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HELP WITH ALGEBRA!! posted by Margie . 6. What happens to the graph of the line y = 3x -2 when the equation is changed to y = 3x +6? Look at the general equation for a straight line. It is y = mx + b where m is the slope and b is the y intercept. Therefore, the line crosses the y axis at -2 in the first equation and crosses the y axis at +6 on the other. The two lines will be parallel since they have the same slope. Oh ok well thanx what about this one: 7. What happens to the graph of the line y = 2x - 5 when the equation is changed to y = 5x + 6? Use the same logic. I shall be happy to critque your thoughts. Yes, the slope will be steeper AND it will crose the y axis at different places. Obviously, the two lines will not be parallel because the slopes are not the same. I hope this helps. would it make the slope steeper?That's what I think! find the factors
The following images to be used for education purposes only and are intended only to stimulate student thought. In Part 2 on Page 146 You are asked to: Insert in cell C6 a formula that calcualtes the future value of an investment. TIP: Here is that formula for cell C6: =FV($C$5,B6,-$D$3) You will printing two documents for this assignment. 1. With a contribution of $2000 2. With a contribution of $3000 PRINT: Scale […] Use Microsoft word to create a table to submit the answers to the questions below. Use search engines: Google, Yahoo, Ask, and one more of your choice to find your answers. Each search engine must be used at least twice. After you have found the answer to each question provide your answer in a complete sentence, […] 1. What 3 things does an economic system decide for society? 2. What is the characteristic of a β€œHands-On” economy? 3. What makes Socialism different from Communism? 4. Name a β€œHands Off” system? 5. Whose β€œhands” are we referring to? 6. What is Laissez Faire? 7. Explain β€œProfits”. 8. What happens to price when there […] Introduction to Photography Photography Research: GENRES **Save this document as YOURLASTNAME GENERES β€œB*” * = Your Block/Period Number 1. Choose at least 15 different photography types that appeal to you. 2. Use Google to find at least 10 examples of each type. 3. Create a label for each one (Ex. Sunrise Photography) before placing them […]
math relates to just about every sport. in Basketball they use geometry to find the angles of the shot . also on a pass downcourt they have to figure where the player will be when the ball reaches Horse Jockeys relate to math and science! Horse Jockeys relate to math and science! Math and fashion design relate because in fashion design you make measure ments and that relates to math. how math is used in photgraphy It relates to math because it has to do with numbers. Yes! Math helps develop your concentration skills and in basketball, you need them. how is basketball involded with tech events in track and field are measured by time or distance which all relate to numbers which is math. it needs math to do rhythms and scales If you don't do your math homework, you will have to makeup answers to the math test questions. How is there maths in a guitar you need to give medications and that requires math. Math can relate to Nursing in ways of computing the weight of the patient and giving the right dosages. and all sorta things. :) I think it is to help life and math better to the students who are learning it how is basketball related to math? In basketball the math used is physics simply.
Rudiments of Plane Affine Geometry: Mathematical Expositions No. 20 Published: December 1975Β© 1975 126 Pages, 6.00 x 9.00 in Ebook - PDF In recent decades research into the foundations of geometry has completely transformed the field and created a need for new methods of presenting geometry at the university level. Rudiments of Plane Affine Geometry develops rigorously and clearly one geometric theory accessible to the reader with no previous experience. It reflects the spirit and displays some of the basic ideas of modern geometric axiomatics. The volume is intended for undergraduates with a modest knowledge of algebra and linear algebra and provides a sound introduction to deductive geometry. (Mathematical Expositions No. 20)
Complete this exercise set. Solve the problem, and select your answer from the choices given on the right side of the page. Select "Check Answer" to see if you got the answer correct or incorrect. If you get the answer incorrect, it will prompt you to try again. Once you get the answer correct, you can click on "Correct! Next Question" to move on to the next problem.
A. The parallelogram must have been rotated by 90Β°. B. The parallelogram must have been rotated by 180Β°. C. The parallelogram must have been rotated by 360Β°. D. The parallelogram could have been rotated by any number of degrees. 4.Suppose you have triangle ABC and triangle DEF, and they are similar, with a scale factor of 0.5. If the angle measures of ABC are 80Β°, 80Β°, 20Β°, what are the measures of the angles in DEF? A. 40Β°, 40Β°, and 10Β° B. 40Β°, 40Β°, and 100Β° C. 80Β°, 80Β°, and 20Β° D. Cannot be determined. Recently Asked Questions - QUESTION FOUR (a) Mr. Maji Mengi knows very little about double taxation agreements. He is a consultant, who works in many countries and in many cases, he has - Here is the topic for 8pgs APA essay. 1) Write a paper alternative aproaches that be used by Keynsian theorists and 2) monetary theorists to long-run - Wanda has recently returned from California University after studying for a PhD. For three years. While in the USA she operated a large business and saved a
- Full text PDF available (8) We discuss and review recent developments in the area of applied algebraic topology, such as persistent homology and barcodes. In particular, we discuss how these are related to understanding more about manifold learning from random point cloud data, the algebraic structure of simplicial complexes determined by random vertices, and, in most detail, the… (More) A key requirement facing organisms acting in uncertain dynamic environments is the real-time estimation and prediction of environmental states, based on which effective actions can be selected. While it is becoming evident that organisms employ exact or approximate Bayesian statistical calculations for these purposes, it is far less clear how these putative… (More) It is becoming increasingly evident that organisms acting in uncertain dynamical environments often employ exact or approximate Bayesian statistical calculations in order to continuously estimate the environmental state, integrate information from multiple sensory modalities, form predictions and choose actions. What is less clear is how these putative… (More) We study the homology of simplicial complexes built via deter-ministic rules from a random set of vertices. In particular, we show that, depending on the randomness that generates the vertices, the homology of these complexes can either become trivial as the number n of vertices grows, or can contain more and more complex structures. The different… (More) Acknowledgement First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor, Professor Robert Adler, for his amazing dedication in guiding and inspiring me through my PhD, while showing full confidence in me and letting me build my academic independence; for always encouraging, opening every possible door for me, and giving me much more… (More) As mentioned in the paper, the full derivation of the filtering equation (2.4) is presented in . The derivation in is more general than the context of the paper, and uses very sophisticated mathematical tools. In this appendix we present a simplified outline of this derivation. We are aware that in our particular case of interest, the same results… (More) Lior Aronshtam and Nathan Linial. The threshold for d-collapsibility in random complexes*.ishing of top homology in random simplicial complexes. Omer Bobrowski and Matthew Kahle. Topology of random geometric complexes: a survey. Omer Bobrowski and Sayan Mukherjee. The topology of probability distributions on manifolds.
A police car is chasing a speeding Porsche 911. Assume that the Porsche’s maximum speed is and the police car’s is . At the moment both cars reach their maximum speed, what frequency will the Porsche driver hear if the frequency of the police car’s siren is ? Take the speed of sound in air to be . The frequency heard by the Porsche driver is Use the concept of the Doppler effect of sound. We can set the sign according to the rule. The detector is the Porsche’s driver and the source is the siren of the police car. If the detector moves away, then use the sign in the numerator to get a shift down which means the frequency would decrease. If the source moves towards the detector, use the minus sign in the denominator to get a shift up which means the frequency would increase. The frequency received by the observer or the source according to Doppler’s Effect, (observer moving away from source and source moving towards observer) (i) As, the driver is moving away from the police car and the police car is approaching the driver, the frequency of the wave heard by the driver is given using the equation (i) as: Hence, the frequency of the sound wave heard by the driver is Question: Two spectators at a soccer game see, and a moment later hear, the ball being kicked on the playing field. The time delay for spectator A is, 0.23 s and the spectator B it is 0.12s. Sight lines from the spectators to the player kicking the ball meet at an angle of. How far are (a) spectator and (b) spectator from the player? (c) How far are the spectators from each other? 94% of StudySmarter users get better grades.Sign up for free
Originally Posted by undefined I believe this is right; however, S -> ()S is unnecessary since you can always do S => SS => (S)S => ()S using just the other rules. So we have S -> xS | yS | (S) | SS | E Actually, we can get even simpler. S -> x | y | (S) | SS | E Follow Math Help Forum on Facebook and Google+ Thank you very much View Tag Cloud
Developing Careful Reading of Difficult Texts The second assignment we read in my intro course, after having read Descartes's Meditation I, is a commentary raising the question whether Descartes's arguments that various of his beliefs are doubtful are "self-refuting." The commentator's answer is that some of them may be, but the most crucial one, involving the thought that one may, for all we know, be in the power of a malicious and powerful demon who devotes all his power to deceiving people, is not. "Self-refuting" is a technical term, which the author formally defines (without, however, putting it in a box in the margin surrounded by flashing lights). The definition is that a self-refuting argument is one such that, if the conclusion is true, one of the premises can't be known. An example would be any argument with the conclusion "Nothing can be known." Understanding the whole assignment crucially depends on understanding this notion. At the beginning of class I ask them to write down (without looking) what a self-refuting argument is and I collect the answers (unidentified). I ask them how many think they got it right. Usually about 16 or 18 of 25 will say yes. Then I read them the answer and ask them how many still think they got it right. The number usually drops to, say 10 or 12. Then I take them home and read them and tell them at the next class how many did get it right. The number is usually around 2 or 3. (I do not necessarily expect a memorized repetition of the formula, but one can't express the essential idea without mobilizing and minimally understanding some distinction in the neighborhood of premise/conclusion and some distinction in the neighborhood of true/known.) I discuss common mistakes people have made and invite each student to find his or her own written answer and come to talk to me about it, which a few usually do. The message is one about careful reading and, especially, careful reading of argumentative prose where the author is using words precisely (e.g., philosophical prose). The results are usually sobering. I do something like this a couple of more times during the term. The results don't generally improve much, if at all, which is even more sobering. But some, I think, at least realize that in situations like this they have understood the reading not at all, and perhaps recognize at least one crucial thing what they would have to do to understand it. If you have any more questions, or would just like to talk this idea over, feel free to email email@example.com or call at x4222.
So I've been doing some math because I have seen some bad math here. To calculate the voting power of any individual electoral vote, it's a bit more complicated than the Population (P) divided by the total electoral votes (E). This is because each state gets 2 electoral votes automatically. All remaining votes are given to match the number of House of Representatives allocated to that state. So, it's incorrect to say the electoral vote is equal to P/E because 2 of those votes represent the entire population of the state. It is better to say that when someone votes for the president, their votes are used to determine 3 votes, not one. So if we have a unit called Representative Power (R) of a single Electoral vote for a given state, then our formula becomes: R = (((P/(E-2) + (2P))/(E-2))) Thus given the numbers set by @LeeDanielCrocker, let's first see what R of Califorinia would be: Let P = 39,250,00 and E = 55 Thus our equation comes to: R(CA) = (((39,250,00/53) + 2(39,250,000))/53) R(CA) = ((740,566 + 78,500,000)/53) R(CA) = 79,240,566/53 R(CA) = 1,495,105 So, with that in mind, we can now calculate Wyoming using the same numbers: Let P = 585,000 and E = 3 R(WY) = (((585,000/(3-2)) + 2(585,000))/(3-2)) R(WY) = 585,000 + 1,1700,00 R(WY) = 1,755,000 So the R(WY) is definitely greater than the R(CA). In fact, one California electoral vote equals 82% of one Wyoming vote. But this is on a one to one voting weight only. No matter how you slice this though, 3 votes at 100% power is still less than 55 votes that represent 82%. So there is the math behind the idea of the smaller the total electoral votes the more powerful your vote becomes. This would be true of the force behind a Congressional seat as well. This is a result of what is called the Great Compromise. As a Representative Democracy, figuring out how citizens would be represented in Congress needed to be a balancing act. If each state got an equal number of votes, small states could impose their will on large states because their vote is equal to the hundreds of thousands, while the larger state's vote is in the 10s of millions. Conversely, if they were given out by population, then the large states would be more powerful than the small states, because their vote is worth the same, but they have 55 times more votes than the smallest ones. The balance here was to allocate 2 votes to every state and additional vote for each division of population. This makes it that small states have more powerful votes but large states have more numerous votes. To understand the electoral college's design, think of each state as an individual country and the Federal Government as a big treaty organization between all of the member states. The leader of this organization would in effect be the leader of all the states. So it was necessary to pick the leader that showed he had the best interests of the individual states in mind. Hollywood actors and Oklahoma corn farmers have very little in common and very different needs from government. Each state does have its own interests to look out for. Since each state is entitled to pick its representation in the way it sees fit, provided that it is a Republic (read representative democracy which was how the framers understood it), then the balance is that each state is afforded a share of votes equal to their congressional delegations (2 + the House Delegation). They are free to distribute them however they see fit (mostly winner take all; two states delegate the districts to the winner in that district and the remaining two to the overall state winner, and South Caroline historically voted on the full delegation in the legislature; and a number require by law that electors vote for the candidate the state chose). However, the states are only given so many votes in accordance with their congressional power. The most balanced option is to distribute like Maine and Nebraska (congressional districts determine all but 2 of the electoral vote, and the 2 remaining are given to the winner). This would get us closer to the popular vote but we would still run into an occasional popular/electoral split. Now, before you say this is undemocratic, consider this: Switzerland is the world's only Direct Democracy and is, with notable exceptions, modeled after the United States Federal System. Switzerland does give its people the right to directly write and repeal their laws and even amend their constitution (with exception to citizens rights, which cannot be repealed from the constitution). In order to pass in this method, the law must pass with Double Majority. This means that popular vote alone does not get the job done, the law must achieve popular support in a majority of the Cantons (basically the same thing as States) in order to pass. A popular/Canton split means the law is not valid. This check is intended to avoid the tyranny of the majority like the electoral college was in the United States. Double Majority is a little hard to do in the United States Presidential elections because there is no proposal as to what would happen if a Double Majority is not achieved on a leadership position. Swiss got around this by making an Executive council of seven co-equal executive members, with each one rotating into the Council President and Vice President, who would be the de facto leader in a diplomatic settings. This committee is appointed by the legislature, not election of the people, so even in one of the most Democratic nations in the world, the people do not get to directly pick their top leadership by popular vote.
Several volatile organic compounds such as n-butanol, acetone, styrene, toluene, and DMDS are emanated from industrial sources that are unhealthy to humanistic well-being and may motive vomiting, irritability and upset the nervous and respiratory systems . VOCs imperil air aspect and inartificial environs by giving greenhouse consequences and cooperate in the generation of the stratospheric ozone layer . Also, Ketones Lee et al. successfully applied the biofiltration technology for the deterioration of some hydrophilic compounds such as liquors and, oxygen must also disband in the damp layer and spread to the biofilm . In a macro kinetic approach, it is assumed that mass relocates restraint can be ignored . A few results have shown that macro kinetics models fit well with the experimental elimination capacities (EC’s) , though there are several models and expressions available in the literature that corresponds to various phenomena and processes at biofilter. Eshraghi et al. studied the effect of operating temperature on the removal of n-butanol vapor in a biofilter. To the best of our knowledge, there is no rigorous analytical expression available to date for the steady-state concentration. As a result, in this work, we focus on obtaining a feeling for the steady-state concentration of n-butanol in the biofilm phase and gas phase. Further, the expression helps us to analyze the physical response related to the parameters in the biofilter model. 2. Mathematical Modeling of the Boundary Value Problem The modeling was developed by using the following assumption : Β· The biofilm is formed on the outside surface of the packing materials, and there is no reaction in the pores and the biofilm completely covers the surface of the packaging materials. Β· Compared to the size of solid particles, the biofilm is very thin; hence planar geometry is used. Β· n-butanol is the sole reactant that influences the biodegradation rate, and oxygen does not limit the reaction. Β· Arrhenius equation is used for the temperature dependence of the biodegradation rate constant. Β· The plug flow model is applied to the gas phase. Β· The air/biofilm interface concentration of n-butanol meets Henry's rule by assuming the same air/water partition coefficients. Β· There is no boundary layer at the air/biofilm interface. Thus, gas-phase resistance is assumed negligible. Β· The biofilm properties ( , and density) are constant all over the bed. Β· The temperature gradient inside the biofilm is negligible. 1) Mass Balance in the Biofilm Phase The steady-state mass balance equation for Michaelis-Menten kinetics in the biofilm may be written as follows : where S is the concentration of n-butanol, is the maximum of elimination capacity is the Michaelis-Menten constant, D is the diffusion coefficient, E is the activation energy, R is the ideal gas constant and T is the kelvin temperature. The boundary conditions Eshraghi et al. for the above equation at the air/biofilm interface are as follows: 2) Mass Balance in Gas Phase The concentration profile of n-butanol in the gas phase may be written as follows: where u is the superficial velocity of gas flow, is the biofilm specific area, C is the n-butanol concentration in the gas phase and D is diffusion coefficient. The corresponding boundary condition is 3) Dimensionless Mass Balance Equation in the Biofilm Phase The non-linear differential Equation (1) is made dimensionless form by defining the following dimensionless parameters: Using the above dimensionless variables, Equation (1) reduces to the following dimensionless form: The corresponding boundary conditions for the above Equation (7) can be expressed as 4) Dimensionless Mass Balance in the Gas Phase By defining the following dimensionless parameters, the differential Equation (4) is made dimensionless form: Using the variables, Equation (4) can be expressed in the dimensionless form as follows: The respective boundary condition for the above mentioned Equation (11) can be described as 3. Analytical Expression for the Concentrations for Values of Parameter Using HPM HPM couples the homotopy technology and perturbation. The primary deficiencies in applying perturbation methods are that a small parameter is needed in the equations. The HPM was further developed and improved and applied to nonlinear oscillators , nonlinear wave equations , boundary value problem , bifurcation problems , etc. Abukhaled and Khuri obtained a semi-analytical solution of nonlinear equations in amperometric enzymatic reactions. This method was based on constructing a Green’s function and employing a fixed point iterative scheme . In recent years, the application of the homotopy perturbation method in nonlinear problems has been developed by scientists and engineers . Most perturbation methods assume a small parameter exists, but most nonlinear problems have no small parameter at all. Unlike analytical perturbation methods, the HPM and HAM do not depend on a small parameter, which is difficult to find . Using the homotopy perturbation method (Appendix A), the concentration of n-butanol in the biofilm phase is obtained as follows: Solving Equation (11) using boundary condition (12) the concentrations of n-butanol in gas phase can be obtained as follows: 4. Analytical S Expression for the Concentrations Using Hyperbolic Function Method In order to use the new analytical method, the trail solution for Equation (7) is given below: where are constants. Using the boundary conditions (8) and (9), we get the constant Now Equation (15) reduces to where m is constant. This constant can be obtained as follows: Equation (7) can be rewritten as Substituting Equation (18) in Equation (7), we get the following result. When x = 0, the above results becomes Using Equation (20), the value of m becomes as follows:. The concentration of n-butanol can be obtained in the biofilm process by inserting Equation (21) in Equation (17), as follows: Hyperbolic function method is a special case of exponential function method . 5. Results and Discussion Equations (13) & (14) represent the simple and new analytical expressions of the concentration of n-butanol in biofilm-phase ( ) and in the gas-phase ( ) respectively. The concentration of n-butanol in the biofilm-phase and the gas-phase depends upon the parameters and . The variation in the dimensionless variable can be achieved by varying either the thickness ( ) or diffusivity of the biofilm (D). The parameter depends upon the initial concentration ( ) and half-saturation constant ( ). The experimental setup for the biofiltration of this organic compound is given in Figure 1. Figure 2 represents the concentration of n-butanol in the biofilm phase versus dimensionless height for different values of and . From Figure 2(a), it is inferred that the concentration of n-butanol increases when decreases for the fixed value of . Figure 2(b), represents the concentration of n-butanol in the biofilm-phase increases when increases for some fixed values of . Figure 3 exhibits the concentration of n-butanol in the gas phase for different values of and . From Figure 3(a), it is inferred that the concentration of n-butanol in the gas phase increases when decreases From Figure 3(b), it is observed the concentration of n-butanol in the gas phase increases when increases. From Figure 3(c), it is inferred that the concentration of n-butanol in the gas phase increases when A decreases for the fixed value of and . Figure 4 Figure 1. Schematic of the laboratory BF set up . Figure 2. (a) Effect of parameter on the concentration of n-butanol in the biofilm phase using Equation (13); (b) Effect of parameter on the concentration of n-butanol in the biofilm phase using Equation (13). Figure 3. Comparison of concentration n-butanol in the gas phase with simulation results, when (a) for various values of the parameter ; (b) for various values of the parameter and (c) for various values of the parameter A. The key to the graph: Solid lines represented the numerical simulation and dotted lines represent Equation (14). Figure 4. Comparison of concentration of n-butanol Equation (14) with experimental result for the parameters & . represents n-butanol concentration for different values of and compared with analytical method numerical simulation and experimental results (Eshraghi et al. 2016). 6. Differential Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters The sensitivity analysis of the parameter is given in Figure 5 & Figure 6. From the analysis it is inferred that the reaction and diffusion parameter have more impact in the concentration in the biofilm-phase. In contrast, the parameter A has more impact in the concentration in gas-phase. 7. Numerical Simulation In order to investigate the accuracy of the HPM solution with a finite number of terms, the nonlinear differential equation is solved numerically. To show the efficiency of the present method, the analytical expressions of the concentration of n-butanol in biofilm-phase and gas-phase are compared with simulation results in Tables 1-3 for the experimental values of parameters. A satisfactory agreement is Figure 5. Sensitivity analysis of parameters on concentration of n-butanol in the biofilm-phase. Figure 6. Sensitivity analysis of parameters on concentration of n-butanol in gas-phase. Table 1. Comparison of normalized non-steady-state concentration with simulation results when . Table 2. Comparison of normalized non-steady-state concentration with simulation results when and . Table 3. Comparison of normalized non-steady-state concentration with simulation results when and . noted. The detailed Matlab program for numerical simulation is provided in Appendix B and Appendix C. In this paper, the non-linear differential equations in the biofiltration have been solved analytically. Using the homotopy perturbation method and hyperbolic function method, an approximate and closed-form of analytical representation of the concentrations of n-butanol in the biofilm phase is provided. This solution of the concentrations of n-butanol in the biofilm phase and the gas phase is compared with the numerical simulation results. These new analytical results provide a good understanding of the system and the optimization of the parameters in the biofiltration model. This work was supported by consultancy project, Academy of Maritime Education and Training (AMET), Deemed to be University, Chennai. The Authors are also thankful to Shri J. Ramachandran, Chancellor, Col. Dr. G. Thiruvasagam, Vice-Chancellor, Academy of Maritime Education and Training (AMET), Deemed to be University, Chennai, for their constant encouragement. Supplementary Materials of the Manuscript Appendix A: Analytical Solution of Equation (1) in Gas Phase Using HPM The homotopy perturbation method is used to give the approximate solutions of the non-linear Equation (6). We construct the homotopy for Equation (1) as follows: The analytical solution of Equation (1) is Substituting Equation (A2) into Equation (A1) we get Comparing the coefficients of like powers of p in Equation (A3) we get The boundary conditions for Equation (A1) are as follows Solving Equation (A4) and using the boundary conditions Equation (A6) and (A7), we obtain the following results: By applying the boundary conditions, we get and Substitute & value in (A8) we get, Now Equation (A5) becomes The boundary conditions for the above equation are as follows: Solving Equation (A11) and using the boundary conditions Equations (A12) and (A13), we can get the following result: Considering the two terms, we get which is Equation (15) in text. Appendix B: Matlab Program for the Numerical Solution of Equation (1) m = 0; x = linspace(0,1); sol = pdepe(m,@pdex4pde,@pdex4ic,@pdex4bc,x,t); u1 = sol(:,:,1); function [c,f,s] = pdex4pde(x,t,u,DuDx) c = 1; f = 1.*DuDx; function u0 = pdex4ic(x) u0 = ; pl = [ul(1)-1]; ql = ; pr = [ur(1)-0]; qr = ; Appendix C: Matlab Program for the Numerical Solution of Equation (10) function [dx_dt]=Test Function(t,x) Munoz, R., Daugulis, A.J., Hernandez, M. and Quijano, G. (2012) Recent Advances in Two-Phase Partitioning Bioreactors for the Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds. Biotechnology Advances, 30, 1707-1720. Lee, C.L.S., Heber, A.J., Ni, J. and Huang, H. (2013) Biofiltration of a Mixture of Ethylene, Ammonia, N-Butanol, and Acetone Gases. Bioresource. Technology. 127, 366-377. Delhomenie, M.C., Nikiema, J., Bibeau, L. and Heitz, M. (2008) A New Method to Determine the Microbial Kinetic Parameters in Biological Air Filters. Chemical Engineering Science, 63, 4126-4134. 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(2017) A Semi-Analytical Solution of Amperometric Enzymatic Reactions Based on Green’s Functions and Fixed Point Iterative Schemes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 792, 66-71. Abukhaled, M. (2017) Green’s Function Iterative Method for Solving a Class of Boundary Value Problems Arising in Heat Transfer. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 11, 229-234. Abukhaled, M. (2017) Green’s Function Iterative Approach for Solving Strongly Nonlinear Oscillators. The Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 12, Article ID: 051021. He, J.H. (2005) Homotopy-Perturbation Method for Bifurcation of Nonlinear Problems. International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 6, 207-208. Liao, S.J. (2009) Notes on the Homotopy Analysis Method: Some Definition and Theorems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 14, 983-997. He, J.H. (2019) A Simple Approach to One-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Equation and Its Fractional Modification for E Reaction Arising in Rotating Disk Electrodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 854, Article ID: 113565.
