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DUMMY1/sn60_0041.wav|0|Gladys was pretty sure the boy would get through. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0043.wav|0|But strangely, as soon as he took the microphone she knew he had blown his chance. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0044.wav|0|The confidence seemed to fly out of him. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0045.wav|0|She could almost see it fluttering out of his head and flapping away to hide somewhere up in the rafters. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0046.wav|0|His voice cracked and the judged waved his hand. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0047.wav|0|The last of the Mohicans turned to Gladys and gave her a shrug. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0048.wav|0|"""Good luck"" he said as he walked passed her." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0049.wav|0|Gladys wasn't even listening; |
DUMMY1/sn60_0050.wav|0|she was focused on the job in hand. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0051.wav|0|She knew she could do it, and when she was in front of the mic she opened up her voice and sang. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0052.wav|0|She was looking at the judges in turn like each of them was the love of her life. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0053.wav|0|She was gesturing with her hands. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0054.wav|0|It was all an act - It wasn't natural at all, but it felt like she was in control of the situation. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0055.wav|0|They let her sing on to the power chorus. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0056.wav|0|This was the testing part, and she knew it. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0057.wav|0|There was a moment of nerves, but they just gave her more energy. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0058.wav|0|She heard her voice sounding out like it was somebody else's. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0059.wav|0|The music stopped. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0060.wav|0|The lead judge just nodded slightly. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0061.wav|0|"The runner called out, ""NEXT."" She walked off the stage." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0062.wav|0|"The girl looked at her and said, ""You're through,"" and gave her a fleeting smile." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0064.wav|0|Perhaps if he had been flushed with success, instead of crestfallen with a setback, he might have done. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0065.wav|0|"Her Dad just smiled when he heard the news and said, ""Don't look so surprised." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0067.wav|0|That was why she loved her daddy so. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0068.wav|0|As they rode back through Hyde Park, looking at all the people strolling out on a beautiful day, she wondered if she could find a guy her age, or just a bit older, who was like her dad but, well, just a bit more proactive about life. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0069.wav|0|"""Do guys like successful girls?"" She wondered." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0070.wav|0|"""Or do they feel put in the shade?” When they got back, she checked her phone and saw there was a message from Dud, her ""manager"" if that wasn't too grand a word for the kid." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0072.wav|1|I've got a slot for you on hold at the King's Duck.” |
DUMMY1/sn60_0073.wav|0|She had no idea what the King's Duck was but it sounded like a pub. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0074.wav|0|"""Yeah, sure,” she replied." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0075.wav|1|"Then she thought, ""I'd better check with Tim and Jennie.”" |
DUMMY1/sn60_0076.wav|1|But oh, what a pain! |
DUMMY1/sn60_0077.wav|0|They couldn't make it. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0078.wav|0|She would have to perform solo. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0079.wav|0|She had two weeks to get ready. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0080.wav|0|Overall, six supporters promised to turn up for her next gig, which was fine. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0081.wav|0|It was six more than she had a right to expect for her second ever public appearance. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0082.wav|0|There would be a crowd of new people who hadn’t heard her before, which meant that she might pick up some new followers, which was always a good thing. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0083.wav|0|Sara, Jay-Jay, James and his new girlfriend came again to give their loyal moral support, and she had sent out an email to the fans who had signed her mailing list at the last gig. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0086.wav|0|But when she saw the place - Oh! |
DUMMY1/sn60_0087.wav|0|She wished that nobody had come. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0088.wav|1|What a dump! |
DUMMY1/sn60_0090.wav|0|Half the customers looked like Fagin's gang from Oliver Twist. They had what you might call ‘characterful faces,’ but not really the sort of people you would want to meet on a dark night. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0091.wav|0|A younger crowd hung out in the room around the back of the pub. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0092.wav|0|It was dark and standing room only. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0093.wav|0|On the stage, a skinny boy was strutting up and down with his Fender Strat. He wasn't a bad guitarist, but some people shouldn't sing, and unfortunately he did. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0094.wav|0|"""This is dire,"" said James. Gladys had to agree." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0095.wav|0|The guitarist went on for an aeon. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0096.wav|0|The next act, a girl folk singer in a flowery smock was only slightly less painful. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0097.wav|0|Dud turned up half way through the folk warbler's final number. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0098.wav|0|"He said, ”Great crowd tonight Gladdy. Are you ready to sock it to them?"" Gladys usually tried to think the best of people, but this time she didn't bother." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0099.wav|0|"Yeah Dud,"" she said and went to pick up her guitar." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0100.wav|0|The good thing was that if the onlookers had been able to stomach the previous two acts, then they weren't going to be a hard to please. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0101.wav|0|Gladys sung her sweetest and had everyone charmed. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0102.wav|0|"At the end, she spoke into the microphone, ""Thanks for being such a great audience." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0103.wav|1|I'm Gladys Jones. Now I've got a special request for you. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0104.wav|1|"Don't go out next Saturday. Stay in and watch BGV and vote for me because I’m going to be on it!"" BGV was the big talent show." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0106.wav|0|Several people came up to Gladys to say how much they loved her set and she collected some more emails for her mailing list. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0107.wav|0|"Dud said, ”You didn't tell me you're on BGV, we need to keep across your news."" Gladys felt annoyed." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0108.wav|0|Frankly, Dud was the last person she would tell her news to. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0109.wav|0|Besides, wasn’t it his job to follow her on Twitter? |
DUMMY1/sn60_0110.wav|1|"""I'm going up to Manchester on Wednesday for the rehearsal." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0111.wav|1|They could still turn me away if it doesn't go well.” |
DUMMY1/sn60_0113.wav|1|I'll take you door to door. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0114.wav|0|"You'll arrive in good shape."" Although Gladys did not really want to travel with Dud, it did sound nice to have her own chauffeur." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0115.wav|0|She remembered how her dad driving her up to London had lifted her spirits and put her in the right mood for the audition. |
DUMMY1/sn60_0116.wav|1|"""Okay,"" said Glad. ""Thank you." |
DUMMY1/sn60_0117.wav|1|"But let's start early because I can't stand being late."" ""Sure thing babe,"" said Dud. She didn't like the way he called her babe, but she let it go." |
DUMMY1/sn196_0010.wav|0|Without saying yes or no, he fled from the city and set out on the road that was to take him back to the house of the lovely Fairy. It had rained for many days, and the road was so muddy that, at times, Pinocchio sank down almost to his knees. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0011.wav|0|But he kept on bravely. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0012.wav|0|Tormented by the wish to see his father and his fairy sister with azure hair, he raced like a greyhound. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0013.wav|0|As he ran, he was splashed with mud even up to his cap. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0014.wav|0|"""How unhappy I have been,"" he said to himself." |
DUMMY1/sn196_0015.wav|1|"""And yet I deserve everything, for I am certainly very stubborn and stupid!" |
DUMMY1/sn196_0016.wav|1|I will always have my own way. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0017.wav|1|I won't listen to those who love me and who have more brains than I. But from now on, I'll be different and I'll try to become a most obedient boy. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0018.wav|0|I have found out, beyond any doubt whatever, that disobedient boys are certainly far from happy, and that, in the long run, they always lose out. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0019.wav|1|I wonder if Father is waiting for me. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0020.wav|1|Will I find him at the Fairy's house? |
DUMMY1/sn196_0021.wav|1|It is so long, poor man, since I have seen him, and I do so want his love and his kisses. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0022.wav|1|And will the Fairy ever forgive me for all I have done? |
DUMMY1/sn196_0023.wav|1|She who has been so good to me and to whom I owe my life! |
DUMMY1/sn196_0024.wav|0|"Can there be a worse or more heartless boy than I am anywhere?"" As he spoke, he stopped suddenly, frozen with terror." |
DUMMY1/sn196_0025.wav|1|What was the matter? |
DUMMY1/sn196_0026.wav|0|An immense Serpent lay stretched across the road -- a Serpent with a bright green skin, fiery eyes which glowed and burned, and a pointed tail that smoked like a chimney. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0027.wav|0|How frightened was poor Pinocchio! |
DUMMY1/sn196_0028.wav|0|He ran back wildly for half a mile, and at last settled himself atop a heap of stones to wait for the Serpent to go on his way and leave the road clear for him. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0029.wav|0|He waited an hour; |
DUMMY1/sn196_0031.wav|1|three hours; |
DUMMY1/sn196_0032.wav|0|but the Serpent was always there, and even from afar one could see the flash of his red eyes and the column of smoke which rose from his long, pointed tail. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0033.wav|0|Pinocchio, trying to feel very brave, walked straight up to him and said in a sweet, soothing voice: |
DUMMY1/sn196_0034.wav|1|"""I beg your pardon, Mr. Serpent, would you be so kind as to step aside to let me pass?"" He might as well have talked to a wall." |
DUMMY1/sn196_0035.wav|0|The Serpent never moved. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0036.wav|0|Once more, in the same sweet voice, he spoke: |
DUMMY1/sn196_0037.wav|1|"""You must know, Mr. Serpent, that I am going home where my father is waiting for me." |
DUMMY1/sn196_0038.wav|1|It is so long since I have seen him! |
DUMMY1/sn196_0039.wav|0|"Would you mind very much if I passed?"" He waited for some sign of an answer to his questions, but the answer did not come." |
DUMMY1/sn196_0040.wav|0|On the contrary, the green Serpent, who had seemed, until then, wide awake and full of life, became suddenly very quiet and still. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0041.wav|0|His eyes closed and his tail stopped smoking. |
DUMMY1/sn196_0042.wav|0|"""Is he dead, I wonder?"" said Pinocchio, rubbing his hands together happily." |
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