Have the U.S. News & World Report Rankings (2018) been leaked before their scheduled release yet again? Spivey Consulting, a law school admissions consulting group, is reporting the 2018 rankings are here. Last year Spivey Consulting obtained the 2017 rankings ahead of official publication, so there is plenty of reason to be excited that these are accurate. Unlike last year’s leak, which dribbled out over the course of a few days, we have the full rankings, from #1 to the very end. If these rankings are correct, there are some key changes at the top — with the top 14 schools changing for the first time since the inception of the rankings. Here are the reported T14 schools: 1) Yale 2) Stanford 3) Harvard (-1) 4) U Chicago 5) Columbia (-1) 6) NYU 7) Penn 8) Michigan 8) UVA 10) Duke (+1) 10) Northwestern (+2) 12) Berkeley (-4) 13) Cornell 14) UT Austin (+1) The ties that have plagued the top five of the rankings have been broken, with Harvard (formerly tied with Stanford) and Columbia (formerly tied with Chicago) taking the hits against their non-Ivy competition. Also taking a big fall is Berkeley, falling out of the top ten, and landing at 12. Absent from the weirdly important top 14 is Georgetown, which is tied for 15th. The rest of the top 30: 15) Georgetown (-1) 15) UCLA (+2) 17) Vanderbilt (-1) 18) WUSTL 19) USC 20) Iowa 20) Notre Dame (+2) 22) Emory 23) Boston U (-3) 23) U Minnesota (-1) 25) Arizona State 26) Boston College (+4) 26) Alabama (+2) 28) UC Irvine 28) Washington and Lee (+12) 30) GWU (-5) 30) Indiana U Bloomington (-5) 30) Ohio State 30) U Georgia (+3) 30) U Washington (+3) 30) U Wisconsin Madison (+3) Whoa, Washington and Lee. Making quite the jump — up 12 spots to tie with UC Irvine at 28. The rest of the leaked rankings are on the next page. Kathryn Rubino is an editor at Above the Law. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).
French intelligence have thwarted a terror attack directed at Paris that they said would have been similar in size and scope to the 9/11 terror attacks in the US that knocked down the North and South towers and crashed a plane into the Pentagon, the French newspaper Le Parisien reports. A suspect is currently being held in France on preliminary terrorism charges after apparently planning a 9/11-style attack that would have involved several plane hijackings and dozens - if not hundreds - of deaths. French intelligence must be particularly vigilant since their city encompasses many of Europe's most recognizable monuments and statues, as well as other major tourist attractions and monuments. In recent years, terror attacks within the city have claimed more than 200 lives. Just this month, an IT worker who worked with the Paris Intelligence Squad, a special unit within the Paris police, was shot and killed after he attacked several colleagues with a knife at work. The 45-year-old attacker was widely considered to be a responsible and dedicated employee and, thanks to his IT skills, was seen as a critical member of the team, with close access to the bosses. The attacker managed to evade several mandatory background checks (all with the help of supervisors who promoted and protected him) after cracking jokes about anti-black and anti-muslim bias in a meeting with superiors, who waved checks that would have easily exposed the attacker's checkered history with domestic violence and his many trips to hotbeds of Islamic fundamentalism. In his role as an IT director for the Paris intelligence squad, he would have advanced knowledge of police operations against terror suspects, or of any investigations into his own activities. Circling back to the most recent terror arrest, the suspect being held in France on preliminary terrorism charges apparently joined a 9/11-style hijacking ring. It doesn't appear that their plot was very far along, since the would-be attacker was searching for a weapon when he was apprehended. Many of the details were first revealed by French Interior Minister Christopher Castaner. He also revealed that this is the 60th time since 2013 that a terror plot has been foiled by French intelligence. Un soixantième attentat a été déjoué en France depuis 2013, annonce @CCastaner en direct dans #VALP. Le ministre de l'Intérieur révèle que l'individu interpellé projetait une attaque inspirée du 11 septembre 2001 pic.twitter.com/8HDp4cMW4T — Vous avez la parole (@VALP) October 17, 2019 During this period, the most successful attack was the shooting at the Bataclan theater, which claimed the lives of more than 130 victims including (eventually) the lives of all three attackers.
Juan Manuel Gómez Fernández and Juan Manuel Gómez Monteverde were kidnapped when they left their home in Tampico, Tamaulipas 16 days ago, their bodies were found in Pueblo Viejo, Veracruz on September 19, officials informed. The victims were reported missing to the authorities on September 4, 2015. A communicate issued by the FGE (Fiscalía General del Estado de Veracruz) stated that the deceased are the father and brother of film director Alejandro Monteverde, who directed “Little Boy,” movie produced by another Tampico native, Eduardo Verástegui. Verástegui sent his condolences via Twitter: “With a heart full of pain and sadness, I ask for prayers for my friend and ‘compadre’ Alejandro Gomez Monteverde and all his family. My deepest condolences to my soul brother, I love you so much ‘compadre,’ I put my heart in your hands and I join you in this deep pain.” Con el Corazón lleno de dolor y d tristeza, pido sus oraciones para mi amigo y compadre Alejandro Gomez Monteverde y para toda su familia. — Eduardo Verastegui (@EVerastegui) September 21, 2015 Mi mas sentido pésame hermano del alma, los quiero mucho Compadre, pongo mi corazón en sus manos y los acompaño en este profundo dolor. — Eduardo Verastegui (@EVerastegui) September 21, 2015 Monteverde’s brother, Juan Manuel, was a business partner at “La Pecerita,” previously known as “El Callejón de los Milagros” in Tampico, Tamaulipas, restaurant that has allegedly reported drug cartel activity in the past. It is well known that the south of Tamaulipas and the north of Veracruz are lawless territories with high rates of crime, primarily caused by drug cartel members. According to Televisa’s news anchor Carlos Loret de Mola, a ransom was paid for the release but the kidnappers didn’t keep their word. No further details about this horrible crime have been disclosed. www.facebook.com/tampicohermoso Posted by Tampico, Mexico on Monday, September 21, 2015 Caption: "Celebrating in San Miguel de Allende, with my best friend, my life mentor, the wisest man I know; my father. Tobala mezcal"
Prekršajni sud u Splitu kaznio je Zdravka Mamića zbog incidenta koji se dogodio na Poljudu tijekom derbija između Dinama i Hajduka. Prema zakonu koji se primjenjuje na sve navijače, izvršni predsjednik maksimirskog kluba dobio je mjeru zabrane dolaska na sve utakmice Hajduka, RNK Splita i nacionalne reprezentacije koje će se igrati na bilo kojem od dva splitska stadiona. Zabrana će trajati devet mjeseci, a Mamić će se prije svake utakmice koja se igra na Poljudu ili Parku mladeži morati javiti u najbližu policijsku postaju i objasniti na kojoj će se adresi nalaziti sljedećih šest sati. Foto: Ivo Čagalj/Pixsell Ako prekrši zabranu, Mamić će dobiti kaznu između pet i 25 tisuća kuna, a moguća je i zatvorska kazna od 30 do 60 dana. Podsjetimo, čelnik Dinama na već spomenutom derbiju nekoliko se puta sukobio s pristalicama Hajduka, a zamalo se potukao s Ivom Begom. Policija je odlučila kazniti Mamića zbog učestalosti incidenata na nogometnim stadionima. Izvršni predsjednik Dinama ima pravo žalbe Visokom prekršajnom sudu, a žalba odgađa izvršenje ove zabrane. >>Zdravko Mamić sjedio na Sanaderovom mjestu i fizički se sukobio s Ivom Begom >>Policija traži da se Zdravku Mamiću zabrani dolazak na Poljud >>Vrijeme je da institucije Mamiću kažu: Dosta je!
from the 1870s onwards, the market was flooded with paintings, jewels, silver, books and other objects from aristocratic families having to retrench and pay higher rates of tax and hence this is one of the reasons why major museums and galleries are now home to these treasures. If the Crawleys were really serious about putting their financial house in order then all these alleged treasures and Grantham House should have been sold and other economies made. But instead what we have is the family being “rescued” by some miracle bequest then they promptly fall back into their old ways and what we have from series 4 onwards is the spectacle of a family in denial of their financial situation and that of their peers and the country. More and more one sees how Fellowes’ writing and plotting has become so bad that he doesn’t seem to even check what he’s writing for plausibility and credibility. If indeed the Crawleys have a Piero della Francesca and a Gutenberg Bible, they could have named their price and even if both were revealed to be fakes, they could still fetch a good sum. As it stands, both of these were bolt on plot devices to pad out a threadbare narrative and show in an unconvincing way that this family is cultured as well as to patronise the audience and assume that they wouldn’t know who Piero della Francesca or what a Gutenberg Bible is when in reality there are those who do and failing that, Google is your friend. Further reading about Piero della Francesca: Larry Whitham. Piero’s Light (New York, 2014) James R. Banker. Piero della Francesca: Artist and Man (Oxford, 2014) Marilyn Aronberg Lavin. Piero della Francesca (London, 2002) Kenneth Clark. Piero della Francesca (Oxford, 1969) Marilyn Aronberg Lavin. ‘Monarca della Pitura: Piero and His Legacy’ in Marilyn Aronberg Lavin (ed.) Piero della Francesca and His Legacy (Washington DC, 1995) Pierluigi de Vecchi and Peter Murray. The Complete Paintings of Piero della Francesca (London, 1970) E.H. Grombich. The Story of Art (London, 1951) Giorgio Vasari. Lives of the Artists (London, 1987) Notes: 1 & 2 are part of the fresco cycle of the Legend of the True Cross at the Basilica of San Francesco in Arezzo, Italy (photos found on Pinterest.com) 3 The Baptism of Christ can be seen at the National Gallery in London (photo taken by blogger)
Say this for the French: They manage to keep their sense of humor in the face of a crisis. First, a massive butter shortage has swept the country this fall. Now, much of the country has woken up to find itself with limited internet, thanks to a power outage that has kneecapped the country’s largest web host. Meet OVH, perhaps not a household name around the world, but one of the biggest and most respected web hosts in Europe. This morning, OVH lost power due to an issue with the utility company EDF. OVH CEO and cofounder Octave Klaba issued this statement: Nous avons un souci d'alimentation de SBG1/SBG4. Les 2 arrivées électriques EDF sont down (!!) et les 2 chaines de groupes électrogènes se sont mis en défaut (!!!). L’ensemble de 4 arrivées elec n'alimentent plus la salle de routage. Nous sommes tous sur le problème. — Octave Klaba (@olesovhcom) November 9, 2017 In case you don’t speak French, here is a useless translation via Twitter/Bing: “We have a concern of food of SBG1/SBG4. 2 electric EDF arrivals are down (!!) and 2 channels of generators began in default (!). All 4 arrivals elec fuel more room routing. We are all on the problem.” Haha. Don’t worry. Despite what you may think, the French are not powering their internet using foie gras. In this case, “food” means the power supply, and apparently the EDF lines and the backup generators have gone down. But OVH is ON IT! Meanwhile, #OVHGATE has been trending on Twitter this morning as the French amuse themselves by contemplating life with limited internet: “Thanks, OVH. Thanks to your idiocy, I have to spend my time cleaning my desk. If this continues, I’m going to have to talk to my coworkers” (translated). Merci OVH. Avec vos conneries je suis obligé de m'occuper en rangeant mon bureau. Si ça continue, je vais être obligé de parler à mes collègues.#ovhgate — airwone17 (@airwone17) November 9, 2017 https://twitter.com/LULISHOP_OMP/status/928553787433848833 Thoughts and prayers, folks. Also, send butter and internet.
One of the reactors at the Oconee Nuclear Station has been shut down after a series of explosions and a fire damaged a transformed on site. The operator declared the incident “unusual” but emphasized there was no threat of radiation release. Emergency crews deployed at the scene have managed to contain the fire, and will remain at the scene to assist crews. Oconee Nuclear Station is a nuclear power plant located on Lake Keowee near Seneca, South Carolina. “Unit #1 was shut down as a precaution,” Oconee County Emergency Management said in a statement. “There is NO POTENTIAL FOR RELEASE.” The plant operator Duke Energy said that while “Unit 1 has been safely shutdown” the remaining “Units 2 and 3 continue to operate safely.” Officials blamed the “unusual event” on electrical equipment failure inside a transformer they say was located outside the building. Authorities urged the public stay away from the area as emergency personnel and Duke Energy staff work around the area. However they emphasized that there was no security risk that would require evacuations or traffic detours. The transformer malfunctioned and caught fire at 3:20pm local time, and the “unusual event” was upgraded to an “alert” – a second level of emergency – at 4:58pm, according to the company. Incidents falling to “alert” classification require outside interference from emergency services but pose “no threat to public safety,” the company explained. CarolineduSud • Transformateur incendié à la centrale nucléaire d'Oconee. Aucun danger selon autorités @CoreyWYFFpic.twitter.com/xKJQOkCJPB — Denis Therriault (@DenisTherriault) March 7, 2016 The 15-by-12 foot transformer had been burning for approximately 30 minutes before fire crews and Oconee County Fire units responded, WYFF4 reports. The intense flames and thick black smoke coming out of the transformer which was seen by many witnesses was reportedly due to the oil that was inside. The blaze was completely extinguished with the help of local fire brigades, and had “no impact” on plant employees or the facility’s neighbors, while customers are not expected to suffer any power outages. The operator announced it will be conducting a thorough investigation of the cause of the incident at an aging plant located on Lake Keowee that began operations in 1973. Oconee is one of the largest nuclear power plants in the US with a capacity of some 2,600 megawatts and is the second to have its operating license extended for an additional twenty years.
exploit freedom of the press in Germany for their own political goals. Reporting is biased and in no way independent or ‘alternative’, as the Russian media are keen to present themselves. At the same time, they are pushing controversial issues such as migration in order to split society. This kind of reporting aims to spread hate against migrants and provoke further protests against the government, especially among Russian speakers in Germany. In the run-up to the federal elections, the Russian media interfered by stigmatising their political enemies and supporting extremist parties. Here it became particularly evident, that Russian media abroad are an important weapon in Russian information warfare. By Susanne Spahn, for Institute for Statecraft Susanne Spahn (PhD) is a political scientist, historian and journalist based in Berlin. She completed her M.A. degree in East European history, Slavonic studies and political science in St. Petersburg and Cologne In 2011, she received her doctoral degree with a thesis, published as a book, on Staatliche Unabhängigkeit — das Ende der ostslawischen Gemeinschaft? Die Außenpolitik Russlands gegenüber der Ukraine und Belarus seit 1991. Hamburg 2011(State Independence: The End of the East Slavonic Unity? Russia’s Foreign Policy towards Ukraine and Belarus Since 1991). In 2010 and 2011, working in Moscow, she was a contributor to Dow Jones News, Die Welt, Deutsche Welle, Zeit online and Magazin Außenwirtschaft. Her research interests are Russia’s foreign policy in the post-Soviet area and Russian information policy. Spahn’s most recent works include research reports on Das Ukraine-Bild in Deutschland: Wie Russland die deutsche Öffentlichkeit beeinflusst [Ukraine’s Image in Germany: How Russia Influences German Public Opinion] (Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2016), and Russische Medien in Deutschland: Unabhängiger Journalismus oder politisches Instrument? [The „Russian Media in Germany: Independent Journalism or Political Instrument?] (Potsdam: Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, March 2018), in Russian: Российские медиа в Германии. Независимая журналистика или политический инструмент? (Potsdam: Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, March 2018). The views expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of the Integrity Initiative.
Kimi Raikkonen e Antonio Giovinazzi correranno per l’Alfa Romeo Racing: la Sauber ha infatti un nuovo nome per il 2019, dopo aver disputato il 2018 iscritta come Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team. Lo storico brand Alfa Romeo nella passata stagione è tornato nella massima serie automobilistica legato alla scuderia di Hinwil, che dopo un 2017 da ultima della classe è tornata con regolarità in zona punti chiudendo il campionato Costruttori all’ottavo posto. New name, same game! ⚡ We're excited to announce Sauber and Alfa Romeo to keep fighting for ambitious results in 2019 @F1 World Championship as Alfa Romeo Racing.? + info: https://t.co/1RUddkPMpj #AlfaRomeoRacing #SauberMotorsport #Bwoah pic.twitter.com/0gzgwgpl66 — Sauber F1 Team (@SauberF1Team) February 1, 2019 Nel 2019, con una coppia di piloti tutta nuova e una vettura estrema firmata da tecnici di eccellenza tra i quali Simone Resta, l’obiettivo è continuare a crescere verso il top della F1. “Da Title sponsor a Team name, è un piacere per me commentare questa crescita della sinergia tra la Sauber e l’Alfa Romeo – le parole del team principal Frederic Vasseur – si respira grande entusiasmo in seno alla scuderia e non vediamo l’ora di cominciare il 2019 per continuare il nostro processo di crescita”. “Alfa Romeo Racing è un nuovo nome che racchiude la storia della F1 – le parole del CEO di FCA Mike Manley – siamo orgogliosi di collaborare con la Sauber per portare nell’élite dell’automobilismo la tradizione e il know-how Alfa Romeo. L’Alfa Romeo Racing non è in F1 per partecipare, ma per competere. Con Kimi Raikkonen e Antonio Giovinazzi al volante e il binomio Sauber-Alfa Romeo al muretto e in fabbrica ci toglieremo grandi soddisfazioni”.
Parents of both the victims work for an animal rights NGO in Dehradun DEHRADUN/NEW DELHI: Two Tibetan youths, one of them from Dehradun, were allegedly thrashed by a cop of Mahipalpur police station after they called up the police control room about a pig lying injured on the road near Labour Chowk. The policeman even threatened them with an encounter death. The incident took place around 2.30 am on Tuesday. In an audio-video of the incident, a copy of which is with TOI, the policeman can be heard saying, “You should focus on studies rather than politics. Do you think policemen are responsible for taking care of pigs?” “Pahado ke tum bookhe nange log Delhi me aa ke aazadi mangte ho. Goli maar du? (You people from the hills come to Delhi and ask for independence. Should I shoot you?),” the policeman, identified as Vikram Singh, goes on to say. When the boys plead with him, saying all they want is to save the pig, the video shows the officer thrashing them with sticks and kicking them for over 25 minutes. Parents of both the victims work for an animal rights NGO in Dehradun. One of the victims, Tenzin Lhakpa, 20, is pursuing hotel management at IMS University and doing an internship at Radisson Blu hotel in Mahipalpur. Talking to TOI, he said, “My friends and I called a Delhi-based NGO, Animal Care Centre, and asked them to rescue the pig. They suggested that we call 100 and inform the police, as they could take up a case only after reference by the cops. After we called up the control room, a policeman arrived on a bike and once he found what we had called him for, started abusing us.” Lahkpa added that as his friend from Uttarakhand’s Roorkee “looked Indian”, the cop let him go and thrashed and abused his Tibetan friend, Tenzin Kunsel, a nursing student at Jamia Hamdard University in Delhi. Sanjeev Kumar, station house officer (SHO) of Vasant Kunj South police station, told police that the medicolegal reports of both the youngsters had reached police. He added that the boys had been asked to file a complaint so an FIR can be filed. “They haven’t come to the police station yet, but we need them to come here and complete the paperwork and formalities so we can proceed with further action,” he added. “We have taken strict note of the incident and initiated an inquiry. The policeman has been sent to the district lines pending the inquiry,” a senior police officer said.
TWITTER France is on high terror alert following various attacks this year FREE now and never miss the top politics stories again. SUBSCRIBE Invalid email Sign up fornow and never miss the top politics stories again. We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights. French authorities rushed to a church in central Paris amid reports of an attack. Journalist Jean-Pierre Duthion said that police officers were "worried about the crisis situation but did not want to create panic" on Twitter. The police in Paris took to Twitter to say that the area near the Saint-Leu church, between Les Halles and Etienne Marcel was cordoned off and ordered people to avoid the area. A police officer: "There is a crisis situation, we don't want to create panic situation." Étienne Marcel#Paris #France — Jean Pierre Duthion (@halona) September 17, 2016 Intervention en cours des forces de l'ordre sur le 1er arrdt de Paris, évitez le secteur. — Préfecture de police (@prefpolice) September 17, 2016 Mr Duthion also said that there were rumours that this could be a hostage situation. A helicopter was flying over the scene on Saturday afternoon and the police were called at 4:30pm. The journalist at the scene said that police officers were "worried" and "they continued to ask each other" what happened in Etienne Marcel. Twitter Police have cordoned off the area in Paris We are worried about a crisis situation but we do not want to create panic French police There were also reports on Twitter that police squads were on standby in the area. Police have said that the operation is now over, but they were worried at the time. GETTY Police rushed to an area near the Saint-Leu church A police officer: "There is a crisis situation, we don't want to create panic situation." Étienne Marcel#Paris #France — Jean Pierre Duthion (@halona) September 17, 2016 Un hélicoptère en survol à Étienne Marcel à proximité du lieu de l'attentat. #EtienneMarcel #Paris pic.twitter.com/kYKmbU5LgP — Remy Buisine (@RemyBuisine) September 17, 2016 At around 5:30pm, Mr Duthion said the police are leaving, there is no security any more and police trucks have left the area of Etienne Marcel. The Government has released a press release confirming that the event was a false alarm and the details are still being investigated. Twitter Police scrambled to the scene in central Paris
The First Amendment provides American-based websites with the freedom to report on newsworthy events, including those that happen in other countries to citizens of other countries. Yet, the global nature of the Internet opens it up to legal challenges from countries with more restrictive speech regimes. Last fall, for instance, lawyers for the convicted murderers of German actor Walter Sedlmayr sent Wikimedia, an Internet content provider located in the United States that runs Wikipedia, a cease and desist letter demanding that Wikimedia remove from its Wikipedia article the names of Sedlmayr’s killers in compliance with the German law that protects the privacy of individuals. German courts have reasoned that criminals are no longer public figures nearly 20 years after being convicted, and thus should be afforded privacy by not having their names published. The issue here is whether American-based producers of online media are required to comply with foreign restrictions of free speech. As laws regulating the Internet are still evolving, and most of the compliance has been voluntary, we have yet to find a definitive answer to this question. In the case of Ligue contre le racisme et l’antisémitisme et Union des étudiants juifs de France c. Yahoo! Inc. et Societe Yahoo! France (LICRA v. Yahoo!), LICRA, a French based human rights organization sued American-based company Yahoo! because Yahoo! permitted users to auction off Nazi memorabilia. LICRA claimed that these auctions violated a French law against displaying Nazi memorabilia. LICRA argued that because French citizens could theoretically access and participate in Yahoo’s American-based and -run auctions, the auctions’ content were covered under French law, and thus illegal. A French court ruled in favor of LICRA. Yahoo!, instead of appealing the French court’s ruling, sued LICRA in the United States, arguing that the organization had violated Yahoo’s First Amendment right to free expression. (See Yahoo! Inc. v. La Ligue Contre Le Racisme et l’antisémitisme, 433 F.3d 1199 (9th Cir. 2006).) Yahoo’s case against LICRA was eventually dismissed by the federal court in the Northern District of California on an order from an en banc panel at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The appellate court determined that it lacked personal jurisdiction over LICRA. This decision overturned an earlier finding that LICRA had violated Yahoo’s First Amendment rights of free expression. As it stands, American courts are not even sure if they have jurisdiction over foreign entities that wish to restrict the expression of American-based companies. This is a story worth watching. Thus far, Wikipedia has asserted its right to free expression and not removed the names of Sedlmayr’s murderers from its English article.
