As Sigulf reached the main square, it was already crowded enough that he has no choice but to climb the nearest, sturdiest-looking tree. Luckily, it wasn’t that far from the duel itself. Meanwhile, on the center of attention, Eurypha predictably looked furious, itching to summon her rapier already. On the other hand, the Japanese boy looked uncertain. “Must we really do this? I, I mean, I’m really sorry—“ “Silence! I was looking to overlook your earlier impudence, but you… You… Walked in just like that…!! There’s no way I’ll forgive you!!” “So she said.” A slightly bigger boy with a spiky hair said. He seems to be the unofficial judge for this duel. “A’ight, now before long, let’s get started, shall we? Eurypha Remi Garnetia Hestianus! Versuuuuuus… Uhh, what’s your name again?” “Amakawa. Minato Amakawa.” “Minato Amakawa! Now your oaths—“ “No need for that! Let’s just start already!” Eurypha barked impatiently. “Ooh, scary. Well, you heard her. Now, get ready—“ With the boy’s cue, Eurypha calms down a bit. She closed her eyes and began chanting. Blaze-like red aura formed around her. “O Flames of the Goddess, overwhelm my foes and blaze my path to victory! Dance, Eos!!” As the flaming red aura dissipates, a crimson, ornate rapier materialized in Eurypha’s right hand. The audience was particularly impressed by the display. ‘Flame, huh.’ Sigulf mused. ‘So it’s the matter of who strike first harder. As for him…’ Minato however was seems to be in awe. “Beautiful…” was all he said. “H, huh!? W, what are you saying, you idiot!? J, just hurry up and summon your weapon already!!” “Eeh!? But it’s true! That was a beautiful summoning! I can’t help but to be moved!” Short silence falls before Eurypha screeched, “Aaaargh! Just get on it already!” The judge is trying to suppress his snicker, “C’mon, dude. You don’t wanna waste the time.” Minato sighed, “Right, I’m sorry. Well then…” He then closed his eyes and began chanting as well. This time, though, instead of visible aura, it’s as if he summoned a gust of wind. ‘Could it be…?’ Sigulf thought. “Descending from the Heavens to join the Earth, be the power beyond victory! Lend me your everything, Sky Fencer!” In his right hand, a longsword materialized. It was bigger than the norm, yet compact enough to be wielded one-hand. Still, the crowd was somehow underwhelmed, while Eurypha didn’t say a word. ‘Non-elemental… In other words, no counter-affinity against the other. No obvious strength nor weakness. This is down to pure skill then…’ The two fell silent, staring intensely at each other, until— “FIGHT!!” Without any hesitation, Eurypha quickly lunged towards Minato. She’s clearly the faster of the two, and within the blink of eye, she already launched a series of thrusts. “Take this!!” Barely reacted in time, Minato managed to block her attacks. “What!? Kh…!” Eurypha jumped away to evade Minato’s counter; as fast as his attacks are, Eurypha’s footwork is still even quicker. “My turn, then!” Minato charged, raised his sword, and swung with such a force. Again, she managed to dodge, yet there’s no time to return the attack either. ‘He’s fast!’ Eurypha thought. ‘But, I can’t keep dodging like this! I have to make an opening somehow…!’ Swing after swing, Minato still hasn’t managed to hit Eurypha, until— “There!” Minato swung horizontally, aiming for her legs. But… “No, you’re not!” Eurypha jumped towards Minato and aimed her kick towards his chest, only to be blocked with his free hand at the last minute. “Guh…!” Using his arm, Eurypha bounced back, and once again charged with her relentless thrusts. ‘Right… I shouldn’t back off earlier. Just keep attacking and don’t give him a chance to rest!’ Metal clanging fills the air as Minato once again forced to go defensive. ‘Good! Keep the pressure, tire him out, and then—‘ Eurypha took a small sidestep all of a sudden, before launching a powerful single thrust. “THERE!!” “!!” Again, Minato evaded at the last moment. ‘He managed to dodge that too!?’ Eurypha brakes and turned around. Her attack merely grazed his left arm; the damage was clearly minimal. Even worse, she then realized that somehow Minato managed to get few of her hair strands. ‘He did it in such tight window! How—‘ “Minato Amakawa…! Who are you, really?” “I’m just normal boy…? I mean, I was—“ ‘No, you aren’t. There’s no way an ordinary guy could move like that.’ Sigulf mentally chimed. At the very least, he must have done some training in kendo. “Also, Princess…” “P, Princess!? Who are you calling Princess, y-you idiot!?” “Eh!? Sorry, I thought you are one… A, anyways, I’m really sorry for… What happened this morning. And… I’m sorry I didn’t give my everything from the beginning.” “So you did look down on me.” “No! It’s just… I don’t want to accidentally hurt anyone. But it seems my worry was for naught. You are indeed strong. And I… I want to win. Just like everyone, I want to be the best!” The last statement caught everyone’s attention, Sigulf included. “Hmph, fair enough.” Eurypha replied. “I’ll confess as well, that I didn’t give my everything. I thought I could knock you down in one strike like everyone else. But here you are, still standing before me. So, Minato Amakawa! I’ll strike with all my might! And in return, show me everything what you have!” “Princess… Thank you!” “…why are you thanking me? A, and stop calling me Princess, i-idiot!” Eurypha returned to her stance while Minato changed his. Holding his sword with both his hands, the Sky Fencer suddenly starts to glow. ‘This is…’ Some of the mechanical parts detached and then slides outwards, making it looks bigger than before. “Have at you!” “I won’t lose!” Both Minato and Eurypha steeled themselves to clash once again when— “Stop it right there, both of you!!” A loud man’s voice boomed from the other side. There, a blonde man clad in uniform stands with his arms crossed. Clearly he’s displeased with the sight before him. “Crap, it’s the T!” the unofficial judge gasped. “It’s not even the first day, and you already fighting among each other? You’ll have plenty of time for it during the next 3 years, don’t worry. But now is NOT the time!!”Everyone went dead silent. “Everybody clear? Good. Now, go back to your previous business. Amakawa, Hestianus, I’ll be seeing you soon at the faculty office. And you, the white hair from the tree! Stay right there.” ‘He noticed? Shit, I hope it’s nothing big…’ Finally the gathering crowds soon dispersed, mostly dissatisfied with what happened. Minato and Eurypha went towards the faculty, half-heartedly. Now it’s only Sigulf and the blonde teacher. The teacher approached him. “Is there something you need, Sir?” “Hmm…” the man didn’t reply as he simply eyed Sigulf. “Uhh, Sir?” Sigulf getting a bit uncomfortable. “I presume you are Hrimgard?” the teacher finally replied. “How— Oh, I see. Master did say something about this…” “Oh? Would you tell me then, what did she said?” ‘Well shit. There’s no way I’m gonna tell that Master called him “cute”. True, he’s a bit young for a teacher, but still. I don’t really understand women…’ “She said she got a good friend there. His name is—“ “Eliot Fortier. I see. A ‘good friend’, huh.” Eliot’s expression shifted slightly, though Sigulf couldn’t really read the meaning. “Sir Fortier?” “Ah, it’s nothing. If you have the chance, give her my… Regards.” “Oh, sure. Anything else, Sir?” “Oh, I forgot. I won’t punish you, just like the other spectators… Just for this time. Otherwise, you better report if things like this happened again. Are we clear?” ‘He’s back to business…’ “…yes, Sir. I’m sorry.” “Good, now you’re free. Dismissed!” Finally parting from Eliot, Sigulf sighed out of relief. ‘That was mentally tiring… And now I’m not sleepy anymore.’ Sigulf checked his clock and then his surrounding. ‘I still got plenty of time, huh. Well, let’s tire myself out in the entertainment area, then.’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "1927", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Prologue, part 2", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Having rested enough, Sigulf stood back up to face Victoria. “I’m looking forward to your guidance!” “Very good. Now…” She swung her right arm aside and materialized the Blade Breaker. “Draw your axes and show me what you have.” “Right…!” ‘A serious Miss Stark is so different, after all…!’ Sigulf summoned his weapon, and in a blink of an eye, he already took off, bashing his Fenrir against Victoria’s fighting gloves. “…!?” “Fufufu, you are faster and stronger than I thought…” She cleanly blocked his attack; Sigulf could even feel small feedback coming from it. ‘And this is one reason why she’s the Principal…!’ he thought. ‘But now, I have to focus on gauging her defense…!’ After a small backhop, Sigulf charged forward and swung with all his might. “Rraaah!” One aimed at her head, another towards her chest, yet another to her legs. But no matter what he threw, Victoria would either guard or evade them successfully. ‘Gh…! Even Chelsea was nowhere this tough…!’ “You’re faltering! Don’t get disheartened!” Victoria shouted, as if she just read Sigulf’s mind. “Next, try to circle me while you attack!” “…! Yes, Ma’am!” Sigulf stopped for a split second to change directions before resuming. His swings got faster, his strikes grew stronger, his steps became quicker, he even employed some feints to catch her off-guard. Yet Victoria was able to defend just fine. “Grrh…!” “…! There!” “…!? Whoa—!?” A well-timed reflect from Victoria knocked Sigulf away and stopped his assault. “Fufu…” ‘No surprises here… But still…!’ Refusing to give up, Sigulf mustered all his strength and jumped forward. He spun his whole body diagonally and swung his axes. “Grroooaahh!!” “…!” For the first time, Sigulf finally managed to blow Victoria back. “Kh…!” Still, the end result was the same; Sigulf gave it all as far as his unreleased Arms permitted, while Victoria remains unscathed. “Hoho, quite good, if I must say.” Victoria praised. “But now, it’s your turn to defend. Prepare yourself.” “Understood…!” ‘Here she comes…!’ Sigulf immediately went defensive, not willing to take any risks… and Victoria still blitzed through much faster than he expected. “…!?” “Let us begin…!” A left cross, followed by a right hook forced Sigulf to fully concentrate on blocking. ‘By the Rokkr, such pressure…!’ “Don’t let up just yet!” Victoria switched it up with a series of kicks, and even though her legs wasn’t covered by the Blade Breaker, they were by no means weaker than her punches. ‘This is…!’ Every single strike made Sigulf’s arms ache, and Victoria is not slowing down anytime soon. “Final step! Stay aware of your surroundings!” She lunged slightly to his right and threw a backhand; Sigulf barely blocked. Victoria followed with a spinning kick; he has to haphazardly clash against it with his weapon. “You’re slowing down! Focus harder!” “Guh…!” Victoria didn’t stop her onslaught and she has almost completely circled Sigulf. By this point, it was a matter of seconds before his defense crumbles. “Got you…!” “Wha—” Victoria threw an empty punch and messed Sigulf’s timing. She used the chance to twirl and unleashed an axe kick, which completely broke Sigulf’s guard and left him wide open. “…!?” “Sigulf!” Celina shouted. He can only process the fact that Victoria launched a right uppercut… “…eh?” …only for her to stop just before it connects with his chin. “Checkmate~” “Ah…” Victoria pulled her hand and lets her Arms disappear into thin air. “So, was it enough?” she giggled. “…very.” “Fufufu, glad to be of help. Now…” Victoria turned towards Vigdis’ group. “Miss Alderliesten? You might want to treat his hands.” “Oh, sure, right on.” Melanie replied as she approached the students. “Ah, ri— Ow, ow…” “Eeh!? Boy, are you alright!?” Vigdis quickly ran over to Sigulf, who was sitting on the ground, and hugged him. “Uwhoa!?” “Where did it hurt!? You can still use your arm right!?” “Eh!? Eeh!?” “Vigdis, I can’t treat him with you on the way…” “A, ah, sorry, Mel…” she apologized and moved a bit to give her some space. “Will he be fine?” Celina asked Melanie. “Hmm, as long he doesn’t do anything rigorous, he’ll be okay tomorrow. Just don’t forget to apply some ice.” “Oh, that’s good to hear…” “Umm, I can still cook, right?” Sigulf asked. “What kind of cooking are you doing?” the school nurse laughed. “So, how was it?” Celina asked again, this time towards Sigulf. “Insane…” was his answer. “Looks like… I have tons of material for image training…” “I see…” “Seriously… You can be so reckless…” Vigdis sighed. “Master…” “What?” Sigulf gazed upwards. “The world is really vast…” “…why are you saying that just now? Are you trying to sound cool?” “I, I kinda wanted to say that…” “Oh, you…” Celina giggled and reached out to brush Sigulf’s hair. “Ah…” “You did well. You should get some rest for the day.” she smiled. “Ehehe, thank you. I definitely will…” “Ahem. The guest house has many rooms, if you catch my drift…” Chelsea purposefully cleared her throat, making the pair blush and Alba snicker. “Anyways, should we call it a day?” “Ah, wait, no! Not yet!” Alba suddenly exclaimed while getting up. “Eh?” “Ma’am! May I request the same training?” she addressed Victoria. “Eeh? You want to try that too?” “Hm? It’s fine, isn’t it?” “Well…” Chelsea eyed Alba. “You did rest enough. Just be careful, okay?” “What are you getting worried for?” she laughed. “But, thanks, I guess.” ‘Oh…?’ “Spirited bunch, aren’t you all?” Victoria chuckled. “In that case, give me some time to rest before we start.” “Yes, Ma’am! Thank you very much!” “Uuugh, I thought she’s supposed to be the perverted principal? Why is she popular now!?” Vigdis complained. “Well, she’s only perverted towards your boy, so…” Melanie explained. “That doesn’t make it okay!” ——— Since Alba has about the same skill level as Sigulf, the end result was similar. “Zeeh… Haah… Haah…” Minutes after their sparring, Alba was face first on the ground, breathing heavily. “Uhh, you okay?” Sigulf asked. She said nothing and raised a thumbs up instead. “M, Mel! We have an emergency here!” Chelsea called. “Yes, yes. Let me see…” While Melanie went to check on Alba, Victoria stretched her own body. “Nngh…! It’s been a while since I had such a nice workout…!” “You just wanted to vent out, didn’t you!?” Vigdis accused. “Eh? Considering my job so far has been smooth, I don’t see any reason to be stressed, though?” “Grrh… When will I be cleared for dueling anyway?” “If you want to be in optimal performance, then not in the immediate 24 hours.” Eliot nonchalantly stated. “Uugh…” “M, Master, if you don’t mind, we can do some light sparring…” Sigulf tried to cheer her up. “T, thank you, my disciple. But you see, it is my destiny to take down the Evil Sorceress of the Atlantic…” ‘…she’s really dead set on fighting her.’ ——– Morning practice has ended, but since Celina wanted to say something, the adults left earlier. “Alright,” she clapped her hands. “As we all know, finals—” Alba immediately dropped her head. “Haa… Right… Finals, huh…” “Shush, let her finish first.” Chelsea reprimanded. “Ahahah, it’s alright.” Celina reassured. “Anyways, since we’ll have our exams around the middle of next month, I was thinking to have another group study session. So I want to hear your opinions about it.” “Ah, I thought so. Well… Last time, it was a few days before the actual test, but… Are you guys okay with it?” Chelsea looked at the 1st-years. “Eh? Considering I end up at 2nd place…” Sigulf responded. “Yeah, we actually did fine, somehow… Although, I still don’t understand what was the written test for…” Alba sighed. “Then, there’s no problem. Sooo… Sigulf’s place?” “Wait, again? Do we really have no other options?” “The cafe or library is a no-go to avoid disturbing other visitors.” Chelsea pointed out. “And you can cook.” Alba added. “Yeah, but I can cook just fine on any other room, provided I have the ingredients…” “Ah, so you just wanted to barge into another girl’s room. Sigulf, you pervert.” “…can you not?” he retorted at Chelsea. “But do you?” Celina asked, making Sigulf pause. “Well… If it’s yours, and you don’t mind, then yeah…” “Oh, sure, fufufu. So, have you thought about what we might cook? I’ll provide the ingredients.” “Really? Then… I’m thinking something simple like—” “Now hold on a minute, and don’t just go on by yourselves!” Alba interrupted. “What? Why?” “You talked like you’ve ever been in one…” Chelsea eyed him suspiciously. “He did, though…?” Celina stated, shocking Chelsea. “What!? Why didn’t you tell me!? When did it happen!?” “E, eeh? It was before we went steady—” “What!?” “…Siggy, you’re surprisingly carnivorous…” “…what do you mean by that? We were just talking at that time…” “Reeeally?” “G, girls…!” Celina waved her hand, trying to divert the topic. “Can we just agree that we will study in my room? I have another thing I want to talk about.” “Eh? What is it?” “Ah, do you mean—” Sigulf realized. “Yes, ‘that’.” Celina smiled before she faced Chelsea and Alba again. “Would you mind clearing your schedule for next week? Let’s go and give the Pacifics a visit.” “”…what?””
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "40498", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 7, part 9", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Saturday morning. Practicing alongside Vigdis’ rehabilitation was something they got accustomed to. A bit unusual was the presence of Lindorm and Laine joining their session. “…” Still, the borderline comical tension between Vigdis and Victoria will always be a curious sight for the students. “Now, now, please don’t glare at me like that. I haven’t done anything yet.” Still looking dissatisfied, Vigdis turned to Sigulf. “Now, it’s not like I don’t understand your motivations, but—“ “I know… It’s just that my instinct told me so.” “As a pervert?” “…do I look much like a pervert to you?” Vigdis glanced at Sigulf’s usual circle. “Well…” “…Master, please.” “Don’t worry, Miss Vigdis,” Celina spoke up. “We have always trained seriously. You can trust us on that.” There was a slight emphasis on her tone, and Sigulf could felt her energy spiked a little. “Oh my, how cautious of you. Ufufufu…” “So, does this special event include me?” Alba pointed at herself. “Of course, Miss Hunter. More than welcome. You’re among the best-achieving rookies, and I’ve heard about your efforts to solidify yourself as the number 1 freshmen—“ “So you can make me stronger than Siggy!?” “If you put considerable effort, that is.” Victoria laughed. Alba’s eyes sparkled and she pointed dramatically at Sigulf. “You hear that!? I’ll definitely surpass you!” “Like I’m gonna sit back and let that happen…!” Sigulf retorted. “Yes, that’s the youthful spirit I want to see.” Victoria smiled. “Uu… My boy is having fun without me…” Vigdis lamented. “Err…” “And that’s why you should properly do your program.” Melanie patted her shoulder. “So you can practice again with Sigulf. Or to pick a fight with the Principal, I don’t know.” “I knooow!” “Waah!” Vigdis hopped and hugged Sigulf tightly to her chest. “Wait for me! I’ll recover soon so we can spar properly!” “H, huh!? O, oh, sure. I’m looking forward to it…” She then released the still flustered boy to address the other woman. “And you! One day we’ll settle this for real!” “Of course. May you have a speedy recovery.” Victoria watched with a smile as Vigdis turned away and went to Eliot’s place. “Oh, are you done?” he asked. “Then we can begin your rehab now.” “…uwaa, how cold. You could’ve at least supported me.” Vigdis protested. “Seriously. This why you weren’t popular with the ladies.” Melanie agreed. “…oi.” The three then proceeds with their own schedule. “Alright, should we begin as well?” Victoria asked. “Scouting Team, would you mind to join us too?” “Eh? Ah, um, thanks for the offer, Ma’am, but we’re cool.” Laine responded. “Oh, is that so?” “Uh, yeah. We’d prefer doing it at our own pace.” “If you say so…” “Still, I’m a bit surprised you two showed up.” Sigulf commented. “What happened?” “Well, I have nothing better to do, so I just tagged along with Lindy here.” She motioned. “He said he wanted to fight with you.” “Eh?” “F, fight with Sigulf…!?” Chelsea exclaimed with a blush, earning a sigh from Celina. “Err, like a duel?” Sigulf tried to steer the conversation back. Lindorm shook his head. “A simple sparring for now. Let’s save the einvigi for later, brother.” He explained. “Ah, I see.” “Uh-huh. He brought it up since the midterm’s announcement.” Laine added. “Oh, midterms. Speaking of which, how did you two do?” “We did well.” She replied while giving him the peace sign. “Yaaay.” ‘…how could she look so expressionless despite being happy?’ “Well, they are the Scouting Team for a reason.” Chelsea clarified. “…though, I wish Laine would be a bit more motivated in everything else.” “Ugh… You don’t have to say that, Vice-Prez…” “So are you saying that you are feeling lethargic?” Victoria slightly tilted her head. “In that case—“ “A, ah, like we said, we’re fine.” Laine quickly refused. “Let’s go, Lindy.” “Mm. Excuse us.” Lindorm slightly bowed. The pair immediately began their warm-up session. “Ah, even though they have no need to be so reserved…” she chuckled before putting her attention back at Sigulf’s group. “So, shall we? I won’t be so lenient, though.” “Yes, Ma’am. We’ll be in your care.” “Good answer. Well then…” The air around Victoria suddenly changed, and for some reason, Sigulf felt like his life was in danger if he screwed up. “Enough dawdling around!” she shouted. “Burn away your energy and give me 500 swings!” “R, right!” “Hrimgard! Hunter! This is no time to daydream! Your forms were awful! Start over!” “I, I’m sorry…!” ‘Eh!? What is this!?’ Sigulf thought. ‘She’s like a different person, even though she barely did anything!?’ Victoria nodded in satisfaction. “That’s more like it. And now, I too…” She began throwing punches and kicks, joining the students in their warm-up. ‘Ooh, such a nice form!’ Her strikes were so blindingly fast; it’s as if they could easily cut through the air. Yet instead of flurries of them, Victoria seemed to prefer single, powerful and precise attacks. ‘Her position as the Headmistress is well-warranted…!’ “Hrimgard! Focus and start over!” “!? Y, yes, I’m sorry…!” “…ufufu.” ——— A short break after warm-up. Sigulf was talking with the others when Victoria approached him. “Sigulf, do you have a moment?” He could feel that Celina and Vigdis tensed up, and it almost made him chuckle. “Oh, um, sure. What is it?” “Would you mind showing me a powerful swing?” “Eh?” Sigulf was slightly confused but did so nonetheless. “Hmm… Just as I thought.” “Is something wrong?” “Mm, a tiny bit, on your posture. Here, let me help you.” “E, eh?” Victoria went to Sigulf’s back and gently guided his hand. Of course, Celina and Vigdis didn’t miss the sight. ‘Whoa whoa whoa whoa…!’ “It should be a bit more like this, here…” she said almost whispering. “Good, now try to keep this position and give it a swing.” Victoria then lets Sigulf go and stepped back. “L, like this?” “Yes. It looks and flows better.” “I, I see…” ‘I can’t be too happy here…!’ “…” Not willing to stand by idly, Celina braced herself and approached them. “Excuse me.” She said, raising her hand. “Oh, Miss President. What is it?” “It’s about his attacking posture…” “Hmm?” Celina did the same and held Sigulf’s arms slightly tighter, directing them. ‘Uwhoa…! And she smells so nice…!’ “I think it should be a bit more like this…” she said in a lower voice. “Now, give it a try.” “R, right…!” Sigulf did as instructed and Celina smiled. “Mm, looking good.” “Yeah, it felt precise.” “Oh my…” Victoria gasped. “Uugh…” Vigdis refused to be outdone, so she made her way to Sigulf. “No, no, that won’t do!” she said. “Master!?” “Hmm? Why’s that?” “Sigulf’s fast enough, and he’s still growing to be even faster, so what he needs is obviously raw power!” “Err…” Vigdis didn’t give them a chance to argue as she immediately took Sigulf’s arms, yet it was still gentle enough to comfort him. ‘Ah…’ “Here, you do it like this…” “R, right…” “And…” Vigdis slowly backed off. “Now!” “Grh…!” Sigulf did a vertical cut as per Vigdis’ pointers. “There! That’s my boy!” “Yeah, I can feel the force.” “Heheh!” Vigdis grinned triumphantly, but Victoria didn’t waver and kept her confident smile. Celina, on the other hand, chose to sigh. “You two…” “Hey, that looks fun!” Chelsea suddenly said. “Mind if we join?” “We?” Alba asked. “Ah well.” “What? What is it now?” Sigulf looked unsure. “No need to be shy! Big Sis will help you with practice! So about your posture… Maybe it should be more like… This?” “Oh, okay…?” “Hm…? Wait a minute, shouldn’t it be more like—“ “…oi, I know you’re just messing with me.” “Tch, so you found out.” “Hey, Alba, that’s not nice!” Chelsea reprimanded, albeit while laughing. The rest of them watched from a distance. “He’ll end up hated by his male classmates, won’t he?” Eliot scratched his head. “I wonder…” Melanie touched her cheek. “Maybe you can try to learn something from him, instead? By being cuter, I mean.” “…how? And what for?” “Oh you, being so dishonest~” “Uhh, I know I’ve heard things, but…” Laine commented. “His situation reminds me so much of Amakawa… Amakawa 2.0? What’s the difference?” Lindorm tilted his head. “Brother Sigulf seemed to be enjoying himself.” “Ah, right, I kinda can see and understand that…” It was a while before the students could prepare for their sparring.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "10983", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 7, part 2", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
One firm step. A low growl. Water vapor born of cold. Sigulf sudden spike of power definitely didn’t go unnoticed. ‘To think he released Laedingr here…! I have to stop him at all costs…!’ Eurypha immediately took her charging stance, but Sigulf reacted as well by charging straight at her. ‘…!?’ She was forced to lunge earlier, and being imperfect, it got easily knocked back. “Kh…!” “Raaahh!” Sigulf followed with a vertical swing; Eurypha frantically blocked it, and she still got pushed. ‘Y, you’re kidding…! How strong is this guy, really!?’ She had to focus her senses and strength just to defend against his relentless attack. ‘I can’t see an opening…! He’s really pressuring from every direction…!’ Eurypha’s guard started to waver, and one precise horizontal swing opened Sigulf’s way. “Wha—!?” “Ryaah!” He brought down his axe. It was too late for her to sidestep or jump away. However… ‘…I’m not backing down!!’ “Oi, what did she—!?” Walter yelled. Eurypha forced herself and thrusts her rapier forward, again hitting Sigulf’s midsection. ‘…!?’ Yet while it did manage to stagger him, his Fenrir landed first and blew Eurypha away, reducing Eos’ impact. “Guah…!” “Battle points, down by 25%. 15% remaining.” “Battle points, down by 10%.” “Aah, it ended up weaker despite all that…!” the American boy panicked. “Hestianus-san…!” Minato muttered. “Haah…! Kh…!” Eurypha breathes heavily as she struggled to stand up, while Sigulf seemingly took his time approaching her. “…no. Not yet.” Despite being exhausted and has the lead taken, she pulled her right arm and mustered all she had. “I still can take you out even without the perfect form!” Eurypha loudly announced. “I see…” “Wha—“ Almost everyone, Eurypha included, was surprised hearing Sigulf responded. “Oh, right. It’s not like he lost his mind everytime he broke the Laedingr.” Alba noted. “Limiter: Dromi…” he continued. “Release…!!” “You…!” Another burst of energy emanated from Sigulf. Fenrir’s aura grew darker and sharper, increasingly resembling a wolf’s mane. “…I see.” Eurypha narrowed her eyes. “If that’s what you wanted…!” She has finished charging. All that’s left is to lunge all the way. “Then don’t blame me when I scored an upset!!” “Come… Hestianus!!” Both of them took their steps at the same time. And in a blink, Sigulf crossed through with his Fenrir spread open, while Eurypha was thrown into the air. “Battle points, 0. Cannot continue duel.” “Euryyy!!” Walter shouted in worry as her body hit the ground. “That’s enough! Winner, Sigulf Hrimgard!” Eliot announced. Some students were in a mix of cheering and surprise. Few, namely Minato’s group, hurriedly went to Eurypha’s side. Few other were content with discussing about it. “Uhh, so why did Sig-kun do that again?” Yuu questioned. “Ah, you know him.” Alba smirked. “He probably wanted to defeat her signature technique. That showoff…” “Hee…” “Hestianus-san!” Minato called. “Eurypha!” Walter followed. “Ugh…” Said girl was grunting as she tried to move her body. “Oi! Are y—“ “Shut up… You’re too loud…” “But—“ “You idiot…!” she screeched. “It’s not like I’m heavily injured…!” “Eh…?” “Magitek. Magical nanomachine barrier. It protected us.” Walter blinked. “…ah, now that you mentioned it…” “You idiot! Pay better attention in class next time!” Minato, Carmen, and Ilma collectively sighed, partially out of relief. “Thank goodness you’re alright.” Minato said. “Although…” “…yeah.” Sigulf’s approaching footsteps made the group turn their attention. “Hestianus.” Sigulf called, offering a hand. Eurypha accepted it and helped herself to get up. “Nice duel.” He continued. “It was. And congratulations. It’s my loss today.” A firm handshake between the two. Eurypha noted it was rather surreal, considering his bestial fury from their duel before. “A round of applause, if you please.” The students complied before Sigulf, Eurypha, and her group made their way back. “Good match, Sig-kun.” Yuu greeted. “Yo. Thanks.” “That’s more like it.” Alba smugly smirked. “It’s not interesting if you lose here.” “…you don’t have to tell me that.” Nonetheless, Sigulf gave them both high fives. “Good luck, you two.” “”Yeah!”” “Hrimgard.” “Hm?” Sigulf turned to see Masaki and Siegward coming at him. “You’re strong indeed.” She said. “I can see why you are one of the faculty’s favorites.” “Eh?” “…or so he said.” “…wait, why are you tel— I mean, don’t make up stories like that.” Siegward protested. “Yeah, yeah, even though you wanted to bring him over to our side.” “Oh… Thanks, Heidenreich.” “…do. Not. Thank. Me. I said nothing of the sorts.” ‘Funny guy…’ Sigulf mentally noted. ——— When the bell finally rings, it’s as if the weight on the students’ shoulders were finally released. “Aaalright! Who’s with me to the karaoke!?” Walter asked the class enthusiastically. “You sure are so carefree…” Arthfael sighed. “Why not? We got to leave earlier, so if you want to train again, you still have the time later!” he replied. “Yo, Council team! How— …oh, right? You guys are probably still busy, right?” “Hm? Yeah, I still have duties—“ “Eh? No, we are free today—“ Sigulf and Minato answered at the same time, making them look at each other. ‘…what was that?’ Sigulf thought. “Again? Oh well… But, hey, nice to see Amakawa finally joining us!” Seeing that they have made up their mind, Sigulf went for the door. “See ya later.” He said to Yuu. “Oh, sure. See y— Wait, Alba-san?” Both boys turned around to see the aforementioned girl was packing as well. “Hm? Oh, yeah, I wanted to rest so I can train later.” “Eeh? Even though you are the class’ heroine? So diligent…” “Ahahah, sorry about that…” She waved at Yuu and Walter’s group before heading out. “Hey, you!” Alba called Sigulf. “Huh?” “Do your Council job properly! …and don’t just flirt with the President all day!” “I, I won’t…!” Alba merely cackled as she made the leave. ——— Just like yesterday, the Council doesn’t have too much work on their hand because of the mid-terms. “Ah, so your class went to karaoke?” Chelsea asked. “Yeah. Amakawa and the others joined too. I heard they’re off duty today.” Celina looked remorseful, but Chelsea was quicker to respond. “You are not going to apologize, are you?” “…actually I did, but Sigulf himself probably wanted to help in the first place.” “Ahahah… Well, I don’t mind.” “You don’t mind, huh…” Chelsea gave them a knowing look, making the boy flustered. “But, speaking about karaoke, then how about we go there too after this?” she continued. “Eh? After I declined my classmates?” “Hey, it’s not like you don’t have a good reason. Besides, as long as we sneak and didn’t get caught, it will be fine!” “…is that how it works?” “Sneaking all the way to karaoke is a bit…” Celina laughed bitterly. “It’s alright! You never went into one, right, Cel?” “Well, yeah, I’m not too confident with singing…” “Even though you have such a good voice? Come on, it will be a fun experience!” “If you say so…” ‘Ah, now I want to see her sing…’ Sigulf wondered. ——– As soon as they finished today’s papers, the three headed to the door. But just as Sigulf stepped out, his vision suddenly got obstructed. His face bumped into something soft. “Mgh!?” “Kyaaah! Congrats, boy! I know you could do it!” ‘This voice…!’ “Mbh, mgh!” “Miss Vigdis?” “Oh, hi girls! How are you doing?” “We are doing fine, thank you.” Celina answered. “It’s just, umm… Could you let him go?” “Oops, my bad!” she laughed while finally releasing Sigulf. “Ack… I think I saw Helheim for a moment…” Sigulf retorted. “Hey, at least it wasn’t Nastrond, right?” “Uh, yeah… So, why are y— Oh, did Sir Fortier tell you?” “Yup! Though, he’s supposedly still rather busy.” “Hee…” ‘Even with all these technology, teachers are still busy I guess…’ “So, are you playing somewhere? I know you just finished mid-terms.” “Oh, that’s right! We are going to karaoke.” Chelsea mentioned. “Would you mind to join us?” “I don’t mind, but are you sure it’s okay for an old lady like me to join you youngsters?” “What are you saying, you are still pretty young!” “Is that so? I really appreciate it! Ohohohohohoh~” ‘…these two really clicks so well.’ He mentally noted. “Hmm, maybe I should invite Alba too.” “Ah, she said she wanted to rest, so…” “Eh, really?” Chelsea looked a bit disappointed but took out her phone nonetheless. “Maybe I can convince her…” “Uhh, how?” “I don’t know… Oh, right. I’m sorry, but can you please go on ahead?” “It’s to reserve a room, right? Understood.” Celina replied. “Right, and… Oh, and don’t forget to sneak!” “Oh, is it some stealth mission? Sounds fun… And scandalous!” Vigdis responded excitedly. “…do we really have to?” ——— Thankfully, Sigulf, Celina, and Vigdis didn’t run into any of his classmates, though then again, Walter’s group had started earlier. “I guess this room is big enough for six people.” Vigdis said. “So, this is the inside of a karaoke room…” Celina looks rather amazed. ‘S, so cute…!’ Sigulf, meanwhile, opted to admire her reaction. “Okay, who wants to sing? You kids can go first.” “Eh? But I’m not too familiar with popular songs nowadays…” “Me neither. I’m not much of a singing guy, anyway.” “Alright, then Sigulf it is.” “…how— Fine, just let me pick a song first.” Vigdis laughed as Sigulf began looking on the interface. ‘They claimed to have a huge database of songs, so let’s see… …oh, shit, they even have this one?’ He made his selection and quickly grabbed a mic. “Talk about a quick change of mind!” Vigdis cackled. “Oh, is Sigulf going to sing? Then I can’t miss this.” Celina responded eagerly. ‘Uwaa, now I’m getting nervous…’ His song finally began with some acoustics… Until it suddenly transitioned into heavy, distorted guitars, to which Sigulf shrieked, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!” “You picked a viking black metal song!?” Vigdis nearly faceplanted. “…well, not that strange, coming from you.” “Oh my… So he likes this kind of music, ufufu.” Celina was somehow amused. ——— After few songs, the door opened, revealing Alba’s figure. “Alright, where’s the hot dogs!?” “Hm? Oh, hey, Alba!” Vigdis greeted. “It’s been a while!” “Miss Vigdis.” She returned it. “It truly is.” Chelsea then popped up from behind her. “Heya!” Sigulf looked at the pair and put things together. “…so you baited her with food?” “Hey, eating lots of meat is a good way to rest too!” Alba protested. “…isn’t it just you?” “Is it? Anyways, I’m surprised Siggy actually went singing. Is it awful?” “…how can you automatically assume that?” “Don’t worry.” Celina assured with sparkly eyes. “It’s powerful!” “…what?” “Umm, I’m not sure, but since she likes it, it can’t be that bad, right?” Chelsea tried to conclude. “Alright, alright, how about you two sit down first?” Vigdis implored. “The room service should be coming anytime soon.” “Hot dooooogs!” Alba cheered. “Oi, you’re supposed to sing too.” Even so, Sigulf couldn’t help but to feel happy. He sat down, watching as the ladies pick another set of songs. ‘This is nice…’ ——— In another place and time, the duelists of Pacific have just finished their midterms too. “Alright! A victory on top of a good fight!” Mei said. “Mm, I too feel like that I have accomplished well.” Reika nodded. “I can’t wait to test my skills again with Mi, Minato-dono.” “M, me too! I wonder when we will be able to have a rematch against Minato…” Misha joined. “…you two sure are smitten with him.” “S, smitten!? S, surely you jest, Mei-dono!” The ever silent Anil, meanwhile, was looking around in a slight confusion. “Hm? What’s the matter?” Mei asked. “Ashfield?” “Ah, I think he left much earlier…” Misha answered. “Tch, seriously that guy… I don’t know what’s going on inside his mind.” ——— Outside, Jack was on his slow walk back to the dorms. ‘Watching number 2 and co. fighting was almost entertaining. Almost. Otherwise, what a pointless and boring test…’ It was then where he overheard two boys from a different class talking to each other. “Caldwell is really something, yeah?” “I can’t believe he’s in the B-class with us! Shouldn’t he be an A-ranker at this point?” ‘…’ “Maybe, just maybe, he can actually win against Ashfie— …ah.” They immediately froze in fear upon seeing Jack. “Hee… That’s funny. Say it again.” “W, what…?” “Say it again.” “Ugh…!” They took a step back while Jack approached with his fists clenched. “…huh? Is that you, Ashfield? What happened?” “…” Still furious, Jack turned around and glared at the source of the voice. ‘This guy…’ Even so, Ralf seemed unperturbed by him. “Hmm, Ralf Caldwell, wasn’t it? Please don’t worry.” “Ah, Sir Houjou.” Kouji came into the scene and approached Jack, while keeping his eyes at Ralf. “I assure you that nothing happened. Right, Jack?” “…Kouji.” “Eh? Well, if you say so…” “I sure hope that is actually the case, Kouji.” “Ah, well if it isn’t Baker. I hope you are having a good day.” “Sammy!” Samantha showed up and backed up Ralf’s side, staring daggers at Kouji. “And good day to you too. As friends and rivals, surely I can have those words of yours?” “Of course, nothing to be worried here.” Seemingly a pleasant exchange, there’s undeniably some tension beneath, which even the mostly oblivious Ralf noticed. “Those kids…” Watching from a safe distance, the Pacifics’ new coach can only sigh. “Talk about dramatic… Can’t they get along? They are supposed to be a team…” ——— Chapter 6 “Blod Eld Daud: Fire Meets Ice, Part 2”, end. Continued on Chapter 7.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "8601", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 6, part 15", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
After he got released from the ladies’ antics, Sigulf stepped forward to face Lindorm. “Sorry for the wait.” “Worry not. I understand.” Lindorm raised his thumb. “Ahahahahah…” “Ooi, are you guys ready?” Laine waved her hands. “You have 300 seconds.” “Anytime…!” “Ookay. Then—“ Sigulf got into his fighting stance, and that’s when he finally realized something off with Lindorm. ‘His right pupil…’ It was slit, like a cat’s. Or rather… ‘A serpent’s…’ Sigulf saw Lindorm’s weapon exactly once, but it made such an impression that it was hard to forget. ‘That huge gauntlets… The multitude of swords which acts as its claws… Come to think of it. He looks less like a serpent and more like—‘ It suddenly hit him. ‘Lindorm. Linnormr. Ensnaring snake. Serpentine dragon. It’s in his name, duh…! Which means…’ Sigulf remembered two particularly powerful serpents from the old myths. The first one was Jormungandr; the Huge Monster, the World Serpent, the Sea-Thread, the Wolf’s Brother, and he who could even match the Mighty Thunderer. Yet he’s mostly perceived as closer to conventional but gigantic sea snake instead of a dragon. Thus leaving Sigulf with the only conclusion. ‘Nidhoggr. The Malice Striker. The linnorm who tears through Yggdrasil’s roots. He who could unmake creation, and survives the fiery death of the Nine Worlds.’ It made some sense, on how the usually docile Lindorm was so severe that one time. But one thing still nags Sigulf. ‘Why him? His normal self wasn’t something you would associate with Nidhoggr, so why—‘ “—lo? Hello? Hey!” “Wha—“ Laine’s voice pulled him back to reality. “…are you really alright?” she sighed. “You looked very serious, I’m sure your mind was somewhere else.” “Err, sorry about that…” Alba had to sigh, Celina opted to chuckle, and Chelsea lets her imagination run wild, while Lindorm merely stared at Sigulf, though it was out of mild amusement rather than annoyance. “Seriously… We’ll begin for real, okay?” “Yes, Ma’am!” Sigulf forced himself to regain composure. ‘I can think about it later…! Focus for now; my God Eater against his World Gnawer…!’ “Ready— Go!!” He jumped at Laine’s cue with axes raised. Lindorm pulled his right arm back in preparation to retaliate. ‘I must snatch the early lead…!’ Sigulf got close in no time thanks to his own speed and brought down Fenrir. Lindorm was well-aware of this fact too, so he focused on striking back instead of attempting any kind of maneuver. ‘…!’ Moments before impact, Sigulf could feel an intense pressure emanating from Lindorm. ‘What the—!?’ Letting out an inhuman roar, Lindorm swiped his right claw upwards. The violent collision between Fenrir and Nidhoggr produces a loud metallic noise, and stopped Sigulf’s momentum mid-air. ‘By Loki…!’ He had to reconsider and used the blow to propel himself away. ‘That strength is insane…!’ Sigulf thought. ‘Matching his single strikes would be dangerous…!’ Even so, Sigulf charged against the approaching Lindorm. ‘That’s why I’m not going to play with his pace…! If one swing can’t break through, then I’ll make it two!’ Sigulf sidestepped to his left in time, evading Lindorm’s attack. He then spun his whole body and unleashed a horizontal slash. ‘There…!!’ “…!” Lindorm reacted with a backfist. His sturdy gauntlets made it possible to parry Sigulf’s blow. ‘Tch…! Not yet…!’ Sigulf recovered quickly and launched a follow-up attack; his advantage in speed contained Lindorm’s offense and gave him not much option. ‘Just as I thought…!’ Sigulf’s agility and multiple swings could balance out Lindorm’s powerful single strikes. He still has to be very careful in doing so, however. ‘I might be mistaken, but his fighting style is similar to Armstrong; slow but strong. Stronger, actually. And much more feral…!’ ——— 5 minutes passed, and their sparring ended inconclusively. “Good work, you two~” “Phew…” Slightly tired, Sigulf dematerialized his Arms. ‘We can’t go all out due to our weapons being in Safe Mode. Who knows what might happen in an actual duel…?’ He glanced at Lindorm and noticed that his right pupil has returned. ‘So it has to do with his Nidhoggr…’ Lindorm, though also a bit weary, looks rather satisfied. He approached Sigulf and extended his fist. “Oh…?” “Well fought, kinsman.” Sigulf returned the gesture, bumping his knuckle with Lindorm’s. “You too.” “Einvigi. At autumn’s free for all.” “Yeah. May the Norns will it…!” “Hmm, as expected from the viking brothers…” Laine commented. “Okay, who wanna go next?” “Me, me!” Alba raised her hand eagerly. “Oh, okay. Then, who will be the opponent?” “Since we are all here, why don’t you give it a go?” Celina suggested. “Eh? Me? I don’t mind, but…” “But?” Laine turned to face Alba. “We barely talked to each other, if ever, are we?” Alba blinked. “O, oh, certainly…!” There was a short, awkward silence. “W, whoa, no need to be so rigid. We heard good things about you, and you’re not on our blacklist, so let’s just take it easy and have a good spar, yeah?” “You’re the one being awkward, though.” Chelsea pointed out while giggling. “Ugh… Ah, well. Let’s just get started.” The two stepped into the field and readied their weapons. ‘Alright, let’s watch and study her style.’ Sigulf thought. ‘Her Arms made me curious.’ A long harpoon with a steel chain attached to it. It doesn’t seem to be the powerful-type, but he guessed that it must have some kind of utility. “Ready… Go!” Just as Alba was about to advance at Chelsea’s signal, however, she sensed danger and raised her claymore instinctively. “Wha…!?” Alba, and Sigulf, realized what just happened few moments later; Laine threw her harpoon straight at her and yanked it back using the chain when it got blocked. “Consider it a friendly greeting.” Laine taunted. “Interesting…!” Alba grinned in response. ‘It is.’ Sigulf mentally agreed. Alba broke into a dash and raised her great sword. “Let’s go!!” She slammed it down; Laine sidestepped just in time and countered by thrusting her spear. “You’re open!” “I won’t let you!” Alba quickly pulled back and swung her blade sideways. The difference in strength made it possible for her Braveheart to knock back the older girl. “Kuh…! Just as I thought…!” Laine had to jump away, avoiding another swing and took some distance. “Oh no, you don’t!” Alba tried to give pursuit, but Laine hurled her harpoon again. “Off you go!” She swung upwards, trying to deflect it away, however… “Wha…!?” ‘It returned straight to her!?’ ‘It’s not normal.’ Sigulf concurred. ‘Then again, none of our weapons are…’ Laine kept flinging her harpoon over and over, forcing Alba to advance slowly, all the while defending herself. ‘So annoying! Looks like I have to force my way thr—!?‘ Alba was too used to her pattern, she almost didn’t notice that Laine’s harpoon was stuck in mid-air. ‘How…!?’ Laine smirked and she yanked the chain. But instead of recalling her weapon, it was her who launched with a flying kick towards Alba, while her chained spear remained stationary. “Uryah!!” “Tch…!” Alba raised her sword in the nick of time and blocked it, but the resulting impact still staggered her a bit. “Guh…!” Laine used Alba’s claymore as a platform and backflipped. Landing safely, she then lunged forward. “First blo—“ “Deyah!!” “What the…!?” Much to Laine’s surprise, Alba recovered quicker than she thought; she twirled to the left and unleashed a downward slash. Luckily, Laine was fast enough to jump away unharmed. “Tch… I missed…!” “Whoa… That was close…!” “You know, that’s an impressive way to use a harpoon!” Alba grinned. “Well, thank you. This mermaid doesn’t play around, you know?” Laine replied. ‘Mermaid? So she bonded with a water deity, I guess.’ Sigulf noted. ——— Few bouts later, the whole group ended their morning practice. “Good work, everyone.” Victoria congratulated. “So, did you work a good sweat?” “Thank you, it was a good experience.” Sigulf responded. “Ah, that’s good to hear. So, as long as I have the time, this will be our regular schedule.” Vigdis tensed for a moment. “…well, as long as you teach properly AND seriously.” “Ufufu, worry not, Miss Hrimgard. I am a woman of my words.” She chuckled. “Now, with that out of the way, would all of you mind to join me for breakfast?” “Eh?” “It’s on me.” “Mea—“ Alba stopped yelling midway when she realized something. “Wait, are we going to eat in some fancy restaurant? They don’t have munchy box, do they?” “Oh dear, I almost forgot that you liked those. Well, I believe they don’t, but I’m sure you will find another menu you will like.” “Hrrm… I wonder…” Alba gave a hard thought, looking quite comical in the process. Sigulf and Celina looked a bit worried for their own reason. ‘We are supposed to go out after this…’ He glanced at her; she nodded understandingly. “Um, Ma’am, about that…” Sigulf raised his hand. “Oh…?” Victoria looked at him, and then glanced at Celina, before letting out a sly smile. “Oh, my apologies. How inconsiderate of me… So, who confessed first?” “”Eh!?”” “Wait, what!?” Vigdis couldn’t contain her surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me—“ “N, no! You got it wrong!” “Really?” Melanie sounded unconvinced. “Hmm, considering last time, aren’t they the type who went on a date to know each other better before going steady?” Eliot tried to explain. “Eh? W, well, yeah…” “Ah, so you are going on another date.” Chelsea pointed. “Well, have fun, I guess. But don’t get overboard!” “What, again? Don’t blame me if I end up much stronger than you!” Alba smirked. Their collective teasing was more than enough to make Sigulf and Celina blush. ‘I know it’s impossible to hide the fact, but it’s still embarrassing…!’ Sigulf glanced at Victoria who smiled and feigned innocence. ‘She totally did that on purpose…’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "12786", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 7, part 3", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Waiting for the signal, Sigulf flicked his right wrist. ‘Barring her fight against Amakawa and one mock duel, I haven’t really grasped the exact way she fights.’ “Duelists! Your oath!” Eliot commanded. “”We, the Duelists from Atlantic swore to abide by the rules, respect the judge’s decision, and fight with all of our might, in honor of our opponent, and for the glory of one own self!”” ‘What I do know is that she’s speed-oriented, and… Well, being called the Fire Princess…’ “Very good! Now, summon your True Arms!” Both of Sigulf and Eurypha took their own poses, ready to call forth the weapons of their soul. ‘…however, when it comes to speed, I too…!’ “O Flames of the Goddess, overwhelm my foes and blaze my path to victory! Dance, Eos!” “Hunt… Slay… Be victorious! Break free from your bindings and run wild, Fenrir!” Her rapier of fire against his axes of cold. One forged by Hephaestus meets one tempered by the frost of Niflheim. “This is…” Walter whispered. “Yes, their elemental affinities are opposites of each other. Thus, damage dealt to both sides will be bigger.” Minato explained. “Which means, this fight might end sooner than we expect.” Sigulf slightly hunched, getting into his primal fighting stance. “En garde!” Eurypha swung her weapon and cut the empty air. Her intense gaze fixed at the boy across. “Begin!!” Faster than normal eyes can follow, both fighters dashed towards each other at Eliot’s cue. ‘Hrimgard, your legs might be agile, but I’ll show you the speed of my blade!’ Getting close, Eurypha sidestepped at the last moment to Sigulf left side and unleashed a thrust. However, Sigulf anticipated and blocked it with his left axe. ‘Tch, so he didn’t got baited…!’ Sigulf retaliated with his other axe, leaving her no other choice but to guard. ‘Wha—!?’ The strike still blew her back, even though there was no damage. ‘So strong…!’ ‘Rapiers normally wouldn’t defend against that.’ Sigulf thought. ‘But I guess that’s to be expected from Olympia’s heiress.’ He shifted back into his ready stance, waiting for Eurypha to move. ‘I see he’s taking this easy. However…!’ She broke into a run and rapidly sidestepped to either side to disorient Sigulf. ‘Can you take this…!?’ A sharp turn into his right side. Sigulf still seemingly unmoving. “Haaah!!” A piercing torrent sprang forth from the Eos. However… ‘I can see it…!’ Sigulf immediately reacted and countered every thrust with his own swings. ‘He even matched every one of it…!’ The exchange of blows finally ended when Sigulf brought his axes down in an x-shape; Eurypha had to backflip for safety. ‘This guy…!’ She slowly rose up. ‘Was he always defensive like this? Never mind that, since when he’s good at defending?’ ‘Good thing I had that crash course with Chelsea.’ Sigulf thought. ‘And now…’ He lowered his posture, ready to run. ‘Let’s get offensive…!!’ In no time, Sigulf had already rushed and leapt in front of Eurypha with his Fenrir raised high. “Wha—“ ‘First blood—‘ However, instead of attempting to block or evade, she opted to charge ahead and raised her sword. ‘…!?’ A clean hit to both sides before they passed each other. ‘Guess I’m too excited there…’ Sigulf thought. “Battle points, down by 20%.” “Battle points, down by 15%.” The system notified. “The impact is clearly bigger.” Minato commented. “Yeah, but Hrimgard’s having the advantage here.” Walter added. “If this keeps up, even by trading blows…” ‘Don’t lose, Hestianus…!’ Sigulf darted forward and resumed their duel. “Grrh…!” “Why you…!” Swing by swing, clashing against her alternating slashes and stabs. ‘Even his arms are fast…! I have to break this situation somehow…!’ Eurypha suddenly swerved back, hoping to bait Sigulf into striking empty air. Unfortunately, he wasn’t fooled; Sigulf decided to delay his attack for a second or a half. ‘He read my— Kh…!’ She barely defended herself. The resulting small opening was more than enough for Sigulf. “Gotcha!” “Gh…! Not yet!” Sigulf unleashed an upward diagonal swing at the same time as Eurypha thrusting her right arm forward. ‘Gh…!’ Another mutual hit. The force pushed both of them back and made some distance. “Battle points, down by 20%.” “Battle points, down by 15%.” ‘Her desperation became determination.’ Sigulf mentally noted. ‘Gotta applaud that.’ He changed his stance, something which Eurypha aware of. ‘Is it…!?’ “Limiter: Laedingr, re—“ “I won’t let you!!” Eurypha hurriedly blitzed through and released a powerful piercing attack. But Sigulf easily sidestepped against it. “…!?” ‘It was a feint!?’ “Hestianus!” Walter shouted. “Raaah!” “Kh…!” Amazingly, she still managed to turn around and guarded at the last moment, blowback notwithstanding. ‘…! Just a bit more…!’ Sigulf didn’t waste any time and pursued Eurypha. ‘This guy’s so persistent…!’ Coming back to bashing each other’s steel, it’s clear that as much as she can keep up with his speed, Sigulf has the upper hand in strength. “Kuh…!” A well-timed strike by Sigulf staggered Eurypha. He moved in for the follow-up. ‘Here he comes…!’ She braced herself for the attack. But it didn’t come as Sigulf ran further and circled to her back instead. ‘Oh no…!’ “There!!” This time, Eurypha’s speed didn’t make it. Sigulf’s right swing scored a clean hit. “Kyah!” She was sent flying and it took a while before she could roll safely. “D, damn…!” “Battle points, down by 20%.” “He’s definitely in the lead…!” Walter noted in worry. “Sig-kun finally managed to avoid trading blows.” Yuu commented. Sigulf said nothing and waited for Eurypha to stand up. ‘This isn’t good…!’ she thought. Our speed is about the same, it’s like he can read my movements, and I can’t overpower him…!’ Eurypha braced herself as Sigulf slowly made his way. ‘…if I keep getting pushed back when attacks, then…!’ She suddenly shifted her posture, pulling her right arm back. Crimson-colored energy builds up and gathered around her. ‘This is…!?’ ‘I’ll strike before he can…!!’ Sigulf hastily rushed to her, but it was a bit too late. “Take… This!!” “…!?” It was much faster compared to her thrusts before. And even though Sigulf could raise his axes in the nick of time, the increase in power was enough to stagger him. ‘What the…!?’ ‘It wasn’t enough…! But…!’ A chance she refused to miss. Eurypha assaulted Sigulf with a rain of blades, forcing him to go defensive. ‘Shit…!’ She didn’t relent at all and kept on pressing the offensive. ‘His defense didn’t crumble… But…!’ Eurypha suddenly stopped attacking. Even for a moment, it managed to mess up Sigulf’s timing. “Wha…!?” ‘Now…!’ She delivered a kick right to his stomach and knocked Sigulf out of balance. “Gah…!” “You’re wide open!!” Similar to before, Eurypha released a high speed lunge with her Eos. “Guh…!” It connected cleanly with Sigulf’s chest and violently thrashed him away. “Battle points, down by 30%.” “Uoooooohh!” Walter suddenly shouted, followed by some other who cheered along. “Hestianus-san!” Minato joined. ‘That wasn’t as strong as I hoped.’ Eurypha thought. ‘But it’s enough to even things out…! I’ll get him with the next one!’ On the other side, Sigulf finally got up, still feeling the pain. ‘By Loki, that was fast…’ he mentally noted. ‘But…!’ He took another stance, and his Fenrir began to glow blue. ‘We are further apart than before. And…’ ‘Is he going to release his limiter!? I can’t let him!’ Charging complete. Once again, kicking the ground with full force, Eurypha launched herself for the finishing blow. ‘Make it in time…!!’ However, Sigulf brought up his weapons and slammed them hard to the ground. ‘You’re still going on a straight line!’ “…!?” Claw-shaped pillars of ice emerged from below and stopped Eurypha dead in her tracks. ‘Solid ice!? No, this is energy projection…!’ “How did he do that!?” Walter asked in disbelief. “Could it be… He learned it from the Pacifics?” Minato wondered. ‘Something like this…!’ Not wanting to get stalled, Eurypha mustered her strength and pressed onward. ‘…! It’s getting weaker!’ Sigulf’s energy claws began to recede. ‘Now! This is th— …!?’ She felt unexpected movements, and it wasn’t for him to maintain the barrier. ‘Don’t tell me…!’ No matter how short the delay, it was all Sigulf needed. “Limiter: Laedingr, release!” A blue explosion of energy occurred at the same time with the ice being shattered. Eurypha streaked like a red flash and stabbed nothing; Sigulf has already moved out of harm’s way. “You…” Sigulf slowly rose up. His Fenrir glows pale blue, and his eyes gave a feral glint. “Time to hunt…!”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "7331", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 6, part 14", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
As if about to explode, the air was full of anticipation and anxiety from everyone spectating. Four youths with resolve hardened like steel, could barely contain their impulse to clash their blades against each other. “Ladies and gents, your oaths!” ”We, Duelists, swore to abide by the rules, respect the judge’s decision, and fight with all of our might, in honor of our opponent, and for the glory of one own self!” “Very good! And now… Call forth your True Arms!” Before anyone else, Mei raised her right arm, and a dark purple aura swirled, slowly rose towards her fingertips while she recites her sacred words. ‘Is that… Darkness elemental? Interesting…!’ “With your wisdom and righteousness… Inspire us towards everlasting victory! Descend from the Nine Heavens, Xuan Nu!!” Mei’s True Arms took shape and as soon as she grasped it, she quickly swung downwards, finishing her summon. Sigulf saw it before. Or at least, the training dummy version. A peculiar two-handed weapon which she called ‘wolf teeth mace’. Of course, it couldn’t compare to her Xuan Nu, which was bigger and more ornate. “This,” Mei pointed her weapon towards Sigulf while grinning. “Is my actual declaration of war.” “…bring it on. I won’t back down.” “Heh.” With her teammate getting into a heated pre-fight exchange, Reika resisted the urge to sigh and concentrated to summon her own True Arms. As she does so, golden sparks of electricity gathered around her body. ‘So she got the same affinity as Yuu…’ “Wardens of the Underworld, One among the Twelve… Your purifying sword shall be my guide! Rise, Rasetsu!!” A Japanese sword formed on her hand, and as Reika drew it out from the scabbard, slicing the air, the sparks disappeared. Her Rasetsu was longer, and most likely heavier, than Yuu’s Susanowo. Unmistakably another kind of Japanese sword called the ‘tachi’. “Kanzaki-dono! Iza jinjou ni shoubu!!” “Izza what?” Walter asked in confusion. “Umm, she’s basically asking to fight fair and square.” Minato explained. “Oh, I see, I see! Like in those samurai movies, huh?” “And who’s being dramatic here?” Mei sighed in retaliation towards Reika. With the Pacifics has already done their summoning, it’s time for Arctic Thunder’s turn. “Yuu, let’s go!” Sigulf said while taking his usual pose. “Right! Time to get serious!” Yuu followed suit. Cold, icy wind manifested side by side with light blue electric surge just as the boys began chanting. “Hunt… Slay… Be victorious! Break free from your bindings and run wild, Fenrir!!” “As swift as the lightning… As impetuous as the rough sea…! Show your majesty and raise a storm, Susanowo!!” Their familiar silver axes and black uchigatana materialized, the same time as their aura dissipated. “Time to hunt…!!” Sigulf’s growl was followed by loud cheering from most students, while the Pacific guests simply readjusts their fighting stance. “En garde.” One final cue from the system before the final match begins. One last step before the tense atmosphere bursts. “May fortune and victory favor you.” Celina solemnly stated, with Chelsea, Vigdis and Victoria agreed in silence. “Go, Siggy!!” Alba, meanwhile, opted to cheer with energy. “Begin.” Like a flash, both teams swiftly charged towards each other; more so with the Arctic Thunder due to their Arms’ weight. Moreover… “…!?” An unexpected maneuver from Sigulf and Yuu, namely crossing each other’s path in an X pattern, nearly caught Mei and Reika off guard. “What the…!?” “Hehe…” Yuu pushed Mei for a moment before beginning to trade strikes. “I think I figured what you are trying to do!” Mei said in-between attacks. “Trying to confuse us with unfamiliar opponents, huh!?” “Ah, so you caught up. Well, it’s nothing deep though!” Yuu responded, blocking a heavy blow. “Right… I’m more familiar with Hrimgard’s style than yours… However…!” Mei slammed her mace to the ground and forced Yuu to evade, creating a dust cloud. “That goes for you too!” “It might be.” Yuu replied, now going for the offence. “However, we still have the advantage in information. While you expected Alba-san instead of me to fight, we knew that you don’t have many options. And considering your ranks…” “…ah, now that he mentioned it.” Alba realized. “Tch, I see Hrimgard could be a little sly!” Mei commented. Their clash continued, and even though Yuu did attack more due to being more agile, Mei doesn’t have problem with fighting close range either, thus still allowing her to retaliate. However, the same couldn’t be said for Reika. “Hmph!” “Kh…!” Sigulf’s superior speed and relentless fury forced Reika to defend completely. While he didn’t see any opening yet, it would be a matter of time. “Ugh…! Get out of my way! I have to settle our score with Kanzaki-dono!” “Don’t wanna.” Sigulf retorted without slowing down his assault. “Besides…” Sigulf unleashed a powerful swing which, while blocked, still knocked Reika away. “If I take you down here, then I can easily flank Mei, right?” “What…!?” “Yeah, it would make things easier. And I love it when my job is easy.” “You…!” Reika growled. “That’s it! I won’t let you talk down to me like that! Prepare yourself, Hrimgard-dono!” “Reika! Calm down and focus!” Mei shouted while still engaged in battle with Yuu. Sigulf said nothing, but he was actually hiding his surprise. ‘…that actually worked? Oh well.’ With another strike, Sigulf pushed Reika back and jumped away to regroup with Yuu, who also just broke away from Mei. “So, what did you gather, Sig-kun?” “They are slower.” “You…!” Reika fumed. “But you are weaker!” Mei retorted. ‘Well, at least that’s for Kanzaki. Hrimgard’s quite a pain in the ass…’ After a moment of short breather, both teams resume their fight. “Let’s go…!” Facing the Imperial Fangs head on, Sigulf and Yuu repeated the cross maneuver. ‘Again…!?’ With a loud clang, Sigulf engaged in a deadlock with Mei. “Took you long enough!” Mei grinned. “You just gathered your confidence?” “Thanks for worrying.” Sigulf responded. “I’m already confident from the beginning, though…!” “Hah, and what’s all that about taking Reika down!?” “You should know better.” On the other side, Reika is busy trading blows with Yuu. Indeed, while the skill gap is much closer now, something about her movement felt off. “Rrgh…!” “Hehe…” Even though Reika should be stronger, her tachi couldn’t really push Yuu back for some reason. ‘Kh…! This can’t go on…!’ Growing impatient, Reika mustered her strength and delivered a downward slash. “There!!” But Yuu already read it. He sheathed his sword and quickly stepped aside. “!?” “You’re wide open, Kannomine-san.” In a flash, Yuu drew his blade and landed a clean hit. “Gah…!” He attempted a follow-up, but Reika recovered fast enough and managed to block it. “Ah, too bad…” “Battle points, down by 15%.” The Atlantic students instantly exploded into a loud cheering. “We… We got the first hit!” Walter was overjoyed, along with the others. “…huh, not bad.” Ilma commented. “Reika!” Mei shouted out of concern. “Oi, I’m still here.” “Wha—“ Her split second opening prompted Sigulf to strike. Unfortunately for him, Mei swayed earlier, and the resulting blow was rather shallow. “Tch…” “Battle points, down by 5%.” Taking a huge backflip, Mei rejoined with Reika. “What did I told you about calming down!?” “I was careless…!” “…don’t let his words get to you.” “Easier said than done, but… I will try de gozaru…!” Without letting their guard down, meanwhile, Sigulf and Yuu observed their opponents for a moment. “What should we do next, Sig-kun? Seems like she calmed down a bit.” “We can only be more careful from now on, then.” Returning to their fighting stance, Sigulf and Yuu rushed towards the Pacific girls. “Here they come!” In response, Mei and Reika dashed forward and mimicked Artic Thunder’s cross maneuver, seemingly surprised them a bit… “!?” Only to be surprised themselves as Sigulf and Yuu didn’t even attempt to feint in the first place. “Tch…!” “Yo, wrong target.” Once again, they went back to earlier mismatch. ‘Damn, he’s serious on aiming Reika first…! And Kanzaki is unexpectedly persistent…!’ Under Yuu’s pressure, Mei is forced to an action. ‘Enough! If he’s not coming, then I’ll go…!’ All of a sudden, Mei gathered her strength and made a well-timed parry. “Eh!?” “Back off!!” Seeing her chance, Mei continued with a mighty spinning attack. “Uwaaah!” A successful block it might be, Yuu still got thrown away by the sheer force. Mei used this to quickly turn around and went to assist her teammate. “Reika! Stand back!” “Mei!?” ‘So she broke off from Yuu. Well then…!’ Sigulf thought. With Reika disengaged and out of the way, the path was cleared as Mei took off and raised her mace. “I’m your opponent!” “Come!” Their Arms collided, creating a loud steel noise and scattering dust. “Fight someone your size!” Mei growled. “Doesn’t matter to me whoever it is…!” Sigulf retorted. “Mei!” “I can handle this! Go fight Kanzaki!” Reika silently nodded and turned around to face Yuu, who has just recovered. “Kanzaki-dono…” “Ouch, so strong… Oh, it’s you.” Instead of charging with fury, Reika took a deep breath and goes back to her fighting stance. “I won’t let you take us from behind. Prepare yourself!” “Seems things won’t be as easy now…! Oh well, shall we go?” In contrast to Sigulf and Mei’s flashy, speedy duel, the confrontation between the sword users was much more tense and restrained. “…” Both of them walked slowly in a circular motion for a while, until… “”Haaah!!”” Yuu and Reika’s sword met in another deadlock. ‘Well of course she would fight better when calm…!’ Yuu thought while struggling. As he saw no way to overcome her strength, Yuu rapidly pulled back his sword and relaunched follow-up attacks. ‘I’ll have to press her with my speed…!’ Meanwhile on Sigulf’s side, his fight with Mei is growing in intensity. “Raaah!!” “Deeyah!!” Fenrir and Xuan Nu collided repeatedly without any hint of reservations, as if to see who will break down first. ‘As expected from such a heavy weapon! But I won’t back down here!’ ‘I can see why the Atlantics put their faith on him… And that’s more the reason to take you down!’ Most of the spectators were left speechless at their display of power and speed. “If Kanzaki and Kannomine are samurai, then those two…” Walter commented. “It’s as if we’re watching two wild beasts fighting.” Eurypha added. “It’s unsightly. …and a bit unnerving.” As their heated battle equilibrium hasn’t tipped to one side or another yet, the loud sound of steel clashing continues to ring.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2130", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4, part 13", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Chelsea paused to take a sip from her water bottle before continuing. “I’m sure you haven’t forgotten that our Principal didn’t give us the permit, so…?” “Oh, of course. That’s why I suggested that we go on our free time; depart on Friday evening and return on Sunday night.” Chelsea and Alba blinked. “Well, considering the transportation, it’s possible.” the older girl said. “But what about the accommodation?” “Don’t worry, my mother would arrange it for us.” “Wait, seriously?” “Mm-hm. I actually wanted to do so myself, but upon hearing my plans, somehow she got excited and told me to just concentrate on the trip.” Celina chuckled. “…ah, so Aunty wanted to get back at them too.” Chelsea sighed. “Does that mean we are going to ‘invade’ them like you said before? How are we going to do that?” “Umm…” Sigulf raised his hand. “Ask them politely for a duel?” “I, is that how it goes?” Chelsea retorted, trying not to laugh. “Eh!? It isn’t!?” Celina looked genuinely surprised. “Cel, get a grip of yourself…” “Well, it would be nice if they actually accept, though…” Alba laughed dryly. “How about we go scouting instead?” Chelsea suggested. “We could enjoy… Whatever their campus has while observing and studying them discreetly.” “Hmm, that’s actually viable, but then that means we can’t bring too much of us.” Celina responded. “Why would you invite more, anyway?” “Aren’t you the one who usually says ‘the more the merrier’?” “Hahah, yeah, that’s just so Chelsea.” Sigulf added. “S, shush. I did say that, but I don’t think it’s applicable for this particular plan.” “Eeh? Can’t we just attack them? Just looking around sounds boring…” “W, what!? Alba, how could you…!?” “Y, you’re overreacting…” “So, uhh, what’s the decision? Invasion by default?” Sigulf asked. “No no no. We have to make sure first who will be going, four of us aside.” Chelsea replied. “That’s right. If we end up with fewer members than expected, then scouting would be the better option.” Celina added. “Ah, gotcha.” ——— On the adults’ side, as they made their way back… “Ah, I just remembered.” Vigdis said. “Hmm?” “Sorry, but can you two go first? There’s… Something I need to do.” “You’re not actually thinking to challenge her on a duel, are you?” Eliot raised his eyebrow. “Ah, no, don’t worry. Not for the moment. …although, I would veeery like to.” “That’s a bit worrying…” “It’s alright, Mr. Fortier. Both of us are simply going to have a friendly ladies’ chat over a glass of wine or two.” Victoria tried to reassure. “Ahahahahahah.” Vigdis, in return, let out a halfhearted, flat laughter which barely masked her annoyance, making Melanie sigh. “Well, looks like we’ll be hanging around here. Call us just in case.” “Oh, sure. Will do.” “Fufu, such caring friends you have.” “…shut it. Just let’s go somewhere that ain’t fancy.” “Oh? That’s too bad. I thought you might like Lordshire’s special steak.” “…” ——— Somehow, Vigdis resisted the steak’s temptation, and they ended up picking a cheaper pub with a private stall. “Hmm, it’s been a while since the last time I drank ale.” Victoria commented. “By the way, quite the strong drinker, aren’t you?” “Shut iiiit…” Vigdis retorted after downing her own drink. “You know damn well why we are here.” “Oh, of course. I will listen—“ “Stop messing around!” she rather dramatically slammed the table. “What are you trying to pull!?” Victoria blinked. “I thought I told you? But in any case, nothing at this point.” she explained. “Though, I guess a bit of teasing won’t hurt~” “You…! Even though you are the Headmistress…! You…!” Vigdis pointed her finger towards her repeatedly, trying to be menacing. “Well, even if you say that, it can’t be helped… We have the same taste after all.” Victoria winked. “Wha—” Vigdis went red. “Th, this isn’t about me! It’s you! And at least wait until he graduates!” “Oh, so you actually don’t mind?” Victoria perked up a bit. “Eh!? Well, umm… Technically no, but… Wait, no! Not at all! Especially you!” “Talk about a smothering mother…” she sighed. “Although, I do admit, I am envious with the bond you have, getting to be close, hugging and raising—“ “A, are you saying that I’m grooming him!?” “Eh? Nobody implied such thing, though?” Awkward silence before Vigdis whimpered “…b, but I’m not—“ “Don’t worry, I’m not attacking you.” Victoria chuckled before she sipped her ale. “Everyone has their own… Vices, and the problems that comes with it.” “T, that doesn’t excuse your actions!” “Never said it was.” Vigdis wanted to retort again, but stopped upon seeing her opponent spacing out, looking a bit serious if not melancholic. “I did think about it too. ‘Why him?’. Predictably, I can only came up with ‘it can’t be helped’ as an excuse.” Victoria exhaled. “Of course, I guess it would be best for the parties involved if I dismiss this… ‘feelings’ as a passing fancy.” Vigdis’ expression slightly softened, though she still maintained her scowl. “A woman like you, I swear…” Vigdis sighed. “Why haven’t the board do anything about you, again?” “Because even I myself only realized about it recently.” Victoria laughed. “I guess that’s what happen when someone was too busy building their empire.” “No, they don’t…” Vigdis countered. “…and for a while, I was actually jealous with your frankness.” “Why thank you. Do you need some assistance on being more honest towards a special someone?” “H, huh!? What do you—“ “Hmm? I thought he is your backup plan?” I took a moment for Vigdis to understand what Victoria meant. “Eliot is— Not… My… B…” she couldn’t finish and ends up trailing off. “Wait, could it be that… You wanted them both? Oh my, I don’t usually judge, but—“ “T, that’s not even close to the mark!” “I jest, my apologies.” Victoria giggled. “So you still cannot decide between the two, yes, yes.” “H, how did you even come to that conclusion!?” ——— Outside, Eliot was visibly restless, pacing around near the restaurant, while Melanie watches. “…I hope she didn’t do anything rash.” “Wanna take a peek inside, then?” “N, no, I wasn’t—“ “No need to act cool, your students aren’t around. Or so I see.” “Ugh… Even if you say so…” Melanie let out a tired sigh. “I swear, when it comes to you two, it’s always like this.” she pointed out. “Yet here I am, hanging around…” “Then why— Wait a second.” Eliot suddenly stopped as he realized something. “Could it be that…” “Huh?” “You secretly harbor some feelings to either one of us?” Melanie nearly faceplanted. “Unless both of you are REALLY that dense, you should have figured the answer by now.” “So, no?” “Nope. Can’t really picture myself with you. Or Vigdis for that matter.” she clarified. “Though, at least there won’t be any needless drama.” “I, I see. Sorry for the trouble, then…” “For real, when one is a ‘boy’ who can’t be more honest, and the other is an overly carefree yet kind of indecisive ‘girl’, it’s up to their ‘good friend’ to smooth things up. …being used to the third-wheel role helps too, ahahahahahah.” “…kinda sad when you said it yourself.” Eliot commented. “I’m actually surprised you’re still single.” “Yeah, I wonder why too… I know that I was deeply engrossed with my medical studies—” Melanie muttered. “Wait, that sounds like something the Principal would say. Aww, I can’t even tease Vigdis’ boy now that he’s with Celina.” “…oi, get a grip.” Just as Melanie was about to respond, Vigdis and Victoria finally exited the pub. “Ah, there they are.” Melanie pointed out. “You okay?” Eliot asked Vigdis. “How was it?” “Eh? Oh, um, I’m fine, thanks. Although…” Vigdis turned to eye Victoria before continuing, “Some things do get cleared, but I still can’t accept her!” “My, what else can I do to convince you?” Victoria sighed, feigning disappointment. “In the end, what are you two even talking about…?” Melanie let out a dry laughter. “…that said, I do understand you a bit more now. Still, don’t think we could ever get chummy, alright?” “Fufu, how cold. Even though you seemed to appreciate my advice on being more frank.” “Khiiiih! Don’t get ahead of yourself!” Vigdis screeching before turning again to Eliot and Melanie. “Elly! Mel! Are you free!?” “Drinking this early isn’t good, you know.” Melanie chuckled. “But sure, count me in. I’m sure we have things to talk about too.” “But, I have paper—“ “Come on, now! Don’t be like that!” she cut Eliot off. “By ‘things’, what I meant was… Well, it’s for you two!” “Eh? Me and Elly?” “I get what you are trying to do, but—“ “Save it for later.” Melanie quickly grabbed Eliot and Vigdis’ hands. “Let’s try to talk like adults! Ah, I’ll make sure not to go overboard with the alcohol.” “Boo, boo! What’s the point then?” Vigdis protested. “How can we think and talk straight while drunk? I mean, remember last time?” “Ah, right. I haven’t see Eliot in a cheerleader or maid costume.” “…we haven’t even started yet.” Eliot retorted. “Well then, Principal! If you excuse us now!” “Oh, sure, fufu. Good day to you three.” “Oi, Melanie…!” “Mel, don’t pull!” Victoria simply watched as Melanie went away with Vigdis and Eliot. “Such a jolly bunch. Must be nice.” she commented. “Well, I guess it’s time to enjoy this quiet weekend…” ——— Sunday morning. Normally, Sigulf and the others would be out practicing, but unexpected heavy rain forced them to stay indoors. “Strange, even the forecast said nothing about this.” Celina commented. “Well, I guess it’s one of those days.” “Man, I don’t wanna get rusty…” “…” “What’s the matter?” “My room seems to be the go-to hanging spot, huh?” Sigulf answered, noting the presence of Alba and Chelsea. “…ah. I just end up following Chelsea without realizing…!” Alba responded. “Eh!? Wait, why did I— O, oh! That’s right, I have to make sure nothing funny happens between you two!” Chelsea gave her excuse. “W, what do you mean by ‘funny’!?” Sigulf stammered, while Celina merely went red. “Ah-hem! Good thing that I was prepared for this, and so…!” Chelsea exclaimed while taking out some text books. “Eeh!? I thought our study session was supposed to be days before the test!?” Alba protested. “Hush, I know we can make it, but reviewing once in a while is never a bad thing. Quick, Alba! Give me a brief summary of the beginnings of True Arms and dueling!” “W, what!? Oh, umm, err… I think it started when—“ A loud thunder out of the blue startled all four. “Kyaa, lightning!” “Eeh!? S, Sigulf, are you alright!?” Celina asked. “Oh, I’m fine. It was a joke, sorry.” “Uwa, disgusting…” Alba retorted with disdain. Sigulf was about to snap back when, this time, the lights went out. There was a short silence before Sigulf let out an “…a.”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "186393", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 7, part 10", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
The next morning… “Forgive me, Hrimgard…!” “Eh…?” “Please allow me to apologize on behalf of my subordinate…” “Oh, that… It’s not really your fault…” On the way to class, Arthfael went over to Sigulf and tried to apologize about yesterday’s small incident. “Even so, the fact that one of our knights acted in such conduct— What’s the matter?” “Err, well…” Sigulf glanced behind Arthfael’s shoulder and noticed that Carole popped her head from behind a tree, still looking upset. “…she is nearby, I presume? I’ll… Talk some sense into her later…” “Yeah, that’s probably for the better…” ——— That day’s lunch was a bit different. Instead of enjoying a peaceful break like always, Sigulf found himself engaged in a duel against a challenger. “Tch…!” Sigulf put a bit more strength as he blocked his opponent’s xiphos. For a C-class, he sure packed quite the power. “Uoryaa!!” Another swing coming from the Greek fighter, but this time, Sigulf had enough chance to dodge it. While there are some students who still haven’t gotten over the news of Celina going out with the Icelander, this particular one was much more interested in the potential glory of defeating someone above his own class. “What’s wrong, Viking!? Are you gonna keep running—” “You’re wide open…!!” “Nuoah!?” He was too busy trying to provoke Sigulf that he got caught off guard by a counterattack. Luckily for him, he raised his aspis in the nick of time and ‘merely’ knocked away without taking any damage. “Guh…! S, such strength…! But…!” Being dramatic, he opened his guard and stood defiantly. “One Germanic barbarian is nothing compared to thousands of Persians my ancestors faced! Today, I will show you the might of Ares’ soldier! THIS! IS! SPARGH…!?” Sigulf didn’t bother to let him finish and jammed his axes right to the poor Greek’s face. “You got spirit, but by Loki, you’re loud in an annoying way.” “Uwaa, how merciless…” Alba commented. “Battle points 0, cannot continue duel. Winner, Sigulf Hrimgard.” “Alright, no more challeng—” “H, Hrimgard! It’s my turn now! I challenge you!” “…seriously? I haven’t even sniffed my food…” “Ah, please wait a moment.” “Eh?” Celina approached Sigulf and fed him a piece of roast beef, making several boys groan in despair. “Good luck!” she encouraged. “U, um, I will…” “Cel, you are just fanning the flames…” Chelsea sighed. “E, eh?” ——— Thankfully, the rest of the day went well, and Sigulf helped with the Council duties. “Well then, see you tomorrow!” “Mm, take care.” Celina and Sigulf saw Chelsea off as she left the room. “She’s in such good spirits…” he noted. “I think Chelsea’s been attending Alba’s training, giving her drink and all.” “Ah, I see…” “Say, do you think they—” “I guess that depends on Alba herself.” “Hmm… To think there’s a good chance that our best friends will be our greatest rivals… Ufufu.” “Haha, you sure are looking forward to that. …wait, best friends?” “Aren’t you two?” Sigulf tilted his head, thinking. “Now that mentioned it… It does feel that way, compared to Yuu. He’s busy with Amakawa’s gang lately.” “There, there, no need to be sad.” Celina patted his head. “Hey now, I’m not feeling lonely…” Sigulf jokingly protested. “So, did you send him to spy on Amakawa and friends?” Sigulf blinked. “…why didn’t I think of that?” “That was in jest.” she laughed. “Yeah, but… Hmm… Spying for info might be good, considering the upcoming autumn tournament…” “That’s true, but I’m sure there’s another important event coming before that.” “Ah, the finals next month, right? And… The Pacifics coming back for a real visit…?” “That’s correct. I— Well, we do practice together, so I know you are doing fine in regards of dueling. But how about your studies? Has there been anything since the midterms?” “I’m still doing alright, I think. But yeah, another group study won’t hurt.” “Fufu, sure. We can talk about it with Chelsea and Alba later.” ——— They continued to enjoy the relaxing afternoon and milk tea, watching some pro duel on the TV along the way. “Those three are really strong…” Sigulf commented. “Yes, they are alumni of this academy, and currently among the best duelists in the world.” “Someday, I will face them—” Sigulf inadvertently yawned and caught Celina’s attention. “Oh, are you feeling sleepy?” “Surprisingly, yeah. Did I really fight that much?” “You kind of did, you have to be fed in-between.” she giggled. “Well then…” Celina signalled by gently tapping her own thigh. “Come over here, Sigulf…” “O, oh, right…” While still a bit embarrassed, Sigulf laid down nonetheless. In contrast, Celina was calmer and tenderly brushed his icy white locks. ‘This is nice…’ he thought. “Thank you for your hard work…” “Likewise. Even though you’re busy being the president, you still…” “Ufufu, don’t mention it.” “…and, umm… I’m sorry.” “Hmm? What’s the matter?” “Well, uhh… I did say I wanted to be your strength, but it feels like I end up depending on you, one way or another…” “Now, what are you saying?” Celina laughed. “If I was against it, then I won’t even let you get close in the first place!” “A, ahahah… I suppose so…” ‘No joke, she could easily skewer me if she wanted to…!’ “Besides, if you did completely depend on me, I don’t think you would fight that hard every time.” “Celina…” “As long as it’s within my capabilities, I don’t mind spoiling you.” “Thank you… Then—” Sigulf shifted his position slightly to make himself a bit more comfortable. “…can I stay like this for a while?” “Sure, be my guest.” she chuckled. “I’ll wake you up before it gets too dark.” “Ahahah, I’ll try not to oversleep…” ——— Meanwhile, Carmen and Minato was peeking from the door. “Oh my, I wanted to report some things, but I guess I can’t just ruin the mood…” “Hee, even Hrimgard-kun can be like that too…” “Why are you so surprised?” she chuckled. “Want to give it a try?” “That doesn’t sou— Eeh…!?” ——— Saturday morning, Sigulf and co. took a short breather after their routine. “Alright, good work, everyone.” Victoria clapped her hands. “If you keep it up, the Pacifics and finals won’t pose you any problem.” Sigulf glanced at Celina; she nodded in return. He then looked back at Victoria and raised his hand. “Um, Ma’am. Excuse me, but may I have a sparring match with you?” “Oh…?” Sigulf request surprised almost everyone present. “Eeeh!? Why would you do that!?” Vigdis protested. “If you wanted to spar, then—” “Not yet, Vigdis.” Melanie interrupted. “Give it some rest for today.” “Uuu…” “…Siggy, are you a masochist?” Alba asked. “…why did you end up with that conclusion, again?” “I think I understand your reason,” Victoria said. “But surely you do know how it will turn out?” “I’m well aware, but even so, I believe I can still learn something.” “So I thought. Well, let’s see…” She closed her eyes, giving it a thought for a moment. “Hmm, while an actual sparring is still too soon for you, I wouldn’t mind giving you a… special exercise.” “Special…?” “Oh, and please don’t worry, Miss Celina. I won’t do anything suspicious. Ufufu…” “Hey! You do know he already has a girlfriend, right!?” Vigdis protested. “Relax, Miss Hrimgard. At this point, there’s not much I can do.” “…thank you very much for being so reassuring.” Celina dryly remarked. “Uhh, so how are we going to practice?” Sigulf asked, trying to steer back the conversation. “Ah, it’s nothing complicated really. For the first half, you are going to attack while I defend. Then it’s the other way around for the second.” “Hmm, I kind of get it…” “Don’t worry, it’s enough for you to measure my strength and speed. I know you can use it as a reference for your image training.” “Sounds good for me.” “Alright, rest yourself for a bit more, then we will begin.” “Yes, Ma’am!” Sigulf went back to resting and sat on the ground. “Eeh? So that’s what you wanted?” Vigdis sounded disappointed. “Chee, even though I can do the same…” “Err, Master…” “Now, now. Let him do his own thing.” Eliot tried to calm her down. “Sigulf.” Celina called while approaching him. “Yes?” “I know it’s impossible for now, so…” “Hmm…?” “I promise you that one day, I will take you to our place and teach you the way of Bartram. So that you can triumph over her.” “O, oh… Ahaha, thank you, I appreciate the thought…”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "39702", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 7, part 8", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Cold wind blew as Sigulf began to chant. He gripped the twin frost axes as soon as they formed and made an x-shaped slash. Carole shivered; it’s definitely not from the chilly air which came with Fenrir. “Come… Summon your True Arms.” Sigulf growled. “Kuh…!” ‘I can’t back down here…! Else, I can’t face the Captain again…!’ Carole had no other choice but to brace herself. She held her arms forward and began reciting. Light golden energy slowly materialized on her hands. “May the Holy eternally illuminate my path… May the Spirit embolden me against the flames of peril…! Endure with fortitude, La Pucelle!” What looked like a steel spear appeared, only that its head were a bit too small. Near the base of its tip, almost translucent golden light emanates radiantly, making it looks less like a proper polearm, and more like— ‘…oh, of course. What else if not a flag pole?’ Sigulf thought. ‘Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc. Kind of ironic she would be affiliated with an English knight. …or was he Welsh?’ He set the thought aside; both fighters are waiting for the signal. “En garde.” Sigulf couldn’t feel any slight hint of movement coming from Carole. ‘If she’s not going to strike, then—’ “Begin!” ‘I’ll bring the fight to her!’ Sigulf immediately broke into a run; Carole stood ground and reinforced her stance. “Deyah!!” His axe slammed into her staff. Sigulf looked a bit surprised as he expected a bigger knockback. “Kuh…!” ‘Oh? Her guard is tougher than I thought. But this…!’ As he had anticipated, Carole pulled away and retaliated with a swing. Sigulf spun sideways and countered with his left axe. “Wha— Tch…!” She raised her weapon in the nick of time and blocked Sigulf’s attack. ‘A close one! I won’t let you get away!’ He pressed with the offense, not giving Carole room for breather. ‘W, why is this guy so fast!?’ Sigulf has already circling around her; for every multitude of his slashes, she could only return with a single strike. Given enough time, it’s clear that Sigulf would break through her defenses. Yet… ‘There’s no way I’d wait until a time-out victory! That’s why…!!’ “…!?” One empty step, and it managed to throw off Carole’s timing. Having gathered enough strength, Sigulf twirled and swung upwards. “I’m ending this now!!” “Gyah…!” The Fenrir struck La Pucelle hard, sending it high into the air. Now defenseless, nothing Carole could do as Sigulf whirled once again and landed a clean, thrashing hit. “Battle points, down by 35%.” ‘…!? It’s weaker than I thought… Is it the innate effect of her Arms?’ Sigulf pursued nonetheless, trying to finish Carole off, who has already begun recovering. ‘Kh…! I know that he’s on class above, but even so…!’ “I, I won’t let you!” “Tch…!” Unexpectedly, Carole threw some dirt towards Sigulf. He managed to avoid it, but it still bought her some time to grab her weapon back. “Haah…! Haah…!” ‘She’s rather tenacious…’ “Uhh, is that even allowed?” Alba asked. “Um, technically yes, since it didn’t touch Sigulf.” Celina explained. “…wait, what? Seriously?” “Have you ever watched a pro wrestling match? You can bring a steel chair and swing it around, but as long as the referee doesn’t see you actually hitting the opponent with it, you won’t get disqualified.” Chelsea added. “Err… Is that how it goes?” “Wait a second, I’m more surprised at the fact you know those.” Celina pointed out. Sudden shouting coming from Carole pulled the three’s attention back. Uncharacteristically, she charged towards Sigulf, though the boy doesn’t seem to be too fazed. ‘Well then—’ “Eat this!” “What!? Kh…!” Sigulf slammed his axes to ground, making an icy cold energy spike erupt from the ground. Carole had to abruptly halt her advance… “!?” …only to face Sigulf head-on who rushed straight at her. ‘He ignored his own projectile!?’ She had no choice but to guard against his spinning horizontal slash. And even then, the knockback was big enough, it made her arm muscles ache. ‘Ugh…! B, but, this pattern…! I can’t falter—’ A glimpse of shadow flew over Carole’s head. It was too late by the time she realized it; Sigulf has moonsaulted instead of continuing his previous assault, and unleashed a cross strike upon her open back. “Aagh!” “Battle points, down by 20%.” ‘Just as I thought… It’s either her Arms, or she did train her endurance enough. Probably both… But, in any case…!’ With Carole’s back still against him, Sigulf switched his stance. “Limiter: Laedingr, release!” “…!? N, no…!” With some struggle, she rose to her feet and immediately dashed to him. “Limiter: Dromi—” “Gh…! Uoooooohh!!” “…just kidding.” “Eh!?” Sigulf took a step back and extended one leg out, tripping Carole in the process. “Kyah…!” She fell flat on her face. Sigulf didn’t give her another chance to move and raised his weapon. “Hunt’s over.” “””Ah.””” was Celina, Chelsea, and Alba’s collective reaction when Sigulf brought down the Fenrir. “Battle points 0, cannot continue duel. Winner, Sigulf Hrimgard.” He lets out a sigh of relief as his Arms vanished into thin air. “Good fighting out there.” Celina congratulated. “Ah, thank you.” “W, what!?” Carole quickly turned around and looked at the other girls in disbelief. “Y, you were there the whole time!?” “Umm, we’re sorry…?” ‘Uwa, talk about a quick recovery…!’ Sigulf noted. “Ugh… How am I supposed to face the Captain now…?” “Excuse me, but… Miss Delacroix?” Chelsea addressed her, making the French girl look up. “We are not quite sure about your Captain or why did you stalk Sigulf—” “I, I didn’t stalk him!” “No, that was stalking.” he sighed. “Why you…!” “Alright, alright, no fighting.” Chelsea clapped her hands before putting her focus back to Carole. “Now… Would you mind telling us your reason? A good knight will always keep their words, right?” “U, ugh… That’s…” Sigulf, Celina and Alba looked at Chelsea. “Wait a sec, why are you the one who’s getting curious?” Sigulf asked. “Eh? Because it’s interesting…? Maybe she does have a crush on you?” “Pardon me!? Why would I like him!?” Carole protested. “Why not? I do end up falling for him.” Celina replied bluntly and making Sigulf red in the meantime. “You’re too serious, Cel… I know you wanted to brag about your boyfriend, but—” “E, eh? That wasn’t—” ‘…w, what are they doing?’ Sigulf thought. “…wait. Could it be that… She has a crush on Celina instead!?” “Ah… N, no, at least not for me. Though, I do know few girls do, and they got heartbroken as well…” “I see… Well, a beautiful and dependable president would be irresistible to both, after all. Hohoho~” “What’s with that laughter?” Celina sighed. “Nothing! And since we haven’t heard about her actual reasons… Miss Delacroix, if you will?” “F, fine… I gave you my word…” Carole shuddered a little. The other 4 waits for her answer with varying expectations. “It’s… It’s all your fault, Hrimgard!” “…huh?” “When the Captain heard the news that you and Miss Bartram are seeing each other, he got crestfallen!” “…ah, I see.” “Hmm? This Captain she’s keep talking about…” Alba noticed something. “Since she’s from the Knight Circle, does that mean…” “Yes, the Captain would be Arthfael Penndreic.” Celina answered. Alba blinked once before she suddenly got furious. “That Penndreic…! I judged him wrong! To think he would send a girl—” “No, no, no, calm down.” Sigulf quickly interrupted. “He’s not that kind of guy.” “Eh? But then—” They looked back at Carole, making her nervous. ‘I think I have an idea why, though…’ Sigulf noted. “Ugh…!” “Well…?” “It’s…” “Hmm?” “I, it’s because I want to avenge him! I, is there any problem with that!?” “Umm, it’s not like I don’t understand, but…” “She likes him.” Sigulf blurted out, making Carole shocked. “H, how did you—!? W, wait, you aren’t supposed to say that!” “O, oh!” Celina realized. “I, I see… So it’s avenging the honour of your beloved…” “Well, it is knightly…” Chelsea laughed wryly. “And kind of romantic, I guess.” “Ahahah, I always forgot that he’s a knight. Of course he would have admirers…” Alba added. “Y, you guys are making fun of it…!” “What? Nobody did.” Sigulf retorted. “He’s right!” Chelsea suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Carole’s hands to her surprise. “If anything, I want to support you now! You can ask me for advice, fashion tips, or whatever else you wanted to know!” “…Chelsea, you sure like this kind of stuff.” Alba pointed out. “Eh? Eeh!?” Carole got increasingly panicked, and tears began to gather on her eyes. “Y, you…” “Yes?” “I can’t believe you guys! Waaaaaahhh!” “Ah, Miss Delacroix! Wait!” Chelsea reached out, but Carole has already ran off to the distance. “Did I say something wrong?” she pouted and looked rather disappointed. “I think she’s just confused from having too many to process.” Celina tried to explain. “Man, I was hoping she got a legit grudge towards Siggy…” Alba sighed. “…you just want to see me in trouble, don’t you?” She simply returned it with a cheeky grin. “Alright, looks like the case has been closed, so how about we grab some drinks on our way home?” Chelsea offered. “Oh, sure. I’m a bit thirsty anyway.” Alba agreed. Celina was about to follow the pair, but she stopped when she noticed that Sigulf still hasn’t moved. “Is something wrong?” “Ah, no, just thinking that my… Suspicions? About Penndreic was right.” “Oh, I see.” “Did you notice?” “Kind of.” she replied. “Like everyone else, he admires me from afar. He’s just being more subtle, now that I think about it.” “Hee…” “Sigulf?” Celina glanced at Sigulf, and found him smiling slightly. “So that means I’m not like everyone else, right?” There was a short silence before she finally chuckled. “Fufufu, of course!” “Ah, hey…!” Celina reached out and gently caressed Sigulf’s head. “I never thought that I would meet someone so bold yet so convincing on challenging me…” “I have to, and I’ll get even stronger… Eheheh…” “Then, I’ll be looking forward to it. Ufufu…” “…you two, we are still here.” Chelsea reprimanded. “”A, ah, we’re sorry.””
