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10,227 | Boost your vision prototyping | Efficiently experiment with image processing to streamline your workflow. — As technology continues to advance, the field of machine vision is rapidly evolving. However, creating and testing new vision algorithms can be a time-consuming and challenging process. To keep up with the latest trends, professionals need tools that are both efficient and flexible. … | | image-processing | Boost your vision prototyping Efficiently experiment with image processing to streamline your workflow. — As technology continues to advance, the field of machine vision is rapidly evolving. However, creating and testing new vision algorithms can be a time-consuming and challenging process. To keep up with the latest trends, professionals need tools that are both efficient and flexible. … image-processing | Boost vision prototyping Efficiently experiment image processing streamline workflow — technology continues advance field machine vision rapidly evolving However creating testing new vision algorithm timeconsuming challenging process keep latest trend professional need tool efficient flexible … imageprocessing |
10,228 | How to work with images in Figma professionally | This is the second plugin for Figma I made. The first one is Motion plugin which got brilliant reviews in Figma Community. It helps you to make animations right in Figma. Today, we will talk about Image plugin. — There are a lot of different tools for Figma to remove background, make advanced color correction, export compressed files and so on. They help designers every day to work with images professionally. | | image-processing | How to work with images in Figma professionally This is the second plugin for Figma I made. The first one is Motion plugin which got brilliant reviews in Figma Community. It helps you to make animations right in Figma. Today, we will talk about Image plugin. — There are a lot of different tools for Figma to remove background, make advanced color correction, export compressed files and so on. They help designers every day to work with images professionally. image-processing | work image Figma professionally second plugin Figma made first one Motion plugin got brilliant review Figma Community help make animation right Figma Today talk Image plugin — lot different tool Figma remove background make advanced color correction export compressed file help designer every day work image professionally imageprocessing |
10,229 | The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Facilitating Real-Time Image Processing for Space Applications | Real-time image processing in space is a critical task that requires advanced technology and expertise. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), space agencies can improve their ability to process and analyze images, making it possible to gather more data and make better decisions. In this article, we will explore… | | image-processing | The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Facilitating Real-Time Image Processing for Space Applications Real-time image processing in space is a critical task that requires advanced technology and expertise. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), space agencies can improve their ability to process and analyze images, making it possible to gather more data and make better decisions. In this article, we will explore… image-processing | Role Artificial Intelligence Facilitating RealTime Image Processing Space Applications Realtime image processing space critical task requires advanced technology expertise help artificial intelligence AI space agency improve ability process analyze image making possible gather data make better decision article explore… imageprocessing |
10,230 | How to create a background image upload process using redux-toolkit | Recently, I was having a task that needs to upload multiple images (large size) from an app. But when I was submitted the form, uploading images was taking a lot of time to process. So I have created a background queue process. To achieve this, you can create a background… | | image-processing | How to create a background image upload process using redux-toolkit Recently, I was having a task that needs to upload multiple images (large size) from an app. But when I was submitted the form, uploading images was taking a lot of time to process. So I have created a background queue process. To achieve this, you can create a background… image-processing | create background image upload process using reduxtoolkit Recently task need upload multiple image large size app submitted form uploading image taking lot time process created background queue process achieve create background… imageprocessing |
10,231 | ChatGPT, R and Me | Over the weekend, I decided to stress test ChatGPT as a research aid (or would ‘aide’ be more appropriate?). I’m a reasonably proficient R user, but I’m basically entirely self-taught and there are a lot of problems that intimidate me when starting from scratch. One of these is image processing… | | image-processing | ChatGPT, R and Me Over the weekend, I decided to stress test ChatGPT as a research aid (or would ‘aide’ be more appropriate?). I’m a reasonably proficient R user, but I’m basically entirely self-taught and there are a lot of problems that intimidate me when starting from scratch. One of these is image processing… image-processing | ChatGPT R weekend decided stress test ChatGPT research aid would ‘aide’ appropriate I’m reasonably proficient R user I’m basically entirely selftaught lot problem intimidate starting scratch One image processing… imageprocessing |
10,232 | Histogram Equalisation From Scratch in Python | What is Histogram? It is a way to visually represent the distribution of a dataset by dividing it into equal intervals (or “bins”) and counting the number of data points that fall into each bin. The resulting bars in the histogram display the frequency of the data points that belong to each bin. | | image-processing | Histogram Equalisation From Scratch in Python What is Histogram? It is a way to visually represent the distribution of a dataset by dividing it into equal intervals (or “bins”) and counting the number of data points that fall into each bin. The resulting bars in the histogram display the frequency of the data points that belong to each bin. image-processing | Histogram Equalisation Scratch Python Histogram way visually represent distribution dataset dividing equal interval “bins” counting number data point fall bin resulting bar histogram display frequency data point belong bin imageprocessing |
10,233 | Comparing Laser Diffraction to Imaging of Coffee Particles | Splitting beans For the past two years, I have been measuring coffee ground distributions using imaging. This has been so useful in diving deeper into what is going on with a coffee grinder, and I really enjoyed the challenge of the image processing required. However, I was always curious how… | | image-processing | Comparing Laser Diffraction to Imaging of Coffee Particles Splitting beans For the past two years, I have been measuring coffee ground distributions using imaging. This has been so useful in diving deeper into what is going on with a coffee grinder, and I really enjoyed the challenge of the image processing required. However, I was always curious how… image-processing | Comparing Laser Diffraction Imaging Coffee Particles Splitting bean past two year measuring coffee ground distribution using imaging useful diving deeper going coffee grinder really enjoyed challenge image processing required However always curious how… imageprocessing |
10,234 | Neural Style Transfer | Neural Style Transfer (NST) is an image processing optimization technique which adopts style from an image and imposes it over the content of another given image. In simple terms , this NST takes the content of an image and changes the style of it using other image. This network uses… | | image-processing | Neural Style Transfer Neural Style Transfer (NST) is an image processing optimization technique which adopts style from an image and imposes it over the content of another given image. In simple terms , this NST takes the content of an image and changes the style of it using other image. This network uses… image-processing | Neural Style Transfer Neural Style Transfer NST image processing optimization technique adopts style image imposes content another given image simple term NST take content image change style using image network uses… imageprocessing |
10,235 | Exploring Image Processing with OpenCV and Pillow in Python | Image processing is the manipulation and analysis of digital images to improve their quality, enhance their visual appearance, extract useful information from them, and perform various other tasks. Python is a popular programming language that offers powerful libraries like OpenCV and Pillow for image processing. Transform Your Startup with | investbegin is a unique investment platform dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses in achieving… | |*cvBfmLJjn_e7cSaF | image-processing | Exploring Image Processing with OpenCV and Pillow in Python Image processing is the manipulation and analysis of digital images to improve their quality, enhance their visual appearance, extract useful information from them, and perform various other tasks. Python is a popular programming language that offers powerful libraries like OpenCV and Pillow for image processing. Transform Your Startup with | investbegin is a unique investment platform dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses in achieving… image-processing | Exploring Image Processing OpenCV Pillow Python Image processing manipulation analysis digital image improve quality enhance visual appearance extract useful information perform various task Python popular programming language offer powerful library like OpenCV Pillow image processing Transform Startup InvestBegincom investbegin InvestBegincom unique investment platform dedicated supporting entrepreneur small business achieving…wwwinvestbegincom imageprocessing |
10,236 | Robust Fingerprint Recognition using KNN and SIFT Feature Extraction with OpenCV in Python | Abstract: Fingerprint recognition is a widely used biometric technology for personal identification due to the uniqueness and stability of fingerprints. In this article, we propose a robust fingerprint recognition system using the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm and the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) feature extraction technique with OpenCV in Python. The… | | image-processing | Robust Fingerprint Recognition using KNN and SIFT Feature Extraction with OpenCV in Python Abstract: Fingerprint recognition is a widely used biometric technology for personal identification due to the uniqueness and stability of fingerprints. In this article, we propose a robust fingerprint recognition system using the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm and the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) feature extraction technique with OpenCV in Python. The… image-processing | Robust Fingerprint Recognition using KNN SIFT Feature Extraction OpenCV Python Abstract Fingerprint recognition widely used biometric technology personal identification due uniqueness stability fingerprint article propose robust fingerprint recognition system using KNearest Neighbors KNN algorithm ScaleInvariant Feature Transform SIFT feature extraction technique OpenCV Python The… imageprocessing |
10,237 | Bite-sized Visualizations for Image Transformations! | In today’s post, I’ll be sharing a quick and easy way to visualize images during transformations. As a data scientist specializing in image processing and analysis, I often find myself transforming images or crunching pixel values. One of the perks of working with image data is being able to take… | | image-processing | Bite-sized Visualizations for Image Transformations! In today’s post, I’ll be sharing a quick and easy way to visualize images during transformations. As a data scientist specializing in image processing and analysis, I often find myself transforming images or crunching pixel values. One of the perks of working with image data is being able to take… image-processing | Bitesized Visualizations Image Transformations today’s post I’ll sharing quick easy way visualize image transformation data scientist specializing image processing analysis often find transforming image crunching pixel value One perk working image data able take… imageprocessing |
10,238 | How To Run UNET On UbiOps For Biomedical Image Segmentation | A case study on applying AI to microscope images Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing the field of medicine in the past years. In 2022, the global market size of artificial intelligence in healthcare was valued at 15.4 billion USD by Grand View Research. Because AI can assist doctors and… | |*g1fSv95rZXUQmAXz | image-processing | How To Run UNET On UbiOps For Biomedical Image Segmentation A case study on applying AI to microscope images Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing the field of medicine in the past years. In 2022, the global market size of artificial intelligence in healthcare was valued at 15.4 billion USD by Grand View Research. Because AI can assist doctors and… image-processing | Run UNET UbiOps Biomedical Image Segmentation case study applying AI microscope image Artificial Intelligence AI revolutionizing field medicine past year 2022 global market size artificial intelligence healthcare valued 154 billion USD Grand View Research AI assist doctor and… imageprocessing |
