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ru-en | По-моему, из рекламы не вылезает, ему ли горевать. | In my opinion, it doesn't come out of the advertisement whether he should grieve. | I think that he's stuck in the adverts, why would he be unhappy. | 0.581517 | 97.5 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Певцов о том же: о возврате пенсионного возраста. | Pevtsov about the same thing: about the return of the retirement age. | Pevtsov is about the same: about returning the pension age. | -0.118506 | 87 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Давно уже все бюджеты сверстаны с учетом недополученных предпенсионерами миллиардов. | For a long time already all budgets have been drawn up taking into account the billions that were not received by pre-pensioners. | All budgets were drawn up long ago taking into account the billions that pre-pensioners have not received. | -0.238123 | 80 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Кто им чушь эту подсказывает? | Who tells them this nonsense? | Who is telling them this nonsense? | 0.275636 | 89 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | В Великобритании за сутки зафиксировали 1239 случаев омикрон-штамма коронавируса - РТ на русском | In the UK, 1239 cases of omicron-strain of coronavirus were recorded per day - RT Russian | The United Kingdom recorded 1,239 daily cases of the Omicron coronavirus variant — RT in Russian | -0.380834 | 77.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | За сутки в Великобритании выявлено 1239 случаев инфицирования новым омикрон-штаммом коронавируса. | In the UK, 1239 cases of infection with a new omicron strain of coronavirus were detected per day. | 1,239 daily cases of coronavirus infections with the new Omicron variant were detected in the United Kingdom. | -0.123955 | 82 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Об этом информирует Sky News. | This is reported by Sky News. | This is reported by Sky News. | 1.930796 | 97 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В частности, 1196 новых случаев штамма "омикрон" зафиксировали в Англии, 38 человек заболели новой разновидностью инфекции в Шотландии и пять - в Северной Ирландии. | In particular, 1196 new cases of the Omicron strain were recorded in England, 38 people fell ill with a new type of infection in Scotland and five in Northern Ireland. | In particular, 1,196 new cases of the Omicron variant were recorded in England, 38 people fell ill with the new kind of infection in Scotland, and five in Northern Ireland. | 0.29944 | 65 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Общее число заболевших COVID-19 от нового штамма в Великобритании достигло 3137 человек. | The total number of cases of COVID-19 from a new strain in the UK has reached 3137 people. | The total number of those infected with the new COVID-19 variant reached 3,137 people in the United Kingdom. | 0.809238 | 75 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Ранее ученые Лондонской школы гигиены и тропической медицины в пессимистичном прогнозе рассчитали, что в Англии к апрелю из-за вспышки коронавируса, вызванного штаммом "омикрон", могут умереть 75 тыс. человек. | Earlier, scientists at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, in a pessimistic forecast, calculated that 75,000 people could die in England by April due to an outbreak of coronavirus caused by the Omicron strain. | Previously, researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine estimated that, in the worst-case scenario, the coronavirus outbreak caused by Omicron variant could result in the death of 75 thousand people in England by April. | -1.892696 | 22 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Песков предупредил о страданиях западные страны, которые вводят антироссийские санкции | Peskov warned of the suffering of Western countries that impose anti-Russian sanctions | Peskov warned Western countries that impose anti-Russian sanctions about suffering | -0.0918 | 71 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Пресс-секретарь президента РФ Дмитрий Песков прокомментировал возможное введение антироссийских санкций в случае продолжения "агрессивных действий" против Украины, в том числе из-за предполагаемого "вторжения" на территорию страны. | Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov commented on the possible introduction of anti-Russian sanctions in the event of the continuation of "aggressive actions" against Ukraine, including because of the alleged "invasion" of the country's territory. | The Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov commented on the possible introduction of anti-Russian sanctions if "aggressive actions" against Ukraine continue, including due to the alleged "invasion" of the country. | -0.332053 | 66 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | "Какие-то ограничения вводить против России и не испытывать страдания самому - невозможно",- высказал официальный представитель Кремля в эфире телеканала "Россия 1". | "It is impossible to introduce any restrictions against Russia and not experience suffering yourself," the official representative of the Kremlin said on the air of the Rossiya 1 TV channel. | "It is impossible to impose any restrictions against Russia and not experience suffering yourself," said the Kremlin spokesman on air on the Russia 1 TV channel. | 0.080483 | 78.