int64 0
| instance_name
stringlengths 3
| instruction
stringlengths 194
| signature
stringlengths 24
| test
stringlengths 515
100 | run_length_encoding | # Instructions
Implement run-length encoding and decoding.
Run-length encoding (RLE) is a simple form of data compression, where runs (consecutive data elements) are replaced by just one data value and count.
For example we can represent the original 53 characters with only 13.
RLE allows the original data to be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data, which makes it a lossless data compression.
For simplicity, you can assume that the unencoded string will only contain the letters A through Z (either lower or upper case) and whitespace.
This way data to be encoded will never contain any numbers and numbers inside data to be decoded always represent the count for the following character.
| def decode(string):
def encode(string):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from run_length_encoding import (
class RunLengthEncodingTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_encode_empty_string(self):
self.assertMultiLineEqual(encode(""), "")
def test_encode_single_characters_only_are_encoded_without_count(self):
self.assertMultiLineEqual(encode("XYZ"), "XYZ")
def test_encode_string_with_no_single_characters(self):
self.assertMultiLineEqual(encode("AABBBCCCC"), "2A3B4C")
def test_encode_single_characters_mixed_with_repeated_characters(self):
def test_encode_multiple_whitespace_mixed_in_string(self):
self.assertMultiLineEqual(encode(" hsqq qww "), "2 hs2q q2w2 ")
def test_encode_lowercase_characters(self):
self.assertMultiLineEqual(encode("aabbbcccc"), "2a3b4c")
def test_decode_empty_string(self):
self.assertMultiLineEqual(decode(""), "")
def test_decode_single_characters_only(self):
self.assertMultiLineEqual(decode("XYZ"), "XYZ")
def test_decode_string_with_no_single_characters(self):
self.assertMultiLineEqual(decode("2A3B4C"), "AABBBCCCC")
def test_decode_single_characters_with_repeated_characters(self):
def test_decode_multiple_whitespace_mixed_in_string(self):
self.assertMultiLineEqual(decode("2 hs2q q2w2 "), " hsqq qww ")
def test_decode_lowercase_string(self):
self.assertMultiLineEqual(decode("2a3b4c"), "aabbbcccc")
def test_encode_followed_by_decode_gives_original_string(self):
self.assertMultiLineEqual(decode(encode("zzz ZZ zZ")), "zzz ZZ zZ")
101 | saddle_points | # Introduction
You plan to build a tree house in the woods near your house so that you can watch the sun rise and set.
You've obtained data from a local survey company that show the height of every tree in each rectangular section of the map.
You need to analyze each grid on the map to find good trees for your tree house.
A good tree is both:
- taller than every tree to the east and west, so that you have the best possible view of the sunrises and sunsets.
- shorter than every tree to the north and south, to minimize the amount of tree climbing.
# Instructions
Your task is to find the potential trees where you could build your tree house.
The data company provides the data as grids that show the heights of the trees.
The rows of the grid represent the east-west direction, and the columns represent the north-south direction.
An acceptable tree will be the largest in its row, while being the smallest in its column.
A grid might not have any good trees at all.
Or it might have one, or even several.
Here is a grid that has exactly one candidate tree.
1 2 3 4
1 | 9 8 7 8
2 | 5 3 2 4 <--- potential tree house at row 2, column 1, for tree with height 5
3 | 6 6 7 1
- Row 2 has values 5, 3, 2, and 4. The largest value is 5.
- Column 1 has values 9, 5, and 6. The smallest value is 5.
So the point at `[2, 1]` (row: 2, column: 1) is a great spot for a tree house.
# Instructions append
## Exception messages
Sometimes it is necessary to [raise an exception]( When you do this, you should always include a **meaningful error message** to indicate what the source of the error is. This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging. For situations where you know that the error source will be a certain type, you can choose to raise one of the [built in error types](, but should still include a meaningful message.
This particular exercise requires that you use the [raise statement]( to "throw" a `ValueError` if the `matrix` is irregular. The tests will only pass if you both `raise` the `exception` and include a message with it.
To raise a `ValueError` with a message, write the message as an argument to the `exception` type:
# if the matrix is irregular
raise ValueError("irregular matrix")
| def saddle_points(matrix):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from saddle_points import (
def sorted_points(point_list):
return sorted(point_list, key=lambda p: (p["row"], p["column"]))
class SaddlePointsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_can_identify_single_saddle_point(self):
matrix = [[9, 8, 7], [5, 3, 2], [6, 6, 7]]
sorted_points([{"row": 2, "column": 1}]),
def test_can_identify_that_empty_matrix_has_no_saddle_points(self):
matrix = []
self.assertEqual(sorted_points(saddle_points(matrix)), sorted_points([]))
def test_can_identify_lack_of_saddle_points_when_there_are_none(self):
matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [3, 1, 2], [2, 3, 1]]
self.assertEqual(sorted_points(saddle_points(matrix)), sorted_points([]))
def test_can_identify_multiple_saddle_points_in_a_column(self):
matrix = [[4, 5, 4], [3, 5, 5], [1, 5, 4]]
{"row": 1, "column": 2},
{"row": 2, "column": 2},
{"row": 3, "column": 2},
def test_can_identify_multiple_saddle_points_in_a_row(self):
matrix = [[6, 7, 8], [5, 5, 5], [7, 5, 6]]
{"row": 2, "column": 1},
{"row": 2, "column": 2},
{"row": 2, "column": 3},
def test_can_identify_saddle_point_in_bottom_right_corner(self):
matrix = [[8, 7, 9], [6, 7, 6], [3, 2, 5]]
sorted_points([{"row": 3, "column": 3}]),
def test_can_identify_saddle_points_in_a_non_square_matrix(self):
matrix = [[3, 1, 3], [3, 2, 4]]
sorted_points([{"row": 1, "column": 3}, {"row": 1, "column": 1}]),
def test_can_identify_that_saddle_points_in_a_single_column_matrix_are_those_with_the_minimum_value(
matrix = [[2], [1], [4], [1]]
sorted_points([{"row": 2, "column": 1}, {"row": 4, "column": 1}]),
def test_can_identify_that_saddle_points_in_a_single_row_matrix_are_those_with_the_maximum_value(
matrix = [[2, 5, 3, 5]]
sorted_points([{"row": 1, "column": 2}, {"row": 1, "column": 4}]),
# Additional tests for this track
def test_irregular_matrix(self):
matrix = [[3, 2, 1], [0, 1], [2, 1, 0]]
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "irregular matrix")
102 | satellite | # Instructions
Imagine you need to transmit a binary tree to a satellite approaching Alpha Centauri and you have limited bandwidth.
Since the tree has no repeating items it can be uniquely represented by its [pre-order and in-order traversals][wiki].
Write the software for the satellite to rebuild the tree from the traversals.
A pre-order traversal reads the value of the current node before (hence "pre") reading the left subtree in pre-order.
Afterwards the right subtree is read in pre-order.
An in-order traversal reads the left subtree in-order then the current node and finally the right subtree in-order.
So in order from left to right.
For example the pre-order traversal of this tree is [a, i, x, f, r].
The in-order traversal of this tree is [i, a, f, x, r]
/ \
i x
/ \
f r
Note: the first item in the pre-order traversal is always the root.
# Instructions append
## Exception messages
Sometimes it is necessary to [raise an exception]( When you do this, you should always include a **meaningful error message** to indicate what the source of the error is. This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging. For situations where you know that the error source will be a certain type, you can choose to raise one of the [built in error types](, but should still include a meaningful message.
This particular exercise requires that you use the [raise statement]( to "throw" a `ValueError` if the `preorder` and `inorder` arguments are mis-matched length-wise, element-wise, or the elements are not unique. The tests will only pass if you both `raise` the `exception` and include a message with it.
To raise a `ValueError` with a message, write the message as an argument to the `exception` type:
# if preorder and inorder are not the same length
raise ValueError("traversals must have the same length")
# if preorder and inorder do not share the same elements
raise ValueError("traversals must have the same elements")
# if element repeat (are not unique)
raise ValueError("traversals must contain unique items")
| def tree_from_traversals(preorder, inorder):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from satellite import (
class SatelliteTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty_tree(self):
preorder = []
inorder = []
expected = {}
self.assertEqual(tree_from_traversals(preorder, inorder), expected)
def test_tree_with_one_item(self):
preorder = ["a"]
inorder = ["a"]
expected = {"v": "a", "l": {}, "r": {}}
self.assertEqual(tree_from_traversals(preorder, inorder), expected)
def test_tree_with_many_items(self):
preorder = ["a", "i", "x", "f", "r"]
inorder = ["i", "a", "f", "x", "r"]
expected = {
"v": "a",
"l": {"v": "i", "l": {}, "r": {}},
"r": {
"v": "x",
"l": {"v": "f", "l": {}, "r": {}},
"r": {"v": "r", "l": {}, "r": {}},
self.assertEqual(tree_from_traversals(preorder, inorder), expected)
def test_reject_traversals_of_different_length(self):
preorder = ["a", "b"]
inorder = ["b", "a", "r"]
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
tree_from_traversals(preorder, inorder)
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "traversals must have the same length")
def test_reject_inconsistent_traversals_of_same_length(self):
preorder = ["x", "y", "z"]
inorder = ["a", "b", "c"]
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
tree_from_traversals(preorder, inorder)
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
err.exception.args[0], "traversals must have the same elements"
def test_reject_traversals_with_repeated_items(self):
preorder = ["a", "b", "a"]
inorder = ["b", "a", "a"]
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
tree_from_traversals(preorder, inorder)
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "traversals must contain unique items")
103 | say | # Instructions
Given a number from 0 to 999,999,999,999, spell out that number in English.
## Step 1
Handle the basic case of 0 through 99.
If the input to the program is `22`, then the output should be `'twenty-two'`.
Your program should complain loudly if given a number outside the blessed range.
Some good test cases for this program are:
- 0
- 14
- 50
- 98
- -1
- 100
### Extension
If you're on a Mac, shell out to Mac OS X's `say` program to talk out loud.
If you're on Linux or Windows, eSpeakNG may be available with the command `espeak`.
## Step 2
Implement breaking a number up into chunks of thousands.
So `1234567890` should yield a list like 1, 234, 567, and 890, while the far simpler `1000` should yield just 1 and 0.
## Step 3
Now handle inserting the appropriate scale word between those chunks.
So `1234567890` should yield `'1 billion 234 million 567 thousand 890'`
The program must also report any values that are out of range.
It's fine to stop at "trillion".
## Step 4
Put it all together to get nothing but plain English.
`12345` should give `twelve thousand three hundred forty-five`.
The program must also report any values that are out of range.
# Instructions append
## Exception messages
Sometimes it is necessary to [raise an exception]( When you do this, you should always include a **meaningful error message** to indicate what the source of the error is. This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging. For situations where you know that the error source will be a certain type, you can choose to raise one of the [built in error types](, but should still include a meaningful message.
This particular exercise requires that you use the [raise statement]( to "throw" a `ValueError` if the number input to `say()` is out of range. The tests will only pass if you both `raise` the `exception` and include a message with it.
To raise a `ValueError` with a message, write the message as an argument to the `exception` type:
# if the number is negative
raise ValueError("input out of range")
# if the number is larger than 999,999,999,999
raise ValueError("input out of range")
| def say(number):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from say import (
class SayTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_zero(self):
self.assertEqual(say(0), "zero")
def test_one(self):
self.assertEqual(say(1), "one")
def test_fourteen(self):
self.assertEqual(say(14), "fourteen")
def test_twenty(self):
self.assertEqual(say(20), "twenty")
def test_twenty_two(self):
self.assertEqual(say(22), "twenty-two")
def test_thirty(self):
self.assertEqual(say(30), "thirty")
def test_ninety_nine(self):
self.assertEqual(say(99), "ninety-nine")
def test_one_hundred(self):
self.assertEqual(say(100), "one hundred")
def test_one_hundred_twenty_three(self):
self.assertEqual(say(123), "one hundred twenty-three")
def test_two_hundred(self):
self.assertEqual(say(200), "two hundred")
def test_nine_hundred_ninety_nine(self):
self.assertEqual(say(999), "nine hundred ninety-nine")
def test_one_thousand(self):
self.assertEqual(say(1000), "one thousand")
def test_one_thousand_two_hundred_thirty_four(self):
self.assertEqual(say(1234), "one thousand two hundred thirty-four")
def test_one_million(self):
self.assertEqual(say(1000000), "one million")
def test_one_million_two_thousand_three_hundred_forty_five(self):
say(1002345), "one million two thousand three hundred forty-five"
def test_one_billion(self):
self.assertEqual(say(1000000000), "one billion")
def test_a_big_number(self):
"nine hundred eighty-seven billion six hundred fifty-four million three hundred twenty-one thousand one hundred twenty-three",
def test_numbers_below_zero_are_out_of_range(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "input out of range")
def test_numbers_above_999_999_999_999_are_out_of_range(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "input out of range")
# Additional tests for this track
def test_one_hundred_seventy(self):
self.assertEqual(say(170), "one hundred seventy")
104 | scale_generator | # Instructions
## Chromatic Scales
Scales in Western music are based on the chromatic (12-note) scale.
This scale can be expressed as the following group of pitches:
> A, A♯, B, C, C♯, D, D♯, E, F, F♯, G, G♯
A given sharp note (indicated by a ♯) can also be expressed as the flat of the note above it (indicated by a ♭) so the chromatic scale can also be written like this:
> A, B♭, B, C, D♭, D, E♭, E, F, G♭, G, A♭
The major and minor scale and modes are subsets of this twelve-pitch collection.
They have seven pitches, and are called diatonic scales.
The collection of notes in these scales is written with either sharps or flats, depending on the tonic (starting note).
Here is a table indicating whether the flat expression or sharp expression of the scale would be used for a given tonic:
| Key Signature | Major | Minor |
| ------------- | --------------------- | -------------------- |
| Natural | C | a |
| Sharp | G, D, A, E, B, F♯ | e, b, f♯, c♯, g♯, d♯ |
| Flat | F, B♭, E♭, A♭, D♭, G♭ | d, g, c, f, b♭, e♭ |
Note that by common music theory convention the natural notes "C" and "a" follow the sharps scale when ascending and the flats scale when descending.
For the scope of this exercise the scale is only ascending.
### Task
Given a tonic, generate the 12 note chromatic scale starting with the tonic.
- Shift the base scale appropriately so that all 12 notes are returned starting with the given tonic.
- For the given tonic, determine if the scale is to be returned with flats or sharps.
- Return all notes in uppercase letters (except for the `b` for flats) irrespective of the casing of the given tonic.
## Diatonic Scales
The diatonic scales, and all other scales that derive from the chromatic scale, are built upon intervals.
An interval is the space between two pitches.
The simplest interval is between two adjacent notes, and is called a "half step", or "minor second" (sometimes written as a lower-case "m").
The interval between two notes that have an interceding note is called a "whole step" or "major second" (written as an upper-case "M").
The diatonic scales are built using only these two intervals between adjacent notes.
Non-diatonic scales can contain other intervals.
An "augmented second" interval, written "A", has two interceding notes (e.g., from A to C or D♭ to E) or a "whole step" plus a "half step".
There are also smaller and larger intervals, but they will not figure into this exercise.
### Task
Given a tonic and a set of intervals, generate the musical scale starting with the tonic and following the specified interval pattern.
This is similar to generating chromatic scales except that instead of returning 12 notes, you will return N+1 notes for N intervals.
The first note is always the given tonic.
Then, for each interval in the pattern, the next note is determined by starting from the previous note and skipping the number of notes indicated by the interval.
