
The henchman approaches with a mean gleam in his eye. It is highly recommended that you find an escape route.
[Your score has just gone up by three points.] description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['secret file', 'key'] |action| jump out window reward: 5 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: Desperately looking for a way out, you climb out the open window. You find yourself dangling from the window sill over a three-story drop.
Hangin' Out
You are dangling over a three-story drop, desperately clutching the window ledge with your fingertips. And as if that weren't bad enough, a very angry mayor and a very large security guard are inside, and they're both very eager to get rid of you.
Your feet are just low enough to touch the window on the next floor below you.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey congratulating each other on getting rid of you.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| kick second window reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: You frantically kick on the window below you, hoping that somebody will hear.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
There seems to be some activity in the room on the second story. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: Time passes.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
The window down below is opening. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'put sill down', 'pronouns', 'examine window', 'wake jill', 'put on floor', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'kiss jill', 'hit jill', 'throw file', 'throw key', 'say third story window to jill', 'ask jill about third story window', 'ask jill for third story window', 'put all on jill', 'give jill file', 'tell jill about third story window', 'throw sill against jill'] state: Time passes.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
Somebody sticks their head out of the second story window... by god, it's Jill! description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| jill, hold me reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine mayor', 'put sill down', 'pronouns', 'wake mayor', 'put on mayor', 'put on lackey', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'take all', 'kiss mayor', 'kiss jill', 'take lackey', 'hit mayor', 'hit jill', 'throw lackey', 'throw file', 'throw key', 'say mayor to jill', 'say jill to mayor', 'ask mayor about jill', 'ask jill about mayor', 'ask mayor for jill', 'hit mayor with lackey', 'hit jill with lackey', 'put all on mayor', 'push lackey to mayor', 'give mayor file', 'pay mayor lackey', 'tell mayor about jill', 'tell jill about mayor', 'throw lackey against mayor', 'throw file against mayor'] state: Jill nods frantically. She holds out her arms trying to reach you.
The mayor and the lackey look out the window. They are surprised to see you.
Jill looks up at you anxiously. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| jump reward: 5 hint: ['wake attorney', 'put key down', 'kiss attorney', 'hit attorney', 'say window to attorney', 'ask attorney about window', 'give attorney key', 'tell attorney about window', 'throw key against attorney', 'west'] state: You release your grip on the window and you're falling, falling...
"GOTCHA!" You find yourself in the remarkably strong arms of Jill, who hauls you into her window and onto solid ground. You've never been so happy to see anyone in your life.
Law Office
You are in a bustling law office. The east wall is dominated by a large window.
Jill stands here.
You briefly relate to Jill what's just been happening to you. Jill looks thoughtful as she takes the file from you. "So you uncovered evidence that the mayor is connected to the mob? And he knows that you found out. This sounds serious. If I'm not mistaken, every cop in the district is going to be after your head pretty soon.
"Good work, though, Stan. Don't stop now. I'm going to phone the state police and see if I can get outside help on this case."
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Law Office inventory: ['key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put other down', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'kiss other', 'say east to other', 'ask other about east'] state:
Office Building, Second Floor description: Office Building, Second Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| n |
|start_header_id| zenon 19 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take grenade', 'close box', 'put key down', 'pull grenade', 'empty box', 'put key in box', 'push grenade to box', 'north'] state: You open the box of chaff grenades, revealing a chaff grenade. description: Armoury inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| take grenade reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'close box', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'put key in box', 'put grenade in box', 'put all in box', 'north'] state: You pick up the chaff grenade. description: Armoury inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| x grenade reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'close box', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'put key in box', 'put grenade in box', 'put all in box', 'north'] state: A chaff grenade, used for disabling electronics. You could pull the pin and then deposit it somewhere. description: Armoury inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'south', 'west'] state:
Corridor description: Corridor inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'close door', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade'] state:
The door is open
You can also see a Janitor here.
The janitor wanders off, mopping as he goes. description: Landing inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade'] state:
A section of corridor. You can see your old cell door to the east and the corridor stretches further west. description: Corridor inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'south', 'east'] state:
A section of corridor that stretches east back toward your old cell and north into some sort of hall. It also leads south to another room. description: Corridor inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'open cupboard', 'turn button on', 'north'] state:
Control Room
Some kind of control room. Unfortunatly you fail to see a big button marked "Disable security devices"...Might have to be a bit more subtle.
A cupboard is beneath the control panels. description: Control Room inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| x panels reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'open cupboard', 'turn button on', 'north'] state: A load of buttons and switches.
The Controls is currently switched off. description: Control Room inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| x cupboard reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'open cupboard', 'turn button on', 'north'] state: A sign on the cupboard reads "Surveilance camera electronics - DO NOT TOUCH, THIS MEANS YOU BOB." description: Control Room inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| open cupboard reward: 0 hint: ['close cupboard', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'turn button on', 'put key in cupboard', 'put grenade in cupboard', 'put all in cupboard', 'north'] state: You open the cupboard revealing some electronics description: Control Room inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| pull pin reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'close cupboard', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'turn button on', 'put key in cupboard', 'put grenade in cupboard', 'put all in cupboard', 'north'] state: You pull the pin description: Control Room inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| put grenade in cupboard reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'take grenade', 'close cupboard', 'put key down', 'empty cupboard', 'turn button on', 'put key in cupboard', 'push grenade to cupboard', 'north'] state: You put the chaff grenade into the cupboard. description: Control Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| wait reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'take grenade', 'close cupboard', 'put key down', 'empty cupboard', 'turn button on', 'put key in cupboard', 'push grenade to cupboard', 'north'] state: Time passes. description: Control Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| wait reward: 4 hint: ['close cupboard', 'put key down', 'turn button on', 'put key in cupboard', 'north'] state: Time passes.
The grenade explodes - you hear the electronics fizzle out.
[Your score has just gone up by four points.] description: Control Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x electronics reward: 0 hint: ['close cupboard', 'put key down', 'turn button on', 'put key in cupboard', 'north'] state: Scorched and blackened, these electronics don't appear to be in working order. description: Control Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put key down', 'south', 'east'] state:
Corridor description: Corridor inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put key down', 'south'] state:
A reasonably large hall with a security camera positioned to the far north. The walls are that inhumane stainless steel white that turns your brain to mush after looking at it for a while.
The camera just sits there, smoking gently description: Hall inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x camera reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put key down', 'south'] state: The black security camera is high up on the wall, too far up for you to reach it. description: Hall inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['get in down', 'south', 'put key down'] state:
A lift. There's a button that says "Down" on it and also a door to the south. description: Lift inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| d |
|start_header_id| library 15 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: You are carrying:
an ID card description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Give card to Alan reward: 5 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key'] state: (the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)
The circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Lobby inventory: ['key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put key down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| X stairs reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Smell reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: There is a slight, fishy odor. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Look under stairs reward: 1 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down', 'up'] state: You found a red herring!
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| U reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state:
Second Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| X painting reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state: This painting could pass for a black canvas. The small plaque below it has "Grue" engraved. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| Give fish to grue reward: 2 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take into floor', 'put key down'] state: It almost appears as if an indescribable blackness forms in the painting and reaches out, taking the herring. It is followed by a terrible gnawing noise, and then all is silent again.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'look in books', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
You are in a maze of twisty shelves, all alike.
(Well, okay, not really)
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
A heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room. A sign indicates that the key may be obtained from the circulation desk. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| Search shelves reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with copy'] state: Tucked away in a corner, you find the novel "Debt of Honor", by Tom Clancy. Someone must've lost it!
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Unlock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You unlock the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Open door reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state: You open the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take nelson', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state:
Rare Books Room
The shelves are nearly bare, although there is a complete set of the "New Zork Times", a box labeled "Avalon", and several biographies of various computer game authors. The door out is to the north
You can see a biography of Graham Nelson here. description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Get book reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
The door stands open. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Close door reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You close the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Lock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with graham'] state: You lock the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'examine manual'] state:
Computer Lab
This entire room hums with the combined output of several dozen computers. All of them are hopelessly out of date, but at least they're still good for word processing.
A bank of printers on one side of the room frantically churns out paper.
You can see a technician here. description: Computer Lab inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X technician |
|start_header_id| pentari 24 |end_header_id| reward: 5 hint: ['take sword', 'north', 'put dagger down', 'east'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Armory inventory: ['jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['take chest', 'put dagger down', 'north', 'south'] state:
In times past the vast wealth of the Duke would be stored here. Alas, with the castle taken and the Duke gone so with him went his riches. As you remember your history lessons, you recall the genealogy of the Dukes of Bostwin and their love of collecting treasures. You could only imagine what vast treasures were contained in this room long ago.
A finely crafted oaken chest is here. description: Treasury inventory: ['jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| take chest reward: 0 hint: ['put dagger down', 'put chest down', 'put all down', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Treasury inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['take sword', 'north', 'put dagger down', 'put other down', 'put all down', 'east'] state:
You can see a fine Pentarian sword here. description: Armory inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| east reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'put dagger down', 'put chest down', 'put all down', 'hit elf', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall
The Dark Elf walks in. description: Main Hall inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| put all down reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'hit elf', 'north', 'south'] state: oaken chest: Dropped.
jewel encrusted dagger: Dropped.
The Dark Elf walks around as if looking for something. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'north', 'east'] state:
Castle description: Castle inventory: None |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['north'] state:
Castle Entrance description: Castle Entrance inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'north', 'east'] state:
Castle description: Castle inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall
You can see a jewel encrusted dagger and an oaken chest (which is closed) here. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| take chest reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'east', 'west', 'put chest down', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Main Hall inventory: ['oaken chest'] |action| put all down reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'north', 'south'] state: (the oaken chest down)
Dropped. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['enter', 'south'] state:
Main Hall, by the Fireplace
You can see a Large Fireplace here. description: Main Hall, by the Fireplace inventory: None |action| enter reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'take scroll'] state:
The Main Hall, by the Fireplace (in the Large Fireplace)
You can see a dirty scroll here. description: Large Fireplace inventory: None |action| take scroll reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'fwoosh', 'put scroll down'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Large Fireplace inventory: ['dirty scroll'] |action| get up reward: 0 hint: ['fwoosh', 'enter', 'put scroll down', 'south'] state:
Main Hall, by the Fireplace
You can see a Large Fireplace here. description: Main Hall, by the Fireplace inventory: ['dirty scroll'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['fwoosh', 'take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'put scroll down', 'take all', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall
You can see an oaken chest (which is closed) and a jewel encrusted dagger here. description: Main Hall inventory: ['dirty scroll'] |action| fwoosh reward: 10 hint: ['take emerald', 'take dagger', 'take chest', 'close chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'empty chest', 'push emerald to chest', 'push dagger to chest', 'north', 'south'] state: You hear a roar of flames as a fireball materializes out of nowhere and floods the entire room in a burst of flames! The intensity of the fireball blasts the chest open and miraculously, except for a slight discomfort of warmth, you are otherwise uneffected.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| take emerald reward: 5 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'close chest', 'east', 'west', 'put emerald down', 'take all', 'put emerald in chest', 'push dagger to chest', 'north', 'south'] state: You feel a surge of power flow through you as you pick up the small emerald...Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Main Hall inventory: ['small emerald'] |action| put dagger in chest reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'close chest', 'east', 'west', 'put emerald down', 'take all', 'put emerald in chest', 'push dagger to chest', 'north', 'south'] state: You need to be holding the jewel encrusted dagger before you can put it into something else. description: Main Hall inventory: ['small emerald'] |action| west |
|start_header_id| zenon 55 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'west'] state: Sandy the barman is a fine figure of a man, standing some six feet tall. His head is topped by masses of ginger curls below which there are thick ginger eyebrows. To finish the image off, some ginger whiskers bristle underneath his nose. He's beaming quite hugely at you. description: Bar inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x juke reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'west'] state: It's a raging stonker of a duke box! If you know your juke boxes, and you surely do, it's nothing less than one of the now legendary Rock-Ola's, from 1961. It appears to be jammed on tracks from Genesis. description: Bar inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| ask barman about job reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'put form down', 'put all down', 'west'] state: "Here's the application form, it's really quite simple." explains the barman, "Just give it to whoever wants the job and get them to fill it in. I assume you're not applying for the job as a barmaid." He laughs and winks at you.
You hear Phil Collins singing his heart out on the juke box. description: Bar inventory: ['form', 'Steel key'] |action| x form reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'put form down', 'put all down', 'west'] state: An application form for the post of barmaid at the bar.The distinctive voice of Peter Gabriel can be heard from the jukebox. description: Bar inventory: ['form', 'Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'west', 'east', 'south'] state:
A male secretary sits at a desk to the west, working furiously
A female secretary sits at a desk to the east, not appearing to be doing much work description: Office inventory: ['form', 'Steel key'] |action| give form to female reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'west', 'east', 'south'] state: The female secretary fills in the form quickly and says "Thanks! Now please just give it back to the barman, and I'll let you pass." description: Office inventory: ['form', 'Steel key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'put form down', 'put all down', 'west'] state:
A barman beams at you from behind the bar.
You can also see a juke box here. description: Bar inventory: ['form', 'Steel key'] |action| give form to barman reward: 4 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'west'] state: "Thanks!" exclaims the barman, "I'm sure she'll be very happy in her new position, she'll be starting here very soon."
[Your score has just gone up by four points.] description: Bar inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'south'] state:
A male secretary sits at a desk to the west, working furiously
A female secretary sits at a desk to the east, not appearing to be doing much work
The female secretary looks wistfully towards the bar, before turning back. description: Office inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'open photocopier', 'put key on desk', 'east'] state:
Officer's Room
Rather than an officers social hall, it appears to be a place of work. There is a photocopier stood on a table and a smart looking officer type sat behind the desk.
On the table is a photocopier (which is closed). description: Officer's Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x copier reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'open photocopier', 'put key on desk', 'east'] state: A big photocopier with somewhat simple controls. It appears you open it up, put whatever you wish to copy inside and then press the "On" button on the side. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x table reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'open photocopier', 'put key on desk', 'east'] state: A white table with metal legs and a plastic top. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x officer reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'open photocopier', 'put key on desk', 'east'] state: This officer looks very officious. Looking at him, words such as "bustling" and "puffy cheeks" come to mind. He looks like one of those old style military men, and displays several medals on his green jacket. This jacket is kept company by a pair of green trousers, which you can just see from behind the desk. He displays a bristling moustache which is surrounded by the red, puffy mass of his face. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| ask officer about convention reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'put invite down', 'put all down', 'open photocopier', 'ask officer about invite', 'put key on desk', 'put invite on desk', 'put all on desk', 'east'] state: "This is my invite," says the officer, handing you a bit of paper. "You are free to peruse it and wish you had one of your own." He sniggers. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['invite', 'Steel key'] |action| x invite reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'put invite down', 'put all down', 'open photocopier', 'ask officer about invite', 'put key on desk', 'put invite on desk', 'put all on desk', 'east'] state: An invite to the officers convention, given to you by an officer. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['invite', 'Steel key'] |action| open copier reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'close photocopier', 'put key down', 'put invite down', 'put all down', 'ask officer about invite', 'put key on desk', 'put key in photocopier', 'put invite on desk', 'put invite in photocopier', 'put all on desk', 'put all in photocopier', 'east'] state: You open the photocopier. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['invite', 'Steel key'] |action| put invite in copier reward: 0 hint: ['take invite', 'push photocopier', 'close photocopier', 'put key down', 'empty photocopier', 'put key on desk', 'put key in photocopier', 'push invite to desk', 'push invite to photocopier', 'east'] state: You put the invite into the photocopier. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| push button reward: 0 hint: ['close photocopier', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'ask officer about invite', 'put key on desk', 'put key in photocopier', 'put copy on desk', 'put copy in photocopier', 'put all on desk', 'put all in photocopier', 'east'] state: The photocopier merrily chugs away for a few minutes before depositing a copy of the invite in your hand. You then retrieve the original invite description: Officer's Room inventory: ['invite', 'copy of the invite', 'Steel key'] |action| x copy reward: 0 hint: ['close photocopier', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'ask officer about invite', 'put key on desk', 'put key in photocopier', 'put copy on desk', 'put copy in photocopier', 'put all on desk', 'put all in photocopier', 'east'] state: A photocopy of an invite to the officers convention. Doubtless it could pass as the real thing. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['invite', 'copy of the invite', 'Steel key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'give male invite', 'south'] state:
The officer takes his invite back off you before you leave.
A male secretary sits at a desk to the west, working furiously
A female secretary sits at a desk to the east, not appearing to be doing much work
The female secretary looks wistfully towards the bar, before turning back. description: Office inventory: ['copy of the invite', 'Steel key'] |action| give copy to male |
|start_header_id| omniquest 41 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take scroll', 'take off snorkel', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'open raincoat', 'turn lamp off'] state:
East Path
This is a path that came from the northwest and continues to the southwest.
There is an old man here.
"I haven't had a smoke in 12 years," he says. "Please, PLEASE give me a match!"
You can also see a scroll here. description: East Path inventory: ['worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| open raincoat reward: 0 hint: ['take match', 'take scroll', 'light match', 'take off snorkel', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'empty raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'push match to raincoat', 'give man match', 'light match with scroll'] state: You open the raincoat, revealing a match. description: East Path inventory: ['worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| give match to man reward: 5 hint: ['take scroll', 'take off snorkel', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push scroll to raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state: (first taking the match)
"Thank you!!" says the man. He lights up for the first time
in 12 years. "I have this fishing rod. I'd use it, but I've
been sitting here so long that I can't get up. Since you've
been so nice to me, you can have my rod." He hands it to you,
and you take it. description: East Path inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| read scroll reward: 0 hint: ['take scroll', 'take off snorkel', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push scroll to raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state: The scroll reads:
Greetings. If you have found this letter, you are obviously
trapped down here. We, the Tamatis, need your help. The
Diamond Wings of Destiny have been stolen. Legend has it whoever
finds them will be able to fly. Please return them to us. You can
find us behind the wall of ice. description: East Path inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'close raincoat', 'south', 'get in northeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southeast', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state:
South Lake
This is an area south of the majestic lake. There are many exits here, such as northwest, northeast, southeast, and south. description: South Lake inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'close raincoat', 'get in southeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'put on parka', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state:
Chilly Corridor
There is a cool draft coming from the southeast. There are other exits to the southwest and northwest.
Since it is so cold, it might be wise to put on a jacket of some sort. description: Chilly Corridor inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| put on parka reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'get in southeast', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state: You put on the parka. description: Chilly Corridor inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['use rod', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state:
Ice Room
This is a COLD room filled with ice. Slush fills a hole in the center of the room. There is an exit to the northwest. description: Ice Room inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| fish reward: 0 hint: ['use rod', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put fish down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat'] state: You bait your rod and cast.
Finally a fish! You take it. description: Ice Room inventory: ['fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| fish reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put fish down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'examine boot', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat'] state: Of all the dumb luck! A boot! You take it anyway. description: Ice Room inventory: ['boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| x boot reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state: Examining the boot further reveals a crystal, which you take. description: Ice Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in southeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put other down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put other in raincoat'] state:
Chilly Corridor description: Chilly Corridor inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take rice', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'get in northeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put fish down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push rice to raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat'] state:
Rice Room
This room smells of steaming rice. Some song is playing in the distance, and it is saying something about rice patties. Exits are to the northeast and north.
You can see some rice here. description: Rice Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| take rice reward: 0 hint: ['make sushi', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'north', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rice down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put rice in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state: Taken. description: Rice Room inventory: ['rice', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| make sushi reward: 5 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'get in northeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state: You're not Julia Child, but it'll do. description: Rice Room inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'south', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state:
Musty Corridor
This somewhat non-descript room has a particularly musty odor. There are exits to the north and south. description: Musty Corridor inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'south', 'get in northeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state:
South Lake description: South Lake inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in southeast', 'west', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state:
West Path
This is a section of the path that continues to the northeast and southeast, as well as branching to the west. description: West Path inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'give samurai sushi'] state:
Guardian Chamber
This is a tall chamber with columns lining the door to the west. The exit is to the east.
You can see a samurai here. description: Guardian Chamber inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| give sushi to samurai reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'west', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat'] state: He says something in thanks, and begins to eat as he walks away. description: Guardian Chamber inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| w |
|start_header_id| reverb 36 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine parlor', 'north', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put key down', 'east', 'west', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'give people key', 'tell people about east', 'throw key against people'] state:
Street, by Pizza Parlor description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'get in northeast', 'take box', 'take note', 'put key down', 'south', 'examine note', 'open box', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'take all off counter', 'put key on counter', 'push box to counter', 'push box to northeast', 'push note to counter'] state:
Pizza Parlor
On the counter are a small pizza box (which is closed) and a handwritten note. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['key'] |action| get pizza box reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'examine note', 'open box', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'push note to counter'] state: Taken. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| open pizza box reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'take bomb', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'push bomb to northeast', 'examine note', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'push note to counter', 'push bomb to box', 'push bomb to counter'] state: You flip open the pizza box... AND THERE'S A BOMB INSIDE!!!!! description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| get bomb reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'put bomb down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'examine note', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put bomb on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'put bomb in box', 'put key in box', 'push note to box', 'push note to counter'] state: Taken. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['bomb', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine box', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put box down', 'put bomb down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw bomb', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'put all on east', 'put bomb in box', 'put bomb in vent', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about east', 'throw box against people'] state:
Street, by Pizza Parlor description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['bomb', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| put bomb in sewer reward: 5 hint: ['examine east', 'examine box', 'north', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'east', 'west', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'put key in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about east', 'throw box against people'] state: Thinking fast, you deposit the bomb in the sewer duct. Moments later, you breathe a sigh of relief as you hear a quiet splash. No doubt you've saved yourself and the city from certain destruction.
An absolutely massive explosion rocks the ground beneath your feet. Buildings tremble all around you and the pavement lurches sickeningly. After a moment the shockwaves die down, but you still feel an occasional tremor. Seems like you might have triggered some sort of geological disaster.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine south', 'examine store', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on people', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say store to people', 'ask people about store', 'ask people for store', 'put key in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about store', 'throw box against people', 'west'] state:
Street, by Department Store
On this end of the street, a department store called Barkley's sits to the south. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'wake clerk', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'get in southeast', 'get in southwest', 'kiss clerk', 'hit clerk', 'say box to clerk', 'ask clerk about box', 'ask clerk for box', 'put key in box', 'give clerk box', 'tell clerk about box', 'throw box against clerk'] state:
Clothing Department
You are in the clothing department at Barkley's. There are many racks of clothes here. You may exit to the north. To the southwest lies the hardware department, and southeast is the cosmetics department.
You can see a store clerk here. description: Clothing Department inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss other', 'hit other', 'say bunch of cosmetic stuff to other', 'ask other about bunch of cosmetic stuff', 'ask other for west', 'put key in box', 'give thug box', 'tell other about bunch of cosmetic stuff', 'throw box against other'] state:
As you enter the cosmetics department, a big thug steps out of the shadows. Making a mocking bow in your direction, the thug says: "Greetings. I am Sammy 'The Inhospitable' Toriglioni, and I will be joining you for your dying pleasure this afternoon." He pulls a gun out of his suit coat and bounces it lightly in one hand.
Cosmetics Department
The shelves are lined with bottles of perfume, cologne, hairspray, and other cosmetic paraphernalia. [You know, an adventure game just isn't complete if it doesn't use the word "paraphernalia."] You can go northwest to the clothing department, or west to the hardware department.
You can see a thug here. description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| get spray reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss other', 'take hairspray', 'hit other', 'spray other', 'say hairspray to other', 'ask other about hairspray', 'ask other for hairspray', 'hit other with hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'give thug hairspray', 'tell other about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against other'] state: Taken.
The building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides.
"SO, ya wanted to be a hero, kid? I'd say your future as the Lone Ranger isn't looking too promising." description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| spray thug reward: 5 hint: ['examine hairspray', 'wake other', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss other', 'take hairspray', 'hit other', 'say hairspray to other', 'ask other about hairspray', 'ask other for hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'give thug hairspray', 'tell other about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against other'] state: You spritz the thug right in the face. He is so totally surprised to have you actually fight back that he takes the shot right in the eyes and winces, momentarily unabled to fight back. He's not down yet, but this might be a good time to finish him off.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| kick thug reward: 0 hint: ['examine hairspray', 'wake other', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'west', 'kiss other', 'take hairspray', 'say hairspray to other', 'ask other about hairspray', 'ask other for hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'show thug hairspray', 'give thug hairspray', 'tell other about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against other', 'northwest'] state: You give him a kick to the stomach, and a passable imitation of a karate chop on the back. Normally this wouldn't have worked, but since he was temporarily blinded, he never saw you coming. He collapses on the floor, momentarily winded. This would be a great time for you to get out.
The building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides. description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'get in southeast', 'get in southwest', 'north', 'take hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box'] state: Doubled over in pain, the thug is powerless to stop your retreat.
Clothing Department description: Clothing Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine bottle of hairspray', 'examine hairspray', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on south', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'take hairspray', 'throw hairspray', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say hairspray to people', 'ask people about hairspray', 'ask people for hairspray', 'put all on south', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'show people hairspray', 'give people hairspray', 'tell people about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against people', 'west'] state: The clerk seems to have been knocked out and dragged somewhere by the thug on his entrance. You brazenly walk out with your shoplifted item.
Street, by Department Store
A police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by.
The ground trembles under your feet. It feels like an earthquake might be in progress.
Okay, let's recap the story so far. Your afternoon got off to an interesting start when you foiled an escape attempt by Guido "The Armadillo" Calzone. This heroic-but-not-terribly-bright action brought down the wrath of the local mafia down on you, who tried to assassinate you inside a department store. They also left a "special delivery" for you which started an earthquake. You were also responsible for uncovering the illicit activities of the corrupt mayor, who then sent every cop and trooper in the area to take care of you. So, you're hounded by the police, wanted dead by the mob, and trying to cope with a massive earthquake.
As you step outside, you can see that the people of the town have succumbed to the general chaos of the environment, and now the town of San Doppleton is marred by heavy rioting. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine bottle of hairspray', 'examine hairspray', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on south', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'take hairspray', 'throw hairspray', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say hairspray to people', 'ask people about hairspray', 'ask people for hairspray', 'put all on south', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'show people hairspray', 'give people hairspray', 'tell people about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against people', 'west'] state: Time passes. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine bottle of hairspray', 'examine hairspray', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on south', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'take hairspray', 'throw hairspray', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say hairspray to people', 'ask people about hairspray', 'ask people for hairspray', 'put all on south', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'show people hairspray', 'give people hairspray', 'tell people about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against people', 'west'] state: Time passes.
Someone rushes out of Barkley's carrying a TV set.
The ground trembles under your feet. It feels like an earthquake might be in progress. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'get in southeast', 'get in southwest', 'take hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box'] state:
Clothing Department description: Clothing Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take rope', 'take hammer', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'east', 'take all', 'take hairspray', 'throw rope', 'throw hammer', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'push rope to hairspray', 'push rope to box', 'push hammer to hairspray', 'push hammer to box', 'northeast'] state:
Hardware Department
You are in the hardware department at Barkley's. There are tools all over the place. You can go northeast to the clothing department, or east to the cosmetics department.
The place is filled with debris from the riots. Lying on the ground you see a rope and a hammer which have been randomly flung off the shelves. description: Hardware Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| take hammer reward: 0 hint: ['take rope', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put hammer down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'east', 'take hairspray', 'take hammer', 'throw rope', 'put hairspray in box', 'put hammer in box', 'put key in box', 'push rope to hairspray', 'push rope to box', 'northeast'] state: Taken. description: Hardware Department inventory: ['hammer', 'bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| take rope |
|start_header_id| wishbringer 73 |end_header_id| reward: 3 hint: ['west', 'look silver', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in gate', 'blow silver', 'take branch', 'look road', 'look down sand', 'put down silver', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at silver throug small', 'look at silver throug violet', 'put silver down ground', 'put small down ground', 'put small down lake', 'put coin down ground', 'put note down ground', 'throw all at silver', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down ground', 'put silver down pit', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'dig sand with silver', 'push branch lake', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: Taken.
(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 40 out of 100.)
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['silver whistle', 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| BLOW IT reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'west', 'look stone', 'look violet', 'look dark', 'take in castle', 'look fog', 'put down stone', 'put down silver', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at stone throug silver', 'look at stone throug violet', 'throw stone at silver', 'put stone down lake', 'throw silver at stone', 'throw coin at stone', 'throw note at stone', 'throw all at stone', 'throw all at silver', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at sheer'] state: A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.
The silver whistle's music echoes over the lake, rippling the water with gentle Magick. A sudden gust of wind blows through your hair. You can see the soft outline of Misty Island drawing closer as you streak across the waves...
Misty Island
You're standing on a fog-shrouded beach. Sheer cliff walls rise to the north and south, and the dark waters of the lake stretch eastward.
To the west stands a magnificent castle, its parapets rising high into the mist. Golden light streams invitingly through the open entrance. You can hear friendly voices and music inside.
description: Misty Island inventory: ['silver whistle', 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look king', 'look platypuses', 'look one', 'take off king', 'look room', 'put down silver', 'put down magick', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at king throug silver', 'look at king throug platypuses', 'put silver down floor', 'put magick down floor', 'put coin down floor', 'put note down floor', 'put all down floor', 'throw all at silver', 'throw all at magick', 'throw all at coin', 'east'] state: Throne Room
You're standing in a long, high-ceilinged chamber. Hundreds of platypuses are milling about with teacups in their paws, their faces illuminated by a roaring fireplace.
At the far end of the chamber stands a mighty throne. It's occupied by a snow-white platypus with a gold crown on its head and a jeweled scepter in its paw. On the floor near the throne is another crowned platypus... the same one you rescued from the pit.
The crowd falls silent as you enter.
"Welcome, brave Adventurer," says the white platypus, rising from its throne to greet you. "I am Anatinus, King of Misty Island. My court thanks you most humbly for rescuing the life of my daughter, Princess Tasmania. Great would our sorrow have been if not for your cunning."
The crowd applauds politely, and Princess Tasmania blushes.
description: ThrRoom inventory: ['silver whistle', 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look silver', 'look platypuses', 'look one', 'take hat', 'take off anatinus', 'look room', 'put down silver', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at silver throug small', 'look at silver throug platypuses', 'take hat from anatinus', 'put silver down floor', 'put small down floor', 'put coin down floor', 'put note down floor', 'throw all at silver', 'throw all at small', 'put all down floor', 'throw all at coin', 'east'] state: Time passes.
"My messengers have told me of your quest," continues King Anatinus. "Allow me to repay your kindness with words of advice."
The old platypus motions you to his side. "The Tower of the Evil One is formidable," he begins in a low, serious voice. "You will never get inside unaided. Legends speak of a Magick Word that can open the gates of the Tower. But what Word it is, none can say."
The king reaches beneath his throne and takes out a small wizard's hat. "Take this," he says, holding it out to you.
description: ThrRoom inventory: ['silver whistle', 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET HAT reward: 1 hint: ['north', 'look silver', 'look platypuses', 'look one', 'take off anatinus', 'look room', 'look down hat', 'put down silver', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down hat', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at silver throug small', 'look at silver throug platypuses', 'put silver down floor', 'put small down floor', 'put coin down floor', 'put hat down floor', 'put note down floor', 'throw all at silver', 'throw all at small', 'put all down floor', 'throw all at coin', 'east'] state: Taken.
(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 41 out of 100.)
"Take it to the sea," King Anatinus whispers as you turn the hat in your hands. "There you will find a creature learned in the lore of Magick. Heed him well! In his wisdom lies your only hope."
description: ThrRoom inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'silver whistle', 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look silver', 'look platypuses', 'look one', 'blow silver', 'take off anatinus', 'look room', 'look down hat', 'put down silver', 'put down small', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at silver throug small', 'look at silver throug platypuses', 'put silver down floor', 'put small down floor', 'put hat down floor', 'put coin down floor', 'put note down floor', 'throw all at silver', 'throw all at small', 'put all down floor', 'throw all at coin', 'east'] state: Time passes.
A fanfare of trumpets breaks the silence, and the crowd falls to its knees.
"Good luck to you, brave Adventurer!" cries King Anatinus, bowing deeply. "Now blow into the silver whistle one more time, and deliver us from the horror of the Evil One."
The platypuses look at you expectantly.
description: ThrRoom inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'silver whistle', 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| BLOW WHISTLE reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'look small', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in gate', 'take branch', 'look road', 'look down hat', 'look down sand', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down hat', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at small throug ground', 'look at small throug violet', 'put small down ground', 'put small down lake', 'put coin down ground', 'put hat down ground', 'put note down ground', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down ground', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put hat down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'dig sand with small', 'push branch lake', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.
A sudden gust of wind rises out of nowhere, and Misty Island falls away beneath your feet. You feel the silver whistle slip from your hand as you streak across the lake...
Lake Edge
You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville Cemetery.
Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the water.
You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake.
A dead branch is lying on the ground.
description: Lake Edge inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['yes'] state: The cemetery is a spooky place, especially at night. Are you sure you want to go in there?
(Please type YES or NO.) description: Lake Edge inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| YES reward: 0 hint: ['look east', 'look small', 'east', 'look violet', 'look dark', 'take off mists', 'take umbrella', 'north', 'look lane', 'look down hat', 'put down small', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at small throug stone', 'look at small throug violet', 'give small stone', 'throw small at stone', 'throw hat at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw note at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at umbrella', 'throw all at coin'] state:
You have been warned.
Twilight Glen
The trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the tombstones winds off to the east.
There must have been a burial here recently. Somebody left their umbrella leaning up against a tombstone.
As you glance around you notice luminous ribbons of mist darting among the tombstones. The air is filled with sinister voices.
description: Twilight Glen inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look east', 'look small', 'look around east', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take on grave', 'look grass', 'look down hat', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down hat', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around small', 'look at small throug grass', 'look at small throug grave', 'look at small throug violet', 'give small east', 'give violet note', 'give vapors coin', 'give vapors hat', 'put small down grass', 'put coin down grass', 'put hat down grass', 'put note down grass', 'throw all at small', 'put all down grass', 'throw all at coin', 'put small down grave', 'put coin down grave', 'put hat down grave', 'put note down grave', 'put all down grave', 'throw all off small', 'throw all off east', 'throw all off grave', 'south', 'west', 'down'] state: Spooky Copse
A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected next to it.
The luminous mists suddenly condense into a cloud of eldritch vapors! Circling like sharks, they stroke your face with ghostly fingers and whisper dreadful secrets into your ears.
description: Spooky Copse inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| D reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look small', 'look dark', 'north', 'look violet', 'take in open', 'take off open', 'take off north', 'look open', 'look down hat', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around north', 'look at small throug open', 'look at small throug violet', 'give small open', 'put small down open', 'put note down open', 'put hat down open', 'put coin down open', 'throw all at small', 'put all down open', 'throw all at coin'] state: The eldritch vapors moan with disappointment as you escape their misty clutches.
Open Grave
You're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of dirt. Luminous ribbons of mist are swarming overhead, and a dark hole is visible in the north wall.
description: Open Grave inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['look east', 'look small', 'east', 'look violet', 'look dark', 'take in hole', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at small throug stone', 'look at small throug violet', 'throw small at stone', 'throw note at small', 'throw hat at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'north', 'south'] state: Underground
You're in a dirty underground chamber. Long, smelly tunnels wander away to the north and east, and there's a dark hole in the south wall.
description: Underground inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look small', 'west', 'look violet', 'look dark', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'push bunk', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at small throug stone', 'look at small throug violet', 'throw small at stone', 'throw note at small', 'throw hat at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'north'] state: Underground
You're in a dark underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the north and west.
A dark, narrow hole is visible overhead.
description: Underground inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| PUSH BUNK reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look stone', 'west', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in hole', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'put down stone', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at stone throug small', 'look at stone throug violet', 'throw stone at small', 'put stone down hole', 'throw note at stone', 'put note down hole', 'throw hat at stone', 'put hat down hole', 'throw coin at stone', 'put coin down hole', 'throw all at stone', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down hole', 'north', 'up'] state: Okay, you moved the bunk away from the hole.
Faint light streams in from overhead.
description: Underground inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| DROP ALL reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look stone', 'look violet', 'west', 'look all', 'take in hole', 'take stone', 'take hat', 'take coin', 'take note', 'take all', 'look tunnels', 'look around west', 'look at stone throug small', 'look at stone throug violet', 'north', 'up'] state: The wizard's hat: Dropped.
The small stone: Dropped.
The gold coin: Dropped.
The violet note: Dropped.
The small stone stops glowing.
description: Underground inventory: None |action| U reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look bunk', 'look dark', 'take in hole', 'take thick', 'look jail', 'look behind bunk', 'push bunk', 'look at bunk throug floor', 'look at bunk throug all', 'take thick from bunk', 'down'] state: With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
Jail Cell
You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
The only furnishing is a hard bunk in the middle of the floor with a thick blanket on it.
There's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.
description: Jail Cell inventory: None |action| GET BLANKET reward: 3 hint: ['north', 'look bunk', 'look dark', 'take in hole', 'look jail', 'put down thick', 'look behind bunk', 'push bunk', 'look at bunk throug floor', 'look at bunk throug all', 'put thick down floor', 'put thick down hole', 'put thick down bunk', 'down'] state: Taken.
(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 44 out of 100.)
description: Jail Cell inventory: ['thick blanket'] |action| D reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look stone', 'look violet', 'west', 'look all', 'take in hole', 'take stone', 'take wizard', 'take coin', 'take note', 'take all', 'look tunnels', 'put down blanket', 'look around west', 'look at stone throug blanket', 'look at stone throug violet', 'throw blanket at stone', 'put blanket down hole', 'north', 'up'] state: With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
You can see a violet note, a gold coin, a small stone and a wizard's hat here.
description: Underground inventory: ['thick blanket'] |action| GET ALL reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look stone', 'look violet', 'west', 'look all', 'take in hole', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'put down stone', 'put down blanket', 'put down coin', 'put down hat', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at stone throug blanket', 'look at stone throug violet', 'throw stone at blanket', 'put stone down hole', 'throw blanket at stone', 'put blanket down hole', 'throw coin at stone', 'put coin down hole', 'throw hat at stone', 'put hat down hole', 'throw note at stone', 'put note down hole', 'throw all at stone', 'throw all at blanket', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down hole', 'north', 'up'] state: The violet note: Taken.
The gold coin: Taken.
The small stone: Taken.
The wizard's hat: Taken.
The small stone begins to glow again.
description: Underground inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note', 'thick blanket'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'east', 'look blanket', 'look violet', 'look dark', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'put down blanket', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at blanket throug small', 'look at blanket throug violet', 'throw blanket at small', 'throw small at blanket', 'throw note at blanket', 'throw hat at blanket', 'throw coin at blanket', 'throw all at blanket', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'south', 'west'] state: Underground
You're in a damp underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the south, east and west.
description: Underground inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note', 'thick blanket'] |action| E |
|start_header_id| temple 23 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['down', 'south', 'put statue down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put all down', 'put statue on desk', 'put statue on table', 'put statue on bookshelves', 'put statue on ink', 'put statue on dust', 'put vial on desk', 'put vial on table', 'put vial on bookshelves', 'put vial on ink', 'put vial on dust', 'put paper on desk', 'put paper on table', 'put paper on bookshelves', 'put paper on ink', 'put paper on dust', 'put all on desk', 'put all on table', 'put all on bookshelves', 'put all on ink', 'put all on dust', 'up'] state:
Charles comes walking behind you. description: Study inventory: ['mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take into bristow', 'up', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put all down'] state: Just as you descend the last steps of the staircase you notice that something is wedged between the door and the door frame!
Charles comes with you. description: Hall inventory: ['mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| stand on charles reward: 3 hint: ['up', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state: You explain your idea for Charles and he lifts you up. After a few moments of nervous search your fingers touch cold metal. You jerk it out and Charles puts you down again. The fruit of your effort is an iron key.
[Your score has just gone up by three points.] description: Hall inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| unlock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['up', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key'] state: You unlock the oak door. description: Hall inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| open door reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'up', 'close door', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put all down'] state: You open the oak door. description: Hall inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['close door', 'north', 'take into southwest', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state:
Before A Dark Tower
This area in front of an old tower offers a nightmarish view over a monstrous tangle of dark stone buildings. Most buildings are elliptical, built of irregular-sized basalt blocks of irregular size. None of them seem to have any doors or windows. There is a square further down to the southwest. The sole passage to the tower is through the door to the north.
Charles comes walking behind you. description: Before A Dark Tower inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x tower reward: 0 hint: ['close door', 'north', 'take into southwest', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state: Judging from the masonry the tower must be centuries old. It towers high above the nightmarish city below.
Charles looks nervously around. description: Before A Dark Tower inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'take into northeast', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state:
Public Square
There is a large public square here, surrounded by the same strange elliptical buildings on all sides except to the east, where a high wall built of massive sandstone blocks stands. There is a road to the west leading deeper into the city. Against the sky you see a high tower to the northeast. The only trace of life comes from the south where a road leads to what appears to be a temple.
Charles comes with you. description: Public Square inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x sandstone reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'take into northeast', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state: The wall is running in north-south direction. It is constructed of huge sandstone blocks and must be more than twelve feet high. description: Public Square inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x temple reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'take into northeast', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state: The temple is an impressive and forbidding structure, adorned by mysterious mural paintings. Many people have gathered inside, and muffled sounds of praying can be heard even from the outside.
Charles is lost in thoughts. description: Public Square inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| ask charles about temple reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'take into northeast', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state: 'Look at the carvings, and the strange shape of that building! I know well what that temple is housing. It is a house of worship of the evil Gods. Don't go there if you value your life.' description: Public Square inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'north', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put all down'] state:
Wandering through the deserted city you stumble upon something unexpected. A large crack yawns darkly into the side of one of the ponderous elliptical buildings to the north. You wonder what monumental forces could have effected this rupture. The road extends to the east and west.
Charles comes walking behind you. description: Road inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x crack reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'north', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put statue down', 'put all down'] state: The crack is just wide enough to squeeze through.
Charles sighs deeply and says 'Will I ever see Miriam again?' to himself. description: Road inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state: Squeezing through the crack, you manage to enter the building.
A Dark Hallway
The building is of great size and decorated with extreme elaborateness, giving you a glimpse the nameless past. The walls are covered with mural carvings, whose interpretation escapes you. The smoothness of the sheer stone walls is interrupted by a crack that gapes into the southern wall. A doorway to the north leads deeper inside the building.
Charles comes walking behind you. description: A Dark Hallway inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x carvings reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'put statue down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put paper down', 'put all down'] state: The carvings shows picturesque patterns and figures, but you have a feeling that they are not meant for decoration. Instead, they make you think of illustrations in works of physics and mathematics.
Charles studies the wall and says 'Nice carvings, but I don't understand what they mean.' description: A Dark Hallway inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put all down'] state:
This is an enormous vaulted chamber whose lofty stone groining rise indefinitely into the murky shadows overhead. The exposed stonework features mural carvings in curvilinear designs. Vast shelves of dark wood line the walls, but they are all empty. Although deserted, the place has the air and the feel of a big library. The main exit is to the south.
Charles comes with you. description: Library inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x carvings reward: 0 hint: ['take note', 'take book', 'south', 'put statue down', 'put paper down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put all down', 'take note off skeleton', 'give charles note'] state: A shout of surprise stops you in your tracks. Charles is standing in a remote corner, looking down at something. You move closer, and find a skeleton lying partly hidden in a niche. description: Library inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x skeleton reward: 0 hint: ['take note', 'take book', 'south', 'put statue down', 'put paper down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put all down', 'take note off skeleton', 'give charles note'] state: The yellowed remains lie face down on the floor, still covered by torn clothing. Its bony hand is clutching a note.
Charles points at the skeleton and says 'Poor fellow, I hope we don't end up like him' description: Library inventory: ['wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| take note reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'south', 'put statue down', 'put paper down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'give bristow note'] state: Taken.
Charles is lost in thoughts. description: Library inventory: ['note', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| x note reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'south', 'put statue down', 'put paper down', 'put key down', 'put vial down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'give bristow note'] state: A message is written in spidery script on the note:
I must be brief, because there is not much time left. The fever is burning in my body and I think I won't survive the night.
The Caelestae Horriblis has answered many of my questions. I know of the evil Gods of the past. I now understand that the barbaric rites in the temple have raised them from their eternal sleep and that it is only a question of time before they reconquer Earth. When this happens, we are all doomed. Our only hope is to reimpose the ban once set upon the evil Gods by the Eternal Ones. A sacrifice, on which a mystic symbol is written with holy powder, is necessary to summon them . Hidden in the cryptic language of the Caelestae Horriblis were the ingredients for this powder, and I gathered them in my hideout. I have searched for the exact shape of the mystic symbol, but this knowledge has been denied me. My time is running out, but I know that people from Earth are sometimes thrown into this dimension, and my last wish is that someone can continue where I failed and prepare the sacrifice. description: Library inventory: ['note', 'wrought iron key', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'mysterious vial', 'yellow paper', 'hideous statue'] |action| show note to charles |
|start_header_id| inhumane 84 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'put sphere down', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'put all in floor'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the north of the axle. description: On the Platform inventory: ['faceted obsidian sphere', 'golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| z reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the northeast of the axle.
There seems to be an invisible bar sticking out of the northeast wall of the pit. It sweeps you off the platform into the pit.
*** You have died ***
You are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. "Never go anywhere until you're sure of being able to get back.
"You've been killed by five deathtraps so far. You're getting pretty good at dying, aren't you?"
Round Room
This room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.
There is a shovel lying here. description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south'] state:
Corridor at Alcoves
The corridor goes north to the stairs and south from here. There are alcoves to the east and west. In the floor between the alcoves is a quartz window. description: Corridor at Alcoves inventory: ['torch'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put torch down', 'turn crank', 'take button off torch', 'east'] state:
West Alcove
This alcove has a stone platform set in the floor. The platform shifts a little but does not move when you step on it. Sticking out of the platform is an iron crank. description: West Alcove inventory: ['torch'] |action| turn crank reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'put torch down', 'turn crank', 'take button off torch'] state: The platform slowly moves down a shaft below it. In the other alcove the other platform slowly moves up, counterbalancing the one you are on.
On Platform
You are on the crank platform at the bottom of the shaft under the alcove. There is an opening to the east. description: On Platform inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take diamond', 'push button', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
In Tiny Room
This is a tiny room. The only exit is back west. You can see the quartz window directly above your head.
There is a huge diamond lying on the ground! description: In Tiny Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| get diamond reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'west', 'put diamond down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch'] state: Taken. description: In Tiny Room inventory: ['huge glittering diamond', 'torch'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'put diamond down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'turn crank', 'take button off torch'] state:
On Platform description: On Platform inventory: ['huge glittering diamond', 'torch'] |action| turn crank reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: The platform moves back up to the alcove level. In the other alcove, you see the other platform moving back down until both of the platforms are even.
West Alcove
This alcove has a stone platform set in the floor. The platform shifts a little but does not move when you step on it. Sticking out of the platform is an iron crank.
As the other platform moves down from the hole in the ceiling, you see a small robot standing on it. When it gets down to the floor, it looks at you, says "Ex-trrr-mnnn-ate", points an arm at you, and turns you into a small pile of monatomic dust.
*** You have died ***
You are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. "Giving nasties a free ride down to where you are seems a little stupid.
"Six traps have killed you. I am forced to the conclusion that you are a high-grade moron at best."
Round Room
This room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.
There is a shovel lying here. description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'south', 'east'] state:
T-Intersection description: T-Intersection inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'north', 'west', 'east', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Corridor at Doorway description: Corridor at Doorway inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Room Full of Gadgets
This is the south end of a long room. The walls and floor and ceiling are covered with thousands of metal gadgets that you might want to examine more carefully. There is a path free of gadgets to the north end of the room. description: Room Full of Gadgets inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take ruby', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'south'] state:
North Gadget Room
The room stretches away back south. The metal gadgets are clustered even more densely here.
Sitting on the floor in a clear space is a cut-crystal bowl.
The bowl contains:
a large perfect ruby
a hundreds of quartz chips description: North Gadget Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| take ruby reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: As you do, several of the quartz chips spill onto the floor. Some hit metal gadgets, triggering them. Darts fly. Some darts hit more gadgets. More darts fly. After a few seconds of this, you have been punctured several million times.
*** You have died ***
You are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. "When standing inside a mass of uranium, it is not usually a good idea to drop a neutron.
"All right, you've set off seven out of nine traps. Make that a low-grade moron who is stoned on nitrolabe."
Round Room
This room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.
There is a shovel lying here. description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south'] state:
Corridor at Alcoves description: Corridor at Alcoves inventory: ['torch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put brass down', 'open door', 'take brass off torch', 'take brass off door', 'north'] state:
Outside Door
You are at the end of the hall. To the south is a wooden door with a steel knob on it.
The door is closed. description: Outside Door inventory: ['torch'] |action| open door reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'close door', 'south', 'put brass down', 'take brass off torch', 'take brass off door', 'north'] state: The door slams open. It is apparently on a very strong spring. If you were on the other side, you would have been slammed into the wall. As it is, the steel door-knob slams into the inside wall. description: Outside Door inventory: ['torch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'close door', 'north', 'put brass down', 'take brass off torch', 'take brass off door'] state:
Room With Chest
This room is empty except for a small chest at one end. The only exit is the door to the north.
The door is open. You see something glimmering behind the door. You'll have to close the door to get it.
The chest is closed and locked. description: Room With Chest inventory: ['torch'] |action| close door reward: 0 hint: ['take brass', 'push button', 'put brass down', 'take brass off torch', 'open chest with needle'] state: After much tugging, you manage to get the door shut. Behind it is a brass needle that you might use to unlock the chest. description: Room With Chest inventory: ['torch'] |action| take needle reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put needle down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take brass off torch', 'open chest with needle'] state: Taken. description: Room With Chest inventory: ['brass needle', 'torch'] |action| open chest with needle |
|start_header_id| zork3 149 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'take in temporizer', 'close temporizer', 'close door', 'put down ring', 'put ring in seat', 'put ring behind seat'] state: Technology Museum
You are in a large, unfinished room, probably intended to be a part of the Royal Museum.
A strange grey machine, shaped somewhat like a clothes dryer, is on one side of the room. On the other side of the hall is a powerful-looking black machine, a tight tangle of wires, pipes, and motors.
A plaque is mounted near the door. The grey machine, it turns out, is a Frobozz Magic Pressurizer, used in the coal mines of the Empire. The black machine is a Frobozz Magic Room Spinner. The golden machine is referred to as a Temporizer. All are non-working models donated by Frobozzco president John D. Flathead.
Directly in front of you is a large golden machine, which has a seat with a console in front. On the console is a single button and a dial connected to a three-digit display which reads 776. The machine is suprisingly shiny and shows few signs of age.
description: Technology Museum inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| LIFT SEAT reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'take in temporizer', 'close temporizer', 'close door', 'put down ring', 'put ring in seat', 'put ring behind seat'] state: You notice a small hollow area under the seat.
description: Technology Museum inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| HIDE RING UNDER SEAT reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'take in temporizer', 'close temporizer', 'close door', 'look under seat'] state: The ring is concealed underneath the seat.
description: Technology Museum inventory: None |action| GET IN GOLDEN MACHINE reward: 0 hint: ['take out gold', 'look under seat'] state: You are now in the gold machine.
description: gold machine inventory: None |action| SET DIAL TO 948 reward: 0 hint: ['take out gold', 'look under seat', 'push button'] state: The dial is set to 948.
description: gold machine inventory: None |action| PRESS BUTTON reward: 0 hint: ['take out gold', 'look under seat'] state: You experience a brief period of disorientation. When your vision returns, your surroundings appear somewhat altered.
description: gold machine inventory: None |action| GET OUT OF GOLDEN MACHINE reward: 0 hint: ['take in this', 'close this', 'look under seat', 'open door'] state: You are on your own feet again.
description: Technology Museum inventory: None |action| LIFT SEAT reward: 0 hint: ['take in this', 'close gold machine', 'put down ring', 'open door', 'put ring in this', 'put ring behind this'] state: You find the ring under the seat and put it on your finger.
description: Technology Museum inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| OPEN WOODEN DOOR reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'take in gold machine', 'close this', 'close gold machine', 'put down ring', 'put ring in seat', 'put ring behind seat', 'push gold machine south'] state: The wooden door opens.
description: Technology Museum inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'close wooden', 'put down ring', 'north', 'west'] state: Museum Entrance
description: Museum Entrance inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| OPEN STONE DOOR reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'close wooden', 'put down ring', 'north', 'west', 'east'] state: The door is now open.
description: Museum Entrance inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'blow out torch', 'take key', 'take vial', 'take staff', 'take torch', 'take amulet', 'take cloak', 'take magic', 'take hood', 'take all', 'put down ring', 'put on all', 'open vial', 'light staff with torch'] state: Jewel Room
There is a golden amulet here.
There is a Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent here.
There is a strange key here.
There is a torch here.
There is a wooden staff here.
There is a vial here.
There is a hood here.
There is a cloak here.
description: Jewel inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| GET ALL reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn off torch', 'put down ring', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down hood', 'put down cloak', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch'] state: bronze plaque: What a concept!
golden amulet: You are now wearing the golden amulet.
Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent: Taken.
strange key: Taken.
torch: Taken.
wooden staff: Taken.
vial: Taken.
hood: You are now wearing the hood.
cloak: You are now wearing the cloak.
description: Jewel inventory: ['cloak', 'hood', 'vial', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet', 'golden ring'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'south', 'put down ring', 'put down staff', 'put down key', 'put down amulet', 'put down cloak', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down hood', 'put down all', 'east', 'open vial', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'north', 'west'] state: Museum Entrance
description: Museum Entrance inventory: ['cloak', 'hood', 'vial', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet', 'golden ring'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'take note', 'north', 'down', 'put down ring', 'put down key', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down cloak', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down hood', 'put down all', 'west', 'open vial', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch'] state: Royal Puzzle Entrance
This is a small square room, in the middle of which is a perfectly round hole through which you can discern the floor some ten feet below. The place under the hole is dark, but it appears to be completely enclosed in rock. In any event, it doesn't seem likely that you could climb back up. Exits are west and, up a few steps, north.
Lying on the ground is a small note of some kind.
description: Puzzle Entrance inventory: ['cloak', 'hood', 'vial', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet', 'golden ring'] |action| D reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'put down ring', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down hood', 'put down cloak', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch'] state: Room in a Puzzle
You are in a small square room bounded to the north and west with marble walls and to the east and south with sandstone walls.
description: a Puzzle inventory: ['cloak', 'hood', 'vial', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet', 'golden ring'] |action| PRESS SOUTH WALL reward: 1 hint: ['turn off torch', 'put down ring', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down hood', 'put down cloak', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch'] state: The wall slides forward and you follow it....
The architecture of this region is getting complex, so that further descriptions will be diagrams of the immediate vicinity in a 3x3 grid. The walls here are rock, but of two different types - sandstone and marble. The following notations will be used:
.. = your position (middle of grid)
MM = marble wall
SS = sandstone wall
?? = unknown (blocked by walls)
Room in a Puzzle
West +MM .. + East
+?? SS +
description: a Puzzle inventory: ['cloak', 'hood', 'vial', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet', 'golden ring'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'put down ring', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down hood', 'put down cloak', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch'] state: Room in a Puzzle
+ SS ??+
West + .. MM+ East
+SS +
description: a Puzzle inventory: ['cloak', 'hood', 'vial', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet', 'golden ring'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'put down ring', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down hood', 'put down cloak', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch'] state: Room in a Puzzle
+ MM+
West +SS .. + East
+SS +
description: a Puzzle inventory: ['cloak', 'hood', 'vial', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet', 'golden ring'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'put down ring', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down hood', 'put down cloak', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch'] state: Room in a Puzzle
+ MM +
West + .. + East
+ SS+
description: a Puzzle inventory: ['cloak', 'hood', 'vial', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet', 'golden ring'] |action| E |
|start_header_id| 905 9 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take off watch', 'take clothing', 'put watch down', 'get in toilet'] state: You put on the gold watch. description: Bathroom inventory: ['gold watch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'take wallet', 'take keys', 'close door', 'put watch down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open dresser', 'open wallet', 'take all from table', 'put watch in bed', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone'] state:
This bedroom is extremely spare, with dirty laundry scattered haphazardly all over the floor. Cleaner clothing can be found in the dresser. A bathroom lies to the south, while a door to the east leads to the living room.
On the end table are a telephone, a wallet and some keys. description: Bedroom inventory: ['gold watch'] |action| get all from table reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'close door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open dresser', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in bed', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: wallet: Removed.
keys: Removed. description: Bedroom inventory: ['keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| open dresser reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'take clothing', 'close dresser', 'close door', 'put on clothing', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in dresser', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in dresser', 'put watch in bed', 'put keys in dresser', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in dresser', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: You open the dresser, revealing some clean clothing. description: Bedroom inventory: ['keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| get clothes reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'close door', 'close dresser', 'put on clothing', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put clothing down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in dresser', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in dresser', 'put watch in bed', 'put clothing in dresser', 'put clothing in bed', 'put keys in dresser', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in dresser', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put clothing on table', 'put clothing on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: Taken. description: Bedroom inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| wear clothes reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'close door', 'close dresser', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in dresser', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in dresser', 'put watch in bed', 'put keys in dresser', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in dresser', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: You put on the clean clothing. description: Bedroom inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close bedroom door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'east', 'west', 'open wallet', 'open front door'] state:
Living room
The furniture isn't as carefully arranged as one might like, and it's a bit lacking in the luxuries that might make this a more pleasant place to spend an evening - no stereo, no TV, no DVD, none of that - but this living room is still nicer than most of those in this neighborhood. A kitchenette lies to the east, the bedroom to the west and the front door to the south. description: Living room inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| open front door reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'take off watch', 'close bedroom door', 'close front door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'east', 'west', 'open wallet'] state: You open the front door. description: Living room inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'north', 'open wallet', 'open car with wallet'] state:
This is quite a seedy neighborhood, but there isn't really anywhere in the whole Las Mesas metro area that isn't at least a little rundown. Of course, the locals may complain about the ugliness and the crime, but the fact is that a starter home like this one would cost easily five times as much in someplace like Las Playas - and that's if you could find one.
The house lies to the north. A car is parked here in the driveway. description: Driveway inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| unlock car reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close door', 'get in car', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'north', 'lock car', 'open wallet'] state: Unlocked. description: Driveway inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| enter car reward: 0 hint: [] state: You climb inside and start up the engine.
Ah, scenic Las Mesas. Man, this place is an absolute toilet. Soon you'll be able to afford to get the hell out of here - provided you can avoid making any more slip-ups on the job.
As you cruise down the road, you notice a freeway onramp approaching. Would you like to get on? description: Driving inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| QUIT |
|start_header_id| moonlit 13 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit comb', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The comb is curved like a smile, though it seems fragile, easily broken by a chance hand. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| hit comb reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Three of the long central teeth flex, then snap in your fingers. The justiciar wore a comb long-broken as a memento; it proved an uneasy prophecy of waking passion and breaking promises. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x compass reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The compass is carved from a single piece of jade in which violet and green intermingle delicately; the cardinal directions--if such they be--are marked by hawk, swallow, crane and feather. More curiously still, the needle is of glass, suggesting that it homes to something other than the north. Perhaps you can set it yourself?
The needle points to the feather. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x feather reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Even for the emperor's winter court, the only birds that remain in the gardens are the jeweled nightingales, which sing dainty mechanical tunes when they are stroked with a feather. Your brother hated them passionately, but he listened to them readily enough whenever the justiciar asked, with that smile that lit her eyes, though it never reached her mouth. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x hawk reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: It was autumn when last you went hawking with the emperor's justiciar. Freed of court robes, she soared as surely as the kestrel that raced before her; her hair was black and scandalously unbound as the red-and-gold ribbons tore away in the wind to land in your waiting hand. Autumn... description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x swallow reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Spring is the swallows' season, when they return from their sojourn in distant lands and signal the kite-flying auguries. If only an augury could help you now... description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x crane reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The most auspicious of all birds, save the imperial phoenix. Many a summer morning have you gazed upon cranes in flight, whether silhouetted against the setting sun or set in abalone-shell upon a fine lacquered cabinet, a cloisonne hairpin. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| set compass to hawk reward: 0 hint: ['take leaf', 'turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'open leaf', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with leaf', 'put mask on compass', 'push leaf to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The needle points to the hawk now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| look reward: 0 hint: ['take leaf', 'turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'open leaf', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with leaf', 'put mask on compass', 'push leaf to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state:
Undying Garden
Autumn's fiery colors are evident in the trees and flowers around you. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.
A jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.
Transactions of light show other rooms southward and westward.
On the unliving trees is a folded maple leaf. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x trees reward: 0 hint: ['take leaf', 'turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'open leaf', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with leaf', 'put mask on compass', 'push leaf to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Maples in black, red and gold, like the colors she loved so well, and the cloven yellow of gingko.
A single maple leaf flutters loosely, as though seeking escape. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x leaf reward: 0 hint: ['take leaf', 'turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'open leaf', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with leaf', 'put mask on compass', 'push leaf to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: This cleverly-folded leaf stirs as though, in its secret paper dreams, it yearns to fly. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| take leaf reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put leaf down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'open leaf', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put leaf on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Taken. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['folded maple leaf', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| unfold leaf reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put other on teeth', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'south', 'west'] state: You now have a sheet of red paper. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| i reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put other on teeth', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'south', 'west'] state: You are carrying:
a sheet of red paper
three comb's teeth
a lady's tortoise-shell comb (broken)
a bronze-hilted dagger
half a porcelain mask
armor and silks (worn) description: Undying Garden inventory: ['sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x crane reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put other on teeth', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'south', 'west'] state: The most auspicious of all birds, save the imperial phoenix. Many a summer morning have you gazed upon cranes in flight, whether silhouetted against the setting sun or set in abalone-shell upon a fine lacquered cabinet, a cloisonne hairpin. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| set compass to crane reward: 0 hint: ['take fan', 'turn compass', 'cut blue tassel', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with fan', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'push fan to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put other on teeth', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'south', 'west'] state: A tasseled fan appears upon the compass' surface. The needle points to the crane now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| get fan reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'cut blue tassel', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'put all on teeth', 'south', 'west'] state: Taken. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x fan reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'cut blue tassel', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'put all on teeth', 'south', 'west'] state: More remarkable than the fan's intricate designs is the long blue tassel that trails from it. It is the kind of fan a lady might carry to cool herself during the summer's heat. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| cut blue tassel reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put kitestring down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put kitestring on compass', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'put all on teeth', 'south', 'west'] state: A few neat cuts free some strands from the tassel, and tying them together results in--a kitestring?
For a second there is a dark-eyed boy beside you, whose laugh is yours, but wilder; whose smile is yours, but wider. If only you remembered the augury that you and your brother cast that spring in the kite-flying ritual, years before either of you met the woman who wore black and red and gold... description: Undying Garden inventory: ['kitestring', 'tasseled fan', 'sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| i reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put kitestring down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put kitestring on compass', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'put all on teeth', 'south', 'west'] state: You are carrying:
a kitestring
a tasseled fan
a sheet of red paper
three comb's teeth
a lady's tortoise-shell comb (broken)
a bronze-hilted dagger
half a porcelain mask
armor and silks (worn) description: Undying Garden inventory: ['kitestring', 'tasseled fan', 'sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| attach paper to teeth |
|start_header_id| library 28 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state: You open the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take nelson', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state:
Rare Books Room
The shelves are nearly bare, although there is a complete set of the "New Zork Times", a box labeled "Avalon", and several biographies of various computer game authors. The door out is to the north
You can see a biography of Graham Nelson here. description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Get book reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
The door stands open. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Close door reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You close the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Lock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with graham'] state: You lock the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'examine manual'] state:
Computer Lab
This entire room hums with the combined output of several dozen computers. All of them are hopelessly out of date, but at least they're still good for word processing.
A bank of printers on one side of the room frantically churns out paper.
You can see a technician here. description: Computer Lab inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X technician reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'examine manual'] state: This frazzled-looking man is thin and angular. He wears thick, slightly rose-tinted glasses, and exhibits nervous twitching. He is wearing a nametag.
He is leafing through a manual for security systems, and cursing the unreliability of the security gates. description: Computer Lab inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Ask technician about security gates reward: 2 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'examine printers'] state: The technician throws his hands up in frustration, slams the manual shut, tucks it under one arm and heads for the stairs. The air behind him positively smokes from the stream of invective he's producing.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Computer Lab inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X printouts reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put frobozzica down', 'put all down'] state: Wow, a complete copy of the "Encyclopedia Frobozzica"! You take it, as it might prove useful.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Computer Lab inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put printout down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with graham'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
A heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put printout down', 'put all down'] state:
Second Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| D reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put printout down', 'put all down', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put printout down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down', 'give reference printout'] state:
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Ask Marion about encyclopedia reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put printout down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down', 'give reference printout'] state: "I am waiting for the Encyclopedia Frobozzica, which the technician is currently printing out for me." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Give encyclopedia to Marion reward: 2 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: "Wow, a copy of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica! I've been wanting one of those! I need to add it to the collection right away." She begins furiously working at the computer at her desk.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X shelves reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: The games on these shelves range from every installment of the Zork series, through something simply marked as LTOI. There is a special shelf devoted to a game called, simply, "Curses", with labels like "R12", "R14", "R15", and "Curses95". Other shelves cover "Christminster", "Theatre", "Balances", and many, many others.
Off in one corner are several magazines dedicated to IF, including XYZZYNews and SPAG. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X magazines reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: These IF magazines include XYZZYNews (named for an old magic word from "Colossal Caves") and SPAG, the Society for the Preservation of Adventure Games. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Xyzzy reward: 1 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: You invoke an ancient word of power, and a hollow voice whispers in your ear, "Quiet, please. No talking in the library."
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key', 'give attendant debt'] state:
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a technician and a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Give key to Alan |
|start_header_id| reverb 3 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'take note', 'put box down', 'examine note', 'open box', 'push note to southwest', 'put box on counter', 'push note to counter'] state: Taken. description: Behind the Counter inventory: ['large pizza box'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'examine note', 'open box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'push note to counter'] state: You walk around to the front of the pizza parlor.
Pizza Parlor
You are standing in the middle of "Mr. Tasty's Pizza Parlor". The counter separating you from the back of the parlor stretches in front of you on the northeast corner of the room. To the south is an exit to the street.
On the counter is a handwritten note. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['large pizza box'] |action| x note reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'examine note', 'open box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'push note to counter'] state: The note reads:
Don't forget to make your delivery to Mr. Calzone, located at the San Doppleton Courthouse. You're already on thin ice, kid. One more screwup and you can expect to be looking for a new job."
The note is signed with the initials "RT". The paper is official "Mr. Tasty's" stationery with the name Bob "Tasty" Tasker and lots of balloons and smiley faces all over the border. Isn't that cute? description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['large pizza box'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine box', 'north', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put box down', 'east', 'west', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'open box', 'throw box', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'show people box', 'give people box', 'tell people about east', 'throw box against people'] state:
Street, by Pizza Parlor
San Doppleton is where you live, work and play -- at least until summer. It has the typical California culture; which is to say, none. But at least it's just forty minutes' drive from Santa Barbara and the beach, so you can't complain much.
You stand in the heart of San Doppleton's main drag, the business district. The street goes east and west. The sidewalk runs by a pizza parlor, with a sewer vent nearby.
