5 values
20 values
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twis
here I would have spared you the degradation but we must hear them from your own lips before we part and you know why Go on said the person addressed turning away his face Quick I have almost done enough I think Don t keep me here This child said Mr Brownlow drawing Oliver to him and laying his hand upon his head is your half brother the illegitimate son of your father my dear friend Edwin Leeford by poor young Agnes Fleming who died in giving him birth Yes said Monks scowling at the trembling boy the beating of
H.G. Wells
Invisible Man
he was A long research Got quite cross A damnable long research said he blowing the cork out so to speak Oh said I And out came the grievance The man was just on the boil and my question boiled him over He had been given a prescription most valuable prescription what for he wouldn t say Was it medical Damn you What are you fishing after I apologised Dignified sniff and cough He resumed He d read it Five ingredients Put it down turned his head Draught of air from window lifted the paper Swish rustle He was working
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twis
year before the child was born I found out that And this is all said Monks after a close and eager scrutiny of the contents of the little packet All replied the woman Mr Bumble drew a long breath as if he were glad to find that the story was over and no mention made of taking the five and twenty pounds back again and now he took courage to wipe the perspiration which had been trickling over his nose unchecked during the whole of the previous dialogue I know nothing of the story beyond what I can guess at
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twis
counted the teaspoons re weighed the sugar tongs made a closer inspection of the milk pot and ascertained to a nicety the exact condition of the furniture down to the very horse hair seats of the chairs and had repeated each process full half a dozen times before he began to think that it was time for Mrs Corney to return Thinking begets thinking as there were no sounds of Mrs Corney s approach it occured to Mr Bumble that it would be an innocent and virtuous way of spending the time if he were further to allay his curiousity
Robert Louis Stevenson
The Black Arrow
In the bottom of his heart Dick already entertained a great terror and some hatred for the man whom he had rescued but the invitation was so worded that it would not have been merely discourteous but cruel to refuse or hesitate and he hastened to comply And now my lord duke he said when he had regained his freedom do I suppose aright Are ye my Lord Duke of Gloucester I am Richard of Gloucester returned the other And you how call they you Dick told him his name and presented Lord Foxham s signet which the duke immediately
Robert Louis Stevenson
Tales and Fantasies
cottage door he knocked and a voice bade him enter The kitchen which opened directly off the garden was somewhat darkened by foliage but he could see her as she approached from the far end to meet him This second sight of her surprised him Her strong black brows spoke of temper easily aroused and hard to quiet her mouth was small nervous and weak there was something dangerous and sulky underlying in her nature much that was honest compassionate and even noble My father s name she said has made you very welcome And she gave him her hand
Arthur Conan Doyle
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
I could but silence that foul tongue I did it Mr Holmes I would do it again Deeply as I have sinned I have led a life of martyrdom to atone for it But that my girl should be entangled in the same meshes which held me was more than I could suffer I struck him down with no more compunction than if he had been some foul and venomous beast His cry brought back his son but I had gained the cover of the wood though I was forced to go back to fetch the cloak which I had
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Lost World
And there to the south A wilderness of swampy forest where no white man has ever been The unknown is up against us on every side Outside the narrow lines of the rivers what does anyone know Who will say what is possible in such a country Why should old man Challenger not be right At which direct defiance the stubborn sneer would reappear upon Professor Summerlee s face and he would sit shaking his sardonic head in unsympathetic silence behind the cloud of his briar root pipe So much for the moment for my two white companions whose characters
H.G. Wells
Invisible Man
you Nothing down it right down to the joint I could see right down it to the elbow and there was a glimmer of light shining through a tear of the cloth Good God I said Then he stopped Stared at me with those black goggles of his and then at his sleeve Well That s all He never said a word just glared and put his sleeve back in his pocket quickly I was saying said he that there was the prescription burning wasn t I Interrogative cough How the devil said I can you move an empty sleeve
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Lost World
camp for some carbolic Who knows what venom these beasts may have in their hideous jaws But surely no men ever had just such a day since the world began Some fresh surprise was ever in store for us When following the course of our brook we at last reached our glade and saw the thorny barricade of our camp we thought that our adventures were at an end But we had something more to think of before we could rest The gate of Fort Challenger had been untouched the walls were unbroken and yet it had been visited by
H.G. Wells
Invisible Man
so fast that his legs verily twinkled Another of those fools said Dr Kemp Like that ass who ran into me this morning round a corner with the Visible Man a coming sir I can t imagine what possesses people One might think we were in the thirteenth century He got up went to the window and stared at the dusky hillside and the dark little figure tearing down it He seems in a confounded hurry said Dr Kemp but he doesn t seem to be getting on If his pockets were full of lead he couldn t run heavier
Robert Louis Stevenson
Jekyll and Hyde
the action of the fire the other half of the stick was found behind the door and as this clinched his suspicions the officer declared himself delighted A visit to the bank where several thousand pounds were found to be lying to the murderer s credit completed his gratification You may depend upon it sir he told Mr Utterson I have him in my hand He must have lost his head or he never would have left the stick or above all burned the cheque book Why money s life to the man We have nothing to do but wait
Arthur Conan Doyle
Hound of Baskervilles