For example, starting with G and using the seven intervals MMmMMMm, there would be the following eight notes:
| Note | Reason |
| ---- | ------------------------------------------------- |
| G | Tonic |
| A | M indicates a whole step from G, skipping G♯ |
| B | M indicates a whole step from A, skipping A♯ |
| C | m indicates a half step from B, skipping nothing |
| D | M indicates a whole step from C, skipping C♯ |
| E | M indicates a whole step from D, skipping D♯ |
| F♯ | M indicates a whole step from E, skipping F |
| G | m indicates a half step from F♯, skipping nothing |
| class Scale:
def __init__(self, tonic):
def chromatic(self):
def interval(self, intervals):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from scale_generator import (
class ScaleGeneratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Test chromatic scales
def test_chromatic_scale_with_sharps(self):
expected = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("C").chromatic(), expected)
def test_chromatic_scale_with_flats(self):
expected = ["F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B", "C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("F").chromatic(), expected)
# Test scales with specified intervals
def test_simple_major_scale(self):
expected = ["C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "A", "B", "C"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("C").interval("MMmMMMm"), expected)
def test_major_scale_with_sharps(self):
expected = ["G", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F#", "G"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("G").interval("MMmMMMm"), expected)
def test_major_scale_with_flats(self):
expected = ["F", "G", "A", "Bb", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("F").interval("MMmMMMm"), expected)
def test_minor_scale_with_sharps(self):
expected = ["F#", "G#", "A", "B", "C#", "D", "E", "F#"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("f#").interval("MmMMmMM"), expected)
def test_minor_scale_with_flats(self):
expected = ["Bb", "C", "Db", "Eb", "F", "Gb", "Ab", "Bb"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("bb").interval("MmMMmMM"), expected)
def test_dorian_mode(self):
expected = ["D", "E", "F", "G", "A", "B", "C", "D"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("d").interval("MmMMMmM"), expected)
def test_mixolydian_mode(self):
expected = ["Eb", "F", "G", "Ab", "Bb", "C", "Db", "Eb"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("Eb").interval("MMmMMmM"), expected)
def test_lydian_mode(self):
expected = ["A", "B", "C#", "D#", "E", "F#", "G#", "A"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("a").interval("MMMmMMm"), expected)
def test_phrygian_mode(self):
expected = ["E", "F", "G", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("e").interval("mMMMmMM"), expected)
def test_locrian_mode(self):
expected = ["G", "Ab", "Bb", "C", "Db", "Eb", "F", "G"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("g").interval("mMMmMMM"), expected)
def test_harmonic_minor(self):
expected = ["D", "E", "F", "G", "A", "Bb", "Db", "D"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("d").interval("MmMMmAm"), expected)
def test_octatonic(self):
expected = ["C", "D", "D#", "F", "F#", "G#", "A", "B", "C"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("C").interval("MmMmMmMm"), expected)
def test_hexatonic(self):
expected = ["Db", "Eb", "F", "G", "A", "B", "Db"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("Db").interval("MMMMMM"), expected)
def test_pentatonic(self):
expected = ["A", "B", "C#", "E", "F#", "A"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("A").interval("MMAMA"), expected)
def test_enigmatic(self):
expected = ["G", "G#", "B", "C#", "D#", "F", "F#", "G"]
self.assertEqual(Scale("G").interval("mAMMMmm"), expected)
105 | scrabble_score | # Introduction
[Scrabble][wikipedia] is a word game where players place letter tiles on a board to form words.
Each letter has a value.
A word's score is the sum of its letters' values.
# Instructions
Your task is to compute a word's Scrabble score by summing the values of its letters.
The letters are valued as follows:
| Letter | Value |
| ---------------------------- | ----- |
| A, E, I, O, U, L, N, R, S, T | 1 |
| D, G | 2 |
| B, C, M, P | 3 |
| F, H, V, W, Y | 4 |
| K | 5 |
| J, X | 8 |
| Q, Z | 10 |
For example, the word "cabbage" is worth 14 points:
- 3 points for C
- 1 point for A
- 3 points for B
- 3 points for B
- 1 point for A
- 2 points for G
- 1 point for E
| def score(word):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from scrabble_score import (
class ScrabbleScoreTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_lowercase_letter(self):
self.assertEqual(score("a"), 1)
def test_uppercase_letter(self):
self.assertEqual(score("A"), 1)
def test_valuable_letter(self):
self.assertEqual(score("f"), 4)
def test_short_word(self):
self.assertEqual(score("at"), 2)
def test_short_valuable_word(self):
self.assertEqual(score("zoo"), 12)
def test_medium_word(self):
self.assertEqual(score("street"), 6)
def test_medium_valuable_word(self):
self.assertEqual(score("quirky"), 22)
def test_long_mixed_case_word(self):
self.assertEqual(score("OxyphenButazone"), 41)
def test_english_like_word(self):
self.assertEqual(score("pinata"), 8)
def test_empty_input(self):
self.assertEqual(score(""), 0)
def test_entire_alphabet_available(self):
self.assertEqual(score("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), 87)
106 | secret_handshake | # Introduction
You are starting a secret coding club with some friends and friends-of-friends.
Not everyone knows each other, so you and your friends have decided to create a secret handshake that you can use to recognize that someone is a member.
You don't want anyone who isn't in the know to be able to crack the code.
You've designed the code so that one person says a number between 1 and 31, and the other person turns it into a series of actions.
# Instructions
Your task is to convert a number between 1 and 31 to a sequence of actions in the secret handshake.
The sequence of actions is chosen by looking at the rightmost five digits of the number once it's been converted to binary.
Start at the right-most digit and move left.
The actions for each number place are:
00001 = wink
00010 = double blink
00100 = close your eyes
01000 = jump
10000 = Reverse the order of the operations in the secret handshake.
Let's use the number `9` as an example:
- 9 in binary is `1001`.
- The digit that is farthest to the right is 1, so the first action is `wink`.
- Going left, the next digit is 0, so there is no double-blink.
- Going left again, the next digit is 0, so you leave your eyes open.
- Going left again, the next digit is 1, so you jump.
That was the last digit, so the final code is:
wink, jump
Given the number 26, which is `11010` in binary, we get the following actions:
- double blink
- jump
- reverse actions
The secret handshake for 26 is therefore:
jump, double blink
If you aren't sure what binary is or how it works, check out [this binary tutorial][intro-to-binary].
To keep things simple (and to let you focus on the important part of this exercise), your function will receive its inputs as binary strings:
>>> commands("00011")
["wink", "double blink"]
| def commands(binary_str):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from secret_handshake import (
class SecretHandshakeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_wink_for_1(self):
self.assertEqual(commands("00001"), ["wink"])
def test_double_blink_for_10(self):
self.assertEqual(commands("00010"), ["double blink"])
def test_close_your_eyes_for_100(self):
self.assertEqual(commands("00100"), ["close your eyes"])
def test_jump_for_1000(self):
self.assertEqual(commands("01000"), ["jump"])
def test_combine_two_actions(self):
self.assertEqual(commands("00011"), ["wink", "double blink"])
def test_reverse_two_actions(self):
self.assertEqual(commands("10011"), ["double blink", "wink"])
def test_reversing_one_action_gives_the_same_action(self):
self.assertEqual(commands("11000"), ["jump"])
def test_reversing_no_actions_still_gives_no_actions(self):
self.assertEqual(commands("10000"), [])
def test_all_possible_actions(self):
commands("01111"), ["wink", "double blink", "close your eyes", "jump"]
def test_reverse_all_possible_actions(self):
commands("11111"), ["jump", "close your eyes", "double blink", "wink"]
def test_do_nothing_for_zero(self):
self.assertEqual(commands("00000"), [])
107 | series | # Instructions
Given a string of digits, output all the contiguous substrings of length `n` in that string in the order that they appear.
For example, the string "49142" has the following 3-digit series:
- "491"
- "914"
- "142"
And the following 4-digit series:
- "4914"
- "9142"
And if you ask for a 6-digit series from a 5-digit string, you deserve whatever you get.
Note that these series are only required to occupy _adjacent positions_ in the input;
the digits need not be _numerically consecutive_.
# Instructions append
## Exception messages
Sometimes it is necessary to [raise an exception]( When you do this, you should always include a **meaningful error message** to indicate what the source of the error is. This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging. For situations where you know that the error source will be a certain type, you can choose to raise one of the [built in error types](, but should still include a meaningful message.
This particular exercise requires that you use the [raise statement]( to "throw" a `ValueError` if the series and/or length parameters input into the `slice()` function are empty or out of range. The tests will only pass if you both `raise` the `exception` and include a message with it.
To raise a `ValueError` with a message, write the message as an argument to the `exception` type:
# if the slice length is zero.
raise ValueError("slice length cannot be zero")
# if the slice length is negative.
raise ValueError("slice length cannot be negative")
# if the series provided is empty.
raise ValueError("series cannot be empty")
# if the slice length is longer than the series.
raise ValueError("slice length cannot be greater than series length")
| def slices(series, length):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from series import (
class SeriesTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_slices_of_one_from_one(self):
self.assertEqual(slices("1", 1), ["1"])
def test_slices_of_one_from_two(self):
self.assertEqual(slices("12", 1), ["1", "2"])
def test_slices_of_two(self):
self.assertEqual(slices("35", 2), ["35"])
def test_slices_of_two_overlap(self):
self.assertEqual(slices("9142", 2), ["91", "14", "42"])
def test_slices_can_include_duplicates(self):
self.assertEqual(slices("777777", 3), ["777", "777", "777", "777"])
def test_slices_of_a_long_series(self):
slices("918493904243", 5),
["91849", "18493", "84939", "49390", "93904", "39042", "90424", "04243"],
def test_slice_length_is_too_large(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
slices("12345", 6)
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
err.exception.args[0], "slice length cannot be greater than series length"
def test_slice_length_is_way_too_large(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
slices("12345", 42)
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
err.exception.args[0], "slice length cannot be greater than series length"
def test_slice_length_cannot_be_zero(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
slices("12345", 0)
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "slice length cannot be zero")
def test_slice_length_cannot_be_negative(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
slices("123", -1)
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "slice length cannot be negative")
def test_empty_series_is_invalid(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
slices("", 1)
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "series cannot be empty")
108 | sgf_parsing | # Instructions
Parsing a Smart Game Format string.
[SGF][sgf] is a standard format for storing board game files, in particular go.
SGF is a fairly simple format. An SGF file usually contains a single
tree of nodes where each node is a property list. The property list
contains key value pairs, each key can only occur once but may have
multiple values.
The exercise will have you parse an SGF string and return a tree structure of properties.
An SGF file may look like this:
This is a tree with three nodes:
- The top level node has three properties: FF\[4\] (key = "FF", value
= "4"), C\[root\](key = "C", value = "root") and SZ\[19\] (key =
"SZ", value = "19"). (FF indicates the version of SGF, C is a
comment and SZ is the size of the board.)
- The top level node has a single child which has a single property:
B\[aa\]. (Black plays on the point encoded as "aa", which is the
1-1 point).
- The B\[aa\] node has a single child which has a single property:
As you can imagine an SGF file contains a lot of nodes with a single
child, which is why there's a shorthand for it.
SGF can encode variations of play. Go players do a lot of backtracking
in their reviews (let's try this, doesn't work, let's try that) and SGF
supports variations of play sequences. For example:
Here the root node has two variations. The first (which by convention
indicates what's actually played) is where black plays on 1-1. Black was
sent this file by his teacher who pointed out a more sensible play in
the second child of the root node: `B[dd]` (4-4 point, a very standard
opening to take the corner).
A key can have multiple values associated with it. For example:
Here `AB` (add black) is used to add three black stones to the board.
All property values will be the [SGF Text type][sgf-text].
You don't need to implement any other value type.
Although you can read the [full documentation of the Text type][sgf-text], a summary of the important points is below:
- Newlines are removed if they come immediately after a `\`, otherwise they remain as newlines.
- All whitespace characters other than newline are converted to spaces.
- `\` is the escape character.
Any non-whitespace character after `\` is inserted as-is.
Any whitespace character after `\` follows the above rules.
Note that SGF does **not** have escape sequences for whitespace characters such as `\t` or `\n`.
Be careful not to get confused between:
- The string as it is represented in a string literal in the tests
- The string that is passed to the SGF parser
Escape sequences in the string literals may have already been processed by the programming language's parser before they are passed to the SGF parser.
There are a few more complexities to SGF (and parsing in general), which
you can mostly ignore. You should assume that the input is encoded in
UTF-8, the tests won't contain a charset property, so don't worry about
that. Furthermore you may assume that all newlines are unix style (`\n`,
no `\r` or `\r\n` will be in the tests) and that no optional whitespace
between properties, nodes, etc will be in the tests.
# Instructions append
## Exception messages
Sometimes it is necessary to [raise an exception]( When you do this, you should always include a **meaningful error message** to indicate what the source of the error is. This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging. For situations where you know that the error source will be a certain type, you can choose to raise one of the [built in error types](, but should still include a meaningful message.
This particular exercise requires that you use the [raise statement]( to "throw" a `ValueError` if the input lacks proper delimiters, is not in uppercase, does not form a tree with nodes, or does not form a tree at all. The tests will only pass if you both `raise` the `exception` and include a message with it.
To raise a `ValueError` with a message, write the message as an argument to the `exception` type:
# if the tree properties as given do not have proper delimiters.
raise ValueError("properties without delimiter")
# if the tree properties as given are not all in uppercase.
raise ValueError("property must be in uppercase")
# if the input does not form a tree, or is empty.
raise ValueError("tree missing")
# if the input is a tree without any nodes.
raise ValueError("tree with no nodes")
| class SgfTree:
def __init__(self, properties=None, children=None): = properties or {}
self.children = children or []
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SgfTree):
return False
for key, value in
if key not in
return False
if[key] != value:
return False
for key in
if key not in
return False
if len(self.children) != len(other.children):
return False
for child, other_child in zip(self.children, other.children):
if child != other_child:
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def parse(input_string):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from sgf_parsing import (
class SgfParsingTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty_input(self):
input_string = ""
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "tree missing")
def test_tree_with_no_nodes(self):
input_string = "()"
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "tree with no nodes")
def test_node_without_tree(self):
input_string = ";"
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "tree missing")
def test_node_without_properties(self):
input_string = "(;)"
expected = SgfTree()
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_single_node_tree(self):
input_string = "(;A[B])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["B"]})
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_multiple_properties(self):
input_string = "(;A[b]C[d])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["b"], "C": ["d"]})
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_properties_without_delimiter(self):
input_string = "(;A)"
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "properties without delimiter")
def test_all_lowercase_property(self):
input_string = "(;a[b])"
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "property must be in uppercase")
def test_upper_and_lowercase_property(self):
input_string = "(;Aa[b])"
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "property must be in uppercase")
def test_two_nodes(self):
input_string = "(;A[B];B[C])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["B"]}, children=[SgfTree({"B": ["C"]})])
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_two_child_trees(self):
input_string = "(;A[B](;B[C])(;C[D]))"
expected = SgfTree(
properties={"A": ["B"]},
children=[SgfTree({"B": ["C"]}), SgfTree({"C": ["D"]})],
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_multiple_property_values(self):
input_string = "(;A[b][c][d])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["b", "c", "d"]})
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_within_property_values_whitespace_characters_such_as_tab_are_converted_to_spaces(
input_string = "(;A[hello\t\tworld])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["hello world"]})
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_within_property_values_newlines_remain_as_newlines(self):
input_string = "(;A[hello\n\nworld])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["hello\n\nworld"]})
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_escaped_closing_bracket_within_property_value_becomes_just_a_closing_bracket(
input_string = "(;A[\\]])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["]"]})
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_escaped_backslash_in_property_value_becomes_just_a_backslash(self):
input_string = "(;A[\\\\])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["\\"]})
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_opening_bracket_within_property_value_doesn_t_need_to_be_escaped(self):
input_string = "(;A[x[y\\]z][foo]B[bar];C[baz])"
expected = SgfTree(
properties={"A": ["x[y]z", "foo"], "B": ["bar"]},
children=[SgfTree({"C": ["baz"]})],
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_semicolon_in_property_value_doesn_t_need_to_be_escaped(self):
input_string = "(;A[a;b][foo]B[bar];C[baz])"
expected = SgfTree(
properties={"A": ["a;b", "foo"], "B": ["bar"]},
children=[SgfTree({"C": ["baz"]})],
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_parentheses_in_property_value_don_t_need_to_be_escaped(self):
input_string = "(;A[x(y)z][foo]B[bar];C[baz])"
expected = SgfTree(
properties={"A": ["x(y)z", "foo"], "B": ["bar"]},
children=[SgfTree({"C": ["baz"]})],
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_escaped_tab_in_property_value_is_converted_to_space(self):
input_string = "(;A[hello\\\tworld])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["hello world"]})
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_escaped_newline_in_property_value_is_converted_to_nothing_at_all(self):
input_string = "(;A[hello\\\nworld])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["helloworld"]})
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_escaped_t_and_n_in_property_value_are_just_letters_not_whitespace(self):
input_string = "(;A[\\t = t and \\n = n])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["t = t and n = n"]})
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
def test_mixing_various_kinds_of_whitespace_and_escaped_characters_in_property_value(
input_string = "(;A[\\]b\nc\\\nd\t\te\\\\ \\\n\\]])"
expected = SgfTree(properties={"A": ["]b\ncd e\\ ]"]})
self.assertEqual(parse(input_string), expected)
109 | sieve | # Introduction
You bought a big box of random computer parts at a garage sale.
