class label
2 classes
Sentence 12: The firemen arrived after the. police, because, they were) coining :trons so, far away: Sentence 21 The firemen. were coming trom so far away.
Sentence 1: The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence. Sentence 2: The demonstrators feared violence.
2 Sentence 1; The ! Wash » So th Politicians far away in ington could not know the settlers ey must make rules to regulate them, Sentence 2: They must make rules to regular the settlers,
mtence I: Jim signaled the barman and festured toward his empty glass. mtence 2: Jim signaled the barman nd gestured toward mpty glass.
Sentence 1: Tom sotd\ pee? ta. Rabphtoas he moved his bishop.
Sentence L Mark. as’ ‘eae
Sentence 1: The sack of potatoes had been placed below the bag of flour, so it had to be moved first Sentence 2: The bag of flour had to be moved first
‘Sentence 1: Paul tried to call George on the phone, but he wasn’t successful. ae ‘Sentence 2: Paul wasn't succes sful.
‘Sentence 1: Look! There is a shark. swimming right below. that. duck! It.had better get away to safety. fast! Sentence 2::The dick had better: get ‘away to safety fast! * . ae
Sentence 1;-As Ollie. carried’ Tommy: up’ the long.winding steps, his legs ached Senterice 2: Tommy's legs ached:
Sentence 1: Fred was sui te run the iiwaser, but he put it off, Because he wanted to woh TV. But the shew turned eut te be bering, se he changed his mind and turned it en. Sentence & He changed his mind and turned the Gmwamer
Sentence © Alice — tried to top ber from atthe party paving «us. to ‘why she was behaving’ so strangely: Sentence “2 Alce's was behaving so strangely frantically daughter chatting ‘wonder daughter
nterice: E There. ig:0 gop nthe wall (ou ‘cane see the: gorden behind: Sentencé.2: You ton, see the garden hrough’ the: wall :
Sentence. 1; The man couldn't lift his son because he was'so weak. Sentence 2:.The son was so weak.
Sentence 1: Susan kr car accident, Sentence 2: ew that Ann's sop because she told her about usan told her about it, Had been in q
Sentence t Grace Wes happy to trade mé her sweater for my jacket She thinks it tooks great her. Sentence 2 The sweater looks griggg oo her
Sentence 1:.6# one thing Mark was sure, Harry knew mutch less thanhe Sentence 2: Harry kriew much less than| Harry did.
Sentence 1: It is not easy to space buttonholes exactly the same distance apart, and it is very difficult to cut them precisely the right size. The tiniest slip of the scissors will make the hole too large, and even one thread uncut will leave it too small. Sentence 2: Even one thread uncut will leave one thread too small. *
Sentence 1: In the middle ofthe outdoor concert, the rain started falling, but i continued until 10. ‘Sentence 2: The concert continued until 10.
Sentence. 1: Emma‘s. mother had died long ago,and- her place had, béen taken by an excellent woman. -aS governess. Sentence 2: Emma's mother's plate. Had: been’ taken. by. an. excellent wonia.n as governess:
Sentence 1: Hf the con artist has succeeded In fooling Sam, he would have lost a lot of money. ‘Sentence 2: Sam would have lost a lot of money.
Sentence ne trophy doesn't fa ‘into .the brown SuRCase Dacice: i& #5 {00 Small Sentence 2: Tz trophy's too sat
Sentence 1: Archaéologsts have concluded that hisitans lived in Laputa 20,000 years ago. Trey hunted for deer on-theriver banks. Sentence 2: Archaeologists hunted far deer on the river banks.
Sentence 1: Mama came over and sat down beside Alice. Gently she stroked her hair and let the child. weep. 7 Sentence 2: Mama stroked her hair andi let the child weep.
