46 values
7 values
(37)  Riadenie cyklu projektu predstavuje proces efektívneho a účinného plánovania, organizovania, koordinácie a kontroly projektu vo všetkých jeho fázach od plánovania cez realizáciu a prevádzkovanie až po ukončenie. (38)  Pozri aj EUFIWACC (2016) – k dispozícii tu: (39)  Pozri oddiel o preverovaní. Projekty v niektorých odvetviach, napríklad v mestskej doprave, sú často stanovené v rámci integrovaného plánovacieho dokumentu (napr. v pláne udržateľnej mestskej mobility) s cieľom vytýčiť koherentný investičný program. (40)  Zraniteľnosť a riziko sa vymedzujú rôzne, pozri napríklad správu IPCC AR4 (2007) o zraniteľnosti, správu IPCC SREX (2012) a správu IPCC AR5 (2014) o riziku (ako funkcii pravdepodobnosti a dôsledkov nebezpečenstva), (41)  Štruktúrovaný prehľad ukazovateľov zmeny klímy a ukazovateľov (nebezpečenstiev) vplyvu zmeny klímy pozri napríklad v správe agentúry EEA Zmena klímy, jej vplyvy a zraniteľnosť voči nej v Európe v roku 2016,, správe agentúry EEA Adaptácia na zmenu klímy a znižovanie rizika katastrof v Európe, a technickom dokumente ETC CCA s názvom Extreme weather and climate in Europe (Extrémne výkyvy počasia a klímy v Európe) (2015), a, ako aj na stránke (kapitola 7) (42)  Ďalšie informácie o odporúčaných prognózach klimatického modelovania sa nachádzajú v usmernení k overeniu zohľadnenia problematiky zmeny klímy v infraštruktúre v období 2021 – 2027. (43)  Posúdenie zraniteľnosti voči zmene klímy sa môže uskutočniť v relatívne skorej fáze cyklu vývoja projektu, pričom v závislosti od pokročilosti projektu sa niekedy môže stať, že rozhodnutie o pristúpení k podrobnému posúdeniu rizík dôsledkov zmeny klímy bude musieť prijať predkladateľ projektu. V takýchto prípadoch možno potom pred vstupom do fázy rozhodnutia o financovaní podrobiť posúdenie nezávislému overeniu (alebo internému overeniu implementujúcim partnerom). (44)  Na základe odporúčania podľa usmernenia k overeniu zohľadnenia problematiky zmeny klímy v infraštruktúre v období 2021 – 2027 môže byť dôležité zvážiť investíciu v širších súvislostiach. Zmena klímy bude mať vplyv aj na environmentálny a sociálny systém aktív financovaných z investícií v rámci Fondu InvestEU a na ich interakcie s týmito systémami. Na operácie v rámci investície môže mať okrem toho závažný dosah aj vplyv zmeny klímy na inú infraštruktúru, ktorá podporuje činnosti v rámci týchto operácií, vrátane súvisiacich zariadení. Potvrdzuje sa tým dôležitosť integrovaného medziodvetvového myslenia pri zvažovaní rizík dôsledkov zmeny klímy a odolnosti voči zmene klímy v širších súvislostiach ekosystémov a sociálnych systémov. (45)  Investičný projekt môže obsahovať aj také zložky, ktoré sa nepovažujú za nevyhnutné a pri ktorých náklady na adaptačné opatrenia presahujú prínosy zabránenia rizikám. V takom prípade môže byť za určitých okolností najlepšou možnosťou umožniť zlyhanie infraštruktúry, ktorá nie je nevyhnutná. Ide o jednu z foriem riadenia rizika. (46)  O možnostiach, hodnotení a plánovaní adaptácie majú konkrétne členské štáty k dispozícii čoraz viac literatúry a skúseností, ako aj súvisiacich zdrojov. Zainteresovaní implementujúci partneri si môžu pozrieť napríklad: — platformu Climate-ADAPT ( týkajúcu sa adaptácie, kde nájdu príklady adaptačných opatrení a prípadové štúdie, — štúdiu GR REGIO s názvom Adaptácia veľkých projektov v oblasti infraštruktúry na zmenu klímy:, — správu agentúry EEA č. 8/2014 s názvom Adaptácia dopravy na zmenu klímy v Európe:, — správu agentúry EEA č. 1/2019 s názvom Výzvy a príležitosti v oblasti adaptácie pre európsky energetický systém – budovanie nízkouhlíkového energetického systému odolného voči zmene klímy: (47)  V tomto usmernení má slovo „zmiernenie“ význam špecifický pre daný kontext vzhľadom na overenie zohľadnenia problematiky zmeny klímy a overenie zohľadnenia problematiky životného prostredia. V súvislosti s overením zohľadnenia problematiky zmeny klímy „zmiernenie“ znamená zásah človeka na zníženie emisií skleníkových plynov alebo zvýšenie záchytov skleníkových plynov. (48)  Prvoradosť energetickej efektívnosti sa vymedzuje v článku 2 bode 18 nariadenia Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ) 2018/1999 z 11. decembra 2018 o riadení energetickej únie a opatrení v oblasti klímy, (Ú. v. EÚ L 328, 21.12.2018, s. 1), (49)  K čomu patria okrem iného bezpečné a chránené parkovacie plochy a kontroly na vonkajších hraniciach. (50)  Projekty v niektorých odvetviach, napríklad v mestskej doprave, sú často stanovené v rámci integrovaného plánovacieho dokumentu (napr. v pláne udržateľnej mestskej mobility) s cieľom vytýčiť koherentný investičný program. Hoci jednotlivé investície/projekty v rámci takýchto investičných programov nemusia presahovať prahové hodnoty, s cieľom zistiť celkový významný prínos programu k znižovaniu skleníkových plynov môže byť dôležité posúdiť emisie skleníkových plynov na úrovni celého programu. (51)  Na opatrenia týkajúce sa bezpečnosti na cestách a zmierňovania hluku z nákladnej dopravy sa môže vzťahovať výnimka. (52)  V dôsledku kumulatívnych účinkov môžu niektoré malé objemy emisií skleníkových plynov predstavovať bod zlomu, v ktorom sa nevýznamný vplyv zmení na kategóriu významného vplyvu – a následne by ich bolo treba zohľadniť. (53)  Rovnaký prístup sa odporúča prijať aj vo fáze plánovania, napríklad v odvetví dopravy, v ktorom sa najrelevantnejšie voľby na znižovanie emisií skleníkových plynov vyskytujú v rámci možností súvisiacich s operačnou štruktúrou siete a výberom spôsobov dopravy a politík. (54)  Uhlíkovú stopu môže implementujúci partner vypočítať na základe informácií prijatých od predkladateľa projektu, prípadne môže požiadať o jej výpočet predkladateľa projektu. Ak uhlíkovú stopu vypočítava predkladateľ projektu, bolo by v ideálnom prípade vhodné, aby overenie vykonal implementujúci partner alebo externý nezávislý odborník. Alternatívne môže uhlíkovú stopu vypočítať aj nezávislý odborník. (55)  Metodiky EIB pre uhlíkovú stopu projektu na posúdenie emisií skleníkových plynov a variácií emisií projektu, júl 2020, (56)  Plán EIB pre klimatickú banku na roky 2021 – 2025, Treba uviesť, že toto sa týka skôr úplných tieňových nákladov na dosahovanie cieľov v celom hospodárstve než nákladov – explicitných či implicitných – na rôzne politiky v oblasti zmeny klímy (dane, povolenia, predpisy, normy atď.). (57)  V prípade použitia vyšších nákladov na uhlík musia byť tieto náklady riadne odôvodnené spoľahlivou metodikou založenou na medzinárodne akceptovaných zásadách. (58)  Na účely tohto usmernenia sa zemou myslí pôda. (59)  Vymedzenie prevzaté od organizácie Natural Capital Coalition. (60)  V súlade s usmernením EÚ k začleneniu ekosystémov a ich služieb do procesu rozhodovania, SWD (2019) 305 final. (61)  Ďalšie informácie o úlohách a povinnostiach sa nachádzajú v kapitole 4.1. (62)  Vrátane vyžadovania vyhlásení o súlade od konečných prijímateľov. (63)  Keď implementujúci partneri začnú spolupracovať s predkladateľom, environmentálny rozhodovací proces môže ešte prebiehať. Mohlo by to znamenať, že spočiatku môžu implementujúci partneri identifikovať iba uplatniteľný právny rámec projektu, pričom environmentálny rozhodovací proces môže prebiehať zároveň s celkovým procesom náležitej starostlivosti a súlad sa môže potvrdiť neskôr. (64)  V prípade viaczložkových projektov sa bude dodržiavanie právnych predpisov overovať za každú zložku počas jej vývoja. V určitých prípadoch môže byť každé vyplatenie finančných prostriedkov pre príslušnú zložku projektu podmienené splnením konkrétnych podmienok. Od tejto požiadavky sú oslobodené štúdie na vypracovanie projektov a vyplatenie finančných prostriedkov, ktoré súvisí s týmito štúdiami. (65)  Ak z výsledkov environmentálneho rozhodovacieho procesu vyplynú v porovnaní s pôvodným posúdením implementujúceho partnera významné zmeny, overovanie by sa malo aktualizovať tak, aby sa v ňom tieto zmeny zohľadnili. Malo by sa to oznámiť Komisii v súlade s ustanoveniami kapitoly 4.2. (66)  Ustanovenia týkajúce sa tejto konzultácie s Komisiou pozri v kapitole 4. (67)  SmernicaEurópskeho parlamentu a Rady 2014/52/EÚ zo 16. apríla 2014, ktorou sa mení smernica 2011/92/EÚ o posudzovaní vplyvov určitých verejných a súkromných projektov na životné prostredie (Ú. v. EÚ L 124, 25.4.2014, s. 1). (68)  Smernica Rady 92/43/EHS z 21. mája 1992 o ochrane prirodzených biotopov a voľne žijúcich živočíchov a rastlín (Ú. v. ES L 206, 22.7.1992, s. 7), (69)  Smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2009/147/ES z 30. novembra 2009 o ochrane voľne žijúceho vtáctva (Ú. v. EÚ L 20, 26.1.2010, s. 7), (70)  Podľa usmernenia Komisie k stanoveniu cieľov ochrany (2012) sa v cieľoch ochrany konkrétnej lokality stanovuje podmienka, ktorú musia druhy živočíchov a rastlín a typy biotopov v danej lokalite spĺňať, aby lokalita mohla prispievať k celkovému cieľu dosiahnutia priaznivého stavu ochrany týchto druhov živočíchov a rastlín a typov biotopov na vnútroštátnej, biogeografickej alebo európskej úrovni (pozri článok 2 ods. 2 smernice). (71)  Článok 6 ods. 3 sa uplatňuje aj na osobitne chránené územia klasifikované podľa článku 4 smernice o ochrane voľne žijúceho vtáctva. (72) (73) (74)  Z kontroly vhodnosti rámcovej smernice o vode vyplýva, že v smernici sa úspešne podarilo stanoviť rámec riadenia integrovaného hospodárenia s vodami pre viac ako 110 000 vodných útvarov v EÚ, a tým spomaliť zhoršovanie stavu vôd a znížiť chemické znečistenie. Na druhej strane sa vykonávanie smernice značne oneskorilo a dobrý stav má v súčasnosti necelá polovica všetkých vodných útvarov v EÚ, hoci lehota na jeho dosiahnutie uplynula v roku 2015, okrem riadne odôvodnených prípadov. (75)  Smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2001/42/ES z 27. júna 2001 o posudzovaní účinkov určitých plánov a programov na životné prostredie (Ú. v. ES L 197, 21.7.2001, s. 30). (76)  Smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2010/75/EÚ z 24. novembra 2010 o priemyselných emisiách (integrovaná prevencia a kontrola znečisťovania životného prostredia) (Ú. v. EÚ L 334, 17.12.2010, s. 17). (77)  Smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2008/98/ES z 19. novembra 2008 o odpade a o zrušení určitých smerníc (Ú. v. EÚ L 312, 22.11.2008, s. 3). (78)  Smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2012/18/EÚ zo 4. júla 2012 o kontrole nebezpečenstiev závažných havárií s prítomnosťou nebezpečných látok, ktorou sa mení a dopĺňa a následne zrušuje smernica Rady 96/82/ES (Ú. v. EÚ L 197, 24.7.2012, s. 1). (79)  V prípade operácií, ktoré podliehajú posudzovaniu vplyvov na životné prostredie, alebo operácií, ktoré boli vyňaté z povinnosti posudzovania vplyvov na životné prostredie so zmierňujúcimi opatreniami. (80)  Poskytnuté kontrolné zoznamy si môže implementujúci partner upraviť tak, aby vyhovovali požiadavkám špecifického projektu alebo kategórie projektov. (81)  Pozri najmä kapitolu 4.3 Náprava a ochrana životného prostredia a prevencia rizika. (82)  Tieto jednotkové hodnoty sa však líšia spoľahlivosťou a prijateľnosťou. Využívanie existujúcich jednotkových hodnôt, napríklad pri nákladoch na škody spojených s rastúcim objemom emisií do ovzdušia a hlukom, je v súčasnosti v EÚ prijateľným a konsolidovaným postupom. Na druhej strane platí, že existujúce jednotkové hodnoty týkajúce sa vplyvov na vodu, zem a biodiverzitu sa používajú zriedkavejšie, pretože sa považujú za závislejšie od lokality. (83)  Najdôležitejšie sociálne zásady a normy v tejto súvislosti sú v zmluvách EÚ a Charte základných práv EÚ, ako aj v najrôznejších smerniciach, ktoré sú členské štáty povinné transponovať do svojich príslušných vnútroštátnych právnych systémov. (84)  Z Fondu InvestEU sa budú primárne podporovať operácie v EÚ. V obmedzených prípadoch sa však môžu zúčastňovať susediace krajiny (napr. pri cezhraničných alebo podobných projektoch). V týchto obmedzených prípadoch budú predkladatelia projektov požiadaní, aby zvážili sociálne aspekty v súlade s duchom a zásadami príslušných právnych predpisov EÚ. (85)  Takéto dôkazy môžu mať podobu kópií akýchkoľvek príslušných zákonných povolení, rozhodnutí, stanovísk alebo v prípade ich neexistencie vlastných vyhlásení predkladateľa o dodržiavaní príslušných zákonných požiadaviek. (86)  Pozri prílohu 3. (87)  Smernica 2011/92/EÚ o posudzovaní vplyvov určitých verejných a súkromných projektov na životné prostredie zmenená smernicou 2014/52/EÚ. (88)  V niektorých prípadoch sú určití jednotlivci alebo skupiny jednotlivcov zraniteľné, marginalizované, systematicky diskriminované alebo vylúčené z dôvodu svojich sociálno-ekonomických charakteristík. K takýmto charakteristikám patria okrem iného pohlavie, sexuálna orientácia, rod, rodová identita, etnická príslušnosť, kasta, domorodý alebo sociálny pôvod, vek, zdravotné postihnutie, náboženstvo alebo viera, politické alebo iné názory, aktivizmus, členstvo v odboroch alebo iných typoch zamestnaneckých organizácií, štátna príslušnosť, jazyk, osobný alebo rodinný stav, vzdelanie a/alebo gramotnosť, zdravotný stav, migrantský/utečenecký pôvod, príslušnosť k menšine alebo ekonomické postavenie (pokiaľ ide o príjem a prístup k službám). (89)  Vrátane fyzického a ekonomického vysídľovania. (90)  V právnom rámci EÚ [ako je smernica 2011/92/EÚ o posudzovaní vplyvov určitých verejných a súkromných projektov na životné prostredie zmenená smernicou 2014/52/EÚ, smernica 2010/75/EÚ o priemyselných emisiách (integrovaná prevencia a kontrola znečisťovania životného prostredia)] známe aj ako proces účasti verejnosti (vrátane prístupu k informáciám a konzultačného procesu). (91)  Primárni dodávatelia sú dodávatelia, ktorí pre projekt priebežne priamo dodávajú tovar alebo materiál nevyhnutný na zabezpečovanie základných funkcií projektu. (92)  Najmä v prípade projektov zahŕňajúcich operácie mimo EÚ z dôvodu medzinárodných dodávateľských reťazcov. (93)  Na základe článku 153 Zmluvy o fungovaní Európskej únie prijala EÚ najrôznejšie opatrenia v oblasti bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci. Európske smernice sú právne záväzné a členské štáty ich musia transponovať do vnútroštátnych právnych predpisov. Ďalšie informácie o bezpečnosti a ochrane zdravia pri práci možno nájsť na webovom sídle GR Európskej komisie pre zamestnanosť a sociálne záležitosti. (94)  V prípade projektov podliehajúcich posudzovaniu vplyvov na životné prostredie sa niektoré z týchto aspektov (vrátane tých, ktoré sa týkajú akýchkoľvek vplyvov a rizík vo vzťahu k spoločenstvu, verejnému zdraviu a bezpečnosti) môžu riešiť v rámci procesu povoľovania, pričom príslušné informácie môžu byť začlenené do správy o posúdení vplyvov na životné prostredie, ak je v tejto fáze k dispozícii. (95)  Pozri vymedzenie v poznámke pod čiarou č. 84. (96)  K domorodému obyvateľstvu žijúcemu v európskej arktickej oblasti patria Saamovia a Inuiti (Kalaalliti). Konkrétne Saamovia žijú v cirkumpolárnych oblastiach Fínska, Švédska, Nórska a severozápadného Ruska, Nenci, Evenkovia a Čukčovia v Rusku a Inuiti (Kalaalliti) v Grónsku. Implementujúci partneri sa môžu nachádzať aj v najvzdialenejších regiónoch a v zámorských krajinách a územiach Únie. (97)  Organizácia FAO vypracovala príručku osvedčených postupov pri získavaní slobodného, predbežného a informovaného súhlasu: (98)  V súlade s európskou stratégiou pre oblasť zdravotného postihnutia na roky 2010 – 2020. Bude prijatá nová stratégia na roky 2021 – 2030. (99) (100)  Cieľ udržateľného rozvoja č. 5: „Dosiahnuť rodovú rovnosť a posilňovať postavenie všetkých žien a dievčat“. (101)  Zainteresované strany sú osoby a/alebo spoločenstvá, ktoré: i) sú priamo alebo nepriamo ovplyvnené projektom, vrátane ich oprávnených zástupcov; ii) majú na projekte záujem a/alebo majú schopnosť pozitívne či negatívne ovplyvniť jeho výsledok; a iii) sa na projekte zúčastňujú: a) inštitúcie, skupiny a jednotlivci s rôznymi úlohami v projekte; a b) pracovníci v rámci projektu. V príslušnom právnom rámci EÚ [ako je smernica 2011/92/EÚ o posudzovaní vplyvov určitých verejných a súkromných projektov na životné prostredie zmenená smernicou 2014/52/EÚ, smernica 2010/75/EÚ o priemyselných emisiách (integrovaná prevencia a kontrola znečisťovania životného prostredia)] známe aj ako dotknutá verejnosť. (102)  V súlade s Dohovorom Európskej hospodárskej komisie OSN o prístupe k informáciám, účasti verejnosti na rozhodovacom procese a prístupe k spravodlivosti v záležitostiach životného prostredia (známym ako Aarhuský dohovor), Pozri vymedzenie pojmu „environmentálne informácie“ v prílohe 1. (103)  Najmä v prípade primárnych dodávateľov. (104)  Príklady na zmierňujúce opatrenia sa uvádzajú v usmernení k overovaniu sociálnej udržateľnosti investičných operácií a operácií financovania. (105)  V súlade s medzinárodnými zásadami združenia IAIA v oblasti posudzovania vplyvov. (106)  Sčítanie by malo zahŕňať súpis strát (majetku, prístupu k zdrojom alebo službám atď.), podrobný prieskum merania a ocenenie strateného majetku a vykonáva sa na celkovej ovplyvnenej populácii. (107)  Sociálno-ekonomický referenčný prieskum možno odvodiť od výberového zisťovania a je mimoriadne dôležitý na identifikovanie aktuálneho sociálno-ekonomického, kultúrneho a politického profilu ovplyvnených osôb; úrovne ich celkovej odolnosti alebo zraniteľnosti; a výsledných stupňov a typov vplyvov. (108)  Podrobnosti pozri v prílohe 3. (109)  V roku 2017 bolo 22,4 % populácie EÚ naďalej ohrozených chudobou alebo sociálnym vylúčením – vrátane 24,9 % všetkých detí v Európe, 23,3 % žien a 18,2 % osôb nad 65 rokov. Približne 7 % všetkých Európanov stále žilo v závažnej materiálnej deprivácii, pričom tento počet sa pre hospodárske dôsledky pandémie pravdepodobne zvýši. (110)  Pri posudzovaní schopnosti predkladateľa projektu môžu byť užitočné informácie z kapitoly 2.7. (111)  Treba poznamenať, že tieto nástroje nemusia vždy predstavovať vzájomné alternatívy a môžu sa využívať ako doplnky. Analýza MCA sa môže napríklad použiť na zistenie strategických možností v predbežnej fáze cyklu projektu. Po identifikovaní strategickej možnosti možno následne porovnať špecifické technické riešenia s využitím analýzy CBA/CEA/LCA. (112)  Na obdobie 2014 – 2020 sa vo vykonávacom nariadení Komisie (EÚ) 2015/207 (Ú. v. EÚ L 38, 13.2.2015, s. 1) poskytuje referenčná hodnota sociálne diskontné sadzby (5 % v prípade členských štátov Kohézneho fondu a 3 % v prípade ostatných členských štátov), ktorá zostáva užitočnou referenčnou hodnotou aj na obdobie 2021 – 2027. Podobné hodnoty sa odporúčajú aj v príručke Komisie z roku 2014 pre analýzu nákladov a prínosov. Niektoré relevantné osvedčené postupy sa budú opisovať aj v nadchádzajúcej príručke Vademékum ekonomického hodnotenia, ktorú pripravuje GR REGIO v spolupráci s ostatnými GR Komisie a s podporou nástroja JASPERS. (113)  Pozri: (114)  Pozri (115)  Pozri: (116)  Pozri: (117)  Technický podporný dokument na overenie zohľadnenia problematiky životného prostredia v investíciách vypracovaný GR pre životné prostredie obsahuje preskúmanie jednotkových hodnôt na účely uľahčenia využívania prístupu prenosu prínosov pri peňažnom vyjadrení. Určité informácie a odkazy na príslušnú literatúru sa uvádzajú aj v príručke Európskej komisie pre analýzu nákladov a prínosov. Okrem toho sa v nadchádzajúcej príručke Vademékum ekonomického hodnotenia, ktorú pripravuje GR REGIO s podporou nástroja JASPERS, uvádzajú osvedčené postupy pri ekonomickom posudzovaní vplyvov najrôznejších vybratých odvetví na životné prostredie. (118)  Na základe vybratej diskontnej sadzby, ktorá musí byť opísaná a odôvodnená v dokumentácii k overovaniu udržateľnosti. (119)  Ide o transakciu, ktorá nemá vymedzený konkrétny rozsah, ale je skôr určená na zabezpečenie aktuálneho financovania krátkodobých prevádzkových potrieb spoločnosti (napr. prevádzkového kapitálu). (120)  Toto sa môže urobiť preskúmaním reportáží v médiách, správ a webových sídiel MVO, sociálnych médií, verejne dostupných databáz atď. Odporúča sa horizont posledných piatich rokov (ak to nie je možné, minimálne posledných dvoch rokov). (121)  Odvetvia, na ktoré sa vzťahuje systém obchodovania s emisiami, sa uvádzajú v prílohe I k smernici o systéme ETS: (122)  Ďalšie podrobnosti o finančných sprostredkovateľoch, ktorí sa môžu na procese zúčastniť, sa nachádzajú v investičných usmerneniach (kapitoly 2.3.1,,, a (123)  Pokiaľ ide o to, čo sa predkladá investičnému výboru. (124)  S výnimkou oddielu o infraštruktúrnych fondoch, v ktorom sa bude používať termín „projekt“ alebo „investičná operácia“. (125)  Riziko v tomto oddiele sa týka environmentálnych a sociálnych aspektov, nejde o finančné riziko. Orientačné usmernenie týkajúce sa kategorizácie environmentálnych a sociálnych rizík sa nachádza v zozname kategorizácie environmentálnych a sociálnych rizík banky EBOR – (126)  Koneční prijímatelia nie sú v čase, keď finančný sprostredkovateľ uskutočňuje náležitú starostlivosť, známi. (127)  Ako sa to podrobne vysvetľuje v kapitole 2. (128)  Systém ESMS sa vymedzuje ako súbor politík, procesov a postupov adekvátnych na identifikovanie, posudzovanie, riadenie a monitorovanie environmentálnych, klimatických a sociálnych rizík a vplyvov súvisiacich s východiskovými projektmi alebo činnosťami financovanými finančným sprostredkovateľom. (129)  Žiadosť o informácie musí byť primeraná východiskovým projektom a musia sa v nej dodržať všetky zákonné povinnosti a povinnosti týkajúce sa dôvernosti. (130)  Pokiaľ ide o schopnosť správcu fondu vykonať posúdenie východiskových projektov v súlade so zásadami a s cieľmi overovania udržateľnosti podrobne stanovenými v tomto usmernení, ako aj s normami a internými pravidlami a postupmi implementujúceho partnera. (131)  Ďalšie usmernenie pozri aj v kapitole 2.2. (132)  V súvislosti s procesom posudzovania vplyvov na životné prostredie, v rámci ktorého boli identifikované významné riziká dôsledkov zmeny klímy, musí napríklad správca fondu overiť, či predkladateľ projektu zavádza zmierňujúce opatrenia uvedené v správe o posúdení vplyvov na životné prostredie alebo v rozhodnutiach o preverovaní. (133)  Ďalšie informácie sa nachádzajú v kapitole 2.3.2. (134)  Takisto sa odporúča riadne zvážiť zásady stanovené v Európskom pilieri sociálnych práv. (135)  Ďalšie usmernenie k pozitívnemu programu sa nachádza v kapitole 2 a prílohe 3. (136)  Odvetvia, na ktoré sa vzťahuje systém obchodovania s emisiami, sa uvádzajú v prílohe I k smernici o systéme ETS: (137)  Pravidlá a postupy investičného výboru, ako ani schvaľovací proces nepatria do rozsahu pôsobnosti tohto usmernenia. Cieľom informácií uvedených v tomto dokumente je zmapovať výsledky overovania v rôznych fázach alebo v prípade rôznych zainteresovaných strán, slúžia však len na informačné účely. (138)  Tento oddiel sa pridáva výlučne s cieľom uznať významnú úlohu príslušných orgánov. Jeho cieľom nie je pridať implementujúcim partnerom dodatočné požiadavky na overovanie. (139)  Konkrétne povinnosti budú začlenené do dohody o záruke. (140)  V súlade s článkom 22 nariadenia o Programe InvestEU. (141)  Dodržiavanie právnych predpisov tu znamená celkové dodržiavanie, netýka sa dodržiavania právnych predpisov týkajúcich sa procesu overovania, ktoré sa podrobne opisuje v kapitole 2 a kapitole 3. (142)  Celkový proces navrhnutý pre Program InvestEU sa musí dodržať v podobe, v akej je uvedený v samostatnej oblasti činnosti týkajúcej sa procesu predkladania a schvaľovania. (143)  Od implementujúceho partnera sa očakáva, že uvedie, čo je v danej chvíli pri vyvinutí maximálneho úsilia v podstate možné. (144)  Pri zverejňovaní sa (podľa situácie) bude venovať náležitá pozornosť pravidlám a postupom pre dôverné a citlivé obchodné informácie. (145)  Zostávajúce riziká sa uvedú len pri projektoch, pri ktorých sa vyžaduje posudzovanie vplyvov na životné prostredie, ak ich príslušné orgány vypočítajú. PRÍLOHA 1 Zoznam zákonných požiadaviek Nasledujúci zoznam je len orientačný a neobsahuje všetky zákonné požiadavky, ktoré sa môžu vzťahovať na jednotlivé operácie financovania a investičné operácie v rámci troch rozmerov. Má pomôcť implementujúcim partnerom a v prípade potreby finančným sprostredkovateľom pri skúmaní dodržiavania právnych predpisov v prípade navrhovaných operácií financovania a investičných operácií v rámci Programu InvestEU. Klimatický rozmer – rámec dodržiavania právnych predpisov Smernica o ETS [smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2003/87/ES z 13. októbra 2003, o vytvorení systému obchodovania s emisnými kvótami skleníkových plynov v Spoločenstve, a ktorou sa mení a dopĺňa smernica Rady 96/61/ES; smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ) 2018/410 zo 14. marca 2018, ktorou sa mení smernica 2003/87/ES s cieľom zlepšiť nákladovo efektívne znižovanie emisií a investície do nízkouhlíkových technológií a rozhodnutie (EÚ) 2015/1814]. Smernica o CCS [smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2009/31/ES z 23. apríla 2009 o geologickom ukladaní oxidu uhličitého a o zmene a doplnení smernice Rady 85/337/EHS, smerníc Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2000/60/ES, 2001/80/ES, 2004/35/ES, 2006/12/ES, 2008/1/ES a nariadenia (ES) č. 1013/2006]. Environmentálny rozmer – rámec dodržiavania právnych predpisov Ďalej sa uvádzajú kľúčové smernice uvedené v usmernení k rozmeru životného prostredia. V závislosti od povahy operácií patriacich do konkrétnej etapy podpory sa od implementujúcich partnerov v prípade priameho financovania očakáva, že overia súlad so špecifickými smernicami na základe autorizácií, povolení, licencií atď. predložených predkladateľmi projektov. Smernica o posudzovaní vplyvov na životné prostredie (smernica 2011/92/EÚ zmenená smernicou 2014/52/EÚ) – Smernica o strategickom environmentálnom hodnotení (smernica 2001/42/ES) – Smernica o biotopoch (smernica Rady 92/43/EHS z 21. mája 1992) – Smernica o vtákoch (smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2009/147/ES z 30. novembra 2009) – Rámcová smernica o vode (smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2000/60/ES z 23. októbra 2000) – Smernica o priemyselných emisiách (smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2010/75/EÚ z 24. novembra 2010) – Rámcová smernica o odpade (smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2008/98/ES z 19. novembra 2008) – Smernica Seveso III (smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2012/18/EÚ zo 4. júla 2012) – Sociálny rozmer – rámec dodržiavania právnych predpisov EÚ a jej členské štáty majú spoľahlivý právny rámec v oblasti ľudskoprávnych a pracovnoprávnych noriem, ako aj noriem sociálnej ochrany. Predkladatelia projektov/koneční prijímatelia, ktorí sa usilujú získať podporu z Programu InvestEU, musia implementujúcemu partnerovi v rámci procesu náležitej starostlivosti predložiť dôkaz o súlade navrhovaných operácií s platnými právnymi predpismi EÚ a vnútroštátnymi právnymi predpismi. Kontrolný zoznam uvedený ďalej má pomôcť implementujúcim partnerom a prípadne aj finančným sprostredkovateľom pri skúmaní dodržiavania právnych predpisov v prípade navrhovaných operácií financovania a investičných operácií v rámci Programu InvestEU týkajúcich sa sociálneho rozmeru. Implementujúci partner by mal overiť, či je navrhovaná operácia v súlade s týmito právnymi predpismi EÚ (ak sú relevantné): — Charta základných práv Európskej únie: — Hlavné právne predpisy EÚ týkajúce sa zamestnanosti, sociálnych vecí a začleňovania v týchto oblastiach: — pracovné právo, — bezpečnosť a ochrana zdravia pri práci, — voľný pohyb pracovníkov, — koordinácia sociálneho zabezpečenia. Úplné znenie európskych právnych predpisov (smerníc, nariadení, rozhodnutí atď.) a ďalších úradných dokumentov (oznámení atď.) je k dispozícii na webovej lokalite EÚ Eur-Lex. Ak nie: Zmena klímy Adaptácia: Stručne opíšte, prečo sa nevykonalo posúdenie rizík dôsledkov zmeny klímy na základe výsledkov posúdenia zraniteľnosti voči zmene klímy. Zmiernenie: Odporúča sa vykonať posudzovanie uhlíkovej stopy projektu podľa kapitoly 2.2 usmernenia k overovaniu udržateľnosti? Áno Nie Stručne odôvodnite, prečo nie je posúdenie uhlíkovej stopy potrebné, prípadne uveďte akékoľvek iné zvážené hľadiská. Životné prostredie Stručne opíšte právny rámec týkajúci sa otázok životného prostredia, ktorý je relevantný pre projekt: napr.: stručne uveďte, na základe akých informácií je projekt zlučiteľný s rámcom plánovania (t. j. či vychádza z plánu/programu, v prípade ktorého sa vykonalo strategické environmentálne hodnotenie); či projekt patrí (alebo nepatrí) do rozsahu pôsobnosti smernice o EIA, smernice o biotopoch, smernice o ochrane voľne žijúceho vtáctva, rámcovej smernice o vode, smernice o priemyselných emisiách atď. Stručne opíšte výsledky preverovania v rámci Programu InvestEU uskutočneného na základe kontrolného zoznamu 1 uvedeného v prílohe 3 k usmerneniu k overovaniu udržateľnosti. Uveďte napríklad stručné odôvodnenie toho, prečo: i) sa usudzuje, že projekt nemá žiadny vplyv alebo má len malý vplyv na zložky prírodného kapitálu a dve prierezové témy; ii) sa vyžaduje posudzovanie vplyvov projektu na životné prostredie, neboli však identifikované žiadne významné zostávajúce vplyvy. Sociálna oblasť Stručne opíšte výsledky preverovania v rámci Programu InvestEU uskutočneného na základe kontrolného zoznamu uvedeného v prílohe 3 k usmerneniu k overovaniu udržateľnosti. Uveďte napríklad stručné odôvodnenie toho, prečo sa usudzuje, že projekt nemá žiadny vplyv alebo má len malý vplyv na kritériá sociálneho rozmeru opísané v kapitole 2.4 usmernenia k overovaniu udržateľnosti. II.   Informácie, ktoré by mohli byť súčasťou zhrnutia overovania udržateľnosti: a) Identifikácia projektu: všeobecné informácie o projekte (odvetvie a oprávnená oblasť, typ financovania, objem, celkové náklady na projekt, konečný prijímateľ, lokalita atď.). b) Smernica o EIA: na projekt sa vzťahuje smernica o EIA (v ktorej sa vyžaduje vykonanie overenia zohľadnenia problematiky životného prostredia bez ohľadu na celkové náklady na projekt). c) Stručný opis procesu overovania udržateľnosti: táto časť sa prevezme do formulára žiadosti o záruku a bude obsahovať kľúčové aspekty udržateľnosti projektu: — dodržiavanie právnych predpisov a zlučiteľnosť operácie s platnými právnymi predpismi EÚ a politikami EÚ v príslušných oblastiach, ako aj s ostatnými relevantnými dohovormi a vnútroštátnymi právnymi predpismi alebo akékoľvek prípadné problémy s dodržiavaním právnych predpisov, — výsledky procesu overovania udržateľnosti: i) zhrnutie pozitívnych aj negatívnych vplyvov na zmenu klímy/životné prostredie/sociálnu oblasť; ii) navrhované zmierňujúce alebo kompenzačné opatrenia a náklady na ne (ak sú k dispozícii); iii) prípadné zostávajúce riziká a iv) aspekty peňažného vyjadrenia (podľa situácie) atď., — osobitné dojednania (podľa situácie): napr. osobitné zmluvné ustanovenia o predbežných podmienkach a dohovoroch, osobitné podmienky monitorovania atď.; identifikácia projektov infraštruktúry, pri ktorých implementujúci partner identifikoval iba zmierňujúce opatrenia, a či boli odporúčané a vykonané. d) Klimatický rozmer – v tomto oddiele sa poskytnú podrobnejšie informácie o rozmere zmeny klímy vzťahujúce sa na projekt a relevantné pre projekt: — právny rámec platný pre projekt z hľadiska zmeny klímy, napríklad či sa na projekt uplatňuje revidovaná smernica o EIA (z roku 2014) a či sa v správe o posúdení vplyvov na životné prostredie náležite riešili hľadiská zmeny klímy, — adaptácia na zmenu klímy: zhrnutie opisu a výsledkov posúdenia zraniteľnosti voči zmene klímy, opisov identifikovaných rizík a posúdenia rizík dôsledkov zmeny klímy, zavedených adaptačných opatrení a nákladov na ne, prípadných zostávajúcich rizík a spôsobov ich riešenia v realizačnej a prevádzkovej fáze projektu, — zmiernenie zmeny klímy: východisko pre uskutočnenie posúdenia uhlíkovej stopy, ak uhlíkovú stopu vypočítal implementujúci partner alebo iná strana (predkladateľ projektu alebo nezávislý odborník), použitá metodika, východisko pre uskutočnenie (alebo neuskutočnenie) peňažného vyjadrenia emisií skleníkových plynov a identifikácie nízkouhlíkových možností, použité tieňové náklady na uhlík a východisková metodika (ak sa líši od odporúčanej), uvedenie očakávanej životnosti infraštruktúry a opis zlučiteľnosti projektu s podmienkami klimatickej neutrality, — dobrovoľné opatrenia, ktoré sa zaviazal zaviesť konečný prijímateľ na zlepšenie klimatickej výkonnosti projektu (adaptácia na zmenu klímy pod prahovou úrovňou, využívanie lepších technológií na znižovanie emisií skleníkových plynov atď.). e) Environmentálny rozmer – v tomto oddiele sa poskytnú podrobnejšie informácie o rozmere životného prostredia vzťahujúce sa na projekt a relevantné pre projekt: — súlad s regulačným a právnym rámcom platným pre projekt, so smernicou o EIA (dostupné rozhodnutia o posudzovaní vplyvov na životné prostredie alebo o preverovaní), s ďalšími príslušnými smernicami, potrebné povolenia a autorizácie, akékoľvek prípadné problémy s dodržiavaním právnych predpisov, — či sa informácie potrebné na vykonanie overovania prevzali z formálnych správ, ktoré sa vyžadujú na základe právnych predpisov, a/alebo či implementujúci partner vyžadoval dodatočné štúdie, — stručný opis identifikovaných vplyvov v prípade všetkých environmentálnych zložiek podrobne opísaných v tomto usmernení, posúdenie alternatív, kumulované vplyvy, navrhnuté zmierňujúce a kompenzačné opatrenia a náklady na ne, kvantifikácia a peňažné vyjadrenie zostávajúcich rizík uvedené v ekonomickom hodnotení projektu, ak sú potrebné, — odôvodnenie toho, prečo sa zostávajúce riziká a/alebo identifikované/zmiernené vplyvy považujú za prijateľné, a opis všetkých identifikovaných a vykonaných zmierňujúcich opatrení (okrem tých, ktoré boli potrebné z dôvodu dodržania právnych predpisov), — dobrovoľné opatrenia na základe pozitívneho kontrolného zoznamu uvedeného v prílohe 3, ktoré vykonal predkladateľ projektu/konečný prijímateľ na zlepšenie environmentálnych vlastností projektu, a náklady na ne, ako aj potvrdenie ich začlenenia do ekonomického hodnotenia projektu. f) Sociálny rozmer – v tomto oddiele sa poskytnú podrobnejšie informácie o sociálnom rozmere vzťahujúce sa na projekt a relevantné pre projekt: — súlad operácie s platnými pracovnoprávnymi a sociálnymi právnymi predpismi a s medzinárodnými dohovormi a chartami, ako aj akékoľvek prípadné problémy s dodržiavaním právnych predpisov, — stručný opis identifikovaných vplyvov v prípade všetkých sociálnych kritérií podrobne opísaných v tomto usmernení, navrhované zmierňujúce a kompenzačné opatrenia a náklady na ne, všetky dodatočné správy vyžiadané implementujúcim partnerom, ak existujú, — odôvodnenie toho, prečo sa zostávajúce riziká alebo identifikované/zmiernené vplyvy považujú za prijateľné a v súlade s cieľmi Programu InvestEU, — dobrovoľné opatrenia na základe pozitívneho kontrolného zoznamu uvedeného v prílohe 3, ktoré vykonal predkladateľ projektu/konečný prijímateľ na zlepšenie sociálnych vlastností projektu, a náklady na ne, — ciele spoločensky prospešného investovania, a to najmä v oblasti rodovej rovnosti, sociálneho začleňovania alebo sociálnej odolnosti, a/alebo v oblastiach a odvetviach, na ktoré majú vplyv štrukturálne výzvy (podľa situácie). g) Ostatné aspekty udržateľnosti – ostatné príslušné aspekty posudzovania udržateľnosti vzťahujúce sa na projekt: — verejné konzultácie a ďalšie typy zapojenia zainteresovaných strán: či sa vykonali v rámci postupu posudzovania vplyvov na životné prostredie alebo ich vykonal predkladateľ dobrovoľne, aké z nich vyplynuli povinnosti a ako sa riešili, dodatočné zmierňujúce opatrenia vykonané na ochranu kultúrneho dedičstva atď., — informácie o schopnosti predkladateľa projektu/konečného prijímateľa riešiť identifikované vplyvy a vykonávať odporúčané opatrenia, o zavedených systémoch a o tom, či tieto systémy podliehajú nejakej kontrole alebo vyhovujú špecifickým normám, — informácie o zmluvných dojednaniach, doložkách o podmienke zavedených do zmluvy o financovaní, dodatočné záväzky, ktoré musí plniť predkladateľ projektu/konečný príjemca, osobitné podmienky vyplatenia finančných prostriedkov, začlenenie povinností v oblasti udržateľnosti do zmluvy o financovaní, požiadavky na podávanie správ a monitorovanie. (1)  V súlade s požiadavkami usmernenia k overovaniu udržateľnosti z hľadiska proporcionality. PRÍLOHA 3 Kontrolné zoznamy overovania, ktoré majú používať implementujúci partneri pri overovaní v rámci jednotlivých rozmerov Kontrolné zoznamy overovania – klimatický rozmer (kapitola 2) Klimatický rozmer – kontrolné zoznamy preverovania a overovania Odolnosť proti zmene klímy – adaptácia na zmenu klímy Fáza preverovania Kontrolný zoznam: Áno/nie Poznámky a informácie, ktoré má poskytnúť implementujúci partner v dokumentácii podľa usmernenia k overovaniu udržateľnosti predkladanej investičnému výboru Boli poskytnuté informácie o tom, v ktorých fázach vývoja projektu a ako sa zvažovala adaptácia na zmenu klímy alebo problémy s odolnosťou proti zmene klímy?     Je k dispozícii opis metodiky procesu posudzovania zraniteľnosti voči zmene klímy a dôsledkov zmeny klímy a pôsobí táto metodika logicky a úplne, čiže celkovo v súlade s usmernením k overovaniu udržateľnosti?     Sú k dispozícii odkazy na príslušné (1) klimatické predpovede a zdroje údajov o súčasnej a budúcej klíme? Týkajú sa v prípade potreby krátkodobých aj dlhodobých scenárov (t. j. celého trvania projektu a/alebo analyzovaného obdobia)?     Prihliadlo sa na všetky príslušné nebezpečenstvá (faktory zmeny klímy)?     Bola posúdená zraniteľnosť projektu (a jeho zložiek) (podľa typu a lokality projektu)?     Uveďte podrobné závery týkajúce sa posúdenia zraniteľnosti a podrobné odôvodnenie výberu možnosti a) ukončenia procesu overovania alebo b) postúpenia do fázy posudzovania dôsledkov zmeny klímy. Posudzovanie rizík dôsledkov zmeny klímy Uskutočnilo sa posudzovanie rizík (pri ktorom sa posúdila pravdepodobnosť aj vplyv rizík dôsledkov adaptácie na zmenu klímy), ak bol projekt posúdený ako zraniteľný voči určitým klimatickým faktorom (t. j. z fázy preverovania vyplynul záver o existencii potenciálnych rizík súvisiacich so zmenou klímy)?     Identifikovali sa v prípade projektu významné riziká dôsledkov adaptácie na zmenu klímy?     Ak áno, boli do projektu začlenené primerané opatrenia (do jeho návrhu a/alebo prevádzky a údržby)?     Je preukázané, že opatreniami sa znižujú riziká na prijateľnú úroveň?     Uveďte podrobné závery posudzovania rizík dôsledkov zmeny klímy. Bola overená a potvrdená zlučiteľnosť so stratégiami a s plánmi EÚ, vnútroštátnymi, regionálnymi a miestnymi stratégiami a plánmi (podľa situácie) týkajúcimi sa adaptácie na zmenu klímy a ostatnými relevantnými strategickými a plánovacími dokumentmi?     Klimatická neutralita – zmierňovanie zmeny klímy Fáza preverovania Kontrolný zoznam: Áno/nie Poznámky a informácie, ktoré má poskytnúť implementujúci partner v dokumentácii podľa usmernenia k overovaniu udržateľnosti predkladanej investičnému výboru Patrí projekt do niektorej z kategórií projektov s obmedzenými očakávanými úrovňami emisií, v prípade ktorých sa NEBUDE vyžadovať posudzovanie uhlíkovej stopy?     Očakáva sa objem absolútnych a/alebo relatívnych emisií do 20 000  ton ekvivalentu CO2 ročne (pozitívny alebo negatívny)?     Uveďte podrobné závery z preverovania a podrobné odôvodnenie výberu možnosti a) ukončenia procesu overovania zohľadnenia problematicky zmierňovania zmeny klímy alebo b) postúpenia do fázy odhadu a peňažného vyjadrenia emisií skleníkových plynov. Zlučiteľnosť s cieľmi EÚ v oblasti klímy a uhlíková stopa Je projekt pri využívaní kritérií zásady „významne nenarušiť“ v rámci taxonómie alebo inej medzinárodnej prijímanej metodiky zlučiteľný s cieľmi EÚ v oblasti klimatickej neutrality? Uveďte podrobnosti o metodike, na základe ktorej sa potvrdila zlučiteľnosť, a o dosiahnutých záveroch. Vypočítali sa emisie skleníkových plynov za projekt v súlade s medzinárodne uznávanou metodikou? Uveďte podrobnosti požadované v usmernení k overovaniu udržateľnosti. Boli odhadované ročné emisie skleníkových plynov za projekt v štandardnom (alebo priemernom) roku prevádzky uvedené v a) absolútnom aj b) relatívnom vyjadrení (t. j. v porovnaní so základným scenárom „bez projektu“) v tonách ekvivalentu CO2 ročne?     Boli prírastkové emisie skleníkových plynov súvisiace s projektom peňažne vyjadrené (pomocou štandardných tieňových cien uhlíka) a zahrnuté do ekonomického hodnotenia alebo analýzy nákladov a prínosov?     Spôsobuje projekt zvýšenie alebo zníženie emisií skleníkových plynov? Uveďte podrobnosti. Bola overená a potvrdená zlučiteľnosť projektu s dôveryhodnou cestou k dosiahnutiu celkových cieľov v oblasti znižovania emisií skleníkových plynov na roky 2030 a 2050? Bola v rámci toho v prípade infraštruktúry s trvaním presahujúcim rok 2050 overená a potvrdená zlučiteľnosť projektu s prevádzkovaním, údržbou a prípadným ukončením projektov za podmienok klimatickej neutrality?     Kontrolné zoznamy overovania – environmentálny rozmer (kapitola 2) Environmentálny rozmer – dodržiavanie právnych predpisov – kontrolný zoznam 0 A.1. Zlučiteľnosť operácie s rámcom plánovania Áno/nie A.1.1. Je operácia súčasťou plánu/programu/stratégie na miestnej, regionálnej alebo vnútroštátnej úrovni?   A.1.2. Ak áno, uskutočnilo sa v prípade plánu/programu/stratégie posudzovanie vplyvov na životné prostredie v súlade so smernicou 2001/42/EÚ o strategickom environmentálnom hodnotení?   (Implementujúci partner sa bude opierať o vlastné vyhlásenie predkladateľa projektu)   A.2. Uplatňovanie smernice Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2011/92/EÚ (ďalej len „smernica o EIA“) v znení zmien   A.2.1. Ak je operácia uvedená v prílohách k smernici o EIA:   — v prílohe I k smernici o EIA, prejdite na otázku A.2.2,   — v prílohe II k smernici o EIA, prejdite na otázku A.2.3,   — nie je uvedená v žiadnej z týchto dvoch príloh, prejdite na otázku A.2.4. (Malo by sa stručne odôvodniť, prečo sa operácia považuje za neuvedenú v žiadnej z týchto príloh.)   A.2.2. Keď je uvedená v prílohe I k smernici o EIA, priložte správu o posúdení vplyvov na životné prostredie, netechnické zhrnutie informácií a rozhodnutie príslušného orgánu, ktorý ukončil proces posudzovania vplyvov na životné prostredie  (2), a do textového poľa ďalej uveďte ďalšie informácie a vysvetlenia:   1. Bola správa o posúdení vplyvov na životné prostredie vypracovaná podľa článku 5 ods. 1 a prílohy IV k smernici o EIA?   2. Uskutočnili sa konzultácie s environmentálnymi orgánmi, s orgánmi s regionálnymi a miestnymi právomocami, ktorých sa projekt týka, s verejnosťou a prípadne konzultácie s ostatnými členskými štátmi v súlade s článkami 6 a 7 smernice o EIA?   3. Bolo rozhodnutie príslušného orgánu (ak už bolo prijaté) sprístupnené verejnosti?       A.2.3. Keď je uvedená v prílohe II k smernici o EIA:   1. Ak sa uskutočnilo posudzovanie vplyvov na životné prostredie, priložte potrebné dokumenty uvedené v otázke A.2.2. 2. Ak sa posudzovanie vplyvov na životné prostredie neuskutočnilo, priložte rozhodnutie požadované v článku 4 ods. 5 písm. b)  (3) smernice o EIA (často nazývané aj „rozhodnutie o preverovaní“) a potvrďte, že bolo sprístupnené verejnosti a že boli zvážené kritériá uvedené v prílohe III. 3. Ak sa rozhodnutie nevykonalo, uveďte použité prahové hodnoty alebo kritériá v súlade s vnútroštátnymi právnymi predpismi a článkom 4 ods. 2 písm. b) smernice o EIA. A.2.4. Keď sa na operáciu nevzťahujú prílohy k smernici o EIA, uveďte stavebné povolenie (alebo iné príslušné schvaľovacie povolenie), ak existuje. A.3. Uplatnenie smernice 92/43/EHS o ochrane prirodzených biotopov a voľne žijúcich živočíchov a rastlín (1) (smernica o biotopoch a smernica o ochrane voľne žijúceho vtáctva); posúdenie účinkov na lokality sústavy Natura 2000   A.3.1. Vzťahovalo sa na operáciu primerané posudzovanie podľa článku 6 ods. 3  (4) smernice o biotopoch?   A.3.2. Ak je odpoveď na otázku A.3.1 „áno“, priložte:   1. primerané posúdenie uskutočnené podľa článku 6 ods. 3 smernice o biotopoch;   2. kópiu štandardného oznamovacieho formulára „Informácie pre Európsku komisiu podľa článku 6 ods. 4 smernice o biotopoch“ v znení oznámenom Komisii (GR pre životné prostredie), ak existuje, a/alebo;   3. stanovisko Komisie podľa článku 6 ods. 4 smernice o biotopoch v prípade projektov s významným vplyvom na prioritné biotopy a/alebo druhy a opodstatnených naliehavými dôvodmi prevažujúceho verejného záujmu okrem zdravia alebo bezpečnosti ľudí, alebo priaznivými dôsledkami prvoradého významu pre životné prostredie. A.3.3. Ak je odpoveď na otázku A.3.1 „nie“, priložte:   1. odôvodnenie toho, prečo sa uskutočnenie primeraného posúdenia nepovažovalo za potrebné (v rozhodnutiach o posudzovaní vplyvov na životné prostredie alebo v samostatnom dokumente). 2. mapu (v mierke 1 : 100 000 alebo v najbližšej možnej mierke) s označením lokality, v ktorej sa má vykonať operácia, a dotknutých lokalít sústavy Natura 2 000. A.4. Uplatnenie smernice Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2000/60/ES (rámcová smernica o vode); posúdenie účinkov na vodné útvary   A.4.1. Zhorší sa v dôsledku operácie stav vodného útvaru alebo sa znemožní dosiahnutie dobrého stavu/potenciálu vôd?   1. Ak je odpoveď na otázku A.4.1 „áno“  (5), uveďte posúdenie a podrobné vysvetlenie spôsobu, akým boli/majú byť splnené všetky podmienky podľa článku 4 ods. 7 rámcovej smernice o vode. 2. Ak je odpoveď na otázku A.4.1 „nie“, uveďte odôvodnenie toho, prečo sa použitie výnimiek uvedených v článku 4 ods. 7 nepovažuje za potrebné (napr. všetky potenciálne vplyvy operácie sa ukázali ako dočasné alebo nevýznamné pre vodný útvar z rámcovej smernice o vode a neboli identifikované žiadne vplyvy ani ich kombinácia, prípadne žiadne zostávajúce vplyvy na vodný útvar v prípade vykonania zmierňujúcich opatrení atď.). A.5. V prípade potreby informácie o súlade s inými smernicami o životnom prostredí   A.5.1. Uplatňovanie smernice Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2010/75/EÚ (1) (smernica o priemyselných emisiách). Vysvetlite, ako je projekt v súlade s požiadavkami smernice 2010/75/EÚ, konkrétne s uplatňovaním najlepších dostupných techník, a v prípade potreby s emisnými limitmi stanovenými v tejto smernici. A.5.2. Akékoľvek iné relevantné smernice o životnom prostredí (vysvetlite ďalej). Environmentálny rozmer – preverovanie a overovanie zložiek životného prostredia – kontrolný zoznam 1 (kapitola 2) Kontrolný zoznam na identifikáciu potenciálne významných negatívnych vplyvov na ovzdušie   PREVEROVANIE OVEROVANIE Otázka Áno/nie/stručný opis  (6) [1] Aký významný je vplyv [2]  (7) Aká je pravdepodobnosť vplyvu [3]  (8) Aká je úroveň rizika vplyvu [4]  (9) Navrhované (dodatočné) zmiernenie [5] Úroveň zostávajúceho rizika po (dodatočnom) zmiernení [6] 1. Bude projekt/operácia obsahovať opatrenia, ktoré ovplyvnia kvalitu ovzdušia, napr. v dôsledku emisií prachu, spotreby energie, emisií z výrobných procesov alebo významných zmien spôsobov dopravy, prípadne infraštruktúry?             2. Vykonáva sa projekt/operácia v zóne kvality ovzdušia, ktorá nespĺňa ciele stanovené v regionálnom/národnom pláne kvality ovzdušia? Týkajú sa emisie z projektu tých istých cieľov?             3. Je potrebné zvážiť aj ďalšie faktory, ako napríklad následný vývoj, ktoré by mohli mať za následok vplyvy na kvalitu ovzdušia alebo potenciál kumulovania vplyvov s inými existujúcimi alebo plánovanými činnosťami v lokalite (napr. z dôvodu zintenzívnenia inej priemyselnej výrobnej činnosti v rámci vytvárania výrobného klastra)?             4. Budú sa v dôsledku projektu vyžadovať nejaké ďalšie činnosti, ktoré by mohli viesť k zvýšeniu emisií do ovzdušia?             Kontrolný zoznam na identifikáciu potenciálne významných negatívnych vplyvov na vodné prostredie   PREVEROVANIE OVEROVANIE Otázka Áno/nie/stručný opis [1] Aký významný je vplyv [2] Aká je pravdepodobnosť vplyvu [3] Aká je úroveň rizika vplyvu [4] Navrhované (dodatočné) zmiernenie [5] Úroveň zostávajúceho rizika po (dodatočnom) zmiernení [6] 1. Bude projekt zahŕňať opatrenia, ktoré ovplyvnia povrchové vody, podzemné vody alebo morské vody (dočasne alebo natrvalo)?             2. Bude mať projekt za následok riziká kontaminácie vodného prostredia vyplývajúce z vypúšťania znečisťujúcich látok do povrchových, podzemných či pobrežných vôd alebo do mora? Alebo bude mať za následok vypúšťanie veľkého objemu do čističiek odpadových vôd?             3. Bude súčasťou projektu využívanie, uskladňovanie, preprava, výroba látok/zmesí (vrátane biocídov a pesticídov), ktoré by mohli poškodzovať vodné prostredie, prípadne manipulácia s nimi? Pri odpovedi na túto otázku prihliadnite na ich klasifikáciu nebezpečnosti, ako aj na inú klasifikáciu podľa nariadenia REACH (napr. na látky vzbudzujúce veľmi veľké obavy s perzistentnými, bioakumulatívnymi a toxickými/veľmi perzistentnými a veľmi bioakumulatívnymi vlastnosťami alebo vlastnosťami endokrinných disruptorov). 4. Je potrebné zvážiť aj ďalšie faktory, ako napríklad následný vývoj, ktoré by mohli mať za následok vplyvy na kvalitu vody alebo potenciál kumulovania vplyvov s inými existujúcimi alebo plánovanými činnosťami v lokalite/oblasti (napr. z dôvodu zintenzívnenia inej priemyselnej výrobnej činnosti v rámci vytvárania výrobného klastra)?             5. Vyskytujú sa v lokalite alebo jej okolí nejaké oblasti so znečistením alebo s poškodením životného prostredia, napr. v ktorých sa prekračujú existujúce zákonné environmentálne normy, na ktoré by mohol mať projekt vplyv?             6. Je lokalita projektu náchylná na eróziu, záplavy alebo suchá, čo by mohlo zintenzívniť vplyvy na vodné prostredie?             Kontrolný zoznam na identifikáciu potenciálne významných negatívnych vplyvov na zem a pôdu   PREVEROVANIE OVEROVANIE Otázka Áno/nie/stručný opis [1] Aký významný je vplyv [2] Aká je pravdepodobnosť vplyvu [3] Aká je úroveň rizika vplyvu [4] Navrhované (dodatočné) zmiernenie [5] Úroveň zostávajúceho rizika po (dodatočnom) zmiernení [6] 1. Budú súčasťou projektu/operácie opatrenia, ktoré môžu vyvolať eróziu? Môže sa tak stať v dôsledku: — narúšania pôdy, napr. orbou zvlnených svahov, — odstraňovania vegetatívnej pokrývky pôdy a/alebo živých plotov, — neprimeraného využívania ťažkej techniky. 2. Budú súčasťou projektu/operácie opatrenia, ktoré môžu vyvolať úbytok organickej hmoty pôdy? Môže sa tak stať v dôsledku: — zmeny využívania pôdy, — odvodňovania mokradí, — odlesňovania. 3. Budú súčasťou projektu/operácie opatrenia, ktoré môžu vyvolať zhutňovanie pôdy? Môže sa tak stať v dôsledku: — neprimeraného využívania ťažkej techniky, — vysokej hustoty chovu hospodárskych zvierat, — rozsiahlych stavebných prác. 4. Budú súčasťou projektu/operácie opatrenia, ktoré môžu vyvolať salinizáciu? Môže sa tak stať v dôsledku: — nesprávnej technológie zavlažovania, — neprimeraného odvodňovania, — nadmerného využívania podzemných vôd. 5. Budú súčasťou projektu/operácie opatrenia, ktoré môžu vyvolať zosuvy? Môže sa tak stať v dôsledku: — narušenia topografie v dôsledku stavebných prác, — zmien vo využívaní pôdy, napr. odlesňovania, — ťažby materiálov. 6. Budú súčasťou projektu/operácie opatrenia, ktoré môžu vyvolať kontamináciu pôdy? Môže sa tak stať v dôsledku: — využívania priemyselných zariadení, — využívania banských zariadení, — uskladňovania chemických látok, — atmosférickej depozície nebezpečných chemických látok. 7. Budú súčasťou projektu/operácie opatrenia, ktoré môžu vyvolať nepriepustnosť pôdy? Môže sa tak stať v dôsledku: — rozrastania miest, — intenzívnejšej dopravy. 8. Vyskytujú sa v lokalite alebo v jej okolí nejaké oblasti alebo miesta historického či kultúrneho významu, na ktoré by mohol mať projekt vplyv?             9. Má projekt vplyv na využívanie prístupu k prírodným zdrojom spoločenstvami?             10. Je potrebné zvážiť aj ďalšie faktory, ako napríklad následný vývoj, ktoré by mohli mať za následok vplyvy na využívanie pôdy alebo potenciál kumulovania vplyvov s inými existujúcimi alebo plánovanými činnosťami v lokalite/oblasti (napr. z dôvodu zintenzívnenia inej priemyselnej výrobnej činnosti v rámci vytvárania výrobného klastra)?             11. Budú sa v dôsledku projektu vyžadovať nejaké ďalšie činnosti, ktoré by mohli viesť k využívaniu zeme a pôdy?             Kontrolný zoznam na identifikáciu potenciálne významných negatívnych vplyvov na biodiverzitu   PREVEROVANIE OVEROVANIE Otázka Áno/nie/stručný opis [1] Aký významný je vplyv [2] Aká je pravdepodobnosť vplyvu [3] Aká je úroveň rizika vplyvu [4] Navrhované (dodatočné) zmiernenie [5] Úroveň zostávajúceho rizika po (dodatočnom) zmiernení [6] 1. Mohol by mať projekt vplyv na nejaké lokality označené za chránené?             2. Bude výstavba alebo ukončenie projektu zahŕňať opatrenia, ktoré budú mať dočasné vplyvy na lokalitu označenú za chránenú alebo na prirodzený ekosystém?             3. Bude výstavba alebo ukončenie projektu zahŕňať opatrenia, ktoré budú mať dočasné vplyvy na chránené lokality, lokality s miestnym významom alebo na prirodzený ekosystém?             4. Mohol by mať samotný projekt počas svojej prevádzkovej fázy vplyv na lokalitu označenú za chránenú, lokalitu s miestnym významom alebo na prirodzený ekosystém?             5. Bude mať projekt za následok riziká vyplývajúce z kontaminácie lokalít označených za chránené alebo prirodzeného ekosystému?             6. Bude súčasťou projektu využívanie, uskladňovanie, preprava, výroba látok/zmesí (vrátane biocídov a pesticídov), ktoré by mohli poškodzovať flóru a faunu, prípadne manipulácia s nimi?             7. Vyskytujú sa v lokalite alebo v jej okolí nejaké ďalšie ekologicky významné alebo citlivé oblasti, prípadne ohrozené druhy, na ktoré by mohol mať projekt vplyv?             8. Vyskytujú sa nejaké významné alebo citlivé biotopy (napr. na hniezdenie) alebo prirodzený ekosystém, neoznačené ako chránené, na ktoré by mohol mať projekt vplyv?             9. Je potrebné zvážiť aj ďalšie faktory, ako napríklad následný vývoj, ktoré by mohli mať za následok vplyvy na okolitú biodiverzitu?             10. Vyskytujú sa v lokalite alebo jej okolí nejaké oblasti označené za chránené alebo biotopy či prirodzený ekosystém s miestnym významom so znečistením alebo s poškodením životného prostredia, napr. v ktorých sa prekračujú existujúce zákonné environmentálne normy, na ktoré by mohol mať projekt vplyv?             Kontrolný zoznam na identifikáciu potenciálne významných negatívnych vplyvov na hluk   PREVEROVANIE OVEROVANIE Otázka Áno/nie/stručný opis [1] Aký významný je vplyv [2] Aká je pravdepodobnosť vplyvu [3] Aká je úroveň rizika vplyvu [4] Navrhované (dodatočné) zmiernenie [5] Úroveň zostávajúceho rizika po (dodatočnom) zmiernení [6] 1. Bude projekt/operácia obsahovať opatrenia, ktoré budú spôsobovať prekračovanie úrovní hluku a vibrácií, čo bude mať za následok vyrušovanie alebo negatívne účinky na zdravie? Zvážte účinky počas dňa aj noci. 2. Bude sa projekt vykonávať v urbanizovanej alebo obytnej oblasti a bude mať počas prevádzky za následok významné zvýšenie úrovní hluku počas dňa alebo noci?             3. Považujú sa problémy s hlukom a vibráciami za prirodzenú súčasť projektu alebo zariadenia, ak sa projekt týka zmien dopravnej infraštruktúry alebo železničných koľajových vozidiel?             4. Vyskytujú sa v lokalite alebo v jej okolí nejaké dopravné trasy náchylné na vysoké úrovne premávky alebo preťaženie alebo spôsobujúce problémy s hlukom v životnom prostredí, na ktoré by mohol mať projekt vplyv?             5. Je potrebné zvážiť aj ďalšie faktory, ako napríklad následný vývoj, ktoré by mohli mať za následok potenciál kumulovania vplyvov s inými existujúcimi alebo plánovanými činnosťami v lokalite/oblasti (napr. z dôvodu zintenzívnenia dopravy alebo inej priemyselnej výrobnej činnosti v rámci vytvárania výrobného klastra)?             6. Vyskytujú sa v lokalite alebo v jej okolí nejaké pozemky s citlivým využitím, ako napríklad nemocnice, školy, miesta konania bohoslužieb, komunitné zariadenia, na ktoré by mohol mať projekt vplyv? Vyskytujú sa v lokalite alebo jej okolí nejaké oblasti s nadmerným hlukom alebo vplyvmi vibrácií, napr. v ktorých sa nedosahujú ciele EÚ a na ktoré by mohol mať projekt vplyv?             Kontrolný zoznam na identifikáciu potenciálne významných negatívnych vplyvov na zápach   PREVEROVANIE OVEROVANIE Otázka Áno/nie/stručný opis [1] Aký významný je vplyv [2] Aká je pravdepodobnosť vplyvu [3] Aká je úroveň rizika vplyvu [4] Navrhované (dodatočné) zmiernenie [5] Úroveň zostávajúceho rizika po (dodatočnom) zmiernení [6] 1. Vzniknú v dôsledku realizácie projektu škodlivé emisie zápachu?             2. Môžu mať zápachy takú povahu a intenzitu, ktorá spôsobuje vyrušovanie alebo negatívny vplyv na zdravie?             3. Bude sa lokalita nachádzať v oblasti, v ktorej môže napríklad vzhľadom na smer vetra dochádzať k vplyvu na obyvateľov a iné zraniteľné skupiny (receptory)?             4. Je potrebné zvážiť aj ďalšie faktory, ako napríklad následný vývoj, ktoré by mohli mať za následok potenciál kumulovania vplyvov s inými existujúcimi alebo plánovanými činnosťami v lokalite/oblasti (napr. z dôvodu zintenzívnenia činnosti v rámci klastra)?             Environmentálny rozmer – pozitívny program – kontrolný zoznam 2 (kapitola 2) Pozitívny program – kvalita ovzdušia Otázka Áno/nie/stručný opis Je pravdepodobný významný pozitívny vplyv? Áno/nie – prečo Dobrovoľný záväzok začleniť dodatočné opatrenia na zlepšenie environmentálnych vlastností operácie 1. Bude projekt viesť k lepšej energetickej efektívnosti? Mohlo by sa tak stať v dôsledku: — zníženej energetickej náročnosti výrobných činností, — zníženej energetickej náročnosti požiadaviek na dopravu, — zníženej potreby dopravy/energie — atď. 2. Bude projekt viesť k využívaniu obnoviteľných zdrojov energie?       3. Bude súčasťou projektu zachytávanie energie z odpadových materiálov?       4. Bude projekt viesť k zvýšeniu potenciálu opätovného využívania alebo recyklácie hotových výrobkov, a tým k znižovaniu spotreby energie pri výrobe pôvodných látok?       5. Boli výrobné technológie vybraté s cieľom minimalizovať potenciál emisií do ovzdušia pri zdroji?       6. Boli výrobné technológie vybraté v súlade so smernicou o ekodizajne a predpismi o energetickom označovaní?       7. Boli výrobné technológie a chemické vstupy vybraté s cieľom minimalizovať využívanie nebezpečných látok, ktoré by sa emitovali do ovzdušia v odpadových plynoch alebo prostredníctvom emisií z procesov?       8. Boli v rámci návrhu projektu prijaté ďalšie opatrenia na obmedzenie emisií do ovzdušia?       9. Existujú aj ďalšie aspekty, ktorými sa pri prevádzke, ako aj realizácii projektu preukazujú osvedčené postupy v oblasti životného prostredia? Napríklad zvyšovanie informovanosti obyvateľov a ostatných podnikov, využívanie príležitostí v rozvíjajúcom sa sektore životného prostredia. Pozitívny program – vodné prostredie Otázka Áno/nie/stručný opis Je pravdepodobný významný pozitívny vplyv? Áno/nie – prečo Dobrovoľný záväzok začleniť dodatočné opatrenia na zlepšenie environmentálnych vlastností operácie 1.
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// Copyright (c) 2021 Yoakke. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. // Source repository: using System; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Yoakke.Lsp.Model.Serialization; namespace Yoakke.Lsp.Model.Basic { /// <summary> /// See /// </summary> [JsonConverter(typeof(DocumentUriConverter))] public readonly struct DocumentUri : IEquatable<DocumentUri> { /// <summary> /// The raw URI string. /// </summary> public readonly string Value; /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DocumentUri"/> struct. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The raw URI string.</param> public DocumentUri(string value) { this.Value = value; } /// <inheritdoc/> public bool Equals(DocumentUri other) => this.Value.Equals(other.Value); /// <summary> /// Implicitly converts a <see cref="string"/> to a <see cref="DocumentUri"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The <see cref="string"/> to convert.</param> public static implicit operator DocumentUri(string value) => new(value); } }
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#include <sys/fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "struct_Sensor.h" extern const unsigned int MAX_SESORS; #define OK 0 #define NOK -1 #define FILEADDR "/home/ziajek/Desktop/programowanie/main_library/Red.bin" #define DELAY 0 /* important for synch file access: for read: r+b fl.l_type = F_RDLCK; F_SETLKW */ /* Read all file instead of just single part (todo) index value is 0:(MAX_SESORS-1) */ int read_sensor(struct Sensor * out_single_sensor, const int index) { // private data int i; //check input data (parameters) if (out_single_sensor == NULL || index < 0 || index >= MAX_SESORS) return NOK; //open file FILE * f = fopen(FILEADDR, "r+b"); //read only + binary mode (fopen) int fd = fileno(f); // need number from open() if (fd == -1) { perror("open"); return NOK; } // lock struct flock fl = {}; fl.l_type = F_RDLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; // F_SETFL // F_SETFD if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl) == -1) { perror("fcntl"); return NOK; } // save to local data base // 1. read all struct Sensor * S_wsk = malloc(sizeof(struct Sensor)*MAX_SESORS); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET ); for(i=0;i<MAX_SESORS;i++) { fread(&S_wsk[i], sizeof(struct Sensor), 1, f); } // 2.Change sensor data *out_single_sensor = S_wsk[index]; // No need to write again if (DELAY) sleep(3); free(S_wsk); //release fl.l_type = F_UNLCK; fl.l_whence = 0; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl) == -1) { perror("fcntl"); return NOK; } fclose(f); return OK; } int read_all_sensors(struct Sensor * out_arr_sensors) { // private data int i; //check input data (parameters) if (out_arr_sensors == NULL) return NOK; //open file FILE * f = fopen(FILEADDR, "r+b"); //read only + binary mode (fopen) int fd = fileno(f); // need number from open() if (fd == -1) { perror("open"); return NOK; } // lock struct flock fl = {}; fl.l_type = F_RDLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; //F_SETFL if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl) == -1) { perror("fcntl"); return NOK; } // save to local data base // 1. read all struct Sensor * S_wsk = malloc(sizeof(struct Sensor)*MAX_SESORS); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET ); for(i=0;i<MAX_SESORS;i++) { fread(&S_wsk[i], sizeof(struct Sensor), 1, f); } // 2.Change all sensors data for(i=0;i<MAX_SESORS;i++) { out_arr_sensors[i] = S_wsk[i]; } // No need to write again if (DELAY) sleep(3); free(S_wsk); //release fl.l_type = F_UNLCK; fl.l_whence = 0; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl) == -1) { perror("fcntl"); return NOK; } fclose(f); return OK; } int print_sensor(const int index) { // private data int i; //check input data (parameters) if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_SESORS) return NOK; //open file FILE * f = fopen(FILEADDR, "r+b"); //read only + binary mode (fopen) int fd = fileno(f); // need number from open() if (fd == -1) { perror("open"); return NOK; } // lock struct flock fl = {}; fl.l_type = F_RDLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; //F_SETFL if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl) == -1) { perror("fcntl"); return NOK; } // save to local data base // 1. read all struct Sensor * S_wsk = malloc(sizeof(struct Sensor)*MAX_SESORS); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET ); for(i=0;i<MAX_SESORS;i++) { fread(&S_wsk[i], sizeof(struct Sensor), 1, f); } // 2.Just print single data printf("sens%d: id:%d\n",index,(S_wsk+index)->ID); printf("sens%d: tclass:%c\n",index,(S_wsk+index)->tclass); printf("sens%d: value:%f\n",index,(S_wsk+index)->value); printf("sens%d: voltage:%f\n",index,(S_wsk+index)->voltage); printf("sens%d: info:%s\n",index,(S_wsk+index)->info); if (DELAY) sleep(3); free(S_wsk); //release fl.l_type = F_UNLCK; fl.l_whence = 0; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl) == -1) { perror("fcntl"); return NOK; } fclose(f); return OK; } int print_all_sensors() { // private data int i; //open file FILE * f = fopen(FILEADDR, "r+b"); //read only + binary mode (fopen) int fd = fileno(f); // need number from open() if (fd == -1) { perror("open"); return NOK; } // lock struct flock fl = {}; fl.l_type = F_RDLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; //F_SETFL if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl) == -1) { perror("fcntl"); return NOK; } // save to local data base // 1. read all struct Sensor * S_wsk = malloc(sizeof(struct Sensor)*MAX_SESORS); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET ); for(i=0;i<MAX_SESORS;i++) { fread(&S_wsk[i], sizeof(struct Sensor), 1, f); } // 2.Print all data for(i=0;i<MAX_SESORS;i++) { printf("sens%d: id:%d\n",i,S_wsk->ID); printf("sens%d: tclass:%c\n",i,S_wsk->tclass); printf("sens%d: value:%f\n",i,S_wsk->value); printf("sens%d: voltage:%f\n",i,S_wsk->voltage); printf("sens%d: info:%s\n",i,S_wsk->info); S_wsk+=1; } S_wsk = S_wsk - MAX_SESORS; if (DELAY) sleep(3); free(S_wsk); //release fl.l_type = F_UNLCK; fl.l_whence = 0; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &fl) == -1) { perror("fcntl"); return NOK; } fclose(f); return OK; } //
Public Domain
POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS JOHN F. GOLDY, Os Savery. Candidate on the Democratic Ticket for Representative in the State Legislature. Ranchman and stockgrower. Thirty years a resident of Carbon County. Familiar with the industries of Carbon County and the State, and conversant with their legislative needs. ROBERT T. WOOD. Democratic Candidate for County Commissioner. To the Voters of Carbon County: I have been chosen by the Democratic voters as their nominee for the office of County Commissioner for the two-year term. If elected to that office, I promise to do my duty honestly and conscientiously, and will at all times work for the interests of the people the County over. I am not entering this race for office for political or financial gain, but merely because I feel that I can do my County some good. Road and bridge work are my specialties, and I am certain that conditions can be improved. I will appreciate your support at the General Election November 6th. ROBERT T. WOOD. Archie Anderson’s BIG SALE Of Cattle, Horses and other property, which was postponed from October 16 on account of the epidemic of influenza, will be held on Wednesday, October 30. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. The following is a full, true and correct copy of the Constitutional Amendments which were proposed by the Fourteenth State Legislature of the State of Wyoming and which will be submitted to the electors of the said State for their adoption or rejection. At the general election to be held in this State on the fifth day of November, A. D. 1918, being respectively proposed amendments Number One, Number Two, and Number Three, received from the Fourteenth State Legislature: Amendment Number One. (For the prohibition of the manufacture, sale, and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors.) Article XIX. Intoxicating Liquors. Section 1. On and after the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred twenty, the manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of malt, vinous or spirituous liquors (?) wine, ale, porter, beer or any intoxicating drink, mixture or preparation of like nature, except as hereinafter provided, are hereby prohibited in this State. Provided, however, that the manufacture and sale and keeping for sale of such liquors for medicinal, pharmaceutical, mechanical, sacramental, and scientific purposes, and the manufacture and sale of denatured alcohol for industrial purposes may be permitted under such regulations as the legislature may prescribe. The legislature shall, without delay, enact such laws, with regulations, conditions, securities and penalties as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this section. Amendment Number Two. (Authorizing a special tax upon livestock for stock inspection, protection and indemnity.) Article XV. Section 15. It shall be lawful for the legislature to provide for a special tax to be levied exclusively upon all livestock of the state for the purpose of raising money to aid in stock inspection, stock protection and stock indemnity. Amendment Number Three. (For the calling of a district judge to sit as a member of the supreme court in a cause in which a justice of the supreme court is unable to sit.) Article V. Section 6. In case a Justice of the Supreme Court shall for any reason be unable to sit in any cause in said Court, the presiding Justice of said Court shall call one of the District Judges to sit as a member of said Court on the hearing of said cause. FRANK L. HOUX. Secretary of State. State Land Notice. United States Land Office, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Sept. 19, 1918. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming has filed in this office application to select a list of lands situated in townships described herein; that the list is open to public inspection and a copy thereof by descriptive subdivisions has been posted in this office for the inspection of the public and all persons interested. Miners’ Hospital List No. 108, Serial No. 02:1346, for the NW¼ NE¼, Sec. 27, T. 16 N., R. 88 W, 6th P. M. Protests or contests will be received for filing prior to approval and certification and forwarded to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C., for action. WILL REID, 9265 Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Cheyenne, Wyoming, September 21, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Carleton S. Elmos, of Dixon, Wyoming, who, on Sept. 23, 1911, made Homestead Entry. Serial No. 07837, for SW% SE%, SE% SW¼, Section 8, Township 14 N., Range 89 W., 6th Principal Meridian. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. R. Watson, Clerk of the District Court, at Rawlins, Wyoming, on the 30th day of October, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: William A. Daniels, Leonard M. Beavers, Milford Montgomery, all of Dixon, Wyoming, and John St. A. Boyer of Savery, Wyoming. WILL REID, Register. (First pub. Sept. 26, 1918.) Notice to Creditors. State of Wyoming, County of Carbon, ss. IN THE DISTRICT COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles McKay, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that on the 7th day of October, A. D. 1918, Letters of Administration were duly granted by the above entitled Court, in the above entitled estate, to Fred B. Durrie, of Saratoga, Wyoming, the undersigned. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the said estate of Charles McKay, deceased, being the above entitled estate, are required to exhibit them for allowance to the said administrator, Fred B. Durrie, at Saratoga, Wyoming, with proper claims therefor, within six months after the date of said letters, to-wit, within six months after the said 7th day of October, A. D. 1918, or they may be precluded from any benefit from such estate, and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the said date of said Letters, they shall be forever barred. Dated this 8th day of October, A. D. 1918. 1918. FRED B. DURRIE, Administrator of the Estate of Charles McKay. Deceased. A. J. ROSIER, Attorney for Estate. 108 1500.00 Reward. The Saratoga Valley Stock Growers Association will pay a reward of >SOO for the arrest ana conviction of any person or persons stealing or killing live stock belonging to any member of the above-named association. J. A. BCHOONJANB, j LIL Connesa, Sec. President THE SARATOGA SUN Victory In Sight. > The democrats of Carbon county and k Wyoming have cause to feel confident of a glorious victory this fall bi-cnuse of the splendid ticket which is before them for siqqiort. In Hon. John E. Osborne (’arbon county has a nominee of whom the democrats <»f the whole state are proud. lie is the ideal candidate for • the high office of United States sena- • tor because of the fact that he is closer . to the administration at Washington in its policies than any other man in the state with the exception of Governor Houx, and with Governor Houx on the | ticket with him we have a ticket which should receive the undivided support of every real American who believes that the paramount duty of all at this time is to assist in winning the war. Mr. Osborne’s long service in Wash ington during the trying times prior to ami after the beginning of the war. put him in close touch with the work now being done by President Wilson and his administration. In fact, he has been close to the administration in all things connected with the conduct of the war from tlu* very first, and heli>ed materi ally in satisfactorily handling the Mex ican question and the many other vex ing matters which arose as the result of German propaganda which sought to embroil this country in war with Mex ico and Japan. He is 100 percent American and is 100 percent in sympathy with the administration, while at the most his opponent is but 50 percent in favor of "standing behind the president." When he has taken his seat as a senator, we will know that we have a man in the senate who will in all things be a consistent supporter of the administration, and one who will help our present able Senator Kendrick in giving Wyoming representation of which it and the nation may feel proud. As to Governor Houx, there should be no question. He has been our governor during all the war time and has been largely responsible for the excellent record made by our state in the mobilization of our state troops and the draft men who are now in the national army. It was because of his excellent system that we were able to be the first state to report that we were ready, and has been very highly complimented by the men at Washington on his accomplishments in this line. In fact, so noticeable has been the record of our state that Chautauqua lecturers have referred to Wyoming as the most patriotic state in the nation. To make a change of governors now would be a gross blunder, as a new man would have to go back to the beginning and learn all of the things which Governor Houx has learned in the past two years, not only in connection with the war but in state matters as well. Many of the best laws now on our statute books were originated by Mr. Houx while he was secretary of state, and he keeps in touch with the needs of our state along these lines. In my next letter, I will take up a few things in connection with the county ticket, which is undoubtedly the strongest ticket offered the voters for many years past. C. C. D. A COMPETENT OFFICIAL. One of the state officers who has made a record for being everlastingly at the business of his department is Maurice Groshon, the State Dairy, Food and Oil Commissioner. By his unfailing courtesy, his knowledge of the most desirable features of the pure food laws of this country, and his incessant pressure to secure the enforcement of the laws, he has been largely instrumental in raising the standard of our dairy, food and oil laws and in protecting dealer and consumer alike under these laws. Mr. Groshon is now the Democratic candidate for Secretary of State, and in that office he will have even larger opportunities for service to the state, and will make the same kind of record of success that has characterized his work as Pure Food Commissioner. His friends and admirers of all parties and in all parts of the state are rallying to his support. PERSHING AND WARREN. The Democratic press of the state, under the baneful influence and coaching of the office-holding Democratic campaign managers in Cheyenne, announce the following: Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Cheyenne, Wyoming, September 18, 1918. Notice is hereby given that William H. D’Esterre, of Encampment, Wyoming, who, on March 23, 1910, made Desert on the 30th day of October 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: R. E. Deming, Glen H. Hackmaster, H. R. Temple, and A. Alexanderson, all as Battle Creek, Colorado. WILL REID, Register. (First pub. Sept. 20) LIVESTOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Opening Steer Market Strong and 15-25c Higher HOGS MOSTLY 10c LOWER Rough Packing Grades Very Draggy.— Bulk $16.50@17.00, Top $17.15. Feeder Lambs, 50@51.00 Higher. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Ort. 22. —The cattle run was light yesterday morning, but 375 cars or 9,800 head arriving, which is some 10,000 short of the supply last Monday. Trading opened in fairly active fashion, prices paid by the packers on western steers were fully 15025 c higher than last week’s close. Butcher stock was slow on opening round but closed 25,050 c higher on everything desirable for beef. There was plenty competition on what few feeders were here and prices were 25050 c higher. Quotations on Cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $17.00018.25; good to choice beeves, $15.25 10.50; fair to good beeves, $13.25015.00; common to fair beeves, $9.00012.75; good to choice yearlings, $16.00017.50; fair to good yearlings, $12.00015.50; common to fair yearlings, $8.50011.00; good to choice heifers, $8.50011.00; good to choice cows, $8.00010.25; fair to good cows, $7.2508.00; cutters, $6.2507.00; cows, $5.50@9.25; veal calves, $6.00013.00; bologna bulls, $6.0007.00; beef bulls, $7.5009.50. Hogs Mostly 10c Lower. But 45 loads showed up yesterday morning, estimated at 4,100 head of hogs. A few extra choice loads sold at steady prices with last week. Best kinds bringing $17.15. The bulk of the sales were 10c lower and the market was very weak on common packing grades. Most of the hogs sold at a spread of $16.50-$17.00 as against the bulk last Monday of $17.45-$17.55. Lambs Sharply Higher. Receipts of lambs were the lightest since the first Monday in August, estimated reports calling for 19,500 head. Trade was slow to open, but packers filled their orders at prices 250-35c higher, best fat lambs reaching $15.60, feeder lambs were fully 50c-051.00 higher, and there seemed to be a better undertone through the trade all around. Fat ewes sold up to $8.25. Fat Sheep and Lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $15.00-15.60; lambs, fair to good, $13.00-15.25; lambs, culls, $8.00-12.00; yearlings, good to choice, $10.00-11.00; yearlings, fair to good, $9.00-10.00; wethers, $8.00-9.50; ewes, good to choice, $7.00-8.00; ewes, fair to good, $7.00-7.50; ewes, culls and canners, $3.00-10.00. Feeders and Breeders: Lambs, good to choice, $12.00-13.00; lambs, fair to good, $11.00-12.00; lambs, culls and outs, $8.00-10.00; yearlings, light, choice, $10.00-11.00; yearlings, fair to good, $9.00-10.00; wethers, $8.00-9.00; ewes, breeders, good, choice, $14.00-14.00; ewes, breeders, fair to good, $9.00-14.00; ewes, feeders, $5.00-7.00; ewes, culls, $7.00-8.00. 4,5006.00. Pears to be much distressed over the fact that General Pershing is Senator Warren’s son-in-law, adviser and confidential friend. If the Democratic press was not service, and if the managers were not bigoted partisan politicians, they would be proud of the fact that General Pershing is so closely related to the senatorial leader from Wyoming, and also proud of the fact that General Pershing's home is in this state, in having established it at Cheyenne a number of years ago, because of the very relationship which really distresses the democratic office-holding gang. Warren is for Pershing and Pershing is for Warren. Both are in service, doing their utmost to win the war now. Both are in hearty accord with the American war program, and both stand with President Wilson for humanity and for victory; and with them the people, too, stand. The Prussian Kaiser, every Hun commander, and every enemy of free government would rejoice over the defeat of Warren in his and Pershing’s home state, as they would rejoice over the defeat of Pershing and his splendid American army in the field; but the defeat of either is not possible this year.—(Adv.) Niagara Falls Erosion. Canada is rapidly gaining possession of the greater part of Niagara Falls. The American Falls now carry less than a twentieth of the entire flow. For 200 years or more the center of Horseshoe Falls has been receding by erosion at the rate of about five feet a year. The edge of the American Falls recedes much more slowly—only a few inches a year. As the Canadian Falls drop back toward Lake Erie they receive a larger and larger volume of water.—Youth’s Companion. Hunters and Fishermen! No shooting or fishing allowed on my ranch on Pass Creek. Trespassers will be prosecuted. H. E. PILON, Saratoga, Wyo. NOTICE. No hunting or fishing allowed on my ranch on Cedar creek. Please stay off and save yourself trouble. Respectfully, MATT WATT. Saratoga, Wyo. Money Lost By Selling Hides, Pelts, Wool, Furs, Etc. For less than the prices we are offering. We are the largest dealers in the West and have been in the business since 1879. Ask your Banker as to our standing. Following are market prices for anything sent to us in the near future, f. o. b. Salt Lake: Green Salted Hides, lb 17c Green Salted Kip, lb. 20c Green Salted Calf 37c Green Salted Bulls, lb. 14c Dry Hides, trimmed, lb. 33c Dry Calf, trimmed, lb. 36c Dry Calf, trimmed, lb. 42c Dry Pelts, long wool, lb. 50c Dry Pelts, short wool, lb. 40c Wool, coarse sheared, lb. 57c Wool, coarse sheared, lb. 53c Wool, pulled, lb. 50c Fallow, No. 1, lb. 15c Tallow, No. 2, lb. 13c G. S. Horse, No. 1 large, each $6.00 G. S. Horse, No. 1 Med., each $5.00 G. S. Horse, No. 1, small, each $4.00 G. S. Horse No. 2, $1.00 less. Write us for any information connected with the business. We appreciate your shipments, whether large or small. Shipping tags sent on request. Remember the name— Bissinger Co., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Jack McCarty, Manager. FUR CO. We have satisfied our shipping and paying what we save you money on supplies. T. J. DROWN FUR CO. Building, Kansas City, Mo. Brown A. J. Rosier Attorney-At-Law, Rawlins, Wyo. THEY ALL DEMAND IT. Saratoga, Like Every City and Town in the Union, Receives It. People with kidney ills want to be enrolled. When one suffers the tortures of an aching back, relief is eagerly sought for. There are many remedies today that relieve, but not permanently. Doan's Kidney Pills have brought lasting results to thousands. Here is proof of merit from this vicinity: Emil Nordland, 211 E. Pine St., Rawlins, Wyo., says: “My back ached and was weak and lame. I suffered from weakness and nervousness. The kidney secretions were too free in passage and highly colored. I got a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills and they helped me from the first. I used them until I was cured of all kidney trouble.” Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy, get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Nordland had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 37 Have you bought your War Savings Stumps? NOTICE. No fishing or shooting will be allowed on the Davis-McConnell Company ranch. Also shooting, fishing and camping prohibited on the Kirkin ranch on South Spring Creek. DAVIS-McCONNELL CO., Saratoga, Wyo. The Wyoming Garage Agents For Dry Climate Tires Guaranteed, $50 Miles. General Repair Work. All Accessories for Ford Cars. (All Ford Parts Strictly Par) WANTED- SMALL RANCHES I have customers for a number of small and Medium-sized ranches. Come in and list what you have. M. B. McKILLIP.
Github OpenSource
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Public Domain
Börsen Kalle. Wnmburgiür-e Abend - Leit 1827 yCVllüi den L December, Merhsel - und Geld - Course. dem 27. November. Aniitcrdam ..«..•••.a.ft. « ••••••••ft Mi* Hamburg. Banco.« •..k. 8. W • • • • ft Mi* London.• .••••••••.5 ^t• Parin••••«•*••••••* •* Mi. Wien, in 20Xr ft Mt. Augnbuig »ft Mt. Bi eileu •••••••••••.ft Mt. Laipaig ••••! ••«•••• Uno Frankfurt a. M 2 Mt. Peteinburg 3 W. j Holl.Ducatcn, vollw., all«; um * neu« Friedrichnd'or j Staatnnchuld-Scluiue.....| Banco-Obligationeu Churmirkiiche dito Neumärkincbe dito Stadt-Obligationen Wcfttpreuln. Pfandbrief«. • Oitprcufn. dtio«.••••«••• Pommeriehe dito ....... Cliut* u. Neum. dito Sclileninche dito Engl. Anleihe v. 1818.... »mm 182»..•• Norw. 1Ü22.6pCt o«u. 14SI — 142R — 15*4 — 1511 — 6.22* — 81! — ivZj — 10o4 — 991 — 1034 — 1034 — 29 > — ISO* — lisjj ns; 86.' 861 E» 98 86 85| 861 — 101t — 92 — 951 — 1021 — 1054 — _ 104] 1011 1001 1UU1 — 1061 iillfll, den 24. November Anale« Amsterdam k. 9. Augsburg . Uno Frankfurt a* M k. S. _ M t. henua ft Mt. Hamburg k. 8. . . - ft Mt Livorno ft Mt. London..... ,.5Mt. •Mailand f Mt P * r >n ft Mt. 99* "7* Gell. 99* Aiunterd.Cour. Antwerpen... lliinbutc» •••• Bei Liii London Madrid, cfl. CaJnt, eff.... Bilbao ••••••• Linsabon Porto Genua, eff.,., Livorno Neapel Wien 7 nent«. ..«••• Venedig Mailand Augnbuig Bane» ..“....• Frank tut t Peteinburg... Lyou •••••««• Bordeaux Marneille..«., Montpellier.. Bank - Adieu.. 1 Monat. 5 Monat. Kiwta. U.ld. Hii.i*. u«u. 57 mm 571 — 57* — 57* — 1851 — 1841 .■» 3.61 — 3.58 15.10 _ — (4.95 • 14.90 — 14.80 14.95. 14.95 14.85 14.85 15. E 14.yo 14.90 W — 600 — mm — 605 — 1 i 1 510 — 506 417 mm 414 — - 2534 2534 251| 2514 — 254 — 251* — 83* mm 83 — »4* — 84 — 253* 1 u — li n 1| IlMM» •••••• 2000 Fr. — C* |}f(0Ulli den 28. November. Antnterdam in Cour, .ft Mt. Hamburg in Banco.. Vinte W. Mt. London 5 Mt. Parin ft Mt. Leipaig iu W. Z Villa - MesiZ Augsburg ft Mt. Wien inftOXru S Mt. • Viita Berlin.. Vinte ft Mt. Uriai«. G«M. ftonpon, den 27. November. Hamburg.« • ••«.< Altona*...•••••< Frankfurt a. M Wien. eff. in Fl Trient •••••••••« ee«O«eeeee Neapel. Stockst SpCt.Coun 5 • Rlda... ... den 23. den 27 lft.ft 11.19 . 36.7 36.7 36.8 . 151 151 . 10. ft 10.2 . 10. X 10.2 . 10 10 25.30 . 25.55 *5.55 25.65 35 55{ 35' 48 25.50 39 . 47* 47* 47* 2ft. *3. 84| 841 83|J84 Ctold• und Silber-Preite, p Urne. den 23. und 27. Nov. Port. Gold in M.. —1 —t —d —JL —a — d Fremd, in Stangen 3« 17« 6« 5« 17* 6« Neue Dublonen.* — • —» Neue Dollarn ....-• 4« 10« Silber in Barreu, Müns tust —• — • —* Fremd• Stmotspopiere, vom 23. November. — 142? Rusn. luncript. Dividend 152| — 6pCr. in Pap... 1. Jul> — — — 1 5 m Met.(H«rif) l.Sept. — — I5lf 5 » • (ailias) l.Sept. — 6.24« — 5 * neue Aul.. l.Sept. 92 — — UeitAnl.v 1824 103? — iu Fl. u. Met. 1 Nov. — — — Pieufn.Obigst. — 102' 5 pCt. in Ant. 1. Oct. 99*.100 — 105 neue 5pCt... 1. July - — Port.5pCt. in£ 1 Juny 75* w°A — Bia».5 • • 1. Oct 60.60* — 99* Dan.SpCtn.... M.8«|it. 60.60* Ant ftftn««. Am Slntui. | Nummer, Windel und Kehtkkshrt bttreSenve Verordnungen und Anzeigen. Erhebung« - Holle der Abgaben u. §. w, Berlin , den 50. Octeber 1827. ( Fortsetzung. M. t. u. Bl. A*J4T7S.) Benennung der Gegenstände. Eiten und Stahl. kurze Waaren. 7 Erze , nämlich Eiten- und St ttein, Stuten, Braunitein, Beisl Ahgahensät te beim Eingang. 'Auegang. _ 5 chen in WHtfhiltn und Nieder rhein, tut der Grenzlinie toi WilntdovfbitRentrisch, Eisenerz 7 auch Beeren. I Getreide und Hülseiifrüclite, , Weisen, Spelz oder Dinkel, Ger- Bohnen, Erbten, Hirse, und Wickeu, r Scheffel., b) Sämereien und Beeren: Leinsaamen u. Leindotl Döder, Müluitaaincn, Rnj men, Rübsaanien, p Seht! 5) Kleetaamen und alle ni mentlich im Tarif g Sämereien » imgleichru Wach- holderbeeren, p Scheffel. Anmerk. Auf einen SclitJ. Kleetaa men können, mit Ein teil 10 GUs. Centner verantchlagt. b) Weiltet Hohlglas, ungt net oder mit abgetchliffei Farbe, p Ctr. c) Geschliffenes, getchuittenet, ver goldetet, gemalt alles inattive und und gegoltene* Kronleuchtern Behänge zu Glas, Glaskuöpfe, lot und Glaiichinelz, p Spiegelglas, belegtet oder uu- egtet: 1) gegoltenes, wenn dat nicht über l[jFusi; gebla wenn das Stück nicht t[]Fufs misst, p Ctr.,. ) s 1 i Frei i __ ! i Frei — Frei, .1 — 5 i - » 1 i. 5 . 1 I r i — 1 ! — ! 8 1 5 1 | 1 —I 1“ I r. 5 l| 1 II 6 1 ! !■ 6 1 — — 1 t'ir Thara wird rer- polet von Ct-ntmr Bruttoecw Pfund. J äSiiiKwteii wü'lMtra 18 I 1 Benennung der GfgeniUtnJe. Abgabentätie beim Eingang. \ Ausgang. dL *) über 144 net, wenn das Stück 144 MZoll bit »88 [jZoll misst, p Ctr I prpourn. S)iib.238QZ. bit S76[]Z. pSi. ii. geMa-^4) « 576 m « 1U00 » » , MI. nluir 5) »' 1000 n » 1400 » * Unter- iS) »1400 « «1900 » * •rkitd. 7) «1900 « " ' 11 H.iute, Felle und Haare. a) Rolie gtüne und trockene Häute und Felle, imgleiclutn rohe Pferde haare, p Ctr b) Kuh- uud Kalberhaare, p Ctr., 1? Holt , Holzn aaren ti. t. w. a) Brennholz beim Wassertransport, p Blatter b) Nutzholz beim Wassertransport oder beim Landtransport zur Vcr- •cliiffungsablago : 1) Matten, p Stück f) Bugsprieten oder Spieren, p St. 5) Blocke oder Balken von har tem Holz, p St 4) Balken von Kienen- oder Tan nenholz, p St... 5) Bohlen, Bretter, Latten, Fast holz (Dauben), Bandiitöcke, Stangen, Faschinen. Pfahlholt, Flecutweiden etc, p Schiffslast c) Holzborke oder Lohe von Eichen und Birken, desgleichen Holz kohlen, p Ctr d) Holzasche, p Ctr e) Hölzerne Hausgeräthe ^ Meublei), und andere Tischler-, Drechsler- und Böttgei waaren , welche ge beizt, gesät bt, lackirt oder polirt sind, auch feine Korbflechter-’ waaren, p Ctr f) Ganz feine Holzwaaren, wie grobe kurze Waaren. g) Gepolsterte Meubles, wie grobe , Sattler waaren. h) GrobeBotrgerwaareti, gebrauchte ohne eiserne Reifen, p Ctr..... Anmerkung. Grobe Böttger- und Drechsler-, Korbflechter-,Tisch ler- und alle rohe oder bloss gehobelte Holz waaren, Wagner arbeiten uud Maschinen von Holz tragen die aligenieineEin- J gangsabgabe. 13 Hopsen, p Ctr....... 14 Instrumente, musikalische, mecha nische, mathematische, optische, astronomische, chirurgische,pCtr. 13 Kalender. a) die für s Jnlsud bestimmt sind, werden nach den, der Stempel- abgabe halber gegebenen, beson dern Vorschriften behandelt. b) die durchgefühlt werden, tra gen die allgemeine Abgabe von 15 Sgr. für den Centner. Der Wiedeiauigaitg muss nachgewie sen werden. 8 l 3 8 so 30 Frei —! 1 »0 Frei —II — 10 * - - 1 io I — — -I» - - — 15 - - Frei — fl Frei! - I r io - 1 5 - - 1 - 6 > -|I - l 1 ( Die Fortsetzung F4r TW« wird vif- **»•« S OMI Cratnr •rnttofrn Pfand. 18 1 iiiBüllff. 11 18 folgt) Angekommen Dost. Bericht. D»mburg » *** r. December. ..Reich* Ausgab« der Brtafo fl Uhr. Den S« Dtctmhir. Prtust. v. 1. D«c..i.«« Kram. ?. £7. No?. UciocQrourlK. r J^lN Fremder, der seinen eigenen Wegen hat nnd gegen * Mitte dieses Monats über Copenhagcn nach Stockholm tu reisen Willens ist, sucht einen Reisegesellschafter. Die Expedition der Hamburgischen Abend Zeitung teigt das Nähere Hamburg, den 5. December 1887. an Anreisen. M ORGEN beginnt die Ziehung der Haupt-Classe der 28**** Bremer Lotterie, wovon die ersten Nachrichten nächsten Mittwoch früh hier eintreffen. Der grösste Gewinn ist im glücklichsten Falle 15,000 Ld'or ä 5 «•£?. Noch einige Loose tum Planpreise sind tu haben in der Haupt Collecte von Frmn . Htrrfeldi \ Comp., bei der Börse 59. (fUXbaDClt, «i", 1. Dtcembor. B EI dem eingetretenen Frostwetter halte ich mich tu Spe ditionen und sonstigen Besorgungen auf hiesigem Platte bestens empfohlen. Chr. JF/n. Niebuhr. H IEDURCH beehre ich mich anzuteigen, dass ich auf hiesigem Platte ein Geld- und Wechsel Geschäft etablirt habe, und halte ich mich tu geneigten Auftrügen, unter Zusicherung reeller Ausführung derselben, bestens empfohlen. Preussisch • Minden , den 22. November 1827. J. C. H. Müller. * Lu verkaufen. Oietzen-Zerkaut. D AS Dominium Schwusen, bei Glogau in Nieder Schlesien, beabsichtigt, aus dem unmittelbar an der Oder gelege nen Eichen - Forste, ein Quantum von 1400 Stück Eichen tu verkaufen, die sich tu Schiffsbauhöltern eignen. folgt: Wandels - Berichte. » den 27. November . Heute war der Stand nachbeuannter Staatspapiere, wie p haar. Ifütr. H «ebnet Niedrig- •See. l«UI«r. Erster, Herbster 5pCt*. .! 70. M 70.40 69 90 69.90 70 25 70.40 5 • . 102.— 1 ” 102.10 101.90,101.90 102 .5 n*.5 p Ende dieses Miiuts. Mil I Pr.Prtei«. 5 pCts. eeeeeee.eeee SSit SO C. riiau. 70.80a 70.5 f> Ende dieses Monats. Niedrig ster. LrUUl. 69.85 jp Ende ntichsten Monats. Mit t Es. PrÜMi«. 71.-a70.70 Neapol. Rente jpbaar: 77.50; y Ende d. M.t 77.50 Mil SO c. Prtau«. 71.S0a71.20 {F. Niebour Redacteur.) Völkische Kschrichteir. SrOllDOll, den 24. November. Di. Hoft.itung meldet, dass Se. Maj. den neuen Vice- Kontier Lanrelot Shadwell F.sqr. tum Ritter geschlagen haben. Dienstag besuchten Lord Goderich und Hr. Huskisson den Lord-Grofs-Admiral in der Admiralität. Dianstag hatten dia Fürsten Esterhati und Liewen, Marq. v. Palmella und Hr. Roth Geschäft« mit Lord Dudley im auswärtigen Amte. Mittwoch war Gabinetsrath im auswärtigen Amte von 4 bis 6 Uhr. Vorher hatt« der Herzog v. Wellington ein* lange Conferenz im Colonial - Amte mit Lord Goderich und Hrn. Huskisson und sein Militair-Sacretair, Lord Fitzroy Somerset, Geschäfte sowohl im auswärtigen, als im Colonial Amt« gehabt. Donnerstag hatten Graf Münster und Hr. Roth Ge schäfte mit dem Grasen Dudley im auswärtigen Amte; so wie gestern der Columbische Gesandte. Donnerstag gab Fürst Liewen dem Herioge v. Devonshire, dem Grafen Dudlsy und einigen Diplomaten ein grosses Mahl. Hrn. Cannings Schwiegersohn, Marq. v. Clanricarde, der sein Amt als Unter-Staatssecretair des Auswärtigen niederge legt hat, machte kürzlich eine Reise nach seinem Landsitz Portumna in Irland, wo das Schloss bekanntlich abgebrannt ist. Der „Grosse Reichs-Schiffahrt*-Canal" nach Portsmouth kommt immer mehr in Misscredit. Die Times erklären sich nun auch tu der Auteige ermächtigt, dass auch der Lord- Grofs - Admiral zur Anführung seines Namens als Patrons dieser Unternehmung keine Erlaubnis* gegeben. Man lieset in den Times: „Der Zustand von Bridge- Strasse, Blackfnars, ist diesen Augenblick eine Schande für die City; das Meer von Koth, welches darüber ausgebreitet ist, kommt noch nicht einmal in Betracht gegen die Gefahr, welche mau bei Ueberschreitung der Pfuhlwellen, die durch die Macadamisation entstanden, leidet. Die alte Swallow- Strasse war ein Rosenbett dagegen. Die Meynungen einiger der Stadtbeamteu über diese Windbeutelei und die mit der Blackfriars-Brücke sind uns bekannt." Men glaubt, die Regierung habe die Absicht, ihre Truppen aus Portugal, und zwar fast sogleich, zurückzu ziehen, da der Befehl zur Absendung neuer Bekleidung*- Vorräthe zurückgenommen worden. Vice Admiral Sir John Gore ging Dienstag Morgen mit Depeschen des Lord - Gross • Admirals an Sir E. Codrington, nach Dover ab, begleitet von Capt. Codrington, Sir Edwards Sohn, um, wie inan glaubt, über Calais und zu Lande nach Italien und von da nach Malta zu gehen. Der CUbe sagt: „V/ir vernehmen, dass Sir John Gore, der alte und vertrauteste Freund des Sir E. Codrington, bloss von Freundschaft getrieben tu ihm eilen wollt« und es ist wahrscheinlich, dass der Lord Gross%Admiral, sich der Gele genheit bedienend, wichtige Depeschen durch einen Officier von hohem Rang und auf den «r völliges Vertrauen selten konnte, abtusenden, sie dem tapfern Admiral anvertrauet und ihm ohne Zweifel auch vollständig« Instructionen über die Ausführungsweise der, in der Gazette vom Dienstag ver ordneten Maasregeln zum Schutze des Handels im Archipel gegeben hat." Di« Timt versichern, Sir E. C.odringlen wfrde tum Peer erheben werden «eyu, *tre Mehl des UwMtew# dagegen gewesen, des* lolchtt nock nie einem See • Befekleheber für eine That geschehen * ehe noch eine Kriegeerklärung erfolgt sey. „ Und Sir John Oore,“ fügen eie kfnsn, „welcher Sir Edward'« Sehn mitnimmt, wird, sobald er die nöthig» ln* •emmenkunft mit dem Tater gehabt, in einer, völlig abge sonderten Dienetvernrhtnng, die dnrekaue nickt in die de» Admiral» eingreift, Beistand leisten; eine Verrieb »eng, die letterer nicht unternehmen kennte, er hfette denn an «wei Stellen Ungleich seyn können.** Jettt wird aus Portsmouth gemeldet, dass nur Eine Fre gatte, der Briton von 46 Kanonen, nach dem Mittelmeere abgehen werde. Sonntag Nachmittag kam der Befehl dam und schon am folgenden Morgen wurde sie durch ein Dampf schiff ans dem Hafen gelogen, um in Plymouth ihre Ladung an Schiffs-Materialien eiatunehmen. „Die Pressen der Kongregation,- sagen die Timet (auf die Tory-Blätter sielend) „hatten stark darauf gedrückt, dass eine bedeutende Piquanterie «wischen dem Russischen Admiral in Navarin und dem Brittischen gewesen seyn müsse, indem ersterer nicht für gutgefunden, das Dank* und Beifalls- schreiben des lästeren nach der Schlacht su beantworten. Nun trifft es sich aber, dass nach der Etiquette des Russischen Dienstes eine förmliche Erwiederung auf einen solchen Brief durch Graf Heyden an seinen ausländischen Oberbefehlshaber nicht geschehen konnte, bis der Wille Sr. Kaisers Maj. dar über eingeholt und ihm amtlich angeseigt seyn würde. Da mit scheint die feste Hoffnung der armen Tories tu ver dunsten.** Die Timet haben heute einen tiemlich langen merk würdigen Artikel, worin „ein junger Offerier, der im Aufträge seines Oberbefehlshabers abgeschickt worden, um den amt lichen Berickt von oinee Schlackt su Hansa su bringen.*'. strenge gewarnt wird, in gemischten Gesellschaften seine Zunge im Zaum su halten, um Bösgesinnten nicht Stoff «u übler Auslegung su geben. In einem Morfenblalto lieiet iua«i folgendes Schreiben der Lady Cochrana aits Paris vom 19/ ffov.t „Mein Herr! In einem Schreiben in einem Ihrer 1 Oslers Plätter wird aus Srwyrna gemeldet, dass die Griechischen SeerSnberschiffa mit Papieren von meinem Gatten versehen seyen. Ich kenn Ihnen versichern, dass dieses nickt den mindesten Grund bat. Lord Cockrane ist unfähig, Handlungen su begünstigen, oder seinen Nsmen auf Documenta tu setsen, die Schande aef die, welche solche entworfen und betreiben, werfen würden. Alle seine Bestrebungen, seit er unter den Griechen ist, sind enf Organisation ihrer So*macht und Hemmung des Marodeur Geistes, den er unter ihnen kerrsrbend gefunden, gegangen, und di« strengste Gerechtigkeit knnn wegen der unbefugte« Handlungen jener elenden Seeräuber ihm nickt» anhaben. Kann es nur einen Augenblick Glauben finde*, dass Lord Cochrana, der so vieles aufgegeben hat, der den unglücklichen Griechen ohne Sold und fast ohn# Dank dient, der, indem er abreitet#, sein Weib und seine Kinder den Freunden der Ssche als Vermächtnis» surückliess, tkk so, nicht nlleia dem Absehen, sondern euch der Rache der Welt blossstellen würde 7 Die Zeit wird vielleicht kommen, wann aodra Mächte um das Lebergewicht in der Levante kämpfen werden, wo unsre Kaufleute und unsre Regierung gsns an ders, als wetu jene Varläumdungen sia fuhren würden, von einem Manne denken werden, der, welche Gründe man auch dafür annahmen möchte, dass er andre Gefühlt hege, stets das Brittische Interesse allem wenigstens gleichgestellt hat. Das war unwandelbar der Gang, den sein Benehmen iu Süd- America einschlug. Für mich nt es sehr schmerzlich, mich so geswungen su sehen, öffentlich solchen irrigen Anführun* gen su widerspreche«; da es aber eine Pflicht ist, die ich gegen meinen Gatten und mich selbst habe, so dass es mich nicht surückscbrecken, und ich beklage bloss, dass ich nickt im Stande bin, der Sache noch besser, wie sie es verdient, entgegensutreten. Ich bin u. t. w. Aatherine Cochmnt Marmnkäe.** Die Timet geben auf Anlass des Absterbet)» des K. Statt halters in Sierra Leon* einen seht heitägrn Artikel über dal pestileutialiscke Klima unserer dortigen und sämmtlicher Niederlassungen in Guinea und machen dem gewesenen Colonialminisler Grafen Bathurst die härtesten Vorwürfe dar über , dass er »einer langen Erfahrung tum Trott# diese Niederlassungen beibehalten habe, die über de in tur Vermin deruug des Sclavenhaudels nichts, eher tu dessen Vergrößerung gewürkt hätten. Hr. Huikisson sey nun mit der stärksten aller Hercuhschen Aufgaben, der Beinigung des Colonial Systems Großbritanniens beschäftigt. AI. Vetersl-urg, ** AWnw. Se. Maj. der Kaiser haben dem Englischen Visa Admiral Codrington den St. Georgs-Orden «weiter Clane und dem Frautösischeu Contre * Admiral v. Rigni den St. Alexander* Newski Orden verliehen. Graf Heyden ist «um Vice-Admiral und Ritter des St. Georgs* Ordens dritter Classe ernannt worden. Nachrichten von der Armee in Georgien vom 28. Oct. zufolge, sind unsre Truppen io Tauris, der Resident des muthinafklicheu Thron Erben Persien», eingerückt. AJaiar • Khan, Schwiegersohn und erster Minister des Sebah’s, war beauftragt gewesen, diesen Platt «u vertheidigen. Als indes* untre Truppen gegen denselben anrückten, sah er •ich von den Sarbasen verlernen und dadurch genöthigt, die Flucht «u ergreifen Bei dein von allen Seiten erfolgten •chellea Vorgehen unserer Reuterei konnte er jedoch nicht •Mehr entkommen ; er versteckte sich in einem Hause in der Vorstadt, ward daselbst entdeckt und musste sich den ihm nachkctteuden ko sacken ergaben. Unter den Gefangenen befindet sich auch Kelb-Haasein, hhna von Talkin Man fand in Tauris 51 Kanonen, S Mttrser, 2 Fakonets, 11,6 Flinten, 10,250 Kugeln, eine Menge von Gegenständen dev Artillerie, etwa 8000 Ttschetwert Weiten und Gerste, Krirgsmufption und Verräth* eller Art. Kaum hatt* der General Paskewitich die Nachricht von der Einnahm* vnn Tauris erhalten, nie auch ein Bote mit einem Schreiben des Abbes Mine bei ihm eintref, worin let- terer erklärte, er sey mit Vollmachten des Schah's verseken und well* selbst den Frieden unterhandeln. Der Ort der Verbaadlnngen tollte sofort bestimmt werden. Am 2$*“* befand sich Gen. Peskewitsrh in Märende. Er beabsichtigte, den Tag darauf mit seiner Avantgarde nach Tauris «n marschiern und eile seine Truppen dehelonssveiM nachfolgen tu lassen. COllöUimnOpCl, den 7. November. Seit dem 1*** d., wo die Verbrennung der Flott* bei Neverin bekennt werd, herrscht unbeschreibliche Entrüstung unter den Türken, und erwarten sie mit gespannter Unge duld einen kräftigen Entschluss des Grofiherr«, der den Zorn seiner Muselmänner theilt. Der Reit*Effendi, der den Dr*- gomännern der drei betreffenden Gesandten mit der Min* scheinbarer Gelassenheit die bittersten Vorwürfe mochte, liefe dem K. Preussischen und dem K. Niederländischen Gesandten, die ihm ihr Beileid beseligen wollten, «urücksagen, di* Pforte werd* einen, ihrer Würde angemessenen Schritt thun. Mit den Gesandten der drei verbündeten Mächte befindet er sich nicht mehr in direkter Verbindung, sondern es ist Frhr. v. Otteufels, durch den edles verhandelt wird und auf den, als lest# Stüite der Friedenshoffnungen, sich alle Blicke richten. Die Gesandten befinden sich inzwischen noch hidr und scheinen die endlichen Entschliestungen des Grossharm abwarten sii wollen, vielleicht auch gedenken sie als Privat personen bis tum Eingang* neuer Vorschriften ihrer Höfe, wenn ee angeht, hier tu bleiben. Men glaubt allgemein, dass dso Beschlusse dea Sultans kriegerisch ausfallen und unter andereres eina allgemein« Bewaffnung im Reich* an ordnen werde«. In der Hauptstadt herrscht dumpfe Gehrung und aller Handel und Wandel hat aufgehört. Auf Morgan ist «in« neue allgemeine Diwans-Versammlung ««geteilt. $traMttr0, itn M. I*+oembor. Wahlen des Ntederrheins. Departements • Collegium. An zahl der Stimmenden 157; absolute Majorität 79. Hr. Florent Ssglio, Cendidat der Opposition, 145 Stimmen. Hr. Friedrich v. Türkheim, Sohn, id, 116 Stimmen. Hr. Barroi», Dhrector des Enregistrenients, 50 Stimmen. Die übrigen waren verlorn* Stimmen. Die HH. Florent Saglio und Friedrich v. Tirkheem , Sohn, wurden tu Deputirtcn ausgerufen. Hr. Florent Saglio, ehemaliger Dvpuürter, hat eich wäh rend seiner gant Dupotaiiousxeit als beharrlicher Gegner jeder Maasregeln bewiesen, mittelst de«cn An» Verwehung dos verdarb »ich* System, das sie täglich mit stmgeneUr Kühn heit entwickelt, einleitete. Hr. Friedrich v. Türkhaem, aus- tretender Deputirter, hat joAerasit auf der Tribune freimüthig für unsere achWMtdenü« Freiheit gestritten. Zur Würdigung seines Biedersinne darf mau sich nur erinnern, dass er der errta Deputirt*Frankreich* war, welcher der Kammer erklärte: da seine Mitbürger ihn nur ans Lauf Jaks* bmuislragt hät ten, so verpflicht* ihn sein Gewissen, uuernchtet des Sieben* jähr lieh keil t-Ge*etxei, abzutreten, sobald Ai» Friss, für di» *r «mannt worden, verflossen ley. Ont«rn wurde den beiden neuen Deputirten, im Hofe ihrer Wohnungen, eine Serenade gebracht. Wahlen im Oberrhein. Kolmar, den 28. November, halb 7 Uhr Abende. Departement! - Collegium. Antahl der Stim menden 140; Majorität 71. Hr. Andrd, Rath am K. Gerichts höfe, Candidat der Opposition, 108. Hr. Migeon, Hammer werk! • Beeilter tu Metire, ebenfalls Candidat der Opposition, 105. Gen. v. Montmarie, austretender Deputirter und Prlsi- deut des Collegiums, 42. Vic. r. Bcuret, ebenfalls ministe vielter Candidat, 18 Der Ueberrest verlorne Stimmen. Die HH. Aniri und Migeen , Candidaten der Opposition, wurden au Deputirten erwählt. LlSNKkUrt» LS. Nevtmbtr. Einer, gestern Nachmittags durch Courier von Wien ein gelaufenen Nachricht sufolge, sollen die Gesandten der drei Mächte würklich Constantinopel verlassen und sich nach Hermannstadt vorerst begeben haben. Frhr. v. Ottenfels ist turückgeblieben. Die ungünstigen, die Türkei betreffenden Gerüchte sowohl, als der sehr nahe Abrechnungstag für Ende dieses Monats brachten abermals an unserer Börse eine Schwankung in den Coursen der Oesterr. Effecten hervor. Die Notirung war gestern am Ende der Börse: Met. 90. Bankactien 1272 Geld. Auf Lieferung wurden mehrere Käufe gemacht. Mit Met. auf 2 Monat war T ' 5 bis i mehr als für baar tu machen. In contanten Stücken war tiemlicher Um- satt, da die Speculanten aufs Fallen ihren Ultimo tu decken suchten. Auf Bankactien wurden 5 bis 3i Fl. Prolongation per Monat willig gegeben. Course Abends 6 Uhr: Met. Oblig. 8Sf. Bankactien 1269. Unter der Überschrift: „Judas-Küsse*« giebt der C. fr. ein« Reihe Schmeicheleien, welche die ministeriellen Blätter seit einigen Tagen der Contra-Opposition tu sagen enge messen gefunden. Er lässt es an diesem einen biblischen Gleichniss nicht genügen, sondern spricht auch noch davon, „wie der Stolt Hamen s dahingeschwunden sey, seitdem der Hauch der Wahlen des, seit fünf Jahren auf den Trümmern der öffentlichen Freiheiten errichtete Gerüste umtublaien drohe.** Die Gazelle hatte unter andrrm tu verstehen ge geben, dass es im Tarn et Gerönne - Departement, wo Hr. v. Preissac gegen Hrn. v. Caumont gewählt worden, nur auf den erstem angekommen seyn würde, die mini sterielle Candidatur tu eihalten, denn dae Ministerium sey bereit, mit Freuden (de hon ceeur ) seine Candidaten denen unter den royalistischen Candidaten, für deren Wahl sich mehr Auslichten teigen würden, tu opfern. Der C. fr, bemerkt: „Die Gazette sage was sie wolle, das Ministerium hatte denn doch einige Ursache, Hrn. v. Caumont dem Hre. v. Prcisiac voriutiehen ; niemals hat der erstere eine schwarte Kugel wider irgend einen Ministerial-Vorschlag eingeworfen, hingegen hat Hr. v. Prcisiac wider das Budget für 1827 ge stimmt. Hr. v. Caumont, der freilich überhaupt sehr wenig gesprochen, liess nie den kleinsten Laut des Tadels oder der Kritik vernehmen; Hr. v. Prcisiac aber erhob noch in der Sittung vom 10. Mai seine Stimme, um die Complotte dsi Ministeriums wider die Charte tu enthüllen; er beschuldigte sie eines „blinden Hasses der Öffentlichen Freiheiten** und brandmarkte alle Handlungen einer Administration, die „täglich Eingriffe iu die conititutionellen Freiheiten und die „K- Prärogative verübend, sich erdreiste, alles das antu- „tasten, was die Repräsentanten des Landes tu vertheidige» „geschworen hätten.** Niemals hat Hr. v. Prcisiac mehr all Einen Dienst von den Ministern verlangt und iwar den fol genden: „ Minister de* Königs!*' rief er aus, „es bleibt euch „ein grosser Dienst dem Throne und dem Lande tu leisten „übrig, ein Dienst von unermesslichem Werthe, der eintige, „durch den ihr das von euch gestiftete Uebel gut machen „könnt: dass ihr uhmlicli vom Amt abtretet.** „Ich weiss wohl,** sagte Hr. v. Preissac in eben der Sittung, „dass man jetit in seiner Verlegenheit die (monar chischen) Gefühle, die in unsern Herten leben, aufruft; man sagt uns, dass, wie verkehrt auch immer das Ministe rium gehandelt habe» möge, wir (als Royalisten) es unter- stütten sollten. Als ob das Daseyn der Monarchie fortan an die Erhaltung dieses Ministeriums geknüpft wäre! Aller dings sind die Umstande gefahrvoll und beunruhigen unser Treugefdhl, allein nie werden wir es begreifen lernen, das* man das Mittel wider das Uebel in dem Uebel selbst finden müsse. Zum erstenmale vielleicht, meine Herren 1 hat mau int Namen der Fehltritte, die man sich tu Schulden kommen lassen, unser Vertrauen gefordert. Welch ein betrübtes Os ständniss seiner Schwäche! Wenn man so tief gesunken ist, den Beistand seiner Widersacher erflehen tu müssen, lässt man wenig Zutrauen su seiuen Freunden blicken; was mir aber vollends tu hoch ist, ist, dass man hat glauben können, wir würden uns in dieser Schlinge fangen lassen, da doch die Repräsentativ - Verfassung uns ein viel sichreres Mittel, dal Uebel gut tu machen, an die Hand giebt.** Und weiter hi» „Minister des Königs! ihr seyd aller sittlichen Kraft bloss und ledig geworden! Ihr wollt durch Staatsstreiche schrecke» und niemand fürcht«! euch; eura Absetzungen sind Ehren« tit«l. Niemend nimmt an, des« ihr die verderblichen An« ich Ilse» die ihr eile Tage blicken lasset, werdet vollenden können, nur fürchtet men mit Recht die Erschütterungen, di« durch aolche verwegene Unternehmungen hervorgebrecht werden können; ihr wollt einen Kampf twiachen dem Throne und den öffentlichen Freiheiten erregen; achreckliche Un* Klugheit! Wisst ihr denn nicht, des« in einem aolchen Kampfe der Besiegte unvermeidlich den Sieger in seinem Falle mit daniederreisst?** Im Lot et* Gerönne• Departement hat Hr. v. Laceuaaade, der ministerielle Candidet, welcher früher tweimel gewühlt worden war und der in derDeputirtenkammer erklärte, „dass die Protestanten sich über nichts beschwerten," diesmal nur Eine Stimme bekommen und ist durchgefallcn. Der hiesige Advocat atu K. Gerichtshof« Hr. Lucas hat gerichtliche Klage wider die K Druckerei wegen einer Menge, ohne Benennung des Druckers und andere, gesettlich erfor derliche Förmlichkeiten ans Licht gestellter ministeriellen Broschüren, erhoben. Der Courier fr. tählt bis heute 161 coustitutionslle und 97 ministerielle Wahlen zusammen; das J. da Dibats 176 der erstem und 99 der lextern, so dass nur noch die Wehlen des Arrondissements Aubusson (Creme) fehlten. Es wiederholt dabei, das« es keinen andern Eintheilungigrund annehme, als den nach Candidaten der Opposition, d. h. solchen, denen das Ministerium Hindernisse in den Weg gelegt, und Candi* daten de« Ministeriums, d h. solchen, die das Ministerium datu gemacht oder die es unterstützt habe. Auch zu Beiiers im Hdrault * Departement ist Hr. Ro/er Celard gewühlt worden. Der Minister Hr. v. Corbiöre, der noch 1824 in Rennes, seinem Geburtsort, mit einer Mehrheit von 160 Stimmen ge wühlt wurde, hat es jetzt nur mit einer von zwei erlangen können, und überdem wird Einspruch wider die Gültigkeit seiner Wahl geschehen. Der Beschluss des K. Gerichtshofes zur Evocation der Instruction Uber die hiesigen Auflaufe ist mit Einstimmigkeit gefasst worden. Das J. dt Toulouse behauptet, dass der Fiscal Deliesa nebst zwei Gerichtsschreibern am Tage vor Ballaster’s Hin«, richtung, durch den Geistlichen, der ihn zum Tode bereitet, dazu gerufen, zu ihm gewesen seyen und Geständnisse von ihm aufgenommen hätten, bis er den Geist aufgegeben, da er sehr krank gewesen. Das Gerücht gehe, er sey an Gift ge storben und nur sein schon entseelter Körper am folgenden Morgen aufgeknüpft worden. ln Barcelona trafen viele Spanier, die sich seit der Restauration von 1823 dorthin geflüchtet und ruhig unter dem Schutze der Franzosen dort lebten, Anstalt, mit ihnen von dort abzugeben. Der Sohn des Marq. v. la Torre war >ls gewesener Cassirer der Junta von Manresa dort festge« nommen worden. Das Lampurdan soll aufs neue in vollem Aufstande **yn und der Jep del Estangs in dem Gebürge um Berga die ganze Abtheilung des Gen. Maiiso eben so unaufhörlich Bl« vergeblich beschäftigen. Nach der Genueser Zeitung hielten am 6'** d. dort II. Sard. MM. den neugebomen Sohn des K. Span. Gesaud- ten Marq. v. Bassecourt über der Taufe, der nicht weniger als achtzehn Vornamen bekam, wovon dia fünf ersten Karl Faliz Joseph Maria Christin«. Dia Anzeigt des Courier franqait auf Anlas« dar Erhö hung des Posttarifs vom nächsten Jahre an für die Zeitungen lautet von denen der andern etwas verschieden; er wiH weine Preise nicht erhöhen. »Es wird aus der Zulage von 3 C. pr. Bogen für uns eine vermehrte Auslage von 10 Fr. 95 C. für jedes Abonnement entstehen. Niemand hat sich über di« Absicht mit dieser Verfügung getäuscht: indem das Ministe rium di« Zeitungen «ur Erhöhung ihrer Preise zwang, hoffte es, ihre Abonnenten durch Vermehrung der Auslag« zu er müden und auf diese Weise eine Oeffentlichkeit zu beschrän ken, die seinen Zwecken so entgegen, als nützlich für das gemeine Wesen ist. Die Eigenthümer des C. fr. % einzig von dem Wunsche beseelt, zum Siege der constitutioneilen Sach« beizutragen, haben sich durch keines der Opfer zurück schrecken lassen, welche ihnen der Hess des Ministeriums und die zahlreichen Belangungen, durch welche derselbe sich kundgegeben, zugezogen hat und sie wollen auch die Opfer noch tragen, welche für sie aus dem Kosten Zuwachs ent stehen müssen, der bloss in der Absicht beschlossen worden, den Umlauf der Zeitungen zu erschweren. Demnach wird der Abonnementspreis des C. fr. unverändert bleiben u. s. w. Inzwischen wird die Expedition vom 1. Dec. an und so oft es nöthig ist, ein um die Hälfte grösseres Format geben, um Intelligenzen aller Art aufzunehmen u. s. w." , dem 27. November. Vorgestern Morgen arbeitete der Minister des Auswärtigen mit Sr. Maj. Beim Empfange um Mittage waren die Car dinäle Erzbischöfe von Rouen und voa Rheims, der Nuntius, der Erzbischof von Paris und viele hohe Militairs. Gestern arbeitete Hr. v. Villele mit Sr. Maj. Heute ging der König, nebst dem Dauphin und der Dauphine, nach Marli ab. Der heutige Moniteur enthält drei K. Verordnungen, als: 1) vom 14 lu> d. M. enthaltend die Repartition des, durch Gesetz vom 24. Juny d. J. bewilligten Credits von 196 Millio nen zu den ordentlichen Ausgaben des Kriegsministeriums für 1828; 2) vom 14 te * d. M., wodurch die, durch gedachtes Gesetz zu deu Ausgaben des See- und Colonial - Ministeriums für 1828 bewilligten 57 Millionen in Special - Abschnitte ver theilt werden; 3) vom 18*** d. M , wodurch die, durch das gedachte Gesetz zu den Ausgaben des Ministeriums des In nern für 1823 bewilligten 92,721,400 Fr. in sechs Special- Abschnitte vertheilt werden. Der gestrige Moniteur enthielt folgende Artikel: „Das Wahl Collegium des Seine• Departements hat (am 25 tcn d.) dia H H. Feim/, A. v. Labor de , Jacques Lefebvre und Odier gewählt. „Im Seine-et* Oise* Departement ist das Bureau beibe halten worden, so wie mit starken Mehrheiten in denen dec Eure et-Loir, der Somme, der Indre et-Loir, des Loiret. In dem der Nieder Seine ist eines der beiden Bureaux geändert; des andre beibehalten. Die Vota der beiden Kollegien zu sammen zeigten eine Mehrheit für die royalistischen Can- didalen. „Die neugewählten HH. Deputirten werden gebeten, portofrei ihre Namen und Adresse an den Directeur des Moniteurs zu senden, damit ihnen dieses Blatt vom 1. Dec. an zugesandt werden könne." Von 1032 Stimmenden erhielt Hr. Viml 1879, Hr. ▼, La borda 1519. Hr. Lafebvro 1519, Hr. Odiar 1485 Dia Geroetto hat dia hiesigen Wähle« das grollen Colle gtunii auch noch heute nicht Mitgetheilt. Dar häutige Moniteur meldet eine Reihe Wahlen von Deponenten ti - Collegien , dia grössten theils auf Miniitarialla gefallen lind, unter andern im Loir - at • Cher • Departament auf den Grafen ». Salaberr /, im Nord - Departement auf Han. Raun. Dagegen auch im Orna> Departament den Grafen V. Chartncty, in dem der Seine. et - Oise die HH. v. Bizemont, v. Jomvenetl und Obewkampf. Nach dar Goiette lind unter Anderen noch gewählt: Im Marne'Departement Vic. v. Im Rochefoucauld. Im Sarthe- Departement Gen. Coutard. Im Calvadoi - Departement Hr. BeUmmare. In dem der Indra - et - Loire Hr. Bacot v. Romans. Din Gasen# rechnet jetst im Ganten 178 „Royalisten- wider 122 „Liberale'* heraui. Hr. Royer-Colard iit bisher an lieben Orten gewählt. Daa allein bedeutet noch leche tu wählende Dcputirte der Opposition. Der 14 u Artikel der Charte, denen, wie einige Prä- facten geändert haben, lieh daa Ministerium bedienen würde, um eine, nicht nach »einem Sinne gewählte Kammer •ogieich wieder auszulosen, lautet: „Der König ist du Ober haupt des Staates, befehligt die Land- und Seemacht, erklärt Krieg, macht Friedens*. Allians- und Handele Tractaten, er* nennt tu allen öffentlichen Verwaltung!• Aemtern, und er läset die sur Vollsiehung der Geeette und für die Sicherheit des Staate nothwendigen An und Verordnungen." Hr. v. Peyronnet ist auch im Cher* Departement durch gefallen. Hr. i. Moustien erachten im Arroadiisimenti Collegium, wo er durchfiel, ela Wahl-Präsident im grossen Ainbassadrur- Costüme mit Crecheti und Decorationen bedacht. Nack der Echo du midi hat Perpignan euch leine No vembriieura gebebt, die auf der Stresse schrieen: „Nieder mit den Priestern! nieder mit den Jesuiten!" Allein dai Publicum kehrte sich nicht daran i iniwiachen iit der Echo tu Denk gewählt worden. Hersog Decassa kam am 22**" hier an. Am 22**" stattete Fürst v. Talleysaud Hrn. v. Chateau briand einen Besuch ab. Der Moniteur meldet am Barcelona vom 17. Nov.: „Del Tribuael des Breve hatte Einspruch wider die Verurtheiluug des Kanonikus Corroni und des, einem Frauciicaner - Kloster in Raus Ungehörigen P. Puüal eingelegt. Der König bet hierauf dieees Tribunal aufgehoben, das eiua im übrigen Spanien unbekannte Gerichtsbarkeit besass, für Catalonicii durch ein Päpstliches Brav« eingesetzt war und aus einem einzigen Richter bestand, dies war der Kanonikus Avella, Präsident der Gesellschaft des Würgengels und seine Ge richtsbarkeit erstreckte sich über alle Welt - und Ordens- Geistliche, die wegen Vergehungen, auf welchen Todesstrafe steht, angeklagt waren; er urtheilte in erster und dann der Bischof von Vieh in Appellations • und Jciter Instant. — Man ist in Hinsicht der letten Hinrichtungen von dom, seit undenklicher Zeit in Spanien befolgten Gebrauch nhgegau* gen, wo men doch kein Preised von Nenerungen ist. Die Vemrtheilten werden den Tag vorher nach dem Port gf. bracht und im Vovlanf der Nacht wird ihnen ihr Urtheil kundgemacht und nur bis tum Morgen Frist, sich mm Tode tu bereite«, gestattet. Dann werden sie erschossen, ihre Leichname dom Henker übergeben und von ihm an da», ans einer Anhöhe extra murer errichteten Galgen binaufgetegen, unter welchem die genas Garnison in Schlachtordnung steht." Die Echm du midt meldet aus Barcelona vom 17. Novem. hart „Man vermuthet, dass die Reise des Königs bisher nicht stattfinden werde, in Folge voo, ernstlich scheinenden Aufregungen im Süden Spaniens." Das Moniteuri Nachrich ten aus Madrid, wohin Truppen des Gen. Sarefteld auriiek* berufen worden, scheinen gleichfalls hierauf au deuten. Der K. Pertug. Geschäftsträger hat am 26"*" d. den ersten Gesandtachaftseecretair Ritter v. Norenha nach Deutsch land, dem Infanten Miguel entgegen, abgeschickt. Guebbardteche Anleihe 4SI. Mamburg. *#« z. Dtoember. Oesterr. Bank Actisn sind hier heute von 1052 bis au! 1020 (wotu Geld) heruntergegangen. — Beim Schluss# erhalten wir die Londoner Poet vom 27**" v. M. Der Courier hatte am 29*** in einer tweiten Aullego die Ankunft eines Couriers mit Depeschen von Hrn. Stratford Canning vom 5«" gemeldet, nach welchen die Nachricht von der Nevariner Schlacht am 1**" in Coo- stantinopel angekommen war und der Diwan über die erneuer ten Vorschläge der verbündeten Gesandten, dem Londoner Tractate beizutreteu, sich berieth. Der Courier legt Gewirkt darauf, dass vier Tage ohne Schlimmeres vergangen waren. Nachrichten aus Cartagena in Columbien vom 2 Oct. über Neuyork enthielten, dass in Bogota alles ruhig seinsn geregelten Gang fortschreite und lieferten die, awischea Santander und Bolivar vorgefallenen Anreden. Von Sir W. Clinton wertn am Morgen Depeschen an gekommen, so wie aus Lissabon die Post vom 11. Nov. Die Times wiedesholen, dass die Engl. Diene Zeitung erscheint jeden Abend, Sonntags ausgenommen, und wird den hiesigen Löbl. Postämtern quartaliter tu f j[ Cour, netto erlassen. Auf erd. Druckpapier ist sie, nach 8 Uhr, für 1 fl in der Expedition tu haben. Verlegt von Gerhard von Hojttrup. Gedruckt in der Borten - Hallo.
