737 values
3 values
[ "i like to play tennis.", "my dad is a veteran." ]
High school football
[ "That's cool. I have never played high school football, but I have gone to a few games.", "There is so much to enjoy at the games,pep rallies, marching bands and mascots! What was your favourite thing?" ]
[ "I enjoy the experience of being at a football game. The loundness, the fun, the people. Its just a great place to be around people. What do you like most?" ]
[ "You captured it. There is nothing like the feeling of being together with the people you know and love. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "it is ok . i like football more , especially my school team ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "The realness of it. Nothing is more instinctual in our DNA than fighting!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I would always root for my own high school team and go to pep rallies and the homecoming game." ] }
[ "" ]
[ "paps likes to go mushroom hunting.", "i sing in the school chorus." ]
[ "that is cool . what do you like to eat ? i will only consume healthy food .", "i love mushrooms because my dad hunt for mushrooms" ]
[ "Oh, I like mushrooms too.", "But you just said you loved mushrooms. What do you like then?", "Broccoli? Kale?", "That's cool. Me too. They are really good for you to. Are you into sports?", "Soccer is my favorite", "What about the Olympics? Do you like Summer of winter?" ]
[ "I don't like the taste of mushrooms.", "I like green plants.", "Most all of the green vegetables I like.", "I love watching certain Olympic sports. Which one's do you like?", "I occasionally watch a little NFL.", "I love both, but more of my favorites are in Summer," ]
{ "convai2": [ "eating healthy is really important so i eat a lot of grass", "i eat very healthy . mainly veggies .", "broccoli is my favorite of them .", "yes . i only eat healthy foods .", "i enjoy soccer a lot too .", "not really . my favorite time is fall ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do not like them cause they are always slimy.", "Olives! And all the vegetables.", "Olives! And all the vegetables.", "I do play basketball sometimes", "I love watching soccer .", "Yes, and winter is close." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Me too, I study them for a living in fact, My job Identifying mushrooms requires a only a basic understanding of their macroscopic structure, Its a fascinating field of study.", "I like green plants.", "Broccoli comes from the cabbage family.", "haha not really. i like basketball :)", "Thats a team sport also called soccer right?", "Which ones? The Summer or Winter games? I do not follow it but I know it's two years apart." ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to do yoga.", "i am single." ]
[ "When I was younger I was playing basketball and I accidentally hit my sister as she was walking by.", "Oh no! Was she okay, or did she cry?" ]
[ "She cried. It took her a while to calm down", "She still brings it up at family gatherings. It's a funny story now", "I'm trying to master Yoga now. It is quite a journey", "After a stressful job I could really use meditation. Selling washer to the millennial generation is no easy feat", "Not wanting to spend money", "Yes. It's a liitle easier but I don't run into many married ones" ]
[ "I wonder if your sister ever thinks about that now?", "That is great to hear. You know Yoga calms the mind.", "I bet yoga will be really good for you then because it's more than just exercise, it also has a meditative and spiritual core.", "What is the difference of the Millenial mindset I wonder?", "Oh that means you have to know how to reach them. Do married Millenials spend more?", "This would be an interesting challenge to have in your line of work. Hoping you will be successful." ]
{ "convai2": [ "did the person that hit you get what he deserved", "i've tried bringing it up before , but something always gets in the way .", "it was quiet difficult for me . i could teach you sometime !", "i never did learn to relax . i was always busy being the grown up , i guess", "they are poor now but have all the buying power in next few decades .", "yeah they all wanted to have kids . i have to get out when i could ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Did she hurt herself?", "It makes for a good story at least.", "Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer.", "I guess I can agree with that. I don't like it when people criticize millenialls too much though. Baby boomers didn't do that great either.", "I guess I can agree with that. I don't like it when people criticize millenialls too much though. Baby boomers didn't do that great either.", "Well that may be difficult if you aren't married first." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh okay I see. Did this occur to such a degree that her daily life was negatively affected?", "Does she think it is really dirty and unpleasant? There are a lot of people who think of that.", "I bet yoga will be really good for you then because it's more than just exercise, it also has a meditative and spiritual core.", "Meditation could be good but I think I'd find it difficult to foucs on something other than the pain for much time.", "It honestly is too much money in my opinion but I'd rather have leftover than not enough.", "yes people born during this period are called baby boomers" ] }
[ "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "" ]
[ "i refuse to ride the bus.", "i find joy in the littlest things." ]
[ "music is good for that . i am shy myself , when it comes to singing in public .", "first try in front of parents , family . . . . if you have parents , you are lucky ! i do not ." ]
[ "im sorry to hear about your parents...Family is always so supportive ", "That's true some times its a few toxic ones ", "i try my best to be positive i rather not bring negative to anyone ", "yes a little support can go a very long way. ", "i always say when i don't understand someone beliefs is just to show them love and educate myself on it ", "exactly,,always good to learn things " ]
[ "Most of the time they can be supportive.", "Anyone can be toxic either on their believes or the reasoning you are in their life.", "Yes, Always be positive to everyone and support them in anyway you can.", "Exactly. Even if its something you don't understand, let them know you are there for them.", "I couldn't have said it better myself. You can learn something you otherwise wouldn't have known.", "Yes it is. Especially from other prospectives." ]
{ "convai2": [ "they hate that i am shy . do you have a family ?", "they sure can . so , on a more positive note , what do you like to do ?", "well just find positive people to speak with .", "very true . music just spreads love everywhere", "that is a good thing to do . what type of music do you like ?", "my parents taught me after they found goodness in themselves ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I could never ever sing.", "I could never ever sing.", "Try hard not too. That's the best you can do", "I could never ever sing.", "I've never been a person of faith. My parents weren't either.", "of everything, there is always something to learn" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, they have really helped me through some hard times. They really helped my sense of belongingness and make me feel like an accepted member of a group!", "But having good relationships can help with that.", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "I agree. Some good music by the late great James Brown always helps! May he rest in peace, May 3, 1933 - December 25, 2006.", "That certainly sounds like a good approach.", "It teaches great discipline, too." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my mother was a weightlifter.", "i have blonde hair." ]
[ "do they smell like ferrets ? i love ferrets . i want one", "no , they just stink like sweat a lot . do you own one ?" ]
[ "No, not currently, but I really want to! I think they're very cute and that they have interesting personalities.", "Oh cute, what kind of dogs do you have?", "Owner matching the dog huh? I love that haha. Lab boxer mix is one I've not seen, but I love larger dogs like those two!", "So many people are scared of larger dogs which I never get. All of the big dogs I meet are just loveable fuzzballs.", "Yeah, if they're not well trained they can get jumpy and over excited, which I can see being scary. The only dogs I've ever had come at me were pits.", "True. I've met a few nice ones, and then I've met some where the people must not have socialized them, or got them from bad breeders." ]
[ "they're pretty cool pets ! I have dogs and a cat too", "one is a big boxer Labrador . the other is a little yorkshire terrier ! My labs color matches my blonde hair", "He's a little intimidating with his size but he's the biggest baby. ", "They're just too friendly sometimes. It's almost like they know they're called man's best friend. Even my bodybuilder mom gets scared though lo", "I used to have a couple pits and they were the sweetest just like my current big baby. Just depends on how they're raised", "Like with any dog its how you train them, I've met Pomeranians who are meaner than some pit bulls" ]
{ "convai2": [ "they're pretty cool pets !", "one is a big labrador . the other is a little yorkshire terrier !", "one is a big labrador . the other is a little yorkshire terrier !", "haha , they are small dogs who definitely already think they are majestic !", "they shake it right off ! lt does nothing . they are sweet dogs though", "i prefer people who get dogs from shelters , much better than breeders" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "They are really cool looking animals!", "I have a Husky and a maltese Shiz Tzu. They are my little babies!", "I love boxers, and their cut off tails.", "My brother has a large lab, although they're pretty sure it has to be part of something else, because it's over a hundred pounds and looks much bigger than a normal lab. She's a sweet dog, has the energy of a puppy though, so she comes tearing at you with speed and you think you're about to die.. But she's just being playful.", "My brother has a large lab, although they're pretty sure it has to be part of something else, because it's over a hundred pounds and looks much bigger than a normal lab. She's a sweet dog, has the energy of a puppy though, so she comes tearing at you with speed and you think you're about to die.. But she's just being playful.", "Just keep at it and I'll do the same! We will be shredded in no time!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Ask away, perhaps you might want to know which colors they have, or if there's a difference in appearance between male and female ferrets.", "I'm from Greece, so I have a Kokoni dog. They are dogs for daughters who live in the house. You?", "He is a Jack Russel Terrier. Labs are so great, they're so goofy. It's cool how dogs vary so widely in their size and shape", "They're just too friendly sometimes. It's almost like they know they're called man's best friend and they try too hard to live up to that.", "They're just too friendly sometimes. It's almost like they know they're called man's best friend and they try too hard to live up to that.", "Like with any dog its how you train them, I've met Pomeranians who are meaner than some pit bulls" ] }
[ "convai2", "convai2", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i'm a freshman at nyu.", "my favorite color is blue." ]
Indian cuisine
[ "I love indian too, a good hot curry is awesome.", "Agreed! I can't even imagine how good it tastes if it was actually from the Indian subcontinent." ]
[ "that's amazing, that would be an amazing trip. Have you even been to India?", "Me neither. However I do like Indian food :) What did you like most about your Middle East/China travels?", "I completely agree!! The Dominican Republic was my first country to visit outside of the U.S. and it was fascinating to see other cultures/atmospheres.", "Mainly the beach :) Went into town one afternoon to visit a few local shops. Just interesting to see something different.", "Yes, which beaches have you visited?", "Mainly Panama City, was just there this summer with a few friends. Something about the sand and waves are so relaxing!!!" ]
[ "No I haven't. I've been to the Middle East and China, but never South Asia. what about you?", "The different cultures are fascinating. I hope to make it back some day. ", "I've always wanted to go to the DR. what did you like about it?", "I love beaches. The ones in the panhandle of Florida are amazing.", "Destin, Navarre, Orange Beach and Panama City Beach. Have you been to any in Florida?", "My family used to rent a house in Panama City every year when I was a kid. Fond memories for sure." ]
{ "convai2": [ "no i've not , i always wanted to travel around there though .", "i absolutely love curry , spicy stuff makes my tummy happy", "i've been there . i wish i could travel all over the whole world .", "i love the beach as well ! its one of my favorite travel destinations .", "indian mountains and valleys . also their culture . i go often there .", "sure is . i love surfing and sunsets . the ocean is a great place for both !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No, I've never been there either.", "It's always interesting to travel to Europe or the Western countries because you have a lot more to do! However quite often I have been travelling to Africa as well.", "I've always wanted to go there! What did you like most about it?", "Beaches are fun! I don't even know the last time I've been to a beach.", "Gatlinburg and Panama City Beach, Then I took an adult trip to New Orleans. Great summer.", "Yes, the beaches there would be really fun to go explore. Plus lots of sight seeing!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I never have, but I've been wanting to go for years. I went to Sri Lanka a few months ago, but didn't make it north to India in South Asia", "I really liked looking at the attractions, even the modern ones like Disney Land Paris.", "Yes, I love to see the Dominican Republic! I never realized it but Jamaica was under United Kingdom ruling until 1962! I thought they achieved independence way before then.", "Yes, I love to see the Dominican Republic! I never realized it but Jamaica was under United Kingdom ruling until 1962! I thought they achieved independence way before then.", "I can't really recommend any wild beaches, that are all natural and haven't been disturbed by progress, but I love going to the Panhandle area in Florida!", "I've never been to Panama City Beach, but I heard it is \"The World's Most Beautiful Beaches\" due to unique sugar white sand!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a yoga instructor.", "i married my highschool sweetheart." ]
[ "I haven't taken any yoga classes, but I've done yoga in my home. What is the experience like?", "it is very nice. hatha yoga and raja yoga is my fevourite" ]
[ "What other things do you due for fun?", "I like to shop but i'm out of money.", "I like clothing stores", "Yeah same for me", "Me too. I'm always busy with work.", "For real!" ]
[ "I like to go hiking. It's very peaceful. What do you like to do?", "I love to shop too! What types of shops do you like?", "I always end up buying stuff for the kids then myself. That's where all my money goes to. ", "that is nice ! i'd love more time for yoga and shopping", "I hear you! Life is SO busy, never enough hours in the day!", "right ! i need to find a money tree ! then i would be all set !" ]
{ "convai2": [ "an of course my yoga ha !", "that is a shame . shopping time ! good luck !", "that is nice ! i'd love more time for yoga and shopping", "that is nice ! i'd love more time for yoga and shopping", "i imagine you are i am so busy too", "right ! i need to find a money tree ! then i would be all set !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer.", "Where do you shop?", "Where do you shop?", "Where do you shop?", "I hear you! Life is SO busy, never enough hours in the day!", "Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Hatha emphasizes physical exercises to master the body and mind.", "Shopping is good times. \"Shopping Addiction\" has a more psychosocial perspective when people refer to it though.", "So what items do you buy?", "So what items do you buy?", "Do you find it difficult doing stuff early a times?", "You should check out the Indian show \"Hip Hip Hurray,\" it always brightens my mood." ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2" ]
[ "i miss my dad.", "there i m a general of an orcish army." ]
[ "do you have plans tomorrow ? i'm hoping to go to a restaurant .", "i'm going to larp again tomorrow , i'm a general of an oarfish army" ]
[ "That sounds fun! How often do you larp?", "Good, I'm definitely not ready to go back to work Monday. We have a big client coming in and everything has to be perfect.", "Where does your dad live? I'm sure he will be glad to see you.", "I have always wanted to go to Maine. I hear its beautiful in the spring.", "LOl, what does your dad do?", "Wow, sounds exciting! Did you go out fishing with him when you were younger?" ]
[ "Usually once a month. How has your weekend been ?", "Yeah, that can be really stressful! I took this week off work. I've been missing my dad so I'm going to visit him.", "He lives in Maine. I am from the west coast so it's a long flight. It's why I took all week off.", "It's wonderful in the spring! Winter, not so much. Unless you like snow....alot. Like REALLY like snow.", "He's a fisherman, has his own boat, or rather 3 of them. He's caught some crazy stuff out there! ", "Yeah! All the time. It was fun, except when the sea was rough. Little me got freaked out by all the rocking." ]
{ "convai2": [ "usually once a month . how has your weekend been ?", "fair enough . i will sometimes stay at a sitdown restaurant", "maybe florida . i'm sure he travels a lot .", "yes , gorgeous in the fall ! what do you do for work ?", "he serves in the military overseas .", "well , i suppose i did . still do on occasion . why not ? fish is delicious !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Pretty often, maybe half the time, and that is as a home body, I barely go anywhere, but playing in bed is awesome", "I've never been much for sea stuff for some reason.", "He is at college in Arizona, Im in Florida. Its expensive to fly him here or vise versa so I only see him maybe twice a year.", "Yes, the beaches there would be really fun to go explore. Plus lots of sight seeing!", "He is a medic.", "Not really. I just started doing it again this year. I used to fish as a kid all the time." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Almost every week ends. And you?", "Well it's always right before Friday so that is always good!", "Somewhere far away like Japan, but I like to keep my stay short because I get homesick sometimes.", "Yeah, I've been up that way a couple times and the changing of seasons is awesome, but the winters can get pretty long and dreary.", "Wife is at work, and it's pretty hot out today. Do you think I should invite him in and offer him some lemonade?", "No I did not, but he has been to some cool places." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a zookeeper.", "i love to read crime novels." ]
[ "I accidentally droped a dumbell on my toe at the gym. I felt so freaking stupid.", "Did it hurt though" ]
[ "yes! but luckily I didn't break it. ", "oh wow! that sounds amazing though. I start my new job soon at an elementary school where I grew up!", "I am but I'm nervous. It's my first real job - just graduated at 22 last month! How long have you been at the zoo?", "what do you like to read? I don't expect to have much down time at school to read, though ", "yes I am teaching English but it's more Dr Seuss and such. I love crime novels, too. ", "Oh I'll look into those. I love Patterson but didn't like his Middle School series so I stopped reading him. " ]
[ "I get injured all the time. I work at a zoo and I'm all the time getting scratched or tripping.", "So, you're a new teacher! I hear the first year can be difficult. Are you looking forward to teaching?", "I've been there for years. It's a great job. The work is slow so they allow me to read when my chores are done.", "I like crime novels mostly. I just like to read. You will probably get to read with your class, don't you think?", "Who do you like? I like James Patterson. For the kids I highly recommend Newbery Award books. They are good.", "Interesting. I still remember reading Green Eggs and Ham to my children. We read every Dr. Seuss book there was. It's a good profession, teaching." ]
{ "convai2": [ "at least you did not break your back", "they expected me to just carry on . i cried and got yelled at .", "about 5 years ago now . i wish i could go back .", "i read middlesex and its become my fav . i play racketball at the gym constantly .", "sounds cool ! maybe i'll learn more big words in school this week !", "my father liked those books too and he was a great famous author ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Did you ice your toe?", "My husband broke his toe one time and it is permanently bent now! It looks pretty goofy.", "I haven't been to the zoo in a long time, I hope you have fun.", "I read \"The Cat and the Hat\"! It is a very intellectual and soothing book.", "I hear you. I love true crime, so I think that would be such a fun thing to study", "My husband broke his toe one time and it is permanently bent now! It looks pretty goofy." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "You say you broke it; Ist the break in the foot, thigh, or the gluteal region?", "Oh that's cool! Elementary schools cater for ages 4-11, what made you want to teach that age range?", "It was a few years ago. I love being around water. how about you?", "I read a lot of hello kitty Sanrio books, does that count?", "Best ideas shared is in there. Dr Seuss isn't bad either. Those little books are addicting. I think I like them better than my kids.", "Mayne you could try his books if you have children. He has released two childrens books." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i plan to retire in 6 months.", "i have the support of my whole family." ]
[ "i wish i could dance . my cat can dance .", "i bet that is funny my mom was a dancer also" ]
[ "Cool. Did she dance professionally?", "I've always wanted to try Yoga. I worry that I would be bad at it.", "Good points. I really should try it. Do you go to yoga classes yourself?", "like you stream videos?", "Cool. Could you recommend one for a beginner?", "Thanks! I will check it out" ]
[ "Yes she is an american Dancer. She also studied Yoga", "Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer.", "Sometimes. I mainly do it online", "Yes. They have lots of different videos for different ages and stages", "Yoga with Adrienne and Fitmaster Yoga", "No problem. Its nice to do it in the comfort of your own home....especially once I retire. I won't have to leave if I don't want to" ]
{ "convai2": [ "sometimes", "i tried yoga once . . . everything hurt", "no , but would love to go sometime if someone watch my cat", "yes ! that would be amazing ! i also do a lot of videos with my cat and traveling", "any dance . i just love it . what else do you like ?", "i highly recommend that . yoga and sports ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "She has, and her sister is a violinist too.", "Yoga is low impact. They have classes for all ages and levels. It will be a reason to get up and help you stay healthy longer.", "No I dont I really want to one day, I think i would be good at it.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "I'm self taught actually. An hour everyday for a year now.", "No problem!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes she is an american Dancer. She also studied Yoga", "Yes look into it it is great for you also look into Hatha yoga and Raja yoga they are very well known.", "No but it became popular exercise in the western world in the 80's", "Nope, I do not stream. Mainly a viewer. Primarily of yoga and inspirational video clips of Abraham Hicks. How about you?", "i would say go with \"classical yoga\" which is Raja yoga. And concentrate on physical exercises and building stamina and flexibility", "Yes look into it it is great for you also look into Hatha yoga and Raja yoga they are very well known." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work for a marketing agency.", "my favorite music artist is isaiah rashad." ]
[ "i am so happy and proud of myself! i am so smart!", "That's great! Is there a particular reason, or just in general?" ]
[ "Well, I am using my marketing degree to open my own grocery store!", "It can be! How are you?", "Just trying to decide if I should go all organic or add big box brands to my store. ", "Do you have any marketing or sales experience, by chance?", "It IS all about building relationships! Are you going to be finishing school soon?" ]
[ "Oh that's great. Marketing is very lucrative!", "I'm great how are you doing?", "That's a really hard decision.", "Not much but in school I have learned that marketing is mainly the study of management of relationships for business.", "Not for now, decided to finish up my'll be tough but I think I can be done in 1 year or so!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "that's really cool . i am a genius too !", "i'm trying to use my marketing degree to open my own grocery store .", "that is a good choice ! whud ?", "nope not directly but i think the degree helps me", "yes eventually . i want to make a successful business to make my family proud ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh that's great. Marketing is very lucrative!", "I'm great how are you doing?", "Either of those choices sounds good. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!", "No, that's why I'm selling actually.", "Not for now, decided to finish up my'll be tough but I think I can be done in 1 year or so!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "What did you need to study in school for marketing?", "I am good, how about yourself? I just got done working at my IT job", "That is a really hard decision. Some larger stores have a pharmacy and even an electronics section so it's hard to pick just one. Do you have a favorite store you shop at?", "Not much but in school I have learned that marketing is mainly the study of management of relationships for business.", "Yep! This will be my first year!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i enjoy swimming.", "i read fantasy fiction novels." ]
[ "I'm so upset right now.", "Tell me what has you so worked up?" ]
[ "The death of a sibling makes you look at your own life and when it is unexpected just hard.", "Thank you so much for caring. I will be baking cakes for everyone later.", "Yes some simple things and I like to share the food.", "Youtube has helped me to expand a lot. ", "I agree I have learned so many things that have helped friends and family.", "Hey what have you learned lately?" ]
[ "I'm sorry to hear about your sibling... I know it's hard but you have to keep your head up for them ", "Baking is a great way to clear your enjoy cooking", "im not the best cook myself lol ", "youtube is such a great free teacher lol ", "yes as soon as i cant figure something out im like let me look it up on youtube ", "how to install my son car seat" ]
{ "convai2": [ "worked up over what exactly", "good for you . i get worked up about so much !", "nice . . . . i love food all kinds . . what do you like to cook", "youtube is so useful . i'm thinking of starting a channel", "good for you . i get worked up about so much !", "just things i've to get around the house" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I have never had siblings, so not sure what to tell ya.", "Cakes! yessss winning. :)", "Food is the gateway to life.", "I know there will be something on there! YouTube has taught me more about life than my parents. In 20 minutes you will know how to clean your couch and take the engine out of your car.", "be sure to train about to the next generation to way of good things", "Passions" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I can understand where you are coming from. I always feel down low and sad.", "That great! Cakes are often decorated to mark a special event, like a birthday", "Baking has been around for thousands of years.", "Youtube it's my life now.I absolutely adore youtube", "Do you watch any specific Youtube people, that influence the marketing system", "Youtube it's my life now.I absolutely adore youtube" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to make fresh pies.", "my hobby is sewing." ]
[ "I was surprised when my dad got my a trampoline as a kid. I was not expecting it", "so good" ]
[ "Do you have a trampoline?", "Yeah, they're very fun. Have you ever been on one?", "I've fallen off one before, nothing too serious. Just a couple scratches & bruises.", "Yeah I love cars, graphic design & write music. You?", "I like baking too, I wouldn't say it's a hobby but it's really soothing & fun." ]
[ "No i don't, but wish i did when i was young.", "Yes, my neighbors had one, so we would go over and jump. I was always cautious though, scared i would fall off", "I guess i always imagined the worst happening. But anyway, it was still fun. Do you have any hobbies you enjoy?", "I'm into baking and sewing. Especially during this holiday season. Other times, just being outdoors is fun.", "It is! I just made some scones this morning. So what kind of cars do you like. Modern, or older models?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "sometimes", "my dad tried . i fell off and was scared to try again .", "my dad tried . i fell off and was scared to try again .", "photography , i like watching videos of different things , like surgery , pranks , paranormal .", "yes , i guess it is . what else do you enjoy ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No I don't have for the mower", "Only a few times when younger! It's nice to go when older!", "That's good, I'm glad it wasn't serious.", "I sadly have no musical skill. Do you think you will ever become a musician?", "I like how creative you got with it, I'll need to try it sometime." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I do not, but my spouse loves it. I will throw on a pair when my spouse wants to roller blade or inline skate in the park.", "I did once, when i was a child, though i don't remember it much.", "Was that in your leg?", "Oddly enough; I like a lot of video game music.", "Baking has been around for thousands of years." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i've a son.", "i collect seashells." ]