Sentence. t:.Thé foxes. re getting in at night tnd attacking the’ chickens. shall have.(o guard them, Seiitence 2; I'shall havé to guard-The foxes,
his -bobk-iabroduced Shakespeare ‘ty wis major infliagricd Ons wting: _ Sentence 2° i was. Major: iiftacrice’ te, Byid's wffting. 2, ~ oe
Sentence 1: Mark told Pete’ many.lies -about himself,: which: Pete included in: his book. He. should: have.:been more skeptical. ; Sentence’ 2: Mark: should -have been more skeptical.
Sentence 1; The foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens. They have gotten very bold. Sentence 2; The foxes have gotten very bold.
Sentence 1: The woman held the girl against héer — Sentence 2; The’ womai n held the girt against the girl's chest, ”
» Sentence 1: Dan took the rear Seat while | Bill claimed the front because his “Dibs!"
Sentence 1: At the Loebner competition the judges couldn't figure out which respondents were the chatbots because they were so stupid. Sentence 2: The judges were o stupid.
Sentence 1: Alice wa8 dusting thé living’ room :and trying to find the’button thet Mame had hidden. No time today to look at old pictures in her, favorite photo album. Today stie-tiad to hunt for button, so she put the album of a.chair without even opening it. Sentence 2:No time today to look at old pictures in Alice's favorite photo album.
2 Sentence 1: | Dan had to aw Bill from toying with the | injured bird. He is very Sentence 2: Bill is yw ny crud, —__
Always before, Larry had helped Dad with his work. But he could not help him now, for Dad said that his boss at the railroad company would not want anyone but him to work in the office. Sentence 2: Larry's boss at the allroad company would not want anyone but him to.work in the office.
Sentence J: Lily sake to Donna, breakirig her silence. entence 2: Lily spoke to Donna, breaking Doina’s silence.
Sentence .t By rolling over: inher upper. berth, Tatyana could Jook over the edge of it and see her mother. plainly. How: very: small and straight and, tigid ‘she-lay iti the bunk: below! Her: eyes were cose, but Tatjana bed Mt she icon i Sentence 2 tow very smal svaght ‘and rigid: Tatyana lay in the bunk below! .
Sentence 1: Mark was close to Mr. Singer's heels. He heard him calling for the captain, promising him, in the jargon everyone talked that night, that not one thing should be damaged on the ship except only the ammunition, but the captain and all his crew had best stay in the cabin until the work was over. Sentence 2: He heard Mark calling for the captain.
‘Sentence 1: Joe hes sold his house and bought a new one ‘2 few miles away. He will be moving out of it on Thursday. Sentence 2: He will be moving out of The new house on Thursday,
Sentence 1: Sam Goodman's biography of the Spartan general Xenophanes conveys a vivid sense of the difficulties he faced in his research. Sentence 2: Sam Goodman's biography of the Spartan general Xenophanes conveys a vivid sense of the difficulties Goodman faced in his research.
sence 1:Ste low. Fred's rome i-eretyting. He inuences, him hugehe = *» Sentence 2:Stve inane ini ajay.
Sentence 1: Pete envies Martin although he is very successful. Sentence 2: Martin is very successful.
Seniénice fn the wide ofthe outdoor concert, thé rin started falling, and it contingedimtil. 10° *Sentencé2:fhe can continaed vii 40,
Sentence 1: The donkey wished a wart on its hind leg would disappear, and it did. Sentence 2: The donkey wished a wart on its hind leg would disappear, and donkey did.
Sentence 4: The delivery’ truck zoomed by the’ school bus because it was going so fast. Seritence 2; The delivery truck was going'so fast.
Sentence : The firemen arrived alter the police hecause they were coming from so far away. ' Sentence 2 The police werr coming from so far away,
Sentence 1: This morning, Joey oe a sand castle on the beach, and put a toy flag in the highest tower, but this afternoon the tide knocked it down. Sentence 2: This afternoon the tide knocked The flag down.
Sentence 1: Anne gave birth to a daughter last month. She is a very charming baby. Sentence 2: Anne is a very charming baby.