Der vierte Teil der legendären Monkey Island-Grafikadventure-Reihe! Eine komplett neue, Leinwand-reife Geschichte voller Drama, soziopathischer Papageien und einem Schurken mit finsteren Plänen! Dutzende detailverliebt gestaltete Hintergründe! Hunderte Rätsel, die sowohl Neulingen als auch gestandenen Piraten... ähm, Abenteurern einiges abverlangen! Neue Witze! Neue Kalauer! Neue Beleidungen! Und mehr Affen als in allen Monkey Island-Spielen zusammen! Während ich Monkey Island-Sand ausspuckte, fragte ich mich, ob das Piratenleben wirklich meinen Vorstellungen entsprach. Ich hatte kürzlich Vorkommnisse ignoriert, die deutliche Warnungen hätten sein müssen: meine Frau war nur knapp dem Tode entronnen, und dann war da noch das Piraten-feindliche Geschwafel eines australischen Multi-Milliardärs. Hätte ich nur einen anderen Pfad eingeschlagen, dann wäre LeChuck wohl immer noch tot und die Ultimate Insult immer noch ein Mysterium. Wenn ich nie nach dem Schwert gegriffen hätte, sähen sich die Grog-durstigen Piraten aus der Tri-Island-Umgebung nicht von Gentrifizierung und dämonischem Höllenfeuer bedroht. Wenn... plötzlich tippte mich der haarige Finger eines nicht gänzlich unbekannten Affens auf die Schulter. Es war an der Zeit. An der Zeit für den größten Kampf meines verwegenen Lebens.- Auszug aus "Die Memoiren von Guybrush Threepwood: Die Monkey Island-Jahre" LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. in the United States and/or other countries. © 1990-2018 Lucasfilm Ltd. Monkey Island, Escape from Monkey Island, and the Monkey Island characters are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. in the United States and/or other countries. © 1990-2018 Lucasfilm Ltd.
The latest update on confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus in Latvia was published March 11, with the number rising from 8 to 10. The Disease Prevention and Control Center (SPKC) said that of 17 tests carried out during the last 24 hours, 2 were positive, with both cases being part of the group that travelled back from northern Italy to Latvia that has produced the majority of previous cases. Pēdējā diennaktī izmeklēti 17 iedzīvotāji ar aizdomām uz COVID-19, 2 pozītivi, kas atgriezušies no slēpošanas kūrorta Itālijā. Kopā veikts 291 izmeklējums, kopā Latvijā apstiprināti 10 saslimšanas gadījumi ar COVID-19. — SPKC.gov.lv (@SPKCentrs) March 11, 2020 In total 291 tests have been carried out since February 29, with 10 positive results. More information on the situation with regard to the coronavirus outbreak in Europe is available at the homepage of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Among other things it has an interactive dashboard showing the spread of cases by country and region. The World Health Organization also offers a similar interactive tool. Currently Latvian authorities are strongly advising against travel to six heavily-affected countries: Italy, China, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and Iran. However, it is also advised that the necessity of any foreign trips should be carefully considered. People who have visited infected areas and show possible flu-like symptoms on their return are instructed to call 113 rather than visit their family doctor. In neighboring Estonia as of March 10, a total of 13 people have been diagnosed with the virus, reported ERR News. Over 350 coronavirus tests have been carried out by the Health Board. Meanwhile in Lithuania two new Covid-19 cases were confirmed on Tuesday night, reported LRT News, bringing the total number of coronavirus patients in the country to three. Since 31 December 2019 and as of 10 March 2020, 114 243 cases of COVID-19 have been reported, including 4 023 deaths. The deaths have been reported from China (3 139), Italy (464), Iran (237), South Korea (54), France (30), Spain (28), United States (26), Japan (9), International conveyance in Japan (7), Iraq (6), United Kingdom (5), Australia (3), Netherlands (3), Germany (2), San Marino (2), Switzerland (2), Argentina (1), Canada (1), Egypt (1), Philippines (1), Taiwan (1) and Thailand (1).
8 d'b o 8 o 8 8 8 8 8.oPYo. o8P o8P.oPYo..oPYo..oPYo8 o8.oPYo. 8 8oooo8 8 8 ooooo 8 8.oooo8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 `Yooo' 8 8 8YooP' `YooP8 `YooP' 88 8 `YooP'..:.....::..::::..:::::::8....::.....::.....:..::..:.....: :::::::::::::::::::::::::8 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Welcome to left-pad.io! ## History On March 22nd 2016, a terrible tragedy befell the Node.JS community. A popular microframework for robust string expansion, `left-pad`, was removed from npmjs.com. This resulted in broken deploys worldwide, a sudden and complete inability to appropriately zero-pad the fractional real cent value of many stock options, and untold billions of dollars in economic damage to the still nascent startup ecosystem of String Manipulation as a Service. ## A microservice saviour appears In order to prevent such a terrible tragedy from occurring ever again during our lifetimes, `left-pad.io` has been created to provide all the functionality of `left-pad` AND the overhead of a TLS handshake and an HTTP request. Less code is better code, leave the heavy lifting to `left-pad.io`, The String Experts™. ## How do I make use of left-pad.io? Simple! Just make a request to `https://api.left-pad.io`: ``` $ curl 'https://api.left-pad.io/?str=paddin%27%20oswalt&len=68&ch=@' {"str":"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@paddin' oswalt"} ``` The query parameter names `str`, `len`, and `ch` match the argument names of our fallen comrade in left-stringist thought, `leftpad()`. May the Developer Happiness achieved forever commemorate its sacrifice. `left-pad.io` is 100% REST-compliant as defined by some guy on Hacker News with maximal opinions and minimal evidence. ## Are there any limits? Padding and the input string are limited to anywhere between 1000 and 1024 characters in the free version, because we have to monetize to have enough runway to launch `right-pad.io` in Q3 2017 and annoying your customers into upgrades is a tried and true startup business development strategy. ## Can I buy an enterprise license? Yes. Email root@left-pad.io with your account and ABA routing numbers. ## Who? 2016 JavaScript Hero candidate @gabrielgironda.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 image = cv2. imread ( filename ) # Resizing the image to our desired size and # preprocessing will be done exactly as done during training image = cv2. resize ( image, ( image_size, image_size ), cv2. INTER_LINEAR ) images. append ( image ) images = np. array ( images, dtype = np. uint8 ) images = images. astype ( 'float32' ) images = np. multiply ( images, 1.0 / 255.0 ) #The input to the network is of shape [None image_size image_size num_channels]. Hence we reshape. x_batch = images. reshape ( 1, image_size, image_size, num_channels ) graph = tf. get_default_graph ( ) y_pred = graph. get_tensor_by_name ( "y_pred:0" ) ## Let's feed the images to the input placeholders x = graph. get_tensor_by_name ( "x:0" ) y_true = graph. get_tensor_by_name ( "y_true:0" ) y_test_images = np. zeros ( ( 1, 2 ) ) feed_dict_testing = { x : x_batch, y_true : y_test_images } result = sess. run ( y_pred, feed_dict = feed_dict_testing ) Finally, we can run a new image of dog/cat using predict script. python predict.py test_dog.jpg [[ 0.99398661 0.00601341]] 1 2 3 python predict. py test_dog. jpg [ [ 0.99398661 0.00601341 ] ] Output contains the probabilities of the input image being a dog or a cat. In this example, probability of being dog is much higher than that of cat. Congratulations! you have learnt how to build and train an image classifier using convolutional neural networks. Trained Model and data: In the git repository, I have only added 500 images for each class. But it takes more than 500 images of dogs/cats to train even a decent classifier. So, I have trained this model on 2400 images of each class. You can download these images from here. This Mini-cat-dog-dataset is a subset of Kaggle Dog-Cat dataset and is not owned by us. You can also use my trained model available here to generate the prediction. The complete code is available here. Please let me know your questions and feedback in the comments below. These comments and feedback are my motivation to create more tutorials 🙂.
the school designated vests to wear over it. "So, Fallon." I drawled and leaned against the doorway with my back turned to her. "That's a pretty name." "It's my mom's middle name." She answered more comfortably than before. Deciding not to beat around the bush anymore, I decided to forge ahead. "So why would anyone want to mess around with someone like you?" "Oh. No reason." "That's a lie." I shot back and looked to the side so she'd hear my voice better. "What'd you do to set Miss Simmons off?" After seeing that one girl in particular, I had no choice but to explore the possibilities of her expanding to other people than me. "Who said it was Ariel that's picking on me?" She asked after shutting the water off. "Well, you seem to know her on a first-name basis." "That doesn't prove anything." "I can make assumptions." "You'd be wrong." Letting out a frustrated sigh, I unfolded from the doorway so I could hand her the shirt. Luckily there was a wall tall enough between us that only let me see her head and as she took it, she smiled gratefully at me. I forced myself to return her smile before turning back around. If she didn't want to talk about it, I wouldn't pressure her. It was bad enough that she'd been drenched in cold liquid three times this week alone and I didn't want to imagine what else was in store for her if it really was Ariel that was bullying her. "I can walk you to your next class if you want." I suggested once she walked by me to toss the towel into the hamper. Instead of answering okay or no, she spun on her heal to face me with the biggest deer-in-the-headlights look I'd ever seen. "Ariel cheated on Eric with me." Fallon declared in a harsh whisper. My jaw immediately dropped to the floor. A/N: Buon Natale. Shinnen omedeto. God Jul. Feliz Navidad. Chuc Mung Giang Sinh. Feliz Natal. Srozhdestovm Kristovim. Sung Tan Chuk Ha. Mele Kalikimaka. Froehliche Weihnachten. Merry Christmas! ^_^ By the way, if anyone knows or has read about, the aforementioned Olivia and the book she appears in...my beanie's off to you. (I actually DID read that book about three times.) *smirks* An-tyways, Tootles~ P.S. Have an awesome holiday- winter break? y'all and thanks for reading!
Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5 ] Do you know what to say when someone says ‘Obrigado’ in Portuguese for you? If you don’t, today you are going to learn how to say You’re Welcome in Portuguese and don’t take the risk of being rude to people without knowing it. Learning online for free is the best way to learn Portuguese, don’t agree? That’s why we’ve created this post: to help you improve your Portuguese without having to spend your precious money on expensive classes. How to say You’re Welcome in Portuguese As it happens in English, when someone say ‘thank you’, one must acknowledge the gesture by saying ‘you’re welcome’. The same goes for the Portuguese Language. De nada means You’re Welcome De nada is the word used in Portuguese to say You’re Welcome. Its usage is very simple and it doesn’t vary in number or in gender as it happens with other words in Portuguese. Obrigado por ter me ajudado com a mudança. / De nada! (Thank you for helping me out with the moving. / You’re welcome!). Obrigada pelo presente! / De nada. (Thank you for the present! / You’re welcome). You may also hear ‘Obrigado você’ It’s not uncommon (especially in Brazil) hear people saying ‘obrigado você’ after someone says ‘obrigado’. ‘Obrigado você’ doesn’t quite have a direct translation to English and it’s almost as if the conversation went ‘thank you’ / ‘no, than you!’. Let’s see some examples: Obrigado pelo jantar. / Obrigado você, adorei a companhia! (Thanks for the dinner. / No thank you, I loved you company!). A very useful tip to know when to use ‘obrigado você’ is to think if both people benefited from the action. If so, you can say ‘obrigado você’ because you feel that you also have to thank the other person. Learn more expressions in Portuguese! Learned how to say thank you in Portuguese? What about learn more expressions to improve your portuguese? The Virtual Encyclopedia is the portuguese Enciclopédia Virtual in English. Here we want to share all things related to Portuguese language, culture, Brazilian culture and more. Enjoy!
Mexican international Marco Fabian made his Philadelphia Union debut, playing the opening 45 minutes of a 1-0 loss to the Montreal Impact at Al Lang Stadium Saturday afternoon as part of 2019 MLS Preseason presented by Advocare. Maxi Urruti scored the lone goal in the opener of the Suncoast Invitational in St. Petersburg, flicking a Bacary Sagna cross inside the far post in the 27th minute. On s'est fait jouer un tour, ce n'était pas un but de la tête. Voyez plus de vidéos comme celui-ci sur notre compte @instagram "impactmontreal". We got tricked, that was not a header. You can find more videos like this one on our #Instagram account "impactmontreal".#IMFC pic.twitter.com/CqiC16D8pU — Impact de Montréal (@impactmontreal) February 16, 2019 Freed into the box courtesy of a Derrick Jones flick, David Accam had a chance for the stoppage-time equalizer. But he took a heavy touch and was then booked for simulation when he went down in search of a penalty kick. The Impact resume preseason play in their second of three Suncoast Invitational matches, facing the host Tampa Bay Rowdies Wednesday at 7 p.m. before facing D.C. United February 23 at 7 p.m. The Union meet D.C. United Wednesday at 7 p.m. Goals 27’ — MTL — Maxi Urruti Lineups Montreal Impact: Clement Diop; Daniel Lovitz, Zakaria Diallo, Victor Cabrera, Bakary Sagna (Zachary Brault-Guillard — 86’); Samuel Piette, Saphir Taider (Shamit Shome — 77’, Michael Azira (Ken Krolicki — 69’), Mathieu Choiniere (Clement Bayiha — 90’+2’); Harry Novillo (David Choiniere — 82’), Maxi Urruti (Anthony Jackson-Hamel — 73’) Philadelphia Union: Carlos Miguel Coronel; Raymon Gaddis, Mark McKenzie (Jack Elliott — 30’), Aurelien Collin (Auston Trusty — 60’), Kai Wagner (Matthew Real — 60’); Haris Medunjanin (Derrick Jones — 60’), Alejandro Bedoya (Anthony Fontana — 60’), Marco Fabian (Ilsinho — 46’), Brenden Aaronson — CJ Sapong (Kacper Przybylko — 60’), Fafa Picault (David Accam — 60’)
・High resolution audio ・Special performance video/Another Angle Special performance video: You will get a different and unpublished version of the performance video! Compared to the basic performance video, this one will have different shot angles, unpublished scenes, and un-used film footage! These will not be shared to the public and only to those who choose this option. 스페셜 퍼포먼스 비디오: 일반에 공개되는 퍼포먼스 비디오와는 다른 버전의 영상입니다. 기존 영상에서는 볼 수 없었던 부분, 다른 앵글, 또는 다른 장소에서 촬영한 영상으로 편집되어 제작됩니다. 일반에는 공개하지 않으며, 이 리워드를 선택하신 분들만 다운로드 하실 수 있습니다. スペシャルパフォーマンス: 一般公開されるパフォーマンスビデオとは異なるバージョンの映像です。基準の映像では見ることが出来ない部分、異なるアングル、または、他の場所で撮影した映像を編集して製作します。 一般には公開せずこのリワードを選択した方のみダウンロード出来ます。 Less
18. Bxc6?? { (-0.20 → -7.16) Blunder. b4 was best. } (18. b4 axb4) 18... Kd3+?? { (-7.16 → -1.89) Blunder. Ke2+ was best. } (18... Ke2+) 19. Kh1 b4?? { (-2.01 → 1.85) Blunder. Ke2 was best. } (19... Ke2) 20. cxb4 axb4 21. axb4 Bxb4 22. Rd1+?? { (1.95 → -0.68) Blunder. Na3 was best. } (22. Na3 Bxa3 23. Rxa3+ Kc2 24. Ra7 Rd4 25. Kg1 Kxb2 26. Rxc7 Rc8 27. Rb7+ Kc3 28. Bf3 Rcc4) 22... Kc2 23. Rxd8? { (-0.48 → -1.93) Mistake. Nc3 was best. } (23. Nc3 Bxc3) 23... Rxd8 24. Na3+?? { (-1.73 → -6.61) Blunder. g4 was best. } (24. g4 Bxg4 25. Nc3 Bd7 26. Bxd7 Rxd7 27. Ra7 Kxb2 28. Ne2 Bc5 29. Ra5 Bb6 30. Rb5+ Kc2) 24... Kxb2 25. Nc4+ Kxa1 26. h3 Bd6 27. g4 Bd3 28. Ne3 Bxf4 29. Nf5 Bf1 30. Nxg7? { (-9.23 → Mate in 6) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Bg2 was best. } (30. Bg2 Bb5 31. Bb7 g6 32. Nh4 Rd3 33. Nf3 Rd1+ 34. Kg2 Bf1+ 35. Kf2 Bxh3 36. g5 Kb2) 30... Bxh3?! { (Mate in 6 → -60.20) Lost forced checkmate sequence. Rd1 was best. } (30... Rd1 31. Kg1 Bg3 32. Bf3 Re1 33. Bg2 Bd3+ 34. Bf1 Bxf1 35. h4 Bh3#) 31. Kg1 Bg3 32. Ne6?! { (-13.37 → Mate in 1) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Ba4 was best. } (32. Ba4 Bxg4) 32... Rd1# { Black wins by checkmate. } 0-1
"Denn eine kritische Zahl von Infektionen ist auch in Deutschland längst erreicht", sagte Lauterbach der "Saarbrücker Zeitung". "Die Strategie des Austretens ist vorbei. Jetzt muss es gelingen, mit möglichst wenig Fällen in den Sommer zu kommen, bevor wir dann im Herbst mit einer zweiten, starken Welle rechnen müssen."Die Zeit müsse genutzt werden, um das Gesundheitswesen besser vorzubereiten. "Es müssen mehr Leute als jetzt gleichzeitig beatmet werden können. Es muss mehr Isolierstationen geben und auch mehr Schutzmaterial für das Klinikpersonal und die Hausärzte." Lauterbach nannte die Abriegelung Norditaliens durch die dortige Regierung angemessen und sinnvoll, weil damit der Versuch unternommen werde, die Ausbreitung der Seuche in anderen Teilen von Italien zu verhindern oder zu verlangsamen. In Deutschland sei Derartiges "auf absehbare Zeit" nicht in Sicht und auch schwer umsetzbar, fügte Lauterbach hinzu. pm, ots English version The SPD health expert and studied epidemiologist Karl Lauterbach expects a second wave of corona infections in autumn. He said it was no longer possible to stop the virus. "Because a critical number of infections has long since been reached in Germany as well", Lauterbach told the newspaper "Saarbruecker Zeitung". "The exit strategy is over. We must now succeed in getting through the summer with as few cases as possible before we have to reckon with a second, strong wave in autumn". The time must be used to better prepare the healthcare system. "It must be possible to ventilate more people than now at the same time. There must be more isolation wards and more protective material for hospital staff and family doctors." Lauterbach called the closure of northern Italy by the government there appropriate and sensible, because it is an attempt to prevent or slow down the spread of the disease in other parts of Italy. In Germany, Lauterbach added that such a measure was not in sight "in the foreseeable future" and was also difficult to implement. pm, ots, mei
The crisis in Guatemala sparked by an assassinated attorney's final words — captured on YouTube — continues to expand online and in the streets. Above, a protest poster distributed on Twitter in posts marked with the hashtag #escandalogt (short for "Guatemalan Scandal," for those who don't read Spanish). The poster reads: I WILL NOT BE AFRAID TO GO OUT INTO THE STREETS, DEFEND MY LIBERTY, UPHOLD THE LAW, DEMAND JUSTICE, I WILL NOT BE AFRAID TO LIVE IN MY HOMELAND AND CHANGE ITS FUTURE…. GUATEMALA, I WILL NOT ABANDON YOU. Inset above, a photo taken on Sunday: a worker guards the body of Rodrigo Rosenberg just after he was shot by gunmen in Guatemala City. In the posthumously-released video, Rosenberg said he feared he would be assasinated, and that if he were, those responsible would be operating at the orders of Guatemalan president Álvaro Colom. Prensa Libre reports that Facebook is now being used by Guatemalans calling for Colom's impeachment and trial. Organizers are spreading word on Twitter and various social networking sites to gather for a second day of protests, tomorrow, Wednesday May 13. Snip from article, with my rough translation from Spanish: En el portal de Facebook se puede leer el enunciado de un usuario: "Hoy solo fue una pequeña muestra. Mañana con más fuerza y mientras más personas lleguemos mejor aún!!!! Manifestemos Todos!!! Mañana somos más!!!, se lee en otro. On Facebook one can read the declaration of a user who says, 'Today's demonstrations were only a small example, tomorrow with more strength and even more people we will achieve more still! Everyone, Protest! And, 'Tomorrow, there will be more of us,' says another user. Here is one of many Facebook groups calling for Colom's resignation and trial. The Wall Street Journal has a report up here. Colom was interviewed on CNN en Español today, and a transcript is here. Here's an AP item from today, here's a NYT item. I'm hearing anecdotal reports on Twitter and elsewhere that account holders at Banrural, the Guatemalan bank at the heart of this scandal, are withdrawing all their cash from the institution and causing a growing liquidation panic that threatens to further destabilize the already teetering country. Previously – Guatemala: Protests for Assassinated Lawyer Streamed Live from Laptops in the Streets – In YouTube Video Shot Before His Death, Attorney Blames President for His Assasination
от принтер мне подарили на прошлый День Рождения. This printer I got my at last birthday. Мой принтер уже старый и его необходимо заменить. My printer is old and it needs to be replaced. У Андрея дорогой принтер с множеством дополнительных функций. Andrei has an expensive printer with many advanced features. Я не умел пользоваться сканером раньше. I did not know how to use a scanner before. У меня нет личного сканера, но я имею доступ к сканеру у себя в офисе. I do not have a personal scanner, but I have access to a scanner at my office. Можно воспользоваться твоим сканером? Can I use your scanner? Мне не хватает 50$, чтобы купить сканер. I do not have $ 50 to buy a scanner. Вчера в магазине была распродажа сканеров. It was the sale of scanners at the store yesterday. Conclusion Try and learn all the Russian vocabulary words in this lesson. There are a lot more Russian words in the examples. Hopefully you will start to learn some of these words in context. We suggest that you return to this lesson at a later stage in your learning and read through the examples again. You may wish to print this lesson, and cover up the English or Russian translations and see if you can translate the sentences for yourself.
kel published Ueber unsere gegenwärtige Kenntnis vom Ursprung des Menschen. 1898 Haeckel published The Last Link. 1899-1900 Haeckel published Die Welträtsel [Riddle of the Universe], a popular study of his Monistic philosophy, which was a commercial success and translated into a dozen languages. 1901 Haeckel publishes Aus Insulinde. 1903-1905 The 5th edition of Anthropogenic, is translated into English under the title of Evolution of Man. The book is not only about physical evolution, man’s body, but also the evolution of man’s soul, the psychic organ being the brain. 1904 Haeckel publishes The Wonders of Life. 1904 Haeckel publishes Kunstformen der Natur. 1904 Haeckel publishes Die Lebenswunder. 1905 Haeckel publishes Ernst Haeckel’s Wanderbilder. 1905 Haeckel publishes Der Kampf um den Entwicklungs-Gedanken. 1906 Haeckel publishes Last Words on Evolution. 1919 Haeckel dies in Jena on 8th August, 1919. Sources: PROTOZOA, RADIOLARIANS, O. R. Anderson, Columbia University, Palisades, NY, USA, 2001, Academic Press Exposition universelle internationale de 1900 à Paris Rapport général administratif et technique by M. Alfred Picard, commissaire général. Published 1902 by Imprimerie nationale in Paris Haeckel, his life and work by Wilhelm Bölsche. With introduction and supplementary chapter by the translator, Joseph McCabe (1906). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. November 1919 to June 1920 with entry by Edward Thomas Browne Sandalion; eine offene Antwort auf die Falschungs-anklagen der Jesuiten (1910) by Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August, 1834-1919 The Tragic Sense of Life: Ernst Haeckel and the Struggle over Evolutionary Thought By Robert J. Richards, University of Chicago Press, Nov 15, 2008 Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina – Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften http://www.leopoldina.org/en/members/list-of-members/member/3606/ & www.leopoldina.org/de/haeckel Ceremony in Context: The Edinburgh University Tercentenary, 1884 by Robert Anderson, Scottish Historical Review. Volume 87, Page 121-145 DOI 10.3366/E0036924108000073, ISSN 0036-9241, Available Online April 2008
O ministro do Habitação e Vivenda, Ildemaro Villarroel, anunciou que até quinta-feira será entregue a casa de número 3 milhões, um desafio proposto pelo governo venezuelano para o ano de 2019. No âmbito do programa social chamado Grande Missão Vivenda Venezuela (GMVV), o governo presidido por Nicolás Maduro alcançou a meta de 3 milhões de casas construídas, destinadas a população que mais precisa. O programa social GMVV foi criado pelo comandante Hugo Chávez em 2011, inicialmente, para atender às necessidades de centenas de famílias afetadas após fortes chuvas naquele ano; mas também visa ajudar todas as pessoas que, por razões diferentes, não puderam comprar sua própria casa. #26Dic|📢 ¡LA ETIQUETA DEL DÍA! #PorChávez3Millones La Revolución Bolivariana hace historia al lograr cumplir la meta de 3 millones de viviendas dignas para el pueblo, un esfuerzo sostenido del Gobierno y el Poder Popular ¡Meta cumplida Comandante Chávez! pic.twitter.com/oAHboLjHV8 — MIPPCI (@Mippcivzla) December 26, 2019 A GMVV completou em 31 de dezembro de 2015 a entrega do primeiro milhão de residências construídas; depois, até 20 de março de 2018, a meta das 2 milhões de casas foi atingida. Somente em 2019, a GMVV entregou 509.046 casas e planeja continuar garantindo casas ​​para as famílias venezuelanas. Em várias ocasiões, as autoridades venezuelanas indicaram que seu principal objetivo é atingir 5 milhões ou mais de casas construídas para beneficiar a população, dentro de um período estabelecido até 2025. Curtir isso: Curtir Carregando...
