[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'false');(_:search,near,'pacific heights');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want a moderately priced restaurant that doesn't allow children and is near the pacific heights" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'fresca');(_:result,near,'pacific heights');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fresca is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range , it is near pacific heights and where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,name,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the name" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'fresca');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fresca is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'fresca');(_:result,phone,'4154472668');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fresca is a nice place their phone number is 4154472668 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,food,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and the type of food they serve" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'peruvian or tapas');(_:result,name,'fresca');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fresca is a nice place , it serves peruvian food and it serves tapas food ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fresca" ], [ "_:result", "near", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "near", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fresca" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "near", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fresca" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154472668" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "near", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154472668" ], [ "_:result", "food", "peruvian or tapas" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fresca" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "near", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154472668" ], [ "_:result", "food", "peruvian or tapas" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fresca" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "s" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "s what is code have" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i would like a hotel in any area eat" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley');(_:result,name,'days inn san francisco downtown fcivic center area');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "days inn san francisco downtown fcivic center area is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the inexpensive price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'parkside');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "ashbury area near parkside" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'ocean park motel');(_:result,near,'parkside');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "ocean park motel is a nice place it is near parkside ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number and address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'2690 46th ave');(_:result,name,'ocean park motel');(_:result,phone,'4155667020');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "ocean park motel is a nice place , their address is 2690 46th ave and their phone number is 4155667020 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "name", "days inn san francisco downtown fcivic center area" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "parkside" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "near", "parkside" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "ocean park motel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "parkside" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "near", "parkside" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "parkside" ], [ "_:result", "address", "2690 46th ave" ], [ "_:result", "name", "ocean park motel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155667020" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "near", "parkside" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "parkside" ], [ "_:result", "address", "2690 46th ave" ], [ "_:result", "name", "ocean park motel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155667020" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'opera plaza');(_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a hotel in the area of opera plaza that has internet" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'opera plaza');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of opera plaza ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "reqalts((_:result,area,'castro'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay how about the area of castro" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'castro');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'inn on castro');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn on castro is a nice place , it has internet and it is in the area of castro ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay can i have the address and post code" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'castro');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'inn on castro');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn on castro is a nice place , it has internet and it is in the area of castro ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'321 castro st');(_:result,name,'inn on castro');(_:result,postcode,'94114');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn on castro is a nice place , their address is 321 castro st and their postcode is 94114 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "opera plaza" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "opera plaza" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/8a39e346" ], [ "_:result/8a39e346", "area", "opera plaza" ], [ "_:result/8a39e346", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "opera plaza" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/8a39e346" ], [ "_:result/8a39e346", "area", "opera plaza" ], [ "_:result/8a39e346", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "castro" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn on castro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "opera plaza" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/8a39e346" ], [ "_:result/8a39e346", "area", "opera plaza" ], [ "_:result/8a39e346", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "castro" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn on castro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "opera plaza" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/8a39e346" ], [ "_:result/8a39e346", "area", "opera plaza" ], [ "_:result/8a39e346", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "castro" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "321 castro st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn on castro" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94114" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "opera plaza" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/8a39e346" ], [ "_:result/8a39e346", "area", "opera plaza" ], [ "_:result/8a39e346", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "castro" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "321 castro st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn on castro" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94114" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,near,'outer richmond');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i would like to find a cheap restaurant that allows children in is near the outer richmond" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'minami restaurant');(_:result,near,'outer richmond');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "minami restaurant is a nice place , it is in the cheap price range , it is near outer richmond and where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address and area of the restaurant" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1900 clement street');(_:result,area,'hayes valley or little russia');(_:result,name,'minami restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "minami restaurant is a nice place , it is in the area of little russia , their address is 1900 clement street and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "anything else" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'minami restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "minami restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,area,'outer richmond');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,area,'outer richmond');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it near the area of outer richmond" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'outer richmond');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , where child -s are allowed and in the area of outer richmond ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1900 clement street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or little russia" ], [ "_:result", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1900 clement street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or little russia" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1900 clement street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or little russia" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6bba3318" ], [ "_:result/6bba3318", "area", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result/6bba3318", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/6bba3318", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1900 clement street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or little russia" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6bba3318" ], [ "_:result/6bba3318", "area", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result/6bba3318", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/6bba3318", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'false');(_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is it does not allow dogs intensive is pricey price" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the pricey price range and where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about does allow dogs in the next that's expensive price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sorry would you like a place where dogs are allowed or where dogs are not allowed" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "not allowed" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'omni san francisco');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "omni san francisco is a nice place it is in the pricey price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "expensive" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the pricey price range and where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/f7110c96" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/f7110c96" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/f7110c96" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "omni san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/f7110c96" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "omni san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/cc982abd" ], [ "_:result/cc982abd", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/cc982abd", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/cc982abd", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/f7110c96" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/f7110c96", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "omni san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/cc982abd" ], [ "_:result/cc982abd", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/cc982abd", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/cc982abd", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'martin luther king square');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and i'm looking for a hotel in the area of martin luther king square" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'martin luther king square');(_:result,name,'chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn is a nice place it is in the area of martin luther king square ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "may i have the address and phone number for" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1057 steiner st');(_:result,name,'chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn');(_:result,phone,'4157765462');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn is a nice place , their address is 1057 steiner st and their phone number is 4157765462 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "huntingdon better one" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'martin luther king square');(_:result,count,'1');(_:result,name,'chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn in the area of martin luther king square ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1057 steiner st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157765462" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1057 steiner st" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157765462" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1057 steiner st" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157765462" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'bayview heights');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant in the bayview heights there's point" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'bayview heights');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of bayview heights ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "eight you'll hunters point" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'bayview heights');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of bayview heights ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'bayview heights');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "restaurant near the bayview heights here's point" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'bayview heights');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of bayview heights ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "near uh point there be meal point" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'bayview heights');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of bayview heights ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/07e85feb" ], [ "_:result/07e85feb", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/07e85feb", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/07e85feb" ], [ "_:result/07e85feb", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/07e85feb", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/8f9bb4a3" ], [ "_:result/8f9bb4a3", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/8f9bb4a3", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/07e85feb" ], [ "_:result/07e85feb", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/07e85feb", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/8f9bb4a3" ], [ "_:result/8f9bb4a3", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/8f9bb4a3", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6efafaaf" ], [ "_:result/6efafaaf", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/6efafaaf", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/07e85feb" ], [ "_:result/07e85feb", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/07e85feb", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/8f9bb4a3" ], [ "_:result/8f9bb4a3", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/8f9bb4a3", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6efafaaf" ], [ "_:result/6efafaaf", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/6efafaaf", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/22960e26" ], [ "_:result/22960e26", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/22960e26", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/07e85feb" ], [ "_:result/07e85feb", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/07e85feb", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/8f9bb4a3" ], [ "_:result/8f9bb4a3", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/8f9bb4a3", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6efafaaf" ], [ "_:result/6efafaaf", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/6efafaaf", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/22960e26" ], [ "_:result/22960e26", "area", "bayview heights" ], [ "_:result/22960e26", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'sunnydale');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel in sunnydale that does not allow dog" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'sunnydale');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of sunnydale ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'nob hill');(_:search,dogs_allowed,'false');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there a place in nob hill that does not allow dogs" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'nob hill');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nob hill motor inn is a nice place , it is in the area of nob hill and where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,has_internet,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it have internet" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'nob hill');(_:result,count,'1');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than nob hill motor inn in the area of nob hill and where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is nob hill motor inn have internet" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nob hill motor inn is a nice place it has internet ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))", "inform((_:search,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number of nob hill motor inn" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'nob hill');(_:result,count,'1');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than nob hill motor inn in the area of nob hill , where no dogs are allowed and with an internet connection ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))", "inform((_:search,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number of nob hill motor inn" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,phone,'4157758160');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nob hill motor inn is a nice place their phone number is 4157758160 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/efbe4410" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/efbe4410" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/efbe4410" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/efbe4410" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/efbe4410" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/efbe4410" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157758160" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/efbe4410" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/efbe4410", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157758160" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'thai');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh restaurant near and town that serves thai food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'13');(_:result,food,'thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 13 restaurant -s serving thai food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what area would you like ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "just and town want to me the address and area" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'13');(_:result,food,'thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 13 restaurant -s serving thai food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "um" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'13');(_:result,food,'thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 13 restaurant -s serving thai food ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "in pounds" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'13');(_:result,food,'thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 13 restaurant -s serving thai food ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hours" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'13');(_:result,food,'thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 13 restaurant -s serving thai food ." }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 20, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 21, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "oh twenty dollars" }, { "id": 22, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'13');(_:result,food,'thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 13 restaurant -s serving thai food ." }, { "id": 23, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 24, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 25, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "13" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "count", "13" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "13" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "13" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "13" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "13" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "13" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "13" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/72c21e41" ], [ "_:search/72c21e41", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] }, { "id": 9, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/72c21e41" ], [ "_:search/72c21e41", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "13" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" 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"type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "13" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 ] }, { "id": 12, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/72c21e41" ], [ "_:search/72c21e41", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "13" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'turkish');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a cheap restaurant that serves turkish food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'turkish');(_:result,name,'a la turca restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "a la turca restaurant is a nice place , it serves turkish food and it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address and phone number and which meal one" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'869 geary street');(_:result,name,'a