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Песков утверждает, что это "понимают все в мире". | Peskov claims that "everyone in the world understands this." | Peskov claims that "everyone in the world understands this". | 0.035544 | 76.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Ранее сообщалось, что США рассматривают возможность введения антироссийских санкций в сфере энергетики как крайнюю меру. | Earlier it was reported that the United States is considering the possibility of imposing anti-Russian sanctions in the energy sector as a last resort. | It was reported earlier that the USA is considering imposing anti-Russian sanctions in the energy sector as an extreme measure. | 0.748627 | 93 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Кроме того, Вашингтон и Евросоюз планируют ввести ограничения, которые будут направлены на осложнение конвертации рублей в доллары в отношении российских банков и Российского фонда прямых инвестиций. | In addition, Washington and the European Union are planning to introduce restrictions that will be aimed at complicating the conversion of rubles into dollars in relation to Russian banks and the Russian Direct Investment Fund. | In addition, Washington and the European Union plan to impose restrictions that will be aimed at making it difficult to convert rubles into dollars in relation to Russian banks and the Russian Direct Investment Fund. | -1.343225 | 46 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | "Неспособность разума, разделённого с Духом к восприятию" - это Вы О чём?! | "The inability of the mind, divided with the Spirit to perceive" - is that you What?! | "Inability of the mind parted with the Spirit to perceive" — what are you on about?! | 1.686202 | 94 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Представьте, что Вам нужно это объяснить на пальцах несмышлёному ребёнку, как Вы это сделаете?! | Imagine that you need to explain it on your fingers to an unintelligent child, how will you do it?! | Imagine that you need to explain it to a simple child using your fingers, how are you going to do it?! | -0.176472 | 71 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | (Учтите, у ребёнка до 3-5 лет ещё открыты каналы связи с тонким миром, и ребёнок может знать больше, чем Вы!) | (Please note that a child under 3-5 years old still has channels of communication with the subtle world, and the child may know more than you!) | (Consider that a child who hasn't yet turned 3–5 years old still has links to the thin world, and the child might know more than you!) | -0.98633 | 61 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Жители Новой Каледонии отклонили идею независимости от Франции | New Caledonians reject idea of independence from France | New Caledonians reject the idea of independence from France | -0.257458 | 70 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Согласно окончательным результатам третьего референдума о независимости Новой Каледонии, подавляющее большинство участников отказались выходить из состава Франции. | According to the final results of the third referendum on the independence of New Caledonia, the vast majority of participants refused to leave France. | According to the final results of the third referendum on New Caledonia's independence, the vast majority of participants do not want to secede from France. | -0.083151 | 72 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Об этом 12 декабря сообщил французский телеканал BFM.TV. | This was announced on December 12 by the French TV channel BFM.TV. | This was reported by the French channel BFM.TV on December 12. | 0.870071 | 86.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Против независимости высказались 96,5% проголосовавших. | 96.5% of those who voted were against independence. | 96.5% of voters opposed independence. | 0.114067 | 75 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Поддержали независимость от Франции 3,51% жителей архипелага на юге Тихого океана. | Supported independence from France 3.51% of the inhabitants of the archipelago in the South Pacific. | 3.51% of the South Pacific archipelago's residents supported independence from France. | 1.428857 | 95 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Аннулировали результаты 2,99% бюллетеней. | The results of 2.99% of the ballots were annulled. | The results of 2.99% of the ballots were annulled. | 0.619107 | 75 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Уровень участия в голосовании в этот день был очень низким: на участки пришли около 55% жителей архипелага. | The level of participation in voting that day was very low: about 55% of the inhabitants of the archipelago came to the polling stations. | Voting turnout that day was very low: about 55% of the archipelago's residents went to the polls. | 0.661621 | 76 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | По мнению экспертов, низкая явка объясняется призывами сепаратистов отказаться от участия в референдуме из-за коронавируса. | According to experts, the low turnout is due to calls by separatists to refuse to participate in the referendum due to the coronavirus. | According to experts, the low turnout was due to the calls by the separatists to abstain from participating in the referendum in light of the coronavirus. | -0.826362 | 41 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Париж отказался переносить дату референдума. | Paris refused to postpone the date of the referendum. | Paris refused to reschedule the referendum. | 1.681953 | 100 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В октябре 2020 года года жители Новой Каледонии на референдуме высказались против независимости от Франции. | In October 2020, New Caledonians voted against independence from France in a referendum. | The referendum of October 2020 saw New Caledonians say no to independence from France. | -0.826362 | 41 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В 2018 году в регионе уже проводился референдум по вопросу независимости. | In 2018, the region already held a referendum on independence. | The region already had a referendum on independence back in 2018. | -0.548557 | 82.