i feel thompson needs to work on then again i m not exactly impressed by flash and fluff;surprise
i really feel like this year will be a mellow one;joy
i have enjoyed the experienced of being entranced by most none up to this point have ever made me feel the experience of being devoted;love
i feel like everyone will think i am a fake and point and laugh at me;sadness
i still feel devastated;sadness
i feel that i shouldnt be his back up a rel nofollow target blank title girlfriend href http eepctqlhiafjwnrrmas;sadness
i no longer feel timid or insecure when i walked;fear
i feel quite naughty but the;love
i feel amazing when i lift;surprise
i think we ll feel pretty good about that;joy
i have no control over what comes out of the sky but with a busy christmas period and games in january all again weather permitting i feel alex will be a very useful addition to our squad;joy
i don t even think that i should feel ashamed because then i would be denying my true self;sadness
i wasn t laying around my disgusting apartment feeling melancholy anymore;sadness
i kept feeling like i missed something and i needed to go back and re read;sadness
i dint use all purpose flour as i was feeling guilty for not having healthy breakfast;sadness
i will feel as though i am accepted by as well as comfortable being around both sides of my family;joy
i just have this awful feeling that im going to do something really idiotic like decide to make my simple quick to make mini tote a more tricky project by deciding to use two pieces which need to be stitched together;sadness
im by no means huge however as im only i find that any extra weight at all makes me feel very uncomfortable in myself as well as my clothes;fear
i am so hurt and feel so abused;sadness
i actually started this about hours ago and got distracted and now the flow is all odd and my roommate is here so i feel very rude just typing away;anger
i don t want you to feel left out o faithful reader i love you too;love
i feel that because pencil skirts are so elegant they look their best paired simply with minimal colours to complement the chic structured design;joy
i know will be less welcomed by some who feel that we need to be ferocious and brave and show the wizarding community that we will continue our work to rid england of mudbloods and half breeds and whatnot;anger
i feel like i deserve it i should be punished i did an awful thing;sadness
i got a feeling that they were trying to create a nostalgic atmosphere but it didnt work for me;love
i can t find anything to feel other than complacent;joy
i hate feeling discontent but its what im feeling right now and im tired of hiding it;sadness
i feel like i have to redeem myself even though i think they realized why i was distraught and were ok with it;fear
i feel as though canadians are coming complacent with the workings of our country because of how well weve fared in the recession;joy
i shy away from songs that talk about how i feel toward god or that maybe even talk about my faithful response toward god;joy
i struggled with feeling like myself because myself liked bands and the s and david hockney and photography and collecting things and no body really understood those things because no body does understand you when you re;love
i was so scared that i would walk out from the saloon feeling regretful about cutting my hair because i always miss my old hair when i get a new haircut;sadness
i feel more peaceful even though i dont think its very visible yet ive been trying to give less importance to the things that usually bother me like problems of organisation at my school for instance and focus more on trying to be happy and content with small things;joy
im feeling emotionally vulnerable right now and just want to throw up in peace so i can go back up and party hard;fear
i feel like i had this bitchy undertone the whole convo like kinda sarcastic;anger
i felt like the most petty and spoiled person on the planet to be feeling so rotten over my luxury problems;sadness
i teared up already i felt so stressed out and i havent been telling anyone or showing much how i feel and how stressed out i am about school;sadness
i can do this but after a romantic meal and a few glasses of wine i m tired and lethargic and the last thing i feel like is some vigorous humping action;joy
i feel guilty that we will do nothing special on thanksgiving;sadness
i ever get to feel what these needy feel if i stay away from them;sadness
i really hope im the only blogger they have treat this badly as i still feel super lousy about all and i wouldnt wish this crap on my worst enemy;joy
i still don t feel so hot i said as aj frowned;love
i wont bore you with the psychological signs of workplace burnout except to say that if youre feeling depressed or anxious helpless or hopeless congratulations;sadness
i feel like i m going to break at any second and become as mad and deranged a la helena bonham carter in sweeney todd;anger
i feel more confident already a href http johnnykaje;joy
i had been really proud of myself but after how my husband had talked to me and talked about other girls i was really feeling disgusted about myself;anger
i bought a pretty dress and a pair of pretty sandals and am looking forward to feeling pretty;joy