10,239 | Pyramidal HOG (PHOG) for fingerprint recognizing | Pyramidal HOG (PHOG) for fingerprint recognizing Fingerprint recognition is a popular biometric authentication technique that is widely used for various applications such as access control, forensic analysis, and identity verification. PHOG is a feature extraction method that captures the spatial and orientation information of fingerprint images in a multi-scale and… | | image-processing | Pyramidal HOG (PHOG) for fingerprint recognizing Pyramidal HOG (PHOG) for fingerprint recognizing Fingerprint recognition is a popular biometric authentication technique that is widely used for various applications such as access control, forensic analysis, and identity verification. PHOG is a feature extraction method that captures the spatial and orientation information of fingerprint images in a multi-scale and… image-processing | Pyramidal HOG PHOG fingerprint recognizing Pyramidal HOG PHOG fingerprint recognizing Fingerprint recognition popular biometric authentication technique widely used various application access control forensic analysis identity verification PHOG feature extraction method capture spatial orientation information fingerprint image multiscale and… imageprocessing |
10,240 | Transforming Reality: Turn Your Photos into Cartoons with OpenCV | A Step-by-Step Guide to Converting Your Photos into Cartoon-style Images Using OpenCV’s Image Processing Techniques. — In today’s world, we are surrounded by images and videos. From social media to advertising, images have become a powerful medium of communication. But have you ever wondered what would happen if you could turn your photos into cartoons? Imagine creating an animated version of your favorite photograph, or transforming… | | image-processing | Transforming Reality: Turn Your Photos into Cartoons with OpenCV A Step-by-Step Guide to Converting Your Photos into Cartoon-style Images Using OpenCV’s Image Processing Techniques. — In today’s world, we are surrounded by images and videos. From social media to advertising, images have become a powerful medium of communication. But have you ever wondered what would happen if you could turn your photos into cartoons? Imagine creating an animated version of your favorite photograph, or transforming… image-processing | Transforming Reality Turn Photos Cartoons OpenCV StepbyStep Guide Converting Photos Cartoonstyle Images Using OpenCV’s Image Processing Techniques — today’s world surrounded image video social medium advertising image become powerful medium communication ever wondered would happen could turn photo cartoon Imagine creating animated version favorite photograph transforming… imageprocessing |
10,241 | Pyramidal HOG for Fingerprint Recognition: Enhancing Accuracy and Robustness | Fingerprint recognition is a widely used biometric authentication technique that relies on the unique ridge patterns and minutiae points in fingerprints. Feature extraction is a crucial step in fingerprint recognition, as it involves capturing the relevant information from the fingerprint image for subsequent matching. One popular technique for feature extraction… | | image-processing | Pyramidal HOG for Fingerprint Recognition: Enhancing Accuracy and Robustness Fingerprint recognition is a widely used biometric authentication technique that relies on the unique ridge patterns and minutiae points in fingerprints. Feature extraction is a crucial step in fingerprint recognition, as it involves capturing the relevant information from the fingerprint image for subsequent matching. One popular technique for feature extraction… image-processing | Pyramidal HOG Fingerprint Recognition Enhancing Accuracy Robustness Fingerprint recognition widely used biometric authentication technique relies unique ridge pattern minutia point fingerprint Feature extraction crucial step fingerprint recognition involves capturing relevant information fingerprint image subsequent matching One popular technique feature extraction… imageprocessing |
10,242 | General Terms of Image Registration | A summary and brief introduction of common terminologies of image registration. Table of Contents Spaces
1.1 Standard spaces
1.2 Other spaces Coordinates
2.1 Voxel coordinates
2.2 Standard Space coordinates Spacial Transformations
3.1 Rigid-Body transformations
3.2 Affine transformations
3.3 Non-Linear transformations
3.4 Global Scaling transformations * Storage of Transformations
4.1 Linear transformation
4.2 … | | image-processing | General Terms of Image Registration A summary and brief introduction of common terminologies of image registration. Table of Contents Spaces
1.1 Standard spaces
1.2 Other spaces Coordinates
2.1 Voxel coordinates
2.2 Standard Space coordinates Spacial Transformations
3.1 Rigid-Body transformations
3.2 Affine transformations
3.3 Non-Linear transformations
3.4 Global Scaling transformations * Storage of Transformations
4.1 Linear transformation
4.2 … image-processing | General Terms Image Registration summary brief introduction common terminology image registration Table Contents Spaces 11 Standard space 12 space Coordinates 21 Voxel coordinate 22 Standard Space coordinate Spacial Transformations 31 RigidBody transformation 32 Affine transformation 33 NonLinear transformation 34 Global Scaling transformation Storage Transformations 41 Linear transformation 42 … imageprocessing |
10,243 | Understanding the Effect of Kernel on Images in Python | Introduction: In this article, we will explore the effect of kernels on images using a simple Python code. Kernels are an essential part of image processing and computer vision, as they help in tasks such as edge detection, blurring, and sharpening. … | | image-processing | Understanding the Effect of Kernel on Images in Python Introduction: In this article, we will explore the effect of kernels on images using a simple Python code. Kernels are an essential part of image processing and computer vision, as they help in tasks such as edge detection, blurring, and sharpening. … image-processing | Understanding Effect Kernel Images Python Introduction article explore effect kernel image using simple Python code Kernels essential part image processing computer vision help task edge detection blurring sharpening … imageprocessing |
10,244 | [project]Doodle IoT | As a parent, I noticed my kid’s love for doodling and wanted to find a way to turn their doodles into functional objects. With my favorite toy, the Intel Edison and a webcam, I came up with a simple yet creative solution using OpenCV in Python. By analyzing specific areas… | | image-processing | [project]Doodle IoT As a parent, I noticed my kid’s love for doodling and wanted to find a way to turn their doodles into functional objects. With my favorite toy, the Intel Edison and a webcam, I came up with a simple yet creative solution using OpenCV in Python. By analyzing specific areas… image-processing | projectDoodle IoT parent noticed kid’s love doodling wanted find way turn doodle functional object favorite toy Intel Edison webcam came simple yet creative solution using OpenCV Python analyzing specific areas… imageprocessing |
10,245 | Image Thresholding From Scratch | Thresholding is a process in which an input image is converted into a binary image, where pixels with intensity values above a certain threshold are set to a maximum value (usually 255) and pixels below the threshold are set to a minimum value (usually 0). … | | image-processing | Image Thresholding From Scratch Thresholding is a process in which an input image is converted into a binary image, where pixels with intensity values above a certain threshold are set to a maximum value (usually 255) and pixels below the threshold are set to a minimum value (usually 0). … image-processing | Image Thresholding Scratch Thresholding process input image converted binary image pixel intensity value certain threshold set maximum value usually 255 pixel threshold set minimum value usually 0 … imageprocessing |
10,246 | Image Feature Extraction and Matching with SIFT using OpenCV | Introduction: Image feature extraction and matching are important tasks in computer vision and image processing. They play a crucial role in various applications such as image recognition, object detection, and image stitching. One popular algorithm for feature extraction is Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), which is widely used for its… | | image-processing | Image Feature Extraction and Matching with SIFT using OpenCV Introduction: Image feature extraction and matching are important tasks in computer vision and image processing. They play a crucial role in various applications such as image recognition, object detection, and image stitching. One popular algorithm for feature extraction is Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), which is widely used for its… image-processing | Image Feature Extraction Matching SIFT using OpenCV Introduction Image feature extraction matching important task computer vision image processing play crucial role various application image recognition object detection image stitching One popular algorithm feature extraction Scale Invariant Feature Transform SIFT widely used its… imageprocessing |
10,247 | ORB learning in Fingerprint Recognition | ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF) Learning: Advancements in Small-Area Fingerprint Recognition using OpenCV Fingerprint recognition is a critical biometric technology that finds its application in various fields, such as smartphone security, access control systems, and financial transactions. With the advancements in computer vision and image processing, fingerprint recognition algorithms… | | image-processing | ORB learning in Fingerprint Recognition ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF) Learning: Advancements in Small-Area Fingerprint Recognition using OpenCV Fingerprint recognition is a critical biometric technology that finds its application in various fields, such as smartphone security, access control systems, and financial transactions. With the advancements in computer vision and image processing, fingerprint recognition algorithms… image-processing | ORB learning Fingerprint Recognition ORB Oriented FAST Rotated BRIEF Learning Advancements SmallArea Fingerprint Recognition using OpenCV Fingerprint recognition critical biometric technology find application various field smartphone security access control system financial transaction advancement computer vision image processing fingerprint recognition algorithms… imageprocessing |
10,248 | Image merging and text adding using openCV and Pillow | Python provides several libraries for image editing like Pillow, OpenCV, scikit-image ..etc. In this article, we discussed Pillow and OpenCV. both libraries can be used for image processing, manipulation, and editing but there are some differences in their capabilities and features. … | | image-processing | Image merging and text adding using openCV and Pillow Python provides several libraries for image editing like Pillow, OpenCV, scikit-image ..etc. In this article, we discussed Pillow and OpenCV. both libraries can be used for image processing, manipulation, and editing but there are some differences in their capabilities and features. … image-processing | Image merging text adding using openCV Pillow Python provides several library image editing like Pillow OpenCV scikitimage etc article discussed Pillow OpenCV library used image processing manipulation editing difference capability feature … imageprocessing |
10,249 | Should AI-Generated content be transparently labeled? | Contents: 🏷️ Should AI-Generated media be transparently labeled? 🧰 AI Tools of the Week 🥷 Did Meta Just Unlock the Future of AI-Powered Image Editing? 💰 How to Make Money using AI 💪🏽 Miscellaneous and AI updates ⚙️ Are you looking for a role in an elite company? 🎓 NYU… | | image-processing | Should AI-Generated content be transparently labeled? Contents: 🏷️ Should AI-Generated media be transparently labeled? 🧰 AI Tools of the Week 🥷 Did Meta Just Unlock the Future of AI-Powered Image Editing? 💰 How to Make Money using AI 💪🏽 Miscellaneous and AI updates ⚙️ Are you looking for a role in an elite company? 🎓 NYU… image-processing | AIGenerated content transparently labeled Contents 🏷️ AIGenerated medium transparently labeled 🧰 AI Tools Week 🥷 Meta Unlock Future AIPowered Image Editing 💰 Make Money using AI 💪🏽 Miscellaneous AI update ⚙️ looking role elite company 🎓 NYU… imageprocessing |
10,250 | Image Processing With skimage (Part 2) | Welcome to the second part of the blog series on image processing with skimage. If you missed the first part, don’t worry, you can check it out here (Part 1). In the first part, we discussed the fundamental operations on images using Skimage. … | | image-processing | Image Processing With skimage (Part 2) Welcome to the second part of the blog series on image processing with skimage. If you missed the first part, don’t worry, you can check it out here (Part 1). In the first part, we discussed the fundamental operations on images using Skimage. … image-processing | Image Processing skimage Part 2 Welcome second part blog series image processing skimage missed first part don’t worry check Part 1 first part discussed fundamental operation image using Skimage … imageprocessing |