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "36311", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 7, part 7", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Around the park where Masaki leads them, there were only few students around, presumably her cohorts. “Oh, there you are.” One of them said upon noticing her. “So did you— Miss President!? And the Vice President too!” Along with the others, they were shocked on realizing that Celina and Chelsea were coming along.” “Worry not, I won’t interfere.” Celina quickly said. “…unless you make me to.” “Shush, Cel. Don’t scare them too much.” Chelsea quipped. “…so she said.” Masaki clarified. “Don’t try anything funny, yeah?” “What can we do, anyway? We all already lost to you in the first place…” one of the boys grumbled. “Ah, right, right…” ‘Huh, they are surprisingly courteous…’ Sigulf thought. ‘But well, unlike the nobles, they just wanted to fight.’ “Sigulf.” Celina called. “I know. Leave it to me.” “Relax. Don’t stay mad all the time.” Chelsea added, poking at their conversation in the Council room. “U…! I won’t…!” “What are you saying to him?” “I wonder~?” Ignoring Chelsea’s feigning innocence, Sigulf stepped forward to face Masaki, who was waiting for him. “…sorry for the wait.” “So, are we good to go? You won’t suddenly change your mind now, right?” “…no. Come on.” “Whoo, scary. …sheesh, I should be the one who’s pissed, you know?” She hunched her body and extended her right arm backwards, ready to summon her Arms. “To live and fight in the shadows…” Masaki began chanting. “We shall become the Demon and bring annihilation! Strike, Oni-Hanzou!!” The dark violet aura which was surrounding her vanished as she thrusts her hand forward and her weapon materialized. It was a Japanese spear with the blade longer than usual. Sigulf has no way of knowing for now, but it’s commonly known as Omi-yari. “…your turn.” Sigulf said nothing at her commanding tone, and simply called forth his axes. As always, the summoning of Fenrir was accompanied by cold wind and aura which unnerved almost everyone watching, save for the combatants, Celina and Chelsea. “You said you’ll crush me?” Masaki said after Sigulf has finished. “I’ll gladly return those words to you! Especially one who still rides the President’s coattails!” Again, Sigulf heed no attention, opted to get into fighting stance. “Tch…” “En garde.” Against the setting sun and afternoon breeze, their audience waits for the final cue. “Begin.” And in just a split second, they seemingly disappeared into thin air. She is fast, Sigulf knows that. So fast that he actually wondered why she didn’t make it into class A. But… “!?” Sigulf stopped Masaki dead in her track, and began overpowering her. “How—“ He has already sparred with, and experienced, someone faster than even himself, let alone her. Not to mention he’s not in the mood for a playful, friendly duel. “Gh…! Why you—“ Masaki tried to kick Sigulf away. He anticipated it and reacted first by backflipping. However, before she even has the chance to regain her footing, Sigulf was already charging once again. “Shi—“ Masaki’s haphazard guard was easily broken, leaving her wide open. “Gotcha.” ‘How can he be—!?’ Her last ditch attempt to evade didn’t help much as she still got thrashed by Sigulf’s attack. “Guah…!” “Battle points, down by 25%.” “He… Seems a bit more vicious than usual.” Celina commented. “Pretty sure he has a good reason.” Chelsea knowingly replied, though not sure whether to laugh or sigh. ‘Still, how could he still fight well? This boy’s a bit scary…’ Meanwhile, Masaki rolled away to safety and stood up, though with some difficulties. “Damn, with just one hit…!? That’s not fair…!” Not willing to concede another offensive chance to Sigulf, she forced herself to advance and unleashed a torrent of piercing attack. “Seyah!!” Instead of taking a defensive approach, however, Sigulf retaliated with his own swings and gradually pushed her back once more. ‘Kh…! To think the strength difference is this much…! Then…!!’ Before everything gets worse, Masaki promptly disengaged and raised her spear. “How about this!?” She jammed her spear to the ground and created a smoke explosion. “!?” As the smoke cleared, only silence remains. However… ‘She’s still around here… Somewhere…’ Sigulf stood still, sensing his surroundings, searching for Masaki’s presence. “…” Up high, Masaki has already vaulted herself and dives towards Sigulf, ready to stab. ‘I got you…!’ She thrusted her hand forward with full force… And her spear struck Sigulf’s steel axes. “Wha—“ Without even looking, Sigulf crossed his Arms behind and successfully guarded against Masaki’s sneak attack. “There you are.” With a flick, Sigulf lightly bounced off the airborne Masaki, before swiftly turning around and raised his axe. ‘I can’t make it—‘ His attack went through her defense, sending her flying. “Gah…!” She fell with a thud and only able to got up a bit later. “Tch, what the hell…!” “Battle points, down by 20%.” Masaki can only brace herself as Sigulf comes charging at her again. “That’s enough.” “Wha—“ Sigulf nearly stumbled due to his own speed (and aggression) when someone suddenly tried to stop the fight. “Heidenreich, what do you mean!? I can still fight!” “Ah, it’s that guy…” The silver haired boy Sigulf met this morning stepped out from the crowd. “Masaki, please. You should’ve realized by now.” “…that I can’t win? And don’t call me by my name like that!” “My bad.” “…oi, we’re still in the middle of a fight, though.” Sigulf pointed out. “Could you spare us a moment?” Heidenreich responded. “…what? But the time—“ “What moment to spare!?” Masaki quickly retorted. “Aren’t we allies!? Why are you suddenly putting me down!?” ‘Ah, so he’s in this too…’ Sigulf mentally noted. “That wasn’t my intention. And I believe retreating in a… Very disadvantaged fight is a strategic move in itself, if only to reserve—” “Says you and your warrior mentality!” “Well, I am a Germanic warrior. You are a ninja. We should’ve known our priorities.” “This is not some medieval warfare!” The two continued to bicker, leaving almost everyone bewildered at the sight. ‘…what are they even doing? Wait, is this a kind of psychological strategy?’ Sigulf looked back towards Celina and Chelsea, as if to ask “What to do?”. Celina was equally confused as him, while Chelsea merely shrugged. ‘Damn… This is getting nowhere.” He thought. “Getting a win via timeout would be no fun… Should I just for— …hm? Wait, forfeit? …alright, let’s try this one.’ Sigulf slowly raised his hand and deliberately spoke louder. “Um, system, I give—“ “Wha— Oh no, you don’t!” Masaki shouted while quickly refocusing on Sigulf. “Masaki, wait!” ‘Yeah, that’s more like it.’ Ignoring Heidenreich’s plea, Masaki kept increasing her speed. ‘I’m not going down without a fight!’ she thought. ‘Now, take this! Iga ninjutsu!’ In front of everyone, Masaki seemingly multiplied into 2… 4… 8 of herself, all gunning for Sigulf. “H, how did she do that!?” one of the students expressed their disbelief. ‘Must be illusions. No human could actually split like that. Unless…!’ In response, Sigulf dashed straight towards her with blinding speed. “Kuh…!” Two of her shadows forced to change their route and jumped to intercept him. “Deyah!” Without losing speed, Sigulf twirled around and easily dispatched them, revealing the clones as energy beings. ‘I knew it! They are a special kind of projectile, after all!’ Another comes charging at him, and he destroyed them without any difficulty again. ‘And obviously, they are much weaker than the original. Therefore…!’ Defeating yet another two, Sigulf finally got close to Masaki with his axes raised. “Gh…!” “Raaah!!” He brought his Fenrir down with all strength… and Masaki immediately dispersed into dark colored energy. “!” The one clone Sigulf ignored turns out to be the real Masaki, rapidly approaching him from behind. “Did you seriously think I wouldn’t even switch places? Naïve!” She mustered all her might and lunged forward for the strike. “…thought so. Good thing this nose knows.” “What the—“ Sigulf instantly turned around and deflected her spear, following it with a powerful spinning attack. “Argh…!” Masaki was blown off by his force and this time, she couldn’t secure an emergency recovery. “Battle points, down by 25%.” “Urgh…” As Sigulf walked closer, Masaki was struggling to stand up when Heidenreich stepped in, finally had enough. “You…!” she growled. “Let me fight until the end!” “What if I said no?” he retorted. “At this point, it would just be a waste of energy for you.” “Attention, match intrusion detected.” The system announced. “Please leave the area within 10 seconds.” Heidenreich didn’t budge, which annoyed Sigulf a bit. “You, out of the way. Let us finish.” “Sorry, but I won’t let you go any further than this.” “…heh, what makes you think you can take on him?” Masaki snapped. “We are about the same strength.” “Good question. I honestly have no idea.” “…Heidenreich, you are an idiot.” “Maybe, so just let me take this from here. I’m sure he’s a bit tired by now.” “…you bastard.” “Heh…” he finally grinned. “It’s worth a try.” Heidenreich kept his attention on Sigulf, who was now staring daggers at him. ‘That’s it. I’m giving—‘ “10 seconds passed. Masaki Fukube, lost by disqualification. Winner, Sigulf Hrimgard.” ‘…well, shit. Not fun.’ “Ah, it’s over…” Celina commented. “But…” “Yeah, there’s no way he’ll be happy about this…” Chelsea agreed. Sigulf lowered his axes and let out a big sigh of disappointment. “…Fenrir damn it, you sure are a troublesome bunch.” “If only because, we too, want to prove ourselves against the so-called A-class.” After getting helped to stand by Heidenreich, Masaki withdrew her spear and left for the sidelines. “…don’t screw it.” “I’ll try.” Facing Sigulf, Heidenreich took his summoning stance, ready to fight. “I, Siegward Heidenreich, will be your next opponent!”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2174", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 5, part 8", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Fenrir has broken his first binding. Now the fen-dwelling wolf of fame is about to turn this field into his hunting ground. “…tch.” With his bearded axes glowing pale blue, Sigulf took slow steps towards Mei. ‘I can focus on him just alright, but…’ Mei tightened her grip on her two-handed mace. ‘It’s sure hard to be calm when you’re under this kind of pressure…!’ She tried to take a peek towards her partner; Reika is preoccupied with handling Yuu. ‘Shit, they locked us down.’ Nevertheless, Mei gathered her strength, and her Xuan Nu glows dark purple again. “Let’s go…!” Sigulf growled. One hard kick to the ground made Sigulf seemed disappeared to the untrained eyes. ‘There’s no way one could actually vanish!’ Mei heightened her senses for a split second, and swung her weapon with all her might. “There you are!” She guessed right; Sigulf used a full circle feint and came straight to her. “!?” But a correct guess wasn’t enough. Sigulf quickly overpowered her. ‘He stalled my heavy attack!? Did his strength got boosted this much!?’ “Rrgh!!” Sigulf pressed on and forcefully broke open Mei’s guard. ‘Shi—‘ “Raaah!!” With a twirl, Sigulf delivered a diagonal cut, hitting a defenseless Mei. “Gahh…!” “One more!” Sigulf attempted a follow-up. However, Mei recovered fast enough and she blocked it at the last moment. “Tch…! I’m not gonna let ya!” “Battle points, down by 20%.” Among the Atlantics’ cheering, the Pacific guests were visibly worried. “Aah… Even Mei is getting pushed back…” Misha lamented. “Good grief…” Kouji agreed. “To think he still has something like this…” ‘But then again, maybe that’s why they trusted him in the first place. Jack would be surprised… Or at least interested if he saw this.’ Meanwhile, Reika’s duel with Yuu has cooled down a bit, if only for hesitation on her part. ‘Mei is struggling… I have to assist her, but…!’ Light attacks thrown by Yuu kept her from making a bold move. ‘What should I do!? He’s obviously baiting me…! Can I trick him into a faulty reversal…!?’ Reika tried her luck and swayed aside, going for a heavy strike. But instead of waiting, Yuu thrusted his sword forward, forcing her to hurriedly block it. “Tch…!” “Fuuh…” ‘It’s uncanny how easily he got this calm…!’ After forcing another few powerful swings, Reika jumped back, slightly surprising Yuu. ‘Hm? What is she—‘ Doubly so when she turned around and ran away, seemingly heading towards Mei. “Oh, not so fast!” Yuu’s speed made it easy to catch up with her in no time. “Take this!” All of a sudden, Reika spun and unleashed a powerful attack. “Whoa…!” “!?” However, thanks to his agility, Yuu jumped with such a height over her blade. ‘He read that too…!?’ “Deyah!” “Uargh…!” Another aerial strike from Yuu hit its mark, knocking Reika back. “Battle points, down by 15%.” “Reika!” ‘Oh, she’s here? Then…’ Sigulf suddenly disengaged Mei and went straight to Reika. “Hey, wait, you coward! I’m not done yet!” Mei shouted while giving pursuit. “Anything for victory…!” Sigulf retorted. “Uwaa, they are completely playing the villain here…” Alba commented. “God save the Queen, what were they thinking?” Chelsea agreed. Still reeling from Yuu’s attack, Reika forced herself to instinctively spin around and guard herself as she sensed a fearsome intent rapidly closing from behind. “!?” “Yo again.” Sigulf rapidly overwhelmed her. “Grrrh…!” “Why you…!” Mei went to her rescue, but Yuu stood in the way and stopped her. “Outta my way!!” “Don’t worry, we just need a few seconds…!” Sure enough, Sigulf broke through Reika’s guard, and he brought down his axes in an X-pattern. “Gaaah…!” The blow was strong enough to thrash Reika away, and she couldn’t instantly recover upon hitting the ground. “Battle points, down by 30%. 15% remaining.” “You…!!” “Hm…!?” Yuu was about to break away when he felt a spontaneous surge of energy from Mei. “You scum!!” “Waaah!?” An unexpected mighty swing threw Yuu away, making him bump into Sigulf. ‘Shit, not this pattern again…!’ Mei raised her mace and leapt high, with the purple now glowing even brighter. “I’ll take you all down in one-shot!!” “Guahh…!!” Both her Xuan Nu and the energy explosion hit Sigulf and Yuu at the same time, launching them into the air. “Not yet!!” Mei chased and attempted to strike them once more, but Sigulf and Yuu still got some stamina to recover sooner. ‘Tch…!’ Knocked away they might be, Sigulf and Yuu successfully guarded against Mei’s attack, and landed safely, though now they are considerably more alerted. “Battle points, down by 35%.” “We can still do it…!” Misha gasped. “Ouch… They chased us.” Yuu said. “What do we do now, Sig-kun?” “Hmm…” Sigulf mulled while watching Mei helped Reika to her feet. “…not going to release your second binding?” “Too soon.” “Whoa, confident are you?” “Maybe…” Both of them returned to fighting stance, ready to end this duel. “We’ll give our all now, which is—“ “120%, right?” “Yeah…!” “I heard you…!” Across them, Mei and Reika have just finished preparing themselves as well. “Are you ready, Reika? This will be our deciding moment!” “Understood! I shall follow your lead, Mei-dono!” There were almost no movements or sound, making the air felt even heavier and tense. “Don’t screw up, you two…” Alba muttered. Victoria solemnly observed, while Vigdis and Chelsea looked decidedly more anxious. “Sigulf…” Celina said in a low voice. “Glory awaits…!” As if to answer her, Sigulf charged with fury, prompting the others to follow suit. “Let’s go!!” “I won’t lose!!” Yuu and Reika locked blades, and they were almost equal in strength. But the same cannot be said in regards to Sigulf against Mei. “!?” She can feel that his moves gradually got faster and stronger on every clash. ‘How!?’ ‘It wasn’t a fluke. They did got us.’ Mei is slowly getting pushed back. ‘We still lack good teamwork. That’s undeniable. But putting aside it might goes to them as well…!’ A well timed swing pushed Mei farther. ‘There’s no use thinking about it now. What matters is staying calm and focused against the adversary before you, while trusting your partner enough. If I want to work on my flaws, I’ll do it after this. Therefore…!’ Another strong blow knocked her back, which gave Mei some space to unleash a heavy attack. “Tch…! Hrimgard!!” “I can’t lose here!!” A powerful swing from Sigulf knocked Xuan Nu off Mei’s hands with a loud clang. “!?” “Mei-dono!” Sigulf then crossed his arms and axes, placing them near the sides of her neck. “…” The whole field fell silent. “…not going to finish me?” “Not going to fight back?” “Oh, you do know well I would even on this situation!” Mei grinned. “But would you attack an unarmed duelist?” Sigulf tilted his head slightly. “I’m not a chivalrous knight in shining armor, remember? I’m a raider in wolf’s pelt.” “Heh, I guess you’re right…” Most watchers are still stunned, but Eurypha and few others got slightly exasperated. “What is he even doing…?” she asked in annoyance. “It’s men’s romance, I guess.” Walter snickered. ‘Well, I guess Vigdis taught him well…’ Eliot mentally commented. Much to everyone’s surprise, however, Sigulf set his Fenrir aside and letting Mei move freely. “You…” “…that said, I don’t hate you. So…” He pointed his right axe towards her. “Let’s end this properly!” Mei picked up her mace, giving it a twirl, before getting back into her fighting position. “You won’t have my gratitude, you know? And don’t blame me if we scored an upset!” “Don’t worry, I won’t…!” Before the near silent audience, and an ongoing struggle between Yuu and Reika, Sigulf and Mei are going to put everything on their one last clash. ‘Heh, how annoying…’ Mei thought. ‘Even though we’re only one rank apart, never thought he’s gonna be this strong. Was the gap as big as the ocean? …nah, too over-dramatic. But…’ Mei prepared to unleash a powerful side swing, while Sigulf, getting even closer, lowered his body and increased his speed. ‘If only Ashfield would come here, then his conceited punk ass will know that there’s someone strong like this…!’ Like a wolf streaking under a fierce blizzard, Sigulf flashed past her and landed the final blow. “M, Mei…” Misha tried not to cry. “Battle points 0. Cannot continue duel.” “Mei-dono…!” Reika immediately lost her focus, allowing Yuu to break through and end the duel. “Kannomine-san…” “Battle points 0. Cannot continue duel. Winner, Team Arctic Thunder from Atlantic Academy!” The home team exploded into a loud cheering on this victory. “They did it!” Alba celebrated ecstatically together with Chelsea. Vigdis glomped Eliot on impulse, troubling the poor young teacher and earned them a knowing chuckle from Melanie. Victoria opted to smile in satisfaction, while Ilma sighed in relief for some reason. “Congratulations.” Celina said with a smile. “That’s another step forward for you.” On the other side, the Pacific crew was obviously disappointed with the results. “Ah, too bad we lost…” Drowned within the Atlantic students’ joy, Kouji can only look towards the dark sky.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2132", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4, part 15", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
With the interschool match still underway, every spectator glued their attention closely to the tag duel before them. No one there could predict how the momentum will go, even though the Atlantic is currently on the lead, however slightly. “Ooohh!!” A furious fight between two wolves on one side, a reserved yet precise swordfight on the other. It’s as if each half of the teams were trapped in their own world. “Rrrgh…!!” Force meets force, steel meets steel. None of the youths are willing to back down. “Tch…!” However, time is finite, and from their desperation, the Pacifics found a newborn determination. “Haaah!” “Kuh…!” Yuu began to feel fatigue from trying to balance Reika’s strength with his own speed. ‘I need to do something here…!’ Yuu thought. ‘To set up a counter attack or—‘ “…!?” Reika suddenly sidestepping caught Yuu off guard and messed his timing. ‘What is she—‘ One moment, he didn’t see her incoming attack. Next moment, it was too late for him to realize. “Your movements were too mechanical, de gozaru!” ‘Damn! She was charging for a heavy strike!’ Like a wave, Reika spun and brought down her tachi. “Uooryah!” “Oh no…!” It easily broke through Yuu’s haphazard guard, and Reika quickly capitalized on that small window. “I got you!” “Gwah…!” Reika’s follow-up horizontal cut cleanly struck Yuu, knocking him away a fair distance. She pursued for additional attacks, but he somehow recovered and guarded at the last possible moment. “Tch…! Ouch…!” “Battle points, down by 15%.” ‘Yuu…!’ “Oi, Hrimgard! I see your focus wavered!” “Kh…!” A well timed swing from Mei pushed Sigulf back. It wasn’t much, but more than enough to give her some space. “Now, you eat this!” ‘Is this—!? Tch…!’ Just like Reika, Mei aimed to launch a heavy attack. With a pirouette, she swung her mace sideways with all of her strength. “Khh…!” He doesn’t have any chance to jump away; Mei’s attack broke his guard. “Not yet!” Mei twirled once more, this time raising her weapon high. ‘I can still make it…!’ Sigulf thought. Forcing his body stable, Sigulf rushed towards her left side. But Celina noticed something else. “Sigulf, watch out!” “!?” The Xuan Nu was suddenly covered by dark-purple aura. “Too late! Uooryah!” As soon as Mei’s Xuan Nu smashed the ground, jet black energy spikes sprang forth from where it struck. Sigulf tried to change his trajectory and jumped away, but it’s a bit too late. “Gah…!” ‘An area attack!?’ “Sigulf!” It hurts less than he imagined, but still quite a shock. “Battle points, down by 10%.” With that, Pacific gained the slight lead. “I’d like it better if I could catch Kanzaki with this too, but,” Mei said while twirling her mace. “Every hit counts, don’t you think?” The Atlantic student went into a commotion with this development. “How did she do that!?” Walter asked in disbelief. “That’s where you are asking!?” Eurypha retorted. “Didn’t you do the same against Kumar!?” “…eh? It’s the same thing?” “It’s similar on the basic level.” Eliot explained. “I guess the easiest way to explain it is, while we normally focus our energy towards our Arms and body, in the case of long-ranged attacks, we drive that energy outwards instead. Think of it as extending your reach.” “…I think I understand a bit. But isn’t it a bit overpowered?” Eurypha continued. “Not quite. While you get to, say, hit faraway or multiple opponents at once, the fact remains that, one, you only struck them with your Arms’ extensions, and two, the resulting energy discharge would be less focused and dense compared to when we concentrate them inwards.” “I see… So we can use them with some strategy, but in the end, core of Dueling is still close-range combat.” “Precisely.” ‘That, and the fact doing so will left your own body vulnerable, even if for a short while. Now if only Hrimgard could figure this out…’ “Hee, you’ve became such a fine teacher, huh?” Vigdis teased. “…I am their homeroom teacher, after all. It’s my responsibility.” Back to the field, Sigulf has already stood up. Yet he still hadn’t made any moves. “Heh, I see you’re being a bit cautious now. Good, good.” Mei commented. “What is Siggy thinking?” Alba wondered with worry from the sidelines. “He’s trying to regain his composure. Or at least, that’s what he needs to do.” Celina explained. “…well, long-ranged attacks are quite unexpected, aren’t they? And if you’re not calm, you can’t think of a countermeasure.” “True. And there’s one more thing about tag battles.” “Eh?” “Trust your partner.” “Ah… I think I get what you are getting at.” ‘Sigulf might have trained with Kanzaki before, but this is the first time they fought together as a unit. When Kanzaki got the lead stolen, that only served to make him worried and thus hampering his performance.’ Celina thought. ‘Now he has to be able to assess the situation without losing his cool.’ Sigulf exhaled, and without saying a word, he charged towards Mei. “Did you get some heavenly inspiration?” she taunted while clashing her weapon against his, though Sigulf ignored it. On another side, Yuu is still engaged in a back and forth against Reika. ‘Did Sig-kun calm down? Well, that’s good… And to be expected—‘ “What’s the matter, Kanzaki-dono!?” “Uwah!” Reika’s attack pulled him back to reality. ‘Damn, it’s harder than I thought…! But I must focus on her first…!’ The blade exchange continues for a while, which began to worry everyone, even the Pacific students included. “They are about evenly matched…” Kouji mused. “But if this keeps up for too long, I wonder if it’s okay to win like that?” “I’m sure Mei and Reika doesn’t want that…” Misha said, followed with silent approval by Anil. “Yeah. And it’s not just them. They must be feeling the same way….” True to his words, both teams’ strikes gradually felt stronger and more intense. ‘Hm…!?’ Reika sensed that there was more impact in Yuu’s attacks. “I see you’re getting into it!” Mei said in between returning Sigulf’s assault, somehow sounding happy. “Yeah, thanks to you.” Sigulf replied. “If we want to win, then we’ll do it big!” “Hah! Then do your worst!!” Stronger. Faster. Louder. Metal against metal. Warrior against warrior. Both Sigulf and Mei gathered all of their strength on every swing. “Ooooohh!!” And as if not wanting to be outdone, Yuu and Reika increased their tempo as well, with their slashes started to look more like a blurry flash. “Haaah!” ‘Kanzaki-dono is catching up…! But I…!!’ Almost everyone watching was holding their breaths. Even as fellow 1st-years, their ferocity on display was something to behold. “Raaah!!” “Deyaaah!!” All of a sudden, Sigulf and Mei passed each other in a blink of eye. “Gh…!” “It’s a mutual hit!” Chelsea exclaimed. But instead of stopping, both fighters quickly turned around and took another chance to strike. “”Uoohh!!”” Once again, they struck each other cleanly. “Kuh…” Only this time, Sigulf and Mei could only reel back from the impact. “Battle points, down by 25%.” “Tch, not bad!” Mei commended. “You too…!” Not far behind from them, Yuu and Reika too were giving everything they have to subdue each other. ‘As expected of Mei-dono…!’ Reika thought. ‘Still, I have my own way to deal with this…!’ Reika unleashed a powerful upswing which forced Yuu to block. She quickly backflipped and took another stance while sheathing her tachi. ‘Could this be…?’ Taking a guess, Yuu charged towards her. But before he got far, Reika drew her blade instantly. “There!!” ‘I knew it…!’ The energy wave Reika fired flew quickly towards the boy. In response, Yuu jumped as hard as he can over it… Only to see Reika coming from down below. “…!?” “I got y— !?” ‘He’s not even trying to defend!? Did he—‘ ‘I knew she’s going with that…! Therefore—‘ “Here goes nothing!!” In an act of defiance, even though faced with Reika’s incoming attack, Yuu wasn’t daunted and retaliates with a mid-air iai slash. “Khh…!” His attack landed cleanly, but it only managed to reduce Reika’s force a bit. “Guh…!” Yuu quickly recovered to land safely, slightly earlier than Reika to shake off the impact of his strike. “Kanzaki-dono, you…!” “Man, I’m still behind by 5 percent…” “Battle points, down by 15%.” In spite of being in a disadvantage, though, Yuu doesn’t seem to be bothered by it. “Well, here I go…!” Going at his fastest, Yuu launched a quick running strike which knocked Reika’s Rasetsu aside, and went past her. “Wait, what are you—“ Ignoring her, Yuu braked and turned around, standing back to back against Sigulf. “Yo, Sig-kun.” “What are you doing here?” “Hmm, short break, regroup, and relaying some information.” “Any suggestion?” “Stay calm.” “…yeah, that’s what I wanted to say. But now we’re flanked.” “Hmm, not bait them like you did against the nobles?” “That one, huh… True, they don’t know that. But will it work?” “…right. So what do you say? Any other idea?” “…can only say ‘fight your own style’.” Yuu grinned. “Yeah, it felt like you restrained yourself.” “Not really. For Pacific’s supposed number 2, she’s real good.” “But you still got Fenrir bound, don’t you? Three levels even.” “…so you did your research.” “Well, I want to defeat you too one day, after all!” “Good to hear.” “Oi, you two seemed to have a nice chat!” Mei shouted from across while getting ready with her mace. “Hope you don’t mind if I join…!” “Here she comes. What are you gonna do against Kannomine?” “Read… No, feel her movement.” “Alright. Keep your focus and stay calm.” “That goes for both of us.” “Yeah…!” Even though getting surrounded from two sides, the boys show no fear. If anything, Sigulf and Yuu slowly but surely made their way towards their opponents with steeled resolve. “Calm water…” Yuu uttered while sheathing his sword. “Limiter: Laedingr…” Sigulf recited without breaking his composure. Mei quickly realized something is wrong. “Shit, they are going to do something…! Reika, faster!” “Huh? Well then…!” The Imperial Fangs hastens their preparation. But at this point, whether it’s for a long-range attack or a heavy one, Sigulf and Yuu doesn’t care anymore. ‘We’ll get them with our speed!’ “…like a clear mirror!!” “…release!!” Both of them instantly broke into a swift rush, surprising Mei and Reika. ‘So fast…! But…!’ “Uooohh!” Mei brought her Xuan Nu down faster, but Sigulf quickly circled her with blinding speed. “Wha— Get off!” Mei threw a back kick, but it only hit empty air as it turned out Sigulf has feinted a bit farther, now coming from her left side. “Impos—“ “Gotcha!” “Gwah…!” One swing from Sigulf sent Mei flying, though she quickly recovered mid-air. At almost the same time, just as Reika was about to release another sword wave, she realized too late that Yuu has already acted. ‘He jumped earlier…!? Did he—‘ “There!!” “Gyah…!” Yuu’s jumping strike knocked Reika a fair distance, forcing her to stop using Rasetsu’s blade. “Kuh…!” ‘How did he sense my movements!?’ “Battle points, down by 20%.” “Battle points, down by 15%.” In spite of the cheering crowd, Sigulf and Yuu merely exhaled and kept their focus on the opponents before them. “Well, that’s one way about it.” Eliot commented. “With this, hopefully they’ll think twice on using long range attacks.” “But what about the heavy ones?” Minato asked. “If they can keep their cool, then they won’t have any trouble countering it.” Mei and Reika slowly got up, trying to regain their composure. “You… Kept something like this, huh?” Mei growled. “I don’t really like using this either.” Sigulf replied. “But you gave me no choice. Now…” Sigulf returned to fighting stance and glared towards Mei. “Let the hunt continues…!”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2131", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4, part 14", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
After their morning routine, a couple of hours and some preparations later, Sigulf and Celina finally arrived at the public park island. “Mmm! This is so good! The cheese blends well with the cod! Lovely!” “Glad you liked it.” ‘I’m still not too used making baked cod on my own, but good thing it paid off…’ Sigulf thought. “Oh, are those pancakes?” “Yes, the traditional Icelandic style. Kinda similar to crepes.” “Oh my, with all these sweetness, I wonder if I could manage for the cocoa soup.” “Ahahah… Don’t worry, there’s always room for dessert. Or so people say.” “Ufufu, I see you live by those words too.” ——— With their stomachs filled, Sigulf and Celina decided to take a short break and enjoy the gentle breeze. “Ah, so comfy…” Sigulf muttered. “So true.” Celina chuckled. “And it made me a bit sleepy too, to be honest.” “Well, after all that training, it’s only natural, I guess.” “But I don’t think I can fall asleep here…” “Hm? Why’s that?” “Because… I… Have to talk…” “…eh?” ‘What’s with this development!?’ Sigulf thought. ‘No, calm down. It can’t be that… Right!?’ Silence. He nervously waits for her to continue. “…go on. I’m listening.” Still no response. Sigulf began to think that something’s not right… Until Celina rested her head on his left shoulder. “Wha—“ …and then he could hear her soft breathing. ‘What, so she fell as— Wait a minute!’ Sigulf reconfirmed the situation. Indeed, Celina was using his shoulder as a headrest. ‘A, am I allowed to be happy!?’ he thought embarrassedly. ‘I was getting sleepy too, but it’s impossible now…!’ “Sigulf…” ‘Ah, she dreamed about me ag—‘ “Don’t…” ‘What kind of dream did she—!?’ “Don’t let your guard down…” ‘…that’s actually better. Thank goodness…’ She continues to sleep undisturbed. Sigulf took a glance at her face. ‘…she’s really tired, huh?’ Between maintaining her grades, her duel achievements, and taking care of Council matters, it was unsurprising in the first place. “…” Maybe she needed some help, like Chelsea and Victoria said. Or maybe she was always the superwoman who can handle herself just fine, like commonly thought. Sigulf has no ways of knowing. Even so… ‘…it’s not wrong if I wanted to be her strength, right?’ He was always serious about fighting, and not much about anything else. But this time, he found another. And this time, he’s willing to give his efforts. ‘It’s worth a try.’ “…hmm?” “Oh, good morning.” “Good mor— …ah.” Celina realized her position she was in. Flustered, she quickly straightens up her body. “M, my bad…” “A, ah, it’s alright…” Sigulf noticed that she’s still slightly dazed. “Are you okay? I can get you the pillow if needed.” “Thank you, but I’m—“ It was cut off by her own yawning, to which Sigulf laughed. “…sorry.” “You should’ve said so. I know you’re tired.” Sigulf handed Celina the small cushion and she lay down on the blanket. “Thank you…” “You’re welcome. Oh, do you need some blanket?” he offered his jacket. “Eh? Is it really fine with you?” “I, I don’t mind…” Sigulf answered, slightly blushing. “Well then, I’m borrowing this…” Celina took the jacket and covered herself with it. ‘It’s warm… And it smells like him too…’ she thought. ‘Oh Gods, what am I thinking!?’ “Umm, Celina?” “…I think I lost all my drowsiness.” “Eh? What?” “I, I’m alright now. Sorry, and thank you…” “Oh, um, sure. Anytime.” Celina rose up, still looking a bit flushed. “Say, Sigulf, do we still have some cocoa soup?” “Oh, sure. You want another?” “Yes. It’s actually kind of…” “Addictive?” Sigulf chuckled. “Yeah, I feel you.” He passed Celina her portion before enjoying his own. ‘Ah, good chocolate… So warm and relaxing…’ Sigulf thought. ‘And I get to drink it with someone else…’ He stole another glance at the blonde beauty. ‘Still, I wonder what that was about…’ ——— Having done putting away their belongings, Sigulf and Celina was ready to leave the park. “Good times sure pass by quickly.” “It sure is.” He gazed at her as the wind caressed her face. ‘Ah, will I have another chance like this?’ “Hmm? What is it?” “…oh, right, that reminds me.” Sigulf responded. “While we are still here…” He was obviously nervous, but still forced himself to go on. “You said that you have something to talk about.” “Oh…” Celina’s cheeks went red. “I did say that…” she continued with a hint of hesitation in her tone. “If you don’t want to—“ “No, it’s alright.” Celina quickly shook her head. “I’m not taking back my words.” “Okay, I’m listening…” She took a deep breath. Rather unusual coming from her, and it just made Sigulf even more anxious. “So, I heard from Chelsea…” “Yes…” “That you joined our Council to court me.” It’s not like it wasn’t painfully obvious already, but having the fact thrown right back at his face is still embarrassing all the same. “…yes.” “Seriously, what are you thinking…” Celina sighed. “Taking such approach, and even declaring that you will surpass us…” “Ugh… That’s…” “…so bold and daring. Rather admirable, actually…” “Eh!? Ah, um, thank you…?” She cleared her throat. “And to be honest, in regards to the Council, you didn’t disrupt nor hinder our activities. Having managed to maintain your academic and fighting grades is a more than welcome bonus, too.” “Thank you. I have to do my best, after all.” “Think you can keep it?” “I will.” Even Sigulf himself was surprised at how confident he sounded. “I see…” Celina closed her eyes and adjusted her hair. He waits with a bated breath. “I’m happy that you are serious.” She continued. “However…” His heart sank a little. Don’t jump the gun, was all he could tell himself. “How do you feel about the Principal?” “…eh? Ah…” It was faint, but Sigulf could hear it. The slight shaking on her voice. He realized what she’s going at. ‘Celina, she… Yet, I…!’ Admiring another’s beauty is natural. Likewise, feeling jealousy caused by one a person longed. Her jealousy confirmed that she indeed feels the same way. Still, there are better ways, and Sigulf loathed himself for it. ‘Fuck me, I should know better than this…!’ He inhaled deeply. No more dancing around this issue. “…like you said, my feelings for you are serious,” Sigulf finally said it. “Yet, you are right. I do like Mrs. Stark too.” “I can see that…” Celina said. “Despite her… Quirks, she is a very capable headmistress and an unparalleled duelist on top of that.” “She is…” “That’s why…” She looked at him straight in his eyes. “Wouldn’t it be better if your feelings reached her instead?” Sigulf paused at her words. Indeed, the older woman was open with her intentions, yet still tactful enough to let the boy decide for himself. And knowing her, Victoria wouldn’t worry about the differences in age, power, and status. ‘…’ But Sigulf wasn’t as uncertain as he was before. “Celina, are you…” He didn’t finish; he knew Celina was opening up. “Yes… As you can see, I have my own insecurities…” She stared back at him. “Sigulf, I’m not perfect like people think. I too feel jealous. And from the times we spend together, I’m sure you noticed it too. That I am not all that confident. That I have difficulties relating with others.” “I know. You being actually perfect… I guess that’s too good to be true.” “Then—“ “But so is Mrs. Stark. Or my Master. Or Chelsea. Or Alba. So I guess, we can get being ‘perfect’ out of the way.” “Don’t you think you’re putting me on a pedestal?” Even more worry from her. And it pained him. “That… I might have. Then again, I have my reason, and it’s as real as it can be.” “Eh…?” “It’s not her fists that shook my heart.” Sigulf confessed. “It’s your spear.” It was a strange feeling. He knows that his cheeks are warm. Yet not even once the urge to back down crossed his mind. “Never once I forget what I saw that day. Your prowess burned something within. I want to get stronger. I want to reach higher. I want to stand on the same level as you…! Day by day during our training, the feeling only got even more intense. And when we fought together against the paladins… I know it was something way beyond your strength.” “Sigulf…” “I know that I am still green. That I still need to catch up to you. Not to mention that I am your junior, and you are already very strong. Yet my feelings of wanting to be your strength isn’t a lie…! So I’ll say this again, with clarity…” Towards Celina, Sigulf extended his hand. “I love you, Celina. Please be my duel partner.” ‘…I said it.’ He thought. ‘I finally said it, loud and clear.’ She shuddered slightly, as tears began to form in her blue eyes. “You… To think a pervert like you could say something like that…” Sigulf was about to protest his perceived pervert status… Only to forget it entirely when he felt something warm on his lips. “Mmh…” Short, yet tender. It was a memory which both Sigulf and Celina will always remember.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "16816", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 7, part 4", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Among the increasingly heating atmosphere and excited watchers, Eliot prompted both duelists to recite the obligatory oath. “”We, Duelists, swore to abide by the rules, respect the judge’s decision, and fight with all of our might, in honor of our opponent, and for the glory of one own self!”” “Very good! Now, summon your True Arms!” Moving first, Minato closed his eyes and began to call forth his weapon. “Descending from the Heavens to join the Earth, be the power beyond victory! Lend me your everything, Sky Fencer!” Minato’s trademark silvery-white longsword formed in his hands and he quickly took fighting stance. Misha, having braced himself, muttered, “Alright, here I go…” before chanting for his True Arms. A translucent white aura formed and swirled around him. ‘I see, another one without any elemental affinity.’ Sigulf observed. “O the polarity which gave life to man, beasts, and trees alike… I beckon thee to bless this humble servant with your presence… Spring forth, Siebog!” A silver dagger materialized in his right hand, and Misha cut through the air, as if to disperse the aura. “Go, go, Minatooo!” his cheering squad quickly do their job. “Isn’t this a mismatch?” one student commented. “Mostly, yes.” Arthfael answered. “Amakawa has the advantage here. If he can keep Smirnov out of range, then he’s good. However…” ‘There’s no way he’d let that happen easily.’ Sigulf mentally concluded. “Misha, do your best…” Mei encouraged in a low voice. “En garde.” Waiting for the final cue, both Minato and Misha focused on each other. “Begin.” At that very moment, the fighters rushed and met in the center with a blade lock. “…!” Minato quickly overpowers Misha, so the smaller boy began to pull away. Minato predicted him to jump away, but… “Wha—!?” With implausible agility, Misha twirled his lithe body sideways instead, escaping from Minato’s pressure. “Haah!!” “Kh…!” Minato raised his sword in the nick of time to block Misha’s thrust. “So fast! But…!” Misha pulled his hand momentarily before continuing with a multitude of slashes. “How about this!?” “Gh…!” ‘He’s not giving any room to retaliate…!’ Easily parried as they may be, the swift and endless rain of Misha’s dagger made it near-impossible for Minato to retaliate. ‘Still, as expected from Minato. Then…!’ Misha suddenly stopped his attack. Being used to parrying, Minato was caught off guard. “!?” Even if it was about a split second, that was all Misha needed. “There!!” “Gh…!” Passing through Minato, Misha landed three consecutive strikes. Not wanting to widen the distance, he quickly did a U-turn and attacked once more, though Minato managed to guard against it this time. “Ah, so close…!” “Battle points, down by 15%.” ‘They took the early lead, again.’ Sigulf mentally commented. Once again, the Atlantic students began talking to themselves in worry. “He really sticks right in Amakawa’s face…” Walter muttered. “Dude gotta make some distance somehow…” Indeed, at the moment, Misha has locked down Minato’s offense option. ‘This is fine…! If I can keep this for 5 minutes, then…!’ ‘Kuh, if he won’t give any openings, then I can only gamble on this…!’ Minato shifted his stance a bit while guarding, getting noticed by Misha. ‘I sense movement…!’ ‘Now…!’ All of a sudden, both boys halted their clash and pulled away their hands, though in a different manner. “Wha—“ Misha realized too late that Minato didn’t attempt to bait his attack; instead, he deliberately broke away to deliver a piercing strike. “Seyah!!” “Hyaaah!” He jumped away and barely escaped his attack, but now there’s a considerable space within them. “I won’t let you!” Minato gave pursuit and followed with a spinning vertical slash. Misha got no choice but to guard and get thrown by it. “Kuh…!” Misha quickly recovered, but now it’s his turn to defend against Minato. ‘N, not good…! I need to get in and close the distance fast…!’ “Aah…! He broke it already?” Reika lamented. “…well, that’s Sanada’s son for you.” Mei glumly added. Being focused on his attacks, Misha was caught off guard when Minato’s follow-up strike didn’t come, seemingly imitating him. ‘Did he just— No…!’ “There!” With a well-timed downward diagonal slash, Minato forced Misha’s dagger, and hand, down, creating a much needed opening. “Not yet!” Holding his Sky Fencer with two hands, he continued with a full rotation and knocked Misha away. “Uagh…!” “Battle points, down by 20%.” Ignoring the cheering crowd, Minato exhaled and got back into stance, while watching Misha trying to regain his footing, still clutching his chest. “Auugh… I have to do it all over again…” Misha lamented. “What are you gonna do now…?” Mei muttered, watching the boy with a slight hint of worry. Seeing his opponent has recovered, Minato took a deep breath before rushing in to resume the fight. “Here I go!!” Judging from his posture, Misha could determine that Minato is going for another thrusting strike. ‘Since he got the range advantage, he’ll strike earlier… That means…!’ “Uooooh!!” ‘Now…!’ As Misha got his prediction right, he dived forward to Minato’s left. “What!?” Using only his left hand as support, he used all his strength to propel himself upwards and did a somersault. “…!” His wrists hurt a bit from all the defending, but this risky maneuver is able to even the score, then Misha is willing to take it. “Yaaah!!” “Gh…!” Minato reacted and tried to defend himself, but it was a bit too late. Descending with a slash, Misha scored a hit. Right after landing, he followed with another attack, and it cleanly struck Minato. “Guah…!” “Not yet!” With a thrust, Misha tried to complete his three-parter, but Minato managed to block at last. “Ah…” “Kh…!” “Battle points, down by 10%.” ‘That’s some athletic skill he got there.’ Sigulf mused. “He got the lead again.” Mei commented. “Now if only he can completely shut him down…!” Reika added. Before the increasingly distraught home team, Misha intensified his assault, hoping to stall Minato. ‘Just a bit more…! Hang in there, my hands…!’ Once more, Minato shifted his stance, which didn’t go unnoticed by Misha. ‘Again? Then—‘ “Uoooh!!” “Eh— Kyah!?” Instead of backing away, Minato pushed forward and performed a sword bash. Due to the obvious difference in strength, Misha is easily knocked off balance. ‘Oh no!’ “Take this!” Not wasting his chance, Minato stepped forward and successfully landed a downward swing. “Guah…!” “One more!” Not stopping there, Minato added a sideway slash, and this time, he sent Misha flying. “Misha!” his teammates shouted in worry. The boy rolled safely, but it’s clear he has difficulty standing. “Ugh…” “Battle points, down by 25%.” The momentum swayed back to Atlantic’s favor. “What should he do?” Reika asked in panic. “Is the difference too big after all?” Mei didn’t answer, silently hoping that Misha will regain the flow. “Haah… Haah…” Misha slowly got up, but his hand shook that he end up dropping his Siebog. “A, ah…!” “Misha! Are you—“ “Don’t come closer!” “Eh…?” Minato was taken aback but complied nonetheless. With his hand finally stop shaking, Misha picked up his kinzhal and returned to fighting stance. “…it’s alright. My wrists just hurt a bit.” “But—“ “Minato, please. Don’t.” “Ah…” “I appreciate your kindness, but please save it for later. As for now…” In spite of the apparent disadvantage, Misha’s eyes glinted dangerously, something almost everyone noticed. ‘He’s tough. Got to give it to him.’ Sigulf mentally commented. “…very well. Then I won’t hold back!” Minato answered his request. ‘Oh, will I get to see his Arms’ second form?’ Having ascertained each other’s resolve, Minato rushed to clash with Misha again. ‘…tch, too bad.’ “You were hoping to see it too, huh?” Alba quipped, as if she read Sigulf’s mind. “…you know me.” “Well, I’m your tag partner, after all.” She winked. Sigulf said nothing and seemingly focused back on the match. ‘…don’t just wink like that. That was actually cute…’ was what he actually thought. Of course there’s no way he’d knew what she has on mind. ‘Why did I do thaaaaat!? So embarrassing!’ Alba mentally regretted. The Gallowglass nearly missed the increasingly intense blade exchanges if not for the other spectators’ reaction. “Kh…!” “Guh…!” Among the numerous clashes, some strikes managed to slip in to both parties. “Battle points, down by 20%.” “Battle points, down by 30%.” “Haah!” With a strong blow, Minato forced Misha into defending and knocked him away. “Ugh…” Having reeled from the force, Misha jammed his leg to brake. “You…” Even though it’s 55-25 for Minato, Misha can’t help but to smile. “You’re strong…!” “You too!” “Misha-dono…” Reika muttered. “Even though it came down to this, he still enjoyed it whole-heartedly…” Kouji noted. “That’s really commendable.” The crowd calmed down, with some of them seemingly touched by Misha’s determination. “Let’s go, Minato!” “Yeah, let’s decide this!” Kicking the ground as strong as they can, Minato and Misha charged towards each other for a final clash. “”Haaaaaaah!!”” Taking off into the air, Minato spun his body diagonally and unleashed an aerial slash. “Gooo!!” ‘Then, I…!’ “Oooooohh!!” “!?” Misha increased his pace, jumped at a very low angle and converted it into a slide, passing cleanly beneath Minato. “Kh…!” He forced his body to turn around, and his hand to stop himself from sliding. “I won’t let this end!!” At the same moment Minato’s Sky Fencer bashed the empty ground, Misha has already leapt, ready to stab his defenseless back. “!?” “Minato, no!!” his groupies yelled in unison. “Yaaaaah!!” “Uargh…!” Misha’s attack connected cleanly, and seemingly knocked Minato off balance. “Battle points, down by 35%. 