which leads a man to lurk in such a place at such a time And what deep and earnest purpose can he have which calls for such a trial There in that hut upon the moor seems to lie the very centre of that problem which has vexed me so sorely I swear that another day shall not have passed before I have done all that man can do to reach the heart of the mystery Chapter 11 The Man on the Tor The extract from my private diary which forms the last chapter has brought my narrative up to
Robert Louis Stevenson
Tales and Fantasies
my rent too Here take my horse The Admiral this hot afternoon was sitting by the window with a long glass He already knew the Squire by sight and now seeing him dismount before the cottage and come striding through the garden concluded without doubt he was there to ask for Esther s hand This is why the girl is not yet home he thought a very suitable delicacy on young Naseby s part And he composed himself with some pomp answered the loud rattle of the riding whip upon the door with a dulcet invitation to enter and coming
Robert Louis Stevenson
Tales and Fantasies
presently beating for admittance In an evil hour he satisfied the jealous inquiries of the contraband hotel keeper in an evil hour he penetrated into the somewhat unsavoury interior Alan to be sure was there seated in a room lighted by noisy gas jets beside a dirty table cloth engaged on a coarse meal and in the company of several tipsy members of the junior bar But Alan was not sober he had lost a thousand pounds upon a horse race had received the news at dinner time and was now in default of any possible means of extrication drowning
Arthur Conan Doyle
Tales of Terror and Mystery
influence I leave the stones in your hands sir Do what you like about it But remember that whatever you do against me is done against the future husband of your only daughter You will hear from me soon again Elise It is the last time that I will ever cause pain to your tender heart and with these words he left both the room and the house My position was a dreadful one Here I was with these precious relics in my possession and how could I return them without a scandal and an exposure I knew the depth
Jane Austen
could be ignorant of any of the particulars of Mr Frank Churchill s going she proceeded to give them all it was of no consequence What Mr Elton had learned from the ostler on the subject being the accumulation of the ostler s own knowledge and the knowledge of the servants at Randalls was that a messenger had come over from Richmond soon after the return of the party from Box Hill which messenger however had been no more than was expected and that Mr Churchill had sent his nephew a few lines containing upon the whole a tolerable account
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Lost World
situation for what it is worth he inflated his chest enormously and looked insolently around him at the words is that evolution has advanced under the peculiar conditions of this country up to the vertebrate stage the old types surviving and living on in company with the newer ones Thus we find such modern creatures as the tapir an animal with quite a respectable length of pedigree the great deer and the ant eater in the companionship of reptilian forms of jurassic type So much is clear And now come the ape men and the Indian What is the scientific
Jane Austen
duty or discretion as inevitably to defy the suggestions of very opposite feelings She only roused herself from the broodings of this restless agitation to let Mrs Clay know that she had been seen with Mr Elliot three hours after his being supposed to be out of Bath for having watched in vain for some intimation of the interview from the lady herself she determined to mention it and it seemed to her there was guilt in Mrs Clay s face as she listened It was transient cleared away in an instant but Anne could imagine she read there the
Robert Louis Stevenson
Jekyll and Hyde
down with a darkened brow to make a feint of breakfasting Small indeed was my appetite This inexplicable incident this reversal of my previous experience seemed like the Babylonian finger on the wall to be spelling out the letters of my judgment and I began to reflect more seriously than ever before on the issues and possibilities of my double existence That part of me which I had the power of projecting had lately been much exercised and nourished it had seemed to me of late as though the body of Edward Hyde had grown in stature as though when
Jane Austen
would be dangerous Harriet tempted by every thing and swayed by half a word was always very long at a purchase and while she was still hanging over muslins and changing her mind Emma went to the door for amusement Much could not be hoped from the traffic of even the busiest part of Highbury Mr Perry walking hastily by Mr William Cox letting himself in at the office door Mr Cole s carriage horses returning from exercise or a stray letter boy on an obstinate mule were the liveliest objects she could presume to expect and when her eyes
Jane Austen
Mansfield Park
and pleasing and one very pretty There is a beauty in every family it is a regular thing Two play on the pianoforte and one on the harp and all sing or would sing if they were taught or sing all the better for not being taught or something like it I know nothing of the Miss Owens said Fanny calmly You know nothing and you care less as people say Never did tone express indifference plainer Indeed how can one care for those one has never seen Well when your cousin comes back he will find Mansfield very quiet
H.G. Wells
The Island of Doctor Moreau
carried him down to the beach and went splashing into the dazzling welter of the sea On said I on Carry him far They went in up to their armpits and stood regarding me Let go said I and the body of Montgomery vanished with a splash Something seemed to tighten across my chest Good said I with a break in my voice and they came back hurrying and fearful to the margin of the water leaving long wakes of black in the silver At the water s edge they stopped turning and glaring into the sea as though they
Robert Louis Stevenson
m a queer man and strange wi strangers but my word is my bond and there s the proof of it Now my uncle seemed so miserly that I was struck dumb by this sudden generosity and could find no words in which to thank him No a word said he Nae thanks I want nae thanks I do my duty I m no saying that everybody would have done it but for my part though I m a careful body too it s a pleasure to me to do the right by my brother s son and it s
Jane Austen
such a sentiment is allowable in human nature nothing to reproach myself with and if I mistake not a strong sense of duty is no bad part of a woman s portion He looked at her looked at Lady Russell and looking again at her replied as if in cool deliberation Not yet But there are hopes of her being forgiven in time I trust to being in charity with her soon But I too have been thinking over the past and a question has suggested itself whether there may not have been one person more my enemy even than
Charles Dickens
Great Expectations
