### Human: Here is a summary written by student 164bea8b54e0 for prompt 814d6b: 'When Jones first started the experiment he was lucky to have some of the popular kids in his class so more people would try to copy them because they want to be like the popular kids.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.901921666808857 and the wording score is -0.916547726766798.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1654ba491bb5 for prompt 3b9047: 'Slaves and farmers raised animals and haversted crops while, soilders fought in war. Nobles help government posts and priests were the only ones were resposible for pleasing the gods. Lastly the pharaoh, to egyptians pharaohs were gods, they lead armies.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.210613934166593 and the wording score is -0.471414826967448.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16576c6fc22c for prompt ebad26: 'They would do a lot of things just to be able to sell the spoiled meat, and hide the fact that it was spoiled meat. One way in particular was that if the spoiled meat smelled bad, they would rub it with soda just to make the smell go away. "... and they would rub it with soday to take away the smell..." They would also take the meat that had hit the absolutely disgusting floor and sell it. "... in the dirt and sawdust, where the workers had tramped and spit uncounted billions of consumption germs." '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.905665047952546 and the wording score is -0.0091077501105194.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16688aa36af8 for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third wave started of as a one day that wanted to show how people comply to the societal norms no matter just they can fit in. Then it slowly developed into a "hive mind" system that turned in/ blocked people that weren't in the group. Finally the teacher shut it down due to how out of control the group got and explained that it was a experiment through a broadcast.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.654653785657775 and the wording score is 1.58892473453651.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 167a2ec7b78b for prompt ebad26: 'they would pickle meat to make the smell go away (paragraph 2) thwy would cut anything collored or odered off and mix it in with the other meat (paragraph 1)'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.57887111694714 and the wording score is -0.57668443602356.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 167d4d7ce0f1 for prompt ebad26: 'it would be taken out of pickle and it would be sour. so they would rub soda over the meat to hide the smell and then leave it out for free to be eaten'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 167d4fa978a8 for prompt ebad26: 'Meat factory workers would prepare rotten and diseased meat with better meats. The unpleasant pork fat and beef scraps will be packed or canned like chicken. May of these meats would be chopped up to make sausage. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.563694779131588 and the wording score is -1.12691703465646.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 167ff80f7c39 for prompt ebad26: 'The company would have its workers pickle the old rotten meat so it wouldn't smell or be recognized as rotten. They would also salt and combine mixtures to cover the rotten meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.142036717295162 and the wording score is -0.289106763498329.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1681a822c60d for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would use or cover up spoiled meat by rubbing it against soda to take the smell away after it was in the pickle juice for so long it became sour. They also made their skin hams out of sometimes the oldest hogs, and the skin is so heavy and coarse that no one would buy them-that is, ubtil they had bee coked and chopped fine and labled 'head cheese".Food would fall to the floor and their would be rats and they would STILL sell those meats.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.830014388222652 and the wording score is 0.502871862448923.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1683ee4de181 for prompt ebad26: 'They would use spoiled meat by packing it up making sausages. "For it was the custom, as they found, whenever meat was so spoiled that it could not be used for anything else, either to can it or else to chop it up into sausage".'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.921624696425702 and the wording score is -1.21361135478513.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 168e49e82287 for prompt ebad26: 'They would use pickle juice to get rid of the smell of rotten meat. They would also use a white hot rod to get a rid of the smell of the spoiled meat. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.974242264823977 and the wording score is -0.751413840355257.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 169cb9f62256 for prompt ebad26: 'First, they would douse the meat with chemicals in various stages to remove odors and mold. Sinclair wrote, "Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters." They would also mix meat with "half a ton of other meat" so "no odor that ever was in a ham could make any difference." As a last resort, they would mix the bad meat with other meat and make it into sausage marketed as " 'special,' and for this they would charge two cents more a pound."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.607018438483988 and the wording score is 0.0720118605069223.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 169efcfbddfa for prompt 3b9047: 'egyption was a big time thing older times and they had slaver back then so they could have helpback then bc people really didnt have works bc they couldnt go places and stuff'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16a8024017a5 for prompt 3b9047: 'At the top of the ancient Egyptian system of government there were Pharohs. According to the text," Their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form. " The Pharoh would then appoint a vizier who "ensured that taxes were collected." The actual second in power were priests and nobles. "Nobles could hold government posts." According to the text and the priests were in charge of "pleasing the gods." Soldiers fought in wars and were sent to watch over slaves and farmers, who are at the very bottom of this pyrimad-like government system. These different social classes help get things done, such as the distribution of food. Without farmers, there would be no food for the people of ancient Egypt and without the Pharoh, there'd be no order.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.17345348599337 and the wording score is 0.752157341963876.