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Большинство жителей поддержали нахождение архипелага в составе Франции. | Most of the residents supported the presence of the archipelago in France. | Most residents supported the archipelago remaining within France. | -0.335351 | 84.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Новая Каледония находится почти в 20 тыс. километров от материковой Франции. | New Caledonia is located almost 20 thousand kilometers from mainland France. | New Caledonia is nearly 20 thousand kilometers away from mainland France. | 1.210394 | 99 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В 1853 году Франция объявила Новую Каледонию своим владением. | In 1853, France claimed New Caledonia as its own. | In 1853, France declared New Caledonia its possession. | -0.282049 | 85 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Проживают на архипелаге около 270 тыс. человек, территория наделена особым административно-территориальным статусом. | About 270 thousand people live in the archipelago, the territory is endowed with a special administrative-territorial status. | There are approximately 270 thousand people living on the archipelago, which has a special administrative and territorial status. | -0.495256 | 83 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Между Парижем и администрацией Новой Каледонии действует соглашение 1998 года, согласно которому регион может организовывать голосование о своей независимости два раза с разницей в два года. | There is a 1998 agreement between Paris and the administration of New Caledonia, according to which the region can organize a vote on its independence twice with a difference of two years. | Under the 1998 accord between Paris and New Caledonia's administration, the region could hold two referendums on its independence two years apart. | -0.441954 | 83.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Борис, если не знаешь историю, не пиши. | Boris, if you don't know history, don't write. | Boris, do not write if you do not know the story. | 0.644896 | 87 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Название города Арск произошло от булгаро-татарского слова "артыш" (можжевельник). | The name of the city Arsk comes from the Bulgaro-Tatar word "artysh" (juniper). | The city of Arsk derives its name from the Tatar-Bulgar word "artysh" (juniper). | 0.572734 | 86 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Удмурты (ары по-татарски) живут в северных районах Балтасинского, Кукморского района. | Udmurts (Ars in Tatar) live in the northern regions of the Baltasinsky and Kukmorsky districts. | The Udmurts (ary in Tatar) live in the northern parts of the Baltasinsky and Kukmorsky districts. | 0.572734 | 86 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Удмурты прекрасные, работящие люди, язык свой сохранили, с татарами живут в дружбе, знают 3-4 языка. | The Udmurts are wonderful, hardworking people, they have preserved their language, they live in friendship with the Tatars, they know 3-4 languages. | The Udmurts are fine hard-working people; they have safeguarded their language, they live in friendship with the Tatars, they know 3 or 4 languages. | 0.35625 | 83 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Виктор, Не знаю твоего возраста, но хочу тебе сказать, Что Родина как раз и не бросит. | Victor, I don't know your age, but I want to tell you that the Motherland will not leave. | Viktor, I do not know how old you are, but I want to tell you that the Motherland will not leave behind. | 0.500573 | 85 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Бросят дураки, орущие "бодрые лозунги". | Fools yelling "cheerful slogans" will quit. | Fools who yell "rousing slogans" will leave behind. | 0.47265 | 83 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Это я тебе говорю с полной уверенностью, исходя из своего жизненного опыта. | I tell you this with full confidence, based on my life experience. | I am telling you this with complete confidence based on my life experience. | 1.534367 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Не плюй в колодец, может, придется водицы напиться! | Don't spit in the well, you may have to drink water! | Do not spit in the well, one might have to drink that water! | 0.695973 | 91 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | ВОЗ предварительно считает "омикрон" менее опасным, чем "дельта" | WHO tentatively considers "omicron" less dangerous than "delta" | WHO tentatively considers Omicron to be less dangerous than Delta | 0.47485 | 84.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) предварительно считает, что "омикрон" менее опасен, чем дельта-штамм коронавируса. | The World Health Organization (WHO) tentatively believes that "omicron" is less dangerous than the delta strain of coronavirus. | The World Health Organization (WHO) tentatively considers Omicron to be less dangerous than the Delta coronavirus strain. | 0.952078 | 92.