Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 143.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 109.97000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10530000 COGS: $5265000 Gross Profit: $5265000 Operating Expenses: $3099000 Net Income: $2066000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1083000 Investing Activities: -$516500 Financing Activities: $206600 Net Cash Flow: $773100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.01, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1434000 - Fixed Assets: $2868000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $767000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1634000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1901000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 143.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 110.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10540000 COGS: $5270000 Gross Profit: $5270000 Operating Expenses: $3102000 Net Income: $2068000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1084000 Investing Activities: -$517000 Financing Activities: $206800 Net Cash Flow: $773800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.02, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1435000 - Fixed Assets: $2870000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $767500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1635000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1902500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 143.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 110.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10550000 COGS: $5275000 Gross Profit: $5275000 Operating Expenses: $3105000 Net Income: $2070000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1085000 Investing Activities: -$517500 Financing Activities: $207000 Net Cash Flow: $774500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.03, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1436000 - Fixed Assets: $2872000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $768000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1636000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1904000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 143.60000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 110.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10560000 COGS: $5280000 Gross Profit: $5280000 Operating Expenses: $3108000 Net Income: $2072000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1086000 Investing Activities: -$518000 Financing Activities: $207200 Net Cash Flow: $775200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.04, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1437000 - Fixed Assets: $2874000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $768500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1637000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1905500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 143.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 110.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10570000 COGS: $5285000 Gross Profit: $5285000 Operating Expenses: $3111000 Net Income: $2074000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1087000 Investing Activities: -$518500 Financing Activities: $207400 Net Cash Flow: $775900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.05, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1438000 - Fixed Assets: $2876000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $769000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1638000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1907000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 143.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 110.47000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10580000 COGS: $5290000 Gross Profit: $5290000 Operating Expenses: $3114000 Net Income: $2076000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1088000 Investing Activities: -$519000 Financing Activities: $207600 Net Cash Flow: $776600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.06, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1439000 - Fixed Assets: $2878000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $769500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1639000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1908500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 143.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 110.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10590000 COGS: $5295000 Gross Profit: $5295000 Operating Expenses: $3117000 Net Income: $2078000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1089000 Investing Activities: -$519500 Financing Activities: $207800 Net Cash Flow: $777300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.07, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1440000 - Fixed Assets: $2880000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $770000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1640000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1910000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 144.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 110.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10600000 COGS: $5300000 Gross Profit: $5300000 Operating Expenses: $3120000 Net Income: $2080000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1090000 Investing Activities: -$520000 Financing Activities: $208000 Net Cash Flow: $778000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.08, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1441000 - Fixed Assets: $2882000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $770500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1641000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1911500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 144.10000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 110.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10610000 COGS: $5305000 Gross Profit: $5305000 Operating Expenses: $3123000 Net Income: $2082000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1091000 Investing Activities: -$520500 Financing Activities: $208200 Net Cash Flow: $778700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.09, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1442000 - Fixed Assets: $2884000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $771000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1642000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1913000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 144.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 110.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10620000 COGS: $5310000 Gross Profit: $5310000 Operating Expenses: $3126000 Net Income: $2084000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1092000 Investing Activities: -$521000 Financing Activities: $208400 Net Cash Flow: $779400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.10, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1443000 - Fixed Assets: $2886000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $771500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1643000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1914500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 144.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 110.97000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10630000 COGS: $5315000 Gross Profit: $5315000 Operating Expenses: $3129000 Net Income: $2086000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1093000 Investing Activities: -$521500 Financing Activities: $208600 Net Cash Flow: $780100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.11, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1444000 - Fixed Assets: $2888000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $772000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1644000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1916000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 144.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 111.