my inability to settle to anything which I hope arose out of the restless and incomplete tenure on which I held my means I had a taste for reading and read regularly so many hours a day That matter of Herbert s was still progressing and everything with me was as I have brought it down to the close of the last preceding chapter Business had taken Herbert on a journey to Marseilles I was alone and had a dull sense of being alone Dispirited and anxious long hoping that to morrow or next week would clear my way and
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twis
me The short and the long of what you mean said Nancy speaking very emphatically and slightly frowning at Oliver as if to bespeak his serious attention to her words is that if you re crossed by him in this job you have on hand you ll prevent his ever telling tales afterwards by shooting him through the head and will take your chance of swinging for it as you do for a great many other things in the way of business every month of your life That s it observed Mr Sikes approvingly women can always put things in
H.G. Wells
Invisible Man
the table and then she noticed the overcoat and hat had been taken off and put over a chair in front of the fire and a pair of wet boots threatened rust to her steel fender She went to these things resolutely I suppose I may have them to dry now she said in a voice that brooked no denial Leave the hat said her visitor in a muffled voice and turning she saw he had raised his head and was sitting and looking at her For a moment she stood gaping at him too surprised to speak He held
Jane Austen
whether furniture might not be in danger of suffering as much where there was no lady as where there were many children A lady without a family was the very best preserver of furniture in the world He had seen Mrs Croft too she was at Taunton with the admiral and had been present almost all the time they were talking the matter over And a very well spoken genteel shrewd lady she seemed to be continued he asked more questions about the house and terms and taxes than the Admiral himself and seemed more conversant with business and moreover
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Lost World
some minutes An acute observer might however have detected some signs of dissent amid the applause and gathered that the proceedings were likely to become more lively than harmonious It may safely be prophesied however that no one could have foreseen the extraordinary turn which they were actually to take Of the appearance of the four wanderers little need be said since their photographs have for some time been appearing in all the papers They bear few traces of the hardships which they are said to have undergone Professor Challenger s beard may be more shaggy Professor Summerlee s features
Robert Louis Stevenson
Jekyll and Hyde
which still lay ready in my cabinet For two months however I was true to my determination for two months I led a life of such severity as I had never before attained to and enjoyed the compensations of an approving conscience But time began at last to obliterate the freshness of my alarm the praises of conscience began to grow into a thing of course I began to be tortured with throes and longings as of Hyde struggling after freedom and at last in an hour of moral weakness I once again compounded and swallowed the transforming draught I
Robert Louis Stevenson
Tales and Fantasies
word with hatred He has been drinking Go she said and was turning to re enter the house when another thought arrested her Meet me to morrow morning at the stile she said I will replied Dick And then the door closed behind her and Dick was alone in the darkness There was still a chink of light above the sill a warm mild glow behind the window the roof of the cottage and some of the banks and hazels were defined in denser darkness against the sky but all else was formless breathless and noiseless like the pit Dick
Charles Dickens
Nicholas Nickleby
head past present or to come Mrs Nickleby kindly added that she hoped her children might never have greater cause to reproach themselves than she had and prepared herself to receive the escort who soon returned with the intelligence that the old gentleman was safely housed and that they found his custodians who had been making merry with some friends wholly ignorant of his absence Quiet being again restored a delicious half hour so Frank called it in the course of subsequent conversation with Tim Linkinwater as they were walking home was spent in conversation and Tim s watch at
Jane Austen
Mansfield Park
advantage of affluence will be doubled by the little privations and restrictions that may have been imposed I am sure you will not disappoint my opinion of you by failing at any time to treat your aunt Norris with the respect and attention that are due to her But enough of this Sit down my dear I must speak to you for a few minutes but I will not detain you long Fanny obeyed with eyes cast down and colour rising After a moment s pause Sir Thomas trying to suppress a smile went on You are not aware perhaps
Robert Louis Stevenson
would ye have They re none such fools as I took them for We have still the Forth to pass Davie weary fall the rains that fed and the hillsides that guided it And why go east said I Ou just upon the chance said he If we cannae pass the river we ll have to see what we can do for the firth There are fords upon the river and none upon the firth said I To be sure there are fords and a bridge forbye quoth Alan and of what service when they are watched Well said I
Robert Louis Stevenson
was broad awake and understood what passed sometimes I only heard voices or men snoring like the voice of a silly river and the plaids upon the wall dwindled down and swelled out again like firelight shadows on the roof I must sometimes have spoken or cried out for I remember I was now and then amazed at being answered yet I was conscious of no particular nightmare only of a general black abiding horror a horror of the place I was in and the bed I lay in and the plaids on the wall and the voices and the
Robert Louis Stevenson
The Black Arrow
will be overbold and at the risk of your disfavour recall your lordship s promise replied Dick Richard of Gloucester flushed Mark it right well he said harshly I love not mercy nor yet mercymongers Ye have this day laid the foundations of high fortune If ye oppose to me my word which I have plighted I will yield But by the glory of heaven there your favour dies Mine is the loss said Dick Give him his sailor said the duke and wheeling his horse he turned his back upon young Shelton Dick was nor glad nor sorry He
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twis
the red faced gentleman in the high chair So you ll begin to pick oakum to morrow morning at six o clock added the surly one in the white waistcoat For the combination of both these blessings in the one simple process of picking oakum Oliver bowed low by the direction of the beadle and was then hurried away to a large ward where on a rough hard bed he sobbed himself to sleep What a novel illustration of the tender laws of England They let the paupers go to sleep Poor Oliver He little thought as he lay sleeping