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# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generated file, DO NOT EDIT # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest import Serializer, Deserializer from ...vss_client import VssClient from . import models class WorkItemTrackingClient(VssClient): """WorkItemTracking :param str base_url: Service URL :param Authentication creds: Authenticated credentials. """ def __init__(self, base_url=None, creds=None): super(WorkItemTrackingClient, self).__init__(base_url, creds) client_models = {k: v for k, v in models.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, type)} self._serialize = Serializer(client_models) self._deserialize = Deserializer(client_models) resource_area_identifier = '5264459e-e5e0-4bd8-b118-0985e68a4ec5' def create_behavior(self, behavior, process_id): """CreateBehavior. [Preview API] Creates a single behavior in the given process. :param :class:`<BehaviorCreateModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.BehaviorCreateModel>` behavior: :param str process_id: The ID of the process :rtype: :class:`<BehaviorModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.BehaviorModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(behavior, 'BehaviorCreateModel') response = self._send(http_method='POST', location_id='47a651f4-fb70-43bf-b96b-7c0ba947142b', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('BehaviorModel', response) def delete_behavior(self, process_id, behavior_id): """DeleteBehavior. [Preview API] Removes a behavior in the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str behavior_id: The ID of the behavior """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if behavior_id is not None: route_values['behaviorId'] = self._serialize.url('behavior_id', behavior_id, 'str') self._send(http_method='DELETE', location_id='47a651f4-fb70-43bf-b96b-7c0ba947142b', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) def get_behavior(self, process_id, behavior_id): """GetBehavior. [Preview API] Returns a single behavior in the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str behavior_id: The ID of the behavior :rtype: :class:`<BehaviorModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.BehaviorModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if behavior_id is not None: route_values['behaviorId'] = self._serialize.url('behavior_id', behavior_id, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='47a651f4-fb70-43bf-b96b-7c0ba947142b', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) return self._deserialize('BehaviorModel', response) def get_behaviors(self, process_id): """GetBehaviors. [Preview API] Returns a list of all behaviors in the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :rtype: [BehaviorModel] """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='47a651f4-fb70-43bf-b96b-7c0ba947142b', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) return self._deserialize('[BehaviorModel]', self._unwrap_collection(response)) def replace_behavior(self, behavior_data, process_id, behavior_id): """ReplaceBehavior. [Preview API] Replaces a behavior in the process. :param :class:`<BehaviorReplaceModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.BehaviorReplaceModel>` behavior_data: :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str behavior_id: The ID of the behavior :rtype: :class:`<BehaviorModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.BehaviorModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if behavior_id is not None: route_values['behaviorId'] = self._serialize.url('behavior_id', behavior_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(behavior_data, 'BehaviorReplaceModel') response = self._send(http_method='PUT', location_id='47a651f4-fb70-43bf-b96b-7c0ba947142b', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('BehaviorModel', response) def add_control_to_group(self, control, process_id, wit_ref_name, group_id): """AddControlToGroup. [Preview API] Creates a control in a group :param :class:`<Control> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Control>` control: The control :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str group_id: The ID of the group to add the control to :rtype: :class:`<Control> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Control>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if group_id is not None: route_values['groupId'] = self._serialize.url('group_id', group_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(control, 'Control') response = self._send(http_method='POST', location_id='e2e3166a-627a-4e9b-85b2-d6a097bbd731', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('Control', response) def edit_control(self, control, process_id, wit_ref_name, group_id, control_id): """EditControl. [Preview API] Updates a control on the work item form :param :class:`<Control> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Control>` control: The updated control :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str group_id: The ID of the group :param str control_id: The ID of the control :rtype: :class:`<Control> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Control>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if group_id is not None: route_values['groupId'] = self._serialize.url('group_id', group_id, 'str') if control_id is not None: route_values['controlId'] = self._serialize.url('control_id', control_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(control, 'Control') response = self._send(http_method='PATCH', location_id='e2e3166a-627a-4e9b-85b2-d6a097bbd731', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('Control', response) def remove_control_from_group(self, process_id, wit_ref_name, group_id, control_id): """RemoveControlFromGroup. [Preview API] Removes a control from the work item form :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str group_id: The ID of the group :param str control_id: The ID of the control to remove """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if group_id is not None: route_values['groupId'] = self._serialize.url('group_id', group_id, 'str') if control_id is not None: route_values['controlId'] = self._serialize.url('control_id', control_id, 'str') self._send(http_method='DELETE', location_id='e2e3166a-627a-4e9b-85b2-d6a097bbd731', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) def set_control_in_group(self, control, process_id, wit_ref_name, group_id, control_id, remove_from_group_id=None): """SetControlInGroup. [Preview API] Moves a control to a new group :param :class:`<Control> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Control>` control: The control :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str group_id: The ID of the group to move the control to :param str control_id: The id of the control :param str remove_from_group_id: The group to remove the control from :rtype: :class:`<Control> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Control>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if group_id is not None: route_values['groupId'] = self._serialize.url('group_id', group_id, 'str') if control_id is not None: route_values['controlId'] = self._serialize.url('control_id', control_id, 'str') query_parameters = {} if remove_from_group_id is not None: query_parameters['removeFromGroupId'] = self._serialize.query('remove_from_group_id', remove_from_group_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(control, 'Control') response = self._send(http_method='PUT', location_id='e2e3166a-627a-4e9b-85b2-d6a097bbd731', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, query_parameters=query_parameters, content=content) return self._deserialize('Control', response) def create_field(self, field, process_id): """CreateField. [Preview API] Creates a single field in the process. :param :class:`<FieldModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.FieldModel>` field: :param str process_id: The ID of the process :rtype: :class:`<FieldModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.FieldModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(field, 'FieldModel') response = self._send(http_method='POST', location_id='f36c66c7-911d-4163-8938-d3c5d0d7f5aa', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('FieldModel', response) def update_field(self, field, process_id): """UpdateField. [Preview API] Updates a given field in the process. :param :class:`<FieldUpdate> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.FieldUpdate>` field: :param str process_id: The ID of the process :rtype: :class:`<FieldModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.FieldModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(field, 'FieldUpdate') response = self._send(http_method='PATCH', location_id='f36c66c7-911d-4163-8938-d3c5d0d7f5aa', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('FieldModel', response) def add_group(self, group, process_id, wit_ref_name, page_id, section_id): """AddGroup. [Preview API] Adds a group to the work item form :param :class:`<Group> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Group>` group: The group :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str page_id: The ID of the page to add the group to :param str section_id: The ID of the section to add the group to :rtype: :class:`<Group> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Group>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if page_id is not None: route_values['pageId'] = self._serialize.url('page_id', page_id, 'str') if section_id is not None: route_values['sectionId'] = self._serialize.url('section_id', section_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(group, 'Group') response = self._send(http_method='POST', location_id='2617828b-e850-4375-a92a-04855704d4c3', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('Group', response) def edit_group(self, group, process_id, wit_ref_name, page_id, section_id, group_id): """EditGroup. [Preview API] Updates a group in the work item form :param :class:`<Group> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Group>` group: The updated group :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str page_id: The ID of the page the group is in :param str section_id: The ID of the section the group is in :param str group_id: The ID of the group :rtype: :class:`<Group> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Group>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if page_id is not None: route_values['pageId'] = self._serialize.url('page_id', page_id, 'str') if section_id is not None: route_values['sectionId'] = self._serialize.url('section_id', section_id, 'str') if group_id is not None: route_values['groupId'] = self._serialize.url('group_id', group_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(group, 'Group') response = self._send(http_method='PATCH', location_id='2617828b-e850-4375-a92a-04855704d4c3', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('Group', response) def remove_group(self, process_id, wit_ref_name, page_id, section_id, group_id): """RemoveGroup. [Preview API] Removes a group from the work item form :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str page_id: The ID of the page the group is in :param str section_id: The ID of the section to the group is in :param str group_id: The ID of the group """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if page_id is not None: route_values['pageId'] = self._serialize.url('page_id', page_id, 'str') if section_id is not None: route_values['sectionId'] = self._serialize.url('section_id', section_id, 'str') if group_id is not None: route_values['groupId'] = self._serialize.url('group_id', group_id, 'str') self._send(http_method='DELETE', location_id='2617828b-e850-4375-a92a-04855704d4c3', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) def set_group_in_page(self, group, process_id, wit_ref_name, page_id, section_id, group_id, remove_from_page_id, remove_from_section_id): """SetGroupInPage. [Preview API] Moves a group to a different page and section :param :class:`<Group> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Group>` group: The updated group :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str page_id: The ID of the page the group is in :param str section_id: The ID of the section the group is in :param str group_id: The ID of the group :param str remove_from_page_id: ID of the page to remove the group from :param str remove_from_section_id: ID of the section to remove the group from :rtype: :class:`<Group> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Group>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if page_id is not None: route_values['pageId'] = self._serialize.url('page_id', page_id, 'str') if section_id is not None: route_values['sectionId'] = self._serialize.url('section_id', section_id, 'str') if group_id is not None: route_values['groupId'] = self._serialize.url('group_id', group_id, 'str') query_parameters = {} if remove_from_page_id is not None: query_parameters['removeFromPageId'] = self._serialize.query('remove_from_page_id', remove_from_page_id, 'str') if remove_from_section_id is not None: query_parameters['removeFromSectionId'] = self._serialize.query('remove_from_section_id', remove_from_section_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(group, 'Group') response = self._send(http_method='PUT', location_id='2617828b-e850-4375-a92a-04855704d4c3', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, query_parameters=query_parameters, content=content) return self._deserialize('Group', response) def set_group_in_section(self, group, process_id, wit_ref_name, page_id, section_id, group_id, remove_from_section_id): """SetGroupInSection. [Preview API] Moves a group to a different section :param :class:`<Group> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Group>` group: The updated group :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str page_id: The ID of the page the group is in :param str section_id: The ID of the section the group is in :param str group_id: The ID of the group :param str remove_from_section_id: ID of the section to remove the group from :rtype: :class:`<Group> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Group>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if page_id is not None: route_values['pageId'] = self._serialize.url('page_id', page_id, 'str') if section_id is not None: route_values['sectionId'] = self._serialize.url('section_id', section_id, 'str') if group_id is not None: route_values['groupId'] = self._serialize.url('group_id', group_id, 'str') query_parameters = {} if remove_from_section_id is not None: query_parameters['removeFromSectionId'] = self._serialize.query('remove_from_section_id', remove_from_section_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(group, 'Group') response = self._send(http_method='PUT', location_id='2617828b-e850-4375-a92a-04855704d4c3', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, query_parameters=query_parameters, content=content) return self._deserialize('Group', response) def get_form_layout(self, process_id, wit_ref_name): """GetFormLayout. [Preview API] Gets the form layout :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :rtype: :class:`<FormLayout> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.FormLayout>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='3eacc80a-ddca-4404-857a-6331aac99063', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) return self._deserialize('FormLayout', response) def get_lists_metadata(self): """GetListsMetadata. [Preview API] Returns meta data of the picklist. :rtype: [PickListMetadataModel] """ response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='b45cc931-98e3-44a1-b1cd-2e8e9c6dc1c6', version='4.1-preview.1') return self._deserialize('[PickListMetadataModel]', self._unwrap_collection(response)) def create_list(self, picklist): """CreateList. [Preview API] Creates a picklist. :param :class:`<PickListModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.PickListModel>` picklist: :rtype: :class:`<PickListModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.PickListModel>` """ content = self._serialize.body(picklist, 'PickListModel') response = self._send(http_method='POST', location_id='0b6179e2-23ce-46b2-b094-2ffa5ee70286', version='4.1-preview.1', content=content) return self._deserialize('PickListModel', response) def delete_list(self, list_id): """DeleteList. [Preview API] Removes a picklist. :param str list_id: The ID of the list """ route_values = {} if list_id is not None: route_values['listId'] = self._serialize.url('list_id', list_id, 'str') self._send(http_method='DELETE', location_id='0b6179e2-23ce-46b2-b094-2ffa5ee70286', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) def get_list(self, list_id): """GetList. [Preview API] Returns a picklist. :param str list_id: The ID of the list :rtype: :class:`<PickListModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.PickListModel>` """ route_values = {} if list_id is not None: route_values['listId'] = self._serialize.url('list_id', list_id, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='0b6179e2-23ce-46b2-b094-2ffa5ee70286', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) return self._deserialize('PickListModel', response) def update_list(self, picklist, list_id): """UpdateList. [Preview API] Updates a list. :param :class:`<PickListModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.PickListModel>` picklist: :param str list_id: The ID of the list :rtype: :class:`<PickListModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.PickListModel>` """ route_values = {} if list_id is not None: route_values['listId'] = self._serialize.url('list_id', list_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(picklist, 'PickListModel') response = self._send(http_method='PUT', location_id='0b6179e2-23ce-46b2-b094-2ffa5ee70286', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('PickListModel', response) def add_page(self, page, process_id, wit_ref_name): """AddPage. [Preview API] Adds a page to the work item form :param :class:`<Page> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Page>` page: The page :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :rtype: :class:`<Page> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Page>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(page, 'Page') response = self._send(http_method='POST', location_id='1b4ac126-59b2-4f37-b4df-0a48ba807edb', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('Page', response) def edit_page(self, page, process_id, wit_ref_name): """EditPage. [Preview API] Updates a page on the work item form :param :class:`<Page> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Page>` page: The page :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :rtype: :class:`<Page> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.Page>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(page, 'Page') response = self._send(http_method='PATCH', location_id='1b4ac126-59b2-4f37-b4df-0a48ba807edb', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('Page', response) def remove_page(self, process_id, wit_ref_name, page_id): """RemovePage. [Preview API] Removes a page from the work item form :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str page_id: The ID of the page """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if page_id is not None: route_values['pageId'] = self._serialize.url('page_id', page_id, 'str') self._send(http_method='DELETE', location_id='1b4ac126-59b2-4f37-b4df-0a48ba807edb', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) def create_state_definition(self, state_model, process_id, wit_ref_name): """CreateStateDefinition. [Preview API] Creates a state definition in the work item type of the process. :param :class:`<WorkItemStateInputModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemStateInputModel>` state_model: :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemStateResultModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemStateResultModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(state_model, 'WorkItemStateInputModel') response = self._send(http_method='POST', location_id='4303625d-08f4-4461-b14b-32c65bba5599', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('WorkItemStateResultModel', response) def delete_state_definition(self, process_id, wit_ref_name, state_id): """DeleteStateDefinition. [Preview API] Removes a state definition in the work item type of the process. :param str process_id: ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str state_id: ID of the state """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if state_id is not None: route_values['stateId'] = self._serialize.url('state_id', state_id, 'str') self._send(http_method='DELETE', location_id='4303625d-08f4-4461-b14b-32c65bba5599', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) def get_state_definition(self, process_id, wit_ref_name, state_id): """GetStateDefinition. [Preview API] Returns a state definition in the work item type of the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str state_id: The ID of the state :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemStateResultModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemStateResultModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if state_id is not None: route_values['stateId'] = self._serialize.url('state_id', state_id, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='4303625d-08f4-4461-b14b-32c65bba5599', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) return self._deserialize('WorkItemStateResultModel', response) def get_state_definitions(self, process_id, wit_ref_name): """GetStateDefinitions. [Preview API] Returns a list of all state definitions in the work item type of the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :rtype: [WorkItemStateResultModel] """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='4303625d-08f4-4461-b14b-32c65bba5599', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) return self._deserialize('[WorkItemStateResultModel]', self._unwrap_collection(response)) def hide_state_definition(self, hide_state_model, process_id, wit_ref_name, state_id): """HideStateDefinition. [Preview API] Hides a state definition in the work item type of the process. :param :class:`<HideStateModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.HideStateModel>` hide_state_model: :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str state_id: The ID of the state :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemStateResultModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemStateResultModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if state_id is not None: route_values['stateId'] = self._serialize.url('state_id', state_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(hide_state_model, 'HideStateModel') response = self._send(http_method='PUT', location_id='4303625d-08f4-4461-b14b-32c65bba5599', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('WorkItemStateResultModel', response) def update_state_definition(self, state_model, process_id, wit_ref_name, state_id): """UpdateStateDefinition. [Preview API] Updates a given state definition in the work item type of the process. :param :class:`<WorkItemStateInputModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemStateInputModel>` state_model: :param str process_id: ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str state_id: ID of the state :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemStateResultModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemStateResultModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') if state_id is not None: route_values['stateId'] = self._serialize.url('state_id', state_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(state_model, 'WorkItemStateInputModel') response = self._send(http_method='PATCH', location_id='4303625d-08f4-4461-b14b-32c65bba5599', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('WorkItemStateResultModel', response) def add_behavior_to_work_item_type(self, behavior, process_id, wit_ref_name_for_behaviors): """AddBehaviorToWorkItemType. [Preview API] Adds a behavior to the work item type of the process. :param :class:`<WorkItemTypeBehavior> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeBehavior>` behavior: :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name_for_behaviors: Work item type reference name for the behavior :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemTypeBehavior> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeBehavior>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name_for_behaviors is not None: route_values['witRefNameForBehaviors'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name_for_behaviors', wit_ref_name_for_behaviors, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(behavior, 'WorkItemTypeBehavior') response = self._send(http_method='POST', location_id='921dfb88-ef57-4c69-94e5-dd7da2d7031d', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('WorkItemTypeBehavior', response) def get_behavior_for_work_item_type(self, process_id, wit_ref_name_for_behaviors, behavior_ref_name): """GetBehaviorForWorkItemType. [Preview API] Returns a behavior for the work item type of the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name_for_behaviors: Work item type reference name for the behavior :param str behavior_ref_name: The reference name of the behavior :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemTypeBehavior> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeBehavior>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name_for_behaviors is not None: route_values['witRefNameForBehaviors'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name_for_behaviors', wit_ref_name_for_behaviors, 'str') if behavior_ref_name is not None: route_values['behaviorRefName'] = self._serialize.url('behavior_ref_name', behavior_ref_name, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='921dfb88-ef57-4c69-94e5-dd7da2d7031d', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) return self._deserialize('WorkItemTypeBehavior', response) def get_behaviors_for_work_item_type(self, process_id, wit_ref_name_for_behaviors): """GetBehaviorsForWorkItemType. [Preview API] Returns a list of all behaviors for the work item type of the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name_for_behaviors: Work item type reference name for the behavior :rtype: [WorkItemTypeBehavior] """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name_for_behaviors is not None: route_values['witRefNameForBehaviors'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name_for_behaviors', wit_ref_name_for_behaviors, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='921dfb88-ef57-4c69-94e5-dd7da2d7031d', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) return self._deserialize('[WorkItemTypeBehavior]', self._unwrap_collection(response)) def remove_behavior_from_work_item_type(self, process_id, wit_ref_name_for_behaviors, behavior_ref_name): """RemoveBehaviorFromWorkItemType. [Preview API] Removes a behavior for the work item type of the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name_for_behaviors: Work item type reference name for the behavior :param str behavior_ref_name: The reference name of the behavior """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name_for_behaviors is not None: route_values['witRefNameForBehaviors'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name_for_behaviors', wit_ref_name_for_behaviors, 'str') if behavior_ref_name is not None: route_values['behaviorRefName'] = self._serialize.url('behavior_ref_name', behavior_ref_name, 'str') self._send(http_method='DELETE', location_id='921dfb88-ef57-4c69-94e5-dd7da2d7031d', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) def update_behavior_to_work_item_type(self, behavior, process_id, wit_ref_name_for_behaviors): """UpdateBehaviorToWorkItemType. [Preview API] Updates a behavior for the work item type of the process. :param :class:`<WorkItemTypeBehavior> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeBehavior>` behavior: :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name_for_behaviors: Work item type reference name for the behavior :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemTypeBehavior> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeBehavior>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name_for_behaviors is not None: route_values['witRefNameForBehaviors'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name_for_behaviors', wit_ref_name_for_behaviors, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(behavior, 'WorkItemTypeBehavior') response = self._send(http_method='PATCH', location_id='921dfb88-ef57-4c69-94e5-dd7da2d7031d', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('WorkItemTypeBehavior', response) def create_work_item_type(self, work_item_type, process_id): """CreateWorkItemType. [Preview API] Creates a work item type in the process. :param :class:`<WorkItemTypeModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeModel>` work_item_type: :param str process_id: The ID of the process :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemTypeModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(work_item_type, 'WorkItemTypeModel') response = self._send(http_method='POST', location_id='1ce0acad-4638-49c3-969c-04aa65ba6bea', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('WorkItemTypeModel', response) def delete_work_item_type(self, process_id, wit_ref_name): """DeleteWorkItemType. [Preview API] Removes a work itewm type in the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') self._send(http_method='DELETE', location_id='1ce0acad-4638-49c3-969c-04aa65ba6bea', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) def get_work_item_type(self, process_id, wit_ref_name, expand=None): """GetWorkItemType. [Preview API] Returns a work item type of the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :param str expand: :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemTypeModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') query_parameters = {} if expand is not None: query_parameters['$expand'] = self._serialize.query('expand', expand, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='1ce0acad-4638-49c3-969c-04aa65ba6bea', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, query_parameters=query_parameters) return self._deserialize('WorkItemTypeModel', response) def get_work_item_types(self, process_id, expand=None): """GetWorkItemTypes. [Preview API] Returns a list of all work item types in the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str expand: :rtype: [WorkItemTypeModel] """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') query_parameters = {} if expand is not None: query_parameters['$expand'] = self._serialize.query('expand', expand, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='1ce0acad-4638-49c3-969c-04aa65ba6bea', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, query_parameters=query_parameters) return self._deserialize('[WorkItemTypeModel]', self._unwrap_collection(response)) def update_work_item_type(self, work_item_type_update, process_id, wit_ref_name): """UpdateWorkItemType. [Preview API] Updates a work item type of the process. :param :class:`<WorkItemTypeUpdateModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeUpdateModel>` work_item_type_update: :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name: The reference name of the work item type :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemTypeModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name is not None: route_values['witRefName'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name', wit_ref_name, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(work_item_type_update, 'WorkItemTypeUpdateModel') response = self._send(http_method='PATCH', location_id='1ce0acad-4638-49c3-969c-04aa65ba6bea', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('WorkItemTypeModel', response) def add_field_to_work_item_type(self, field, process_id, wit_ref_name_for_fields): """AddFieldToWorkItemType. [Preview API] Adds a field to the work item type in the process. :param :class:`<WorkItemTypeFieldModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeFieldModel>` field: :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name_for_fields: Work item type reference name for the field :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemTypeFieldModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeFieldModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name_for_fields is not None: route_values['witRefNameForFields'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name_for_fields', wit_ref_name_for_fields, 'str') content = self._serialize.body(field, 'WorkItemTypeFieldModel') response = self._send(http_method='POST', location_id='976713b4-a62e-499e-94dc-eeb869ea9126', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values, content=content) return self._deserialize('WorkItemTypeFieldModel', response) def get_work_item_type_field(self, process_id, wit_ref_name_for_fields, field_ref_name): """GetWorkItemTypeField. [Preview API] Returns a single field in the work item type of the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name_for_fields: Work item type reference name for fields :param str field_ref_name: The reference name of the field :rtype: :class:`<WorkItemTypeFieldModel> <work-item-tracking.v4_1.models.WorkItemTypeFieldModel>` """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name_for_fields is not None: route_values['witRefNameForFields'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name_for_fields', wit_ref_name_for_fields, 'str') if field_ref_name is not None: route_values['fieldRefName'] = self._serialize.url('field_ref_name', field_ref_name, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='976713b4-a62e-499e-94dc-eeb869ea9126', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) return self._deserialize('WorkItemTypeFieldModel', response) def get_work_item_type_fields(self, process_id, wit_ref_name_for_fields): """GetWorkItemTypeFields. [Preview API] Returns a list of all fields in the work item type of the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name_for_fields: Work item type reference name for fields :rtype: [WorkItemTypeFieldModel] """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name_for_fields is not None: route_values['witRefNameForFields'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name_for_fields', wit_ref_name_for_fields, 'str') response = self._send(http_method='GET', location_id='976713b4-a62e-499e-94dc-eeb869ea9126', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values) return self._deserialize('[WorkItemTypeFieldModel]', self._unwrap_collection(response)) def remove_field_from_work_item_type(self, process_id, wit_ref_name_for_fields, field_ref_name): """RemoveFieldFromWorkItemType. [Preview API] Removes a field in the work item type of the process. :param str process_id: The ID of the process :param str wit_ref_name_for_fields: Work item type reference name for fields :param str field_ref_name: The reference name of the field """ route_values = {} if process_id is not None: route_values['processId'] = self._serialize.url('process_id', process_id, 'str') if wit_ref_name_for_fields is not None: route_values['witRefNameForFields'] = self._serialize.url('wit_ref_name_for_fields', wit_ref_name_for_fields, 'str') if field_ref_name is not None: route_values['fieldRefName'] = self._serialize.url('field_ref_name', field_ref_name, 'str') self._send(http_method='DELETE', location_id='976713b4-a62e-499e-94dc-eeb869ea9126', version='4.1-preview.1', route_values=route_values)
Creative Commons Common Crawl
Various open licenses
One year ago today, I launched this blog on “Canadian SEO for Google Success…” and as a result of same, I can honestly say, I’m a happy canuck camper! This post, ie my one year blog birthday post has been gnawing at my psyche for about two weeks and I’ve had mixed feelings about what to write about but I’ve settled on the whole tone and content of same — I just wanna tell it like it is! A full year ago today, I wrote that to be a succcessful SEO practitioner, you needed quite a large variety of skills, patience and resolve that you were going to succeed for your clients…and that’s something that I’ve been able to live up to over the past year which is a good thing, I know. So far, we’ve posted 112 blog posts and have had 876 comments/postbacks, with more than 4000+ incoming backlinks in that 12 month period. Not too shabby for a blog newbie, IMHO, eh! Sponsored Content 5 Things Your Latino Employees Wish You Understood Latino employees are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. workforce – in fact, by some estimates one in three working … Subscribe Brad Smith Fixes Your Marketing Plan @BradleyESmith The founder of FixCourse likes to do just what the name of his Website implies, fix your business to increase revenue … More Editor's Picks It's time to up your game with video on BizSugar! Have you tried BizSugar's new video posting feature? Post your small business video to BizSugar today! Did you know you can now post video on BizSugar?.
Github OpenSource
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const hurdleJump = require('./code'); describe('Tests', () => { test('the tests', () => { expect(hurdleJump([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 5)).toEqual(true); expect(hurdleJump([5, 5, 3, 4, 5], 3)).toEqual(false); expect(hurdleJump([5, 4, 5, 6], 10)).toEqual(true); expect(hurdleJump([1, 2, 1], 1)).toEqual(false); expect(hurdleJump([3, 3, 3], 4)).toEqual(true); expect(hurdleJump([4, 4], 3)).toEqual(false); expect(hurdleJump([], 4)).toEqual(true); }); });
Kobilar (znanstveno ime Oriolus oriolus) je ptica selivka, ki je razširjena tudi v Sloveniji. Slovensko ime je dobil zaradi oglašanja, ki spominja na »siv kobil«, medtem ko latinsko ime »oriolus« izhaja iz besede »aureolus«, ki pomeni zlato, in se nanaša na rumeno barvo peres, ki krasijo samca. Opis Samec kobilarja je bleščeče rumeno in črno obarvan. Mladi osebki in samice so zgoraj zelenkasto rumeni, spodaj pa zelenosive barve. Ta izredno pisan ptič prebiva v vlažnih listnatih gozdovih, parkih, vrtovih ter drevoredih in v Sloveniji tudi gnezdi. Odrasle ptice dosežejo dolžino do 24 cm in tehtajo okoli 80 gramov. Kobilar je razširjen na izjemno velikem območju, vse od zahodne Evrope pa do Sibirije in na jugu do severne Afrike. Severni del območja razširjenosti sega na Britansko otočje. Prezimuje v ekvatorialni in vzhodni Afriki. Samci se s prezimovališč v Slovenijo običajno vrnejo ob koncu aprila ali v začetku maja, samice pa kakšen teden kasneje. Približno pet dni po prihodu samic začne par kobilarjev graditi gnezdo. Mošnjato gnezdo med dvema vejama spleta le samica, samec pa ji pomaga le z zbiranjem primernega gradbenega materiala. Gnezda so običajno zgrajena iz trave, mahu, listja, živalske dlake, v zadnjem času pa tudi iz trakov papirja in različnih plastičnih trakov. Samica v maju in juniju izleže tri do pet belo pikčastih jajc, iz katerih se po 18-19 dneh izvalijo mladiči. Običajno se izvalijo dva do trije mladiči, redkeje pa tudi štirje. Kobilar se hrani pretežno z žuželkami, pa tudi s sadjem. Reference Zunanje povezave Kobilarji Taksoni, opisani leta 1758 Ptiči Afrike Ptiči Azije Ptiči Evrope Ptiči Slovenije.
Github OpenSource
Various open source
/* * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 DiffPlug * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.diffplug.spotless.changelog; import com.diffplug.common.base.Preconditions; import; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions; import org.junit.Test; import pl.tlinkowski.annotation.basic.NullOr; public class ChangelogTest { @Test public void empty() { Consumer<String> test = str -> { test(str) .errors("{-1=Needs to have '## [Unreleased]'}") .last(null); }; test.accept(""); test.accept("\n"); test.accept("\n\n"); test.accept("\n\n\n"); } @Test public void unreleased() throws IOException { test("## [Unreleased]") .errors("{1=Needs a newline directly before '## [Unreleased]'}") .last(null); test("\n\n ## [Unreleased]") .errors("{3=Needs a newline directly before '## [Unreleased]'}") .last(null); Function<String, ChangelogAssertions> test = str -> test(str).errors("{}").last(null); test.apply("\n## [Unreleased]").unreleasedChanges(""); test.apply("First line\n## [Unreleased]").unreleasedChanges(""); test.apply("First line\n## [Unreleased]\nLast line").unreleasedChanges("\nLast line"); test.apply("First line\n## [Unreleased] with stuff after\nLast line").unreleasedChanges("\nLast line"); test.apply("First line\n## [Unreleased] with stuff after\nLast line\n").unreleasedChanges("\nLast line\n"); } @Test public void releasedOne() throws IOException { test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [").last(null) .errors("{3='] - ' is missing from the expected '## [x.y.z] - yyyy-mm-dd'}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z").last(null) .errors("{3='] - ' is missing from the expected '## [x.y.z] - yyyy-mm-dd'}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] -").last(null) .errors("{3='] - ' is missing from the expected '## [x.y.z] - yyyy-mm-dd'}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - ").last(null) .errors("{3='yyyy-mm-dd' is missing from the expected '## [x.y.z] - yyyy-mm-dd'}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a23").last(null) .errors("{3='yyyy-mm-dd' is missing from the expected '## [x.y.z] - yyyy-mm-dd'}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78").last("x.y.z") .errors("{}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78a").last(null) .errors("{3=If you want to put stuff after 'yyyy-mm-dd', you need to separate it with a space}"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78 moreStuff").last("x.y.z").errors("{}").unreleasedChanges(""); test("\n## [Unreleased]\nOnething\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78 moreStuff").last("x.y.z").errors("{}").unreleasedChanges("\nOnething"); } @Test public void afterRelease() throws IOException { test("\n## [Unreleased]\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased]\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78"); test("\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n-CONTENT\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased]\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n-CONTENT\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78"); test("\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n-CONTENT\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n-CONTENT\n## [x.y.z] - 1234a56b78"); test("\n## [Unreleased]\n-CONTENT\n").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased]\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n-CONTENT\n"); test("\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n-CONTENT\n").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n-CONTENT\n"); test("\n## [Unreleased]").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased]\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30"); test("\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n-CONTENT\n").afterRelease( "\n## [Unreleased] moreStuff\n\n## [1.0.0] - 2020-12-30\n-CONTENT\n"); } static class ChangelogAssertions { Changelog unix, win; ChangelogAssertions(String contentUnix) { Preconditions.checkArgument(contentUnix.indexOf("\r\n") == -1); this.unix = new Changelog(contentUnix); Assertions.assertThat(unix.toString()).isEqualTo(contentUnix); String contentWin = contentUnix.replace("\n", "\r\n"); = new Changelog(contentWin); Assertions.assertThat(win.toString()).isEqualTo(contentWin); } ChangelogAssertions errors(String errors) { Assertions.assertThat(unix.errors().toString()).isEqualTo(errors); Assertions.assertThat(win.errors().toString()).isEqualTo(errors); return this; } ChangelogAssertions last(@NullOr String version) { Assertions.assertThat(unix.versionLast()).isEqualTo(version); Assertions.assertThat(win.versionLast()).isEqualTo(version); return this; } ChangelogAssertions unreleasedChanges(String unreleased) { Assertions.assertThat(unix.unreleasedChanges()).isEqualTo(unreleased); Assertions.assertThat(win.unreleasedChanges()).isEqualTo(unreleased); return this; } ChangelogAssertions afterRelease(String afterRelease) { errors("{}"); String VERSION = "1.0.0"; String DATE = "2020-12-30"; String unreleased = unix.releaseUnreleased(VERSION, DATE).toString(); Assertions.assertThat(unreleased).isEqualTo(afterRelease); Assertions.assertThat(win.releaseUnreleased(VERSION, DATE).toString()).isEqualTo(unreleased.replace("\n", "\r\n")); return this; } } private ChangelogAssertions test(String content) { return new ChangelogAssertions(content); } }
Github OpenSource
Various open source
<?php if (isset($_REQUEST["node"])) { $node = $_REQUEST["node"]; $nodes = Array(); if ($node == "src") { for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; ++$i) { array_push($nodes, Array( "text"=>"Node $i", "id"=>"node$i" )); } } else { $node = str_replace("node", "", $node); for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; ++$i) { array_push($nodes, Array( "text"=>"Node $node.$i", "id"=>"node" . $node . "_" . $i, "leaf"=>true )); } } echo json_encode($nodes); } else { $raw = ''; $httpContent = fopen('php://input', 'r'); while ($kb = fread($httpContent, 1024)) { $raw .= $kb; } $params = json_decode(stripslashes($raw)); $out = Array(); $id = 1; if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'create') { if (is_array($params)) { foreach ($params as $param) { $param->id = 'new-id-' . $id; ++$id; } $out = $params; } else { $params->id = 'new-id-1'; array_push($out, $params); } } else if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'update') { if (is_array($params)) { $out = $params; } else { array_push($out, $params); } } else if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'destroy') { if (is_array($params)) { $out = $params; } else { array_push($out, $params); } } echo json_encode($out); } ?>
Public Domain
aroused one General Hicks to be the savior of society, and all moderate drinkers are requested to adopt at once the yellow ribbon, which can be worn outside or inside the coat-collar. What with the army, the volunteers, the Salvation Army, the Blue Ribbon Army, the Green Ribbon Army, and the Yellow Ribbon Army, we run a risk of becoming the most military nation on the face of the globe. OUR NEW GOVERNOR. By Telegraph. — Reuteb's Copyright. Received 9/1, 2 p.m. ADELAIDE, This Day. Sir William Jervois left last night for Sydney by ; P. and O., steamship Clyde. Several farewell addresses were presented to his Excellency before his departure. Chief Justice Way has assumed the acting Governorship. FEARFUL FLOODS IN GERMANY. LONDON, January 4. In the vicinity of Worms, a city of Germany- in Hesse • Darmstadt, most severe floods have occurred, and upwards of 10,000 families have been rendered homeless. Other cities and towns have been flooded with refugees who fled to save their lives and those of their families. The Danube threatens to inundate the lower portions of Vienna, and it is feared that the consequences may be of a serious nature. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. SIR JULIUS VOGEL. (united press association.) UNEDIN, This Day. Sir Julius Vogel leaves Dunedin for Melbourne on Thursday, and Melbourne for England on the 7th February. WELLINGTON MEAT COMPANY. (per united press association.) UNEDIN, This Day. H. Wright has been elected secretary to the Wellington Meat and Export Company. Butchery Company have contracted for the slaughtering until the yards are erected. The Lady Jocelyn commences loading the meat on the 18th instant. CANTERBURY OATS. PER UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION. • • • OHIO, This Day. • Samples of the new crop of oats are arriving in town, and are of a much better quality than those of last year. < : The ' Mail says that the new volunteer .regulations ara regarded favorably at Pa tea, and believes a' strong corps will be formed. ' ',' ( 'A man- 'named. John Duffy, working at the MaDawappu bridge, fell and broke his •leg yjes'terday.' He ww taken to the Patea •hospital. '" Hollowe'en was celebrated at Balmoral Castle^ recently, in the usual manner. A jprocession carrying torches walked up to the Castle, where the bonfire was lighted and reels were danced. The Queen, the Duchess of, Cbnnaught, and Princess and the Ladies and Gentlemen pi the Household' were present. The"Frenoh -are particularly nervous ! witß regard 1o the health of the Emperor of Germany. For the fifth time within these r |aßt two xnontb/s they announce that he }s seriquqly indisposed. Doubtless a S'fftp deis, , jc}enends' on. the " life of ib. Majesty, „and , tha,t of, Bismarck, and there may be a wild shake-up when the, two direfuj events take pjtace, for ''which' Frenchmen seem so ardently spcdttlatlnjg; md offering „up their prayers. A visitor from Hawera to Auckland ''informs tis'thkt.the drought' jte playing sad ! havoc with the' grass.' From the country ■districts the reports are very , bad. In most places fife crfttle have plenty to ; drink, butiJthe- grass and Tthe. crops arei •suffering' severely, the parched ground cracking >.m many.iplacea. The timber 1 business is also suffering : for instance,. at[KQpura r i^-is .feared j that if rain does 'not come" soon, and plentifully, the mill will haye r tp stop.ior want of logs. if It is ,)ooted that for the first time for ' s^veralj j years 'twere are good wheat har f vests in. most European-, countries as well ;as< in America,* consequently prices for whe^.fla^tvbe low, Tlie.B.ritish average this year is 28 bushels', and it is estimated' that we shall require to import less wheat than we did last year,, by 2,000,000 quar. tersi ■ In fact, the United States' surplus is, a, third .greater than the tbjiarquantity, .tbatjwe need to f import, Moreover, we shall have abundant supplies from Eussia, and it is supposed from Australia and South America. American farmers are holding back their wheat, but the Russian peasantry, have' been'so reduced , in the last few years by bad harvests that they are- compelled to sell. We shall spend £100,000 less this year in buying foreign wheat than we did last year. — English paper, The latest news says:— The armaments against Germany and Austria, which are carried on in Russia with the greatest activity and without interruption, are not of a defensive character. The fortifications at Brest-Litovsk near to Grodno, on the right bank of the Bug, simply resemble a armed camp, and are of a most formidable nature. General Todleben directs their construction. The project for reorganizing the Eussian general staff has been abandoned. Russia is removing her naval station on the Caspian from Aghurade to the river Karast, when it is ordered at a short distance to Astralabad. This movement naturally causes alarm to the Persians. A special commission of the Russian Ministry of Finance is now sitting and discussing the best means of suppressing England's transatlantic trade with the Caucasus. At last, Stigat Patea County Council it was resolved, that the solicitor be instructed to take proceedings against G., Beamish, late dog tax collector, for embezzlement. Commissioner Bridge remarked that he thought the late chairman, Mr. Chapman, had neglected his duty. When tenders were called, security was asked for, and the The matter was left to the chairman to arrange. The Council naturally thought he had done his duty, and had he done that they would now have been able to get this money from his sureties. He thought it right that the public should know to whom they had to look for the blame. Councillor Howie asked what was going to be done with the late clerk. SECOND EDITION, CABLE NEWS. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! BY INSTRUCTIONS RECEIVED. BISPECT IN O- O O D S. Owing to instructions received from our firm on the West Coast, we are to dispose of THE WHOLE OF THE DRAPERY STOCK TAKEN OVER FROM MR. E. PULFORD, AMOUNTING TO £2981 19 s., AT A VERY HEAVY DISCOUNT OFF COST. Further, owing to a disputed value on a LOT OF PANCY DRESS GOODS & OTHER LINES, THE SAME WILL BE SOLD AT AN IMMENSE SACRIFICE. | W° THE SALE WILL BE GENUINE. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The public are therefore solicited to give an early call, as the SALE WILL ONLY CONTINUE FOR, ONE MONTH. GARDNER & SUTTON. J. S. ADAMS Has much pleasure in informing the general public that he has received a VERY CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF SEASON'S GOODS AND NOVELTIES. Below are some of the leading lines, to which he invites an early inspection. DRESS DEPARTMENT. Nun's Cloth, Beijes, Foules, Ecarts, Fancy Tweeds, Cashmeres, Lustres, Merinos, MANTLE DEPARTMENT. Dolmans, Mantles, Fichus and Capes in Silk, Satin, Broche, Lace, Chenille, and other textures, to suit any taste Ladies' Underclothing, Pinafores, Diaper, Holland, Oatmeal Cloth Embroidered Dress Pinafores, Richly Trimmed Costumes, in the latest fashion, in Black Grenadine, Black Silk and Satin Broche Stuff Costumes in all colors. Washing Costumes, both French and English, suit Table for evening dress or out-door wear MILLINERY. Ladies' and Children's Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets, in the newest shapes and colors, including Underplait, Porcupine, &c, all the latest shapes, viz., Princess, Victoria, Mrs. Wheeler, Queen's Cliff, Patrie, Gardener's Daughter. Children's Sun Hats and Bonnets in all colors. SILKS AND SATINS. Plush, Colored Crapes, Gauze, Broche, New Silks and Satins, and every necessary materials for Dress and Millinery requirements. Large assortment of Laces and Gloves, suited to meet the great demand in this department. HOSIERY. Men's, Women's, and Children's Plaid; and an assortment of latest novelties. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. 100 Men's Kaisapoi Suits, will be sold at English goods price. Attention is especially directed to this department. The variety of style in Men's, Boys', and Youths' Clothing, Shirts, Hats, and the lowness of price, cannot be surpassed. MILLINERY, MANTLE, & DRESSMAKING, on the premises by experienced hands. J. S. ADAMS, CASH DRAPERY AND CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. HAWERA GENERAL STORE. The Oldest, Laegest, and Cheapest in the District. The undersigned having held his own against all comers for the last ten years, will use every endeavor, by SELLING AT REASONABLE RATES, And strict attention to business, to secure a fair share of the public support in time to come. J. D. IS CONTINUALLY OPENING UP, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRAPERY AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Suitable for the season and the requirements of the district. GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! JUST OPENED, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN SEEDS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT MODERATE RATES. JAMES DAVIDSON, HIGH-STREET, HAWEEA. 31 WHERE do you buy your Hat? $1$ jf| Pocks and Rakes? I saved $1 just one-half by paying cash at CASH WAREHOUSE. A W CIL COUNT V HAWERA YOUNG LADIES' SCHOOL. All Rates due and outstanding to Course of Instruction: the above Council on the 20th in- English in all its branches. Music, stant will be used for without further vocal and instrumental; 1 rench,; t her. notice. Mathematics; Drawing. (freehand q. y, UATE and geometrical) ; and Needlework. 2 0i9'Treasurer. French, French, French, and English in the art of Music. Under a master. First term commences January 20, 1883. MRS. McCutchan, by applying at the school after the 15th. All Rates due and outstanding to proximo, the above Board on 20th instant will be sued for without further notice. Notice. Mr. S. Hombeeg, Professor of Music, being thankful for the TABERNACLE BOROUGH kind patronage hitherto bestowed on COUNCIL, begs to make known that the next quarter of piano teaching will be held on Monday, January 15, 1883, for. Hawera Stock: Sale. THURSDAY, 11th JANUARY. EH. NOLAN AND CO. will sell by public auction, as above — 100 yearlings mixed 40 yearling steers 20 cows 30 fat cows 30 2-year-old steers 30 cows and calves 21 cows 38 18-month-olds, mixed 30 18-month-old quiet well-bred heifers 30 2-year-old steers 1 pair good working bullocks 3 quiet dairy cows 40 18-month-old steers and speared heifers 300 fat sheep, mixed 5 pure-bred Lincoln ewes, with lambs at foot 1 pure-bred Lincoln ram. Also, — Under instructions from County Council — The right to collect Dog Tax within County, excluding Hawera, Normanby, and Manausa townships. Collars will be supplied by the Council. Sale at 1 o'clock. E. H. NOLAN & CO., 31 Auctioneers. a gricultural implements. r. h. Nolan & co. have now on hand and to arrive — 1 Champion Combined Seep-eakeb Side - delivery Mo wee and Reaper. This machine is the most suitable made for grass seed, as it delivers the grass in bundles ready for tying, and is the best and lightest draught side delivery for grain. 1 Champion Mower. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. 1 Deay Lcadeb. This machine is of light weight, and very light draft draft. Hoese Rake. 1 Hoensby Combined Reaper and Mower. Inspection is invited. The above are just put together, and will be sold at prices to suit buyers. 1146 "VT 0 T I'C E. We have this day appointed Mr. James McCutchan our agent at Manana, who will receive entries for the stock sales at Manana or Hawera, and transact any commission or other business that may be required. R. H. NOLAN & CO., Auctioneers. Hawera, July 17, 1882. 234tc THE undersigned having disposed of his business, and being about to leave Hawera, requests that all accounts owing him may be settled by the 15th January. 1145J 15 E. PULFORD. mHE HAWERA BLEND. If you want a cup of choice Tea, try the Hawera Blend, at GIBSON'S CASH WAREHOUSE. FOR SALE OR TO LET. Nine acres, with - four-roomed house, Manutahi. EREEMAN R. JACKSON AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION AGENT. Cash Purchaser of Wool and other Produce. Advances made on Stock and Produce. Offices: WANGANUI AND HAWAII. CITOCK SALES FOR DECEMBER 10 AND JANUARY. St. Hill-st Wednesday, Jan. 10 Wateley... Friday, Jan. 12 Hawea... Friday, Jan. 19 St. Hill-st. Wednesday, Jan. 24 Kakaeamea. Friday, Jan. 26 FREEMAN R. JACKSON, Auctioneer. St. Hill-street Sale Yards. 1 WEDNESDAY, 10th JANUARY. Sale at 12:30 o'clock. FREEMAN R. JACKSON will sell by public auction, as above — 30 head fat cattle [ 200 R. JACKSON, Hawesville. OR SALE. The undersigned has for sale a number of first-class Farms, in sizes to suit purchasers. FREEMAN R. JACKSON. Waiwakaiho. THURSDAY, 11th JANUARY. IVTEWTON KING J-V will sell by auction at the Waiwakaiho Yards, on the above date — 80 hand-fed yearlings 60 2-year-old steers; 12 cows and calves 6 springing heifers 20 fat bullocks and cows 3 young bulls from Hawera 130 lambs 25 ewes 40 3-year-old bullocks 2 pairs good bullocks Sale at 1 o'clock. T\ & F. HORNER, AUCTIONEERS, CATTLE SALESMEN, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, PATEA AND MANAIA. Agents for the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and George' Booth and Sons, Agricultural Implement Makers, Christ-church. SALE. 300 head yearling and 2-year-old cattle, mixed sexes. Apply to G. & F. HORNER, Auctioneers, 35c Patea and Manama. Taranaki. in O R SALE. 5 Miles from New Plymouth. EGMONT LODGE, MANGOREI. 24 acres, more or less, 1½ miles from the metal, divided into paddocks partly under cultivation, and with about 50 young fruit trees, six-roomed house, dairy, larder, and verandah; four-stall stable and loft, cart-house, cow-shed, and piggeries, all iron-roofed. The land is well watered, and has entrance and other gates. Also, Section 135, Moa Block, one mile from Inglewood, on a good metalled road, within a mile of two railway stations, having direct communication with the port of Waitara, 50 acres, 45 of which are in grass. It is bounded on two sides, by rivers, the rest fenced, and has a four-roomed cottage and outhouse. Apply to, MARTIN PETRIE, 1141J27 Egmont Edgie, Mangorei. Tjl 0 R S A L E. A consignment of Portland Cement, at a very low figure. ROBBINS, PIERRE & CO., 4tc, Ironmongers. POSTERS, all sizes (plain or colored) turned out with dispatch at the Stab Office. EVERY description of PENNSYLVANIA executed at the Stab, Office; At Max. D. King's store, Mania. WANTED, 100 head of cattle; good grazing offered for 12 months. For particulars apply at this office. WANTED, immediately, a good plain Cook; nurse kept. Apply to Mrs. Hobneman, High-street. ANTED KNOWN, T. Ecclesfield has received, a cask of Navy Lime Juice, specially for this hot weather. ANTED KNOWN, during the Holidays Great Seductions in Saddlery Goods. Inspection invited. Discount for cash. J. Hendrickson. ANTED KNOWN, during the Holidays Great Seductions in Saddlery Goods. Inspection invited. Discount for cash. J. Hendrickson. ANTED KNOWN, doors and sashes, from 12s upwards, with choice of red pine panels, at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. WANTED, KNOWN, just arrived, a large assortment of six-inch Globes, suitable for schools and families. Innes & Co., State Office. WANTED, a Machinist, who has a practical knowledge of erecting and repairing Deering Reapers and Binders. Apply to J. McCutchan & Co. r 30tc WANTED KNOWN, that you can can get dressed fence pickets, 3in., at 65.; 2£in., at ss. 6d. per 100 ft. lineal, at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. 181 WANTED the Public to Know that they can have printing of every description executed on the shortest notice, and at moderate rates, at the State Office, Hawera. WANTED KNOWN, that J O'Beien, Patea, is prepared to carry (on receipt of order or telegram) commercial travelers, &c, between Waverley, Patea, and Hawera. 699ja9 TTTANTED KNOWN, that all kinds of doors and frames sashes and frame mouldings of every description, straight and circular, can be obtained at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. 131 WANTED KNOWN, a large stock of rough and dressed timber, house blocks, &c. always on hand; and turnery of all kinds effected on the shortest notice at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. 131 WANTED KNOWN, a large stock of rough and dressed timber, house blocks, &c. always on hand; and turnery of all kinds effected on the shortest notice at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. 131 WANTED KNOWN, a large stock of rough and dressed timber, house blocks, &c. always on hand; and turnery of all kinds effected on the shortest notice at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. 131 WANTED KNOWN, a large stock of rough and dressed timber, house blocks, &c. always on hand; and turnery of all kinds effected on the shortest notice at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. 131 WANTED KNOWN, a large stock of rough and dressed timber, house blocks, &c. always on hand; and turnery of all kinds effected on the shortest notice at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. 131 WANTED KNOWN, a large stock of rough and dressed timber, house blocks, &c. always on hand; and turnery of all kinds effected on the shortest notice at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. 131 WANTED KNOWN, a large stock of rough and dressed timber, house blocks, &c. always on hand; and turnery of all kinds effected on the shortest notice at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. 131 WANTED KNOWN, a large stock of rough and dressed timber, house blocks, &c. always on hand; and turnery of all kinds effected on the shortest notice at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. 131 WANTED KNOWN, a large stock of rough and dressed timber, house blocks, &c. always on hand; and turnery of all kinds effected on the shortest notice at the Egmont Sash and Door Factory. 131 WANT CE. PETER ADAMSON, of the West Coast Boasting House and Al Bakeby, Announces BOARD and LODGING HOTEL 18th Week, Payable in advance. BREAD; 6i>. Pee Loa— CASH. 21 AWERA TEMPERANCE HOTEL, J. Peinces-street J. O'REILLY having now completed and furnished throughout the above commodious hotel, begs to inform the public that he is prepared to receive Boarders and Lodgers, and can guarantee his establishment for comfort and cleanliness. The Hotel being close to the Post Office, is most convenient for all the Coach and Railway. Terms — 20s. per week. All meals and beds, Registry Office for Servants. J. O'REILLY, 20,' Proprietor. E/T W A V, 1 Regents Street. Needlework of all descriptions done. n-i i ii w a c p. Lost, from Normanby, one small, dark brown mare branded -KR on, off- shoulder and rump. Finder will receive the above reward by delivering it at Mr. "Buenett's brickworks, Tangahoe 1041 EkCEIPT 3dold., on sale at the Stab Office. TO SUBSCRIBERS & ADVERTISERS. The Accounts for the past quarter are now being sent out, and we should be glad if our friends would favor by a settlement of same at earliest convenience. INNES & CO. 1.T.N.0.T.G.A.0.T.U. HAWERA LODGE, No. 652, S.C. Regular Monthly Meeting of the above Lodge will be held at the Masonic Temple, Hawera, on THURSDAY, the 11th January, at 7:30 p.m. Visiting Brethren are respectfully invited. CHAS. H. BOWMAN, Secretary. MASONIC CONSECRATION SERVICE. The FINAL CHOIR PRACTICE will be held in the TOWN HALL, TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, at eight o'clock. All who have been invited to assist are asked to attend. ODD FELLOWS! ©It lks! ©hues! "\7E OLDE ENGLISH FANCIE X FAYRE. This attractive show will be held in connection with the Bazaar in aid of the Wesleyan Church; and will commence the week after next, on a day of which due notice will be given. TjlG-MONT RACING CLUB. A General Meeting of the above Club will be held in the office of the Hon. Sec. on Saturday, 20th instant, at 4 p.m. Business: To elect a Steward and Committee man. R. H. NOLAN, Hon. Sec. TTAIMATE PLAINS, LAND VV TRANSFER OFFICE. GEORGE A. HURLEY, Licensed Land Broker, Managers. ECCLESFIELD, FAMILY GROCER, High-Street, Hawes. Groceries; Provisions, Crockery and Glassware, Oats, Chaff, Bran, Pollard, Chick Wheat, Maize, etc., English Stout and Beer, Brandy, Colonial and Imported Wines. Highest price given for local produce. T. E., as hitherto, will again award, about end of 1883, to the clever and industrious — one guinea each to the best butter and cheese maker; one guinea to the girl not over eighteen, known to be a constant milker, and able to make butter.
Creative Commons Common Crawl
Various open licenses
Asgard’s Wrath is a 30-hour mythological action-RPG romp for Oculus Rift Go on… Asgard’s Wrath, a Norse-centric adventure game from Marvel Powers United VR creator Sanzaru and Oculus Studios, seems to have the right stuff. Energetic melee combat lends itself amazingly well to virtual reality. Mythology doesn’t really get old as a subject matter. And the game’s double-digit hour count addresses one of the most common complaints about VR experiences: they’re too short-lived. Not to bury the lede or anything, but uh, you can pluck a hawk out of the air as a god. “One of my favorite things to do in-game is to use a shield to ‘catch’ thrown enemy weapons like daggers, yank them out, and throw them right back,” said Oculus Studios’ Mike Doran. “Another great moment is swinging your weapon to knock decapitated monster heads through the air. Physics, time dilation, dismemberment, ragdoll, and a ton of tuning and polish come together to complete the core foundation of our combat. […] We also have metagame loops that augment combat, such as crafting, disposable weapons, elemental traits, and other things yet to be revealed.” Aside from hack and slashing as a mortal, you’ll also swap to a literal god mode. Bouncing between the two forms will help you “solve puzzles and overcome challenges to advance through the world.” As for the tease at the end of the trailer, the game will only support asynchronous multiplayer. All told, Asgard’s Wrath looks promising. It’s coming to Oculus Rift later this year and I will try my absolute best not to accidentally call it Asura’s Wrath. I can already feel a slip-up coming on. Announcing ‘Asgard’s Wrath’, the Latest from Oculus Studios [Oculus] Jordan Devore Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random..
Creative Commons Common Crawl
Various open licenses
Item10821: Ajax interface: date selector not covering yellow "click to edit" active corners Priority: Normal Current State: Closed Released In: n/a Target Release: n/a Applies To: Extension Component: EditRowPlugin Branches: Reported By: PhilippLeufke Waiting For: Last Change By: CrawfordCurrie This is only a minor issue: The pop-out calendar of the date fields (Ajax-interface) is messed up by the yellow "click to edit" corners of the other table fields. Instead of covering them entirely, they are still visible. Positively tested with Chromium and Firefox. -- PhilippLeufke - 01 Jun 2011 Ah, probably a CSS problem (I set the z-index of the yellow stain pretty high, probably too high) -- CrawfordCurrie - 03 Jun 2011 yeah, simple z-index problem -- CrawfordCurrie - 03 Jun 2011   ItemTemplate edit Summary Ajax interface: date selector not covering yellow "click to edit" active corners ReportedBy PhilippLeufke Codebase 1.1.3 SVN Range AppliesTo Extension Component EditRowPlugin Priority Normal CurrentState Closed WaitingFor Checkins distro:bbffed1a1610 TargetRelease n/a ReleasedIn n/a Topic revision: r2 - 03 Jun 2011, CrawfordCurrie - This page was cached on 19 May 2017 - 00:52. The copyright of the content on this website is held by the contributing authors, except where stated elsewhere. See Copyright Statement..
Public Domain
I say, how jolly ! You do look Joy. [Throwing her hands up to her hair.] I didn't mean you to see ! Dick. [In a hurt voice.] Oh ! didn't you } I'm awfully sorry I Joy. [Flashing round.] Oh, you old Peachey ! [She looks at the ground, and then again at Dick. Miss Beech. [Sidling round the tree.] Oh ! dear ! Joy. [Whispering.] She's been letting out your worms. [Miss Beech disappears from view.] Look! Am JOY 19 Dick. [Quickli/.] Hang the worms ! Joy, promise me the second and fourth and sixth and eighth and tenth and supper, to-night. Promise ! Do ! [Joy shakes her head.^ It's not much to ask. Joy. I won't promise anything. Dick. Why not ? Joy. Because Mother's coming. I won't make any arrangements. Dick. [Tragicalli/.^ It's our last night. Joy. [ScomJ'ulli/.] You don't understand ! [Dancing and clasping her hands.^ Mother's coming, mother's coming I Dick. [Violently.^ I wish Promise, Joy ! Jov. [Looking over her shoulder.'] Sly old thing ! If you'll pay Peachey out, I'll promise you supper ! Miss Beech. [From behind the tree.'\ I hear you, Joy. [Whispering.'] Pay her out, pay her out! She's let out all your worms ! Dick. [Looking moodily at the paint pot.] I say, is it true that Maurice Lever's coming with your mother ? I've met him playing cricket, he's rather a good sort. Jov. [Flashing out.] 1 haie him, Dick. [Troubled.] Do you.? Why.!* I thought — I didn't know — if I'd known of course, I'd have [He is going to say " hated him too / " But the voices of Ernest Blunt and the Colonel are heard approaching, in dispute. 20 JOY ACT J Joy. Oh ! Dick, hide me, I don't want my hair seen till Mother comes. [She springs into the hollow tree. The Colonel and Ernest appear in the opening of the wall. Ernest. ITie ball was out, Colonel. Colonel. Nothing of the sort. Ernest. A good foot out. Colonel. It was not, sir. I saw the chalk fly. [Ernest is twenty-eight, with a little moustache , and the positive cool voice of a young man who knows that he knows everything. He is perfectly calm, Ernest. I was nearer to it than you. Colonel. [/» a high, hot iw'ce.] I don't care where you were, I hate a fellow who can't keep cool. Miss Beech. \From behind the hollow tree.^ Fie ! Fie! Ernest. We're two to one, Letty says the ball was out. Colonel. Letty's your wife, she'd say anything. Ernest. Well, look here. Colonel, I'll show you the very place it pitched. Colonel. Gammon! You've lost your temper, you don't know what you're talking about. Ernest. [Coolly.] I suppose you'll admit the rule that one umpires one's own court. Colonel. [Hotly.] Certainly not in this case ! Miss Beech. [From befiind the hollow tree.] Special ACT I JOY 21 Ernest, [Moving chin in collar — ve/y coolli/.] Well, of course if you won't play the game ! Colonel, [/n a towering passion.^ If you lose your temper like this, I'll never play with you again. [To Lettv a pretty soul in a linen stiit, approaching through the wall. Do you mean to say that ball was out, Letty ? Letty. Of course it was, father. Colonel. You say that because he's your husband, [He sits on the rustic seat.'\ If your mother 'd been there she'd have backed me up ! Letty. Mother wants Joy, Dick, about her frock. Dick. I — I don't know where she is. Miss Beech. [From behind the hollow tree.] Ahem ! Letty. What's the matter Peachey ? Miss Beech. Swallowed a fly. Poor creature ! Ernest. [Returning to his point.] Why I know the ball was out. Colonel, was because it pitched in a line with that arbutus tree Colonel. [Rising.] Arbutus tree! [To his daughter.] Where's your mother .'' Letty. In the blue room. Father. Ernest. The ball was a good foot out; at the height it was coming when it passed me Colonel. [Stanng at him.] You're a — you're a — a theoi'ist ! From where you were you couldn't see the ball at all. [To Letty.] Where's you mother ? Letty. [Emphatically.] In the blue room. Father ! [The Colonel glares confusedly, and goes away towards the blue room. 22 JOY ACTi Ernest. [In the swing, and with a smile.] Your old Dad'll never be a sportsman ! Lettv. [Indignantly/.] I wish you wouldn't call Father old, Ernie ! What time's Molly coming. Peach ey ? [Rose has come from the house, and staTids waiting for a chance to speak. Ernest. [Breaking in.] Your old Dad's only got one fault ; he can't take an impersonal view of things. Miss Beech. Can you find me any one who can } Ernest. [ With a smile.] Well, Peachey ! Miss Beech. [Ironically.] Oh ! of course, there's you ! Ernest. 1 don't know about that ! But Rose. [To Letty.] Please, Miss, the Missis says will you and Mr. Ernest please to move your things into Miss Peachey's room. Ernest. [Vexed.] Deuce of a nuisance havin' to turn out for this fellow Lever. What did Molly want to bring him for } Miss Beech. Course you've no personal feeling in the matter ! Rose. [Speaking to Miss Beech,] The Missis says you're to please move your things into the blue room, please Miss. Letty. Aha, Peachey ! That settles you ! Come on, Ernie ! [She goes towards the house. Ernest, rising from the swing, turns to Miss Beech^ wh* follow*. ACT I JOY 28 Ernest. [Sniiling, faintly superior.'] Personal, not a bit ! I only think while Molly's out at grass, she oughtn't to Miss Beech, [Sharply.'] Oh ! do you ? \She hustles Ernest otit through the wall, but his voice is heard faintly from the distance : " I think it's jolly thin.'" Rose. [To Dick.] The Missis says you're to take all your worms and things. Sir, and put them where they won't be seen. Dick. [Shortly^ Haven't got any ! Rose. The Missis says she'll be very angry if you don't put your worms away; and would you come and help kill earwigs in the blue .'' Dick. Hang I \He goes, and Rose is left alone. Rose. [Looking straight before her.] Please, Miss Joy, the Missis says will you go to her about your frock, [There is a little pause, then from the hollofv tree Joy's voice is heard. Joy. No — o ! Rose. If you didn't come, I was to tell you she was going to put you in the blue [Joy looks out of the tree.] [Immovable, but smiling.] Oh, Miss Joy, you've done your hair up ! [Joy retires into the tree.] Please, Miss, what shall I tell the Missis .'' Joy. [Joy's voice is heard.] Anything you like! Rose. [Over her shoulder.] I shall be drove to tell her a story. Miss. 24 J O Y ACT I Joy. All right ! Tell it. [Rose goes away, and Joy comes out. She sits on the rustic seat and waits. Dick, coming softly from the house, approaches her. Dick. \Looking at her intently.^ Joy I I wanted to say something [Joy does not look at Mm, but twists her fingers. ^ I shan't see you again you know after to-morrow till I come up for the 'Varsity match. Joy. \Smiling.'] But that's next week. Dick. Must you go home to-morrow ? [Joy nods three times. \Coming closer.^ I shall miss you so awfully. You don't know how I [Jov shakes hei- head. Do look at me ! [Joy steals a look^ Oh ! Joy ! [Again Joy shakes her head. Joy. [Suddenly.] Ddn't ! Dick. [Seizing her hand.] Oh, Joy ! Can't you Joy. [Drawing the hand away.] Oh ! don't. Dick. [Bendifig his head.] It's — it's — so Joy. [Quietly.] Don't, Dick I Dick. But I can't help it ! It's too much for me, Joy, I must tell you [Mrs. Gwyn is seen approaching towards the house. Joy. [Spinning routid.] It's Mother — oh, Mother ! [She rushes at her. [Mhs. Gwyn is a handsome creature of thirty -six, dressed in a muslin frock. She twists her daughter round, and kisses hei\ ACT I JOY 25 Mrs. Gwvn. How sweet you look with your hair up, Joy ! Who's this ? [Gla?icing with a s^niile at Dick. Joy. Dick Merton — in my letters you know. \She looks at Dick as though she wished him gone. Mrs. Gwyn. How do you do .'' Dick. \Shaking hands. ^ How d'you do .^ I think if you'll excuse me — I'll go in. [He goes uncertainly. Mrs, Gwyn. What's the matter with him .-' Joy, Oh, nothing ! [Hugging her.] Mother ! You do look such a duck. Why did you come by the towing-path, wasn't it cooking ? Mrs. Gwyn. [Avoiding her eyes.] Mr. Lever wanted to go into Mr. Henty's. [Her manner is rather artificially composed. Joy. [Diilly.'] Oh ! Is he — is he really coming here, Mother } Mrs. Gwyn. [Whose voice has hardened just a little.] If Aunt Nell's got a room for him — of course — why not > Joy. [Digging her chin into lier mother s shoulder,] Why couldn't he choose some day when we'd gone ? 1 wanted you all to myself. Mrs. Gwyn. You are a quaint child — when I was your age Joy. [Suddenly looking up.] Oh ! Mother, you must have been a chook ! Mrs. Gwyn. Well, 1 was about twice as old as you, I know that. 26 JOY ACT I Joy. Had you any — any other offers before you were married. Mother ? Mrs. Gwyn. [Smilingli^.] Heaps ! Joy. [Reflectively.] Oh ! Mrs. Gwyn, Why .'' Have you been having any ^ Joy. [Glancing at Mrs. Gwyn, and then dotvn.] N — o, of course not ! Mrs Gwyn. Where are they all.'' Where's Peachey ? Joy. Fussing about somewhere ; don't let's hurry ! Oh ! you duckie — duckie ! Aren't there any letters from Dad .'' Mrs. Gwyn. [In a harder voice.] Yes, one or two. Joy. [Hesitating.] Can't I see .'' Mrs. Gwyn. I didn't bring them. [Changing the subject obviously.] Help me to tidy — I'm so hot I don't know what to do. [She takes out a powder-puff bag, with a tiny looking-glass. Joy. How lovely it'll be to-morrow — going home I Mrs. Gwyn. [With an uneasy look.] London's dreadfully stuffy, Joy. You'll only get knocked up again. Joy. [With consternation.] Oh! but Mother, I mtist come. Mrs. Gwyn. [Forcing a smile.] Oh, well if you must, you must ! [Joy makes a dash at her.] Don't rumple me again. Here's Uncle Tom. Joy. [Quickly.] Mother, we're going to dance to- night, promise to dance with me, there are three ACT I JOY 27 more girls than men, at least, and don't dance too much with — with — ^you know— because I'm — [drop" ping her voice and very still] — ^jealous. Mrs. Gwyn. [Forcing a laugh.] You are funny ! Joy. \^Feri/ quickli/.] /haven't made any engage- ments because of you. [The Colonel approaches through the wall. Mrs. Gwyn. Well, Uncle Tom ? Colonel. [Genialli/.] Why, Molly ! [He kisses her.] What made you come by the towing-path .'' Joy. Because it's so much cooler, of course. Colonel. Hallo! What's the matter with i/ou? Phew ! you've got your hair up } Go and tell your aunt your mother's on the lawn. Cut along ! [Joy goes, blowing a kiss.] Cracked about you, Molly ! Simply cracked ! We shall miss her when you take her off to-morrow. [He places a chair for her.] Sit down, sit down, you must be tired in this heat. I've sent Bob for your things with the wheelbarrow ; what have you got — only a bag, I suppose .'' Mrs. Gwyn. [Sitting, tvith a smile.] That's all. Uncle Tom, except — my trunk and hat-box. Colonel. Phew! And what's-his-name brought a bag, I suppose ? Mrs. Gwyn. They're all together. I hope it's not too much. Uncle Tom. Colonel. [Dubiously.] Oh I Bob'll manage ! I sup- pose you see a good deal of — of — Lever. That's his brother in the Guards, isn't it ? 28 JOY ACT I Mrs Gwyn. Yes, Colonel. Now what does this chap do. Mr? Gwyn. What should he do. Uncle Tom ? He's a Director. Colonel. Guinea-pig ! [Diibionsly.^ Your bringing him down was a good idea. [Mrs. Gwyn, looking at him sidelong, bites her lips] I should like to have a look at him. But, I say, you know, Molly — mines, mines I There are a lot of these chaps about, whose business is to cook their own dinners. Your aunt thinks Mrs. Gwyn. Oh ! Uncle Tom, don't tell me what Aunt Nell thinks ! Colonel Well — well ! Look here, old girl ! It's my experience never to — what I mean is — never to trust too much to a man who has to do with mining. I've always refused to have anything to do with mines. If your husband were in England, of course, I'd say nothing. Mrs. Gwyn. [Very stdl.'\ We'd better keep him out of the question, hadn't we .'' Colonel. Of course, if you wish it, my dear. Mrs. Gwyn. Unfortunatel}', I do. Colonel. \Nervo%isly.^ Ah! yes, I know ; but look here, Molly, your aunt thinks you're in a very delicate position — in fact, she thinks you see too much of young Lever Mrs. Gwyn. [Stretching herself like an angry cat.^ Does she } And what do you think .'' ACT I JOY 29 Colonel. I ? I make a point of not thinking. I only know that here he is, and I don't want you to go burning your fingers, eh ? [Mrs. Gwvn sits with a vindictive smile.^ A gold mine's a gold mine. I don't mean he delibe- rately— but they take in women and parsons, and — and all sorts of fools. [Looking dotvn.^ And then, you know, I can't tell your feelings, my dear, and I don't want to ; but a man about town' 11 compromise a woman as soon as he'll look at her, and [softbj shaking his head] I don't like that, Molly ! It's not the thing ! [Mrs. Gwyn sits unmoved, smiling the same smile, and the Colonel gjives her a nervous look.] If — if — you were any other woman — / shouldn't care — and if — if you were a plain woman, damme, you might do what you liked ! I know you and Geoff don't get on ; but here's this child of yours, devoted to you, and — and don't you see, old girl .'' Eh } Mrs. Gwyn. [With a little hard laugh.] Thanks! Perfectly ! I suppose as you don't think, Uncle Tom, it never occurred to you that / have rather a lonely time of it. Colonel. [With compunction.] Oh! my dear, yes, of course I know it must be beastly. Mrs. Gwyn. [Stomly.] It is. Colonel. Yes, yes ! [Speaking in a surprised voice.] I don't know what I am talking like this for I It's your Aunt ! She goes on at me till she gets on my •«i^^fl_->. 30 JOY ACTi nerves. What d'you think she wants me to do now ? Put money into this gold mine ! Did you ever hear such folly ? Mrs. Gwyn. [Breaking into laughterS\ Oh ! Uncle Tom ! Colonel. All very well for you to laugh, Molly ! Mrs. Gwyn. \CaImly.'\ And how much are you going to put in ? Colonel. Not a farthing ! Why, I've got nothing but my pension and three thousand India Stock ! Mrs. Gwyn. Only ninety pounds a year, besides your pension ! D'you mean to say that's all you've got. Uncle Tom ? I never knew that before. What a shame ! Colonel. [Feelingly.^ It is — a d— d shame ! I don't suppose there's another case in the army of a man being treated as Pve been. Mrs. Gwyn. But how on earth do you manage here on so little .'' Colonel. \Brooding.'\ Your Aunt's very funny. She's a bom manager. She'd manage the hind leg off a donkey ; but if / want five shillings for a charity or what not, I have to whistle for it. And then all of a sudden, Molly, she'll take it into her head to spend goodness knows what on some trumpery or other, and come to me for the money. If I haven't got it to give her, out she flies about 3 per cent., and worries me to invest in some wild-cat or other, like your friend's thing, the Jaco — what is it .'' I don't pay the slightest attention to her. ACT I JOY SI Mrs. Hope. [From the direction of the house.^ Tom ! Colonel. [Rising.^ Yes, dear I [Then dropping his voice.^ I say, Molly, don't you mind what I said about young Lever. I don't wan't you to imagine that I think harm of people — you know I don't — but so many women come to grief, and — [Aof/y] — I can't stand men about town ; not that he of course Mrs. Hope. [Peremptorily. '\ Tom ! Colonel. [In hasty cotifidence.^ I find it best to let your Aunt run on. If she says anything Mrs. Hope, To-om ! Colonel. Yes, dear ! [He goes hastily. Mrs. Gwyn sits drawing circles on the ground with her charming parasol. Suddenly she springs to her feet, and stands waiting like an animal at bay. The Colonel and Mrs. Hope approach her talking. Mrs. Hope. Well, how was / to know ? Colonel. Didn't Joy come and tell you } Mrs. Hope. I don't know what's the matter with that child .'' Well, Molly, so here you are. You're before your time — that train's always late. Mrs. Gwyn. [With faint irony. '\ I'm sorry. Aunt Nell ! [They bob, seem to take fright, and kiss each other gingerly. Mrs. Hope. What have you done with Mr. Lever .^ I shall have to put him in Peachey's room. Tom's got no champagne. c 32 JOY ACT I Colonel. They've a very decent brand down at the George, Molly, I'll send Bob over Mrs. Hope. Rubbish, Tom ! He'll just have to put up with what he can get ! Mrs. Gwyn. Of course ! He's not a snob ! For goodness sake. Aunt Nell, don't put yourself out ! I'm sorry I suggested his coming. Colonel. My dear, we ought to have champagne in the house — in case of accident. Mrs. Gwyn. [Shaking him gently hy the coat.'\ No, please, Uncle Tom ! Mrs. Hope. [Suddenly.'\ Now, I've told your Uncle, Molly, that he's not to go in for this gold mine without making certain it's a good thing. Mind, I think you've been very rash. I'm going to give you a good talking to ; and that's not all — you oughtn't to go about like this with a young man ; he's not at all bad looking. I remember him perfectly well at the Fleming's dance. \0n Mrs. Gwyn's lips there comes a little mocking smile. Colonel. [Pulling his wife's sleeve.^ Nell ! Mrs. Hope. No, Tom, I'm going to talk to Molly ; she's old enough to know better. Mrs. Gwyn. Yes.'' Mrs. Hopk. Yes, and you'll get yourself into a mess ; I don't approve of it, and when I see a thing I don't approve of Colonel. [ Walking about, and pulling his moustache.] Nell, I won't have it, I simply won't have it. ACT I JOY 88 Mrs. Hope. What rate of interest are these Pre- ference Shares to pay ? Mrs. Gwyn. [Still smiling.] Ten per cent. Mrs. Hope. What did I tell you, Tom > And are they safe .'' Mrs. Gwyn. You'd better ask Maurice. Mrs. Hope. There, you see, you call him Maurice ! Now supposing your Uncle went in for some of them Colonel. [Taking off" his hat — in a high, hot voice.] I'm not going in for anything of the sort. Mrs. Hope. Don't swing your hat by the brim ! Go and look if you can see him coming I [The Colonel goes.] [In a lower voice.] Your Uncle's getting very bald. I've only shoulder of lamb for lunch, and a salad. It's lucky it's too hot to eat. [Miss Beech has appeared while she is speaking.] Here she is, Peachey ! Miss Beech. I see her. [She kisses Mrs. Gwyn, and looks at her intently,] Mrs. Gwyn, [Shrugging her shoulders.] Well, Peachey ! What d'you make of me .-* Colonel. [Returning from his search.] There's a white hat crossing the second stile. Is that your friend, Molly.'' [Mrs. Gwyn nods. Mrs. Hope. Oh ! before 1 forget, Peachey — Letty and Ernest can move their things back again. I'm going to put Mr. Lever in your room, [Catching sight 84 JOY ACT I of the paint pot on the ground.^ There's that disgusting paint-pot ! Take it up at once, Tom, and put it in the tree. [The Colonel picks up the pot and hears it to the hollow tree followed by Mrs. Hope; he enters. Mrs. Hope. \Speaking into the tree.] Not there ! Colonel. \From within.] Well, where then ? Mrs. Hope. Why — up — oh ! gracious ! [Mrs. Gwyn, standing alone, is smiling. Lever approaches from the towing-path. He is a man like a foncers wiist, supple and steely. A man whose age is difficult to tell, with a quick, good-looking face, and a line between his brows ; his darkish hair is flecked with grey. He gives the feeling that he has always had to spurt to keep pace with his own life. Mrs. Hope. [Also entering the hollow tree.] No — oh! Colonel. [From the depths, in a high voice.] Well, dash it then ! What do you want .'' Mrs. Gwyn. Peachey, may I introduce Mr. Lever to you? Miss Beech, my old governess. [They shake each other by the hand. Lever. How do you do ? , [His voice is pleasant, his manner easy. ACTi JOY Z6 Miss Beech. Pleased to meet you. [Her manner is that of one who is not pleased. She watches. Mrs. Gwyn. [PottUing to the tree — maliciously.^ This is my uncle and my aunt. They're taking exercise, I think. [The Colonel and Mrs. Hope emerge convul- sively. They are very hot. Lever and Mrs. Gwyn are very cool. Mrs. Hope. [Shaking hands with Am.] So you're got here ! Aren't you very hot } — Tom ! Colonel. Brought a splendid day with you ! Splendid ! [As he speaks, Jov comes running with a hunch of roses ; seeing Lever, she stops and stands quite rigid. Miss Beech. [Sitting in the swing.^ Thunder! Colonel. Thunder ? Nonsense, Peachey, you're always imagining something. Look at the sky I Miss Beech. Thunder ! [Mrs. Gwyn's smile has faded. Mrs. Hope. [Turniiig.^ Joy, don't you see Mr. Lever ? [Joy, turning to her mother, gives her the roses. With a forced smile, Lever advances, holding out his hand. Lever. How are you, Joy.'' Haven't seen you for an age ! 86 JOY ACT I Joy. [Without expression.^ I am very well, thank you. [She raises her hand, and Just touches his. Mrs. G YWN 's ei/es are fixed on her daughter. M iss Beech is watching them intently ; Mrs. Hops is buttoning the Colonel's coat. The curtmn falls. ACT II [It is afternoon, and at a garden-table placed beneath the hollow tree, the Colonel is poring over plans. Astride of a garden-chair, Lever is smoking cigarettes. Dick is han^ng Chinese lanterns to the hollow tree. Lever. Of course, if this level [pointing rvith his cigarette^ peters out to the West we shall be in a tightish place ; you know what a mine is at this stage, Colonel Hope ? Colonel. [Absently.^ Yes, yes. [Tracing a line.] What is there to prevent its running out here to the East? Lever. Well, nothing, except that as a matter of fact it doesn't. Colonel. [With some excitement.] I'm verT/ glad yon showed me these papers, very glad ! / say that it's a most astonishing thing if the ore suddenly stops there. [A gleam of humour visits Lever's ^iice.] I'm not an expert, but you ought to prove that ground to the East more thoroughly. Lever. [Quizzically.] Of course sir, if you advise that Colonel. If it were mine, I'd no more sit down 37 38 JOY ACT II under the belief that the ore stopped there, than I'd There's a harmony in these things. Lever. I can only tell you what our experts say. Colonel. Ah ! Experts ! No faith in them — never had ! Miners, lawyers, theologians, cowardly lot — pays them to be cowardly. When they haven't their own axes to grind, they've got their theories ; a theory's a dangerous thing. [He loses himself in contemplation of the papers.] Now my theory is, you're in strata here of what we call the Triassic Age. Lever, [Syniling faintly.] Ah ! Colonel. You've struck a fault, that's what's happened. The ore may be as much as thirty or forty yards out ; but it's there, depend on it. Lever. Would you back that opinion, Sir .'' Colonel. [With dignity.] I never give an opinion that I'm not prepared to back. I want to get to the bottom of this. What's to prevent the gold going down indefinitely ? Lever. Nothing, so far as I know. Colonel. [With suspicion.] Eh ! Lever. All I can tell you is : This is as far as we've got, and we want more money before we can get any further. Colonel. [Absently.] Yes, yes ; that's very usual. Lever. If you ask my personal opinion I think it's very doubtful that the gold does go down. Colonel. [Smiling.] Oh ! a personal opinion — on a matter of this sort ! Lbver. [As though about to take the papers.] Per- ACT II JOY 89 haps we'd better close the sitting, Sir ; sorry to have bored you. Colonel, Now, now ! Don't be so touchy ! If I'm to put money in, I'm bound .to look at it all round. Lever. [fVitk lifted brotvs.^ Please don't imagine that I want you to put money in. Colonel. Confound it, sir I D'you suppose I take you for a Company promoter ? Lever. Thank you ! Colonel. [Looking at him doubtfully.^ You've got Irish blood in you — um .'' You're so hasty I Lever. If you're really thinking of taking shares — my advice to you is, don't ! Colonel. [Regretfully.^ If this were an ordinary gold mine, I wouldn't dream of looking at it, I want you to understand that. Nobody has a greater objection to gold mines than I, Lever. \lMoks down at his host with half-closed etjes.^ But it is a gold mine. Colonel Hope. Colonel. I know, I know ; but I've been into it for myself; I've formed ray opinion personally. Now, what's the reason you don't want me to invest } Lever. Well, if it doesn't turn out as you expect, you'll say it's my doing. I know what investors are. Colonel. [Dubiously.^ If it were a Westralian or a Kaffir I wouldn't touch it with a pair of tongs ! It's not as if I were going to put much in ! [He suddenly 40 JOY ACT n bends above the papers as though magnetically attracted. "[ I like these Triassic formations ! [Dick, ivho has hung the last lantern, moodily departs. Lever. [Looking after him.^ That young man seems depressed. Colonel. [As though remembering his principles.^ I don't like mines, never have ! [Suddenly absorbed again.^ I tell you what. Lever — th's thing's got tremendous possibilities. You don't seem to believe in it enough. No mine's any good without faith ; until I see for myself, however, I shan't commit my- self beyond a thousand. Lever. Are you serious, sir .-* Colonel. Certainly ! I've been thinking it over ever since you told me Henty had fought shy. I've a poor opinion of Henty. He's one of those fellows that says one thing and does another. An oppor- tunist ! Lever. [Slowly.^ I'm afraid we're all that, more or less. [He sits beneath the hollow tree. Colonel. A man never knows what he is himself. There's my wife. She thinks she's By the way, don't say anything to her about this, please. And, Lever [nervotishj], I don't think, you know, this is quite the sort of thing for my niece. Lever. [Quietly.^ I agree. I mean to get her out of it. Colonel. [A little taken aback.'\ Ah ! You know, she — she's in a very delicate position, living by her- ACT 11 JOY 41 self in London. [Lever looks at him ironically J\ You \yery nervously] see a good deal of her ? If it hadn't been for Joy growing so fast, we shouldn't have had the child down here. Her Mother ought to have hei with her. Eh ! Don't you think so '^ Lkver. [Forcing a smile.] Mrs. Gwyn always seems to me to get on all right. Colonel. [As though making a discovery.] You know, I've found that when a woman's living alone and unprotected, the very least thing will set a lot of hags and jackanapes talking. [Hotly.] The more unprotected and helpless a woman is, the more they revel in it. If there's anything I hate in this world, it's those wretched creatures who babble about their neighbours' affairs. Lever. I agree with you. Colonel. One ought to be very careful not to give them — that is [checks himself confused ; then hurrying wi] — I suppose you and Joy get on all right t Lever. [(^oolly?[ Pretty well, thanks. I'm not exactly in Joy's line ; haven't seen very much of her, in fact. [Mjss Beech and Joy have been approaching from the house. But seeing Lever, Joy turns abruptly, hesitates a moment, and with an angry gesture goes away. Colonel [Unconscious.] Wonderfully aff'ectionate little thing! Well, she'll be going home to-morrow! Miss Beech. [Who has been gazing after Joy.] Talkin' business, poor creatures .'* 42 JOY ACT II Lever. Oh, no ! If you'll excuse me, I'll wash my hands before tea. [He glances at the Colonel poring over papers, and, shrugging his shoulders, strolls arvay. Miss Beech. \Sitting in the simngi\ I see your horrid papers. Colonel. Be quiet, Peach ey ! Miss Beech. On a beautiful summer s day, too. Colonel. That'll do now. Miss Beech. \lJnmmed^^ For every ounce you take out of a gold mine you put two in. Colonel. Who told you that rubbish ? Miss Beech. \With deviln/.] You did ! Colonel. This isn't an ordinary gold mine. Miss Beech. Oh ! quite a special thing. [Colonel stares at her, hut subsiding at her impassivity he pores again over the papers. [Rose has ajjproached rvith a tea cloth. Rose. If you please, sir, the missis told me to lay the tea. Colonel. Go away ! Ten fives fifty. Ten 5-l6ths, Peachey ? Miss Beech. I hate your nasty sums ! [Rose goes away. The Colonel writes. Mrs. Hope's voice is heard," Now then, bring those chairs, you two. Not that one, Ernest." Ernest and Letty appear through the openings of the wall, each with a chair. ACT II JOY 48 Colonel. [With dull exasperation.^ What do you want ! Letty. Tea, father. \She places her chair and goes away. Ernest. That Johnny-bird Lever is too cocksure for me. Colonel. Those South American things are no good at all. I know all about them from young Scrotton. There's not one that's worth a red cent. If you want a flutter Colonel. [Explosively.^ Flutter ! I'm not a gambler, sir ! Ernest. Well, Colonel [with a smile^ I only don't want you to chuck your money away on a stiff 'un. If you want anything good you should go to Mexico. Colonel. [Jumping up and holding out the map.'\ Go to [He stops tn time.^ What d'you call that, eh } M-EX Ernest. [Not to be embarrassed.^ It all depends on what part. Colonel. You think you know everything — you think nothing's right unless it's your own idea ! Be good enough to keep your advice to yourself. Ernest. [Moving ivitk his chair, and stojrping rvith a smile.] If you ask me, I should say it wasn't playing the game to put Molly into a thing like that. Colonel. What do you mean, sir ? Ernest. Any Juggins can see that she's a bit gone on our friend. Colonel. [Freesingly.] Indeed ! 44 JOY ACT II Ernest. He's not at all the sort of Johnny that appeals to me. Colonel. Really } Ernest. [Unmoved.^ If I were you, Colonel, I should tip her the wink. He was hanging about her at Ascot all the time. It's a bit thick ! [Mrs. Hope followed by Rose appears from the house. Colonel. [Stammering with passion.\ Jackanapes! Mrs. Hope. Don't stand there, Tom ; clear those papers, and let Rose lay the table. Now, Ernest, go and get another chair. \The Colonel looks wildly roufid and sits be- neath the hollow tree, with his liead held in his hands. Rose lays the cloth. Miss Beech. [Sitting beside the Colonel.] Poor creature ! Ernest. [Carrying his chair about with Am.] Ask any Johnny in the City, he'll tell you Mexico's a very tricky country — the people are awful rotters — Mrs. Hope. Put that chair down, Ernest. [Ernest looks at the chair, puts it down, opens his mouth, and goes away. Rossfollows Am.] What's he been talking about ? You oughtn't to get so excited, Tom ; is your head bad, old man ? Here, take these papers ! [She hands the papers to the Colonel.] Peachey, go in and tell them tea'll be ready in a minute, there's a good soul ! Oh ! and on my dressing-table you'll find a bottle of Eau de Cologne ACT II JOY 45 Miss Beech. Don't let him get in a temper again ? That's three times to day ! [^She goes towards the house. Colonel. Never met such a fellow in my life, the most opinionated, narrow-minded — thinks he knows everything. Whatever Letty could see in him I can't think. Pragmatical beggar ! Mrs. Hope. Now Tom I What have you been up to, to get into a state like this .'' Colonel. [^Avoiding her eyes.^ I shall lose my temper with him one of these days. He's got that confounded habit of thinking nobody can be right but himself. Mrs. Hope. That's enough ! I want to talk to you seriously ! Dick's in love. I'm perfectly certain of it. Colonel. Love ! Who's he in love with — Peach ey .'' Mrs. Hope. You can see it all over him. If I saw any signs of Joy's breaking out, I'd send them both away. I simply won't have it. Colonel. Why, she's a child ! Mrs. Hope. [Pursuing her own thoughts.] But she isn't — not yet. I've been watching her very care- fully. She's more in love with her Mother than any one, follows her about like a dog ' She's been quite rude to Mr. Lever. Colonel. [Pursuing kts own thoughts.] I don't believe a word of it. [He lises and walks about. Mrs. Hope. Don't believe a word of what .'' [The Colonel is silent.] 46 JOY ACT 11 [Pursuing his thoughts with her onm.] If I thought there were anything between Molly and Mr. Lever, d'you suppose I'd have him in the house ? [The Colonel stops, and gives a sort oj" grunt.] He's a very nice fellow ; and I want you to pump him well, Tom, and see what there is in this mine. Colonel. [Uneasili/.] Pump! Mrs. Hope. [Looking at him curiously.] Yes, you've been up to something ! Now what is it ? Colonel. Pump my own guest ! I never heard of such a thing ! Mrs. Hope. There you are on your high horse ! I do wish you had a little common sense, Tom ! Colonel. I'd as soon you asked me to sneak about eavesdropping ! Pump ! Mrs. Hope. Well, what were you looking at these papers for } It does drive me so wild the way you throw away all the chances you have of making a little money. I've got you this opportunity, and you do nothing but rave up and down, and talk non- sense ! Colonel. [In a high r>oiceJ\ Much you know about it ! I've taken a thousand shares in this mine ! [He stops dead. There ts a silence. Mrs. Hope. You've — WHAT.-* Without consulting me .'' Well, then, you'll just go and take them out again! Colonel. You want me to .'' Mrs. Hope. The idea ! As if you could trust your judgment in a thing like that ! You'll just ACT II J O Y 47 go at once and say there was a mistake ; then we'll talk it over calmly. Colonel. [Drawing himself up.] Go back on what I've said .'' Not if I lose every penny ! First you worry me to take the shares, and then you worry rae not — I won't have it, Nell, I won't have it ! Mrs. Hope. Well, if I'd thought you'd have for- gotten what you said this morning and turned about like this, d'you suppose I'd have spoken to you at all. Now, do you .'' Colonel. Rubbish • If you can't see that this is a special opportunity ! [He walks away followed by Mrs. Hope, who endeavours to make him see her point of view. Ernest and Letty are now returning from the house armed with a third chair. Letty. What's the matter with everybody } Is it the heat } Ernest. [Preoccupied and sitting in the sfving.] That sportsman, Lever, you know, ought to be warned ofl. [Rose has followed tvith the tea tray. Letty. [Signing to Ernest.] Where's Miss Joy, Rose ? Rose, Don't know, Miss. [Putting down the tray, she goes. Letty. Ernie, be careful, you never know where Joy is. Ernest. [Preoccupied with his reflections.] Your old Dad's as mad as a hatter with me. Letty. Why ? D 48 JOY ACT II Ernest. Well, I merely said what I thought, that Molly ought to look out what she's doing, and he dropped on me like a cartload of bricks. Letty. The Dad's very fond of Molly. Ernest. But look here, d'you mean to tell me that she and Lever aren't Letty. Don't ! Suppose they are ! If Joy were to hear it'd be simply awful. I like Molly. Fm not going to believe anything against her. I don't see the use of it. If it is, it is, and if it isn't, it isn't. Ernest. Well, all I know is that when I told her the mine was probably a frost she went for me like steam. Letty. Well, so should I. She was only sticking up for her friends. Ernest. Ask the old Peachey-bird. She knows a thing or two. Look here, I don't mind a man's being a bit of a sportsman, but I think Molly's bringin' him down here is too thick. Your old dad's got one of his notions that because this Josser's his guest, he must keep him in a glass case, and take shares in his mine, and all the rest of it. Letty. I do think people are horrible, always thinking things. It's not as if Molly were a stranger. She's my own cousin. I'm not going to believe anything about my own cousin. I simply wonH. Ernest. [ReluctaTitly realising the difference that this makes.^^ I suppose it does make a difference, her bein' your cousin. ACTii JOY 49 Letty. Of course it does ! I only hope to good- ness no one will make Joy suspect [She stops and puts her Jinger to her lips, for Joy w coming towards them, as the tea-bell sounds. She is followed by Dick and Miss Beech with the Eau de Cologne. The Colonel and Mrs, Hope are also coming back, discussing still each other s point of view. Joy. Where's Mother? Isn't she here ? Mrs, Hope. Now Joy, come and sit down ; your mother's been told tea's ready ; if she lets it get cold it's her look out. Dick. [Producing a rug, and spreading it beneath the tree.'\ Plenty of room, Joy. Joy. I don't believe Mother knows, Aunt Nell, [Mrs. Gwyn and Lever appear in the opening of the wall. Letty. [Touching Ernest's arm.'\ Look, Ernie! Four couples and Peachey Ernest. [Preoccupied.^ What couples .? Joy. Oh ! Mums, here you are ! [Seizing her, shejums her back on Lever. They sit in various seats, and Mrs. Hope pours out the tea. Mrs. Hope. Hand the sandwiches to Mr. Lever, Peachey. It's our own jam, Mx", Lever. Lever, Thanks. [He takes a bite.^ It's splendid ! Mrs. Gwyn. [With forced gaiety. '\ It's the first time I've ever seen you eat jam. 50 JOY ACT II Lever. [Smiling a forced smile.^ Really ! But I love it. Mrs. Gwyn. \With a little 6ow.] You always refuse mine. Joy. [ Who has been staring at her enemy, suddenly.^ I'm all burnt up ! Aren't you simply boiled, Mother? \She touches her Mother s forehead. Mrs. Gwyn. Ugh ! You're quite clammy, Joy. Joy. It's enough to make any one clammy. [Her eyes go hack to Lever's face as though to stab him. Ernest. [Fro7n the swing.] I say, you know, the glass is going down. Lever. [Suavely.] The glass in the hall's steady enough. Ernest. Oh, I never go by that ; that's a rotten old glass. Colonel. Oh ! is it ? Ernest. [Payi7tg no attention.] I've got a little ripper — never puts you in the cart. Bet you what you like we have thunder before to-morrow night. Miss Beech. [Removing her gaze from Joy to Lever.] You don't think we shall have it before to-night, do you ? Lever. [Suavely.] I beg your pardon ; did you speak to me .'* Miss Beech. I said, you don't think we shall have the thunder before to night, do you.'' [She resumes her watch on Joy. ACT II JOY 51 Lever. [Blandli/.] Really, I don't see any signs of it [Joy, crossing to the rug, flings herself down. And Dick sits cross-legged, with his eyes fast fixed on her. Miss Beech. [Eating.^ People don't often see what! they don't want to, do they .'' I [Lever only lifts his brows. Mrs. Gwyn. [Quickly breaking in.] What are you talking about ? The weather's perfect. Miss Beech. Isn't it. Mrs. Hope. You'd better make a good tea, Peachey ; nobody'll get anything till eight, and then only cold shoulder. You must just put up with no hot dinner, Mr. Lever. Lever. [Bowing.] Whatever is good enough for Miss Beech is good enough for me. Miss Beech. [Sardonically — taking another sandmch ~\ So you think ! Mrs. Gwyn. [With forced gaiety.] Don't be so absurd, Peachey. [Miss Beech grunts slightly. Colonel-. [Once more busy with his papers.] I see the name of your engineer is Rodriguez — Italian, eh? Lever. Portuguese. Colonel. Don't like that ! Lever. I believe he was born in England. Colonel. [Reassured.] Oh, was he .'' Ah ! Ernest. Awful rotters, those Portuguese ! Colonel. There you go ! 52 JOY ACT II Lettv. Well, Father, Ernie only said what you said. Mrs. Hope. Now I want to ask you, Mr. Lever, is this gold mine safe .'' If it isn't — I simply won't allow Tom to take these shares ; he can't afford it. Lever. It rather depends on what you call safe, Mrs. Hope. Mrs. Hope. I don't want anything extravagant, of course ; if they're going to pay their 10 per cent. regularly, and Tom can have his money out at any time [There is a faint whistle from the swing.^ I only want to know that it's a thoroughly genuine thing. Mrs. Gwvn. [Indignantly.^ As if Maurice would be a director if it wasn't ? Mrs. Hope. Now Molly, I'm simply asking Mas. GwYN. Yes, you are I Colonel. [Rising.^ I'll take two thousand of those shares. Lever. To have my wife talk like that — I'm quite ashamed. Lever. Oh, come, sir, Mrs. Hope only meant [Mrs. Gwyn looks eagerly at Lever. Dick. [Quietly.^ Let's go on the river, Joy. [Joy rises, atid goes to her Mother's chair. Mrs. Hope. Of course I What rubbish, Tom ! As if any one ever invested money without making sure ! Lever. [Ironically.] It seems a little difficult to make sure in this case. There isn't the smallest ACT II J O Y 53 necessity for Colonel Hope to take any shares, and it looks to me as if he'd better not. [He lights a cigarette. Mrs. Hope. Now, Mr. Lever, don't be offended I I'm very anxious for Tom to take the shares if you say the thing's so good. Lever, I'm afraid I must ask to be left out^ please. Joy. [Whispering.^ Mother, if you've finished, do come, I want to show you my room. Mrs, Hope. I wouldn't say a word, only Tom's so easily taken in. Mrs. Gwyn, [Fiercely.] Aunt Nell, how can you ? [Joy gives a little savage laugh. Letty. [Hastily.] Ernie, will you play Dick and me ? Come on, Dick ! [All three go out towards the lanm. Mrs, Hope. You ought to know your Uncle by this time, Molly, He's just like a child. He'd be a pauper to-morrow if I didn't see to things. Colonel. Understand once for all that I shall take two thousand shares in this mine. I'm — I'm humili- ated. [He turns and goes towards the house. Mrs. Hope. Well, what on earth have I said.'' [She hurries after him. Mrs. Gwyn. [In a low voice as she passes.] You needn't insult my friends I [Lever, .vh-ugging his shoulders, has strolled aside. Joy, with a passionate movement seen only by Miss Beech, goes off towards the house. Miss Beech and Mrs. Gwyn aye left alone beside the remnants of the feast. 54 JOY ACT II Miss Beech. Molly ! [Mrs. Gwyn looks up startled.'] Take care^ Molly, take care ! The child ! Can't you see ? [Apostrophizing Lever.] Take care, Molly, take care ! Lever. [Coming back.'] Awfully hot, isn't it ? Miss Beech. Ah ! and it'll be hotter if we don't mind. Lever. [Stiavely.] Do we control these things .'' [Miss Beech looking from face to face, nods her head repeatedly ; then gathering her skirts she walks towards the house, Mrs. Gwyn sits motionless, staring before her.] Extraordinary old lady ! [He pitches away his cigar- ette.] What's the matter with her, Molly .'' Mrs. Gwyn. [With an effort.] Oh ! Peachey's a character ! Lever. [Frowning.] So I see ! [There is a silence.