You've started putting the parts together to build custom computers.
You want to test the performance of different combinations of parts, and decide to create your own benchmarking program to see how your computers compare.
You choose the famous "Sieve of Eratosthenes" algorithm, an ancient algorithm, but one that should push your computers to the limits.
# Instructions
Your task is to create a program that implements the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm to find all prime numbers less than or equal to a given number.
A prime number is a number larger than 1 that is only divisible by 1 and itself.
For example, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13 are prime numbers.
By contrast, 6 is _not_ a prime number as it not only divisible by 1 and itself, but also by 2 and 3.
To use the Sieve of Eratosthenes, you first create a list of all the numbers between 2 and your given number.
Then you repeat the following steps:
1. Find the next unmarked number in your list (skipping over marked numbers).
This is a prime number.
2. Mark all the multiples of that prime number as **not** prime.
You keep repeating these steps until you've gone through every number in your list.
At the end, all the unmarked numbers are prime.
The tests don't check that you've implemented the algorithm, only that you've come up with the correct list of primes.
To check you are implementing the Sieve correctly, a good first test is to check that you do not use division or remainder operations.
## Example
Let's say you're finding the primes less than or equal to 10.
- List out 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, leaving them all unmarked.
- 2 is unmarked and is therefore a prime.
Mark 4, 6, 8 and 10 as "not prime".
- 3 is unmarked and is therefore a prime.
Mark 6 and 9 as not prime _(marking 6 is optional - as it's already been marked)_.
- 4 is marked as "not prime", so we skip over it.
- 5 is unmarked and is therefore a prime.
Mark 10 as not prime _(optional - as it's already been marked)_.
- 6 is marked as "not prime", so we skip over it.
- 7 is unmarked and is therefore a prime.
- 8 is marked as "not prime", so we skip over it.
- 9 is marked as "not prime", so we skip over it.
- 10 is marked as "not prime", so we stop as there are no more numbers to check.
You've examined all numbers and found 2, 3, 5, and 7 are still unmarked, which means they're the primes less than or equal to 10.
| def primes(limit):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from sieve import (
class SieveTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_primes_under_two(self):
self.assertEqual(primes(1), [])
def test_find_first_prime(self):
self.assertEqual(primes(2), [2])
def test_find_primes_up_to_10(self):
self.assertEqual(primes(10), [2, 3, 5, 7])
def test_limit_is_prime(self):
self.assertEqual(primes(13), [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13])
def test_find_primes_up_to_1000(self):
110 | simple_cipher | # Instructions
Implement a simple shift cipher like Caesar and a more secure substitution cipher.
## Step 1
"If he had anything confidential to say, he wrote it in cipher, that is, by so changing the order of the letters of the alphabet, that not a word could be made out.
If anyone wishes to decipher these, and get at their meaning, he must substitute the fourth letter of the alphabet, namely D, for A, and so with the others."
—Suetonius, Life of Julius Caesar
Ciphers are very straight-forward algorithms that allow us to render text less readable while still allowing easy deciphering.
They are vulnerable to many forms of cryptanalysis, but Caesar was lucky that his enemies were not cryptanalysts.
The Caesar Cipher was used for some messages from Julius Caesar that were sent afield.
Now Caesar knew that the cipher wasn't very good, but he had one ally in that respect: almost nobody could read well.
So even being a couple letters off was sufficient so that people couldn't recognize the few words that they did know.
Your task is to create a simple shift cipher like the Caesar Cipher.
This image is a great example of the Caesar Cipher:
![Caesar Cipher][img-caesar-cipher]
For example:
Giving "iamapandabear" as input to the encode function returns the cipher "ldpdsdqgdehdu".
Obscure enough to keep our message secret in transit.
When "ldpdsdqgdehdu" is put into the decode function it would return the original "iamapandabear" letting your friend read your original message.
## Step 2
Shift ciphers quickly cease to be useful when the opposition commander figures them out.
So instead, let's try using a substitution cipher.
Try amending the code to allow us to specify a key and use that for the shift distance.
Here's an example:
Given the key "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", encoding the string "iamapandabear"
would return the original "iamapandabear".
Given the key "ddddddddddddddddd", encoding our string "iamapandabear"
would return the obscured "ldpdsdqgdehdu"
In the example above, we've set a = 0 for the key value.
So when the plaintext is added to the key, we end up with the same message coming out.
So "aaaa" is not an ideal key.
But if we set the key to "dddd", we would get the same thing as the Caesar Cipher.
## Step 3
The weakest link in any cipher is the human being.
Let's make your substitution cipher a little more fault tolerant by providing a source of randomness and ensuring that the key contains only lowercase letters.
If someone doesn't submit a key at all, generate a truly random key of at least 100 lowercase characters in length.
## Extensions
Shift ciphers work by making the text slightly odd, but are vulnerable to frequency analysis.
Substitution ciphers help that, but are still very vulnerable when the key is short or if spaces are preserved.
Later on you'll see one solution to this problem in the exercise "crypto-square".
If you want to go farther in this field, the questions begin to be about how we can exchange keys in a secure way.
Take a look at [Diffie-Hellman on Wikipedia][dh] for one of the first implementations of this scheme.
# Should I use random or secrets?
Python, as of version 3.6, includes two different random modules.
The module called `random` is pseudo-random, meaning it does not generate
true randomness, but follows an algorithm that simulates randomness.
Since random numbers are generated through a known algorithm, they are not truly random.
The `random` module is not correctly suited for cryptography and should not be used,
precisely because it is pseudo-random.
For this reason, in version 3.6, Python introduced the `secrets` module, which generates
cryptographically strong random numbers that provide the greater security required for cryptography.
Since this is only an exercise, `random` is fine to use, but note that **it would be
very insecure if actually used for cryptography.**
| class Cipher:
def __init__(self, key=None):
def encode(self, text):
def decode(self, text):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-20
import re
import unittest
from simple_cipher import (
class RandomKeyCipherTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_can_encode(self):
cipher = Cipher()
plaintext = "aaaaaaaaaa"
self.assertEqual(cipher.encode(plaintext), cipher.key[0 : len(plaintext)])
def test_can_decode(self):
cipher = Cipher()
self.assertEqual(cipher.decode(cipher.key[0 : len("aaaaaaaaaa")]), "aaaaaaaaaa")
def test_is_reversible(self):
cipher = Cipher()
plaintext = "abcdefghij"
self.assertEqual(cipher.decode(cipher.encode(plaintext)), plaintext)
def test_key_is_made_only_of_lowercase_letters(self):
self.assertIsNotNone(re.match("^[a-z]+$", Cipher().key))
class SubstitutionCipherTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_can_encode(self):
cipher = Cipher("abcdefghij")
plaintext = "aaaaaaaaaa"
self.assertEqual(cipher.encode(plaintext), cipher.key)
def test_can_decode(self):
cipher = Cipher("abcdefghij")
self.assertEqual(cipher.decode(cipher.key), "aaaaaaaaaa")
def test_is_reversible(self):
cipher = Cipher("abcdefghij")
plaintext = "abcdefghij"
self.assertEqual(cipher.decode(cipher.encode(plaintext)), plaintext)
def test_can_double_shift_encode(self):
cipher = Cipher("iamapandabear")
plaintext = "iamapandabear"
self.assertEqual(cipher.encode(plaintext), "qayaeaagaciai")
def test_can_wrap_on_encode(self):
cipher = Cipher("abcdefghij")
plaintext = "zzzzzzzzzz"
self.assertEqual(cipher.encode(plaintext), "zabcdefghi")
def test_can_wrap_on_decode(self):
cipher = Cipher("abcdefghij")
self.assertEqual(cipher.decode("zabcdefghi"), "zzzzzzzzzz")
def test_can_encode_messages_longer_than_the_key(self):
cipher = Cipher("abc")
plaintext = "iamapandabear"
self.assertEqual(cipher.encode(plaintext), "iboaqcnecbfcr")
def test_can_decode_messages_longer_than_the_key(self):
cipher = Cipher("abc")
self.assertEqual(cipher.decode("iboaqcnecbfcr"), "iamapandabear")
111 | simple_linked_list | # Introduction
You work for a music streaming company.
You've been tasked with creating a playlist feature for your music player application.
# Instructions
Write a prototype of the music player application.
For the prototype, each song will simply be represented by a number.
Given a range of numbers (the song IDs), create a singly linked list.
Given a singly linked list, you should be able to reverse the list to play the songs in the opposite order.
The linked list is a fundamental data structure in computer science, often used in the implementation of other data structures.
The simplest kind of linked list is a **singly** linked list.
That means that each element (or "node") contains data, along with something that points to the next node in the list.
If you want to dig deeper into linked lists, check out [this article][intro-linked-list] that explains it using nice drawings.
# Instructions append
## How this Exercise is Structured in Python
While `stacks` and `queues` can be implemented using `lists`, `collections.deque`, `queue.LifoQueue`, and `multiprocessing.Queue`, this exercise expects a ["Last in, First Out" (`LIFO`) stack][baeldung: the stack data structure] using a _custom-made_ [singly linked list][singly linked list]:

This should not be confused with a [`LIFO` stack using a dynamic array or list][lifo stack array], which may use a `list`, `queue`, or `array` underneath.
Dynamic array based `stacks` have a different `head` position and different time complexity (Big-O) and memory footprint.

See these two Stack Overflow questions for some considerations: [Array-Based vs List-Based Stacks and Queues][stack overflow: array-based vs list-based stacks and queues] and [Differences between Array Stack, Linked Stack, and Stack][stack overflow: what is the difference between array stack, linked stack, and stack].
For more details on linked lists, `LIFO` stacks, and other abstract data types (`ADT`) in Python:
- [Baeldung: Linked-list Data Structures][baeldung linked lists] (_covers multiple implementations_)
- [Geeks for Geeks: Stack with Linked List][geeks for geeks stack with linked list]
- [Mosh on Abstract Data Structures][mosh data structures in python] (_covers many `ADT`s, not just linked lists_)
## Classes in Python
The "canonical" implementation of a linked list in Python usually requires one or more `classes`.
For a good introduction to `classes`, see the [concept:python/classes]() and companion exercise [exercise:python/ellens-alien-game](), or [Class section of the Official Python Tutorial][classes tutorial].
## Special Methods in Python
The tests for this exercise will be calling `len()` on your `LinkedList`.
In order for `len()` to work, you will need to create a `__len__` special method.
For details on implementing special or "dunder" methods in Python, see [Python Docs: Basic Object Customization][basic customization] and [Python Docs: object.**len**(self)][__len__].
## Building an Iterator
To support looping through or reversing your `LinkedList`, you will need to implement the `__iter__` special method.
See [implementing an iterator for a class.][custom iterators] for implementation details.
## Customizing and Raising Exceptions
Sometimes it is necessary to both [customize][customize errors] and [`raise`][raising exceptions] exceptions in your code.
When you do this, you should always include a **meaningful error message** to indicate what the source of the error is.
This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging.
Custom exceptions can be created through new exception classes (see [`classes`][classes tutorial] for more detail.) that are typically subclasses of [`Exception`][exception base class].
For situations where you know the error source will be a derivative of a certain exception _type_, you can choose to inherit from one of the [`built in error types`][built-in errors] under the _Exception_ class.
When raising the error, you should still include a meaningful message.
This particular exercise requires that you create a _custom exception_ to be [raised][raise statement]/"thrown" when your linked list is **empty**.
The tests will only pass if you customize appropriate exceptions, `raise` those exceptions, and include appropriate error messages.
To customize a generic _exception_, create a `class` that inherits from `Exception`.
When raising the custom exception with a message, write the message as an argument to the `exception` type:
# subclassing Exception to create EmptyListException
class EmptyListException(Exception):
"""Exception raised when the linked list is empty.
message: explanation of the error.
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
# raising an EmptyListException
raise EmptyListException("The list is empty.")