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16cd963d11bd for prompt 3b9047: 'The Egyptian systems of government were a pyramid at the bottom was slaves, then farmers, workers then nobles, the priests, and lastly The Pharoah. The slaves were people who the Egyptian people held prisoners. they weren't treated very nicely and worked very hard to please the Pharaoh. I know this because "In addition to being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles." The framers were most important for making food they had to give the Pharoah 60% of what they grew. I know this because " Farmers paid taxes that could amount to as much as 60% of their yearly harvest—that’s a lot of hay!" After the farmers were the artist and craft people they were important they made goods for the people and of course the Pharoah they go better treatment than the slaves and farmers. After them was priest they were highly respected and they claimed they could talk to the gods they helped the pharaohs stay in power. I know this because "Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods." Lastly, there were the pharaohs they had more power than anyone people thought of them as gods. I know this because "Because people of Egypt believed that their pharaohs were gods,'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.44416777790498 and the wording score is -0.54881151466482.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16cef9f1ef6c for prompt 39c16e: 'One one be the rich going to poor. Another would be a comedy ending with a bad ending. An additional element would be The dowfall of a hero.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.766630789362761 and the wording score is -1.09323848011671.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16cf0f27e76b for prompt 3b9047: 'Different social classes involved in this government were pharaohs there leader where belived to be gods they held much power over there people next was the master chief minister called a vizier, the visier was the highest oficial under the pharaoh one of there many responsibilities was supervising the country. Right below the pharaoh are nobles and priests, only nobles could hold government posts and priests were responsible for pleasing the gods. There were soldiers they fought in wars an dover long periods of time they watched over peasants, farmers, and slaves who were involved in building structures like pyramids and palaces.At the bottom of the social structure were the slaves and farmers, The farmers tended to the fields, raise animals, kept canals and reservoirs in good order, worked in the stone quarries, and built the royal monuments. farmers payed taxes that could amount to as much as 60% of there yearly harvest. Slavery bacame a fate of those captured as prisoners of war, in addition to being forced to work on building projects.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.20464026582261 and the wording score is -0.64534372843799.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16d5a5e70824 for prompt 39c16e: 'There should be some comedy in the tragedy. There should be a change in fortune in the tragedy. There should also be a downfall in the tragedy.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.1569385005749 and the wording score is 0.347129214829142.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16e11603253c for prompt ebad26: 'meat industried would smoke the meat or they would mix it with good meat so that you couldnt notice some of the meat was spoilded." it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption." this is just some of the ways industries would trick us into buying spoiled meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0024657138419762 and the wording score is -0.04543859410258.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16e6c2706bd8 for prompt 39c16e: 'A perfect tragedy should, as we have seen, be arranged not on the simple but on the complex plan. It should, moreover, imitate actions which excite pity and fear, this being the distinctive mark of tragic imitation. It follows plainly, in the first place, that the change of fortune presented must not be the spectacle of a virtuous man brought from prosperity to adversity: for this moves neither pity nor fear; it merely shocks us. Nor, again, that of a bad man passing from adversity to prosperity: for nothing can be more alien to the spirit of Tragedy; it possesses no single tragic quality'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.382272237741744 and the wording score is -1.79549080344932.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16ee4eb4d6dd for prompt 3b9047: 'The Egyptian system of government had a pharaoh at the top. The pharaoh had absolute power over his subjects and was considered a god. There was a vizier who was a superviser. The vizier made sure that the taxes were collected. According to the writing, it said "The vizier ensured that taxes were collected." He/she was in the class right below the pharaoh along with the nobles and priests. The nobles were the only ones that could have government positions. The passage said, "Only nobles could hold gvernment posts;..." The middle class had soldiers, craftspeople, and merchants that traded and provided goods for the people of the kingdom. To emphasize, the article states that there were merchants and storekeeprs who sold the goods to the public. The soldiers fought in wars and when there were none, they supervized the people at the bottom of the social hierarchy. The lowest class were made up of slaves, peasants, and farmers. Another example from the text is, "At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers." They were taxed heavily and were laborers for more powerful people. They were servants who often served nobles, or even the pharaoh. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.01793845860041 and the wording score is 0.11884378369532.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 16f34ae0f1bd for prompt 3b9047: 'Egyptain society was structured like a pyramid. At the yop were the gods, such as Ra, Osiris, and isis. Their leaders are called pharaohs. The paraoh appointed a cheif minister called a vizer as a supervisor. Right below the pharaoh in status were powerful nobles and priests. The soldiers fought in wars or quelled, domestic, and uprising. Skilled workers such as physicians and craftsmen/women made up the middle class. The merchants and storekeepers.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.382272237741744 and the wording score is -1.79549080344932.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 170b5d0c1163 for prompt 3b9047: 'In Egypt pharohs and gods were at the top then priests next came the farmers and then slaves. It is very different now there are no slaves.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.40817975173863 and the wording score is -0.4936034763879.