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Some Dutch residents are outraged after finding out that a few cities have been offering as much as €10,000 to refugees to buy furniture and other necessities, local media reported. Asylum seekers who get allocated to certain towns in the Netherlands may get as much as €10,000 to buy furniture for their homes, according to research carried out by the daily Brabants Dagblad (BD). Talking to the local authorities, Brabants Dagblad found the sum of money varies in different municipalities. While Oisterwijk, South Netherlands offers as much as €10,602 for a family with two children, in other cities, such as Bernheze, Schijndel Veghel and Sint-Michielsgestel the same family may receive around €3,500. Boekel offers the smallest amount of €2,200. BD also said that some cities require refugees to pay the sum back, while others, such as the most generous Oisterwijk consider the money “a gift." Leader of the right-wing populist Party for Freedom (PVV), Geert Wilders said the whole situation is “discrimination” against Dutch residents, urging Dutch Deputy Prime Minister Lodewijk Asscher and the public prosecutor to address the issue. “Hey Asscher and Public Prosecutor, why don’t you address this discrimination? For a ‘refugee’ but not for the Dutch?” he tweeted. He Asscher en OM, waarom pakken jullie deze DISCRIMINATIE niet aan? Wel voor "vluchtelingen" maar niet voor NL-ers? pic.twitter.com/qGMggo3Lvl — Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) May 27, 2016 On social media many slammed the government calling its decision “ridiculous” and “idiotic." “What a terrible signal to those people... free this free that,” one user said on Twitter. @bdtilburg@brabantsdagblad wat een vreselijke slecht signaal naar deze mensen...gratis dit gratis dat...dat echt niet — Niels Fennis (@niels_fennis) May 28, 2016 Oisterwijk in particular faced criticism for “playing Santa Claus” to refugees while some of its residents are living below the poverty line, according to comments. The BD report cited several charities as saying that €2,000 were a reasonable sum for a family to get on its feet in the Netherlands. An IKEA spokesman estimated that with €10,000 euros one could buy plenty of nice furniture at the shop.
, seminarios y apariciones públicas, ofreciendo consejos prácticos para combatir los temores y las causas de los malestares de la gente. Louise L. Hay is known as one of the founders of the self-help movement. Her first book, Heal Your Body, was published in 1976, long before it was fashionable to discuss the connection between the mind and body. Revised and expanded in 1988, this best-selling book introduced Louise’s concepts to people in 33 different countries and has been translated into 25 languages throughout the world. Beautiful and meaningful affirmations to inspire your day by Louise Hay. More positive affirmations here, here, here, here, here, here and here. All rights reserved. If you want to use any of these photographs, you can contact me directly by filling out this form. Todos los derechos reservados. Si deseas usar alguna de estas fotografías, puedes contactarme llenando esta forma. (NOTA: Después de 20 años de vivir en la Ciudad de Nueva York, me encantaría volver a mi tierra de origen. ¡Necesito tu apoyo! Oprime aquí para conocer más sobre mi y para ver las diferentes formas como puedes apoyarme. NOTE: After 20 years of living in NYC, I would love to return to my homeland. I need your support! Click here to learn more about me and the different ways in which you can support me.) All rights reserved. If you want to use any of these photographs, you can contact me directly by filling out this form. Todos los derechos reservados. Si deseas usar alguna de estas fotografías, puedes contactarme llenando esta forma. Share this page on social networks. You can also “LIKE” my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter, follow me on Instagram, follow me on Pinterest, follow me on Flickr and subscribe to my Youtube channel. You can contact me directly by filling out this form. Comparte esta página en las redes sociales. También puedes darle “me gusta” a mi página en Facebook, seguirme en Twitter, sigueme en Instagram, sigueme en Pinterest, sigueme en Flickr y subscríbete a mi canal de Youtube. Puedes ponerte en contacto conmigo directamente llenando esta forma.
For several human rights activists, the profession of journalism is a "high risk" one in Mexico. A recently released report by the Mexican National Commision for Human Rights (CNDH) has revealed that between 2000 and March 2018, 138 journalists have been murdered in Mexico, 14 of those are women. The report, which was released as a part of the "With Violence There Is No Freedom of Speech," detailed the challenges faced by journalist and media workers in that country. According to the report, the profession of journalism is "high risk" in Mexico, and that negatively impacts the public's right to be adequately informed on national issues. "It is only part of the complex panorama that human rights face, a critical panorama of human rights. Our country demands urgent actions," Luis Raul Gonzalez Perez, president of the CNDH, said during the launch of the report. The campaign aims to highlight the risks faced by communicators in the country, as well as show the relevance of their work and the need to protect and give them the proper conditions to fulfill their duties. El alto índice de impunidad genera espacios de silencio en el país y vulnera los principios fundamentales de una sociedad abierta, plural y democrática. En la #CNDH trabajamos para que las y los #Periodistas ejerzan sin temor su profesión. #CeroViolenciaMásPeriodismo �� pic.twitter.com/V8SaLgsK77 — CNDH en México (@CNDH) August 11, 2018 "The high rate of impunity generates spaces of silence in the country and violates the fundamental principles of an open, plural and democratic society. In #CNDH we work for them, and so #Journalists can exercise their profession without fear. #ZeroViolenceMoreJournalism." "The death and disappearance of a journalist changes the whole environment, and that is what they have been stealing from us, and that is what we have not been fighting for," said Maria Idalia Gomez, editorial chief of EJE Central. Journalists and rights activists have said that the country's authorities are not interests in taking actions against the murder and disappearance of journalists. On the contrary, it is common that journalists as victims are linked with their victimizers in an attempt to justify the killings, which makes impunity a regular occurrence. Mexico has become one of the most dangerous countries in the world to practice the journalistic profession. In 2017, Reporters Without Borders registered 11 murders in the North American nation, declaring it the most dangerous country for journalists along with Syria. Other human rights organizations, as Amnesty International, have given recommendations to the state to improve the human rights and journalists situation in the country.
Dicen que la belleza más grande de todas es aquélla del corazón, pues una belleza externa que debajo oculte un corazón putrefacto y frío es el demonio más peligroso de todo. Rarity de Piscis, no sólo es la pony más hermosa de toda Equestria, sino que en su corazón yace una incontenible generosidad que enerva el corazón de los ponis, más allá que cualquier riquesa y cualquier poder. Rarity, a pesar de haberlo perdido todo tras la Traición del Eterno Sol, y a pesar de haber sucumbido en la más grande pobreza y sufrimiento, nunca abandonó la generosidad que en su corazón vivía, y compartió su humilde morada con todo aquél que lo necesitara. Así, llegado el momento de enfrentar el Eterno Eclipse, las obras bondadosas de la pony de Piscis no pasaron desapercibidas para la divinidad cósmica, y la constelación forjó entonces, de polvo estelar y del corazón de una estrella moribunda, la Armadura Divina de Piscis, cuyo fulgor celestial se uniría a la lucha por la vida y la libertad.Some say the greatest beuty there is is the one that comes from the heart, for an superficial beauty that beneath hides a rotten cold heart is the most dangerous demon there is. Pisces Rarity, it's not only the most beautiful pony in Equestria, also in her heart lays an unsurmountable amount of generosity, which enligthens the hearts of the pony folk, beyond any wealth and beyond any power. Rarity, even after losing it all after the Betrayal of the Eternal Sun, never forsake the generosity within, and she shared her humble home with anypony who needed it. So, when the time came to face the Eternal Eclipse, the good deeds of Pisces' pony were not forgotten by the Cosmic Divine, and the constelation then forged, out of star dust and the dying heart of a star, the Goddess Cloth of Pisces, which celestial luster would join the fight for freedom and life.Crossover of MLP and Saint Seiya, created by Masami KurumadaEl resto de las Armaduras Divinas yacen aquí:The remaining divine cloths remain here:Original Ponies of the Zodiac Collection:
Typhoon Megi has took five lives and injured over 600 people as it ravaged Taiwan and eastern China, but its strength had nothing on one woman enjoying her pork bun. The iconic photograph was used by the Wall Street Journal for an article published earlier this week, and since then, the struggling woman has won the hearts of amused netizens. I mean c’mon! Just look at how gangster this woman looks eating a pork bun while giving ZERO f*cks about the deadly storm around her. Tufão Megi mata ao menos quatro pessoas e fere outras 260 em Taiwan. Chiang Ying-ying/AP pic.twitter.com/i0SSORsLlN — @broadagroimagem (@broadagroimagem) September 27, 2016 The photo was taken by Chiang Ying-ying, an Associated Press photographer, who wrote in caption: “A woman eats and struggles with her umbrella against powerful gusts of wind generated by typhoon Megi across the the island in Taipei, Taiwan, Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016.” According to BuzzFeed, the woman was identified as a 53-year-old surnamed Dai, who expressed surprise at how her photo had gone viral. She sells fruits in a Taipei market. In an interview with Apple Daily, Dai claimed feeling “very unlucky” for she never dreamed of such a photo becoming her ticket to instant popularity. Commenters, just like Dai’s umbrella, were simply blown away: “This is the best portrayal of living in the moment, who knows what will happen the next second? The hands of the bun is true.” “If the bun weighed less, she’d be blown away.” “Pork bun >>> all.” One even immortalized the moment in an illustration: For now, Dai wished the media would at least mention her fruit stand so that she gets something out of the sudden fame. This is why Taiwan is legit my favourite place on earth. Typhoon, the umbrella you can have. But the pork bun? NO! pic.twitter.com/dvfFPntCn5 — Sarah Downes (@SDownesWSJ) September 28, 2016 “F*ck you typhoon! Nothing is going to get in my way of me eating my pork bun!” (She didn’t actually say this, but this is what we think was going through her mind.) Typhoon Megi has killed one in China and four in Taiwan, AFP reported. Taiwan’s Central Emergency Operation Center noted around 4,300 people have sought refuge in temporary shelters while more than 14,800 were evacuated from their homes.
Three people have been stabbed in western Dutch city of The Hague, according to local authorities. The suspect, who was described as being in a “confused” state, was arrested after being shot in the leg by police at the scene. The incident happened at the Johanna Westerdijkplein in the center of the city at around 3.30pm local time. Police issued a statement on Twitter confirming the suspect had been known to them. Op het Johanna Westerdijkplein in Den Haag zijn drie personen verwond door een man met een mes. De verdachte is aangehouden en daarbij door de politie in zijn been geschoten. Onderzoek en hulpverlening aan de gewonden is in volle gang. Nadere info volgt zodra er meer bekend is. — Politie Den Haag (@POL_DenHaag) May 5, 2018 Omgeving Johanna Westerdijkplein is ruim afgezet in verband met het onderzoek naar het #steekincident. De gewonden zijn inmiddels naar ziekenhuizen vervoerd. — Politie Den Haag (@POL_DenHaag) May 5, 2018 Shocking footage from the scene, shared by local broadcaster Omroep West, shows police firing shots at the suspect and him collapsing. Several gunshots can be heard amid shouting as police deal with the incident. WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO Er zijn nieuwe beelden opgedoken van de aanhouding na een steekpartij op het Johanna Westerdijkplein. De beelden kunnen als schokkend worden ervaren. Meer: https://t.co/8ACnO3Dh9Cpic.twitter.com/wJGKwJ3Kza — Omroep West (@omroepwest) May 5, 2018 The area has been sealed off and the wounded have been taken to hospital. The extent of victims’ injuries is not yet known, according to local reports. Zo zag de omgeving eruit vlak nadat de verwarde man om zich heen stak in #DenHaag. Meer op https://t.co/rgn1QnQzo9pic.twitter.com/AUYkZoGv6K — Redactie Regio15.nl (@regio15) May 5, 2018 One witness told De Telegraaf that the attacker entered a cafe and struck the first victim before attacking two others outside the premises.
Cooling Products Cooling Distribution Program MSAA provides cooling vests (such as the ones pictured above) to individuals with MS who qualify for the program. MSAA provides cooling vests (such as the ones pictured above) to individuals with MS who qualify for the program. Many people with multiple sclerosis are heat sensitive. MS research has proven that heat and humidity often aggravate common MS symptoms. MS research has also proven that cooling the body can help lessen the negative effects of heat and humidity on a person with MS. The MSAA Cooling Program offers cooling vests and accessories for adults with multiple sclerosis as well as children diagnosed with pediatric MS. Cooling vests are commonly worn over clothing and contain insulated pockets that hold small ice packs. MSAA also offers smaller products to wear under clothing as well as accessories to help cool the neck, wrists and ankles. MSAA provides these products at no charge and items are shipped directly to the client. If you have any questions, please call MSAA at (800) 532-7667 or email clientservices@mymsaa.org. (adult cooling equipment only) or Mail-In Application (see steps below) Step 1: Download the appropriate cooling application: MSAA Cooling Program (Adult) | MSAA Children’s Cooling Program Submit just one application form to cover your selections. Step 2: Please complete the forms, print, and sign. Step 3: Please place the signed forms, along with any necessary additional documentation, in an envelope and mail to: MSAA Attn: Program Coordinator – Cooling 375 Kings Highway North Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Also, you can fax the application to MSAA at (856) 488-8257. Descargue la aplicación de enfriamiento de MSAA en español o comuníquese con MSAA para solicitar una copia por correo al (800) 532-7667 o MSquestions@mymsaa.org. Watch our video to learn how a cooling vest can help people with MS. “The thing I can’t live without is the cooling vest you offer us. Without it, I would continue to be confined. I can’t thank the MSAA enough for giving me back a part of my life I missed out on so much of, until recently.” – Cathy from Shenorock, New York The MSAA Cooling Distribution Program is made possible, in part, with support from Because You Can, Biogen, Celgene, EMD Serono, Genentech, Mallinckrodt, Ravitz Foundation, and Sanofi Genzyme.
ig godt. Trolig skyldes det at de har lett tilgang til svensk tv og at dansebandmusikk er populært på Østlandet. In this post from last year I sourced a forum post that claimed the following:But even though that forum post agreed with my own experiences, it was unsourced and I've always wanted to find an actual study on the matter. Yesterday I found one, from 2004 (it also references a previous study from 1976 so even better). Here's what it says:Scandinavians speak almost the same language. But is it Norwegians, Swedes or Danes that understand each other the best?A study done by the Nordisk språkråd attempts to get to the bottom of the mystery, writes Dagsavisen. You might have experienced when you meet other Scandinavians that it is easy to get into the discussion on which other Scandinavian language is best understood. Some Norwegians think Danish is easier to understand than Swedish, while others have the opposite opinion. And what about Swedes? Is Norwegian or Danish easiest to understand?He is an associate professor in Nordic at the University of Oslo and has taken part in the designing of a language test conducted in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.Norwegians, Swedes and Danes saw a sequence of the tv program "Who wants to be a millionaire", read a newspaper notice and listened to a news broadcast. The test groups received points for how well they understood what was said and written, with a maximum of 60 points.The survey showed that Norwegians had the greatest understanding of the Nordic (Scandinavian) languages. They had almost one third better understanding of the other languages than Swedes and Danes when the points were added up. Norwegians also did best in 1976 when a similar test took place, writes Dagsavisen.The survey shows that both Swedes and Danes see Norwegian as the easiest to understand. In Sweden they found Nynorsk to be easier to understand than Bokmål (note: these are the two official standards of the Norwegian language. Bokmål is used by the majority and looks a lot like written Danish). Perhaps that is because Swedes have problems understanding Danish, and Bokmål has a greater Danish element than Nynorsk. The survey showed that Norwegians understand Swedish a bit better than Danish.Understanding of Norwegian has only increased since 1976, especially where Swedes understand Norwegians better now than before.- The fact that we've become rich in oil and that Swedish workers come here to work may have changed the outlook on it, said Torp to Dagsavisen.The survey also showed that those living in Eastern Norway understood Swedish quite well. This is probably because they have easy access to Swedish television and that dance music is popular in Eastern Norway.
/M&A tätig, u.a. bei Commerzbank und Merrill Lynch in London sowie bei der Swiss Life. Die Rechtsanwältin hält ein MBA-Abschluss der INSEAD in Fontainebleau. Sie ist in verschiedenen Unternehmen als Verwaltungsrätin tätig, so bei der V-Zug, der Bellevue Group und der INSEAD. Independent Capital Management Hans-Joachim Steinbock Crealogix AG CEO Crealogix E-Banking Schweiz Dr. Hans-Joachim Steinbock promovierte an der Universität St.Gallen am Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik. Aufgrund seiner langjährigen Führungslaufbahn bei der UBS verfügt er über umfangreiche Erfahrung im Produkt- und Salesmanagement sowie im Multichannel-Vertrieb von Bankdienstleistungen. Hans-Joachim ist seit 1. September 2013 CEO E-Banking Schweiz bei Crealogix AG. Crealogix AG Michael Stemmle additiv AG Gründer und CEO Michael Stemmle ist Gründer und CEO der additiv AG – ein Beratungs- und Technologieunternehmen für Finanzdienstleistungen der nächsten Generation. Michael hat eine langjährige internationale Erfahrung im Bereich Business Development, Innovation und Vertrieb in der Finanzindustrie. additiv AG Thomas Stokes UBS AG Managing Director Thomas Stokes is Managing Director at UBS AG Switzerland. Since 2013 he is Head of IPS Portfolio Advisory and in his function responsible for UBS Active Advisory and UBS Advice. This includes also a sophisticated in-house tool which monitors client's portfolio health every night across all portfolios. Before that he worked for UBS AG Investment Banking in Dublin and London. Prior joining UBS AG in 1997 he worked for West Merchant Bank in London. UBS AG Adrien Treccani Verso Solution CTO Adrien Treccani is CTO of Verso Solutions. Adrien has a financial engineering and computer science background, and is expert in cryptocurrency technologies. He worked as a quantitative analyst at multiple banks and hedge funds and is completing his PhD in finance at the Swiss Finance Institute. Verso Solution
Cryptos and blockchain just made new friends in what has been an exciting breakthrough year for the technology. In a new development, Bruno La Maire, France’s finance minister has confessed his love for blockchain and cryptocurrencies and remarked he would be happy to lead a blockchain revolution in the European country. This new stance was announced after a meeting with Alex Stacthenko, co-founder of French-based blockchain start-up, Blockchain Partner. A tweet by Alex read, “J’etais néophyte il y a un an, mais à present, je me suis pris de passion. Mais cela m’a pris un an. Faisons preuve de bcp de pédagogie avec nos concitoyens pour faire de la France la première place d’innovation Blockchain/cryptos en UE” @BrunoLeMaire ce matin. Il se passe qch! — Alex Stachtchenko (@StachAlex) May 15, 2018 “I was a neophyte a year ago, but now I’ve become passionate. But it took me a year. Let us demonstrate pedagogy with our fellow citizens to make France the first place of innovation Blockchain/Cryptos in the EU ” @BrunoLeMaire this morning. It is happening! Perhaps, the most remarkable facet of the new revelation is that a little less than a year ago, the minister and other colleagues including Peter Altmaier, German Finance minister had penned a letter requesting that over 19 countries constituting the G20, take action to prevent the risks posed by the rapid growth of cryptocurrencies. That already seems to be in the past with local media bitcoin.fr reporting that the minister also had plans to manage ICO’s in the country as crypto adoption rates increase. “It is necessary to professionalize the ICOs and their evaluation, whether by independent rating agencies, the AMF label, or other methods, in order to promote the adoption of the general public in a sustainable and secure way,” Le Maire said. He also potentially ruled out talks to adopt the same taxation and regulation policies used for precious metals on cryptocurrencies while proposing taxation “through regular exchanges with the ecosystem, to develop relevant measures and effective output”. Undoubtedly, a new dawn for French blockchain start-ups is on the horizon. The country already is one of the biggest Fintech players in Europe and could reach new landmarks in a move pioneered by Bruno Le Maire, a former crypto atheist. This is good news for the crypto community worldwide and an enticing prospect that could bring European countries on the cryptocurrency era. Will France go on to become Europe’s biggest blockchain hub? Enjoy reading? Please share:
106 Canadian-held accounts were found to contain more than $100 million. In fact, as reported by the Auditor General, the CRA “waived referrals for potential criminal investigation to gather information.” In other words, the agency promised not to charge the people involved in that tax scheme in exchange for them explaining to the CRA how it actually worked and agreeing to pay what they owed. Compare this to Australia, for example, where not only are back taxes and penalties paid, but individuals are charged with committing a crime and in many cases convicted, fined and jailed, and the country uses those convictions to warn citizens that it is serious about tax evasion. “As a result of Project Wickenby’s focus on preventing the abusive use of secrecy havens,” a 2012 audit of an Aussie anti-tax evasion task force noted, “Australia is presently less attractive for international tax fraud and evasion than it otherwise would have been. After a slow start, the project has achieved substantial results from its activities, which contribute to protecting Australia’s revenue base.” However, in Canada, any lessons learned from the Liechtenstein affair have obviously not been very effective, as three years after the release of the Panama Papers, nobody has been charged as a result of that leak, either. In short, the CRA has failed Canadians. Because Canada has not recovered any money, three things have happened. One, we don’t have that money to fund our priorities without incurring a deficit; two, the rest of us have to make up the shortfall by paying more taxes; and three, Canadians are wondering why we have a two-tier justice system for tax evasion. Try to cheat on your domestic taxes, and the CRA will likely find you, charge you, convict you and force your repayment. Hide your money overseas, and you likely will never be charged or convicted. The odds are good you will get away with it, and your federal government allows this double standard to continue. How many millions of dollars hidden overseas are owed to our country and are not being collected? No one knows, and the federal government, despite its apparent resolve, seems not to care. Why? It remains a mystery. But during the coming federal election, Canadians might want to ask why people are being treated differently depending upon whether they’re evading their taxes at home or overseas. Photo: Shuttersck by Yabresse Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives.