10,251 | A Comprehensive Guide on Color Representation in Computer Vision | A Detail Explanation of Color Space and Color Model — Motivation How do we perceive an object? Do human and computer vision systems work in the same way? How many colors are there? Do we know or want to know all the answers to these questions? If ‘yes,’ this article will be best for you. The eye is such a beautiful… | |*HJdlSzslsV3D1Sgb | image-processing | A Comprehensive Guide on Color Representation in Computer Vision A Detail Explanation of Color Space and Color Model — Motivation How do we perceive an object? Do human and computer vision systems work in the same way? How many colors are there? Do we know or want to know all the answers to these questions? If ‘yes,’ this article will be best for you. The eye is such a beautiful… image-processing | Comprehensive Guide Color Representation Computer Vision Detail Explanation Color Space Color Model — Motivation perceive object human computer vision system work way many color know want know answer question ‘yes’ article best eye beautiful… imageprocessing |
10,252 | K -means Clustering | Popular unsupervised machine learning algorithm K-means clustering is used to cluster or group together comparable data points. It is extensively used in many different uses, including document clustering, market segmentation, and image processing. K-means clustering is basically a vector quantization method where we aim to partition “n” observations into “k”… | |*jm32W2LF4tHipS8k | image-processing | K -means Clustering Popular unsupervised machine learning algorithm K-means clustering is used to cluster or group together comparable data points. It is extensively used in many different uses, including document clustering, market segmentation, and image processing. K-means clustering is basically a vector quantization method where we aim to partition “n” observations into “k”… image-processing | K mean Clustering Popular unsupervised machine learning algorithm Kmeans clustering used cluster group together comparable data point extensively used many different us including document clustering market segmentation image processing Kmeans clustering basically vector quantization method aim partition “n” observation “k”… imageprocessing |
10,253 | Image Processing with Python #1 Working with Pixels | Image processing is about analyzing or altering an image. With Python you can automate the processing of digital images. This opens up a wide range of possibilities. You can extract information from images by recognizing text or shapes. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to recognize patterns and link them… | | image-processing | Image Processing with Python #1 Working with Pixels Image processing is about analyzing or altering an image. With Python you can automate the processing of digital images. This opens up a wide range of possibilities. You can extract information from images by recognizing text or shapes. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to recognize patterns and link them… image-processing | Image Processing Python 1 Working Pixels Image processing analyzing altering image Python automate processing digital image open wide range possibility extract information image recognizing text shape Machine learning algorithm trained recognize pattern link them… imageprocessing |
10,254 | Inversing solution spaces for lines— the Hough transform | It became an important tool in image processing to find straight lines in an image, because in scenarios like finding edges, choosing the contours borders of objects is necessary for object recognition. The Hough transform is widely popular and perhaps the most common algorithm applied in finding straight lines or… | | image-processing | Inversing solution spaces for lines— the Hough transform It became an important tool in image processing to find straight lines in an image, because in scenarios like finding edges, choosing the contours borders of objects is necessary for object recognition. The Hough transform is widely popular and perhaps the most common algorithm applied in finding straight lines or… image-processing | Inversing solution space lines— Hough transform became important tool image processing find straight line image scenario like finding edge choosing contour border object necessary object recognition Hough transform widely popular perhaps common algorithm applied finding straight line or… imageprocessing |
10,255 | Enhancing JPEG, PNG, Text Using C# .NET Part 2 — Gaussian Blur Effect | GrapeCity Documents | The Gaussian blur effect is widely used in graphics software to reduce image noise and detail. The visual effect of this blurring technique is a smooth blur resembling that of viewing the image through a translucent screen. GcBitmap is a class in GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging namespace that represents an image as a… | | image-processing | Enhancing JPEG, PNG, Text Using C# .NET Part 2 — Gaussian Blur Effect | GrapeCity Documents The Gaussian blur effect is widely used in graphics software to reduce image noise and detail. The visual effect of this blurring technique is a smooth blur resembling that of viewing the image through a translucent screen. GcBitmap is a class in GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging namespace that represents an image as a… image-processing | Enhancing JPEG PNG Text Using C NET Part 2 — Gaussian Blur Effect GrapeCity Documents Gaussian blur effect widely used graphic software reduce image noise detail visual effect blurring technique smooth blur resembling viewing image translucent screen GcBitmap class GrapeCityDocumentsImaging namespace represents image a… imageprocessing |
10,256 | The basics of bug bounty programs: What they are and how they work? | Bug bounty programs have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way for organizations to crowdsource the identification of security vulnerabilities in their software and systems. In this blog post, we’ll explore what bug bounty programs are, how they work, and the benefits and challenges associated with them. What… | |*Y5WNOFD51XXM4S1V | information-security | The basics of bug bounty programs: What they are and how they work? Bug bounty programs have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way for organizations to crowdsource the identification of security vulnerabilities in their software and systems. In this blog post, we’ll explore what bug bounty programs are, how they work, and the benefits and challenges associated with them. What… information-security | basic bug bounty program work Bug bounty program become increasingly popular recent year way organization crowdsource identification security vulnerability software system blog post we’ll explore bug bounty program work benefit challenge associated What… informationsecurity |
10,257 | How can a ccompany make a bug bounty program? | In this article, I wanted to talk about how you can create a bounty program for your company and what you need to do. Bug bounty programs are becoming increasingly popular among companies as a way to incentivize security researchers to find and report vulnerabilities in their software. By offering… | |*ONe5goIroWnARRxC | information-security | How can a ccompany make a bug bounty program? In this article, I wanted to talk about how you can create a bounty program for your company and what you need to do. Bug bounty programs are becoming increasingly popular among companies as a way to incentivize security researchers to find and report vulnerabilities in their software. By offering… information-security | ccompany make bug bounty program article wanted talk create bounty program company need Bug bounty program becoming increasingly popular among company way incentivize security researcher find report vulnerability software offering… informationsecurity |
10,258 | “The Sneaky Way Hackers Get into Your Network: Golden Ticket Attacks Explained in Layman’s Terms” | Are you worried about cyber attacks and hackers getting into your network? One of the sneakiest ways they can do it is through something called a golden ticket. It’s a type of attack that lets hackers take control of your systems and steal your data without you even knowing it… | |*imU17ZNWRB_VKdyN | information-security | “The Sneaky Way Hackers Get into Your Network: Golden Ticket Attacks Explained in Layman’s Terms” Are you worried about cyber attacks and hackers getting into your network? One of the sneakiest ways they can do it is through something called a golden ticket. It’s a type of attack that lets hackers take control of your systems and steal your data without you even knowing it… information-security | “The Sneaky Way Hackers Get Network Golden Ticket Attacks Explained Layman’s Terms” worried cyber attack hacker getting network One sneakiest way something called golden ticket It’s type attack let hacker take control system steal data without even knowing it… informationsecurity |
10,259 | MSI Data Breach May Have Serious Consequences | Analysis by Binarly poses serious questions… — A hacker group known as Money Message has dumped several files they stole from MSI on the dark web. Money Message reported last month that it had accessed the company’s servers and stolen sensitive files, among them private source code. They then reached out to the company and asked for… | |*8i3yQUXSeeX9rzfO | information-security | MSI Data Breach May Have Serious Consequences Analysis by Binarly poses serious questions… — A hacker group known as Money Message has dumped several files they stole from MSI on the dark web. Money Message reported last month that it had accessed the company’s servers and stolen sensitive files, among them private source code. They then reached out to the company and asked for… information-security | MSI Data Breach May Serious Consequences Analysis Binarly pose serious questions… — hacker group known Money Message dumped several file stole MSI dark web Money Message reported last month accessed company’s server stolen sensitive file among private source code reached company asked for… informationsecurity |
10,260 | Understanding WebSocket Hijacking | Introduction We should define websocket first before exploring websocket hijacking. While similar to HTTP in concept, applications using websocket necessitate a two-way, persistent connection between their endpoints. During that time, the connection between the client and server remains stable, allowing data to be passed back and forth between them without the… | | information-security | Understanding WebSocket Hijacking Introduction We should define websocket first before exploring websocket hijacking. While similar to HTTP in concept, applications using websocket necessitate a two-way, persistent connection between their endpoints. During that time, the connection between the client and server remains stable, allowing data to be passed back and forth between them without the… information-security | Understanding WebSocket Hijacking Introduction define websocket first exploring websocket hijacking similar HTTP concept application using websocket necessitate twoway persistent connection endpoint time connection client server remains stable allowing data passed back forth without the… informationsecurity |
10,261 | Top five Cyber Threat Intel stories of the week: 05/01 to 05/05/2023 | Top 5 general threat intelligence stories of the week. This is from TLP white/open-source websites, so please feel free to share and enjoy reading about these events. Please reach out if you have any questions! Thank you! General Worldwide activity: 1st: Report: Discord admin who leaked military docs ID’d as National Guard airman Overview: Federal Bureau of Investigation agents arrested Jack Teixeira “without incident,” The Washington… | |*kQYzEnv7RFiP55Uf | information-security | Top five Cyber Threat Intel stories of the week: 05/01 to 05/05/2023 Top 5 general threat intelligence stories of the week. This is from TLP white/open-source websites, so please feel free to share and enjoy reading about these events. Please reach out if you have any questions! Thank you! General Worldwide activity: 1st: Report: Discord admin who leaked military docs ID’d as National Guard airman Overview: Federal Bureau of Investigation agents arrested Jack Teixeira “without incident,” The Washington… information-security | Top five Cyber Threat Intel story week 0501 05052023 Top 5 general threat intelligence story week TLP whiteopensource website please feel free share enjoy reading event Please reach question Thank General Worldwide activity 1st Report Discord admin leaked military doc ID’d National Guard airman Overview Federal Bureau Investigation agent arrested Jack Teixeira “without incident” Washington… informationsecurity |
10,262 | “Behind the Hack: Understanding IDOR Vulnerabilities” | Are you ready to get IDOR-ed? No, it’s not a new dance craze or a funky new language — it’s actually a serious cybersecurity vulnerability that you need to know about. In this blog post, we’re going to break down what IDOR is, how it works, and what you can… | |*leybpO5NatC3dfnf | information-security | “Behind the Hack: Understanding IDOR Vulnerabilities” Are you ready to get IDOR-ed? No, it’s not a new dance craze or a funky new language — it’s actually a serious cybersecurity vulnerability that you need to know about. In this blog post, we’re going to break down what IDOR is, how it works, and what you can… information-security | “Behind Hack Understanding IDOR Vulnerabilities” ready get IDORed it’s new dance craze funky new language — it’s actually serious cybersecurity vulnerability need know blog post we’re going break IDOR work can… informationsecurity |