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield
another until now he looked from the top of the fortifications with the eye of a philosopher and a patron on the people down in the trenches My reflections on this theme were still in progress when dinner was announced Mr Waterbrook went down with Hamlet s aunt Mr Henry Spiker took Mrs Waterbrook Agnes whom I should have liked to take myself was given to a simpering fellow with weak legs Uriah Traddles and I as the junior part of the company went down last how we could I was not so vexed at losing Agnes as I might
H.G. Wells
The Island of Doctor Moreau
other two I turned and walked towards the dead bodies keeping my face towards the three kneeling Beast Men very much as an actor passing up the stage faces the audience They broke the Law said I putting my foot on the Sayer of the Law They have been slain even the Sayer of the Law even the Other with the Whip Great is the Law Come and see None escape said one of them advancing and peering None escape said I Therefore hear and do as I command They stood up looking questioningly at one another Stand there said
Jane Austen
always been lucky he knew he should be so still Such confidence powerful in its own warmth and bewitching in the wit which often expressed it must have been enough for Anne but Lady Russell saw it very differently His sanguine temper and fearlessness of mind operated very differently on her She saw in it but an aggravation of the evil It only added a dangerous character to himself He was brilliant he was headstrong Lady Russell had little taste for wit and of anything approaching to imprudence a horror She deprecated the connexion in every light Such opposition as
Charles Dickens
Nicholas Nickleby
up again God knows you are rejoined Nicholas and if you fail it shall go hard but I ll do enough for us both Do we go all the way today asked Smike after a short silence That would be too severe a trial even for your willing legs said Nicholas with a good humoured smile No Godalming is some thirty and odd miles from London as I found from a map I borrowed and I purpose to rest there We must push on again tomorrow for we are not rich enough to loiter Let me relieve you of that
H.G. Wells
Time Machine
wrong The Upperworld people might once have been the favoured aristocracy and the Morlocks their mechanical servants but that had long since passed away The two species that had resulted from the evolution of man were sliding down towards or had already arrived at an altogether new relationship The Eloi like the Carlovignan kings had decayed to a mere beautiful futility They still possessed the earth on sufferance since the Morlocks subterranean for innumerable generations had come at last to find the daylit surface intolerable And the Morlocks made their garments I inferred and maintained them in their habitual needs
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield
how and the man followed She waved her hand to me to go away so earnestly that all confounded as I was I turned from them at once In doing so I heard her say to the coachman Drive anywhere Drive straight on and presently the chariot passed me going up the hill What Mr Dick had told me and what I had supposed to be a delusion of his now came into my mind I could not doubt that this person was the person of whom he had made such mysterious mention though what the nature of his hold
Arthur Conan Doyle
Tales of Terror and Mystery
cut out of the soft tufa The lantern cast a flickering light bright below and dim above over the cracked brown walls In every direction were the black openings of passages which radiated from this common centre I want you to follow me closely my friend said Burger Do not loiter to look at anything upon the way for the place to which I will take you contains all that you can see and more It will save time for us to go there direct He led the way down one of the corridors and the Englishman followed closely at
Charles Dickens
Great Expectations
And you remember that we came up with the two in a ditch and that there was a scuffle between them and that one of them had been severely handled and much mauled about the face by the other I see it all before me And that the soldiers lighted torches and put the two in the centre and that we went on to see the last of them over the black marshes with the torchlight shining on their faces I am particular about that with the torchlight shining on their faces when there was an outer ring of dark
H.G. Wells
The Sleeper Awakes
and broke out again Paris is now pacified All resistance is over Galloop The black police hold every position of importance in the city They fought with great bravery singing songs written in praise of their ancestors by the poet Kipling Once or twice they got out of hand and tortured and mutilated wounded and captured insurgents men and women Moral don t go rebelling Haha Galloop Galloop They are lively fellows Lively brave fellows Let this be a lesson to the disorderly banderlog of this city Yah Banderlog Filth of the earth Galloop Galloop The voice ceased There was
H.G. Wells
Time Machine
day of the cattle in the field Like the cattle they knew of no enemies and provided against no needs And their end was the same I grieved to think how brief the dream of the human intellect had been It had committed suicide It had set itself steadfastly towards comfort and ease a balanced society with security and permanency as its watchword it had attained its hopes to come to this at last Once life and property must have reached almost absolute safety The rich had been assured of his wealth and comfort the toiler assured of his life
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twis
recede do not sue to me for leniency when the power will have passed into other hands and do not say I plunged you down the gulf into which you rushed yourself Monks was plainly disconcerted and alarmed besides He hesitated You will decide quickly said Mr Brownlow with perfect firmness and composure If you wish me to prefer my charges publicly and consign you to a punishment the extent of which although I can with a shudder foresee I cannot control once more I say for you know the way If not and you appeal to my forbearance and
Robert Louis Stevenson
Blame While this was going on I looked about me at the servants Some were on ladders digging in the thatch of the house or the farm buildings from which they brought out guns swords and different weapons of war others carried them away and by the sound of mattock blows from somewhere farther down the brae I suppose they buried them Though they were all so busy there prevailed no kind of order in their efforts men struggled together for the same gun and ran into each other with their burning torches and James was continually turning about from