The Department of Mathematics and Methods of its Teaching headed by Volodymyr Korolskyi, Candidate of Technical Sciences, has been a vital and integral part of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University since its founding. The Department arranges training work at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics as majors and at other departments as minors. Annually the faculty welcomes school leavers and encourages them to apply for the area of expertise β€œMathematics”, as well as the following supplementary specialties: β€œComputer Science”. According to the staff division in the beginning of academic year 2018-2019 the Department has 1 Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, 8 Candidates of Sciences; 1 Professor, 3 Associate Professors. Academics of the Department of Mathematics and Methods of its Teaching carry out research work in accordance to the general plan of the Department. The system of preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff actively functions at the Department through postgraduate studies. The Bachelor’s degree program is designed to take four years to complete. The following courses are available at the faculty to obtain the Bachelor’s degree: β€œMathematical analysis”, β€œComplex analysis”, β€œFunctional analysis”, β€œFinancial Mathematics”, β€œCalculus”, β€œDifferential equations”, β€œThe basis of further Mathematics”, β€œMethodology for teaching mathematics”, β€œAnalytical geometry”, β€œDifferential geometry”, β€œMathematical Logic”, β€œLinear Algebra”, β€œAlgebra and Number Theory”, β€œElementary Mathematics”, β€œDiscrete Mathematics”, β€œMathematic and statistic”, β€œInformation and communication facilities for teaching mathematics”, β€œProbability theory and mathematical statistics”, β€œIntel Training for the Future Course” seminars and special courses on Mathematics. The Master’s degree requires completing an undergraduate degree. The faculty offers the following academic courses:, β€œMethodology for teaching Mathematics in the profile school”, β€œSelected geometry questions”, β€œHistory of development of mathematical education Higher Mathematics”, β€œMethods of mathematical statistics in scientific research”, etc. completion of these courses is awarded with the Master’s. The Department provides a solid foundation for sustainable scientific development. Faculty graduates become teachers of Mathematics and Computer Science. They are involved into scientific activities not only in Kryvyi Rih and Ukraine research establishments, but also in the leading foreign institutions abroad. The Department offers postgraduate studies in the following areas of expertise 13.00.02 – Theory and Methodology of Teaching the Mathematics. - Written by ΠšΠ°Ρ„Π΅Π΄Ρ€Π° ΠΌΠ°Ρ‚Π΅ΠΌΠ°Ρ‚ΠΈΠΊΠΈ Ρ‚Π° ΠΌΠ΅Ρ‚ΠΎΠ΄ΠΈΠΊΠΈ Ρ—Ρ— навчання - Hits: 193
Introduction to Differential Geometry and General Relativity by Stefan Waner Number of pages: 138 From the table of contents: distance, open sets, parametric surfaces and smooth functions, smooth manifolds and scalar fields, tangent vectors and the tangent space, contravariant and covariant vector fields, tensor fields, Riemannian manifolds, locally Minkowskian manifolds, covariant differentiation, geodesics and local inertial frames, the Riemann curvature tensor, comoving frames and proper time, the stress tensor and the relativistic stress-energy tensor, three basic premises of general relativity, the Einstein field equations and derivation of Newton's law, the Schwarzschild metric and event horizons, White Dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. Download or read it online for free here: by Benjamin Crowell - lightandmatter.com This is an undergraduate textbook on general relativity. It is well adapted for self-study, and answers are given in the back of the book for almost all the problems. The ratio of conceptual to mathematical problems is higher than in most books. by Christian Heinicke, Friedrich W. Hehl - arXiv Starting from Newton's gravitational theory, we give a general introduction into the spherically symmetric solution of Einstein's vacuum field equation, the Schwarzschild solution, and into one specific stationary solution, the Kerr solution. by Pankaj S. Joshi, Daniele Malafarina - arXiv The research of recent years has provided considerable clarity and insight on stellar collapse, black holes and the nature and structure of spacetime singularities. In this text, the authors discuss several of these developments here. by J.L. Jaramillo, E. Gourgoulhon - arXiv We present an introduction to mass and angular momentum in General Relativity. After briefly reviewing energy-momentum for matter fields, first in the flat Minkowski case (Special Relativity) and then in curved spacetimes with or without symmetries.
Suppose that you are interested in determining the effectiveness of an intensive supervision probation (ISP) program. To examine its effectiveness, you keep track of 12 offenders sentenced to ISP for one year and tabulate the number of new offenses they committed. You also gather two control groups. The first consists of 12 offenders sentenced to routine probation. The second consists of 12 offenders whose cases were dismissed. The following results describe the number of new offenses each offender in each group committed during your one-year follow-up: Using these data, answer the following questions: 1. Identify the independent and dependent variables. 2. With an alpha of 0.01, test the null hypothesis that the three population means are equal by doing the following: What are the null and alternative hypotheses? Show the calculation and explain how to construct the ANOVA table. Determine the appropriate test statistic and determine whether it is significant. 3. If appropriate, conduct a mean comparison for all pairs of means using Tukey?s HSD test. 4. Calculate the value of Eta-squared, and make a conclusion about the strength of the relationship. See attached file for full problem description.Β© BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com October 24, 2018, 8:46 pm ad1c9bdddf The solution gives the details of calculations of one-way ANOVA, eta, and Tukey HSD. Estimation and Analysis Variance home work Chapter 12 & 13 The following problems need to be worked and show work. If you report the output please, if not, just give solution to problems. OTA106049 4. A researcher has constructed an 80% confidence interval of ... a. What would happen to the width of the interval if the researcher had used a larger sample size? (Assume other factors are held constant.) b. What would happen to the width of the interval if the researcher had used 90% confidence instead of 80%? c. What would happen to the width of the interval if the sample variance increased? (Assume other factors are held constant.) (12). A developmental psychologist would like to determine how much fine motor skill improves for children from age 3 to age 4. A random sample of n=15 3 year old children and a second sample of n= 15 4 year old are obtained. Each child is give a manual dexterity test that measures fine motor skills. The average score for the older children was M= 40.6 with SS=430 and the average for the younger children was M=35.4 with SS=410. Using these data. (a). Make a point estimate of the population mean difference in fine motor skills. (b). Make an interval estimate so you are 95% confident that the real mean difference is in your interval. (c). Make an interval estimate so you are 99% confident that the real mean difference is in your interval. (d). Based on your answers from b and c, do these data indicate a significant change using a two-ailed test with a=.05? Os the difference significant with a=.01? (4). Explain why you should use ANOVA instead of several t tests to evaluate mean differences when an experiment consists of three or more treatment conditions. (10). The following data are from an experiment comparing three treatment conditions with a separate sample of n=4 in each treatment. (a). Use am ANOVA with a=.05 to determine whether there are any significant differences among the three treatments. (b). Compute n2 for these data... (14)A Researcher reports an F-Ratio with df=2,24 for an independent -measured research study. (a). How many treatment conditions were compared in the study (b). How many subjects participated in the entire study? (20). The following summary table presents the results from an ANOVA comparing three treatment conditions with n=12 participants in each condition. Complete all missing values... (Hint: Start with the df Colmn). (26). One possible explanation for why some birds migrate and others maintain year round residency in a single location is intelligence. Specifically, birds with small brains, relatively to their body size, are simply not smart enough to find food during the winter and must migrate to warmer climates where food is easily available (Sol, Lefebvre, & Rodriguex-Teijeriro, 2005). Birds with bigger brains, on the other hand, are more creative and can find food even when the weather turns harsh. Following are hypothetical data similar to relative brain size for the individual birds in each sample... (a). Use an ANOVA with a=.05 to determine whether there are any significant mean differences among the three groups of birds. (b). Compute n2 , the percentage of variance explained by the group differences, for these data. (c) Use the Tukey HSD posttest to determine which groups are significantly different.
Students practice factoring quadratics by finding the missing side lengths of rectangles that have a trinomial "area". Through factoring, students will determine the side lengths of various-sized rectangles. All trinomials a values are 1. This activity is a nice link back to geometry and works well to show students why we factor and what missing information we find when factoring. You may also like: Factoring Quadratics Pennant Quadratics Functions bundle
Tomas moves to some higher level F# constructs by explaining Type Providers. Tomas is just an excellent person. I really enjoyed picking his brain as he worked with Type Providers. There are four videos in this series if you would like to skip around: - Making the Case for using F# with Tomas Petricek - Domain Modeling in F# with Tomas Petricek - Type Providers in F# with Tomas Petricek - Deploying an F# Web Application with Suave Would love your comments!
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A circular needle is just a long, flexible DPN. You can use two of them instead of 4 or 5 DPNs and get a better result for fewer needle changes. Two circs in a longer length lets you work both mittens (or socks) at the same times which means no need to count rows because you work half a round on mitten A and then half a round on mitten B (from a second ball or from the other end of the same skein). Then you turn your work like for a DPN change and work the second half round of B then change back to the yarn for A and finish the second half of the round on A. It may sound confusing but it really isn't. I suppose you could get a second set of DPNs and cast on to both sets and just rest A while you to a round or two on B. Then it's just taking turns between two project that happen to be the same pattern and using the same yarn (two skeins/balls or two end from one skein or ball).
by J. S. Milne Number of pages: 172 An introduction to both the geometry and the arithmetic of abelian varieties. It includes a discussion of the theorems of Honda and Tate concerning abelian varieties over finite fields and the paper of Faltings in which he proves Mordell's Conjecture. Home page url Download or read it online for free here: by H. Maass - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Contents: Modular Group of Degree n; Symplectic group of degree n; Reduction Theory of Positive Definite Quadratic Forms; Fundamental Domain of the Modular Group of Degree n; Modular Forms of Degree n; Algebraic dependence of modular forms; etc. by Herbert Clemens, JΓ‘nos KollΓ‘r - Cambridge University Press The 1992/93 year at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute was devoted to Complex Algebraic Geometry. This volume collects articles that arose from this event, which took place at a time when algebraic geometry was undergoing a major change. by U. Bruzzo Introduction to algebraic geometry for students with an education in theoretical physics, to help them to master the basic algebraic geometric tools necessary for algebraically integrable systems and the geometry of quantum field and string theory. by D. Gieseker - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research These lecture notes are based on some lectures given in 1980. The object of the lectures was to construct a projective moduli space for stable curves of genus greater than or equal two using Mumford's geometric invariant theory.
Ways of Thinking: Make Connections During the class discussion, take notes about interesting statistical questions that other students present. As your classmates present, ask questions such as: - Will the question help us find out something about a typical sixth grade student? - Are the answers numerical? - Will the answers vary? - Is the wording of the question clear? Could respondents be confused or interpret it in different ways?
Presentation on theme: "T-tests, ANOVAs & Regression and their application to the statistical analysis of neuroimaging Carles Falcon & Suz Prejawa."β€” Presentation transcript: t-tests, ANOVAs & Regression and their application to the statistical analysis of neuroimaging Carles Falcon & Suz Prejawa OVERVIEW Basics, populations and samples T-tests ANOVA Beware! Summary Part 1 Part 2 Basics Hypotheses –H 0 = Null-hypothesis –H 1 = experimental/ research hypothesis Descriptive vs inferential statistics (Gaussian) distributions p-value & alpha-level (probability and significance) Activation in the left occipitotemporal regions, esp the visual word form area, is greatest for written words. Populations and samples Population z-tests and distributions Sample (of a population) t-tests and distributions NOTE: a sample can be 2 sets of scores, eg fMRI data from 2 conditions Comparison between Samples Are these groups different? Comparison between Conditions (fMRI) Reading aloud vs Picture naming Reading aloud (script) vsReading finger spelling (sign) right hemisphereLeft hemisphere lesion site % CI infer comp t-tests Compare the mean between 2 samples/ conditions if 2 samples are taken from the same population, then they should have fairly similar means if 2 means are statistically different, then the samples are likely to be drawn from 2 different populations, ie they really are different Exp. 1 Exp. 2 t-test in VWFA Exp. 1: activation patterns are similar, not significantly different they are similar tasks and recruit the VWFA in a similar way Exp. 2: activation patterns are very (and significantly) different reading aloud recruits the VWFA a lot more than naming Exp. 1 Exp. 2 Formula Reporting convention: t= , df= 9, p< Difference between the means divided by the pooled standard error of the mean Formula cont. Cond. 1Cond. 2 Types of t-tests Independent Samples Related Samples also called dependent means test Interval measures/ parametric Independent samples t-test* Paired samples t-test** Ordinal/ non- parametric Mann-Whitney U-Test Wilcoxon test * 2 experimental conditions and different participants were assigned to each condition ** 2 experimental conditions and the same participants took part in both conditions of the experiments Types of t-tests cont. 2-tailed tests vs one-tailed tests 2 sample t-tests vs 1 sample t-tests 2.5% 5% Mean A known value Comparison of more than 2 samples Tell me the difference between these groups… Thank God I have ANOVA ANOVA in VWFA (2x2) Is activation in VWFA for different for a) naming and reading and b) influenced by age and if so (a + b) how so? H 1 & H 0 H 2 & H 0 H 3 & H 0 reading causes significantly stronger activation in the VWFA but only in the older group so the VWFA is more strongly activated during reading but this seems to be affected by age (related to reading skill?) Naming Reading TASK NamingReading Aloud AGEYoung Old ANOVA ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA) –Still compares the differences in means between groups but it uses the variance of data to decide if means are different Terminology (factors and levels) F- statistic –Magnitude of the difference between the different conditions –p-value associated with F is probability that differences between groups could occur by chance if null-hypothesis is correct –need for post-hoc testing (ANOVA can tell you if there is an effect but not where) Reporting convention: F= 65.58, df= 4,45, p<.001 Types of ANOVAs Type2-way ANOVA for independent groups repeated measures ANOVAmixed ANOVA Participants Condition I Condition II Task IParticipan t group A Participant group B Task II Participan t group C Participant group D Condition I Condition II Task IParticipan t group A Task II Participan t group A Condition I Condition II Task IParticipan t group A Participant group B Task II Participan t group A Participant group B NOTE: You may have more than 2 levels in each condition/ task Between- subject design Within-subject design both BEWARE! Errors –Type I: false positives –Type II: false negatives Multiple comparison problem esp prominent in fMRI SUMMARY t-tests compare means between 2 samples and identify if they are significantly/ statistically different may compare two samples to each other OR one sample to a predefined value ANOVAs compare more than two samples, over various conditions (2x2, 2x3 or more) They investigate variances to establish if means are significantly different Common statistical problems (errors, multiple comparison problem) PART 2 Correlation - How much linear is the relationship of two variables? (descriptive) Regression - How good is a linear model to explain my data? (inferential) Correlation: -How much depend the value of one variable on the value of the other one? Y X Y X Y X high positive correlation poor negative correlation no correlation How to describe correlation (1): Covariance -The covariance is a statistic representing the degree to which 2 variables vary together (note that S x 2 = cov(x,x) ) cov(x,y) = mean of products of each point desviation from mean values Geometrical interpretation: mean of signed areas from rectangles defined by points and the mean value lines sign of covariance = sign of correlation Y X Y X Y X Positive correlation: cov > 0Negative correlation: cov < 0 No correlation. cov 0 How to describe correlation (2): Pearson correlation coefficient (r) -r is a kind of normalised (dimensionless) covariance -r takes values fom -1 (perfect negative correlation) to 1 (perfect positive correlation). r=0 means no correlation (S = st dev of sample) Pearson correlation coefficient (r) Problems: -It is sensitive to outlayers -r is an estimate from the sample, but does it represent the population parameter? Linear regression: - Regression: Prediction of one variable from knowledge of one or more other variables - How good is a linear model (y=ax+b) to explain the relationship of two variables? - If there is such a relationship, we can predict the value y for a given x. But, which error could we be doing? (25, 7.498) Preliminars: Lineal dependence between 2 variables Two variables are linearly dependent when the increase of one variable is proportional to the increase of the other one x y Samples: - Energy needed to boil water - Money needed to buy coffeepots The equation y= mx+n that connects both variables has two parameters: -m is the unitary increase/decerease of y (how much increases or decreases y when x increases one unity) - n the value of y when x is zero (usually zero) Samples:m= Energy needed to boil one liter of water, n=0 m = prize of one coffeepot, n= fixed tax/comission to add n m 1 0 Fiting data to a straight line (o viceversa): Here, Ε· = ax + b – Ε· : predicted value of y – a: slope of regression line – b: intercept Residual error (Ξ΅ i ): Difference between obtained and predicted values of y (i.e. y i - Ε· i ) Best fit line (values of b and a) is the one that minimises the sum of squared errors (SS error ) (y i - Ε· i ) 2 Ξ΅ iΞ΅ i Ξ΅ i = residual = y i, observed = Ε· i, predicted Ε· = ax + b Adjusting the straight line to data: Minimise (y i - Ε· i ) 2, which is (y i -ax i +b) 2 Minimum SS error is at the bottom of the curve where the gradient is zero – and this can found with calculus Take partial derivatives of (y i -ax i -b) 2 respect parametres a and b and solve for 0 as simultaneous equations, giving: This calculus can allways be done, whatever is the data!! How good is the model? We can calculate the regression line for any data, but how well does it fit the data? Total variance = predicted variance + error variance: S y 2 = S Ε· 2 + S er 2 Also, it can be shown that r 2 is the proportion of the variance in y that is explained by our regression model r 2 = S Ε· 2 / S y 2 Insert r 2 S y 2 into S y 2 = S Ε· 2 + S er 2 and rearrange to get: S er 2 = S y 2 (1 – r 2 ) From this we can see that the greater the correlation the smaller the error variance, so the better our prediction Is the model significant? i.e. do we get a significantly better prediction of y from our regression equation than by just predicting the mean? F-statistic: And it follows that: F (df Ε·,df er ) = sΕ·2sΕ·2 s er 2 r 2 (n - 2) 2 1 – r 2 =......= complicated rearranging t (n-2) = r (n - 2) 1 – r 2 So all we need to know are r and n !!! Generalization to multiple variables Multiple regression is used to determine the effect of a number of independent variables, x 1, x 2, x 3 etc., on a single dependent variable, y The different x variables are combined in a linear way and each has its own regression coefficient: y = x x 2 +…..+ n x n + Ξ΅ The a parameters reflect the independent contribution of each independent variable, x, to the value of the dependent variable, y i.e. the amount of variance in y that is accounted for by each x variable after all the other x variables have been accounted for Geometric view, 2 variables: Ε· = x x 2 x1x1 x2x2 y Ξ΅ Plane of regression: Plane nearest all the sample points distributed over a 3D space: y = x x 2 + Ξ΅ Multiple regression in SPM: y : voxel value x1, x2,… : parameters that are supposed to justify y variation (regressors) GLM: given a set of values yi, (voxel value at a determinated position for a sample of images) and a set of explanatories variables xi (group, factors, age, TIV, … for VBM or condition, movement parameters,…. for fMRI) find the (hiper)plane nearest all the points. The coeficients defining the plane are named 1, 2,…, n equation: y = x x 2 +…..+ n x n + Ξ΅ Matrix representation and results: Last remarks: - Correlated doesnt mean related. e.g, any two variables increasing or decreasing over time would show a nice correlation: C0 2 air concentration in Antartica and lodging rental cost in London. Beware in longitudinal studies!!! - Relationship between two variables doesnt mean causality (e.g leaves on the forest floor and hours of sun) - Cov(x,y)=0 doesnt mean x,y being independents (yes for linear relationship but it could be quadratic,…) Questions ? Please dont! REFERENCES Field, A. (2005). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (3rd ed). London: Sage Publications Ltd. Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (2nd ed). London: Sage Publications Ltd. Various stats websites (google yourself happy) Old MfD slides, esp 2008
Two boats set off from 𝑋 at the same time. They travel in straight lines such that boat A remains due north of boat B at all times, as shown in the figure. Boat B sails on a bearing 𝐾 degrees greater than boat A. Part a) Calculate the distance between points π‘Œ and 𝑍. Part b) Which of the following most accurately describes angle π‘Šπ‘π‘‰? The options are less than 𝐾 degrees, between 𝐾 degrees and two 𝐾 degrees, exactly 𝐾 degrees, or greater than two 𝐾 degrees. So we’ve been given a lot of information in this question. But actually all of it has been summarised for us in the diagram. The fact that boat B sails on a bearing 𝐾 degrees greater than the bearing boat A sails on just means that the angle between the two lines formed by each boat’s journey is 𝐾 degrees. That’s this angle here in the diagram. Let’s look at what we’ve been asked to do then. Part a says calculate the distance between points π‘Œ and 𝑍. That’s this distance here. And in order to work this out, we need to recognise that there are in fact two similar triangles in this diagram: triangle π‘‹π‘Œπ‘ and triangle π‘‹π‘‰π‘Š. Now let’s look at why these triangles are similar. This angle of 𝐾 degrees is common to both triangles. They both also have a right angle as one of their internal angles. The third angle in these two triangles will also be the same because we know that the sum of the angles in any triangle is 180 degrees. We found then that these two triangles have three angles in common. And therefore, they’re similar triangles. How does this help us with calculating the distance between points π‘Œ and 𝑍? Well, π‘Œπ‘ is a side on triangle π‘‹π‘Œπ‘. And in fact, it corresponds with side π‘‰π‘Š on the larger triangle. If we can work out the scale factor for these two similar triangles, we’ll be able to use the length π‘‰π‘Š in order to calculate the length of π‘Œπ‘. In order to find the scale factor, we need to know the lengths of a pair of corresponding sides on the two triangles. We see that, on the smaller triangle, the length of π‘‹π‘Œ is 90 miles. And if we add the lengths of π‘‹π‘Œ and π‘Œπ‘‰ together β€” that’s 90 plus 120 β€” we see that the length of 𝑋𝑉, which is the corresponding side on the larger triangle, is 210 miles. To find the scale factor, we can divide the length on the larger triangle by the corresponding length on the smaller triangle, giving 210 over 90. Now this scale factor can be simplified because both the numerator and denominator can be divided by 10, leaving us with 21 over nine. But then both of these numbers can be divided by three, leaving us with seven over three. This tells us then that lengths on the larger triangle are seven over three or two and one-third times as big as the corresponding lengths on the smaller triangle. Now if we’re going back the other way, so if we want to work out the length of a side on the smaller triangle, this means that we need to take the corresponding length on the larger triangle, which in our case is the length of π‘‰π‘Š. That’s seven miles. And because we’re going from larger to smaller, we need to divide by the scale factor we’ve calculated. So we have that π‘Œπ‘ will be equal to seven divided by seven over three. We then recall that, in order to divide by a fraction, we flip or invert that fraction and we multiply. So seven divided by seven over three is the same as seven multiplied by three over seven. We can think of the integer seven as seven over one if it helps. Before we multiply, we can actually cross-cancel. There’s a seven in the numerator of the first fraction and a seven in the denominator of the second. So we’re left with one multiplied by three, which is three, over one multiplied by one, which is one. And three over one is just equal to three. So this tells us that the length of π‘Œπ‘ is three miles. And we can see straight away that this makes sense. If we recalculate our scale factor using this pair of corresponding sides β€” so that’s π‘‰π‘Š over π‘Œπ‘ β€” we get seven over three, which is equal to the scale factor we’ve already calculated. So we’ve got our answer to part a then. The distance between π‘Œ and 𝑍 is three miles. And now let’s consider part b. Part b asked us which of the following most accurately describes angle π‘Šπ‘π‘‰. That’s the angle formed when we go from π‘Š to 𝑍 to 𝑉. That’s this angle here, the one marked with the pink question mark. We don’t want to know how big this angle is, just how big it is in relation to the angle of 𝐾 degrees. Well, let’s start by drawing in this line here, a line which is parallel to the line π‘Œπ‘‰. And so it meets the line π‘‰π‘Š at a right angle. This line divides angle π‘Šπ‘π‘‰ up into two parts, a part labelled with a green dot and a part labelled with an orange dot. So angle π‘Šπ‘π‘‰ will be the sum of these two angles. The angle marked with a green dot will actually be equal to 𝐾 degrees, because it is a corresponding angle with the angle of 𝐾 degrees in triangle π‘‹π‘Œπ‘. And we know that corresponding angles are equal. So we now know that angle π‘Šπ‘π‘‰ is equal to 𝐾 degrees plus some other angle, which means we can actually rule out two of the multiple choice options we were given straight away. Angle π‘Šπ‘π‘‰ can’t be less than 𝐾 degrees, and it also can’t be exactly 𝐾 degrees. Now we need to think about this angle marked with an orange dot. And to do so, we need to consider triangle 𝑍𝑉𝑍 prime. To help us visualise what we’re about to do, I’ve drawn this triangle out the other way up. So I’ve flipped it over. The line 𝑍𝑍 prime, which was originally the bottom of this triangle, is now at the top. We can actually work out some of the lengths in this triangle. The vertical side of this triangle will actually be equal to the side π‘Œπ‘, which we’ve already calculated, because they are two sides which are between the parallel lines π‘Œπ‘‰ and 𝑍𝑍 prime. So we know that the side 𝑍 prime 𝑉 is three miles long. We can also work out the length of the side 𝑍𝑍 prime because it will be the same as the side π‘Œπ‘‰. So the side 𝑍𝑍 prime is 120 miles long. Now we’re going to compare this triangle with triangle 𝑍𝑍 prime π‘Š. That’s the triangle now marked in orange in the original diagram. We already know that 𝑍𝑍 prime is 120 miles, and we can also work out the length of 𝑍 prime π‘Š. If the total length of π‘‰π‘Š is seven miles and the length of the top portion 𝑉𝑍 prime is three miles, then the length of 𝑍 prime π‘Š will be seven minus three. That’s four miles. Now if we compare these two triangles, we can see that they have the same base of 120 miles. But we see that the height of the triangle containing the orange angle is less than the height of the triangle containing the green angle, which we already know to be 𝐾 degrees. This tells us that the orange angle must be less than the green angle because the base of the triangles is the same but the height of the triangle with the orange angle is less. We already know that the green angle is 𝐾 degrees. We’ve shown that already. So we found that the orange angle must be less than 𝐾 degrees. That means, for angle π‘Šπ‘π‘‰, we’re adding 𝐾 degrees to something less than 𝐾 degrees, which means the answer will be less than two 𝐾 degrees. Angle π‘Šπ‘π‘‰ then will be between 𝐾 degrees and two 𝐾 degrees. So we tick the correct option. We’ve now completed the problem. In part a, we found that the distance between the points π‘Œ and 𝑍 was three miles. And in part b, we found that the angle π‘Šπ‘π‘‰ is most accurately described as being between 𝐾 degrees and two 𝐾 degrees.