Two men bump into each other. They murmur apologies and go their separate ways. description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['large pizza box'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'examine box', 'south', 'pronouns', 'put on west', 'put box down', 'west', 'open box', 'throw box', 'east'] state:
Street, Near Courthouse
You are approaching the center of downtown San Doppleton. There is a courthouse to the south. The street runs east and west. description: Street, Near Courthouse inventory: ['large pizza box'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['wake district', 'put box down', 'north', 'kiss district', 'hit district', 'examine district', 'open box', 'say box to district', 'ask district about box', 'ask defense attorney for box', 'show district box', 'show calzone box', 'give district box', 'give calzone box', 'tell district about box', 'throw box against district'] state:
You are in a crowded courthouse. The street is off to the north.
The courtroom is currently abuzz with excitement as it seems that the pre-trial hearing of the infamous gangster, Guido "The Armadillo" Calzone is winding to a close. Guido and his hotshot lawyer sit placidly at their table, while the flustered young district attorney who is prosecuting the case seems like she's at her wits' end. At the moment, the D.A. stands at the front of the courtroom, arguing over a legal point with the judge. description: Courthouse inventory: ['large pizza box'] |action| x district attorney reward: 0 hint: ['wake jill', 'put box down', 'north', 'kiss jill', 'hit jill', 'examine jill', 'open box', 'say box to jill', 'ask jill about box', 'ask defense attorney for box', 'show jill box', 'show defendant box', 'give jill box', 'give defendant box', 'tell jill about box', 'throw box against jill'] state: You've never been up to date on local politics, but you can see that the DA is an attractive brunette in her mid-thirties. Why, that would make her only, uh... ten years old than you!
The more you look at her, the more you think she's a total babe! You bet she could totally go for a guy like you! After all, she's a brilliant, successful career-oriented woman with a promising future ahead of her, and you're... you're a college dropout pizza delivery boy.
Never mind.
"Miss Thompson," says the judge, "I've had about enough of you wasting this court's time. Unless you can demonstrate a clear threat to public safety, I'm going to recommend that Mr. Calzone be transported to a minimum security prison pending further review. His trial is to be held next week." Jill is clearly not happy with this pronouncement. description: Courthouse inventory: ['large pizza box'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['wake jill', 'put box down', 'north', 'kiss jill', 'hit jill', 'examine jill', 'open box', 'say box to jill', 'ask jill about box', 'ask defense attorney for box', 'show jill box', 'show defendant box', 'give jill box', 'give defendant box', 'tell jill about box', 'throw box against jill'] state: Time passes.
"Your honor, I wish you would reconsider," says Jill. "The defendant has a long history of disappearances, and it is counsel's opinion that he will not be around in a week to stand trial. I recommend transporting him to a more secure prison." description: Courthouse inventory: ['large pizza box'] |action| open pizza box reward: 0 hint: ['wake guido', 'put box down', 'close box', 'north', 'eat pizza', 'kiss guido', 'push pizza to guido', 'hit guido', 'examine jill', 'look in pizza', 'open box', 'say box to guido', 'ask guido about box', 'ask guido for box', 'take pizza off box', 'push pizza to box', 'show guido box', 'show jill box', 'give guido box', 'give jill box', 'tell guido about box', 'throw box against guido'] state: You flip open the pizza box, revealing a large pizza.
"Your opinion is duly noted, Miss Thompson," says the judge sarcastically. "But the fact is, the 'long history' you refer to is based on hearsay. Now, I recommend you gather some solid evidence when you prepare for the trial, because the minimal research you've obviously done won't be enough to convict the defendant." description: Courthouse inventory: ['large pizza box'] |action| search pizza reward: 2 hint: ['wake jill', 'put box down', 'put file down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'north', 'kiss jill', 'push pizza to file', 'hit jill', 'examine file', 'examine jill', 'open box', 'say box to jill', 'ask jill about box', 'ask defense attorney for box', 'take pizza off box', 'push pizza to box', 'show jill box', 'show jill file', 'give jill box', 'give jill file', 'tell jill about box', 'throw box against jill', 'throw file against jill'] state: Digging through layers of cheese, you discover and confiscate a metal file.
Jill tries desperately to convince the judge that Guido "The Armadillo" Calzone plans to escape, but it's obvious she won't get anywhere without more evidence.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Courthouse inventory: ['metal file', 'large pizza box'] |action| show file to district attorney reward: 5 hint: ['north'] state: Jill looks astonished when you tell her where you found the file. She marches smartly up to the stand and shows this new evidence to the judge, who can't argue with her logic. He orders Guido into a maximum security prison pending further review.
As the courtroom clears out, the bailiff drags Guido past you. With intense calm, Guido looks you right in the eye and says, "That was a mistake, my friend. It don't pay to mess with The Family.
"I believe THIS belongs to me," he adds, ungraciously snatching the pizza box from your hands on the way out.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Courthouse inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'north', 'south', 'pronouns', 'put on west', 'west', 'east'] state: Jill is here.
Jill approaches and shakes your hand warmly. "That was a brilliant work in there, kid. If it hadn't been for you, Guido might have escaped from jail." Seeing your blank look, she says, "My name Jill Thompson. I'm San Doppleton's District Attorney. For the past four years, I've been pursuing this local mafia branch, trying to bring some serious legal action down on them. These guys seem to own everything in town, and they already know me by sight. So I can't find any more clues before the trial but you can. Please try dig up whatever information you can, I'll be up in my office if you need me. I work at Gunther & Associates. It's on the third floor of that tall building over there, you can't miss it."
Jill walks away to the west.
Street, Near Courthouse description: Street, Near Courthouse inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine rider', 'west', 'pronouns', 'wake rider', 'put on rider', 'east', 'kiss rider', 'hit rider', 'say east to rider', 'ask rider about east', 'ask rider for east', 'tell rider about east'] state:
You are in downtown San Doppleton. The street coming from the east ends at a three-story office building to the west.
A guy in a business suit walks past you. description: Downtown inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'north'] state:
Office Building
You are in an office building. The exit to the street is east. There is also a flight of stairs heading up to the north.
There are fronds on either side of the exit on the east. description: Office Building inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'kiss other', 'say east to other', 'ask other about east'] state: The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge south.
Office Building, Second Floor
To the east you can see an office door labelled "Gunther & Associates"; other than that, the office doors on this floor are pretty unremarkable. The stairs go up to the south and down to the north. description: Office Building, Second Floor inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['wake attorney', 'put key down', 'kiss attorney', 'hit attorney', 'say window to attorney', 'ask attorney about window', 'give attorney key', 'tell attorney about window', 'throw key against attorney', 'west'] state:
Law Office
You are in a bustling law office. The east wall is dominated by a large window.
Jill stands here.
As you walk into the office, Jill spots you. "Hi!" she says. "Listen, Stan. I have reason to believe that the Mayor is tangled up in the mafia. I managed to use some connections to get this key. It unlocks the mayor's cabinet." She hands you a key. "I'd use it myself, but I already have several eyes on me at all times. They know me." description: Law Office inventory: ['key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put other down', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'kiss other', 'say east to other', 'ask other about east'] state:
Office Building, Second Floor description: Office Building, Second Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close door', 'east', 'south', 'north'] state: The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge north.
Office Building, Third Floor
To the east is a door labelled "John Winnick, Mayor of San Doppleton". The stairs go up to the north and down to the south. description: Office Building, Third Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open story', 'open cabinet with key'] state:
Mayor's Office
You are in the mayor's office. To the east is a window overlooking a second-story drop. There is a glass box mounted on the north wall.
You can see a file cabinet (which is closed) here. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| open window reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open story', 'open cabinet with key'] state: You open up the window. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| unlock cabinet with key |
|start_header_id| 905 9 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take off watch', 'take clothing', 'put watch down', 'get in toilet'] state: You put on the gold watch. description: Bathroom inventory: ['gold watch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'take wallet', 'take keys', 'close door', 'put watch down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open dresser', 'open wallet', 'take all from table', 'put watch in bed', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone'] state:
This bedroom is extremely spare, with dirty laundry scattered haphazardly all over the floor. Cleaner clothing can be found in the dresser. A bathroom lies to the south, while a door to the east leads to the living room.
On the end table are a telephone, a wallet and some keys. description: Bedroom inventory: ['gold watch'] |action| get all from table reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'close door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open dresser', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in bed', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: wallet: Removed.
keys: Removed. description: Bedroom inventory: ['keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| open dresser reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'take clothing', 'close dresser', 'close door', 'put on clothing', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in dresser', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in dresser', 'put watch in bed', 'put keys in dresser', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in dresser', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: You open the dresser, revealing some clean clothing. description: Bedroom inventory: ['keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| get clothes reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'close door', 'close dresser', 'put on clothing', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put clothing down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in dresser', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in dresser', 'put watch in bed', 'put clothing in dresser', 'put clothing in bed', 'put keys in dresser', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in dresser', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put clothing on table', 'put clothing on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: Taken. description: Bedroom inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| wear clothes reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'close door', 'close dresser', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in dresser', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in dresser', 'put watch in bed', 'put keys in dresser', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in dresser', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: You put on the clean clothing. description: Bedroom inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close bedroom door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'east', 'west', 'open wallet', 'open front door'] state:
Living room
The furniture isn't as carefully arranged as one might like, and it's a bit lacking in the luxuries that might make this a more pleasant place to spend an evening - no stereo, no TV, no DVD, none of that - but this living room is still nicer than most of those in this neighborhood. A kitchenette lies to the east, the bedroom to the west and the front door to the south. description: Living room inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| open front door reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'take off watch', 'close bedroom door', 'close front door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'east', 'west', 'open wallet'] state: You open the front door. description: Living room inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'north', 'open wallet', 'open car with wallet'] state:
This is quite a seedy neighborhood, but there isn't really anywhere in the whole Las Mesas metro area that isn't at least a little rundown. Of course, the locals may complain about the ugliness and the crime, but the fact is that a starter home like this one would cost easily five times as much in someplace like Las Playas - and that's if you could find one.
The house lies to the north. A car is parked here in the driveway. description: Driveway inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| unlock car reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close door', 'get in car', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'north', 'lock car', 'open wallet'] state: Unlocked. description: Driveway inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| enter car reward: 0 hint: [] state: You climb inside and start up the engine.
Ah, scenic Las Mesas. Man, this place is an absolute toilet. Soon you'll be able to afford to get the hell out of here - provided you can avoid making any more slip-ups on the job.
As you cruise down the road, you notice a freeway onramp approaching. Would you like to get on? description: Driving inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| QUIT |
|start_header_id| detective 30 |end_header_id| reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: McDonalds inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are still outside. You hit a dead end, then notice that you can go east only.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Music Store >>
You are in a music store. You ask the man behind the counter if he knew any information. "Uhh... nope! But the guy back there might be able ta help." You politly thank him and head to the back. You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Back of Music Store >>
You are in the back of the music store. You ask the guy who's looking at the cool tapes. He looks up at you. "Duh.. no... don't t'ink so... lemme see..." You decide that he's no help. To the west there is a dazed looking man and to the north there is an exit.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Back of Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Alley >>
You are in an alley. A drunken man stagers up to you and says "Boycott FDR! <HICKUP>.". You just walk away. You can go north, east or west. Your call.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Alley inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north', 'south'] state:
<< Police Station >>
You are in the 3rd precinct police station. This isn't your station. You get admitance from the guy at the desk and go to the holding cells. You ask each offender if they know anything. You promise a lighter sentence for the ones who help. But one guy really sets you straight. "I got caught wit' t'ree ounces o' crack. I'm supposed to get 20 years but I'll be out in 2. You can't make me talk cuz it don't matter to me. If I squeal, da guys who did it are gonna come lookin' for me. I know but I ain't gonna tell ya. Now git outta my face.". You are surprised but used to it. You can go north to the outside, south to go back to the alley and west or east to talk to more guys.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Police Station inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'west'] state:
<< Doughnut King >>
You are in the Doughnut King, where the greasiest doughnuts on earth reside. He isn't here, no one seems to be for that matter, so you should go west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Doughnut King inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< The Wall >>
You don't see him here. You ought to go east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: The Wall inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Holiday Inn >>
You are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. "Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Holiday Inn inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
You can't go west from here!
<< Holiday Inn >>
You are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. "Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.
description: Holiday Inn inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Holiday Inn 15th Floor >>
You go up the elevator. When you step out, you see the wallpaper is pink, with little flowers on it. You can go east or west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Holiday Inn 15th Floor inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are in the hallway. You see many doors... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... boy, you have a long way to go. You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Hallway inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallways. You can go west or east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Hallway inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
You can't go north from here!
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallways. You can go west or east.
description: Hallway inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| w reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are in the hallway. You see numbers flash by as you run through the halls. 19... 20... 21... 22... you are getting close! You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Hallway inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| n reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are in the hallway. You feel the heat from the sauna to the west, and to the east is a door marked "Pool A". To the north is more hall.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Hallway inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| n |
|start_header_id| balances 15 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'pronouns', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the yomin spell to memory. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| yomin tortoise reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: For a moment you think there is nothing there, as you chew absentmindedly on a leaf. But somewhere inside the tortoise is a sense of wonder at the amazing blue canopy of the sky. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| learn bozbar reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'pronouns', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the bozbar spell to memory. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| bozbar tortoise reward: 5 hint: ['pronouns', 'take scroll', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: The tortoise seems to be incapable of expressing surprise, but is now soaring away high in the sky. Something rather grubby is left behind.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| get chewed scroll reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Taken. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| northwest reward: 0 hint: ['take sapphire', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine sapphire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state:
Cave Mouth
This is a cave mouth, at one end of a road which winds southeast over rising ground. The entrance west to the caves is a dark tunnel, and only a footpath runs further north, into gorse.
A heavy iron door bars the cave mouth.
Clotted in the mud beside the door is a perfect sapphire. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take sapphire reward: 0 hint: ['close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put sapphire down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine sapphire', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put sapphire in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: Taken. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['perfect sapphire', 'chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| examine sapphire reward: 0 hint: ['cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: As you gaze into the perfect blue of the sapphire, you feel your mind begin to reel. Unable to bear the naked sight of perfection, you look away, ashamed. As you do so, the sapphire cracks and wastes away to thin hot dust. But something remains, something in your mind... description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| examine book reward: 0 hint: ['cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: My Spell Book
gnusto spell: copy a scroll into your spell book.
frotz spell: cause an object to give off light.
yomin spell: mind probe.
rezrov spell: open even locked or enchanted objects.
bozbar spell: cause an animal to sprout wings.
caskly spell: cause perfection. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| caskly chewed scroll reward: 5 hint: ['cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: Before your eyes, the scroll begins to repair itself, failing only at the very last tear. Not quite perfect perhaps, but certainly a readable, if torn scroll.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['torn scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| gnusto scroll reward: 0 hint: ['cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the lobal spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly then the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take carpet', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state:
Gorse Bushes
The footpath from the cave mouth runs into dense, impenetrable gorse bushes. Perhaps it wasn't so much a footpath as a rill in the earth where roots wouldn't take; anyway, there's no way but back south.
Slung over one of the gorse bushes is a beautiful red carpet. description: Gorse Bushes inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take carpet reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Taken. description: Gorse Bushes inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state:
Cave Mouth
A heavy iron door bars the cave mouth. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| learn rezrov reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'pronouns', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the rezrov spell to memory. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| rezrov door reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: Silently, the iron door swings open. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put all down', 'examine spell', 'put spell in box', 'put all in box'] state:
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| learn frotz reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'spells', 'pronouns', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put all down', 'examine spell', 'put spell in box', 'put all in box'] state: (The magic writing of the spells casts enough light that you can read them.)
Using your best study habits, you commit the frotz spell to memory. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| frotz coin reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take gold', 'take scroll', 'take cube', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put down coin', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: There is an almost blinding flash of light as the silver coin begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the silver coin is now quite usable as a light source.
Inside Cave
A wide but shallow cave not far inside the hill. There is no obvious exit, except for the way you came in.
The iron door stands open.
Balanced on a rock formation is a featureless white cube.
A fair-sized pair of scales hangs from a bracket in the cave wall. The scales are balanced.
On the right pan are three gold coins.
On the left pan are a bronze coin, two gold coins and a crumpled scroll. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take cube reward: 5 hint: ['east', 'take gold', 'take scroll', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put down coin', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put cube down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put cube in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Inside Cave inventory: ['cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| write cave on cube |
|start_header_id| zenon 6 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take switch', 'push switch', 'push guage', 'close guage', 'put key down', 'turn switch on', 'push switch to bed', 'put key on bed', 'open door with key'] state: You open the pressure guage. description: Cell inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| push button reward: 0 hint: ['take switch', 'push switch', 'close guage', 'put key down', 'turn switch on', 'push switch to bed', 'put key on bed', 'open door with key'] state: A big red light starts to flash on the pressure guage. Perhaps you did something wrong. description: Cell inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| push switch reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down'] state: You hear hurried footsteps from outside as a guard rushes up.
It is now pitch dark in here! description: Cell inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| wait reward: 4 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down'] state: Time passes.
The guard runs into the room and, in the darkness, you hear a clatter and then a thud. Grinning sheepishly, you push the button on the pressure guage and wait for the lights to return.....
[Your score has just gone up by four points.] description: Cell inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| wait reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down'] state: Time passes. description: Cell inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| wait reward: 0 hint: ['examine switch', 'take switch', 'push switch', 'close guage', 'put key down', 'turn switch on', 'push switch to bed', 'put key on bed', 'open door with key'] state: Time passes.
The lights switch back on automatically.
If you ever get out of here, you really must complain to the prison's standards officers. This place is dirtier and dustier than a dirt factory. If you didn't have better things to do, you'd be in the right mind too give the place a jolly good clean just too spite it. There's a heavily built door to the south.
You can see an a prone guard, a door, a bed, a pressure guage and a light switch here. description: Cell inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x guard reward: 0 hint: ['examine switch', 'take switch', 'push switch', 'close guage', 'put key down', 'turn switch on', 'push switch to bed', 'put key on bed', 'open door with key'] state: This guard seems to have tripped over something and knocked himself out when running into the room. description: Cell inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| unlock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['take switch', 'push switch', 'close guage', 'put key down', 'open door', 'turn switch on', 'push switch to bed', 'put key on bed', 'lock door with key'] state: You unlock the door. description: Cell inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| open door reward: 0 hint: ['take switch', 'push switch', 'close door', 'close guage', 'south', 'put key down', 'turn switch on', 'push switch to bed', 'put key on bed'] state: You open the door. description: Cell inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['close door', 'north', 'west', 'east', 'put key down'] state:
This is a long corridor stretching west and east. The cell you where once held in is to the north, though you have no wish to return there.
The door is open description: Landing inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'south', 'west'] state:
Another section of corridor that leads south into a room of some sort and west back towards your old cell.
You can see a Janitor here. description: Corridor inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'open box', 'north'] state:
The armoury is very sparsely stocked. If it where not for the bid red sign that proclaims "ARMOURY!" you'd probably guess it was just another cell...
You can see a box of chaff grenades (which is closed) here. description: Armoury inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x box reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'open box', 'north'] state: This box contains chaff grenades - you can only get one at once. description: Armoury inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| open box reward: 0 hint: ['take grenade', 'close box', 'put key down', 'pull grenade', 'empty box', 'put key in box', 'push grenade to box', 'north'] state: You open the box of chaff grenades, revealing a chaff grenade. description: Armoury inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| take grenade reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'close box', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'put key in box', 'put grenade in box', 'put all in box', 'north'] state: You pick up the chaff grenade. description: Armoury inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| x grenade reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'close box', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'put key in box', 'put grenade in box', 'put all in box', 'north'] state: A chaff grenade, used for disabling electronics. You could pull the pin and then deposit it somewhere. description: Armoury inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'south', 'west'] state:
Corridor description: Corridor inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'close door', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade'] state:
The door is open
You can also see a Janitor here.
The janitor wanders off, mopping as he goes. description: Landing inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade'] state:
A section of corridor. You can see your old cell door to the east and the corridor stretches further west. description: Corridor inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put key down', 'put grenade down', 'put all down', 'pull grenade', 'south', 'east'] state:
A section of corridor that stretches east back toward your old cell and north into some sort of hall. It also leads south to another room. description: Corridor inventory: ['chaff grenade', 'Steel key'] |action| s |
|start_header_id| balances 1 |end_header_id| reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine spell'] state: Searching through the furniture, which is good for nothing but firewood now, you come across an old cedarwood box, which you pick up for a closer look.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Ramshackle Hut inventory: ['cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| learn rezrov reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'spells', 'pronouns', 'cast spell', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine spell'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the rezrov spell to memory. description: Ramshackle Hut inventory: ['cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| rezrov box reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'take grimoire', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'push grimoire to furniture', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'push grimoire to box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Silently, the cedarwood box swings open. In the cedarwood box is Helistar's grimoire. description: Ramshackle Hut inventory: ['cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| get grimoire from box reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Removed. description: Ramshackle Hut inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| examine grimoire reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: This must be the grimoire of dangerous spells kept by your irresponsible friend Helistar. Many pages are missing, but a few spells remain:
frotz spell: cause an object to give off light.
lleps spell: reverse effect of memorised spell.
mortin spell: cause immediate death of caster. description: Ramshackle Hut inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| out reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'north', 'close box', 'put coin down', 'put burin down', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put coin in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put all in box'] state:
Grasslands, near Hut
The grasslands sway over low hills in all directions: it is a peaceful wilderness, broken only by this hut and a faint path to the north. description: Grasslands, near Hut inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine oats', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state:
Pocket Valley
A pleasant pocket valley in the grassy hills, through which a trail runs north-to-south.
There is a chestnut horse here, munching on a pile of oats. description: Pocket Valley inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| search oats reward: 5 hint: ['south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'cast spell at scroll', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Sifting through the oats, you find a shiny scroll! Lucky you got to it before the horse did. As you turn it over in your hands, it seems undamaged.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Pocket Valley inventory: ['shiny scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| examine shiny scroll reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: The scroll reads "bozbar spell: cause an animal to sprout wings". description: Pocket Valley inventory: ['shiny scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| gnusto shiny scroll reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the bozbar spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly then the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied. description: Pocket Valley inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| learn bozbar reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'pronouns', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the bozbar spell to memory. description: Pocket Valley inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| bozbar horse reward: 0 hint: ['pronouns', 'take in horse', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: A pair of handsome brown wings suddenly appears on the horse's powerful shoulders. The horse turns in a complete circle, a look of puzzlement on his face. description: Pocket Valley inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| mount horse reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'north', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: You begin to ride north. Then, slowly at first but with increasing sureness, the horse begins beating its powerful wings. You rise majestically through the air, sailing gracefully across a chasm where the hills fall away. The horse lands gently on the far side and deposits you, taking to the skies again.
Edge of Chasm
The road ends suddenly at a wide chasm. The road leads upward to the north, and you can see it continuing on the southern side of the chasm.
Lying in a tight coil at the edge of the chasm is a hissing snake.
The snake appears to be curled around a featureless white cube. description: Edge of Chasm inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state:
Crest of Hill
The road crosses the top of a ridge here, sloping downwards to the south and the northwest. A track diverges to east.
A tortoise ambles along the road, extremely slowly. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| learn yomin reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'pronouns', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the yomin spell to memory. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| yomin tortoise reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: For a moment you think there is nothing there, as you chew absentmindedly on a leaf. But somewhere inside the tortoise is a sense of wonder at the amazing blue canopy of the sky. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| learn bozbar reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'pronouns', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the bozbar spell to memory. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| bozbar tortoise reward: 5 hint: ['pronouns', 'take scroll', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: The tortoise seems to be incapable of expressing surprise, but is now soaring away high in the sky. Something rather grubby is left behind.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| get chewed scroll reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Taken. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| northwest reward: 0 hint: ['take sapphire', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine sapphire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state:
Cave Mouth
This is a cave mouth, at one end of a road which winds southeast over rising ground. The entrance west to the caves is a dark tunnel, and only a footpath runs further north, into gorse.
A heavy iron door bars the cave mouth.
Clotted in the mud beside the door is a perfect sapphire. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take sapphire |
|start_header_id| ztuu 54 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take tinsel', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower tinsel', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw tinsel', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: The coin drops into the slot, but (unbeknownst to Mike and Marc) remains tied to the tinsel.
Marc looks with some satisfaction at Mike, then assumes a very serious (oracular, one might say) pose. A holographic image of an hourglass miraculously appears beside him, the number "10" glowing inside with a harsh, red light. The number "10" is replaced by "9" as his voice drops three or four octaves. "Now hear the Oracle of the Implementers," he begins. (7) "The Wisdom of the Ages," he continues, in no apparent hurry. (5) "The Revealed Truth of All Truths," he drones, the word `truths' somehow adding an extra syllable or two. (2) And, finally, "Listen." Then, snapping out of his trance-like state, he looks in your direction rather sheepishly. "Sorry about that," he says. "I get a little carried away. Just another five Zorkmids and I'll finish up with a really juicy piece of information." He looks at you expectantly.
Marc's bust does a double-take. "Hmm," he hmms. "Not a bad-looking specimen, though back in the old days, they built `em tougher." description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| pull tinsel reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put tinsel down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put tinsel in slot', 'put all in slot', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: Taken.
Mike's bust looks wistful. "Sigh," he sighs. "Oh for the olden, golden days of yore." description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| put coin in slot reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: Mike seems surprised (and not altogether pleased) that you've been able to put the same quint-Zorkmid coin in twice. With a blink of his eye, the tinsel goes up in a ball of sparks and flame (pyrotechnics being a specialty with him) and the coin drops fully into the slot.
Marc assumes the oracular position and intones: "Ahem. It may be uncommon knowledge, but, it should be clear to see that text is not a great three-D medium. You may be blue, but looking through rose colored glasses helps bring things into alignment."
Mike says, "True, Marc. All too true. As you know, I'd try to pry the sixth rib I saw."
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put gloves down', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw gores', 'put gloves in glasses', 'push red lens to gloves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state:
Museum of Adventure
This museum is a sick, twisted, and pitiful homage to that special creature as near and dear to my heart as a parser, the Adventurer. There, in the center of the room, sits a display that sends a shiver up your spine: A skeleton. On the small pedestal beside it sits a plaque. The walls have been clawed, the wallpaper and exhibit signs shredded by what was probably an over-excited tourist group of grues. In what looks like the remnants of their enthusiastic visit, piles of bones lie on the floor, cracked open, fang-marks clearly evident on their glistening white surfaces. One sign on the wall by a door to the southwest remains, though.
The lantern dims a little. description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| pry sixth rib with sword reward: 5 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take into southwest', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state: Click. Whir. Zzzzip! (Well, as a parser, I could give you a huge hint that the door to the Janitor's Closet has just disappeared, but don't count on my help.)
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take off', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take can', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower can', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw can', 'put lantern on shelves', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi on shelves', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to shelves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put glasses on shelves', 'put gloves on shelves', 'put sword on shelves', 'put all in glasses', 'put all on shelves'] state:
Janitor's Closet
As you step through the doorway, you realize you've entered a room so vast, you can see the distant curvature of the Earth. On the distant, foggy horizon, the ceiling appears to meet the floor, blending in the mist. The only thing in this enormous, cavernous area are shelves, shelves and more shelves, all of them empty, dwindling into nothingness. This of course disproves the ancient belief that there's never enough closet space.
On the shelves is an aerosol can.
You think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating. description: Janitor's Closet inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take can reward: 5 hint: ['take off', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern on shelves', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi on shelves', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to shelves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put glasses on shelves', 'put gloves on shelves', 'put can on shelves', 'put sword on shelves', 'put all in glasses', 'put all on shelves'] state: Taken.
You think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Janitor's Closet inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take into southwest', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray first rib', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state:
Museum of Adventure description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'spray lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw gores', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put can down', 'put all down', 'throw can'] state:
The Mud Forum
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.
The lantern flickers and goes out.
It is now pitch dark in here! description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| shake lamp reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.
The Mud Forum
This large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, "Exhibit Closed! Danger!" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind.
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| wear glasses reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: You place the glasses on your face; while not a great fit, at least they don't fall off. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| drop all reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: aerosol can: Dropped.
brass lantern: Dropped.
ZM$100000: Dropped.
Multi-Implementeers: Dropped.
cheaply-made sword: True, the sword is not a formidable weapon, but it is the only one you've got. Oh well. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| open lid reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put cover down', 'hold button', 'examine glasses'] state: You lift the cover, revealing a dark, transparent film on which can barely be seen some sort of line drawing. Details are pretty much impossible to discern. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| push button reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: As you push the button, a light shines out from inside the display unit, revealing a transparent film, lit from below. At first, a blurred image appears. Then, after a few moments, an almost magical, three-dimensional scene comes into view: a man with a flattened head stands in the foreground, while directly behind him is a tree. Behind the tree you can clearly see a house, while behind the house, hovering off the ground, is a hot-air balloon. Oddly, the raft appears off to the side, as if not in the scene at all. After getting a good look, you drop the cover and release the button.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| examine symbols reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The symbols, painted on the floor in purple, represent a circle, a square, a triangle and a pentagon. They progress from the center of the room to the display like stepping stones. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| take all reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take cardboard', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put balloon down', 'put tree down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put flathead down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put house down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'push ball to southeast', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put balloon in square', 'put balloon in triangle', 'put balloon in circle', 'put balloon in pentagon', 'put tree in square', 'put tree in triangle', 'put tree in circle', 'put tree in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put raft in square', 'put raft in triangle', 'put raft in circle', 'put raft in pentagon', 'put flathead in square', 'put flathead in triangle', 'put flathead in circle', 'put flathead in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'push ball to tree', 'push ball to square', 'push ball to triangle', 'push ball to glasses', 'push ball to circle', 'push ball to pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put house in square', 'put house in triangle', 'put house in circle', 'put house in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: cheaply-made sword: Taken.
Multi-Implementeers: Taken.
ZM$100000: Taken.
brass lantern: Taken.
aerosol can: Taken.
picture: That's hardly portable.
symbols: That's hardly portable.
tree: Taken.
house: Taken.
hot-air balloon: Taken.
flathead: Taken.
raft: Taken.
Display Unit: That's hardly portable.
sealed door: That's hardly portable.
sign: That's hardly portable. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'flathead', 'hot-air balloon', 'house', 'tree', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| put flathead on circle reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take cardboard', 'take flathead', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put balloon down', 'put tree down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put house down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'push ball to southeast', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower flathead', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw flathead', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put balloon in square', 'put balloon in triangle', 'put balloon in pentagon', 'put tree in square', 'put tree in triangle', 'put tree in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put raft in square', 'put raft in triangle', 'put raft in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'push ball to tree', 'push ball to square', 'push ball to triangle', 'push ball to glasses', 'push ball to pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put house in square', 'put house in triangle', 'put house in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The flathead is now resting in the center of the circle. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'hot-air balloon', 'house', 'tree', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| put tree on square reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take cardboard', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put balloon down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put house down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put balloon in triangle', 'put balloon in pentagon', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put raft in triangle', 'put raft in pentagon', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put house in triangle', 'put house in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The tree is now resting in the center of the square. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'hot-air balloon', 'house', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| put house on triangle |
|start_header_id| ztuu 51 |end_header_id| reward: 8 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put tinsel down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put tinsel in square', 'put tinsel in triangle', 'put tinsel in circle', 'put tinsel in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: You carefully thread the tinsel through the coin's square opening, tying it in a knot. The coin now dangles from the tinsel.
[Your score has just gone up by eight points.] description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put tinsel down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw gores', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put tinsel down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put tinsel in slot', 'put all in slot', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state:
Museum of Illusion
The Museum of Illusion was dedicated to the memory of the Great Implementers - figures who were believed to have created the GUE as an act of pure will. Before you, a row of delicately crafted porcelain busts of these immortal greats once stood. Legend has it that so lifelike were these busts, that they would seem to talk among themselves, discussing history, the arts, music, and philosophy, much as those mythic figures did in the Golden Age of Text Adventures. But years of neglect and the ravages of time have toppled most from atop their finely-wrought pedestals. Now, alas, the only two that remain are those of Marc Blank and Mike Berlyn, bloodied, but unbent; battered, but unbroken; shaken, but not stirred.
Worse than the physical desecration of this shrine, it is clear that an attempt was made to commercialize what remains, for now, above the busts, is a sign reading, "Consult the Oracles - 10 Zorkmids." Beneath the sign is a coin-sized slot.
Mike's eyes, like those on a famous science-fiction adventure game box, seem to follow you as you approach. "Marc! Wake up! We have company!" description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| put coin in slot reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take tinsel', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower tinsel', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw tinsel', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: The coin drops into the slot, but (unbeknownst to Mike and Marc) remains tied to the tinsel.
Marc looks with some satisfaction at Mike, then assumes a very serious (oracular, one might say) pose. A holographic image of an hourglass miraculously appears beside him, the number "10" glowing inside with a harsh, red light. The number "10" is replaced by "9" as his voice drops three or four octaves. "Now hear the Oracle of the Implementers," he begins. (7) "The Wisdom of the Ages," he continues, in no apparent hurry. (5) "The Revealed Truth of All Truths," he drones, the word `truths' somehow adding an extra syllable or two. (2) And, finally, "Listen." Then, snapping out of his trance-like state, he looks in your direction rather sheepishly. "Sorry about that," he says. "I get a little carried away. Just another five Zorkmids and I'll finish up with a really juicy piece of information." He looks at you expectantly.
Marc's bust does a double-take. "Hmm," he hmms. "Not a bad-looking specimen, though back in the old days, they built `em tougher." description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| pull tinsel reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put tinsel down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put tinsel in slot', 'put all in slot', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: Taken.
Mike's bust looks wistful. "Sigh," he sighs. "Oh for the olden, golden days of yore." description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| put coin in slot reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: Mike seems surprised (and not altogether pleased) that you've been able to put the same quint-Zorkmid coin in twice. With a blink of his eye, the tinsel goes up in a ball of sparks and flame (pyrotechnics being a specialty with him) and the coin drops fully into the slot.
Marc assumes the oracular position and intones: "Ahem. It may be uncommon knowledge, but, it should be clear to see that text is not a great three-D medium. You may be blue, but looking through rose colored glasses helps bring things into alignment."
Mike says, "True, Marc. All too true. As you know, I'd try to pry the sixth rib I saw."
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put gloves down', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw gores', 'put gloves in glasses', 'push red lens to gloves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state:
Museum of Adventure
This museum is a sick, twisted, and pitiful homage to that special creature as near and dear to my heart as a parser, the Adventurer. There, in the center of the room, sits a display that sends a shiver up your spine: A skeleton. On the small pedestal beside it sits a plaque. The walls have been clawed, the wallpaper and exhibit signs shredded by what was probably an over-excited tourist group of grues. In what looks like the remnants of their enthusiastic visit, piles of bones lie on the floor, cracked open, fang-marks clearly evident on their glistening white surfaces. One sign on the wall by a door to the southwest remains, though.
The lantern dims a little. description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| pry sixth rib with sword reward: 5 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take into southwest', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state: Click. Whir. Zzzzip! (Well, as a parser, I could give you a huge hint that the door to the Janitor's Closet has just disappeared, but don't count on my help.)
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take off', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take can', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower can', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw can', 'put lantern on shelves', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi on shelves', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to shelves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put glasses on shelves', 'put gloves on shelves', 'put sword on shelves', 'put all in glasses', 'put all on shelves'] state:
Janitor's Closet
As you step through the doorway, you realize you've entered a room so vast, you can see the distant curvature of the Earth. On the distant, foggy horizon, the ceiling appears to meet the floor, blending in the mist. The only thing in this enormous, cavernous area are shelves, shelves and more shelves, all of them empty, dwindling into nothingness. This of course disproves the ancient belief that there's never enough closet space.
On the shelves is an aerosol can.
You think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating. description: Janitor's Closet inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take can reward: 5 hint: ['take off', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern on shelves', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi on shelves', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to shelves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put glasses on shelves', 'put gloves on shelves', 'put can on shelves', 'put sword on shelves', 'put all in glasses', 'put all on shelves'] state: Taken.
You think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Janitor's Closet inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take into southwest', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray first rib', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state:
Museum of Adventure description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'spray lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw gores', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put can down', 'put all down', 'throw can'] state:
The Mud Forum
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.
The lantern flickers and goes out.
It is now pitch dark in here! description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| shake lamp reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.
The Mud Forum
This large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, "Exhibit Closed! Danger!" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind.
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| wear glasses reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: You place the glasses on your face; while not a great fit, at least they don't fall off. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| drop all reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: aerosol can: Dropped.
brass lantern: Dropped.
ZM$100000: Dropped.
Multi-Implementeers: Dropped.
cheaply-made sword: True, the sword is not a formidable weapon, but it is the only one you've got. Oh well. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| open lid reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put cover down', 'hold button', 'examine glasses'] state: You lift the cover, revealing a dark, transparent film on which can barely be seen some sort of line drawing. Details are pretty much impossible to discern. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| push button reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: As you push the button, a light shines out from inside the display unit, revealing a transparent film, lit from below. At first, a blurred image appears. Then, after a few moments, an almost magical, three-dimensional scene comes into view: a man with a flattened head stands in the foreground, while directly behind him is a tree. Behind the tree you can clearly see a house, while behind the house, hovering off the ground, is a hot-air balloon. Oddly, the raft appears off to the side, as if not in the scene at all. After getting a good look, you drop the cover and release the button.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| examine symbols reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The symbols, painted on the floor in purple, represent a circle, a square, a triangle and a pentagon. They progress from the center of the room to the display like stepping stones. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| take all |
|start_header_id| detective 27 |end_header_id| reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are still in the video store. You can go north, or east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take hamburger', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< McDonalds >>
You are in a McDonalds. You pay the guy behind the counter. Now there is a hamburger there. When you have picked it up, go north.
You can see a food hamburger here.
description: McDonalds inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| TAKE HAMBURGER reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: McDonalds inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are still outside. You hit a dead end, then notice that you can go east only.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Music Store >>
You are in a music store. You ask the man behind the counter if he knew any information. "Uhh... nope! But the guy back there might be able ta help." You politly thank him and head to the back. You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Back of Music Store >>
You are in the back of the music store. You ask the guy who's looking at the cool tapes. He looks up at you. "Duh.. no... don't t'ink so... lemme see..." You decide that he's no help. To the west there is a dazed looking man and to the north there is an exit.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Back of Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Alley >>
You are in an alley. A drunken man stagers up to you and says "Boycott FDR! <HICKUP>.". You just walk away. You can go north, east or west. Your call.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Alley inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north', 'south'] state:
<< Police Station >>
You are in the 3rd precinct police station. This isn't your station. You get admitance from the guy at the desk and go to the holding cells. You ask each offender if they know anything. You promise a lighter sentence for the ones who help. But one guy really sets you straight. "I got caught wit' t'ree ounces o' crack. I'm supposed to get 20 years but I'll be out in 2. You can't make me talk cuz it don't matter to me. If I squeal, da guys who did it are gonna come lookin' for me. I know but I ain't gonna tell ya. Now git outta my face.". You are surprised but used to it. You can go north to the outside, south to go back to the alley and west or east to talk to more guys.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Police Station inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'west'] state:
<< Doughnut King >>
You are in the Doughnut King, where the greasiest doughnuts on earth reside. He isn't here, no one seems to be for that matter, so you should go west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Doughnut King inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< The Wall >>
You don't see him here. You ought to go east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: The Wall inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Holiday Inn >>
You are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. "Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Holiday Inn inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
You can't go west from here!
<< Holiday Inn >>
You are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. "Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.
description: Holiday Inn inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Holiday Inn 15th Floor >>
You go up the elevator. When you step out, you see the wallpaper is pink, with little flowers on it. You can go east or west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Holiday Inn 15th Floor inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are in the hallway. You see many doors... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... boy, you have a long way to go. You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Hallway inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallways. You can go west or east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Hallway inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N |
|start_header_id| ztuu 49 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put tinsel down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'tie tinsel to coin', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put tinsel in square', 'put tinsel in triangle', 'put tinsel in circle', 'put tinsel in pentagon', 'put coin in square', 'put coin in triangle', 'put coin in circle', 'put coin in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: Removed. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['tinsel', 'quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| examine coin reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put tinsel down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'tie tinsel to coin', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put tinsel in square', 'put tinsel in triangle', 'put tinsel in circle', 'put tinsel in pentagon', 'put coin in square', 'put coin in triangle', 'put coin in circle', 'put coin in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: This is a coin, similar in shape and size to an old Chinese coin, complete with a square hole in its center. Stamped on its face is "5 Zorkmids." description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['tinsel', 'quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| tie tinsel to coin reward: 8 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put tinsel down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put tinsel in square', 'put tinsel in triangle', 'put tinsel in circle', 'put tinsel in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: You carefully thread the tinsel through the coin's square opening, tying it in a knot. The coin now dangles from the tinsel.
[Your score has just gone up by eight points.] description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put tinsel down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw gores', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put tinsel down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put tinsel in slot', 'put all in slot', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state:
Museum of Illusion
The Museum of Illusion was dedicated to the memory of the Great Implementers - figures who were believed to have created the GUE as an act of pure will. Before you, a row of delicately crafted porcelain busts of these immortal greats once stood. Legend has it that so lifelike were these busts, that they would seem to talk among themselves, discussing history, the arts, music, and philosophy, much as those mythic figures did in the Golden Age of Text Adventures. But years of neglect and the ravages of time have toppled most from atop their finely-wrought pedestals. Now, alas, the only two that remain are those of Marc Blank and Mike Berlyn, bloodied, but unbent; battered, but unbroken; shaken, but not stirred.
Worse than the physical desecration of this shrine, it is clear that an attempt was made to commercialize what remains, for now, above the busts, is a sign reading, "Consult the Oracles - 10 Zorkmids." Beneath the sign is a coin-sized slot.
Mike's eyes, like those on a famous science-fiction adventure game box, seem to follow you as you approach. "Marc! Wake up! We have company!" description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| put coin in slot reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take tinsel', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower tinsel', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw tinsel', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: The coin drops into the slot, but (unbeknownst to Mike and Marc) remains tied to the tinsel.
Marc looks with some satisfaction at Mike, then assumes a very serious (oracular, one might say) pose. A holographic image of an hourglass miraculously appears beside him, the number "10" glowing inside with a harsh, red light. The number "10" is replaced by "9" as his voice drops three or four octaves. "Now hear the Oracle of the Implementers," he begins. (7) "The Wisdom of the Ages," he continues, in no apparent hurry. (5) "The Revealed Truth of All Truths," he drones, the word `truths' somehow adding an extra syllable or two. (2) And, finally, "Listen." Then, snapping out of his trance-like state, he looks in your direction rather sheepishly. "Sorry about that," he says. "I get a little carried away. Just another five Zorkmids and I'll finish up with a really juicy piece of information." He looks at you expectantly.
Marc's bust does a double-take. "Hmm," he hmms. "Not a bad-looking specimen, though back in the old days, they built `em tougher." description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| pull tinsel reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'untie tinsel', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put tinsel down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put tinsel in slot', 'put all in slot', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: Taken.
Mike's bust looks wistful. "Sigh," he sighs. "Oh for the olden, golden days of yore." description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin, tied to tinsel', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| put coin in slot reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in slot', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to slot', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into slot'] state: Mike seems surprised (and not altogether pleased) that you've been able to put the same quint-Zorkmid coin in twice. With a blink of his eye, the tinsel goes up in a ball of sparks and flame (pyrotechnics being a specialty with him) and the coin drops fully into the slot.
Marc assumes the oracular position and intones: "Ahem. It may be uncommon knowledge, but, it should be clear to see that text is not a great three-D medium. You may be blue, but looking through rose colored glasses helps bring things into alignment."
Mike says, "True, Marc. All too true. As you know, I'd try to pry the sixth rib I saw."
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Museum of Illusion inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put gloves down', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw gores', 'put gloves in glasses', 'push red lens to gloves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state:
Museum of Adventure
This museum is a sick, twisted, and pitiful homage to that special creature as near and dear to my heart as a parser, the Adventurer. There, in the center of the room, sits a display that sends a shiver up your spine: A skeleton. On the small pedestal beside it sits a plaque. The walls have been clawed, the wallpaper and exhibit signs shredded by what was probably an over-excited tourist group of grues. In what looks like the remnants of their enthusiastic visit, piles of bones lie on the floor, cracked open, fang-marks clearly evident on their glistening white surfaces. One sign on the wall by a door to the southwest remains, though.
The lantern dims a little. description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| pry sixth rib with sword reward: 5 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take into southwest', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state: Click. Whir. Zzzzip! (Well, as a parser, I could give you a huge hint that the door to the Janitor's Closet has just disappeared, but don't count on my help.)
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take off', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take can', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower can', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw can', 'put lantern on shelves', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi on shelves', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to shelves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put glasses on shelves', 'put gloves on shelves', 'put sword on shelves', 'put all in glasses', 'put all on shelves'] state:
Janitor's Closet
As you step through the doorway, you realize you've entered a room so vast, you can see the distant curvature of the Earth. On the distant, foggy horizon, the ceiling appears to meet the floor, blending in the mist. The only thing in this enormous, cavernous area are shelves, shelves and more shelves, all of them empty, dwindling into nothingness. This of course disproves the ancient belief that there's never enough closet space.
On the shelves is an aerosol can.
You think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating. description: Janitor's Closet inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take can reward: 5 hint: ['take off', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern on shelves', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi on shelves', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to shelves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put glasses on shelves', 'put gloves on shelves', 'put can on shelves', 'put sword on shelves', 'put all in glasses', 'put all on shelves'] state: Taken.
You think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Janitor's Closet inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take into southwest', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray first rib', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state:
Museum of Adventure description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'spray lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw gores', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put can down', 'put all down', 'throw can'] state:
The Mud Forum
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.
The lantern flickers and goes out.
It is now pitch dark in here! description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| shake lamp reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.
The Mud Forum
This large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, "Exhibit Closed! Danger!" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind.
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| wear glasses reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: You place the glasses on your face; while not a great fit, at least they don't fall off. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| drop all reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: aerosol can: Dropped.
brass lantern: Dropped.
ZM$100000: Dropped.
Multi-Implementeers: Dropped.
cheaply-made sword: True, the sword is not a formidable weapon, but it is the only one you've got. Oh well. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| open lid reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put cover down', 'hold button', 'examine glasses'] state: You lift the cover, revealing a dark, transparent film on which can barely be seen some sort of line drawing. Details are pretty much impossible to discern. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| push button |
|start_header_id| library 8 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: She is an extremely proper young woman. She has her hands folded neatly in front of her on the desk, and a pencil so sharp it looks like it would make a decent stiletto is tucked behind one ear. She watches the room, and you, like a hungry hawk. Pinned to her jacket is a nametag. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Read tag reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Hi! I'm Marion." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Marion about Nelson reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Ah, that valuable book. We keep it locked away, in the Rare Books Room." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about rare books reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The Rare Books Room is on the second floor. Stairs are north of here. You will need the key, though." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about key reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The key may be obtained at the circulation desk." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state:
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Alan about key reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "You need to give me your ID card in order to get the key to the Rare Books Room." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| I reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: You are carrying:
an ID card description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Give card to Alan reward: 5 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key'] state: (the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)
The circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Lobby inventory: ['key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put key down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| X stairs reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Smell reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: There is a slight, fishy odor. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Look under stairs reward: 1 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down', 'up'] state: You found a red herring!
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| U reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state:
Second Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| X painting reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state: This painting could pass for a black canvas. The small plaque below it has "Grue" engraved. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| Give fish to grue reward: 2 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take into floor', 'put key down'] state: It almost appears as if an indescribable blackness forms in the painting and reaches out, taking the herring. It is followed by a terrible gnawing noise, and then all is silent again.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'look in books', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
You are in a maze of twisty shelves, all alike.
(Well, okay, not really)
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
A heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room. A sign indicates that the key may be obtained from the circulation desk. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| Search shelves reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with copy'] state: Tucked away in a corner, you find the novel "Debt of Honor", by Tom Clancy. Someone must've lost it!
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Unlock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You unlock the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Open door |
|start_header_id| detective 6 |end_header_id| reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'east', 'put pistol down'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Closet inventory: ['small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take paper', 'west', 'put pistol down', 'north'] state:
<< Chief's office >>
You are standing in the Chief's office. He is telling you "The Mayor was murdered yeaterday night at 12:03 am. I want you to solve it before we get any bad publicity or the FBI has to come in. "Yessir!" You reply. He hands you a sheet of paper. Once you have read it, go north or west.
You can see a piece of white paper here.
description: Chief's office inventory: ['small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'west', 'put pistol down'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside in the cold. To the east is a dead end. To the west is the rest of the street. Papers are blowing around. It's amazingly cold for this time of year.
description: Outside inventory: ['small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'east', 'north', 'put pistol down'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are still on the streets. To the north is a restraunt where the mayor ate often. To the east is the Mayor's home.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put pistol down'] state:
<< Mayor's house >>
You are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Mayor's house inventory: ['small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take wood', 'west', 'put pistol down'] state:
<< Living room >>
You are standing in the living room. You see a battered piece of wood. You wonder "Should I pick this thing up?". Well, whether you do or don't the only way out of the room is back west.
You can see a wooden wood here.
description: Living room inventory: ['small black pistol'] |action| TAKE WOOD reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put all down', 'west'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Living room inventory: ['wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Mayor's house >>
You are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.
description: Mayor's house inventory: ['wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take note', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Dining room >>
You are in the dining room. You look around and see a note on the table. You can go back east.
You can see a paper note here.
description: Dining room inventory: ['wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| TAKE NOTE reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Dining room inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| READ NOTE reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
The note was written on a computer obviously this murder was planned and it says:
We have acclaimed Justice! The Justice of the future! Our next hit is the governer! You CAN'T STOP US! The note sounds like the killers are a group and that they are vigilantes (look it up). You are now getting a bit worried.
description: Dining room inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Mayor's house >>
You are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.
description: Mayor's house inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Upstairs hallway >>
You are in the hallway of the large house of the mayor. It is an amazingly large house. You can go north, south, east or west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Upstairs hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are at the end of the hallway. To the north is a room, while to the west is the rest of the hallway.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are in the hallway. To the north is more hallway, and to the east is a door marked "Guests".
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are STILL in the hallway. There is EVEN MORE hallway to the north, and a room to the west and a room to the east of you.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'east'] state:
<< Bedroom >>
You are in the bedroom. You noticed that there was a guard guarding the stairs to the 3rd story, because there is remodelling going on there. You see nothing of importance. Go east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Bedroom inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Outside >>
You pass the guard. He nods at you. You are now outside standing on the street. You can go north and east, your choice. To the north is more of the street, and to the east is a video store.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E |
|start_header_id| zork3 137 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take out machine', 'turn off torch', 'put down key', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down cloak', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down hood', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put key in seat', 'put staff in seat', 'put amulet in seat', 'put cloak in seat', 'put torch in seat', 'put vial in seat', 'put hood in seat', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in seat', 'put ring behind seat', 'put knife on seat', 'put ring on seat', 'put magic on seat'] state: You are now in the gold machine.
description: gold machine inventory: ['cloak', 'hood', 'vial', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| SET DIAL TO 776 reward: 0 hint: ['take out machine', 'turn off torch', 'put down key', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down cloak', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down hood', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'push button', 'put key in seat', 'put staff in seat', 'put amulet in seat', 'put cloak in seat', 'put torch in seat', 'put vial in seat', 'put hood in seat', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in seat', 'put ring behind seat', 'put knife on seat', 'put ring on seat', 'put magic on seat'] state: The dial is set to 776.
description: gold machine inventory: ['cloak', 'hood', 'vial', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| PRESS BUTTON reward: 1 hint: ['take knife', 'take sceptre', 'take ring', 'take all', 'look around knife', 'open knife with door'] state: You experience a brief period of disorientation. When your vision returns, your surroundings appear to have changed. From outside the door you hear the sounds of guards talking.
You notice that everything you were holding is gone!
You notice that the golden machine has disappeared!
description: Jewel inventory: None |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['take knife', 'take sceptre', 'take ring', 'take all', 'look around knife', 'open knife with door'] state: Time passes...
description: Jewel inventory: None |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['take knife', 'take sceptre', 'take ring', 'take all', 'look around knife', 'open knife with door'] state: Time passes...
description: Jewel inventory: None |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['take knife', 'take sceptre', 'take ring', 'take all', 'look around knife', 'open knife with door'] state: Time passes...
description: Jewel inventory: None |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['take knife', 'take sceptre', 'take ring', 'take all', 'look around knife', 'open knife with door'] state: Time passes...
description: Jewel inventory: None |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['take knife', 'take sceptre', 'take ring', 'take all', 'look around knife', 'open knife with door'] state: Time passes...
You hear, from outside the door, guards marching away, their voices fading. After a few moments, a booming crash signals the close of what must be a tremendous door. Then there is silence.
description: Jewel inventory: None |action| GET RING reward: 0 hint: ['take knife', 'take sceptre', 'take all', 'put down ring', 'look around knife'] state: You are now wearing the golden ring.
description: Jewel inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| OPEN DOOR reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'wait', 'take knife', 'take sceptre', 'take all', 'put down ring', 'look around knife'] state: The door is now open.
description: Jewel inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['wait', 'put down ring', 'east'] state: Museum Entrance
This appears to be an unfinished entranceway to the Royal Museum. There are doors to the east and north, and a blind stairway to the south. A heavy iron door to the west is closed and locked.
description: Museum Entrance inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| OPEN WOODEN DOOR reward: 0 hint: ['wait', 'put down ring', 'north', 'east'] state: The wooden door opens.
description: Museum Entrance inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'take in temporizer', 'close temporizer', 'close door', 'put down ring', 'put ring in seat', 'put ring behind seat'] state: Technology Museum
You are in a large, unfinished room, probably intended to be a part of the Royal Museum.
A strange grey machine, shaped somewhat like a clothes dryer, is on one side of the room. On the other side of the hall is a powerful-looking black machine, a tight tangle of wires, pipes, and motors.
A plaque is mounted near the door. The grey machine, it turns out, is a Frobozz Magic Pressurizer, used in the coal mines of the Empire. The black machine is a Frobozz Magic Room Spinner. The golden machine is referred to as a Temporizer. All are non-working models donated by Frobozzco president John D. Flathead.
Directly in front of you is a large golden machine, which has a seat with a console in front. On the console is a single button and a dial connected to a three-digit display which reads 776. The machine is suprisingly shiny and shows few signs of age.
description: Technology Museum inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| LIFT SEAT reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'take in temporizer', 'close temporizer', 'close door', 'put down ring', 'put ring in seat', 'put ring behind seat'] state: You notice a small hollow area under the seat.
description: Technology Museum inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| HIDE RING UNDER SEAT reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'take in temporizer', 'close temporizer', 'close door', 'look under seat'] state: The ring is concealed underneath the seat.
description: Technology Museum inventory: None |action| GET IN GOLDEN MACHINE reward: 0 hint: ['take out gold', 'look under seat'] state: You are now in the gold machine.
description: gold machine inventory: None |action| SET DIAL TO 948 reward: 0 hint: ['take out gold', 'look under seat', 'push button'] state: The dial is set to 948.
description: gold machine inventory: None |action| PRESS BUTTON reward: 0 hint: ['take out gold', 'look under seat'] state: You experience a brief period of disorientation. When your vision returns, your surroundings appear somewhat altered.
description: gold machine inventory: None |action| GET OUT OF GOLDEN MACHINE reward: 0 hint: ['take in this', 'close this', 'look under seat', 'open door'] state: You are on your own feet again.
description: Technology Museum inventory: None |action| LIFT SEAT reward: 0 hint: ['take in this', 'close gold machine', 'put down ring', 'open door', 'put ring in this', 'put ring behind this'] state: You find the ring under the seat and put it on your finger.
description: Technology Museum inventory: ['golden ring'] |action| OPEN WOODEN DOOR |
|start_header_id| detective 26 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are in a video store called Brickbuster Video. There are about 3,000 videos here. You can go north, or east.
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are still in the video store. You can go north, or east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take hamburger', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< McDonalds >>
You are in a McDonalds. You pay the guy behind the counter. Now there is a hamburger there. When you have picked it up, go north.
You can see a food hamburger here.
description: McDonalds inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| TAKE HAMBURGER reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: McDonalds inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are still outside. You hit a dead end, then notice that you can go east only.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Music Store >>
You are in a music store. You ask the man behind the counter if he knew any information. "Uhh... nope! But the guy back there might be able ta help." You politly thank him and head to the back. You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Back of Music Store >>
You are in the back of the music store. You ask the guy who's looking at the cool tapes. He looks up at you. "Duh.. no... don't t'ink so... lemme see..." You decide that he's no help. To the west there is a dazed looking man and to the north there is an exit.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Back of Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Alley >>
You are in an alley. A drunken man stagers up to you and says "Boycott FDR! <HICKUP>.". You just walk away. You can go north, east or west. Your call.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Alley inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north', 'south'] state:
<< Police Station >>
You are in the 3rd precinct police station. This isn't your station. You get admitance from the guy at the desk and go to the holding cells. You ask each offender if they know anything. You promise a lighter sentence for the ones who help. But one guy really sets you straight. "I got caught wit' t'ree ounces o' crack. I'm supposed to get 20 years but I'll be out in 2. You can't make me talk cuz it don't matter to me. If I squeal, da guys who did it are gonna come lookin' for me. I know but I ain't gonna tell ya. Now git outta my face.". You are surprised but used to it. You can go north to the outside, south to go back to the alley and west or east to talk to more guys.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Police Station inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'west'] state:
<< Doughnut King >>
You are in the Doughnut King, where the greasiest doughnuts on earth reside. He isn't here, no one seems to be for that matter, so you should go west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Doughnut King inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< The Wall >>
You don't see him here. You ought to go east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: The Wall inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Holiday Inn >>
You are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. "Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Holiday Inn inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
You can't go west from here!
<< Holiday Inn >>
You are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. "Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.
description: Holiday Inn inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Holiday Inn 15th Floor >>
You go up the elevator. When you step out, you see the wallpaper is pink, with little flowers on it. You can go east or west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Holiday Inn 15th Floor inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are in the hallway. You see many doors... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... boy, you have a long way to go. You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Hallway inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N |
|start_header_id| ztuu 3 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'throw lantern', 'north', 'south'] state:
Cultural Complex
This imposing ante-room, the center of what was apparently the cultural center of the GUE, is adorned in the ghastly style of the GUE's "Grotesque Period." With leering gargoyles, cartoonish friezes depicting long-forgotten scenes of GUE history, and primitive statuary of pointy-headed personages unknown (perhaps very, very distant progenitors of the Flatheads), the place would have been best left undiscovered. North of here, a large hallway passes under the roughly hewn inscription "Convention Center." To the east, under a fifty-story triumphal arch, a passageway the size of a large city boulevard opens into the Royal Theater. A relatively small and unobtrusive sign (perhaps ten feet high) stands nearby. South, a smaller and more dignified (i.e. post-Dimwit) path leads into what is billed as the "Hall of Science." description: Cultural Complex inventory: ['cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'south', 'take into northwest', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'throw lantern'] state:
Convention Center Lobby
You are standing at the entrance of the GUE Convention Center. On the floor, you can see occasional splotches of paint through the grime and dust. Although the whole cultural center appears to have been long-abandoned, loud, low-pitched sounds emanate from the door standing open to the north. And while these sounds most closely approximate those made by under-lubricated granola fabricators, they nonetheless fill you with dread. Next to the door is a sign, and to the sign's left (northwest to you) is a souvenir stand. The cultural center's lobby lies to the south. description: Convention Center Lobby inventory: ['cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'north', 'turn lantern off', 'hit salesman', 'talk to salesman', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'eat popcorn', 'examine finger', 'throw lantern', 'put lantern on counter', 'put sword on counter', 'put all on counter'] state:
Souvenir Stand
You find yourself standing in front of a souvenir stand that is clearly affiliated with the Convention Center. An odd-looking salesman sits behind the counter, his head resting on his hand and his eyes glued to a spot somewhere above and behind you (a quick, frightened glance over your shoulder reveals nothing eye-catching; indeed, nothing at all.) A notice on the counter points toward a small, curtained room to the north.
On the counter are four candy bars (a Baby Rune, a Multi-Implementeers, a ZM$100000 and a Forever Gores), some popcorn, some postcards and a chicken finger.
You can see a salesman here. description: Souvenir Stand inventory: ['cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| talk to man reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'north', 'turn lantern off', 'take mask', 'talk to salesman', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'eat popcorn', 'examine finger', 'examine mask', 'throw lantern', 'put lantern on counter', 'put sword on counter', 'put all on counter'] state: Although not much of a conversationalist, the salesman leans forward to listen.
Two things are immediately obvious: 1) He is not a regular user of toothpaste or mouthwash and 2) He is obviously wearing a mask. description: Souvenir Stand inventory: ['cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| take mask reward: 8 hint: ['east', 'north', 'turn lantern off', 'take baby', 'take postcards', 'take gores', 'take popcorn', 'take multi', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'eat popcorn', 'examine finger', 'lower baby', 'lower postcards', 'lower gores', 'lower popcorn', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw baby', 'throw postcards', 'throw gores', 'throw popcorn', 'throw multi', 'put lantern on counter', 'put sword on counter', 'put all on counter'] state: With the salesman's hot, fetid breath threatening to exfoliate multiple layers of facial epidermis, you quickly pull the mask from his face. In hellish harmony, two terrifying screams fill the air: yours, as the first human to see a grue; and his, as prelude to a graphic demonstration of why it is that they aren't seen by light of day (to wit: spontaneous grueish combustion, leaving only a greasy slick on the ground by your feet.) Although you will spend the rest of your life trying to forget what you have just seen, the sight of that sickly glowing fur, fish-mouthed face and razor-like fingers remains forever etched in your mind. You throw the mask away in horror at what you've just seen.
[Your score has just gone up by eight points.] description: Souvenir Stand inventory: ['cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'turn lantern off', 'hit mirror', 'take scaly', 'take slimy mask', 'take armor', 'take fish', 'take decomposing mask', 'take stumpy gloves', 'take lizard', 'take gelatinous body suit', 'take hairy gloves', 'take humanoid mask', 'take razor', 'take semi-transparent body suit', 'take spiked gloves', 'take bloody gloves', 'take suction', 'take pock', 'take blistered gloves', 'take fungus', 'take sponge', 'take feathered body suit', 'take blood', 'take rainbow', 'take four-eyed mask', 'take fur', 'take all', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on scaly', 'put on slimy mask', 'put on armor', 'put on fish', 'put on decomposing mask', 'put on stumpy gloves', 'put on lizard', 'put on gelatinous body suit', 'put on hairy gloves', 'put on humanoid mask', 'put on razor', 'put on semi-transparent body suit', 'put on spiked gloves', 'put on bloody gloves', 'put on suction', 'put on pock', 'put on blistered gloves', 'put on fungus', 'put on sponge', 'put on feathered body suit', 'put on blood', 'put on rainbow', 'put on four-eyed mask', 'put on fur', 'lower scaly', 'lower slimy mask', 'lower armor', 'lower fish', 'lower decomposing mask', 'lower stumpy gloves', 'lower lizard', 'lower gelatinous body suit', 'lower hairy gloves', 'lower humanoid mask', 'lower razor', 'lower semi-transparent body suit', 'lower spiked gloves', 'lower bloody gloves', 'lower suction', 'lower pock', 'lower blistered gloves', 'lower fungus', 'lower sponge', 'lower feathered body suit', 'lower blood', 'lower rainbow', 'lower four-eyed mask', 'lower fur', 'throw scaly', 'throw slimy mask', 'throw armor', 'throw lantern', 'throw fish', 'throw decomposing mask', 'throw stumpy gloves', 'throw lizard', 'throw gelatinous body suit', 'throw hairy gloves', 'throw humanoid mask', 'throw razor', 'throw semi-transparent body suit', 'throw spiked gloves', 'throw bloody gloves', 'throw suction', 'throw pock', 'throw blistered gloves', 'throw fungus', 'throw sponge', 'throw feathered body suit', 'throw blood', 'throw rainbow', 'throw four-eyed mask', 'throw fur'] state:
Changing Room
It is obvious from the array of body suits, masks, and gloves heaped on the ground, that this is a changing room, and not a very comfortable one at that. No chairs, tables, hooks, hangers, or shelves here: just the costumes themselves, each piece more hideous than the last. A mirror hangs opposite the curtain through which you entered.
