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The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] my 19 yo son was lifting weights (doing legs)... said he felt a pop in his head... like when your ears pop... said he than got a h/a, nauseated, along with dizziness... he came home and stated his headache was a little better... he took creatine prework-out before his work out... also had eaten a peanut butter sandwich with water before his work out... he came home and vomited... I checked his bilateral light reflexes and they are fine; he doesn t have facial droop, nor does he have any speech problems... should I just continue to watch him...
[|AI|] Hello dear, Considering the fact that the basic CNS evaluation of your son is within normal limits, the symptoms as mentioned in your post can be attributed to pathology in the Vestibular Apparatus in inner ear (it is associated with maintenance of body posture & balance) most probably Labyrinthine or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Symptomatic relief can be obtained with intake of Vestibular sedatives like Betahistine or Linearizing preparations (to be taken only under the guidance of a Physician). So, kindly consult his Physician/ ENT Specialist & get a complete clinical examination done. Investigations like complete blood count, estimation of serum electrolytes & vestibular function tests will be required to rule out any pathological cause for the symptoms. There is no need to worry, your son will be fine. Till then, he should maintain adequate HY Chat Doctor. And also take precautions like getting up from bed slowly & avoid sudden head movements. Wishing him a Good Health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] My 6 year old is complaining of chest pain, she s crying. She says she was punched in the chest at school. I can t even touch her without her whimpering. I gave her some Tylenol. I am concerned that she has a bruised breast plate or broken ribs. I know the point where she was punched is considered a kill point. This happened in lunch line at school, by a boy her age.
[|AI|] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... Noted your child having blunt trauma to chest wall.... It could be ......-rib facture -muscular strain.-Costco Chat Doctor. ... Analgesic can be given if needed.... Here he has to avoid heavyweight lift or strenuous activity... Hot pads can be applied.... Take sleep in posture that not aggravate pain... Healthy and balanced diet given.... For rule out rib fracture chest x-ray need to be done.... If needed compression bandage applied.... And yes take care about not bitten by friend next severe injury can sometime be dangerous... If condition worsen then chest x-ray done.... Take care...
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Sir, plz cure me as i ve been suffering from single vein pain in right leg. If it gets relax then i get pain in left leg. Nerve become swell very much. It pains frm childhood wen i ws 6yrs old . Till m 27 yrs old. I ve taken lots of medicine ,bt didnt get cure. Plz suggest medicine. I ve also taken allopathy , homeopathy n ayurvedic medicine with doctors consult
[|AI|] 1. since you are suffering from the symptoms since the age of 6, any history of injury to muscles, bones, joints,tendons, soft tissues?2. Any wear and tear, overuse, spine problem, poor circulation, varicose veins.3. Since it's quite a long time, hopefully deep vein thrombosis or any clot is ruled out.4. Were investigations like Doppler study carried out to rule out DVT? Or RA factor, ASO title were done to exclude Rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever in childhood?5. Check your potassium and calcium level, as low concentration (deficiency) result in nerve dysfunction and leg pain.6. Regarding painful vein: have you noticed any symptom like swelling, ulcer, skin change, around the leg?7. Was orthopedic doctor consulted for any compartment syn Chat Doctor. Your health care provider can guide you with further evaluation and treatment aspect, so make an appointment with him for further necessary management.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] My husband is having severe pain in his back - both lower back as well as specifically up on the right side between his angel bone and spine. His legs are also very painful and tingling. He is a relatively recent kidney transplant patient but has been doing very well in terms of his kidney function numbers and post-transplant biopsies. He exercised (elliptical) Monday night and that seemed to aggravate the symptoms. The pain has been very severe today, He can t sleep, has tried some pain and sleep medications to no avail...
[|AI|] Hi there. It seems like your husband has aggravated an underlying disc problem which he might have been having for some time. Sudden exercises can aggravate such problems if somebody is not used to it. For a patient having an acute pain I would initially recommend a period of bed rest for 3-4 days until the pain subsides. He can sleep with his hips and knees flexed that will reduce a bit of pressure on the nerve roots that are getting compressed. He can take Diclofenac 100 mg to add to the initial pain relief and apply some topical analgesic ointments or sprays. During the period he can walk to the bathroom and walk around as tolerated. He would need to avoid sitting for a long time if possible. Then once the pain subsides he can get back to his normal day-to-day activities. Then he should build up his back muscle strength by doing extension exercises. And if he is on the heavier side he should do a bit of dieting and exercises that for losing weight that will help him in the long run. Any exercise regime should be started with gradual increments in the repeats. Ellipse is a demanding machine and one needs to increase their training gradually. Thank you.
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[|AI|] Lupus called as systemic lupus erythematous is chronic inflammatory multisystem disease which mainly includes-feverarthritis(inflammation of joints)rashes(Malay rash), maculopapular rash due to photosenstivityoral ulcer your physician would diagnose it clinically based on above-mentioned symptoms. You should undergo following test -ANA (anti-nuclear antibody)Anti DS DNA meanwhile you can take following medicine to relieve pain-tab govern sr100 twice daily for 5 day stab pan 40 once daily before breakfast. If you are diagnosed with lupus, your doctor will start appropriate course of specific Chat Doctor. Thankyou and take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi, Im 22yrs of age the gynae ive been to diagnosed me with (PSOS) and i have irregular period. He put me on ovral 28 and it did not work for me. however my husband and i would like to have a baby i feel much better ever since i stopped taking the contraceptive. I would like to know if i can fall pregnant because ive been struggling to and ive seen so many doctors and none of them are able to help me
[|AI|] Hi, I think you can get pregnant. If your periods are regular, be in contact with your husband every 2 to 3 days after your periods stop. It will increase chances of your pregnancy. If your periods are irregular, then there can be a problem of ovulation. So, then you can take some medicines like camphene for the growth of your follicles and track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound and when your follicles is more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for 2 to 3 days after injection. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi, My doctor have asked me to get done the follicular study. I have started that and the endometrium size is 0.67 cms on 26.12.2011. Now the doctor has asked me to get the next scanning done on 29.12.2011 and said that if the follicular size is >= 0.67 cms then take Injection Ovumax 5000 units SC.Please advise what does this indicate.
[|AI|] Hallow Dear, The egg is inside the follicle. Immediately after menstruation, the follicle and the egg inside are very small. Day by day, they go on increasing in size. About 14 days prior to the next menses the egg is released from the follicle. Just before the egg release (ovulation), the follicle attains the size between 18 mm and 21 mm. Endometrium is lining of the uterus. During menstruation its outer layers get shed off when it becomes very thin. Day by day, it also starts becoming thicker. A healthy endometrium is between 9 mm and 14 mm thickness at the time of ovulation. You have mentioned the size of follicle and thickness of endometrium, which are too low; however it is not clear these sizes are on which day of the cycle. If these measurements are at or around the ovulation, they are too low. You will need some medicine to increase the size of the follicle. As the follicle grows in size, endometrium also will become thicker. However, Ovum ax is an Injection which contains Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Chat Doctor) hormone. This injection is given to induce ovulation from a well grown follicle. It would not help the growth of the follicle. For growth of the follicle, In. HMG has to be given. Camphene citrate also may be of use; however, it may hide the growth of the endometrium. I would not advise you to go for these or such injections before you get some of your investigations done which will try to point out the deficiency. Get your blood examined for FSH, LH and AMH. Based on their levels, further management should be planned. Please report to an Infertility Consultant for expert and scientific management. I hope you got the required guidance.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Does we have antidose for Steroid.actually ,my wife taken some ayurvedic/traditional drugs for cure of Asthma,after two months she found her total body getting swelling,so discontinued the medicine.upon enquiry the person whod given those medicine admitted to used some steroids.though for Asthma she take the help of inhaler and under control but,her body is in swelling condition for last one month and feels severe pen while walking.plz advise the remedy.
[|AI|] Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your wives history and would like to make suggestions for her as follows:1. Side effects of steroids are more common if they are taken orally or injections. I would first think that she has had side effects due to oral steroids which were mixed in medicine. Common side effects of oral steroids are weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, gastritis, and many others...2. Many of the inhalers for asthma also contain steroids, but they are in inhaled form, and they are minimally absorbed in blood. Hence, they usually do not cause such side effects. Hence, they are much safer for long term use as compared to oral steroids.3. As she has already had side effects, unfortunately there is no antidote. Side effects of oral steroids can decrease with time (a few months) after discontinuation. Though she will be able to use inhalers as per her doctors' advice.4. For better asthma management, I would suggest her to consult a pulmonologist or allergy-asthma specialist who will assess her symptoms in detail and will prescribe necessary treatment.5. I would also suggest her regular yoga & Panama, regular exercise like walking which increases immunity and lung capacity over long time.6. I would also suggest her a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals which will gradually improve her immunity over long time.7. Regarding pain while walking, it could be due to overweight, but it is important to know exactly which part of leg is aching to guide further. An orthopedic consultation may be helpful if pain is severe/of long duration. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to her. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish her the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hello my name is NelsonMy lower back has gotten wise since I had gotten out of the military. Ive been out for three years now an when I bend over it crackles almost like bubble rap. When I cough feel a pop on my lower back as well. I am constantly putting ice on lower back. My question now is what might be happening? The next thing is I black out when I stand from a squatted or bent position. Is this related to my lower back?
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. After going through your query I came to know that you are suffering from chronic backache. It may be due to vitamin and trace element deficiencies specially vitamin D and vitamin B 12. You need to do MRI to rule out other causes. Back exercises, neurotrophic such as mecobalamine and analgesics (DICLOFENAC SLOW RELEASE TABLETS) give relief. If vitamin D is lower than its supplementation will be required. Avoid long continuous standing. Sit in a straight posture. Your black-out when you stand from a squatted or bent position is not related to lower back problem. It is related to postural hypo tension. What is your BP? You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi, I was just wondering what to do about my adhd symptoms. I took a questionaire test at my family doctor. And he said I definitly fit the description. He put me on strattera which I couldnt take. He wanted to put me on another name brand add drug. Both were very exspensive even after insurance. He wouldnt even consider stimulants. Even though I know adderall actually helps me concentrate. Not sure what to do but its getting hard for me to focus.
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. If your ADHD is new, or the symptoms came within a time frame or 6 months or so, the best way to approach it is with training to gain attention. Although ADHD has most often been treated with medication, medications do not cure ADHD; they are used solely to treat the symptoms associated with this disorder and the symptoms will come back once the medication stops. You might need psychotherapy to change your lifestyle to get trained to beat ADHD and that is the perfect cure. Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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[|Human|] my grand daughter was diagnosed several years ago with a hole in her heart. Surgery to close the hole will occur when the doctors feel she is old enough. Her and her mother are the typical boy who cried wolf complainers. (I dont mean to be harsh, but she has 3 kids and numerous times shes said they were on their death beds for non-existent conditions, just for attention.) My grand daughter uses physical complaints for attention now too. My question is, with a hole in her heart should she experience severe chest and stomach pains? when its time for bed, for instance, she will say her heart is hurting and she will throw fits and demand pain pills. (she is 8). Just wondering if this is a legitimate symptom. She is full of energy and runs around non-stop... until she gets told something she doesnt want to hear, like bed time.