[baeldung linked lists]:
[baeldung: the stack data structure]:
[basic customization]:
[built-in errors]:
[classes tutorial]:
[custom iterators]:
[customize errors]:
[exception base class]:
[geeks for geeks stack with linked list]:
[lifo stack array]:
[mosh data structures in python]:
[raise statement]:
[raising exceptions]:
[singly linked list]:
[stack overflow: array-based vs list-based stacks and queues]:
[stack overflow: what is the difference between array stack, linked stack, and stack]:
| class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
def value(self):
def next(self):
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self, values=[]):
def __len__(self):
def head(self):
def push(self, value):
def pop(self):
def reversed(self):
class EmptyListException(Exception):
| import unittest
from simple_linked_list import LinkedList, EmptyListException
# No canonical data available for this exercise
class SimpleLinkedListTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty_list_has_len_zero(self):
sut = LinkedList()
self.assertEqual(len(sut), 0)
def test_singleton_list_has_len_one(self):
sut = LinkedList([1])
self.assertEqual(len(sut), 1)
def test_non_empty_list_has_correct_len(self):
sut = LinkedList([1, 2, 3])
self.assertEqual(len(sut), 3)
def test_error_on_empty_list_head(self):
sut = LinkedList()
with self.assertRaises(EmptyListException) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), EmptyListException)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "The list is empty.")
def test_singleton_list_has_head(self):
sut = LinkedList([1])
self.assertEqual(sut.head().value(), 1)
def test_non_empty_list_has_correct_head(self):
sut = LinkedList([1, 2])
self.assertEqual(sut.head().value(), 2)
def test_can_push_to_non_empty_list(self):
sut = LinkedList([1, 2, 3])
self.assertEqual(len(sut), 4)
def test_pushing_to_empty_list_changes_head(self):
sut = LinkedList()
self.assertEqual(len(sut), 1)
self.assertEqual(sut.head().value(), 5)
def test_can_pop_from_non_empty_list(self):
sut = LinkedList([3, 4, 5])
self.assertEqual(sut.pop(), 5)
self.assertEqual(len(sut), 2)
self.assertEqual(sut.head().value(), 4)
def test_pop_from_singleton_list_removes_head(self):
sut = LinkedList([1])
self.assertEqual(sut.pop(), 1)
with self.assertRaises(EmptyListException) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), EmptyListException)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "The list is empty.")
def test_error_on_empty_list_pop(self):
sut = LinkedList()
with self.assertRaises(EmptyListException) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), EmptyListException)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "The list is empty.")
def test_push_and_pop(self):
sut = LinkedList([1, 2])
self.assertEqual(len(sut), 3)
self.assertEqual(sut.pop(), 3)
self.assertEqual(sut.pop(), 2)
self.assertEqual(sut.pop(), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(sut), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(sut), 1)
self.assertEqual(sut.head().value(), 4)
def test_singleton_list_head_has_no_next(self):
sut = LinkedList([1])
def test_non_empty_list_traverse(self):
sut = LinkedList(range(10))
current = sut.head()
for i in range(10):
self.assertEqual(current.value(), 9 - i)
current =
def test_empty_linked_list_to_list_is_empty(self):
sut = LinkedList()
self.assertEqual(list(sut), [])
def test_singleton_linked_list_to_list_list_with_singular_element(self):
sut = LinkedList([1])
self.assertEqual(list(sut), [1])
def test_non_empty_linked_list_to_list_is_list_with_all_elements(self):
sut = LinkedList([1, 2, 3])
self.assertEqual(list(sut), [3, 2, 1])
def test_reversed_empty_list_is_empty_list(self):
sut = LinkedList([])
self.assertEqual(list(sut.reversed()), [])
def test_reversed_singleton_list_is_same_list(self):
sut = LinkedList([1])
self.assertEqual(list(sut.reversed()), [1])
def test_reverse_non_empty_list(self):
sut = LinkedList([1, 2, 3])
self.assertEqual(list(sut.reversed()), [1, 2, 3])
112 | space_age | # Introduction
The year is 2525 and you've just embarked on a journey to visit all planets in the Solar System (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune).
The first stop is Mercury, where customs require you to fill out a form (bureaucracy is apparently _not_ Earth-specific).
As you hand over the form to the customs officer, they scrutinize it and frown.
"Do you _really_ expect me to believe you're just 50 years old?
You must be closer to 200 years old!"
Amused, you wait for the customs officer to start laughing, but they appear to be dead serious.
You realize that you've entered your age in _Earth years_, but the officer expected it in _Mercury years_!
As Mercury's orbital period around the sun is significantly shorter than Earth, you're actually a lot older in Mercury years.
After some quick calculations, you're able to provide your age in Mercury Years.
The customs officer smiles, satisfied, and waves you through.
You make a mental note to pre-calculate your planet-specific age _before_ future customs checks, to avoid such mix-ups.
If you're wondering why Pluto didn't make the cut, go watch [this YouTube video][pluto-video].
# Instructions
Given an age in seconds, calculate how old someone would be on a planet in our Solar System.
One Earth year equals 365.25 Earth days, or 31,557,600 seconds.
If you were told someone was 1,000,000,000 seconds old, their age would be 31.69 Earth-years.
For the other planets, you have to account for their orbital period in Earth Years:
| Planet | Orbital period in Earth Years |
| ------- | ----------------------------- |
| Mercury | 0.2408467 |
| Venus | 0.61519726 |
| Earth | 1.0 |
| Mars | 1.8808158 |
| Jupiter | 11.862615 |
| Saturn | 29.447498 |
| Uranus | 84.016846 |
| Neptune | 164.79132 |
The actual length of one complete orbit of the Earth around the sun is closer to 365.256 days (1 sidereal year).
The Gregorian calendar has, on average, 365.2425 days.
While not entirely accurate, 365.25 is the value used in this exercise.
See [Year on Wikipedia][year] for more ways to measure a year.
# Instructions append
For the Python track, this exercise asks you to create a `SpaceAge` _class_ (_[concept:python/classes]()_) that includes methods for all the planets of the solar system.
Methods should follow the naming convention `on_<planet name>`.
Each method should `return` the age (_"on" that planet_) in years, rounded to two decimal places:
#creating an instance with one billion seconds, and calling .on_earth().
>>> SpaceAge(1000000000).on_earth()
#This is one billion seconds on Earth in years
For more information on constructing and using classes, see:
- [**A First Look at Classes**][first look at classes] from the Python documentation.
- [**A Word About names and Objects**][names and objects] from the Python documentation.
- [**Objects, values, and types**][objects, values and types] in the Python data model documentation.
- [**What is a Class?**][what is a class] from Trey Hunners Python Morsels website.
[first look at classes]:
[names and objects]:
[objects, values and types]:
[what is a class]:
| class SpaceAge:
def __init__(self, seconds):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from space_age import (
class SpaceAgeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_age_on_earth(self):
self.assertEqual(SpaceAge(1000000000).on_earth(), 31.69)
def test_age_on_mercury(self):
self.assertEqual(SpaceAge(2134835688).on_mercury(), 280.88)
def test_age_on_venus(self):
self.assertEqual(SpaceAge(189839836).on_venus(), 9.78)
def test_age_on_mars(self):
self.assertEqual(SpaceAge(2129871239).on_mars(), 35.88)
def test_age_on_jupiter(self):
self.assertEqual(SpaceAge(901876382).on_jupiter(), 2.41)
def test_age_on_saturn(self):
self.assertEqual(SpaceAge(2000000000).on_saturn(), 2.15)
def test_age_on_uranus(self):
self.assertEqual(SpaceAge(1210123456).on_uranus(), 0.46)
def test_age_on_neptune(self):
self.assertEqual(SpaceAge(1821023456).on_neptune(), 0.35)
113 | spiral_matrix | # Introduction
In a small village near an ancient forest, there was a legend of a hidden treasure buried deep within the woods.
Despite numerous attempts, no one had ever succeeded in finding it.
This was about to change, however, thanks to a young explorer named Elara.
She had discovered an old document containing instructions on how to locate the treasure.
Using these instructions, Elara was able to draw a map that revealed the path to the treasure.
To her surprise, the path followed a peculiar clockwise spiral.
It was no wonder no one had been able to find the treasure before!
With the map in hand, Elara embarks on her journey to uncover the hidden treasure.
# Instructions
Your task is to return a square matrix of a given size.
The matrix should be filled with natural numbers, starting from 1 in the top-left corner, increasing in an inward, clockwise spiral order, like these examples:
## Examples
### Spiral matrix of size 3
1 2 3
8 9 4
7 6 5
### Spiral matrix of size 4
1 2 3 4
12 13 14 5
11 16 15 6
10 9 8 7
| def spiral_matrix(size):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from spiral_matrix import (
class SpiralMatrixTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty_spiral(self):
self.assertEqual(spiral_matrix(0), [])
def test_trivial_spiral(self):
self.assertEqual(spiral_matrix(1), [[1]])
def test_spiral_of_size_2(self):
self.assertEqual(spiral_matrix(2), [[1, 2], [4, 3]])
def test_spiral_of_size_3(self):
self.assertEqual(spiral_matrix(3), [[1, 2, 3], [8, 9, 4], [7, 6, 5]])
def test_spiral_of_size_4(self):
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [12, 13, 14, 5], [11, 16, 15, 6], [10, 9, 8, 7]],
def test_spiral_of_size_5(self):
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[16, 17, 18, 19, 6],
[15, 24, 25, 20, 7],
[14, 23, 22, 21, 8],
[13, 12, 11, 10, 9],
114 | square_root | # Instructions
Given a natural radicand, return its square root.
Note that the term "radicand" refers to the number for which the root is to be determined.
That is, it is the number under the root symbol.
Check out the Wikipedia pages on [square root][square-root] and [methods of computing square roots][computing-square-roots].
Recall also that natural numbers are positive real whole numbers (i.e. 1, 2, 3 and up).
# Instructions append
## How this Exercise is Structured in Python
Python offers a wealth of mathematical functions in the form of the [math module][math-module] and built-ins such as [`pow()`][pow] and [`sum()`][sum].
However, we'd like you to consider the challenge of solving this exercise without those built-ins or modules.
While there is a mathematical formula that will find the square root of _any_ number, we have gone the route of having only [natural numbers][nautral-number] (positive integers) as solutions.
| def square_root(number):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from square_root import (
class SquareRootTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_root_of_1(self):
self.assertEqual(square_root(1), 1)
def test_root_of_4(self):
self.assertEqual(square_root(4), 2)
def test_root_of_25(self):
self.assertEqual(square_root(25), 5)
def test_root_of_81(self):
self.assertEqual(square_root(81), 9)
def test_root_of_196(self):
self.assertEqual(square_root(196), 14)
def test_root_of_65025(self):
self.assertEqual(square_root(65025), 255)
115 | strain | # Instructions
Implement the `keep` and `discard` operation on collections.
Given a collection and a predicate on the collection's elements, `keep` returns a new collection containing those elements where the predicate is true, while `discard` returns a new collection containing those elements where the predicate is false.
For example, given the collection of numbers:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
And the predicate:
- is the number even?
Then your keep operation should produce:
- 2, 4
While your discard operation should produce:
- 1, 3, 5
Note that the union of keep and discard is all the elements.
The functions may be called `keep` and `discard`, or they may need different names in order to not clash with existing functions or concepts in your language.
## Restrictions
Keep your hands off that filter/reject/whatchamacallit functionality provided by your standard library!
Solve this one yourself using other basic tools instead.
| def keep(sequence, predicate):
def discard(sequence, predicate):
| import unittest
from strain import keep, discard
class StrainTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty_sequence(self):
self.assertEqual(keep([], lambda x: x % 2 == 0), [])
def test_empty_keep(self):
inp = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
out = []
self.assertEqual(keep(inp, lambda x: x % 2 == 1), out)
def test_empty_discard(self):
inp = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
out = []
self.assertEqual(discard(inp, lambda x: x % 2 == 0), out)
def test_keep_everything(self):
inp = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
self.assertEqual(keep(inp, lambda x: x % 2 == 0), inp)
def test_discard_endswith(self):
inp = ['dough', 'cash', 'plough', 'though', 'through', 'enough']
out = ['cash']
self.assertEqual(discard(inp, lambda x: str.endswith(x, 'ough')), out)
def test_keep_z(self):
inp = ['zebra', 'arizona', 'apple', 'google', 'mozilla']
out = ['zebra', 'arizona', 'mozilla']
self.assertEqual(keep(inp, lambda x: 'z' in x), out)
def test_keep_discard(self):
inp = ['1,2,3', 'one', 'almost!', 'love']
self.assertEqual(discard(keep(inp, str.isalpha), str.isalpha), [])
def test_keep_plus_discard(self):
inp = ['1,2,3', 'one', 'almost!', 'love']
out = ['one', 'love', '1,2,3', 'almost!']
keep(inp, str.isalpha) + discard(inp, str.isalpha), out)
if __name__ == '__main__':
116 | sublist | # Instructions
Given any two lists `A` and `B`, determine if:
- List `A` is equal to list `B`; or
- List `A` contains list `B` (`A` is a superlist of `B`); or
- List `A` is contained by list `B` (`A` is a sublist of `B`); or
- None of the above is true, thus lists `A` and `B` are unequal
Specifically, list `A` is equal to list `B` if both lists have the same values in the same order.
List `A` is a superlist of `B` if `A` contains a sub-sequence of values equal to `B`.
List `A` is a sublist of `B` if `B` contains a sub-sequence of values equal to `A`.
- If `A = []` and `B = []` (both lists are empty), then `A` and `B` are equal
- If `A = [1, 2, 3]` and `B = []`, then `A` is a superlist of `B`
- If `A = []` and `B = [1, 2, 3]`, then `A` is a sublist of `B`
- If `A = [1, 2, 3]` and `B = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`, then `A` is a sublist of `B`
- If `A = [3, 4, 5]` and `B = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`, then `A` is a sublist of `B`
- If `A = [3, 4]` and `B = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`, then `A` is a sublist of `B`
- If `A = [1, 2, 3]` and `B = [1, 2, 3]`, then `A` and `B` are equal
- If `A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]` and `B = [2, 3, 4]`, then `A` is a superlist of `B`
- If `A = [1, 2, 4]` and `B = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`, then `A` and `B` are unequal
- If `A = [1, 2, 3]` and `B = [1, 3, 2]`, then `A` and `B` are unequal
| """
This exercise stub and the test suite contain several enumerated constants.
Enumerated constants can be done with a NAME assigned to an arbitrary,
but unique value. An integer is traditionally used because it’s memory
It is a common practice to export both constants and functions that work with
those constants (ex. the constants in the os, subprocess and re modules).
You can learn more here:
# Possible sublist categories.
# Change the values as you see fit.
EQUAL = None
def sublist(list_one, list_two):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from sublist import (
class SublistTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty_lists(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([], []), EQUAL)
def test_empty_list_within_non_empty_list(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([], [1, 2, 3]), SUBLIST)
def test_non_empty_list_contains_empty_list(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([1, 2, 3], []), SUPERLIST)
def test_list_equals_itself(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]), EQUAL)
def test_different_lists(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]), UNEQUAL)
def test_false_start(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([1, 2, 5], [0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 5, 6]), SUBLIST)
def test_consecutive(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([1, 1, 2], [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2]), SUBLIST)
def test_sublist_at_start(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), SUBLIST)
def test_sublist_in_middle(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), SUBLIST)
def test_sublist_at_end(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), SUBLIST)
def test_at_start_of_superlist(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]), SUPERLIST)
def test_in_middle_of_superlist(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [2, 3]), SUPERLIST)
def test_at_end_of_superlist(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5]), SUPERLIST)
def test_first_list_missing_element_from_second_list(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([1, 3], [1, 2, 3]), UNEQUAL)
def test_second_list_missing_element_from_first_list(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([1, 2, 3], [1, 3]), UNEQUAL)
def test_first_list_missing_additional_digits_from_second_list(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([1, 2], [1, 22]), UNEQUAL)
def test_order_matters_to_a_list(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]), UNEQUAL)
def test_same_digits_but_different_numbers(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist([1, 0, 1], [10, 1]), UNEQUAL)
# Additional tests for this track
def test_unique_return_values(self):
self.assertEqual(len(set([SUBLIST, SUPERLIST, EQUAL, UNEQUAL])), 4)
def test_inner_spaces(self):
self.assertEqual(sublist(["a c"], ["a", "c"]), UNEQUAL)
def test_large_lists(self):
list(range(1000)) * 1000 + list(range(1000, 1100)),
list(range(900, 1050)),
def test_spread_sublist(self):
sublist(list(range(3, 200, 3)), list(range(15, 200, 15))), UNEQUAL
117 | sum_of_multiples | # Introduction
You work for a company that makes an online, fantasy-survival game.
When a player finishes a level, they are awarded energy points.
The amount of energy awarded depends on which magical items the player found while exploring that level.
# Instructions
Your task is to write the code that calculates the energy points that get awarded to players when they complete a level.
The points awarded depend on two things:
- The level (a number) that the player completed.
- The base value of each magical item collected by the player during that level.
The energy points are awarded according to the following rules:
1. For each magical item, take the base value and find all the multiples of that value that are less than the level number.