Charles Dickens
Nicholas Nickleby
always believe returned her father petulantly What is it By this time Nicholas had recovered sufficient presence of mind to speak for himself so he said as it had been agreed he should say that he had called about a pair of hand screens and some painted velvet for an ottoman both of which were required to be of the most elegant design possible neither time nor expense being of the smallest consideration He had also to pay for the two drawings with many thanks and advancing to the little table he laid upon it a bank note folded in
H.G. Wells
Time Machine
at my own expense I could not help myself I laughed aloud Going through the big palace it seemed to me that the little people avoided me It may have been my fancy or it may have had something to do with my hammering at the gates of bronze Yet I felt tolerably sure of the avoidance I was careful however to show no concern and to abstain from any pursuit of them and in the course of a day or two things got back to the old footing I made what progress I could in the language and in
Jane Austen
her father s gentleness with admiration as well as wonder Mr Martin looked as if he did not know what manner was They remained but a few minutes together as Miss Woodhouse must not be kept waiting and Harriet then came running to her with a smiling face and in a flutter of spirits which Miss Woodhouse hoped very soon to compose Only think of our happening to meet him How very odd It was quite a chance he said that he had not gone round by Randalls He did not think we ever walked this road He thought we
H.G. Wells
The Island of Doctor Moreau
placed the tray before me on the table Then astonishment paralysed me Under his stringy black locks I saw his ear it jumped upon me suddenly close to my face The man had pointed ears covered with a fine brown fur Your breakfast sair he said I stared at his face without attempting to answer him He turned and went towards the door regarding me oddly over his shoulder I followed him out with my eyes and as I did so by some odd trick of unconscious cerebration there came surging into my head the phrase The Moreau Hollows was
Robert Louis Stevenson
Tales and Fantasies
of old tombs the paths worn by the feet of worshippers and mourners and the offerings and the inscriptions of bereaved affection To rustic neighbourhoods where love is more than commonly tenacious and where some bonds of blood or fellowship unite the entire society of a parish the body snatcher far from being repelled by natural respect was attracted by the ease and safety of the task To bodies that had been laid in earth in joyful expectation of a far different awakening there came that hasty lamp lit terror haunted resurrection of the spade and mattock The coffin was
Jane Austen
Mrs Clay were a very beautiful woman I grant you it might be wrong to have her so much with me not that anything in the world I am sure would induce my father to make a degrading match but he might be rendered unhappy But poor Mrs Clay who with all her merits can never have been reckoned tolerably pretty I really think poor Mrs Clay may be staying here in perfect safety One would imagine you had never heard my father speak of her personal misfortunes though I know you must fifty times That tooth of hers and
Jane Austen
a vast dislike to puppies quite a horror of them They were never tolerated at Maple Grove Neither Mr Suckling nor me had ever any patience with them and we used sometimes to say very cutting things Selina who is mild almost to a fault bore with them much better While she talked of his son Mr Weston s attention was chained but when she got to Maple Grove he could recollect that there were ladies just arriving to be attended to and with happy smiles must hurry away Mrs Elton turned to Mrs Weston I have no doubt of
Jane Austen
you occupying your dear mother s place succeeding to all her rights and all her popularity as well as to all her virtues would be the highest possible gratification to me You are your mother s self in countenance and disposition and if I might be allowed to fancy you such as she was in situation and name and home presiding and blessing in the same spot and only superior to her in being more highly valued My dearest Anne it would give me more delight than is often felt at my time of life Anne was obliged to turn
Jane Austen
to say that he believed her to have been right in originally dividing them he was ready to say almost everything else in her favour and as for Mrs Smith she had claims of various kinds to recommend her quickly and permanently Her recent good offices by Anne had been enough in themselves and their marriage instead of depriving her of one friend secured her two She was their earliest visitor in their settled life and Captain Wentworth by putting her in the way of recovering her husband s property in the West Indies by writing for her acting for
H.G. Wells
Time Machine
exclamatory for a little while with gaps of wonderment and then the Editor got fervent in his curiosity Does our friend eke out his modest income with a crossing or has he his Nebuchadnezzar phases he inquired I feel assured it s this business of the Time Machine I said and took up the Psychologist s account of our previous meeting The new guests were frankly incredulous The Editor raised objections What _was_ this time travelling A man couldn t cover himself with dust by rolling in a paradox could he And then as the idea came home to him
H.G. Wells
The Sleeper Awakes
I did indeed fall asleep in a little stone built village in the days when there were hedgerows and villages and inns and all the countryside cut up into little pieces little fields Have you never heard of those days And it is I I who speak to you who awakened again these four days since Four days since the Sleeper But they ve _got_ the Sleeper They have him and they won t let him go Nonsense You ve been talking sensibly enough up to now I can see it as though I was there There will be Lincoln
H.G. Wells
The Sleeper Awakes
This is a time of unrest And in fact your appearance your waking just now has a sort of connexion He spoke jerkily like a man not quite sure of his breathing He stopped abruptly I don t understand said Graham It will be clearer later said Howard He glanced uneasily upward as though he found the progress of the lift slow I shall understand better no doubt when I have seen my way about a little said Graham puzzled It will be it is bound to be perplexing At present it is all so strange Anything seems possible Anything
Jane Austen