You can see eight pairs of gloves (a pair of hairy gloves, a pair of spiked gloves, a pair of bloody gloves, a pair of stumpy gloves, a pair of blistered gloves, a pair of scaly gloves, a pair of razor-like gloves and a pair of suction-cupped gloves), eight masks (a slimy mask, a pock-marked mask, a four-eyed mask, a decomposing mask, a fish-mouthed mask, a lizard-like mask, a fungus-like mask and a humanoid mask) and eight body suits (a gelatinous body suit, a feathered body suit, a glowing/fur-covered body suit, a rainbow-striped body suit, an armor-plated body suit, a sponge-like body suit, a blood-oozing body suit and a semi-transparent body suit) here. description: Changing Room inventory: ['cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| wear fish reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'turn lantern off', 'hit mirror', 'take scaly', 'take armor', 'take stumpy gloves', 'take gelatinous body suit', 'take hairy gloves', 'take razor', 'take semi-transparent body suit', 'take spiked gloves', 'take bloody gloves', 'take suction', 'take blistered gloves', 'take sponge', 'take feathered body suit', 'take blood', 'take rainbow', 'take fur', 'take all', 'take off fish', 'put lantern down', 'put mask down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on scaly', 'put on armor', 'put on stumpy gloves', 'put on gelatinous body suit', 'put on hairy gloves', 'put on razor', 'put on semi-transparent body suit', 'put on spiked gloves', 'put on bloody gloves', 'put on suction', 'put on blistered gloves', 'put on sponge', 'put on feathered body suit', 'put on blood', 'put on rainbow', 'put on fur', 'lower scaly', 'lower armor', 'lower stumpy gloves', 'lower gelatinous body suit', 'lower hairy gloves', 'lower razor', 'lower semi-transparent body suit', 'lower spiked gloves', 'lower bloody gloves', 'lower suction', 'lower blistered gloves', 'lower sponge', 'lower feathered body suit', 'lower blood', 'lower rainbow', 'lower fur', 'throw scaly', 'throw armor', 'throw lantern', 'throw mask', 'throw stumpy gloves', 'throw gelatinous body suit', 'throw hairy gloves', 'throw razor', 'throw semi-transparent body suit', 'throw spiked gloves', 'throw bloody gloves', 'throw suction', 'throw blistered gloves', 'throw sponge', 'throw feathered body suit', 'throw blood', 'throw rainbow', 'throw fur'] state: (first taking the fish-mouthed mask)
You put on the fish-mouthed mask. description: Changing Room inventory: ['fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| wear fur reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'turn lantern off', 'hit mirror', 'take scaly', 'take stumpy gloves', 'take hairy gloves', 'take razor', 'take spiked gloves', 'take bloody gloves', 'take suction', 'take blistered gloves', 'take off fur', 'take off fish', 'put lantern down', 'put suit down', 'put mask down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on scaly', 'put on stumpy gloves', 'put on hairy gloves', 'put on razor', 'put on spiked gloves', 'put on bloody gloves', 'put on suction', 'put on blistered gloves', 'lower scaly', 'lower stumpy gloves', 'lower hairy gloves', 'lower razor', 'lower spiked gloves', 'lower bloody gloves', 'lower suction', 'lower blistered gloves', 'throw scaly', 'throw lantern', 'throw suit', 'throw stumpy gloves', 'throw hairy gloves', 'throw razor', 'throw spiked gloves', 'throw bloody gloves', 'throw suction', 'throw blistered gloves'] state: (first taking the glowing/fur-covered body suit)
You put on the glowing/fur-covered body suit. description: Changing Room inventory: ['glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| wear razor reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'turn lantern off', 'hit mirror', 'take off razor', 'take off fur', 'take off fish', 'put lantern down', 'put suit down', 'put mask down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'throw lantern', 'throw suit'] state: (first taking the razor-like gloves)
You put on the razor-like gloves. description: Changing Room inventory: ['razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'north', 'turn lantern off', 'take postcards', 'take baby', 'take gores', 'take popcorn', 'take multi', 'take off gloves', 'take off suit', 'take off mask', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put mask down', 'put all down', 'eat popcorn', 'examine finger', 'lower postcards', 'lower baby', 'lower gores', 'lower popcorn', 'lower multi', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw postcards', 'throw baby', 'throw gores', 'throw popcorn', 'throw multi', 'put gloves on counter', 'put suit on counter', 'put lantern on counter', 'put sword on counter', 'put mask on counter', 'put all on counter'] state:
Souvenir Stand
On the counter are four candy bars (a Baby Rune, a Multi-Implementeers, a ZM$100000 and a Forever Gores), some popcorn, some postcards and a chicken finger. description: Souvenir Stand inventory: ['razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| take rune reward: 1 hint: ['east', 'north', 'turn lantern off', 'take postcards', 'take gores', 'take popcorn', 'take multi', 'take off gloves', 'take off suit', 'take off mask', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put mask down', 'put all down', 'eat popcorn', 'examine finger', 'lower postcards', 'lower gores', 'lower popcorn', 'lower multi', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw postcards', 'throw gores', 'throw popcorn', 'throw multi', 'put gloves on counter', 'put suit on counter', 'put lantern on counter', 'put sword on counter', 'put rune on counter', 'put mask on counter', 'put all on counter'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Souvenir Stand inventory: ['Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| take gores reward: 1 hint: ['east', 'north', 'turn lantern off', 'take postcards', 'take popcorn', 'take multi', 'take off gloves', 'take off suit', 'take off mask', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put lantern down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put mask down', 'put all down', 'eat popcorn', 'examine finger', 'lower postcards', 'lower popcorn', 'lower multi', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw postcards', 'throw popcorn', 'throw multi', 'put gloves on counter', 'put suit on counter', 'put lantern on counter', 'put gores on counter', 'put sword on counter', 'put rune on counter', 'put mask on counter', 'put all on counter'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Souvenir Stand inventory: ['Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| take implementeers reward: 1 hint: ['east', 'north', 'turn lantern off', 'take postcards', 'take bars', 'take popcorn', 'take off gloves', 'take off suit', 'take off mask', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put lantern down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put mask down', 'put all down', 'eat popcorn', 'examine finger', 'lower postcards', 'lower popcorn', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw postcards', 'throw popcorn', 'put gloves on counter', 'put suit on counter', 'put lantern on counter', 'put gores on counter', 'put sword on counter', 'put rune on counter', 'put multi on counter', 'put mask on counter', 'put all on counter'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Souvenir Stand inventory: ['Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| take zm$100000 reward: 1 hint: ['east', 'north', 'turn lantern off', 'take postcards', 'take popcorn', 'take off gloves', 'take off suit', 'take off mask', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put lantern down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put mask down', 'put all down', 'eat popcorn', 'examine finger', 'lower postcards', 'lower popcorn', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw postcards', 'throw popcorn', 'put gloves on counter', 'put suit on counter', 'put lantern on counter', 'put gores on counter', 'put sword on counter', 'put rune on counter', 'put multi on counter', 'put mask on counter', 'put all on counter'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Souvenir Stand inventory: ['ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take off gloves', 'take off suit', 'take off mask', 'south', 'take into northwest', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put lantern down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put mask down', 'put all down', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern'] state:
Convention Center Lobby description: Convention Center Lobby inventory: ['ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword', 'brass lantern'] |action| drop lamp reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take off gloves', 'take off suit', 'take off mask', 'south', 'take into northwest', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put mask down', 'put all down', 'lower lantern', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern'] state: Dropped. description: Convention Center Lobby inventory: ['ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| n reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'look in grue', 'take hat', 'take glasses', 'take shoes', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'examine glasses', 'throw suit', 'put multi in chute', 'put gores in chute', 'put sword in chute', 'put rune in chute', 'put suit in glasses', 'put all in chute', 'put all in glasses'] state: You glide casually in, gurgling in loud, guttural tones; better still, the fish-mouthed mask is somehow providing a small amount of vision in the darkness. Two nearby grues ask if you are suffering from allergies (apparently, human dandruff levels are above normal for this time of year); another group debates among themselves whether you are a Borphee grue or an Antharian grue (their accents are similar, especially when pronouncing words ending in "gzk" and "kkgrk.") Otherwise, your disguise appears to be working, though for how long is anybody's guess.
Convention Hall
You are in attendance at the annual Grue Convention, this year a rather somber affair due to the "adventurer famine" that has gripped gruedom in this isolated corner of the empire. Standing at a lectern on stage, a prominent grue is presenting a paper entitled, "Surviving the Lean Years: Is Lurking Enough?" All around you, grues are standing; some in conversation, some drinking, some even paying attention to the speaker.
There is a trash chute in one of the walls, and a reader board hangs nearby.
You can see some grues, a hat, some clothes, some chewed-up shoes and a pair of glasses here.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Convention Hall inventory: ['ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take glasses reward: 5 hint: ['south', 'look in grue', 'take hat', 'take shoes', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'examine glasses', 'throw rune', 'put rune in chute', 'put multi in chute', 'put gores in chute', 'put glasses in chute', 'put sword in chute', 'put rune in glasses', 'put all in chute', 'put all in glasses'] state: You take the pair of glasses and place them under your costume.
You had better hurry; the steady gurgling is becoming harder and harder for you to maintain.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Convention Hall inventory: ['glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take off gloves', 'take off suit', 'take off mask', 'south', 'take into northwest', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put mask down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Convention Center Lobby
You can see a brass lantern (providing light) here. description: Convention Center Lobby inventory: ['glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| remove mask reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take off gloves', 'take off suit', 'south', 'take into northwest', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put mask down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on mask', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: You take off the fish-mouthed mask. description: Convention Center Lobby inventory: ['glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| remove suit |
|start_header_id| detective 16 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
The note was written on a computer obviously this murder was planned and it says:
We have acclaimed Justice! The Justice of the future! Our next hit is the governer! You CAN'T STOP US! The note sounds like the killers are a group and that they are vigilantes (look it up). You are now getting a bit worried.
description: Dining room inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Mayor's house >>
You are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.
description: Mayor's house inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Upstairs hallway >>
You are in the hallway of the large house of the mayor. It is an amazingly large house. You can go north, south, east or west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Upstairs hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are at the end of the hallway. To the north is a room, while to the west is the rest of the hallway.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are in the hallway. To the north is more hallway, and to the east is a door marked "Guests".
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are STILL in the hallway. There is EVEN MORE hallway to the north, and a room to the west and a room to the east of you.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'east'] state:
<< Bedroom >>
You are in the bedroom. You noticed that there was a guard guarding the stairs to the 3rd story, because there is remodelling going on there. You see nothing of importance. Go east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Bedroom inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Outside >>
You pass the guard. He nods at you. You are now outside standing on the street. You can go north and east, your choice. To the north is more of the street, and to the east is a video store.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are in a video store called Brickbuster Video. There are about 3,000 videos here. You can go north, or east.
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are still in the video store. You can go north, or east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take hamburger', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< McDonalds >>
You are in a McDonalds. You pay the guy behind the counter. Now there is a hamburger there. When you have picked it up, go north.
You can see a food hamburger here.
description: McDonalds inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| TAKE HAMBURGER reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: McDonalds inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are still outside. You hit a dead end, then notice that you can go east only.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Music Store >>
You are in a music store. You ask the man behind the counter if he knew any information. "Uhh... nope! But the guy back there might be able ta help." You politly thank him and head to the back. You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Back of Music Store >>
You are in the back of the music store. You ask the guy who's looking at the cool tapes. He looks up at you. "Duh.. no... don't t'ink so... lemme see..." You decide that he's no help. To the west there is a dazed looking man and to the north there is an exit.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Back of Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Alley >>
You are in an alley. A drunken man stagers up to you and says "Boycott FDR! <HICKUP>.". You just walk away. You can go north, east or west. Your call.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Alley inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N |
|start_header_id| ztuu 61 |end_header_id| reward: 5 hint: ['take off', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern on shelves', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi on shelves', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to shelves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put glasses on shelves', 'put gloves on shelves', 'put can on shelves', 'put sword on shelves', 'put all in glasses', 'put all on shelves'] state: Taken.
You think you see the sun duck behind the clouds, then quickly realize you must be hallucinating.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Janitor's Closet inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take into southwest', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray first rib', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to first rib', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'pry first rib with sword'] state:
Museum of Adventure description: Museum of Adventure inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'spray lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw gores', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put can down', 'put all down', 'throw can'] state:
The Mud Forum
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here.
The lantern flickers and goes out.
It is now pitch dark in here! description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| shake lamp reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.
The Mud Forum
This large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, "Exhibit Closed! Danger!" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind.
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| wear glasses reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: You place the glasses on your face; while not a great fit, at least they don't fall off. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| drop all reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: aerosol can: Dropped.
brass lantern: Dropped.
ZM$100000: Dropped.
Multi-Implementeers: Dropped.
cheaply-made sword: True, the sword is not a formidable weapon, but it is the only one you've got. Oh well. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| open lid reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put cover down', 'hold button', 'examine glasses'] state: You lift the cover, revealing a dark, transparent film on which can barely be seen some sort of line drawing. Details are pretty much impossible to discern. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| push button reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: As you push the button, a light shines out from inside the display unit, revealing a transparent film, lit from below. At first, a blurred image appears. Then, after a few moments, an almost magical, three-dimensional scene comes into view: a man with a flattened head stands in the foreground, while directly behind him is a tree. Behind the tree you can clearly see a house, while behind the house, hovering off the ground, is a hot-air balloon. Oddly, the raft appears off to the side, as if not in the scene at all. After getting a good look, you drop the cover and release the button.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| examine symbols reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take can', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take sword', 'take multi', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower can', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw sword', 'lower multi', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw can', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw raft', 'throw multi', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The symbols, painted on the floor in purple, represent a circle, a square, a triangle and a pentagon. They progress from the center of the room to the display like stepping stones. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| take all reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take cardboard', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put balloon down', 'put tree down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put flathead down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put house down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'push ball to southeast', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put balloon in square', 'put balloon in triangle', 'put balloon in circle', 'put balloon in pentagon', 'put tree in square', 'put tree in triangle', 'put tree in circle', 'put tree in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put raft in square', 'put raft in triangle', 'put raft in circle', 'put raft in pentagon', 'put flathead in square', 'put flathead in triangle', 'put flathead in circle', 'put flathead in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'push ball to tree', 'push ball to square', 'push ball to triangle', 'push ball to glasses', 'push ball to circle', 'push ball to pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in circle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put house in square', 'put house in triangle', 'put house in circle', 'put house in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: cheaply-made sword: Taken.
Multi-Implementeers: Taken.
ZM$100000: Taken.
brass lantern: Taken.
aerosol can: Taken.
picture: That's hardly portable.
symbols: That's hardly portable.
tree: Taken.
house: Taken.
hot-air balloon: Taken.
flathead: Taken.
raft: Taken.
Display Unit: That's hardly portable.
sealed door: That's hardly portable.
sign: That's hardly portable. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'flathead', 'hot-air balloon', 'house', 'tree', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| put flathead on circle reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take cardboard', 'take flathead', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put balloon down', 'put tree down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put house down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'push ball to southeast', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower flathead', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw flathead', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put balloon in square', 'put balloon in triangle', 'put balloon in pentagon', 'put tree in square', 'put tree in triangle', 'put tree in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put raft in square', 'put raft in triangle', 'put raft in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'push ball to tree', 'push ball to square', 'push ball to triangle', 'push ball to glasses', 'push ball to pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in square', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put house in square', 'put house in triangle', 'put house in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The flathead is now resting in the center of the circle. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'hot-air balloon', 'house', 'tree', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| put tree on square reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take cardboard', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put balloon down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put house down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put balloon in triangle', 'put balloon in pentagon', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put raft in triangle', 'put raft in pentagon', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in triangle', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put house in triangle', 'put house in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The tree is now resting in the center of the square. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'hot-air balloon', 'house', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| put house on triangle reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put balloon down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put balloon in pentagon', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put raft in pentagon', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put can in pentagon', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The house is now resting in the center of the triangle. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'hot-air balloon', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| put balloon on pentagon reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'take into southeast', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square'] state: The hot-air balloon is now resting in the center of the pentagon.
Click. (Uh oh!) You hear a low, menacing rumble as the room starts to shake. The noise comes from the southeast, where a massive door slowly opens beneath the `Exhibit Closed! Danger!' sign.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| drop zm$100000 reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'take into southeast', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'spray southeast', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square'] state: Dropped. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['examine gloves', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take off glasses', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put raft down', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'spray gloves', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'put gloves in glasses', 'push red lens to gloves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'northwest'] state:
You step through twisted bars of steel -- bars which look like a being of superhuman strength bent them to allow passage, bars designed to keep people out. Or to keep something else in.This area was designed for some otherworldly visitors, and judging by the sounds emanating from the many passages heading off to the east, they're still around. Dangling on the bars is a small sign which reads, "EXTRATERRESTRIAL MUSEUM." description: Cage inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| drop multi reward: 0 hint: ['examine gloves', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'hit rat', 'take multi', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'take off glasses', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put raft down', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower multi', 'spray gloves', 'spray rat', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put gloves in glasses', 'push red lens to gloves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'northwest'] state: Dropped.
Uh oh. Looks like your presence attracted a group of nasty-looking mutant rat-ants. They stand there, bobbing and weaving to some unheard beat and rhythm. description: Cage inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take cardboard', 'take flathead', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take all', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'take into southeast', 'put lantern down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put raft down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower house', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw glasses', 'throw house', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state:
The Mud Forum
You can see a ZM$100000 here.
You hear munching noises nearby. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine lantern', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take gores', 'take off glasses', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put raft down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put can down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'spray lantern', 'throw lantern', 'throw gores', 'throw raft', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
You can see a Forever Gores here.
You hear munching noises nearby. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['raft', 'aerosol can', 'brass lantern', 'cheaply-made sword', 'glasses', 'razor-like gloves'] |action| n |
|start_header_id| detective 20 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are in the hallway. To the north is more hallway, and to the east is a door marked "Guests".
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are STILL in the hallway. There is EVEN MORE hallway to the north, and a room to the west and a room to the east of you.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'east'] state:
<< Bedroom >>
You are in the bedroom. You noticed that there was a guard guarding the stairs to the 3rd story, because there is remodelling going on there. You see nothing of importance. Go east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Bedroom inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Outside >>
You pass the guard. He nods at you. You are now outside standing on the street. You can go north and east, your choice. To the north is more of the street, and to the east is a video store.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are in a video store called Brickbuster Video. There are about 3,000 videos here. You can go north, or east.
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are still in the video store. You can go north, or east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take hamburger', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< McDonalds >>
You are in a McDonalds. You pay the guy behind the counter. Now there is a hamburger there. When you have picked it up, go north.
You can see a food hamburger here.
description: McDonalds inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| TAKE HAMBURGER reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: McDonalds inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are still outside. You hit a dead end, then notice that you can go east only.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Music Store >>
You are in a music store. You ask the man behind the counter if he knew any information. "Uhh... nope! But the guy back there might be able ta help." You politly thank him and head to the back. You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Back of Music Store >>
You are in the back of the music store. You ask the guy who's looking at the cool tapes. He looks up at you. "Duh.. no... don't t'ink so... lemme see..." You decide that he's no help. To the west there is a dazed looking man and to the north there is an exit.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Back of Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Alley >>
You are in an alley. A drunken man stagers up to you and says "Boycott FDR! <HICKUP>.". You just walk away. You can go north, east or west. Your call.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Alley inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north', 'south'] state:
<< Police Station >>
You are in the 3rd precinct police station. This isn't your station. You get admitance from the guy at the desk and go to the holding cells. You ask each offender if they know anything. You promise a lighter sentence for the ones who help. But one guy really sets you straight. "I got caught wit' t'ree ounces o' crack. I'm supposed to get 20 years but I'll be out in 2. You can't make me talk cuz it don't matter to me. If I squeal, da guys who did it are gonna come lookin' for me. I know but I ain't gonna tell ya. Now git outta my face.". You are surprised but used to it. You can go north to the outside, south to go back to the alley and west or east to talk to more guys.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Police Station inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'west'] state:
<< Doughnut King >>
You are in the Doughnut King, where the greasiest doughnuts on earth reside. He isn't here, no one seems to be for that matter, so you should go west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Doughnut King inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W |
|start_header_id| snacktime 2 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['push door', 'look in box', 'take all', 'examine box', 'east'] state: This is a good trick!
You pull on the cloth with your teeth and back up as the door opens. Inside you can see various leftovers, some jars, some sandwich fixings and one shiny can. description: inventory: None |action| close cold box reward: 0 hint: ['open door', 'open all', 'east'] state: You push the door with your nose and close the cold box. description: inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push pet', 'kiss on pet', 'north', 'west'] state:
Sitting Room
Your pet is here, all stretched out on the long soft thing and snoring. description: inventory: None |action| push pet reward: 0 hint: ['pull pet', 'kiss on pet', 'north', 'west'] state: You tuck your head up under your pet and push back and forth to shake him.
Your pet twitches a little and stirs, then is still again. It's a start at waking him up. description: inventory: None |action| bark reward: 0 hint: ['pull pet', 'kiss on pet', 'north', 'west'] state: You try a few short, sharp barks.
Your pet gets one eye open and half-heartedly pets at you. You're making progress. description: inventory: None |action| lick pet reward: 10 hint: ['get in all', 'north', 'west'] state: You love on your pet with some little licks.
Your pet shifts and stretches, blinking. He moves around until he is mostly sitting up.
"Hey Hardy," he mumbles.
It might take a little more to get him up and moving, but at least now his eyes are open!
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: inventory: None |action| x box reward: 0 hint: ['get in all', 'north', 'west'] state: Sometimes the box sleeps but a lot of the time it is loud and noisy and bright. Sometimes you've seen things like the outside inside it or yummy-looking food or even little dogs in there. But everything is the wrong size and doesn't smell right, so you're not sure what that's about.
Right now it looks like some little people inside are yapping at each other. description: inventory: None |action| x couch reward: 0 hint: ['get in all', 'north', 'west'] state: On the long soft thing are a bunch of smaller soft things that together make up a comfy place for sitting or sleeping. description: inventory: None |action| x soft things reward: 0 hint: ['get in all', 'north', 'west'] state: These smaller soft things make up the long soft thing. Sometimes they must get hungry because they try to eat things that get left on the long soft thing. Sometimes they get separated from the long soft thing. But mostly they just all hang out together. They must be friends. description: inventory: None |action| take cushion reward: 0 hint: ['examine box', 'take inventory', 'get in all', 'take off box', 'north', 'west'] state: You tug and pull at the little soft things until finally one breaks free from the bunch. As you dislodge it, something clatters to the floor. Ah ha! You've found the magic wand! Those little soft things were trying to eat it!
"So that's where that got away to," says your pet, snatching up the magic wand. He points it at the box of light and makes it even louder. description: inventory: [''] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['examine door', 'take inventory', 'take off door', 'open door', 'open all', 'east'] state:
Food Room description: inventory: [''] |action| pull cloth reward: 0 hint: ['take off soft', 'push door', 'look in box', 'take all', 'examine box', 'take all off box', 'east'] state: (As you open your mouth, you drop the square soft thing.)
You pull on the cloth with your teeth and back up as the door opens. Inside you can see various leftovers, some jars, some sandwich fixings and one shiny can. description: inventory: None |action| get can reward: 0 hint: ['examine door', 'examine box', 'take off door', 'take off soft', 'push door', 'look in box', 'take all', 'put can in box', 'east'] state: You snatch up the shiny can with your mouth and hold on tight. description: inventory: [''] |action| close cold box reward: 0 hint: ['examine door', 'take inventory', 'take off door', 'take off soft', 'open door', 'open all', 'east'] state: You push the door with your nose and close the cold box. description: inventory: [''] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine box', 'take inventory', 'get in all', 'take off box', 'give pet can', 'north', 'west'] state:
Sitting Room
Your pet is here, staring at the box of light, holding on tight to the magic wand. description: inventory: [''] |action| show can to pet reward: 10 hint: ['get in long', 'take off wand', 'north', 'west'] state: Your pet smiles as he reaches for the can. "Good boy, Hardy," he says, scratching you behind the ears. Your tail starts wagging; you just can't help it. (You've always been a fool for a good behind-the-ears scratch.)
The can hisses with releasing air as the top pops, and then your pets takes a few good gulps. He must have been really thirsty, because soon he stands up and walks off to the other room.
From the other room, you hear your pet banging around and yelling about the dino. Your pet must have almost tripped on it. He's always almost tripping on little stuff like that.
After a second, you hear a click as the door to the water room closes. Now you have the long soft thing all to yourself!
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: inventory: None |action| get on couch reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'take off wand', 'put box down', 'put long down', 'put stuff down', 'put tall down', 'put legged down', 'put wand down', 'get off all'] state: You climb up unto the long soft thing, happy that it is low enough for you to get on all by yourself.
On the long soft thing are a bunch of smaller soft things that together make up a comfy place for sitting or sleeping. The magic wand is hanging out here too, even though it got eaten by the little soft things before. No hard feelings. description: inventory: None |action| l reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'take off wand', 'put box down', 'put long down', 'put stuff down', 'put tall down', 'put legged down', 'put wand down', 'get off all'] state: Sitting Room (on the long soft thing)
This is the room where you sit a lot. Well, you sleep here sometimes too. But there is a different room that is just for sleeping, and it is to the north. There's another room to the west. It's the room with the food. That is a good room.
Even though this is the sitting room you can't sit on everything. There are a lot of "no"s here, like the thing you can't scratch, and the tall thing and the four-legged thing that isn't alive but that stands still with the box of light on its back.
On the long soft thing you can see a magic wand. description: inventory: None |action| take wand reward: 0 hint: ['examine box', 'take inventory', 'get up', 'take all off long', 'put box down', 'put long down', 'put tall down', 'put legged down'] state: You snatch up the magic wand with your mouth and hold on tight. description: inventory: [''] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['examine box', 'take inventory', 'get in all', 'take off box', 'north', 'west'] state: You get off the long soft thing.
Sitting Room description: inventory: [''] |action| push wand |
|start_header_id| library 29 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take nelson', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state:
Rare Books Room
The shelves are nearly bare, although there is a complete set of the "New Zork Times", a box labeled "Avalon", and several biographies of various computer game authors. The door out is to the north
You can see a biography of Graham Nelson here. description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Get book reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
The door stands open. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Close door reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You close the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Lock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with graham'] state: You lock the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'examine manual'] state:
Computer Lab
This entire room hums with the combined output of several dozen computers. All of them are hopelessly out of date, but at least they're still good for word processing.
A bank of printers on one side of the room frantically churns out paper.
You can see a technician here. description: Computer Lab inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X technician reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'examine manual'] state: This frazzled-looking man is thin and angular. He wears thick, slightly rose-tinted glasses, and exhibits nervous twitching. He is wearing a nametag.
He is leafing through a manual for security systems, and cursing the unreliability of the security gates. description: Computer Lab inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Ask technician about security gates reward: 2 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'examine printers'] state: The technician throws his hands up in frustration, slams the manual shut, tucks it under one arm and heads for the stairs. The air behind him positively smokes from the stream of invective he's producing.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Computer Lab inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X printouts reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put frobozzica down', 'put all down'] state: Wow, a complete copy of the "Encyclopedia Frobozzica"! You take it, as it might prove useful.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Computer Lab inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put printout down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with graham'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
A heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put printout down', 'put all down'] state:
Second Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| D reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put printout down', 'put all down', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put printout down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down', 'give reference printout'] state:
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Ask Marion about encyclopedia reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put printout down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down', 'give reference printout'] state: "I am waiting for the Encyclopedia Frobozzica, which the technician is currently printing out for me." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Give encyclopedia to Marion reward: 2 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: "Wow, a copy of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica! I've been wanting one of those! I need to add it to the collection right away." She begins furiously working at the computer at her desk.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X shelves reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: The games on these shelves range from every installment of the Zork series, through something simply marked as LTOI. There is a special shelf devoted to a game called, simply, "Curses", with labels like "R12", "R14", "R15", and "Curses95". Other shelves cover "Christminster", "Theatre", "Balances", and many, many others.
Off in one corner are several magazines dedicated to IF, including XYZZYNews and SPAG. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X magazines reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: These IF magazines include XYZZYNews (named for an old magic word from "Colossal Caves") and SPAG, the Society for the Preservation of Adventure Games. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Xyzzy reward: 1 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: You invoke an ancient word of power, and a hollow voice whispers in your ear, "Quiet, please. No talking in the library."
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key', 'give attendant debt'] state:
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a technician and a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Give key to Alan reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'put debt down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant card', 'give attendant debt'] state: The circulation attendant puts the key away, then he returns your ID card. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"'] |action| Give novel to Alan |
|start_header_id| inhumane 37 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'west', 'east', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Hall Full of Fur
You are wading through knee-deep piles of the fur that is stuck all over you. The door is to the west is jammed open by more of the stuff. The hall continues east.
The door is open. A cascade of fur spills through. description: Hall Full of Fur inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Glass Hall
The walls of this east/west corridor are thick panes of glass over the normal stone blocks. So is the floor which makes it hard to walk on your furry feet. description: Glass Hall inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take necklace', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'take necklace off shelf', 'take button off torch', 'put torch on shelf', 'west'] state:
End of Glass Hall
The hall ends in another glass-covered wall. On this wall is an iron shelf bolted onto the glass. (Actually the bolts go through the glass into the stone wall.)
Sitting on the shelf is:
a beautiful silver necklace description: End of Glass Hall inventory: ['torch'] |action| take necklace reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: If you hadn't noticed, you've been walking on glass with furry feet. This will produce a large static charge. The necklace is sitting on a metal shelf which is grounded into the stone wall. And silver conducts electricity... description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
This is a landing on the stairway. You can go down to the north or up to the south. A passage leads east. description: Landing inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take coin-bag', 'push button', 'south', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'up'] state:
Bottom of Shaft
You are at the bottom of a ladder that goes up a shaft from here. To the south is the stairway up.
On the floor is a small coin-bag made of leather. It appears to have something in it. description: Bottom of Shaft inventory: ['torch'] |action| u reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'down'] state: You climb up the ladder to a hole at the top of the shaft.
Exercise-Wheel Room
This room is laid out like an exercise wheel for rats except that it is 40 ft. across. You can turn the wheel by walking north or south. Equally spaced around the rim are twelve coin-holders. Some have gold coins in them. The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the bottom of the wheel. Below it is the shaft that you entered this room by. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is slightly up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is less than half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is more than half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the top of the wheel. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the north side. Behind it is a hole from which water is pouring very fast. The water turns the wheel back to its original position, then pours down the hole. You are taken with it.
*** You have died ***
You are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. "Don't you know how lab rats eventually end up?
"Three deathtraps have zocked you so far. You're beginning to seem rather dumb."
Round Room
This room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.
There is a shovel lying here. description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Landing description: Landing inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'north', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
T Intersection
The hallway goes east and west here with a branch north. description: T Intersection inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine door', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'open door', 'take button off torch', 'south'] state:
Door Near Blades
The north hall ends at a door. Stretched from wall to wall and floor to roof in the hall are long thin metal blades that you have to worm between very carefully.
The door is closed. description: Door Near Blades inventory: ['torch'] |action| open door reward: 0 hint: ['examine door', 'push button', 'close door', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'south'] state: The door is apparently on a very weak spring. You open it, but it begins swinging shut the moment you release it. description: Door Near Blades inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state:
Stalagmite Room
You are at the south end of a room. There is a door to the south. The floor is covered with hundreds of stalagmites.
The door is swinging closed.
The door has swung shut and locked behind you. description: Stalagmite Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push labelled button', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'south'] state: In walking, you have bumped into and broken some stalagmites. They are hollow and water starts pouring out, slowly filling the room.
North Stalagmite Room
This is the north end of the stalagmite room. On the north wall is a button with something written on it. The only way out is back south. description: North Stalagmite Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| push button |
|start_header_id| moonlit 28 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take fan', 'turn compass', 'cut blue tassel', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with fan', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'push fan to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put other on teeth', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'south', 'west'] state: A tasseled fan appears upon the compass' surface. The needle points to the crane now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| get fan reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'cut blue tassel', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'put all on teeth', 'south', 'west'] state: Taken. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x fan reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'cut blue tassel', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'put all on teeth', 'south', 'west'] state: More remarkable than the fan's intricate designs is the long blue tassel that trails from it. It is the kind of fan a lady might carry to cool herself during the summer's heat. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| cut blue tassel reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put kitestring down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put kitestring on compass', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'put all on teeth', 'south', 'west'] state: A few neat cuts free some strands from the tassel, and tying them together results in--a kitestring?
For a second there is a dark-eyed boy beside you, whose laugh is yours, but wilder; whose smile is yours, but wider. If only you remembered the augury that you and your brother cast that spring in the kite-flying ritual, years before either of you met the woman who wore black and red and gold... description: Undying Garden inventory: ['kitestring', 'tasseled fan', 'sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| i reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put kitestring down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put kitestring on compass', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'put all on teeth', 'south', 'west'] state: You are carrying:
a kitestring
a tasseled fan
a sheet of red paper
three comb's teeth
a lady's tortoise-shell comb (broken)
a bronze-hilted dagger
half a porcelain mask
armor and silks (worn) description: Undying Garden inventory: ['kitestring', 'tasseled fan', 'sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| attach paper to teeth reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put kite down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put string down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'tie kite to string', 'put mask on compass', 'put kite on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put string on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Gently, you fold the paper and pierce it with the tortoise-shell teeth to create a delicate, string-less kite no larger than your hand. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['red paper kite', 'kitestring', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| i reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put kite down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put string down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'tie kite to string', 'put mask on compass', 'put kite on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put string on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: You are carrying:
a red paper kite with no string
a kitestring
a tasseled fan
a lady's tortoise-shell comb (broken)
a bronze-hilted dagger
half a porcelain mask
armor and silks (worn) description: Undying Garden inventory: ['red paper kite', 'kitestring', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| attach string to kite reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put kite down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put kite on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Though it takes some patience, you tie the kitestring to the kite. Surely a season of gales and newborn blossoms awaits you, even in this skyless tower. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['red paper kite', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| set compass to swallow reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put kite down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'fly kite', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put kite on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The needle points to the swallow now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['red paper kite', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| fly kite reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Spring: the season of augury. Red and black and gold, maple colors, kite colors; you no longer know which. A breeze stirs through the room, though the trees and flowers are no more affected by it than they would be by the sun's earnest light or a plague of locusts. Nevertheless, you hear the hollow sound of something being dislodged from one of the trees.
It was spring when your kite and your brother's became too entangled for one glass-edged string to cut the other's, for one to conquer the other, though entangled they flew yet; and spring when you were first parted from your brother on his first campaign and yours, two fatherless boys entering the emperor's service as adults.
The kite tugs from your hand, as impatient as a hawk winning free of hood; dances perilously upward upon the wings of this nowhere breeze; and disappears.
The breeze swells to a gale that rears southward and upward, seeking the sky in this enclosed and skyless room. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'north', 'west', 'up'] state:
Shadow Armory
Curiously, the only weapons here live amid light and cannot be worn: they are silhouettes flung against the walls. Stairs carved with bas-reliefs spiral upward.
Northward and westward lie passageways unhindered by door or folding screen.
A wind gallops toward the stairs, seeking the sky. description: Shadow Armory inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| u reward: 0 hint: ['take egg', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'down'] state:
Moonlit Chamber
Moonlight diffuses through the walls, tracing out unreadable sigils in calligraphies of light and dark. Upwards, the sky is open to your eyes. Stairs adorned with bas-relief motifs spiral downward.
Wind flings itself up the walls and toward the sky; you have but to look up. description: Moonlit Chamber inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| look up reward: 0 hint: ['take egg', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'down'] state: The night spreads her wings above you, and shows no sign of welcoming her sister of the sunborn day. Constellations jewel the sky, half-hidden by clouds like nestling feathers: the Heavenly Horse and the Imperial Chrysanthemum. description: Moonlit Chamber inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x horse reward: 0 hint: ['take egg', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'down'] state: The star-stallion rears like the chargers you once rode. The justiciar herself preferred such spirited mounts. description: Moonlit Chamber inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x flower reward: 0 hint: ['take egg', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'down'] state: It is the first among constellations, open to the eyes of all people unlike the emperor himself. You and your brother saw him only once, when he called on you to stand together for your family's name. description: Moonlit Chamber inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'north', 'west', 'up'] state:
Shadow Armory
Curiously, the only weapons here live amid light and cannot be worn: they are silhouettes flung against the walls. Stairs carved with bas-reliefs spiral upward.
Northward and westward lie passageways unhindered by door or folding screen. description: Shadow Armory inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state:
Undying Garden
Spring's blossoms and budding trees are here in profusion. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.
A jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.
Transactions of light show other rooms southward and westward. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take chopsticks', 'get in marble', 'south', 'east', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit bones', 'take all off table', 'put mask on marble', 'put mask on table', 'put fan on marble', 'put fan on table', 'push chopsticks to marble', 'push chopsticks to table', 'put dagger on marble', 'put dagger on table', 'put comb on marble', 'put comb on table', 'put all on marble', 'put all on table'] state:
Skeletal Banquet
It seems this is a banquet room, if a banquet had no especial place for people to dine. Glassware and stoneware are arranged in deliberate shapes, as though they are constellations.
South lies a chamber of brooding silence, and a vague, sweet fragrance comes from the east. Stairs of blackest marble lead downward.
On the table are a banquet of bones and some ivory chopsticks. description: Skeletal Banquet inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x bones reward: 0 hint: ['take chopsticks', 'get in marble', 'south', 'east', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit bones', 'take all off table', 'put mask on marble', 'put mask on table', 'put fan on marble', 'put fan on table', 'push chopsticks to marble', 'push chopsticks to table', 'put dagger on marble', 'put dagger on table', 'put comb on marble', 'put comb on table', 'put all on marble', 'put all on table'] state: The feast before you seems a mockery, for everywhere upon the plates and bowls there is nothing but skeletons artfully pieced together to create grotesqueries from ordinary game. A creature half-bird, half-rabbit, for one, or a pheasant with extra legs. Yet it is perhaps no more grotesque than some of the intrigues that poisoned the emperor's court, at times. description: Skeletal Banquet inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| get bones with chopsticks reward: 0 hint: ['get in marble', 'south', 'east', 'put mask down', 'put chopsticks down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit bones', 'put mask on marble', 'put mask on table', 'put chopsticks on marble', 'put chopsticks on table', 'put fan on marble', 'put fan on table', 'put dagger on marble', 'put dagger on table', 'put comb on marble', 'put comb on table', 'put all on marble', 'put all on table'] state: (first taking the ivory chopsticks)
Bone calls to bone, it seems, for the skeletal feast flees no more. With great care you disentangle the bones and piece them back together in a more seemly fashion. Despite some puzzling conjunctions of joints, you discover that interlocking skeletons of dragon and phoenix form the centerpiece.
In a battle older than bone, says one story, the dragon and phoenix were brothers, both born of fire; but one ascended to burn in splendor, and the other clothed himself in lightning tongue and storm rains. The phoenix must die, but is ever reborn; the dragon lives no more, but never dies. description: Skeletal Banquet inventory: ['ivory chopsticks', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| d |
|start_header_id| pentari 11 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['enter', 'put sword down', 'south'] state:
Main Hall, by the Fireplace
You are at the northern end of the main hall taking in the panorama of what was once a majestic area where perhaps treaties were signed, strategies laid and plans foiled.
You can see a Large Fireplace here. description: Main Hall, by the Fireplace inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'put sword down', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall description: Main Hall inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| east reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'get in floor', 'put sword down', 'west', 'up'] state:
Spiral Stairway
A large spiral staircase made entirely of marble polished smooth corkscrews up to a second floor and down to murky depths below. An archway north is cluttered with fallen rubble and crumbled stone but looks otherwise passable. description: Spiral Stairway inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| get in floor reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put sword down', 'up'] state:
Castle Dungeon
Dark, dank and musty are the highpoints of this dungeon. A guard post is here, positioned in such a way as to afford a view of the rows of cells and the prisoners they once contained. An open cell is just ahead to the north. description: Castle Dungeon inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| up reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'get in floor', 'put sword down', 'west', 'up'] state:
Spiral Stairway description: Spiral Stairway inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['take towel', 'north', 'put sword down', 'open towel', 'push towel to floor', 'south'] state:
Dining Room
The Duke wasn't one to stand on ceremony therefore he took all his meals in this room. This large room allowed many servers to shuttle back and forth from the kitchen to the north without getting in anyone's way. Dominating the center of the room is a long, grand table lined with comfortable looking high-backed chairs while exquisite paintings dot the walls.
A folded linen towel is lying on the floor description: Dining Room inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| open towel reward: 0 hint: ['take towel', 'close towel', 'north', 'put sword down', 'push towel to floor', 'put sword in towel', 'south'] state: You open the towel. description: Dining Room inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['put sword down', 'south'] state:
Perhaps even larger than the dining room itself, this kitchen delivered many fine state dinners in its day. Large wood-burning stoves line one side of the room while on another are rows of preparation tables. description: Kitchen inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['take towel', 'close towel', 'north', 'put sword down', 'push towel to floor', 'put sword in towel', 'south'] state:
Dining Room
A folded linen towel is lying on the floor description: Dining Room inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'get in floor', 'put sword down', 'west', 'up'] state:
Spiral Stairway description: Spiral Stairway inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| west reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'put sword down', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall description: Main Hall inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| west reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'north', 'put other down', 'east'] state:
Many death-dealing weapons of every type were stored here. Several tall racks probably held spears while shorter ones mounted against the wall stored various kinds of swords. Other wall mounts, also empty, give you no idea what sort of weapons may have been held by them. A large archway north is partially blocked by collapsed stones and rubble.
You can see a jewel encrusted dagger here. description: Armory inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| put sword down reward: 0 hint: ['take sword', 'take dagger', 'north', 'take all', 'east'] state: Dropped. description: Armory inventory: None |action| take dagger reward: 5 hint: ['take sword', 'north', 'put dagger down', 'east'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Armory inventory: ['jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['take chest', 'put dagger down', 'north', 'south'] state:
In times past the vast wealth of the Duke would be stored here. Alas, with the castle taken and the Duke gone so with him went his riches. As you remember your history lessons, you recall the genealogy of the Dukes of Bostwin and their love of collecting treasures. You could only imagine what vast treasures were contained in this room long ago.
A finely crafted oaken chest is here. description: Treasury inventory: ['jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| take chest reward: 0 hint: ['put dagger down', 'put chest down', 'put all down', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Treasury inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['take sword', 'north', 'put dagger down', 'put other down', 'put all down', 'east'] state:
You can see a fine Pentarian sword here. description: Armory inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| east reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'put dagger down', 'put chest down', 'put all down', 'hit elf', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall
The Dark Elf walks in. description: Main Hall inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| put all down reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'hit elf', 'north', 'south'] state: oaken chest: Dropped.
jewel encrusted dagger: Dropped.
The Dark Elf walks around as if looking for something. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'north', 'east'] state:
Castle description: Castle inventory: None |action| south |
|start_header_id| library 15 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: You are carrying:
an ID card description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Give card to Alan reward: 5 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key'] state: (the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)
The circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Lobby inventory: ['key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put key down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| X stairs reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Smell reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: There is a slight, fishy odor. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Look under stairs reward: 1 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down', 'up'] state: You found a red herring!
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| U reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state:
Second Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| X painting reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state: This painting could pass for a black canvas. The small plaque below it has "Grue" engraved. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| Give fish to grue reward: 2 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take into floor', 'put key down'] state: It almost appears as if an indescribable blackness forms in the painting and reaches out, taking the herring. It is followed by a terrible gnawing noise, and then all is silent again.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'look in books', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
You are in a maze of twisty shelves, all alike.
(Well, okay, not really)
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
A heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room. A sign indicates that the key may be obtained from the circulation desk. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| Search shelves reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with copy'] state: Tucked away in a corner, you find the novel "Debt of Honor", by Tom Clancy. Someone must've lost it!
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Unlock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You unlock the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Open door reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state: You open the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take nelson', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state:
Rare Books Room
The shelves are nearly bare, although there is a complete set of the "New Zork Times", a box labeled "Avalon", and several biographies of various computer game authors. The door out is to the north
You can see a biography of Graham Nelson here. description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Get book reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
The door stands open. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Close door reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You close the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Lock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with graham'] state: You lock the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'examine manual'] state:
Computer Lab
This entire room hums with the combined output of several dozen computers. All of them are hopelessly out of date, but at least they're still good for word processing.
A bank of printers on one side of the room frantically churns out paper.
You can see a technician here. description: Computer Lab inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X technician |
|start_header_id| enchanter 117 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look floor', 'look spell', 'look all', 'turn off lantern', 'break button', 'look at floor with button', 'climb down floor', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'look at floor with spell', 'put lantern in turtle', 'break floor with button', 'throw turtle at jug', 'throw button at floor', 'throw egg at floor', 'throw nitfol at floor', 'throw slide at floor', 'throw gondar at floor', 'throw crank at floor', 'throw rezrov at floor', 'throw bread at floor', 'throw zifmia at floor', 'throw knob at floor', 'throw lantern at floor', 'throw book at floor', 'throw cleesh at floor', 'open floor with button', 'open hammer with button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open noise with button', 'open machine with button', 'pour jug from floor', 'down', 'se'] state: Engine Room
The room is filled with noise: crashing and smashing, gurgling of water, grinding of gears, and horrible screeching of metal. Huge devices of obscure purpose provide these effects. The most notable is a huge hammer that smashes continually against the stone floor: it makes any crossing of the room a dangerous enterprise. The whole construction brings to mind the words "Infernal Machine." Far off to the southeast is another room. You can barely make out something on the floor of that room. It might be a scroll, but from here you can't tell for sure.
"Pretty steep stairs for a turtle, friend. But if you say so..."
description: Engine Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| LEARN EXEX reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look floor', 'look spell', 'look all', 'turn off lantern', 'break button', 'look at floor with button', 'climb down floor', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'look at floor with spell', 'put lantern in turtle', 'break floor with button', 'throw turtle at jug', 'throw button at floor', 'throw egg at floor', 'throw nitfol at floor', 'throw slide at floor', 'throw gondar at floor', 'throw crank at floor', 'throw rezrov at floor', 'throw bread at floor', 'throw zifmia at floor', 'throw knob at floor', 'throw lantern at floor', 'throw book at floor', 'throw cleesh at floor', 'open floor with button', 'open hammer with button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open noise with button', 'open machine with button', 'pour jug from floor', 'down', 'se'] state: Using your best study habits, you learn the exex spell.
"Crash!" A huge hammer smashes against the stone floor.
description: Engine Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| EXEX TURTLE reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look floor', 'look spell', 'look all', 'turn off lantern', 'break button', 'look at floor with button', 'climb down floor', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'look at floor with spell', 'put lantern in turtle', 'break floor with button', 'throw turtle at jug', 'throw button at floor', 'throw egg at floor', 'throw nitfol at floor', 'throw slide at floor', 'throw gondar at floor', 'throw crank at floor', 'throw rezrov at floor', 'throw bread at floor', 'throw zifmia at floor', 'throw knob at floor', 'throw lantern at floor', 'throw book at floor', 'throw cleesh at floor', 'open floor with button', 'open hammer with button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open noise with button', 'open machine with button', 'pour jug from floor', 'down', 'se'] state: The rainbow turtle shimmers, then vibrates in place for a few seconds, but doesn't take any notice of the change.
You are becoming quite thirsty.
description: Engine Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| drink water reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look floor', 'look spell', 'look all', 'turn off lantern', 'break button', 'look at floor with button', 'climb down floor', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'look at floor with spell', 'put lantern in turtle', 'break floor with button', 'throw turtle at jug', 'throw button at floor', 'throw egg at floor', 'throw nitfol at floor', 'throw slide at floor', 'throw gondar at floor', 'throw crank at floor', 'throw rezrov at floor', 'throw bread at floor', 'throw zifmia at floor', 'throw knob at floor', 'throw lantern at floor', 'throw book at floor', 'throw cleesh at floor', 'open floor with button', 'open hammer with button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open noise with button', 'open machine with button', 'pour jug from floor', 'down', 'se'] state: The delicious spring water tasted great, and there's plenty more.
description: Engine Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| TURTLE, SE AND GET SCROLL THEN NW reward: 25 hint: ['north', 'look floor', 'look spell', 'look all', 'look at floor with button', 'turn off lantern', 'break button', 'take scroll', 'climb down floor', 'climb down spell', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'thank turtle', 'look at floor with spell', 'put scroll in turtle', 'put lantern in turtle', 'push spell nitfol ', 'break floor with button', 'poke spell with button', 'throw button at floor', 'throw button at spell', 'throw egg at floor', 'throw egg at spell', 'throw nitfol at floor', 'throw nitfol at spell', 'throw slide at floor', 'throw slide at spell', 'throw gondar at floor', 'throw gondar at spell', 'throw crank at floor', 'throw crank at spell', 'throw rezrov at floor', 'throw rezrov at spell', 'throw bread at floor', 'throw bread at spell', 'throw zifmia at floor', 'throw zifmia at spell', 'throw knob at floor', 'throw knob at spell', 'throw lantern at floor', 'throw lantern at spell', 'throw book at floor', 'throw book at spell', 'throw cleesh at floor', 'throw cleesh at spell', 'open floor with button', 'open hammer with button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open noise with button', 'open machine with button', 'pour jug from floor', 'down', 'se'] state: As the turtle starts across, he seems to set off something, for the machinery speeds up and the noise level becomes almost unbearable. Luckily, he makes it to the other side safely!
The turtle sticks his head through the door across the mechanical wasteland. In his mouth is a scroll of some sort.
"Crash!" A huge hammer smashes against the stone floor.
The turtle fairly zips across the engine room, dodging the giant hammers and gears. Suddenly he sets off a trap, and sharp spears fly at him from all directions! But they bounce harmlessly off his shell! He avoids one last crash of a huge hammer, but even at his speed, it's a near thing! With one more burst of speed, he reaches you safely!
The turtle drops a brittle scroll at your feet. "Not bad, huh?"
Your stomach is starting to grumble.
description: Engine Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| READ BRITTLE SCROLL reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look floor', 'look spell', 'look all', 'look at floor with button', 'turn off lantern', 'break button', 'take scroll', 'climb down floor', 'climb down spell', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'thank turtle', 'look at floor with spell', 'put scroll in turtle', 'put lantern in turtle', 'push spell nitfol ', 'break floor with button', 'poke spell with button', 'throw button at floor', 'throw button at spell', 'throw egg at floor', 'throw egg at spell', 'throw nitfol at floor', 'throw nitfol at spell', 'throw slide at floor', 'throw slide at spell', 'throw gondar at floor', 'throw gondar at spell', 'throw crank at floor', 'throw crank at spell', 'throw rezrov at floor', 'throw rezrov at spell', 'throw bread at floor', 'throw bread at spell', 'throw zifmia at floor', 'throw zifmia at spell', 'throw knob at floor', 'throw knob at spell', 'throw lantern at floor', 'throw lantern at spell', 'throw book at floor', 'throw book at spell', 'throw cleesh at floor', 'throw cleesh at spell', 'open floor with button', 'open hammer with button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open noise with button', 'open machine with button', 'pour jug from floor', 'down', 'se'] state: The scroll reads "kulcad spell: dispel a magic spell". The spell seems very long and extremely complicated.
"Crash!" A huge hammer smashes against the stone floor.
description: Engine Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| GET IT reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look floor', 'look spell', 'look all', 'turn off lantern', 'break button', 'look at floor with button', 'climb down floor', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down scroll', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'thank turtle', 'look at floor with spell', 'put scroll in turtle', 'put lantern in turtle', 'break floor with button', 'throw button at floor', 'throw egg at floor', 'throw nitfol at floor', 'throw slide at floor', 'throw scroll at floor', 'throw gondar at floor', 'throw crank at floor', 'throw rezrov at floor', 'throw bread at floor', 'throw zifmia at floor', 'throw knob at floor', 'throw lantern at floor', 'throw book at floor', 'throw cleesh at floor', 'open floor with button', 'open hammer with button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open noise with button', 'open machine with button', 'pour jug from floor', 'down', 'se'] state: Taken.
description: Engine Room inventory: ['brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| D reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look water', 'look spell', 'look all', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'look at water with jug', 'climb water', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'put down jug', 'put down slide', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down book', 'put down scroll', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down knob', 'put down all', 'west', 'look at water with spell', 'break water with slide', 'throw slide at button', 'throw button at slide', 'throw egg at slide', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw book at slide', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw scroll at slide', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw gondar at slide', 'throw crank at slide', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw cleesh at slide', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw zifmia at slide', 'open water with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open kulcad with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open scroll with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open gondar with slide', 'open cleesh with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open noise with slide', 'open zifmia with slide', 'open corridor with slide', 'open castle with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'up'] state: Tower
"Crash!" A huge hammer smashes against the stone floor.
description: Tower inventory: ['brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['down', 'sleep', 'wait', 'look button', 'look spell', 'look all', 'turn off lantern', 'break button', 'look at button with entrance', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'close gate', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down scroll', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'enter gate', 'east', 'west', 'lie down button', 'look at button with spell', 'break button with entrance', 'throw button at entrance', 'throw egg at button', 'throw nitfol at button', 'throw slide at button', 'throw scroll at button', 'throw gondar at button', 'throw crank at button', 'throw rezrov at button', 'throw bread at button', 'throw zifmia at button', 'throw knob at button', 'throw lantern at button', 'throw book at button', 'throw cleesh at button', 'open entrance with button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open bread with button', 'open meadow with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open beach with button', 'open sea with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open castle with button', 'pour jug from button', 'north', 'south'] state: South Gate
description: South Gate inventory: ['brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'sleep', 'wait', 'look water', 'look spell', 'look all', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'look at water with jug', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'look around persons', 'put down jug', 'put down slide', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down book', 'put down scroll', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down knob', 'put down all', 'east', 'west', 'lie down water', 'look at water with spell', 'break water with slide', 'throw slide at button', 'throw button at slide', 'throw egg at slide', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw book at slide', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw scroll at slide', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw gondar at slide', 'throw crank at slide', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw cleesh at slide', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw zifmia at slide', 'open water with slide', 'open persons with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open kulcad with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open scroll with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open gondar with slide', 'open room with slide', 'open cleesh with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open walls with slide', 'open zifmia with slide', 'open corridor with slide', 'pour jug from slide'] state: Gallery
description: Gallery inventory: ['brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| TURN OFF LANTERN reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'sleep', 'wait', 'look button', 'look portrait', 'look all', 'break button', 'look at button with egg', 'take lighted portrait', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'look around persons', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down scroll', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'look behind lighted portrait', 'lie down button', 'look at button with portrait', 'break button with egg', 'throw button at egg', 'throw egg at button', 'throw nitfol at button', 'throw slide at button', 'throw scroll at button', 'throw gondar at button', 'throw crank at button', 'throw rezrov at button', 'throw bread at button', 'throw zifmia at button', 'throw knob at button', 'throw lantern at button', 'throw book at button', 'throw cleesh at button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open persons with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open lighted portrait with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'pour jug from button', 'west', 'east'] state: The battered lantern is now off.
An eerie orange glow casts a pale, flickering light on the portrait gallery. The eyes of the figures portrayed on the canvases seem to be faintly illuminated and follow your every movement. After a moment, the source of light becomes clear: a single lighted portrait flickers as if a flame were burning behind it.
description: Gallery inventory: ['brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| LOOK reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'sleep', 'wait', 'look button', 'look portrait', 'look all', 'break button', 'look at button with egg', 'take lighted portrait', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'look around persons', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down scroll', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'look behind lighted portrait', 'lie down button', 'look at button with portrait', 'break button with egg', 'throw button at egg', 'throw egg at button', 'throw nitfol at button', 'throw slide at button', 'throw scroll at button', 'throw gondar at button', 'throw crank at button', 'throw rezrov at button', 'throw bread at button', 'throw zifmia at button', 'throw knob at button', 'throw lantern at button', 'throw book at button', 'throw cleesh at button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open persons with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open lighted portrait with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'pour jug from button', 'west', 'east'] state: Gallery
An eerie orange glow casts a pale, flickering light on the portrait gallery. The eyes of the figures portrayed on the canvases seem to be faintly illuminated and follow your every movement. After a moment, the source of light becomes clear: a single lighted portrait flickers as if a flame were burning behind it.
description: Gallery inventory: ['brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| MOVE LIGHTED PORTRAIT reward: 25 hint: ['north', 'sleep', 'wait', 'look niche', 'look portrait', 'look all', 'look at niche with button', 'break button', 'take candle', 'take scroll', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'look around persons', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down brittle ', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down scroll', 'put down all', 'east', 'west', 'kulcad candle', 'lie down niche', 'look at niche with portrait', 'put brittle in niche', 'put bread in niche', 'put jug in niche', 'put lantern in niche', 'put book in niche', 'take scroll from button', 'take scroll from portrait', 'break niche with button', 'break button with scroll', 'take candle from niche', 'take scroll from niche', 'take all from niche', 'take black scroll', 'cast kulcad at candle', 'throw button at niche', 'throw button at scroll', 'throw egg at niche', 'throw egg at scroll', 'throw nitfol at niche', 'throw nitfol at scroll', 'throw slide at niche', 'throw slide at scroll', 'throw brittle at scroll', 'throw gondar at niche', 'throw gondar at scroll', 'throw crank at niche', 'throw crank at scroll', 'throw rezrov at niche', 'throw rezrov at scroll', 'throw bread at niche', 'throw bread at scroll', 'throw zifmia at niche', 'throw zifmia at scroll', 'throw knob at niche', 'throw knob at scroll', 'throw lantern at niche', 'throw lantern at scroll', 'throw book at niche', 'throw book at scroll', 'throw cleesh at niche', 'throw cleesh at scroll', 'put scroll in niche', 'put all in niche', 'open nitfol with button', 'open persons with button', 'open brittle with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open lighted portrait with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open wall with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open candle with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open corridor with button', 'pour jug from niche'] state: The portrait is quite light. You remove it from the wall and place it on the ground, revealing a small niche in the wall, in which sits a black scroll, and a black candle.
description: Gallery inventory: ['brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| GET BLACK SCROLL reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'sleep', 'look niche', 'look portrait', 'look all', 'look at niche with button', 'break button', 'take black', 'take candle', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'look around persons', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down brittle ', 'put down crank', 'put down black', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'east', 'west', 'kulcad candle', 'lie down niche', 'look at niche with portrait', 'put brittle in niche', 'put bread in niche', 'put jug in niche', 'put lantern in niche', 'put book in niche', 'take black from button', 'take black from portrait', 'break niche with button', 'break button with black', 'take black from niche', 'cast kulcad at candle', 'throw button at niche', 'throw button at black', 'throw egg at niche', 'throw egg at black', 'throw nitfol at niche', 'throw nitfol at black', 'throw slide at niche', 'throw slide at black', 'throw brittle at niche', 'throw brittle at black', 'throw gondar at niche', 'throw gondar at black', 'throw crank at niche', 'throw crank at black', 'throw black at niche', 'throw rezrov at niche', 'throw rezrov at black', 'throw bread at niche', 'throw bread at black', 'throw zifmia at niche', 'throw zifmia at black', 'throw knob at niche', 'throw knob at black', 'throw lantern at niche', 'throw lantern at black', 'throw book at niche', 'throw book at black', 'throw cleesh at niche', 'throw cleesh at black', 'put black in niche', 'put all in niche', 'open nitfol with button', 'open persons with button', 'open brittle with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open lighted portrait with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open wall with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open candle with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open corridor with button', 'pour jug from niche'] state: Taken.
description: Gallery inventory: ['black ', 'brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| READ IT reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'sleep', 'look niche', 'look portrait', 'look all', 'look at niche with button', 'break button', 'take black', 'take candle', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'look around persons', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down brittle ', 'put down crank', 'put down black', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'east', 'west', 'kulcad candle', 'lie down niche', 'look at niche with portrait', 'put brittle in niche', 'put bread in niche', 'put jug in niche', 'put lantern in niche', 'put book in niche', 'take black from button', 'take black from portrait', 'break niche with button', 'break button with black', 'take black from niche', 'cast kulcad at candle', 'throw button at niche', 'throw button at black', 'throw egg at niche', 'throw egg at black', 'throw nitfol at niche', 'throw nitfol at black', 'throw slide at niche', 'throw slide at black', 'throw brittle at niche', 'throw brittle at black', 'throw gondar at niche', 'throw gondar at black', 'throw crank at niche', 'throw crank at black', 'throw black at niche', 'throw rezrov at niche', 'throw rezrov at black', 'throw bread at niche', 'throw bread at black', 'throw zifmia at niche', 'throw zifmia at black', 'throw knob at niche', 'throw knob at black', 'throw lantern at niche', 'throw lantern at black', 'throw book at niche', 'throw book at black', 'throw cleesh at niche', 'throw cleesh at black', 'put black in niche', 'put all in niche', 'open nitfol with button', 'open persons with button', 'open brittle with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open lighted portrait with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open wall with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open candle with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open corridor with button', 'pour jug from niche'] state: The scroll reads "ozmoo spell: survive unnatural death".
You are becoming quite hungry.
description: Gallery inventory: ['black ', 'brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| GNUSTO OZMOO SPELL reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'sleep', 'wait', 'look niche', 'look portrait', 'look all', 'break button', 'look at niche with button', 'take candle', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'look around persons', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down scroll', 'put down crank', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'east', 'west', 'kulcad candle', 'lie down niche', 'look at niche with portrait', 'put scroll in niche', 'put bread in niche', 'put jug in niche', 'put lantern in niche', 'put book in niche', 'break niche with button', 'take candle from niche', 'cast kulcad at candle', 'throw button at niche', 'throw egg at niche', 'throw nitfol at niche', 'throw slide at niche', 'throw scroll at niche', 'throw gondar at niche', 'throw crank at niche', 'throw rezrov at niche', 'throw bread at niche', 'throw zifmia at niche', 'throw knob at niche', 'throw lantern at niche', 'throw book at niche', 'throw cleesh at niche', 'put all in niche', 'open nitfol with button', 'open persons with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open candle with button', 'open lighted portrait with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open wall with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open corridor with button', 'pour jug from niche'] state: Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the ozmoo spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly than the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied.
description: Gallery inventory: ['brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| GET CANDLE reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'sleep', 'wait', 'look niche', 'look portrait', 'look all', 'break button', 'look at niche with button', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'look around persons', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down scroll', 'put down crank', 'put down candle', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'east', 'west', 'kulcad candle', 'lie down niche', 'look at niche with portrait', 'put scroll in niche', 'put candle in niche', 'put bread in niche', 'put jug in niche', 'put lantern in niche', 'put book in niche', 'break niche with button', 'cast kulcad at candle', 'throw button at niche', 'throw egg at niche', 'throw nitfol at niche', 'throw slide at niche', 'throw scroll at niche', 'throw gondar at niche', 'throw crank at niche', 'throw candle at niche', 'throw rezrov at niche', 'throw bread at niche', 'throw zifmia at niche', 'throw knob at niche', 'throw lantern at niche', 'throw book at niche', 'throw cleesh at niche', 'put all in niche', 'open nitfol with button', 'open persons with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open lighted portrait with button', 'open candle with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open wall with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open corridor with button', 'pour jug from niche'] state: Taken.
description: Gallery inventory: ['black candle', 'brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| LEARN FROTZ reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'sleep', 'wait', 'look niche', 'look portrait', 'look all', 'break button', 'look at niche with button', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'look around persons', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down scroll', 'put down crank', 'put down candle', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'east', 'west', 'kulcad candle', 'lie down niche', 'look at niche with portrait', 'put scroll in niche', 'put candle in niche', 'put bread in niche', 'put jug in niche', 'put lantern in niche', 'put book in niche', 'break niche with button', 'cast kulcad at candle', 'throw button at niche', 'throw egg at niche', 'throw nitfol at niche', 'throw slide at niche', 'throw scroll at niche', 'throw gondar at niche', 'throw crank at niche', 'throw candle at niche', 'throw rezrov at niche', 'throw bread at niche', 'throw zifmia at niche', 'throw knob at niche', 'throw lantern at niche', 'throw book at niche', 'throw cleesh at niche', 'put all in niche', 'open nitfol with button', 'open persons with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open lighted portrait with button', 'open candle with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open wall with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open corridor with button', 'pour jug from niche'] state: Using your best study habits, you learn the frotz spell.
description: Gallery inventory: ['black candle', 'brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| FROTZ CANDLE reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'sleep', 'wait', 'look niche', 'look portrait', 'look all', 'break button', 'look at niche with button', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'look around persons', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down scroll', 'put down crank', 'put down candle', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'east', 'west', 'kulcad candle', 'lie down niche', 'look at niche with portrait', 'put scroll in niche', 'put candle in niche', 'put bread in niche', 'put jug in niche', 'put lantern in niche', 'put book in niche', 'break niche with button', 'cast kulcad at candle', 'throw button at niche', 'throw egg at niche', 'throw nitfol at niche', 'throw slide at niche', 'throw scroll at niche', 'throw gondar at niche', 'throw crank at niche', 'throw candle at niche', 'throw rezrov at niche', 'throw bread at niche', 'throw zifmia at niche', 'throw knob at niche', 'throw lantern at niche', 'throw book at niche', 'throw cleesh at niche', 'put all in niche', 'open nitfol with button', 'open persons with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open lighted portrait with button', 'open candle with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open wall with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open corridor with button', 'pour jug from niche'] state: There is an almost blinding flash of light as the black candle begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the black candle is now quite usable as a light source.
description: Gallery inventory: ['black candle', 'brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| LEARN FROTZ reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'sleep', 'wait', 'look niche', 'look portrait', 'look all', 'break button', 'look at niche with button', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'look around persons', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down slide', 'put down scroll', 'put down crank', 'put down candle', 'put down bread', 'put down jug', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'east', 'west', 'kulcad candle', 'lie down niche', 'look at niche with portrait', 'put scroll in niche', 'put candle in niche', 'put bread in niche', 'put jug in niche', 'put lantern in niche', 'put book in niche', 'break niche with button', 'cast kulcad at candle', 'throw button at niche', 'throw egg at niche', 'throw nitfol at niche', 'throw slide at niche', 'throw scroll at niche', 'throw gondar at niche', 'throw crank at niche', 'throw candle at niche', 'throw rezrov at niche', 'throw bread at niche', 'throw zifmia at niche', 'throw knob at niche', 'throw lantern at niche', 'throw book at niche', 'throw cleesh at niche', 'put all in niche', 'open nitfol with button', 'open persons with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open gondar with button', 'open lighted portrait with button', 'open candle with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open wall with button', 'open bread with button', 'open zifmia with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open water with button', 'open kulcad with button', 'open room with button', 'open cleesh with button', 'open corridor with button', 'pour jug from niche'] state: Using your best study habits, you learn the frotz spell.
description: Gallery inventory: ['black candle', 'brittle ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| LEARN OZMOO |
|start_header_id| library 11 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The Rare Books Room is on the second floor. Stairs are north of here. You will need the key, though." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about key reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The key may be obtained at the circulation desk." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state:
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Alan about key reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "You need to give me your ID card in order to get the key to the Rare Books Room." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| I reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: You are carrying:
an ID card description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Give card to Alan reward: 5 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key'] state: (the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)
The circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Lobby inventory: ['key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put key down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| X stairs reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Smell reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: There is a slight, fishy odor. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Look under stairs reward: 1 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down', 'up'] state: You found a red herring!
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| U reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state:
Second Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| X painting reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state: This painting could pass for a black canvas. The small plaque below it has "Grue" engraved. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| Give fish to grue reward: 2 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take into floor', 'put key down'] state: It almost appears as if an indescribable blackness forms in the painting and reaches out, taking the herring. It is followed by a terrible gnawing noise, and then all is silent again.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'look in books', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
You are in a maze of twisty shelves, all alike.
(Well, okay, not really)
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
A heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room. A sign indicates that the key may be obtained from the circulation desk. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| Search shelves reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with copy'] state: Tucked away in a corner, you find the novel "Debt of Honor", by Tom Clancy. Someone must've lost it!
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Unlock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You unlock the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Open door reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state: You open the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take nelson', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state:
Rare Books Room
The shelves are nearly bare, although there is a complete set of the "New Zork Times", a box labeled "Avalon", and several biographies of various computer game authors. The door out is to the north
You can see a biography of Graham Nelson here. description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Get book reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| N |
|start_header_id| detective 22 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'east'] state:
<< Bedroom >>
You are in the bedroom. You noticed that there was a guard guarding the stairs to the 3rd story, because there is remodelling going on there. You see nothing of importance. Go east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Bedroom inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Outside >>
You pass the guard. He nods at you. You are now outside standing on the street. You can go north and east, your choice. To the north is more of the street, and to the east is a video store.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are in a video store called Brickbuster Video. There are about 3,000 videos here. You can go north, or east.
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are still in the video store. You can go north, or east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take hamburger', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< McDonalds >>
You are in a McDonalds. You pay the guy behind the counter. Now there is a hamburger there. When you have picked it up, go north.
You can see a food hamburger here.
description: McDonalds inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| TAKE HAMBURGER reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: McDonalds inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are still outside. You hit a dead end, then notice that you can go east only.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Music Store >>
You are in a music store. You ask the man behind the counter if he knew any information. "Uhh... nope! But the guy back there might be able ta help." You politly thank him and head to the back. You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Back of Music Store >>
You are in the back of the music store. You ask the guy who's looking at the cool tapes. He looks up at you. "Duh.. no... don't t'ink so... lemme see..." You decide that he's no help. To the west there is a dazed looking man and to the north there is an exit.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Back of Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Alley >>
You are in an alley. A drunken man stagers up to you and says "Boycott FDR! <HICKUP>.". You just walk away. You can go north, east or west. Your call.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Alley inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north', 'south'] state:
<< Police Station >>
You are in the 3rd precinct police station. This isn't your station. You get admitance from the guy at the desk and go to the holding cells. You ask each offender if they know anything. You promise a lighter sentence for the ones who help. But one guy really sets you straight. "I got caught wit' t'ree ounces o' crack. I'm supposed to get 20 years but I'll be out in 2. You can't make me talk cuz it don't matter to me. If I squeal, da guys who did it are gonna come lookin' for me. I know but I ain't gonna tell ya. Now git outta my face.". You are surprised but used to it. You can go north to the outside, south to go back to the alley and west or east to talk to more guys.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Police Station inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'west'] state:
<< Doughnut King >>
You are in the Doughnut King, where the greasiest doughnuts on earth reside. He isn't here, no one seems to be for that matter, so you should go west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Doughnut King inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< The Wall >>
You don't see him here. You ought to go east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: The Wall inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N |
|start_header_id| reverb 21 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open story', 'open cabinet with key'] state:
Mayor's Office
You are in the mayor's office. To the east is a window overlooking a second-story drop. There is a glass box mounted on the north wall.
You can see a file cabinet (which is closed) here. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| open window reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open story', 'open cabinet with key'] state: You open up the window. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| unlock cabinet with key reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open cabinet', 'open story', 'lock cabinet with key'] state: You unlock the file cabinet. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| open cabinet reward: 0 hint: ['take file', 'put key down', 'close cabinet', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'push file to east', 'hit story', 'open story', 'take file off cabinet', 'put key in cabinet', 'push file to cabinet'] state: You open the mayor's file cabinet. A massive quantity of paperwork is in there. Amongst the paper you see a particular file which looks suspicious. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| get file reward: 3 hint: ['wake lackey', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close cabinet', 'close story', 'close door', 'get in story', 'get in door', 'kiss lackey', 'hit story', 'open story', 'say east to mayor', 'ask lackey about east', 'ask mayor for east', 'put file in cabinet', 'put key in cabinet', 'put all in cabinet', 'give mayor file', 'tell lackey about east', 'throw file against lackey'] state: You smugly retrieve the file.