[|AI|] Thank you and pleased to answer you there is considerable evidence suggesting association between hole in the heart or congenital heart defect and pain in the head mostly migraine. The reason for this particular association is unclear (genetic??) But medical literature reports many patients that undergone surgical closure reported a significant reduction or disappearance of migraine. Painkiller may relieve symptoms time to do surgery. May this help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi Doctor, I have been taking Primolut-N to delay my period for the past few days (one tablet, twice a day). I had unprotected sex yesterday and want to take the I-pill. Please tell me if I should or should not take it, and if there will be any side-effects?
[|AI|] Hi, It may lead to side effects. Primolut-N contains the hormone progesterone, which prevents your womb lining from shedding and hence used to delay the periods. It is not a contraceptive hence and cannot prevent pregnancy following an unprotected sex. Barrier methods such as condoms or diaphragm are recommended following an unprotected sex while taking Primolut-N. Now, since you have had unprotected sex yesterday, the emergency contraceptive pill (I pill) may be taken as early as possible in order to achieve maximal efficacy. When you are taking pill along with Primolut-N it can affect your menstrual cycles causing irregular bleeding or spotting, stomach upset, vomiting, breast discomfort, changes in sexual desire, edema, etc. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hello, I got my wisdom teeth out on thursday (4 days ago). Today I was treated for what they thought was "dry socket". They filled the hole with something, that tastes disgusting. This was about 6 hours ago. The pain is back, and my temple is swollen and causing a headache and earache. Is there anything more i can do?
[|AI|] Hello, Chat Doctor. You indicate symptoms of an infection and the spread of inflammation. You should be on an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory pain medication. I prefer to write a prescription for amoxicillin. Your dentist would decide the best antibiotic for your condition. I suggest requesting a prescription pain medication for use at night and to keep available if your pain increases. You can take nonprescription anti-inflammatory medications such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen. The antihistamine Ben
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[|Human|] goodmornig doctor sir, i m 19 yrs old and i m preparing for medical exams bt i lost many logics and solution very early even after 2 days i hd learnt , i m confused is it the ause of excess masturbation which i practice every day since i ws 15 . i feel very tired and some time i hd too much back pain . and i try to stop masturabation bt i cold not pls help doctors how can i keep my self away frm it and create my 100 %focus on studies . pls i try my best to leave my masturbation pls solve my problem doctor
[|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern regarding your studies and health, for your kind information masturbation does not cause any weakness to the body, but it can be worrisome if done in excess like every day, the worst thing about it that it wastes your valuable time and distracts your focus and concentration towards studies..... you need to be determined about not thinking of masturbation start with small goal that you will not masturbate for 2 days and then make it once a week.... it will give you happiness that you are saving a lot of time.... another very good way to increase your will strength is yoga ... do meditation and yoga early morning to improve your mental strength.... remember it's all in mind... I hope I have answered your query... let me know if you need more help.!take care
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[|Human|] Hi I have something growing in my penis For almost 2 years its located mod lower side of the penis.It was poping at first and was small the pus was dark brown and not that liquefy. Now its like 1mm ball I want know what it is and how to get it out. Also Im 31 years I masterbate quite a lot I need help in stoping that as well thanks
[|AI|] Hi! Thanks for writing to us sharing your health problem! Well, if I were your treating physician in this case of small lump in the lower shaft skin of penis with black secretions within it, I would like to consider few possibilities like:1. A chronic abscess with recurrent bleeding2. A tiny epidermal cyst getting injured and infected repeatedly3. Infection of skin adnexaTherefore there is nothing to worry about the lesion, but you must see your doctor today for a close examination and some medicines if necessary; in worse case it might be needed to remove it by minor surgery also! Hope this helps you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hey Just wondering. I am a 39 year old female, pretty smallMy heart rate is around 97 to 106 at rest, and my BP is 140/90 and twice I get 175/118I did visit a doctor because I didnt feel well past month or twoThen the doctor gave me a heart medicine to take the pulse down and BP (its still in further examination.)But I wondering what it can be? Do I need the medicine really? Is that bad ?
[|AI|] Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion. We talk about hypertension if we have mean value that exceeds 140 / 90 mmHg. A person might have high value during emotional and physicals trees so It's mandatory to judge on mean values. Usaly hypertension does not give any symptoms but left untreated he slowly modifies the heart. According to heart rhythm, the normal rate is between 50-100 beat for minute. When it exceeds 100 we talk about sinus tachycardia. This might have different causes to simple emotional stress, physical activity, coffee consumption or pathologies like anemia, hyperthyroidism. So if we diagnose hypertension and rhythm issue we have to find they cause and of course treat them. If you treat the hypertension than you have nothing to worry. If I was your treating doctor I will recommend some examination like an electrocardiogram, a cardiac echo, a full blood analyze, a holder rhythm and pressure monitoring. This gives a better view how to treat the problem, medical or not. But as you catch values up to 170 I think medical treatment is necessary. Hope I was helpful. Wish you good health. Best regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] hii. i have a bubble kind of thing on my gums below teeth and it gets filled with puss and wen i press it fluid comes out but the very next day it again gets filled with puss. it does not have pain but i want to know is thre any problem in my gums.???
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for consulting ChatDoctorRead your query, as you have pus in your gums this indicates periodontal problem means abscess in gums these are symptoms of periodontal abscess don't worry I will suggest you to maintain proper oral hygiene brush your teeth twice daily, do warm saline rinses, do chlorhexidine mouthwash once daily, and consult oral surgeon and go for oral prophylaxis and curettage of tooth with abscess. Hope this will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] i have just had a upper gi endoscopy done this is the findings what does it mean in english please . just below cricopharyngeus were two islands gastric mucosa biopsied o-g junction at 37cm with very mild oeosphagitis biopsied. random biopsy mid-oesophagus to check for eosinophilic oesophagitis mild gastritis CLO taken
[|AI|] Thank you for consulting with Chat Doctor. You didn't mention what made the doctor do an Upper GIS copy. Clinical details are required for making definite comments. Anyway the copy report says there is abnormal type of covering noted in the Esophagus which is usually seen in Stomach. It happens due to acid reflux from stomach. They have taken sample from the abnormal region to rule out malignant changes. They have also taken biopsy from normal looking area to check whether change is due to other causes than acid reflux. A sample from stomach is also taken for doing CIO test to check for presence of pathologic organisms. Hope I have clarified some of your concerns. Please do revert with the biopsy reports.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] doctor in 1999 i was exposed to TB in lungs ....i took medicine for one year and got rid from it now i am very good health wise dont have any healtChatDoctorplaint but when ever my employer sends me for medical checkup every time my xray showes small calcified foci seen in both upper zones and creates problem for me they use to take other tests to check tb ...even i dont have tb now ..doctoe how i will get rid from small calcified foci ...any treatment ...please
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Tuberculosis lesion in lungs heal by fibrosis or calcification. This is normal phenomenon. These lesions are old, healed, non-active scars. They are permanent lesions seen throughout the life. No treatment is required or available for Calcified lesions because they are inactive Scar tissue. Calcified lesions indicate previous tuberculosis, not actively tuberculosis. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that the ulcers in the mouth could be related to a fungal infection or vitamin deficiency. For this reason, I recommend performing a bacterial culture of the material in her oral ulcers and a stool analysis. Starting antifungal therapy may be needed. The depression is not related to the above issues, but health problems can exacerbate it. For this reason, an antidepressant may be needed. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi, my grandfather is 97 yrs old and pretty healthy except for knee joint aches....we never took him to a doctor as he never falls sick and is very healthy otherwise no diseases or health issues....Although since last 8 or 9 years he s started to act strange we understand it s the query is what can I do to help him with his forgetfulness and he doesn t keep himself clean....he can walk and talk and has no problems as such....He also calls women walking by and makes unwelcoming gestures....We are a family of five and we take good care of, feeding and talking with him but he still remains the same....Also should we be getting him checked by a doctor?
[|AI|] Hello, Thank you for the query Dealing and caring an older member in the family can be stressful and difficult. It is pretty normal to be forgetful at this age. As people get older, changes occur in all parts of the body, including the brain. As a result, some aged people don't remember information as well as what they did. They lose things and forget the usual norms. These are signs of mild forgetfulness, not serious memory problems. Serious memory problems which affect a persons personality and behavior like Dementia is when one cannot carry out his everyday activities. From your query I understand that he is able to do his daily activities. This is called Mild Cognitive Impairment. Trying to talk to your grandfather about his misbehavior could help him in understanding the trouble. A care takers assistance for him can make things simpler and easier especially for his forgetfulness. If it gets worsened, it is advised to take him to a euro psychologist. A euro psychologist is a licensed psychologist with specialized training in assessment and treatment of cognitive problems associated with dementia or other neurological conditions. Patience and sense of care is from the other family members, considering his old age will help him a lot. Stay Healthy!
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] rapid heart beat, slightly elevated blood pressure, abdominal bloating, fatigue. This has occured off and on for years. Age 49, 5 2 , 119 pounds. Medical history--environmental allergies, hypothyroid, migraines caused by allergies, IBS. Surgeries all minor--tonsilectomy, wisdom teeth, LASIK, PRK to enhance LASIK.
[|AI|] Hello, How much is maximum heart rate and blood pressure. Mostly it's a gastritis and acidity problem. Do you upper abdominal pain, nausea, burping, increase in pain on food, sour water feeling in throat or chest burning, if yes it further supports the diagnosis? You should avoid fatty, oily and high calorie diet. Have some walk after having food instead of taking rest. Have multiple small meals instead of heavy meals. Have regular sleep habits and avoid stress. Lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits. Avoid smoking and alcohol if any. You can get prescribed tab Pantoprazole 40 mg before breakfast once a day for 2 weeks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Dear Sir, I am 45 years old and I am married and blessed with a Son. My problem is that I dont have densed mustache and beard, though I am 45. However, the pubic hair is well grown and erection is also no problem. My question is, how to grow densed mustache and beard? Can I take harmonal injections?
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. You are already 45. I don't see any justification in getting hormonal treatment for getting dense mustache. Please look around. How many of your friends, relatives, subordinates, fellow men have dense mustache? How many are without it? Which is handsome? Ask your wife? Is she worried that you do not have dense mustache? Did she dislike you because of that? You need to ask these many questions and more to yourself and try to find the answers. Automatically you start liking what you have. Don't try to become another person in behavior or attributes or looks. You are you. Be happy. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. Take care.