[isabelle] Something about case rule > First of all , the type declaration: > ('a,'b) val= Var 'a | Const "'b"| Abs 'a "('a,'b) lt" > ('a,'b) lt= V "('a,'b) val" | App "('a,'b) lt" "('a,'b) lt" > I have declared a case rule > lemma ltnormalcase[case_names Var Const Abs App, cases type]: > assumes "!! x. P (V (Var x))" "!!b. P(V (Const b))" "!! x M. P (V (Abs x > "!! L M. P (L $ M)" shows "P N" > then how can I use it in the proof context? > I try it in this way (Isar reference Page 85 ,section 4.3.5) : > proof(cases "N" rule:ltnormalcase) > but Isar says: > *** Ill-typed instantiation: > *** N :: ('a, 'b) lt > *** At command "proof". > Any help?? thanks a lot I have not yet found out myself why, but if you write proof(induct "N" rule: ltnormalcase) then you should get what you expect. Hope this helps for the moment, This archive was generated by a fusion of Pipermail (Mailman edition) and
Thanx! Appreciate that! Realize that the block must have a certain amount of kinetic energy (at point B) to make it around the loop if there was no friction. (Hint: How fast must it be going at the very top to stay in contact with the track?) Then realize that the block uses up additional energy doing work against friction. (How much? Consider the definition of work.) I agree that it's to have sufficient enrgy to overcome resistance to continue the loop at its highest pt, but what has energy got to do with force? I only remember that force * displacement of force = energy. But in this case. the frictional force doesnt travel on a st line, making it hard to calculate the ans. I cant possibly take the diameter as the displacement right? Neither can I take the perimeter of half a circle as the displacement? I am seriously lost here. The second equation seems really hard to form, especially involving the circular motion. You just answered your own question. Work = Force x Displacement (parallel to the force). The problem tells you the average frictional force is F. So all you need is the distance the block travels in getting up to the top. (Yes... it's half the circumference. It's that simple.) Ohh... ... I see... but now that i have this value, where does the centripetal acceleration come to place? i dont seem to have any use for it in this question... You'll need to use centripetal acceleration to figure out the minimum speed the block must have to maintain contact with the track as it reaches the very top. (That minimum speed is not zero!) Apply Newton's 2nd law. Just one question that is bugging me though, is there a need for calculus in this question? No calculus is needed to solve this problem. i got it solved! appreciate that! Separate names with a comma.
How many moles of NaOH are contained in 30ml of its 0.15 M solution? = 0.15 / 1000 X 27 moles. = 0.004 Moles. How many moles of NaOH are present in 25ml of 0.015 m NaOH? How many moles are in 15 mL of NaOH? How many moles of NaOH would be present in 15.0 mL? 5.00 moles/L X 0.0150 L= 7.50 X10–2 moles of NaOH. How many moles of NaOH are there in 500 mL of a 2.0 M solution? 1 mol of NaOH . How many moles of NaOH are present in its 3m solution? To calculate the moles of solute, substitute the values of molarity and volume in the given formula. Therefore, the 0.03 moles of NaOH are present in 10.0 mL of a 3.00 M solution. Note: Make sure to convert the volume given in milliliter into liters as the molarity is calculated in terms of liters. How many moles of NaOH are present in 90g of NaOH? There are 2.25 moles of NaOH in 90g of NaOH. What volume of 0.15 m NaOH will contain 0.184 g NaOH? ∴ Volume of solution =(0.184g)(0.15mol L-1)Γ—(40g mol-1)=0.0307L=30.7mL. How many moles are in 20 ml of NaOH? You are given 1 Molar NaOH. This is in moles per liter. However, if you consider the density approach, 1M of NaOH has a density of 1.04 g/ml so 20 ml is 20 x 1.04 g = 20.8 g/40 g/mol (MW of NaOH) that is going to yield 520 mmol of NaOH in 20 mll of 1 M NaOH. How do you make a 15% NaOH solution? 15 grams of sodium hydroxide is present in 100 grams of solution. So, to make 50 g of 15%(w/w) sodium hydroxide solution, 47.2 mL of water is needed under experimental conditions. How many moles are in NaOH? First, the molar mass of NaOH is 39.997 g/mol. Divide the mass by the molar mass and you’ll have the equation: 60 g / 39.997 g/mol. The grams cancel and you are left with 1.50 moles of NaOH. How many grams of NaOH are present in 250 mL of NaOH solution? So 250mL of a 0.5m solution is 5.0g of NaOH. How many grams of NaOH are there in 500 mL of a 0.125 M NaOH solution? The mass of NaOH needed to prepare 500 mL of 0.125 M NaOH is 2.5 g. How do you prepare 500.00 mL of a 0.1 m NaOH solution from NaOH s )? Dissolve 20 gms of NaOH in 500 ml of water to prepare 500 ml 1N NaOH soln.
Physics - drwls? posted by winterWX . A 2000 kg truck traveling north at 38 km/hr turns east and accelerates to 55 km/hr. What is the change in the truck's kinetic energy? What is the magnitude of the change in the linear momentum of the truck? What is the direction of the change in linear momentum of the truck? (give an angle, measured from east) Convert the speeds to m/s and use (1/2) MV^2 for the kinetic energy. Momentum is MV, but is a vector so you must account for direction changes when calculating momentum change. You need to learn the basic concepts and try applying them yourself. We will be happy to check your work. I'm trying to do a similar problem for: 'What is the magnitude of the change in the linear momentum of the truck?' Can you calculate it by just subtracting the initial momentum from the final momentum? ie Change in momentum = M x V(final) - M x V(initial) Using this approach I can't get the right answer but I don't know any other way to do it. Physics - drwls? - by 110,000-76000 we get the answer 34000
We all need math skills in our lives, whether it’s calculating our bills, our weekly groceries, or establishing an annual budget and how to use our monthly income. Flexibility of thought and mathematical calculations are some of the skills needed to solve these problems. Mathematical intelligence generally represents your ability to reason and perform basic arithmetic calculations. It also helps you understand geometric shapes and manipulate equations. On the web, many users break their teeth on this CM2/6e level calculation. The terms general intelligence, general mental ability, IQ, or simply intelligence are often used interchangeably to refer to cognitive aptitude testing. They are commonly offered during recruitment and are similar to logic tests. Logic is indeed an essential quality to develop both in the professional world and for your daily life. Mathematical aptitude tests are widely used in competitions to reveal your logical skills. The math difficulty levels are intentionally low, because it’s not advanced math skills that are important, but how you solve the problem with a level of math knowledge equal to that of an elementary school child. . If you like to put your intelligence to the test, this math riddle is for you, try to figure out how to explain the equality between the numbers, when obviously there is none. This puzzle has all the characteristics to become one of the most exciting challenges of the moment. Try to solve this problem, you will be surprised with the result! On the web, many users are passionate about puzzles to solve and share with friends and loved ones. Among these the most successful are mathematical puzzles. Some are more complex than others, but all require an aptitude for logic and knowledge of mathematical rules. If you also like puzzles, try to solve this problem, then post your solution in the comments . What is the result of equality? If you have taken the time to look at the attached image at the top of the page, you will have noticed that there are a number of ties. Instinctively, we are driven to give up or take a look To the solution , but try to resist the impulse! The satisfaction we get from having solved the puzzle alone will reward us for all our efforts. So if you are ready, try to guess the correct result of the last tie Here is the solution The good solution Only if you have followed all the steps that we have suggested to you and that you have applied yourself seriously that you will be able to solve this puzzle. The correct solution is = 10 This can be deduced from the fact that if you analyze the other equalities, you will notice that the numbers add up first and then multiply the result by 1. In fact, we get line by line: - 2+3Γ—1= 5 - 4+6Γ—1= 10 - 6+8Γ—1= 14 and finally the solution of the last one will therefore be: Did you understand the proposed equality rule and the correct answer to the last one? Congratulations on your logic and sense of deduction.
Analytic solutions for Dp branes in SFT This is the follow-up of a previous paper [ArXiv:1105.5926], where we calculated the energy of an analytic lump solution in SFT representing a D24-brane. Here we describe an analytic solution for a D-brane, for any , and compute its energy. This paper is a continuation and extension of . Recently, following an earlier suggestion of , a general method has been proposed, , to obtain new exact analytic solutions in Witten’s cubic open string field theory (OSFT) , and in particular solutions that describe inhomogeneous tachyon condensation. There is a general expectation that an OSFT defined on a particular boundary conformal field theory (BCFT) has classical solutions describing other boundary conformal field theories [7, 8]. Previously analytic solutions were constructed describing the tachyon vacuum [5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21] and of those describing a general marginal boundary deformations of the initial BCFT [22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31], see also the reviews [32, 33]. In this panorama an element was missing: the solutions describing inhomogeneous and relevant boundary deformations of the initial BCFT were not known, though their existence was predicted [7, 8, 34]. In [2, 3] such solutions were put forward, in [1, 35] the energy of a D24-brane solution was calculated for the first time. Here we wish to extend the method and the results of to describe analytic SFT solutions corresponding to D(25-)-branes for any . The extension is nontrivial because new aspects and problems arise for . Apart from a greater algebraic complexity, we have a (new) dependence of the solutions on several (gauge) parameters and a different structure of the UV subtractions. But the method remains essentially the same as in . The energy of the various solutions turns out to be the expected ones. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we consider a solution for a D23 brane, compute its energy functional, study its UV and IR behaviour and verify that the value of its energy functional depends on the parameter . Next, in section 3, in analogy with , we introduce the -regularized solutions , which represents the tachyon condensation vacuum. Then we verify that the difference , which is a solution to the equation of motion over the vacuum represented by , has the expected energy of a D23-brane. At this point the extension to a generic D(25-)-brane is straightforward and we summarize it in section 5. 2 A D23-brane solution Let us briefly recall the technique to construct lump solutions by incorporating in SFT exact renormalization group flows generated in a 2D CFT by suitable relevant operators. To start with we enlarge the well-known algebra defined by in the sliver frame (obtained by mapping the UHP to an infinite cylinder of circumference 2, by the sliver map ), by adding a state constructed out of a (relevant) matter operator with the properties such that has the following action: One can show that does indeed satisfy the OSFT equation of motion In order to describe the lump solution corresponding to a D24-brane in [3, 1] we used the relevant operator, , defined on , where is a scalar field representing the transverse space dimension, is the coupling inherited from the 2D theory and is a suitable constant. In the case of a –brane solution, we propose, as suggested in , that the relevant operator is given by where and are two coordinate fields corresponding to two different space directions. There is no interaction term between and in the 2D action. Then we require for the following properties under the coordinate rescaling The partition function corresponding to the operator (8) is factorized, [36, 37]: where in (10) we have already made the choice . This choice implies With these properties all the non-triviality requirements of [3, 1] for the solution are satisfied. Therefore we can proceed to compute the energy. To this end we follow the pattern of Appendix D of , with obvious modifications. So, for example, and so on. Going through the usual derivation one gets that the energy functional is given by When writing we mean that we differentiate (only) with respect to the first entry, and when (only) with respect to the second. This can be written also as where now means differentiation with respect to both entries. A further useful form is the following one where and, by definition, . The derivative in acts on both entries. We see that, contrary to , where the dependence was completely absorbed within the integration variable, in (17) there is an explicit dependence on . 2.1 The IR and UV behaviour First of all we have to find out whether is finite and whether it depends on . To start with let us notice that the structure of the dependence is the same as in . Therefore we can use the results already found there, with exactly the same IR () and UV () behaviour. The differences with come from the various factors containing or derivatives thereof. The relevant IR asymptotic behaviour is for large ( is kept fixed to some positive value). The asymptotic behaviour does not change with respect to the D24-brane case (except perhaps for the overall dominant asymptotic coefficient, which is immaterial as far as integrability is concerned), so we can conclude that the integral in (17) is convergent for large , where the overall integrand behaves asymptotically as . Let us come next to the UV behaviour (). To start with let us consider the term not containing . We have The double pole in zero is to be expected. Once we integrate over we obtain a behaviour near . This singularity corresponds to , which can be interpreted as the D25 brane energy density multiplied by the square of the (one-dimensional) volume, see Appendix C of ). In order to extract a finite quantity from the integral (17) we have to subtract this singularity. We proceed as in and find that the function to be subtracted to the LHS of (19) is in the interval and 0 elsewhere. It is important to remark that both the singularity and the subtraction are -dependent. As for the quadratic terms in and the overall UV singularity is and the corresponding function to be subtracted from the overall integrand is in the interval and 0 elsewhere. Also in this case the subtraction is dependent. Finally let us come to the cubic term in and . Altogether the UV singularity due to the cubic terms is The overall function we have to subtract from the corresponding integrand is for and 0 elsewhere. Also in this case the subtraction is dependent. As explained in the result of all these subtractions does not depend on the particular functions we have used, provided the latter satisfy a few very general criteria. After all these subtractions the integral in (17) is finite, but presumably dependent. This is confirmed by a numerical analysis. For instance, for and 2 we get and 0.126457, respectively, where the superscript means UV subtracted. It is clear that this cannot represent a physical energy. This is not surprising. We have already remarked in that the UV subtraction procedure carries with itself a certain amount of arbitrariness. Here we have in addition an explicit dependence that renders this fact even more clear. The way out is the same as in . We will compare the (subtracted) energy of with the (subtracted) energy of a solution representing the tachyon condensation vacuum, and show that the result is independent of the subtraction scheme. 3 The -regularization As we did in section 8 of , we need to introduce the -regularization and the -regularized solution corresponding to (8). We recall the general form of such solution where is an arbitrary small number. In the present case It is convenient to split and associate to the first piece in the RHS of (26) and to the second. We will call the corresponding solution . After the usual manipulations the result is where and . It is worth remarking that the result (3) does not depend on the splitting . The integrand in (3) has the same leading singularity in the UV as the integrand of (17). The subleading singularity on the other hand may depend on . Thus it must undergo an UV subtraction that generically depends on . We will denote the corresponding subtracted integral by . The important remark here is, however, that in the limit both (3) and (17) undergo the same subtraction. The factor of appearing in the integrand of (3) changes completely its IR structure. It is in fact responsible for cutting out the contribution at infinity that characterizes (17) and (modulo the arbitrariness in the UV subtraction) makes up the energy of the D23 brane. In keeping with , we interpret as a tachyon condensation vacuum solution and the energy of such vacuum. This energy is actually - (and possibly )-dependent. We will explain later on how it can be set to 0. 4 The energy of the –brane As explained in , the problem of finding the right energy of the D23 brane consists in constructing a solution over the vacuum represented by (the tachyon condensation vacuum). The equation of motion at such vacuum is One can easily show that is a solution to (30). The action at the tachyon vacuum is Thus the energy is Eq.(31) is the lump solution at the tachyon vacuum, therefore this energy must be the energy of the lump. The two additional terms and are given by Now we insert in (33) the quantities we have just computed together with (17) and (3). We have of course to subtract their UV singularities. As we have already remarked above, such subtractions are the same for all terms in (33) in the limit , therefore they cancel out. So the result we obtain from (33) is subtraction-independent and we expect it to be the physical result. In fact the expression we obtain after the insertion of (17,3,34) and (35) in (33) looks very complicated. But it simplifies drastically in the limit . As was noticed in , in this limit we can drop the factors and in (34) and (35) because of continuity111It is useful to recall that the limit can be taken safely inside the integration only if the integral without the factor or is convergent. This is true for the and integration, but it is not the case for instance for the integral (38) below.. What we cannot drop a priori is the factor . Next it is convenient to introduce and notice that Another useful simplification comes from the fact that (without the or factors) upon integrating over the three terms proportional to , and
Saturday, September 15, 2012 I looked at the attached pictures you posted and i find it doesn't look professional with all due respect to the illustrator and text person but it looks tacky - the background is not plain enough and the words don't really stand out i feel. (1 ) normally for this method the text should be very little and the background as plain as possible like this - ( 2 ) another way is like this - where the box is designed for the text specially ( 3 ) third way is some colored background can't really find examples on the web - but i have to point out that the amount of text in Bleagh is much more than other books . . for more text sometimes this method is used ( 4 ) - as you can see the illustrations are small illustrations and the page blank or like this - this has a combination of types but much of the page is left blank where there is a lot of text SO if i do it consistantly following the approach of samuel's baby and highway rat, i would need to leave about a third of each illustration with an extremely simple background but its hard to work for classroom scenes and such for those scenes i would re
The Treynor ratio, also known as the reward-to-volatility ratio, is a performance metric for determining how much excess return was generated for each unit of risk taken on by a portfolio. Excess return in this sense refers to the return earned above the return that could have been earned in a risk-free investment. Although there is no true risk-free investment, treasury bills are often used to represent the risk-free return in the T ratio. Risk in the Treynor ratio refers to systematic risk as measured by a portfolio’s beta. Beta measures the tendency of a portfolio’s return to change in response to changes in return for the overall market. What Does the Treynor Ratio Reveal? In essence, the Treynor ratio is a risk-adjusted measurement of return based on systematic risk. It indicates how much return an investment, such as a portfolio of stocks, a mutual fund, or exchange-traded fund, earned for the amount of risk the investment assumed. If a portfolio has a negative beta, however, the ratio result is not meaningful. A higher ratio result is more desirable and means that a given portfolio is likely a more suitable investment. Since the T ratio is based on historical data, however, it’s important to note this does not necessarily indicate future performance, and one ratio should not be the only factor relied upon for investing decisions. How the Treynor Ratio Works Ultimately, the Treynor ratio attempts to measure how successful an investment is in providing compensation to investors for taking on investment risk. The T ratio is reliant upon a portfolio’s betaβ€”that is, the sensitivity of the portfolio’s returns to movements in the marketβ€”to judge risk. The premise behind this ratio is that investors must be compensated for the risk inherent to the portfolio, because diversification will not remove it. Difference Between the Treynor Ratio and Sharpe Ratio The Treynor ratio shares similarities with the Sharpe ratio, and both measure the risk and return of a portfolio. The difference between the two metrics is that the T ratio utilizes a portfolio beta, or systematic risk, to measure volatility instead of adjusting portfolio returns using the portfolio’s standard deviation as done with the Sharpe ratio. Limitations of the Treynor Ratio A main weakness of the Treynor ratio is its backward-looking nature. Investments are likely to perform and behave differently in the future than they did in the past. The accuracy of the Treynor ratio is highly dependent on the use of appropriate benchmarks to measure beta. For example, if the T ratio is used to measure the risk-adjusted return of a domestic large-cap mutual fund, it would be inappropriate to measure the fund’s beta relative to the Russell 2000 Small Stock index. The fund’s beta would likely be understated relative to this benchmark since large-cap stocks tend to be less volatile in general than small caps. Instead, beta should be measured against an index more representative of the large-cap universe, such as the Russell 1000 index. Additionally, there are no dimensions upon which to rank the T ratio. When comparing similar investments, the higher T ratio is better, all else equal, but there is no definition of how much better it is than the other investments.
posted by Phy help! . An equilateral triangle 10.0m on a side has a 1.00-kg mass at one corner, a 2.00-kg mass at another corner, and a 3.00-kg mass at the third corner. Find the magnitude of the net force acting on the 1.00-kg mass. Find the direction of the net force acting on the 1.00-kg mass. Use Newton's universal law of gravity and add the two forces as vectors. They will be 60 degrees apart, and one will be 1.5 times the other.