Just are you're starting to feel disappointed about how easy it was to search around in the mayor's secret files, you hear a commotion out in the hall. Suddenly, you find yourself staring into the shifty face of Mayor Winnick himself. He quickly assesses the situation and makes a curt gesture. In walks a very large, very ugly lackey, who begins to approach with a nasty look in his eye.
The henchman approaches with a mean gleam in his eye. It is highly recommended that you find an escape route.
[Your score has just gone up by three points.] description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['secret file', 'key'] |action| jump out window reward: 5 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: Desperately looking for a way out, you climb out the open window. You find yourself dangling from the window sill over a three-story drop.
Hangin' Out
You are dangling over a three-story drop, desperately clutching the window ledge with your fingertips. And as if that weren't bad enough, a very angry mayor and a very large security guard are inside, and they're both very eager to get rid of you.
Your feet are just low enough to touch the window on the next floor below you.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey congratulating each other on getting rid of you.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| kick second window reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: You frantically kick on the window below you, hoping that somebody will hear.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
There seems to be some activity in the room on the second story. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: Time passes.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
The window down below is opening. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'put sill down', 'pronouns', 'examine window', 'wake jill', 'put on floor', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'kiss jill', 'hit jill', 'throw file', 'throw key', 'say third story window to jill', 'ask jill about third story window', 'ask jill for third story window', 'put all on jill', 'give jill file', 'tell jill about third story window', 'throw sill against jill'] state: Time passes.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
Somebody sticks their head out of the second story window... by god, it's Jill! description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| jill, hold me reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine mayor', 'put sill down', 'pronouns', 'wake mayor', 'put on mayor', 'put on lackey', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'take all', 'kiss mayor', 'kiss jill', 'take lackey', 'hit mayor', 'hit jill', 'throw lackey', 'throw file', 'throw key', 'say mayor to jill', 'say jill to mayor', 'ask mayor about jill', 'ask jill about mayor', 'ask mayor for jill', 'hit mayor with lackey', 'hit jill with lackey', 'put all on mayor', 'push lackey to mayor', 'give mayor file', 'pay mayor lackey', 'tell mayor about jill', 'tell jill about mayor', 'throw lackey against mayor', 'throw file against mayor'] state: Jill nods frantically. She holds out her arms trying to reach you.
The mayor and the lackey look out the window. They are surprised to see you.
Jill looks up at you anxiously. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| jump reward: 5 hint: ['wake attorney', 'put key down', 'kiss attorney', 'hit attorney', 'say window to attorney', 'ask attorney about window', 'give attorney key', 'tell attorney about window', 'throw key against attorney', 'west'] state: You release your grip on the window and you're falling, falling...
"GOTCHA!" You find yourself in the remarkably strong arms of Jill, who hauls you into her window and onto solid ground. You've never been so happy to see anyone in your life.
Law Office
You are in a bustling law office. The east wall is dominated by a large window.
Jill stands here.
You briefly relate to Jill what's just been happening to you. Jill looks thoughtful as she takes the file from you. "So you uncovered evidence that the mayor is connected to the mob? And he knows that you found out. This sounds serious. If I'm not mistaken, every cop in the district is going to be after your head pretty soon.
"Good work, though, Stan. Don't stop now. I'm going to phone the state police and see if I can get outside help on this case."
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Law Office inventory: ['key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put other down', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'kiss other', 'say east to other', 'ask other about east'] state:
Office Building, Second Floor description: Office Building, Second Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'put key down', 'north'] state: The stairs angle down and back, and you emerge south.
Office Building
There are fronds on either side of the exit on the east. description: Office Building inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine gun', 'west', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put key down', 'east', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'give people key', 'tell people about east', 'throw key against people'] state:
A police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by. description: Downtown inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'examine key', 'south', 'pronouns', 'put on west', 'put key down', 'west', 'throw key', 'east'] state:
Street, Near Courthouse description: Street, Near Courthouse inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine parlor', 'north', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put key down', 'east', 'west', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'give people key', 'tell people about east', 'throw key against people'] state:
Street, by Pizza Parlor description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'get in northeast', 'take box', 'take note', 'put key down', 'south', 'examine note', 'open box', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'take all off counter', 'put key on counter', 'push box to counter', 'push box to northeast', 'push note to counter'] state:
Pizza Parlor
On the counter are a small pizza box (which is closed) and a handwritten note. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['key'] |action| get pizza box reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'examine note', 'open box', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'push note to counter'] state: Taken. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| open pizza box reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'take bomb', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'push bomb to northeast', 'examine note', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'push note to counter', 'push bomb to box', 'push bomb to counter'] state: You flip open the pizza box... AND THERE'S A BOMB INSIDE!!!!! description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| get bomb reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'put bomb down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'examine note', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put bomb on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'put bomb in box', 'put key in box', 'push note to box', 'push note to counter'] state: Taken. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['bomb', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s |
|start_header_id| library 1 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: The gates are made of gunmetal-grey plastic, and a set of little red lights on top seem to watch you menacingly. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| X attendant reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: He's leafing through a dog-eared copy of Tom Clancy's "Without Remorse", looking terminally bored. He is wearing a nametag. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Read tag reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Hi, I'm Alan." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Alan about novel reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: He glances up at you. "Yeah, it gets pretty dull around here on Friday afternoons, and I've already read this one six times." He sighs heavily. "If only I hadn't lost that copy of "Debt of Honor" in the stacks. I've only read that one four times, and not within the past three months." Dejected, he goes back to flipping the pages. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask him about Nelson reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Try talking to the reference librarian." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask him about librarian reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Try going through those doors, she's probably at her desk." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| X librarian reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: She is an extremely proper young woman. She has her hands folded neatly in front of her on the desk, and a pencil so sharp it looks like it would make a decent stiletto is tucked behind one ear. She watches the room, and you, like a hungry hawk. Pinned to her jacket is a nametag. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Read tag reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Hi! I'm Marion." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Marion about Nelson reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Ah, that valuable book. We keep it locked away, in the Rare Books Room." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about rare books reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The Rare Books Room is on the second floor. Stairs are north of here. You will need the key, though." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about key reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The key may be obtained at the circulation desk." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state:
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Alan about key reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "You need to give me your ID card in order to get the key to the Rare Books Room." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| I reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: You are carrying:
an ID card description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Give card to Alan reward: 5 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key'] state: (the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)
The circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Lobby inventory: ['key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put key down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| X stairs reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Smell reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: There is a slight, fishy odor. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Look under stairs |
|start_header_id| inhumane 33 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'north', 'west', 'east', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Corridor at Doorway
The hall goes east and west from here and there is a doorway to the north. description: Corridor at Doorway inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: Yuk! You have fallen into a pit full of gray sticky glue.
Glue Pit
You are in a deep pit up to your chin in sticky grayish glue. You can probably climb out using a rough set of handholds on the east wall. (Probably carved by a previous sucker.) description: Glue Pit inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'west', 'put torch down', 'open door', 'take button off torch'] state: You climb out of the pit, dripping goop. You are coated with glue.
Outside Door
The hall ends in a door to the east. To the west is that pit of glue.
The door is closed. description: Outside Door inventory: ['torch'] |action| open door reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The door swings open. A cascade of fur pours out, completely covering you and sticking to the glue. description: Outside Door inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'west', 'east', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Hall Full of Fur
You are wading through knee-deep piles of the fur that is stuck all over you. The door is to the west is jammed open by more of the stuff. The hall continues east.
The door is open. A cascade of fur spills through. description: Hall Full of Fur inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Glass Hall
The walls of this east/west corridor are thick panes of glass over the normal stone blocks. So is the floor which makes it hard to walk on your furry feet. description: Glass Hall inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take necklace', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'take necklace off shelf', 'take button off torch', 'put torch on shelf', 'west'] state:
End of Glass Hall
The hall ends in another glass-covered wall. On this wall is an iron shelf bolted onto the glass. (Actually the bolts go through the glass into the stone wall.)
Sitting on the shelf is:
a beautiful silver necklace description: End of Glass Hall inventory: ['torch'] |action| take necklace reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: If you hadn't noticed, you've been walking on glass with furry feet. This will produce a large static charge. The necklace is sitting on a metal shelf which is grounded into the stone wall. And silver conducts electricity... description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
This is a landing on the stairway. You can go down to the north or up to the south. A passage leads east. description: Landing inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take coin-bag', 'push button', 'south', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'up'] state:
Bottom of Shaft
You are at the bottom of a ladder that goes up a shaft from here. To the south is the stairway up.
On the floor is a small coin-bag made of leather. It appears to have something in it. description: Bottom of Shaft inventory: ['torch'] |action| u reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'down'] state: You climb up the ladder to a hole at the top of the shaft.
Exercise-Wheel Room
This room is laid out like an exercise wheel for rats except that it is 40 ft. across. You can turn the wheel by walking north or south. Equally spaced around the rim are twelve coin-holders. Some have gold coins in them. The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the bottom of the wheel. Below it is the shaft that you entered this room by. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is slightly up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is less than half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is more than half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the top of the wheel. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the north side. Behind it is a hole from which water is pouring very fast. The water turns the wheel back to its original position, then pours down the hole. You are taken with it.
*** You have died ***
You are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. "Don't you know how lab rats eventually end up?
"Three deathtraps have zocked you so far. You're beginning to seem rather dumb."
Round Room
This room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.
There is a shovel lying here. description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Landing description: Landing inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'north', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
T Intersection
The hallway goes east and west here with a branch north. description: T Intersection inventory: ['torch'] |action| n |
|start_header_id| moonlit 1 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take egg', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put mask on stairs', 'down'] state: Taken. description: Moonlit Chamber inventory: ['porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x mask reward: 0 hint: ['take egg', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put mask on stairs', 'down'] state: The half-mask is the pale, almost bluish color of the finest celadon, cracked with uncanny precision down its axis of symmetry. The face in its blank, sculpted features has no more personality than new-forged steel. Half a mask, though--that must mean the left half is-- description: Moonlit Chamber inventory: ['porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x self reward: 0 hint: ['take egg', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put mask on stairs', 'down'] state: The weight of armor and the breath of silk are familiar. Your face, though--when you reach up, it is porcelain that meets your touch on the left side, and you cannot remove it, though neither does it impede your senses. It seems the left half is a part of you, perhaps no more a mask than a hand is a glove... description: Moonlit Chamber inventory: ['porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put mask on stairs', 'push dagger to stairs', 'north', 'west', 'up'] state:
Shadow Armory
Shadows gather around you. For a moment, dregs of light defined by the negative space take on the shapes of maple leaf, kite, comb, and other shapes that flicker across the walls too rapidly for you to interpret.
Curiously, the only weapons here live amid light and cannot be worn: they are silhouettes flung against the walls. Stairs carved with bas-reliefs spiral upward.
Northward and westward lie passageways unhindered by door or folding screen. description: Shadow Armory inventory: ['porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x light reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put mask on stairs', 'push dagger to stairs', 'north', 'west', 'up'] state: Here the light, apparently sourceless, adirectional, takes on a burnished quality. description: Shadow Armory inventory: ['porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x leaf reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put mask on stairs', 'push dagger to stairs', 'north', 'west', 'up'] state: Autumn is the maple's season, when all things die but fire and sun, pine and moon, last guardians before the door into winter and winter's snowlocked court. Once you knew a dark-haired woman who always wore red, gold and black, the maple's colors, even at the emperor's winter court, steadfast against the encroaching fashions of indigo or palest blue. She had a low ironic laugh, but she is lost to you....
Here, surrounded by stone, shadow, light, there is no indication of the season. description: Shadow Armory inventory: ['porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x kite reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put mask on stairs', 'push dagger to stairs', 'north', 'west', 'up'] state: There should be two kites, not one: brothers and sisters fly them as pairs during the kite-fighting auguries of spring. Alas, no wind stirs in this dustless place. description: Shadow Armory inventory: ['porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x comb reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put mask on stairs', 'push dagger to stairs', 'north', 'west', 'up'] state: The comb has the curved, tortoise-shell shape that you have seen in years past--but is one of the teeth broken? description: Shadow Armory inventory: ['porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x shadow reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put mask on stairs', 'push dagger to stairs', 'north', 'west', 'up'] state: Weapons line the walls, writ in shadow--yet you know their heft and balance, the patterns of movement that make one deadly in attack and another impenetrable in defense. If only you knew, as well, the histories of blood, patronage and betrayal--or loyalty--that they represent.
One of the weapons is more substantial than you realized at first, a bronze-hilted dagger with a tassel hanging from the pommel. description: Shadow Armory inventory: ['porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| take dagger reward: 0 hint: ['get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'north', 'west', 'up'] state: Taken. description: Shadow Armory inventory: ['bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take comb', 'turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'take other with comb', 'hit comb', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'push comb to compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The shapes of light you saw as you entered fade irrevocably.
Undying Garden
Barren branches and pines suggest winter's quiet. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.
A jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.
Transactions of light show other rooms southward and westward.
You can see a tortoise-shell comb here. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| take comb reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit comb', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Taken. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x comb reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit comb', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The comb is curved like a smile, though it seems fragile, easily broken by a chance hand. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| hit comb reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Three of the long central teeth flex, then snap in your fingers. The justiciar wore a comb long-broken as a memento; it proved an uneasy prophecy of waking passion and breaking promises. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x compass reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The compass is carved from a single piece of jade in which violet and green intermingle delicately; the cardinal directions--if such they be--are marked by hawk, swallow, crane and feather. More curiously still, the needle is of glass, suggesting that it homes to something other than the north. Perhaps you can set it yourself?
The needle points to the feather. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x feather reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Even for the emperor's winter court, the only birds that remain in the gardens are the jeweled nightingales, which sing dainty mechanical tunes when they are stroked with a feather. Your brother hated them passionately, but he listened to them readily enough whenever the justiciar asked, with that smile that lit her eyes, though it never reached her mouth. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x hawk reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: It was autumn when last you went hawking with the emperor's justiciar. Freed of court robes, she soared as surely as the kestrel that raced before her; her hair was black and scandalously unbound as the red-and-gold ribbons tore away in the wind to land in your waiting hand. Autumn... description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x swallow reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Spring is the swallows' season, when they return from their sojourn in distant lands and signal the kite-flying auguries. If only an augury could help you now... description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x crane reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The most auspicious of all birds, save the imperial phoenix. Many a summer morning have you gazed upon cranes in flight, whether silhouetted against the setting sun or set in abalone-shell upon a fine lacquered cabinet, a cloisonne hairpin. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| set compass to hawk reward: 0 hint: ['take leaf', 'turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'open leaf', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with leaf', 'put mask on compass', 'push leaf to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The needle points to the hawk now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| look |
|start_header_id| pentari 19 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take towel', 'close towel', 'north', 'put sword down', 'push towel to floor', 'put sword in towel', 'south'] state:
Dining Room
A folded linen towel is lying on the floor description: Dining Room inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'get in floor', 'put sword down', 'west', 'up'] state:
Spiral Stairway description: Spiral Stairway inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| west reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'put sword down', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall description: Main Hall inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| west reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'north', 'put other down', 'east'] state:
Many death-dealing weapons of every type were stored here. Several tall racks probably held spears while shorter ones mounted against the wall stored various kinds of swords. Other wall mounts, also empty, give you no idea what sort of weapons may have been held by them. A large archway north is partially blocked by collapsed stones and rubble.
You can see a jewel encrusted dagger here. description: Armory inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| put sword down reward: 0 hint: ['take sword', 'take dagger', 'north', 'take all', 'east'] state: Dropped. description: Armory inventory: None |action| take dagger reward: 5 hint: ['take sword', 'north', 'put dagger down', 'east'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Armory inventory: ['jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['take chest', 'put dagger down', 'north', 'south'] state:
In times past the vast wealth of the Duke would be stored here. Alas, with the castle taken and the Duke gone so with him went his riches. As you remember your history lessons, you recall the genealogy of the Dukes of Bostwin and their love of collecting treasures. You could only imagine what vast treasures were contained in this room long ago.
A finely crafted oaken chest is here. description: Treasury inventory: ['jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| take chest reward: 0 hint: ['put dagger down', 'put chest down', 'put all down', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Treasury inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['take sword', 'north', 'put dagger down', 'put other down', 'put all down', 'east'] state:
You can see a fine Pentarian sword here. description: Armory inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| east reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'put dagger down', 'put chest down', 'put all down', 'hit elf', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall
The Dark Elf walks in. description: Main Hall inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| put all down reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'hit elf', 'north', 'south'] state: oaken chest: Dropped.
jewel encrusted dagger: Dropped.
The Dark Elf walks around as if looking for something. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'north', 'east'] state:
Castle description: Castle inventory: None |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['north'] state:
Castle Entrance description: Castle Entrance inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'north', 'east'] state:
Castle description: Castle inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall
You can see a jewel encrusted dagger and an oaken chest (which is closed) here. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| take chest reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'east', 'west', 'put chest down', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Main Hall inventory: ['oaken chest'] |action| put all down reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'north', 'south'] state: (the oaken chest down)
Dropped. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['enter', 'south'] state:
Main Hall, by the Fireplace
You can see a Large Fireplace here. description: Main Hall, by the Fireplace inventory: None |action| enter reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'take scroll'] state:
The Main Hall, by the Fireplace (in the Large Fireplace)
You can see a dirty scroll here. description: Large Fireplace inventory: None |action| take scroll reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'fwoosh', 'put scroll down'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Large Fireplace inventory: ['dirty scroll'] |action| get up |
|start_header_id| library 0 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state:
[Please press SPACE to begin.]
Every library should try to be complete on something, if it were only the history of pinheads. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Poet at the Breakfast-Table
You are a student at Anycollege, in Anytown, and it's the end of the semester! You've been slacking off all semester long, and it's catching up to you. That final paper is due for your Computer Science class ("The History of IF Games"), and you desperately need to check out a comprehensive book on Graham Nelson, one of the foremost authors of the obscure genre of interactive-fiction. You know there is exactly one such book, but you have no idea where it might be!
The first time player should probably type "help".
An Interactive Vignette
Release 2 / Serial number 951204 / Inform v1502 Library 5/12
Standard interpreter 1.0
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| X security gates reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: The gates are made of gunmetal-grey plastic, and a set of little red lights on top seem to watch you menacingly. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| X attendant reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: He's leafing through a dog-eared copy of Tom Clancy's "Without Remorse", looking terminally bored. He is wearing a nametag. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Read tag reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Hi, I'm Alan." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Alan about novel reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: He glances up at you. "Yeah, it gets pretty dull around here on Friday afternoons, and I've already read this one six times." He sighs heavily. "If only I hadn't lost that copy of "Debt of Honor" in the stacks. I've only read that one four times, and not within the past three months." Dejected, he goes back to flipping the pages. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask him about Nelson reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Try talking to the reference librarian." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask him about librarian reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Try going through those doors, she's probably at her desk." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| X librarian reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: She is an extremely proper young woman. She has her hands folded neatly in front of her on the desk, and a pencil so sharp it looks like it would make a decent stiletto is tucked behind one ear. She watches the room, and you, like a hungry hawk. Pinned to her jacket is a nametag. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Read tag reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Hi! I'm Marion." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Marion about Nelson reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Ah, that valuable book. We keep it locked away, in the Rare Books Room." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about rare books reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The Rare Books Room is on the second floor. Stairs are north of here. You will need the key, though." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about key reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The key may be obtained at the circulation desk." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state:
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Alan about key reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "You need to give me your ID card in order to get the key to the Rare Books Room." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| I reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: You are carrying:
an ID card description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Give card to Alan reward: 5 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key'] state: (the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)
The circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Lobby inventory: ['key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put key down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| X stairs reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Smell |
|start_header_id| sorcerer 5 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['look book', 'look spell', 'put down book', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'frotz note', 'open door', 'look at spell throug book', 'open door with note', 'throw book at note', 'throw note at book', 'south', 'west', 'east'] state: (Taken)
"I have taken the apprentices into town to shop for the Guild picnic. I tried rousing you, but you seemed deep asleep. By the way, have you seen Belboz anywhere? It's not like him to leave without telling someone -- but then, he's been acting pretty odd of late.
-- Frobar"
description: Hallway inventory: ['scribbled note', 'book'] |action| DROP IT reward: 0 hint: ['look note', 'look spell', 'take note', 'put down book', 'frotz note', 'open door', 'look at spell throug note', 'open door with pulver ', 'throw book at note', 'south', 'west', 'east'] state: Dropped.
description: Hallway inventory: ['book'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look chamber', 'look spell', 'hit enchanter', 'look down desk', 'exit hanging', 'look behind hanging', 'put down book', 'search desk', 'frotz enchanter', 'look at spell throug chamber', 'hit chamber with enchanter', 'take enchanter from book', 'cast rezrov at desk', 'touch chamber with hanging', 'put book across desk', 'open desk with enchanter'] state: Belboz's Quarters
The personal chamber of Belboz, who presides over the Circle of Enchanters, is appointed with a beautiful woven wall hanging, an exotic morgia plant, and a wide darkwood desk crafted by the artisans of Gurth. The hallway lies to the east.
Pacing back and forth on a perch in the corner is Belboz's prized pet parrot, native to the jungles of Miznia.
description: 's Quarters inventory: ['book'] |action| OPEN DESK reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look chamber', 'look spell', 'hit enchanters', 'take box', 'take infotater', 'take journal', 'look down box', 'close desk', 'exit box', 'look behind hanging', 'put down book', 'frotz box', 'frotz enchanters', 'frotz infotater', 'frotz journal', 'rezrov box', 'look at spell throug chamber', 'put book down desk', 'hit chamber with enchanters', 'take box from desk', 'take enchanters from book', 'take infotater from desk', 'take journal from desk', 'take all from drawer', 'cast rezrov at box', 'touch chamber with hanging', 'put book across desk', 'open box with enchanters'] state: Opening the desk drawer reveals an infotater, a journal, and a tiny box.
"Squawk! You should never have let down your mindshield, you doddering old Enchanter. Squawk!"
description: 's Quarters inventory: ['book'] |action| GET BOX AND JOURNAL reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look chamber', 'look spell', 'hit enchanters', 'take infotater', 'look down box', 'close desk', 'exit hanging', 'look behind hanging', 'put down box', 'put down journal', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'frotz enchanters', 'frotz infotater', 'frotz box', 'frotz journal', 'rezrov box', 'look at spell throug chamber', 'put box down desk', 'put journal down desk', 'put book down desk', 'put all down desk', 'hit chamber with enchanters', 'take enchanters from box', 'take enchanters from journal', 'take enchanters from book', 'take infotater from desk', 'cast rezrov at box', 'touch chamber with hanging', 'put box across desk', 'put journal across desk', 'put book across desk', 'put all across desk', 'open box with enchanters'] state: tiny box: Taken.
journal: Taken.
description: 's Quarters inventory: ['journal', 'tiny box', 'book'] |action| LOOK BEHIND TAPESTRY reward: 15 hint: ['east', 'look chamber', 'look spell', 'hit enchanters', 'take key', 'take infotater', 'look down box', 'close desk', 'exit key', 'put down box', 'put down journal', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'frotz key', 'frotz enchanters', 'frotz infotater', 'frotz box', 'frotz journal', 'rezrov box', 'look at spell throug chamber', 'put box down desk', 'put journal down desk', 'put book down desk', 'put all down desk', 'hit chamber with enchanters', 'take key from desk', 'take enchanters from box', 'take enchanters from journal', 'take enchanters from book', 'take infotater from desk', 'cast rezrov at box', 'put box across desk', 'put journal across desk', 'put book across desk', 'put all across desk', 'open box with enchanters'] state: As you move the tapestry, a key falls out from behind it and lands on the floor.
description: 's Quarters inventory: ['journal', 'tiny box', 'book'] |action| GET KEY reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look chamber', 'look spell', 'hit enchanters', 'take infotater', 'look down box', 'close desk', 'exit key', 'put down key', 'put down box', 'put down journal', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'frotz key', 'frotz enchanters', 'frotz infotater', 'frotz box', 'frotz journal', 'open journal', 'rezrov box', 'look at spell throug chamber', 'put key down desk', 'put box down desk', 'put journal down desk', 'put book down desk', 'put all down desk', 'hit chamber with enchanters', 'take enchanters from key', 'take enchanters from box', 'take enchanters from journal', 'take enchanters from book', 'take infotater from desk', 'cast rezrov at box', 'put key across desk', 'put box across desk', 'put journal across desk', 'put book across desk', 'put all across desk', 'open box with key', 'open journal with key'] state: Taken.
"Squawk! This tea is cold! Get me another cup. Squawk!"
description: 's Quarters inventory: ['key', 'journal', 'tiny box', 'book'] |action| OPEN JOURNAL reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look chamber', 'look spell', 'hit enchanters', 'take infotater', 'look down box', 'close desk', 'close journal', 'exit key', 'put down key', 'put down box', 'put down journal', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'frotz key', 'frotz enchanters', 'frotz infotater', 'frotz box', 'frotz journal', 'rezrov box', 'look at spell throug chamber', 'put key down desk', 'put box down desk', 'put journal down desk', 'put book down desk', 'put all down desk', 'hit chamber with enchanters', 'take enchanters from key', 'take enchanters from box', 'take enchanters from journal', 'take enchanters from book', 'take infotater from desk', 'cast rezrov at box', 'put key across desk', 'put box across desk', 'put journal across desk', 'put book across desk', 'put all across desk', 'open box with key'] state: (with the key)
The journal springs open.
"Squawk! Where did I leave my spectacles? Squawk!"
description: 's Quarters inventory: ['key', 'journal', 'tiny box', 'book'] |action| READ IT reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look chamber', 'look spell', 'hit enchanters', 'take infotater', 'look down box', 'close desk', 'close journal', 'exit key', 'put down key', 'put down box', 'put down journal', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'frotz key', 'frotz enchanters', 'frotz infotater', 'frotz box', 'frotz journal', 'rezrov box', 'look at spell throug chamber', 'put key down desk', 'put box down desk', 'put journal down desk', 'put book down desk', 'put all down desk', 'hit chamber with enchanters', 'take enchanters from key', 'take enchanters from box', 'take enchanters from journal', 'take enchanters from book', 'take infotater from desk', 'cast rezrov at box', 'put key across desk', 'put box across desk', 'put journal across desk', 'put book across desk', 'put all across desk', 'open box with key'] state: You skim through the pages of the journal, a combination diary and notebook. Most of the notations, written in Belboz's familiar flowing script, deal with meetings of the Circle and business of the Guild.
There is one interesting entry toward the end of the book. Belboz refers to an ancient and evil force known simply as Jeearr, a demon whose powers could endanger the Circle and possibly the entire kingdom. He has decided to conduct some dangerous exploratory experiments, operating alone to shield the Circle from the perils involved.
The last three entries are strange and frightening -- written in a hand quite different from that of Belboz, and in a language totally unfamiliar to you.
On the inside cover is an inscription, written in a light script, which reads "Current code: bloodworm".
"Squawk! Where did I leave my spectacles? Squawk!"
description: 's Quarters inventory: ['key', 'journal', 'tiny box', 'book'] |action| DROP JOURNAL AND KEY reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look chamber', 'look spell', 'hit enchanters', 'take key', 'take infotater', 'take journal', 'take all', 'look down box', 'close desk', 'close journal', 'exit key', 'put down box', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'frotz key', 'frotz enchanters', 'frotz infotater', 'frotz box', 'frotz journal', 'rezrov box', 'look at spell throug chamber', 'put box down desk', 'put book down desk', 'put all down desk', 'hit chamber with enchanters', 'take key from desk', 'take enchanters from box', 'take enchanters from book', 'take infotater from desk', 'take journal from desk', 'cast rezrov at box', 'put box across desk', 'put book across desk', 'put all across desk', 'open box with enchanters'] state: journal: Dropped.
small key: Dropped.
description: 's Quarters inventory: ['tiny box', 'book'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['look note', 'look spell', 'take note', 'look down box', 'put down box', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'frotz note', 'frotz box', 'open door', 'rezrov box', 'look at spell throug note', 'cast rezrov at box', 'open door with box', 'throw box at note', 'throw book at note', 'open box with rezrov ', 'south', 'west', 'east'] state: Hallway
There is a scribbled note here.
description: Hallway inventory: ['tiny box', 'book'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['look hallway', 'look spell', 'look down box', 'put down book', 'put down box', 'put down all', 'frotz box', 'rezrov box', 'look at spell throug hallway', 'cast rezrov at box', 'throw book at hallway', 'throw box at hallway', 'open box with rezrov ', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east'] state: Hallway
Rooms lie to the east and west from this north-south corridor. A large marble archway to the south leads into an open area.
description: Hallway inventory: ['tiny box', 'book'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['look brass', 'look spell', 'climb down stair', 'look down box', 'put down book', 'put down box', 'put down all', 'frotz box', 'open brass', 'rezrov brass', 'rezrov box', 'look at spell throug brass', 'cast rezrov at brass', 'cast rezrov at box', 'throw book at brass', 'throw box at brass', 'open brass with box', 'open box with pulver ', 'north', 'west', 'east', 'northwest', 'northeast', 'down'] state: Lobby
This is the entrance lobby of the Guild Hall. Befitting the status and wealth of the Guild, the lobby is finished with polished Antharian marble, inlaid with intricate patterns of silver leaf. To the north is a wide arch, and smaller openings flank the area on the eastern and western sides, as well as the northeastern and northwestern corners. A narrow stair leads downward. Through another arch to the south, you can see the entrance steps and the main road into town.
Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended for use by messengers.
description: Lobby inventory: ['tiny box', 'book'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look book', 'look spell', 'take matchbook', 'take calendar', 'take vial', 'take all', 'look down box', 'look down vial', 'exit book', 'put down book', 'put down box', 'put down all', 'frotz matchbook', 'frotz box', 'frotz vial', 'rezrov box', 'rezrov vial', 'look at spell throug book', 'cast rezrov at box', 'cast rezrov at vial', 'throw book at matchbook', 'throw box at book', 'open box with pulver ', 'open vial with box'] state: Store Room
This is a closet for storage. The only exit is east.
Among the provisions here is a small ochre-colored vial, closed and labelled with tiny lettering.
There is a calendar here (providing light).
There is a depleted matchbook here.
description: Store Room inventory: ['tiny box', 'book'] |action| GET VIAL, CALENDAR AND MATCHBOOK reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look book', 'look spell', 'look down box', 'look down vial', 'exit book', 'put down book', 'put down matchbook', 'put down calendar', 'put down box', 'put down vial', 'put down all', 'frotz matchbook', 'frotz box', 'frotz vial', 'rezrov box', 'rezrov vial', 'look at spell throug book', 'cast rezrov at box', 'cast rezrov at vial', 'throw book at matchbook', 'throw matchbook at book', 'throw calendar at book', 'throw box at book', 'throw vial at book', 'open box with vial', 'open vial with box'] state: ochre vial: Taken.
calendar: Taken.
depleted matchbook: Taken.
You are now a bit thirsty.
description: Store Room inventory: ['depleted matchbook', 'calendar', 'ochre vial', 'tiny box', 'book'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['look vial', 'look spell', 'climb down stair', 'look down vial', 'look down box', 'put down vial', 'put down book', 'put down matchbook', 'put down calendar', 'put down box', 'put down all', 'frotz vial', 'frotz matchbook', 'frotz box', 'rezrov vial', 'rezrov box', 'look at spell throug vial', 'cast rezrov at vial', 'cast rezrov at box', 'throw vial at marble', 'throw book at vial', 'throw matchbook at vial', 'throw calendar at vial', 'throw box at vial', 'open vial with box', 'open box with vial', 'north', 'west', 'east', 'northwest', 'northeast', 'down'] state: Lobby
Affixed to the southern arch is an ornate brass receptacle, intended for use by messengers.
description: Lobby inventory: ['depleted matchbook', 'calendar', 'ochre vial', 'tiny box', 'book'] |action| OPEN RECEPTACLE reward: 0 hint: ['look brass', 'look spell', 'climb down stair', 'look down box', 'look down vial', 'close brass', 'put down book', 'put down matchbook', 'put down calendar', 'put down box', 'put down vial', 'put down all', 'frotz matchbook', 'frotz box', 'frotz vial', 'rezrov box', 'rezrov vial', 'look at spell throug brass', 'put book down brass', 'put matchbook down brass', 'put calendar down brass', 'put box down brass', 'put vial down brass', 'put all down brass', 'cast rezrov at box', 'cast rezrov at vial', 'throw book at brass', 'throw matchbook at brass', 'throw calendar at brass', 'throw box at brass', 'throw vial at brass', 'open box with pulver ', 'open vial with box', 'north', 'west', 'east', 'northwest', 'northeast', 'down'] state: Opened.
description: Lobby inventory: ['depleted matchbook', 'calendar', 'ochre vial', 'tiny box', 'book'] |action| READ MATCHBOOK reward: 0 hint: ['look brass', 'look spell', 'climb down stair', 'look down box', 'look down vial', 'close brass', 'put down book', 'put down matchbook', 'put down calendar', 'put down box', 'put down vial', 'put down all', 'frotz matchbook', 'frotz box', 'frotz vial', 'rezrov box', 'rezrov vial', 'look at spell throug brass', 'put book down brass', 'put matchbook down brass', 'put calendar down brass', 'put box down brass', 'put vial down brass', 'put all down brass', 'cast rezrov at box', 'cast rezrov at vial', 'throw book at brass', 'throw matchbook at brass', 'throw calendar at brass', 'throw box at brass', 'throw vial at brass', 'open box with pulver ', 'open vial with box', 'north', 'west', 'east', 'northwest', 'northeast', 'down'] state: "Amazing Vilstu Potion!
Get by without breathing! Amaze your
friends! Be the first person on the
block to own some!
Order today by dropping this in any
mailbox. Our shipping department will
use the latest in temporal travel
techniques to insure that your potion
arrives the same day you order it!
(Orders received before noon will
arrive the day before you order)."
You are now a bit hungry.
description: Lobby inventory: ['depleted matchbook', 'calendar', 'ochre vial', 'tiny box', 'book'] |action| PUT IT IN RECEPTACLE reward: 0 hint: ['wait', 'look brass', 'look spell', 'climb down stair', 'take matchbook', 'look down box', 'look down vial', 'close brass', 'put down book', 'put down calendar', 'put down box', 'put down vial', 'put down all', 'frotz matchbook', 'frotz box', 'frotz vial', 'rezrov box', 'rezrov vial', 'look at spell throug brass', 'put book down brass', 'put calendar down brass', 'put box down brass', 'put vial down brass', 'put all down brass', 'take matchbook from brass', 'cast rezrov at box', 'cast rezrov at vial', 'throw book at brass', 'throw calendar at brass', 'throw box at brass', 'throw vial at brass', 'open box with pulver ', 'open vial with box', 'north', 'west', 'east', 'northwest', 'northeast', 'down'] state: Done.
description: Lobby inventory: ['calendar', 'ochre vial', 'tiny box', 'book'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['wait', 'look chamber', 'look spell', 'hit enchanters', 'take scroll', 'take spell', 'look down box', 'look down vial', 'put down calendar', 'put down box', 'put down vial', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'frotz enchanters', 'frotz box', 'frotz scroll', 'frotz vial', 'rezrov box', 'rezrov vial', 'look at spell throug chamber', 'hit chamber with enchanters', 'hit spell with enchanters', 'take enchanters from calendar', 'take enchanters from box', 'take enchanters from vial', 'take enchanters from book', 'cast rezrov at box', 'cast rezrov at vial', 'open box with enchanters', 'open vial with enchanters', 'west'] state: Library
This is a study chamber for members of the Guild. Usually, there would be several elder Enchanters patiently training novices, but no one is here at the moment. The only exit is west.
Lying open on a stand in one corner is a heavy volume, probably a copy of the Encyclopedia Frobizzica.
The servants have been lax lately, for a scroll is lying among the dust in the corner.
description: Library inventory: ['calendar', 'ochre vial', 'tiny box', 'book'] |action| GET SCROLL |
|start_header_id| spirit 305 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take powder', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take shiny', 'take egg', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'put key down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to pole', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to toy', 'push rag to pot', 'push clock to toy', 'push clock to pot', 'put key in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to toy', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push whistle to toy', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to toy', 'push stick to pot', 'push sack to toy', 'push sack to pot', 'push powder to toy', 'push powder to pot', 'push headdress to toy', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to toy', 'push cereal to pot', 'push shiny to toy', 'push shiny to pot', 'push egg to toy', 'push egg to pot', 'put all in pot', 'north', 'down'] state: You enter the city and are nearly flattened by crowds rushing past.
Downtown New Borphee
You're right in the middle of downtown New Borphee -- perhaps the busiest, most crowded city you've ever seen. Huge brand-new buildings and throngs of fast-moving people make the whole scene somewhat surreal. The streets head north to a business district, while a set of stairs here leads down.
Standing on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign. description: None inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take sack', 'take whistle', 'take stick', 'take powder', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take shiny', 'take egg', 'take scroll', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put key down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to south', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to south', 'push rag to pot', 'push clock to south', 'push clock to pot', 'put key in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to south', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push sack to south', 'push sack to pot', 'push whistle to south', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to south', 'push stick to pot', 'push powder to south', 'push powder to pot', 'push headdress to south', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to south', 'push cereal to pot', 'push shiny to south', 'push shiny to pot', 'push egg to south', 'push egg to pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
Business District
You're in a crowded business district filled with busy people. The city thins out a bit to the north, while city streets head west and south. Directly to the east is a building so tall it makes you dizzy just looking at it.
A number of people rudely brush past you and accidentally knock you down. A kindly old lady helps you to your feet. "I think you dropped that," she says, pointing to a paper object nearby that doesn't seem familiar. She walks off, and is soon lost in the crowd. description: None inventory: None |action| take scroll reward: 2 hint: ['fuck', 'hit egg', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take stick', 'take shiny', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take packet', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put key down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put scroll down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to south', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to south', 'push rag to pot', 'push stick to south', 'push stick to pot', 'push shiny to south', 'push shiny to pot', 'push clock to south', 'push clock to pot', 'put key in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to south', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push whistle to south', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push sack to south', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to south', 'push egg to pot', 'push packet to south', 'push packet to pot', 'push headdress to south', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to south', 'push cereal to pot', 'put scroll in pot', 'put all in pot'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: None inventory: None |action| read scroll reward: 0 hint: ['fuck', 'hit egg', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take stick', 'take shiny', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take packet', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put key down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put scroll down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to south', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to south', 'push rag to pot', 'push stick to south', 'push stick to pot', 'push shiny to south', 'push shiny to pot', 'push clock to south', 'push clock to pot', 'put key in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to south', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push whistle to south', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push sack to south', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to south', 'push egg to pot', 'push packet to south', 'push packet to pot', 'push headdress to south', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to south', 'push cereal to pot', 'put scroll in pot', 'put all in pot'] state: The scroll reads "gloth chant: fold dough 83 times". description: None inventory: None |action| gnusto gloth reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take sack', 'take whistle', 'take stick', 'take powder', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take shiny', 'take egg', 'take scroll', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put key down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to south', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to south', 'push rag to pot', 'push clock to south', 'push clock to pot', 'put key in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to south', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push sack to south', 'push sack to pot', 'push whistle to south', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to south', 'push stick to pot', 'push powder to south', 'push powder to pot', 'push headdress to south', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to south', 'push cereal to pot', 'push shiny to south', 'push shiny to pot', 'push egg to south', 'push egg to pot', 'put all in pot'] state: Your prayer book begins to shake! Slowly, ornately, the words of the gloth chant are inscribed, into the book with a violet glow. The book's brightness fades, but the chant remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied. description: None inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take powder', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take shiny', 'take egg', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'east', 'north', 'put key down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to arch', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to arch', 'push rag to pot', 'push clock to arch', 'push clock to pot', 'put key in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to arch', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push whistle to arch', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to arch', 'push stick to pot', 'push sack to arch', 'push sack to pot', 'push powder to arch', 'push powder to pot', 'push headdress to arch', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to arch', 'push cereal to pot', 'push shiny to arch', 'push shiny to pot', 'push egg to arch', 'push egg to pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
City Streets
You're on some busy side street in New Borphee. There's a crowded walk back east. To the north is the entrance to some sort of open area, with a large open arch. description: None inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take stick', 'take shiny', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take packet', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'south', 'north', 'put key down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to south', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to south', 'push rag to pot', 'push stick to south', 'push stick to pot', 'push shiny to south', 'push shiny to pot', 'push clock to south', 'push clock to pot', 'put key in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to south', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push whistle to south', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push sack to south', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to south', 'push egg to pot', 'push packet to south', 'push packet to pot', 'push headdress to south', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to south', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
GUE Entrance
You're standing under an open archway that has the letters "GUE TECH" prominently displayed in twisted brass and copper. A busy street lies to the south, and the campus quad opens up to the north. description: None inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take powder', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take shiny', 'take egg', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put key down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to south', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to south', 'push rag to pot', 'push clock to south', 'push clock to pot', 'put key in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to south', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push whistle to south', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to south', 'push stick to pot', 'push sack to south', 'push sack to pot', 'push powder to south', 'push powder to pot', 'push headdress to south', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to south', 'push cereal to pot', 'push shiny to south', 'push shiny to pot', 'push egg to south', 'push egg to pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
South Quad
You're walking across a grassy field. More lawn lies to the north, while an archway exits the area to the south. To the west is a low stone building with the word "GYMNASIUM" etched in stone across the entrance. To the east is a old brick building covered in ivy. description: None inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['pray', 'hit egg', 'take key', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take stick', 'take shiny', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take packet', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'east', 'put key down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to mats', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to mats', 'push rag to pot', 'push stick to mats', 'push stick to pot', 'push shiny to mats', 'push shiny to pot', 'push clock to mats', 'push clock to pot', 'put key in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to mats', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push whistle to mats', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push sack to mats', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to mats', 'push egg to pot', 'push packet to mats', 'push packet to pot', 'push headdress to mats', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to mats', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
There's a large field house here, filled with gym equipment and helpful rubber mats. The exit is east.
Someone left a key here. description: None inventory: None |action| take flat key reward: 0 hint: ['examine mats', 'hit egg', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take stick', 'take shiny', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take packet', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'east', 'put flat down', 'put square down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to mats', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to mats', 'push rag to pot', 'put flat in pot', 'push stick to mats', 'push stick to pot', 'push shiny to mats', 'push shiny to pot', 'push clock to mats', 'push clock to pot', 'put square in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to mats', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push whistle to mats', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push sack to mats', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to mats', 'push egg to pot', 'push packet to mats', 'push packet to pot', 'push headdress to mats', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to mats', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot'] state: Taken. description: None inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take powder', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take shiny', 'take egg', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put square down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put flat down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to south', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to south', 'push rag to pot', 'push clock to south', 'push clock to pot', 'put square in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to south', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push whistle to south', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to south', 'push stick to pot', 'push sack to south', 'push sack to pot', 'push powder to south', 'push powder to pot', 'push headdress to south', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to south', 'push cereal to pot', 'put flat in pot', 'push shiny to south', 'push shiny to pot', 'push egg to south', 'push egg to pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
South Quad description: None inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take history', 'take rag', 'take stick', 'take shiny', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take packet', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'west', 'put flat down', 'put book down', 'put square down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine prayer', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to history', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to toy', 'push rag to pot', 'put flat in pot', 'push stick to toy', 'push stick to pot', 'push shiny to toy', 'push shiny to pot', 'push clock to toy', 'push clock to pot', 'put square in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to toy', 'push ledger to pot', 'push whistle to toy', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push sack to toy', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to toy', 'push egg to pot', 'push packet to toy', 'push packet to pot', 'push headdress to toy', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to toy', 'push cereal to pot', 'put book in pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
Humanities Building
You're in the humanities building, which is vacant and closed for the summer. The exit is west.
Someone left a history book here. description: None inventory: None |action| read history book reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take history', 'take rag', 'take stick', 'take shiny', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take packet', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'west', 'put flat down', 'put book down', 'put square down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine prayer', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to history', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to toy', 'push rag to pot', 'put flat in pot', 'push stick to toy', 'push stick to pot', 'push shiny to toy', 'push shiny to pot', 'push clock to toy', 'push clock to pot', 'put square in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to toy', 'push ledger to pot', 'push whistle to toy', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push sack to toy', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to toy', 'push egg to pot', 'push packet to toy', 'push packet to pot', 'push headdress to toy', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to toy', 'push cereal to pot', 'put book in pot', 'put all in pot'] state: It's a biography on the life and times of Duncanthrax the Bellicose. Most of it chronicles fairly dry stuff about his much publicized conquests of the Eastlands and his famous battles. There is an interesting bit about some secret trophy chamber that Duncanthrax had constructed near the end of his reign, but for more details, I'd suggest "look up (word) in book" specifically. description: None inventory: None |action| look up index in history book reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take history', 'take rag', 'take stick', 'take shiny', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take packet', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'west', 'put flat down', 'put book down', 'put square down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine prayer', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to history', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to toy', 'push rag to pot', 'put flat in pot', 'push stick to toy', 'push stick to pot', 'push shiny to toy', 'push shiny to pot', 'push clock to toy', 'push clock to pot', 'put square in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to toy', 'push ledger to pot', 'push whistle to toy', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push sack to toy', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to toy', 'push egg to pot', 'push packet to toy', 'push packet to pot', 'push headdress to toy', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to toy', 'push cereal to pot', 'put book in pot', 'put all in pot'] state: There appear to be notable entries on "trophy", "Zilbo", "Griffspotter", "Diablo", "Ogre", and "Silvermane". description: None inventory: None |action| look up trophy in history book reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take history', 'take rag', 'take stick', 'take shiny', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take packet', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'west', 'put flat down', 'put book down', 'put square down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine prayer', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to history', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to toy', 'push rag to pot', 'put flat in pot', 'push stick to toy', 'push stick to pot', 'push shiny to toy', 'push shiny to pot', 'push clock to toy', 'push clock to pot', 'put square in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to toy', 'push ledger to pot', 'push whistle to toy', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push sack to toy', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to toy', 'push egg to pot', 'push packet to toy', 'push packet to pot', 'push headdress to toy', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to toy', 'push cereal to pot', 'put book in pot', 'put all in pot'] state: Apparently, in 680 GUE, Duncanthrax grew increasingly withdrawn. At this time, of foremost importance to him was his collection of various battle trophys and awards he had bestowed to himself (for unusual valor on the field of battle) over the years. He decided to construct a hidden underground chamber south of Egreth to sequester this collection, which would be locked in a most clever means. He decided to order the construction of a "four-room key" which, when a miniature trophy was inserted and removed (once) in a special keyhole in each of the four rooms (in a specific order), would unlock a holding chamber in a center room containing his prized trophies. Priding himself on his logic skills, he requested that two captured foreigners produce a logic puzzle plainly inscribed in the four key rooms themselves that would detail the exact order that the key rooms were to be "applied". A Prevaricon, who could not help but write untruths, was given a can of gold paint, while a Veritassi, who could only write the truth, was given a can of silver paint. Imagine Duncanthrax's rage when he discovered that the two prisoners had secretly painted over their gold and silver key phrases with _black_ paint! The prisoners were summarily executed, of course, but Duncanthrax sealed off the chamber and researchers can only guess at the final fate of the trophy collection of Duncanthrax. description: None inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['hit egg', 'take toy', 'take rag', 'take clock', 'take ledger', 'take whistle', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take powder', 'take headdress', 'take cereal', 'take shiny', 'take egg', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'south', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put square down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put pot down', 'put flat down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push toy to south', 'push toy to pot', 'push rag to south', 'push rag to pot', 'push clock to south', 'push clock to pot', 'put square in pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push ledger to south', 'push ledger to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push whistle to south', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to south', 'push stick to pot', 'push sack to south', 'push sack to pot', 'push powder to south', 'push powder to pot', 'push headdress to south', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cereal to south', 'push cereal to pot', 'put flat in pot', 'push shiny to south', 'push shiny to pot', 'push egg to south', 'push egg to pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
South Quad description: None inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['fuck', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take headdress', 'take rag', 'take alarm', 'take powder', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take toy', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'east', 'west', 'south', 'put pot down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put flat down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to bronze', 'push ledger to pot', 'push headdress to ledger', 'push headdress to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push alarm to ledger', 'push alarm to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push toy to ledger', 'push toy to pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put flat in pot', 'put all in pot', 'north'] state:
Center of Quad
The center of the campus is a nicely tended green lawn with a bronze statue in the center. Paths lead north and south across grassy fields. To the west is a small brick building. To the east is a large stone building with a lintel roof and the words "WOOMAX LIBRARY" enscribed across the entrance. description: None inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['fuck', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take headdress', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take alarm', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take toy', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'cast other', 'east', 'put pot down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put other down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'look in mess', 'examine other', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to east', 'push headdress to ledger', 'push headdress to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'push alarm to ledger', 'push alarm to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push toy to ledger', 'push toy to pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put flat in pot', 'put other in pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
A small cramped area with lots of tables and chairs and food stains. The exit is east.
Someone must've had a late night recently, as there is quite a mess of coffee cups, napkins, and other junk on one table. description: None inventory: None |action| search mess reward: 0 hint: ['pray', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take can', 'take headdress', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take alarm', 'take cube', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take toy', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take all', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'cast other', 'east', 'put pot down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put other down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat cube', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine other', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to can', 'push ledger to pot', 'push headdress to ledger', 'push headdress to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'push alarm to ledger', 'push alarm to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'put flat in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push toy to ledger', 'push toy to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put other in pot', 'put all in pot'] state: You dig through the mess and find an unopened can of coffee and a sugar-cube. description: None inventory: None |action| take all reward: 0 hint: ['examine ledger', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take headdress', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take alarm', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take toy', 'take sack', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'cast other', 'east', 'put can down', 'put pot down', 'put cube down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put flat down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine book', 'examine other', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to can', 'push ledger to pot', 'put can in pot', 'push headdress to ledger', 'push headdress to pot', 'put cube in pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'push alarm to ledger', 'push alarm to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push toy to ledger', 'push toy to pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put flat in pot', 'put other in pot', 'put all in pot'] state: can of decaf coffee: Taken.
sugar cube: Taken.
mess: There's too much to carry. description: None inventory: None |action| put cube in pot |
|start_header_id| library 13 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state:
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Alan about key reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "You need to give me your ID card in order to get the key to the Rare Books Room." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| I reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: You are carrying:
an ID card description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Give card to Alan reward: 5 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key'] state: (the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)
The circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Lobby inventory: ['key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put key down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| X stairs reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Smell reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: There is a slight, fishy odor. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Look under stairs reward: 1 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down', 'up'] state: You found a red herring!
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| U reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state:
Second Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| X painting reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state: This painting could pass for a black canvas. The small plaque below it has "Grue" engraved. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| Give fish to grue reward: 2 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take into floor', 'put key down'] state: It almost appears as if an indescribable blackness forms in the painting and reaches out, taking the herring. It is followed by a terrible gnawing noise, and then all is silent again.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'look in books', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
You are in a maze of twisty shelves, all alike.
(Well, okay, not really)
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
A heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room. A sign indicates that the key may be obtained from the circulation desk. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| Search shelves reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with copy'] state: Tucked away in a corner, you find the novel "Debt of Honor", by Tom Clancy. Someone must've lost it!
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Unlock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You unlock the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Open door reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state: You open the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take nelson', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state:
Rare Books Room
The shelves are nearly bare, although there is a complete set of the "New Zork Times", a box labeled "Avalon", and several biographies of various computer game authors. The door out is to the north
You can see a biography of Graham Nelson here. description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Get book reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
The door stands open. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Close door reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You close the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Lock door with key |
|start_header_id| enchanter 29 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb book', 'blorb bread', 'blorb egg', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break crank', 'take egg', 'climb down water', 'put down jug', 'put down book', 'put down bread', 'put down lantern', 'put down all', 'open crank', 'open slide', 'open button', 'open knob', 'push all', 'look at water with spell', 'break water with crank', 'throw book at crank', 'throw bread at crank', 'throw nitfol at crank', 'throw rezrov at crank', 'throw lantern at crank', 'open water with crank', 'open crank with slide', 'open slide with crank', 'open button with crank', 'open bread with crank', 'open knob with crank', 'open egg with crank', 'open nitfol with crank', 'open cabinets with crank', 'open mountain with crank', 'open rezrov with crank', 'open lantern with crank', 'open room with crank', 'open stairs with crank', 'pour jug from crank', 'down'] state: Jewel Room
This fabulous room commands a magnificent view of the Lonely Mountain which lies to the north and west. The room itself is filled with beautiful chests and cabinets which once contained precious jewels and other objets d'art. These are empty. Winding stone stairs lead down to the base of the tower.
There is an ornamented egg here, both beautiful and complex. It is carefully crafted and bears further examination.
description: Jewel Room inventory: ['battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| GET EGG reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'climb down water', 'climb down beautiful', 'put down jug', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down book', 'put down lantern', 'put down beautiful', 'put down all', 'open slide', 'open button', 'open knob', 'open crank', 'look at water with spell', 'put beautiful in spell', 'break water with slide', 'break water with beautiful', 'poke beautiful with beautifulornamented', 'throw egg at beautiful', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw bread at beautiful', 'throw book at slide', 'throw book at beautiful', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw nitfol at beautiful', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw rezrov at beautiful', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw lantern at beautiful', 'throw beautiful at beautifulornamented', 'open water with slide', 'open slide with button', 'open button with slide', 'open cabinets with slide', 'open egg with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open knob with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open mountain with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open crank with slide', 'open room with slide', 'open stairs with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'down'] state: Taken.
description: Jewel Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| EXAMINE IT reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'climb down water', 'climb down beautiful', 'put down jug', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down book', 'put down lantern', 'put down beautiful', 'put down all', 'open slide', 'open button', 'open knob', 'open crank', 'look at water with spell', 'put beautiful in spell', 'break water with slide', 'break water with beautiful', 'poke beautiful with beautifulornamented', 'throw egg at beautiful', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw bread at beautiful', 'throw book at slide', 'throw book at beautiful', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw nitfol at beautiful', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw rezrov at beautiful', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw lantern at beautiful', 'throw beautiful at beautifulornamented', 'open water with slide', 'open slide with button', 'open button with slide', 'open cabinets with slide', 'open egg with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open knob with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open mountain with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open crank with slide', 'open room with slide', 'open stairs with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'down'] state: This ornamented egg is both beautiful and complex. The egg itself is mother-of-pearl, but decorated with delicate gold traceries inlaid with jewels and other precious metals. On the surface are a lapis handle, an emerald knob, a silver slide, a golden crank, and a diamond-studded button carefully and unobtrusively imbedded in the decorations. These various protuberances are likely to be connected with some machinery inside.
The beautiful, ornamented egg is closed.
description: Jewel Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| TURN HANDLE reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'climb down water', 'climb down beautiful', 'put down jug', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down book', 'put down lantern', 'put down beautiful', 'put down all', 'open slide', 'open button', 'open knob', 'open crank', 'look at water with spell', 'put beautiful in spell', 'break water with slide', 'break water with beautiful', 'poke beautiful with beautifulornamented', 'throw egg at beautiful', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw bread at beautiful', 'throw book at slide', 'throw book at beautiful', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw nitfol at beautiful', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw rezrov at beautiful', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw lantern at beautiful', 'throw beautiful at beautifulornamented', 'open water with slide', 'open slide with button', 'open button with slide', 'open cabinets with slide', 'open egg with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open knob with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open mountain with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open crank with slide', 'open room with slide', 'open stairs with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'down'] state: The lapis handle moves to the open position, after some resistance and a few odd noises from some machinery which resides inside the egg.
description: Jewel Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| PRESS KNOB reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'climb down water', 'climb down beautiful', 'close knob', 'put down jug', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down book', 'put down lantern', 'put down beautiful', 'put down all', 'open slide', 'open button', 'open crank', 'look at water with spell', 'put beautiful in spell', 'break water with slide', 'break water with beautiful', 'poke beautiful with beautifulornamented', 'throw egg at beautiful', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw bread at beautiful', 'throw book at slide', 'throw book at beautiful', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw nitfol at beautiful', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw rezrov at beautiful', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw lantern at beautiful', 'throw beautiful at beautifulornamented', 'open water with slide', 'open slide with button', 'open button with slide', 'open cabinets with slide', 'open egg with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open mountain with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open crank with slide', 'open room with slide', 'open stairs with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'down'] state: The emerald knob moves to the open position, after some resistance and a few odd noises from some machinery which resides inside the egg.
description: Jewel Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| PULL SLIDE reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'climb down water', 'climb down beautiful', 'close slide', 'close knob', 'put down jug', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down book', 'put down lantern', 'put down beautiful', 'put down all', 'open button', 'open crank', 'look at water with spell', 'put beautiful in spell', 'break water with slide', 'break water with beautiful', 'poke beautiful with beautifulornamented', 'throw egg at beautiful', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw bread at beautiful', 'throw book at slide', 'throw book at beautiful', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw nitfol at beautiful', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw rezrov at beautiful', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw lantern at beautiful', 'throw beautiful at beautifulornamented', 'open water with slide', 'open button with slide', 'open cabinets with slide', 'open egg with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open mountain with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open crank with slide', 'open room with slide', 'open stairs with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'down'] state: The silver slide moves to the open position, after some resistance and a few odd noises from some machinery which resides inside the egg.
description: Jewel Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| MOVE CRANK reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'climb down water', 'climb down beautiful', 'close slide', 'close knob', 'close crank', 'put down jug', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down book', 'put down lantern', 'put down beautiful', 'put down all', 'open button', 'look at water with spell', 'put beautiful in spell', 'break water with slide', 'break water with beautiful', 'poke beautiful with beautifulornamented', 'throw egg at beautiful', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw bread at beautiful', 'throw book at slide', 'throw book at beautiful', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw nitfol at beautiful', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw rezrov at beautiful', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw lantern at beautiful', 'throw beautiful at beautifulornamented', 'open water with slide', 'open button with slide', 'open cabinets with slide', 'open egg with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open mountain with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open room with slide', 'open stairs with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'down'] state: The golden crank moves to the open position, after some resistance and a few odd noises from some machinery which resides inside the egg.
description: Jewel Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| PUSH BUTTON reward: 5 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb scroll', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'take scroll', 'climb down water', 'climb down beautiful', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close knob', 'close crank', 'put down jug', 'put down slide', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down scroll', 'put down book', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down beautiful', 'put down crank', 'put down all', 'look at water with spell', 'put beautiful in spell', 'break water with slide', 'break water with beautiful', 'poke beautiful with beautifulornamented', 'take scroll from egg', 'throw slide at button', 'throw slide at beautiful', 'throw button at slide', 'throw button at beautiful', 'throw egg at beautiful', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw bread at beautiful', 'throw scroll at slide', 'throw scroll at beautiful', 'throw book at slide', 'throw book at beautiful', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw knob at beautiful', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw nitfol at beautiful', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw rezrov at beautiful', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw lantern at beautiful', 'throw beautiful at beautifulornamented', 'throw crank at slide', 'throw crank at beautiful', 'open water with slide', 'open cabinets with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open scroll with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open mountain with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open room with slide', 'open stairs with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'down'] state: The diamond-studded button moves to the open position, after some resistance and a few odd noises from some machinery which resides inside the egg.
The egg falls open, revealing a shredded scroll inside.
description: Jewel Room inventory: ['beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| GET SHREDDED SCROLL reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb scroll', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'climb down water', 'climb down beautiful', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close knob', 'close crank', 'put down jug', 'put down slide', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down scroll', 'put down book', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down beautiful', 'put down crank', 'put down all', 'look at water with spell', 'put beautiful in spell', 'break water with slide', 'break water with beautiful', 'poke beautiful with beautifulornamented', 'throw slide at button', 'throw slide at beautiful', 'throw button at slide', 'throw button at beautiful', 'throw egg at beautiful', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw bread at beautiful', 'throw scroll at slide', 'throw scroll at beautiful', 'throw book at slide', 'throw book at beautiful', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw knob at beautiful', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw nitfol at beautiful', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw rezrov at beautiful', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw lantern at beautiful', 'throw beautiful at beautifulornamented', 'throw crank at slide', 'throw crank at beautiful', 'open water with slide', 'open cabinets with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open scroll with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open mountain with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open room with slide', 'open stairs with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'down'] state: Taken.
description: Jewel Room inventory: ['shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| READ IT reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb scroll', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'climb down water', 'climb down beautiful', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close knob', 'close crank', 'put down jug', 'put down slide', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down scroll', 'put down book', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down beautiful', 'put down crank', 'put down all', 'look at water with spell', 'put beautiful in spell', 'break water with slide', 'break water with beautiful', 'poke beautiful with beautifulornamented', 'throw slide at button', 'throw slide at beautiful', 'throw button at slide', 'throw button at beautiful', 'throw egg at beautiful', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw bread at beautiful', 'throw scroll at slide', 'throw scroll at beautiful', 'throw book at slide', 'throw book at beautiful', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw knob at beautiful', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw nitfol at beautiful', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw rezrov at beautiful', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw lantern at beautiful', 'throw beautiful at beautifulornamented', 'throw crank at slide', 'throw crank at beautiful', 'open water with slide', 'open cabinets with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open scroll with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open mountain with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open room with slide', 'open stairs with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'down'] state: The scroll is damaged beyond readability. You can make out the word "summon," in the title, but that's all.
description: Jewel Room inventory: ['shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| D reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb scroll', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'climb water', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'put down jug', 'put down slide', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down scroll', 'put down book', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down knob', 'put down all', 'east', 'look at water with spell', 'break water with slide', 'throw slide at button', 'throw button at slide', 'throw egg at slide', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw scroll at slide', 'throw book at slide', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw crank at slide', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'open water with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open scroll with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open passages with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open tower with slide', 'open castle with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'south', 'up'] state: Tower
description: Tower inventory: ['shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'hit mirrors', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb bread', 'blorb egg', 'blorb scroll', 'blorb lantern', 'blorb book', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close knob', 'close crank', 'put down slide', 'put down jug', 'put down button', 'put down bread', 'put down egg', 'put down scroll', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'look at water with spell', 'hit mirrors with jug', 'break water with slide', 'throw slide at button', 'throw button at slide', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw egg at slide', 'throw scroll at slide', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw crank at slide', 'throw book at slide', 'open water with slide', 'open glass with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open scroll with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open tunnels with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open wall with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open mirrors with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'west', 'east'] state: Hall of Mirrors One
This is the western end of the Hall of Mirrors. The hall itself is astounding and not a little bit confusing. To be sure, its northern wall is glass, but it does not seem to reflect anything within the hall. Rather, it seems to be a window on another world. This other world appears to be a large underground labyrinth, filled with tunnels, caves, and peculiar rock formations.
description: Hall Mirrors One inventory: ['shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'hit mirrors', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb bread', 'blorb egg', 'blorb scroll', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close knob', 'close crank', 'put down slide', 'put down jug', 'put down button', 'put down bread', 'put down egg', 'put down scroll', 'put down book', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down all', 'look at water with spell', 'hit mirrors with jug', 'break water with slide', 'take all from book', 'throw slide at button', 'throw button at slide', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw egg at slide', 'throw scroll at slide', 'throw book at slide', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw crank at slide', 'open water with slide', 'open glass with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open scroll with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open tunnels with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open wall with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open mirrors with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'west', 'east'] state: Hall of Mirrors Two
This is a spot within the long Hall of Mirrors. The hall itself is astounding and not a little bit confusing. To be sure, its northern wall is glass, but it does not seem to reflect anything within the hall. Rather, it seems to be a window on another world. This other world appears to be a large underground labyrinth, filled with tunnels, caves, and peculiar rock formations.
Your mouth is getting rather dry.
description: Hall Mirrors Two inventory: ['shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'hit mirrors', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb bread', 'blorb egg', 'blorb scroll', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close knob', 'close crank', 'put down slide', 'put down jug', 'put down button', 'put down bread', 'put down egg', 'put down scroll', 'put down book', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down all', 'look at water with spell', 'hit mirrors with jug', 'break water with slide', 'throw slide at button', 'throw button at slide', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw egg at slide', 'throw scroll at slide', 'throw book at slide', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw crank at slide', 'open water with slide', 'open glass with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open scroll with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open tunnels with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open wall with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open mirrors with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'west', 'east'] state: Hall of Mirrors Three
This is a spot within the long Hall of Mirrors. The hall itself is astounding and not a little bit confusing. To be sure, its northern wall is glass, but it does not seem to reflect anything within the hall. Rather, it seems to be a window on another world. This other world appears to be a large underground labyrinth, filled with tunnels, caves, and peculiar rock formations.
description: Hall Mirrors Three inventory: ['shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'hit mirrors', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb bread', 'blorb egg', 'blorb scroll', 'blorb lantern', 'blorb book', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close knob', 'close crank', 'put down slide', 'put down jug', 'put down button', 'put down bread', 'put down egg', 'put down scroll', 'put down knob', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down book', 'put down all', 'look at water with spell', 'hit mirrors with jug', 'break water with slide', 'throw slide at button', 'throw button at slide', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw egg at slide', 'throw scroll at slide', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw crank at slide', 'throw book at slide', 'open water with slide', 'open glass with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open scroll with slide', 'open tunnels with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open wall with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open mirrors with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'west', 'east'] state: Hall of Mirrors Four
This is the eastern end of the Hall of Mirrors. The hall itself is astounding and not a little bit confusing. To be sure, its northern wall is glass, but it does not seem to reflect anything within the hall. Rather, it seems to be a window on another world. This other world appears to be a large underground labyrinth, filled with tunnels, caves, and peculiar rock formations.
description: Hall Mirrors Four inventory: ['shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb scroll', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break button', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close knob', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'put down jug', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down scroll', 'put down book', 'put down knob', 'put down slide', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down all', 'east', 'west', 'look at water with spell', 'break water with button', 'throw button at gate', 'throw egg at gate', 'throw bread at gate', 'throw scroll at gate', 'throw book at gate', 'throw knob at gate', 'throw nitfol at gate', 'throw rezrov at gate', 'throw slide at gate', 'throw lantern at gate', 'throw crank at gate', 'open water with button', 'open gate with button', 'open castle with button', 'open bread with button', 'open forest with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open area with button', 'open tower with button', 'open passage with button', 'pour jug from gate', 'south'] state: North Gate
This small open area stands at the old north gate of the castle, now badly rusted. Through the gate, a forest can be seen. To the west, a hall glows with light, and to the south, the dark castle can be reentered. A narrow passage to the east leads to the base of the northeast tower.
description: North Gate inventory: ['shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| LEARN REZROV reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb scroll', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break button', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close knob', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'put down jug', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down scroll', 'put down book', 'put down knob', 'put down slide', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down all', 'east', 'west', 'look at water with spell', 'break water with button', 'throw button at gate', 'throw egg at gate', 'throw bread at gate', 'throw scroll at gate', 'throw book at gate', 'throw knob at gate', 'throw nitfol at gate', 'throw rezrov at gate', 'throw slide at gate', 'throw lantern at gate', 'throw crank at gate', 'open water with button', 'open gate with button', 'open castle with button', 'open bread with button', 'open forest with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open area with button', 'open tower with button', 'open passage with button', 'pour jug from gate', 'south'] state: Using your best study habits, you learn the rezrov spell.
description: North Gate inventory: ['shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| REZROV GATE reward: 0 hint: ['look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb scroll', 'blorb book', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break button', 'close gate', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close knob', 'close slide', 'close crank', 'put down jug', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down scroll', 'put down book', 'put down knob', 'put down slide', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down all', 'enter gate', 'east', 'west', 'look at water with spell', 'break water with button', 'throw button at gate', 'throw egg at gate', 'throw bread at gate', 'throw scroll at gate', 'throw book at gate', 'throw knob at gate', 'throw nitfol at gate', 'throw rezrov at gate', 'throw slide at gate', 'throw lantern at gate', 'throw crank at gate', 'open water with button', 'open castle with button', 'open bread with button', 'open forest with button', 'open scroll with button', 'open nitfol with button', 'open rezrov with button', 'open lantern with button', 'open area with button', 'open tower with button', 'open passage with button', 'pour jug from gate', 'north', 'south'] state: The rusted north gate magically creaks open far enough for you to leave.
description: North Gate inventory: ['shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['wait', 'look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb shredded ', 'blorb book', 'blorb crumpled', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'take crumpled', 'take scroll', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'close gate', 'put down jug', 'put down slide', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down shredded ', 'put down book', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down knob', 'put down scroll', 'put down all', 'east', 'look at water with spell', 'put scroll in spell', 'break water with slide', 'break slide with scroll', 'throw slide at button', 'throw slide at spell', 'throw button at slide', 'throw button at spell', 'throw egg at slide', 'throw egg at spell', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw bread at spell', 'throw shredded at spell', 'throw book at slide', 'throw book at spell', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw nitfol at spell', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw lantern at spell', 'throw crank at slide', 'throw crank at spell', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw knob at spell', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'throw rezrov at spell', 'throw scroll at spell', 'open water with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open forest with slide', 'open shredded with slide', 'open crumpled with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'open tree with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'south'] state: Forest
You are in a dark forest, just north of a rusted gate. Except to the east and south, the forest is thick all around you.