20% remaining” ‘I got hi—‘ “!?” Much to Misha’s surprise, Minato managed to grab his wrist before he could jump away to safety, despite nearly falling down. “…sorry.” Letting his wrist go, Minato then delivered a powerful upswing which thrashed Misha across the area. “Gah…” Misha touched the ground with a thud, and his teammates could only look in resignation. “…as expected from Crimson Ronin’s son.” Kouji praised. “Battle point 0, cannot continue duel. Winner, Minato Amakawa from Atlantic Academy.” The spectators promptly exploded into cheering. Minato, exhaling out of relief, dematerialized his Arms and approached Misha. “Whoa, did you see that, Siggy?” Alba asked. “Quite a move, isn’t it?” “Huh, who would’ve thought…” Sigulf agreed. “Gotta think for a counter-measure when my hands are already full with dual-wielding…” “Right, right… When it comes to him, there’s no such thing as over-preparing.” Back to the grounds, Reika hurriedly tends for Misha. “Misha-dono! Are you alright!?” “I, I’m fine… Sorry I lost…” “It’s alright… Here, let me see your hand.” Mei joined and checked his wrists. “Hmm… It is indeed hurting, but nothing dangerous.” “I told you.” Misha tried to smile. “Smirnov-san.” Getting called by Minato, Misha slowly got up with the help of Mei and Reika. “It’s Misha.” “Eh?” “Well, you told me to call you by ‘Minato’, so…” “O, oh, right. Misha-san. So, uhh…” The Russian boy giggled. “Congrats, Minato.” He extended his hand. “It was a nice fight. And… You’re really strong.” “Likewise…!” Minato accepted his handshake. “I promise I’ll get stronger, and next time…!” “Then, I’ll be waiting…!” The crowd cheered and applauded them, even without Eliot’s cue. “It’s really nice when rivalry goes like this.” Eliot commented. Minato parted with the Pacifics and returned to his own group. “I’m back! …hm?” However, the atmosphere surrounding his girls isn’t a pleasant one. “Ooh, congratulations on your victory, Amakawa!” Eurypha greeted, forcing a smile. “Must be nice going over a cutie you’re close with, huh?” “W, what? What do you mean?” ‘Oh, this again? Yaaay.’ Sigulf thought. “I mean, it’s pretty nice to get chummy and call each other by name, right?” Carmen joined. “…huh? I don’t see the problem.” “Could it be that you are into cross-dressers?” Ilma bluntly asked. “What are you trying to say!? Besides, didn’t all of you call me by name during the match?” There was a slight pause before Carmen retorted, “Well, of course, duh! Like I usually do!” Eurypha and Ilma, however, didn’t manage to immediately answer and turned beet red. Ilma opted to turn her face away, while Eurypha finally blurted, “I, it was spur of the moment, y-you idiot! I, it’s not l-like—“ “Gaaah, stop hogging everyone, Amakawa!” Walter protested, followed by Yuu nodding in approval. Sigulf watched them in silent amusement, trying his best not to grin. “Hey, hey, Siggy.” Alba tugged his sleeve. “Hm?” “I wonder… Are you into girls like Hestianus?” “…exactly like her personality?” She nodded. “What makes you come up with that in the first place?” “I dunno…?” Alba shrugged. “Maybe you find them cute like some guys do?” “Well, yeah, some do. But not me…” he sighed.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2127", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4, part 11", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Later that day, when Sigulf finally reports to Laine, she raised her eyebrow slightly. “Well, I did say you could handle it by yourself,” she commented. “But I never thought you would actually slug him on the face.” “…oops?” “Well, it can’t be helped against them. Just don’t snap against our guests from Pacific.” “Oh, we’re in charge of them?” “Together with the official security team, that is. So don’t forget that, a’ight?” “Yes, Ma’am. I’ll keep that in mind.” “Aaand, that’s it for today. Dismissed.” “Good work, Brother.” Lindorm added. “See you tomorrow.” ——— Night falls, and Sigulf, just got out from shower, lies in his bed. ‘Considering those bunch, it’s safe to put them on low priority… Right?’ he thought, recalling his encounter with the noble. He redirects his attention to his phone, after which he stared at the screen in silence. ‘…and just like that, I got everyone’s numbers. Celina’s number included. Easily.’ Sigulf suddenly gets a bit red. ‘Is it really OK for me to have it!? …wait, wait, wait, calm down. And don’t even think of sending some useless chit-chat.’ He mentally reprimanded himself. But not long after, his phone vibrates. Seeing the sender’s name made him a bit excited. “To every member of the Council,” the message begins. “Good work for today. I’m looking forward to work with all of you tomorrow. Student Council President, Celina Bartram.” ‘Ah, I should’ve expected something like this.’ he thought. ‘…then again, it reads funny. Did she just want to send encouragement messages? I wonder if she’ll keep doing it…’ He paused for a while before finally making up his mind. ‘Damn, it won’t hurt just to reply, will it!?’ Sigulf thought, slightly upset while typing his message. “Thank you, and likewise, good work for today. I too will do my best.” His message reads. ‘…this is good enough, isn’t it?’ he thought, slightly embarrassed before sending it. Whether she reads or responds is another story. Setting his phone aside, his consciousness slowly drifts away. ——— The next morning, on the classroom… “Eeh!? You got attacked yesterday!?” “Well, yeah, during my patrol—“ “Why didn’t you tell me!? I want to beat down some nobles!” “Oi, oi… And it was more of a personal fisticuff.” During his way, Sigulf earned curious looks from fellow students, which piqued Alba and Yuu’s concern. “But I see. If that how it goes, then I guess that’s quite a relief.” The Japanese boy commented. “They basically have lost the will to reinforce their position on a grander scale.” “Aww, but I have rested for too long…” Alba lamented. “Me and my claymore are itching for a good fight!” “What do you mean too long, it’s not even three days yet…” Sigulf retorted. “And don’t purposely stir some chaos just to find some good duels.” “I, I won’t go that far! …maybe.” “Oi…” “Ugh, my apologies… If only I was there, I could have helped in some way.” Arthfael suddenly joined. “No, that’s why I said it’s nothing big. I handled him myself. Why are you apologizing anyway?” “I did nothing the first time around, and I’ve been thinking to atone for it.” “You… Got quite the hero syndrome, don’t you?” “I don’t quite get the ‘hero syndrome’ here, but as I aspire to be a knight, then that’s the natural thing to do.” “The Chivalry Code, huh…” “You could say that. Don’t you have something similar? Like Warrior’s Way or—“ “Not that I remember. If anything, being a ‘warrior’, I thought the stereotype is ‘aim at victory at all cost without going outright dishonorable’?” “Well, I guess so. Sharp in a wild way without being too rogue-ish.” “That, and,” Sigulf trailed away while eyeing Alba. “This lady over here added ‘Aim high, but never forget your steps and surroundings’.” “Huh? Isn’t that obvious?” Alba retorted. “And why did that one sounds like you’re being sarcastic?” “…it wasn’t, though?” “No, no, pretty sure it’s different from how you talk with… those two.” “Those two? Oh… Well, with their aura, it can’t be helped—“ “Well sorry for being unrefined, unlike them.” She pouts away. “…I didn’t say that.” “Hahaa… Is this jealousy I smell?” Yuu snickered. “Wha— Why would I!?” Alba screeched at him. “…Hrimgard, I’m disappointed. That’s not how you treat a lady.” Arthfael commented. “…and how it’s my fault now?” ——— At lunch break, just as Sigulf was about to leave the class… “Hey, Siggy, wait up!” “Huh? What’s the matter?” Alba caught up and stopped him on the way. “You’re not going to leave your teammate behind, are you?” Sigulf looks a bit surprised. ‘Huh, again, this is new…’ “Not going to avoid Chelsea like usual?” “Ugh… A, at least not this time. She did buy me some food, so…“ “Aah, right, that. I see… Well, feel free to tag along, then.” Alba’s expression brightens. “But of course I will!” Alba skipped her way past Sigulf before turning to him. “Come on! We don’t want to let our lunch gone cold!” she said with a wide smile. “Uh, sure. Let’s go.” ‘…she’s being unusually cheerful. But well, I guess it suits her more.’ And when they reached the rooftop, Chelsea’s face lit up upon seeing Alba, causing her to flinch, though she kept her word and stood ground. Sigulf, meanwhile, nodded at Celina and greeted Celina, “Umm, good afternoon.” “Good afternoon.” She smiled. “Let’s make our lunch and duties today count.” ‘Ah, did she…?’ “Yes!” “Besides, I’m pretty sure it was a bit draining after snapping like that.” Celina chuckled wryly. “…I’ll be more careful next time.” ‘Duh, of course she knew about that too.’ “Well, I’m sure Laine already said something about it.” Chelsea added. “And I heard he attacked you first. So, we can chalk it up as self-defense. Just remember to keep a cool-head in front of our guests, okay?” “Yes, Ma’am.” “Alright! Now let’s eat before lunch’s over!” Opening his lunch, Sigulf took a good look at the three girls in front of him. “What is it?” Celina asked as she noticed his gaze. “Ah, it’s nothing.” ‘…I wonder if this is what Amakawa feels with his group.’ Sigulf is silently feeling grateful as he digs into his food. Indeed, it was another pleasant lunch break for them. ———- After a mostly uneventful class, Sigulf is back on the road with the patrol team. Since it’s the day before weekend, there are obviously more students around, especially the 1st-years. ‘Stay alert. Keep your eyes and ears open. Don’t let up just because it’s almost off-day!’ Recalling Laine’s words, Sigulf carefully observed the area around him while munching a chocolate crepe. ‘Even though the nobles could be considered unimportant, we still have to make sure everything’s safe for our visiting guests. Or something like that.’ On the way, he noticed a pair of students wearing red armband around their left arm. Realizing what it meant, Sigulf gave a slight bow when they faced his way. Smiling, the pair returned the gesture before they went on their own way. ‘So that’s the official Council security. Or was it the disciplinary committee? In any case…’ Sigulf takes a look at his own left sleeve. ‘We’re supposed to be a secret unit, but considering the ruckus surrounding our members in just a week…’ Sigulf mentally lamented, remembering his encounters with the noble leader, as well as Minato’s misfortunes in public. “Yo, good work there!” “Hm?” Someone suddenly calling him made Sigulf look up. Standing in front of him is none other than Walter. “On a patrol, huh? Where are the others?” “Paperwork, since yesterday.” Walter paused for a while before finally letting a loud, “Whaaat!? So—“ “Yeah, it’s just me, Laine and Lindorm. You know, those 2nd-years.” “Dammit, Amakawa hogs the girls again…!” Walter gritted his teeth. “Wait, but that means he’s—“ Sigulf caught on what Walter’s getting at, and he wasn’t sure whether to growl or sigh. Probably both. “I know. I can only hope those three can keep him in check. Especially Hestianus or Rosales. And surely there’s no way someone can slip while sitting still?” Sigulf responded, getting uncharacteristically talkative out of irritation. “What kind of idiot could manage that? But this is Amakawa we’re talking about…” “…for Loki’s sake.” “Ah, wait. That’s not what I came here for. When will you guys hold a party again?” “Party? Oh, most likely next Wednesday. That’s when our trial week ends. Though I don’t know yet how will our final work positions be.” “Aah, I see, I see. Next week, huh? Don’t forget to invite me too, yeah?” “Eh, don’t wanna. I’d rather not to get into a conflict with Hestianus. Though, Amakawa probably will do that anyway.” “Whaaat? You’re not fu— Huh? Wait a minute.” Walter suddenly stopped as if he realized something. “If Amakawa… Then Eury will… Heheheh…” “…what?” “Oh, it’s nothing! I’m sorry, you are right. I should wait for Amakawa first. Heheh…” “If you say so…?” A group of boys could be heard calling for Walter. “Oh, crap, it’s almost time! Catch ya later!” he said while leaving for his friends. “Huh, sure…” Walter joined his friends and quickly disappeared from his sight. ‘What was that just now?’ ———– For the better or worse, there was nothing of importance to report. Thus the night rolls in, and Sigulf finding himself a bit restless above his bed. ‘I shouldn’t think about it too much, but…’ he mentally lamented. ‘And there’s those representatives from Pacific… But at least I get to practice during the weekends. Speaking of which—’ His phone suddenly vibrates. Sigulf quickly reached for it and opened the message. ‘Oh, so she’s doing it after all.’ He replied with a message similar to yesterday’s before putting it aside, ready to sleep… …only for it to vibrate again, surprising him. ‘Eh?’ Sigulf got a bit more awake and checks his phone once more. “Thank you, that was reassuring.” The message from Celina reads. “Don’t forget to sleep earlier. We have some workout to do tomorrow morning, don’t we?” ‘Uooooh!’ Sigulf got excited and a bit red at the same time. ‘…wait, calm down. It’s still too early. Reply, reply…!’ He struggled for minutes before finally settled with, “Yes, Ma’am! Let’s do our best, both Council duties and dueling! Good night!” ‘…uwah, what is this?’ Sigulf hung his head low, though he still sends the message all the same. “Ufufu, then prepare yourself. Good night!” came another reply. “…” Sigulf put away his phone and buried his face in the pillow. ‘…dammit, I’m too excited to get sleepy now.’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2063", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 3, part 7", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Uncertainty is the most prominent thought which ran through the students’ mind, particularly the unofficial Council members’ 1st-years. Two weeks. Two weeks at most they have been in this Academy, yet here they are, tasked with greeting rival Academy’s delegations. Of course one could also say that, one, it isn’t a highly important duty on a big scale, and two, it goes to the other side as well, assuming they are indeed 1st-years who have been sent abroad just two weeks in their new environment. In any case… “Thank you for your warm welcome, Principal Stark.” The male student, who is presumably their leader, returned her greeting. “We’re looking forward to our short excursion here.” ‘A Japanese…’ Sigulf noted. At a glance, he reminded Sigulf of Minato. Yet the way he carried himself indicated that he as an air of confidence and charisma, unlike the usual Minato. The rest of their students then took a step forward, and Sigulf got a better look on them now. Different from him, they felt somewhat tense, though Sigulf can’t really blame them. ‘Huh? One guy out of 4?’ True to what he discerned, the slightly wavy, black haired student was the only boy on their ranks, the leader notwithstanding. The others were a shy looking white-haired one, another is a long haired brunette, and the last one is a cool-looking girl with shoulder length black hair. And she caught Sigulf’s attention the most, considering how customized her uniform is, lack of sleeves and the addition of coattails and all. Even though their standard uniform is already catchy; a white jacket with star-shaped chest-opening, complimented with few red and blue stripes. “I’m sure you are tired from the journey,” Victoria continued, forcing Sigulf back to real world. “So would you mind if we show you the way?” “Oh, no, not at all.” Pacific’s leader replied. “By all means, please. We appreciate it.” “Very well then…” On her cue, almost every Council member moved, save for the actual security staffs that stood by on the landing pad. Lindorm, Laine, Minato’s girls and some others dispersed somewhere else, while the other half, including the Council duo, Sigulf and Minato escorts the guests. “By the way, Mr. Houjou,” Victoria suddenly said on their way, presumably addressing the leader. “I heard there was some problem on your end few days ago. Is it the reason why your group is a bit undermanned?” “I see our Principal has talked about it to you. It is embarrassing, but unfortunately, yes.” Houjou responded. “I presume she had already given the details?” “She did. I see… It must be quite troublesome for Stacy…” ‘Hm? So their Principal is a woman too? …wait, she even calls her by name.’ Not long after, the whole group arrives at the guesthouse and the Pacific guests began to unload their belongings. “If you need anything, please don’t be hesitant and ask our staffs or Council members.” Victoria informed, motioning to the armband-wearing students. “Thank you for your consideration. For the moment, we just would like to rest.” “Very well. Then please make yourselves comfortable.” Just as Victoria was about to turn around, one student peeked from their room. “Umm, Sir, may I— Hyah!?” “Watch out!” Said student stumbled and nearly fell if not for Minato’s quick reaction. “Are you alright?” Minato asked. “I, I’m fine… Th, thank you…” she responded with a red face. ‘Thank goodness those three aren’t here.’ Sigulf mentally commented. “I think you should rest earlier, Misha.” Houjou addressed her. “Or rather, we all should.” “R, right… I’m sorry…” “Well then, I guess we must take our leave.” Victoria said. “Rest well.” “We will, and thank you very much.” The group finally split apart, and the Atlantics followed Victoria outside, where they regrouped with the rest of the Council members. “I guess that’s all for today.” She announced. “Maybe there will be more for the following week, so keep yourselves sharp.” “Yes, Ma’am!” the students answered in unison. “Thank you very much for your work. You’re dismissed.” All of them saluted her as she left the place. Some students followed suit and returns to their own daily business. ‘We didn’t do much, but it was still kind of tense.’ Sigulf mentally commented. ‘Alright, let’s see what I should do next…’ “Good job, everyone.” Celina greeted the 1st-years. “I assume everything’s gone well on your side, yes?” “Fortunately so, Ma’am.” Eurypha returned it with a salute. “…by the way, what’s with M— Amakawa?” “Hm?” They turn around to face Minato, who seems to be mulling about something. “Is something the matter?” Chelsea asked him. “…that person called Houjou… He felt familiar for some reason…” Minato explained. “Eh?” “Strange… I’m pretty sure I’ve never met him before…” “What, there won’t be some twist like he’s your long lost illegitimate brother, right?” Ilma sarcastically quips. “No, no, no! Look, I know my father is carefree and rather hopeless, but the one thing he won’t definitely do is to betray my mother.” “I was being sarcastic.” She clarified with a sigh. “So he does travel?” “Eh? Well, yeah… And he loves Dueling. Sheesh, if only he would help Mom more whenever he’s around…” Now that one piqued everyone’s interest. “Amakawa…” Eurypha asked. “What is your father’s name?” “Huh? It’s Taketo—“ “Take—“ she looks surprised for a moment. “…oh right, that can’t be. They probably just share the same name.” “Eh, what do y—“ “I’m talking about your surnames, sheesh. So that means your father’s name is Taketo Amakawa, right?” “Uh huh.” “I thought so. For a second, I mistook him with the Crimson Ronin Sanada…” “Oh, I don’t really get the Crimson Ronin, but he goes by Taketo Sanada before he marr—“ “EEEEEEEEEH!?” Almost everyone couldn’t hide their surprise, making nearby onlookers to look at them. ‘Figures…! Ordinary guy, my ass!’ Sigulf mentally retorted, resisting the urge to slug the boy on his face. “…eh? Did I say something bad?” “Amakawa! You better be not messing around with us!” “Huh!? What are you even getting at!?” “Just answer my question already!” Eurypha insisted. “Are your father really Taketo Sanada!?” “Yes, he is! Before taking my mother’s surname!” “…positive?” “Positive.” “THAT Taketo Sanada?” “I don’t really know what you meant by ‘that’, but I guess yeah…?” As much as Eurypha hated it, she can’t see any deceit in his eyes. “Oh my Zeus…” she lamented while covering her face. “I can’t believe this pervert is Crimson Ronin’s son…” “Will you stop with the ‘pervert’ already?” Minato protested. “…and is my father really that strong?” ‘…is this guy serious?’ Sigulf mentally commented. “How could you not even aware with your father’s achievements!? He’s the Crimson Ronin! The world’s strongest freelance Duelist!” “Don’t blame me on that… I mean, sure, my father did train me whenever he got the chance, but most of the time, I practiced kendo with my grandmother instead.” “…I won’t even be surprised if she turns out to have some history in Dueling.” “Err, I don’t think so. I mean, she’s quite the traditionalist…” “But, I see…” Carmen finally joined. “Sanada’s Son, huh? Hmm…” “Um, what?” “Things will definitely get more interesting, right, Minato?” she winked. “Aah! That’s right! It’s because you’re his son, more the reason to join this witch’s pervertedness!” Eurypha added. “Jiiiiiiiii…” Ilma simply stared at him. Minato is visibly uncomfortable, being ganged up by the trio as usual. Sigulf, meanwhile, simply watched in silence. ‘So he got the pedigree after all… I won’t lose to that!’ Unknowing to Sigulf, Chelsea watched him too, albeit for an entirely different reason. “I, is this…!? A passionate longing gaze between boys…!?” she wondered while being red-faced. “C, Chelsea?” Celina asked with worry. ———— Finally dismissed for good, everyone returned to their own rooms. Sigulf took out his phone and noticed that there is a message from his Master. ‘Shit, I didn’t notice at all.’ He didn’t waste any time and quickly dialed her number. “Hello, Master?” “Oh, Siggy boy! What’s the matter?” she answered from the other side. “No, did something happen?” “Huh? …ooh, is it about my message? Don’t worry, I was just asking how you have been.” “I, I see…” he sighed out of relief. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Were you busy?” “I should be the one apologizing, though… But yeah, Council duty.” “It’s fine, I’ve been a bit busy as well. Sorry I can’t visit.” She laughed. “But, duty on Sunday? Must be rough.” “Well, it’s not physically taxing, but since we have to make sure no funny businesses on Pacific’s visit…” “Eh? Duelists from across?” “Yeah. For excursion, apparently.” “Hmm… Excursions aren’t something new, but don’t you think it’s a bit too soon?” “Yeah, I thought so too…” he agreed. “Speaking of which, did you ever fought Duelists from there? Maybe during excursions or—“ “Aah, so that’s where are you going.” She chuckled. “Well, maybe once. Three times at most.” “Mm hm.” “And thus I can’t give you any real concrete advice on that. From what I could gather, videos included, they seem to rely less on technique and more on power. Oh, and they tend to be more showy. Other than that… Well, stick with your usual. Sorry about that!” “Ah, it’s alright. Thanks, Master.” “No problem! Is there anything else?” “Hmm… You remember about the Crimson Ronin, right?” “Yeah, the wandering freelancer. Shame I didn’t get to fight him. What about it?” “Turns out I’m on the same class with his son.” Vigdis suddenly went silent. “Uhh… Hello, Master?” “That’s it!” “Wha—“ “If you want to raise your stock, beat him!” “O, okay!? I mean, that’s one of my goals…” “Good! Did you stick with that Bartram girl like I said!?” “Yeah, today we trained double the amount, even.” “That’s not enough! Make it triple or quadruple!” “…seriously? But—“ “Eei, no buts! You want to be the best, don’t you!?” “Y, yes, Master! I’m sorry!” “Good! Keep working on that, but don’t forget to train with the others! If all gone well, your stock will rise, your beloved Celina will notice you, and you might mar—“ “I’m hanging up.” “Waaaah! Stop, I was joking!” “…seriously, Master.” “…but don’t you want to? I mean you do want to bleep with her—“ “Did you just seriously say ‘bleep’!?” “I can’t let my baby boy’s ears get tainted!” she laughed. “But I’m pretty much tainted already living under you…” “What was that?” “I said, ‘I’m pretty much tainted already BY living WITH you’.” “Uu… My boy has grown into a cold teenager with no delicacy… Sob sob.” She faked crying over the phone. “Err…” “Stupid Siggy! Women’s enemy!” “…that doesn’t suit your character at all.” “I know.” Vigdis laughed again. “Are you entertained?” “3 out of 10.” “Boo, boo! Too strict!” “Well, but seriously, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t crack a smile.” “I see… That’s good to hear.” She replied. Even though he can’t see it, there was a hint of relief on Vigdis’ face. “So, uhh…” “Hm?” “Thank you, Master. I mean it. Talking with you made me relax, somehow.” “Kuuuh, now you’re saying stuff like that! You better save it for her!” “Yeah, I wish… Maybe someday…” “Then go for it!” Vigdis encouraged. “Anything else?” “I guess that’s all. Again, thank you.” “Don’t mention it. You can always talk to me. Well then, do your best and good luck on everything, Sigulf.” “I will.” “See you later. Chu~” “Yeah, la— Wait, what?” Vigdis has already hung up. “…for Angrboda’s sake, Master.” Still, Sigulf was smiling while staring at his phone for few moments. ‘I’m lucky to have her as my guardian, after all…’ Sigulf looked up and gazed towards the horizon beyond his window. ‘Sanada’s Son and the Pacific reps… Tomorrow is going to be interesting, it seems.’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2071", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4: Dawn Before the Restless Tide, part 1", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
The next early morning, on the usual training hill… “Teyah!!” “Gh…!” ‘Feels like she’s stronger than usual…!’ “What’s the matter, Siggy!? You can’t keep defending all day!” “Tch…! Well then, how about this!?” Sigulf and Alba are sparring ferociously against each other, with Celina and Chelsea watching from the sidelines. “Wow, I see she’s on fire today!” Celina commented. “That… And preeetty sure she has pent-up frustrations on her own too, which immensely helped.” Chelsea added. “Eh? What do you mean?” ——— Minutes later, both pair has already finished their share of mock duel. Still, there are no signs of calling it a day anytime soon. “So you wanted to improve on your team fighting skills?” Celina asked. “Yes. Would you have any advice about that?” “Hmm… As much as we’d like to help, I think it would be better if we try and practice it ourselves…” she said, while turning to Chelsea. “Come to think of it… We haven’t actually had the chance to do some tag duel trainings, have we?” “Now that you mentioned it…” “What have we been doing? Even though we’re trying to hold a tag tournament this autumn…” Celina laughed wryly. “Yeah, that’s not good at all…” Chelsea sighed in agreement. “…well, in any case, the closest thing I have to an advice is, you’ll need an even higher awareness and then some more.” “Awareness, huh?” “Right. When you are fighting a tag duel, you’ll also need to pay attention to your other opponent, which is obviously harder because single duels don’t need them. By then, you’ll be able to decide whether to focus on your current opponent, or to disengage and aid your partner.” “Hmm, I see…” “Of course you must also consider your partner’s capabilities, as well as whether they are having an advantageous match-up or not. …having said that, I guess the problem back then wasn’t about you and Kanzaki’s skills, though.” “Eh? Well yeah, Yuu is a good duelist. …if he’s getting into it, that is.” Sigulf responded. “And so, what is?” “The same thing goes for us too. We all simply aren’t used to tag duels.” “That… Sounds incredibly simple.” “It is. But think about it. We are all already used to normal duels, to simply focus on one and one opponent alone, so much that our bodies reacted without even thinking. So when we finally are forced to divide our attention…” “Our usual fighting style kind of falters… Isn’t it?” “Precisely. So, want to practice it?” Celina offered, twirling her great spear once. “You can still go, right?” “You sure are fired up for this…” Chelsea commented. “Mustn’t we?” “That, and actually practicing it by doing is the best bet, after all.” Sigulf said. “It’s decided, then!” she smiled. “Alright, so how should we divide the teams? 1st-year vs. 2nd-year?” “…already a high hurdle, huh? But if it’ll help me grow, then—“ “Wait, no, maybe you’re right. It’s not a good idea to jump start that much.” Celina corrected herself. “I think it would be more beneficial if we take it slower. How about we mix-up the teams?” “Hm? Then how should we assign who’s with who?” Chelsea asked. “Right… Should we decide based on our skills?” “As the number 2, it hurts to hear that…” “Wait, that wasn’t—“ “It’s a joke! …well, mostly.” “…” “A, anyways, that means I get to pair with the better one among you two, right? Which means—” “Me.” “Me!” “”!?”” Predictably, Sigulf and Alba raised their hand at the same time, before ending up staring daggers at each other. “That’s quite the claim, Siggy! You do know that I’m still here!” Alba said. “Even though I ranked higher than you on the entrance exams?” Sigulf retorted. “And that’s just that! Maybe Sir Fortier picked you last time because you actually needed a push?” she grinned. “Wha— How would you even know about that!? Nevermind the fact that we haven’t actually fought each other!” “You two…” Chelsea sighed. “Well, that just means they are enthusiastic…” Celina giggled. “So, any other ideas for the team making?” “Hmm… Then how about the reach of our Arms?” “…ah, does that means—“ “That’s right. Each of us here has both shorter- and longer-ranged Arms. I think it would be more balanced to have both on each team while mixing the years.” ‘! Wait, wait, wait, this can only mean—’ “Sooo… You go with Sigulf, and I’m with Alba?” Chelsea concluded. “Yes, something along that line.” “Well, okay then. Alba, let’s do our best!” ‘Hmm?’ Sigulf’s mild confusion was mirrored by Alba’s wariness towards Chelsea. “Eh? What’s with that look? Did I say something wrong?” “No… It’s just… You’d usually be clingier…” she pointed out. “Ooh, that… Well, I stopped because you don’t seem to like it.” “Eh!? Well, err…” “Oh? What’s this? Do you miss getting glomped, after all?” “N, no, no, no! I’m good! Come on, let’s get ourselves prepared first!” “Alright, alright! Sheesh, you poor little girl…” ‘…’ Sigulf glanced towards them, but couldn’t really come up with anything, so he dismissed the thought and decided to focus on his newfound team with Celina. “Looks like I’ll be in your care today.” Celina said, smiling. “Umm, isn’t it the other way around?” “Oh, but you do have an experience in tag duels before.” “Well, yeah, but…” “Ufufu, don’t worry. You can do it. Let’s do our best and watch each other’s backs, shall we?” “That sounds just right… Yeah, sure. I’ll give it my all!” From across the field, Alba and Chelsea watched the pair interact. “Uwaa, just look at him, grinning widely like that in happiness…” Alba commented. “He’s ridiculously simple-minded…” “…a, ahahahahah. He certainly is…” ‘I’m still worried about Celina, but… I guess this is how you will take it, Alba?’ ——— Around the middle, both teams have already finished their preparation and waits for the final cue. “300 seconds as usual. Ready?” Celina announced. “…Go!!” Immediately rushing towards each other, Alba braced herself… as her expected impact with Sigulf didn’t happen. “Wha—“ Sigulf zoomed past her and goes straight for Chelsea, pushing her back. “Guh…!?” “Alba, focus!” “!?” She instinctively reacted and blocked Celina’s spear in the nick of time. “…sorry!” Sigulf, on the other hand, has already begun trading strikes with Chelsea. “Tough defence as usual…!” “Fufu, regretted your decision to take me on? Wouldn’t it be easier for you to engage Alba instead?” “Maybe… But first, I’m taking your reach into consideration. And the second… Your speed. Can’t ever hope to match mine!” Chelsea smiled, though not out of pure amusement. “Well, aren’t you cheeky? But let’s see if it’s enough to get through my defence!” Meanwhile, Celina and Alba have already clashed steel as well. “I see that’s the judgment he took.” Celina commented while delivering a heavy thrust. “Usually he would just come straight at you.” “Yeah, I was a bit surprised about that…!” Alba replied, and retaliated with a powerful swing. “Still, this is a good chance. Come to think of it, we barely talked, let alone sparred, with each other, do we?” Alba paused for a moment, before she slowly began to grin. “Yeah, right… This is a good chance indeed!” Her sudden attack forced Celina to guard. “That’s the spirit! Well then, prepare yourself!” ‘…still, I don’t really get the faint feeling of hostility, though.’ ——— When their sparring session came to an end, both Sigulf and Alba are on the ground, trying to catch some breath. “…are you alright?” Celina asked in worry. “I’ll manage…” Sigulf answered. “…I think.” ‘Did I even learn anything new today? I did bail out and switched target, but…’ “Why are you so adamant on facing me?” Chelsea sighed. “Overestimating yourself is bad, you know?” “Sorry, I’ll be more careful next time… It’s just… I can’t keep fighting Alba all the time.” “What, are you saying sparring against me has no benefits?” the girl in question retorted. “That’s not what I’m saying… Variation, remember? We get to see each other every day, but not with them.” “My apologies. I wish there’s something we can do about the schedule…” “Ah, no, it’s alright. It can’t be helped, anyway…” “Hmm, you’re sweeter with her after all, compared with your own tag partner…” Alba pointed out. “Eh?” “O, oi…!” “Did you already come up with a team name?” “Wha— T, there’s no way—“ “Umm, how about ‘Raven’s Banner’? You know, just like—“ “You don’t have to answer that!” Chelsea quickly reacted and cut Celina off. “O, oh, sorry…?” “A, anyways!” Sigulf spoke up. “We’re done here, right? Should we call it a day?” “Right, let’s wrap this up. Everyone, good job for today! Don’t forget to get enough rest!” Standing up, Sigulf glanced at Alba. She smirked in response. “What?” she asked, feigning innocence. “…nah, forget it.” ——— Relaxing in his room after a nice bath, a knock on his door forced him to get up. ‘Who could it be?’ He opened the door to see his master, waiting. “Hey!” “Oh, Master. Morning. Dropping by again?” “Actually, not really. You just took a bath, right? Good timing!” “Huh? For what?” “Let’s go out and get some new clothes!” “…what?” “It’s for you! You can’t keep wearing band T-shirts for your date!” Sigulf instantly went red. “We haven’t even gone that far! And what’s wrong with band tees?” “Hush, hush, then more the reason to prepare earlier. And the effort counts. You might want to look a little bit… Umm, fancier? Anyways, you have 5 minutes.” “…seriously?” “Come on, don’t look at me like that. I’ll buy you something else! Okay? You want something?” “I…” Sigulf sighed. “I don’t need any. Just let me get changed first.” “Yaaay! A date with my boy!” “Don’t say things like that out loud…!” he screeched. “And I can’t change while you’re still here!” “What? You mean I don’t get to watch?” “Of course not!” “Aww, too bad… I want to see how much—” “E, enough… Just wait outside…”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2141", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 5, part 4", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
“Alright. As I’ve mentioned before, the duel is 300 seconds. There are no special rules; both combatants are allowed to use their own limbs to attack the opponent. Both of you, clear enough?” Eliot asked the boys. “Yes, Sir!” both Sigulf and his opponent, Arthfael, answered. “Good! Now, your oaths!” Sigulf took a deep breath. ‘I’m not used with knightly matters like this, but… Gotta try.’ “We, the Duelists from Atlantic—“ both of them begin reciting. “Swore to abide by the rules, respect the judge’s decision, and fight with all of our might, in honor of our opponent, and for the glory of one own self!” both Sigulf and Arthfael finished their oaths. “Now, summon your True Arms!” Arthfael began chanting, “From the depths of the enchanted lake, rising to cleave through all steel… Brought us your promised victory! Sword of the King, Caledfwlch!” A sword adorned with gold soon materialized in Arthfael’s hands. As for Sigulf, he changed his stance and crossed his arms, forming an X in front of his chest. Icy blue aura appeared around him, and much to everyone surprise, it’s as if the whole room’s temperature goes down. “What’s going on here!?” one of the mobs yelled in surprise. Water-vapors appeared as Sigulf began chanting, “Hunt… Slay… Be victorious! Break free from your bindings and run wild—! FENRIR!!” As soon as his True Arms materialized, Sigulf cut through the air, while the aura fades away and the temperature returns to normal. In his hands is a pair of steel bearded axe. Its grip is wrapped in leather, while the shaft and the blade are adorned with a carving of what appeared to be a wolf’s head. ‘So full of theatrics. Just like you, Vigdis.’ Eliot thought. “We meet again, Hrimgard.” Arthfael suddenly talked. “However, this would be the first time we go against each other. And I have no intentions to lose here.” ‘Just as I thought.’ Sigulf mentally noted. ‘Seems I did saw him during the exams.’ “En garde!” Eliot exclaimed, to which both Sigulf and Arthfael got into combat stance. “Begin!” At Eliot’s cue, Arthael dashed forward… while Sigulf is unmoving. “Sig-kun!? What is he trying to pull!?” Yuu wondered aloud. The blonde boy jumped and raised his sword. “Am I too fast for you? In any case, the first strike is mine!!” Arthfael brought his Caledfwlch down and struck Sigulf. “Battle point, down by 20%.” Sigulf’s indicator announced. However, Arthfael realized that Sigulf is only slightly flinching. Looking up, his eyes met with Sigulf’s. “What the—“ Without saying a word, Sigulf swung his left axe and scored a clean hit. He continued with his right and knocked Arthfael away. “Ugh…!!” “Battle point, down by 30%.” Arthfael stood up once more while Sigulf is slowly closing on him. ‘His eyes just then…’ the blonde boy thought. ‘It’s not normal…! It’s less human and more of a beast!’ “You…” Arthfael growled with fury. “Are you toying with me!?” he charged towards Sigulf once more. “No.” Sigulf replied as he evaded Arthfael’s attack. “I was trying what my master used to do. Seems it didn’t work, though.” ‘I see. With her current condition, going offensive with such speed would be detrimental. It’s such a pity, Vigdis…’ Eliot thought with a somewhat sad expression. “Didn’t work…? Then how about you…” Arthfael said as he lunged forward. “Fight with your own style!?” Arthfael launched a series of attacks, which every one of them got evaded by Sigulf. “Seems so. Master would be pissed if she saw me.” Sigulf took a leap backwards and changed his stance, to a slightly-hunching, primal-looking one. “Now that’s what I’m talking about…!” Arthfael said, readying his stance. “Here I go.” Sigulf dashed… and seemingly vanished. ‘So fast!’ Arthfael thought. ‘But this pattern… His presence… I’ve read it!’ “Ther—“ As Arthfael prepared to swing backwards, however, Sigulf is closing on from his front. “W, what!? Is it a feint!?” Arthfael yelled in disbelief. ‘Ah, the classic feint.’ Eliot thought. ‘With speed like that, you could easily make a 50-50 situation out of it.’ “Gotcha.” One, two, three… Four clean strikes landed on Arthfael, with the last one knocked him away. “Gahh!!” “Battle points, down by 60%. 10% remaining.” Arthfael’s indicator announced. ‘What… What’s wrong with this guy!?’ he thought while standing up once more. Sigulf said nothing as he returned to his combat stance and slowly advancing towards Arthfael. “A, are you kidding me!?” one of crowds expressed his disbelief. “He just toyed a knight like that!” “Tch…! I have no other choice, then…!” Arthfael said while he raised the Caledfwlch in front of him. The sword begins to emit a golden glow, which seems to be extending the blade’s reach. ‘I see…’ Sigulf mentally noted. ‘You are not allowed to fight below 100%. However, anything above that is permitted. Things just got interesting, it seems.’ “This is it…!” Arthfael exclaimed. “With this…! I’M TAKING YOU DOWN!!” Faster than before, Arthfael charged towards Sigulf, attempting a horizontal slash. Sigulf jumped in time to evade it. However, Arthfael quickly brakes, changed trajectory, and jumped towards Sigulf, with the Caledfwlch raised. “Now I got you!!” ‘He got much faster after all…!’ Sigulf thought. “Tch…!” Sigulf quickly spun his body and swung his Fenrir upwards, clashing with Arthfael’s blade. Sparks fly as the two True Arms deadlocked. “Grrh…!!” “Khh…!!” Slowly, the Caledfwlch began to overpower the Fenrir, making Sigulf struggle to keep his footing. “Just… A bit… More…!” Arthfael grunted, keeping his pressure. “Gh…!” “Go, Penndreic! Make that lowborn knows his place!” one of the spectators suddenly shouted, earning him some stares of ire. “What will you do now, Sig-kun?” Yuu wondered. ‘People like that still exist, huh…’ he mused, while struggling to push the Caledfwlch away. ‘I can’t lose here… Then—‘ “Limiter: Laedingr, release.” Sigulf announced. “What are you— !?” Suddenly, the Fenrir glows pale blue, and it begins to push Caledfwlch back. “No way!? He kept something like this!?” Arthfael yelled in disbelief. The sparks intensified as Fenrir overpowers the Caledfwlch even more. “No! I mustn’t lose! For—“ “Back off.” “!?” Clang! Losing its golden glow, the Caledfwlch was thrown into the air. With nothing to defend himself, and faced with Sigulf and his rising axes, Arthfael can only mutter, “Damn it…!” Sigulf brought down his Fenrir, knocking his opponent away. “Battle point 0%. Cannot continue duel.” Arthfael’s indicator announced. “That’s enough!” Eliot exclaimed. “Duel’s over! Winner, Sigulf Hrimgard!” The room exploded into a mix of cheering and commotion. Yuu simply sighed out of relief. While Alba, from her corner, smirked with her arms crossed. “It’s way more interesting like this.” She said. As for the others… “Oi, oi…!” Walter said. “We have another like Amakawa here? Damn, can’t let them steal my spotlight.” “Hmm… A bit brutish, but not half bad.” Carmen commented. “Hmph… I’ll be fine as long I don’t get hit.” Ilma said. As both True Arms dematerialized, Sigulf walked towards Arthfael. He then hunched over and offered his hand. Arthfael looked perplexed at first, but then he took his hand and gets up. “Huh… Seems like I lost really badly this time…” Arthfael said. “Now,” Eliot exclaimed. “Give our combatants a round of applause!” The whole classroom applauded as both of them proceeds to shake each other’s hand. “Next time I won’t lose.” Arthfael said. “Likewise.” Sigulf replied. “Both combatants, you may now return to your place.” With Eliot’s cue, the two parted and returns to join the rest of the class. “Congratulations, Sig-kun.” Yuu said as he approached him. “Nice fight.” “Mm, thanks.” Sigulf responded as he passed by Yuu. “Sig-kun?” As Sigulf keep walking closer, Minato finally noticed Sigulf’s presence. “Eh…?” Sigulf shot him an icy glare wordlessly, while continuing his way to the back of the room. Yuu chased after him. “Ooh!? Is that supposed to be a declaration of rivalry!?” Walter commented. “You think so?” Minato asked him. “…what’s his problem?” Eurypha added, sounding annoyed. Meanwhile, Eliot watched them from afar. ‘First Amakawa, and now him. It’s still the early days, yet they already made such an impression. Let’s see for how long this can keep up.’ ——— Meanwhile, on 2nd-year’s area, after school… “Did you hear!? The heir of Penndreic got thrashed in a duel!” “You’re lying! Who did it!?” “That’s the problem! We never even heard of his dynasty!” Some 2nd-years, who appear to be members of the upper class, are in commotion. Not far from there, Celina and Chelsea decided to listen. “What’s his name again?” one of the crowds asked. “If I recall correctly, it was Sigulf Hrimgard.” Another answered. “Sigulf Hrimgard…” Celina mumbled. ‘Could it be him?’ “Cel? What’s wrong?” Chelsea asked her best friend. “I have a bad feeling about this…” ——— Little did Sigulf know that this victory he considered small, is simply the beginning of things to come. Indeed, his journey is still far from over. The path of ulfhedinn is a long one… ——— Prologue “2117: Einvígi á Atlantic”, end. Continued on Chapter 1.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "1931", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Prologue, part 6", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