[ "I keep hearing noises out my window and I'm home alone. It's very concerning.", "Should you call the police or something? I hate being home alone for this exact reason." ]
[ "I believe in the right to bare arms. So I need to go see whats happening.", "Always. I'd want to more scare an intruder then actually having to use it.", "And that is away it should be. It is all about protecting you & your family from possible threats.", "My husband wants to get those since I am usually home alone at night and we live out in the middle of no-where.", "I believe so to-Just looking for a good deal on those.", "Oh we are planning on just buying a system and us install them ourself." ]
[ "Just be careful and turn lights on so you don't shoot someone you know or an animal.", "I'm the same. I have a firearm as well. don't want to ever use it but if I have to protect my son and I, I will.", "It sure it. A good security system and cameras are very comforting as well.", "I think that's a great idea.", "Get a couple of quotes. Someone somewhere is always running a deal.", "Nice to be so handy. I couldn't do that at all. I'd need someone to do it for me" ]
{ "convai2": [ "have you called the police ?", "exactly ! i do not have any people at my house to worry about . makes life easy .", "you are right . except i keep hearing bad noises from the basement .", "quiet would be nice . i go outside at night and can hear my neighbors arguments .", "quiet would be nice . i go outside at night and can hear my neighbors arguments .", "me too . it looks like we are set up and good to go . thanks for the chat !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "grab your gun and take names.", "I agree with you. I just want to keep my family safe.", "I agree with you. I just want to keep my family safe.", "they are good to have . always to be prepared .", "best place to find one is online!", "That's reasonable. Just make sure you get your own when you have the funds available." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "My kiddo wants his CCW but he hasn't reached age of maturity yet. At least criminals can't get CCW. Not that it would make a diff.", "What kind of house training does he need? Sometimes they can just get into the worst things.", "I would suggest he also buy No Mans Sky. Its an action-adventure survival video game which will help him relax.", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy running at night.", "i worked at a movie theater for 4 years." ]
[ "I finally did it, opened up to her.", "oh did it go well?" ]
[ "It went as well as possible in my opinion!", "That is very true. It was a long time coming. Glad to get it out of the way", "exercising to clear your mind is killing two birds with one stone. very cool", "It sounds like you all have a healthy relationship?", "I can see that. Wanting to have \"normal\" hours is what most couples enjoy. ", "I work for a marketing firm, nothing too exciting. " ]
[ "awesome - communication is key in any relationship", "nice - do you do anything to relieve stress? i need to run every night - i enjoy it and it helps clear my head. ", "Yes! exactly! I tell my wife it's good for both of us!", "Yes we have, mostly. She didn't like when I worked at the movie theater nights for 4 years so I quit", "I agree! where do you work?", "Oh that's great, marketing is a fun career choice. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "awesome", "exactly . it went well in the end and i'm though to the next round", "you are absolutely right ! anything else i should know about you ?", "yes ! that is exactly it ! and i just need a romantic partner who enjoys mine !", "i agree . i feel like i have a young lifestyle but mature mind", "oh wow ! good for you ! ! ! exciting job ! !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Good! I'm glad it worked out for you guys at least", "im really glad to hear it got worked out", "Yes,, it's good exercise for everyone.", "Yes we have. We are happier now than ever.", "I agree! I think it is so important to do what makes you happy!", "Oh that's great. Marketing is very lucrative!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Funny you should say that, because she said we could start over a little slower about a week later but then she did the exact same thing.", "it still is! i hope that my current relationship will last as long", "Yeah, it can motivate you and help you to adapt and react better to your environment.", "Yes, our relationships can be complicated because of our birth orders and personalities but overall it is very good.", "yeah and what if you're not happy at work it can get in the way of your success", "I think it feels good to deal in party brands. which specific outlet were you working for?" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i love to read fiction.", "i love pasta." ]
[ "\"When my relationship ended it was very hard", "Breaking off a relationship is tough business. How long did it last for? Was it serious?" ]
[ "Yes. We were married for 7 years.", "Yeah, we just realized we grew apart. So now I pour my energy into my work. I work at home on my computer in graphic design.", "It sure is. But you live you learn. Overall it grants wisdom. Are you in a relationship?", "That sounds wonderful! I love kids. Someday I hope to have kids.", "Yes, I know they can be a challenge! I'm a uncle to three. They love to pull my hair, which I don't love so much lol!", "Yes! My nieces say my hair is magic, whatever that means!" ]
[ "Wow, that's a long time. Was the break up mutual?", "I'm glad you both found the courage to face it head on but it's so hard after you have put that much time and effort into a relationship.", "Yes, I have been married for 10 years. We have 3 children.", "Kids are wonderful but also a challenge. I love being a mom though.", "ha ! my family is almost all boys . we need to level it out .", "Ha! Girls are so funny. My boys just run non stop all day." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have been with her for 7 years .", "are you in a relationship ? i have been with the same girl for 7 years now .", "not yet , but we have been together for 7 years .", "same here . i hope to have some one day .", "ha ! my family is almost all girls . we need to level it out .", "ha ! my family is almost all girls . we need to level it out ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That is a great accomplishment since most marriages don't last very long. Congrats!", "I'm glad you both found the courage to face it head on. Nice job!", "I'm actually doing one now. Need better pay. I wish us both the best of luck.", "I have 4 kids. I wish you all the best of luck and will pray for you. Kids are so much fun. Mine are all almost grown now.", "What's your uncle's number? lol", "Your hair must grow really quick!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Wow congratulations, were you dating for a long time? Some couples date for a very long time while they try to determine how romantically compatible they are.", "Did you ever decide if there should an engagement?", "Not at all, that was my first \"real\" relationship. What about you?", "Yes this could be nice. It helps to develop a bond with the children.", "I bet your Uncle has many interesting stories to tell! Where does he work?", "its just hair. but alas, she is never satisfied with hers. she changed colors every few months, and then does absolutely nothing to it when we go out. doesnt make sense to me lol. I probably spend more time fixing my hair then she does. im a little more vain.." ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "convai2", "" ]
[ "my father used to be an insurance salesman.", "i had to drop out of college to help with my grandparents." ]
[ "I cant stop thinking of my vacation coming up. Im ready to just go.", "Good. Where are you going?" ]
[ "I'm going to Italy. ", "Thanks. I hope so too. I have never been to Spain, but I would like to go sometime.", "That's really great. What is your favorite place that you've been?", "Do you have any trips in the works?", "Wow! I bet you'll have a great time. What made you choose Bali?", "I'd love to hear how it goes." ]
[ "Nice! I visited Spain not too long ago. I am positive you will have a blast.", "I try yo travel when I can. My father used to sell insurane but he always taught me there is more to the world than just your hometown", "It would have to be either Spain or Jamacia", "Yes Bali. next year", "suggested by friends and relatively in expensive", "I can't wait, everyone says it is the most magical place on Earth!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "maybe i'll eat some authentic pizza while in italy", "that is very true . i loved it in italy when we went last year .", "no place exciting but i would love to go to rome one day", "no we are going to italy", "on my trip to italy", "its not so bad like 5 6 hour flight" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Nice! I visited Spain not too long ago. I am positive you will have a blast.", "Yea you wont be disappointed. Its wonderful there.", "Mexico. I went to cozumel once", "No, but we are going on a cruise to Cozumel next Spring Break and I think that would be so much fun. Have you ever been?", "Hawaii. I have wanted to go there for a very long time. Stupid leg.", "I can't wait, everyone says it is the most magical place on Earth!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Italy is on the bucket list too. Have you travelled to Ireland?", "Me too. I've been to Spain before. I love the cuisine from Italy though, like lasagna.", "I would love to visit Spain and Portugal, really explore the Iberian Peninsula. How about you?", "I am not sure what your talking about. Are you talking about the town El Milia.", "I am happy with it. I get to see the United States.", "Ok I hope that it goes well!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i lived most of my life not knowing who bob marley was.", "i despise my boss." ]
[ "Really? I never heard of the term until he said he wanted to court me! Tonight he's taking me to the movies! I can't wait!", "Well, a courtship can be informal and private, or it can be a formal public arrangement with your family's approval!" ]
[ "Have you ever experienced a courtship?", "Lady on the Lake - Because this summer, I fell in love in my hometown, which is on a lake. :)", "It is about a lady who goes missing after falling in love during a summer vacation. Very eerie!", "So far, so good - but I need to make sure my parents are here to supervise. :)", "Have you seen a good movie recently?", "Like what?" ]
[ "I haven't! What movie are you seeing?", "What is the movie about?", "I hope you two can enjoy it!", "That will be fun", "No I haven't. But now I want to see.", "i'm going to look for disney movie , maybe an old one ." ]
{ "convai2": [ "no never ! have you ? he would be cool to meet", "oh wow that sounds awesome ! who are you going to see ?", "i will tell him that we should see it ! thanks !", "that should be fun ! we are going to the movies today", "not yet . its on my list though .", "i'm going to look for disney movie , maybe an old one ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I personally have not, You must have though?", "That sounds like fun! What are you planning to do at the lake.", "Good luck. But besides it being scary it's a good film in general. Hope you two can enjoy it.", "Good luck. But besides it being scary it's a good film in general. Hope you two can enjoy it.", "No I haven't. But now I want to see.", "Your imagination about my experience." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I have, it's like courtship, being able to do social things with someone and getting to know them. That's important if you're looking to get married one day.", "What is the movie about? Was she ever in the show Friends on NBC?", "What is the movie about? Was she ever in the show Friends on NBC?", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "Oh yes, I have, you might enjoy other movies starring Channing Matthew Tatum, the star of Magic Mike! He's had so many!", "If you want to save yourself from wasting time on bad movies, there are lists like The Golden Turkey Awards and shows like Mystery Science Theater 3000 that talk about and show all the worst movies!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2" ]
[ "my favorite band is the avett brother.", "i am a steelers fan." ]
Auto mechanic
[ "Yeah my mechanic is a genius at mostly everything. What are some specific areas a mechanic my specialize in?", "Well, for instance some only work on transmissions, etc.. of course their main role is to diagnose the problem accurately and quickly." ]
[ "I have heard of people getting scammed. Has that ever happened to you?", "That's so unfortunate. I try to do as much research as possible. Have you ever used Yelp?", "I like to use them for restaurants. I just found a new burger place. What types of food do you like? ", "Oh yes! Football is my favorite. Even though my teams doesn't always win. Have you been to a game?", "I'm a huge Bears fan. Win or lose. I haven't gone to a game in a couple of years. ", "Probably since I was born. All my family are Bears fans. Have tickets gone up in price over the years?" ]
[ "I haven't. But I know a couple people lose to me that ended up loosing money in a similar venture.", "A few times! I like to research concert venues on Yelp and go to the highest rated ones. How about you?", "Neat! Well, you can't be disappointed with pizza or wings! It is always goes great with watching football. Do you like watching sports?", "It's great! Yes I am a huge Steelers fan. I go to every game. How about you? Do you have a favorite team?", "That is dedication! It can get expensive going to games every year. How long have you been a fan for?", "Neat! Yes they go up a little every other year. Have any favorite players?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have , sorry , just annoyed when they do this to me .", "that's a good idea , i haven't . what do you do ?", "i love anything off of a food truck ! what do you do for fun ?", "so far i have not !", "bummer . i have season tickets and try to go as much as possible .", "they are pretty high , but so far i've been lucky to be able to pay them ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I did once, keep that scammer on the line for an hour.", "I haven't, but maybe I'll give it a try!", "you can't go wrong with some grilled food :) burgers, wings, hot dogs", "I have not, I did hear that England lost recently though.", "Falcons fan, huh? That's cool. I like the Green Bay Packers. You guys knocked us out of the playoffs a couple years ago because of our bad defense :(", "nah they are always on the brink of going belly up. they are playing games with customers to prevent them from purchasing tickets" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes! I didn't in my position though. I have often caught fraudulent transactions to prevent losses!", "I do I saw the headquarters in San Bruno, California.when I was out there its huge.", "I love trying new things so I usually will try any foods that are regional. it lets me try new things in small portions for a reasonable price!", "Yes, I do like football. Did you see the game last night? They make much more than minimum wage!! ;)", "Hi! I liked watching the Saints win Superbowl XLIV. I like The Chicago Bears.", "Well, it's mostly measured in terms of equipment sales, so it's tough to know how accurate that decline actually is." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i try to eat a balanced diet.", "i like rollerblading." ]
[ "no , but i always wanted to go and check it out .", "you should . they're exciting to watch . pretty much my favorite sport ." ]
[ "Sports are alright, but I much prefer to be outside in my vegetable garden.", "I've never grown sunflowers. Seems like a lot of work for little payoff.", "Oh interesting! Kind of like micro-greens?", "I've heard micro-greens are packed with nutrients. Do you recommend them?", "I tried growing my own vegetables this year. A little harder than I thought it would be. Bugs destroyed a lot of them.", "I will for sure after the last frost of the season." ]
[ "i am always happy doing work in the garden . i tried sunflower seed sprouts in my garden.", "Just the sprouts for nutrition in 4 days is what I grow.", "Yes exactly. I desire to be as healthy as I can without spending a fortune.", "I sure do, we are getting so many poisons when we purchase in the markets though.", "Oh I am so sorry to hear that. Please do not give up. Try again.", "Good. I f we do not pursue better health who will do it for us?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am always happy doing work in the garden .", "it is a peaceful activity . all the way down to making compost .", "yes , and greater for nature i would think", "it varies . just research purity beforehand . i use them daily .", "you should try ! its great to get into nature , really peaceful .", "that is great ! an absolutely great season for it ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yeah i get that. I don't go outside for long periods of time.", "Never had sunflower seeds. I love Pomegranate juice though. Sounds interesting. Do they taste anything like a watermelon, or more like a raspberry?", "Yes, but the a slimy and can cause me to throw up.", "They sell them in mild too!", "Yes, they are such a nuisance! Bring some bug spray for sure. And watch out for food hunting critters!", "Is it to late to plant more?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh nice, yeah vegetable gardens are good to have. You can grow your own food and herbs.", "They have a unique way of growth and referred to as oilseed sunflower crops.", "Just regular. I'm just eating the taproot. No one eats the leaves.", "I'm not sure I have noticed a problem with not getting enough nutrients.", "Haha, some people eat bugs! I think I'll stick to vegetables, lol.", "Haha, some people eat bugs! I think I'll stick to vegetables, lol." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i recently lost both my parents to an automobile accident.", "i am a model building enthusiast." ]
Siamese cat
[ "Oh my, are they conjoined? It must be really hard for you to raise them", "No, the Siamese is a breed of cat. It doesn't mean they're attached! The originate from the Wichianmat landrace variety from Thailand. " ]
[ "Oh my goodness. I had no ideal. I have 3 cats myself but they are not Siamese. ", "Interesting. Honestly, I didn't think I was a cat person but they have grown on me. I rescued them from a very bad man. ", "It can be but I am grateful to have company. Anyway, what is your favorite color?", "Mine is orange. How is Manchester? I have never been.", "Wow i have to go sometime. What do you do on your spare time?", "I like to cook and read. I love video games too. My favorite is Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty. " ]
[ "So you're the cat person, huh? I dislike animals personally. I am more into model building. That's my passion.", "That's awesome. I have a dog I rescued so I realize how hard it may be.", "I'm living in Manchester currently, so I should say purple, but grey is superior.", "Apart from weather - it is awesome, so much to see.", "Reading and playing video games mainly. What about you?", "The Witcher 3 forever in my heart." ]
{ "convai2": [ "wow ! big family . i bet you are proud of them .", "well goodness ! must have been a nasty divorce .", "hot pink with purple highlights ! what is your favorite animal ?", "it is a great place to go when the weather stinks !", "mostly traveling , swimming and eating spicy food . what else do you like ?", "i love video games as well , fallout is my favorite ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "yeah a lot like pekinese.. now you know why I have a 10 bedroom house!", "That's great. I have a dog I rescued (she was a stray, not from a shelter)", "It's pink. My childhood choice is this! It reminds me my childhood.", "Cheers from across the pond! It truly is a magical place.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "Call of duty?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "No, the Siamese is a breed of cat. It doesn't mean they're attached! The originate from the Wichianmat landrace variety from Thailand.", "I see. I've had a few cats before. But never one of the \"gentle giants\"", "No, I am more of a Grey guy. I really like it because it's neutral.", "It's the capital of the UK, and is a major city in such things as the arts, entertainment, healthcare and finance.", "I do a little bit of both working and watching/listening to TV - it's my quiet time.", "I love Grand Theft Auto too, especially the fifth one." ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work in a lab.", "i love to sleep in." ]
[ "Sometimes I find myself reflecting on my childhood and it makes me feel good to do so.", "It is good to reflect every now and then. Do you have any regrets?" ]
[ "I try to live with no regrets because at that point, the actions I did was exactly what I wanted to do at that time.", "Exaclty. Sure I've made some bad choices but I don't regret them. They have lead me to where I am now.", "I've recently did the same. I left a job of 12 years to try to find a position less stressful.", "OMG YES!! I use to have to be at work at 4 am. Now its 10:15", "I enjoy outdoors mainly, cars, gardening, movies. The basic stuff. WBU?", "I hardly turn my PS4 on. and Good movies are hard to come by." ]
[ "That makes sense. You do what makes you happy and feel like your life is worth living.", "That's a great attitude. I recent quit a great job to persue my desire to work in a lab, here's to no regrets.", "Nice. Best thing about my new job minus being my passion? I get to sleep in!!", "Yea, no more 9 to 5 for me! What do you do for fun?", "Reading and video games for me. Enjoy a good move once in awhile too.", "i can understand that . i'm that way with movies ." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i hope you have no regrets . most people have many .", "that's right . that's a great attitude to have .", "big dreams , and then i fell in love and priorities changed . absolutely no regrets .", "big dreams , and then i fell in love and priorities changed . absolutely no regrets .", "fun is a basic need . your mind is trying to fix that right now !", "i can understand that . i'm that way with movies ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That is good, I am glad you have no regrets!", "I'm happy for you. You only have one life and should do what makes you happy.", "What type of job do you have now?", "no more 9 to 5 for me!", "Its always a good idea to enjoy the outdoors. So have fun!", "Ps4 is the best system to play on!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That makes sense. You do what makes you happy and feel like your life is worth living.", "That is a great way of thinking about it. There is a great short film called embrace life that really helped my friend to start focussing on her issues.", "What is it that made you want to get into that field?", "Do you think you'll have trouble getting up early when you find a new job? Back to regular wake times and all?", "TV is also fun. I have many lenses I use for my camera to help focus the light during the right time.", "That's interesting, I bought Playstation 3 and 4. I hear a lot about Friday The 13th and Last Of Us around here." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i am a redhead.", "i can say the alphabet backwards." ]
[ "kinda strange , but would come in handy for a dui check .", "lol great point , what about you ?" ]
[ "I've never gotten pulled over for a DUI before, have you?", "I don't drink that much either because I have to take care of my dog", "My dog is a boxer. Do you have any dogs?", "That's so cool! How long have you had your dog?", "Mine is 2 years old. I got him when my father moved to China so he could keep me company.", "Yeah my dog is very affectionate. Is your dog more independent?" ]
[ "Not to my recollection. LOL. But no really, I do not drink much so I have not been pulled over before. ", "I love dogs. What kind do you have, or is it a mixed breed dog?", "Oh all the Boxers that I have met have been so much fun! I have a mixed breed dog. 25 lbs of energy. ", "3 years. She is really starting to calm down a bit now. How old is yours?", "That is so sweet. I bet you miss your dad. Pets are such great companions, though. ", "Haha. No. My dog will not let me leave the room without checking if I am okay. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "no i have not , have you ?", "i love dogs , i do not currently have one though .", "yes , i've a chocolate lab . i love dogs !", "since i can remember . i enjoy it a lot .", "have you visited him there before ?", "i think so . he's a very nice dog ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I have never gotten a ticket lol", "Oh, it's good that you take care of them.", "I love boxers, and their cut off tails.", "5 years now. I've also got a snake I've had for ~15 years", "Oh, I bet that was fun and interesting visiting another country too.", "Oh, she definitely is. She used to be so naughty!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I have not. They seem pretty dangerous. I don't trust the other drivers on the road.", "It's important to stay sober and drink plenty of water. lol", "Yes I do! I have a 10 year old Boxer. He is the definition of Man's best friend!", "Just under a year. She's full of energy and a bit of a handful. She's active, but I love her.", "neat! How old are they? I have a dog, I like their unique interaction with human behavior.", "Nope. They coexist pretty well. :) He is for sure my best friend" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i write in my spare time.", "i train horses for a living." ]
[ "you will be blown away by the ending ! i love that show .", "i really like it so far . i enjoy writing in my spare time ." ]
[ "Me too. I like to go where it colder to write. I actually prefer colder weather", "When it's cold, you can dress in layers", "Watch TV including Game of Thrones, travel, eat and play basketball", "It's definitely and acquired taste", "a little bit of reading. sometimes I become so engrossed I forget about work", "Plans on publishing?" ]
[ "I prefer warmer weather, but have gotten used to cold weather. I train horses, and much of that takes place when it's cold!", "A very good point! What else do you like to do in your spare time ?", "That sounds great! I think I'm the only one that hasn't seen Game of Thrones yet. I'd like to though!", "Have you also read the books from George R. R. Martin or just seen the show?", "Yes, I'm the same way with writing. I write mainly in my spare time. I have an unpublished novel that's almost done.", "I think it will just be published online , an eBook at first." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i prefer colder weather , so that wouldn't be so good for me .", "a very good point ! what else do you like to do in your spare time ?", "wow ! that's impressive ! what type of shows do you like ?", "i just really want to see how it ends so i can stop watching it .", "i know what you mean . do you take medication for it ? it helps !", "i think it will just be published online , an ebook ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I guess its different if you live where it gets cold during the winter.", "Yeah -but it gets so hot.", "I would also know a NBA team, that would be fun.", "It is. It is literally one of the best shows I have ever seen and I 've seen plenty.", "Is there anything else you do besides work? A hobby you enjoy, video games, music, working out?", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I live in New Mexico, and the climate is quite warm this time of year.", "It definitely gets extremely warm with all the gear on in addition to all the movement and skating!", "What aspect about basketball do you like the most?", "Have you also read the books from George R. R. Martin or just seen the show?", "oh.same to you.", "I do have a few science fiction books that I worte under a pseudonym that I could self-publish, I might give that a try, but I'm worried I'll be lost in the crowd." ] }
[ "", "convai2", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "convai2" ]
[ "my favorite thing to do is to read books on the beach.", "i love pandas." ]
[ "anything i hope , lol", "it can be challenging for both the person looking and for their relationships for sure" ]
[ "yeah it's kind of hard when you significant other doesn't have a job.", "What kind of books are you into?", "That's amazing. I love animals, kangaroos to be exact. What was the book called?", "Very nice, where can I find this book?", "Unfortunately, I don't have a Kindle, but I'll definitely be looking for the paper back. ", "To be fair, it's like staring at a phone, tablet or laptop. I wouldn't mind reading from one.", "Where can I find a Kindle? Book stores?" ]
[ "It does make things a challenge for sure. I like to read books to forget about daily problems like that.", "I like reading books involving animals. I recently read a great book about pandas.", "it was called Chu's day, it was very interesting and educational.", "It is available on Amazon. It is available for Kindle but I read the paperback.", "I have a kindle, but still enjoy paper books. Staring at a screen still seems odd to me lol", "Yes it is very handy. I always loved reading books on the beach, and paperbacks are great for that.", "You can download the Kindle app for your phone or tablet and read books on it. It also works on a laptop." ]