Discarded beneath a nearby tree is a slightly crumpled scroll.
description: Forest inventory: ['shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| GET CRUMPLED SCROLL reward: 0 hint: ['wait', 'look water', 'look spell', 'blorb water', 'blorb jug', 'blorb egg', 'blorb bread', 'blorb shredded ', 'blorb book', 'blorb crumpled', 'blorb lantern', 'turn off lantern', 'break slide', 'close slide', 'close button', 'close egg', 'close crank', 'close knob', 'close gate', 'put down jug', 'put down slide', 'put down button', 'put down egg', 'put down bread', 'put down shredded ', 'put down book', 'put down crumpled', 'put down lantern', 'put down crank', 'put down knob', 'put down all', 'east', 'krebf shredded ', 'look at water with spell', 'break water with slide', 'throw slide at button', 'throw button at slide', 'throw egg at slide', 'throw bread at slide', 'throw shredded at slide', 'throw book at slide', 'throw crumpled at slide', 'throw nitfol at slide', 'throw lantern at slide', 'throw crank at slide', 'throw knob at slide', 'throw rezrov at slide', 'open water with slide', 'open bread with slide', 'open forest with slide', 'open shredded with slide', 'open crumpled with slide', 'open nitfol with slide', 'open lantern with slide', 'open rezrov with slide', 'pour jug from slide', 'south'] state: Taken.
description: Forest inventory: ['slightly crumpled ', 'shredded ', 'beautifulornamented egg', 'battered lantern', 'jug', 'loaf bread', 'book'] |action| READ IT |
|start_header_id| awaken 20 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'take ash', 'take robe', 'take stopper', 'push bookshelf', 'south', 'put limb down', 'put book down', 'put of down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take of', 'put limb on desk', 'put book on desk', 'push journal to limb', 'push journal to desk', 'push robe to limb', 'push robe to desk', 'put of on desk', 'push stopper to limb', 'push stopper to desk', 'push stopper to bookshelf', 'put all on desk', 'put debris under limb', 'put glass under limb', 'put desk under limb', 'put journal under limb', 'put ash under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put stopper under limb', 'put bookshelf under limb', 'put south under limb'] state: On the desk is a journal. description: Small Office inventory: ['large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| take stopper reward: 0 hint: ['take ash', 'take journal', 'take robe', 'push bookshelf', 'south', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put book down', 'put of down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take large black book', 'take of', 'put limb on desk', 'put stopper on desk', 'push journal to limb', 'push journal to desk', 'put book on desk', 'push robe to limb', 'push robe to desk', 'put of on desk', 'put all on desk', 'put debris under limb', 'put glass under limb', 'put desk under limb', 'put ash under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put journal under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put bookshelf under limb', 'put south under limb'] state: Taken. description: Small Office inventory: ['heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| take ash reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'take robe', 'push bookshelf', 'south', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put book down', 'put ash down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take large black book', 'take railing', 'put ash on journal', 'put limb on desk', 'put stopper on desk', 'put book on desk', 'push journal to limb', 'push journal to desk', 'put ash on desk', 'push robe to limb', 'push robe to desk', 'put railing on desk', 'put all on desk', 'put debris under limb', 'put glass under limb', 'put desk under limb', 'put journal under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put fire under limb', 'put ash under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put bookshelf under limb', 'put south under limb'] state: You pick up a handful of ashes.
A flash of lightning can be seen through the cracks between the boards, followed by a sudden blast of thunder. description: Small Office inventory: ['handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| put ash on journal reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'take robe', 'push bookshelf', 'south', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put book down', 'put ash down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take large black book', 'take railing', 'read journal', 'put ash on journal', 'put limb on desk', 'put stopper on desk', 'put book on desk', 'push journal to limb', 'push journal to desk', 'put ash on desk', 'push robe to limb', 'push robe to desk', 'put railing on desk', 'put all on desk', 'put debris under limb', 'put glass under limb', 'put desk under limb', 'put journal under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put fire under limb', 'put ash under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put bookshelf under limb', 'put south under limb'] state: (the handful of ashes on the journal)
As you rub the ashes against the page, the indentations fill in and the last entry becomes visible. description: Small Office inventory: ['handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| read journal reward: 5 hint: ['take book', 'take robe', 'push bookshelf', 'south', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put book down', 'put ash down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take large black book', 'take railing', 'read journal', 'put ash on journal', 'put limb on desk', 'put stopper on desk', 'put book on desk', 'push journal to limb', 'push journal to desk', 'put ash on desk', 'push robe to limb', 'push robe to desk', 'put railing on desk', 'put all on desk', 'put debris under limb', 'put glass under limb', 'put desk under limb', 'put journal under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put fire under limb', 'put ash under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put bookshelf under limb', 'put south under limb'] state: You read the last entry from the journal... "I cannot continue. The more I come to know her the more I realize that I cannot continue to corrupt her. She was pure and innocent before I took her, and that innocence allows her to continue to trust me even after what I have done. I only hope that the taint of that which I have done has not stained her irrevocably and that she will go to her proper place after I release her... and that I shall go to mine."
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Small Office inventory: ['handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| move bookshelf reward: 0 hint: ['take grimoire', 'take journal', 'take robe', 'south', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put book down', 'put ash down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'take all', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take book', 'take railing', 'put ash on journal', 'put limb on desk', 'push grimoire to limb', 'push grimoire to desk', 'put stopper on desk', 'put book on desk', 'push journal to limb', 'push journal to desk', 'put ash on desk', 'push robe to limb', 'push robe to desk', 'put railing on desk', 'put all on desk', 'put debris under limb', 'put glass under limb', 'put grimoire under limb', 'put desk under limb', 'put journal under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put fire under limb', 'put ash under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put bookshelf under limb', 'put south under limb'] state: You push the bookshelf to one side, revealing an old book bound in a strange reddish cover.
A flash of lightning can be seen through the cracks between the boards, followed by a sudden blast of thunder. description: Small Office inventory: ['handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| take old book reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'take robe', 'south', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put ash down', 'put large black book down', 'put grimoire down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take large black book', 'take railing', 'put ash on journal', 'put limb on desk', 'put stopper on desk', 'push journal to limb', 'push journal to desk', 'put ash on desk', 'put large black book on desk', 'push robe to limb', 'push robe to desk', 'put grimoire on desk', 'put railing on desk', 'put all on desk', 'put debris under limb', 'put glass under limb', 'put desk under limb', 'put journal under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put fire under limb', 'put ash under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put bookshelf under limb', 'put south under limb'] state: (the old grimoire)
Taken. description: Small Office inventory: ['old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| read old book reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'take robe', 'south', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put ash down', 'put large black book down', 'put grimoire down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take large black book', 'take railing', 'put ash on journal', 'put limb on desk', 'put stopper on desk', 'push journal to limb', 'push journal to desk', 'put ash on desk', 'put large black book on desk', 'push robe to limb', 'push robe to desk', 'put grimoire on desk', 'put railing on desk', 'put all on desk', 'put debris under limb', 'put glass under limb', 'put desk under limb', 'put journal under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put fire under limb', 'put ash under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put bookshelf under limb', 'put south under limb'] state: (the old grimoire)
The book contains several rituals and procedures all involving the soul or spirit. The first describes a ritual through which the soul can be removed from a person's body and placed in a specially prepared container. The soul remains in the container even if the person's body dies.
A second ritual can be employed to use the stored soul as a receptacle for the sin of another person. This allows the possessor of another's soul to perform any acts they wish without having to answer for those acts in the next world. description: Small Office inventory: ['old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| take robe reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'south', 'put large black book down', 'put handful down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put handful on journal', 'put large black book on desk', 'put handful on desk', 'put limb on desk', 'put stopper on desk', 'put grimoire on desk', 'push journal to debris', 'push journal to desk', 'put robe on desk', 'put railing on desk', 'put all on desk', 'put debris under large black book', 'put handful under debris', 'put desk under debris', 'put fire under debris', 'put journal under debris', 'put glass under debris', 'put bookshelf under debris', 'put floor under debris', 'put south under debris'] state: Taken. description: Small Office inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put grimoire down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put robe down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put large black book on podium', 'put ashes on podium', 'put grimoire on podium', 'put limb on podium', 'put stopper on podium', 'put robe on podium', 'put railing on podium', 'put all on podium', 'put ashes under large black book', 'put windows under large black book', 'put painting under large black book', 'put podium under large black book', 'put eyes under large black book', 'put north under large black book', 'put debris under large black book', 'south'] state:
You hear a loud crash and see a flash of light through the cracks in the boards covering the windows. description: Pulpit inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'get in pews', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put stopper down', 'put ashes down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put windows under limb', 'put debris under limb', 'put pulpit under limb', 'put painting under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put north under limb', 'put south under limb', 'put eyes under limb', 'put pews under limb', 'put railing under painting'] state:
A blast of thunder rattles the building. description: Sanctuary inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put dirt under windows', 'put windows under dirt', 'put ashes under dirt', 'put door under dirt', 'put floor under dirt', 'put railing under door', 'north', 'south'] state:
Vestibule description: Vestibule inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| put ladder under trap reward: 0 hint: ['take broken', 'get in railing', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put stopper down', 'put ashes down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'push railing to limb', 'put dirt under limb', 'put windows under limb', 'put ceiling under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'north', 'south'] state: You carefully place the length of railing under the trap door in the ceiling.
A flash of lightning can be seen through the cracks between the boards, followed by a sudden blast of thunder. description: Vestibule inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| climb ladder reward: 5 hint: ['tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in railing', 'get in rope', 'put limb down', 'put heavy down', 'put ashes down', 'put large black book down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take heavy', 'take large black book', 'put rope under limb', 'tie rope to floor', 'push railing to limb', 'push rope to limb', 'put railing under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put north under limb', 'put door under limb', 'put debris under limb'] state: You carefully climb up the length of railing, using the pickets like a ladder.
Steeple Chamber
This small chamber is about halfway up the steeple of the church. Rain and wind from the storm outside blows in through an open window frame and water collects in puddles on the warped floor, mixing with the droppings of the birds, or perhaps bats, which can be heard fluttering around overhead. Looking up, you can see a maze of beams and supports that form the interior of the steeple. Rain pours in from an opening higher in the steeple and trickles out through a trap door in the floor.
A frayed but heavy rope hangs from somewhere overhead.
The heavy wooden door to the north is closed.
The top of the broken section of railing is visible sticking up through the trap door in the floor.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Steeple Chamber inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| climb rope reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in rope', 'put large black book down', 'put rope down', 'put branch down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put heavy down', 'put bell down', 'put grimoire down', 'put beams down', 'put storm down', 'put hill down', 'drop floor', 'put robe down', 'put trees down', 'put debris down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'tie rope to floor', 'push rope to large black book', 'put large black book under rope', 'put branch under large black book', 'put ashes under large black book', 'put limb under large black book', 'put heavy under large black book', 'put bell under large black book', 'put grimoire under large black book', 'put beams under large black book', 'put storm under large black book', 'put hill under large black book', 'put floor under large black book', 'put robe under large black book', 'put trees under large black book', 'put debris under large black book', 'south'] state:
The belfry of the church, high up inside the steeple. You are hanging from a maze of support beams and trusses with the nearest solid floor far below you. Large open frames give a view of the surrounding forest and of the town at the base of the hill. They also allow the fury of the storm to pass in unimpeded. You can see the branch of an oak tree just outside the southern frame.
A massive bell hangs here, from a damaged mount.
A heavy rope is attached to the bell and hangs through the beams to the room below. description: Belfry inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| tie rope to branch reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'tie rope', 'take heavy', 'get in floor', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put hill down', 'put beams down', 'put heavy down', 'put branch down', 'drop floor', 'put ashes down', 'put rope down', 'put robe down', 'put storm down', 'put grimoire down', 'put trees down', 'put bell down', 'put debris down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'tie rope to floor', 'push rope to limb', 'put limb under large black book', 'put large black book under limb', 'put hill under limb', 'put beams under limb', 'put heavy under limb', 'put branch under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put storm under limb', 'put grimoire under limb', 'put trees under limb', 'put bell under limb', 'put debris under limb', 'south'] state: You tie the rope securely to the tree branch. description: Belfry inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in railing', 'get in rope', 'put broken down', 'put heavy down', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take heavy', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'put rope under broken', 'tie rope to floor', 'push railing to broken', 'push rope to broken', 'put railing under broken', 'put floor under broken', 'put ashes under broken', 'put north under broken', 'put door under broken', 'put debris under broken'] state:
Steeple Chamber
A frayed but heavy rope hangs from somewhere overhead. There is a tree branch hanging from the end of the rope.
The heavy wooden door to the north is closed.
The top of the broken section of railing is visible sticking up through the trap door in the floor. description: Steeple Chamber inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| tie rope to handle reward: 0 hint: ['tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in railing', 'get in rope', 'put broken down', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put heavy down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take heavy', 'put rope under broken', 'tie rope to floor', 'push railing to broken', 'push rope to broken', 'put railing under broken', 'put ashes under broken', 'put door under broken', 'put floor under broken', 'put north under broken', 'put debris under broken'] state: You tie the rope securely to the heavy wooden door.
A flash of lightning can be seen through the cracks between the boards, followed by a sudden blast of thunder. description: Steeple Chamber inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take broken', 'get in railing', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put stopper down', 'put ashes down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'push railing to limb', 'put dirt under limb', 'put windows under limb', 'put ceiling under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'north', 'south'] state:
The broken length of railing is propped up under the trap door
There is a brief rattle of hail on the roof. description: Vestibule inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| take ladder reward: 0 hint: ['put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put dirt under windows', 'put windows under dirt', 'put ashes under dirt', 'put door under dirt', 'put floor under dirt', 'put railing under door', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Vestibule inventory: ['broken length of railing', 'embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| s |
|start_header_id| moonlit 39 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take egg', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'down'] state:
Moonlit Chamber
Moonlight diffuses through the walls, tracing out unreadable sigils in calligraphies of light and dark. Upwards, the sky is open to your eyes. Stairs adorned with bas-relief motifs spiral downward.
Wind flings itself up the walls and toward the sky; you have but to look up. description: Moonlit Chamber inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| look up reward: 0 hint: ['take egg', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'down'] state: The night spreads her wings above you, and shows no sign of welcoming her sister of the sunborn day. Constellations jewel the sky, half-hidden by clouds like nestling feathers: the Heavenly Horse and the Imperial Chrysanthemum. description: Moonlit Chamber inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x horse reward: 0 hint: ['take egg', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'down'] state: The star-stallion rears like the chargers you once rode. The justiciar herself preferred such spirited mounts. description: Moonlit Chamber inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x flower reward: 0 hint: ['take egg', 'get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'down'] state: It is the first among constellations, open to the eyes of all people unlike the emperor himself. You and your brother saw him only once, when he called on you to stand together for your family's name. description: Moonlit Chamber inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'north', 'west', 'up'] state:
Shadow Armory
Curiously, the only weapons here live amid light and cannot be worn: they are silhouettes flung against the walls. Stairs carved with bas-reliefs spiral upward.
Northward and westward lie passageways unhindered by door or folding screen. description: Shadow Armory inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state:
Undying Garden
Spring's blossoms and budding trees are here in profusion. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.
A jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.
Transactions of light show other rooms southward and westward. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take chopsticks', 'get in marble', 'south', 'east', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit bones', 'take all off table', 'put mask on marble', 'put mask on table', 'put fan on marble', 'put fan on table', 'push chopsticks to marble', 'push chopsticks to table', 'put dagger on marble', 'put dagger on table', 'put comb on marble', 'put comb on table', 'put all on marble', 'put all on table'] state:
Skeletal Banquet
It seems this is a banquet room, if a banquet had no especial place for people to dine. Glassware and stoneware are arranged in deliberate shapes, as though they are constellations.
South lies a chamber of brooding silence, and a vague, sweet fragrance comes from the east. Stairs of blackest marble lead downward.
On the table are a banquet of bones and some ivory chopsticks. description: Skeletal Banquet inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x bones reward: 0 hint: ['take chopsticks', 'get in marble', 'south', 'east', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit bones', 'take all off table', 'put mask on marble', 'put mask on table', 'put fan on marble', 'put fan on table', 'push chopsticks to marble', 'push chopsticks to table', 'put dagger on marble', 'put dagger on table', 'put comb on marble', 'put comb on table', 'put all on marble', 'put all on table'] state: The feast before you seems a mockery, for everywhere upon the plates and bowls there is nothing but skeletons artfully pieced together to create grotesqueries from ordinary game. A creature half-bird, half-rabbit, for one, or a pheasant with extra legs. Yet it is perhaps no more grotesque than some of the intrigues that poisoned the emperor's court, at times. description: Skeletal Banquet inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| get bones with chopsticks reward: 0 hint: ['get in marble', 'south', 'east', 'put mask down', 'put chopsticks down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit bones', 'put mask on marble', 'put mask on table', 'put chopsticks on marble', 'put chopsticks on table', 'put fan on marble', 'put fan on table', 'put dagger on marble', 'put dagger on table', 'put comb on marble', 'put comb on table', 'put all on marble', 'put all on table'] state: (first taking the ivory chopsticks)
Bone calls to bone, it seems, for the skeletal feast flees no more. With great care you disentangle the bones and piece them back together in a more seemly fashion. Despite some puzzling conjunctions of joints, you discover that interlocking skeletons of dragon and phoenix form the centerpiece.
In a battle older than bone, says one story, the dragon and phoenix were brothers, both born of fire; but one ascended to burn in splendor, and the other clothed himself in lightning tongue and storm rains. The phoenix must die, but is ever reborn; the dragon lives no more, but never dies. description: Skeletal Banquet inventory: ['ivory chopsticks', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['get in marble', 'south', 'east', 'put mask down', 'put chopsticks down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit bones', 'put mask on marble', 'put mask on table', 'put chopsticks on marble', 'put chopsticks on table', 'put fan on marble', 'put fan on table', 'put dagger on marble', 'put dagger on table', 'put comb on marble', 'put comb on table', 'put all on marble', 'put all on table'] state: As your feet meet that first step, a sudden vertigo overtakes you, as though you journeyed through skies beyond imagining, across hollow and infinite distances. You emerge back where you started: it seems the night's hold is too strong here, and you must find some guide-star to anchor your way. description: Skeletal Banquet inventory: ['ivory chopsticks', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x arrangement reward: 0 hint: ['get in marble', 'south', 'east', 'put mask down', 'put chopsticks down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit bones', 'put mask on marble', 'put mask on table', 'put chopsticks on marble', 'put chopsticks on table', 'put fan on marble', 'put fan on table', 'put dagger on marble', 'put dagger on table', 'put comb on marble', 'put comb on table', 'put all on marble', 'put all on table'] state: The arrangement is in the shape of the constellation called the White Archer, who shot the Sun out of the sky and wanders the night in penance. It seems a curiously ill-fortuned constellation for an ill-fortuned feast, and almost any other arrangement would be more auspicious. description: Skeletal Banquet inventory: ['ivory chopsticks', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| set constellations to horse reward: 0 hint: ['get in marble', 'south', 'east', 'put mask down', 'put chopsticks down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit bones', 'put mask on marble', 'put mask on table', 'put chopsticks on marble', 'put chopsticks on table', 'put fan on marble', 'put fan on table', 'put dagger on marble', 'put dagger on table', 'put comb on marble', 'put comb on table', 'put all on marble', 'put all on table', 'down'] state: The Moon is the horse that bears the White Archer's messages to his lover the Sun, returning to rove the night's passages with him. The Heavenly Horse, though, is a messenger that submits to no rider, like the justiciar with her dark, proud eyes. It seems a strangely fitting sign for a stranger's feast. description: Skeletal Banquet inventory: ['ivory chopsticks', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x arrangement reward: 0 hint: ['get in marble', 'south', 'east', 'put mask down', 'put chopsticks down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit bones', 'put mask on marble', 'put mask on table', 'put chopsticks on marble', 'put chopsticks on table', 'put fan on marble', 'put fan on table', 'put dagger on marble', 'put dagger on table', 'put comb on marble', 'put comb on table', 'put all on marble', 'put all on table', 'down'] state: The arrangement is in the shape of the Heavenly Horse, sky-messenger and swift-runner. description: Skeletal Banquet inventory: ['ivory chopsticks', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['get in marble', 'put mask down', 'put chopsticks down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'put mask on marble', 'put chopsticks on marble', 'put fan on marble', 'put dagger on marble', 'put comb on marble', 'put all on marble', 'up'] state:
Hall of Hawks
Memory overtakes you as you enter: you and your brother speaking to each other in low, tense voices (not shouting, never shouting before her) until the justiciar bids you leave, curtly. The next day, when the emperor stripped her of her rank, and neither you nor your brother had the influence to free her from the court's machinations--you have lived that day over and over, more than any man ought.
Hawks painted in gold and brown soar along the walls. It is strangely warm here, as though fires lived just beyond your perception. The entire hall is open to the wind and warmth, unobstructed except by your presence.
Stairs of darkest marble circle upward. A passageway leads south into clear, colorless light. description: Hall of Hawks inventory: ['ivory chopsticks', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x hawks reward: 0 hint: ['get in marble', 'put mask down', 'put chopsticks down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'put mask on marble', 'put chopsticks on marble', 'put fan on marble', 'put dagger on marble', 'put comb on marble', 'put all on marble', 'up'] state: A splendor of hawks in flight, each feather meticulously painted. Each one has a woman's dark eyes instead of a raptor's golden gaze. description: Hall of Hawks inventory: ['ivory chopsticks', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['get in marble', 'put mask down', 'put chopsticks down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'put mask on marble', 'put chopsticks on marble', 'put fan on marble', 'put dagger on marble', 'put comb on marble', 'put all on marble', 'up'] state: As you approach, you realize that the shadows split the passageway in a terrible clean fracture, and your face aches unbearably; only when you move away does the pain ease. description: Hall of Hawks inventory: ['ivory chopsticks', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| wear mask reward: 0 hint: ['get in stairs', 'put chopsticks down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put chopsticks on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'up'] state: Suddenly and disturbingly inspired by the riven passage to the south, you lift the mask to your face, momentarily shadowing your vision. When you can see clearly again, the mask has been rejoined flawlessly--and the shadows close around the passageway. Yours is the dragon's perfection, the dark journey skyward, as you have chosen. description: Hall of Hawks inventory: ['ivory chopsticks', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'armor and silks'] |action| l reward: 0 hint: ['get in stairs', 'put chopsticks down', 'put fan down', 'put comb down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put chopsticks on stairs', 'put fan on stairs', 'put comb on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'up'] state:
Hall of Hawks
Hawks painted in gold and brown soar along the walls. It is strangely warm here, as though fires lived just beyond your perception. The entire hall is open and unobstructed except by your presence. description: Hall of Hawks inventory: ['ivory chopsticks', 'tasseled fan', 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'armor and silks'] |action| u reward: 0 hint: ['up', 'put dagger down'] state:
Passage of Storms
Cherry blossoms and lilacs, kite-flying auguries and newly-budding leaves: the trappings of spring are far beneath you now, though the kite is a red speck dancing in the storm. The moonlit tower lays open beneath you, as though stones were no more than the barest skeleton, the merest shadow. Lightning and storm clouds gather around you, and in the sky above the Moon gallops beyond your reach to the horizon. description: Passage of Storms inventory: ['bronze-hilted dagger'] |action| x storm reward: 0 hint: ['up', 'put dagger down'] state: It is night, now and always, with the storm clouds and lightning your constant companions. description: Passage of Storms inventory: ['bronze-hilted dagger'] |action| u |
|start_header_id| reverb 26 |end_header_id| reward: 5 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: Desperately looking for a way out, you climb out the open window. You find yourself dangling from the window sill over a three-story drop.
Hangin' Out
You are dangling over a three-story drop, desperately clutching the window ledge with your fingertips. And as if that weren't bad enough, a very angry mayor and a very large security guard are inside, and they're both very eager to get rid of you.
Your feet are just low enough to touch the window on the next floor below you.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey congratulating each other on getting rid of you.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| kick second window reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: You frantically kick on the window below you, hoping that somebody will hear.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
There seems to be some activity in the room on the second story. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: Time passes.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
The window down below is opening. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'put sill down', 'pronouns', 'examine window', 'wake jill', 'put on floor', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'kiss jill', 'hit jill', 'throw file', 'throw key', 'say third story window to jill', 'ask jill about third story window', 'ask jill for third story window', 'put all on jill', 'give jill file', 'tell jill about third story window', 'throw sill against jill'] state: Time passes.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
Somebody sticks their head out of the second story window... by god, it's Jill! description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| jill, hold me reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine mayor', 'put sill down', 'pronouns', 'wake mayor', 'put on mayor', 'put on lackey', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'take all', 'kiss mayor', 'kiss jill', 'take lackey', 'hit mayor', 'hit jill', 'throw lackey', 'throw file', 'throw key', 'say mayor to jill', 'say jill to mayor', 'ask mayor about jill', 'ask jill about mayor', 'ask mayor for jill', 'hit mayor with lackey', 'hit jill with lackey', 'put all on mayor', 'push lackey to mayor', 'give mayor file', 'pay mayor lackey', 'tell mayor about jill', 'tell jill about mayor', 'throw lackey against mayor', 'throw file against mayor'] state: Jill nods frantically. She holds out her arms trying to reach you.
The mayor and the lackey look out the window. They are surprised to see you.
Jill looks up at you anxiously. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| jump reward: 5 hint: ['wake attorney', 'put key down', 'kiss attorney', 'hit attorney', 'say window to attorney', 'ask attorney about window', 'give attorney key', 'tell attorney about window', 'throw key against attorney', 'west'] state: You release your grip on the window and you're falling, falling...
"GOTCHA!" You find yourself in the remarkably strong arms of Jill, who hauls you into her window and onto solid ground. You've never been so happy to see anyone in your life.
Law Office
You are in a bustling law office. The east wall is dominated by a large window.
Jill stands here.
You briefly relate to Jill what's just been happening to you. Jill looks thoughtful as she takes the file from you. "So you uncovered evidence that the mayor is connected to the mob? And he knows that you found out. This sounds serious. If I'm not mistaken, every cop in the district is going to be after your head pretty soon.
"Good work, though, Stan. Don't stop now. I'm going to phone the state police and see if I can get outside help on this case."
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Law Office inventory: ['key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put other down', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'kiss other', 'say east to other', 'ask other about east'] state:
Office Building, Second Floor description: Office Building, Second Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'put key down', 'north'] state: The stairs angle down and back, and you emerge south.
Office Building
There are fronds on either side of the exit on the east. description: Office Building inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine gun', 'west', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put key down', 'east', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'give people key', 'tell people about east', 'throw key against people'] state:
A police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by. description: Downtown inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'examine key', 'south', 'pronouns', 'put on west', 'put key down', 'west', 'throw key', 'east'] state:
Street, Near Courthouse description: Street, Near Courthouse inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine parlor', 'north', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put key down', 'east', 'west', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'give people key', 'tell people about east', 'throw key against people'] state:
Street, by Pizza Parlor description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'get in northeast', 'take box', 'take note', 'put key down', 'south', 'examine note', 'open box', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'take all off counter', 'put key on counter', 'push box to counter', 'push box to northeast', 'push note to counter'] state:
Pizza Parlor
On the counter are a small pizza box (which is closed) and a handwritten note. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['key'] |action| get pizza box reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'examine note', 'open box', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'push note to counter'] state: Taken. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| open pizza box reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'take bomb', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'push bomb to northeast', 'examine note', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'push note to counter', 'push bomb to box', 'push bomb to counter'] state: You flip open the pizza box... AND THERE'S A BOMB INSIDE!!!!! description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| get bomb reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'put bomb down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'examine note', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put bomb on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'put bomb in box', 'put key in box', 'push note to box', 'push note to counter'] state: Taken. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['bomb', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine box', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put box down', 'put bomb down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw bomb', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'put all on east', 'put bomb in box', 'put bomb in vent', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about east', 'throw box against people'] state:
Street, by Pizza Parlor description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['bomb', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| put bomb in sewer reward: 5 hint: ['examine east', 'examine box', 'north', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'east', 'west', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'put key in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about east', 'throw box against people'] state: Thinking fast, you deposit the bomb in the sewer duct. Moments later, you breathe a sigh of relief as you hear a quiet splash. No doubt you've saved yourself and the city from certain destruction.
An absolutely massive explosion rocks the ground beneath your feet. Buildings tremble all around you and the pavement lurches sickeningly. After a moment the shockwaves die down, but you still feel an occasional tremor. Seems like you might have triggered some sort of geological disaster.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine south', 'examine store', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on people', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say store to people', 'ask people about store', 'ask people for store', 'put key in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about store', 'throw box against people', 'west'] state:
Street, by Department Store
On this end of the street, a department store called Barkley's sits to the south. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'wake clerk', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'get in southeast', 'get in southwest', 'kiss clerk', 'hit clerk', 'say box to clerk', 'ask clerk about box', 'ask clerk for box', 'put key in box', 'give clerk box', 'tell clerk about box', 'throw box against clerk'] state:
Clothing Department
You are in the clothing department at Barkley's. There are many racks of clothes here. You may exit to the north. To the southwest lies the hardware department, and southeast is the cosmetics department.
You can see a store clerk here. description: Clothing Department inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss other', 'hit other', 'say bunch of cosmetic stuff to other', 'ask other about bunch of cosmetic stuff', 'ask other for west', 'put key in box', 'give thug box', 'tell other about bunch of cosmetic stuff', 'throw box against other'] state:
As you enter the cosmetics department, a big thug steps out of the shadows. Making a mocking bow in your direction, the thug says: "Greetings. I am Sammy 'The Inhospitable' Toriglioni, and I will be joining you for your dying pleasure this afternoon." He pulls a gun out of his suit coat and bounces it lightly in one hand.
Cosmetics Department
The shelves are lined with bottles of perfume, cologne, hairspray, and other cosmetic paraphernalia. [You know, an adventure game just isn't complete if it doesn't use the word "paraphernalia."] You can go northwest to the clothing department, or west to the hardware department.
You can see a thug here. description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| get spray |
|start_header_id| pentari 17 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take towel', 'close towel', 'north', 'put sword down', 'push towel to floor', 'put sword in towel', 'south'] state: You open the towel. description: Dining Room inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['put sword down', 'south'] state:
Perhaps even larger than the dining room itself, this kitchen delivered many fine state dinners in its day. Large wood-burning stoves line one side of the room while on another are rows of preparation tables. description: Kitchen inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['take towel', 'close towel', 'north', 'put sword down', 'push towel to floor', 'put sword in towel', 'south'] state:
Dining Room
A folded linen towel is lying on the floor description: Dining Room inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'get in floor', 'put sword down', 'west', 'up'] state:
Spiral Stairway description: Spiral Stairway inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| west reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'put sword down', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall description: Main Hall inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| west reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'north', 'put other down', 'east'] state:
Many death-dealing weapons of every type were stored here. Several tall racks probably held spears while shorter ones mounted against the wall stored various kinds of swords. Other wall mounts, also empty, give you no idea what sort of weapons may have been held by them. A large archway north is partially blocked by collapsed stones and rubble.
You can see a jewel encrusted dagger here. description: Armory inventory: ['fine Pentarian sword'] |action| put sword down reward: 0 hint: ['take sword', 'take dagger', 'north', 'take all', 'east'] state: Dropped. description: Armory inventory: None |action| take dagger reward: 5 hint: ['take sword', 'north', 'put dagger down', 'east'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Armory inventory: ['jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['take chest', 'put dagger down', 'north', 'south'] state:
In times past the vast wealth of the Duke would be stored here. Alas, with the castle taken and the Duke gone so with him went his riches. As you remember your history lessons, you recall the genealogy of the Dukes of Bostwin and their love of collecting treasures. You could only imagine what vast treasures were contained in this room long ago.
A finely crafted oaken chest is here. description: Treasury inventory: ['jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| take chest reward: 0 hint: ['put dagger down', 'put chest down', 'put all down', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Treasury inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['take sword', 'north', 'put dagger down', 'put other down', 'put all down', 'east'] state:
You can see a fine Pentarian sword here. description: Armory inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| east reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'put dagger down', 'put chest down', 'put all down', 'hit elf', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall
The Dark Elf walks in. description: Main Hall inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| put all down reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'hit elf', 'north', 'south'] state: oaken chest: Dropped.
jewel encrusted dagger: Dropped.
The Dark Elf walks around as if looking for something. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'north', 'east'] state:
Castle description: Castle inventory: None |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['north'] state:
Castle Entrance description: Castle Entrance inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'north', 'east'] state:
Castle description: Castle inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall
You can see a jewel encrusted dagger and an oaken chest (which is closed) here. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| take chest reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'east', 'west', 'put chest down', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Main Hall inventory: ['oaken chest'] |action| put all down reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'north', 'south'] state: (the oaken chest down)
Dropped. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['enter', 'south'] state:
Main Hall, by the Fireplace
You can see a Large Fireplace here. description: Main Hall, by the Fireplace inventory: None |action| enter |
|start_header_id| reverb 36 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine parlor', 'north', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put key down', 'east', 'west', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'give people key', 'tell people about east', 'throw key against people'] state:
Street, by Pizza Parlor description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'get in northeast', 'take box', 'take note', 'put key down', 'south', 'examine note', 'open box', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'take all off counter', 'put key on counter', 'push box to counter', 'push box to northeast', 'push note to counter'] state:
Pizza Parlor
On the counter are a small pizza box (which is closed) and a handwritten note. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['key'] |action| get pizza box reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'examine note', 'open box', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'push note to counter'] state: Taken. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| open pizza box reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'take bomb', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'push bomb to northeast', 'examine note', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'push note to counter', 'push bomb to box', 'push bomb to counter'] state: You flip open the pizza box... AND THERE'S A BOMB INSIDE!!!!! description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| get bomb reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'put bomb down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'examine note', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put bomb on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'put bomb in box', 'put key in box', 'push note to box', 'push note to counter'] state: Taken. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['bomb', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine box', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put box down', 'put bomb down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw bomb', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'put all on east', 'put bomb in box', 'put bomb in vent', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about east', 'throw box against people'] state:
Street, by Pizza Parlor description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['bomb', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| put bomb in sewer reward: 5 hint: ['examine east', 'examine box', 'north', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'east', 'west', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'put key in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about east', 'throw box against people'] state: Thinking fast, you deposit the bomb in the sewer duct. Moments later, you breathe a sigh of relief as you hear a quiet splash. No doubt you've saved yourself and the city from certain destruction.
An absolutely massive explosion rocks the ground beneath your feet. Buildings tremble all around you and the pavement lurches sickeningly. After a moment the shockwaves die down, but you still feel an occasional tremor. Seems like you might have triggered some sort of geological disaster.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine south', 'examine store', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on people', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say store to people', 'ask people about store', 'ask people for store', 'put key in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about store', 'throw box against people', 'west'] state:
Street, by Department Store
On this end of the street, a department store called Barkley's sits to the south. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'wake clerk', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'get in southeast', 'get in southwest', 'kiss clerk', 'hit clerk', 'say box to clerk', 'ask clerk about box', 'ask clerk for box', 'put key in box', 'give clerk box', 'tell clerk about box', 'throw box against clerk'] state:
Clothing Department
You are in the clothing department at Barkley's. There are many racks of clothes here. You may exit to the north. To the southwest lies the hardware department, and southeast is the cosmetics department.
You can see a store clerk here. description: Clothing Department inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss other', 'hit other', 'say bunch of cosmetic stuff to other', 'ask other about bunch of cosmetic stuff', 'ask other for west', 'put key in box', 'give thug box', 'tell other about bunch of cosmetic stuff', 'throw box against other'] state:
As you enter the cosmetics department, a big thug steps out of the shadows. Making a mocking bow in your direction, the thug says: "Greetings. I am Sammy 'The Inhospitable' Toriglioni, and I will be joining you for your dying pleasure this afternoon." He pulls a gun out of his suit coat and bounces it lightly in one hand.
Cosmetics Department
The shelves are lined with bottles of perfume, cologne, hairspray, and other cosmetic paraphernalia. [You know, an adventure game just isn't complete if it doesn't use the word "paraphernalia."] You can go northwest to the clothing department, or west to the hardware department.
You can see a thug here. description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| get spray reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss other', 'take hairspray', 'hit other', 'spray other', 'say hairspray to other', 'ask other about hairspray', 'ask other for hairspray', 'hit other with hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'give thug hairspray', 'tell other about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against other'] state: Taken.
The building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides.
"SO, ya wanted to be a hero, kid? I'd say your future as the Lone Ranger isn't looking too promising." description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| spray thug reward: 5 hint: ['examine hairspray', 'wake other', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss other', 'take hairspray', 'hit other', 'say hairspray to other', 'ask other about hairspray', 'ask other for hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'give thug hairspray', 'tell other about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against other'] state: You spritz the thug right in the face. He is so totally surprised to have you actually fight back that he takes the shot right in the eyes and winces, momentarily unabled to fight back. He's not down yet, but this might be a good time to finish him off.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| kick thug reward: 0 hint: ['examine hairspray', 'wake other', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'west', 'kiss other', 'take hairspray', 'say hairspray to other', 'ask other about hairspray', 'ask other for hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'show thug hairspray', 'give thug hairspray', 'tell other about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against other', 'northwest'] state: You give him a kick to the stomach, and a passable imitation of a karate chop on the back. Normally this wouldn't have worked, but since he was temporarily blinded, he never saw you coming. He collapses on the floor, momentarily winded. This would be a great time for you to get out.
The building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides. description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'get in southeast', 'get in southwest', 'north', 'take hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box'] state: Doubled over in pain, the thug is powerless to stop your retreat.
Clothing Department description: Clothing Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine bottle of hairspray', 'examine hairspray', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on south', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'take hairspray', 'throw hairspray', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say hairspray to people', 'ask people about hairspray', 'ask people for hairspray', 'put all on south', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'show people hairspray', 'give people hairspray', 'tell people about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against people', 'west'] state: The clerk seems to have been knocked out and dragged somewhere by the thug on his entrance. You brazenly walk out with your shoplifted item.
Street, by Department Store
A police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by.
The ground trembles under your feet. It feels like an earthquake might be in progress.
Okay, let's recap the story so far. Your afternoon got off to an interesting start when you foiled an escape attempt by Guido "The Armadillo" Calzone. This heroic-but-not-terribly-bright action brought down the wrath of the local mafia down on you, who tried to assassinate you inside a department store. They also left a "special delivery" for you which started an earthquake. You were also responsible for uncovering the illicit activities of the corrupt mayor, who then sent every cop and trooper in the area to take care of you. So, you're hounded by the police, wanted dead by the mob, and trying to cope with a massive earthquake.
As you step outside, you can see that the people of the town have succumbed to the general chaos of the environment, and now the town of San Doppleton is marred by heavy rioting. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine bottle of hairspray', 'examine hairspray', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on south', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'take hairspray', 'throw hairspray', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say hairspray to people', 'ask people about hairspray', 'ask people for hairspray', 'put all on south', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'show people hairspray', 'give people hairspray', 'tell people about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against people', 'west'] state: Time passes. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine bottle of hairspray', 'examine hairspray', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on south', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'take hairspray', 'throw hairspray', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say hairspray to people', 'ask people about hairspray', 'ask people for hairspray', 'put all on south', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'show people hairspray', 'give people hairspray', 'tell people about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against people', 'west'] state: Time passes.
Someone rushes out of Barkley's carrying a TV set.
The ground trembles under your feet. It feels like an earthquake might be in progress. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'get in southeast', 'get in southwest', 'take hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box'] state:
Clothing Department description: Clothing Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take rope', 'take hammer', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'east', 'take all', 'take hairspray', 'throw rope', 'throw hammer', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'push rope to hairspray', 'push rope to box', 'push hammer to hairspray', 'push hammer to box', 'northeast'] state:
Hardware Department
You are in the hardware department at Barkley's. There are tools all over the place. You can go northeast to the clothing department, or east to the cosmetics department.
The place is filled with debris from the riots. Lying on the ground you see a rope and a hammer which have been randomly flung off the shelves. description: Hardware Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| take hammer reward: 0 hint: ['take rope', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put hammer down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'east', 'take hairspray', 'take hammer', 'throw rope', 'put hairspray in box', 'put hammer in box', 'put key in box', 'push rope to hairspray', 'push rope to box', 'northeast'] state: Taken. description: Hardware Department inventory: ['hammer', 'bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| take rope |
|start_header_id| reverb 19 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put other down', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'kiss other', 'say east to other', 'ask other about east'] state:
Office Building, Second Floor description: Office Building, Second Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close door', 'east', 'south', 'north'] state: The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge north.
Office Building, Third Floor
To the east is a door labelled "John Winnick, Mayor of San Doppleton". The stairs go up to the north and down to the south. description: Office Building, Third Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open story', 'open cabinet with key'] state:
Mayor's Office
You are in the mayor's office. To the east is a window overlooking a second-story drop. There is a glass box mounted on the north wall.
You can see a file cabinet (which is closed) here. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| open window reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open story', 'open cabinet with key'] state: You open up the window. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| unlock cabinet with key reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open cabinet', 'open story', 'lock cabinet with key'] state: You unlock the file cabinet. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| open cabinet reward: 0 hint: ['take file', 'put key down', 'close cabinet', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'push file to east', 'hit story', 'open story', 'take file off cabinet', 'put key in cabinet', 'push file to cabinet'] state: You open the mayor's file cabinet. A massive quantity of paperwork is in there. Amongst the paper you see a particular file which looks suspicious. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| get file reward: 3 hint: ['wake lackey', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close cabinet', 'close story', 'close door', 'get in story', 'get in door', 'kiss lackey', 'hit story', 'open story', 'say east to mayor', 'ask lackey about east', 'ask mayor for east', 'put file in cabinet', 'put key in cabinet', 'put all in cabinet', 'give mayor file', 'tell lackey about east', 'throw file against lackey'] state: You smugly retrieve the file.
Just are you're starting to feel disappointed about how easy it was to search around in the mayor's secret files, you hear a commotion out in the hall. Suddenly, you find yourself staring into the shifty face of Mayor Winnick himself. He quickly assesses the situation and makes a curt gesture. In walks a very large, very ugly lackey, who begins to approach with a nasty look in his eye.
The henchman approaches with a mean gleam in his eye. It is highly recommended that you find an escape route.
[Your score has just gone up by three points.] description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['secret file', 'key'] |action| jump out window reward: 5 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: Desperately looking for a way out, you climb out the open window. You find yourself dangling from the window sill over a three-story drop.
Hangin' Out
You are dangling over a three-story drop, desperately clutching the window ledge with your fingertips. And as if that weren't bad enough, a very angry mayor and a very large security guard are inside, and they're both very eager to get rid of you.
Your feet are just low enough to touch the window on the next floor below you.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey congratulating each other on getting rid of you.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| kick second window reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: You frantically kick on the window below you, hoping that somebody will hear.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
There seems to be some activity in the room on the second story. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: Time passes.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
The window down below is opening. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'put sill down', 'pronouns', 'examine window', 'wake jill', 'put on floor', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'kiss jill', 'hit jill', 'throw file', 'throw key', 'say third story window to jill', 'ask jill about third story window', 'ask jill for third story window', 'put all on jill', 'give jill file', 'tell jill about third story window', 'throw sill against jill'] state: Time passes.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
Somebody sticks their head out of the second story window... by god, it's Jill! description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| jill, hold me reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine mayor', 'put sill down', 'pronouns', 'wake mayor', 'put on mayor', 'put on lackey', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'take all', 'kiss mayor', 'kiss jill', 'take lackey', 'hit mayor', 'hit jill', 'throw lackey', 'throw file', 'throw key', 'say mayor to jill', 'say jill to mayor', 'ask mayor about jill', 'ask jill about mayor', 'ask mayor for jill', 'hit mayor with lackey', 'hit jill with lackey', 'put all on mayor', 'push lackey to mayor', 'give mayor file', 'pay mayor lackey', 'tell mayor about jill', 'tell jill about mayor', 'throw lackey against mayor', 'throw file against mayor'] state: Jill nods frantically. She holds out her arms trying to reach you.
The mayor and the lackey look out the window. They are surprised to see you.
Jill looks up at you anxiously. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| jump reward: 5 hint: ['wake attorney', 'put key down', 'kiss attorney', 'hit attorney', 'say window to attorney', 'ask attorney about window', 'give attorney key', 'tell attorney about window', 'throw key against attorney', 'west'] state: You release your grip on the window and you're falling, falling...
"GOTCHA!" You find yourself in the remarkably strong arms of Jill, who hauls you into her window and onto solid ground. You've never been so happy to see anyone in your life.
Law Office
You are in a bustling law office. The east wall is dominated by a large window.
Jill stands here.
You briefly relate to Jill what's just been happening to you. Jill looks thoughtful as she takes the file from you. "So you uncovered evidence that the mayor is connected to the mob? And he knows that you found out. This sounds serious. If I'm not mistaken, every cop in the district is going to be after your head pretty soon.
"Good work, though, Stan. Don't stop now. I'm going to phone the state police and see if I can get outside help on this case."
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Law Office inventory: ['key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put other down', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'kiss other', 'say east to other', 'ask other about east'] state:
Office Building, Second Floor description: Office Building, Second Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'put key down', 'north'] state: The stairs angle down and back, and you emerge south.
Office Building
There are fronds on either side of the exit on the east. description: Office Building inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine gun', 'west', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put key down', 'east', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'give people key', 'tell people about east', 'throw key against people'] state:
A police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by. description: Downtown inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'examine key', 'south', 'pronouns', 'put on west', 'put key down', 'west', 'throw key', 'east'] state:
Street, Near Courthouse description: Street, Near Courthouse inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine parlor', 'north', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put key down', 'east', 'west', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'give people key', 'tell people about east', 'throw key against people'] state:
Street, by Pizza Parlor description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'get in northeast', 'take box', 'take note', 'put key down', 'south', 'examine note', 'open box', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'take all off counter', 'put key on counter', 'push box to counter', 'push box to northeast', 'push note to counter'] state:
Pizza Parlor
On the counter are a small pizza box (which is closed) and a handwritten note. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['key'] |action| get pizza box reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'examine note', 'open box', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'push note to counter'] state: Taken. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| open pizza box |
|start_header_id| ztuu 29 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
The rather large proscenium seems to have been designed mainly with live performances in mind (the dead were thought, not unreasonably, to be dreadfully dull.) As such, it sports a large, maroon curtain leading backstage and a row of brightly colored footlights. Rubble and debris block the ways to the wings, and a set of stairs leads back down into the theater's main aisle. description: Stage inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take blue reward: 5 hint: ['examine lantern', 'west', 'east', 'take red lens', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put lens down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lens in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Stage inventory: ['blue lens', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take red reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'throw lantern', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put red lens down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put red lens in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: Taken.
The lantern flickers and goes out. description: Stage inventory: ['red lens', 'blue lens', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| hit lamp reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put red lens down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put red lens in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Stage inventory: ['red lens', 'blue lens', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| put blue in glasses reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put red lens down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put red lens in glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into footlights'] state: You carefully sculpt the blue lens so as to fit neatly into the glasses.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Stage inventory: ['red lens', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| put red in glasses reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into footlights'] state: You carefully sculpt the red lens so as to fit neatly into the glasses. description: Stage inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| east reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take curtain', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'open trunk', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to scrims', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Ah... ah... choo! Those curtains! If I weren't so busy helping you with this game, I'd suggest you go on without me and let me clean this place up enough so that when you returned, I could at least describe it decently. I'll do the best I can, though. A thick, maroon curtain separates the backstage area from the stage. This area was obviously the target of a small, underground tornado (a Vorx) as scrims, scenery and costumes litter the floor.
Even an old steamer trunk, virtually decaying from age, rests in a corner. description: Backstage inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| open trunk reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take curtain', 'take red lens', 'take coin', 'take off gloves', 'close trunk', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower coin', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw coin', 'put lantern in trunk', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi in trunk', 'push red lens to scrims', 'push red lens to trunk', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put gores in trunk', 'put glasses in trunk', 'put gloves in trunk', 'put sword in trunk', 'put rune in trunk', 'put all in trunk', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into trunk'] state: Phew! Now that's musty! The trunk, beside hiding an invisible dead elephant (what else could produce that smell?), holds a rare quint-Zorkmid coin. description: Backstage inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take coin reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take curtain', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'close trunk', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in trunk', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi in trunk', 'push red lens to scrims', 'push red lens to trunk', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put gores in trunk', 'put coin in trunk', 'put glasses in trunk', 'put gloves in trunk', 'put sword in trunk', 'put rune in trunk', 'put all in trunk', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into trunk'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Backstage inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into footlights'] state:
Stage description: Stage inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw rune', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'north'] state:
Theater description: Theater inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw rune', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'north', 'south'] state:
Cultural Complex description: Cultural Complex inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby
Compared to the grandeur of the other parts of the Cultural Center, the Hall of Science is rather austere, serving mainly as the entrance to three smallish rooms, at the openings to which stand small reader-boards. These say "MUSEUM OF ILLUSIONS!" (east), "SEE THE MUD FORUM!" (south), and "MUSEUM OF ADVENTURE!" (west). The larger area to the north is the Cultural Center. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw rune', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'north', 'south'] state:
Cultural Complex description: Cultural Complex inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| drop rune reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take baby', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower baby', 'throw lantern', 'throw baby', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'north', 'south'] state: Dropped. description: Cultural Complex inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put gloves down', 'put lantern down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put other down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'put gloves in glasses', 'push red lens to gloves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Hall of Science Lobby description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| drop gores reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take bars', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'put gloves down', 'put lantern down', 'put sword down', 'put other down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower gores', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw gores', 'put gloves in glasses', 'push red lens to gloves', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: Dropped. description: Hall of Science Lobby inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tinsel', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'tie coin to tinsel', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put coin in square', 'put coin in triangle', 'put coin in circle', 'put coin in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state:
The Mud Forum
This large, square chamber is certainly messy enough for a mud forum (whatever that might be), but there is no mud in sight (for purposes of argument, it could be postulated that the water source for the mud has dried up, or that mud was brought in for some scientific purpose, or that MUD refers to a Multi-User Dungeon of the sort now popular among the better-socialized members of the adventurer class.) In the southeast corner of the room a sign reading, "Exhibit Closed! Danger!" overlays another sign, beneath which is a sealed door. On the floor, starting near the center of the room, four large symbols have been painted in royal purple; a large display unit with a heavy wooden cover stands behind.
Scattered willy-nilly around the floor are detailed replicas of a white house, an evergreen tree, a person with a flattened head, a raft, and a hot-air balloon.
You can see a tree, a house, a hot-air balloon, a flathead and a raft here. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| examine tree reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tinsel', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'tie coin to tinsel', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put coin in square', 'put coin in triangle', 'put coin in circle', 'put coin in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: The tree is a perfect miniature of the now-rare Subterraneous Vegitatus, a species thought to have existed only underground. Its leaves are individually painted, each one a miniature masterpiece. Sitting on the tree is a glass ball and a lone strand of tinsel. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| examine ball reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take balloon', 'take red lens', 'take house', 'take flathead', 'take tinsel', 'take tree', 'take ball', 'look under cover', 'take raft', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'hold button', 'examine glasses', 'lower balloon', 'lower house', 'lower flathead', 'lower tree', 'lower raft', 'throw lantern', 'throw balloon', 'throw multi', 'throw house', 'throw flathead', 'throw tree', 'throw raft', 'tie coin to tinsel', 'put lantern in square', 'put lantern in triangle', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lantern in circle', 'put lantern in pentagon', 'put multi in square', 'put multi in triangle', 'put multi in circle', 'put multi in pentagon', 'push red lens to southeast', 'push red lens to square', 'push red lens to triangle', 'push red lens to glasses', 'push red lens to circle', 'push red lens to pentagon', 'put coin in square', 'put coin in triangle', 'put coin in circle', 'put coin in pentagon', 'put glasses in square', 'put glasses in triangle', 'put glasses in circle', 'put glasses in pentagon', 'put gloves in square', 'put gloves in triangle', 'put gloves in circle', 'put gloves in pentagon', 'put sword in square', 'put sword in triangle', 'put sword in circle', 'put sword in pentagon', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into square', 'empty glasses into triangle', 'empty glasses into tree', 'empty glasses into circle', 'empty glasses into pentagon'] state: It appears to be left over from some ancient decorative holiday. Painted on the inner surface of the ball is a scene of a young man, lying by the curb right by a sewer grate in the street. He's apparently been fishing for coins; he holds in his hands a piece of string, on the end of which is a piece of gum. Stuck to the gum is a shiny coin. description: The Mud Forum inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take tinsel |
|start_header_id| omniquest 53 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take rice', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'get in northeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put fish down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push rice to raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat'] state:
Rice Room
This room smells of steaming rice. Some song is playing in the distance, and it is saying something about rice patties. Exits are to the northeast and north.
You can see some rice here. description: Rice Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| take rice reward: 0 hint: ['make sushi', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'north', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rice down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put rice in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state: Taken. description: Rice Room inventory: ['rice', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| make sushi reward: 5 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'get in northeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state: You're not Julia Child, but it'll do. description: Rice Room inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'south', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state:
Musty Corridor
This somewhat non-descript room has a particularly musty odor. There are exits to the north and south. description: Musty Corridor inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'south', 'get in northeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state:
South Lake description: South Lake inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in southeast', 'west', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state:
West Path
This is a section of the path that continues to the northeast and southeast, as well as branching to the west. description: West Path inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'give samurai sushi'] state:
Guardian Chamber
This is a tall chamber with columns lining the door to the west. The exit is to the east.
You can see a samurai here. description: Guardian Chamber inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| give sushi to samurai reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'west', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat'] state: He says something in thanks, and begins to eat as he walks away. description: Guardian Chamber inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'put crystal on space', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state:
Jeweled Room
This is an ornately decorated room with absurdly large and tacky jewels plastered to the wall.
In the center of the room is a diamond cage. There is an exit to the east. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| x cage reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'put crystal on space', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state: The cage has a crystal-shaped space on it. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| put crystal in space reward: 0 hint: ['take wings', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push wings to raincoat'] state: There is a flash of light, and the cage opens, revealing...
The Diamond Wings of Destiny!!
The cage and crystal suddenly vanish, leaving the wings. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| take wings reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state: Taken. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'west', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state:
Guardian Chamber description: Guardian Chamber inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in southeast', 'west', 'put rod down', 'put wings down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put wings in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat'] state:
West Path description: West Path inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in southeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state:
Intersection description: Intersection inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in southeast', 'north', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state:
Slimy Passageway
This is a slippery tunnel which has exits to the north, northeast, and southeast. description: Slimy Passageway inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in northwest', 'west', 'south', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state:
Giant Cavern description: Giant Cavern inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in southeast', 'north', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state:
Small Cavern description: Small Cavern inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'play organ', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat', 'south'] state:
Organ Room
This is a large room. The majority of the room is taken up by a massive pipe organ. Thousands upon thousands of pipes fill the room. The organ appears to be in a playable condition. description: Organ Room inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| play organ reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat', 'south'] state: The quiet of the cave is shattered by the sound of a non-musician playing the organ. description: Organ Room inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| s |
|start_header_id| 905 17 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'north', 'open wallet', 'open car with wallet'] state:
This is quite a seedy neighborhood, but there isn't really anywhere in the whole Las Mesas metro area that isn't at least a little rundown. Of course, the locals may complain about the ugliness and the crime, but the fact is that a starter home like this one would cost easily five times as much in someplace like Las Playas - and that's if you could find one.
The house lies to the north. A car is parked here in the driveway. description: Driveway inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| unlock car reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close door', 'get in car', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'north', 'lock car', 'open wallet'] state: Unlocked. description: Driveway inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| enter car reward: 0 hint: [] state: You climb inside and start up the engine.
Ah, scenic Las Mesas. Man, this place is an absolute toilet. Soon you'll be able to afford to get the hell out of here - provided you can avoid making any more slip-ups on the job.
As you cruise down the road, you notice a freeway onramp approaching. Would you like to get on? description: Driving inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| QUIT |
|start_header_id| balances 16 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: For a moment you think there is nothing there, as you chew absentmindedly on a leaf. But somewhere inside the tortoise is a sense of wonder at the amazing blue canopy of the sky. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| learn bozbar reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'pronouns', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the bozbar spell to memory. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| bozbar tortoise reward: 5 hint: ['pronouns', 'take scroll', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: The tortoise seems to be incapable of expressing surprise, but is now soaring away high in the sky. Something rather grubby is left behind.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Crest of Hill inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| get chewed scroll reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Taken. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| northwest reward: 0 hint: ['take sapphire', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine sapphire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state:
Cave Mouth
This is a cave mouth, at one end of a road which winds southeast over rising ground. The entrance west to the caves is a dark tunnel, and only a footpath runs further north, into gorse.
A heavy iron door bars the cave mouth.
Clotted in the mud beside the door is a perfect sapphire. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take sapphire reward: 0 hint: ['close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put sapphire down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine sapphire', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put sapphire in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: Taken. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['perfect sapphire', 'chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| examine sapphire reward: 0 hint: ['cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: As you gaze into the perfect blue of the sapphire, you feel your mind begin to reel. Unable to bear the naked sight of perfection, you look away, ashamed. As you do so, the sapphire cracks and wastes away to thin hot dust. But something remains, something in your mind... description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| examine book reward: 0 hint: ['cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: My Spell Book
gnusto spell: copy a scroll into your spell book.
frotz spell: cause an object to give off light.
yomin spell: mind probe.
rezrov spell: open even locked or enchanted objects.
bozbar spell: cause an animal to sprout wings.
caskly spell: cause perfection. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['chewed scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| caskly chewed scroll reward: 5 hint: ['cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put scroll down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: Before your eyes, the scroll begins to repair itself, failing only at the very last tear. Not quite perfect perhaps, but certainly a readable, if torn scroll.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['torn scroll', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| gnusto scroll reward: 0 hint: ['cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the lobal spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly then the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take carpet', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state:
Gorse Bushes
The footpath from the cave mouth runs into dense, impenetrable gorse bushes. Perhaps it wasn't so much a footpath as a rill in the earth where roots wouldn't take; anyway, there's no way but back south.
Slung over one of the gorse bushes is a beautiful red carpet. description: Gorse Bushes inventory: ["Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take carpet reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Taken. description: Gorse Bushes inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state:
Cave Mouth
A heavy iron door bars the cave mouth. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| learn rezrov reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'pronouns', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the rezrov spell to memory. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| rezrov door reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state: Silently, the iron door swings open. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put all down', 'examine spell', 'put spell in box', 'put all in box'] state:
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| learn frotz reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'spells', 'pronouns', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put all down', 'examine spell', 'put spell in box', 'put all in box'] state: (The magic writing of the spells casts enough light that you can read them.)
Using your best study habits, you commit the frotz spell to memory. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| frotz coin reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take gold', 'take scroll', 'take cube', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put down coin', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: There is an almost blinding flash of light as the silver coin begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the silver coin is now quite usable as a light source.
Inside Cave
A wide but shallow cave not far inside the hill. There is no obvious exit, except for the way you came in.
The iron door stands open.
Balanced on a rock formation is a featureless white cube.
A fair-sized pair of scales hangs from a bracket in the cave wall. The scales are balanced.
On the right pan are three gold coins.
On the left pan are a bronze coin, two gold coins and a crumpled scroll. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take cube reward: 5 hint: ['east', 'take gold', 'take scroll', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put down coin', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put cube down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put cube in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Inside Cave inventory: ['cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| write cave on cube reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take gold', 'take scroll', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put down coin', 'put grimoire down', 'put cave down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put cave in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: It is now called the "cave" cube. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take crumpled |
|start_header_id| zork3 44 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['down', 'put down magic', 'put down amulet', 'put down all', 'west', 'put magic in lake', 'north', 'south'] state: You already have it.
The icy waters are taking their toll. You will not be able to hold out much longer.
You run out of air and return to the surface.
On the Lake
description: On Lake inventory: ['Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'enter lake', 'put down magic', 'put down amulet', 'put down all', 'put magic in passage'] state: Southern Shore
You are on the south shore of the lake. Rock formations prevent movement to the west and thickening swamp to the east makes the going all but impossible. To the south, where the beach meets a rock formation, you can make out a dark passage sloping steeply upward into the rock.
description: Southern Shore inventory: ['Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'south', 'north', 'put down amulet', 'put down magic', 'put down all', 'put magic in amulet'] state: It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
description: Dark Place inventory: ['Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| SPRAY REPELLANT ON MYSELF reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'put down amulet', 'put down magic', 'put down all'] state: The spray smells like a mixture of old socks and burning rubber. If I were a grue I'd sure stay clear!
description: Dark Place inventory: ['Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'north', 'put down amulet', 'put down magic', 'put down all'] state: There are sinister gurgling noises in the darkness all around you!
It is pitch black.
The ground continues to slope upwards away from the lake. You can barely detect a dim light from the east.
description: Dark Place inventory: ['Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'take key', 'put down magic', 'put down amulet', 'put down all', 'west', 'open cover'] state: Key Room
You are between some rock and a dark place, The room is lit dimly from above, revealing a lone, dark path sloping down to the west.
To one side of the room is a large manhole cover.
The light from above seems to be focused in the center of the room, where a single key is lying in the dust.
description: Key inventory: ['Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| GET KEY reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'put down amulet', 'put down magic', 'put down key', 'put down all', 'west', 'open cover'] state: Taken.
description: Key inventory: ['key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| MOVE COVER reward: 0 hint: ['down', 'put down key', 'put down magic', 'put down amulet', 'put down all', 'west'] state: The cover is moved a bit to one side, revealing a small hole leading into darkness.
That horrible smell is much less pungent now.
description: Key inventory: ['key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| D reward: 0 hint: ['jump across aqueduct', 'put down key', 'put down magic', 'put down amulet', 'put down all', 'north'] state: Aqueduct
You are in a wide stone channel, part of the water supply system for the Great Underground Empire. The source of water was a waterfall to the south, which has long since dried up. Water flowed along the aqueduct to the north. This region is lit from above, although the source of light is not apparent.
description: Aqueduct inventory: ['key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'jump across chasm', 'put down key', 'put down amulet', 'put down magic', 'put down all', 'north', 'south'] state: High Arch
You are now on one of the tallest arches of the aqueduct, hundreds of feet above a rocky chasm. The immensity of the aqueduct project is apparent from here. Stone supports rise from the rock floor to form massive arches, which traverse the region from north to south. The water-carrying channel here is wide and deep. To the west and far below, you can make out a balcony which must command a wide view of the aqueduct.
description: High Arch inventory: ['key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'jump across aqueduct', 'put down key', 'put down magic', 'put down amulet', 'put down all', 'south'] state: Water Slide
You are near the northern end of this segment of the aqueduct system. To the south and slightly uphill, the bulk of the aqueduct looms ominously, towering above a gorge. To the north, the water channel drops precipitously and enters a rocky hole. The damp moss and lichen would certainly make that a one-way trip.
description: Water Slide inventory: ['key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['blow out torch', 'take torch', 'put down key', 'put down amulet', 'put down magic', 'put down all', 'east', 'light magic with torch', 'west', 'northeast'] state: Damp Passage
There is a torch here.
description: Damp Passage inventory: ['key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| GET TORCH reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'put down key', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down all', 'east', 'light magic with torch', 'west', 'northeast'] state: Taken.
description: Damp Passage inventory: ['torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down key', 'put down all', 'east', 'light magic with torch', 'north', 'south', 'west'] state: Junction
Standing before you is a great rock. Imbedded within it is an Elvish sword.
description: Junction inventory: ['torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'put down key', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down all', 'west', 'light magic with torch', 'east', 'northwest', 'southwest'] state: Barren Area
description: Barren Area inventory: ['torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'down', 'jump across cliff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down key', 'put down all', 'east', 'throw amulet off cliff', 'throw torch off cliff', 'throw magic off cliff', 'throw key off cliff', 'southwest'] state: Cliff
description: Cliff inventory: ['torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| D reward: 1 hint: ['turn off torch', 'take chest', 'down', 'put down key', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down all', 'light magic with torch', 'throw key off ledge', 'throw amulet off ledge', 'throw torch off ledge', 'throw magic off ledge'] state: Cliff Ledge
This is a rock-strewn ledge near the base of a tall cliff. The bottom of the cliff is another fifteen feet below. You have little hope of climbing up the cliff face, but you might be able to scramble down from here (though it's doubtful you could return).
A long piece of rope is dangling down from the top of the cliff and is within your reach.
A large chest, closed and locked, is lying among the boulders.
description: Cliff Ledge inventory: ['torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'take chest', 'down', 'put down key', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down all', 'light magic with torch', 'throw key off ledge', 'throw amulet off ledge', 'throw torch off ledge', 'throw magic off ledge'] state: Time passes...
description: Cliff Ledge inventory: ['torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'take chest', 'down', 'put down key', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down all', 'light magic with torch', 'throw key off ledge', 'throw amulet off ledge', 'throw torch off ledge', 'throw magic off ledge'] state: Time passes...
At the edge of the cliff above you, a man appears. He looks down at you and speaks. "Hello, down there! You seem to have a problem. Maybe I can help you." He chuckles in an unsettling sort of way. "Perhaps if you tied that chest to the end of the rope I might be able to drag it up for you. Then, I'll be more than happy to help you up!" He laughs again.
description: Cliff Ledge inventory: ['torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| TIE CHEST TO ROPE reward: 0 hint: ['wait', 'turn off torch', 'down', 'put down key', 'put down magic', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down all', 'light magic with torch', 'throw key off ledge', 'throw magic off ledge', 'throw amulet off ledge', 'throw torch off ledge'] state: The chest is now tied to the rope.
The man above you looks pleased. "Now there's a good friend! Thank you very much, indeed!" He pulls on the rope and the chest is lifted to the top of the cliff and out of sight. With a short laugh, he disappears. "I'll be back in a short while!" are his last words.
description: Cliff Ledge inventory: ['torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT |
|start_header_id| omniquest 52 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in southeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put other down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put other in raincoat'] state:
Chilly Corridor description: Chilly Corridor inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take rice', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'get in northeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put fish down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push rice to raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat'] state:
Rice Room
This room smells of steaming rice. Some song is playing in the distance, and it is saying something about rice patties. Exits are to the northeast and north.