And so the next morning, it was noticeably livelier on the whole school. Half of it because of the Pacifics’ visit, and the other is because of the news of who Minato’s father is has already spread among the students. “…yeah, I shouldn’t be surprised at the newspaper club at this point.” Sigulf commented while watching Minato being surrounded. “Kyaa! It’s Sanada’s son!” a random girl screamed. “Oh no, he’s looking here…!” another joined. “Hey, Sanada! Fight me later!” a boy challenged him. “What!? Hey, I should be the first!” another protested. “…was it a mistake telling my story?” Minato lamented. Even the three girls wasn’t sure whether to shield or to gush over him, “Well, as long as the students are energized…” Celina added. “True, true! It’s the best when everyone happy!” Chelsea echoed her sentiment. “Oh right, you all were there. No wonder you don’t seem so surprised by now…” Alba realized after her initial shock. “Haah… And he got all the spotlight just like that…” Yuu sighed. Of course Sigulf and the others watch contently from a distance. “Ahahah, couldn’t agree more on that.” “Hm? Oh…” “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.” The voice which caught their attention belongs to none other than Houjou. He was accompanied by two council members, who saluted upon noticing Celina, and his teammates. “Good morning.” Celina returned his greeting. “I hope you all rested well.” “It’s all thanks to your hospitality.” Calm and polite, so Sigulf noted. A direct contrast to his mates who look understandably tense. “But it’s indeed something,” Houjou continued, quickly understood as referring to Minato. “Having the son of such acclaimed Duelist enroll here would surely turn heads!” “Houjou…?” The boy didn’t reply as he chose to approach Minato instead. “Good morning.” “Eh…? Oh, good morning.” The crowd promptly began to whispering among themselves. “Hey, it’s that guy from Pacific…” “Oh no, he’s a good looking fellow…!” So Minato was a bit surprised when Houjou suddenly offered a handshake. “Pleased to see the famed Sanada’s son in person. My name is Kouji Houjou.” Nonetheless, he accepted it. “I’m Minato Amakawa. Nice to meet you too.” “Amakawa…? Oh, I see. So how’s that it is. Hopefully, we’ll have a great duel sometime in the future.” “Likewise…!” The crowd went “Oooh…!” at the scene, excited for any possibility, while one of his teammates, the cool looking girl, sighed at his action. “B, beautiful…!” Chelsea admired the two, though for an entirely different reason. “…I still don’t really get what’s going through your head.” Celina commented. “Hmm, this is not good…” Yuu mumbled. “So, what do you think, Siggy?” Alba asked him. “I don’t care. I just have to fight well.” “Edgy.” Alba’s quip earned a chuckle from Celina and Chelsea. “…shut up, you do know it’s right.” ——– Shortly after, everyone entered their own classes. And Sigulf, like many others, noticed something a bit unusual. ‘They installed 5 new, temporary seats, but the guy named Houjou isn’t here. Does that means he’s an upperclassman? But then, who—‘ “Alright, calm down a bit, everyone.” Eliot commanded. “I know you’re all eager with the prospect of fighting strong rivals, but let’s listen to what they have to say first, alright?” The cool girl looks a bit surprised at him, but didn’t say anything. “Ladies and gents, if you will.” ‘Hm…?’ “Well then…” she took a step forward, followed by the rest. “As you’ve already known, we are here on excursion as the representatives of Pacific Academy. As for myself… Draft pick number 2, Wen Mei. Pleased to be your acquaintance.” “Likewise, number 3, Reika Kannomine… de gozaru. Pleased to meet you.” Yuu suddenly narrowed his eyes on her turn. “What’s the matter?” “Why does she felt familiar?” “…wait, you too?” “U, umm…!” their introduction continues. “N, number 4, Misha Smirnov. N, nice to meet you…!” “And number 5, Anil Kumar. Greetings.” The students, obviously, began talking among themselves. “I see,” Eliot said. “So the number 1 is—“ “Unfortunately, yes.” Mei responded. “Well, I don’t think it’s necessary for us to prod deeper, so… Anyways, I’m sure you’ve got lots of question for them, but save it for lunch break. And…” Eliot paused to think. “Oh, that’s right. Amakawa, can you accompany them later?” “Eh? Me?” the boy in question was surprised. “B, but, Sir!” Eurypha quickly raised her hand. “He’s—“ “I know. Then in case accidents happen, you have my permission to… Ah, punish him.” The three girls looks satisfied with his decision, the Pacifics sans Anil winced at the word ‘accidents’, and Minato nearly slammed his face to the desk. “Sir, you can’t be serious!” he protested. “Uwaa, even Sir Fortier favors him over you now.” Alba whispered to Sigulf. “Whatcha gonna do?” “No worries. He knows I’m not suited for social situations.” “…pretty sure you should be worried, if anything.” “Yes, you should indeed.” Eliot interrupted, having overheard them somehow. “So, Team Gallowglass you may join Amakawa as well.” “Eheheh… Yes, Sir!” “…yes, Sir.” “Alright, you may sit down now.” Eliot signaled them. “And so, without further ado, let’s begin today’s lesson.” ——— The bell rings at lunch break, and everyone is getting ready to leave the class. “Alright, shall we eat at the café?” Minato offered. “Eh? But we brought our own lunchboxes.” Mei responded. “Oh, it’s okay, so do we.” “Well then, please show us the way.” “Leave it to me.” And so they head to the café, while Sigulf, Alba, and Yuu follow from behind. ‘Guess I’ll have to settle for this today…’ “What’s the matter?” “No, it’s n— Hm?” The group in front of them caught his attention. Celina, Chelsea, Lindorm and Laine are accompanying Kouji, seemingly with the same destination. “Oh, it’s you guys.” Celina noticed. “Good afternoon, everyone.” “Good afternoon!” “Sir.” Mei saluted towards Kouji, followed by her teammates. “It’s alright. No need to be so tense.” He laughed. “…I’ll try.” “So I guess this lunch will be a lively one.” Chelsea noted. “Let’s go grab some seats then.” “How many of us today?” Eurypha asked. “Umm, 15?” “Fif—“ She turned around to see Walter has sneakily joined them. “Yo!” “…not ‘yo’. What are you doing here?” “Aww, come on. One additional seat wouldn’t hurt. You don’t mind, right?” Walter grinned towards Minato. “Yeah, not at all.” Carmen sighed, and Eurypha facepalmed at his decision. ‘Well, that’s so him.’ Sigulf mentally commented. ——— The group managed to secure a table. Being large in number, not to mention being comprised of some notable students, they quickly attracted others’ attention. “…it’s alright, I’m getting a bit more used to this.” Celina reassured herself, earning a wry laugh from Chelsea. “But it’s truly a fine café.” Kouji complimented. “I can see why everyone would enjoy dining here.” “…that, and it’s still a bit chilly. Not much people want to eat outside by now.” Mei pointed out. “Hm? Why not? Won’t it be nice having lunch while we enjoy the scenery and cherry blossoms? Ah, right, should we do it tomorrow?” She sighed in exasperation. “…Sir.” ‘He’s quite the jolly one…’ “Oh, I almost forgot.” He continued. “May I ask something?” “Sure, go on.” Celina responded. “I heard there were some problems with the nobles. What was all that about?” “Ah, that…” she paused for a bit. “I’m sure you already know that, compared to your school, ours had… a tendency to prioritize ancestry over anything else.” “Mm-hm.” “And that’s why we’ve been trying to change it. I think it reached the boiling point when a young knight of ours got defeated. Then the nobles acted on their own and nearly attacked a 1st-year. Fortunately, we managed to subdue them. Even so, we still stand alerted in case they try again.” “I see… That sounds troublesome. But that also means it will open a new way for non-nobles.” “Indeed. That’s what we have been aiming; to make an environment when your skills, passion and drive matters.” “I see, I see… And I presume Sanada’s son was at the center of this?” “Eh…?” “Oh, he’s not?” Kouji looks surprised. “It was these two.” Celina turned to see Sigulf and Alba with a smile. “Eh? Eeh!? …well, she’s not wrong, though.” Alba responded. “It was her idea.” Sigulf pointed to her. “…you talked like we did a bad thing.” “Huh? No, not at all.” “Sigulf Hrimgard.” Celina explained to Kouji. “He’s the one who defeated the knight and later got attacked for the trouble. The girl, Alba Hunter, came in to rescue, thinking he was being bullied. It then turned into a series of tag battles, with them coming on top over three teams.” “Hee… Interesting. Tag battles, huh…” Kouji watched them arguing less about the actual incident, and more about unrelated silly things. “Excuse me, you two.” He finally called. “”Yes?”” “Sigulf Hrimgard and Alba Hunter, was it? I apologize for my rudeness.” “Huh? I don’t really get it, but okay…?” Alba said, seemingly unsure. ‘He probably didn’t bat an eye on us and thought only Amakawa mattered here.’ “Thank you very much.” He continued. “Pleased to be your acquaintance. I’m looking forward to see your battles!” “Oh, umm, likewise.” Sigulf, meanwhile, said nothing and merely nodded. “This school sure have some nice surprises in store.” He chuckled. “If only he could make it here…” ‘He? Could it be—‘ “Excuse me.” Sigulf spoke up. “Then, can I ask you back?” Kouji looks surprised for a brief moment. “I’m guessing it’s about our missing member?” “Yes.” “I see.” He laughed wryly. “Well it’s not like we’re trying to hide anything, so—“ “Sir.” Mei suddenly cut him off. “Allow me to explain in your stead.” “…alright, then, if you will.” Mei nodded and then turned to glare at Sigulf. “First things first, while I… We don’t hate you guys on a personal level, that’s just for outside the ring. But inside… We’re here to fight. We won’t lose; we’ll win and prove that the Pacific is better.” Her declaration made the whole café silent. Misha understandably looks uncomfortable, Reika and Anil returns to being tense, while Kouji can only sigh. “I know.” Sigulf answered. “That goes for us too. Those words… We return it to you. WE will come out on top.” For some reason, Mei seems pleased and gave a thin smile. “Good. I see you’re talking my language.” Chelsea sighed out of relief as the tension cools down. “Now, back to topic at hand,” Mei continued. “Our number 1 freshman is, obviously, a very skilled fighter. As much as I don’t like it, he is better than me.” “Hmm.” “The problem is… Well, his personality. I did say that we have no hard feelings outside the arena, right?” “Yeah…” “But for him… Let’s just say he didn’t look at you all favorably and as a result, he refused to come, deeming it not worth it.” “What!? How dare he!” Eurypha exploded before being restrained by Carmen. “That’s not unusual, but I think I get it.” “That’s not all though.” “Eh?” “In rage, he got into fights with some of our personnel, and even with outsiders. Thus, he had to be grounded by our Principal.” Not even Sigulf was sure on what to say. “And so, I will say this: If I have to apologize on behalf of his actions, then I will. But make no mistake, for our school, and for our personal glory, we won’t hold anything back.” “You don’t have to tell me that again. And besides, it’s not even your fault in the first place.” “Hah, you’re right. So what’s left for us is to clash blades, yeah?” “Seriously, Mei-dono…” Reika complained. “You made a pleasant lunch into a stressful one.” “What, I’d rather tell them the truth so we won’t have any misunderstandings later. Besides, it is his fault for being so… Unpleasant.” “So even his own teammates have problem with it too.” Sigulf commented. “Care to give me a name?” “Curious, huh? Then… Jack Ashfield. That’s his name. I heard he had experience in unsanctioned pit fights. A brawler through and through.” “Jack Ashfield…” An allegedly talented Duelist whose skill can only be matched by his own equally massive ego. Sigulf wonders what kind of man he actually is.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2072", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4, part 2", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
After the whole class nearly skipped their lunch break thanks to the poll results, they proceeded to the mock duel session as usual, with Walter chosen as a volunteer and winning decisively. “Wait, what’s with this treatment!?” “Armstrong, who are you yelling to?” ‘In any case,’ Sigulf thought, ignoring Walter’s sudden outburst. ‘Those gauntlets do pack a punch. Due to his earth elemental, I kinda thought he would focus to grappling instead of striking.’ ——— With practice out of the way, Sigulf and Minato’s group heads to the Council room after the bell rings. Of course the awkward, uneasy air from lunch break still accompanies them. ‘Feels like the girls could explode at any given time… It would be good if I can avoid the crossfire.’ “Ah, you’re all here. Good afternoon.” That familiar voice. His favorite voice. It pulled Sigulf back to reality and prompts him to greet, “Oh, good afternoon.” For some reason, Celina, and obviously Chelsea too, didn’t respond immediately, though Sigulf thinks that he has the idea why. “Did something happen?” Celina asked while looking at Minato and his girls. “N, nothing big!” Eurypha quickly answered. “It’s just—“ “Armstrong presented some kind of popularity contest’s result, and we nearly missed our lunch.” Sigulf interrupted, much to Ilma’s annoyance somehow. “Aah, I see. So that’s why you didn’t show up earlier.” “Sorry about that.” “No, it’s alright. You don’t have to apologize.” “Hee, so you held a popularity contest already? Isn’t it a bit too soon?” Chelsea chuckled. “Eh, well… Wait, I don’t think that’s the problem…” Eurypha mumbled. “Oh, you’re still hung up on the results?” Carmen taunted. “I am NOT!” “Alright, that’s enough, no fighting on my watch.” Chelsea intervened. “Sooo, did you win, Carmen?” The redhead was a bit surprised with Chelsea addressing her, but replied nonetheless. “Unfortunately, no. But then again, I’m against Alba, so 2nd place is good. For now.” “I see! So Alba won… Fufufu.” “Why are you looking so happy?” Celina pointed out. “Why wouldn’t I? Ah, but if she joined the Council, then it will be even better for our PR.” “Is that it…?” Sigulf retorted. “Ruuude. Why are you always doubting me? Anyways… What about the boys? Did—“ “I’m below 9th to say the least.” “O, oh… I see…” “Please don’t look sad like that.” “Amakawa came first, with Kanzaki and Penndreic following behind.” Eurypha sighed to conclude the results. “I see. Congratulations then, Minato!” “Eh!? Err, thanks, I guess.” “…why are you getting flustered!?” the twintailed girl hissed. “But, a popularity contest, huh…” Chelsea said while looking slightly nostalgic. “Do you think you’ll win again this year, Cel?” “I wonder about that…” “Oh, of course the seniors held it too.” Sigulf realized. “Well, it was during the end of our first year—“ “And she won not only our class, but the whole first year too!” “…something like that.” “Hee…” “I guess that’s to be expected from you.” Carmen commented. “But aren’t you bothered by it?” Eurypha asked the duo, still unconvinced. “Hm? Bothered by what?” “What if they escalated? Like you know… A swimsuit contest?” she finished with a slightly red cheek. “Ooh, I think I get where you are going.” Chelsea chuckled. “Don’t worry, school events are better regulated; no one is forced to participate anyway.” “Wait, we had that? And it’s a school event?” “I think we held one last year. Though, unfortunately, Celina and I didn’t participate.” “Unfortunately? You do know well I won’t partake in the first place.” Celina protested. “What are you saying? Even though—“ “Chelsea. Your hands.” “Yes, Ma’am!” ‘She never learns…’ Sigulf thought. ‘But, aah… I want to see Celina in swimsuit too… Wait, what am I thinking!?’ “Knock, knock.” Another voice caught their attention. “Prez, we’re going to patrol. Can we have our rookies already?” “Oh, Laine! I’m sorry about that.” Celina apologized. “Enough chatting for now. Let’s start working then.” “You’re surprisingly diligent today.” Chelsea laughed at Laine. “Eh, the sooner it’s done, the better.” “Senpai, we’ll be on your care today!” Minato said while bowing. “Yes, yes…” Laine sighed. “Alright, Lindy, rookies, let’s make sure our grounds is safe.” “”“Ou!””” Eurypha and Carmen followed Minato’s enthusiasm, while Ilma opted to stay silent, still evidently pissed with what happened today. “Well then, we can’t keep standing here all day.” Celina said. “We’ll be counting on you today too.” “Alright, leave it to me.” Sigulf replied. ——— Today’s council job is a bit different, as Celina started with sharing her ideas for autumn’s Free-for-All Tournament; namely testing the ground with the tag-team duels. Since there’s already Chelsea and another student who is the actual secretary in charge of recording things, Sigulf ends up mostly listening while making small memos if deemed necessary. ‘Ooh, so she goes for it after all.’ Sigulf thought. Fortunately, almost everyone is willing to try the idea, having found that tag duels might be an interesting experience. Some gave their insight in case trouble happened, another offered to take care of the sponsors. All in all, it’s a good start. ‘About six months or so from now… I’m sure the Council will make it.’ He thought. ‘By then, I…’ ——— After the meeting, Sigulf returned to clerical duties like usual. Much to his liking, there’s only him and the Council duo on the room now, increasing his work speed. ‘Alright, I definitely can do this!’ While working on his papers, some details on it caught his attention. As if to read his curiosity, Celina turned to him, asking, “So, how’s it going? Is there any problems?” “No, not at all. Just small things I wanted to ask if you don’t mind.” “Oh, sure. What is it?” “This Automaton spare parts under maintenance… We have those?” “Ah, that. Well, to be fair, I almost never used it to train myself. While I do think Automatons will never replace the unpredictability of human partners, if for some reason you want to try them, you can visit the facility nearby the training grounds. Just don’t forget your student ID.” “I see. Maybe some other time.” ‘An automated sparring partner, huh? Quite interesting.’ “Anything else?” “Umm, this one… The Pacific Representatives are going to visit?” “Yes, next week according to the Principal.” “I’m not even sure why, though.” Chelsea joined. “Well, anyways, we have to be as accommodating as possible.” “Hmm…” The Pacific Academy. Located on the other side of the pond, they are not a bad dueling institute by any means; far from it. But years of being considered second fiddle – either simply by establishment years or actual performance – has brewed a sense of fierce rivalry, mainly from their side. ‘And they are coming over next week… Is it something dramatic as a declaration of all-out war? …no, too far fetched.’ ——— When the day’s share of paperwork is finally done, the three proceeds to enjoy afternoon tea time like before. “Here’s your tea.” Chelsea said while handing the cups. “Ah, thank you.” Pleasant fragrance of their milk tea fills the air surrounding them. Along with abundance of delicious snacks, it was truly a refreshing after school break. ‘…this is bad.’ Sigulf thought. ‘I can’t stop stealing a glance. Is there anything else I can focus on!?’ “Hm? Is something the matter?” Celina suddenly asked and caught him off-guard. “No, not at all.” “If you say so…?” Chelsea said nothing, meanwhile, and opted to simply watch the two; more so towards Sigulf. “By the way,” Celina continued. “Are you going somewhere after this?” “Eh? I’ve been thinking to try the Automaton facility, actually, but…” “Ah, I see. Is it related to the Pacific visiting?” “A bit, I guess. Well, that and I’m curious now on how it performs compared to actual humans.” “Oh my, if you are that worried, then maybe we should intensify our training regime. Think we are ready to spar with no limiters?” she suggested half-jokingly. “…please be gentle with me. Or rather, I’d ask, can we? Starting from next weekend?” She chuckled. “Being steady is the key, but I must admit that I appreciate your enthusiasm.” “Umm, thanks.” Chelsea still being silent most of the time eventually caught her best friend’s attention. “And what about you? You’ve been awfully silent this time.” “Eh!? Well, no, it’s just… I think it’s been a while since I saw you having so much fun.” Celina blinked. “Me?” “Mm-hm. From yesterday, actually.” “I, I see…” Celina responded while lightly touching her own face, looking slightly surprised. “But I guess it’s because of you.” Chelsea continued, now shifting her attention to Sigulf. “Huh? What do you mean?” “Hmm… How should I put it… Feels like you have becoming more of our part during this week. I think that’s why she could ease herself.” Sigulf barely managed to express his delight, saying, “Well, I just wanted to help…” ‘That’s good to know, but more the reason I shouldn’t slack off after this.’ “Hm? Wait, now that you mentioned it…” Celina suddenly realized something. “Starting this Thursday, you will be working with Laine’s team, right?” “Ah…” “Too bad, just as we are getting used with you around…” Chelsea laughed wryly. “…it’s alright, that’s how the agreement goes.” “So I guess you get to scout the Pacific representatives. While here… Paperworks will be livelier with Minato’s group around.” “Err, Cel? You would be more careful with him.” Celina took a second to realize what she meant. “…oh, right. Then I will leave accident prevention measures to you.” “Ceeel!” “W, well, that aside, he will be with Hestianus and the others. Hopefully they can do something.” Sigulf added. “Anyways, did you want to go somewhere first?” “Oh, right, I nearly forgot. Actually I wanted to grab some crepes before we go to check the Patrol squad. Would you mind if we come along to the facility? We can eat after that.” “Oh, sure. I don’t mind.” “Thank you!” ‘Ah, her smile is so bright…’ “Cel… You’re addicted to those crepes already, aren’t you?” Chelsea retorted. “I, I can’t help it…”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2056", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 3, part 2", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
The next day, on warmup session before the actual mock duel… “Raaah!!” “Tch…!” Loud steel ringing born from dummy weapons’ clash pulled the attention of almost everyone. “They are really into it…!” “It’s just a warmup, right…!?” Both Sigulf and Yuu ignored the spectators, however, and stay focused on their own sparring. “Getting fired up, huh, Sig-kun?” “I have to. Guests from across the sea are visiting, after all.” “Yeah, I get what you are saying. That’s why, I too…!” Once again, both of them rushed in and locked blades. ——— After enjoying after-class teatime like usual, Sigulf, Celina and Chelsea heads back to the dorm together. On their way home, they spotted an all too familiar girl being on her own. “Hey, isn’t that Alba?” Chelsea pointed out. “Ah, you’re right. Is she still training?” Sigulf wondered aloud. “That’s quite the dedication, if I must say.” Celina added. “But, sheesh, why must she insists on practicing alone? I wouldn’t mind joining her.” “That’s because you’re too aggressive, Chel.” Sigulf ignored the following banter between the Council duo and watched Alba wordlessly for a moment. “Celina, Chelsea, I’m sorry, but can you go back first?” “Sigulf?” “Looking at her, I kind of want to train now.” Celina looks a bit surprised before responding, “Very well. Just don’t overexert yourself.” “I won’t. Then…” “Yes. See you tomorrow at school.” Giving a slight bow, Sigulf then goes over to Alba’s place. Chelsea looks puzzled but decided to say nothing and followed Celina back to the dorm. ——— Sigulf managed to catch up with Alba, who was taking a short break. Before he had the chance, she noticed him first. “Hey…” “Yo. Training hard?” “Yeah… What are you doing here?” “Naah, I was just thinking to ask you out for an early dinner.” “Wha— Did you hit your head or something?” Alba went slightly red. “…wait, don’t tell me…” “?” “Is this a ruse so I train less and thus take a hit on my duel performance?” Sigulf almost faceplanted. “Why would I do that!?” “Well, true. You seem to be the type that sucks at deception.” “…” “So, what’s the real reason you’re here?” “Ahh, how should I put it… Maybe I’m worried about you.” Alba narrowed her eyes. “…no need. I know my own body better.” “Oi, oi…” “This is not the time to fool around. Not when—“ “The Pacific team is visiting soon? Yeah, I know. I must give it my all too.” “That, and our… Monster of an upperclasswoman.” Sigulf instantly knows who she alluded to. ‘She did really leave such an impact…’ “If you know, then—“ “Not with that condition.” Sigulf cut her off. “…! Sigulf, you…!” ‘…wait, what? Shit, why is she getting pissed?’ Alba quickly summoned her Braveheart without chanting before getting into battle stance. “Draw your Fenrir. Now.” She growled. “What? Here?” “Don’t make me repeat myself.” “Tch…!” Sigulf had no choice but to comply. Summoning his dual axes, he readied himself for the unexpected challenge. “Hey, what are those two…?” some passerbies who are still around commented.Not paying attention to the spectators, Alba rushed towards Sigulf. ‘Here she comes…!’ Reacting accordingly, Sigulf took a step forward and intercepted her attack. ‘This is…’ They broke apart for a second before locking blades once again. ‘Just as I thought. Powerful swings, yet…’ Sigulf leapt backwards, surprising Alba a bit. “What’s the matter? If you’re not coming, then—“ “I forfeit.” Sigulf announced, raising his hand. “What!?” “Acknowledged. Duel’s over. Sigulf Hrimgard lost b—“ “Cut that shit out!” Alba roared. “What do you mean by you forfeited!?” “Alba, you said that you know your own body better, right?” “…!” “Then I’ll tell you why. Your muscles are crying. Even I know your strikes shouldn’t be… Not so forceful like those previous two.” “…tch.” Alba finally conceded and her claymore disappeared into thin air. “C’mon, let’s get something to eat first.” “…I don’t want to.” “My treat.” “I said—“ “Munchy box.” “…” ——— Not long after, on the usual nearby café… “Munch, munch, munch… Crunch!” “Good to see you’re back to the Alba we all know.” “S, shut up…” As promised, Sigulf treated Alba a serving of munchy box… While he himself settled for a chocolate pudding. “Will you be okay with just that?” “Can’t spend too much for a day.” “I see…” “So, have you calmed down?” “Sort of…” There was a slightly awkward silence between them. ‘Damn, what am I supposed to say again?’ Sigulf mentally lamented. “Hey, Siggy…” “Yeah?” “Why are you doing this?” “I’m… Not so sure myself. It’s just… I feel like I have to.” “…huh?” “Well, it wouldn’t be fun if I won simply because you got sore muscles, right?” Alba blinked once. “Pfft… Yeah, right.” She finally responded. “As if you’d win even with that handicap.” “Hey now…” “But… I think I got what you are trying to say.” Sigulf said nothing as he watched Alba took a solemn expression. “Training hard is important. We all know that.” She continued. “But…” Alba paused for a moment, seemingly searching for words. “Every time I remembered the extent of Celina’s strength, I become agitated. It’s as if—“ “You just wanna rush, train even harder and get much stronger, right?” “Eh!? How did you know!?” ‘Uwa, her reaction is kinda cute… Wait, that’s not the point here!’ “Well, I spar with her. I know how’s it feel like fighting her first hand, so yeah, I can relate.” “I, I see…” “I know you worked really hard, to the point declining Chelsea’s invitation just to train some more.” “That’s… Well…” “And I kinda noticed you’re the one who observed the hardest every mock duel session. You didn’t go back on your own words after all.” “Look your surroundings and watch your steps, huh…” “Uh-huh. But it seems there’s one step you’re missing. I mean, what if you collapsed out of exhaustion?” “I know.” Alba sighed. “To think you’ll get back at me with that…” “That wasn’t even my intention, though…” “But yeah… Practices should be efficient. Even though I knew we must both train and rest equally hard, my anxiety got the better of me…” “I feel you. If it not for my Master, I won’t be calmer like now and probably still panicking in fury.” “So just ‘calmer’ instead of totally calm, huh…” Alba chuckled. “…thanks, Siggy.” “Don’t mention it. We’re friends and good rivals after all.” “Weirdo. Shouldn’t you be happy if your rival got disadvantages?” “It depends. And definitely not for ‘good rivals’ like you. It’s not fun.” “You sure like that phrase.” “…I’ll admit, I was kind of happy when you declared me as your rival.” ‘Gah! What in Nastrond did I just blurt out!?’ “…idiot.” “Well, sorry for saying strange things…” “You are really an idiot.” Alba finally laughed. “But it’s fine like this. As the hero, having an idiot rival is a normal thing, right?” “Dammit, enough with the ‘idiot’ already.” Sigulf growled in protest. ———— After done eating, Sigulf and Alba left the café at last. “Feeling better?” “Yeah, no thanks to you.” “Oi…” “Umm, Siggy… Sorry for snapping at you like that.” “Ah, it’s cool. No harm done, after all.” “…say, you are sparring with the Council two, right?” “Well, mostly with Celina on weekends. You wanna join?” “Maybe not.” “Eh? Why not? Chelsea will be sad, you know.” “Well, that’s one of the problems…” Alba retorted. “A, anyways, to compensate that…” “Hm?” “May I tag with you on daily practice?” Sigulf blinked about three times before grasping what she said. “For a moment, I thought it was something big… Well, I don’t mind, but first come first serve. Yuu is usually there.” At his answer, somehow, Alba’s face got brighter. “You said it!” she grinned, before happily taking a step away across Sigulf. “Eh?” “Sorry for troubling you. And thanks for today, Siggy! See you tomorrow at class!” “Alba, wait!” “Huh?” “…you do know that the dorms are this way, right?” Sigulf pointed to the opposite direction. “O, oh, sorry.”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2060", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 3, part 4", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
The day flows further into afternoon, and with it, the air has slowly begun to get cooler. Having satisfied in trying the burger and crepes, Sigulf is about to part with the council duo.   “Thanks for inviting me today. It was really fun.” Sigulf said.   “No, no, the pleasure is mine. If you know more interesting stuffs, then please do tell us.” Celina replied.   “Aaand I’ll be there as well to make sure that Celina doesn’t do… Anything suggestive.” Chelsea added.   “T, that wasn’t on purpose.”   Sigulf merely chuckled.   “By the way,” Celina continued. “Are you going anywhere after this?”   “Hm? I guess I’ll return to the guesthouse. I’ll accompany my Master for a while before she goes home.”   “Master? Ah, as in your duel master?”   “Yes, and she’s my legal guardian too. She came for a short visit.”   “Hmm…”   “What do we do, Cel?” Chelsea asked. “This sounds interesting.”   “What? Well, I am a bit curious…”   ———   In the end, though, the three didn’t part ways and goes to the guesthouse instead.   “I’m sorry, even though we said goodbyes earlier.” Celina apologized.   “No, it’s alright. I appreciate the company.” Sigulf reassured.   “You’re not thinking of going back early and do some papers, are you?” Chelsea pointed out.   “Ah, you read me well.”   “Well, duh. You should relax more on day off like this. Besides, we’re not actually falling behind in quota.”   “True, but… I feel kind of restless without working on it.“   “…yeah, I can see why the Principal pushed Sigulf for another helping hand.” Chelsea sighed.   “Huh? What, so it’s you guys.”   Another girl’s voice caught the three’s attention. Chelsea’s face light up upon recognizing her.   “Alba!”   “Wha— Stop right there or I’ll cleave you!!”   “Sheesh, how cold. It’s not like I’m going to glomp you or something.”   “So you were going to!”   “Yo.” Sigulf greeted her.   “Good afternoon.” Celina followed suit.   “Ah, yo.” Alba replied. “Hey, wait a minute.”   “Huh? What?”   “…double date?”   “Doub—“   “No, we just had a lunch together.” Celina quickly interrupted a flustered Sigulf.   “Ah, could it be you’re feeling lonely? You should’ve joined the Council in the first place.” Chelsea chuckled.   “I’m not! …where are you guys going anyway?”   “Guesthouse. Going to check on my Master. Wanna c— Oh, right, you’re probably fine by being alone.”   “…”   ———   Munching her snack alone, Vigdis noticed that suddenly it became a bit noisy outside.   “Huh? That sounds like Sigulf just now.”   Curious, she got up and peeked from the door.   “I told you I have nothing better to do!” Alba protested. “And if Miss Vigdis is leaving today… Well, I have to see her off too.”   “Oh, Alba. You should be more honest.” Chelsea teased.   “…hm? Oh, there she is.” Sigulf suddenly said as he noticed her.   “Ah, you found me.” Vigdis responded as she stepped outside. “…wait.”   “Now what?”   Vigdis quickly realized that Sigulf has come to visit her accompanied by three girls.   “Good afternoon.” Celina greeted her.   Vigdis didn’t answer, however, prompting Sigulf to call, “Err, Master?”   “…boy, you’re going to make a harem now?”   “Master, please…”   “H, harem?” Celina asked in surprise.   “Ah, so we do look like his groupies.” Chelsea laughed wryly.   “…wait, am I being counted as well?” Alba pointed herself.   “But of course.”   “Why do people keep assuming that?” she covered her face in anguish.   “Because you worked well as a team.” Chelsea answered. “Plus, don’t you think he’s pretty good looking?”   “Oh, come on now!” Sigulf groaned.   “E, eeh… I don’t know about that…”   “Well, then… Ei!”   “Wha—“   “Whoa, watch it!”   Chelsea suddenly pushed Alba, forcing Sigulf to catch her from falling.   “Are you… okay?”   ‘So close…! But, looking at her like this… She’s… Surprisingly cute… Wait!’   “I, I’m alright!” Alba responded while quickly pulls away from Sigulf.   “Ahaa~” Vigdis said, giving a sly look.   “Chelsea! What are you doing!? That’s dangerous!” Celina suddenly shouted.   “…ah, I think I overdid it. Umm, sorry…?”   “Seriously… Good thing nobody was hurt.”   “You two shouldn’t be in the same place.” Sigulf said while looking at Vigdis and Chelsea.   “I promise I won’t do that again! …I think.”   “You think?”   ‘Whoa, he’s mad…!’   “Anyways,” the boy continued. “Celina, Chelsea, this is my Master, Vigdis.”   “Ahaha… Nice to meet you.”   “And Master… Well, these are the Council duo, Celina Bartram and Chelsea Kensington.”   “Pleased to meet you.” Celina greeted, now a bit cautious, while Chelsea smiled sheepishly.   “Umm… Thanks for looking after my boy.”   “Oh no, not at all. He managed by himself pretty well.”   ‘…crap, I don’t know how to talk like a normal person!’ Vigdis lamented mentally.   “So, uhh… I guess that goes for his fighting as well, right?”   “Ah, yes. Especially that.” Celina replied, her face lit up somehow. “Along with Alba here, he’s among the exceptional 1st-year students. I can guarantee it.”   “That’s a relief, then! I mean he did fell into a bit of funk recently… Ahahah— …ah.”   Alba looks confused, while Chelsea, being at the practice together, looks a bit shocked. Sigulf, though, kept himself composed.   Celina took a second to realize what Vigdis meant before she chuckled, “There’s nothing to worry. Through his eyes, today I have ascertained that he definitely has the potential.”   Looking at Sigulf, she continued, “If he continues with all his abilities, I’m sure he will catch up in no time.”   “Celina…”   ‘This kid is so mature!’ Vigdis tought while looking touched. ‘And she’s a real charmer! I can see while Sigulf likes her.’   “And I’m sure that is also because of what you taught. For that, I express my gratitude.”   “H, hey now, why are you thanking me!? …wait, that’s not sarcasm, right?”   “Hm? Well,” Celina sounds a bit hesitating. “I do admit that you and Sigulf act nothing alike.”   “I can’t disagree with that…” Sigulf commented.   “But my eyes recognize strength. And when I look at you, Miss Vigdis… I think I understand how Sigulf came to be like he is now.”   “…come on, I still can’t score a hit.” Sigulf responded while scratching his cheek.   “Oh? Are you getting disheartened now?” Celina teased.   “That’s not what I meant. Just stating the fact. Of course I won’t stop trying.”   Chelsea watched their exchange wordlessly, while Alba thought, ‘He… Could he be…’   “Huh? You’re still here?”   Another familiar voice caught the group’s attention.   “Hey, are you kicking me out now, Mel?”   “No, no, no. But I thought you’re the one who said that you’ll depart this afternoon?” Melanie replied.   “Eh? Master, are you leaving already?”   “Well, that’s the plan… But these chips are so good. Might as well finish them first.”   “…well, I did buy a lot of them so you don’t drink too much.” Melanie sighed. “Maybe share it with them?”   “Ah, so you are taking care of her.” Celina pointed out. “I presume you two are old friends?”   “Oh, hey you two.” Melanie said upon noticing Celina and Chelsea. “Yeah, pretty easy to tell, huh?”   “So, this lady is the school nurse?” Alba asked.   “Correct!” Chelsea answered. “Let me introduce you to Melanie Alderliesten.”   “Heya. Just call me Mel like these two. I don’t think we’ll see each other often though, since almost nobody gets injured. Not that it’s a bad thing.” Melanie laughed.   “Oh, so you are already that close with them?” Sigulf asked her, referring to the Council duo.   “Ah, right, I guess I forgot to tell. Well, the Council has been pretty nice from their first year. Plus, I don’t feel like being too formal with the students. It’s more fun this way.”   “I see…”   “Hey, hey, your little business is done, right? Let’s kill a bit more time.” Vigdis pleaded.   “That little business was for your sake, though.” Melanie sighed. “Oh well, let’s eat together. I don’t want to get fat from chips.”   “…but we just have lunch and more.” Chelsea lamented.   ‘A doctor… Little business for Master… Must be for her legs.’ Sigulf thought.   ———   About half an hour later, with the chips shared and her stuff packaged, Vigdis has finally arrived at the station. Eliot came running and joined them a bit later.   “Sorry, sorry.” He apologized.   “How could you? This is our best friend we’re seeing off here.” Melaine retorted while slightly nudged him with her elbow.   “It’s alright, Mel.” Vigdis laughed. “We know he’s busy.”   “You said it.”   “Of course. We’ve known the hardworking you for years!”   “Yeah…”   Vigdis paused for a bit before she continues, “So, uhh… I’ll probably come to visit again. And I’ll tell you in advance like it should be. So make sure you prepare a nice room, okay?”   “You better be.” Eliot replied.   “You better be what? Telling in advance or visit you again?” Melanie teased.   “Ugh…”   Laughed at the two, Vigdis then turned her attention towards Sigulf.   “What is it?”   “Err… You heard me. I’ll see you again some other time, and…”   “You don’t know what to say?”   “Ahahah, sorry about that…”   “No, it’s okay.” Sigulf reassured. “If anything, it’s because of you that I’m fine now so you have no more to say. Right?”   “Kuuuh! What are you trying to look cool for!?” Vigdis suddenly hugged him, clearly looking happy.   “Ma, Master! This is embarrassing!”   The spectacle earned a chuckle from the council duo, as well as Alba’s sighing. Vigdis finally let him go with a hearty laugh.   “Do your best, Son.”   “I will. And take care of yourself.”   “And… Celina, Chelsea, Alba.” Vigdis continued while looking at them. “Thanks for being friends with him.”   “The pleasure is ours.” Celina replied.   “Friends, huh…” Alba mumbled.   “Hey, next time I’m here, we should do some girls-only night! I want to listen to your stories!”   “Of course! I’m up for it!” Chelsea agreed enthusiastically.   “…it can’t be anything good if it’s from you two.” Celina sighed.   The sound of approaching Ocean Liner grabbed everyone’s attention.   “This is it.”   Approaching the automatic door, Vigdis turned back one last time.   “This is not the farewell!” she announced dramatically, earning few chuckles. “Well, take care!”   Together with the sunset, the Ocean Liner slowly disappears towards the horizon.   ———   With Vigdis went home, both the Council duo and the teachers excused themselves as well, leaving only Sigulf and Alba.   “…”   Sigulf gazed towards where Vigdis returned without saying a word. Alba, on the other hand, seemed uncertain for a while before she decided to speak up.   “Hey Sigulf, can I ask something?”   “Huh? What?”   “It’s about Celina.”   “…!”   “Do you…”   There was a hint of hesitation before she continued, “Did you spar with her and got trashed badly?”   “Ah, that. Yeah.”   “I see. So she must be strong.”   “Crazy strong. I can’t even see an opening.”   Alba stole a glance and noticed that somehow, Sigulf looks happy.   “So she’s the summit you’ve been trying to achieve.”   “Pretty much. …wait, is this got something to do with what you said back then?”   “Sort of. I’m kind of pissed to be honest.” She admitted. “But, it’s not like I don’t understand. I guess… I’ll aim for her too from today.”   “I see.”   “But!” Alba continued. “I won’t forget my own words. Before her, I’m taking you down first!”   Returning her emerald gaze, Sigulf finally responded, “Likewise. I’m not going to lose.”   “Good! Then, see you tomorrow at class. Don’t forget to sleep early.”   Turning the opposite direction, Alba raised her hand and waved, but…   “Alba, wait!”   “Huh?”   “The dorm’s this way.”   “…oh, right. Sorry.”   ———   That night, on Celina’s room…   “Phew… Well, I end up working on few papers after all.” Celina said while resting her head on the desk.   “…”   Recalling the week, especially the last two days, she began to think about a certain boy. An awkward boy who nonetheless have the quality of a fine duelist and quickly picks himself up with much ferocity after he went on a short-lived slump.   She likes him. Of course, she likes him; he’s not despicable. She has no reason to hate him. So why she got troubled by her own inadvertent actions and what Chelsea implied afterwards during their lunch? Couldn’t she just dismiss it?   “I… Really don’t understand… What is this?” Celina mumbled.   ———   On about the same time, Alba’s room…   The girl was silently staring at the ceiling, apparently has done some sit-ups.   “If it’s true, then… He’s fighting and getting stronger to impress a girl?” she mumbled. “Isn’t it foolish?”   Getting up, she concluded, “Of course it’s foolish. One should be getting stronger for their own sake. I knew it.”   Yet…   “…”   Redness began to creep on her face. When he caught her, when she gazed into him, his snow white hair framing his face and icy blue eyes…   She put her hands to her own warm cheeks.   ‘Dammit! This is all Chelsea’s fault!’   ———   Chapter 2 “Baptized in Sun Ray and Spring Air”, end Continued on Chapter 3.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "1962", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 2, part 12", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Their lunch was quite lively, partially due to Alba, Chelsea, and Yuu’s teasing, and partially because of Eurypha, Carmen, and Ilma were asking relentlessly for details. Of course, it quickly devolved into the three girls fighting over Minato, while the poor boy was too powerless to stop them. ‘…I began to feel bad for those three.’ Sigulf thought. ‘Is he that shy? Simply uninterested? Something else?’ ——— Things got heated up a little during mock duel session. In one way or another, Sigulf has made himself a big target, and his opponent was one of the unfortunate, heartbroken boys. “Hrimgaaard!!” “Tch…!” Sigulf repeatedly evaded the boy’s thrusts, looking for an opportunity. ‘Guess rage could make for a good fuel. But…!’ “Wha—!?” After a well-timed side-step, Sigulf spun his body and delivered a downward swing. It struck his opponent cleanly and thrashed him away. “That’s enough! Winner, Sigulf Hrimgard!” Among the cheering, Sigulf withdrew his True Arms. ‘I can’t lose here…!’ He sent a glance towards Alba and Minato. Both quickly caught his intention. “Hrimgard-kun…!” Minato sounded quite determined. “Heheh… That’s more like it.” Alba returned with a grin. ——— Thankfully for Sigulf, it was much calmer in the Council. Just like always, Sigulf assisted Celina and Chelsea, and the meeting went without a hitch. “Thank you for th— Wait, Chelsea, are you leaving already?” The girl in question stopped near the door just as Celina called her. “Um, well, I’d love to have teatime with you two, but I just remembered that I have another appointment, sooo…” ‘…she’s obviously lying.’ Sigulf and Celina thought the same thing. “Oh! I think I’m running late, so— …hm?” Something, or rather someone, made Chelsea stop. She then turned around to Sigulf. “You have a visitor.” “Eh? Who mi— Master?” “You…!” Vigdis suddenly jumped and hugged Sigulf tight close to her chest. “Waaaaaahhh! Why didn’t you say anything about this!?” “M, Master, calm down! We’re in the Council room!” “…eh? Ah…” Vigdis noticed that Celina was standing nearby, and she hurriedly lets Sigulf go. “Waaahh!? S, sorry, I didn’t mean to—“ “I, it’s alright, I understand.” Celina reassured with a wry giggle. Vigdis looked a bit apologetic towards Celina, but she still eyed her own disciple. “…still, you could’ve at least not leaving me in the dark.” “Err, sorry, Master. I lost the right moment…” “Maybe you should have paid better attention?” Victoria suddenly said, popping from behind the wall. “That said, I am curious too.” “Geh…! It’s the Atlantic Witch!” Vigdis screeched. “Why are you here!?” “Why thank you for the flattering nickname.” She nonchalantly responded. “As for why, my radar detected such a festive mood coming from the Council, so I’m thinking that maybe we can hold a small celebration.” ‘…what radar? Wait, celebrate?’ Sigulf glanced at Celina, who was slightly surprised as well. “Would you mind if I join your teatime?” Victoria continued. “Hey, what a minute! What are you planning with that!?” Vigdis questioned. “Hmm? Nothing much, merely interested in the juicy details, just like you are.” “Ugh… That’s…” Sigulf sighed while Celina let out a bitter laughter. ——— In the end, the two prevented Chelsea’s escape and they had teatime together. “Fufu… Now, mind if you share us your experience?” Victoria moved closer to Sigulf. “The details, boy! Don’t left out any single moments!” Vigdis added. “Celinaaa, save mee…!” Sigulf half-jokingly pleaded. “A, ahahah… I want to, but I’m a bit preoccupied with all these milk tea…” Celina replied. “…you don’t mind him acting cutesy like that?” Chelsea pointed out. “That doesn’t suit him at all!” “…yes, yes, I hear you. Sorry about that…” Celina merely chuckled at their banter. ——— As if that wasn’t enough, when they met up with Lindorm and Laine along the way, the Estonian demanded the same. “…again? It’s already the third time today…” Sigulf groaned. “Hey, hey, we helped you back at the dorm’s corridor, ya know?” Laine retorted. “Or what? Did you eat that much already?” “Besides, allow us to properly congratulate you two, kinsman.” Lindorm added. Sigulf and Celina looked at each other. “Third round?” she asked. “…third round, I guess.” He relented. Celina gave a remorseful smile. “Sorry. Maybe one of these days…” “I know. It’s not your fault in the first place.” Sigulf assured. ‘…ah well, if today is celebration day, then so be it.’ ——— Thankfully for him, the next few days have been better to Sigulf. School life, dueling, and Council responsibilities became more vivid, thanks to Celina’s presence. He even got his wish to have some time together granted, as much as it still made them embarrassed. “S, so, how does it feel?” “It’s actually quite calming and comfortable… I, I just have to be less self-conscious…” The two have the same idea on what they want to try, and so, in the empty Council room, Celina gave Sigulf a lap pillow, all the while gently caressing his silver locks. ‘By the Gods, how can he made such a cute, blissful expression like this…!?’ ‘Praise the Rokkr, my heart beats like crazy right now, but I can say that I’m a happy man…!’ It took a while before Celina realized that she can’t have him oversleep on her thighs. ——— All in all, it was all nice and smooth-sailing for Sigulf. Or at least, that’s for the most part. “…has she left?” “…seems so.” School’s rooftop; the to-go place for Sigulf’s group to enjoy lunch. Only this time, it lacked the laid-back mood because of something. “Still, why would she go out of her way to stalk Sigulf?” “Aha, worried, aren’t you?” “I would be lying if I say otherwise.” “Bad Siggy, made someone heartbroken so hard, she snapped.” “…I’m pretty sure that’s not even the case.” Few days after the news of his relationship with Celina got out, Sigulf noticed that a certain girl has been following him around, and only stopped everytime he met the Council duo. ‘According to Lindorm and Laine, she’s from B-class, and a member of Penndreic’s Knight Circle.’ Sigulf thought. ‘Is he related to this?’ “Then what’s her reason?” Alba asked in dissatisfaction. “Beats me… But if she’s indeed heartbroken, my nose would’ve known since the beginning.” He pointed out. “Ah, right. Yours can do that…” Celina said, tenderly brushing Sigulf’s nose and made the boy blush. “Yeah, are you even human?” Chelsea joined and poked it multiple times. “W, wait! Stop it…!” “Hee… Good for you, huh? Being surrounded by older beauties.” Alba grinned. “…that’s my cheek you’re poking.” “But seriously, then why?” “…well, there’s only one way to find out.” ——— After school, instead of going back straight to the dorms with Celina and Chelsea, Sigulf took a detour towards the amusement avenue. ‘…’ Just as he predicted, the stalker immediately tailed him without any doubts, seemingly oblivious that he did this on purpose. ‘She avoided Celina and Chelsea everytime… I guess she wanted a fair and just duel, too?’ Sigulf carefully made his move, luring her into the open space near the central park, where Celina, Chelsea, and Alba waits. ‘…alright, this should be good enough.’ He suddenly stopped; so did his stalker. “…show yourself. I know you’re there.” There was a short pause before the girl stepped out of the shadow. ‘…’ A girl around the same age as him; her long blonde hair was tied in a low braid, nearly reaching her own hips. “…impressive. I guess nothing escaped your instinct.” She said. “Since when did you notice?” “From the beginning, to be honest.” “Wha—“ Her genuine look of shock actually caught Sigulf off-guard. “I, impossible! Even though I made sure that—“ ‘…wait, seriously? Did she actually think no one would notice?’ “—anyways, enough of this!” the girl continued. “My reason here is not to engage in a pointless conversation!” “Oh…?” She went all dramatic and pointed her finger towards Sigulf. “Sigulf Hrimgard! I, 1st-year B-class’ Carole Delacroix, challenge you to a duel!” ‘Delacroix… So she’s French, just like Sir Fortier. But rather than that…’ “Your reason?” “Of course, it’s for Pen— !?” Carole quickly stopped herself and covered her own mouth. “…what?” “N, no, forget it! There’s no way I will speak to the enemy!” ‘Suspicious, but…’ he sighed. ‘What’s with this girl?’ “Forget it, indeed. I refuse, then.” “What!? Why you—“ “I don’t a mind a friendly duel without any reasons. But you aren’t my friend.” “Ugh…! Well, you’re not wrong, but…!” “Then state your reasons.” “W, what difference does it make!?” “Hmm, maybe no. But I thought you are a knight? Where’s your courtesy?” “Grrh…! Are you saying you don’t challenge anyone around without valid reasons!?” Sigulf shrugged. “Unlike you, I am a free warrior. Wanting to ‘be stronger’ or ‘test my limits’ is probably good enough. That said… Come to think of it, I’ve always been the one on the receiving end since I came to this academy.” “T, that’s it! Why can’t I challenge you like everyone else!?” “Because at least I can read their motives. But you…” Sigulf slightly raised his head and glared at Carole. His icy gaze somewhat unnerved her. “I can smell that it’s not quite about Celina or me.” He continued. “So… What is it?” “Kh…!” Even so, she didn’t falter. Carole clenched her fists and took a step forward. “You won’t hear me talk unless you best me!” Silence for a few seconds. He then took a deep breath. “…deal. That’s good enough.” “I will not lose…!” Sigulf hunched and switched into his personal stance, ready to clash against Carole. ‘Can’t be helped… I guess I’ll force out the answer myself…!” Meanwhile, in their hiding spot, Celina, Chelsea, and Alba watched with a slight amusement. “Ah, so they are going to fight after all.” Celina pointed out. “Fufufu, he can’t really deny the temptation of good duels.” Chelsea agreed. “That Siggy… He just wanted to rile his opponent before actually fighting…” Alba concluded.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "19775", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 7, part 6", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