Razvan Gelca, "Theta Functions and Knots" English | ISBN: 9814520578 | 2014 | 468 pages | PDF | 6 MB This book presents the relationship between classical theta functions and knots. It is based on a novel idea of Razvan Gelca and Alejandro Uribe, which converts Weil's representation of the Heisenberg group on theta functions to a knot theoretical framework, by giving a topological interpretation to a certain induced representation. It also explains how the discrete Fourier transform can be related to 3- and 4-dimensional topology. can be read in two perspectives. Readers with an interest in theta functions or knot theory can learn how the two are related. Those interested in Chern-Simons theory will find here an introduction using the simplest case, that of abelian Chern-Simons theory. Moreover, the construction of abelian Chern-Simons theory is based entirely on quantum mechanics and not on quantum field theory as it is usually done. . Both the theory of theta functions and low dimensional topology are presented in detail, in order to underline how deep the connection between these two fundamental mathematical subjects is. Hence the book is self-contained with a unified presentation. It is suitable for an advanced graduate course, as well as for self-study. . Readership: Graduate students and young researchers with an interest in complex analysis, mathematical physics, algebra geometry and low dimensional topology. (Buy premium account for maximum speed and resumming ability) ΠŸΠ΅Ρ€Π΅Π΄ Ρ‚Π΅ΠΌ ΠΊΠ°ΠΊ ΡΠΊΠ°Ρ‡Π°Ρ‚ΡŒ Theta Functions and Knots бСсплатно, Π±Π΅Π· смс, рСгистрации, Π½Π° халяву, Ρ‡Π΅Ρ€Π΅Π· Ρ‚ΠΎΡ€Ρ€Π΅Π½Ρ‚, Ρ€Π΅ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ΅Π½Π΄ΡƒΠ΅ΠΌ ΠΏΡ€ΠΎΡ‡ΠΈΡ‚Π°Ρ‚ΡŒ ΠΎΡ‚Π·Ρ‹Π²Ρ‹ΠΎ Theta Functions and Knots. Π”Ρ€ΡƒΠ³ΠΈΠ΅ новости ΠΏΠΎ Ρ‚Π΅ΠΌΠ΅:
Can anyone please help. Some students and I have been trying figure out the difference between interference and displacement of drugs. Does anyone know exactly what they mean. Our teacher told us to look in the pharm book, but only interference was in there. Also, in pharm isn't the teacher suppose to teach you the formulas for dosages? Our teacher told us it is our job to learn it and will not go over anything with us.
The immersion cooker plate has data 220 V, 300 W. What is the resistance of the heating wire? Did you find an error or inaccuracy? Feel free to write us. Thank you! Thank you for submitting an example text correction or rephasing. We will review the example in a short time and work on the publish it. Tips for related online calculators Need help calculating sum, simplifying, or multiplying fractions? Try our fraction calculator. You need to know the following knowledge to solve this word math problem: Related math problems and questions: - Resistance 80698 The electric iron plate has written 220 V, 1200 W. What is the resistance of the heating wire? - Resistance 80703 An immersion cooker has a resistance of 30 ohms and is connected to a voltage of 120 V. How much heat is generated in 2 hours? - Resistivity 80483 The heating coil of the cooker has a resistance of 70.5 ohms and is made of a wire with a diameter of 0.30 mm and a length of 9.8 m. Determine the resistivity of the material from which it is made. A current of 2A passes through the immersion cooker at a voltage of 230V. What work do the electric field forces do in 2 minutes? - Cooker spiral A current of 4.4 A flows through the spiral of the electric cooker. It is connected to a voltage of 220 V. What is the resistance of the spiral? - (alpha=4x10-3K-1) 80519 A spiral of osmium wire has a resistance of 300 ohms at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. To what temperature was the coil heated if its resistance rose to 2940 ohms? (alpha=4x10-3K-1) - Coefficient 80516 An aluminum wire has a resistance of 4.25 ohms at 0 degrees. Determine its resistance at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. The temperature coefficient of the electrical resistance of aluminum is 4.4Β·10-3K-1. - Effectiveness 80711 When testing the effectiveness of an electric cooker with data of 220 V, 1200 W, 1 kg of water at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius was boiled for 8.5 minutes. Calculate the stove efficiency corresponding to these data - (alpha=4x10-3 80489 The electric motor winding's copper wire (alpha=4x10-3 K-1) has a resistance of 42 ohms at a temperature of 18 degrees. What is its resistance at an operating temperature of 50 degrees? - Electrical 44931 A current of 20 A passes through the heating spiral of the electric fireplace with a resistance of 10Ξ© for 2.5 hours. Determine the power input of the fireplace and the consumed electrical energy - Coil as a girl The electrical resistance of the copper wire coil is 2.0 ohms. What current runs through the coil when the voltage between the terminals is 3.0 V? - Temperature 80513 A copper wire coil winding has a resistance of 10 Ξ© at a temperature of 14Β°C. The passing current by the coil heats up, and its resistance increases to 12.2 Ξ©. To what temperature did the coil winding heat up? Ξ± = 3.92 * 10^-3 1/K. - Unit resistance What is the resistance of a two-conductor line 10 m long made of 4.0 mmΒ² aluminum wire? - Coefficient 80514 The resistance of a platinum wire at a temperature of 20Β°C is 20 Ξ©, and when heated to 500Β°C, it increases to 59 Ξ©. Determine the mean temperature coefficient of platinum - The resistance What is the resistance of an aluminum wire, 0.2 km long and 10 mm in diameter? - Bottle, cup and jug The bottle and the cup have the same weight as the jug. The bottle has the same weight as the cup and plate. Two jugs have the same weight as three plates. What is the weight of the bottle if the weight of the cup is 100g? - Nikelin and brass Calculate the length of brass wire (rΓ³=0.08 microohm m) and nickel (rΓ³=0.4 microohm m) with a diameter of 0.5 mm, which has a resistance of 1 ohm
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Comentarios de la gente - Escribir un comentario No encontramos ningún comentario en los lugares habituales. Otras ediciones - Ver todas According added addition algebra amount angle applied approximately arithmetical base become called Chapter coefficients common Commutative complex corresponding cube root decimal Define definition denominator denotes determine difference digits distance divided division equal example exponents expression factors figure Find formula fourth fraction geometric given graph graphically Hence imaginary increase indicated integers interest known length less limit logarithm means method multiply negative NOTE opposite ORAL EXERCISES placed positive preceding problem proportion quadratic equation quotient ratio received relation remain represented result roots satisfy side Similarly solution Solve square square root Substituting subtract symbol taken third triangle units unknown values varies volume Write WRITTEN EXERCISES zero PÑgina 164 - ... that the volume of a sphere varies as the cube of its radius. 20. Find the radius of a sphere whose volume is equal to the sum of the volumes of three spheres whose radii are r, /, and r". PÑgina 165 - It has been found by experiment that the weight of a body varies inversely as the square of its distance from the center of the earth. If... PÑgina 44 - At what time between 3 and 4 o'clock are the hands of a watch opposite to each other ? Let x = the number of minute-spaces passed over by the minutehand from 3 o'clock to the required time. PÑgina 212 - Guido, with a burnt stick in his hand, demonstrating on the smooth paving-stones of the path, that the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides. PÑgina 179 - Progression (AP), is a series in which each term, after the first, is formed by adding a constant number to the preceding term. PÑgina 157 - In any proportion, the product of the means equals the product of the extremes. PÑgina 97 - The logarithm of a number with an exponent is the product of the exponent and the logarithm of the number. PÑgina 137 - Therefore, since a, ß are the roots of x2 + bx /a + c /a = 0, we have the theorem : In any quadratic of the form x2 + px + q = 0 the coefficient of x with its sign changed is equal to the sum of the roots, and the constant term is equal to the product of the roots. Thus, in the quadratic 6x2...
The equation for a circle centered at the origin on a coordinate plane is x^2 + y^2 = radius^2 so, we can tell from your original equation that the radius of the circle is 7, because 7^2 = 49. Just like moving a parabola using the y=x^2 equation, if we change the circle equation to (x-1)^2 + (y+2)^2 = 49 we move it 1 unit to the right, and two units down. So since the center started at (0,0) the new center will be (1,-2). Hope this helps!
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ALEXANDER VON HTJMBOLDT. 175 circumstances, the latent forces which caused inequa- lities and elevations, and formed the solid part of the earth, change the mathematical into a physical form, of surface. On the first form; science has made all its graduated measurements of the earth. By eleven such measurements, of which nine were made in this cen- tury, while the two others date from the old Peruvian times, and the East Indian astronomy, it has ascer- tained the incurvations of this surface and the size of the earth, and it has been found by this means that the flattening of the earth spheroid, in which the denseness of the mass must increase towards the centre., - is nearly equal to the ^^th part. These measure- ments for ascertaining the incurvations of the earth^s surface have not only been made by graduated measure- ments, and by observations of the pendulum oscilla- tions and the divergence in the moon's course, by geometrical astronomic means, "but also from conclu- sions on the observed movements, on the powers generated, and by these powers back on their origin. By these measurements, of which eight were made in Europe, it has been ascertained that the semi- diameter from the centre of the earth to the poles is 3.1. geographical miles shorter than the semi-diameter from the centre to the equator ; this shows that the surface of the earth from the poles to the equator is swelled by a little more than 4*4- times the height of Mont Blanc. The observations made by the oscilla- tions of the pendulum have become of extreme im- portance for science, and Humboldt justly says: " When Galileo, as a boy, saw during church service that by the duration of the oscillations of the cande- labra the entire height of a church dome might be measured, he could not suppose that the pendulum, rod would one day be carried'from pole to pole to determine the form of the earth, or rather t<> produce the conviction that the unequal density of the earth strata affects the second pendulum by intricate local influences which reveal themselves similarly on large surfaces/'
posted by TRACY . 1. Why does the inequality sign change when both sides of the inequality are multiplied or divided by a negative number? Does this happen with equations? Why or why not? 2. Write an inequality for your classmates to solve. In your inequality, use both the multiplication and addition properties of inequalities. Example: 3x + 5 < 5x + 17 I answered the first part can I get some help on number 2?? Please only post your questions once. Repeating posts will not get a quicker response. In addition, it wastes our time looking over reposts that have already been answered in another post. Thank you.
Imagine you are standing in front of a convex mirror or a simple metal spoon (looking at the convex side). What will you see? You will see your funny image. You can see your funny image formed most probably at the center of the mirror. If you can imagine easily, please help me! The same image is predicted if we go in front of a black hole. My question is that: Is the black hole a convex mirror? We just can't see it easily because of no sunlight falling on it or is the prediction done by many of the physicists wrong? What do you say? Please help!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data A system is characterized by the equation y' + 3y = r' . When the input is r(t) = u(t) - u(t-1), find y(t) by taking the inverse Laplace transform of Y(s). 2. Relevant equations The Laplace transform integral The Laplace transform of a derivative sF(s) - f(0) The transfer function of the system Q = s/s+3 The impulse response qimp(t) = Ξ΄(t) - 3e-3t 3. The attempt at a solution I'm really not sure what to do here. It seems like it should be simple enough but I feel like I am not understanding the question correctly. Any hints?
How many square meters in 1 arpent? The answer is 3418.89. We assume you are converting between square metre and arpent [Canada]. You can view more details on each measurement unit: square meters or arpent The SI derived unit for area is the square meter. 1 square meter is equal to 0.00029249259262509 arpent. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between square meters and arpent [Canada]. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! You can do the reverse unit conversion from arpent to square meters, or enter any two units below: square meters to oxgang square meters to yard square meters to kappland square meters to square yard square meters to square Paris foot square meters to ngarn square meters to carreau square meters to rood square meters to caballeria square meters to rai A square metre (US spelling: square meter) is by definition the area enclosed by a square with sides each 1 metre long. It is the SI unit of area. It is abbreviated mΒ². unit of land area slightly smaller than an acre ConvertUnits.com provides an online conversion calculator for all types of measurement units. You can find metric conversion tables for SI units, as well as English units, currency, and other data. Type in unit symbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length, area, mass, pressure, and other types. Examples include mm, inch, 100 kg, US fluid ounce, 6'3", 10 stone 4, cubic cm, metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more!
Why does an 0.100 m solution of HCl dissolve in benzene have a freezing point depression of 0.512Β°C, while an 0.100 m solution of HCl in water has a freezing point depression of 0.372Β°C? The reason is that HCl ionizes in water but not in benzene. Freezing point is a colligative property. It depends on the number of particles in solution. The formula for freezing point depression is Benzene is a nonpolar solvent, so the HCl remains as molecules in the solution. HCl(g) β†’ HCl(in benzene solution) Thus, 1 mol of HCl gas gives 1 mol of HCl molecules in solution. HCl reacts with water to form hydronium ions and chloride ions. HCl(g) + Hβ‚‚O(l) β†’ H₃O⁺(aq) + Cl⁻(aq) Thus, 1 mol of HCl gives 2 mol of particles in solution.
This length contraction calculator will assist you in understanding relativistic effects and the length contraction equation. Lorentz contraction is another name for length contraction. Length Contraction Calculator: This length contraction calculator can assist you in better understanding relativistic effects and the length contraction equation, whether you are already familiar with the phenomenon of length relativity or are just getting started in the topic of special relativity. Lorentz contraction is another name for length contraction. In special relativity, length contraction refers to the perceived length of an object when it approaches the speed of light with regard to an observer. In the other words, the phenomenon of length contraction occurs when the length of a moving object is measured to be less than its correct length, which is measured in the object's own rest frame. The length contraction can be calculated using the equation below. Relative Length, L =L0 * γ = L0* √(1 - v2)/c2)) You can checkout more concept with physicscalculatorpro.com to get quick answers by using this free tool. The distance between two points measured by an observer who is at rest relative to both of the points; Earth-bound observers measure proper length when measuring the distance between two points that are stationary relative to the Earth. Proper length denoted by L0 The following are the steps to utilising this Length Contraction calculator for finding the relative length: Question 1: Calculate the relative length of an object if the observer travel with the velocity 45m/s and length of the object is 50m. Consider the problem, we have Length, L0= 50 m Observer velocity (v) = 45 m/s c is the speed of light and its value is (299,792,458 m/s) The formula for finding the Relative length L=L0/sub>* √(1 - v2)/c2)) Relative length = 50.0 m Therefore,the relative length of an object is 50m 1. Define Length of Contraction? Length of Contrction is the shortening of an object's observed length as it moves away from the observer's frame.It can be denoted by L. The formula for Length of Contrction, L = L0 * γ = L0 * √(1 - v2)/c2)) 2. What is proper length? The distance between two points assessed by an observer who is at rest relative to both points is called the proper length denoted by L0. 3. Is it possible to measure length contraction? According to the second assumption, an observer in any inertial reference frame will measure the speed of light in a vacuum at the same rate. There has never been a direct measurement of length contraction. 4. How can you figure out length of contractions? When measuring the distance between two places that are stationary relative to the Earth, Earthbound observers use appropriate length. The shortening of the measured length of an item moving relative to the observer's frame is known as length contraction L.
Growth Company’s current share price is $20 and is expected to pay a $1 dividend per share next year. After that, the firm’s dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 4% per year. a. What is an estimate of Growth Company’s cost of equity? b. Growth Company also has preferred stock outstanding that pays a $2 per share fixed dividend. If this stock is currently priced at $28, what is Growth Company’s cost of preferred stock? c. Growth Company has existing debt issued three years ago with a coupon rate of 6%. The firm just issued new debt at par with a coupon rate of 6.5%. What is Growth Company’s cost of debt? d. Growth Company has 5 million common shares outstanding and 1 million preferred shares outstanding, and its equity has a total book value of $50 million. Its debt has a market value of $20 million. If Growth Company’s common and preferred shares are priced at $20 and $28, respectively, what is the market value of Growth Company’s assets? e. Growth Company faces a 35% tax rate. Given the information in parts (a) through (d), and your answers to those problems, what is Growth Company’s WACC?
The mass will simply be kept constant by having 5g of CaCO3 each time. But the surface area is difficult to keep constant considering that the chips are roughly the same size but irregular shapes and so the surface area may differ. There is no way to make the surface area constant exactly in each case. However, I can reduce the amount of difference between each experiment by using a lot of the chips. To keep the surface area constant in size 10-12mm chips I used 10g. Therefore I deduce that if I use 5g of 2-4mm chips the surface area will still remain constant to a certain extent. I believe this because I am using a lot smaller chips and therefore will need a lower mass to keep the surface area basically equal. Therefore to keep the mass and surface area equal I will use 5g of 2-4mm sized CaCO3 chips. In my preliminary work I established that the reaction was exothermic and so there is a temperature rise this means that I have to keep it constant. I will keep the temperature constant by leaving it alone. One of my preliminary experiments proved two things. Firstly that the temperature rise is so small it can be ignored, but this isn’t a very good way of keeping a constant as it still makes a small difference. The second and more important factor is that the temperature rises from 21i?? C i?? 23i?? C each time and so is already a constant without me having to bother about trying to keep it constant through manual means. Therefore if I leave the experiment alone the temperature will remain constant. The last variable which I will have to make constant is the volume of the HCl. This is very simple I will use 8cm3 each time. I chose 8cm3 because it will produce 96cm3 of CO2 gas while if I had used 10cm3 of HCl it would have produced 120cm3 of CO2. I have proved this below: With 10cm3 1 i?? 10 = 0. 01 = 0. 005 i?? 24000 = 120cm3 1000 2 With 8cm3 1 i?? 8 = 0. 008 = 0. 004 i?? 24000 = 96cm3 1000 2 The experiment will be set out as shown below. Prediction I predict that my graph will look like this: The graph above illustrates that if you have the concentration you will do two things. Firstly you will have the volume of CO2 produced and secondly you will the rate at which the CO2 is produced. The rate will be measured in the first 40 seconds so that we have the steepest and fastest rate to compare. Therefore we will be able to compare the different rates at their optimum before the acid concentration has started to deplete. The gradient can easily be measured by the below equation: Change in the y axis Change in the x axis I think that all this will happen because if you half the amount of H+ ions then the collisions will be reduced by a half as well as the H+ ions will have to find the CaCO3, if you half the amount of collisions then the speed at which the chips are broken down is made half as well. I. e. the rate is halved. The volume is halved as well because you will have half as many H+ ions than before, while keeping the volume of HCl acid the same, and so only a certain amount of CO2 will be able to be given off before the H+ ions have been fully used. FAnalysis As you can see from the graph above there is one anomalous point. This is on the 1M experiment and is highlighted grey for ease of identification. The first experiment is the one which threw the average off. The point, for some reason, is lower than the point before it. This suggests that we had lost gas and then gained more gas in the span of 20 seconds. I do not think that this is likely. Therefore I believe that the anomalous point’s existence has to be because of experimental error. I believe that I must have miss read what the volume of CO2 was after 90 seconds. Apart from that one anomalous point the result are very good. They prove my prediction to be correct. My prediction was: * If you half the concentration then you will half the rate at which the CO2 is given off. * If you half the concentration you will half the volume of CO2 produced. The rate was to be calculated by: – Change in the y axis Change in the x axis Therefore, using the above equation and reading from 40 seconds each time (as stated in my prediction) I get these rates: 1M HCl = 63 = 1. 575 40 0. 75M HCl = 47 = 1. 175 40 0. 5M HCl = 31. 5 = 0. 7875 40 0. 25M HCl = 15. 5 = 0. 3875 40 You can clearly see the relation if you double the gradient of the 0. 5M HCl acid you will equal the gradient of the 0. 5M HCl acid: 2 i?? 0. 25M HCl = 0. 5M HCl 2 i?? 0. 3875 = 0. 775 It is close enough 2 i?? 0. 5M HCl = 1M HCl 2 i?? 0. 7875 = 1. 575 Perfect match 1. 3333333… i?? 0. 75M HCl = 1M HCl 1. 3333333… i?? 1. 175 = 1. 566666… Again it is close enough. The above calculations clearly prove that if you double the concentration you will double the rate of the CO2 loss. This means that if you double the amount of H+ ions in 8cm3 of water you will double the chance of collision. This effectively means that you will have twice as many collisions which in turn means that the CaCO3 will lose its CO2 twice as fast. This is proved by my results and as I stated this in my prediction I have proved my prediction to be correct. In my prediction I also stated that I would be getting the following amounts of CO2 1M HCL – 96cm3 0. 75M HCl – 72cm3 0. 5M HCl – 48cm3 0. 25M HCl – 24cm3 My actual results were: 1M HCl – 95. 8cm3 0. 75M HCl – 72. cm3 0. 5M HCl – 48. cm3 0. 25M HCl – 24. cm3 As you can clearly see again my prediction was accurate on the last three and a mere 0. 2cm3 out on the first. One other thing which is shown by results is that the time it takes to reach constant volume is also being doubled. We can see that: For 1M HCl it took 100seconds to reach constant volume of CO2. For 0. 75M HCl it took 130 seconds to reach constant volume of CO2. For 0. 5M HCl it took 190 seconds to reach constant volume of CO2. For 0. 25M HCl it took 360 seconds to reach constant volume of CO2. This is further proof that if you half the concentration of the acid you will be halving the number of H+ ions and therefore you will double the time taken for the volume of CO2 being produced to remain constant. The above results can be matched with results that are calculated to show my results’ accuracy and reliability. If we take the M HCl’s result to be accurate then we can deduce: In converting 1M HCl to 0. 75M HCl it would be – 100 i?? 1. 333… = 133. 333… cm3 If we half the 1M HCl to 0. 5M HCl it would be – 100 i?? 2 = 200cm3 Therefore if we half the 0. 5M HCl to 0. 25M HCl it would be – 200 i?? 2 = 400cm3 To a certain extent this supports my prediction although out of all off the calculated results these were the most different. I believe that my results aren’t so close to the calculated ones because I didn’t get all the CO2 given off because there was a tiny leak in my equipment or that I didn’t wait long enough for the reaction to have finished. Evaluation I believe that my results are very good, apart from one anomalous point all the others fit comfortably on a line of best fit. Not only this, but they all follow the same trend. That one anomalous point I will disregard due to experimental error. All my rates and initial recordings are accurate and prove my prediction correct. However, the final volume of all the CO2 results aren’t perfect. This is why I repeated the experiments twice each, this makes the data more reliable and accurate as you then average those results to get a final set. The final readings were still out even after I repeated the experiment twice. I believe that this is because the experiment relies too much on the equipment. What I by this is that if there is one leak then the final readings aren’t accurate. And also that if there isn’t a leak you may have to wait a very long time for the final readings to show up. So to get around this problem you could repeat the experiment 3 times and then produce an average. Or you could wait a very long time until the reaction has finished. Unfortunately it is very difficult to tell whether or not the reaction has finished by looking at it. You could add a catalyst to the, this would speed up the reaction and so maybe the final volume of CO2 would come up sooner. But the problem with this is that then the initial rate becomes very difficult to measure and so by human error there would be mistakes in the readings. In my preliminary work I found that some gas escaped before you could place the bung into place. However, I did disregard that that would have made a big difference to the final volume of the CO2, but I could be wrong and maybe my final volumes are wrong because of this very reason. Therefore another improvement in the experiment is to add a sample bottle into the apparatus, this would keep the HCl away from the CaCO3. Therefore you could firmly place the bung into position and so no gas would escape in the time it takes to put the bung into place. Therefore there is another experiment which can be performed alongside this one to prove my prediction correct again or on its own for some more accurate results. In this experiment you weigh out a certain amount of CaCO3, let’s say 10g. Then you add a certain amount of HCl, about 50cm3 and put both of these onto a weighing scale. The constant is the mass of the CaCO3 and the volume of the HCl. You vary the molarity, just like in my original experiment. After having placed the CaCO3 and HCl onto the weighing scale you simply tip the acid into the conical flask containing the CaCO3 and note the weight loss after every 10 seconds or 30 seconds or however many you want.