Foto: Instagram BORNA RAJIĆ na Facebooku je počela oglašavati svoje usluge. Nakon što je objavila da će uskoro izaći njena knjiga te da će pokrenuti svoju internetsku stranicu s paket programima, poručila je da joj se mogu javiti svi koji to žele. Naravno, ne besplatno. "Svima koji od mene traže instant rješenje za svoje probleme moram reći da ono ne postoji. Rješenje je u vama, a želite li u razgovorima sa mnom krenuti na to putovanje možete dogovoriti termin razgovora osobno ili putem Skypea na mail bornarajic3@gmail.com, moji suradnici su vam na raspolaganju. Cijena sata je 1000 kuna, za osobe s financijskim poteškoćama 50. Uskoro knjiga i web stranica s paket programima. Veseli me da me pratite i zahvalna sam vam na vjernosti i povjerenju", napisala je bivša supruga Luke Rajića, koja je prošle godine privukla veliku pažnju svojim YouTube uradcima. Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa Svima koji od mene traže instant rješenje za svoje probleme moram reći da ono ne postoji. Rješenje je u vama, a želite... Posted by Borna Rajic on 10. veljača 2016 Iako je nakon razvoda postala bogatija za 270 milijuna kuna te tako postala šesta najbogatija Hrvatica u inozemstvu, Borna je nakon povratka u Hrvatsku odlučila pokrenuti svoj posao. Hoće li je dotući hrvatska birokracija, uskoro ćemo vidjeti. The center of your Galaxy is where your heart beats. Fotografiju objavljuje Borna Rajic (@bornarajic) Vel 4, 2016 u 5:36 PST
. La compagnie invite à se rendre régulièrement sur son site pour des mises à jour. INFO: We have recently become aware of media reports speculating on an incident though we still do not have any own confirmed information... 24.03.15 Germanwings. @germanwings Suivre 11:57 #crash Le ministre de l'intérieur Bernard Cazeneuve se rend sur les lieux du drame, a indiqué Matignon. 11:57 #crash. Sur le site de l'aéroport de Barcelone, le seul vol Germanwings à destination de Barcelone prévu ce jour devait partir à 9h35. Il a décollé à 9h47. Son itinéraire prévoyait un survol de la France en passant près de Lyon, Dijon et Metz. 11:52 #crash la dernière position enregistrée du vol, toujours par le site Flightradar24, dans un massif non loin de Barcelonnette. Last position of Germanwings flight #4U9525 at 09:40 UTC flightradar24.com/data/airplanes… 24.03.15 Flightradar24. @flightradar24 Suivre 11:49 #crash C'est à 10h39 heure française que le site spécialisé Flighradar24 a perdu la trace du vol Germanwings à l'altitude 6800 pieds (soit 2,07 km). Germanwings flight #4U9525 (registration D-AIPX) was lost from Flightradar24 at 6800 feet at 09.39 UTC time. 24.03.15 Flightradar24. @flightradar24 Suivre 11:49 #crash Un tweet d'Eric Ciotti, député UMP des Alpes-Maritime. Une colonne de secours des pompiers des Alpes-maritimes se rend sur les lieux du crash de l'A320 à Méolans-Revel dans le 04. 24.03.15 Eric Ciotti ن. @ECiotti Suivre 11:48 #crash Selon une source citée par l'AFP, il s'agit d'un avion de la compagnie Germanwings, filiale de Lufthansa, qui devait assurer la liaison Barcelone-Düsseldorf. 11:47 #crash Le titre Airbus perd 2% en Bourse après le crash d'un A320 en France d'après l'AFP.
Video footage has emerged purporting to show the first moments of an alleged Iranian retaliatory strike on an American base in Iraq, which comes days after a US assassination of a top Iranian general. “‘Hard revenge’ begins / Army's heavy missile attacks on US base in [Ayn al-Asad],” wrote the semi-official Fars News Agency amid reports of a heavy missile attack on an American airbase in Iraq. 🎥 «انتقام سخت» آغاز شد/ حملات سنگین موشکی سپاه به پایگاه آمریکایی عین‌الاسد pic.twitter.com/sbw0cwGH6B — خبرگزاری فارس (@FarsNews_Agency) January 7, 2020 Several other unconfirmed photos also circulated on social media alleging to show the attack in progress. Also on rt.com Iran launches 'SECOND WAVE' of retaliation strikes against US assets in Iraq Video showing Fateh-110 ballistic missiles launched by #IRGC Aerospace Force hitting Ain al-Asad Air Base in #Iraq during Operation #Soleimani. According to #Pentagon, all claims of #IRGC regarding to killing 80 #US Servicemen there is untrue. They have destroyed only helicopters pic.twitter.com/W3Krb0NvHt — Babak Taghvaee (@BabakTaghvaee) January 8, 2020 🔴🔴🔴 URGENTEEstas são as primeiras imagens do ataque com dezenas de mísseis contra a base aérea de Al Asad, no Iraque, usada pelos Estados Unidos. Agência iraniana diz que mísseis são do Irã pic.twitter.com/vemAru57Nm — Lucas Rohan (@lucasrohan) January 7, 2020 #Breaking: Semi-official Fars news agency in #Iran claims that the rocket attack at Al Assad was an "Iranian six missile attack" (6:03 p.m. ET 1/7/20) Ayn al Asad is an Iraqi Armed Forces and United States armed forces air base located in Anbar province of western #Iraq. pic.twitter.com/WxyhYVQXEN — Parthiban Shanmugam (@hollywoodcurry) January 7, 2020 Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
5. Colocar os vegetais em cima do arroz espalhando ao longo de todo o comprimento. 6. Enrolar com a ajuda do tapete fazendo alguma força para que tudo fique justo e não reste muito ar entre os vegetais, para o sushi não se despedaçar. ingredients: 1/2 cup rice 1 tablespoon of vinegar 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 clove garlic, minced 1 carrot 1 zuchini 1/4 avocado 50g mushroom 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 lettuce leaf Sushi nori ( dried seaweed ) 1. In a pan add olive oil and chopped garlic, then add the rice right away as well as its double water and 1 tablespoon vinegar and cook. 2. After the rice is ready, leave to cool completely. 3. Put a sushi seaweed in the mat and add rice on top spreading evenly and leaving a space at the end without rice. 4. Put the mushrooms and soy sauce in a bowl. 5. Place on top of rice plants spreading over the entire length. 6. Curl with the help of the mat doing some pressure so that everything is even and not much air remains between the veggies so the sushi does not fall apart. 7. Cut into small pieces, and you're done! :) Ingredientes:1/2 copo de arroz carolino1 colher de sopa de vinagre1 colher de sopa de azeite1 dente de alho picado1 cenoura1 courgete1/4 de abacate50g de cogumelos2 colheres de sopa de molho de soja1 folha de salfaceSushi nori (alga seca)1. Numa panela adicionar o azeite e o alho picado, e adicionar logo de seguida o arroz assim como o seu dobro em água e 1 colher de vinagre, deixar cozer.2. Depois do arroz estar pronto, deixar arrefecer completamente.3. Numa esteira de sushi colocar a alga e em cima o arroz espalhando uniformemente e deixando no fim um espaço sem arroz.4. Num prato de sopa colocar os cogumelos e o molho de soja.7. Cortar aos bocadinhos, e já está! :)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Former French leader Nicolas Sarkozy won a court fight on Tuesday for the right to rename his conservative party "The Républicains", a prelude to an expected attempt to win back the presidency in 2017 Advertising Read more A French court dismissed demands for an emergency ban on Sarkozy's plan to change his party's name from the clunkier Union for a Popular Movement (UMP). Dozens of people had filed an emergency complaint to stop the rebranding, arguing that the name, by alluding to France's Fifth Republic, founded 57 years ago, was an attempt by the political right to usurp the values of the entire nation. But a Paris judge ruled there was no justification for an emergency ban. The plaintiffs can appeal the ruling and can also file a regular complaint, but that would take months to be processed. "Freedom won! We'll be able to call ourselves The Républicains!" lawmaker Daniel Fasquelle said on Twitter. Victoire de la liberté! Nous pourrons nous appeler Les Républicains! #UMP — Daniel Fasquelle (@DFasquelle) May 26, 2015 Sarkozy, defeated by Socialist François Hollande in May 2012 after five years in power, came out of political retirement last year. A'semantic hold-up' The complaint against the name change was filed by left-wing officials and organisations including the National Federation of Socialists and Republicans, according to a press release issued by lawyers for the group earlier this month. "Our clients believe that it is unthinkable to privatise the republican ideal. We are thrilled that the justice has recognised the urgent need for a summary judgement on this question of principle,” they said. "By deciding that they will henceforth be known as ‘Les Républicains’, the UMP has deliberately stirred up major civil, social and political strife in France,” the lawyers said. Left-wing daily La Libération called the proposed name-change a "semantic hold-up" while finance minister and senior Socialist Michel Sapin said it was disingenuous as many French, of all political persuasions, could call themselves Républicains. After being named UMP chairman last November, Sarkozy promised to help his party end years of internal disputes and combat France's resurgent far-right. "For me the era of acronyms is over," Sarkozy told weekly Journal du Dimanche in April. "It's high time we stood up for the values of the Republic rather than destroying them." The name change, already backed by the party's leadership, is expected to be approved by its members in an electronic vote on Thursday and Friday ahead of a party congress on Saturday. (FRANCE 24 with AFP and REUTERS) Daily newsletterReceive essential international news every morning Subscribe
; const r = Math. max (( anger + fear ) / 2 * 255, y ); const g = Math. max (( openness + agreeableness + disgust ) / 3 * 255, y ); const b = ( sadness + tentative + analytical ) / 3 * 255 ; return `rgb( ${ Math. round ( r )}, ${ Math. round ( g )}, ${ Math. round ( b )} )` ; } So what’s happening here is we’re saying that joy and confidence contribute to yellow, sadness and tentativeness and analytics contribute to blue, anger and fear contribute to red, openness agreeableness and disgust contribute to green. This is by no means perfect, but it sort of gets the job done. index.html full code available here Just for completion sake, here’s what our DOM looks like: <div id= "tone-visualizer" > <div id= "current-text" ></div> <form action= "" id= "form" > <input id= "m" autocomplete= "off" /> <button> Send </button> </form> </div> We also need to include the socket.io client code: <script src= "/socket.io/socket.io.js" ></script> For our js we start by initializing our socket and getting reference to key DOM elements. We will not be using JQuery because we are badasses so we do this up here to make our following code more concise. var socket = io (); var form = document. getElementById ( 'form' ); var input = document. getElementById ('m' ); var currentText = document. getElementById ( 'current-text' ); var toneVisualizer = document. getElementById ( 'tone-visualizer' ); Ok, so now, when a user submits our form. We’re going to emit that on the “tone message” topic over our websocket, and clear what was in the input: form. addEventListener ('submit', function ( e ) { e. preventDefault (); socket. emit ( 'tone message', input. value ); input. value = '' ; return false ; }); When we receive the tone-text and tone-color, we set the text in our page and set the background color accordingly: socket. on ( 'tone', function ( msg ) { currentText. innerText = msg. text ; document. body. style. background = msg. color ; }); and so it goes Believe it or not, the entire demo codebase including comments and html and css is only 110 lines. It’s pretty exciting. Again, be sure to check out the GitHub Repo and play with the app itself.
The Western Hemisphere is rejoicing over the ruling in a marriage equality case out of Costa Rica. Not only is the ruling binding for the Central American country, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruling also sets precedent for 19 other countries who have agreed to abide by the court’s decisions. A handful of the countries under the court’s jurisdiction already have marriage equality, but most do not. Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay already recognize same-sex marriages as do several states in Mexico. Chile and Ecuador currently recognize same-sex civil unions but not marriages. The ruling is legally binding in Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname and Uruguay. Shortly after the ruling was announced, the Costa Rican government announced that it would comply with the ruling. A marriage equality bill pending in Chile and a court case in Panama will be bolstered by the court’s ruling. “Today is an historic day, a day of light. The Inter-American Court vindicates the rights of LGBTI persons under the American Convention, and reminds all the States of their responsibility and historical moral obligation to this population,” Costa Rican Vice President Ana Helena Chacón said. The government’s official Twitter account sent out a tweet announcing their decision to comply with the ruling. Amar es una condición humana que debe ser respetada, sin ningún tipo de discriminación. El Estado ratifica su compromiso de acatar la opinión consultiva de la #CIDH. https://t.co/ODcqxTbFVh — Casa Presidencial 🇨🇷 (@presidenciacr) January 9, 2018 Translation: Love is a human condition that must be respected, without any discrimination. The State ratifies its commitment to comply with the advisory opinion of the # IACHR. For a fantastic paraphrasing of the ruling from the original Spanish, check out Rebecca Pilar Buckwalter Poza’s Daily Kos post. Top photo for this article comes from Amelia Rueda and you can check out her website for more. Watch Costa Ricans celebrate the ruling below in a video from David Zuiga. Que sí… Que sí… La corte dijo sí 🙌🏼 pic.twitter.com/g6ejwCKphM — David Zuiga (@daviiidez) January 10, 2018 In the Western Hemisphere, homosexuality is criminalized in Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago. Dominica, Grenada and Jamaica do not submit to the rulings of the court.
Black African Defense League activists in France attacked a Joan of Arc Statue to protest slavery in Libya Tuesday. African activists protested and attacked a statue of the French historical icon to accuse Europe of being responsible for slavery in Libya, according to their video posted to Facebook. The video features three Franco-African men wearing sweatshirts with the words “Ligue de Défense Noire Africaine” or The Black African Defense League (LDNA) in English and rallying around the statue in Paris to protest Libyan slavery. (RELATED: Italy’s New Interior Minister Demands Boat Carrying Migrants To Turn Around) The men surrounded the statue with cardboard signs and a banner. The banner was written in red, stating “The Black African Defense League: Free Slaves In Libya,” complete with two frowning faces. One man wore a cardboard sign written in pink with the words “The country of Joan of Arc is responsible.” One of the protesters then climbed on top of the golden statue to further bring light to the plight of people in Libya. (RELATED: Slovenian Political Leader Wants To Put ‘Slovenia First’ Agenda In Melania Trump’s Home Country) WATCH: Marine Le Pen, the leader of the nationalistic anti-migrant “Front National” political party, expressed her frustration about the LDNA’s protests. (RELATED: Italian Politician Says Sending Back Illegal Immigrants Is A Top Priority) “The ‘Black African Defense League’ attacks the Joan of Arc statue in Paris. Our country is becoming a playground for associations that hate France,” Le Pen wrote. La “Ligue de Défense noire africaine” s’en prend à la statue de Jeanne d’Arc à Paris: notre pays devient le terrain de jeu d’associations qui haïssent la France. Qu’attend @gerardcollomb pour en finir avec ces agitateurs qui souillent nos symboles les uns après les autres! MLP pic.twitter.com/9tIrQm0AYp — Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) June 13, 2018 The LDNA also noted it is a movement to shed light against racism and create respect for the black community, The LDNA also noted it is a movement to shed light against racism and create respect for the black community, according to its biography on Twitter. Follow Gabrielle on Twitter Send tips to gabrielle@dailycallernewsfo undation.org. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.
Donald Trump is expected to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The move will break long-time US policy and potentially stir unrest, not only in the Middle East but around the world. Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967 and subsequent occupation of the area is still considered illegal by the United Nations. This announcement could spark controversy and provoke violence across the world and fan flames of militancy. It will also break decades of diplomacy and disrupt the Arab-Israeli peace talks. Help us stop this declaration. 1967 borders must be respected and Jerusalem must remain the capital of Palestine. من المتوقع ان يعلن دونالد ترامب القدس عاصمة لاسرائيل. هذه الخطوة ستكسر سياسة الولايات المتحدة وتزيد من الاضطراب، ليس فقط في الشرق الأوسط ولكن في جميع أنحاء العالم. لا يزال يعتبر ضم إسرائيل للقدس الشرقية في عام 1967 والاحتلال اللاحق للمنطقة غير قانوني من جانب الأمم المتحدة. هذا الإعلان قد يثير الجدل ويثير العنف في جميع أنحاء العالم ويشعل نيران من التطرف. كما انه سيكسر عقود من الدبلوماسية ويعرقل محادثات السلام العربية الاسرائيلية. ساعدنا في إيقاف هذا الإعلان. القدس يجب أن تبقى عاصمة فلسطين
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia on Monday (Mar 23) reported 212 new coronavirus cases, bringing the national total to 1,518. The death toll has also increased to 14. Of the new cases, 123 are from the cluster linked to a tabligh (religious) gathering at the Sri Petaling Mosque in Kuala Lumpur, said the Malaysian health minister. The cases linked to the religious gathering cluster account for 970 - or 62 per cent - of the total cases in the country. The event, which took place from Feb 27 to Mar 1, was attended by 16,000 people. It has also led to infections in neighbouring countries including Brunei, Singapore and Cambodia. A 70-year-old Malaysian man, known as Case 1,114, was the 12th fatality. He had attended the tabligh gathering at the Sri Petaling Mosque and had received treatment at Hospital Kluang. The 13th death, a 49-year-old Malaysian man known as Case 1,006, was a close contact of a participant of the religious event. He was warded at Hospital Miri. The 14th and latest fatality is a 51-year-old Malaysian woman known as Case 595. She was also a close contact of a participant of the religious event and also received treatment at Hospital Miri. The health minister added that 57 patients remain in intensive care with 27 requiring ventilation. Earlier on Monday the health ministry had reported the 11th death in the country, a 70-year-old Malaysian man - Case 1,070 - who had a history of chronic illness. Taburan kes #COVIDー19 di Malaysia mengikut negeri setakat 23 Mac 2020. Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Sabah dan Johor mencatat kes tertinggi. pic.twitter.com/BRDKmXSXZ9 — KKMalaysia🇲🇾 (@KKMPutrajaya) March 23, 2020 He had travelled to Indonesia and was a chairman of a surau in his residential area. He began showing symptoms of the disease a week before being admitted to Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz-Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia on Mar 18. As of 12pm on Monday, the state of Selangor registered 354 cases, the highest number of cases in the country by far. This is followed by the federal territory of Kuala Lumpur with 242 cases. The states of Sabah and Johor have 169 and 158 cases respectively. A total of 1,345 patients are currently receiving treatment while 159 recovered cases have been discharged. Download our app or subscribe to our Telegram channel for the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak: https://cna.asia/telegram
Patty Jenkins, Gal Gadot, and company took to a panel at CCXP19 to unveil the first epic teaser trailer to Wonder Woman 1984, the second in the franchise featuring the Justice Leaguer. One tidbit of information that flew under the radar was Jenkin's confirmation Warner Brothers is now working on a Wonder Woman spinoff featuring the Amazons of Themyscira. While Jenkins won't be directing the movie, the filmmaker did reportedly confirm she's already boarded the project as an executive producer. Sim @PattyJenks confirmou que a WB desenvolve um filme focado nas Amazonas! Ela não irá dirigir, mas trabalhará na produção executiva! Sem maiores detalhes. #MulherMaravilha1984 https://t.co/8Dv9be8llB — @mpmorales (@mpmorales) December 8, 2019 "Yes @PattyJenks confirmed that WB develops a movie focused on the Amazon!" a rough translation of Brazilian journalist M.P. Morales' tweet reads. "She will not drive, but will work in executive production! No further details." After the first Wonder Woman was a runaway hit with critics and fans alike — it ended up grossing $821.85 million worldwide — it's no wonder WB wants to boost the franchise however it can. The next step in the evolution of the franchise is Wonder Woman 1984, a direct sequel set in the mid 1980s. "You know what was cool," Jenkins said in a recent interview. "We're treating the era differently than I've seen so far, which I feel like there have a lot of interesting versions of doing the era. In our version, as a child of the '80s myself, yes there was funny, ha-ha outfits I can't believe I wore, for sure." "But there's also incredible music, incredible art," the director continued. "And so I really felt like the 1980s is mankind at their most extreme and at their best. It was when we could do anything we wanted and we had no idea of the price yet. So we have really committed to that version of the '80s, where it's not needle drops, and it's not a bunch of jokes. It's actually the most aspirational and elegant version of the '80s in many places." There's no information on when the Wonder Woman Themyscira spinoff will take place or what actors that will be involved in the production. Wonder Woman 1984 drops June 5, 2020. Other upcoming DC movies include Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) on February 7, 2020, The Batman on June 25, 2021, The Suicide Squad on August 6, 2021, Black Adam on December 22, 2021, and Aquaman 2 on December 16, 2022.
A video clip out of France shows a Socialist Mayor dancing awkwardly with a large group of Algerian soccer fans as they chant “Allahu Akbar”. A heart-warming display of diversity, I’m sure you’ll agree. Vidéo stupéfiante d'un maire socialiste dansant aux cris de "#Allah Akbar" avec des supporters de l'#Algérie. Belle allégorie de ce qui se passe depuis 40 ans: Les politiciens convolent avec l'#islamisme au lieu de le combattre! pic.twitter.com/98HUFejw0x — Napoléon (@tprincedelamour) July 16, 2019 Respondents to the clip were not too impressed given that Algerian fans have rioted in, looted and trashed major French cities twice within the last two weeks alone. As we reported on Monday, nearly 3000 were arrested across France as fans celebrated their team’s Africa Cup of Nations semi-final win by throwing smoke bombs, projectiles, and firecrackers at police. VIDEO: Algerian football fans and police clash in Marseille, France, after their team win the Africa Cup of Nations semi-final with a 2-1 victory over three-time champions Nigeria pic.twitter.com/q9Y3V9ZBhT — AFP news agency (@AFP) July 15, 2019 During similar riots last week, a mother and her two daughters were mown down by a vehicle in Montpellier, an incident that left the mother dead and her baby daughter in critical condition. Algerians also poured out onto the streets following their team’s victory over Ivory Coast. They celebrated that win by wielding chainsaws, smashing shop windows and breaking in. Quite how the Socialist Mayor thought it was a good idea to attach himself to such criminality is anyone’s guess. Meanwhile, Breitbart reports, “A study of the election preferences of the French military and the gendarmes has revealed an increasing trend to support populist leader Marine Le Pen and her Rassemblement National (National Rally/RN).” Gee, I wonder why. SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet ——————————————————————————————————————— There is a war on free speech. Without your support, my voice will be silenced. Please sign up for the free newsletter here. Donate to me on SubscribeStar here. Support my sponsor – Turbo Force – a supercharged boost of clean energy without the comedown. ——————————————————————————————————————— The Emergency Election Sale is now live! Get 30% to 60% off our most popular products today!