la turca restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4153451011');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "a la turca restaurant is a nice place , their address is 869 geary street and their phone number is 4153451011 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "which meal is that" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'a la turca restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "a la turca restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,good_for_meal,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "which meal what" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch or dinner');(_:result,name,'a la turca restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "a la turca restaurant is a nice place , it is good for dinner and it is good for lunch ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:result", "name", "a la turca restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "869 geary street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "a la turca restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153451011" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "869 geary street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153451011" ], [ "_:result", "name", "a la turca restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "869 geary street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153451011" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch or dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "a la turca restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "869 geary street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153451011" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch or dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "a la turca restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'fishermans wharf');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a restaurant near the fisherman's wharf" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,good_for_meal,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what meal are you looking for ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "that allows children and is good for much" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'source');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place , where child -s are allowed and it is good for lunch ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'source');(_:result,phone,'4158649000');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place their phone number is 4158649000 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,food,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the type of food" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'pizza');(_:result,name,'source');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place it serves pizza food ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,'true');(_:search,area,'civic center');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel in the area of civic center that accepts credit cards" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,area,'civic center');(_:result,name,'phoenix hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "phoenix hotel is a nice place , it is in the area of civic center and it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the phone number and post code" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'phoenix hotel');(_:result,phone,'4157761380');(_:result,postcode,'94109');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "phoenix hotel is a nice place , their phone number is 4157761380 and their postcode is 94109 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "civic center" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "civic center" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "civic center" ], [ "_:result", "name", "phoenix hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "civic center" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "civic center" ], [ "_:result", "name", "phoenix hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157761380" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94109" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "civic center" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "civic center" ], [ "_:result", "name", "phoenix hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157761380" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94109" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'pizza');(_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want a cheap restaurant that serves pizza food and allows children" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'pizza');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'source');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place , it serves pizza food , where child -s are allowed and it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'11 division street');(_:result,name,'source');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place their address is 11 division street ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'source');(_:result,phone,'4158649000');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place their phone number is 4158649000 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the area" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or showplace square');(_:result,name,'source');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of showplace square ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'source');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "11 division street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "11 division street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "11 division street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/7116f031" ], [ "_:result/7116f031", "area", "hayes valley or showplace square" ], [ "_:result/7116f031", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result/7116f031", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "11 division street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/7116f031" ], [ "_:result/7116f031", "area", "hayes valley or showplace square" ], [ "_:result/7116f031", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result/7116f031", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "11 division street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/7116f031" ], [ "_:result/7116f031", "area", "hayes valley or showplace square" ], [ "_:result/7116f031", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result/7116f031", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,food,'persian');(_:search,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant good for lunch that serves persian food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,name,'chow');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chow is a nice place it is good for lunch ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'russian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant that serves russian food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,food,'russian');(_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , serving russian food and good for lunch ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,food,'creperies');(_:search,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about a restaurant that is good for lunch that serves creperies food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'creperies');(_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,name,'chez maman');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chez maman is a nice place , it is good for lunch and it serves creperies food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1453 18th street');(_:result,name,'chez maman');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chez maman is a nice place their address is 1453 18th street ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "where is it near" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'chez maman');(_:result,near,'potrero hill');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chez maman is a nice place it is near potrero hill ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chow" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "russian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chow" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c0bcf26d" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "food", "russian" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "creperies" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c0bcf26d" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "food", "russian" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "creperies" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "creperies" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chez maman" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c0bcf26d" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "food", "russian" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "creperies" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "creperies" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1453 18th street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chez maman" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c0bcf26d" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "food", "russian" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "creperies" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "creperies" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1453 18th street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chez maman" ], [ "_:result", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c0bcf26d" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "food", "russian" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result/c0bcf26d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "creperies" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "creperies" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1453 18th street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chez maman" ], [ "_:result", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,'true');(_:search,area,'martin luther king square');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "like to find a hotel with the area of martin luther king square that accepts credit cards" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,area,'martin luther king square');(_:result,name,'chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn is a nice place , it is in the area of martin luther king square and it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1057 steiner st');(_:result,name,'chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn is a nice place their address is 1057 steiner st ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn');(_:result,phone,'4157765462');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn is a nice place their phone number is 4157765462 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1057 steiner st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1057 steiner st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157765462" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1057 steiner st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157765462" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'gluten free');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is the restaurant that serves gluten free food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'3');(_:result,food,'gluten free');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 3 restaurant -s serving gluten free food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what area would you like ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "it doesn't matter" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley');(_:result,food,'gluten free');(_:result,name,'saha');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "saha is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it serves gluten free food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'saha');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "saha is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'saha');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "saha is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:result", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:result", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result", "name", "saha" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "saha" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "saha" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "saha" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "do you have be you don't care" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it accept credit card" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,'true');(_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "don't care whether it accepts credit cards" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'san francisco marriott marquis');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "san francisco marriott marquis is a nice place , i do not know if it allows dogs and it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "good bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "san francisco marriott marquis" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "san francisco marriott marquis" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "with some more near north beach" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'north beach');(_:result,name,'the tuscan best western plus');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the tuscan best western plus is a nice place it is in the area of north beach ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and the price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'north beach');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the area of north beach and in the pricey price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have their" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'north beach');(_:result,count,'2');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 2 hotel -s in the area of north beach ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'telegraph hill');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "telegraph hill" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'telegraph hill');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of telegraph hill ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'telegraph hill');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of telegraph hill ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the tuscan best western plus" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the tuscan best western plus" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/971a157d" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the tuscan best western plus" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/971a157d" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the tuscan best western plus" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/971a157d" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the tuscan best western plus" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/971a157d" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/cb921faa" ], [ "_:result/cb921faa", "area", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:result/cb921faa", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the tuscan best western plus" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/971a157d" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/cb921faa" ], [ "_:result/cb921faa", "area", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:result/cb921faa", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/e4363221" ], [ "_:result/e4363221", "area", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:result/e4363221", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the tuscan best western plus" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/971a157d" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/971a157d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/cb921faa" ], [ "_:result/cb921faa", "area", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:result/cb921faa", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/e4363221" ], [ "_:result/e4363221", "area", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:result/e4363221", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'diamond heights');(_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "could i want a hotel in the diamond heights area with internet connection" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'diamond heights');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of diamond heights ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts((_:result,area,'the castro'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about in the castro area" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'the castro');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'inn on castro');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn on castro is a nice place , it is in the area of the castro and it has internet ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number and postcode code" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'the castro');(_:result,name,'inn on castro');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn on castro is a nice place it is in the area of the castro ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the telephone number and post code" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'the castro');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'inn on castro');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn on castro is a nice place , it is in the area of the castro and it has internet ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number and post code" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'the castro');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'inn on castro');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn on castro is a nice place , it is in the area of the castro and it has internet ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'inn on castro');(_:result,phone,'4158610321');(_:result,postcode,'94114');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn on castro is a nice place , their phone number is 4158610321 and their postcode is 94114 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "diamond heights" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "diamond heights" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/22a7b9d8" ], [ "_:result/22a7b9d8", "area", "diamond heights" ], [ "_:result/22a7b9d8", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "diamond heights" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/22a7b9d8" ], [ 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"type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "diamond heights" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/22a7b9d8" ], [ "_:result/22a7b9d8", "area", "diamond heights" ], [ "_:result/22a7b9d8", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "the castro" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn on castro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "diamond heights" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", 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"4158610321" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94114" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "diamond heights" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/22a7b9d8" ], [ "_:result/22a7b9d8", "area", "diamond heights" ], [ "_:result/22a7b9d8", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "the castro" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn on castro" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158610321" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94114" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'mission bay');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant near the mission bay that is good for any" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'marlowe');(_:result,near,'mission bay');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marlowe is a nice place it is near mission bay ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address and area" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'330 townsend street suite 101');(_:result,area,'hayes valley or mission bay');(_:result,name,'marlowe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marlowe is a nice place , it is in the area of mission bay , their address is 330 townsend street suite 101 and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marlowe" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "address", "330 townsend street suite 101" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marlowe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "address", "330 townsend street suite 101" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marlowe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'inner sunset');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel in the area of inner sunset" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'inner sunset');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of inner sunset ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'little osaka');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel in the area of little osaka" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "it doesn't matter" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,area,'little osaka');(_:result,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel kabuki is a nice place , it accepts credit card -s and it is in the area of little osaka ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you may i have the phone number and price range" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,area,'little osaka');(_:result,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel kabuki is a nice place , it accepts credit card -s and it is in the area of little osaka ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))", "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yeah hotel kabuki phone number and price range" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:result,phone,'4159223200');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel kabuki is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and their phone number is 4159223200 