Sentence % Lamy, a timid teen-ager, lives with his widowed mother in a Brocklyn housing project. Larry's father, a gang leader, was shot tc death; his father's disciple, Antonio, takes Lary under his wing, and quickly molds him inte @ drug runner. Sentence 2: His father's disciple, Antonio, takes Larry under his wing, and quickly molds Antonio inte a drug runner.
Sentence’ 1: Sid: explained his theory to’ Mark but he couldn't ‘convince him. Sentence. 2 Sid. couldn't convince him.
Sentence 1: ‘The jouritalists initerviewed the stars of the new movie, ‘They were very éboperative, so the interview, lasted for a long time. Sentenice:2: The journalists were very cooperative, se.the interview lasted for aiong time,
‘Séntehce-+: We had Hopedte place copies ‘of our sewsletter’ of all the chairs: in the auditorium, bit - there were simply too many of them. Sentence &: There were simply too mainy céples of the newsletter: ”
‘Sentence 1;:Bill passed. thie Yainehoy to Joha beeainse-bis teh was,
Sentence t Hame come over and sat down beside Alice Gently she stroned her hair and let the child weep Sentence 2 Alice stroned her hair end let the child weep
Sentence 1: Thomson ‘visited Cooper's Wrave in 1765. At that date he had been ravelling for five years, Sentence. 2 Thomson \-had *. been ravelling for five ‘years.
pattence he dog chased the cat, which ran It waited at the bottom. Bentence 2: The cat waited at the jpottom. up a
Sentente 1: Since Chester was: deperident “on..Uncle Mernon, he couldi't. véry.-well, marry ‘without “his ‘approval: pan Sentence. 2:-Hé ‘couldn't veiy"“well: marry without Chester's approval
sentence 1: The police arrested all of the igang members. They were trying to stop the drug trade in the neighborhood. Sentence 2: fhe gang members were trying to stop the drug trade in the neighborhood.
“Sentence: This iiisie introduce ‘Shakespeare 18 Ovid it ws a fie selection bf his inniting: Sentence, 2. Twas: a:fine! Selection: of “ovis “writing ae :
entence 1: The scientists are studying ithrée.species of fish that-have recently beer found living if the Indian Océan: hey appeared two years ago, » ~ entence: 2;.The. scientists appeared two years:ago.
Sentence 1: The man lifted the boy onto his shoulders. Sentence 2: The man lifted the boy onto the boy's shoulders.
Sentence 1: Dr. Adams informed Kate that she had retired and presented several options for future treatment. Sentence 2: Dr. Adams had retired and presented several options for future treatment.
Sentence 1: Anna did a lot better than her good friend Lucy on the test because she had studied so hard. Sentence 2: Anna had studied so hard.
mntence 1: During a game of tax, Ethari ran from Luke becausé he was it", mntence 2: Like was "it
Senterice t:there isa pillar betiinn me -and.the stage, and can't seeit: Sentence 2:1 can't see around the. pillar: :
Sentence 1: Tatyana managed two guitars and a bag, and still could point out the Freemans: "Isn't it nice that they have come, Maral" Sentence 2: Isn't it nice that the Freemans have come, Mama!"
Sentence 1: Fred and Alice had very warm down coats, but they were not prepared for the cold in Alaska. Sentence 2: coats were not prepared for the cold in Alaska.
Sentence 1: Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help she had given. Sentence 2: Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help Joan had given.
Sentence & I used an old rag to clean the knife, and then ‘T put it in the drawer ‘Sentence 2 I put the knife in the drawer.
‘Sentence “{: As. Andrea’ inthe crop duster passed over Susan, she could see the landing _ strip. : j , Sentenée’ 2° Susan Ps ¥. the “landing strip:, ae
up a chair to the piano, but ind instead. n, so he had to sentence 1: Sam pulled t was broken, so he had to sta sentence 2: The piano was broke stand instead.
‘Sentence’ 1: the" smiddte of the. outioox’- ‘content; |: the: rain’ / started fallivids but. it ‘cont intied-untal 20 Sentence 2: / ‘The | vain. continued’ antil- 16. : S
‘Seittence 1: Frank felt crushed when his longtime rival Bill-revealed that he was the. winner of-the competition. Sentence 2: Bill was the winner of the competition.