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/* * BSD 3-Clause License * * Copyright (c) 2017-2018, plures * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <complex.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include "ndtypes.h" #include "xnd.h" #include "gumath.h" #include "common.h" /****************************************************************************/ /* Optimized dispatch (exact casting) */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Structured kernel locations for fast lookup. */ static int kernel_location(const ndt_t *in0, const ndt_t *in1, ndt_context_t *ctx) { const ndt_t *t0 = ndt_dtype(in0); const ndt_t *t1 = ndt_dtype(in1); switch (t0->tag) { case Uint8: { switch (t1->tag) { case Uint8: return 0; case Uint16: return 8; case Uint32: return 16; case Uint64: return 24; case Int8: return 32; case Int16: return 40; case Int32: return 48; case Int64: return 56; case Float32: return 64; case Float64: return 72; default: goto invalid_combination; } } case Uint16: { switch (t1->tag) { case Uint8: return 80; case Uint16: return 88; case Uint32: return 96; case Uint64: return 104; case Int8: return 112; case Int16: return 120; case Int32: return 128; case Int64: return 136; case Float32: return 144; case Float64: return 152; default: goto invalid_combination; } } case Uint32: { switch (t1->tag) { case Uint8: return 160; case Uint16: return 168; case Uint32: return 176; case Uint64: return 184; case Int8: return 192; case Int16: return 200; case Int32: return 208; case Int64: return 216; case Float32: return 224; case Float64: return 232; default: goto invalid_combination; } } case Uint64: { switch (t1->tag) { case Uint8: return 240; case Uint16: return 248; case Uint32: return 256; case Uint64: return 264; default: goto invalid_combination; } } case Int8: { switch (t1->tag) { case Uint8: return 272; case Uint16: return 280; case Uint32: return 288; case Int8: return 296; case Int16: return 304; case Int32: return 312; case Int64: return 320; case Float32: return 328; case Float64: return 336; default: goto invalid_combination; } } case Int16: { switch (t1->tag) { case Uint8: return 344; case Uint16: return 352; case Uint32: return 360; case Int8: return 368; case Int16: return 376; case Int32: return 384; case Int64: return 392; case Float32: return 400; case Float64: return 408; default: goto invalid_combination; } } case Int32: { switch (t1->tag) { case Uint8: return 416; case Uint16: return 424; case Uint32: return 432; case Int8: return 440; case Int16: return 448; case Int32: return 456; case Int64: return 464; case Float32: return 472; case Float64: return 480; default: goto invalid_combination; } } case Int64: { switch (t1->tag) { case Uint8: return 488; case Uint16: return 496; case Uint32: return 504; case Int8: return 512; case Int16: return 520; case Int32: return 528; case Int64: return 536; default: goto invalid_combination; } } case Float32: { switch (t1->tag) { case Uint8: return 544; case Uint16: return 552; case Uint32: return 560; case Int8: return 568; case Int16: return 576; case Int32: return 584; case Float32: return 592; case Float64: return 600; default: goto invalid_combination; } } case Float64: { switch (t1->tag) { case Uint8: return 608; case Uint16: return 616; case Uint32: return 624; case Int8: return 632; case Int16: return 640; case Int32: return 648; case Float32: return 656; case Float64: return 664; default: goto invalid_combination; } } default: goto invalid_combination; } invalid_combination: ndt_err_format(ctx, NDT_ValueError, "invalid dtype"); return -1; } /****************************************************************************/ /* Arithmetic */ /****************************************************************************/ #define XND_ALL_BINARY(name) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, uint16, uint16, uint16) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, uint32, uint32, uint32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, uint64, uint64, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, int8, int16, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, int16, int16, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, int32, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, int64, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, float32, float32, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, float64, float64, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, uint8, uint16, uint16) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, uint16, uint16, uint16) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, uint32, uint32, uint32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, uint64, uint64, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, int8, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, int16, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, int32, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, int64, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, float32, float32, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, float64, float64, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, uint8, uint32, uint32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, uint16, uint32, uint32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, uint64, uint64, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, int8, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, int16, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, int32, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, int64, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, float32, float64, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, float64, float64, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, uint64, uint8, uint64, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint64, uint16, uint64, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint64, uint32, uint64, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint64, uint64, uint64, uint64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, uint8, int16, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, uint16, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, uint32, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, int8, int8, int8) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, int16, int16, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, int32, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, int64, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, float32, float32, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, float64, float64, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, uint8, int16, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, uint16, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, uint32, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, int8, int16, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, int16, int16, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, int32, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, int64, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, float32, float32, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, float64, float64, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, uint8, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, uint16, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, uint32, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, int8, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, int16, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, int32, int32, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, int64, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, float32, float64, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, float64, float64, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, uint8, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, uint16, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, uint32, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, int8, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, int16, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, int32, int64, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, int64, int64, int64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, uint8, float32, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, uint16, float32, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, uint32, float64, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, int8, float32, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, int16, float32, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, int32, float64, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, float32, float32, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, float64, float64, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, uint8, float64, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, uint16, float64, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, uint32, float64, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, int8, float64, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, int16, float64, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, int32, float64, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, float32, float64, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, float64, float64, float64) #define XND_ALL_BINARY_INIT(name) \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, uint8, uint8), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, uint16, uint16), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, uint32, uint32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, uint64, uint64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, int8, int16), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, int16, int16), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, int32, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, int64, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, float32, float32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, float64, float64), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, uint8, uint16), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, uint16, uint16), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, uint32, uint32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, uint64, uint64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, int8, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, int16, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, int32, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, int64, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, float32, float32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, float64, float64), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, uint8, uint32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, uint16, uint32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, uint32, uint32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, uint64, uint64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, int8, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, int16, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, int32, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, int64, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, float32, float64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, float64, float64), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint64, uint8, uint64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint64, uint16, uint64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint64, uint32, uint64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint64, uint64, uint64), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, uint8, int16), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, uint16, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, uint32, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, int8, int8), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, int16, int16), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, int32, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, int64, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, float32, float32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, float64, float64), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, uint8, int16), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, uint16, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, uint32, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, int8, int16), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, int16, int16), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, int32, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, int64, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, float32, float32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, float64, float64), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, uint8, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, uint16, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, uint32, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, int8, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, int16, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, int32, int32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, int64, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, float32, float64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, float64, float64), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, uint8, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, uint16, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, uint32, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, int8, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, int16, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, int32, int64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, int64, int64), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, uint8, float32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, uint16, float32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, uint32, float64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, int8, float32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, int16, float32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, int32, float64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, float32, float32), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, float64, float64), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, uint8, float64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, uint16, float64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, uint32, float64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, int8, float64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, int16, float64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, int32, float64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, float32, float64), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, float64, float64) #define add(x, y) x + y XND_ALL_BINARY(add) #define subtract(x, y) x - y XND_ALL_BINARY(subtract) #define multiply(x, y) x * y XND_ALL_BINARY(multiply) #define divide(x, y) x / y XND_ALL_BINARY(divide) /****************************************************************************/ /* Comparison */ /****************************************************************************/ #define XND_ALL_COMPARISON(name) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, uint8, bool, uint8) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, uint16, bool, uint16) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, uint32, bool, uint32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, uint64, bool, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, int8, bool, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, int16, bool, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, int32, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, int64, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, float32, bool, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint8, float64, bool, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, uint8, bool, uint16) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, uint16, bool, uint16) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, uint32, bool, uint32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, uint64, bool, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, int8, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, int16, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, int32, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, int64, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, float32, bool, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint16, float64, bool, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, uint8, bool, uint32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, uint16, bool, uint32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, uint32, bool, uint32) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, uint64, bool, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, int8, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, int16, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, int32, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, int64, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, float32, bool, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint32, float64, bool, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, uint64, uint8, bool, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint64, uint16, bool, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint64, uint32, bool, uint64) \ XND_BINARY(name, uint64, uint64, bool, uint64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, uint8, bool, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, uint16, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, uint32, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, int8, bool, int8) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, int16, bool, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, int32, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, int64, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, float32, bool, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int8, float64, bool, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, uint8, bool, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, uint16, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, uint32, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, int8, bool, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, int16, bool, int16) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, int32, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, int64, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, float32, bool, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int16, float64, bool, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, uint8, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, uint16, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, uint32, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, int8, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, int16, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, int32, bool, int32) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, int64, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, float32, bool, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int32, float64, bool, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, uint8, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, uint16, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, uint32, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, int8, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, int16, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, int32, bool, int64) \ XND_BINARY(name, int64, int64, bool, int64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, uint8, bool, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, uint16, bool, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, uint32, bool, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, int8, bool, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, int16, bool, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, int32, bool, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, float32, bool, float32) \ XND_BINARY(name, float32, float64, bool, float64) \ \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, uint8, bool, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, uint16, bool, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, uint32, bool, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, int8, bool, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, int16, bool, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, int32, bool, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, float32, bool, float64) \ XND_BINARY(name, float64, float64, bool, float64) #define XND_ALL_COMPARISON_INIT(name) \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, uint8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, uint16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, uint32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, uint64, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, int8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, int16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, int32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, int64, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, float32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint8, float64, bool), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, uint8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, uint16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, uint32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, uint64, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, int8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, int16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, int32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, int64, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, float32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint16, float64, bool), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, uint8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, uint16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, uint32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, uint64, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, int8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, int16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, int32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, int64, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, float32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint32, float64, bool), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint64, uint8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint64, uint16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint64, uint32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, uint64, uint64, bool), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, uint8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, uint16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, uint32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, int8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, int16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, int32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, int64, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, float32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int8, float64, bool), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, uint8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, uint16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, uint32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, int8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, int16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, int32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, int64, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, float32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int16, float64, bool), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, uint8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, uint16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, uint32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, int8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, int16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, int32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, int64, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, float32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int32, float64, bool), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, uint8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, uint16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, uint32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, int8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, int16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, int32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, int64, int64, bool), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, uint8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, uint16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, uint32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, int8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, int16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, int32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, float32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float32, float64, bool), \ \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, uint8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, uint16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, uint32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, int8, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, int16, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, int32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, float32, bool), \ XND_BINARY_INIT(name, float64, float64, bool) #undef bool #define bool_t _Bool #define greater(x, y) x > y XND_ALL_COMPARISON(greater) #define greater_equal(x, y) x >= y XND_ALL_COMPARISON(greater_equal) #define less(x, y) x < y XND_ALL_COMPARISON(less) #define less_equal(x, y) x <= y XND_ALL_COMPARISON(less_equal) static const gm_kernel_init_t kernels[] = { XND_ALL_BINARY_INIT(add), XND_ALL_BINARY_INIT(subtract), XND_ALL_BINARY_INIT(multiply), XND_ALL_BINARY_INIT(divide), XND_ALL_COMPARISON_INIT(greater), XND_ALL_COMPARISON_INIT(greater_equal), XND_ALL_COMPARISON_INIT(less), XND_ALL_COMPARISON_INIT(less_equal), { .name = NULL, .sig = NULL } }; /****************************************************************************/ /* Initialize kernel table */ /****************************************************************************/ static const gm_kernel_set_t * typecheck(ndt_apply_spec_t *spec, const gm_func_t *f, const ndt_t *in[], int nin, ndt_context_t *ctx) { return binary_typecheck(kernel_location, spec, f, in, nin, ctx); } int gm_init_binary_kernels(gm_tbl_t *tbl, ndt_context_t *ctx) { const gm_kernel_init_t *k; for (k = kernels; k->name != NULL; k++) { if (gm_add_kernel_typecheck(tbl, k, ctx, &typecheck) < 0) { return -1; } } return 0; }
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Using Big View Styles Notifications in the notification drawer appear in two main visual styles, normal view and big view. The big view of a notification only appears when the notification is expanded. This happens when the notification is at the top of the drawer, or the user clicks the notification. Big views were introduced in Android 4.1, and they're not supported on older devices. This lesson describes how to incorporate big view notifications into your app while still providing full functionality via the normal view. See the Notifications API guide for more discussion of big views. Here is an example of a normal view: Figure 1. Normal view notification. Here is an example of a big view: Figure 2. Big view notification. In the sample application shown in this lesson, both the normal view and the big view give users access to same functionality: • The ability to snooze or dismiss the notification. • A way to view the reminder text the user set as part of the timer. The normal view provides these features through a new activity that launches when the user clicks the notification. Keep this in mind as you design your notifications—first provide the functionality in the normal view, since this is how many users will interact with the notification. Set Up the Notification to Launch a New Activity The sample application uses an IntentService subclass (PingService) to construct and issue the notification. In this snippet, the IntentService method onHandleIntent() specifies the new activity that will be launched if the user clicks the notification itself. The method setContentIntent() defines a pending intent that should be fired when the user clicks the notification, thereby launching the activity. Intent resultIntent = new Intent(this, ResultActivity.class); resultIntent.putExtra(CommonConstants.EXTRA_MESSAGE, msg); resultIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); // Because clicking the notification launches a new ("special") activity, // there's no need to create an artificial back stack. PendingIntent resultPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity( this, 0, resultIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ); // This sets the pending intent that should be fired when the user clicks the // notification. Clicking the notification launches a new activity. builder.setContentIntent(resultPendingIntent); Construct the Big View This snippet shows how to set up the buttons that will appear in the big view: // Sets up the Snooze and Dismiss action buttons that will appear in the // big view of the notification. Intent dismissIntent = new Intent(this, PingService.class); dismissIntent.setAction(CommonConstants.ACTION_DISMISS); PendingIntent piDismiss = PendingIntent.getService(this, 0, dismissIntent, 0); Intent snoozeIntent = new Intent(this, PingService.class); snoozeIntent.setAction(CommonConstants.ACTION_SNOOZE); PendingIntent piSnooze = PendingIntent.getService(this, 0, snoozeIntent, 0); This snippet shows how to construct the Builder object. It sets the style for the big view to be "big text," and sets its content to be the reminder message. It uses addAction() to add the Snooze and Dismiss buttons (and their associated pending intents) that will appear in the notification's big view: // Constructs the Builder object. NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_stat_notification) .setContentTitle(getString(R.string.notification)) .setContentText(getString( .setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_ALL) // requires VIBRATE permission /* * Sets the big view "big text" style and supplies the * text (the user's reminder message) that will be displayed * in the detail area of the expanded notification. * These calls are ignored by the support library for * pre-4.1 devices. */ .setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle() .bigText(msg)) .addAction (R.drawable.ic_stat_dismiss, getString(R.string.dismiss), piDismiss) .addAction (R.drawable.ic_stat_snooze, getString(R.string.snooze), piSnooze);.
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Not logged in PANGAEA. Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science Fischer, A G; Heezen, Bruce C (2005): Smear slide analysis of Hole 6-58B. PANGAEA, Always quote above citation when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below. RIS CitationBibTeX CitationShow MapGoogle Earth Related to: DSDP (1989): Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Sediment, hard rock and reference files. National Geophysical Data Center, National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1, CD-ROM Pimm, Anthony C; Lisitzin, Alexander P; Krasheninnikov, Valery A; Kling, Stanley; Garrison, Robert E; Douglas, Robert G; Bukry, David; Boyce, Robert E; Heezen, Bruce C; Fischer, A G (1971): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, U.S. Government Printing Office, VI, 1329 pp, Project(s): Coverage: Latitude: 9.235000 * Longitude: 144.418300 Date/Time Start: 1969-07-28T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1969-07-28T00:00:00 Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 136.90 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 145.56 m Event(s): 6-58B * Latitude: 9.235000 * Longitude: 144.418300 * Date/Time: 1969-07-28T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4486.0 m * Penetration: 143.3 m * Recovery: 9 m * Location: North Pacific/VALLEY * Campaign: Leg6 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 1 cores; 6.7 m cored; 0 m drilled; 134.3 % recovery Parameter(s): #NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethodComment 1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepthmGeocode 2Sample code/labelSample labelODP sample designation 3SandSand%Smear slide analysis 4SiltSilt%Smear slide analysis 5Size fraction < 0.002 mm, > 9 phi, clay<2 µm, >9 phi%Smear slide analysis 6StratigraphyStratigraphySmear slide analysis 7Lithology/composition/faciesLithologySmear slide analysis 8CommentCommentSmear slide analysis 9NannofossilsNannos%Smear slide analysis 10ForaminiferaForam%Smear slide analysis 11RadiolariansRad%Smear slide analysis 12DiatomsDiatoms%Smear slide analysis 13SpiculaeSpiculae%Smear slide analysis 14Clay mineralsClay min%Smear slide analysis 15Opaque mineralsOpaque%Smear slide analysis 16Volcanic glassVolc glass%Smear slide analysis Size: 298 data points Download Data Download dataset as tab-delimited text (use the following character encoding: ) View dataset as HTML.
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//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // <copyright file="Comparable.cs" company="Akka.NET Project"> // Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Lightbend Inc. <> // Copyright (C) 2013-2023 .NET Foundation <> // </copyright> //----------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Akka.Tests.TestUtils { public class Comparable { public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; return this.ToString() == obj.ToString(); } public override int GetHashCode() { return this.ToString().GetHashCode(); } public override string ToString() { var res = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this); return res; } } }
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Information for "China Chow" Jump to: navigation, search Basic information Display titleChina Chow Default sort keyChina Chow Page length (in bytes)372 Page ID2760 Page content languageBritish English (en-gb) Page content modelwikitext Indexing by robotsAllowed Number of views2,423 Number of redirects to this page0 Counted as a content pageYes Number of subpages of this page0 (0 redirects; 0 non-redirects) Page protection EditAllow all users MoveAllow all users Edit history Page creatorA-Dust (Talk | contribs) Date of page creation17:08, 23 January 2007 Latest editorA-Dust (Talk | contribs) Date of latest edit21:20, 1 April 2013 Total number of edits5 Total number of distinct authors3 Recent number of edits (within past 91 days)0 Recent number of distinct authors0 Page properties Transcluded template (1) Template used on this page:.
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Laval modifie ses lignes, Hervé passe arrière et Le Flzeller avant-oenlre ians que pour cela la pression des tonnai, se fass» moins forte. Dans le camp des tangos tout le monde coopère à la défense et les efforts des Cheminots 60 trouvent annihilés. Sur la fin, Laval se ressaisit et conduit quelq'ies échappéees dangereusessur l'une d'elleslaltreOon réffulléreinent et vigoureusement chargé laisse échapper la balle que Barges rentre dans les filets. Cheminot', 1: S. Lavatlols, 2. Les Stadistos Latallols emploient tous tours efforts pour égaliser, mais la lin est trop proche et les Cheminots remportent une victoire qui leur était dite. Considérations Les Joueurs eurent un oertain mérite CI. tenter l'impossible pour faire du beau Jeu sur un teri-aiu qui ne s'y prêtait guère. S'ils n'y réussirent lia*, Ils ont droit a de sérieuses circonstances atténuautes. Des deux cotés, on joua courageusement et correctement. Chez les vaincus, I.ancclt* fut un gardien coo.r:'yeux, mais un tantinet fantaisiste et heureux. Devant lui, Rondeau Joua sobrement et utilement; Le t'izelier qui joua uno mi-temps arrière rt une autre avant-centre tut satisfaisant ces deux postes. Gonàouln est un demi-aile manquant de vitesse et de ressort. narafs tint lo dlflicllo poste de dcml-ccntro sans faliw d etlnrvUes, mal» avec bOaiucovp 40 CbnbckMfce Notât lut le meilleur deuil sur 'e lerru.n, lorsqu'il sera rejnls définitivement d'une récente oiiemtlos, Il pourra pivumlre a la .sélection intori-ifiiaaalo. 'jfs départs des deux avants ailiers furent génés considérablement par l'état du terrain. ceà Joueurs consciencieux twont rarement dangereux. Planchcnamt et Lc/ivrc titrent deux Inters également actifs. lient qui permuta avec Le Flieller fut ordinaire avant-centre et tiés habile comme arrière. Lia vainqueur» Jouéreut avec courage et déci!lion. Jaftiednu en mauvaise forme, fut inférieur a lul-mûtue. Illdara et Le foultiim-c lurent l'un et l'autre décidé» et consciencieux. Chez les demis, Sulmon tut un centre de tout repos UabouUi en nm% progrès, eortlt «ne do ses mouleur»! |&gt;artles. le gourbis compléta dignement le trio intermédiaire. En avaots, Denot et Marie firent a chaque aile de Jolies choses. Uartet, Levaher et Aluuttn profitèrent de toutes les occasions de marquer qui se présentèrent. G. BWiTon. .1 nirê. A. S. V. )»t ïour-d'Auvergne par A Hetlers. A. S. V. S) bat U. S. de Ketlers par 4 buts à 1. l rouaerei. A. 8. V. 3) est battue par buta par l'A. ̃ F. ALe Genett. A. S. Y. (i) fait match nu1 avec l'V. S. do Le Gvncst. MATCHES 'AMICAUX IL R. U. O. (1) bat U. 8. 6. (1) par là 1 Suirr-MALo Iq novembre. Partie Jouée sous uno grande tempêta co qui a beaucoui) nuit a la beaulà du jeu Après un très bon départ, l'U. S. S. s'est d'abord tafc devancée iL la marque et a égalisé© par la suite. Au repos, les équipes étalent à ésatité. A la remise on )au, ru. S. S. est complètement désunie et le Stade'. beaucoup actif. a dominé le plus souvent. Le» meilleurs ont été Bertnelot. outirer, Gervot pour le Stade. Quawl aux Joueur» servuinal*. lis ont tous Joué» en-deswus de leur forme lufcltuelle. LES AIQLONS DE PARIS BATTUS PAR QUIMPEB QuUMER, 18 novombro. Les Pansians ne prôsentent cas l'étape annoncée, quatre équipiers y manauent. dont Boaudier, Maf, Dewtt. l'romiîro mi-temp5. peu iiiteressajite Sezaec marque un nul. funuatiun stouLsta bien supérieure. Deuxième mi-temins. les suéena sont ne*t«iiciit surclassas. Seeitoc qui fait uno superbe partie, rentro trois nouveaux buts. Les meilleur» lurtuit Sezn«c. L. LniiTano, h, Voi. Blocii et le* ailiers du» les rtsltcun Dorokewllcb, lV^atrlo et Thlrion. • A REDON La poulc retour des matches de cliampiorvoat du s'U.vdl»trict commençait hier. Et le premier muten mettait au* pris2s l'Amkal Club Uedonnais et IX'nion Sportive Saint-&lt;kjiivoto:i sur la tetraln il,, cotte 'derntère socl&amp;v. La partie tut ai~!iariita entre les deux vieux clubs locaux. En (irtMiùrre inl-tenips. bénéficiant du vent ct uu soleil l"t' S v C. marqua doux huts. niaii va deuxième mi-iouips, es « Juuiie et noir » se reprirent i* Imporf'n'iit lUiltemi'iu Jeu, trois huts fuient marqués par aux, un quitrième leur fu contesté Le match fut f-&gt;n Intéressant ;t sulvro. E^n arbitrage df M. Rivière qui passait %ou examen. LES RESULTATS Stade ntnannais bat Etoile DL-uu-daisc .1! I-ar buts ai. t. .1 Laval. C.S. Jeau-Boulu (t) bat U.S. Beauregard :1;, SU. stade manoir {i) bat A.S. des Cheminots Rennais i,. 1 » 0. L.«. Beauj'egarJ (3) bat C.S. Jeaa Bouin (S), 2 u. A Loudéac. Etolle Sportive Sllut-Mlcnel bat Stade Lwudéaclen par 3 buts a 0. l'aMlo très lévêremeni JUpuiée, oh les deux équipes -se soûl recelées sensiblement d'ér&gt;tie valcur, le score n'indl(i,ue pas la phys.ononile exacte du Jeu. En dlplt d'un veut uettemem défavorabie aux locaux en première ml-tciupi, les visiteurs ne réussirent qu'a trouver Il ueui reprises le chentlu des bols loudés&lt;len~. Durant la deuxième ml-w/mps, le veut ayant presque entièrement cessé, le contrôle de la balle devient plue facile, malgré a MUHT l'honneu-r et cependant que les Brloclnns réuisliieni Il marquer un lrj|&gt;iime but avant la fin du malcii. A Ponttt'y. Stade l'oullv.vau oat rort-Loulsienne. 2 Il t. Partie très disputée nette supérioPlié de l'onlivy. Stade Pontlvycn (i) bat Querlédan Sports, G Il S. A Saint-Sautlre. ouest Da! Sportlor-Olub .Nazalrieu (1), par t ù 1. ïyonlnr-CluD ouest (3W at éywpe correspondante ménte adcericlrejpiir forfait. A Uouarnene;. A la âilnîc-crotx, V.V.U.S. (t) bat L.S.D. P. (1). par 4 but.* 2. Equipes en présence Vaunes Le Peienner, Duel, Chiuve4ot, Cliagnol, Le Gall, Ftly, Le noch, GuelH'c, liagorne, Pourchasse, Avrée. Dounuuiez J. Carlou, Kersalo Olban. kenvci. Marin, Poultquen, Héllas, Qu«llec,' R. bao, Lucas, l'aille iii]|)arllak!n.&gt;n[ arbitrée pa .M. Le Cocnt. Jeu contrarié par un lort vent au .tébut. En cinq minutes, Vannes marque deux buts, puis Oouarneuez rcittre un but sur shoot de Blaaa. Ail-teinps. A la reprise, Vannes marquc au troisième but. De nouveau, Bihan marque un deuxième pour Uouarnen'.z qui Jouant de malheur ne peut égaliser. Vannes engin marque un quatrième but. Jeu scientifique des Douarnenlstei, dont la détente est handicapée par le départ de J..4ao. 0 LES RESULTATS DE PARIS Taris. 18 novembre. Aujourd'hui pour le chulIcngc des A de Iootbali-O5«*-laUou a ou lieu la rencontre cotre lOympique et le F. E. C. de Levallols. Disputé au Stade Bcrgeyrc, l'Olympique a battu Levallois par 7 but* i 1. prouvant almi une nette supérlurlté. la mi-temps, les verts menaient par 3 buts Il 1. four lo mémo challenge a ou lieu la rencontre ditislve pour un des groupes. Cet ainsi que le Stade Praricals et le C. A. de Il' Société Oéoeralo se sont trouve, aux prises an Stade Per-hln?. La Générale est sortie victorieuse du match battant le Stade Français par 9 buts à 0, arrivant de cette façon il égalité de points aroc le Stade Françai» pour le classement de leur poule. Aujourd'hui, au Stad* Buffalo a été Jouée la rencontre entre le Club Français au complet et la J. A. de Saint-Ouen. Le Club Français a enlevé le match par i buts à u, après avoir mené la mi-temps par 3 à 0. • • Pour te challenge de.. Lion* dlspnté a MaisonsAitort. le Stade Olympique de l'Est a battu l'A. S. Amclale par buts à 1. A la ml-temcs, l'A. S. A. menait par 1 à 0. A Clleby, l'U. S. Suisse a battu l'U. S. A. de Ctlchy par 4 ti 3. A Monurouge. pour le CJullenfo îles Loups, le C. A. de Montrouge a battu la S. A. Parisienne pat 5 bots a l. LES CHAMPIONNATS DE PARIS Olympique bat Géuérale il. à 0. B. C. de France bat Stade Français il il 1D. L'UNION SPORTIVE SERVANNAISE GAGNE LE 4* CHALLENGE DELARUE iikmses, 18 novembre. La Llfuc do Bretagne d'Athlétisme et le3 anciens de l'Union Sportive UcrmaUe ont ennpbrté uir succès dont Ils peuvent être liera. Le Challenge Dekarue, 4. du nom, a gagné malgré le mauvais temps les bonnes graen de la foule. Le succès sportif ne fut pas moin; g'itnd, les Si équipes engagées se présentèrent au départ constatation que nous avqnj plaisir i faire et puis et surtout, nous avons enregistré des révélations qu! nous ont agréablement surpris. Deux Jeunes Level, de l'Union Athlétique Rennaise, et Otnouel, de l'Aurore de Vitré, précédalent au relat de Cassen des homme. comme Cadiou, Garnler, Felllais père, etc. Le nom de Gautier, de l'Auroi-o de Vitré, e3t également retenir. bans la cohue des relais et dans l'obligation on nous nous trouvions de suivre les hommes de tête, nous n'avons pu examiner d'asçct prfts certain* concurrents. Cependant, d'spfcs leur classement à l'arrivée, nous sommes heureux de constat?? que li-s Van d.i Brode. Jamois. Cudoret, Felllais père et fils, Gugruen et autres Desprèi ont rait honneur à leur réputation. C'st l'équipe servauualse t'atficttin/roy qui enlevé le challenge, c'était la mclll«ure équipe au départ, il est juste d'applaudir à 11 Victoire des R-lorieuse; couleurs on l'U. S. S. Cadiuil, court de forme, s'est montré tr.î courageux. tandis qu'au retour Anfray dominait le lu*, de loi, et assurait la vl'-tolre de son équipe. Ce»! la jeune équipe Vcnuncl-Qaulier, de l'Aurore de Vltiv, qui prend la seconde place, a cinq seconde* dus raliKniruN, performance remarquable qui, nous l'espérons, an restera pas ïaus lendemain. La plan.' nous manque pour parler dn la course de chaque équipe, noU3 devons nous contenter de donner une physionomie générale de l'ôpreuvc. La Course Dès le départ, Cadlou 'U.S.9.1 mène bon train devant Level (U.A.Ii.), TrulTer-t '.CUeiulnots,, Uenouei (Vitré), Despres (lledon). Qnruicr (S.R.U.C.). etc. Apres le passage du pont VUlenols-MareuM. Cadlou et Levol tout seuls. Grnouel, ueiprèî, TrafTert, iMrnlcr, Ocorgcaux suivent il '0 mètres. L03 positions restent les mémea Jusqu'à ml-parcours. il ce moment Ue.nouel rejoln-t et Cieorgesux ost sur te point d'en faire autant, mais avec beaucoup moins de cran, le petit Genoucl active le train et Oeor(tt»ux «l lâché. Dans le dernier kl ométre, Level, sur lequel personne ne comptait, -en va irrésisttbleme.nt et donne 1e rolal à son coéquipier Felllais nu, avt« luO mitres d'avance sur Cautier, Anfray, Brun, Jamois, etc., qul suivent dans l'ordre. Immédiatement, Aufray est dans 'e train et mètre par mètre Il refait le terrain perdu pour passer entête dans la côte SaintMeen où il tache Feillars; derrière, Gautier se défend éoerglquetnent. tandis que Van deu Bmale et Guguen font un excellent retour et que Jamois et Lofeuvre malnUenuerrt mmcllemént leur position l« cadlou-Aj^ray (.U.3S.), en 3S'&amp;S". •• Genowl-Gautlcr (Aurore de Vitré;, en 33'. 38 I.evel-FelUUs Junior (Rennes), en 33'S". 4* Van den Broêle-Desmarais (U 3. Saiut-Réml Cliâteau-Gontier), en 3!)'7". »• Girnier-Jamois (S.R.U.C.), en 33'30". 6. Trurrert-Guguen (Cheminots), e; S3'33". 7* Dftspfès-Lefeuvre (A.C. Redonnsls), en 33'S8". s» Grenard-HarvXa (U.S.S. en U'K". u» IilIlaLs pêre-Hameriii (S.n.U.C), en 34"0". Etc. etc. 0 CONVOCATIONS Carda Nautique dis Nageurs Rennais l.c lionillé dos Sageurs Rennals *e rtinnlra demain mardl. il S0 h. Jfl. au siège social, Café rtf l'Europe. Ordre du Jour organisation fréuvi-ale. o COURSES A AUTEUIL Jouriuo assez agréable qui romiiortnit le prix Montgomery doté de Jo.U00 francs. Il a donné lieu une cours.; très intéressante disputée par Cille pariant». Ce n et* qu'après un tour complet que lo peloton des partants s'est désagrégé i-t culte les derniers tournants la lutte s'est trouvée circonscrite entre Xophlmt et nos favoris L'Yser et Barker. Sûr lA plat le poids se falsant sentir, XfMme l«3 kgs 500) prenait le mellleur et l'emportait de i longueurs sur 1/ïier (7) kgs) et Darker m kgs :AU). La victoire de Xophime a été fraîchement accueillie car elle restait sur course, derrière bourdon, qu! avait été très mauvaise. Prix du Calvados. Course de haies, handicap. à réclamer. 4.0C0 francs, S.tOO métros. :•* inovaleur (Atklnson), a M. Kahn. 2' llwle (.Andouard*. à M. Dutrlïiix; S* Prïvoit IBédélonp'. à M. lirtetrlx Zanzi. Son placés Lill'Asc (Caron), Prolos ,Haro)'), lgnnucourl (P. Michel), Le l'Iiarirten iVajcr). Le Docteur i.Bernln). Prix Le Ho». Steeplc-chase, i.iûn francs. 3.1OO mètres. t'r Le Fugitif (Sakuson). a -Ni. Uosset: 9* Les t'ianqulus (Bértéloup). à M. C'atroux. Non placés ruera fd (ltaés), S'tce Dme &gt;G. Mltchell). Str (liarlei, tnmbe (Nlaudot). Prix Montgommerj-, Steeple-chase handicap, 30.000 francs. "i.JOO mètres). l'r lophime Petit'. NI. le viconito de namplèiTe-, l.'i'er iB»rréi, ;ï M. le duc Décaze3' Burlicr (C. Miuhell), a M. Caraba* (Nlaudot). l'riitvi' of n'aie» inclfarButel), luj* Los 'liottlleh). Dellys (Vayei). Sa/nI-Quel!.tin, arrêté PEU tlaés), (rapine, ariVité (Salmon), Uaupar, tombé tlmjardln!. Prix de IJagntelle. Course de haies. 7.SW fr«, 5.1O0 mèlrê» l'r Salnlonvplu-e ilûd Haéy). a M. le comte de Rivaud: ArruwMal (Darré). à la princesse Duleep Slnuft; S" Crœnil ilomsntx (P. Michet), M. Kwr Gtrche. Son placés neHuit* (Uédéloup). lleiangfors Il (Benson). Safum iSalmon). Gooarun (Atkinson). Alli'luin lOry). Matllo (Pvtiti. SlUtj WUly (tlervé). 7 uxor, tombé (Bcrr.ln! Prix or Calais. Stoeple-cliase, 5.80O francs. 3.S0O métrés. t'r Prince Coquerteo iCnron) iL M. Plate. Non placé ltainfall (Stringer). Prix do Saint-James. Course de haies. C.;ou franco ?,.W ruçtivs. 1'r T7ic Cuuotc (Niuudot), il Ni. le marquis do Trlquervllle; 4* Le neve iliarré), A M. HelU Boyor. Non placés Donri/iff fGoltileh), Tribord, resté au. poteau COURSES A VINCENNES Partants probables Prix de la Flèche. Vkate. Impérial. VroéonaLl Vrvauay, Oncle Sain Vitra Violet, Va Ami, Utl perçut, Urf II, Une. Urtettc. Vperna, Urante. mariol, Thillot&gt;, Turtn. Tapageur, rrtmon, Trcff vère, autnlc-Barlic, Tulipe Tosca, Tarvtt. Prix de Montants. Brvtlle, Vrlut. Uae ttté Vniffuau Il Ubert Y. Ugolin V Ilnehafr. Prix d'Andaino Ravissante, Sans Peur 71, tm* potanî in nevettr Vit, Te Fond, Sapeur 11. Caaw bronne. Sultane XII Qulnola IY, Serpette, Travail, leuse Stratboura, Travlala, Mirka Il, Prineeuej Wil/rid. Sldl-Brahim, Tvrenne Il. Tamerlan u. Tu-i il Vil Vengeur F, Tenace, Qitilebavf. Telétr+i phe Il, Traviata il, Tosca. l'Ax rt'Evrecy. Tzigane, Ripaille, Serbie, Rica{ Betla, Su:on 'Quarantaine, La TannUre, Hujonneur, Siuartï Qutnola, Re Mac Grefor, semenirut Prix de Lille. Troarn, Tirt-au-Flane, Touareg, Tibère, Tiêgo, Tigrane, TrlanOH. Tiennwaj. nM3 inaqve V. Nos pronostics 1n course Vruguau, Uranie. M 3« course Tlmarfot, Tnllve. le course Vgoltn, Vnchalr. «• course luttant. San$-Peur. .")• coursa Serbie, stmenûrla. oe courso Ecurte OéTan-Malllard. TrUtnon. de la réunion donnée au Palais des Sports fut Inpressante partir du "0« kilomètfe. Avant cett» épreuve une amarioBlno amateurs sur 30 kilomètres fut (jaunéo par l'équipe Ctioury-Ved«l, on Hl'l'i "1 devant l'fqulpe Faucheux-Saux » •» ^l'américaine de, At. Dés le dibat de 1a c^u». se la ronde s'anime. Au se kilomètre, lv belge Vermandel »'éeh«ppo et prend .1e l'avance, mal* est rejoint |x'ii après. les 10 kllomètt-es *&gt;nt couvert: en r.'l9"2.5: le» o kilomètres en S&gt;&gt;»'"1« Les sprints ïunent suce ̃.•s«ivcint-nt gagnés par Vil. te G. Vandenhove, Egs et Ser«eiit. Les 3f) kllnM.rlni niunlor [Français) ainsi (lue R Vandeiiliove i.rcnnt'iit de l'avance l*s deux équipes ont bientôt un dunii-tour d'avance. La poursuite s or¡{anise. Kaufmann. Il. Pélfssier se font pani^u. fièrement rr-ma-quer. mai; les tuitltlfs sont ro. joints. Les '.0 kilomètres en 6S.&gt;l"i et 1m ̃* kilomètres en 1 h. il".i":l. La -ério de sprlnU i-t dHmt'V et aa^pi-c !&gt;ar Sergent, ilarclllac et Kaufmann Les &lt;.r&lt;&gt; kilomètres sont atteints en 1 li "JJ'IM et lès "0 kilomètres en t h. 34 33 1a rourfe preflil de l'animation sur différents d^mar. rage, de Wwitet ainsi quo du belge Vin JleveU vaii Hevel bien -elayé par v&gt;o co-équipjer '"J^J1er pi-en-l plus d'un demi-tour d'avance. G.™» denhove se dévoue ainsi iriie le heUe Tnrsrievv e* le trantuis Heyl. Dan» la baifai' les ilcux éc"kilomètre" sont couverts novel est rejointe Les derniers sprint* revienne à Van Hovel. Sergent, Brunler, Ser^ent.Egg.kaufinann Egg et Van llovel Au cours des sprinta uno chute se produit dont sont victimes Il. Polis«l^r Detreille et Uomyter. Peu après Vtrmani &lt;lel tombe égnU-roent. Toutes ces chntes sont sans flassenxwt tlnal SerRent-Beyl. totalisant M points et couvmnt les t00 kilom. ont J li.28'3al/V. "• Ep^-Kauliuann, 53 points; 3» Vanuenhovc »rA'kx 31 points; 4« Dcruyter-Van Heven. S5; S' Pru.nier-Lacquehaye et Persyn-Dégracve.ll; 7 Waœbst. Marcillac '̃ 8« Thys-Vormandel, 6: 90 Pélissles frères 310* Peyrode-BUlanl. 9: plus a un tout', 1t' (nveller et Ville, li: et ttetrellle-Souch»r«l, 0. LE CHAMPIONNAT DES TRI-PORTEURS Puas, ii novembre. AtvjourJ'hui a été '1k'i&gt;ut* sur le uarcoiirsi Ï»aris-Pontol»e et retour. la Lharriolonnat désormais classique ces trlporte*». 1n victoire e"rt revenue à Godefroy. déjà valu,quour l'au dénier qui accoiupHi 1a distance en 9 h. 5 m 48 e. S'5; derrière lui viennent dans l'ordre. Nlcot, a. 3'; Crattrac, Robert. Bouleau, etc.. «l'assister au convoi ft a la messe d'enterrement de Madame Veuve MOTTAV nte Françoise ABU AH Ait décédée à rue de la SaulDS» rie. dans sa "»• année, &gt;iui auront lieu en I église de ^^olltf'1rt le mardi eo novembre à dix heures du mutin. De la part do Ni. et Mmo Siméon MotUy. huissier. son tils et sa LelU nu. Mite Louise Mottay. et M. Siméon Mottay, ses petits-enfants. Le présent avis tient lieu de faire-part. LAVAL Vous êtes prié d'assister aux oesi.(lues (le Monsieur Yves GRIVEAU-CHEVRI6 Uaréchal des loij's au K* spahi» marocain Croix de i/tierre décelé à Casablanca le 90 mars 19J3. qui aurait lieu le mercredi 51 novembre, a to heures précises, en résilie Saint-Pierre. on se réuni in &lt; ln qare de Laval 11 h. 4.V De ta i&gt;art il.! M. A. Grlvcau-Chevrlé. son père; de M. l'abbé Griveau Clievrte, son frère; du tm»tenant .1. Cottin. chevatier de la i^trion d'booncur, son Iiciii flore: do M. l'ahhé StiHon, soa oncle. Le prêtent avis lient lieu de talre-patt. XI fleurs nl ccuronnes. MTjfi*Wr&gt;ftTR-r.Rrjr.r.. Vous Otes prK il'»sister la sépulture de La ComtcSîe DE CROUY CHANEL DE HONGRIE u'e Rose St.Vi'Pl' île SEMSUY décédée a Paris le 16 novembre 1933. manle des sacre:nents de l'ERll«e. nîisèiiuc-s auront )i&lt;vi le Jotuil novembre 1953 en l'éirllse. do Métfnndals (Mayenne', a te heures précl«««. De ta part du comte de Cihiv Chanel le Ho». (Trie, son mari-, du comte L. Semsvy de Scmser. -on frèrp-. du co:nt« André de Crouv. son reaafrère. du comte Louls «lo Uob'.en. secrétair» d'Ambassade h Buda-Pesth: du comte Pierre de Hobien. lieutenant r!e vaisseau-, du comte Pl?rni du l'iessis ii Arg.'ntré se* neveux. Et de toute la fam!llo. T.p piésent nvis tieTit lieu de faire-part. T.-ANGÔNV&lt;us fks prié «l'a«sl«(er s» vol et à li ncs^i' &lt;JVnterremende Monsieur Ltluis MACÉ t/e commerce décédé Lançon te il novembre 1M dans a 57' nunéo. muni des sacrements de l'Eglise, Qat auront lion le mercrvill ïl novembre à 10 heures du matin on )'é&lt;;liso paroissiale de Lançon. Do l.i part de Mme Macé. sa veuve, et de toute la famille. Le présent avis tient lieu de faire-part. REMERCIEMENTS DINARD Mnw Th Hewo. Mil» Reno et les f.Linil 1 s IKrïi'. Cliauvel (ioruuiin. Oullluu c« Hobin ijHiwTvicnt bien «Incèremcnt toutes le» oor» sonnes qui lettr r·.nt tfimofgné &gt;h&gt; la symp»Wile Il l'oct-asion du dt-cès d«* Monsieur Théodore KERVO GUTNGAMP La famille Neûdic rem«rcJ» Lien sincèrement toutes le* personnes qui tut oat témoigné dc la sympulhlc a l'occasioa du décès 11 Monsieur Yvcî MEUDIC Revue de la semaine financière, 17 novembre. Ballotte en sens oooraiie, ne pouvant voir clair dans les nouelles contradictoires qui lui parvenaient, lan.ùt sttmulee, tantôt ralentie, la Bourse ne »ouval; avoii que l'attitude par elle adoptée lurent la semaine attente et abstention. Le marché ne t'est pas enlevé lorsqu'on a pu cratire à une atténuation de la crise allenande, et il ne s'est pas ému de la rentrée tu kronprinz. Il ne s'est pas emballe, comme adis, sur la tension des changes et il n'a pat uunifesle du refus par Berlin des demande» les ambassadeurs Par contre:, il a foret bien compris la slgnl'cation donner à des événements qui le ouchent directement. L'argent a été sens.blement plus cher eu liquidation de quinzaine ;u Parque;. Ce n'est pas que les engagements soient importants, mais en demandant du 1 3/4 et du 6 pour les reports, les sphères di-igeaaues ont voulu marquer qu'il y avait ivantage à ce que le marclé ne «Oit point hargé, surtout de spéculateurs peu solides. L'imbroglio politique est indéniable, nul ne )eut prétendre savoir Je quoi sera luit denain il est donc préférable, dans le doute, le s'abstenir. Aussi et tort sagement, doit-on dire les 'ernières séance» de la semaine ont été plus )urdes. Le marché des émisslons est calme. En deIon. de l'émission des Lens. qui i rencontré un plein succès. il n'y a eu que les opérations secondaires, comme l'augmentation des Carrières et Scieries de Bourgogne, dont le droit a coté jusqu'à 100 trancs, ou celle de la Librairie Hachette L'argent ne manque donc pas pour les bonnes aftaires. On annonce comme prochaines une étnision du Crédit Foncfer en obligations 6 bru: .ou: le début de décembre une émission du ̃ax de Parts et un emprunt de dommage* Je lierre pour la Région du Nord. MAAOHC Du OHAMOM ua morelaé Jes changes a 4M de* plus agités. a de Pians, la lin» a mooté cootklsrofclemenit, i teignant es Iranc» alors que nom l'aTlons l»ls*• la •». il y a i Jouis. Le doUxr atteint U.98 »mtre 17.89. La naïuar* de la livre que nous iralulsons baisse du traoc, est ia cone«riience de la Jâprécl&amp;tlon de la monnaie anglaise par rapport ou dollar. M. B&amp;lwU) a décidé d*.féfl«r en (toien les remboutsematu de la dette aoclais» à regard de» Etats-fnli. In lbrr» a donc *̃&lt;.̃ tmnWlatpnicui onVrto et 1» dollar demandé; et on a icneté du dollar, non seulement avec des Uvres, naît avec des traocs. Rien dans notre situation tcoDomique oru financière ne peut expliquer maintenant la naisse de notre monnaie. Le ikwiier «mprunl qui a donne plus de G milliards est on acoèa. le rendement de* impôts nette satisfaisant, de 21 milliards en 1983 oontre 14 milliards &gt;n 192?. et au plus value régulière sur les estllaitons budgétaires. La mourement de baisse de -anc n'est don pas durable. Les outras monnales ont suivi le mouvement de l llrro le tranc suisse a passa dams la se')ne de 914 à 3S3, la peseta. de OS a M. 'Jb mut continue i ne pas »8re rot*. FONDS D'ETAT !e marché det divers fonds d'Etal est resté trd. La pou ne règne pal encore sur la terre: n'est pot1 de pays qui n'au se. plau toufows TiQvantet et le valeur de le plupart du monmet fatbUttant réagit rur la tenue des ton4a des •vert pays. En tomme, ta ît'Uiquc restant mm atte, tes fonds det grandes collectivités ne peutiti Itre toute itti Nos ruoies ont flochl, comme cons&amp;juenc* aatuO» d'une diminution et la dateur du franc Le se rewoure a 63,70 contre U y a l jour» ̃&lt; » ta» «'inscrit &amp; K.e&amp; coott» k.uv. le e •'# A 86 enntrt 8S.T0. Le recul est d'eirrinm 3/4 C'est plus que Jamais l'occasion de «'f"«rfT les leccnnain isou-iesa qui viennent de détacher un outmn de j i et que l'on peut acheter 6 83 )n cotalt 86.S0 la veille du ooopon; le tltre n'a rue peu Qétâil. compte tenu Qn coupon. Lu DE-̃annalos permettent un placement il plus de 9 t foarjtasse/ii l'cxxasion (l'arbitra g«s intéressants -ontn» lo&gt; dlvtrse» rente», comme, nous Tarons longuement expliquedans notre nujoéro du 8 nofembro Avec les Décennales, chacun petit d'kt si@ reatrar iuliaralanieot Oins les capitaux patriotiq-uMiuïiit ve«*» au pays loraqu'U a falt appel k tous et qui ont fléchi i cause de la seule uarenco de l'Allemagne La lourdeur a gagné les toads ùtxangers Le Consolide Russe première série est menu &amp; •Jl.« contr» M.«. Lis causcn-les avec les divers envoyé soTi&lt;!tlques «ni cessk: mais elles repreniront. La regretslcn a cootinué n la ReRte Turque Vnifii t M,lo cautre at.a samedi dernierle. «ipulattoos du trait* de Lausmne mai conn»«s du pabllt sont déMrantaga des norto-rs étranoen et Il est il craindre que le mou. ri&gt;m»nt de recul ne »it pas terminé. Les Boni Mexicains qui ont an large marche m oou.isse cotent «c cantre ai. u seinakne dernicrf: l^i retards et dlBlcultés r««contré« pour la wmlso sur pied de la situation budgétaire explltuent le recul. Pour les quatre preuii&lt;&gt;rs mois de l'Jî'J, lus recettes du G'Hivcrnomnt. autres que ,,Iles i«i«venant dn pwr&lt;-le qui UMervieittnMit pour un quart environ dans le total, sont de ce millions de piastre». Le psys traralllo et dalt se telpver. BANQUES ET SOOIETBS FONOIERE8 D'une façon générale t'allure des touques te m&lt;K!tU &gt;ur relie et fonds d'Elan, ces derniers étant lourd!, in Banquet le dont aursi. Biles ,on./ lu conimUtiwjnuirei dt l'argent et elles doivent souffrir de la mauvaise tenue de La marchandise &lt;»nl elles vivent. L'nt boimt partie du rtmfloit de Uurs capitaux dltfontbUs &gt; e/fettue d'ailleurs en fon4i du gouvernement et la Daine de ces derRien dott logiquement entraîner des amortisse,mmts dont Ici bilans, qui preiudlcient aux ripartitions finales. La Banque de France est sans aucun marche &amp; UO0; le bilan de Jeudi dernier enregistre une nouvelle djmumtiuo das avances de l'Btat milliards «OU contra 13 milliards et de la circulation réduite de 6QS millions. La Banque de l'Indochine a 3.7M salue les Dons r»Wlt»ts du setne«ire clos ;u 30 &gt;uin dernier. Les bénéfices sont de là mllUons t coaiN 11 millions gOO pour la mftme époque de 18» et le millions «03 en tin décembre les. Le dUldend» a été porté t francs contre w et 06 ftancs pour les senweLe Créait Fcurier le maintient dama las alentours du 1.305. Comme non* le disons plus baut, r«abllSMm«nt procédera à partir on 4 décembre à l'émission d'un emprunt 6 brut ou à 41» trann. Lyonnais, la Banque de paris, la Banque de VUHltsn Parisienne perdent toutes une petto tracLion r»T)eoUT«ncnt a î.aos, contre |.(M8. a 1.5W)conttt l.aji et à 9M contre 945. Ce ne sont que des oscillations sens grande importance. La lourdeur a prédomne également aux banOu etre-ngèJtis la Banque Nationale du Mexique a soutien den aterniolonients qui persistent pour le reconinaisaanee de la banque d'émission uolome Les cours ont e&amp;ié de Tûû 4 733. mais sont aus. cepublss de rebondir a la première bonne nouTelle. La BanQue Ottoman' a bondi dans le courant de la semaine à 7K après atotr «té oompenaée à M au débuit du mois sur le bruit fantaistole d'une répartition de réserves. Ce sont la des n°»i»elles &lt;•) !7 Qui reapparalaacnt poriodiqalaniem au Profit de quelques spéculateurs adroits Le Banco Ssvatioi dei Mo de La Plate a repris contre iS6 plus sur une question de situail= de place Que pour des moûts Infcerento L la marcoe de l'entreprLSe In Uqnldotloii do U, on a coté sur le titre. un départ de 15 francs,* aton qua« début du mois on avalt coté le pair Les actions contre toute logique et les obligations Crédit Foncier Franco-Canadien ont gagne le cours de 3J00 contre U T a 8 Jours *.0M&gt;. Les oblieatioiis 3 et s^O ont passe respectivement de«*iT80«doe304T79, lorsqu'on a connu le Jutement conJanvnaat la Société à payer les potteurs des obligation» et 3,40 avec le béoéflce du changv suisse, qui triple ta valeur du oou»on. Les actlone QUI auraient du fléoh'r mt repris sjr la hausse du dolLar plus que sur le rendu d'un Jugement, fort Important en la n a. tlere, car Il tara Jurisprudence Ltss Soc Mes immobilières n'cmt eu que de faible»*actfcons La Sente Foncière dont le* tavt sont parfois do 50 à L00 francs d'une bouirse l'autre, finit à 3.1»*, la Foncière Lyonnaise te repile à 9SO contre 970. les Immeubles de France, à 1S8. La mode est aux plue values imxjoblltùres. et tout peut, certes, n'avoir point été tlu ie.'ioSiémt1^" mais Il ftUU malart tout, Ptlter TRAMAPORTS .fjy* If Période fébrile que nove traversons, donné par la spéculation ne va pas aux valeur, tronauUlei. Les toemét de transport frrettre» ou maritimes ont eouf/ert d'une certaine détafArçttofi certainement imméritée car let entreprjJM qui publiant régulièrement leurs recettes fer, aliment dei chiffrée en aftu v*me oui devraient leur être profitables. Les recettes hebdomadaires de nos grandes Comparnles dépassent 150 mlillons; noua somme», il est vrai, au moment des tr&amp;neporfri de certaines récoltes, ions ks totaux enrerlstrés par rapport a la même période de l«ss sont en plus vaine. La tension de la livre a atl sur les vitrate Railv&gt;ayi qui sont mieux t 961 contre 631 precéJeniment. Le mouvement peut coaunuer Si la livre devali monur encore. Les Wagens-Lils reviennent t 774 contre &amp;Î0: la lutte pour la majorité est terminée, l'assemblée extraordinaire du 13 novembre tenue à Bruxelles ayant ritiflé les décisions controversées de la précédente réunion. Le mouvement esqulssé sur ta» actions des Sodétei farteienoes de Transports en commun n'a été qu'un feu de ptilie. Le Métropolitain revient à 5J7 après VA. Il n'y a pas a eavÏMger d'augmenution prochalne des tarifs ainsi ou* le déclare le Préfet de la Seine. On a alors eJ'tyé de ressaiair ce marché eu annonçant que les plus values de recettes permettraleat un accroUicuient du aernler dividende. Cc sont lu cartouches de mauvaise qualité de spéculateur* secondaires. Lea Goovjirnii-i de .Navigation son: plus lourdes les Chargeurs à &lt;»i contre 508, Il Tram/atlantique à Kl contre 167; la situation du mtnW des rrets est cepeiklant un peu niolas mauvaise, mais il y a encore un excwent de tonnage désariné consldérable. Il atteindrait 715.000 tonnes en angleten-e. Le groupe ne pourra se ravellter que lorsque le monde s'étant dé!U)éré«ient remis au travatl, le trafic intei-océtnKrae aura retrouvé son activité d'antan. Ce n'est pas encore pour dematn. L'action Suez qui est le cbef de Ille des valeurs a change se présente bien entendu en plus value appréciable t 9.&amp;T5 contre » Î70 Du {or janvier au 13 novembre, lies recettes d» trafic sont de t$3 miUlona contre t06 millions pour la même pé rlode de 1082. Ge sont des chiffre? réconfortants qui prouve*» la reprise possible c&gt; l'activité, le Jour où on le vouera réeuemeat, au lieu de perdre ton temps et ton gfffeu en cbataaUlatiaa le pl« souvent MéHlei 1 METALLURGIE La concurrence reste très vive entre métallurgistes. Les accords avec l'dttemagne qui ne sont point encore réalités pourront améliorer notre approvisiounemint en coke mais iej prix restent élevés pour let produits fabriqués et les commande» ne Muent point toujouri de bénéfices apprtet groupe retrouvera ion ancienne allure. L'action Schneider et de (Creusot) Unit 4 2J2O0. L'assemblée du 10 novembre a fixé le dividende t iuo francs, comme précédemment. Il sera payable par moitié de 36 a 50 millions pa: répartition de réserves pour 4 millions et émission de se.OOO tttres nouveaux. Autorisation a eté donnée a l'entre&amp;rlise d'augmenter, suivent les besoins, son etprtil Jusqu'à 150 mllilons. Dylt et Bocal** est plus lourd t l«6; U n'y aura pu de dividende pour le dernier exercice clo* en raison de pertes aubles apéctelement en Roumanie. Cemmentry FourchamtmuU cote 1.080. Rappelon* que ce cours s'entend après encaissement de la répartition de D50 francs, montunt de la valeur nominale du titre, payable depuis la 2 novembre. n est délivré une action de Jouissance. Pour le même motif, remboursement de MO tr. sur le capltal, l'action Franco-Belge de Matériel de Chemins de fer conserve le «ours de 1.500 en plusvalue de 2GO rranos depuis quelques semaines la situation nnanclère restera très forte, même après le remboursement annoncé. Soutenue par un carnet de commandes bien garni, Botchktu conserve toute son avance a 1JMÏ. A ce niveau, il semble bien que la beUe situation de Affaire soit amplement envisagée. MItiES Le marché des Mines a été fort actif, aussi bien dont le domaiae charbon, que minet métallique*, pétrole ou or. Les cours des différentes matière* premières s'améliorent, entraînant toutes les valeur* qui vivent des divers métaux. Le groupe minier serait un de* premier* i profiler d'un peu de catme et de travatl méthodique et suivi. Il est et a toujour» été d'allure spéculative, aussi convientil de ne *'v intéresser éventuellement qu'en connaissance de coûte. Les houillère* françaises, grtc* a la remise régulière en route de nos puits du Nord sinistrés, accusent pour septembre une production Journalière en progrès appréciable sur celle du début de l'année 13S.81Î tonne; contre 131.061 en Janvier 10M. La production de coke qui nous manque est eUe-aussl en progrès à 181.6 Il tonDu en septembre, contre tw.000 tonnes en JaavJer. Courrières &amp; &amp;S9 profite des haut,3 cours de la livre qui constituent un obstacle 2 la vente des charbons anglals chez nous et contrlbuent a restreindre la concurrence. Lens cote 435. Intrinsèquement et rapporte a la situation de l'heure présente, ce cours e3t largement sulfUanu La Société vient de placer avec un plein succès un emprunt de 10* millions s net, ragé par des annuités de dorunMEres de guerre. Catnn fléchli légèrement a t.il0 sur le rems d'accepter les propositions de fusion avec Courrter&amp;î moyenaant remise de deux actions Courrlères par action Cainn. Le compartiment aurlfOn ,»•« re tenu du métal, mais Il n'a pas progressé comme la hausse de la livre aurait pu le Laisser oroire i-t c'est un bien, car on évitera ainsi les exagérations et dans le sens de la hausse et plus tard ensuite celui de la baisse. Le cuivre standard a progressé en huit Jour* de près de 2 livres; les cooiommateurs son* retenu* sur le marché dans la 1 crainte de voir le mouvement prendre de l'enver gure. Le Rio termine à 2.540 contre 2.610, avec moio» de transactions que précédemment. 1 Le Volto surtiMva.llé par la spéculation a été l'objet de iiriws d&lt;&gt; bénéfices à 03î contro 650. de depuis 1M0 et on espère leur reprise. Elle dé pendra, notre sens, de la tenue du métal d'iel la fin de l'année. La trésorerie dt la société s'est Les mines de plomb profitent de la hausse du métal. pmarrova, qui a sensiblement ptogressé depuis quelque temps est à 1193 contre 1900 pra tlquement Inchangée. Boita Karaïdln est revenu Il !W sur le bruit erroné d'une augmentation de capital offrir prochainement aux actionnaires filgnalon l'action Minerais et Mtta-ux qui vient de gagner 100 francs à 660. Cette société qui fait partie du groupe Mlrabaud est Il la fols une vérttable bourse des minerais et de tous les métaux. l'agent commercial de vente des grandes sociétés comme Penarroya et une banque pour entreprises miniares, faisait des avance» sur mw«kanalse&amp; tl est question d'une ausœntatlon Oi capital prochaine de 37 millions 112 a M) mlllkeas. L'activité s'est rtvellltc aux mines d'or stimu lies par Pi hausse de la prime de t'or cewi naïve de ta hausse de Ut livre. On calmie que citane par mois en plus des bénéfices de t ie«t&gt;0 pour le, vtines trmm»amliennet. Or on cote actuellement l'once d'or d W th. ? d. l'ior» que tt Voir est de 66 in. Les trustes comme la Rand Minet, le Crmv Minet ont profité de cette sltuatlo* qui pouvait durer encore. Les tfsrnlei» coula »cW rcsprrttvo ment de &amp;3 et &amp;o contre H3 et sic. 11 y a 8 jours Il est qucstton égalcnkrnt de récolter à terme cer talnc» valenrs Inscrites il ce marché avant guerre, ce oui en élargissant les transactions, ne pourrait qu'être fnrornble A l'ensemble du marché. On a négocié très activement une mine d'or qui est en rabors de l'Anérlquc du Sud. la Mexico Minta of et Oro. qui Tient dc faire des recoupements intéressants dans le principal de ses filons la valeur est spéculative bien que dotée d'une bonne si •dation financlta-e. La 4e teers finit plus faible à 906 dans l'espoir l'un dividende prochain de a0 sli. Dans le compartiment des métaux Il monnaie, Il faut signaleur aussi l'activité parHcdlere de la Wnmnchmca ,va patn de 00 trams à 357. ,VALEURS DE PETROLE 1 Le. transactions ont été particulièrement actives an groupe pétrollfèr*. La Hoyal Duth qui outre son rôle de leader » est une valeur change a gagée le cours de S7.100 il est toujouors question de l'achat d'un paquet d'actions de l'Anglo Pertian, société à laquelle le gouvernement anglais est Intéressée. D'autre part, le président M. Deterdlng est en mission au 'lexique pour Visiter lus propriétés de la Mexiean Bogie. La spéculation s'attend des nouvelles favorables tout cela donne iL ce marché une instabilité dont ne peuvent s'accomoder que les (tens du métler. L'faflle est d'ailleurs revenu en arrière a 96, bien que la dernière production de la semaine toit plut favorable ÎW.OOO barils contre 164.000. Le marché est resté tes ferme sur les actions PeHvftna et Conaordta. Fort Judicieusement on est -ependant revenu un peu en arrière en fin de leualne respectivement i 930 et 314. in matière de «Unes plus qu'en tout autre, quelques précisions raient mieux que de grands discours. Pcchclvronn continue a s'alourdir a 700. L'au¡:'mertation de capittai se ferait a S90 francs rai.son de à actions nouvelles pour à anciennes. VALEURS DIVERSES Un peu d'accalmie s'est manifestée dans les valeurs diverses où des plus impotentes ont M enregistré depuis quelques mois. Les râleur* son4 donc motiis influençables aux éviniunenti txtérieurs. Let dirigeantes ont cependant continué A étrei les entreprises de caoutchouc et de sucre. Le caoutchouc qui avait fléchi depuis un mois sur le ma r lié de ta matière a Londres, à repris. bien qu'avec quelques sautes d'humeur. L'Amérique aurait recommencé ses achats. Au parquet, la valeur de tête reste les Caoutchoucs dc Vlndo-ChU ne qui profitent des hauts cours di; 1a piastre vers 8 tr. 45. L'action FlnanKère des Caoutchouc! a été plus cùme &amp; 170 et la Padang s'est nlaurdie a 360 contre 370 cette société vend sa production a terme et elle n'aurait pas tiré tout le parti escompté de ses envois en Europe, liée qu'elle aurait été par des contrats anciens. La valeur n'en est pas moula de celles qui doivent dans l'aventr profiter de l'amélloratton du a Standard Crêpe ». Le calme est revenu un peu parmi les sucrleMS, sur lesquelles 11 y avait quelques positions. La semalne finit néanmoins en avance sur les cours d'll I a 8 Jours lA s'est repliée à contre :.iiSJ. mais les Haffinerles d'Egypte sont à U06 contre 1.284 mais après 1346. Au comptant, sicralons la tn6me avance vers 9.0C0 des actions Afrique Occidentale Française mr les beaux résultats attendus de l'année en court et aussi en prévision d'une distribution vraisemblable de réserves. L'action Puthc Cintma a été très discutée et bal. lotée elle a perdue une centaine de francs sur les plus hauts cours du début du mois. Les déclarations faites à t'assemblée du 10 novembre n'ont pas été prises dans leur sens véritable, et ta perspective de l'augmentation de capital venant quelques mois après un remboursement de caDlt*l a et* Interprétée comme qiulque pen Incohérente. L'émission iL, tora sous peu par offre 6&gt; IS0.000 actions de 100 francs an prix de 2CA francs et avec droit de préférence pour les actionnaires à raison de t action nouvelle pour 9 anciennes 3 titre Irréductlhle et I titre nouveau pour 1 ancien .1 titre réductible, n n'y a à verser qu'un quart en sopscrivant les autres devant être appelés de trois !n trois mois Jusqu'en octobre vru Buqne René LOYER Banque spéciale dt Placement des Tuteur* garantie.. par l'Etat, fondée en 1Û19. Agences à DINARD et MONTP0RT (I.-et-TJ DINAN et LAMBALLt (C.-d.-Kj QUIMPIRLC (Finistère!. Bureau*, atCHlRIL tt.-et-V. PLANCOCT (C.-d.-N.). M ONT» U«l (Mayenne). Filiale 1 BAMQOJI LOT M et PVWaT, PARIS H DANS L'ARMÉE MUTATIONS. AFFEGTATIOMA lléoraanttation des corps de troupe de l'artillerie. Acuve. Passent au ter Janvier prochain Au 10régiment d'artillerie il traction de Dtnon, lleut.col. Charpy, du 7», classé commandant Star Intérim le régiment (maintenu lovisolrement h Rennes; capitaine d'.tlbavte du N, classé .Instructeur. 2fraction de Rennes, neut.-col. Fromentkn, du 100. (maintenu provisoirement à Dinan) chef d'esc, à T. T. M. CorbUi-Joinhart, du 7°; lieutenants M. Touffet. du 1., classé telsant fonctions d'adjudant major; M. Letouxneur. du,;», classé adjoint au trésorier; capitaine' IL Blscli, du 7«; lioutcnants • MM. Boyer, Duhem, Lauroa, Morcel et Thomlniaux du 7»; chef d'escadron M. Boucher du 7', classé pour ordre commissaire du Qouverottmum près le Conseil de guerre de Rennes; capitaine M. Bande,. lu 7 classé pour ordre il l'E.-M. de l'artill. de la 190 div., il Rennes; lieutenants du cadre latéral M. Comte, du 70, classé pour ..rdre a l'K.M. de l'artUl. du t0· C. A., i Hennés. NI. Bernatets, du 7«, classé pour ordre chef île Miction si*divisionnaire d'instruction physique, a Ujnnes Lieutenants M. Foulon, du 36». classe pour ordre parc d'artillerie annexe de Brest M Roblot du 7', classé pour orctre atelier de construction de Rtnnes. Chef de bataillon M. (Janno de Boaucoudrey, du 7. Au 3âl* réglineot d'artillerie, à Renne» lleut colonel vallarche, du HO", classé commandant le régiment; chefs d'escadron Lardoux. du 1100. Roirvlllols, du ilO&gt;, Jacobses, 4u 7'. classé major capitaines M. Rouault, du 110». classé adjudant-major; lieutenants M. Guyader, du ne*. classé faisant fonctions de dlrct.eui «L11 pare; M Le Louarn du liO*, classé taisant fonctions de chargé de la mobilisation et des effectifs; capitaines M. Nouvelle, du UO&gt;, classé trésorier; M. Ulrault, du ne'. classé chargé du matCrlel; Uou tenant aonnlanL du 10' bat. d'ouvriers d'artlll classe adjoint au trésorier capitaine» MM Morvan, Ollttrault, du ne*: M. Qay. du W-, lieutenant» MM. BaUloux et Le Ooaec. du lion Chablrand. du 110*. classé pour ordre parc d'art régional (te Rennes. Vu 43» régiment d'artUlerle fractlou de Caen, Lieutenant Latfuffe. du 43«. classé faisant fonctions de chargé de la mobili'îatlon et des eftectifs. Fraction de Cherbourg, chef d'esc. Frvmageot. de l'E.-M. particulier, pare d'art1ilerte de Cherbourg; capitaine M. Lavage, du 44»; lieutenants MI Choupot, du 104'' Pasquier de STnltclieu. du 10V; NI. Beauval, du 43e. Au 31* rcglment d'artillerie au Mans. Chef d'escadron Ni. Vlollet du Brell. '»veté du 104* régiment d'ariltlerle; capiUéjae l&gt; Boullc, du 104' réginieuî d'artillerie, clas:. »JJudant-maJor lieutenants M. BauUxy. du 104" icgimcnt d'artillerle classé. taisant fonctions de directeur du Porc: MM. «ranger, du ai* régiment d'nrilllerie, classé adjoint nu trésorier; capltatncs M. Blanthon. du 104* régiment d'ariillerle. M. Oannnsse et Fcrrière. du 104'; lleu*enant ù titre temporaire M. Roblu. du 104' régiment d'arttllerie; lieutenant M. D Anselme, du 104', classé pour ordre étatmajor de l'ariUlerle du 4' C. A. Au 303" régiment d'artillerie au fans. Lieutenantscolonel M. Marty, du 44" artillerie, classi commandant 1a régiment; chef d'escadron M. Jacquet, du 4i' artillerie; chef d'«sca-Jron il titre temtoralre NI. Dentaud et Gulllet, du 4:' régiment d'artillerie; lieutenant Il. Lemasson.du M' artillerie, classé fonctions d'adjudanwnajor; capttalnes MW. Sgard. du «• régiment d'artillerie, class6 directeur du Pare, Dassc, Ou ;i'. classé chargé de la mobilisation ci effectifs, Desraaisons. dit 44'. classé trésor:cr, Ruelle, du 44*. classé chergé du matériel: lieutenant Uostach!, du toi" régiment d'artillerie, classé ndjotnt an trésorier: capitaines MM. Huette. Mallassiae*. Martel, Merlin et Raquillet. du 4i' régiment d'artillerie: lieutenants M. Chapeau, du 104régiment U'OTHllerie, M. Cuinchand, du W réginwiiuii'aitll^HV/?. Le Dore, du 4** régiment d'artlllelie. Rdion. Uu 44' régiment d'artlllcrlo, Pele. du W régiment ilar'tlllerle: liouterjat du cadre Latéral M. Jeanpert, du il" régiment d'artillerie: lieutenant M. Charvet, du HK' régimcni d'artillerie, classé pour ordr« s«'vic« ï«ioifraBhl«iie de l'armAo Les auditions d'aujoordTHH RADIOLA (8. P. R.1 Oours et Informations aux heures habituelles. la h. a, radio concert par l'orchestre txlffaas) radlola. 16 h. 46 radio concert avae le concours des solistes radloia. W h. » radio chronique Judiciaire et du contribuable. 21 heures radio cuncert a grand orchestre 140 exécuiaoui. festival Camille Saint'Saint avec 1» concours de Mme J«aime Beanmont.
Public Domain
WHY PAY THE DUTY on imported toilet articles when the MELBA LINE is better and costs less. DIXIE PHARMACY "Ours is the Best" The Colfax Chronicle SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1916 RANE! EN SICK! Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. Therefore, that is essential, a gingham has every strength-sustaining nourishment. No matter what the health may be, the blood is nourishing, nourishing, and nourishing. If you are down, tired, overworked, or lack strength, get Sott's Emulsion today. It is free from all impurities and is a great tonic. Miss Beatrice Dunn is visiting in Alexandria this week. Born -To Mr. and Mrs. Tandy Reed, on Sunday, June 4, 1916, a girl. Mr. Thad Timbes left Thursday morning for Abilene, Texas, where he will spend the summer. Mrs. H. M. Brennan came down from Shreveport last Monday and joined Mr. Brennan here, where they will make their home. "The Woman's Missionary Society will meet in business session at the M. E. church next Wednesday, June 13, at 4 p.m. Mr. Earl Jones is home for his vacation. From Vanderbilt University, at Nashville, Tenn., where he is attending medical lectures. Lest Do. One Lou Ellen Setter dog, well tick marked, one black ear and one black shoulder. Named "Hunter." Will pay liberal reward for information leading to his recovery. W. D. LURRY, j8-4t Colfax, La. Messrs. Ray Wallis, of Pollock, and Dewey McKnight, of Colfax, left last Tuesday night for Baton Rouge to attend the summer session of the L. S. U. Rev. H. B. Perritt and wife, and H. G. Goodwyn attended the Alexandria district conference, which was in session in that city June 7, 8 and 9. The Pine Belt News, of Brewton, Ala., under date of June 1, contains the following personal note: Mrs. W. P. Martin and Mrs. V. B. Eaton were visitors in Mobile last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hilburn, Mr. and Mrs. Adams and Mr. Smith, of Rochelle, motored to Colfax last Sunday afternoon, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Dickson for a few hours. Notice to Town Residents. Colfax, La., June 10, 1916. Notice is hereby given to all owners and occupants of houses in the town of Colfax, La., that their premises must be kept in a clean and healthy condition, by cleaning privies, back alleys, etc. I notice several privies and alleys in bad condition, and this notice is not complied with within 30 days from this date the town ordinances against these nisances will be enforced. J.-P. GIVENS, Marshal. We Want Men Who "Kick" About the way their clothes are cleaned, pressed, and repaired to let us care for their apparel. Then "KICKING" stops. Our methods of doing this work are so modern and up to the minute that we are certain of pleasing all who trust us with their work. In Milledom. Seeborn B. Megerson was born. February 3, 1851, in Cooey county, Ala., and died near Ebenzer camp ground May 31, 1916. He joined the M. P. church at Mt. Zion during the ministry of Rev. I. R. Strickland. In the death of Seborn Meger, our community has lost one of its oldest citizens, and a good man. After many months of patient suffering, the end came peacefully, and quietly to this simple and manly life that was quiet, modest, and faithful and true to every trust. And for the comfort of relatives and friends, who were not familiar with his last few months, will say that it was as clear of reconciliation between God and man that writer has ever seen. A few days before the end came he became conscious and called his wife and children to his bed. He gave them a most affectionate farewell requesting them to meet him in heaven. To his faithful wife I commend our Heavenly Father as her only comforter. JNO. I. McCAIN. Messrs. Ed Wallace, Roy Son, and Phil Williamson left several weeks ago for the wheat fields of Kansas, and this week Chas. Kelsqe, Wheeler Smith, Grady Fuller, and Archie Prothro also left for Kansas to obtain employment in the wheat fields. We understand that Messrs. E. A. Perkins and Oston and J. A. Hyde, Jr., expect to join them in a few days. Wil My Chil Take Dr. King's New Discovery. The best answer is Dr. King's New Discovery itself. Its a pleasant sweet syrup, easy to take. It contains the medicines which years of experience have proven best for coughs and colds. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery longest are its best friends. Besides every bottle is guaranteed. If you don't get satisfaction, you get your money back. Bay a bottle, use As directed, keep what is left for cough and cold insurance. Adv. A protracted meeting will be conducted at the M. P. church in Colfax, beginning Friday night, June 9, and to continue about ten days. Revs. E. M. Mouser and J. A. Wade will assist Rev. J. W. Lee in the services. The visiting brethren are good singers and will interest you with their songs as well as preaching. Mr. J. H. Williams and two sons, of Natchitoches, came down last Tuesday night and returned home Wednesday afternoon. He came down to attend the meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Colfax, and while here was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. R. H. McNeely. Mr. W. A. Meredith, of Columbia, La., spent two days here this week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Meredith. Steelegger and Typewriting Selding Competent young lady stenographer desires employment or reference call The Chrocide Co. Bootlegger Gets Life Time Sentence To Penitentiary There has been great trepidation among the bootleggers of Colfax for the past week. Last Saturday Sheriff L. O. Clinton, assisted by Deputy S. W. Johnston, arrested six women and one man, all negroes, on the charge of selling liquor contrary to law. The whole bunch was brought up before Judge Blackman for trial Friday, as follows: Mariah Sapp, Emma Boyd, Wiley Kearson, Ella Houston, Nina Saddler, Lucy Bruin and Carrie Jefferson. The first five were convicted and the last two acquitted: Wiley Kearson being convicted for this offense, the fifth time was sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Maria Sapp, Ella Houston and Nina Saddler were each given the equivalent of six months in jail, with the alternative additional time. Emma Boyd was fined $500 and sentenced to three months in jail. Great Particular Meeting. Bentley, La., June 5, 1916. The Grant parish singing convention met with Bentley church on Sunday, May 21, 1916. The convention was called to order by the president, after which all joined in general singing. Then a chapter was read from the Bible, and prayer was led by Bro. Chelette. A program committee was appointed to arrange the afternoon program, as follows: Bentley, to sing three songs. Prospect, to sing three songs. Dry Prong, to sing three songs. Friendship, to sing three songs. Each leader present that did not have a class lead three songs in general singing. It was decided that the next convention would be held at Zion Hill the third Sunday in August. WILLI WALKER, ELSIE LOOPER, Prest. Secretary. District Court Busises. Court met Monday, June 5, with Judge W. F. Blackman presiding and District Attorney Jno. R. Hunter present in the interest of the State. One case was tried on Monday which was August Thode vs. L. R. & N. Co., a suit for personal injury received, in which the plaintiff was awarded $4000 damages. Case appealed. Court adjourned to Friday, June 9, to try the cases of seven parties arrested for selling liquor. Mr. W. A. Brownlee returned last Sunday from Lewisville, Ark., where he accompanied his family, who remained for a summer visit. Mr. Lev Person accompanied Mr. Brownlee on the return trip, and returned home Monday night. John Vallery, colored, living on the Randolph plantation, sent the Chronicle office a white cotton bloom Tuesday morning, June 6. Lev Jones, colored, living on the Glencoe Plantation sent us a white bloom on June 7. The stockholders of the Bank of Colfax held their regular annual meeting on June 7, and reelected their same efficient corps of officers. Mr. Louis C. LeSage, of Baton Rouge, spent last Saturday in Colfax in the interest of the Standard Oil Company. The weight of the state of Ulberty in New York harbor is 440 pounds. Bewel Complaints in India. In a lecture at one of the Des Moines, Iowa, churches, a missionary from India told of going to the interior of India, where he was taken sick, that he had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy with him and believed that it saved his life. This remedy is made meessentially in indistinct both as a preventive and cure for cholera. You may know from this that it can be depended upon for measurement for the darksome with the New. The tassel, Voter, and the poker, of Ward seem to I have now finished my term as your police juror, and wish to say that in the four years I have served I never missed a meeting and have voted either pro or con on every question that has come up before the police jury in the four years of my service. Now, I could not vote to suit every one, so I have always voted honestly and conscientiously for what I thought was best for the greater number of my constituents. My successor is an honorable, honest gentleman, and I am sure will do what he thinks best for the greater number. So let us all put our shoulder to the wheel and help him. Boost, don't knock. Our ward is now trying to build good roads, and with Uncle George at the helm, with the assistance of our two 'road commissioners (who, by the way, are splendid good men), and the good will of every one, will give us a road system that will later thatre us a tax to gravel our roads. To the incoming police jury I will say I hope the same good will and good feeling will exist that has lasted throughout the four years of the outgoing juro. With best good wishes and feeling to one and all of you, I am Your truly, RIT. DOUGLAS. Bas toe ave a Coed boa O. Don't let your cold habs, reek your system and become chronic when Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey will help you. It checks the inflammation, soothes the phlegm, and loosens the phlegm. You breathe easier, stone. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is a laxative for the pine and balsam heats the raw part, loosens the mucous and prevents irritation of the bronchial tubes. Just a little of Dr. Wagram's Pine-Tar-Honey today. Its guaranteed to help you. At druggists. I hereby give notice that I am appointed L. N. FOLDEN, Notices. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Missouri, at the corner of Main and Canal Streets, La., will even at its meeting on Tuesday, June 18, at 4 p.m., for the purpose of electing nine directors to serve for the ensuing year. DOW WADLOW, President. Lost, on May 1st, in the parish of Verde, a ladies' watch, a gold watch, and a purse of rimless eye with a bridge and a simple of the same value. I will pay $100 to anyone sending a set to me. Saled Prop. Oeak r oead avaLis. Highway Iýepermat of the Board of State noeir, Room 104, New Orleans Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of State, of the Board of State, of Louisiana, Room 104, New Orleans Concrete Building, New Orleans, on Monday, June 11, 1816, for the construction, with the following of about 12 miles of road in the Parish of Orleans, Louisiana. Information as to location, character of work, extent and cost of material, late governing manner of subject and expense of contract, may, on application, be obtained. W. E. ATKINSON, Chief State Engner mand Preldet of" Board of Stat Engines.  J. B. Roberts. : Attorncu a n d &ognsseor t- Law., W1 practice In Mtate sad a antedd -tates (ourt s.i NOTARY IN OFFICK -)LFAX - - LOUISIANA Dr. B. A. SOILEAU DENTIST 0 . ever the b ank .t C0.ha * 'nispbs. aN e * n 0oFAX, : LOUISIAIA i berbhy give unies that I am ap. mE, SIL aBrniser, Cats .es@ ef0asp. W B. & and Overland . °m' 1m "I Sta Up with the P K 4· P•y a. o" Ot... . .. Do You Want $1.0 ,O J am nm e There ar colT 2 ptarem 1i $lL * Item.. These plet e ; bnok title e you need are thi fore yob don't hasv to s.ent one 'Malter Write The New  r.~m it--';. i m mi." ' - sucbhltett fwritto. 2. a. D KSUsaG -'w T m. D, $.s b i a. Aret pl** that- salt. Wto g.oeh. mri tb"d. wm aU $e  st 4 $1. ! aw Oi r a iro ad týb 1. All r KeM. SO hm. 1*w wool faits at $3.0, K59 and * salt. Order ly MId PraertORemesm t s Ws,,,. itse a ,,t a ,t. ,s ,00 no 4, Ca. A . Ct I. asAa. Hsossr. Im,.4 aste hoast, basby. si. stre Nate s w uea a sau io" am; .i. ale wbod diust aeaot ptl pa. Ls 1 as, I.ele day. Jne 1t., JNBfor w1.s pr sid sultiw sawa of Lelsma tw vot. at ya et ahe:r ts -oese th eulug puopasttep,. W*ft: P$OPOSITION to levy a v. mik spuels tes a m. p irti satmeet t. aIse taslos as . vaid ai. of Grata prahb, LoeeteMa. a pared .5 Swrymim, be. -al n- w wsh ow it sad sitaug wI the year I31 both yals hulala. sar bAdins, melatlslg sad payla eidMgiMbaer es; mboot to veid as d i i sad mod ien a mes two twwooom usobls, a. at MAlte A"l o41I Ss r Greve. Thu p-Ns -e tor bhedl thse.aid des shoa be aluh, to 9w aid! warv. waenseapebs toastiss, dad that J. W. 1Whe*he, WiWgM.e sat sad Amrt Nise. tha peir us era tai'les a,, of th said uoltoa, ast tht . P. RlAWtI sn sem r a et k br alt emanaes ths oaus bse sto at aw*a erdee m. ai dndesat l fsdek pm. al, ra the dow ha adein be usmehud to eauus em. . de d- aes -aw so uuaudiaie Xliii. ii uluo Stos obet ast a. 4 wedusiday. Joo 3t I34 9W usad beard t **,Ue ameso athis aones th saw humust at r. amrs se ar eais .woe sreiaa r atocps. Louasines, sbara 5so. suaue.tee ft.o oa D e bule. b.o e.a s do0 9Wbu~rato oas &Mmbu ea w s . .uamlq fli vader my haud o9id°atlWs 10it dary f My. U. f -ors espy witaic. ; r.' '-%Y AIwI (i;t I ^g ý>rYs 2+sý.,ý-' AW, ,N,, ,º -fit.ý ý tý ý ýY " l~p~iiwia. l(.-L-a. y6rv7 i··v--·.
Public Domain
Asthmatic families had a 54% frequency of the GG genotype, and a 46% frequency of the AG genotype. The AA genotype was not observed. In contrast, control families had a 38% frequency of GG, 50% frequency of AG, and 12% frequency of AA. Thus, asthmatic families were significantly more likely than control families to carry the G38 allele (p=0.023, chi-square test). A Novel Uteroglobin Short Tandem Repeat is Genetically Associated with Asthma Table 5 presents data showing that the total number of GTTT and ATTT repeats had a significant positive correlation with the presence of asthma in kindreds (p=0.02, chi-square test). TABLE 5 The frequencies of the total number of (GTTT)m and (ATTT)n repeats total number asthmatic families controls of repeats (n = 160) (n = 84)  8 0.081 0.190  9 0.169 0.048 10 0.044 0.119 11 0.275 0.298 12 0.106 0.036 13 0.313 0.310 14 0.013 0.000 p value 0.002* *denotes a significant difference; n, the number of chromosomes tested. p value was accessed by the x² test from the RxC contingency table with control group. Tables 6 and 7 reveal that the number of GTTT repeats positively correlates with asthma presence (p=0.025, chi-square test) but the number of ATTT repeats shows no correlation (p=0.788 chi-square test). Thus, the novel GTTT polymorphism shows a genetic association with asthma. For example, when m+n is at least 8, for example 8 to 14, a statistically significant difference is noted between the asthmatic families and controls. TABLE 6 Allele frequencies of (GTTT)m polymorphism asthma families controls Allele (n = 160) (n = 84) 4 0.506 0.524 5 0.163 0.060 6 0.006 0.000 7 0.044 0.071 8 0.156 0.286 9 0.125 0.060 p value 0.025* *denotes a significant difference; n, the number of chromosomes tested. p value was accessed by the x² test from the RxC contingency table with control group. Each allele is represented by the number of repeats. TABLE 7 Allele frequencies of (ATTT)n polymorphism Asthmatic families controls Allele (n = 160) (n = 84) 2 0.131 0.143 3 0.175 0.238 4 0.263 0.262 5 0.019 0.012 8 0.106 0.071 9 0.294 0.274 10  0.013 0.000 p value 0.788 n, the number of chromosomes tested. p value was accessed by the x² test from the RxC contingency table with control group. Each allele is represented by the number of repeats. For example, when m is at least 4, for example 4 to 9, a statistically significant association was noted in asthmatic families. Table 8 shows haplotype frequencies of (GTTT)m(ATTT)n polymorphic sites in asthmatic and control families. TABLE 8 Haplotype frequencies of (GTTT)m(ATTT)n polymorphic sites asthmatic families controls Haplotype (n = 160) (n = 84) 4-4 0.081 0.190 4-5 0.006 0.012 4-8 0.106 0.048 4-9 0.294 0.274  4-10 0.000 0.000 5-4 0.156 0.036 5-5 0.013 0.000 5-8 0.000 0.024 6-3 0.006 0.000 7-3 0.019 0.036 7-4 0.025 0.036 8-2 0.013 0.083 8-3 0.150 0.202 9-2 0.113 0.060 9-3 0.019 0.000 p value 0.002* *denote a significant difference n, the number of chromosomes tested. p value was accessed by the x² test from the RxC contingency table with control group. The numbers on left and right of haplotype represent the allele of (GTTT)m and (ATTT)n sites, respectively. For example, Haplotype 4-5 indicates 4 GTTT repeats and 5 ATTT repeats, i.e., (GTTT)₄(ATTT)₅. The table shows a statistically significant correlation between (GTTT)m(ATTT)n haplotype and the presence of asthma in a kindred (p=0.002, chi-square test). Example 13 Pharmaceutical Compositions The invention provides pharmaceutical compositions of the uteroglobin that are useful as therapeutic agents when constituted with the appropriate carriers or diluents. Hence intravenous, intramuscular or other parenteral administration are contemplated to interfere with inflammation, and in particular embodiments to interfere with IgA mediated autoimmune pathogenesis. Other available routes of administration include topical, instillation, endotracheal, pulmonary inhalation, intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, transdermal, intradermal, intracranial ventricular, intrathecal or oral administration, as are suppositories, retrograde axoplasmic transport into the brain (from the olfactory bulb) via inhalation, and ocular administration (for example in the form of eye drops). Any of the common pharmaceutical carriers, such as sterile saline solution or sesame oil, can be used. Routes of parenteral administration include, but are not limited to, subcutaneous (sq), intracranial ventricular (icv), intrathecal (it), intravenous (iv), intramuscular (im), topical ophthalmic, subconjunctival, nasal, aural and transdermal. Peptides of the invention may be administered sq, iv or im in any conventional medium for intravenous injection, such as an aqueous saline or oil medium. The medium may also contain conventional pharmaceutical adjunct materials such as, for example, pharmaceutically acceptable salts to adjust the osmotic pressure, buffers, preservatives and the like. Among the such media are normal saline and sesame oil. Embodiments of the invention including medicaments can be prepared with conventional pharmaceutically acceptable carriers and counterions as would be known to those of skill in the art. The medicaments are preferably in the form of a unit dose in solid, semi-solid and liquid dosage forms such as tablets, pills, powders, liquid solutions or suspensions, and injectable and infusible solutions, for example a unit dose vial. Effective dosage ranges included in the unit dose container can readily be determined from the effective concentrations shown in dose response curves, or similar curves generated for variants, analogs, mimetics, etc. The pharmaceutical compositions may also be administered as intranasal inhalants, for example in pharmaceutical aerosols utilizing solutions, suspensions, emulsions, powders and semisolid preparations of the type more fully described in Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy (19^(th) Edition, 1995) in chapter 95. A particular inhalant form is a metered dose inhalant containing the active ingredient, in a suspension or a dispersing agent (such as sorbitan trioleate, oleyl alcohol, oleic acid, or lecithin, and a propellant such as 12/11 or 12/114). Therapeutically effective doses of the compounds of the present invention can be determined by one of skill in the art, with a goal of achieving tissue concentrations that are at least as high as the IC₅₀ of each drug tested in the foregoing examples. The low toxicity of the compound makes it possible to administer high doses, for example 100 mg/kg, although doses of 10 mg/kg, 20 mg/kg, 30 mg/kg or more are contemplated. The pharmaceutical compositions can be used in the treatment of a large number of IgA mediated diseases, and inflammatory conditions. Many of these conditions are associated with deposition of IgA complexes. Another aspect of the invention is a method of treating a mammal, such as a human, having an IgA mediated condition, such as a condition in which IgA is deposited in tissue, such as glomeruli. In this aspect of the invention, the affected mammal is identified and treated with the peptide, analog or mimetic. The above examples are provided by way of illustration only and are in no way intended to limit the scope of the invention. One of skill in the art will understand that the invention may be modified in various ways without departing from the spirit or principle of the invention. We claim all such modifications. 1. A method of treating IgA nephropathy, comprising: identifying a subject having an IgA nephropathy; and administering to the subject a therapeutically effective amount of uteroglobin, thereby treating the IgA nephropathy. 2. The method of claim 1, wherein administering uteroglobin comprises stimulating endogenous production of uteroglobin in the subject. 3. The method of claim 1, further comprising administering an additional therapeutic agent to the subject, wherein the additional therapeutic agent is effective in treating or preventing the IgA nephropathy. 4. The method of claim 3, wherein the additional therapeutic agent is a corticosteroid. 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the therapeutically effective amount of uteroglobin is administered by an endotracheal, pulmonary, inhalation, ophthalmic, intravenous, intraperitoneal, intramuscular, subcutaneous, transdermal, intradermal, intracranial, ventricular, intrathecal, or oral route. 6. The method of claim 1, wherein identifying a subject having IgA nephropathy comprises detecting deposition of IgA in glomeruli in a renal biopsy from the subject. 7. The method of claim 1, wherein the administered uteroglobin interferes with IgA-fibronectin complex formation, thereby treating the IgA nephropathy..
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#!/bin/bash export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive export INSTALL_PATH=/opt/openwisp/docker-openwisp export LOG_FILE=/opt/openwisp/autoinstall.log export GIT_PATH= export ENV_USER=/opt/openwisp/config.env export ENV_BACKUP=/opt/openwisp/backup.env # Terminal colors export RED='\033[1;31m' export GRN='\033[1;32m' export YLW='\033[1;33m' export BLU='\033[1;34m' export NON='\033[0m' start_step() { printf '\e[1;34m%-70s\e[m' "$1" && echo "$1" &>>$LOG_FILE; } report_ok() { echo -e ${GRN}" done"${NON}; } report_error() { echo -e ${RED}" error"${NON}; } get_env() { grep "^$1" "$2" | cut -d'=' -f 2-50; } set_env() { line=$(grep -n "^$1=" $INSTALL_PATH/.env) if [ -z "$line" ]; then echo "$1=$2" >>$INSTALL_PATH/.env else line_number=$(echo $line | cut -f1 -d:) eval $(echo "awk -i inplace 'NR=="${line_number}" {\$0=\"${1}=${2}\"}1' $INSTALL_PATH/.env") fi } check_status() { if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then report_ok else error_msg "$2" fi } error_msg() { report_error echo -e ${RED}${1}${NON} echo -e ${RED}"Check logs at $LOG_FILE"${NON} exit 1 } error_msg_with_continue() { report_error echo -ne ${RED}${1}${NON} read reply if [[ ! $reply =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then exit 1 fi } apt_dependenices_setup() { start_step "Setting up dependencies..." apt --yes install python3 python3-pip git python3-dev gawk libffi-dev libssl-dev gcc make &>>$LOG_FILE pip3 install --upgrade pip &>>$LOG_FILE check_status $? "Python dependencies installation failed." } setup_docker() { start_step "Setting up docker..." docker info &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then report_ok else curl -fsSL '' -o '/opt/openwisp/' &>>$LOG_FILE sh '/opt/openwisp/' &>>$LOG_FILE docker info &>/dev/null check_status $? "Docker installation failed." fi } setup_docker_compose() { start_step "Setting up docker-compose..." python3 -m pip install docker-compose &>>$LOG_FILE docker-compose version &>/dev/null check_status $? "docker-compose installation failed." } setup_docker_openwisp() { echo -e ${GRN}"\nOpenWISP Configuration:"${NON} echo -ne ${GRN}"OpenWISP Version (leave blank for latest): "${NON} read openwisp_version if [[ -z "$openwisp_version" ]]; then openwisp_version=latest; fi echo -ne ${GRN}"Do you have .env file? Enter filepath (leave blank for ad-hoc configuration): "${NON} read env_path if [[ ! -f "$env_path" ]]; then # Dashboard Domain echo -ne ${GRN}"(1/5) Enter dashboard domain: "${NON} read dashboard_domain domain=$(echo "$dashboard_domain" | cut -f2- -d'.') # API Domain echo -ne ${GRN}"(2/5) Enter API domain (blank for api.${domain}): "${NON} read API_DOMAIN # VPN domain echo -ne ${GRN}"(3/5) Enter OpenVPN domain (blank for vpn.${domain}, N to disable module): "${NON} read vpn_domain # Site manager email echo -ne ${GRN}"(4/5) Site manager email: "${NON} read django_default_email # SSL Configuration echo -ne ${GRN}"(5/5) Enter letsencrypt email (leave blank for self-signed certificate): "${NON} read letsencrypt_email else cp $env_path $ENV_USER &>>$LOG_FILE fi echo "" start_step "Downloading docker-openwisp..." if [[ -f $INSTALL_PATH/.env ]]; then mv $INSTALL_PATH/.env $ENV_BACKUP &>>$LOG_FILE rm -rf $INSTALL_PATH &>>$LOG_FILE fi if [[ $openwisp_version -ne "edge" ]]; then git clone $GIT_PATH $INSTALL_PATH --depth 1 --branch $openwisp_version &>>$LOG_FILE else git clone $GIT_PATH $INSTALL_PATH --depth 1 &>>$LOG_FILE fi cd $INSTALL_PATH &>>$LOG_FILE check_status $? "docker-openwisp download failed." echo $openwisp_version >$INSTALL_PATH/VERSION if [[ ! -f "$env_path" ]]; then # Dashboard Domain set_env "DASHBOARD_DOMAIN" "$dashboard_domain" # API Domain if [[ -z "$API_DOMAIN" ]]; then set_env "API_DOMAIN" "api.${domain}" else set_env "API_DOMAIN" "$API_DOMAIN" fi # Use Radius if [[ -z "$USE_OPENWISP_RADIUS" ]]; then set_env "USE_OPENWISP_RADIUS" "Yes" else set_env "USE_OPENWISP_RADIUS" "No" fi # VPN domain if [[ -z "$vpn_domain" ]]; then set_env "VPN_DOMAIN" "vpn.${domain}" elif [[ "${vpn_domain,,}" == "n" ]]; then set_env "VPN_DOMAIN" "" else set_env "VPN_DOMAIN" "$vpn_domain" fi # Site manager email set_env "EMAIL_DJANGO_DEFAULT" "$django_default_email" # Set random secret values python3 $INSTALL_PATH/ change-secret-key >/dev/null python3 $INSTALL_PATH/ change-database-credentials >/dev/null # SSL Configuration set_env "CERT_ADMIN_EMAIL" "$letsencrypt_email" if [[ -z "$letsencrypt_email" ]]; then set_env "SSL_CERT_MODE" "SelfSigned" else set_env "SSL_CERT_MODE" "Yes" fi # Other hostname=$(echo "$django_default_email" | cut -d @ -f 2) set_env "POSTFIX_ALLOWED_SENDER_DOMAINS" "$hostname" set_env "POSTFIX_MYHOSTNAME" "$hostname" else mv $ENV_USER $INSTALL_PATH/.env &>>$LOG_FILE rm -rf $ENV_USER &>>$LOG_FILE fi start_step "Configuring docker-openwisp..." report_ok start_step "Starting images docker-openwisp (this will take a while)..." make start TAG=$(cat $INSTALL_PATH/VERSION) -C $INSTALL_PATH/ &>>$LOG_FILE check_status $? "Starting openwisp failed." } upgrade_docker_openwisp() { echo -e ${GRN}"\nOpenWISP Configuration:"${NON} echo -ne ${GRN}"OpenWISP Version (leave blank for latest): "${NON} read openwisp_version if [[ -z "$openwisp_version" ]]; then openwisp_version=latest; fi echo "" start_step "Downloading docker-openwisp..." cp $INSTALL_PATH/.env $ENV_BACKUP &>>$LOG_FILE rm -rf $INSTALL_PATH &>>$LOG_FILE if [[ $openwisp_version -ne "edge" ]]; then git clone $GIT_PATH $INSTALL_PATH --depth 1 --branch $openwisp_version &>>$LOG_FILE else git clone $GIT_PATH $INSTALL_PATH --depth 1 &>>$LOG_FILE fi cd $INSTALL_PATH &>>$LOG_FILE check_status $? "docker-openwisp download failed." echo $openwisp_version >$INSTALL_PATH/VERSION start_step "Configuring docker-openwisp..." for config in $(grep '=' $ENV_BACKUP | cut -f1 -d'='); do value=$(get_env "$config" "$ENV_BACKUP") set_env "$config" "$value" done report_ok start_step "Starting images docker-openwisp (this will take a while)..." make start TAG=$(cat $INSTALL_PATH/VERSION) -C $INSTALL_PATH/ &>>$LOG_FILE check_status $? "Starting openwisp failed." } give_information_to_user() { dashboard_domain=$(get_env "DASHBOARD_DOMAIN" "$INSTALL_PATH/.env") db_user=$(get_env "DB_USER" "$INSTALL_PATH/.env") db_pass=$(get_env "DB_PASS" "$INSTALL_PATH/.env") echo -e ${GRN}"\nYour setup is ready, your dashboard should be available on https://${dashboard_domain} in 2 minutes.\n" echo -e "You can login on the dashboard with" echo -e " username: admin" echo -e " password: admin" echo -e "Please remember to change these credentials.\n" echo -e "Random database user and password generate by the script:" echo -e " username: ${db_user}" echo -e " password: ${db_pass}" echo -e "Please note them, might be helpful for accessing postgresql data in future.\n"${NON} } upgrade_debian() { apt_dependenices_setup upgrade_docker_openwisp dashboard_domain=$(get_env "DASHBOARD_DOMAIN" "$INSTALL_PATH/.env") echo -e ${GRN}"\nYour upgrade was successfully done." echo -e "Your dashboard should be available on https://${dashboard_domain} in 2 minutes.\n"${NON} } install_debian() { apt_dependenices_setup setup_docker setup_docker_compose setup_docker_openwisp give_information_to_user } init_setup() { if [[ "$1" == "upgrade" ]]; then echo -e ${GRN}"Welcome to OpenWISP auto-upgradation script." echo -e "You are running the upgrade option to change version of" echo -e "OpenWISP already setup with this script.\n"${NON} else echo -e ${GRN}"Welcome to OpenWISP auto-installation script." echo -e "Please ensure following requirements:" echo -e " - Fresh instance" echo -e " - 2GB RAM (Minimum)" echo -e " - Root privileges" echo -e " - Supported systems" echo -e " - Debian: 10 & 11" echo -e " - Ubuntu 18.04, 18.10, 20.04 & 22.04" echo -e ${YLW}"\nYou can use -u\--upgrade if you are upgrading from an older version.\n"${NON} fi if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo -e ${RED}"Please run with root privileges."${NON} exit 1 fi mkdir -p /opt/openwisp echo "" >$LOG_FILE start_step "Checking your system capabilities..." apt update &>>$LOG_FILE apt -qq --yes install lsb-release &>>$LOG_FILE system_id=$(lsb_release --id --short) system_release=$(lsb_release --release --short) incompatible_message="$system_id $system_release is not support. Installation might fail, continue anyway? (Y/n): " if [[ "$system_id" == "Debian" || "$system_id" == "Ubuntu" ]]; then case "$system_release" in 18.04 | 20.04 | 22.04 | 10 | 11) if [[ "$1" == "upgrade" ]]; then report_ok && upgrade_debian else report_ok && install_debian fi ;; *) error_msg_with_continue "$incompatible_message" install_debian ;; esac else error_msg_with_continue "$incompatible_message" install_debian fi } init_help() { echo -e ${GRN}"Welcome to OpenWISP auto-installation script.\n" echo -e "Please ensure following requirements:" echo -e " - Fresh instance" echo -e " - 2GB RAM (Minimum)" echo -e " - Root privileges" echo -e " - Supported systems" echo -e " - Debian: 10 & 11" echo -e " - Ubuntu 18.04, 18.10, 20.04, 22.04\n" echo -e " -i\--install : (default) Install OpenWISP" echo -e " -u\--upgrade : Change OpenWISP version already setup with this script" echo -e " -h\--help : See this help message" echo -e ${NON} } ## Parse command line arguements while test $# != 0; do case "$1" in -i | --install) action='install' ;; -u | --upgrade) action='upgrade' ;; -h | --help) action='help' ;; *) action='help' ;; esac shift done ## Init script if [[ "$action" == "help" ]]; then init_help elif [[ "$action" == "upgrade" ]]; then init_setup upgrade else init_setup fi
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. An XML version of this text is available for download, with the additional restriction that you offer Perseus any modifications you make. Perseus provides credit for all accepted changes, storing new additions in a versioning system. load focus Notes (Gonzalez Lodge, 1891) load focus English (1967) hide References (6 total) load Vocabulary Tool hide Display Preferences Greek Display: Arabic Display: View by Default: Browse Bar:.
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Images: Out of Darkness walk [Image 3 of 4] Photo by Jonathan Donnelly A volunteer touches a curtain made up of origami cranes that served as the starting point of the eighth annual Walk out of Darkness event. An estimated 5,000 people gathered to support the suicide prevention and awareness event at Mount Trashmore State Park in Virginia Beach, Va. More than 30 Navy teams participated in the event. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd class Jonathan E. Donnelly/Released) Web Views 1 Downloads 0 Podcast Hits 0 This work, Out of Darkness walk [Image 3 of 4], by Jonathan Donnelly, identified by DVIDS, is free of known copyright restrictions under U.S. copyright law. Date Taken:09.07.2013 Date Posted:09.09.2013 18:17 Photo ID:1013525 VIRIN:130907-N-IS182-016 Resolution:2100x1500 Size:2.48 MB Location:VIRGINIA BEACH, VA, US Gallery Images Options HOLIDAY GREETINGS SELECT A HOLIDAY: VIDEO ON DEMAND.
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import { Loader } from '@navikt/ds-react'; import React, { FC, ReactNode } from 'react'; const Spinner: FC<{ isLoading: boolean; children: ReactNode }> = ({ isLoading, children, }) => { return isLoading ? ( <div className="mt-8"> <Loader size="xlarge" /> </div> ) : ( <>{children}</> ); }; export default Spinner;
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Penetrating into the Eye of “Power” --- Scientific Discipline and Artistic Revolution in May 4 Period Lingling Hu Abstract Taking a wide view on modern arts history, we may find that Chinese arts had changed the most in the period of the May 4 period. Furthermore, Chinese arts in the whole 20th century tillered from the parent body of the arts of the May 4 period. This paper, from the perspective of the eye of power by Michel Foucault, a French philosopher, examines the arts in the period, introduces the conception of scientific discipline and tries to analyze the sociological reasons why realistic transformation of Chinese paintings grew up to be the discourse power and the internal operation mechanism when it conflicts with the non-power discourse. Full Text: PDF DOI: 10.5539/ass.v7n2p56 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Asian Social Science   ISSN 1911-2017 (Print)   ISSN 1911-2025 (Online) Copyright © Canadian Center of Science and Education  To make sure that you can receive messages from us, please add the '' domain to your e-mail 'safe list'. If you do not receive e-mail in your 'inbox', check your 'bulk mail' or 'junk mail' folders..