On the following afternoon, just as everyone is preparing for their usual sparring session… “Siggy!” “Oh, hey.” “Hmm? What’s this, what’s this?” Yuu asked. “Sorry, Yuu. I’m borrowing him for this time.” “So, she said.” Yuu looked at them both before sighing, “Aah, I see how it is…” “Eh?” “Of course you’d pick a cute girl over fellow guys. Right, right…” “Oi, Yuu…!” “I’m disappointed. Maybe I should just train with someone else…” he said while leaving the two. “Yuu!” a girl suddenly called him. “W, would you mind practicing with us?” “Not fair! I’m the one who came up with the idea!” another protested. “Please don’t fight, you two. Well, it would be hard to actually spar, but how about I coach you instead?” “Really!? Thank you!” Sigulf and Alba watched as Yuu left for their own spot. “…sorry, Siggy.” “Don’t be. It’s not your fault. I just never thought he would react like that.” “Well…” Alba is a bit unsure on what to say. “So, umm, can we begin now?” “Oh, right. Let’s take it easy for the time being.” “Eeeeh?” “If you want to strain yourself, then I don’t mind, though…” “Tch, fine, fine.” “You can make up for it later.” Meanwhile, from Yuu’s own place, he glanced at the pair and let out a small grin. “Well, it’s more interesting this way, isn’t it?” ——— After class, Sigulf was tidying his belongings when Alba called him. “Siggy!” “Yeah?” “Good luck with Council duties.” ‘Huh, this is new.’ He thought. “You t— Oh, wait. It should be ‘don’t overdo it’.” “I know!” She retorted before sticking out her tongue. “See ya tomorrow, then!” “Oh, yeah.” Alba leaving with a cheerful smile made Sigulf wonder, but before he had a chance to mull it through, Yuu gently elbowed him as he made his way out. “What?” “Hehe… Good luck, Sig-kun!” “Ah, wait…!” Yuu didn’t comply and merely waved at him. “…did I take a wrong step?” Sigulf tries to dismiss the thought and finally heads to the Council room. ——— Helping with the papers like he usually does, Sigulf handed a document he just finished to Celina. “President, here.” “Ah, thank you.” “Is there anything else I can help?” “That would be enough for today.” “Eh? Then—“ “It’s time to party!” Chelsea suddenly interrupted, and even surprised Celina. “…let me guess, we are eating out again?” “As expected of my best friend! You understand me well.” Celina sighed, “Wouldn’t it be more appropriate after Sigulf done his trial week with the Patrol team?” “This and that are different matters entirely!” Chelsea protested. “Besides, what’s wrong with throwing parties for joyous occasions?” “You just wanted to eat, don’t you?” “And you don’t want to? Remember those delicious hot dogs and crepes?” “Eh!? Well, I, umm…” “It’s decided then! I’ll contact Laine’s team and Alba.” “Speaking of Alba,” Celina remembered something and turned to Sigulf. “How was yesterday? I hope all went well?” “Oh, that. Well… She’s been overexerting herself. While it’s still just sore muscles, I don’t think it will be funny if it got worse, so I convinced her to relax a bit.” Sigulf explained. “I see.” Celina sighed. “Her heart is in the right place, but in the long run it may hamper her growth as a duelist. I’m glad you did the right thing.” Sigulf scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. “I just want to keep the competition heated…” Looking a bit upset, Chelsea was silent for a moment before she suddenly spoke up, “Umm… I’m sorry, but can you two go and wait at the usual place first?” “Hm? I don’t mind, but is something the matter?” “I remembered that there’s someplace I need to drop by. I’ll catch you later.” “Chelsea? …she left already.” “I wonder what it is about…” “In any case, it seems to be something she wants to do by herself. So, let’s go and wait for the others.” Celina said while getting up from her seat. “Roger that.” Sigulf responded. “…ah, wait. How is she going to contact Alba? She got her number already?” “Either that, or most likely, she accessed the students’ directory.” “…I see.” ——— Waiting with just the two of them proves a bit too awkward for Sigulf. Sure enough, some students who passed by looks at the seemingly unusual pair, making him even more self conscious. Still, that doesn’t stop him from stealing some glances. ‘She’s cool as usual. Well, I guess that’s expected of her…’ “So you won’t be with us starting from tomorrow, huh…” Celina suddenly said. “Eh? Yeah…” “Seriously, that Chelsea,” she chuckled. “Even though it’s not like we are not going to see each other anymore.” “Ahaha, true… If anything, I guess everyone will get used to my face.” “But still… I feel like… It’s going to be a bit lonely without you around.” “Eh…?” Unfortunately for Sigulf, someone interrupted them before he had a chance to process, let alone react. “Ooi, Preeez.” Laine’s familiar way of talking caught her attention first. “Thanks for the hard work. I assume all went smoothly?” “Yes, Ma’am! All is well around the grounds!” she saluted. “So, what is this about?” “To be honest, Chelsea wanted to celebrate the 1-week trial. And I’m pretty sure she will do it again next week.” Celina explained. “I knew it would be something like this…” Eurypha sighed, despite the rest of the Patrol team seems to be delighted at this. “So, where is the Vice-President?” “She got something to take care of first.” Sigulf added. “Hmm…” “Hey, hey, sorry to make you wait!” Another voice joined them, and Eurypha’s expression turned to disgust upon seeing the speaker. “…Armstrong? Why are you here?” “What? You don’t know? Amakawa invited me.” “…you idiot.” She facepalmed. “Of all people, why this ape?” “A, ape!? Oh come on, that’s going too far!” Walter protested. “Eh? Why not? He’s our friend, right?” Minato asked obliviously. “It’s just you…!” she screeched, earning collective sighs from Carmen and Ilma. Meanwhile, Yuu ignored Minato’s group and approached Sigulf. “Yo, Sig-kun.” “Oh, hey.” “Sorry about before.” He laughed sheepishly. “Huh? Oh, that. Yeah, I’ve been wondering what that is about…” “Now, now, Sig-kun. It’s better if you don’t think too hard about it.” “Oi, oi…” Yuu simply laughed it off. “Ah, I see everyone has gathered here.” Finally, the master of ceremony made her appearance, accompanied by a highly familiar figure. “Welcome back, Chelsea. So where were you?” Celina asked. “Sorry about that one. I need to catch this girl first.” Chelsea explained, tapping Alba’s shoulder. Said girl looks slightly embarrassed while holding a large brown paper bag. “So you met her on the way?” “It’s destiny!” “…ugh, without practice, I’m clueless on what to do on free time.” Alba lamented. “More the reason to join us and eat, then! You need to relax a bit, you know.” “By the way, what’s with the bag?” Sigulf pointed. “Oh, I bought her some fruit cookies and extract. You know, cherry, poms, pineapples… They are good for sore muscles.” “Hee… Good for you, huh?” he shifted his attention to Alba. “You got pried, didn’t you?” she retorted. “Well, it can’t be helped.” “Alright,” Chelsea clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Since everyone is already here, then let’s begin our Council Newcomer’s First Week Celebration, part one! Yaaay!” “U, um, yay? There’s a part two?” Minato’s reaction mirrored his girls’ bewilderment. “Yeeeeah! Let’s party!” Walter gets hyped on his own. “…by the way, who are you?” “Seriously, what’s with people’s treatment against me!?” “Maybe if you actually care to polish your image, people will care.” Yuu sighed. ——— Inside the usual café, the one which almost everyone has gotten used to its atmosphere, they joined tables to accommodate all 12 people. Sigulf excused himself earlier to the bathroom, and when he returned, everyone has already settled on their own seats. “Let’s see, mine is—“ “Ah, Sigulf, over here!” “Siggy, here!” “””…eh?””” The only seat left unoccupied was the one between Celina and Alba, and both girls called him at nearly the same time. “O, oh, I’m sorry about that…” “Eh!? No, no, no, I should be the one…!“ ‘…I swear I could see Yuu snickering just now.’ Sigulf thought as he made his way through. With him sitting down, it only took a moment before the air around the three turns awkward. ‘Dammit, now why am I being overly self-conscious here!?’ “Umm, you three,” Minato suddenly asked. “What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well?” “We are cool.” Celina answered abruptly and sternly. ‘…that’s definitely unnatural, yeah.’ “Guys, guys,” Laine interrupted. “Let’s just order already. I’m starving here…” “Oops! She’s right, let’s not waste our time, then.” Chelsea said in agreement. Thus the group shifted their attention to the menu book and what will they have. On the other hand, Sigulf, being engrossed with his own thoughts of being between happy and embarrassed, didn’t even notice that Chelsea is watching him from the corner of her eyes for some reason.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2061", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 3, part 5", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Thursday, after class. It will be Sigulf’s first time working with the patrol team. As he’s not quite sure on what to do, Sigulf decided to ask someone who had prior experience. “Amakawa.” “Yes?” “Where do I go next?” His way of speaking obviously confused Minato, though he managed to grasp what Sigulf tried to say a moment later. “Ah, right. You will be helping them for a week. They haven’t messaged you or something?” “No. So it’s by mail, huh. Wait, I haven’t— Oh, right, gotta be the student registry.” “Yeah, I was surprised at first when they found our numbers.” Minato laughed. “But, I see, no contact yet…” “If you want to, you can wait in the usual room. Though, I’m sure they’ll get to you before long.” Eurypha added. “Well, I guess I’ll stick around for a while, then.” Sigulf is pretty sure Ilma reacted with displeasure on him tagging along, but he decided to ignore her and left the class with Minato’s group. ———— Just outside the council room, they met with Celina and Chelsea. Both of them seem to be just arrived as well. “Oh, good afternoon everyone.” Celina greeted them. “Good afternoon!” Eurypha returned the greeting with a salute. “Please take care of us!” “Likewise. Let’s do our best together this week.” She then shifted her attention to Sigulf, prompting him a slightly awkward “Umm, good afternoon.” “Good afternoon. …I presume Laine haven’t contacted you yet?” “Yeah, something like that…” “I see…” Celina sighed. “She should have briefed you yesterday after we done celebrating.” “Now, now, don’t say that. Having fun and be happy is a part of students’ well-being… Right?” Chelsea laughed sheepishly. “This is why I said we should save it for later.” “Eh? Even though you did have fun like the rest?” “U… No one can’t deny good food; that’s a fact of life.” “Good food, huh…” The council duo’s conversation made Sigulf a bit red as he recalled how he was sandwiched between the upperclasswoman of his affections and his admittedly kind of cute friendly rival. Sigulf probably spent more time being self-conscious about it than actually enjoying his food. “Geh, so he’s already here… Sorry for being tardy!” “Ah, there you are. Where were you two? You shouldn’t make the new recruit wait.” Chelsea reprimanded Laine and Lindorm, who finally showed up. Both of them are catching some air, presumably from running a bit. “She forgot that we are supposed to wait for Sigulf instead of the usual group.” “Wha— Lindy, don’t tell them that!” “…so, why didn’t you message him?” Chelsea asked. Lindorm blinked before looking at Laine and asked as well, “Why?” Laine simply palmed her own forehead. ‘She completely forgot!? I wonder if I will be okay here…’ Sigulf mentally retorted. “Well, I did say having fun is good and all, but you are taking it too much…” Chelsea sighed. “On the other hand, I can’t just hand Eurypha’s group to set things straight.” “W, well, it can’t be helped.” Laine responded. “I do know they are good workers, dude’s slipping aside.” The last bit made Celina and Chelsea took a step back, while Minato nearly faceplanted. “I nearly forgot about that!” Eurypha quickly interrupted before the boy had a chance to protest. “But don’t worry, Ma’am! We will make sure he won’t lay a finger on you!” “Oh, not this again!” Minato retorted. “Silence! For the week, you will help the council on a lone, separate corner! President, I’m sorry, but please bear with it. It’s for our own good.” “Umm, if you say so…” Celina responded, clearly surprised at Eurypha’s sudden burst. “…I wonder what will it take to clear my name?” “Oh, I wonder too.” Ilma sarcastically replied. “Maybe if you didn’t pull someone’s skirt off in public like the offender you are…” “…and how many times I have told you it’s an accident?” “There, there…” Carmen tries to defuse the tension. “If you’re that wary, then I can volunteer on working alongside Minato. On the corner of the room, just the two of us…” “Wha— No, no, no! You are working with us!” “Ehh, why can’t I?” “Feigning innocence at a time like this…! You’re probably thinking something… L, lewd like usual!” “Hmm? Where did that come from? I’m pretty sure nobody said such things. Or is it actually your own projection? Per-vert.” “KIIIIIIIIIIH!!” Once again, the girls began their hijinks, forcing Chelsea, and Minato to a lesser extent, to calm them down. ‘It’s like looking at a train wreck… Wait, what are we doing here?’ “Ma’am, shouldn’t we, uhh… Start patrolling?” Sigulf asked Laine. “Just a bit more. Shame, if only I have some popcorn here…” “…” ——— Finally leaving the school, the patrol squad gathered at the front gate. “Brother, don’t be sad.” “Eh? What is it?” Lindorm’s sudden question confused Laine. Being the recipient of said question and knowing what he meant, Sigulf slightly panicked. “I, it’s nothing! Rather than that, how about the patrol? Like, what should I do?” “Oh, right, right, that…” While Laine is busy looking for some words, Sigulf glared at Lindorm out of surprise and irritation. The Norwegian metalhead responds by giving him a puzzled look. “Ehh, since I don’t like being too complicated,” Laine continued her explanation. “I’ll just cut to the chase. First, since we’re on less numbers compared to Slippy Boy’s group, we’ll have to split and go on 3 different areas at once.” “O, OK…” ‘Slippy Boy…’ “Then this is the most important thing. While you can call this glorified afternoon stroll, you have to be more… You know, serious than when you’re with the Prez. Be aware. Concentrate. Pay attention to your surroundings. Watch the remaining students. Ask them whether they need assistance or something. But don’t scare them with your look.” “Understood.” ‘She got serious all of a sudden. Quite a far cry from the usual airhead we all know.’ “Hey, did you just think of something rude?” “…admittedly, I did. I’m sorry.” “Tch, kids these days…” Laine grumbled. “Ah, well. Anyways, what next… Hey Lindy, did I miss something?” “Contact number.” “Oh, right. You do that.” Lindorm shot her a look of annoyance, but did so anyway. Sigulf’s phone beeps not long after. “That’s our numbers. Use it to report stuff. Or something. You can record it on your Organizer too if needed.” She explained. “You already have Prez’ and the others’ number, right?” Sigulf paused for a second. “Eh? Actually, no…” “Whaaaaaat? What were those two thinking? Even though we’re on the same spec-ops unit… Wait, let me send it to you.” Laine’s offer made him freeze. ‘Wait wait wait. Celina’s… Number? Is it even alright for me to have it!?’ Sigulf suddenly got very nervous and went red. “O, oi, are you alright?” “I, I’m fine. Please continue.” “Well… And there you are.” Another beep. Sigulf takes a look this time and silently scanned his phone screen. Yep, the names and numbers of the special unit members. “Oh, I sent yours too to the rest, by the way. Just be careful not to spam them, especially the Prez. And definitely don’t send random sex jokes at night.” Laine added. “…” ‘Why would I send those!?’ “And that takes care of it. All’s left is… The actual patrolling, right?” Lindorm silently nodded. “A’ight, we’ll meet here again an hour later or so, unless there’s a change in plans. Report anything to us. Understood?” “Yes, Ma’am!” Sigulf saluted. “Alright then, let’s… Afternoon stroll.” “Yay…?” ——— With the group splitting, Sigulf found himself walking around the entertainment district on his own. ‘Easier said than done… Wait, is it even the proper term here?’ By putting more effort into the patrol, he feels more tense than usual. Even though he did manage to grasp a better awareness of his surroundings, the fact that most students are either busy practicing on the fields or already went back home to the dorm made it a bit pointless. ‘Can’t really relax despite being relaxed… Strange.’ Passing by a game center, Sigulf took a peek inside. Among the many UFO catcher machines, he noticed a pair of boy and girl huddled in front of one of them. “?” Upon the boy’s success in catching a prize doll, the girl seemed happy and glomped him on the spot. ‘A couple, huh… This is not something worth reporting.’ Sigulf returns to his patrol. ‘But… Having fun… I did tell Alba something like that. Speaking of which, I wonder if she properly rests from training.’ He didn’t have a chance to continue mulling, however, as he came across a group of students whose leader seemed mortified upon seeing Sigulf. “Y, you…!” “Ah…” ‘Aren’t these guys those nobles from back then?’ There was a strange silence before the ringleader finally spoke up, “W, what do you want!?” “Nothing…? Just doing voluntary patrol.” “Hmm, I see…” “So, uhh… Is there any problem?” “What?” “I mean… Is there anything I can help you with?” The noble went silent for a second before exploding, “The nerve! After you humiliated us like that, now you’re offering us help!?” Sigulf resisted the urge to facepalm. ‘By Loki… People like this…’ “S, Sir…!” one of his lackeys whispered. “We should just retreat!” “Silence! He’s all alone on his own! What can he possibly do!?” “But that’s exactly how it was, Sir…! Then his reinforcements will—“ “…” Again, the noble went wordless for a moment. “Enough! Then I will just challenge him for a boxing m—“ “I refuse. This is not a part of my job. Besides, I prefer American kickboxing.” “You don’t get to decline, you godforsaken peasant!!” the noble shouted while suddenly charges. ‘For Loki’s sake, seriously!?’ Sigulf managed to dodge in time. The noble is surprisingly fast. He would surely spell trouble against the average man. “You…!” Except Sigulf is nowhere near average. Evading his multitude of punches, Sigulf managed to secure an opening to grab his phone, and quickly called Laine. “Yo, Laine’s here. What’s the matter, Wolfhead?” ‘Wolfhead? It’s my callsign now? But anyways—‘ “I got attacked by those nobles again.” There was a brief pause before Laine regained composure. “What!? That stupid-looking yellow mushroom-head again!?” ‘He’ll cry if he hears that…’ “Uh huh.” “Where are you!? Are you being ganged on duel again or—“ “Near the game center.” Sigulf answered in-between evading the noble’s punches. “Fortunately, no. He insisted on challenging me on boxing, for some reason.” “Oh.” Laine responded, her tension suddenly gone. “So… It’s something personal?” “Eh?” “If it is, then I’m pretty sure you can handle it. Later!” “Wai—“ She ended the call. “…” ‘…are you kidding me? How carefree can she be?’ “Ha! So no cavalry to save you today!” the noble taunted. “Then… This duel is mine!!” The noble charged in with greater ferocity, but Sigulf was unfazed. ‘Enough. This got to end soon…!’ Anticipating his punch, Sigulf stepped aside and grabbed the noble’s arm. “What!?” Sigulf jerked his hand to the other side, making the noble almost losing his balance and passes by him… “!?” Yet Sigulf didn’t let his grip go. Using the momentum, Sigulf pulled in harder one last time before releasing his hand at the last second. “Wait, st—“ Sigulf drives his fist right to the noble’s face, sending him spinning from the sheer impact. “No! Not the face!” one of his underlings lamented. “Gh…” Amazingly, the noble managed to stay conscious. “Let’s just stop here.” Sigulf said. “You can’t win.” “S, silence…! I—“ “Cut. It. Out.” Sigulf’s growl unnerved him, finally. “E, eep…! F, fine! I’ll let you bask in glory, but just for today! M, men, let’s go!” The noble quickly scrambled to his feet before quickly scurried away, followed by his lackeys. Sigulf stay alerted until they disappeared completely from his sight. Letting the tension go at last, Sigulf merely sighed, “…I’m mentally tired already.”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2062", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 3, part 6", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Slightly past midday. After enduring the lunch with Victoria, Sigulf excused himself and returns to his room. “Aah… This is life…” Seeing Vigdis sitting comfily in front of his Terminal, drinking hot chocolate and draped in blanket with the AC on almost made him chuckle. ‘She looks funny…’ “Ah, welcome back, boy. How’s your day?” “It was OK…” “Really~?” Unconvinced, Vigdis stepped out from her seat and approached Sigulf, sniffing him. “…what?” “I smell woman’s perfume…” “Ah, that… I… got dragged by the Principal for lunch.” Vigdis blinked. “That Victoria?” “Uh huh.” She paused for a moment before praying, “Oh Angrboda, please protect my wolf pup from the cougar’s fangs.” “H, hey now… I heard she wasn’t like that or something?” “Well, I don’t know her personally, but yeah she was called the Steel Lady back then.” Vigdis recalled.  “Sheesh, what did you do, anyway? Your face is dangerous. Maybe you should wear a mask.” “I don’t think wearing a mask is against the rules… But still, no way.” “Ah, so you liked the attention after all.” “That’s not what I meant…!” “Yeah, yeah…” she laughed. “So, what did you buy?” “Huh? A pack of white inners—“ “No, I mean this one.” Vigdis interrupted and took out the wrapped book before Sigulf could react. “Ah…” “Is this a porno magazine?” “Most likely…” he sighed. “It’s not like I have the chance to open it.” “Obviously.” She responded, holding back a laughter. “Wrapped like some Yule present… Some friend you got there, huh?” Vigdis continued before handing it back to Sigulf. “You gonna read it?” “No. …well, not now. Maybe sometime.” He responded while heading back to his bed, sliding the magazine underneath it. “That’s a ridiculously predictable spot.” “You found out anyway. What’s the point?” “What if your future girlfriend comes to visit?” “…as long as I don’t tear the wrapping by that time, I think it’ll be alright. If not, she’ll understand. Hopefully…” Vigdis merely cackled. ——— The sky began to turn orange as dusk approaches. While Vigdis’ presence prevented Sigulf from getting a nap, at least he managed to relax enough. Still… “Hey, Master.” “Hmm?” “Don’t you think it’s time to see the guest room already?” “Ah, kicking me out, aren’t you? You want some privacy that badly?” “Yes.” Sigulf answered bluntly. “What’s the point of borrowing a guest room in the first place, then?” “Fiiine…” Vigdis relented. “So you did become cold and distant after all… Sob sob…” “Alcohols are allowed on the guest room, you know.” It only took few seconds for Vigdis to perk up. “Alright, time to grab some beer! Come with me, boy!” “Just until we reach the guesthouse, okay?” “Huh, you’re surprisingly obedient.” “It would be faster than to argue.” Vigdis laughed. “Now you’re talking. That, and a lady needs to be escorted, after all.” “What escort? You’re stronger than this island’s inhabitants already.” “Now, now… Oh, do you want something?” Vigdis asked as she wears her shoes. “I’ll buy you anything.” “Chocolate ice cream. The big bucket one.” “…you sure you don’t want something muuuuch smaller?” “…yeah, that’s not ‘buy you anything’ at all.” ——— In the end, Sigulf settled for a chocolate ice bar. Done buying Vigdis’ beers, they reached the guesthouse minutes later, with Eliot apparently have waited just outside. “There you are.” He said upon seeing Vigdis and Sigulf. “Sorry! Did I make you wait?” “You did.” Eliot sighed. “I thought you got lost or something.” “Hey, now! Even I could use the GPS, you know?” she retorted before noticing the plastic bag in Eliot’s hand. “Is that—“ “Huh? Well, something to celebrate with.” He replied while taking out a can. “That’s my fave brand! How did you know?” “Really? I just picked one at random. Good for you, then.” Even though he tried to sound cool. Sigulf could pick some hint of happiness in Eliot’s tone. ‘Adult’s beer time already. Nothing more I could do. Guess it’s time to withdraw.’ He thought. “You should be fine now, right, Master?” Sigulf said. “Eeh? Can’t you stay a bit longer? At least until we have dinner.” “I have to get up early tomorrow. And considering how drunk you can be…” The last bit made Eliot seems worried. “So,” the boy continued. “I’ll excuse myself here. And Sir…” “Yes?” “Please take good care of my Master.” “Huh!? Oh, um, yeah, sure.” Eliot wasn’t sure why did Sigulf said that with such a serious tone. “What are you saying, boy? We’re nothing like that!” ‘Nothing like that… Nothing like that… Nothing like that…’ The word echoed in Eliot’s head, making him slump his shoulders. (Un)fortunately, nobody noticed. “Well, if you say so.” Sigulf responded while shrugging. “See ya, Master. Don’t get too drunk.” “Who do you think I am?” Vigdis answered back while laughing. “Don’t forget to brush your teeth before you sleep!” Sigulf merely waved his hand is response as he makes his way back to the dorm. Vigdis stood there for a while, watching her beloved disciple until he disappears from sight. She then turned her attention to her old friend. “What happened?” “…nothing. Let’s check the room first.” Eliot responded. “Not just checking the room, right?” she said, raising the plastic bag in her hand. “We got lots of beer, a long night, and stories to be told!” Eliot can only give a wry smile. “Go easy on me…” ——— Dinner, light exercise, bath. All done, and it’s time for Sigulf to hit the sack earlier. ‘Tomorrow, I’ll be facing Celina again…’ he thought. Vigdis’ words did encourage him, but whether it ends up making a difference or not, is yet to be seen. Speaking of which… ‘I wonder what Master is doing now… Drunk off her ass, and probably harassing Sir Fortier…’ Sigulf feels a bit upset for some reason. ‘…maybe I should’ve stayed for dinner.’ His phone vibrated. Sigulf picks it up and saw that Vigdis sent her a photo. She managed to take a selfie despite being drunk beyond belief, while in the background, Eliot passed out on a table. ‘Can’t handle the liquor, huh…’ Resisting the urge to smile, he sent her ‘Don’t break him. He’s our homeroom teacher, after all.’ It took few more minutes before her reply came, presumably from how difficult it is to type right now. ‘Its ok its ok. Hey shouldn’t you be sleeping now boy?’ ‘I know, I know. Good to see you’re having fun. Well, night, Master.’ ‘Good night!’ Setting his phone aside, Sigulf closed his eyes. ‘Calm down and focus. Tomorrow, another attempt at challenging the wall.’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "1953", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 2, part 8", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
The next day, just as the lunch break begins… “Hm?” Sigulf noticed some students are gathered in front of the bulletin board. ‘Is it…?’ Seemingly have an idea, he heads there to join the crowd as well. ‘Figures… That said, they sure work fast.’ Sigulf mentally commented upon reading the news. “A Lucky Bastard blessed by the Heavens, or a Molester from Hell!? Advent of the Eromancer!” was written in big letters, with a blacked-eyes portrait of Minato pictured on the article. The mobs could be heard grumbling. “Dammit!” one of them lamented. “The third one already!? It’s so easy for him just to have an accident and call it done!” “Hmm… This is kind of unexpected…” A familiar voice added. Sigulf turned to see it was Yuu. “Oh, hey.” Sigulf greeted him. “Yo.” Yuu responded. “What do you think?” “This? Hmm… I kinda wanna think that this is a bit overblown, but…” “So it bugs you too, huh? If this keeps up, no girls on this island will be safe from him.” “…seriously?” “Seriously. Some already say it’s like a talent.” “Talent, huh… Speaking of which, where’s the guy?” “You didn’t see? I think the three girls dragged him off to the café.” “Hmm…” “Well, in any case, something must be done…” Yuu murmured. “Else he’ll get all the fun.” “Something like what?” “That’s the problem. Still not sure what to do. You’d help?” “Not exactly that, but I have my own worries about it…” “I don’t really get it, but OK…?” “Oh, so you are here.” Another familiar voice suddenly joined their conversation. The boys turned their attention and saw Alba. “Hunter-san!” “Hey!” she greeted Yuu before facing Sigulf. “What, you are not eating on the rooftop like usual?” “I was going to.” Sigulf replied. “But how about you?” “Geh…! No way! I’ll have my lunch in peace, thanks!” “How mean. She’ll be sad if she hear that, you know.” “Ugh… It’s probably just to mess up with me…” “I wonder about that…” “I don’t really understand what’s going on, but you two sure are close.” Yuu commented. “…huh?” “What?” “Oh, you are not?” “We are not.” Alba dismissed. “Well, yeah, for a one-time tag team, we worked surprisingly fine, but still… People been saying that a lot.” “Tag team… Could this be…” Yuu seemed to be thinking at the word. “What’s wrong?” Sigulf asked him. “Sig-kun, Hunter-san, sorry, but could you join me for lunch? There are things I want to ask.” “Eh? But I—“ “Oooh, gladly!” Alba suddenly answered and circling her hand around Sigulf’s neck. “What the… Different attitude already?” “Oh? You don’t even want to eat with your tag partner? That’s cold. And cruel…” she faked her disappointment and strengthened her grip. “Why you… This is to get back at me, isn’t it?” “I wonder what are you talking about~ Alright, let’s go!” Alba said as she released Sigulf and pushed him forward. “Wait! What are you—!?” “Come on, don’t be stubborn!” “Oh, thank you, Sig-kun, Hunter-san!” Yuu expressed his gratitude. “No problem! And just call me Alba!” she laughed. ‘Aaah, my lunch with Celina…’ Sigulf mentally lamented as he being pushed further towards the cafe. ——— Meanwhile, on the rooftops… “It’s a bit quiet without them today.” Celina said. “Oh, did you miss someone?” Chelsea teased. “Says you.” “Sheesh, Cel, I was just quarter-joking.” “…quarter?” ——— In the end, Yuu asked the Gallowglass in-depth stuff about their tag duel, though Sigulf somehow got a feeling it’s less about the actual battle. On the other hand, the three missed the fact that almost every boy sent their deathly glares towards Minato, while Walter tried his best to convince the girls so they don’t murder the Japanese boy on the spot. And then, during the practice session… “So it’s her, huh…” Sigulf commented as Ilma makes her way towards the center of the room. “And she’s pretty pissed.” Yuu added, laughing wryly. “Well, considering what happened yesterday… I feel bad for her opponent.” Indeed, Ilma wears an expression different from her usual uncaring one, making the opponent slightly unnerved. It’s as if a violent storm is about to rage. “Summon your True Arms!” With Eliot’s usual cue, both fighters get into position to summon their weapons. Ilma crossed her arms in front of her, taking a pose similar to Sigulf’s. As she began chanting, swirling green aura formed around her. “O Mistress of the Nether… Let the wind of eternal sleep and oblivion blows… I welcome thee, Tuonetar!” The aura dispersed and a pair of modern-looking military knives materialized in Ilma’s hands. “Hee… A wind user, huh?” Yuu commented. Ilma and her opponent prepared themselves, waiting for Eliot’s signal. “En garde!” Even though their bodies stayed still, the air around them is heavy and getting tenser every passing moment. “Begin!” Just as Eliot announced the cue, Ilma has already dashed right to the front of her opponent. “Wha—“ ‘She’s crazy fast!’ Yuu thought. Slash slash slash! “Ugh!” Ilma passed her opponent, landing three attacks in the process. “Battle points, down by 15%.” “D, did you see that!?” one of the spectators asked their colleagues. Some of the students went into commotion from her display of speed. ‘I see. So that’s her style.’ Sigulf mentally noted. ‘Her attacks maybe aren’t that strong, but that speed… Definitely one I shouldn’t take lightly.’ Saying nothing, Ilma turned around to face her opponent and charged once more. ——— In the end, Ilma proved to be too much for her opponent to handle. “That’s enough! Winner, Ilma Hiltunen!” As she made her way to the rest of the class, Ilma shot a death glare towards Minato. “She’s not going to forgive me, huh…” Minato lamented. “Come on, dude! That’s nothing to be sad for! You got three cute chicks chasing after you!” Walter joked, earning a foot stomp from Eurypha. “Yeowch! What’s that for!?” “I’m NOT chasing him!” she hissed. “Jeez, calm down! It’s just a joke…” “Oh, you are not? Then I guess I’ll take him for myself.” Carmen responded. “No way! A pervert like you would just corrupt him even more!” “If that means making him submit, then why not?” “Why you…!” “What? You got a problem?” The class isn’t officially over, yet Eurypha and Carmen are already making a ruckus. ‘There they go again…’ Sigulf mentally commented. ‘And what about Sir Fortier?’ He turned around, only to see Eliot say, “Well, I guess class is dismissed for today. Be careful on your way home, everyone.” ‘Yeah, he totally doesn’t care about this…’ ——— After class, Sigulf is packing his belongings when someone unusual called out to him. “Hrimgard, wasn’t it? Do you have a moment?” ‘What could she possibly want?’ Sigulf wondered as he faced Eurypha. “You are with the council just like Mi— Amakawa, right? Would you mind to accompany us there?” Taking a better look, Sigulf noticed that she’s with Carmen and Ilma, who are standing in such positions so Minato can’t get away. “Well, I don’t mind. I’m going there anyway.” “That’s good to hear. My gratitude.” “…why am I being treated like some criminal here?” Minato complained. “Because you are! Plus you’ll probably run away!” Eurypha retorted. “I’m not!” “Oh yeah? Like you did few times before?” “Those were different! And why would I run away when I have duties there!?” “…” “…he got a point.” Ilma commented. “Ah, sheesh! This is stupid! C’mon, let’s go already!” Eurypha said as she furiously stamped off. “What’s her problem…” Minato sighed while following her, still guarded by Carmen and Ilma. “The Fire Princess, huh. Fitting, maybe.” Sigulf muttered before he joins them as well. ——— Upon arriving, Eurypha knocked the council door few times. “Come in.” answered a voice that is unmistakably Celina’s. Entering the room, Sigulf noticed that there are few other students working besides the usual four. Conversely, Celina seems a bit surprised with the crowd he brought. “Oh,” Celina said as she stood. “Can I help you?” “It’s been a while, President.” Eurypha greeted, and somehow, uncharacteristically a bit nervous. “It is.” Celina replied, smiling slightly. “Good to see you are doing well. Is there something we can help you?” “Well, actually… I would like to join the Student Council.” There was a bit of silence before Minato suddenly went, “Eeeeeeh!? But why!?” “Of course it’s to keep a better eye on you, pervert!” “Oh, I see. So this is about yesterday’s…” Celina trailed off, laughing bitterly. “Ah, well, yes… It’s for the good of this academy, I think.” Eurypha concluded. “…I thought you were going to report him?” Ilma said, looking slightly annoyed. “What’s the point of doing that? If anything, we have to make sure he’s not going anywhere on his own!” “So you’re treating me like some criminal after all!” Minato retorted. “Huh, sometimes you could be smart too. Color me impressed, Hestianus.” Carmen commented. “What do you mean sometimes!?” “Ssh! Pipe down!” Chelsea reprimanded as she came over to join Celina and the first years. “A, ah, we’re sorry…” “But, hmm… Joining the council, huh… What do you think, Cel?” “Considering her abilities, I do think she would be a good addition. But…” “But…?” “Since this seems to be a… Special case related to Amakawa here, we may have to ask for the Principal’s approval first.” “I see…” Eurypha responded. “Then—“ “Umm, President? May I join as well?” Carmen cut her off. “Wait, what!? What are you thinking!?” “Like I’m going to let you monopolize Minato.” “I, I’m not monopolizing him!” Eurypha somehow stammered. “I’m setting him straight, that’s all!” “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Sheesh, you’re such a child.” “What was that!?” “…President.” Ilma spoke up, ignoring the two’s bickering. “I want to join too.” “You too!?” “…got problem with that?” Chelsea laughed wryly, “Oh dear… Cel, what do you say now?” The girl in question sighed, “I’m not really sure what’s going on here, but for now, I’ll pass the word to the Principal.” “Well, we need more help after all, remember?” “I suppose you’re right…” “Miss President, Miss Vice President, thank you very much!” Eurypha said gratefully. “It’s still a bit too soon for that.” Celina replied. “Let’s just hope the Principal would approve.” Just as she has done talking, the door opened, revealing the pair of Laine and Lindorm. “Ah, sorry we’re la— Hm?” the girl apologized before realizing the situation. “What’s with the crowd?” “Oh, there you are.” “…wait, now that I remembered… They are not going to sue us for yesterday, are they?” “Nope. It could be even better, actually.” Chelsea answered while grinning. “Eh?” “Assuming the Principal agrees, you’ll have three new recruits under your command.” Laine was left stunned, while Lindorm let out a confused, “Yay…?” “Ma’am, Sir,” Eurypha addressed the two. “We’re looking forward to your guidance!” “…are you kidding me?” Laine lamented, slumping her shoulders. Minato sighed, while Chelsea retorted, “Come on now, Laine. I appreciate your hard work, but it’s time to be more organized, don’t you think?” “Umm, sorry,” Sigulf finally interrupted after being silent for a while. “Is there any work I can help here?” Celina and Chelsea blinked. “Oh, right! I’m sorry, I nearly forgot!” Chelsea apologized before leading him to the nearby seat. “Umm, here. I need you to help with these papers. Could you?” “Yeah, sure. No problem.” “Alright, we’re counting on you!” “Well then,” Celina said. “Laine’s team, you may start patrolling now. Hestianus, Rosales, Hiltunen, please come with us to see the Principal.” “Yes, Ma’am…” “Understood.” “Sigulf, we’ll be back later.” “Be a good boy, okay?” Chelsea added jokingly. “Roger.” Sigulf responded with a salute. The group then left the room, with Eurypha and Ilma shot a glare towards Minato on their way out. “Alright, let’s do this.” Sigulf mumbled to no one in particular. ‘Never thought they’d go as far to join. Things will surely be noisier. But as long as they can keep him in check…’ he thought. Humming the notes from his favorite song, Sigulf continues to work on his paper. And minutes later, Celina and Chelsea returned, informing that the Principal gave her approval. ——— Chapter 1 “A Circle of Duelists Gathered Around the Oaken Table”, end. Continued on Chapter 2.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "1942", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 1, part 11", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Lunch break ends, and the students proceeds to the final half of their day. “Huh, no matter where you are in the world, I see thing aren’t that much different.” Mei commented after hearing Eliot’s explanation. “So, how are you going to train?” Minato asked them. “I mean, you’re on an excursion and all…” “Hmm, you’re right… Maybe we should— …Reika?” Their attention was pulled by said girl who approached Sigulf’s group. “Excuse me.” “Yes?” “By any chance, are you Yuu-dono?” “Right, that’s me.” He stepped forward with a smile, trying to impress her. “Is there anything I can help you with?” “I see… Then…!” Reika suddenly dashed straight towards Yuu and threw a punch. “Ei!!” “Waaah!?” She stopped her fist just before it connects, yet Yuu fell down all the same. Reika looks somewhat disappointed. “…” “W, what do you think are you doing!?” “…ful.” “Wha…?” “Shameful!” Reika finally exploded, making everyone on the hall turn around. “What a disgrace de gozaru!” “What’s your problem!?” Yuu spat back, while Sigulf assisted him to stand up. ‘Whoa, he’s pissed.’ “I came here expecting… Anything worthwhile to say, but this…” she sighed. “What have you been doing?” “Huh!? And how’s that got anything to do with you!?” Reika blinked. “…wait, I thought I have properly introduced myself?” “Yeah, Reika Kannomine, wasn’t it? So what?” She clutched her head in disbelief. “You don’t even recognize our house?” “Forget about that; I don’t even know you!” “By Gods, how…!” Reika lamented. “Yuu-dono, even as a member of the branch family, you shouldn’t be overly carefree!” “Branch— Wha…?” Now’s his turn to went silent. “…OK, so let me get this straight.” Yuu finally continued. “So you are saying we are kind of related—“ “Yes, yes.” “And you, I presume as a member of the main house, are here to evaluate—“ “Yes, yes!” “And so, you expected me to train harder and adhere to the Bushido.” “That’s right de gozaru!” Reika responded in delight. “I see you’re quick to catch, Yuu-dono! So now, let’s—“ “But I refuse.” “What!? Why!?” “Forget it. I think I know what you are trying to say…” Yuu sighed. “I’m here to have fun, anyways. And ‘branch family’? Is it even still a thing?” “Wha— Family bonds should stand the test of time!” “Ugh, annoying…” “Now, now, this ain’t like you, getting snappy at girls.” Walter, who was mostly ignored, suddenly joined them. Of course, he earned Eurypha’s contemptful look. “How would I not? As if getting nearly punched wasn’t enough, then I got shouted right at my face…” “But you were pathetic.” Ilma quips. “Uuuugh…” “Hiltunen-san! Don’t make things worse!” Minato reprimanded her. “Tch…” “True, we should calm down. Everyone is looking.” Mei agreed. “…Reika, you sure made a normal practice session into a… Lively one.” “I, it’s a family business de gozaru! It’s different from what you are trying to pull in the café!” “Yes, yes. So I guess I’ll have to spar with you again, after all.” “Umm, are you really sure with this? I can train with one of you, if you don’t mind.” Minato offered, which met by his groupies’ surprise. “Ooh, so he said. What do you think?” “Eeh!? But… Err, Minato-dono… Wasn’t it? But you’ve already—“ “Ah, don’t worry. It’s a part of my duty, after all. Though I don’t know how my kendo experience will help me…” “I see you practiced kendo as well! Then let’s train our best, Minato-dono!” “Sure! It’s been a while!” Eurypha obviously fumed as they moved to an unoccupied spot. “What is he thinking!?” she screeched. “Calm down, it’s a part of his job. …or so I wanted to say.” Carmen added. “We can’t let him trip over her. Come on, let’s tail them.” “…never thought I’m going to agree with you, but sure. Ilma, let’s go!” “…don’t call me like we’re friends.” Ilma protested, though follows them nonetheless. And as usual, Walter laments his lack of luck, while Mei asked Sigulf, “Are they always like that?” “You bet.” “Hah, quite the lucky bastard, ain’t he?” “Fun to watch, though.” “Right… So I guess that leaves me, Anil, and Misha. What do we do now?” Anil said nothing and simply shrugged, while Misha looks uncertain. “Then, then, how about we spar together, Misha?” Walter offered with a grin. “E, eh…?” “…it’s alright, I understand. You don’t have to look that scared… sniff.” “I, I’m sorry. I think I’ll wait for Mei first.” “Eh? Me? Hmm… Then, I guess I’ll train with Dog Boy here.” “…Dog Boy?” Sigulf questioned his new nickname. He swore he could hear Ilma snickered. “Wha— No, no, no, you can’t! I’m first!” Alba protested. “Aah, right, you’re his partner—“ “It’s the other way around. He’s my sidekick.” “…oi, I thought we’re teammates?” he retorted. “Mmm… Is there no way that I may spar with him?” “No. Unlike Amakawa, I won’t be as welcoming as him.” “Eeh, seriously? Even though we’re guests?” “Yep. Not to mention I’m not a Council member.” “For real?” “Yes.” “Pretty pleeeeeease?” Mei feigned sincerity. “No, nope, no way.” “Aagh, damn, you’re not making this easy. What’s between you two, anyway?” “It’s… It’s a bond which has surpassed love and friendship!” “…what?” “Oi, oi, we haven’t even fought our second tag duel yet.” Sigulf added. “Sssh!” Of course Walter is quick to express his displeasure. “Tch… Damn, now him too? I thought he was supposed to be not so popular.” “If you think this is bad, then wait until you see him on weekends.” Yuu sighed. Between Minato and Reika’s sparring which quickly gone awkward due to the watchful eyes of Eurypha, Carmen, and Ilma who tries to cover it as an equally clumsy three-way fight, and Anil and Misha’s first day left hanging because Mei was too busy arguing with Alba, the rest of the students can only collectively thought, ‘What are they doing!?’ “U, umm, Sir? Shouldn’t we stop them?” Arthfael suggested. “I say let them be.” “Huh? But—“ “Aah, youth… Wonderful, don’t you think? Huhuhu…” “S, sir?” ——— Meanwhile, on the 2nd-year’s classroom… “Hmph!” “Hoo…” Two duelists quickly broke away from each other. “I, impossible…!” a spectator commented. “I know he’s their ace, but… To think he could keep up with Miss Kensington…!” “They are not even using their True Arms, are they!?” True to their words, Chelsea is engaged in a sparring with Kouji, albeit a rather intense one, while Celina observes from the sidelines. “Ah, as expected from the Golden Ace!” she praised him. “Likewise, the A-class isn’t just for show after all.” He responded. “But… I won’t hold back nor stopping until the top spot belongs to us!” “As if we’ll let you!” Both of them charged in and clashed their steel once more. ‘Chelsea…’ ——— Last bell of the day rang, and everyone goes to their own after-school activities. Sigulf, too, returns to his unofficial patrol duty. ‘Wednesday gonna be the last. Gotta do my best until then!’ Considering they have guests, the Principal ordered the Council to be more vigilant than usual. ‘Right, gotta stay alert. Hope nothing’s— Hm?’ From the corner of his eye, he recognized a familiar figure, training alone in the fields. “199…! 200…! 201…!” Sigulf quickly moved to a hidden spot and observed from afar. “206…! 207…! …dammit, I haven’t done this in a long time!” ‘Yuu…’ The boy repeatedly swung his safe-mode Susanowo in what Sigulf assumes as kendo stance. ‘Of course he would mind after all…’ Sigulf watched for a bit more as Yuu continued his solo training. ‘I wish I could lend a hand, but I’m on duty…’ He silently made his getaway, not to get caught. ‘Good luck, Yuu.’ ———- Thankfully, there was nothing noteworthy to report, so they can easily call it a day. Back in Sigulf’s room, he was chilling when his phone beeps. “A message from Master?” ‘Heya, how’s your day? Had a nice fight?’ it reads. “Ah, right…” he remembered how it went while replying. ‘OK day, but didn’t get to fight. Kinda went awry.’ ‘Really? That’s too bad. Related to that one guy no-showing?’ “Huh, so she knows. I guess she asked Sir Fortier…” ‘No, but one of them end up spent too much time arguing with Alba.’ ‘Why’s that?’ ‘Wanting to spar with me.’ ‘Let me guess, a girl?’ ‘Eh, yeah. Why?’ There was a short delay before her reply came. ‘Oh you, you should’ve said that your harem grows!’ ‘Pretty sure it’s not that… Wait, I have no harems!’ “…I think.” He mumbled to no one. ‘Now, now, no need to be embarrassed. Kings of the old often have many wives.’ ‘I’m going to sleep. Good night.’ ‘Chee… No fun. Next time you got stomped by the Bartram girl, I won’t console you.’ ‘I won’t sulk anymore, but please forgive me. I’ll make it up with a shoulder massage next time you visit.’ ‘I’m not that old!’ Sigulf smiled. Little exchanges like this are always nice. ‘…come to think of it, were we always like this?’ he suddenly realized. ‘I guess it’s the effect of going out and socializing with others… Gotta thank her.’ ‘I know.’ Sigulf continued. ‘Well, I can’t think of anything else to tell, so I’m sleeping for real.’ ‘A-ha! Running away, aren’t you?’ ‘No, I’m not.’ ‘I’m not convinced at all… Well, okay, good luck for tomorrow, hon. Don’t forget your promise, ‘kay? Full course massage!’ “H, hon…” Sigulf knows it was supposed to be endearing, but he can’t help to get red. ‘Pretty sure it was supposed to be a mere shoulder massage, but let’s see what I can do later. Good night, Master.’ Sigulf set his phone aside and lies down. ‘Alright, sleep early and wake up refreshed!’ he mentally encourages himself. ‘…still, how should I train tomorrow? Better to think of something…’ Slowly but sure, Sigulf got steadily drowsier, until he finally falls asleep.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2073", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4, part 3", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