10,263 | The Art of Reconnaissance for Bug Bounty: Finding Vulnerabilities Like a Pro | Learn the art of Reconnaissance for Bug Bounty and become an expert in finding vulnerabilities like a pro. Discover the secrets to successful reconnaissance for bug bounty hunters. Introduction Bug bounty programs are becoming increasingly popular as companies seek to identify and address vulnerabilities in their software systems. These programs offer… | |*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5 | information-security | The Art of Reconnaissance for Bug Bounty: Finding Vulnerabilities Like a Pro Learn the art of Reconnaissance for Bug Bounty and become an expert in finding vulnerabilities like a pro. Discover the secrets to successful reconnaissance for bug bounty hunters. Introduction Bug bounty programs are becoming increasingly popular as companies seek to identify and address vulnerabilities in their software systems. These programs offer… information-security | Art Reconnaissance Bug Bounty Finding Vulnerabilities Like Pro Learn art Reconnaissance Bug Bounty become expert finding vulnerability like pro Discover secret successful reconnaissance bug bounty hunter Introduction Bug bounty program becoming increasingly popular company seek identify address vulnerability software system program offer… informationsecurity |
10,264 | InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Friday, May 5, 2023 | InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — India Military Intelligence busts multi-state cyber fraud
(Hindustan Times, May 5th) Sharing deepfake pornography could soon be illegal in America
(ABC 7 Chicago, May 5th) Why Apple’s Rapid Security Responses Are Better Than a Software Update
(Lifewire, May 5th) Ex-Uber security chief avoids prison in obstruction case
(Compliance Week, May 5th)… | | information-security | InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Friday, May 5, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — India Military Intelligence busts multi-state cyber fraud
(Hindustan Times, May 5th) Sharing deepfake pornography could soon be illegal in America
(ABC 7 Chicago, May 5th) Why Apple’s Rapid Security Responses Are Better Than a Software Update
(Lifewire, May 5th) Ex-Uber security chief avoids prison in obstruction case
(Compliance Week, May 5th)… information-security | InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Friday May 5 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — India Military Intelligence bust multistate cyber fraud Hindustan Times May 5th Sharing deepfake pornography could soon illegal America ABC 7 Chicago May 5th Apple’s Rapid Security Responses Better Software Update Lifewire May 5th ExUber security chief avoids prison obstruction case Compliance Week May 5th… informationsecurity |
10,265 | Bypass WAF with SQLMAP and TOR | Tor is a popular open-source software used for anonymous communication over the internet. It is commonly used to protect users’ privacy by hiding their online activities and identity from prying eyes. One way to use Tor is by configuring a Tor SOCKS proxy on your Linux or MacBook. … | | information-security | Bypass WAF with SQLMAP and TOR Tor is a popular open-source software used for anonymous communication over the internet. It is commonly used to protect users’ privacy by hiding their online activities and identity from prying eyes. One way to use Tor is by configuring a Tor SOCKS proxy on your Linux or MacBook. … information-security | Bypass WAF SQLMAP TOR Tor popular opensource software used anonymous communication internet commonly used protect users’ privacy hiding online activity identity prying eye One way use Tor configuring Tor SOCKS proxy Linux MacBook … informationsecurity |
10,266 | Fileless Malware: The Perfect Crime? | Oh boy, do I have a topic for you! Fileless malware, the super sneaky and oh-so-cool way for hackers to infiltrate your system without even leaving a trace on your hard drive. … | |*ogsm3lHLZ3J6Ok-h | information-security | Fileless Malware: The Perfect Crime? Oh boy, do I have a topic for you! Fileless malware, the super sneaky and oh-so-cool way for hackers to infiltrate your system without even leaving a trace on your hard drive. … information-security | Fileless Malware Perfect Crime Oh boy topic Fileless malware super sneaky ohsocool way hacker infiltrate system without even leaving trace hard drive … informationsecurity |
10,267 | Killnet Targets Eurocontrol | Russian-linked hacking group interrupts Europe Air Traffic Control Agency’s web availability — Alleged Russian hacking group Killnet is at it again. In their latest cyber attack on Western countries and organizations, they’ve gone for Europe Air Traffic Control Agency (Eurocontrol). The group, which has since confirmed the incident, says they will disrupt the company’s operations for at least the next 100 hours… | |*YG2RPQNdh12UPAyv | information-security | Killnet Targets Eurocontrol Russian-linked hacking group interrupts Europe Air Traffic Control Agency’s web availability — Alleged Russian hacking group Killnet is at it again. In their latest cyber attack on Western countries and organizations, they’ve gone for Europe Air Traffic Control Agency (Eurocontrol). The group, which has since confirmed the incident, says they will disrupt the company’s operations for at least the next 100 hours… information-security | Killnet Targets Eurocontrol Russianlinked hacking group interrupt Europe Air Traffic Control Agency’s web availability — Alleged Russian hacking group Killnet latest cyber attack Western country organization they’ve gone Europe Air Traffic Control Agency Eurocontrol group since confirmed incident say disrupt company’s operation least next 100 hours… informationsecurity |
10,268 | 7 Reasons to Hold Off on HUNTER: Why It Might Not Be For You (Yet)! | By Cyborg Security When it comes to cyber security, it’s important to have the right tools in place to protect your organization from potential threats. Threat hunting platforms can be a valuable asset for organizations looking to enhance their security posture. However, before making any purchases, it’s important to assess… | | information-security | 7 Reasons to Hold Off on HUNTER: Why It Might Not Be For You (Yet)! By Cyborg Security When it comes to cyber security, it’s important to have the right tools in place to protect your organization from potential threats. Threat hunting platforms can be a valuable asset for organizations looking to enhance their security posture. However, before making any purchases, it’s important to assess… information-security | 7 Reasons Hold HUNTER Might Yet Cyborg Security come cyber security it’s important right tool place protect organization potential threat Threat hunting platform valuable asset organization looking enhance security posture However making purchase it’s important assess… informationsecurity |
10,269 | Analyze Static Malware with Flare VM | Introduction Welcome to my project, where I explain how a malicious file is created using msfvenom in a Kali Linux virtual machine (VM) and then perform static malware analysis on the malicious file using different tools in Flare VM. I installed Flare VM on a Windows 10 VM. Flare VM is… | | information-security | Analyze Static Malware with Flare VM Introduction Welcome to my project, where I explain how a malicious file is created using msfvenom in a Kali Linux virtual machine (VM) and then perform static malware analysis on the malicious file using different tools in Flare VM. I installed Flare VM on a Windows 10 VM. Flare VM is… information-security | Analyze Static Malware Flare VM Introduction Welcome project explain malicious file created using msfvenom Kali Linux virtual machine VM perform static malware analysis malicious file using different tool Flare VM installed Flare VM Windows 10 VM Flare VM is… informationsecurity |
10,270 | Vulnerability Management 101: | Understanding the basics of Vulnerability and Patch Management — In today’s digital age, organizations must proactively manage their technological risks to protect their assets and data from cyber attacks. … | |*aNf2uRglElmImqk0 | information-security | Vulnerability Management 101: Understanding the basics of Vulnerability and Patch Management — In today’s digital age, organizations must proactively manage their technological risks to protect their assets and data from cyber attacks. … information-security | Vulnerability Management 101 Understanding basic Vulnerability Patch Management — today’s digital age organization must proactively manage technological risk protect asset data cyber attack … informationsecurity |
10,271 | RSA Conference 2023 — What You Need to Know About Cybersecurity | Recently, the RSA conference took place in San Francisco, where experts in information security gathered to discuss the latest developments in the cybersecurity landscape. Several emerging companies in the security portfolio, such as Cribl, Cybereason, Impart Security, Fleet, Project Discovery, Greynoise, and more, participated in the event. The conference highlighted… | |*JSN59CMr4SQN6BtJ | information-security | RSA Conference 2023 — What You Need to Know About Cybersecurity Recently, the RSA conference took place in San Francisco, where experts in information security gathered to discuss the latest developments in the cybersecurity landscape. Several emerging companies in the security portfolio, such as Cribl, Cybereason, Impart Security, Fleet, Project Discovery, Greynoise, and more, participated in the event. The conference highlighted… information-security | RSA Conference 2023 — Need Know Cybersecurity Recently RSA conference took place San Francisco expert information security gathered discus latest development cybersecurity landscape Several emerging company security portfolio Cribl Cybereason Impart Security Fleet Project Discovery Greynoise participated event conference highlighted… informationsecurity |
10,272 | InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Thursday, May 4, 2023 | InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Florida Senate details emerge on possible data privacy deal
(Florida Politics, May 4th) FBI Director Centers China Cybersecurity Threat In Budget Talks After NYC Secret Police Charges
(The Crime Report, May 4th) Carvin Software Data Breach Affects 187,360 Consumers
(JDSupra/Console and Associates P.C., May 4th) University of Virginia gets funding… | | information-security | InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Thursday, May 4, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Florida Senate details emerge on possible data privacy deal
(Florida Politics, May 4th) FBI Director Centers China Cybersecurity Threat In Budget Talks After NYC Secret Police Charges
(The Crime Report, May 4th) Carvin Software Data Breach Affects 187,360 Consumers
(JDSupra/Console and Associates P.C., May 4th) University of Virginia gets funding… information-security | InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Thursday May 4 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Florida Senate detail emerge possible data privacy deal Florida Politics May 4th FBI Director Centers China Cybersecurity Threat Budget Talks NYC Secret Police Charges Crime Report May 4th Carvin Software Data Breach Affects 187360 Consumers JDSupraConsole Associates PC May 4th University Virginia get funding… informationsecurity |
10,273 | Looking back at RSA 2023 | RSA is like a cybersecurity carnival, granted one that is a little more buttoned up than the summer version, better known as hacker summer camp. There’s way too much to do, too many people to see, and FOMO at every turn as it is impossible to not miss something awesome… | |*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5 | information-security | Looking back at RSA 2023 RSA is like a cybersecurity carnival, granted one that is a little more buttoned up than the summer version, better known as hacker summer camp. There’s way too much to do, too many people to see, and FOMO at every turn as it is impossible to not miss something awesome… information-security | Looking back RSA 2023 RSA like cybersecurity carnival granted one little buttoned summer version better known hacker summer camp There’s way much many people see FOMO every turn impossible miss something awesome… informationsecurity |
10,274 | Automating SQL Injection On Encrypted Request | Hi, Guys hope you all are doing well. I’m back with an adventure of exploiting an SQL Injection on an encrypted request and response. Introduction SQL injection is a type of cyber attack where malicious code is inserted into a SQL (Structured Query Language) statement through an input field on… | | information-security | Automating SQL Injection On Encrypted Request Hi, Guys hope you all are doing well. I’m back with an adventure of exploiting an SQL Injection on an encrypted request and response. Introduction SQL injection is a type of cyber attack where malicious code is inserted into a SQL (Structured Query Language) statement through an input field on… information-security | Automating SQL Injection Encrypted Request Hi Guys hope well I’m back adventure exploiting SQL Injection encrypted request response Introduction SQL injection type cyber attack malicious code inserted SQL Structured Query Language statement input field on… informationsecurity |
10,275 | Linux User Management | During this short course, you have to complete several user management tasks which involve creating new users, and managing their data, group info, and passwords. The course is set up in a way that by the end of it you are able to: Create users and groups View user data… | |*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5 | information-security | Linux User Management During this short course, you have to complete several user management tasks which involve creating new users, and managing their data, group info, and passwords. The course is set up in a way that by the end of it you are able to: Create users and groups View user data… information-security | Linux User Management short course complete several user management task involve creating new user managing data group info password course set way end able Create user group View user data… informationsecurity |