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4ff45f7" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "area", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4ff45f7" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "area", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4ff45f7" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "area", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4ff45f7" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "area", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4ff45f7" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "area", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159223200" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4ff45f7" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "area", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result/c4ff45f7", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159223200" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'twin peaks');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "huntingdon area of twin peaks" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'twin peaks');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of twin peaks ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i nob hill" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'twin peaks');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of twin peaks ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "twin peaks" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "twin peaks" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/b2bf68ed" ], [ "_:result/b2bf68ed", "area", "twin peaks" ], [ "_:result/b2bf68ed", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "twin peaks" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/b2bf68ed" ], [ "_:result/b2bf68ed", "area", "twin peaks" ], [ "_:result/b2bf68ed", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/a09657ea" ], [ "_:result/a09657ea", "area", "twin peaks" ], [ "_:result/a09657ea", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "twin peaks" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/b2bf68ed" ], [ "_:result/b2bf68ed", "area", "twin peaks" ], [ "_:result/b2bf68ed", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/a09657ea" ], [ "_:result/a09657ea", "area", "twin peaks" ], [ "_:result/a09657ea", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hello how near very" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'dont_care');(_:result,count,'182');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "near" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm you do not care if it accepts credit card -s" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,'sea cliff');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "near by the sea cliff" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'sea cliff');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of sea cliff ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'sea cliff');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of sea cliff ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "sea cliff" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "sea cliff" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4a0d17e5" ], [ "_:result/4a0d17e5", "area", "sea cliff" ], [ "_:result/4a0d17e5", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "sea cliff" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4a0d17e5" ], [ "_:result/4a0d17e5", "area", "sea cliff" ], [ "_:result/4a0d17e5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/d61e4f7f" ], [ "_:result/d61e4f7f", "area", "sea cliff" ], [ "_:result/d61e4f7f", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "sea cliff" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4a0d17e5" ], [ "_:result/4a0d17e5", "area", "sea cliff" ], [ "_:result/4a0d17e5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/d61e4f7f" ], [ "_:result/d61e4f7f", "area", "sea cliff" ], [ "_:result/d61e4f7f", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'mission bay');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant near the mission bay that is good for any" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'marlowe');(_:result,near,'mission bay');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marlowe is a nice place it is near mission bay ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address and area" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'330 townsend street suite 101');(_:result,area,'hayes valley or mission bay');(_:result,name,'marlowe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marlowe is a nice place , it is in the area of mission bay , their address is 330 townsend street suite 101 and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marlowe" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "address", "330 townsend street suite 101" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marlowe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "address", "330 townsend street suite 101" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marlowe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'glen park');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel in glen park" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'glen park');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of glen park ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'ultra high end');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "that has a high end price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'glen park');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of glen park ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay how about someplace what's that like yes" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'glen park');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of glen park ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about russian hill" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'russian hill');(_:result,name,'fairmont heritage place c ghirardelli square');(_:result,pricerange,'ultra high end');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fairmont heritage place c ghirardelli square is a nice place , it is in the area of russian hill and it is in the ultra high end price range ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i like address address phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'900 north point and ste d100');(_:result,name,'fairmont heritage place c ghirardelli square');(_:result,phone,'4152689900');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fairmont heritage place c ghirardelli square is a nice place , their address is 900 north point and ste d100 and their phone number is 4152689900 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/395a7c9e" ], [ "_:result/395a7c9e", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/395a7c9e", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/395a7c9e" ], [ "_:result/395a7c9e", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/395a7c9e", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/139112d6" ], [ "_:result/139112d6", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/139112d6", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/395a7c9e" ], [ "_:result/395a7c9e", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/395a7c9e", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/139112d6" ], [ "_:result/139112d6", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/139112d6", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/644b97dd" ], [ "_:result/644b97dd", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/644b97dd", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/395a7c9e" ], [ "_:result/395a7c9e", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/395a7c9e", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/139112d6" ], [ "_:result/139112d6", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/139112d6", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/644b97dd" ], [ "_:result/644b97dd", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/644b97dd", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fairmont heritage place c ghirardelli square" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/395a7c9e" ], [ "_:result/395a7c9e", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/395a7c9e", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/139112d6" ], [ "_:result/139112d6", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/139112d6", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/644b97dd" ], [ "_:result/644b97dd", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/644b97dd", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:result", "address", "900 north point and ste d100" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fairmont heritage place c ghirardelli square" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152689900" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i need a hotel in a that we" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'cole valley');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cole valley" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'cole valley');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'none');(_:result,name,'carl hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "carl hotel is a nice place , i do not know if it allows dogs and it is in the area of cole valley ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their address and post code" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'cole valley');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'stanyan park hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "stanyan park hotel is a nice place , where no dogs are allowed and it is in the area of cole valley ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their address and post code" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'750 stanyan st');(_:result,name,'stanyan park hotel');(_:result,postcode,'94117');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "stanyan park hotel is a nice place , their address is 750 stanyan st and their postcode is 94117 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "none" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanyan park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "750 stanyan st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanyan park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94117" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "750 stanyan st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanyan park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94117" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,*);(_:search,near,'glen park');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "a restaurant near glen park that good for any meal" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'chenery park');(_:result,near,'glen park');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chenery park is a nice place , it is near glen park and it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'683 chenery street');(_:result,name,'chenery park');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chenery park is a nice place their address is 683 chenery street ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the area" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or glen park');(_:result,name,'chenery park');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chenery park is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of glen park ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chenery park" ], [ "_:result", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:result", "address", "683 chenery street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chenery park" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:result", "address", "683 chenery street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or glen park" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chenery park" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:result", "address", "683 chenery street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or glen park" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chenery park" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))", "inform((_:search,pricerange,'ultra high end');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hum post code very union square that has ultra high end" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'four seasons hotel san francisco');(_:result,near,'union square');(_:result,pricerange,'ultra high end');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "four seasons hotel san francisco is a nice place , it is in the ultra high end price range and it is near union square ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,name,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the name phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,name,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the name and phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'four seasons hotel san francisco');(_:result,phone,'4156333000');(_:result,postcode,'94103');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "four seasons hotel san francisco is a nice place , their phone number is 4156333000 and their postcode is 94103 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye thank" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "four seasons hotel san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "near", "union square" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "four seasons hotel san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "near", "union square" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "union square" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "four seasons hotel san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156333000" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94103" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "union square" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "four seasons hotel san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156333000" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94103" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'gluten free');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what the find a cheap restaurant that serves gluten free food and the zip code for any meal" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,food,'gluten free');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , serving gluten free food and in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'brazilian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about brazilian food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'brazilian');(_:result,name,'canto do brasil restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "canto do brasil restaurant is a nice place it serves brazilian food ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'canto do brasil restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4156268727');(_:result,postcode,'94102');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "canto do brasil restaurant is a nice place , their phone number is 4156268727 and their postcode is 94102 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow children" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'canto do brasil restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "canto do brasil restaurant is a nice place where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/ba8fcb00" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/ba8fcb00" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "canto do brasil restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/ba8fcb00" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "canto do brasil restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156268727" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94102" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/ba8fcb00" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156268727" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94102" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "canto do brasil restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/ba8fcb00" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "food", "gluten free" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/ba8fcb00", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156268727" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94102" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "canto do brasil restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a hotel in the area of the expensive that has er price" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hyatt regency san francisco');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hyatt regency san francisco is a nice place it is in the pricey price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,has_internet,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "may i have the phone number and does it have internet" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'hyatt regency san francisco');(_:result,phone,'4157881234');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hyatt regency san francisco is a nice place , it has internet and their phone number is 4157881234 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hyatt regency san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hyatt regency san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157881234" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hyatt regency san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157881234" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'park merced');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel in area of park merced i don't care please have" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'park merced');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of park merced ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,area,'martin luther king square');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes i'm looking for a hotel in the area of martin luther king square" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'martin luther king square');(_:result,name,'chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn is a nice place it is in the area of martin luther king square ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have their address and price range" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1057 steiner st');(_:result,name,'chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and their address is 1057 steiner st ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "park merced" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7bf26167" ], [ "_:result/7bf26167", "area", "park merced" ], [ "_:result/7bf26167", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7bf26167" ], [ "_:result/7bf26167", "area", "park merced" ], [ "_:result/7bf26167", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7bf26167" ], [ "_:result/7bf26167", "area", "park merced" ], [ "_:result/7bf26167", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1057 steiner st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7bf26167" ], [ "_:result/7bf26167", "area", "park merced" ], [ "_:result/7bf26167", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1057 steiner st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'pizza');(_:search,good_for_meal,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i like to find a restaurant good for any meal that serves pizza" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'pizza');(_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,name,'source');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place , it serves pizza food and it is good for lunch ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'source');(_:result,phone,'4158649000');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place their phone number is 4158649000 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is area" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or showplace square');(_:result,name,'source');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of showplace square ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or showplace square" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or showplace square" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking a italian any area moderate" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel whitcomb');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel whitcomb is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,name,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care expect credit cards" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel whitcomb');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel whitcomb is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number and address" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1231 market st');(_:result,name,'hotel whitcomb');(_:result,phone,'4156268000');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel whitcomb is a nice place , their address is 1231 market st and their phone number is 4156268000 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel whitcomb" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "name", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "name", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel whitcomb" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "name", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1231 market st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel whitcomb" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156268000" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "name", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1231 market st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel whitcomb" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156268000" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'silver terrace');(_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant in the area of silver terrace that allows children it's good for brunch" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'silver terrace');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of silver terrace ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "the phone number please" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'silver terrace');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of silver terrace ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south beach');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is this in location the area of south beach" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "did you say you are looking