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10640000 COGS: $5320000 Gross Profit: $5320000 Operating Expenses: $3132000 Net Income: $2088000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1094000 Investing Activities: -$522000 Financing Activities: $208800 Net Cash Flow: $780800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.12, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1445000 - Fixed Assets: $2890000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $772500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1645000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1917500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 144.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 111.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10650000 COGS: $5325000 Gross Profit: $5325000 Operating Expenses: $3135000 Net Income: $2090000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1095000 Investing Activities: -$522500 Financing Activities: $209000 Net Cash Flow: $781500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.13, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1446000 - Fixed Assets: $2892000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $773000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1646000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1919000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 144.60000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 111.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10660000 COGS: $5330000 Gross Profit: $5330000 Operating Expenses: $3138000 Net Income: $2092000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1096000 Investing Activities: -$523000 Financing Activities: $209200 Net Cash Flow: $782200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.14, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1447000 - Fixed Assets: $2894000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $773500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1647000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1920500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 144.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 111.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10670000 COGS: $5335000 Gross Profit: $5335000 Operating Expenses: $3141000 Net Income: $2094000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1097000 Investing Activities: -$523500 Financing Activities: $209400 Net Cash Flow: $782900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.15, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1448000 - Fixed Assets: $2896000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $774000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1648000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1922000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 144.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 111.47000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10680000 COGS: $5340000 Gross Profit: $5340000 Operating Expenses: $3144000 Net Income: $2096000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1098000 Investing Activities: -$524000 Financing Activities: $209600 Net Cash Flow: $783600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.16, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1449000 - Fixed Assets: $2898000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $774500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1649000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1923500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 144.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 111.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10690000 COGS: $5345000 Gross Profit: $5345000 Operating Expenses: $3147000 Net Income: $2098000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1099000 Investing Activities: -$524500 Financing Activities: $209800 Net Cash Flow: $784300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.17, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1450000 - Fixed Assets: $2900000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $775000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1650000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1925000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 145.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 111.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10700000 COGS: $5350000 Gross Profit: $5350000 Operating Expenses: $3150000 Net Income: $2100000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1100000 Investing Activities: -$525000 Financing Activities: $210000 Net Cash Flow: $785000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.18, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1451000 - Fixed Assets: $2902000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $775500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1651000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1926500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 145.10000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 111.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10710000 COGS: $5355000 Gross Profit: $5355000 Operating Expenses: $3153000 Net Income: $2102000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1101000 Investing Activities: -$525500 Financing Activities: $210200 Net Cash Flow: $785700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.19, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1452000 - Fixed Assets: $2904000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $776000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1652000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1928000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 145.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 111.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10720000 COGS: $5360000 Gross Profit: $5360000 Operating Expenses: $3156000 Net Income: $2104000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1102000 Investing Activities: -$526000 Financing Activities: $210400 Net Cash Flow: $786400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.20, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1453000 - Fixed Assets: $2906000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $776500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1653000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1929500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 145.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 111.97000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10730000 COGS: $5365000 Gross Profit: $5365000 Operating Expenses: $3159000 Net Income: $2106000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1103000 Investing Activities: -$526500 Financing Activities: $210600 Net Cash Flow: $787100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.21, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1454000 - Fixed Assets: $2908000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $777000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1654000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1931000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 145.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 112.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10740000 COGS: $5370000 Gross Profit: $5370000 Operating Expenses: $3162000 Net Income: $2108000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1104000 Investing Activities: -$527000 Financing Activities: $210800 Net Cash Flow: $787800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.22, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1455000 - Fixed Assets: $2910000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $777500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1655000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1932500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 145.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 112.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10750000 COGS: $5375000 Gross Profit: $5375000 Operating Expenses: $3165000 Net Income: $2110000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1105000 Investing Activities: -$527500 Financing Activities: $211000 Net Cash Flow: $788500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.23, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1456000 - Fixed Assets: $2912000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $778000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1656000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1934000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 145.60000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 112.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10760000 COGS: $5380000 Gross Profit: $5380000 Operating Expenses: $3168000 Net Income: $2112000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1106000 Investing Activities: -$528000 Financing Activities: $211200 Net Cash Flow: $789200