{ "convai2": [ "true lol , what do you do for a living ?", "books ! specifically fantasy genre . harry potter and the like .", "it was about a woman shapeshifter . i go between fictional reading and athletics .", "look up freak factor , the authors name is david .", "i have never used a kindle , i love the feel of real paper .", "haha very true ! what are some of your hobbies ?", "yes lots of places online these days ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yeah, i feel some are just picky on what job they want to have", "They are mostly psychology books. Big and boring lol", "It was about the medieval poet Geoffrey Chaucer.", "I read \"The Cat and the Hat\"! It is a very intellectual and soothing book.", "You should - it has something for everyone.", "exactly, a laptop is such a great tool, I cant live without it.", "best place to find one is online!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "yeah and what if you're not happy at work it can get in the way of your success", "I read a lot of hello kitty Sanrio books, does that count?", "That is an interesting fact! I never read that much into kangaroos, but that's definitely a fun fact.", "If I couldn't find it online I'd probably contact a university philatelist to see if they had any leads on where to find them.", "You also buy the books on the Kindle so you don't have to go find them at the store or at a library.", "Yes, reading a book on a tablet just isn't the same!", "I am thinking you could probably google it and see somewhere local." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i drive a honda civic.", "i love rock climbing." ]
Honda Civic
[ "I imagine it is the most popular one, right?", "I think so and originally a subcompact but since then it has changed a lot becoming larger and sleeker." ]
[ "I love a larger dependable automobile.", "Yes I hear you. Having a gas guzzler is not the best for work.", "We collect Cadillacs and Lincolns.", "Three we just gave one to my grandson. Do you sing in your car when driving?", "You sound like me.. singing so much I am sometimes not aware. Grandson 20 is a singer too.", "Hey that is a great idea. I want to visit Nashville. Have you?" ]
[ "I love my Civic - even though it doesn't necessarily reflect my personality. It's practical!", "It is also great for the outdoors - I love rock climbing, and this car gets me everywhere I need to go. What do you have?", "Oh, cool!!!! I love old cars! How many do you have?", "Absolutely! I always sing - in the car, the shower, everywhere! How old is your grandson?", "He should try to find a job in Nashville - a great town for singers!", "Yes - great town, though it can get a little crowded. If you love the outdoors, there is a lot to do there!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "it is very inconvenient . my blue civic doesn't get used much .", "i love the honda civic but i like the cr v more . that trunk space .", "oh , no . i cannot sing at all . do you ?", "haha ! most people wo not sing outside of the shower or their car .", "it is a great place to go when the weather stinks !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do as well, but the mechanic has the advantage.", "Yeah, plus the whole getting out in the heat or cold to pump gas sucks too.", "Oh yea, the Teslas look pretty amazing!", "I do actually quite a few mainly old country songs like daddys hands is a big one super oldie! :)", "good job! maybe you should pursue a singing career :)", "No, I've never been there either." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It was orginally a subcompact, but it has gone through many generational changes. Now it is larger.", "It's not very fuel efficient but I still love it - there actually was a Gas Guzzler Tax back in 1978!", "That's good. Since they were fist introduced to market they were best selling luxury cars for a few years. I'd love to get my hands on one of the older classics.", "I do, but I think I might prefer show tunes. Probably because they were part of a story.", "Yeah haha. My favorite singer is Jo Stafford. Do you have a favorite?", "I do! I was there last summer. Although don't go during a busy time! It has the highest population of all Tennessee." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i watch every football game at alabama.", "i never have had alcohol in my life." ]
The Rolling Stones
[ "am not. can you tell me about the rolling stone", " The first stable line-up consisted of Brian Jones Mick Jagger , Keith Richards, Bill Wyman , Charlie Watts , and Ian Stewart. " ]
[ "Yes, that sounds like a good group. Have you ever seen them perform in person?", "Are they still touring? You might get a chance if so.", "I love Maroon 5 and Matchbox 20. What's your favorite song by the Stones?", "I like so many different ones, but those 2 are top of the list. Yes, I like football. Do you?", "I'm a big football fan. It's always on my TV if it's a Sunday.", "My favorite is the New Orleans Saints, with the Seattle Seahawks a close second. I do not watch or like college football though. Do you have a favorite?", " Roll Tide! I've been a GB fan since Brett Favre. I went to college with him." ]
[ "No, i havent, but wish i did.", "I haven't checked recently to see if they are. Do you have a favorite band or musician?", "I'm one of those people who have a hard time narrowing down to a favorite. So i enjoyed several of them. Do you like football?", "I do! i prefer to watch it live, but if it's on TV, I only watch big games like the Superbowl.", "Do you have a favorite team? Or any team as long as it's football.", "I watch Alabama games, but I also like the Greenbay Packers. ", "Nice! i became a fan when a friend's brother played with them. He's no longer with them but it was fun at the time." ]
{ "convai2": [ "a few , but i've not gone to see them", "yes , well they didn't cancel the tour . hoping to get it over quick .", "i love the rolling stones , my favorite song is thunder .", "i don't . football takes too much of my time .", "do you go to the stadium or on tv ?", "it is tough to have a favorite player , but i've a team ! do you ?", "i'm more of a college football fan . roll tide !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No I haven't. But now I want to see.", "No, they will tour but not until they record a new album.", "That is one of the tunes that is on the gold record flying out of our solar system on the Voyager probe.", "I'm more of a football fan!", "Well, that's good. Sounds like you guys will be having some fun watching the game. Much better than TV!", "I'm more of a football fan!", "I am now a huge Carson Wentz fan!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "No I haven't, but they've sure had a lot of touring keyboardists like Nicky Hopkins, Ian McLagan, Billy Prestin and Chuck Leavell.", "No don't think so. I haven't heard of any shows. The band was ranked 57th by \"Rolling Stone\" magazine in its The Greatest Artists", "Might seem strange, but Honky Tonk Woman! It was great when Brian Jones was the leader of the band way back when, and then I think it was just destined to have Mick Jagger take over.", "Yes, I do like football. Did you see the game last night? They make much more than minimum wage!! ;)", "Do you have a favourite team? I've only seen one football game, my cousins. No professional games.", "Hi! I liked watching the Saints win Superbowl XLIV. I like The Chicago Bears.", "The former quarterback? I don't think I'd even recognize him." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite food is mashed potatoes.", "i love game of thrones." ]
[ "doctors orders must be foolowed", "My doctor just said I have to watch my calorie intake, and keep them to around 300 calories at the least." ]
[ "I watch my calorie intake too because I think I'm overweight", "I know! What's your favorite junk food?", "I love french fries. But I have to remind myself to not eat them too often because I need to lose weight", "I think McDonald's has the best fries, but Arby's is pretty good too", "I do love pizza. I love artisan pizza specifically", "Yeah! There's a pizza place right by my house that cooks pizzas like that. But I've been going to a salad place to cut down on calories" ]
[ "It is so hard when there are so many delicious foods like cake and mashed potatoes. ", "Tacos for sure. Any kind. How about you?", "I like them too. I am really partial to some fries, though. Like Arby's has the best fries.", "McDonald's is definitely the most popular. I loved seasoned fries though. Do you like pizza, also?", "Oh yes, those rustic style pizzas are really good. They are usually cooked in a brick oven, correct?", "Smart move. There are so many creative salad bars emerging lately. That is a positive trend in the fast food industry. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm very conscious about my health and always watch what i eat .", "i'm very conscious about my health and always watch what i eat .", "i'm over weight and feel like it is a necessary evil", "i think they have the best fries anywhere .", "i agree . i love mine with all the meats and stuffed crust .", "i'm getting pretty fat so i need to cut back . maybe salads would help ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It doesn't mean you are fat or overweight. Everyone is different.", "Food is the worst too because all that junk food is all around us.", "You can lose weight too.", "i am a wendy's guy, i find their food much more satisfying", "I prefer New York style pizza.", "Salad and wraps are delicious, so is water. I need to try this diet!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I be feeling like that at times to but I just had a baby so I know it's just a little bit of body fat then usual.", "More like what don't I like, lol. Did you see The Food Wife episode of the Simpsons? That was funny.", "I like french fries from Burger King! I love getting a large fries and a milkshake when I go there.", "Agreed, I love McDonald's fries.", "I really like that too, especially with how modern pizza is everywhere.", "Salad pizza? I haven't heard of it. What is it?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "we lived in virginia while i was growing up.", "my father was a cop." ]
[ "Someone threw a bunch of empty beer cans in the bed of my truck.", "they must have something against trucks" ]
[ "I agree. I trying to figure out who would do something that stupid. ", "Great. What should I do? ", "I already did that and everyone says they havent seen anything. ", "Ok I will check and see what I find. In the meantime, I am going to talk to the management company of the property to see about the cameras.", "I will. I do not like to get the police involved but I will do that in this case. ", "Sometimes. I just see too much going on in the news. ANyway do you have any hobbies?" ]
[ "My dad was a cop. I have some experience in such things. I can help you if you want.", "Ask people around if anyone has seen anything suspicious?", "Try looking for clues in the area.", "Great idea. And if it does not work, just call the police.", "Why though? Police is there to help us.", "Reading and playing video games mostly. What about you?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "same", "a hike to the creek ? to drink beer ? and hold me ?", "they should definitely be able to help you . i am sure you'll do fine .", "ask them for me . it would help !", "why ? my father was a cop once . i had to check in with him often too", "no time for hobbies . i usually just go out drinking with friends ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I would just throw the bottles back at them", "grab your gun and take names.", "grab your gun and take names.", "Good luck.", "Yes. Be safe. Call police in emergency.", "Naw. Drink and play Xbox mostly" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'm not even sure", "Maybe tell someone where you're going before hand and make a plan in case an emergency arises.", "You can reach out to them if you have a report to make or if you want to help", "You can reach out to them if you have a report to make or if you want to help", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "Yes a litlle and my ideal of fun is shopping at my favorite clothing retailer Guess." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i don t know why my sister in law dislikes me.", "i'ven t had to work a day in my life." ]
[ "that is true , reading is a hobby of mine to escape reality", "botox is my escape which i really am in need of right now" ]
[ "How is botox an escape?", "I define an escape as a break from reality. I'm still unsure how botox does that. I understand why you do it but still my point.", "That must be nice. I've been working since I was 16.", "I wouldn't if I didn't have to. But I like money and expenive things so set myself up to not have to depend on anyone.", "So if you don't work, How do you prevent that from happening?", "Must be nice. I am self made. ;)" ]
[ "It makes me feel younger looking than my family members, like my mean sister-in-law who doesn't like me.", "Yes, that's a valid perspective. I don't really need an escape because I have never had to work a day in my life.", "If I had to, I would! Working since age 16 sounds like a LOT. Maybe this is why my sister-in-law doesn't like me, because I don't work?", "I never want to be dependent on anyone - ever! It would be like prison.", "Fortunately, my great great great great grandmother left money that has supported all of us.", "I actually envy you. Maybe I can try my hand at this working thing, and it will take my mind off my sister-in-law." ]
{ "convai2": [ "am really feeling bad and don't know how to get out of it", "oh , i see what you are saying . yes that's a valid perspective", "yeah i wouldn't be younger again . too much hassle !", "true . however , i prefer being independent and just read books .", "i want my own life and live it . . . not sure how to escape .", "wonderful talent ! do you like to read , too ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "its none psycho active , it just contains all the healing properties , but thank you", "Can't stay young forever!", "I'm working now. Enjoy your own time and also be responsible to your juniors.", "I wish I could be more like you.", "I have a solution for that, but I wouldn't advocate you doing it.", "I think you have some unique qualities to you!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "its give dream movement,this can result in mental illnes", "Well, for me it helps me achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state!", "It would seem even more like nothing if I was on vacation. Have you ever heard of Nothing Records?", "That makes sense. You do what makes you happy and feel like your life is worth living.", "I am not really sure but if you don't occupy your mind it could potentially damage your health.", "What do you do when you live paycheck to paycheck? How can you save?" ] }
[ "", "convai2", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i own 10 cats.", "i work at home on my computer." ]
[ "How bad can it get, I paid so much for my son's education and he still failed", "I'm sorry to hear that... don't blame yourself" ]
[ "Maybe it's the distractions in our house?", "Yeah, I guess. We tried our best. Do you have kids of your own?", "7 Grandchildren! I couldn't imagine. I can't wait until he has a child. Right now, we only have him & our pet dog ", "What do you mean? If you don't mind sharing ", "What kind of business are you into?", "Nice, what do you sell on said websites?" ]
[ "It is just an expensive lesson. No failure is final I am sure you tried.", " Three and 7 grandchildren. I can empathise when things do not go as you expected.", "Every stage has challenges but we have enjoyed them all. The adult kids give back in many ways.", "Our children have helped us start businesses, ministries and bless us financially. It makes us feel we did something right.", "we used to have Daycare Centers, Hair Salons and Bookstores. Now online businesses.", "Life Coaching services and spiritual books as well as music we write, compose and sing." ]
{ "convai2": [ "maybe it isn't your fault , i blame myself a lot", "yes i've a son who is in college", "that sounds nice ! it will all be worth it someday ! what kind of dog do you have ?", "hating the parents lessons from a troubled youth .", "researching different business plans and start loans . what do you go to school for ?", "mainly new age supplies . crystals and such ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "maybe that's the reason", "No i do not. But i wish someday after getting married i will have my own. Do you like kids?", "Enjoy every minute with him. Time goes fast when they are little.", "I taught them how to diet and exercise properly. But I have to give them huge credit for being consistent and sticking with it!", "It's just a business I am working on myself. I am the owner in addition to working for another company. It can be hard to get started in business but I am getting there :)", "Wow, that sounds unique. What exactly do you sell?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Do you think it is AUD? My sister tries to help me.", "No. 2 is enough foe me and my wife.What about you?", "Oh, poor you! But once they become full adults things will be easier!", "Speaking of giving back...have you heard of Idol Gives Back? I guess it was a charitable campaign on American Idol in the 6th season...", "I want to star a small business so I will be able to apply for government support.", "Haven't sold one thing yet. :-(" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to ride my bike.", "i work as a vet." ]
The New York Times
[ "I agree, I read it nearly every day along with The Economist. I enjoy it with my lunch. ", "Do you know that it was started in 1851 and has won 122 Pulitzer Prizes, amazing right?" ]
[ "yes it is. that's a long time. " ]
[ "It really strengthens the mind! It felt so refreshing reading beneath the trees in the sunshine." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah is a pulitzer prize winning book ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It really strengthens the mind! It felt so refreshing reading beneath the trees in the sunshine." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It was founded all the way back in 1852, the paper has won so many prizes and awards" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i love my parrot , todd.", "i ve never been to the beach." ]
[ "I think they are beautiful but I don't know much about them, tell me more please", "They are really neat animals to watch, just so graceful, it is sad they are Near Threatened and are declining in number" ]
[ "Are you doing anything to help preserve these animals?", "That's pretty cool. I want to contribute to jaguar preservation.", "Yeah, I've gotten more into researching jaguars because I drive one. I'm trying to offset my carbon footprint.", "It's blue. What type of car do you drive?", "That's a nice car! I was deciding between an Audi and Jaguar when I was buying a car", "The technology in a Jag is better than the tech in Audis, which is why I bought it." ]
[ "There are a couple conservation efforts that are being worked on at the moment.", "That is great. There is always a big need for donations.", "That's funny. What color?", "I have a black Audi.", "I have never driven a Jag. Must be great if it won out!", "Interesting. Which feature do you like the best?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well , they are prey animals so , yeah , they are kind of timid", "that's wonderful , you'll help so many animals !", "they're excellent for the environment .", "i drive a fiat .", "they're nice cars and very fast !", "true , they can be just as expensive lol ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I have just joined an advocacy group that is enlightening people about how they should treat animals so I am hoping thing will change", "If we could just get more people on board to do that we would be on the right track.", "Donate is good thing to do. Great", "I drive a gianormous conversion van", "That was a good choice, did you consider any other makes/models ?", "Yes, I heard the same thing! Cheap on parts too!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "There has been several conservation efforts, But they face many threats like the loss and fragmentation of their habitat due to logging and just reckless people in the area where they live.", "I would love to donate to the HSUS, they have made over 215 million dollars since 2014", "I would love to donate to the HSUS, they have made over 215 million dollars since 2014", "I like the jaguar XJA it is a luxury grand tourer,", "the audi 90 is the updated audi 80", "I've noticed that, the UK really isn't a huge car producer but Jaguar are great nonetheless." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm an old soul.", "my back hurts chronically." ]
[ "very cute ! my kids are into sports , any action photo tips ?", "keep the shutter open for at least 6 8 frames to capture the motion ." ]
[ "Thank you I will try that - I've only used the regular camera settings so far", "I have been thinking of getting a DSLR - do you have any experience with those?", "Oh - I love animals, especially dogs! what kind of dog do you have?", "I have a golden retriever - just one though.", "They are such great dogs! And I know some about Australian Shepards too...they are such smart animals. My friend has one and she's amazing", "That is a great way to fail! Glad to hear that he has a forever home now." ]
[ "Glad I could help, although I don't have a lot of experience either.", "No, I don't. I use my smartphone to take pictures, especially of my dogs and cats.", "I have 3 Australian Shepherds. Do you have dogs too?", "My last dog was a golden retriever/lab mix. I adopted her as a senior dog.", "I just failed at fostering a deaf and partially blind Aussie. He's my boy now!", "Thank you! I needed him as much as he needed me, I think." ]
{ "convai2": [ "that's a great idea ! i will have to try that .", "no , not really . i would be afraid my kids would get them when i wasn't looking .", "2 cats pete and repeat and my dog bongo . they like sports more than my kids .", "well that is adorable ! we have a yorkie terrier mix !", "they really are great ! i'd love to take a picture with one .", "thanks ! he's a precocious 4 year old . do you have kids ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "We don't have any type of nice camera, we just use our smartphones. I have an iphone and my husband has a samsung note. The quality on phones now are pretty good, we have the portrait mode.", "We don't have any type of nice camera, we just use our smartphones. I have an iphone and my husband has a samsung note. The quality on phones now are pretty good, we have the portrait mode.", "I have a little toy poodle. He's a real smart one!", "My favorites are huskies and big slobbery St Bernards. They give the best hugs and cuddles.", "My brother has a large lab, although they're pretty sure it has to be part of something else, because it's over a hundred pounds and looks much bigger than a normal lab. She's a sweet dog, has the energy of a puppy though, so she comes tearing at you with speed and you think you're about to die.. But she's just being playful.", "Thank you! All he can do now is hope for the best!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The first step is getting a great camera with quick aperture speed.", "No I have a more basic camera since I can't afford the panasonic.", "I'm from Greece, so I have a Kokoni dog. They are dogs for daughters who live in the house. You?", "Wow, I want a golden retriever too because they are so easy to train.", "Yes, they are smart dogs indeed. They were specifically bred for loyalty and compliance.", "Thank you! I just don't want his heart to be broken!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite artist is bob ross.", "i enjoy hiking." ]
[ "no hiking for me . it would mess up my prized business suits", "that sounds very very very fancy !" ]
[ "My dog is not interested in going either which is the real reason. ", "Sounds like a good way to relieve stress as well. ", "So I take it you like watching the leaves on trees change colors in the fall?", "Very hard to recreate for sure. I am terrible at painting and drawing. ", "As long as you're having fun. What do you do for work?", "I can totally understand what you are saying and relate one hundred percent. ", "I have. The way he could paint and tell a story was always great." ]
[ "I usually go hiking alone. I just like to see nature, see all the trees.", "Oh, definitely. Though if you'", "Yeah. It's really inspiring. I'd like to try to paint or draw it sometime but I don't think I'd do it justice.", "I sometimes try to paint along with that Joy of Painting show but I'm not as good as I'd like.", "I'm in accounting. It's kind of intense sometimes so I look for fun ways to de-stress on weekends.", "Hence the hiking and watching art shows. Bob Ross is super calming, ever watch him paint?", "He's been a favorite of mine since I was a kid." ]
{ "convai2": [ "my dogs would probably love to go on a hike but i never take them", "oh definitely . i wish i was out chopping trees right now .", "yea , i love watching the leaves change color . what do you do ?", "i've tried but i'm just no good . i think my dog has more talent than me .", "i actually own a marketing consulting agency . nothing too crazy but i'm proud .", "i like the corporate world better . plus i look suave in my suits lol", "his voice was pleasing too . take away all the editing and many cannot sing" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Maybe the poor dog doesn't get along with other dogs.", "Being stressed never helps.", "Hey! Yes, I do actually especially when it's nice out.", "Maybe its time to launch your art career full time.", "I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times, but it's rewarding to see your vision come together, especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done.", "Being stressed never helps.", "I loved his song Starfish & Coffee when I was little." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Maybe you could just go for shorter walks. Studies show that all types of walking have numerous health benefits.", "Hiking is good for your soul too. You get to enjoy nature.", "Sure but I don't leave near one. You just gotta find an interesting place to go.", "I'm not really good at drawing either, but I like to mess around with crayons or wax colored pencils sometimes.", "I plan to do some volunteer work.", "Listen, I know you're laughing out loud, but my ADHD is no laughing matter.", "He really is. Did you watch the Twitch marathon of Joy of Painting? I would have loved to have followed along." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a student in college.", "i play the guitar." ]
Appalachian Trail
[ "That's a long distance! I bet there is so much beauty there though. In touch with nature.", "I would think so as it is the longest hiking only trail in the world. " ]
[ "I absolutely LOVE hiking and want to go to the Appalachian Trail!", "I went with my parents when I was a little girl. We hiked for days!", "I love to do everything from yoga to binging a good TV series. How about you?", "Oh, I love The Office! Are you a John Mayer fan? I love him!", "Yes! Are they still together? Those tattoos!", "He has a lot of energy - their lead singer. Is he still on The Voice?" ]
[ "You should. I've been a few times and it's very impressive.", "I would love to go someday. What do you do in your spare time?", "I watch the Office on repeat! I've seen all the epiodes on Netflix. I also play guitar.", "I'm not really a huge fan, but I love Maroon 5!", "I believe so. I'm pretty sure they released a single just recently", "No unfortunately, he left the show" ]
{ "convai2": [ "my job takes a lot of hours away from spending time in nature", "that's amazing . i love nature .", "i'm really into nature and yoga . you ?", "i am indeed , yes ! what are you a fan of ?", "yes i think so ! honestly i've no idea .", "yes i think so ! honestly i've no idea ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You should. I've been a few times and it's very impressive.", "I would love to go someday.", "Now I am in the mood for Netflix! Enjoy the new series now that you are relaxed!", "Huge fan, super fan actually. I am very lucky.", "Duh! I'm pretty old but the kid's expressions never get old! lol", "Yes, he does it as a talent at various shows." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I do too! Particularly the appalachian trail. It runs from Maine to Georgia", "What was the name of the trail where you hiked in California?", "I watch the Office on repeat! I've seen all the epiodes on Netflix.", "I love him, I love Maroon 5!", "I don't think so - at least one of the band members is dead. I think it's John Lennon.", "I'm not positive. He's been singing for over five decades though!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "" ]
[ "my husband is a stay at home dad.", "my favorite singer is taylor swift." ]
[ "nice . i am single .", "oh really ? i've been married for about 5 years now ." ]
[ "I plan to get married someday too. Do you enjoy being married?", "Right, i think supporting each other is the key. One of my hobbies is playing video games, so i wonder how that would play out when married. We'll see. ", "Yes, the free time is nice for now. Glad you can all play as a family. So do you have any hobbies?", "Comedy sounds good! As for me, I love the outdoors. So i have a moped that I use to explore places around town. ", "They're fun. I try to be careful and take all necessary safety measures though, since I have to share the road with cars.", "lol, i have never heard of Flight of the Conchords. What's it's about? " ]