Liga MX referees reportedly threatening to strike if league hands out short suspensions The league's officials are expecting tough sanctions on Enrique Triverio and Pablo Aguilar after they made contact with referees in Copa MX matches. Mexican referees have had enough. According to a report in Record, officials are threatening to take drastic action if strong punishment isn't handed down to a pair of players who were sent off for making contact with referees during Wednesday's Copa MX Round of 16 games. Herrera in no rush to extend Tijuana deal Should their terms not be met, the referees plan to strike with the intention of causing the league to miss matches, according to the report. Club America center back Pablo Aguilar was sent off for what appeared to be an attempted head butt that the referee deflected by creating space with his shoulder as he was calling time on America's 1-0 loss to Tijuana. Toluca forward Enrique Triverio saw red after giving the referee a shove on his shoulder as Toluca crashed out of the cup with a loss to Morelia on penalties. "The referee's union condemns the acts of Pablo Aguilar and Enrique Triverio. Enough of the aggressions," read a tweet from the referee's association. El Gremio Arbitral reprueba los actos de Pablo Aguilar y Enrique Triverio, basta de agresiones. #CopaMX #CopaCoronaMX #UnidosPorUnBienComún pic.twitter.com/WoVAlQCQbM — AMA Árbitros (@AMArbitros) March 9, 2017 Gold Cup match schedule announced The league's disciplinary committee met Thursday afternoon, and it was revealed that Aguilar's bump was noted as "violent conduct" in Fernando Hernandez's match report. Both cases, however, still remain open with a number of suspensions available to the committee, according to the league's bylaws. La Asociación Mexicana de Árbitros expresa todo su apoyo a los #Silbantes Miguel Flores y Fernando Hernández. #COPACoronaMX #CopaMX #AMA pic.twitter.com/jnRUXxd6ds — AMA Árbitros (@AMArbitros) March 9, 2017 The disciplinary body has been busy in the past two weeks. It handed down a one-match stadium ban for Veracruz and gave Tigres manager Ricardo "Tuca" Ferretti a two-game suspension after a fight broke out between Veracruz and Tigres supporters at the Estadio Luis "Pirata" Fuente. Earlier this week, the league announced that Toluca midfielder Rubens Sambueza and Leon midfielder Andres Andrade are suspended indefinitely for tackles that caused injuries in weekend play.
-past-the-post voting system illustrates this in a very straightforward way. Since there will often be no majority winner at the riding level, the system instead awards victory to the individual who gets the most votes. The net consequence of doing this in each riding is that it usually results in one party gaining a legislative majority. This may seem like an “artificial” majority, until we stop to consider the fact that, in many circumstances, any majority will be artificial. We can imagine this element of arbitrariness as something like a bump under the carpet, a bump that can be moved around, but not eliminated. This is in fact that the major lesson learned from formal voting theory over the past few decades. One glance at this literature and it is easy to see that it gets complicated very quickly, with people developing increasingly arcane systems. And yet we know from first principles that each one of these systems is going to have a flaw, or contain an element of arbitrariness. The bump under the carpet can be moved around, but it cannot be eliminated. One response to this situation is to drop the preference for elections that yield majority governments. This is, in effect, what proponents of proportional representation have been advocating. They take issue not so much with the fact that individuals can be elected with less than 50 percent support but with the fact that a party can win the majority of seats in the legislature with less than 50 percent support. In their view, parliamentary seats should be allocated based strictly on vote share. The question one should ask, when considering proposals such as this, is “where does it move the bump?” The answer is that it moves it into the legislature — because after all, even if there is no majority government, a majority of votes in the House of Commons is still required to pass legislation. And since the majority will is often non-existent there, something arbitrary is going to have to happen, in order to get legislation passed. Thus, the best that can be said for proportional representation is that it moves the bump somewhere closer to out of sight. Rather than having a voting system that reliably delivers majority governments it will be left to politicians in the legislature to put together a majority, using whatever backroom horse-trading and negotiation tactics they can come up with. We can rest assured that there will be an enormous amount of arbitrariness in this as well. Photo: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com This article is part of the Electoral Reform special feature. Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives.
“For example, gusto niya mag-umpisa ng graphic novel section,” says Roie, a decision made after Roel posted on their Facebook page asking for ideas from customers. This means that you can pretty much find anything and everything on their shelves, from a reader on Anaïs Nin all the way to a Tibetan Book of the Dead. Beyond a Bookshop ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW With more than a decade’s worth of books behind them, it’s obvious that the Abayas’ store has a bit of a following. Even when they were still based in Mindanao, they would have people reach out to them all the way from Metro Manila, so now, their regular customers are extra glad to have a physical space to head to. These people include professors from the nearby University of the Philippines - Diliman, “mostly from Social Sciences courses,” says Roie. Funnily enough, they get books from every section and not just the typical literature one would associate with them. And of course, there are the students looking to score some real knowledge on a good deal. ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW Aside from the academic crowd, Roie says that people who venture into their shop almost always come back with a friend or two, or more. This means that Roie and his mom Elizabeth are at the shop daily. The mom-and-son duo are in charge of logistics and over-all operations while Roel remains the vigilant hunter of great reads and rare finds abroad. It’s a formula that works for them, “Dahil po pamilya po kami, nasasabi namin sa isa’t-isa kung ano ‘yong kailangan, ano ‘yong maganda,” says Roie. They’ve also expanded operations to pop-up stalls, and other online platforms like Shopee. Sure, the shop has pretty much taken over their lives, but it’s all worth it, explains Roie, especially when you see the impact the place has on people’s lives. “Makikita mo 'yong pagka-enamored nila sa libro, 'yong interest nila. Gusto pa [rin] nila 'yong hawak talaga nila 'yong libro,” he says. In a city where books appear to be fading even from the big chain stores, places like this act almost like a last refuge. So whether you’re working on a dissertation or you just want to be able to finally understand what Adorno was saying, you can always expect some help at Roel’s Bookshop—or at the very least, peace and quiet. ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW Photos by Kit Singson
This website is based on an exhibition that was on view at the National Museum of American History, and other museums as a touring exhibit. The Bracero Program, 1942-1964 Dependence on Mexican labor has been a source of great opportunity as well as great conflict for Mexicans and Americans. In 1942, facing labor shortages caused by World War II, the United States initiated a series of agreements with Mexico to recruit Mexican men to work on U.S. farms and railroads. These agreements became known as the bracero program. (Bracero is a term used in Mexico for a manual laborer.) Between 1942 and 1964, an estimated two million Mexican men came to the United States on short-term labor contracts. A little-known chapter of American and Mexican history, the bracero program touched the lives of countless men, women, families, and communities. Both bitter and sweet, the bracero experience tells a story of exploitation but also of opportunity. Programa Bracero, 1942-1964 Tanto para mexicanos como para estadounidenses, la dependencia de la mano de obra mexicana ha constituido una fuente de grandes oportunidades y, a la vez, de grandes conflictos. En 1942, ante la escasez de trabajadores suscitada por la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Estados Unidos entabló una serie de acuerdos con México, conducentes a reclutar mano de obra mexicana para los campos y ferrocarriles estadounidenses. Estos acuerdos se conocieron con el nombre de programa bracero, término este último con el que en México se designa al trabajador manual. Se estima que, entre 1942 y 1964, ingresaron a los Estados Unidos dos millones de mexicanos portando contratos laborales a corto plazo. El programa bracero, un capítulo de la historia de los Estados Unidos y de México poco conocido, ha afectado las vidas de innumerables hombres, mujeres, familias y comunidades. La experiencia de los braceros, a un tiempo amarga y dulce, alude a una historia de explotación, pero también de oportunidades. "LA EXPERIENCE DE BRACERO NUNCA SE TE OLIVIDA." "YOU NEVER FORGET THE BRACERO EXPERIENCE." -Aurelio Marin Luna, ex-Bracero
Logo In a fictional world of the future the infamous super villain Dr. Lacroix schemes to seize world supremacy with his army of robots. You take the role of Nikki and try to cross those evil plans on behalf of a secret organization. Your quest will take you to various locations: from futuristic metropolises to submarine facilities, floating islands, and even as far as orbital space. In einer fiktiven Welt der Zukunft versucht der berüchtigte Superschurke Dr. Lacroix mit seiner Roboterarmee die Weltherrschaft an sich zu reißen. Du übernimmst die Rolle von Nikki und versuchst im Auftrag einer Geheimorganisation diese dunklen Pläne zu durchkreuzen. Deine Aufgabe führt Dich durch verschiedene Welten: von futuristischen Metropolen über Unterwasserstationen und schwebende Inseln bis in den Weltraum. Nikki and the Robots renders homage to the classical platform games of the eighties and nineties, while at the same time realizing a unique gameplay idea. The main character Nikki refrains from using any weapons or equipment during the whole quest, and can only jump and run around the levels. However, it is possible to hack into Dr. Lacroix’s various robots and to take control of them via computer terminals. The nifty use of the robots and the combination of their characteristic special abilities enable Nikki to solve puzzles, overcome obstacles, and complete the level tasks. Nikki and the Robots ist eine Hommage an die klassischen Jump’n’Runs der achtziger und neunziger Jahre, gleichzeitig wird aber auch eine ganz besondere Spielidee verwirklicht. Die Hauptfigur Nikki verwendet während des ganzen Abenteuers weder Waffen noch Ausrüstungsgegenstände und kann nur springen und rennen. Jedoch ist es möglich, sich über Computerterminals in die verschiedenen Roboter von Dr. Lacroix einzuhacken und deren Steuerung zu übernehmen. Die geschickte Verwendung der Roboter und die Kombination ihrer besonderen Spezialfähigkeiten ermöglichen es Nikki, Rätsel zu lösen, Hindernisse zu überwinden und so die Levelaufgaben zu erfüllen.
Oltre 670.000 follower conquistati in pochi mesi grazie alle immagini che la ritraggono ‘senza veli’ mentre è intenta a fare esercizi di yoga: foto artistiche accompagnate dall’hashtag #NYGyoga che l’hanno resa una celebrità su Instagram e che ha portato molti adepti ad emularla. Parliamo di @nude_yogagirl, il profilo Instagram di una modella sconosciuta di 26 anni che promuove lo yoga in un modo originale e decisamente insolito. In un’intervista al blog “The Cut”, l’anonima modella che ha invitato le sue fan a condividere le proprie foto nude mentre fanno yoga, ha precisato: “In passato il mio più grande problema era che vedevo continuamente solo i difetti del mio corpo e perciò non riuscivo ad amarmi. Il tuo modo di guardare non importa (chiunque può vedere i difetti e avere quella sensazione di non amare se stesso). Con il mio account voglio ispirare la gente a rendersi conto che tutti sono bellissimi e capaci di fare cose stupefacenti con i loro corpi“. E numerose amanti dello yoga hanno risposto all’appello, ‘postando’ immagini analoghe accompagnate dall’hashtag lanciato dalla modella. DA INSTAGRAM #NYGyoga (foto di @nude_yogagirl e dei suoi follower) One question once a week… When was the last time you told yourself “I love you”? ❤ #NYGyoga Un post condiviso da Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) in data: 6 Ott 2017 alle ore 09:48 PDT “I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.” ❤ – Emma Stone #NYGyoga Un post condiviso da Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) in data: 24 Set 2017 alle ore 08:44 PDT One question once a week… What are your favorite moments in a day? ❤ Un post condiviso da Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) in data: 8 Giu 2017 alle ore 10:38 PDT
for a background story. I have heard that one before 🙂 I joined the online world fourteen years ago and since then I’ve been part of a whole lot of different communities, playing genres like RTS, FPS, MMO or TCG. As for many others here, it was Dark Age of Camelot that really made me fall in love with MMORPGs. It obviously didn’t take me very long to get hooked on Camelot Unchained with such a past. The community of an online game is, in my opinion, really what makes the difference and it has a great impact on the success or failure of a game. So as the German Community Manager I’m really looking forward to share in the excitement of the development with you and I hope for an amazing time after launch for all of us. Mein Name ist Sascha, ich bin dreißig Jahre alt und aus Deutschland. Ich bin erst vor kurzem mit meiner Frau nach Berlin gezogen. Nachdem ich eine Ausbildung als “Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung” abgeschlossen habe, bin ich nun dabei an der University of Southern Denmark meinen Master of Arts in Geschichte mit dem Nebenfach Deutsch zu beenden. Ich weiß, eine wirklich merkwürdige Kombination an Fächern. Das habe ich schon gehört 🙂 Ich bin vor vierzehn Jahren ein Teil der Online Welt geworden und war seitdem Mitglied einer Vielzahl an verschiedenen Communities und Genres, wie zum Beispiel RTS, FPS, MMO oder TCG. Wie für viele andere hier, war es Dark Age of Camelot, was mich wirklich in die Welt der MMORPGs gezogen hat. Mit so einer Vergangenheit, dauerte es natürlich nicht lange, bis ich auch von Camelot Unchained völlig begeistert war. Die Community eines Online-Games ist es, was, meiner Meinung nach, wirklich den Unterschied ausmacht und einen großen Einfluss auf den Erfolg oder Misserfolg eines Spiels hat. Als deutscher Community Manager freue ich mich darauf die Aufregung der Entwicklung mit euch zu teilen und hoffe auf eine unglaubliche Zeit für uns alle nach dem Launch. Sascha
¿Sólo soy yo o alguien más está preocupado porque, sin pasar por comisiones, @JLozanoA impulsó el Senado una reforma a la Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor que censura el internet? ¿Qué está pasando en México que los legisladores hacen lo que quieren sin consultar a la ciudadanía? — Carlos Álvarez (@CarlosAlvarezMX) April 27, 2018 Is it just me or is anyone else worried because Javier Lozano Alarcón pushed a change to the Federal Copyright Law that censors the internet through the Senate without passing it through commissions? What is happening in Mexico that legislators are doing what they want without consulting the citizens? Javier Lozano Alarcón is a Mexican attorney and politician. He currently serves as a senator representing the state of Puebla. Twitter user Erik Gtz noted: @JLozanoA presentó al @senadomexicano actas sin firmas para aprobar el dictamen de modificación a la ley de propiedad intelectual. Es una total afrenta a la democracia y una burla al Poder Legislativo pic.twitter.com/WIl1X9oABa — Erik Gtz (@MausterChief) April 27, 2018 Javier Lozano Alarcón submitted statements without signatures to the @senadomexicano to approve the bill to change the intellectual property law! This is a total slap in the face to democracy and an insult to Legislative Power. The pictures in his tweet reads: …the collective management organizations to those who have entrusted their rights to the administration will be able to request that a competent judicial authority allow preventative measures in accordance with this Law. Transitory Provision Sole Article- This decree will come into effect on the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation. Mexico City, December 13th, 2016. By the Commission of Culture The only way for the senators to have gotten away with modifying the Senate's agenda would have been with the consent of the Senate's chairman who, in fact, voted in favor of the bill. The bill has already been sent to the executive branch. It only needs to be approved by President Enrique Peña Nieto for the changes to go into effect. Organizations such as the Network in Defense of Digital Rights (R3D) have expressed their interest in disputing the bill not only to declare it unconstitutional but also to demand that the changes not take effect until the Supreme Court of Justice determines their validity. Otherwise, the dispute could be a process that takes years, during which users’ rights to free expression on the internet may be violated.
“A soldier of the Islamic State” was responsible for a knife-wielding rampage through Hamburg, Germany, two weeks ago, in which two teenagers were attacked and one killed. The attacker approached his 16-year old victim from behind as he sat on a bridge with his girlfriend. He stabbing the boy multiple times and pushed the 15-year-old girl into the water. The terrorist, described as 23 to 25 years old, escaped into the night, but the girl managed to get out of the water and alert emergency services. Her boyfriend, know as Victor, died a short time later from multiple stab wounds, Bild reports. On Saturday, the Islamic State news agency Amaq claimed responsibility for the murder. “A soldier of the Islamic State stabbed two individuals in Hamburg city on the 16th of this month,” Amaq said, according to Reuters. “He carried out the operation in response to calls to target the citizens of coalition countries.” An der #Hauptwache in #Frankfurt kam es zu einer Messerstecherei. Deswegen sind so viele Kollegen und Rettungskräften dort. *ds — Polizei Frankfurt (@Polizei_Ffm) October 29, 2016 The announcement from Islamic State comes the day after four people were injured in a stabbing attack at a subway station in downtown Frankfurt this Friday. “In the #Hauptwache [district] in #Frankfurt there was a knife fight. There are many colleagues and rescue workers there”, Tweeted Frankfurt Police force at 5.20 last night. The knifeman remains on the run, and police are investigating to find out how many people were involved. No details on the ages and genders of those injured have emerged, the Telegraph reports. Germany has experienced a series of Islamist terror attacks linked to migrants and ‘refugees’ since Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the nation’s borders to more than a million migrants from the Middle East last year. On September 18th 2015, an Iraqi asylum seeker linked to al-Qaeda was shot dead after stabbing a German policewoman in the neck during an attack in west Berlin. In February of this year, another police officer was severely injured by a 15-year old girl of Moroccan origin who was acting “on behalf of the Islamic State”. Four months later, in July, an Afghan ‘refugee’ went on an Axe wielding rampage on a train near the city of Würzburg, leaving four people injured before being shot dead by police. And then, just five days later, a 27-year-old Syrian ‘refugee’ pledged allegiance to Islamic State injured more than a dozen Germans in a suicide-bomb attack on a bar.
propria sovranità al fine di creare un sistema di governo post-nazionale. La governance multi-livello non sembra appartenere all’universo Podemos. Politicizzare la parola Europa risulta necessario nel caso si voglia proseguire nella strada del dialogo con il PSOE. Questo renderebbe allo stesso tempo un servizio ai socialisti spagnoli, il cui europeismo, al pari di quello di alcuni colleghi del partito socialista europeo, sembra spesso ridotto ad un appoggio un po’ di maniera, potrebbe costituire un pungolo per la ricostruzione di un discorso europeista di sinistra capace di sedurre coloro che non riescono a vedere l’Europa come una opportunità. i# Ernesto Laclau, “La deriva populista y la centroizquierda latinoamericana” Nueva Sociedad 205 Septiembre-Octubre 2006, 56-61. ii# Loris Zanatta, Il Populismo (Roma: Carrocci, 2003). Per qualche studio di caso sull’Ecuador, si veda Jorge Nuñez Sanchez, Ecuador: Revolucion Ciudadana y Buen Vivir (Barcelona: Yulca, 2014); per una interpretazione più critica dello stesso caso si veda Julio Echeverria, La Democracia Sometida: El Ecuador de la Revolucion Ciudadana (Quito: Diagonal, 2015). iii# Pablo Iglesias, “Understanding Podemos” New Left Review 93 (May-June 2014): https://newleftreview.org/II/93/pablo-iglesias-understanding-podemos. iv# Si veda Ernesto Laclau, La Razon Populista (Argentina: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2005), soprattutto i capitoli 4 e 5. v# Iglesias, Understanding Podemos. vi# Si veda per esempio Carlos Fernandez Liria, En defensa del populismo (Madrid: Catarata, 2015), non casualmente dato alle stampe poche settimane prima delle elezioni del 26 giugno. Vuoi aderire alla nuova campagna di abbonamento di Pandora per i numeri 4,5 e 6? Tutte le informazioni qui
A motorist has been detained after attempting to mow down soldiers who were jogging near an army base in southern France. The prosecutor has said that the incident did not relate to terrorism. The incident took place in the town of Varces-Allieres-et-Risset on Thursday morning. A group of soldiers from the 93rd Mountain Artillery Regiment had just started jogging when the vehicle sped towards them. The servicemen managed to evade the attacker by jumping into a nearby ditch.“The soldiers managed to get up onto the pavement without being hit,” army spokesman Colonel Benoit Brulon told AFP. Supermarket attacker known only for petty crimes, not jihadist links – French Interior Minister https://t.co/lNzfZEeppm — RT (@RT_com) March 23, 2018 In a tweet, the prefecture of the Isere region described the incident a “heinous act.” BFMTV reported that the driver attempted to hit the servicemen at least twice before speeding away. “A person tried to run down two soldiers from the 93rd Mountain Artillery Regiment in Varces, for unknown reasons,” a source close to the investigation told Reuters. According to witnesses, the driver “insulted” the soldiers before fleeing. Later on Thursday, French police confirmed that they had detained a man suspected of carrying out the failed attack. The arrest took place in the city of Grenoble, around 15 km (nine miles) from Varces. Ce matin, vers 9h, un automobiliste aurait tenté de renverser des militaires du 93e RAM de Varces qui faisaient leur footing. L'enquête sur cet acte odieux est confiée à la PJ de Grenoble par le parquet de Grenoble — Préfet de l'Isère (@Prefet38) March 29, 2018 Police also arrested a woman who is listed as the vehicle’s owner, in Échirolles commune in the Grenoble suburbs. They are both being questioned by Grenoble police. The Grenoble Prosecutor Jean-Yves Coquillat later told reporters that the incident was “quite clearly not a case of terrorism,” adding that "There was no religious talk, no 'Allahu Akbar' pronounced,” according to Reuters. The incident in Varces comes nearly a week after the tragedy in the towns of Carcassonne and Trebes, which left four people dead. The Islamic State-inspired gunman, Redouane Lakdim, opened fire from a stolen vehicle at several jogging officers, before storming a supermarket. He was later shot dead by an elite unit of the French police. Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
France's Director General of Health Jerome Salomon holds a press conference on Sunday, March 29, 2020, on the latest developments on the coronavirus pandemic. French health authorities reported 292 new deaths from the coronavirus on Sunday, up 13% on the previous day and taking the total to 2,606 since March 1, as the government raced to relieve pressure on overwhelmed hospitals in the east. Advertising Read more The number of known cases of coronavirus infection rose to 40,174 on Sunday from 37,575 a day earlier, France's director general of health Jérôme Salomon told a press conference on Sunday. Among the nearly 19,000 patients now hospitalised, 4,632 are in intensive care, Salomon said. The toll over the past 24 hours was below the 319 deaths reported on Saturday, but the figures include only deaths reported in hospitals, and not at retirement homes or assisted-living facilities. Authorities say they will be able to compile data on deaths in retirement homes from next week, which is likely to result in a big increase in registered fatalities. France has been under virtual lockdown since March 17 and Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said on Friday that the unprecedented peacetime restrictions on public life would remain in place until at least April 15. Public gatherings are banned, schools and universities are closed and all non-essential businesses have shut down, with people allowed out of their homes only to buy groceries, carry out essential work, exercise or seek medical care. France's Health Minister Olivier Véran announced on Saturday that the government has ordered more than a billion face masks – the overwhelming majority of them sourced from China – as the government scrambles to build up its supplies. A plane arrived in Paris from China on Sunday carrying 5.5 million masks and other equipment, though the government has admitted it needs 40 million masks each week for health workers alone as the outbreak rages. "Our first Boeing 777 Cargo has just landed at #ParisCDG with close to 100 tonnes of medical equipment on board, including more than 5 million masks," Air France tweeted. Près de 100 tonnes de matériel médical dont + de 5 millions de masques viennent d’arriver en France par vol Gargo @AirFranceFR. Merci aux pilotes et personnels qui accomplissent un travail exemplaire pour approvisionner nos soignants et rapatrier nos compatriotes. #TousMobilisés https://t.co/WzCPotSd5t — Elisabeth BORNE (@Elisabeth_Borne) March 29, 2020 Doctors, nursing home carers, the police and other frontline staff have decried a shortage of masks. (FRANCE 24 with AFP, REUTERS) Daily newsletterReceive essential international news every morning Subscribe
The latest episode of Mnet’s survival program “Produce 101 Season 2” aired just a few hours ago on the night of June 9, 2017. From the remaining 35 trainees, 15 trainees were eliminated, after revealing the overall ranking after the concept challenge evaluation. Before the final rankings were announced, it was revealed that Kang Daniel earned a benefit of 100,000 votes after winning first place for the concept challenge. Kang Do Ho earned a benefit of 20,000 votes after placing second. A total of 8,400,000 votes were tallied for this round for the overall rankings. Here are the top 20 trainees: 1. Kang Daniel 2. Park Ji Hoon 3. Ha Sung Woon 4. Bae Jin Young 5. Kim Samuel 6. Park Woo Jin 7. Kim Jong Hyun 8. Ong Sung Woo 9. Yoon Ji Sung 10. Lee Dae Hwi 11. Hwang Min Hyun 12. Kang Dong Ho 13. Kim Jae Hwan 14. Ahn Hyung Seob 15. Choi Min Ki 16. Yoo Seon Ho 17. Im Young Min 18. Joo Hak Nyeon 19. Jung Se Woon 20. Lai Guan Lin See Also: Who Did The “Produce 101 Season 2” Trainees Choose As Their Top Pick? Here are the rankings for the 15 trainees that were unable to make the cutoff. 21. Kim Yong Guk 22. Kwon Hyun Bin 23. Lee Eui Woong 24. Takada Kenta 25. Noh Tae Hyun 26. Kim Sang Gyun 27. Jang Moon Bok 28. Kim Dong Hyun 29. Kim Dong Han 30. Kim Tae Dong 31. Seo Sang Hyuk 32. Kim Ye Hyun 33. Lee Gun Hee 34. Lee Woo Jin 35. Park Woo Dam See Also: Eliminated Top 35 Trainees Open Up About Their Unforgettable Time On “Produce 101 Season 2” The final challenge for the remaining trainees will be the “Debut Evaluation,” which will decide who gets to debut in the final group of 11 members. There are two songs for the debut evaluation – “Hands on Me” and “Super Hot.” There will each be 10 trainees to a song. Next week’s episode will air live on June 16. You can compare these final rankings to Soompi’s International Producers’ choices here. Source (1) (2) (3)
, the cost of a two-bedroom unit in the city can be upwards of $3,160 per month, varying with location. A poverty measure that ignores the financial realities of the inaccessible housing markets in cities like Vancouver and Toronto, coupled with the lack of available housing across the country, is a recipe for disaster. The MBM’s current assumptions about housing costs do not reflect the government’s language in its own poverty reduction strategy, which emphasizes a goal of ensuring everyone can live in dignity. A poverty measure that ignores the financial realities of the inaccessible housing markets in cities like Vancouver and Toronto, coupled with the lack of available housing across the country, is a recipe for disaster. Finally, other significant costs and expenses are completely absent from the MBM calculation. There is no recognition of post-secondary education or debt payments — major expenses for many households. The ratio of household debt to personal disposable income was 66 percent in 1980, but in 2011, that ratio passed 150 percent. Even more recent numbers show that the average person in Canada owes about $1.70 for every dollar of income they earn per year after taxes, making debt a significant concern for most households. For those in poverty struggling to overcome payday loan debt or student loans, the MBM must accurately show the largest costs that keep them from being able to pay necessary bills, let alone get ahead. To live in poverty is to be fundamentally deprived of human rights. It means making choices between paying the utility bills and putting food on the table. It is the experience of systemic discrimination at every turn when trying to access services and programs. The way we create Canada’s official poverty line will hugely affect the lives of people by determining whether they qualify for legal services, social assistance programs to help pay rent or programs to feed their children. It is laudable for the government to seek a tool that will allow us to measure where we are, where we’ve come from and where we are going as we work to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of eradicating poverty by 2030. But for millions of people in Canada, the wrong choice of methodology could mean the difference between life and death. It is vital that in our work to address poverty in Canada, we don’t set aside the poverty experience. Every quantitative measurement must be contextualized by the real, lived experience of people who know what poverty is like first-hand. Fixing the market basket measure is our opportunity to get this right. Photo: Shutterstock/By SmartPhotoLab Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives.