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[|Human|] Hi my name is dave and i have bad back and neck problems, I have been want to go to the toilet but couldn t, so I finally just went and it was mostly liquid like but there was a red bean like in it and has released some of the back pain. I have a tear in number four and five in my lower back and it is very pain full but some of the pain went away I was wondering if it was a clot Thank You
[|AI|] Hello, Thank you for contact us, But Nowadays it's mostly the common problems in humans. Mainly its due to inactivity of muscles. Today every one having totally sitting life as no work at all that could be count as a body exercise due to that problem occurs. For neck pain I would suggest that you should have to avoid taking pillow while sleeping. Or you may take very thin pillow while sleeping. And For back Pain you should follow instructions described below -Best medicine for Lower back pain is Rest. Resting for some days will heal the muscles which could be damage because of jerk. Muscles need some time to heal so give them time for the same. Another way is to take message with hot or cold water, Some people take cold water and some takes hot for massage. If pain is because of any accident or something big issue than you have to concern good doctor for the same. Other exercise should be done as doctors suggest after checking you physically. Hope it will work for your back pain. Good luck, Take care. Thanks & regards,
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[|Human|] My 37 year old son in law was found passed out and had started turning blue by the time medics got to him and got him awake. He was transported to the hospital where they kept him overnight. Their diagnosis was a possible seizure causing oxygen deprivation. This occurred last Tuesday, 1/30. Tonight while out shopping with his wife he got very confused, told her there were people in the car with them and he s been very tired, falling asleep sitting up. Could this be from the lack of oxygen or something else going on.
[|AI|] I read your question and I understand your concern. Confusion and feeling of passing out can be a seizure manifestation. It is not clear whether he had any tests done after his first seizure (from your description a generalized seizure). Seizures in an adult must be investigated after as usually there is a cause behind them. So apart from some routine blood tests he should have examination with MRI to look for brain lesions (tumor, stroke, infection etc.) and EEG to search for epileptic activity, location and type. Other exams may be needed at times depending on the physical and imaging exams findings. The fact that he's having these episodes reinforces the need for more exams. Treatment will be directed towards the cause and anti-epileptic treatment if necessary. The lack of oxygen described to you has been suggested as a result of the generalized seizure with temporary breathing interruption, as a secondary sign, not as a cause of the seizure. I hope to have been of help.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I didn t know I was pregnant. I had upper abdominal/bowel symptoms that prompted my doc to do an XRAY and CT Scan of abdomen/pelvis. He did a urine pregnancy test the day of the x ray and 5 days before CT Scan. He said the test was negative. Since, I have found out I was approximately 3 weeks pregnant at time of xray and 4 weeks pregnant at time of CT scan. My ob/gyn said I shouldn t be concerned, but I can hardly believe that. What are the chances that my baby will be damaged by the tests?
[|AI|] Hi there,Since you were 3- 4 weeks pregnant when your tests were done, and if at all these tests have resulted in damage to the fetus it will result in miscarriage. This early in development of fetus if any harmful radiation or Chat Doctor. The risk of fetal defect is when the exposure to these external factors is after 6 weeks; here though the fetus survives there is structure or functional defect of a particular organ, and it causes lifelong problems. But, this early in pregnancy the "All or none" phenomenon prevails. That is if the fetus survives the hazard it will be healthy and if affected it will abort. So please do not stress yourself further and let nature take its course. Hope this helps. Regards.
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[|Human|] I was on a cruise and got bronchitis and went to a pharmacy in Europe and the druggist gave me Broncoliber for my cough. Is there any place in the US that I can get this without a prescription. If not is there anything like it or can I get some thru the mail.
[|AI|] Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should consult pulmonologist and get done1. Clinical examination of respiratory system. 2. Chest x-ray. 3. PUT (pulmonary function test). Better to first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Chest x-ray is needed to rule out lung infection. PFT is needed to diagnose bronchitis. It will also tell you about severity of the disease. And treatment of bronchitis is based on severity only. You may need inhaled bronchodilators and antihistamine Chat Doctor. So better to first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] My skin itches and burns all over and when I scratch skin turns red and little bumps or welts appear. What kind of doctor should I see. This has been happening for several months now. I have not changed anything (laundry detergent, shampoo, or soap). I feel like I am going nuts.
[|AI|] Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. The condition you have referred to is called Urticaria or hives. It's an allergic manifestation of skin, where an allergen leads to release of certain substances from your blood, leading to itchy skin rash and swelling over soft tissues. Its proper management requires thorough history, clinical and laboratory work-up. You may have to go for specific tests like patch test, food prick test, IGE antibody levels etc. As for treatment part, best would be the avoidance of allergen as far as possible. Try to eliminate possible triggering foods from diet. I would also advise you various antihistamines for long duration(at least 3 months) with or without oral corticosteroids. For non-responding cases there are many other Chat Doctor. Hope this will help you in resolving your query. Thank you
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[|Human|] Hi - If I stop taking the Pill , will that stop Cervical Erosion? If so, how long do I need to wait to see improvements. I have experienced slight bleeding after sexual intercourse with my partner over the last few months, and have been told by a GP that being on the Pill increases your chances of cervical erosion. I have been on the Pill for 4 years now. Please help.
[|AI|] Hello Ella.scratch, Taking the Oral Contraceptive Pill increases the chances of cervical erosion, simply because the inner lining of the cervix events out under the effect of estrogen in the Pill. Stopping the Pill may stop this erosion. Since this lining is thinner than the lining of the vagina there may be some spotting after sex.Most of the time, however, there may be no symptoms. Having said this, may I add these comments:1) If there is any discharge - yellow or curry white or itchy or foul/fleshy smell, you will need local and oral anti-infection medicines. Please check out with your doctor for this. The vaginal inserts may be available over the counter from the local pharmacy.2) Since you have bleeding after intercourse, please do get your latest Pap Smear done even if you have had one done within last 1 year. This is to screen for cervical cancers. If you could get HPV testing also, it will relieve you greatly if the reports are negative.3) Even if you are on the Pill for prevention of unwanted pregnancy, it may be wise to use a condom in addition for prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Please don't be so alarmed - cervical erosion reverse, they can be treated with anti-infectives and ablative treatments like cryotherapy, they don't always indicate cancer and are often more often benign/noncancer. Hope this answers your query. Take care, Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] My 46 year old husband just had a prostate biopsy . Prostate was normal in size but a questionable area was found. No urinary problems, erectile problems or pain. PSA was 2.8 in 2009, 3.6 in 2011 and 5.4 in 2012. fPSA was tested last month and also 5.4. Because everything is normal other than increasing PSA and low fPSA, is it possible this could be an undetected infection other than cancer? We are so worried.
[|AI|] HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that your husband has marginally high PSA (5.4). The high PSA could be due infection of Prostate itself(Prostatitis). Prostate biopsy is the only confirmation test to confirm or rule out cancer of the prostate. If the prostate biopsy report does not reveal any positive finding suggesting cancer of the prostate you not need not worry at all. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Hello when I was 17 my dad died so I decided to abuse steroids and my balls get so tight when I have a boner and not all of my penis gos in its effecting my sex life really bad does Viagra make my balls hang again Or will I need to see the doctor I am 20 years old now and I am to scared to see the doctor Stephen
[|AI|] HelloSildenafil citrate (Viagra) is used for erection of penis.However, it is not clear in your history, what do you want. As you mentioned that you are now 20 years old and erection is a common thing, while when penis is erected naturally testicles (balls) become tight, so need not worry. Still you think you have any problem without any hesitation consult a psychiatrist and get his opinion as physical examination is very important. Good luck.
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[|Human|] My brother who is 68 is in stage 4 heart valve failure and was suppose to have it replaced, but they punctured his aorta in the process and had to patch the aorta and put off the valve replacement now. How long should it take to safely go back in again and replace the valve?
[|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your query and concern. Heart valve failure needs immediate medical attention. You need an urgent assessment of cardiac reserve. This can be accomplished through the following. I advise you to have a baseline 2 dimensional echocardiography, ECG and lipid profile to assess the basic cardiac reserve of your heart. Restrict the intake of salt to less than 6g. Avoid strenuous physical activity. Chat Doctor. Reduce the intake of fatty and fried food. One pomegranate a day will help to keep your heart at good pace without clot formation. A new bioprosthetic valve will help to cure your current condition in expert hands. Consult a Cardiologist and a vascular surgeon for further expert management. Post your further queries if any. Thank you.
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[|Human|] i have a lump above my belly button and it hurts to touch or when i lean against something. I just recently found out that my left side kidney is not working and has not for a while the way i understand from the two CAT scans that i have had. I was told that there is a blockage on the top of my baller, so is this why i am hurting and have the knot above my belly? I am tired of it hurting for I can not get any rest with it hurting.
[|AI|] Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor, from the description of your symptoms, the swelling you might be having at the belly button could be -abscess-hernia- mass would suggest you need to get an ultrasound done as you have other abnormalities present, to know what is exactly wrong. Would suggest get reviewed by a specialist for appropriate investigation and treatment. Wish you a quick recovery and all the best. Take care.
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[|Human|] My ankle hurts. There is no bruising, swollen slightly. I have a bad back an the area that my back hurts is the same side. I have my ankle in a support for 4 days now an it still aches. Try to rest it but have to do core exercises because of my back. I have not sprained it but it feels like I have
[|AI|] Hi, If I were your treating Doctor for this case of severe pain in the ankle I would suggest you to follow the following precautions, firstly try to put 6 inch crêpe bandage for ankle which subsides your swelling and restricts major movement which will be sufficient for your ankle ligaments to get healed if present. Use analgesic with antacids combinations that will be sufficient. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health.
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[|Human|] my fiance is 38 and im 21 we have been trying for a baby for the last 7 months and havnt been sucessful, he loose he erection some times half way threw sex and some times cant even get one it is getting us both down as we want to have a baby together is it just his age or something else? thank you
[|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. If your partner is able to ejaculate inside you then no need to worry regarding infertility. As you trying for 7 months then you should get done reports of both of you. For you ovulation profile, histosalpingography HSG, for your husband semen analysis. And consult gynecologist with these reports. Hope I answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care.
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[|Human|] I read about this hard bump on the back of my head said its on people born within 1980-2000 i am born in the year 2000 and am curious on what this bump is, it feels like a bone but im not sure, I was wondering if you could help me find out what this bump is. It s located on the back of my head in the middle
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. In my knowledge there is no such swelling which has been consistently associated with people born between 1980 and 2000. It will help to know specific details on the location, size and how fast it has been growing. Bony swellings over the back of the head need not necessarily be bone or arise from the inside. A lot of such swellings are firm enough to give a bony feeling and are usually benign swellings which can be called cysts. There are many types of cysts in the scalp like Desmond cyst, epidermis cyst or sebaceous cyst. Please consult your doctor to know the probability of the swelling being a cyst or anything else. A CT scan brain might be required to characterize the swelling and know if it needs any immediate treatment. Please do not worry.
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[|Human|] I had a back lower molar (in front of wisdom) removed under sedation 5 days ago. I am taking Metronidazole antobiotics. I had a reoccuring infection prior to the extraction. For the last few days I have had a foul taste in my mouth and have been cleaning with corsodyl and salt water. Whilst the socket looks better and the taste in my mouth is improving, I am suffering from diarrhea, sickness, hot & cold sweats, dizziness and generally feeling unwell. Is this the last of the infection clearing or should I ask for other antibiotics?