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{# Dywee\OrderBundle\Resources\View\Order\table.html.twig #} {% extends '@DyweeOrderBundle/admin.html.twig' %} {% block body %} <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="box box-default"> <div class="box-header with-border"> <div class="box-tools"> <a href="{{ path('order_add') }}" class="btn btn-success btn-box-tool"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Ajouter une commande</a> {#<div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false"> <i class="fa fa-download"></i> Exporter <span class="caret"></span> </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu"> <li><a href="#">PDF</a></li> <li><a href="{{ path('order_export_csv', {type: 'current_month'}) }}">Excel</a></li> </ul> </div>#} <div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-box-tool dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false"> <i class="fa fa-filter"></i> {% if activeState is not null %} {{ activeState|trans }} {% else %} Filtrer {% endif %} <span class="caret"></span> </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu"> {% for element in states %} <li><a href="{{ path('order_adminList', {state: element}) }}">{{ element|trans }}</a> </li> {% endfor %} <li class="divider"></li> <li><a href="{{ path('order_adminList') }}">{{ 'order.noFilter'|trans }}</a></li> {#<li><a href="{{ path('order_adminList_current_month') }}">Mois courant</a></li>#} </ul> </div> </div> <h1 class="box-title">Liste des Commandes</h1> </div> {% if pagination.getTotalItemCount > 0 %} {% include '@DyweeOrderBundle/Order/miniTable.html.twig' %} <div class="navigation text-center"> {{ knp_pagination_render(pagination) }} </div> {% else %} <div class="box-body"> <p>Vous n'avez pas encore de commande.</p> <p><a href="{{ path('order_add') }}" class="btn btn-success"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Ajouter une commande manuellement</a></p> </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> </div> {% endblock %}
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module MaterialUI.SVGIcon.Icon.FilterBAndWOutlined ( filterBAndWOutlined , filterBAndWOutlined_ ) where import Prelude (flip) import MaterialUI.SVGIcon.Type (SVGIcon, SVGIcon_) import React (unsafeCreateElement, ReactClass) as R foreign import filterBAndWOutlinedImpl :: forall a. R.ReactClass a filterBAndWOutlined :: SVGIcon filterBAndWOutlined = flip (R.unsafeCreateElement filterBAndWOutlinedImpl) [] filterBAndWOutlined_ :: SVGIcon_ filterBAndWOutlined_ = filterBAndWOutlined {}
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import React from 'react'; import {makeStyles} from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import { Avatar, Button, Card, CardActions, CardContent, IconButton, Menu, MenuItem, Typography } from "@material-ui/core"; import {Apps, MoreVert} from "@material-ui/icons"; import {App} from "../../api/apps"; import {getAppIconUrl} from "../../utils/app"; import useStyles from "./style"; interface AppCardPropsType { app: App onStart?: () => void onStop?: () => void enableAutoStart?: () => void disableAutoStart?: () => void onRemove:() => void } export default function AppCard({app, onStart, onStop, enableAutoStart, disableAutoStart,onRemove}: AppCardPropsType) { const classes = useStyles(); const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = React.useState<null | HTMLElement>(null); const handleClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => { setAnchorEl(event.currentTarget); }; const handleClose = () => { setAnchorEl(null); }; const renderMenu = () => { return ( <Menu id="simple-menu" anchorEl={anchorEl} keepMounted open={Boolean(anchorEl)} onClose={handleClose} > { app.auto_start ? <MenuItem onClick={() => { if (disableAutoStart){ disableAutoStart() } handleClose() }} > Disable autostart </MenuItem> : <MenuItem onClick={ () => { if (enableAutoStart) { enableAutoStart() } handleClose() } } > Enable autostart </MenuItem> } <MenuItem onClick={ () => { onRemove() handleClose() } } > Uninstall </MenuItem> </Menu> ) } return ( <Card className={classes.main}> {renderMenu()} <CardContent> <div className={classes.header}> <Avatar className={classes.icon}> <img src={getAppIconUrl(} className={classes.appicon} /> </Avatar> <div className={classes.title}> {} </div> <IconButton onClick={handleClick}> <MoreVert/> </IconButton> </div> <div className={classes.status}> {app.status} </div> </CardContent> <CardActions> { app.status === "Stop" && <Button size="small" onClick={onStart}>Start</Button> } { app.status === "Running" && <Button size="small" onClick={onStop}>Stop</Button> } </CardActions> </Card> ); }
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The landlord happened to see Moni that evening, and when the boy stopped at the shed, the man said roughly, “Well, they certainly are wet enough. Go in with them ! Why do you creep down like a snail now-a-days? I wonder what has gotten into you?” Moni had never had any but friendly words from the man; the landlord liked the cheerful MONI CAN’T SING ANY MORE 55 goat-boy, and had always given him a friendly word. But he did not like Moni's changed behavior, and being in quite a state over the loss of Paula's cross, which according to the lady must have happened in the near vicinity of the inn, he was in a mighty poor humor. The young lady had assured him that she had lost the cross while stepping out of the house to hear the home-coming goat-boy's song. The landlord was furious when he thought that a precious object should be lost in his house and not be found again. Only the day before he had called together all his servants and having examined and threatened them, had ended by promising a reward. The whole house seemed upset over the loss. When Moni passed the front of the house, Paula stood there to talk to him, as was her custom. Waiting for him there, she had won- dered if he would still be silent as on the day before and unwilling to sing. When he was 56 MONI THE GOAT-BOY quietly walking by her, she said, “Moni, Moni! Are you the same goat-boy who used to sing so cheerfully all day: And the joy of the blue sky Has gone to my head ?” Moni heard these words, and they made a great impression on him, despite his silence. Oh, what a terrible change had come! Every- thing had seemed so bright and gay before, and he had felt like singing all day long. Oh, if he could only feel as he had felt then! Moni climbed up again to his haunt, next day, but his songs had vanished with his spirits. The rain had stopped at last; some remaining gray clouds obscured the sky, and heavy mists everywhere covered the mountains. Sitting again under his rock, the boy struggled as before. Towards noon, the sky began to get clearer and brighter. Coming out of his shelter, Moni looked about him. The goats could jump around merrily again, and even the little kid seemed MONI CAN’T SING ANY MORE 57 quite beside itself with joy over the returning sunshine. Happily it leaped about. Down in the valley and high on the moun- tain tops the weather visibly brightened. The clouds had parted to let the friendly blue sky peep cheerfully down. Moni, who had been standing on the Pulpit Rock watching the spec- tacle, felt as if God were glancing down on him kindly from the beautiful blue sky. At last he saw his duty clearly before him. He could not bear the weight any more; he had to lay it off. Maggerli, the little kid, was just jumping by near him, so Moni took it tenderly on his arm and said, “ Oh, my poor, poor little Maggerli. I have done my best for you, but I must not do wrong. Oh, if you only did not have to die! Oh, I won’t be able to bear it, I know that!” The boy burst out crying so bitterly that his tears choked him and he could not say another word. The little goat, creeping under his arm, 58 MONI THE GOAT-BOY bleated most pitifully. It meant to seek safety and hide. It was time to go home now, and Moni, lifting his pet up to his shoulder, said, “Come, Maggerli, IT1 carry you home to-day; maybe it is the last time; for I am sure I shan't do it very many times more.” Paula was lying in wait for the procession when it passed by the inn. After the black goat and kid were safely deposited in the shed, Moni made for the house, passing Paula on his way. Generally he went right home, so she detained him. “No singing yet, Moni? Where are you going, and what makes your face look so troubled?” “I have to tell the landlord something,” Moni replied, without raising his eyes. “What do you want to tell him? Can't I hear about it?” “I must see the landlord; I want to tell him that something has been found.” MONI CAN’T SING ANY MORE 59 “What was found? What is it? I have lost something too, a very beautiful cross.” “Yes, that’s it.” “What good news!” exclaimed Paula, greatly surprised. “Is it a cross set with sparkling stones?” “Yes.” “Where is it, Moni? Give it to me, Moni! Did you find it?” “No, but Jorgli of Kiiblis did.” Paula wanted to know now who Jorgli was and where he lived. She proposed to send some- body down to Kiiblis right away to get the cross. “I’ll go there quickly myself, and if he has it still I’ll bring it up to you,” Moni replied. “If he still has it?” Paula said. “Well, why shouldn’t he have it any more? How did you hear of it all, Moni? Where did he find it? Who told you?” Moni stared at the ground; he must not tell what had passed, and how he had helped to 60 MONI THE GOAT-BOY conceal the matter. Paula was very good and kind to him, however. She must have divined that something had upset the boy. Leading him to a tree-trunk, she sat down beside him and said, with great kindness: “Come, now, tell me how it all happened. I should like to hear about it.” That gave Moni confidence to tell the whole story. He revealed to Paula his terrible anxiety for Maggerli and how he had lost all happiness because he did not dare to look up to God, and how to-day at last he had resolved to clear his conscience. Paula, in her kindness of heart, talked very gently to him. She told him that of course it would have been much better if he had revealed everything at once. Nevertheless, he had done it all purely of his own accord, and so he should never repent of his act. Paula informed Moni that Jorgli should receive ten francs as soon as she was again in possession of the cross. THAT GAVE MONI CONFIDENCE TO TELL THE WHOLE STORY MONI CANT SING ANY MORE 61 “Ten francs!” repeated the boy in astonish- ment. He well remembered the price for which Jorgli had wanted to part with the treasure. Moni, getting up, immediately set out. If he went to Kiiblis to-night to get the cross, he would be able to take it up with him the next morning. At last he could run again and make gay leaps! His heart felt light for the weight was lifted from it at last. On reaching home, he deposited the brown goat without much ado. His grandmother was informed that he had an errand, and before she could ask any questions he was on his way to Kiiblis. Jorgli was at home and when he heard what Moni had done, he began to get angry. He realized, however, that concealment was impossible now, as he was known to be the finder. Bringing the cross to Moni he asked: “Is she going to give me something for it?” “Yes she will, but if you had been honest from the start, you could have gotten ten francs 62 MONI THE GOAT-BOY right away.” Moni said, indignantly. “With your lies, you could get no more than four and now the lady has promised you ten.” Jorgli was mightily surprised, and was also sorry that he had not taken the cross to the inn immediately after finding it by the door. His conscience had been sorely troubled, a dis- comfort he might easily have been spared. Alas, it was too late to do anything about it now. It was already dark, and when Moni had received the cross he went home with it in great haste. CHAPTER V MONI CAN SING AGAIN Paula had given orders to be awakened early next morning; she wanted to be up and dressed when the goat-boy passed the house, for she intended to talk with him herself. She had quite a long conversation with the innkeeper that evening, and it had seemed to end to her great satisfaction. She must have made a suc- cessful bargain with him for she looked very cheerful. Next morning, when the goat-boy approached the inn with his flock, Paula was already stand- ing near the house. “Moni, can't you sing yet?" she called to him. Shaking his head, he replied, “No, I can't possibly sing any more. I have to think of poor little Maggerli's death all the time. I wonder how often I can still take it up with me; I'll 63 64 MONI THE GOAT-BOY never be happy any more as long as I live! Here is the cross!” With that, he handed the girl a little parcel, for his grandmother had care- fully wrapped up the treasure in three or four pieces of paper. After unwrapping the cross Paula looked at it carefully; she saw before her absolutely un- harmed, the beautiful sparkling cross she had lost. “Moni,” she said kindly to her little friend “you have made me very happy! Without you, I should never have seen my cross again. Now I have a little surprise for you, too, as a reward. Go and fetch Maggerli from the shed. From now on the kid belongs to you!” With wide-open astonished eyes the boy looked at Paula. He did not seem to compre- hend her words, for he stammered: “But, — how — how could Maggerli possibly belong to me?” “Well, I'll tell you how!” Paula said, with MONI CAN SING AGAIN 65 a beaming face. “I bought it from the inn- keeper yesterday, and to-day I am giving it to you. Will you be able to sing again now, Moni?” “Oh, oh, oh!” Moni exclaimed, while he ran like mad to the shed and pulled out the kid to take it on his arm. Running back again to where Paula stood, he held out his hand to her and said over and over again. “Thank you a thousand, thousand times! May God reward you! I only wish I could do you some favor too!” “You can do me one by singing your song, for I should like to hear how it sounds after all these dreary days,” said Paula. Moni did not reflect long, but burst out into his song and while he was still singing, he started to climb the mountain with his goats. His jubilant tones rang far down into the valley, and there was no one in the inn who did not hear the cheerful singer. Many turned on their pillows, muttering: 5 60 MONI THE GOAT-BOY “The goat-boy has good weather again.” Everybody was glad when they heard his merry song, for they had long been accustomed to be waked by it daily; some would get up, and many would sleep longer. When Moni, looking down, could still see the young lady standing in front of the house, he stepped out near to the edge and sang down, as loudly as he could : And the joy of the blue sky Has gone to my head. All day long nothing but peals of joy came from Moni’s lips. The goats also caught his happiness, and could be seen jumping and leap- ing merrily to and fro, as if they were having a feast. The sun was shining doubly bright from the blue sky after all the recent rain, the herbs were particularly fresh and green, the little red and yellow flowers sparkled; Moni felt as if he had never seen the mountains, the valley and the whole world as beautiful as they MONI CAN SING AGAIN 67 were that day. He was absolutely inseparable from his little kid. Picking the best plants for Maggerli, he fed it tenderly, while he said over and over again, “ Maggerli, my darling! my dear little Maggerli, now you won’t have to die! You belong to me now, so we can go up to the pasture together as long as we live.” When he returned at night, his songs could be heard for miles around. When he had de- posited the black goat in its shed, he took the little kid on his arm. It was going home with him now, and the kid did not even seem to mind leaving its accustomed home; it seemed perfectly contented under his protection. Press- ing closely against Moni, it showed plainly how it loved the boy, who really had treated it with much more love and affection than had its own mother. The grandmother was very much puzzled when Moni came home with the kid on his shoulder. She could not comprehend what had 68 MONI THE GOAT-BOY happened, despite Moni’s shouting to her from far, “It belongs to me now, grandmother, it is mine!” Moni had no time yet to tell her more, for busily running to the shed, he prepared a fine soft couch of fresh straw for Maggerli. He did not want the kid to be afraid of its new abode, so he said to it, while he laid it down: “Now sleep well in your new home, Maggerli! You shall always have a new bed every day.” Only when he came back for supper and was sitting by his surprised old grandmother did Moni tell her the whole tale from the beginning of his sad days till the happy ending that had taken place to-day. Listening quietly and attentively, the grandmother said at last: “As long as you live, Moni, you must never forget what has happened to you; God had devised a way to help you long before you suffered for the wrong you did to save your little pet. As soon as you acted right and did what pleased MONI CAN SING AGAIN 69 Him, He was going to find a pleasant way out of your difficulty. If you had had confidence in Him and kept from doing wrong, everything would have come out happily from the start. God has really helped you beyond your merits, so as long as you live, be sure not to forget it.” “No, I certainly shall not,” Moni eagerly assented. “I shall always say to myself, ‘My only duty is to do what is right before God. If I do that He will be sure to fix everything just right for me.’ ” Before going to bed that night, Moni had to run out to the shed once more. Peeping in, he saw his little kid sleeping soundly; he could hardly yet believe the wonderful truth! There was no doubt of it, however, the little kid be- longed to him. Jorgli received ten francs as Paula had prom- ised him. But he did not escape from the mat- ter as easily as that. When next he went to the Springs Inn, he was led before the innkeeper. 70 MONI THE GOAT-BOY Taking the boy by the collar, the angry man shook him hard, saying in a menacing tone, “Jorgli, Jorgli, better not try again to bring my household into discredit! If a thing like that happens a second time, you’ll be sent out of my house in a way that you won’t like. Do you see the willow rod up there? I’ll give you a good thrashing with that next time, so look out, I tell you. Go and don’t forget my words.” There were other consequences to his wicked action. If anything at all got lost in the inn from that time on, all the servants immediately cried out, “No doubt Jorgli from Kiiblis has it!” If the boy should chance to come to the house at the time, they would crowd around him, crying, “Give it to us, Jorgli, let us have it!” However much he would protest and assure them that he did not have anything and didn’t even know what they were looking for, they would just shout, “Oh, we know you!” and “You can’t fool us.” MONI CAN SING AGAIN 71 In this way the boy had constantly to suffer and had hardly a single moment’s peace. As soon as anyone approached him, he was always afraid that the person would ask him if he had found this or that object. The boy could not be happy any more, for he had to think a hun- dred times, “If I had only returned the cross right away! As long as I live, I shall never keep anything that I don’t own.” Moni, on the contrary, never stopped sing- ing all summer long. He would shout and yodel with merriment up there with his goats, and no mortal on earth was as happy as he. Often, as he was lying full length on the Pulpit Rock, looking gaily down into the sunny val- ley, he remembered the fearful days when with a heavy load on his heart he was sitting under the Rain-Cliff, all joy gone from him. Then he said to himself, “I won’t let such a thing happen again. I shall never do anything that will prevent me from cheerfully looking up at 72 MONI THE GOAT-BOY the sky. I shall never again act against God's divine will.” Sometimes when Moni, deep in his own thoughts, forgot his little charges one or the other of these gay companions would approach him, full of astonishment at his behavior. Some- times they had to bleat quite loudly before they at last attracted his attention. Only when his Maggerli came and called longingly for his company, he would always hear right away. 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Croisière au départ de Dunkerque Pour permettra aux touristes de prendre part à la croisière organisés, au départ de Dunkerque, le 1;: août prochain, par -la Compagnie des Chargeurs Réunis, la Compagnie du Chemin de fer du Nord mettra en circulation, à la date Indiquée ci-dessus, un train spécial entre Paria et Dunkerque. Le 20 août, le service de retour entre Dunkerque et Paris sera également UIUré par train spécial. Cette croisière, organisée sur les cotes de Norvège et jusqu'au Cap Nord, sera effectuée à bord du paquebot Foucauld. De nombreuses escales permettront aux passagers, non seulement d'admirer la grandeur sauvage des fjords du Nord, l'aspect imposant mais plus riant de ceux du Spd, mais aussi de visiter la plupart des villes de la côte norvégienne. Pour tous renseignements, s'adresser au Bureau des renseignements de la gare du Nord. 18, rue de Dunkerque, à la Compagnie des Chargeurs Réunis. 5, bou levard Malesherbee à Parla ou aux agences de voyages. Billets de la saison d'été pour la mer Jusqu'au dicter dltnanche d'octobre, toutes les gares, stations et baltes du réseau du Nord délivreront pour les gares et stations du réseau desservant une station balnéaire des billets d'aller et retour individuels pe fin de semaine. Les prix des bniets qUI sont délivrés sous condition d'un parcours tolal (retour compris) de 50 km. au minimum (ou taxé pour cette distance) comportent, pour chacun des trajets l'aller et de retour, une réduction de 40 sur le prix des billets simples. Les enfants de 3 à 7 ans paient la moitié des prix ainsi fixés. En outre. U est accordé, aux voyageurs qui preunent leurs billets à l'avance.'une réduction complémentaire de 10 sur les prix calculés comme il est prescrit ci-dessus. Les billets sont valables à partir du samedi malin (ou matin de veille d'un Jour de rCie :£g:t:e. jusqu'au lundi (ou lendemain d'un Jour de fêle lézale) à 24 heures. Lorsque le samedi est un jour de fête létale,* les btliets sont valables à partir du vendredi matin, et lorsque le lundi est un Jour de fête lêgale. les billets sont valables jusqu'au mardi A 34 heures. Le coupon d'aller doit être utfllsé. au départ. à la date qui y est portée; toutefois, le vosage ne peut être comment. à l'aller, les 4-elli derniers Jours et, au retour, les deux premiers Jours de 1* validité dértol. tlvtt cl-dess4is. Le voyageur porteur d'un coupon de re" tour est admis dans les trains partant de la gare de retour, eu d'une gare d'arrêt, avant 34 hwires. le dernier jour de ia validité. mCme si cet trains arrivent &amp; la ?are initiale .le départ après 24 heures. La durée de validité ries blilt'tA ne peut être prolongée: Sauf .exceptions prévues dans ie-s tableaux de ja-marche des trains, les parieurs de ces billets ue sont pas admis da.ns :ostrainl rapides. Sont Stuls admis comme bayape. les objets à l'usapre psrsonuel des voyageurs ou de leut faUftt.c. tels qu'ils soiit définis à l'art. 8 des THDre généraux dt: jerande vitesse. Sont, toutefois, M"iut tous les objets desiinés au commerce, ainsi que les finances, valeurs et objets taxés ad valorem. Un voyage de nropugande en Cra.nde'Bre* tagrie, organisé les auspices de la Fé* déraiion britlllniquc de l'Alliance française, aura lieu du 3t) juillet au S août prochain. Au programme de ce voyage figurent, outre la visite de Londres et de diverses localités intéressantes, des excursions en autocar dans ia vallée de Wycg, Cambridge, Canterbury et environs immédiats de Londres. CHEMINS DE FER* DE L'EST Excursions de fin de semaine dans les Ardennes et dans les Vosges Jusqu'au 13 ociobre. des réductions de 40 'sur le prix des billets simples sont accordées aux voyageurs utilisant les billets spéciaux d'aller et retour de fin de semaine, au départ de Paris et des principales gares du réseau de l'Est, à destination des gares de la vallée de la Meuse et de la région des Vosges. Les voyageurs peuvent se rendre notamment à U!!, gare quelconque, centre de tourisme de la ré (flou des Vosges, et repartir d'une auirc gare; ils ont ainsi la possibilité de combiner leurs randonnées dans le massif des Vosges. Pour tous renseignements, s'adresser t la &lt; gare de Paris-Est (bureau des renseigne^ ments, téléphone Botzur-ls 48-00 et Bureau ae Tourisme, téléphone unizarla 43-S0i, ainsi qu'à la Maison de France, toi, avenue des Champs-Elysées, Paris (Se) télôplione Elysées 78-22. CHEMINS DE FER D'ALSACE ET DE LORRAINE ET DE L'EST Excursions combinâmes en chemin de fer et en autocar dans les Ardennes, les Vosges, etc. Jusqu'au 13 septembre, les voyageurs utilisant les services automobiles organisés .par , lés Réstaux d'Alsace et de Lorraine et de l'Est, bénéficient de réductions pouvant atteindre 30 pour leurs, parcours en :bemin de fer à l'aller et ou retour en-tre Paris (ou les principales gares des' réseaux de l'Est et d'Alsace et du LorraIne) et les gares choisies pour l'emprunt des circuits automobiles des Ardcllllcs, des Champs &lt;&lt;e bataille, de la Mosette. du Luxembourg et des Vosges sur tout ou parue de ces circuits. La validité des hlUe.1ll spéciaux d'aUer et. retour, délivrés tous condlilon d'un minimum de parcours de 80 km en autocar. est de 8 Jours ou de 30 jours suivant le Circuit automobile effectue par les voyageurs; elle peut être prolongée à deux reprises, respectivement de 8 Jours ou de 30 jours. Pour tout rensetR-nemonis, s'adresser à la gare de Paris-Est (bureau des renseignemena, téléphone Botzaris 40-90 et Bureau dé Tourisme, téléphone Hotsaris 48-80,, à l'Agoiice des Chemins de fer d'Alsace et de Lorraine, 8, avenue fortalis, Paris (8*), têtALaborde 70-63, ainsi qu'à la Maison vie France, tOl, avenue des Champs-Elysées, Paris (S*). téléphone Elybées 78-»2. LONDON MIDLAND AeD SCOTTiSH RAILWAY Quatorze juillet Profitez de votre congé peur visiter les réglons pittoresques du centre et du nord do l'Angleterre, l'Ecosse ou l'Irlande, à des conditions très avantageuses, en utilisant les billets spéciaux à prix réduits, valables 15 jours, émis les 12 et 13 juillet au départ de Paris par 1e réseau du L.-M.-S., par la vole maritime de votre choix. Ces billets comportent la traversée de Londres (entre les gares ds Victoria ou de Waterloo et celles de Euston ou st. Paneras) et confèrent la faculté de séjourner dans la capitale anglaise. Pour renseignements, horaires, billets, s'adresser à l'office du L.-M.-S., 12, boulevftrd de la Uadeleimp t Pans. Petites Annonces PERDUS et TROUVES 30 fr. Fr. 2-500 récomp. Perdu Paria taxi 18 juin X Montre plat. recto ent. brlls sur bracelet péri. « nécess. ivoire. S'ad. Toplis Hardlng Lloyds Agents (G/776/32), 80, bd Haussmann VILLEGIATURES R. S. Visites la Lozè sites,ses gorges, l'A V ven Armand.Aubrac, Rts Mende. La Mer Vacances à la mer p. enfanta 2 &amp; 14 ans. y Mme de Frettes. 63. T.Caulaincourt. 18e. Loridon Kérégal en Plouha (C.-du-N.) JLJ Pens. de fam. Px mod. 5 mlnut. plage. St-Pierre-en-Port (S.-I.).HÔt.PIage.dep.26 fr. Mers-les-Bains.HOtel Lutétia.Pens.juill.35 f. LA BAULE. Pension STE CECILE S^mer. Tout confort, depuis 25 francs. BINIC CC.-d.-N.I.Les Tamaris.pens.dep.20 f. Carantec (Fin.). Hôt. Hélios. Vue sur mer. 1%,j Eau cour. C.F.t. Prix modéré. Tél. 0.35. Hôtel Roch.-Arvor Perros-Guirec (C.d.N.) JLJL Conf.moderne. pens. prix très modérés. ST-GILDAS (Morhlhan). plag.sab1.clim,reconn.Perts. Jarte mod. La Campagne "Y'acance.s.slte merv.pêche.bat. C.d'aircft V27 Argenton-Chftteau. u.S. O. GENOT. Hôtel Restaur. 25 nets, pêche. forêt. VTLLEV ALLIER (Yonne). château du Catillon. Elb«uf-sur-Andelle. Pays splend.. c.mod. Tennis. Pens.d.25 f. La Montagne Home enfants non malad. Clos «Le Rêve» jnL Le Biot (Hte-Savoie).Alt.820 m.Px mod. H tes Vosges. Pr sais.été.app.7 p.,s.d.b.,cf. E..e..tomb..ter.Chrlst,La Bresse (Vosg.) DEMANDES D'EMPLOIS 7 fr. la lig. EMPLOIS DIVERS Dames Jne femme, 30 a., disting., tr. b. édue., tF expér. des aff., av. dirigé commerce, dactylogr., cherche emploi secrétariat ou assistante directeur — Références prem. ordre. — Ecrire KYL. 710, Journal. Cout. f.n.n. Lelano.88.r.Oberkampf. Hommes Ing. D.P.L.G., 50 a., célib.. compl. seul, JL actif, expérim. et de bon. présent., rech. direct. affenc. ou aff. ind. préf. d. le Nord. SURMOXT. 32, rue des Stations. LILLE. J.H.8ér. br.él. prat.trav.bur. ch.empl. ma &lt;J gaslnler. fact. App.900. Ecr.Vyr.83.Jnal. Peint.colt. ch.empl. François, 35,r.St-Marc COMPT ABLE,excell.référ..cherc.empl.rria tln ou après-midi. Ecr. Nor'. 147,Journal. Jeune homme actif. 30 ans, b. présentation élocution facile, instr. brevet permis pond, très au courant ventes réel. aliment. générale. Insp. Société suce. mult., recherc. emploi à partir 10 juillet. Excell. référenc. Ferait au bes. prosp. démonstr. lanc. réel. KT. marq. — Ecrire Agence Havas. Nevers, N" 2.903. aut transmettra. GARDES D'ENFANTS 12 fr. Poup.lre clas. Gd parc. Tê1.37,Bry-e.-Marne. OFFRES D'EMPLOIS 15 fr. la Ug. GENS DE MAISON BONNES à t,f.Bur,3ï,r.Dragon(MIIS.Sulpice) cuisinière bne à tt f. p. 2 Mess.seuls (log.) n4eulen,!!. r,Louls-Blanc,Courbevole (mat.) EMPLOIS DE BUREAU On dem. jnes filles 13-15 ans, cert. ét., b. 11 écrit, p. travx bureaux. Déb. 16 f. p. J. Se prés. mat. av. 10 h. Argus. 37,r.Bergère Sténos, Dactylos Sténo-dactylo lang. allemande. Sérieuses 0 références. Jonemann. 24, r. d'Enghlen COMMERCE On dem. Directeur pour magasin de nou veautés province ayant sérieuses références. Ecrire sans timbre pr rép., ni certificats originaux à Rel. 700. au Journal. Représentants et placiers ) Grande Marque de Vouvray Champagnisé jr très connue, ayant un important budget de publicité, offrant des Articles-réclames luxpçux. disposée à' faciliter les représentants par une méthode de vente moderne, demand.représentants sérieux et actifs'visitant les Restaurants. Epiciers. Hôtels, etc; Ecr.COURTY. N»3.656,rue Vivien ne.17, Paris. Tinport. manuf. demande représentants jL .ol!lsêd. auto pour visiter clientèle ameuX fcossèd. CREVIER 24. r. Gravilliers. Paris. Pour importante maison alfmentation re-' P présentants avec fixe, garanties, visitant Paris et banlieue. Ecr. âge. réfêr, fi pratique bicyclette, moto ou auto : GnT. Bon. postale 1. Bureau central Paris 13e. }'lrme imp. de laines à tricoter et de bon JL neterie fantais. ch. représ à la comm. p. ehaq. région, visit. magas. de nouv. bonnet.. merc. Eçr. s. j. t. p. r. ni .certif. origin. P. A. C. J., n° 839?. r. St-Marc, 20. Parig-2e, qui transm. Inut. si pas clientèle On dem. jeune représentant actif et de On bonne présentât, lib. du serv. mllit. connaissant si possible les papiers." Ne pas se présent.. -écrire s. t.* p. r. à M. Sagot, 48. rue d'Aubervilliers. Paris. 80 à 120 fr. P. 1our..payés Je io.ur même, et So situation rapide, de 4 à 5.000 frs p. mois. Dans chaa. localité, industrie parisienne offre emploi de REPRESENTANT et CHEF de VENTE à vendeurs actifs et travailleurs Dr visiter clientèle de proDt"lét..lÓcatair., archtteet. gérts d'immeubles, etc. Artic. uniq. breveté, de Ire Récessité et* de vente facile. Ec.en lndiq.réf.U.F.I.C..ll.r.Vienne,Paris-8e. Rech.Représ.ttes ré vente app. ménag. » art. brev. grand débouché. Référ. 1er or"re, eXig-é. Ecr. Ag. Havas. Nantes. 8.803. G dé" marque, américaine huile auto dein. rePrés, bien-introduits. Cond.-except. Situat.d'aven. Ecr.Olympic OU Cy. Marseille. Vendeurs et Vendeuses Tr.bon vendeur. de rO.péra INDUSTRIE • &gt; Techniciens et dessinateurs ESSTNATEUR d'ETUDES sp'éc. si poss. ventll dépous.. demand. par MAISON FREDERIC FQHCHE. Tng-énieurs-Ctlnstracteurs. S, rue Eugène-Varin. Paris (10e). AUTRES EMPLOIS SPECIFIES 2 emDl.p.Mess de 20 à 40 ay sér.rêf.Se pr.M,Lebrun.22,r. St-Lazare. de 9.30.à 12 h. et de 14 à 16 h 30 OCCUPATIONS DIVERSES 20 fr. ON DEMANDE * pr situation stab. (Maison datant plus d'un «Iftclè.et touj.en progr.). Messieurs Français suite, simplem.actifs et énergiq.. anc. conn.nêces. Condit.: 2.000 frs dès le 1er mois âllant en augment.tous les mots à partir du 2e mois. Très bonne tenue obligàtoire. Voir M. MERCIER.. 372.-Rue Saint-Honoré. dq 9 h. a. 12 h. et 14 h.'à 17 h. Ne sera pas .rêT"lo'nd u à lettres. Se présenter. Copies d'adresses et écrit, chez soi. b.gain, Ecr Douilly. Saint-Pol (Pas-de-Calais). CHEZ SOI. travail de bureau fac. bien rétrlb. Ecr.V.E.P.. N"9.Valenciennes (Nd). /^♦OJtRESPOND. SERIEUX, 2 sexes rech. V part pour créer AFFAIRES NOUVEL LES. RAPPORT IMMEDIAT. Ecrire : ODAN.A t03. rue Lafayette. 103. PARTS. OFF. et DEM. COMMERC. 30 fr. Anc.Soc.t.cisq.dem.agentgénérx ds chaq.. rant-Serx avant.S.A M.. r..Voscou,Paris IDtJCTAIRE chère. p.Ag-ence MARSÊfL FLE. Gérant expert, actif, sérieux, av.garant. Situât.minima TRENTE MILLE FRS Ecrire Agence Havas, N* 9.412, Marseille. LEÇONS 12 fr. la lig. Anglais Conversation Commerce. Prof. Davies. 10, r. Saint-Marc (M" Bourse). INSTITUT. ECOLES et COURS 20 fr. Apprenez Manucure,. Pédic.. Coiff.. Mass. Ecole Américaine. 330. rue4e Rivoli, i ACADEMIE COIFFURE. 96, Bd Sébastop Pndulation.rpanuc.,mass..pédic..taille, barbe. I fIMfi langues. Cachet de 6 leç. à fr. K CIN Q (partie. à ff..6). 5. bd Italiens. t) OCCASIONS 20 fr. la lig. ALIMENTATION VIN ROUSSILLON gar. natur. par prapr.. à partir de 160 l'Ho. 8 échantill grat. Représentants acceptés. BIGORRE. Corneilla-la-Rivlêre (Pyr.-Or.). AMEUBLEMENT A SOLDER cab.trav.. bureaux, classeurs, A fauteuils cuir ayt servi aux Expositions Ets Magenta,Paris T&gt;ABAIS cons.200 chambres et sal.à mang. li, à sold. tr.bas px. Visib.aux ATELIERS. &lt;0. rue des Poissonniers (Près Bd Barbés). Cause départ, Aubusson tons, délicats or fin 5 pces plus berbère, à prix: CAREL. 6, r. Pierre-Haret. Suite crise, fabricant cède bas prIx rich. ~, eal.à mang.mod. Fabriq. meubles. 1 b(s.passage Cesselin, 10. r.Paul-Bert. la Douane,4.Mob.comp. TT tustr.bur.. bronz..tapis, obj.d'art.etc.. à moitié valeur (62e année). Auc. succursale. VETEMENTS A oh*t vêt.ooc.hom.dam.ling.chaus.Ouv.9-7. AVa dom.Ec.ELIE.6.R.Bertfiollet.Gob.lg-43 CHIENS Arrivage fox scoth bulldogs danois .Pékis loulous. 14. rue St-Roch.' Central 23-04. Chiens chas.gard.lux.Exp.t.paya,184,av.ItaHe OCCASIONS DIVERSES A vendre : tapis, tenturea. glacière Frix~. x«lux. type K 8 cuisin. à gaz Arthur Martin. Le tout tr. bon état. Pr-vis. ConMartin. 133. r, Lafayette, p. ott. Triji, ÇI-52» T L'acide urique 7) conduit Varthritiùue^ à une viei llesse prématurée ! N~ ! ~t~. '~€~ Les arthritiques, les sédentaires, les surme*4, nés par des exercices physiques ou intellectuels, P|^ ÏS Vl VC* les personnes âgées de plus de 40 ans, ne parvienb» l'iinnL f m jJSMî 1 î «VI*Cl r • &amp; ** ) nent pas à' éliminer facilement l'excès d'acide M~~ -• ? Wi ÊÉmML * urique qui s'accumule en elles. -xJ* , ;■ -wT Êk wÈWwê -T?-: • L'excès d'acide urique dans sang et dans M L* l'organisme conduit fatalement à une vieillesse MV l rm h v' tSÊËÈlk^ prématurée, remplie de troubles arthritiques "V J w 1 jîv * de 40 le une et l'acide rhumatismes, goutte, sciatique, et de trouX*-s-'MM J&amp;X ^fMÊrm M | ! K u bles d'origine artérielle : artério-sclérose, • WÂ JfËf, angine de poitrine, qui peuvent être évités m i • &lt; M urique par l' URODONAL. de l'acide ~J~M ~-~-:,BON Sur simple demande accompagnée de ce !' tl~ &amp; ~M~~ (i bon, il vous sera adresse, gratis et franco, le J» Manuel de Santé" du Dr Faivre. Ouvr-age de 80 pages, richement docu. Kf'MÊ Eliminer racide urique, (, mente, fertile en conseils, que toutes les i[ j familles voudront avoir et c°"»ryer. c test éviter ce danger 'J .;;¡;,. !" '; -UROBONAL -" ":':,' :, ,:' '&amp;. ': ,', , ,,'~ ', i rend la jeunesse à l'arthritique parce qu'il dissout 1 acide urique , 1 Etabl. CHATELAIN, 20 Grands Prix, Fournisseurs des Hôpitaux de Paris, 2 et 2 bis, rue de Valenciennes, PARIS, et toutes pharmacies. H Le lfacon 16 fr., franco 16.50. Le triple flacon pour une cure, franco 39 tr, 20 (Economie 8.80). Le tube de 16 comprimés (très pratiaues bour le»déo'acements) 10 fr.. franco 10.50.. LOCATIONS 26 fr. la lig. NON MEUBLES (Paris et Seine) Offres d'appartements Petite garçonnière 17e : 600 tr. p. mais, JL av. s. de b.. téléph. Imm. neuf, 8, rue d'Héliopolis, VillIers, M"Champerret Issy,24,E.-Zola,2 p.,c.,t.,déb..c.2.600-3.000-t-ch 12 min. Opéra. Tr. bel. chamb. aérée, cuis. JL entr., tél.. 6, r. Henri-Pape (M»Tolbiqr&gt; Trocadéro. 16, rue Franklin. 7 nées princ. JL dont 6 sur rue 28 000. pl.charges, Jtt conf. Av. Marceau. 6. p. 16.500. Tt conf. 9. rue Léonet:-R£oynaud.Rien des Agences. Passv.5 p.cft.acc. prof.. pas rep.ll.r.Massenet Studio'l -pièce. salle de bains, cuisine, en 0 trée. débarras, chauffage, eau chaude. A céder contre petite reprise (tanN.. meubles). Loyer 6.300 .charges comprises. — S'adresser après-midi. COTTIER. 14, rue des Darnanelles. Paris (17e). 1" ET 2 PIECES cuisine, w.-el., depuis 2.500 J)L 20. RUE ALBERT (Métro Porte d'Ivry). Pte Maillot A louer Bs apppts 2.3.4 p.. Pte lMviaaiillilorrf t t cft3stbd Gouvlon-St-Cyr,, MEUBLES (Paris et ;&gt;9inc) Appartements Passez l'Eté à VERSAILLES au Home Versaillais. 5S, r." 11arêchal-I')ch Chambrés et appartements mlplés tt conf Prix ramenés au coefficient d'av.-gutrre. Ch.-de-Mars,"gd cf.3 p.cuis.bains.ô.r Dupleix Monceau.rez.2 ).l.c.h.cft.1.400 f.p.m.l2,r.Thann An.2 et 3 cft. 119.aV.Villiera'. M"«Pereire App.2 p.cuis.s.d.b.tél.1.000 p.m. Pereire. 1 uxembourgo. Les plus beaux apparts mbl. J neufs; ensoleillés. 10. bd Port-Royal (5e). Champ-de-Aiarç. Aiipartem. meublé mod. 2 pces. cuis., bain, tt conf., télép, 17. rue du Laos. S'adresser au Concierge. Innovation -Appts mbl. s.rue. tt dern.eft, Inn ovation 15i rug, ely, (M° Joffrin). • Chambres 300 MonCeau d t) immb.neuf. 25, r. Saussure. MuVill;er»,ler gsur,rue, 30,r Fontaine £T00 à 1.000 fr. Lux. ch. cab. toil. ou j-al. *J de bain. lS.r.Desconbes. M°Champerret T uxueuse ch. av. sal. de bain, téléph -i dep. 550 fr. 85. r. dû Rocher. M" VU lie r!o&gt; Monceau. 500 p.m. 69-,r.Prony. CHBRES-STUD.av.8.gns.t.t,.cft 4 lig.tél. ds v_y Ible.800,r.Naples,pr.St-Augustin T es CUIS.. gre studio.dep. a 300 fr.. Iux'.Intim..têléph..privê. Métro Pte Saint-Clou9, 28. rue Le Marois. Bots prox. licuis., 'b..té.l.balcon fleuri.tout con C^ii.cuis., 250 à 400 Métro Champerret, 5 ter.r.du Caporal-Peugeot. Tél.Carnot 49-05. Pensions de famille 7 cl 17D ch.3't,lard.soleil,cure repos 25 FR. 9;ViIla Bel-Air (Pte S.Mandé).12e CESS. BAUX et LOC. COMM. 25 fr. Magasins et bÓutlqutltI Pl.V.-Hugo.Bout.6 m.50 fa-&lt;:.BI 9 a.Loy.12.000 ITr.bas prix. Sol. "135. bd Magenta. 2 à 3 h. FONDS DE COMMERCE 25 fr. INDUSTRIE HOTELIERE Hôtels Bureaux MEUBLE GRANDS BOULEVARDS 10 Nos b.mblés.B.8 a.L.10.000. Ten.dep 10 a 30.000 av.35.000.E.G.A.,26,r.4-Septembre 64 NUMEROS POUR 375.000 ! ! Et av. tout le conf. des Palaces ! ! &gt;4t sali, splend. jard. d'hiv. Cîrfr. 20 voit. Client, tourist. et local. B. 17 à Loy. 18.000 fr. Assure 100.000 nets, garant et prouvés. Et c'est à 2 h. de Paris dans une grande et jolie ville ! ! Et il n'a faut que 120.0TO francs comptant ! ! BOURGOIN 6, bd St-Denis (70e a) Accepte billets de fds SOUS-PREFECTURÊ NORMANDIE CENTRF HOTEL Voyageurs tourist^oe Place Mairie et Marché. B. 15 a. à 1 (100. 8 Nos. 2 gdes sal. tr. bel. terrasse, téléph Affaires 260.000. Femme partie oblige céder LACOMBE urgence avec 50.000 lr. LT ~iViJDIl. 48, boiild Sébastopol, 4S Hôtels Cafés ST-CLOUD Gravem. malade, cède 1/2 valeur sup. HOTEL-CAFE I £9 , 1MXO.-»S » tr. confort. Rapport 30.000 p. an. 12 Grand JARDIN GARAGE BAL tA V V 9^ nOO Affaires 140.000. gros bénéf. A V.2S.Gao p^REY.29.r.Etienne-Marcel CAFE HOTEL SurGde Rt. Nat ii~ 1 IL1-. 21 Nos. Banl. imm. Gdes dépend.. salle café, comptoir étain. Billard. Jardin. Bosquets, T. S. F. LIMONADE 60.000 FRS HOTEL 45.000 FRS RESTAURANT 60.000 FRS avec 75.000 francs. SIMFOR 20. RUE TURBIGO, 20. HOTEL CAFE TABAC Belle ville de l'Eure. 8 Nos CONFORT. AFFAIRES 00.000 f. DONT 70.000 f. TABAC Pouv. facil. doubl. Bail volonté. Loy. 4.000. Gde façade. 3 salles. 3 pces, Jard., dépend. A ENLEVER AVEC 30.000 FRS RnRCI Paris.Prov.,Cafés Rest.Hôtels. jVOPriiL, U. Place de la République, 11. Cause maladie très grave. Vendeur &amp; toute extrémité fait céder &amp; condition extra TABAC HOTEL CAFE BILLARD EPIC. Sup. campagne. 120 km. Paris. Gdea forets. Rendez-vous chasseurs et promeneurs AV. 19 mû 2 salles superbes. rAv « I A.WU chauffage central partout. 4 pièc. neraonnell. 6 Nos bien meublés. Bail 15 ans. Loyer 900.. Gdes dépend. Jardin. Aff. impeccable. Auc.frais à y faire. Aff air. garant. 100.000. Tis^jOwRrvxF g 4G na Alfesw (M' ftsieryii Riche PAYS seine-e'ivmarne, 3000 -L~ HAB. Café HOTEL Danc. pl. de la Mairie, du marché, la sle aff. trav. forcé. 10 b. chb rapp. 15.000. Limon.125.000. B. 12 a à 1.200 Occ. rare à trait av. OC fiflfl chez MEUTEY et Co, fourn. qui aide, 29, rue du Pont-Neuf, Paris OCCASION A SAISIR HOTEL REPUTE 18 Nos banlieue Paris. Affaire travaillant à pleins bras à céder après décès Magnif. installât. Loyer 8.000 francs BENEFICES 140.000 FR. lAC On traite avec; 120.000 J A.C g mT, m, AV.30.000 CPT HOTEL CAFN REST. 12 Nus. touj.oc.cup. s pl.marché, R'de ville Normandie. Aff.mOOO. B.15 a. DUR 36. rue Loyer 4.0CO fr Voir de Bondy Hôtels-Restaurants et Pensions GERANT DEMANDE Pour hôtel table d'hôte province. PÏ7DTTM Faut 80.000 en garantie. 1 UN 16Q. boulevard de Magenta. HOTEL Vallée de la LOIRE 10 Nos tt cft..Pays chasse, pêche renom., .e sai nomb dép. Ig b.("Y. 1.000 AFF. ACT. 210.000 AVEC 50000 SIM FOR. 20. rue dp Turbigo, PARIS BARS, CAFES, RESTAURANTS C'êde direct, mon Café -Bar, S? bis. rue J Lafayette, emplac. uniq. Aff. à tfros nourcent. Faut dispos, de 40.000 fr. Me voir au fonds — Intermédiaires s'abstenir CAFE-TABAC MEUBLES 160.000 fr. d'aft.. plus tabac. 4 Nos. bon rapp.. 3 salles, billard, iardin. — Une autre maison louée. Le tout en parfait état — Prix totalimmeuble et fonds 120 000 avec ,.oO()(f' fr, .com pt. Franques. 50. bd Magenta Sans agence cède mon beau Café Bar 0 Bill. Aff. de conf. lux. inst. B. log Vu urgence accepte même en gér. av. 40.000 Me voir au fonds, 2S, bd Arago (Gobelins) CAFE-LIQUEURS V'Ville. Face gd garage taxi. Trav.forl'ê A. B.10 a. L.ZAOO. Log.6..p. Compt.550 pr. Obligé de céder cause mari malade VéGUYOT ritable occasion av. 70.000 f. I KJ 1 47. RUE DE TURBIGO, 47 FACE GARE GRANDE BANLIEUE CAFE TABAC AVEC 30.000 Ire aff. du pays: 3 sal. Long bail. L. 3C0. App. 5 p. AFFAIRES 250.000 FRANCS C'EST UN PRIX D'AVANT-GUERRE r M 1 C ioc,,r,Rivoli. Face M°ChAre1*nt Liste grat. aff. à céder. d~, L,.y. CAFE TAB. EPIC. STAK nOO total 30.000, ligne A V. 12.00Q Est à 1 h. 30 B. 13 ans. L. 1.100. Tél., électr. 3 sali.. 3 ch., jardin ROI Affaires 100.000 francs, plus tabac * -~178.rue du Temple.Métro RépllhHq, BAR LIQUORISTE mats.d'angje inst.mod. pas un sou de frais. B.9 a.L.rais.Aff.550 av.90.000. Jalle.6,r.Havre Par Liquoriste pl. centre, rue pass., nel J inst B. 12 a. L. rais. Aff. 650 A fait 900 tr. fntéress. av. 100.000 Jalle, 6. r. Havrp EXCEPTIONNEL CAFE SUPERBE Situât, ldiale , jQIU~~t3tI7,DfjtD3ftl7 Gde ville cent. L~er~~fr-L200 PAR JOUR Loyer 4 000 fr.. absolument garantis net 125.000 bénéf — InstalI. ultra moderne, matériel luxueux ■ Occasion rare traite avec 'o e U 1 rn andaté 150.000 B. ERTIN SÎStïë 150.000 CAFE CAISSE Magnif. AFFAIRE Import. ville 100 k. JoUe salle 120 pi B. 14 a. Loy.5.000, log.5 p 120.000 RECETTES A GROS POURCENT M AT TP FR Trait.av. acquér. disp.45.000 10,r, Victoire MoLe' Peletier CAFE T b ar Belle banlieue 40 k. O'~-'~A'~ F~F -' a ac poste essence, bênéf:net 7200, cab. tél., bénéf. net 2.500, bail 10 a Loy 1.600. Aff. 180.000 en. limon., plus tabac A VR AT II T" maladie avec 45.000 cpt -'~ ~-'~ , 1 7. bd Sébastopol, 7. SUPERBE CAFE BAR Ville Sud-Est, 60.000 habitants Recettes actuelles 550.000 FRS PROUVES 6 garçons. Pas d'orchestre. Gde terrasse. à traiter en confiance avec MAUGER Victoire 200.000 10, Victoire CAFE TABAC ds magnif. banl. de ~/-r f~ A /-D/-~ Paris, bel. faç.angle instal. ultra-mod: B. 17 a.loy.nul, aff.500 p.j. limonade, av. 60.000 PTD AT 141, bd Sébastopol, 141 UmAUTUH CAFE CAISSE Jolie banlieue, CAFE CAISSE 6 billards de match Sompt Install, moderne. Imm. terr. d'angle RECETTES 800 FRS PAR JOUR SANS orchestre ni reataur. Tenu 16 a..appt 5 cf.fce ma.1.av.60.000 cpt BOUQUANT 21, bd Poissonnière. A PARIS. AVEC 20.000. Ds rue tr.pass.gde lie. On peut faire buvet. VINS ET LIQUEURS A EMPORTER Tenu 10 ans. Lg bail. Beau logt. Sup.magas. BEN. 45.000. AFF.D'AVEN. A DOUBLER MARVAQ fera visit. et donn. ts rens, v /AJ 4ô. Boulevard Magenta, 46. TABAC VINS LIQUEURS Site ravissant. Bail 8 a. Loy.1.000. Log. 4 p. cour, dépendanc.. téléph., plein centre pays. TABAC 95.000. LIM. 100.000. TABLETTERIE ON TRAITE AVEC 45.000 MAR V AS fera visit. et donn-renue'gmAnvAo fa Bo~yard 4-45mq, &lt;6. GERANCES ET DEPOTS DEPOT DE VIN GENRE NICOLAS Fixe et pourcentage, 6 à 6.000 assurés. Mise au cour..logés.débutants acceptés. Ets NOREST.158.r.Lafayette (Mém. dim.matin). 1/Hs Sébastopol.dem. gé lli V..fix.3.000 p.m. 5 0/0.g.m.8.000. Se pr.ens. les Et.FERY offrent à dames et ménages J DEPOTS de VINS à Paris et banl. Bnes ' trav.accept début.à part.d.S.OOO.Mis. au cour. S''{:},bd de Strasbourg.35, o dép. vins gér. 95 p. jour. B.1og. av. 6 000. 97 L. NIcolas, r.yins. 186, rue Saint-Martin. , J'ai trois sup.Dépôts Vins à céder.On peut tj! doubler capital. Px total 25.000, avec 10 comptant. Voir FERRE. 53. bd de Magenta. GERANTS demandés pr Dépôts Epiceries ROVA fixe et pourc. suivant garantie, ROVA, 1, rue Mondétour 01" Halles). LES Ets PAULIN, 17,Fg-MONTMARTRE demandent ménage ou dame sle pour tenir DEPOT DE VINS,fîxe 1.000 5 0/0,b.logê Garantie exig.15.000 Se prés.mêm. dimanche ALIMENTATION )rOLAILLES et PRIMEURS. Aff. 600.000 T garantis."Bail 14 ans. Logé 4 p..tenu 7 a. Sérieux. JOURDAN. 12, avenue de Clichy. EPICERIE FINE COTE D'AZUR Principale affaire dans jolie ville 1.000 frs p.jour. Gros bénéfice, beau logt av.terrasse, sur mer. Cse maladie, cède à 80000. 1/2 cpt. Exclusivité. MANOHA 133 bd 'Sébastopol. Paris. POISSONNERIE Gde ville pr.PARIS. Install. moderne. Aff. 1.500.000. Loyer 4.000. av. 150000. Facilités. CHAPTTT.lfi.r.Turbjgo. seul chargé (2 à 5). BEURRE-ŒUFS Epicerie sans fruit. B. 8 a. Loy. 5.000. Appt 3 pièces au 1er. Recette 950 f. moy. Av.gdes facilités. TTrg. Ayrault. 1, rue Française. 3, r.Turblgo. CAt Q /-Z-?Unr A céder cause décès. Gde o e A Epicerie fine. Gde licence u Situat.uniq. Ecr. 1155 Havas. Monte-Carlo. Aff.70.000. Bail 7 ans. C~nonnn~s&lt;: .Vv mtns &lt; r Ftmn&lt;s : Loy. 4.300,2 c.av. 15.000. LE BAIL; 62. Chauss.-d'Antin (62e a.) ALIMENT. 3.000.000 par AN VINS FINS GTIMER VOLAILLES ET CENTRAL 350.000 cpt ARY, 15, Avenue de l'OPERA APRES 10 ANS D'EXPLOITATION CEDE DEPOT Paquetage Café Licence. GARE BANL. 10 MINUT. AUSTERLITZ 2 bel.salles, comptoir mod. 3 mètres, tables chêne.té!. Bail 8 a. Loy.4.500. Appt 3 1er Auc.frais à faire. Le tout ven.d'êt.rem.à nf. ROB EL A enlever avec 25.000 francs. ^RPJ-DD■IL 7T 1—■ 11, Place de la République, 11. COMMERCES DE DAMES Papeterie (10e ar.), B.9 a.L.2.000, 3 p.aff.220 a v.15.000, B. pet,a!.Trêmoliêre.ll b.,r.Drouot Papet. jnx recet. 120.000, log.2 p., bne aff. JL Cède av. 25.000. HUON. 6. r.des Archives PAPET. Merc.500 jnx,gd passag. afif.96.000, 3 p.av.15,000. VALADE.lOô.bd Magenta.2-6 Confiserie Pure P-d-Ternes. Rec. 1.000 p. O~nonnn~s&lt;:e&lt;*rn~ e jT. b. appt 4 p.Mais. tr. sér. t U R.G(l chx av.25.000.Duvlgnon,17.av Opéra L'b l'ap. 1000 jx, s. portage. Rec 1 raIne 700 p. j. justif,T,bel appt 4 p.B 8 a.L.l.SOO.aV 40.000 Duvignon. 17,av. Opéra LIBR PAPET 700 jx. aff 130000 1 B.8 a.Loy.5.000, 4 p. c av. 30.000. LE BAIL, 62.Chaus.d'Antin,62e a LIBRAIRIE Montmartre, ss journx, LIBRAIRIE ten. 7 a., client, agréab PJ TFT FT Prix 70.000, 1/2 comptant. 1 70. bd Sébastopol (24e année). AtT. 150.000 à 33 0/0 garant. Bail 9 a loy,6.000 LIBRAIRIE GENERALE Sup aff b. instàl. Tt cft, b.6 à 9.000 av.4 p Aff. 315 000. Net 51.000, FOREST av. 50.000. 4, bd Sébastopol FOREST Pap Journx pr gare Est, 400 d'af.p.j.,press. PARANS traite av. 35.000 fr. compt r~rl~J 50, r. Archives (cause tatig.) LIBRAIRIE Papeter. 1.700 journaux. Loy. 1.800 Rec; 250.000. Avec 50.000. STARCK. 16, r. du Pont-Neuf. FONDS INDUSTRIELS A gé. Ind. tenue 22 ans. -45.000 bénéf. à céxX der avec 50.000. Long concours du vendeur. HENRI. 43. rue de Lancry, Paris. /CINEMAS ■■ Brémont si loue 3 cinés 1.400 p.S.-Ouest.Nd 1.000 p.midi 50//60.000 f. 9.r.Pergolêse, 2^. FONDS DIVERS BAZAR Belsit.B.8 a. à 6.700. App.8 p BAZAR Beau rnag.Aff.120.000, av. 30.000 FOREST, 4,bd Sébastopol. Aide acquéreur. Ch amp i gnonn i ère l'-Ooo to's", affair. amplgnonmere 1er ord.prodults de choix av.80.000. Autre av. 30.000. Choix aff sérieuses ts prix. VIOU. 20, r. Pont-Neuf. BAINS Etabl. splend. tt en céramique, BAINS 46 cab., appt, cuis., salle à m., 2 ch. à c., bureau, bénéf.nets prouv.140.000, maladie très grave, cède av. 200.000 seul. Gd chx d'autres,Paris, banl., prov.,ts prix. Bains de France, 70, bd Séba»topol,24e an. Couleurs, Bazars, Quinca.1Ueries.Pr achet. Ci un fonds en confiance pet. ou gros, affaire st Groupement des Représentants en Couleurs-Vêrnlg. L.yQUQUBT.OT, f. Rivoli. MONOPOLE l'Etat, mêm.p.dame, 100.000, av.ljQ.Aut.80.B.log.Koël,18,Turbigo Bijouterie. Gare du Nord. EmpLuniq. Net 13 76.000. Prix 120.000. Log.8 p. e un Y. 6 à. u Moniteur de la Bijouterie, 7, bd St-Denia. Eaux Gazeuses' et Bières. Belle installa t. Vina 7 no Aff.«00.000. Net WLOOtt. AtJM.000. Le Gu;~ du Aswfm h i» COULEURS En 1932. par jour 330 frs PVAO_&gt;T UTT L.H,UrS.O Bé 23 0//0. Loy.4.000 STARCK Très bien logé, avec 25.000. ~-frs. 16. rue du Pont-Neuf, 16. T&gt;AZAR.Berk-Plage.Climat réputé.Bé JL&gt; 45.000.av.SO.OOO. Emnlac.exce)')tion. CAILLIOT et BOULONGNE. 3,r.du Havre.Paris. c .Plaeé,f ace Mairie et Mar ché.B.9 a.L.i.ôOO.b.logé.Aff.à rem.av.10.000 Vr AYRAULT. 17, rue du Cygne (Halles). VIANDES EN GROS Monopole. Parts sociales, net 80 000. Prix 225.000 cpt à débattre. Affaire sérieuse, réf. 1er ord. CHAPUT. anc. mandat., 16, r. Turbigo. On ne cédera qu'à pers. de la partie. CAPITAUX 30 fr. la lig. PRETS F, t. on NAIRES. soyez cert. que seul r onciion L'OFFICE, 23. Fg-Poisronnière, vs remet les fonds dès Ire visite. Tx imbat. CAPIT A UX procurés de suite Négts, CAPI 1 Industr. Paris-Province. LFCOQ. 66, Rue Chaussée-d'Antin. Paris. Prêts dep. 4 1/2 0/0 en 24 heures fds de Cce. Ach.bilUonds 2 0/0. Pr av.argent de suite.venir av.papiers. Ets MARTIN. 132. Fg-St-Denis (Botz.19-29). CAISSE HYPOTHECAIRE a par son intermédiaire fait réaliser plus, dizaines millions prêts à commerç.. industr.. aericult., propriét. pavill. Achat, avance billets fonds. Viager. Success. Ouvert crédit. Situation. Association. Employé intéressé. — 97. Rue Saint-Lazare* (2Se année) 1 PRFTS sur * Immeubles (Paris-Prov.). PRETS Success. ouvert, même indivis. Nues-propriétés (Titres ou Imm. dt un aut. a la jouiss. et à son insu); Titres nominat. (sans les produire) : Usufruits et toutes garant, sérieuses.CREDIT FRANÇAIS, 5, r. Cambon. Parts.Mais. a de conf.Renseig. e-rat. Consultez-nous avt de trait, ailleurs. DISPOS, capitx p.prêts hypoth. 7 0/0 l'an. Prêts JOUR MEME à Propr.dep.2 000 f. s.terr..maisons. MINERVA. 19.Bd St-Denis. F one tionn.. employ. administ. Prêts imm. ronc PAUL. 60. r. Château-d'Eau (2e ét.). PRETS RAPIDES même à particuliers. JL Hypoth..nant.^ warr.. Fonds,etc. Condit. «xrept. Renseign..grat. COMP.TOIR LAFAYETTE. 91. R. Lafayette, Paris (10e). Placez sérieusem. vs capitaux en vs adr. en conf. BONNET et C". 2, bd Magenta. ACHAT CHER BILLETS DE FONDS PRET à FONCTION. Valet.31.R.St-Lazare. Fonet vous aurez des fonds immédiat, à Fonct. 10 o/o l'an et peu de frais, rien à payer d'avance. OFFICE, 11. r. du Havre. .@ T'escompte billets de fonds meill. prix. f! Grenier. 17. R.Cha.teau-d'Eau, de 2 &amp; 4 h. Si vous cherchez des CAPITAUX Un SUCCESSEUR, un ASSOCIE Examen rapid. Réponse grat. Ecrivez au CREDIT de FRANCE.Sl.R.Turblgo.PARIS. PR FTQ immédiats sous toutes formes. HENRY, 3,r.Mogador, 8 à 20 h. PRETS dep. 4 1/2 0/0 L'AN TOUT IMPORT. AV. ou SANS GARANT. AVANCE p.ACHAT ou GER. FDS de COM. PRET à FONCTION. OFF. EMPLOY.. etc. OFFICE NATIONAL PR.DU COMMERCE 41. Rue FRANÇOIS-Ier (2 h. à 5 h.). PRETS RAPIDES A TOUS de toute Importance et sur toutes garanties. Discrétion absolue. Ecrivez-nous. Réponse gratuite Immédiate. .NOMBREUSES REFERENCES BOURGOIS. ,2.rue de Châteaudun. Paris-9e. Fonction NAIRES. seule « VOTRE AMI Fonction CALE JI, 29. Rue du Pont-Neuf. Paris.Préte Taux exceptt on n. Pari s,p rovince. immédiats sous toutes formes. 1X111 1 0 ROY. 5. avenue de TOPERA. Prêts 6 H j/ /f) en 24 h.à commerç..!ndustr. prÓPriét. Remb. p.mensual. POUSSE. 17. rue de Lancry (30e année). ASSOCIATIONS, SITUAT. INTERESS.. Indust.dem.p'.part.adrn. coliab.av.75.000 gar. 1er rg.Sit.40.000. Prévost. 23, r.St-Quentin. 200 FRS par jour av. apport dép. en ban 2 que. — DUItOTOY. 83. Bd de Magenta. SITUATION agréab. ss con.conv. à person. sér.,rap. 60.000 av. C0.000. Réf.ler ord.VIOU,20,r. Pont-Neuf Importante maison commiss. vins spirit. accept.asscciê p.occ. part.admin.Comptab s-urvell. gén. prouv. 70.000 p.part. A profiter av. 100.0610. Caisse Hypothéc., 97,r.St-Lazare CAPITAUX DIVERS Reprends ts titres, cotés même tr. dépréciés.,73,r.l'Abbé-Groult. RENSEIG. RECHERCHES 25 fr. DI IRT V" Tles missions partout. 40 f. i p.ex-lnsp. Loyauté. dep. T'v 1. aI et Mar i age Filature, Enquête ,prèS Divorce. Maison sérieuse, 13e an. (Trln.47-64) 1i5 ^t R. de LI EGE Consultât.gratuite. 15, f~ ae i-&lt;ifl.~M, Gare ST-LAZARE. DI IROP Enquêtes. Surv.. Filatures, t~ix~ Divorces. Toutes Missions. 19. bd Bonne-Nouvelle (Cent.98-69). 8 à 19 h. T GUILLAUME. Ex-Inspect.Sûreté. Rens .EnQuête av.rnartage.surveill..recherches. divorces. Ch.-d'Antin. 58 bis (Trinité 14-02). MODERNE DETECTIVE.233,r.St-Honoré. .LU. Têl.Opêra 91-M. Tt" enquêt. Ttes miss. .DIVORCE^ Spécialiste plages et vlll.d'eaux. fiT TTTTJV Ex-InB^.Sûreté. Enouêt. 40 f ''* J~ Surv.Rech.Misslons.dep. DIVORCE à crédit. Consult.grat.. 8 à 20 h. U 17. FG-MONTMARTRE (Prov. 44-60). VIAA BVJi A IL Rue MEYERBEER. a IOPÉRA» XoSST~-ij~wjnM~ .,.!':rt,ll-TI -;W 4P' H Un Ménage où tout va bien ! I Et si 4 vous leur demandiez tout le problème de la jeunesse B B9 pourquoi tout va bien dans leur conservée est là ! K Kl ménage, ils vous répondraient : N'oubliez pas que non seules Es « Peut-on être gai avec la langue ment les Pilules Dupuis agissent K H sale, la bouche amère, la tête comme laxatif, mais encore K Kl lourde, des digestions pénibles et qu'elles régularisent le cours de la K El de la lassitude physique ? Non, bile, qu'elles s'opposent aux ferK Kl n'est-ce pas ! Peut-on être gai avec mentations digestives et enfin K de la constipation ? Or, tous ces qu'elles ont des vertus dépuratives, tt petits accrocs de la santé peuvent c'est-à-dire qu'elles débarrassent K nous arriver comme à d'autres, le sang des impuretés » mais nous avons soin de les préqu'il contient et i venir et de les soigner en faisant qu'elles le j usage des Pilules Dupuis ». nettoyent. En effet, par les sucs des plantes ~v~ qui entrent dans la composition i des Pilules Dupuis, le foie est fort v soulagé de sa besogne, les reins ~* soulagé de sa besogne, les reins &gt;y&gt;y sont aidés dans leur tâche. L'effet &lt;'M~ l'Estomac laxatif est certain et produit un ~~{ ~i propre travail de désintoxication, car si lllntestin libre '■ nous sommes constipés, nous !~ le Sang pur 1 sommes plus ou moins intoxiqués. '{j E i Éliminer, rejeter au dehors les Dans toutes les Pharmacies j jl poisons qui fatiguent nos organes: 4 fr. 50 la boite (impôt compris) « ; j jt~m~j~t..jmi~tLL~.MntimMm~~-L.M NTC COMPLETS ou PARDESSUS SUP F=" F VALEUR RÉELLE LUEUR -.. -.---.-. GRAND CONCOURS 2000 PHONOS ou T.S.F. DONNÉS i GRATUITEMENT H a Iiire de prol)agantie, à loti tes perj;oiines ! donnant la réponse du rébus ci-dessous et se ctstfortnani à nos conditions, m--en Avec ces trois dessins, trouvez le H nom d'un grand homme d'Etat H Français universellemenl connu. t El fiéponse 1 Envoyez votre réponse en découpant cette annonce. 1 H Joindre une grande enveloppe timbrée portant votre adresse aux H 0 EttsV!V APHONE (Serv. Concoar^ 242). 116. R. Vantard. PARÎ^-fi' P ~M~M~ IN DE VaAL fllllllllllllllllllllllllmmmnUlnUllllllllUlllIIlIlII LE PLUS PUISSANT DES FORTIFIANTS; (Quîna, Lacto-phosphatsp de Chaux et Substances I extractives de la Viande) 1 dont l'emploi est" i indispensable aux I Convalescents, i Vieillards, Femmes, Enfants, toutes personnes débiles et délicates. D'UN GOUT AGRÉABLE ë DANS TOUTES LES PHARMACIES 1 N!!!!!! !!!.!!! ACHATS BIJOUX Maison de confiance H A 1 M E T Pages de suite H g(f| C, | 4, Chaussée d'Antin ores Bd des Italiens DIVORCE EN 3 MOIS pour toutes nationalités, même Italienne. Cabrol, .avocat spécial. 20, r. Rlcber, Crédit. -MONTRE-BRIQUET estampillé 5 0 f semi-automatique ICeje 1 garanti 10 ans 5() 1 mame mod. sans montrelOfl Envoi contre rembours. IV Fabr JM L YNDA, MORTEAU près Besançon Dépota Paris, 76, rue Lafayette CHEMINS DE FER DE L'ÉTAT ET DE f='AR)5 A ORLÉANS SI-MALO utt4p£lt ~/?c/?/MW iDË~M~erAE H DE DINARD TRANSPORT ET HOTELSA LA BAULE, 1 ClreuN 6 fo«r* I ClrtuM 4 fourt P., IfiS PltQtS, I., Ro&gt; OOR lr. 1 7/ nn tr» I I chert, tes Landes et les S ville. moy^nàgeu^ei. INSCRIVEZ.VOUS A tA MAISON DE FRANCE. 101, A4.. Hllt AUX BUREAUX 04 TOURNoli. Gam MONTPARNASSE 01 SAINT-LU AUX ACCNCÏS de 1. 0. DORIJAHS, 16. U é* C. 126. Bel SitM AUX AGENCES DI VOYAGES «• h Ce*c«utom»k« t Et* BEAUORE DINAN 1 ■» r. w Regardez entre vos orteils si vous constatez ces symptômes Une infection aangereuss -, à peine perceptible à son début Avez-vous remarqué une moiteur entre vos orteils, de la rougeur, un craquèlement de la peau, ou bien encore des démangeaisons ? La peau est-elle blanche, épaisse ? L'odeur est-elle désagréable ? Ces signes alarmants .annoncent le début d'une sérieuse infection qui envahit le pays et est provoquée par un germe. Ce germe est le Tinéa Trichopliyton ; il se trouve partout et s'introduit, sans qu'on le sache, dans des milliers de foyers. Les Saltrates Rodell tuent ce germe. En même temps ils guérissent les pieds sensibles et meurtris, couverts de cors qui mordent, élancent et brûlent. Les cors sont amollis jusqu'en leur extrémité la plus profonde par ce bain laiteux oxygéné et à tel point que vous pouvez les extirper, en entier et avec leur racine, sans douleur. Après quelques bains aux Saltrates Rodell, vous pouvez rester debout ou marcher tout le jour ou danser toute une nuit dans des chaussures d'une bonne pointure plus petite. Des millions de personnes emploient les Saltrates Rodell. Leur coût chez votre pharmacien est insignifiant. NOTE IMPORTANTE. — Tout ceux qui souffrent des pieds doivent lire le nouvel ouvrage du Docteur Catrin. Il vous indique le moyen de vous débarrasser à tout jamais, des cors et de la souffrance que provoquent les pieds fatigués et meurtris. Prix : 10 frs. En vertu d'un arrangement spécial n exemplaire sera envoyé gratuitement à tout lecteur de ce journal qui en fera la demande pendant 10 jours qui suivront la date à laquelle paraîtra cet article. Écrire : Pharmacie Normale; (Service 1-S ), rue Drouot, 19. Paria. Ne pM envoyer d'argent. MALADES URINAIRES -t d. FEMMES Résultats remarquables, rapides par trait, nouveau, facile et discret. 1 à 3 applicat. Prostate, impuissance. Rétrécis.,Blenno., Filam.,Métrtt., Pertes-Syphills. L*ê Dr Driocollrt consulte et répond dise. lfli-mtme slaltenr. NST. BIOLOGIQUE, 69, rue BOURSAULT, PARiS-ri. VOIES URINAltifS 1. mennorrapglealuÎ y t t , o st a tgit Filaments. PERLES DE MYSOL. Le flacon : 16 fr. l'rait. complet : 45 fr.) 2, Blennorragie ancienne, te. Dace, persistante. SOLUTION GONOCOCCINR nac., Le flacon : 25 francs (Un seul flacon suffit.) OCVirDnUiILI IId C TRAITEMENT A TRIPLE EFFEV PLUS OE PIQURES METHODE du PROFFOURNIER. Le plus économique Le plus efficace. Facile à suivre. Détruit le virât, purifie le sang et le régénère. l.a cure complète pour un mois: 60 fr. — Tous ces remèdes, d'une haute valeur tliérapeutlgue, universellement connus, sont consacré* par 30 années d'expérience. Brochure f" contre 0.50, Laborat. F. PARAT, Saint-Leu-La-Forêt (S-l!It-O). Dépôt à Paria : Pharm., 66, Rue d'Hauteville, PARIa.. VOIES URINAIRES if$E8 Syphilis, Bienao, Uréthrites, Prostate, Cystites, Pertes, SÉRU! Métrites, Impuissance, etc. SERUMS-VACCINS NOUVEAUX Traitement facile, discret, à appliquer par le maladj lui-même sans piqû ts (d l'instu rte touai Pour la proTinee: Cousuit. et traitement par correspondîmes D" Arion, 7t. Rue Provence, 71 (Chausée-d'Antin) ParII L'Imprimeur-Gérant r R. PIOAUD 100, rus &lt;te Richelieu, Part® ■.
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<?php namespace Backend\Modules\Extensions\Actions; use Backend\Core\Engine\Base\ActionIndex as BackendBaseActionIndex; use Backend\Core\Engine\Exception; use Backend\Core\Engine\Model as BackendModel; use Backend\Modules\Extensions\Engine\Model as BackendExtensionsModel; /** * This is the theme install-action. * It will install the theme given via the "theme" GET parameter. */ class InstallTheme extends BackendBaseActionIndex { /** * Theme we ant to install. * * @var string */ private $currentTheme; /** * Execute the action. */ public function execute() { // get parameters $this->currentTheme = $this->getParameter('theme', 'string'); // does the item exist if ($this->currentTheme !== null && BackendExtensionsModel::existsTheme($this->currentTheme)) { // call parent, this will probably add some general CSS/JS or other required files parent::execute(); // make sure this theme can be installed $this->validateInstall(); try { // do the actual install BackendExtensionsModel::installTheme($this->currentTheme); // redirect to index with a success message $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Themes') . '&report=theme-installed&var=' . $this->currentTheme); } catch (Exception $e) { // redirect to index with a success message $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Themes') . '&report=information-file-is-empty&var=' . $this->currentTheme); } } else { // no item found, redirect to index, because somebody is fucking with our url $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Themes') . '&error=non-existing'); } } /** * Validate if the theme can be installed. */ private function validateInstall() { // already installed if (BackendExtensionsModel::isThemeInstalled($this->currentTheme)) { $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Themes') . '&error=already-installed&var=' . $this->currentTheme); } // no information file present if (!is_file(FRONTEND_PATH . '/Themes/' . $this->currentTheme . '/info.xml')) { $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Themes') . '&error=no-information-file&var=' . $this->currentTheme); } } }
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@Test public void testLocateJarStreamDelegate() throws IOException { final InputStream is=jarStreamLocator.locateStream("classpath:com/test/app/*.js",new File("src/test/resources/")); final String content=IOUtils.readLines(is).get(0); assertTrue(content.contains("1.js")); assertTrue(content.contains("2.js")); assertTrue(content.contains("3.js")); assertTrue(!content.contains("1.css")); IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); }
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/* 8888888b. .d8888b. 8888888b. 888 Y88b d88P Y88b 888 Y88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 d88P 888 888 d88P 888d888 .d88b. 88888b. .d8888b 8888888P" 888 8888888P" 888P" d88""88b 888 "88b 88K 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 "Y8888b. 888 Y88b d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 d88P X88 888 "Y8888P" 888 888 "Y88P" 88888P" 88888P' 888 888 888 Copyright (c) 2020 Kenneth Troldal Balslev Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef PCPROPS_PCCOMPONENT_HPP #define PCPROPS_PCCOMPONENT_HPP #include <functional> #include <optional> #include <string> #include <library/PCPropsException.hpp> namespace PCProps { /** * @brief The PCComponentData struct holds all the raw data and function objects that define a pure component. * An object of this type can be used to construct a PCComponent object. * @details A PCComponentData object can include all the data necessary to define a pure component, and as such * can be used directly. However, the intent is to use the object to construct a PCComponent object. Please see * documentation for PCComponent for further information. */ struct PCComponentData { std::string name; /**< The name of the component, e.g. Methane */ std::string formula; /**< The formula of the component, e.g. CH4 */ std::string casrn; /** The CAS registration number for the component, e.g. 75-07-0 */ std::string smiles; /**< The SMILES string for the component, e.g. C */ std::optional<double> molecularWeight {}; /**< The molecular weight [g/mol] of a component, e.g. 16.043 g/mol */ std::optional<double> boilingTemperature {}; /**< The normal boiling temperature [K] (at 101325 Pa) of a component */ std::optional<double> freezingTemperature {}; /**< The freezing point temperature [K] of a component */ std::optional<double> criticalTemperature {}; /**< The critical temperature [K] of a component */ std::optional<double> criticalPressure {}; /**< The critical pressure [Pa] of a component */ std::optional<double> criticalVolume {}; /**< The critical molar volume [m3/mol] of a component */ std::optional<double> criticalDensity {}; /**< The critical density [kg/m3] of a component */ std::optional<double> criticalCompressibility {}; /**< The critical compressibility factor [-] of a component */ std::optional<double> acentricFactor {}; /**< The acentric factor (omega) of a component */ std::function<double(double)> vaporPressureFunction {}; /**< The vapor pressure [Pa] as a function of temperature [K] */ std::function<double(double)> liquidDensityFunction {}; /**< The liquid density [HOLD] as a function of temperature [K] */ std::function<double(double)> surfaceTensionFunction {}; /**< The surface tension [HOLD] as a function of temperature [K] */ std::function<double(double)> heatOfVaporizationFunction {}; /**< The latent heat [HOLD] as a function of temperature [K] */ std::function<double(double)> vaporThermalConductivityFunction {}; /**< The vapor thermal conductivity [HOLD] as a function of temperature [K] */ std::function<double(double)> liquidThermalConductivityFunction {}; /**< The liquid thermal conductivity [HOLD] as a function of temperature [K] */ std::function<double(double)> vaporViscosityFunction {}; /**< The vapor viscosity [HOLD] as a function of temperature [K] */ std::function<double(double)> liquidViscosityFunction {}; /**< The liquid viscosity [HOLD] as a function of temperature [K] */ std::function<double(double)> idealGasCpFunction {}; /**< The ideal gas Cp [HOLD] as a function of temperature [K] */ std::function<double(double)> liquidCpFunction {}; /**< The liquid Cp [HOLD] as a function of temperature [K] */ }; /** * @brief A PCComponent object holds an PCComponentData object, as well as all required access functions. * @details In order for a PCComponent object to work properly, it should be constructed from a PCComponentData object. * The reason for dividing the definition of a pure component into two different classes is that the PCComponent does not * have any setter functions, an therefore cannot be modified after construction. The purpose is to avoid accidental * modification of pure component data after construction. If it is absolutely necessary to modify an existing PCComponent * object after construction, this should be done by copying the data object, modify the data and construct a new object * in the same place as the old object. */ class PCComponent { // ===== Private Data Members PCComponentData m_data = {}; /**< The data object, holding raw data and correlations for a pure component */ // ===== Public members public: /** * @brief Default constructor. */ PCComponent(); /** * @brief Constructor, taking a PCComponentData object as an argument. * @param data A PCComponentData object with the component data. */ explicit PCComponent(const PCComponentData& data); /** * @brief Copy constructor. */ PCComponent(const PCComponent& other); /** * @brief Move constructor. */ PCComponent(PCComponent&& other) noexcept; /** * @brief Destructor. */ ~PCComponent(); /** * @brief Copy assignment operator. */ PCComponent& operator=(const PCComponent& other); /** * @brief Move assignment operator. */ PCComponent& operator=(PCComponent&& other) noexcept; /** * @brief Get a copy of the PCComponentData object contained in the current object. * @return A copy of the PCComponentData member. */ PCComponentData data() const; /** * @brief Get the name of the component. * @return A std::string with the component name. */ const std::string& name() const; /** * @brief Get the formula of the component. * @return A std::string with the component name. */ const std::string& formula() const; /** * @brief Get the CAS number of the component. * @return A std::string with the CAS number. */ const std::string& casrn() const; /** * @brief Get the SMILES string for the component. * @return A std::string with the SMILES string. */ const std::string& smiles() const; /** * @brief Check if the molecular weight has been set. * @return true, if the value has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasMolecularWeight() const; /** * @brief Get the molecular weight [g/mol] of the component. * @return A double with the molecular weight. * @throws PCPropsException if the molecularWeight data member has not been set. */ double molecularWeight() const; /** * @brief Check if the normal boiling point temperature has been set. * @return true, if the value has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasBoilingTemperature() const; /** * @brief Get the normal boiling point temperature [K] of the component. * @return A double with the normal boiling temperature. * @throws PCPropsException if the boilingTemperature data member has not been set. */ double boilingTemperature() const; /** * @brief Check if the freezing point temperature has been set. * @return true, if the value has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasFreezingTemperature() const; /** * @brief Get the freezing temperature [K] of the component. * @return A double with the freezing temperature. * @throws PCPropsException if the freezingTemperature data member has not been set. */ double freezingTemperature() const; /** * @brief Check if the critical temperature has been set. * @return true, if the value has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasCriticalTemperature() const; /** * @brief Get the critical temperature [K] of the component. * @return A double with the critical temperature. * @throws PCPropsException if the criticalTemperature data member has not been set. */ double criticalTemperature() const; /** * @brief Check if the critical pressure has been set. * @return true, if the value has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasCriticalPressure() const; /** * @brief Get the critical pressure [Pa] of the component. * @return A double with the critical pressure. * @throws PCPropsException if the criticalPressure data member has not been set. */ double criticalPressure() const; /** * @brief Check if the critical volume has been set. * @return true, if the value has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasCriticalVolume() const; /** * @brief Get the critical molar volume [m3/mol] of the component. * @return A double with the critical volume. * @throws PCPropsException if the criticalVolume data member has not been set. */ double criticalVolume() const; /** * @brief Check if the critical density has been set. * @return true, if the value has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasCriticalDensity() const; /** * @brief Get the critical density [kg/m3] of the component. * @return A double with the critical density. * @throws PCPropsException if the criticalDensity data member has not been set. */ double criticalDensity() const; /** * @brief Check if the critical compressibility has been set. * @return true, if the value has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasCriticalCompressibility() const; /** * @brief Get the critical compressibility factor [-] of the component. * @return A double with the critical compressibility factor. * @throws PCPropsException if the criticalCompressibility data member has not been set. */ double criticalCompressibility() const; /** * @brief Check if the acentric factor has been set. * @return true, if the value has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasAcentricFactor() const; /** * @brief Get the acentric factor [-] of the component. * @return A double with the acentric factor. * @throws PCPropsException if the acentricFactor data member has not been set. */ double acentricFactor() const; /** * @brief Check if the vapor pressure function has been set. * @return true, if the function has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasVaporPressureFunction() const; /** * @brief Compute the vapor pressure [Pa] of the component at the given temperature [K]. * @param temperature The temperature at which to evaluate the vapor pressure. * @return The vapor pressure. * @throws PCPropsException if the vaporPressureFunction data member has not been set. */ double vaporPressure(double temperature) const; /** * @brief Check if the liquid density function has been set. * @return true, if the function has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasLiquidDensityFunction() const; /** * @brief Compute the liquid density [HOLD] of the component at the given temperature [K]. * @param temperature The temperature at which to evaluate the liquid density. * @return The liquid density. * @throws PCPropsException if the liquidDensityFunction data member has not been set. */ double liquidDensity(double temperature) const; /** * @brief Check if the surface tension function has been set. * @return true, if the function has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasSurfaceTensionFunction() const; /** * @brief Compute the surface tension [HOLD] of the component at the given temperature [K]. * @param temperature The temperature at which to evaluate the surface tension. * @return The surface tension. * @throws PCPropsException if the surfaceTensionFunction data member has not been set. */ double surfaceTension(double temperature) const; /** * @brief Check if the heat of vaporization function has been set. * @return true, if the function has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasHeatOfVaporizationFunction() const; /** * @brief Compute the latent heat [HOLD] of the component at the given temperature [K]. * @param temperature The temperature at which to evaluate the latent heat. * @return the latent heat (heat of vaporization). * @throws PCPropsException if the heatOfVaporizationFunction data member has not been set. */ double heatOfVaporization(double temperature) const; /** * @brief Check if the vapor thermal conductivity function has been set. * @return true, if the function has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasVaporThermalConductivityFunction() const; /** * @brief Compute the vapor thermal conductivity [HOLD] of the component at the given temperature [K]. * @param temperature The temperature at which to evaluate the vapor thermal conductivity. * @return The vapor thermal conductivity. * @throws PCPropsException if the vaporThermalConductivityFunction data member has not been set. */ double vaporThermalConductivity(double temperature) const; /** * @brief Check if the liquid thermal conductivity function has been set. * @return true, if the function has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasLiquidThermalConductivityFunction() const; /** * @brief Compute the liquid thermal conductivity [HOLD] of the component at the given temperature [K]. * @param temperature The temperature at which to evaluate the liquid thermal conductivity. * @return The liquid thermal conductivity. * @throws PCPropsException if the liquidThermalConductivityFunction data member has not been set. */ double liquidThermalConductivity(double temperature) const; /** * @brief Check if the vapor viscosity function has been set. * @return true, if the function has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasVaporViscosityFunction() const; /** * @brief Compute the vapor viscosity [HOLD] of the component at the given temperature [K]. * @param temperature The temperature at which to evaluate the vapor viscosity. * @return The vapor viscosity. * @throws PCPropsException if the vaporViscosityFunction data member has not been set. */ double vaporViscosity(double temperature) const; /** * @brief Check if the liquid viscosity function has been set. * @return true, if the function has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasLiquidViscosityFunction() const; /** * @brief Compute the liquid viscosity [HOLD] of the component at the given temperature [K]. * @param temperature The temperature at which to evaluate the liquid viscosity. * @return The liquid viscosity. * @throws PCPropsException if the liquidViscosityFunction data member has not been set. */ double liquidViscosity(double temperature) const; /** * @brief Check if the ideal gas Cp function has been set. * @return true, if the function has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasIdealGasCpFunction() const; /** * @brief Compute the ideal gas Cp [HOLD] of the component at the given temperature [K]. * @param temperature The temperature at which to evaluate the ideal gas Cp. * @return The ideal gas Cp. * @throws PCPropsException if the idealGasCpFunction data member has not been set. */ double idealGasCp(double temperature) const; /** * @brief Check if the liquid Cp function has been set. * @return true, if the function has been set; otherwise false. */ bool hasLiquidCpFunction() const; /** * @brief Compute the liquid Cp [HOLD] of the component at the given temperature [K]. * @param temperature The temperature at which to evaluate the liquid Cp. * @return The liquid Cp. * @throws PCPropsException if the liquidCpFunction data member has not been set. */ double liquidCp(double temperature) const; }; } // namespace PCProps #endif // PCPROPS_PCCOMPONENT_HPP
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Available Now! (click cover) America's Counter-Revolution The Constitution Revisited From the back cover: This book challenges the assumption that the Constitution was a landmark in the struggle for liberty. Instead, Sheldon Richman argues, it was the product of a counter-revolution, a setback for the radicalism represented by America’s break with the British empire. Drawing on careful, credible historical scholarship and contemporary political analysis, Richman suggests that this counter-revolution was the work of conservatives who sought a nation of “power, consequence, and grandeur.” America’s Counter-Revolution makes a persuasive case that the Constitution was a victory not for liberty but for the agendas and interests of a militaristic, aristocratic, privilege-seeking ruling class. Thursday, March 07, 2013 Op-ed: Cutting Government Would Boost Economy Budget sequestration is as modest a step toward cutting Leviathan as one can imagine. Further progress will be difficult as long as people believe that slashing the size of government conflicts with reviving the economy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Read it here.
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A Step to Facilitating Learning ---- Learning Strategies Instruction Weidong Yang Abstract To help students to become resourceful, effective, and efficient learners, teachers in ELT course should go beyond their traditional role of knowledge provider. They need to equip students through instruction with appropriate learning strategies. The meta-cognitive strategies and cognitive strategies will allow students to take more responsibility for their own learning by enhancing their efficiency, autonomy, independence, and self-direction. Full Text: PDF DOI: 10.5539/ijel.v2n1p55 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. International Journal of English Linguistics   ISSN 1923-869X (Print)   ISSN 1923-8703 (Online) Copyright © Canadian Center of Science and Education To make sure that you can receive messages from us, please add the '' domain to your e-mail 'safe list'. If you do not receive e-mail in your 'inbox', check your 'bulk mail' or 'junk mail' folders..
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Difference between revisions of "Dwayne Forge" From Grand Theft Wiki Jump to: navigation, search Line 11: Line 11:   |home=[[Liberty City in GTA IV Era|Liberty City]]   |home=[[Liberty City in GTA IV Era|Liberty City]]   |family=[[Mr. Forge|Unnamed father]]<br>[[Mrs. Forge|Unnamed mother]]<br>[[Cherise Glover]] <small>(ex-girlfriend)</small>   |family=[[Mr. Forge|Unnamed father]]<br>[[Mrs. Forge|Unnamed mother]]<br>[[Cherise Glover]] <small>(ex-girlfriend)</small> |affiliations=[[North Holland Hustlers]] <small>(1990 - 1994) (2008 - Present) if Niko spares him</small> <br>[[Playboy X]] <small>(1990 - 2008)</small><br>[[Niko Bellic]] <small> (2008 - Present) if spared </small> + |affiliations=[[North Holland Hustlers]] <small>(1990 - 1994) (2008 - Present) if Niko kills Playboy X</small> <br>[[Playboy X]] <small>(1990 - 2008)</small><br>[[Niko Bellic]] <small> (2008 - Present) if spared </small> |businesses=[[The Triangle Club]] <small>(? - 1994) and possibly (2008 - Present) if Niko spares him </small> <br> Cocaine Trafficking <small> (1990 - 1994) </small> + |businesses=[[The Triangle Club]] <small>(? - 1994) and (2008 - Present) if Niko spares him </small> <br> Cocaine Trafficking <small> (1990 - 1994) </small>   |voice=[[Devin Richards]]   |voice=[[Devin Richards]]   |size=180px   |size=180px Revision as of 01:22, 8 May 2013 Character Dwayne Forge [[Image::File:DwayneForge-GTAIV.jpg| ]] Appearances GTA IV Full Name Dwayne Forge Gender Gender::Male Date of Birth 1973 Place of Birth North Holland, Liberty City Date of Death 2008 (In The Holland Play, optional) Age at Death 35 Nationality American Home Liberty City Family Unnamed father Unnamed mother Cherise Glover (ex-girlfriend) Main Affiliations North Holland Hustlers (1990 - 1994) (2008 - Present) if Niko kills Playboy X Playboy X (1990 - 2008) Niko Bellic (2008 - Present) if spared Businesses The Triangle Club (? - 1994) and (2008 - Present) if Niko spares him Cocaine Trafficking (1990 - 1994) Voiced by Devin Richards Dwayne Forge is a prominent character in Grand Theft Auto IV. He exists as a mission-giver and, if the player chooses not to kill him, available for friend activities. He was once the Boss of the North Holland Hustlers, and can take charge again depending on the player's choice. Dwayne was voiced by Devin Richards. Biography Childhood Dwayne was born in North Holland in 1973, and likely grew up in the area's housing projects. His father was an illiterate, violent pimp and drug dealer who regularly beat both his wife and child. He would tell Dwayne in a harsh, deep voice "Expect the worst, then you can be pleasantly surprised" before beating him, accounting for his melancholy outlook on life. His mother was his main caretaker, who he thought highly of saying she "tried so hard" to please his father, who often beat her. In one instance, she bought him golf clubs because a friend of his had some and it seemed sophisticated, but he used the clubs to beat her still. His father died when he tried to rip off other drug dealers in the neighborhood - the dealers knocked on his door and killed him right there. Dwayne says that he "felt nothing" when his father had been murdered, even saying he was glad. Dwayne later wanted to be a police officer as a child, but says he could not read well enough and that the LCPD frowned upon black police officers in the 1980s. At one point he was homeless, unable to get a job without full education. From there, Dwayne reflects that "I could add up and I could scare people, so I started selling dope" (Dwayne admitted all this while on friend activities with Niko Bellic). Drug empire and prison sentence He became boss of the North Holland Hustlers and would go on to run a crack cocaine empire at only 18 or 19 years old. Dwayne claimed that he made $50,000 per week and "had apartments full of money - entire apartments stuffed with bank notes!". He was also close to his girlfriend Cherise Glover (13 at the time, and "the love of my fucking life") and Playboy X, who was 8 or 9 and once very book smart when Dwayne first taught him how to sell drugs. Dwayne saw him as a little brother or even a son, later saying he wanted to start a nice family and have children but believed his drug dealing and prison stint had prevented it. Dwayne also owned The Triangle Club in Bohan, but likely just as an investment considering Cherise. Dwayne is assumed to have been arrested in very early 1994, and he mentions doing 15 years. He was snitched on by Jayvon Simson, who would also steal his girlfriend in the next few years. Dwayne ran the gang from prison at first, also providing his girlfriend Cherise "cars, houses, apartments, bank accounts, everything!" while inside. In 1999 he was arrested for drug possession with intent to sell, possibly out on parole and reincarcerated, which was perceived as one 15-year stint. Dwayne was placed on suicide watch for much of his prison sentence, continuing to express some suicidal thoughts when released. Playboy X turned 18 in 2001, and assumed leadership of the empire soon after (although he had to work his way up as a street-level dealer and stickup kid). Many gangs matured from solely crack sales to wider drug sales, other organized crime and even legitimate avenues such as the music and real estate industries. Playboy paid his last prison visit to Dwayne in 2004, no longer having any interest in running with him. At an unknown time, his Triangle Club was taken over by the Trunchez brothers. Release from prison In 2008 Dwayne is released from prison and immediately goes to see Playboy at his penthouse. He talks to Playboy X and Niko Bellic in the mission Deconstruction for Beginners, where Playboy patronizes him. Playboy X eventually pays Niko Bellic to appease Dwayne by working for him, but Niko genuinely connects with the man as both have been through a lot and have developed a distaste for others. Niko helps him slowly put his life back together, by settling old grudges and reclaiming the Triangle Club. However, Dwayne also begins to talk trash about Playboy, and Dwayne's reacquisition of the Triangle Club conflicts with Playboy's business interests. Dwayne knew the effect that his would have on Playboy, doing it anyway out of passive-aggressive angst for turning his back on him. According to Playboy, he offered Dwayne half of his old gang back and he did not accept, likely insulted as he started the gang and taught Playboy business when he was a mere child. Niko is subsequently hired by both men to assassinate one another, in the mission The Holland Play. Niko must choose whether to kill Forge or Playboy X. If Niko chooses to kill Dwayne, Niko will arrive at Dwayne's apartment, knock on the door and tell him "it's nothing personal". A derelict old white man with a baseball bat then runs out to assault Niko, and Niko quickly and easily incapacitates him. Forge accepts his fate in sorrow, turning his back to Niko and calling him "fake just like the rest of them!". Niko then gives Dwayne a mercy kill, a shot to the back of the head while Dwayne looks away. Playboy pays Niko $25,000 as promised and wishes him well but, possibly in denial, he calls Niko cold-hearted and says they cannot associate with each other anymore. Later, his answering machine even claims that "you don't know what you got until it's gone." If Niko chooses to kill Playboy, Dwayne takes over the empire once again and gives Playboy X's Penthouse to Niko, revealing he had the deed to it all along and living in it himself would remind him too much of Playboy. He will also become a friend, and, if his friendship "like" percentage is raised high enough, he will send two gangsters as bodyguards whenever Niko needs Backup. Mission appearances GTA IV LCPD Database record Surname: Forge First Name: Dwayne Age: 35 Place of Birth: North Holland, Liberty City Affiliations: Linked to African American criminals and drug dealers in North Holland Criminal Record: • 1989 - Burglary: Illegal Entry with Criminal Intent • 1991 - Possession Controlled Substance: Crack Cocaine • 1994 - Tax Evasion • 1999 - Possession Controlled Substance: Intent To Sell Wanted For: Possession: Intent To Sell (Arrested) Notes: • Crack Cocaine Baron in the mid 90s. • Controlled large patches of territory in East Holland, North Holland, and Bohan. • Business operations now being run by Trey Stewart, street name - Playboy X. • Placed on suicide watch for much of his time in federal penitentiary. Trivia • The player can enter Dwayne's apartment in Gov. Greg Johnson Housing Projects in Vespucci Circus, Northwood. If the player enters the middle apartment, and goes to the first floor, the door in front of the staircase can be opened and this is Dwayne's apartment. It can be also seen in Dwayne's mission's cutscenes. • Dwayne's e-mail address is • Dwayne's clothes can sometimes be seen worn by other African Americans. His clothes are also identical to those worn by Dardan Petrela. • Dwayne's favorite radio stations are The Beat 102.7 and The Classics 104.1. He also listens to The Vibe 98.8, playing "Footsteps in the Dark" by the Isley Brothers in his apartment during one mission, and also having it played inside his strip club (though it is unknown whether this was his choice). • Dwayne's actor, Devin Richards, actually bares a striking resemblance to Dwayne. It is likely that Dwayne was modeled after Devin Richards. • If Niko does not take Dwayne out for extended periods of time, Dwayne will text message Niko stating that no one has been calling him and that Niko should have "capped" him when Playboy X asked. • After The Holland Play, if Niko doesn't respond positively to Dwayne's e-mail, he will not become a friend. • Backup from Dwayne can arrive in one of 3 cars: a PMP 600, a Patriot, or a Presidente. All three sport red paintjobs unavailable on any of the cars otherwise. The red Patriot does not come with vinyls. • Eventually, during the game, Dwayne will ring you up and asked if Niko just called him, to which Niko will reply that he didn't. Dwayne will then say that he was in the shower and he heard the phone ring and thought it was Niko, he will then apologize and hang up. This is completely random, but it might be to remind Niko that he doesn't have many friends and should hang out with him. • Dwayne can be faced in the races in the Lost and Damned, he drives a red NRG 900. • If you are late to a meeting with Dwayne or fail to show up altogether, his like percentage doesn't drop. He is the only person that this applies to when you fail to show up, and the only other person that a late arrival won't affect is Roman. See also External Links.
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?x ?xl <> "disease stage"@en <> "information content entity"@en <> "extended organism" <> "manifestation of a disease" <> "disease course" <> "pathological formation" <> "disorder" <> "normal value" <> "configuration" <> "life course" <> "disease" <> "etiological process" <> "phenotype" <> "pathological anatomical structure" <> "bodily process" <> "predisposition to disease of type X" <> "recovered from disease"@en <> "congenital malformation" <> "organism population" <> "planned process"@en <> "homeostasis" <> "sign" <> "symptom" <> "portion of pathological body substance" <> "convalescence" <> "syndrome" <> "_undefined primitive term"
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import { Step, Stepper } from '@components/ui'; import { Grid } from '@material-ui/core'; import isShippingSameAsBilling from '@utils/isShippingSameAsBilling'; import { useRouter } from 'next/router'; import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { useLocalStorage } from 'react-use'; import { CartQuery, CheckoutMutationVariables, CustomerQuery } from '../../graphql'; import BillingForm from './BillingForm'; import CartSummary from './CartSummary'; import CheckoutReview from './CheckoutReview'; import PaymentMethods from './PaymentMethods'; import ShippingForm from './ShippingForm'; import ShippingMethods from './ShippingMethods'; type Props = { cart: NonNullable<CartQuery['cart']>; customer: NonNullable<CustomerQuery['customer']>; loading: boolean; onSubmit: ( values: Pick< CheckoutMutationVariables, 'customerNote' | 'metaData' | 'paymentMethod' | 'shipToDifferentAddress' | 'transactionId' >, ) => void; }; const CheckoutForm: React.VFC<Props> = ({ cart, customer, loading, onSubmit }) => { const router = useRouter(); const [creditCard, setCreditCard] = useState<{ cardType: string; lastFour: string }>(); const [paymentMethod, setPaymentMethod] = useLocalStorage<string>('paymentMethod'); const [paymentNonce, setPaymentNonce] = useState<string>(); const [shipToDifferentAddress, setShipToDifferentAddress] = useState( !isShippingSameAsBilling(customer.shipping, customer.billing), ); useEffect(() => { if (router.query.step === 'review' && paymentMethod === 'braintree_cc' && creditCard == null) { router.push('/checkout/billing-address'); } }, [creditCard, paymentMethod, router]); /** * Handle changing steps. * * @param step The current step */ const handleChangeStep = (step: Partial<{ path: string }>) => { // Everytime we change steps we have to check if both addresses match setShipToDifferentAddress(!isShippingSameAsBilling(customer.shipping, customer.billing)); if (router.query.step != null && router.query.step !== step.path) { router.replace('/checkout/[step]', `/checkout/${step.path}`, { shallow: true }); } }; /** * Called when the user wants both addresses to be the same. * * @param shippingSameAsBilling Whether addresses should match or not */ const handleShippingSameAsBillingChange = (shippingSameAsBilling: boolean) => { setShipToDifferentAddress(!shippingSameAsBilling); }; /** * Handle submit of last step. */ const handleSubmit = ({ customerNote, metaData, transactionId, }: Pick<CheckoutMutationVariables, 'customerNote' | 'metaData' | 'transactionId'>) => { onSubmit({ customerNote, metaData, paymentMethod, shipToDifferentAddress, transactionId, }); }; return ( <Grid container spacing={4}> <Grid item xs={12} md={8}> <Stepper steps={[ { path: 'billing-address', title: 'Billing Address' }, { path: 'shipping-address', title: 'Shipping Address' }, { path: 'shipping-options', title: 'Shipping Method' }, { path: 'payment', title: 'Payment Method' }, { path: 'review', title: 'Review' }, ]} activeStep={`${router.query.step}`} onChangeStep={handleChangeStep} > {({ handleNext }) => [ <Step key="billing-address"> <BillingForm defaultValues={customer.billing} onSubmit={handleNext} /> </Step>, <Step key="shipping-address"> <ShippingForm defaultValues={customer.shipping} shipToDifferentAddress={shipToDifferentAddress} onShippingSameAsBillingChange={handleShippingSameAsBillingChange} onSubmit={handleNext} /> </Step>, <Step key="shipping-options"> <ShippingMethods availableShippingMethods={cart.availableShippingMethods} chosenShippingMethods={cart.chosenShippingMethods} onSubmit={handleNext} /> </Step>, <Step key="payment"> <PaymentMethods customer={customer} paymentMethod={paymentMethod} onSubmit={(values) => { setPaymentMethod(values.paymentMethod); setPaymentNonce(values.paymentNonce); setCreditCard(values.creditCard); handleNext(); }} /> </Step>, <Step key="review"> <CheckoutReview cart={cart} creditCard={creditCard} customer={customer} loading={loading} paymentMethod={paymentMethod} paymentNonce={paymentNonce} onSubmit={handleSubmit} /> </Step>, ]} </Stepper> </Grid> <Grid item xs={12} md={4}> <CartSummary cart={cart} /> </Grid> </Grid> ); }; export default CheckoutForm;
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package typings.reactChartjs2.mod import typings.chartJs.mod.^ import typings.react.mod.Component import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.`|` import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSGlobalScope, JSGlobal, JSImport, JSName, JSBracketAccess} @js.native trait ChartComponent[P /* <: ChartComponentProps */] extends Component[P, js.Object, js.Any] { var chartInstance: ^ = js.native }
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About this Journal Submit a Manuscript Table of Contents Stem Cells International Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 460504, 2 pages Editorial Stem Cells in Large Animal Models of Retinal and Neurological Disease 1Gavin Herbert Eye Institute and Stem Cell Research Center, University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA 2Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA 3Stem Cell Core, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521, USA 4Department of Ophthalmology, Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark 5Ocular Trauma Division, U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234, USA Received 13 February 2012; Accepted 13 February 2012 Copyright © 2012 Henry Klassen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Linked References 1. S. B. Dunnett, A. Björklund, U. Stenevi, and S. D. Iversen, “CNS transplantation: structural and functional recovery from brain damage,” Progress in Brain Research, vol. 55, pp. 431–443, 1982. View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus 2. H. Klassen and R. Lund, “Retinal transplants can drive a pupillary reflex in host rat brains,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 84, no. 19, pp. 6958–6960, 1987. View at Scopus 3. N. D. Radtke, R. B. Aramant, H. M. Petry, P. T. Green, D. J. Pidwell, and M. J. Seiler, “Vision improvement in retinal degeneration patients by implantation of retina together with retinal pigment epithelium,” American Journal of Ophthalmology, vol. 146, no. 2, pp. 172–182, 2008. View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus 4. M. Young, J. Ray, S. Whiteley, H. Klassen, and F. Gage, “Neuronal differentiation and morphological integration of hippocampal progenitor cells transplanted to the retina of immature and mature dystrophic rats,” Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 197–205, 2000. View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus 5. H. Klassen, T.-F. Ng, Y. Kurimoto et al., “Multipotent retinal progenitors express developmental markers, differentiate into retinal neurons, and preserve light-mediated behavior,” Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 4167–4173, 2004. View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar 6. H. Klassen, D. Sakaguchi, and M. Young, “Stem cells and retinal repair,” Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 149–181, 2004. View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus.