[ "Yes. My husband is very supportive of my carreer and takes care of the family. It is important to have an understanding relationship. ", "I love playing games. We play together as a family sometimes. However, it is nice being single and having that free time. ", "I love listening to music, especially Taylor Swift. I also like to go to comedy clubs. How about you?", "That sounds like a blast. I love nature and mopeds have to be the coolest transportation method around", "Good call. I think helmets are essential. I watched an episode of Flight of the Conchords once and the main character made a \"hair-met\" Ha ha Good stuff. ", "A couple of New Zealanders in New York that are in a band. Pretty silly stuff." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do ! it is good money , and being single it works for now .", "my boyfriend and i try to find adventure . it can be hard after five years together .", "mostly video games . how about you ?", "that is great ! i love to get outdoor too . i take my do on walks frequently .", "staying cool is the key . do not let anyone stress you while driving .", "crazy show from the seventies . you are probably to young ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do! We've been together for six years. I still feel the same way about her as I did the first day. How about you?", "Hahaha. Nothing says you can't do both. Work at work, play after work.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "Its always a good idea to enjoy the outdoors. So have fun!", "There are worse things to be worried about. Good job on you for taking safety seriously!", "It's about black holes!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I do. It is all consensual, so it makes for a very open and honest relationship.", "I don't enjoy playing video games either. My kids enjoy them, but my husband and I monitor to always ensure they are nonviolent.", "I do have activities I do for enjoyment. My favorite is golf.", "Does your moped have actual pedals, like the original definition, or is it a scooter? People use the \"moped\" term for both these days.", "The other thing you could do for safety would be to get a model that had an additional noise feature that way others would know where he is.", "It is about Anne Shirley. She is an 11 year old orphan who is mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am an avid quilter.", "my grand children mean the world to me." ]
[ "I have a two week vacation coming out and I'm friggin' excited! ", "Dang, a whole two weeks? Going anywhere, or just hanging out and really enjoying yourself at home?" ]
[ "My husband and I are going on a 3 day get away just 2 hours away so we do not spend a lot of travel time.", "So true. We love to laugh. Have you ever been to a comedy show?", "Actually relaxing and ", "Yes I was in Nairobi Kenya a couple years ago for two weeks. Loved it. Have you?", "O my how interesting. What part of the world?", "I am familiar with all of these except Oman. Where is it?" ]
[ "i think any time away is a plus, no matter how far or close. ", "Not recently. What are you doing for the rest of the 2 weeks?", "I guess as long as you aren't at work, it's a good thing. Have you ever been overseas?", "I actually lived overseas for about 10 years. Loved it.", "Europe, Middle East, and Asia...Netherlands, Oman, and China.", "It's on the southeastern tip of the Saudi peninsula. South of Dubai, if you're familiar with that." ]
{ "convai2": [ "a vacation sounds like a good idea to me !", "no but i'd love to go !", "a vacation sounds like a good idea to me !", "i've not . i've been to south africa , it was amazing .", "vacation , just love it there !", "interior of australia . hot . dry . lots of dangerous things ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I'm so jealous! I hope you have a great trip!", "No I have not? I think it might be fun though. Have you?", "Nice. Some leisure time is always good.", "No, I've never been there either.", "I'm in South Korea at the moment.", "Wow, what a great guess! Haha. Thailand, actually." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's good. Summer break is nice, but Christmas will be magical too. Where are you going then?", "I have! I saw Louis C. K. two years ago. Do you like stand up comedy?", "It would seem even more like nothing if I was on vacation. Have you ever heard of Nothing Records?", "I once traveled though Kenya. There was so many people, apparently about 48 million in 2017!", "Somewhere far away like Japan, but I like to keep my stay short because I get homesick sometimes.", "It's located in Tanzania, inside a national park. It would be a fun place to visit!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy swimming.", "i enjoy shopping online." ]
[ "I found out my group of friends went to the beach last weekend and did not invite me for some reason. I don't really know why though?", "That was rude. Did you confront them?" ]
[ "Of course I did. They know I love the beach.", "Fine. Who needs them. We will make our own trip.", "I usually do. Give me a few drinks and I will have my own gathering. But I need to get ready for the academy. ", "The police academy. I'm not sure what all that intels.", "Well I gotta have money for that which means a job.", "Thank You. I'm glad someone is. It's going to be alot of work" ]
[ "I love swimming so the beach would've been great!", "Good for you. You don't need to be around people like that. You'd probably have more fun without them.", "What will you be studying at the academy?", "Oh wow....that sounds amazing. The only interest I seem to have is online shopping. LOL", "Yes, that makes sense. I'm excited for you.", "You will be great at it, I'm sure. Are other friends not as excited?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i just like the energy of being at the beach . not the water lol", "sounds great ! my friends and i are heading out for lunch later !", "do you mind if i bring a few friends ? just a few , maybe 8 10 .", "the actual academy to be an officer .", "that makes complete sense . gotta go where the jobs are .", "yes it is . it will be worth it in the end . what do you do ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "There's more stuff to do than the beach though!", "Haha. You can come with us!!", "That's when you drink more and talk to everyone around you and make a good time for yourself!", "Lol! Oh my goodness. So you are going to be a police officer or a lawyer?", "Lol. Well good luck. Job searches can be tough.", "Good luck. It'll be worth it." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I believe the beach boys loved the beach as well lol they are a American band have you heard of them?", "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok.", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "well In most countries, \"police officer\" is a generic term.", "Yeah, maybe I could also get an acting coach to give me advice.", "It's time to get with the program. You don't want to be left out behind." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "playing quake on slackware linux makes me happy.", "both my moms tell me they love me when i call them." ]
[ "oh i see i wasn't sure", "you know what makes me happy ? playing quake on slackware linux , you know it ?" ]
[ "Oh no - gaming woes! I don't know much about linux.", "I'm open minded, and will definitely try it, but I'm more into music than gaming. Do you like listening to music?" ]
[ "You should try it, it's a lot of fun. Quake improved on Doom by offering full real-time #D rendering and even had early support for 3D acceleration.", "No, I don't listen to too much music. I watch TV. I like Supernatural." ]
{ "convai2": [ "mine too ! ! ! ! ! now i can play quake and feed my pets . you have pets ?", "not a big music fan . i spend my time playing quake on slackware linux ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yeah, me neither. I used to be more interested into it when I was young, but definitely don't want to mess around with anything involved with it now that i know more about the world.", "I do actually quite a few mainly old country songs like daddys hands is a big one super oldie! :)" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "You should try it, it's a lot of fun. Quake improved on Doom by offering full real-time #D rendering and even had early support for 3D acceleration.", "No, I don't listen to too much music. I watch TV. I like Supernatural." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i like to wear red.", "i use red lipstick." ]
[ "Sushi really creeps me out, I wasn't able to try any.", "why does it creep you out? i think it's pretty good" ]
[ "It's the fact that I'm eating raw fish", "Nice, you had a date I'm assuming?", "My brother loves sushi but I just can't wrap my head around it, no pun intended", "Yeah I love it, tandoori, butter chicken, masala", "I just had pasta salad, and you?", "Gotta try your best to keep your head on a swivel, lol" ]
[ "True that. I went to my fave sushi place last night and wore my red dress with red lipstick. ", "Yes - and my convoluted point is that sushi is easy to eat on a date! I only order the veggie rolls. ", "That is funny! Do you like Indian food? ", "Yummy! Now, I am getting hungry. What are you having for dinner?", "I think I may have some Chex cereal. I feel best when I don't eat gluten, though I slip all the time.", "What does that mean? :) Head on a swivel? Good one! " ]
{ "convai2": [ "it is wonderful . i only like cooked sushi", "it is wonderful . i only like cooked sushi", "it is my favorite ! i'm a vegetarian but i eat fish all the time .", "that curry and naan bread is most delicious !", "i'm thinking about having mexican or italian .", "you are absolutely right ! anything else i should know about you ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "They are quite nice when cooked. But I definitely wouldn't eat a raw one.", "Nope. I haven't been on a date in a year or so", "You could always just go the sushi route from now on. You can't udner cook it.", "I love delicious foods more so teri yaki, so yummy.", "That sounds delicious. My previous response was meant to be, \"What's your favorite meal\", but I accidentally pressed enter.", "I'll try :)" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Then you probably don't like sashimi since it is sliced raw fish.", "Yes actually, i met her on tinder. She was my first 'swipe right'", "Well if you can only eat a little at a time, you ought to try eating a different garnish, like Daikon radish or something.", "I have never tried naan before, does it come from a more middle eastern influence on their food?", "I just made a cold pasta salad. It was made with brown rice pasta and lots of good summer veggies!", "That technique is a strategy which aids at reducing stress, right?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to swim.", "i do not work." ]
[ "Im not sure really maybe the belly?", "Yeah im sure it is, do you prefer it crispy or just cooked?" ]
[ "I prefer it crispy usually, but cooked is good as well. ", "No, I've never tried that before. Have you? What is it like? ", "That sounds great! I would love to try that sometime at our local diner. They have the best breakfast food!", "What is your favorite place to eat when you go out? ", "Onion rings are always a good choice. We have a lot of good restaurants here, but my favorite is called Stone-E Cabin Barbecue. " ]
[ "Yeah, it's all good. I like it on just about anything. Have you ever tried the donuts with bacon?", "I have! It's sweet and salty and the one I had was caramel, so it was smoky and just delicious.", "Oh, I wish I could eat out more! ", "There's a local diner here where I live called HomeTown. They have the best onion rings. What's yours?", "Ohhhh, I love barbecue. I used to do the KCBS BBQ competitions!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "i have not but i should try it !", "i bet it is amazing . i love the pastries .", "that s a good question . i can t really choose honestly . do you have a job ?", "that's my favorite ! oh , ribs are the best . have to be careful though !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "yes anything above medium rare is over cooked!", "Strange. Next time you have them try them cooked in goose liver fat and scotch. AMAZING!", "I can't wait to eat there once again!", "There aren't many restaurants where I live. Only fast food.", "That sounds incredibly tasty. I think I will have to go there." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "do you prefer them soft or crispy?", "I never had chocolate covered bacon, but I seen it at fairs. The ice cream bacon is just bacon added to egg custard but IDK it sounds gross.", "Their breakfast sandwiches are so good - I know it's supposed to be the first meal of the day, but I'm so glad they extended breakfast hours.", "I used to go someplace in Phoenix area. It was a long time ago.", "I know where that is - near Charleston, right? Folly Island is one of the barrier islands." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a happy person.", "i sing many songs." ]
[ "What's interesting about the place?", "Barbados is outside the principal Atlantic hurricane belt " ]
[ "oh really? I didn't know that, I am going there next month." ]
[ "You are going to love it! It's a place for happy people (I am a happy person myself!)" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am going to barbados soon its one of my favorite places" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You are so lucky! I love the Caribbean but I have never been to Barbados. Have you been there before?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Barbados is outside the principal Atlantic hurricane belt" ] }
[ "" ]
[ "i've long red hair.", "my favorite jello is the blue one." ]
[ "so far i've only told you .", "that's a huge secret . why did you do it ?" ]
[ "Because I needed to protect myself. Do you have a weapon of any kind?", "I got lots of practice and took classes to make sure I knew what I was doing. What about an alarm system?", "With kids in my house, I needed to do it the right way. When they get a little older, I'll do the same with them.", "Do you plan on having children soon?", "That's smart. Some people do it, as you know, but it does make things a little more difficult.", "Yes, children are expensive. The older they get, the more expensive they get." ]
[ "Not at the moment because I can't use it very well.", "Yes. I have one installed but I think I will practice and take some lessons too.", "That sounds like a good idea. I should keep that in mind for when I have my own children.", "No. Not right now, I don't feel ready, want to get more education.", "Absolutely. And I would think it costs a lot to feed and clothe them. Does it cost a lot?", "Especially if they intend to go to college? Education is expensive and hard work." ]
{ "convai2": [ "that is obviously a secret .", "a rubber message wand . duct tape . olive oil . dog collar . usual stuff .", "smart thinking ! i'll remember that if i ever have kids of my own .", "not planning on it but parents are pushing it .", "but i think i should learn self defense before i move .", "i guess you are right . you must be busy being a parent , how old are your kids ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes but only a small knife.", "I keep saying we will get some flashlights, the ones only phone are only good if the phone is charged.", "They will wish they got more sleep when they are older. Just like me now.", "Yes. I do not have any kids myself.", "Yes, but not impossible.", "Oh, hope it will be less cost." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Not at the moment. I live near a road , so it's too dangerous to have one right now.", "i would probably try to call 911 and somehow get to my gun safe", "You are good enough. I suppose the older children help take care of the younger ones.", "No. 2 is enough foe me and my wife.What about you?", "It does make it difficult if only one person is making an effort too.", "It honestly is too much money in my opinion but I'd rather have leftover than not enough." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "when i haven'thing else to do , i read books.", "i m a vegetarian." ]
[ "I stole from my friend and i feel pretty bad about it.", "Why did you steal stuff?" ]
[ "It was taken out of context, I was really hungry lol", "No, I eat both meat and veggies. What kind of food do you like?", "I do lots of wood work, I love music & I'm a huge foodie. I'm a lumberjack full time though. You?", "Not really I have a huge axe which speeds up time for me. Do you have any published books?", "Axe throwing classes are super fun, I would suggest you go to one before you get old lol", "No lol 50 is definitely not old. I'm talking 90s! They're not scary at all." ]
[ "Then, I wouldn't feel bad about it. Are you a vegetarian? I am.", "I love Italian, Indian, American - You name it. But I have to limit my carbs. What do you do for fun?", "Wow! You don't have to sit all day as a lumberjack. I am a writer, and when I have free time, I read books.", "Working on it; thank you for asking! I would love to take an axe throwing class.", "Is 50 old? :) I am like Benjamin Button, though. Are the axe classes scary?", "Hahahahaha! I think I will sign up. Should I buy any protective materials?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "why what did you do ?", "i eat anything but i respect the vegetarian lifestyle .", "i'm basically a paul bunion . being a big lumberjack .", "not as many as i'd like ! i'd love one from stephen king .", "i should indeed ! i want to go to a real nice restaurant !", "haha you are right ! so you are much older than me , do you have family ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "it happens to everyone , i stole too", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "Oh you know, I need to go vegan as well! So much has wheat in it. Most of the vegan stuff here does. I am in the midwest and I can't have too much fruit..I don't like most veggies and I am on keto :/ SIGH! I am getting there though. You can have fries though unless youre a celiac!", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "I think I'll look into it. Seriously.", "Lol okay then!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Same! Hungry like the Wolf! Sorry it was a song that I was listening to yesterday, although relevant here!", "Anything but animals. i like to eat a paleo cave man diet.", "I'm pretty devoted to them. I guess you can call me a Deadhead.", "I do have a few science fiction books that I worte under a pseudonym that I could self-publish, I might give that a try, but I'm worried I'll be lost in the crowd.", "Yeah, maybe I could also get an acting coach to give me advice.", "They all make think of Ted Bundy , can't trust them." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i sell cosmetics in my spare time.", "i love rage metal music." ]
Heavy metal music
[ "Yeah, it really gets your blood pumping when you listen to it.", "do you ever feel like you can't get enough machismo? I love feeling manly and self reliant, it gives me a strong sense of pride" ]
[ "Since I'm on the shorter end of the spectrum for men, I tend to act more macho than I need to sometimes." ]
[ "I'm short, too, so I guess we have something in common. But, height really doesn't matter to me. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "that is true i am all about being manly though . i love being a guy" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I think you have some unique qualities to you!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That is true, maybe we should be smarter but urges are urges, sometimes we need more self control" ] }
[ "" ]
[ "i write in my spare time.", "i enjoy video games." ]
[ "cookies pies cakes and cup cakes", "what is your favorite kind of pie ?" ]
[ "Apple pie what about you?", "My grandma's are the best you have to try them!", "You should also try her cupcakes they're the best. She has all the time in the world whilst I work 10 hours a day trying to make ends meet", "Same nowadays everyone is too busy with work we don't even have time to make a delicious meal", "I don't even remember the last time I ate with someone although saying that, the precious free time that I do get I use just painting and time flies", "Yes I did once try to eat whilst painting which did not end well and let's just say that was the last time I brought food anywhere near my paintings" ]
[ "I love apple pie also", "That would be great", "That is awesome I wish I had more time to bake", "Yeah it can be hard to find time to sit and eat with family", "Some times I find I eat while writing or playing video games.", "Oh no did it not go well?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i think classic apple pie .", "i love fresh baked cookies and pies", "i should ! that sounds very nice", "i miss simpler times just watching grandma bake all day", "i miss simpler times just watching grandma bake all day", "how could you eat dinner and not remember what you ate ? !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love apple pie. I feel you.", "indeed they are so good", "yeah i should", "That's why they are being replaced by machines lol", "i love art if thats what you mean , i started taking painting classes recently", "Maybe its time to launch your art career full time." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I love a nice peach filled pie! But really, I haven't had a pie I didn't like!", "cookies look small sweet and flat", "Cupcakes are great, they are small and designed to serve one person", "And if you are to busy to bake, just buy a cake", "do you listen to chris brown his song yeah 3x is nice", "I only went to see Cassou's paintings in a museum last year.." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite food is pizza.", "i drive a van." ]
Rail transport
[ "I have! We recently got a new rail service in my town. It's really fascinating. I'll bet there's a lot of history behind rail transport.", "That is extremely fascinating. In contrast to road transportation where the car is in control. On the rail the rail is in control. " ]
[ "Have you ever been on a train?", "I think it would be so awesome to take a train across multiple countries!", "I took a one day train from Ohio to Pittsburgh and back. It was fun.", "It was about 2 hours each way. And we got to stay in Pittsburgh and sightsee for about 6 hours.", "We rode the same train all the way and back.", "Yes I would. I feel they are probably much safer than the roadways." ]
[ "Public Transportation, I have. But nothing like a transcontinental passenger train", "Agreed, that would be badass. Have you ever traveled anywhere by train?", "That sounds like a heck of a trip! How long was the ride?", "How neat! Did they give you the whole ride or did you have to switch off?", "Very nice! I always though railways are a very safe land transport system. Would you agree?", "I'm glad you agree! Where are you from?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "no i have not but i would like to one day .", "it definitely would be , yeah .", "i'm envious , someday hope to go , love the history", "i'm envious , someday hope to go , love the history", "that's fascinating . i have never had that experience . all ordinary !", "i am glad you agree ! are you also from a small town ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No i have never been but i hope i am able to one day.", "Agreed, that would be badass.", "That sounds like a heck of a trip!", "That sounds like a heck of a trip!", "That sounds like a heck of a trip!", "Haha! You have a point. Maybe I should have said \"safer\"!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Are you talking about \"The Canadian\", the transcontinental passenger train that is operated by Via Rail Canada? If so, I haven't. But I'd love to!", "It's so much different than cars because you're being guided by the tracks instead of on a prepared flat surface", "They have a variety of public transportation systems, did you use them?", "How neat! Did they give you the whole ride or did you have to switch off?", "Very nice! I always though railways are a very safe land transport system. Would you agree?", "I think they're so safe because they are accompanied by a signaling system." ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2" ]
[ "i design video games for a living.", "my mom is my best friend." ]
[ "i'm well , thank you . how are you ?", "i am good having a shopping day with my mom" ]
[ "That's nice that you offer to take your mother shopping", "Designing video games sounds fascinating. I know a bit about programming but not that much", "Lately, I have been playing Zelda. I usually like Mario Brothers type games", "I made coconut chutney and raita to go with leftovers. What about you?", "Ooh that sounds wonderful. I am having leftover chicken KOrma ", "This is my version - chicken in Instant Pot, Patek's korma sauce, shred chicken and simmer" ]
[ "Well, because I work from home, designing video games, I need family contact. :)", "Also, my Mom is my best friend, so that makes it easy. Do you have a favorite video game?", "Oh, I started with Donkey Kong! What did you do today?", "Oh, that sounds divine! Today, I worked, and now, I may make some chicken tikka. :)", "You are after my heart! I LOVE CHICKEN KORMA. I am American!", "Just copied that down. :) Thanks! Should I buy an Instant Pot? That sounds easy!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "wish my mother would go shopping with me", "i prefer designing the games but playing them is a good way to gain inspiration !", "i prefer designing the games but playing them is a good way to gain inspiration !", "that sounds tasty . just finished a shopping trip with my little girls", "yum , that sounds delicious ! did you cook it yourself ?", "that sounds like a good recipe to try ! have you tried it ! ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I should find something for her", "I always wish I was good at design. I've tried, but I'm pretty garbage, haha!", "I like those games too!", "Some jello shots? I've got no one to enjoy them with anymore.", "Yikes, I'm not sure that will match well with Chicken Parm.", "that sounds pretty good, I'll have to try that later!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Thanks! She normally is and I am as well.", "Well, it generally involves computer programming. In some cases, programmers have comprised the whole design team.", "I liked to play Super Mario also. I remember it was in Mushroom Kingdom . He had a brother named Luigi, right?", "I never played any other ones, but I love Donkey Kong, especially Country for the SNES, that was ahead of its time", "Rice with miso soup ìs yummy!", "How is that prepared?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to walk in the woods.", "i like to stay fit." ]
[ "I can not believe my dad was fired.", "Oh no that is horrible. Is he okay?" ]
[ "yes, he is. It just came as a shock to all of us.", "He's depressed but he'll start looking again as soon as he can. Have you ever been fired?", "That sounds like a good idea. I'll mention that to my dad, see if it'll help him. What do you do now?", "Awesome. Being around people with like interests is key. I'm sure you're enjoying it.", "I love my work. Not many people can say they love what they do, but i absolutely do. What kind of work do you do?", "yes, i did. Lasted the summer but then never went into that industry again." ]
[ "Losing a job can be devastating. How is he handling it?", "I'm glad he's taking it well. Yes. I got really depressed, but I found that getting outdoors was really helpful. ", "I have been doing a lot of fitness. I was working out a lot to help myself feel better and I got a job at a gym. ", "I do. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Do you enjoy your work?", "I work in fitness. You absolutely should love what you do. Have you ever had a job that you hated?", "Lesson learned, huh. I have had some terrible jobs, too. What do you do in free time" ]
{ "convai2": [ "what did you get fired for ?", "no , but it could have been worse than it was . we found help quickly .", "i'm too smart to work . they kept firing me for being too awesome . what happened ?", "thank you . that gave me a confidence boost . what do you like to do ?", "i work at a nursing home . it is rewarding but heartbreaking too .", "what will you do now ? i also quit when i left high school ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I am sorry to hear that. News like that can come out of nowhere.", "No but I've had my hours so reduced that it wasn't working going to work due to everything going to union dues and transportation.", "I get out :) I have pets and a mom and I go for walks and run errands. People are hard to trust and I just don't care to be close to most anyone anymore. It takes awhile to build trust.", "I am! I'm excited to see what he does with his life. So many opportunities", "I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times, but it's rewarding to see your vision come together, especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done.", "HAHA, best to find another job first. At least employment is looking pretty good these days." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Did you quit the job or him? lol", "I have not alhtough i have been advice to see someone to aim and improve my well being.", "I guess a bad relationship and my dog passing away I've just needed some time to myself.", "Yeah, they also help with my physical fitness.", "I'm actually looking for a job right now because my company didn't do very well and downsized. I'm seriously considering doing something else.", "It's time to get with the program. You don't want to be left out behind." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i can never decide between a chili corn dog and a cheesy hot dog.", "i'm a grandparent at 44." ]
Corn dog
[ "ReALLY? What did they do?", "They are one of many people that claim to have invented the corn dog. Another is the Cozy Dog Drive In in Springfield Illinois. Their claim is from 1946" ]
[ "Wow, that's pretty interesting. What do you think of corn dogs? They're one of my favorite food items. ", "No, I've never tried those. What are they? ", "Ahh, if that's the case then I'm sure I've tried them. ", "Juke as in music? I enjoy most genres, but my favorite would have to be pop/rock music. My favorite is All Time Low. ", "That's ok. I enjoy 80s music as well. What would you say your favorite 80s band is? ", "I like a lot of them, but if I had to choose just one I would say Bon Jovi. They have so many great songs. " ]