News FSFE wants to better protect Free Software licenses from bankruptcy on: 2012-07-30 When the companies or authors that license Free Software enter bankruptcy there is a risk that granted Free Software licenses will face legal challenges in some jurisdictions. FSFE is now trying to prevent this situation in Germany. The expert institution ifrOSS supported by FSFE suggests German Ministry of Justice to include a specific Free Software clause in the German Insolvency Code. It is not entirely clear what can happen to the Free Software licenses that were granted by rights holders either before or after they went bankrupt. This lack of clear rules could greatly endanger functioning of the Free Software, which depends on the contributions from numerous rights holders. Some time ago, German Ministry of Justice published an initiative to improve the regulation of licenses during the insolvency proceedings. As a response, ifrOSS (Institute for Legal Questions on Free and Open Source Software) supported by FSFE now prepared the suggestion of the Free Software clause that could effectively remove the problems specifically associated with the Free Software. The clause ensures that Free Software licensing model would not be negatively affected by a bankruptcy of a licensing rights holder. It makes it clear that any offer to grant Free Software license made before the licensor's bankruptcy can be accepted by anyone even after the bankruptcy proceedings started. FSFE asks the German Ministry of Justice to consider this proposal favourably as it can greatly contribute to the legal certainty of the Free Software based industries, such as automotive, mechanical engineering and IT field. ifrOSS together with FSFE asks the government to include the following clause in the newly proposed § 108a of the Insolvency Code (Insolvenzordnung, InsO): Original version: "(4) Wenn der Schuldner durch Lizenzvertrag unentgeltlich ein einfaches Nutzungsrecht für jedermann einräumt, so findet die Regelung des § 103 InsO keine Anwendung. Das vom Schuldner vor des Insolvenzverfahrens abgegebene Angebot auf Abschluss eines solchen Lizenzvertrags, kann auch nach Eröffnung angenommen werden." English version: "(4) When the debtor grants somebody a non-exclusive right by means of a license agreement without consideration, the rule stipulated in § 103 Insolvency Code shall not apply. Debtor's offer to conclude such license agreement made before the initiation of the insolvency proceedings can be also accepted after the insolvency proceedings have been initiated." Shall the Free Software face similar problems in other jurisdictions, we kindly invite you to contact us or take similar steps. FSFE works for the public good. Its activities can be supported by signing up at fsfe.org/support
andali danomice su u Vučićevim medijima pripisivani Višekruni, s ciljem da se u očima neupućenih ljudi sotonizira i difamira u Srbiji kao potencijalni politički konkurent Vučiću. Istodobno BIA je svojim djelovanjem i dalje sondirala teren izvan Srbije za pokušaj njegove fizičke likvidacije, unatoč najvišim mjerama sigurnosti, koje je sama nizozemska policija jamčila Višekruni nakon jesenskog uhićenja trojice pripadnika BIA, poslatih iz Srbije da uhode Višekrunu u Harlemu i u cijeloj Nizozemskoj, ali čim je napustio teritorij Nizozemske i došao u Mađarsku, BIA je odmah stupila u akciju, budno prateći svaki njegov korak. Apsolutno svi srpski mainshit mediji šute o pokušaju političke likvidacije Đorđa Višekrune. Za očekivati je da se uskoro oglase u povodu ovoga nečuvenog pokušaja političkog ubojstva u režiji Aleksandra Vučića i srpske države neki internetski portali kao što su Srbijadanas.net, Dnevnizurnal.rs, Gerila.rs, Talas.rs, Sia.rs, Ricochet special, Dnevnagazeta.rs, Komentator.rs i Uzbuna.rs. Svi ostali srpski mediji pokušaj ubojstva Đorđa Višekrune propratit će uz već toliko puta u sličnim prigodama u Srbiji, viđenu i sveopću zavjeru šutnje. Ili što bi kazali anglosaksonci Conspiration of silence, premda je i vrapcima na grani jasno da iza pokušaja ubojstva Višekrune stoji osobno Vučić.
PC Number: 2019-0321 Date: 2019-04-10 Whereas by Order in Council P.C. 2016-736 of August 2, 2016, as amended by Order in Council P.C. 2018-686 of June 6, 2018, His Excellency the Governor General in Council ordered that a commission be issued under Part I of the Inquiries Act and under the Great Seal of Canada, appointing commissioners to conduct the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls; And whereas the commissioners have requested a one month extension of the date for submitting their final report; Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, directs that a commission be issued under Part I of the Inquiries Act and under the Great Seal of Canada amending the commission in relation to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, issued pursuant to Order in Council P.C. 2016-736 of August 2, 2016, as amended by Order in Council P.C. 2018-686 of June 6, 2018, by replacing “April 30, 2019” with “May 31, 2019” in subparagraph (x)(ii). Attendu que, par le décret C.P. 2016-736 du 2 août 2016 modifié par le décret C.P. 2018-686 du 6 juin 2018, Son Excellence le Gouverneur général en conseil a ordonné que soit prise, en vertu de la partie I de la Loi sur les enquêtes, une commission revêtue du grand sceau du Canada et portant nomination de commissaires pour mener l’Enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées; Attendu que les commissaires ont demandé de prolonger d’un mois le délai pour le dépôt de leur rapport final, À ces causes, sur recommandation du premier ministre, Son Excellence la Gouverneure générale en conseil ordonne que soit prise, en vertu de la partie I de la Loi sur les enquêtes, une commission revêtue du grand sceau du Canada modifiant la commission relative à l’Enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées, prise en vertu du décret C.P. 2016-736 du 2 août 2016 modifié par le décret C.P. 2018-686 du 6 juin 2018, en remplaçant « 30 avril 2019 » par « 31 mai 2019 » au sous-alinéa x)(ii).
Carrefour, the world’s second-biggest retailer, became the target of a social-media onslaught in France after customers spotted an interactive baby doll in one of its catalogues, which was available in three options: ‘Girl, boy or ethnic.' Internet users were enraged over the description of the €5.99 ‘Baby Born’ doll. A tirade of comments on social media branded the advert both sexist and racist, voicing outrage at not only the term “ethnic”, but also the fact that it was being used as an equivalent of gender. MAIS "Deviens une véritable maman"?????? "Existe en 3 modèles différents : fille, garçon ou ethnique"????????? Mes yeux brûlent. pic.twitter.com/tFdmeD2LtR — Lola (@GraciosaTorpeza) 15 октября 2017 г. Social media users commented that their “eyes hurt” and that they were “lost for words.” "Existe en 3 modèles : fille, garçon ou ethnique". Alors là, de mieux en mieux... Les mots me manquent. pic.twitter.com/AYJxV5N37P — Marie (@MarieCeillier) 16 октября 2017 г. “Thanks to you I will stop living under a delusion. I’ve never been a boy but an ethnic,” another Twitter user said. @CarrefourFrance Grace à vous je vais cesser de vivre dans l'erreur. Je n'ai jamais été un garçon mais un Ethnique tout ce temps. pic.twitter.com/bosgpNvkK1 — BlaBlacar👑 🇸🇳 (@Thatboybabz) 16 октября 2017 г. The catalogue’s description of the doll boasted an ability to cry, eat, sit, sleep and even go for a pee, among other activities. READ MORE: Skincare brand Dove lambasted online for ‘racist’ Facebook ad The ad promised that the doll, recommended for ages three and over, would help all those interested “become a real mommy.” Carrefour later apologized, telling Franceinfo that it regretted what it described as a “wrong choice of words.” The French retail giant promised to do “all it takes to correct the online catalogue.” It did not specify what exactly it intended to do with the catalogues already printed and distributed.
rité, alors qu’écrits, imprimés ou fichiers se limitent à porter un message sans en assurer la véracité. Registre distribué parce que fonctionnant sans organe de contrôle centralisé et pouvant être mis à jour en temps réel par toutes les parties prenantes à un échange. Associée à des méthodes classiques de cryptologie, la blockchain permet aux parties prenantes de contrôler le niveau d’information partagée dans le registre. » Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain (consulté le 6-10-2017) « A blockchain – originally block chain – is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block typically contains a hash pointer as a link to a previous block, a timestamp and transaction data. By design, blockchains are inherently resistant to modification of the data. A blockchain can serve as "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way." For use as a distributed ledger, a blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to a protocol for validating new blocks. Once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks, which needs a collusion of the network majority. » Wikipédia, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain (consulté le 6-10-2017) « Une blockchain ou chaîne de blocs est une base de données distribuée transparente, sécurisée, et fonctionnant sans organe central de contrôle. Par extension, une chaîne de blocs est une base de données distribuée qui gère une liste d'enregistrements protégés contre la falsification ou la modification par les nœuds de stockage. Une blockchain est donc un registre distribué et sécurisé de toutes les transactions effectuées depuis le démarrage du système réparti. Une analogie avec l'Internet (TCP-IP) peut être dressée, car il s'agit dans les deux cas de protocoles informatiques sous-jacents à une infrastructure décentralisée. Internet transfère des paquets de données d'un point A à un point B, alors que la blockchain permet à la « confiance » de s'établir entre des agents distincts du système. »
newspaper noted. The violence forced businesses to shut down in Quito. The Red Cross condemned protesters for violence against emergency personnel, publishing a video on Twitter showing protesters throwing blunt objects at an on-duty ambulance. “[Red Cross Ecuador] rejects the aggression of those we have been victims of in the last few hours against humanitarian staff lending pre-hospital aid in our ambulances,” the organization said on Twitter. “We are neutral, impartial, and independent”: COMUNICADO| @cruzrojaecuador rechaza las agresiones de las cuales hemos sido víctimas durante las últimas horas en contra del personal humanitario que brindaba atención prehospitalaria en nuestras ambulancias. ¡SOMOS NEUTRALES, IMPARCIALES E INDEPENDIENTES!#NoSomosUnObjetivo pic.twitter.com/2dvxmzaqxD — CRUZ ROJA ECUADOR (@cruzrojaecuador) October 4, 2019 Moreno traveled to Guayaquil on Thursday night to declare that the chaos was over, and thank Ecuador’s police and armed forces for subduing the rioters. He accused the transit workers of “little seriousness” in attempting to dialogue with the government and condemned rioters for attempting to “destabilize a democratically and legally constituted government.” “These coup plotters, as always, we will say no to, Ecuador is saying no to them, so they had better assess the consequences”: He venido a Guayaquil para evitar que quienes saquearon al país lo sigan haciendo desde otras instancias. Los focos de violencia se han controlado casi totalmente gracias a @FFAAECUADOR y @PoliciaEcuador. Quienes violen la ley deberán ser detenidos. #NoAlParo #DecididosACrecer pic.twitter.com/etxjeSeESj — Lenín Moreno (@Lenin) October 4, 2019 As of Friday, police and military units arrested 275 people and counted 28 police officers injured. Interior Minister María Paula Romo described the state of the country on Friday as one of “normalcy,” which law enforcement will continue to maintain in place for the next two months. The government also announced the controversial arrest of the head of the transport union leading protests, Jorge Calderón, on charges of paralyzing public transport. Local reports suggested that residents in Guayaquil were still struggling to find ways around the city given the lack of available transport and heavy military presence. Follow Frances Martel on Facebook and Twitter.
brothers taped to the wall. “We have to make sure they know: We’re not trying to adopt,” Matthew says. “We’re not trying to take.” After the kids went to bed one night, they sat in their living room and talked. What would happen if David wasn’t allowed back into the United States and Byron had to return to Guatemala? How would he adjust? How would they and their children adjust? Would they ever see him again? Holly starts to cry. “(If) we know nothing about it other than they’re safe? That’s fine. That’s perfectly fine. We still were able to provide a place for him.” ___ When his sons ask David when their brother was coming home, his answer is always the same, optimistic but indefinite. “Pronto,” he says. Soon. Everything hinges on the judge’s decision. David is one of 21 parents included in the American Civil Liberties Union’s motion that they be allowed to re-enter the country and seek asylum. The ACLU argues that David and the others were denied a fair chance to request asylum, which would have allowed them to live and work in the U.S. under protections for refugees fleeing political or religious repression. The government argues that the settlement between the government and the ACLU that paved the way for reunifications doesn’t guarantee that families be reunified in America. If David and other parents want to be with their children, the government says, they should agree to have those children returned to them. Judge Sabraw, who originally ordered the re-unification of families last year, will decide. The case is scheduled to be heard Friday. If the ACLU wins, David could be in the U.S. in a matter of weeks. He could eventually petition for the admission of Florinda and their other two children. If it loses, Byron will most likely return to Guatemala and all its dangers. Several weeks ago, David sent the recording of a song to Holly. She played it for Byron. “Donde quiera que estés, donde quiera que vayas, por favor, te lo pido que regreses a mi lado, nuestro niño perdido, porque solo un milagro nos lo devolverá,” the song goes. It translates: “Wherever you are, wherever you go, I ask you to please return to my side, our lost son, because only a miracle will bring you back to us.” ___ Sonny Figueroa reported from San Miguel de Limón. Sign up for Daily Newsletters Manage Newsletters Copyright © 2020 The Washington Times, LLC.
Read this first / HOW TO USE Lesen Sie dies zuerst / WIE MAN BENUTZT Caution! Be sure to backup your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini in your "*:\Users\"username"\Documents\My Games\Skyrim " folder before generating a new CFG CFG placement! copy the generated code and put it into the text file named "Skyrim.ini" at the following location: "*:\Users\"YourUserName"\Documents\My Games\Skyrim" copy the generated code and put it into the text file named "SkyrimPrefs.ini" at the following location: "*:\Users\"YourUserName"\Documents\My Games\Skyrim" Legend of values DNA very high = best quality DNA high = good quality default = default Skyrim settings DNA low = below default Skyrim settings DNA very low = very low settings for low spec systems "DNA enhanced" specific on and off settings Vorsicht! Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Skyrim.ini und SkyrimPrefs.ini in Ihrem sichern "*:\Benutzer\"ihr Benutzername"\Dokumente\Meine Spiele\Skyrim" Ordner vor dem Generieren eines neuen CFG CFG-Platzierung! Kopieren Sie den generierten Code und fügen Sie ihn in die Textdatei "Skyrim.ini" am folgenden Speicherort ein: "*:\Benutzer\"Ihr Benutzername"\Dokumente\Meine Spiele\Skyrim " kopiere den generierten Code und füge ihn in die Textdatei "SkyrimPrefs.ini" am folgenden Ort ein: "*:\Benutzer\"Ihr Benutzername"\Dokumente\Meine Spiele\Skyrim " Legende der Werte DNA sehr hoch = beste Qualität DNA hoch = gute Qualität Standard = Standard Skyrim-Einstellungen DNA niedrig = unter den standardmäßigen Skyrim-Einstellungen DNA sehr niedrig = sehr niedrige Einstellungen für Systeme mit niedriger Spezifizierung "DNA enhanced" spezifische Ein- und Ausschalteinstellungen Prepare CFG » Bereiten Sie CFG vor »
101.a.38, ‘first printed from the manuscript [i.e. Harley MS 682] of the library in the British Museum’ in 1827 by George Watson Taylor, which contains a autograph letter by the editor presenting it to the Museum. George Watson Taylor’s letter presenting his book to the British Museum Library, from Poems, written in English, by Charles, Duke of Orleans, during his captivity in England, after the battle of Azincourt. With an introductory notice by G. W. Taylor. (London, 1827) C.101.a.38] The poems in both languages bemoan the pains of captivity and of courtly love in the ballade and rondeau forms. They attracted several musical settings, including a group of three by Claude Debussy and another by Edward Elgar. The Duke’s colourful life also inspired a historical novel by the Dutch author Hella S. Haasse, Het Woud der verwachting (1949). Once liberated, Charles returned to France, was joyfully welcomed by the people of Orleans, and embarked on a third marriage to Marie of Cleves which produced three children, including the future King Louis XII. His Italian ancestry led him to press a claim to Asti, but without any real conviction, and he lived out the rest of his life as a Knight of the Golden Fleece and, fittingly, as a generous patron of the arts. His library had been saved by Yolande of Aragon and was awaiting him on his return, and, like another creation of the dramatist who had put him on stage, Shakespeare’s Prospero, he might well have remarked, ‘… my library was Dukedom large enough’. Susan Halstead, Content Specialist (Humanities and Social Sciences), Research Engagement. References Pierre de Fénin, Mémoire de Pierre de Fénin, escuyer et panetier de Charles VI., roy de France, contenant l'histoire de ce prince depuis l'an 1407 jusques à l'an 1422. Recueillis par G. de Tieulaine … (Paris, 1825) 909.e.9. Jean-Juvenal des Ursins, Histoire de Charles VI., Roy de France, et des choses memorables advenuës durant 42 années de son Règne depuis 1380 jusques à 1422 … (Paris, 1836) Hella S. Haasse, Het Woud der verwachting. Het leven van Charles van Orléan. (Amsterdam, 1959) 10865.d.17; English translation In a dark wood wandering (London, 1990) Nov.1990/506.