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Вместе с тем есть данные о снижении эффективности вакцин при заболевании новым вариантом COVID-19. | At the same time, there is evidence of a decrease in the effectiveness of vaccines in case of a disease with a new variant of COVID-19. | In addition, there is data on the reduced effectiveness of vaccines in case of infection with the new COVID-19 variant. | 1.534367 | 100 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | По информации на 9 декабря, "омикрон" зарегистрирован в 63 странах. | As of December 9, Omicron is registered in 63 countries. | According to information as of December 9, Omicron was recorded in 63 countries. | 0.236236 | 80.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | "Предварительные данные и значительно измененный антигенный профиль белка штамма "омикрон" позволяют предположить снижение эффективности вакцины против инфекции и передачи варианта. | "Preliminary data and a significantly altered protein antigenic profile of the Omicron strain suggest reduced vaccine effectiveness against infection and transmission of the variant. | "Preliminary data and the significantly altered antigen profile of the Omicron strain protein make it possible to assume that the vaccine has reduced effectiveness against the infection and transmission of the variant. | 1.534367 | 100 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | По предварительным выводам из ЮАР предполагается, что она ("тяжесть заболевания" - ред.) может быть менее менее тяжелой, чем при "дельте"", - говорится в техническом сообщении ВОЗ. | According to preliminary findings from South Africa, it is assumed that it ("severity of the disease" - ed.) may be less severe than with "delta"," the WHO technical report says. | According to preliminary conclusions made in South Africa, it is assumed that it ("disease severity" — Ed.) may be less severe than in case of Delta," is stated in the WHO situation report. | -0.446712 | 76.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Организация отмечает, что пока все зарегистрированные случаи заражения "омикроном" в ЕС протекают легко или бессимптомно. | The organization notes that so far all reported cases of omicron infection in the EU are mild or asymptomatic. | The organization notes that almost all recorded Omicron patients in the EU have a mild disease or no symptoms. | -0.24855 | 22 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Вместе с тем, новый штамм, по предварительным данным, распространяется быстрее "дельты". | At the same time, the new strain, according to preliminary data, is spreading faster than the delta. | In addition, according to preliminary data, the new strain spreads faster than Delta. | -0.14517 | 24.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В России зарегистрировано два случая заражения омикрон-штаммом. | Two cases of infection with the omicron strain have been registered in Russia. | Two Omicron cases were recorded in Russia. | -0.165846 | 24 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Они "ранее были иммунизированы", сообщал Центр имени Гамалеи. | They "were previously immunized," the Gamaleya Center said. | "The patients were previously immune," reported the Gamaleya Center. | -0.165846 | 24 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Светлана С., не-а, нет такого - не поддаются. | Svetlana S., no, no, they don't give in. | Svetlana S., nuh-uh, there is no such thing — they don't give in. | 0.290864 | 95 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Если ваш любимый, с которым вы собираетесь всю жизнь прожить, не поддается вашим просьбам, значит он паразит, не желающий отдавать взамен столько, сколько берет. | If your loved one, with whom you are going to live your whole life, does not give in to your requests, then he is a parasite who does not want to give in return as much as he takes. | If your darling, who you intend to spend your whole life with, doesn't give in to your requests, it means he's a parasite who doesn't want to give back as much as he takes. | -0.007803 | 89 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | А проблема женщин в том, что они сами потихоньку-потихоньку взваливают всё на себя. | And the problem of women is that they themselves slowly, slowly take everything upon themselves. | The problem with women is that they slowly-slowly take everything on themselves. | 0.091753 | 91 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | И кого здесь винить, если сама схватилась за гуж? | And who is to blame here if she grabbed the tug herself? | And who's to blame if she grabbed the harness? | 0.241086 | 94 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | На Украине назвали четыре сценария для Зеленского | Four scenarios for Zelensky named in Ukraine | Four scenarios for Zelenskyy identified in Ukraine | 0.279076 | 87 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Экс-депутат Верховной рады Вадим Денисенко перечислил четыре варианта развития событий для президента Украины Владимира Зеленского в 2022 году. | Former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Vadim Denisenko listed four options for the development of events for the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in 2022. | Vadim Denisenko, a former member of the Verkhovna Rada, listed four possible scenarios for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in 2022. | 0.336588 | 87.