[ "I rarely have them to be honest. I’ve only tried pogo sticks. Do you know them?", "I’m pretty sure they are basically corn dogs but just froze. I bet they aren’t as good as fresh corn dogs", "Yeah. Do you have a favourite juke ", "Sorry the message sent before I could finish. I enjoy most music, especially the 80s. I know All Time Low, they’re pretty good", "David Bowie is my all time favourite for sure. How about you?", "Bon Jovi is awesome! Great songs to sing a long too. Got a favourite song by them?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "the corn is good at the carnival . not sure what they put on it .", "the corn is good at the carnival . not sure what they put on it .", "i totally believe it to be true . do you have any pets ?", "oh the classic stuff lol", "i am not sure . i'd have to say b spears . what about you ?", "an iconic band . can never go wrong with them" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "corn dogs are yummy. where do you get yours from?", "They are called \"Belgian Chocolate Thins\"", "Strange. Next time you have them try them cooked in goose liver fat and scotch. AMAZING!", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "Johnny B Good! A solid gold oldie! Brought back so many memories.", "Oh I like them too. I like that song I think it is called \"Change\". It is so good." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They are quite good. The decision to add them to the menu likely came from Oak Brook, Illinois, their headquarters", "It's a sausage or hot dog on stick that's dipped in cornmeal and deep fried. They are delicious", "Well glad I could help, just remember give credit to the corn dog. They really put the \"hot\" in hot dog with there breading that keeps them warm and insulated.", "Yes, of that genre. I like grunge too. SOundgarden was good", "I love 80's progressive rock bands.", "They definitely have many good songs." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i don't like feeling controlled.", "i wish i could take back a mistake." ]
[ "Last December, my husband lost his job. He's our main source of income.", "Oh I'm really sorry to hear that. Has he been looking for another job?" ]
[ "Yes he has been its been very difficult for him. ", "Why? How bad was it?", "My husband was laid off. Its a tough time with Christmas being 3 weeks away. ", "Yes I am but I only work part time. I am essentially a stay at home mom.", "Well he has two interviews next week so Im hoping for the best. Are you married?", "Wow. Do you plan to ever marry?" ]
[ "That is a hard thing to go through. If I could turn back time, I would never have accepted my last job.", "Well, my manager was very controlling, and I have a tough time with that - being controlled. How about you?", "Are you employed?", "This sounds so hard for you. Does your husband have any good prospects? ", "No, I am single - almost married three times, though. I think my control issues run deep!", "If I meet the right man, definitely. However, I am at an age where most of the men are carrying heavy baggage. It would help with the expenses, though." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm sorry to hear that . i sincerely hope things get better for you .", "my client had a bad experience and i was trying to make it right .", "oh , i am so sorry to hear that . that must have been difficult for you .", "oh , i am so sorry to hear that . that must have been difficult for you .", "no i'm single . i wish i were married so i can share the expenses .", "not unless my career takes me there . we are settled for now ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I'm sure that's really tough. I hope he appreciates all that you're doing for him, and I'm sure it'll work out :)", "He got a new job that was in a different city. It isn't good or bad.", "Wow, that must be terrible, I cannot imagine, I lvoe christmas", "yes! I hear you house work is my life. Being a mom is amazing though!", "No, just married kinda young, but we are kinda old now too - LOL!! Our girls are 15 and 18 and things are pretty peachy around here.", "I don't really believe in marriage." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes it is at times it can be very stressful and tough, and does your dad have symptoms of emotional problems or decrease in movement due to his impairment.", "I was eating way too much greasy chicken and my blood pressure and cholesterol levels were high :(", "That's unfortunate. By chance, do you or him like marvel? I really like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in particular.", "Are you also a stay at home mother with children? Often called SAHM?", "Yes! We have really enjoyed getting to know each other and deciding if there will be an engagement at some point. He's a great guy!", "I won't we have been together 37 years we wont. We don't believe in the termination of a marriage or marital union." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a freshman in college.", "my favorite food is pizza." ]
[ "oh really ? what are you studying ?", "i am a psych major , in my freshman year ." ]
[ "thats awesome live in KS with my family", "How do you like the college life? Is it very different from high school?", "Are you married? Dating anyone? I have a wife and kids.", "what field of psychology are you planning to work in when you graduate?", "I like to scuba dive with my family, what are your hobbies?", "I love cooking." ]
[ "nice it is my freshman first year of college .", "its different for sure but the people are nice", "nope not married yet lol", "I am most interested in forensic/criminal psychology", "I love photography and cooking", "We have that in common! I spend half my weekends in the kitchen!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "nice it is my freshman first year of college .", "its different for sure but the people are nice", "nope not married yet lol", "i am not sure yet . maybe some type of engineering", "cooking and spending time with my family", "nice i enjoy cooking all the time" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "yeah. my kids like it here too", "It is very different without anyone around. It's too quiet.", "Nope. I am the only single one", "Psychology I love how the mind works.", "Hunting, fishing and computers.", "I do too. I have a fantastic recipe" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh that's cool. Where do you study?", "I am happy with it. I get to see the United States.", "seen like dated? no, I have been married myself for over 30 years and we were highschool sweethearts", "I originally wanted to get a BA in economics.", "I would love to do freedive but I do not need to hunt for food.", "New inventions and technologies keep coming out so we will always have new ways to cook" ] }
[ "convai2", "convai2", "convai2", "", "", "" ]
[ "drawing in traditional style is my pasion.", "my inspiration is clasical music." ]
Mount Kilimanjaro
[ "Oh wow! That would be quite the feat. I always admire people who do that.", "Yes, It is the highest mountain in Africa" ]
[ "It would be so cool to get to climb that mountain. I need to put it on my bucket list.", "There are many mountains I would like to climb but I think Mount Kilimanjaro is definitely in my top 3. Classical music is very calming. ", "Mount Everest is number one but so many people have trouble with that one. What about your bucket list?", "I am adventurous but its funny because I don’t like to drive. It frustrates me so much.", "It’s impossible for me to be able to walk everywhere. That must be nice." ]
[ "It is a worthy bucket list item for sure! Africa is worth it. It is an inspiration, its history. I like classical music too.", "That's great, you are going to love it and I hope you get there. What else is on the bucket list?", "For now I'm good, off the bucket list. Mountain climbing is worthwhile, but expensive, and after a summit need to recover.", "Driving IS frustrating. I walk a lot, allows for my mind to think. It's important for art, planning, being creative.", "It would be nice, I walk a lot but not everywhere. But nowadays a lot of folks are on scooters, it's nuts! I like to slow things down." ]
{ "convai2": [ "what kinda of things are on your bucket list ?", "agree . beautiful . seeing it in person there's no replacement for that .", "bucket list . . . i'm afraid to write my bucket list", "we have a bit in common ! i like to travel , but driving frustrates me .", "it can be , but nothin is better then going to the mountains ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You should. I've been a few times and it's very impressive.", "That is one of the tunes that is on the gold record flying out of our solar system on the Voyager probe.", "Where would you go first?", "Well, to each their own. They have driving classes if you ever feel like you need them.", "Yes, but not impossible." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "its the highest mountain in africa", "Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. It goes from it's base to above sea level. Interesting.", "Not sure yet but have you ever seen the bucket list directed by Rob Reiner?", "Speaking of \"bucket list\" have you ever seen the movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson called \"Bucket List\"?", "That's true. The most difficult thing would be a day walk, which would last all day." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i use the computer all day.", "my mother looks after my grandmother." ]
[ "Like Starbucks? I have a friend that works for them and she really loves it. Did you enjoy it?", "It was a local spot. It was really fun. The word Barista is actually Italian for \"bartender\"." ]
[ "I love Starbucks and their barista's are very professional", "Yes, the ambiance is amazing and you can get a lot of work done too", "I love the scent of coffee too! ", "Yes, I have but it's very difficult keeping everyone's orders in tack.", "The tips are really good at certain times of the day, it really depends though.", "Especially the holidays! It seems everyone is in the season of giving, Lol." ]
[ "Yes most barista's are good. I like to go for the ambiance ", "And not to forget the smell of coffee in the air. there is just something about that that is so relaxing", "Did you say you worked as a barista? I don't know if I have the stamina. LOL Starbucks is always busy", "I couldn't imagine trying to remember all those orders. Are the tips good?", "I bet you get really good tips during the holiday season", "LOL so very true or the pumpkin spice latte makes them loopy" ]
{ "convai2": [ "it was cheap to have her do it . my coffee shop job doesn't pay well .", "ajaja . . i concur . i'm a barista , what do you do ?", "ajaja . . i concur . i'm a barista , what do you do ?", "i guess some restaurants are stick and waitress is hard too", "yeah it is starbucks it is not so bad", "no doubt , i went to italy on holiday once" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Are the coffees there expensive?", "Are the coffees there expensive?", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!", "Are the coffees there expensive?", "Are the coffees there expensive?", "Do you get to gether for all holidays?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes. the one I work at serves not only coffee but also snacks, muffins, pastries and much more. It is a lovely way to meet new people and chat.", "I love to go early and get breakfast before they go to lunch and dinner menus, their breakfast is amazing!", "Do you have a favorite? Have you heard of \"second wave coffee\"", "I agree with you on that, I have heard it is just hard to fix the machines so they choose not to while it is busy", "yes tips can be a minor or major part of their earnings. Unfortunately, people don't always tip well!", "Speaking of giving back...have you heard of Idol Gives Back? I guess it was a charitable campaign on American Idol in the 6th season..." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am east asian.", "my name is tom." ]
[ "I had to attend a funeral and left my dog with a sitter. When I came home 2 days later he was so happy to see me! It warmed my heart ;)", "Dogs are loyal like that." ]
[ "Dogs are the best pets!", "Who doesn't love asian food?", "What kind of dog do you have?", "That's nice, mine's named Rocky. We have a talent show coming up", "You must really love boxers. We ", "Aww hopefully Kotton has a safe recovery. Rocky & I will showing off his tricks at the talent show", "He can roll over, speak, sit, give high 5s & play dead" ]
[ "Yes they are mine loves to share Asian food with me", "I know right! He loves to be with me no matter what I am doing", "I have a boxer. His name is Kotton", "That is cool what are you and Rocky going to do? I had a boxer named Rocky years ago", "Yes I do and have had several. Kotton is still a puppy and has been very sick. It is tough", "What tricks does he do?", "That is great! Nice chat! Hope to get you again! Good luck and good night!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "they truly are . they're my favorite .", "he ate all his food and now will not stop barking", "he's a pit and he's the best dude", "man my boxer just peed on the carpet !", "he was amazing it was sad when he passed away . do you have any pets", "yes hopefully he will . this has been a pretty laid back weekend", "what ! ? ! ? ! i love him . that is so crazy !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "My dogs keep me sane.", "I only like american food!", "boxer", "Thats a cool name", "I love boxers, and their cut off tails.", "im sure he will love it!!!1", "I love boxers, and their cut off tails." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I agree, no wonder why they are called \"man's best friend\"", "It is not bad. It is a big deal in East and Southeast Asian food", "German shepard. they secure my building well", "I read that boxers came from bulldogs!", "i was thinking of maybe getting a third boxer but i think that would be too much ahha", "i was thinking of maybe getting a third boxer but i think that would be too much ahha", "He must have good motor skills." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite music genre is classic rock.", "i work in marketing for a large company." ]
[ "I am feeling extra guilty about not sticking to my diet. I ate so much fried foods and a whole ice cream sundae by myself!", "I too feel your pain. I broke my diet by eating 4 dozen donuts in one sitting. " ]
[ "I love ice cream and can't resist it.", "That is so true! But just think of all those delicious flavors! I can't resist ice cream!", "I love vanilla with real vanilla beans, that is my favorite! What is yours?", "Snickerdoodle has peanuts, right? I'm not fonf of peanuts, but love other nuts!", "Me neither! But just thinking and talking about ice cream is making me put on weight! I have to try harder to resist!", "After all those donuts you ate? LOL!" ]
[ "It is a dangerous dessert. Dangerous to the waist line, especially mine.", "What is your favorite flavor?", "That is actually one of my favorites, too. I also like Snickerdoodle from Marble Slab Creamery.", "Well, it has Snickers in it, so yes, it does. I'm not a fan of chocolate ice cream at all.", "Same here. I may have to make an ice cream run after dinner.", "I need to keep my sugar coma going!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love it too ! it is so good .", "i agree ! i feel guilty when i eat it .", "i prefer vanilla myself .", "yes ! i love the pumpkin coffee creamer .", "i could get you some good links to diet programs , if you need to lose weight .", "i mean i cannot even reach the cookies in my kitchen ! haha ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What is your favorite ice cream?", "What is your favorite ice cream?", "I like the melt in your mouth kinds. Doesn't matter what kind.", "LOL! I sister hates them..but I don't like most veggies :( Rapsberrys are a close second!", "Well, it can be hard to resist sometimes. But, maybe just eat a bit healthier for a few days, and it'll make up for it.", "No I'm hungry! lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I do too! It's so dense because it has a lot less air than other types of ice cream, and it comes in so many interesting flavors.", "I can understand that. There are lots of flavors you can add to ice cream to make them taste even yummier.", "I like a simple Vanilla. Neapolitan is good too.", "The peanut M&ms's are pretty deluxe! I love them. Peanut, milk chocolate, candy shell!", "Nice choices, and popular! Snickers has annual global sales of two billion dollars.", "Yea, the run through me. I wish I was like my dad he has to diet to gain weight." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i was adopted when i was a baby.", "my mom stays at home." ]
[ "computers are nifty tools . i am getting better at it everyday .", "i am gonna work at hp someday ." ]
[ "I’d would say I’m tech savvy but it’s so hard to keep up with all the new tech", "Yeah! Have you got a preference on your tech? PC, apple? Desktop or tablet?", "Similar to me. Are you a gamer at all?", "Not even on your phone?", "Depends on who you talk to I guess. I probably play too much games. ", "Haha, hard to compare I’m sure. What do you do on your free time?" ]
[ "You're right - it is hard to keep up with new technology. It changes constantly!", "Well, at work, I have a PC but at home I have a MacBook pro.", "No - I don't do any gaming", "well, I have some games on my phone but I don't know if they qualify for games to real gamers", "I'm sure my games are lame to someone who is really into gaming", "I do a lot of cooking on my spare time, and freelance as much a possible. I'm a scientist in RL" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i know it . all the equipment i need is seriously draining my savings .", "hp laptops are pretty sturdy and good for everyday use", "no , i'm much more into console gaming . what are you into ?", "no , i'm much more into console gaming . what are you into ?", "i guess , i guess it all depends on the person .", "i dabble with computers on the weekends . . . . guess that's my hobby . ll" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I can relate. Sometimes I have issues with new tech. What is giving you problems?", "I have always had hp. I do have an ipad though", "I have always had hp. I do have an ipad though", "I have an iphone7.", "Hahaha. Nothing says you can't do both. Work at work, play after work.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, some of the hardware is so outdated it's unbelievable.", "I go way back with apple. The first computer I ever used was an Apple II back in 1993.", "Yes I have some Apple products.", "I do have a smartphone. I get so much use from the apps I got from the Google Play Store.", "Oh okay I see, I know alot of people who do that. What platform do you use?", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm currently listening to bach.", "i love to watch the voice." ]
[ "That is a good point. Ever since my daughter and husband had cancer I tend to stress eat. (They are both fine now)", "Im so gland they are ok now. A healthy body requires a certain amount of fat to function properly, however you have to find a balance" ]
[ "I am slowing figuring that out, but being overweight is tough on my self-esteem. I want to look like I did before. With hard work, I hope to.", "It's process, I know. If only it just processed a bit more quickly. :) We live in such an immediate-gratification society, I guess.", "Awesome! Who is your favorite judge? And, do you have any workout tips to share?", "I like her as well. She has a great voice and is a very stylish person. I also like Blake Shelton.", "Agreed, they seem like an unlikely couple at first, but somehow it just makes sense. Both are incredibly talented. ", "No kidding! I'm sure she works out a lot, and it shows. She's kind of a role model that way.", "Thank you for the chat! It was quite enjoyable." ]
[ "I totally understand. Every person I know who has lost weight talks about how difficult it can be.", "Yes, you are right. Especially with pop culture the way it is today. My guilty pleasure is watching The Voice while I work out.", "Gwen Stefani is my favorite. I'm listening to Bach right now, but this conversation makes me want to change the song to one of hers.", "Yes, he seems like such a likable person. I think its cute that they are together now.", "I was shocked to learn that she is 50. I want to know her secrets!", "I agree, she is one to admire. I wonder if she has a health plan that someone could follow.", "You're welcome. Have a nice night!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "it is difficult for average people , but i figure there are too many fat people already .", "definitely . maybe if i ate better i'd have more motivation .", "nicole , yours ? i'm more of a chess person really .", "dean martin is my favorite , he was such a charmer when i was younger .", "very true and i adore both my daughters .", "i agree . i definitely feel better about myself since i met my husband .", "it was a pleasure ! have a nice night ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Having a good looking body is not just to look good its also a reflection of a healthy life. You should try and keep it.", "I guess you're right. Do you have a diet?", "Some politicians around the globe", "I loved his song Starfish & Coffee when I was little.", "ONe day they will be married and have their own daughter.", "I know exactly what stories from my youth would entertain her.", "This was the most fun chat Ive had today. Enjoy yur day!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I get that, but weight loss can reduce health risks, increase your fitness, and delay diabetes, so it is important to stay in good shape for your family, they need their mom/wife", "I agree with you, especially when there is easy access to food and its easy to be sedentary", "Ever would be Micheal Chriton.", "Yes Blake has a cool voice I like him to.", "I am sure, the love between them will remains lot.", "Thanks! She normally is and I am as well.", "You're welcome. I wish you the best!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i've a cat named felix and a small terror names emmy.", "my children are mostly grown." ]
[ "Pizza is fantastic - thin crust is my favorite - with tomato sauce and veggies.", "The term pizza was first recorded in the 10th century! That is a long time ago!" ]
[ "Really? That's fascinating! ", "Definitely! I don't think I could ever get tired of pizza. What's your favorite type of pizza? ", "I love three meat. Pepperoni, sausage, and bacon. Can't beat that! Supreme is good too though!", "NY style is so good. I have one cat, but I am hoping to get a dog soon. What breed of dog do you have? ", "That's great. I like Beagles, Yorkies, Labs, and German Shepherds. I would love a Borkie (Beagle/Yorkie) or a German Shepherd one day!", "I enjoy watching movies and playing video games in my spare time, what about you? " ]
[ "I love pizza, I could eat it everyday, how about you?", "I like the veggie the best, what do you like best?", "NY style pizza is the best, so is Chicago pizza. My dog gets excited when I bring home pizza. Do you have pets?", "I have a small Terrier named Emmy and a cat named Felix. What breeds do you like?", "They are all good breeds. I don't think I could be without a pet. Do you have any hobbies?", "I like to read, crochet, travel, and also eating pizza." ]
{ "convai2": [ "wow , that is surreal ! what other little known facts are there about you ?", "pizza margherita with thin crust . whats yours ?", "that's nice , i tend to like the big individual slices with sausage and mushrooms .", "they are toe chewer breeds , and i love to photograph them every day !", "well that is adorable ! we have a yorkie terrier mix !", "i enjoy traveling , cooking , baking and eating pizza . what about you ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Pizza is my absolute favorite, I could eat it for the rest of my life.", "Pizza is my absolute favorite, I could eat it for the rest of my life.", "ohhh yes, NY style is thin crust right?", "some kind of heeler mix. Not sure.", "My brother has a large lab, although they're pretty sure it has to be part of something else, because it's over a hundred pounds and looks much bigger than a normal lab. She's a sweet dog, has the energy of a puppy though, so she comes tearing at you with speed and you think you're about to die.. But she's just being playful.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I know right! And, following behind the Norwegians, who eat the most frozen pizza, are the Germans!", "I like pretty much any pizza, but I do like to have a mixture of meats and vegetables on mine -- chicken or hamburger are my favorite meats!", "I've never heard of Supreme Pizza, I don't think we have in Ontario. Have you ever noticed that almost an entire aisle at the grocery store is dedicated to frozen pizza?", "I have a Chihuahua and a Shi-tzu. After getting mine, I can see why they are termed, \"man's best friend\", but woman's best friend applies too!", "Yorkie's are so cute! They are a small terrier breed which developed in the 19th century in Yorkshire England to catch rats. I had a maltese for awhile.", "TV is also fun. I have many lenses I use for my camera to help focus the light during the right time." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i overcame urinary cancer at age 18.", "i'm on a low carb diet." ]
[ "I saw this little chihuahua tell off a parrot.", "oh really how?" ]
[ "The parrot was talking too much and the chihuahua barked at him!", "Standard Polly want a cracker - the dog did NOT want a cracker!", "Pets are important and I'd go crazy without. Glad you have a dog! 1 dog three cats.", "Every animal definitely has a different personality. The dog is a guardian and friend and peace maker. The cats generally yes", "I hear you. It's hard to like cats while being allergic to them!", "They can be great companions. Whatever I read, the bible or any book, they are there!" ]
[ "That's funny! What was the parrot talking about? Did it sound like a person?", "That is certainly understandable. Do you have any pets? My dog is always a source of entertainment like that", "Wow, that's a lot of pets. Do they all get along with each other. My dog is definitely a loner pet and is best with only people.", "My dog also acts as a protector when I am out on walks with him. I would love to own a cat one day, but I'm allergic to them", "I seem to have an affinity with them though. Whenever I go over to a friend's house they get all over me.", "That sounds great. I like to sit down next to my dog whenever I am reading or doing homework." ]
{ "convai2": [ "haha , that's funny . parrot the parrot . what does he say ?", "haha , that's funny . parrot the parrot . what does he say ?", "yesterday my parrot scared one of my dogs , it was so funny .", "yesterday my parrot scared one of my dogs , it was so funny .", "i know exactly how you feel ! and my parrot can talk so bonus .", "i never thought about it like that . i love your perspective !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Poor parrot", "Lol, if only we can understand dogs and listen to what they are saying. That would be hilarious.", "It sounds like you have a lot of animals!", "I prefer dogs but I still like cats.", "Yeah, I'm afraid to get a cat because you never know what kind of personality you'll get with them", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That is so funny! Did the cat like the bird?", "That is so funny! Did the cat like the bird?", "I also have two small, furry domestic cats :) One is calico and another one is black longhair cat", "That is so true. Cat's are more independent. I find it odd then that dog's got the name of \"man's best friend\". Funny how that works!", "My husband is allergic too. Get's red eyes, itchy rash, sneezes etc. To me, that makes me want to get a cat lol. My sisters cat just had adorable kittens. I want one", "That reminds me of that Kesha song, Praying. I love that song!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "going to the beach is my favorite past time.", "i like reading mystery novels." ]
Clearwater Beach
[ "Yes! It is beautiful, one of my favorite vacation spots! The water is so clear and blue and the sand is really white too.", "I heard It has a full marina on the Intracoastal Waterway side and is linked on the south by a short bridge." ]
[ "I really like Clearwater!", "What kind of novels do you prefer? I find it hard to read at the beach with the bright light", "More biographies or true crime", "I wish I had more time to read sometimes I have to go with pod casts or audio books", "Yes sometimes I will even put it on YouTube if I am traveling and have good signal", "Actually I prefer to watch vloggers more because I am not that interesting haha" ]
[ "Me as well, I read my favorite novels at the beach.", "Mystery novels, what about you?", "oooh nice! I find those interisting as well.", "Podcasting has been around since the 1980s so there are lots to choose from.", "Wow! you are a vlogger as well, cool!", "Understood,we all have our hobbies!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "that sounds awesome ! i just don't like the dusty sand .", "patterson and clancy , a lot of political thrillers .", "i'm into mystery and paranormal , those are usually good books to get into .", "same here . i wish i had more time for the beaches . what is your favorite foods ?", "i use mostly mp3s . . . easy and more convenient !", "i would think that would mean you'd rather not be surrounded by it in entertainment too !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It is my favorite place to go for vacation.", "Game of thrones is the top one. I want it to last forever", "True crime is awesome. I love watching different shows about the same case. There is always new information and different perspectives.", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "That might be a great idea. I do like listening to Bill Burr's podcast! He cracks me up. Thank you :D", "No worries, we all have our hobbies!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes it is pretty beautiful. I love seeing the sunsets too. Clearwater Beach has become so commercialized now. Now there's a pier, rides and people selling lots of crafts. I get it, but so different from the 90's. So much infrastructure now.", "Definetly novels. There is so many good things out there, even back when we were influenced by the british colonies.", "true crime can adhere strictly to well-established facts, most of the stories in that genre really happened", "Haha neat! Podcasting has been around since the 1980s so there are lots to choose from.", "Haha neat! Podcasting has been around since the 1980s so there are lots to choose from.", "What's interesting?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i am a writer.", "i live in new york city." ]