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking the query, I would like to tell you that pain, swelling, fever, malaise, dizziness are common complications after extraction of tooth. You don't worry about the symptoms as they will subside after sometime. Follow the post-operative instructions given by the Dentist properly. Use Lukewarm saline gargles 3-4 times and antiseptic mouthwash gargles twice daily. Diarrhea and abdominal upset is due to the use of antibiotics prescribed to you. If you are uncomfortable with that, I suggest you to visit the concerned Dentist and get it changed. Hope this helps out. Regards.
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[|AI|] Hi, I think you can try with ferry and phaeton for 3 to 6 months. Track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound and when your follicles is more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for 2 to 3 days after injection. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. Also do a thyroid profile and prolactin levels. Sometimes these can cause miscarriages. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I fell on my lower right side above my bum cheek about a year ago and it still hurts very much what could I have done ?
[|AI|] Thanks for using Chat Doctor. A fall before 1 year is a long time. Maybe you might have injured the muscles in the right buttocks, but it must heal by now. You can go with X-ray of Right hip joint to start with and then after that MRI or CT Scan may be helpful. You can start with Hot and Cold fomentation in the area of injury by sitting in a tub with warm water alternating with cold water which might help you out. Feel free to contact me for further help.
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[|Human|] Hi,My last blood test does show ALT level is 47, LDL is 122, CRP is 3.74 and TSH is 5.060. Hep is neg. Dont drink. I have hypothyroid and it was out of control for a while. My BMI is 35. Do I have a fatty liver or ALT is elevated bec of thyroid problem.
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting your query. I am Chat Doctor. K and I am pleased to assist you. Yes, hypothyroidism can affect liver function and can cause elevated ALT levels. Since your BMI is high, it is more likely that you have fatty liver. It can be confirmed with an ultrasound scan of the abdomen. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common cause of elevated liver enzyme levels. I hope that answers your question. Regards.
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[|Human|] I had a ct scan done on my abdomen- it shows a 2-mm lesion on dome of liver...Is the dome of the liver close to the spine? my symptoms-sharp stabbing pain in lower left abdomen,cant sit straight up,cant stand for a long time, mid back pain with burning in lower back, and pain down the back of my left leg too about the calf ?? all symptons for over a year!
[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I don't think that such a small lesion could cause such pain, but this liver tumors should be definitely evaluated to rule out possible malignant issues. You should do MRI scan of the abdominal cavity for a more precise evaluation. Back pan may be of neuromuscular origin but also may indicate pancreas issue. I think that MRI will show exact issue. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.
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[|Human|] I fell and hurt landed on my rib cage under my breast 3 weeks ago and the pain seemed to go away a bit and now has come back on the front and back of my chest area and it hurts when I breath and sneeze. I haven t had any medical advice as I just though I d bruised them should I go to get them x/rayed? Thanks Laura
[|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have pain in ribs post injury. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like soft tissue injury, muscle spasm or fractured rib. I would suggest you to consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination. Doctor may order x-ray or do physical examination. Doctor may recommend complete bed rest, physical therapy, prescribe muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory along with vitamin supplement for quick recovery. For now take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain and apply warm compresses. Avoid lifting heavy things. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
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[|Human|] i had a boil for the first time in my life . I am 39 years old. i had an under arm boil around thanksgiving it was only one. then soon after putting ichthammoll ointment it came to a head and drained then not long after that i felt about 3 to 4 small other ones they are not painful but i have been putting that same cream on it they appear to be doing better but what i want to know is what can i do to not get this again and is this normal to have several small ones under my armpit after the one that healed?
[|AI|] Dear Sir/ mam, Here is the answer for your question. Boil is an infection of the hair follicle. They are common in the areas where there is increased hair and sweating. Occurs because of decreased aeration in the region. Deep shaving also causes this. The ointment you use is the one which softens and decreases the pain. An antibiotic ointment like nadifloxacin is preferred to ichthammoll. I would also recommend to wear loose garments. Kindly get back for further info and give rating if you find this answer worthy
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[|Human|] I am 16 weeks pregnant with my third child and I ve been having headaches, dizziness , cramping in my lower abdomen , and last night I saw black and white stars in my vision. I ve also experienced tightness in my chest and it feels like my heart is skipping beats. With my first pregnancy, I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and delivered my daughter at 24 weeks. I have an upcoming doctor s appointment, but I was hoping someone could shed some light on what s going on. I may be overreacting but I want to make sure my health and my baby s health is okay.
[|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor chances of pre classic at 16 weeks pregnancy are less. To rule out pre-eclampsia you should get your urine for albumin, blood pressure checkup & look for pedal edema. If any two these three are present you are preeclamptic. You should, must consult gynecologist & get all investigation done to find the cause & treated. Wish you healthy & successful pregnancy outcome. Disclaimer
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[|Human|] I had my left knee ACL replaced yesterday morning and the doctor gave my leg a nerve block . It s still numb after 16 hours, and the instructions said it could last up to 36 hours, so I m only slightly worried about getting my control back. I ve also been prescribed oxycodone (10.325 mg every 4 hours), and I ve been taking it since being released. The nurse talked to me about making sure not to get behind the pain, but I m concerned that I m taking it while the nerve block is still active - unnecessarily and putting more medicine in my liver. It s 2:30 am here and I m reluctant to call the doctor. 1) Is there risk in taking the oxycodone if I don t need it to manage the pain? 2) If I discontinue taking it and wait until I start feeling pain in my leg, will I have enough time for it to be effective, and will I risk being behind and catching up? 3) Am I keeping the oxycodone in my system for the initial wearing off of the nerve block? 4) Will the nerve block wear off all at once or gradually? Thank you, Susan
[|AI|] Hi, How bad is Chat Doctor. 5 gallons could be fatal. 1 325 of Tylenol is safe. It takes ten times that at one time to be bad for the liver. So, it is safer than water. In each case, having taken a gallon or a Tylenol yesterday isn't going to make taking it again today unsafe. So, the Tylenol issue won't accumulate. On the other hand, there are a lot of reasons not to overtake narcotics. You can get used to them in a few days and then they don't work as well because you've gotten used to them. It is equally true that if you don't have any pain, you don't know when to take them. The other feature the nurse is correct about is that they start working only about 40 min after you take them. Their peak effect is like at 90 min. So, if you wait on the pain, you will have a lag before relief. But there are also reasons to wait. The nerve block wears off pretty suddenly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] Hi, I was bitten by a stray dog yesterday. Due to my shoes, only scratch like wounds occurred. But my doctor advised to administer 5 doses of anti rabies injection. First injection was given immediately. Now I am prepared to complete the remaining 4 doses. But I have no idea about the condition of the dog, whether it was infected or not. Since the incident happened at a far away location, I cant follow up the dog to see whether it remains alive or not. Will it be alright if I just complete the 5 doses irrespective of the dog s condition or any additional treatment required?
[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Rabies is a 100% fatal disease, but it is 100% preventable by proper and adequate treatment. Dog is a known reservoir of rabies virus and can transmit rabies by biting. As it was a scratch by the dog, according to WHO categories it is categorized into Cat II, which requires through wound wash and anti rabies vaccine. As your doctor has advised to take five shots of anti rabies vaccine on to your shoulder it will suffice the treatment, even the biting dog is not traceable. Thank you.
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[|Human|] hello doctor,my husband has allergy problem (eye irritation, cold ,slight congestion in airway etc).doctor prescribed to take montek l c for 1month but he continues it even now as his allergy problem was persisting and inorder to prevent infection and fever due to cold .even now he is using it since 1 and half year with 1 day intervals .should he continue this will there be side effects he is also using asthalin inhaler at times at the time of congestion.please give advice
[|AI|] Hello, Your husband first needs to get allergy tests done either in the form of blood tests, specific IGE against pollen, house dust mite, animal dander etc. OR skin prick tests against these allergens. This will help identify what the allergens are and take avoidance measures to lower further exposure. Montek LC is a combination of levocetirizine and montelukast; Exocet being an antihistamine and montelukast being a leukotriene inhibitor that works well for the airways. He will also need a lung function test with reversibility studies to see if he has developed asthma or is in the early stages. Only then the recommendation of bronchodilators as inhalers can be made. Stalin is a short-acting bronchodilator that he can use whenever he feels short of breath, but it is important that he keeps a note of the number of times and puffs he has used to let the chest physician know when the lung function report is in front of him. Long term use of both the medications has little side effects, so it is fine to continue provided there is a reason to continue this. Thanks.
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[|Human|] I have a small hard lump about about 1.5cm above my ankle bone. It is not painful, I do not think it is a ganglion cyst, What can it be ?I am 52yrs old, 1.55m tall, weigh 60kg, have Thal B Minor and Hashimotos Disease. I take the thyroxine and Lipitor daily
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Hard lump above ankle can be due to 1. Desmond cyst 2. Fibroid 3. Asteroid Osceola 4. Lipoma 5. Xanthelesma (cholesterol deposits in skin). Etc. So better to get done 1. Clinical examination of swelling 2. X-ray of affected leg 3. Ultrasound examination of leg. 4. Cholesterol level to rule out hypercholesterolemia because you are taking lipid lowering Chat Doctor. So first diagnose this swelling and then decide future treatment plan.
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[|Human|] My wife just had a Caesarean Section and was released from the hospital yesterday. She has Wheezing when she breathes that started this afternoon should she go back to the hospital ER or can she wait 14 hours for her OB/GYN - is this a sign of Pneumonia from the Anesthesia ?
[|AI|] Thanks for your question you should visit your GAEC and take advise because in my patients who are post surgical I would like to rule out 3 causes-first is post surgical atelectasis in the bases of lung that is a common problem after surgeries of abdomen second is any secondary infection or pneumonia which is a possibility after visiting a hospital bronchial asthma or any bronchial disease all these diseases can be ruled out by simple investigations like chest X-ray, sputum culture and by measuring peak expiratory flow rate ask your pulmonologist if you should use an incentive spirometerdisscuss these modalities with your gynaecthanksfeel free to ask more questions
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[|Human|] For about 3weeks Ive been experiencing lower left abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue. When I try to eat, the nausea is gone until I finish and its back to being nausea again. Nothing ease the pain but moving makes it worse. Could you please tell me what is going on.
[|AI|] Hello, welcome to ask- a- doctor. Read your query carefully and understood your concerns. My thoughts are as follows:Nausea is a symptom of something wrong with body, and you have pain in lower abdomen and other symptoms as you have mentioned.Hence, I would advise you the following. Consult a General Surgeon for clinical evaluation. Investigations of blood, urine and stool. Ultrasound of abdomen and CT Scan to know the exact diagnosis. A proper diagnosis will guide for proper management, either medical or surgical as the need demands. Take care. I hope this answer helps you. Feel free to ask for further assistance.