for a restaurant in the area of south beach ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,name,'prospect');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "prospect is a nice place it is in the area of south beach ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'prospect');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "prospect is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'prospect');(_:result,phone,'4152477770');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "prospect is a nice place their phone number is 4152477770 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/060f8586" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/060f8586" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", 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"_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/060f8586" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fa96c17d" ], [ "_:result/fa96c17d", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:result/fa96c17d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/99c7ad6d" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "name", "prospect" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/060f8586" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fa96c17d" ], [ "_:result/fa96c17d", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:result/fa96c17d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/99c7ad6d" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "name", "prospect" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "prospect" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/060f8586" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fa96c17d" ], [ "_:result/fa96c17d", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:result/fa96c17d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/99c7ad6d" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "name", "prospect" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "prospect" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152477770" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/060f8586" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:result/060f8586", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fa96c17d" ], [ "_:result/fa96c17d", "area", "silver terrace" ], [ "_:result/fa96c17d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/99c7ad6d" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "name", "prospect" ], [ "_:result/99c7ad6d", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "prospect" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152477770" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i need a hotel near the downtown that has an expensive price range" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'downtown');(_:result,name,'sir francis drake c a kimpton hotel');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sir francis drake c a kimpton hotel is a nice place , it is in the pricey price range and it is in the area of downtown ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,area,'midtown terrace');(_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes i'm looking for the in midtown terrace of it in the expensive price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'midtown terrace');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of midtown terrace ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts((_:result,area,'alamo square'))", "inform((_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what about the area of alamo square that is expensive price range" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'alamo square');(_:result,name,'metro hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "metro hotel is a nice place it is in the area of alamo square ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the phone number please" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'metro hotel');(_:result,phone,'4158615364');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "metro hotel is a nice place their phone number is 4158615364 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it accept credit cards" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'alamo square');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the area of alamo square and in the pricey price range ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "downtown" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sir francis drake c a kimpton hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "midtown terrace" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "downtown" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sir francis drake c a kimpton hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "midtown terrace" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/eac3660e" ], [ "_:result/eac3660e", "area", "midtown terrace" ], [ "_:result/eac3660e", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "area", "midtown terrace" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/eac3660e" ], [ "_:result/eac3660e", "area", "midtown terrace" ], [ "_:result/eac3660e", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:result", "name", "metro hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "area", "midtown terrace" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/eac3660e" ], [ "_:result/eac3660e", "area", "midtown terrace" ], [ "_:result/eac3660e", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:result", "name", "metro hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158615364" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "area", "midtown terrace" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/eac3660e" ], [ "_:result/eac3660e", "area", "midtown terrace" ], [ "_:result/eac3660e", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:result", "name", "metro hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158615364" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c5a02d50" ], [ "_:result/c5a02d50", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:result/c5a02d50", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/c5a02d50", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "area", "midtown terrace" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/eac3660e" ], [ "_:result/eac3660e", "area", "midtown terrace" ], [ "_:result/eac3660e", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:result", "name", "metro hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158615364" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c5a02d50" ], [ "_:result/c5a02d50", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:result/c5a02d50", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result/c5a02d50", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,near,'presidio');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel near the presidio that has an internet connection" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,near,'presidio');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice place it is near presidio ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,has_internet,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it have internet connection" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the uh address and phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'42 moraga ave and presidio main post');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,phone,'4158007356');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice place , their address is 42 moraga ave and presidio main post , their phone number is 4158007356 and it has internet ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and what's the price range" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how much does it cost" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice place it is in the pricey price range ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "great thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "?" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "42 moraga ave and presidio main post" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "address", "42 moraga ave and presidio main post" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "address", "42 moraga ave and presidio main post" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "address", "42 moraga ave and presidio main post" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes i would like a hotel and it serves price rang" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "allows dogs" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'kensington park hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kensington park hotel is a nice place where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay what is their phone number and does it have an" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'kensington park hotel');(_:result,phone,'4157886400');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kensington park hotel is a nice place their phone number is 4157886400 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kensington park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kensington park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157886400" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kensington park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157886400" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "i s" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "it in the area gastro" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "in the area code care" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "ok crockeramazon" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hotel name price" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address and the uh" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "restaurant the area of the city price" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is price" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'thai');(_:result,name,'thai cottage restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "thai cottage restaurant is a nice place it serves thai food ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what area" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or outset');(_:result,name,'thai cottage restaurant');(_:result,price,'between 7 and 11 euro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "thai cottage restaurant is a nice place , it is in the area of outset , their price -s are between 7 and 11 euro and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,food,'thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it heights area" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'thai cottage restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "thai cottage restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "restaurant near the price" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'thai cottage restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "thai cottage restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thai cottage restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or outset" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thai cottage restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 7 and 11 euro" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or outset" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 7 and 11 euro" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thai cottage restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or outset" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 7 and 11 euro" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thai cottage restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or outset" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 7 and 11 euro" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thai cottage restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'sushi');(_:search,near,'outer richmond');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant near the outer richmond that serves sushi" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'sushi');(_:result,name,'minami restaurant');(_:result,near,'outer richmond');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "minami restaurant is a nice place , it is near outer richmond and it serves sushi food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'sushi');(_:result,name,'oyaji restaurant');(_:result,near,'outer richmond');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "oyaji restaurant is a nice place , it is near outer richmond and it serves sushi food ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'3123 clement street');(_:result,name,'oyaji restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "oyaji restaurant is a nice place their address is 3123 clement street ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the postcode" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'oyaji restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "oyaji restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the postcode" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what kind of food would you like ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the postcode" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'oyaji restaurant');(_:result,postcode,'94121');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "oyaji restaurant is a nice place their postcode is 94121 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay thank you good bye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:result", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:result", "name", "oyaji restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3123 clement street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "oyaji restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3123 clement street" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "oyaji restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3123 clement street" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "oyaji restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3123 clement street" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "oyaji restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94121" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "food", "sushi" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3123 clement street" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "oyaji restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94121" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the restaurant information system . you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "a restaurant in the pacific heights area" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'pacific heights');(_:result,count,'3');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 3 restaurant -s in the area of pacific heights ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "expensive" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'crustacean restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "crustacean restaurant is a nice place it is in the expensive price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'crustacean restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4157762722');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "crustacean restaurant is a nice place their phone number is 4157762722 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "repeat" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'crustacean restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "crustacean restaurant is a nice place it is in the expensive price range ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'pacific heights');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the area of pacific heights and in the expensive price range ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "crustacean restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "name", "crustacean restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157762722" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157762722" ], [ "_:result", "name", "crustacean restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157762722" ], [ "_:result", "name", "crustacean restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/9a91b170" ], [ "_:result/9a91b170", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result/9a91b170", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result/9a91b170", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157762722" ], [ "_:result", "name", "crustacean restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/9a91b170" ], [ "_:result/9a91b170", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result/9a91b170", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result/9a91b170", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "find a hotel" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'encore express hotel');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "encore express hotel is a nice place it is in the inexpensive price range ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "i what a" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'encore express hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "encore express hotel is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "encore express hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "name", "encore express hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "name", "encore express hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'soma');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want a hotel near the soma that does it" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel');(_:result,near,'soma');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel is a nice place it is near soma ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it accept credit card" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel');(_:result,near,'soma');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel is a nice place it is near soma ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does is it accept credit cards" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,near,'soma');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "did you say you are looking for a hotel near soma ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the inn in that it" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel');(_:result,near,'soma');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel is a nice place it is near soma ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:result", "name", "harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "harbor court hotel c a kimpton hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'minami restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "minami restaurant is a nice place it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a cheap restaurant near bernal i" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hillside supper club');(_:result,near,'bernal heights');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hillside supper club is a nice place , it is in the cheap price range and it is near bernal heights ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'300 precita avenue');(_:result,name,'hillside supper club');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hillside supper club is a nice place their address is 300 precita avenue ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hillside supper club');(_:result,phone,'4152856005');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hillside supper club is a nice place their phone number is 4152856005 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the zip code" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hillside supper club');(_:result,postcode,'94110');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hillside supper club is a nice place their postcode is 94110 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/2fd285ec" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/2fd285ec" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hillside supper club" ], [ "_:result", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/2fd285ec" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "300 precita avenue" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hillside supper club" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/2fd285ec" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "300 precita avenue" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hillside supper club" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152856005" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/2fd285ec" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "300 precita avenue" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152856005" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hillside supper club" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94110" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/2fd285ec" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/2fd285ec", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "300 precita avenue" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152856005" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hillside supper club" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94110" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'false');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant near the priced are hill that doesn't allow children and is this one" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'135');(_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 135 restaurant -s where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what food would you like ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'potrero hill');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,area,'potrero hill');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant in the potrero hill food does it allow children" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'potrero hill');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of potrero hill ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "135" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:result", "count", "135" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:result", "count", "135" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/842bd5f4" ], [ "_:result/842bd5f4", "area", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:result/842bd5f4", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:result", "count", "135" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/842bd5f4" ], [ "_:result/842bd5f4", "area", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:result/842bd5f4", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a hotel near haight cheap" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'union square plaza hotel');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "union square plaza hotel is a nice place it is in the inexpensive price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it near have" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,near,'haight');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "did you say you are looking for a hotel near haight ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,name,'red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe');(_:result,near,'haight');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe is a nice place , it is near haight and it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,name,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the name address phone number and postcode" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1665 haight st');(_:result,name,'red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe');(_:result,phone,'4158641978');(_:result,postcode,'94117');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe is a nice place , their phone number is 4158641978 , their postcode is 94117 and their address is 1665 haight st ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "union square plaza hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "name", "union square plaza hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "name", "union square plaza hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe" ], [ "_:result", "near", "haight" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "haight" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1665 haight st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158641978" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94117" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "haight" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1665 haight st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158641978" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94117" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,area,'thomas paine square');(_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes i'm looking for a hotel in the area of thomas paine square that allows dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'thomas paine square');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of thomas paine square ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "the was similar or please that is the area of" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'thomas paine square');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of thomas paine square ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about presidio" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'presidio');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice place , it is in the area of presidio and where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh where" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have the phone number and" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,phone,'4158007356');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice place their phone number is 4158007356 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,has_internet,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it have internet" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'presidio');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice place , where dogs are allowed , it has internet and it is in the area of presidio ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/34ccbaad" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/34ccbaad" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/f9cc3f0b" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/34ccbaad" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/f9cc3f0b" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/34ccbaad" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/f9cc3f0b" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/34ccbaad" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/f9cc3f0b" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/34ccbaad" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/f9cc3f0b" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/34ccbaad" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/34ccbaad", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/f9cc3f0b" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "area", "thomas paine square" ], [ "_:result/f9cc3f0b", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'monterey heights');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have a moderately priced hotel in the area of monterey heights" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'monterey heights');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of monterey heights ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'russian hill');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "a moderately priced hotel in the area of russian hill" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'russian hill');(_:result,name,'da vinci villa');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "da vinci villa is a nice place it is in the area of russian hill ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address and post code" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'2550 van ness ave');(_:result,name,'da vinci villa');(_:result,postcode,'94109');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "da vinci villa is a nice place , their address is 2550 van ness ave and their postcode is 94109 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you no price range" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'russian hill');(_:result,name,'columbus motor inn');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "columbus motor inn is a nice place , it is in the area of russian hill and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address and post code" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1075 columbus ave');(_:result,name,'columbus motor inn');(_:result,postcode,'94133');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "columbus motor inn is a nice place , their address is 1075 columbus ave and their postcode is 94133 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/bdc0295c" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/bdc0295c" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "da vinci villa" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/bdc0295c" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/e6a04acb" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "address", "2550 van ness ave" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "name", "da vinci villa" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "postcode", "94109" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/bdc0295c" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/e6a04acb" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "address", "2550 van ness ave" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "name", "da vinci villa" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "postcode", "94109" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "columbus motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/bdc0295c" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/e6a04acb" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "address", "2550 van ness ave" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "name", "da vinci villa" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "postcode", "94109" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1075 columbus ave" ], [ "_:result", "name", "columbus motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94133" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/bdc0295c" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/bdc0295c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/e6a04acb" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "address", "2550 van ness ave" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "name", "da vinci villa" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "postcode", "94109" ], [ "_:result/e6a04acb", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1075 columbus ave" ], [ "_:result", "name", "columbus motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94133" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,near,'japantown');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking near japantown that has internet" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:result,near,'japantown');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel kabuki is a nice place , it has internet and it is near japantown ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "give me the address and price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1625 post st');(_:result,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel kabuki is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and their address is 1625 post st ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1625 post st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1625 post st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south basin');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a hotel in the area of south basin that allows start" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'south basin');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of south basin ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts((_:result,area,'nob hill'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about a similar place that is in the area of nob hill" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'nob hill');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'stanford court san francisco');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "stanford court san francisco is a nice place , it is in the area of nob hill and where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have the address and price range" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes what is the address and price range" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'905 california st');(_:result,name,'stanford court san francisco');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "stanford court san francisco is a nice place , it is in the pricey price range and their address is 905 california st ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south basin" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south basin" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/2e7b8bb5" ], [ "_:result/2e7b8bb5", "area", "south basin" ], [ "_:result/2e7b8bb5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south basin" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/2e7b8bb5" ], [ "_:result/2e7b8bb5", "area", "south basin" ], [ "_:result/2e7b8bb5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanford court san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south basin" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/2e7b8bb5" ], [ "_:result/2e7b8bb5", "area", "south basin" ], [ "_:result/2e7b8bb5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanford court san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south basin" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/2e7b8bb5" ], [ "_:result/2e7b8bb5", "area", "south basin" ], [ "_:result/2e7b8bb5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "905 california st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanford court san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south basin" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/2e7b8bb5" ], [ "_:result/2e7b8bb5", "area", "south basin" ], [ "_:result/2e7b8bb5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "905 california st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanford court san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh i'm looking for a restaurant near the new hunters point allows children" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'minami restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "minami restaurant is a nice place where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do they serve dinner" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'la traviata');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "la traviata is a nice place , it is good for dinner and where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes please have the phone number and area" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or mission district');(_:result,name,'la traviata');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "la traviata is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of mission district ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the phone number please" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'pad thai restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "pad thai restaurant is a nice place , it is good for dinner and where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "may i have the phone number please" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'pad thai restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4152854210');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "pad thai restaurant is a nice place their phone number is 4152854210 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "minami restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "la traviata" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission district" ], [ "_:result", "name", "la traviata" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission district" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pad thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission district" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pad thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152854210" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission district" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pad thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152854210" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any hotel in the in the area of that allows dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel kabuki is a nice place where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'embarcadero');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it in the embarcadero area" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the location" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel kabuki is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "ok crockeramazon" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hotel name price" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address and the uh" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'somisspo');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for uh in the area of somisspo" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like a hotel in the inexpensive , moderate , or pricey price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "whether or not beach that credit cards well" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'somisspo');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of somisspo ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about a hotel in any area hotel which" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'false');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no dogs" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'16');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 16 hotel -s where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderate" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'the carriage inn');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the carriage inn is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,area,?);(_:result,near,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the area address the phone number and where is near to" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'140 7th st');(_:result,area,'south of market');(_:result,name,'the carriage inn');(_:result,near,'soma');(_:result,phone,'4155528600');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the carriage inn is a nice place , their address is 140 7th st , their phone number is 4155528600 , it is in the area of south of market and it is near soma ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/42733025" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/42733025" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/42733025" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "16" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/42733025" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:result", "count", "16" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/42733025" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:result", "count", "16" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the carriage inn" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/42733025" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:result", "count", "16" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "140 7th st" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south of market" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the carriage inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155528600" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/42733025" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "area", "somisspo" ], [ "_:result/42733025", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:result", "count", "16" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "140 7th st" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south of market" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the carriage inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155528600" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to know the other zip code and um that has" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "japanese um" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay and down" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes internet connection" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'taylor hotel union square');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "taylor hotel union square is a nice place it has internet ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "taylor hotel union square" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "taylor hotel union square" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'pizza');(_:search,good_for_meal,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a restaurant good place any meal that serves pizza food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'pizza');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'mozzeria');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "mozzeria is a nice place , it serves pizza food and it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,name,?);(_:result,near,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and can i get the name phone number and area near" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or mission dolores');(_:result,name,'mozzeria');(_:result,near,'mission');(_:result,phone,'4154890963');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "mozzeria is a nice place , it is in the area of mission dolores , their phone number is 4154890963 , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is near mission ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you bye goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "mozzeria" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission dolores" ], [ "_:result", "name", "mozzeria" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154890963" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "pizza" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission dolores" ], [ "_:result", "name", "mozzeria" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154890963" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'false');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i know you this noma it does not allow dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'noma');(_:result,name,'kean hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kean hotel is a nice place it is in the area of noma ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,dogs_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow dogs" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'noma');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'pickwick hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "pickwick hotel is a nice place , it is in the area of noma and where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number and price range" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'noma');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'pickwick hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "pickwick hotel is a nice place , it is in the area of noma and where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the phone number and price range" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'noma');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'pickwick hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "pickwick hotel is a nice place , it is in the area of noma and where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "noma" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kean hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "noma" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pickwick hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "noma" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pickwick hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "noma" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pickwick hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "noma" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pickwick hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "um" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "mission bay" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'mission district');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the mission district" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'mission district');(_:result,name,'garcon restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "garcon restaurant is a nice place it is in the area of mission district ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1101 valencia street');(_:result,name,'garcon restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "garcon restaurant is a nice place