[ "I am really nervous about my court date on Monday.", "It must be nerve wracking! Will you be contesting a ticket?" ]
[ "No. My goal is to plead guilty for the ticket and pay court cost.", "Oh really! Thanks, I did not know that.", "That's great information, I'm green about this being my first ticket and court date.", "I know the feeling, it's devastating and not to mention embarrassing.", "Yes. My worst fear to be locked up with real criminals, I couldn't even imagine, Lol.", "I will drive the speed limit even if I have to be latel." ]
[ "You know you can get it deferred so that it won't go on your record", "Yes! can request deferred adjudication to prevent your mark on your record and your insurance to increase", "Oh I bet. I remember my first ticket, I cried so hard the cop didn't know what to do.", "I was so afraid of going to jail. LOL.", "I would be hiding under a bench in the fetal position all night. Best just not to get another ticket", "For sure. Where were you going when you got stopped?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am too nervous , and it has been so long .", "i'm sorry your having a bad day it is monday after all .", "i wouldn'tes anxious if i had done the same ! !", "your telling me . i'm sorry i will go , thanks for talking with me .", "i can imagine . drugs are everywhere .", "only downside is the temptation to speed . already got a few tickets ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. I have been to court before; it isn't as scary as it seems.", "I have never gotten a ticket lol", "Best of luck to you. The tension and nerves must be killing you!", "yeah, especially if you believe you are 100% innocent of the charges. However a $600 fine and to be released sounds better than 2 months sitting in jail awaiting a court date.", "I can not even imagine how that would be.", "That's the spirit that got trump elected." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "How would that compare with court of appeals and legal issues that conflict?", "Your not a minor or intoxicated, right? Otherwise you couldnt sign a contract", "Just make sure you put it back after signing the log, otherwise other people can't enjoy the fun", "Yea it can really be a horrible situation to deal with", "oh jeez haha that's my worst nightmare", "yea thats probably a smart move" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "lady gaga is my current favorite singer.", "madonna is my all time favorite." ]
[ "I just can't wait until this weekend! I am going on a trip to the Bahamas for a week! I can't stop thinking about it!", "What are you going to do there?" ]
[ "My husband's best friend is getting married (for the third time) and we are in the wedding", "My husband and I were there about five years ago. We loved it. Can't wait to go back.", "Yes! Have you been there before? If so, when was the last time?", "I've never been on a cruise! I've seen videos of weather tossing the ships around. Did you experience any bad weather>", "I'd love to try one. Maybe we will have to do that one of these next vacations.", "I absolutely love to travel, but don't get to do it as much as I'd like to" ]
[ "The Bahamas is beautiful. I am sure you will love it. First time there?", "I’m jealous. It will nice to get away from the chilly weather and see the sun again ", "I was there briefly while on a cruise a few years back. I wish I could have been there longer and seen the place more", "Thankfully no, the cruise was super smooth. It’s one of my favourite vacations. I really want to go on one again soon", "Yeah! You into travelling?", "I know, I feel the same way! What is your favorite destination? I'm going to Kazakhstan in 2.5 weeks and i can't wait!!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "we went to the bahamas to celebrate earlier this year .", "we went to the bahamas to celebrate earlier this year .", "we went to the bahamas to celebrate earlier this year .", "only once . a fish jumped right in the boat lol", "it is on my bucket list , maybe we can meet up for lunch when i go", "me either ! i would love to go !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "The Bahamas is beautiful. I am sure you will love it.", "The Bahamas is beautiful. I am sure you will love it.", "Two years ago when my son came. I still get nostalgic thinking about it.", "No, I've been through many bad storms. I've learned to buy water, canned food, batteries and LED lanterns early in the season to beat the crowds!", "Yeah, you definitely should go, very worth while.", "I also enjoy traveling!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I was reading about how that is a thing the British Royal does at weddings", "That's so cool! Did you visit many of its islands? It has 6,852 of them", "One time in Cozumel and one time on the \"Rich Coast\" of Costa Rica.", "it was cold but near the geysers it was quite warm", "Go get booking you know you want to ;)", "I know, I feel the same way! What is your favorite destination? I'm going to Kazakhstan in 2.5 weeks and i can't wait!!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i'm thirty two years old.", "i am a house wife." ]
[ "Lately, my neighbors want to sit around and gossip about the family across the street. They love to talk bad about them even though it's clear this family is struggling. I'm sick of it", "I am sure you are, that sounds bad" ]
[ "how are you?", "doing good.. im up late doing school work.. sorry to hear about your neighbors", "im getting a degree in management.. hopefully it's worth it.. what do you do for a living?", "IT is a great field.. you should always have work", "i sure do.. i am blessed with three healthy children and a beautiful wife", "Yes it is.. i'm happy to hear that for you" ]
[ "I'm doing good, but up late tonight because my neighbors are being a bit loud. How are you doing?", "It's ok. What are you going to school for? ", "I work in IT, specifically retail IT. Management is a very good field to get into. I'm sure you'll do great. ", "Definitely, that is right. Do you have a family? ", "You are very blessed. I have 4 wonderful children and a very supportive husband. I'm glad to hear your family is happy and healthy, that's great! ", "Thank you!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "ok but i m staying up because my next door neighbors are fighting again", "have you heard anything about his parents ? i am a gossip hound . . .", "i am in between careers right now . what is yours ?", "yes , that is absolutely right . do you have a family ?", "oh that's wonderful ! i'm so glad for people like you", "i'm glad . i do too ! what do you enjoy doing ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "My neighbors are terrible so I hope you have a good relationship", "I think you should just continue talking over your neighbor. Maybe that will get your neighbor to stop.", "I work in IT, what about you?", "Exactly,thats why its good to work", "You are very lucky. I have 4 children and I have been lucky also to have healthy children.", "You're welcome. :)" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am fine. I'm listening to Hi-5, an Australian children's musical group.", "They've made it to where they can make complaints and be protected. It still won't stop everything because what about the ones that can't speak out.... so sad", "I specialize in health and property with some investment on the side.", "yeah and what if you're not happy at work it can get in the way of your success", "That is good, so you and your family are not destitute", "You as well! Thank you!" ] }
[ "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i've four siblings.", "i drive a blue honda civic." ]
Honda Civic
[ "i think i remember those hatchbacks", "She loved that car. It was fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly - very important in 70s Britain!" ]
[ "They are really reliable." ]
[ "I loved my Honda Civic, and I loved its blue color." ]
{ "convai2": [ "they're nice cars and very fast !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes, I heard the same thing! Cheap on parts too!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They are reliable, but they got a black eye with the emission scandal of 2015, when they cheated by programming a tool to make their diesels pass emissions testing." ] }
[ "" ]
[ "my favorite musician in charlie daniels.", "i love to fish." ]
[ "I am shocked my dog had a healthy baby after being starved for most of her pregnancy!", "Oh no! Why was she starved?" ]
[ "I got her from the dog pound and she had been abandoned on the street.", "I felt like I needed a friend at this time in my life so it has worked out good for both of us.", "As soon as she weans the baby, I am giving the baby to a family with two kids who want a dog.", "Since I don't have a promising future myself, I have already lined up a good home for my dog. ", "I've been diagnosed with severe heart failure that is not treatable.", "The bright side is that it has given me a new perspective toward life so I'm doing things I would not have done otherwise." ]
[ "Aww, that is so sad to hear. I'm glad that she has a good home now, though!", "I'm glad you managed to find each other. What happened to her baby?", "Oh, that sounds perfect! I'm glad you're able to do that for them.", "I'm sorry to hear that. Why don't you think you have a promising future?", "Oh no! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that.", "That's so good to hear. I'm glad you're making the most of the time you have." ]
{ "convai2": [ "she has been a wonderful dog but no more !", "that is great . i wish things could have worked out like that for us .", "that sounds nice ! it will all be worth it someday ! what kind of dog do you have ?", "that sounds nice ! it will all be worth it someday ! what kind of dog do you have ?", "oh i'm so sorry . heart conditions can come as a surprise .", "that's good to hear . i know it can be hard to lose anyone you love ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Aww, that is so sad to hear. I'm glad that she has a good home now, though!", "I agree with that. That animal is probably very lucky because of you.", "I takes a special kind of person to do what you are doing. Im sure that dog is already much happier in your care.", "I takes a special kind of person to do what you are doing. Im sure that dog is already much happier in your care.", "That is awful. An unexpected illness cam really strike like a dagger in the heart.", "That's a great way to look at it. Stay positive!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's so sad! I hope the animals made it to a better place, but probably not.", "SO great to hear stories like these! It makes me so upset to think about all of the abandoned pets out there.", "Will you sell the puppies or keep them and train them yourself?", "Will you sell the puppies or keep them and train them yourself?", "That's unfortunate. Cardiovascular disease is marked by the heart and blood vessels.", "That hope and optimism will take you far in life." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to cook with food i grow in my garden.", "i give lessons on string instruments." ]
[ "id love to learn sometime.", "I might want to as well. They sound so good with their hollow wooden bodies." ]
[ "Yes they do, I really enjoy listening when I visit the orchestra.", "I tend to go several times a year. I like to take my wife during valentine's day.", "You should definitely put it on your bucket list sometime. I teach concert piano, what a coincidence.", "I also enjoy swimming and fishing. I love being out on the water. I guess music and water goes hand in hand with relaxation at least for me.", "What do you like to do for hobbies other than music and gardening?", "Ah sounds tasty. I love fall as well. My family and I like to take in the pumpkin patch and apple picking as well." ]
[ "Do you go to the orchestra often? I've never been, but I would love to sometime.", "That sounds lovely. I teach music, so it would be a real treat to see a performance live.", "Yes, that is a coincidence. It's definitely a small world. Do you have any hobbies other than music?", "Ah, we differ there. I am deathly afraid of the water. Being in the garden, on land, is more relaxing for me. :)", "I like to cook and bake. This time of year is perfect for apples, pumpkins, and pears. I make a mean pear sauce.", "There is another coincidence. We love those activities, also. They are a great way to spend a weekend." ]
{ "convai2": [ "that sounds so lovely . i love concerts , though usually the symphony .", "i try to go at least once a month .", "yes , that's a great idea ! i will have to do that for sure .", "oh , i do too . i love the sound of the ocean crashing along the surf as well .", "besides gardening , i sing in a choir ! it is lots of fun !", "i really like fall in ny , i also like eating pumpkins in the fall ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Do they play any instruments?", "how old is the valentine", "Wow! Maybe I should start taking some piano lessons and go to a recital of my own.", "Does he seem to enjoy being in the water, or does he resist you a bit?", "Hunting, fishing and computers.", "I love the fall, my favorite season." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh cool! I like when they include an orchestra or choir.", "Oh cool! I like when they include an orchestra or choir.", "That's cool! Lol, yeah high school band can be kinda rough. Same here! My favorite composer is Claude Debussy.", "Our conversation makes me think of the movie the Bucket List. It's pretty funny. Have you seen it?", "I really like just being able to escape to a different world.", "We're getting ready for the fall apple picking here in Missouri." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a musician.", "i wish i could spend more time at home." ]
[ "good how are you ?", "i'm okay ." ]
[ "Just okay? What could be better? What is bringing you down?", "I can agree with that. Not really tired but don't want Monday to come.", "Eh. The week will probably fly by.", "I work in a bank. Wbu", "I just started doing this stuff for extra income. Today is the first time I actually did anything and still learning.", "Yes I am. The chats seem to pay more with less experiance.", "I have been signed up for over a month just haven't done any work.", "I guess we will see haha because I have no idea,", "I have no rejections with $10", "I have no idea. These chats pay almost $2" ]
[ "I am more tired than anything. Weekend went by way too quickly", "Same. Its like groundhog week just waiting for it to all begin again", "Always does, so what type of work do you do?", "Healthcare... for a large insurance company. These chats are strange but good part time income", "Are you doing this as a Turker also? It is a strange task but interesting", "Yeah same here just trying to get past the 10 days to see if it goes up", "It doesn't seem they get approved quickly", "Right! One rejection so far and about 2$ LOL", "I am still trying to learn about the catchers and finders. Seems most available are .01 ", "That will be nice! Guess I better get on to the next then LOL" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i don't know . i am numb", "its always so busy on friday . everyone itching to get out and have fun and relax", "i hope so . looks like only the future will tell", "i worked at a bank . . . its not as bad as it sounds , i promise", "always a good feeling to be done and start fresh", "if you have the skill that could potentially be a good way to make the money back", "i remember those days . very tiring but keep working towards your goal", "i know me too . i am going to keep asking around", "well i wouldn't say that bad but i just have no luck", "oh wow . fee is always good" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Finances mostly stressing me out.", "What is going on Monday?", "it will", "You must be getting a big pay raise you ole banker.", "What did you get started doing?", "This chat has three people in it, it seems. I am talking to two separate Worker_2's.", "Maybe you shoud pretend you are still at work until you get the hang of it.", "Do you have any plans for the weekend?", "I've found a few with quite mixed levels of success. I have gotten a fair amount of matches though.", "Wow they were over $2 when I was 18!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am fine. What would you like to chat about?", "Once it is Thursday I get happy one more day before Friday and end of work week.", "It would seem even more like nothing if I was on vacation. Have you ever heard of Nothing Records?", "So you were the frontline of a bank who dealt directly with customers?", "oh.same to you.", "oh.same to you.", "oh.same to you.", "oh.same to you.", "oh.same to you.", "They care less about ethics its seem." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like reading horror novels.", "my weekends are filled with bird watching." ]
[ " I was so scared by the movie the Grudge, even to this day it still scares me today", "Really? Are you scared by lots of movies?" ]
[ "Only horror movies. I prefer to watch DIY stuff on Youtube most of the time.", "What type of DIY stuff do you do? I love sewing.", "I like sewing sweaters and clothing mostly. When did you get into sewing?", "My grandmother got me interested in sewing too! I wish I could find a sewing club or something" ]
[ "awesome ! i love doing diy stuff like that .", "I like to sew all sorts of things like pillows and blankets with stitches and a needle and thread.", "When I was around 8 years old. My grandmother sewed, that's what got me interested.", "Sounds like a fun club though to join. My school didn't have anything like that. Maybe you could find something local" ]
{ "convai2": [ "awesome ! i love doing diy stuff like that .", "i just play with them , safely , but do not make them . i have surgery videos too .", "i was too young to remember . i just know i'm scared all the time .", "it is a simple process . i learned through youtube ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Not a fan of horror either?", "It's actually pretty straight forward when you know how. It's a good skill to have as it means you can make something from very cheap ingredients.", "When I was around 8 years old.", "Sounds like a fun club though. My school didn't have anything like that." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like the 2000 horror satire called \"Scary Movies\" by Keenen Ivory Wayans. How about you, whats yours?", "I like to sew all sorts of things like pillows and blankets with stitches and a needle and thread.", "Since i was a little girl. I am a man now, so it is embarrassing to do it in public. Knitted fabris are so basic a clothing item, that some types of knitting have worked their way into the lexicon, such as yarn.", "Well, where I live in London there are knitting groups. I joined I Knit London. Maybe you have a local club!" ] }
[ "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "there are thorns tattooed on my toes.", "i've a rose tattooed on my right ankle." ]
[ "well , its ok . i need to not worry about small things . do you like manga ?", "some , i like the art . i have thorns and a rose tattooed on my feet" ]
[ "oh I would like to get a tattoo. Did it hurt?", "Not sure what get a tattoo of, was thinking of maybe a heart behind my ear", "Why? Do they hurt more? Or because they are harder to hide", "Oh I see what you mean. My nieces boyfriend has them on his face and she won't bring him around her work friends", "Oh yeah I agree. But I admit I sometimes can be judgy but I am learning you can't judge a book by its cover", "I know. I met my nieces boyfriend and at first his tattoos were intimidating but as I got to know him I really liked him" ]
[ "Yes - it hurts but it was worth it", "That's nice. I love all tattoos. Just be careful of tattoos above the shoulders...", "They are harder to hide, and depending on what you do for a living, it still carries a really negative stigma. Especially so close to the face", "People are so judgmental it's sickening. And something about having them anywhere near the face makes the \"judgy\" people worse", "That is true. You can't. People's character comes from within. ", "That's great that you were willing to look past his exterior to get to know his true nature" ]
{ "convai2": [ "it did hurt very much , like 1000 needles", "i just have on a butterfly inside a heart .", "just those thorns . i want to be a dental hygeist", "hmmm oh wow . well maybe you need to confront him about it .", "not all all . everyone has their own preferences . i mean i read fan fiction .", "did you fall in love with him when you first met him ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "On my arm... Fairly bad.", "Thats awesome i used to do the tattoos and recently purchased 2 tatoo machines a shader and a liner , been drawing since i was 5 years old", "Because girls find it more attractive. In my experience", "Wow. I guess she really has no care for social constructs.", "true! Life is full of learning, I am glad you have learned something from it, so many don't. Kudos!", "That's great to hear. I'm glad it worked out." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes it hurts abit. tattoos are in 3 categories, decorative, symbolic and pictorial", "Would you get a symbolic tattoo?", "tattoos dont hurt much for me! of course it depends on the person's pain tolerance, but my artist usually puts some numbing medicine so I won't feel the pain.", "Visible stigmas are a tough one.", "Yea you see a lot of that nowadays, judging off things that dont matter much.", "Yea you see a lot of that nowadays, judging off things that dont matter much." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i only wear silver jewelry.", "i'm studying to be a dental hygienist but i hate seeing patient s saliva." ]
[ "My wife is getting checked at the hospital. We might be getting good news!", "Oh that's awesome! Congrats!!" ]
[ "Thanks! we are so happy! she has been very sick!", "How has your week been? I have just been hanging around the hospital", "Oh NO! thankfully my daughter has been so helpful and brought up meals", "They are talking about letter her go home on Tuesday! I mess my red pj's!", "We are from out of state! Only the best Dr's! how far are you from sd?", "That is so true! Plus my wife's pizza is amazing!! i dieing for her pizza!" ]
[ "Hope everything goes well. I know people always get nervous when seeing doctors ", "Busy. A dentist’s work is never done. Enjoying the hospital food?", "Lucky you. How much longer are you there for?", "Wow! Always better to be 100 % sure I guess. Do you live far away?", "So you travelled far. I bet your family is looking forward to going home then. No place like home", "Can never go wrong with pizza " ]
{ "convai2": [ "uh oh ! congrats that is awesome !", "great ! got some good news today", "maybe we could set up a time to eat . just need a sitter for baby .", "your kids have a great mom ! i bet they love the cakes .", "boo i'd never want to be that far . i could not even do out of state", "oh yum ! i might ruin my figure but pizzas worth it !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "hopefully she is in good health!", "Going good...what's up with you.", "hopefully she is in good health!", "Oh! that is pretty nice to come home too.", "45 min from where I live...South Padre Island, white sand gorgeous girls and cheap liquor", "Heck yea, I love pizza. Should last me a few days." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh congrats! I had minor morning sickness with both my girls, just nausea.", "My day was great, Its so busy and all with fixing cars which is rewarding because it also pays well.", "My mother has a very active dog. I hear dog day care can be helpful.", "Oh congrats! I had minor morning sickness with both my girls, just nausea.", "I am from Florida panhandle. But now I live in lower Alabama. I would love to vist LA myself and see holly wood", "I am so happy there are a ton of restaurants and cafes that offer pizza!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love folk metal.", "i like tacos." ]
[ "i think it must be a type of music genre that i haven't heard of .", "oh ok , do you have a favorite taco place ?" ]
[ "i love tacos.. i just ate at my favorite taco place tonight", "i think i could eat tacos every night.. i might be addicted", "yes indeed.. can't go wrong with taco night whether at home or at a restaurant", "i like classic rock and some alt rock.. what do you like?", "interesting.. i'm not really sure what that even is :)", "sounds like a kick-ass mashup :)" ]
[ "I love Tacos! I have a favorite local place to eat them. ", "Me too! They are a great do to food. Easy to make!", "Taco tuesday's are there for a reason! What kind of music do you like?", "Folk Metal music is my favorite!", "its a mix of folk and heavy metal music. Imagine heavy metal played on banjo's", "It is pretty cool. You should hear what AC/DC sounds like!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love tacos too . have you tried any of the new stuff at taco bell", "you could say i'm addicted .", "true ! i'm about to make tacos for dinner , i love them !", "i like a little bit of everything really . i like pop , country and latin music as well .", "lol . . really . . its interesting . . tell me something more . .", "lol . . really . . its interesting . . tell me something more . ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Those are really good. I am more of a burrito man myself.", "You should definitely try. You'll get addicted!", "Taco tuesday has been my soul since i was born.", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "Haha you got it :D" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Cool! The place is awesome, they're an American fast food chain. They specialize in Americanized Mexican food. I love their tacos!", "Oh that sounds good. You could go to Taco Bell! It's a fast food restaurant that serves tacos.", "Have you ever had the Mexican street food?", "I like Rap music. By the way I like the fact that Red Hot Chili Peppers were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.", "It's kind of a mx of punk and alternative rock", "yep its awesome" ] }
[ "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "" ]
[ "my dream is to move to the middle of the desert.", "i start an internship in engineering later this year." ]
[ "danit . . . i am doing well . i really want a home near the beach .", "the way those hurricanes been hitting i wouldn't want a home near there" ]
[ "Hurricanes aren't that bad.", "Some hurricanes have been bad, but the trick is not to live directly on the beach. Even just a few miles away is safer.", "Personally, I'd think 5 miles, maybe a little less would be fine. Much depends on where the hurricane makes landfall and how big its winds are.", "Oh, yes, the hurricane preparedness kits. We go through it every year. Dorian had everyone running scared. That was a record breaking storm", "Yes, I was glued to the TV for that one too. We were projected to take a direct hit during the runs of some models. Luckily it turned.", "Same for you. That storm was no joke." ]
[ "I do love the beach, just not sure if I could live there and risk it.", "Definitely. How far inland would you say is safe while still being close to the beach? ", "Very true. My family and I have set up a hurricane/emergency kit just to be safe. While we have never had to use it, it never hurts to be ready!", "Yeah, Dorian was pretty intense. I live close enough that we were getting nervous, but luckily it missed us. Makes you wonder what could happen in the coming years.", "That is crazy, but we go very lucky. I'm glad everything ended up okay for you and your family. ", "What is the worst hurricane you have ever experienced? Andrew was bad but I was too young to remember it and thankfully not in its path. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i know i love the beach but the hurricanes would be bad .", "i know i love the beach but the hurricanes would be bad .", "i have never been in a hurricane thankfully .", "yes , that is one scary storm . they keep warning folks to stay off the beaches .", "yes , that is one scary storm . they keep warning folks to stay off the beaches .", "yes , that is one scary storm . they keep warning folks to stay off the beaches ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes they are. I live in Oklahoma and we deal with them all the time. I have seen some really bad ones.", "I agree with you. I just want to keep my family safe.", "we have a hurricane kit / emergency essential kit always .", "we have a hurricane kit / emergency essential kit always .", "That is crazy lucky. Well, I'm glad everything ended up okay.", "Where did you move to after the hurricane?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yep Hurricane Irma was actually the strongest storm ever recorded by humans, they will only get worse as time goes on.", "Yeah, in 2010 there were 12 hurricanes . The highest since 1969.", "Yeah, in 2010 there were 12 hurricanes . The highest since 1969.", "Wow! I heard about Irma. It was a Category 5 hurricane I believe.", "Did you miss the hurricane? Hurricane Ike left many sad.", "Did you miss the hurricane? Hurricane Ike left many sad." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "my favorite color is green.", "one of my favorite hobbies is gaming." ]
[ "A school friend of mine got detention for a week after he was caught with a note that had some swear words in it. I was the one that passed it to him.. ", "Oh no, did he place the blame on you, or did he just accept it and take the blame for you? " ]
[ "He should have just placed the blame where it goes.", "Its been about 12 years for me so I got you. probably the least of their worries.", "Yeah, I don't blame you there. Only bad thing about home schooling is lach of socializing but they were old enough they should have some friends.", "Yeah that is a huge perk. gets her a little head in life.", "GROWING UP IS A TRAP lol", "Nothing we can do about it. Just live life the best we can.", "My first day actually" ]
[ "It has been so long since I have been in school I don't know that they even care these days", "Pulled my kid out as a sophmore and home schooled her because it is so bad where we live", "Perk was she was able to start working full time, sit a semester, then starts college in Jan. ", "Yeah but it hit hard with her motivation to grow up", "Sure is..", "Yeah just sit back and watch. How long you been Turking?", "Good luck I am just about a week in and still broke" ]