10,276 | Leveraging the Innocent Until Proven Guilty Deep Learning Framework for Improved Information Security | One of the significant hurdles facing the application of machine learning in the field of information security is its effectiveness. It can’t make mistakes; the mistake is bidirectional. A mistake in one direction can lead to a risky slip of malware falling through the cracks. A mistake in the other… | | information-security | Leveraging the Innocent Until Proven Guilty Deep Learning Framework for Improved Information Security One of the significant hurdles facing the application of machine learning in the field of information security is its effectiveness. It can’t make mistakes; the mistake is bidirectional. A mistake in one direction can lead to a risky slip of malware falling through the cracks. A mistake in the other… information-security | Leveraging Innocent Proven Guilty Deep Learning Framework Improved Information Security One significant hurdle facing application machine learning field information security effectiveness can’t make mistake mistake bidirectional mistake one direction lead risky slip malware falling crack mistake other… informationsecurity |
10,277 | Introducing The SOC Report | Your center for cybersecurity write-ups, research, and news — Hello world, If you’re still following me on Medium I’d like to thank you! Your loyalty is exceptional. (Or you just forgot to unfollow). Either way, I’m returning! You may remember me from when I wrote The Weekly Threat each week. That project lacked collaboration however. My new publication, The… | |*z9xuRG_856jNH6cE | information-security | Introducing The SOC Report Your center for cybersecurity write-ups, research, and news — Hello world, If you’re still following me on Medium I’d like to thank you! Your loyalty is exceptional. (Or you just forgot to unfollow). Either way, I’m returning! You may remember me from when I wrote The Weekly Threat each week. That project lacked collaboration however. My new publication, The… information-security | Introducing SOC Report center cybersecurity writeups research news — Hello world you’re still following Medium I’d like thank loyalty exceptional forgot unfollow Either way I’m returning may remember wrote Weekly Threat week project lacked collaboration however new publication The… informationsecurity |
10,278 | Title: "Democratizing Knowledge: The Journey to Empowerment and Equity" | Democratizing Knowledge: The Journey to Empowerment and Equity Introduction:
The democratization of knowledge is a transformative force that has reshaped the landscape of human society. It is a journey that has challenged traditional power structures, unlocked new opportunities, and empowered individuals across the globe. … | | information-security | Title: "Democratizing Knowledge: The Journey to Empowerment and Equity" Democratizing Knowledge: The Journey to Empowerment and Equity Introduction:
The democratization of knowledge is a transformative force that has reshaped the landscape of human society. It is a journey that has challenged traditional power structures, unlocked new opportunities, and empowered individuals across the globe. … information-security | Title Democratizing Knowledge Journey Empowerment Equity Democratizing Knowledge Journey Empowerment Equity Introduction democratization knowledge transformative force reshaped landscape human society journey challenged traditional power structure unlocked new opportunity empowered individual across globe … informationsecurity |
10,279 | PHP Backdoor Obfuscation | Introduction When working with any programing or scripting language you might ask your self is this language could be used for “hacking”, this question in the beginning could be very superficial but let’s take it real. I do love PHP a lot to be honest, I’m using it in everything, in… | |*XbquiPp5IsdhUcez | information-security | PHP Backdoor Obfuscation Introduction When working with any programing or scripting language you might ask your self is this language could be used for “hacking”, this question in the beginning could be very superficial but let’s take it real. I do love PHP a lot to be honest, I’m using it in everything, in… information-security | PHP Backdoor Obfuscation Introduction working programing scripting language might ask self language could used “hacking” question beginning could superficial let’s take real love PHP lot honest I’m using everything in… informationsecurity |
10,280 | Red Teaming: Exfiltrating Data & Command Network Nodes (Like a Ghost!) | Caution: | | information-security | Red Teaming: Exfiltrating Data & Command Network Nodes (Like a Ghost!) Caution: information-security | Red Teaming Exfiltrating Data Command Network Nodes Like Ghost Caution informationsecurity |
10,281 | The Top 3 Programming Languages Every Beginner Needs to Learn for Cybersecurity | As cyber threats continue to evolve, the need for skilled cyber security professionals is greater than ever before. With the vast amount of information available on the internet, it can be difficult for beginners to know where to start. One of the most important skills for cyber security professionals is… | |*2K7Jt7gun9IFJ6rb | information-security | The Top 3 Programming Languages Every Beginner Needs to Learn for Cybersecurity As cyber threats continue to evolve, the need for skilled cyber security professionals is greater than ever before. With the vast amount of information available on the internet, it can be difficult for beginners to know where to start. One of the most important skills for cyber security professionals is… information-security | Top 3 Programming Languages Every Beginner Needs Learn Cybersecurity cyber threat continue evolve need skilled cyber security professional greater ever vast amount information available internet difficult beginner know start One important skill cyber security professional is… informationsecurity |
10,282 | Subdomain Take Over on Azurewebsite | Recently I managed to find a subdomain takeover on azurewebsite on a private program on hackerone. The program scope have * which always the best target to test in my opinion since there’s a lot of subdomains you can discover and to test. What is a Subdomain Take Over and… | | information-security | Subdomain Take Over on Azurewebsite Recently I managed to find a subdomain takeover on azurewebsite on a private program on hackerone. The program scope have * which always the best target to test in my opinion since there’s a lot of subdomains you can discover and to test. What is a Subdomain Take Over and… information-security | Subdomain Take Azurewebsite Recently managed find subdomain takeover azurewebsite private program hackerone program scope targetcom always best target test opinion since there’s lot subdomains discover test Subdomain Take and… informationsecurity |
10,283 | InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Wednesday, May 3, 2023 | InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Merck’s Insurers On the Hook in $1.4 Billion NotPetya Attack, Court Says
(The Wall Street Journal, May 2nd) U.S. Privacy Litigation Update: April 2023
(JDSupra/Husch Blackwell LLP, May 3rd) TikToks Head of US Trust and Safety to Depart Amid Mounting Pressure from US Government
(Best Stocks, May 3rd) [Australia] privacy… | | information-security | InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Wednesday, May 3, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Merck’s Insurers On the Hook in $1.4 Billion NotPetya Attack, Court Says
(The Wall Street Journal, May 2nd) U.S. Privacy Litigation Update: April 2023
(JDSupra/Husch Blackwell LLP, May 3rd) TikToks Head of US Trust and Safety to Depart Amid Mounting Pressure from US Government
(Best Stocks, May 3rd) [Australia] privacy… information-security | InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Wednesday May 3 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Merck’s Insurers Hook 14 Billion NotPetya Attack Court Says Wall Street Journal May 2nd US Privacy Litigation Update April 2023 JDSupraHusch Blackwell LLP May 3rd TikToks Head US Trust Safety Depart Amid Mounting Pressure US Government Best Stocks May 3rd Australia privacy… informationsecurity |
10,284 | Balancing Compliance and Operationalization in Security Programs: A Response to the Pentagon’s… | Balancing Compliance and Operationalization in Security Programs: A Response to the Pentagon’s 'Data Call' *Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency of the author's employer. … | | information-security | Balancing Compliance and Operationalization in Security Programs: A Response to the Pentagon’s… Balancing Compliance and Operationalization in Security Programs: A Response to the Pentagon’s 'Data Call' *Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency of the author's employer. … information-security | Balancing Compliance Operationalization Security Programs Response Pentagon’s… Balancing Compliance Operationalization Security Programs Response Pentagon’s Data Call Disclaimer view opinion expressed article author necessarily reflect official policy position agency author employer … informationsecurity |
10,285 | Upgrading an enterprise app to Angular 16 | Here comes the pain — I'm absolutely bought by all the new Angular v16 features, starting by signals, and well, everything else. And I just couldn’t resist the urge to upgrade one of the company’s apps just to see how hard it could be. There’s the leading edge and the bleeding edge. You may choose… | | web-development | Upgrading an enterprise app to Angular 16 Here comes the pain — I'm absolutely bought by all the new Angular v16 features, starting by signals, and well, everything else. And I just couldn’t resist the urge to upgrade one of the company’s apps just to see how hard it could be. There’s the leading edge and the bleeding edge. You may choose… web-development | Upgrading enterprise app Angular 16 come pain — Im absolutely bought new Angular v16 feature starting signal well everything else couldn’t resist urge upgrade one company’s apps see hard could There’s leading edge bleeding edge may choose… webdevelopment |
10,286 | Angular 16 is out now: Learn how to Replace RxJS with Signals | Here I have one specific real world example for you, raw code comparison. Nothing more, nothing less! But but but… Signals & RxJS right — it’s not supposed to replace it? Couldn’t help myself and spark a little controversy in the title. Example I have is completely replacing RxJS implementation with Signals. Signals are meant to replace RxJS to simplify your reactive code. However… | | web-development | Angular 16 is out now: Learn how to Replace RxJS with Signals Here I have one specific real world example for you, raw code comparison. Nothing more, nothing less! But but but… Signals & RxJS right — it’s not supposed to replace it? Couldn’t help myself and spark a little controversy in the title. Example I have is completely replacing RxJS implementation with Signals. Signals are meant to replace RxJS to simplify your reactive code. However… web-development | Angular 16 Learn Replace RxJS Signals one specific real world example raw code comparison Nothing nothing le but… Signals RxJS right — it’s supposed replace Couldn’t help spark little controversy title Example completely replacing RxJS implementation Signals Signals meant replace RxJS simplify reactive code However… webdevelopment |
10,287 | Promises and callbacks in JavaScript | Promises and callbacks are important concepts in JavaScript, used for managing asynchronous code. Let’s take a look at an example program that demonstrates how promises and callbacks can be used in JavaScript. ```javascript // This function returns a promise that resolves after a specified delay function delay(ms) { return new… | |*q7cTrESM8Q7yJj5t | web-development | Promises and callbacks in JavaScript Promises and callbacks are important concepts in JavaScript, used for managing asynchronous code. Let’s take a look at an example program that demonstrates how promises and callbacks can be used in JavaScript. ```javascript // This function returns a promise that resolves after a specified delay function delay(ms) { return new… web-development | Promises callback JavaScript Promises callback important concept JavaScript used managing asynchronous code Let’s take look example program demonstrates promise callback used JavaScript javascript function return promise resolve specified delay function delayms return new… webdevelopment |
10,288 | How to implement a global loader in Angular | When your Angular application performs async tasks, such as fetching data from an API server or switching between routes, it is a good idea to display a spinning indicator to inform the user that the app is loading. In this article, I will demonstrate how to create a global loader… | | web-development | How to implement a global loader in Angular When your Angular application performs async tasks, such as fetching data from an API server or switching between routes, it is a good idea to display a spinning indicator to inform the user that the app is loading. In this article, I will demonstrate how to create a global loader… web-development | implement global loader Angular Angular application performs async task fetching data API server switching route good idea display spinning indicator inform user app loading article demonstrate create global loader… webdevelopment |