their address is 1101 valencia street ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'garcon restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4154018959');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "garcon restaurant is a nice place their phone number is 4154018959 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission district" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission district" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "mission district" ], [ "_:result", "name", "garcon restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission district" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "mission district" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1101 valencia street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "garcon restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission district" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "mission district" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1101 valencia street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "garcon restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154018959" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission district" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "mission district" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1101 valencia street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "garcon restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154018959" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,near,'potrero hill');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a moderately priced restaurant that allows children near potrero hill" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'aperto restaurant');(_:result,near,'potrero hill');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "aperto restaurant is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range , it is near potrero hill and where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,food,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,near,'potrero hill');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "did you say you are looking for a restaurant near potrero hill ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'pera');(_:result,near,'potrero hill');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "pera is a nice place , where child -s are allowed , it is in the moderate price range and it is near potrero hill ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there anything else" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,near,'potrero hill');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "did you say you are looking for a restaurant near potrero hill ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'1');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'aperto restaurant and pera');(_:result,near,'potrero hill');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than aperto restaurant and pera where child -s are allowed , in the moderate price range and near potrero hill ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have the address phone number and post code" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1457 18th street');(_:result,name,'pera');(_:result,phone,'4157963812');(_:result,postcode,'94107');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "pera is a nice place , their phone number is 4157963812 , their postcode is 94107 and their address is 1457 18th street ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "aperto restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "aperto restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pera" ], [ "_:result", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pera" ], [ "_:result", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "aperto restaurant and pera" ], [ "_:result", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1457 18th street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pera" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157963812" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94107" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "potrero hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1457 18th street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pera" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157963812" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94107" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hi i'm looking for a restaurant in the moderate price range in the area of loch sole that" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'b star bar');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "b star bar is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'outset');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "in the area of outset" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'outset');(_:result,name,'thanh long');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "thanh long is a nice place , it is in the area of outset and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number and does it allow children" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'thanh long');(_:result,phone,'4156651146');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "thanh long is a nice place , where child -s are allowed and their phone number is 4156651146 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "b star bar" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "outset" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "outset" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "outset" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thanh long" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "outset" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "outset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thanh long" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156651146" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "outset" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "outset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thanh long" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156651146" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'spanish');(_:search,kids_allowed,'false');(_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a expensive restaurant that serves spanish food and doesn't allow children" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'spanish');(_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'luella');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "luella is a nice place , where no child -s are allowed , it serves spanish food and it is in the expensive price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the name address and where is it near to" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'luella');(_:result,near,'russian hill');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "luella is a nice place it is near russian hill ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1896 hyde street');(_:result,name,'luella');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "luella is a nice place their address is 1896 hyde street ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "spanish" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "spanish" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "spanish" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "luella" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "spanish" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "spanish" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "name", "luella" ], [ "_:result", "near", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "spanish" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "spanish" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "near", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1896 hyde street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "luella" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "spanish" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "spanish" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "near", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1896 hyde street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "luella" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yeah" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'false');(_:search,near,'nob hill');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no dogs near the nob hill" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,near,'nob hill');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nob hill motor inn is a nice place , where no dogs are allowed and it is near nob hill ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,phone,'4157758160');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nob hill motor inn is a nice place their phone number is 4157758160 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do they accept credit cards" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,name,'hotel fusion');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel fusion is a nice place it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,near,'nob hill');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nob hill motor inn is a nice place , where no dogs are allowed , it is near nob hill and it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "allright thank you" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,near,'nob hill');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nob hill motor inn is a nice place , where no dogs are allowed , it is near nob hill and it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157758160" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157758160" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel fusion" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157758160" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157758160" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157758160" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i would like to know the name address" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no preference" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what area would you like ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "the j" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what area would you like ?" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "don't care" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you and goodbye" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] }, { "id": 9, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a moderately priced restaurant" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'chez maman');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chez maman is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'indpak');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "serves indpak food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'indpak');(_:result,name,'gajalee');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "gajalee is a nice place , it serves indpak food and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'false');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does not allow children" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'indpak');(_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'dosa on valencia');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "dosa on valencia is a nice place , it serves indpak food , it is in the moderate price range and where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the address and price" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'995 valencia street');(_:result,name,'dosa on valencia');(_:result,price,'between 15 and 44 euro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "dosa on valencia is a nice place , their address is 995 valencia street and their price -s are between 15 and 44 euro ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chez maman" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:result", "name", "gajalee" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "dosa on valencia" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "995 valencia street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "dosa on valencia" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 15 and 44 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "995 valencia street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "dosa on valencia" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 15 and 44 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,near,'fishermans wharf');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh yes i'm looking for a cheap restaurant near fisherman's wharf that's good for again" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'fog harbor fish house');(_:result,near,'fishermans wharf');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fog harbor fish house is a nice place , it is in the cheap price range and it is near fishermans wharf ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,good_for_meal,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it good for again" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch or dinner');(_:result,name,'fog harbor fish house');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fog harbor fish house is a nice place , it is good for dinner and it is good for lunch ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes can you tell me the address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,near,'fishermans wharf');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes i'm looking for a cheap restaurant near fisherman's wharf is again" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch or dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch or dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch or dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch or dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch or dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like a hotel in the inexpensive , moderate , or pricey price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like a hotel in the inexpensive , moderate , or pricey price range ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "expensive" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'34');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 34 hotel -s in the pricey price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "don't care" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'34');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 34 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed and in the pricey price range ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "and tell" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel palomar san francisco c a kimpton hotel');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel palomar san francisco c a kimpton hotel is a nice place it is in the pricey price range ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number and address" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'12 4th st');(_:result,name,'hotel palomar san francisco c a kimpton hotel');(_:result,phone,'4153481111');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel palomar san francisco c a kimpton hotel is a nice place , their address is 12 4th st and their phone number is 4153481111 ." }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel palomar san francisco c a kimpton hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "address", "12 4th st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel palomar san francisco c a kimpton hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153481111" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] }, { "id": 9, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "address", "12 4th st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel palomar san francisco c a kimpton hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153481111" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i need a hotel in a that we" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'cole valley');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cole valley" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'cole valley');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'none');(_:result,name,'carl hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "carl hotel is a nice place , i do not know if it allows dogs and it is in the area of cole valley ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their address and post code" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'cole valley');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'stanyan park hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "stanyan park hotel is a nice place , where no dogs are allowed and it is in the area of cole valley ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their address and post code" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'750 stanyan st');(_:result,name,'stanyan park hotel');(_:result,postcode,'94117');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "stanyan park hotel is a nice place , their address is 750 stanyan st and their postcode is 94117 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "none" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanyan park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "750 stanyan st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanyan park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94117" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "750 stanyan st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanyan park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94117" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'north beach');(_:search,dogs_allowed,'false');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i need a hotel in the north beach telegraph hill that does not allow dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'executive hotel vintage court');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "executive hotel vintage court is a nice place where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the address and post code please" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'650 bush st');(_:result,name,'executive hotel vintage court');(_:result,postcode,'94108');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "executive hotel vintage court is a nice place , their address is 650 bush st and their postcode is 94108 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "executive hotel vintage court" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "650 bush st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "executive hotel vintage court" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94108" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "650 bush st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "executive hotel vintage court" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94108" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a moderately priced restaurant that is good for brunch" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and it is good for brunch ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'600 embarcadero street');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place their address is 600 embarcadero street ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4155125179');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place their phone number is 4155125179 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,name,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the name" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the area" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or south beach');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of south beach ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "600 embarcadero street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "600 embarcadero street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "600 embarcadero street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "600 embarcadero street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or south beach" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "600 embarcadero street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or south beach" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "unrecognizable" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderately priced restaurant" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'house of prime rib');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "house of prime rib is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what area is it in" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or nob hill');(_:result,name,'house of prime rib');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "house of prime rib is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of nob hill ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'transmission');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a moderately priced restaurant in the area of transmission" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'transmission');(_:result,name,'old jerusalem restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "old jerusalem restaurant is a nice place , it is in the area of transmission and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,near,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address and where is it near to" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'2976 mission street');(_:result,name,'old jerusalem restaurant');(_:result,near,'mission');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "old jerusalem restaurant is a nice place , it is near mission and their address is 2976 mission street ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "house of prime rib" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "house of prime rib" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old jerusalem restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "2976 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old jerusalem restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "2976 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old jerusalem restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,food,'indpak');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes i'm looking for a restaurant that does not allow insist moderately priced and serves indpak food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'indpak');(_:result,name,'dosa on valencia');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "dosa on valencia is a nice place , it