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[|Human|] CT report of my father aged 67 yrs suggests extensive secondary cancer in liver and abdomen. What are his chances of survival.LFT results show: SGOT (AST) 77 U/L, SGPT (ALT) 64 U/L, GGTP 184 U/L, ALP 537 U/L, BILIRUBIN TOTAL 1.30 mg/dl, BILIRUBIN DIRECT 0.66 mg/dl....others are with in rangeurea 25 mg/dl and creatinine, serum .80 mg/dl
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. CT report suggestive of metastatic spread in liver and abdomen. This means primary site is somewhere else. And so we need to first find out the organ from which cancer has been originating. So better to consult oncologist and get done PET scan to find of primary organ. Future treatment plan and prognosis depend on primary organ of cancer. So first search for the primary organ of cancer. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your father. Thanks.
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[|Human|] I have recently been noticing that a few bumps have been forming on the inside of my mouth (the oral mucosa , if I m not mistaken in attempting to be specific)... And, to be honest, I truly do not possess any intellect about these growths whatsoever. I just refer to them as gingival polyps , however; I ve even been squeezing them so they could be removed, but it seems like more of them form after I consume something. Do any of y all know the information on this condition I currently have?
[|AI|] Hello, thank you for consulting with Chat Doctor. Actually gingival polyps are those who grow on the gums. If the bumps are on any other area of oral mucosa, they are not gingival polyp. But if they are occurring on gingival only then they can be infection of gums or tooth. To confirm any bump you have to visit a good oral medicine specialist and get them properly examined with an x-ray. Hope it will help you.
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[|Human|] hi doc. i am very depressed. i have always a sense of loneliness. i h am married 28year female blessed with 2and half year doc. i am not able to sleep at night. am just sleeping once in 4-5 days and that too not a deep and sound sleep. wat should i do ?
[|AI|] His understand your concern and emotional stress. Depression has low mood and lack of interest and sleep disturbances, and it should persist throughout the day for 2 weeks. You should consult psychiatrist for better outcome. This kind of condition can be treated with SSRI .SSRI like Escitalopram is very useful in young age. Beside this exercise, meditation, diet, proper sleep all can help.if you have a sleep problem then holiday 5 mg is beneficial to restore good sleep. Still have a query then feel free to ask. Happy to help you. Thank you.
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[|Human|] My son has never been in trouble he turned 18 last Christmas and decided to try weed. He now smokes and recently got in trouble. Problem is he was depressed prior to all this. Had ups and downs in his mood. During argument about using my car he said some very dark things against my husband and I he repeatedly kept saying he will kill himself. Things he said were very graphic. He is refusing help from a doctor, I feel lost like theres nothing we can do. What are my options? He is destroying himself and we cant do a thing. He has bouts of anger. He in hypersensitive to smell and sound.
[|AI|] I am sorry for all the trouble you are suffering. Your story is heartbreaking. The first priority is to determine if he poses a physical threat to himself or others. Physical safety is at risk. It is imperative that you discuss this with a mental health professional, even without your son. An experienced clinician will recognize these symptoms and know exactly what to do. I wouldn't waste any time as I am concerned for all of you. Good luck.
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[|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... Can eating raw long grain white rice (Unwashed and uncooked) coz any form of cancer? I am 29 years old , Married and have two children and my weight is 55 Kgs. I am currently taking anti- depressants, tranquilizers , etc. I used to eat raw rice before i got married and had stopped after getting married but now since a year or two i have been eating quiet a bit of white long grained rice (Basmati) without washing. Today i am having a burning or rather a very funny feeling inside my mouth (on the top part of the part)
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. It is possible that you are having symptoms of gastritis. Please consult a surgeon and get an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy done to know if there is any ulcer in stomach which is causing your symptoms. Do not skip meals and avoid spicy foods, alcohol and smoking for some time. Eating raw white rice which is uncooked is unlikely to cause any cancer or pre cancerous condition. Please do not get stressed about your eating raw rice in the past before marriage. Please do not worry.
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[|Human|] Hi,i took the morning after pill on Feb 2nd...i started spotting on Feb period never comes till the 25th ish...well on the 7th i was spotting browinsh red color now today the 17th i am still bleeding and its been very very heavy and alot of clots....should i be worried.
[|AI|] HiT hanks for posting your question in ChatDoctorGoing through your query it appears that you were due to have your periods by end of February. Assuming you had a normal period in January it is not unusual to have some spotting and a bit of imbalance in your periods after taking morning after pill. But having said that it is better to have it checked by your gynecologist to rule out miscarriage. Hope this helps. Would be happy to clarify any further doubts. Thanks
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[|Human|] Hello Dr. Herrick, I am Trupti from India. I am 30 yrs old femail. Today I got my MRI report. The highlighted points are as below:1. Facetal arthropathy is seen in lumbar spine with disc desiccation in L2-3 and L3-4 discs.2. Mild diffuse posterior bulge of L4-5 disc indenting thecal sac and traversing nerve roots.3. Mild diffuse posterior bulge of L5-S1 disc indent traversing nerve roots. 4. Mild diffuse posterior bulge of L3-4 disc indenting thecal sac.I want to know answers to below my questions:1. Is this 100% curable? If "yes", please suggest what is the period required for the same?
[|AI|] Hi Truth, Thank you for posting your query. I have gone through your MRI reports. I would like to point out that this disease is fully treatable. However, we need to know your symptoms, and examination findings, before suggesting the best treatment option for you. Usual treatments for disc prolapse include physiotherapy, medications such as pregabalin, epidural injections, and in some cases, surgery. Please get back if you require any more information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Can a bulging disc in the L5 S1 area cause major pain, troubles with bowel movements numbness and tingly in my butt legs and feet? Also is this why I have allot of pressure and pain in my butt crack? I was also wondering if this can cause me to have issue with head aches?
[|AI|] Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. If the bulging is compressing your lumbar spine and nerves, then it may cause your symptoms, especially if you have a narrow lumbar canal. You need to consult a Neurologist and if there is spinal stenosis you need decompressive surgery as the condition may progress. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
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[|Human|] Hi. My father is 62. Recently Australian anitegen result reveals positive for him. He is a diabetic patient. Currently he is having bilirubin 4 and sgpt 660 shot 1250. He is now in full rest with limited foods. He has been advised to take hepamerz 6 tablets in a day .. Can u please suggest what to do next
[|AI|] Hi, How are you? My name is Chat Doctor. I am a Liver Transplant Surgeon and I hope to answer your question today. From the details you have provided, it would appear that your father is suffering from acute hepatitis B infection. Most patients are carriers of hepatitis B and do not suffer from any ill effects. But in some patients the virus attacks the liver and leads to damage to the liver as evidenced by the elevated liver enzymes. Most often these acute episodes are self limiting and are easily treated with medications. But in the long run, it can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and the resulting complications may necessitate a liver transplant. In your dads case, I would advise continuing with a low fat diet and take adequate nutrition. The header tablets work well to give the body adequate proteins. In addition, I would look into treating the hepatitis B with medications as presence of active liver damage is one of the indications for anti-viral therapy. This will necessitate a blood test to look for the viral load. Please do ask your treating physician to order this test. Hope this helps and hope your Dad starts to feel better. Please do not hesitate to write back for further clarificationsHave a great day
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[|Human|] I have mouth ulcers on my gums and tongue. I have been to 4 different doctors and a dentist. They are continuously in my mouth now for 1 year and a half. I know that they are not herpectic as they have been cultured, but no one knows what is causing them and no medicine or remedy that I have used helps. Do you have any suggestions?
[|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have ulcers on gums and tongue don't worry you can do warm saline gargle two - three times a day Apply ointment Gum paint on painful Gums twice daily for one week Apply ointment McCoppin or Colonel on ulcers two - three times a day for one week Take one vitamin B complex once daily for 7 days Take Fiber rich diet avoid junk food. Hope this will help you.
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[|Human|] yes i am 19 years old and i think i have adhd. i never took it before but i have did illegal drugs. ive never did good in school was never focused an my tenth grade year i never even picked up a pencil. well i got kicked out that year and .. i have the lowest self esteem that anybody can have i find i am very ugly an dont talk bout my problems. i cant ever keep a girlfriend because my trust issues are terrible. i dont have friends because i dont trust people enough to want a friend.. im talking to a girl as of now an she barely ever texts and i always think i do something wrong are like the other night i asked her if she even cares about me are am i to ugly for you... im sick and tired of living this way.. People has tried talking to me about my problems but never worked.. Im always thinking the most negative bout things like if this girl doesnt talk to me i think she cheating on me.. ive always been that way.. i have this job now and its hard for me to stay focused there to an i realy cant loose this job. and i dont have the money to pay for this untill i get my first check so i would appricieat if you would really help me out
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You are not only thinking negative but also behaving negatively. People across the world knows that if they do not do anything their life will be miserable. People across the world knows that no one can predict tomorrow. Still people across the world are hopeful that positive things can happen for them and are enthusiastic about their future. What is stopping you from thinking positive? Just attitude. Make your attitude RIGHT. Talk to a psychological counselor and get elder peoples advise. You also will change. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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[|Human|] Hi my name is Dessy and I d like to ask you about my daughter condition, she s 6 months old baby ; has a persistance exzema on her face; its start 2 days after the second DPT+HIB+OPV vaccine. it s already 45 days per now. Do you have a tip how to eradicate the redness/ inflammation on her face. I already give her hydrocortisone 1% + physiogel cream for the last 14 days. (before that, her pediatrician give her advantan ointment + kamilosan cream). thanks before
[|AI|] Hi, As per your query you have symptoms of redness and inflammation on the face of the baby which seems to be a type of allergic reaction known as urticaria. It could be due to vitamin deficiency as well. Need not worry. I would suggest you use a moderately potent topical steroid such as fluticasone, twice daily over the whole affected area and use it for 5-7 days. Wash the area with plain water and apply ice pressure on it. Visit dermatologist once and get it examined to find out the exact cause of lesion and start treatment accordingly. Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] Hey there. well one morning i woke up with a small bump on my upper left gum just above my 2 front rabbit teeth, it started off very small but i didnt pay too much attention to it. Then i woke up this morning and the bump had gotten alot bigger and it feels like my gum is swelling up im so worried that there something wrong with me? What is it? What do i do? Help please?
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking the query, Lump on the front teeth can be periodontal abscess arriving from an infected tooth you need to get an x-ray by the Dentist to confirm the cause, infected teeth can be treated with root canal treatment. Or it can be a gingival abscess due to accumulation of bacterial plague and calculus deep in the gum pockets I would suggest you to get complete mouth and scaling done. Hope this helps out. Regards.
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[|Human|] Hi , I am 39 years old . I ve been having numbness on my fingers and hands for a while . But the past months it s been happening on everyday basics . Last week I woke up and my arm was numbed (like dead) it took me a while to get feel it again. I been having problems even during the day when I am holding my phone writing(right now) I have to move some fingers because I lost sensation. The past two months I ve been also waking up with a rapid heart rate. I know the feeling of panic attacks I had many a few years back. And this is something completely different . I ve been talking my blood pressure as soon as I wake up and sometimes is high 140/95 and heart beat 110 other times is 135/85 and heartbeat 105 . What do you think I should do about it ?