With Vigdis still asleep and Eliot barely paying attention, Sigulf wordlessly watched Melanie, just as she returned from the kitchen. “Here you are.” Melanie said as she passed the glass to Eliot before looking at Sigulf. “Something’s on my face?” “No.” Sigulf shook is head. “It’s just… Well, you and Sir Eliot look young for being teachers.” “Fufufu, thanks.” She replied. “Well, at least for me, I never aimed for pro league, so there’s that.” ‘For her?’ “So, do you want to be a pro duelist?” she continued. “Training hard?” “Ah, yeah…” “I see. Even on Sunday, huh? That’s great. Reminds me of a certain council president.” “Actually, I was training with her…” “Aah, that makes sense… Wait, make you sure you don’t get carried away and end up overworking yourself! And tell her not to push herself too hard!” Melanie laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind…” Even thought it wasn’t particularly hot, Sigulf zipped open his jacket, catching Melanie’s attention. “Oh, bathroom’s over there. You just finished training after all, right?” “Eh? But I don’t have any spare clothes now.” “What are you worried for? There are just 2 beautiful ladies here.” Melanie winked. “…well, and a hungover dude, actually.” “…you’re scaring him.” Eliot retorted. “Ah, so you’re feeling better now.” “…” ‘I can see why she’s friends with Master…’ Sigulf mentally noted. Sigulf looks at the still sleeping Vigdis, seemingly still slightly worried. “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of her.” Melanie suddenly said, having noticed his concerns. “Eh? But—“ “It’s alright, it’s alright. You want to get changed first, right? Plus, we want to talk about… Some adult stuff. Good boys under 18 shouldn’t listen.” She laughed. ‘…what does she mean by that?’ “Well then… I’ll return to my room. Thanks, and sorry for the trouble.” “No problem. We’ll call you when she wakes up.” “Take care on your way.” Eliot added. “I will, Sir.” Taking a quick glance at Vigdis, Sigulf then left the room. ———- It’s not long after Sigulf exited the bathroom that his phone rings. Looking at the caller’s name, he picks it up. “Oh, good mor—“ “Waaaaaaahh! Where are you now!?” “…” Vigdis’ sudden screaming made him reel a bit before responding, “…Master, please don’t do that. My ear hurts.” “Ah, sorry, sorry!” she apologized from over the phone. “Where are you now? Have you eaten breakfast already?” “Uhh, my room. Just got out from the shower. And yeah, I had breakfast already.” “Eeh, even though Melanie cooked for us!? …ah, you already know her, right?” “Yeah. It can’t be helped; morning exercise made me hungry.” “Ahaa~ I see how it is~” “…well, that, and I’d rather eat breakfast made by you.” Sigulf could hear her coughing before she resumed, “H, hey now, boy! You should say it to someone else!” “Eh?” It took a while before Sigulf went beet red at the realization. ‘Did I just blurt that out!?’ “What, you don’t even realize it?” she laughed. “…please forget it.” He pleads. “Not gonna~” “Ugh… Anyways, I’ll see you again later, okay? I think I still have time before lunch.” “Hmm… Is it a date?” “…I wish.” Vigdis cackled before she continues, “Don’t take too long. I left some food for you.” “Yes, yes. Well then, Master.” Sigulf ended the call before sighing, “…well, it won’t hurt to walk there again, right?” ——— When Sigulf reached the guesthouse for the second time today, he was greeted by Vigdis glomping him. “…Master, I can’t breathe.” “Oh, come on! What are you complaining for?” she said while slowly backing off. “…you’re not drunk, are you, Master?” “Don’t worry, I make sure she’s not drinking any.” Melanie added, stepped from inside the room. “Ah, thank you.” “Boo, what the hell? You’re nicer towards her than me…” “That wasn’t my intention…” Melanie chuckled before saying, “Well, come on in. I made wedges for quick snack.” “Just for a bit, then. I can’t over-eat.” As the three entered the room, Sigulf noticed that Eliot is missing. “Where’s Sir Fortier?” “Elly left earlier.” Vigdis answered. ‘Elly!?’ “I guess he’s too nervous with Vigdis around.” “Oh you~” “…isn’t it because he’s the only guy around?” “That’s why,” Vigdis said as she circled her arm around Sigulf. “You gotta stay with us! You won’t let two damsels feeling lonely by themselves, will you?” “Alright, alright, just until before 11, okay?” Sigulf relented. “Pretty sure you would’ve handled yourselves just fine, though…” “Aaaalright! Let’s go wild!” “It’s not even midday yet…” “Vigdis, mind if I seduce your disciple here?” “Nooo!” the Icelandic woman said as she hugged Sigulf tightly. “Even if you’re my best friend…! Ah, but teasing is okay.” “…” ‘I wonder if I’ll be alright…’ ——— After enduring relentless teasing from both sides, it’s finally time for Sigulf to leave. Though, it’s clear that Vigdis is more than reluctant. “Waaahh!” Vigdis cried as she clings to Sigulf’s leg. “What did I do wrong!? Was it not fun!? I’m sorryyyy!” “Ma, Master…! You’re making a scene!” Sigulf embarrassedly trying to convince her to let go. “I’ll be late at this rate…!” “Oh dear… And she’s not even drinking…” Melanie laughed wryly. “Here, let me help you. Good luck with your date, okay?” “It’s not a date, I think… But thank you.” “No problem! There, there, Vigdis. You can snuggle on me if you need to.” “Uuu… You’re not Sigulf. You don’t smell like him and a bit bigger on the chest…” “Oh, really? My breasts got in the way? Strange, I don’t think I am that buxom…” ‘What are these two talking about!?’ “Well, excuse me then…!” Sigulf said as he hurriedly left the guesthouse. “Oh? Take care.” Melanie responded. ——— On the park nearby, Sigulf decides to wait for Celina and Chelsea. Looking at his phone, it’s half past 10. “…” Even though he was calm during the practice, Sigulf can’t feel the same about the upcoming lunch with the council duo. ‘Shit, after all that, and now I’m getting nervous. Calm down, myself!’ “Oh, there he is.” Hearing a familiar voice, Sigulf turns to see Chelsea and Celina. ‘Ah… Seeing them in casual clothes feels refreshing.’ “You’re early.” Celina pointed out. “I got nothing to do. And, well, it’s better to wait than be late.” “Oh, you sound just like her.” Chelsea laughs wryly. “Even though I said we can show up a bit later…” “…is that supposed to be a bad thing?” Celina sighed without pressing the issue further. “Well, now we’re all here, so let’s go—“ “Eat.” “Shopping!” There was a moment of silence before Chelsea comically glared at Sigulf. “It’s not even lunch time, you know.” “…well, true. And I ate some snacks already, so I guess we can go shopping first.” “Sheesh, you should’ve just agreed in the first place… Well, never mind, let’s go!” Chelsea exclaimed enthusiastically as she leads the way. “Is it really okay with you?” Celina asked Sigulf. “Yeah. I can just sit and wait. And carry your bags if needed.” “I’m sorry about this.” She gave a wry smile. “Ah, it’s fine…” Both of them then followed Chelsea before she goes too far away. ——— “So it’s here, huh.” Sigulf said upon arriving at the shop. “Oh, you’ve been here before?” Celina asked. “Yesterday, actually. I was here with Yuu.” “Yuu…?” Chelsea suddenly stopped and somehow looking a bit flustered. “He’s the cute-looking Japanese boy, isn’t he?” “Huh? Yeah, what about it?” “Sigulf… And Yuu… Shopping together…!?” “Umm, Chelsea?” “Eh!? No, no, no, it’s nothing! Don’t worry about it, ahahahah!” “Well, if you say so…” “Forget that, let’s try on some clothes, Cel!” Chelsea quickly said as she pulled Celina away. “Huh!? Wait, don’t pull—“ “Ah…” Sigulf was left bewildered, wondering what just got into Chelsea. “…I guess I’ll just sit somewhere nearby and take it easy.” He sighed. ——— Not far from where Sigulf finally sits, Chelsea is happily picking some clothes, while Celina is a bit unsure. “Hmm…” “Oh, still not sure on what to pick?” “I’m not well-informed on things like this…” “Then how about this one?” Chelsea said as she showed Celina a dress. “This one looks cute.” “Cute? I don’t think—“ “Or would you rather try this one? It’s a bit sexy, though.” “S, sexy? …this one would be more appropriate for summer, don’t you think?” Sigulf’s ears can’t help but to twitch at their conversation. “Well, it’s not a bad thing to buy them in advance. Anyway, I picked up a lot, so let’s try them one by one.” “Eh? But…” Celina trailed off before turning to Sigulf. “I’m sorry, but will you be fine by yourself?” “Hm? I think I can handle it.” He answered, trying to ignore another shopgoers’ stare, who probably thought, ‘What is he doing with the council duo?’ “Then…” “Don’t peek, okay?” Chelsea added while winking. The girls then disappeared into a nearby changing booth, and Sigulf couldn’t really hear what they are saying. ‘Why am I getting excited on my own here?’ He could only hear their clothes shuffling and what he thought as Celina yelping “Eh!?”, probably from one of the dresses offered by Chelsea. “…” There was a temporary silence, before the two finally reappeared, with Chelsea saying, “Sorry to keep you waiting! What do you think?” “…!” The sight made Sigulf hold his breath. Chelsea in long-sleeved off shoulder dress wasn’t half bad; far from it. But Celina in a strapless rompers, coupled with her curvy figure is a bit too much for him, even though it’s covered somewhat by a white shirt on top of it. “…won’t you say something?” Celina asked, slightly embarrassed. “I guess the stimulation was too strong?” Chelsea laughed wryly. “Eh!? Sorry, I mean, it’s just— Hm?” Sigulf paused as he noticed something trailing from his nose. “What the… Blood?” “Eh!? Sigulf, are you alright!?” Now Celina asked in a panic. “Waaah! Why are you…!?” Chelsea panics as well and tries to cover him up while looking for her handkerchief. The ruckus obviously draws attention, but at this point Sigulf can only think, ‘Ah, it was refreshing… A bit too refreshing perhaps.’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "1957", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 2, part 10", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Having satisfied with their dine-in, Sigulf and Celina left the restaurant happily. “Thanks for today.” “Please don’t mention it. It was part of the promise, after all.” Celina lightly shook her head. “Besides… I actually had my share of fun too.” “Ah, I see. That’s good to hear.” Sigulf noticed some other students watched them walking together, but he tried his hardest not to pay attention. “Say, Sigulf…” “Hm?” “If you need some help, then please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’ll try my best to support you.” “Eh?” Sigulf stopped walking. “Is this… Related to what I have told you?” “To be frank, yes. …or is it an unnecessary nuisance? In that case, I—“ “No, no, no, please don’t be.” He quickly interrupted. “I’m happy with your concern, but for now, I believe I can manage.” “Hmm… Well, if you say so. But still, don’t push yourself too hard, okay?” “Understood!” ‘I’m glad she cares, but I can’t rely on her for everything.’ “By the way,” Sigulf continued. “How about tomorrow? Do we still have practice?” “Oh? Itching for some practice already?” “Yeah… Is it okay?” “It depends. How do you feel?” “Umm, I feel refreshed actually…” “Ah, very nice. I guess we’re good to go tomorrow.” She smiled. “I won’t hold back, so don’t overexert yourself today.” “Yes, thank you, Ma’am!” Sigulf playfully saluted. “I’m in your care!” “That’s the spirit!” “…ah, one more thing.” “Yes?” “What should I do with this?” “Isn’t that Alba’s plushie? What about it?” ‘…shit, after all that talk about doing things myself, yet I’m too embarrassed to hand this over!’ “Hmm? Oh, I think I get it…” ‘Geh!’ “Well, I actually don’t mind, but…” Celina put her finger on her own lips. “Don’t you think it would be better if you give it yourself? You know, teammates and all?” “I… Suppose so.” “Right? Don’t worry, I’m sure she will be happy to receive it!” Celina smiled. “T, thank you…” ‘Why don’t I feel much happier despite her encouragements? Tohohoh…’ ——— Meanwhile, Alba was working out in her own room. “168… 169… 170…” Hard as she might tried, her conversation with Chelsea upon escaping the restaurant keeps coming back to her. ——— “Are you fine with this?” “Eh? You worry too much! It’s Siggy we’re talking about here! Celina will be fine!” “I’m not talking about her. I’m talking about you.” “…what are you saying? I’m his friend! And a friend should support their pal as much as possible, right?” “Alba, you…” ——— She fiercely shook her head to dismiss the memory. ‘Focus, focus! If I have the time to feel blue, then I’d rather use it to train…!’ “Alba, are you inside?” “Waah!?” Sigulf’s sudden voice and knocking made her stumble. She hurriedly stood up and went to open the door. “Oh, hey, Siggy!” “Yo. Umm, were you in the middle of something?” “Just exercising a bit. So… What is it?” “Well, err…” Sigulf hesitates a bit, but he took out the unicorn plush from the bag nonetheless. ‘Oh…’ “So I won this in the game center, but I already have one and another would be too much, so…” “You’ve been playing around, huh?” “Hey, I need some cooling down too.” “…well, thanks.” “Umm, is it not to your liking?” “Eh!? Ah, no, no, no! I’m just a bit tired from training!” “I, I see… Sorry for disturbing then. And don’t forget to rest.” “No worries! And you too; don’t play too much!” “I’m not… Well, uhh, see you tomorrow.” “Yeah… And thanks for the plush.” Sigulf waved as he turned around, heading back to his own room. “…” Closing the door, Alba went back inside. “…idiot, now I can’t just throw this away, can I?” She held the plush and took a good look at it. “…no, this kid did nothing wrong.” Alba then hugged it tightly while burying her face on top of its head. “Stuuupiiid Siggyyyyyyyyy!” ——– On almost the same time, Celina was visiting Chelsea on her room. “Waah, how cute! Thank you!” Chelsea said upon receiving her gift. “I suppose the date went well?” “I, it wasn’t— …well, we had fun at the very least. And I got to know him a bit more.” “Hmm…” ‘Well, I did eavesdrop on them with Alba…’ “So, any plans for a second date with him?” Chelsea continued. “Eh? I don’t know… I haven’t even thought about it. Why do you ask? You want to come along next time?” “That’s… Not what I meant, but…” “Hm?” “Cel, maybe… Just maybe… Aren’t you a little bit too trusting?” “Of him? Well… What’s to distrust?” “…you sure like him a lot.” “I do.” Her statement made Chelsea gasp. Of course, she quickly realized it and went red. “N, no, no, no! That’s not what I meant! Not in that way!” Celina stammered. “I, I mean… He’s serious in both dueling and council duties, event though he could have rejected the latter. And I think… The way he treats me quite normally is fairly admirable…” “Oh, Cel…” Chelsea sighed. “You…” “E, enough about me! Don’t you like him too?” “Me? I wonder about that…” “You did call him a cute underclassman, though…” “Y, you still remember that?” now’s her turn to get flustered. “W, well duh! With a face like that, of course he’s a hottie! It’s just—“ “And you’re the one who teased about me and him in the first place…” “I, I’m sorryyy! I just thought it was funny if it could make you open up, and— …well, you kind of did, didn’t you?” “…what are you trying to pull here?” Celina sighed. “So you don’t hate him?” “Hate is too strong of a word, but… I don’t think I like him as much as you do.” “S, stop it already. What’s with you and him anyway?” “That’s…” “Is it something I really mustn’t know?” “…Cel, what if I told you that he joined the Council just to woo you?” Celina widened her eyes for a moment before regaining composure. “O, oh… I thought it was something dangerous…” “Not ‘oh’! He joined with a less-than-pure intention!” “How do you know that?” “…you’re the one who said I know the boys better than you. It’s easy when you look at him.” “R, right, I did say that…” “Aren’t you bothered by it?” “I’d say so if I did. Besides, if he indeed joined to… c, court me, then he’s quite the dedicated one. And daring.” Chelsea covered her face with her own hands. “God save the Queen…! Can we really trust him on-board on our duty to better this school?” “I don’t see how it is mutually exclusive. Assuming he does.” “…well, you got a point there. But still…!” “That’s enough. Why did we end up talking about Sigulf? I was here to pass the gift.” Celina sighed. “Anyways, we’ll train like usual tomorrow morning. You have no problems, right?” “Eh? Oh, of course!” “Alright. See you later, then.” Celina turned away to leave, but it’s clear she was thinking and mumbling on her own. “Sigulf… Courting me? It can’t be… But if it’s true—” Chelsea saw nothing resembling annoyance or disgust on Celina’s face. Instead, she saw her cheeks went slightly rose tinted. ‘It had an opposite effect on her!?’ ——— Meanwhile, back on Sigulf’s room… “Ah-choo! …huh, strange. Did I catch a cold?” “Good morning, Siggy boy!” Vigdis suddenly barged in. “Wha— Knock the door first at least, Master.” “It wasn’t locked, though? …were you touching yourself?” “I’m not! How did you even come up with that!?” Cackling, Vigdis closed the door and approached Sigulf. “You look a bit sharp. Playing somewhere?” “Well, uhh… I went out with Celina and—“ “Really!? Oh, I know you can do it!” Vigdis hugged him tight out of the blue. “Way to go!” “M, Master, wait!” Sigulf pushed her and broke away. “It wasn’t what you think.” “…what, so it wasn’t a date?” “Well… We went to the game center and had some pasta…” “Just the two of you?” “Uh-huh.” “Then it’s a date!” “But she did say she’d rather call it a fancy lunch…” “Ahahahahah! I see, I see! Better luck next time, then!” “Ugh…” “There, there. It’s not like she rejected you, did she? You still have a chance. Just take it easy, one step at a time. …ah! But don’t play too much and forget to train, too!” “I know, I won’t.” “How did you get to go out with her anyways?” “A promise of sorts. Something to repay my council work and motivate me for yesterday’s duel, I think.” “Ooh! So that’s why you fought so hard! And when both of you momentarily left the party—“ “Yeah, we were talking about that.” “Hmm, I see, I see…” Vigdis crossed her arms, seemingly thinking. “What is it?” “At first I thought she didn’t see you as a prospect boyfriend at all. Which would be funnier.” “…” “But… Maybe she’s actually interested in you?” “Wha— Celina? In me? I… Wonder about that… I mean… I’m far below her level…” “Well, yeah, obviously.” Vigdis said bluntly, making Sigulf cringe. “So what do you do to get on her level?” “Huh? Err, practice hard with her.” “Hmm. Feel anything different?” “…I think I began to get used on her speed.” Vigdis’ expression softened. “Well, then there’s no problem.” “What do you mean?” “Just do what you usually do. Work hard on dueling. Be nice to her without being overbearing. Pretty sure no one likes a clingy person.” “Don’t be clingy… Understood.” “I don’t know about her, but that’s what I feel, anyway. Oh, and I like seeing someone do their best. Maybe she’s like that too?” “Doing one’s best… I wonder… Have I done enough?” “Only you yourself know the answer. But I believe in you. Who’s the one running around with all they have everytime we trained?” she grinned. “You might or might not be a talented genius, I don’t know. But you sure utilized your talents well! “Master… Thank you very much…!” “No biggie! I’m your (adopted) mother, it’s only natural to encourage you!” Vigdis smiled warmly. “…now, would you please massage my feet?” “…what did you do again?” “Hey, don’t give me that look! It was a rehab session with Eliot and Melanie.” “Rehab? So that means—“ “I have no idea how will it go, but… Hey, maybe some day I’ll get to fight you with full strength! You better get much stronger by then!” “Yeah, I will…! If it goes well, let’s have an all-out duel!” “Now that’s a good answer! Alright, massage, massage!” “Yes, yes. Just don’t… Moan like last time.” “Oh, you perv~!” “S, shut up…”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2140", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 5, part 3", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
“Hmm… The color choice wasn’t bad.” 7 in the morning. Done with breakfast and packing his lunch, Sigulf seems to be admiring his new uniform; a blue jacket with white and gold accents, paired with slightly blue-tinted white trousers. “Still, I’m not sure what to do with this, though.” He looked at a yet-to-wore periwinkle-colored cloth in his hand. Apparently, it’s supposed to be either a necktie or a ribbon. Sigulf then decided to open his Personal Organizer, and scrolled down to the uniform code. “You can even lightly modify your uniform? That was lax.” He mused. “Well, then.” Sigulf took the cloth and tied it around his neck, making a simple, cowboy scarf. “Better than a necktie or a ribbon, alright.” Satisfied, he picked up his backpack, went outside, and locked his room. ——— Stepping out of the dorm, Sigulf stopped a moment to take a good look at the surrounding scenery. ‘3 years.’ He thought. ‘3 years and this will be my new home.’ As the spring breeze flew by, Sigulf adjusted his scarf. A bit chilly, but then again, he’s used to it. “I’m going.” Saying it to one in particular, Sigulf turned around and headed towards the assembly hall. ——— By the time he arrived at the hall, there were already some students there, though Sigulf noted that some of them are probably ceremonial staff. Looking for an empty seat, he noticed there were some in the middle. Sigulf heads there and took a seat. Checking his clock, there’s still some time before the ceremony began. ‘Hmm…’ Sigulf thought as he looked around. ‘I don’t see Amakawa anywhere… Wait, is that Hestianus? And she’s with those two from yesterday. They did say something about the ceremony. A welcome speech, perhaps?’ As Sigulf is pondering alone, a boy is approaching his seat. “Excuse me.” The boy called. “Is this seat taken?” he pointed to the one beside Sigulf. “Ah, no. Go ahead.” “Thank you.” The boy gratefully replied. As he sat down, Sigulf noticed that the boy was rather lithe. He tied his hair into a low-ponytail with a small white ribbon. And somehow, his face looks rather girly. Not that Sigulf would say that to his face. ‘Judging from his face… An Asian perhaps?’ As the boy seems to be preoccupied with his Personal Organizer, Sigulf decided to look around a bit more. He then noticed yesterday’s big-eater girl came into the hall, half running. The girl then sat somewhere a bit far, all by herself. ‘Somehow I think I have seen her before. Was it at the exams?’ In the end, Sigulf couldn’t really remember, so he reclined in his seat, decided to wait for the opening ceremony to start. ——— First thing that surprised Sigulf after the ceremony started was the MC is none other than the brunette he met yesterday. After introducing herself, she gave a brief rundown of the ceremony before temporarily stepping back, proceeding with the events. ‘The student council vice-president, Chelsea Kensington…’ he noted. ‘So that means the blonde is…’ Next, despite what happened yesterday, Eurypha still got to give her speech as the representative of the newcomers. Standing at the podium, everyone paid attention to her as she continued on. ‘So they let her off the hook. That said, I do think it wasn’t a major offense.’ Sigulf thought. The audience gave her a round of applause as she finished her speech. Stepping down from the podium, Chelsea takes over. “Next is the welcome and congratulatory speech from our student council president, Celina Bartram. Miss Bartram, if you will.” Chelsea announced. ‘Bartram…!’ Sigulf realized. ‘I see… So the president is the daughter of that Bartram family. That would also explain her skills…’ The whole room fell silent as she made her way to the podium, each step filled with grace and serenity. When she finally reached the podium and started her speech, everyone on the room listened with full attention, and doubly so for Sigulf. ‘I guess this is to be expected from the president.’ He mentally commented. ‘She conveyed her presence well with the speech.’ “Once again, congratulations to the graduates. We wish you good luck on your future endeavors.” Celina said, as she about to finish her speech. “And to the newcomers, congratulations for passing the exams. We welcome you to this Atlantic Academy. Good luck, and may victory favor us all!” The room gave a standing ovation for Celina as she stepped down from the podium. ‘That was a gripping speech. And impressive.’ Sigulf thought. Continuing right after her is a welcome speech and brief history from the principal. Sigulf watched closely as the principal walks for the podium. ‘Victoria Stark… That’s the principal?’ Sigulf thought, a bit surprised. As Sigulf noted, the principal is a woman in her 30s. And a gorgeous one, admittedly, matched well with her equally elegant long, wavy brown locks. ‘And here I am ogling at beauties. Get your shit together.’ Sigulf mentally reprimanded himself. Thankfully, the principal made her speech concise and on point, earning a round of applause. The ceremony then closed with a short briefing by Eliot as the representative for the teachers. Finally, the assembly was promptly dismissed, and everyone mobilized to their respective classrooms. ——— As their group, the A-class as Sigulf remembered, arrived in front of the class, Eliot opened the door and let the students get in first. ‘36 seats arranged in a 6×6 pattern… A bit bigger than I thought.’ Sigulf noted as he took a quick glance on the room. Recalling his assigned number, he immediately heads to his designated seat. ‘Number 13… Here it is.’ Sigulf thought as he put down his backpack and sat down; his seat is around the middle, rightmost of the room. Once again, Sigulf decided to take a look at his surroundings. ‘Let’s see… Ah, there he is.’ He thought as he found Minato. The boy in question sat on second from the back, at the leftmost of the room. He also noticed that the redhead girl is on Minato’s front, the white haired coffee girl on his rear, and Eurypha is on his right. ‘…is it just me or those seat placement is a bit strange?’ Having found Minato, Sigulf then realized that the ponytailed Scottish girl sits directly in front of him, while the Asian boy from the opening ceremony is on his left. The boy gave Sigulf a slight bow as he recognized him, which he promptly returned. And further to the left is the boy Sigulf remembered as the unofficial judge. ‘Funny, the ones I noticed the most are all on the same class.’ Sigulf mused. Sigulf then continued his observation, noticing that some of them already talking to each other. Either they are old friends, or they have the admirable trait; the courage to take the initiative and try to make friends. ‘Sadly I can’t say the same for me.’ Sigulf thought. ‘I often don’t know what to do or say in situations like that…’ Sigulf watched the class interaction for a while before the bell finally rings and Eliot promptly returned inside. “It’s nice to see that some of you got along well already.” Eliot commented as soon as he got to the center of the classroom. “Very good, we mustn’t forget that all of us here are fellow duelists from the one and only Atlantic academy. And now without further ado… Ladies and gentlemen! I’m sure you have all heard about me on the assembly, but my name is Eliot Fortier. For one year, I will be your classroom instructor. Pleased to meet you all.”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "1929", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Prologue, part 4", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
After class, on his last day of patrol squad trial period, Sigulf made one small detour before they call it a day and heading to the usual café. “Eh? Where are you going?” Laine asked. “Going to get a friend.” And sure enough, he went to the place where Yuu trained. “There you are.” “Ah, I see it was you after all.” “You noticed, huh?” “Not quite.” Yuu answered. “I knew someone was watching, but I was too absorbed in my practice. I only figured it was you when you offered to spar together.” “I see. Sorry I can’t help that much.” “Naah, it’s cool. I know you’re busy. So, why are you here?” “Oh, right. Wanna grab some food? You know, like last week.” “Hee, what’s gotten into you, being nice like this?” he grinned. “You wanted some love advice or something?” “That wasn’t— …wait, you can?” “Hey, who do you think I am? At least I understand girls better than you!” “…yeah, can’t deny that.” “Oh wait, who am I kidding? You already had some success, so why would I help you?” “…” “Ah, I almost forgot. Do you mind if I ask a… Weird question?” “Hm?” “Since both of you work for the Council, do you have any idea why Hiltunen-san was angry yesterday?” “…yeah, that’s a strange one. I have no idea. Isn’t she always like that? What happened?” “I think she straight up wants to kill me at yesterday’s practice…” “…I can only say train harder and good luck, then.” ——— Not long after, Sigulf and Yuu arrived outside the café, where they see Celina and Chelsea seemingly waiting for someone. Just like before, Chelsea gasped upon noticing the two boys together. ‘…what does she see, anyway?’ “Oh, it’s you two. Good afternoon.” Celina greeted. “Good afternoon. Where are the others?” “They are already inside.” “Eh!? Oh, um, sorry for running late…” “Ah, don’t worry, that’s not what I meant. Everyone arrived a bit earlier.” She explained. “I just feel like waiting for you.” Of course this earned both Sigulf and Chelsea’s surprise. “I, I see… Thank you.” Yuu snickered and nudged him with his elbow. “Well then, let’s go inside, shall we?” Celina invited, apparently oblivious with the situation. ——— Entering the café, Sigulf recognized some of the unusual guests on the table. “Yo, Hrimgard. You don’t mind if we crashed your party, right?” Mei greeted him. “Oh, you got invited too?” “Minato-dono did!” Reika added. “As expected, Minato-dono is magnanimous indeed!” “Ahahah, it’s nothing big. I just did what felt right.” He bashfully replied, earning the ire of his groupies. “But it is commendable, showing hospitality even though we’re supposed to be rivals.” Kouji complimented. “Well… I simply think it’s normal to be accommodating…” ‘…right, at this point we don’t really look like competing against each other.’ Sigulf thought while scratching his head. ‘Ah, well. Let’s sit down first.’ It seems there’s no lucky seat for him like last week, so he occupies the remaining one next to Lindorm. “Oh…” …only to realize that Celina is sitting across him. She smiled at him; Sigulf returned it sheepishly. Obviously, this doesn’t escape Mei and few others’ attention. “Hoo…” ——— After everyone’s orders arrived, Celina stood up with her glass raised, followed by Chelsea and the rest. “For our new Council members…” “And for our guests from Pacific…!” Chelsea added. “Cheers!” “””Cheers!””” Everyone exchanged toasts with each other, while Kouji was particularly amused by the warm reception. “Brother.” Lindorm offered his glass to Sigulf. “Skal.” “Skal.” The Nordics lightly bumped their glass together before downing their drink. “What do you have?” Laine asked Lindorm from across the table. “Apple juice-honey mix.” “Ah, right. Real mead substitute.” “It will do. For now…” “Yeah, we don’t want you to overdrink and get drunk.” She reminded. “…I won’t.” Sigulf was a bit humored by their exchange. ‘I wonder whether they are always like that…’ Sigulf was about to focus on his own food, but the dish across him caught his curiosity. ‘So much meat…’ Doubly so because the one eating it was Celina. ‘…still kind of unexpected after all this time. Guess I’ll have to agree with Chelsea about— Wait, stop.’ “Hm? Is something the matter?” “Ah, no, I was just wondering what you are having.” “Oh, this? Beef Wellington. Roast beef covered in pastry, to put it simply.” Celina explained. “Want to try some?” Sigulf, and for some reason, Chelsea and Alba, were surprised at her offer. “May I?” “If you would share me your cod, then sure.” “Of course, then—“ “Cel, wait…!” “Wha, what?” Chelsea quickly interrupted and made Celina pause with a bit of shock… only to realize that she and Sigulf simply traded food the normal way. “…ah, it’s nothing, ahahahahah…” “…what’s with you? Are you alright?” Alba was silent for a while before she suddenly gulped down her drink. “Wait, Alba, don’t drink like that…!” Chelsea reprimanded her. “Siggy!” she ignored her. “Trade foods with me too, will ya?” “Huh? Well, I don’t mind…” And predictably, both Yuu and Mei are the ones who reacted to the scene, snickering all the while. “Eh? What happened?” Minato asked. “Oh boy…” Mei tries to hold herself back. “Are you guys always like this? You sure your teamwork won’t fall apart?” “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that.” Chelsea quickly responded. “If anything, think of it as our way to strengthen bonds. Ohohoho~” ‘…no, it wasn’t’ Sigulf mentally retorted. ‘And what’s with that fake laugh!?’ “Ah-hem, but in all seriousness,” Eurypha picked up. “When things come to push, rest assured. You’ll have the fight of your life you seek… And then some.” ‘Whoa, she got fired up.’ “Hee, I see… Then I’ll take your word for it, Olympia’s daughter.” “Not just Olympia’s daughter! I am Eurypha Remi Garnetia Hestianus!” “…I know, I know. Why is your name so long anyways?” “Mei-dono, I believe there are people with even longer names in this world.” Reika corrected. “…yeah, I can’t imagine.” ———— An hour passed, and the Pacifics, along with the non-Councils, excused themselves earlier. “Thank you for inviting us.” Kouji slightly bowed. “If by any chance you come to visit us in the future, we’ll make sure to repay this.” “But don’t think we’ll go easy on you when it comes to dueling.” Mei added, earning a wry laughter from him. “Later, Sig-kun! Invite me again next time!” Yuu said. Sigulf simply return it with a nod. “Hey, hey, don’t forget me!” Alba joined. “Partners, right?” “…you should’ve been honest and joined us from the beginning.” “U, uu… I, it was too late for that! Besides, we still have offday practice!” Yuu’s mood quickly soured; Sigulf can only hope it was in jest. “…riajuu go explode.” “W, what?” “Aah, it’s nothing!” he quickly reverts to his smiling façade. “See you tomorrow!” “…right.” Sigulf noticed Walter followed suit; he didn’t really get what he talked with Minato, but chances are that he asked to be invited again too, which predictably displeases Minato’s groupies. “Well then, we’ll take our leave.” Kouji said. “Take care, everyone!” Chelsea responded, seeing them left the café. “Alright, now, let us talk about Council matters.” Celina continued. “I’m sure you’re all aware about the stricter work division from now on.” “Yeah.” “So, let’s start with the Patrol and Scout team. What would you say about them?” “Hmm…” Laine seems to be thinking for a moment. “I’d say… Wolfhead here is more aware, while Casanova and his harem are more reactive.” “Ca, Casanova?” “Ha, harem!? We—“ ‘…that could mean anything.’ Sigulf thought, ignoring their shock. “I see… Thank you.” “So, uhh, how about your side, Prez?” “About t—“ “Well, Sigulf is focused for sure. On the other hand, having even more helping hand doesn’t hurt at all, right?” “Eh?” There was an awkward silence as Chelsea suddenly interrupted Celina. ‘I knew she’d say something like that…!’ “…a, ah, I’m sorry. Did you want to say something?” “…no, it’s a bit similar to what you have just said.” “I, I see…” Again, the air went uneasy. “U, umm…” Eurypha spoke up while trying to defuse the tension. “Just a reminder that wherever he goes, we must stay around him to prevent accidents.” “You won’t ever let go of that, will you!?” Minato protested. “As if we can let you roam around unguarded!” “Are you sure you simply wanted to keep an eye on him?” Carmen teased. “W, what!? I, it’s not like I have ulterior motives like you!” “But I have none of that, though? I mean, I do want the better for this Academy while getting more… intimate with him.” “E, eeeeeeeh!?” “Why you…!!” “Ahem… I’m glad you’re being open with us, but please don’t go overboard.” Celina notified her while being a bit red. “Yes, Ma’am~” she replied cheerfully with a salute. “Guuuh… Why is this allowed…?” Eurypha growled. ‘…I’m a bit jealous of her, able to be honest like that.’ Sigulf mentally commented. “Anyways, returning to topic at hand,” Celina resumed. “Considering your inputs, I guess it’s better if we use a more direct approach.” “Eh? What do you mean?” “Sigulf, Minato. What do you want to do?” “I’d rather help with the paperwork.” “I prefer to go outside. Maybe some people will need help?” “”!?”” The boys were surprised at the same time and looked at each other. It’s possibly the first time Sigulf doesn’t feel any animosity towards Minato whatsoever. “…that was fast.” Chelsea commented. “Then it’s decided.” Celina smiled. “Eh!?” “Aah, now that you think about it, scouting needs more members after all.” Laine agreed. “And since he’s one package with his girls…” “Right. About paperworks, while I think we can manage on our own, since the Principal and Chelsea kind of insisted to get a helping hand, that means we’ll be having him.” “…” “Oh, but in case our workload for the day is really light, then I suppose it’s alright if I send you to help the Patrol?” she continued, now facing Sigulf. He’s a bit surprised, but accepted it nonetheless. “Sure, I don’t mind.” “Very good. Any questions?” “Ma’am, is it starting tomorrow?” Eurypha asked. “That’s right… We’ll make it effective starting next week, but if you want to, you can begin working on your assigned posts earlier.” “I see… I think it’s not a problem.” “Anything else?” There were no answers. Sigulf, meanwhile, stole a glance towards Chelsea, and even though he can’t read her expression, he could smell a bit of displeasure. “Well then, I guess that’s for today. Thank you for coming. You’re all dismissed.” “””Thank you, Ma’am!””” Everyone stood from their seats and prepares to leave. Carmen quickly flirts with Minato, igniting Eurypha and Ilma’s anger like usual. Meanwhile, Lindorm taps Sigulf’s shoulder as he and Laine passes by. “Good luck.” “Eh? Ah, thank you.” He kind of has an idea about what he meant, but decided to not follow it through. Turning around to give Celina a slight bow, Sigulf then exited the café. ——— Few minutes later, the Council duo was the last to leave. On their way to the dorm… “Celina, wait…!” “Yes?” The blonde turns around to see her brunette best friend. “…” But as soon as she saw her face, Chelsea can’t form any words. “What’s the matter?” “Ah, it’s nothing after all. Don’t worry!” “…you’re strange today.” “I—“ Chelsea was speechless for a moment. “…yeah, I guess I am. Ahahah…” “Is it something you can’t tell me?” Another pause. “…unfortunately, yeah. I’m sorry.” “If you say so…” Celina turns away. “Then I will not meddle any further. Let’s go back. We still have class tomorrow.” “Celina… Right!” She happily skipped her way and caught up with her. ‘Sheesh… You could be unexpectedly kind in the strange places. This is why I can’t really leave you alone.’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2075", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4, part 5", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Standing off against the unwanted visitor, Sigulf and Alba tried to assess the situation. “Siggy, could he be…?” she whispered. “Most likely.” “And he called you a pushover…” “I know. But that’s not important now.” “Oi, you two.” He addressed them. “Stop whispering there and try to say it right at my face.” “…whisper whisper whisper.” “Whisper whisper whisper whisper.” “…think you’re funny, huh?” the attacker said, now sounding irritated. ‘Huh, after all that, and he’s easier to rile than I thought.’ Sigulf mentally noted. The ruckus brought over some onlookers, among them were Siegward and Masaki. “He…” “You know him?” “No, but I can’t let him has the first blood on Hrimgard…!” Siegward answered, before summoning his Arms and ran off towards them. “Ah, oi, wait, you idiot!” Rushing as fast as he can, Siegward rapidly approached the intruder. “Huh?” “Haaah!” He unleashed a mighty swing, but it was easily blocked. “Guh…!” “…who the hell are you? Get out of my face, you second-rate Duelist!” “Wha—“ The assailant easily deflected Siegward back with a flick, but before he had any real chance to follow up, Sigulf and Alba are already jumping at him. “Tch, goddamn…!” he cursed while forced to evade. “Are you guys too much of a chicken to fight me head on!?” “No such courtesy for trespassers like you.” Sigulf responded. “You should know that, Jack Ashfield.” “Aah, so you figured my name.” he said, finally stopped moving. “Well, I guess one of my… Teammates told it to you.” Jack rested his saber on top of his own shoulder, all too confident with himself. “So you are Hrimgard. Well done on defeating our number 2 and 3!” he continued mockingly. “Too bad that won’t matter much against me! Now, where’s the one you called Amakawa?” “There’s no need.” Alba interrupted. “If you wanted to lose that bad, then you can try me anytime!” Jack paused at her declaration. “You… What’s your name, ponytail?” “Alba Hunter! The Future Greatest Warrior of the whole North Sea and beyond!” ‘…she said that with such confidence.’ Sigulf thought. “Alba, huh? You’re cute.” “…pardon?” “You heard me. You’re cute. And actually not half bad. Not to mention it seems that you are not a noble, too.” “…so?” “Be my girl and transfer to our school. With me, and our system too I guess, you’ll have a much better time.” Everyone there couldn’t hide their collective shock. “Did… Did he just hit on her!?” Chelsea expressed her horror. ‘My thoughts exactly…’ Sigulf mentally agreed. Alba, meanwhile, said nothing and took a deep breath at first. “…you know, if I have to talk in your language, then my answer would be ‘Hell no, and get the hell outta here’!” She brandished her claymore, ready to strike out. “If you’re asking for a duel, then do so properly!” “Tch… Too bad… Even though I began to get more interested in you than Amakawa or Hrim— Whoa!” Another sudden strike from Sigulf and Alba forced Jack to jump away at the last moment. “Seriously, is this how you Euros do things? Ganging up on an opponent? So much for your so called knight’s chivalry!” “Both of us are warriors.” Sigulf retorted. “And no warm receptions for uninvited guests.” “Warriors? More like some thugs from the boonies.” “Nice to hear you’re able to self-reflect. Well done!” One side keeps their offence, another have to constantly move out of harm’s way. The situation doesn’t seem to be lifting up anytime soon, frustrating Jack a bit. ‘Shit, this ain’t fun. I should’ve been crushing these losers now, not—‘ “Guys, hold it right there!” “Huh!?” “…ah, there he is.” Another boy Jack has been looking for. Minato has arrived, followed by the three groupies as always. “What’s going on here…?” Eurypha trailed off before noticing Siegward. “Ah, you there! Are you okay!? Did you get hurt somewhere!?” She hurriedly went to check on him, while Masaki waited by his side. “I don’t think he got injured, but…” she tried to explain. “Damn…!” Siegward cursed, clutching his wrist. “Why my hand won’t stop trembling…!?” ‘Heidenreich… He…’ Jack ignored them and shifted his attention back at Minato. “What took you so long? Enjoying your day off?” “Eh? Well, yeah. Why do you ask?” “…” ‘…why did he act cordially with him?’ Sigulf mentally retorted. “Nevermind. Now that you are here…” Jack continued, raising his saber and points it to Minato. “Draw your blade, son of Sanada.” “Eh?” “You hear m— Tch, again?” Yet another attack from the Gallowglass duo, giving Jack no other choice but to evade. “…how long are you punks gonna do this?” “Until you got tired and decided to go home crying.” Sigulf taunted. “Hah, weak. Are you going to deny my rightful duel?” “He’s right! Why are you bullying him?” Minato’s remark almost made Alba faceplant. “He’s an intruder, for crying out loud!” she retorted. “He attacked Siggy first out of the blue!” “Eh, really?” “Let’s trust her here, Minato.” Carmen said. “If that’s the case, then the answer is easy.” She, along with Eurypha and Ilma, summoned their Arms and took a step closer towards Jack. “How disappointing…” “If anything, that goes to you too, you know…” Another voice coming from behind Jack caught everyone’s attention. “Oh, he’s…” “…so you finally caught up.” “What are you thinking, breaking out like that?” Kouji sighed. Behind him, Mei and her team, along with few other unknown students were there with their Arms on hand. “Look, before this became an incident and your punishment got heavier, give up and go home already.” He continued. “…hmph, looks like playtime’s over. Too bad…” Jack conceded, withdrawing his weapon. The other Pacific students immediately surrounded him. “What? Do you think I’m gonna run away? Or do you need some assurance? Here, try to handcuff me, then.” He taunted, offering his hands. “…you do know we don’t do that.” Kouji retorted before shifting his focus to Celina. “Miss Bartram.” “Morning, Sir Houjou.” She acknowledged in return, still cautious with the situation. “I apologize for the trouble my foolish junior has caused.” Kouji bowed while holding Jack’s head. “…come on, you too.” “…why must I apologize to these Euros?” he pushed away Kouji’s hand, though not so roughly for some reason. “Jack! You…!” “Not even you can make me do it.” He forced his way through the students towards the other way. As soon as he broke free, Jack left some parting words. “Oh, right. Alba, hope we’ll meet again.” “Eww…” He ignored Alba’s disgust and kept on walking. “The hell’s wrong with him?” Mei cursed. “…let’s go, everyone.” Kouji commanded, which obeyed by the rest of the Pacifics. Mei’s team gave the Atlantics a nod of silent acknowledgement before joining the rest. “Well, it’s over…” Sigulf exhaled, dematerializing his Fenrir. “Talk about a handful one…” “Uuugh, that guy gave me the creeps!” Alba grumbled. “Seriously, his head must be all messed up!” “Alba!” Chelsea hurriedly ran to her side. “Are you alright!? D, did he touch you somewhere strange!?” “W, what? Of course not!” “Thank goodness…” “…y, yeah. And, umm… Thanks for caring, I guess…” ‘Hmm?’ “Thanks for the hard work.” Eurypha and the others came over to them. “Is there— …well, considering it’s you guys, I don’t think anyone got hurt.” “Fortunately, yeah.” “Sooo, is that the fabled Jack Ashfield?” Carmen asked. “He did seem to be strong…” “Very. We only managed to push him back because he got outnumbered, after all…” “Hmm, interesting. Now if only we can dig some information for future reference…” “That’s right! Hey, Ape, do you know— Oh, right, he isn’t here…” Eurypha said, realizing that Walter isn’t with them. “Sheesh, just when we needed him…!” “Now, now, aren’t you being too harsh with him?” “Why shouldn’t we? I mean, he always tagged along with us, only to do some skirt chasing!” “Maaaybe he likes someone?” Carmen hinted. “Uwaaa, that makes it even worse… Gross.” “…I have to agree with her this time.” Ilma sighed. “Gross.” “Well, he isn’t Minato, so gross.” ‘And just when they finally agreed upon something, it’s this…’ Sigulf thought. ‘Good thing he’s not around…’ “Enough, you three!” Minato suddenly snapped at them. “Mi— Amakawa!? What’s gotten into y—“ “Is that how you talk about your friends!?” The three girls paused, before Eurypha let out a sigh. “Your friend. Not ours—“ “No! He’s still our classmate, so he’s your friend too! And what did he do to warrant all those words!?” “What the—!? Of course he’s a perv! And… Uhh, he’s loud… A, and…” ‘This is a bit funny.’ Sigulf noted. “E, enough! W, why are you defending him!?” she continued. “Because he’s a great guy!” “…how is he a great guy!? I bet he told you… D, dirty stories about the girls!” “He did! That’s why I’ve been telling him to tone it down!” “…wait, you did?” ‘He actually did?’ Sigulf was as equally surprised. “Yeah. Well, knowing him, it probably wouldn’t be that easy, but… If you have a problem, then talk about it directly with him! That’s what friends do!” “Err…” “Don’t you think so too, Hrimgard-kun?” ‘Eh, why is he looking at me?’ “I guess…?” ‘I don’t hate the guy, but I don’t know him much either…’ The girls now looked kind of remorseful… except maybe for Ilma, predictably. “Ugh… Well, I’m sorry about that…” Eurypha apologized. “I’ll… Try to rein it in next time.” “If you understand, then it’s good!” “As expected from Minato!” Carmen said while suddenly glomping him. “So big hearted!” “Hey, what are you doing!?” “R, Rosales-san…! Everyone’s watching…!” “You horny Spaniard…! Cut it off…!” Ilma growled. ‘And of course it would end like this…’ Sigulf thought while watching the girls fight over Minato as usual. Obviously, the remaining onlookers were quick to express their jealousy. “Siggy.” Alba called, poking him on the shoulder. “Hmm?” “You sure have a bad hobby, enjoying them and their antics like that…” “…it’s social observation.” “Uwaa, Sigulf is quite bad-natured…” Chelsea joined. “U, umm, I’m well aware that studying social interactions is a good thing, but don’t you think there’s a better way?” Celina added. Sigulf can only groan while covering his face, earning laughter from the rest of them.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2181", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 5, part 11", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