You can see some rice here. description: Rice Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| take rice reward: 0 hint: ['make sushi', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'north', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rice down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put rice in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state: Taken. description: Rice Room inventory: ['rice', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| make sushi reward: 5 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'get in northeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state: You're not Julia Child, but it'll do. description: Rice Room inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'south', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state:
Musty Corridor
This somewhat non-descript room has a particularly musty odor. There are exits to the north and south. description: Musty Corridor inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'south', 'get in northeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state:
South Lake description: South Lake inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in southeast', 'west', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state:
West Path
This is a section of the path that continues to the northeast and southeast, as well as branching to the west. description: West Path inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'give samurai sushi'] state:
Guardian Chamber
This is a tall chamber with columns lining the door to the west. The exit is to the east.
You can see a samurai here. description: Guardian Chamber inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| give sushi to samurai reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'west', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat'] state: He says something in thanks, and begins to eat as he walks away. description: Guardian Chamber inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'put crystal on space', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state:
Jeweled Room
This is an ornately decorated room with absurdly large and tacky jewels plastered to the wall.
In the center of the room is a diamond cage. There is an exit to the east. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| x cage reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'put crystal on space', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state: The cage has a crystal-shaped space on it. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| put crystal in space reward: 0 hint: ['take wings', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push wings to raincoat'] state: There is a flash of light, and the cage opens, revealing...
The Diamond Wings of Destiny!!
The cage and crystal suddenly vanish, leaving the wings. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| take wings reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state: Taken. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'west', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state:
Guardian Chamber description: Guardian Chamber inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in southeast', 'west', 'put rod down', 'put wings down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put wings in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat'] state:
West Path description: West Path inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in southeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state:
Intersection description: Intersection inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in southeast', 'north', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state:
Slimy Passageway
This is a slippery tunnel which has exits to the north, northeast, and southeast. description: Slimy Passageway inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in northwest', 'west', 'south', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state:
Giant Cavern description: Giant Cavern inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in southeast', 'north', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state:
Small Cavern description: Small Cavern inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'play organ', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat', 'south'] state:
Organ Room
This is a large room. The majority of the room is taken up by a massive pipe organ. Thousands upon thousands of pipes fill the room. The organ appears to be in a playable condition. description: Organ Room inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| play organ |
|start_header_id| awaken 33 |end_header_id| reward: 5 hint: ['tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in railing', 'get in rope', 'put limb down', 'put heavy down', 'put ashes down', 'put large black book down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take heavy', 'take large black book', 'put rope under limb', 'tie rope to floor', 'push railing to limb', 'push rope to limb', 'put railing under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put north under limb', 'put door under limb', 'put debris under limb'] state: You carefully climb up the length of railing, using the pickets like a ladder.
Steeple Chamber
This small chamber is about halfway up the steeple of the church. Rain and wind from the storm outside blows in through an open window frame and water collects in puddles on the warped floor, mixing with the droppings of the birds, or perhaps bats, which can be heard fluttering around overhead. Looking up, you can see a maze of beams and supports that form the interior of the steeple. Rain pours in from an opening higher in the steeple and trickles out through a trap door in the floor.
A frayed but heavy rope hangs from somewhere overhead.
The heavy wooden door to the north is closed.
The top of the broken section of railing is visible sticking up through the trap door in the floor.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Steeple Chamber inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| climb rope reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in rope', 'put large black book down', 'put rope down', 'put branch down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put heavy down', 'put bell down', 'put grimoire down', 'put beams down', 'put storm down', 'put hill down', 'drop floor', 'put robe down', 'put trees down', 'put debris down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'tie rope to floor', 'push rope to large black book', 'put large black book under rope', 'put branch under large black book', 'put ashes under large black book', 'put limb under large black book', 'put heavy under large black book', 'put bell under large black book', 'put grimoire under large black book', 'put beams under large black book', 'put storm under large black book', 'put hill under large black book', 'put floor under large black book', 'put robe under large black book', 'put trees under large black book', 'put debris under large black book', 'south'] state:
The belfry of the church, high up inside the steeple. You are hanging from a maze of support beams and trusses with the nearest solid floor far below you. Large open frames give a view of the surrounding forest and of the town at the base of the hill. They also allow the fury of the storm to pass in unimpeded. You can see the branch of an oak tree just outside the southern frame.
A massive bell hangs here, from a damaged mount.
A heavy rope is attached to the bell and hangs through the beams to the room below. description: Belfry inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| tie rope to branch reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'tie rope', 'take heavy', 'get in floor', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put hill down', 'put beams down', 'put heavy down', 'put branch down', 'drop floor', 'put ashes down', 'put rope down', 'put robe down', 'put storm down', 'put grimoire down', 'put trees down', 'put bell down', 'put debris down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'tie rope to floor', 'push rope to limb', 'put limb under large black book', 'put large black book under limb', 'put hill under limb', 'put beams under limb', 'put heavy under limb', 'put branch under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put storm under limb', 'put grimoire under limb', 'put trees under limb', 'put bell under limb', 'put debris under limb', 'south'] state: You tie the rope securely to the tree branch. description: Belfry inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in railing', 'get in rope', 'put broken down', 'put heavy down', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take heavy', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'put rope under broken', 'tie rope to floor', 'push railing to broken', 'push rope to broken', 'put railing under broken', 'put floor under broken', 'put ashes under broken', 'put north under broken', 'put door under broken', 'put debris under broken'] state:
Steeple Chamber
A frayed but heavy rope hangs from somewhere overhead. There is a tree branch hanging from the end of the rope.
The heavy wooden door to the north is closed.
The top of the broken section of railing is visible sticking up through the trap door in the floor. description: Steeple Chamber inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| tie rope to handle reward: 0 hint: ['tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in railing', 'get in rope', 'put broken down', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put heavy down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take heavy', 'put rope under broken', 'tie rope to floor', 'push railing to broken', 'push rope to broken', 'put railing under broken', 'put ashes under broken', 'put door under broken', 'put floor under broken', 'put north under broken', 'put debris under broken'] state: You tie the rope securely to the heavy wooden door.
A flash of lightning can be seen through the cracks between the boards, followed by a sudden blast of thunder. description: Steeple Chamber inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take broken', 'get in railing', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put stopper down', 'put ashes down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'push railing to limb', 'put dirt under limb', 'put windows under limb', 'put ceiling under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'north', 'south'] state:
The broken length of railing is propped up under the trap door
There is a brief rattle of hail on the roof. description: Vestibule inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| take ladder reward: 0 hint: ['put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put dirt under windows', 'put windows under dirt', 'put ashes under dirt', 'put door under dirt', 'put floor under dirt', 'put railing under door', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Vestibule inventory: ['broken length of railing', 'embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put railing down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take railing', 'take stopper', 'put windows under large black book', 'put ashes under windows', 'put steeple under windows', 'put weeds under windows', 'put rain under windows', 'put lightning under windows', 'put south under windows', 'put mud under windows', 'north'] state:
Church Porch
Momentarily, the wind and rain slacken then return with renewed force. description: Church Porch inventory: ['broken length of railing', 'embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put railing down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put church under large black book', 'put ashes under church', 'put trees under church', 'put weeds under church', 'put sky under church', 'put path under church', 'put railing under trees', 'put rain under church', 'put mud under church', 'put steeple under church', 'put south under church', 'put window under church', 'put northeast under church', 'put northwest under church', 'put north under church', 'put driveway under church'] state:
Front of the Church
The church and steeple loom to the north, the open window frames seeming to stare with judgment upon anyone standing before it.
The heavy chain stretches from one of the oak trees and around the corner of the church to the northwest.
With a loud CRACK, a bolt of lightning strikes the steeple of the church. description: Front of the Church inventory: ['broken length of railing', 'embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| put ladder under tree reward: 0 hint: ['take broken', 'get in railing', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put broken down', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'push railing to church', 'put church under broken', 'put ashes under church', 'put trees under church', 'put weeds under church', 'put sky under church', 'put path under church', 'put rain under church', 'put mud under church', 'put steeple under church', 'put south under church', 'put window under church', 'put northeast under church', 'put northwest under church', 'put north under church', 'put driveway under church'] state: You lean the length of railing against the side of the oak tree. description: Front of the Church inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| climb ladder reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'get in railing', 'north', 'put church down', 'put broken down', 'put large black book down', 'put branch down', 'put ashes down', 'put railing down', 'put stopper down', 'put hill down', 'put weeds down', 'put rain down', 'put grimoire down', 'put storm down', 'put trees down', 'put frame down', 'put steeple down', 'put robe down', 'put north down', 'put mud down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'push railing to church', 'put church under broken', 'put broken under church', 'put large black book under church', 'put branch under church', 'put ashes under church', 'put railing under church', 'put stopper under church', 'put hill under church', 'put weeds under church', 'put rain under church', 'put grimoire under church', 'put storm under church', 'put trees under church', 'put frame under church', 'put steeple under church', 'put robe under church', 'put north under church', 'put mud under church'] state: You carefully climb up the length of railing, using the pickets like a ladder.
Top of Oak Tree
The limbs of the tree are swaying violently from the storm, but near the trunk it is a little more stable. You have an excellent view from here of the church grounds and surrounding area. The church seems to be in a clearing on a hill surrounded by a forest. At the base of the hill a small town can be seen, its lights glimmering faintly through the storm.
One of the branches of the tree reaches out to the north towards the steeple of the church. An open frame can be seen in the steeple near where the branch ends.
The steeple of the church looms to the north.
The broken length of railing is propped up against a nearby branch. description: Top of Oak Tree inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'tie rope', 'take rope', 'push bell', 'get in rope', 'put large black book down', 'put rope down', 'put branch down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put heavy down', 'put bell down', 'put grimoire down', 'put beams down', 'put storm down', 'put hill down', 'drop floor', 'put robe down', 'put trees down', 'put debris down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'tie rope to floor', 'push rope to large black book', 'put large black book under rope', 'put branch under large black book', 'put ashes under large black book', 'put limb under large black book', 'put heavy under large black book', 'put bell under large black book', 'put grimoire under large black book', 'put beams under large black book', 'put storm under large black book', 'put hill under large black book', 'put floor under large black book', 'put robe under large black book', 'put trees under large black book', 'put debris under large black book', 'south'] state:
A massive bell hangs here, from a damaged mount.
A heavy rope is attached to the bell and hangs through the beams to the room below. description: Belfry inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| push bell reward: 10 hint: ['jump', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put hill down', 'put beams down', 'put stopper down', 'put branch down', 'drop floor', 'put ashes down', 'put robe down', 'put storm down', 'put grimoire down', 'put trees down', 'put debris down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'put limb under large black book', 'put large black book under limb', 'put hill under limb', 'put beams under limb', 'put stopper under limb', 'put branch under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put storm under limb', 'put grimoire under limb', 'put trees under limb', 'put debris under limb', 'south'] state: You shove against the bell. For a few seconds, the support takes the strain. Then, with a loud cracking noise, the bell tears loose from the beam and falls from the steeple. You hear the sound of splintering wood from below and then duck aside as the splintered remains of the door are pulled past you and out the open window. A metallic crash is heard from the ground outside.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Belfry inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'get in railing', 'north', 'put church down', 'put broken down', 'put large black book down', 'put branch down', 'put ashes down', 'put railing down', 'put stopper down', 'put hill down', 'put weeds down', 'put rain down', 'put grimoire down', 'put storm down', 'put trees down', 'put frame down', 'put steeple down', 'put robe down', 'put north down', 'put mud down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'push railing to church', 'put church under broken', 'put broken under church', 'put large black book under church', 'put branch under church', 'put ashes under church', 'put railing under church', 'put stopper under church', 'put hill under church', 'put weeds under church', 'put rain under church', 'put grimoire under church', 'put storm under church', 'put trees under church', 'put frame under church', 'put steeple under church', 'put robe under church', 'put north under church', 'put mud under church'] state:
Top of Oak Tree
The steeple of the church looms to the north.
The broken length of railing is propped up against a nearby branch.
A blast of thunder rattles the ground. description: Top of Oak Tree inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take broken', 'get in railing', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put broken down', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'push railing to church', 'put church under broken', 'put ashes under church', 'put trees under church', 'put bell under church', 'put mud under church', 'put weeds under church', 'put sky under church', 'put path under church', 'put rain under church', 'put steeple under church', 'put south under church', 'put window under church', 'put northeast under church', 'put northwest under church', 'put north under church', 'put driveway under church'] state:
Front of the Church
The church and steeple loom to the north, the open window frames seeming to stare with judgment upon anyone standing before it.
The heavy chain stretches from one of the oak trees and around the corner of the church to the northwest.
A broken bell lies half-buried in the mud.
The broken length of railing is propped up against the side of the oak tree. description: Front of the Church inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| get ladder reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put railing down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put church under large black book', 'put ashes under church', 'put trees under church', 'put bell under church', 'put mud under church', 'put weeds under church', 'put sky under church', 'put path under church', 'put railing under trees', 'put rain under church', 'put steeple under church', 'put south under church', 'put window under church', 'put northeast under church', 'put northwest under church', 'put north under church', 'put driveway under church'] state: Taken. description: Front of the Church inventory: ['broken length of railing', 'embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put stopper down', 'put ashes down', 'put railing down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put rain under limb', 'put windows under rain', 'put ashes under rain', 'put wind under rain', 'put weeds under rain', 'put mud under rain', 'put south under rain', 'put steeple under rain', 'north'] state:
Church Porch description: Church Porch inventory: ['broken length of railing', 'embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put stopper down', 'put ashes down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put dirt under limb', 'put windows under limb', 'put ceiling under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put railing under ceiling', 'north', 'south'] state:
The building shudders under a sudden gust of wind. description: Vestibule inventory: ['broken length of railing', 'embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| put ladder under trap reward: 0 hint: ['take broken', 'get in railing', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put stopper down', 'put ashes down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'push railing to limb', 'put dirt under limb', 'put windows under limb', 'put ceiling under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'north', 'south'] state: You carefully place the length of railing under the trap door in the ceiling. description: Vestibule inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| climb ladder reward: 0 hint: ['get in railing', 'north', 'put limb down', 'put heavy down', 'put ashes down', 'put large black book down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'push railing to limb', 'put railing under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put north under limb', 'put door under limb', 'put debris under limb'] state: You carefully climb up the length of railing, using the pickets like a ladder.
Steeple Chamber
A gaping splintered opening lies to the north.
The top of the broken section of railing is visible sticking up through the trap door in the floor. description: Steeple Chamber inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| n |
|start_header_id| zork3 91 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: Time passes...
description: LShadow inventory: ['vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: Time passes...
description: LShadow inventory: ['vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: Time passes...
description: LShadow inventory: ['vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: Time passes...
description: LShadow inventory: ['vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: Time passes...
You can hear quiet footsteps nearby.
description: LShadow inventory: ['vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: Time passes...
description: LShadow inventory: ['vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: Time passes...
description: LShadow inventory: ['vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: Time passes...
description: LShadow inventory: ['vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: Time passes...
description: LShadow inventory: ['vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: Time passes...
description: LShadow inventory: ['vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| WAIT reward: 1 hint: ['look around sword', 'ask figure', 'turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'drink from vial', 'put down sword', 'put down chest', 'put down key', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'play figure', 'put key in chest', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put hood in chest', 'put cloak in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'southeast'] state: Time passes...
Through the shadows, a cloaked and hooded figure appears before you, blocking the northeastern exit from the room and carrying a brightly glowing sword.
From nowhere, the sword from the junction appears in your hand, wildly glowing!
description: LShadow inventory: ['sword', 'vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| KILL FIGURE WITH SWORD reward: 1 hint: ['look around sword', 'turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down sword', 'put down chest', 'put down key', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'play figure', 'put key in chest', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put hood in chest', 'put cloak in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'southeast'] state: A quick stroke catches the hooded figure off guard! Blood trickles down the figure's arm!
The figure has a light wound which hasn't affected its seemingly great strength.
You dodge as the hooded figure comes in low.
description: LShadow inventory: ['sword', 'vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| KILL FIGURE WITH SWORD reward: 0 hint: ['look around sword', 'turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down sword', 'put down chest', 'put down key', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down all', 'hit sword with figure', 'open vial', 'play figure', 'put key in chest', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put hood in chest', 'put cloak in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'southeast'] state: Your move was not quick enough and misses the mark.
The hooded figure stabs nonchalantly with its sword and misses.
description: LShadow inventory: ['sword', 'vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| KILL FIGURE WITH SWORD reward: 0 hint: ['look around sword', 'turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down sword', 'put down chest', 'put down key', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down all', 'hit sword with figure', 'open vial', 'play figure', 'put key in chest', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put hood in chest', 'put cloak in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'southeast'] state: A quick stroke, but the hooded figure is on guard.
You are wounded by a lightning thrust!
description: LShadow inventory: ['sword', 'vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| KILL FIGURE WITH SWORD reward: 0 hint: ['look around sword', 'turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down sword', 'put down chest', 'put down key', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down all', 'hit sword with figure', 'open vial', 'play figure', 'put key in chest', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put hood in chest', 'put cloak in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'southeast'] state: The hooded figure is hit with a quick slash!
The figure has some wounds and is probably not capable of hindering your movement.
You dodge as the hooded figure comes in low.
description: LShadow inventory: ['sword', 'vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| KILL FIGURE WITH SWORD reward: 0 hint: ['look around sword', 'turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down sword', 'put down chest', 'put down key', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down all', 'hit sword with figure', 'open vial', 'play figure', 'put key in chest', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put hood in chest', 'put cloak in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'southeast'] state: A good parry! Your sword wounds the hooded figure!
The figure is hurt, and its strength appears to be fading.
The hooded figure attempts a thrust, but its weakened state prevents hitting you.
description: LShadow inventory: ['sword', 'vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| KILL FIGURE WITH SWORD reward: 0 hint: ['look around sword', 'turn off torch', 'take hood', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down sword', 'put down chest', 'put down key', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down all', 'hit sword with figure', 'open vial', 'play figure', 'put key in chest', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put hood in chest', 'put cloak in chest', 'hit figure with sword', 'light staff with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'southeast'] state: The hooded figure is hit with a quick slash!
The figure appears to be badly hurt and defenseless.
The hooded figure attempts a thrust, but its weakened state prevents hitting you.
description: LShadow inventory: ['sword', 'vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| REMOVE HOOD reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down sword', 'put down hood', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'put hood in chest', 'put cloak in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: You slowly remove the hood from your badly wounded opponent and recoil in horror at the sight of your own face, weary and wounded. A faint smile comes to the lips and then the face starts to change, very slowly, into that of an old, wizened person. The image fades and with it the body of your hooded opponent. The cloak remains on the ground.
description: LShadow inventory: ['hood', 'sword', 'vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| DROP SWORD reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'take cloak', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down hood', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'put hood in chest', 'put cloak in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: Dropped.
description: LShadow inventory: ['hood', 'vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| GET CLOAK reward: 0 hint: ['turn off torch', 'west', 'close chest', 'put down staff', 'put down amulet', 'put down torch', 'put down magic', 'put down vial', 'put down key', 'put down chest', 'put down hood', 'put down cloak', 'put down all', 'open vial', 'put amulet in chest', 'put vial in chest', 'put key in chest', 'put hood in chest', 'put cloak in chest', 'light staff with torch', 'light magic with torch', 'put all in chest', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast'] state: You are now wearing the cloak.
description: LShadow inventory: ['cloak', 'hood', 'vial', 'chest', 'staff', 'torch', 'key', 'Frobozz Magic Grue Repellent', 'golden amulet'] |action| NE |
|start_header_id| reverb 39 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'take bomb', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'push bomb to northeast', 'examine note', 'throw box', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'push note to counter', 'push bomb to box', 'push bomb to counter'] state: You flip open the pizza box... AND THERE'S A BOMB INSIDE!!!!! description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| get bomb reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'get in northeast', 'take note', 'put box down', 'put bomb down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'examine note', 'push note to northeast', 'put box on counter', 'put bomb on counter', 'put key on counter', 'put all on counter', 'put bomb in box', 'put key in box', 'push note to box', 'push note to counter'] state: Taken. description: Pizza Parlor inventory: ['bomb', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine box', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put box down', 'put bomb down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw bomb', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'put all on east', 'put bomb in box', 'put bomb in vent', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about east', 'throw box against people'] state:
Street, by Pizza Parlor description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['bomb', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| put bomb in sewer reward: 5 hint: ['examine east', 'examine box', 'north', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on east', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'east', 'west', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say east to people', 'ask people about east', 'ask people for east', 'put key in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about east', 'throw box against people'] state: Thinking fast, you deposit the bomb in the sewer duct. Moments later, you breathe a sigh of relief as you hear a quiet splash. No doubt you've saved yourself and the city from certain destruction.
An absolutely massive explosion rocks the ground beneath your feet. Buildings tremble all around you and the pavement lurches sickeningly. After a moment the shockwaves die down, but you still feel an occasional tremor. Seems like you might have triggered some sort of geological disaster.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Street, by Pizza Parlor inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine south', 'examine store', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on people', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'hit people', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say store to people', 'ask people about store', 'ask people for store', 'put key in box', 'give people box', 'tell people about store', 'throw box against people', 'west'] state:
Street, by Department Store
On this end of the street, a department store called Barkley's sits to the south. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'wake clerk', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'get in southeast', 'get in southwest', 'kiss clerk', 'hit clerk', 'say box to clerk', 'ask clerk about box', 'ask clerk for box', 'put key in box', 'give clerk box', 'tell clerk about box', 'throw box against clerk'] state:
Clothing Department
You are in the clothing department at Barkley's. There are many racks of clothes here. You may exit to the north. To the southwest lies the hardware department, and southeast is the cosmetics department.
You can see a store clerk here. description: Clothing Department inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss other', 'hit other', 'say bunch of cosmetic stuff to other', 'ask other about bunch of cosmetic stuff', 'ask other for west', 'put key in box', 'give thug box', 'tell other about bunch of cosmetic stuff', 'throw box against other'] state:
As you enter the cosmetics department, a big thug steps out of the shadows. Making a mocking bow in your direction, the thug says: "Greetings. I am Sammy 'The Inhospitable' Toriglioni, and I will be joining you for your dying pleasure this afternoon." He pulls a gun out of his suit coat and bounces it lightly in one hand.
Cosmetics Department
The shelves are lined with bottles of perfume, cologne, hairspray, and other cosmetic paraphernalia. [You know, an adventure game just isn't complete if it doesn't use the word "paraphernalia."] You can go northwest to the clothing department, or west to the hardware department.
You can see a thug here. description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['small pizza box', 'key'] |action| get spray reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss other', 'take hairspray', 'hit other', 'spray other', 'say hairspray to other', 'ask other about hairspray', 'ask other for hairspray', 'hit other with hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'give thug hairspray', 'tell other about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against other'] state: Taken.
The building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides.
"SO, ya wanted to be a hero, kid? I'd say your future as the Lone Ranger isn't looking too promising." description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| spray thug reward: 5 hint: ['examine hairspray', 'wake other', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss other', 'take hairspray', 'hit other', 'say hairspray to other', 'ask other about hairspray', 'ask other for hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'give thug hairspray', 'tell other about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against other'] state: You spritz the thug right in the face. He is so totally surprised to have you actually fight back that he takes the shot right in the eyes and winces, momentarily unabled to fight back. He's not down yet, but this might be a good time to finish him off.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| kick thug reward: 0 hint: ['examine hairspray', 'wake other', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'west', 'kiss other', 'take hairspray', 'say hairspray to other', 'ask other about hairspray', 'ask other for hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'show thug hairspray', 'give thug hairspray', 'tell other about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against other', 'northwest'] state: You give him a kick to the stomach, and a passable imitation of a karate chop on the back. Normally this wouldn't have worked, but since he was temporarily blinded, he never saw you coming. He collapses on the floor, momentarily winded. This would be a great time for you to get out.
The building you are in shakes ominously under the force of the earthquake. You lean up against a wall until it subsides. description: Cosmetics Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'get in southeast', 'get in southwest', 'north', 'take hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box'] state: Doubled over in pain, the thug is powerless to stop your retreat.
Clothing Department description: Clothing Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine bottle of hairspray', 'examine hairspray', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on south', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'take hairspray', 'throw hairspray', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say hairspray to people', 'ask people about hairspray', 'ask people for hairspray', 'put all on south', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'show people hairspray', 'give people hairspray', 'tell people about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against people', 'west'] state: The clerk seems to have been knocked out and dragged somewhere by the thug on his entrance. You brazenly walk out with your shoplifted item.
Street, by Department Store
A police car drives by. You press yourself against a wall until it goes by.
The ground trembles under your feet. It feels like an earthquake might be in progress.
Okay, let's recap the story so far. Your afternoon got off to an interesting start when you foiled an escape attempt by Guido "The Armadillo" Calzone. This heroic-but-not-terribly-bright action brought down the wrath of the local mafia down on you, who tried to assassinate you inside a department store. They also left a "special delivery" for you which started an earthquake. You were also responsible for uncovering the illicit activities of the corrupt mayor, who then sent every cop and trooper in the area to take care of you. So, you're hounded by the police, wanted dead by the mob, and trying to cope with a massive earthquake.
As you step outside, you can see that the people of the town have succumbed to the general chaos of the environment, and now the town of San Doppleton is marred by heavy rioting. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine bottle of hairspray', 'examine hairspray', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on south', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'take hairspray', 'throw hairspray', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say hairspray to people', 'ask people about hairspray', 'ask people for hairspray', 'put all on south', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'show people hairspray', 'give people hairspray', 'tell people about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against people', 'west'] state: Time passes. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine bottle of hairspray', 'examine hairspray', 'south', 'pronouns', 'wake people', 'put on south', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'take hairspray', 'throw hairspray', 'throw box', 'throw key', 'say hairspray to people', 'ask people about hairspray', 'ask people for hairspray', 'put all on south', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'put all in box', 'show people hairspray', 'give people hairspray', 'tell people about hairspray', 'throw hairspray against people', 'west'] state: Time passes.
Someone rushes out of Barkley's carrying a TV set.
The ground trembles under your feet. It feels like an earthquake might be in progress. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'get in southeast', 'get in southwest', 'take hairspray', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box'] state:
Clothing Department description: Clothing Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take rope', 'take hammer', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'east', 'take all', 'take hairspray', 'throw rope', 'throw hammer', 'put hairspray in box', 'put key in box', 'push rope to hairspray', 'push rope to box', 'push hammer to hairspray', 'push hammer to box', 'northeast'] state:
Hardware Department
You are in the hardware department at Barkley's. There are tools all over the place. You can go northeast to the clothing department, or east to the cosmetics department.
The place is filled with debris from the riots. Lying on the ground you see a rope and a hammer which have been randomly flung off the shelves. description: Hardware Department inventory: ['bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| take hammer reward: 0 hint: ['take rope', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put hammer down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'east', 'take hairspray', 'take hammer', 'throw rope', 'put hairspray in box', 'put hammer in box', 'put key in box', 'push rope to hairspray', 'push rope to box', 'northeast'] state: Taken. description: Hardware Department inventory: ['hammer', 'bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| take rope reward: 2 hint: ['put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put hammer down', 'put rope down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'east', 'take hairspray', 'take hammer', 'put hairspray in box', 'put hammer in box', 'put rope in box', 'put key in box', 'northeast'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Hardware Department inventory: ['rope', 'hammer', 'bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put hairspray down', 'put box down', 'put hammer down', 'put rope down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'get in southeast', 'get in southwest', 'take hairspray', 'take hammer', 'put hairspray in box', 'put hammer in box', 'put rope in box', 'put key in box'] state:
Clothing Department description: Clothing Department inventory: ['rope', 'hammer', 'bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine south', 'examine box', 'south', 'put all on south', 'wake people', 'put on south', 'put box down', 'put rope down', 'put key down', 'put hairspray down', 'put hammer down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'kiss people', 'take rope', 'take hairspray', 'throw box', 'throw rope', 'throw key', 'throw hairspray', 'throw hammer', 'say box to people', 'ask people about box', 'ask people for box', 'put all on box', 'put rope in box', 'put key in box', 'put hairspray in box', 'put hammer in box', 'put all in box', 'show people box', 'give people box', 'tell people about box', 'throw box against people', 'west'] state:
Street, by Department Store
Someone rushes out of Barkley's carrying a TV set. description: Street, by Department Store inventory: ['rope', 'hammer', 'bottle of hairspray', 'small pizza box', 'key'] |action| w |
|start_header_id| spirit 57 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take copy', 'take off amulet', 'cast a', 'west', 'put holy down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine a', 'examine all', 'put holy on shelves', 'put book on shelves', 'put pallet on shelves', 'put sand on shelves', 'put all on shelves'] state: "Let not the ways of the mortal life dissuade the knowledge of higher and lower planes of existence.
For, beyond mortal reach are places where those who have truly served the Order and those who have truly forsaken the Harmony of Balance will find themselves in death. These are the Ethereal Plane of Atrii and the plane of the damned -- Hades." description: Monastery Library inventory: ['holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'take into northeast', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put amulet down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all'] state:
Hallway (second floor, east) description: Hway (secondoreast) inventory: ['holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'east', 'take into floor', 'put pallet down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all'] state:
Hallway (second floor, west) description: Hway (secondorwest) inventory: ['holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'east', 'west', 'put pallet down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'up', 'down'] state:
Hallway (west end) description: Hway (west end) inventory: ['holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'east', 'put pallet down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'up'] state:
Hallway (basement)
You are in a hallway in the Monastery basement. The hallway continues to the east, and stairs lead upwards. description: Hway (basement) inventory: ['holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put pallet down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all'] state:
You are in the Refectory, the general dining area for members of the Order. You grimace at the lingering scent of Brother Pufpistery's favorite dish -- Borphbelly stew. Several large oak tables and benches adorn this otherwise bare room. An exit lies to the west, the kitchen is to the north, and another exit lies to the east. description: Refectory inventory: ['holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take scrap', 'take off amulet', 'south', 'put amulet down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'put amulet in cauldron', 'put amulet on table', 'put book in cauldron', 'put book on table', 'put pallet in cauldron', 'put pallet on table', 'put sand in cauldron', 'put sand on table', 'put all in cauldron', 'put all on table'] state:
Monastery Kitchen
You are in Brother Pufpistery's domain -- the dreaded acolyte kitchen. A huge soup cauldron sits unused nearby. The refectory is south.
You can see a preparing table (on which is a scrap of paper) here. description: Monastery Kitchen inventory: ['holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| read paper reward: 0 hint: ['take scrap', 'take off amulet', 'south', 'put amulet down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'put amulet in cauldron', 'put amulet on table', 'put book in cauldron', 'put book on table', 'put pallet in cauldron', 'put pallet on table', 'put sand in cauldron', 'put sand on table', 'put all in cauldron', 'put all on table'] state: It's a recipe torn from an issue of "Better Homes and Caverns":
-- 1 small sack of flour
-- 1 large sugar cube
-- 1 packet of baking powder
-- 1 stick butter
-- 1 large corbie egg
-- Dornberries, to taste
Mix the ingredients together. Fold the resulting mixture the correct number of times (a single gloth spell should do the trick). Bake in a GUE Automatic oven on the "cake" setting.
Guildmaster Sneffle claims that "the dornberries are the secret to making a cake even the King would be impressed with." He also notes that "improper folding of the dough will produce very poor results." description: Monastery Kitchen inventory: ['holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put pallet down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all'] state:
Refectory description: Refectory inventory: ['holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take sack', 'take off amulet', 'push barrel', 'west', 'put amulet down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'eat sack', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'put amulet on barrel', 'put book on barrel', 'put pallet on barrel', 'put sand on barrel', 'put all on barrel'] state:
You are in a small cramped storeroom, stocked with various crates and barrels of foodstuffs. The refectory is west.
You can see a large barrel (on which is a sack of flour) here. description: Storeroom inventory: ['holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| take flour reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'push barrel', 'west', 'put amulet down', 'put sack down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'put amulet on barrel', 'put sack on barrel', 'put book on barrel', 'put pallet on barrel', 'put sand on barrel', 'put all on barrel'] state: Taken. description: Storeroom inventory: ['sackur', 'holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| move barrel reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'close trapdoor', 'west', 'put amulet down', 'put sack down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'open trapdoor', 'examine all', 'put amulet on barrel', 'put sack on barrel', 'put book on barrel', 'put pallet on barrel', 'put sand on barrel', 'put all on barrel'] state: Well whaddya know, a trapdoor... description: Storeroom inventory: ['sackur', 'holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| open trapdoor reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'close trapdoor', 'take into trapdoor', 'west', 'put amulet down', 'put sack down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'open trapdoor', 'examine all', 'put amulet on barrel', 'put sack on barrel', 'put book on barrel', 'put pallet on barrel', 'put sand on barrel', 'put all on barrel'] state: You open the trapdoor. description: Storeroom inventory: ['sackur', 'holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put pallet down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put sack down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all'] state:
Refectory description: Refectory inventory: ['sackur', 'holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'east', 'put pallet down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put sack down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'up'] state:
Hallway (basement) description: Hway (basement) inventory: ['sackur', 'holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| u reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'east', 'west', 'put amulet down', 'put sack down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'up', 'down'] state:
Hallway (west end) description: Hway (west end) inventory: ['sackur', 'holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'east', 'west', 'put amulet down', 'put sack down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all'] state:
Monastery Gardens description: Monastery Gardens inventory: ['sackur', 'holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off amulet', 'south', 'east', 'north', 'put amulet down', 'put sack down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all'] state:
Cloister Walkway description: Cloister Walkway inventory: ['sackur', 'holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'take off amulet', 'north', 'put amulet down', 'put sack down', 'put book down', 'put pallet down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all'] state:
Entrance Hall
This is the large entrance hall to the Monastery. Many a devoted visitor has passed through this place. There is an exit to the outside world to the south, and the rest of the Monastery lies to the north. description: Entrance H inventory: ['sackur', 'holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take off amulet', 'south', 'east', 'put pallet down', 'put book down', 'put amulet down', 'put sack down', 'put sand down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine all'] state: You are surprised by a cold blast of wind as you leave the Monastery!
Cliff Face
You are standing near the top of a snowy mountain peak. The wind is quite cold and is making your teeth chatter. The general vicinity is mostly snow and rock; however, the entrance into the Monastery is to the north, all but hidden from view by the enormous slabs of snow-covered rock that make up the cliff face. There is a rough but obvious trail leading down the mountain to the south. There is also another trail that winds even further up the mountain peak almost hidden in the snow to the east. description: Cliff Face inventory: ['sackur', 'holy amulet', 's', 'sleepllet', 'prayer book'] |action| drop all |
|start_header_id| reverb 10 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['wake jill', 'put box down', 'north', 'kiss jill', 'hit jill', 'examine jill', 'open box', 'say box to jill', 'ask jill about box', 'ask defense attorney for box', 'show jill box', 'show defendant box', 'give jill box', 'give defendant box', 'tell jill about box', 'throw box against jill'] state: Time passes.
"Your honor, I wish you would reconsider," says Jill. "The defendant has a long history of disappearances, and it is counsel's opinion that he will not be around in a week to stand trial. I recommend transporting him to a more secure prison." description: Courthouse inventory: ['large pizza box'] |action| open pizza box reward: 0 hint: ['wake guido', 'put box down', 'close box', 'north', 'eat pizza', 'kiss guido', 'push pizza to guido', 'hit guido', 'examine jill', 'look in pizza', 'open box', 'say box to guido', 'ask guido about box', 'ask guido for box', 'take pizza off box', 'push pizza to box', 'show guido box', 'show jill box', 'give guido box', 'give jill box', 'tell guido about box', 'throw box against guido'] state: You flip open the pizza box, revealing a large pizza.
"Your opinion is duly noted, Miss Thompson," says the judge sarcastically. "But the fact is, the 'long history' you refer to is based on hearsay. Now, I recommend you gather some solid evidence when you prepare for the trial, because the minimal research you've obviously done won't be enough to convict the defendant." description: Courthouse inventory: ['large pizza box'] |action| search pizza reward: 2 hint: ['wake jill', 'put box down', 'put file down', 'put all down', 'close box', 'north', 'kiss jill', 'push pizza to file', 'hit jill', 'examine file', 'examine jill', 'open box', 'say box to jill', 'ask jill about box', 'ask defense attorney for box', 'take pizza off box', 'push pizza to box', 'show jill box', 'show jill file', 'give jill box', 'give jill file', 'tell jill about box', 'throw box against jill', 'throw file against jill'] state: Digging through layers of cheese, you discover and confiscate a metal file.
Jill tries desperately to convince the judge that Guido "The Armadillo" Calzone plans to escape, but it's obvious she won't get anywhere without more evidence.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Courthouse inventory: ['metal file', 'large pizza box'] |action| show file to district attorney reward: 5 hint: ['north'] state: Jill looks astonished when you tell her where you found the file. She marches smartly up to the stand and shows this new evidence to the judge, who can't argue with her logic. He orders Guido into a maximum security prison pending further review.
As the courtroom clears out, the bailiff drags Guido past you. With intense calm, Guido looks you right in the eye and says, "That was a mistake, my friend. It don't pay to mess with The Family.
"I believe THIS belongs to me," he adds, ungraciously snatching the pizza box from your hands on the way out.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Courthouse inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'north', 'south', 'pronouns', 'put on west', 'west', 'east'] state: Jill is here.
Jill approaches and shakes your hand warmly. "That was a brilliant work in there, kid. If it hadn't been for you, Guido might have escaped from jail." Seeing your blank look, she says, "My name Jill Thompson. I'm San Doppleton's District Attorney. For the past four years, I've been pursuing this local mafia branch, trying to bring some serious legal action down on them. These guys seem to own everything in town, and they already know me by sight. So I can't find any more clues before the trial but you can. Please try dig up whatever information you can, I'll be up in my office if you need me. I work at Gunther & Associates. It's on the third floor of that tall building over there, you can't miss it."
Jill walks away to the west.
Street, Near Courthouse description: Street, Near Courthouse inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['examine east', 'examine rider', 'west', 'pronouns', 'wake rider', 'put on rider', 'east', 'kiss rider', 'hit rider', 'say east to rider', 'ask rider about east', 'ask rider for east', 'tell rider about east'] state:
You are in downtown San Doppleton. The street coming from the east ends at a three-story office building to the west.
A guy in a business suit walks past you. description: Downtown inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'north'] state:
Office Building
You are in an office building. The exit to the street is east. There is also a flight of stairs heading up to the north.
There are fronds on either side of the exit on the east. description: Office Building inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'kiss other', 'say east to other', 'ask other about east'] state: The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge south.
Office Building, Second Floor
To the east you can see an office door labelled "Gunther & Associates"; other than that, the office doors on this floor are pretty unremarkable. The stairs go up to the south and down to the north. description: Office Building, Second Floor inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['wake attorney', 'put key down', 'kiss attorney', 'hit attorney', 'say window to attorney', 'ask attorney about window', 'give attorney key', 'tell attorney about window', 'throw key against attorney', 'west'] state:
Law Office
You are in a bustling law office. The east wall is dominated by a large window.
Jill stands here.
As you walk into the office, Jill spots you. "Hi!" she says. "Listen, Stan. I have reason to believe that the Mayor is tangled up in the mafia. I managed to use some connections to get this key. It unlocks the mayor's cabinet." She hands you a key. "I'd use it myself, but I already have several eyes on me at all times. They know me." description: Law Office inventory: ['key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['wake other', 'put other down', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'kiss other', 'say east to other', 'ask other about east'] state:
Office Building, Second Floor description: Office Building, Second Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close door', 'east', 'south', 'north'] state: The stairs angle up and back, and you emerge north.
Office Building, Third Floor
To the east is a door labelled "John Winnick, Mayor of San Doppleton". The stairs go up to the north and down to the south. description: Office Building, Third Floor inventory: ['key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open story', 'open cabinet with key'] state:
Mayor's Office
You are in the mayor's office. To the east is a window overlooking a second-story drop. There is a glass box mounted on the north wall.
You can see a file cabinet (which is closed) here. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| open window reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open story', 'open cabinet with key'] state: You open up the window. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| unlock cabinet with key reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'hit story', 'open cabinet', 'open story', 'lock cabinet with key'] state: You unlock the file cabinet. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| open cabinet reward: 0 hint: ['take file', 'put key down', 'close cabinet', 'close story', 'close door', 'west', 'push file to east', 'hit story', 'open story', 'take file off cabinet', 'put key in cabinet', 'push file to cabinet'] state: You open the mayor's file cabinet. A massive quantity of paperwork is in there. Amongst the paper you see a particular file which looks suspicious. description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['key'] |action| get file reward: 3 hint: ['wake lackey', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'put all down', 'close cabinet', 'close story', 'close door', 'get in story', 'get in door', 'kiss lackey', 'hit story', 'open story', 'say east to mayor', 'ask lackey about east', 'ask mayor for east', 'put file in cabinet', 'put key in cabinet', 'put all in cabinet', 'give mayor file', 'tell lackey about east', 'throw file against lackey'] state: You smugly retrieve the file.
Just are you're starting to feel disappointed about how easy it was to search around in the mayor's secret files, you hear a commotion out in the hall. Suddenly, you find yourself staring into the shifty face of Mayor Winnick himself. He quickly assesses the situation and makes a curt gesture. In walks a very large, very ugly lackey, who begins to approach with a nasty look in his eye.
The henchman approaches with a mean gleam in his eye. It is highly recommended that you find an escape route.
[Your score has just gone up by three points.] description: Mayor's Office inventory: ['secret file', 'key'] |action| jump out window reward: 5 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: Desperately looking for a way out, you climb out the open window. You find yourself dangling from the window sill over a three-story drop.
Hangin' Out
You are dangling over a three-story drop, desperately clutching the window ledge with your fingertips. And as if that weren't bad enough, a very angry mayor and a very large security guard are inside, and they're both very eager to get rid of you.
Your feet are just low enough to touch the window on the next floor below you.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey congratulating each other on getting rid of you.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| kick second window reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: You frantically kick on the window below you, hoping that somebody will hear.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
There seems to be some activity in the room on the second story. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'pronouns', 'put on floor', 'put key down', 'put file down', 'throw key', 'throw file', 'put all on second story window'] state: Time passes.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
The window down below is opening. description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine floor', 'examine third story window', 'put sill down', 'pronouns', 'examine window', 'wake jill', 'put on floor', 'put file down', 'put key down', 'kiss jill', 'hit jill', 'throw file', 'throw key', 'say third story window to jill', 'ask jill about third story window', 'ask jill for third story window', 'put all on jill', 'give jill file', 'tell jill about third story window', 'throw sill against jill'] state: Time passes.
Inside the window, you hear the mayor and the lackey engaged in low conversation, too quiet for you to hear.
Somebody sticks their head out of the second story window... by god, it's Jill! description: Hangin' Out inventory: ['window sill', 'secret file', 'key'] |action| jill, hold me |
|start_header_id| wishbringer 55 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look river', 'look dead', 'look all', 'take branch', 'take off can', 'put down note', 'put down coin', 'put down can', 'put down all', 'look around trunk', 'look around north', 'look at river throug trunk', 'look at river throug dead', 'put note down bank', 'put coin down bank', 'throw can at branch', 'put can down bank', 'throw can at north', 'throw all at branch', 'put all down bank', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at can', 'throw all at north', 'push branch river', 'open river with can', 'west'] state: Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to the ground with a thud. Visibly annoyed, the vulture spreads its wings and soars away over the river.
description: Cliff Bottom inventory: ['metal can', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET IT reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look river', 'look dead', 'look all', 'look at river throug trunk', 'take off can', 'put down note', 'put down coin', 'put down can', 'put down branch', 'put down dead', 'put down all', 'look around trunk', 'look around north', 'look at river throug dead', 'put note behind dead', 'put note down bank', 'put coin down bank', 'throw can at coin', 'put can down bank', 'throw can at north', 'put dead down bank', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down bank', 'throw all at can', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at north', 'throw all at cliff', 'open river with can', 'west'] state: Taken.
description: Cliff Bottom inventory: ['dead branch', 'metal can', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look toll', 'look all', 'take off can', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'put down can', 'put down branch', 'put down violet', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug can', 'look at toll throug all', 'give violet toll', 'give troll can', 'give troll branch', 'give troll coin', 'throw can at bridge', 'throw can at west', 'throw all at can', 'throw all at bridge', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at west', 'open toll with can', 'open toll with branch', 'east'] state: North of Bridge
This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of the river.
A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the closed gate.
Standing near the toll gate is an ugly, gnomelike creature. A less original story would probably refer to it as a troll.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['dead branch', 'metal can', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| OPEN CAN reward: 3 hint: ['north', 'look toll', 'look all', 'take can', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'close can', 'put down branch', 'put down violet', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug can', 'look at toll throug all', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw violet at toll', 'throw coin at toll', 'throw all at toll', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'push can river', 'open toll with branch', 'east'] state: Yow! When you open the can a real, live rattlesnake leaps out! It squirms about angrily for a few moments, turns to hiss at you and slithers out of sight.
The metal can clatters to the ground.
A scream of terror echoes off the cliffs as the troll runs away across the covered bridge.
(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 27 out of 100.)
description: North Bridge inventory: ['dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET CAN reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look toll', 'look all', 'take off false', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'close can', 'put down can', 'put down branch', 'put down violet', 'put down coin', 'drop all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug can', 'look at toll throug all', 'throw can at toll', 'throw can at west', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw violet at toll', 'throw coin at toll', 'open toll with can', 'open false with can', 'east'] state: Taken.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['metal can', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| SQUEEZE IT reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look violet', 'look toll', 'look all', 'look at toll throug can', 'take violet', 'take stone', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'put down violet', 'put down can', 'put down branch', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug violet', 'put violet behind toll', 'throw violet at toll', 'throw can at violet', 'throw can at toll', 'throw branch at violet', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw coin at violet', 'throw coin at toll', 'throw all at violet', 'throw all at toll', 'throw all at can', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'push stone river', 'push violet to river', 'open toll with can', 'east'] state: The false bottom is wedged tightly into the metal can. You might be able to loosen it by squeezing harder... harder!...
Pop! A small stone drops out of the squashed can and lands at your feet.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['squashed can', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| DROP CAN reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look violet', 'look toll', 'look all', 'look at toll throug can', 'take violet', 'take can', 'take stone', 'take all', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'put down violet', 'put down branch', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug violet', 'put violet behind toll', 'throw violet at toll', 'throw branch at violet', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw coin at violet', 'throw coin at toll', 'throw all at violet', 'throw all at toll', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'push can river', 'push stone river', 'push violet to river', 'open toll with branch', 'east'] state: Dropped.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET WISHBRINGER reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'look violet', 'look toll', 'look all', 'take can', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'put down branch', 'put down coin', 'put down stone', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug violet', 'look at toll throug can', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw coin at toll', 'throw stone at toll', 'put stone down river', 'throw note at toll', 'throw all at toll', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at stone', 'push can river', 'open toll with branch', 'east'] state: Taken.
(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 32 out of 100.)
As your fingers close around the small stone it begins to glow with an eerie violet-white radiance.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| OPEN GATE reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look violet', 'look toll', 'look all', 'take out toll', 'take can', 'look path', 'pull down toll', 'put down branch', 'put down coin', 'put down stone', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug violet', 'look at toll throug can', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw coin at toll', 'throw stone at toll', 'put stone down river', 'throw note at toll', 'throw all at toll', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at stone', 'push can river', 'south', 'east'] state: Okay, the toll gate is now open.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look river', 'look violet', 'look all', 'put down small', 'put down dead', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around small', 'look at river throug small', 'look at river throug violet', 'put small down river', 'throw small at stone', 'throw dead at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw note at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at bridge', 'throw all at dead', 'throw all at coin', 'north', 'south'] state: Bridge
You're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign hangs on an arch overhead.
description: Bridge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['look east', 'east', 'look river', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in bridge', 'look road', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down coin', 'put down branch', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at river throug small', 'look at river throug violet', 'put small down river', 'throw small at stone', 'throw note at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw branch at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at bridge', 'throw all at branch', 'north', 'south', 'west'] state: South of Bridge
This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to the village.
description: South Bridge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look river', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take out narrow', 'look narrow', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down coin', 'put down branch', 'put down all', 'look at river throug small', 'look at river throug violet', 'put small down river', 'throw small at stone', 'throw note at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw branch at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at branch', 'south', 'east', 'up'] state: River Outlet
This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
description: River Outlet inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'look platypus', 'look violet', 'look all', 'look down sand', 'look road', 'put down small', 'put down dead', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at platypus throug small', 'look at platypus throug violet', 'hit sand with small', 'put small down lake', 'put small down sand', 'put dead down sand', 'put dead down pit', 'put coin down sand', 'put note down sand', 'throw all at small', 'put all down sand', 'throw all at dead', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at pit', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'north', 'east'] state: Lake Edge
You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Witchville Cemetery.
Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the water.
You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. Animal tracks are visible in the sand next to the pit.
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| LOOK IN PIT reward: 0 hint: ['look east', 'look platypus', 'east', 'look violet', 'look all', 'look down sand', 'take in gate', 'look road', 'put down small', 'put down dead', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at platypus throug small', 'look at platypus throug violet', 'hit sand with small', 'put small down lake', 'put small down sand', 'put dead down sand', 'put dead down pit', 'put coin down sand', 'put note down sand', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at dead', 'put all down sand', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at pit', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'north', 'south'] state: The pit is more than five feet deep. You can see a platypus in it.
A rusty "click!" draws your eyes to the iron gate. You watch as it slowly creaks open, all by itself!
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| PUT BRANCH IN PIT reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'look platypus', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in gate', 'look down sand', 'take branch', 'look road', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at platypus throug small', 'look at platypus throug violet', 'hit sand with small', 'take branch from pit', 'put small down sand', 'put small down lake', 'put coin down sand', 'put note down sand', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down sand', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: Okay, the dead branch is now standing up inside the pit.
The platypus grabs onto the bottom of the dead branch with its forepaws.
You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET BRANCH reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'look small', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in gate', 'take in x', 'look road', 'look down x', 'put down small', 'put down branch', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at small throug branch', 'look at small throug violet', 'hit x with small', 'put small down x', 'put small down lake', 'put branch down x', 'put branch down pit', 'put coin down x', 'put note down x', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down x', 'throw all at pit', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'dig x with small', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: Taken.
(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 37 out of 100.)
The platypus hangs on to the dead branch as you pull it out of the pit. It lets go when the branch clears the edge and waddles joyfully around on the sand.
The little creature draws an "X" in the sand with its tail. Then it gives you an oddly dignified nod of thanks, waddles to the edge of the lake and disappears into the dark water.
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['dead branch', 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| DROP BRANCH reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'look small', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in gate', 'take in x', 'take branch', 'look road', 'look down x', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at small throug ground', 'look at small throug violet', 'hit x with small', 'put small down ground', 'put small down lake', 'put coin down ground', 'put note down ground', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down ground', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'dig x with small', 'push branch lake', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: Dropped.
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| DIG IN SAND reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'look silver', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in gate', 'take silver', 'take branch', 'take all', 'look road', 'look down sand', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at silver throug small', 'look at silver throug violet', 'put small down ground', 'put small down lake', 'put coin down ground', 'put note down ground', 'put all down ground', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'dig sand with small', 'push whistle lake', 'push branch lake', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: You discovered a silver whistle in the sand under the "X"!
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET WHISTLE reward: 3 hint: ['west', 'look silver', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in gate', 'blow silver', 'take branch', 'look road', 'look down sand', 'put down silver', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at silver throug small', 'look at silver throug violet', 'put silver down ground', 'put small down ground', 'put small down lake', 'put coin down ground', 'put note down ground', 'throw all at silver', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down ground', 'put silver down pit', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'dig sand with silver', 'push branch lake', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: Taken.
(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 40 out of 100.)
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['silver whistle', 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| BLOW IT reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'west', 'look stone', 'look violet', 'look dark', 'take in castle', 'look fog', 'put down stone', 'put down silver', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at stone throug silver', 'look at stone throug violet', 'throw stone at silver', 'put stone down lake', 'throw silver at stone', 'throw coin at stone', 'throw note at stone', 'throw all at stone', 'throw all at silver', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at sheer'] state: A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.
The silver whistle's music echoes over the lake, rippling the water with gentle Magick. A sudden gust of wind blows through your hair. You can see the soft outline of Misty Island drawing closer as you streak across the waves...
Misty Island
You're standing on a fog-shrouded beach. Sheer cliff walls rise to the north and south, and the dark waters of the lake stretch eastward.
To the west stands a magnificent castle, its parapets rising high into the mist. Golden light streams invitingly through the open entrance. You can hear friendly voices and music inside.
description: Misty Island inventory: ['silver whistle', 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| W |
|start_header_id| library 5 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Try talking to the reference librarian." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask him about librarian reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Try going through those doors, she's probably at her desk." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| X librarian reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: She is an extremely proper young woman. She has her hands folded neatly in front of her on the desk, and a pencil so sharp it looks like it would make a decent stiletto is tucked behind one ear. She watches the room, and you, like a hungry hawk. Pinned to her jacket is a nametag. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Read tag reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Hi! I'm Marion." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Marion about Nelson reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Ah, that valuable book. We keep it locked away, in the Rare Books Room." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about rare books reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The Rare Books Room is on the second floor. Stairs are north of here. You will need the key, though." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about key reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The key may be obtained at the circulation desk." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state:
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Alan about key reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "You need to give me your ID card in order to get the key to the Rare Books Room." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| I reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: You are carrying:
an ID card description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Give card to Alan reward: 5 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key'] state: (the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)
The circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Lobby inventory: ['key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put key down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| X stairs reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Smell reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: There is a slight, fishy odor. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Look under stairs reward: 1 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down', 'up'] state: You found a red herring!
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| U reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state:
Second Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| X painting reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state: This painting could pass for a black canvas. The small plaque below it has "Grue" engraved. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| Give fish to grue reward: 2 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take into floor', 'put key down'] state: It almost appears as if an indescribable blackness forms in the painting and reaches out, taking the herring. It is followed by a terrible gnawing noise, and then all is silent again.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| S |
|start_header_id| inhumane 67 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: You step off the platform to the west hall.
West of the Pit
The pit with the swinging platform is east of this intersection. Halls go north and south.
The platform is to the northwest of the axle. description: West of the Pit inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take key', 'push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'put torch on disk'] state:
Key Room
In the center of this room is a stone block. There is a stone disk on the top surface of the block. Directly above the disk is suspended a glass globe just full of spiders and little snakes and scorpions. Exits are north and south.
Sitting on the disk is:
a iron key description: Key Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| get key reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put key down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'put torch on disk'] state: The key is stuck to the disk with a dot of wax, which you pull it off of. Odd -- the key seems to have negative weight. With the lift of the key removed, the disk sinks a few inches. However, there is no other effect. You have actually survived a trap! description: Key Room inventory: ['iron key', 'torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take demon', 'push button', 'south', 'put key down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Demon Room
This room is full of carved demons and devils doing nasty thing to innocent people. There is quite a bit of gold-leaf fresco and bas-relief. Very nice if you don't mind the subject matter. The only exit is south.
There is a small figure of a demon in carved gold here! description: Demon Room inventory: ['iron key', 'torch'] |action| get figure reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'put demon down', 'put key down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch'] state: Taken. description: Demon Room inventory: ['golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['push a', 'north', 'south', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take a off torch', 'put demon on disk', 'put torch on disk', 'put all on disk'] state:
Key Room description: Key Room inventory: ['golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['push a', 'south', 'east', 'put demon down', 'put key down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take a off torch', 'north'] state:
West of the Pit
The platform is to the southwest of the axle. description: West of the Pit inventory: ['golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['take sphere', 'push button', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'put demon in pentacle', 'put torch in pentacle', 'put all in pentacle', 'put all in floor', 'north'] state:
Black Room
This room is decorated in various textures of black stone. A hall leads north. Carved on the floor is an ornate pentacle. This room is very depressing.
The pentacle contains:
a faceted obsidian sphere description: Black Room inventory: ['golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| get sphere reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put sphere down', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'put sphere in pentacle', 'put demon in pentacle', 'put torch in pentacle', 'put all in pentacle', 'put all in floor', 'north'] state: Taken. description: Black Room inventory: ['faceted obsidian sphere', 'golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'put sphere down', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state:
West of the Pit
The platform is to the north of the axle. description: West of the Pit inventory: ['faceted obsidian sphere', 'golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'put sphere down', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the northeast of the axle. description: West of the Pit inventory: ['faceted obsidian sphere', 'golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'put sphere down', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the east of the axle. description: West of the Pit inventory: ['faceted obsidian sphere', 'golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'put sphere down', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the southeast of the axle. description: West of the Pit inventory: ['faceted obsidian sphere', 'golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'put sphere down', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the south of the axle. description: West of the Pit inventory: ['faceted obsidian sphere', 'golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'put sphere down', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the southwest of the axle. description: West of the Pit inventory: ['faceted obsidian sphere', 'golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'put sphere down', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the west of the axle. description: West of the Pit inventory: ['faceted obsidian sphere', 'golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'put sphere down', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'put all in floor'] state: You step onto the swinging platform.
On the Platform
The platform is to the northwest of the axle. description: On the Platform inventory: ['faceted obsidian sphere', 'golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'put sphere down', 'put key down', 'put demon down', 'put torch down', 'put all down', 'take button off torch', 'put all in floor'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the north of the axle. description: On the Platform inventory: ['faceted obsidian sphere', 'golden figure of a demon', 'iron key', 'torch'] |action| z reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the northeast of the axle.
There seems to be an invisible bar sticking out of the northeast wall of the pit. It sweeps you off the platform into the pit.
*** You have died ***
You are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. "Never go anywhere until you're sure of being able to get back.
"You've been killed by five deathtraps so far. You're getting pretty good at dying, aren't you?"
Round Room
This room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.
There is a shovel lying here. description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south'] state:
Corridor at Alcoves
The corridor goes north to the stairs and south from here. There are alcoves to the east and west. In the floor between the alcoves is a quartz window. description: Corridor at Alcoves inventory: ['torch'] |action| w |
|start_header_id| pentari 24 |end_header_id| reward: 5 hint: ['take sword', 'north', 'put dagger down', 'east'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Armory inventory: ['jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['take chest', 'put dagger down', 'north', 'south'] state:
In times past the vast wealth of the Duke would be stored here. Alas, with the castle taken and the Duke gone so with him went his riches. As you remember your history lessons, you recall the genealogy of the Dukes of Bostwin and their love of collecting treasures. You could only imagine what vast treasures were contained in this room long ago.
A finely crafted oaken chest is here. description: Treasury inventory: ['jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| take chest reward: 0 hint: ['put dagger down', 'put chest down', 'put all down', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Treasury inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['take sword', 'north', 'put dagger down', 'put other down', 'put all down', 'east'] state:
You can see a fine Pentarian sword here. description: Armory inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| east reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'put dagger down', 'put chest down', 'put all down', 'hit elf', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall
The Dark Elf walks in. description: Main Hall inventory: ['oaken chest', 'jewel encrusted dagger'] |action| put all down reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'hit elf', 'north', 'south'] state: oaken chest: Dropped.
jewel encrusted dagger: Dropped.
The Dark Elf walks around as if looking for something. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'north', 'east'] state:
Castle description: Castle inventory: None |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['north'] state:
Castle Entrance description: Castle Entrance inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'south', 'north', 'east'] state:
Castle description: Castle inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall
You can see a jewel encrusted dagger and an oaken chest (which is closed) here. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| take chest reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'east', 'west', 'put chest down', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Main Hall inventory: ['oaken chest'] |action| put all down reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'north', 'south'] state: (the oaken chest down)
Dropped. description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| north reward: 0 hint: ['enter', 'south'] state:
Main Hall, by the Fireplace
You can see a Large Fireplace here. description: Main Hall, by the Fireplace inventory: None |action| enter reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'take scroll'] state:
The Main Hall, by the Fireplace (in the Large Fireplace)
You can see a dirty scroll here. description: Large Fireplace inventory: None |action| take scroll reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'fwoosh', 'put scroll down'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Large Fireplace inventory: ['dirty scroll'] |action| get up reward: 0 hint: ['fwoosh', 'enter', 'put scroll down', 'south'] state:
Main Hall, by the Fireplace
You can see a Large Fireplace here. description: Main Hall, by the Fireplace inventory: ['dirty scroll'] |action| south reward: 0 hint: ['fwoosh', 'take dagger', 'take chest', 'east', 'west', 'put scroll down', 'take all', 'north', 'south'] state:
Main Hall
You can see an oaken chest (which is closed) and a jewel encrusted dagger here. description: Main Hall inventory: ['dirty scroll'] |action| fwoosh reward: 10 hint: ['take emerald', 'take dagger', 'take chest', 'close chest', 'east', 'west', 'take all', 'empty chest', 'push emerald to chest', 'push dagger to chest', 'north', 'south'] state: You hear a roar of flames as a fireball materializes out of nowhere and floods the entire room in a burst of flames! The intensity of the fireball blasts the chest open and miraculously, except for a slight discomfort of warmth, you are otherwise uneffected.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Main Hall inventory: None |action| take emerald reward: 5 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'close chest', 'east', 'west', 'put emerald down', 'take all', 'put emerald in chest', 'push dagger to chest', 'north', 'south'] state: You feel a surge of power flow through you as you pick up the small emerald...Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Main Hall inventory: ['small emerald'] |action| put dagger in chest reward: 0 hint: ['take dagger', 'take chest', 'close chest', 'east', 'west', 'put emerald down', 'take all', 'put emerald in chest', 'push dagger to chest', 'north', 'south'] state: You need to be holding the jewel encrusted dagger before you can put it into something else. description: Main Hall inventory: ['small emerald'] |action| west |
|start_header_id| detective 8 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'west', 'put pistol down'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside in the cold. To the east is a dead end. To the west is the rest of the street. Papers are blowing around. It's amazingly cold for this time of year.
description: Outside inventory: ['small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'east', 'north', 'put pistol down'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are still on the streets. To the north is a restraunt where the mayor ate often. To the east is the Mayor's home.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put pistol down'] state:
<< Mayor's house >>
You are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Mayor's house inventory: ['small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take wood', 'west', 'put pistol down'] state:
<< Living room >>
You are standing in the living room. You see a battered piece of wood. You wonder "Should I pick this thing up?". Well, whether you do or don't the only way out of the room is back west.
You can see a wooden wood here.
description: Living room inventory: ['small black pistol'] |action| TAKE WOOD reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put all down', 'west'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Living room inventory: ['wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Mayor's house >>
You are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.
description: Mayor's house inventory: ['wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take note', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Dining room >>
You are in the dining room. You look around and see a note on the table. You can go back east.
You can see a paper note here.
description: Dining room inventory: ['wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| TAKE NOTE reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Dining room inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| READ NOTE reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
The note was written on a computer obviously this murder was planned and it says:
We have acclaimed Justice! The Justice of the future! Our next hit is the governer! You CAN'T STOP US! The note sounds like the killers are a group and that they are vigilantes (look it up). You are now getting a bit worried.
description: Dining room inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Mayor's house >>
You are in the house, at the scene of the crime. You enter and flash your badge before a cop. He admits you. To the north is the upstairs. To the east is the living room and to the west is the dining room.
description: Mayor's house inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Upstairs hallway >>
You are in the hallway of the large house of the mayor. It is an amazingly large house. You can go north, south, east or west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Upstairs hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are at the end of the hallway. To the north is a room, while to the west is the rest of the hallway.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are in the hallway. To the north is more hallway, and to the east is a door marked "Guests".
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are STILL in the hallway. There is EVEN MORE hallway to the north, and a room to the west and a room to the east of you.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'east'] state:
<< Bedroom >>
You are in the bedroom. You noticed that there was a guard guarding the stairs to the 3rd story, because there is remodelling going on there. You see nothing of importance. Go east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Bedroom inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Outside >>
You pass the guard. He nods at you. You are now outside standing on the street. You can go north and east, your choice. To the north is more of the street, and to the east is a video store.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are in a video store called Brickbuster Video. There are about 3,000 videos here. You can go north, or east.
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are still in the video store. You can go north, or east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E |
|start_header_id| detective 25 |end_header_id| reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Outside >>
You pass the guard. He nods at you. You are now outside standing on the street. You can go north and east, your choice. To the north is more of the street, and to the east is a video store.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are in a video store called Brickbuster Video. There are about 3,000 videos here. You can go north, or east.
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are still in the video store. You can go north, or east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take hamburger', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< McDonalds >>
You are in a McDonalds. You pay the guy behind the counter. Now there is a hamburger there. When you have picked it up, go north.
You can see a food hamburger here.
description: McDonalds inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| TAKE HAMBURGER reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: McDonalds inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are still outside. You hit a dead end, then notice that you can go east only.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Music Store >>
You are in a music store. You ask the man behind the counter if he knew any information. "Uhh... nope! But the guy back there might be able ta help." You politly thank him and head to the back. You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Back of Music Store >>
You are in the back of the music store. You ask the guy who's looking at the cool tapes. He looks up at you. "Duh.. no... don't t'ink so... lemme see..." You decide that he's no help. To the west there is a dazed looking man and to the north there is an exit.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Back of Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Alley >>
You are in an alley. A drunken man stagers up to you and says "Boycott FDR! <HICKUP>.". You just walk away. You can go north, east or west. Your call.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Alley inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north', 'south'] state:
<< Police Station >>
You are in the 3rd precinct police station. This isn't your station. You get admitance from the guy at the desk and go to the holding cells. You ask each offender if they know anything. You promise a lighter sentence for the ones who help. But one guy really sets you straight. "I got caught wit' t'ree ounces o' crack. I'm supposed to get 20 years but I'll be out in 2. You can't make me talk cuz it don't matter to me. If I squeal, da guys who did it are gonna come lookin' for me. I know but I ain't gonna tell ya. Now git outta my face.". You are surprised but used to it. You can go north to the outside, south to go back to the alley and west or east to talk to more guys.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Police Station inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'west'] state:
<< Doughnut King >>
You are in the Doughnut King, where the greasiest doughnuts on earth reside. He isn't here, no one seems to be for that matter, so you should go west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Doughnut King inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< The Wall >>
You don't see him here. You ought to go east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: The Wall inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Holiday Inn >>
You are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. "Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Holiday Inn inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
You can't go west from here!
<< Holiday Inn >>
You are in the Holiday Inn registration room. You talk to some suspicious guys, but they don't talk until you hold your gun to their side. "Alright! Alright! I'll talk! He's on the 15th floor! That's all I can tell ya!" You shove them away. You walk up to the registration desk and show the woman there your badge. She gives you the master ring. You now have access to all of the facilitys on the 15th floor. But the problem is that the 15th floor is the suite level, and there are 30 suites, and 5 pools, 2 saunas and 5 game rooms. Big problem! Well, you have all night. You get a picture of all on the 15th floor, the people up there have to show their drivers license to be admitted, and the license is secretly xeroxed. You look at them all. Well, better get started. You see one person who stands out. You get his room number from the lady. Room 30. Now you have to find it. To get started, go north.
description: Holiday Inn inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Holiday Inn 15th Floor >>
You go up the elevator. When you step out, you see the wallpaper is pink, with little flowers on it. You can go east or west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Holiday Inn 15th Floor inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W |
|start_header_id| inhumane 44 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is slightly up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is less than half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is more than half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the top of the wheel. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the north side. Behind it is a hole from which water is pouring very fast. The water turns the wheel back to its original position, then pours down the hole. You are taken with it.
*** You have died ***
You are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. "Don't you know how lab rats eventually end up?
"Three deathtraps have zocked you so far. You're beginning to seem rather dumb."
Round Room
This room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.