serves indpak food and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "are children allowed" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'dosa on valencia');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "dosa on valencia is a nice place where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the address" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'995 valencia street');(_:result,name,'dosa on valencia');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "dosa on valencia is a nice place their address is 995 valencia street ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and what area" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or mission district');(_:result,name,'dosa on valencia');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "dosa on valencia is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of mission district ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:result", "name", "dosa on valencia" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "dosa on valencia" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "995 valencia street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "dosa on valencia" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "995 valencia street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission district" ], [ "_:result", "name", "dosa on valencia" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indpak" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "995 valencia street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission district" ], [ "_:result", "name", "dosa on valencia" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "um can you can can an tell" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "it doesn't matter" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like a hotel in the inexpensive , moderate , or pricey price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel near the heights" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,pricerange,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm , you are looking for a hotel and you do not care about the price range right ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel near heights" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a cheap restaurant near no you'll" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'osha thai');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "osha thai is a nice place it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there anything else" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'osha thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "osha thai is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there anything else" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'osha thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "osha thai is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'osha thai');(_:result,phone,'4152789991');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "osha thai is a nice place , their phone number is 4152789991 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the post code" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'nicaragua restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nicaragua restaurant is a nice place it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "osha thai" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "name", "osha thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "name", "osha thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "name", "osha thai" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152789991" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152789991" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nicaragua restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152789991" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nicaragua restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "pub in the area" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "don't care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,area,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "ok , a restaurant in any part of town is that right ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,food,'moroccan');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes moroccan food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley');(_:result,food,'moroccan');(_:result,name,'aziza');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "aziza is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it serves moroccan food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'aziza');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "aziza is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "food", "moroccan" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "food", "moroccan" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "food", "moroccan" ], [ "_:result", "name", "aziza" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "food", "moroccan" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "food", "moroccan" ], [ "_:result", "name", "aziza" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "food", "moroccan" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "food", "moroccan" ], [ "_:result", "name", "aziza" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "near the forest hill" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "near the forest hill good for dinner" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'panta rei restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "panta rei restaurant is a nice place it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "near the forest hill" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'panta rei restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "panta rei restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the address phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'431 columbus avenue');(_:result,name,'panta rei restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4155910900');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "panta rei restaurant is a nice place , their address is 431 columbus avenue and their phone number is 4155910900 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "panta rei restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "panta rei restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "431 columbus avenue" ], [ "_:result", "name", "panta rei restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155910900" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "431 columbus avenue" ], [ "_:result", "name", "panta rei restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155910900" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel that allows dogs in the expensive price range" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm , you are looking for a hotel in the pricey price range right ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'22');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 22 hotel -s where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the inexpensive price range and where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what about another cheap hotel" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'san remo hotel');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "san remo hotel is a nice place it is in the inexpensive price range ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,has_internet,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number and does it have internet" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'san remo hotel');(_:result,phone,'4157768688');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "san remo hotel is a nice place , it has internet and their phone number is 4157768688 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "22" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "count", "22" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "count", "22" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fd8ac914" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "count", "22" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fd8ac914" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "san remo hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "count", "22" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fd8ac914" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "san remo hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157768688" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "count", "22" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fd8ac914" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result/fd8ac914", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "san remo hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157768688" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "find a hotel near by hi hi" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))", "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care serves credit cards i want the name address and phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'dont_care');(_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed and if you do not care whether it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what area would you like" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'soul food');(_:search,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is that serve it is for dinner you serves soul food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'soul food');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'old skool cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "old skool cafe is a nice place , it is good for dinner and it serves soul food food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1429 mendell street');(_:result,name,'old skool cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "old skool cafe is a nice place their address is 1429 mendell street ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'old skool cafe');(_:result,phone,'4158228531');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "old skool cafe is a nice place their phone number is 4158228531 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the area" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or bayview district');(_:result,name,'old skool cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "old skool cafe is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of bayview district ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old skool cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1429 mendell street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old skool cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1429 mendell street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old skool cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158228531" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1429 mendell street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158228531" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or bayview district" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old skool cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1429 mendell street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158228531" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or bayview district" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old skool cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'persian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "persian food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'persian');(_:result,name,'lavash');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "lavash is a nice place it serves persian food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderately priced" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'persian');(_:result,name,'zare at fly trap');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "zare at fly trap is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and it serves persian food ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'false');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "doesn't allow children" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'persian');(_:result,name,'alborz persian cuisine');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "alborz persian cuisine is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and it serves persian food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the price" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'alborz persian cuisine');(_:result,price,'between 9 and 13 dollar');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "alborz persian cuisine is a nice place their price -s are between 9 and 13 dollar ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:result", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lavash" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "zare at fly trap" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "alborz persian cuisine" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "alborz persian cuisine" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 9 and 13 dollar" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "persian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "alborz persian cuisine" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 9 and 13 dollar" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yeah give for moderate priced restaurant in the c go no" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'le soleil');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "le soleil is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'cathedral hill');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "in the cathedral hill" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'cathedral hill');(_:result,name,'alborz persian cuisine');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "alborz persian cuisine is a nice place , it is in the area of cathedral hill and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'alborz persian cuisine');(_:result,phone,'5124202222');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "alborz persian cuisine is a nice place their phone number is 5124202222 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'alborz persian cuisine');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "alborz persian cuisine is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "le soleil" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cathedral hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cathedral hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cathedral hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "alborz persian cuisine" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cathedral hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cathedral hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "alborz persian cuisine" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "5124202222" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cathedral hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cathedral hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "5124202222" ], [ "_:result", "name", "alborz persian cuisine" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cathedral hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cathedral hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "5124202222" ], [ "_:result", "name", "alborz persian cuisine" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hello no any area" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "don't care about credit cards" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'dont_care');(_:result,count,'182');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))", "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any good what" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like a hotel in the inexpensive , moderate , or pricey price range ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,name,'metro hotel');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "metro hotel is a nice place , it accepts credit card -s and it is in the inexpensive price range ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "name and address" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'319 divisadero st');(_:result,name,'metro hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "metro hotel is a nice place their address is 319 divisadero st ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "metro hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "319 divisadero st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "metro hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "319 divisadero st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "metro hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "looking for moderately priced hotel that's near" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel des arts');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel des arts is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address and phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like a hotel in the inexpensive , moderate , or pricey price range ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderate" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel des arts');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel des arts is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "near by" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'447 bush st');(_:result,name,'hotel des arts');(_:result,phone,'4159563232');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel des arts is a nice place , their address is 447 bush st and their phone number is 4159563232 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel des arts" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel des arts" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel des arts" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "447 bush st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel des arts" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159563232" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "447 bush st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel des arts" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159563232" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'd like to find a hotel near the noma that allows dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'noma');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'hotel union square');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel union square is a nice place , it is in the area of noma and where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i would like a name address and postcode" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'114 powell st');(_:result,name,'hotel union square');(_:result,postcode,'94102');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel union square is a nice place , their address is 114 powell st and their postcode is 94102 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "all" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel union square');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel union square is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "um does it allow the one" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'noma');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'hotel union square');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel union square is a nice place , it is in the area of noma and where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "um may i have the address and post code" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'114 powell st');(_:result,name,'hotel union square');(_:result,postcode,'94102');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel union square is a nice place , their address is 114 powell st and their postcode is 94102 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "noma" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel union square" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "noma" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "114 powell st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel union square" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94102" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "noma" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "114 powell st" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94102" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel union square" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "114 powell st" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94102" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "noma" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel union square" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "noma" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "114 powell st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel union square" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94102" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "noma" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "114 powell st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel union square" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94102" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a hotel with area about square inn" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "i would like can i would like a in the unusual food" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't want them to accept credit cards" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,name,'radisson hotel fisherman 7s wharf');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "radisson hotel fisherman 7s wharf is a nice place it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "radisson hotel fisherman 7s wharf" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a restaurant in the area call" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows child -s ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "bar potrero zero that um don't and i" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what kind of food would you like ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "i need the name address phone number and where is it" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what kind of food would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am in the area and bar serves nirala that allow children good bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'basque');(_:search,kids_allowed,'false');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is restaurant that serves basque food and does not allow children" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'basque');(_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'piperade');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "piperade is a nice place , where no child -s are allowed and it serves basque food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1015 battery street');(_:result,name,'piperade');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "piperade is a nice place their address is 1015 battery street ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'piperade');(_:result,phone,'4153912555');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "piperade is a nice place their phone number is 4153912555 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the price" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'piperade');(_:result,price,'between 18 and 58 euro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "piperade is a nice place their price -s are between 18 and 58 euro ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "piperade" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1015 battery street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "piperade" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1015 battery street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "piperade" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153912555" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1015 battery street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153912555" ], [ "_:result", "name", "piperade" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 18 and 58 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1015 battery street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153912555" ], [ "_:result", "name", "piperade" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 18 and 58 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i find a restaurant that areas of this oh and is good for area" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "somisspo" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "this is of town" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,name,'so');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "somisspo" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what kind of food would you like ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'239');(_:result,food,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 239 restaurant -s if you do not care about the food ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what area would you like ?" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'presidio');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a hotel in the area of presidio" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'presidio');(_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice place it is in the area of presidio ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,phone,'4158007356');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice place their phone number is 4158007356 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "name" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "name" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'presidio');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hotel name in the area of presidio" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,has_internet,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it have internet" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice place it has internet ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,near,'mission');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hi i would like to find a hotel near the mission that has internet" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'hotel mirabelle');(_:result,near,'mission');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel mirabelle is a nice place , it is near mission and it has internet ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay can i have the phone number please and the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1906 mission st');(_:result,name,'hotel mirabelle');(_:result,phone,'4153774170');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel mirabelle is a nice place , their address is 1906 mission st and their phone number is 4153774170 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel mirabelle" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1906 mission st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel mirabelle" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153774170" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1906 mission st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel mirabelle" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153774170" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))", "affirm()", "inform((_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i need a hotel in the area of sure sherwood forest that has internet" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'sherwood forest');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of sherwood forest ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts((_:result,area,'north beach'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about in north beach" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'north beach');(_:result,name,'san remo hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "san remo hotel is a nice place it is in the area of north beach ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,has_internet,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it have internet" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'north beach');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'the tuscan best western plus');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the tuscan best western plus is a nice place , it is in the area of north beach and it has internet ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'425 n point st');(_:result,name,'the tuscan best western plus');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the tuscan best western plus is a nice place their address is 425 n point st ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their phone number and post code" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the tuscan best western plus');(_:result,phone,'4155611100');(_:result,postcode,'94133');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the tuscan best western plus is a nice place , their phone number is 4155611100 and their postcode is 94133 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6c80ca97" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "area", "sherwood forest" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6c80ca97" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "area", "sherwood forest" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "name", "san remo hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6c80ca97" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "area", "sherwood forest" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the tuscan best western plus" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6c80ca97" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "area", "sherwood forest" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "425 n point st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the tuscan best western plus" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6c80ca97" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "area", "sherwood forest" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "425 n point st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the tuscan best western plus" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155611100" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94133" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6c80ca97" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "area", "sherwood forest" ], [ "_:result/6c80ca97", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "425 n point st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the tuscan best western plus" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155611100" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94133" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'japantown');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel near the japantown that allow dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:result,near,'japantown');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel kabuki is a nice place , it is near japantown and where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "may i have the phone number and postcode please" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'5');(_:result,near,'japantown');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 5 hotel -s near japantown ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number and post code" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:result,phone,'4159223200');(_:result,postcode,'94115');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel kabuki is a nice place , their phone number is 4159223200 and their postcode is 94115 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "5" ], [ "_:result", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "5" ], [ "_:result", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "count", "5" ], [ "_:result", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159223200" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94115" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "count", "5" ], [ "_:result", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159223200" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94115" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay near japantown accepts credit cards" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,name,'petite auberge');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "petite auberge is a nice place it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,name,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the name and phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,name,'petite auberge');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "petite auberge is a nice place it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,count,'167');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 167 hotel -s where credit card -s are accepted ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care in japantown" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "petite auberge" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "petite auberge" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "petite auberge" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "count", "167" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "petite auberge" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "count", "167" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "petite auberge" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "count", "167" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "petite auberge" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "count", "167" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "range there" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any price" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm you do not care if it allows dogs" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh no" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm you do not care if it allows dogs" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "i what's their the area lake shore" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'lake shore');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of lake shore ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'haight ashbury');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "find a hotel in the area of haight ashbury" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'haight ashbury');(_:result,name,'red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe is a nice place it is in the area of haight ashbury ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number and price range" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe');(_:result,phone,'4158641978');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and their phone number is 4158641978 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "you good" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/96e66be2" ], [ "_:result/96e66be2", "area", "lake shore" ], [ "_:result/96e66be2", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "haight ashbury" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/96e66be2" ], [ "_:result/96e66be2", "area", "lake shore" ], [ "_:result/96e66be2", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "haight ashbury" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "haight ashbury" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/96e66be2" ], [ "_:result/96e66be2", "area", "lake shore" ], [ "_:result/96e66be2", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "haight ashbury" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "haight ashbury" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158641978" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/96e66be2" ], [ "_:result/96e66be2", "area", "lake shore" ], [ "_:result/96e66be2", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "haight ashbury" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "haight ashbury" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158641978" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/96e66be2" ], [ "_:result/96e66be2", "area", "lake shore" ], [ "_:result/96e66be2", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "haight ashbury" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "haight ashbury" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158641978" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'north park');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel in the area of north park" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'north park');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of north park ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts((_:result,area,'duboce triangle'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about the area of duboce triangle" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'duboce triangle');(_:result,name,'24 henry f village house guesthouse');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "24 henry f village house guesthouse is a nice place it is in the area of duboce triangle ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'24 henry f village house guesthouse');(_:result,phone,'4158645686');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "24 henry f village house guesthouse is a nice place their phone number is 4158645686 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do they have internet access" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care do they have internet access" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'169');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 169 hotel -s with an internet connection and in all parts of town ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6018401c" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6018401c" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "duboce triangle" ], [ "_:result", "name", "24 henry f village house guesthouse" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6018401c" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "duboce triangle" ], [ "_:result", "name", "24 henry f village house guesthouse" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6018401c" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "duboce triangle" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "24 henry f village house guesthouse" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158645686" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6018401c" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "duboce triangle" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "24 henry f village house guesthouse" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158645686" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6018401c" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:result/6018401c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "duboce triangle" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "24 henry f village house guesthouse" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158645686" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "169" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6018401c" 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], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "duboce triangle" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "24 henry f village house guesthouse" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158645686" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "169" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant yes phone much well children you good bye" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,area,'golden gate park');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes i'm looking for a restaurant in the golden gate park area" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'golden gate park');(_:result,name,'shangri la vegetarian restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "shangri la vegetarian restaurant is a nice place it is in the area of golden gate park ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there anything else" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'shangri la vegetarian restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "shangri la vegetarian restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,name,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there any other restaurant in the go a" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'golden gate park');(_:result,count,'2');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 2 restaurant -s in the area of golden gate park ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows child -s ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "um it doesn't matter" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'golden gate park');(_:result,count,'2');(_:result,kids_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 2 restaurant -s if you do not care whether child -s are allowed and in the area of golden gate park ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what food would you like" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "it doesn't matter" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'golden gate park');(_:result,food,'thai');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'marnee thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marnee thai is a nice place , where child -s are allowed , it is in the area of golden gate park and it serves thai food ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay and what um its address" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'2225 irving street');(_:result,name,'marnee thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marnee thai is a nice place their address is 2225 irving street ." }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "golden gate park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "golden gate park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "golden gate park" ], [ "_:result", "name", "shangri la vegetarian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "golden gate park" ], [ "_:result", "area", "golden gate park" ], [ "_:result", "name", "shangri la vegetarian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "name", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], 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[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'financial district');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i like it to get a restaurant in the financial district" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'financial district');(_:result,name,'restaurant ducroix');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "restaurant ducroix is a nice place it is in the area of financial district ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,food,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what type of food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'french');(_:result,name,'restaurant ducroix');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "restaurant ducroix is a nice place it serves french food ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'italian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'd like italian food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'financial district');(_:result,food,'italian');(_:result,name,'chiaroscuro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chiaroscuro is a nice place , it serves italian food and it is in the area of financial district ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow children" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'chiaroscuro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chiaroscuro is a nice place where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'chiaroscuro');(_:result,phone,'4153626012');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chiaroscuro is a nice place their phone number is 4153626012 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the area" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'financial district or hayes valley');(_:result,name,'chiaroscuro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chiaroscuro is a nice place , it is in the area of financial district and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:result", "name", "restaurant ducroix" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:result", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:result", "food", "french" ], [ "_:result", "name", "restaurant ducroix" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chiaroscuro" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chiaroscuro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chiaroscuro" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153626012" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153626012" ], [ "_:result", "area", "financial district or hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chiaroscuro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153626012" ], [ "_:result", "area", "financial district or hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chiaroscuro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]