2. Combine the sets of numbers.
3. Remove any duplicates.
4. Calculate the sum of all the numbers that are left.
Let's look at an example:
**The player completed level 20 and found two magical items with base values of 3 and 5.**
To calculate the energy points earned by the player, we need to find all the unique multiples of these base values that are less than level 20.
- Multiples of 3 less than 20: `{3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18}`
- Multiples of 5 less than 20: `{5, 10, 15}`
- Combine the sets and remove duplicates: `{3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18}`
- Sum the unique multiples: `3 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 10 + 12 + 15 + 18 = 78`
- Therefore, the player earns **78** energy points for completing level 20 and finding the two magical items with base values of 3 and 5.
# Instructions append
You can make the following assumptions about the inputs to the
`sum_of_multiples` function:
* All input numbers are non-negative `int`s, i.e. natural numbers
including zero.
* A list of factors must be given, and its elements are unique
and sorted in ascending order. | def sum_of_multiples(limit, multiples):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from sum_of_multiples import (
class SumOfMultiplesTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_multiples_within_limit(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(1, [3, 5]), 0)
def test_one_factor_has_multiples_within_limit(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(4, [3, 5]), 3)
def test_more_than_one_multiple_within_limit(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(7, [3]), 9)
def test_more_than_one_factor_with_multiples_within_limit(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(10, [3, 5]), 23)
def test_each_multiple_is_only_counted_once(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(100, [3, 5]), 2318)
def test_a_much_larger_limit(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(1000, [3, 5]), 233168)
def test_three_factors(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(20, [7, 13, 17]), 51)
def test_factors_not_relatively_prime(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(15, [4, 6]), 30)
def test_some_pairs_of_factors_relatively_prime_and_some_not(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(150, [5, 6, 8]), 4419)
def test_one_factor_is_a_multiple_of_another(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(51, [5, 25]), 275)
def test_much_larger_factors(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(10000, [43, 47]), 2203160)
def test_all_numbers_are_multiples_of_1(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(100, [1]), 4950)
def test_no_factors_means_an_empty_sum(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(10000, []), 0)
def test_the_only_multiple_of_0_is_0(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(1, [0]), 0)
def test_the_factor_0_does_not_affect_the_sum_of_multiples_of_other_factors(self):
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(4, [3, 0]), 3)
def test_solutions_using_include_exclude_must_extend_to_cardinality_greater_than_3(
self.assertEqual(sum_of_multiples(10000, [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]), 39614537)
118 | tournament | # Instructions
Tally the results of a small football competition.
Based on an input file containing which team played against which and what the outcome was, create a file with a table like this:
Team | MP | W | D | L | P
Devastating Donkeys | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 7
Allegoric Alaskans | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 6
Blithering Badgers | 3 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 3
Courageous Californians | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1
What do those abbreviations mean?
- MP: Matches Played
- W: Matches Won
- D: Matches Drawn (Tied)
- L: Matches Lost
- P: Points
A win earns a team 3 points.
A draw earns 1.
A loss earns 0.
The outcome is ordered by points, descending.
In case of a tie, teams are ordered alphabetically.
## Input
Your tallying program will receive input that looks like:
Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;win
Devastating Donkeys;Courageous Californians;draw
Devastating Donkeys;Allegoric Alaskans;win
Courageous Californians;Blithering Badgers;loss
Blithering Badgers;Devastating Donkeys;loss
Allegoric Alaskans;Courageous Californians;win
The result of the match refers to the first team listed.
So this line:
Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;win
means that the Allegoric Alaskans beat the Blithering Badgers.
This line:
Courageous Californians;Blithering Badgers;loss
means that the Blithering Badgers beat the Courageous Californians.
And this line:
Devastating Donkeys;Courageous Californians;draw
means that the Devastating Donkeys and Courageous Californians tied.
| def tally(rows):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from tournament import (
class TournamentTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_just_the_header_if_no_input(self):
results = []
table = ["Team | MP | W | D | L | P"]
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
def test_a_win_is_three_points_a_loss_is_zero_points(self):
results = ["Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;win"]
table = [
"Team | MP | W | D | L | P",
"Allegoric Alaskans | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3",
"Blithering Badgers | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0",
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
def test_a_win_can_also_be_expressed_as_a_loss(self):
results = ["Blithering Badgers;Allegoric Alaskans;loss"]
table = [
"Team | MP | W | D | L | P",
"Allegoric Alaskans | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3",
"Blithering Badgers | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0",
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
def test_a_different_team_can_win(self):
results = ["Blithering Badgers;Allegoric Alaskans;win"]
table = [
"Team | MP | W | D | L | P",
"Blithering Badgers | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3",
"Allegoric Alaskans | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0",
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
def test_a_draw_is_one_point_each(self):
results = ["Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;draw"]
table = [
"Team | MP | W | D | L | P",
"Allegoric Alaskans | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1",
"Blithering Badgers | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1",
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
def test_there_can_be_more_than_one_match(self):
results = [
"Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;win",
"Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;win",
table = [
"Team | MP | W | D | L | P",
"Allegoric Alaskans | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 6",
"Blithering Badgers | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0",
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
def test_there_can_be_more_than_one_winner(self):
results = [
"Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;loss",
"Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;win",
table = [
"Team | MP | W | D | L | P",
"Allegoric Alaskans | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3",
"Blithering Badgers | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3",
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
def test_there_can_be_more_than_two_teams(self):
results = [
"Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;win",
"Blithering Badgers;Courageous Californians;win",
"Courageous Californians;Allegoric Alaskans;loss",
table = [
"Team | MP | W | D | L | P",
"Allegoric Alaskans | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 6",
"Blithering Badgers | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3",
"Courageous Californians | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0",
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
def test_typical_input(self):
results = [
"Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;win",
"Devastating Donkeys;Courageous Californians;draw",
"Devastating Donkeys;Allegoric Alaskans;win",
"Courageous Californians;Blithering Badgers;loss",
"Blithering Badgers;Devastating Donkeys;loss",
"Allegoric Alaskans;Courageous Californians;win",
table = [
"Team | MP | W | D | L | P",
"Devastating Donkeys | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 7",
"Allegoric Alaskans | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 6",
"Blithering Badgers | 3 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 3",
"Courageous Californians | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1",
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
def test_incomplete_competition_not_all_pairs_have_played(self):
results = [
"Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;loss",
"Devastating Donkeys;Allegoric Alaskans;loss",
"Courageous Californians;Blithering Badgers;draw",
"Allegoric Alaskans;Courageous Californians;win",
table = [
"Team | MP | W | D | L | P",
"Allegoric Alaskans | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 6",
"Blithering Badgers | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 4",
"Courageous Californians | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1",
"Devastating Donkeys | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0",
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
def test_ties_broken_alphabetically(self):
results = [
"Courageous Californians;Devastating Donkeys;win",
"Allegoric Alaskans;Blithering Badgers;win",
"Devastating Donkeys;Allegoric Alaskans;loss",
"Courageous Californians;Blithering Badgers;win",
"Blithering Badgers;Devastating Donkeys;draw",
"Allegoric Alaskans;Courageous Californians;draw",
table = [
"Team | MP | W | D | L | P",
"Allegoric Alaskans | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 7",
"Courageous Californians | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 7",
"Blithering Badgers | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1",
"Devastating Donkeys | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1",
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
def test_ensure_points_sorted_numerically(self):
results = [
"Devastating Donkeys;Blithering Badgers;win",
"Devastating Donkeys;Blithering Badgers;win",
"Devastating Donkeys;Blithering Badgers;win",
"Devastating Donkeys;Blithering Badgers;win",
"Blithering Badgers;Devastating Donkeys;win",
table = [
"Team | MP | W | D | L | P",
"Devastating Donkeys | 5 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 12",
"Blithering Badgers | 5 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 3",
self.assertEqual(tally(results), table)
119 | transpose | # Instructions
Given an input text output it transposed.
Roughly explained, the transpose of a matrix:
is given by:
Rows become columns and columns become rows.
See [transpose][].
If the input has rows of different lengths, this is to be solved as follows:
- Pad to the left with spaces.
- Don't pad to the right.
Therefore, transposing this matrix:
results in:
And transposing:
results in:
In general, all characters from the input should also be present in the transposed output.
That means that if a column in the input text contains only spaces on its bottom-most row(s), the corresponding output row should contain the spaces in its right-most column(s).
| def transpose(lines):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from transpose import (
class TransposeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty_string(self):
lines = []
expected = []
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
def test_two_characters_in_a_row(self):
lines = ["A1"]
expected = ["A", "1"]
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
def test_two_characters_in_a_column(self):
lines = ["A", "1"]
expected = ["A1"]
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
def test_simple(self):
lines = ["ABC", "123"]
expected = ["A1", "B2", "C3"]
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
def test_single_line(self):
lines = ["Single line."]
expected = ["S", "i", "n", "g", "l", "e", " ", "l", "i", "n", "e", "."]
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
def test_first_line_longer_than_second_line(self):
lines = ["The fourth line.", "The fifth line."]
expected = [
" ",
"h ",
" l",
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
def test_second_line_longer_than_first_line(self):
lines = ["The first line.", "The second line."]
expected = [
" ",
" d",
"l ",
" .",
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
def test_mixed_line_length(self):
lines = ["The longest line.", "A long line.", "A longer line.", "A line."]
expected = [
"h ",
" ooi",
"n e.",
"ei ",
" .n",
"l e",
"i .",
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
def test_square(self):
lines = ["HEART", "EMBER", "ABUSE", "RESIN", "TREND"]
expected = ["HEART", "EMBER", "ABUSE", "RESIN", "TREND"]
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
def test_rectangle(self):
expected = ["FOBS", "RULE", "ATOP", "CLOT", "TIME", "UNIT", "RENT", "EDGE"]
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
def test_triangle(self):
lines = ["T", "EE", "AAA", "SSSS", "EEEEE", "RRRRRR"]
expected = ["TEASER", " EASER", " ASER", " SER", " ER", " R"]
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
def test_jagged_triangle(self):
lines = ["11", "2", "3333", "444", "555555", "66666"]
expected = ["123456", "1 3456", " 3456", " 3 56", " 56", " 5"]
self.assertEqual(transpose("\n".join(lines)), "\n".join(expected))
120 | tree_building | # Instructions
Refactor a tree building algorithm.
Some web-forums have a tree layout, so posts are presented as a tree.
However the posts are typically stored in a database as an unsorted set of records.
Thus when presenting the posts to the user the tree structure has to be reconstructed.
Your job will be to refactor a working but slow and ugly piece of code that implements the tree building logic for highly abstracted records.
The records only contain an ID number and a parent ID number.
The ID number is always between 0 (inclusive) and the length of the record list (exclusive).
All records have a parent ID lower than their own ID, except for the root record, which has a parent ID that's equal to its own ID.
An example tree:
root (ID: 0, parent ID: 0)
|-- child1 (ID: 1, parent ID: 0)
| |-- grandchild1 (ID: 2, parent ID: 1)
| +-- grandchild2 (ID: 4, parent ID: 1)
+-- child2 (ID: 3, parent ID: 0)
| +-- grandchild3 (ID: 6, parent ID: 3)
+-- child3 (ID: 5, parent ID: 0)
# Instructions append
## Exception messages
Sometimes it is necessary to [raise an exception]( When you do this, you should always include a **meaningful error message** to indicate what the source of the error is. This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging. For situations where you know that the error source will be a certain type, you can choose to raise one of the [built in error types](, but should still include a meaningful message.
This particular exercise requires that you refactor how/where the [raise statement]( is used to "throw" a `ValueError` for invalid tree input. The tests will only pass if the code both `raise`s the appropriate `exception` and includes an appropriate message with it.
| class Record:
def __init__(self, record_id, parent_id):
self.record_id = record_id
self.parent_id = parent_id
class Node:
def __init__(self, node_id):
self.node_id = node_id
self.children = []
def BuildTree(records):
root = None
records.sort(key=lambda x: x.record_id)
ordered_id = [i.record_id for i in records]
if records:
if ordered_id[-1] != len(ordered_id) - 1:
raise ValueError('broken tree')
if ordered_id[0] != 0:
raise ValueError('invalid')
trees = []
parent = {}
for i in range(len(ordered_id)):
for j in records:
if ordered_id[i] == j.record_id:
if j.record_id == 0:
if j.parent_id != 0:
raise ValueError('error!')
if j.record_id < j.parent_id:
raise ValueError('something went wrong!')
if j.record_id == j.parent_id:
if j.record_id != 0:
raise ValueError('error!')
for i in range(len(ordered_id)):
for j in trees:
if i == j.node_id:
parent = j
for j in records:
if j.parent_id == i:
for k in trees:
if k.node_id == 0:
if j.record_id == k.node_id:
child = k
if len(trees) > 0:
root = trees[0]
return root
| import unittest
from tree_building import Record, BuildTree
class TreeBuildingTest(unittest.TestCase):
Record(record_id, parent_id): records given to be processed
Node(node_id): Node in tree
BuildTree(records): records as argument and returns tree
BuildTree should raise ValueError if given records are invalid
def test_empty_list_input(self):
records = []
root = BuildTree(records)
def test_one_node(self):
records = [
Record(0, 0)
root = BuildTree(records)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root, node_id=0)
def test_three_nodes_in_order(self):
records = [
Record(0, 0),
Record(1, 0),
Record(2, 0)
root = BuildTree(records)
self.assert_node_is_branch(root, node_id=0, children_count=2)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[0], node_id=1)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[1], node_id=2)
def test_three_nodes_in_reverse_order(self):
records = [
Record(2, 0),
Record(1, 0),
Record(0, 0)
root = BuildTree(records)
self.assert_node_is_branch(root, node_id=0, children_count=2)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[0], node_id=1)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[1], node_id=2)
def test_more_than_two_children(self):
records = [
Record(0, 0),
Record(1, 0),
Record(2, 0),
Record(3, 0)
root = BuildTree(records)
self.assert_node_is_branch(root, node_id=0, children_count=3)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[0], node_id=1)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[1], node_id=2)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[2], node_id=3)
def test_binary_tree(self):
records = [
Record(6, 2),
Record(0, 0),
Record(3, 1),
Record(2, 0),
Record(4, 1),
Record(5, 2),
Record(1, 0)
root = BuildTree(records)
self.assert_node_is_branch(root, 0, 2)
self.assert_node_is_branch(root.children[0], 1, 2)
self.assert_node_is_branch(root.children[1], 2, 2)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[0].children[0], 3)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[0].children[1], 4)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[1].children[0], 5)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[1].children[1], 6)
def test_unbalanced_tree(self):
records = [
Record(0, 0),
Record(1, 0),
Record(2, 0),
Record(3, 1),
Record(4, 1),
Record(5, 1),
Record(6, 2),
root = BuildTree(records)
self.assert_node_is_branch(root, 0, 2)
self.assert_node_is_branch(root.children[0], 1, 3)
self.assert_node_is_branch(root.children[1], 2, 1)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[0].children[0], 3)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[0].children[1], 4)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[0].children[2], 5)
self.assert_node_is_leaf(root.children[1].children[0], 6)
def test_root_node_has_parent(self):
records = [
Record(0, 1),
Record(1, 0)
# Root parent_id should be equal to record_id(0)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "Node parent_id should be smaller than it's record_id.")
def test_no_root_node(self):
records = [
Record(1, 0),
Record(2, 0)
# Record with record_id 0 (root) is missing
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "Record id is invalid or out of order.")
def test_non_continuous(self):
records = [
Record(2, 0),
Record(4, 2),
Record(1, 0),
Record(0, 0)
# Record with record_id 3 is missing
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "Record id is invalid or out of order.")
def test_cycle_directly(self):
records = [
Record(5, 2),
Record(3, 2),
Record(2, 2),
Record(4, 1),
Record(1, 0),
Record(0, 0),
Record(6, 3)
# Cycle caused by Record 2 with parent_id pointing to itself
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "Only root should have equal record and parent id.")
def test_cycle_indirectly(self):
records = [
Record(5, 2),
Record(3, 2),
Record(2, 6),
Record(4, 1),
Record(1, 0),
Record(0, 0),
Record(6, 3)
# Cycle caused by Record 2 with parent_id(6) greater than record_id(2)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "Node parent_id should be smaller than it's record_id.")
def test_higher_id_parent_of_lower_id(self):
records = [
Record(0, 0),
Record(2, 0),
Record(1, 2)
# Record 1 have parent_id(2) greater than record_id(1)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "Node parent_id should be smaller than it's record_id.")
def assert_node_is_branch(self, node, node_id, children_count):
self.assertEqual(node.node_id, node_id)
self.assertNotEqual(len(node.children), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(node.children), children_count)
def assert_node_is_leaf(self, node, node_id):
self.assertEqual(node.node_id, node_id)
self.assertEqual(len(node.children), 0)
121 | triangle | # Instructions
Determine if a triangle is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.