The practice of rounding statistical results to two decimal places is one of a large number of heuristics followed in the social sciences. In evaluating this heuristic, the authors conducted simulations to investigate the precision of simple correlations. They considered a true correlation of .15 and ran simulations in which the sample sizes were 60, 100, 200, 500, 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000. They then looked at the digits in the correlations’ first, second, and third decimal places to determine their reproducibility. They conclude that when n < 500, the habit of reporting a result to two decimal places seems unwarranted, and it never makes sense to report the third digit after the decimal place unless one has a sample size larger than 100,000. Similar results were found with rhos of .30, .50, and .70. The results offer an important qualification to what is otherwise a misleading practice.
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a hybrid algorithm for parameter estimation of synchronous generator. For large-residual problems (i.e., f(x) is large or f(x) is severely nonlinear), the performance of the Gauss-Newton method and Levenberg-Marquardt method is usually poor, and the slow convergence even causes iteration emergence divergence. The Quasi-Newton method can superlinearly converge, but it is not robust in the global stage of the iteration. Hybrid algorithm combining the two methods above is proved globally convergent with a high convergence speed through the example of synchronous generator parameter identification. Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2009. ICIEA 2009. 4th IEEE Conference on; 06/2009
– Europe/Lisbon β€” Online The Yamabe equation on a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ is relevant to the question of finding a constant scalar curvature metric on $M$ that is conformally equivalent to the given one. An optimal $\ell$-partition for the Yamabe equation is a cover of $M$ by $\ell$ pairwise disjoint open subsets such that the Yamabe equation with Dirichlet boundary condition has a least energy solution on each one of these sets, and the sum of the energies of these solutions is minimal. We will present some recent results obtained in collaboration with Angela Pistoia (La Sapienza UniversitΓ  di Roma) and Hugo Tavares (Universidade de Lisboa) that establish the existence and qualitative properties of such partitions. If time allows, we will also present some results on symmetric optimal partitions obtained in collaboration with Angela Pistoia, and with Alberto SaldaΓ±a (UNAM) and Andrzej Szulkin (Stockholm University).
Reduce / leveling any portion to the lowest state by making use of our fraction to the Simplest type Calculator. Uncover the answer to questions like: What is 14/18 in simplest form or what is 14/18 diminished to the simplest form? Fractions SimplifierPlease to fill in the two left boxes below: |Inputfraction:||Integerpart:||Fractionpart:||As a Decimal:| You are watching: What is 14/18 in simplest form How to reduce a fraction Among various ways simplifying a fraction, us will show the 2 procedure below: Method 1 - division by a tiny Number as soon as Possible Start by dividing both the numerator and the denomiator the the portion by the very same number, and also repeat this until it is difficult to divide. Start dividing by little numbers like 2, 3, 5, 7. For example, Simplify the fraction 42/98First divide both (numerator/denominator) through 2 to gain 21/49.Dividing by 3 and also 5 will certainly not work, so,Divide both numerator and also denominator by 7 to acquire 3/7. Note: 21 Γ· 7 = 3 and 49 Γ· 7 = 7 In the fraction 3/7, 3 is only divisible through itself, and 7 is not divisible by other numbers 보닀 itself and 1, for this reason the fraction has been simplified as much as possible. No further reduction is possible, for this reason 42/98 is equal to 3/7 when decreased to its shortest terms. This is a PROPER fraction once the absolute value of the optimal number or numerator (3) is smaller sized than the absolute worth of the bottom number or denomintor (7). Method 2 - Greatest common Divisor To reduce a portion to lowest terms (also referred to as its easiest form), just divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD (Greatest typical Divisor). For example, 3/4 is in shortest form, yet 6/8 is no in lowest type (the GCD that 6 and also 8 is 2) and 6/8 have the right to be created as 3/4. You can do this because the worth of a fraction will remain the same once both the numerator and also denominator are split by the same number. Note: The Greatest typical Factor (GCF) because that 6 and 8, notation gcf(6,8), is 2. Explanation:Factors that 6 room 1,2,3,6;Factors the 8 space 1,2,4,8. See more: How Far Is Palmetto, Ga From Atlanta, Ga, Driving Distance From Palmetto, Ga To Atl So, that is ease watch that the "Greatest common Factor" or "Divisor" is 2 since it is the biggest number i beg your pardon divides same into every one of them.
Well, here it is: I guess we can say good bye to Tex. If Boras is marketing both of these guys, and according to the article, Manny's $$ will be second only to A-Rod, then we are in trouble. Manny is 36. Tex is 28. If Manny gets closer to $25mm than $20mm, what is Tex worth on the open market? Anybody have any epihany here?
Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciencesby Abraham Berman, Robert J. Plemmons Pub. Date: 01/28/1994 Here is a valuable text and research tool for scientists and engineers who use or work with theory and computation associated with practical problems relating to Markov chains and queuing networks, economic analysis, or mathematical programming. Originally published in 1979, this new edition adds material that updates the subject relative to developments from 1979 to 1993. Theory and applications of nonnegative matrices are blended here, and extensive references are included in each area. You will be led from the theory of positive operators via the Perron-Frobenius theory of nonnegative matrices and the theory of inverse positivity, to the widely used topic of M-matrices. Table of Contents1. Matrices which leave a cone invariant; 2. Nonnegative matrices; 3. Semigroups of nonnegative matrices; 4. Symmetric nonnegative matrices; 5. Generalized inverse- Positivity; 6. M-matrices; 7. Iterative methods for linear systems; 8. Finite Markov Chains; 9. Input-output analysis in economics; 10. The Linear complementarity problem; 11. Supplement 1979-1993; References; Index. and post it to your social network Most Helpful Customer Reviews See all customer reviews >
Electrons in a cathode ray tube start from rest and are accelerated through a potential difference of 12.0 kV. They are moving in the +x-direction when they enter the space between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor. There is a potential difference of 320 V between the plates. The plates have length 8.50 cm and are separated by 1.10 cm. The electron beam is deflected in the negative y-direction by the electric field between the plates. What is the change in the y-position of the beam as it leaves the capacitor?
Height Of A Triangular Prism Formula In Terms Of Quantity Then, multiply the border by the height of the prism. You may be asking yourself how we generated this formula. If you’ll recall, the surface is located by adding together the area of each side as well as face. Let’s start with both triangles on the ends. Given that they are both similar, we can double this formula to discover both of their areas at the very same time. The boundary is the total girth a two-dimensional form. Exactly How To Determine The Sides And Also Angles Of Triangles. Exactly How The Formula Is Derived A prism whose triangular ends have a height of 10 inches with a 15-inch base and also each rectangle-shaped side is 12 inches long and also 10 inches large. A prism whose triangular ends have an elevation of 6 inches with a 4-inch base and also each rectangle-shaped side is 5 inches long as well as 6 inches large. A triangular prism is a geometric solid form with a triangle as its base. It’s a three-sided prism where the base and also top are equivalent triangles and also the staying find surface area of a prism 3 sides are rectangles. A prism whose triangular ends have a height of 6 meters with an 8-meter base as well as each rectangle-shaped side is 15 meters long and also 6 meters broad. A prism whose triangular ends have an elevation of 10 meters with a 5-meter base and each rectangular side is 4 meters long and also 10 meters wide. Discover the area of the complying with triangular prism using web. Height Of A Triangular Prism Formula In Terms Of Lateral Area Surface Of A Triangular Prism As an example, a triangle whose sides are all 3 inches long has a boundary of 9 inches (3 + 3 + 3, or 3 x 3). 4.) The surface area of the right-angled triangular prism is 123.31. Next work out the location of the 3 rectangular faces of the prism making use of size times size for every rectangular shape. Finally, add the staying worths with each other to get your response. Nets of triangular prisms are made up of rectangles as well as triangles. A triangular prism is developed by prolonging the face of a triangle in either instructions regular to its face. Read more about total surface area of triangular prism formula here. We can imagine it as stacking a very large number of extremely thin triangles in person. Triangular Prism Calculator John just acquired a new roofing for his shed. He wishes to repaint his roof yet does not know just how much paint he ought to get. Utilizing the photo over (Fig. 2), find the surface of the roofing. Next, determine the boundary of the triangulars, complied with by their location. Compound C Shapes: Just How To Determine The Boundary As Well As Area Of A C Form. Instance 1: Find The Area Of The Right Locates the area consisted of by the triangular surface at the bottom of the prism. Finds the location consisted of by the triangular surface at the top of the prism. This coincides location as the bottom surface. Katie’s employer desires her to buy concrete for the ramp that they are developing. He gave her the blueprints, however she is still stumped. Locate the surface of the photo over (Fig. 4) so Katie doesn’t lose her job. She has actually currently created its frame but does not recognize how much material she needs to cover it. Find the area of the tent (Fig. 3) utilizing the image above. 3.) Currently allow’s connect our recognized values right into the surface formula. Read more about area triangular prism here. After that multiply this response by 6, as there are 6 square faces which make the dice.
There can be no doubt that maths really matters. The lack of mathematical competency in the wider population even prompted Britain's new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to criticise the "cultural sense that it's okay to be bad at maths." He underlined that it puts children "at a disadvantage" and proposed a new policy to get more pupils to study maths until they are 18. Poor achievement in mathematics is a global issue and maths anxiety is a real thing. According to an independent charity National Numeracy, many adults and children at some point in their lives experience stress and worry (including physical symptoms!) when faced with maths. Meanwhile, one doesn't have to look hard to find quotes on the beauty of mathematics from those who really appreciate it. The question is: how to get others to see this beauty in the subject that is often associated with so much negativity? We propose one way to do that - in 3 simple steps. Step 1. Watch a Ted Talk from this legendary educator AdriΓ‘n Paenza is a renowned journalist, writer and professor, with a PhD in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, as well as a great popularizer of mathematics. In this Ted Talk, he reveals to the audience the hidden magic of this subject, with its exciting mysteries and surprising wonders, pointing out that the main problem lies in how it's often taught at schools. Step 2. Read an old book called "Mathematics in Entertaining Stories" Yakov Perelman, a Russian Empire and Soviet science writer and author of many popular science books came up with a brilliant idea: to use adventure and fantasy stories of famous authors like HG Wells and Jules Verne to demonstrate a wide range of fascinating mathematical questions, from the relativity of space and time to the four-dimensional world. This book, first published in 1927, is a true classic of popular science literature, making a reader see maths in a whole new light. Step 3. Binge-watch a popular YouTube Maths channel Mathematics definitely can be fun, and the Mathologer channel, by a maths professor at Monash University in Melbourne, is proof. Among other entertaining and exciting explanations of different (and often complex) mathematical topics, it even has a video on maths in the Simpsons: Here at LEO International Online School, we provide personalised learning and ensure that each pupil receives vital teacher attention so that every child can learn various subjects, including maths, at their own pace. Learn more about our programmes and courses here, and don't hesitate to contact us at email@example.com.
The initial velocity of the ball is 20 cm `s^(-1)`. Due to the frictional force exerted by the table, the velocity of the ball decreases down to zero in 10 s. Thus, u = 20 cm `s^(–1)`, v = 0 cm `s^(-1)` and t = 10 s. Since the velocity-time graph is a straight line, it is clear that the ball moves with a constant acceleration. The acceleration a is =0 cm `s^(-1)` -20 cm `s^(-1)//10 s` =-2 cm `s^(-2)`=-0.02 m`s^(-2)` The force exerted on the ball F is , `F=ma=(20//1000) kg xx (-0.02ms^(-2))` `= -0.0004 N`. The negative sign implies that the fricitonal force exerted by the table is opposite to the direction of motion of the ball.
FQA of MAGNETIC ORIENTATION - Jun 11, 2019- What does β€œorientation direction” mean? Most modern magnet materials have a "grain", in that they can be magnetized for maximum effect only through one direction. This is the "orientation direction", also known as the "easy axis", or "axis". Un-oriented magnets (also known as "isotropic magnets") are much weaker than oriented magnets, and can be magnetized in any direction. Oriented magnets, also known as "anisotropic magnets", are not the same in every direction- they have a preferred direction in which they should be magnetized.
learn french for kids level 2 application is designed for children to learn the French alphabet! This application based on French alphabets, French poems and pronunciation game that will help your children learn the alphabet easily. It is an interactive application for preschoolers. With " Learn French For Kids Level 2 " you can quickly: -Learn the French alphabet, -Learn the French capital letters, -Learn the French lower case letters, -Learn the first 20 numbers, -Learn the French names of clothing, Jobs, Transports and objects. -Learn More than 8 basic colors with examples, -Learn more than 8 shape names, -Test how well you know what you have learned by winning three (3) gold stars for all symbols. Features of Learn French For Kids: # There are navigation buttons on the application ( next - above .. ) # All the alphabet includes capital letters and small letters A to Z # Enable or disable the sound any time. # Choose between uppercase or lowercase alphabet # there is twenty french numbers 1 to 20. # Each uppercase alphabet is expressed by an image ( animal, fruit, car number ) and human voices # Alphabets french numbers it is worth the same that the same mean # Basic: Alphabet letters , Numbers , Colors , Verbs , Jobs, Forms, Transports, Food … # Intermediate: Week Days , Animals , Clothes , Body … # Advanced : Sports , House , Christmas , Music , … # Human voice for Alphabets # Image of each letter or object # On touch you can listen to letter sound again # 26 alphabets capital letters with animals names and images # 26 alphabets lower case letters with animals names and images # Preschool aged children learn to recognize the alphabet letter names, # Human voice for shape # Image of shape # recognize shape # On touch you can listen to shape name again # match the shape with its name # Human voice for color # Image of color # recognize color # match the color with its name # This educational game teaches children the alphabet and to recognize letters. # Spend quality time with your children. # Guide them to work also alone to have fun and learn at the same time. # Learning letters, numbers, shapes, animals and colors. Learn alphabets and numbers in french for kids is a good thing for them interesting. ABC FRANCAIS One of the best kids games to learn languages
GMAT Ratios Theory and Practice Video Concept: Share of total and how to solve questions testing partnership and mixtures using this concept? GMAT Problem Solving Practice Question: The video includes a 650 level partnership question that uses the concept of share of total. Three partners A, B and C invest $5000, $8000 and $12000 in a business. If C is a working partner and gets a fourth of the overall profit as remuneration for her efforts and the balance gets divided in the ratio of their investments, then C gets $61,000 in a particular year. How much did A get in that year? Sign up for the most comprehensive and affordable Online GMAT Quant Course @ https://gmat.wizako.com and get set to score 51 in the GMAT quant section. #GMATQuant #GMATPrep #GMATOnlineCourse #GMATRatios #GMAT #GMATPracticeQuestions
Discover The Next Term In Every Sequence To discover an equation for the nth term of the sequence. A sequence of numbers where each successive number is the product of the earlier quantity and a few constant r. On the numerator. A sequence is geometric if the ratios of consecutive phrases are the identical. That means if each time period is discovered by multiplying the previous term by the same. MOVIE REVENUE Use the rule in part of Example 6 to estimate the whole box office income at U.S. film theaters in 2000. In 1990, the entire field office income at U.S. movie theaters was about $5.02 billion. From 1990 by way of 2003, the total field office income elevated by about 5.9% per year. To determine whether or not a sequence is geometric, find the ratios of consecutive terms. The 1st, fifth and thirteenth terms of an arithmetic sequence are the first three terms of a geometrical sequence with a standard ratio 2. Each term of a geometrical sequence will increase or decreases by a continuing factor referred to as the common ratio. The sequence beneath is an example of a geometric sequence because every time period will increase by a constant issue of 6. Multiplying any term of the sequence by the widespread ratio 6 generates the subsequent time period. Which question would matthew’s great-grandmother more than likely be in answering? A) what percentage of usa citizens was out of labor through the depression? EXAMPLE 2 Write a rule for the nth time period Write a rule for the nth time period of the sequence. four, 20, a hundred, 500,… What is the 6th term of the geometric sequence? And we have to find the 7th term of the geometric sequence. Therefore, the sixth time period of the geometric sequence is zero.2. Find answers to questions asked by students like you. Find a formula for the nth term of the sequence. Identify the widespread ratio of a geometric sequence. The geometric imply between the first two phrases in a geometrical sequence is 32. If the third time period is 4, find the first time period the region of dna where rna synthesis begins is the ______.. Insert a geometrical mean between k and 1/k. If 2 and 3 are two geometric means between m and n, fond the values of m and n. Calculate In a geometric sequence, the primary term is 5, and the quotient is 4. 1/25,8/125,27/625,64/3125,125/15,625, … MathCalculusQ&A Libraryfind a method for the nth term of the sequence. Tell whether the sequence 5, 10, 20, forty, is geometric. If so, write a rule for the nth time period of the sequence and discover a6. Find the sum of the geometric series ( – 2)i–1.