and shrubs which the wind was despoiling and the length of the day which only made such cruel sights the longer visible The weather affected Mr Woodhouse and he could only be kept tolerably comfortable by almost ceaseless attention on his daughter s side and by exertions which had never cost her half so much before It reminded her of their first forlorn tete a tete on the evening of Mrs Weston s wedding day but Mr Knightley had walked in then soon after tea and dissipated every melancholy fancy Alas such delightful proofs of Hartfield s attraction as those
Arthur Conan Doyle
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
much indebted to you for having cleared the matter up I wish I knew how you reach your results I reached this one said my friend by sitting upon five pillows and consuming an ounce of shag I think Watson that if we drive to Baker Street we shall just be in time for breakfast VII THE ADVENTURE OF THE BLUE CARBUNCLE I had called upon my friend Sherlock Holmes upon the second morning after Christmas with the intention of wishing him the compliments of the season He was lounging upon the sofa in a purple dressing gown a pipe
H.G. Wells
The Sleeper Awakes
ran on unheeding and so they came to and clambered up slippery steps to the rim of a great dome of glass Round this they went Far below a number of people seemed to be dancing and music filtered through the dome Graham fancied he heard a shouting through the snowstorm and his guide hurried him on with a new spurt of haste They clambered panting to a space of huge windmills one so vast that only the lower edge of its vanes came rushing into sight and rushed up again and was lost in the night and the snow
Jane Austen
Mansfield Park
an hour having spent scarcely twenty four hours in London after his return from Norfolk before he set off again that her cousin Edmund was in town had been in town he understood a few days that he had not seen him himself but that he was well had left them all well at Mansfield and was to dine as yesterday with the Frasers Fanny listened collectedly even to the last mentioned circumstance nay it seemed a relief to her worn mind to be at any certainty and the words then by this time it is all settled passed internally
H.G. Wells
Time Machine
been profoundly affected by these changes Social triumphs too had been effected I saw mankind housed in splendid shelters gloriously clothed and as yet I had found them engaged in no toil There were no signs of struggle neither social nor economical struggle The shop the advertisement traffic all that commerce which constitutes the body of our world was gone It was natural on that golden evening that I should jump at the idea of a social paradise The difficulty of increasing population had been met I guessed and population had ceased to increase But with this change in condition
H.G. Wells
Invisible Man
forward and handed Mrs Hall something which she staring at his metamorphosed face accepted automatically Then when she saw what it was she screamed loudly dropped it and staggered back The nose it was the stranger s nose pink and shining rolled on the floor Then he removed his spectacles and everyone in the bar gasped He took off his hat and with a violent gesture tore at his whiskers and bandages For a moment they resisted him A flash of horrible anticipation passed through the bar Oh my Gard said some one Then off they came It was worse
Jane Austen
Mansfield Park
the brother and sister about Bath so much between the two young men about hunting so much of politics between Mr Crawford and Dr Grant and of everything and all together between Mr Crawford and Mrs Grant as to leave her the fairest prospect of having only to listen in quiet and of passing a very agreeable day She could not compliment the newly arrived gentleman however with any appearance of interest in a scheme for extending his stay at Mansfield and sending for his hunters from Norfolk which suggested by Dr Grant advised by Edmund and warmly urged by
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield
to speak to you very particularly I have something to tell you my child Mr Creakle at whom of course I looked shook his head without looking at me and stopped up a sigh with a very large piece of buttered toast You are too young to know how the world changes every day said Mrs Creakle and how the people in it pass away But we all have to learn it David some of us when we are young some of us when we are old some of us at all times of our lives I looked at her
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield
can Perhaps that will be considered an acceptable course of proceeding I have already said sir that I have had my suspicions of Miss Spenlow in reference to David Copperfield for some time I have frequently endeavoured to find decisive corroboration of those suspicions but without effect I have therefore forborne to mention them to Miss Spenlow s father looking severely at him knowing how little disposition there usually is in such cases to acknowledge the conscientious discharge of duty Mr Spenlow seemed quite cowed by the gentlemanly sternness of Miss Murdstone s manner and deprecated her severity with a
H.G. Wells
Invisible Man
generally revel in my extraordinary advantage But hardly had I emerged upon Great Portland Street however my lodging was close to the big draper s shop there when I heard a clashing concussion and was hit violently behind and turning saw a man carrying a basket of soda water syphons and looking in amazement at his burden Although the blow had really hurt me I found something so irresistible in his astonishment that I laughed aloud The devil s in the basket I said and suddenly twisted it out of his hand He let go incontinently and I swung the
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twis
girl by dint of friendly nods and muttered encouragements I have got a friend that I think can gratify your darling wish and put you in the right way where you can take whatever department of the business you think will suit you best at first and be taught all the others Yer speak as if yer were in earnest replied Noah What advantage would it be to me to be anything else inquired Fagin shrugging his shoulders Here Let me have a word with you outside There s no occasion to trouble ourselves to move said Noah getting his
Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice
at all reconciled to the idea of so unsuitable a match The strangeness of Mr Collins s making two offers of marriage within three days was nothing in comparison of his being now accepted She had always felt that Charlotte s opinion of matrimony was not exactly like her own but she had not supposed it to be possible that when called into action she would have sacrificed every better feeling to worldly advantage Charlotte the wife of Mr Collins was a most humiliating picture And to the pang of a friend disgracing herself and sunk in her esteem was
H.G. Wells
The Sleeper Awakes
by white men Besides The negroes are only an instrument But that is not the question I am the Master I mean to be the Master And I tell you these negroes shall not come The people I believe in the people Because you are an anachronism You are a man out of the Past an accident You are Owner perhaps of the world Nominally legally But you are not Master You do not know enough to be Master He glanced at Lincoln again I know now what you think I can guess something of what you mean to do