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 171ed4c37677 for prompt 3b9047: 'Their were different social classes because if they had the same social classes everyone would be treated equally. They just didnt want people to be treated the same. The lower class (poor people) we're treated poorly they we're not able to build things nor buy things because of their class.The middle class (nearly rich people) are treated almost like poor people but a little better.For example now days when you get pulled over by the police they ask for your license. But upper class people (i will get into that next) when its a famous person they say "can i have a picture i'm a big fan!" This proves that midle and lower class people are treated differently than upper class people.The upper class people (rich people) would be treated better than middle and lower like i said in my example the police would say "I'm a big fan!" and it's also because their rich.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0833223557916365 and the wording score is 0.867873977553785.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1721421a319f for prompt 39c16e: 'One element of an ideal tradgedy should be that it has a complex plot to it rather than having a simple plot. An example of having a complex plot is imitaing actions that show pity and fear. Another element of an ideal tradgedy is having misfourtune. An example would be a good man with misfortune brought by an error of judgement. A 3rd example of an ideal tradgedy is what the main charcter comes from. An example is that they are highly renowned and prosperous. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 173039ac98bd for prompt ebad26: 'The factories would mix the spoiled meat with other meat to cover up the smell of rotten meat. Often that meat would be mixed with rats and poison. "There was never the least attention paid to what was cut up for sausage; there would come all the way back from Europe old sausage that had been rejected, and that was moldy and white – it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption." They would put chemicals in the meat to cover up the rotting look and smell.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.985008295285594 and the wording score is 0.62324473711734.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1732b9c702c1 for prompt 39c16e: 'Aristole believed tragedies should follow a hard play should copy actions which excite shame and fear and should feature a character who is not very good. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.26421406546489 and the wording score is -1.50507251840997.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 173e2fd26e64 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would cover up spoiled meat in various unhealthy and disgusting ways such as chop it up into sausages. The meats found rotten in factories would be rubbed up with soda to remove the unpleasent smell and served to the public. The author states "hams found spoiled, some of them with an odor so bad that a man could hardly bear to be in the room with them." These meats would be packed with chemicals to remove such strong odors and still be served as food to the public regardless of it being rotten. Aside from being spoiled meat, products would also be full of germs from other causes. Stated in paragraph 4 "There would be meat that had tumbled out on the floor, in the dirt and sawdust, where the workers had tramped and spit uncounted billions of consumption germs." Spit, rats and outside water all came in contacts with the produce contaminating it so bad to cause diseases and death and the eats were sold to the public regardless just for money.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.50488771322166 and the wording score is 2.18306683629889.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 174487b11710 for prompt ebad26: 'using somthing called pickle, mixing the spoiled and good meat to make sausage, filling ham with different kinds of meat, and putting a hot iron rod inside of spoiled hams'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.35556218334036 and the wording score is -0.955800990817773.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1748b4f689c8 for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy should have a complex plot (some good and some bad), instil pity and fear to the audience, and conclude with the outcome of the tragedy.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.26421406546489 and the wording score is -1.50507251840997.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 17490cf13dca for prompt 814d6b: 'Jones was exsplning to them the classmates. Then the classmates told other people and they got larger and larger and larger. Then he said to meet on friday and then he said it was just to teach his kids.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.16183772680023 and the wording score is -0.922502129311683.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 174a4fcc03a6 for prompt 3b9047: 'Partially stable. It's broken, but very stable at the same time due to the slaves and other things. They were diverse though, so that's a good thing.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 174b5fb4f16c for prompt 39c16e: 'One element is that a perfect tragedy should be arranged as a complex plan. The second element is to have a well constructed plot as a single in its issue; it should be resulted by a great error. The third element is having the weakness of spectators.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.210613934166593 and the wording score is -0.471414826967448.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1750017ba7e0 for prompt 3b9047: 'the Egyptian social sturcture article involves each social class into this specific goverment due to each social class having a use to help. Each social class for example has its own duties and lifes and fortunes that could help the government lead to success. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1755fd3c2912 for prompt ebad26: 'They would can the meat with other things in it to cover up the smell. They also would put differeny chemicals on the meat to make it look better and smell better.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.29592196562415 and the wording score is -0.620512131608245.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1757d4a57f8f for prompt 3b9047: 'The antient egyptains where organized by the gonvernment because the Egyptians also elevated some human beings to gods. Their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form. They had absolute power over their subjects.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.09352270025638 and the wording score is -1.42199155877431.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1762c7c865bc for prompt ebad26: 'The facotry would pickle the meat, cover it in baking soda and send it to free-luch programs, they could give the meat any color, flavor or odor they wanted. they would pickle ones that had already gone bad during the first picking again, and they would also extract the bones from the meat, taking the bad parts with it to sell it as the best grade. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.050688599419699 and the wording score is 0.260164764093871.