[|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. Due to compression of this nerve root there is tingling numbness in your arm and fingers pain associated with it. I will advise you to MRI cervical spine for better diagnosis. It can be due to various causes like sudden jerk to spine, due to facet arthritis, degenerative. For these symptoms analgesic and neurotrophic medication can be started. Till time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and inferential therapy will give quick relief. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you are satisfied with answer do not hesitate to rate this answer at end of discussion. Wishing you good health. Take care.
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[|Human|] My 49 year old son has an extremely bad worm infestation....THOUSANDS of worms came through pores, and had open sores. He is taking a new medication (first med didn t work) but now larvae are coming through the skin. Does this mean that the end of the infestation is near?
[|AI|] Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your health concern, if I am your doctor I suggest you that coming out of larvae after treatment won't mean that infected ion is near end. On the contrary it is multiplying in the body and coming out. I advise you to do proper diagnosis of worm and take treatment accordingly. Because different worm has different Chat Doctor. I will be happy to answer all your future concern. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious disease specialist. Wish you the best health at Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Hi Doctor,I am 33 year old single, I am doing masturbating from 2-3 times in a week from past 3-4 year.From lats one year when ejaculation happen after masturbating I feel my legs very weak like something energy or strength is going out along with ejaculation. And now from 1 month I feel problem in erection its not proper like before its not strong & early ejaculation.Dr. please hepl me I dont know who to ask I am getting marry next months please help me. I am so much afraid. Regards,Satish
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Masturbation, if done with moderation, is natural, healthy and actually a stress buster. At your age, 3 or 4 masturbation per week is certainly considered moderate and due to that you could not possibly have any direct health problems. But wrong knowledge about masturbation and its effects can have obsessive thinking and therefore anxiety disorder. Such anxiety disorder can trigger psycho somatic disorder like what you are feeling. Such anxiety can also cause premature ejaculation. Please consult a psychologist for sexual education and counseling. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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[|Human|] My 19 year old son is having the following: just before drifting off to sleep, comfortably resting in bed, he experiences shortness of breath that wakes him up with a start.He reports that he is eventually able to get to sleep. He is otherwise healthy but is treated for ADD with Stratera and Tourettes with a very low dose of Clonidine. This shortness of breath is a worry to him. Any thoughts?
[|AI|] Hithanks for using Chat Doctor Strategy and clonidine cause anxiety symptoms but choking sensation while sleeping is rare. this difficulty in breathing may be due to panic attack or obstructive sleep apnea, which sometime occur during nighttime. If he has this episode only at night, better to go for polysomnography that would help u find out the exact reason. For detail evaluation, consult a pulmonologist. Thanks
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[|Human|] My mother got a very sore lump on her neck whicChatDoctore up when she was undergoing Typhoid treatment. Typhoid went away, however the lump on neck became very sore and painful. Biopsy and CT Scan were done, however the cause has remain unknown for the lump. After 2 weeks of Antibiotics didnt help, doctor suggested to clear the puss out. Also doctor now suspects it could be due to Tubercluosis and has started medicines for same.Its been 4 weeks after the lump has been removed and an open 2 X 3 inch wound is present on neck, just above collar bone area. Its been advised to do dressing everyday and in te process a very thin tiny layer is removed from deep inside the wound. Also at times a white patchy balls type substance is found near the wound area and the person who performs dressing removes it using forceps (Its generally sticking inside). I want a second opinion on the entire medical procedure and would appreciate if you can provide me any further guidance.
[|AI|] HI. Thanks for an elucidated history. This looks to be tuberculosis unless proved otherwise, One can request for review biopsy just to clear the doubts. Please continue anti-tubercular treatment as the break is not a good idea. And these medicines are good antibiotics in itself. Typhoid by virtue of reducing the body-resistance gives way to the old not-clinically obvious infection like TB to come-up and show up as a disease. The while part which is removed is called a slough. Removing helps early healing. Please get her blood tests done related to hemoglobin, blood sugar, serum proteins, liver function tests, quantifier TB gold test so that we can know why she is not responding to the treatment. Please feel free to ask further if you want more clarification Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] My husband is in coumadin because of artificial valve in his heart. Heis also taking pain pill because ofhis back and joint pain. Is benefles good for him to alleviate the suffering from his back thus improve the way he walks. He can t walk more than 500feet without experiencingn excruciating pain. Help!
[|AI|] Dear patient What I'd your husband s age? Considering the history there are two possibilities 1. Disc prolapse with nerve root compression 2. Lumbar canal stenosis. If he is more than 45 year likelihood of 2nd diagnosis increases. I would advise radiograph of lumbosacral spine anteroposterior and lateral views to rule out bony abnormalities. I also recommend MRI of lumbosacral spine with screening of whole spine. MRI would correctly lead to diagnosis and help in planning treatment. Start taking diclofenac plus thiocolchicoside combination twice a day for 10 days along with tab vitamin B12 plus pregabalin 75 mg at bedtime for symptoms relief. If report is abnormal take a visit to spine specialist.
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[|Human|] I am 62 working as an RN and tripped on a BP cord and landed bam on my right knee. Huge hematoma just below my patella. Swelling, very little pain, burning, xrayed my joint no fractures. Five days later, my shin is a massive bruise, my anke is swollen and black, the actual knee still has a large bump, how long will this take to improve, and can I expect problems down the road. Walking is ok feel pressure on my knee from swelling, able to bend my knee with no difficulty, tightness. What would you suggest I do to help my body absorb this hematoma quickly.
[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to the magical world of health care, I went through your query, and let me assure you as per your symptoms your knee is fine. Haematoma will settle with time, and it is a natural mechanism which does not require hastening unless for a cause. The only thing you need to keep watch in future is about any instability felt while walking, for than you will need an MRI. Otherwise, it's fine. I hope my advice would have been useful, in decision-making regarding your treatment, still if you have any clarifications or doubts feel free to contact back. Thanks.
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[|Human|] hi sir m a.,/i,22yrs old,in a relationship,wanted to know abt the safe time to hav sex with my partner..i mean PLEASE TELL ME WHICH TIME PERIOD IS FAVOURABLE FOR INTERCOURSE .....I MEAN WHEN PREGNANCY DOESNT OCCUR.....m not getting the days circle 28 days before or 15 days later..could u pls analyse it
[|AI|] Hi, How do you dong ? Ovulation day is determined based your periods' duration. For a lady with 28 days cycle, ovulation will be on day 14, that is 14 days before periods. So if your cycle is regularly 30 days, ovulation is on Day 16, so on. First day of bleeding is Day 1 of cycle if your cycle is irregular, calculation is The Longest cycle minus 8, The Longest cycle minus 11 is duration of ovulation example, your longest cycle is 34 days & shortest cycle is 27 days34-8= 26 , 27-11 = 16, So between 16-26 will be your ovulation. So you can calculate the days using this calculation. Don't have sex during this ovulation period, these are unsafe days. Hope I have clarified your queries All the best Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I have a rash that comes and goes on my neck and hair line sometimes my face it gets dry and flakey burns and itches. but is worse before and at the beginning of my menstrual cycle. also I am 39 but for 4 years and worse in the last six months I wake up drenched in sweat premenstrual and feel hot most of the time. but it is worse in the early morning
[|AI|] HiT hanks for your queryAccording to your history, looks like you have seborrhea eczema. Ie Dan Chat Doctor. Seborrhea dermatitis (also known as "seborrhea eczema")is an inflammatory skin disorder affecting the scalp, face, and torso. Typically, seborrhea dermatitis presents with scaly, flaky, itchy, and red skin. It particularly affects the sebaceous-gland-rich areas of skin. In adolescents and adults, seborrhea dermatitis usually presents as scalp scaling similar to Dan
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[|Human|] I am 33 years old, I was diagnosed with pneumonia almost a month ago after a short period of low grade fever and dry cough. Even after treatment with 4 courses of antibiotics dry cough has not resolved.I am having pain on the right lower side of the rib which is constant and experiencing back pain and pains all over my back and chest in a nonspecific pattern. A chest CT was performed and found subsegmental consolidatory changes in the anterior and lateral basal segments of right lower lobe with bronchial wall thickening, minimal ground glass opacification in the adjacent posterior and medial basal segments, few small mediastinal and axillary lymph nodes, plus few lymph nodes seen in the pretracheal region, few of them showing dense calcification.My last lab report from december 23rd is as followsTOTAL COUNT-7200/cummNeutrophils-70%, Lymphocytes-28%, Eosinophils-2%ESR-28 mm/hr.Still I am having fatigue, dry cough and pains. What can it be?
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Possibility of post infectious bronchitis is more likely. Bronchitis (inflammation of airways) is common after pneumonia. And persistent Chat Doctor. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test).PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone).Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] my father age 50 suffered from acute abdominal pain a week ago. admitted in hospital. gall stone and pancreatis. is the situation worse. USG report of whole abdomen are as under GALL BLADDER - is well distented multiple stones are seen. PANCREASE - is mildly swollen. SERUM LYPASE - 34 units/litres. TOTAL BILLIRUBIN - 2.33. HEAMOGLOBIN - 11.6. Please suggest.
[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor, I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. The best solution is surgical removal of gallbladder and this should be done ASAP since some serious consequences may occur such as pancreatitis. Also, you need to avoid fried food, carbonated Chat Doctor. You should eat more milk products, vegetables and boiled food. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.
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[|Human|] I have pulmonary fibrosis and spent 49 days in the hospital and returned home dec 23rd. After being home 3 weeks and I have started to cough and spitting up mucuss white/yellow in color. I notice it takes me longer to get my oxygen level back up to exceptable level and I have a little pressure in my chest. Is this a concern or is it normal. Dick
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No, these symptoms are not normal. You should definitely concern about these symptoms. These symptoms suggest worsening of lung functions or infection. Pulmonary fibrosis patients are prone for lung infection. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system, chest x-ray (for lung infection) and PFT (pulmonary function test) (for lung functions). You may need antibiotics, inhaled bronchodilator and inhaled corticosteroids on the basis of these reports. Long term oxygen therapy (LOT) is also advisable in pulmonary fibrosis. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] Hi..I have chronic pain .. back, shoulder, ulnar nerve, right leg, left knee occasionally..I was a pedestrian and was hit by a car..I have been on pain medication which helps me to keep doctor has now accused me of being more addicted to the pills and treats me very shabbily when I see the point that I get terrible anxiety when I have to go and see him..he won t send me to any specialists because he said they can t help..I am so frustrated and then I find that the pain elevates when I worry or become agitated..I really need to see someone as a lot of the pain has been determined to be coming from my spine but I know that my elbow really hit the ground hard when I was thrown and have read about ulnar release doctor is uninterested and it has been 2 1/2 life is getting smaller and smaller and I have become withdrawn..not sure where to turn for help..thank you
[|AI|] Dear friend don't worry, you should take multivitamins witChatDoctorbination of methylcobalamine once daily. Take your pain medicine only when needed or severe cases of nerve injury from accidents some homeopatChatDoctoredicines have powerful action without side effects, and it will help you the nerve to heal fast. If you interested in homeopathy, please take following homeopatChatDoctoredicines for one month and then inform me about your pain.-Arica 6, 5-7 Chat Doctor. -Hyperion 30, 5-7 pills twice/thrice per day. Hope you get your answer. For more queries please don't hesitate to ask. Get well soon dear friend
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[|Human|] Hello, I was just wondering if taking Ovranette after a condom has split lowers the risk of pregnancy at all? Also if you have taken birth control can you still use the emergency pill? I am 20 years old, height is 5ft 9inches and I am ten and a half stone.