Senter EOving gue of to, Ean. chad Lube
Sentence 1: In July, Kamtchatka declared war on Yakutsk. Since Yakutsk's army was much better equipped and ten times larger, they were victorious within weeks. Sentence 2: Yakutsk was victorious within weeks.
Sentence 1: My meeting started at 4:00 and I needed to, catch the train, at 4:30, so there. wasn't much time. Luckily,. it was delayed, so it worked out. Sentence 2: The meeting. ..was delayed, so it worked out.
‘ * li Steve follows Pred , He admires him huge | Semtence 2 Fred admires him b . ample in
sniance t-te delivery ruck zoomed. by the school “bus ecaijse it was goings fast tance 2: Tg schoo] bus was goin $2 FS
Sentence’ The trophy doesnt fitinta the brown siitcase becatise its too large Sentence'2: The trophy is too large.
Sentence : Dan took the rear seat while Bill claimed the front because his "Dibs!” was quicker. Sentence 2:Dan took the rear seat while Bill claimed the front because Dan's "Dibs! was quicker.
Sentence i John hired .Bill, to take care of him. Sentence 2: John hired .Bill, to take care of Dill.
Sentence 4 Fred watched TV while George went out to buy groceries After an hour he got back. Sentence 2: George got back.
| Sentence “4: "Bob. paid: for Charlie's college ‘education, but now Charlie acts’ as though it never happened. He is very hurt; Sentence 2: Charlié is véry birt
Sentence I: The storekeepers {2 town to rum theis ‘Sores and lived inthe Poot beblet nee he
raining, carried the newspaper \! |
Sentence I: Fred is the only man alive who still remembers my Father as an infant. When Fred! first saw my Father, he was twelve months old. Sentence 2: When Fred First saw my father, Fred was twelve months olcl.
‘Sentence 1: Janes asked Robert for a favor but he as refused. Sentence 2: Jones was refused.
Sentence 1 Sentence 2
Sentence 1: | took the water bottle out of the backpack so that it would be lighter. Sentence 2: | took the water bottle out of the backpack so that the backpack would be lighter.
‘Bentence 1: 1 sav Jinn yelling’ at’ sonic’ guy'in a “military inform. with. ‘a hinge: ted. Beard. don't. iow why ‘he was, bit he. lookéd. very tauhappy. 90% “Sentence 2:°F don't kiow why ‘im, was, puit: he ldoked :very’ unhappy:
2 Sentence I: Even before they reached town, they could hea ) Sound like corn Popping. Dora asked what it was, ond Dac Said it was firecrackers Sentence 2: Dora sked what the sound was,
Sentence 1: Jane knocked on Susan's door, but there was no answer. She was disappointed. Sentence 2: Jane was disappointed.
‘Sentence 4:1 stuck a pin through a carrot. When I pulled the Pin out, ifloFt.a hole. ‘Sentence 2:The pin lof ta hole.
Sentence’: Billy cried becdusé Toby wouldn't. share his toy. Sentence 2: Rillytried because Toby’ wouldn't share ‘Toby's toy.
Sentence 1: Papa looked down at the children's faces, so puzzled and sad now. It was bad enough that they had to be denied so many things because he couldn't afford them. Sentence 2: it was bad enough that the children had to be denied so many things because he couldn't afford them.
Sentence 1: Susan knew that Ann's som had been in a | Sentenctjent, because she told her about it sentence 2: Ann told her about it
Semenceel gree derer recite eyés- with his hands, because’ the :wind -was’ blowing sand around: He: lowered ‘themwhen, the ‘wind stopped. Sentence, 2: He ‘lowered is gen ‘when the wind stopped.
Sefitencé 1, Sentence2:
Sentence 1: The path to the lake was blocked, so we couldn't reach it. Sentence 2: We couldn't reach the path.