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1766ec1c2d08 for prompt 814d6b: 'The third wave developed by having a student stop none members from going in, then they had special assignments, and more students joined. The expirement was ended because Jones saw it was getting out of control.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.456955959104999 and the wording score is -0.0425161740436652.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 176f13c732c4 for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy must have a man that is neither good nor bad, a tragic ending and a well constructed plot. The man must be neither good nor bad so he is a more complex character that more people can relate to. Aristotle beleives if the ending is perfect and happy it is more a comedy. The plot should be well constructed in that the writer should have a goal and the plot should convey feelings like pity and fear. These three things are what Aristotle belives makes the perfect tragedy. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.402562805762525 and the wording score is 0.790367727429356.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 177d6dcc77bd for prompt ebad26: 'The various ways that the factory would cover up spoiled meat was that they would use soda to take away the bad smell. The way spoiled ham smell was covered up was by using pickles and if they didn't work they would use stronger smelling picked to cover up the smell. Those are two ways that spoiled meat was covered up. Not only would they cover up spoiled meat but they would sometimes be the ones that were responsible for that. They wanted to feed people spoiled meat that was covered up with soda or pickels. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1782a3b3843f for prompt 39c16e: 'The 3 elements that create an ideal tragedy include some sort of complex plan, it should have things that create pity and fear within the story, and some sort of misfortune that happens because of someone making a mistake/error or judgement. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.58024196600868 and the wording score is -1.04744943551381.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 178576557b69 for prompt 39c16e: 'An Ideal tragedy, as shown in the reading, would include a main character that is neither good nor bad, a story that inflicts pity and fear, and an unintentional downfall that the reader could connect to.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.31245352796786 and the wording score is -0.286184343439414.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1786e7180dbc for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy must have a character who is elevated in rank or talent who possesses some flaw that will eventually lead to their downfall. This character must be neither good nor bad but somewhere in between and they must fall from a high position or stature to the bottom, just like Oedipus.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 179b5e18e8f9 for prompt ebad26: 'They would rub soda on the meat to take away the smell: "how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell." They also would pump the meat with a stronger pickle to get rid of the smell: "...pump into these the packers had a second and much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor." '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 17b080b1c898 for prompt 814d6b: 'Teacher Ron Jones believed in the Third Wave because unable to explain to his students how people throughout history followed the crowd even when terrible things happened, he decided to prove it to his students through an experiment. This ended as Jones announced to the students that they had been part of an experiment to demonstrate how people voluntarily create a sense of superiority over others, and how this can lead people to justify doing horrible things in the name of honor of the state. .'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.842249247634025 and the wording score is 1.76001302349293.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 17b6ecc31810 for prompt 39c16e: 'According to Aristotle, a good tragedy should include different elements, three of which include: the ability to evoke emotions such as pity and fear, a well constructed and thought out plot that does not "double as some maintain", and a character's situation that shifts from good to bad. Pity and fear can be drawn out of a viewer or reader when the characters do something to bring unfortunate circumstances upon themselves. For example, Romeo and Juliet create a situation in which they both end up killing themselves over the death of the other. In Greek tragedies, the characters must live with their mistakes and suffer, while in Shakespearian tragedies, the characters die. These two are similar because each person has misfortune brought upon them by their own misjudgment. This ties directly to how the character's situation turns from good to bad, rather than from bad to good. The plot must also be complex, well-constructed, and "be single in its issue".'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.01816844746937 and the wording score is 2.55760895955939.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 17c65755a1c6 for prompt 814d6b: 'The experiment developed so much overtime because of streangth and the way proffeser jones framed the experiment it made people intrested , the experiment ended because it got out of hand and proffeser jones was noticing it " slipping out of control" . '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.79954532814419 and the wording score is -0.333977337668508.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 17d5e6b4e48e for prompt ebad26: 'One way they tried to cover up the spoiled meat is by rubbing soda on it to take away the smell. Also, they would bundle spoiled and rotten meat with better meat. Also, many of the meats would be turned into sausage. Spoiled pork or beef scraps would be packaged liked chicken. They also added salt to some of the meats, froze, canned, and dehydrated them. Working conditions were poor and workers couldn't even wash their hands before dinner. There were rats all over the place and even got on the meat. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.467721989566616 and the wording score is -0.0856529291942516.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 17dc198b7950 for prompt 814d6b: 'The third wave was develpoed over such a short period of time through communtiy involvement by creating a small army of recruiters. The kids liked the idea that the salute was related to the Nazi's Mr. Jones utilizes the kids from his class to recruit members to join the movement. The expirement ended because Mr. Jones thought it was getting out of control. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.050688599419699 and the wording score is 0.260164764093871.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 17f2b3ed7de6 for prompt 39c16e: 'One element is plot. There has to be a good plot for a terrible tragedy. Another element is the characters. There has to be good guys and bad guys to make up a good tragedy. Furthermore, another element is the ending. The ending shouldn't end on a good note, otherwise it wouldn't be a tragedy.