[|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern and here I would advise you that birth control medicine and emergency medicine are hormone contained medicine and if this is taken without any valid and pathological reason, because this disturbs the natural hormone cycle and that would be harmful, once you are on birth control medicine then no need to take the emergency pill anymore, take care and have a nice day.
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[|Human|] my father had his ultrasound this morning.based from it his prostate gland is enlarged 6.68x6.94x4.44cm volume is 107.7cm. impression indicated the following: infected cyst vs nodule,left kidney, cystitis and prostatomegaly grade 5 with concretions and suspicicous nodules. may i ask if he needs an operation?
[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Ultrasound scanning of your father has revealed 1) Gross Prostatomegaly and suspicious nodule in prostate2) Infected cyst or nodule in kidney. Considering the findings in report He has prostatomegaly with nodule which could be a cancerous nodule 2) The cyst in the kidney (Infected) In a given situation he has to undergo few more tests to establish diagnosis. Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical and digital rectal examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.1) Urine routine and culture.2) Ultrasound scanning of abdomen and pelvis3) Serum PSA.4) Ct Scan of abdomen and pelvis. Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis. Looking at the large sized prostate he will need to undergo surgery / Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] good evening my concern is that the roof of my mouth has turned a yellow colour,over the last 3months i,ve had 2 courses of anti biotics for viral,and bacterial infections still feel under the weather thanking you for your reply my age 49 i have asthma i also non hodgekins lymphoma i was giving the all clear last year after 10 yrs
[|AI|] Hi, oral infection might occur as the result minor trauma like biting or burning it with hot food, contagious(herpes simplex virus), canker sores(known as authors ulcers)are another common cause of dermatitis. Treatment is mainly depended upon the underlying cause, but symptomatic treatment is helpful as in most of the cases the cause remains unknown. You can see your family doctor or surgeon to rule out any other infective or malignant pathology, although the chances are rare. Here, I am giving you some information which can be beneficial to you.1) Maintain good oral hygiene and avoid hot and spicy foods.2) Antiseptic mouth wash(chlorhexidine) for gargles for rapid healing and to prevent secondary infection.3) Topical analgesic gel like Benzedrine which is also having a local anesthetic effect.4) Take folic acid with vitamin B complex to promote healing. Hope this information is helpful, but it would be advisable that you will see your doctor first and then ask for treatment.
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[|Human|] Hello im 7 days delayed. Me and my boyfriend went to hospital to have pregnancy blood test and it is positive. But we dont want this pregnancy what medicine can i take. Does taking primolut nor help me lose it. Thank you. Really i need your help. Because im in middle east now thats why i cant get pregnant
[|AI|] Hallow Dear, WHO has recommended Tab. Mifepristone to be followed after 24-48 hours by Tab. Bisoprolol for termination of pregnancy up to 9 weeks of gestation. After last dose of Bisoprolol, usually abortion starts within 24 hours; however, occasionally it may be delayed up to 7 days. The completeness of abortion can be ascertained by ultrasonography. For this purpose, pregnancy test on urine is not useful since it requires more than a week to become negative. These medicines are prescription medicines and should be obtained by Obstetricians prescription with advice regarding the dose and schedule of medicines. It is advisable to have a follow-up visit to the Obstetrician after 7 days of medicines. These medicines cause developmental abnormalities in the baby. Hence, in case of failure, the decision should not be changed to continuation of pregnancy; pregnancy should be terminated by surgical methods like MVA aspiration. I hope this helps you.
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[|Human|] i have had a small pea like lump under the skin on my back for a while now which moved slightly when i touched it, however now it seems to have come on the outside of the skin and is a purple pigmented lump that almost looks like a mole surrounded by a purple circle.
[|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. If you have any suspicion that this might be the mole, please do not wait or ignore it. Consult dermatologist as soon as possible. If the lump is protuberant, it might be a sebaceous cyst which due to touching it or pressing it become infected and pus with blood has appeared around it. This could cause such color as well. In case of cyst, you should consult a surgeon and have it removed. Hope this will help. Regards.
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[|Human|] hi can you please confirm todays is my 17day of the cycle and i have to follicle in the left ovary one for 38mm and the other 23mm and than my doctor gave me an injection to rupture the egg on 12/07/2012 but still the egg is not ruptured could you just advise me on this please should i wait for the egg to rupture or now it will not rupture
[|AI|] Dear Deepika hello! Thanks for posting a query on healthcare. Generally follicle should rupture within 36 hrs of getting an injection for ovulation induction .in your case already 5 days passed after the injection, and it is already 17th day of the cycle, so there is very little hope that follicle will rupture now. One of the follicle is already 38 mm suggestive of the cyst formation. I hope I could answer your query to your satisfaction.
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[|Human|] Hi, I m 38years old female and currently trying for baby. Period was late 10 days and I got all the symptoms like nausea , backache , cramp alike around lower abdomen. However, twice pregnancy tests shown negative. My heart beat currently is 86 pm, blood pressure is 113... Just went for blood test and result will know in 2 days time. Could there be possible I m pregnant?
[|AI|] Hi there, Your pregnancy test have come negative twice, so it looks highly unlikely that you are pregnant. Your symptoms may or may not be related to pregnancy. Your heart beat and BP seems alright. Home pregnancy test kits are quite specific unless you have done the test wrong. So if they have come negative twice then it seems you're not pregnant. But it can be confirmed only with a blood test of Serum Chat Doctor levels or an ultrasound. Hope u have done that with you blood test and you're waiting for the same results. Take care and all the best.
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[|Human|] Hello My partner currently takes ciprolex for anxiety but we are trying to conceive again. He was taking Citalopram for years and in 2012 we conceived but at 20 weeks we were told our little boy had a fatal case of osteogenesis imperfecta, so I was told I had to terminate the pregnancy at 21 weeks for medical reasons. I m worried about this happening again but we really want a baby now. I am 35, my partner is 37. Does Ciprolex cause any defects in feteuses? My partner thinks that the citalopram may have caused the issue with our baby boy. He wants to gradually come off them but has a condition called derealisation and every time he reduces them he gets bad side effects relating to derealisation. Please can you help us? Regards Emma
[|AI|] Hi, I think citalopram does have an effect on sperms count, motility and morphology. It can lead to birth defects also. So, he can consult a doctor to change the medicines if possible. You can try GUI in which semen is processed and count and motility is increased. But if it doesn't work and your husband cant lave the medicines, other option is going for IVF with CSI. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any other query I will be happy to help. Regards Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] My last period was Jan 19 2014, i have took pregnancy test and they were all negative.. now since July 7th its been like i am getting a bladder infection(which i dont ever get) so i been drinking nuttin but water and cranberry juice then on July 8th i went to the bathroom and when I whiped there was light blood like i was going to start but i never did then a few more days went by and friday July 11th i went to the bathroom and I whipped and again there was light blood with small tiny blood clot. My periods are usually off i can go every other month or every two to three months with out it. The last time i didnt have a period like this i had found out i was pregnanct in July of 2006 want to doctor in August and was only 9 weeks! And then again i had to get a blood test done to find out. I do have abdominal pains. I dont feel pregnanct nor want to be right now. I have a doctor appt aug 29th.
[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to ChatDoctorBased on the history and symptoms it appears that you have UTI. Please get your routine urine test and urine culture done to find out the organisms causing this infection and antibiotics to which they are sensitive to. Take broad spectrum antibiotics like Čeferin along with urinary antiseptic like Nitrofurantoin twice daily and urine alkalizer thrice daily. Later on switch on to appropriate antibiotics as per culture report. Chat Doctor. Thank you.
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[|Human|] I brushed my upper gums with a toothbrush. Gums around teeth are fine this is the upper part of the gums and now i have what almost looks like ulcers where I brushed and they are very painful and my face is swollen on the worst side. What can I do to alleviate this?
[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The ulcers could be a traumatic ulcer caused by tooth brush. The swelling could be secondary to the trauma to the gums leading to cellulitis, or it can be an angioedema secondary to the toothpaste or any food items. Consult an oral physician to rule out these two conditions. If it is a traumatic ulcer you can take topical anesthetic and analgesics like Anabel gel. If it is a cellulitis, then you have to take a course of antibiotics like combination of penicillin and metronidazole(if you are not allergic). If it is allergic or angioedema, you have to take antihistamines like cetirizine. Consult an oral physician and follow his instructions. I hope my answer will help you. Take care.
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[|Human|] Dear Sir,I am having Hypertension for the past 15 years and now 64 years old.The B.P measurements on18-12-2010 are 140/90.The first Micro Albuminurea test on the same day was 98mgs/l.I am taking the following medicines for the B.P.1.Monosorbitrate 20mg Tab 1-1-02.Betacard H Tab 1-0-03.Nicardia Rd 10mg Tab 1-0-04.Nicardia Rd 20mg Tab 0-0-15.Ecosprin 75mg Tab 0-1-0Due to presence of Micro Albumin in the Urine,Whether it is the case of Kidney Failure? What is the Precautions to be taken?Food and medicines to be taken?Kindly advise me in this regard.A.Srinivasan.
[|AI|] Dear Patient, albumin in purines is indirectly a sign of vascular disease that, in general, follows diabetic and hypertensive nephropathy. Fortunately, with a good pressing control, low salt diet, healthy lifestyle, correction of dyslipidemia it can be reverted. Keep this factors under control and it can even disappear. Microangiopatia is associated with cardiovascular diseases and kidney failure, but in the long term. It is a sign that should be taken cautiously. Take care,
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[|Human|] Hello there,About 10 years ago I had a crown placed on a tooth that had previously been home to a huge amalgam filling. I have had zero trouble out of this tooth until recently. About a month ago I noticed that the crown felt loose and if I press straight up on the crown with my tongue, It feels like it is moving up (ever so slightly). This tooth has not had a root canal and when I have seen x-rays of the tooth since then, I notice what looks like a tiny metal rod that goes down into what tooth was left. I assume this was because there wasnt much tooth remaining after removing the filling material. My issue is that I am leary of having this tooth checked out because I dont want to lose it as it is toward the front of my mouth. How difficult is it to replace a crown? especially if the crown in question has a post already installed? Thanks so much
[|AI|] Hello there, Thanks for writing your query, According to your clinical history I suspect you had a PIN RETAINED amalgam restoration over your tooth. Usually post with crown preparation is done only after the tooth is devitalized by root canal procedure. In your case as you have mentioned you have no symptoms of pain and discomfort related to the tooth, we need to check the vitality of the tooth before replacing the crown. Exact diagnosis can be made only after clinical examination and evaluation by taking radiographs. If needed, Root canal procedure is done to disinfect the tooth by removing the infected nerve tissue and the root canals are cleaned, shaped and filled with permanent restorative material. Once the treatment is completed, the tooth can be restored by a post and core preparation with a prosthetic crown coverage. I hope this helps, take care.