Demonstrators marching in Paris to mark International Workers' Day have been met with tear gas, images from the French capital show, with reports of over 350 people detained. The procession was scheduled to start at 2:30pm local time but clashes have already erupted between riot police and protesters who have turned out in their thousands. Huge plumes of smoke can be seen rising from tear gas canisters or smoke grenades along the protest route. Some 380 protestors were arrested on Wednesday and more than 17,700 “preventive checks” carried out by police, according to French reports. Meanwhile, France Info reports that a group of between 200 and 300 protesters tried to break into a police station in Besançon, eastern France. Local authorities said efforts were made to break into the station via the car park behind the building, but were repelled by police using tear gas. In Paris, protesters in some parts of the city have begun erecting barricades to block the advance of charging riot police. According to the latest media reports, 14 police officers sustained injuries. Tension sur le boulevard de #Montparnasse j'ai bien failli perdre mon outil de travail #1erMaipic.twitter.com/VxUuCi0vow — Lucas Léger (@lucas_rtfrance) May 1, 2019 Journalists at the scene reported seeing protesters throwing projectiles at police, who continued to charge the crowd and fire gas canisters. Several protesters and at least one policemen have reportedly been injured in the clashes. Also on rt.com Injured cop collapses during May Day protests in Paris (VIDEO) Charge ultra violente à l’instant. Une personne bien amochée pic.twitter.com/r6ImCB0tWI — Christophe Gueugneau (@gueugneau) May 1, 2019 Un policier est à terre, un crs est parti chercher les secours #1ermai#1erMai2019pic.twitter.com/Jc4hRTWUES — Laura Andrieu (@laura_andrieu) May 1, 2019 Les premiers affrontements ont démarré devant la Rotonde. Des manifestants ont jeté des projectiles et les policiers ont riposté #1erMaipic.twitter.com/kTt8EObaZa — Laura Andrieu (@laura_andrieu) May 1, 2019 Demonstrators including Yellow Vest protesters, labor unions, pensioners, and students are marching through the streets of Paris to celebrate International Workers’ Day. Each year, May 1 is marked by large demonstrations of workers and labor activists who organize marches to campaign for improved working conditions and other social issues. Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
Today someone wished me a happy Valentine’s week, something which I found quite funny – I sincerely hope that Valentine’s Day won’t start stretching from one day to a week! 😛 I’m not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day, but who doesn’t love an excuse to indulge in sweet things, and nothing is as perfect for Valentine’s Day as pretty little cupcakes! These cupcakes are divine, and can be made with both fresh or frozen blueberries. Blueberry Muffins 1 cup flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 pinch salt 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup plant milk 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen) Frosting 100 g vegan butter 100 g vegan white chocolate 200 g powdered sugar 1. Set the oven at 180°C and place muffin liners in the muffin pan. Mix flour, baking powder, salt and sugar in a bowl. 2. Whisk milk, vanilla extract, oil and apple cider vinegar in a separate bowl, add the dry ingredients and combine to a smooth mixture. Add the blueberries to the mixture and pour into the cupcake liners. 3. Bake in the oven for 25–30 min until a skewer comes out clean. In the meantime, prepare the frosting. 4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, beat the butter and sugar until light fluffy with a hand mixer. Add the melted chocolate to the frosting and continue mixing until the ingredients are well combined. Let the muffins cool completely before decorating them with the frosting. I promise you, nobody will ever be able to guess these cupcakes are vegan! ======= Idag önskade någon mig en trevlig alla hjärtans dag vecka, något jag tyckte var lite lustigt – jag hoppas verkligen att alla hjärtans dag inte kommer att börja sträcka sig till en hel vecka! 😛 Jag är inget superfan av Alla hjärtans dag, men vem älskar inte en ursäkt att kunna unna sig en massa godsaker, och få sötsaker passar bättre på denna dag än söta små cupcakes! Detta recept publicerades först i vårt sommarnummer av vår vegetariska tidning VEGMAT, och är helt underbart gott!
in C57BL/6 mice. Tokushima J Exp Med 1991, 38:25–35. [8] van Doorn J, Roelfsema F, van der Heide D: Concentration of thyroxine and 3,5,3'-triiodotyronine in several rat tissue in vivo: the effect of hypothyroidism. Endocrinology 1985, 117:1201–1208. [9] Otto T, Fandrey J: Thyroid hormone induces hypoxia-inducible factor 1α gene expression through thyroid hormone receptor β/retinoid x receptor α-dependent activation of hepatic leukemia factor. Endocrinology 2008, 149:2241–2250. [10] Hofer T, Desbaillets I, Höpfl G, Wenger RH, Gassmann M: Characterization of HIFD-1 alpha overexpressing Hela cells and implication for gene therapy. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol 2002, 133:475–481. [11] Wan J, Chai H, Yu Z, Ge W, Kang N, Xia W, Che Y: H1F-1α on angiogenic potential in human small cell carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res 2011, 30:77. [12] Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Nicolaides AN, Incandela L, De Sanctis MT, Barsotti A: San Valentino epidemiologic project. Angiology 2000, 51:S65–S68. [13] Hollowell JG, Staehling NW, Flanders WD, et al. (February 2002). "Serum TSH, T(4), and thyroid antibodies in the United States population (1988 to 1994): National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III)". J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.87 (2): 489–99. PMID 11836274. [14] K A Woeber. Levothyroxine therapy and serum free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine concentrations. J Endocrinol Invest. 2002 Feb ;25(2):106-9. PMID: 11929079 [15] Thanh D Hoang, Cara H Olsen, Vinh Q Mai, Patrick W Clyde, Mohamed K M Shakir. Desiccated thyroid extract compared with levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism: a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 May ;98(5):1982-90. Epub 2013 Mar 28. PMID: 23539727 [16] Alan R Gaby. Sub-laboratory hypothyroidism and the empirical use of Armour thyroid.Altern Med Rev. 2004 Jun;9(2):157-79. PMID: 15253676
Italy’s new Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said that Italy does not want to be a part of an “illegal immigrant business,” in a tweet Saturday. Salvini reaffirmed his commitment to crack down on immigration policies in the tweet. The politician emphasized his strong opinions on illegal immigration despite refusing to allow two new migrant ships to dock in Italy Saturday, CNN reported. Salvini previously received backlash for not allowing the migrant rescue ship called the Aquarius to dock in Italy last weekend. (RELATED: Italian Politician Says Sending Back Illegal Immigrants Is A Top Priority) “While the Aquarius navigates to Spain, two other NGO ships with a Dutch flag arrived off the coast of Libya. They know that Italy no longer wants to complicit with the illegal immigration business and they will have to look for other ports where they can head to,” Salvini wrote. (RELATED: Salvini: Italy’s Former Prime Minister Let The Country Get Overrun By Thousands Of Refugees) Mentre Aquarius naviga verso la Spagna, altre 2 navi di Ong con bandiera dell’Olanda sono arrivate al largo delle coste della Libia. Sappiano che l’Italia non vuole più essere complice del business dell’immigrazione clandestina, e dovranno cercarsi altri porti dove dirigersi. — Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) June 16, 2018 Salvini also wrote that the “music has changed” regarding immigration, in another tweet Saturday. The interior minister issued a response after a German volunteer association called him a “fascist” over his refugee policies. (RELATED: Italy’s New Prime Minister Stresses Eurosceptic Ideas In First Speech To Parliament) Dopo avermi dato del “fascista” (cancellando subito dopo dopo il tweet), ora la pseudo associazione di volontariato tedesca, con nave battente bandiera olandese, batte cassa con un appello in italiano… Ci prendono per scemi, ma in Italia la musica è cambiata!#chiudiamoiporti pic.twitter.com/WInhIxaJsn — Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) June 16, 2018 The interior minister said that he vowed to use a “send them home” approach in regards to illegal immigration after getting sworn into office on June 1. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.
whitened to not break…the ideal of aspirational whiteness”.[Fotos de Yalitza en ¡HOLA! son racistas: experto de la UNAM (Photos of Yalitza en ¡HOLA! are racist: expert of UNAM) by Angel Soto, Milenio, February 22, 2019] “Aspirational whiteness”? American SJWs surely know that one! To its credit, Milenio contacted a photographer, who explained that Aparicio’s lighter skin came from the photographer’s flash or a calibration error at press time [Photoshop? Por esto Yalitza se ve más clara en revista ¡Hola! (Photoshop? Is this why Yalitza looks clearer in magazine ¡Hola!), by Mariana R. Pomperosa, February 21, 2019]. And just to let you know who Navarette is and where he’s coming from, Milenio helpfully provided a money quote from his book, México racista: Una denuncia (“Racist Mexico: A Denunciation”): Mexico is a racist country. We Mexicans systematically practice this form of discrimination against our fellow Mexicans who have dark skin color, against the indigenous and the Afro-Mexicans, against immigrants, against foreigners and against all those who seem different and inferior to us. … [M]any forms of discrimination are practiced. … The worse forms, although not the only forms, of racism are directed toward the indigenous and persons who seem to be indigenous, and to persons of African origin. So maybe Mexico isn't the inter-racial Arcadia we've been told it is. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) also discussed the issue. The day after the Oscars, AMLO answered a question about race and the film. Cuaron, a reporter observed, said “Roma showed that Mexico is a profoundly racist country, and I would like to know if you share that view?” Answered AMLO: “I totally agree with him, that is, in Mexico, disgracefully, there is still much racism” [Conferencia de prensa del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador 25 de febrero de 2019 (Press Conference of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, February 25, 2019) Presidential Website]. So the president of Mexico thinks "there is still much racism" in Mexico. What this means: The disparate mass of Latin Americans crossing America’s borders have their own racial, cultural, and ethnic interests, rivalries, and perspectives. And we have our own racial problems here. Why import more? And where’s Eric Holder when you need him?!
An Alternative for Germany politician is in trouble over a photo of her posing in front of wine bottles featuring Adolf Hitler. The stunt may now cost her a seat in the Berlin parliament. The right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is considering forcing out Jessica Biessmann, a regional lawmaker who posed in front of wine bottles featuring pictures of Adolf Hitler. The infamous ‘Fuhrerwein’ bottles appeared in a post on the social media site ‘MySpace' that Biessmann says is a decade old. The photos show the woman posing on a kitchen counter, while a closer look reveals an array of bottles on a shelf in the background – which have pictures of Hitler on them. Jessica Bießmann (MdA AfD) ist eine echte Weinkennerin. Prost und 'Heil!' Was würde bloß '#Nazisraus aus der #AFD' Gauland dazu sagen? via @politikundliebe Bildquelle: https://t.co/s2o2zVXvgUpic.twitter.com/TB2WGxneRv — Christian Weßling (@real_chriswess) October 14, 2018 The public display of Nazi symbols is illegal in Germany, and bottles featuring Hitler cannot be bought in the country. However, they are available for purchase in Italy and a number of other countries, and can easily be delivered to Germany via mail order. It remains to be seen if Biessmann could face criminal charges apart from being potentially suspended from the party. Read more Biessmann herself says she regrets taking the bizarre photos, but claims the flat belonged to a friend of hers living in the eastern city of Chemnitz, according to Berliner Zeitung. Chemnitz recently saw massive far-right rallies after a local was stabbed and killed by several asylum seekers. The AfD member says she didn’t notice the bottles in the background at the time the photos were taken. The former car saleswoman and a mother-of-three was elected to Berlin’s House of Representatives in 2016 and is the parliamentary group’s family spokeswoman. Established in 2013, the AfD is no stranger to widespread controversy relating to the darkest part of Germany’s past. In the most recent example, co-leader Alexander Gauland alleged the Holocaust was “a speck of bird shit in more than 1,000 years of successful German history.” Other AfD leaders have not minced their words either. Bjoern Hoecke, the AfD leader in Thuringia, had famously called the Holocaust monument in Berlin a “monument of shame in the heart of the capital.” The AfD considered suspending him from the party but later changed its mind. Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
Der Bitcoin Investment Fund scheint in den Startlöchern zu stehen. Es ist nun offiziell! Barry Silbert bestätigt den Start des Bitcoin Investment Trusts. Der weltweit erste Bitcoin-Investmentfond. Barry Silbert´s Bitcoin Investment Trust, welcher sehnsüchtig erwartet wurde, um für Bitcoin die Türen zu den weltweiten Märkten zu öffnen, ist nun verfügbar. Wieder einmal wurden die Winklevossbrüder geschlagen, denn deren Bitcoin ETF ist noch nicht präsent. Barry Silberts Investmenttrust ist der erste, öffentliche gehandelte Fonds von Bitcoin. Gestern Abend twitterte Barry Silbert, dass der Bitcoin Trust “live” ist und dieser nun gehandelt werden kann. @CryptoArmada @jlaw101 @GrayscaleInvest live now, but we have no control as to when/if eligible shareholders deposit their shares and sell — Barry Silbert (@barrysilbert) 26. März 2015 Am Donnerstag wurde der Fonds bestätigt und auf dem OTCQX Wertpapiermarkt bereits gelistet. Silbert zielt in Zukunft auf NYSE und NASDAQ, welche im Fokus des Amerikaner stehen, so das Wall Street Journal. Der Bitcoin Investment Fund ist der erste der “Sponsor Company” von Silbert: Grayscale Investments wird unter dem Symbol GBTC getauscht. As sponsor of the @BitcoinTrust, we are excited to announce that BIT shares have been approved for public quotation on OTCQX, symbol $GBTC — Grayscale (@GrayscaleInvest) 26. März 2015 Wir haben keine Kontrolle, wie viele Leute beschließen werden, Bitcoin zu kaufen und zu verkaufen, das ist alles Marktbezogen, meinte Michael Sonnenschein, Sales & Business Director von Silbert Digital Currency Group. Wir von Coinwelt sind gespannt, inwieweit sich dies auf den Preis, aber auch auf die Popularität der digitalen Währung auswirkt. Wir sind sehr zuversichtlich, dass dies positive Veränderungen zur Folge hat. Englische Originalfassung Image via flickr.com, Stéfan, CC
Maine Scholar, voL I,no. I, 1988. 13. See L. Fortunati, L’arcano della riproduzione. Casalinghe, prostitue, operai e capitale, MarsiliO, Venice, 1981; L. Fortunati, Sesso come vaLore d’uso per il valore, in L. Fortunati and S. Federici, Il grande Calibano. Storia del corpo sociale ribelle nella primafase del capitale, Franco Angeli, Milan, 1984, p. 209. 14. See M. Dalla Costa and S. James, The Power of Women. 15. See G.F. Dalla Costa, Un lavoro d’amore. La violenza fisica componente essenziale del ‘trattamento’ maschile nei confronti delle donne, Edizioni delle Donne, Rome, 1978. 16. Currently, there is a wide-ranging debate on this issue. A. Michel’s essay remains a good reference-point: ‘La donna a repentaglio nel sistema di guerra’, Bozze, no. 2, April-March 1987. 17. See K. Marx, Capital, vol. I, chapters 26-33. 18. Women’s Action Agenda 21, in World Women’s Congress for a Healthy Planet, Official Report, United Nations, 8-12 November, Miami, 1991. 19. See V. Shiva, Staying Alive. 20. Ibid. 21. See M. Dalla Costa and S. James, The Power of Women. 22. See M. Dalla Costa and G.F. Dalla Costa, Donne e politiche del debito. 23. E. Burgos, Mi chiamo Rigoberta Menchu, Giunti, Florence, 1990. 24. Ibid., p. 144. 25. As was stressed by the Working Group on Indigenous Peoples at the NGO Forum in Vienna (10-12 June 1993), these peoples have worked especially hard during the last two decades to get their voices heard, to make progress on questions concerning them (the question of land, above all), to obtain greater respect for and a formalisation of their rights in written form. Significant stages in the process have been the Kari Oca Declaration, the Land Charter of the Indigenous Peoples, and the Convention of the International Labour Organisation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (lLO Conv. No. 169). This growing liaison and promotion of their demands was a major factor in the speedy expressions of solidarity from the North American indigenous populations during the rebellion of the indigenous peoples of Chiapas. 26. See V. Shiva, Staying Alive.
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Olá meus amigos!Estou de volta passados alguns meses de paragens, mas agora com força para continuar o vegantuga!Aqui vai o meu Brunch de hoje! É uma sandes espetacular, saiu mil vezes melhor do que imaginei que sairia! :DA pasta amarela que adicionei é o "queijo" vegan. A receita está aqui no blog também! :DEspero que gostem tanto como eu!Ingredientes:125g de Tempeh com quinoa (usei esta marca)1/2 cebola picada1/4 de um pimento vermelho picado2 talos de haipo as rodelinhas finas1/4 de cebola roxa picada2 colheres de sopa de sementes de girassol1/4 de um pimento amarelo picado2 colheres de sopa de cebolinho às rodelinhas1 colher de sopa de molho de soja2 colheres de sopa de salsa picada2 colheres de sopa de sumo de limão2 colheres de sopa de pickles picadinhos1/2 colher de café de alho1 colher se café de cominhos1/2 colher de café de endro125g de maionese veganOra bem esta receita é dificílima!!!1. Por o Tempeh na 1,2,3 e deixar pulsar até que fique bem solto.2. Com uma colher de sopa numa frigideira mais 1/2 cebola picada saltear durante 2 minutos.3. Juntar ao Tempeh (depois de arrefecer) todos os outros ingredientes e misturar até formar uma pasta uniforme.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This delicious brunch is Vegan heaven!Ingredients:1 pound tempeh, fried for 3 minutes (with 1/2 of an onion)¼ cup diced celery¼ cup diced red onion¼ cup diced red bell pepper¼ cup raw, unsalted sunflower seeds¼ cup diced yellow bell pepper¼ cup chopped green onions1 tablespoons tamari2 tablespoons chopped parsley2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice¼ cup pickle relish (drained)½ teaspoon minced garlic1 teaspoon ground cumin1 /2teaspoon chopped fresh dill1 cup soy mayonnaiseDirections:1. Stir fry the crumbled Tempeh (you can do it in a food processor) for 3 minutes with 1/2 of an onion.2. Mix all the ingredients with the Tempeh until it makes an even paste.
View this email in your browser Dear friends The 2014 World Ayahuasca Conference, held recently in Ibiza (http://www.aya2014.com), was a truly amazing, magical and historic event. We have published some of the contributions to the event here: 1. Introductory Remarks: Opening Session of the 2014 World Ayahuasca Conference, by Bia Labate http://www.neip.info/html/objects/_downloadblob.php?cod_blob=1505 2. Reflections On Spirituality, Gender, and Power in my Experience with Santo Daime, by Clancy Cavnar http://www.neip.info/html/objects/_downloadblob.php?cod_blob=1499 3. Ecstasy and rationality in the context of the “burracheira”, by Rosa Melo http://www.neip.info/html/objects/_downloadblob.php?cod_blob=1500 5. La Disrupción de lo Ceremonial, lo Coercitivo en la Salud, por Gerónimo Tejedor Arvigo http://www.neip.info/html/objects/_downloadblob.php?cod_blob=1511 6. Disruption in the ceremonial, the coercive in health, by Gerónimo Tejedor Arvigo http://www.neip.info/html/objects/_downloadblob.php?cod_blob=1501 7. Ayahuasca, Desarrollo Personal y la Peligrosa Simplificación, por Josep Mª Fericgla http://www.neip.info/index.php/content/view/2469.html 8. Ayahuasca y Desarollo Personal, Manuel Villaescusa http://www.neip.info/html/objects/_downloadblob.php?cod_blob=1512 More to come... With publishing vibrations, Bia Labate Learn Portuguese, it will make you happy! ---- Do you appreciate receiving this newsletter? Support this voluntary work by making a donation, here: http://www.bialabate.net/contato (click on donation), or write to me at: blabate@bialabate.net Beatriz Caiuby Labate, Ph.D. Nucleus for Interdisciplinary Studies of Psychoactives – NEIP http://bialabate.net http://www.neip.info
Foto: Guliver image/Getty images PAPA FRANJO pozvao je u srijedu katolike da "ne brbljaju" nakon nedjeljne mise, preporučivši onima koji onamo ne dolaze u potrazi za "milosrđem Božjim" da i ne dolaze. Na tjednoj općoj audijenciji na Trgu svetog Petra, Sveti Otac, izravan kao i uvijek, nije čitao unaprijed pripremljen tekst u svojoj katehezi o "velikom broju socijalnih teškoća" i o olujnom nevremenu koje je "nanijelo štetu čitavim četvrtima u Rimu": "Kada dolazim na misu, kako to doživljavam?", upitao je tisuće vjernika, kritizirajući "ravnodušnost" nekih katolika prema tuđoj nesreći. "Možda sam zauzet brbljanjem: 'jesi li vidio kako je ona odjevena! Kako je ovaj odjeven' Gdjekad se to čini nakon mise, to ne smijemo činiti", upozorio je. Je li misa u čijem je središtu sakrament euharistije, "samo svečan trenutak, ustaljena tradicija, prigoda da se nađemo s drugima i da se dobro osjećamo, ili je to nešto više?", upitao se Papa. Onaj tko ide na misu ne treba onamo dolaziti "zato što misli ili želi ostaviti dojam da je bolji od drugih, nego zato što priznaje da uvijek ima potrebu da bude prihvaćen i obnovljen Božjim milosrđem". "Ako netko od nas misli da mu ne treba Božje milosrđe i da nije grješnik, bolje mu je da ne ide na misu", poručio je. Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa
בי הוא… Netanyahu: My father is… ילד: לא (צוחק) Child: No. [laughs] אישה: הוא יקרא עוד מעט. Woman: He’ll read in a little while. ביבי: הוא לא בדיוק יונה צחורה, כמו שאומרים. אז אבי שמע את השאלה ואמר: "תגיד לרב שהסבא שלך, הרב נתן מיליקובסקי, היה יהודי חכם. תגיד לו שעדיף לתת שני אחוז מאשר לתת מאה אחוז." וזו הברירה שעומדת כאן על הפרק. אתה נתת שני אחוז ובזה עצרת את הנסיגה הזאת. במקום מאה אחוזים." החוכמה היא לא להיות שם ולהישבר. החוכמה היא להיות שם ולשלם מחיר מזערי. Netanyahu: He’s not exactly a lily-white dove, as they say. So my father heard the question and said: “Tell the rabbi that your grandfather, Rabbi Natan Milikowski, was a smart Jew. Tell him it would be better to give two percent than to give a hundred percent. And that’s the choice here. You gave two percent and in that way you stopped the withdrawal. Instead of a hundred percent.” The trick is not to be there and break down. The trick is to be there and pay a minimal price. אישה: אמן כראש ממשלה. Woman: May you say that as prime minister.