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.548304076980462 and the wording score is 0.506755353548534.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 17f84a089fa6 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would use many ways to use and cover up spolied meat.In the text it states "also of all the miracles of chemistry which they performed, giving to any sort of meat, fresh or salted, whole or chopped, any color and any flavor and any odor they chose".They would use advances of chemistry to take away the smell of the rotten meat so they can use it,it was said before the smell was horrific. The text also states"All of their sausage came out of the same bowl, but when they came to wrap it they would stamp some of it "special," and for this they would charge two cents more a pound".Futhermore the chemisetry advances and inventions they used on the meat was so expensive due to how spolied the meat was so instead of throwing it away they would still wrap it up and mix it with new meat and just chrage extra money.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.15690629911627 and the wording score is 0.831624941106523.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 17f8cc070e95 for prompt 3b9047: 'In social status of ancient Egypt the pharoah and those who worked with working with the vizier were scribes who kept government records. And slaves who where involved in building such structures as pyramids. And craftspersons made and sood jewerlry, pottery, papyrus products, tools, and other useful things.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0661115030294547 and the wording score is -0.715082996363196.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 17f9751013d0 for prompt 3b9047: 'Their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form. They had absolute power over their subjects. After pharaohs died, huge stone pyramids were built as their tombs. Pharaohs were buried in chambers within the pyramids. Right below the pharaoh in status was a powerful noble Then after they were farmers and slaves. at the loest class'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.382272237741744 and the wording score is -1.79549080344932.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1800b6ebcc55 for prompt 814d6b: 'All though it happened quick everyone caught on and wanted to join the third wave. Seeing unity and pride within one another made it easy and more understadnging. The experiement was ended because of such loyalty and discipline. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.607094565965143 and the wording score is 0.129290810229116.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18032687fb8c for prompt ebad26: '¨ the meat was taken out of a pickle would often be sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell.¨'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 180b0db4f831 for prompt 39c16e: 'it should moreover imitate actions which excite pity and fear, noting can be more aliean to the spirit of the tradigy, it proceses no single tragic quality'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 180c06cd5eb3 for prompt 3b9047: 'In the social pyramid of ancient Egypt the pharaoh and those associated with Working with the vizier were scribes who kept government records. and slaves who were involved in building such structures as pyramids and .Craftspersons made and sold jewelry, pottery, papyrus products, tools, and other useful things.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 181a037bab33 for prompt ebad26: 'In paragraph 2, the story stated that if the meat taken out of the pickle was sour they would rub it up with some soda. Also in paragraph 2, the story says thatif meat was rotten, they would take thebone out andd put a white hot iron in and burn the mold and bad parts out of the meat. In paragraph 3, the story says that if there was rotten sausage, itwould be dosed with borax and glycerin.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.297030624358104 and the wording score is -0.168733888829912.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 182817f41b3e for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave worked so well because it had a strong central figure which caused the young teens to follow in line and it quickly brainwashed them. "the experiment took on a life of its own"(3) says Jones which worries him so he ends the experiment by showing a blank tv screen to tell the teens they were appart of an expirament.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.217099838621121 and the wording score is -0.501100327980525.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18327c8b0635 for prompt 3b9047: 'The egyption system of goverment put the powerful people at the top and the lower class people at the bottom. Even though they were on different levels they all still respected the gods.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.08128784084501 and the wording score is -0.164850397730301.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 183451a4569f for prompt 3b9047: ' According to the text, the diffrent social classes involved in this goverment because, social mobility was not impossible ,Also. small numbers of peasants and farmers moved up to the economic ladder. Families saved money to send their sons to village schools. This means that their schools were run by priest or by artisans which is an example of social classes. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0408895073247213 and the wording score is -1.629328884178.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 184dca7e24ee for prompt 3b9047: ' At the top were pharaohs, viziers, and scribes. Below pharaohs, were powerful nobles and priests. Below priests, were soldiers, physicians, craftsmen/women, artisans, and traders. At the bottom, were slaves and farmers. They were involved by making a structure of the economy, and making sure that everyone had a place in society.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.0888824040334871 and the wording score is -0.594710121694779.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1853d9257219 for prompt 39c16e: ' An ideal tragedy should have a plot that consists of a beginning, middle, and end whilst also maintaining one theme and purpose throughout. The main character should not just move from good to bad or bad to good but rather just average with misfortune from the error of the character itself (misjudgment). A tragedy should lastly also be able to pass feelings to the audience. In that, the narrative should be full of emotion which the audience should be able to understand.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.547065236899663 and the wording score is 0.546699558033608.