{ "convai2": [ "haha , yeah , detention would be pretty lame", "haha , yeah , detention would be pretty lame", "haha , yeah , detention would be pretty lame", "haha , yeah , detention would be pretty lame", "haha , yeah , detention would be pretty lame", "haha , yeah , detention would be pretty lame", "haha , yeah , detention would be pretty lame" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh, then don't feel bad? I think the teacher is trying to get everyone else involved.", "Still, school is about making mistakes and learning from them", "Yeah but kids dont care, Everything is theirs to them,", "Yea. She won't have to worry nor work for a job she doesn't like.", "Darn right it is", "There not a lot we can do.Maybe presure the local politicians", "Mine started last week." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "oh boy that's not good. it's a good thing your school didn't make you do it. sometime they do if you did not complete the required curriculum.", "Haha, yeah I completely agree. I remember my 12th and final year of secondary school living in North America. We used to play all kinds of pranks on the new kids in school.", "of course this is loosely true but home schooling was great", "Glad to hear she like it. Before compulsory school attendance laws, most education took place inside the home.", "Yes, it reminds me of the novel A Good School by Richard Yates", "Most of the things we do in our youth is a cry for help.", "That is not good. You should have better work ethic." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love ergonomic keyboards and chairs.", "i love ergonomic keyboards and chairs." ]
[ "sounds cool ! maybe i'll learn more big words in school this week !", "yes . so do you have brothers and sisters ?" ]
[ "I have one sister and two brothers", "I'm sorry to hear that. That is very sad", "I cannot even imagine. My condolences...", "Yes - we all live within 5 miles of each other", "I hope you get to visit with her often", "That's good. I love to hear that families take the time to visit one another. " ]
[ "Oh I have one sister and had 2 brothers but one passed away.", "It was hard. You learn to live without but your love and memories never end.", "OH thank you. Are you close to your siblings", "That's nice. My brother lives closer to my mom about 20 miles away. But my sister lives a mile away.", "I do go twice a month. It's not so bad now that the new toll road has opened. Cuts the time in half.", "Family is important. So sad when I hear of families fighting" ]
{ "convai2": [ "same", "it is , i'm sorry , i have been venting so much . how is school ?", "thanks . my sisters are the best . they live with me and help me .", "oh wow ! that must be awesome . where are yall from ?", "i will ! do you work or are you in school ?", "it is great when we have people to help take care of our needs ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "haha siblings! How many brothers do you have?", "Yes it is. She was the grandparent I was closest to.", "NO problem.HAve you ever fell sad?", "I wish my family lived close. You are lucky", "I will, I will probably FaceTime once she is settled in to her dorm.", "Me too. Our kids are really close too" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Cool, siblings can be like really good friends if they get along. I'd say me and my sister get along pretty well.", "Indeed it was very hard for me and my brothers, It was very sad to see my dad not live with us anymore.", "Thank you so much. Who did you loose my friend? I am sorry for the suffering that you are feeling as a result of your loss.", "Did you happen to have any half siblings at all?", "Thanks! She normally is and I am as well.", "it is! I usually take my grandmother to her yearly survivors meeting." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a goalie.", "nike cleats are my favorite." ]
Cleat (shoe)
[ "Right like grass or turf. Besides football and soccer, what other sports do people use cleats to play?", "Well athletes have worn cleats since the 1500's, so that would suggest that sports like rugby and baseball have a use for them" ]
[ "You know a lot about sports. Enthusiasts?", "Good to hear. Competitive or just for fun?", "Love a good competition. Been playing for long?", "That’s awesome! I’m more a hockey player myself ", "Goalie too actually. ", "Not sure tbh. My wife usually does the shopping lol" ]
[ "I know a little. I'm a soccer goalie.", "It is for fun, but very competitive in my league.", "All my life. I'm in an adult league that plays at night.", "That's cool. What position do you play?", "Wow! Lots in common between the two sports. No cleats in Hockey! I wear nike cleats, does nike make skates?", "Mine too! " ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes ! i play rugby alot and that is good too", "well whatever gets the body going . i guess . lol we just have fun .", "since i can remember . i enjoy it a lot .", "i play rugby a lot too .", "sweet , me too . goalie , huh ? you get hit with the ball much ?", "oh , i love shopping . maybe i should buy some of her stuff ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I am from MD it is the state sport there..", "I play volleyball with some friends. Gotta get that exercise in after work.", "i've played competitively for about 15 years now", "I'm more of a football fan!", "Do you play too?", "When did you start shopping?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I have a little, I also know about air jordans, a brand of footwear also popular with athletes.", "I was thinking actual participating in them as a participant. Sports is a huge part of the American culture though.", "21 years. Since I was a freshman in high school. I like that both men and women can compete in it even during rain, shine, sleet, or snow.", "That's cool! There are several types of hockey as well? Bandy and field hockey are also popular sports.", "The goalie does seem to be the hardest job out of the six players.", "Oh I actually used to live next to the Nike HQ in Beaverton, Oregon." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love basketball.", "i like to sing." ]
[ "I was at my sons school for an event. A child threw up right in front of me.", "wow that must be gross, i know it would make me feel like throwing up too" ]
[ "I did throw up. I can't handle that smell.", "I had to walk away so I have no idea", "It was fine after I left the room", "The student was just nervous and couldn't get over the fact of being in front of alot of people", "I still am. I hate talking to a huge group of people", "I don't either really. lol I'm so glad" ]
[ "How did stop the nausea or vomiting?", "wow that must have been tough", "thats good", "i was the same way in school. i hated talking in front of the class.", "yeah me too its a good thing i dont need to do it much now that im older.", "so do you like sports? i love basketball" ]
{ "convai2": [ "that s really gross . are you an adult ?", "wow that must have been tough", "wow that must have been cramped", "wow that must have been cramped", "they expected me to just carry on . i cried and got yelled at .", "yeah i don't think i'm over it even yet" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I can understand that, anytime I smell or see vomit I want to vomit too.", "Did they find out where the kid was at?", "That's good at least", "Sometimes when kids are young they don't get the importance of school", "I feel the same way. I have social anxiety so standing in front of a crowd is pretty terrifying.", "you are probably older now as well" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "How did stop the nausea or vomiting?", "YEah, I never actually vomited. I just felt nauseous, all day unfortunately.", "YEah, I never actually vomited. I just felt nauseous, all day unfortunately.", "good", "YEah, I never actually vomited. I just felt nauseous, all day unfortunately.", "oh.same to you." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to run.", "my favorite food is steak." ]
[ "Is that common or do you know", "Very common and that makes me a step child" ]
[ "It's hard being a step child", "That's true but everyone isn't so lucky", "I know of and have heard horrible stories of evil step parents, some even go to the depths of daily torturing their step children.", "That's amazing and great for bonding. I love to run also.", "It's for sure satisfying, especially if it's goal oriented.", "Wow, that's an amazing goal and I hope you'll reach it." ]
[ "It can be, I'm sure. But if you have a nice step dad it's not so bad.", "I know. My grandmother had a step mother who was very mean to her.", "So sad. My step dad is a runner, and he and I often run together.", "They say it is good for the mind to run.", "Yes, it's good to have a goal. Mine is to run at least 4 times a week.", "I try to, but sometimes life just gets in the way." ]
{ "convai2": [ "sometimes", "i agree and sometimes they're taken for granted .", "it is sad . i hope that those things stop happening to people .", "it can be sometimes . wish i could do it more .", "i suppose it can be .", "i am not sure i will make it , but i will try ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It really is. Tougher for parents sometimes I think", "I believe you on the get lucky part, but you're right, there's always room for improvement.", "You mean tortures?", "I started running again about 3 years ago.", "Yes,, it's good exercise for everyone.", "Me too! Same to you, thanks." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah it makes things difficult sometimes, like choosing fruit or clothing", "Thats very true, I had a few step siblings that I saw on holidays though.", "Yeah some people are just like that. Stepfathers who are like this have a presence in literature but less common then the whole mean stepmother thing.", "I run with my dogs as well. Dogs in the US are often treated as family members. I know that I treat mine like a king", "The important to reach a goal it to have a plan and commit to it.", "I hope so. I'm pretty anxious about it." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm active on my city council.", "i like wide , open spaces." ]
[ "I haven't heard back from my mom yet. Wonder if she's ok", "I hope she is okay also." ]
[ "Yeah, she's usually pretty quick to respond, so the delay has me a little concerned." ]
[ "She will be fine." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i hope she is gonna be ok" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "She will be fine." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Just tell her that she can end up damaging her brain or liver." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i like playing ultimate in the park with my guys sometimes.", "i live in new york and i love the local shops around here." ]
Ultimate (sport)
[ "Oh yes, I love Ultimate! Do you play often?", "Not as often as I would like. I thought it was a new sport, but it was developed in 1968 in New Jersey. " ]
[ "Wow! I didnt know that, I thought it was new too.", "Thats why I like it. I was lucky and joined a team last year with some really experienced players, learned alot. You played it long?", "I prefer to play over watching. ", "I suppose it would be. It would be like me moving from Canada to the South. How do you like the winters?", "I try to make the best of every season. Spring is by far the best.", "And the clothes, I can finally break out my boot collection again. " ]
[ "Like everything else in New York, it is a fast moving sport that requires quick thinking.", "I've just played a couple times. I have watched others in Central Park a few times.", "I don't have much free time since I moved to the city. It has been a cultural shock moving from the South to NYC.", "I enjoy walking around to all the shops even when it is cold, but it is definitely different fromFlorida trying to adjust to the cold weather, but ", "Fall is my favorite. I like the crisp cool days and the pretty color of the leaves. ", "I had to buy some new clothes because Florida winters are not much colder than NY summers." ]
{ "convai2": [ "wow , i had no idea !", "since i was born ! love it . moved to ny to learn more .", "i like to play , but i always wondered if it was easier for people with practical experience .", "it was okay but i am in new jersey now like it better .", "i prefer spring . what do you like to do for fun ?", "i think there is nothing better than crisp line dried clothes ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love the sport, it's so fast paced.", "Yep since i was 3! Was a nice time the streets of DC flooded with people celebrating a championship finally for the team.", "Do you play too?", "Very Cold LOL. Cold and scary.", "I like spring because the weather is so nice.", "Fall and spring are my favorite seasons. Can't deal with these extreme weathers lol." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, ultimate is relatively new, developed in 1968 in New Jersey, but has become somewhat popular recently!", "I played a little but never really got into it. I do like it though it's not as big in the US.", "It is fun to play even by yourself. It really takes the risk of injury out of the equation. Hahaha. It is a pretty limited contact sport anyway though.", "I like it. I wish the weather was a nicer. Winter lasts too long?", "Any certain country you hope to play for? I know Lithuania and Egypt have won and hosted tournaments in the past.", "Cool! Have you ever played outside in bad weather. Some days it's been crazy rainy and windy. It really makes the game more challenging. It puts more pressure on the game for sure." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work for a marketing agency.", "i do not drink alcohol." ]
[ "Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day, my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.", "I hate when that happens. It makes you wonder if they are really your friend or not." ]
[ "Sometimes there is a good reason, but I work long hours so it's frustrating having your time wasted.", "Yes indeed! Love rolling in the big truck!", "Not yet, but have been looking around for more. Plan on using Robinhood to invest Turks money.", "I will check that one out thanks! Still hoping to get these conversation Hits accepted lol", "Yes, I've done a bunch today. Kind of seems to good to be true lol. Definitely better work than roofing though.", "Yes they are expensive. It is hard work with not much pay. Barely covers the gas in my truck lol" ]
[ "Yes it is so we will get our six and get rolling on haha", "Do you use any other work at home sites other than Turks?", "I use Survey Moola, up to $10 today compared to Turks at change", "First time trying them. Not sure why so many are available. Makes me nervous ha", "I could use a new roof, not on this pay though.", "I am sure. Which state are you located? One with many storms and insurance work?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "do you have family ? they are the only people i am not mad with .", "yea it was my fault i've a little road rage but i love people lol", "sounds like a good idea ! ! seems like i've made a friend all ready .", "way best the was this thought i . quickly pretty friend a make to hoping iowas hi ,", "right ? ! i couldn't agree more . wish i had more time look for the coupons", "at least you get to exercise and save gas money lol" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Were you able to reschedule with your friend?", "I've never driven a truck, only small vehicles! How's that working out for you?", "Ohh, fancy. Well, I hope it works out well for you! :)", "I hope the hit will not be rejected.", "it does look too good to be true", "I've never driven a truck, only small vehicles! How's that working out for you?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It makes me so angry it boils me up with emotion and I be very hostile because it's like why come to work why not do your job.", "Yes I love foot trucks, especially the ones with big vehicles, haha", "You should try it, even if just a small investment! There are so many people doing it, it's between 2.9 to 5.8 million unique wallets now.", "Maybe, saving tons of money. Even the Wall Street Journal made to mention this in an article!", "Yeah. You wither have credibility or a house. You gotta pick one.", "Man that's pretty bad. It does generate a lot of jobs though, 330,000 U.S jobs actually. Ever thought about working on one?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i live in rural wisconsin.", "i like to ride horses." ]
[ "that sounds great . do you listen to the beatles ?", "i'm more of a country music fan . i love keith urban !" ]
[ "Country music is great. I like to listen to country music while i'm driving. ", "Have you ever gone to a country music concert? I've seen kellie pickler.", "They are amazing. I love their music. ", "Yes I do! My favorite song has to be Neon Moon. What is your favorite country song? ", "Do you sing or play any musical instrument?", "I'm a terrible singer. I only sing in my car when no one is around. " ]
[ "It's the best and they are so good. It is country music!", "I have never been, but I would like to see Lady Antebellum.", "Do you like Brooks and Dunn? I think they are great, I can listen them all day.", "my favorite is My Maria, my mother used to play me that one.", "I play the guitare, but I am terrible singer. What about you?", "My dad tought me to play the guitar, there is no so many guitar teachers in rural Wisconsin where I came from." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i defiantly love the beatles !", "i am not that scary . i love country music ! keith urban is my man !", "too bad the beatles are not around anymore . we could go together .", "i defiantly love the beatles !", "i do not , i like music , especially the beatles . have you heard of that band ?", "i usually listen to the beatles to help with the pressure ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It's the best and they are so good. It is country music!", "Only a few times when younger! It's nice to go when older!", "I look forward to them every year.", "My first time I sang the song from the movie Oklahoma called Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'. I'm kind of dorky though.", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist.", "I could never ever sing." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Me too, but I tend to listen to top forty when I'm driving.", "No, actually I have not. I basically can listen to anything but i'll have to give that band a try! Have you heard of American Idol Winner Carrie Underwood?", "I like Carrie Underwood, too. The song \"Jesus, Take the Wheel\" was so catchy to me.", "I love \"Jolene\". I listen blues music, more, but country music has roots in blues an folk music too.", "Yes but i play brass instruments. They use those also. Country music originated from the southern United States in the early 1920's.", "well maybe you should try sing-along songs instead as then you don't need the lead vocalist." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i drive a blue honda civic.", "i got hired last week at mcdonald s." ]
[ "I don't necessarily like watching it but love swimming myself ", "Olympic-sized pools, while the standardized size, are huge compared to the backyard ones I'm familiar with." ]
[ "My whole family is into swimming.", "As a whole family. Thats awesome. Still into it?", "It’s a great exercise and pastime. ", "Yeah, everyone should learn to swim", "Same here. Love to hear that!", "I imagine that would be hard. I guess my area is pretty lucky" ]
[ "Me too. We did summer swim league with the kids. We put a lot of miles on my blue honda civic going to practice. ", "No. All the kids are grown up. I just got hired part time at McDonald's to help pay for it all!", "Yes,, and it is a great life skill!", "Some schools around here are making it mandatory.", "It should be mandatory for everyone. The trouble is finding places for kids to swim in cities", "ME too. We have lots of outdoor pools where I live." ]
{ "convai2": [ "actually we swim in my swimming pool !", "yes , we were . we spent a lot of time together .", "it sure is . its my day off so i will watch it at least twice .", "actually we swim in my swimming pool !", "it is really nice in the summer swimming in our pool .", "it really is . i live in detroit so we have to do it in the lake though ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Swimming is really fun and besides it, it is very healthy as it involves all muscles of the body to be engaged in movement", "Not really. I just started doing it again this year. I used to fish as a kid all the time.", "Yes,, it's good exercise for everyone.", "I never learned how to swim as a child.", "yes! It should be mandatory honestly", "City isn't saf for the kids. It sucks" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Nice! Are they above ground or in-ground pools? I prefer in-ground.", "Sometimes. We play that game when we get tired of swimming so fast in the other games.", "It definitely is! It includes a lot of athletic contests.", "Yes, and kids need more activity! Speaking of kids, I recently read that people are born with a swimming reflex.", "In some countries, swimming lessons are a compulsory part of the educational curriculum.", "Yup. I guess that's why swimming is consistently among top public recreational activities." ] }
[ "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "" ]
[ "my parents are both over age 100.", "my wife is legally deaf." ]
[ "My daughter recently graduated from law school!", "Wow that's great! She still has to pass the bar though right?" ]
[ "Oh yeah but it wasn't that difficult at all for her.", "Hopefully she makes enough money for me. I'd like to move some place warmer. It's too cold where we live.", "Yep. Not sure where she got the intelligence from though lol. I like watching reality TV shows. ", "I don't doubt it at all. How are your kids doing?", "Wow that's a lot of kids. Two were enough for me lol. Glad that they're doing well though. ", "Yeah it can be stressful." ]
[ "That's great. Sounds like she has a bright future ahead of her.", "What a sweet daughter to take care of her mother!", "Ha! It sounds like her trajectory is set, and she is going to do great things!", "They're doing great! One in Army, two in college, one in High School", "Thank you! The oldest is getting out of the Army in 5 months! Can't wait! ", "Yeah - it's been long 4 years, and times are crazy these days. Can't come soon enough." ]
{ "convai2": [ "she's good now . our daughter just graduated highest in her class .", "i am sure you can . california is full of opportunities .", "i think it had more to do with the fact that she was stealing from work .", "she's good now . our daughter just graduated highest in her class .", "thanks ! they are great kids . i love them so much", "i'm sure it is . but i can be tough ! what grade are you in ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's great. Sounds like she has a bright future ahead of her.", "Yeah, that's too hot. I can see your point.", "If she is really good she could get a scholarship.", "Good. It has been nearly a year since we have adopted a kid, and she grew up so much.", "thanks! :)", "I can imagine it can be stressful!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's the highest degree you need to practice law, so I am happy you're reaching for it. And your daughter too.", "Oh yeah, maybe you'd like Chicago, it's the third most populous city in the United States, but also much colder!", "How about reality TV in general? The original term for reality TV was \"docu-soap\"", "I am fine. I'm listening to Hi-5, an Australian children's musical group.", "One thing I do miss about high school is those Friday night games.", "yeah but there are a lot of programs that help!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i have a passion for god.", "i love to travel." ]
[ "I felt so sad about my friend's new puppy that died suddenly. The puppy got so sick that it passed away in a few days.", "thats horrible so sad :/" ]
[ "Thank you, it was sad. I'm just glad that it didn't suffer for long. I hate to see animals suffering. ", "Yes, he is doing ok now. He was quite upset for a few week, but he has pulled through with time. ", "Yes, that is good. Have you ever had any pets? ", "Animals are great. Dogs are my favorite. ", "Yes, I have one dog. A German Shepherd named Axel. " ]
[ "i dont want them to suffer either. But is your friend okay now? he will be lonely now.", "Good to know that, at least he feels better day by day.", "I have no pet currently, but I do love animals.", "Do you have dogs? ", "That's a cute name! Have you been traveling with him?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh what happened ? i do not know what i would do if my puppies got sick .", "awww . . . maybe someone took him into a loving home", "i have not . i have a puppy named droopy", "i'd like to have a dog , maybe one day for both of us .", "she sounds very cute ! i would like a dog one day ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "i dont want them to suffer either", "I am glad to hear that. I hate seeing animals suffer.", "No but I too have a dog that is great company.", "I love them too. What kind of dog do you have?", "Doodles. That's a cute name! I'm sorry about your dog. 16 Years sounds like a good long life." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I agree, I hate to see stray, lost, abandoned or surrendered animals suffer.", "I hope he feels better soon! What kind of dog is it, they vary in size, shape and colors.", "I have no pets currently no.", "I also love dogs, especially Canis. The wolf in them makes me like their attitude.", "That is nice i have a German shepherd too. He is is a very good dog." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i feel competitive against other women.", "i want to be alone sometimes." ]
True crime
[ "Ive been wanting to start reading some true crime books myself but never seem to have the time, Any good crime books that you would recommend? ", "Stephen Richards writes pretty good books, he is a great author" ]
[ "I've never heard of him. Do you have any other recommendations? Maybe something that 's a quick read; grad school keeps me pretty busy.", "Sorry about that. That's the \"scholar\" in me being too wordy. :)", "I will look into her. A week's worth of reading sounds about right. Do you have any other hobbies besides reading?", "I love cats! Tell me about him/her. I actually have two kittens I just adopted.", "That's awesome. Mine are 8-week old siblings that were orphaned: a calico named Sissy and a black and white boy named Foo.", "She sounds like she is wonderful company! Cats are so much fun.", "Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Losing a pet is hard; my thoughts are with you. Thank you for the lovely chat. " ]
[ "Depends on what you consider a quick read. Some people consider a 400 page book to be quick.", "That sounded like a ton of puns. It's okay. I like books that take me about a week to read. Patricia Cornwell makes good crime/suspense.", "I like playing video games and caring for my cat.", "I've had her since she was a kitten. Shes a black cat named Munchkin.", "So cute. I got her from a friend's neighbor. She talks all the time.", "They are. We recently lost our dog, so she was a little upset after that.", "Thank you as well." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like to read , specifically true crime books", "well , aside from reading true crime books , i'm too busy studying .", "yes i enjoy reading true crime novels .", "cats are nice . maybe i will get one with all the free time i've .", "that's so adorable . anything else you want to tell me about yourself ?", "i bet she's . do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend ?", "thank you . it means a lot to me . i will keep you in my thoughts ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I hear you. I love true crime, so I think that would be such a fun thing to study", "I hear you. I love true crime, so I think that would be such a fun thing to study", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "Awww.. I love cats.. Sorry.. I was yelling at my boyfriend..", "That;s cute. I love the cute names people give their pets.", "They really are!", "You're welcome. :)" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Ann Rule is really great, you can read something from her, also some true crime works are \"instant books\" produced quickly", "true crime can adhere strictly to well-established facts, most of the stories in that genre really happened", "I do, I love TV. Right now, I am really loving Handmaid's Tale.", "Oh thats awesome! Kittens are adorable. They also have a better sense of smell then humans too!", "A munchkin cat? Are they small? I've heard of a manx cat, I think those are huge and fluffy.", "they really are, especially cats that are small and furry", "You too! Thanks!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love the outdoors.", "i'm very smart." ]
[ "One big pet peeve of mine is a poor person complaining about his/her situation and doing absolutely nothing to fix it", "i get that. i am in pain every morning and get up and go to work everyday. so it's hard to find sympathy from me" ]
[ "I applaud anyone who's willing to work through pain. I also do it on a daily basis and without excuses." ]
[ "I often go to work when I'm not feeling well. Much of it is about work ethic." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do not think poor people have it easy" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Agreed. It's a common misconception to think all poor people are lazy. Some just have it rougher than others I know I did coming from a third world country. But now I'm fully self-employed own my own car rent my own apartment and live life on my own terms" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It makes me so angry it boils me up with emotion and I be very hostile because it's like why come to work why not do your job." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i've a george foreman grill at home.", "i know how to play the guitar." ]