An _equilateral_ triangle has all three sides the same length.
An _isosceles_ triangle has at least two sides the same length.
(It is sometimes specified as having exactly two sides the same length, but for the purposes of this exercise we'll say at least two.)
A _scalene_ triangle has all sides of different lengths.
## Note
For a shape to be a triangle at all, all sides have to be of length > 0, and the sum of the lengths of any two sides must be greater than or equal to the length of the third side.
In equations:
Let `a`, `b`, and `c` be sides of the triangle.
Then all three of the following expressions must be true:
a + b ≥ c
b + c ≥ a
a + c ≥ b
See [Triangle Inequality][triangle-inequality]
| def equilateral(sides):
def isosceles(sides):
def scalene(sides):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from triangle import (
class EquilateralTriangleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_all_sides_are_equal(self):
self.assertIs(equilateral([2, 2, 2]), True)
def test_any_side_is_unequal(self):
self.assertIs(equilateral([2, 3, 2]), False)
def test_no_sides_are_equal(self):
self.assertIs(equilateral([5, 4, 6]), False)
def test_all_zero_sides_is_not_a_triangle(self):
self.assertIs(equilateral([0, 0, 0]), False)
def test_sides_may_be_floats(self):
self.assertIs(equilateral([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]), True)
class IsoscelesTriangleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_last_two_sides_are_equal(self):
self.assertIs(isosceles([3, 4, 4]), True)
def test_first_two_sides_are_equal(self):
self.assertIs(isosceles([4, 4, 3]), True)
def test_first_and_last_sides_are_equal(self):
self.assertIs(isosceles([4, 3, 4]), True)
def test_equilateral_triangles_are_also_isosceles(self):
self.assertIs(isosceles([4, 4, 4]), True)
def test_no_sides_are_equal(self):
self.assertIs(isosceles([2, 3, 4]), False)
def test_first_triangle_inequality_violation(self):
self.assertIs(isosceles([1, 1, 3]), False)
def test_second_triangle_inequality_violation(self):
self.assertIs(isosceles([1, 3, 1]), False)
def test_third_triangle_inequality_violation(self):
self.assertIs(isosceles([3, 1, 1]), False)
def test_sides_may_be_floats(self):
self.assertIs(isosceles([0.5, 0.4, 0.5]), True)
class ScaleneTriangleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_sides_are_equal(self):
self.assertIs(scalene([5, 4, 6]), True)
def test_all_sides_are_equal(self):
self.assertIs(scalene([4, 4, 4]), False)
def test_first_and_second_sides_are_equal(self):
self.assertIs(scalene([4, 4, 3]), False)
def test_first_and_third_sides_are_equal(self):
self.assertIs(scalene([3, 4, 3]), False)
def test_second_and_third_sides_are_equal(self):
self.assertIs(scalene([4, 3, 3]), False)
def test_may_not_violate_triangle_inequality(self):
self.assertIs(scalene([7, 3, 2]), False)
def test_sides_may_be_floats(self):
self.assertIs(scalene([0.5, 0.4, 0.6]), True)
122 | trinary | # Instructions
Convert a trinary number, represented as a string (e.g. '102012'), to its decimal equivalent using first principles.
The program should consider strings specifying an invalid trinary as the value 0.
Trinary numbers contain three symbols: 0, 1, and 2.
The last place in a trinary number is the 1's place.
The second to last is the 3's place, the third to last is the 9's place, etc.
# "102012"
1 0 2 0 1 2 # the number
1*3^5 + 0*3^4 + 2*3^3 + 0*3^2 + 1*3^1 + 2*3^0 # the value
243 + 0 + 54 + 0 + 3 + 2 = 302
If your language provides a method in the standard library to perform the conversion, pretend it doesn't exist and implement it yourself.
| def trinary(string):
| import unittest
from trinary import trinary
class TrinaryTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_valid_trinary1(self):
self.assertEqual(trinary('0'), 0)
def test_valid_trinary2(self):
self.assertEqual(trinary('1'), 1)
def test_valid_trinary3(self):
self.assertEqual(trinary('10'), 3)
def test_valid_trinary4(self):
self.assertEqual(trinary('102101'), 307)
def test_valid_trinary5(self):
self.assertEqual(trinary('22222'), 242)
def test_valid_trinary6(self):
self.assertEqual(trinary('10000'), 81)
def test_invalid_trinary(self):
self.assertEqual(trinary('13201'), 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
123 | twelve_days | # Instructions
Your task in this exercise is to write code that returns the lyrics of the song: "The Twelve Days of Christmas."
"The Twelve Days of Christmas" is a common English Christmas carol.
Each subsequent verse of the song builds on the previous verse.
The lyrics your code returns should _exactly_ match the full song text shown below.
## Lyrics
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me: a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me: two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me: three French Hens, two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: four Calling Birds, three French Hens, two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: five Gold Rings, four Calling Birds, three French Hens, two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: six Geese-a-Laying, five Gold Rings, four Calling Birds, three French Hens, two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me: seven Swans-a-Swimming, six Geese-a-Laying, five Gold Rings, four Calling Birds, three French Hens, two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: eight Maids-a-Milking, seven Swans-a-Swimming, six Geese-a-Laying, five Gold Rings, four Calling Birds, three French Hens, two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: nine Ladies Dancing, eight Maids-a-Milking, seven Swans-a-Swimming, six Geese-a-Laying, five Gold Rings, four Calling Birds, three French Hens, two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: ten Lords-a-Leaping, nine Ladies Dancing, eight Maids-a-Milking, seven Swans-a-Swimming, six Geese-a-Laying, five Gold Rings, four Calling Birds, three French Hens, two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me: eleven Pipers Piping, ten Lords-a-Leaping, nine Ladies Dancing, eight Maids-a-Milking, seven Swans-a-Swimming, six Geese-a-Laying, five Gold Rings, four Calling Birds, three French Hens, two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: twelve Drummers Drumming, eleven Pipers Piping, ten Lords-a-Leaping, nine Ladies Dancing, eight Maids-a-Milking, seven Swans-a-Swimming, six Geese-a-Laying, five Gold Rings, four Calling Birds, three French Hens, two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
# Instructions append
## Test-driven development
Be sure to check the comments at the top of the tests file.
They will be helpful in understanding the expected output of your function.
This challenge _could_ be solved with a minimum of code and a lot of hardcoded text which is duplicated between the verses.
However, this song is a type of [cumulative song][cumulative song], where each new verse builds on the verse that comes before it.
For more of a programming challenge, consider assembling each verse from its parts.
For example, for each verse, the day changes and the gift changes, and the rest of the verse is pretty much the same.
What might be a good strategy for avoiding repetition?
[cumulative song]:
| def recite(start_verse, end_verse):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from twelve_days import (
# PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Expected result lists for these test cases use **implicit line joining.**
# A new line in a result list below **does not** always equal a new list element.
# Check comma placement carefully!
class TwelveDaysTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_first_day_a_partridge_in_a_pear_tree(self):
expected = [
"On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(1, 1), expected)
def test_second_day_two_turtle_doves(self):
expected = [
"On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"two Turtle Doves, "
"and a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(2, 2), expected)
def test_third_day_three_french_hens(self):
expected = [
"On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"three French Hens, "
"two Turtle Doves, "
"and a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(3, 3), expected)
def test_fourth_day_four_calling_birds(self):
expected = [
"On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"four Calling Birds, "
"three French Hens, "
"two Turtle Doves, "
"and a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(4, 4), expected)
def test_fifth_day_five_gold_rings(self):
expected = [
"On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"five Gold Rings, "
"four Calling Birds, "
"three French Hens, "
"two Turtle Doves, "
"and a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(5, 5), expected)
def test_sixth_day_six_geese_a_laying(self):
expected = [
"On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"six Geese-a-Laying, "
"five Gold Rings, "
"four Calling Birds, "
"three French Hens, "
"two Turtle Doves, "
"and a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(6, 6), expected)
def test_seventh_day_seven_swans_a_swimming(self):
expected = [
"On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"seven Swans-a-Swimming, "
"six Geese-a-Laying, "
"five Gold Rings, "
"four Calling Birds, "
"three French Hens, "
"two Turtle Doves, "
"and a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(7, 7), expected)
def test_eighth_day_eight_maids_a_milking(self):
expected = [
"On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"eight Maids-a-Milking, "
"seven Swans-a-Swimming, "
"six Geese-a-Laying, "
"five Gold Rings, "
"four Calling Birds, "
"three French Hens, "
"two Turtle Doves, "
"and a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(8, 8), expected)
def test_ninth_day_nine_ladies_dancing(self):
expected = [
"On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"nine Ladies Dancing, "
"eight Maids-a-Milking, "
"seven Swans-a-Swimming, "
"six Geese-a-Laying, "
"five Gold Rings, "
"four Calling Birds, "
"three French Hens, "
"two Turtle Doves, "
"and a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(9, 9), expected)
def test_tenth_day_ten_lords_a_leaping(self):
expected = [
"On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"ten Lords-a-Leaping, "
"nine Ladies Dancing, "
"eight Maids-a-Milking, "
"seven Swans-a-Swimming, "
"six Geese-a-Laying, "
"five Gold Rings, "
"four Calling Birds, "
"three French Hens, "
"two Turtle Doves, "
"and a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(10, 10), expected)
def test_eleventh_day_eleven_pipers_piping(self):
expected = [
"On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"eleven Pipers Piping, "
"ten Lords-a-Leaping, "
"nine Ladies Dancing, "
"eight Maids-a-Milking, "
"seven Swans-a-Swimming, "
"six Geese-a-Laying, "
"five Gold Rings, "
"four Calling Birds, "
"three French Hens, "
"two Turtle Doves, "
"and a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(11, 11), expected)
def test_twelfth_day_twelve_drummers_drumming(self):
expected = [
"On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: "
"twelve Drummers Drumming, "
"eleven Pipers Piping, "
"ten Lords-a-Leaping, "
"nine Ladies Dancing, "
"eight Maids-a-Milking, "
"seven Swans-a-Swimming, "
"six Geese-a-Laying, "
"five Gold Rings, "
"four Calling Birds, "
"three French Hens, "
"two Turtle Doves, "
"and a Partridge in a Pear Tree."
self.assertEqual(recite(12, 12), expected)
def test_recites_first_three_verses_of_the_song(self):
expected = [recite(n, n)[0] for n in range(1, 4)]
self.assertEqual(recite(1, 3), expected)
def test_recites_three_verses_from_the_middle_of_the_song(self):
expected = [recite(n, n)[0] for n in range(4, 7)]
self.assertEqual(recite(4, 6), expected)
def test_recites_the_whole_song(self):
expected = [recite(n, n)[0] for n in range(1, 13)]
self.assertEqual(recite(1, 12), expected)
124 | two_bucket | # Instructions
Given two buckets of different size and which bucket to fill first, determine how many actions are required to measure an exact number of liters by strategically transferring fluid between the buckets.
There are some rules that your solution must follow:
- You can only do one action at a time.
- There are only 3 possible actions:
1. Pouring one bucket into the other bucket until either:
a) the first bucket is empty
b) the second bucket is full
2. Emptying a bucket and doing nothing to the other.
3. Filling a bucket and doing nothing to the other.
- After an action, you may not arrive at a state where the initial starting bucket is empty and the other bucket is full.
Your program will take as input:
- the size of bucket one
- the size of bucket two
- the desired number of liters to reach
- which bucket to fill first, either bucket one or bucket two
Your program should determine:
- the total number of actions it should take to reach the desired number of liters, including the first fill of the starting bucket
- which bucket should end up with the desired number of liters - either bucket one or bucket two
- how many liters are left in the other bucket
Note: any time a change is made to either or both buckets counts as one (1) action.
Bucket one can hold up to 7 liters, and bucket two can hold up to 11 liters.
Let's say at a given step, bucket one is holding 7 liters and bucket two is holding 8 liters (7,8).
If you empty bucket one and make no change to bucket two, leaving you with 0 liters and 8 liters respectively (0,8), that counts as one action.
Instead, if you had poured from bucket one into bucket two until bucket two was full, resulting in 4 liters in bucket one and 11 liters in bucket two (4,11), that would also only count as one action.
Another Example:
Bucket one can hold 3 liters, and bucket two can hold up to 5 liters.
You are told you must start with bucket one.
So your first action is to fill bucket one.
You choose to empty bucket one for your second action.
For your third action, you may not fill bucket two, because this violates the third rule -- you may not end up in a state after any action where the starting bucket is empty and the other bucket is full.
Written with <3 at [Fullstack Academy][fullstack] by Lindsay Levine.
# Instructions append
## Exception messages
Sometimes it is necessary to [raise an exception]( When you do this, you should always include a **meaningful error message** to indicate what the source of the error is. This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging. For situations where you know that the error source will be a certain type, you can choose to raise one of the [built in error types](, but should still include a meaningful message.
This particular exercise requires that you use the [raise statement]( to "throw" a `ValueError`. The tests will only pass if you both `raise` the `exception` and include a message with it.
To raise a `ValueError` with a message, write the message as an argument to the `exception` type:
raise ValueError("A meaningful error message here.")
| def measure(bucket_one, bucket_two, goal, start_bucket):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-21
import unittest
from two_bucket import (
class TwoBucketTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_measure_using_bucket_one_of_size_3_and_bucket_two_of_size_5_start_with_bucket_one(
self.assertEqual(measure(3, 5, 1, "one"), (4, "one", 5))
def test_measure_using_bucket_one_of_size_3_and_bucket_two_of_size_5_start_with_bucket_two(
self.assertEqual(measure(3, 5, 1, "two"), (8, "two", 3))
def test_measure_using_bucket_one_of_size_7_and_bucket_two_of_size_11_start_with_bucket_one(
self.assertEqual(measure(7, 11, 2, "one"), (14, "one", 11))
def test_measure_using_bucket_one_of_size_7_and_bucket_two_of_size_11_start_with_bucket_two(
self.assertEqual(measure(7, 11, 2, "two"), (18, "two", 7))
def test_measure_one_step_using_bucket_one_of_size_1_and_bucket_two_of_size_3_start_with_bucket_two(
self.assertEqual(measure(1, 3, 3, "two"), (1, "two", 0))
def test_measure_using_bucket_one_of_size_2_and_bucket_two_of_size_3_start_with_bucket_one_and_end_with_bucket_two(
self.assertEqual(measure(2, 3, 3, "one"), (2, "two", 2))
def test_not_possible_to_reach_the_goal(self):
with self.assertRaisesWithMessage(ValueError):
measure(6, 15, 5, "one")
def test_with_the_same_buckets_but_a_different_goal_then_it_is_possible(self):
self.assertEqual(measure(6, 15, 9, "one"), (10, "two", 0))
def test_goal_larger_than_both_buckets_is_impossible(self):
with self.assertRaisesWithMessage(ValueError):
measure(5, 7, 8, "one")
# Utility functions
def assertRaisesWithMessage(self, exception):
return self.assertRaisesRegex(exception, r".+")
125 | two_fer | # Introduction
In some English accents, when you say "two for" quickly, it sounds like "two fer".