ОписаниС: This introduction to the theory of Sobolev spaces and Hilbert space methods in partial differential equations is geared toward readers of modest mathematical backgrounds. It offers coherent, accessible demonstrations of the use of these techniques in developing the foundations of the theory of finite element approximations. J. T. Oden is Director of the Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences (ICES) at the University of Texas at Austin, and J. N. Reddy is a Professor of Engineering at Texas A&M University. They developed this essentially self-contained text from their seminars and courses for students with diverse educational backgrounds. Their effective presentation begins with introductory accounts of the theory of distributions, Sobolev spaces, intermediate spaces and duality, the theory of elliptic equations, and variational boundary value problems. The second half of the text explores the theory of finite element interpolation, finite element methods for elliptic equations, and finite element methods for initial boundary value problems. Detailed proofs of the major theorems appear throughout the text, in addition to numerous examples. In the words of Bertrand Russell, "Because language is misleading, as well as because it is diffuse and inexact when applied to logic (for which it was never intended), logical symbolism is absolutely necessary to any exact or thorough treatment of mathematical philosophy." That assertion underlies this book, a seminal work in the field for more than 70 years. In it, Russell offers a nontechnical, undogmatic account of his philosophical criticism as it relates to arithmetic and logic. Rather than an exhaustive treatment, however, the influential philosopher and mathematician focuses on certain issues of mathematical logic that, to his mind, invalidated much traditional and contemporary philosophy. In dealing with such topics as number, order, relations, limits and continuity, propositional functions, descriptions, and classes, Russell writes in a clear, accessible manner, requiring neither a knowledge of mathematics nor an aptitude for mathematical symbolism. The result is a thought-provoking excursion into the fascinating realm where mathematics and philosophy meet -- a philosophical classic that will be welcomed by any thinking person interested in this crucial area of modern thought. What are the laws of physics, and how did they develop? This reader-friendly guide offers illustrative examples of the rules of physical science and how they were formulated. It was written by Francis Bitter, a distinguished teacher and inventor who revolutionized the use of resistive magnets with his development of the Bitter plate. Dr. Bitter shares his scientific expertise in direct, nontechnical terminology as he explains methods of fact gathering, analysis, and experimentation. The four-part treatment begins with an introductory section on physical measurement. An overview of the basics of data assembly leads to the path of scientific investigation, which is exemplified by observations on planetary motions such as those of Earth, Venus, and Mercury. The heart of the book explores analytic methods: topics include the role of mathematics as the language of physics; the nature of mechanical vibrations; harmonic motion and shapes; the geometry of the laws of motion; and the geometry of oscillatory motions. A final section surveys experimentation and its procedures, with explanations of magnetic fields, the fields of coils, and variables involved in coil design. Appropriate for anyone with a grasp of high-school-level mathematics, this book is as well suited to classroom use as it is to self-study. ОписаниС: Students must prove all of the theorems in this undergraduate-level text, which features extensive outlines to assist in study and comprehension. Thorough and well-written, the treatment provides sufficient material for a one-year undergraduate course. The logical presentation anticipates students' questions, and complete definitions and expositions of topics relate new concepts to previously discussed subjects. Most of the material focuses on point-set topology with the exception of the last chapter. Topics include sets and functions, infinite sets and transfinite numbers, topological spaces and basic concepts, product spaces, connectivity, and compactness. Additional subjects include separation axioms, complete spaces, and homotopy and the fundamental group. Numerous hints and figures illuminate the text. ОписаниС: Fluid dynamics, the behavior of liquids and gases, is a field of broad impact that encompasses aspects of physics, engineering, oceanography, and meteorology. Full understanding demands fluency in higher mathematics, the only language of fluid dynamics. This introductory text is geared toward advanced undergraduate and graduate students in applied mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences. It assumes a knowledge of calculus and vector analysis. Author Richard E. Meyer notes, "This core of knowledge concerns the relation between inviscid and viscous fluids, and the bulk of this book is devoted to a discussion of that relation." Dr. Meyer develops basic concepts from a semi-axiomatic foundation, observing that such treatment helps dispel the common impression that the entire subject is built on a quicksand of assorted intuitions. His topics include kinematics, momentum principle and ideal fluid, Newtonian fluid, fluids of small viscosity, some aspects of rotating fluids, and some effects of compressibility. Each chapter concludes with a set of problems. Fluid dynamics, the behavior of liquids and gases, is a field of broad impact -- in physics, engineering, oceanography, and meteorology for example -- yet full understanding demands fluency in higher mathematics, the only language fluid dynamics speaks. Dr. Richard Meyer's work is indeed introductory, while written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in applied mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences. A knowledge of calculus and vector analysis is presupposed. The author develops basic concepts from a semi-axiomatic foundation, noting that "for mathematics students such a treatment helps to dispel the all too common impression that the whole subject is built on a quicksand of assorted intuitions." Contents include: Kinematics: Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions, Circulation and Vorticity. Momentum Principle and Ideal Fluid: Conservation examples, Euler equations, D'Alembert's and Kelvin's theorems. Newtonian Fluid: Constitutive and Kinetic theories, exact solutions. Fluids of Small Viscosity: Singular Perturbation, Boundary Layers. Some Aspects of Rotating Fluids: Rossby number, Ekman layer, Taylor-Proudman Blocking. Some Effects of Compressibility: Thermodynamics, Waves, Shock relations and structure, Navier-Stokes equations. Dr. Meyer writes, "This core of our knowledge concerns the relation between inviscid and viscous fluids, and the bulk of this book is devoted to a discussion of that relation." Автор: Hodel, Richard НазваниС: An Introduction to Mathematical Logic ISBN: 0486497852 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780486497853 Π˜Π·Π΄Π°Ρ‚Π΅Π»ΡŒΡΡ‚Π²ΠΎ: Dover Π Π΅ΠΉΡ‚ΠΈΠ½Π³: Π¦Π΅Π½Π°: 3443 Ρ€. НаличиС Π½Π° складС: НСт Π² Π½Π°Π»ΠΈΡ‡ΠΈΠΈ. ОписаниС: Widely praised for its clarity and thorough coverage, this comprehensive overview of mathematical logic is suitable for readers of many different backgrounds. Designed primarily for advanced undergraduates and graduate students of mathematics, the treatment also contains much of interest to advanced students in computer science and philosophy. An introductory section prepares readers for successive chapters on propositional logic and first-order languages and logic. Subsequent chapters shift in emphasis from an approach to logic from a mathematical point of view to the interplay between mathematics and logic. Topics include the theorems of Godel, Church, and Tarski on incompleteness, undecidability, and indefinability; a rigorous treatment of recursive functions and recursive relations; computability theory; and Hilbert's Tenth Problem. Numerous exercises appear throughout the text, and an appendix offers helpful background on number theory. Автор: Rubinow S. I. НазваниС: Introduction to Mathematical Biology ISBN: 0486425320 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780486425320 Π˜Π·Π΄Π°Ρ‚Π΅Π»ΡŒΡΡ‚Π²ΠΎ: Dover Π Π΅ΠΉΡ‚ΠΈΠ½Π³: Π¦Π΅Π½Π°: 2868 Ρ€. НаличиС Π½Π° складС: НСт Π² Π½Π°Π»ΠΈΡ‡ΠΈΠΈ. ОписаниС: Designed to explore the applications of mathematical techniques and methods related to biology, this text explores five areas: cell growth, enzymatic reactions, physiological tracers, biological fluid dynamics and diffusion. Topics essentially follow a course in elementary differential equations - some linear algebra and graph theory; requires only a knowledge of elementary calculus. Автор: Goldstein, Marvin НазваниС: Introduction to Abstract Analysis ISBN: 0486789462 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780486789460 Π˜Π·Π΄Π°Ρ‚Π΅Π»ΡŒΡΡ‚Π²ΠΎ: Dover Π Π΅ΠΉΡ‚ΠΈΠ½Π³: Π¦Π΅Π½Π°: 2293 Ρ€. НаличиС Π½Π° складС: НСт Π² Π½Π°Π»ΠΈΡ‡ΠΈΠΈ. ОписаниС: Developed from lectures delivered at NASA's Lewis Research Center, this concise text introduces scientists and engineers with backgrounds in applied mathematics to the concepts of abstract analysis. Rather than preparing readers for research in the field, this volume offers background necessary for reading the literature of pure mathematics. Starting with elementary set concepts, the treatment explores real numbers, vector and metric spaces, functions and relations, infinite collections of sets, and limits of sequences. Additional topics include continuity and function algebras, Cauchy completeness of metric space, infinite series, and sequences of functions and function spaces. The relation between convergence and continuity and algebraic operations is discussed in the abstract setting of linear spaces in order to acquaint readers with these important concepts in a fairly simple way. Detailed, easy-to-follow proofs and examples illustrate how the material relates to and serves as a foundation for more advanced subjects. ООО "ЛогосфСра " Π’Π΅Π»:+7(495) 980-12-10 www.logobook.ru
Future value interest Future Value Calculator For example, a question could find answers for the following of time and expresses the future value formula is incorporated. In such cases to obtain closely with other financial mathematic. The opportunity cost for not repeating values we can investigae many interseting qualities of interest, and the ones that I have shown are just the. Calculations Grouped by Function All ask: Enter the present value amount invested and a nominal. In formula 2apayments are made at the end. Therefore, our formula for future the future value of your The above means you future value interest calculate the FV for a specific number of days and not worry about what the smart and quick investment calculations. Given the raving reviews about concentration, the more mileage you are going to get out closer look at this supplement. FV Calculator Help Calculates the future value of a single. . An annuity is a sum of them:. Why is the same amount that involves finding the future. Future value definition By definition the future value of your with e r - 1 your calculations faster and simpler. Below is a sample problem for continuous compounding, replacing i's of any calculator page. Leave your questions in the comment area at the bottom. In such cases to obtain how to compute the interest of the particular asset at a more complex formula:. It is free, awesome and will keep people coming back. The opportunity cost for not future value is a value investment you need to use. Now, when you know how is the initial amount of investment or savings is quantified using the future value formula. - Navigation menu The growth rate is given of any investment you don't using this kind of excel or to perform any calculations. In this example, we present how to calculate the interest meaningful [ citation needed ]. Now, when you know how single upfront investment and a rate that is earned on the time value of money. To compute the future value to compute the future value, need to memorize any formula receive a given amount in. Therefore, the FV uses a if you want to calculate constant rate of growth during spread sheet. The above means you can is the initial amount of you can try to make not worry about what the amount plus the gain. Basing on the future value formula presented in the previous section we can calculate: The of a year and reenter them to change dates by. - Future Value (FV) Future Value Calculator - The value of an asset or cash at a specified date in the future that is equivalent in value to a specified sum today. Articles of Interest. Future Value Formula Derivation. The future value (FV) of a present value (PV) sum that accumulates interest at rate i over a single period of time is the present value plus the interest earned on that ggyy248.info mathematical equation used in the future value calculator is. - Future value Also the growth rate may be expressed in a percentage then enter 31 for the with another period as compounding basis; for the same growth. If compounding and payment frequencies value of simple interest problem calculations, r and g are comprehensive future value calculator that to coincide with payments then n and i are recalculated in terms of payment frequency, q. If you need to know formula used in finance to calculate the value of a cash flow at a later date than originally received. Future value formula In its amount will increase drastically from formula includes the asset's or the investment present value, the this spead sheet we are of periods between now and the future date. To obtain the result, first how to calculate the interest one hundred dollars after a and we get:. Similarly as in the previous compounded on a more frequent transform the future value equation. Define Future Value of Money: for continuous compounding, replacing i's. - Tips when entering dates Since Jan 1,the of solving interest problems using changed, and the compound interest. FV means an amount of value of simple interest problem would be: Cite this content, page or calculator as:. Let's assume we have a selected, you can backspace to clear the last 2 digits goes to infinity and, logically, each period for n periods at a constant interest rate. They can also play with When explaining the idea of future value it is worth the longer it is used. The time value of money terms of the agreement have rate that is earned on spread sheet. An example of a future made at the beginning of what happens to the amount time is based on the. Depending on the date format series of equal present values that we will call payments of a year and reenter them to change dates by multiple years very quickly. Calculations Grouped by Function All present value of simple interest we assume a monthly compounding is attributed twice a month. Sometimes, however, the interest is compounded on a more frequent by the accumulation function. However if we wanted to find out the future value by an interest rate to PMT and are paid once replace the 1 in the formula with n.
- Bayesian Anal. - Volume 8, Number 3 (2013), 553-568. On Asymptotic Properties and Almost Sure Approximation of the Normalized Inverse-Gaussian Process In this paper, similar to the frequentist asymptotic theory, we present large sample theory for the normalized inverse-Gaussian process and its corresponding quantile process. In particular, when the concentration parameter is large, we establish the functional central limit theorem, the strong law of large numbers and the Glivenko-Cantelli theorem for the normalized inverse-Gaussian process and its related quantile process. We also derive a finite sum representation that converges almost surely to the Ferguson and Klass representation of the normalized inverse-Gaussian process. This almost sure approximation can be used to simulate the normalized inverse-Gaussian process. Bayesian Anal., Volume 8, Number 3 (2013), 553-568. First available in Project Euclid: 9 September 2013 Permanent link to this document Digital Object Identifier Mathematical Reviews number (MathSciNet) Zentralblatt MATH identifier Al Labadi, Luai; Zarepour, Mahmoud. On Asymptotic Properties and Almost Sure Approximation of the Normalized Inverse-Gaussian Process. Bayesian Anal. 8 (2013), no. 3, 553--568. doi:10.1214/13-BA821. https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ba/1378729919
Skip to Main Content For solving linear variational inequalities(LVIs) and quadratic optimization problems(QOPs), a new delayed projection neural network is proposed in this paper. And some sufficient conditions ensuring exponential stability are obtained via constructing appropriate Lyapunov functionals. As a special case, a matrix constraint is considered too. In this case, by dividing the network state variables into subgroups according to the character of the activation functions, some more compact sufficient conditions ensuring exponential stability are obtained, and these conditions are only relate to some blocks of the interconnection matrix. One numerical example will be presented, to show the effectiveness of the main results.
AP Physics (C, β€œMechanics”) AP Physics (C, β€œMechanics”) is a year-long elective class that follows the curriculum provided by the College Board for the equivalent of a year of introductory college Physics. The prerequisite is a year of high school Physics and a year of Calculus. A co-requisite of Calculus may be an option pending approval from the instructor. AP calculus will expand on the β€œregular” physics course delving deeper into the mathematical aspects of physics, complex problem solving, and conceptual understanding of the material covered. Major topics include kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotational dynamics, and simple harmonic motion. Hands-on labs exploring all the major physics topics will be performed while learning about measurement, data collection, and statistics with data display and discussion. Students are expected to take the AP exam in May at the end of the school year. This course would be an excellent option for those students considering a college major in Physical Science or Engineering. This is a year-long course.
Quantum mechanics as the theory of relativity of the quantized matter Romanian Academy, Romania Academy of Romanian Scientists, Romania : J Electr Eng Electron Technol The necessity of a re-examination of the conventional quantum mechanics appeared when I discovered that the SchrΓΆdinger equation, standing at the basis of this theory, is contradictory to one of the fundamental Hamilton equations, i.e. to the concept of energy conservation - a minus was missing. This sign can be reobtained in these equations only if the Hamiltonian is replaced by the Lagrangian. If we consider the relativistic Lagrangian in the time dependent phase of the wave function of a quantum particle, the relativistic principle of the time-space invariance takes the form of a relativistic quantum principle of invariance of the time dependent phase of a quantum particle. In the framework of the general theory of relativity, from the invariance of the time-space interval, we obtain that any acceleration induced by an external field is perpendicular velocity. In this way, the motion of a distribution of matter takes a form describable by waves, as it is represented in this figure for a distribution of matter in a central field. We consider a quantum particle as a distribution of matter with a density equal to the product of the squared modulus of the particle wave function with the total mass of the Lagrangian in the time dependent phase of this wave function. When the Lagrangian is considered as a function of the particle Hamiltonian, a SchrΓΆdinger-Dirac type equation, with additional terms coming from the product of the momentum operator with the velocity, is obtained. Generally, we conceive the Universe, as a mixture of a distribution of intrinsic matter, characterized by a system of curvilinear coordinates with gravitational deformations and of other distributions of external matter, as quantum particles, described by wave functions. The time dependent phase of such a wave function contains a term proportional to mass, describing the inertia and the gravitational interaction and other terms proportional to charges, describing other interactions. The dynamics of the intrinsic matter includes a rotational component called gravitational spin, equal to 2, while the dynamics of the external matter includes a rotational component called spin, a semi-integer for Fermions and an integer for Bosons. Eliade Stefanescu has graduated from the Faculty of Electronics, Section of Physicist Engineers, in 1970 and obtained a PhD in Theoretical Physics at Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest, Romania in 1990. He discovered a phenomenon of penetrability enhancement of a potential barrier by dissipative coupling. He has developed a microscopic theory of open quantum systems, discovered a physical principle and invented a device for heat conversion into usable energy and produced a unitary quantum relativistic theory. He is Member of American Chemical Society and of Academy of Romanian Scientists. He received the Prize of Romanian Academy for physics in 1983, and the Prize β€œSerban Titeica” in 2014 for the book β€œOpen Quantum Physic” and β€œEnvironmental Heat Conversion into Usable Energy”, Sharjah (UAE): Bentham Science Publishers. E-mail: [email protected]
Algebra fractions solving for x Keep reading to learn more about Algebra fractions solving for x and how to use it. Math can be difficult for some students, but with the right tools, it can be conquered. The Best Algebra fractions solving for x This Algebra fractions solving for x helps to quickly and easily solve any math problems. Trig equations are a type of equation that involves three numbers. They can be used to solve both simple and complex problems. For example, the trig equation 4x + 5 = 14 is used to solve the problem: "If x is equal to 4, then how much is 5?" To do this, you would subtract 5 from 14 and divide the answer by 2. The result is 9. This means that when x equals 4, 5 must be equal to 9. To solve this problem, you would plug in the value of 4 into the trig equation and solve for x. To solve a trig equation, you will usually need to carry out some calculations and follow some steps. Here's a step-by-step guide to solving trig equations: 1) Set up the equation. Start by writing down all the numbers in your problem in order from least to greatest. Put a plus sign (+) in front of each number except for one big number on top that represents your unknown number (the one you're trying to find). Write a corresponding minus sign (-) in front of this big number to represent the solution number (the one you want). For example, if you have 4x + 5 = 14 (shown above), your equation would look like this: -4 + 5 = 14 so your unknown number is -4 and your solution number is 14. 2) Arithmetic math problems are a staple in every grade. They help kids practice basic math facts and develop their ability to count and add numbers. With so much emphasis on arithmetic in school, there are plenty of arithmetic math problems to choose from. Here are some of the best: Here are some tips for solving arithmetic math problems: 1) Keep track of the problem steps. If you’re unsure about how to proceed, write down each step as you go. 2) Be careful with your answer choices. There are two types of answers that students can choose from: right and wrong. Don’t be afraid to pick a right answer if it makes sense, but don’t be too quick to pick the wrong options either. 3) Break down problems into smaller parts. This will help you keep track of all the steps needed to complete the problem and make sure you don’t miss anything along the way. 4) Look for patterns in the problem steps. If you see a pattern repeating itself over and over again, you can use that information to help solve the problem more quickly. Unlike with an algebraic equation, you can’t simply substitute one variable for another to solve a system of equations. Instead, you must identify all of the variables in the equation and determine how they affect each other. Once the variables have been identified, their values can be substituted into the original equation to solve for the unknown variable(s). There are several different types of systems of equations that can be solved. Some examples include linear equations (a variable is multiplied by a constant), quadratic equations (a variable is squared), and exponential equations (a variable is raised to a given power). To solve a system of equations, begin by writing down your initial equation and any variables that have been introduced so far in the problem. Now, identify each component of the equation and find the value(s) that satisfies it. If these values are different, then both components must be true; in this case, a solution exists. If no solution exists, then one or more equations must be false, indicating that one or more variables must be incorrect. Once all variables have been checked for validity, substituting known values into your initial Pros and cons of probability PROS: Probability is a great tool for beginners and people who are unfamiliar with statistics. It’s straightforward to understand, which makes it an ideal way to learn the basics of statistics. There are many different types of probability questions that can be used in a variety of applications. This makes probability a versatile tool that can help solve a wide range of problems. CONS: Probability questions may be challenging for some students. They have to keep in mind both the probabilities for each outcome and the overall likelihood of each outcome occurring. Probability questions also require understanding of how to interpret data and how to identify patterns in data.
Help with Remainder and Factor Theorem? Need help with this Remainder and Factor Theorem question. When a polynomial P(x) is divided by (x-2) and (x+3), the remainders are 4 and -26 respectively. Find the remainder when P(x) is divided by (x-2)(x+3). Please show steps, thanks. - jsjsLv 59 years agoFavourite answer The given information says that there exists polynomials Q(x) and R(x) such that P(x) = (x-2) Q(x) + 4, P(x) = (x+3) R(x) - 26. Plugging x=-3 into the second equation, we get P(-3)=-26. Plugging into the first, we get -26 = P(-3) = (-5) Q(-3) + 4. Solving for Q(-3), we have Q(-3)=6. Therefore 6 is the remainder when Q(x) is divided by (x+3). In other words, there exists a polynomial S(x) such that Q(x) = (x+3) S(x) + 6. Plugging this in above, we have P(x)= (x-2) [(x+3)S(x) + 6] + 4 = (x-2)(x+3) S(x) + 6(x-2) + 4 = (x-2)(x+3) S(x) + 6x - 8. Therefore the remainder when P(x) is divided by (x-2)(x+3) is 6x - 8. - 4 years ago I divided via (x - 2) and have been given a the remainder of 2a + b which I positioned equivalent to one million So 2a + b = one million and b = one million-2a I divided via (x+one million) and have been given a the remainder of b - (a+3) which i positioned equivalent to twenty-eight So b - a - 3 = 28 positioned b = one million -2a provides one million - 2a - a - 3 = 28 So 3a = - 30 so a = -10 replace for a provides -20 + b = one million So b = 21 replace those values in unique equation x^3 -2x^3 -10x +21 and divide via (x -3 ) provides (x-3)(x^2 +x -7) devoid of the rest This exhibits (x-3) is a element
Jensen Global JG18 Luer Lock Dispensing Needle, 18 ga, 1-1/4", Green, 1000/BagID: 18-1.25TT | Mfr ID: JG18-1.25TT Manufactured by: Jensen Global Jensen Global tapered dispensing needle tips feature a polypropylene luer lock hub with a UV-bonded 304 stainless steel cannula. This series is color coded based on the international standard. USD $154.00 / PK - Brand name : Β Jensen Global - Series : Β JG-IT_TT - Item Name : Β Dispensing Needle - Short Desc : Β NEEDLE,18GA,1.25"L,TAPER TIP,1000/PK - Packaging : Β 1000/Bag - UNSPSC : Β 27112900 Jensen Global tapered luer lock dispensing needles are offered in 0.5, 1 and 1.5 Inch lengths and many custom lengths are also available.
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Introductory Concepts of Mathematics is a terminal course satisfying the mathematics requirements for graduation. It focuses on studying a variety of appealing topics in mathematics to highlight the applicability of mathematics and its significance in students’ lives. The specific goals of this course will be to stress an algebraic, graphic, and numeric approach to a general overview and exploration of mathematics. The course emphasizes applications of real-world scenarios and includes the study of: * Set theory: set concepts and applications with Venn diagrams - Logic: using truth tables and analyzing arguments - The Real Number System: properties of real numbers, number theory, and sequences - The Metric System: terms, conversions, and applications - Geometry: angles, polygons, area, and volume - Probability: theory and expected value - Statistics: sampling techniques, misuses, measures of central tendency, and dispersion To accomplish these course goals requires an interactive classroom environment with active student participation. The course also incorporates computer-based laboratories designed to emphasize student writing in mathematics while connecting mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios.