[ "I do know it is known for it's spices.", "I know that curry is a popular cuisine in India. I've tried it, it is good." ]
[ "What is your favorite curry? Mine is chicken korma.", "Do you ever make it? I do sometimes.", "I love to serve mine with garlic naan bread. I'm getting hungry!", "Not too many, but when I visit the UK I have plenty to choose from.", "Australia would be great to visit! I would enjoy exploring the outback!", "The only thing is that so many of their snakes are poisonous, so you have to be careful." ]
[ "thats cool mine is the same i love chicken korma", "yeah ive tried but it never turns out good. im not really that good at cooking.", "yeah me too. there is this really good Indian place near me thats amazing. do you have many indian places near you? ", "ive never been there. ive always wanted to go though. the uk and Australia sound like good places to me. ", "yeah i would like to see some of the wildlife", "yeah ive heard alot of things there are really dangerous. it still seems like a cool place though." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like kofta dish and the way they cook meat in masala with all the spices", "i went to an indian place few weeks ago and learned i love it", "that curry and naan bread is most delicious !", "i like kofta dish and the way they cook meat in masala with all the spices", "i have never really had the need to travel there . heard many stories tho .", "i didn t know that but thanks for the info" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love delicious foods more so teri yaki, so yummy.", "I have never tried and never will lol", "Yikes, I'm not sure that will match well with Chicken Parm.", "there is a wing place near me. the lemon pepper one are good too", "To be honest, i have never visited it yet. But I am very eager to go there", "Oh no! But I think black snakes are good? They eat nasty bugs and rodents!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I love chicken biriani but I also love traditional british roast chicken which is rubbed in spices before cooking", "Yes I had a curry, the sauce was very unique and it used spices from leaves of a curry tree.", "I have never tried naan before, does it come from a more middle eastern influence on their food?", "I have never tried naan before, does it come from a more middle eastern influence on their food?", "Me too, do you think it would have curry in it?", "Yea rattlesnakes are very scary themselves being more venomous than pit vipers" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a dog walker.", "i live in new york." ]
Top Chef
[ "Did you really? Did you get on? ", "I did not, I guess I wasn't good enough to compete against other people in different culinary challenges. " ]
[ "That happened to me too! I’ll just try again next year I guess", "Yeah, sometimes it’s not about our skills.", "Exactly. But hey, we were good enough to audition right? It’s also personal taste too", "Just what I was thinking. Are you still going to watch the season?", "Me too. But I’m still going to be salty that I’m not on it", "Cheers! To the underdogs " ]
[ "I am sorry. We will get it next year.", "Yeah sometimes it is about not giving up", "Yeah they don't know how great we are ha", "Yes I will still support it", "Yes low key salty for sure. Next year we will prevail", "Next year they may be the underdogs" ]
{ "convai2": [ "can you try again after some time ?", "true . have you ever won any challenges ?", "true . have you ever won any challenges ?", "nah i am not on the schedule for a couple days . you ?", "yea i am pretty sure they're junna take it all the way this year", "i appreciate it ! maybe we can pull out the win" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Don't sweat it. There's plenty of other competitions that you can try again at.", "Definitely - not all skills are rewarded equally.", "yeah that's true", "No - I'll just watch on TV.", "I would be too so that's fair.", "It's always good to see an underdog win!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I did not, I guess I wasn't good enough to compete against other people in different culinary challenges.", "Ok, but you have fun competing, you are probably good at it. aren't you?", "right like any audition you have to show off your talent", "no im done with school. do you go to illinois often?", "So the last season will be next year huh?", "good" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite color is blue.", "i like to read horror novels." ]
[ "It reminds me of the ocean and the sky. Why do you like midnight blue specifically?", "It reminds me of dark spots in the ocean, or the sky on a clear night when I'm in the ocean. It's a great color" ]
[ "Midnight Blue attracts attention without being a over bearing of attention", "I'm not a fan of olives honestly", "Isn't that a green though? I wouldn't imagine blue and green going together much", "Eh I'm not a huge fan of green on clothing. lol on me anyway", "I hardly wear anything out side work clothes and when I'm not, I just have a few things I usually wear." ]
[ "Yes! And it goes really well with an olive right now.", "Me neither - but in terms of color? Its hot right now. Watch when you walk through the mall next time.", "Yes - I know what you mean; but its a thing! ", "I agree actually - I have a couple of pieces accidentally though. Suddenly they have come out of the back rack in the closet haha", "I go through phases to be honest. I dunno; its not even about wanting to stand out really. Expression?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "because you are out on the water and have an opportunity to see the sunset !", "because you are out on the water and have an opportunity to see the sunset !", "i guess , but i'm always looking for an easier way to make some green .", "looks matter ! you look better with expensive things !", "i've too many pairs of pants . the clutter drives me nuts ! that , and the dust" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I like the fact its light out longer.", "They taste like dirt for me!", "I went shopping weeks ago. They need the same stuff every year.", "Me either! Not at all!", "Don't you pick out your own clothes?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It just makes you feel good, right? A nice color can change your mood, and even make food taste different.", "Oh, I love it! I love olives, bread, and wine. I especially love warm bread with olive oil.", "I think so. It lie between viloet and green on the spectrum of light.", "Understandable! I personally will wear anything that is functional and aesthetically pleasing.", "Understandable! I personally will wear anything that is functional and aesthetically pleasing." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my boyfriend is in the army.", "i play piano." ]
[ "My first ever date was very embarrassing", "why was that? what hppened" ]
[ "Well I love chickens and my date took me to KFC and I wouldn't eat it.", "I would have preferred that. I was born in Kansas and the Pizza Hut there was my favorite restaurant. ", "That's cool. Do you have a southern accent? ", "Thank you for your service then. I have family members who were in the armed services and it's very admirable. ", "What are you doing now since you are no longer in the Army?", "Wonderful! I wish I could play an instrument. What is your favorite tune on the piano?" ]
[ "That is awkward. I guess you should have gone to Pizza Hut.", "I love pizza hut! I'm from the south!", "Not anymore. I was in the Army for a long time and it changed over time. My best friend is still in the army", "No need to say thanks it was a privilege! ", "I am retired and enjoy playing piano everyday.", "I like Billy Joel a lot! Piano Man is my favorite!!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "ok", "i'm from kansas born and raised .", "sometimes . its such a relief to not have to worry about my accent .", "yes it was humbling . they said i was a hero", "raised and born in great farm state of kansas", "that's a tough one . today hallelujah by jeff buckley ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "haha chic-fil-a is so yummy though", "Oh, well I am sure the date was just happy you were there!", "Yes. Born and raised.", "thanks , and once again thank you for your service in any field contributing to society", "I was in the Navy, wish I could do it again?", "That is one of the tunes that is on the gold record flying out of our solar system on the Voyager probe." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I actually just found out KFC also owns Pizza Hut and Taco Bell chains", "I don't like chain restaurants much, but Pizza Hut must be popular somehow as it has over 16,000 locations worldwide.", "Well yes i do! from venezuela! often accent is a subset of dialect!", "Yes I am thankful for that since it helped me become part of the servicemen stationed in Iraq.", "I've been in the Army 12years now and other branches of the military 4 years. It's a rough job but I love it.", "I love \"Jolene\". I listen blues music, more, but country music has roots in blues an folk music too." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i wish i could take back a mistake.", "i do not like feeling controlled." ]
Bob Ross
[ "Honestly i've never seen his tv shows i just saw memes about him on internet", "I can tell you about him! He was a creator and host of The Joy of Painting " ]
[ "Sounds cool. I don't know much about art but it seems like he's my favorite artist.", "I like van gogh and Morrisey. He's vegetarian though while I am vegan.", "Eh, sort of. I prefer programming more though. ", "Oh boy I wish. Took me a while to learn how to do it. ", "Well, it took me 4 years of college studying computer science, but I started messing around with code when I was in 7th grade. ", "Hahaha. Well you can do some basic stuff in 4 months, but if you wanna get paid a lot, it requires some study, no offense." ]
[ "yes he is a great artist ! How about you? whose artist do you love?", "I like them too! do you like to paint?", "wow, you are so smart then.", "How long it takes to mastered it?", "OK, it is a very long time, I thought it was like 4 months learning from the internet. kidding!", "I wish I could turn back time and take programming course then" ]
{ "convai2": [ "o yes he is a great artist !", "i can imagine their music really helps . what do you like to paint ?", "that's understandable . i also like to paint !", "i wasn't trying to be smart . my apologies !", "nice . . . i never had much of a brain for computers .", "lol , no worries ! where do you live ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "i love art if thats what you mean , i started taking painting classes recently", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "I enjoy watching art. Maybe I'll hapen across some of it!", "I should learn how to do it, it seems pretty basic?", "Oh, I thought you meant like computer programming. You must be so proud", "Haha. Well, who can judge art, right?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "He was quite talented and he was the creator and host of \"The Joy of Painting\"", "I like Vincent Van Gogh aswell, real shame what happend to his ear", "That's not bad just your preference. I like TV as well. I really liked that old BBC show Creatures Great and Small.", "Did you ever think of taking classes maybe or watching videos?", "That's great. It involves solvving computer problems and executing code.", "Well we all start somewhere!" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i visit india often.", "my favorite color is blue." ]
[ "So i forget some stuff i did as a kid. But when they come back to me i love what i remember. Found out a old game i used to play when i was like 7", "What was the game? That happens to me all the time too, it's a treat to remember such great times." ]
[ "Risk, we used to have games that lasted all weekend.", "There is a version of Risk based on Star Wars that is fun. We played it a lot this summer to avoid the heat.", "Yes I remember playing that when I was a kid, very fun game.", "I've never heard of Ludo, or I don't remember it if I have. We also played a game called Mouse Trap.", "I've never heard of Beetle either. It sounds like I have some games I need to look into lol.", "Yes that is always a good idea to spend some time away from the electronics. It's hard to do these days." ]
[ "Oh, I remember that one! We don't play enough of those games nowadays.", "Oh, too funny! I used to love playing a game called Snakes and Ladders. Do you know it?", "Up the ladders and down the snakes! Another one was Ludo.", "I have not heard of Mouse Trap, but I did play a very fun game called Beetle.", "Me too. We probably need to put aside the electronic devices for a while. LOL!", "I know. I feel sorry for today's kids who don't play the old fashioned games." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes , i sure do remember those days and how much fun we all had ! !", "yes , i sure do remember those days and how much fun we all had ! !", "yes , i sure do remember those days and how much fun we all had ! !", "yes , i sure do remember those days and how much fun we all had ! !", "yes , i sure do remember those days and how much fun we all had ! !", "yes , i sure do remember those days and how much fun we all had ! !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I remember those games too. What kinds did you play? My favorite was flashlight tag.", "Yeah, that's too hot. I can see your point.", "Yes, It's very classic game.", "Aw. A little mice won't hurt you. It's more afraid of you then you are of it.", "You should, it is worth a look!", "Yes, today's kids! They just stick to their ipad." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I never played risk but I do like strategy based board games that contain some skill elements, not so many elements of chance. A good one is Monopoly.", "Since you like Star Wars you should like this - it's set in a distant star system where a civilization of humans faces extinction from the Cylon threat.", "Though the game was first released in 2005, it was not until recently that I became interested.", "Oh. I still play it sometimes. Mileena is my favorite character/boss.", "You should, but I must warn you the game can be rather lengthy.", "Agreed, having to check things repeatedly or perform certain routines would be awful." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love my work and just got promoted.", "i listen to classical music." ]
[ "no but i would love to learn", "its a really relaxing game" ]
[ "Yes. It is really fun", "Maybe 2 years in total", "Just about every other week. What other games do you like to play?", "I like Mario party and Call of duty mostly", "Yes mine too. Call of Duty almost have me locked in. it feel so real", "Yeah it feels so real and I love playing with others too" ]
[ "How long would you say you've been playing? ", "That's cool. How often do you play? I play about once a week at least. ", "I like a lot of games. Mario Party, Call of Duty, Firewatch, Life is Strange, anything with a good story and replayability is appealing to me. You? ", "I love Call of Duty. Modern Warfare is a great series, probably my favorite of all. ", "So true. I was never a big fan of the futuristic titles like Advanced Warfare or Black Ops III. I prefer the realistic ones, they're great games. ", "Me too. The multiplayer is great. We should play together some time. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah it is a fun game", "so about 2 years or more", "my favorite is league of legends . otherwise , any type of action game", "black flag as well . do you play call of duty ?", "yeah , they are great fps games .", "love it . we should play a game sometime ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "How long have you been playing", "How often do you play?", "Anything from Mario Party to God of War. It's always fun with friends around for commentary lol", "I love Call of Duty. What's your rank", "I love Call of Duty. What's your rank", "How many people do you usually play with?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It is a lot of fun. But its popularity has gone down since 2007 for some reason", "i see, why dont you game now then ? dont you have any time for it ?", "I like playing Karoke Revolution. It has had a lot of sequels and was developed by Blitz games", "I heard there were over 500 million Mario video games sold. I guess we werent the only ones that like it.", "It seems too violent with the first-person shooting.", "Yeah, i think it helps that there are many different platforms to play on, from computers to handheld devices." ] }
[ "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite place to go is the mall.", "i am single and go on dates regularly." ]
[ "I cheated on my math test today. Feels bad, man.", "I can understand that - I think all of us, at one point or another, did something we were ashamed of. " ]
[ "I can't decide if I want to fess up or not", "I feel really bad so I think I may tell the teacher tomorrow.", "I'm hoping if I came clean they'll just give me a zero on the test.", "I hope so. I can't afford to fail this test.", "I'll try that. Thanks for the advice.", "How have you been doing?" ]
[ "I can't imagine how hard it is to decide. What were you thinking?", "I wonder what kind of punishment they will give you", "Maybe if you explain they will give you a retake. Explain how important the grade is", "I would just explain how much pressure you were under and that you didn't make a good decision", "No problem!", "I am tired and dreading Monday!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "ahhhh do not feel guilty . we all do what we can , right ?", "probably a good idea . now i'm not sure what to say .", "it doesn't matter if anyone will find out . its the right thing to do .", "oh it is definitely worth it if you know what to do", "probably a good idea . now i'm not sure what to say .", "am really feeling bad and don't know how to get out of it" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Who hasn't cheated on a test at school? You'll be fine, don't feel so guilty.", "That might be a good idea, even if just to clear you conscience of the guilt.", "Come clean and take an F then", "Who hasn't cheated on a test at school? You'll be fine, don't feel so guilty.", "No problem!", "doing good.. how about you" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Perhaps you could join up with someone else - kind of a joint authorship, so to speak.", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "Well I guess that makes sense, anyways, have you taken your SAT yet?", "Well I guess that makes sense, anyways, have you taken your SAT yet?", "Ok I hope that it goes well!", "I am doing good and yourself?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i have four daughters.", "i am a michigan state trooper." ]
[ "When i see beggars on the road side. I feel pity on them and i just want to do something for them", "do you give them money?" ]
[ "Usuaully not. You never know if its true or a scammer", "Exaclty, If I dont cash to throw around without it affecting me", "I can understand that. No, I don't and don't want any honestly.", "Yes I understand that. Things happen haha", "I work full time lol", "Same. That's why I'm doing this to try to pay some debt off." ]
[ "You're so right. As a law enforcement officer, I see people scamming more than most.", "I'm trying to teach my daughters to be kind, but also use common sense. You have kids?", "I didn't set out to have four kids originally, but I wouldn't trade them for the world!", "LOL! What do you do? Work or school?", "So do I. Sometimes I wish I could just take a year off and travel, though.", "I hear you! It's hard not to get into debt, these days. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "material things are pointless . helping others is what determines the worth of a person", "i have had money taken from me and it made me mad , because i owed them .", "material things are pointless . helping others is what determines the worth of a person", "material things are pointless . helping others is what determines the worth of a person", "wow , same here ! i work full time , go to school , and have kids !", "my student loan debt is huge ! i plan to pay it off quick ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "People are only human. There is no harm in looking.", "is there anything like free cash?", "I think its better to give some things instead of selling them.", "Free karma in my eyes plus I always try to imagine if I was them. I would be so happy if a stranger let me cut in!", "Oh geez- work on your side hustle and get out of there. I did a long time ago. Hate those jobs!", "I'm working on my debt too." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It isn't a scam since they don't make you pay anything upfront and they dont invent any series of payments or fees for the victim", "We have that in common, money is my best friend.", "Read Winniotts book the good enough mother, Maybe hire somebody for a couple days a week and you just stay home and sleep.", "yeah but there are a lot of programs that help!", "That is the best way to be have you ever heard of that comedy television called The Good Place.", "I'm sure there's 43 million other people that could use it to pay off their loans too." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite subject in school is math.", "my favorite book is pride and prejudice." ]
[ "I like geometry but not algebra. What is your favorite math?", "I like both geometry and algebra in mathematics " ]
[ "I do as well. They were my best subjects in school. I also like computers.", "I had honors algebra as an undergrad, and in grad school I had statistics. Stats was challenging but fun.", "Even though I like math and science, I teach history now. I had to have stats for my masters in curriculum and instruction.", "Do you use a lot of math in your job now? It's weird how it can pop up unexpectedly sometime, even in mine.", "In short, I don't like having a cell phone.", "I know most people do. I guess I'm rather a hermit who prefers not getting calls and texts. :)" ]
[ "I went as far as Calculus I in college. That math was pretty hard. What is the highest math you've taken?", "I did stats in college. It was conveniently disguised under the name of Research and Evaluation II", "Ah. I enjoyed Algebra much more than stats. I was happy though because I did learn stats by doing the coursework.", "I use it some. I find I use it more in my personal life than my work life. Yes, it does pop up unexpectedly.", "Even though smartphones fulfill most people's needs for a telephone, digital camera and video camera, maybe a smartphone isn't for you. I do love mine though!", "Some days I hate mine too. Too connected." ]
{ "convai2": [ "math", "i wanted to do computer science , but i switched to forensics .", "i wanted to do computer science , but i switched to forensics .", "not really . i hate math to be honest . do you have any hobbies ?", "i don't know how i survived without a cell phone in the past . lol", "i understand that completely . people usually have their own interests in mind ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I remember also playing games with old and slow computers when i was a teenager.", "Ah, I see. Well, it's been a lot longer since I did calculus. Good on you, remembering that stuff!", "Oh, very cool. High school? College? I loved certain history classes. Some were hit or miss. And I was never the best at remembering dates. It always depended on how interesting the topic was.", "I am terrible at math", "Seems like just yesterday smart phones didn't exist.", "Seems like just yesterday smart phones didn't exist." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like both geometry and algebra in mathematics", "I never made it past calculus in high school. I especially liked the parts that dealt with calculations of volumes of rotating graphs and areas under a curve.", "A degree in masters sounds very flexible. Learning everything from finance, economics, and management sounds very useful.", "I was always better at math then english in school. Although, some people get Math anxiety.", "Even though smartphones fulfill most people's needs for a telephone, digital camera and video camera, maybe a smartphone isn't for you. I do love mine though!", "Me too. And Text. I hate phone calls over internet connection" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "during the week , i work as a barista.", "i design jewelry when i have spare time." ]
[ "So they are basically at server at a coffee shop? Do they do anything else?", "They usually just serve espresso-based coffee drinks." ]
[ "what about food? do they serve pastries or anything like that?", "That's awesome! What's your favourite food at a barista shop?", "I'd love to, but I can't this weekend, I'm going hiking with a couple friends!", "That's so cool! Is it a business you are starting yourself?", "Yeah, I'm sure you'll do great. What is your business called?", "I don't work right now. I just graduated college and I've saved up to travel for a year before I work" ]
[ "The food is amazing at a barista shop! They sell many croissants, cookies, and much more!", "My favourite food at a barista shop is a croissant. I only work as a barista during the week, I design jewelry on the weekends, you should come see!", "Oh that sounds like fun! Maybe next weekend you can come see my jewelry. I make earrings, and many bracelets.", "Yes, I am starting my own jewelry business. It's hard starting off alone, but I'm sure I'll be fine.", "My business is called Pearls' R Us. Do you work?", "Oh that's great! Where do you want to travel?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "those are always good . . . . so are you going to specialize in pastries", "i love hot croissants and almond croissants .", "oh , i bet hiking is fun . how long do you hike for ?", "no , i work as a barista and make jewelry during my spare time .", "thanks , but its nothing fancy . just some cute clothes and jewelry .", "how extravagant ! what allows you to travel ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Just sugar ring donuts.", "dim sum. I looked forward to it every weekend.", "Hiking and kayaking? Wow! Better pack some trail mix.", "It's just a business I am working on myself. I am the owner in addition to working for another company. It can be hard to get started in business but I am getting there :)", "It's an online service business with mine and my wife's original music therapy songs.", "Wow, It must be a great job. I have a friend that works for a travel agency in Boston in a similar situation. She said since she started she has been to 32 different countries." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They attend to customers in a restaurant or a bar and supplying them with food and drink as requested.", "I don't have any favorites myself, though I prefer cafes which don't only serve coffee, understandably! Sometimes I switch it up and drink some tea or a hot chocolate", "Aw, well ask about just a day hike, they tend to be shorter. Just remind her you are a beginner, she would understand.", "I have a private small business of my own actually, my wife and I have a partnership where she handles the crafts and I handle the business end.", "I started by selling life insurance and really enjoyed it. So I decided to branch out and sell other types as well. I like making sure my customers are protected!", "Ah very nice! That is definitely a great way to get money saved up. Do you plan to in the future?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite type of music is country.", "i have blue eyes and curly brown hair." ]
[ "I moved out of my beach community in Los Angeles because it was so expensive, I don't know how my remaining friends there exist!", "Theyre clearly fatcats, thats how. Where did you move to? " ]
[ "To the mountains near Reno.", "A small town in California named Bridgeport. It was so expensive in LA that I once lived in a storage locker for 2 months to save money.", "It was challenging, but I saved a ton of money!", "Very nice, lots of space and land. The great outdoors!", "Yes. We mostly hike and do some camping. Lots of exercise in the mountains!", "There is nothing like Mountain Air. My wife and I make pottery and sell it in town. ", "Very small. We work out of shed out back. We make about 30 pieces per month. " ]
[ "Where is it?", "I am sorry to hear that. But at least you survived", "and how was it in your new place?", "it's awesome when you live in a small town and can really enjoy the outdoors. Do you love outdoor activity too?", "I love it too! even It is so calming just to feel the fresh air", "Oh, tell me more about your business", "Oh that is nice. Do you have a website for your business?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i use to live near the beach . i miss it .", "oh , i see ! i wish i had a house on the beach !", "haha . great answer . saving up money to buy a beach condo ?", "right ! and all the amazing animals outside .", "you are also in the outdoors which is refreshing . i love country fresh air .", "i wish you d buy some of my pottery ! need more money , lol !", "wow ! its great , i would like to have a lot more than you" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What mountains did you visit?", "I am sorry to hear that. Did the storage had insurance?", "Saving money is so important", "it's awesome when you live in a small town and can really enjoy the outdoors", "What mountains did you visit?", "The first thing I made in pottery class was supposed to be a mini cactus pot. I use it as an ashtray now lol", "Oh that is nice. Do you have a website for your business?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I hear that there are elevation contours that follow the length of the Sierra Nevada", "Haha, oh boy, that sounds expensive. :) What city did you live in? I grew up in New York City but have since moved away.", "Did you have a restaurant, hotel, retail shopping or any of those things attached to yours?", "Did you have a restaurant, hotel, retail shopping or any of those things attached to yours?", "Have you ever camped in the national parks?", "Oh, tell me more about your wife", "Very nice. Small businesses are owned privately. You must be happy." ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]