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace HotelManager.Core { public class HotelManager { private List<Hotel> hotels; public HotelManager() { hotels = new List<Hotel>(); hotels.Add(new Hotel(HotelName.From("Parque das Flores"), Rating.Three, 110.Dollars(), 80.Dollars(), 90.Dollars(), 80.Dollars())); hotels.Add(new Hotel(HotelName.From("Jardim Botanico"), Rating.Four, 160.Dollars(), 110.Dollars(), 60.Dollars(), 50.Dollars())); hotels.Add(new Hotel(HotelName.From("Mar Atlantico"), Rating.Five, 220.Dollars(), 100.Dollars(), 150.Dollars(), 40.Dollars())); } public Hotel FindCheapest(DateRange range, bool isLoyalty) { if (isLoyalty) { var cheapest = hotels .OrderBy(hotel => hotel.GetLoyaltyPrice(range).Value) .ThenByDescending(hotel => hotel.Rating.Value).First(); return cheapest; } else { var cheapest = hotels .OrderBy(hotel => hotel.GetRegularPrice(range).Value) .ThenByDescending(hotel => hotel.Rating.Value).First(); return cheapest; } } } }
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meetod IT Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_JP_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod JP Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_KR_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod KR Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LT_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LT Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LU_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LU Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LV_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LV Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_MT_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod MT Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NL_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NL Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NO_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NO Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PL_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PL Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PT_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PT Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RO_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RO Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RU_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RU Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SE_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SE Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SG_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SG Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SI_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SI Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SK_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SK Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_TR_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod TR Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_US_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod US Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x2_R43_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod Muud riigid Reiting 43 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x0_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ei kohaldata Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AT_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AT Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AU_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AAFRIKA LIIT Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BE_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BE Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BG_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BG Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BR_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BR Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CA_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CA Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CH_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CH Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CN_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CN Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CY_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CY Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CZ_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CZ Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DE_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DE Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DK_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DK Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_EE_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod EE Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_ES_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ES Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FI_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FI Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FR_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FR Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GB_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GB Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GR_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GR Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HK_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HK Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HR_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HR Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HU_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HU Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IE_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IE Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IL_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IL Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IT_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IT Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_JP_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod JP Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_KR_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod KR Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LT_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LT Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LU_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LU Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LV_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LV Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_MT_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod MT Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NL_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NL Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NO_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NO Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PL_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PL Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PT_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PT Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RO_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RO Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RU_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RU Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SE_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SE Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SG_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SG Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SI_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SI Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SK_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SK Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_TR_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod TR Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_US_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod US Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x2_R44_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod Muud riigid Reiting 44 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x0_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ei kohaldata Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AT_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AT Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AU_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AAFRIKA LIIT Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BE_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BE Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BG_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BG Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BR_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BR Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CA_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CA Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CH_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CH Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CN_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CN Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CY_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CY Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CZ_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CZ Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DE_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DE Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DK_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DK Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_EE_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod EE Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_ES_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ES Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FI_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FI Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FR_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FR Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GB_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GB Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GR_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GR Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HK_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HK Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HR_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HR Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HU_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HU Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IE_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IE Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IL_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IL Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IT_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IT Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_JP_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod JP Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_KR_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod KR Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LT_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LT Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LU_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LU Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LV_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LV Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_MT_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod MT Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NL_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NL Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NO_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NO Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PL_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PL Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PT_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PT Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RO_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RO Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RU_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RU Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SE_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SE Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SG_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SG Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SI_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SI Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SK_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SK Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_TR_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod TR Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_US_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod US Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x2_R45_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod Muud riigid Reiting 45 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x0_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ei kohaldata Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AT_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AT Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AU_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AAFRIKA LIIT Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BE_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BE Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BG_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BG Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BR_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BR Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CA_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CA Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CH_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CH Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CN_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CN Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CY_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CY Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CZ_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CZ Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DE_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DE Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DK_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DK Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_EE_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod EE Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_ES_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ES Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FI_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FI Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FR_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FR Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GB_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GB Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GR_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GR Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HK_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HK Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HR_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HR Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HU_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HU Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IE_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IE Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IL_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IL Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IT_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IT Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_JP_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod JP Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_KR_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod KR Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LT_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LT Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LU_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LU Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LV_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LV Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_MT_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod MT Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NL_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NL Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NO_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NO Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PL_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PL Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PT_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PT Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RO_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RO Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RU_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RU Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SE_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SE Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SG_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SG Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SI_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SI Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SK_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SK Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_TR_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod TR Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_US_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod US Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x2_R46_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod Muud riigid Reiting 46 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x0_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ei kohaldata Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AT_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AT Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AU_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AAFRIKA LIIT Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BE_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BE Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BG_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BG Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BR_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BR Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CA_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CA Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CH_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CH Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CN_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CN Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CY_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CY Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CZ_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CZ Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DE_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DE Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DK_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DK Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_EE_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod EE Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_ES_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ES Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FI_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FI Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FR_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FR Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GB_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GB Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GR_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GR Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HK_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HK Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HR_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HR Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HU_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HU Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IE_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IE Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IL_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IL Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IT_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IT Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_JP_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod JP Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_KR_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod KR Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LT_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LT Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LU_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LU Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LV_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LV Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_MT_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod MT Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NL_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NL Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NO_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NO Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PL_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PL Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PT_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PT Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RO_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RO Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RU_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RU Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SE_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SE Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SG_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SG Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SI_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SI Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SK_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SK Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_TR_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod TR Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_US_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod US Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x2_R47_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod Muud riigid Reiting 47 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x0_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ei kohaldata Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AT_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AT Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AU_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AAFRIKA LIIT Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BE_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BE Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BG_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BG Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BR_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BR Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CA_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CA Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CH_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CH Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CN_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CN Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CY_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CY Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CZ_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CZ Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DE_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DE Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DK_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DK Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_EE_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod EE Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_ES_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ES Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FI_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FI Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FR_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FR Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GB_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GB Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GR_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GR Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HK_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HK Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HR_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HR Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HU_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HU Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IE_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IE Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IL_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IL Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IT_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IT Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_JP_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod JP Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_KR_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod KR Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LT_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LT Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LU_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LU Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LV_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LV Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_MT_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod MT Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NL_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NL Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NO_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NO Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PL_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PL Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PT_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PT Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RO_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RO Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RU_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RU Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SE_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SE Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SG_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SG Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SI_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SI Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SK_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SK Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_TR_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod TR Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_US_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod US Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x2_R48_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod Muud riigid Reiting 48 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x0_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ei kohaldata Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AT_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AT Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AU_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AAFRIKA LIIT Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BE_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BE Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BG_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BG Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BR_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BR Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CA_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CA Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CH_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CH Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CN_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CN Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CY_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CY Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CZ_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CZ Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DE_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DE Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DK_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DK Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_EE_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod EE Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_ES_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ES Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FI_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FI Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FR_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FR Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GB_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GB Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GR_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GR Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HK_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HK Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HR_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HR Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HU_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HU Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IE_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IE Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IL_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IL Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IT_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IT Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_JP_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod JP Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_KR_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod KR Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LT_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LT Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LU_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LU Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_LV_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod LV Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_MT_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod MT Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NL_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NL Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_NO_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod NO Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PL_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PL Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_PT_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod PT Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RO_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RO Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_RU_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod RU Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SE_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SE Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SG_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SG Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SI_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SI Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_SK_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod SK Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_TR_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod TR Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_US_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod US Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x2_R49_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod Muud riigid Reiting 49 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_x0_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ei kohaldata Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AT_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AT Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_AU_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod AAFRIKA LIIT Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BE_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BE Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BG_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BG Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_BR_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod BR Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CA_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CA Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CH_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CH Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CN_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CN Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CY_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CY Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_CZ_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod CZ Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DE_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DE Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_DK_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod DK Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_EE_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod EE Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_ES_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod ES Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FI_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FI Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_FR_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod FR Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GB_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GB Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_GR_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod GR Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HK_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HK Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HR_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HR Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_HU_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod HU Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata SMER_ALL_0106_CT_AIRB_IE_R50_ALL VKE (jae) – makseviivituses mitteolev Krediidirisk, vastaspoole krediidirisk ja reguleerimata väärtpaberiülekanded Täiustatud sisereitingute meetod IE Reiting 50 Jaenõuded – VKEd ei kohaldata makseviivituses mitteolev ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei kohaldata <=50 miljonit eurot Muud riskipositsioonid kui eriotstarbelised nõuded ei kohaldata ei kohaldata ei
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All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /******************** * ENGINE DETECTION * ********************/ // jsfunfuzz is best run in a command-line shell. It can also run in // a web browser, but you might have trouble reproducing bugs that way. var ENGINE_UNKNOWN = 0; var ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY = 1; var ENGINE_JAVASCRIPTCORE = 2; var engine = ENGINE_UNKNOWN; var jsshell = (typeof window == "undefined"); var isRhinoTestBed = ('stderr' in this ); if (isRhinoTestBed) { dump = function() {}; dumpln = dump; printImportant = dump; quit = function() {}; } else if (jsshell) { dump = print; dumpln = print; printImportant = function(s) { dumpln("***"); dumpln(s); } if (typeof line2pc == "function") { engine = ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY; version(180); // 170: make "yield" and "let" work. 180: sane options("anonfunfix"); } else if (typeof debug == "function") { engine = ENGINE_JAVASCRIPTCORE; } } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebKit") != -1) { engine = ENGINE_JAVASCRIPTCORE; // This worked in Safari 3.0, but it might not work in Safari 3.1. dump = function(s) { console.log(s); } } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko") != -1) { engine = ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY; } else if (typeof dump != "function") { // In other browsers, jsfunfuzz does not know how to log anything. dump = function() { }; } dumpln = function(s) { dump(s + "\n"); } printImportant = function(s) { dumpln(s); var p = document.createElement("pre"); p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s)); document.body.appendChild(p); } } if (typeof gc == "undefined") gc = function(){}; function simpleSource(s) { function hexify(c) { var code = c.charCodeAt(0); var hex = code.toString(16); while (hex.length < 4) hex = "0" + hex; return "\\u" + hex; } if (typeof s == "string") return "\"" + s.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\") .replace(/\"/g, "\\\"") .replace(/\0/g, "\\0") .replace(/\n/g, "\\n") .replace(/[^ -~]/g, hexify) // not space (32) through tilde (126) + "\""; else return "" + s; // hope this is right ;) should work for numbers. } var haveRealUneval = (typeof uneval == "function"); if (!haveRealUneval) uneval = simpleSource; if (engine == ENGINE_UNKNOWN) printImportant("Targeting an unknown JavaScript engine!"); else if (engine == ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY) printImportant("Targeting SpiderMonkey / Gecko."); else if (engine == ENGINE_JAVASCRIPTCORE) printImportant("Targeting JavaScriptCore / WebKit."); function printAndStop(s) { printImportant(s) if (jsshell) quit(); } /*********************** * AVOIDING KNOWN BUGS * ***********************/ function whatToTestSpidermonkey(code) { return { // Exclude things here if decompiling the function causes a crash. allowDecompile: true && !(code.match( /for.*for.*in.*in/ )), // avoid bug 376370 // Exclude things here if decompiling returns something bogus that won't compile. checkRecompiling: true && (code.indexOf("#") == -1) // avoid bug 367731 && !( code.match( /for.*\(.*in.*const/ )) // avoid bug 352083, with for loops or array comprehensions && !( code.match( /arguments.*\:\:/ )) // avoid bug 355506 && !( code.match( /\:.*for.*\(.*var.*\)/ )) // avoid bug 352921 && !( code.match( /\:.*for.*\(.*let.*\)/ )) // avoid bug 352921 && !( code.match( /do.*let.*while/ )) // avoid bug 352421 && !( code.match( /for.*let.*\).*function/ )) // avoid bug 352735 (more rebracing stuff) && !( code.match( /for.*\(.*\(.*in.*;.*;.*\)/ )) // avoid bug 353255 && !( code.match( /new.*\.\./ )) // avoid bug 382339 && !( code.match( /new.*\.\(/ )) // avoid bug 377059 most of the time && !( code.match( /while.*for.*in/ )) // avoid bug 381963 , // Exclude things here if decompiling returns something incorrect or non-canonical, but that will compile. checkForMismatch: true && !( code.match( /const.*if/ )) // avoid bug 352985 && !( code.match( /if.*const/ )) // avoid bug 352985 && !( code.match( /const.*arguments/ )) // avoid bug 355480 && !( code.match( /var.*arguments/ )) // avoid bug 355480 && !( code.match( /let.*,/ )) // avoid bug 382400 && !( code.match( /for.*;.*;/ )) // avoid bug 381195 :( && !( code.match( /\[.*\].*=.*\[.*=.*\]/ )) // avoid bug 376558 && !( code.match( /with.*try.*function/ )) // avoid bug 418285 && !( code.match( /if.*try.*function/ )) // avoid bug 418285 && (code.indexOf("-0") == -1) // constant folding isn't perfect && (code.indexOf("-1") == -1) // constant folding isn't perfect && (code.indexOf("default") == -1) // avoid bug 355509 harder && (code.indexOf("delete") == -1) // avoid bug 352027, which won't be fixed for a while :( && (code.indexOf("const") == -1) // avoid bug 352985, bug 353020, and bug 355480 :( && (code.indexOf("import") == -1) // avoid bug 350681 && (code.indexOf("export") == -1) // avoid bug 350681 && (code.indexOf("?") == -1) // avoid bug 355203 && (code.indexOf("p.z") == -1) // avoid bug 355672 (this is the most common trigger) // avoid bug 352085: keep operators that coerce to number (or integer) // at constant-folding time (?) away from strings && ( (code.indexOf("\"") == -1 && code.indexOf("\'") == -1) || ( (code.indexOf("%") == -1) && (code.indexOf("/") == -1) && (code.indexOf("*") == -1) && (code.indexOf("-") == -1) && (code.indexOf(">>") == -1) && (code.indexOf("<<") == -1) ) ) , allowExec: true && code.indexOf("") == -1 // for (x.y in x) causes infinite loops :( && code.indexOf("finally") == -1 // avoid bug 380018 and bug 381107 :( && code.indexOf("valueOf") == -1 // avoid bug 355829 && code.indexOf("<>") == -1 // avoid bug 334628, hopefully && (jsshell || code.indexOf("nogeckoex") == -1) && !( code.match( /delete.*Function/ )) // avoid bug 352604 (exclusion needed despite the realFunction stuff?!) && !( code.match( /function.*::.*=/ )) // avoid ???? , allowIter: true, checkUneval: true // exclusions won't be perfect, since functions can return things they don't // appear to contain, e.g. with "return x;" && (code.indexOf("<") == -1 || code.indexOf(".") == -1) // avoid bug 379525 && (code.indexOf("<>") == -1) // avoid bug 334628 && code.indexOf("RegExp") == -1 // avoid bug 362582 }; } function whatToTestJavaScriptCore(code) { return { // Exclude things here if decompiling the function causes a crash. allowDecompile: true, checkRecompiling: true, checkForMismatch: true && !code.match( /new.*\(.*\).*\./ ) // avoid bug 17931 && !code.match( /new.*\(.*\).*\[/ ) // avoid bug 17931 , allowExec: true && !code.match(/with.*const/) // avoid bug 17924 && !code.match(/catch.*const/) // avoid bug 17924 && !code.match(/break.*finally/) // avoid bug 17932 && !code.match(/continue.*finally/) // avoid bug 17932 , allowIter: false, // JavaScriptCore does not support |yield| and |Iterator| checkUneval: false // JavaScriptCore does not support |uneval| }; } function whatToTestGeneric(code) { return { allowDecompile: true, checkRecompiling: true, checkForMismatch: true, allowExec: true, allowIter: ("Iterator" in this), checkUneval: haveRealUneval }; } if (engine == ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY) whatToTest = whatToTestSpidermonkey; else if (engine == ENGINE_JAVASCRIPTCORE) whatToTest = whatToTestJavaScriptCore; else whatToTest = whatToTestGeneric; /******************* * DRIVING & TESTS * *******************/ var allMakers = []; function totallyRandom(depth) { var dr = depth + (rnd(5) - 2); // ! return (rndElt(allMakers))(dr); } function init() { for (var f in this) if (f.indexOf("make") == 0 && typeof this[f] == "function") allMakers.push(this[f]); } function start() { init(); // dumpln(uneval([ for each (f in allMakers)])); count = 0; if (jsshell) { // Number of iterations: 20000 is good for use with (~40 seconds on a PowerBook G4; reduction isn't bad.) // Raise for use without (perhaps to Infinity). // Lower for use with WAY_TOO_MUCH_GC, to 70 or so. for (var i = 0; i < 20000; ++i) testOne(); dumpln("It's looking good!"); // Magic string that looks for } else { setTimeout(testStuffForAWhile, 200); } } function testStuffForAWhile() { for (var j = 0; j < 100; ++j) testOne(); if (count % 10000 < 100) printImportant("Iterations: " + count); setTimeout(testStuffForAWhile, 30); } function testOne() { ++count; var code = makeStatement(8); // if (rnd(10) == 1) { // var dp = "/*infloop-deParen*/" + rndElt(deParen(code)); // if (dp) // code = dp; // } dumpln("count=" + count + "; tryItOut(" + uneval(code) + ");"); tryItOut(code); } function tryItOut(code) { // regexps can't match across lines, so strip line breaks. var wtt = whatToTest(code.replace(/\n/g, " ").replace(/\r/g, " ")); // This section applies to all engines, so it should only be used for avoiding hangs. wtt.allowExec = wtt.allowExec && code.indexOf("infloop") == -1 && !( code.match( /const.*for/ )) // can be an infinite loop: function() { const x = 1; for each(x in ({a1:1})) dumpln(3); } && !( code.match( /for.*const/ )) // can be an infinite loop: for each(x in ...); const x; && !( code.match( /for.*in.*uneval/ )) // can be slow to loop through the huge string uneval(this), for example && !( code.match( /for.*for.*for.*for.*for/ )) // nested for loops (array comprehensions, etc) can take a while ; if(verbose) { dumpln("Verbose, count: " + count); dumpln("allowExec=" + wtt.allowExec + ", allowDecompile=" + wtt.allowDecompile + ", checkRecompiling=" + wtt.checkRecompiling + ", checkForMismatch=" + wtt.checkForMismatch + ", allowIter=" + wtt.allowIter + ", checkUneval=" + wtt.checkUneval); } // tryHalves(code); var f = tryCompiling(code, wtt.allowExec); if (0) { if (wtt.allowExec && ('sandbox' in this)) { f = null; if (trySandboxEval(code, false)) { dumpln("Trying it again to see if it's a 'real leak' (???)") trySandboxEval(code, true); } } return; } if (f && wtt.allowDecompile) { tryRoundTripStuff(f, code, wtt.checkRecompiling, wtt.checkForMismatch); } var rv = null; if (wtt.allowExec && f) { rv = tryRunning(f); tryEnsureSanity(); if (0 && engine == ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY) { tryTestDVG(code); tryEnsureSanity(); } } if (wtt.allowIter && rv && typeof rv == "object") { tryIteration(rv); tryEnsureSanity(); } // "checkRecompiling && checkForMismatch" here to catch returned functions if (wtt.checkRecompiling && wtt.checkForMismatch && wtt.checkUneval && rv && typeof rv == "object") { testUneval(rv); } if (count % 1000 == 0) { dumpln("Paranoid GC!") dumpln(count); realGC(); } if(verbose) dumpln("Done trying out that function!"); dumpln(""); } function tryTestDVG(code) { var fullCode = "(function() { try { \n" + code + "\n; throw 1; } catch(exx) { this.nnn.nnn } })()"; try { eval(fullCode); } catch(e) { if (e.message != "this.nnn is undefined") { printAndStop("Wrong error message: " + e); } } } function tryCompiling(code, allowExec) { try { // Try two methods of creating functions, just in case there are differences. if (count % 2 == 0 && allowExec) { if (verbose) dumpln("About to compile, using eval hack.") return eval("(function(){" + code + "});"); // Disadvantage: "}" can "escape", allowing code to *execute* that we only intended to compile. Hence the allowExec check. } else { if (verbose) dumpln("About to compile, using new Function.") return new Function(code); } } catch(compileError) { dumpln("Compiling threw: " + errorToString(compileError)); return null; } } function trySandboxEval(code, isRetry) { // (function(){})() wrapping allows "return" when it's allowed outside. // The line breaks are to allow single-line comments within code ("//" and "<!--"). if (!sandbox) { sandbox = evalcx(""); } var rv = null; try { rv = evalcx("(function(){\n" + code + "\n})();", sandbox); } catch(e) { rv = "Error from sandbox: " + errorToString(e); } try { if (typeof rv != "undefined") dumpln(rv); } catch(e) { dumpln("Sandbox error printing: " + errorToString(e)); } rv = null; if (1 || count % 100 == 0) { // count % 100 *here* is sketchy. dumpln("Done with this sandbox."); sandbox = null; gc(); var currentHeapCount = countHeap() dumpln("countHeap: " + currentHeapCount); if (currentHeapCount > maxHeapCount) { if (maxHeapCount != 0) dumpln("A new record by " + (currentHeapCount - maxHeapCount) + "!"); if (isRetry) throw new Error("Found a leak!"); maxHeapCount = currentHeapCount; return true; } } return false; } function tryRoundTripStuff(f, code, checkRecompiling, checkForMismatch) { if (verbose) dumpln("About to do the 'toString' round-trip test"); // Functions are prettier with line breaks, so test toString before uneval. checkRoundTripToString(f, code, checkRecompiling, checkForMismatch); if (checkRecompiling && checkForMismatch && engine == ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY) { try { checkForExtraParens(f, code); } catch(e) { /* bug 355667 is annoying here too */ } } if (haveRealUneval) { if (verbose) dumpln("About to do the 'uneval' round-trip test"); checkRoundTripUneval(f, code, checkRecompiling, checkForMismatch); } } function tryRunning(f) { try { if (verbose) dumpln("About to run it!"); rv = f(); if (verbose) dumpln("It ran!"); return rv; } catch(runError) { if(verbose) dumpln("Running threw! About to toString to error."); dumpln("Running threw: " + errorToString(runError)); return null; } } // Store things now so we can restore sanity later. var realEval = eval; var realFunction = Function; var realGC = gc; function tryEnsureSanity() { // At least one bug in the past has put exceptions in strange places. This also catches "eval getter" issues. try { eval("") } catch(e) { dumpln("That really shouldn't have thrown: " + errorToString(e)); } // Restore important stuff that might have been broken as soon as possible :) if ('unwatch' in this) { this.unwatch("eval") this.unwatch("Function") this.unwatch("gc") } if ('__defineSetter__' in this) { // The only way to get rid of getters/setters is to delete the property. delete eval; // delete Function; // doh, this triggers bug 352604! delete gc; } eval = realEval; Function = realFunction; gc = realGC; // These can fail if the page creates a getter for "eval", for example. if (!eval) printImportant("WTF did my |eval| go?"); if (eval != realEval) printImportant("WTF did my |eval| get replaced by?") if (Function != realFunction) printImportant("WTF did my |Function| get replaced by?") } function tryIteration(rv) { try { if (!(Iterator(rv) === rv)) return; // not an iterator } catch(e) { // Is it a bug that it's possible to end up here? Probably not! dumpln("Error while trying to determine whether it's an iterator!"); dumpln("The error was: " + e); return; } dumpln("It's an iterator!"); try { var iterCount = 0; var iterValue; // To keep Safari-compatibility, don't use "let", "each", etc. for /* each */ ( /* let */ iterValue in rv) ++iterCount; dumpln("Iterating succeeded, iterCount == " + iterCount); } catch (iterError) { dumpln("Iterating threw!"); dumpln("Iterating threw: " + errorToString(iterError)); } } function testUneval(o) { // If it happens to return an object, especially an array or hash, // let's test uneval. Note that this is a different code path than decompiling // an array literal within a function, although the two code paths often have // similar bugs! var uo, euo, ueuo; try { uo = uneval(o); } catch(e) { if (errorToString(e).indexOf("called on incompatible") != -1) { dumpln("Ignoring bug 379528!".toUpperCase()); return; } else throw e; } if (uo == "({})") { // ? return; } var uowlb = uo.replace(/\n/g, " ").replace(/\r/g, " "); dumpln("uneval returned the string: " + uo); if ( true && uo.indexOf("[native code]") == -1 // ignore bug 384756 && uo.indexOf(":<") == -1 // ignore the combination of bug 334628 with bug 379519(a) && (uo.indexOf("#") == -1 || uo.indexOf("<") == -1) // ignore bug 379519(b) && (uo.indexOf("#") == -1) // ignore bug 328745 (ugh) && (uo.indexOf("{") == -1 || uo.indexOf(":") == -1) // ignore bug 379525 hard (ugh!) && uo.indexOf("NaN") == -1 // ignore bug 379521 && uo.indexOf("Infinity") == -1 // ignore bug 379521 && uo.indexOf("[,") == -1 // avoid bug 379551 && uo.indexOf(", ,") == -1 // avoid bug 379551 && uo.indexOf(",]") == -1 // avoid bug 334628 / bug 379525? && uo.indexOf("[function") == -1 // avoid bug 380379? && uo.indexOf("[(function") == -1 // avoid bug 380379? && uo.indexOf("new Error") == -1 // ignore bug 380578 && !uowlb.match(/<.*\/.*>.*<.*\/.*>/) // ignore bug 334628 && !(uo == "{}" && !jsshell) // ignore bug 380959 ) { // count=946; tryItOut("return (({ set x x (x) { yield /x/g } , x setter: ({}).hasOwnProperty }));"); uo = uo.replace(/\[native code\]/g, ""); try { euo = eval(uo); // if this throws, something's wrong with uneval, probably } catch(e) { dumpln("The string returned by uneval failed to eval!"); printAndStop(e); return; } ueuo = uneval(euo); if (ueuo != uo) { printAndStop("Mismatch with uneval/eval on the function's return value! " + "\n" + uo + "\n" + ueuo); } } else { dumpln("Skipping re-eval test"); } } function tryHalves(code) { // See if there are any especially horrible bugs that appear when the parser has to start/stop in the middle of something. this is kinda evil. // Stray "}"s are likely in secondHalf, so use new Function rather than eval. "}" can't escape from new Function :) var f, firstHalf, secondHalf; try { firstHalf = code.substr(0, code.length / 2); if (verbose) dumpln("First half: " + firstHalf); f = new Function(firstHalf); "" + f; } catch(e) { if (verbose) dumpln("First half compilation error: " + e); } try { secondHalf = code.substr(code.length / 2, code.length); if (verbose) dumpln("Second half: " + secondHalf); f = new Function(secondHalf); "" + f; } catch(e) { if (verbose) dumpln("Second half compilation error: " + e); } } function errorToString(e) { try { return ("" + e); } catch (e2) { return "Can't toString the error!!"; } } // Function round-trip with implicit toString function checkRoundTripToString(f, code, checkRecompiling, checkForMismatch) { var uf, g; try { uf = "" + f; } catch(e) { reportRoundTripIssue("Round-trip with implicit toString: can't toString", code, null, null, errorToString(e)); return; } checkForCookies(uf); if (checkRecompiling) { try { g = eval("(" + uf + ")"); if (checkForMismatch && (""+g) != (""+f) ) { reportRoundTripIssue("Round-trip with implicit toString", code, f, g, "mismatch"); } } catch(e) { reportRoundTripIssue("Round-trip with implicit toString: error", code, f, g, errorToString(e)); } } } // Function round-trip with uneval function checkRoundTripUneval(f, code, checkRecompiling, checkForMismatch) { var g, uf, ug; try { uf = uneval(f); } catch(e) { reportRoundTripIssue("Round-trip with uneval: can't uneval", code, null, null, errorToString(e)); return; } checkForCookies(uf) if (checkRecompiling) { try { g = eval("(" + uf + ")"); ug = uneval(g); if (checkForMismatch && ug != uf) { reportRoundTripIssue("Round-trip with uneval: mismatch", code, uf, ug, "mismatch"); } } catch(e) { reportRoundTripIssue("Round-trip with uneval: error", code, uf, ug, errorToString(e)); } } } function checkForCookies(code) { // // These are things that shouldn't appear in decompilations. if (code.indexOf("/*EXCEPTION") != -1 || code.indexOf("/*RETSUB") != -1 || code.indexOf("/*FORELEM") != -1 || code.indexOf("/*WITH") != -1) printAndStop(code) } function reportRoundTripIssue(issue, code, fs, gs, e) { if (e.indexOf("missing variable name") != -1) { dumpln("Bug 355667 sure is annoying!"); return; } var message = issue + "\n\n" + "Code: " + uneval(code) + "\n\n" + "fs: " + fs + "\n\n" + "gs: " + gs + "\n\n" + "error: " + e; printAndStop(message); } function extractCode(f) { // throw away the first and last lines of the function's string representation // (this happens to work on spidermonkey trunk, dunno about anywhere else) var uf = "" + f; var lines = uf.split("\n"); var innerLines = lines.slice(1, -1); return innerLines.join("\n"); } function compiles(code) { try { new Function(code); return true; } catch(e) { return false; } } // Returns an array of strings of length (code.length-2), // each having one pair of matching parens removed. // Assumes all parens in code are significant. This assumption fails // for strings or regexps, but whatever. function deParen(code) { // Get a list of locations of parens. var parenPairs = []; // array of { left : int, right : int } (indices into code string) var unmatched = []; // stack of indices into parenPairs var i, c; for (i = 0; i < code.length; ++i) { c = code.charCodeAt(i); if (c == 40) { // left paren unmatched.push(parenPairs.length); parenPairs.push({ left: i }); } else if (c == 41) { // right paren if (unmatched.length == 0) return []; // eep! unmatched rparen! parenPairs[unmatched.pop()].right = i; } } if (unmatched.length > 0) return []; // eep! unmatched lparen! var rs = []; // Don't add spaces in place of the parens, because we don't // want to detect things like (5).x as being unnecessary use // of parens. for (i = 0; i < parenPairs.length; ++i) { var left = parenPairs[i].left, right = parenPairs[i].right; rs.push( code.substr(0, left) + code.substr(left + 1, right - (left + 1)) + code.substr(right + 1) ); } return rs; } // print(uneval(deParen("for (i = 0; (false); ++i) { x(); }"))); // print(uneval(deParen("[]"))); function checkForExtraParens(f, code) { var code = code.replace(/\n/g, " ").replace(/\r/g, " "); // regexps can't match across lines var uf = "" + f; // numbers get more parens than they need if (uf.match(/\(\d/)) return; if (uf.indexOf("(<") != -1) return; // bug 381204 if (uf.indexOf(".(") != -1) return; // bug 381207 if (uf.indexOf("else if") != -1) return; // bug 381742 if (code.indexOf("new") != -1) return; // "new" is weird. what can i say? if (code.indexOf("let") != -1) return; // reasonable to overparenthesize "let" (see expclo#c33) if (code.match(/for.*in.*=/)) return; // bug 381213 if (code.match(/\:.*function/)) return; // why? if (uf.indexOf("(function") != -1) return; // expression closures over-parenthesize if (code.match(/for.*yield/)) return; // why? if (uf.indexOf("= (yield") != -1) return; if (uf.indexOf(":(yield") != -1) return; if (uf.indexOf(": (yield") != -1) return; if (uf.indexOf(", (yield") != -1) return; if (uf.indexOf("[(yield") != -1) return; if (uf.indexOf("yield") != -1) return; // i give up on yield // Sanity check var euf = eval("(" + uf + ")"); var ueuf = "" + euf; if (ueuf != uf) printAndStop("Shouldn't the earlier round-trip test have caught this?"); var dps = deParen(uf); // skip the first, which is the function's formal params. for (i = 1; i < dps.length; ++i) { var uf2 = dps[i]; try { var euf2 = eval("(" + uf2 + ")"); } catch(e) { /* print("The latter did not compile. That's fine."); */ continue; } var ueuf2 = "" + euf2 if (ueuf2 == ueuf) { print(uf); print(" vs "); print(uf2); print("Both decompile as:"); print(ueuf); printAndStop("Unexpected match!!! Extra parens!?"); } } } /************** * RANDOMNESS * **************/ function rnd(n) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * n); } function rndElt(a) { return a[rnd(a.length)]; } /************************** * TOKEN-LEVEL GENERATION * **************************/ // Each input to |cat| should be a token or so, OR a bigger logical piece (such as a call to makeExpr). Smaller than a token is ok too ;) // When "torture" is true, it may do any of the following: // * skip a token // * skip all the tokens to the left // * skip all the tokens to the right // * insert unterminated comments // * insert line breaks // * insert entire expressions // * insert any token // Even when not in "torture" mode, it may sneak in extra line breaks. // Why did I decide to toString at every step, instead of making larger and larger arrays (or more and more deeply nested arrays?). no particular reason... function cat(toks) { if (rnd(170) == 0) return totallyRandom(2); var torture = (rnd(170) == 57); var s = maybeLineBreak(); for (var i = 0; i < toks.length; ++i) { // Catch bugs in the fuzzer. An easy mistake is // return /*foo*/ + ... // instead of // return "/*foo*/" + ... // Unary plus in the first one coerces the string that follows to number! if(typeof(toks[i]) != "string") { dumpln("Strange item in the array passed to Tmean: toks[" + i + "] == " + toks[i]); dumpln(Tmean.caller) dumpln(Tmean.caller.caller) printAndStop('yarr') } if (!(torture && rnd(12) == 0)) s += toks[i]; s += maybeLineBreak(); if (torture) switch(rnd(120)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: s += maybeSpace() + totallyRandom(2) + maybeSpace(); break; case 5: s = "(" + s + ")"; // randomly parenthesize some *prefix* of it. break; case 6: s = ""; // throw away everything before this point break; case 7: return s; // throw away everything after this point case 8: s += UNTERMINATED_COMMENT; break; case 9: s += UNTERMINATED_STRING_LITERAL; break; case 10: if (rnd(2)) s += "("; s += UNTERMINATED_REGEXP_LITERAL; break; default: } } return s; } // For reference and debugging. /* function catNice(toks) { var s = "" var i; for (i=0; i<toks.length; ++i) { if(typeof(toks[i]) != "string") printAndStop("Strange toks[i]: " + toks[i]); s += toks[i]; } return s; } */ var UNTERMINATED_COMMENT = "/*"; /* this comment is here so my text editor won't get confused */ var UNTERMINATED_STRING_LITERAL = "'"; var UNTERMINATED_REGEXP_LITERAL = "/"; function maybeLineBreak() { if (rnd(900) == 3) return rndElt(["\r", "\n", "//h\n", "/*\n*/"]); // line break to trigger semicolon insertion and stuff else if (rnd(400) == 3) return rnd(2) ? "\u000C" : "\t"; // weird space-like characters else return ""; } function maybeSpace() { if (rnd(2) == 0) return " "; else return ""; } function stripSemicolon(c) { var len = c.length; if (c.charAt(len - 1) == ";") return c.substr(0, len - 1); else return c; } /************************* * HIGH-LEVEL GENERATION * *************************/ var TOTALLY_RANDOM = 100; function makeStatement(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); var dr = rnd(depth); // instead of depth - 1; if (depth < rnd(8)) // frequently for small depth, infrequently for large depth return makeLittleStatement(dr); return (rndElt(statementMakers))(dr) } var varBinder = ["var ", "let ", "const ", ""]; var statementMakers = [ // Late-defined consts can cause problems, so let's late-define them! function(dr) { return cat([makeStatement(dr), " const ", makeId(dr), ";"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeStatement(dr), makeStatement(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeStatement(dr-1), "\n", makeStatement(dr-1), "\n"]); }, // Stripping semilcolons. What happens if semicolons are missing? Especially with line breaks used in place of semicolons (semicolon insertion). function(dr) { return cat([stripSemicolon(makeStatement(dr)), "\n", makeStatement(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([stripSemicolon(makeStatement(dr)), "\n" ]); }, function(dr) { return stripSemicolon(makeStatement(dr)); }, // usually invalid, but can be ok e.g. at the end of a block with curly braces // Blocks and loops function(dr) { return cat(["{", makeStatement(dr), " }"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["{", makeStatement(dr-1), makeStatement(dr-1), " }"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "with", "(", makeExpr(dr), ")", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "with", "(", "{", makeId(dr), ": ", makeExpr(dr), "}", ")", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, // C-style "for" loops // Two kinds of "for" loops: one with an expression as the first part, one with a var or let binding 'statement' as the first part. // I'm not sure if arbitrary statements are allowed there; I think not. function(dr) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", makeExpr(dr), "; ", makeExpr(dr), "; ", makeExpr(dr), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", rndElt(varBinder), makeId(dr), "; ", makeExpr(dr), "; ", makeExpr(dr), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", rndElt(varBinder), makeDestructuringLValue(dr), " = ", makeExpr(dr), "; ", makeExpr(dr), "; ", makeExpr(dr), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, // "" loops // -- for (key in obj) function(dr) { return "/**/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", rndElt(varBinder), makeForInLHS(dr), " in ", makeExpr(dr-2), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, // -- for (key in generator()) function(dr) { return "/**/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", rndElt(varBinder), makeForInLHS(dr), " in ", "(", "(", makeFunction(dr), ")", "(", makeExpr(dr), ")", ")", ")", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, // -- for each (value in obj) function(dr) { return "/**/" + "/* nogeckoex bug 349964 */" + cat([maybeLabel(), " for ", " each", "(", rndElt(varBinder), makeLValue(dr), " in ", makeExpr(dr-2), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, // Modify something during a loop -- perhaps the thing being looped over // Since we use "let" to bind the for-variables, and only do wacky stuff once, I *think* this is unlikely to hang. // function(dr) { return "let forCount = 0; for (let " + makeId(dr) + " in " + makeExpr(dr) + ") { if (forCount++ == " + rnd(3) + ") { " + makeStatement(dr-1) + " } }"; }, // Hoisty "" loops. I don't know why this construct exists, but it does, and it hoists the initial-value expression above the loop. // With "var" or "const", the entire thing is hoisted. // With "let", only the value is hoisted, and it can be elim'ed as a useless statement. function(dr) { return "/**/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", rndElt(varBinder), makeId(dr), " = ", makeExpr(dr), " in ", makeExpr(dr-2), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return "/**/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", rndElt(varBinder), "[", makeId(dr), ", ", makeId(dr), "]", " = ", makeExpr(dr), " in ", makeExpr(dr-2), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "while((", makeExpr(dr), ") && 0)" /*don't split this, it's needed to avoid marking as infloop*/, makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "while", "(", makeExpr(dr), ")", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "do ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr), " while((", makeExpr(dr), ") && 0)" /*don't split this, it's needed to avoid marking as infloop*/, ";"]); }, function(dr) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "do ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr), " while", "(", makeExpr(dr), ");"]); }, // Switch statement function(dr) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "switch", "(", makeExpr(dr), ")", " { ", makeSwitchBody(dr), " }"]); }, // Let blocks, with and without multiple bindings, with and without initial values function(dr) { return cat(["let ", "(", makeLetHead(dr), ")", " { ", makeStatement(dr), " }"]); }, // Conditionals, perhaps with 'else if' / 'else' function(dr) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeExpr(dr), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeExpr(dr), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr-1), " else ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr-1)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeExpr(dr), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr-1), " else ", " if ", "(", makeExpr(dr), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr-1)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeExpr(dr), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr-1), " else ", " if ", "(", makeExpr(dr), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr-1), " else ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr-1)]); }, // A tricky pair of if/else cases. // In the SECOND case, braces must be preserved to keep the final "else" associated with the first "if". function(dr) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeExpr(dr), ") ", "{", " if ", "(", makeExpr(dr), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr-1), " else ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr-1), "}"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeExpr(dr), ") ", "{", " if ", "(", makeExpr(dr), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr-1), "}", " else ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr-1)]); }, // Exception-related statements :) function(dr) { return makeExceptionyStatement(dr-1); makeExceptionyStatement(dr-1); }, function(dr) { return makeExceptionyStatement(dr-1); makeExceptionyStatement(dr-1); }, function(dr) { return makeExceptionyStatement(dr); }, function(dr) { return makeExceptionyStatement(dr); }, function(dr) { return makeExceptionyStatement(dr); }, function(dr) { return makeExceptionyStatement(dr); }, function(dr) { return makeExceptionyStatement(dr); }, // Labels. (JavaScript does not have goto, but it does have break-to-label and continue-to-label). function(dr) { return cat(["L", ": ", makeStatementOrBlock(dr)]); }, // Functions which are called? // Tends to trigger OOM bugs // function(dr) { return cat(["/*hhh*/function ", "x", "(", ")", "{", makeStatement(dr), "}", " ", "x", "(", makeActualArgList(dr), ")"]); } ]; function maybeLabel() { if (rnd(4) == 1) return cat([rndElt(["L", "M"]), ":"]); else return ""; } function makeSwitchBody(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); var haveSomething = false; var haveDefault = false; var output = ""; do { if (!haveSomething || rnd(2)) { // Want a case/default (or, if this is the beginning, "need"). if (!haveDefault && rnd(2)) { output += "default: "; haveDefault = true; } else { // cases with numbers (integers?) have special optimizations that affect order when decompiling, // so be sure to test those well in addition to testing complicated expressions. output += "case " + (rnd(2) ? rnd(10) : makeExpr(depth)) + ": "; } haveSomething = true; } // Might want a statement. if (rnd(2)) output += makeStatement(depth) // Might want to break, or might want to fall through. if (rnd(2)) output += "break; "; if (rnd(2)) --depth; } while (depth && rnd(5)); return output; } function makeLittleStatement(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); var dr = depth - 1; if (rnd(4) == 1) return makeStatement(dr); return (rndElt(littleStatementMakers))(dr); } var littleStatementMakers = [ // Tiny function(dr) { return cat([";"]); }, // e.g. empty "if" block function(dr) { return cat(["{", "}"]); ; }, // e.g. empty "if" block function(dr) { return cat([""]); }, // Force garbage collection function(dr) { return "gc()"; }, // Throw stuff. function(dr) { return cat(["throw ", makeExpr(dr), ";"]); }, // Break/continue [to label]. function(dr) { return cat([rndElt(["continue", "break"]), " ", rndElt(["L", "M", "", ""]), ";"]); }, // Import and export. (I have not idea what these actually do.) function(dr) { return cat(["export ", makeId(dr), ";"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["export ", "*", ";"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["import ", makeId(dr), ".", makeId(dr), ";"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["import ", makeId(dr), ".", "*", ";"]); }, // Named and unnamed functions (which have different behaviors in different places: both can be expressions, // but unnamed functions "want" to be expressions and named functions "want" to be special statements) function(dr) { return makeFunction(dr); }, // Return, yield function(dr) { return cat(["return ", makeExpr(dr), ";"]); }, function(dr) { return "return;"; }, // return without a value is allowed in generators; return with a value is not. function(dr) { return cat(["yield ", makeExpr(dr), ";"]); }, // note: yield can also be a left-unary operator, or something like that function(dr) { return "yield;"; }, // Expression statements function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ";"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(dr), ")", ";"]); }, // Various kinds of variable declarations, with and without initial values (assignment). function(dr) { return cat([rndElt(varBinder), makeLetHead(dr), ";"]); }, // e.g. "const [a,b] = [3,4];" function(dr) { return cat([rndElt(varBinder), makeLetHead(dr), ";"]); }, // e.g. "const [a,b] = [3,4];" function(dr) { return cat([rndElt(varBinder), makeLetHead(dr), ";"]); }, // e.g. "const [a,b] = [3,4];" ]; // makeStatementOrBlock exists because often, things have different behaviors depending on where there are braces. // for example, if braces are added or removed, the meaning of "let" can change. function makeStatementOrBlock(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); var dr = depth - 1; return (rndElt(statementBlockMakers))(dr) } var statementBlockMakers = [ function(dr) { return makeStatement(dr); }, function(dr) { return makeStatement(dr); }, function(dr) { return cat(["{", makeStatement(dr), " }"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["{", makeStatement(dr-1), makeStatement(dr-1), " }"]); }, ] // Extra-hard testing for try/catch/finally and related things. function makeExceptionyStatement(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); var dr = depth - 1; if (dr < 1) return makeLittleStatement(dr); return (rndElt(exceptionyStatementMakers))(dr); } var exceptionyStatementMakers = [ function(dr) { return makeTryBlock(dr); }, function(dr) { return makeStatement(dr); }, function(dr) { return makeLittleStatement(dr); }, function(dr) { return "return;" }, // return without a value can be mixed with yield function(dr) { return cat(["return ", makeExpr(dr), ";"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["yield ", makeExpr(dr), ";"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["throw ", makeId(dr), ";"]); }, function(dr) { return "throw StopIteration;"; }, function(dr) { return "this.zzz.zzz;"; }, // throws; also tests js_DecompileValueGenerator in various locations function(dr) { return cat([makeId(dr), " = ", makeId(dr), ";"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeLValue(dr), " = ", makeId(dr), ";"]); }, // Iteration uses StopIteration internally. // Iteration is also useful to test because it asserts that there is no pending exception. function(dr) { return "for(let y in []);"; }, function(dr) { return "for(let y in [5,6,7,8]) " + makeExceptionyStatement(dr); }, // Brendan says these are scary places to throw: with, let block, lambda called immediately in let expr. // And I think he was right. function(dr) { return "with({}) " + makeExceptionyStatement(dr); }, function(dr) { return "with({}) { " + makeExceptionyStatement(dr) + " } "; }, function(dr) { return "let(" + makeLetHead(dr) + ") { " + makeExceptionyStatement(dr); + "}"}, function(dr) { return "let(" + makeLetHead(dr) + ") ((function(){" + makeExceptionyStatement(dr) + "})());" }, // Commented out due to causing too much noise on stderr and causing a nonzero exit code :/ /* // Generator close hooks: called during GC in this case!!! function(dr) { return "(function () { try { yield " + makeExpr(dr) + " } finally { " + makeStatement(dr) + " } })().next()"; }, function(dr) { return "(function () { try { yield " + makeExpr(dr) + " } finally { " + makeStatement(dr) + " } })()"; }, function(dr) { return "(function () { try { yield " + makeExpr(dr) + " } finally { " + makeStatement(dr) + " } })"; }, function(dr) { return "function gen() { try { yield 1; } finally { " + makeStatement(dr) + " } } var i = gen();; i = null;"; } */ ]; function makeTryBlock(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); // Catches: 1/6 chance of having none // Catches: maybe 2 + 1/2 // So approximately 4 recursions into makeExceptionyStatement on average! // Therefore we want to keep the chance of recursing too much down... var dr = depth - rnd(3); var s = cat(["try", " { ", makeExceptionyStatement(dr), " } "]); var numCatches = 0; while(rnd(3) == 0) { // Add a guarded catch, using an expression or a function call. ++numCatches; if (rnd(2)) s += cat(["catch", "(", makeId(dr), " if ", makeExpr(dr), ")", " { ", makeExceptionyStatement(dr), " } "]); else s += cat(["catch", "(", makeId(dr), " if ", "(function(){", makeExceptionyStatement(dr), "})())", " { ", makeExceptionyStatement(dr), " } "]); } if (rnd(2)) { // Add an unguarded catch. ++numCatches; s += cat(["catch", "(", makeId(dr), ")", " { ", makeExceptionyStatement(dr), " } "]); } if (numCatches == 0 || rnd(2) == 1) { // Add a finally. s += cat(["finally", " { ", makeExceptionyStatement(dr), " } "]); } return s; } // Creates a string that sorta makes sense as an expression function makeExpr(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); if (depth <= 0 || (rnd(7) == 1)) return makeTerm(depth - 1); var dr = rnd(depth); // depth - 1; var expr = (rndElt(exprMakers))(dr); if (rnd(4) == 1) return "(" + expr + ")"; else return expr; } var binaryOps = [ // Long-standing JavaScript operators, roughly in order from " * ", " / ", " % ", " + ", " - ", " << ", " >> ", " >>> ", " < ", " > ", " <= ", " >= ", " instanceof ", " in ", " == ", " != ", " === ", " !== ", " & ", " | ", " ^ ", " && ", " || ", " = ", " *= ", " /= ", " %= ", " += ", " -= ", " <<= ", " >>= ", " >>>=", " &= ", " ^= ", " |= ", " , ", // . is special, so test it as a group of right-unary ops, a special exprMaker for property access, and a special exprMaker for the xml filtering predicate operator // " . ", // Added by E4X " :: ", " .. ", " @ ", // Frequent combinations of E4X things (and "*" namespace, which isn't produced by this fuzzer otherwise) " .@ ", " .@*:: ", " .@x:: ", ]; var leftUnaryOps = [ "--", "++", "!", "+", "-", "~", "void ", "typeof ", "delete ", "new ", // but note that "new" can also be a very strange left-binary operator "yield " // see . Often needs to be parenthesized, so there's also a special exprMaker for it. ]; var rightUnaryOps = [ "++", "--", // E4X ".*", ".@foo", ".@*" ]; var specialProperties = [ "prop", "__iterator__", "__count__", "__noSuchMethod__", "__parent__", "__proto__", "constructor", "prototype" ] var exprMakers = [ // Left-unary operators function(dr) { return cat([rndElt(leftUnaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([rndElt(leftUnaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([rndElt(leftUnaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, // Right-unary operators function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(rightUnaryOps)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(rightUnaryOps)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(rightUnaryOps)]); }, // Special properties: we love to set them! function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", rndElt(specialProperties)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", rndElt(specialProperties), " = ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeId(dr), ".", rndElt(specialProperties), " = ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, // Binary operators function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), rndElt(binaryOps), makeExpr(dr)]); }, // Ternary operator function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), " ? ", makeExpr(dr), " : ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), " ? ", makeExpr(dr), " : ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, // In most contexts, yield expressions must be parenthesized, so including explicitly parenthesized yields makes actually-compiling yields appear more often. function(dr) { return cat(["yield ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", "yield ", makeExpr(dr), ")"]); }, // Array functions (including extras). The most interesting are map and filter, I think. // These are mostly interesting to fuzzers in the sense of "what happens if i do strange things from a filter function?" e.g. modify the array.. :) // This fuzzer isn't the best for attacking this kind of thing, since it's unlikely that the code in the function will attempt to modify the array or make it go away. // The second parameter to "map" is used as the "this" for the function. function(dr) { return cat(["[11,12,13,14]", ".", rndElt(["map", "filter", "some", "sort"]) ]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["[15,16,17,18]", ".", rndElt(["map", "filter", "some", "sort"]), "(", makeFunction(dr), ", ", makeExpr(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["[", makeExpr(dr), "]", ".", rndElt(["map", "filter", "some", "sort"]), "(", makeFunction(dr), ")"]); }, // RegExp replace. This is interesting for same same reason as array extras. function(dr) { return cat(["'fafafa'", ".", "replace", "(", "/", "a", "/", "g", ", ", makeFunction(dr), ")"]); }, // XML filtering predicate operator! It isn't lexed specially; there can be a space between the dot and the lparen. function(dr) { return cat([makeId(dr), ".", "(", makeExpr(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeE4X(dr), ".", "(", makeExpr(dr), ")"]); }, // Dot (property access) function(dr) { return cat([makeId(dr), ".", makeId(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", makeId(dr)]); }, // Index into array function(dr) { return cat([ makeExpr(dr), "[", makeExpr(dr), "]"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(dr), ")", "[", makeExpr(dr), "]"]); }, // Containment in an array or object (or, if this happens to end up on the LHS of an assignment, destructuring) function(dr) { return cat([maybeSharpDecl(), "[", makeExpr(dr), "]"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([maybeSharpDecl(), "(", "{", makeId(dr), ": ", makeExpr(dr), "}", ")"]); }, // Sharps on random stuff? function(dr) { return cat([maybeSharpDecl(), makeExpr(dr)]); }, // Functions: called immediately/not function(dr) { return makeFunction(dr); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeFunction(dr), ")", "(", makeActualArgList(dr), ")"]); }, // Try to call things that may or may not be functions. function(dr) { return cat([ makeExpr(dr), "(", makeActualArgList(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(dr), ")", "(", makeActualArgList(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([ makeFunction(dr), "(", makeActualArgList(dr), ")"]); }, // Try to test heavily. function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeFunction(dr), ")", ".", "call", "(", makeExpr(dr), ", ", makeActualArgList(dr), ")"]); }, // Binary "new", with and without clarifying parentheses, with expressions or functions function(dr) { return cat(["new ", makeExpr(dr), "(", makeActualArgList(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["new ", "(", makeExpr(dr), ")", "(", makeActualArgList(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["new ", makeFunction(dr), "(", makeActualArgList(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["new ", "(", makeFunction(dr), ")", "(", makeActualArgList(dr), ")"]); }, // Sometimes we do crazy stuff, like putting a statement where an expression should go. This frequently causes a syntax error. function(dr) { return stripSemicolon(makeLittleStatement(dr)); }, function(dr) { return ""; }, // Let expressions -- note the lack of curly braces. function(dr) { return cat(["let ", "(", makeLetHead(dr), ") ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, // Array comprehensions (JavaScript 1.7) function(dr) { return cat(["[", makeExpr(dr), makeComprehension(dr), "]"]); }, // Generator expressions (JavaScript 1.8) function(dr) { return cat([ makeExpr(dr), makeComprehension(dr) ]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(dr), makeComprehension(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([" /* Comment */", makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["\n", makeExpr(dr)]); }, // perhaps trigger semicolon insertion and stuff function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), "\n"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeLValue(dr)]); }, // Assignment (can be destructuring) function(dr) { return cat([makeLValue(dr), " = ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeLValue(dr), " = ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeLValue(dr), " = ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeLValue(dr), " = ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, // Destructuring assignment function(dr) { return cat([makeDestructuringLValue(dr), " = ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeDestructuringLValue(dr), " = ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeDestructuringLValue(dr), " = ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeDestructuringLValue(dr), " = ", makeExpr(dr)]); }, // Destructuring assignment with lots of group assignment function(dr) { return cat([makeDestructuringLValue(dr), " = ", makeDestructuringLValue(dr)]); }, // Modifying assignment, with operators that do various coercions function(dr) { return cat([makeLValue(dr), rndElt(["|=", "%=", "+=", "-="]), makeExpr(dr)]); }, // Watchpoints (similar to setters) function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "watch", "(", uneval(makeId(dr)), ", ", makeFunction(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "unwatch", "(", uneval(makeId(dr)), ")"]); }, // New-style getter/setter, imperative function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "__defineGetter__", "(", uneval(makeId(dr)), ", ", makeFunction(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "__defineSetter__", "(", uneval(makeId(dr)), ", ", makeFunction(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["this", ".", "__defineGetter__", "(", uneval(makeId(dr)), ", ", makeFunction(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["this", ".", "__defineSetter__", "(", uneval(makeId(dr)), ", ", makeFunction(dr), ")"]); }, // Old-style getter/setter, imperative function(dr) { return cat([makeId(dr), ".", makeId(dr), " ", rndElt(["getter", "setter"]), "= ", makeFunction(dr)]); }, // Object literal function(dr) { return cat(["(", "{", makeObjLiteralPart(dr), " }", ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", "{", makeObjLiteralPart(dr), ", ", makeObjLiteralPart(dr), " }", ")"]); }, // Test js_ReportIsNotFunction heavily. function(dr) { return "(p={}, (p.z = " + makeExpr(dr) + ")())"; }, // Test js_ReportIsNotFunction heavily. // Test decompilation for ".keyword" a bit. // Test throwing-into-generator sometimes. function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "throw", "(", makeExpr(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "yoyo", "(", makeExpr(dr), ")"]); }, // Throws, but more importantly, tests js_DecompileValueGenerator in various contexts. function(dr) { return "this.zzz.zzz"; }, // Test eval in various contexts. (but avoid clobbering eval) // Test the special "obj.eval" and "eval(..., obj)" forms. function(dr) { return makeExpr(dr) + ".eval(" + makeExpr(dr) + ")"; }, function(dr) { return "eval(" + uneval(makeExpr(dr)) + ", " + makeExpr(dr) + ")"; }, function(dr) { return "eval(" + uneval(makeStatement(dr)) + ", " + makeExpr(dr) + ")"; }, // Uneval needs more testing than it will get accidentally. No cat() because I don't want uneval clobbered (assigned to) accidentally. function(dr) { return "(uneval(" + makeExpr(dr) + "))"; }, // Object.prototype stuff function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "hasOwnProperty", "(", uneval(makeId(dr)), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "propertyIsEnumerable", "(", uneval(makeId(dr)), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "isPrototypeOf", "(", makeExpr(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "__lookupGetter__", "(", uneval(makeId(dr)), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "__lookupSetter__", "(", uneval(makeId(dr)), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", "valueOf", "(", uneval("number"), ")"]); }, // Constructors. No "T" -- don't screw with the constructors themselves; just call them. function(dr) { return "new " + rndElt(constructors) + "(" + makeActualArgList(dr) + ")"; }, function(dr) { return rndElt(constructors) + "(" + makeActualArgList(dr) + ")"; } ]; var constructors = [ "Error", "RangeError", "Exception", "Function", "Date", "RegExp", "String", "Array", "Object", "Number", "Boolean", "Iterator" ]; function maybeSharpDecl() { if (rnd(3) == 0) return cat(["#", "" + (rnd(3)), "="]); else return ""; } function makeObjLiteralPart(dr) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(dr); switch(rnd(8)) { // Old-style literal getter/setter case 0: return cat([makeId(dr), " getter: ", makeFunction(dr)]); case 1: return cat([makeId(dr), " setter: ", makeFunction(dr)]); // New-style literal getter/setter case 2: return cat([" get ", makeId(dr), maybeName(dr), "(", makeFormalArgList(dr-1), ")", makeFunctionBody(dr)]); case 3: return cat([" set ", makeId(dr), maybeName(dr), "(", makeFormalArgList(dr-1), ")", makeFunctionBody(dr)]); /* case 3: return cat(["toString: ", makeFunction(dr), "}", ")"]); case 4: return cat(["toString: function() { return this; } }", ")"]); }, // bwahaha case 5: return cat(["toString: function() { return " + makeExpr(dr) + "; } }", ")"]); }, case 6: return cat(["valueOf: ", makeFunction(dr), "}", ")"]); }, case 7: return cat(["valueOf: function() { return " + makeExpr(dr) + "; } }", ")"]); }, */ default: return cat([makeId(dr), ": ", makeExpr(dr)]); } } function makeFunction(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); var dr = depth - 1; if(rnd(5) == 1) return makeExpr(dr); return (rndElt(functionMakers))(dr); } function makeFunPrefix(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); switch(rnd(20)) { // Leaving this stuff out until bug 381203 is fixed. // Eventually this stuff should be moved from functionMakers to somewhere // like statementMakers, right? // case 0: return "getter "; // case 1: return "setter "; default: return ""; } } function maybeName(depth) { if (rnd(2) == 0) return " " + makeId(depth) + " "; else return ""; } function makeFunctionBody(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); switch(rnd(4)) { case 0: return cat([" { ", makeStatement(depth - 1), " } "]); case 1: return cat([" { ", "return ", makeExpr(depth), " } "]); case 2: return cat([" { ", "yield ", makeExpr(depth), " } "]); case 3: return makeExpr(depth); // make an "expression closure" } } var functionMakers = [ // Note that a function with a name is sometimes considered a statement rather than an expression. // Functions and expression closures function(dr) { return cat([makeFunPrefix(dr), "function", " ", maybeName(dr), "(", makeFormalArgList(dr), ")", makeFunctionBody(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeFunPrefix(dr), "function", " ", maybeName(dr), "(", makeFormalArgList(dr), ")", makeFunctionBody(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeFunPrefix(dr), "function", " ", maybeName(dr), "(", makeFormalArgList(dr), ")", makeFunctionBody(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeFunPrefix(dr), "function", " ", maybeName(dr), "(", makeFormalArgList(dr), ")", makeFunctionBody(dr)]); }, // The identity function function(dr) { return "function(q) { return q; }" }, // A generator that does something function(dr) { return "function(y) { yield y; " + makeStatement(dr) + "; yield y; }" }, // A generator expression -- kinda a function?? function(dr) { return "(1 for (x in []))"; }, // Special functions that might have interesting results, especially when called "directly" by things like string.replace or function(dr) { return "eval" }, // eval is interesting both for its "no indirect calls" feature and for the way it's implemented -- a special bytecode. function(dr) { return "new Function" }, // this won't be interpreted the same way for each caller of makeFunction, but that's ok function(dr) { return "(new Function(" + uneval(makeStatement(dr)) + "))"; }, function(dr) { return "Function" }, // without "new"! it does seem to work... function(dr) { return "gc" }, function(dr) { return "Math.sin" }, function(dr) { return "Math.pow" }, function(dr) { return "/a/gi" }, // in Firefox, at least, regular expressions can be used as functions: e.g. "hahaa".replace(/a+/g, /aa/g) is "hnullhaa"! function(dr) { return "[1,2,3,4].map" }, function(dr) { return "[1,2,3,4].slice" }, function(dr) { return "'haha'.split" }, function(dr) { return "({}).hasOwnProperty" }, function(dr) { return "({}).__lookupGetter__" }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeFunction(dr), ")", ".", "call"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeFunction(dr), ")", ".", "apply"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(dr), ")", ".", "watch"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(dr), ")", ".", "__defineSetter__"]); }, ]; function makeLetHead(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); if (rnd(2) == 1) return makeLetHeadItem(depth); else return makeLetHeadItem(depth) + ", " + makeLetHeadItem(depth - 1); } function makeLetHeadItem(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); var dr = depth - 1; // 0 or more things being declared var lhs = (rnd(3) == 1) ? makeDestructuringLValue(dr) : makeId(dr); // initial value var rhs = (rnd(2) == 1) ? (" = " + makeExpr(dr)) : ""; return lhs + rhs; } function makeActualArgList(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); var nArgs = rnd(3); if (nArgs == 0) return ""; var argList = makeExpr(depth); for (var i = 1; i < nArgs; ++i) argList += ", " + makeExpr(depth - i); return argList; } function makeFormalArgList(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); var nArgs = rnd(3); if (nArgs == 0) return ""; var argList = makeFormalArg(depth) for (var i = 1; i < nArgs; ++i) argList += ", " + makeFormalArg(depth - i); return argList; } function makeFormalArg(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); if (rnd(4) == 1) return makeDestructuringLValue(depth); return makeId(depth); } function makeId(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); var dr = depth; // ! switch(rnd(200)) { case 0: return makeTerm(dr); case 1: return makeExpr(dr); case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: return makeLValue(dr); case 6: case 7: return makeDestructuringLValue(dr); case 8: case 9: case 10: // some keywords that can be used as identifiers in some contexts (e.g. variables, function names, argument names) // but that's annoying, and some of these cause lots of syntax errors. return rndElt(["get", "set", "getter", "setter", "delete", "let", "yield", "each"]); case 11: case 12: case 13: return "function::" + makeId(dr); case 14: return "x::" + makeId(dr); case 15: case 16: return rndElt(specialProperties); } return rndElt(["x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", // repeat "x" so it's likely to be bound more than once, causing "already bound" errors, elimination of assign-to-const, or conflicts "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "y", "window", "this", "\u3056", "NaN", // "valueOf", "toString", // e.g. valueOf getter :P // bug 381242, etc "functional", // perhaps decompiler code looks for "function"? " " // [k, v] becomes [, v] -- test how holes are handled in unexpected destructuring ]); // window is a const (in the browser), so some attempts to redeclare it will cause errors // eval is interesting because it cannot be called indirectly. and maybe also because it has its own opcode in jsopcode.tbl. // but bad things happen if you have "eval setter"... so let's not put eval in this list. } function makeComprehension(dr) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(dr); if (dr < 0) return ""; switch(rnd(4)) { case 0: return ""; case 1: return cat([" for ", "(", makeForInLHS(dr), " in ", makeExpr(dr-2), ")"]) + makeComprehension(dr - 1); case 2: return cat([" for ", "each ", "(", makeId(dr), " in ", makeExpr(dr-2), ")"]) + makeComprehension(dr - 1); case 3: return cat([" if ", "(", makeExpr(dr-2), ")"]); // this is always last (and must be preceded by a "for", oh well) } } // LHS can be a single variable OR it can be a destructuring array of exactly two elements. function makeForInLHS(dr) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(dr); // JS 1.7 only (removed in JS 1.8) // // if (version() == 170 && rnd(4) == 0) // return cat(["[", makeLValue(dr), ", ", makeLValue(dr), "]"]); return makeLValue(dr); } function makeLValue(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); if (depth <= 0 || (rnd(2) == 1)) return makeId(depth - 1); var dr = rnd(depth); return (rndElt(lvalueMakers))(dr); } var lvalueMakers = [ // Simple variable names :) function(dr) { return cat([makeId(dr)]); }, // Destructuring function(dr) { return makeDestructuringLValue(dr); }, function(dr) { return makeDestructuringLValue(dr); }, // Properties function(dr) { return cat([makeId(dr), ".", makeId(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), ".", makeId(dr)]); }, function(dr) { return cat([makeExpr(dr), "[", "'", makeId(dr), "'", "]"]); }, // Special properties function(dr) { return cat([makeId(dr), ".", rndElt(specialProperties)]); }, // Certain functions can act as lvalues! See JS_HAS_LVALUE_RETURN in js engine source. function(dr) { return cat([makeId(dr), "(", makeExpr(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(dr), ")", "(", makeExpr(dr), ")"]); }, // Parenthesized lvalues can cause problems ;) function(dr) { return cat(["(", makeLValue(dr), ")"]); }, function(dr) { return makeExpr(dr); } // intentionally bogus, but not quite garbage. ]; function makeDestructuringLValue(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); var dr = depth - 1; if (dr < 0 || rnd(4) == 1) return makeId(dr); if (rnd(6) == 1) return makeLValue(dr); return (rndElt(destructuringLValueMakers))(dr); } var destructuringLValueMakers = [ // destructuring assignment: arrays function(dr) { var len = rnd(6); if (len == 0) return "[]"; var Ti = []; Ti.push("["); Ti.push(maybeMakeDestructuringLValue(dr)); for (var i = 1; i < len; ++i) { Ti.push(", "); Ti.push(maybeMakeDestructuringLValue(dr)); } Ti.push("]"); return cat(Ti); }, // destructuring assignment: objects function(dr) { return cat(["(", "{ ", makeId(dr), ": ", makeDestructuringLValue(dr), " }", ")"]); }, function(dr) { return cat(["(", "{ ", makeId(dr), ": ", makeDestructuringLValue(dr), ", ", makeId(dr), ": ", makeDestructuringLValue(dr), " }", ")"]); }, ]; // Allow "holes". function maybeMakeDestructuringLValue(depth) { if (rnd(2) == 0) return "" return makeDestructuringLValue(depth) } function makeTerm(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); return (rndElt(termMakers))(depth); } var termMakers = [ // Variable names function(dr) { return makeId(dr); }, // Simple literals (no recursion required to make them) function(dr) { return rndElt([ // Arrays "[]", "[1]", "[[]]", "[[1]]", "[,]", "[,,]", "[1,,]", // Objects "{}", "({})", "({a1:1})", // Possibly-destructuring arrays "[z1]", "[z1,,]", "[,,z1]", // Possibly-destructuring objects "({a2:z2})", // Sharp use "#1#", // Sharp creation and use "#1=[#1#]", "#3={a:#3#}", "function(id) { return id }", "function ([y]) { }", "(function ([y]) { })()", "arguments" ]); }, function(dr) { return rndElt([ "0.1", ".2", "3", "1.3", "4.", "5.0000000000000000000000", "1.2e3", "1e81", "1e+81", "1e-81", "1e4", "0", "-0", "(-0)", "-1", "(-1)", "0x99", "033", (""+Math.PI), "3/0", "-3/0", "0/0" /*, "(0x50505050 >> 1)" */ ]); }, function(dr) { return rndElt([ "true", "false", "undefined", "null"]); }, function(dr) { return rndElt([ "this", "window" ]); }, function(dr) { return rndElt([" \"\" ", " '' ", " /x/ ", " /x/g "]) }, // E4X literals function(dr) { return rndElt([ "<x/>", "<y><z/></y>"]); }, function(dr) { return rndElt([ "@foo" /* makes sense in filtering predicates, at least... */, "*", "*::*"]); }, function(dr) { return makeE4X(dr) }, // xml function(dr) { return cat(["<", ">", makeE4X(dr), "<", "/", ">"]); }, // xml list ]; function maybeMakeTerm(depth) { if (rnd(2)) return makeTerm(depth - 1); else return ""; } function makeCrazyToken() { if (rnd(2) == 0) { // This can be more aggressive once bug 368694 is fixed. return String.fromCharCode(32 + rnd(128 - 32)); } return rndElt([ // Some of this is from reading jsscan.h. // Comments; comments hiding line breaks. "//", UNTERMINATED_COMMENT, (UNTERMINATED_COMMENT + "\n"), "/*\n*/", // groupers (which will usually be unmatched if they come from here ;) "[", "]", "{", "}", "(", ")", // a few operators "!", "@", "%", "^", "*", "|", ":", "?", "'", "\"", ",", ".", "/", "~", "_", "+", "=", "-", "++", "--", "+=", "%=", "|=", "-=", "#", "#1", "#1=", // usually an "invalid character", but used as sharps too // most real keywords plus a few reserved keywords " in ", " instanceof ", " let ", " new ", " get ", " for ", " if ", " else ", " else if ", " try ", " catch ", " finally ", " export ", " import ", " void ", " with ", " default ", " goto ", " case ", " switch ", " do ", " /*infloop*/while ", " return ", " yield ", " break ", " continue ", " typeof ", " var ", " const ", // several keywords can be used as identifiers. these are just a few of them. " enum ", // JS_HAS_RESERVED_ECMA_KEYWORDS " debugger ", // JS_HAS_DEBUGGER_KEYWORD " super ", // TOK_PRIMARY! " this ", // TOK_PRIMARY! " null ", // TOK_PRIMARY! " undefined ", // not a keyword, but a default part of the global object "\n", // trigger semicolon insertion, also acts as whitespace where it might not be expected "\r", "\u2028", // LINE_SEPARATOR? "\u2029", // PARA_SEPARATOR? "<" + "!" + "--", // beginning of HTML-style to-end-of-line comment (!) "--" + ">", // end of HTML-style comment "", "\0", // confuse anything that tries to guess where a string ends. but note: "illegal character"! ]); } function makeE4X(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); if (depth <= 0) return cat(["<", "x", ">", "<", "y", "/", ">", "<", "/", "x", ">"]); var dr = depth - 1; var y = [ function(dr) { return '<employee id="1"><name>Joe</name><age>20</age></employee>' }, function(dr) { return cat(["<", ">", makeSubE4X(dr), "<", "/", ">"]); }, // xml list function(dr) { return cat(["<", ">", makeExpr(dr), "<", "/", ">"]); }, // bogus or text function(dr) { return cat(["<", "zzz", ">", makeExpr(dr), "<", "/", "zzz", ">"]); }, // bogus or text // mimic parts of this example at a time, from the e4x spec: <x><{tagname} {attributename}={attributevalue+attributevalue}>{content}</{tagname}></x>; function(dr) { var tagId = makeId(dr); return cat(["<", "{", tagId, "}", ">", makeSubE4X(dr), "<", "/", "{", tagId, "}", ">"]); }, function(dr) { var attrId = makeId(dr); var attrValExpr = makeExpr(dr); return cat(["<", "xxx", " ", "{", attrId, "}", "=", "{", attrValExpr, "}", " ", "/", ">"]); }, function(dr) { var contentId = makeId(dr); return cat(["<", "xxx", ">", "{", contentId, "}", "<", "/", "xxx", ">"]); }, // namespace stuff function(dr) { var contentId = makeId(dr); return cat(['<', 'bbb', ' ', 'xmlns', '=', '"', makeExpr(dr), '"', '>', makeSubE4X(dr), '<', '/', 'bbb', '>']); }, function(dr) { var contentId = makeId(dr); return cat(['<', 'bbb', ' ', 'xmlns', ':', 'ccc', '=', '"', makeExpr(dr), '"', '>', '<', 'ccc', ':', 'eee', '>', '<', '/', 'ccc', ':', 'eee', '>', '<', '/', 'bbb', '>']); }, function(dr) { return makeExpr(dr); }, function(dr) { return makeSubE4X(dr); }, // naked cdata things, etc. ] return (rndElt(y))(dr); } function makeSubE4X(depth) { if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(depth); // Bug 380431 // if (rnd(8) == 0) // return "<" + "!" + "[" + "CDATA[" + makeExpr(depth - 1) + "]" + "]" + ">" if (depth < -2) return ""; var y = [ function(depth) { return cat(["<", "ccc", ":", "ddd", ">", makeSubE4X(depth - 1), "<", "/", "ccc", ":", "ddd", ">"]); }, function(depth) { return makeE4X(depth) + makeSubE4X(depth - 1); }, function(depth) { return "yyy"; }, function(depth) { return cat(["<", "!", "--", "yy", "--", ">"]); }, // XML comment // Bug 380431 // function(depth) { return cat(["<", "!", "[", "CDATA", "[", "zz", "]", "]", ">"]); }, // XML cdata section function(depth) { return " "; }, function(depth) { return ""; }, ]; return (rndElt(y))(depth); } var count; var verbose = false; var maxHeapCount = 0; var sandbox = null; // //try { eval("/") } catch(e) { } // Remember the number of countHeap. tryItOut(""); init(); /************************************** * To reproduce a crash or assertion: * **************************************/ // 1. Comment "start();" out. //start(); // 2. Paste the "tryItOut" lines from the run's output in here. // grep tryIt LOGFILE | grep -v "function tryIt" // If you're lucky, you'll only need the last line. Otherwise, use Lithium to // figure out which lines are needed. // DDBEGIN // DDEND // 3. Run it. for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) makeStatement(8);
Public Domain
§ 59) TRUSTEE'S DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATION 155 Under section 23 of the original act, it is settled by re- peated decisions in the United States Supreme Court that the federal courts did not have jurisdiction over such suits, unless they would have had jurisdiction of the contro- versy in case bankruptcy proceedings had not been in- stituted, and the controversy had been between the bank- rupt and adverse claimants.26 The effect of these decisions was to take from the fed- eral courts all but their mere administrative jurisdiction, and to relegate to the state courts the most important class of controversies which arise under the bankrupt act. The amendment of February 5, 1903, was intended to restore this jurisdiction to the federal courts. It amended section 23b to read as follows, the added portion being in italics : "Suits by the trustee shall only be brought or prosecuted in the courts where the bankrupt whose estate is being ad- ministered by such trustee might have brought or prose- cuted them if proceedings in bankruptcy had not been in- stituted, unless by consent of the proposed defendant, except suits for the recovery of property under section 60, subdivi- sion 'b' and section 67, subdivision 'e.'" The act of June 25, 1910, further amended this by adding at the end the words "and section 70, subdivision 'e.' " It also added to section 60, par. "b" (the section avoid- ing illegal preferences), to section 67e (the section avoid- ing conveyances made to hinder, delay, and defraud), and to section 70e (the section authorizing the trustee to avoid illegal transfers) the following words: "For the purpose of such recovery any court of bankruptcy, as hereinbefore defined, and any state court which would have had juris- diction if bankruptcy had not intervened, shall have con- current jurisdiction." ze Bardes v. First Nat. Bank, 178 U. S. 524, 20 Sup. Ct 1000, 44 L. Ed. 1175; Jaquith v. Rowley, 188 U. S. 620, 23 Sup. Ct 369, 47 L. Ed. 620. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-~Ko.) §§ 210, 211; Cent. Dig. §§ 321-323. 156 DISTRICT COURT — BANKRUPTCY (Ch. 7 Under section 1, subd. 8, courts of bankruptcy are de- fined as including the district courts of the United States, and the territories, the supreme court of the District of Columbia, and the United States courts of the Indian Ter- ritory and of Alaska. Hence, under this amendment, these federal courts would have concurrent jurisdiction with the state courts over such controversies. But in a case aris- ing prior to the amendment of June 25, 1910, it was held that a suit by a trustee to set aside a fraudulent transfer of a bankrupt's property more than four months before the filing of the petition could not be sustained in the fed- eral court unless the defendant consented; because such a suit would not fall under either section 60b or section 67e, but only under section 70e, which was not then ex- cepted.27 The addition made by the act of June 25, 1910, though made before this decision, seems to remedy this difficulty. These amendments however apply only to the cases therein named, that is, illegal preferences under section 60b, conveyances to hinder, delay and defraud under sec- tion 67e, and illegal transfers under section 70e. They do not apply to ordinary controversies not included in either of these classes.28 In a suit by the trustee to set aside an alleged illegal transfer, the bankrupt is not a necessary party, as he no longer has any interest in the result.29 27 Wood v. A. Wilbert's Sons Shingle & Lumber Co., 226 U. S. 384, 33 Sup. Ct. 125, 57 L. Ed. . See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key- No.) §§ 210, 292, 293. 28 Harris v. First Nat. Bank of Mt. Pleasant, Texas, 216 U. S. 382, 30 Sup. Ct. 296, 54 L. Ed. 528. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 293. 29 Buffington v. Harvey, 95 U. S. 99, 24 L. Ed. 381. See "Bank- ruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 299; Cent. Dig § 448. § 60) TRUSTEE'S DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATION 157 SAME— THE CIRCUMSTANCES AVOIDING AN AL- LEGED ILLEGAL TRANSFER 60. The circumstances which will avoid an alleged illegal transfer are (1) that the bankrupt must be insolvent, and (2) that the party benefited must have had reasonable cause to believe that the bankrupt was insolvent, and that he intended to violate the provisions of the act. Under sections 60 and 67, a suit to avoid an illegal pref- erence is not sustainable unless the bankrupt is insolvent, and unless the person receiving it or to be benefited there- by, or his agent acting therein, shall have had reasonable cause to believe that it was intended thereby to give a preference, or, in the case of liens, that the party had rea- sonable cause to believe that the defendant was insolvent and in contemplation of bankruptcy, or that the lien was sought and permitted in fraud of the provisions of the act. This applies simply to these two methods of creating an illegal preference. As to suits to set aside a conveyance with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud creditors, based on statutes similar to the statute of 13 Elizabeth, they are void, except as to purchasers in good faith, and for present, fair consideration. In reference to preferences, therefore, two requisites must concur before the trustee can recover: First, the bankrupt must be insolvent; and, second, the transferee must have had reasonable cause to believe he intended to give a preference, which involves reasonable cause to be- lieve that he was insolvent ; or, as to liens, that he was in- solvent and in contemplation of bankruptcy, or that such lien was sought and permitted in fraud of the provisions of the act. Substantially, therefore, the bankrupt must, in the first place, be insolvent; and, in the second place, 158 DISTRICT COURT — BANKRUPTCY (Ch. 7 the party benefited must have reasonable cause to believe that he was insolvent, and that he intended to violate the provisions of the act.30 SAME— SAME— INSOLVENCY 61. A party is deemed insolvent, under the provisions of the first section of the act whenever the aggre- gate of his property exclusive of any property which he may have conveyed, transferred, con- cealed, or removed, or permitted to be concealed, or removed, with intent to defraud, hinder, or de- lay his creditors, shall not, at a fair valuation, be sufficient in amount to pay his debts. This marks a radical distinction between the present act and the act of 1867. Under the latter act a party was in- solvent when he was unable to meet his debts as they ac- crued. Under the present act, if his property is sufficient to pay his debts, he is solvent, though he may go to pro- test and fail to provide for their payment. This is true even as to the bankrupt himself, in passing upon the ques- tion whether he has committed those acts of bankruptc)r which involve insolvency as an essential element.31 This meaning of insolvency is so different from its usual meaning in the law that even the appointment of a receiv- er on the ground of insolvency under a state statute, where the word has its old meaning, does not prove insolvency under the bankrupt act with its present meaning. If a fair estimate shows an excess of assets over liabilities, the bankrupt is not insolvent.32 so Tumlin v. Bryan, 165 Fed. 166, 91 C. C. A. 200, 21 L. R. A. (N. S.) 960; In re The Leader (D. C.) 190 Fed. 624. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) §§ 160, 166; Cent. Dig. §§ 249-258. si In re Rogers' Milling Co. (D. C.) 102 Fed. 687. See "Bankrupt- cy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 160; Cent. Dig. § 249. 32 in re Doscher (D. C.) 120 Fed. 408. This is changed by the amendment of February 5, 1903, which makes the appointment of a § 61) TRUSTEE'S DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATION 159 Nor does any presumption of the existence of insolvency arise from the making of an adjudication in bankruptcy, nor from the want of ready money to pay debts.33 In determining the value of property, it is estimated on the theory of a fair appraisement, and not necessarily on the price that a purchaser would give who tried to take advantage of the bankrupt's situation.84 A partnership is solvent if the individual and firm as- sets together exceed the liabilities.36 But though the bankrupt is insolvent, the transaction will still hold, unless the party benefited had reasonable cause to believe that he was insolvent, and that he intend- ed to violate the act. Here, too, the decisions under the former act must be used with caution. Where insolvency consists in an inability to meet obligations as they mature, many circumstances of suspicion might be brought home to the party benefited that would be entitled to little weight under the meaning of the word in the present stat- ute. Even under the former act mere suspicion that the bankrupt was in trouble, or knowledge that he was slow in paying his debts, was not sufficient to bring such knowl- edge home to the party benefited. Under the present act a stronger train of circumstances would be necessary, for, receiver on the greiind of insolvency an act of bankruptcy. In pro- ceedings of this character the word may have a much wider mean- ing than under the bankrupt act. Cincinnati Equipment Co. v. Deg- nan, 184 Fed. 834, 107 C. C. A. 158. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 160; Cent. Dig. § 249. ss in re Chappell (D. C.) 113 Fed. 545. But where the fact of in- solvency is one of the issues necessarily involved in making the ad- judication, its existence is conclusively established by the adjudica- tion and cannot be collaterally questioned. Cook v. Robinson, 194 Fed. 785, 114 C. C. A. 505. See "Bankruptcy" Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) §§ 100, 160. s * In re Hines (D. C.) 144 Fed. 142; Rutland County Nat. Bank v. Graves (D. C.) 156 Fed. 168. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key- No.) §§ 54, 160; Cent. Dig. §§ 54, 84, 85, 249. ss Francis v. McNeal, 186 Fed. 481, 108 C. C. A. 549. See "Bank- ruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) §§ 54, 160; Cent. Dig. §§ 54, 84, 85, 249. 160 DISTRICT COURT — BANKRUPTCY (Ch. 7 as has been seen above, a party embarrassed might go to protest, and still be solvent. An interesting discussion of the meaning of insolvency under the present act, as com- pared with the old act, is contained in Re Eggert,36 though that decision apparently gives more weight to the cases under the old act than they ought to have, and does not sufficiently emphasize the difference between the two acts. So, too, the knowledge by the party benefited of the existence of certain indebtedness on the part of the bankrupt is not of itself sufficient, for it must be remem- bered that the interests of the commercial world demand freedom of alienation just as much as they demand the enforcement of the provisions of the bankrupt act.37 THE TRUSTEE'S INTEREST IN INSURANCE POLICIES 62. The trustee is entitled to any insurance policy payable to the bankrupt which has a cash surrender or an actual value, unless the bankrupt chooses to redeem such policy. Under section 70 the trustee is entitled to any insur- ance policy in the name of the bankrupt which has a cash surrender value and is payable to the bankrupt, unless the bankrupt chooses to redeem the policy. But this only applies to policies that have a cash surrender value, though the decisions on the point were for a long time in conflict.88 36 (D. C.) 98 Fed. 843, Id., 102 Fed. 735, 43 C. C. A. 1. See "Bank- ruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) §§ 54, 160, 166. 37 As to the test of "reasonable cause to believe," see First Nat. Bank of Philadelphia v. Abbott, 165 Fed. 852, 91 C. C. A. 538 ; Stern v. Paper (D. C.) 183 Fed. 228. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key- No.) § 166; Cent. Dig. §§ 250-258. ss Hiscock v. Mertens, 205 U. S. 202, 27 Sup. Ct. 488, 51 L. Ed. 771; Burlingham v. Grouse, 228 U. S. 459, 33 Sup. Ct. 564, 57 L. Ed.. This section of the act does not apply in states which make an in- surance policy exempt from claims of creditors. In such case the § 64) TRUSTEE'S POWER OF SALE 161 THE TRUSTEE'S INTEREST IN RIGHTS OF AC- TION 63. The trustee is entitled to all rights of action arising upon contracts, or from the unlawful taking or detention of, or injury to, the bankrupt's property. The seventieth section of the act provides that the trus- tee shall be entitled to all rights of action arising upon contracts, or from the unlawful taking or detention of, or injury to, the bankrupt's property. Under this provision the trustee does not become entitled to the bankrupt's right of action for torts to the person — for instance, to rights of action for slander or malicious prosecution.39 THE TRUSTEE'S POWER OF SALE 64. The trustee has the power to hold a sale after due no- tice to all parties in interest, which, however, is subject to confirmation by the court. The sale may be a public or private one, according to cir- cumstances. This power is necessarily implied in the right given by the forty-seventh section of the act to collect and reduce to money the property of the estates for which they are trus- bankrupt can retain them without being required to pay the cash surrender value to the trustee. Holden v. Stratton, 198 U. S. 202, 25 Sup. Ct. 656, 49 L. Ed. 1018 ; In re Johnson (D. C.) 176 Fed. 591. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 396; Cent. Dig. §§ 659-668. 39 Dillard v. Collins, 25 Grat (Va.) 343; In re Haensell (D. C.) 91 Fed. 355. An action of deceit based on false representations as to goods is an injury to property and passes to the trustee. In re Gay (D. C.) 182 Fed. 260. So an action to recover usurious interest. First Nat. Bank v. Lasater, 196 U. S. 115, 25 Sup. Ct. 206, 49 L. Ed. 408. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 145; Cent. Dig. §§ 205, 230-234. HUGHES FED.PB.(2o ED.)— 11 162 DISTRICT COURT — BANKRUPTCY (Ch. 7 tees, under the direction of the court. Under the fifty- eighth section, creditors are entitled to notice of all pro- posed sales of property; and, after the property is sold, the court has a general supervision over the question whether to confirm the sale or not, and exercises it under the or- dinary principles governing judicial sales, but will not set aside a sale merely because a somewhat better price could be obtained, though it will set it aside if improperly con- ducted, though the purchaser was not himself guilty of any impropriety.40 The eighteenth bankruptcy order 41 requires sales to be at public auction, unless otherwise ordered, but permits private sales under certain circumstances. There is no express provision in the present act authoriz- ing the sale of property free of incumbrances. This was a common practice under the former act, and the courts deduce the right to order such sales under the present act from the necessity for prompt action, and the general pow- ers conferred upon them by the act. A sale may be or- dered free from incumbrances even when it is not certain that there is no equity of redemption.42 But there must be some probability that it is to the in- terest of the general creditors, before such a sale will be ordered.43 Such a sale, however, cannot be ordered without giving 40 in re Ethier (D. C.) 118 Fed. 107; In re Belden (D. C.) 120 Fed. 524 ; In re Shea (D. C.) 122 Fed. 742. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 269; Cent. Dig. § 370. 41 172 U. S. 659, 18 Sup. Ct vl, 43 L. Ed. 1191; post, p. 460. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 262; Cent. Dig. §§ S6S-S65. 4 2 In re Union Trnst Co., 122 Fed, 937, 59 C. C. A. 461; In re Torchia (D. C.) 185 Fed. 576. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 258; Cent. Dig. §§ S58-362. 4 s in re Pittelkow (D. O.) 92 Fed. 901; Southern Loan & Trust Co. v. Benbow (D. C.) 96 Fed. 514; In re Shaeffer (D. C.) 105 Fed. 352; In re Roger Brown & Co., 196 Fed. 758, 116 C. C. A. 386; In re Fayettevllle Wagon-Wood & Lumber Co. (D. C.) 197 Fed. 580. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 257. § 65) TRUSTEE'S DUTIES AS TO DISTRIBUTION 163 notice to all parties in interest, and giving them a day in court.44 A sale may be ordered by the referee.45 THE TRUSTEE'S DUTIES AS TO DISTRIBUTION OF THE ESTATE 65. It is the trustee's duty to distribute the estate in ac- cordance with, and observance of, certain priori- ties prescribed by law. In the distribution, certain priorities are prescribed by the sixty-fourth section of the act. The trustee must, of course, observe them. He must pay all taxes due to the United States or state, or any municipal subdivision there- of, before he can pay any dividend, including taxes after his qualification.46 Debts Due the United States It was long a question, under the present act, whether debts due to the United States which are not taxes are a prior claim. Under the act of 1867 there was an express provision giving- them priority.47 The fact that this pro- vision is omitted in the present act, and only taxes due the United States mentioned as prior, might be taken as 44 Factors' & Traders' Ins. Co. v. Murphy, 111 U. S. 738, 4 Sup. Ct. 679, 28 L. Ed. 582 ; In re Plttelkow (D. C.) 92 Fed. 901 ; In re Kohl-Hepp Brick Co., 176 Fed. 340, 100 C. C. A. 260. But if he knows of the sale and does not object, he cannot set up want of for- mal notice. In re Caldwell (D. C.) 178 Fed. 377. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 261; Cent. Dig. §§ 361, 362. 4 5 in re Sanborn (D. C.) 96 Fed. 551; In re "Waterloo Organ Co. (D. C.) 118 Fed. 904 ; In re Miners' Brewing Co. (D. C.) 162 Fed. 327. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 262. 46 S warts v. Hammer, 194 U. S. 441, 24 Sup. Ct. 695, 48 L. Ed. 1060. And he must not wait for the tax officials to present the bills. In re Weissman (D. C.) 178 Fed. 115. Water rents under municipal ordinances are taxes. In re Industrial Cold Storage & Ice Co. (D. C.) 163 Fed. 390. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 346; Cent. Dig. § 535. 47 Lewis v. U. S., 92 U. S. 618, 23 L. Ed. 513. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) §§ 345, 349; Cent. Dig. § 533. 164 DISTRICT COURT — BANKRUPTCY (Ch. 7 some evidence of an intent on the part of Congress to abolish that priority; but, on the other hand, the bankrupt law contains no section to the effect that its provisions are intended to be exclusive, and contains no clause of repeal of any other acts. Hence section 3466 of the Revised Statutes,48 which gives priority to the United States in the event of winding up an insolvent estate, is not affected by the bankrupt act. The ordinary principles of construc- tion, which lean against excluding the sovereign from the benefits of statutes, would be applicable, and tend to strengthen the claim of the government to priority. Hence, even if the government did not prove its claim at all, no laches could be imputed to it, and it would be the duty of the trustee, if he knew of the claim, to pay it. This priority of the government, however, is not in the nature of a lien, and, if the trustee distributed the estate without knowledge of a governmental claim against the bankrupt, he could not be held accountable for doing so.*' Under the first paragraph of the sixty-fourth section, the trustee must pay taxes even upon the property of the bankrupt exempt as a homestead.50 And there is no obligation upon the governmental organ- ization to whom the taxes are due to prove its claim for taxes, but it is the duty of the trustee to pay them without such proof.51 48 U. S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 2314. 4» Since the above was written the question of priority as between an ordinary debt due the United States and labor claims arose in Title Guaranty & Surety Co. v. Guarantee Title & Trust Co., 174 Fed. 385, 98 C. C. A. 603. It was decided in favor of the priority of the United States. On appeal the decision was reversed. Guarantee Title & Trust Co. v. Title Guaranty & Surety Co., 224 U. S. 152, 32 Sup. Ct. 457, 56 L. Ed. 706. But the opinion simply passes on the question of priority as to labor claims, and settles nothing as to oth- ers. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 349; Cent. Dig. § 533. so in re Tilden (D. C.) 91 Fed. 500. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 346; Cent. Dig. § 535. si In re Prince & Walter (D. C.) 131 Fed. 546. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 327. § 66) TRUSTEE'S DUTIES AS TO EXEMPTIONS 165 Priority of Wages Another priority given by the sixty-fourth section is wages due to workmen, clerks, or servants, which have been earned within three months before the date of the commencement of the proceedings, not to exceed $300 to each claimant. This provision is intended to cover the sub- ject of priority of wages. The clerk or workman cannot claim priority for three months under this provision, and then for a greater time where the state law gives him a greater protection, even under the fifth subdivision, giv- ing priority to debts owing to any person who by the laws of the states or the United States is entitled to priority. This last subdivision is not intended to extend the preced- ing subdivision relating to wages.52 This preference to wages does not displace existing liens.53 This provision is intended to cover wages which have accrued in three months, whether they are actually due and payable or not.54 THE TRUSTEE'S DUTIES AS TO THE BANK- RUPT'S EXEMPTIONS 66. It is the trustee's duty to set apart all exemptions in favor of the bankrupt allowed by the state or fed- eral law. It is then within the province of the bankrupt court to allow or disallow said exemp- tions. s 2 in re Shaw (D. C.) 109 Fed. 782; In re Slomka, 122 Fed. 630, 58 C. C. A. 322; In re McDavid Lumber Co. (D. C.) 190 Fed. 97; In re H. O. Roberts Co. (D. C.) 193 Fed. 294. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-^o.) § 31,8; Cent. Dig. § 536. 53 in re Proudfoot (C. C.) 173 Fed. 733; In re Yoke Vitrified Brick Co. (D. C.) 180 Fed. 235. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § S-fS; Cent. Dig. § 536. s* In re B. H. Gladding Co. (D. C.) 120 Fed. 709. See "Bankrupt- cy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § S48; Cent. Dig. § 536. 166 DISTRICT COURT — BANKRUPTCY (Ch. 7 The bankrupt is entitled, under the sixth section, to the exemptions allowed by the state laws; and, under the forty-seventh section, it is the trustee's duty to set the ex- emption apart and report his action to the court. And under the eleventh subdivision of the second section, the court has power to determine all claims of bankrupts to their exemptions. Under this provision the court has pow- er to consider the bankrupt's claim to exemption up to the point when it is finally set aside to him. Prior to that it has the right to say whether the bankrupt is entitled to certain property as exempt, or not. For instance, where the state law provided that the bankrupt should not claim property as exempt against the purchase price, and the bankrupt set up a claim to such property, and the creditors came into the bankrupt court to resist the claim, the court has the power to pass upon it.55 In fact, the bankrupt court has exclusive jurisdiction to determine the claim of the bankrupt to an exemption.56 But when the exemption is once set aside to the bankrupt, it is no longer a part of the estate under the jurisdiction of the court, and then the court has no jurisdiction in controversies concerning it.57 It cannot consider disputes in relation to it between the bankrupt and creditors who claim to hold obligations waiv- ing it.58 55 in re Boyd (D. C.) 120 Fed. 999. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) §§ 293, 3.96. se McGahan v. Anderson, 113 Fed. 115, 51 C. C. A. 92 ; In re Mc- Crary (D. C.) 169 Fed. 485. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) §§ 293, 396. 5 7 in re Black (D. C.) 104 Fed. 289; In re McKissac (D. C.) 171 Fed. 259. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) §§ 293. 396. ss LOCKWOOD v. EXCHANGE BANK, 190 U. S. 294, 23 Sup. Ct. 751, 47 L. Ed. 1061. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) §§ 396, 399. § 67) DISTRICT COUET — BANKRUPTCY 167 CHAPTER VIII DISTRICT COURT (Continued)— BANKRUPTCY (Continued) 67. The Discharge — Application for. 68. Same — Method of Opposing. 69. Same — Burden of Proof. 70. Grounds of Opposition to Discharge. 71. The Debts Not Affected by a Discharge. 72. Revocation of a Discharge. THE DISCHARGE— APPLICATION FOR 67. The discharge is the release of the bankrupt from all of his indebtedness which the bankruptcy can affect. Application therefor may be made within certain limits as to time ; and, upon notice to all parties in interest; and after a hearing granted the applicant and those who oppose the discharge, the same is granted or refused by the court. The procedure relating to a discharge is regulated by section 14 of the act, as amended by the acts of February 5, 1903, and June 25, 1910 (U. S. Comp. St. Supp. 1911, p. 1496). The application cannot be made until one month after the adjudication, and must be made within twelve months after it, though the judge may, under certain cir- cumstances, allow six additional months.1 Under section 58 of the original act the creditors are en- titled to ten days' notice, by mail, of any hearing upon the application for the discharge. This notice must be by mail, «K,nd cannot be by publication — certainly not unless it is i In re Chase (D. C.) 186 Fed. 408 ; In re Bacon, 193 Fed. 34, 113 C. C. A. 358. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 410; Cent. Dig. § 694- 168 DISTRICT COURT — BANKRUPTCY . (Ch. 8 shown that the address of the creditor cannot be obtained.2 The amendment of June 25, 1910, has enlarged the notice required in case of discharge to thirty days. Corporations as well as individuals may ask for a dis- charge.3 Where a partnership has filed a petition in bankruptcy, the individual partners may apply separately for a dis- charge, and need not join in such application.4 A bankrupt who applied for a discharge under the act of 1867 and was refused is not thereby precluded from apply- ing under the act of 1898. The two acts are entirely dis- similar, and adjudications under the first would not be res judicata under the second. And this second application may be for a discharge from debts existing under the old act as well.5 The better opinion is that a bankrupt can apply for a discharge but once. He is then given his day in court and opportunity to show his right to a discharge, and he can- not expect to relitigate the question.6 The parties entitled to oppose a discharge in addition to the trustee are, in the language of the act, "parties in in- terest." This includes a creditor whose name is in the bankrupt's list of creditors, although he has not proved his debt.7 2 In re Dvorak (D. C.) 107 Fed. 76. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § $12; Cent. Dig. §§ 696, 697. s In re Marshall Paper Co., 102 Fed. 872, 43 C. C. A. 38. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 404. * In re Meyers (D. C.) 97 Fed. 757. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 404- e In re Herrman (D. C.) 102 Fed. 753 ; Id., 106 Fed. 987, 46 C. C. A. 77. See "Bankruptcy" Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 404- « In re Fiegenbaum, 121 Fed. 69, 57 C. C. A. 409 ; In re Silverraan, 157 Fed. 675, 85 C. C. A. 224; In re Pullian (D. C.) 171 Fed. 595. Contra, In re Claff (D. C.) Ill Fed. 506. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 404- i In re Conroy (D. C.) 134 Fed. 764 ; In re Harr (D. C.) 143 Fed. 421. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 405; Cent. Dig. §§ 709- 711. § 68) THE DISCHARGE 169 A creditor who has appeared in a bankruptcy proceeding cannot oppose the discharge on the ground that the peti- tion for bankruptcy was not filed in the right district. By appearing he waives any objections which merely affect the question of the personal jurisdiction of the court over the bankrupt.8 SAME— METHOD OF OPPOSING 68. The method of opposing a discharge is by specifica- tions filed by parties in interest, setting out the grounds of opposition with reasonable particulari- ty, and giving such facts as will enable the bank- rupt to defend himself. This raises the issues of law and fact, the statements of the specifications being presumed to be denied by the bankrupt, and no further step is required of the bankrupt. He can raise legal questions by motion to dismiss. The act requires the judge to hear the application for a discharge, and such proofs and pleas as may be made in opposition thereto by the trustee or other parties in inter- est. Under this language the question must be raised by formal specifications in opposition. These must set out the grounds on which the discharge is opposed with reasonable particularity, giving such necessary facts in connection with the general charge as will enable the bankrupt to de- fend himself. The party opposing cannot merely come in and follow the language of the statute defining the grounds of opposition to a bankrupt's discharge.9 s In re Clisdell (D. C.) 101 Fed. 246; ante, p. 94, note 18, and p. 102, note 41. See "Banlcruptoy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 405; Cent. Dig. §§ 109-711. » In re Goodale (D. C.) 109 Fed. 783 ; In re Peck (D. C.) 120 Fed. 972; In re Bromley (D. C.) 152 Fed. 493. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 413; Cent. Dig. §§ 712-727. 170 DISTRICT COUBT — BANKRUPTCY (Ch. 8 But though the specifications are vague and indefinite, the bankrupt cannot go to trial on them in the lower court, and raise this objection to them for the first time in the appellate court.10 The court may, in its discretion, allow the specifications to be amended so as to make them more definite, but it is not apt to exercise this discretion in this manner where the creditors have been guilty of laches.11 When the specifications are filed, it is not necessary for the bankrupt to join any formal issue thereon. As far as they raise questions of fact, they are presumed to be denied by the bankrupt, and his failure to file a formal paper deny- ing them is not an admission of their validity, and would not authorize any default decree against him. As to ques- tions of law, he need not file any paper in the nature of a demurrer. He can raise the questions before the court on motion to dismiss.12 SAME— BURDEN OF PROOF 69. The burden is upon creditors opposing a discharge to prove the facts necessary to defeat it by a pre- ponderance of evidence clear and convincing. There is some conflict of decision as to the quantity of evidence necessary to prove the ground alleged as opposi- tion to the discharge. There can be no question that the 10 In re Osborne, 115 Fed. 1, 52 C. C. A. 595. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) §§ 413, 458. 11 Id.; In re Glass (D. C.) 119 Fed. 509; In re Carley, 117 Fed. 130, 55 C. C. A. 146; Kentucky Nat. Bank v. Carley, 121 Fed. 822, 58 C. C. A. 158. Nor would an amendment adding a new ground of opposition be permitted after the 10 days allowed by the rule for filing them. In re Johnson (D. C.) 192 Fed. 356. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 413. 12 In re Logan (D. C.) 102 Fed. 876; In re Crist (D. C.) 116 Fed. 1007. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 413. § 69) THE DISCHARGE 171 burden of proof in the first instance is upon the creditor opposing it. It has been held in some cases that a fair pre- ponderance of evidence is all that is necessary in order to sustain this burden of proof.13 On the other hand, it has been held, on stronger reasoning, that, although the proof need not be such as to leave the matter beyond a reason- able doubt, it must be more than a mere preponderance, and must be clear and convincing.14 The grounds on which a discharge can be opposed are, in the main, grounds connected with the commission of a criminal offense, or the commission of some fraud. While the proceeding to show that a criminal offense has been committed as a means of defeating the discharge is not a criminal proceeding, it has the effect of fastening the com- mission of a crime upon the defendant. Hence it is not un- reasonable to expect proof beyond that required in ordi- nary civil suits. The release of a debtor from a load of debt, and his restoration to the producing class of the com- munity, are the fundamental reasons for the enactment of the bankrupt law, and the presumptions ought to be in fa- vor of his discharge. Hence, while it might be too heavy a burden on the creditor to require the amount of proof necessary in criminal procedure, it is not putting too much upon him to require a degree of proof equal to that re- quired for the proof of fraud in ordinary civil proceedings. Policy as to Granting Discharge The policy of the bankrupt court is in favor of granting a discharge. The act contemplates a speedy discharge, and the court will not permit creditors to unreasonably delay is In re Leslie (D. C.) 119 Fed. 406; In re Dauchy (D. C.) 122 Fed. 688. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 414; Cent. Dig. §§ 720-722. i* In re Corn (D. C.) 106 Fed. 143; In re Howden (D. C.) Ill Fed. 723 ; Garry v. Jefferson Bank, 186 Fed. 461, 108 C. C. A. 439 ; In re Taylor (D. C.) 188 Fed. 479. See "Bankruptcy," Deo. Dig. (Key-Hfo.) | 414; Cent. Dig. §§ 720-722. 172 DISTRICT COURT — BANKRUPTCY (Ch. 8 it. Nor will the court go out of its way to find grounds for refusing it.15 Collateral Weight of Discharge A discharge is a personal privilege, like the statute of limitations; and therefore, when a creditor is sued, he must plead his discharge, or judgment will go against him, as in any other uncontested case.18 When a discharge is pleaded, the court in which it is pleaded must assume that the proceedings upon it were regular, and that proper notices were given. It cannot be attacked collaterally.17 GROUNDS OF OPPOSITION TO DISCHARGE 70. The general grounds of opposition to a discharge are, as prescribed by the statute : (1) Commission of offenses against the bankrupt act. ; (2) Intentional destruction or concealment of, or failure to keep, accounts. (3) Obtaining money or property on credit by false statement in writing for that purpose. (4) Removal, destruction, or concealment of property, with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud creditors, within four months previous to filing of petition. (5) Prior discharge in bankruptcy within six years in voluntary proceedings. IB In re Mudd (D. C.) 105 Fed. 348 ; In re Hixon (D. C.) 93 Fed. 440; Hardie v. Swafford Bros. Dry Goods Co., 165 Fed. 588, 91 C. C. A. 426, 20 L. R. A. (N. S.) 785. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key- No.) §§ 407, 41o. leFowle v. Park (C. C.) 48 Fed. 789; In re Wesson (D. C.) 88 Fed. 855; Friedman v. Zweifler, 74 Misc. Rep. 448, 132 N. Y. Supp. 320; Heelman v. Goldstone, 161 Fed. 913, 88 C. C. A. 604. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 435; Cent. Dig. §§ 824-839. 1 7 Jarecki Mf ?. Co. v. McElwaine (C. C.) 107 Fed. 249 ; First Na- tional Bank v. Masterson, 29 Okl. 76, 116 Pac. 162. See "Bankrupt- cy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 419; Cent. Dig. §§ 843-852. § 70) GROUNDS OF OPPOSITION TO DISCHARGE 173 (6) Refusal to obey lawful order of, or to answer any material question approved by, the court in the course of the bankruptcy proceedings. These are set out in section 14 of the act, par. "b." As originally enacted, it read as follows: "(b) The judge shall hear the application for a dis- charge, and such proofs and pleas as may be made in op- position thereto by parties in interest, at such time as will give parties in interest a reasonable opportunity to be fully heard, and investigate the merits of the application and discharge the applicant unless he has (1) committed an of- fense punishable by imprisonment as herein provided; or (2) with fraudulent intent to conceal his true financial con- dition and in contemplation of bankruptcy, destroyed, con- cealed or failed to keep books of account or records from which his true condition might be ascertained." The acts of February 5, 1903, and June 25, 1910, have radically changed this section, not only in language, but by the addition of several grounds not contained in the orig- inal act, so that it now reads as follows: "(b) The judge shall hear the application for a dis- charge, and such proofs and pleas as may be made in op- position thereto by the trustee or other parties in interest, at such time as will give the trustee or parties in interest a reasonable opportunity to be fully heard, and investigate the merits of the application and discharge the applicant unless he has (1) committed an offense punishable by im- prisonment as herein provided; or (2) with intent to con- ceal his financial condition, destroyed, concealed or failed to keep books of account or records from which such condi- tion might be ascertained ; or (3) obtained money or prop- erty on credit upon a materially false statement in writing, made by him to any person or his representative lor the purpose of obtaining credit from such person; or (4) at any time subsequent to the first day of the four months im- 174 DISTRICT COURT — BANKRUPTCY (Ch. i» In re Tinker (D. C.) 99 Fed. 79; Tinker v. Col well, 193 U. S. 473, 24 Sup. Ct. 505, 48 L. Ed. 754; In re Black (D. C.) 97 Fed. 493; In re Carnrichael (D. C.) 96 Fed. 594. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key-No.) § 407. § 70) QBOUNDS OF OPPOSITION TO DISCHARGE 175 suit brought against him, but are not proper issues on an application to the court to obtain it.20 Commission of Offense as Ground of Opposition The first ground specified on which a discharge can be opposed is that the bankrupt "has committed an offense punishable by imprisonment as herein provided." The of- fenses against the bankrupt act are set out in section 29 of the act. So far as they relate to the bankrupt himself, the first two named in paragraph "b" are practically the only ones which can be urged against a discharge. The first of these is, having knowingly and fraudulently con- cealed while a bankrupt, or, after his discharge, from his trustee, any of the property belonging to his estate in bank- ruptcy. Mere proof of the existence of property not re- ported by the bankrupt is not sufficient to defeat his dis- charge on this ground. It must be proved to have been knowingly and fraudulently concealed. It is not sufficient to prove simply former possession of the property by the bankrupt, but present ownership as well must be shown.21 The offense of fraudulent concealment may be proved from the bankrupt's statements on his examination, and those statements can be used against him for that purpose, as the proceeding is not a criminal proceeding.22 The second offense relating to the bankrupt is having knowingly and fraudulently made a false oath or account in or in relation to any proceeding in bankruptcy. This, offense is committed when the bankrupt purposely omits property from his sworn schedules.23 20 in re Marshall Paper Co., 102 Fed. 872, 43 C. C. A. 38; In re McCarty (D. C.) Ill Fed. 151. See "Bankruptcy," Dec. Dig. (Key- No.) § 407.
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const Command = require('../../lib/Structures/CommandBase/Weeb'); class CryCommand extends Command { constructor(...args) { super(...args, { enabled: true, desciption: 'This command needs description...' }); this.weeb = { type: 'cry' }; } } module.exports = CryCommand;
Public Domain
Electronic device package structures ABSTRACT A sealing layer is provided on a surface of a substrate, such as a semiconductor wafer. The sealing layer includes apertures which expose external contact locations for semiconductor dice formed on the wafer. Solder paste is deposited in the apertures and reflowed to form discrete conductive elements for attachment of electronic devices to higher level circuit structures. The wafer is then divided or “singulated” to provide individual semiconductor dice having their active surfaces covered by the sealing layer. In this manner, the sealing layer initially acts as a stencil for forming the discrete conductive elements and subsequently forms a chip scale package structure to protect the semiconductor dice from the environment. CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION This application is a divisional of application Ser. No. 10/370,755, filed Feb. 20, 2003, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,043,830, issued May 16, 2006. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to packaging of electronic devices. More particularly, the present invention relates to a sealing layer that protects the surface of a semiconductor die and is also used to form conductive bumps on the die bond pads. 2. State of the Art Factors of cost and density are increasingly important in the electronics industry. Conventionally, high density electronic devices in the form of semiconductor dice are packaged in housings for protection from the environment and to provide electrical connections with the higher level circuit structures into which they are incorporated. In an effort to reduce size and expense, semiconductor manufacturers have developed chip scale package (CSP) structures which add minimal dimension to the completed devices and eliminate processing steps associated with prior packaging methods. These CSP structures often involve forming protective polymer layers or other material films adhered directly on a surface of a semiconductor die to seal it from the environment. According to this process, a passivation layer is typically formed on the active surface of the die with apertures to expose the die bond pads, and an under-bump metallization (UBM) layer is formed over the exposed bond pads. The UBM layer provides improved bonding properties and, if necessary, extends across the passivation layer in the form of a redistribution layer to relocate the external contact locations for connecting the die to higher level circuit structures. Discrete conductive elements in the shape of bumps or balls are then formed on or attached to the external contact locations to enable connection with higher level circuit structures by flip-chip or tape automated bonding (TAB) attachment. A mask layer may optionally be applied to surround the external contact locations prior to forming the conductive bumps, which prevents the bump material from wicking onto adjacent die surfaces. Finally, a layer of polymer or similar sealing material may be coated onto one or more surfaces of the die to complete the CSP. The completed package is essentially no larger than the die itself. A further advantage of CSP structures is that they may be fashioned wholly or in part prior to the singulation of a wafer containing a plurality of semiconductor die locations. This approach, often being referred to as “wafer-level packaging,” thereby provides simultaneous formation of a large number of electronic device packages. After the desired circuitry, bond pads, a passivation layer, UBM and optional mask layers for the electronic devices have been fabricated on the active surface of the wafer, conductive bumps are provided using conventional formation methods. One widely used method is by evaporative deposition of metal onto a mask. The mask is formed on the wafer with apertures corresponding to the bond pad locations and consecutive layers of metal are deposited in the apertures. Once enough metal is deposited, the mask is removed and the metal is reflowed by heating to a molten state to form a final bump or ball shape. Another alternative is to employ stencil printing. Rather than evaporating metal through a mask, a solder paste is screened over a stencil and fills apertures therein corresponding to the bond pad locations. The stencil is removed from the surface of the wafer, and the solder is reflowed for bonding to the UBM. Once the conductive bumps are in place, the entire active surface of the wafer is coated with the aforementioned CSP sealing layer. This is accomplished by molding, spin-coating or otherwise applying the sealing layer to the surface of the wafer by methods known in the art. The wafer is subsequently singulated to excise the individual semiconductor dice, and further sealing layers may be added to coat any remaining exposed die surfaces. A disadvantage to wafer-level packaging has been that the above-described methods for forming conductive bumps are often cumbersome and unreliable. The evaporative deposition method, for instance, requires a great deal of time to apply the metal and further involves a large capital investment for deposition equipment. Likewise, in the stencil printing method, portions of the solder paste may be retained in the stencil apertures during removal, thereby producing nonuniform bump volumes which create problems with die connection to higher level circuit structures. Stencils used for bump formation also typically require aperture depths of only a few thousandths of an inch and are, therefore, constructed of thin sheets of material which may be easily damaged during handling. Another drawback that has heretofore been encountered with wafer-level packaging involves forming the conductive bumps before applying the sealing layer to the wafer active surface. The sealing layer often completely covers the conductive bumps and must, therefore, be etched back, ground down or otherwise partially removed to expose the conductive bumps for electrical contact. Furthermore, surface tension between the sealing layer material and the conductive bumps can cause irregularities during coating and thereby reduce the uniformity of the sealing layer. Prior to singulation of the semiconductor dice from the wafer, it may also be necessary to reduce the thickness of a wafer by back grinding. This is desirable to minimize the amount of time required to saw through a thick wafer during singulation and further reduces the final package size. Because back grinding is typically carried out after formation of the conductive bumps, it is necessary to cover them with a protective adhesive tape during the grinding operation. Further processing must then be carried out to remove the tape and clean the conductive bumps of any residual adhesive material. Plainly, what is needed are CSP structures and wafer-level packaging methods that eliminate existing problems associated with forming and further processing conductive bumps on the active surface of semiconductor dice. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In contrast to the above-described state of the art, the present invention enables conductive bumps to be formed on a semiconductor die after the die has been wholly or partially encased by CSP sealing layers. Specifically, the present invention provides a wafer-level packaging method wherein a sealing layer is applied to the active surface of a wafer, or other bulk semiconductor substrate, with apertures to expose the external contact locations of the semiconductor dice contained in the wafer. The sealing layer is subsequently used to form conductive bumps on the bond locations. In a manner similar to that used for forming bumps by stencil printing, solder paste is screened over the sealing layer and fills the apertures therein to cover the die external contact locations. The solder is reflowed, and surface tension pulls the solder into a bump or ball-like shape which can be used for connection to higher level circuit structures. By using the sealing layer as an in situ stencil, the conductive bumps may be formed without the complexity of evaporative deposition processes while eliminating the concern of retaining volumes of solder in a conventional separate stencil. Moreover, because the conductive bumps are formed after the active surface of the wafer has been sealed, additional processing to expose the bumps is not required and the conductive bumps will not create irregularities in the sealing layer. This also eliminates the need for covering the conductive bumps with tape during back grinding, as the conductive bumps may be applied after that process is complete. In one embodiment of the present invention, after forming the bond pads, passivation layer and UBM on the active surface of a wafer, a mask layer is applied by conventional methods to surround the UBM at defined external contact locations and seal off adjacent surfaces on the wafer. A sealing layer comprised of a polymer or other material with suitable sealing properties is then formed over the mask layer to cover the active surface of the wafer. The sealing layer is fashioned with apertures at the external contact locations which are dimensioned to contain enough solder paste to form a conductive bump of a specified volume. Once the sealing layer is in place, if necessary, the wafer is thinned using a back grinding process. After back grinding, solder paste is screened directly over the surface of the sealing layer to fill the apertures, and the solder paste is reflowed to form conductive bumps. The wafer is then singulated to provide individual semiconductor dice, with the sealing layer acting as a CSP structure to protect the active surfaces of the dice. Additional sealing layers may also be applied to other die surfaces, before or after singulation, to create CSP structures that provide a more completely encapsulated die. In a further embodiment of the present invention, the sealing layer is formed on the active surface of the wafer using stereolithography (STL). STL, as conventionally practiced, involves utilizing a computer to generate a three-dimensional model of an object to be fabricated, such generation usually being effected with computer-aided design (CAD) software. The model is comprised of a large number of relatively thin, superimposed layers, a completed stack of which defines the entire object. The model is then employed to generate an actual object by building the object, layer by superimposed layer. A wide variety of approaches have been developed for this STL object formation. One common approach involves the formation of solid structures by selectively curing volumes of a liquid polymer or resin material contained within a tank or reservoir. Depending on the liquid material composition, curing may be accomplished by exposure to irradiation of selected wavelengths of light or other electromagnetic radiation, for instance, when curing a material susceptible to initiation of cross-linking by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. In this manner, the sealing layer of the present invention may be provided by submerging a wafer below the surface of a curable liquid polymer or other curable liquid sealing material to a desired depth one or more times and selectively curing one or more layers of the liquid residing over the wafer onto the mask layer to cover the active surface of the wafer. Areas around the external contact locations on the wafer are left uncured and the liquid removed therefrom to form the apertures in the sealing layer for retaining solder paste. As an alternative to the above embodiment, STL may also be used to create the mask layer that covers the active surface of the wafer and surrounds the external contact locations. By using STL rather than conventional masking methods, the mask layer and the sealing layer may be formed in a single operation. The curable liquid is first cured in one or more layers to form the mask pattern covering the active surface of the wafer and defining the external contact locations. Successive layers are then cured in the desired pattern for the sealing layer. The wafer-level packaging may then be completed without requiring additional, separate processes to form the mask layer and sealing layer. Other and further features and advantages will be apparent from the following detailed description of the present invention when read in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. It should be understood that the embodiments described are provided for illustrative and exemplary purposes only and that variations to, and combinations of, the several elements and features thereof are contemplated as being within the scope of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGS In the drawings, which illustrate what is currently considered to be the best mode for carrying out the invention: FIGS. 1A and 1B show a sectional side view of a semiconductor wafer at a stage of fabrication prior to forming a sealing layer according to the present invention. FIGS. 2A-2E show the formation of conductive bumps according to the present invention on the semiconductor wafer depicted in FIGS. 1A and 1B. FIG. 3 is a partial perspective view showing apertures formed in a sealing layer applied to the semiconductor wafer of FIGS. 1A and 1B. FIG. 4 shows an enlarged view of a conductive bump formed on a semiconductor wafer wherein residual flux material from solder paste forms a support layer for the conductive bump. FIGS. 5A and 5B show the formation of a sealing layer on a semiconductor wafer using STL. FIGS. 6A and 6B show an alternative embodiment of the present invention wherein a mask layer on a semiconductor wafer is formed concurrently with the sealing layer of the present invention. FIG. 7 shows singulated semiconductor dice having one or more sealing layers acting as CSP structures. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Referring in general to the accompanying drawings, various aspects of the present invention are illustrated to show the CSP structures and conductive bump formation methods of the present invention. Common elements of the illustrated embodiments are designated with like reference numerals. It should be understood that the figures presented in the drawings are not illustrative of actual views of any particular portion of actual device structures, but are merely idealized schematic representations which are employed to more clearly and fully depict the invention. In FIG. 1A, a semiconductor wafer 2 is shown at a stage of fabrication prior to carrying out any wafer-level packaging. As used herein, the term “wafer” includes not only conventional silicon wafers but also other bulk substrate materials such as wafers of gallium arsenide, indium phosphide, silicon on sapphire (SOS) substrates, silicon on glass (SOG) substrates and other silicon on insulator (SOI) substrates. Wafer 2 contains a plurality of semiconductor die locations 4 including integrated circuitry formed by conventional semiconductor processing techniques. Bond pads 6 located on wafer active surface 8 provide electrical connection points for the integrated circuitry of semiconductor die locations 4. Wafer 2 is further provided with a passivation layer 10 to cover active surface 8 while exposing bond pads 6, and UBM 12 is formed over the exposed bond pads. The UBM 12 is typically formed of one or more layers of metal which protect bond pads 6 and provide improved external contact locations 14 for subsequently added discrete conductive elements. As shown in FIG. 1A, UBM 12 may also be extended across passivation layer 10 in the form of a redistribution layer (RDL) 16 to provide alternate external contact locations 14′ for discrete conductive elements. The manner in which passivation layer 10 and UBM 12 are configured on active surface 8 is well known in the art and need not be further discussed in relation to the features of the present invention. Once wafer 2 has been fabricated as in FIG. 1A, it is often desirable to surround external contact locations 14, 14′ with a dielectric barrier to assist in the subsequent formation of conductive elements thereon. FIG. 1B shows wafer 2 with a mask layer 18 that has been applied for this purpose. Mask layer 18 is formed, by way of example, with a spun-on dielectric that covers active surface 8 of wafer 2 with a film of polymer material having a thickness of about 3 to 14 microns. The film is then etched to provide openings which define the size and shape of external contact locations 14, 14′ and prevent conductive element materials from spreading or wicking onto adjacent surfaces during later processing. Conventionally, the next step in fabrication for wafer 2 would typically be to form discrete conductive elements in the shape of bumps or balls on external contact locations 14, 14′ using the above-described evaporative deposition or stencil printing methods. As discussed, such methods suffer from a number of problems which may result in defects and reduce efficiency. In the present invention, prior to adding conductive elements, a dielectric sealing layer 20 (FIGS. 2A-2D) is formed on active surface 8 of wafer 2. Sealing layer 20 acts as part of a CSP structure for a completed device and is also used as a stencil for forming conductive elements. FIGS. 2A-2D illustrate how these functions are accomplished. As shown in FIG. 2A, wafer 2 has been furnished with sealing layer 20 by methods which will be discussed in further detail below. In the present embodiment, sealing layer 20 is formed over mask layer 18 to cover substantially all of active surface 8, except for apertures 22, which expose external contact locations 14, 14′ and act to retain solder paste for bump formation. As with the apertures in a stencil, apertures 22 are dimensioned such that they will contain an amount of solder paste sufficient to form a conductive bump of a volume and height that extends above sealing layer 20, allowing for subsequent flip-chip or TAB connection. Apertures 22 must accordingly be larger than their associated external contact locations 14, 14′, and a portion of mask layer 18 will therefore be exposed through apertures 22. Apertures 22 may be square or rectangular, or may be fashioned into more complex shapes which are known to assist in the uniform application of solder paste during stencil printing. FIG. 3 shows a partial perspective view of sealing layer 20 which more clearly illustrates exemplary aperture shapes. Apertures 22′ present a conventional square or rectangular shape, apertures 22″ are circular and apertures 22′″ are configured to have a tear-drop or elliptical shape. As seen in FIG. 3, apertures 22′, 22″ and 22′″ leave a portion of mask layer 18 exposed around external contact locations 14 such that they provide an adequate volume to contain enough solder paste for bump formation. The specific size and shape of apertures 22 will depend on factors such as the density (pitch) of the external contact locations 14 and the formulation of solder paste used for bump formation. Therefore, use of any possible aperture shape is contemplated as being within the scope of the present invention. Turning back to FIG. 2B, in some instances it may be necessary or desirable to reduce the thickness of wafer 2 by back grinding. According to the present invention, this process may be completed prior to bump formation. As shown in FIG. 2B, wafer 2 is secured in an inverted position on a support surface 24, which may comprise a so-called “wafer chuck”. Wafer 2 may be secured in place, by way of example, with a vacuum drawn through support surface 24 or by conventional mechanical clamping mechanisms. Because wafer 2 has not yet been supplied with conductive elements on external contact locations 14, 14′, sealing layer 20 rests directly against support surface 24 and the conventional, previously noted layer of protective tape is not required. Grinding wheel 26 is applied to the back surface 28 of wafer 2 to abrasively remove a desired amount of material therefrom. Once wafer 2 has been appropriately thinned, it is ready for bump formation. In FIG. 2C, a wiper blade 30 is shown positioned over wafer 2 and a mass of solder paste 32 is being applied over sealing layer 20 proximate to one side of wafer 2. As is known in the art, solder paste 32 comprises fine particles of metals or alloys, such as a conventional tin/lead alloy, which are suspended in a flux material. In FIG. 2D, wiper blade 30 screens solder paste 32 across the surface of sealing layer 20 to fill apertures 22 in a manner similar to stencil printing. Indeed, it is possible that conventional stencil printing equipment might be used to carry out this operation. The equipment would simply be configured and positioned to pass wiper blade 30 directly across the surface of sealing layer 20 without a conventional stencil. By directly applying solder paste 32 to apertures 22 in sealing layer 20, the aforementioned problems with solder retention on the wafer 2 due to stencil removal are absent. Using sealing layer 20 as the printing instrument has the added benefit of eliminating the time and cost associated with fabricating and handling conventional stencils. Upon completion of the printing process, solder paste 32 is reflowed with a conventional heating process, such as in an oven or using heat lamps, to form conductive bumps 34, as shown in FIG. 2E. When heated, the metals in solder paste 32 liquefy, volatiles in the flux are driven off and the molten alloy is formed into a sphere over external contact locations 14, 14′, and, by surface tension attraction to UBM 12, thereby pulls away from the sides of apertures 22 and the underlying exposed portions of mask layer 18. The liquid alloy thus merges into a bump or ball-like shape over external contact locations 14, 14′ extending a height H above sealing layer 20. The alloy wets and bonds to the underlying UBM 12 upon cooling and solidification, thereby providing semiconductor die locations 4 with conductive bumps 34 which are suitable for attachment to higher level circuit structures. Because sealing layer 20 is already in place on active surface 8, there is no need to add further CSP structure materials over conductive bumps 34. Accordingly, no sealing irregularities are introduced by conductive bumps 34, and additional processing to expose conductive bumps 34 is not required. After forming conductive bumps 34, and depending on the formulation of solder paste 32, it may be necessary to clean the surface of wafer 2 of residual flux material. Flux compounds are intended to chemically attack surface oxides such that molten solder can better wet and adhere to the UBM at the external contact locations. Some fluxes are sufficiently caustic that, over time, they will damage component surfaces. Such residual flux material must, therefore, be removed by a cleaning process after solder reflow. If cleaning is not desirable or practical, so-called “no-clean” solder pastes may sometimes be used. These paste formulations contain special epoxy or resin-based fluxes that are less caustic and may be left on a component surface that is not overly sensitive to corrosion. A no-clean solder paste is, therefore, desirable for use with the present invention in order to avoid additional processing of wafer 2. “No-clean” solder pastes are commercially available from vendors such as the Kester Corporation of Des Plaines, Ill., under the brand name OMNIX® 5000. Leaving the flux material in place on wafer 2 has the added benefit that it may act to absorb forces applied to conductive bumps 34. A method for strengthening conductive elements by way of a polymer support member formed to encompass the base portions of the conductive elements is discussed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,180,504, issued Jan. 30, 2001, to Farnworth et al., the disclosure of which patent is incorporated herein in its entirety. In an embodiment disclosed by the patent, the support member comprises a cured polymer layer deposited on the surface of a semiconductor substrate. In the present invention, it is contemplated that the residual epoxy or resin flux material from a no-clean solder paste may similarly act to strengthen conductive bumps 34. When the no-clean solder paste is reflowed, the flux material sets into a hardened polymer layer that provides a supporting function. FIG. 4 shows an enlarged view of a conductive bump 34 formed on wafer 2 wherein residual flux material forms a lateral support layer 36 for conductive bump 34. Because solder paste 32 has been deposited within apertures 22 of sealing layer 20, the support layer 36 will be centralized around conductive bump 34 and encompass its base. A further feature of the present invention provides for sealing layer 20 to be formed by an STL process. As previously discussed, STL entails superimposing layers of a selectively cured material to form three-dimensional solid structures. FIGS. 5A and 5B illustrate an example of how STL may be used to create sealing layer 20 on wafer 2. In FIG. 5A, wafer 2 is placed at a selected depth below the surface of a polymer or resin photocuiable liquid 38 contained within a reservoir 40. The use of a photocurable liquid 38 is only exemplary, and materials cured by other activating agents could also be used. A focused beam of energy such as a laser beam 42 is directed over the surface of photocurable liquid 38 in a pattern that extends across active surface 8 of wafer 2. The portions of photocurable liquid 38 exposed to laser beam 42 cure to at least a semisolid state, forming a first layer of cured material 44 adhered to wafer 2. In the first embodiment of the invention, a sealing layer in the form of first layer 44 would be formed over mask layer 18. FIG. 5A shows the layer formation process at a point where first layer 44 has been formed across about half of the active surface 8 of wafer 2. Areas around external contact locations 14, 14′ on wafer 2 are left uncured to form apertures 22 in first layer 44. FIG. 5B shows that wafer 2 may then be lowered to another selected depth within reservoir 40, and laser beam 42 directed over photocurable liquid 38 in the same pattern as before to form a second layer of cured material 46 on top of the first layer 44. Additional layers may be added until sealing layer 20 is formed to a height providing a desired volume for apertures 22. The final height or thickness of sealing layer 20 may be similar to that of a stencil used for bump formation, for example, about 4 mils (0.004″) for a 14-mil conductive bump. The adaptation of STL to the present invention is further simplified by the fact that STL processes are typically carried out under the control of a computer using a CAD-generated file of object configuration, dimensions and topography. Software also exists that is used to generate CAD files for designing and fabricating stencils. Accordingly, the same CAD-generated files for stencils may be used to control STL formation of sealing layer 20. Systems suitably configured for performing a computer-controlled STL process in this manner are commercially available from such vendors as 3D Systems, Inc., of Valencia, Calif. Suitable photopolymers for implementation of the present invention are also available from 3D Systems, Inc., under the product name DURAFORM®. In another embodiment of the present invention, STL may also be used to create the mask layer 18, which provides a barrier around external contact locations 14, 14′. This allows mask layer 18 to be formed concurrently with sealing layer 20, thereby eliminating the need for additional processing using conventional masking techniques. FIGS. 6A and 6B are enlarged partial views of wafer 2 showing this alternative. Once wafer 2 has been completed to the point of having UBM 12 formed thereon, it is placed below the surface of photocurable liquid 38, which is cured in the same manner as previously discussed. As seen in FIG. 6A, laser beam 42 is first directed over active surface 8 in a pattern that covers all of passivation layer 10 and UBM 12 except for areas intended for external contact locations 14, 14′ on UBM 12. Laser beam 42 follows this pattern until sufficient layers of cured polymer material have been added to achieve a thickness desired for mask layer 18. Laser beam 42 is then directed over active surface 8 in a pattern having the expanded or enlarged uncured areas to form stepped apertures 22 in sealing layer 20. FIG. 6B shows that mask layer 18 and sealing layer 20 form a homogenous unitary structure 48 formed by a single operation. Forming mask layer 18 and sealing layer 20 as a unitary structure 48 also reduces the possibility of delaminations which may occur when separately formed material layers are bonded together. Of course, the formation of sealing layer 20 and mask layer 18 is not limited to the specific submersion-type STL process that is described above. Rather than submerging wafer 2 in a reservoir, for example, photocurable liquid 38 could be deposited on wafer 2 by spin coating and then cured in the pattern of one or both of sealing layer 20 and mask layer 18. Under all of the above embodiments, once sealing layer 20 and conductive bumps 34 have been fabricated on wafer 2, it may be singulated along lines between semiconductor die locations 4 to provide individual semiconductor dice 50. Sealing layer 20 acts as a CSP structure to protect active surface 8 of a die 50, as shown in FIG. 7. Additional sealing layers 52 may be applied to back surface 28 and side surfaces 54 of a die 50 to form a more completely encapsulated CSP structure. Of course, one or more additional sealing layers 52 may be formed before singulation, such as by covering back surface 28 immediately after the back grinding operation. It is also possible for portions of die side surfaces 54 adjacent to active surface 8 to be sealed concurrently with the formation of sealing layer 20. This would be accomplished by cutting or etching trenches in wafer 2 around semiconductor die locations 4 prior to forming sealing layer 20. Materials used for sealing layer 20 would also fill the trenches to seal portions of die side surfaces 54. Although the present invention has been described with respect to the illustrated embodiments, various additions, deletions and modifications are contemplated as being within its scope. For instance, while the disclosed embodiments show the external contact locations as being on the UBM layer of a semiconductor wafer, it is possible that the UBM might be omitted and that the bond pads would comprise the external contact locations. Under this embodiment, the mask layer might also be omitted, with the apertures of the sealing layer exposing a portion of the wafer passivation layer around the external contact locations. Similarly, while described in terms of sealing and forming conductive bumps on a semiconductor wafer, any type of electronic device substrate that requires external conductive elements would benefit from the application of the present invention. Furthermore, it is possible that methods other than STL might be used to form a sealing layer. In some instances, it may be more desirable to spin the sealing layer on and use a mask and etch technique to form the apertures or to simply dispense sealing material from a nozzle in an approximate pattern. The scope of the invention is, therefore, indicated by the appended claims, rather than the foregoing description. All changes which come within the meaning and range of equivalency of the claims are to be embraced within their scope. What is claimed is: 1. An electronic device package comprising: a substrate including at least one electronic device with at least one external contact location on a surface thereof; a mask layer on the surface of the substrate having an opening therethrough exposing a central portion and surrounding a periphery of the at least one external contact location; a sealing layer on the mask layer having an aperture therethrough exposing the central portion of the at least one external contact location and a portion of the mask layer surrounding the periphery of the at least one external contact location; a discrete conductive element attached to the at least one external contact location, bounded by and in peripheral contact with the mask layer, spaced inwardly from a periphery of the aperture through the sealing layer, and extending from the surface of the substrate beyond an exposed surface of the sealing layer; and a lateral support layer on the exposed portion of the mask layer within the aperture at least partially surrounding a base portion of the discrete conductive element and laterally supporting the discrete conductive element. 2. The electronic device package of claim 1, wherein the substrate comprises a semiconductor substrate including at least one bond pad for electrical communication with the at least one electronic device. 3. The electronic device package of claim 2, wherein the at least one external contact location comprises the at least one bond pad. 4. The electronic device package of claim 2, further comprising at least one layer of metal over the at least one bond pad. 5. The electronic device package of claim 4, wherein the at least one external contact location comprises a portion of the at least one layer of metal located substantially directly over the at least one bond pad. 6. The electronic device package of claim 4, wherein the at least one external contact location comprises a portion of the at least one layer of metal located remote from the at least one bond pad. 7. The electronic device package of claim 2, wherein the semiconductor substrate comprises a semiconductor wafer bearing a plurality of electronic devices, each electronic device of the plurality of electronic devices having at least one external contact location exposed through the sealing layer. 8. The electronic device package of claim 7, further comprising another sealing layer over a back surface of the semiconductor wafer. 9. The electronic device package of claim 2, wherein the semiconductor substrate comprises an individual semiconductor die and the at least one external contact location is exposed through the sealing layer on an active surface of the semiconductor die. 10. The electronic device package of claim 9, further comprising at least another sealing layer on at least another surface of the semiconductor die. 11. The electronic device package of claim 1, wherein the lateral support layer extends laterally from the discrete conductive element to the sealing layer. 12. The electronic device package of claim 1, wherein the lateral support layer comprises a residual flux material from a solder paste used to form the discrete conductive element. 13. The electronic device package of claim 1, wherein the mask layer and the sealing layer comprise a substantially homogenous structure. 14. The electronic device package of claim 13, wherein the substantially homogenous structure comprises a plurality of superimposed layers of a cured photopolymer. 15. The electronic device package of claim 1, wherein the mask layer comprises one or more superimposed layers of a photocured material. 16. The electronic device package of claim 1, wherein at least the sealing layer comprises a polymer material. 17. The electronic device package of claim 1, wherein the discrete conductive element comprises a volume of at least one metal. 18. An electronic device package comprising: a substrate comprising a semiconductor die with at least one bond pad on an active surface thereof; a mask layer on the active surface surrounding and extending over a peripheral portion of metallization of an external contact location associated with the at least one bond pad with an opening through the mask layer exposing a central portion of the metallization of the external contact location; a sealing layer on the mask layer having an aperture therethrough exposing the central portion of the metallization of the external contact location and a portion of the mask layer surrounding the peripheral portion of the metallization of the external contact location; a discrete conductive element bonded to the central portion of the metallization, bounded by and in peripheral contact with the mask layer, spaced inwardly from a periphery of the aperture through the sealing layer and protruding beyond an exposed surface of the sealing layer; and a support layer on the mask layer within the aperture, surrounding a periphery of a base of the discrete conductive element and laterally supporting the base of the discrete conductive element. 19. The electronic device package of claim 18, wherein the discrete conductive element comprises a solder bump. 20. The electronic device package of claim 18, wherein the sealing layer and the mask layer comprise a substantially homogeneous structure including a plurality of layers. 21. The electronic device package of claim 18, wherein the support layer comprises an epoxy or resin flux material. 22. A wafer-scale electronic device package structure, comprising: a wafer-scale substrate comprising a plurality of semiconductor dice on an active surface thereof, each semiconductor die of the plurality including at least one bond pad on the active surface; a mask layer on the active surface with an opening therethrough exposing a central portion of metallization of an external contact location associated with the at least one bond pad of each semiconductor die, wherein the mask layer surrounds and extends over a peripheral portion of the metallization of the external contact location associated with the at least one bond pad of each semiconductor die; a sealing layer on the mask layer having apertures therethrough, each aperture exposing a central portion of the metallization of each external contact location and the portion of the mask layer surrounding the peripheral portion of the metallization of the external contact location associated with the at least one bond pad of each semiconductor die; a discrete conductive element bonded to an exposed central portion of the metallization of each external contact location, bounded by and in peripheral contact with the mask layer, spaced inwardly from a periphery of the aperture through the sealing layer, and protruding beyond an exposed surface of the sealing layer; and a support layer surrounding a periphery of a base of each discrete conductive element above the exposed portion of the mask layer within each of the apertures laterally supporting each discrete conductive element. 23. The structure of claim 22, wherein the discrete conductive elements comprise solder balls. 24. The structure of claim 22, wherein at least some of the external contact locations are remote from the associated at least one bond pad. 25. The structure of claim 22, wherein the support layer extends laterally from the periphery of the base of each discrete conductive element to a surface of the sealing layer within each aperture..