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1858b8935223 for prompt 39c16e: 'Three of the elements of an ideal tragdy as described by Aristole is flaw, misfortune, and depravity. Flaw being an imprefection that can mess something up. Misfortune being losing alot of or all your money, property, ect to something or someone. And deprevity being morally corupt.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18604e817df1 for prompt 3b9047: ' The anchent egyptian goverment structure is like their famous pyromids. At the top of the pyramid are the Gods, Pharos, Vizier (Supervisor), scribes, this information is found in the first, second, and third section of the story. Next in the egyptian govermental pyromid are the Solders, Physicians, Craftsmen/women this is found in the fourth section of the story. At the bottom are the farmers and the slaves the slaves are war prisoners this information is found in the last section of the story.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.879476113881174 and the wording score is -0.335856879141928.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1867d45dfc5c for prompt ebad26: 'American factories would use an abundance of disgusting ways to over up spoiled meat. One way is by rubbing soda on the meat to take away the smell. Sinclair describes this, "the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters" (Sinclair, Para 2). This explains how not only would they hide the smell they would then sell it to customers after. Sincalir also states, "old sausage that had been rejected, and that was moldy and white – it would be dosed with borax and glycerin.....and made over again for home consumption" (Sinclair, Para 3). Sinclair ecplains the horrific details of the meat industry sing various chemicals to "repair" spoiled sausage. In conclusion the meat packing industry was corrupt and disgusting and they would go to all lengths, even masking spoiled meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.01816844746937 and the wording score is 2.55760895955939.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1868ce25a2bd for prompt 3b9047: ' The structure of the ancient Egyptian system of government was like a pyramid. The Pharohs were on top, then came priests and nobles. The pharohs had many responsibilities, so they would have an a chief minister called a vizier as a supervisor. According to the text, "The vizier ensured that taxes were collected.". The vizier would work with a scribe to keep government records. After the priests and nobles were the soldiers. The middle class was made of craftsmen and physicians. The lower class is made up of farmers and sllaves. The middle and lower class had no connections to the government. Only the wealthy and high classes worked for the government.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.26795744660858 and the wording score is 0.579417041532655.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1872ae83610c for prompt 814d6b: 'The developed so fast because at that time lot's of people didn't like the idea of democracy and the third wave movemnt aimed to elimate that. It ened because it could mlead to people doing horrible things.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.989939722969547 and the wording score is -0.7141219253225.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18754c38acb7 for prompt ebad26: 'they would call upon their chemistry department, and preserve it with borax and color it with gelatin to make it brown. All of their sausage came out of the same bowl, but when they came to wrap it they would stamp some of it "special," and for this they would charge two cents more a pound.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 188ba0318cba for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy must have a complex plan that bring pity and fear, misforturn to the main character and have the plot that goes from good to bad and end unhappily'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.26421406546489 and the wording score is -1.50507251840997.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 188c14089bfa for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third wave developed over such a short period of time because the group made the participants feel special and that they were part of something more than themselves. The expirement ended because it was getting out of hand and it became too powerful.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.248807738780381 and the wording score is 0.383460058821202.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1891db2bed31 for prompt ebad26: 'They would use borax and other harsh chemicals to cover up the smell of rotting meat. ¨ it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption.¨ They would perserve meat with borax, then add gelatin to make it the brown color. ¨ preserve it with borax and color it with gelatin to make it brown¨'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.391796775300908 and the wording score is -0.918536830667273.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18a1122e7431 for prompt ebad26: 'Chemicals and various tools wouldbe usedto get rid of odor and make it look edible. The workers didn't have places to wash there hands so they used the water that was going into the meat. They had seen dead rats and just threw them with the meat'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.472653417250568 and the wording score is -0.0052242590109083.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18a60a520cd1 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory ways that they would use or cover up spoiled meat by mixing it. In the story, it says "the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters; also of all the miracles of chemistry which they performed, giving to any sort of meat, fresh or salted, whole or chopped, any color and any flavor and any odor they chose." These the packers had a second and much stronger pickle which destroyed the odor a process known to the workers as “giving them thirty percent.” '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.382272237741744 and the wording score is -1.79549080344932.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18a680b57f30 for prompt ebad26: 'They would rub soda on it to take away the smell, they said if the meat was taken out pickled it would be spoiled. The text states, "a machine consisting a hollow needle attached to a pump by plunging this needle in to the meat.". This show the measuresbthere doing to get the meat good.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.584911203365046 and the wording score is 0.121684396209436.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18a7ff7c91fb for prompt 3b9047: 'The Egyptian system was structured like a pyramid with the gods on the top. As stated in the text the Egyptians believed that the gods controlled the universe. Next on the pyramid was their leader the pharaoh. In paragraph 2 of the article it states they believed the pharaoh to be a God in human form. The pharaohs had absolute power over their subjects. Since the Egyptians believed their rulers were gods, they entrusted them with many responsibilities. Protection being his most important responsibility. Since one person couldn't manage all of these responsibilities the pharaoh appointed a chief minister called a vizier as a supervisor. The job of vizier was to collect taxes. Scribes worked alongside the vizier to keep government records. Scribes were the only ones with the rare skill of reading and writing. Under the pharaoh were also nobles and priests.