Two-for-one is a way of saying that if you buy one, you also get one for free.
So the phrase "two-fer" often implies a two-for-one offer.
Imagine a bakery that has a holiday offer where you can buy two cookies for the price of one ("two-fer one!").
You take the offer and (very generously) decide to give the extra cookie to someone else in the queue.
# Instructions
Your task is to determine what you will say as you give away the extra cookie.
If you know the person's name (e.g. if they're named Do-yun), then you will say:
One for Do-yun, one for me.
If you don't know the person's name, you will say _you_ instead.
One for you, one for me.
Here are some examples:
| Name | Dialogue |
| :----- | :-------------------------- |
| Alice | One for Alice, one for me. |
| Bohdan | One for Bohdan, one for me. |
| | One for you, one for me. |
| Zaphod | One for Zaphod, one for me. |
| def two_fer(name):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from two_fer import (
class TwoFerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_name_given(self):
self.assertEqual(two_fer(), "One for you, one for me.")
def test_a_name_given(self):
self.assertEqual(two_fer("Alice"), "One for Alice, one for me.")
def test_another_name_given(self):
self.assertEqual(two_fer("Bob"), "One for Bob, one for me.")
126 | variable_length_quantity | # Instructions
Implement variable length quantity encoding and decoding.
The goal of this exercise is to implement [VLQ][vlq] encoding/decoding.
In short, the goal of this encoding is to encode integer values in a way that would save bytes.
Only the first 7 bits of each byte are significant (right-justified; sort of like an ASCII byte).
So, if you have a 32-bit value, you have to unpack it into a series of 7-bit bytes.
Of course, you will have a variable number of bytes depending upon your integer.
To indicate which is the last byte of the series, you leave bit #7 clear.
In all of the preceding bytes, you set bit #7.
So, if an integer is between `0-127`, it can be represented as one byte.
Although VLQ can deal with numbers of arbitrary sizes, for this exercise we will restrict ourselves to only numbers that fit in a 32-bit unsigned integer.
Here are examples of integers as 32-bit values, and the variable length quantities that they translate to:
00000000 00
00000040 40
0000007F 7F
00000080 81 00
00002000 C0 00
00003FFF FF 7F
00004000 81 80 00
00100000 C0 80 00
00200000 81 80 80 00
08000000 C0 80 80 00
# Instructions append
## Exception messages
Sometimes it is necessary to [raise an exception]( When you do this, you should always include a **meaningful error message** to indicate what the source of the error is. This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging. For situations where you know that the error source will be a certain type, you can choose to raise one of the [built in error types](, but should still include a meaningful message.
This particular exercise requires that you use the [raise statement]( to "throw" a `ValueError` if the sequence to decode or encode is incomplete. The tests will only pass if you both `raise` the `exception` and include a message with it.
To raise a `ValueError` with a message, write the message as an argument to the `exception` type:
# if the sequence is incomplete
raise ValueError("incomplete sequence")
| def encode(numbers):
def decode(bytes_):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from variable_length_quantity import (
class VariableLengthQuantityTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_zero(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x0]), [0x0])
def test_arbitrary_single_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x40]), [0x40])
def test_largest_single_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x7F]), [0x7F])
def test_smallest_double_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x80]), [0x81, 0x0])
def test_arbitrary_double_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x2000]), [0xC0, 0x0])
def test_largest_double_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x3FFF]), [0xFF, 0x7F])
def test_smallest_triple_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x4000]), [0x81, 0x80, 0x0])
def test_arbitrary_triple_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x100000]), [0xC0, 0x80, 0x0])
def test_largest_triple_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x1FFFFF]), [0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F])
def test_smallest_quadruple_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x200000]), [0x81, 0x80, 0x80, 0x0])
def test_arbitrary_quadruple_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x8000000]), [0xC0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x0])
def test_largest_quadruple_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0xFFFFFFF]), [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F])
def test_smallest_quintuple_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x10000000]), [0x81, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x0])
def test_arbitrary_quintuple_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0xFF000000]), [0x8F, 0xF8, 0x80, 0x80, 0x0])
def test_maximum_32_bit_integer_input(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0xFFFFFFFF]), [0x8F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F])
def test_two_single_byte_values(self):
self.assertEqual(encode([0x40, 0x7F]), [0x40, 0x7F])
def test_two_multi_byte_values(self):
encode([0x4000, 0x123456]), [0x81, 0x80, 0x0, 0xC8, 0xE8, 0x56]
def test_many_multi_byte_values(self):
encode([0x2000, 0x123456, 0xFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x3FFF, 0x4000]),
def test_one_byte(self):
self.assertEqual(decode([0x7F]), [0x7F])
def test_two_bytes(self):
self.assertEqual(decode([0xC0, 0x0]), [0x2000])
def test_three_bytes(self):
self.assertEqual(decode([0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F]), [0x1FFFFF])
def test_four_bytes(self):
self.assertEqual(decode([0x81, 0x80, 0x80, 0x0]), [0x200000])
def test_maximum_32_bit_integer(self):
self.assertEqual(decode([0x8F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F]), [0xFFFFFFFF])
def test_incomplete_sequence_causes_error(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "incomplete sequence")
def test_incomplete_sequence_causes_error_even_if_value_is_zero(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "incomplete sequence")
def test_multiple_values(self):
[0x2000, 0x123456, 0xFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x3FFF, 0x4000],
127 | word_count | # Introduction
You teach English as a foreign language to high school students.
You've decided to base your entire curriculum on TV shows.
You need to analyze which words are used, and how often they're repeated.
This will let you choose the simplest shows to start with, and to gradually increase the difficulty as time passes.
# Instructions
Your task is to count how many times each word occurs in a subtitle of a drama.
The subtitles from these dramas use only ASCII characters.
The characters often speak in casual English, using contractions like _they're_ or _it's_.
Though these contractions come from two words (e.g. _we are_), the contraction (_we're_) is considered a single word.
Words can be separated by any form of punctuation (e.g. ":", "!", or "?") or whitespace (e.g. "\t", "\n", or " ").
The only punctuation that does not separate words is the apostrophe in contractions.
Numbers are considered words.
If the subtitles say _It costs 100 dollars._ then _100_ will be its own word.
Words are case insensitive.
For example, the word _you_ occurs three times in the following sentence:
> You come back, you hear me? DO YOU HEAR ME?
The ordering of the word counts in the results doesn't matter.
Here's an example that incorporates several of the elements discussed above:
- simple words
- contractions
- numbers
- case insensitive words
- punctuation (including apostrophes) to separate words
- different forms of whitespace to separate words
`"That's the password: 'PASSWORD 123'!", cried the Special Agent.\nSo I fled.`
The mapping for this subtitle would be:
123: 1
agent: 1
cried: 1
fled: 1
i: 1
password: 2
so: 1
special: 1
that's: 1
the: 2
| def count_words(sentence):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from word_count import (
class WordCountTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_count_one_word(self):
self.assertEqual(count_words("word"), {"word": 1})
def test_count_one_of_each_word(self):
self.assertEqual(count_words("one of each"), {"one": 1, "of": 1, "each": 1})
def test_multiple_occurrences_of_a_word(self):
count_words("one fish two fish red fish blue fish"),
{"one": 1, "fish": 4, "two": 1, "red": 1, "blue": 1},
def test_handles_cramped_lists(self):
self.assertEqual(count_words("one,two,three"), {"one": 1, "two": 1, "three": 1})
def test_handles_expanded_lists(self):
count_words("one,\ntwo,\nthree"), {"one": 1, "two": 1, "three": 1}
def test_ignore_punctuation(self):
count_words("car: carpet as java: javascript!!&@$%^&"),
{"car": 1, "carpet": 1, "as": 1, "java": 1, "javascript": 1},
def test_include_numbers(self):
count_words("testing, 1, 2 testing"), {"testing": 2, "1": 1, "2": 1}
def test_normalize_case(self):
self.assertEqual(count_words("go Go GO Stop stop"), {"go": 3, "stop": 2})
def test_with_apostrophes(self):
count_words("'First: don't laugh. Then: don't cry. You're getting it.'"),
"first": 1,
"don't": 2,
"laugh": 1,
"then": 1,
"cry": 1,
"you're": 1,
"getting": 1,
"it": 1,
def test_with_quotations(self):
count_words("Joe can't tell between 'large' and large."),
{"joe": 1, "can't": 1, "tell": 1, "between": 1, "large": 2, "and": 1},
def test_substrings_from_the_beginning(self):
count_words("Joe can't tell between app, apple and a."),
"joe": 1,
"can't": 1,
"tell": 1,
"between": 1,
"app": 1,
"apple": 1,
"and": 1,
"a": 1,
def test_multiple_spaces_not_detected_as_a_word(self):
count_words(" multiple whitespaces"), {"multiple": 1, "whitespaces": 1}
def test_alternating_word_separators_not_detected_as_a_word(self):
count_words(",\n,one,\n ,two \n 'three'"), {"one": 1, "two": 1, "three": 1}
def test_quotation_for_word_with_apostrophe(self):
self.assertEqual(count_words("can, can't, 'can't'"), {"can": 1, "can't": 2})
# Additional tests for this track
def test_tabs(self):
"rah rah ah ah ah roma roma ma ga ga oh la la want your bad romance"
"rah": 2,
"ah": 3,
"roma": 2,
"ma": 1,
"ga": 2,
"oh": 1,
"la": 2,
"want": 1,
"your": 1,
"bad": 1,
"romance": 1,
def test_non_alphanumeric(self):
{"hey": 1, "my": 1, "spacebar": 1, "is": 1, "broken": 1},
def test_multiple_apostrophes_ignored(self):
self.assertEqual(count_words("''hey''"), {"hey": 1})
128 | word_search | # Instructions
In word search puzzles you get a square of letters and have to find specific words in them.
For example:
There are several programming languages hidden in the above square.
Words can be hidden in all kinds of directions: left-to-right, right-to-left, vertical and diagonal.
Given a puzzle and a list of words return the location of the first and last letter of each word.
| class Point:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = None
self.y = None
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y
class WordSearch:
def __init__(self, puzzle):
def search(self, word):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from word_search import (
class WordSearchTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_should_accept_an_initial_game_grid_and_a_target_search_word(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(["jefblpepre"])
def test_should_locate_one_word_written_left_to_right(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(["clojurermt"])
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 0), Point(6, 0)))
def test_should_locate_the_same_word_written_left_to_right_in_a_different_position(
puzzle = WordSearch(["mtclojurer"])
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(2, 0), Point(8, 0)))
def test_should_locate_a_different_left_to_right_word(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(["coffeelplx"])
self.assertEqual("coffee"), (Point(0, 0), Point(5, 0)))
def test_should_locate_that_different_left_to_right_word_in_a_different_position(
puzzle = WordSearch(["xcoffeezlp"])
self.assertEqual("coffee"), (Point(1, 0), Point(6, 0)))
def test_should_locate_a_left_to_right_word_in_two_line_grid(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(["jefblpepre", "tclojurerm"])
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(1, 1), Point(7, 1)))
def test_should_locate_a_left_to_right_word_in_three_line_grid(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(["camdcimgtc", "jefblpepre", "clojurermt"])
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 2), Point(6, 2)))
def test_should_locate_a_left_to_right_word_in_ten_line_grid(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 9), Point(6, 9)))
def test_should_locate_that_left_to_right_word_in_a_different_position_in_a_ten_line_grid(
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 8), Point(6, 8)))
def test_should_locate_a_different_left_to_right_word_in_a_ten_line_grid(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("fortran"), (Point(0, 6), Point(6, 6)))
def test_should_locate_multiple_words(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("fortran"), (Point(0, 6), Point(6, 6)))
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 9), Point(6, 9)))
def test_should_locate_a_single_word_written_right_to_left(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(["rixilelhrs"])
self.assertEqual("elixir"), (Point(5, 0), Point(0, 0)))
def test_should_locate_multiple_words_written_in_different_horizontal_directions(
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("elixir"), (Point(5, 4), Point(0, 4)))
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 9), Point(6, 9)))
def test_should_locate_words_written_top_to_bottom(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 9), Point(6, 9)))
self.assertEqual("elixir"), (Point(5, 4), Point(0, 4)))
self.assertEqual("ecmascript"), (Point(9, 0), Point(9, 9)))
def test_should_locate_words_written_bottom_to_top(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 9), Point(6, 9)))
self.assertEqual("elixir"), (Point(5, 4), Point(0, 4)))
self.assertEqual("ecmascript"), (Point(9, 0), Point(9, 9)))
self.assertEqual("rust"), (Point(8, 4), Point(8, 1)))
def test_should_locate_words_written_top_left_to_bottom_right(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 9), Point(6, 9)))
self.assertEqual("elixir"), (Point(5, 4), Point(0, 4)))
self.assertEqual("ecmascript"), (Point(9, 0), Point(9, 9)))
self.assertEqual("rust"), (Point(8, 4), Point(8, 1)))
self.assertEqual("java"), (Point(0, 0), Point(3, 3)))
def test_should_locate_words_written_bottom_right_to_top_left(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 9), Point(6, 9)))
self.assertEqual("elixir"), (Point(5, 4), Point(0, 4)))
self.assertEqual("ecmascript"), (Point(9, 0), Point(9, 9)))
self.assertEqual("rust"), (Point(8, 4), Point(8, 1)))
self.assertEqual("java"), (Point(0, 0), Point(3, 3)))
self.assertEqual("lua"), (Point(7, 8), Point(5, 6)))
def test_should_locate_words_written_bottom_left_to_top_right(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 9), Point(6, 9)))
self.assertEqual("elixir"), (Point(5, 4), Point(0, 4)))
self.assertEqual("ecmascript"), (Point(9, 0), Point(9, 9)))
self.assertEqual("rust"), (Point(8, 4), Point(8, 1)))
self.assertEqual("java"), (Point(0, 0), Point(3, 3)))
self.assertEqual("lua"), (Point(7, 8), Point(5, 6)))
self.assertEqual("lisp"), (Point(2, 5), Point(5, 2)))
def test_should_locate_words_written_top_right_to_bottom_left(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 9), Point(6, 9)))
self.assertEqual("elixir"), (Point(5, 4), Point(0, 4)))
self.assertEqual("ecmascript"), (Point(9, 0), Point(9, 9)))
self.assertEqual("rust"), (Point(8, 4), Point(8, 1)))
self.assertEqual("java"), (Point(0, 0), Point(3, 3)))
self.assertEqual("lua"), (Point(7, 8), Point(5, 6)))
self.assertEqual("lisp"), (Point(2, 5), Point(5, 2)))
self.assertEqual("ruby"), (Point(7, 5), Point(4, 8)))
def test_should_fail_to_locate_a_word_that_is_not_in_the_puzzle(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(
self.assertEqual("clojure"), (Point(0, 9), Point(6, 9)))
self.assertEqual("elixir"), (Point(5, 4), Point(0, 4)))
self.assertEqual("ecmascript"), (Point(9, 0), Point(9, 9)))
self.assertEqual("rust"), (Point(8, 4), Point(8, 1)))
self.assertEqual("java"), (Point(0, 0), Point(3, 3)))
self.assertEqual("lua"), (Point(7, 8), Point(5, 6)))
self.assertEqual("lisp"), (Point(2, 5), Point(5, 2)))
self.assertEqual("ruby"), (Point(7, 5), Point(4, 8)))
def test_should_fail_to_locate_words_that_are_not_on_horizontal_vertical_or_diagonal_lines(
puzzle = WordSearch(["abc", "def"])
def test_should_not_concatenate_different_lines_to_find_a_horizontal_word(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(["abceli", "xirdfg"])
def test_should_not_wrap_around_horizontally_to_find_a_word(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(["silabcdefp"])
def test_should_not_wrap_around_vertically_to_find_a_word(self):
puzzle = WordSearch(["s", "u", "r", "a", "b", "c", "t"])
129 | wordy | # Instructions
Parse and evaluate simple math word problems returning the answer as an integer.