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// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file. use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self, Read, Seek, SeekFrom}; use std::path::Path; pub(crate) fn get_all_data_from_file(file: &mut File, size: usize) -> io::Result<String> { let mut buf = String::with_capacity(size);; file.read_to_string(&mut buf)?; Ok(buf) } pub(crate) fn get_all_data<P: AsRef<Path>>(file_path: P, size: usize) -> io::Result<String> { let mut file = File::open(file_path.as_ref())?; get_all_data_from_file(&mut file, size) } #[allow(clippy::useless_conversion)] pub(crate) fn realpath(original: &Path) -> std::path::PathBuf { use libc::{lstat, stat, S_IFLNK, S_IFMT}; use std::fs; use std::mem::MaybeUninit; use std::path::PathBuf; fn and(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 { x & y } // let ori = Path::new(original.to_str().unwrap()); // Right now lstat on windows doesn't work quite well // if cfg!(windows) { // return PathBuf::from(ori); // } let result = PathBuf::from(original); let mut result_s = result.to_str().unwrap_or("").as_bytes().to_vec(); result_s.push(0); let mut buf = MaybeUninit::<stat>::uninit(); unsafe { let res = lstat(result_s.as_ptr() as *const _, buf.as_mut_ptr()); if res < 0 { PathBuf::new() } else { let buf = buf.assume_init(); if and(buf.st_mode.into(), S_IFMT.into()) != S_IFLNK.into() { PathBuf::new() } else { match fs::read_link(&result) { Ok(f) => f, Err(_) => PathBuf::new(), } } } } }
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classdef HasEditableText < handle & matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay... & uiw.mixin.HasCallback % HasEditableText - Mixin for editable text field capabilities % % This mixin class provides properties and methods useful for handling % editable text fields and a corresponding value. It provides methods % for validating entries and converting between textual and data % representations. Additionally, this class implements properties that % are useful if a widget wants to set background/foreground to a % different color when the value is not valid. A subclass may override % onStyleChanged to customize how the widget responds to invalid % values. % Copyright 2017-2019 The MathWorks Inc. % % Auth/Revision: % MathWorks Consulting % $Author: rjackey $ % $Revision: 324 $ $Date: 2019-04-23 08:05:17 -0400 (Tue, 23 Apr 2019) $ % --------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Properties properties (AbortSet) TextEditable char {mustBeMember(TextEditable,{'on','off'})} = 'on' % Can the text be manually edited? [(on)|off] TextBackgroundColor (1,3) double {mustBeFinite,mustBeGreaterThanOrEqual(TextBackgroundColor,0),mustBeLessThanOrEqual(TextBackgroundColor,1)} = [1 1 1] % Color for text background TextForegroundColor (1,3) double {mustBeFinite,mustBeGreaterThanOrEqual(TextForegroundColor,0),mustBeLessThanOrEqual(TextForegroundColor,1)} = [0 0 0] % Color for text TextInvalidBackgroundColor (1,3) double {mustBeFinite,mustBeGreaterThanOrEqual(TextInvalidBackgroundColor,0),mustBeLessThanOrEqual(TextInvalidBackgroundColor,1)} = [1 0.8 0.8] % Color for text background when value is invalid (If empty, no change) TextInvalidForegroundColor (1,3) double {mustBeFinite,mustBeGreaterThanOrEqual(TextInvalidForegroundColor,0),mustBeLessThanOrEqual(TextInvalidForegroundColor,1)} = [1 1 1]% Color for text when value is invalid (If empty, no change) TextIsValid (1,1) logical = true % Flag whether value is valid [(true)|false] TextHorizontalAlignment char {mustBeMember(TextHorizontalAlignment,{'left','center','right'})} = 'left' % Alignment of the text (['left'],'center','right') Value = [] % Current value of the control (any type: char, double, etc.) end properties (AbortSet, Access=protected) hTextFields = gobjects(0) % Array of text graphics objects that need their styles set upon changes end %% Protected Methods methods (Access=protected) function onEnableChanged(obj,~) % Handle updates to Enable state - subclass may override % Ensure the construction is complete if ~isempty(obj.hTextFields) % Handle 'inactive' state too if strcmpi(obj.Enable,'on') && strcmpi(obj.TextEditable, 'off') set(obj.hTextFields,'Enable','off'); elseif strcmpi(obj.Enable,'on') && strcmpi(obj.TextEditable, 'inactive') set(obj.hTextFields,'Enable','inactive'); else set(obj.hTextFields,'Enable',obj.Enable); end end %if ~isempty(obj.hTextFields) end % function function onStyleChanged(obj,~) % Handle updates to style and value validity changes - subclass may override % Ensure the construction is complete if ~isempty(obj.hTextFields) thisFields = obj.hTextFields( isprop(obj.hTextFields,'HorizontalAlignment') ); set(thisFields,'HorizontalAlignment',obj.TextHorizontalAlignment); if obj.TextIsValid set(obj.hTextFields,... 'ForegroundColor',obj.TextForegroundColor,... 'BackgroundColor',obj.TextBackgroundColor); else if ~isempty(obj.TextInvalidForegroundColor) set(obj.hTextFields,'ForegroundColor',obj.TextInvalidForegroundColor) end if ~isempty(obj.TextInvalidBackgroundColor) set(obj.hTextFields,'BackgroundColor',obj.TextInvalidBackgroundColor) end end end %if ~isempty(obj.hTextFields) end %function function onValueChanged(~,~) % Handle updates to value changes - subclass may override end %function function StatusOk = checkValue(~,value) % Return true if the value is valid - subclass may override StatusOk = ischar(value) || ( isscalar(value) && isstring(value) ); end %function checkValue function value = interpretStringAsValue(~,str) % Convert entered text to stored data type - subclass may override value = str; end %function interpretStringAsValue function str = interpretValueAsString(~,value) % Convert stored data to displayed text - subclass may override str = char(value); end %function end %methods %% Display Customization methods (Access=protected) function propGroup = getEditableTextPropertyGroup(~) titleTxt = 'Common Editable Text Widget Properties:'; thisProps = { 'TextBackgroundColor' 'TextEditable' 'TextForegroundColor' 'TextHorizontalAlignment' 'TextInvalidBackgroundColor' 'TextInvalidForegroundColor' 'TextIsValid' 'Callback' 'Value' }; propGroup = matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(thisProps,titleTxt); end %function end %methods %% Get/Set Methods methods % TextEditable function set.TextEditable(obj,value) value = validatestring(value,{'on','off'}); obj.TextEditable = value; evt = struct('Property','TextEditable','Value',value); obj.onEnableChanged(evt); end % TextHorizontalAlignment function set.TextHorizontalAlignment(obj,value) value = validatestring(value,{'left','center','right'}); evt = struct('Property','HorizontalAlignment',... 'OldValue',obj.TextHorizontalAlignment,... 'NewValue',value); obj.TextHorizontalAlignment = value; obj.onStyleChanged(evt); end % TextBackgroundColor function set.TextBackgroundColor(obj,value) value = uiw.utility.interpretColor(value); evt = struct('Property','TextBackgroundColor',... 'OldValue',obj.TextBackgroundColor,... 'NewValue',value); obj.TextBackgroundColor = value; obj.onStyleChanged(evt); end % TextForegroundColor function set.TextForegroundColor(obj,value) value = uiw.utility.interpretColor(value); evt = struct('Property','TextForegroundColor',... 'OldValue',obj.TextForegroundColor,... 'NewValue',value); obj.TextForegroundColor = value; obj.onStyleChanged(evt); end % TextInvalidBackgroundColor function set.TextInvalidBackgroundColor(obj,value) value = uiw.utility.interpretColor(value); evt = struct('Property','TextInvalidBackgroundColor',... 'OldValue',obj.TextInvalidBackgroundColor,... 'NewValue',value); obj.TextInvalidBackgroundColor = value; obj.onStyleChanged(evt); end % TextInvalidForegroundColor function set.TextInvalidForegroundColor(obj,value) value = uiw.utility.interpretColor(value); evt = struct('Property','TextInvalidForegroundColor',... 'OldValue',obj.TextInvalidForegroundColor,... 'NewValue',value); obj.TextInvalidForegroundColor = value; obj.onStyleChanged(evt); end % IsValid function set.TextIsValid(obj,value) validateattributes(value,{'logical'},{'scalar'}); evt = struct('Property','TextIsValid',... 'OldValue',obj.TextIsValid,... 'NewValue',value); obj.TextIsValid = value; obj.onStyleChanged(evt); end % Value function set.Value(obj,value) if ischar(value) || ( isscalar(value) && isstring(value) ) % Values entered into edit field by user will go here value = obj.interpretStringAsValue(value); end if checkValue(obj, value) str = obj.interpretValueAsString(value); evt = struct('Property','Value',... 'OldValue',obj.Value,... 'NewValue',value,... 'NewString',str); obj.Value = value; onValueChanged(obj,evt) end end end %methods end % classdef
French Open Data
Various open data
ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 103 Annex to the Final Terms Issue-Specific Summary Summaries are made up of disclosure requirements, known as "Elements". These elements are numbered in Sections A – E (A.1 – E.7). This Summary contains all the Elements required to be included in a summary for this type of securities and Issuer. Because some Elements are not required to be addressed, there may be gaps in the numbering sequence of the Elements. Even though an Element may be required to be inserted in the summary because of the type of securities and Issuer, it is possible that no relevant information can be given regarding the Element. In this case a short description of the Element is included in the summary with the mention of ‘not applicable'. Element Section A – Introduction and warnings A.1 Warning Warning that •the Summary should be read as an introduction to the Prospectus, •any decision to invest in the Securities should be based on consideration of the Prospectus as a whole by the investor, •where a claim relating to the information contained in the Prospectus is brought before a court, the plaintiff investor might, under the national legislation of the Member States, have to bear the costs of translating the Prospectus, before the legal proceedings are initiated; and •in its function as the Issuer responsible for the Summary and the translation thereof as well as the dissemination of the Summary and the translation thereof, Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft may be held liable but only if the Summary is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent when read together with the other parts of the Prospectus or it does not provide, when read together with the other parts of the Prospectus, key information in order to aid investors when considering whether to invest in such Securities. A.2 Consent to use of base prospectus•The Issuer consents to the use of the Prospectus for a later resale or final placement of the Securities by all financial intermediaries (general consent). •The subsequent resale or final placement of Securities by financial intermediaries can be made as long as this Prospectus is valid in accordance with Article 9 of the Prospectus Directive. •This consent is not subject to any conditions. •In case of an offer being made by a financial intermediary, this financial intermediary will provide information to investors on the terms and conditions of the offer at the time the offer is made. Element Section B – Issuer B.1 Legal and commercial name of the issuerThe legal and commercial name of the Issuer is Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft ("Deutsche Bank " or "Bank "). B.2 Domicile, legal form, legislation and country of incorporation of the issuerDeutsche Bank is a stock corporation (Aktiengesellschaft) under German law. The Bank has its registered office in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It maintains its head office at Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany (telephone +49-69-910-00). B.4b Trends With the exception of the effects of the macroeconomic conditions and market environment, litigation risks associated with the financial markets crisis as well as the effects of legislation and regulations applicable to all financial institutions in Germany and the eurozone, there are no known trends, uncertainties, demands, commitments or events that are reasonably likely to have a material effect on the Issuer’s prospects in its current financial year. B.5 Description of the Group and the issuer's position within the GroupDeutsche Bank is the parent company of a group consisting of banks, capital market companies, fund management companies, property finance companies, instalment financing companies, research and consultancy companies and other domestic and foreign companies (the "Deutsche Bank Group "). B.9 Profit forecast or estimate Not applicable; no profit forecast or estimate is made. B.10 Qualifications in the audit report on the historical financial informationNot applicable; there are no qualifications in the audit report on the historical financial information. B.12 Selected historical key financial informationThe following table shows an overview from the balance sheet and income statement of Deutsche Bank AG which has been extracted from the respective audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS as of 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2014 as well as from the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements as of 31 March 2014 and 31 March 2015.. 31 December 31 March 2014 31 December 31 March 2015 ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 104 2013 0 (IFRS, audited)(IFRS, unaudited)2014 0 (IFRS, audited)(IFRS, unaudited) Share capital (in EUR) 12,609,919,078.40 2,609,919,078.40 3,530,939,215.36 3,530,939,215.36 Number of ordinary shares 11,019,499,640 1,019,499,640 1,379,273,131 1,379,273,131 Total assets (in million Euro)1,611,400 1,636,574 1,708,703 1,955,465 Total liabilities (in million Euro)1,556,434 1,580,557 1,635,481 1,877,533 Total equity (in mllion Euro)54,966 56,017 73,223 77,932 Core Tier 1 capital ratio / Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio 2,312.8% 0 13.2% 15.2% 13.8% 4 Tier 1 capital ratio316.9% 013.2% 16.1% 14.6% 5 1 source webpage of the issuer as of 11 May 2015 2 The CRR/CRD 4 framework replaced the term Core Tier 1 by Common Equity Tier 1. 3 Capital ratios for 2014 and 2015 are based upon transitional rules of the CRR/CRD 4 capital framework; prior periods are based upon Basel 2.5 rules excluding transitional items pursuant to the former section 64h (3) of the German Banking Act. 4 The Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio as of 31 December 2014 on the basis of CRR/CRD 4 fully loaded was 11.7%. 5 The Tier 1 capital ratio as of 31 December 2014 on the basis of CRR/CRD 4 fully loaded was 12.2%. A statement that there has been no material adverse change in the prospects of the issuer since the date of its last published audited financial statements or a description of any material adverse changeThere has been no material adverse change in the prospects of Deutsche Bank since 31 December 2014. A description of significant changes in the financial or trading position subsequent to the period covered by the historical financial informationNot applicable; there has been no significant change in the financial position or trading position of Deutsche Bank Group since 31 March 2015. B.13 Recent events Not applicable; there are no recent events in the business activities of the Issuer which are to a material extent relevant to the evaluation of the Issuer‘s solvency. B.14 Dependence upon other entities within the group Not applicable; the Issuer is not dependent upon other entities of Deutsche Bank Group. B.15 Issuer's principal activitiesThe objects of Deutsche Bank, as laid down in its Articles of Association, include the transaction of all kinds of banking business, the provision of financial and other services and the promotion of international economic relations. The Bank may realise these objectives itself or through subsidiaries and affiliated companies. To the extent permitted by law, the Bank is entitled to transact all business and to take all steps which appear likely to promote the objectives of the Bank, in particular: to acquire and dispose of real estate, to establish branches at home and abroad, to acquire, administer and dispose of participations in other enterprises, and to conclude enterprise agreements. As of 31 December 2014, the Bank was organized into the following five corporate divisions: ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 105 • Corporate Banking & Securities (CB&S); • Global Transaction Banking (GTB); • Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management (Deutsche AWM); • Private & Business Clients (PBC); and • Non-Core Operations Unit (NCOU). The five corporate divisions are supported by infrastructure functions. In addition, Deutsche Bank has a regional management function that covers regional responsibilities worldwide. The Bank has operations or dealings with existing or potential customers in most countries in the world. These operations and dealings include: • subsidiaries and branches in many countries; • representative offices in many other countries; and • one or more representatives assigned to serve customers in a large number of additional countries. B.16 Controlling persons Not applicable; based on notifications of major shareholdings pursuant to sections 21 et seq. of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - WpHG), there are only two shareholders holding more than 5 but less than 10 per cent. of the Issuer’s shares. To the Issuer’s knowledge there is no other shareholder holding more than 3 per cent. of the shares. The Issuer is thus not directly or indirectly owned or controlled. B.17 Credit ratings assigned to the issuer or its debt securitiesDeutsche Bank is rated by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s ”), Standard & Poor’s Credit Market Services Europe Limited (“S&P”), Fitch Deutschland GmbH (“Fitch ”) and DBRS, Inc. (“DBRS ”, together with Fitch, S&P and Moody’s, the “Rating Agencies ”). S&P and Fitch are established in the European Union and have been registered in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009, as amended, on credit rating agencies (“CRA Regulation ”). With respect to Moody’s, the credit ratings are endorsed by Moody’s office in the UK (Moody’s Investors Service Ltd.) in accordance with Article 4(3) of the CRA Regulation. With respect to DBRS, the credit ratings are endorsed by DBRS Ratings Ltd. in the UK in accordance with Article 4(3) of the CRA Regulation. As of 27 March 2015, the following ratings were assigned to Deutsche Bank: Rating Agency Long term Short term Outlook Moody’s A3 P-2on review for downgrade S&P A A-1CreditWatch negative Fitch A+ F1+ negative DBRS A (high) R-1 (middle) stable Element Section C – Securities C.1 Type and the class of the securities, including any security identification numberClass of Securities No definitive Securities will be issued. The Securities will be issued in dematerialised form. Type of Securities The Securities are Warrants. Security identification number(s) of Securities ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5 WKN: XM4CNU C.2 Currency Euro (“EUR”) C.5 Restrictions on the free transferability of the securitiesEach Security is transferable in accordance with applicable law and any rules and procedures for the time being of any Clearing Agent through whose books such Security is transferred. C.8 Rights attached to the Governing law of the Securities ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 106 securities, including ranking and limitations to those rightsThe Securities will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, German law. The constituting of the Securities may be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction of the Clearing Agent. Rights attached to the Securities The Securities provide holders of the Securities, on redemption or upon exercise, with a claim for payment of a cash amount and/or delivery of a physical delivery amount. Limitations to the rights Under the conditions set out in the Terms and Conditions, the Issuer is entitled to terminate and cancel the Securities and to amend the Terms and Conditions. Status of the Securities The Securities will constitute direct, unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Issuer ranking pari passu among themselves and pari passu with all other unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Issuer except for any obligations preferred by law. C.11 Application for admission to trading, with a view to their distribution in a regulated market or other equivalent markets with indication of the markets in questionsNot applicable; there has no application been made to admit the Securities to the regulated market of any exchange. C.15 A description of how the value of the investment is affected by the value of the underlying instrument(s), unless the securities have a denomination of at least EUR 100,000Investors can participate more than proportionately (with leverage) in the negative development of the Underlying with this Turbo Put Warrant. Conversely, investors also participate with leverage in the positive development of the Underlying and additionally bear the risk of receiving no payment if the Underlying at any time during the Observation Period is equal to or above the barrier (Barrier Event). On the Settlement Date, investors will receive as the Cash Amount the product of the Multiplier and the amount by which the Final Reference Level falls below the Strike. If the Underlying at any point during the Observation Period is equal to or above the Barrier, the term of the Turbo Put Warrant's will end immediately and investors will receive no payment. During the term investors will not receive any current income, such as interest. Likewise, investors are not entitled to assert any claims in respect of the Underlying/deriving from the Underlying (e.g. voting rights, dividends). Barrier 13,000.00 Index points Issue Date 27 May 2015 Multiplier 0.01 Observation Period The period from and including the Issue Date (8:00 a.m. Frankfurt am Main local time) to and including the relevant time for determination of the Final Reference Level on the Valuation Date. Strike 13,000.00 Index points Termination Date If a Barrier Event has occurred, the day on which such Barrier Event occurred, otherwise, the relevant Exercise Date. Value Date 27 May 2015 C.16 The expiration or maturity date of the derivative securities – the exercise date or final reference date Settlement Date:The fourth immediately succeeding Business Day following the Termination Date, probably 04 September 2015. Exercise Date: 31 August 2015 Valuation Date: The Termination Date and if such day is not a Trading Day, the next following Trading Day. C.17 Settlement procedure of the derivative securities Any cash amounts payable by the Issuer shall be transferred to the relevant Clearing Agent for distribution to the Securityholders. The Issuer will be discharged of its payment obligations by payment to, or to the order of, the relevant Clearing Agent in respect of the amount so paid. C.18 A description of how the return on derivative securities takes place Payment of the Cash Amount to the respective Securityholder on the Settlement Date. C.19 The exercise price or the final reference price of Final Reference Level: The Reference Level on the Valuation Date ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 107 the underlying C.20 Type of the underlying and where the information on the underlying can be found Type: Index Name: DAX® Index (performance index) ISIN: DE0008469008 Information on the historical and ongoing performance of the Underlying and its volatility can be obtained on the public website on Element Section D – Risks D.2 Key information on the key risks that are specific and individual to the issuerInvestors will be exposed to the risk of the Issuer becoming insolvent as result of being overindebted or unable to pay debts, i.e. to the risk of a temporary or permanent inability to meet interest and/or principal payments on time. The Issuer's credit ratings reflect the assessment of these risks. Factors that may have a negative impact on Deutsche Bank’s profitability are described in the following: •Even as the U.S. economy has gradually improved, Europe continues to experience tepid economic growth, high levels of structural debt, persistent long-term unemployment and very low inflation. These persistently challenging market conditions have contributed to political uncertainty in many member countries of the eurozone and continue to negatively affect Deutsche Bank’s results of operations and financial condition in some of Deutsche Bank’s businesses, while a continuing low interest environment and competition in the financial services industry have compressed margins in many Deutsche Bank’s businesses. If these conditions persist or worsen, Deutsche Bank could determine that it needs to make changes to its business model. •Regulatory and political actions by European governments in response to the European sovereign debt crisis may not be sufficient to prevent the crisis from spreading or to prevent departure of one or more member countries from the common currency. In particular, anti-austerity populism in Greece and other member countries of the eurozone could undermine confidence in the continued viability of those countries’ participation in the euro. The default or departure from the euro of any one or more countries could have unpredictable political consequences as well as consequences for the financial system and the greater economy, potentially leading to declines in business levels, write-downs of assets and losses across Deutsche Bank’s businesses. Deutsche Bank’s ability to protect itself against these risks is limited. •Deutsche Bank may be required to take impairments on its exposures to the sovereign debt of European or other countries as the European sovereign debt crisis continues. The credit default swaps into which Deutsche Bank has entered to manage sovereign credit risk may not be available to offset these losses. •Deutsche Bank has a continuous demand for liquidity to fund its business activities. It may suffer during periods of market-wide or firm-specific liquidity constraints, and liquidity may not be available to it even if its underlying business remains strong. •Regulatory reforms enacted and proposed in response to weaknesses in the financial sector, together with increased regulatory scrutiny more generally, have created significant uncertainty for Deutsche Bank and may adversely affect its business and ability to execute its strategic plans. •Regulatory and legislative changes require Deutsche Bank to maintain increased capital and may significantly affect its business model and the competitive environment. Any perceptions in the market that Deutsche Bank may be unable to meet its capital requirements with an adequate buffer, or that it should maintain capital in excess of the requirements, could intensify the effect of these factors on Deutsche Bank’s business and results. •The increasingly stringent regulatory environment to which Deutsche Bank is subject, coupled with substantial outflows in connection with litigation and enforcement matters, may make it difficult for Deutsche Bank to maintain its capital ratios at levels above those required by regulators or expected in the market. •Rules in the United States, legislation in Germany and proposals in the European Union regarding the prohibition of proprietary trading or its separation from the deposit-taking business may materially affect Deutsche Bank’s business model. •European and German legislation regarding the recovery and resolution of banks and investment firms as well as proposals published by the Financial Stability Board proposing a new minimum capital requirement for “total loss absorbing capacity” (TLAC) could result in higher refinancing costs and, if resolution measures were imposed on Deutsche Bank, significantly affect its business operations and lead to losses for its creditors. •Other regulatory reforms adopted or proposed in the wake of the financial crisis – for example, extensive new regulations governing Deutsche Bank’s derivatives activities, bank levies or a possible financial transaction tax – may materially increase Deutsche Bank’s operating costs and negatively impact its business model. ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 108 •Adverse market conditions, historically low prices, volatility and cautious investor sentiment have affected and may in the future materially and adversely affect Deutsche Bank’s revenues and profits, particularly in its investment banking, brokerage and other commission- and fee-based businesses. As a result, Deutsche Bank has in the past incurred and may in the future incur significant losses from its trading and investment activities. •Since Deutsche Bank published its Strategy 2015+ targets in 2012, macroeconomic and market conditions as well as the regulatory environment have been much more challenging than originally anticipated, and as a result, Deutsche Bank has updated its aspirations to reflect these challenging conditions and developed the next phase of its strategy in the form of its Strategy 2020, which was announced in April 2015. If Deutsche Bank is unable to implement its updated strategy successfully, it may be unable to achieve its financial objectives, or incur losses or low profitability or erosions of its capital base, and its share price may be materially and adversely affected. •Deutsche Bank operates in a highly and increasingly regulated and litigious environment, potentially exposing it to liability and other costs, the amounts of which may be substantial and difficult to estimate, as well as to legal and regulatory sanctions and reputational harm. •Deutsche Bank is currently the subject of regulatory and criminal industry-wide investigations relating to interbank offered rates, as well as civil actions. Even though Deutsche Bank reached settlements with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) to resolve investigations into misconduct concerning the setting of London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), the Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR), and the Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate (TIBOR), other regulatory investigations of Deutsche Bank concerning the setting of various interbank offered rates remain ongoing, and Deutsche Bank remains exposed to further regulatory action and to civil litigation. Due to a number of uncertainties, including those related to the high profile of the matters, the eventual outcome of these matters is unpredictable, and may materially and adversely affect Deutsche Bank’s results of operations, financial condition and reputation. •A number of regulatory and law enforcement agencies globally are currently investigating Deutsche Bank in connection with misconduct relating to manipulation of foreign exchange rates. The extent of Deutsche Bank’s financial exposure to these matters could be material, and Deutsche Bank’s reputation may suffer material harm as a result. •A number of regulatory authorities are currently investigating or seeking information from Deutsche Bank in connection with transactions with Monte dei Paschi di Siena. The extent of Deutsche Bank’s financial exposure to these matters could be material, and Deutsche Bank’s reputation may be harmed. •Regulatory and law enforcement agencies in the United States are investigating whether Deutsche Bank’s historical processing of certain U.S. Dollar payment orders for parties from countries subject to U.S. embargo laws complied with U.S. federal and state laws. The eventual outcomes of these matters are unpredictable, and may materially and adversely affect Deutsche Bank’s results of operations, financial condition and reputation. •Deutsche Bank has been subject to contractual claims, litigation and governmental investigations in respect of its U.S. residential mortgage loan business that may materially and adversely affect its results of operations, financial condition or reputation. •Deutsche Bank’s non-traditional credit businesses materially add to its traditional banking credit risks. •Deutsche Bank has incurred losses, and may incur further losses, as a result of changes in the fair value of its financial instruments. •Deutsche Bank’s risk management policies, procedures and methods leave it exposed to unidentified or unanticipated risks, which could lead to material losses. •Operational risks may disrupt Deutsche Bank’s businesses. •Deutsche Bank’s operational systems are subject to an increasing risk of cyber attacks and other internet crime, which could result in material losses of client or customer information, damage Deutsche Bank’s reputation and lead to regulatory penalties and financial losses. •The size of Deutsche Bank’s clearing operations exposes it to a heightened risk of material losses should these operations fail to function properly. •Deutsche Bank may have difficulty in identifying and executing acquisitions, and both making acquisitions and avoiding them could materially harm Deutsche Bank’s results of operations and its share price. •The effects of the takeover of Deutsche Postbank AG may differ materially from Deutsche Bank’s expectations. •Deutsche Bank may have difficulties selling non-core assets at favorable prices or at all and may ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 109 experience material losses from these assets and other investments irrespective of market developments. •Intense competition, in Deutsche Bank’s home market of Germany as well as in international markets, could materially adversely impact Deutsche Bank’s revenues and profitability. •Transactions with counterparties in countries designated by the U.S. State Department as state sponsors of terrorism or persons targeted by U.S. economic sanctions may lead potential customers and investors to avoid doing business with Deutsche Bank or investing in its securities, harm its reputation or result in regulatory action which could materially and adversely affect its business. D.6 Key information on the risks that are specific and individual to the securities and risk warning to the effect that investors may lose the value of their entire investment or part of itSecurities are linked to the Underlying Amounts payable or assets deliverable periodically or on exercise or redemption of the Securities, as the case may be, are linked to the Underlying which may comprise one or more Reference Items. The purchase of, or investment in, Securities linked to the Underlying involves substantial risks. The Securities are not conventional securities and carry various unique investment risks which prospective investors should understand clearly before investing in the Securities. Each prospective investor in the Securities should be familiar with securities having characteristics similar to the Securities and should fully review all documentation for and understand the Terms and Conditions of the Securities and the nature and extent of its exposure to risk of loss. Potential investors should ensure that they understand the relevant formula in accordance with which the amounts payable and/or assets deliverable are calculated, and if necessary seek advice from their own adviser(s). Risks associated with the Underlying Because of the Underlying's influence on the entitlement from the Security, as with a direct investment in the Underlying, investors are exposed to risks both during the term and also at maturity, which are also generally associated with an investment in the respective index in general. Currency risks Investors face an exchange rate risk if the Settlement Currency is not the currency of the investor’s home jurisdiction. Early Termination The Terms and Conditions of the Securities include a provision pursuant to which, where certain conditions are satisfied, the Issuer is entitled to redeem the Securities early. As a result, the Securities may have a lower market value than similar securities which do not contain any such Issuer's right for redemption. During any period where the Securities may be redeemed in this way, the market value of the Securities generally will not rise substantially above the price at which they may be redeemed or cancelled. The same applies where the Terms and Conditions of the Securities include a provision for an automatic redemption or cancellation of the Securities (e.g. "knock-out" or "auto call" provision). Risks at maturity If at any time during the Observation Period the Underlying is equal to or above the Barrier (Barrier Event), the term of the Turbo Put Warrant ends immediately and investors will receive no payment. A price recovery is ruled out. In this case investors will lose their entire investment. Investors will also suffer a loss if the Underlying on the Valuation Date is so close to the Strike that the Cash Amount is less than the purchase price of the Turbo Put Warrant. The Barrier Event may occur at any time during the trading hours of the Underlying and potentially even outside the trading hours of the Turbo Put Warrant. Possible total loss Where no minimum cash amount is specified investors may experience a total loss of their investment in the Security. Element Section E – Offer E.2b Reasons for the offer, use of proceeds, estimated net proceedsNot applicable, making profit and/or hedging certain risks are the reasons for the offer. E.3 Terms and conditions of the offerConditions to which the offer is subject:Not applicable; there are no conditions to which the offer is subject. Number of the Securities: up to 100,000,000 Securities The Offering Period: The offer of the Securities starts on 27 May 2015 (8:00 a.m. ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 110 Frankfurt am Main local time). The Issuer reserves the right for any reason to reduce the number of Securities offered. Cancellation of the Issuance of the Securities:The Issuer reserves the right for any reason to cancel the issuance of the Securities. Early Closing of the Offering Period of the Securities:The Issuer reserves the right for any reason to close the Offering Period early. Investor minimum subscription amount:Not applicable, there is no investor minimum subscription amount. Investor maximum subscription amount:Not applicable; there is no investor maximum subscription amount. Description of the application process:Not applicable; no application process is planned. Description of possibility to reduce subscriptions and manner for refunding excess amount paid by applicants:Not applicable; there is no possibility to reduce subscriptions and therefore no manner for refunding excess amount paid by applicants. Details of the method and time limits for paying up and delivering the Securities:Not applicable; no method or time limits for paying up and delivering the Securities are provided for. Manner in and date on which results of the offer are to be made public:Not applicable; a manner in and date on which results of the offer are to be made public is not planned. Procedure for exercise of any right of pre-emption, negotiability of subscription rights and treatment of subscription rights not exercised:Not applicable; a procedure for exercise of any right of pre-emption, negotiability of subscription rights and treatment of subscription rights is not planned. Categories of potential investors to which the Securities are offered and whether tranche(s) have been reserved for certain countries:Qualified investors within the meaning of the Prospectus Directive and non-qualified investors. The offer may be made in France to any person which complies with all other requirements for investment as set out in the Base Prospectus or otherwise determined by the Issuer and/or the relevant financial intermediaries. In other EEA countries, offers will only be made pursuant to an exemption under the Prospectus Directive as implemented in such jurisdictions. Process for notification to applicants of the amount allotted and the indication whether dealing may begin before notification is made:Not applicable; there is no process for notification to applicants of the amount allotted. Issue Price: Initially EUR 12.46 per Security. Following issuance of the Securities, the Issue Price will be reset continuously. Amount of any expenses and taxes specifically charged to the subscriber or purchaser:Not applicable; no expenses or taxes are specifically charged to the subscriber or purchaser. Name(s) and address(es), to the extent known to the Issuer, of the placement agents in the various countries where the offer takes place:Not applicable Name and address of the Paying Agent:Deutsche Bank AG Taunusanlage 12 60325 Frankfurt am Main Germany Name and address of the Calculation Agent:Deutsche Bank AG Taunusanlage 12 60325 Frankfurt am Main Germany E.4 Interest that is material to As far as the Issuer is aware, no person involved in the issue of the Securities has an interest material ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 111 the issue/offer including conflicts of intereststo the offer. E.7 Estimated expenses charged to the investor by the issuer or offerorNot applicable; no expenses are charged to the investor by the Issuer or offeror. ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 112 Résumé Les résumés présentent les informations à inclure, désignées par le terme « Eléments ». Ces éléments sont numérotés dans les sections A à E (A.1 à E.7). Le présent résumé contient tous les éléments qui doivent être inclus dans un résumé pour ce type de valeurs mobilières et d’émetteur. Dans la mesure où certains éléments n’ont pas à être traités, la numérotation des éléments peut présenter des discontinuités. Même lorsqu’un élément doit être inséré dans le résumé eu égard à la nature des valeurs mobilières et au type de l’émetteur, il est possible qu’aucune information pertinente ne puisse être donnée sur cet Elément. Dans un tel cas, une brève description de l’élément apparaît dans le résumé, accompagné de la mention « sans objet ». Elément Section A – Introduction et avertissements A.1 Avertissement Avertissement au lecteur •le présent résumé doit être lu comme une introduction au prospectus. •toute décision d’investir dans les Valeurs mobilières doit être fondée sur un examen exhaustif du prospectus par l’investisseur. •lorsqu’une action concernant l’information contenue dans le prospectus est intentée devant un tribunal, l’investisseur plaignant peut, selon la législation nationale des Etats Membres, avoir à supporter les frais de traduction du prospectus avant le début de la procédure judiciaire, et •dans sa fonction d'Emetteur responsable du Résumé et de la traduction de celui-ci ainsi que de la diffusion du Résumé et de la traduction de celui-ci, Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft peut être tenu responsable mais uniquement si le contenu du résumé est trompeur, inexact ou contradictoire par rapport aux autres parties du prospectus ou s’il ne fournit pas, lu en combinaison avec les autres parties du prospectus, les informations clés permettant d’aider les investisseurs lorsqu’ils envisagent d’investir dans ces Valeurs mobilières. A.2 Consentement à l’utilisation du prospectus de base•L’Emetteur donne par les présentes son consentement à l’utilisation du Prospectus pour la revente ultérieure ou le placement final ultérieur des Valeurs mobilières par des intermédiaires financiers (consentement général). •La revente ultérieure ou le placement final des Valeurs mobilières par des intermédiaires financiers peut être effectué tant que le présent prospectus demeure valable en application de l’article 9 de la Directive Prospectus. •Ce présent consentement n’est soumis à aucune condition. •Dans le cas d’une offre faite par un intermédiaire financier, cet intermédiaire financier devra fournir aux investisseurs des informations sur les modalités de l’offre au moment où cette offre est effectuée. Elément Section B – Emetteur B.1 Raison sociale et nom commercial de l’émetteurLa raison sociale et le nom commercial de l’émetteur est Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft (« Deutsche Bank » ou « Bank »). B.2 Siège social et forme juridique de l’émetteur, législation régissant ses activités et pays d'origineDeutsche Bank est une société par actions (Aktiengesellschaft ), de droit allemand. La Banque a son siège social à Francfort-sur-le Main (Allemagne). Son principal établissement est sis Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Francfort-sur-le-Main, Allemagne (téléphone +49-69-910-00). B.4b Tendances À l'exception des effets des conditions macroéconomiques et de l'environnement de marché, des risques de litiges associés à la crise des marchés financiers ainsi que les effets de la législation et des réglementations applicables à tous les établissements financiers en Allemagne et dans la zone euro, il n'y a pas de tendances, d'incertitudes, de demandes, d'engagements ou d'événements connus raisonnablement susceptibles d'avoir une incidence importante sur les perspectives de l'Emetteur dans l'exercice en cours. B.5 Description du groupe et de la place qu’y occupe l’émetteurDeutsche Bank est la société mère d’un groupe comportant des banques, des sociétés liées aux marchés de capitaux, des sociétés de gestion de fonds, une société de crédit immobilier, des établissements de financement des ventes à crédit, des sociétés d’études et de conseil et d’autres sociétés nationales et étrangères (le « Groupe Deutsche Bank »). B.9 Prévision ou estimation de bénéficeSans objet. Il n’est effectué aucune prévision ou estimation de bénéfice. B.10 Réserves du rapport d’audit sur les informations financières historiquesSans objet. Le rapport d’audit ne comporte aucune réserve sur les informations financières historiques. ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 113 B.12 Historique d’informations financières clés sélectionnéesLe tableau suivant donne un aperçu du bilan et du compte de résultat de Deutsche Bank AG qui a été extrait des états financiers consolidés audités respectifs préparés conformément aux normes IFRS aux dates du 31 décembre 2012 et du 31 décembre 2013, ainsi que des états financiers consolidés non audités intermédiaires aux dates du 30 septembre 2013 et du 31 décembre 2014 ainsi que des états financiers consolidés intérimaires non-audités aux dates du 31 Mars 2014 et du 31 Mars 2015. 31 décembre 2013 0 (informations IFRS auditées)31 Mars 2014 (informations IFRS non-auditées)31 décembre 2014 0 (informations IFRS auditées)31 Mars 2015 (informations IFRS non-auditées) Capital social (euros) 12.609.919.078,40 2.609.919.078,40 3.530.939.215,36 3.530.939.215,36 Nombre d’actions ordinaires 11.019.499.640 1.019.499.640 1.379.273.131 1.379.273.131 Total de l’actif (en millions d’euros)1.611.400 1.636.574 1.708.703 1.955.465 Total du passif (en millions d’euros)1.556.434 1.580.557 1.635.481 1.877.533 Total des capitaux propres (en millions d’euros)54.966 56.017 73.223 77.932 Ratio de Common Equity de Catégorie 1 (Core Tier capital ratio/Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio 2,312,8% 013,2% 15,2%413,8%4 Ratio de fonds propres Tier 1316,9% 013,2% 16,1% 514,6% 5 1 Source: site internet de l'émetteur au 11 mai 2015. 2 Le cadre CRR/CRD 4 a remplacé le terme Core Tier 1 par Common Equity Tier 1. 3 Les ratios de fonds propre en 2014 et en 2015 sont basés sur des règles transitoires du cadre CRR/CRD 4 sur les fonds propres; les périodes précédentes sont basées sur les règles de Bâle 2.5 excluant les éléments transitoires conformément à l'ancienne section 64h (3) de la Loi Bancaire allemande. 4 Le ratio de Fonds Propres de Catégorie 1 ("Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio") au 31 décembre 2014 basé sur le cadre CRR/CRD 4 totalement implémenté était de 11,1%. 5 Le ratio de Fonds Propres de Catégorie 1 ("Tier 1 Capital Ratio") au 31 décembre 2014 basé sur le cadre CRR/CRD 4 totalement implémenté était de 12,2% Déclaration attestant qu’aucune détérioration significative n’a eu de répercussions sur les perspectives de l’émetteur depuis la date de ses derniers états financiers vérifiés et publiés ou une description de toute détériorationLes perspectives de Deutsche Bank n’ont subi aucune détérioration significative depuis le 31 décembre 2014. Description des changements significatifs de la situation financière ou commerciale de l’émetteur survenus Sans objet; la situation financière ou commerciale du Groupe Deutsche Bank n’a subi aucune modification significative depuis le 31 mars 2015. ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 114 après la période couverte par les informations financières historiques B.13 Evénements récents Sans objet. Il ne s’est produit aucun événement récent dans les activités de l’Emetteur, qui présente un intérêt significatif pour l’évaluation de sa solvabilité. B.14 Dépendance de l’émetteur vis-à-vis d’autres entités du groupeSans objet. L’Emetteur ne dépend d’aucune autre entité du Groupe Deutsche Bank. B.15 Principales activités de l’EmetteurLes objectifs de Deutsche Bank, tels que prévus dans ses statuts, comprennent le traitement de toutes sortes d'affaires bancaires, la fourniture de services financiers et autres et la promotion de relations économiques internationales. La Banque peut réaliser ces objectifs elle-même ou à travers des filiales et sociétés affiliées. Dans la mesure permise par la loi, la Banque a le droit de traiter toute affaire et de prendre toutes les initiatives qui seraient susceptibles de promouvoir les objectifs de la Banque, en particulier: acquérir et aliéner des biens immobiliers, établir des succursales au niveau national et à l'étranger, acquérir, gérer et céder des participations dans d'autres entreprises, et conclure des accords d'entreprise. A la date du 31 décembre 2014, les activités de Deutsche Bank étaient réparties en cinq divisions : • Corporate Banking & Securities (CB&S); • Global Transaction Banking (GTB); • Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management (Deutsche AWM); • Private & Business Clients (PBC); et • Non-Core Operations Unit (NCOU). Les cinq divisions de la société sont supportées par des fonctions d'infrastructure. En outre, Deutsche Bank dispose d'une fonction de gestion régionale qui couvre les responsabilités régionales dans le monde entier. La Banque exerce des activités ou relations avec des clients existants ou potentiels dans la plupart des pays du monde. Ces opérations et relations comprennent: • des filiales et des succursales dans de nombreux pays; • des bureaux de représentation dans d'autres pays; et • un ou plusieurs représentants affectés au service des clients dans un grand nombre de pays supplémentaires. B.16 Personnes disposant d’un contrôleSans objet ; basé sur les notifications des participations importantes conformément aux articles 21 et suivants de la Loi boursière allemande (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - WpHG), il n'y a que deux actionnaires détenant plus de 5 mais moins de 10 pour cent des actions de l'Emetteur. À la connaissance de l'Emetteur, il n'existe aucun autre actionnaire détenant plus de 3 pour cent des actions. L'Emetteur n'est donc ni détenu ni contrôlé directement ou indirectement. B.17 Notation attribuée à l’émetteur ou à ses valeurs mobilières d’empruntLa notation de Deutsche Bank est assurée Moody's Investors Service, Inc. ("Moody's "), Standard & Poor's Credit Market Services Europe Limited. ("S&P"), Fitch Deutschland GmbH ("Fitch ") et DBRS, Inc. ("DBRS ") (DBRS, Fitch, S&P et Moody's, collectivement, les "Agences de notation " ). S&P et Fitch ont leur siège social au sein de l’Union européenne et ont été enregistrées conformément au Règlement (CE) n° 1060/2009 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 16 septembre 2009 sur les agences de notation de crédit, telle qu’amendé ("le Règlement CRA "). En ce qui concerne Moody's, les notations de crédit sont approuvées par le bureau de Moody's au Royaume-Uni (Moody's Investors Service Ltd) conformément à l'article 4 (3) du Règlement CRA. Pour DBRS, les notations de crédit sont effectuées par DBRS Ratings Ltd. au Royaume-Uni, conformément à l'article 4 (3) du Règlement CRA. Au 27 mars 2015, les notations suivantes ont été attribuées à Deutsche Bank : Agence de notation Long terme Court terme Perspective Moody’s A3 P-2 En cours de revue à la baisse Standard & Poor's (S&P) A A-1CreditWatch négative Fitch A+ F1+négative DBRS A (haut) R-1(moyen) stable ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 115 Elément Section C – Valeurs mobilières C.1 Nature, catégorie et numéro d’identification des valeurs mobilièresNature des Valeurs mobilières Aucune Valeur mobilière définitive ne sera émise. Les valeurs mobilières seront émises sous forme dématérialisée. Type de Valeurs mobilières Les Valeurs mobilières sont des Warrants. Numéro(s) d’identification des Valeurs mobilières ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5 WKN: XM4CNU C.2 Monnaie Euro (“EUR”) C.5 Restrictions imposées à la libre négociabilité des valeurs mobilièresChaque Valeur mobilière est cessible conformément à la législation applicable et conformément aux règles et procédures mises en œuvre pour le moment par tout Agent de compensation dans les livres duquel une telle Valeur mobilière est transférée. C.8 Droits liés aux valeurs mobilières, y compris leur rang et toute restriction qui leur est applicableDroit applicable aux Valeurs mobilières Les Valeurs mobilières seront régies par, et interprétées conformément à, la législation allemande. La constitution des Valeurs mobilières peut être régie par la législation de la juridiction à laquelle est soumis l’Agent de compensation. Droits liés aux Valeurs mobilières Les Valeurs mobilières, lorsqu’elles sont rachetées ou bien exercées par leur détenteur, confèrent également à ce dernier le droit de recevoir un montant en espèces et/ou une livraison physique. Restrictions aux droits liés aux Valeurs mobilières En vertu des conditions énoncées dans les Modalités et les Conditions, l'Emetteur est autorisé à résilier et annuler les Valeurs mobilières et à modifier les Modalités et les Conditions. Statut des Valeurs mobilières Les Valeurs mobilières constitueront des engagements directs, non garantis et non subordonnés de l’Emetteur, qui auront égalité de rang les uns par rapport aux autres et égalité de rang avec tous les autres engagements non garantis et non subordonnés de l’Emetteur, à l’exception des engagements privilégiés par des dispositions légales. C.11 Demande d’admission à la négociation en vue de leur distribution sur un marché réglementé ou sur des marchés équivalents – les marchés en question devant alors être nommésSans objet ; aucune demande n'a été introduite afin d'admettre les Valeurs mobilières sur le marché réglementé d'une quelconque Bourse. C.15 Description de la façon dont la valeur de l’investissement est influencée par celle du ou des instrument(s) sous-jacent(s), sauf lorsque les valeurs mobilières ont une valeur nominale d’au moins 100.000 EURLes investisseurs peuvent être exposés plus que proportionnellement (avec effet de levier) à l’évolution négative du Sous-jacent avec ce Turbo Put Warrant. Toutefois, les investisseurs sont également exposés, avec effet de levier, à l’évolution positive du Sous-jacent et supportent de plus le risque de ne recevoir aucun paiement si, à un quelconque moment au cours de la Période d'observation le Sous-jacent est supérieur ou égal à la Barrière (Evénement barrière). A la Date de règlement, les investisseurs recevront en tant que Montant en espèces le produit du Multiplicateur par le montant par lequel le Niveau de référence final est inférieur au Prix d’exercice. Si, à un quelconque moment au cours de la Période d'observation le Sous-jacent est supérieur ou égal à la Barrière, le Turbo Put Warrant expirera immédiatement, et les investisseurs ne recevront aucun paiement. Avant l'échéance, les investisseurs ne recevront aucun revenu courant tel que des intérêts. De même, les investisseurs ne peuvent pas faire valoir de droits concernant le Sous-jacent /dérivant du Sous-jacent (p. ex. des droits de vote, dividendes). Barrière 13.000,00 points d'Indice Date d'émission 27 mai 2015 Date de résiliation Si un Evènement barrière a eu lieu, le jour de cet Evènement ISIN: DE000XM4CNU5Final Terms for DE000XM4CMD3 - DE000XM4CNV3Page 116 barrière, à défaut, la Date d'Exercice pertinente. Date valeur 27 mai 2015 Multiplicateur 0,01 Période d'observation La période comprise entre la Date d’émission (08:00 heure locale de Francfort ) inclus et le moment pertinent pour la détermination du Niveau de référence final lors de la Date de valorisation, inclus. Prix d’exercice 13.000,00 points d'Indice C.16 La date d’expiration ou d’échéance des instruments dérivés ainsi que la date d’exercice ou la date finale de référenceDate de règlement :Le quatrième Jour ouvrable suivant immédiatement la Date de résiliation, probablement le 4 septembre 2015. Date d'Exercice :Le 31 août 2015 Date de valorisation:La Date de résiliation et si ce jour n'est pas un Jour de négociation, le Jour de négociation suivant. C.17 Procédure de règlement des instruments dérivés Tout montant en espèces dû par l'Emetteur doit être versés à l'Agent de compensation concerné qui le distribuera aux Détenteurs de Valeurs mobilières. L'Emetteur sera libéré de ses obligations de paiement dès le paiement à, ou à l'ordre de, l'Agent de compensation concerné pour le montant ainsi payé. C.18 Description des modalités relatives au produit des instruments dérivés Paiement du Montant en espèces aux Détenteurs de Valeurs mobilières respectifs à la Date de règlement. C.19 Le prix d'exercice ou le prix de référence final du Sous-jacentLe Niveau de référence final: Le Niveau de référence à la Date de valorisation. C.20 Type de sous-jacent et où trouver les informations à son sujet Type: Indice Nom: DAX® Index (indice de performance) ISIN: DE0008469008 Des informations concernant la performance historique et actuelle du Sous-jacent et sa volatilité sont disponibles sur le site Internet public à l'adresse Elément Section D – Risques D.2 Informations clés concernant les principaux risques propres et spécifique à l’émetteurLes investisseurs seront exposés au risque d'insolvabilité de l'Emetteur qui serait alors surendetté ou incapable de rembourser ses dettes, à savoir le risque d'être dans l'incapacité temporaire ou permanente de respecter les délais de paiement des intérêts et/ou du principal. Les notations de crédit de l'Emetteur reflètent l'évaluation de ces risques. Les facteurs pouvant nuire à la rentabilité de Deutsche Bank sont décrits ci-dessous : •Alors que l'économie américaine progresse graduellement, l'Europe connaît une croissance économique lente, un niveau élevé de dette structurelle, un chômage persistant et de longue durée et une inflation très faible. Ces conditions de marché persistantes difficiles ont contribué à un sentiment d'incertitude politique au sein de plusieurs pays membres de la zone euro et continuent d'affecter négativement les résultats d'exploitation et la situation financière de certaines des activités de Deutsche Bank, alors qu'un environnement de faible taux d'intérêt durable et la concurrence dans le secteur des services financiers ont réduit les marges de nombreuses activités de la Deutsche Bank. Si ces conditions persistent ou s'aggravent, Deutsche Bank pourrait déterminer qu'il doit apporter des modifications à son modèle commercial. •Des mesures réglementaires et politiques prises par les gouvernements européens en réponse à la crise européenne de la dette souveraine pourraient ne pas suffire à éviter la contagion de la crise ou à empêcher un ou plusieurs pays membres de quitter la monnaie unique. En particulier, le populisme anti-austérité en Grèce et dans d'autres pays membres de la zone euro pourrait ébranler la confiance dans la viabilité continue de la participation de ces pays à l'euro. Le défaut ou le départ de l'euro d'un ou de plusieurs pays pourrait avoir des conséquences politiques imprévisibles ainsi que des conséquences sur le système financier et l'économie dans son ensemble, conduisant potentiellement à une diminution des activités commerciales, à des dépréciations d'actifs et à des pertes dans les activités de Deutsche Bank. La capacité de Deutsche Bank à se protéger contre ces risques est limitée.
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The constraints in (3.5c) and (3.5d) serve the same purpose as (3.4c) and (3.4d), with the possibility of a half-duplex allocation considered. These constraints ensure the resources are allocated efficiently in an environment with dynamic traffic arrivals. In what follows, we propose different expressions for the utility function thus generating algorithms that are either greedy or fairness oriented. 3.4 Optimal Resource Allocation In this section, we present our optimal algorithms for scheduling in full-duplex wireless networks. By changing the expressions of the utility functions in both the full-duplex and hybrid models, we are able to propose four algorithms with different scheduling objectives. We change the objective function in (3.4a) such that the utility function F is equal to the UE 29 3.4 Optimal Resource Allocation SINR: zijk (Sju (i, k) + Sid (j, k)), XXX (3.6) k∈K i∈I j∈D This algorithm, full-duplex Max-SINR, calculates the SINR, on every RB, for each possible pair between an uplink UE and a downlink UE. It then proceeds to allocate each RB to the corresponding UE pair in a way that maximizes the objective function. This approach favors the best performing UEs, leading to an increase in the system’s overall throughput. Nonetheless, UEs with bad radio conditions could experience bandwidth starvation. Full-duplex Max-SINR is as such greedy and opportunistic. While such an approach could lead to the most efficient utilization of resources, it is generally unfair. We are interested in taking a different, and more fair advance on the scheduling task. Therefore, we propose an optimal full-duplex Proportional Fair algorithm. We set the utility function in (3.4a) to be equal to the UE priority. This yields the objective function presented by our second proposal full-duplex Proportional Fair. XXX zijk (ρuj (i, k) + ρdi (j, k)), (3.7) k∈K i∈I j∈ D where ρuj (i, k) is the priority of uplink UE i, and ρdi (j, k) is the priority of downlink UE j, when paired with each other. The priority of a UE is defined as a function of its current radio conditions, represented by the number of bits a UE can transmit on the selected RB, and its historic radio conditions, represented by the number of bits it has already transmitted. The priority for an uplink UE i while paired with downlink UE j on RB k, for example, is defined as: Tu ρuj (i, k) = ijk, (3.8) Ti where Ti is the number of transmitted bits within a certain time window. The priority of a UE thus decreases as it transmits more. This gives higher priority to UEs which have not transmitted in a while, while still factoring in their current radio conditions. Making the algorithms hybrid guarantees that the system is always working in the transmission mode that enhances its performance. As we demonstrate later on via simulations, depending on the radio conditions, and the quality of the SIC techniques available, full-duplex communications might not always even be viable. For low values of the SIC factor, uplink UEs could be totally denied access to the system resources. We thus seek to allow the scheduler to astutely choose between allocating an RB to a single UE (half-duplex) or to a pair of UEs (full-duplex). We set the utility function F in equation (3.5a) to be equal to the UE SINR to yield a 30 Scheduling with Complete Channel State Information hybrid Max-SINR algorithm: XXX zijk (Sju (i, k) + Sid (j, k)) + k∈K i∈I j∈D XX u u yik r (i, k) + k∈K i∈I X X d d yjk r (j, k), k∈K j∈D (3.9) where ru (i, k) and rd (j, k) are the SINR of UEs i and j in half-duplex. Similarly, replacing F with the UE priority yields a hybrid Proportional Fair algorithm: XXX zijk (ρuj (i, k) + ρdi (j, k)) + XX u u ρ (i, k) + yik k∈K i∈I k∈K i∈I j∈D X X k∈K j∈D d d yjk ρ (j, k), (3.10) where ρu (i, k) and ρd (j, k) are the half-duplex priorities of UE i and j i.e, their priorities if they were to be allocated resources solely. In both algorithms, the scheduling decision is done following the allocation mode that would maximize the objective function (3.5a). In hybrid Max-SINR for example, if the maximum half-duplex UE SINR value on a certain RB is higher than the corresponding full-duplex highest sum of SINR values, the RB is allocated in half-duplex. Otherwise, it is allocated in full-duplex. Note that in case of half-duplex scheduling the SINR for an uplink UE i on an RB k is calculated as: Pik |huik |2, i ∈ I, k ∈ K. r (i, k) = N0k (3.11) P0k |hdjk |2, j ∈ D, k ∈ K, Njk (3.12) u And for a downlink UE j, rd (j, k) = As for the priorities of the half-duplex UEs, they are calculated as a function of the number of bits a UE can transmit or receive on an RB. For example, for an uplink UE i transmitting solely on an RB k, the half-duplex UE priority can be written as: ρu (i, k) = Tiku, Ti (3.13) In presence of sufficient SIC at the BS and reduced co-channel interference as an effect of scheduling, our full-duplex algorithms will perform identically to our hybrid algorithms, albeit with less complexity. The hybrid algorithms would always be allocating resources in full-duplex, because the system conditions will always make it the more lucrative choice. However, if that was not the case, the hybrid algorithms would be trading more complexity for better resource allocation. A practical evaluation of the complexity is presented in the following section. 3.5 Complexity of the Optimal Problem 3.5 Complexity of the Optimal Problem 3.5.1 Full-duplex Scheduling Model 31 The variables in this optimization problem are all integers. The objective function and the constraints, which depend on the binary value of zijk, are linear. The problem is thus of type integer linear (ILP) [48]. The number of constraints and variables are important factors when estimating if this problem is tractable. These problems can, in principle, be solved by complete enumeration of candidate solutions. This method is known as branch and bound [49], where the set of candidate solutions is thought of as forming a rooted tree with the full set at the root. The branch and bound algorithm explores the branches of this tree, which represent subsets of the solution set. Before enumerating the candidate solutions of a branch, the branch is checked against upper and lower estimated bounds on the optimal solution, and is discarded if it cannot produce a better solution than the best one found so far by the algorithm. Such a problem could become mathematically intractable as the number of variables increase. 3.5.2 Hybrid Scheduling Model This model is similar in form to the full-duplex model. All the variables are binary, and the constraints are linear, and dependent of the binary variables. The problem is thus also of type ILP and therefore NP-Complete [48]. Containing more variables and more constraints, this problem would take slightly more time to solve than the previous one. The complexity of the optimization problem, which can become prohibitive for an increased number of resources and UEs, motivates a heuristic approach. In the following section, we provide heuristic algorithms with the same objectives as the optimization problems, albeit bearing less complexity. 3.6 Heuristic Algorithms Seeking scheduling solutions with less complexity, we present heuristic algorithms corresponding to our optimal propositions. First, we introduce a heuristic full-duplex Max-SINR algorithm. This algorithm seeks to couple between two half-duplex UEs, one on the uplink and one on the downlink, on the same RBs. The traffic is non-full-buffer. As such, a UE that has depleted its queue is excluded from the resource allocation within the same TTI. For each RB k of the set K, the algorithm calculates the SINR for each possible pair between an uplink UE and a downlink UE. We compute the SINR as indicated in equations (3.1) and 32 Scheduling with Complete Channel State Information (3.2), and allocate the currently selected RB to the pair of UEs which has the highest value of the sum: Sju (i, k) + Sid (j, k), where i belongs to the set of uplink UEs and j to the set of downlink UEs. This algorithm is iterative. In contrast with the globality of the optimization problem, which makes the allocation decision for all the RBs at the same time, the decision here is made for each RB in turn. Moreover, in case it is impossible to pair between UEs due to one of the uplink or downlink sets being empty (either all uplink or all downlink UEs have emptied their queues), the scheduler allocates the RB to a single UE in half-duplex. If all the UEs empty their queues before the resources are depleted, the remaining RBs are marked as free. The function Update(x), in Algorithm 1, is responsible for updating the queue status and the UE sets after resource allocation. The number of transmitted bits is calculated for each UE allocated an RB depending on the MCS used and decremented from its corresponding queue. The pseudo-code for full-duplex Max-SINR is shown in Algorithm 2, when the utility function is equal to the UE SINR. Algorithm 1 Queue Update Function 1: Update (x) 2: if x ∈ I u 3: Qux ← Qux − Txjk u 4: if Qx == 0 5: I ← I − {x} 6: end if 7: end if 8: if x ∈ D d 9: Qdx ← Qdx − Tixk d 10: if Qx == 0 11: D ← D − {x} 12: end if 13: end if Similarly, we propose a heuristic version of our full-duplex Proportional Fair algorithm. For every RB, the UE pair with the highest sum of priorities is chosen. The corresponding pseudo-code is shown in Algorithm 2, when the objective function is equal to the priority of the UEs. We further propose a heuristic implementation of our hybrid Max-SINR algorithm. The scheduling decision for this algorithm is done based on the following criteria. For every RB, pair allocation is used if the following condition is met: Sju (i∗, k) + Sid (j ∗, k) > r(e∗, k), (3.14) 33 Heuristic Algorithms where r(e∗, k) is the highest SINR value for a half-duplex UE. Under this condition, we assume that we have sufficient SIC and/or acceptable radio conditions to support full-duplex communications. Otherwise, the scheduler allocates the RB in half-duplex to the UE with the highest SINR (uplink or downlink). The pseudo-code for the algorithm is illustrated in Algorithm 3 when the objective function is equal to the UE SINR. Algorithm 2 Full-Duplex Heuristic Scheduling 1: for k = 1,..., K 2: if I = ̸ φ and D = ̸ φ 3: (i*, j* ) = argmax(Fju (i, k) + Fid (j, k)) i∈I,j∈D 4: 5: 6: 7: Allocate RB k to couple (i*, j* ) Update(i* ), Update(j * ) else e* =argmax(F (e, k)) e∈I∪D 8: Allocate RB k to user e* 9: Update(e* ) 10: end if 11: end for Algorithm 3 Hybrid Heuristic Scheduling 1: for k = 1,..., K 2: (i*, j* ) = argmax (Fju (i , k) + Fid ( j, k)) i ∈I,j∈D 3: * e =argmax(F (e, k)) e∈I∪D 4: if Fju∗ (i∗, k) + Fid∗ (j ∗, k) > F (e* , k) 5: Allocate RB k to couple (i*, j* ) 6: Update(i* ), Update(j * ) 7: else 8: Allocate RB k to user e* 9: Update(e* ) 10: end if 11: end for Similarly, we propose a heuristic hybrid Proportional Fair algorithm. The scheduling decision for this algorithm is done based on the following criteria. For every RB, pair allocation is used if the sum of full-duplex priorities of any UE pair is greater than the highest priority value of a single half-duplex UE: ρuj (i∗, k) + ρdi (j ∗, k) > ρ(e∗, k), (3.15) 34 Scheduling with Complete Channel State Information where ρ(e∗, k) is the highest priority value for a half-duplex UE. We assume that we have sufficient SIC and/or acceptable radio conditions to support full-duplex communications. Otherwise, the scheduler allocates the RB in half-duplex to the UE with the highest priority (uplink or downlink). The pseudo-code for the algorithm is illustrated in Algorithm 3, when the utility function is set to be equal to the priority of the UEs. Finally, we introduce the last of our proposed algorithms, full-duplex Round Robin. The general idea is to make a list of random UE pairs, and then proceed to allocate the RBs to the pairs on this list in turn, regardless of any other factor. This might cause some UEs to be at a great disadvantage if the UEs of a pair are close to each other, or far away from the BS. As a bad luck protection mechanism, we randomly re-pair the UEs at the beginning of every TTI. Algorithm 4 explains the process. Algorithm 4 Full-Duplex Round Robin 1: Form a set of random UE pairs P of size n 2: Ps =1 Selected Pair Index 3: for k = 1,..., K 4: Allocate k to couple (i,j) of the pair Ps 5: Update(i), Update(j) 6: if Ps < n + 1 7: Ps =Ps +1; 8: else 9: Ps =1; 10: end if 11: end for Note that if only one UE of a certain pair has emptied its queue (and accordingly removed from its corresponding dowlink or uplink UE set), its paired UE keeps getting the RBs during the pair’s turn till the end of the TTI, albeit this time in half-duplex. 3.7 Complexity of the Heuristic Algorithms Our heuristic algorithms have complexities of the same order. The wireless system has I uplink UEs, and D downlink UEs. This amounts to a total of n = I × D possible UE pairs. In our algorithms, we seek to sort these pairs based on SINR or priority. The complexity of these heuristic algorithms is thus of the order O(n) [50]. We compare the simulation duration for each of the optimal and heuristic Max-SINR algorithms. Under identical conditions and using the simulation parameters in Table 3.3. The SIC value is set to 1011. 10 UEs are simulated along with 20 RBs. We note the time taken 3.8 Simulation and Results by the simulator to allocate the resources during one TTI. A statistical interpretation of the results is given in Table 3.2. The criteria are measured in seconds. The machine used for the simulations has an INTEL(R) core i3-4170 CPU at 3.70 GHz processor. It runs on 8 GB of RAM. Table 3.2 Heuristic vs. optimal: simulation time C riteria Optimal (s) Heuristic (s) Mean 1st Quartile Median 3rd Quartile 1.3125 0.1563 0.1563 0.1836 0.1710 0.1646 0.1692 0.1748 For a limited number of RBs and UEs, the optimal algorithm can solve the resource allocation problem faster than the heuristic one. However, there are few exceptions as indicated by the higher mean value for the optimal algorithm. This would no longer be the case as we increase the number of UEs and RBs, where the simulation time for the optimal algorithm could significantly increase. 3.8 Simulation and Results We have four main objectives to tackle through this set of simulations. First, we want to affirm the gains that full-duplex wireless networks bring, compared to half-duplex networks, and in varying simulation scenarios. Second, we want to assess the effects of having different scheduling objectives, both greedy and fair, on UE throughputs and performances. third, we seek to justify the necessity for a hybrid algorithm, illustrating the cases where full-duplex alone would not be viable. Finally, we want to validate our heuristic algorithms, and show that they achieve near optimal performances. The channel gain takes into account the path loss, the shadowing and the fast fading effects. The path loss is calculated using the extended Hata path loss model [51]. The ξ shadowing is modeled by a log-normal random variable As = 10( 10 ), where ξ is a normal distributed random variable with zero mean and standard deviation equal to 10. The fast fading is modeled by an exponential random variable Af with unit parameter. This model is used for urban zones, and it takes into account the effects of diffraction, reflection and scattering caused by city structures. In this simulation set, the transmit power per RB is fixed and set to a value lower than the maximum possible. Table 3.3 Simulation parameters for scheduling with complete CSI Parameter Value Cell Specifications Single-Cell, 120 m Radius Number of RBs 50 BS Transmit Power 24 dBm Maximum UE Transmit Power 24 dBm αp 1 SIC Value 1011 -108 Number of UEs 10 DL, 10 UL UE Distribution Uniform Demand Throughput 2-4 Mbps Fast Fading Exponential variable Shadowing Log-normal variable Path Loss Model Extended Hata Path Loss Model 3.8.1 General Performance of the Full-Duplex Algorithms The global optimal problem is NP-complete, and as we demonstrate later on, our heuristic algorithms produce near-optimal results. As such, we are going to consider multiple scheduling scenarios in order to better study the performances of the heuristic algorithms, and full-duplex wireless networks in general. Following the parameters indicated in Table 3.3, we simulate our full-duplex Max-SINR, Round Robin, and Proportional Fair algorithms. As a half-duplex reference, we simulate a traditional half-duplex Max-SINR algorithm. Figure 3.4 is a cumulative distribution function (CDF) plot of the throughput values attained by the UEs across the simulations. The trends which are set by the scheduling techniques are clear. Max-SINR, whether in half-duplex implementation, or in our full-duplex algorithm, seeks to serve the UEs with the best radio conditions. Nonetheless, around 70 % of the full-duplex Max-SINR UEs attained a throughput equal to the demand, significantly more than that of its half-duplex counterpart at 45 %. On the other hand, Proportional Fair scheduling seeks equity between the UEs. The percentage of full-duplex Proportional Fair UEs which have attained a throughput equal to the demand sits at around 45 %, less than that of full-duplex Max-SINR. However, the least attained UE throughput for full-duplex Proportional Fair is about 0.8 Mbps, compared to 0 Mbps (by 50 % of the UEs simulated) for half-duplex Max-SINR and around 0.1 Mbps, the lowest for a full-duplex Max-SINR UE. Full-duplex Proportional Fair will degrade the performance of UEs with excellent radio conditions, in order to provide resources to UEs with poor conditions. 37 3.8 Simulation and Results 1 0.9 FD Max-SINR FD Proportional Fair FD Round Robin HD Max-SINR Cumulative Probability 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 UE Throughput in Mbps Figure 3.4 Full-duplex algorithms performance in terms of UE throughput Finally, our full-duplex Round Robin algorithm shows that even with random allocation, full-duplex transmissions can provide significant improvement with respect to half-duplex communications. Whilst half-duplex Max-SINR produces more UEs with throughput equal to the demand, our full-duplex Round Robin gave better throughput values for about 55 % of the UEs. The median UE throughput value for full-duplex Round Robin is about 1.6 Mbps. We compute the fairness index, for each of the four algorithms, for the current simulation scenario. We use Jain’s fairness index [52] to determine whether the resources are getting allocated fairly under our proposed scheduling algorithms. This index is computed according to the Raj-Jain equation as follows: ( ni=1 xi )2. J (x1, x2,..., xn ) = P n. ni=1 x2i P (3.16) J represents the fairness of a scheduling algorithm, for n UEs, of xi throughput each. The results for an algorithm is between n1 and 1. It is maximum when all the UEs receive the same allocation. Full-duplex Proportional Fair allocates resources more fairly than the others, with a Jain index value equal to 0.97. Full-duplex Max-SINR sits near 0.80, and half-duplex Max-SINR with the lowest value at 0.58. Max-SINR is opportunistic and greedy, it would not allocate resource fairly. This is shown clearly in the case of half-duplex Max-SINR, but rather concealed with full-duplex Max-SINR. With full-duplex scheduling UEs have practically double the RBs at their disposal remedying the unfair nature of Max-SINR scheduling. Furthermore, we compare between these algorithms in terms of the average waiting delay for the UEs. The average waiting delay is calculated using Little’s formula as the average queue length divided by the packet arrival rate. Figure 3.5 has box plots of the average waiting delay for the UEs, per simulation run, across the four algorithms we simulated in this section. Average UE Waiting Delay in ms 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 FD MS FD PF FD RR HD Figure 3.5 Full-duplex algorithms performance in terms of UE waiting delay The box plot, also known as the box and whisker diagram [53], is a standardized way of displaying the distribution of data based on a five number strategy: minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum. In the simplest box plot the central rectangle spans the first quartile to the third quartile (the interquartile range). A red segment inside the rectangle shows the median, and the segments in black or "whiskers" above and below the box show the minimum and maximum. In some cases, a red cross will indicate a certain data value that stood out from the rest, and could not be grouped with the majority of the data. Our full-duplex Proportional Fair and Max-SINR algorithms heavily outperform the rest in terms of maximum delay, with full-duplex Max-SINR edging out full-duplex Proportional Fair when it comes to UEs with bad radio conditions. Moreover, it is noticeable that all the full-duplex algorithms outperform half-duplex ones in terms of waiting delay. Naturally, with good SIC, full-duplex UEs will on average be getting double the resources, and thus experiencing half the delay. Full-duplex RR UEs experience on average 1 ms less delay than half-duplex UEs, while full-duplex Proportional Fair and Max-SINR UEs experience on average more than 2 ms less waiting delay. 3.8 Simulation and Results 3.8.2 Effect of Heterogeneous Traffic on UE Performance We repeat the same simulations, but with heterogeneous traffic for the UEs. With equal probability, the throughput demand for the UEs is set to either 2 or 4 Mbps. All other parameters remain unchanged from the previous section. Figure 3.6 shows the throughput attained by the UEs, while scheduling using each of our proposed full-duplex heuristic algorithms. 1 0.9 Cumulative Probability 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 FD Max-SINR FD Proportional Fair FD Round Robin 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 UE Throughput in Mbps Figure 3.6 Full-duplex algorithms performance in the case of heterogeneous traffic The trends by the algorithms we observed in the previous section remain pertinent. Full-duplex Max-SINR allocates resources to the UEs with the best radio conditions. The Max-SINR algorithm thus has the highest percentage of UEs attaining a throughput equal to their demand, be it 2 or 4 Mbps. The tendency for full-duplex Proportional Fair to allocate resource more fairly is also visible. No full-duplex Proportional Fair UE attained a throughput less than 0.75 Mbps. All other algorithms have UEs which have been totally denied resources. The Jain fairness index reflects this, with full-duplex Proportional Fair having an index value of 0.95, compared to 0.73 for full-duplex Max-SINR. 3.8.3 Effect of Clustering on UE Performance In this subsection, we study the effects of UE clustering on the performance of our algorithms. The cell has 20 UEs, 10 uplink (UL), and 10 downlink (DL), with 50 RBs to be allocated. 40 Scheduling with Complete Channel State Information The throughput demand is 2 Mbps. The SIC value is set to 1011. All other parameters remain as in Table 3.3. We form a cluster containing all 20 UEs. The circular cluster’s center is 50 m away from the BS, and has a radius of 10 m. The clustering of UEs means bringing them closer to each other. As such, the intra-cell co-channel interference would spike. This affects the SINR of downlink UEs in a full-duplex system as illustrated in equation (3.2). Therefore, we plot the uplink and downlink UE throughput values separately. Figure 3.7 has box 2 1.8 UE Throughput in Mbps 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 RR UL RR DL MS UL MS DL PF UL PF DL HD DL Figure 3.7 Effect of UE clustering on UE throughput plots of the UE throughput values for this simulation scenario. For all of our full-duplex algorithms, a degradation in performance of downlink UEs, with respect to their uplink counterparts, is expected. The full-duplex Round Robin algorithm UEs suffer the most. Since no method is implemented in this case to avoid scheduling pairs with bad radio conditions, the chance of selecting downlink UEs with bad radio conditions increases. Downlink UEs scheduled with the full-duplex Proportional Fair algorithm also have their throughput values decreased, although to a lesser extent. Nonetheless, because of the small cell size, and the greedy nature of the algorithm, full-duplex Max-SINR downlink UEs are effected the least by the clustering. Following these results, we can argue the need for a hybrid algorithm that could switch scheduling to half-duplex when a certain threshold, below which full-duplex communications are no longer profitable, is reached. 3.8 Simulation and Results 3.8.4 Necessity of Hybrid Algorithms The effect of UE clustering on the performance of downlink UEs, shown in the previous section, is just a part of the argument for hybridity. We examine the performance of our heuristic full-duplex Max-SINR algorithm, in comparison to that of our hybrid Max-SINR algorithm in the presence of insufficient interference cancellation. The SIC factor is set at the relatively low value of 108. The box plots in Fig. 3.8 show the UE throughput per simulation for both downlink and uplink UEs. 2 1.8 UE Throughput in Mbps 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 FD Uplink FD Downlink Hybrid Uplink Hybrid Downlink Figure 3.8 Effect of low SIC on UE throughput Figure 3.8 shows a median on the verge of 0 Mbps average throughput for full -d uplex Max - SINR UE s in the uplink. These UEs are complete ly denied any resources . Selfinterference degrades the performance of uplink UEs, as shown in equation 3.1, where the decrease in the SIC factor decreases the uplink UEs’ SINR. Downlink UEs do not suffer under low SIC values, however, their good performance in this case is not of importance, as we would not operate a wireless network in which there can be little to no transmission on the uplink. On the other hand, the hybrid Max-SINR algorithm does far better. Almost none of the hybrid algorithm UEs got denied throughput, and the median on the uplink is greater than 200 kbps. Therefore, the availability of a hybrid algorithm improves the performance of the system, especially when UE radio conditions go below that certain threshold where full-duplex communications are no longer profitable. Finally, we compare our hybrid algorithm to traditional half-duplex Max-SINR schedul- 42 Scheduling with Complete Channel State Information ing. In the worst case scenario, the hybrid algorithm would choose to allocate all the resource in half-duplex, and would thus match half-duplex Max-SINR’s performance. We verify this by showing, in Fig. 3.9, the box plots for the network throughput of 500 simulations runs, for both half-duplex Max-SINR and our hybrid Max-SINR algorithm. The parameters remain unchanged as above for this simulation, with the SIC value still at the relatively low value of 108. Figure 3.9 shows that for all the simulations, the hybrid algorithm would attain a higher network throughput than its half-duplex counterpart. Moreover, the median hybrid network throughput is close to 22.5 Mbps, significantly higher than that of half-duplex Max-SINR at about 19 Mbps. In conclusion, not only do we show that is it necessary to have a hybrid option, we also prove that we can still outperform half-duplex operation with only a partial implementation of full-duplex communications. 26 Network Throughput in Mbps 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Hybrid Max-SINR HD Max-S INR Figure 3.9 HD Max-SINR vs. hybrid Max-SINR. SIC = 108 3.8.5 Validity of the Heuristic Algorithms We seek to verify that our heuristic algorithms produce near optimal performances. To this end, we first simulate our optimal full-duplex Max-SINR and Proportional Fair algorithms vs. their heuristic counterparts. In this simulation, the cell has 10 UEs, and the SIC value is set to 1011. The number of RBs available is 20, and the throughput demand is 2 Mbps. The remainder of the parameters are as in Table 3.3. Figure 3.10 has the box plots for the UE throughputs achieved by each of these four algorithms. 3.8 Simulation and Results 2 1.8 UE Throughput in Mbps 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Optimal MS Heuristic MS Optimal PF Heuristic PF Figure 3.10 Optimal vs. heuristic implementations of the full-duplex algorithms For both full-duplex Max-SINR and Proportional Fair, the optimal and heuristic box plots are very similar. For full-duplex Max-SINR, both the optimal and heuristic algorithms show a maximum of 2 Mbps and a minimum close to 0 Mbps. The median is around 1.8 Mbps. Nonetheless, the box plot for the optimal Max-SINR algorithm is slightly shifted upwards, indicating that the optimal algorithm does in fact still produce better throughput values for some UEs. The same goes for full-duplex Proportional Fair. The slightly upward shifted box plot for the optimal algorithm shows that some optimal UEs are doing better than their heuristic counterparts, but the vast majority are still performing almost identically. The box plots also highlight the greedy nature of the full-duplex Max-SINR algorithms and the fairness orientation of the Proportional Fair algorithms. The rectangular boxes for the Proportional Fair algorithms are small, indicating that the UE throughput values are close to each other. It is the opposite for Max-SINR, where the long boxes show a big span of UE throughput values, albeit with a gain in throughput for the UEs with good radio conditions. The respective box plots show that more than quarter of the Max-SINR UEs have attained a throughput equal to the demand. We repeat the same simulation but for hybrid Max-SINR. Figure 3.11 shows a box plot for the ratio between the objective value (sum of SINR) of the heuristic algorithm to that of the optimal algorithm. Except for a few outliers, the heuristic algorithm matches the optimal one with a minimum of 85% of the value, outside of some outliers. In the vast majority of the cases, it matches it with an efficiency higher than 90%. 44 Scheduling with Complete Channel State Information 1 0.98 0.96 Value 0.94 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 Objective Ratio: Heuristic to Optimal Figure 3.11 Optimal vs. heuristic implementations of hybrid Max-SINR 3.8.6 Effect of the Resource Utilization Factor αp For the same simulation parameters used in the previous subsection, we study the effect of varying the resource utilization factor αp on both the objective of our global optimal problem and the resulting UE throughput values. For this simulation, Max-SINR scheduling is assumed. Figure 3.12 has a CDF plot of the objective values of the optimal problem i.e., the network’s sum-SINR. The variation of the objective is tracked for αp = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1. The lower the value of αp the higher the objective value is. For αp = 0 the results vary between 1100 and 2350 dB. As the value of αp increases, the plots recede. αp = 0.8 and αp = 1 produce the lowest objectives values. Furthermore, we plot the UE throughput values corresponding to the previous simulation. Figure 3.13 has a CDF plot with the results. Opposite to the objective value, the higher the value of αp the better the algorithm seems to perform. For αp = 0 about 29% of the UE s are totally denied throughput. Only about 18% of the UE s attain a throughput equal to the demand. For αp = 0.6, the median throughput value increase to about 1.4 Mbps. For αp = 0.8, it is around 1.65 Mbps. Even though the relation between the objective function and the attainable throughput values is inversely proportional with respect to the value of αp, it is not contradictory. A lower value of αp would allow the scheduler to regularly select the UEs with the highest SINR values. Nonetheless, those UEs might not always have any bits to transmit/receive. In the case we simulated above, αp = 1 produces the best results in terms of UE throughput values. 3.8 Simulation and Results The optimal value for αp will always lie in the vicinity of 1 but it would vary depending on the simulation scenario. As a result, in our simulations in this chapter, and in all subsequent uses of the optimal formulation, we consider αp = 1 as it guarantees that no resources are wasted, even if it is not the optimal value. 1 0.9 p 0.8 Cumulative Probability p 0.7 p p 0.6 p 0.5 p =0 = 0.2 = 0.4 = 0.6 = 0.8 =1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Sum-SINR in dB Figure 3.12 The objective of the optimal formulation as a function of αp 1 p 0.9 p Cumulative Probability 0.8 p p 0.7 p 0.6 p =0 = 0.2 = 0.4 = 0.6 = 0.8 =1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 UE Throughput in Mbps Figure 3.13 The objective of the optimal formulation as a function of αp 46 3.9 Scheduling with Complete Channel State Information Conclusion In this chapter, we presented a generic optimal scheduling algorithm for full-duplex and hybrid full-duplex/half-duplex wireless networks. We implemented this algorithm with different scheduling objectives. With focus on UE SINR, we proposed an optimal fullduplex Max-SINR algorithm that allocates resources to UE pairs with the highest sum-SINR. We additionally proposed an optimal hybrid Max-SINR algorithm that chooses between allocating resources in half-duplex or full-duplex depending on the UE SINR values. With focus on fairness, we proposed an optimal full-duplex Proportional Fair algorithm that allocates resources to UE pairs that have the highest priority. Similarly, we proposed an optimal hybrid Proportional Fair algorithm that can choose to allocate the resources in half-duplex or full-duplex depending on the UE priorities. We then proposed heuristic versions of these four algorithms, and proved that their performance is near optimal. Under different simulation scenarios, we illustrated the gains full-duplex wireless networks provide in comparison with current half-duplex networks, and we verified that the hybrid algorithms provide a good alternative to full-duplex scheduling in the case of low SIC. We showed that with sufficient SIC, full-duplex communications can almost double the throughput for the UEs while cutting the waiting delay in half. Chapter 4 Scheduling with Incomplete Channel State Information 4.1 Introduction In the previous chapter, we presented our approach to scheduling in full-duplex wireless networks in the presence of complete channel state information (CSI). Nonetheless, there is still no evident manner in which full-duplex networks can achieve this state of completeness. After all, no existing wireless network protocols count for estimating inter-user channels or for how such channel information could be relayed back to the base station (BS). In order to properly schedule and distribute resources among pairs of uplink-downlink user equipment (UEs), the network needs exact information on the channels between all the UEs, in addition to all the traditional half-duplex UE-to-BS channels. In a single small cell network of five uplink and five downlink UEs, the BS would have to be continuously updated with information on up to 35 radio channels. Ten of which are of type UE-to-BS and 25 of type UE-to-UE. A number that would dramatically increase in large cell scenarios. Considering that scheduling is done on a small time scale (ms), scheduling with complete CSI is rendered even more complex with a signaling overhead further burdening the UEs. In this chapter, we address the consequences of scheduling in full-duplex wireless networks with incomplete CSI, and afterwards put forward a reinforcement learning scheduling algorithm that can allocate radio resources without the need for such information. 4.2 Scheduling with Incomplete Channel State Information The Effect of Incomplete Channel State Information The state of a wireless channel is determined by the combined effect of several factors, the most pertinent of which, are the path loss, the shadowing, and the fast fading. Knowledge of the channel on a certain wireless link permits adapting the transmission to the communication channel. This is essential in achieving reliable communications, and for making efficient resource allocation decisions. Legacy half-duplex wireless networks would rely on feedback from the UEs to determine the current channel state. These networks are concerned mainly with the channel in between the BS and the UEs, and different techniques are used to determine how often, and on which resource blocks (RBs), would this feedback information be required. Because channel conditions are constantly varying, the CSI needs to be estimated on a short-term basis. It also needs to be relayed back to the BS within the channel coherence time, else this information would be nugatory. Full duplex communications add to the complexity of determining the CSI. In full-duplex networks, additional information on the channel in between the UEs of a certain pair is required. Not only do current wireless systems not count for such information, there is also no implemented method for which a UE can estimate such UE-UE channels. Additionally, it is perceivable that continuously updating such information by the UEs would cause excessive overhead and loads that UEs cannot handle. Consequently, precisely estimating inter-UE channels might not be feasible. As we previously indicated, we statistically model the inter-UE channel as follows: hij,k = Gt Gr Lp As Af, (4.1) where Gt and Gr are the antenna gains at the transmitter and the receiver, respectively. Lp represents the path loss, or equivalently the mean attenuation the signal undergoes in this channel . As and Af are two random variables that respectively represent the shadowing effect, and the fast fading effect . In this chapter, we aim to assess the vitality of inter-UE CSI to the functioning of a full-duplex network. To this end, we examine the components of the statistical CSI of the inter-UE channels, jointly and independently. We simulate our proposed algorithms for multiple scenarios of CSI availability. First, we assume that the inter-UE channel information is completely unavailable. Second, we consider that the path loss component of the CSI is available to the scheduler at the BS. Since the path loss is related to the distance between the UEs, we assume that the presence of a geographical positioning system helps estimate it. Finally, we assume that the shadowing information is also available. This would form an additional level of complexity that we consider is possible to model, if knowledge of 4.2 The Effect of Incomplete Channel State Information 49 the terrain is present. Additionally, the path loss and the shadowing vary less often than other factors, such as the fast fading. It would need less periodical updates to convey such information to the BS. Our aim is to study the impact of the lack–as well as the partial availability–of inter-UE channel information on the performance of a full-duplex wireless network. These three scenarios of CSI availability are simulated and compared to the optimal case, where the CSI is completely known at the BS. 4.2.1 Simulation Parameters The parameters used to run the simulations in this section are presented in Table 4.1 below. Table 4.1 Simulation parameters for scheduling with incomplete CSI Parameter Value Cell Specifications Single-Cell, 120 Radius Number of RBs 50 BS Transmit Power 24 dBm Maximum UE Transmit Power 24 dBm SIC Value 1011 Number of UEs 10DL, 10UL Demand Throughput 2 Mbps 4.2.2 Effect Of Incomplete CSI on Greedy Allocation In this section, we study the effect of incomplete CSI on UE throughput in the case of greedy resource allocation. Note that under our simulation parameters of 50 resource blocks and 20 UEs, the system is considered to be under heavy load conditions. The channel in between a pair of UEs is the focus of our work. We simulate multiple scenarios of CSI availability for our full-duplex Max-SINR algorithm presented in the previous chapter. Figure 4.1 is a CDF plot of the throughput attained by the UEs across the different simulation scenarios. For reference, a traditional half-duplex Max-SINR algorithm is simulated under complete CSI. The throughput attained by fullduplex Max-SINR UEs when the channel state information is complete is the highest among those simulated. Around 70% of those UEs attained a throughput equal to the demand, with the lowest UE throughput recorded being around 300 kbps. The performance of UEs degrades depending on the channel estimation error. The lack of any information on the inter-UE channels incurs the most degradation in performance. In this case, about 12% of the UEs attain zero throughput, with the rest of the UEs transmitting with a rate lower than the 50 Scheduling with Incomplete Channel State Information 1 FD Max-SINR: Complete CSI FD Max-SINR: PL FD Max-SINR: PL and Shadowing FD Max-SINR: No Channel Information HD Max-SINR: Complete CSI 0.9 Cumulative Probability 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 UE Throughput in Mbps Figure 4.1 Effect of incomplete CSI on full-duplex Max-SINR optimal case. The performance of the algorithm improves when parts of the channel become known at the BS. When the path loss information is available, full-duplex Max-SINR UEs show substantial improvement in performance, where almost half of the UEs got an average increase in throughput close to 1 Mbps. When the shadowing information is also available, the number of UEs which were denied throughput drops to zero, with 150 kbps being the lowest attained UE throughput. In both these cases however, the performance of the UEs is still degraded when compared with the case for complete CSI. Nonetheless, full-duplex MaxSINR outperforms half-duplex Max-SINR regardless of the channel estim errors. Under these simulation parameters, almost 50% of the half-duplex UEs were denied throughput, compared to 12% the worst case scenario for full-duplex. In addition, for any UE simulated, the throughput attained by a full-duplex UE is higher than that attained by a half-duplex UE. To conclude, it is evident that scheduling without complete information on the channel between the UEs degrades the performance of full-duplex networks, but this performance remains much better than that of traditional half-duplex Max-SINR scheduling.
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// Copyright © Hipolabs. All rights reserved. import Foundation import os.log public struct Logger<Category: LogCategory>: Printable { public var isEnabled = false public var allowedCategories = Category.allCases public var allowedLevels = LogLevel.allCases public var debugDescription: String { return """ Subsystem: \(subsystem) Categories: \(\.debugDescription).joined(separator: ",")) Levels: \(\.debugDescription).joined(separator: ",")) """ } public let subsystem: String public init( subsystem: String ) { self.subsystem = subsystem } public func log( _ instance: Log<Category> ) { if !isEnabled { return } if !allowedLevels.contains(.debug) && !allowedLevels.contains(instance.level) { return } let tag = OSLog(subsystem: subsystem, category: instance.category.description) os_log("%{private}@", log: tag, type: instance.level.osLogType, instance.message) } } public struct Log<Category: LogCategory>: ExpressibleByStringLiteral, Printable { public var debugDescription: String { return "[\(category.debugDescription)][\(level.debugDescription)]\(message)" } public let message: String public let category: Category public let level: LogLevel public init( message: String, category: Category = .default, level: LogLevel = .debug ) { self.message = message self.category = category self.level = level } public init(stringLiteral value: String) { self.init(message: value) } } public protocol LogCategory: CaseIterable, Equatable, Printable { static var `default`: Self { get } } public enum LogLevel: CaseIterable, Printable { case info case warning case error case debug /// <note> debug = info + warning + error } extension LogLevel { public var debugDescription: String { switch self { case .info: return "Info" case .warning: return "Warning" case .error: return "Error" case .debug: return "Debug" } } var osLogType: OSLogType { switch self { case .info: return .info case .warning: return .fault case .error: return .error case .debug: return .debug } } }
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EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1916 AMERICAN SECTION "The Evening Ledger" for March was 110,721 - SHAKSPEARE'S SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1915 Shakespeare With a remarkable feature, the best rides there continue, and The higher excellence. There is no permanent in all new music; the man of music, the man of music, Academic. Cornelia, Molière has run over the heights, but it never has spread so Happenings in Shakespeare's mantle covers three The Hero-less 4 iUt- t. lt,.. nr Vinm QVmTU frittk Verse acts, And (as Mr. Ruskin, 1 1" Not a single study of that meets and conquers the thousand miseries of inc. mswru.i wm- . i-nennntii. droning, orntltrirntrntrntr, atlCCr. pessimism, alS- iBrt! such are the emotions that Other Counts in the Indictment There are a dozen other charges thing, he works What are essentially Broadway successes or, if you take another criterion, necessary failures, "As You Like It" is in plot a perfect fit for Bill Burke. SQttullo makes a tragedy out of a hypothesis, which sht to have a play to itself simply to analyze and explain. "Julius Caesar with its puny puppets passed off for statesmen is as bad a specimen of "fetf pretend" melodrama as any political boss-trust magnate play of our own Broadway. Naturally enough Shakespeare couldn't see these empire-makers with the eyes of Plato's time or of our own. But he failed to see them with the Ven the philosopher's eye of his own contemporary, Bacon. But No Philosopher And that brings us to what is perhaps Shakespeare's fundamental failing and certainly the one huge and overpowering error of those who celebrate his tercentenary. In spite of all their reiterations, he was no philosopher. He had no exalted mind. He left the impassioned his emotions. In line, he was the sublimation of the average man. He felt the all-absorbing heroisms that he in between, as they made, a meager showing beside the tremendous fact that by the tests of laughter, love and long life the world was decidedly an unsuccessful institution and pessimists who talked about "brief candies were only two men." And if he hadn't laughed or loved or died all three with a tremendous poetic and dramatic fervor, he might have done the other two without attracting them. The Great Artist In the midst of international popularity lies in the fusion of those three interests of life laughter, love and death not alone with poetic power or dramatic sense, but with both. "Within limits that pin the average man, he felt tremendously. So he expressed character, within those limits, profoundly. He was easily the great, masterly, the English language ever had. And he possessed a subtle, yet hard-driving dramatic sense equaled by no other poet and by few playwrights. Small wonder that he could win the admiration of the mass of mankind through the centuries and the esteem of the most exacting critics. His was truly great art expressing the simplest and clearest, the most universal and least temporal emotions of mankind with a power that made them at the same time arresting and exalted. NEW YORK'S MOSQUITO FOR SHAKESPEARE Continued from race One In the audience which is nature of hearing Unspoken word. As for the substance of the masque, its tannuity is quite extraordinary. It takes Shakespearean characters and Shakespeare's scenes and customs them into a dream of the growth of civilization through the power of dramatic art. Ariad. Prospero, Caliban, Miranda and this evil spirits. Setebos and Hyacinth are all ten prom "The Tempast," They follow a story of conflict of soul and body, which is interspersed with scenes from Shakespeare shown on a inner stage, and interludes etted, uns; and danced by the great choruses on the outer page or ground circle Of "the yellow sands." Chilian is the typhoid of brute man on his passing from savage degradation to some future civilization. Prospero is the spirit of Shakespeare, of art, and in particular of the art of the theatre. Through him and his work, Caliban is drawn ever upward and onward. Atalanta Prospero are set the priests of the evil Setebos to hinder Caliban as he advances Lust. Death and War, Through an Interlude, showing the dramatic arts of ancient Egypt. Rec and Rome, and through acted bits of "Antony and Cleopatra," Trollus" and "Julius Caesar," Caliban's out is drawn away a little from his brute lusts for Miranda; but at the height of the Roman episode he revolts, led by the priest. He is defeated only by the appearance of the cross of Christendom, with its foreshadowing of the birth of a new art. A second interlude depicts the art of the theatre In medieval German, France. Italy and Spain ; and there are ecenes on the inner stage from "Hamlet," "Jlomeo nod Juliet," "The Merchant of Venice" and "A "Winter's Tale." In a new rebel lion, led by the priest Death, Caliban's forties are garbed as Puritans, seeking to uppre&s the spontaneous Joy of life. They gain a temporary supceas In capturing WHERE THE STOCKINGS COME IN siims i-Tirr-sTrmni-iH i rum-i-lrrrnm iiriTOV-'i-trnnir-iTt'TrsT 'r"YMMIiMyf,WP1 Wl nMms8B&aEEE&B2i&ZLZZ zizzMzmam m US t&1 ihi IfJBIBIssaLsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW eaBsBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBaKajlH f 5 t "S BBBBslisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair ' S ySJiLsatsasstaslasaasslllllaalssaaaaaatBBtssssaalaaaaaaaaB tt fj i" I m& lliaiaiaBBBBlns9sSlllKSKiaBBBiaBiaBBBBBi9jl i Enr Mr. fiam Bothern, tliiguLsed as a divorced husband and still further dlffuisfed as a burglar, breaking into his ex-wife's bedroom to gain s private talk with q view to reconciliation. All th,U to get "A Pair pr Silk Stockings" started anil trfve the others a chance to tie up the "burglar" in the long hose aforesaid, That is what the patrons of the' Adelphi next week will witness in the course of Win- thrc-p Ames' new production. fjort $ KReen HYL65 HAS m PURCHASED QMWVSEhSim il. .s2r.m - 3 -Marvel of the Centuries whole worjd honors tomorrow! Shake- tn eacn Buccccaing ccnvury ue wii other such man in nil the BRts of the centuries and two hemispheres. Playwright wrntlO "Thll-tV.gix Mtt tltfiVB in fiVO I think, once pointed out) not a single inner tire, tnai eicvpuon 01 hoiu wmi. move the plot-makers of Shakespeare. The afternoon, Miranda, but the third interlude, the May-Day revel of Merrle-Angland, charms the lady back to life and liberty. The Shakespearean scenes of the third act are from "As You Like It," "The Merry Wives of Windsor" and "Henry V." Caliban's third and last revolt is led by the Priest of War in flaming red imagining ovents of today, the only promise of its defeat comes from the grandeur of Time, another interlude, and the epilogue in which Prospero, now unhooded and shown in the person of Sinellopeare, assumes a pageant of the creative forces of the art of the theatre the great actors from Hosclus to Irling, the great dramatists from Aeschylus to Ischylus, and symbolic groups representing the great theatres from that of Dionysius to the Comedian Française. The masque ends triumphantly in the conclusion of Caliban's Musical Glasses. TUESDAY, MONDAY, MAY 6 Joint piano recital by Opal Uabrllonlrich at the American Opera House. Choral Union will feature "The Cross of the Giant" at the Metropolitan Opera House. Allan van Laurent in recital at Witherspoon Hall. Rich Guarini in concert at Wilfred's Hall at 8:30. Bijou by Viola Ira. beck and Arturo. Glornl, THURSDAY, APRIL 17 Marjorie Rappold in recital at Wilbur's Opera House. FRIDAY, APRIL 17 John McCormack in recital at the Metropolitan Opera House. The Treble Clef concert at Wilbur's Opera House. Philadelphia Orchestra in closing concerts at Academy of Music. Strauss' Alpine Symphony will be played. SATURDAY, APRIL 17 Philadelphia Orchestra at the Academy of Music. The Philadelphia Operatic Society will present "Robin Hood" all May 11 and 15, at the Metropolitan Opera House. "The Amulet." which the Matinee Musical Club, will sine at the ballroom or the Belletua Stratford on May 1, will l suns' by tho fol lowing east! War llairle , .. , .Marie l.oughnsy Moon Maiden. ..May Parley, Kihel Nelthair.msr Alula Jennls Kneedler Johnson Mauna Mrs, lleorgd Kdmonds iianamaiiea , , .Kathrjn Melsl AW " .. n r-"r-i r-i I 1 1 some HAD SHAKESPEARE LIVED TODAY Manager (returning scenario) Sorry, old man, but Charlie Chaplin doesn't think you have any sense of humor. Who Are Our Twelve Greatest Screen Artists? The Opinions of the Evening Ledger Readers on This and the Six Greatest Photoplays Tho lists of our best screen nrtlsts nro Just beRlnnlnc to cono In. The lists of the grcatPHt photoplays nre not yet nil In, hut hero aro opinions on both these matters: To the Phntoplnv Editor: Having delayed sanding my cholco as to tho best photoplays, I am now sendlnn; theso along with the list of tjioso whom I consider the best actors and actresses on tho screen. ' Hlx beat photoplays (In order) : "He Ncier Knew" (Vltacrnph). "The Cheat" (Lnolty). "My Official Wife" (Vltnsraph). "The Coward" (Trlnnale). "Tho Christian" (Vltacrnph). "His Picture In the Papers" (Trlancle). Six best actors (not In order): Henry II. Walthall (Easanay). Harry T Morry tVltacraph). Throdor Roberta (Laakyj. Mare McDermott (Vltasraph) llrjnnt Washburn (Usianny). James Morrison (Vltasraph). Six beat actresses: Clara K. Young: (World Film). Norma Talmass (Triangle). Anita Stewart (Vltacraph). Pauline 1'redertck (Famous Flayers). ICdltli Htorey (Vltaaraph). Viola Dana (Metro). The last two lists were formed with close consideration of the rule that no real stage actors I mean by that, those who have not deserted the legitimate for good are included in so doing. I was forced to exclude Frank Keegan, Fairbanks, Tyrone Power, Edeson, Florence Need, and a few others who do not rely on their reputations alone when they act before the camera. ARTHUR D. WALTER. West Philadelphia, April 17, 1918. To the Photoplay Editor: Sir As a devoted student of the photoplay, it gives me pleasure to give the list of the actresses who I think are the best. First, Norma Talmage, who is versatile and whose portrayal of emotion is very natural and lifelike. Second, Pearl White, for her daring exploits and distinctive personality. Third, Anita Stewart, because of her beauty and childlike simplicity. Fourth, Mabel Normand as also is the queen of the female comedians. Fifth, and sixth, May be any two of a score or more or others. Norma Talmage, Pearl White, Anita Stewart, and Mabel Normand in my opinion lean their particular line of artistic endeavors. A.i to the actors, the crowning honors go to the Pathe especially to Dalbans. They have the most of the best actors of their several kind of characteristics for their distinct parts. Hoping that this list may be of service to you, I am, J. C. METZER JR. Philadelphia, April 19, 1918. To the Photoplay Editor; Sir, I forward my choice of the best. Actors and the plays which won them their place; Charles Chaplin, "The Tramp" and "Hank." Tully Marshall, "The Sable Lorcha." William S. Hart, "Disciple" and "The Arjan" WEEK OF MAY 1 19th & Hunting Park Ave. 2 PERFORMANCES DAILY At 2 and 8 PM. DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH AND THE NEW ORIENTAL PAGEANT THE THOUSANDS OF THE MIGHTS 1400 PERFORMANCE. 460 PERFORMED. A GREAT EMBLEM OF NEW ENGLISH PRODUCTION FROM EUROPE CAROL WORLD WONDERS IQB CAGE 200.41 ELEPHANT PARISIAN PRICES FOR THE FIFTH CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS HALF PRICE Dawn Ticket Office. Club Street. The Cross Priest's Circus Show AUGUSTA Henry Walthall Charles Ray, "Birth of a Nation." The Coward" and Peggy. Alfred Lucas, "Acquitted." Resile Barrlscale, "Goddess Claw," "Cup of Life." Edith Barrymore, "Final Judgment." Mary Pickford, "Tesa of the Storm Country." Ornaldino Farrar, "Carmen." April 16, 1916. H. O. N. Lillian Olsh, "Daphno." Theda Barn, "A Fool There Was." To the Photoplay Editor: Sir, After careful deliberation and much addressing of our brains; we have The following are the six best photoplays: "Birth of a Nation," "Tempest" (Farrar), "Misleading Lady," "The Coward" (Kecnan), "Submarine Pirate" (Syd Chaplin), "Double Trouble" (Falrbank), and we cannot help adding "The Spollers," "Ahola Oe," "Cabria" and "Battle Cry of Peace." D. J. B.-F. W. O. To the Photographers Editor: Sir: Will you please give me a list of names and addresses of various corporations, etc., who purchase scenarios? If this is not possible, will you advise where such a list may be obtained? WALTER H. NEALL. April 17, 1916. MARKET & JUNIPER STS. In the Heart of the Photographic Gallery CONTINUOUS 11 A. PRICES 10c per lb. M. GREAT EASTER BILL MARTY BROOKS Presents SATURDAY 22-Bn sjtvh1" t -4, '.r-wir'.-twi'idi rrfyw I ; I3T ; inr. ;r. ww am .it4fotM&bAT- JtkH. A "Ahakeitieiireaii" Mulcal TraroitT Sperlal Hienery mid W'urdrotm CROSSMAN'S RiSifS ilJ" : o c IJKIHl mi r j In 'j J jj "' r,fi 4-wt wi'tXitUfi IllclwC'las 3Iu?lraI Entertainment The Best Act; of Its Kind And Other Acts Worth While THEATRE SisrUt below 60th Blrsst Mst. Dnllr, X:30 Klfiilnss. 7 Si 0 u Mm 10- ISo. ton II. A. ROLFB Pr"!l 0"' f Ills," t r'ifrrful Ar ,.l T J A TUNKFUl. 311 sio,i. k inn nv A MIMIVK SCENIC) I'KOIlUfTlOX A HIGH-CLASS AUCTIONEER And Underful Surrounding fellow CluDR Theatre juniper stb. vv'wo VAUOBVtiE Continuous 11 A M, tojl P M JOc. 16c, tie. The Maid and the Mummy NAT NAZARRO & CO. AND OTHER Stanley MARKET ABOVE 11TH llil a.m. to litis p.m. MARCHITECT CULBERT ID "UUL.l.tI3 UAKI9 NEXT WEEK ANNIVERSARY WEEK MARIE DORO In "THE HEART OF NOKA YLYNW' W THE BRONX HALL Wed. Eve. Apr. 30 6TH CONCERT by the VIQUA GRANDE. Rich Quartet SSffiS? aBi0opR lUMrv Suti. Coo to $1 SO. on sal t Hpp's, 1119 Chestnut L mat, Phila. Must. BurMU Ifffit IM Hf.l!fj)J I E7." ginK vv mnh& - Pk 7 ptam IBS mimm WHITKllWi a '.. -1 M" n'fvtuij t-H"i rtt, iti ii ni 'wttrrPffMU .i. -!- r,. rr,i firan rantnnnu?i wwmm iiJiiGiiinius) s KlOW WE'LL SHOW VOL PHIL AND BILL, JJ$S WORK-RISE 25yCfvl SOMEONE JSMJXZX 5H0U ELOPE MMmiS WITH THE CRIMINALS The Second Anniversary pi the Stanley Theatre With the week opening April 24, an immediately following Easter, will be celebrated the second anniversary of the building and opening of the Stanley Theatre, the splendid modern playhouse which has revolutionized the moving-picture industry as far as Philadelphia is concerned, and even had its effect upon the standards of the entertainment worthy of credit for this life largely with Stanley V. Mastbaum, president of the company, whose clear science and indomitable energy established the "Stanley service" and made possible "Stanley success." Two years ago the motion-picture In industry was just beginning to cast off its chrysalis garments. The melodramas of the alleged wild and woolly West or of the underworlds of the big cities still had the call as attractions. A comparatively few men and women had established themselves as screen stars, but the day of fabulous salaries to net before the camera, the day of the film production of standardized world-famous plays, with the original stage stars of International reputation appearing in them, was but just dawning. Such costly and complete productions as are now put out weekly by such corporations as the Paramount, Triangle, Metro, World, etc., were as yet undreamed of. It was Mr. Mastin's idea held at a time when a few agreed with him that the film drama was due to, in a large measure, supplant the spoken play, attract the same class of patronage as had supported the latter; that this patronage would demand the same comforts and even luxuries in their favorite place of evening resort as they had been accustomed to, and that they would be perfectly willing to pay for high-class entertainment and pleasing environment. The net and concrete result of that idea was the building of the Stanley Theatre, modern to the minutest detail, possessed of every theatre necessity and comfort, and all of the luxuries and embellishments which the finest playhouses of the world possess, also perfect ventilation and unsurpassed musical accoustics appliances. Many there were who voiced the opinion that the building of such an elaborate theatre for the exclusive housing of film play was a reckless gamble. Mr. Mastin, instead, considered it one of the wisest investments in a sure future, and his judgment has been more than vindicated, for the Stanley Theatre has been a huge success from its first opening day, and that success is constantly on the increase. In speaking of this success and the approaching second anniversary of it, Mr. Mastin says: "My only surprise is that anyone else should be surprised at the forward stride the last two years have shown. Photoplays Exceptional Monday" W. S. HART in this day, the AID COMEDY The Bath House WED. & Romance THURSDAY DOROTHY GISH LIT.,'",t, "Little Men's Romance" MR. ALM MRS SIDNEY DRIVE In "The Swooners" Alfred "STANDING or MAY MARCH" (No. 14) Virtually and On.J. MILIE. PETROVA IV HIJ'l'lKl IIIIVIIISII "PLAYING WITH FIRE" Dessaucr's Symphony Orchestra Wonderful Kimball Organ BROAD Last Mat. and Eve. Laurette Taylor, in "BATTLE" o., n J HARTLEY MANNER 2 Weeks Mon. Eve.. 8:15 Matinee Beginning " -vB'f oA Wed & Sat The Distinguished English Actor MR. CYRIL MAUDE In III Internationally Successful Comedy GRUMPY These will be Mr. Maude's final appearances In "Grummi" in Philadelphia Beet Seat 11:00, at Popular Wed. Matinees CHARLES Matinee Tonight Today, 2:13 at 3:30 N'7th Woolr Nights, 8:13 Week "1 Week Sat., Wed. 8a, COHAN & HARRIS Present 213 THE FUNNIEST PLAY IN THE WORLD IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Original New York Cut Und Production Best Seats at Popular Wed. Matinees Seats for the last week on sale Thursday PHRENIC Next "BEATS NOW" With Week & WIG CLUB GOOD SEATS FOR ALL PARISONS Beginning The Gigantic War Melodrama Monday J UNDER FIRE Beats Thurs. With William Courtenay & Original Co. ACADEMY, Mon. Afternoon, Afternoon. TWO-PIANO RECITAL by HAROLD Bauer, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Benefit Hullan Company, Cineriener AU. PRICE: $1.50, $1.50, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $8.00, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, the evolution and development of the film play from the cheap and ordinary to the classic was inevitable at the cycle of the days and nights. "And just inevitable, the conclusion that when stage classics, such as for instance, 'Carmen,' with dashing Faraday appearing in it, were made available for millions, to view where only hundreds had been able to see them in previous years, the people were going to demand a proper theatre to visit and view them." LITTLE THEATRE Hill and De T.anrrr Phone Locust St. "The Secretary" A Comedy Drama in New Acts by THOMAS MACKAN Under the Direction of EDWARD S. GRANT April 24, 25, 26, 28 and 29 at 8:30 P.M., Saturday Matinee at 2:13 The performance Thursday) Come from the Stage Society and Plays and Players Tickets at Olmstead's and the Theatre. For Renfels at Lyric and Adelphia Theatres. LYRIC Regular Matinee Today Popular $1.50 Mat "Wed. Franz Lehars Wonderful Operetta in Three Acts and Five Scenes COMING MAY 15 Benefits Can Be Arranged Now THE OLD INDEPENDENT NEW YORK AND CHICAGO EXCHANGE OPENING OF THE GREATEST SEASON TinloTi. New York and Chicago Englishly Equipped to Philadelphia WINTHROP AMES' Perfectly Pledged and Perfectly Produced 8-Act Comedy By CYRIL. A Seen at Mr. Ames' Little Theatre in New York for One Year With the Sums Notable Cast, Including SAM SOTHERN Era Leonard Dome, Alison Skipper, Carlisle Gladys Knorr, Lilla Campbell, P. Clayton Green, Wallace Erskine, Edward Douclan, Reynolds Evans, Charles Hardlack, Charles Ronald and Theodore Hustle. SMART and WISE. CHIC and DELIGHTFULLY WAVING WALNUT Commencing Easter Monday, May 1, Return to Phila. of the Laugh Getter TWIN BEDS NOW TIE MATT. OBDEB NOW. MQ WITHERSPOON HALT, VICAR, AITEUNOON, APRIL 18, at $100 Pitno Recital by ALINE VAN BARBNTZEN Eminent American Fianlel Priced PRICES TIC EC IS atnut Street A'HA what o- B. F. Keith's Theatre CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STS. MAT. 2 P. M. MOUTH 8 P. M. 2 SHOWS HALI.i 8 Joyous Easter Festival Bill Sensational Dramatic Dance Mildred Macomber 20 Company of 20 Precinct in Making and Aquit "HOLIDAY'S DREAM" Distinguished Lillian Artists CLAUDE GILLINGWATER and EDITH LYLE In "The Decision of Governor Lake" The Prim Dance Impersonator BELLE BLANCHE Strict Sonces and Imitations Vaughn Comfort & John King Proprietors Minstrels in a Comical Scream MILTON MIRON HISTORIC THEATER VA- TANTH (imperial) & COMPANY HOY HARRIS CO. SIX CHURCH STREET. Sell-Tricopher Pictures Apply Box Office or Phone Walnut 0700-07-68 MESSRS. SHUBERTS' Pretentious Production Singing Cast Ever Mat. Sat. Nights, Best Seats $1 No Higher 2:20 P. M. Pop. Prices 25c, 50c VI Winsome Kitty O'NEIL & Leonard GROVEU, Jr., in Their Screaming ly Laughable Skit, 'A Vaudeville Rehearsal" APPEALING PLAY OF THE NIGHT A tin riAV to Tnnfiiir.K ADVANCE IN PRICES. BEST BEATS 11 EASTER SUNDAY NIGHT FRITZ KREISL.BR IW CONCERT KEITH'S GARDEN PIER THEATRE ATLANTIC CITY, N. i. I KNOW INSPECT OF CIRST HEEL, IF WE HAP A ROD WITH THE OTHER FISHER WE'D SO FISHING, rut po ; THEY'LL SUGGEST, TEW TIN (LpoKACgo.