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.19964242006474 and the wording score is 1.07890647099528.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18b407e7acda for prompt 3b9047: 'so at the top were the pharaohs. then there were the nobles and priests. that is considered as upper class. after the upper class, there is a middle class. the middle class consists of people who have regular jobs like a carpenter and a teacher. there was a lower class, they consist of farmers. At the bottom, there are slaves who work tirelessly and endlessly for the nobles, priests, and pharaohs.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.297030624358104 and the wording score is -0.168733888829912.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18bcec1c162b for prompt 3b9047: 'In the social pyramid of ancient Egypt the pharaoh and rhoses associated with... Working with the vizier were scirbes who kept government records, and slaves who were involved in building such structures as pyramids and ,Crafts persons made and sold jewerly,pottery, papyrus products,tools, and other useful things.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18c71f6e1583 for prompt 39c16e: 'Tragedy should happen to a common person. Not to a hero or a villan. It should imitate actions which excite pity and fear. It should not show the downfall of a villan because that is what is expected.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.472653417250568 and the wording score is -0.0052242590109083.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18cda9d2ad07 for prompt 3b9047: 'The ancient Egyptian system is built like a pyrimid. The different classes ranging from most powerful to least powerful would be how they would be placed on the pyrimid.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.687287542029713 and the wording score is -0.460885992888853.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18cfb1620ffc for prompt ebad26: '"a man could fill a ham with pickle in a few seconds. And yet, in spite of this, there would be hams found spoiled, some of them with an odor so bad that a man could hardly bear to be in the room with them." they would fill them with pickles to destroy the odor. They would pump them with chemicals "also of all the miracles of chemistry which they performed, giving to any sort of meat, fresh or salted, whole or chopped, any color and any flavor and any odor they chose..."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.236802868237966 and the wording score is -0.798163955998856.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18ebefa80bfb for prompt 3b9047: 'Social classes showed how powerful you were like should you be worshiped or are you just a slave. Slaves had to work for pharaohs while pharaohs had pyramids built for them. Slaves worked and so did farmers. The higher class did mostly nothing since people would work for them.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.548304076980462 and the wording score is 0.506755353548534.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18ef94024df7 for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave was about how they were getting kids to gonn the thired wave and it was like a group and it was bad for the kids'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18f13e99bd40 for prompt 814d6b: 'It started with someone wanting to do an experiment for one day, until he realized he could go further he made the experiment go on until he told the students what he was doing.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.63851133466335 and the wording score is -0.911973295233088.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18f9d3f84aba for prompt 3b9047: 'Egyptian social structure was like a pyramid, the slaves on the bottom and the Pharaohs we're on the top. in the text it says. ¨At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers.¨ This shows that slaves and farmers were on the bottom. In the text it says¨ Their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form.¨ This shows that the Pharaoh was on the top of the social pyramid. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0024657138419762 and the wording score is -0.04543859410258.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 18fef5ffa2d2 for prompt ebad26: 'They would chop it up into sausage, rub it with soda to take away the smell. Mixed in with half a ton of other meat. Dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, then remade.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.63903245499336 and the wording score is -1.42491397883323.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1900231b610e for prompt 814d6b: 'The experiment was shut down because the children took it very seriously and started to snitch on other kids and it was growing to be very powerful'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.20457384774869 and the wording score is -1.16978365920044.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 190203453483 for prompt 3b9047: 'The structure of the ancient Egyptian system of government is that gods and pharaohs are at the top then the vizier after the vizier is the nobles and priests then the farmers and lastley the slaves. Different social classes were involved in this government by some could hold goverment posts and ect. According to the text "nobles could hold government posts."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 19117f6776f9 for prompt 3b9047: ' At the top of the Egyptian social classes were the gods such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis. Egyptians worshipped the gods because they believed that they could control the universe. I know this because in paragraph 1 it states," Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid. At the top were the gods, such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis. " It also states,"Egyptians believed that the gods controlled the universe. " Below the gods were the pharaohs Egyptians believed that they were gods in human form. I know this because in paragraph 2 it states," Their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form." Below the pharaoh where the nobles and priests only nobles could hold government posts and priests pleased the gods. I know this because in paragraph 6 it says, " Right below the pharaoh in status were powerful nobles and priests. Only nobles could hold government posts" and "Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.773704232221223 and the wording score is -0.179262722908506.