10,289 | JavaScript Interview Topics Checklist ( 0–2yrs Experience) | Preparing for a JavaScript interview ? So here is a checklist before you start. If you have clarity on these concepts, it gives the interviewer a perception that you have the ability to solve a technical problem because you understand the underlying fundamentals and he/she will be more than happy… | |*HN7KYG_xNXj2IulQ | web-development | JavaScript Interview Topics Checklist ( 0–2yrs Experience) Preparing for a JavaScript interview ? So here is a checklist before you start. If you have clarity on these concepts, it gives the interviewer a perception that you have the ability to solve a technical problem because you understand the underlying fundamentals and he/she will be more than happy… web-development | JavaScript Interview Topics Checklist 0–2yrs Experience Preparing JavaScript interview checklist start clarity concept give interviewer perception ability solve technical problem understand underlying fundamental heshe happy… webdevelopment |
10,290 | How to Create an img Element with JavaScript? | Sometimes, we want to create an HTML img element with JavaScript. In this article, we’ll look at how to create an HTML img element with JavaScript. Create an img Element with JavaScript with the Image Constructor One way to create an img element with JavaScript is to use the Image constructor. For instance, we can write: const img = new… | |*wSeh140genE20AUn | web-development | How to Create an img Element with JavaScript? Sometimes, we want to create an HTML img element with JavaScript. In this article, we’ll look at how to create an HTML img element with JavaScript. Create an img Element with JavaScript with the Image Constructor One way to create an img element with JavaScript is to use the Image constructor. For instance, we can write: const img = new… web-development | Create img Element JavaScript Sometimes want create HTML img element JavaScript article we’ll look create HTML img element JavaScript Create img Element JavaScript Image Constructor One way create img element JavaScript use Image constructor instance write const img new… webdevelopment |
10,291 | Alpha Software: Fake urgency | This week at Alpha Software… Daily list Like this comic? Leave it a clap or comment. I help software developers build meaningful careers with purpose. Unlike others — who recommend chasing big salaries, jobs at elite companies (FAANG), or grinding interview prep — I mentor developers toward fulfilling, balanced software careers. My… | | web-development | Alpha Software: Fake urgency This week at Alpha Software… Daily list Like this comic? Leave it a clap or comment. I help software developers build meaningful careers with purpose. Unlike others — who recommend chasing big salaries, jobs at elite companies (FAANG), or grinding interview prep — I mentor developers toward fulfilling, balanced software careers. My… web-development | Alpha Software Fake urgency week Alpha Software… Daily list Like comic Leave clap comment help software developer build meaningful career purpose Unlike others — recommend chasing big salary job elite company FAANG grinding interview prep — mentor developer toward fulfilling balanced software career My… webdevelopment |
10,292 | useRef vs. useState in React | React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It provides several hooks that enable developers to manage state and perform side effects. Two commonly used hooks in React are useRef and useState. While they might seem similar at first glance, they serve different purposes and have distinct use… | | web-development | useRef vs. useState in React React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It provides several hooks that enable developers to manage state and perform side effects. Two commonly used hooks in React are useRef and useState. While they might seem similar at first glance, they serve different purposes and have distinct use… web-development | useRef v useState React React popular JavaScript library building user interface provides several hook enable developer manage state perform side effect Two commonly used hook React useRef useState might seem similar first glance serve different purpose distinct use… webdevelopment |
10,293 | Code Splitting and Lazy Loading in React Native: Boosting App Performance | Discover the concept of code splitting and lazy loading in React Native applications, with practical examples on how to implement these techniques for improved performance. Hey there, React Native enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your app’s performance to new heights? In today’s blog post, we’ll explore code splitting and… | | web-development | Code Splitting and Lazy Loading in React Native: Boosting App Performance Discover the concept of code splitting and lazy loading in React Native applications, with practical examples on how to implement these techniques for improved performance. Hey there, React Native enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your app’s performance to new heights? In today’s blog post, we’ll explore code splitting and… web-development | Code Splitting Lazy Loading React Native Boosting App Performance Discover concept code splitting lazy loading React Native application practical example implement technique improved performance Hey React Native enthusiast ready take app’s performance new height today’s blog post we’ll explore code splitting and… webdevelopment |
10,294 | 🦅 Angular 16 Release Kills Three Stones With One Bird | Just four days ago I was reporting that Angular 16 can come with Vite support. Now, just minutes ago, Minko Gechev announced Angular 16 is out calling it the biggest release. Is it a deserved name? Let’s check it out! 🪨 Angular 16 + Vite In Dev Regarding Vite I wrote that: Maybe it’s just a way… | | web-development | 🦅 Angular 16 Release Kills Three Stones With One Bird Just four days ago I was reporting that Angular 16 can come with Vite support. Now, just minutes ago, Minko Gechev announced Angular 16 is out calling it the biggest release. Is it a deserved name? Let’s check it out! 🪨 Angular 16 + Vite In Dev Regarding Vite I wrote that: Maybe it’s just a way… web-development | 🦅 Angular 16 Release Kills Three Stones One Bird four day ago reporting Angular 16 come Vite support minute ago Minko Gechev announced Angular 16 calling biggest release deserved name Let’s check 🪨 Angular 16 Vite Dev Regarding Vite wrote Maybe it’s way… webdevelopment |
10,295 | What’s next for React: A sneak peek into its future; 2023 onwards… | React has been leading the way in the JavaScript revolution that has taken over the web and various other platforms. With its recent shift to the server component model, React is relentlessly pushing boundaries and challenging the norms of web development. The future of React looks brighter than ever, thanks… | | web-development | What’s next for React: A sneak peek into its future; 2023 onwards… React has been leading the way in the JavaScript revolution that has taken over the web and various other platforms. With its recent shift to the server component model, React is relentlessly pushing boundaries and challenging the norms of web development. The future of React looks brighter than ever, thanks… web-development | What’s next React sneak peek future 2023 onwards… React leading way JavaScript revolution taken web various platform recent shift server component model React relentlessly pushing boundary challenging norm web development future React look brighter ever thanks… webdevelopment |
10,296 | Why you should learn JavaScript in 2023 | JavaScript is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world. It is the language of the web, powering dynamic and interactive websites and applications. But what is the market demand for JavaScript developers? How can you learn and improve your skills in this language? … | | web-development | Why you should learn JavaScript in 2023 JavaScript is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world. It is the language of the web, powering dynamic and interactive websites and applications. But what is the market demand for JavaScript developers? How can you learn and improve your skills in this language? … web-development | learn JavaScript 2023 JavaScript one popular widely used programming language world language web powering dynamic interactive website application market demand JavaScript developer learn improve skill language … webdevelopment |
10,297 | Web Server Comparison: Java is slower than Node.js | Really? Let’s code and compare. Last week, in the middle of a long holiday, suggested me this article. It is a comparison of a Node.js vs Java native HTTP server. After that, I followed this other Java vs Node.js benchmark from the same author and then this Java fiasco… | |*bvC31QNnUrtzbrJj | web-development | Web Server Comparison: Java is slower than Node.js Really? Let’s code and compare. Last week, in the middle of a long holiday, suggested me this article. It is a comparison of a Node.js vs Java native HTTP server. After that, I followed this other Java vs Node.js benchmark from the same author and then this Java fiasco… web-development | Web Server Comparison Java slower Nodejs Really Let’s code compare Last week middle long holiday Mediumcom suggested article comparison Nodejs v Java native HTTP server followed Java v Nodejs benchmark author Java fiasco… webdevelopment |
10,298 | Effortless Hot Reloading in Golang: Harnessing the Power of Viper | fsnotify, and Callback Functions for Dynamic Configuration Updates — In this post, we’ll create a simple HTTP server that serves a configurable welcome message. The server will hot-reload the configuration when the YAML file is changed. We use the following concepts: push mechanism for change emitting and callback functions, which are a powerful concepts in distributed systems and asynchronous… | |*8GAUSzV_hC78YATj | web-development | Effortless Hot Reloading in Golang: Harnessing the Power of Viper fsnotify, and Callback Functions for Dynamic Configuration Updates — In this post, we’ll create a simple HTTP server that serves a configurable welcome message. The server will hot-reload the configuration when the YAML file is changed. We use the following concepts: push mechanism for change emitting and callback functions, which are a powerful concepts in distributed systems and asynchronous… web-development | Effortless Hot Reloading Golang Harnessing Power Viper fsnotify Callback Functions Dynamic Configuration Updates — post we’ll create simple HTTP server serf configurable welcome message server hotreload configuration YAML file changed use following concept push mechanism change emitting callback function powerful concept distributed system asynchronous… webdevelopment |
10,299 | Using Jotai in Your React Application | Introduction Jotai takes an atomic approach to global React state management with a model inspired by Recoil. Build state by combining atoms, and renders are automatically optimized based on atom dependency. This solves the extra re-render issue of React context and eliminates the need for memoization. It scales from a simple… | | web-development | Using Jotai in Your React Application Introduction Jotai takes an atomic approach to global React state management with a model inspired by Recoil. Build state by combining atoms, and renders are automatically optimized based on atom dependency. This solves the extra re-render issue of React context and eliminates the need for memoization. It scales from a simple… web-development | Using Jotai React Application Introduction Jotai take atomic approach global React state management model inspired Recoil Build state combining atom render automatically optimized based atom dependency solves extra rerender issue React context eliminates need memoization scale simple… webdevelopment |
10,300 | The Perils of Misusing TypeScript with Redux in a React App: A Hilarious Tragedy | Gather ‘round, fellow coders, for I have a tragic tale to share about the misadventures of TypeScript, Redux, and React, and how they nearly brought a hapless coder to their knees! Join me in this rollercoaster ride of hilarious code snippets, quirky jokes, and a treasure trove of hard-earned wisdom… | | web-development | The Perils of Misusing TypeScript with Redux in a React App: A Hilarious Tragedy Gather ‘round, fellow coders, for I have a tragic tale to share about the misadventures of TypeScript, Redux, and React, and how they nearly brought a hapless coder to their knees! Join me in this rollercoaster ride of hilarious code snippets, quirky jokes, and a treasure trove of hard-earned wisdom… web-development | Perils Misusing TypeScript Redux React App Hilarious Tragedy Gather ‘round fellow coder tragic tale share misadventure TypeScript Redux React nearly brought hapless coder knee Join rollercoaster ride hilarious code snippet quirky joke treasure trove hardearned wisdom… webdevelopment |
10,301 | The problem with sticky menus and what to do instead | Designers use sticky menus (menus that stick to the edge of the viewport) to make them easy to access on long pages. But this fancy pattern hurts UX far more than it improves it. Here’s why: Problem #1: They constantly take up space They get in the way of the actual content. … | | web-development | The problem with sticky menus and what to do instead Designers use sticky menus (menus that stick to the edge of the viewport) to make them easy to access on long pages. But this fancy pattern hurts UX far more than it improves it. Here’s why: Problem #1: They constantly take up space They get in the way of the actual content. … web-development | problem sticky menu instead Designers use sticky menu menu stick edge viewport make easy access long page fancy pattern hurt UX far improves Here’s Problem 1 constantly take space get way actual content … webdevelopment |