Public Domain
En expédiant le lendemain un de leurs intermé-' diaires pour savoir le jour où les revolvers et les cartouches seraient à leur disposition, ils poussèrent '• même l'aplomb jusqu'à envoyer une montre et une 'chaîne en or, volées sur quelque voyageur assassiné ,par eux, à la propriétaire au désespoir, lui mandant :qu'elle les obligerait en faisant arranger cette chaîne &lt; cassée et cette montre disloquée chez un horloger de sa connaissance, parce qu'ils n'avaient pas dans la montagne d'horloger à qui s'adresser. !» L'intermédiaire assura d'ailleurs à la propriétaire, de la part du chef de la bande, que les frais de ce raccommodage seraient défalqués sur les 25,000 écus du riscatto. TRIBUNAUX POLICE CORRECTIONNELLE DE COUTANCES. Présidence de M. Hervieu, vice-président. Audience du 2 mars. UNE SORCIÈRE DE VILLAGE. — LES CHERCHEURS DE TRÉSORS. — ESCROQUERIES. Chaque pays a ses superstitions. Nodior-a donné f quelque part la nomenclature des innombrables fées, i démons, fantômes, goules, farfadets, sorcières, qui l'objet des légendes et des contes de la veillée. Presque toujours le côté poétique a sa part dans ces récits où se réflètent les mœurs et les croyances des populations. En Normandie, le sens pratique domine avant tout; nos paysans croient aux sorciers ■: tout autant qu'à l'Evangile, mais aux sorciers seulement qui peuvent leur procurer profit, et quelque-: fois à ceux qui les menacent dans leur bien ou dans : leur personne. Du reste, aussitôt que la cupidité s'est éveillée, ils ajouteront foi aux choses les plus absurdes, et il n'est pas d'inepties que l'on ne puisse leur faire admettre comme articles de foi. Et qu'on n'aille pas s'imaginer que les sorciers sont gens d'une éducation ou d'une instruction supérieure à celle qu'ils ont reçue eux-mêmes. Le 'premier venu, pour peu qu'il monte effrontément, et qu'il flatte leur désir d'acquérir est reçu prophète, quoiqu'il soit né au milieu d'eux, qu'ils le ' voient chaque jour, et qu'ils aient pu constater par eux-mêmes que le sorcier n'a pas été assez habile : pour commencer à s'enrichir lui-même. La femme Levilain a trente-deux ans ; c'est une : femme très-ordinaire, ignorante comme presque ¡,tous ses voisins, mais pourvue d'une langue qui ne &lt; connaît guère le repos, et d'une audace que rien ne ne semble pouvoir déconcerter. Le premier témoin est la veuve Duquesne ; paysanne matoise, commère délurée, elle eût dû, ce semble, être peu prédisposée au rôle de dupe, et ; cependant elle va dérouler devant le Tribunal le : long chapelet de ses infortunes et de ses douleurs. : . M. LE PRÉSIDENT. — Comment ont commencé vos relations avec la femmo Levilain? R. J'avais perdu trois poules, dit-elle, et comme .1 j'appris que la femmo Levilain connaissait un monsieur devin, j'allai chez elle pour consulter ce monsieur et avoir des nouvelles de mes poules. Mais le devin était parti quand j'arrivai chez la prévenue. M. LE PRÉSIDENT. — Vous y retournâtes? R. — Oui. Mais le devin n'était pas encore là. D. — Et vous payâtes quelque chose ! R. — Non, pas cette fois-là. Je n'avais pas eu de consultation ; mais je profitai de ma visite, où j'étais accompagnée par Leforestier, pour savoir si Leforestier serait pris à la conscription. La femme Levilain dit que non, et que, dans tous les cas, il pourrait se racheter aisément avec un trésor de 11,000 fr. qui était dans sa maison. Comme dans mon jeune temps j'avais vu des chiens et des chats danser chez mon père. j'avais cru qu'il pouvait y avoir aussi un trésor. La prévenue nous dit que cela était certain, et qu'elle connaissait un monsieur franc-maçon qui levait les trésors et qui pourrait nous renseigner. D. — Et vous crûtes cela? R. — Dame... J'avais vu des chiens et des chats... D. — Continuez: Vous fûtes mise en présence du franc-maçon ? R. — N'allez pas si vite .. La femme Levilain nous dit qu'elle nous le ferait voir, mais que d'abord il fallait se rendre le diable favorable. Elle apporta chez nous une liqueur noirâtre qu'elle fit bouillir jusqu'à ce qu'il n'eft restât rien, après que j'y eus ajouté trois cuillerées de mon urine. On en fit boire une fois à ma vache, qui, à ce qu'il paraissait, devait être empoisonnée avec de l'arsenic... C'était souverain, parait-il. ab D. — Et c'était ainsi que la conjuration, devait se faire ? R. — Oh ! il y avait autre chose : Pendant que cela bouillait, Leforestier comptaitmille, et décomptait par centaines en partant du chiffre le plus haut. Puis la femme Levilain disait des mots puissants que nous ne comprenions pas et nous donnait le nom de trois prêtres: Guillaume, Lefoulon et Vital, qu'il ne fallait pas oublier, si on ne voulait pas tout perdre..» C'était bien savant.. et nous n'y comprenions rien. D. — Et cela se faisait gratis? R. — Oh! non. Il fallait payer ce [u'on .'aisti, bouillir, et nous avons payé... Il y avait .'lillo choses: du diachylon; du diapalma... Et puis on sait que pour trouver les trésors il fallait de l'argent, car l'argent attire l'argent, et l'or attire l'or. Du reste, le franc-maçon clevait prendre 3,000 francs pour les trésors, qui renfermaient 11,000 francs à un endroit et des vases sacrés d'or et d'argent, et 3 millions dans un aure endroit. D. Ce n'était pas en vérité trop cher... Mais enfin, vous vîtes ce franc-maçon? R. — Ma fine, non. La veuve Levilaip nous montral'endroit où étaient les trésors et nous dit que n ous verrions le monsieur à Saint-Lô sur le champ de foire, et qu'il aurait près de lui le diable sous la figure d'un homme aux pieds de bœuf. D. — Et vous allâtes à Saint-Lô? / , R. — Sept fois, mais nous n'avons rien vu. quoique nous donnions toujours de l'argent. Ce n'était pas du reste surprenant, nous dit la femme Levilain, parce que sur .moi j'avais des chosos saintes et de l'eau bénite, et'le franc-maçon fut si mécontent qu'il me fit dire par la femme Levilain que le diable allait venir nous chercher la nuit prochaine et que nous étions condamnés à mort. D. — Mais vous êtes demeurée? R. — Oui, mon bon monsieur, mais j'ai eu grande frayeur... J'étais comme si on m'eût conduite à la guillotine... J'allai chez la fomme Levilain, je pleurais, je gémissais, je me jetai à ses pieds et je la suppliai dp nous délivrer,.. D. — Et elle le lit..? R. — A granrl'poine, 'monsieur, à grand'peine. Ellt m assura qu'elle verrait le magicien et qu'elle intercéderait pour Elle nous rendit réponse ensui. te. Comme il fallait que le diable emportât quelqu'un ef. qu'elle m'avait recommandé de mettre mes plus beaux habits pour que jo-fusse en enfer pendant toute l'éternité avec dos habits qui me r ondissent brave cl belle, elle m'assura qu'une bétournée prendrait mes habits et ma place... et je donnai mes habits. D. — Mais c'était peu charitable de votre part d'envoyer ainsi quelqu'un en enfer ? R. — Jesais bien... Mais vous savez que lesbé-tournées n'ont pas de religion et que, par conséquent, cela ne peut leur faire grand'chose d'aller avec le diable... D. — Et c'est tout? R. —Que non... Il y eut un amtre malheur. Il fallut que je donnasse des habits pour habiller la remplaçante de Leforestier qui devait lui aussi être emporté. Et puis la femme Levilain arriva chez moi en pleurant... elle criait... elle perdait la tête... le diable mécontent contre elle allait venir l'enlever, si je ne la rachetais pas à son tour... elle était condamnée à mort ; des lévriers sautaient sur sa tête et allaient la dévorer... Je lui dis : Vous m'avez rendu service, je ne vous laisserai pas périr , et je donnai encore ma coiffe de noce en dentelle, du pain, du lait du jambon et 225 fr. en argent. D. — Et vous fûtes débarrassée?..-. Mais comment pouviez-vous admettre de pareilles inepties Votre crédulité a dépassé.toute croyance? R. — Je sais bien aujourd'hui qu'elle n'est pas sorcière... Je l'ai vu quand on à retrouvé chez elle les objets qu'elle m'avait escroqués et le blé acheté avec mon argent qu'elle avait déposé chez des voisins... Mais dans le moment j'y croyais raide... Elle nous amena à Coutances nous confesser à M. Gilbert {un des grands vicaires), nous le fimes tous trois, elle comme nous, et nous communiâmes toutes trois ensuite... M. Gilbert nous dit que, très-probablement , nous ne trouverions pas le trésor ; mais nous lui dîmes que si, et que nous n'avions plus qu'à signer un reçu ; que seulement on voulait nous faire signer sur un livre en latin !... Il nous disait que ce latin-là ne pouvait pasnous compromettre. D. — Mais pourquoi aller à Coutances vous coufes-ser et communier ? Vous aviez votre curé? R. —Oh! la femme Levilain nous avait dit que notre affaire était grave; que les curés ordinaires donnaient l'absolution vaille que vaille, et puis le monsieur franc-maçon avait défendu qu'on parlât de lui, surtout aux prêtres de chez nous. D. — En somme, combien avez-vous perdu? R. — Outre les effets que j'ai donnés, j'ai versé de 5 -,'t G00 fr. LEFORESTIER, grand dadais de vingt et un ans, a le physique de l'emploi. On comprend aisément qu'il ait mordu à l'hameçon. Il dépose de faits identiques; seulement, plus pauvre que la veuve Duquesne, il n'a payé que les fameuses bouteilles; mais, en voyages et dîners, il a dépensé près de 200 francs. Il explique qu'il est allé avec la veuve Duquesne à la pièce aux trésors. Le frauc^maçon n'était pas arrivé, mais la femme Levilain alluma une chandelle, prit do l'eau bénite et sortit en défendant qu'on la suivît. L'eau bénite devait empêcher le diable do venir reprendre les trois millions que le franc-maçon devait livrer à Saint-tô, sur le champ de foire. M. LE PRÉSIDENT. — Mais avez-vous creusé? R. Hélas! oui; dans la maison à huit pieds, . dans la pièce à plus de vingt pieds : c'était un travail énorme. D. — Et vous avez trouvé des cailloux, n'est-ce pas? R. — Oui, mais la veuve Levilain nous dit que le franc-maçon avait déguisé le trésor, et que, pour l'emporter à Saint-Lô, il. l'avait mis sur le dos du diable déguisé en grand lévrier. D. — Avez-vous tiré à la ,conscription où vous deviez avoir un bon numéro ? R. — Oui, j'ai eu le numéro 19. (On rit.) M le président, a plusieurs reprises, a imposé silence aux rires quipéclataient dans l'auditoire, et, par quelques observations vivement senties, s'est efforcé de dessiller entièrement les yeux de ces pauvres dupes, et des gens crédules qui seraient tentées de les imiter. M. TIIERY, substitut de M. le procureur impérial a appelé les sévérités de la loi sur la femme Levi' lain, déjà condamnée précédemment à un an do prison, et qui, dans la pratique de ses escroqueries, ne craignait pas de mêler odieusement le sacré au profane. M* DELAING a présenté la défense de la femme Levilain. Selon le défenseur, des gens comme elles sont moçns dangereux que les voleurs ordinaires, puisque le cercle où. ils peuvent trouver des dupes est nécessairement très-restreint. Dureste, le masque una fois brisé sur leur visage, ces gens-là deviennent impuissants. Quant à penser que la sévérité de l'exemple pourrait avoir pour résultat d'extirper de nos populations rurales ces sottes crédulités, il ne faut pas l'espérer. Le seul remède estdans l'instruction qu'on donne au peuple ; et la guérison actuelle du mal .est peut-être dans le mal lui-même, parce que le nombre des dupes augmente le nombre des incrédules. M. le président engage une dernière fois la femme , Levi]aii'l à convenir des faits qui lui sont imputés. Elle persiste à soutenir qu'elle est innocente et que si elle a entendu parler de sorciers, c'est par la femme Duquesne elle-même qui lui a raconté ce qu'elle a déposé ensuite en justice, en le lui attri• buant, à elle femme Levilain. Le tribunal prononce contre la femme Levilain un jugement qui la condamne en trois années d'emprisonnement. Les paysans de Montpindlon, nombreux à l'audience, se retirent satisfaits de cette condamnation, mais comme l'a dit l'avocat, ils ne croient pas aux sorciers en ce moment, parce qu'il fait jour et qu'on s'est moqué d'eux... Mais quand il fera nuit.... Quand ils verront courir des cl a's ou des levriers .. Qui sait? (le Droit.) COURS DES VALEURS 30/0 70 12 Midi 588 75 Jouis. i janvier. 70 10 Nord 1235 .. 4i ,=&gt; n/A 100 40 Orléans 931 25 Imiis -sept. 99 95 Ouest..., 596 23 Jouis. sept... jy yo Cie parisienne du gaz t652 50 4 0/0 88 .. Soc. Immobilière ... 380 .. Jouis. 22 sept... 'rransatiantiqlie... • Transatlantique .... 487 50 Obligations du Trésor 467 50 Messag. iiiiper' (s-m,) 775 .. Bons du Trésor 3 0/0 Canal de Suez 381 25 Banque de France... 3M5 . Italien 5 0/0. 53 25 Comptoir d'escompte. 785 .. Emprunt Mexicain .. 21 .. Crédit agrico) 620 .. Crédit mob. espagnol 307 50 (',réde f&amp;ûc. Colonial. 60? .. Soc. autrichienne... 416 25 Crédit fon. de France 1510 .. Saragosse-Barcelone. 41 .. Crédit ind. et com... 65:1 .. GuillaumeLuxemb. 132 50 Crédit mobilier 505 .. Sud-autricbien-lomb. 416 25 Créd.Mobilier(nouv.). 49S .. Nord de l'Espagne.. 412 50 . DépÕls. comptes cour. 557 50 Saragosse Pampelune 45 .. Société générale..... 567 50 Portugais..... &lt;02 50 Ss-comptoir du com. 07 50 Chemins romains... 88 . Charentes 373 X0 Saragosse i26 .. Est 553 75 Victor-EmmanueL... 84 50 Paris-Lyon-Méditerr.. 937 50 Séville-Xérès 34 .. at Départ. de la Seine... 231 .. Méditerranée 317 50 Ville 1852. 5 OiO.... 119J .. Paris-Lyon-Méditerr.. 313 50 — 1855-1860 4M .. Midi... 310 50 1865.. rJ36 2b Nord 318 .. / 1000 fr. à 3 0i0. 950 .. (Jr)ëans 313 ,. . ..: 500 fr. à 4 010 . 507 50 Grand-Ccntral 314 ■2 l fOos à 4 0/0 lOt 75 Ouest 311.. a { 500 fr. à 30/0.. 487 30 Victor-EmmanueL... '00 .. £ / lues à 3 0/0 97 .. 1863... 132 50 g I 500 fr. 4 % 1863 495 . Cordone-Séville 192 5j » Com. 3 0/0 H3 75 Ligne d'Italie 29 .. u ! 50 &gt;3 0,0.. 85 .. Lombard 230 .. Colonial 432 ?0 Nord d'Espagne 147 .. Est 313 .. Saragosse-Pampelune 99 ,, Ardennes..^ 318 .. Portugais. 130 .. Lyon » 320 .. Romains 126 .. Bourbonnais......... 313 50 Saragos,o 1.58.. Dauphiné |313 .. Sévil!e-Xéros-Cadix... 85 Lyon-Genève, gar.... 315 .. — 94 ans. 55 50 VAlLESJKg DIV;Enrj]Eï Ch. Charentes 3?2 50 ObI. Ce Immobilière.. 2&gt;5 . Chemin du Medoc ... 273 75 Banq. Créd. Pays-Bas. 475 .. Co:npt. Agricu)turc... 530.. Crédit FoncAu trieb.. 660.. Soc. Approvisionnera. 418 75 Obi. Antrich. 1865... 333 .. Caisse des ch. do 1er.. 70.. Ernpr. Mexicain. Obli. 146 25 Sous-Compt. entrepr.. f82". Empr. Ottoman i62 50 Comp. Naud et Camp. 39 .. ObI. Empr. Ottoman.. 247 50 Docks entrepr. Mars.. 400 .. Ch. Ligne d'Italie... 9.. Ent. Mag. gén. Paris. S95 . Ce It. des ch. Médit.. 25j) . » Comptoir des Eaux... 327 50 Soc. C. Ind. AmsterJ. 335 Gaz de Marseille 507 30 Banque OLtOmane.... 470 .. Cail, act. de cOQ fr .. 1003 . Crédit Mobil. ItalieD.. 290 Soc. des Omnibus 1037 50 Zinc, Vieille-Montagne 230 .. Voitures do Paris.... 56 50 Le rédacteur en chef. A. DE InLATfInm DlUGELONNf.:, Paris. — Imprimerie Vallès, 15, rue Rrftda, Mais je n'ai pas eu ce courage; cela me répugnait. ^Et cependant, sans le vouloir, par l'effet seul d une vigilante tendresse, que de symptômes alarmants, terribles, j'ai saisis! Ta tristesse qui devient de plus en plus sombre, tes inquiétudes, ces terreurs qui parfois te jettent dans le délire de la fièvre... mon Dieu ! qu'y a-t-il là dessous?... Et tes retards, tes absences, ces nuits passées sous prétexte de travail ? Pourquoi n'en ctait-il jamais ainsi il y a un un ? Que faut-il que j'imagine? Ah! lettc incertitude :;*t frayante; elle me tue. — Pourquoi te tourmenter ainsi ? Il n'y a vraiment pas sujet. Remets-toi. Aie confiance. Je balbutiai, je ne savais plus que dire. Le terrible aveu me brûlait les lèvres, et cependant je ne pouvais me décider à le laisser échapper. — Que j'aie espoir, confiance, fit-elle avec un sourire sombre et navré, quand ce soir encore tu as usé d'une défaite, d'une dissimulation envers moi. — Clémence !... — Oui ! Crois-tu donc, tourmentée, troublée, effrayée. que j'aie pu dormir depuis hier soir? J'ai veillé, m'agitant sur ma couche, et prêtant , malgré moi l'oreille. Eh bien, travaillais-tu, là, ; dans cette chambre à côté, à une besogne de ton : bureau? Non! Tu n'avais apporté ni papiers, ni ; registres; et puis j'ai entendu ton pas agité, j'ai ; entendu tes soupirs étouffés. — Mais c'est impossible... Ello releva la tête brusquement, vt. me regar-adant en face : I — Veux-tu me montrer le travail que tu es en ! train de faire?... —■ Mais, m'écriai.jE;, ces soupçons, ° cette inquisition... ° „ — Ah! quand tu devrais me haïr à jamais, il faut que je sache la vérité... Et, rapide, sans.que je pusse la retenir, elle s'élança dans mon cabinet. La lampe restée dans la chambre éclairait assez cette pièce pour qu'elle aperçût la lettre que je venais d'écrire et qu'elle ne devait ouvrir que le lendemain. Elle la prit. Mais j'étais près d'elle et je voLlus la lui arracher. Elle résista. Ce fut une sorte de lutte mêlée de supplications, de part et d'autre. Nous étions revenus dans la chambre à, coucher, et Clémence, tenant toujours la lettre, avait pu lire la suscription : Pour Clémence. — Pour moi ! s'écria-t-elle. — Oui. Mais je t'en prie, tu ne devais lire cela que plus tard... — Pourquoi plus tard? pourquoi m'écrire?... Ah! je m'explique ce mot adieu. Tu voulais donc nous quitter, fuir!... — Je t'en supplie, ne lis pas, ne m'interroge pas... J'allai vers elle et, impérieusement, sans, du reste, qu'elle résistât beaucoup, je lui repris cette lettre. — Mais il y a donc, s'écria-t-elle, un malheur affreux, terrible? je ne me trompais pasl... Et tu veux me le cacher!... Pourquoi? Ne suis-je plus rien pour toi? Ne t'aimé-je plus, que tu te défies, que tu doutes de moi?... Oh! parle, je t'en conjure, — et, quoi qu'il arrive, je suis prête à te-suivre partout. Un malheur supporté en commun me sera moins lourd que ton silence'et mes anxiétés. Tu verras si je suis courageuse et dévouée; mÓls-moi à l'épreuve. En parlant ain:i, elle jeta ses bras autour de mon cou, suppliante, caressante. Machinalement, plutôt que par un effet de ma volonté, car j'étais abîme, vaincu, je l'écartai doucement. Elle aussi n'en pouvait plus. Elle baissa la tête et laissa tomber ses bras. — Alors, dit-elle, tu veux que je meure ; tu 1 veux me tuer... Je fus navré de son accent. En ce moment, il me passa par la tête que, si elle apprenait cette nouvelle sans que je fusse là pour amortir le coup, elle se porterait à quelque extrémité. En ce cas que deviendrait Richard ? Je relevai tristement la tête et fixant mon reI gard sur elle. — Ecoute, lui dis-je, tu le veux absolument. Tu as du courage, tu le dis, et j'ai pu le voir; mais auras-tu la force de supporter ce que je vais t'apprendre ? Mon Dieu! qu'est-ce donc? — Tiens, lis ! Et je lui tendis ia lettre. Elle la prit, l'ouvrit d'une main tremblante et s'approcha en chancelant de la lampe.' Elle était en proie à une telle émotion que sa main froissait et faisait vaciller le pnpier. — Je n'y vois pas, dit-elle... Cependant elle finit par distinguer quelques mots. , — Tu me demandes pardon, fit-elle les yeux fixés sur le papier tu demandes pardon à notre enfant : que nous as-tu fait? — Ce que je vous ai fait ! Ah !misérable que je suis ! je vous ai perdus à jamais ! je vous ai flétris... — Flétris, perdus! Qu'est-ce donc ? Je marchais à grands pas dans la chambre. — Oui, dis-je brusquement, lis! Et tiens! laisse-moi sortir, j'ai la tête en feu. L'air me fera du bien— tu liras pendant ce temps. Je me dirigeai vers la porte.' Clémence fut plus rapide que moi et me barra le passage. — Tu no sortiras pas! s'écria-t-el!c. — Non, laisse-moi, je le veux! * -Une subite exaltation s'était emparée de moi. Inconséquent comme tout homme au désespoir, je venais en une minute de changer d'idée. Je voulais, quoi qu'il pût advenir en mon absence, sortir et mettre à exécution mon projet. Mais Clémence me résista. — Jamais ! tu es égaré, hors de toi... » Elle lutta vaillamment. q — Mais, m'écriai-je exaspéré, iu veux donc que je tombe vivant entre leurs mains. Tu veux que j'aille au bagne! — Au bagne ? " _ — ,Oui, je suis un voleur, je suis un faussaire! ADOLPHE BELOT. — JULES DAUTIN. (L:f, suite ail prochain numJro.'.
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Products - Publications See all Geoscience Australia Publications first prev ... 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 ... next last (8,065 products total) Title Authors Published Released  ↓ A geological reconnaissance of the southern portion of the Australian Capital Territory McInnes, G.E.Jones, J.B. 1952 01/Jan/1952 A review of the petroleum prospects of the North West and Fitzroy Basins of Western Australia and suggestions for a future exploration programme. Schneeberger, W.F. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Abstract of the stratigraphy of the Springsure area and adjacent areas (Queensland) Schneeberger, W.F. 1952 01/Jan/1952 An investigation of a reported "gas-blow" near Wabag, Western Highlands, New Guinea MacKay, N.J. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Are there possibilities for a geophysical survey in the Cloncurry district Horvath, J. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Australian geological survey in Pakistan - 1951: activities, results, and suggestions for further aid to Pakistan Ivanac, J.F. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Australian resources of sulphur-bearing minerals Nye, P.B.Mead, G.F. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Bauxite at Gove, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory Owen, H.B. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Brief report on an investigation of mines in the Harts Range and Plenty River mica fields, Northern Territory Tomich, S.A. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Cambrian palaeogeography in Australia Opik, A.A. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Channel Island water supply, Northern Territory Matheson, R.S. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Determination of differences in the magnetic elements between the absolute stations on the north end of Macquarie Island Ervin, R.E. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Discovery of fossiliferous Upper Cambrian in Central Australia Opik, A.A. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Discussion [on] "Three foraminiferal zones in the Tertiary of Australia" by M.F. Glaessner Crespin, I. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Geological reconnaissance of south-western portion of Northern Territory Joklik, G.F. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Geological report on Peko gold mine, Tennant Creek goldfield, Northern Territory Ivanac, J.F. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Geology of the Broken Hill ore deposit, Broken Hill, NSW Gustafson, J.K.Burrell, H.C.Garretty, M.D. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Geology of the Mount Elliott copper mine Selwyn, Queensland Searl, R.A. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Geology of the western syncline, Kuridala, Queensland Searl, R.A. 1952 01/Jan/1952 Geophysical investigations of water deposits, Western Australia Wiebenga, W.A. 1952 01/Jan/1952.
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About this Journal Submit a Manuscript Table of Contents International Journal of Pediatrics Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 954315, 4 pages Research Article Peristeen   Transanal Irrigation System for Paediatric Faecal Incontinence: A Single Centre Experience Department of Paediatric Surgery, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust, Derby Road, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK Received 8 September 2013; Revised 4 February 2014; Accepted 6 February 2014; Published 6 May 2014 Academic Editor: Joseph M. Croffie Copyright © 2014 Omar Nasher et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract Aim. To evaluate the efficacy of the Peristeen transanal irrigation system when treating faecal incontinence in children due to chronic idiopathic constipation. Methods. A retrospective study was conducted of the first cohort of patients affected with faecal incontinence and referred to our centre for Peristeen transanal irrigation treatment between January 2010 and December 2012. Patients with neurogenic bowel disturbance were excluded. A previously described and validated faecal continence scoring system was used to assess bowel function and social problems before and after treatment with Peristeen. Results. 13 patients were referred for Peristeen transanal irrigation during the study period. Mean time of using Peristeen  was 12.6 months (±0.6 months) and mean length of follow-up was 21.2 months (±0.9 months). All patients were noted to have an improvement in their faecal continence score, with a mean improvement from 9.7 ± 1.4 to 14.8 ± 2.7 () and a reduction in episodes of soiling and increasing in quality of life scores. Conclusion. In this initial study, Peristeen appears to be a safe and effective bowel management system, which improves bowel function and quality of life in children affected with faecal incontinence as a result of chronic idiopathic constipation, Hirschsprung’s disease, and anorectal malformations. 1. Introduction Childhood constipation is a common problem worldwide with an estimated median prevalence in the general population of 8.9% [1]. It can present as difficulty passing stools associated with abdominal pain and infrequent passage of stools and may progress to faecal incontinence due to retention with overflow [2]. In 90% of children, no specific organic cause is found [3] and they are eventually diagnosed with chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC). Faecal incontinence may also occur after definitive surgery for congenital problems such as Hirschsprung’s disease (HD) and anorectal malformations (ARM). Chronic constipation can also occur secondary to neuropathic bowel dysfunction due to spina bifida or traumatic spinal cord injuries. CIC has a considerable effect on a patient’s psychological and emotional well-being and as such has a substantial impact on patient quality of life [4, 5]. Patients will often have long-term laxative regimes and may require suppositories, behavioural therapy, and sometimes surgical procedures such as manual evacuations, rectal biopsies, and the Malone antegrade continence enema [6]. The Peristeen transanal irrigation system involves water irrigation of the large intestine through a disposable balloon catheter and has been successfully employed in the treatment of faecal incontinence in patients with neuropathic bowel dysfunction secondary to spinal cord injuries [79]. There is no published literature on its use in treatment of faecal incontinence in children due to CIC, HD, or ARM excluding neuropathic bowel patients. We report the effective use of the Peristeen transanal irrigation system for faecal incontinence secondary to CIC, HD, and ARM. 2. Methods A retrospective follow-up study was conducted on the first cohort of patients affected with faecal incontinence and referred to our centre for Peristeen transanal irrigation treatment between January 2010 and December 2012. Peristeen was offered to all patients who were seeing no improvements on conventional medical therapy, since it became available in our unit in January 2010. Both surgical and nonsurgical management options were explained to parents and patients in depth and those who selected Peristeen transanal irrigation treatment were enrolled in the study. These patients would have previously been offered surgery in the form of an antegrade continence enema (ACE) prior to the availability of Peristeen. The main factor influencing the choice of transanal irrigation was the age and maturity of the patient. In particular, children had to be able to understand and cooperate with the procedure in order to achieve successful results. Patients with constipation due to neuropathic bowel dysfunction (e.g., spinal cord injuries or spina bifida) were excluded from the study. The faecal continence scoring system (Table 1) used previously and validated by Rintala and Lindahl [10] was used to assess bowel function and social issues before and after treatment with Peristeen. The mean and standard deviation were used to analyse descriptive data and a -test was used to analyse the difference in faecal continence scores before and after Peristeen. Table 1: Faecal continence scoring system (Rintala and lindahl, 1995, [10]). Patients and their parents were taught how to use the Peristeen device during a trial admission onto our surgical ward by our paediatric gastroenterology nurse specialist (AW). We recommended using Peristeen as described in the guidelines published by the manufacturing company Coloplast [11]. The families were then supported at home by the local paediatric community nurse who had been educated in the transanal irrigation system. The device was easily accessible to patients, as it is provided by the UK National Health Service on a free of charge prescription. If patients were unhappy with the procedure, they did not have to continue with it. The Peristeen system consists of a control unit with a pump, a water bag, and a rectal catheter. Tap water is warmed (36–38°C) and introduced into the colon via the rectal catheter. Once the rectal catheter has been inserted, an inflatable balloon ensures that it remains in situ until the balloon is deflated. The water, along with the stools in the lower portion of the bowel, is then emptied into the toilet [11]. 3. Results A total of 13 patients were referred for Peristeen during the study period, 3 of which were excluded from the study as they suffered discomfort whilst passing the rectal catheter or simply did not like passing the catheter and decided not to continue with Peristeen. Two of these had been referred to the psychology service because they refused to take oral medications and the third patient was still continuing on maximal medical therapy, as the parents did not want surgery. The remaining 10 patients (7 males) who underwent Peristeen transanal irrigation had underlying diagnoses of CIC in 7, HD in 2, and ARM in 1 (Table 2) and had a mean age of 11.1 ± 2.7 years (age range 10–18 years). Table 2: Patient data. The presenting clinical features were abdominal discomfort, constipation, and faecal soiling in all patients. Previously attempted treatment methods included oral laxatives (both osmotic and stimulant) and per rectum sodium phosphate enemas as per NICE guidelines [6], but these did not result in successful management. In addition, 3 patients required anorectal myectomy, manual evacuation, and intrasphincteric injection of Botulinum toxin. The mean time of Peristeen use was 12.6 months (± 0.6 months) and these patients were followed up for a mean length of 21.2 months (±0.9 months). In each patient, a symptomatic improvement was noted and measured using the faecal continence scoring system [10]. Prior to Peristeen treatment, the mean score was 9.7 ± 1.4, whereas after transanal irrigation the mean score was significantly higher at () (Figure 1). In addition, there was a particular improvement in the frequency of soiling scores and the restrictions in social life scores with 90% having improvement in their “social problems” or quality of life score and 60% achieving a normal score with no social problems following Peristeen treatment. No treatment complications were recorded during the follow-up period and none of these patients needed the ACE procedure. Figure 1: Faecal continence score before and after Peristeen treatment. 4. Discussion We have demonstrated, albeit in a small study, that Peristeen is a safe and effective bowel management system for children with chronic idiopathic constipation not caused by neuropathic bowel disturbance. We have shown a statistically significant improvement in faecal continence score after using the Peristeen system and none of the patients who tolerated the transanal irrigation system required a further surgical procedure such as an ACE. A number of studies have looked at Peristeen use in patients with neuropathic bowel and demonstrated the benefits of this system [79, 12] but we believe this is the first study to exclude neuropathic bowel patients and demonstrate an improvement in faecal continence scores in patients with CIC, HD, and ARMs. Transanal irrigation has been known since 1500 BC and was initially used in attempts to detoxify the bowel and prevent ileus. In 1987, Shandling and Gilmour demonstrated that faecal continence could be achieved by using enema continence catheters in children with spina bifida affected with faecal incontinence [13]. More recently, the Peristeen system has been shown to be effective in the treatment of faecal incontinence in paediatric as well as adult patients with neuropathic bowel dysfunction due to spinal cord injury and spina bifida [7]. In this randomised, controlled, multicenter trial of transanal irrigation versus conservative treatment in spinal-cord-injured patients with neurogenic bowel dysfunction, transanal irrigation improved constipation and faecal incontinence and also ameliorated the quality of life of those patients [7]. In another study of 16 patients with bowel dysfunction secondary to myelomeningocele, transanal irrigation was evaluated by monitoring the intestinal emptying time through radiological imaging. Transanal irrigation was once again proven to be safe and effective and demonstrated to work by increasing intestinal emptying and increasing the progression of the intestinal bolus through the colon [14]. A recent study by Corbett et al. looked at quality of life scores in patients after using the Peristeen system and demonstrated that 20 out of 21 had improved quality of life scores [12]. Their study group included patients with myelomeningocele, which our study excluded, and interestingly their median age was 6 years, which is younger than our mean age of 11.1 years. Our mean age is more similar to that reported in other studies demonstrating benefits of Peristeen in children with neuropathic bladders: 8.4 years [9] and 12.5 years [8]. We believe that the Peristeen is tolerated well by the older patients who are able to understand why they are performing an uncomfortable procedure and tend to be more dedicated and motivated to the task. There are various qualitative faecal continence scoring systems and quality of life scores, which have been published in the literature. We chose the score developed by Rintala and Lindahl [10], because it had been used and validated in surgical patients. Validated, quantitative scoring systems such as the one used in this study enable a more reliable and accurate statistical analysis [15]. Malone antegrade continence enema procedure is an established surgical treatment option for children with constipation or faecal incontinence [16]. However, it is necessary for the child to undergo a general anaesthetic both to perform the procedure and to close the ACE stoma when it is eventually no longer required. In addition to potential effects on body image, there are well-recognised complications associated with the ACE procedure, with stomal problems including stenosis, leak, and granulation occurring in up to 30% of children [17]. In contrast, no surgical intervention is required for the use of Peristeen and the only complication we have witnessed is the potential to cause a mild degree of discomfort. It is documented, however, that irrigation through rectal catheters has a less than 1 in 100,000 chances of causing rectal perforation [18] and we include this information when we have our initial discussions with patients and carers about the Peristeen system. It is reasonable to suggest that the response to management using this retrograde irrigation method would also provide evidence of whether the antegrade management of an ACE is likely to be effective; however, as none of our patients who used Peristeen needed a further surgical procedure, we cannot confirm this. It is certainly true that, in order for the system to work, it requires dedicated patient and carers. We believe that this is the first study to assess the response to Peristeen transanal irrigation in children with faecal incontinence secondary to CIC, HD, or ARM excluding those with neuropathic bowels. The positive results obtained from this small study are encouraging and point to the need for a larger trial, which we are currently planning. Conflict of Interests The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. References 1. M. M. van den Berg, M. A. 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Malone, “The MACE procedure: experience in the United Kingdom,” Journal of Pediatric Surgery, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 338–340, 1999. View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus 18. Medical Device Alert, Peristeen Anal Irrigation System manufactured by Coloplast Limited (MDA/2011/002), February 2014,
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Annie Besant From RationalWiki Jump to: navigation, search Annie Besant (age 37) Going One God Further Atheism Key Concepts Articles to not believe in Notable freethinkers Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) was a well-known British atheist, freethinker, socialist, feminist, political activist[1] and, ultimately, a latter-day woo-peddler. She was raised a Christian and, at the age of 20, married Frank Besant, an Anglican minister. However, she was a formidable woman, and split from her husband over religious differences to become an active member of both the secular movement and the Fabians. Later, she met Helena Blavatsky and became involved in the Theosophical movement and Freemasonry. Life[edit] Born Annie Wood into a middle-class family of Irish extraction living in London, Annie lost her father, who died when she was just five years old. Her mother ran a boarding-house for boys at Harrow School, but struggled financially - young Annie was cared for by her mother's friend Ellen Marryat, who ensured that she had a good home-schooled education and imbued her with a sense of duty and with feminist ideals. At the age of 19, while on a walking holiday, she was reintroduced to Frank Besant, a young, high-church,[2] evangelical vicar who proposed to her after only a week.[3] Frank took Annie's reluctant silence as a tacit acceptance, and she drifted into an engagement under the pretence that as a vicar's wife she would be able to satisfy her desire for a noble and useful life by working with, and helping, the poor. In the three years following her wedding Annie conceived two children, a boy in January 1869 and a girl (born August 1870). A near-fatal bout of whooping cough and bronchitis suffered by her daughter caused Annie to start questioning her religious beliefs, and over the following three years she endured self-torment, and even contemplated suicide with chloroform, as she turned from Christianity to atheism.[3] However, Annie's political views hardened, and she became convinced that deeper social changes were needed beyond immediate service in order to alleviate poverty and suffering, advocating birth control . She converted to Theosophy in the 1880s, and continued to follow this cause for the rest of her life, eventually rising to become the leader of one branch after it split into factions. Among secular causes, she advocated Indian independence, women's suffrage and vegetarianism.[4] References[edit].
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export const allCompleted = state => { let result = true for (let i = 0, t = state.todoIds.length; i < t; i++) { if (!state.todosById[state.todoIds[i]].completed) { result = false break } } return result } const itemsLeft = state => { const notCompleted = todoId => !state.todosById[todoId].completed return state.todoIds.filter(notCompleted).length } export const itemsLeftText = state => { const left = itemsLeft(state) return left > 0 ? String(left) + " item" + (left === 1 ? "" : "s") + " left" : "" } export const clearCompletedVisible = state => state.todoIds.length - itemsLeft(state) > 0 export const filteredTodoIds = state => { const all = state.filterBy === "all" const completed = state.filterBy === "completed" return state.todoIds.filter(id => all || state.todosById[id].completed === completed) }
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< Previous Next > He's In Prison, See, So He Can't Collect The Money Himself...: Amazing. One of his multi-million dollar endeavors almost led him into a dangerous deal in Nigeria. The trade ended up being a fraud and two Americans who ventured there before me were killed, recounts Grubbs. [Main] [Edit] Unless otherwise noted, all content licensed by Leonard Richardson under a Creative Commons License..
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describe('Directive: modal', function () { 'use strict'; var $scope, $compile, modalCache, element; beforeEach(module('subrosa.components.modal')); beforeEach(module(function ($provide) { modalCache = { put: function () {}, openModal: function () {} }; $provide.value('modalCache', modalCache); })); beforeEach(inject(function (_$compile_, _$rootScope_) { $compile = _$compile_; $scope = _$rootScope_; })); beforeEach(function () { element = angular.element( '<span modal="myModal" template-url="template.html">' + '<p>Hello!</p></span>'); }); it("registers the modal dialog with the modal service", function () { spyOn(modalCache, 'put').and.callThrough(); $compile(element)($scope); $scope.$digest(); expect(modalCache.put).toHaveBeenCalledWith('myModal', 'template.html'); }); });
Onthophagus gagatinus adalah spesies kumbang yang berasal dari genus Onthophagus dan famili Scarabaeidae. Kumbang ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Coleoptera, kelas Insecta, filum Arthropoda, dan kingdom Animalia. Kumbang ini memiliki antena yang terdiri dari plat yang disebut lamela. Referensi Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (2011). Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Diakses pada 24 September 2012. Onthophagus.
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Sherburne, C. J. This is an action for the conversion of a mortgaged Kaiser automobile. From a verdict and judgment for the plaintiff the defendant has excepted. On September 14 or 15, 1948, John Cowing of Bellows Falls, a dealer in Kaiser-Frazer automobiles, obtained by telephone from the Rutland Motor Sales Corporation, Vermont distributor of such automobiles, the motor and serial numbers of the car in question. In the morning of September 16, 1948, Cowing sold the car to the defendant for cash and gave him a receipt or bill of sale, upon which were these motor and serial numbers. In the afternoon of that day Cowing gave a chattel mortgage to the plaintiff upon this car, in which these numbers were written, to secure a loan of $1950.00, and received in return a check for that amount made out to the Rutland Motor Sales Corporation to be used in payment for the car. This mortgage was duly recorded at 9 :30 A. M. September *15617, 1948. On that day Cowing went to Rutland, and using this check in part payment got the car, and received from the Rutland Motor Sales Corporation a bill of sale for it. Cowing delivered the car-to the defendant that afternoon. The only question raised here is whether Cowing owned the car at the time he mortgaged it, and the court tried the case and submitted it to the jury upon the theory that the plaintiff must prove that Cowing then owned it in order to recover. All evidence of such ownership came from Cowing. He was in an awkward spot and his testimony was conflicting. Viewing his testimony most favorably to the plaintiff it reasonably tends to show that he was a straight factory dealer in Kaiser cars under appointment from the Rutland Motor Sales Corporation, and had done considerable business with that corporation, that on September 14 or 15, 1948, when he got the motor and serial numbers of this car over the telephone from such corporation, he was told by some one there, whose name he could not recall since he had dealt in over 500 automobiles that year, that they would sell this car to him, and that he replied that he would buy it. In 1948 automobiles were hard to get and Cowing had to take anything and everything that he could get to take care of the demand, “anything that had four wheels and a steering wheel” that he could sell. He further testified that he intended to purchase this car and supposed that he had purchased it by telephone. Although the general manager of the Rutland Motor Sales Corporation testified that his records showed that the car was sold to Cowing on September 17, 1948, he also testified that it wasn’t the regular practice of his business to supply dealers with motor and serial numbers prior to date of delivery but that it had been done, and that numbers on one car had been furnished to Cowing, but he didn’t know if it happened to be this one or not. Defendant moved for a directed verdict at the close of all the evidence, to set aside the verdict, and for judgment notwithstanding the verdict.- These motions were denied subject to exception. The grounds -of all were alike, that there .was no evidence of any possession or possessory rights in the car or of any legal title in the plaintiff, or that the plaintiff was the owner of and possessed' the car on September 16, 1948; and that there was no substantial evidence to show other than that the car was sold to Cowing on September 17, 1948, and that by the undisputed testimony of the witnesses title was' not transferred to Cowing until that date, *157wherefore the plaintiff could take' no title or right of possession by the mortgage of September 16,1948. In passing upon these motions the court and counsel referred to V. S. 47, §§ 7871 and 7872. These sections, so far as here material, read as follows: “7871. I. Where there is a contract to sell specific or ascertained goods, the property in them is transferred to the buyer at such time as the parties to the contract intend it to be transferred. II. For the purpose of ascertaining the intention of the parties, regard shall be had to the terms of the contract, the conduct of the parties, usages of trade and the circumstances of the case. “7872. Unless a different intention appears, the following are rules for ascertaining the intention of the parties as to the time at which the property in the goods is to pass to the buyer. Rule 1. Where there is an unconditional contract to sell specific goods, in a deliverable state, the property in the goods passes to the buyer when the contract is made and it is immaterial whether the time of payment, or the time of delivery, or both, be postponed. Rule 2. Where there is a contract to sell specific goods and the seller is bound to do something to the goods for the purpose of putting them into a deliverable state, the property does not pass until such thing is done.” We think that Cowing’s telephone conversation with the unremembered person at the office of the Rutland Motor Sales Corporation was sufficient evidence to show that the property in this car passed to him at the time of this conversation under the foregoing sections, taking into consideration that such person gave him the correct motor and serial numbers, and the admission of the corporation’s manager that such numbers had been furnished to Cowing on one occasion, and that Cowing had done considerable business with this corporation and believed that he *158had purchased this car over the telephone, and that in a period when automobiles were scarce and hard to get this car was held for two or three days after this conversation and then delivered to him. The defendant makes the point that there was no evidence that the car was in a deliverable state, but it is a matter of common knowledge that the makers of automobiles deliver them to their distributors fully assembled, and all that is required to put them on the road is gasoline and oil and possibly some minor adjustments, which we do not consider to be something which the distributor is. bound to do to put them into a deliverable state within the meaning of the statute, in the case of a sale to a dealer. Cowing was willing to accept anything that had four wheels and a steering wheel. Under his claim that there was no evidence that Cowing had title to the car at the time he executed the mortgage, the defendent here for the first time calls attention to our statute of frauds relative to the sale of goods and chattels, V. S. 47, §§ 1717, 7857, and our cases construing same. He admits that the record does not show that he excepted to the charge of the court or that he pointed out the provisions of the statute to the trial court, but argues that he is entitled to raise the question here under his exception to the validity of the mortgage, and says that where an entire absence of right of action in favor of the plaintiff appears on the face of the record an objection on that ground may be asserted here for the first time. As to the last claim, whether it is a correct statement of the law or not, it is sufficient to say that under our practice a matter like the one here involved does not appear upon the face of the record in the absence of a valid exception. We have repeatedly held that a motion for a verdict must point out the precise ground upon which it is predicated; otherwise it is not error to overrule it. Dansro v. Scribner, 108 Vt 408, 411, 187 A 803; Castonguay v. Grand Trunk Ry. Co., 91 Vt 371, 375, 100 A 908, and cases cited. The moving party is bound to assist the-court to an adequate understanding of the situation presented to the end that the court may make its ruling understandingly. Dansro v. Scribner, supra; Grapes v. Willoughby, 93 Vt 458, 460, 108 A 421. In this case the exceptions are altogether too general to raise the question of the statute of frauds for our consideration. It does not appear in the record that the court had in mind the specific claims which are now made, and so the rule in Wentworth *159v. Waterbury, 90 Vt 60, 64, 96 A 334, does not apply. In fact the contrary appears. The only other exception briefed relates to the admission of the mortgage in evidence. This was based upon grounds similar to the motions referred to. Defendant’s exceptions are not sustained. Judgment affirmed.
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The owner of this beautiful face had attracted general attention, both because she was a stranger, and because she was so very beautiful. Nobody knew who she was or whence she came, and as yet there had been no opportunity for setting inquiry on foot. The Countess of Sackville had from the first felt very considerable interest in the stranger — a kind of interest that was almost instinctive, and she had gradually come to feel an almost absorbing desire to hold holy converse with the beautiful stranger, who was evidently a charming devotee at the shrine of St. Bottlenose — a shrine at which only the noble and exalted in mind and in the world could worship, and whereat none but those of the longest pedigrees and of the greatest possessions were ever seen. To entertain a desire of the kind in a person of the position of the Countess of Sackville in the congregation of St. Bottlenose was very nearly tantamount to gratifying it; at all events, we may be sure that the desire does not in such a case much tantalize the gratification. The organ was pealing forth its rolling sounds, or, as it is technically termed, was "playing the congregation out," and the Countess of Sackville was walking grandly and with the necessary solemnity down the aisle, and shedding her radiance all around, like the bright particular star in that brilliant constellation that she was, when she jostled almost imperceptibly against the expansive crinoline which, like a cloud of gossamer, appeared buoyantly to bear along the beautiful face of the unknown worshipper. The graceful, apologetic bow of the Countess of Sackville was answered by an equally graceful inclination and a smile, that was even calculated to enchant a woman. By the time the Countess and the stranger had reached the porch, around which the gorgeous array of plush and gold lace, like a military display, was ranged, they were in earnest and animated conversation. Of course, this attracted the attention of SACKVILLE CHASE. The entire congregation, and the interest in the beautiful stranger became intensified, especially when it was seen that the countess and the stranger walked together in conversation down the street that leads from the church of St. Bottlenose to the great square in which is situated the town residence of the Sackville family. The congregation gazed after them, and all the sacred admonitions which had been emitted from behind the flowing whiskers in the mediaeval pulpit of St. Bottlenose were forgotten, or put on one side in the speculations that were indulged in as to the beautiful stranger who had been so fortunate as to obtain the notice and secure the patronizing smile of the Countess of Sackville. The two were followed by the gaze of eager and sparkling eyes until they turned the corner of the street that leads into the great square. A ponderous volume might be written upon coincidences, and an interesting one, too, we have no doubt, if the materials could be collected. The incidents of this chapter might supply some of them. Was it an accident that caused the countess to jostle the beautiful stranger in the aisle of St. Bottlenose? We have no possible means of ascertaining; but, without doubt, when the Countess of Sackville's principal footman, only within a few yards of Sackville House, trod upon the crinoline of the beautiful stranger — or rather, the fleecy gauze which covered the crinoline — and thereby caused an "envious rent," which extended from the mysteries about the waist to near the extremity of the skirt, that was accidental. The tall footman, of course, was horrified, and the countess was deeply concerned, and immediately requested the stranger to enter the mansion, and the carriage should at once be sent for to convey her home. The invitation was graciously accepted, and the delinquent footman was despatched to the mews to order the carriage round. The countess conducted the unknown worshipper from St. Bottlenose into the drawing-room of Sackville House, and an immediate inspection of the dilapidated skirt took place under the advising eyes of a couple of lady's-maids who were summoned to the spot for the purpose. This privy council came to the conclusion, after full discussion, that it was only one of the "gathers" that had given way, and that the accident might be remedied upon the spot if need were, but the beautiful stranger would not hear of such a thing, especially as her ladyship had been so very kind as to place her carriage at her disposal. She would, she said, hasten home and change her attire. The faithful handmaidens, therefore, were dismissed to their own regions, and the Countess of Sackville and the beautiful stranger were again left to themselves, but for a very brief time only, for the two lady's-maids could scarcely have reached their own apartments before the drawing-room door opened, and the Hon. Reginald Longreach walked into the room. His fond and splendid mama rose with a mama's smile to welcome her second-born, but she was almost immediately arrested in her march across the carpet by the somewhat remarkable behavior of the Honourable Reginald, who, as soon as he saw the beautiful stranger, stammered out rather than exclaimed — "Good gracious!" That cry from her second-born, and the look which accompanied it, went direct to the mother's heart, and told the Countess of Sackville that she had committed an indiscretion. She did not know who the brilliant beauty was; she had introduced her into her own house, and now, perhaps when too late, she could see what dangerous effects that beauty might produce. The Honourable Reginald looked and blushed, and blushed and looked again, and then, with a smile that spoke his embarrassment plainly enough, he observed to the furniture in the room generally, and to the sofa on which the strange lady was seated in particular, that it was very remarkable. "A young lady who is one of the congregation of St. Bottlenose, my dear," said the Countess of Sackville. "My son Reginald," she continued hastily to the beautiful stranger, who rose from her seat, and by that act completed the prostration of the Honourable Reginald Lononreach — that is, she metaphorically completely knocked him over, as evidenced by his again exclaiming — SACKVILLE CHASE. "Good gracious !" "Why, Reginald," exclaimed the countess, "what is the matter with you? You look as embarrassed as though you had just come from a boarding school." "Yes, at Boulogne," said the Honourable Reginald, with his mouth wide open, and gazing, with a ludicrous expression on his countenance, on the face of the unknown beauty. "At Boulogne!" exclaimed the countess; "what do you mean, my dear?" But before the Honourable Reginald could say what he meant, even supposing he exactly knew himself, the door was thrown open again, Mr. Sheraton was announced, and that gentleman walked into the room. The moment he saw the beautiful worshipper from St. Bottlenose, he also exclaimed — "Good gracious!" but almost instantly checked his surprise. not, however, before the countess had observed it, as she could hardly fail to do, with the rather remarkable coincidence of Mr. Sheraton's exclamation with that of her son Reginald. The countess therefore was puzzled, and indeed much embarrassed. Could it be merely the excessive beauty of the stranger from the church of St. Bottlenose that had produced the same exclamation from her son and Mr. Sheraton? — she would try and find out. Mr. Sheraton bowed with great formality to the mysterious beauty, and was passing over to the Honourable Reginald, who had gone to one of the windows, but he was arrested by the countess, who adroitly said to him — " You have probably seen this young lady before, Mr. Sheraton?" Mr. Sheraton and the young lady exchanged a significant glance, which was understood by themselves only; but before he could answer the question the countess had put to him, the door again opened, and in walked the Earl of Sackville, who instantly on seeing the strange young lady, as the other two had done, exclaimed— "Good gracious!" At this the Countess of Sackville could not refrain from laughing outright, but she almost instantly checked herself, for she observed that her husband was more embarrassed than either her son or Mr. Sheraton. In a tone of vexation, or something like it, and with an attempt at banter, she said — " Well, you are three of the most extraordinary beings I ever met with. I do not know what this young lady will think of you all. I am sure I do not know what to think." The Earl of Sackville and Mr. Sheraton looked at each other in unmistakeable embarrassment. "The moment Reginald entered the room," continued the countess, "he cried out 'Good gracious!' The moment Mr. Sheraton entered the room, he cried 'Good gracious!' and now the moment you come in, Hubert, you cry 'Good gracious!' too. Is there anything in the appearance of this young lady that has frightened you all from your propriety?" Before any of them could satisfy the countess upon this point, the footman announced that the carriage was at the door. "I am glad of it," exclaimed the countess, turning to the beautiful stranger, and with her native good humor somewhat restored; "I am glad of it; for, my dear young lady, you must have been much embarrassed by the strange conduct of these gentlemen;" and then turning with much tact to Mr. Sheraton, she said, "Will you, Mr. Sheraton, be kind enough to see this young lady to the carriage. Hubert, I want to have a little conversation with you." Mr. Sheraton offered his arm to the beautiful stranger, and as they passed down the staircase, he said, in a whisper — " How, in the name of all that is mysterious, did you become acquainted with the countess?" "Come down this evening and I will tell you all about it," she replied, in a whisper also. In another minute, Mdlle. D' Arlincourt was on her way home in the Earl of Sackville's carriage. When Mr. Sheraton returned to the drawing room, he was not a little gratified to find that the countess was much This story is continued in SACKVILLE CHASE. interested in the recital by the earl of the strange adventure at the steeplechase of the young lady who had just left. The countess said she certainly should like to see her again. SACKVILLE CHASE. CHAPTER IV. MR. SPARKE IS AT HOME AT LAST — HE IS LICENSED BY A PATERNAL GOVERNMENT OF A GREAT NATION TO MINISTER TO THE MORALS OF A PEOPLE. Mr. Sparke's share of the proceeds of that "weighty" conspiracy which we saw worked out at the steeplechase was a very considerable amount. It was a substantial round sum, for the fraud had been eminently successful. Now, Mr. Sparke was a cautious man. The common adage of "light come, light go," did not hold good with him, for when he got anything, he had the faculty of taking care of it; and when he found himself in possession of "the swag," as he termed it, resulting from the steeplechase fraud, he at once began to look about him for an executable means of investing the gains which he had acquired. A public house was congenial to Mr. Sparke. It had been so all his life. It was in a low London public house that he was initiated into those mysteries in which he was now an adept, of which the palming of cards and the cheating at games thereof were among the least recondite. A London public house is, indeed, a characteristic of London. There are public houses which may be said to be a London institution. When a man in a certain class of life commits a successful fraud, generally his first thought is to invest the proceeds of the fraud in the purchase of one of these houses, which has this double advantage, that it supplies a good business and a certain social status at one and the same time. All these public houses are held by a kind of corporation, who are banded together for mutual protection, and who present this strange anomaly—they dispense poison with one hand and charity with the other. This institution is very extensive in its ramifications, which extend all over the metropolis. The great strength of the institution lies in what is called the licensing system—that is, the houses are all licensed for the sale of spirits, the licences proceeding from a knot of persons called the licensing magistrates, and who not uncommonly have a direct personal interest in the matter. A licence, therefore, is most difficult to obtain for the first time—the cost of obtaining it is very heavy, and the value when obtained is thus proportionately increased. A licensed house, therefore, in London, is always a valuable piece of property. and will readily fetch a good price in the market. The licence gives the holder not only a monopoly in his particular business, but it gives him in reality a protection for the commission of various frauds, in the shape of adulteration, cheating measures, and deleterious compounds, which are the means by which he ekes out a return for his money invested in the purchase of his licensed house. Mr. Spark naturally turned his attention to the possession of a public house. It was, as we have said, a calling congenial to him, and it was one in which his peculiar talents would shine and be appreciated. As soon as he found himself in possession of the proceeds of the steeplechase fraud, he put himself in communication with the association to which we have before adverted, and almost at once — for he had two or three thousand pounds in hand, and what a talisman that is! — he found himself not only in possession of a house with an extensive business in a rising locality, but a member of the fraternity whose chartered object is to poison the public by a slow process and dispense charity among themselves by a quick one. SACKVILLE CHASE. The house which Mr. Sparke suc- ceeded in obtaining was situated in a street leading out of the Regent's Park towards the open country beyond. It was in a rapidly increasing neighbour- hood, and the house had been long esta- blished. It was a house of public enter- tainment, and stood alone, and with but few habitations near it; where holiday folk used to come out, as indeed they do now, to enjoy the products of the house in its garden at the back. The house is quite unpretending in its exterior, and. 70 SACKVILLE CHASE. Indeed, upon the first view, a casual observer might be disposed, and probably would be, to dispute its title to the appellation of "Inn," to which, however, it is entitled in every respect, legal and otherwise. It may, perhaps, be not altogether inviting outside, but we can certify to the fact that there is that within which passeth a good deal of show. The house in its exterior has a quiet, comfortable, easy, independent sort of air, which perhaps not inaptly indicates the character of the place within. There is a goodly signboard, which always looks fresh, and is a portly ornament between the two large bay-windows which illuminate the two chief rooms; and as the house now is neither in the town nor in the country, but seems to have been designed to meet the emergencies of both, it has become a kind of finger-post or landmark in the locality for people at a distance to direct their friends by, and a cabman could, to half a fare, supposing there were such things as half fares, tell you what he is legally entitled to charge for carrying you there from any part of London — that is, when he is inclined to do so, or supposing him to be labouring under the infirmity of honesty — a disease from which most cabmen are singularly free. There is not a more polished bar, nor brighter or more massive mahogany, bigger-bellied butts, a more jolly-looking landlord, nor a more mixed company than this bar can occasionally display. The prosperity of the place shines in the countenance of our friend Sparke, as he vigorously pulls that row of ivory handles, which action produces foaming pots of stout for which the house is famed. On the right hand, opposite to the bar, is the bar-parlour, an extensive chamber, round which are ranged against the walls horsehair seats, with, at the farther end of the room, a seat of state for a chairman, for whose accommodation, arms, as of an arm-chair, are provided. This chamber is usually tenantless throughout the day, but in the evening it is always well filled, for it is the sporting bar-parlour of the neighbourhood. Politics and sporting used to be the two great stock subjects of discussion in all the bar-parlours of the country, from one end to the other. Politics, however, of late years, have been secondary to sporting, the bar-parlour being now very properly considered as an unfitting arena for the discussion of the great questions which occasionally agitate the politics of the day, and in which every person, from the highest to the lowest, feels a deep and absorbing interest. Sporting is far more congenial to the bar-parlour, and racing especially always commands the highest consideration there. Mr. Sparke's bar-parlour of an evening presents a motley group of constant frequenters. As the shades of evening close in, the chandelier in the middle of the room is illuminated, and the usual party soon assemble. That jolly, good-looking, fine-whiskered fellow, up in the corner there, is a large speculator in the betting- ring, and makes a heavy book on every race. He is gifted with extraordinary powers of what the Londoners designate chaff — a faculty they appreciate highly. Near to this gentleman sits a contrast to him. He is a fellow whose countenance bespeaks chicanery, and evidently adorns the rogue. About his mouth, that most expressive feature, there is a peculiar expression; for when he speaks, he does so with closed lips, and his words seem to be squeezed out of one corner. This has given his face a one-sided expression. There is no joviality in his laugh; he is sinister in every respect, and he is clearly a man that you would not trust at first sight, and perhaps it would be as well if you did not trust him at all, for he picks up a precarious living by "picking people up," as it is facetiously termed, but which might, perhaps, be more appropriately designated as knocking people down. But sometimes things are called by strange names. A remarkable-looking individual is that up in the corner with a bare eye-glass in his eye, and an undisguised wig upon his head. All his features are sharp and screwed, and his attire may be not inaptly described as the modestly fast. It looks as though it wished to go ahead, but hadn't quite courage enough to make the attempt. This is the "literary gent" of the party usually assembling in Mr. SACKVILLE CHASE. 75 Sparke's bar-parlour. Part of his literary occupation, but only a minor part, is to contribute sporting articles to one of the newspapers; but it is generally believed that he "does" a city article for one or two journals, consequently he may be assumed to be thoroughly up in chicanery in all its phases. There is a belief prevalent in Mr. Sparke's bar-parlour that he never can write when he's sober, and is incapable of producing anything when he's drunk, and he is, in consequence, much admired as a phenomenon. See that man by the fireplace there, with a low-crowned hat, and with a long pipe in his mouth — he is a character here. He is in some way connected with a training stable. At any events, he bears the same name as Jonas Nixon, and consequently he is believed to be up to "a thing or two," which generally means that a man occasionally does "a thing or two," that is very tricky and disgraceful. This individual's countenance is striking. It seems to be that of a boy placed upon a man's shoulders. He has no whiskers or beard, is pale, and as he gets intoxicated every night, his face becomes very cadaverous, which, however, has not the effect of concealing the knave. Amongst the visitors to his bar-parlour, Mr. Sparke is a great oracle. It is known that he can do almost anything he pleases with cards, short of making the honours speak. It is known that he can cheat a railway company, chaff a cabman, bully a policeman, and hobnob with a patrician better perhaps than any man of his sphere in London, while in the faculty of making a favourite for a race "safe," as it is termed — that is, rendering it impossible for him to win, he is acknowledged in his own circle to be without a rival. It is therefore not to be wondered at that in his own bar-parlour he was an oracle indeed. Most of the frequenters of bar-parlours are fond of expressing themselves in out-of-the-way phraseology. The man with the boy's countenance — the relative of the training-stable — takes the lead in this respect in Mr. Sparke's parlour. The more unintelligible and obscene these worthies make themselves, the more important they fancy they become. They revel in slang, and are proficient in stable-talk. We generally observe, however, that where a man connected with the turf indulges in a peculiar form of expression supposed to be knowing, he invariably knows little or nothing. There are a great many men who get a few cant phrases by heart, interlard them in their conversation, and not unfrequently obtain the reputation of being very knowing fellows in consequence. The qualities, however, which they possess, social and otherwise, they generally share with the blackguard. Mr. Sparke has just entered his bar-parlour, and he is, by acclamation, voted into the chair, for a great race is coming off on the morrow down in the country. The parlour is consequently unusually full. By a strange coincidence, every visitor thereto, after exchanging salutations with the host in the chair, had put the same question to him — "Aye, Mr. Sparke, and what's going to win tomorrow?" Mr. Sparke returns an answer to each which sets the whole room a-thinking, albeit that answer is neither definite nor clear, and amounts in its result to this, that he is unable to say for certain which will win. The majority of the visitors in the bar-parlour look upon this answer as a mysterious acknowledgment on the part of Mr. Sparke that he has got locked up in his breast the absolute winner of the coming race, if he chose to divulge it. "I'll bet half a pound" — that is a favourite expression of his — says the relative of the training stable, "that Peter the Great beats more in the race than beats him." "Well, I don't think nothing of Peter the Great," says a greengrocer of the neighbourhood, a gentleman with a large connexion and a good business, who is of a sporting turn, and who is believed by the frequenters of the parlour to have the faculty of looking considerably ahead; a reputation which has probably been much strengthened by the fact that one of his eyes is a fixture, and appears to be perpetually gazing right into the middle of next week. "Well, I don't think nothing of Peter the Great, 'cos he ain't got no stuff in him to do such a trick as this here." "Never you mind, Mr. Sparrowgrass," rejoins the cousin of the training stable, in a tone of voice which indicates incipient intoxication. The sporting correspondent takes his pipe from his mouth, and says he thinks that one thing's very clear, and that is that if you give a very heavy weight to a horse, he can't run so well as when he's got a light one. "That's the point," observes Mr. Sparrowgrass, looking with unmistakable determination into vacancy and futurity at the same time. "Now, if you weight a horse in that way " "In what way?" inquires the knowing one with the one-sided mouth. The sporting correspondent and city article man honours this individual with a long stare, but does not condescend to answer his question, upon which Mr. Sparrowgrass gives vent to his feelings by exclaiming — "Hear, hear !" "Well, then," continues the sporting correspondent and city article, "as I was saying when that gentleman interrupted me, if you weight a horse in that way, you are sure to get the worst of it, so that in the end you take nothing by your motion but a loss." "Well, I don't see much doubt about that myself!" exclaims a stout individual from the other side of the room, and who exhibits strong presumptive evidence of his following the occupation of a baker; "I don't see much doubt about that, and I thought of putting a pound on myself." He is, we need hardly say, in utter ignorance of what the sporting correspondent means. "You're quite right," says the correspondent in a patronizing tone to the baker, who takes long puffs at his pipe, looks solemn and important, and in an undertone, half to himself, half aloud, says — "Blest if I didn't!" At this point, the barman put his head in at the parlour and intimated that Mr. Sparke was wanted immediately in the bar. In answer to this summons, the worthy host quit the chair, and emerging into the bar from the bar-parlour, exclaimed — "Why, Lord bless the Queen, Jack, who'd have thought of seeing you here tonight, and Bill, too! Why, what the blazes is in the wind now?" And Mr. Sparke shook hands warmly with John Busby and Willum, for the persons by whom Mr. Sparke had been summoned from the parlour were no other than those distinguished individuals. "Come in!" cried Mr. Sparke, and he led his friends into the snuggery behind the bar. "Why, whatever brings you two up to London at this time?" inquired Mr. Sparke. "Well, to tell you the truth, I don't exactly know myself," replied John Busby. "Leastways, Mr. Sheraton said to me this morning, says he: 'John,' says he, 'you must go to town tonight,' says he." "Which, altering the word to Willum, was what John also said unto me," remarked Mr. Willum, accommodating himself with an easy-chair. "The identical," acquiesced John Busby; "for Mr. Sheraton said to me besides, he says, 'John, take Willum with you.'" "Which Willum was quite agreeable," remarked that precocious individual. Anything that's out of the common, it strikes me, is agreeable to you, Willum, I think," observed John Busby. "I don't know altogether about that there. It depends," replied Willum. "Well, Sparke, as I was telling you, Mr. Sheraton says to me, says he, 'John, you must go to London tonight.' 'Very good, sir,' says I. 'Where do you hang out in London?' says he. 'At the Horse and Jockey, Mr. Sparke's,' says I, 'in the Regent Park,' — for I was taken aback like, and didn't know what to say." "I'm sure I'm very much obliged to you, John, for thinking of me," said Mr. Sparke, and as he did so his eye twinkled, for far less sagacity than Mr. Sparke was blessed with would have had no difficulty in making the discovery that there was something in the wind, as he himself had expressed it. "So me and Willum is to stop here till the morning, when Mr. Sheraton will send for us." "I'm willing to stop a week, I am," observed Willum, and it must be conceded that he made himself so thoroughly at home on the instant, that it was clear he spoke his real sentiments. John Busby whispered behind his hand to Mr. Sparke that that Willum was getting more cheeky every day; and the notion made John Busby laugh heartily. "Well, is there any news about Sackville?" inquired Mr. Sparke, with a view of insidiously drawing John out. "Stunning!" replied John. "S'help me, if it ain't ripping!" asserted Willum. "The earl himself, I think, is going on anyhow," said John Busby, shaking his head, gravely. Off his nut, I think," said Willum. "Why, what's he up to now?" inquired Mr. Sparke. "You recall that stunning fine woman which Agony Jack upset her horse at the steeple-chase?" remarked John Busby. "Of course I do," said Mr. Sparke. "Well, she was taken to the Hall, and a devil of a racketing there was about it. But however," said John, "she disappeared quite mysterious next day, and blest if the earl isn't been a-hunting for her, just as if she was his'n. He asked me if I saw her go, which I never saw her go at all, you know." "No, but it was this child as did," observed Willum. "There he is a-speaking as true as his word again," observed John Busby. "It was Willum as saw her a-going, which it's my opinion as it's about her that we be come up to London now." "I'm sure on it," said Willum, decisively. "But we shall hear all about it, I suppose, in the morning," said John; "and now, Sparke, I shouldn't mind a little tit-bit of summut for supper." "Hear, hear!" exclaimed Willum. "The identical proposition I was going to make myself." The tit-bit was very soon supplied, and supper was heartily discussed by John Busby and Willum. After its disposal, Willum declared that he was fit for anything convivial. John Busby laughed in acquiescence. "Well, then, what do you say to an hour in the parlour with the coves there?" suggested Mr. Sparke. "I'm agreeable," responded Willum. John Busby offered no objection, but suggested to Mr. Sparke that perhaps it might be as well if they were merely announced as two gentlemen from the country. "All right; I can see," replied Mr. Sparke, with a wink. "Now then, come along." And John Busby and Willum were accordingly at once inducted into the bar-parlour of the Horse and Jockey, that being the sign of Mr. Sparke's hospitality. Both John Busby and Willum were instantly at home with the company to which they were introduced, and Willum especially displayed those easy manners for which it will probably have been observed he was remarkable. It scarcely needed any direct allusion to the fact to make the company aware that both John Busby and Willum were connected with racing and race-horses. The fact soon made itself manifest, and both John and Willum, but especially the former, were looked upon as oracles by all gentlemen present. As the night advanced, the party became very convivial, and harmonious songs were sung and toasts were proposed. At length one gentleman who had favoured the company with a song, the moral of which he rendered as "the light of other days are faded," ventured to call very respectfully on the gentleman to the right of the chairman. Now this gentleman to the right of Mr. Sparke was no other than John Busby, who protested that he never sang a song in his life — a declaration not strictly accurate, as a reference to an early chapter of this history will demonstrate. He, however, persistently refused to sing, and requested Mr. Sparke to give the company one of his yarns — these was the things he liked, he said; and it would seem that the company liked them too, for John Busby's proposition was received with general approbation, so demonstrative indeed, that Mr. Sparke could not resist the appeal that was made to him. "Very well," he said, "I'll tell you a yarn that was told to me in my snug little room this last spring, by Binxton Wold, the trainer up in the North, who always stays with me when he is in town." The whole company were immediately absorbed in curiosity to hear the story. "I'll give it to you in his very words," said Mr. Sparke; "for the story made such an impression upon me that I remember every word of it, and this was how Binxton Wold told it, calling it 'A St. Leger Legend.'" A good many years ago, I was seated, rather late in the evening, two days before I set out for Doncaster, in my old armchair near the window, looking out upon the bright old landscape, when a knock came to the door — not a loud knock, nor a quiet knock, and it wasn't a common knock, either — it was not a single knock, nor a double rat-tat-tat, but a kind of subdued mysterious knock, that would lead folks with their wits about them to observe caution with regard to the knocker. I mean the knocker outside the door, and not on it. Presently, my spruce little housemaid came in and said a gentleman wanted to see me, and in answer to my interrogatories she said he had a large cloak on, was rather short, with a very long nose ('conk,' she termed it), and a big pair of black moustaches. "Thought so," I said to myself; "some sneaking, mysterious hound, I'll bet a hundred, who wants to gammon me; but it's no go." This I thought to myself, but said to her, "Show the chap in," and she went out to do so. Presently, she returned, and ushered in the person she had described. The moment I saw him, I knew him, and I didn't feel comfortable. Knowing who he was, I didn't like the visit, and it looked unpleasant at that time of night, and in the gloom of the big room, my visitor appeared like the old 'un a good deal — just like when he comes on the stage, you know, and wears a long red feather in his cap. This chap, however, that visited me was shorter than that one. "You are surprised, no doubt, to see me, Binxton," he said, throwing his cloak back on to his shoulders. "Well, I am, rather, and that's the truth," I replied. "What's up now?" "Why, I am, you see, all the way from Jermyn Street." "No doubt of that," I said — "that is, I think not," I added, just to be on the safe side, you know, regarding the chap in the red-feathered cap. "Upon my soul, you look as if the devil himself had come," said my visitor, with a kind of laugh which was a diabolical grin. "The devil I do," I said, trying to laugh, but I didn't laugh; I thought, perhaps, it might be no laughing matter. "I'm on the road to Doncaster," he said. "Oh, indeed," I replied; "and did you come all this way out of your road to tell me that?" "As I have told it to you first, of course I did," he said; "but I've something else to tell you now." "Oh," I responded, and asked him to sit down. He did so, throwing his cloak over the back of his chair. "You are a straightforward, matter-of-fact chap, Binxton," he began, "and so, I have no doubt, will not fall in with all I have got to say to you and to tell you." "May be so," I answered, taking a long pull at my pipe — "may be so." "I believe implicitly in destiny, and what is more, I believe that much of our destiny is revealed to us, if we could only understand it." "Do you understand it?" I inquired. "I think I do — indeed, I'm sure I do," he answered. "I believe in dreams and astrology, and I follow what they tell me." "Do you, now?" I said, looking sideways at him. "So I should think, from a great many things you've done." "I know what you allude to," he continued, with a twist of his great nose, as the girl called it), "and all my friends think as you do. While I am following the dictates of my destiny, they think I'm only following the dictates of obstinacy. How little they understand me!" "Well, I don't know anything about that, myself," I said; "I only know that they did appear to me the wildest starts I ever heard on, and I am surprised that you ever got out of them." "Are you, indeed?" he said. "But I am here; I did get out of them, and my day isn't yet come. Listen to me. My day may be tomorrow, or next week, or next month, — but it's sure to come. It is only a question of time, and it may be a very short time, too; but I am ground down just now into the very dust; I must have money." "Oh, indeed!" said I; "is that your game?" "I am playing my game," he answered. "I am the child of destiny; our family have been the children of destiny," getting very wild and excited in his manner, and walking up and down the room. He who was self-styled the Rodolph of Hapsburg, of our race, was indeed the child of destiny, and I, like him, believe in fate and forewarnings. I have had one even in this time of my need — this time, when money is my very life-blood — the agent by which the star of my destiny must shine brightly now, or be dim. "And what have I to do with it?" I inquired. "Much — very much," he replied, "as you will see presently. As I have said, I have consulted one who professes the occult sciences. Three days ago I saw that female, and she told me that the next night I should have a dream which would reveal to me the mode of obtaining that money which just now may be the means of placing me in that position which destiny has ever told me is mine, shall be mine, and I know not how soon. This woman whom I have spoken of, and who resides in Lambeth, and who is the possessor of a miraculous ball made of crystal — she who professes the occult sciences in which I believe — told me that I must interpret my dream myself, and that if I interpreted it aright the means to fortune would be placed in my hands. And so I left her." " And had you the dream you speak of?" I inquired. " I had," he said; "and now I will communicate it to you." I smoked my pipe in silence for a minute or two, for he still walked up and down the room in agitation and excitement; and yet it was not all excitement. or agitation; it was a characteristic of that man that he could be excited, and yet have the outward appearance of frigidity. I know he was excited, though. "I dreamt," he said, "that I was again at the tournament, you know where, and that I was again engaged in the jousting, and that I unhorsed my man. Up to that moment the weather had been bad, as you know it was, but the moment I had gained the joust, the sky became clear and bright, and the sun shone gloriously out. All was suddenly changed, when the Queen of Beauty requested that, as a guerdon, a beautiful horse, and one of much celebrity, should be presented to me. Upon that the lord of the castle led forth a beautiful steed, which had on its back a jockey in full riding costume. I recognized the colours at once; they were yours, Binxton, and your noble employer's. "Is this a horse of much celebrity?" I inquired. "It is," the Queen of Beauty replied. "And what is its name?" I asked. "Let the band proclaim its name," she cried, "and in that proclamation let him find something which shall suggest a future triumph to be solved by the study of coincidences. Strike up, music!" and immediately the music of the trumpets and other instruments was heard swelling in the national strain of "The Blue Bonnets are over the Border." As the inspiriting strains again swelled in the echoes, the noble steed, in graceful steps, kept time to the music, and came towards me to be caressed. "The charm has worked," exclaimed the Queen of Beauty, and I turned to her, and asked her to unravel it. "I cannot unravel it at all," she said, "as much must be left to your own imagination. There stands the winner of the Great St. Leger, the beautiful Blue Bonnet."
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The Opinion of the Court was delivered by Treat, J. In June, 1843, Saunders and Crook obtained a judgment against the administrators of William Campbell, in a proceeding to enforce a mechanic’s lien on certain real estate. On the 31st of August, 1843, they purchased the premises at the sheriff’s sale in satisfaction of their judgment. At the October term 1844, the administrators entered a motion to set aside the sale, and gave Saunders notice of the motion. At the March term 1846, the motion was heard ex parte, and denied by the Court. That decision is as» signed for error. Without inquiring into the merits of the application, the ¡decision of the Circuit Court must be sustained. All of the parties interested in the disposition of the motion were not before the Court. It was substantially a new proceeding, of which both of the judgment creditors were entitled to reasonable notice. They had purchased in the real estate in full satisfaction of their judgment. The object of the motion was to defeat the purchase, and deprive them of the fruits of their recovery. They were as much entitled to notice of the motion, as of the pendency of a writ of error to reverse the judgment. Notice in such cases cannot be dispensed with. An opportunity should be afforded the parties interested in sustaining a sheriff’s sale, of showing that the execution properly issued, and that the proceedings under it were valid and regular; or if irregular, but capable of amendment, of entering a cross motion to correct them. See the case of Sears v. Low, 2 Gilman, 281. The notice having been served on one of the parties only, the Circuit Court was not bound to entertain the motion, and committed no error in denying it. The judgment of the Circuit Court is affirmed, with costs. Judgment affirmed..
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<?php namespace Application\Document; use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations as ODM; /** @ODM\Document */ class Quest { /** @ODM\Id */ private $id; /** @ODM\Field(type="string") */ private $title; /** @ODM\Field(type="string") */ private $desc; /** @ODM\Field(type="int") */ private $start; /** @ODM\Field(type="int") */ private $finish; /** @ODM\ReferenceOne(targetDocument="User") */ private $user; /** @ODM\ReferenceOne(targetDocument="Map") */ private $map; // ******* SETTERS ******* // public function setTitle($val) { $val = trim($val); if(empty($val)){return false;} $this->title = $val; return true; } public function setDesc($val) { $this->desc = $val; return true; } public function setStart($val) { if(!is_int($val)){return false;} $this->start = $val; return true; } public function setFinish($val) { if(!is_int($val)){return false;} $this->finish = $val; return true; } public function setUser($val){ if(!is_a($val, 'Application\Document\User')){ return false;} $this->user = $val; return true; } public function setMap($val){ if(!is_a($val, 'Application\Document\Map')){ return false;} $this->map = $val; return true; } // #****** SETTERS ******# // // ******* GETTERS ******* // public function getId(){ return $this->id; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function getDesc() { return $this->desc; } public function getStart() { return $this->start; } public function getFinish() { return $this->finish; } public function getUser(){ return $this->user; } public function getMap(){ return $this->map; } // #****** GETTERS ******# // }
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#include <jni.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <android/log.h> #include <HaskellActivity.h> #include "MainWidget.h" const char* android_detectdns(jobject activity) { JNIEnv *env; jint attachResult = (*HaskellActivity_jvm)->AttachCurrentThread(HaskellActivity_jvm, (void **)&env, NULL); assert(attachResult == JNI_OK); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "android_detectdns", "attached to jvm"); jclass detectorClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "org/ergvein/DnsDetector"); assert(detectorClass); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "android_detectdns", "got DnsDetector class"); jmethodID getServers = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, detectorClass, "getServers", "(Lsystems/obsidian/HaskellActivity;)Ljava/lang/String;"); assert(getServers); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "android_detectdns", "got method getServers"); jobject resStrObj = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, detectorClass, getServers, activity); if((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) { __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "android_detectdns", "Failed to call getServers"); (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); } assert(resStrObj); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "android_detectdns", "called getServers method"); const char* resStr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, resStrObj, NULL); assert(resStr); return resStr; }
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <table> <tr> <th>age</th> <th>first name</th> <th>action</th> </tr> <?php foreach($getFirebaseData as $data): ?> <tr> <td><?= $data->data()['age'] ?></td> <td><?= $data->data()['fname'] ?></td> <td><button type="button" onclick="deleteData(this)" data-id="<?= $data->id() ?>">delete</button></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table> </body> <script src=""></script> <script> async function deleteData (e) { let id = e.getAttribute("data-id"); const params = new URLSearchParams() params.append("id", id) const response = await"<?= base_url("Firebase/deleteData") ?>", params) let data = console.log(data); } </script> </html>
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import React from 'react' import Check from '../styles/Check' const Success: React.FC = () => ( <Check width="70" height="70" viewBox="0 0 70 70"> <path id="successAnimationResult" // eslint-disable-next-line max-len d="M35,60 C21.1928813,60 10,48.8071187 10,35 C10,21.1928813 21.1928813,10 35,10 C48.8071187,10 60,21.1928813 60,35 C60,48.8071187 48.8071187,60 35,60 Z M23.6332378,33.2260427 L22.3667622,34.7739573 L34.1433655,44.40936 L47.776114,27.6305926 L46.223886,26.3694074 L33.8566345,41.59064 L23.6332378,33.2260427 Z" /> <circle id="successAnimationCircle" cx="35" cy="35" r="24" strokeWidth="2" strokeLinecap="round" fill="transparent" /> <polyline id="successAnimationCheck" strokeWidth="2" points="23 34 34 43 47 27" fill="transparent" /> </Check> ) export default Success
Таращанський район Київської області до його ліквідації у 2020 році складався із 1 міської та 23 сільських рад, які об'єднували 35 населених пунктів і були підпорядковані Таращанській районній раді. Адміністративним центром району було місто Тараща. Список рад Таращанського району * Примітки: м. — місто, смт — селище міського типу, с. — село, с-ще — селище Див. також Таращанський район Примітки Таращанський район.
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Images: Congrats [Image 5 of 12] Photo by Capt. Christopher Larsen Civil Air Patrol Lt. Col. Steven Bass, left, congratulates Robert T. Meunier after swearing Meunier in to the U.S. Air Force Reserve, July 12, 2013. Meunier, 26, a native of Issaquah, Wash., and a graduate of Washington State University, entered the U.S. Air Force Reserve as an officer candidate and will train to become a C-17 Globemaster III pilot. Meunier was sworn in by Bass, a retired Air Force Reserve lieutenant colonel and resident of Marysville, Wash., at the Arlington, Wash., Fly-in, the third largest event of its type in the United States. Web Views 16 Downloads 0 Podcast Hits 0 This work, Congrats [Image 5 of 12], by CPT Christopher Larsen, identified by DVIDS, is free of known copyright restrictions under U.S. copyright law. Date Taken:07.12.2013 Date Posted:07.15.2013 11:22 Photo ID:971830 VIRIN:130712-A-WJ570-146 Resolution:4288x2848 Size:2.22 MB Location:ARLINGTON, WA, US Hometown:ISSAQUAH, WA, US Hometown:MARYSVILLE, WA, US Gallery Images Associated News Swear-in at the Fly-in Options HOLIDAY GREETINGS SELECT A HOLIDAY: VIDEO ON DEMAND.
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74- C!oi principj stabiliti si spiega il curioso fenomeno pre- sentato dalle così dette lAxcrime haluvicìie • Gettando neh l' acqua assai fredda delle gocce di vetro fuso si forma oA solido globettino , che termina ordinariamente con una coda alquanto storta . Se leggermente s’ intacchi la superficie di questo globetto , o della Coda , immediatamente si riduce tutto in polvere con un certo rumore. Ecco la ragione, che se ne suol dare . Lo strato esterno della goccia di vetro ca- duta nell' acqua fredda si consolida rapidissimanientc, men- tre le parti interne sono sempre in istato liquido, e perciò sempre dilatate.. Dal che segue , che queste parti interne venendo poi a raffreddarsi, e consolidarsi esse pure, sono co- strette dalla loro adesione allo strato esterno ad occupare lo stesso spazio , che occupavano essendo liquide , vale a dire a restar fra loro alla distanza medesima . Lo strato e- stemo adunque mette le fibre interne in uno stato di ten- sione , cioè in uno stato simile a quello delle fibre di una corda lesa . Di qui è , che intaccato appena questo strato, ve- nendosi ad allenUre la tensione delle parti interne aderenti Digitized by Google go - CORSO elemehtabk all' intaccatura , queste si precipitano sulle vicine , e le rompono; laonde , sconcertato 1' equilibrio , tutte si urta- no scambievolmente , e si riducono in polvere rumoreg- giando. Nella stessa maniera si suole spiegare il giuoco della tem- pera dell'acciaro. Una verga d’acciaro riscaldata fìno al- r incandescenza , e quindi raffreddata lentamente si trova flessibile , malleabile , e riprende sensibilmente il volume , che aveva prima di essere riscaldala . Ma se per farla raf- freddar prontamente s’ immerga nell' acqua , o in altro li- quido molto freddo , essa cresce alquanto di volume , diven- ta elastica , perde la malleabilitli , e la pieghevolezza; e 1’ ac- ciaro dicesi temperato. Quanto più rapido k il raffreddamento , tanto più forte è la tempera . La qual tempera, se sia venuta troppo forte, può diminuirsi , rimettendo l’acciaro tempe- rato all’azione del calorico , finché arrivi a un grado più o meno alto di temperatura ; operazione, che i Francesi dicono récuite , di cui gli Artisti si servono per ridar l'acciaro a- dattato per diversi lavori . Ma Noi noi] dobbiamo trattenerci ili particolarità di pura pratica. Ora si attribuisce questo fenomeno alla rapidità , con cui si riuniscono le parti dilatate dello strato esterno dell’ accia- ro ; per la quale rapidità in primo luogo attaccandosi esse più fortemente si genera 1’ elasticità ; e restando impedito il ritiro , o la condensazione delle parti interne , che avrebbe luogo per un lento raffreddamento , si produce 1' aumentò di volume . Si osserva in conferma di ciò , che se 1’ acciaro temperato si porti nuovamente all’ incandescenza , e quindi si lasci lentamente raffreddare , onde le parti possan ridursi alla loro posizione , e volume naturale ; esso dopo essersi diIa-< tato , come gli altri corpi generalmente, si contrae, e la tem- pera si distrugge . Nella stessa guisa si tolgono alle lacrimò bataviche le loro proprietà . Il contrasto poi tra le parti e- steme, e le interne , o sia la tensione , in cui queste sup- pongonsi tenute da quelle si deduce dalla facilità , colla quale i pezzi d’ acciaro temperato, per es. i conj per le mone- te , si rompono spontaneamente ; come per una simil ragione romponsi spontaneamente qualche volta anche i Vetri. Ma <iuesta dottrina , per quanto generalmente seguita , non b I F t S I C A tnt sembra , per vero dire , sodisfacìente del ttatto . Lascio a parte , che non si comprende , perchè la rapidità del raf - freddamento non produca i medesimi effetti nell’ òro , nel rame , ed in altri metalli , e leghe metalliche . Osservo per altro, che se 1' esposta spiegazione fosse vera, limando ih un pezzo d’ acciaro temperatolo strato esteriore, gli effetti del- la tempera dovrebbero distruggersi , o almeno soiuinaniente illanguidirsi ; e ciè non segue (per quanto il Thenard mo- stri di crederlo ( Traité de Chim. T. i p. 34o prém. edit.)^ seppur non si tratti di tempera, come suol dirsi coperta, o per cementazione , operazione, in cui si converte in acciaro la sola superficie esterna del ferro . Pare , che la cagione della tempera non si conosca per anche. 75. Termineremo di ])artare della proprietà espansiva del calorico col notare , che la (orza , con cui i cor{>i si dila- tano , e si Contraggono, è grandissima, e può adoprarsi in Meccanica come una delle potenze piò vigorose. La forza di dilatazione eguaglia la resistenza di compressione, di cui nn corpo è capace. Se per es. bisogni caricare di 1000 libbre una verga cilindrica di ferro per ristringerla tanto, quanto la ristringerebbe la diminuzione di 1° di temperatura , è certo , che caricando effettivamente detta verga di 1000 libbre , e contemporaneamente aumentandone di i** la temperatura , la forza dilatante del calorico compenserà la comprimente del peso , e la lunghezza della verga non varierà. Con simili metodi si posson misurare , e si son misurati realmente i prodigiosi sforzi , che i coiqn fanno nel dilatarsi per l'azione del calorico. 1 liquidi ,e specialmente i fluidi, che colla più gran facilità si dilatano, sono tra tutti i corpi quei, che prò ducono i piò grandiosi effetti di questo genere- tra’ solidi poi il ferro è il piò vigoroso. Avremo in seguito occasione di parlar piò opportunamente degli effetti della forza dei vaporij equi ci limiteremo a dir poche cose dello sforzo d' una verga di ferro, che sì dilata per l’azione del calorico. Questa è si grande , che si è potuto fame uso anche per coniare delle medaglie. Tra due pilastri ben resistenti si situò orizzontal- mente una grossa verga di ferro tanto lunga , che appoggiata con una estremità ad un pilastro , coll’ altra premeva i pun- zoni , tra’ quali si trovava il pezzo di metallo da coniarsi , Digitized by Google 9^ CORSO ELEMENTARE contro il pilastro opposto , e così gli teiiea fìssi. Riscaldan- do fìno all’ incandescenza il mezzo della verga , questa si di- latò con tanta forza , che i punzoni s’ impressero sul pezzo di metallo situato tra loro ■ Parimente la forza di contrazione dei sòlidi , che per- dono temperatura , è eguale alla resistenza così detta di trazione , o stiratura , alla resistenza cioè , che oppongo- no ad una forza , che gli stiri per allungarli. Se il peso di mille libbre per es. Proprietà calorifica del calorico. •j6. Corrispondentemente alla forza espansiva possie- de il calorico una forza calorifica . Mentre espande il fluido del termometro , eccita anche contemporanea- mente una proporzionata sensazione di caldo negli ani- mali , su cni può agire : talché il termometro nell’ at- Digitizec : v C^OOgl D t" F T S I C X p3 to che indica 1’ espansione prodotta dal calorico , indi-- ca pure proporzionalmente il grado d’ intensità del ca- lore , che esso farebbe sentire ad un animale dotato di organi tanto sensibili , quanto ne fosse il bisogno . Que- sta intensità dì calore avvertita da un animale dicesi Calar sensibile } misurata dal termometro dicesi tem- peratura, o temperie . Il calor sensibile , e la tempera- tura sono effetti di una cagione stessa su diversi sog- getti . Quando in un corpo cresce la temperatura dice- si , eh' e’ si riscalda; dicesi , che si raffredda, quando la temperatura scema. Variazioni della temperatura. 77. Ora la temperatura di un corpo siccome nasce dall’ equabil diffusione di una data quantità di calorico in tutte le sue parti ; cosi segue in parità di circo- stanze la ragion composta della diretta della quantità di calorico , che lo riscalda , e dell’ inversa della massa da riscaldarsi . Perciò dette M , m due masse , o due porzioni di un corpo ; Q ', tj le quantità di calorico ; T , t le temperature ; avremo T : t l'. -3- , ‘ M m Dunque i.° Q : q: MT : mt ; cioè le quantità di calorico in due porzioni d’ uno stesso corpo , per es. in due pezzi di ferro in circostanze d’ altronde eguali , sono in ra- gion composta della temperatura , e della massa . La total quantità di calorico contenuto in un corpo a una temperatura qualunque si chiama calorico assoluto. a.° La temperatura di un corpo dee variare al varia- re della quantità del calorico , o della massa . È evi- dente, che se in un dato corpo cresca, o scemi la quan- Digitized by Google ^4 COKSO ELEMERTARB tità del calorico, tutto il resto rimanendo invariato, la temperatura ne dee crescere, o scemare. È chiaro pa> rimente , e non solo il ragionamento , ma le stesse pih ovvie sperienze lo dimostrano , che variando la quan» lilli della massa in un corpo , mentre riman costante la quantità del calorico , che agisce sopra di essa, dee va- riare inversamente la temperatura. Vediamo in fatti, che se in un vaso d’acqua alla temperatura per es. di 80” R. se ne infonda una certa quantità a zero , la tempera- tura diminuisce tanto piò, quanto maggiore é la quan- tità dell’ acqua infusa ; e parimeute , che se minore è la massa di un corpo , che si espone a una data azione del calorico , maggiore è la temperatura , che esso a- cquista in un tempo determinato. 78. Del resto 1’ esperienza , e 1’ osservazione dimo- strano , che restando costante la massa, la temperatura di un corpo varia indipendentemente dalie variazioni della quantità del calorico , solo quando in esso corpo arcade qualche alterazione , sia nello stato , sia nella coesione, o nella pressione, sia nella qualità delle sue |>.'irtl ; o qualche decomposizione , o ricomposizione i o più precisamente in altri termini, varia la temperatura dei corpi , quando in conseguenza di alterazioni seguite nel loro stato, o nella loro sostanza il calorico in essi esistente resta come assorbito o inceppato , vale a dire ridotto inattivo , e incapace di manifestare le sue pro- prietà ; ovvero il calorico già come assorbito, e incep- pato o inattivo si sviluppa tornando a manifestare le sue proprietà , e a produrre i suoi efletti . IVel primo caso, cioè per l’assorbimento o inceppamento la temperatu- ra scema ) nel secondo, cioè per lo sviluppo la tem- peratura cresce : talché sono termini equivalenti as- sorbimento o inceppamento di calorico , c diminuzio- Digitized by Google D I P I S 1 C A 9$ ne di temperatura ; sviluppo di calorico , e aniueuto di temperatura. Sviluppiamo questa compendiosa enunciazione con particolari considerazioni, ed esempi ; Calorico latente, e libero , Diminuisce la temperatura tutte le volle , che i corpi dallo stato solido passano al liquido , dal liquido al- l’ aeriforme ; e cresce corrispoiidenlementu a quanto era scemata , quando dallo stato aeriforme ritorna- no al liquido , e dal liquido al solido. Ciò fu scoper- to dal Dottor Black , e confermato da Wilke , Watt, Invine , Crawford , e posteriormente dall’ Walker (Philos. Trans, for 1795 ) , e da altri molti con molti sperimenti. Il ghiaccio puro non può fondersi ; generalmente i solidi non possono passare allo stato di liquidità, se non si aumenti l’azione del calorico sopra di essi; e i liquidi giunti all’ ebullizione non possono continuare a bollire , ed evaporarsi , se non per una continuata azione del calorico. Pure tanto nell’ uno, che nell’ altro caso, cioè tanto quando i cor- pi passano dalla solidità alla liquidità ; quanto quando dalla liquidità passano alla fluidità il termometro non indica in essi aumento alcuno di temperie ( 69, 70) ; e il calorico ne rimane , come assorbito, e ridotto inatti- vo. Ciò chiaramente dimostra, che la temperie de’ so- lidi , e dei liquidi , che cangiano stato si abbassa ; e che se il calorico, che vi s’insinua pare. che non produca al- cun effetto, questo è, perchè la sua azione non serve, che a rialzare la temperie di tanto, di quanto deprimesù L’assorbimento di calorico, o la diminuzione di tem- perie nei corpi , che cangiano stato si dimostra anche Digiti:’ ed ay Googlc <)6 CO«*f> ELEMENTARE con nitri sperimenti , che di più ci somministrano iB it'.odo di calcolarne la quantitii. Se una libbra d’acqna alia temperatura di 6o° R. , o di ^5° C. si mescoli con una libbra di acqua a o° , si trova la temperatura del miscuglio eguale a circa 3o® R. Ma se invece di acqua alla temperatura o” si prenda una libbra di ghiaccio alla medesima temperatura o°, per l’affusione di una libbra d’ acqua a 60° R. il ghiaccio immediatamente st fonde, e si hanno due libbre d’acqua alla tempera* tura 0°. Tale assorbimento di calorico, o diminuzione di tem- peratura sembra una condizione necessaria della li- quefazione ; giacché 1’ accompagna sempre a qualunque temperatura ella si faccia. Infatti esistono dei sali , degli acidi si avidi di combinarsi coll’ acqua , che me- svulati colla neve, o col ghiaccio pesto, lo fann» im- mediatamente fondere , per quanto la temperatara sia lien lungi dall’ esser superiore a quella della fusione del ghiaccio, e ne sia anzi molto inferiore. Ora anche quando il ghiaccio si fonde cosi, si ha sempre assorbi- mento di calorico , o decremento- di temperatura ; anzi in tal caso si ha più sollecito , e più copioso , perchè mancando 1’ estrinseco afOusso del calorico , non si ha «^mpensazione , e tutto si fa a spese della temperatura dd miscuglio liquido, che ne risalta: la quale diminuisce perciò grandemente. Per es. se si mescolino parti e- giiali di sai comune , e di neve , fusa che sia la neve , il mesca gllo ha una temperatura = — 18° C. Se in questa circostanza si f acciauo separatamente raffreddare Digitized by Google DI FISICA 97 lino a --iS'C. dneparti di idroclorato di calce, o cloru- ro di calcio, e una di neve; e quindi si mescolino, la tem- pmluradcl miscuglio perla fusione si abbassa a — 54“C, R se anche in questa circostanza si facciano separatamen- te raffreddare fino a — 54® C; 4 parti di neve, e 5 d’a- rido solforico diluto, e poi si mescolino; la temperatura del oiiscnglio seguita la fusione scende a — 68®. Molti altri simili sperimenti sono stati fatti , e descritti dal- I Walker nelle l'ransazioni Filos. di Londra per l’an- no i8oi 3i3. Quindi clii.iramente deducesi , che l’assorbimento del calorico nelle liquefazioni, che se- guono a temperature elevate non dipende già dall’e- levazione della temperatura, ma è un fenomeno fe- gato all’ atto stesso della liquefazione. R per convin- cersene pienamente basterà osservare, che se le sostan- ze, che si mescolano siano raffreddate al di sotto della temperatura, che può sostenere il liquido, che ne ri- sulta ; cioè se siano raffreddate tanto , che questo liquido debba gelarsi ; vàie a dire se siano raffred- dnte tanto , che non possano più esercitare azione sen- sibile 1’ una sull’ altra (come per es. Nè sclamcnte il ghiaccio , ma anche generalmente tulli i corpi assorbiscono nel fondersi una data quan- tità di calorico , cioè si diminuisce la loro tempera- tura per un determinato numero di gradì . Le spe- rienze fatte da Munge, Pellettier. Hachette, ed al- tri alla Scueda Politecnica di Parigi il t6 Febbraio 1795 dimostrarono, che il mercurio nel liquefarsi as- sorbisce (direm così) 67®, 8 R. di calorico; e da quelle d’ Irwiae padre, e figlio sappiamo , che il piom- r. p, T. u 7 CORSO ELEMEISTÀItE 98 bone assorbisce ai4“i Io zinco aig°, 14 ; lo stagno aa2“, a3j il bismuto 244°» 44» 77°, 77, lo zolfo 7°, 86 ; il bianco di balena 64°, 44» Volendo poi calcolare generalmente le quantità del calorico assorbito dai corpi nel passaggio dalla solidità alla liquidità, o sia nella fusione può usarsi il seguente semplicissimo me- todo. Con un determinato peso 3/ di un corpo in stato liquido a una temperatura assai superiore a quella necessaria per la fusio- ne si mescoli un noto peso m dello stesso corpo in s1ato solido, (per fissare le idee , e semplicizzare il calcolo , si supponga , che il solido sia ghiaccio, e la temperatura o" ). Seguita la fu- sione sia t la temperatura della massa liquida. La quantità di calorico, che m ha preso dal liquido sarà espressa per mt (77) (se m avesse avanti d’essere mescolato col liquido una tempe- ratura maggiore, o minore di o“, bisognerebbe sottrarla , o som- marla con t ) . La quantità poi di calorico perduta da M sarà M {T — f ). Se dunque nell’ atto della fusione non fosse seguito nè assorbimento , nè sviluppo di calorico , dovrebbe essere mi =3/(7’ — i), cioè dovrebbe la quantità del calorico acquistato da m essere eguale a quella perduta da M. Ma si trova in fatto mt ^ M{T — i ) Dunque nella fusione è seguito un assorbimento di calorico . Per determinarlo preci- samente dicasi X la quantità di calorico assorbita dall’ unità di peso del corpo solido ; e sarà mx la quantità assorbita da m , Avremo dunque mi mx = M (,T — i); e quindi dal valore di x la quantità del calorico assorbito dall’ unità di peso nell’ atto della fusione. GraridissiiiiA pure è la quantità del calorico assorbi- to, o della temperatura perduta da’ liquidi nell’ evapo- rarsi. Nel processo dell’ ebiilliziune dei liquidi l’assor- bimento del calorico, o la diminuzione della tempe- ratura si dimostra , come nella fusione dei solidi , dalla insensibilità del termometro alla continuata, ed energi- ca azione del calorico . Dai calcoli del Black ( Lectu- T. 1 p. j57)e dell’ Walt apparisce, che il calorico \ ~ by Googic res DI FISICI* '{)9 assorbito da una massa d’ acqua , che si evapora boi' lendo sarebbe capace di aumentare di circa d6o“ R. la temperatura di egiial peso di acqua , che non sva- porasse ; quaniitb , che è al di sotto del vero , pe^ quanto rilevasi da qualche sperienza del Rumford ( B/lìl, Brit. T. 5» 222 ) , e dee forse portarsi a 55o® C secondo alcuni resultati attenuti in certe lo- ro esperienze dai Sigg. Clement, eDesormes; o secon- do altri a 5a6®, q4 • Diversi metodi possono usarsi per questi calcoli i ma forse il più semplice consiste nelle seguenti operazioni . i Esporre ad un calnr costante una certa quantità d’ acqua a bassa tempera- tura • 2.® Notare in quanti minuti arriva all’ ebullizio- ne 3.* Dedurne quanti gradi di temperatura ha acqui- stati in ogni minuto . 4-“ numero di quei gradi moltiplicare i minuti scorsi tra il principio dell’ebul- lizione , e il momento , in cui 1’ acqua è interamente evaporata . Questo prodotto indica la temperatura , cui l’acqua sarebbe giunta, se non si fosse evaporata- Al- trove accenneremo pn\ opportunamente un altro meto- do per questa determinazione (i59) , osservando fra tanto, che con un metodo analogo può determinarsi il calorico, che si assorbisce nell’ ebullizione di altri liquidi. E anche l’ evaporazione indipendente dal bollore* «assorbisce notabil qttantilà di calorico , e produce gran freddo , che si m.anifesta immediatamente , e molto sensibilmente , perchè non si ha in questo caso la com- pensazione , che nel processo dell’ ebullizione è pro- dotta dai calorico , che la mantiene . Lo mostrano le sperienze del Cullen , che fu il primo ad annunziarlo ( Culleri’s Essay , and observations pfiys., and literarjr T. 2 ), e del Beaumè ( Mém . des Sav. Eu-an. lOO con^o r.LEVENTAnB T. 5 p. 4o5, 4^^ )> e milla altri fatti . L’ acqua espo< sta al]’ aria libera ha sempre una temperatura più bassa di quella dell’ aria contigua per motivo dell’ evapora- sione, che continuamente si fa : e se per qualche com* binazione cresce, o scema l’evaporazione, cresce pu- re, Q scema la differenza della temperatura . Nel T. a del Giorn, di Sci. diretto iu Edimburgo da] Brewster ( p. 1-4^ ) ^ descritto un apparato immaginato dal Valence per ghiacciar l’acqua procurandone l’ eva- por^izione con una corrente d’ aria asciutta , Sogliono gli Abitanti dei caldi climi della Persia , della China , dell’ Egitto , ec. , come generalmente i Naviganti pas- sando sotto la Linea , raffreddare notabilmente i liquori da beversi o tenendoli in vasi, che trasudano, o bagnan* do le bottiglie , che li contengono con liquidi facilmen- - te evaporabili. Il Franklin gelò lo spirito di vino di un termometro umettandone continuamente per lungo, tempo il globetto con etere solforico, sostanza somma- mente evaporabile, Il celebre Pr- Confìgliacchi col freddo prodotto dalla evaporazione dell’ etere nel vuo- to gelò il mercurio in Pavia ; come antecedentemente lo aveva gelato il Lesile ( Short account of ex per. and instr. relating to thè heat, and moisture »-38)t Dalle osservazioni del Dot. Marcet lette alla Società R. di Londra nel i8ia risulta , che il solfuro di carbonio detto già alcool di zolfo di Lampadio come è il li- quido, che forse si evapora più rapidamente di ogo’ al- tro , cosi produce evaporandosi il massimo freddo . La palla di un termometro ad alcool fasciata con cotone, o panno lino essendo inzuppata in questo liquido, 1’ alcool si abbassò nell’ aria da -)- i5®, 56 R. a — ly*; ^78, nel vuoto a — 5o® ; e talvolta è disceso da -f- a3® , 33 a — 46’. Nei termometri a mercurio questo sì è più Digitized by GoogU b i 7 I S i A 101 \òlte gelato nel momento pel freddo così prodotto {F. Bibl. Bril. T. 54 p. 166) * 79. Il calorico, che assorbito dai corpi (}uàndo muta- ho staio iioit ne aumenta la temperatura, e perciò nod ii rende sensibile nè al termometro, nè agli adimali fu chiamato dal Black, e tuttor si chiama calorico • laten- te, a differenza di quello i che manifestando i suoi effetti sull’ uno e su gli altri diceai calorico liberoi Qnindi le quantità di calorico, che sopra (^8) abbiam detto assorbirsi dai corpi nel mutare stato , si chiama-^ no i loro calorici latenti . Cosi il calorico' latente del* l’acqua dicesi = 6o'' R; quello del mercurio 67“, 8 R ; quello del piómbo m 4“ Rj C.,o S-zó”, 9$ C. quello del vapore aquosO . Il D. Hure ha fatte dell’ impor<^ tanti sperienze per determinare il calorico latente dei fluidi ( Jour. de Phjs. T. 90 p. 49) i ed altre po- steriormente ne ha fatte il Despretz ( An. de Ch> et de Phys. T. 24 p. 3ià). Notisi, ohe taluno ha proposto di chiamar calorico di liquidità quello aS* sorbito da’ solidi nèl liquefarsi > di vaporizzazione quello assorbito dai liquidi nell’ evaporarsi . > 80. Al contrario le osservazioili del Fahrenheit, e Mai- ran sulla consolidazione dell* acqua , del Beaumè sub la cristalliZMzione de’ sali , del Landriani sulla Conso- lidazione dello zolfo , dell’ allume di rocca , ec; del Pellettier su quella del fosfoio provano, che quando r acqua i e qualunque altro liquido si consolida , o H congela , si ha sempre un aumentò di temperie^ sia UnO sviluppo di calorico, che da latente si riduce Ubero. Cosi pnre si ha un notàbile aumento di temperie, quan- do i vapori in generale^ e segnatamente gli aqueiVengOnO Assorbiti da’ solidi; e specialmente quando si decompon- gono. Lo dimostrano evidentemente ?tOn solo il termo* loa CORSO IgLEMEKTARB oielro,, ma anche la scoUalura, che pro>asi In una no esposta al vapore dell’acqua bollente ^ la' rapiditk , con cui si accresce la teipperatura dell’ acqua nei re- frigeranti de’lainbi) chi ; e i metodi, ed apparati , che si usano per aumentare nei, vasti appartamenti la tem- peratura , e ridurla uniforme ad uso delle manifattu- re per mezzo della decomposizione del vapore a- quoso , che si fa girare per tubi di ferro , e di latf ta. So questi metodi , ed apparati vedasi o 1’ Opera dell’Ingegnere Inglese Tredglod, o.gli Estratti, che ne sono nei TT. a6, e 27 della Bibl. Universale; e vedasi pure un’ interessante nota del Sig. Decandulle nel T. 4o della detta Bibl. ( p. ). La quantìtli di car lorìco, che si sviluppa per la decomposizione del vapo- re è quella stessa, che viene assorbita nella formazio- ne. Risulta poi dall’ esperienze del Ruroford, che una libbra .di acqua tornando dallo stato vaporoso al liquido pnò far crescere di 1° F. la temperie di libbre io4o,S d’ acqua ; fatto , che insegna un comodissimo metodo di accrescer facilmente, e prontamente la temperie di una massa di acqua , facendo , che il vapore pene- tri , e ai decomponga nella medesima. L’ effetto , che sì ottiene in tal guisa da un dato peso di vapori aqnei. decomposti è sette volte ~ maggiore di quel- lo , che si otterrebbe da un ^tial peso di acqu.v bol- lente. E Se l’ acqua , che con tal processo si volesse riscaldare , essendo impura , non bollisse , se non a .temperatura più elevata di 80* R., fosse per es. acqoa saturata di carbonato di potassa, che bolle iia° (yt) si potrebbe , faci) mente colla decomposizione di una corrente di vapore aquoso a 80° comunicarle la tem- peratura di 112° (f'. Pouillet Elé. de Pfijs. T. 1 p. 356). I vapori poi dell’ alcool , e dell’ etere solforico , che si formano a temperatura minore di quella necessaria per la formazione degli aquei , producono decompo- nendosi minore aumento di temperatura Bibl. Br. T. 5a p. aaa). 8i. Ma generalmente parlando non solo quando i corpi mutano stato pienamente , ma ancora quando va- ria il grado della reciproca coesione delle loro parti, ne varia pure la temperatura . Scemando , o crescendo quello nei corpi , scema , o cresce pur questa . La com- pressione fa r effetto stesso , che la coesione reciproca delle particellej e perciò al variar di essa varia corri- spondentemente la temperatura . Quando si dilata 1’ aria in una campana di vetro si ha sempre una di- minuzione di temperie , che se non si manifesta talvolta al termometro di mercurio ( per le ragioni , che ve- dremo in seguito ) si manifesta però chiaramente ai termometri, che hanno maggior sensibilitii, come per es. a quello di Bregiiet (5^), e a quelli, che han l’aria per corpo termoscopico- Il Mollct pella rarefazion dell’ aria all’ ordinaria densità ha avuto in un di questi termo'^ metri un raffreddamento corrispondente a 4® R. ( V- Jour. de Phy. T. gop. ii8). Che se l’aria dall’ es- ser molto condensata passi rapidamente ad una molto grande rarefazione, sene diminuisce talmente la tem- peratura, che i vapori in essa notanti si congelano i- stantaneamente . Ciò si osserva spesso in quella mac- china detta Tromba ad aria , ed acqua, che si usa nelle Miniere di Schemnilz in Ungheria per sollevar -Digitesd by Google CORSO ELEMENTARE to4 ]’ acqua col mezzo della condensazione dell’ aria ( Jo.i. Herbert Disset. de Igne T^iennae 1773 pag. 54). Generalmente tutti i fluidi dilatandosi si raffreddano: e riguardasi come una singoiar eccezione a questa rego- la generale , che non si raffreddi per la rapida dilata- zione il gaz , che si sprigiona dalla birra Bellani Gior. di Fis. di Pavia T. 17 i4i «ota)j e l’aria, che sotto qualunque pressione esce soffiando dall’ a- pertura d’ un recipiente, in cui sia condensata giusta una osservazione del Gay-Lussac Pouillet L. c. p. 4 >7). Notabilissimo poi è 1’ aumento di temperatura , che si produce nei gaz, e segnatamente nell’ aria quando si vali condensando. 11 precitato Alollet ha calcolato (Z>. c.) che la sola condensazione , che essa soffre im» petuosamente rientrando in un recipiente , da cui era stata estratta , ne aumenta la temperatura per la”, o per i5° R. , ed anche molto più secondo le varie circostanze. Dimostrasi poi con mille fatti , che dimi^ nuendo , o accrescendo la compressione dei corpi , si diminuisce corrispondentemente , o si accresce la mas- sima temperatura , cui posson giugnere , quella cioè , che gii porta alla mutazione dello stato. Talché con tutta la ragione il Berthollet (Stai. Chim. T. 1 ) ha stabilito, che la temperie dei corpi in tanto più , o meno può inalzarsi, in quanto più, o meno, qualnn" que ne sia la causa , resistono alla dilatazione, che ten- de a indurre in essi il calorico. L’ aumento di tempera., tura , che si eccita generalmente nei solidi per la con- fricazione, e per 1’ urto dipende secondo il precitato Berthollet (/. c.) dall’ avvicinamento, che questi mezzi meccanici producono nelle loro parti , 'cioè da una compressione per lo meno temporaria : e quindi si spiega, perchè cosi non s’aumenti la temperie de’fltii- kV ^***> « b I F 1 S It A 'di 'incorinpt'(!Ssibi]l , le di cui particelle bon possono «cambievol mente avvicinarsi. In quei corpi , che per la veemente confricazione , o percossa dirainuiscotio stabilmente di volume, quali sarebbero alcuni metal- li, per es. il rame, e 1’ argento, non vi è dubbio, che la temperie si aumenti per 1’ accennata^^ragione. Real- mente si osserva, che in quei metalli, che più crescoti di temperatura per la percossa 1’ aumento maggio- re è prodotto dai primi colpi j e quando le parli or*- mai ripetutamente percosse non possono ulteriormen^ te accostarsi , non si produce ulteriore riscaldamen- to. Ove poi si tratti di metalli crudi sottoposti ad una confricazione violenta , le parti esposte più da vicino a quell’ azione debbono riguardarsi come in istato di continua vibrazione , per cui occupano mag- giore spazio , che nello stato di quiete , e quasi co- me se le loro diracosioni fossero aumentate. 7&000 Posto pertanto, che i corpi in generale , e particotarmen- '■ Digitized by Googk COHSO ELEMEISTAItE 1 o6 te i gaz dilalaadosi assorbiscali calorico , e generino dimi- nuzione di temperatura ; condensandosi rigettino il calorico, e faccian crescer la temperatura; ben s’ intende la ragione, per cui il gaz idrògeno condensato sotto una pressione cor- rispondente, per es. a quella di 3o atmosfere, se passi im- petuosamente in un tubo di rame della lunghezza di due, o tre piedi terminato nelle due estremila da emisferi, fa raf- freddare r emisferio , per cui s’ insinua , riscaldar I' altro ; fenomeno osservato recentemente in Inghilterra nelle Mani- fatture , in cui si preparano gli apparati portatili a gaz com- presso . Il gaz entrando nel tubo si dilata grandemente : ra- pisce perciò calorico all' emisferio , per cui s’ insinua , e ne diminuisce la temperatura . Raccolto nel fondo del vaso , e compresso pel grand impeto del gaz sopravveniente rigetta il calorico assorbito , e porta 1’ emisferio , che lo contiene a maggior temperatura ( V. Antologia T- 3i. p. i5a) . Nel^ la stessa maniera posson spiegarsi altri simili fenomeni de- scritti nel T. 36 della Bibl. Un. (p. 164, i6p ). 82. Finalmente la combustione, e le fermentazioni siccome decompongono le parti dei corpi, o ne alte- rano le qualità ; così sono sempre accompagnate da variazioni di temperie ( della combustione parleremo in seguito particolarmente). Per la stessa ragione fre- quentemente accade , che mescolando diversi corpi ad egiial temperie si aumenti , o si diminuisca la tempcr ratura del miscuglio , perchè si formano delle combi- nazioni , da cui viene alterata la natura , o cangia- to lo stato dei componenti de’ corpi mescolati. Cosi la temperatura cresce grandemente , se si mescoli acqua con alcuni sali, che hanno perduta la loro a- cqua di cristallizzazione, come per esempio col sol- fato di soda , o col solfato di calce deaquijicati , perchè una porzione dell’ acqua si consolida : e se si mescola limatura di ferro, e zolfo con acqua , perchè 1’ acqua si decompone ; il ferro si ossida ; lo zolfo si D I F 1 S I C A i acidifica j e si forma del solfato di ferro con sviluppo <!’ idrogeno solforato . Tanto calore si sviluppa per la mescolanza della calce viva coll’ acqua, che arriva fino a infiammar la polvere du cannone , specialmente se si trovasse mescolalo casualmente colla medesima qualche poco di zolfo } onde è molto rischioso di tener della calce vicino alla polvere, come da alcuni si pratica per preservarla dall’ umidità ( . ^/t. di Ch. et de Phj. T. p. SiS") . Il PouUlet ha recentemente annun- ziato, che si ha sempre sviluppo più o men grande di calore ogni volta che un liquido bagna un solido; che qualche rara volta la temperatura è cresciuta fino f o® C.; ma il più spesso di , o di f di grado ( p^. y^n. de Chi. et de Phjs. T. 20 pag. 142). Scema per lo contrario la temperatura, qualora si mescoli acqua con sali, che si disciolgono facilmente , quali sono gli idroclorati di soda , d’ammoniaca, di calce, ec. Anche da qualche combinazione di metalli si prò* duce una rapidissima notabile diminuzione di tem- perie . Osservò il Doebereiner, che 118 grani di lima- tura di stagno, 207 gr. di limatura di piombo , 284 di bismuto polverizzato essendo mescolati in un piattello con grani 1616 di mercurio, la temperatura imme- diatamente si abbassò da 65® a i4° C. Parimente 816 grani d’ amalgama di mercurio (4<>4 mercurio 4^^ piombo ) mescolati con 688 d’ amalgama di bismuto ( 4<>4 mercurio -f- 284 bismuto) da 68° C. di tempera- tura scesero rapidamente a 3o°. Yedansi descritte que- sta, ed altre simili sperienze nel T. ip del Giornale di Sci. del R. Istit. della G. Brettagna p. 34 1- COllSO EIEMEMTABÉ to8 m. Proprietà dijy'usiva del Calorico. / 83. È chiaro dal fin qui detto i che qualora tedia'X DIO variare la temperatura di un Corpo, possiamo con- cluderne, che è variata 0 la quantità del calorico ^ che in esso contenevasi, o il suo stato • o la qualità , o la quantità i o la coesione , o la compressione de’ suoi componenti j ovvero che è seguita in esso qualche de- composizione . Che se la temperatura cresca , o scemi in un animale , dee prodursi in esso una corrispondente sensazione di caldo , o di freddo < Ora gli animali soffrono variazioni di temperatu- ra , e perciò sentono il freddo , ed il caldo indi- pendentemente da qualunque decomposizione, o muta- zione della qualità , stato « coesione , o compressio- ue dei loro organi . Tali sensazioni debbono adun- que dipendere da una variazione nella quantità del calorico , che in essi esiste . E poiché queste sensa- zioni si eccitano colla più gran facilità, e prontezza, egli è chiaro, che con egual facilità , e prontezza si dee variar la quantità di calorico esistente nei corpi « Ma non potrebbe cosi variarsi, se il calorico non si comunicasse con molta facilità da un corpo ad un al- tro , non avesse cioè una forza diffusiva: dunque F e- .sistenza di questa proprietà del calorico, che è la terza tra quelle , che ci proponemmo d’ esaminare , si de- duce primieramente dalla facilità , coti cui i corpi si riscaldano , e si raffreddano . Posto un corpo , che ab- bia alta temperatura vicino ad altri , che 1’ abbian più bassa , cominciano immediatamente quello a raffred- B I FISICA ' 109 darsi , qnesli a riscaldarsi j e segue poi a questi rela* tivamente agli altri circonvicini ciò, che al primo è se-* guito relativamente ad essi : e cosi successivamente , finché riducasi eguale la temperatura di tutti . Ora ci& non potrebbe certamente seguire , 'secondo quello, che notammo qui sopra (72), se il calorico nou passasse da corpo a corpo. Questo passaggio è anche dimostrato chiaramente dall’ attitudine del termometro a indicare le varie tem- perature dei corpi, coi quali è a contatto. Intanto le indica , in quanto il calorico passa dal corpo contiguo nel termoscopìco , e lo dilata ; ovvero nel corpo conti- guo dal termoscopico, che perciò si contrae. Il passaggio del calorico da un dato corpo al termometro, o dal ter- mometro al dato corpo si fa tanto più, o men facilmente, e sensibilmente in alcuni casi , quanto è più o men con- densato . Nasce da ciò , che i termometri ordinar] non indicono talvolta variazione di temperatura , quando si rarefà l’aria nell’ esperimento rammentato al n.° 81 , per quanto realmente si generi freddo. ( Leggi della proprietà d^fusiva del calorico. 84. Questa forza diffusiva del calorico agisce con certe leggi , cioè produce costantemente certi fenoine* ni , che convien prendere particolarmente in esame . E segnatamente < I. Il calorico passa da un corpo , che abbia maggior temperatura in uno , che l’ labbia minore in quella quanti tk , che è necessaria , perchè si equilibri, o sia perchè riducasi eguale la temperatura in entrambli. Dunque 85. 1.** Per comunicare , o toglier calorico ad uo Digllized by Google I I O CORSO ELEMEHTARE corpo bisogna porlo vicino ad un altro, cbe abbia tnag^ giore, o minor temperatura : perciò l’ espressione espor~ re un corpo all’ azione del calorico significa collo- carle in vicinanza d’ un corpo caldo^ , come abbiamo notalo sopra ; e 1’ espressione toglier calorico ad un corpo significa porlo a «contatto d’ uno, che glielo ra- pisca avendo minor temperatura. 86. 3.° Posti a contatto due corpi di temperatura diversa , la quantità di calore , che il più qaldo comu- nica al metto caldo , e per cui si raffredda , in un tempo brevissimo è maggiore, o minore, essendo mag- giore , o minore la differenza delle temperature. Il Newton suppose Scala graduum ealoris, et frig. Opus. T. i), e Krafft, e Ritchmann pretesero di verifi- care (^Pfovi Comm. .Ac. Petr. T. i p. io5) , che è pro- porzionale a detta differenza . Ma in seguito il Dotto- re La Roche trovò, che questa legge non si avvera »clle alte temperature ( Jour. de Pfiys T. 7 5 p 31 5), e più recentemente i Sigg. Petit, e Dulong han dimostrato , che non è quasi mai vera esattamente ( F. Ami. de Phys. et de Ch. T. 7 p, 387) . Tor- neremo a parlare di ciò più opportunamente in altro luogo. 87. 3.® Siccome un corpo può considerarsi come un complesso di tanti corpi contigui , quante ne sono le parti,* cosi, generalmente parlando, dee avere in tutte le sue parti vicine una temperie eguale ( dico general- mente parlando , perchè vi sono, come noteremo in appresso, delle eccezioni a questa regola) . Questa e- gdagllanza di temperie è ciò , che costituisce 1’ equili^ brio del calorico nei corpi omogenei . ' 88. 4-“' Mescolandosi le quantità, o masse M, m di corpi d’e- goal natura , per es. acqua con acqua a diverse temperature Digilized by Google DI FISICA I I I T, t , tutte le parti della mescolanza coucepiranno una tempe- ratura eguale , che esprimeremo jier 0, Ora la massa affetta da questa temperatura essendo 1’ iutiera mescolanza , cioè le masse M m , la quantità di calorico contenuta nella me- scolanza sarà rappresentata per ( M-\- m) Q (^6) . Ma que- sta quantità è pur rappresentata dalla somma MT -p- mt , giacché si suppone , che non sia seguita perdita alcuna di calorico . Dunque ( /TZ-J- m.) 0 = MT + mf ; 0 = MT -X- mt ,. ' M I m ~ ' M = m—\, la temperie della mescolanza sarà media proporzionale aritmetica tra le tem- perature delle masse separate . . • 89. 5.“ Se un animale si troverà contiguo a corpi, che abbiano maggiore , o minore temperatura , come acquisterà, o perderà calorico, cosi acquisterà, o per- derà temperatura; e quindi proverà una sensazione di caldo, o di freddo (8 3). La sensazione del caldo non è , che r effetto dell’ acquisto , la sensazione del freddo r effetto della perdita del calorico . Realmente se s’ im- mergano nel tempo stesso in un vaso d’ acqua , che abbia la temperatura per es. di 28° R. una mano ri- scaldata per essere stata lungamente al contatto di un corpo caldo , e 1’ altra raffreddata per il lungo contatto di un corpo freddo ; colla prima , che dee perder ca- lorico ( 85 ) , si sentirà freddo; colla seconda , che dee acquistarne (85), si sentirà caldo . Vero è , che il caldo si sente talvolta anche perdendo calorico ,* e ciò quan- do la quantità , che se ne perde in un momento, è notabilmente minore di quella , che si perdeva nei momenti anteriori . Il freddo per altro non si sente , che perdendo calorico . Perciò il freddo $1 considera da molti come la privazione del caldo , cioè come u- na cosa puramente negativa . Si può pertanto stabilire, che i corpi , che rapiscon calorico ai vicini assorben- Digitized by Googk Ila CORSO StRMENTARE dolo , 0 dissipandolo producon freddo ; quei , che lo tramandano producon caldo; e che per ciò tutte le volte che si produce freddo , cioè diminuzione di tem* peratura, si ha sottrazione, o assorbimento di calori- co. E dopo ciò, che notammo al n.” 86. a.° ben ss comprende, come l’intensità della sensazione sia sem- pre a circostanze pari maggiore, o minore, secondo che maggiore, o minore è la differenza deHa temperatura del corpo animale , e dei corpi vicini. ^o. II. Ridotte le temperature di due , o più corpi alP eguaglianza, si ha equilibrio fra le forze diffusive del calorico esistente in essi, e non segue in conse- guenza iillerior trasfusione. Deferenza dei eorpi pel calorico. 91 . III. Sebbene il calorico tenda a diffondersi per tutti i corpi*, onde equilibrare in tutti la temperie; pure non tutti con egual facilità lo ricevono, nè tutti co» rgual facilità lo rilasciano . Generalmente i corpi mol-- to densi , le sostanze vegetabili, ed animali non trop- po asciutte , particolarmente poi i metalli hanno un» speciale attitudine a ricevere , dare il passaggio a tra- verso di loro, e rilasciare il calorico ( dicoosi perciòi deferenti, o conduttori'} più facilmente de’ corpi sec- chi , dei vitrei, de’ sulfurei, de’ resinosi, dei peli animali, della seta, ec. , che diconsi coibenti, o cMtivi condut- tori del calorico , perchè difficilmente li dan passaggio. Jhferenza adunque , o conducibilità pel calorico si chiama la proprietà , che i corpi hanno d’ assorbire , Hiasciare, e diffondere a traverso la loro massa il calo- rico . 1 Fisici , che vogliono usar termini molto, dividono la deferenza in penetrabilità, e permeabilità. Digitized by Google D 1 F I 5 ICA. Pella penetrabilità i corpi cedono , e assorbiscono ii c.'ilurico dai contigui ; per la permeabilità lasciano , clic si dilTunda a traverso la loro sostanza . La quantità ili calorico, che da una sorgente di calore, per es. dal- 1’ acqua bollente , s’ insinua nell’ estremità d’ una verga di ferro immersavi, dipende dalla penetrabilità ; ma la quantità, che passa successivamente da una sezione di essa verga nell’ altra, dipende dalla penetrabilità iusie- ine e dalla permeabilità ; perchè è determinata dalle perdite , che si fanno per la superflcie, e dalla facilità .del passaggio da particella a particella.