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twis
as heartily as Master Bates could have done if he had heard the request Silence there cried the jailer What is this inquired one of the magistrates A pick pocketing case your worship Has the boy ever been here before He ought to have been a many times replied the jailer He has been pretty well everywhere else _I_ know him well your worship Oh you know me do you cried the Artful making a note of the statement Wery good That s a case of deformation of character any way Here there was another laugh and another cry of
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Lost World
You never heard such a jabberin and shriekin in your life The men were little red fellows and had been bitten and clawed so that they could hardly walk The ape men put two of them to death there and then fairly pulled the arm off one of them it was perfectly beastly Plucky little chaps they are and hardly gave a squeak But it turned us absolutely sick Summerlee fainted and even Challenger had as much as he could stand I think they have cleared don t you We listened intently but nothing save the calling of the birds
Robert Louis Stevenson
Jekyll and Hyde
have not forgot sir that at the time of the murder he had still the key with him But that s not all I don t know Mr Utterson if you ever met this Mr Hyde Yes said the lawyer I once spoke with him Then you must know as well as the rest of us that there was something queer about that gentleman something that gave a man a turn I don t know rightly how to say it sir beyond this that you felt in your marrow kind of cold and thin I own I felt something of
Robert Louis Stevenson
at which Alan might be found and the signals that were to be made by any that came seeking him Then I gave what money I had a guinea or two of Rankeillor s so that he should not starve in the meanwhile and then we stood a space and looked over at Edinburgh in silence Well good bye said Alan and held out his left hand Good bye said I and gave the hand a little grasp and went off down hill Neither one of us looked the other in the face nor so long as he was in
H.G. Wells
Time Machine
Has he been doing the Amateur Cadger I don t follow I met the eye of the Psychologist and read my own interpretation in his face I thought of the Time Traveller limping painfully upstairs I don t think anyone else had noticed his lameness The first to recover completely from this surprise was the Medical Man who rang the bell the Time Traveller hated to have servants waiting at dinner for a hot plate At that the Editor turned to his knife and fork with a grunt and the Silent Man followed suit The dinner was resumed Conversation was
Jane Austen
Mansfield Park
poultry was very much in want of some variety at home The arrival therefore of a sister whom she had always loved and now hoped to retain with her as long as she remained single was highly agreeable and her chief anxiety was lest Mansfield should not satisfy the habits of a young woman who had been mostly used to London Miss Crawford was not entirely free from similar apprehensions though they arose principally from doubts of her sister s style of living and tone of society and it was not till after she had tried in vain to persuade
Jane Austen
was perfectly resolved She believed it would be wiser for her to say and know at once all that she meant to say and know Plain dealing was always best She had previously determined how far she would proceed on any application of the sort and it would be safer for both to have the judicious law of her own brain laid down with speed She was decided and thus spoke Harriet I will not affect to be in doubt of your meaning Your resolution or rather your expectation of never marrying results from an idea that the person whom
Robert Louis Stevenson
Tales and Fantasies
wind s eye sir once once only since I reached this place retorted the Admiral And even then I was fit for any drawing room I should like you to tell me how many fathers lay and clerical go upstairs every day with a face like a lobster and cod s eyes and are dull upon the back of it not even mirth for the money No if that s what she runs for all I say is let her run You see Dick tried it again she has fancies Confound her fancies cried Van Tromp I used her kindly
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield
office I might have had more difficulty in constraining myself to be silent under his words if I had had less difficulty in impressing upon Peggotty who was only angry on my account good creature that we were not in a place for recrimination and that I besought her to hold her peace She was so unusually roused that I was glad to compound for an affectionate hug elicited by this revival in her mind of our old injuries and to make the best I could of it before Mr Spenlow and the clerks Mr Spenlow did not appear to
Charles Dickens
Great Expectations
a distinct emphatic voice The boy has been a good boy here and that is his reward Of course as an honest man you will expect no other and no more How Joe got out of the room I have never been able to determine but I know that when he did get out he was steadily proceeding upstairs instead of coming down and was deaf to all remonstrances until I went after him and laid hold of him In another minute we were outside the gate and it was locked and Estella was gone When we stood in the
H.G. Wells
Time Machine
tree burst into flame left little time for reflection My iron bar still gripped I followed in the Morlocks path It was a close race Once the flames crept forward so swiftly on my right as I ran that I was outflanked and had to strike off to the left But at last I emerged upon a small open space and as I did so a Morlock came blundering towards me and past me and went on straight into the fire And now I was to see the most weird and horrible thing I think of all that I beheld
H.G. Wells
The Sleeper Awakes
concerns A strong guard of the Wind Vane police awaited the Master outside the Wind Vane offices and they cleared a space for him on the upper moving platform His passage to the flying stages was unexpected nevertheless a considerable crowd gathered and followed him to his destination As he went along he could hear the people shouting his name and saw numberless men and women and children in blue come swarming up the staircases in the central path gesticulating and shouting He could not hear what they shouted He was struck again by the evident existence of a vulgar
Robert Louis Stevenson
Tales and Fantasies