10,302 | Day 7: Implementing Security Rules in a Web Application with Spring Boot 5+ | Replacing the Deprecated WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Class — Time goes by so fast that it’s sometimes scary! It’s already the seventh day of my #100DaysOfCode challenge, and today I focused on the security of my web application. The reference I’m using to help me create my web application was using the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to implement the security rules of… | | web-development | Day 7: Implementing Security Rules in a Web Application with Spring Boot 5+ Replacing the Deprecated WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Class — Time goes by so fast that it’s sometimes scary! It’s already the seventh day of my #100DaysOfCode challenge, and today I focused on the security of my web application. The reference I’m using to help me create my web application was using the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to implement the security rules of… web-development | Day 7 Implementing Security Rules Web Application Spring Boot 5 Replacing Deprecated WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Class — Time go fast it’s sometimes scary It’s already seventh day 100DaysOfCode challenge today focused security web application reference I’m using help create web application using WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter implement security rule of… webdevelopment |
10,303 | How to easily build a website with VILT (Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind) Stack — Part 2 (File Preparation) | Continuing the previous story, this time we will continue to set up files so that Laravel and Vue Js can run in development mode. Step 1 — Create a new file on the views folder and name it app.blade.php | | web-development | How to easily build a website with VILT (Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind) Stack — Part 2 (File Preparation) Continuing the previous story, this time we will continue to set up files so that Laravel and Vue Js can run in development mode. Step 1 — Create a new file on the views folder and name it app.blade.php web-development | easily build website VILT Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind Stack — Part 2 File Preparation Continuing previous story time continue set file Laravel Vue Js run development mode Step 1 — Create new file view folder name appbladephp webdevelopment |
10,304 | Spring Security — Configuration Without WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter | Spring Boot is a nice framework for web development that allows you to add various modules to your project for backend work. Since Spring Boot 3, WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter has been deprecated. This adapter made it easy to configure various things such as your own login page instead of using Spring’s default… | | web-development | Spring Security — Configuration Without WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Spring Boot is a nice framework for web development that allows you to add various modules to your project for backend work. Since Spring Boot 3, WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter has been deprecated. This adapter made it easy to configure various things such as your own login page instead of using Spring’s default… web-development | Spring Security — Configuration Without WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Spring Boot nice framework web development allows add various module project backend work Since Spring Boot 3 WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter deprecated adapter made easy configure various thing login page instead using Spring’s default… webdevelopment |
10,305 | Understanding sync vs async methods in Fast API | Don’t get confused writing your first Fast API application. — Discover the power and benefits of FastAPI, a modern, high-performance web framework that’s revolutionising the world of API development. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the key aspects of FastAPI and why it’s becoming the go-to choice for many developers, outshining its alternatives, such as Flask and Django. We’ll… | | web-development | Understanding sync vs async methods in Fast API Don’t get confused writing your first Fast API application. — Discover the power and benefits of FastAPI, a modern, high-performance web framework that’s revolutionising the world of API development. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the key aspects of FastAPI and why it’s becoming the go-to choice for many developers, outshining its alternatives, such as Flask and Django. We’ll… web-development | Understanding sync v async method Fast API Don’t get confused writing first Fast API application — Discover power benefit FastAPI modern highperformance web framework that’s revolutionising world API development comprehensive guide we’ll dive key aspect FastAPI it’s becoming goto choice many developer outshining alternative Flask Django We’ll… webdevelopment |
10,306 | Why I Highly Don’t Recommend Programming Interns to Work for Free | This is not the best to market yourself. — I periodically see posts on LinkedIn from those who want to get into IT. People write: I have completed courses, I can do this and that, I am looking for a job in a company, and I am ready to work for free. I want to explain why there are… | |*pA9zi8DAJ-fO_APC | web-development | Why I Highly Don’t Recommend Programming Interns to Work for Free This is not the best to market yourself. — I periodically see posts on LinkedIn from those who want to get into IT. People write: I have completed courses, I can do this and that, I am looking for a job in a company, and I am ready to work for free. I want to explain why there are… web-development | Highly Don’t Recommend Programming Interns Work Free best market — periodically see post LinkedIn want get People write completed course looking job company ready work free want explain are… webdevelopment |
10,307 | Laravel Request Lifecycle In Plain Language | To have a better experience with Laravel, we need to know the request lifecycle, that is, what happens when the request is sent until the response is received. — We gain more confidence when we know how the tool we are using works because when we understand how a tool works, we feel more comfortable and confident with it. Understanding the lifecycle of a request in Laravel is the first step to a better development experience with this framework… | | web-development | Laravel Request Lifecycle In Plain Language To have a better experience with Laravel, we need to know the request lifecycle, that is, what happens when the request is sent until the response is received. — We gain more confidence when we know how the tool we are using works because when we understand how a tool works, we feel more comfortable and confident with it. Understanding the lifecycle of a request in Laravel is the first step to a better development experience with this framework… web-development | Laravel Request Lifecycle Plain Language better experience Laravel need know request lifecycle happens request sent response received — gain confidence know tool using work understand tool work feel comfortable confident Understanding lifecycle request Laravel first step better development experience framework… webdevelopment |
10,308 | Higher Order Components in React: Examples with Common Use-case Patterns | In this blog post, we will learn what are Higher Order Components, and learn about common use-case patterns. We will also look at code examples of common use-case patterns using Higher Order Components. What are Higher Order Components? Basic Example of HOC Common Use Case Patterns of Higher Order Components … | | web-development | Higher Order Components in React: Examples with Common Use-case Patterns In this blog post, we will learn what are Higher Order Components, and learn about common use-case patterns. We will also look at code examples of common use-case patterns using Higher Order Components. What are Higher Order Components? Basic Example of HOC Common Use Case Patterns of Higher Order Components … web-development | Higher Order Components React Examples Common Usecase Patterns blog post learn Higher Order Components learn common usecase pattern also look code example common usecase pattern using Higher Order Components Higher Order Components Basic Example HOC Common Use Case Patterns Higher Order Components … webdevelopment |
10,309 | Methods to define components in React Js | In the modern era, components are the building blocks of an Angular or React project. For Angular projects, there is only one way of defining the components, so it is not a big task to learn the syntax and uses of components. But if we talk about React, there are… | |*LwL3oMtlpR-3dFzM | web-development | Methods to define components in React Js In the modern era, components are the building blocks of an Angular or React project. For Angular projects, there is only one way of defining the components, so it is not a big task to learn the syntax and uses of components. But if we talk about React, there are… web-development | Methods define component React Js modern era component building block Angular React project Angular project one way defining component big task learn syntax us component talk React are… webdevelopment |
10,310 | The Benefits of Using GraphQL Over REST API | As the world of web development continues to evolve, there are new technologies and tools emerging every day. One of the latest additions to this landscape is GraphQL, a query language and runtime for APIs developed by Facebook. While REST APIs have been the industry standard for years, GraphQL offers… | | web-development | The Benefits of Using GraphQL Over REST API As the world of web development continues to evolve, there are new technologies and tools emerging every day. One of the latest additions to this landscape is GraphQL, a query language and runtime for APIs developed by Facebook. While REST APIs have been the industry standard for years, GraphQL offers… web-development | Benefits Using GraphQL REST API world web development continues evolve new technology tool emerging every day One latest addition landscape GraphQL query language runtime APIs developed Facebook REST APIs industry standard year GraphQL offers… webdevelopment |
10,311 | Secure your AWS API Gateway with Lambda Authrorizer | In this we are going talk about how to secure your API Gateway with Lambda Authorizer in step-by-step. You will learn how to control access to your API, What is generate policy document, and how to manage authentication and authorization. What is Lambda authorizer? Lambda authorizer (custom authorizer) is a feature in the AWS… | | web-development | Secure your AWS API Gateway with Lambda Authrorizer In this we are going talk about how to secure your API Gateway with Lambda Authorizer in step-by-step. You will learn how to control access to your API, What is generate policy document, and how to manage authentication and authorization. What is Lambda authorizer? Lambda authorizer (custom authorizer) is a feature in the AWS… web-development | Secure AWS API Gateway Lambda Authrorizer going talk secure API Gateway Lambda Authorizer stepbystep learn control access API generate policy document manage authentication authorization Lambda authorizer Lambda authorizer custom authorizer feature AWS… webdevelopment |
10,312 | How to Set Up a Next.js App with TypeScript and Zod | Learn how to set up a Next.js app with TypeScript and Zod library in no time and start building production-ready web applications with ease. — As a web developer, working on complex projects can be a daunting task. Especially, when it comes to setting up a new project, choosing the right tools, and configuring them can take up a lot of time and effort. One of the most important aspects of any modern web application… | |*22gM73OTLrNZevP0 | web-development | How to Set Up a Next.js App with TypeScript and Zod Learn how to set up a Next.js app with TypeScript and Zod library in no time and start building production-ready web applications with ease. — As a web developer, working on complex projects can be a daunting task. Especially, when it comes to setting up a new project, choosing the right tools, and configuring them can take up a lot of time and effort. One of the most important aspects of any modern web application… web-development | Set Nextjs App TypeScript Zod Learn set Nextjs app TypeScript Zod library time start building productionready web application ease — web developer working complex project daunting task Especially come setting new project choosing right tool configuring take lot time effort One important aspect modern web application… webdevelopment |
10,313 | 10 extensions for VSCode that will simplify development | Before I start, I should point out that plugins make it easier to work on code, but if there are too many of them, they slow down development. Let’s go! Thunder client An alternative to Postman that lets you test codebase API endpoints inside VSCode. Supports unscripted tests. | | web-development | 10 extensions for VSCode that will simplify development Before I start, I should point out that plugins make it easier to work on code, but if there are too many of them, they slow down development. Let’s go! Thunder client An alternative to Postman that lets you test codebase API endpoints inside VSCode. Supports unscripted tests. web-development | 10 extension VSCode simplify development start point plugins make easier work code many slow development Let’s go Thunder client alternative Postman let test codebase API endpoint inside VSCode Supports unscripted test webdevelopment |