There is a shovel lying here. description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Landing description: Landing inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'north', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
T Intersection
The hallway goes east and west here with a branch north. description: T Intersection inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine door', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'open door', 'take button off torch', 'south'] state:
Door Near Blades
The north hall ends at a door. Stretched from wall to wall and floor to roof in the hall are long thin metal blades that you have to worm between very carefully.
The door is closed. description: Door Near Blades inventory: ['torch'] |action| open door reward: 0 hint: ['examine door', 'push button', 'close door', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'south'] state: The door is apparently on a very weak spring. You open it, but it begins swinging shut the moment you release it. description: Door Near Blades inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state:
Stalagmite Room
You are at the south end of a room. There is a door to the south. The floor is covered with hundreds of stalagmites.
The door is swinging closed.
The door has swung shut and locked behind you. description: Stalagmite Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push labelled button', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'south'] state: In walking, you have bumped into and broken some stalagmites. They are hollow and water starts pouring out, slowly filling the room.
North Stalagmite Room
This is the north end of the stalagmite room. On the north wall is a button with something written on it. The only way out is back south. description: North Stalagmite Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| push button reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: (the labelled button)
Click. Fear gas sprays out of the walls, causing you to panic and run for the locked door. You break most of the stalagmites in the rush, so the water is up to your chest by the time you reach the door. When you hit it, you break through. The water washes you down the hall and through the blades.
*** You have died ***
You are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. "Don't panic... Don't panic... Don't panic... It's not good for you...
"You've stumbled into four traps. You're not looking very good."
Round Room
This room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.
There is a shovel lying here. description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
T-Intersection description: T-Intersection inventory: ['torch'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'east'] state:
Corridor Near Pit
West is a large round pit about 65 feet deep. Running down the center of the pit is an axle with a platform attached at the level of this hall. The platform is swinging around the wall of the pit. You see another hall west across the pit.
The platform is to the northwest of the axle. description: Corridor Near Pit inventory: ['torch'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'east'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the north of the axle. description: Corridor Near Pit inventory: ['torch'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'east'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the northeast of the axle. description: Corridor Near Pit inventory: ['torch'] |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'east'] state: Time passes... Waiting... Waiting... Dozing...
The platform is to the east of the axle. description: Corridor Near Pit inventory: ['torch'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: You step onto the swinging platform.
On the Platform
You are standing on a wooden platform swinging clockwise around the pit wall. The floor is 65 feet down but halls leave the pit at this level on the east and west sides.
The platform is to the southeast of the axle. description: On the Platform inventory: ['torch'] |action| z |
|start_header_id| inhumane 39 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take necklace', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'take necklace off shelf', 'take button off torch', 'put torch on shelf', 'west'] state:
End of Glass Hall
The hall ends in another glass-covered wall. On this wall is an iron shelf bolted onto the glass. (Actually the bolts go through the glass into the stone wall.)
Sitting on the shelf is:
a beautiful silver necklace description: End of Glass Hall inventory: ['torch'] |action| take necklace reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: If you hadn't noticed, you've been walking on glass with furry feet. This will produce a large static charge. The necklace is sitting on a metal shelf which is grounded into the stone wall. And silver conducts electricity... description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
This is a landing on the stairway. You can go down to the north or up to the south. A passage leads east. description: Landing inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take coin-bag', 'push button', 'south', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'up'] state:
Bottom of Shaft
You are at the bottom of a ladder that goes up a shaft from here. To the south is the stairway up.
On the floor is a small coin-bag made of leather. It appears to have something in it. description: Bottom of Shaft inventory: ['torch'] |action| u reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'down'] state: You climb up the ladder to a hole at the top of the shaft.
Exercise-Wheel Room
This room is laid out like an exercise wheel for rats except that it is 40 ft. across. You can turn the wheel by walking north or south. Equally spaced around the rim are twelve coin-holders. Some have gold coins in them. The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the bottom of the wheel. Below it is the shaft that you entered this room by. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is slightly up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is less than half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is more than half-way up the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the south side. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the top of the wheel. description: Exercise-Wheel Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: The wheel rotates under your feet. You stay at the bottom, but the hole in the rim that you entered by has moved.
The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is almost to the top on the north side. Behind it is a hole from which water is pouring very fast. The water turns the wheel back to its original position, then pours down the hole. You are taken with it.
*** You have died ***
You are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. "Don't you know how lab rats eventually end up?
"Three deathtraps have zocked you so far. You're beginning to seem rather dumb."
Round Room
This room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.
There is a shovel lying here. description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
Landing description: Landing inventory: ['torch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'north', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
T Intersection
The hallway goes east and west here with a branch north. description: T Intersection inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['examine door', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'open door', 'take button off torch', 'south'] state:
Door Near Blades
The north hall ends at a door. Stretched from wall to wall and floor to roof in the hall are long thin metal blades that you have to worm between very carefully.
The door is closed. description: Door Near Blades inventory: ['torch'] |action| open door reward: 0 hint: ['examine door', 'push button', 'close door', 'north', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'south'] state: The door is apparently on a very weak spring. You open it, but it begins swinging shut the moment you release it. description: Door Near Blades inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'north'] state:
Stalagmite Room
You are at the south end of a room. There is a door to the south. The floor is covered with hundreds of stalagmites.
The door is swinging closed.
The door has swung shut and locked behind you. description: Stalagmite Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['push labelled button', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch', 'south'] state: In walking, you have bumped into and broken some stalagmites. They are hollow and water starts pouring out, slowly filling the room.
North Stalagmite Room
This is the north end of the stalagmite room. On the north wall is a button with something written on it. The only way out is back south. description: North Stalagmite Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| push button reward: 10 hint: ['take shovel', 'push button', 'put torch down', 'examine obelisk', 'take button off torch', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up'] state: (the labelled button)
Click. Fear gas sprays out of the walls, causing you to panic and run for the locked door. You break most of the stalagmites in the rush, so the water is up to your chest by the time you reach the door. When you hit it, you break through. The water washes you down the hall and through the blades.
*** You have died ***
You are back in the infinite blackness. Eventually the voice returns, senses you disgustedly, and speaks. "Don't panic... Don't panic... Don't panic... It's not good for you...
"You've stumbled into four traps. You're not looking very good."
Round Room
This room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points.
There is a shovel lying here. description: Round Room inventory: ['torch'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['push button', 'east', 'south', 'west', 'put torch down', 'take button off torch'] state:
T-Intersection description: T-Intersection inventory: ['torch'] |action| w |
|start_header_id| library 6 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Try going through those doors, she's probably at her desk." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| X librarian reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: She is an extremely proper young woman. She has her hands folded neatly in front of her on the desk, and a pencil so sharp it looks like it would make a decent stiletto is tucked behind one ear. She watches the room, and you, like a hungry hawk. Pinned to her jacket is a nametag. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Read tag reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Hi! I'm Marion." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Marion about Nelson reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Ah, that valuable book. We keep it locked away, in the Rare Books Room." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about rare books reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The Rare Books Room is on the second floor. Stairs are north of here. You will need the key, though." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about key reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The key may be obtained at the circulation desk." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state:
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Alan about key reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "You need to give me your ID card in order to get the key to the Rare Books Room." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| I reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: You are carrying:
an ID card description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Give card to Alan reward: 5 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key'] state: (the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)
The circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Lobby inventory: ['key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put key down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| X stairs reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Smell reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: There is a slight, fishy odor. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Look under stairs reward: 1 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down', 'up'] state: You found a red herring!
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| U reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state:
Second Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| X painting reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'give painting herring', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put herring down', 'put all down'] state: This painting could pass for a black canvas. The small plaque below it has "Grue" engraved. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['red herring', 'key'] |action| Give fish to grue reward: 2 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take into floor', 'put key down'] state: It almost appears as if an indescribable blackness forms in the painting and reaches out, taking the herring. It is followed by a terrible gnawing noise, and then all is silent again.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'look in books', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
You are in a maze of twisty shelves, all alike.
(Well, okay, not really)
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
A heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room. A sign indicates that the key may be obtained from the circulation desk. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| Search shelves |
|start_header_id| spirit 858 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['examine pot', 'take inventory', 'fuck', 'west', 'pray', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'take into gate', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put door down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open umbrella', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'cast chant at wigro', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to wigro', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to wigro', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to wigro', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to wigro', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to wigro', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to wigro', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag', 'down'] state:
Gurth City Train Platform
A metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.
A few people exit the train, and hurry out of the station. You hear a voice from inside the train say, "Doors will be closing, please stand clear." description: None inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['examine umbrella', 'take inventory', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take can', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put door down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put trophy down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open umbrella', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off bag', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to umbrella', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'push smoke to umbrella', 'push smoke to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push red to umbrella', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'push can to umbrella', 'push can to fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to bag', 'push gray to umbrella', 'push gray to fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push silver to umbrella', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase'] state:
You shove your way onto train car. The doors close behind you.
Subway car
The train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north. description: None inventory: None |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine umbrella', 'take inventory', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take can', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put door down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put trophy down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open umbrella', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off bag', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to umbrella', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'push smoke to umbrella', 'push smoke to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push red to umbrella', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'push can to umbrella', 'push can to fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to bag', 'push gray to umbrella', 'push gray to fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push silver to umbrella', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase'] state: Time passes.
The train rumbles as it moves. description: None inventory: None |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['examine umbrella', 'take inventory', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take can', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put door down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put trophy down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open umbrella', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off bag', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to umbrella', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'push smoke to umbrella', 'push smoke to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push red to umbrella', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'push can to umbrella', 'push can to fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to bag', 'push gray to umbrella', 'push gray to fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push silver to umbrella', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase'] state: Time passes.
The train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says "New Borphee station, watch your step please." description: None inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine pot', 'take inventory', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'take into gate', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put door down', 'put wood down', 'put amulet down', 'put bag down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open umbrella', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to wigro', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to wigro', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to wigro', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to wigro', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to wigro', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to wigro', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag'] state:
New Borphee Train Platform
A metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.
The train doors close, and the train rolls off to the south. description: None inventory: None |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'pray', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put door down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'open umbrella', 'examine all', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'cast chant at wigro', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to wigro', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to wigro', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to wigro', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to wigro', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to wigro', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to wigro', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into small', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into small', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into small', 'empty fur into bag', 'up'] state:
New Borphee GUS Station
A metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest. description: None inventory: None |action| u reward: 0 hint: ['examine pot', 'take inventory', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put door down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open umbrella', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'cast chant at wigro', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to wigro', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to wigro', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to wigro', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to wigro', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to wigro', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to wigro', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag', 'north', 'down'] state: You enter the city and are nearly flattened by crowds rushing past.
Downtown New Borphee
Standing on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign. description: None inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'pray', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take can', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'south', 'east', 'north', 'west', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put door down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put trophy down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open umbrella', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off bag', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to south', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'push smoke to south', 'push smoke to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push red to south', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'push can to south', 'push can to fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to bag', 'push gray to south', 'push gray to fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push silver to south', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase'] state:
Business District description: None inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine pot', 'take inventory', 'fuck', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'north', 'west', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put door down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine sign', 'examine book', 'open umbrella', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'cast chant at wigro', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to wigro', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to wigro', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to wigro', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to wigro', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to wigro', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to wigro', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag'] state:
Inside Skyscraper
You're inside a gigantic skyscraper. The marble and brass fixtures and trim exude professionalism. There's a small open chamber to the north. City streets are to the west.
There is a large sign posted near the small chamber. description: None inventory: None |action| learn ledak reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'pray', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'north', 'west', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put door down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine sign', 'examine chant', 'open umbrella', 'examine all', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to wigro', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to wigro', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to wigro', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to wigro', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to wigro', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to wigro', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag'] state: Making a quick prayer to the Gods, you prepare the ledak chant. description: None inventory: None |action| drop door reward: 0 hint: ['examine pot', 'take inventory', 'spells', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'north', 'west', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put door down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open umbrella', 'open door', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to wigro', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to wigro', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to wigro', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to wigro', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to wigro', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to wigro', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag'] state: As you drop the door, it leaps off the ground and flies towards the eastern wall! Amazingly, it seems to attach itself to the eastern wall! description: None inventory: ['flower vase'] |action| open door reward: 0 hint: ['examine pot', 'take inventory', 'spells', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'north', 'west', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put door down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open umbrella', 'open door', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to wigro', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to wigro', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to wigro', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to wigro', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to wigro', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to wigro', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag'] state: The door opens. There's a dark chamber on the other side, which seems all but impossible, given that the wall previously appeared solid! description: None inventory: ['flower vase'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'west', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'open umbrella', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to wigro', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to wigro', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to wigro', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to wigro', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to wigro', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to wigro', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag', 'up'] state:
Wondrous Stairway
An enormous spiral staircase seems to wind miles above your head in this curious column-like chamber. Strange points of light brighten the chamber from above. To the west is a small exit. description: None inventory: ['flower vase'] |action| u reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'north', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'open umbrella', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to wigro', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to wigro', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to wigro', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to wigro', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to wigro', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to wigro', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag', 'down'] state:
You begin the long trek upwards. Strangely, the stair seems to twist and move as you step on it, turning like a corkscrew, until you are graciously deposited at the top, far above your previous location.
Fancy Hall
This must be an apartment or penthouse in the skyscraper. You are in a very high hall, with black slate stone walls that seem to reflect shadows everywhere. There is a room to the north. The southern edge of this room drops off into the darkness, followed by a long spiral staircase. The ceiling overhead seems to have tiny points of light like a night sky. description: None inventory: ['flower vase'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take can', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'west', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put trophy down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open umbrella', 'examine all', 'take lit off fur', 'take lit off bag', 'take all off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to umbrella', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'push smoke to umbrella', 'push smoke to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push red to umbrella', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'push can to umbrella', 'push can to fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to bag', 'push gray to umbrella', 'push gray to fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push silver to umbrella', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'south'] state:
Magnificent Foyer
This is an exceptionally grand entrance foyer, with sweeping arched ceilings and sparkling chandeliers. The room is dimly lit. Open hallways lead south and west. description: None inventory: ['flower vase'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'cast a at brown', 'fuck', 'pray', 'take a', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off a', 'cast a', 'cast chant', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'east', 'west', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put lit down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'open umbrella', 'examine a', 'examine all', 'take a off bag', 'take a off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to east', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put lit in pot', 'put lit in bag', 'put lit in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to east', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to east', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to east', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to east', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to east', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag'] state:
Fancy Lounge
A tastefully overdone lounge with tapestries and gold enamel finished walls. The room is dimly lit, although you see no windows or other sources of light. Open hallways lead east and west.
There's an open journal sitting here. description: None inventory: ['flower vase'] |action| read journal reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'cast a at brown', 'fuck', 'pray', 'take a', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off a', 'cast a', 'cast chant', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'east', 'west', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put lit down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'open umbrella', 'examine a', 'examine all', 'take a off bag', 'take a off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to east', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put lit in pot', 'put lit in bag', 'put lit in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to east', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to east', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to east', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to east', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to east', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag'] state: This appears to be a short collection of notes:
Remember, there's a slight flaw in the design. For every correct number in the correct dial, pressing the opening button with cause a small click. Dials with the correct number in the wrong dial place will cause a small thunk. The lock mechanism scans for correct numbers in correct places first, and then for correct numbers in the wrong place in the 'remaining dials'. Simple! But don't forget, closing the locks will automatically lock and reset the dials!
I've completed making the copy of the new Leonardo Flathead painting, received courtesy of the Royal Museum. Glad to say my skills in art forgery are undiminished -- I can barely tell the difference between the two myself! I'll soon replace the original with the copy, and no one will be the wiser!" description: None inventory: ['flower vase'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'cast a', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off a', 'cast chant', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'east', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'open umbrella', 'examine a', 'examine all', 'take a off bag', 'take a off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to east', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to east', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to east', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to east', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to east', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to east', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag'] state:
A sight to inspire even the most avaricious, this storeroom is filled with all sorts of rare and precious treasures. A hallway leads east. You notice that the west wall appears to be made of solid granite.
You can see two priceless paintings here. description: None inventory: ['flower vase'] |action| ledak painting reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'cast a', 'take can', 'take brown', 'take painting', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off a', 'cast chant', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'east', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put trophy down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'look in painting', 'open umbrella', 'examine a', 'examine all', 'take a off bag', 'take a off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to east', 'push can to bag', 'push can to fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to east', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to east', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push smoke to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to east', 'push red to bag', 'push red to fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to east', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push gray to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to east', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag'] state: One of the paintings is surrounded by a yellow glow! It crumbles into dust! description: None inventory: ['flower vase'] |action| take painting reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'cast a', 'take brown', 'take smoke', 'take red', 'take can', 'take gray', 'take silver', 'take off a', 'cast chant', 'close umbrella', 'close fur', 'east', 'put umbrella down', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put vase down', 'put bag down', 'put a down', 'put amulet down', 'put trophy down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'look in painting', 'open umbrella', 'examine a', 'examine all', 'take a off fur', 'take a off bag', 'put umbrella in fur', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put vase in fur', 'put vase in pot', 'put vase in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'push brown to umbrella', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put trophy in fur', 'put trophy in pot', 'put trophy in bag', 'push smoke to umbrella', 'push smoke to fur', 'push smoke to pot', 'push smoke to vase', 'push smoke to bag', 'push red to umbrella', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'push can to umbrella', 'push can to fur', 'push can to pot', 'push can to bag', 'push gray to umbrella', 'push gray to fur', 'push gray to pot', 'push gray to vase', 'push gray to bag', 'push silver to umbrella', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into vase', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into vase', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into vase'] state: Taken. description: None inventory: ['pricelessint', 'flower vase'] |action| e |
|start_header_id| zork3 2 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['down', 'put down lamp', 'turn on lamp', 'throw grue at lamp', 'north', 'south', 'west', 'east'] state: It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
description: Junction inventory: ['lamp'] |action| LIGHT LAMP reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'west', 'throw trail at lamp', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: The lamp is now on.
You are at the junction of a north-south passage and an east-west passage. To the north, you can make out the bottom of a stairway. The ways to the east and south are relatively cramped, but a wider trail leads to the west.
Standing before you is a great rock. Imbedded within it is an Elvish sword.
description: Junction inventory: ['lamp'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'west', 'throw trail at lamp', 'east', 'northwest', 'southwest'] state: Barren Area
You are west of the junction, where the rock-bound passage widens out into a large, flat area. Although the land here is barren, you can see vegetation to the west. South of here is a mighty wall of stone, ancient and crumbling. To the southwest the wall has decayed enough to form an opening, through which seeps a thin mist. A trail dips sharply into rocky terrain to the northwest.
description: Barren Area inventory: ['lamp'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'take waybread', 'down', 'jump across cliff', 'put down lamp', 'east', 'throw waybread at lamp', 'throw lamp off cliff', 'southwest'] state: Cliff
This is a remarkable spot in the dungeon. Perhaps two hundred feet above you is a gaping hole in the earth's surface through which pours bright sunshine! A few seedlings from the world above, nurtured by the sunlight and occasional rains, have grown into giant trees, making this a virtual oasis in the desert of the Underground Empire. To the west is a sheer precipice, dropping nearly fifty feet to jagged rocks below. The way south is barred by a forbidding stone wall, crumbling from age. There is a jagged opening in the wall to the southwest, through which leaks a fine mist. The land to the east looks lifeless and barren.
A rope is tied to one of the large trees here and is dangling over the side of the cliff, reaching down to the shelf below.
It seems as if somebody has been here recently, as there is some fresh bread lying beneath one of the other trees.
description: Cliff inventory: ['lamp'] |action| GET BREAD reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'down', 'jump across cliff', 'put down waybread', 'put down lamp', 'put down all', 'east', 'throw waybread at lamp', 'throw waybread off cliff', 'throw lamp off cliff', 'southwest'] state: Taken.
description: Cliff inventory: ['piece waybread', 'lamp'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'put down waybread', 'put down all', 'west', 'throw trail at lamp', 'east', 'northwest', 'southwest'] state: Barren Area
description: Barren Area inventory: ['piece waybread', 'lamp'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'put down waybread', 'put down all', 'west', 'throw trail at lamp', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: Junction
Standing before you is a great rock. Imbedded within it is an Elvish sword.
description: Junction inventory: ['piece waybread', 'lamp'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'put down waybread', 'put down all', 'west', 'throw moss at lamp', 'east', 'northeast'] state: Damp Passage
This is a particularly damp spot even by dungeon standards. You can see a crossroads to the west, and two nearly identical passages lead east and northeast. A stone channel, wide and deep, steeply descends into the room from the south. It is covered with moss and lichen, and is far too slippery to climb. The channel crosses the room, but the opening where it once continued north is now blocked by rubble.
description: Damp Passage inventory: ['piece waybread', 'lamp'] |action| NE reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down waybread', 'put down lamp', 'put down all', 'throw passages at lamp', 'southwest', 'southeast'] state: Engravings Room
You are in a room with passages heading southwest and southeast. The north wall is ornately carved, filled with strange runes and writing in an unfamiliar language.
description: Engravings inventory: ['piece waybread', 'lamp'] |action| SE reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down waybread', 'put down lamp', 'put down all', 'west', 'throw west at lamp', 'northwest'] state: Dead End
You have come to the end of two adjoining passages to the west and the northwest.
description: Dead End inventory: ['piece waybread', 'lamp'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'put down waybread', 'put down all', 'west', 'throw moss at lamp', 'east', 'northeast'] state: Damp Passage
description: Damp Passage inventory: ['piece waybread', 'lamp'] |action| NE reward: 0 hint: ['shake man', 'turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'put down waybread', 'put down all', 'play man', 'throw man at lamp', 'southwest', 'southeast'] state: Engravings Room
An old and wizened man is huddled, asleep, in the corner. He is snoring loudly. From his appearance, he is weak and frail.
description: Engravings inventory: ['piece waybread', 'lamp'] |action| WAKE UP OLD MAN reward: 0 hint: ['wait', 'turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'put down waybread', 'put down all', 'play man', 'throw man at lamp', 'give man waybread', 'southwest', 'southeast'] state: The old man is roused to consciousness. He peers at you through eyes which appear much younger and stronger than his frail body and waits, as if expecting something to happen.
description: Engravings inventory: ['piece waybread', 'lamp'] |action| GIVE BREAD TO OLD MAN reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'open door', 'throw passages at lamp', 'southwest', 'southeast'] state: He looks up at you and takes the waybread from you. Slowly, he eats the bread and pauses when he is finished. He starts to speak: "Perhaps what you seek is through there!" He points at the carved wall to the north, where you now notice the bare outline of a secret door. When you turn back to the old man, you notice that he has gone!
description: Engravings inventory: ['lamp'] |action| SW reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'west', 'throw moss at lamp', 'east', 'northeast'] state: Damp Passage
description: Damp Passage inventory: ['lamp'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'west', 'throw trail at lamp', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: Junction
Standing before you is a great rock. Imbedded within it is an Elvish sword.
description: Junction inventory: ['lamp'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'east', 'throw crawlway at lamp', 'north', 'south', 'southwest'] state: Creepy Crawl
You are in a dark and quite creepy crawlway with passages leaving to the north, east, south, and southwest.
description: Creepy Crawl inventory: ['lamp'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'put down lamp', 'west', 'throw passage at lamp', 'north', 'south'] state: Foggy Room
You are in a dank passage filled with a wispy fog. A spooky passageway leads north and a wider path heads off to the south. To the west, the path leaves the rock and enters an eerie, shadowy land.
description: Foggy inventory: ['lamp'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['turn off lamp', 'down', 'enter lake', 'put down lamp', 'north', 'throw lamp at lake'] state: Lake Shore
You are in a wide cavern on the north shore of a small lake. Some polished stone steps lead to the southeast and a sheer rock face prevents any movement around the lake to the southwest. The cavern is dimly lit from above.
description: Lake Shore inventory: ['lamp'] |action| TURN OFF LAMP reward: 0 hint: ['down', 'enter lake', 'put down lamp', 'turn on lamp', 'north', 'throw lamp at lake'] state: The lamp is now off.
description: Lake Shore inventory: ['lamp'] |action| DROP LAMP |
|start_header_id| wishbringer 83 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look small', 'look dark', 'north', 'look violet', 'take in open', 'take off open', 'take off north', 'look open', 'look down hat', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around north', 'look at small throug open', 'look at small throug violet', 'give small open', 'put small down open', 'put note down open', 'put hat down open', 'put coin down open', 'throw all at small', 'put all down open', 'throw all at coin'] state: The eldritch vapors moan with disappointment as you escape their misty clutches.
Open Grave
You're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of dirt. Luminous ribbons of mist are swarming overhead, and a dark hole is visible in the north wall.
description: Open Grave inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['look east', 'look small', 'east', 'look violet', 'look dark', 'take in hole', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at small throug stone', 'look at small throug violet', 'throw small at stone', 'throw note at small', 'throw hat at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'north', 'south'] state: Underground
You're in a dirty underground chamber. Long, smelly tunnels wander away to the north and east, and there's a dark hole in the south wall.
description: Underground inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look small', 'west', 'look violet', 'look dark', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'push bunk', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at small throug stone', 'look at small throug violet', 'throw small at stone', 'throw note at small', 'throw hat at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'north'] state: Underground
You're in a dark underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the north and west.
A dark, narrow hole is visible overhead.
description: Underground inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| PUSH BUNK reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look stone', 'west', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in hole', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'put down stone', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at stone throug small', 'look at stone throug violet', 'throw stone at small', 'put stone down hole', 'throw note at stone', 'put note down hole', 'throw hat at stone', 'put hat down hole', 'throw coin at stone', 'put coin down hole', 'throw all at stone', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down hole', 'north', 'up'] state: Okay, you moved the bunk away from the hole.
Faint light streams in from overhead.
description: Underground inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| DROP ALL reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look stone', 'look violet', 'west', 'look all', 'take in hole', 'take stone', 'take hat', 'take coin', 'take note', 'take all', 'look tunnels', 'look around west', 'look at stone throug small', 'look at stone throug violet', 'north', 'up'] state: The wizard's hat: Dropped.
The small stone: Dropped.
The gold coin: Dropped.
The violet note: Dropped.
The small stone stops glowing.
description: Underground inventory: None |action| U reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look bunk', 'look dark', 'take in hole', 'take thick', 'look jail', 'look behind bunk', 'push bunk', 'look at bunk throug floor', 'look at bunk throug all', 'take thick from bunk', 'down'] state: With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
Jail Cell
You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
The only furnishing is a hard bunk in the middle of the floor with a thick blanket on it.
There's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.
description: Jail Cell inventory: None |action| GET BLANKET reward: 3 hint: ['north', 'look bunk', 'look dark', 'take in hole', 'look jail', 'put down thick', 'look behind bunk', 'push bunk', 'look at bunk throug floor', 'look at bunk throug all', 'put thick down floor', 'put thick down hole', 'put thick down bunk', 'down'] state: Taken.
(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 44 out of 100.)
description: Jail Cell inventory: ['thick blanket'] |action| D reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look stone', 'look violet', 'west', 'look all', 'take in hole', 'take stone', 'take wizard', 'take coin', 'take note', 'take all', 'look tunnels', 'put down blanket', 'look around west', 'look at stone throug blanket', 'look at stone throug violet', 'throw blanket at stone', 'put blanket down hole', 'north', 'up'] state: With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
You can see a violet note, a gold coin, a small stone and a wizard's hat here.
description: Underground inventory: ['thick blanket'] |action| GET ALL reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look stone', 'look violet', 'west', 'look all', 'take in hole', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'put down stone', 'put down blanket', 'put down coin', 'put down hat', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at stone throug blanket', 'look at stone throug violet', 'throw stone at blanket', 'put stone down hole', 'throw blanket at stone', 'put blanket down hole', 'throw coin at stone', 'put coin down hole', 'throw hat at stone', 'put hat down hole', 'throw note at stone', 'put note down hole', 'throw all at stone', 'throw all at blanket', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down hole', 'north', 'up'] state: The violet note: Taken.
The gold coin: Taken.
The small stone: Taken.
The wizard's hat: Taken.
The small stone begins to glow again.
description: Underground inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note', 'thick blanket'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'east', 'look blanket', 'look violet', 'look dark', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'put down blanket', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at blanket throug small', 'look at blanket throug violet', 'throw blanket at small', 'throw small at blanket', 'throw note at blanket', 'throw hat at blanket', 'throw coin at blanket', 'throw all at blanket', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'south', 'west'] state: Underground
You're in a damp underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the south, east and west.
description: Underground inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note', 'thick blanket'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['yes', 'north', 'look blanket', 'look violet', 'west', 'look all', 'take little', 'take off refrigerator', 'look nest', 'look down hat', 'put down blanket', 'put down stone', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'open refrigerator', 'look at blanket throug violet', 'look at blanket throug stone', 'ask little about blanket', 'throw blanket at stone', 'put blanket down little', 'throw stone at blanket', 'put stone behind little', 'throw hat at blanket', 'put hat behind little', 'throw coin at blanket', 'put coin behind little', 'throw note at blanket', 'put note behind little', 'throw all at blanket', 'throw all at stone', 'throw all at coin', 'put blanket behind little', 'push nest under little', 'push bones under little', 'push west under little', 'push refrigerator under little', 'open refrigerator with stone'] state: Grue's Nest
You have stumbled into the nesting place of a family of grues. Congratulations. Few indeed are the adventurers who have entered a grue's nest and lived as long as you have.
Everything is littered with rusty swords of elvish workmanship, piles of bones and other debris. A closed refrigerator stands in one corner of the nest, and something... a small, dangerous-looking little beast... is curled up in the other corner.
The only exit is to the west. Hope you survive long enough to use it.
Snoring fitfully, the little beast turns away from the light of the small stone and faces the wall.
description: Grue's Nest inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note', 'thick blanket'] |action| PUT BLANKET ON GRUE reward: 3 hint: ['yes', 'north', 'look blanket', 'look violet', 'west', 'look all', 'take grue', 'take blanket', 'take off refrigerator', 'look nest', 'look down hat', 'put down stone', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'open refrigerator', 'look at blanket throug violet', 'look at blanket throug stone', 'ask grue about blanket', 'take blanket from grue', 'throw stone at blanket', 'put stone behind grue', 'throw hat at blanket', 'put hat behind grue', 'throw coin at blanket', 'put coin behind grue', 'throw note at blanket', 'put note behind grue', 'throw all at blanket', 'throw all at stone', 'throw all at coin', 'push nest under grue', 'push bones under grue', 'push west under grue', 'push refrigerator under grue', 'open refrigerator with stone'] state: Okay, the little beast is now covered with the thick blanket.
The creature stirs restlessly for an anxious moment. Then it settles into the comfortable darkness of the thick blanket, sighs gently and lies still.
(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 47 out of 100.)
description: Grue's Nest inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| OPEN FRIDGE reward: 0 hint: ['yes', 'north', 'look blanket', 'look violet', 'west', 'look all', 'take grue', 'take blanket', 'take earthworm', 'take bottle', 'take off refrigerator', 'look nest', 'look down hat', 'close refrigerator', 'put down stone', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'empty refrigerator', 'look around west', 'look at blanket throug violet', 'look at blanket throug stone', 'ask grue about blanket', 'take blanket from grue', 'take earthworm from refrigerator', 'take bottle from refrigerator', 'take all from refrigerator', 'throw stone at blanket', 'put stone behind grue', 'throw hat at blanket', 'put hat behind grue', 'throw coin at blanket', 'put coin behind grue', 'throw note at blanket', 'put note behind grue', 'throw all at blanket', 'throw all at stone', 'throw all at coin', 'put stone down refrigerator', 'put coin down refrigerator', 'put note down refrigerator', 'put all down refrigerator', 'push nest under grue', 'push bones under grue', 'push west under grue', 'push refrigerator under grue', 'push earthworm under grue', 'push bottle under grue'] state: A light inside the refrigerator goes out as you open it.
Opening the refrigerator reveals a bottle and an earthworm.
description: Grue's Nest inventory: ["wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET WORM reward: 3 hint: ['yes', 'north', 'look blanket', 'look violet', 'west', 'look all', 'take grue', 'take blanket', 'take bottle', 'take off refrigerator', 'look nest', 'look down hat', 'close refrigerator', 'put down earthworm', 'put down stone', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at blanket throug violet', 'look at blanket throug earthworm', 'ask grue about blanket', 'take blanket from grue', 'take bottle from refrigerator', 'throw earthworm at blanket', 'put earthworm behind grue', 'throw stone at blanket', 'put stone behind grue', 'throw hat at blanket', 'put hat behind grue', 'throw coin at blanket', 'put coin behind grue', 'throw note at blanket', 'put note behind grue', 'throw all at blanket', 'throw all at earthworm', 'throw all at stone', 'throw all at coin', 'put earthworm down refrigerator', 'put stone down refrigerator', 'put hat down refrigerator', 'put coin down refrigerator', 'put note down refrigerator', 'put all down refrigerator', 'push nest under grue', 'push bones under grue', 'push west under grue', 'push refrigerator under grue', 'push bottle under grue'] state: Taken.
(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 50 out of 100.)
The earthworm squirms with annoyance at your touch.
description: Grue's Nest inventory: ['earthworm', "wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'east', 'look small', 'look violet', 'look dark', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'put down small', 'put down earthworm', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at small throug earthworm', 'look at small throug violet', 'throw small at earthworm', 'throw earthworm at small', 'throw note at small', 'throw hat at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at earthworm', 'throw all at coin', 'south', 'west'] state: Underground
description: Underground inventory: ['earthworm', "wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'east', 'look small', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take up stump', 'look stump', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'put down small', 'put down earthworm', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at small throug earthworm', 'look at small throug violet', 'throw small at earthworm', 'throw earthworm at small', 'throw note at small', 'throw hat at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at earthworm', 'throw all at coin', 'open stump with small', 'south'] state: Underground
You're in a damp underground chamber. Cold, dark tunnels wander away to the south and east.
The surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty tree. Overhead you can see the underside of a large stump. It appears to be hinged.
description: Underground inventory: ['earthworm', "wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| OPEN STUMP reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'east', 'look stone', 'look violet', 'look all', 'look tunnels', 'look down hat', 'put down stone', 'put down earthworm', 'put down coin', 'put down hat', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at stone throug small', 'look at stone throug violet', 'throw stone at small', 'throw earthworm at stone', 'throw coin at stone', 'throw hat at stone', 'throw note at stone', 'throw all at stone', 'throw all at earthworm', 'throw all at coin', 'south', 'up'] state: Lifting the hinged top of the stump reveals a round hole leading upward into moonlight.
description: Underground inventory: ['earthworm', "wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| U reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look small', 'look violet', 'look darkness', 'take off stump', 'take horseshoe', 'take up stump', 'look hill', 'look down hat', 'take on stump', 'push stump', 'put down small', 'put down earthworm', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'sit east', 'look at small throug earthworm', 'look at small throug violet', 'put small down grass', 'put small down stump', 'put earthworm down grass', 'put earthworm down stump', 'put hat down grass', 'put hat down stump', 'put coin down grass', 'put coin down stump', 'put note down grass', 'put note down stump', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at earthworm', 'put all down grass', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down stump', 'open stump with small', 'north', 'enter'] state: Lookout Hill
You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and majestic oak tree. An opening in the stump leads down into darkness.
A horseshoe is lying in the grass near the stump.
description: LookHill inventory: ['earthworm', "wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look river', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take out narrow', 'look narrow', 'look down hat', 'put down small', 'put down earthworm', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look at river throug small', 'look at river throug violet', 'put small down river', 'throw small at earthworm', 'throw earthworm at small', 'throw note at small', 'throw hat at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at earthworm', 'throw all at coin', 'south', 'east', 'up'] state: River Outlet
description: River Outlet inventory: ['earthworm', "wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['look east', 'east', 'look river', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in bridge', 'look road', 'look down hat', 'put down small', 'put down earthworm', 'put down note', 'put down hat', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at river throug small', 'look at river throug violet', 'put small down river', 'throw small at earthworm', 'throw earthworm at small', 'throw note at small', 'throw hat at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at earthworm', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at bridge', 'north', 'south', 'west'] state: South of Bridge
description: South Bridge inventory: ['earthworm', "wizard's hat", 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| E |
|start_header_id| moonlit 10 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['get in stairs', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'put mask on stairs', 'put dagger on stairs', 'put all on stairs', 'north', 'west', 'up'] state: Taken. description: Shadow Armory inventory: ['bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take comb', 'turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put all down', 'take other with comb', 'hit comb', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'push comb to compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The shapes of light you saw as you entered fade irrevocably.
Undying Garden
Barren branches and pines suggest winter's quiet. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.
A jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.
Transactions of light show other rooms southward and westward.
You can see a tortoise-shell comb here. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| take comb reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit comb', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Taken. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x comb reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'hit comb', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The comb is curved like a smile, though it seems fragile, easily broken by a chance hand. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| hit comb reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Three of the long central teeth flex, then snap in your fingers. The justiciar wore a comb long-broken as a memento; it proved an uneasy prophecy of waking passion and breaking promises. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x compass reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The compass is carved from a single piece of jade in which violet and green intermingle delicately; the cardinal directions--if such they be--are marked by hawk, swallow, crane and feather. More curiously still, the needle is of glass, suggesting that it homes to something other than the north. Perhaps you can set it yourself?
The needle points to the feather. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x feather reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Even for the emperor's winter court, the only birds that remain in the gardens are the jeweled nightingales, which sing dainty mechanical tunes when they are stroked with a feather. Your brother hated them passionately, but he listened to them readily enough whenever the justiciar asked, with that smile that lit her eyes, though it never reached her mouth. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x hawk reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: It was autumn when last you went hawking with the emperor's justiciar. Freed of court robes, she soared as surely as the kestrel that raced before her; her hair was black and scandalously unbound as the red-and-gold ribbons tore away in the wind to land in your waiting hand. Autumn... description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x swallow reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Spring is the swallows' season, when they return from their sojourn in distant lands and signal the kite-flying auguries. If only an augury could help you now... description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x crane reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The most auspicious of all birds, save the imperial phoenix. Many a summer morning have you gazed upon cranes in flight, whether silhouetted against the setting sun or set in abalone-shell upon a fine lacquered cabinet, a cloisonne hairpin. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| set compass to hawk reward: 0 hint: ['take leaf', 'turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'open leaf', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with leaf', 'put mask on compass', 'push leaf to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: The needle points to the hawk now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| look reward: 0 hint: ['take leaf', 'turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'open leaf', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with leaf', 'put mask on compass', 'push leaf to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state:
Undying Garden
Autumn's fiery colors are evident in the trees and flowers around you. Metal and wood, painted and sculpted, the false garden is heedless of harvest, drought or rain.
A jade compass rests at the garden's metaphysical center, between translucence and opacity, curve and line, and other dichotomies too subtle for your eye. A gentle warmth from the surface invites touch.
Transactions of light show other rooms southward and westward.
On the unliving trees is a folded maple leaf. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x trees reward: 0 hint: ['take leaf', 'turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'open leaf', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with leaf', 'put mask on compass', 'push leaf to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Maples in black, red and gold, like the colors she loved so well, and the cloven yellow of gingko.
A single maple leaf flutters loosely, as though seeking escape. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x leaf reward: 0 hint: ['take leaf', 'turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'open leaf', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with leaf', 'put mask on compass', 'push leaf to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: This cleverly-folded leaf stirs as though, in its secret paper dreams, it yearns to fly. description: Undying Garden inventory: ["comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| take leaf reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'put mask down', 'put leaf down', 'put dagger down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'open leaf', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put mask on compass', 'put leaf on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'south', 'west'] state: Taken. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['folded maple leaf', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| unfold leaf reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put other on teeth', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'south', 'west'] state: You now have a sheet of red paper. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| i reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put other on teeth', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'south', 'west'] state: You are carrying:
a sheet of red paper
three comb's teeth
a lady's tortoise-shell comb (broken)
a bronze-hilted dagger
half a porcelain mask
armor and silks (worn) description: Undying Garden inventory: ['sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x crane reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put other on teeth', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'south', 'west'] state: The most auspicious of all birds, save the imperial phoenix. Many a summer morning have you gazed upon cranes in flight, whether silhouetted against the setting sun or set in abalone-shell upon a fine lacquered cabinet, a cloisonne hairpin. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| set compass to crane reward: 0 hint: ['take fan', 'turn compass', 'cut blue tassel', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'take other with fan', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'push fan to compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put other on teeth', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'south', 'west'] state: A tasseled fan appears upon the compass' surface. The needle points to the crane now. You hear a clear chiming sound as the garden's trees and flowers move subtly, obedient to this new season. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| get fan reward: 0 hint: ['turn compass', 'cut blue tassel', 'close paper', 'put mask down', 'put fan down', 'put dagger down', 'put paper down', 'put teeth down', 'put comb down', 'put all down', 'turn compass to crane', 'turn compass to swallow', 'turn compass to hawk', 'put paper on teeth', 'put teeth on paper', 'put mask on compass', 'put fan on compass', 'put dagger on compass', 'put paper on compass', 'put teeth on compass', 'put comb on compass', 'put all on compass', 'put all on paper', 'put all on teeth', 'south', 'west'] state: Taken. description: Undying Garden inventory: ['tasseled fan', 'sheet of red paper', "comb's teeth", 'tortoise-shell comb', 'bronze-hilted dagger', 'porcelain mask', 'armor and silks'] |action| x fan |
|start_header_id| detective 20 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are in the hallway. To the north is more hallway, and to the east is a door marked "Guests".
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are STILL in the hallway. There is EVEN MORE hallway to the north, and a room to the west and a room to the east of you.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'east'] state:
<< Bedroom >>
You are in the bedroom. You noticed that there was a guard guarding the stairs to the 3rd story, because there is remodelling going on there. You see nothing of importance. Go east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Bedroom inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north', 'east'] state:
<< Hallway >>
You are still in the hallway. You can go north to where there is a police officer who will let you outside, or you can go east or west.
description: Hallway inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'north', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down'] state:
<< Outside >>
You pass the guard. He nods at you. You are now outside standing on the street. You can go north and east, your choice. To the north is more of the street, and to the east is a video store.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are in a video store called Brickbuster Video. There are about 3,000 videos here. You can go north, or east.
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Video Store >>
You are still in the video store. You can go north, or east.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Video Store inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take hamburger', 'put wood down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< McDonalds >>
You are in a McDonalds. You pay the guy behind the counter. Now there is a hamburger there. When you have picked it up, go north.
You can see a food hamburger here.
description: McDonalds inventory: ['paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| TAKE HAMBURGER reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: McDonalds inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'south', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. You can go north, south, east or west.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'east'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are still outside. You hit a dead end, then notice that you can go east only.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Music Store >>
You are in a music store. You ask the man behind the counter if he knew any information. "Uhh... nope! But the guy back there might be able ta help." You politly thank him and head to the back. You can only go north.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Back of Music Store >>
You are in the back of the music store. You ask the guy who's looking at the cool tapes. He looks up at you. "Duh.. no... don't t'ink so... lemme see..." You decide that he's no help. To the west there is a dazed looking man and to the north there is an exit.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Back of Music Store inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north'] state:
<< Alley >>
You are in an alley. A drunken man stagers up to you and says "Boycott FDR! <HICKUP>.". You just walk away. You can go north, east or west. Your call.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Alley inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['get up', 'west', 'east', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'north', 'south'] state:
<< Police Station >>
You are in the 3rd precinct police station. This isn't your station. You get admitance from the guy at the desk and go to the holding cells. You ask each offender if they know anything. You promise a lighter sentence for the ones who help. But one guy really sets you straight. "I got caught wit' t'ree ounces o' crack. I'm supposed to get 20 years but I'll be out in 2. You can't make me talk cuz it don't matter to me. If I squeal, da guys who did it are gonna come lookin' for me. I know but I ain't gonna tell ya. Now git outta my face.". You are surprised but used to it. You can go north to the outside, south to go back to the alley and west or east to talk to more guys.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Police Station inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| N reward: 10 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| E reward: 10 hint: ['north', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger', 'west'] state:
<< Doughnut King >>
You are in the Doughnut King, where the greasiest doughnuts on earth reside. He isn't here, no one seems to be for that matter, so you should go west.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.]
description: Doughnut King inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'north', 'east', 'west', 'put wood down', 'put hamburger down', 'put pistol down', 'put note down', 'put all down', 'eat hamburger'] state:
<< Outside >>
You are outside. it's bitter cold and you pull your jacket around yourself. To the north is a nice, warm Holiday Inn hotel, where the killer is rumoured to be staying. Or you could go to his favourite hang out, the Wall, to the west, or to the east is the place where he is supposed to be working, the Doughnut King.
description: Outside inventory: ['food hamburger', 'paper note', 'wooden wood', 'small black pistol'] |action| W |
|start_header_id| library 27 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You unlock the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Open door reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state: You open the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take nelson', 'put key down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state:
Rare Books Room
The shelves are nearly bare, although there is a complete set of the "New Zork Times", a box labeled "Avalon", and several biographies of various computer game authors. The door out is to the north
You can see a biography of Graham Nelson here. description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Get book reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Rare Books Room inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'close door', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
The door stands open. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Close door reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door', 'lock door with key', 'open door with key'] state: You close the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Lock door with key reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with graham'] state: You lock the rare books door. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'examine manual'] state:
Computer Lab
This entire room hums with the combined output of several dozen computers. All of them are hopelessly out of date, but at least they're still good for word processing.
A bank of printers on one side of the room frantically churns out paper.
You can see a technician here. description: Computer Lab inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X technician reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'examine manual'] state: This frazzled-looking man is thin and angular. He wears thick, slightly rose-tinted glasses, and exhibits nervous twitching. He is wearing a nametag.
He is leafing through a manual for security systems, and cursing the unreliability of the security gates. description: Computer Lab inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Ask technician about security gates reward: 2 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put all down', 'examine printers'] state: The technician throws his hands up in frustration, slams the manual shut, tucks it under one arm and heads for the stairs. The air behind him positively smokes from the stream of invective he's producing.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Computer Lab inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X printouts reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put frobozzica down', 'put all down'] state: Wow, a complete copy of the "Encyclopedia Frobozzica"! You take it, as it might prove useful.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Computer Lab inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'east', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put printout down', 'put all down', 'open door with key', 'open door with graham'] state:
Second Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is filled with shelves as far as the eye can see. A doorway to the east is labelled "Computer Room", and the stairwell lies to the north.
A heavy wooden door bars the way to the rare books room. description: Second Floor Stacks inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'take into floor', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put printout down', 'put all down'] state:
Second Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead downwards. The lights are dim, and a painting hangs on the wall. A door to the south appears to open into a room of shelves. description: Second Floor Stairwell inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| D reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'put key down', 'put graham down', 'put copy down', 'put printout down', 'put all down', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put printout down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down', 'give reference printout'] state:
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Ask Marion about encyclopedia reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put printout down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down', 'give reference printout'] state: "I am waiting for the Encyclopedia Frobozzica, which the technician is currently printing out for me." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['printout of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica', 'biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Give encyclopedia to Marion reward: 2 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: "Wow, a copy of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica! I've been wanting one of those! I need to add it to the collection right away." She begins furiously working at the computer at her desk.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X shelves reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: The games on these shelves range from every installment of the Zork series, through something simply marked as LTOI. There is a special shelf devoted to a game called, simply, "Curses", with labels like "R12", "R14", "R15", and "Curses95". Other shelves cover "Christminster", "Theatre", "Balances", and many, many others.
Off in one corner are several magazines dedicated to IF, including XYZZYNews and SPAG. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| X magazines reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: These IF magazines include XYZZYNews (named for an old magic word from "Colossal Caves") and SPAG, the Society for the Preservation of Adventure Games. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| Xyzzy reward: 1 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'take graham', 'north', 'put key down', 'put debt down', 'put graham down', 'put all down'] state: You invoke an ancient word of power, and a hollow voice whispers in your ear, "Quiet, please. No talking in the library."
[Your score has just gone up by one point.] description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['biography of Graham Nelson', 'copy of "Debt of Honor"', 'key'] |action| E |
|start_header_id| wishbringer 53 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look can', 'look all', 'take off can', 'put down can', 'put down coin', 'put down violet', 'put down all', 'look around can', 'look at can throug fog', 'look at can throug all', 'throw can at coin', 'throw coin at can', 'throw violet at can', 'throw all at can', 'throw all at coin', 'open can with coin', 'south'] state: Fog
You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
description: Fog inventory: ['metal can', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| D reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look trunk', 'look dead', 'look all', 'take branch', 'take off can', 'put down can', 'put down violet', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around trunk', 'look around north', 'look at trunk throug can', 'look at trunk throug dead', 'take branch from trunk', 'take dead from trunk', 'take dead from can', 'throw can at coin', 'put can down bank', 'throw can at north', 'put violet down bank', 'put coin down bank', 'throw all at can', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at branch', 'put all down bank', 'throw all at north', 'open trunk with can', 'west'] state: A sudden gust of wind dissolves the fog and clears your vision.
Cliff Bottom
You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of the river.
A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment. A vulture perched on top is watching every move you make.
description: Cliff Bottom inventory: ['metal can', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| BREAK BRANCH reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look river', 'look dead', 'look all', 'take branch', 'take off can', 'put down note', 'put down coin', 'put down can', 'put down all', 'look around trunk', 'look around north', 'look at river throug trunk', 'look at river throug dead', 'put note down bank', 'put coin down bank', 'throw can at branch', 'put can down bank', 'throw can at north', 'throw all at branch', 'put all down bank', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at can', 'throw all at north', 'push branch river', 'open river with can', 'west'] state: Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to the ground with a thud. Visibly annoyed, the vulture spreads its wings and soars away over the river.
description: Cliff Bottom inventory: ['metal can', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET IT reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look river', 'look dead', 'look all', 'look at river throug trunk', 'take off can', 'put down note', 'put down coin', 'put down can', 'put down branch', 'put down dead', 'put down all', 'look around trunk', 'look around north', 'look at river throug dead', 'put note behind dead', 'put note down bank', 'put coin down bank', 'throw can at coin', 'put can down bank', 'throw can at north', 'put dead down bank', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down bank', 'throw all at can', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at north', 'throw all at cliff', 'open river with can', 'west'] state: Taken.
description: Cliff Bottom inventory: ['dead branch', 'metal can', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look toll', 'look all', 'take off can', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'put down can', 'put down branch', 'put down violet', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug can', 'look at toll throug all', 'give violet toll', 'give troll can', 'give troll branch', 'give troll coin', 'throw can at bridge', 'throw can at west', 'throw all at can', 'throw all at bridge', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at west', 'open toll with can', 'open toll with branch', 'east'] state: North of Bridge
This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of the river.
A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the closed gate.
Standing near the toll gate is an ugly, gnomelike creature. A less original story would probably refer to it as a troll.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['dead branch', 'metal can', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| OPEN CAN reward: 3 hint: ['north', 'look toll', 'look all', 'take can', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'close can', 'put down branch', 'put down violet', 'put down coin', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug can', 'look at toll throug all', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw violet at toll', 'throw coin at toll', 'throw all at toll', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'push can river', 'open toll with branch', 'east'] state: Yow! When you open the can a real, live rattlesnake leaps out! It squirms about angrily for a few moments, turns to hiss at you and slithers out of sight.
The metal can clatters to the ground.
A scream of terror echoes off the cliffs as the troll runs away across the covered bridge.
(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 27 out of 100.)
description: North Bridge inventory: ['dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET CAN reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look toll', 'look all', 'take off false', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'close can', 'put down can', 'put down branch', 'put down violet', 'put down coin', 'drop all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug can', 'look at toll throug all', 'throw can at toll', 'throw can at west', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw violet at toll', 'throw coin at toll', 'open toll with can', 'open false with can', 'east'] state: Taken.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['metal can', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| SQUEEZE IT reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look violet', 'look toll', 'look all', 'look at toll throug can', 'take violet', 'take stone', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'put down violet', 'put down can', 'put down branch', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug violet', 'put violet behind toll', 'throw violet at toll', 'throw can at violet', 'throw can at toll', 'throw branch at violet', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw coin at violet', 'throw coin at toll', 'throw all at violet', 'throw all at toll', 'throw all at can', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'push stone river', 'push violet to river', 'open toll with can', 'east'] state: The false bottom is wedged tightly into the metal can. You might be able to loosen it by squeezing harder... harder!...
Pop! A small stone drops out of the squashed can and lands at your feet.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['squashed can', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| DROP CAN reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look violet', 'look toll', 'look all', 'look at toll throug can', 'take violet', 'take can', 'take stone', 'take all', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'put down violet', 'put down branch', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug violet', 'put violet behind toll', 'throw violet at toll', 'throw branch at violet', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw coin at violet', 'throw coin at toll', 'throw all at violet', 'throw all at toll', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'push can river', 'push stone river', 'push violet to river', 'open toll with branch', 'east'] state: Dropped.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET WISHBRINGER reward: 5 hint: ['north', 'look violet', 'look toll', 'look all', 'take can', 'take up toll', 'look path', 'put down branch', 'put down coin', 'put down stone', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug violet', 'look at toll throug can', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw coin at toll', 'throw stone at toll', 'put stone down river', 'throw note at toll', 'throw all at toll', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at stone', 'push can river', 'open toll with branch', 'east'] state: Taken.
(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 32 out of 100.)
As your fingers close around the small stone it begins to glow with an eerie violet-white radiance.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| OPEN GATE reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look violet', 'look toll', 'look all', 'take out toll', 'take can', 'look path', 'pull down toll', 'put down branch', 'put down coin', 'put down stone', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around west', 'look at toll throug violet', 'look at toll throug can', 'throw branch at toll', 'throw coin at toll', 'throw stone at toll', 'put stone down river', 'throw note at toll', 'throw all at toll', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at stone', 'push can river', 'south', 'east'] state: Okay, the toll gate is now open.
description: North Bridge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'look river', 'look violet', 'look all', 'put down small', 'put down dead', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around small', 'look at river throug small', 'look at river throug violet', 'put small down river', 'throw small at stone', 'throw dead at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw note at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at bridge', 'throw all at dead', 'throw all at coin', 'north', 'south'] state: Bridge
You're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign hangs on an arch overhead.
description: Bridge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['look east', 'east', 'look river', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in bridge', 'look road', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down coin', 'put down branch', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at river throug small', 'look at river throug violet', 'put small down river', 'throw small at stone', 'throw note at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw branch at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at bridge', 'throw all at branch', 'north', 'south', 'west'] state: South of Bridge
This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to the village.
description: South Bridge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'look river', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take out narrow', 'look narrow', 'put down small', 'put down note', 'put down coin', 'put down branch', 'put down all', 'look at river throug small', 'look at river throug violet', 'put small down river', 'throw small at stone', 'throw note at small', 'throw coin at small', 'throw branch at small', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at branch', 'south', 'east', 'up'] state: River Outlet
This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
description: River Outlet inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| S reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'look platypus', 'look violet', 'look all', 'look down sand', 'look road', 'put down small', 'put down dead', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at platypus throug small', 'look at platypus throug violet', 'hit sand with small', 'put small down lake', 'put small down sand', 'put dead down sand', 'put dead down pit', 'put coin down sand', 'put note down sand', 'throw all at small', 'put all down sand', 'throw all at dead', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at pit', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'north', 'east'] state: Lake Edge
You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Witchville Cemetery.
Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the water.
You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. Animal tracks are visible in the sand next to the pit.
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| LOOK IN PIT reward: 0 hint: ['look east', 'look platypus', 'east', 'look violet', 'look all', 'look down sand', 'take in gate', 'look road', 'put down small', 'put down dead', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look around east', 'look at platypus throug small', 'look at platypus throug violet', 'hit sand with small', 'put small down lake', 'put small down sand', 'put dead down sand', 'put dead down pit', 'put coin down sand', 'put note down sand', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at dead', 'put all down sand', 'throw all at coin', 'throw all at pit', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'north', 'south'] state: The pit is more than five feet deep. You can see a platypus in it.
A rusty "click!" draws your eyes to the iron gate. You watch as it slowly creaks open, all by itself!
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['small stone', 'dead branch', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| PUT BRANCH IN PIT reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'look platypus', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in gate', 'look down sand', 'take branch', 'look road', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at platypus throug small', 'look at platypus throug violet', 'hit sand with small', 'take branch from pit', 'put small down sand', 'put small down lake', 'put coin down sand', 'put note down sand', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down sand', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: Okay, the dead branch is now standing up inside the pit.
The platypus grabs onto the bottom of the dead branch with its forepaws.
You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET BRANCH reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'look small', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in gate', 'take in x', 'look road', 'look down x', 'put down small', 'put down branch', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at small throug branch', 'look at small throug violet', 'hit x with small', 'put small down x', 'put small down lake', 'put branch down x', 'put branch down pit', 'put coin down x', 'put note down x', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at branch', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down x', 'throw all at pit', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'dig x with small', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: Taken.
(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 37 out of 100.)
The platypus hangs on to the dead branch as you pull it out of the pit. It lets go when the branch clears the edge and waddles joyfully around on the sand.
The little creature draws an "X" in the sand with its tail. Then it gives you an oddly dignified nod of thanks, waddles to the edge of the lake and disappears into the dark water.
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['dead branch', 'small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| DROP BRANCH reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'look small', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in gate', 'take in x', 'take branch', 'look road', 'look down x', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at small throug ground', 'look at small throug violet', 'hit x with small', 'put small down ground', 'put small down lake', 'put coin down ground', 'put note down ground', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'put all down ground', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'dig x with small', 'push branch lake', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: Dropped.
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| DIG IN SAND reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'look silver', 'look violet', 'look all', 'take in gate', 'take silver', 'take branch', 'take all', 'look road', 'look down sand', 'put down small', 'put down coin', 'put down note', 'put down all', 'look at silver throug small', 'look at silver throug violet', 'put small down ground', 'put small down lake', 'put coin down ground', 'put note down ground', 'put all down ground', 'throw all at small', 'throw all at coin', 'put small down pit', 'put coin down pit', 'put note down pit', 'put all down pit', 'dig sand with small', 'push whistle lake', 'push branch lake', 'north', 'south', 'east'] state: You discovered a silver whistle in the sand under the "X"!
description: Lake Edge inventory: ['small stone', 'gold coin', 'violet note'] |action| GET WHISTLE |
|start_header_id| 905 2 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off clothing', 'take off watch', 'take off all', 'take wallet', 'take keys', 'close door', 'put clothing down', 'put watch down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open dresser', 'open wallet', 'take all from table', 'put clothing in bed', 'put watch in bed', 'put clothing on table', 'put clothing on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone'] state: You get out of bed.
This bedroom is extremely spare, with dirty laundry scattered haphazardly all over the floor. Cleaner clothing can be found in the dresser. A bathroom lies to the south, while a door to the east leads to the living room.
On the end table are a telephone, a wallet and some keys. description: Bedroom inventory: ['soiled clothing', 'gold watch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take off clothing', 'take off watch', 'take off all', 'put clothing down', 'put watch down', 'get in toilet'] state:
This is a far from luxurious but still quite functional bathroom, with a sink, toilet and shower. The bedroom lies to the north. description: Bathroom inventory: ['soiled clothing', 'gold watch'] |action| remove watch reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take off clothing', 'put on watch', 'put clothing down', 'put watch down', 'get in toilet'] state: You take off the gold watch. description: Bathroom inventory: ['soiled clothing', 'gold watch'] |action| remove clothes reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put on clothing', 'put on watch', 'put clothing down', 'put watch down', 'put all down', 'get in toilet'] state: You take off the soiled clothing. description: Bathroom inventory: ['soiled clothing', 'gold watch'] |action| drop all reward: 0 hint: ['take shower', 'north', 'take clothing', 'take watch', 'take all', 'put on clothing', 'put on watch', 'get in toilet'] state: soiled clothing: Dropped.
gold watch: Dropped. description: Bathroom inventory: None |action| enter shower reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take clothing', 'take watch', 'take all', 'put on watch', 'get in toilet'] state: You step into the shower, turn on the water, and within a few moments you feel like a new man. But no time to dawdle - you hop back out again and dry off in record time. description: Bathroom inventory: None |action| take watch reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take clothing', 'put on watch', 'put watch down', 'get in toilet'] state: Taken. description: Bathroom inventory: ['gold watch'] |action| wear watch reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'take off watch', 'take clothing', 'put watch down', 'get in toilet'] state: You put on the gold watch. description: Bathroom inventory: ['gold watch'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'take wallet', 'take keys', 'close door', 'put watch down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open dresser', 'open wallet', 'take all from table', 'put watch in bed', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone'] state:
This bedroom is extremely spare, with dirty laundry scattered haphazardly all over the floor. Cleaner clothing can be found in the dresser. A bathroom lies to the south, while a door to the east leads to the living room.
On the end table are a telephone, a wallet and some keys. description: Bedroom inventory: ['gold watch'] |action| get all from table reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'close door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open dresser', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in bed', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: wallet: Removed.
keys: Removed. description: Bedroom inventory: ['keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| open dresser reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'take clothing', 'close dresser', 'close door', 'put on clothing', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in dresser', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in dresser', 'put watch in bed', 'put keys in dresser', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in dresser', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: You open the dresser, revealing some clean clothing. description: Bedroom inventory: ['keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| get clothes reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'close door', 'close dresser', 'put on clothing', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put clothing down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in dresser', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in dresser', 'put watch in bed', 'put clothing in dresser', 'put clothing in bed', 'put keys in dresser', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in dresser', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put clothing on table', 'put clothing on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: Taken. description: Bedroom inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| wear clothes reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take off watch', 'close door', 'close dresser', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'south', 'get in bed', 'look under bed', 'open wallet', 'put wallet in dresser', 'put wallet in bed', 'put watch in dresser', 'put watch in bed', 'put keys in dresser', 'put keys in bed', 'put all in dresser', 'put all in bed', 'put wallet on table', 'put wallet on telephone', 'put watch on table', 'put watch on telephone', 'put keys on table', 'put keys on telephone', 'put all on table', 'put all on telephone'] state: You put on the clean clothing. description: Bedroom inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close bedroom door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'east', 'west', 'open wallet', 'open front door'] state:
Living room
The furniture isn't as carefully arranged as one might like, and it's a bit lacking in the luxuries that might make this a more pleasant place to spend an evening - no stereo, no TV, no DVD, none of that - but this living room is still nicer than most of those in this neighborhood. A kitchenette lies to the east, the bedroom to the west and the front door to the south. description: Living room inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| open front door reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'take off watch', 'close bedroom door', 'close front door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'east', 'west', 'open wallet'] state: You open the front door. description: Living room inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close door', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'north', 'open wallet', 'open car with wallet'] state:
This is quite a seedy neighborhood, but there isn't really anywhere in the whole Las Mesas metro area that isn't at least a little rundown. Of course, the locals may complain about the ugliness and the crime, but the fact is that a starter home like this one would cost easily five times as much in someplace like Las Playas - and that's if you could find one.
The house lies to the north. A car is parked here in the driveway. description: Driveway inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| unlock car reward: 0 hint: ['take off watch', 'close door', 'get in car', 'put wallet down', 'put watch down', 'put keys down', 'put all down', 'north', 'lock car', 'open wallet'] state: Unlocked. description: Driveway inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| enter car reward: 0 hint: [] state: You climb inside and start up the engine.
Ah, scenic Las Mesas. Man, this place is an absolute toilet. Soon you'll be able to afford to get the hell out of here - provided you can avoid making any more slip-ups on the job.
As you cruise down the road, you notice a freeway onramp approaching. Would you like to get on? description: Driving inventory: ['clean clothing', 'keys', 'wallet', 'gold watch'] |action| QUIT |
|start_header_id| omniquest 47 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'get in southeast', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state: You put on the parka. description: Chilly Corridor inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['use rod', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state:
Ice Room
This is a COLD room filled with ice. Slush fills a hole in the center of the room. There is an exit to the northwest. description: Ice Room inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| fish reward: 0 hint: ['use rod', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put fish down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat'] state: You bait your rod and cast.
Finally a fish! You take it. description: Ice Room inventory: ['fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| fish reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put fish down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'examine boot', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat'] state: Of all the dumb luck! A boot! You take it anyway. description: Ice Room inventory: ['boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| x boot reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state: Examining the boot further reveals a crystal, which you take. description: Ice Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in southeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put other down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put other in raincoat'] state:
Chilly Corridor description: Chilly Corridor inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take rice', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'get in northeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put fish down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push rice to raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat'] state:
Rice Room
This room smells of steaming rice. Some song is playing in the distance, and it is saying something about rice patties. Exits are to the northeast and north.
You can see some rice here. description: Rice Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| take rice reward: 0 hint: ['make sushi', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'north', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rice down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put rice in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state: Taken. description: Rice Room inventory: ['rice', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| make sushi reward: 5 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'get in northeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state: You're not Julia Child, but it'll do. description: Rice Room inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'south', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state:
Musty Corridor
This somewhat non-descript room has a particularly musty odor. There are exits to the north and south. description: Musty Corridor inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'south', 'get in northeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state:
South Lake description: South Lake inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in southeast', 'west', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state:
West Path
This is a section of the path that continues to the northeast and southeast, as well as branching to the west. description: West Path inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'give samurai sushi'] state:
Guardian Chamber
This is a tall chamber with columns lining the door to the west. The exit is to the east.
You can see a samurai here. description: Guardian Chamber inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| give sushi to samurai reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'west', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat'] state: He says something in thanks, and begins to eat as he walks away. description: Guardian Chamber inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'put crystal on space', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state:
Jeweled Room
This is an ornately decorated room with absurdly large and tacky jewels plastered to the wall.
In the center of the room is a diamond cage. There is an exit to the east. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| x cage reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'put crystal on space', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state: The cage has a crystal-shaped space on it. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| put crystal in space reward: 0 hint: ['take wings', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push wings to raincoat'] state: There is a flash of light, and the cage opens, revealing...
The Diamond Wings of Destiny!!
The cage and crystal suddenly vanish, leaving the wings. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| take wings reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state: Taken. description: Jeweled Room inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'west', 'east', 'put snorkel down', 'put wings down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put wings in raincoat'] state:
Guardian Chamber description: Guardian Chamber inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'get in southeast', 'west', 'put rod down', 'put wings down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on wings', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put wings in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat'] state:
West Path description: West Path inventory: ['pair of diamond wings', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| ne |
|start_header_id| spirit 434 |end_header_id| reward: 5 hint: ['take inventory', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'north', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put map down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to north', 'push ledger to pot', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to north', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to north', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to north', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'put map in pot', 'push can to north', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to north', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push shiny to north', 'push shiny to pot', 'push stick to north', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push sack to north', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to north', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to north', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to north', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot', 'south'] state: You check the jungle map. Sure enough, there's a loose patch of grass that you could duck under to the west.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: None inventory: None |action| drop map reward: 0 hint: ['examine north', 'take inventory', 'fuck', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take headdress', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'north', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'cast chant at wigro', 'push ledger to north', 'push ledger to pot', 'put wigro in pot', 'push headdress to north', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cube to north', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to north', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to north', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push can to north', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to north', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push shiny to north', 'push shiny to pot', 'push stick to north', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push sack to north', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to north', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to north', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to north', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot', 'south'] state: Dropped. description: None inventory: None |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'pray', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take stick', 'take headdress', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take off amulet', 'take off pair', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'cast chant at wigro', 'push ledger to stick', 'push ledger to pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'put square in pot', 'put wigro in pot', 'push headdress to ledger', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put all in pot', 'south', 'northeast'] state:
Deep Jungle description: None inventory: None |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['examine ledger', 'take inventory', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take stick', 'take headdress', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take off amulet', 'take off pair', 'take into southwest', 'put pot down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'cast chant at wigro', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to stick', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'put square in pot', 'put wigro in pot', 'push headdress to ledger', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put all in pot', 'northeast'] state:
Edge of Jungle description: None inventory: None |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'pray', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take stick', 'take headdress', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take shiny', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take off amulet', 'take off pair', 'east', 'take into southwest', 'put pot down', 'put square down', 'put wigro down', 'put amulet down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'cast chant at wigro', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to stick', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'put wigro in pot', 'push headdress to ledger', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
City Limits description: None inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'south', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take headdress', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'east', 'west', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'put on headdress', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to east', 'put wigro in pot', 'push headdress to ledger', 'push headdress to pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
Miznia Suburbs description: None inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'fuck', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'west', 'take into northeast', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to wigro', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot', 'down'] state:
Standing on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign. description: None inventory: None |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'pray', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take stick', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take shiny', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take off amulet', 'take off pair', 'put pot down', 'put square down', 'put wigro down', 'put amulet down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to stick', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'put all in pot', 'put all in small', 'empty pot into small', 'up'] state:
Miznia GUS Station
A metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest. description: None inventory: None |action| put coin in slot reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'pray', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take stick', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take shiny', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take off amulet', 'take off pair', 'put pot down', 'put square down', 'put wigro down', 'put amulet down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to stick', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'put all in pot', 'put all in small', 'empty pot into small', 'up'] state: The coin slides into the slot with a satisfying thunk. description: None inventory: None |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'fuck', 'pray', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'take into gate', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'cast chant at wigro', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to wigro', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot'] state: You saunter through the apparently open gate.