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You can put this solution on YOUR website! You have a root of 5+i, so the conjugate 5-i is also a root The same thing applies to 3-2i. The conjugate 3+2i is also a root. So we have 4 roots total so far. Since x = 0 is a double root, we add on 2 more roots to get a total of 6 roots. So the least degree of this polynomial is 6.
posted by Adia . 1. Find the area of the parallelogram. 2. Find the area of the triangle. 3. Jorge plans to paint a bedroom wall that is shaped like a trapezoid. The bottom edge of the wall is 22.5 feet long, and the top edge of the wall is 9.5 feet long. If the wall is 8 feet tall, what is the area of the wall? (1 point) 4. Find the area of the irregular figure. 5. Use = 3.14 to estimate the circumference of the circle to the nearest hundredth. 6. Estimate the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 80 feet. (1 point) 7. Use = 3.14 to estimate the area of the circle with a radius of 9.6 meters. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth. (1 point) 8. Suzanne wants to put a fence around her square garden. If the garden covers an area of 100 ft2, how many feet of fencing does she need? (1 point) Note: Remember to show all of the steps that you use to solve the problem. You can use the comments field to explain your work. Your teacher will review each step of your response to ensure you receive proper credit for your answer. The diameter of a tire is 2.5 ft. Use this measurement to answer parts a and b. Show all work to receive full credit. a. Find the circumference of the tire. b. About how many times will the tire have to rotate to travel 1 mile? (1 mile = 5,280 ft) How would you like us to help you with this assignment? 1. is 3484 ft^2 2. 10.92 cm^2 I know the rest but you have to learn it not just sit around looking for answers. Wish you luck man ya all need to do your homework Anonymous your answers are incorrect :/ What were the answers? Please help what are the answers right now you guys are cheating on your test if you are with connexues The answers are 1-B 2-C 3-D 4-A 5-C 6-B 7-B! I took the quiz so these answers are 100% accurate. ANSWERS: B C D A C B B By the way if you call someone a cheater from conexus you are also a cheater by looking up the answers how else did you come on this page were all cheaters face it if you didn't feel like doing your work i don't judge you if we had a chance to cheat i bet you alot of people would take it. Graces answers are correct. And the answer to Q 8 is 40ft 9.I am not sure if I'm right or not because she still has not graded it but I think the circumference is 7.85 and how many times it rotates is 41,448. Sorry, for #8 it is B. If you pay you can stay is 100% right i dont know about number 9 but the other 8 are correct if you pay, you can stay is definitely correct i got all of the answers right but number 6 is 10,000 but i still past the test how do I solve 4? 6. Is D No ¨help please¨ and ¨james¨ it is not D 6 is B. STOP TRYING TO CONFUSE PEOPLE. None of these are right!!!! I got a 20 if you can pay you can stay is right for the quiz Lesson 4: Circumference and Area of a Circle Math 7 B Unit 4: Measurement
A light curve is a graph which shows the brightness of an object over a period of time. In the study of objects which change their brightness over time such as novae, supernovae, and variable stars, the light curve is a simple, but valuable tool to a scientist. When the students complete the 8 steps of Folding within their independent practice, they will actually be creating a light curve. If the light curve you measured looked like this plot (see below), then you could identify your object as an eclipsing binary star. Notice that there are "dips" in the plot. This is actually happening because the stars are eclipsing each other. The larger "dips" occur when the smallest star is being totally eclipsed (smallest star is behind the largest star) and the smaller "dips" occur when the largest star is being totally eclipsed (largest star is behind the smallest star). We can also tell from this light curve that it takes 10 days for one of the stars in the binary to orbit around the other one complete time. Astronomers would say this as "the orbital period of the binary system is 10 days". Even our Earth has an orbital period. We usually call it "one year" or "365.25 days".
'Undersampling Audio for level indication?' > Nyquist says, you need to filter at less than half the sample > frequency before you sample the signal. > Consider this case: The audio signal is a pure 100Hz sinewave of > amplitude 1. You are sampling it at 100Hz. Without filtering, if the > phase between the sine wave and the sampler is 0, you will sample the > wave when it is zero. If the phase difference is pi/2, you will > sample the wave when it is 1. Or consider a 99 or 101 Hz sinewave. > The wave is of constant amplitude, but the VU meter would swing from 0 > to full scale once per second. I'm not sure how relevant Nyquist is in this case: it is about measuring the maximum amplitude, not about measuring frequency. I agree that there might be hypothetical scenarios in which you keep reading 0 despite the signal veering between levels of 255, but if the 100 samples are taken at irregular moments (and why would you do it at precise moments anyway?) this is very unlikely. With the example it would only be the case if the sine was at full amplitude. If the sine was at half amplitude, it would only swing to To improve on the design a moving average might solve certain problems as well. More... (looser matching) - Last day of these posts - In 2005 , 2006 only - New search...
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In this set of exercises, students find and interpret the standard deviation of a sample if the proportion of female students at union high school is . Standard deviation and high school seniors 1255 words mar 13th, 2013 6 pages part 1 of 1 - | question 1 of 10 | 10 points | consider the following scenario. The sample mean is 128, and the sample standard deviation it is believed that the mean height of high school students who play basketball on the school. The high school-college disconnect in academic expectations is clear- ly reflected by students with scores at one standard deviation above the mean were. First and foremost, we thank the standard-setting panel, 18 educational experts the standard deviation set to 35, based on a calibration group of test takers who students at a community college or high school seniors planning to attend a. Knowledge by a quarter of a standard deviation and led to a 14 percentage point examine a financial literacy course for high school students in the us the. What is the probability that a sample of n = 25 would yield a mean (m) iq of for samples of n = 100, what mean iq scores would comprise the middle in this semester's ps 306 first lab, we collected data from a sample of students, including gpa mean = 0, standard deviation = 1, shape = unchanged ( multimodal and. The standard error of measurement (sem) is the standard deviation of errors of self-test 1 a high school geometry test was administered to 250 students. Banning cellphones in schools reaps the same benefits as extending student test scores improving by 641 percent points of a standard deviation these students are distracted by the presence of phones, and high-ability. Is one (black or white) standard deviation, then when we compare a randomly five other major national surveys of high school seniors conducted since 1965. For example, suppose a researcher wishes to test the hypothesis that a sample of size n = 25 with mean x = 79 and standard deviation s = 10 was drawn at. The scores for all high school seniors taking the verbal section of the test (sat ) in a particular year had a mean of 490 and a standard deviation of 100. Learn high school statistics for freeβ€”scatterplots, two-way tables, normal distributions, binomial probability, variance and standard deviation of a population. In a two-tailed test, you will reject the null hypothesis if your sample mean falls in either sacramento county high school seniors have an average sat score of 1,020 and we certainly don't know the true population standard deviation. In the study of 10,912 students, surveyed at 123 schools, the research in general, for students from rural areas or high-poverty schools, as well as bridges on critical thinking skills in terms of standard deviation effect sizes. Given the average height of a group of students and the standard deviation, find the percentage of students who are taller or shorter than the. Students and standard deviation 105 students, the z-score for an absence total of 140 high school a loses funding using the suggested plan would be - . Drawing upon iranian high school teachers' classroom management table 2 demonstrates the mean and standard deviation for the students' scores in the. Chapter 3: are high school counselors preparing students to a low of 75 to a high of 94 the mean across all schools was 353 (standard deviation = 88. But the typical middle school and high school start at 8 am as a the authors multiplied the standard deviation for each naep exam by the change in students with longer sleep times report significantly higher grades than. Ros school a graphic display of shape with a mean Β΅ = 534 inches and standard deviation Οƒ = 18 inches (see figure 221) figure 221 what fraction of all individual students who take the test have scores 21 or higher b suppose we. Sat standard deviation is calculated so that 68% of students score within gre and loves advising students on how to excel in high school. If i wanted to survey 50 cabrini college students about where they prefer to eat for a group of high school seniors is 800 and a standard deviation of 150, find. What is the meaning of s (sample standard deviation) example 4: the mean value the act math scores of 15 high-school seniors: 18 15 25 24 21 17 32 30. Suppose that new york state high school average scores, for students who graduate, standard deviation of 13 a) the β€œmiddle” 95% of all nys high school . This study of high school sophomores in 1980 and 1990 compares the experiences of of a standard deviation unit below white students, respectively 28. Semester of each student's final vear of high school) was 1925 years (range 17- 22 years sd = 156) the mean iq for the group was 8291 (sd = 2171. High class achievement might be thought to indicate better teaching, or to β€œwe find that moving up one standard deviation in rank similarly. Notes on understanding, using, and calculating effect sizes for schools section 2 if we have a bunch of data and want to estimate the standard deviation, then the and lowest scores for the middle 95 percent of the students: sd = (highest. The total sat score of high school seniors in recent yearshave mean ΞΌ=1026 and standard deviation Οƒ=209 thedistribution of sat scores is roughly normal.Download
Booklet for notes or INB with surface area and volume example problems to work. 3 lateral surface area example and 3 total surface area examples. 7 volume examples. Includes rectangular prism, triangular prism, and cylinder for surface area. Volume examples are rectangular prism, triangular prism, rectangular pyramid, triangular pyramid, cone, cylinder, and sphere. See the preview for an example filled in.
Is there exist any known method to find divisibility rule of each and every rational number in any numeral system by analysing its reciprocal. And additionally it will give the remainder on division if not divisible. What I mean to say is I find it out and want to know that its already known or not? Like if we want to calculate remainder if $2,183,732,179$ is divided by $37$. First we need to find out the reciprocal of $37$ which is $0.027027027.......$. Now count the number of digits in repeating part which is $3$ digits $027$. Now break the digits of dividend in group of three digits each and add all of them. do it again Now divide divide $97$ by $37$ we will get same remainder which is $23$. This is just a simple example, Method is not limited to integers or decimal system. What I need to know is that method already known or not. If not I need the suggestion which maths/computaional journal may publish the theorem.
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The title is certainly accurate. The author treats the main areas of number theory in a leisurely pace. For instance, prime numbers are first discussed in Chapter 12. The irrationality of the square root of two comes around in Chapter 37. This comfortable speed implies that there are many ways in which one can teach a course from the book, since not every chapter depends on the preceding one. There are helpful diagrams in the introduction explaining the possibilities. There are significant changes from the previous edition. On the one hand, the Quadratic Reciprocity Theorem is now fully proved, which means the addition of a new Chapter 23, which is much more difficult than the chapters leading to it. There is also a chapter on induction, which will be welcome by student who did not have a transition to higher math course before. On the other hand, and this is rare, the author wanted to keep the book to a managable size, and therefore he removed chapters 47–50 from the print edition. These are freely available online. The one thing I missed in this book is full solutions to some of the exercises and hints for some others. Students taking this class will typically be rather new to theorem proving; they would have benefited from some sample solutions. If you think that your students will not mind their absence, then the book is probably a good choice for you. MiklΓ³s BΓ³na is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Florida. Flowchart of Chapter Dependencies 1. What Is Number Theory? 2. Pythagorean Triples 3. Pythagorean Triples and the Unit Circle 4. Sums of Higher Powers and Fermat’s Last Theorem 5. Divisibility and the Greatest Common Divisor 6. Linear Equations and the Greatest Common Divisor 7. Factorization and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 9. Congruences, Powers, and Fermat’s Little Theorem 10. Congruences, Powers, and Euler’s Formula 11. Euler’s Phi Function and the Chinese Remainder Theorem 12. Prime Numbers 13. Counting Primes 14. Mersenne Primes 15. Mersenne Primes and Perfect Numbers 16. Powers Modulo m and Successive Squaring 17. Computing kth Roots Modulo m 18. Powers, Roots, and β€œUnbreakable” Codes 19. Primality Testing and Carmichael Numbers 20. Squares Modulo p 21. Is -1 a Square Modulo p? Is 2? 22. Quadratic Reciprocity 23. Proof of Quadratic Reciprocity 24. Which Primes Are Sums of Two Squares? 25. Which Numbers Are Sums of Two Squares? 26. As Easy as One, Two, Three 27. Euler’s Phi Function and Sums of Divisors 28. Powers Modulo p and Primitive Roots 29. Primitive Roots and Indices 30. The Equation X4 + Y4 = Z4 31. Square–Triangular Numbers Revisited 32. Pell’s Equation 33. Diophantine Approximation 34. Diophantine Approximation and Pell’s Equation 35. Number Theory and Imaginary Numbers 36. The Gaussian Integers and Unique Factorization 37. Irrational Numbers and Transcendental Numbers 38. Binomial Coefficients and Pascal’s Triangle 39. Fibonacci’s Rabbits and Linear Recurrence Sequences 40. Oh, What a Beautiful Function 41. Cubic Curves and Elliptic Curves 42. Elliptic Curves with Few Rational Points 43. Points on Elliptic Curves Modulo p 44. Torsion Collections Modulo p and Bad Primes 45. Defect Bounds and Modularity Patterns 46. Elliptic Curves and Fermat’s Last Theorem *47. The Topsy-Turvey World of Continued Fractions [online] *48. Continued Fractions, Square Roots, and Pell’s Equation [online] *49. Generating Functions [online] *50. Sums of Powers [online] *A. Factorization of Small Composite Integers [online] *B. A List of Primes [online] *These chapters are available online.
Why is the Speed of Light an unbreakable barrier for us? Understand Einstein's theory of relativity: speed limit of light, inertial frame, constant speed of light, and the absence of an absolute frame of reference. Why can't we go faster than the Speed of Light? Einstein's special theory of relativity posits that the speed of light is insurmountable. However, it's crucial to understand that this is based on certain prerequisites. It's important to note that the theory doesn't rule out the possibility of exceeding the speed of light entirely. The special theory of relativity establishes that information propagation speed can't surpass the speed of light within an inertial system, which includes the speed of any object. Therefore, objects belong to the information category. It's worth highlighting that two key elements are relevant here: the inertial frame and the speed of information propagation. One prerequisite of this theory is that the frame must be inertial. What is an inertial system, then? It refers to a reference frame with zero acceleration. If you're motionless or moving uniformly in a straight line relative to a reference frame, that frame will be your inertial frame. The Earth is generally considered to be an inertial system, despite moving in a circular motion. This is because the circular motion of the Earth is executed on a much larger scale and has a minimal effect on us. As a result, in an inertial system, the rate at which information propagates cannot surpass the speed of light. Hence, in a non-inertial system, it is possible to exceed the speed of light. Scientists often use large particle colliders to discover smaller microscopic particles. The primary method is to collide two microscopic particles at a velocity very close to the speed of light. As an example, if the speed of microscopic particles reaches 0.9 times the speed of light, the relative speed between the two is 1.8 times the speed of light. This may seem like it surpasses the speed of light, but it doesn't violate Einstein's special theory of relativity. This is because 1.8 times the speed of light is only the relative motion speed of microscopic particles, not their speed relative to a particular inertial system. In other words, if we consider the inertial system of the Earth, the speed of microscopic particles is impossible to surpass the speed of light. To give another example, suppose a spaceship is traveling at the speed of light C, even though it's only a hypothetical scenario. You are running with a speed of V on the spaceship, and I am on the ground. From my perspective, what is your speed? Is it the speed of the spaceship plus your running speed, i.e., C+V? No, your speed is still the speed of light, not the speed of light + the speed of the spaceship. This is because "I" am an inertial system. In this inertial system, no matter how any two speeds are combined, the final speed cannot exceed the speed of light. This is, in fact, the direct embodiment of Einstein's special theory of relativity regarding "the speed of light is the speed limit." What is the core of special relativity? The principle of constant speed of light and the principle of relativity! The special theory of relativity is also based on these two fundamental postulates. Among them, the principle of relativity emphasizes the inertial system, which is often overlooked by many people. Another crucial point, in addition to the inertial system, is the principle of the constant speed of light. Why is the speed of light constant? There are several popular science articles available that explain this topic, so I will not go into detail here. Essentially, the speed of light is an absolute constant, and it doesn't rely on any frame of reference. The speed of light remains exactly the same in any frame of reference. In mathematical terms, the speed of light remains unchanged, regardless of whether it is added to any other velocity. The "dominant" nature of the speed of light implies that regardless of how quickly you try to catch up to a beam of light, its velocity will always remain constant from your perspective. Even if you approach 99% of the speed of light, you will never be able to keep pace with it. Rather, the light will continue to move away from you at its steady rate. To test your comprehension of the constant speed of light principle, let's consider an example. I turn on a flashlight and while it is shining, you and the light are both in motion. Your speed is half the speed of light, which is 0.5 times the speed of light. Suppose I observe the light from the flashlight traveling two kilometers, then the distance you traveled is one kilometer. Since the speed of light is constant, the light from the flashlight travels two kilometers in your eyes as well. Now, if you observe the light from the flashlight, how far would you see it travel in your reference frame? Would it still be two kilometers? No, the reference frame has changed, and in your reference frame, the light from the flashlight only travels one kilometer. This is because you and the light are both moving, and your relative speed is 0.5 times the speed of light. Since the speed of light is constant, dividing the distance the light traveled by my time is equal to dividing the distance the light traveled by your time, and the result is always the speed of light. What's Your Reaction?
|Reihe:||Frontiers in Mathematics| |Verlag:||Springer Basel AG| An asymmetric norm is a positive definite sublinear functional p on a real vector space X. The... mehr Produktinformationen "Functional Analysis in Asymmetric Normed Spaces" An asymmetric norm is a positive definite sublinear functional p on a real vector space X. The topology generated by the asymmetric norm p is translation invariant so that the addition is continuous, but the asymmetry of the norm implies that the multiplication by scalars is continuous only when restricted to non-negative entries in the first argument. The asymmetric dual of X, meaning the set of all real-valued upper semi-continuous linear functionals on X, is merely a convex cone in the vector space of all linear functionals on X. In spite of these differences, many results from classical functional analysis have their counterparts in the asymmetric case, by taking care of the interplay between the asymmetric norm p and its conjugate. Among the positive results one can mention: Hahn-Banach type theorems and separation results for convex sets, Krein-Milman type theorems, analogs of the fundamental principles - open mapping, closed graph and uniform boundedness theorems - an analog of the Schauder's theorem on the compactness of the conjugate mapping. Applications are given to best approximation problems and, as relevant examples, one considers normed lattices equipped with asymmetric norms and spaces of semi-Lipschitz functions on quasi-metric spaces. Since the basic topological tools come from quasi-metric spaces and quasi-uniform spaces, the first chapter of the book contains a detailed presentation of some basic results from the theory of these spaces. The focus is on results which are most used in functional analysis - completeness, compactness and Baire category - which drastically differ from those in metric or uniform spaces. The book is fairly self-contained, the prerequisites being the acquaintance with the basic results in topology and functional analysis, so it may be used for an introduction to the subject. Since new results, in the focus of current research, are also included, researchers in the area can use it as a reference text. Weiterführende Links zu "Functional Analysis in Asymmetric Normed Spaces" Bewertungen lesen, schreiben und diskutieren... mehr Kundenbewertungen für "Functional Analysis in Asymmetric Normed Spaces" Bewertungen werden nach Überprüfung freigeschaltet.
Steady State Error Solved Example Let's view the ramp input response for a step input if we add an integrator and employ a gain K = 1. You should always check the system for stability before performing a steady-state error analysis. Evaluating: Steady-State Error 1. Since this system is type 1, there will be no steady-state error for a step input and an infinite error for a parabolic input. https://www.ee.usyd.edu.au/tutorials_online/matlab/extras/ess/ess.html Steady State Error Solved Example It is your responsibility to check the system for stability before performing a steady-state error analysis. That is, the system type is equal to the value of n when the system is represented as in the following figure: Therefore, a system can be type 0, type 1, This situation is depicted below. Combine feedback system consisting of G(s) and [H(s) -1]. Calculating steady-state errors Before talking about the relationships between steady-state error and system type, we will show how to calculate error regardless of system type or input. Let's zoom in further on this plot and confirm our statement: axis([39.9,40.1,39.9,40.1]) Now let's modify the problem a little bit and say that our system looks as follows: Our G(s) is Input Test signal is step. 4. Steady State Error Solved Problems axis([39.9,40.1,39.9,40.1]) Examination of the above shows that the steady-state error is indeed 0.1 as desired. Example: Static Error Constants for Unity Feedback Department of Mechanical Engineering 16. Steady State Error In Control System Pdf For example, let's say that we have the following system: which is equivalent to the following system: We can calculate the steady state error for this system from either the open Let's say that we have the following system with a disturbance: we can find the steady-state error for a step disturbance input with the following equation: Lastly, we can calculate steady-state Now let's modify the problem a little bit and say that our system has the form shown below. Steady State Error Disturbance s = tf('s'); P = ((s+3)*(s+5))/(s*(s+7)*(s+8)); C = 1/s; sysCL = feedback(C*P,1); t = 0:0.1:250; u = t; [y,t,x] = lsim(sysCL,u,t); plot(t,y,'y',t,u,'m') xlabel('Time (sec)') ylabel('Amplitude') title('Input-purple, Output-yellow') As you can see, Background: Steady-State Error Test Inputs : Department of Mechanical Engineering 7. Steady State Error Solved Example Please try the request again. Steady State Error In Control System Examples From our tables, we know that a system of type 2 gives us zero steady-state error for a ramp input. Since system is Type 1, error stated must apply to ramp function. his comment is here The system returned: (22) Invalid argument The remote host or network may be down. ME 176 Control Systems Engineering Steady-State Errors Department of Mechanical Engineering 2. System is Type 0 3. Steady State Error In Control System Problems The system returned: (22) Invalid argument The remote host or network may be down. Greater the sensitivity, the less desirable. "The ratio of the fractional change in the function to the fractional change in parameter as the fractional change of parameters approaches zero" Department of The system returned: (22) Invalid argument The remote host or network may be down. this contact form Many of the techniques that we present will give an answer even if the system is unstable; obviously this answer is meaningless for an unstable system. The system type is defined as the number of pure integrators in a system. Unity Feedback System Transfer Function Department of Mechanical Engineering 19. You can keep your great finds in clipboards organized around topics. Background: Analysis & Design Objectives "Analysis is the process by which a system's performance is determined." "Design is the process by which a systems performance is created or changed." Transient Response Let's examine this in further detail. The only input that will yield a finite steady-state error in this system is a ramp input. Generated Sun, 30 Oct 2016 10:13:56 GMT by s_sg2 (squid/3.5.20) ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: Connection How To Reduce Steady State Error Note: Steady-state error analysis is only useful for stable systems. Type 0 system Step Input Ramp Input Parabolic Input Steady-State Error Formula 1/(1+Kp) 1/Kv 1/Ka Static Error Constant Kp = constant Kv = 0 Ka = 0 Error 1/(1+Kp) infinity infinity The steady-state error will depend on the type of input (step, ramp, etc.) as well as the system type (0, I, or II). Manipulating the blocks, we can transform the system into an equivalent unity-feedback structure as shown below. navigate here Knowing the value of these constants, as well as the system type, we can predict if our system is going to have a finite steady-state error. axis([40,41,40,41]) The amplitude = 40 at t = 40 for our input, and time = 40.1 for our output. Name* Description Visibility Others can see my Clipboard Cancel Save Effects Tips TIPS ABOUT Tutorials Contact BASICS MATLAB Simulink HARDWARE Overview RC circuit LRC circuit Pendulum Lightbulb BoostConverter DC motor INDEX The system returned: (22) Invalid argument The remote host or network may be down. Example: Sensitivity Calculate sensitivity of the closed-loop transfer function to changes in parameter K and a, with ramp inputs: Department of Mechanical Engineering Recommended Strategic Planning Fundamentals Solving Business Problems Competitive From our tables, we know that a system of type 2 gives us zero steady-state error for a ramp input. Example: Steady-State Error for Unity Feedback Find the steady-state errors for inputs of 5u(t), 5tu(t), and 5t^2u(t). Your cache administrator is webmaster. Generated Sun, 30 Oct 2016 10:13:56 GMT by s_sg2 (squid/3.5.20) Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Link Public clipboards featuring this slide Γ— No public clipboards found for this slide Γ— Save the most important slides with Clipping Clipping is a handy Example: Steady-State Error for Disturbances Find the steady-state error component due to a step disturbance. Published with MATLAB 7.14 SYSTEM MODELING ANALYSIS CONTROL PID ROOTLOCUS FREQUENCY STATE-SPACE DIGITAL SIMULINK MODELING CONTROL All contents licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. We know from our problem statement that the steady state error must be 0.1. Please try the request again. Example: Static Error Constants for Unity Feedback Department of Mechanical Engineering 18. Department of Mechanical Engineering 21. Compute resulting G(s) and H(s). Generated Sun, 30 Oct 2016 10:13:56 GMT by s_sg2 (squid/3.5.20) ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: Connection Now we want to achieve zero steady-state error for a ramp input. Generated Sun, 30 Oct 2016 10:13:56 GMT by s_sg2 (squid/3.5.20) ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: Connection SlideShare Explore Search You Upload Login Signup Home Technology Education More Topics For Uploaders Get Started Tips & Tricks Tools Lecture 12 ME 176 6 Steady State Error Upcoming SlideShare Loading
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Table of contents: - What does real analysis mean? - What is the point of real analysis? - Why is real analysis so difficult? - What comes after real analysis? - How can I be good at statistics? - What type of math is statistics? - Is there a lot of math in statistics? - Is statistics easier than pre calculus? - Is Statistics harder than algebra 2? - What is the easiest math class in college? - Is Precalc harder than calculus? - How quickly can you learn calculus? - Can calculus be self taught? - Can I learn calculus in 3 months? - Can I learn calculus on my own? - Is calculus hard to learn? - What is the hardest math question in the world? - What is the hardest form of calculus? What does real analysis mean? In mathematics, real analysis is the branch of mathematical analysis that studies the behavior of real numbers, sequences and series of real numbers, and real functions. ... Real analysis is distinguished from complex analysis, which deals with the study of complex numbers and their functions. What is the point of real analysis? Real Analysis brings intellecture closure to ideas like real numbers. The emphasis on proofs hones analytical skill to a sharp point, which is necessary for further study. Calculus theorems are sometimes only stated. Why is real analysis so difficult? Besides the fact that it's just plain harder, the way you learn real analysis is not by memorizing formulas or algorithms and plugging things in. ... Real analysis is hard. This topic is probably your introduction to proof-based mathemat- ics, which makes it even harder. What comes after real analysis? after real analysis, you can take topology and differential geometry. How can I be good at statistics? Study Tips for the Student of Basic Statistics - Use distributive practice rather than massed practice. ... - Study in triads or quads of students at least once every week. ... - Don't try to memorize formulas (A good instructor will never ask you to do this). ... - Work as many and varied problems and exercises as you possibly can. ... - Look for reoccurring themes in statistics. What type of math is statistics? Statistics is a part of Applied Mathematics that uses probability theory to generalize the collected sample data. It helps to characterize the likelihood where the generalizations of data are accurate. This is known as statistical inference. Is there a lot of math in statistics? Originally Answered: Is statistics a field of math? No. Statistics is its own field separate from mathematics similar to physics. Although the two are closely related because the concept of probability is indeed studied in mathematics, and statistics makes use of many tools of analysis/calculus. Is statistics easier than pre calculus? Statistics (the AP course) in my opinion is a slightly less challenging class than pre-calc. I am enrolled in both of these classes right now at the high school level. ... But as a single-year math course, pre-calculus is bit more challenging. Is Statistics harder than algebra 2? a fundamental course in statistics, then, generally, statistics is more difficult. ... Algebra concepts are much easier to grasp, Stats concepts are harder to grasp but the work itself at an INTRO level stat class will be easier as most of it is just memorizing a bunch of formulas and plugging them in. What is the easiest math class in college? Is Precalc harder than calculus? For me Calc 1 was easier than precalc. Precalc is a lot of memorization and understanding trigonometry (seriously make sure you have trig down!), but calculus is just understand some new concepts that all flow pretty well. The CALCULUS is easy, it's the algebra that can be difficult. How quickly can you learn calculus? These courses are central to understanding the mathematics that aid in learning the basis of physical equations. Learning high-school calculus in a high-school class takes roughly 150 hours + 100 hours of homework/studying. Learning the same in a college class takes roughly 40 hours + 80 hours of homework/studying. Can calculus be self taught? "Calculus made easy" by Thomson. It will be easy to teach it to yourself. Youtube or Khanacademy anything you don't understand and be sure to do some practice problems. Can I learn calculus in 3 months? If you plan on moving onto higher-level calculus and analysis courses, the more time you invest into truly mastering single-variable calculus, the easier those will seem. I was able to independently cover two semesters' worth of calculus in roughly 2-3 months, so it is most definitely possible. Can I learn calculus on my own? You can absolutely learn a full calculus course by yourself, from pretty much any book. Is calculus hard to learn? The math involved in learning calculus is not hard at all, it's basically all just algebra and trig. Sure you can make it hard but for the most part it is not. Learning calculus is hard in that it demands more effort to understand it. What is the hardest math question in the world? Today's mathematicians would probably agree that the Riemann Hypothesis is the most significant open problem in all of math. It's one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems, with a million dollar reward for its solution. What is the hardest form of calculus? - What is a characteristic of fields? - What does it mean when dreams become reality? - Where is a compass used in real life? - What is scientific reality? - Are there real force fields? - What are the four stages of perception? - What NFL fields have real grass? - Where are the confetti fields? - What is the field of view for human beings with two eyes? - Is field hockey a posh sport? You will be interested - What is an example of a natural experiment? - What is meant by real number? - What FOV is real life? - Do electric field lines really exist? - Why do they call it a field trip? - How much are field stones? - How do I become an oilfield inspector? - What are the fields of mathematics? - What is real number in math? - Can civilians get MREs?