Zwei Polizeibeamtinnen wurden vor einer Polizeiwache von einem Mann mit einer Machete verletzt. Der Angriff war wohl eine Terror-Attacke, sagt Belgiens Regierungschef. In der belgischen Stadt Charleroi sind am Samstag zwei Polizistinnen von einem Unbekannten mit einer Machete angegriffen worden. Der Mann ging vor einer Polizeistation auf die Beamtinnen los, berichtet die BBC. Der Mann soll dabei "Allahu Akbar" gerufen haben, berichtet die Polizei. Er wurde von einem dritten Polizisten angeschossen und erlag später seinen Verletzungen. Die beiden Polizistinnen wurden bei dem Angriff verletzt, befinden sich aber außer Lebensgefahr. Le décès de l'agresseur à la machette est confirmé. Les deux collègues sont hors de danger. Merci pour le soutien #PoliceCharleroi — Police Charleroi (@PoliceCharleroi) 6. August 2016 Deutet "sehr deutlich auf Terrorismus hin" Der Macheten-Angriff hat nach Einschätzung der belgischen Regierung vermutlich einen terroristischen Hintergrund. Erste Anzeichen deuteten "sehr deutlich auf Terrorismus hin", sagte Ministerpräsident Charles Michel am Samstagabend in einem Telefonat mit dem TV-Sender RTL. Charleroi liegt südlich von Brüssel. In Belgien sind die Sicherheitskräfte seit den Brüsseler Anschlägen im März in erhöhter Alarmbereitschaft. Damals töteten Islamisten am Flughafen und in der U-Bahn mehr als 30 Menschen. Auch die Spur der Attentäter von Paris, wo im November 130 Menschen getötet wurden, führte nach Belgien. 2 policières blessées par machette devant hôtel de police par auteur criant Allah Ouhakbar. Individu abattu mais vivant #PoliceCharleroi — Police Charleroi (@PoliceCharleroi) August 6, 2016 >>> Link zum Bericht auf bbc.com (Red./APA)
The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) has detected, in 30 days, more than 54 US spy planes operating near Venezuelan airspace. The Operational Strategic Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (Ceofanb) reported this Sunday, in its Twitter account, that the 54 spy planes refer only to those recorded during the month of September. “We were able to detect, only in this period of 30 days more than 54 aircraft doing exploration, US aircraft, in the FIR space (region of flight information) of Maiquetía and other areas,” he announced, citing the commander of Ceofanb, Chief Admiral Remigio Ceballos. RELATED CONTENT: Maduro Activates an Orange Alert on the Colombian Border 🛑URGENTE| Operación #VenezuelaSoberaníaYPaz. Cmdte CEOFANB AJ @CeballosIchaso denunció la detección de más de 54 aeronaves de exploración procedentes de los EEUU durante el mes de septiembre, los cuales fueron captadas por los radares del @CODAI_FANB. #29Sep #FelizDomingo pic.twitter.com/WFOdxRUDHX — CEOFANB (@ceofanb) September 29, 2019 According to the high-ranking Venezuelan commander, among the devices there are EP-3 spy planes, which would be “doing radioelectronic exploration” in the oceanic part of the South American country. The aircraft were located by the radar of the Comprehensive Aerospace Defense Command (Codai), within the framework of military operations, called Venezuela Sovereignty and Peace, which took place between September 10 and 28. RELATED CONTENT: Venezuela is Prepared for an Aerial Attack, After Activation of TIAR On July 19, the Venezuelan Air Force intercepted an American reconnaissance aircraft Lockheed EP-3 Aries II over the Caribbean Sea. The Venezuelan authorities warned -then- that it was not the first time this type of event was logged, because so far this year “it has happened 76 times.” Then, on August 1, the Armed Forces of the South American country claimed that it had detected an EP3 aircraft from the United States Aviation. According to the infographic, radar detected the US aircraft. at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning, local time, on July 31. According to flight patterns, it was tracked for 1 hour and 20 minutes flying over a distance of 60 miles (about 96 kilometers) from the island of La Orchila (Venezuela) where a Venezuelan military base is located. These incidents occur while tensions between the US and Venezuela increase. Source URL: Lechuginos Translated by JRE/EF
Share This: twitter facebook From Contra-Info, translated by It’s Going Down Español abajo The newest round of October 2nd protests led to new clashes between law enforcement officers and young rebels. The black bloc broke the order of normalcy, facing the henchman of authority and the citizenist mass. In the Federal District (D.F.) of Mexico City, the cloaked combatants clashed with a unit of the federal police, with slingshots, molotov cocktails, stones and firecrackers leading to 4 arrests. Meanwhile in the city of Oaxaca, the anarchist bloc destroyed the shop windows of banks, car dealerships and retail stores with stones and molotov cocktails; there were 9 arrests. Despite attempts by the professionals of anarchism to limit and lead the outbreaks of revolt, even in the face of massive campaigns of disinformation that have demonized the expressions of rebellion and in the face of the paranoia after extensive repression and arrests, combative youth are still taking the street, making the social war visible. Nothing is over. Esta nueva jornada del 2 de octubre trajo consigo nuevos enfrentamientos entre los guardianes del orden y jóvenes rebeldes. Los bloque negros salieron a romper con el orden de la normalidad, haciendo frente a los esbirros de la autoridad y a la masa ciudadanista. En el Distrito Federal los embozados se enfrentaron con un piquete de la policia federal, con resorteras, molotovs, piedras y petardos dieron cara a los vasallos, en el lugar se dieron 4 detenciones. Mientras tanto en la ciudad de Oaxaca el bloque anarquista destruía los escaparates de bancos, concesionarias de autos y tiendas de autoservicio con piedras y molotovs, al final del día hubo 9 procesados por los desmanes. A pesar de los intentos de los profesionales del anarquismo de limitar y conducir los brotes de revuelta, aún frente a las campañas masivas de desinformación que han satanizado las expresiones de rebelión y haciendo frente a la paranoia después de las extensas campañas de represión masiva y selectiva, la juventud combatiente se sigue tomando la calle, haciendo visible la guerra social. Nada ha acabado. Tags: October 2nd
Fast News Stowaways killed as cargo train derails in Democratic Republic of Congo's southeastern province of Tanganyika, officials say. Officials say the early morning accident happened in the town of Mayibaridi. (TRTWorld) At least 50 stowaways were killed when a freight train derailed in the southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo early on Thursday, the latest rail tragedy to strike the vast central African nation. "Another disaster! Derailing at 3 am (0100 GMT) in Tanganyika (province) near Mayibaridi. Provisional toll: 50 dead and several injured," the minister for humanitarian action, Steve Mbikayi, said in a tweet. Witnesses at the scene and local media feared more than a hundred people could have been killed. Victor Umba, the union head of the national rail company SNCC, said the freight train was travelling from the town of Nyunzu to the town of Niemba when two carriages fell on their sides. "Those who died in this derailment were stowaways. It is impossible for the SNCC to provide any kind of toll," Umba told AFP news agency. He added that the SNCC's chief was in the provincial capital of Kalemie trying to find a way to raise the carriages. "It seems that many stowaways are trapped under the derailed carriages". "Speaking for the government, I present my condolences to the families affected," Mbikayi said on Twitter. Encore une catastrophe! Déraillement à 3h du matin ds le Tanganyika aux environs de la localité Mayibaridi. Bilan provisoire:50 morts et plusieurs blessés! Au nom du gvt,je présente les condoléances aux familles éprouvées. Réunion en cours pr des dispositions à prendre. — STEVE MBIKAYI (@Cartesien243) September 12, 2019 Poor record for safety Railways in the DRC have a poor record for safety, hampered by derelict tracks and decrepit locomotives, many of them dating from the 1960s. In March, at least 24 people were killed and 31 were injured when a freight train carrying illegal passengers crashed in the central region of Kasai. In November last year, 10 stowaways were killed and 24 injured near the eastern town of Samba when the brakes failed on a freight train. In November 2017, 35 people were killed when a freight train carrying 13 oil tankers plunged into a ravine in southern Lualaba province. Like many state companies in DRC, the SNCC is on the brink of bankruptcy. Its former head Sylvestre Ilunga is the country's current prime minister. Source: TRTWorld and agencies
teikna ein felles bod for dei elleve einingane, men at det var ein illustrasjon som ikkje er juridisk bindande. NRK har vore i kontakt med selskapet, som meiner dei har følgt alt av lovar og reglar. Det får dei støtte i hos Fjell kommune. BLOKK: Utpå nyåret 2016 fekk Sakslo teikningane som viste at også øvre del av bygget (til høgre) er bustadblokk. Foto: Illustrasjon frå OG Arkitekter Kommunen: Gjort etter planen Plan- og utbyggingssjef Berit Karin Rystad i Fjell kommune avviser at byggherren eller kommunen har gjort noko gale, og seier at det ikkje er lureri. – Utbyggjaren kan sjonglera med korleis dei vil forma ut boden og bustaden. Det er gjort etter boka. Ho fortel at det har vore ein god del klager i samband med fortettingane og urbaniseringa. BYGGJER BY: – Utbyggjaren har utnytta handlingsrommet han har, seier plan- og utbyggingssjef i Fjell kommune, Berit Karin Rystad. Foto: Leif Rune Løland/NRK – Men viss me gir dispensasjonar og ikkje held oss til planen for Sotra kystby, misser me handlekraft og investorar. ELLER BLOKK? Då nabovarselet kom to år seinare var blokka og «boden» samanhengande. Foto: Illustrasjon frå OG Arkitekter – Så det er viktig å ikkje ta omsyn til innvendingar frå naboar? – Svært viktig, særleg på slutten av planprosessen. Når ein skal byggja ein by, må ein knusa nokre egg. I ein tidlegare versjon av saka stod det at klaga no blir behandla av Fylkesmannen i Hordaland. Det er ikkje riktig. Etter klaga frå Sakslo skal Fjell kommune på synfaring.
The saga of Camilo Sanvezzo took another strange and seemingly definitive turn on Monday, when a photo of the Vancouver Whitecaps star in a the jersey of a Mexican club was disseminated on the internet by the team’s official Twitter account. Sanvezzo – the 25-year-old reigning MLS Golden Boot winner who is under contract with the Whitecaps through the 2014 season – is shown smiling while donning the jersey of Mexican side Querétaro while apparently in a club training room. Y también Camilo Sanvezzo, quien aquí saluda a todos nuestros aficionados de #Gallos pic.twitter.com/hih60Qlkfu — Gallos Blancos Qro. (@Club_Queretaro) January 6, 2014 The picture followed another tweet from the official Querétaro account that welcomed newcomer Diego Guastavino. “And also Camilo Sanvezzo, who is here to greet all our fans of # Gallos,” reads the translated caption of the Sanvezzo photo. The club followed with another photo of both players arm in arm, with the caption: "Welcome Diego and Camilo!" The move comes in stark contrast to all recent reports out of Vancouver, which indicated that the two clubs had not discussed a potential transfer and that the Whitecaps expected him to return after a career year in 2013. Greg Anderson, the Whitecaps' director of pro teams, told The Vancouver Sun on Thursday there has been no discussion with Querétaro or Sanvezzo’s agent and that FIFA transfer regulations regarding the selling and buying of players are “bullet proof.” Added Anderson: “A player just can’t go and sign with another club.” A Whitecaps spokesman declined to comment on the photo on Monday, but insisted that Sanvezzo is under contract with the club and is expected to report to preseason training later this month. The team later tweeted out the striker is still under contract with the club, and that the league has now gotten involved: Camilo is under contract with #VWFC. The club is working with @MLS on this matter. Additional info to follow. — Vancouver Whitecaps (@WhitecapsFC) January 6, 2014 A Major League Soccer spokesperson deferred comment to the Whitecaps on Monday. CentralDeportiva.com reported last week that the Querétaro president Adolfo Ríos was under the impression that Sanvezzo was a free agent, and that the player’s agent had led him to believe he was available for a free transfer. Camilo scored a league-leading 22 goals in 2013, and earned a selection to the MLS All-Star team and scored the AT&T Goal of the Year. The Whitecaps – who signed him before their 2011 MLS expansion season – picked up the option on his contract in November.
nichtuntersetzt Profile Joined September 2011 Germany 20 Posts Last Edited: 2012-07-03 15:32:17 #1 07.07 // 08.07. Barcraft „HomestoryCup V“ @ Könnteman Leipzig powered by XMG Hainstraße 17-19 // 04107 Leipzig Contact: BarcraftLE ‚at‘ googlemail.com Starting at 2pm (sa) and 3pm (su) On June 07th and 08th we will be broadcasting the "[b]Homestory Cup V[/b"“ from Krefeld-based TaKe in a Shisha bar called "Könnteman" in Leipzig. Schenker Notebooks (mysn.de) will provide this event with two notebooks, on which you can play SC2 during the breaks. In addition they will supply 100 free beers - First-come, first-served! You can enjoy all the matches in Full-HD and join other SC2-Fans along the way! There will be no admission, you have to be 18 years old though. You can find the "Könnteman" in Hainstrasse 17-19, 04109 Leipzig. If you come by tram, the station is "Goerdelerring". We’re happy to welcome you and experience a wicked event with you. ******************************* 007.07 // 08.07. Barcraft "HomestoryCup V" @ Könnteman Leipzig powered by XMG Hainstraße 17-19 // 04107 Leipzig Kontakt: BarcraftLE ‚at‘ googlemail.com Los geht's Samstag 14.00 Uhr und Sonntag 15.00! Am 07.07. und 08.07.2012 zeigen wir in der Shisha-Bar "Könnteman" in Leipzig TaKe's "Homestory Cup V" aus Krefeld. Schenker Notebooks (mysn.de) stellen uns dafür 2 Notebooks zum SC2-Spielen während der Pausen zur Verfügung und lassen zudem 100 Freibier für die ersten Gäste springen! Ihr könnt alle Matches an diesen zwei Tagen in Full-HD genießen und euch mit anderen SC2-Fans austauschen. Eintritt ist frei, aber erst ab 18 Jahren gestattet. Ihr findet uns in der Hainstraße 17-19 in 04109 Leipzig, Haltestelle "Goerdelerring". Wir freuen uns auf euch und einen geilen Event!
We’re driving through the savannah on indigenous paths. It’s far from being even a dirt road so our speed couldn’t be so high. From time to time different people were coming to us and asking for something… Children on the way ask for empty plastic bottles, so they can use them to carry water. This man from the picture, wanted to sell us meat… I only wanted to take a photo of him, he didn’t mind it. But the highlight of this trip was a group of children who caught a baby crocodile and wanted to sell it to us! I don’t know how they managed to steal this baby from its mother! We didn’t talk to them. I didn’t take any picture of them to not encourage them to do it again. But imagine the surprise on my face when I saw it… __________________________________________________________ Znaczny dystans pokonywaliśmy samochodem po “polnych drogach”, stąd nasza prędkość do zawrotnych nie należała. 😉 Jadąc wolno, od czasu do czasu, podchodzili do nas różni ludzie z mniej lub bardziej oryginalnymi pytaniami… Dzieci często prosiły o puste butelki plastykowe, ponieważ używają ich do noszenia wody. Ten mężczyzna ze zdjęcia, chciał nam sprzedać mięso… Nie byłam tym zainteresowana, ale bez problemu zgodził się aby zostać sfotografowanym. W pewnym momencie podbiegła do nas grupka chłopców. Chcieli nam sprzedać maleńkiego krokodylka! Wyobraźcie sobie zdziwienie na mojej twarzy jak ich zobaczyłam! Nie mam żadnego zdjęcia, ponieważ nie chcieliśmy z nimi rozmawiać. Wydaje mi się, że najlepiej było ich zignorować aby nie zachęcać do ponownego wykradania krokodylków lub innych zwierząt.
A local leader of the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) has resigned his position after sending out a tweet saying that he wished populist firebrand Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack. The offending tweet was one of several sent late Thursday morning by Willem den Hertog, a lawyer and PvdA leader in the North Sea resort of Katwijk. In it he expressed the wish “that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”. It represented his response to the comment made by Geert Wilders’ earlier this week, reported by Breitbart London, when the anti-Islam politician said that if he were shot then the Labour Party would be to blame. Mr. Wilders was complaining of being demonised by opponents after Hans Spekman, the Chairman of the PvdA, had called him a threat to democracy and the rule of law. Reminding people of the death of populist Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn after he was demonised by a former PvdA leader, Mr. Wilders predicted: “If the bullet comes from the left, it will have the letters PvdA on it.” Mr. den Hertog echoed those comments in subsequent tweets, reports NL Times. He wrote: “But if there is a bullet on the way, then let it be big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it.” Referring to Mr. Wilders’ political party — the Party for Freedom (PVV) — Mr. den Hertog’s final tweet on the subject asked: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?” Despite his earlier criticism, Mr. Spekman distanced himself from his fellow party member’s “horrible” comments, describing them as “misguided and wrong” and saying “we debate on the basis of content”. According to the daily newspaper, De Telegraaf, Mr. den Hertog has now resigned his position in the PvdA. Although he had tried to make clear the tweets were sent in a private capacity, an emergency meeting of his local party found his position to be untenable. Mr. Wilders himself responded to the tweets with one of his own that included the hashtag “bullet from the left”. It read: “Shocking message. Maybe now PvdA chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” Schokkend bericht. Misschien dat PvdA-Voorzitter Spekman nu begrijpt wat ik bedoelde. #kogelvanlinks https://t.co/82RR7PIp5U — Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) February 11, 2016
To nisu vrijednosti pobjedničke Hrvatske vojske. Hrvatski vojnik puno je puta dokazao svoje vrijednosti i sposobnosti" Nažalost, imamo i pojedinaca. Svaki ovaj prekršaj ima ime i prezime. Nulta je stopa tolerancije na ovakvo nevojničko ponašanje. Trebamo se svi zajedno obračunati s ovakvim ljudima i ovakvim pojavama. Što se mene tiče, podrška Hrvatskoj vojsci da kroz liniju zapovijedanja ovaj slučaj riješi", kazao je u četvrtak ministar obrane Damir Krstičević. Osnovao je Povjerenstvo koje će mu do 2.12. dati analizu kompletne situacije i predložiti mjere "s ciljem da se obračunamo s ovakvim pojavama. Ovo nije Hrvatska vojska, ovo su izolirani slučajevi. Ovo nije Hrvatska vojska, ovo su ljudi koji su napravi nešto što se ne smije raditi. Hrvatska vojska će pobijediti situaciju i ovakve ljude ćemo istjerati iz sustava", rekao je Krstičević. Upitan kako to da nije prije izvijestio javnost o tom slučaju, Krstičević je kazao: "Imaju organi koji to rade, ima policija, ima civilna policija. Istraga još traje, prema tome nisam želio ni jednim svojim utjecati na istragu. Ministar je naglasio kako ono što je učinjeno nije normalno. "Sigurno da ima odgovornosti, kroz cijeli postupak sve ćemo utvrditi. Hrvatska vojska će oštro sankcionirati bilo koga tko je po tom pitanju nešto napravio", ističe ministar.
La Blockchain appliquée au journalisme (English below) === La Blockchain ne sert pas qu'aux crypto-monnaies comme le Bitcoin. Notre 2e meetup de 2018 vous présente des applications journalistiques de cette technologie encore méconnue. Présentation 1 - Kate Evans, co-organisatrice Hacks/Hackers Montréal Qu'est-ce que la Blockchain? Présentation 2 - Geoffroi Garon-Épaule, chercheur en innovation ouverte Les applications de la Blockchain autres que les crypto-monnaies PAUSE RÉSEAUTAGE Présentation 3 - Chris Nguyen et Jennie T., équipe régionale canadienne de Basic Attention Token et de Brave. Brave est un browser web fondé par Brendan Eich, créateur du JavaScript et cofondateur de Mozilla/Firefox. Il a créé Brave avec un souci pour la vie privée de ses utilisateurs. La pub y est substituée par un système basé sur la blockchain. Présentation 4 - Christine Mohan, cofondatrice de Civil (Brooklyn, NY) Civil est un projet de journalisme basé sur Ethereum qui a obtenu 5M$ en financement l'automne dernier. Une de ses cofondatrices est à Montréal spécialement pour notre meetup! ***** ENGLISH ****** "Blockchain" is a current buzzword in the technology world, but it's not just for Bitcoin. In this meetup we'll be covering applications of blockchain outside of cryptocurrency, including new possibilities for journalism. Presentation 1: Kate Evans, co-organiser of Hacks/Hackers Montreal What is Blockchain? Presentation 2: Geoffroi Garon-Épaule, open innovations researcher Non-cryptocurrency applications of blockchain technology NETWORKING BREAK Presentation 3: Chris Nguyen & Jennie T., - Canada regional team, Basic Attention Token / Brave BAT / Brave are the newest projects by the creator of JavaScript and co-founder of Mozilla & Firefox. Brave is a privacy-conscious browser that blocks ads by default, Basic Attention Token is a digital advertising platform that requires zero user data collection or tracking, and will pay users for their attention in BAT cryptocurrency tokens. Presentation 4: Christine Mohan, cofounder of Civil (Brooklyn, NY) Civil is a journalism publishing platform based on the Ethereum blockchain. In the fall of 2017, Civil got 5M$ funding. Ms Mohan is in Montreal especially for this meetup.
osvojio 368.210 glasova ili 53,8 posto, Džaferović 212.581 ili 36,6 posto od ukupnog broja onih koji su zaokružili opciju B, no ako se u taj broj dodaju i glasovi Bošnjaka koje je dobio Komšić Džaferovićev postotak je znatno manji. I on i Komšić imaju oko 23% ukupnog biračkog tijela Bošnjaka. Još jedan kuriozitet oko Komšića je taj što će u prisegi morati prisegnuti da će čuvati ustavni poredak BIH, konstitutivnost njenih naroda, autoritet Ustavnog suda BIH, i njene zakone, sve ono protiv čega je govorio u kampanji. Naravno bez sankcija. Jer pored Lijanovića, Komšić je drugi Hrvat u BIH koji može javno zagovarati rušenje ustavnog poretka a da ne bude sankcioniran od OHR-a. Da su Dodik ili Čović govorili protiv konstitutivnosti, Ustavnog suda, zazivali gašenje kantona ili entiteta, već bi im politički život bio u pluskvamperfektu. Komšićeva kampanja osim po nacionalizmu i širenju mržnje između Bošnjaka i drugih ostat će upamćena i po prijetnjama mitraljezom, rušenju mostova, pozivanjem na nabijanje na kolac hrvatskog lidera u BIH Dragana Čovića te javnim apelom na grupno silovanje RH predsjednice. Sve su to detalji o kojima bošnjački portali kao i njihova mreža medija vani, nisu napisali niti riječi. Oni imaju pametnijeg posla. Pišu o tome što bi hrvatski portali trebali pisati.
WHEN you’re an armoured tank driver and you’re late for a parade, perhaps putting the pedal to the metal in the middle of town isn’t a great idea. The city of Minsk — the capital of the Russia-aligned state of Belarus — was today preparing for an upcoming military parade. Columns of military vehicles had taken up position and were practising rolling through the city’s street. Сапсаваны асфальт у Менску пасьля чарговай рэпэтыцыі параду Фота @Krasnaok pic.twitter.com/5VktsprOe6 — Радыё Свабода (@svaboda) June 24, 2017 But one tank seems to have been somewhat out-of-place and behind in time. So the driver poured on the gas and the tracked vehicle leapt down the slick, wet road in the city’s centre. Social media posts of video and pictures show what happened next. Hitting the brakes had little effect in slowing the 60-ton beast. Вот так сегодня танк в Минске на полном ходу въехал в столб pic.twitter.com/9O3nULKqXy — РБ головного мозга (@belamova) June 24, 2017 The heavy tank skidded, went sideways — and then demolished a streetside light pole. Not to mention gouge up the pavement and gutter of the median strip. Believe it or not, the Russian-made tank itself will need some serious fender bending to put it back in shape. Rollers for its tracks were buckled out of alignment, and several of the reactive-armour blocks (designed to explode outwards as a missile strikes) lining its side were crushed. It was a tow-away job. Танк врезался в столб! В Минске!! ТАНК!! СТОЛБ!! МИНСК!! pic.twitter.com/KCoy0DWbGD — Krasnaok (@Krasnaok) June 24, 2017
From Blender to the Dreamcast: Xenocider level design Last night, we held one of our weekly video-meetings. It was the first time we recorded the whole thing and it will most probably be the first one we share on our YouTube channel. Our resident 3D designer Abel showed us how the terrain and enemies for the egyptian-inspired Planet Krok will like. As soon as a any model or texture was finished or modified on Blender, it was added to the our demo files and tested by Chui, to make sure everything will look and work as it should when you see Xenocider in motion. Our main character Xara will blast her way through jungles, swamps and desserts, such as this: Also, as most of you problably know already, we finished the script for the Ameba demo, so we are working hard at character art at the moment. Our plan is to show both games at RetroBarcelona in November. We posted this teaser pic to Twitter and Facebook a couple weeks ago, as a way of celebrating said plan was looking more and more feasable: Stay tuned for more news! — Anoche mantuvimos una de nuestras vídeo-reuniones semanales. Fue la primera vez que lo grabamos todo, y posiblemente será la primera que compartamos en nuestro canal de YouTube. Abel, nuestro diseñador 3D, nos mostró el aspecto que tendrán el terreno y los enemigos del Planeta Krok, de inspiración egipcia. A medida que había un nuevo modelado o textura en Blender, Chui lo añadía a nuestra demo y lo probaba al momento, para asegurarnos de que todo se vea y funcione como debe ya en movimiento en Xenocider. Xara, nuestra protagonista, se abrirá paso a través de niveles selváticos, pantanosos, y desérticos como el de la imagen. Por otro lado, como muchos probablemente sabéis, hemos terminado el guión para la demo de Ameba, así que ahora mismo estamos trabajando duro en la parte gráfica de los pesonajes. El plan es presentar ambos juegos en Retrobarcelona, en noviembre. Hace un par de semanas subimos esta imagen teaser a nuestro Twitter y Facebook como una forma de celebrar que dicho plan parecía cada vez más factible. ¡Pronto más noticias!