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | По его мнению, глава государства может остаться без поддержки Запада, а также, возможно, пойдет на компромиссы по Донбассу. | In his opinion, the head of state may be left without the support of the West, and may also make compromises on Donbass. | According to him, the state's leader could lose support from the West and possibly agree to make compromises over Donbas. | -0.12351 | 83.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Об этом в воскресенье, 12 декабря, Денисенко рассказал в публикации на портале "Главред". | On Sunday, December 12, Denisenko told in a publication on the Glavred portal. | Denisenko shared his opinion in a publication on the Glavred portal on Sunday, December 12. | -0.986193 | 76 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Первый вариант, который Денисенко назвал "идеальным штормом", предполагает, что Украину перестанут поддерживать ключевые западные страны, достигнув договоренности о будущем страны без ее участия. | The first option, which Denisenko called the "perfect storm," assumes that key Western countries will no longer support Ukraine, having reached an agreement on the future of the country without its participation. | The first possibility, dubbed "the perfect storm" by Denisenko, is Ukraine losing support from key Western countries that would come to an agreement regarding the country's future without its involvement. | -0.334068 | 78.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Такое развитие событий будет способствовать глубокому кризису, с которым Киев может столкнуться в 2023 году. | This development will contribute to a deep crisis that Kyiv may face in 2023. | Such a turn of events would contribute to a serious crisis that Kyiv could face in 2023. | -0.125032 | 82 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | "Параллельно происходит уменьшение цен на ключевые товары, которые мы традиционно экспортируем <...> внутренние протесты и противостояние власти с ключевыми ФПГ (финансово-промышленными группами. - Ред.) ", - добавил экс-парламентарий. | "At the same time, there is a decrease in prices for key goods that we traditionally export <...> internal protests and confrontation between the authorities and key FIGs (financial and industrial groups. - Ed.)," the ex-MP added. | "At the same time, the prices for critical goods that we traditionally export fall <...>, and there are internal protests and adversity between the government and FIG (financial and industrial groups — Ed.)," added the former official. | -0.244481 | 80 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | По словам Денисенко, существует и другой сценарий развития ситуации - "война против всех". | According to Denisenko, there is another scenario for the development of the situation - "a war against everyone." | According to Denisenko, there is also another scenario — "war against everyone." | -0.501385 | 75 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Данный прогноз сбудется в случае высокой турбулентности в мировой политике, при которой украинские власти столкнутся с рядом проблем. | This forecast will come true in the event of high turbulence in world politics, in which the Ukrainian authorities will face a number of problems. | This prediction will come true in the event of highly turbulent world politics causing a number of problems for the Ukrainian government. | -0.501385 | 75 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Из-за такого положения дел руководство Украины может пойти на компромиссы по Донбассу, в результате которых возможно противостояние внутри страны. | Because of this state of affairs, the leadership of Ukraine may make compromises on Donbass, as a result of which confrontation within the country is possible. | This situation might force Ukraine's leadership to compromise on Donbas, which could lead to a conflict within the country. | -0.46586 | 75.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В конце лета позиции Зеленского ослабнут, вероятность такой ситуации, по словам бывшего нардепа, составляет до 50-55%. | At the end of summer, Zelensky's position will weaken, the probability of such a situation, according to the former people's deputy, is up to 50-55%. | In late summer, Zelenskyy's standing will weaken; according to the ex-deputy, this situation has a 50–55% chance of occurring. | 1.274892 | 100 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Третий вариант развития ситуации в украинской политике - противостояние несогласных с Зеленским групп населения и президента, из-за чего вероятен захват контроля над силовым блоком и реализация "популистских инициатив". | The third option for the development of the situation in Ukrainian politics is a confrontation between groups of the population and the president who disagree with Zelensky, which is why it is likely to seize control of the power bloc and implement "populist initiatives." | The third possible scenario for Ukrainian politics is a conflict between those groups of people who disagree with Zelenskyy and the president, which may result in the seizure of control over the security wing, and the implementation of "populist initiatives." | -0.288167 | 81 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В ходе такого варианта кризиса Зеленский начнет "переформатирование власти", добавил Денисенко. | During this version of the crisis, Zelensky will begin "reformatting power," Denisenko added. | Under this crisis scenario, Zelenskyy will start "reformatting power," added Denisenko. | -0.331323 | 81 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Еще один сценарий - превращение Зеленского в "отца нации". | Another scenario is the transformation of Zelensky into the "father of the nation." | Yet another scenario is Zelenskyy's transformation into the "father of the nation." | -0.051243 | 86.