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.24, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1457000 - Fixed Assets: $2914000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $778500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1657000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1935500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 145.7%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 112.37%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10770000 COGS: $5385000 Gross Profit: $5385000 Operating Expenses: $3171000 Net Income: $2114000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1107000 Investing Activities: -$528500 Financing Activities: $211400 Net Cash Flow: $789900
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.25, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1458000 - Fixed Assets: $2916000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $779000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1658000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1937000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 145.8%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 112.47000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10780000 COGS: $5390000 Gross Profit: $5390000 Operating Expenses: $3174000 Net Income: $2116000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1108000 Investing Activities: -$529000 Financing Activities: $211600 Net Cash Flow: $790600
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.26, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1459000 - Fixed Assets: $2918000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $779500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1659000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1938500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 145.9%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 112.57000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10790000 COGS: $5395000 Gross Profit: $5395000 Operating Expenses: $3177000 Net Income: $2118000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1109000 Investing Activities: -$529500 Financing Activities: $211800 Net Cash Flow: $791300
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.27, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1460000 - Fixed Assets: $2920000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $780000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1660000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1940000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 146.0%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 112.67%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10800000 COGS: $5400000 Gross Profit: $5400000 Operating Expenses: $3180000 Net Income: $2120000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1110000 Investing Activities: -$530000 Financing Activities: $212000 Net Cash Flow: $792000
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.28, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1461000 - Fixed Assets: $2922000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $780500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1661000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1941500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 146.10000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 112.77000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10810000 COGS: $5405000 Gross Profit: $5405000 Operating Expenses: $3183000 Net Income: $2122000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1111000 Investing Activities: -$530500 Financing Activities: $212200 Net Cash Flow: $792700
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.29, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1462000 - Fixed Assets: $2924000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $781000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1662000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1943000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 146.2%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 112.87%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10820000 COGS: $5410000 Gross Profit: $5410000 Operating Expenses: $3186000 Net Income: $2124000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1112000 Investing Activities: -$531000 Financing Activities: $212400 Net Cash Flow: $793400
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.30, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1463000 - Fixed Assets: $2926000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $781500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1663000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1944500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 146.3%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 112.97000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10830000 COGS: $5415000 Gross Profit: $5415000 Operating Expenses: $3189000 Net Income: $2126000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: Investing Activities: -$531500 Financing Activities: $212600 Net Cash Flow: $794100
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.31, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1464000 - Fixed Assets: $2928000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $782000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1664000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1946000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 146.4%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 113.07000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10840000 COGS: $5420000 Gross Profit: $5420000 Operating Expenses: $3192000 Net Income: $2128000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1114000 Investing Activities: -$532000 Financing Activities: $212800 Net Cash Flow: $794800
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.32, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1465000 - Fixed Assets: $2930000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $782500 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1665000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1947500
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 146.5%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 113.17%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10850000 COGS: $5425000 Gross Profit: $5425000 Operating Expenses: $3195000 Net Income: $2130000
Your cash flow statement indicates positive cash flow from operating activities, which is a good sign of operational efficiency. However, the negative cash flow from investing activities suggests high capital expenditures. Ensure that these investments are yielding expected returns. The positive cash flow from financing activities indicates new inflows, possibly from debt or equity financing, which should be managed carefully to avoid over-leverage.
Cash Flow Statement Operating Activities: $1115000 Investing Activities: -$532500 Financing Activities: $213000 Net Cash Flow: $795500
Your company's balance sheet shows that you have a healthy balance of assets and liabilities. Your current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) is 11.33, which indicates good short-term financial health. To maintain or improve your position, consider focusing on reducing long-term liabilities and increasing equity through retained earnings or additional investment.
Balance Sheet Assets - Current Assets: $1466000 - Fixed Assets: $2932000 Liabilities - Current Liabilities: $783000 - Long-Term Liabilities: $1666000 Equity - Owner's Equity: $1949000
Your income statement reflects a gross profit margin of 146.60000000000002%, which is strong. However, your net profit margin is 113.27000000000001%, which could be improved. Consider analyzing your operating expenses to identify areas where costs can be reduced without impacting revenue.
Income Statement Revenue: $10860000 COGS: $5430000 Gross Profit: $5430000 Operating Expenses: $3198000 Net Income: $2132000