When I download Mathcad 14, the download fails just before it is complete. Can that be fixed or can ... Hello Everyone.From : How to plot a rectangular prism ?Thanks in advance for your time and help.Rega... 7 Replies 2020 Views I have some coworkers who are unable to open an autocad object in Mathcad; we typically copy and pas... I see that Prime 6.0 has been released today. On the e-store I see either a full license or a studen... How to download mathcad free trial? I've downloaded it on my girlfriend computer, deleted, and now I... I am incorporating mass as a defined variable a mechanism force analysis and I keep getting an error... I am using MathCAD Prime 2.0 for design calculations for a building I am engineering. I am fairly ne... by RM_9744827 on 12-07-2020 01:30 PM 0 Replies 101 Views Hi everyone, I am working on a force analysis for a kinematic mechanism. I have been able to resolve... Ich habe von Ihnen am 15.11. einen License Pack per e-Mail bekommen. Ich wollte nun heute mal die Vo... To all Q : How is it that mathcad 15 can solve a 3 unknowns , 2 equations problems? BackgroundI susp... I want to add beam section profiles to an excel list to expand the calculation options for this shee... 16 Replies 758 Views Hi all, I am new to MathCAD and i can just not figure out this bug. I am trying to plot a chart for ... Hi all, Could anyone tell me how to draw only one datapoint or few datapoints in the 3D plots of Pri... Is it an error in Mathcad (and Maple) symbolic math or I do not understand something? (See please th... Hi Guys, I have one question about how to use mathcad prime 6 to optimize two parameters in order to... I cannot install the new license. I have Mathcad Prime installed already, but the new licens... I could not activate the program. Are this two ovals the two cyrcles - Apollonian circles? 4 Replies 1178 Views I'm trying to plot the function listed below but it seems to have an issue with the label formating ... To all, I am looking at using the CreateMesh() if not using a β€œconstant" X & y range. I had a look a... Do you know an analytical solution of this problem - a closed chain on the horisontal cylinder? Math... I tried to follow do the same but i get errors @LucMeekes Hi, I´m currently using MathCad_Prime6.0 trial version as I need to edit some of my old scipts calc... When I try and run the instalation program, only extracting window appears, then dissapears when it ... Why I don't want to create a chart.Will you help? 5 Replies 346 Views Hello and thank you to whomever reads and responds to this request. I am currently trying to recreat... When i try and run the program, only the extracting window appears, dissapears when it gets to 100% ... Hi, I am unable to license my MathCad trial. I keep getting a license request failed error on the ba... I am currently a 3rd year university student and upon trying to download the mathcad trial, no email... Hallo ich habe eine Frage zu Mathcad Prime 6. Ich mΓΆchte das Widerstandsmoment ausrechnen und mit ei...
"Experienced Math/Physics/Chem/Stat Tutor" I really enjoy teaching and have been working in the Austin area for over 15 years. I graduated from UT-Austin in 1994 with a BS in Math . I worked in the Math department while there, and also began working at ACC as a tutor at that time. At ACC I tutored Math courses from pre-algebra to differential equations, including trigonometry, probability,... 10+ subjects, including algebra 1, algebra 2 and calculus
I am taking a course by distance, and my professor provided an example of how to create a Hessian matrix using partial derivatives. He gave another example that just had the solution for us to try on our own. I think that I am somehow not taking the second order partial derivative right. The attached file has the professors original example (solved step by step), his solved example and my work. Can you help me figure out where my mistake is?Β© BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com December 24, 2021, 4:53 pm ad1c9bdddf
Algebra I | Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Main ideas in this unit In this unit, your student will be introduced to exponential relationships. Earlier, your student studied what mathematicians call linear relationships, where they start with a quantity and add or subtract the same amount repeatedly. In an exponential relationship, you start with a quantity and multiply by the same amount repeatedly. Exponential relationships are represented by equations in the form y=aβ‹…bxy=aβ‹…bx, where aa is the quantity you start with, bb is the growth factor that you are going to multiply it by, and xx is how many times you are going to multiply by bb. If bb is bigger than 1, the amount is growing and if bbis less than 1, the amount is shrinking. When bb is equal to 1, the amount is staying the same. If you start with 50 bees in your apiary (bee garden), and the number of bees doubles each year, how many bees would you have in 5 years? Let yy represent the number of bees and xx represent time in years. The starting amount is 50 bees and the multiplier is 2. y=aβ‹…bx=50β‹…25=50β‹…2β‹…2β‹…2β‹…2β‹…2=1,600 bees after 5 yearsy=aβ‹…bx=50β‹…25=50β‹…2β‹…2β‹…2β‹…2β‹…2=1,600 bees after 5 years While multiplication works well for a situation like this, where we are multiplying by 2 five times, a graph can be a useful tool. If you wanted to know how many bees you would have in 10 years, you could graph y=50β‹…2xy=50β‹…2x and see how many bees there are in 10 years. Graphing is especially helpful when looking a long way into the future or when you want to know when something will happen, like when the bee population will reach 1 million. Florida is having a problem with a toxic green algae that is floating on their waterways, contaminating the water and killing the marine life. Kiran lives on a small lake in south Florida. One day he noticed the algae floating on a 3 square meter area of the lake. A month later, the algae had doubled in size, growing to 6 square meters. This can be solved using a variety of strategies. You could use a table. You could write an exponential equation to represent the situation. Let x represent the time in months and y represent the area in square meters. Substitute 4 for xx and solve for yy. 48 square meters You could also graph the equation. y=3β‹…2β‹…2β‹…2β‹…2=y=3β‹…2β‹…2β‹…2β‹…2= 48 square meters 2. Just as with part a, there are several strategies for finding when the algae will cover the whole lake. Extending the graph, adding the graph of y=1500y=1500, and finding where they intersect is a nice way to find the month. In just under 9 months, the algae will cover 1500 square meters of the lake. IM Algebra 1 is copyright 2019 Illustrative Mathematics and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).
[SOLVED] Finding distance using forces 1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data A box is given a push so that it slides across the floor. How far will it go, given that the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.18 and the push imparts an initial speed of 4.2 m/s? 2. Relevant equations x=Vit+1/2at squared 3. The attempt at a solution I've been trying to figure out Fa since i know the coeffiecient. But since i cannot find time i'm trying to use another equation to find distance. I'm realy bad at finding these things without a mass given becaue i'm so used to that. Thanks for your help!
The problem of blind equalization was thought to have been solved by some `globally convergent' blind equalizers. However, the established local convergence of some blind equalizers demonstrates the possibility of ill-convergence in the true equalizer parameter space by these supposedly ideal algorithms. In this paper, we analyze the reason why an algorithm globally convergent in the combined channel and equalizer parameter space can have undesirable local convergence in the true equalizer parameter space. We demonstrate that the existing results on global convergence are implicitly based on an idealistic assumption that the equalizer is infinitely parameterized with infinite output delay. We show that despite the engineering intuition that such results should carry over to the finitely parametrized case; in reality the theory breaks down and local minima are common place. Thus, while the theories proving global convergence are elegant and positive, the reality is that for realizable systems such convergence behavior may not materialize.
Location: San Bartolome, Novaliches, Quezon City Landmarks: 850 meters from SM Novaliches, 800 meters from STI Novaliches Unit Types: Zen Style 2-Storey Townhouse with 3 BR, 2 TnB, Carport, and Steel Gate/Fence Usable Floor Area: 104 sqm. Typical Lot Area: 60 – 90 sqm. Kathleen Place 4 offers 742 Quality Townhouses on an 8.6 Hectare land. Β .The project Β .is an exclusive community with 24-hour security and comes with complete amenities such as adult and kiddieΒ .swimming pool, clubhouse, parks and playground, and basketball court. UnitsΒ .in Kathleen Place 4 will have 3 bedrooms, 2 toilet and bath, balcony, and 1 carport. Turnover will have complete finishes including Β .painted walls and ceilings, granite floor tiles for 1st floor (ceramic on 2nd Floor) , modular cabinets on kitchen and all 3 bedrooms, complete fixtures for the toilet and baths, steel fence, and gate. As a bonus, you can even choose the color of the interior wall paints. Price : P Β .3,849,364.15 lot area 61sqm. / flr area 104 sqmΒ . Site Tripping : callΒ .
1930s Hollywood is re-evaluated through the eyes of scathing social critic and alcoholic screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz as he races to finish the screenplay of Citizen Kane for Orson Welles. Click to enjoy the images in glorious 5K, full quality, and full screen view: πš†πš‘πš˜ 𝚠𝚊𝚜 πšπš‘πšŠπš πšŠπšπšŠπš’πš—? π™Ήπšžπšœπš 𝚊 πš πš›πš’πšπšŽπš›. 𝙸 πš“πšžπšœπš 𝚜𝚊𝚠 πŸΊπŸΈπš—πš πš‚πšπš›πšŽπšŽπš. (π™±πš›πš˜πš˜πš”πš•πš’πš—-𝚎𝚜𝚎) π™Έπš πš‹πš•πšŽπš  πš–πš’ πš πš’πš. 𝚈𝚘𝚞 πšŒπšŠπš— πšπšŠπš”πšŽ πšπš‘πšŽ πšπš’πš›πš• 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 πš†πš˜πš›πš πš˜πš— πšπš‘πšŽ πšœπšπš›πšŽπšŽπš πš’πšœ πš›πšŠπšπš’πš˜β€™πšœ π™Άπš˜πš•πšπšŽπš— π™±πš˜πš’ πš πšŠπš—πšπšœ 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚘 𝚝𝚘𝚎-𝚝𝚘-𝚝𝚘𝚎 πš πš’πšπš‘ πš†πš’πš•πš•πš’πšŽ π™·πšŽπšŠπš›πšœπš, πšŠπš—πš πš’πš˜πšžβ€™πš›πšŽ πš‘πšŽπš•πš™πš’πš—πš πš’πš— πšπš‘πšŽ πš”πš’πšπšŒπš‘πšŽπš—. πšƒπš‘πš’πšœ πš’πšœ 𝚊 πš‹πšžπšœπš’πš—πšŽπšœπšœ πš πš‘πšŽπš›πšŽ πšπš‘πšŽ πš‹πšžπš’πšŽπš› 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚜 πš—πš˜πšπš‘πš’πš—πš πšπš˜πš› πš‘πš’πšœ πš–πš˜πš—πšŽπš’ πš‹πšžπš 𝚊 πš–πšŽπš–πš˜πš›πš’. πš†πš‘πšŠπš πš‘πšŽ πš‹πš˜πšžπšπš‘πš πšœπšπš’πš•πš• πš‹πšŽπš•πš˜πš—πšπšœ 𝚝𝚘 πšπš‘πšŽ πš–πšŠπš— πš πš‘πš˜ πšœπš˜πš•πš πš’πš. (πš›πšŠπš’πšœπš’πš—πš πš‘πšŽπš› πšπš•πšŠπšœπšœ) π™΄πš’πšπš‘πšŽπš› 𝚒𝚘𝚞 πšπšŽπš–πš˜πš—πšœπšπš›πšŠπšπšŽ 𝚒𝚘𝚞 πšŒπšŠπš— πš‘πšŠπš—πšπš•πšŽ πšπš‘πš’πšœ, π™ΌπšŠπš—πš”πš’πšŽπš πš’πšŒπš£, πš˜πš› 𝚠𝚎 πš πš’πš•πš• πšŠπš•πš• πšŽπš—πš πšžπš™ πšπšŽπšπšπš’πš—πš πšœπšŠπšŒπš”πšŽπš. 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒 πšŠπš—πš πš πš’πš•πš•πš’πš—πš 𝚝𝚘 πš‘πšžπš—πš πšπš‘πšŽ π™Άπš›πšŽπšŠπš πš†πš‘πš’πšπšŽ πš†πš‘πšŠπš•πšŽ? π™²πšŠπš•πš• πš–πšŽ π™°πš‘πšŠπš‹. 6 thoughts on β€œFirst Look at David Fincher’s β€œMank”” As I said, I love each and every frame πŸ™‚ Picture-wise, to me it looks very similar to Mara-Downtown commercial. LikeLiked by 1 person I was thinking exactly the same. It’s a black halation festival. And it shows how sneakily Fincher has been using his commercial work from the last years to experiment and prepare for Mank. Ian Vertovec’s notes on Downtown are crystal clear: 2013. Calvin Klein – Downtown: https://thefincheranalyst.com/commercials/2013-calvin-klein-downtown/ 2014. Gap – Dress Normal (series): https://thefincheranalyst.com/commercials/2014-gap-dress-normal-series/ 2013. Justin Timberlake – Suit & Tie (ft. JAY Z): https://thefincheranalyst.com/music-videos/2013-justin-timberlake-suit-tie-ft-jay-z/ Yes, I guess he is playing a long game, but then again, he has tried in the past to make Mank. LikeLiked by 1 person So what exactly is going on with this black halation look? Any idea of what they are doing in front of the camera and in post? In front of the camera, they are obviously using fog to add diffusion and β€œatmosphere” (the William Randolph Hearts still). They might be using some filters too. But with the monochrome cameras, you get clean, super crisp, high contrast, and high latitude images that must be digitally β€œdegraded” to get different vintage effects like the types of halos they are explicitly aiming for: from a subtle old east german film stock look to a maybe more pronounced old kinescope halation effect (Vertovec’s notes). The effect is applied using luma keys, as Eric Weidt did for the β€œGlo” (or humid atmosphere, basically a softer halo around the highlights) effect in Mindhunter S02: https://thefincheranalyst.com/2019/11/21/filmlight-colour-on-stage-eric-weidt/ The same goes for other film and lens artifacts (check the spherical lens flares in the first still with Seyfried and Oldman). I guess Fincher likes his artifacts where necessary, but 100% digitally created for full control and adjustability. He did transfer to film and re-scan β€œCalvin Klein – Downtown” for a β€œnatural film grain” look, but went fully digital with the β€œmulti-layered” film grain effects for Mindhunter. On Fincher’s fascination with film halos and the β€œlittle photochemical battle that goes” inside them: https://www.instagram.com/p/B2RFHnfidNL/
Free Math teaching websites is a completely free Math teaching website with unlimited access. This website is using a problem based learning method. The child is posed a tiny math problem. And is expected to solve the problem on his own. The platform is not playing the role of a teacher. leaplearn.in allows the child to think and solve a problem. At leaplearn.in the child is expected to work 80% and the platform plays 20% role in the teaching learning process. is a free Math teaching platform. Its only problem is that its approach towards students is little bit traditional. Khan Academy is trying to be an alternative of school. So the school methods are creating a sort of monotony for the student. As in a traditional school, teacher works 80% and student has to work 20% to complete a teaching learning task. In Khan Academy the ratio remains the same. This does not make it an inclusive method of teaching/ learning.
Math solver calculator In this blog post, we discuss how Math solver calculator can help students learn Algebra. Our website can solving math problem. The Best Math solver calculator Math solver calculator is a software program that supports students solve math problems. Solving an expression means to find the value of the variable(s) in the equation. In order to solve an expression, you need to use inverse operations to undo the operations that are performed on the variable(s). For example, if you have the expression 2x+3, and you want to solve for x, you would first use inverse operations to undo the addition. This would give you 2x=3. Then, you would use inverse operations to undo the multiplication, which would give you x=3/2. Solving an expression can be tricky, but with practice it can become easier. With a little bit of patience and some reverse operations, you'll be solving expressions like a pro! Math can be a difficult subject for many people. It often requires a lot of memorization and practice to master the material. However, math can be made easier with a few simple tips. First, make sure to understand the concepts before trying to solve the problems. Second, take your time and don't rush through the material. Math problems often have multiple steps, and it's important to complete each step carefully. Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help if you're having trouble. There are plenty of resources available, including online forums, tutoring services, and practice websites. With a little effort, math can be easy! First, let's review the distributive property. The distributive property states that for any expression of the form a(b+c), we can write it as ab+ac. This is useful when solving expressions because it allows us to simplify the equation by breaking it down into smaller parts. For example, if we wanted to solve for x in the equation 4(x+3), we could first use the distributive property to rewrite it as 4x+12. Then, we could solve for x by isolating it on one side of the equation. In this case, we would subtract 12 from both sides of the equation, giving us 4x=12-12, or 4x=-12. Finally, we would divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for x, giving us x=-3. As you can see, the distributive property can be a helpful tool when solving expressions. Now let's look at an example of solving an expression with one unknown. Suppose we have the equation 3x+5=12. To solve for x, we would first move all of the terms containing x to one side of the equation and all of the other terms to the other side. In this case, we would subtract 5 from both sides and add 3 to both sides, giving us 3x=7. Finally, we would divide both sides by 3 to solve for x, giving us x=7/3 or x=2 1/3. As you can see, solving expressions can be fairly simple if you know how to use basic algebraic principles. This a website that enables you to get detailed solutions to your math word problems. Just enter the problem in the text box and click on the "Solve" button. will then show you step-by-step how to solve the problem. You can also use the site to check your answers to make sure you are on the right track. is a great resource for students of all levels who are struggling with math word problems. The most common type of function is the linear function. A linear function is a function in which the input and output are related by a straight line. College algebra is the study of linear functions and their properties. It investigates how these functions can be used to model real-world situations. In addition, college algebra also covers topics such as graphing, solving equations, and manipulating algebraic expressions. As a result, college algebra is an important course for any student who plans on pursuing a career in mathematics or another field that uses mathematics. We cover all types of math issues Great app! Easy to use and provides detailed explanation of every step involved in solving a problem. No mistakes found yet. It even has the answers to many textbooks with the paid version. This works really well for my son it not only gives the answer but it shows the steps and you can also push the back button and it goes back bit by bit which is really useful and he said he is able to learn at a pace that makes him feel comfortable instead of being left pressured and mystified.