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require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/clean' desc 'Default: run unit tests.' task :default => :test desc 'Test the taps_server plugin.' do |t| t.libs << 'lib' t.libs << 'test' t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' t.verbose = true end desc 'Generate documentation for the taps_server plugin.' do |rdoc| begin require 'sdoc' rescue LoadError warn "sdoc could not be loaded. Using ugly rdoc templates instead." end rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' rdoc.title = 'Taps Plugin' rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') end CLEAN.include %w{ Gemfile.lock test/rails_root .bundle rdoc }
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THE ARGUMENTS OF THE LORD-KEEPER:; THE T V O Lords Chief Juſtices, AND Mr. Baron Powell, When They Gave JUDGMENT FOR THE Farl of BAT H. Ez Die Martis 12 Decemb. 1693. In the Middle- Temple Hall, Com. Bathon. adv. Com. Mountague, at al. | cps HIS Day being appointed by the Lord Keeper to hear the Opi- nions of the two Chief Juſtices and Mr. Baron Powell, who aſſiſted at the hearing of this Cauſe, and to deliver his Lord- ſhip's own Judgment therein, Mr. Attorney General moved on the Behalf of the Earl of Mountague, &c. for the Judg- ment of the Court ; and Mr. Baron Powell delivered his Opinion firſt. My. Baron Powell, The Queſtion in this Caſe is, Whether there be any Ground in Equity, to ſet aſide a Deed of Releaſe, made in July, 1681. for the Settlement of the late Duke of Albemarle's Eſtate, by which my Lord of Bath claims. The Validity of this Deed hath been tried at Law upon an Eje&ment in the Court of Kzzgs-Bexch, by DireCtion of this Court, where the Title has been found for the Earl of Bath, by the Strength of this Deed ; {o that it muſt be agreed, my Lord of Bath hath a good Title at Law, be- caule the VerdiC&t hath found it ſo, and all Parties concerned have hitherto acquieſced under this Verdict. This Caſe comes now back upon the Equity reſerved, and it is only now to be conſidered, what Matters of Equity have been offered to avoid this Title thus found at Law. And thoſe I think may be reduced to five Heads. Pirſt; Thezt this Deed was obtained by Surprize and Circumvention. Secondly ; That it was a concealed and a forgotten Deed. Third!; ; That this is a Deed attendant upon a Will, and fo revocable in its own Nature, although it had no Power of Revocation in it. Fourthly ; Thar there is an implied Truſt in this Deed, that the Duke might have charged the Eſtate to the full Value, and conſequently might well diſpoſe of it in Equity. And, | Fifthly ; That the great Solemnity and Deliberation uſed about making the Iatt Will, and the publiſhing that Will, do amount toa Revocation in Equity, notwithſtanding that the Circumſtances of the Power are not ltriQly purſued. : I am of Opinion in this Caſe, that this Deed having been affirmed by a Verdict upon a Solema Trial at.the Bar at Law, none of theſe Matters are ſufficient for to ground a Decree in a Court of Equity, to ſet aſide this Deed ; and I ſhall give you my Reaſons for this Opinion in the ſame Order I mentioned thoſe Heads in, with particular Anſwers to the particular Ob- jeQions under each Head. : x. It is ſaid, this is a Deed that was obtained by Surprize and Circumven- tion, Now I perceive this word Surprize is of a very large and general Extent. They ſay, if the Deed be not read to or by the Party, that is a Surprize : Nay the Miſtake of a Counſel, that draws the Deed either in Miſrecitals or other things, that is a Surprize of the Counſel, and the Sur- A 2 prize wen #4 Is me ona ern p wo ——_—— y LY Or ome >. a> & OR VP. x _ — , *y » * 86-4 Mids Ny ERS Eenings.S TOO OL. [4 ] prize of the Counſel muſt be interpreted the Surprize of the Client. Theſe things have been urged in this Caſe, and I thought fit to mention them for the introducing my Reaſon againſt this Head of Argument; and it is this: "Thar if the{le things be ſufficient to Tet in a Court of Equity to ſet aſide Need» found by Verdi&t to be good in Law, then no Man's Property can be {aie: I hardly know any Surprize that ſhould be ſufficient to ſet aſide a Deed after a Verdi, unleſs it be mixed with Fraud, and that expreſly proved ; and I know not of any ſuch proved in this Caſe, It is true, Duke George by his Will, and the Settlement made upon his Son at his Marriage, takes no notice of, or makes any Proviſion for the Earl of Bath ; but that, T take it, is not to be regarded as any way material at all, becauſe he takes no notice, in either of them, of any Body elſe but him that was his Heir. But I muſt obſerve here by the way, that there was not only a very near Relation between Duke George and the Earl of Bath, but a very intimate Friendſhip cultivated by mutual Offices of Kindneſs be- tween them to his Death. And I muſt mention one Particular, becaute to me it ſeems a clear Anſwer to this Objection, that 1s, His making no Proyi- fion for rhe jfarl in the Will or Settlement, might he the Occation why Duke Georoe did make ſuchs:n earnc{t Application ro King Charles the Second, that upon Failure of his Iſſue Male, his Majeſty would pleaſe to beſtow the Dukedom upon the Earl, and annex Theobalas to it, which would then re- v<rt tothe Crown. And that King did often promiſe he would, and after- wards did it ſolemnly under the Sign Manual. But then it is ſaid, that after this Duke Chrifopher made his Will, and therein there is no notice taken of any ſuch Diſpotition of his Eſtate to the Earl of Bath ; but that is not, I think, to be regarded neither, becauſe that was a Will only of his Perſonal Eſtate, and made when he was under Ave, and could not diſpoſe of his Real Eſtate. Ther. come we to the Year 1575. when the Will was made, to which this Deed has ſome Relation, and by that Will Duke Chriftopher doth ſettle a great Part of his Eſtate, upon Failure of Iſſue of his own Body, upon my Lord of Bath. There is no Pretence of any Surprize upon the Duke when he made this Will, and it is plain then he had an Intention that my Lord of Bath ſhould have a great Share in his Eſtate if he died without Iſſue. Now then it is to be eonſidered what there is of Proof in this Caſe of any thing that might be a Ground to conceive why he ſhould alter this Intention between the Years of 1675 and 1681, when this Deed was made. There is no Proof of any Miſunderſtanding between the Duke and the Earl in that Interval ; but on the contrary, that there was a continual Friendſhip and Intercourſe of Kindneſs between them all the while, as doth appear by a continual Succeſſion of Letters and other Correſpondences paſſing between them in thoſe Years, one of which I cannot chuſe but take notice of, be- cauſe of the Dare of it, to wit, in Jane 1681. upon my Lord Lanſdown's Intention to travel ; wherein the Duke takes notice of the Intereſt he had in my Lord of Bath's Family, and particularly in his eldeſt Son, as the great eſt next to that of the Earl himſelf: And1I fay, I mention this Letter, be- cauſe of the Date, that it is ſo near the very Date of the Deed, that it is poſſible the Date was then made, becauſe it was within a Month after that Letter ſealed and executed, therefore it might well be referr'd toin it. Next, this appears to be a Deed drawn by the Duke of Albemarle's own Counſel, Sir Thomas Stringer ; for it is proved the Paper-Draught is all of his Son's Hand-writing, except the firſt and laſt Sheet, and all of it _ linec Es] lined with Sir Thomas his own Hand : Errington has proved the Abſtratt all of Sir Thomas his Hand, with the very date in it, and ſwears that Sir Tho- me examined it with him. Now 1s it to be imagined] that Sir Thomas $trizger ſhould prepare ſuch a Settlement for the Duke to execute without any Order or InſtruQions from him about ir ? No certainly that cannot be thought. But they ſay Sir Thomas Stringer it he did draw it, might forget it or overlook it, and he now denies any Knowledg of it. Truly, I cannot value much what Sir Thomas Stringer has ſworn in this Cauſe, he is not conſiſtent with himſelf, and makes but a very odd Figure in the Cauſe. Mr. Stringer. My Lord, I beg your pardon for interrupting Mr. Baron Powell, but I muſt vindicate my Father ; he never {wore a word in this Cauſe. Lord-Kgeper. No he did not, he was dead before the Cauſe came into the Court. That was a Miſtake. Mr. Baron Powell. IT am ſure there was Oath of what he had ſaid about this Deed. | Mr. Stringer. That, my Lord, you may make what you pleaſe of, but he never made any Oath in the Cauſe. Mr. Baron Powell. But that which T mention him for, was, that there is Proof apparent that he was adviſed with about this Deed, and he was the Duke's conſtant Counſel. I do not think I confeſs that Sir W:1l:am Tones did draw this Deed ; it 1s not inſilted upon by the Counſel of my Lord of Bath that he did ; and any one that conſiders the Frame of it will think as Ido. But I conceive he was adviſed with upon the Prowiſo, and the Writing in the Margent againſt the Provi/ſo ; I approve of this Proviſo, [ believe to be his Hand. Though ſeveral Perſons of good Credit that were well acquainted with his Hand, have {worn they believe it not to be his Hand. But they might be miſtaken, and to me it appears by the Com- pariſon of the Records, Deeds and Papers in open Court ; for it is plain, according to the various Nature of the ſeveral Things he writ, or ſet his Hand to, he did write ſeveral Hands, and particularly wrote his Name ſome- times one way and ſometimes another. And therefore upon Compariſon of that with other Papers, I do believe 1t to be his Hand. The next Thing I would mention, is this; Here are ſix ſubſcribing Wit- nefles to the ſealing and executing of this Deed at Albemarle-Houſe, of which Sir William Jones was one : And one Aleman, that 1s one of the Witneſles, ſwears, That when the Duke delivered the Deed to the Earl of Bath, he wiſhed he could have done more for him. It was probable rhen the Duke believed he had done ſomething for him ; and it 1s very probable too, he knew what he had done for him, when he wiſhed he was able to have done more. And Mir. Prideaux {wears (though he does not exattly fix the time) that the Duke told him himſelf he had ſetcled his Eſtate upon the Earl of Bath. Then, I fay, it is hard to believe the Duke was ſurprized in making this Deed, when i:is own conſtant Counſel drew ir, ſo able a Coun- ſel peruſed and approved ſo main a part of it, and was preſent at the Exe- cution of it, and he ſhould expreſs his Wiſhes to be able to do more, can he be ſuppoſed not to know what he did ? But now let us examine the Evidence, and ObjeQions on the other ſide : They ſay it doth not appear that this Deed was ever read to the Duke, or by him. It is indeed proved the iaſt Will was read to him, by my Lord Chief-Juſtice Pollexfeny, but not at the time of the Executing of it. But however, I think the not _— of a Deed to, or by the Party that executes —_ EI or ar as UG <a _—_— — 2Xccutes it, is a very {lender ObjeCtion to make out a Surprize, fo as to ſet js aſide. That would ſhake many a Conveyance, I doubt it would ſhake many Deeds that were made and executed by the Duke. For though he was ſo cautious as ſome of their Witneſſes ſay, that he would not cxecute any Deeds, but what his Counſel ſet their Hands to, yet I do not find that any of them uſed to be rcad to him, or he himſelf read them at the time he ſealed them. Therefore it is a dangerous DoQtrine to ſet aſide a Deed upon ſuch an Account. Some People will not have Leiſure to hear Deeds reag, or read them themſelves. Then they obje& the Miſtakes and Miſ-recitals of the Limitations of the Will in the Deed, which refers to the Will, as particularly that of Nortoy Di/zez, and ſome others of leſs moment : But God forbid that the Miſtake of a Counſel in a Recital in a Deed, ſhould be of that great moment as to {et alide the Deed when executed by the Party. But there is another Matter much inſiſted on by them as an Argument of Surprize : that is, This Deed is pretended to be made in Confirmation of the Will in 75, and yet it varieth from that Will in almoſt all the Limita. tions of the Eſtates, except in ſome part of that to my Lord of Bath. I confeſs I have look®d over the Variations, and there are ſeveral, but I have this in general to ſay to it, that I take it this Deed was made for the fake of the Earl of Bath; and that it was for the Earl's better Security, that he bound himſelf up by fo ſtrit a Provi/o not to revoke. Andif you look into the Deed, it will be found to confirm the Will as to my Lord of Bah, which was the main Point of both Deed and Will. For it ſets the Eſtate given to him upon a firmer foot than it was by the Will, which was revo- cable in its Nature : Therefore it muſt be intended, as no doubt it was, for that very Purpoſe to ſecure it more to my Lord of Bath, than it was by the Wall. | But that which is ſaid to be an Argument of the greateſt weight and mo- ment in this Matter, that there muſt be Surprize in the Caſe, is this : Tr is hardly to be believed, and almoſt impoſſible, that the Duke ſhould ſend for Mr. Mozk out of Holland, by his Will deſire the King to beſtow upon him the Barony of Potheridg, the ancient Seat of the Family, make a Diſpoſition of his Eſtate by a Will ſo ſolemaly prepared and deliberated upon, take care to have three parts of it ; one whereof was to be tranſmitted to the Dut- cheſs of Newcaſtle, another part delivered by himſelf ro Mr. Mozk, and the third part taken with him to Jamazca, and there pulled out and declared to be his Will, and yet intend no real Diſpoſition of his Eſtate by all this. Theſe are things ſo diſhonourable to the Duke, that they are not eaſily to be believed of a Man of his Honour and Quality. I confeſs, this is an ObjeQtion of great weight, and carrieth much Pre- ſumption with it, but it is Preſumption only, which how far it ſhall con- clude againſt a VerdiQ, is left to Conſideration. But beſides, I would put rhe Caſe upon a like bottom of Preſumption the other way, and then ſee what we ſhall make of it. Duke George prevails with King Charles IT. 'to promiſe to make the Earl of Bath, Duke of Albemarle upon his failure of Iſue-Male ; Duke Chriſtopher, when he comes of Age doth make a Set- tlement of his Eſtate upon the Earl of Bath, upon failure of Iſſue of his Body. The Earl of Bath is a Perſon that doth heap Obligations upon both Dukes and their Family ; is Aſſiſtant to the Duke, both in the Purchaſe and Sale of Albemarle-Honſe, is continually the Chief Perſon concerned in all his Affairs, nothing almoſt is done without him. There 1s no proof of . any To any Miſunderſtanding, or Ground for any, between them. Nay, it was the Report in the Family, That if the Duke died without Iſſue, the Earl of Bath was to have the Eſtate : He and Sir Walter Clarges arc the Duke's neareſt Relations; whereas Mr. Moxk, that I find, is not in the Cale proved to be at all of Kin to him, and ſo we muſt not take him to be related without proot ; but only that the Duke called him Couſin. Now after all this, that the Duke ſhould make this laſt Will, and giveall this Eſtate to a Stranger (for fo as to any thing appears in proof) and give nothing to the Earl of Bath, when by the former Sertlement he had given him ſuch hopes of ſo great a Share ; this, I think, 1s a very Unaccoun- table thing ; and, I confeſs, I know not how to extricate my felt our of the Confuſion 1t cauſeth in me : But IT mult ſet the one againſt the other as to that ObjeQtion, and leave the Matter in the dark as to the Duke's Honour, as I found it ; though, IT think, IT may give a further Anſwer to this Objection under the Second Head. But I muſt ſpeak ſomething more under this, for I would omit nothing that I conceive to be material in the Caſe. There 1s another thing obje- Ged that ſeems dark in this Caſe, and that is, What was the meaning of ſome Parchments that were ingroſſed by Thompſon, the Summer betore the Duke went to Jamaica? The Jury have found that this Deed was executed in81, Andif then the other Side would make uſe of this, as infinuating that they were the ſame Deeds, then that is not to be admitted, as being expreſly againſt the Verdi. But to me it ſeems, That theſe Deeds in 57. were made upon ſome deſign to have them executed then, perhaps to ſer- tle the Eſtate upon a firmer foot than it was thought before, The Earl of Bath perhaps might be Jealous that the Dutcheſs might prevail upon the Duke to revoke the former Deed in due form ; and therefore thele Deeds might be prepared abſolutely without any power of Revocation, and thoughc he might procure the Duke to ſeal them ſo before he went to Jamaica ; _ _ might be the Intention, though what was the Deſign, I cannor really tell. But admitting that ſuch Writings were prepared with ſuch a delign to get the Duke to execute them, I know not that all this put together, will bea ſufficient Ground in Equity to ſet aſide the Deed of 8x. For all De- ligns in gaining of Deeds, will not avoid Deeds afQtually made : And that is plain, from the Caſe of Bodmin and Roberts, that was one of the Prece- dents uſed in this Caſe, which was in ſhort thus : Mr. Roberts, Son to the late Earl of Radyzor, married the only Daughter and Child of Bodmin, who was ſo paſſionately fond of his Daughter, thar whenever ſhe was in his preſence, he would break out into great Fits of Paſſion, and weep for Joy to ſee her. Notwithſtanding this great fondneſs of his Daughter, one: Mr. Wynne took an Opportunity when Mr. Bodmin was under an Arreſt, and officiouſly came to Bail him, and inſinuates into bim, that his Son-in-Law was the occaſion of his being Arreſted ; and thereupon wrought ſo far upon him as to get him into a private place, where he was removed out of his Son and Daughters Knowledge, and where he went by a ſtrange Name: No one of his Friends had any acce(s to him but Wyzne himſelf, and ſuch as he would permit. Mr. Roberts made fre- quent Application to be admitted to him, but was refuſed, which was all in proof, While he was under this Concealment, Wynne tampers with one Barry that had Mr. Bodmin's Will in his Cuſtody, and would have had him ſuppreſſed that Will, whereby he gave his Eſtate to his Daughter. It happens — RED AIG. OED ——_— "CER 0, ——— — - _ vv - mths . oc. one ol EE TIES 1 A wr Or er men. 1 34 \ Se —_— <Y Q KY happens during his being thus ſecured he falls ſick, then there is a Will prepared for him to give this Eſtate away to Wynne from his only Daugh. ter; they get three Witneſſes to the Execution of it. This Will was never read over to him ; this appears in the proof, but they ger him to execute it: And he dies. Hereupon Mr. Roberts exhibits his Bill in this Court to {et aſide this Will. There was proof made of all this Matter thar I have opened, and this Point, of Surprize in obtaining this Will, was inſiſted up. on ſtrongly. The Lord Chancellor at the Hearing of the Cauſe, was afſil- ed by the Chiet Juſtice Br/dgman, the Chief Baron Hales, and Juſtice Rainsford. But notwithſtanding all this proof, they could not prevail to {et aſide this Will in this Court ; and afterwards when they came into the Houſe of Lords, they were of the ſame Opinion, and it ended at laſtin Relief by the Legiſlative Power, an At of Parliament. This now IT take to be much ſtronger for Relief, if any could be, than the Caſe now in Queſtion ; and if then upon ſuch apparent Surprize and Practice it could not be ſet alide in Equity, fure this cannot, where there doth appear no proof at all of any ſuch thing. I coine then to conſider the Second Head of Argument againlt this Deed, that it was a concealed and forgotten Deed. Now that it was con- ccaled trom the Dutcheſs, and thoſe that were thought her Agents, I agree it ſo; and it is plain, it was always intended it ſhould be ſo. But thar it was concealed from the Duke, I think has no Ground at all. The thing they would infer it from, is the Evidence of Alemaz, whole Teſtimony was read once and again ; and he ſays, This Deed at the time of the Execu- tion of it, was delivered to the Earl of Bath, whence they infer he carried it away, and kept it concealed from the Duke who forgot it : But upon reviewing Alemay's Depolition, it can be underſtood to mean no other, but only delivered to that effect as a Deed to his Uſe ; but not that it was delivered to him for Cuſtody, and carried away by him. No truly, it ſeems plain to me from all the Proofs and Circumſtances of the Caſe, That this Deed did remain in the Cuſtody of the Duke of 4lbe- marle; For that Sir Thomwes Stringer, a little before the Duke went into Jamaica, doth draw an Abſtraft ot it, in which the very date is mentioned; which could not be drawn from the Paper-draught where the date is in Blank, but muſt be from the Deed it felf : And how ſhould he have the Deed to do it by, unleſs it was in the Duke's Cuſtody ? Beſides, there is a ſtrong proof, "That the Will oi 75 was in the Earl's Cuſtody once; for the Duke ſent to him into the Country for it, and the Earl brought it up with him; for it is plain by the wording and framing of the laſt Will in 879, my Lord Chief Juſtice Polexfez had it in his Cuſtody for comparing the one with the other ; they run ſo in the ſame manner, that it 1s impoſſible but he that drew the laſt, muſt have the firſt by him at the ſame time. How then came this Deed of 1681, and this Will of 1675, into the Cu- , ſtody of the Earlof Bath, under the ſame Cover with the Seal of the Duke of Albemarle's Coat of Arms on it ? for ſo it was produced firſt by the Earl of Bath, after the notice of the Duke's Death in Jamaica. This cannot be imagined how it could be any otherwiſe, than as the Earl of Bath ſays in his Anſwer, that they were delivered ſo to him by the Duke a little before his going beyond Sea ; or elſe that the Earl of Bath found them ſo ſealed upand covered among the Duke's Writings. And either way it is a mighty ſtrong Proof, that the Deed was all along till he went to Jamaica in his own Culto- dy, and not in the Earl of Bath's. But cv A —— nh == 2 - —y ied p— yak 6 Md 0 XY? 20M My Faoſycs, ww tos nm; _ K a mk 2 pk (_ op © az = £3 oo Sq _ ox @mnmfpu, . twyny 2} fun bug. ny | on 2 bes + gap 2_ ww 4 [a] But however, it is further objected, That it was a forgotten Deed. Me: thinks what I laſt urged is a very good Proot it was not forgotten : bur there is yet further Proof of it. Not long before he went abroad, the Duke had ſome Diſcourſe with Mrs. Crofts, who (as ſhe ſwears) was told by him, that ſhe ſhould have a good Neighbour at New-hall if he ſhould miſcarry Lcyond Sea, to wit, my Lord of Bath. And Laxe, that is one of the Nuke's Servants, doth {wear, that the Duke told him, That atter his Death the Earl of Bath would have New-hall. Mr. Crofts (wears, That upon his Application to know who he ſhould addreſs to in caſe of his Grace's Death, the Duke told him, all he could do for him, was to recommend him to the Earl of Bath, and Sir Walter Clarges, and ordered him to leave the Keys of tis Writings with the Earl of Bath; for he was moſt concerned in them in ſe he ſhould do other wile than well. It is proved that the uſual Diſcourſe of the Family was, that the Earl of Bath would have the Eſtate after the Duke's Death, which muſt happen from ſome Expreſſions of the Duke to that purpoſe. And Sir Walter Clar- -es doth in his Anſwer ſwear, That the Duke told him, he had provided tor him as the Earl of Bath knew, which could be only by this Deed. And Mr. Greenvifle {wears in his Anſwer much to the ſame purpoſe. And Mr. Courtney ſwears, That eight or nine Years ago, my Lord of Bath came to him with a Draught of a Settlement to the ſame effeCt to adviſe upon : And about three Months before the Duke went to Jamaica, he came again with a Copy of this Settlement to adviſe, whether a Will would revoke it ; and that he gave his Opinion it would not, it the Circumſtances of the Power were not purſued. But now here the Objection recurs again ; Ts it poſſible to be believed that the Duke ſhould deliberately make fo ſolemn a Will, take ſix Months time in the drawing and publiſhing of it, and then execute it in the Pre- ſence of three Witneſles, if he had not forgot this Deed, but had known all along that there was ſuch an one ? If he did know it, and had acquainted the Counſel that drew his Will with it, certainly he would have adviſed him, that unleſs he did revoke it, according to the Circumſtances of the Power, all this Care and Solemnity would ſignify nothing. Truly on the other ſide it is to be conſidered, Whether the ſix Months was taken up in Deliberation and ſolemn Preparation for making of that Will; or, whether that was not an Evidence of a Difficulty to prevail upon the Duke to do it at all : For I muſt take the liberty to ſay, there are Proofs inthe Caſe of Importunities uſed to bring him to it. Dr. Bexwick did tell the Duke, unleſs he did it, the Dutcheſs would have a Return of her Diſtem- per, and be very bad again. It 1s proved, that when Money is to be paid for the Counſels Fees, upon drawing it the Duke was uneaſy, and ſaid, the Dutcheſs might pay it if ſhe would, for it was her Buſineſs. There ap- pears great Difficulty afterwards to get him to execute it, that Sir Thomas Stringer importuned him much to it ; upon which he grew very much in favour with the Dutcheſs, and there was Enquiry made for a Baronet's Pa- tent to be got for him : all to engage him the more to get this Work done ; and when it is done, how doth he bring it about ? The Duke was that Day to go by appointment to Sir Robert Claytox's to meet with my Lord Jefferies, and ſeal the Deeds of Purchaſe of Dalby and Broughton. Sir Thomas takes this Will in three parts, and three Witneſles along with him to Sir Robert's ; and after my Lord Jefferies were gone, and the Duke in a fretting dif- contented Humour, he gets him into a private Room in that Houſe, and - o A A A oa. gp ddI OS it was cut ? Truly, I think it not worth the trouble of enquiring atter that, [ 10 | and then tells him he had brought his Will co him to ſeal; and the Duke, a Mr. Crofts {'z ears, was unwilling to do it then, and would have put him os but he preſt the Duke very bard to do it then, and told him he muſt dg _ for he was to be gone the Northern Circuit the next day, and could not þ: at the Execution of it; upon which he did it, bur not tull after much urging and folicitation. eaſy and diſturbed at his being 1mportuned to execute this Will, after much Pains and ſo much Time in the drawing and preparing it ? I canngr imagine any realon why, but that he had not forgotten this Deed, which he never intended to alter, and yet muſt do ſomething to fatisfy ſome body” Importunity. He knew he (hould in doing it, do a thing that would look very odly cne day, and that made him fo uneaſy, tho at laſt he did comply and d1d 1t. But admit this Deed had been at that time forgotten by him, or concealed from him, Would this in a Court of Equity be a ſufficient Ground to ſet it aſide? I confeſs of a Purchaſer where one that claims by ſuch a Deed, will ſtand by, and permit the Purchaſe ro go on and conceal the Deed ; as to that Purchaſe the Deed will be a fraudulent Deed ; but there is nothing of that in rhis Caſe, neither ſuch a Purchaſe, nor ſuch a Concealment : And there- fore it can ſignify nothing here to ſet aſide this Deed, tho concealed and for- otten. . But now I come to a third Head of Objections ; That this Deed is a Deed attendant upon the Will of 1675, and fo revocable in its one nature, as a W1ll would be, alrho it contained in it no Power of Revocation. "This was very warmly inſiſted upon by the Counſel of Mr. Mozk. I confeſs there is ſuch a thing as a revocable Deed attendant upon a Will which is revocable ; that is, where a Man doth ſuffer a common Recovery, and makes a Deed ſubject to his laſt Will and Teſtament ; ſuch or ſuch an Uſe may be declared by Indenture under Hand and Seal as intended at that time of the Recovery. But this Indenture after it hath declared that Uk being founded upon an Aſſurance that was always ſubjeQ to Uſes declared in his laſt Will, that Will being always changeable, the Deed may be always changeable : And ſo is the Caſe in Dyer 314. 6. And the Reaſon js giver in my Lord of Ormond's Caſe in Hobart 349. by the Opinion of two Judges againſt one, becauſe the Foundation, which is his laſt Will, is always revo- cable. But ſuch an Indenture to declare Ules 1s revocable ; but a Feofmentr, or a Leaſe, and Releaſe to Uſes reterringtoa Will, or made to confirm a Will, that that ſhould be revocable, there is no Colour nor any Authority of Law for it. The fourth Head is, That there is an implied Truſt, that the Duke might charge this Etftate to the full Value ; therefore in Equity he might diſpoſe of the Land. This Objection doth ariſe upon a variance ſuppoſed between the ingrofſed Deed and the Paper-draught: For it ſhould ſeem that one of the Sheets in the Paper-draught 1s cut juſt where this Truſt is declared, and ſo they would preſume it a general Truſt, which would ſubje& the whole Eſtate to the Duke's diſpoſal, But as to.this Matter, it is {worn by Thompſon, who ingroſſed the Deed, that he ingroiled it by the Paper not cut, and did ingrofs it truly according tro.the Draught, and he was believed by the Jury ſoto have done : There- fore, I ſuppoſe it was cut ſince; and it it were, the Queſtion is by whom but [x2 | but it is moſt probable it was not cut by thoſe to whole diſadvantage it would turn to cut 1t. But here doth ariſe a conſiderable Objection. By the Will of 75, there are 200c0 1. Legacies given, and here is a Truſt that doth ſubject this Eſtate to the L-gacics of that Will of 1675, is revoked by the Will of 1687, Shall then che Earl of Bath hold this Eſtate free and diſcharged of any Legacies by the laſt Will ? | muſt confeſs this was objeced on one fide, but not debated on the other fide 3 becauſe they that were of Countel for the Earl of Bat», thought it did not concern this Queſtion now in debate. That they ſaid might be a Queſti- on another Time between my Lord of Bath, and any Perſons that may come here to have any Legacies given them by the Will of 1687, if the Perſonal Eſtate will not anſwer, I cannot ſay poſitively but they may be payable out of this Truſt, though I give no Opinion 1n the Matter, it not having been de- bated, and fo I have not confidered it. But ſure the conſequence of that, if it ſhould be fo, would not be what this Head of Arguments I am upon would inter: That if the Duke might charge the Eſtate with Legacies, therefore he might diſpoſe of it, for he hath bound up himſeIf by this Proviſo not to diſpoſe of it but under ſuch and fuch Terms. And that brings me to the laſt Head ; Whether this Will of the Duke of Albemarle, made in 1687, and ſo ſolemnly done, be a Revocation in Equity, though it do not ſtrictly purſue the Circumſtances of the Power. I know not any Rule more clear 1n our Law-Books than this, that all the Circumſtances preſcribed and required in a Power of Revocation muſt be ob- ſerved to make it a good and effe&ual Revocation. So is Scroops Cale ;, {o is the Caſe of Kzbbett and Lee. There is indeed a favourable Judgment to be given in expounding Powers, but both thoſe Caſes ſtill agree that all the Cir- cumſtances muſt be ſtrictly obſerved. It may be ſaid then, they mult be obſerved in Law, but in a Court of Equi- ty it makes another Caſe. For when a Man hath a Power overan Eſtate, thoſe Circumſtances are only a Guard upon himſelf that he may not be ſurprized into a ſudden diſpoſition of it : But when deliberately and ſolemnly he hath done an A& whereby he diſpoſeth of this Eſtate, but there wants ſome little Ceremony or Circumſtance,zſuch as the not tendring 12 4. or the like, a Court of Equity ought to ſupply ſuch a DefeCt to ſupport his ſolemn Intention to dil- poſe of it. For plain it 1s, he 15 not ſarprized into this A&, and fo the Reaſon for thoſe Circumſtances does fail, and they need not be ſtrictly obſerved. This way of Arguing may ſeem ſpecious in a Court of Equity I conſe, but really I think I am able to gwe a very plain Anſwer ro it, and that from the Nature of Powers of Revocation. It 1s certain no Conveyance at the Common Law could have a Power of Revocation annexed to it. As a Fe- offment and Livery of Seifinz and that becauſe the Law would not admir ſuch an Abſurdity that a Man ſhould give an Eſtate abſolutely ro another, but yet reſ-rve a Power to recal it from bim at his Pleaſure. Ir is ſuch a repugnancy as the Common Law will not permit. But a Man might have done this at Common Law, he might have annex'd a Condition to kis Feof- ment, that if he tendred 12 d. to the Feoffee or his Heirs, he might enter upon the Eſtate : ſo that the Eſtate which was Deveſted out of him by the Livery of Scilin, might have been revelted by a performance of the Condi- tion and Reen:ry. So it ſtood at Common-Lay. But after the 2946 of H. 8. for transferring Uſes into Poſieflion, Uſes be- came more pliable than Conveyances at Common-Law, wherein this Matter, and then Powers of Revocation firſt came 1n ufe and faſhion. Not but that it [ 12 |] it is as repugnant to a Conveyance after the :Statute, as it was before ; for ccr- tainly it 1s repugnant to give an Eſtate away, and yet have a general Power over that Eſtate. But a Power of Revocation was let in as a Condition, and would work as a Condition ; but whereas the performance of a Condition at Common Law, would not work a reveſting of the Eſtate, without a Reen- try ; now the performance or execution of the Power doth transfer the Eltate to the new Uſes, or reveſt the Eſtate in him that had the Power with- _ out any Reentry. But ſtill there 1s now a neceſfity of the Powers being per- formed,as there was of the Conditions being performed at Common-Law 3; for it 15 in the nature of a Condition and no more. So is [nglefield's Caſe, 7 Co. 39. There was a voluntary Conveyance made with a Power of Revocation ; and he who had the Power 1s attainted of Treaſon. Now all Conditions for- feited to the Crown mult be performed, or no Advantage can be taken, This Power was in this Caſe agreed to be forfeited to the Crown 3 the great Difticulty was, Whether the King could perform the Condition, or whether the Performance was not tied ſtrictly to the Perſon that had the Power veſted in him ? That was the great Doubt in that Caſe, but there was no queſtion but it was a Condition, and the King ſhould have it as a Condition forteited. And it is likewiſe agreed in Co. Lit. 237. That it 1s a Condition, and would have been repugnant to be a general Power. So that it is not, as they ſay, a Guard only upon a Man's Self to prevent Surprize, but a Condition. And as a Man muſt perform a Condition at Common-Law to entitle him to Re- enter, ſo he muſt execute his Power, to intitle him to a Revocation. And a Court of Equity can no more let a Man in to defeat an Eſtate upon a Power of Revocation, without a due execution of the Power, than the Common- Law could let a Man in to defeat an Eſtate upon a Condition, without perfor- mance of the Condition ; or than a Court of Equity can think to let a Mar in to defeat a voluntary Conveyance, without a Power of Revocation : for it is all but a Condition which muſt be performed, or no Advantage taken of it ; and a Court of Equity may do great things, but they cannot alter things, or make them to operate contrary to their eſſential Natures and Properties. I confels, where there 1s an Impediment of executing a Power of Revoca- tion, or diſability of doing it, a Court of Equity may perhaps interpoſc, And therefore ſuppoſe the Earl of Bath had always had this Deed in his Cuſto- dy from the time of executing of it, and the Duke having a Mind to revoke It, had fent to the Earl for it ; that though ſeeing the Circumſtances required he might truly purſue them, but the Earl had: refuſed to deliver it, and the Duke not knowing what the Power was, had done ſuch an A& with a mind to revoke ; I agree it is reaſonable, that a Court of Equity ſhould interpoſe to ſupport it. But why 1s that ? becaufe the Ear] who was to have the bene- tit by this Deed, was the Impediment why it was not ſtrictly purſued. And that is a Reaſon which would prevail at Common-Law. I will put you a Caſe to prove it, Dyer, 354. A makes a Feoffment to B, with a Pow- gr of Revocation 3 if A at any time during his Life pay or cauſe to be ten- © dredto Buat the Font-Stone in the Cathedral at Sarum 201. A tenders the 291.
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const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const multer = require('multer'); const GridFsStorage = require('multer-gridfs-storage'); const Grid = require('gridfs-stream'); Grid.mongo = mongoose.mongo; const path = require('path'); const methodOverride = require('method-override') const bcrypt = require('bcrypt-nodejs'); require('dotenv').config() const cp = require('child_process') var archiver = require('archiver'); const { auth } = require('./auth/auth'); const { signup, login } = require('./auth/authService'); const { generatePass, changePass, sendPass } = require('./auth/changePass'); const { sendMail } = require('./sendMail') const { formatMun } = require('./config/formatMun') const { pyParseKml } = require('./pyParse') const { User } = require('./models/user') const { empreendedor } = require('./models/empModel') const { CadastroRt } = require('./models/rtModel') const { processModel } = require('./models/processModel') const { filesModel } = require('./models/filesModel') const { tecModel } = require('./models/tecnicos') const { prefModel } = require('./models/prefeituras') const app = express() app.use(function (req, res, next) { //allow cross origin requests res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, PUT, OPTIONS, DELETE, GET"); res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization"); res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", true); next(); }) //app.use(bodyParser.json()) app.use(bodyParser.json({ limit: '50mb' })); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ limit: '50mb', extended: true })) app.use(cookieParser()); app.use(express.static('client/build')) app.use(methodOverride('_method')) const mongoURI = (process.env.MONGODB_URI || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/sim_anuencia_db') mongoose.set('useFindAndModify', false) mongoose.set('useCreateIndex', true); mongoose.connect(mongoURI, { useNewUrlParser: true }, (err) => { if (err) { console.log(err) } });'/api/login', login)'/api/signup', signup) app.get('/api/vUser', ((req, res) => { User.updateOne( { '_id': }, { $set: { verified: true } }, ((err, doc) => { if (err) console.log(err) res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '../client', 'public', 'userConfirmed.html')) })) }))'/api/forgotPassword', generatePass, changePass, sendPass, sendMail) const conn = mongoose.connection let gfs; conn.once('open', () => { // Init stream gfs = Grid(conn.db); gfs.collection('uploads'); }) //module.exports = { gfs, mongoose } const storage = new GridFsStorage({ url: mongoURI, file: (req, file) => { const fileInfo = { filename: file.originalname, metadata: { 'fieldName': file.fieldname, 'processId': req.body.processId }, bucketName: 'uploads', } return fileInfo } }); const upload = multer({ storage }); app.use(auth)'/api/run', pyParseKml) app.get('/api/zip', (req, res) => { const ids = ["5d125bedc7201044055203e4", "5d125bedc7201044055203da"] //let zip const archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } // Sets the compression level. }); ids.forEach(i => { let fileId = new mongoose.mongo.ObjectId(i) gfs.files.findOne({ _id: fileId }, function (err, file) { if (!file) { return res.status(404).json({ responseCode: 1, responseMessage: "error" }); } else { console.log('yeah') const readstream = gfs.createReadStream({ filename: file.filename, root: "uploads" }); archive.append(readstream, { name: file.filename }); } }) }) res.set({ 'Content-Type': 'application/zip', 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment', }); archive.pipe(res) archive.finalize() }) app.get('/api/download/:id', function (req, res) { const fileId = new mongoose.mongo.ObjectId( gfs.files.findOne({ _id: fileId }, function (err, file) { if (!file) { return res.status(404).json({ responseCode: 1, responseMessage: "error" }); } else { //return res.json(file) const readstream = gfs.createReadStream({ filename: file.filename, root: "uploads" }); // set the proper content type res.set({ 'Content-Type': file.contentType, 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment', }); // Return response return readstream.pipe(res) } }); }); app.get('/api/kml/:id', function (req, res) { const fileId = new mongoose.mongo.ObjectId( gfs.files.findOne({ _id: fileId }, function (err, file) { if (!file) { return res.status(404).json({ responseCode: 1, responseMessage: "error" }); } else { //return res.json(file) const readstream = gfs.createReadStream({ filename: file.filename, root: "uploads" }); // set the proper content type res.set({ 'Content-Type': file.contentType, 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment', }); // Return response return readstream.pipe(res) } }); });'/api/kmlParse', (req, res) => { //const { kml } = req.body var nwDir = path.dirname('C:\\Users\\m1107819\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python37-32'); const child = cp.spawn(nwDir + '\\python.exe', ['']) child.stdout.on('data', d => { //console.log(d.toString()) res.send('ok'.d.toString()) }) /* await child.on('exit', function (code) { console.log('Exit code: ' + code) }) */ //res.send(stdout.toString()) /* var stream = require('stream') kml.pipe(child.stdin) var tst = new stream.Readable() tst.push('hi there') .push(null) .pipe(child.stdin) */ //cp.stdout.on('data', data => console.log(data)) //process.stdin.pipe(child.stdin) /* child.on('exit', function () { process.exit() }) */ //res.send(kml) })'/api/mail', sendMail)'/api/fileUpload', upload.any(), (req, res) => { let filesArray = [] if (req.files) req.files.forEach(f => { filesArray.push({ fieldName: f.fieldname, id:, originalName: f.originalname, uploadDate: f.uploadDate, contentType: f.contentType, fileSize: f.size }) }) res.json({ file: filesArray }); }) app.get('/api/files', (req, res) => { filesModel.find().sort({ uploadDate: -1 }).exec((err, doc) => { if (err) throw err; res.send(doc) }); }) app.get('/api/showEmpreend', (req, res) => { let user = req.decoded const municipio = formatMun(user.municipio) if (user.role === 'prefeitura') { const getProcesses = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { processModel.find({ 'munEmpreendimento': municipio }) .then(res => resolve(res)) .catch(e => reject(e)) }) } const getRts = (processes) => { let empIds = [] processes.forEach(proc => empIds.push(proc.empId)) empreendedor.find({ '_id': { $in: empIds } }).exec((erro, emps) => { if (erro) console.log(erro) res.status(200).send(emps) }) } getProcesses() .then(res => getRts(res)) } else if (user.role === 'empreend') { empreendedor.find({ 'email': }, (err, doc) => { if (err) console.log(err) res.send(doc) }) } else if (user.role === 'rt') { const getRtId = (user) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { CadastroRt.findOne({ 'emailRt': }) .then(res => resolve(res._id)) .catch(e => reject(e)) }) } const getProcesses = (rtId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { processModel.find({ 'rtId': rtId }) .then(res => resolve(res)) .catch(e => reject(e)) }) } const getEmps = (processes) => { let empIds = [] processes.forEach(proc => empIds.push(proc.empId)) empreendedor.find({ '_id': { $in: empIds } }).exec((erro, emps) => { if (erro) console.log(erro) res.status(200).send(emps) }) } getRtId(user) .then(res => getProcesses(res)) .then(res => getEmps(res)) } else if (user.role === 'admin' || user.role === 'tecnico') { empreendedor.find().sort({ nome: 1 }).exec((err, doc) => { if (err) return err res.send(doc) }) } }) app.get('/api/showRt', (req, res) => { let user = req.decoded const municipio = formatMun(user.municipio) if (user.role === 'prefeitura') { const getProcesses = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { processModel.find({ 'munEmpreendimento': municipio }) .then(res => resolve(res)) .catch(e => reject(e)) }) } const getRts = (procs) => { let rtIds = [] procs.forEach(proc => rtIds.push(proc.rtId)) CadastroRt.find({ _id: { $in: rtIds } }).exec((err, rts) => { if (err) console.log(err) res.status(200).send(rts) }) } getProcesses() .then(res => getRts(res)) } else if (user.role === 'empreend') { const getEmpId = (usuario) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { empreendedor.findOne({ 'email': }) .then(res => resolve(res._id)) .catch(e => reject(e)) }) } const getProcesses = (userId) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { processModel.find({ 'empId': userId }) .then(res => resolve(res)) .catch(e => reject(e)) }) } const getRts = (processes) => { let rtIds = [] processes.forEach(p => { rtIds.push(p.rtId) }) CadastroRt.find({ _id: { $in: rtIds } }).exec((err, doc) => { if (err) console.log(err) res.status(200).send(doc) }) } getEmpId(user) .then(response => getProcesses(response)) .then(response => getRts(response)) } else if (user.role !== 'rt') { CadastroRt.find().sort({ nomeRt: 1 }).exec((err, doc) => { if (err) return err; res.send(doc); }) } }) app.get('/api/showProcess', async (req, res) => { let user = req.decoded const municipio = formatMun(user.municipio) if (user.role === 'prefeitura') { processModel .find({ 'munEmpreendimento': municipio }) .sort({ nomeEmpreendimento: 1 }) .exec((err, collection) => { if (err) return err res.send(collection) }) } else if (user.role === 'empreend' || user.role === 'rt') { let collection, mail, query if (user.role === 'empreend') { collection = empreendedor; mail = 'email'; query = 'empId' } if (user.role === 'rt') { collection = CadastroRt; mail = 'emailRt'; query = 'rtId' } collection.findOne({ [mail]: }).exec((err, doc) => { if (err) return err if (doc) { processModel .find({ [query]: doc._id }) .sort({ nomeEmpreendimento: 1 }) .exec((err, procCollection) => { if (err) return err res.send(procCollection) }) } else res.send([]) }) } else { processModel .find() .sort({ nomeEmpreendimento: 1 }) .exec((err, collection) => { if (err) return err res.send(collection) }) } }) app.get('/api/tecnicos', (req, res) => { tecModel.find().exec((err, doc) => { if (err) return err; res.send(doc) }) }) app.put('/api/tecnicos', (req, res) => { tecModel.update( { email: }, req.body, { upsert: true }) .then(response => res.send(response)) }) app.get('/api/prefeituras', (req, res) => { prefModel.find().exec((err, doc) => { if (err) return err; res.send(doc) }) }) app.put('/api/prefeituras', (req, res) => { prefModel.update( { _id: req.body._id }, req.body, { upsert: true }) .then(response => res.send(response)) }) app.get('/api/users', (req, res) => { if (req.decoded.role === 'admin') { let filteredDocs = [] User.find().exec((err, docs) => { if (err) return err; docs.forEach(doc => { let { _id, name, surName, email, municipio, role, verified } = doc filteredDocs.push({ _id, name, surName, email, municipio, role, verified }) }) res.send(filteredDocs) }) } else res.status(403).send('Este usuário não possui permissões para esta solicitação') })'/api/cadastro_emp', (req, res) => { if (req.decoded.role === 'admin' || req.decoded.role === 'prefeitura') { const cadastroEmp = new empreendedor(req.body);, doc) => { if (err) return res.status(400).send(err); return res.status(200).json({ post: true, Cadastro_id: doc._id }) }) } else res.status(403).send('Este usuário não possui permissões para esta solicitação') });'/api/cadastro_rt', (req, res) => { if (req.decoded.role === 'admin' || req.decoded.role === 'prefeitura') { const RT = new CadastroRt(req.body);, doc) => { if (err) return res.status(400).send(err); return res.status(200).json({ post: true, RT_id: doc._id }) }); } else res.status(403).send('Este usuário não possui permissões para esta solicitação') })'/api/cadastro_process', (req, res) => { if (req.decoded.role === 'admin' || req.decoded.role === 'prefeitura') { const processCounter = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { processModel.find().exec((err, doc) => { if (err) reject(err) let procThisYear = [] => procThisYear.push(new Date(el.createdAt).getFullYear()) ) const currentYear = Number(new Date().getFullYear()) const proc = procThisYear.filter(el => el === currentYear) let count = proc.length let nProcess = (count + 1) + '/' + currentYear resolve(nProcess) }) }) processCounter.then(count => { const cadastroProcess = new processModel(Object.assign(req.body, { nProcess: count })), doc) => { if (err) return res.status(400).send(err); return res.status(200).json({ post: true, process: doc }) }) }) } else res.status(403).send('Este usuário não possui permissões para esta solicitação') }); app.delete('/api/delete/:item', (req, res) => { const el = req.query.el let collection if (el === 'emp') collection = empreendedor if (el === 'rt') collection = CadastroRt if (el === 'process') collection = processModel if (el === 'user') collection = User if (req.decoded.role === 'admin') { collection.deleteOne({ '_id': }) .exec() .then(result => { res.status(200).json(result) }) .catch(err => res.status(400).send(err)) } else res.status(403).send('Este usuário não possui permissões para esta solicitação') }) app.put('/api/edit', (req, res) => { const el = req.body.el let items = req.body.item if (!items[0]) items = [req.body.item] let collection if (el === 'emp') collection = empreendedor if (el === 'rt') collection = CadastroRt if (el === 'user') collection = User if (req.decoded.role === 'admin') { items.forEach(user => { collection.find({ '_id': user._id }).updateOne( { $set: user } ) .then(response => res.send(response)) }) } else { res.status(403).send('Este usuário não possui permissões para esta solicitação') } }) app.put('/api/editUser', (req, res) => { let { confirmPassword, ...user } = req.body, salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(), passwordHash = bcrypt.hashSync(user.password, salt) user.password = passwordHash if (!bcrypt.compareSync(confirmPassword, passwordHash)) { return res.send('Senhas não conferem.') } else { User.find({ '_id': user._id }).updateOne({ $set: user }).then(() => { res.send('Ok') }) } }) app.put('/api/editProcess/', (req, res) => { if (req.decoded.role !== 'empreend') { if (req.body.processHistory) { processModel.updateOne( { '_id': req.body.item._id }, { $push: { 'processHistory': req.body.processHistory }, $set: req.body.item }).then(result => res.json(result)) } else { processModel.updateOne( { '_id': req.body.item._id }, { $set: req.body.item }) .then(result => res.json(result)) } } else { res.status(403).send('Este usuário não possui permissões para esta solicitação') } }) if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { app.get('/*', (req, res) => { res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '../client', 'build', 'index.html')) }) } const port = process.env.PORT || 3001 app.listen(port, () => { console.log('Running...') })
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ther, may by eſtimation, make a Region as large as Europe. In which , as alfo in the Iſlands , - ny 4 in the greater Iſlands of Hi/paviola, Cuba, Zamaica , anl Puereorico, the Chriſtian Religion is 6 largely ſpread, that + one hath preſumed, co equal in a manner , che Chriftians of Amorica, to thoſe of the Latin Church in Y A mand. Europe: And * another, bath left re- —_— corded, that within a few years after the An.1519, F8terance of the Goſpel. among them, +Surius in there were no leſs then feven Millions, or Chron. ad as others reported fourteen Millions, that An, Chriſt. in the Sacrament of Bapriſme had giver ou their names eo Chriſt, But eſpecially in the Kingdom of AMexico ( or Nueva E/- pers) Chriſtian Religion obtained that plentiful and proſperous ſucceſs, that we find recorded of ſundry of the Preachers, wy employed — ma MM RV =Iu@44 ik. £4 zKiMouc Bm a in America, $5 employed about the Converſion of that people, thit they Baptized each of chem, above 100000. and that in few years : Inſoms:ch that ( as is ſtoried by Swrips ) vid. Epiſt. it is to be found among the Records of Petri Gau- Charles che Fifth , that ſome old Prieſt denſ.in Com hach Baptized 700000. another 300000, SY "x" and certain others very great multitudes. Franciſes. But yet, what manner ot Chriſtians many pag,229, of thoſe Proſelytes were + am loath ro X i . : remem b«1. ; or report { and it may be tt, Martin? this ume "they are better fr, 1 he he inſtructed chan they were) for certainly "02903 4 te Oviedo,” and Benzo, -men that had long Epiſt. Epiſ- ge-W£ lived, and were well experienced ip thgſs <2P! Mexica- 100 parts, have left recorded , the firſt gf 2298-255: ol *C:4a, that there was ſcarce any one,, x. cer or but very few , that willing Lecams Ao Chriſtians, and both Oviedo of them, and cidental.l-v7s ON Benzy of the Chriſtians of N*eve Eſpanna, C4 _ ed, that they had nothing almoſt belonging Benzo. hiftors of ro Chriſtianity, but onely the bare name = 4" in of Chriſtians, beiog ſo utterly mindleſs, ©? re- F and careleſs of Chriſtian Religion, that the F they remembred not any thing of the o, F Covenant and Profeſſion , they made jn or F their Baptiſm : Only, they kept in mind "at F the Name they received then, which very en & name alſo they forgot ſoon after. But in all the reſt of America, except the Regions J- Þ afore mentiotied, which compared to the at F parts poſſeſſed by the Cqfi/iars and Por- - tngals ( make eſtimation by the Mapps ”$ ed that MBahumetans inhabit that we have of thoſe Regions, for the North and Weſt Coaſts of America, are not yet perfetly diſcovered) may be ſix to one, is poſſeſſed by Idolaters. CHAP. &L. Of the parts of the World poſſeſſed by Mahumetans, Aving declared the amplitude of H Chriſtianity, I will proceed to _£ ſhew the ſtate of other Religion; in the world , and withal , what parts of it, the Profeſſors of thoſe Religions do ſeverally inbabite, and laſtly, _ pro- portion they may have each to other, and all of Chriſtians, To indeavout therefore your ſatisfaCtion in this behalf: There are four ſorts or Secs of Religion, obſerved in the ſundry Regions of the World : Namely , 1dslatry, Mahumets- niſme, 7udaiſme , and Chriſtianity, Of Chriſtians I have already-ſpoken : noy therefore will 1 relate tor your bette: contentment, of the other three ; and firſt of Mabumetanrs. Mahnmetan | what parts of Europe. Mabumetans then poſſeſs in Exrope , as I ſaid before ( baving in that part bur ea} ſmall mixture of ChriCians ) all the Re- gion betwixt 7 ana and Boriſthenes ( Don and Nieper they are now called ) being about a twentieth part of Evrope : beſide * ſome Villages in Lit#axia about Wilna, where the uſe of their Religion is by the King of Poland permitted them, for in Greece, Mcrcedon, Thrace, Bulgaria, Raſcia, ſel Servia, Boſina, Epirw, the greateſt part of Hungarie, and ſome part of Dalmatia (which-may be together about one four. teenth part of Exrope )) although the Go- e offs vernment be wholly the Turks, yet AMa- | to bametays ſcarcely paſs one third part of on the Inhabitants. 's of But in Africk, Adabwmet aniſme is ſpread sd exceeding far, for , firſt co conlider the "r0- maritime. Coaſt: It poſſeſſerh all the an(Y ſhoar -of "Atlantick, Ocean, from Cape "out Blanco to the Strait of Gibralter, being alf:Y about 1100 miles. Secondly, On the ion, ſhoar of the Mediterrane , all from that the Strait to eZgypt , abour 24co miles, ex- et4-f| cepting oaly on the one Coaſt, and on Offl the other, ſome ſeven Towns, in the non} poſſeſſion of the Spaniards. Thirdly, On tee} the Eaſt fide of Africk all the Coaſt of the and} Bay of Arabia, even from Smez to C. Gardafs , abour 1600 miles, excepting onely one Port ( Frcoco ) being of the 14% Dominion of the King of —— I An 97 * Mathia Mi- chov de Sar« mat.l,2.C3. * Paul. Ven. 1.2 C+39. Linſchor. | I, C+Z, The large ſpzeading of And thence (doubling that Cape) South. ward, all the ſhore of the «/£thiopick, Sea, as far as Afozambick. ( that is over againſt the 'mid{t of Madagaſcar ) about 1800 miles. And in all the Coalts of Afric hitherto mentioned , being altogether a- bout 7000 miles (that is, by ſome exceſs more then half the Circumference of A. rick) the Profeſſors of Mahwmeds Reli. gion, have both poſlefſion and dominion, rogether with the * Maritime parts of the great Iſle of Madagaſcar, and many other Iſlands along the Goalt of Africk, And yet, even beyond Afozambickalſo, as far as to the Cape 4s Corrientes (its under the Circle of Capricorn) although they have there no rule , yet they are found mingled with Idolaters., Bur yet never- theleſs, obſerved it is, that alongthe Eaft ſhore of Africk, namely from Szachen to Mozambick, (being rowards 3000 miley of the mentioned Coaſt) MMabwmetens pol- ſeſs only the margent of the Land, or the Sea ſhore, and have got but little footing in the Inland parts; except in the Kingdoms of Dargals and Adel, con- fining together, the tirſt within, and the ſecond without the Strait of Babel Man del , which yet are but ſmall-Provinces. And this alſo (to extenuate their number) is alſo true , that from the Kingdom of Adel, and Cape Guardafu, to Moxambick,, there is found among the Aſabnmetass, ſome NHahumetaniſitin Africk, ſome mixture of Idolaters, although the Dominien be onely in the Mabametars hands, ; But yet on the North and Weſt parts of Africk, itis far otherwiſe, and far worle': Mahuwmetaniſme having overſpread all the main Land of Africh , between the Mediterrane Sea and the great River Ne- ger : and.along the courſe of Nilus , a3 tar as the Iſle of Fferoc , which lyeth alſo about the ſame parallel] with the River Neger , and is poſſeſſed by Mabumetans. And yet, f beyond Niger alſo, it hath +Leo Afr. invaded and obtained all the Kingdoms of the Nigrites that border on that River, $0 that all Barbary and Biled: elgerid , and Libya deſerta, ond! the Region of Negroes, are become of that Religion, Exceptiog firſt ſome Maritime parts toward the At- lantich, Sea, namely from C. Blanco South- ward, which are indabited by Gentiles: Secondly, The Kingiom of Borneo, -and ſome part of Nsbia: And Thirdly, Cer-+ tain ſcattered multitudes of the Old African progeny \, that (ll: retain theie ancient Genti(s/me, and are found indivers places here-and there, in the Mountains and wilder 'parts of Barbary, of Biled- elgerid, and of Libya, Theſe 1 ſay, being excepted , all Africk, belide , from the Medirtefrane Sea, ſomewhat mobre South» - ward than the River Niger, is overſpread with the Mahbumetans : which ( adding bs I 2 theſe :The vaſt extent of theſe before mentioned , along the Eaſt Coaſt of e/£rhiopia.) may by eſtimation, take up four nine parts of Africk. And yet in Afis , Mahuniezaniſme is farther ſpread , being imbraced and maintained: chiefly. by tour mighty Na. tions, namely, the Arabians ,' Perſians , Turks, 'and' Tattars. Arabia was indeed the neſt, that-bred and foſtered rhat un. clean bird, : andhhad it been the =P alſo, for ever to incloſe it, it had been but too much ſpace and liberty, for Arahiais in Circuit above 40900 miles, and except a . ſmall mixture of. Chriſtians in E/tor , 1 , Port Town toward the inmoſt Angle of + -—anqgnmay P«3.1. 2.cap. de Mahome- aſs the Bay of Arabia, and Petra"'( Krac now iris called ) a; midland Town, and two Monaſteries abqut the Hill of Sinas , all 1s poſſeſſed with Mahnmetans. ' But from Arabia that\ .ppyſon hath in ſuch ſort diſperſed it ſelf through 'the veins of Aſia, that neer the one half is at this day corrupted by'it, For although it hath nothitherco atrained to the North Coaſt of Aſia, which is partly inhabited by Chriſtians',. namely , fromthe River of Dwyna tO Pethora , and partly by Idola- rers from Pechora to the Eaſt Ocean : nor yer to the'Faſt Coaſt, which from the moſt Nortberly part of Tartary,, to the moſt Southerly part of [ndia: ( * except ſome few places in the Kingdom of Siam) Idolaters in like ſort generally obtain : yet Bahumetaniſm i Aſa. yet nevertheleſs, it is, as aid, namely, that 2 very great part of. Af, is infected with that peſtilence. For firſt, All the Southerly Coaſt of Aſa, from the Bay of Arabia, to the River Indus, is poſſeſſed by Mabumetans : and if we proceed fur- ther along that ſhoar , 'even beyond the River of [naxs alſo, the great Kingdoms of Cambaia, and Bengala, for a great part of them, and about one fourth pare of the Inhabitants of Malabar , are ob- ſerved to be Mahumetans, And Secondly, To conlider the Inland parts : all from the Weſterly bounds of Aſia, namely the Ri- ver Tanas, with the Euxine, ZApgean,and Mediterrane Seas , as far Eaſtward as the Mountain Imaws ( which is more than half the length of Aſa) is poſſeſſed by them : Except 2 firſt the T Kirgeſſi neer + Guagiun. Imaxs, who are [dolaters : and ſecondly, deſcr. Tartar. the mixture of,Chriſtians among them , who yet have very ſmall proportion (tor their multitude) to Mabnmerans, in any Province, of all the mentioned vaſt Cir- cuit, for howſoever Bxrchardss about 320 years agoe, hath lefr recorded of thoſe part» of Aſia, that there were to be found in them 3o Chriſtians for 1 Mahu- metan, Deſcr.ter ſantt. pag,2.cap.2.1.9. yer certainly, that in theſe preſent times the exceſs of multitude is grown great on the Mahumerans (ide in reſpet of Chri- ſtians, the experience of many putzeth 3 our + Paul. Venet. I.1. c,41,42, 43s IJ Id.l.1.c.38, | 40447 62,63, 64 ,&C, * Nichol,de £onci. Viage nelle Indie, Barboſ. ap. Ramoſ. Vol.1, de Viaggi. P.313. 318, $19. Boter.Relar. p3; l,2,de ahumetan. Pahumetaniſm why ſo out of queſtion.- And, if we ball pro; ceed yet farther Eaſtward, in the Inland parts of Af, and paſs in our ſpeculation, beyond the Mountain 7maus , even there alſo ſundry Provinces are obſerved , az + Peim, Cotam, Lop , where Mahumetans are the main and ſole Inhabitants , and many more, as * Caſſar, Charcham, Chin- chintilus , T anguth » Ergimnl, Cergnth, Tenauc , &c, where they are mingled among Idolaters, which may for a great part countervail thoſe Regions of Aſia, which Chriſtians and Idolaters take up on this ſide that Mountain. So that, in 'my eſtimation , having about theſe points conferred Hiſtory with Geography in the moſt circumſpe&t and conſiderate man» ner that I was able , about nine parts of 20 of Aſa, are poſſeſſed by Mahumetans, Thus then is Mahumetaniſm ſpread over the one half almoſt of the' firm land of Afia, And yet moreover in the Iſlands alſo that are about Aſia, that Religion hath found large intertainment, For not onely a good part of the ſmall * Iſles of Maldivia, namely thoſe of them that are inhabited ( for they are above 7000 in all, and moſt without habitation) are poſſeſſed with Mahumetans, but moreover , all the Ports of the Iſle of Ceilan ( except Colombo which the Por- tugals have ) the Sea Coaſts of Sumatra , the Ports of ava, with the Iſle of Swnds, the nightly entreaſey. the Ports of Bands, of Boyneo and Glilels, with ſome of the Iſlands Malvces, are in the hands of Mahumetans. Of the great ſpreading and inlargment of which Religion, if the Cauſes were demanded of me, 1 ſhould make anſwer, That belide the Juſtice of Almighty God, puniſhing by that violent and wicked Set, the ſins of Chriſtians ( for we ſee that by the Conqueſt of the Arabian, and Twkzs, it hath chiefly ſeized on thoſe Regions, where Chriſtianity in ancient time moſt flouriſhed , both in Africk, and Aſia, and partly in Epyope) one cauſe , I ſay, of the large ſpreading of their Religion, is the large ſpreading of their Victories, For it hath eyer been the condition of the conquered , to follow for the moſt part the Religion of the Conquerors, A ſecond, their peremptory reſtraint ( even on the pain of death ) of age © touching their Reli- gion , and calling any point of it into ueltion, A Third, Their ſuppreſſion of the itudy of Philoſophy, by the light whereof, the groſneſs and vanity of many parts of their Religion might be diſcovered, which is inhibiced to be taught in their Univerlities, and ſo hath been, abour theſe 40o years, whereas till then, it greatly flouriſhed among them , in Cor- ava, in Fez, in Mwoccho, in Bagded, and other Cities, And yet , as Bel/onins I 4 and | ; 104 v Bellon. ob- fer. 1.3-C.30. Georgenirz. ] 2. de Ritib. Turcar.cap, de Scholis. and * others write, the 7»rks fall now apain'to thoſe ſtudies afreſh, A Fourth Cauſe may well be aſſigned, the ſenſual liberty allowed by it, namely, to have many Wives , and the like promiſe of ſenſual Pleaſures , to ſucceed after this life (to the Religious obſervers of it) in Paradiſe, wherewith men for the greateſt part, as being of things where- with their Senſe is affeted, and whereof they have had certain experience, are more allured and perſwaded, then with promiſes of Spiritual delights , preſented only to their hopes, and for which preſent and ſenſible pleaſures muſt in the mean time be forſaken. CHAP. XII. Of the ſundry Regions of the World inhabited by Idola- ters, N poſſeſs in Ewrope, a Region as I before obſerved , about goo miles in circuit, ( although the ordinary Geographical Charts repreſent it, (but falſly) more then twice ſo large) con- taining Lappia, Corelia, Biarmia, Scricfinia, and the North part of Fincmarch. All which together, may by eſtimation make about one (ixtieth part of Exyope , or a little more, more I mean in magnitude rather then in multicade, for it is indeed a little greater then ſo. Belide which Provinces, there are alſo to be found in divers places of * Lituania, and Samagotia, * Boem. de OW -ouching Idolaters , they ſome ſcattered remnants of Idolaters. - . © . . Z.C+7. p But in Africk, their multitude is very OR great, for trom C\, Blanco On the Coaſt of |} 7 -t> Lybia , the moſt Weſterly point of all ——— Africk, ( being about the North latitude ot twenty degrees) even all the Coaſt of Africk, Cahat parts of Aſia Africk, Southward, to the Cape of Buens Eſperanza: And thence turning by the back of Africk as far as the Cape of Ae. zambick,, being (over againſt the midſt of Madagaſcar ) in the South latitude of fifteen degrees ;. v2 this Coult ,,\k ſay, being not. much leſs, then balf, the cir. cumference of Afritk,,. is inhabſeed by Idolaters. Only , on the Eaſt, lide, from Mozambick to Cape de Corriente: ( which is the South latitude of 24 degrees) they are mingled with Jabume- taxs 5; And on the Weſt lide , in the Kingdom of Cougo, and the North part of Axgola, with Chriſtians: Bur yet in both theſe places of their mixture, Idola- rers are the greater-mulcirude, Burt now, if we conlider the inland Region of Africk,, all between the River Nilus, and the Welt Sea of «Ethiopia, from about the North parallel of ten degrees, to the South parallel of lix or ſeven degrees, but from that parallel of ſix or ſeyen degrees, even all e/£rhiopia Southward, on both the (ides of N53las, from the Eaſt Sea of e/£rhbiopia , to the Welt, even to the molt Southerly point of all Africk, the Cape of Buone Speranza, 15 poſſeſſed by Idolaters : excepting only ſome part of Congo and Avgola aforemen» tioned, toward the Welt Sea, inhabited by Chriſtians, and the utmoſt fhore of the Ealt Sea, from Aorambick, oats ward, GG wot #@« as > RÞ,IUI2X poſſeſſed by Þolaters. 107 ward,” which is repleviſhed with Afabu- merans : and yet, beſide all the Regions before mentioned, even all the Kingdom of } Borno, and a great part * of - Nia is 4 Leo rn poſſeſſed by them ; to ſpeak nothing of 175" ga the infinite multicudes of the F ancient + Ares. not Africans , diſperſed in ſundry Tracts of hiſt. Xrhiops Barbary , Of Biled-elgerid, and of Lybia ©-30- deſerts , which fill} continue in their } Ev Airic. ancient Paganiſm. So that ( over and af... belide- theſe laſt ) very near about half Africk,, 1s poſſeſſed by Idolaters. And yet in Aſia Idolaters abonnd more then in Africk,, even as Af is larger then Africk, for the continent , and for the people, better inhabited, for of Aſia allo, very near about the one half, or rather a little more, is poſlefſed by Idolaters. For firſt if we conlider the maritime parts, all from the River of Pechora , Eaſtward to the Ocean, and then turning downward, to the moſt Southerly point of India, {and of all Af) the Cape of Cincapwa , and from that point returning Weſtward, by the South Coaſt, ro the ontlets of the River Zndxs, all that maritime Trac, I ſay, is entirely polſefled by Idolaters. laters and Mahumetans of Aſia, for al- though the hither part of Aſs, Weſt of Imass ; ' and poſſefſed of Mahumetars, take up more in the longitude of the earth, namely Eaſt and Weſt : yet in the forther part Eaſt of /mavs , ſpreadeth more in latitude., North and South, which may make ſome recompence to- ward that exceſs. But , if withal we ſubtra& choſe parts -of the hither Aſia, that are covered with:the Perſian, and Caſpian Seas, belide large parts of the Enxine and Mediterrane, the further Aſia (1 think ) will fully equal it. Now, although many Mahuwetans be alſo found onthe .other (ide of ./mans toward the Northeaſt of Aſia, both ſeveral in ſun- dry Provinces, and otherwiſe mingled with Idolaters or Chriſtians, or with both , as before was partly obſerved : yet many more whole Regions of Idola- ters ( to counteryail thoſe MMabumetans ) are found on this (ide 1mavs , both, to- ward the South, in the Kingdoms of the neater J«dia , and toward the North, betwixt Imaus and the River Pechora, all which Coaſt of Aſia is inhabited by Ido- liters, and laſtly , in the midit betwixc both , the Kirgeſſi , and ſome other of their neighbour Nations, And not only in the firm Land of Aſia, 15 Idolatry thus ſpread : bur in thoſe many thouſand Ilands that lye diſperſed in the valt : Ocean, 09 Ii The vaſt ertendment of Ocean, on the Eaſt an@ Southeaſt pa * Paul. Ven. Aſia > '* which over againſt China, are : 13.C 8, * 1d.1.3-c:42- and about * 7ndia, to be 127000. recorded upon. the report of Mariners, long practiſed in thoſe Seas, to be 9448; And which-mjght for their largeneſs, if they were all lard cogether, make a Continent as large as three or four parts of Enripe, In thoſe Iſlands, 1 ſay, Idolatry* overs ſpreadeth all, excepting only thoſe few, which 1 before obferved, to be poſleſved by the Spaniards, and by the Arabians. Finally, of all other parts of the'Earrh yet diſcovered , Idolatry ſpreadeth” far: theſt in America , which being' bur little leſs, then the Eaſtern Continent, (that we term the old World )- is at leaſt in parts of ſeven, inhabited with heathenjfh and idolatrous people, For except the Regions above-mentioned , poſselsed namely *by the Porzagals and Caſtilian, ( and. yer the inner, 'and wilder- TraQs even of thoſe," retyain fill for 4 great part, if their ancient Paganiſm) and Th. a Jef. de many ' notwithſtanding their Baptiſm, Con. gent. I, leC, Is withal worſhip Idols, together with ſome later Converts, made in the region about and above the Bay of California, of whom as yet, Hiſtories make ſo little report, that of their number I can make no eſti- mare : and laftly rwo or three Fortrefves, held by the Spaniards, on the Couſt of Florida, with the Engliſh A” in Ire s:/Idolatry fit America. Vivima, and the French in Canads, theſe I fay being excepted, all the reſt of Ame- rica, being as I ſaid about fix ſeventh parts, remaineth in their old Idolatry. And thus have I declared the three principal Sects , as touching Religion, that are at this preſent found in the ſeveral parts. of the Workd\\: with cheit particular egions. Burt © belide ; theſe ' obſerved, there are two or three #tregular- Nations, being for their Religion mingled as ir were, of ſome of the former Sects : As firſt, in Aſs, the Candi, inhabiting in the moumcainous Countrey above Metal, between. Armenia, and Meſopotamia : Se» condly-, the Drnſs ; | dwelling-ih- Syris, about tbe $kirts of. ZiÞaws, the Religion of! both, which Nations, ( ſuch as. je i$.) partaketh ſomewbat, both of Adahywera- »/m and Chriſtianity, ,;. And thirdly, -the Afordaites in Enroge, polkefiing the middle Conknes berwixt , che - Precopite: Tartarr, and, the. Adſnſcovites, thag are in 2 manver as' touching their Religion, mingled of all three Sects : for they are both bepti- ſed like Chriſtians, and. circumciſed like Mahbamet ans, and withal worſhip Idols, CHAP, 112 Diſperſion and Banthments mY > Lal CHAP. XIIL Of the Jews, diſperſed in ſever parts of the World. Ow, will-I-intreat a litcle, df N the Profeſsors of the fourth ſort and Se& of Religibn; that is found-in the World, namely of Z4dai/y, for, although the Fews have not for their Manſion , any peculiar Countrey , | bit are diſperſed abroad among forrain Natl. ons, for their ancient Idolatries, and their latcer unthankfulneſs, in 'rejeting their Saviour the Son of God :**So''that even in fers/alem, there be not”'to'be found at this time, an hundred houſhol Boter, Relat- of Zews : (Only of all the Towns of Pa Þ;3- 1-2. c-de |, p;14, Tiberias (which Ammath th indei. ines, Tiberias (which Amwath the great Turk gave to Alvarez, Mendez a 7ew ) and Staffiletto , are ſomewhat peopled with them. ) Neither have they at this preſent, for any thing that is certainly known, any other Region in the World, ſeveral to themſelves : Yet, becauſe there be ſome Provinces, wherein they are ob- : 2 "+ 3. _— [DWWuWNFFPuUFFDY_ "LET LS MMT EATS YL of the Fews.- | ſerved ſpevix{iy-ro abound}, avothers allo; whence they'are excluded and baniſhed, I will.conlider's little of theirpreſent con- ditzon, The firſt Countrey- of Chriſtendom!; whence 'the-Zews were” expelled, withotit' hope' of return, was out Corntry,” of Enplaad', whence they- were baniſhe@ , Anno 1290 by King Edward the firſt. Not long/ after they were likewiſe' baz niſhed' Frare An; 1307 by Phitippus Pris cher: Onely of all the Countries of France, if the juriſdiction of Aviguon'( thi Popes ſtate) ſome are remaining: Out'off ; by Ferdinand; and {Hortly' aft _— Portugal, An _-1497 by (Ema- u#el. t'of' the Kingdom of Niplerant Neily., Anno1539 by Charles the Fifth: Int other> Regions of Emrope they are fogndi, and in' ſome of them in numbers, as in'Germany, Boheme, Polonia; Ditrnania, Refſia, and part of 7raly,, ſpe- cially Yemire and" Rowe: In Greeee alſo a” grene multitude, wherein tyo'Cities (bez d+all rhemof other places) Conſtantinople and'Theſſalovice are eſteemed to be'abour 160000 Jewr. Avalſo they are to be found” by plentifhl numbers , in many parts of the Tiwks Dominion; both in' 45a", and: mr hee And for Aſa, ſpecially in” Atepps, ith 73pels , itt Damaſtus\, in' Rhodes , and" almoſtit every” City of great Trade and Traffick"in the 7rk;G Empire: as like- K wiſe 4 State of Jews in Europe, wiſe in divers parts of. the Perſian Go- vernment, ,in Arabia alſo ,-and laltly-in India ( namely about Crauganer) andin ſome other more remote Regions, And, . to come to Africk , they. are not onely by Leo Afr ICs 1,2.c,3.6,8&c; found .ia tbe Cities of Alexandria , and Cair in.«/£gype.,, bur, many Other Regions and places of Africk., ſo prin- cipally , -in-the Cities of Feſs , and Tre- miſen : and ſpecially, in the Hills of Sev: ſava , and Demen in the Kingdom of Aaroccho,, many of which lalt, are by Leo Africanus , ſpecially noted: to be of that Sect, which the | fews name * Karraim, and. by the other 7ews of Africk,, are repu- ted no better than Hereticks. Bur yet, beſide theſe, and ſuch Jike diſper- ſions of the few Nation ,, that may be. elſewhere .in the World, there is a phantalie of many Learned men, not un- worthy ſome diligent conlideration , that the Tartars of Scythia, who about the year 12000, or a little be» fore, became firſt known * For of the Jews, as touching thei Religion, where be in theſe times three Sets. ' The firſt, which # the great- eſt of them, « named £J9" who beſide Scriptures , ms. brace the Talmud alſe. for Authenti: cal , and for that Cauſe, they are alſo termed prima The ſecond are called FIR which receive = theScriptures, And the the Holy: "Aſia, and Africk, the third 5nNnA known abroad in the that s, the Sama- world by that name, ritans («t this day and hold at this day a but wery, few ) great part of Aja, which, of all the in_fabjetion ; Thar Holy Scriptures, thoſe Tartars, I ſay, admit only thePen= are of the * 7/raelites * Poſtel.De- rateuch*,or Books progeny : Namely”, Kript.Syrize of Moſes. of 'the Ten Tribe, ©" —_ - Fn ROLION which by Salmanazar , Boater. Relats and ſome of his Predecefſors, were car- pag. 1.1.2.cs ryed Captive into Aſſ)ria. Which al- ultima parte though'ir be, as 1 ſaid, no other than a _ vain and capricious phintaſie, yer, harh Re Girlct it, not only found atceprance and en- cerrainment, with ſundry learned and underſtanding men : but reaſon ard au- thority are produced, or pretend' to eſtabliſh ir for a trurh, For Firſt, Ir is alleadpged that the word Tatari, or Totari' (for ſo indeed they are rightly called, as f Learned men obſerve, and not, + Leurclay. Tartari ) . lignifierh in' the Syriack and in Fancett: Hebrew Tongues, aReſidue or Remainder, In goo ſuch as theſe Tartars are ſuppoſed to be MNRN 5yr- of the Ten Tribes. Secondly, becauſe ( as the Patrons of this phantalie ſay) they have alwaies embraced ( the ancient CharaQter of 7adaiſme ) Circuracilion. And Thirdly, The authority of ſup. poſed Eſaras ( the very ſpring, I takeit, 2 Eſdras 13. whence hath flowed this ſtream of op1- v.41-42343; nion) is alleadged. Namely,that the Ten 44-45 K 2 Tribes 116 +Leuncla. in Pand, hiſtor, Turc. $43. * Boem., de morib. gent. 1.2. C» 10. Hairi 1. de {Tart .c-16. {ourney was great, even q The Taxtqzs Wpcaehto Tribgs, took. thy e fot , that. they mould (apa A Wake ang go. forth into, 4:tarcher Country, here never. Mankind, dwg/t. That. they, might hers keep their. Statutes, mych, they never kept, in, their. own, Land. © And that they entred in at the n >paſſages. of \the River Euphrates, ; 7b. woſt, High fhewing them. Set. and, taying; the Sprizgs of the flog, gill they were aſſet our. And, that their 4 147, 444. 4 alf, and the Re fon #4 calle ! Arſareth. Bur, tothe firſt, of theſe Argyments, I may anſwer, tha the Tarters 0þtained, thar, name, neither from Hebrew, nor Sypriack, original, ang appellayon., bur, from the River Tarter, ſaith Lewnelavive, and f,others, Qrelſe from the Region, as. ſaith Haithg , we a? the. prigcipal of them anciently,dwelled. Secondly, that the name run or "NRN in the, Hebrew, or, Syriack, lignikication,, importjng "Y Reſidue or Remainder, can, bue full ill ( as, it ſeems.) be applyed to the Tartar: in, relation of the, 1ſraclites, whom they. exceedingly ſurpaſs in multjtude_, as overſpreading half the vaſt continent of Aſia, or thereabout, For all the Nati- ons of A/fia, from the great Rivers of Wolgha and Oby , Ealtward, and from, the Caſpian Sea,the River Oxxs, the Countries of [*diq and China, Northward, are con- tained under the appellation of Tarters / an » -.V » X I” -- YO! he irfefitbs race. if Yit Wichour thee Vents thtty Ter - 4a; rdEre ire, b&th'(OWred the Welt, and Sourh, Ard what if the fnndmerable pedple'of fo many Natidis, a5 are known xd Tihabit and 'overſprevll 'the huge Con. rinevt'6f America, bt a\fo of the fame of-ſpring? Cercainly, if 1'be tor greatly deceived, they are ng other. For firſt, that their original Wuſt be derived from Aſa is apparent , beriuſe ,( as he thar readtth che Relations add Hiſtories of thoſe Countries of America may eaſily obſerve) they have 19 reliſh nor reſem- blkhce ar 4, of the Arts, or Learning, ot Civility of Euro : And their colour reſtifieth , they art nor of the Africans progeny ( there beilip not found in all that large Continent , any Black men , except a few about the River of S, Mar- tha, itt 3 ſmall Countrty called Pxarequa, which by force and violence of- fome Tempeſt, are ſuppofed to have been tranſported thither , from the parts of Gkiny, or ; 7 7%; en Thetefore it ſeera- eth, that chey had their driginal from Aſia, Which yer, will appear more cre. dible, if it'be obſerved, which by the Spaniards diſcoveries is well known to be true, namely, that the Weſt (ide of America reſpeting Aſia, is Exceeding much berrer peopled, than the oppolite or Eaſt (ide, thir earn toward E rirope. And, as for theſe teaſofis it is very likely , that K 3 America F _y 118 The people of America are the America received; her firſt Inhahitants , from the Eaſt border of Af; $0 1s it altogether unlike ,. that it received them from any other part. of all that Border, ſave from Tartary. Becauſe, 1n: America there is not to be diſcerned any token or indication at all, . of the Arts or Induſtry of China, or India, or Cataia,or any other Civil Region , along all that border of Aſia: Burt in-their , groſs ignorance of Letters, and of Arts, in their. Idolatry, and the ſpecialties of ic, in their In» civility, and many barbarous properties, they reſemble the ,old and rude T artars, above all the Nations of the Earth, Which opinion of mine, touchjng the Americans deſcending from the Tartars , rather than from 'any other Nation in that border of Aja, after the neer vici- nity of Aſa to America, this reaſon a- bove all other, may beſt eſtabliſh and perſwade : becauſe it is certain , that thatNortheaſt part of Aſia poſſeſſed by the T artars , is , if not continent with the Welt lide of America, which yet remain. eth' ſomewhat doubrful : yet certainly, and without all doubt, it is the leaſt dif. joyned by Sea , of all that Coaſt of Aſia, for that thoſe parts of Aſia and: America, are continent one with the other, or at moſt, diſ-joyned but by ſome narrow Channel of the Ocean, the ravenous and. harmful Beaſts, wherewith America is ſtored, flored, -as Bears, Lions, Tigers; Wolves, ' Foxes, &e. (which men', as is likely , would never to their own hatm tranſport our of the one Continent to'the other may import.: For from Noahs Ark, which reſted after the Deluge, in Aſia, all thoſe Beaſts muſt of neceility fetch their begin» ning, ſeeing they could not proceed "x the courſe of Nature , as the unperfe ſort of living Creatures do; - of Putre- faction: or if they might have Putre- faction for their parentage ,'-or receive their original ( by any other new ſort of Generation) of the Earth without ſpecial -. procreation'of their own kind , then I ſee no neceſſity, why they ſhould by Gods ſpecial appointment, be fo-carefully preſerved in Noahs Ark ( as they were ) in time of the Deluge. Wherefore,ſfeeing fris certain, that thoſe ravenous Beaſts ' of America, are the progeny of thoſe of the ſame kind in Aſia, and that men, as is likely, conveyed them not ( totheir own prejudice) from the one Continent to the other, it carryeth a great likelyhood and appearance of truth, chat if they joyn not together , yet are they neer neighbours, and but little di-joyned each from other, for even to this day, in the Iſles of Ca, famaica , Hiſpaniola, Barichena , and all thereſt, which are ſo far removed from the firm land, that theſe Beaſts cannot ſwim from it to them, the Spaniards K 4 record, FAO Joſeph. Acoft, de Matur, Nov.orb.1.14 C.2 b6armatia, l, Is. Ces PBahy Nations ciroumaied record, that .npne of theſe' are forund; Wherefore ic ſeemerth (40 digreſs ng farther) «bat the Nation -of the Tarts. nians,, ſpreading fo exceeding far, asit doth , cannat certainly -be the poſterity of thoſe Caprive aebtes. Neither (to anſwer the ſecond Obge- fgion ) doth their Circumciſion in any ſort inforce at : for, neither was Cir- cumgition, among the Tartars ancienter than Aſabumeteni/m, but was received among them cogerher with it , as 4dichs, VIKs 2 qv av , ſo tbatto this day, It & nor entertained ( for ought I -cay had in Hiſtory) among thoſe T.artariass, which have not received Afabumetavifes, but remain in tbejr ancient Idolatry , ns for the moſt parc , both the Tarrers of ' Cat4ia, beyond the Mountain [mass to. wards the Eaſt Ocean, and the Tartars of Sarmatia, towards the North, on both fides the River of Qby, do. Neither if it ſhould be granted, that Circumciſion had been ancienter among them than Alabumeteviſm , were that an Argument of any importance, to prove them to be of the J/raclites progeny. Becauſe it is certainly kaown, that the Ceremony and cultome of Circumcifion hath been, and ſtzllis, uſual among many Nations, of whom there was never any ſufpition, that they deſcended from the J/ravliter, for RD as ac DvON/”dk wt mam nd, ng _ Gt "ny Sf" TRAETSW = - beſive the 'lvaolites, Tr for.Diadens hath recordetl-of the'Cutchi- Diodor.Sicgl, as , Philo , nll Torubo, vEgyptians, Horedotwy of both thoſe Na- | I. Part.2. C.1 of the Philo.) udz.1, de Circumci- tions -, «nil of the eA&#hioprans belittes, fone. that nhey whed Circumciſion , '#nd that Strab. 1.16, that -cuftom _—_—_ the /£ pary eEdbiopians, did ſeem very ancient, even "its able both thoſe Herodor, l, 2, and rum aMed, - 4 . 1.16. attons Terain- 1gns ed rill this day. And yer, belide theſe *Diodor.Sie Countreys already menrionel, rhe like 1-3-c-3- is 'alſo recorded of 'the 'Trogluditer by Agatharchid, L de Mat. Serabe, and by * others : Of the Phenici- rþ, £:94-aP. ans, and Arabians, by Cyprian and Nice- Phot. in Bibli- And (te leave this accomulating othecaCypra. efhomane reſttmonies) 4t 15 not obſcure- _— __ ly acknowledge! by the Prophet 7eremy, ;\ [1i1civio. tohave been uſual ( belide the Iſraelites ) * For, vhat the Ifmae\ires and $2. racens are the fame Nation , u menifeſt by Hie- rom, and S07z0- men , #vd others, which being wnci- ently termed Sce- nite (as Ammia- mus hath 05/erved ) namely of the Gre- clans, an? F onn- yov , Bocanſe they dwelkd in veurs ( for _ Niceph.Cal- with the e/£7yprian, IinLR, Ca.35s Edemites, Ammonites, Jer+9-26. Modbites, ind the in- Q1*190- in habiranrs of rhe de- (; ;.n 9 fart, that is the * F- Epiphan, Pa- maelites , or Saratens M2l.1.hezr.30, of Arabia : Of which a Nations, Hierom alſo $127 (to whom thoſe Re- Sozom. hift, SI0ns were well 1.6.c.38. known, (2s Epiphamus oa alfo of the moſt of P*'* ©<6. them) hath left celtifi- ed, that they retained Circumciſion, even in his time, Tonching ſome y_ *FLaco jam 3 Pal. 120. $. vid.ctiamJer, 49-28,29+ *®Scaliger in animad.' Euſ, theov.l 2,c.12. «17. Ann.$8. Frail. Miſcel. omg Jof which , al- ough it may be'pro- bably. mms, that they received it ( in ſome ſort) from the 1ſraclites : if not-as their progeny (which ax in ſome ſenſe may e ſaid of the inhabi- tants of the deſert, being the poſterity of Iſmact the ſon of A- brahans : and likewiſe of the Edomites, being the ſeed of E/as the fon of Iſaac) yet at ' lealt, by imication of Abrahams family , to whom alſo in bloud they were allied, as the Ammenites and Aowbites the poſterity of Lot, Abrahams bro- thers ſon, and who had lived long in his familiarity and fami- Y. Although I ſay of theſe Nations it may be conjectured , that their Ceremony of Circumciſion was ta-+ ken up, by imitation of the J/raelites : yet that Circumciſion na ſure token of - Manner of their has ( for ſuch to: beth bitatio® , 4s tw only. affirmed by * Hierom; :bst fig- nified ( and net: ob- ſecurely) by * Da- vid lamenting, bu dwelling in the tent of V1 which name Arabia de- ſerta « termed in the Hebrew) were of their dwelling in the deſert , by the Arabians them- ſelves named Sar- racens (for Sarra ſegnifieth, a deſert, and $1kan to inha- bit,in the Arabick tongue) or elſe, 1 a their Vid, yet at leaſt ( 45 * learned men cer- tainly rhink,) of their property, they might obtain that name of Sarracens, vazely,becanſe they lived much by 14+ pine ( for that the word Sarack in Arabick deſcent from#hg Iſraelites. 33 | Arabick doth im- thatthe ſame rite; *or port )to which above , cuſtom was alſo deri- al Nations they ved. originally, from ever were, and ſtill them, to the - whole gre addiited, For Nationof the Arabi- the deauttion of the ans(which was exceed- name Sarracens, ing great)'or. £6 the | from * Sara, as if e/£gyptians , or oflitr + py Sozom. they claimed deſcent neighbouring + Pro+ 1.6.c.38» from ber, being in- vinces , 1 know, aot deed Hagarens, why any ſhould con- (the progeny of Ha- ceive, or if they do, gar); a meer fan. yet appeareth it.t9 be cy and fable. They otherwiſe, becauſe claim it not, they circumciſed not in the eight day, which is the igviolable cuſtom of the Iſraeliter : but the «Egyptians in tbe fourteenth year, as is recorded by Am- TIES 4 broſe, and the Arabians in the thirteenth + $419.06 r57. (and ſome of them both ſexes) as * learned pert. 1. 1.c.10. men have recorded. Even as the * T»rks * Bellon.ob- alſo at this day, who received the rite of - wav 4 Circumcilion from the Arabiayr., are yo Tyr. known to circumciſe in. the eight, or car .c. de Cir- twelfth , or fifteenth year , or foonery cumciſ.. or Jatter , as opportunity may ſerve. Ma ns Of theſe Nations 1 ſay, how Circumcili- TP ong.l.1; on ſhould proceed from the Iſraelites tO Bgrer. Rebat; them, ] cannot conceive : no more then I p.l.1.c.Loan- can of the great Nation of the * Azzcbs, 8©: 4 on the Welt {tide of Ni/as beyond Nadia, T_ Un . X or of the inhabicants of * 7acatene 1n c.1, America, Ambr.l.2. de T34 Tartifaitis We dt the | Anthios, whereof the fit Yer are! th the ferond Trill they" Ehihe wider Y Govertiment bf the Spari-dr) Were r t Idotaters, for of theſe aſd, tie" Fecdi hid, and'the firſt fill Ni've Cicuntcifi in uſe, And although theſe inſtarrces, utti difſolve the force '6f this reaſon, rouchii the T aftarixns Circumcifion (the 'were #dmitted to have been ancienclyh wfe among them, as being uſual wit many other Nations, of whom no ful.
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import Shader from "../display/Shader"; import ByteArray from "../utils/ByteArray"; export default class BitmapFilterShader extends Shader { glVertexHeader = ` attribute vec4 openfl_Position; attribute vec2 openfl_TextureCoord; varying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv; uniform mat4 openfl_Matrix; uniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize; `; glVertexBody = ` openfl_TextureCoordv = openfl_TextureCoord; gl_Position = openfl_Matrix * openfl_Position; `; glVertexSource = ` #pragma header void main(void) { #pragma body } `; glFragmentHeader = ` varying vec2 openfl_TextureCoordv; uniform sampler2D openfl_Texture; uniform vec2 openfl_TextureSize; `; glFragmentBody = ` gl_FragColor = texture2D (openfl_Texture, openfl_TextureCoordv); `; glFragmentSource = ` #pragma header void main(void) { #pragma body } `; public constructor(code: ByteArray = null) { super(code); } }
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About this Journal Submit a Manuscript Table of Contents International Journal of Antennas and Propagation Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 239420, 8 pages Research Article 3GPP Channel Model Emulation with Analysis of MIMO-LTE Performances in Reverberation Chamber XLim Laboratory, OSA Department, UMR CNRS 6172, University of Limoges, 123 Avenue Albert Thomas, 87060 Limoges Cedex, France Received 2 December 2011; Accepted 24 January 2012 Academic Editor: David A. Sanchez-Hernandez Copyright © 2012 Nabil Arsalane et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract Emulation methodology of multiple clusters channels for evaluating wireless communication devices over-the-air (OTA) performance is investigated. This methodology has been used along with the implementation of the SIMO LTE standard. It consists of evaluating effective diversity gain (EDG) level of SIMO LTE-OFDM system for different channel models according to the received power by establishing an active link between the transmitter and the receiver. The measurement process is set up in a Reverberation Chamber (RC). The obtained results are compared to the reference case of single input-single output (SISO) in order to evaluate the real improvement attained by the implemented system. 1. Introduction In recent research works, reverberation chamber (RC) is considered as a useful tool to emulate rich multipath environments [1, 2]. In this contribution, this tool is employed for emulating multiclusters channel models. Indeed, RC represents a useful candidate for performance evaluation of wireless communication systems, and they are being considered as a standard for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) over-the-air (OTA) measurements in 3GPP and CTIA standardization committees. Active measurement methods are often based on the use of a channel emulator associated with a real-time transmission system, to test the operational terminals. In this paper, the aim is to suggest an experimental platform using a small size reverberation chamber (reverberant cell) to study the feasibility of emulating multipath channel while maintaining a Rayleigh fading (in order to be able to compare different receivers in reference environments with the same distribution). On this platform, a multicluster emulation method which complies with channels defined by 3GPP models is implemented, using only one vector signal generator. This emulation must be accompanied by a strict control of delay spread, to generate realistic channels [24]. This methodology, along with the presented model, emulates a Spatial-Channel-Model-Extended (SCME) for MIMO OTA active measurements. The delay spread control can be achieved through modifying the RC quality factor by loading it with absorbing materials. The presented approach aims to develop a flexible OTA methodology for quantification and implementation of digital multiantenna transmission systems inside a small size reverberant cell. On this test bed, the measurements are not carried out in real time and are not dedicated to performance evaluation in terms of throughput. However, it allows (through the use of an RF digitizer and baseband processing in MATLAB) to study in detail the influence of several transmission chain parameters, as antenna aspects (in MIMO context: coupling, correlation coefficient ), and test of signal shaping and reception algorithms (synchronization, equalization, MIMO coding). In this paper, this method is applied to test the 3GPP LTE standard, by implementing an LTE-OFDM frame and using diversity at the receiver side. The frame is generated based on the 3GPP standard [5, 6], which specifies a downlink (DL) transmission system using an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access (OFDMA) [7, 8]. LTE also uses adaptive modulation and coding to get better data throughput. The modulation schemes supported for payload in the uplink and downlink are QPSK, 16QAM, and 64QAM [9]. As shown in Figure 1, the duration of the LTE frames is 10 ms; these frames are divided into 10 subframes, with every subframe being 1 ms long. Each subframe contains two slots of 0.5 ms of duration, which are composed of 6 or 7 OFDM symbols, depending on the employment of the normal or the extended cyclic prefix [10]. The LTE specifications define parameters for system bandwidths from 1.4 MHz to 20 MHz. Figure 1: LTE Frame [5]. After having introduced the LTE requirements, it is necessary to focus on parameters for evaluating the performance of a system under test. In this paper, a SIMO configuration is considered, with two synchronized receivers. The fundamental parameters usually used to estimate the diversity performance are the correlation coefficient [9, 11], the diversity gain (DG) [12, 13] and the effective diversity gain (EDG) [14], or the mean effective gain (MEG) [11, 15]. They all depend on the signals which are detected on each branch. The definition of the diversity gain and the effective diversity gain and how to measure them in RC are presented in [14]. Generally, these parameters are aimed to SIMO passive measurements at one frequency, which will be applied to the case of LTE active measurements. The different parts discussed in this paper are as follows. Section 2 gives a description concerning the implementation of test bed. Section 3 shows the method which allows generating clusters and then creating several channel models. Section 4 presents the micro-macro-cell LTE performances for SIMO configuration versus SISO. And finally, Section 5 concludes this paper. 2. Measurement Test Bed The LTE signal described previously is implemented on the measurement test bed in Figure 2. Figure 2: Measurement test bed. The measurement test bed is based on the Aeroflex PXI 3000 series architecture, with two PXI chassis integrating a control PC for generating frames on transmission and for processing received data. The transmit part includes one RF wideband signal generator (76 MHz–6 GHz), which can provide a level of RF power from −120 dBm to +5 dBm over a modulation bandwidth of 33 MHz. The receiver integrates two digitizers, which provide conversion of RF signal to baseband digital IQ symbols [16]. Data processing is done with MATLAB. At the transmitter side, a frame based on LTE specifications is generated. The duplex mode used is TDD, and a bandwidth of 5 MHz has been chosen, with 64QAM modulation scheme, over a carrier frequency of 2.35 GHz. 3. Channel Emulation The characteristics of the LTE-OFDM frame and measurement system to be used has been explained previously. This section will focus on establishing a method for the emulation of 3GPP channel models with a specific delay spread, which requires a control of the delay spread inside the RC. 3.1. 3GPP Channel Model The 3GPP urban microcell and urban macrocell channel models in [5, 6] are defined to be used for multiantenna OTA comparison measurements. The taps delay in urban micro-cell and urban macro-cell channel models are depicted in Figure 3. Figure 3: Urban micro- and macrocell channel model taps. It can be seen that the urban macrocell channel presents a high delay spread compared to the urban microcell. The taps delay and the power magnitude are listed in details in Table 1. Table 1: Parameters of the urban microcell and urban macrocell scenarios. Some special consideration should be taken into account when implementing channel models in an RC. Indeed these models introduce intracluster delay spread. Then, for each tap an RMS delay spread of  ns has to be considered. 3.2. Channel Model Emulation 3.2.1. Controlling the RMS Delay Spread In order to obtain the desired , we first face up to the question related to chamber loading. The RC used in this work is the SMART 1000 Mini Reverb-cell [17], which is a rectangular metallic enclosure with dimensions of 110 cm × 70 cm × 60 cm, as shown in Figure 4. The stirring operation is performed by vertical and horizontal stirrers and illuminated by two horn antennas connected to the transmitter. Figure 4: Reverberation chamber overview. The delay spread can be modified by loading the chamber with an appropriate amount of absorbing material [3, 4]. The measurements shown in Figure 5 illustrate the dependence of the delay spread on absorbing material located inside the RC. Figure 5: Measured PDPs for unloaded and loaded RC. For the unloaded chamber case, the measured RMS delay spread is equal to 256.4 ns. When the chamber is loaded with a piece of material, which is solid, pyramidal shaped, and carbon loaded (urethane foam absorber [18]) with dimensions of 16 cm × 9 cm × 4 cm, placed in a corner of the RC, the RMS delay spread is around 93 ns. The use of absorbing materials decreases considerably the value of the delay spread and allows achieving the desired result which should be within  ns. In order to check the fading distribution, a power measurement is made at the central frequency to plot the normalized CDF. Figure 6 shows that the fading is still Rayleigh even after the addition of losses. The difference concerning the measured mean powers before and after adding absorbing materials is around 3 dB. Figure 6: Cumulative distribution function measured in the loaded and unloaded RC. In this part, the control of the has been achieved by the use of absorbing material, and maintaining a Rayleigh fading distribution. The goal now is to emulate a multi-cluster channel with the same delay spread for each cluster. 3.2.2. Clusters Emulation The method to emulate the channel model consists of convolving the base band signal to be transmitted with the urban macro-cell or urban micro-cell channel model tap delay line generated using a MATLAB program (see Figure 7). Figure 7: Channel emulation overview. In order to verify the proper functioning of this method, a channel sounding based on a sliding correlation [19] is performed, with a sampling frequency of 64 MHz at carrier frequency of 2.35 GHz. The sampling frequency is chosen initially higher, to obtain a good time resolution and verify that the channel is well emulated. Figures 8(a) and 8(b) present the power delay profile curves measured in RC urban micro- and urban macro-cell channel models, respectively. Figure 8: Power delay profiles measured in RC for urban micro-cell (a) and urban macro-cell (b) channel models. The different results presented in this section highlight the possibility of controlling delay spread for each cluster, and emulating 3GPP urban micro- and macro-cell channel models. This is obtained by combining a digital preprocessing and a RC to manage the value. 4. LTE Active Measurement in Reverberation Chamber In order to realize these measurements, two boards representing a compact terminal are used: one reference board with one triband antenna, and diversity board with two triband antennas (see Figure 9). These antennas have been studied previously in [20, 21]. The obtained characteristics are listed in Table 2. Table 2: Diversity system under test characteristics. Figure 9: Reference antenna (a) and diversity antennas (b) [20, 21]. 4.1. SISO Measurement By using the LTE system implemented in Section 2, the SISO configuration measurement will be performed. In order to simplify the analysis, the stirrers of the RC used for this study were rotated stepwisely for 1600 positions, so the Doppler spread of the channel is negligible. The CDF curves plotted in Figure 10 present two types of results: (i)cumulative distribution calculated from the measured power at one frequency in the signal bandwidth, (ii)the CDFs from the averaged power of received signal, demodulated after equalization. Figure 10: SISO cumulative distribution function measured in an RC for one cluster, urban micro-  ,and macrocell channel model cases. For this comparison, each measured power of these results is normalized to its own average power. As it is known OFDM signal gives better performance than using mono-carrier signal. It is an efficient way to deal against intersymbol interference, because such interference affects only a small percentage of the subcarriers. These interferences cause a frequency selectivity that can be well observed in Figure 10. Indeed it can be clearly seen that the cumulative power distributions are influenced by the delay spread of the channel model. The performance in urban micro- and urban macrocell channel models is worse compared to the monocluster case. Nevertheless, the received powers of the LTE signals are higher than those in the monocarrier case (which fit with the Rayleigh reference distribution). These results can be confirmed by the signal-to-Noise ratio measurement, presented below. The estimation of the measured mean SNR presented in Table 3 is done through the Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) [22]: where is the number of symbols, denotes the ideal constellation point for the th symbol, and is the measured th symbol. Table 3: Measured mean SNR value for SISO configuration for a 64-QAM modulation scheme. The SNR is the inverse of the EVM taken in dB, which is given by The SISO measurement method allows assessing the capacity of a complete LTE transmission chain. This method makes it possible to know the performance as function of the receiver antenna, or base band processing (equalization, synchronization, etc.). 4.2. SIMO Measurement In this section, the tests of the diversity systems performance are under interest. Diversity combining techniques such as Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) have been implemented. Multiple antennas are expressed as a combination, where is the number of transmitting antennas, and is the number of the receiving antennas. The example shown in Figure 11 presents a total of 2 links between transmit and receive antenna elements. These links are indicated by and . These expressions are associated jointly to form an matrix (obtained by channel sounding measurements): The channel impulse responses taking in consideration multipath propagation phenomenon are presented by and . The envelope correlation coefficient is as follows: where is the covariance matrix. Figure 11: Multiple antenna configuration. The calculation of the fading correlation coefficient for the different channel models generated in the RC is presented in Table 4. Table 4: Correlation coefficient. It can be observed that for each channel model, the fading correlation remains low, which will lead to optimal diversity results. Regarding the effective diversity gain (EDG), it is typically calculated for a particular frequency (passive measurements). EDG is the figure-of-merit (FOM) typically used to evaluate the efficiency of the diversity antenna system [14]. In our case, the evaluation of the EDG is made through the mean power of the received LTE signal in baseband. The CDFs of the received power (for the diversity and reference systems) are depicted in Figure 12. These results are normalized by the mean power received by the reference system in order to calculate the EDG at 1% probability (Figure 13). Figure 12: SIMO cumulative distribution function measured in an RC for one cluster (a), urban microcell (b), and urban macrocell (c) channel model cases. Figure 13: EDG for MRC technique at (1%) for one cluster and urban micro- and macrocell channel model cases. In conclusion, as we can observe in Figure 13 that the more significant improvement in terms of diversity gain is achieved for the macrourban channel case (7.5 dB). The Diversity Gain obtained for the monocluster case is less important, and it reaches 5.2 dB. This limitation is due to the fact that the SNR of the SISO system in this case was already high when compared to the SNR in multipleclusters channels. 5. Conclusions In this paper, we achieve to emulate the 3GPP channel models in a small reverberation cell. The performance of an LTE SISO/SIMO-OFDM system has been studied through active measurements for different channel models with Rayleigh fading distribution. 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Pione mazatlanensis is 'n sponsspesie in die taksonomiese indeling van die Demospongiae (gewone sponse). Die liggaam van die spons bestaan uit kieselnaalde en sponginevesels en is in staat om baie water op te neem. Die spons behoort tot die genus Pione en tot die familie Clionaidae. Die wetenskaplike naam van die spesie is die eerste keer geldig gepubliseer in 1867 deur Hancock. Bronne Van Soest, R. (2011). Pione mazatlanensis (Hancock, 1867). In: Van Soest, R.W.M., Boury-Esnault, N., Hooper, J.N.A., Rützler, K, De Voogd, N.J., Alvarez de Glasby, B., Hajdu, E., Pisera, A.B., Manconi, R., Schoenberg, C., Janussen, D., Tabachnick, K.R., Klautau, M., Picton, B., Kelly, M., Vacelet, J. (2011) World Porifera database. Gebaseer op inligting uit die World Register of Marine Species, te vinde op Gewone sponse.
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// Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. // Source: (interfaces: Handler) // Package mock is a generated GoMock package. package mock import ( gomock "" model "" reflect "reflect" ) // MockHandler is a mock of Handler interface type MockHandler struct { ctrl *gomock.Controller recorder *MockHandlerMockRecorder } // MockHandlerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockHandler type MockHandlerMockRecorder struct { mock *MockHandler } // NewMockHandler creates a new mock instance func NewMockHandler(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockHandler { mock := &MockHandler{ctrl: ctrl} mock.recorder = &MockHandlerMockRecorder{mock} return mock } // EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use func (m *MockHandler) EXPECT() *MockHandlerMockRecorder { return m.recorder } // Handle mocks base method func (m *MockHandler) Handle(arg0 ...string) (*model.CommandResponse, error) { m.ctrl.T.Helper() varargs := []interface{}{} for _, a := range arg0 { varargs = append(varargs, a) } ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "Handle", varargs...) ret0, _ := ret[0].(*model.CommandResponse) ret1, _ := ret[1].(error) return ret0, ret1 } // Handle indicates an expected call of Handle func (mr *MockHandlerMockRecorder) Handle(arg0 ...interface{}) *gomock.Call { mr.mock.ctrl.T.Helper() return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "Handle", reflect.TypeOf((*MockHandler)(nil).Handle), arg0...) }
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#import certain functions into the global #namespace from app import app from markdown import markdown from flask import render_template, render_template_string, request, session from app.blog_helpers import render_markdown #safe global import (okay to use) import flask import os app.secret_key = b'M\xb6NP!YC\x19\x14\xc9\xf09\xab\x1az\x08' #global import (try to avoid) #from flask import * #home page @app.route("/") def home(): return render_markdown('') @app.route('/all') def all(): #TODO: figure out how to find all files #in the app view_data = {} view_data["pages"] = os.listdir(r"C:\Users\njl27\Desktop\bin\Flaskblogv1\flaskblogv2\app\templates") return render_template("all.html", data = view_data) @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login(): if request.method == 'POST': #TODO: process request.values as necessary session['user_name'] = request.values['user_name'] return render_template("login.html") @app.route("/favicon.ico") def favicon(): return "" @app.route("/click_tracker", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def click_tracker(): view_data = {} view_data["click_count"] = 0 if request.method == 'POST': view_data["click_count"] = request.values["click_count"] view_data["click_count"] = int(view_data["click_count"]) + 1 return render_template('click_tracker.html', data=view_data) @app.route("/edit/<page_name>", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def edit_page(page_name): view_data = {} view_data["page_name"] = page_name return render_template("edit.html", data = view_data) #generic page @app.route("/<view_name>") #input parameter name must match route parameter def render_page(view_name): html = render_markdown(view_name + '.md') view_data = {} #create empty dictionary return render_template_string(html, view_data = session)
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Home  |   Partners  |   Help us build GEO  |   About Us  |   Contact Us Login to submit data Quick Access Tools Abstract Gay Robinson Waste Plant HI USA is located at Kauai County, HI, USA. Location coordinates are: Latitude= 21.9461, Longitude= -159.3755. This infrastructure is of TYPE Waste Power Plant with a design capacity of 6 MWe. It has 4 unit(s). The first unit was commissioned in 1972 and the last in 1995. It is operated by Gay Identifiers for Waste Name Status of Plant Plant Efficiency and Impact Plant Overall Rating State-of-the-artWorth DuplicatingEnvironmentally Responsible Country Assigned Identification Number GEO Assigned Identification Number Select Currency for data in this page Location Draw Lines: Draw Polygons: pxpx Description Design Capacity (MWe) Firm Capacity (MWe) Heat Supply Capacity (MWth) Type of Plant Short Description Power Plant Used For Type of Generating Units Type of Fuel Primary Secondary Location Configuration of Boiler/Turbine/Gen Electric Power Grid Connected To Name/Operator PPA(years) Name of SubStation Connected To Source of Waste as Fuel Amount Incinerated Daily (Tonnes) Source of Water Water Withdrawal Rate at Full Power (cum/hour) Cogen Mode: Steam Supplied To (Tonnes/hour) Description Environmental Issues Capital Cost of Plant and/or In US Dollars In Year (YYYY) Mercury Control Device SOx Control Device Type If other, specify: NOx Control Device Type If other, specify: Particulates(PM) Control Device Type If other, specify: Unit Information Unit # Capacity (MWe) Date Commissioned (yyyy-mm-dd) Decommission Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Turbine Manufacturer Turbine Model/Type Generator Manufacturer Generator Model/Type Boiler Manufacturer Boiler Model/Type Chimney Height (m) Unit Efficiency (%) 1 2 3 4 Year Emission Control Devices Installed (YYYY) Year Emission Monitoring Devices Installed (YYYY) NOx SOx Hg CO2 N2O PM NOx SOx Hg CO2 N2O PM 1 2 3 4 Environmental Issues Issue 1 Description Past and Future Major Upgrades Upgrade 1 Cost Year - Owner and Operator Information Owner 1 % Share Type of Ownership Construction/EPC Contractor Operating Company Regulatory Authority Project Financed By Annual Performance References Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3 Reference 4 Reference 5 Notes * USA: All data under GWh generated in Performance Table is Net Generation (total-consumed by plant) * cum = cubic meters; MWe = Megawatts electric; 1 KWhr = 3412.3 Btu = 859.85 kilocalories; 1 Tonne = 2205 pounds, MM=million.
Urovci (izvirno ) je naselje v Srbiji, ki upravno spada pod Občino Obrenovac; slednja pa je del Mesta Beograd. Demografija V naselju, katerega izvirno (srbsko-cirilično) ime je Уровци, živi 1198 polnoletnih prebivalcev, pri čemer je njihova povprečna starost 38,6 let (37,6 pri moških in 39,6 pri ženskah). Naselje ima 502 gospodinjstev, pri čemer je povprečno število članov na gospodinjstvo 3,07. To naselje je, glede na rezultate popisa iz leta 2002, večinoma srbsko, a v času zadnjih treh popisov je opazno zmanjšanje števila prebivalcev. Viri in opombe Glej tudi seznam naselij v Srbiji Naselja Mesta Beograd.
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package org.calvin.Arrays; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class AddOneTest { @Test public void shouldAddOne() { int[] nums = new int[]{1,3,2,7}; int[] actual = AddOne.addOne(nums); int[] expected = new int[]{1,3,2,8}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); nums = new int[]{9,9,9}; actual = AddOne.addOne(nums); expected = new int[]{1,0,0,0}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } @Test public void shouldAddOneNoPlus() { int[] nums = new int[]{1,3,2,7}; int actual = AddOne.addOneNoArithmetic(nums); int expected = 1328; assertEquals(expected, actual); nums = new int[]{9,9,9}; actual = AddOne.addOneNoArithmetic(nums); expected = 1000; assertEquals(expected, actual); } }
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