## Iteration 0 — Numbers
Problems with no operations simply evaluate to the number given.
> What is 5?
Evaluates to 5.
## Iteration 1 — Addition
Add two numbers together.
> What is 5 plus 13?
Evaluates to 18.
Handle large numbers and negative numbers.
## Iteration 2 — Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
Now, perform the other three operations.
> What is 7 minus 5?
> What is 6 multiplied by 4?
> What is 25 divided by 5?
## Iteration 3 — Multiple Operations
Handle a set of operations, in sequence.
Since these are verbal word problems, evaluate the expression from left-to-right, _ignoring the typical order of operations._
> What is 5 plus 13 plus 6?
> What is 3 plus 2 multiplied by 3?
15 (i.e. not 9)
## Iteration 4 — Errors
The parser should reject:
- Unsupported operations ("What is 52 cubed?")
- Non-math questions ("Who is the President of the United States")
- Word problems with invalid syntax ("What is 1 plus plus 2?")
# Instructions append
## Exception messages
Sometimes it is necessary to [raise an exception]( When you do this, you should always include a **meaningful error message** to indicate what the source of the error is. This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging. For situations where you know that the error source will be a certain type, you can choose to raise one of the [built in error types](, but should still include a meaningful message.
This particular exercise requires that you use the [raise statement]( to "throw" a `ValueError` if the question passed to `answer()` is malformed/invalid, or contains an unknown operation. The tests will only pass if you both `raise` the `exception` and include a message with it.
To raise a `ValueError` with a message, write the message as an argument to the `exception` type:
# if the question contains an unknown operation.
raise ValueError("unknown operation")
# if the question is malformed or invalid.
raise ValueError("syntax error")
| def answer(question):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from wordy import (
class WordyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_just_a_number(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is 5?"), 5)
def test_addition(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is 1 plus 1?"), 2)
def test_more_addition(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is 53 plus 2?"), 55)
def test_addition_with_negative_numbers(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is -1 plus -10?"), -11)
def test_large_addition(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is 123 plus 45678?"), 45801)
def test_subtraction(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is 4 minus -12?"), 16)
def test_multiplication(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is -3 multiplied by 25?"), -75)
def test_division(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is 33 divided by -3?"), -11)
def test_multiple_additions(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is 1 plus 1 plus 1?"), 3)
def test_addition_and_subtraction(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is 1 plus 5 minus -2?"), 8)
def test_multiple_subtraction(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is 20 minus 4 minus 13?"), 3)
def test_subtraction_then_addition(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is 17 minus 6 plus 3?"), 14)
def test_multiple_multiplication(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is 2 multiplied by -2 multiplied by 3?"), -12)
def test_addition_and_multiplication(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is -3 plus 7 multiplied by -2?"), -8)
def test_multiple_division(self):
self.assertEqual(answer("What is -12 divided by 2 divided by -3?"), 2)
def test_unknown_operation(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
answer("What is 52 cubed?")
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "unknown operation")
def test_non_math_question(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
answer("Who is the President of the United States?")
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "unknown operation")
def test_reject_problem_missing_an_operand(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
answer("What is 1 plus?")
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "syntax error")
def test_reject_problem_with_no_operands_or_operators(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
answer("What is?")
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "syntax error")
def test_reject_two_operations_in_a_row(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
answer("What is 1 plus plus 2?")
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "syntax error")
def test_reject_two_numbers_in_a_row(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
answer("What is 1 plus 2 1?")
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "syntax error")
def test_reject_postfix_notation(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
answer("What is 1 2 plus?")
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "syntax error")
def test_reject_prefix_notation(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
answer("What is plus 1 2?")
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "syntax error")
# Additional tests for this track
def test_missing_operation(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
answer("What is 2 2 minus 3?")
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "syntax error")
def test_missing_number(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err:
answer("What is 7 plus multiplied by -2?")
self.assertEqual(type(err.exception), ValueError)
self.assertEqual(err.exception.args[0], "syntax error")
130 | yacht | # Introduction
Each year, something new is "all the rage" in your high school.
This year it is a dice game: [Yacht][yacht].
The game of Yacht is from the same family as Poker Dice, Generala and particularly Yahtzee, of which it is a precursor.
The game consists of twelve rounds.
In each, five dice are rolled and the player chooses one of twelve categories.
The chosen category is then used to score the throw of the dice.
# Instructions
Given five dice and a category, calculate the score of the dice for that category.
You'll always be presented with five dice.
Each dice's value will be between one and six inclusively.
The dice may be unordered.
## Scores in Yacht
| Category | Score | Description | Example |
| --------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------- |
| Ones | 1 × number of ones | Any combination | 1 1 1 4 5 scores 3 |
| Twos | 2 × number of twos | Any combination | 2 2 3 4 5 scores 4 |
| Threes | 3 × number of threes | Any combination | 3 3 3 3 3 scores 15 |
| Fours | 4 × number of fours | Any combination | 1 2 3 3 5 scores 0 |
| Fives | 5 × number of fives | Any combination | 5 1 5 2 5 scores 15 |
| Sixes | 6 × number of sixes | Any combination | 2 3 4 5 6 scores 6 |
| Full House | Total of the dice | Three of one number and two of another | 3 3 3 5 5 scores 19 |
| Four of a Kind | Total of the four dice | At least four dice showing the same face | 4 4 4 4 6 scores 16 |
| Little Straight | 30 points | 1-2-3-4-5 | 1 2 3 4 5 scores 30 |
| Big Straight | 30 points | 2-3-4-5-6 | 2 3 4 5 6 scores 30 |
| Choice | Sum of the dice | Any combination | 2 3 3 4 6 scores 18 |
| Yacht | 50 points | All five dice showing the same face | 4 4 4 4 4 scores 50 |
If the dice do **not** satisfy the requirements of a category, the score is zero.
If, for example, _Four Of A Kind_ is entered in the _Yacht_ category, zero points are scored.
A _Yacht_ scores zero if entered in the _Full House_ category.
| # Score categories.
# Change the values as you see fit.
YACHT = None
ONES = None
TWOS = None
FOURS = None
FIVES = None
SIXES = None
def score(dice, category):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
import yacht
class YachtTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_yacht(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([5, 5, 5, 5, 5], yacht.YACHT), 50)
def test_not_yacht(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([1, 3, 3, 2, 5], yacht.YACHT), 0)
def test_ones(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([1, 1, 1, 3, 5], yacht.ONES), 3)
def test_ones_out_of_order(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([3, 1, 1, 5, 1], yacht.ONES), 3)
def test_no_ones(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([4, 3, 6, 5, 5], yacht.ONES), 0)
def test_twos(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([2, 3, 4, 5, 6], yacht.TWOS), 2)
def test_fours(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([1, 4, 1, 4, 1], yacht.FOURS), 8)
def test_yacht_counted_as_threes(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([3, 3, 3, 3, 3], yacht.THREES), 15)
def test_yacht_of_3s_counted_as_fives(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([3, 3, 3, 3, 3], yacht.FIVES), 0)
def test_fives(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([1, 5, 3, 5, 3], yacht.FIVES), 10)
def test_sixes(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([2, 3, 4, 5, 6], yacht.SIXES), 6)
def test_full_house_two_small_three_big(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([2, 2, 4, 4, 4], yacht.FULL_HOUSE), 16)
def test_full_house_three_small_two_big(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([5, 3, 3, 5, 3], yacht.FULL_HOUSE), 19)
def test_two_pair_is_not_a_full_house(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([2, 2, 4, 4, 5], yacht.FULL_HOUSE), 0)
def test_four_of_a_kind_is_not_a_full_house(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([1, 4, 4, 4, 4], yacht.FULL_HOUSE), 0)
def test_yacht_is_not_a_full_house(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([2, 2, 2, 2, 2], yacht.FULL_HOUSE), 0)
def test_four_of_a_kind(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([6, 6, 4, 6, 6], yacht.FOUR_OF_A_KIND), 24)
def test_yacht_can_be_scored_as_four_of_a_kind(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([3, 3, 3, 3, 3], yacht.FOUR_OF_A_KIND), 12)
def test_full_house_is_not_four_of_a_kind(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([3, 3, 3, 5, 5], yacht.FOUR_OF_A_KIND), 0)
def test_little_straight(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([3, 5, 4, 1, 2], yacht.LITTLE_STRAIGHT), 30)
def test_little_straight_as_big_straight(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], yacht.BIG_STRAIGHT), 0)
def test_four_in_order_but_not_a_little_straight(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([1, 1, 2, 3, 4], yacht.LITTLE_STRAIGHT), 0)
def test_no_pairs_but_not_a_little_straight(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([1, 2, 3, 4, 6], yacht.LITTLE_STRAIGHT), 0)
def test_minimum_is_1_maximum_is_5_but_not_a_little_straight(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([1, 1, 3, 4, 5], yacht.LITTLE_STRAIGHT), 0)
def test_big_straight(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([4, 6, 2, 5, 3], yacht.BIG_STRAIGHT), 30)
def test_big_straight_as_little_straight(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([6, 5, 4, 3, 2], yacht.LITTLE_STRAIGHT), 0)
def test_no_pairs_but_not_a_big_straight(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([6, 5, 4, 3, 1], yacht.BIG_STRAIGHT), 0)
def test_choice(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([3, 3, 5, 6, 6], yacht.CHOICE), 23)
def test_yacht_as_choice(self):
self.assertEqual(yacht.score([2, 2, 2, 2, 2], yacht.CHOICE), 10)
131 | zebra_puzzle | # Introduction
The Zebra Puzzle is a famous logic puzzle in which there are five houses, each painted a different color.
The houses have different inhabitants, who have different nationalities, own different pets, drink different beverages and enjoy different hobbies.
To help you solve the puzzle, you're given 15 statements describing the solution.
However, only by combining the information in _all_ statements will you be able to find the solution to the puzzle.
The Zebra Puzzle is a [Constraint satisfaction problem (CSP)][constraint-satisfaction-problem].
In such a problem, you have a set of possible values and a set of constraints that limit which values are valid.
Another well-known CSP is Sudoku.
# Instructions
Your task is to solve the Zebra Puzzle to find the answer to these two questions:
- Which of the residents drinks water?
- Who owns the zebra?
## Puzzle
The following 15 statements are all known to be true:
1. There are five houses.
2. The Englishman lives in the red house.
3. The Spaniard owns the dog.
4. The person in the green house drinks coffee.
5. The Ukrainian drinks tea.
6. The green house is immediately to the right of the ivory house.
7. The snail owner likes to go dancing.
8. The person in the yellow house is a painter.
9. The person in the middle house drinks milk.
10. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
11. The person who enjoys reading lives in the house next to the person with the fox.
12. The painter's house is next to the house with the horse.
13. The person who plays football drinks orange juice.
14. The Japanese person plays chess.
15. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
Additionally, each of the five houses is painted a different color, and their inhabitants are of different national extractions, own different pets, drink different beverages and engage in different hobbies.
There are 24 billion (5!⁵ = 24,883,200,000) possible solutions, so try ruling out as many solutions as possible.
| def drinks_water():
def owns_zebra():
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from zebra_puzzle import (
class ZebraPuzzleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_resident_who_drinks_water(self):
self.assertEqual(drinks_water(), "Norwegian")
def test_resident_who_owns_zebra(self):
self.assertEqual(owns_zebra(), "Japanese")
132 | zipper | # Instructions
Creating a zipper for a binary tree.
[Zippers][zipper] are a purely functional way of navigating within a data structure and manipulating it.
They essentially contain a data structure and a pointer into that data structure (called the focus).
For example given a rose tree (where each node contains a value and a list of child nodes) a zipper might support these operations:
- `from_tree` (get a zipper out of a rose tree, the focus is on the root node)
- `to_tree` (get the rose tree out of the zipper)
- `value` (get the value of the focus node)
- `prev` (move the focus to the previous child of the same parent,
returns a new zipper)
- `next` (move the focus to the next child of the same parent, returns a
new zipper)
- `up` (move the focus to the parent, returns a new zipper)
- `set_value` (set the value of the focus node, returns a new zipper)
- `insert_before` (insert a new subtree before the focus node, it
becomes the `prev` of the focus node, returns a new zipper)
- `insert_after` (insert a new subtree after the focus node, it becomes
the `next` of the focus node, returns a new zipper)
- `delete` (removes the focus node and all subtrees, focus moves to the
`next` node if possible otherwise to the `prev` node if possible,
otherwise to the parent node, returns a new zipper)
| class Zipper:
def from_tree(tree):
def value(self):
def set_value(self):
def left(self):
def set_left(self):
def right(self):
def set_right(self):
def up(self):
def to_tree(self):
| # These tests are auto-generated with test data from:
# File last updated on 2023-07-19
import unittest
from zipper import (
class ZipperTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_data_is_retained(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
expected = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.to_tree()
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_left_right_and_value(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.left().right().value()
self.assertEqual(result, 3)
def test_dead_end(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.left().left()
def test_tree_from_deep_focus(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
expected = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.left().right().to_tree()
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_traversing_up_from_top(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.up()
def test_left_right_and_up(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.left().up().right().up().left().right().value()
self.assertEqual(result, 3)
def test_test_ability_to_descend_multiple_levels_and_return(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.left().right().up().up().value()
self.assertEqual(result, 1)
def test_set_value(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
expected = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 5,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.left().set_value(5).to_tree()
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_set_value_after_traversing_up(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
expected = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 5,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.left().right().up().set_value(5).to_tree()
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_set_left_with_leaf(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
expected = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": {"value": 5, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = (
zipper.left().set_left({"value": 5, "left": None, "right": None}).to_tree()
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_set_right_with_null(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
expected = {
"value": 1,
"left": {"value": 2, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.left().set_right(None).to_tree()
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_set_right_with_subtree(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
expected = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {
"value": 6,
"left": {"value": 7, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 8, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.set_right(
"value": 6,
"left": {"value": 7, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 8, "left": None, "right": None},
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_set_value_on_deep_focus(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
expected = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 5, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
zipper = Zipper.from_tree(initial)
result = zipper.left().right().set_value(5).to_tree()
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_different_paths_to_same_zipper(self):
initial = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
result = Zipper.from_tree(initial).left().up().right().to_tree()
final = {
"value": 1,
"left": {
"value": 2,
"left": None,
"right": {"value": 3, "left": None, "right": None},
"right": {"value": 4, "left": None, "right": None},
expected = Zipper.from_tree(final).right().to_tree()
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
Subsets and Splits