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | К этому может привести некое событие, которое станет сильным потрясением для общества. | This can lead to some event that will be a strong shock to society. | This could be caused by an event that will deliver a severe shock to society. | -0.028315 | 72 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | "Событие должно быть достаточно масштабным для того, чтобы вызвать реакцию у внешних партнеров и привести к увеличению поддержки Украины", - сказал Денисенко. | "The event should be large enough to provoke a reaction from external partners and lead to an increase in support for Ukraine," Denisenko said. | "The event must be large enough to elicit a reaction from international partners and encourage increased support for Ukraine," added Denisenko. | -0.292721 | 66.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Такой вариант развития ситуации возможен в результате стихийного бедствия, техногенной катастрофы или агрессивных действий России, считает экс-депутат. | This version of the development of the situation is possible as a result of a natural disaster, a man-made disaster or Russia's aggressive actions, the ex-deputy believes. | The ex-deputy believes that this scenario could materialize as a result of a natural or man-made disaster, or Russia's aggressive actions. | -2.734049 | 12 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | При этом российская сторона уже не один раз отвергла любые вероятности "нападения" на Украину. | At the same time, the Russian side has more than once rejected any possibility of an "attack" on Ukraine. | Russia itself has more than once dismissed any possibility of "attacking" Ukraine. | -1.147609 | 45 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В Москве отмечали, что именно украинские власти, НАТО и США увеличивают военную активность у российских границ. | Moscow noted that it is the Ukrainian authorities, NATO and the United States that are increasing military activity near the Russian borders. | Moscow says it is the Ukrainian government, NATO and the U.S. who are increasing the level of military activity near Russia's borders. | 0.503648 | 90.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Мы осуществляем доставку транспортными компаниями по всей России и в любой регион. | We carry out delivery by transport companies throughout Russia and to any region. | We make deliveries via transportation companies throughout Russia, including all regions. | -1.46421 | 76 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | В случае выявления вами каких либо дефектов мы беспроблемно вернем полностью оплаченную вами стоимость. | If you find any defects, we will refund the full price paid by you without any problems. | If you discover any defects, we will readily return the full amount you paid. | -0.864978 | 81 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | При звонке оператору вы сможете получить персональную скидку на данный товар. | When you call the operator, you can get a personal discount on this product. | When calling an operator, you can get a personal discount for this product. | -1.224518 | 78 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | При покупке просьба оставить отзыв об использовании. | When buying, please leave a review about the use. | Please leave feedback on your experience with the product you have purchased. | 0.693025 | 94 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Автору спасибо за рассказ о великой спортсменке, не знала, что Елена Шушунова умерла, очень огорчительно такое узнавать. | Thanks to the author for the story about the great athlete, I did not know that Elena Shushunova died, it is very upsetting to find out. | Thanks to the author for the story on the great athlete, I didn't know that Elena Shushunova had died, it is very sad to hear. | -0.1459 | 87 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Помню, как болела за неё на олимпиаде в Сеуле, для нас, жителей Приморского края, это был прямой эфир, реальное время. | I remember how I supported her at the Seoul Olympics, for us, the residents of Primorsky Krai, it was a live broadcast, real time. | I remember supporting her at the Seoul Olympics, for us, the inhabitants of Primorsky Krai, it was live, in real time. | 0.093793 | 89 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Такой накал страстей, эмоции зашкаливали, помню радость, когда Елена победила. | Such a passion, emotions went off scale, I remember the joy when Elena won. | So much passion, the emotions were running high, I remember the joy when Elena won. | 1.052564 | 97 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Также радовались и остальным победам, как болели за Сальникова, за футболистов, за всех тогда советских спортсменов. | They also rejoiced at other victories, as they rooted for Salnikov, for the football players, for all the then Soviet athletes. | We also celebrated the other victories, how we supported Salnikov, the football players, all the Soviet athletes. | -1.104671 | 79 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | По телеку