face with Mr Van Tromp in a suit of French country velveteens and with a remarkable carbuncle on his nose Then as though this was the end of what she could endure in the way of joy Esther turned and ran out of the room The two men remained looking at each other with some confusion on both sides Van Tromp was naturally the first to recover he put out his hand with a fine gesture And you know my little lass my Esther he said This is pleasant this is what I have conceived of home A strange word
Robert Louis Stevenson
smoke arose from any of the chimneys nor was there any semblance of a garden My heart sank That I cried The woman s face lit up with a malignant anger That is the house of Shaws she cried Blood built it blood stopped the building of it blood shall bring it down See here she cried again I spit upon the ground and crack my thumb at it Black be its fall If ye see the laird tell him what ye hear tell him this makes the twelve hunner and nineteen time that Jennet Clouston has called down the
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield
and had a tooth out I hope it was a double one The Doctor gave out that he was not quite well and remained alone for a considerable part of every day during the remainder of the visit Agnes and her father had been gone a week before we resumed our usual work On the day preceding its resumption the Doctor gave me with his own hands a folded note not sealed It was addressed to myself and laid an injunction on me in a few affectionate words never to refer to the subject of that evening I had confided
Jane Austen
Mansfield Park
event of any importance in the family was the death of Mr Norris which happened when Fanny was about fifteen and necessarily introduced alterations and novelties Mrs Norris on quitting the Parsonage removed first to the Park and afterwards to a small house of Sir Thomas s in the village and consoled herself for the loss of her husband by considering that she could do very well without him and for her reduction of income by the evident necessity of stricter economy The living was hereafter for Edmund and had his uncle died a few years sooner it would have
H.G. Wells
The Sleeper Awakes
the pressure kicked presently against a step and found himself ascending a slope And abruptly the faces all about him leapt out of the black visible ghastly white and astonished terrified perspiring in a livid glare One face a young man s was very near to him not twenty inches away At the time it was but a passing incident of no emotional value but afterwards it came back to him in his dreams For this young man wedged upright in the crowd for a time had been shot and was already dead A fourth white star must have been
H.G. Wells
Time Machine
disappear Have a good look at the thing Look at the table too and satisfy yourselves there is no trickery I don t want to waste this model and then be told I m a quack There was a minute s pause perhaps The Psychologist seemed about to speak to me but changed his mind Then the Time Traveller put forth his finger towards the lever No he said suddenly Lend me your hand And turning to the Psychologist he took that individual s hand in his own and told him to put out his forefinger So that it was
Charles Dickens
Great Expectations
great city when you are once in it Don t break cover too soon Lie close Wait till things slacken before you try the open even for foreign air I thanked him for his valuable advice and asked him what Herbert had done Mr Herbert said Wemmick after being all of a heap for half an hour struck out a plan He mentioned to me as a secret that he is courting a young lady who has as no doubt you are aware a bedridden Pa Which Pa having been in the Purser line of life lies a bed in
H.G. Wells
Time Machine
I see it the Upperworld man had drifted towards his feeble prettiness and the Underworld to mere mechanical industry But that perfect state had lacked one thing even for mechanical perfection absolute permanency Apparently as time went on the feeding of an Underworld however it was effected had become disjointed Mother Necessity who had been staved off for a few thousand years came back again and she began below The Underworld being in contact with machinery which however perfect still needs some little thought outside habit had probably retained perforce rather more initiative if less of every other human character
Robert Louis Stevenson
Jekyll and Hyde
remark that door he asked and when his companion had replied in the affirmative It is connected in my mind added he with a very odd story Indeed said Mr Utterson with a slight change of voice and what was that Well it was this way returned Mr Enfield I was coming home from some place at the end of the world about three o clock of a black winter morning and my way lay through a part of town where there was literally nothing to be seen but lamps Street after street and all the folks asleep street after
Jane Austen
was so with Elizabeth still the same handsome Miss Elliot that she had begun to be thirteen years ago and Sir Walter might be excused therefore in forgetting her age or at least be deemed only half a fool for thinking himself and Elizabeth as blooming as ever amidst the wreck of the good looks of everybody else for he could plainly see how old all the rest of his family and acquaintance were growing Anne haggard Mary coarse every face in the neighbourhood worsting and the rapid increase of the crow s foot about Lady Russell s temples had
Arthur Conan Doyle
Tales of Terror and Mystery
who was as I understood soon to be her husband accompanied us in our inspection There were fifteen rooms but the Babylonian the Syrian and the central hall which contained the Jewish and Egyptian collection were the finest of all Professor Andreas was a quiet dry elderly man with a clean shaven face and an impassive manner but his dark eyes sparkled and his features quickened into enthusiastic life as he pointed out to us the rarity and the beauty of some of his specimens His hand lingered so fondly over them that one could read his pride in them
H.G. Wells
The Island of Doctor Moreau
admit that the vivisected human being as you called it is after all only the puma said Moreau He had made me visit that horror in the inner room to assure myself of its inhumanity It is the puma I said still alive but so cut and mutilated as I pray I may never see living flesh again Of all vile Never mind that said Moreau at least spare me those youthful horrors Montgomery used to be just the same You admit that it is the puma Now be quiet while I reel off my physiological lecture to you And
H.G. Wells
The Island of Doctor Moreau
man I heard his astonished cry don t be a silly ass man Another minute thought I and he would have had me locked in and as ready as a hospital rabbit for my fate He emerged behind the corner for I heard him shout Prendick Then he began to run after me shouting things as he ran This time running blindly I went northeastward in a direction at right angles to my previous expedition Once as I went running headlong up the beach I glanced over my shoulder and saw his attendant with him I ran furiously up the