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E.T. Bench

arXiv | Project Page | GitHub

E.T. Bench is a large-scale and high-quality benchmark for open-ended event-level video understanding. Categorized within a 3-level task taxonomy, it encompasses 7.3K samples under 12 tasks with 7K videos (251.4h total length) under 8 domains, providing comprehensive evaluations on 4 essential capabilities for time-sensitive video understanding.

๐Ÿ“ฆ Data Preparation

You may download the evaluation kit for E.T. Bench using the following command.

git lfs install
git clone

Then, enter the directory and extract the files in the videos folder by running:

cd ETBench
for path in videos/*.tar.gz; do tar -xvf $path -C videos; done

[Optional] You may also want to compress the videos (to lower FPS & resolution) for faster I/O.

python --fps 3 --size 224
Arguments of
  • --src_dir Path to the videos folder (Default: videos)
  • --tgt_dir Path to the output folder (Default: videos_compressed)
  • --fps The target FPS for output (Default: 3)
  • --size The length of the shortest side of output frames (Default: 224)
  • --workers Number of workers to use (Default: None same as the number of CPUs)

This will compress all the videos to 3 FPS and 224 pixels shortest side. The audio will be removed as well. The output videos will be saved in videos_compressed folder with the same structure as videos.

๐Ÿš€ Getting Started

The folder for E.T. Bench is organized as follows.

โ”œโ”€ annotations
โ”‚  โ”œโ”€ txt (annotations for sub-tasks, with timestamps as text)
โ”‚  โ”œโ”€ vid (annotations for sub-tasks, with timestamps as <vid> tokens)
โ”‚  โ”œโ”€ etbench_txt_v1.0.json (merged annotations in `txt` folder)
โ”‚  โ””โ”€ etbench_vid_v1.0.json (merged annotations in `vid` folder)
โ”œโ”€ evaluation
โ”‚  โ”œโ”€ (script for computing metrics)
โ”‚  โ”œโ”€ requirements.txt (requirements for the evaluation script)
โ”‚  โ””โ”€ subset.json (IDs of the subset for evaluating commercial models)
โ”œโ”€ videos (raw video files)
โ”œโ”€ videos_compressed (compressed video files)
โ””โ”€ (script for compressing videos)

For full evaluation on 7,289 samples, you just need to use either of the following annotation file.

  • etbench_txt_v1.0.json - for models representing timestamps in pure text, e.g., '2.5 - 4.8 seconds'
  • etbench_vid_v1.0.json - for models using special tokens for timestamps, e.g., <vid> token in E.T. Chat

Each JSON file contains a list of dicts with the following entries.

  "version": 1.0,                       # annotation version
  "idx": 0,                             # sample index
  "task": "tvg",                        # task
  "source": "qvhighlights",             # source dataset
  "video": "qvhighlights/example.mp4",  # path to video
  "duration": 35.0,                     # video duration (seconds)
  "src": [1.2, 15.0],                   # [optional] timestamps (seconds) in model inputs
  "tgt": [[15.0, 31.0], [31.4, 34.9]],  # [optional] timestamps (seconds) in model outputs
  "p": 0,                               # [optional] index of correct answer (for RAR, ECA, RVQ, GVQ)
  "o": ["a", "b", "c", "d"],            # [optional] answer candidates (for RAR, ECA, RVQ, GVQ)
  "g": ["a cat...", "it then..."],      # [optional] ground truth captions (for DVC, SLC)
  "q": "...",                           # model input prompt
  "a": "..."                            # [to be added by the user] model response

For each sample, you can simply load the corresponding video and send it together with the prompt in q to the model. In vid style annotations, all the timestamps in q have been replaced with <vid> and their original values can be found in src.

After obtaining model outputs, you need to place raw text responses into the a entries of each sample and dump the entire list to a new JSON file. Please make sure the dumped file has exactly the same structure as the annotation file, except that each sample has a new a entry storing model outputs.

Please refer to the inference script of E.T. Chat as an example.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Compute Metrics

Run the following command to install the requirements for the evaluation script.

pip install -r evaluation/requirements.txt

After that, compute the metrics by running

python evaluation/ <path-to-the-dumped-json>

# In case you want to evaluate on the subset with 470 samples (same as the commercial models in Table 1 of the paper)
# python evaluation/ <path-to-the-dumped-json> --subset

The evaluation log and computed metrics will be saved in metrics.log and metrics.json, respectively.

๐Ÿ“– Citation

Please kindly cite our paper if you find this project helpful.

  title={E.T. Bench: Towards Open-Ended Event-Level Video-Language Understanding},
  author={Liu, Ye and Ma, Zongyang and Qi, Zhongang and Wu, Yang and Chen, Chang Wen and Shan, Ying},
  booktitle={Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
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Collection including PolyU-ChenLab/ETBench