10,314 | Top picks laptops for developers in 2023 | Introduction If you’re looking to buy a laptop for programming, there are plenty of options out there. However, it can be difficult to figure out which one is right for your needs. In this article, I will explore some of the best choices on the market right now. MacBook Pro 16-inch — Best overall | | web-development | Top picks laptops for developers in 2023 Introduction If you’re looking to buy a laptop for programming, there are plenty of options out there. However, it can be difficult to figure out which one is right for your needs. In this article, I will explore some of the best choices on the market right now. MacBook Pro 16-inch — Best overall web-development | Top pick laptop developer 2023 Introduction you’re looking buy laptop programming plenty option However difficult figure one right need article explore best choice market right MacBook Pro 16inch — Best overall webdevelopment |
10,315 | JavaScript Functions | #javasript Hello everyone, I am budding web developer. Today my topic is about JavaScript functions. Everyone would be familiar with word function which is about performing certain task. Similarly, In JavaScript functions are the block of code designed to perform a certain task . In simple terms we can say that… | | web-development | JavaScript Functions #javasript Hello everyone, I am budding web developer. Today my topic is about JavaScript functions. Everyone would be familiar with word function which is about performing certain task. Similarly, In JavaScript functions are the block of code designed to perform a certain task . In simple terms we can say that… web-development | JavaScript Functions javasript Hello everyone budding web developer Today topic JavaScript function Everyone would familiar word function performing certain task Similarly JavaScript function block code designed perform certain task simple term say that… webdevelopment |
10,316 | Syndicating Content with RSS | An excerpt from Build Websites with Hugo by Brian P. Hogan — | | web-development | Syndicating Content with RSS An excerpt from Build Websites with Hugo by Brian P. Hogan — web-development | Syndicating Content RSS excerpt Build Websites Hugo Brian P Hogan — webdevelopment |
10,317 | 4 Ways to Wrap Multiple Elements in React | Learn how to group multiple elements in React using Fragment, Short Syntax, Arrays, and Parent Elements — When building a React application, you may need to return multiple elements from a component. In some cases, these elements need to be wrapped in a single parent element, such as a <div> or <section>. … | | web-development | 4 Ways to Wrap Multiple Elements in React Learn how to group multiple elements in React using Fragment, Short Syntax, Arrays, and Parent Elements — When building a React application, you may need to return multiple elements from a component. In some cases, these elements need to be wrapped in a single parent element, such as a <div> or <section>. … web-development | 4 Ways Wrap Multiple Elements React Learn group multiple element React using Fragment Short Syntax Arrays Parent Elements — building React application may need return multiple element component case element need wrapped single parent element div section … webdevelopment |
10,318 | Best Design Principles in Angular | Part 2: Understanding the Open-Close Principle (OCP) — Hey there! From the previous article, we already know about SOLID and Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) and today let’s talk about the second one — Open-Closed principle. This principle is a fancy name for a simple idea — when you’re adding new functionality to your code, don’t modify existing code… | |*Qro-zh5QpGeBe15D | web-development | Best Design Principles in Angular Part 2: Understanding the Open-Close Principle (OCP) — Hey there! From the previous article, we already know about SOLID and Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) and today let’s talk about the second one — Open-Closed principle. This principle is a fancy name for a simple idea — when you’re adding new functionality to your code, don’t modify existing code… web-development | Best Design Principles Angular Part 2 Understanding OpenClose Principle OCP — Hey previous article already know SOLID Single Responsibility Principle SRP today let’s talk second one — OpenClosed principle principle fancy name simple idea — you’re adding new functionality code don’t modify existing code… webdevelopment |
10,319 | The Significance of a Business Website for Small Businesses: Site Dominion’s Innovative Next.JS Websites | As the digital world continues to evolve, it is crucial for small businesses to capitalize on every opportunity to distinguish themselves and prosper in the face of intense competition. Establishing an impressive online presence, supported by a dynamic and easy-to-navigate website, has become an indispensable factor in achieving success. Site… | | web-development | The Significance of a Business Website for Small Businesses: Site Dominion’s Innovative Next.JS Websites As the digital world continues to evolve, it is crucial for small businesses to capitalize on every opportunity to distinguish themselves and prosper in the face of intense competition. Establishing an impressive online presence, supported by a dynamic and easy-to-navigate website, has become an indispensable factor in achieving success. Site… web-development | Significance Business Website Small Businesses Site Dominion’s Innovative NextJS Websites digital world continues evolve crucial small business capitalize every opportunity distinguish prosper face intense competition Establishing impressive online presence supported dynamic easytonavigate website become indispensable factor achieving success Site… webdevelopment |
10,320 | Simplifying Traditional Design Systems: A Guide to Streamlined Typography and More | Design systems are essential for creating consistent and cohesive visual identities. However, traditional design systems can often be convoluted and overly complex, leading to confusion and inefficiency. This article will explore ways to simplify design systems, starting with typography. Typography: Tailwind is a popular CSS framework offering designers various font options… | | web-development | Simplifying Traditional Design Systems: A Guide to Streamlined Typography and More Design systems are essential for creating consistent and cohesive visual identities. However, traditional design systems can often be convoluted and overly complex, leading to confusion and inefficiency. This article will explore ways to simplify design systems, starting with typography. Typography: Tailwind is a popular CSS framework offering designers various font options… web-development | Simplifying Traditional Design Systems Guide Streamlined Typography Design system essential creating consistent cohesive visual identity However traditional design system often convoluted overly complex leading confusion inefficiency article explore way simplify design system starting typography Typography Tailwind popular CSS framework offering designer various font options… webdevelopment |
10,321 | Debouncing Function Calls in Go — A Technique Commonly Used in JavaScript | Debouncing is a technique commonly used in user interfaces, especially in JavaScript, to limit the rate at which a function is called. This helps to optimize performance and reduce the load on a system caused by a large number of rapid, successive function calls. … | |*KfNjs_2SodC5ouXN | web-development | Debouncing Function Calls in Go — A Technique Commonly Used in JavaScript Debouncing is a technique commonly used in user interfaces, especially in JavaScript, to limit the rate at which a function is called. This helps to optimize performance and reduce the load on a system caused by a large number of rapid, successive function calls. … web-development | Debouncing Function Calls Go — Technique Commonly Used JavaScript Debouncing technique commonly used user interface especially JavaScript limit rate function called help optimize performance reduce load system caused large number rapid successive function call … webdevelopment |
10,322 | [#25] 5 things: cq:design_dialog [And how is it different from cq:dialog] | What is a design dialog in AEM?
A designDialog is a special kind of dialog that is available only at page design mode in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). It allows authors to customize the design of a component by adjusting properties like colors, images, and layout. … | | web-development | [#25] 5 things: cq:design_dialog [And how is it different from cq:dialog] What is a design dialog in AEM?
A designDialog is a special kind of dialog that is available only at page design mode in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). It allows authors to customize the design of a component by adjusting properties like colors, images, and layout. … web-development | 25 5 thing cqdesigndialog different cqdialog design dialog AEM designDialog special kind dialog available page design mode Adobe Experience Manager AEM allows author customize design component adjusting property like color image layout … webdevelopment |
10,323 | How Laravel uses PHP magic methods? | You have often seen methods used by model class but they are not visible in that particular class that you have created by yourself . User::findByEmail('') Off course they are in the Model base class but we will be discussing some of the magic methods that laravel uses like in… | |*3OpMKUqHzpOp_xgx | web-development | How Laravel uses PHP magic methods? You have often seen methods used by model class but they are not visible in that particular class that you have created by yourself . User::findByEmail('') Off course they are in the Model base class but we will be discussing some of the magic methods that laravel uses like in… web-development | Laravel us PHP magic method often seen method used model class visible particular class created UserfindByEmailtestexamplecom course Model base class discussing magic method laravel us like in… webdevelopment |
10,324 | Web Development Weekly Issue 34 | The 34th issue of Web Development Weekly, which curates the latest web development industry news. Visit Buy A Coffee to find ways to supporting Web Development Weekly or become a member on Medium using the link below: Join Medium with my referral link - This Week In I/O
Read every story from This Week In I/O (and thousands of other writers on Medium). Your membership fee directly… | |*EC1R1JJni23O8D7c | web-development | Web Development Weekly Issue 34 The 34th issue of Web Development Weekly, which curates the latest web development industry news. Visit Buy A Coffee to find ways to supporting Web Development Weekly or become a member on Medium using the link below: Join Medium with my referral link - This Week In I/O
Read every story from This Week In I/O (and thousands of other writers on Medium). Your membership fee directly… web-development | Web Development Weekly Issue 34 34th issue Web Development Weekly curate latest web development industry news Visit Buy Coffee find way supporting Web Development Weekly become member Medium using link Join Medium referral link Week IO Read every story Week IO thousand writer Medium membership fee directly…wwwthisweekinio webdevelopment |
10,325 | How to add Stripe payments to your Next.js app | Oh look, I found my medium password! Now, for my first article, I would like to discuss the integration of Stripe into your Next.js app. In this project, our focus will not be on creating something overly complex. Instead, we will be developing a straightforward Next.js 13.4 … | |*r7zchOj0kVSd4umV | web-development | How to add Stripe payments to your Next.js app Oh look, I found my medium password! Now, for my first article, I would like to discuss the integration of Stripe into your Next.js app. In this project, our focus will not be on creating something overly complex. Instead, we will be developing a straightforward Next.js 13.4 … web-development | add Stripe payment Nextjs app Oh look found medium password first article would like discus integration Stripe Nextjs app project focus creating something overly complex Instead developing straightforward Nextjs 134 … webdevelopment |
10,326 | React 18 Component Performance: How to Achieve Lightning-Fast Rendering and Optimal User Experience | Optimizing is quite an intriguing area and how many wonders it can do for our application but obviously where there is “use” there can be an “overuse” and knowing when to optimize and when not to optimize is really important when it comes to our application. In terms of React… | | web-development | React 18 Component Performance: How to Achieve Lightning-Fast Rendering and Optimal User Experience Optimizing is quite an intriguing area and how many wonders it can do for our application but obviously where there is “use” there can be an “overuse” and knowing when to optimize and when not to optimize is really important when it comes to our application. In terms of React… web-development | React 18 Component Performance Achieve LightningFast Rendering Optimal User Experience Optimizing quite intriguing area many wonder application obviously “use” “overuse” knowing optimize optimize really important come application term React… webdevelopment |