i was up to tackling some exercise in the backyard shed late in the morning and then had my breakfast the burden on my system was such that i began feeling lethargic and i scotched an intended shopping expedition for a second consecutive day;sadness
i almost didn t want to post these because i can sometimes feel intimidated by the amazingness of other mom bloggers who seem to have perfectly organized homes and entertained children;fear
i feel really petty complaining about panic attacks and such;anger
i feel like i am noticeably very inhibited in a lot of other things;sadness
i felt so sick watching and feeling helpless;fear
i do believe looking good feeling food being more productive and professional making more money;joy
i can feel like crap and be safe;joy
i would ideally like to be able to come to terms with it at one point and have acim happily integrated with all the abraham processes just so i can feel resolved;joy
i feel like im in with the cool girls but that theyre just tolerating me because im paying them;joy
i have to admit i m feeling a little victimized;sadness
im taking a year out now so for the first time in a good while i feel relaxed;joy
i love to add just a little milk and when i m feeling especially naughty a splash of caramel and vanilla syrup but shhh;love
i mean i know quite a few causes as to why i feel fucked in my head;anger
i could feel his breath on me and smell the sweet scent of him;love
i really hope you guys can understand that some of the things i do is really because i feel either rejected or not right at the place;sadness
im feeling increasingly comfortable with the return of laddies marking skills;joy
im standing by myself off near maxs crib watching the whole thing and feeling more terrified;fear
i feel like i missed numerous vantage points;sadness
i have a feeling its because i was never that friendly;joy
i feel like i would have been confused if i had waited a long time before reading the second book;fear
i was feeling bad over it with every passing minute;sadness
i really enjoyed using these products the cleanse and polish made my skin feel so lovely and soft;love
i can assure you that there are some in our midst who feel quite unwelcome who have not known what it is to be beloved;sadness
i pick out of the air and feel curious about;surprise
ive seen how mean other kids and adults can be to a child who doesnt fit into the norm and no way was i going to label him so he could be made to feel he was anything other than amazing;surprise
i feel very angry and upset with my customer;anger
i feel like flagellating myself like the weird albino priest in angels and demons every time i see his face;fear
i cant help but feel amused hmm;joy
im feeling generous so you can enter once a day if you like as long as its a new answer spell magical ability rhyme or potion etc;joy
i dont know how and i dont know why but i feel as if everything is going to be ok;joy
i was pleasantly surprised to read that i was just as susceptible to falling under dessen s romance spell but other parts of the novel did feel like missed opportunities;sadness
i feel blank the more it freaks me out;sadness
i just feel glamorous in it;joy
i have a feeling that my plant may have been temperature shocked;surprise
i do feel that some muslims are generalizing their retaliation and possibly hurting innocent people;joy
i began to shoot every person i made feel perfect;joy
i dont win a lot of things but i still feel ridiculously lucky;joy
i want to feel pain in my chest when something terrible happens and i want to cry happy tears when something good happens;sadness
i also got a chance to watch my cousin dance in the royal opera house and i must say i was feeling so proud i got teary eyes on the beginning but shhhhhhh its a secret;joy
i feeling stressed;anger
i think we often feel this way about planting ourselves where we are deeply terrified that if we go too deep into the ground it will be hard to get out again;fear
i think that it is the one site that has truly made me hella smile and feel reassured that there are morally good and kind individuals in this world;joy
i have to outweigh the feeling of discontent when i finally get in my bed at night;sadness
i feel when juggling all of the fine details that go into a professional writing career;joy
i feel useless i don t pay for anything i just sit on the computer and do nothing all day while waiting or sending out resumes;sadness
i feel resentful ungrateful negative fearful i feel i navigate through my days as a dead weight that just floats around doing things but i am not engaged;anger
i often feel like i am punished for the strengths i do have which is almost worse than no one even noticing my value;sadness
i can still remember what it was like to be a teenager and that giddy feeling of amazement when the hot looking boy you like although we didn t use the term hot back then actually likes you back;love
i feel like i just dont have it in me to keep loving him and he deals me a card and it says mercy;love
i do not like feeling unsure and uncertain;fear
i went home all alone from a restaurant it was dark;fear
i was feeling pretty overwhelmed and stressed out over the whole affair but a few minutes of straightforward logical there totally is a right answer algebra combined with overhearing some trigonometry another tutor and tutee were working on at the library calmed me right down;surprise
i hate feeling this hopeless but i just need this depression and anxiety to go away;sadness