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1918ff7190c6 for prompt 39c16e: 'The first element of a tragedy is a complex plan. The set up for the tragedy should not be simple and "it should, moreover, imitate actions which excite pity and fear, this being the distinctive mark of tragic imitation," (paragraph 2). it shouldn't follow any cliches. The second element is that the tragedy should focus on one issue. the plot should go from good to bad, through some sort of small error. The final element is that the "deadliest enemies" should "quit the stage as friends" (paragraph 3). This reversal is key to the tragedy.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0024657138419762 and the wording score is -0.04543859410258.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 191909545fd8 for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy should cause us to feel pitty and fear. The villian stays alive through out the story.In addition to these traits a story should start off good and end bad'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.14493363003249 and the wording score is -0.834494799990917.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 191b7ff20732 for prompt 3b9047: 'At the bottom of the pyramaid was the slaves and farmers , they dont make much farmers have to pay taxes. And slaves just do work and dont get payed much because they are prisoners. Next up are the skilled workers like physicians and crastsmen and women they were middle class because they made and sold jewerly , pottery , papyrus products , and tools. After them came the nobles and priests. Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods, and nobles would hold government posts. Right above them were pharohs they were considered Kings so of course they were wealthy. The highest people in Egypt were the cheif ministers called the viziers they were the people who learned how to read and write.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.14523003697537 and the wording score is 1.45813258821655.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 191d7ffc4151 for prompt 39c16e: 'It should be arranged complex and not simple. It should also imitate actions which exite pity and fear being a distinct mark of tragity. It should follow plainly, in the first place, that the change of fortune presented must not be the spectacle of virtuous man brought from prosperity to adversity.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.236802868237966 and the wording score is -0.798163955998856.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1931c81c87e3 for prompt 3b9047: 'The stucture of ancient Egyption system of government is similar to a pyramid.At the top of the pyramid is the Pharaohs who had absolute control over the subjects and everything,the Pharaohs also controld the army.Coming up right below the Pharaoh is the vizier, as supervisor(kind of a vice Pharaoh).The vizier ensure the taxes were collected and below the vizier were the scribes who kept government records.They were regarded as high lelvel employs because they mastered a rare skill in ancient Egypt,they could read and write.The skill of reading and writing may seem common and basic today but back Egyptions time only few could have access to high education(Wealthy peoples mostly).Nobles and priests were also right below the pharaoh in status, Only nobles could hold government posts; in these positions they profited from tributes paid to the pharaoh. Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.22056771283714 and the wording score is 1.75612953239332.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 19356b85da10 for prompt 814d6b: ' In this passage, the students that took part in this expirement rapidly took interest and their numbers grew quickly, but why? When we look at the why there were so many kids joining, you can see it was because they were noticing the sudden differences in those who had joined this group, so they wanted to do it as well. They saw the other kids salute in the hallways and how well they began to do in school and decideed it was time for them to join and become like the others. Mr. Jones decided to stop it though because he had already proven his hypothesis and wanted to tell the students what he had done. He wanted to show them how people ould willingly create a sense of superiority over others and how it could lead to people being okay with horrible things happening. The students gaining interest in the experiment made it grow rapidly and Mr. Jones ended it because he had proven his point.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.42319696707387 and the wording score is 3.39341528109133.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 193a249a94f5 for prompt 3b9047: 'There were Gods at the top of it, then there were pharoahs, then the vizier was next, then there were nobles and priests, and finally there were farmers and slaves'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.381305299375105 and the wording score is -0.554495786603107.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 193de05735dd for prompt 3b9047: 'There was different class like the Gods,pharaohs,nobles,and priests there was more they all had different classes. They was lot of classes and they all had power or a important job to do. Slaves was a part of a class but that one was the worst one because they had to work everyday even when it so hot or cold. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.702448255311882 and the wording score is 0.344206794770227.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 194329e2ca9c for prompt 39c16e: 'Aristotle believed tragedies should follow a "complex plan," should "imitate actions which excite pity and fear," and should feature a character who" is not eminently good nd just" an whose misfortune is brought about by" some error of judgement or frailty."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.340385845524802 and the wording score is -1.50603358945067.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 1945a6e9496a for prompt 814d6b: 'The teacher, Ron Jones, wanted to teach how people followed the crowd. In first day of the experiment, he emphasized simple things such as proper seating, drilled the students, and setted a few rules. In second day, he made up a salute resembling that of the Nazi regime and ordered class members to salute each other even outside the class. In three days, many students joined the class and showed drastic improvement in their academic skills. By the fourth days, he decided to terminate the movement because the students became increasingly involved in the project and it became out of control.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.72244769187161 and the wording score is 0.57649462147374.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 194aac394d85 for prompt 814d6b: 'The experiment started out as an attempt to show the students how people will follow the crowd even if the crowd is doing something horrible. Soon more people joined and it started to get out of had so Ron had to end it quickly.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.