Miznia Train Platform
A metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast. description: None inventory: None |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'fuck', 'pray', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'take into gate', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'cast chant at wigro', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to wigro', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot'] state: Time passes. description: None inventory: None |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'fuck', 'pray', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'take into gate', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'cast chant at wigro', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to wigro', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot'] state: Time passes.
Suddenly, from the north, a train emerges from the tunnel! It pulls to a screeching halt, the doors open, and several people rush out and exit the station. description: None inventory: None |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'fuck', 'pray', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'take into gate', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'cast chant at wigro', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to wigro', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot'] state: Time passes.
A few people exit the train, and hurry out of the station. You hear a voice from inside the train say, "Doors will be closing, please stand clear." description: None inventory: None |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take stick', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take off amulet', 'take off pair', 'take into seats', 'put pot down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to stick', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'put square in pot', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put all in pot'] state:
You shove your way onto train car. The doors close behind you.
Subway car
The train starts to move, quickly exiting the station going north. description: None inventory: None |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take stick', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take off amulet', 'take off pair', 'take into seats', 'put pot down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to stick', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'put square in pot', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put all in pot'] state: Time passes.
The train rumbles as it moves. description: None inventory: None |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take stick', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take off amulet', 'take off pair', 'take into seats', 'put pot down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to stick', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'put square in pot', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put all in pot'] state: Time passes.
The train suddenly lurches to a stop! A voice from somewhere overhead says "Gurth City station, watch your step please." description: None inventory: None |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take stick', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take off amulet', 'take off pair', 'take into seats', 'put pot down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to stick', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'put square in pot', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put all in pot'] state: Time passes.
A voice overhead says "Doors will be closing, please stand clear." description: None inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine ledger', 'take inventory', 'pray', 'west', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'take into gate', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to wigro', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot', 'down'] state:
Gurth City Train Platform
A metal gate bisects the fence to the northeast.
A few people exit the train, and hurry out of the station. You hear a voice from inside the train say, "Doors will be closing, please stand clear." description: None inventory: None |action| ne reward: 0 hint: ['examine ledger', 'take inventory', 'fuck', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to wigro', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot', 'put all in small', 'empty pot into small', 'up'] state:
Gurth City GUS Station
You are standing at the entrance to the Gurth City Great Underground Subway (GUS) station. The train platform lies past the gate to the southwest, or stairs lead up into the city. Some lettering on the wall reads "TRANSFER STATION".
A metal gate bisects the fence to the southwest. description: None inventory: None |action| u reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'fuck', 'hit egg', 'take ledger', 'take umbrella', 'take cube', 'take rag', 'take powder', 'take can', 'take whistle', 'take shiny', 'take stick', 'take sack', 'take volcano', 'take egg', 'take cereal', 'take off pair', 'take off amulet', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put pair down', 'put amulet down', 'put square down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'eat stick', 'empty pot', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off pot', 'push ledger to pot', 'push ledger to wigro', 'put wigro in pot', 'push cube to ledger', 'push cube to pot', 'push rag to ledger', 'push rag to pot', 'push powder to ledger', 'push powder to pot', 'put pair in pot', 'push can to ledger', 'push can to pot', 'push whistle to ledger', 'push whistle to pot', 'push shiny to ledger', 'push shiny to pot', 'put amulet in pot', 'push stick to ledger', 'push stick to pot', 'put square in pot', 'push sack to ledger', 'push sack to pot', 'push volcano to ledger', 'push volcano to pot', 'push egg to ledger', 'push egg to pot', 'put book in pot', 'push cereal to ledger', 'push cereal to pot', 'put all in pot', 'southeast', 'down'] state: You are greeted by a light rain as you leave the station.
Gurth City Streets
A foggy sky covers the ever-busy city of Gurth. A road heads southeast into a larger portion of the city, and stairs lead down here.
Standing on a tall pole next to the stairs is a circular sign.
You can also see an umbrella here. description: None inventory: None |action| take umbrella |
|start_header_id| spirit 1110 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'take silver', 'take brown', 'take red', 'take green', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'south', 'north', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put parchment down', 'put wigro down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put smoke down', 'put black down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put white down', 'put gray down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put parchment in fur', 'put parchment in pot', 'put parchment in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to south', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to south', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to bag', 'put smoke in fur', 'put smoke in pot', 'put smoke in bag', 'push red to fur', 'push red to south', 'push red to pot', 'push red to bag', 'put black in fur', 'put black in pot', 'put black in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put white in fur', 'put white in pot', 'put white in bag', 'put gray in fur', 'put gray in pot', 'put gray in bag', 'push green to fur', 'push green to south', 'push green to pot', 'push green to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty fur into brazier', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into brazier', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into brazier'] state:
Main Hall description: Main H inventory: ['scrawledrchment'] |action| read scrawled reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'take silver', 'take brown', 'take red', 'take green', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'south', 'north', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put parchment down', 'put wigro down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put smoke down', 'put black down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put white down', 'put gray down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put parchment in fur', 'put parchment in pot', 'put parchment in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to south', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to south', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to bag', 'put smoke in fur', 'put smoke in pot', 'put smoke in bag', 'push red to fur', 'push red to south', 'push red to pot', 'push red to bag', 'put black in fur', 'put black in pot', 'put black in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put white in fur', 'put white in pot', 'put white in bag', 'put gray in fur', 'put gray in pot', 'put gray in bag', 'push green to fur', 'push green to south', 'push green to pot', 'push green to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty fur into brazier', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into brazier', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into brazier'] state: "Red beats smoke,
Silver bests clouds,
Green defeats depths,
Brown stops earth." description: Main H inventory: ['scrawledrchment'] |action| drop scrawled reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'take silver', 'take brown', 'take parchment', 'take red', 'take green', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'south', 'north', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put smoke down', 'put black down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put white down', 'put gray down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to south', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to south', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to bag', 'put smoke in fur', 'put smoke in pot', 'put smoke in bag', 'push red to fur', 'push red to south', 'push red to pot', 'push red to bag', 'put black in fur', 'put black in pot', 'put black in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put white in fur', 'put white in pot', 'put white in bag', 'put gray in fur', 'put gray in pot', 'put gray in bag', 'push green to fur', 'push green to south', 'push green to pot', 'push green to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty fur into brazier', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into brazier', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into brazier'] state: Dropped. description: Main H inventory: None |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'pray', 'take silver', 'take brown', 'take red', 'take green', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'south', 'east', 'north', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put smoke down', 'put black down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put white down', 'put gray down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to south', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to south', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to bag', 'put smoke in fur', 'put smoke in pot', 'put smoke in bag', 'push red to fur', 'push red to south', 'push red to pot', 'push red to bag', 'put black in fur', 'put black in pot', 'put black in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put white in fur', 'put white in pot', 'put white in bag', 'put gray in fur', 'put gray in pot', 'put gray in bag', 'push green to fur', 'push green to south', 'push green to pot', 'push green to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot'] state:
Cloister Walkway description: Cloister Walkway inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine fur', 'take inventory', 'spells', 'take silver', 'take brown', 'take red', 'take green', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'east', 'west', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put smoke down', 'put black down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put white down', 'put gray down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to snow', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to snow', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to bag', 'put smoke in fur', 'put smoke in pot', 'put smoke in bag', 'push red to fur', 'push red to snow', 'push red to pot', 'push red to bag', 'put black in fur', 'put black in pot', 'put black in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put white in fur', 'put white in pot', 'put white in bag', 'put gray in fur', 'put gray in pot', 'put gray in bag', 'push green to fur', 'push green to snow', 'push green to pot', 'push green to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot'] state:
Monastery Gardens description: Monastery Gardens inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'take silver', 'take brown', 'take red', 'take green', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'east', 'west', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put amulet down', 'put smoke down', 'put black down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put white down', 'put gray down', 'put bag down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to east', 'push silver to bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to east', 'push brown to bag', 'put smoke in fur', 'put smoke in pot', 'put smoke in bag', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to east', 'push red to bag', 'put black in fur', 'put black in pot', 'put black in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put white in fur', 'put white in pot', 'put white in bag', 'put gray in fur', 'put gray in pot', 'put gray in bag', 'push green to fur', 'push green to pot', 'push green to east', 'push green to bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'up', 'down'] state:
Hallway (west end) description: Hway (west end) inventory: None |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'take silver', 'take brown', 'take red', 'take green', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'east', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put amulet down', 'put smoke down', 'put black down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put white down', 'put gray down', 'put bag down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to east', 'push silver to bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to east', 'push brown to bag', 'put smoke in fur', 'put smoke in pot', 'put smoke in bag', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to east', 'push red to bag', 'put black in fur', 'put black in pot', 'put black in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put white in fur', 'put white in pot', 'put white in bag', 'put gray in fur', 'put gray in pot', 'put gray in bag', 'push green to fur', 'push green to pot', 'push green to east', 'push green to bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'up'] state:
Hallway (basement) description: Hway (basement) inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'take silver', 'take brown', 'take red', 'take green', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'east', 'north', 'west', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put smoke down', 'put black down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put white down', 'put gray down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to east', 'push silver to bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to east', 'push brown to bag', 'put smoke in fur', 'put smoke in pot', 'put smoke in bag', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to east', 'push red to bag', 'put black in fur', 'put black in pot', 'put black in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put white in fur', 'put white in pot', 'put white in bag', 'put gray in fur', 'put gray in pot', 'put gray in bag', 'push green to fur', 'push green to pot', 'push green to east', 'push green to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot'] state:
Refectory description: Refectory inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'fuck', 'take silver', 'take brown', 'take red', 'take green', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'close trapdoor', 'take into trapdoor', 'west', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put smoke down', 'put black down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put white down', 'put gray down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open trapdoor', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'put fur on barrel', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot on barrel', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key on barrel', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro on barrel', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag on barrel', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to key', 'push silver to bag', 'push silver to barrel', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet on barrel', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to key', 'push brown to bag', 'push brown to barrel', 'put smoke in fur', 'put smoke in pot', 'put smoke in bag', 'put smoke on barrel', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to key', 'push red to bag', 'push red to barrel', 'put black in fur', 'put black in pot', 'put black in bag', 'put black on barrel', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book on barrel', 'put wood on barrel', 'put white in fur', 'put white in pot', 'put white in bag', 'put white on barrel', 'put gray in fur', 'put gray in pot', 'put gray in bag', 'put gray on barrel', 'push green to fur', 'push green to pot', 'push green to key', 'push green to bag', 'push green to barrel', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all on barrel', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot'] state:
A trapdoor opens into darkness below.
You can also see a large barrel here. description: Storeroom inventory: None |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'spells', 'pray', 'take silver', 'take brown', 'take red', 'take green', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'close trapdoor', 'east', 'take into trapdoor', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put smoke down', 'put black down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put white down', 'put gray down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'open trapdoor', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to east', 'push silver to bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to east', 'push brown to bag', 'put smoke in fur', 'put smoke in pot', 'put smoke in bag', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to east', 'push red to bag', 'put black in fur', 'put black in pot', 'put black in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put white in fur', 'put white in pot', 'put white in bag', 'put gray in fur', 'put gray in pot', 'put gray in bag', 'push green to fur', 'push green to pot', 'push green to east', 'push green to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot'] state:
You are in an low underground cavern, made of roughly worked stone. An even lower tunnel travels east.
Light gleams in from an open trapdoor above. description: Caverns inventory: None |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine fur', 'take inventory', 'spells', 'fuck', 'take silver', 'take brown', 'take red', 'take green', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'take into southeast', 'west', 'put fur down', 'put pot down', 'put key down', 'put wigro down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put smoke down', 'put black down', 'put book down', 'put wood down', 'put white down', 'put gray down', 'put all down', 'empty fur', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'examine wigro', 'examine book', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take all off fur', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put bag in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'push silver to fur', 'push silver to pot', 'push silver to key', 'push silver to bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'push brown to fur', 'push brown to pot', 'push brown to key', 'push brown to bag', 'put smoke in fur', 'put smoke in pot', 'put smoke in bag', 'push red to fur', 'push red to pot', 'push red to key', 'push red to bag', 'put black in fur', 'put black in pot', 'put black in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put white in fur', 'put white in pot', 'put white in bag', 'put gray in fur', 'put gray in pot', 'put gray in bag', 'push green to fur', 'push green to pot', 'push green to key', 'push green to bag', 'put all in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty bag into pot'] state:
Cave Intersection
You are in a large open cavern. The rough limestone here was probably eroded by underground springs to form the somewhat circular chamber you now stand in. Oddly, there seems to have been a recent cave-in, as piles of rubble line the walls. A tunnel snakes off to the west. To the southeast, there is a wide square hole! description: Cave Intersection inventory: None |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'fuck', 'take green', 'take silver', 'take parchment', 'take red', 'take brown', 'take all', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take green off pot', 'take silver off pot', 'take red off pot', 'take brown off pot', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag'] state:
As you enter the tunnel, a strange light surrounds you! The four rod pieces you were carrying crumble into dust!
Mystical Cave
You've entered a wondrous natural cave, lit everywhere by reflected light from some sort of purple crystalline substance in the walls. A tunnel exits to the northwest.
There's a purple crystal sphere partially embedded in the rock floor here.
Lying in one corner of the room is a skeleton.
You can also see a blackened parchment, a silver rod piece, a red rod piece, a green rod piece and a brown rod piece here. description: None inventory: None |action| read blackened reward: 0 hint: ['take inventory', 'fuck', 'take green', 'take silver', 'take parchment', 'take red', 'take brown', 'take all', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'close fur', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take green off pot', 'take silver off pot', 'take red off pot', 'take brown off pot', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag'] state: "I write these final words not in the hope that others will find and heed them, for this is too great a hope in my moment of death, but rather, to try and maintain my mind and soul in the face of the terror I now know is the truth.
For how can a man survive, knowing that his entire life, his entire belief, has been a ruse, a dupe, from the early beginning? That he has merely been a pawn in a working of evil that cannot be stopped?
I have fought all manner of terrors, and recovered that which I know is the _true_ Rod of the Ancients, broken and scattered eons ago in the face of great evil. I sought also those ancient spheres that the Four Ancients never had the chance to use against the evil four elemental demons, but alas, I could not find them all, and sequestered those which I did with good people that the elemental evil could not touch.
Alas, my quest has ended here. I lie trapped here, with the pieces of the true Rod in hand, unable to go forward, trapped by the elemental mystic locks on the rod that prevent it from leaving this very room, yet unable to go back, to leave the rod here and deny the very real danger of the defeat of the Ancients, of the power that the evil elementals hold.
What is a faith destroyed? Who can help me to believe, in my moment of disbelief?
--P--" description: None inventory: None |action| take silver rod reward: 2 hint: ['take inventory', 'take green', 'take parchment', 'take red', 'take brown', 'take all', 'take off amulet', 'cast chant', 'push sphere', 'close fur', 'put pot down', 'put wigro down', 'put wood down', 'put bag down', 'put amulet down', 'put fur down', 'put key down', 'put silver down', 'put book down', 'put all down', 'empty pot', 'empty bag', 'empty fur', 'examine wigro', 'examine chant', 'examine all', 'take green off pot', 'take red off pot', 'take silver off pot', 'take brown off pot', 'take all off pot', 'take all off bag', 'take all off fur', 'put pot in bag', 'put pot in fur', 'put wigro in pot', 'put wigro in bag', 'put wigro in fur', 'put bag in pot', 'put bag in fur', 'put amulet in pot', 'put amulet in bag', 'put amulet in fur', 'put key in pot', 'put key in bag', 'put key in fur', 'put book in pot', 'put book in bag', 'put book in fur', 'put silver in pot', 'put silver in bag', 'put silver in fur', 'put all in pot', 'put all in bag', 'put all in fur', 'empty pot into bag', 'empty pot into fur', 'empty bag into pot', 'empty bag into fur', 'empty fur into pot', 'empty fur into bag'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: None inventory: None |action| push purple reward: 0 hint: ['take off', 'drop rod against giant', 'put rod down'] state: The sphere pulses with angry energy! It seems to be fighting the silver rod piece you hold! With a sudden burst, you feel your mind reel and your very surroundings change!
Giant Cavern
You find yourself in a huge cavern. To the west is a large exit that looks out into a void of snow-covered mountains.
There is a gigantic white dragon here! description: None inventory: None |action| jump reward: 0 hint: ['put rod down'] state: You close your eyes and leap out of the cave! You plummet through silent white winds. Moments later, you fall right into an enormous snowbank, and roll downwards, into...
Snowy Intersection
You are at a snow-filled crossroads in a mountain trail. Paths lead north towards the top of the mountain, east, west, and south towards the base of the mountain.
Something seems familiar, yet different, about this place.
There is a large stone marker here, in the center of the intersection. description: Snowy Intersection inventory: None |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['put rod down'] state: Time passes. description: Snowy Intersection inventory: None |action| z reward: 0 hint: ['put rod down', 'put rod in top'] state: Time passes.
You hear a roar from the east! From out of the sky, a giant white dragon descends! It draws near, spots you, and bellows in rage! You shrink back, and pray for a quick but painless end.
There is a loud crack! The dragon, in trying to land, almost impales itself on the obelisk marker! Part of the marker breaks off, and the dragon flies off, whimpering in pain! description: Snowy Intersection inventory: None |action| put silver rod in top reward: 0 hint: ['take wood', 'take silver', 'take amulet', 'take fur', 'take bag', 'take key', 'take pot', 'take scroll', 'take parchment', 'take book', 'take all', 'close fur', 'put on amulet', 'examine scroll', 'examine book', 'take green off pot', 'take brown off pot', 'take red off pot', 'take all off fur', 'take all off bag', 'take all off pot', 'give green rod', 'give brown rod', 'give rod red'] state: As you place the rod piece in the broken stone piece, you sense a force from above pull you skywards! In moments, you are high above the snow covered mountains, nearing the sky, which you notice is strangely purple!
Mystical Cave
You've entered a wondrous natural cave, lit everywhere by reflected light from some sort of purple crystalline substance in the walls. A tunnel exits to the northwest.
There's a purple crystal sphere partially embedded in the rock floor here.
Lying in one corner of the room is a skeleton.
You can also see a small flower pot (in which are a green sphere, a brown sphere, a red sphere and a silver sphere), a square key, a prayer book, a holy amulet, a fancy scroll, a fur sack (in which are ten coins), a bag (in which are seven coins), three balsa wood beams, a blackened parchment, a red rod piece, a green rod piece and a brown rod piece here. description: None inventory: None |action| take green rod reward: 2 hint: ['take green', 'take wood', 'take silver', 'take amulet', 'take fur', 'take bag', 'take key', 'take pot', 'take scroll', 'take parchment', 'take book', 'take all', 'push purple', 'close fur', 'put green down', 'put on amulet', 'examine scroll', 'examine book', 'take brown off pot', 'take red off pot', 'take all off fur', 'take all off bag', 'take all off pot', 'put green in fur', 'put green in bag', 'put green in pot', 'give rod brown', 'give rod red'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by two points.] description: None inventory: None |action| push purple |
|start_header_id| zenon 49 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'west', 'east', 'south'] state: The male officer suddenly perks up. "You have an invitation for the officers convention?" he asks eagerly. Seeing you don't, he gives you an evil stare and sets back down to his work. description: Office inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| ask male about daddy reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'west', 'east', 'south'] state: "You leave my dear daddy out of this!"
The female secretary gets her purse out and powders her nose. description: Office inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| ask female about male reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'west', 'east', 'south'] state: "Isn't he so uptight?" says the female secretary. "Never lets his hair down, always working." description: Office inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| ask female about bar reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'west', 'east', 'south'] state: She flutters her eyelashes. "If you can get me the job in the bar, so I can get away from this dump and that sour puss." She points across the room to her co-worker. "Then I'll let you pass through."
"How I wish I was an officer, so I could make Daddy proud." says the male secretary. description: Office inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'west'] state:
Finally, a bar! Somewhere to quench your thirst for a pint of smooth, creamy ale...Your mouth begins to dribble, until you realise you have no money to speak of.... Your heart sinks, and you pause to take in the surroundings. It looks rather like a 20th century wine bar, with classy furnishings well placed around the room. There is a large sign on the wall.
A barman beams at you from behind the bar.
You can also see a juke box here. description: Bar inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x sign reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'west'] state: "Barmaid wanted!" reads the sign, "Ask Sandy the barman about 'job' for more info." description: Bar inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x barman reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'west'] state: Sandy the barman is a fine figure of a man, standing some six feet tall. His head is topped by masses of ginger curls below which there are thick ginger eyebrows. To finish the image off, some ginger whiskers bristle underneath his nose. He's beaming quite hugely at you. description: Bar inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x juke reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'west'] state: It's a raging stonker of a duke box! If you know your juke boxes, and you surely do, it's nothing less than one of the now legendary Rock-Ola's, from 1961. It appears to be jammed on tracks from Genesis. description: Bar inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| ask barman about job reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'put form down', 'put all down', 'west'] state: "Here's the application form, it's really quite simple." explains the barman, "Just give it to whoever wants the job and get them to fill it in. I assume you're not applying for the job as a barmaid." He laughs and winks at you.
You hear Phil Collins singing his heart out on the juke box. description: Bar inventory: ['form', 'Steel key'] |action| x form reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'put form down', 'put all down', 'west'] state: An application form for the post of barmaid at the bar.The distinctive voice of Peter Gabriel can be heard from the jukebox. description: Bar inventory: ['form', 'Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'west', 'east', 'south'] state:
A male secretary sits at a desk to the west, working furiously
A female secretary sits at a desk to the east, not appearing to be doing much work description: Office inventory: ['form', 'Steel key'] |action| give form to female reward: 0 hint: ['examine west', 'west', 'east', 'south'] state: The female secretary fills in the form quickly and says "Thanks! Now please just give it back to the barman, and I'll let you pass." description: Office inventory: ['form', 'Steel key'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'put form down', 'put all down', 'west'] state:
A barman beams at you from behind the bar.
You can also see a juke box here. description: Bar inventory: ['form', 'Steel key'] |action| give form to barman reward: 4 hint: ['examine key', 'put key down', 'west'] state: "Thanks!" exclaims the barman, "I'm sure she'll be very happy in her new position, she'll be starting here very soon."
[Your score has just gone up by four points.] description: Bar inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'south'] state:
A male secretary sits at a desk to the west, working furiously
A female secretary sits at a desk to the east, not appearing to be doing much work
The female secretary looks wistfully towards the bar, before turning back. description: Office inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'open photocopier', 'put key on desk', 'east'] state:
Officer's Room
Rather than an officers social hall, it appears to be a place of work. There is a photocopier stood on a table and a smart looking officer type sat behind the desk.
On the table is a photocopier (which is closed). description: Officer's Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x copier reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'open photocopier', 'put key on desk', 'east'] state: A big photocopier with somewhat simple controls. It appears you open it up, put whatever you wish to copy inside and then press the "On" button on the side. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x table reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'open photocopier', 'put key on desk', 'east'] state: A white table with metal legs and a plastic top. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| x officer reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'open photocopier', 'put key on desk', 'east'] state: This officer looks very officious. Looking at him, words such as "bustling" and "puffy cheeks" come to mind. He looks like one of those old style military men, and displays several medals on his green jacket. This jacket is kept company by a pair of green trousers, which you can just see from behind the desk. He displays a bristling moustache which is surrounded by the red, puffy mass of his face. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['Steel key'] |action| ask officer about convention reward: 0 hint: ['put key down', 'put invite down', 'put all down', 'open photocopier', 'ask officer about invite', 'put key on desk', 'put invite on desk', 'put all on desk', 'east'] state: "This is my invite," says the officer, handing you a bit of paper. "You are free to peruse it and wish you had one of your own." He sniggers. description: Officer's Room inventory: ['invite', 'Steel key'] |action| x invite |
|start_header_id| balances 31 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put all down', 'examine spell', 'put spell in box', 'put all in box'] state:
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| learn frotz reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'spells', 'pronouns', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put all down', 'examine spell', 'put spell in box', 'put all in box'] state: (The magic writing of the spells casts enough light that you can read them.)
Using your best study habits, you commit the frotz spell to memory. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| frotz coin reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take gold', 'take scroll', 'take cube', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put down coin', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: There is an almost blinding flash of light as the silver coin begins to glow! It slowly fades to a less painful level, but the silver coin is now quite usable as a light source.
Inside Cave
A wide but shallow cave not far inside the hill. There is no obvious exit, except for the way you came in.
The iron door stands open.
Balanced on a rock formation is a featureless white cube.
A fair-sized pair of scales hangs from a bracket in the cave wall. The scales are balanced.
On the right pan are three gold coins.
On the left pan are a bronze coin, two gold coins and a crumpled scroll. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take cube reward: 5 hint: ['east', 'take gold', 'take scroll', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put down coin', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put cube down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put cube in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Inside Cave inventory: ['cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| write cave on cube reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take gold', 'take scroll', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put down coin', 'put grimoire down', 'put cave down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put cave in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: It is now called the "cave" cube. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take crumpled reward: 0 hint: ['take gold', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put down coin', 'put scroll down', 'put grimoire down', 'put cave down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine scroll', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put scroll in box', 'put scroll on right pan', 'put scroll on left pan', 'put grimoire in box', 'put cave in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: The left pan very slowly rises up. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['crumpled scroll', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| gnusto crumpled reward: 0 hint: ['take gold', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put down coin', 'put grimoire down', 'put cave down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put cave in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: Your spell book begins to glow softly. Slowly, ornately, the words of the urbzig spell are inscribed, glowing even more brightly then the book itself. The book's brightness fades, but the spell remains! However, the scroll on which it was written vanishes as the last word is copied. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take gold coin from right pan reward: 0 hint: ['take gold', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put gold down', 'put grimoire down', 'put cave down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put cave in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put gold on right pan', 'put gold on left pan', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put gold in box', 'put all in box'] state: The right pan rises up. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['(77)', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| take bronze coin from left pan reward: 0 hint: ['take gold', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put gold down', 'put grimoire down', 'put cave down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take coin off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put cave in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put gold on right pan', 'put gold on left pan', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put gold in box', 'put all in box'] state: The scales come into balance. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['(bronze_coin)', '(77)', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| put gold coin on right reward: 0 hint: ['take gold', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put grimoire down', 'put cave down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take coin off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put cave in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: The left pan rises up. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['(bronze_coin)', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', '(players_coin)', 'magic burin'] |action| put silver coin on left reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take gold', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put down coin', 'put grimoire down', 'put cave down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'take gold off left pan', 'take all off right pan', 'take all off left pan', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put cave in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put all on right pan', 'put all on left pan', 'put all in box'] state: The scales come into balance. description: Inside Cave inventory: ['(bronze_coin)', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'cast spell', 'close door', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put cave down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put cave in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box', 'north', 'up'] state:
Cave Mouth
The iron door stands open. description: Cave Mouth inventory: ['(bronze_coin)', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put cube down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put cube in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state:
Crest of Hill description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['(bronze_coin)', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'north', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put cave down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put cave in box', 'put all in box'] state:
Edge of Chasm
Lying in a tight coil at the edge of the chasm is a hissing snake.
The snake appears to be curled around a featureless white cube. description: Edge of Chasm inventory: ['(bronze_coin)', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| learn urbzig reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'spells', 'pronouns', 'north', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put cave down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put cave in box', 'put all in box'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the urbzig spell to memory. description: Edge of Chasm inventory: ['(bronze_coin)', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| urbzig snake reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'pronouns', 'take cube', 'north', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put cave down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put cave in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: The snake is replaced by a clump of daffodils. description: Edge of Chasm inventory: ['(bronze_coin)', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| take cube reward: 5 hint: ['jump', 'north', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put cave down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put cave in box', 'put all in box'] state: (the featureless white cube)
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Edge of Chasm inventory: ['cube', '(bronze_coin)', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| write chasm on featureless cube reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'north', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put cave down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put cave in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: It is now called the "chasm" cube. description: Edge of Chasm inventory: ['cube', '(bronze_coin)', 'cube', 'beautiful red carpet', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| drop carpet reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'take carpet', 'take in carpet', 'north', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put cave down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire on carpet', 'put grimoire in box', 'put box on carpet', 'put book on carpet', 'put book in box', 'put cave on carpet', 'put cave in box', 'put burin on carpet', 'put burin in box', 'put coin on carpet', 'put coin in box', 'put all on carpet', 'put all in box'] state: Dropped. description: Edge of Chasm inventory: ['cube', '(bronze_coin)', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| sit on carpet reward: 0 hint: ['take up', 'take in carpet', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put cave down', 'put burin down', 'put coin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put cave in box', 'put burin in box', 'put coin in box', 'put all in box'] state: The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...
Crowded Bazaar (on the beautiful red carpet)
This is a crowded, noisy bazaar. Directly in front of you is a lottery! But the contemptuous-looking barker is doing a very poor trade: hardly anyone wants his first prize, the big cuddly toy elephant, or even his nineteenth prize, a featureless white cube.
Behind the barker is a huge drilled board, and inside each little numbered hole is a rolled-up lottery ticket.
"This could be your lucky day!" description: beautiful red carpet inventory: ['cube', '(bronze_coin)', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| stand |
|start_header_id| omniquest 38 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'east', 'south', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'open raincoat', 'turn lamp off'] state:
Blue Ridge Mountain Sports description: Blue Ridge Mountain Sports inventory: ['worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'north', 'get in southwest', 'get in southeast', 'get in northwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'open raincoat', 'turn lamp off'] state:
Twisting Passageway description: Twisting Passageway inventory: ['worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'get in southwest', 'get in northeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southeast', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'open raincoat', 'turn lamp off'] state:
You have come across a shimmering lake. This is an intersection with paths to the northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast. description: Intersection inventory: ['worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['take scroll', 'take off snorkel', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'open raincoat', 'turn lamp off'] state:
East Path
This is a path that came from the northwest and continues to the southwest.
There is an old man here.
"I haven't had a smoke in 12 years," he says. "Please, PLEASE give me a match!"
You can also see a scroll here. description: East Path inventory: ['worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| open raincoat reward: 0 hint: ['take match', 'take scroll', 'light match', 'take off snorkel', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'empty raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'push match to raincoat', 'give man match', 'light match with scroll'] state: You open the raincoat, revealing a match. description: East Path inventory: ['worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| give match to man reward: 5 hint: ['take scroll', 'take off snorkel', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push scroll to raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state: (first taking the match)
"Thank you!!" says the man. He lights up for the first time
in 12 years. "I have this fishing rod. I'd use it, but I've
been sitting here so long that I can't get up. Since you've
been so nice to me, you can have my rod." He hands it to you,
and you take it. description: East Path inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| read scroll reward: 0 hint: ['take scroll', 'take off snorkel', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push scroll to raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state: The scroll reads:
Greetings. If you have found this letter, you are obviously
trapped down here. We, the Tamatis, need your help. The
Diamond Wings of Destiny have been stolen. Legend has it whoever
finds them will be able to fly. Please return them to us. You can
find us behind the wall of ice. description: East Path inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'close raincoat', 'south', 'get in northeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southeast', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on parka', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state:
South Lake
This is an area south of the majestic lake. There are many exits here, such as northwest, northeast, southeast, and south. description: South Lake inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'close raincoat', 'get in southeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'put on parka', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state:
Chilly Corridor
There is a cool draft coming from the southeast. There are other exits to the southwest and northwest.
Since it is so cold, it might be wise to put on a jacket of some sort. description: Chilly Corridor inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| put on parka reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'get in southeast', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state: You put on the parka. description: Chilly Corridor inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| se reward: 0 hint: ['use rod', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put worm down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'eat worm', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put worm in raincoat'] state:
Ice Room
This is a COLD room filled with ice. Slush fills a hole in the center of the room. There is an exit to the northwest. description: Ice Room inventory: ['fishing rod', 'worm', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| fish reward: 0 hint: ['use rod', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put fish down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat'] state: You bait your rod and cast.
Finally a fish! You take it. description: Ice Room inventory: ['fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| fish reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put fish down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'examine boot', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat'] state: Of all the dumb luck! A boot! You take it anyway. description: Ice Room inventory: ['boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| x boot reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state: Examining the boot further reveals a crystal, which you take. description: Ice Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| nw reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in southeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southwest', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put other down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put other in raincoat'] state:
Chilly Corridor description: Chilly Corridor inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| sw reward: 0 hint: ['take rice', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'get in northeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put fish down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'push rice to raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat'] state:
Rice Room
This room smells of steaming rice. Some song is playing in the distance, and it is saying something about rice patties. Exits are to the northeast and north.
You can see some rice here. description: Rice Room inventory: ['crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| take rice reward: 0 hint: ['make sushi', 'take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'get in northeast', 'north', 'put snorkel down', 'put fish down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rice down', 'put rod down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put fish in raincoat', 'put rice in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state: Taken. description: Rice Room inventory: ['rice', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fish', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| make sushi reward: 5 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'get in northeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state: You're not Julia Child, but it'll do. description: Rice Room inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'north', 'south', 'put snorkel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put rod down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put parka down', 'put shovel down', 'put lamp down', 'put crystal down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat', 'put crystal in raincoat'] state:
Musty Corridor
This somewhat non-descript room has a particularly musty odor. There are exits to the north and south. description: Musty Corridor inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['take off snorkel', 'take off parka', 'close raincoat', 'south', 'get in northeast', 'get in northwest', 'get in southeast', 'put crystal down', 'put rod down', 'put snorkel down', 'put parka down', 'put sushi down', 'put boot down', 'put sword down', 'put shovel down', 'put raincoat down', 'put lamp down', 'put all down', 'put on raincoat', 'turn lamp off', 'put crystal in raincoat', 'put snorkel in raincoat', 'put sushi in raincoat'] state:
South Lake description: South Lake inventory: ['sushi', 'crystal', 'boot', 'fishing rod', 'parka', 'sword', 'lamp', 'shovel', 'raincoat', 'snorkel'] |action| nw |
|start_header_id| ztuu 21 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take off gloves', 'take off suit', 'take off mask', 'south', 'take into northwest', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put mask down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Convention Center Lobby
You can see a brass lantern (providing light) here. description: Convention Center Lobby inventory: ['glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| remove mask reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take off gloves', 'take off suit', 'south', 'take into northwest', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put mask down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on mask', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: You take off the fish-mouthed mask. description: Convention Center Lobby inventory: ['glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| remove suit reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take off gloves', 'south', 'take into northwest', 'put gloves down', 'put suit down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put mask down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on suit', 'put on mask', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: You take off the glowing/fur-covered body suit. description: Convention Center Lobby inventory: ['glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'fish-mouthed mask', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| drop mask reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take lantern', 'take mask', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'south', 'take into northwest', 'put suit down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on mask', 'put on suit', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower lantern', 'lower mask', 'throw lantern', 'throw mask', 'throw suit', 'put suit in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: Dropped. description: Convention Center Lobby inventory: ['glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'glowing/fur-covered body suit', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| drop suit reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'turn lantern off', 'take suit', 'take lantern', 'take mask', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'south', 'take into northwest', 'put gloves down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on suit', 'put on mask', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower suit', 'lower lantern', 'lower mask', 'throw suit', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw mask', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: Dropped.
The lantern dims a little. description: Convention Center Lobby inventory: ['glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take lamp reward: 0 hint: ['turn lantern off', 'take suit', 'take mask', 'take all', 'take off gloves', 'south', 'take into northwest', 'put gloves down', 'put lantern down', 'put gores down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put glasses down', 'put all down', 'put on suit', 'put on mask', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower suit', 'lower mask', 'throw suit', 'throw gloves', 'throw lantern', 'throw mask', 'put gloves in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: Taken. description: Convention Center Lobby inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take off gloves', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw rune', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'north', 'south'] state:
Cultural Complex description: Cultural Complex inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take off gloves', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw rune', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'north'] state:
This cavernous auditorium is reputed to be the most elaborate in the GUE. Built to the precise specifications of Lord Dimwit Flathead, its excessive structure holds 69,105 seats, not including the royal box seats that are centrally situated on the 37th mezzanine. The seats themselves are built like thrones, with high, wooden backs that obscure visibility and make the seating area seem rather like a forest of stunted trees. A long aisle runs the entire length of the auditorium from the Cultural Center to the west to the oversized stage to the east. In all other directions, narrow aisles have been arranged in the "maze of twisty passages" style that was so popular in Dimwit's day; I would strongly recommend avoiding them. description: Theater inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
The rather large proscenium seems to have been designed mainly with live performances in mind (the dead were thought, not unreasonably, to be dreadfully dull.) As such, it sports a large, maroon curtain leading backstage and a row of brightly colored footlights. Rubble and debris block the ways to the wings, and a set of stairs leads back down into the theater's main aisle. description: Stage inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take blue reward: 5 hint: ['examine lantern', 'west', 'east', 'take red lens', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put lens down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put lens in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Stage inventory: ['blue lens', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take red reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'throw lantern', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put red lens down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put red lens in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: Taken.
The lantern flickers and goes out. description: Stage inventory: ['red lens', 'blue lens', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| hit lamp reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put red lens down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put red lens in glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state: Your rough treatment of the lantern was enough to get it lit again. This must be your lucky day.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Stage inventory: ['red lens', 'blue lens', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| put blue in glasses reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put red lens down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put red lens in glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into footlights'] state: You carefully sculpt the blue lens so as to fit neatly into the glasses.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Stage inventory: ['red lens', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| put red in glasses reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into footlights'] state: You carefully sculpt the red lens so as to fit neatly into the glasses. description: Stage inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| east reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take curtain', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'open trunk', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to scrims', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses'] state:
Ah... ah... choo! Those curtains! If I weren't so busy helping you with this game, I'd suggest you go on without me and let me clean this place up enough so that when you returned, I could at least describe it decently. I'll do the best I can, though. A thick, maroon curtain separates the backstage area from the stage. This area was obviously the target of a small, underground tornado (a Vorx) as scrims, scenery and costumes litter the floor.
Even an old steamer trunk, virtually decaying from age, rests in a corner. description: Backstage inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| open trunk reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take curtain', 'take red lens', 'take coin', 'take off gloves', 'close trunk', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'lower coin', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'throw coin', 'put lantern in trunk', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi in trunk', 'push red lens to scrims', 'push red lens to trunk', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put gores in trunk', 'put glasses in trunk', 'put gloves in trunk', 'put sword in trunk', 'put rune in trunk', 'put all in trunk', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into trunk'] state: Phew! Now that's musty! The trunk, beside hiding an invisible dead elephant (what else could produce that smell?), holds a rare quint-Zorkmid coin. description: Backstage inventory: ['brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| take coin reward: 5 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take curtain', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'close trunk', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in trunk', 'put lantern in glasses', 'put multi in trunk', 'push red lens to scrims', 'push red lens to trunk', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put gores in trunk', 'put coin in trunk', 'put glasses in trunk', 'put gloves in trunk', 'put sword in trunk', 'put rune in trunk', 'put all in trunk', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into trunk'] state: Taken.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Backstage inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'east', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take curtain', 'take bow', 'take off gloves', 'put lantern down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put rune down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'examine footlights', 'throw lantern', 'throw multi', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'empty glasses into footlights'] state:
Stage description: Stage inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw rune', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'north'] state:
Theater description: Theater inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| w reward: 0 hint: ['west', 'turn lantern off', 'take red lens', 'take off gloves', 'east', 'put lantern down', 'put rune down', 'put multi down', 'put gores down', 'put coin down', 'put glasses down', 'put gloves down', 'put sword down', 'put all down', 'put on glasses', 'empty glasses', 'examine glasses', 'throw lantern', 'throw rune', 'put lantern in glasses', 'push red lens to lantern', 'push red lens to glasses', 'put all in glasses', 'north', 'south'] state:
Cultural Complex description: Cultural Complex inventory: ['quint-Zorkmid coin', 'brass lantern', 'glasses', 'ZM$100000', 'Multi-Implementeers', 'Forever Gores', 'Baby Rune', 'razor-like gloves', 'cheaply-made sword'] |action| s |
|start_header_id| balances 96 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'take carpet', 'take ticket', 'take in carpet', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put cave down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'put box on carpet', 'put cave in box', 'put cave on carpet', 'put spell in box', 'put spell on carpet', 'put burin in box', 'put burin on carpet', 'put grimoire in box', 'put grimoire on carpet', 'put all on carpet', 'put all in box'] state: "Hope that scrawny Enchanter doesn't pick 2306!" thinks the barker (slowly).
"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!" description: Crowded Bazaar inventory: ['cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| take ticket 2306 reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'take carpet', 'take in carpet', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put cave down', 'put spell down', 'put ticket down', 'put burin down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine grimoire', 'take ticket off board', 'examine spell', 'put box on carpet', 'put cave in box', 'put cave on carpet', 'put spell in box', 'put spell on carpet', 'put burin in box', 'put burin on carpet', 'put grimoire in box', 'put grimoire on carpet', 'put ticket on carpet', 'put all on carpet', 'put ticket in box', 'put all in box', 'give barker ticket'] state: You take lottery ticket 2306 out of the board.
"Come on, then! Just a silver coin gets you three!" description: Crowded Bazaar inventory: ['Ticket_1', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| yomin barker reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'take carpet', 'take in carpet', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put cave down', 'put spell down', 'put ticket down', 'put burin down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine grimoire', 'take ticket off board', 'examine spell', 'put box on carpet', 'put cave in box', 'put cave on carpet', 'put spell in box', 'put spell on carpet', 'put burin in box', 'put burin on carpet', 'put grimoire in box', 'put grimoire on carpet', 'put ticket on carpet', 'put all on carpet', 'put ticket in box', 'put all in box', 'give barker ticket'] state: "If that mark does win, hope it's only worthless old 5802," ponders the barker.
"This could be your lucky day!" description: Crowded Bazaar inventory: ['Ticket_1', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| take ticket 5802 reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'take carpet', 'take in carpet', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put cave down', 'put spell down', 'put ticket down', 'put burin down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine grimoire', 'take ticket off board', 'examine spell', 'put box on carpet', 'put cave in box', 'put cave on carpet', 'put spell in box', 'put spell on carpet', 'put burin in box', 'put burin on carpet', 'put grimoire in box', 'put grimoire on carpet', 'put ticket on carpet', 'put all on carpet', 'put ticket in box', 'put all in box', 'give barker ticket'] state: You take lottery ticket 5802 out of the board.
"This could be your lucky day!" description: Crowded Bazaar inventory: ['Ticket_2', 'Ticket_1', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| give ticket 2306 to barker reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'take carpet', 'take in carpet', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put cave down', 'put elephant down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'take ticket off board', 'put ticket down', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire on carpet', 'put grimoire in box', 'put box on carpet', 'put book on carpet', 'put book in box', 'put cave on carpet', 'put cave in box', 'put elephant on carpet', 'put elephant in box', 'put burin on carpet', 'put burin in box', 'put ticket on carpet', 'put all on carpet', 'put ticket in box', 'put all in box', 'give barker ticket'] state: With very bad grace, the barker shoves the cuddly toy elephant into your arms.
"Think what you could win, all for one silver coin!" description: Crowded Bazaar inventory: ['cuddly toy elephant', 'Ticket_2', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| give ticket 5802 to barker reward: 5 hint: ['spells', 'take carpet', 'take in carpet', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put cave down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put elephant down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'take ticket off board', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire on carpet', 'put grimoire in box', 'put cave on carpet', 'put cave in box', 'put box on carpet', 'put book on carpet', 'put book in box', 'put elephant on carpet', 'put elephant in box', 'put burin on carpet', 'put burin in box', 'put all on carpet', 'put all in box'] state: With concealed relief, the barker shoves the featureless white cube into your hands.
"Roll up! Roll up! One silver piece for three goes!"
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Crowded Bazaar inventory: ['cube', 'cuddly toy elephant', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| write prize on featureless reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'take carpet', 'take ticket', 'take in carpet', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put cave down', 'put elephant down', 'put burin down', 'put down prize', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire on carpet', 'put grimoire in box', 'put box on carpet', 'put book on carpet', 'put book in box', 'put cave on carpet', 'put cave in box', 'put elephant on carpet', 'put elephant in box', 'put burin on carpet', 'put burin in box', 'put all on carpet', 'put all in box'] state: It is now called the "prize" cube.
"This could be your lucky day!" description: Crowded Bazaar inventory: ['cube', 'cuddly toy elephant', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| sit on carpet reward: 0 hint: ['take up', 'spells', 'take in carpet', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put cave down', 'put elephant down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put cave in box', 'put elephant in box', 'put burin in box', 'put all in box'] state: The carpet rises suddenly into the fluffy white clouds, and after a headlong journey deposits you...
Crest of Hill (on the beautiful red carpet)
The road crosses the top of a ridge here, sloping downwards to the south and the northwest. A track diverges to east.
Far above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun. description: beautiful red carpet inventory: ['cube', 'cuddly toy elephant', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| stand reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'take carpet', 'take in carpet', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put cave down', 'put elephant down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire on carpet', 'put grimoire in box', 'put box on carpet', 'put book on carpet', 'put book in box', 'put cave on carpet', 'put cave in box', 'put elephant on carpet', 'put elephant in box', 'put burin on carpet', 'put burin in box', 'put all on carpet', 'put all in box'] state: You get off the beautiful red carpet.
Crest of Hill
You can see a beautiful red carpet here.
Tiny in the blue sky, a tortoise flaps across the sun. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['cube', 'cuddly toy elephant', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| take carpet reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put cave down', 'put elephant down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put cave in box', 'put elephant in box', 'put burin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Taken. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', 'cube', 'cuddly toy elephant', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| learn urbzig reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'pronouns', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put cave down', 'put elephant down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put cave in box', 'put elephant in box', 'put burin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the urbzig spell to memory. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', 'cube', 'cuddly toy elephant', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| learn lleps reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'pronouns', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put cave down', 'put elephant down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put book in box', 'put cave in box', 'put elephant in box', 'put burin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the lleps spell to memory. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', 'cube', 'cuddly toy elephant', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| lleps urbzig reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'pronouns', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put cave down', 'put elephant down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put cave in box', 'put elephant in box', 'put burin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Your mind wrenches as the urbzig spell reverses itself.
Far above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', 'cube', 'cuddly toy elephant', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| drop toy reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'take elephant', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put cave down', 'put carpet down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put cave in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put burin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Dropped. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', 'cube', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| urbzig toy reward: 0 hint: ['examine box', 'spells', 'east', 'south', 'take in northwest', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put box down', 'put cave down', 'put spell down', 'put burin down', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put all down', 'examine book', 'examine grimoire', 'examine spell', 'put cave in box', 'put spell in box', 'put burin in box', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put all in box'] state: The cuddly toy elephant is replaced by a buck-toothed cyclops wielding a mace!
The cyclops leaps and bellows! description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', 'cube', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| learn urbzig reward: 0 hint: ['examine carpet', 'spells', 'pronouns', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put cave down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put book in box', 'put cave in box', 'put burin in box', 'put all in box'] state: Using your best study habits, you commit the urbzig spell to memory.
High in the sky, a tortoise flaps across the sun.
The cyclops is losing patience (the appropriate cyclops word is untranslatable into English, but approximately means "forbearance in not smashing all nearby skulls"). description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', 'cube', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| urbzig mace reward: 0 hint: ['examine cube', 'spells', 'take cube', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put cave down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put book in box', 'put cave in box', 'put burin in box', 'put all in box'] state: The mace turns into a featureless white cube just as the cyclops was about to hit you with it. Mightily embarrassed by this, he drops the cube and runs off! description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['beautiful red carpet', 'cube', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| take cube reward: 5 hint: ['examine box', 'spells', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put carpet down', 'put cave down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put book in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put cave in box', 'put burin in box', 'put all in box'] state: (the featureless white cube)
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['cube', 'beautiful red carpet', 'cube', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| write mace on featureless reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'east', 'take in northwest', 'south', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put mace down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put book in box', 'put mace in box', 'put burin in box', 'put all in box'] state: It is now called the "mace" cube. description: Crest of Hill inventory: ['cube', 'beautiful red carpet', 'cube', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| e reward: 0 hint: ['spells', 'cast spell', 'close box', 'put grimoire down', 'put carpet down', 'put box down', 'put book down', 'put mace down', 'put burin down', 'put all down', 'examine grimoire', 'examine book', 'examine spell', 'put grimoire in box', 'put carpet in box', 'put book in box', 'put mace in box', 'put burin in box', 'put all in box', 'west'] state:
Track, outside Temple
You stand outside an enormous temple in the shape of a perfect, featureless white cube, four hundred feet on a side. From somewhere within you hear the tiny sound of the monks chanting.
Far above you, a tortoise flaps across the sun. description: Track, outside Temple inventory: ['cube', 'beautiful red carpet', 'cube', 'cube', 'cube', "Helistar's grimoire", 'cedarwood box', 'spell book', 'magic burin'] |action| learn frotz |
|start_header_id| awaken 27 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'take robe', 'south', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put ash down', 'put large black book down', 'put grimoire down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take large black book', 'take railing', 'put ash on journal', 'put limb on desk', 'put stopper on desk', 'push journal to limb', 'push journal to desk', 'put ash on desk', 'put large black book on desk', 'push robe to limb', 'push robe to desk', 'put grimoire on desk', 'put railing on desk', 'put all on desk', 'put debris under limb', 'put glass under limb', 'put desk under limb', 'put journal under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put fire under limb', 'put ash under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put bookshelf under limb', 'put south under limb'] state: (the old grimoire)
The book contains several rituals and procedures all involving the soul or spirit. The first describes a ritual through which the soul can be removed from a person's body and placed in a specially prepared container. The soul remains in the container even if the person's body dies.
A second ritual can be employed to use the stored soul as a receptacle for the sin of another person. This allows the possessor of another's soul to perform any acts they wish without having to answer for those acts in the next world. description: Small Office inventory: ['old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| take robe reward: 0 hint: ['take book', 'south', 'put large black book down', 'put handful down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put handful on journal', 'put large black book on desk', 'put handful on desk', 'put limb on desk', 'put stopper on desk', 'put grimoire on desk', 'push journal to debris', 'push journal to desk', 'put robe on desk', 'put railing on desk', 'put all on desk', 'put debris under large black book', 'put handful under debris', 'put desk under debris', 'put fire under debris', 'put journal under debris', 'put glass under debris', 'put bookshelf under debris', 'put floor under debris', 'put south under debris'] state: Taken. description: Small Office inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put grimoire down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put robe down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put large black book on podium', 'put ashes on podium', 'put grimoire on podium', 'put limb on podium', 'put stopper on podium', 'put robe on podium', 'put railing on podium', 'put all on podium', 'put ashes under large black book', 'put windows under large black book', 'put painting under large black book', 'put podium under large black book', 'put eyes under large black book', 'put north under large black book', 'put debris under large black book', 'south'] state:
You hear a loud crash and see a flash of light through the cracks in the boards covering the windows. description: Pulpit inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['north', 'south', 'get in pews', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put stopper down', 'put ashes down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put windows under limb', 'put debris under limb', 'put pulpit under limb', 'put painting under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put north under limb', 'put south under limb', 'put eyes under limb', 'put pews under limb', 'put railing under painting'] state:
A blast of thunder rattles the building. description: Sanctuary inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put dirt under windows', 'put windows under dirt', 'put ashes under dirt', 'put door under dirt', 'put floor under dirt', 'put railing under door', 'north', 'south'] state:
Vestibule description: Vestibule inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken length of railing', 'broken limb'] |action| put ladder under trap reward: 0 hint: ['take broken', 'get in railing', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put stopper down', 'put ashes down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'push railing to limb', 'put dirt under limb', 'put windows under limb', 'put ceiling under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'north', 'south'] state: You carefully place the length of railing under the trap door in the ceiling.
A flash of lightning can be seen through the cracks between the boards, followed by a sudden blast of thunder. description: Vestibule inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| climb ladder reward: 5 hint: ['tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in railing', 'get in rope', 'put limb down', 'put heavy down', 'put ashes down', 'put large black book down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take heavy', 'take large black book', 'put rope under limb', 'tie rope to floor', 'push railing to limb', 'push rope to limb', 'put railing under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put north under limb', 'put door under limb', 'put debris under limb'] state: You carefully climb up the length of railing, using the pickets like a ladder.
Steeple Chamber
This small chamber is about halfway up the steeple of the church. Rain and wind from the storm outside blows in through an open window frame and water collects in puddles on the warped floor, mixing with the droppings of the birds, or perhaps bats, which can be heard fluttering around overhead. Looking up, you can see a maze of beams and supports that form the interior of the steeple. Rain pours in from an opening higher in the steeple and trickles out through a trap door in the floor.
A frayed but heavy rope hangs from somewhere overhead.
The heavy wooden door to the north is closed.
The top of the broken section of railing is visible sticking up through the trap door in the floor.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Steeple Chamber inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| climb rope reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in rope', 'put large black book down', 'put rope down', 'put branch down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put heavy down', 'put bell down', 'put grimoire down', 'put beams down', 'put storm down', 'put hill down', 'drop floor', 'put robe down', 'put trees down', 'put debris down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'tie rope to floor', 'push rope to large black book', 'put large black book under rope', 'put branch under large black book', 'put ashes under large black book', 'put limb under large black book', 'put heavy under large black book', 'put bell under large black book', 'put grimoire under large black book', 'put beams under large black book', 'put storm under large black book', 'put hill under large black book', 'put floor under large black book', 'put robe under large black book', 'put trees under large black book', 'put debris under large black book', 'south'] state:
The belfry of the church, high up inside the steeple. You are hanging from a maze of support beams and trusses with the nearest solid floor far below you. Large open frames give a view of the surrounding forest and of the town at the base of the hill. They also allow the fury of the storm to pass in unimpeded. You can see the branch of an oak tree just outside the southern frame.
A massive bell hangs here, from a damaged mount.
A heavy rope is attached to the bell and hangs through the beams to the room below. description: Belfry inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| tie rope to branch reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'tie rope', 'take heavy', 'get in floor', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put hill down', 'put beams down', 'put heavy down', 'put branch down', 'drop floor', 'put ashes down', 'put rope down', 'put robe down', 'put storm down', 'put grimoire down', 'put trees down', 'put bell down', 'put debris down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'tie rope to floor', 'push rope to limb', 'put limb under large black book', 'put large black book under limb', 'put hill under limb', 'put beams under limb', 'put heavy under limb', 'put branch under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put storm under limb', 'put grimoire under limb', 'put trees under limb', 'put bell under limb', 'put debris under limb', 'south'] state: You tie the rope securely to the tree branch. description: Belfry inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in railing', 'get in rope', 'put broken down', 'put heavy down', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take heavy', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'put rope under broken', 'tie rope to floor', 'push railing to broken', 'push rope to broken', 'put railing under broken', 'put floor under broken', 'put ashes under broken', 'put north under broken', 'put door under broken', 'put debris under broken'] state:
Steeple Chamber
A frayed but heavy rope hangs from somewhere overhead. There is a tree branch hanging from the end of the rope.
The heavy wooden door to the north is closed.
The top of the broken section of railing is visible sticking up through the trap door in the floor. description: Steeple Chamber inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| tie rope to handle reward: 0 hint: ['tie rope', 'take rope', 'get in railing', 'get in rope', 'put broken down', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put heavy down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take heavy', 'put rope under broken', 'tie rope to floor', 'push railing to broken', 'push rope to broken', 'put railing under broken', 'put ashes under broken', 'put door under broken', 'put floor under broken', 'put north under broken', 'put debris under broken'] state: You tie the rope securely to the heavy wooden door.
A flash of lightning can be seen through the cracks between the boards, followed by a sudden blast of thunder. description: Steeple Chamber inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| d reward: 0 hint: ['take broken', 'get in railing', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put stopper down', 'put ashes down', 'put robe down', 'put grimoire down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'push railing to limb', 'put dirt under limb', 'put windows under limb', 'put ceiling under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'north', 'south'] state:
The broken length of railing is propped up under the trap door
There is a brief rattle of hail on the roof. description: Vestibule inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| take ladder reward: 0 hint: ['put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put railing down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put dirt under windows', 'put windows under dirt', 'put ashes under dirt', 'put door under dirt', 'put floor under dirt', 'put railing under door', 'north', 'south'] state: Taken. description: Vestibule inventory: ['broken length of railing', 'embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put railing down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take railing', 'take stopper', 'put windows under large black book', 'put ashes under windows', 'put steeple under windows', 'put weeds under windows', 'put rain under windows', 'put lightning under windows', 'put south under windows', 'put mud under windows', 'north'] state:
Church Porch
Momentarily, the wind and rain slacken then return with renewed force. description: Church Porch inventory: ['broken length of railing', 'embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'west', 'north', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put stopper down', 'put railing down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'take railing', 'put church under large black book', 'put ashes under church', 'put trees under church', 'put weeds under church', 'put sky under church', 'put path under church', 'put railing under trees', 'put rain under church', 'put mud under church', 'put steeple under church', 'put south under church', 'put window under church', 'put northeast under church', 'put northwest under church', 'put north under church', 'put driveway under church'] state:
Front of the Church
The church and steeple loom to the north, the open window frames seeming to stare with judgment upon anyone standing before it.
The heavy chain stretches from one of the oak trees and around the corner of the church to the northwest.
With a loud CRACK, a bolt of lightning strikes the steeple of the church. description: Front of the Church inventory: ['broken length of railing', 'embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| put ladder under tree reward: 0 hint: ['take broken', 'get in railing', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'put broken down', 'put large black book down', 'put ashes down', 'put stopper down', 'put grimoire down', 'put robe down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'push railing to church', 'put church under broken', 'put ashes under church', 'put trees under church', 'put weeds under church', 'put sky under church', 'put path under church', 'put rain under church', 'put mud under church', 'put steeple under church', 'put south under church', 'put window under church', 'put northeast under church', 'put northwest under church', 'put north under church', 'put driveway under church'] state: You lean the length of railing against the side of the oak tree. description: Front of the Church inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| climb ladder reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'get in railing', 'north', 'put church down', 'put broken down', 'put large black book down', 'put branch down', 'put ashes down', 'put railing down', 'put stopper down', 'put hill down', 'put weeds down', 'put rain down', 'put grimoire down', 'put storm down', 'put trees down', 'put frame down', 'put steeple down', 'put robe down', 'put north down', 'put mud down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'push railing to church', 'put church under broken', 'put broken under church', 'put large black book under church', 'put branch under church', 'put ashes under church', 'put railing under church', 'put stopper under church', 'put hill under church', 'put weeds under church', 'put rain under church', 'put grimoire under church', 'put storm under church', 'put trees under church', 'put frame under church', 'put steeple under church', 'put robe under church', 'put north under church', 'put mud under church'] state: You carefully climb up the length of railing, using the pickets like a ladder.
Top of Oak Tree
The limbs of the tree are swaying violently from the storm, but near the trunk it is a little more stable. You have an excellent view from here of the church grounds and surrounding area. The church seems to be in a clearing on a hill surrounded by a forest. At the base of the hill a small town can be seen, its lights glimmering faintly through the storm.
One of the branches of the tree reaches out to the north towards the steeple of the church. An open frame can be seen in the steeple near where the branch ends.
The steeple of the church looms to the north.
The broken length of railing is propped up against a nearby branch. description: Top of Oak Tree inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| n reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'tie rope', 'take rope', 'push bell', 'get in rope', 'put large black book down', 'put rope down', 'put branch down', 'put ashes down', 'put limb down', 'put heavy down', 'put bell down', 'put grimoire down', 'put beams down', 'put storm down', 'put hill down', 'drop floor', 'put robe down', 'put trees down', 'put debris down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'tie rope to floor', 'push rope to large black book', 'put large black book under rope', 'put branch under large black book', 'put ashes under large black book', 'put limb under large black book', 'put heavy under large black book', 'put bell under large black book', 'put grimoire under large black book', 'put beams under large black book', 'put storm under large black book', 'put hill under large black book', 'put floor under large black book', 'put robe under large black book', 'put trees under large black book', 'put debris under large black book', 'south'] state:
A massive bell hangs here, from a damaged mount.
A heavy rope is attached to the bell and hangs through the beams to the room below. description: Belfry inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| push bell reward: 10 hint: ['jump', 'put limb down', 'put large black book down', 'put hill down', 'put beams down', 'put stopper down', 'put branch down', 'drop floor', 'put ashes down', 'put robe down', 'put storm down', 'put grimoire down', 'put trees down', 'put debris down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take limb', 'take large black book', 'take stopper', 'put limb under large black book', 'put large black book under limb', 'put hill under limb', 'put beams under limb', 'put stopper under limb', 'put branch under limb', 'put floor under limb', 'put ashes under limb', 'put robe under limb', 'put storm under limb', 'put grimoire under limb', 'put trees under limb', 'put debris under limb', 'south'] state: You shove against the bell. For a few seconds, the support takes the strain. Then, with a loud cracking noise, the bell tears loose from the beam and falls from the steeple. You hear the sound of splintering wood from below and then duck aside as the splintered remains of the door are pulled past you and out the open window. A metallic crash is heard from the ground outside.
[Your score has just gone up by ten points.] description: Belfry inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| s reward: 0 hint: ['jump', 'get in railing', 'north', 'put church down', 'put broken down', 'put large black book down', 'put branch down', 'put ashes down', 'put railing down', 'put stopper down', 'put hill down', 'put weeds down', 'put rain down', 'put grimoire down', 'put storm down', 'put trees down', 'put frame down', 'put steeple down', 'put robe down', 'put north down', 'put mud down', 'put all down', 'put on robe', 'take large black book', 'take limb', 'take stopper', 'push railing to church', 'put church under broken', 'put broken under church', 'put large black book under church', 'put branch under church', 'put ashes under church', 'put railing under church', 'put stopper under church', 'put hill under church', 'put weeds under church', 'put rain under church', 'put grimoire under church', 'put storm under church', 'put trees under church', 'put frame under church', 'put steeple under church', 'put robe under church', 'put north under church', 'put mud under church'] state:
Top of Oak Tree
The steeple of the church looms to the north.
The broken length of railing is propped up against a nearby branch.
A blast of thunder rattles the ground. description: Top of Oak Tree inventory: ['embroidered robe', 'old grimoire', 'handful of ashes', 'heavy stopper', 'large black book', 'broken limb'] |action| d |
|start_header_id| library 0 |end_header_id| reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state:
[Please press SPACE to begin.]
Every library should try to be complete on something, if it were only the history of pinheads. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Poet at the Breakfast-Table
You are a student at Anycollege, in Anytown, and it's the end of the semester! You've been slacking off all semester long, and it's catching up to you. That final paper is due for your Computer Science class ("The History of IF Games"), and you desperately need to check out a comprehensive book on Graham Nelson, one of the foremost authors of the obscure genre of interactive-fiction. You know there is exactly one such book, but you have no idea where it might be!
The first time player should probably type "help".
An Interactive Vignette
Release 2 / Serial number 951204 / Inform v1502 Library 5/12
Standard interpreter 1.0
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| X security gates reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: The gates are made of gunmetal-grey plastic, and a set of little red lights on top seem to watch you menacingly. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| X attendant reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: He's leafing through a dog-eared copy of Tom Clancy's "Without Remorse", looking terminally bored. He is wearing a nametag. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Read tag reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Hi, I'm Alan." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Alan about novel reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: He glances up at you. "Yeah, it gets pretty dull around here on Friday afternoons, and I've already read this one six times." He sighs heavily. "If only I hadn't lost that copy of "Debt of Honor" in the stacks. I've only read that one four times, and not within the past three months." Dejected, he goes back to flipping the pages. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask him about Nelson reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Try talking to the reference librarian." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask him about librarian reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "Try going through those doors, she's probably at her desk." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| X librarian reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: She is an extremely proper young woman. She has her hands folded neatly in front of her on the desk, and a pencil so sharp it looks like it would make a decent stiletto is tucked behind one ear. She watches the room, and you, like a hungry hawk. Pinned to her jacket is a nametag. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Read tag reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Hi! I'm Marion." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Marion about Nelson reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "Ah, that valuable book. We keep it locked away, in the Rare Books Room." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about rare books reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The Rare Books Room is on the second floor. Stairs are north of here. You will need the key, though." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask her about key reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put card down'] state: "The key may be obtained at the circulation desk." description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['ID card'] |action| E reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state:
This is the entrance to the library. The circulation desk dominates the room, seemingly cobbled together over the course of several generations from an assortment of desks and tables. A pair of security gates stands before the front doors to prevent people from stealing books. A card catalog lurks in a dark and dusty corner of the room, seemingly cringing away from the harsh flourescent light. Glass doors to the west lead to the book stacks; an archway to the northwest is labelled "Duplicating Services"; a door to the north bears a sign marked "Private" in large friendly letters; and the exit is to the east
You can see a circulation desk attendant here. description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Ask Alan about key reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: "You need to give me your ID card in order to get the key to the Rare Books Room." description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| I reward: 0 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put card down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give card id'] state: You are carrying:
an ID card description: Lobby inventory: ['ID card'] |action| Give card to Alan reward: 5 hint: ['xyzzy', 'close drawer', 'take into northwest', 'west', 'put key down', 'examine door', 'open drawer', 'give attendant key'] state: (the ID card to the circulation desk attendant)
The circulation attendant gives you the key to the Rare Books Room, and he holds your ID card in exchange.
[Your score has just gone up by five points.] description: Lobby inventory: ['key'] |action| W reward: 0 hint: ['east', 'xyzzy', 'north', 'put key down'] state:
You push the glass doors open. Their hydraulics hiss faintly.
Ground Floor Stacks
This cavernous room is lit with flickering flourescent lighting which makes the ceiling look even lower than it really is. It is filled with half-empty shelves, upon which rest the dusty boxes of many early games. To one side sits a massive, ancient desk, its surface cluttered with paperwork. A sign on the wall indicates that this is the reference desk, which would make the prim young woman sitting behind it the reference librarian. A doorway to the north is labelled "Stairs", and glass doors lead east to the lobby.
You can see a reference librarian here. description: Ground Floor Stacks inventory: ['key'] |action| N reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state:
Ground Floor Stairwell
Grungy stairs lead upwards, to the second level. A damaged picture hangs on the wall. The door to the ground floor shelving area is to the south. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| X stairs reward: 0 hint: ['south', 'xyzzy', 'put key down', 'look under stairs', 'up'] state: These grungy stairs lead upwards. Dust bunnies romp and play all over the place, and the dust sure seems thick. Maybe the cleaning staff is on vacation. description: Ground Floor Stairwell inventory: ['key'] |action| Smell |
Subsets and Splits