как-то я видел документальный фильм об одной из центрально-американских стран, и там арбузы закатывали по трапу на борт судна, как бочки. | On TV, I once saw a documentary about one of the Central American countries, and there watermelons were rolled up the ladder on board the ship like barrels. | I once watched a documentary movie on TV about a Central American country, and there they rolled watermelons along the gangway on to the ship, like barrels. | 1.151901 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Арбузы были чудовищных размеров. | The watermelons were enormous. | The watermelons were enormous. | 0.245725 | 81 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Сам я много раз в молодости работал на уборке и погрузке арбузов в Астраханской области и не встречал арбузы весом больше пуда. | I myself worked many times in my youth cleaning and loading watermelons in the Astrakhan region and did not meet watermelons weighing more than a pood. | In my youth I worked a lot harvesting and loading watermelons in Astrakhan Oblast and never saw a watermelon that weighed more than a pood. | 0.198031 | 80 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Покупаю арбузы весом 4-5 кг прямо с бахчи и не раньше начала августа. | I buy watermelons weighing 4-5 kg directly from melons and not earlier than the beginning of August. | I buy watermelons that weigh 4–5 kg right from the melon field and no earlier than the beginning of August. | 0.054951 | 77 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Бюстгальтер-балконет с мягкими кружевными чашками (размер: 90E, цвет бежевый, состав: 90 % полиамид, 10 % эластан, артикул: 12008). | Balconette bra with soft lace cups (size: 90E, beige, composition: 90% polyamide, 10% elastane, article: 12008). | Balconette bra with soft lacy cups (size: 90E, beige color, composition: 90% polyamide, 10% elastane, item number: 12008). | -1.053776 | 70 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Бюстгальтер-балконет с мягкими кружевными чашками, на каркасах. | Balconette bra with soft lace cups, on the frames. | Balconette wired bra with soft lacy cups. | -0.7191 | 74 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Нижняя деталь чашки усилена неэластичным прозрачным полотном. | The lower part of the cup is reinforced with an inelastic transparent fabric. | The lower part of the cup is strengthened with a non-elastic transparent cloth. | 0.619603 | 90 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Боковая внутренняя часть чашки, в области пришива бретели, усиливается неэластичной тканью в сгиб, без дополнительных швов для комфортности. | The lateral inner part of the cup, in the area of sewing on the straps, is reinforced with an inelastic fabric in the fold, without additional seams for comfort. | The side inner part of the cup is strengthened with a non-elastic folded fabric in the area where the shoulder strap is sewn on, without additional stitches for comfort. | 0.201258 | 85 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Именно этот элемент позволяет не растягиваться кружеву. | It is this element that allows the lace not to stretch. | This element does not allow the lace to stretch. | -0.468093 | 77 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Богатство кружева можно оценить благодаря фестону по линии декольте и под грудью. | The richness of the lace can be appreciated thanks to the scalloped neckline and under the bust. | You can appreciate the luxury of the lace by its scallop along the low neckline and under the breasts. | 0.340642 | 96 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Вертикальные косточки на боковых панелях из однослойной микрофибры не дают ткани скрутиться на больших размерах. | Vertical boning on the single layer microfiber side panels keeps the fabric from curling at large sizes. | Vertical underwires on side panels made of a one-layer microfiber do not allow the fabric to twist on big sizes. | 0.241086 | 94 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Очень не понравилась статья, злая, ядовитая. | I really didn't like the article, angry, poisonous. | I really didn't like the article, it's angry, poisonous. | 0.091753 | 91 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Прошлись по людям, о которых ничего не знаете. | Walked through people about whom you know nothing. | You went through people who you know nothing about. | 1.645203 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Но сейчас это нравится многим, людей на атомы раскладывать. | But now many people like it, they decompose people into atoms. | But now lots of people like it, they dissect people into atoms. | -0.560503 | 47 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Надеюсь, что у комментирующих с честью и порядочностью все путем и они знатоки во всем. | I hope that those who comment with honor and decency have everything in the right way and they are experts in everything. | I hope that the people who comment show honor and decency in all ways and are experts in everything. | 1.645203 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | В Москве вечером 100 раз подумаешь, идти ли одной в магазин, мигранты везде, их толпы. | In Moscow in the evening you will think 100 times whether to go to the store alone, migrants are everywhere, there are crowds of them. | In the evening in Moscow, you think 100 times whether to go to the store alone, there are migrants everywhere, crowds of them. | -0.435651 | 50 | 1 | social | 2,022 |