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[|Human|] i am having lump near neck and recently i found another lump near the ribs.i am feeling very bad and i am very affraid of those,bcoz few people are saying that those are symptoms for it like tat and can u plz suggest me any nice doctor in pune
[|AI|] Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual clinic. I studied your query in full details updated from you. I understood your health concerns. Based on your query data, In my opinion, Dear You seem to suffer from NHL-Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, which possibility could be ruled out, if you want to rule out cancer fear, which you seem to have. With no further information I would suggest you to Consult a Surgeon / Physician to investigate these lumps at these neck/ near rib site and treat it accordingly. A detailed physical information with proper investigation would only lead to the right treatment of your lumps with scanty information from Your query. Hope this reply would help you to evaluate your case and treat it with your doctors in time to come. Hope this would resolve your query and worry and Anxiety accompanied by it. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME. I would love to help you out.Awaiting any further query. Wish you fast recovery from this intriguing health problem. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl-CVTS -Senior Surgical Consultant
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[|Human|] hai sir i m subohi i was taking spasmo proxyvon 2 strip per day. but suddenly govt. banned all narcotic product..i m not having this sisce 10 days but still i m not able to recover from the depression. i cant sleep since 10 days and now i m frostating. of this life... so plz help me. the uternative medecines which i can plz help me its my heatly request to all of uuuuuuuu..plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[|AI|] Thank you for your query. Spasm Procyon contains dextropropoxyphane, an opioid analgesic (similar, but less potent than morphine). It appears that you have opioid dependence, and since you have stopped taking the substance, you are currently suffering from with Chat Doctor. The patients who come to me with this condition, I usually admit him and treat him with a gradually decreasing schedule of low potency opioid
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[|Human|] Hi, back in march I was diagnosed with poison oak/ivy on my lower legs. My doctor prescribed prednisone for about 13 days(20mg...3aday for 3 days, 2aday for 3days and so on). My legs did start to clear up. However I started new rashes on my stomach,arms,under breast that appear to be contact dermititis and about a week or so after finishing the meds, he put me on another round of prednisone for about 9days..same strength and also gave me a prednisone shot. The rash starting looking better. I also took some oatmeal baths,using aveeno lotion,and taking benydryl as well.But here I am again, and about 4days to a week later after finishing prednisone and I am in worse shape. My rash is more wide spread, but doesn t always itch but it can be painful around my bra line..i guess from the heat/sweat. Do you have any idea why this is happening? Thanks.
[|AI|] Hi Dear, Understanding your concern. As per your query you have symptoms of skin rash all over the body which could be due to hormonal disturbances and allergic reaction of body. I would suggest you to visit dermatologist once and get it examined. You should go for patch test for allergic reaction. Start treatment after proper examination and diagnosis. Till then APPLY topical steroid e.g. fluticasone propionate cream, twice daily at affected sites for 7- 10 days. Avoid intake of oily and fast food. You should not touch and prick them. Chat Doctor. Hope your concern has been resolved. Best Wishes,
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[|Human|] i am an 39yrs male with obese structure. During a medical exam i was detected with a sludge in gallbladder and asked to repeat the same after 10 days. what is the remedy to get rid of the sludge within short span. This is quite important as it is going to cost my job.
[|AI|] Hello! Thanks for putting your query in Chat Doctor. I am a Gastroenterologist (DM). Most of the time presence of sludge in gallbladder is asymptomatic and there is no need of doing anything for it. However, taking tablet ursodeoxycholic acid 300 mg TDS may dissolve it. I hope I have answered your query and this will help you. If you have any further query I will be happy to answer that too. Remain in touch and get-well soon.
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[|Human|] I am suffering from hyperbillirubinaemia. After that my body is not worked properly. In the morning season total body pain specifically upper portion of both leg. Doctor advice me to take TAB UBICAR AND NEW BONA PLUS. I want to know that the above mentioned two (2) drugs are safe.
[|AI|] Hi, Yes, these medications are safe. Based on the history you seem to be suffering from painful nerve condition for which your doctor has prescribed these medications. Vicar which consists of two anti-oxidants coenzyme Q10 and levocarnitine effectively used to treat nutritional deficiencies. Newton plus contains calcium, L-methylfolate, methylcobalamin, pyridoxine and vitamin D3 and effectively used to treat deficiency states. They are considered to be safe. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
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[|Human|] hallo doctor, my name is rony, i has a little bit concern with my infant, he is 8 month old, but sometimes when he got the pee (urine) his urine colour is orange and it has like a sand or crystal on his urine and it stack in his pants, could you tell me what s wrong with my son, and how i take the anticipation for it, thank so much for you kindness
[|AI|] Hi Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. I have few queries to ask.1. Is baby on any medication like Complex multivitamins?2. Is baby on any other medicine.3./Is baby active and not deny Chat Doctor. If I were to be your treating doctor I would have asked for Urine Routine Microscopy and Culture Sensitivity test. Also, would have got Ultrasound kidney ureter bladder to rule out any physical trauma. Hope I have stratified you. In case you have more query I am happy to answer else rate this answer and close the discussion.
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[|Human|] Yesterday I had severe lower abdominal cramping. When these cramps happen I usually have to use the bathroom. However yesterday I could not. This is gonna sound funny, but it seemed like my butt wouldnt open up to go. Finally I took a suppository childrens at that because I couldnt think of anything else and just wanted to go and stop the pain. I finally did go a few time after about a 5 hr period. I am on my period. However I almost never have these cramps or if I do they are not severe like these were. I am 39 yrs old and weigh 145 and 5 feet 9 inches
[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. Undergone through your history carefully. This is suggestive of colitis, where you have census- meaning pain and feeling like going to the toilet. But nothing comes out except for some mucus in some cases. Due to the periods, there is congestion in the pelvic area, and this may add to the problem. I would advise you to take a course of an antibiotic active against intestine and symptomatic treatment like anti-spasmodic tablets. Take plenty of oral fluids. If necessary the oral rely Chat Doctor. Wait and watch. If the problem becomes recurrent you may need a colonoscopy and other investigations like ultrasonography / blood / urine and stool tests.
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[|Human|] My son received celestamine syryp in January 2011 and I still have some. He seems to have a stuffy nose and constant cough at night when he sleeps. He just completed a course of antibiotics 2 weeks ago. Am I able to still use this Celestamine from jan 2011 now end of March?
[|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query your son have stuffy nose and constant cough which is due to impaired immunity of body and susceptibility of getting infected. Celesta mine syrup which you bought in 2011 you have to check its expiry date. If it is expired then you have to buy a new one rather than using the remained one. You should take steam inhalation as well. You should go to pediatrician once and should go for CT sinuses. Furthermore, you should get X-ray chest done along with pulmonary function tests to find out extent of infection and start treatment. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
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[|Human|] I am rahul. Age 34 i often suffer from fatty liver this is the fourth time why does it often comes back i also have chronic constipation from years which is herediety currently i have pain on my right side of my abdomen exactly below the ribcage where the liver is situated can you suggest any permanent relief...i once consulted to gastro specialist.Dr.shankaran a year back who treated me for fatty liver but it seems like it has return back. the pain is worse after eating
[|AI|] His went through your concern regarding your condition of fatty liver. Fatty liver is a condition in which triglycerides are deposited in liver. And this condition has strong relationship with obesity and other metabolic conditions like diabetes etc. And if inflammation is also present along with fatty liver in the form of raise ALT level in blood then it is called as NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis). NASH needs aggressive treatment. Well for your condition you have to concentrate on losing your weight if you are obese by changing your lifestyle n dietary modification. You should start regular exercise and avoid junk foods, oily foods and sweets. If still your fatty liver condition persists after 2-3 months then you should start capsule ursodeoxycholic acid 250 mg once a day along with vitamin E 200-400 mg once a day. Combination of these two medications has shown promising effects in clinical trials. Hope you will try to follow the advice. I wish you good luck
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[|Human|] My mom had a brain annuersym on jan 15 she is in a rehab and is scheduled for a reinsert of her skull peice. she had contracted sidamonas from the hospital and she has a current infection not sure exactly what they havent told us her surgery was scheduled for the 9th of july and they said now there is 3 medicines that will fight the infection sounds like 2 has pennacillin in them which she is allergic two she had a pic line in so the last one was an iv the pic line had to be removed because they ended up ripping it out changing her I was wondering if there is anything i can do to get a second oppinion insted of relying on the in house doctor. At this point I really cant trust her I feel she is not doing best for my mom. My mom is on medicade and trying to find someone in my area I am near toms river nj.
[|AI|] Hello and thanks for using Chat Doctor. I have read your question and understand your concerns. A ruptured brain aneurysm should be treated by surgery (clipping) or by endovascular embolization (coiling), because re-bleeding could be catastrophic. If the aneurysm is closed by these measures there is no risk of re-bleeding. Since there was infection (Pseudocodes right?), first there is need to treat it by using antibiotics according to angiogram culture results. If your mother is allergic to penicillin, she could not use it or other penicillin related antibiotics. The treatment of the aneurysm should be done after the infection is treated successfully and confirmed by blood tests. Till then, control of blood pressure between normal ranges is necessary to avoid re-bleeding. Hope you found the answer helpful. Greetings.
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[|Human|] Im 21years 8months of old. recently because of excessive pain i got u/s for scortum and im diagnosed with bilateral Grade 1 varicocele and epididmyal cyst on the right having pain or discomfort from past one year. please teme the best solution possible, because Im afraid of ma on coming marriage life
[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Based on your statement you have Bilateral Grade 1 Varicocele with Epididymis Cyst on Rt side. Grade one Varicocele do not require any active intervention and can be dealt with measures like wearing scrotal support, avoiding Chat Doctor. And taking mild painkillers when required. As regards Epididymis Cyst it is benign painless cyst and does not require any treatment. Monitor the grade of Varicocele by doing Ultra Sound Scanning of Scrotum every six months and get your semen analysis done to know the total sperm count to rule out Oligospermia which is deciding factor as regards surgical intervention to treat Varicocele.
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[|Human|] Hello doctor, My husband suffers from vericocele grade 2..previously his SA test resulted in 5 million last month again we took SA test (after three months gap from the first test), it is now 31 there chance for us to get pregnant? sperm count will not go down anymore right?
[|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. Semen analysis of last report shows 31 million, but what is motility. As motility is very important as far as fertility is concerned, and you said that your husband having varicocele grade 2, So complete report help me in answering the question, and if motility and other parameters are normal then you can conceive. As far as sperm count decrease or not further, is depends on severity of varicocele. Hope I answered your question. Would be happy to hello you further. Take care.
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