The next few days, Sigulf found himself facing more challengers, despite what happened before with Siegward and Masaki. “Ugh…!” “Battle points, 0. Cannot continue duel. Winner, Sigulf Hrimgard.” “Alright, another one down…!” Sigulf growled. “No more—“ “Then I shall be your next opponent!” “…for Fenrir’s sake. Fine, just because you’re a girl, doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you!” “Hey, hey, don’t be like that!” Not far from him who has just took out another student, Alba was on the field as well, with her claymore hoisted over her shoulder. “Isn’t it fun getting to know other students better?” she continued. “…I don’t know about that.” ‘Well, at least I got to see different fighting styles… That’s learning.’ “If you don’t put your mind on it, then you’ll never catch up!” “Miss Hunter!” one of the boys stepped forward. “Please let me be your next opponent!” “Oh, so you’re next, huh? Alright, bring it on!” “Man, they sure treat her nicely…” “Kh…! Hrimgard, I’m your opponent here!” “Oh, my bad.” With a single flick, Sigulf deflected her attack and landed a strike. From the sidelines, Siegward and Masaki were observing their duels. “You’re not going to join?” he asked. “Not now. I must gather additional info first. …that said, they sure are very strong.” ——— Both Sigulf and Alba finally finished their gauntlet around sunset. Celina and Chelsea, who were watching all the time, came over to their side. “Great work, you two.” Celina congratulated. “Here, here, post-victory drink.” Chelsea added. “Ah, thank you.” Sigulf and Alba took a sip out of their water bottles. “Whew…” “Looks like my worry was for naught.” Celina continued. “Eh? What do you mean?” “Well… Looking at you yesterday, I was a bit worried you lost your love for dueling. But judging from today—“ “A, ah, that… I don’t think I would stop dueling even if I want to. But still, sorry to make you worry.” “Ah, it’s alright. Maybe it’s less that, and more… Maybe you need a bit of stimulation?” “…Cel, you sounded like the Principal just now.” “E, eh!? T, that’s not what I meant!” she realized. “I was thinking maybe I should try to have an actual duel with him, or—“ “I, I know. Don’t worry.” Sigulf quickly assured. “Wait, an actual duel? Without limiters?” “Yes. I felt you need to blow off some steam yesterday, and that’s what crossed my mind first. You… Don’t mind, right?” “…well, it’s inevitable, sooner or later. And I’m still working towards that, so…” “I see. Good to hear, then.” “Ah-hem.” Alba cleared her throat. “You better mean it, else the others and I will leave you behind. You are my rival after all.” “I know, I know. And there’s still Amakawa, and—“ “What!? Do you mean I’m not your only rival!? How could you!?” Feigning anger, she playfully punched Sigulf’s arm multiple times. “Ow, stop it.” ——— On weekend, after all four done practicing like usual… “Oh, are you going already?” Celina asked to Sigulf. “Yeah, sorry about that. I—“ “Sheesh, what’s with the hurry?” Chelsea reprimanded. “You should at least fill your stomach first!” “Eeehh… But I wanted to check on my Master…” “Now that you mentioned it… We haven’t seen her again since the interschool match, have we?” “Yeah, I think she’s busy with her rehab.” “Hmm… Then how about we grab our breakfasts on the way and visit her together?” Celina suggested. “Eh, seriously? Well, as long as we don’t eat while walking…” Chelsea added. “Munchy box! Munchy box!” Alba suddenly shouted, joining them. “Yes, yes, but your balancing meal needs to be a whole box too.” “Geh…!” “Oh, you’re joining us?” Sigulf asked. “Yeah. Maybe I can ask her about some embarrassing stories from when you were a kid.” “…I have no such experience.” ——— With breakfast in hand, they went to the guest house happily. “…eh? Why is the door open?” Sigulf noticed from a distance. “Ah, you are right. Did something…?” He didn’t immediately reply and hastened his pace a bit. It was then when heard someone arguing. “Master!?” Sigulf broke into a run and intruded the room. “—gard!? Wait, don’t—“ “Master, are you— …ah.” It was bizarre sight to him. A half naked Eliot was seemingly being forced to undress by Vigdis and Melanie, both obviously dead drunk. “Oh… Good morning, boy!” Vigdis greeted cheerfully. ——— It took a while before the situation went under control, and Eliot ends up scolding his old schoolmates in front of the students. “By the Gods, have some self-control will you!? Why would you two got drunk early in the morning!?” “Uu, I’m sorry… I won’t do it again…” Vigdis looked genuinely remorseful. “…maybe.” “Don’t say maybe…!” “Come on, Elly.” Melanie interjected. “A bit of celebration won’t hurt, will it?” “It’s still too soon for that.” Eliot retorted while rubbing his temples. “If you want to party, you have all night. What would the students say— …well, they already did.” “Boo, boo! You probably just don’t want the students see you in a cheerleader or nurse uniform!” “What the— Why would you want me to crossdress!? That has nothing to do with the rehab!” “Err…” Sigulf reluctantly raised his hand. “Oh, good timing. Might I ask you why you are here?” “Well, I wanted to see how’s Master doing, but…” “Ah, right. I’m sorry you have to see all that…” Eliot sighed. “Truth be told, it’s actually going slow but well, though admittedly I didn’t do much. It’s mostly Vigdis’ own effort and Melanie’s medical assistance.” “I see….” The women flashed v-signs and went “Yaaay!”, evidently still being tipsy. “But seriously, if only they could dial back the alcohol…” he sighed. “I think I can imagine how hard it was for you.” “Ehh, I’m used to it.” “What do you mean by that!?” Vigdis protested, earning a chuckle from Melanie. “So, did you train well?” Eliot continued. “Ah, yes. All thanks to them.” Sigulf gestured to his companions. “Hmm, being coached by Bartram and Kensington, I see.” “Sir.” The council duo saluted to him. “”It’s alright, we are on off-day. Might I ask your opinions about how they fare?” Sigulf and Alba went slightly nervous. “Hmm, I think it might be a bit too early to judge, but Sigulf and Alba are among the best 1st-years so far.” “Among the best… I’m guessing Amakawa is the other candidate?” “I believe so.” ‘Him, huh? Not too surprising.’ Sigulf thought. “Hmm…” “Is something wrong, Sir?” “Ah, no. I’m just thinking whether they have points which must be improved.” “Mm, this is just my opinion, but I think Sigulf needs to work a bit on his defenses, while Alba must do the same with her speed. Otherwise, nothing much besides the basics, then taking and intensifying it from there.” “Well said.” “…I’ll try my best on that.” Sigulf responded. “Ugh, so I am a bit slow, after all…” Alba groaned. “Well, comparatively slow among this Academy’s fastest. Though, I’m sure you can do it.” Chelsea explained. “Anyways, how about we eat our breakfast before it went cold?” “Oh, right. I’m a bit hungry. Muuunchyyyyy!” “Calm down, the food’s going nowhere. Sir, Miss, I bought some for you too.” “Oh… Even if you didn’t have to… Sorry for the trouble.” “No, no, it’s fine.” “Fooood!” Vigdis exclaimed with joy. “But no alcohol for you two! Have mineral water instead.” “Eeh!? Why!?” “Now, now, let’s play along for now. We don’t want Elly to get mad again.” Melanie comforted her. “…so it’s because of me instead of something else more rational?” “Miss Vigdis, Miss Vigdis!” Alba called. “Hmm?” “Do you have any stories about Siggy? You know, when he was younger.” “Ooh, I think I got one!” she immediately bounced back from being gloomy. “You see, there was a time—“ “Master, please stop it. And don’t make up stories.” Sigulf sighed. “Sigulf’s childhood stories, huh? To be honest, I’m a bit curious about it too.” Celina giggled. “Wait, you too!?” “Oh, nice! Tell me too!” Chelsea joined. The ladies got lively in no time, and Eliot can only glance at Sigulf sympathetically. “Be strong, Hrimgard.” “…yes, Sir.” ——— Sigulf and the others excused themselves about an hour later, wanting to return and get some rest at their dorms. ‘I’m sorry, son. But next time I’ll make sure to see you more often!’ ‘Ah, it’s alright, Master. Just do your best with your rehab.’ ‘Kuuh, stop trying to sound cool! Well, good luck with your training… and some other thing too!’ Remembering their conversation just before they part ways, Sigulf went slightly red. ‘Some other things, huh…’ he stole a glance towards Celina, who was chatting happily with Chelsea. “…hmm? Siggy, that guy… Do you know him?” “Eh? What?” Alba’s sudden question whisked Sigulf back to reality. “I think he’s been looking at you.” “A, another guy looking at him passionately!?” Sigulf chose to ignore Chelsea’s outburst and observed the boy in question. ‘He… …who?’ True to what Alba said, a boy stood a fair distance from them. Seemingly has a bleached blonde hair and a tanned darker skin, Sigulf couldn’t determine whether he was a student from another class or a visitor. “…” The boy began taking a few steps towards him… Before vanishing into thin air. “!?” “This is…!? Sigulf, watch out!” He immediately rushed faster than the eyes can follow, and stopped the boy right in the middle of his path; the attacker has already summoned his Arms without incantation, forcing Sigulf to do the same. “Thanks for the warning…!” “Oh…? So it wasn’t a fluke.” ‘This guy… He could match my strength?’ Sigulf’s attacker wields an ornate cavalry saber, which somehow took his Fenrir to a standstill. “Heh, interesting! But…!” The assailant broke away for a split second, aiming for another swing. But before he can do so… “Hm!? Don’t interfere!” Alba jumped from his right side and brought her claymore down. However… “What the— He stopped Braveheart!?” “Hee, this is unexpected…” ‘Even matching her Arms… But then that means…!’ Sigulf charged in for another attack. ‘If he’s equally tied against each of us, then there’s no way he could took both us at the same time!’ “Alba!” “Tch…!” The boy realized his situation, and jumped far away, not wanting to take additional risks. Still, he didn’t show any sign of withdrawing his Arms. “You! What’s your problem attacking him out of the blue!?” Alba roared. “Are you one of those nobles!?” “Nobles? Aah, damn Europeans and their silly circus. But how could you mistake me for them?” “…what?” He grinned arrogantly, not letting go of his gaze against the Gallowglass. “I’m looking for some pushover named Hrimgard and Amakawa, but it seems another one has escaped my attention…” “So you know our names…” Sigulf noted. “Then you are…”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2176", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 5, part 10", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
The next morning, Sigulf was on his way to class, while trying to cover his yawn. ‘Huh, strange… I thought I had enough sleep? I guess I was overthinking stuff last night…’ “Yo, Sig-kun. Morning!” “Oh, morning.” Sigulf noticed him and exchanged greeting with Yuu. The shorter boy then tried to take a better look at his face. “Still sleepy?” “Somehow, yeah…” “You shouldn’t stay up late to watch porn, Sig-kun.” “…I don’t do that.” “Ah right, you don’t have to do that anymore, being surrounded by 3 beautiful ladies. Possibly more.” “…” “I jest, I jest. So, shall we get going, then?” “…right, maybe I can steal few minutes of sleep too.” The boys then resumed walking to the class. ‘…?’ Sigulf could hear running footsteps getting closer, but he dismissed it until— “Good morning, Siggy!” “Whoa!?” Alba jumped Sigulf from behind, making him almost lose his balance. “And morning, Yuu!” “Morning! …so I’m an extra huh?” “What are you doing? That’s dangerous, you know?” “What, are you saying you gonna fall down from that? Besides, I’m feeling hyper today!” “Umm, okay…?” “What’s with the weak reaction? Come on, our rivals are visiting! We gotta show them that we are the best rookie around!” His expression changed slightly, now looking a bit serious. “…you’re right. They say defending the crown is harder than reaching the top, and we don’t want to lose that.” “I know, right?” Alba smiled triumphantly. “So…!” She suddenly grabbed Sigulf’s hand. “Eh…?” “Let’s go to the class already!” “What does that— Whoa, wait! Don’t pull!” “Later, Yuu!” “Take care, Alba-san! …sheesh, that’s ridiculously obvious.” Yuu laughed. “Oh, Kanzaki? You’re on you own?” “Ah, Bartram-senpai, Kensington-senpai, good morning!” “Good morning.” Yuu turned around to face the approaching Council duo. “It’s a bit unusual seeing you without Sigulf and Alba.” Celina commented. “Ah, those two already went to the classroom together.” “Hmm…” “I see…” Both Celina and Chelsea seemed to have something in their minds. ——— Later, at their usual practice session… “Siggy, spar with me!” “Oi, Hrimgard! Fight me!” “”…!?”” “Grrr…!” “…why are you growling?” Both Alba and Mei are eager to train with Sigulf. “Err… Hey, Yuu, you don’t mind sparring with me again?” “Hm? I don’t mind—“ ““Don’t run away like that!”” “Not this again…” he groaned. “Hold on, I can’t let that slip.” Eurypha suddenly spoke up, catching Mei’s attention. “What?” “You keep going on about Hrimgard there. Are you saying the rest of us aren’t up to par?” Beat. “Well, Sanada was pretty interesting too.” “So you do look down on us!” “I’m not. I just find him the most interesting.” “Why you…” “Mei-dono…” Reika sighed in exasperation. “Uu… If only Sir Houjou is here…” Misha added. “Alright, that’s enough. Let an adult handle this.” Carmen interrupted. “Are you taking me for a kid!?” “Look,” she continued, ignoring Eurypha. “I don’t know what are you thinking, but if you keep taking the rest of us lightly, I promise it’ll hurt later.” “Hee…” “And of course, I have to make myself look good in front of Minato~” “So that’s your true intention!” Eurypha retorted. “Well, duh. I can’t leave it to you. You are too hot-headed.” “And you talk too much, you damned cow-tits.” Ilma quipped. “What was that!? …better than none, I guess.” “Shut up. I’ll just carve her up and call it a day.” “Ooh, scary. …are you always on edge like that?” Mei commented. The tension rises, and both Minato and Walter tried to defuse it with no luck, leaving Sigulf, Yuu, and Alba wondering themselves. “…we can’t just begin a three-way sparring, can we?” “Ah-hem.” Anil cleared his throat out of the blue, surprising everyone. “…what is it?” The boy said nothing and showed them his Organizer. “So you’re saying— Wait, it’s already been decided? Since when?” Mei questioned. Anil simply shrugged. “Alright, let me see…” Eurypha approached, trying to get a better look. ——— After the initial disappointments, they scattered to face each other’s assigned training partners. ‘Let’s see… So I’m facing him.’ Sigulf watched as Anil is finishing his preparation. “Let’s make this a good one.” Sigulf said. Anil said nothing, and simply nodded. ‘So silent… Well, at least he seems to be a good guy.’ Besides them, Alba is brandishing her dummy claymore. “It’s you, huh…” “I’m looking forward to this practice!” Minato bowed. “Likewise…! Show me what all those hype is about…!” On the opposing side, Walter looked a bit dissatisfied with his results. “Man, when can we freely choose our partner again?” he sighed. “Now, now, it’s just a week. Try to bear with it.” Yuu suggested. “A week, huh… You took this unusually well.” Their exchanges, though, was nothing when compared to Eurypha’s fiery passion. “I’ll tell this again; you’ll regret looking down on the rest of us!” she exclaimed while pointing her rapier towards Mei. “…you took this seriously, huh? But that’s good enough. Come, Sanada’s girl!” “I, I’m not his girl!” Nearby, Carmen sighed at her Council-mate. “Talk about lack of elegance. I should be the one facing her…” She then turned her attention back to Misha. “And you are…” “Y, yes…?” Carmen stared for a while, unnerving Misha. “…no, forget it. Come on, time to begin.” “R, right…!” And finally, Ilma is locked in a staredown with Reika. “…” “…” “Stay away from that offender.” “…w, what? What are you trying to say?” “Tch, how troublesome.” “…honestly, you really need to fix that attitude of yours de gozaru.” “Shut up, don’t lecture me.” “Listen, Hiltunen-dono. As fellow girls, I must say that a cute girl such as y—“ “D, don’t call me c, cute!!” “…wait, why are you stammering at that?” ——— The last bell rings, and everyone left the class to do whatever after school activities they have. Naturally, Sigulf decided to head to the Council room. “Duty as usual?” Alba stopped him on the way. “Uh-huh.” “I see… Well, good luck then.” “Yeah, you too. And don’t overexert yourself.” Sigulf replied as he resumed walking. “…! W, wait!” “Yes?” “I… I might get much stronger than you are, you know!?” Sigulf resisted the urge to laugh. “I know. That’s why I’ll train real hard whenever I got the time.” He said while waving. Silently, Alba watched his back as he gradually goes farther. “…idiot.” She finally muttered while smiling. ——— Arriving at his destination, Sigulf then knocked the door a few times. “Come in.” ‘Ah, it’s her…’ Sigulf entered the room, but then noticed Chelsea is nowhere in sight. “Oh, it’s you. Good afternoon.” Celina greets him. “Good afternoon.” “I see you have decided to help earlier.” “Um, yeah. Do we have lots of them?” “Actually, no. And given time, I can do it on my own, but—“ “You’re not allowed to.” “…precisely.” She laughed wryly. “So, would you?” “My pleasure.” “My gratitude then. …I suppose you won’t accept my apology?” “Well, because you don’t have to. I wanted to do it after all.” “You are right.” Celina laughed again. “Well then, I’m counting on you.” “Roger that.” Sigulf set aside his bag, took some papers, and began working. “By the way, Chelsea’s not here?” “Oh, she’s out for the moment, delivering few reports for the Principal.” “Hmm…” Sigulf wasn’t sure on how to follow-up, so he focuses back to his paperwork. He wanted to ask few things about Chelsea, but… ‘…I guess it’s better if I ask her directly? Or if she comes up with it, whatever goes first.’ “I’m baaack!” the door suddenly opened, revealing the girl in question. “…oh? I see Sigulf is here too. Good afternoon.” “Good afternoon.” “Ah, so Celina already handed you the papers. Very good.” She returned to her desk and resumes her own paperwork. ‘Hmm… Nothing out of the ordinary…’ ——— After almost an hour, the cold made Sigulf feel the sudden urge to use the restroom. Excusing himself, he quickly left the room. ‘Toilet, toilet… Hm?’ At the front of the restroom, he recognized a student who, for some reason, keep looking around and stood there anxiously. ‘Isn’t that Smirnov? What happened?’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2077", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4, part 6", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
With the standing went to an equal, thanks to Minato’s efforts, both sides were equally anxious, considering the next duel would be deciding, and it could go either way. “…hm?” Sigulf was lightly stretching when he noticed a very familiar presence approaching. “Passing through, excuse me…!” He knew that voice well, and his guess was confirmed when said person appeared. “Whew… Did I make it on time?” “Eh, Master?” Sigulf’s surprise was echoed by the rest of the group. “Yo!” “That was fast. Did you teleport or something?” “What? I was already on the Liner when Eliot told me. I mean, I’m going to visit anyway, so might as well left earlier.” “…oh, right. Why didn’t I think of that?” “Well, that’s that, aaand,” Vigdis turned her attention to the Council duo, Alba, and Eliot. “Heya. Doing well?” “We are, thank you very much.” Celina respectfully replied. Chelsea and Alba followed with a slight bow. “You sure it’s okay to leave?” Eliot asked back. “The folks back in your village I mean.” “Now, now,” Melanie, who was watching with the rest of the other staff, joined them. “Shouldn’t you be happy that she’s here, Elly?” “…don’t call me that.” Vigdis laughed before continuing, “It’s alright, it’s alright. I told them already. And, well… They thought it would be better if I stay longer here with you two, so…” “About your legs, huh…” Sigulf concluded. Meanwhile, the others were surprised, with varying degrees and reason. “Eh? That’s Hrimgard-kun’s master? So young.” Minato said. “She’s… Nothing like him…” Ilma commented. “Did she just address Sir Fortier casually?” Eurypha asked. “Well, so I wasn’t wrong to consider you lucky, right, Sig-kun?” Yuu snickered. “Oi, oi…” “…wait, does this means you have decided on who’s going last, Sir Fortier?” Eurypha realized. “Touche. So you noticed.” The students went silent, and the air got a bit heavy. “Eh? What, what?” Vigdis asked obliviously. “I’m guessing you considered the Gallowglass to face them?” Eurypha continued. Sigulf kind of figured what she’s going at, but he decided to listen for a while. “I suppose there’s nothing to hide, so, yes.” Eliot answered bluntly. “On one hand, I believe you did make your judgement based on our performance these three weeks.” Eurypha said. “On the other… Wouldn’t you give us a chance to prove ourselves?” ‘Just as I thought…’ “Are you up to that? Remember that we can’t send Minato anymore, and I noticed that there’s always some distance between your and their groups.” “That’s…” “What, so there are small groups after all…” Melanie sighed. “Even though you are class mates…” “Well, it’s not unusual, but I’ll think of it later.” Eliot responded before facing Sigulf. “As for now… Are you ready to go?” “Umm, about that, Sir… I have someone else on my mind to be my partner.” Sigulf sudden suggestion surprised everyone, especially Alba. “Eeeeeeh!? You’re casting me aside!?” “Nothing that dramatic, you know…” Eliot took a glance at the Pacific’s side before saying, “I think I have an idea on who you are suggesting. That said, you do know our situation, right?” “…I know. I’ll take responsibility.” “Those words are heavy, Hrimgard.” “I’d say let him, Fortier.” Victoria suddenly said, joining the circle. “Ah, you are…” Vigdis realized. “Nice to meet you, Miss Hrimgard.” She greeted. “Let’s have a nice chat after all this. As for this matter…” “Ma’am, are you sure?” “Why not? It’s more… Youthful and dramatic that way.” ‘So that’s her reason…’ Everyone thought in unison. “…well, it can’t be helped.” Eliot sighed. “Get yourselves ready.” “Thank you, Sir!” Sigulf saluted. “Yuu, let’s go!” “Whoa, it was Kanzaki?” Walter and some others were surprised. “…and you don’t seem surprised at all.” “Well, I must return some favor.” Yuu replied. “Oh, when you fell down from some empty punch?” Ilma sneered. “…uwaa, how mean. I might end up winning and look cool in your eyes later, you know?” “…as if.” “You idiot! If he lost, then so does our school!” Eurypha hissed. Ilma was about to snap back, but then realized she’s right. “…paska.” “So, cheer for me too, okay, Hiltunen-san?” “…disgusting.” “…how cold.” “Err, we can’t have you get depressed here, Yuu.” Sigulf said before turning to Victoria. “Ma’am, thank you for the jacket.” “You’re welcome.” “Wait, you let her warm your shoulders with her jacket?” Vigdis asked in slight panic. “What have you done?” “Oh my, was that some words of disapproval?” “We… Definitely need to talk later, Ms. Stark.” Vigdis said while faking a smile. Both Sigulf and Celina can only sigh. “I’ll… Be going then.” “Ah, right. Sigulf, please wait a minute.” “Huh?” Celina stopped him and took out a small container. She opened the lid and Sigulf could see what appears to be blue paint or gel. “Is that…” “War paint. Think of it as a lucky charm.” “Umm, I don’t even know whether my ancestors wore them or not…” “…so you don’t need it?” “…I don’t mind actually. So, please.” Celina chuckled and was about to apply the paint, when Alba suddenly joined them. “Hey, let me do it too!” “Oi, oi, don’t draw anything strange.” “I won’t, sheesh!” “Fufu, so how would you like it?” “A stripe beneath my eyes, I guess?” “Hold still then.” Carefully, Celina and Alba spread the blue paint the way Sigulf wanted. “There, it’s done. Looking good.” “Ah, thank you.” “I can’t believe you abandoned the Gallowglass, even though you look like one now…” Sigulf sighed again, while Celina giggled. “Lucky boy, are you done yet?” Yuu called him. “…yeah, let’s go.” Sigulf was about to turn around, but stopped when Celina shoved her knuckle to his chest. “Celina…?” “…win this, Sigulf. Win this, for yourself.” The boy stood still, grasping the meaning behind her words. He knew they had a promise, but… ‘It’s not just about that… It’s about things that come after. I must think way beyond.’ “I will…!” ——— Mei and Reika stopped talking to each other when they noticed Sigulf and Yuu have entered the area. “Took you long enough.” Mei said. “Nice paint, by the way.” “Sorry about that. And thanks…” “…that’s your master? I expected someone older.” “Not the first time I hear that.” Meanwhile, the atmosphere between Yuu and Reika was decidedly heavier. “Kanzaki-dono…” “We get to actually fight at last, Kannomine-san. I’ll have you retract those words before…!” “I can feel that you did polish yourself to some degree. However…! I shall judge you myself whether you can back those up, de gozaru!” ‘How dramatic…’ Sigulf mentally commented. “By the way, Reika, have we decided on a team name yet?” Mei asked. “…I forgot, no.” “…so do we.” Sigulf added. “Way to defuse the tension…” Walter groaned, which is echoed by the others. “You have any ideas?” Mei asked again. “Err… Wait… Considering our homelands… How about Imperial Dragons?” “Eeh, I don’t really like dragons…” “Then what do you want to be!?” “I prefer wolves… What do wolves and dragons have in common?” “…nothing? Wait, wait… Tails…? Claws… Fangs…” “Ah, Imperial Fangs it is.” “…well, that’s not bad actually.” “Alright, Wen Mei and Reika Kannomine, Team Imperial Fangs, ready to fight!” “…so they say. How about us, Sig-kun?” “…Arctic Thunder.” “Hee, simple but makes sense. Where did you get it?” “A metal album from a century ago or so.” “…never thought you like hard music. Color me surprised.” “I see you have made your mind.” Eliot said from across the field, before turning his attention to Kouji. “Sorry about the delay.” “It’s alright.” He laughed. “It’s more fun this way.” “Very well… System!” “Affirmative. Final match, tag team. Imperial Fangs versus Arctic Thunder. Please get your preparations ready.” “Whoooo! Finally!” Walter cheered along with the other students. “Mei! Reika! Do your best!” Misha did the same from the other side. “Now the only thing remains is for him to prove himself…” Celina stated. “You can do it, boy…” Vigdis added. “Siggy! Yuu! I’ll smash you two flat if you lose!” Alba encouraged in her own way. On the other hand, Eurypha, Carmen and Ilma were less enthusiastic. “I hope Sir Fortier’s intuition was right.” Eurypha said. “Else…” “True. I have no beef against him, but we can’t keep watching from the sidelines.” Carmen agreed. “Pretty loud cheering you got.” Mei commented. “Too bad, I’ll have to disappoint them. There could be only one wolf!” “And that would be me.” Sigulf countered. “I’ll show you how a Nordic wolf fights!” “Show me what you have, Kanzaki-dono!” Reika challenged. “Allow me to judge your worth!” “No need to.” Yuu retorted. “I’ll just defeat you so you won’t bother my peaceful school life anytime soon!”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2129", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4, part 12", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
The first big, and rather abrupt, event for the freshmen has ended. Standing face to face, the duelists exchanged handshakes with each other. “Congrats, Hrimgard.” Mei said. “You guys earned it.” “Thank you.” “Kanzaki-dono.” Reika followed. “Looks like I was mistaken about you…” “Ehehe… I have to get serious too once in a while.” “I suppose so…” Spectators from both sides applauded, before the fighters returned to their respective groups. “Sir Houjou, we are sorry for our loss!” Mei apologized. “It’s alright. You did your best.” Kouji reassured, with Misha and Anil joined to console them. Meanwhile, Sigulf and Yuu’s reception was slightly, comically mixed. “What’s the matter?” Sigulf asked upon seeing Eurypha, Carmen, and Ilma’s faces. “I can’t believe you actually went and did that…” Eurypha said. “Think about our school’s image, will you?” “…wait, what?” “Now, now, it ended well, so it’s fine, right?” Yuu tried to calm Eurypha while looking at Ilma. “Well, better than actually losing…” she sighed. “Hehe… So how do you think?” “…huh? Oh, right. It wasn’t bad. Cool. But I’d still carve you up in no time.” “…you could’ve just sincerely be happy, you know?” Yuu lamented. Sigulf was trying not to snicker, and didn’t notice when Vigdis hugged him out of the blue. “Siggy my boy! I know you can do it!” “M, Master! I can’t breathe…!” “…she’s really hug-happy, huh?” Alba commented. Along with Celina and Chelsea, she came over to Sigulf when Vigdis finally let go of him. “Ah…” “Congratulations.” Celina smiled. “You did well.” “Thank you…!” “I’m a raider in wolf’s pelt.” Alba mimicked Sigulf. “Pfft, edgy.” “Yeah, what was that?” Chelsea agreed, trying to hold back a laughter. “…it’s not edgy.” Sigulf protested and got a bit red. ——— Not long after, most of the audience has left the field, leaving the Pacific guests and some Council members. The whole group then approached Mei’s team to chat a bit with them. “Eh? You’re not staying longer?” Minato sounded surprised. “Yeah, gotta go home soon. You know…” “Is it battle data report?” Eurypha slightly raised her eyebrow. “Haha, so you noticed, huh? Sorry about that.” “Eh, no, we don’t mind. I mean it’s not that unusual.” Sigulf quickly said. “What I found strange is why so soon? Your excursion I mean.” “Aah, that…” Mei scratched her head. “Yeah, I don’t get it either. What was our Principal thinking? Sending a real early scout with what supposed to be the top 5 or 6 students…” “Don’t say that now…” Kouji interrupted. “I’m sure she got good reasons. If we won, our names could have made shockwaves around the world and attract more prospects. But now even though we lost, we still could use the data to improve our training, don’t you think?” “…that’s quite the optimistic way to see it.” “Well, you have to if you want to grow.” “Early scouting? So, are you guys coming again later?” “Eh, maybe?” Mei shrugged before turning to face Kouji. “Hmm… We could be. But then again, our Principal has her hands full taking care of our problem child…” “Ah, right, him…” “Houjou-dono!” Reika called them from nearby the carrier. “We are going to depart soon!” “We’ll be there.” Kouji answered. “Well, Ms. Principal, I guess we must excuse ourselves here. Thank you for the chance.” “Likewise, it’s been a well-appreciated learning for our students as well.” Victoria replied. “Give my regards to Stacy.” “Of course. Well then…” Kouji bowed with Mei following suit. Before she got far, Mei turned around for one last time. “I’ll be back. And next time as the number 1. You better prepare yourselves!” she grinned while extending her fist, particularly towards Sigulf. “Yeah…!” Leaving with a wave, Mei rejoined her schoolmates inside the carrier. Closing the hatch door, it slowly rose and took off towards the far horizons. “They left…” “Great work, everyone.” Victoria congratulated. “Now—“ “It’s time to party!” Vigdis appeared out of nowhere and interrupted, holding few plastic bags with ease. “Party!” Chelsea echoed. “Ufufu, well I guess it’s fine. A short break won’t hurt.” “…why are you the one who got fired up?” Sigulf sighed. “And when did you buy all those?” ——— The night continues. Somewhere in the guesthouse, one larger room is particularly livelier in this hour. “Cheers!” Almost everyone toasted with their can of drinks. “…ah, good. I see you didn’t buy any alcoholic drinks.” Eliot commented. “Well, duh! I don’t want to be held responsible if I get the kids drunk!” Vigdis retorted. “Too bad, I wanted to see a wasted Eliot.” Melanie giggled. “…stop it.” “Aah, my muscles are a bit sore…” Walter said, relaxing his back. “Now that I remembered, the boys did all the fighting today.” Eurypha noted. “Sir?” “Armstrong needed a bit of push.” “Geh…! That bad?” “Among Amakawa’s group? Well, you’re bottom.” “Ugh… I’ll do harder from now on…” Walter slumped his shoulders, earning a sigh from Eurypha. “So, we’re doing fine?” Carmen asked. “Yes, but still no reason to slack off.” “Understood.” “Huh, you’re surprisingly straight-forward about this.” Ilma commented. “Oh no, if it’s for Minato, then I too must give my best for him~” “…ugh, I take it back.” Meanwhile, Sigulf was the only who didn’t get to toast earlier. “…why am I busy with this? When do I get to eat?” “Hey, you promised me, boy!” “Yeah, but can’t it wait for later? I mean you’re staying longer now…” “But I missed you! …ah, lower please.” Vigdis directed him on where to massage. “Seriously, Master…” “Could you do it harder there?” “Like this?” “Nngh…! T, there…! Right, it feels good…!” The boys instantly went red, getting them a laughter from Melanie and a facepalm from Eliot. “Y, you perverts!” Eurypha screeched. “And how is it our faults now?” Sigulf countered. “Now, now, let’s not get too heated on this happy occasion.” Victoria joined them. “By the way, do you need a hand?” “Eh?” “What is she—“ Victoria went behind Sigulf and started massaging him. “Better?” “O, oh, thank you, Ma’am…” “Wait, hold it right there!” Vigdis suddenly stood up, making Sigulf let go of his hands. “Don’t you think it’s inappropriate for a Principal to touch her students like that?” ‘T, touch?’ “Oh, do not worry. I believe it is within my duty to support our students in need, and this is nothing more than that.” “But!” Vigids hugged Sigulf tightly away from Victoria. ‘!?’ “As his guardian, I can’t let him get into harm’s way, and I feel this is where we should draw the line!” “Ufufu, I’m well aware with your concerns, it’s only natural. However,” Victoria grabbed Sigulf’s arm and pulled him back. “If you keep on pampering him like that, then he won’t grow up to be a… Splendid, fine adult.” She ended her words with a somewhat seductive tone. “You…!” ‘Oh, for Loki’s sake…’ Unexpectedly, Celina got up and approached them. “You two, that’s enough. Behave more like adults should be.” “Ah…” “Don’t you see you two are bothering him?” …but whether she did that on purpose or not, Celina pulled Sigulf close to her. ‘…praise Angrboda?’ “She’s right…!” Alba stood as well and pulled Sigulf to the opposite side. “Give him a break! Siggy needs to rest too!” “…why did I even join them?” Chelsea said in a low voice. “…” There was an awkward, yet heavy silence dawning on them. Eliot can only sigh in exasperation, while Melanie can’t hold back her wide grin. Sigulf glanced towards Yuu, hoping for some help, but he, along with Walter, raised a thumbs up and mouthed at him, “Go explode.” ‘Well, thank you for the kind support, I really appreciate it.’ Sigulf sarcastically thought. Meanwhile, Minato’s girls began talking among themselves in a slight disbelief. “Is that… How we always looked to the others?” Carmen asked. “I guess so… Argh…” Eurypha answered. “Who would’ve thought it took them to remind us…” Ilma sighed. “It’s kind of embarrassing…” Carmen agreed. “You know what, maybe you two should give up so there’s less shame upon us.” “Oh, not in a lifetime!” Eurypha promptly screeched. ——— By the Sacred’s intervention, the tension died down, and Sigulf was set free, allowing him to grab some snack and drink. “Phew…” He was out enjoying fresh air on the balcony when the door opened, revealing Celina. “Oh…” “Hey. Feeling better already?” “Kind of.” “You sure you don’t need to rest more?” “Positive.” “If you say so…” A short silence. Then again the wind was particularly comforting today. But then Sigulf remembered he needed to talk about something. “By the way, for tomorrow…” “Ah, right. What is it?” Celina found herself a bit surprised when she skipped a beat, but decided to listen first. “Can we practice defending, especially for tag battles? Because—“ “…hold on a second there. I thought that wasn’t the part of our promise?” “…ah.” ‘Fenrir damn it, why did I—‘ Sigulf covered his face out of embarrassment. “…something’s bothering you?” “…yeah, we got blindsided during the fight, and I keep thinking on how to fix that…” “I see, I see…” Celina chuckled, which surprised him a bit. “It’s good that you got even serious about dueling, but… Don’t you remember?” “Yeah, I should know when to rest as well…” “Precisely.” “Sorry about that…” “As long as you understand…” she giggled again. “So, have you decided on what to do on our… date tomorrow? Have any place in mind?” Celina went slightly red, but thankfully for her, Sigulf didn’t even notice for being bashful on his own. “…that’s the problem. I can’t think of any. At least, though, cinemas are a no, I think.” “Hmm? You don’t like watching films?” “Not that, but I figured that we don’t get to talk much during the film, and…” ‘Dammit, Sigulf, spit it out already.’ “I want to talk more with you.” “Ah… I see. Fair point.” “Yeah… So how about you? Any places you wanted to go?” “Eh? But I can’t do that. It’s supposed to be your reward, after all.” “Even if I insist?” “Even if you insist.” “…alright then. I want to go… Where you actually wanted to.” Celina paused for a second. “That’s not how it goes.” She finally laughed. ‘Ah, even her laughter sounds nice…’ “Okay, I concede. Let’s see… I’ve always been curious with game centers.” “Oh, you never have been to one?” “No, I’m never sure on what should I do there, so I always refrain myself from going.” ‘Cute…’ “Well, I only went to game centers a few times before, but I’ll do my best to escort you.” “Ufufu, please do.” “…and how about lunch? Lordshire’s good?” “Lordshire? You don’t have to force yourself like that…” “Well maybe, but—“ “Alright, I’ve been craving for some Italian food. How does that sounds?” Sigulf was slightly taken aback, but he chuckled nonetheless. “You got me there. Okay, it’s decided, then.” In contrast to the pleasant atmosphere, Sigulf and Celina were oblivious with Chelsea peeking from behind the door worriedly. ——— The small party finally ended, and everyone went back to their own rooms. “…phew.” A warm bath after the day was one of the things that Celina enjoyed. “…” She went silent and touched her own chest. ‘I did that promise to encourage him. So that he’ll be motivated to do better. There should be no problem. But…’ The color red tinted her cheeks. ‘Now, why am I…?’ ——— At almost the same time, Chelsea’s room… “Haah…” The brunette sighed, seemingly in no mood to sleep. ‘Even though I am the one who teased her with him, when it actually happens…’ Chelsea turned in her bed. ‘I can’t say I’m impressed with his motivation to join… I’ll make sure he doesn’t do anything to hurt Celina tomorrow.’ ——— Midnight, far across the continent. The Pacific’s carrier has finally landed safely in their own home. “Welcome back.” Their Principal, Stacy Franklin, greeted. “And thank you for the hard work.” “Ma’am, we’re very sorry for our loss.” Kouji bowed in apology. “It’s alright. Go get some rest first.” The 1st-years scrambled back to their dorms, leaving only Kouji with her. “How’s Ashfield?” “Resting after full day of heavy exercise…” Stacy rubbed her temples. “I see. May I see him?” Stacy said nothing, only motioned Kouji to follow her. They entered a separate concrete building. Inside, a security personnel watched a well-guarded small room. From outside, a tanned boy with bleached blonde hair could be seen sitting, facing away the visitors. ‘Jack…’ Stacy entered some code on the panel and opened the door for Kouji. “Be careful.” “Thank you, Ma’am.” As Kouji entered, he knew that Jack instantly noticed his presence. “Yo.” “Hey…” “You’re back. Did you have fun crushing those European losers?” Kouji didn’t immediately answer. “…don’t tell me…” “I told you.” Kouji sighed. He approached Jack and handed him a tablet, containing videos from the duel. “I’ll let you judge for yourself.” Jack took the tablet without turning. Kouji stepped back and was going to left the room. “Don’t forget to get some rest.” With Kouji outside, the door was locked again, but Jack paid no attention. He was focused on the footage Kouji gave him. “Sanada’s son… But I can’t judge him from fighting against Smirnov here.” He was silent for few minutes, until the tag battles came up. His expression then shifted slightly. “Sigulf… Hrimgard…” Jack watched the video until the playback ended. “…” He set the tablet aside, and going against Kouji’s advice, began exercising again. ——— Chapter 4 “Dawn Before the Restless Tide”, end. Continued on Chapter 5.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2133", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4, part 16", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
After Eliot finished his introduction, he then proceeds to took attendance of the class. Through this, Sigulf learned some of his classmates’ names; the ponytailed Scot Alba Hunter, the Japanese Yuu Kanzaki, the unofficial judge Walter Armstrong, the redheaded Spaniard Carmen Rosales, and the white-haired Finnish Ilma Hiltunen. The teacher then explains what the class is going to do for the whole year, which basically is theory in the morning, lunch break, and then mock duels before the cooling down and dismissal. Mid-exams will be held before summer break, while the finals are before winter break. As for the school festival, it will be held around autumn, in which the free-for-all tournament will also be held. ‘That… Sounds surprisingly fun.’ Sigulf thought. ‘A free for all… That means the 2nd and 3rd-years will probably enter as well.’ As for their very first lecture, Eliot told the class the brief history of the rise of magitek and its benefits for the world, how it created a new reliable source of energy, which in turn improved transportation and many other advancements. One of them is the sport of dueling. Thanks to magitek, an otherwise lethal blow would be avoided, while at the same time keeping the force. This resulted in 0 casualties for decades, making duels safe yet still thrilling. Done with the history, Eliot then proceeds into the basics of dueling, its rules and the basics of defensive maneuvers, which are blocking, deflecting, evading, and reflecting. ‘Let’s pay attention. Review, review…’ Sigulf mentally noted. Few hours later, the bell for lunch break finally rings. Before leaving the class, Eliot reminded the whole class, “You better be not eating too much, or else, you’ll bust your duel.” After Eliot left, the class returned to its lively state. ‘Right, that’s that… And now,’ Sigulf thought while he took out his lunch box. ‘Where should I eat this? Seems no one’s eating in the classroom…’ Sigulf scanned the room for a while, before he stood up and left the class. ‘Can’t be helped. I guess I’ll just eat alone.’ ——— As Sigulf entered the cafeteria, however, he soon realized that it’s rather crowded. ‘I should’ve known better. Lunch break and an actually extravagant school café… I don’t think I can eat in peace.’ He did a 180 and returned to the hallways, pondering where to go next. ‘Should I eat at the school yard, instead?’ he wondered while taking a peek through the window. ‘There are already some people there. Still much better than the café… Hm?’ From the corner of his eyes, Sigulf saw two figures he recognized, making their way to somewhere other than the café. ‘Isn’t that the president with the vice-prez?’ he thought. ‘Where could be they going?’ Decided to follow them, Sigulf turned right from the current hallway, and found a stairway that lead upwards. ‘I see… The rooftops. That’s certainly would be a good choice.’ After climbing the stairs, Sigulf opened the door to the rooftops. He saw only a handful of people there, the student council duo included. Hearing someone has opened the door, the girls turned around to face Sigulf. “Ah, you are the one from yesterday…” Celina said as she recognized him. “Good afternoon.” Chelsea added. “…good afternoon.” He replied, sounding a bit unsure. Celina eyed him for a while before saying, “I presume you are here to avoid the crowd?” “Yeah… It’s a bit uncomfortable for me.” There was a bit of silence before Chelsea speaks up, “If you don’t mind, would you join us for lunch then?” Celina glanced at her friend, but said nothing. “Eh? I don’t mind, but is it really okay with you?” Sigulf asked. The brunette smiled and nodded in response, while the blonde still wore her neutral expression wordlessly. “Well then, I shall take up on your offer.” He said. The three then moved to an empty corner. Chelsea then laid out a blanket for them to sit on, before they opened their lunches. Looking around, the view is indeed beautiful from above, with the ocean in the horizons. ‘That said, there are suspiciously a lot of cherry blossoms.’ Sigulf mentally noted. ‘Japanese funding?’ “Nice view, isn’t it?” Chelsea suddenly said, as if to agree with Sigulf’s thoughts. “Eh? Yeah, it is.” Sigulf responded. “This is why we always have our lunch here.” She continued. “Though admittedly, it’s a bit chilly at this time of year.” “Yeah, I can understand that…” Celina, on the other hand, seemingly content with eating her lunch without saying a word. ‘She didn’t talk much, did she? …like it’s my place to say that.’ He thought. ‘Or is it because I disturb them? Oh, boy…’ “Hm? What’s the matter?” Chelsea asked him, noticed that Sigulf looked a bit glum. “Um…” Sigulf started. “I promise I won’t tell the others about this place either.” “Eh?” “Hm?” Both of the girls looks surprised for a moment, before Chelsea gave in, trying to suppress her chuckle. “What are you saying?” Celina cleared her throat. “No, don’t worry. There’s no need to.” “Eh?” “Most of the students are satisfied enough with dining in the café. And like she said, it’s a bit chilly here. So you don’t have to worry people will gather here.” “…I see.” “So you were worried about that.” Chelsea added. “I’m sorry I jumped the gun.” Sigulf apologized. “It’s alright.” Celina replied. “Speaking of which, you didn’t ask your classmate to join your lunch?” Sigulf scratched his cheek at her question. “Not really sure on who to ask, so might as well eat by myself…” “I see…” ———- The three finished before lunch break is over. They returned to the hallways before parting with each other. “Well then, if you excuse us.” Celina said. Chelsea simply gave a slight bow, and Sigulf returned the gesture. They parted and made way to their own classes. Before the student council duo disappeared from sight, Sigulf turned to have one last look. ‘Even if just a bit, today’s lunch tastes better than usual…’ he thought. ——— Meanwhile, on the hallways towards the 2nd-year classroom… “Cel,” Chelsea called the blonde girl. “Mm?” “Don’t you think you are a bit too cold to the boy?” “Eh? Am I?” Celina looked genuinely surprised. “…so you didn’t?” “That wasn’t my intention.” “Hmm…” Chelsea looked at her face, seems to be thinking. “What?” “Maybe you should smile a bit more.” “I don’t mind if I have a reason to. Besides, why so sudden?” “I don’t know. It’s just… He kind of reminds me of the old you.” Celina looked like she wanted to protest for a moment, but she gave up, and instead saying, “So you’re saying I wasn’t good with people back then. I guess you’re right…” “I know right?” ——— Sigulf made it back to the class just before the bell rings, soon followed by Eliot who entered the class. Looking at the whole room, he made sure that everyone is present. “Looks like everyone is here. I take it you have eaten your lunch properly?” Eliot asked, which soon answered affirmatively by the students. “Good.” He continued. “Now we shall proceed to the practice session. Maybe some of you wondered why do we have to go back to the classroom first. Well, take a look at your behind.” Suddenly, the wall on the back of the classroom split open, revealing a passage towards a larger room. Most of the students gasped with amazement. “There you go. That is your room. The room where you will have practice sessions and mock duels for a year. Now, let’s get a move on.” Eliot said, leading the way, while the students followed behind. When they entered the room, the students were even more amazed by the high-tech looking interior, as well as the supply of the dummy weapons. “Attention, please!” Eliot called from the back of the room. “We will soon begin our 10-minutes practice, followed by a 5-minute mock duel. You may train on your own, or spar with a partner of your choice. Any questions?” “No, Sir!” the students replied. “Good. Well then, go for it.” The students dispersed once more, deciding what to do with their warm up session. ‘A partner… Let’s see then…’ Sigulf thought while scanning the room. As he observed, it seems Eurypha bugged Minato to spar with her, Walter trying to pair with the girls without any luck, Carmen turned down some boys’ invitation, Ilma and Alba trained on their own, and— “Um, excuse me.” “Hm?” Turning around, Sigulf found that the Japanese boy, Yuu, called to him. “If you don’t mind, would you spar with me?” he asked. ‘Huh, this is unexpected.’ Sigulf thought. “Sure, why not?” “Thank you very much.” Yuu responded gratefully. “For a while I don’t know what to do…” “Eh, yeah, same here. I kinda understand that…” “Ahahah, so we are in the same boat.” Yuu laughed. “Well then, shall we begin sparring?” “Yeah, let’s do that.” The two moved to a vacant spot and picked their own dummy weapons. As predicted, Yuu took a Japanese sword; an uchigatana to be exact. As for Sigulf… “Ooh, twin axes.” Yuu commented. “I don’t see many axes around here, let alone a dual-wield variant.” “I guess so. People seem to prefer swords.” “Ahahah, true. Maybe because they looked heroic in general.” “Heroic huh… It certainly is.” Sigulf mused, remembering his own True Arms. “Ah, I haven’t properly introduced myself, have I? My name is Yuu Kanzaki. And you are…” “Sigulf Hrimgard.” “Sig…” “Just Sig is fine.” “Err, I’m sorry, Sig-kun.” “It’s cool.” Sigulf simply reassured before getting into stance. “Shall we, then?” “Right! Let’s do our best, Sig-kun!” ——— Minutes into their sparring, and some other students ends up watching them. “Hey, those two are quite good!” one of the mobs commented. Still, both of Sigulf and Yuu know better. ‘He definitely holds back. But of course I do the same. This is just warming up, after all. A wise beast would only bare its fangs when needed.’ Yuu thought. ‘His fighting style…’ Sigulf thought in between attacks. ‘Definitely a precise-counter type. Unless I can bait his movements, I won’t get a hit in.’ The two continued to spar, exchanging strikes and parries. ——— 10 minutes finally passed, and Eliot speaks up to the whole room. “Alright, that’s it for the warm-ups!” he exclaimed, getting everyone’s attention. “Now we will begin a 5-minute mock duel with two students from all among you as representatives!” The students began talking among themselves. “Are there anyone willing to volunteer here?” Eliot asked. Predictably, Sigulf and Minato, along with few others, raised their hand. ‘I see. The duel yesterday seems to ignite something. Good.’ Eliot thought. “Quite a number of volunteers here. Alright, I’ll pick 2 random students from among the volunteers.” Eliot said as he activated the randomizer from his PO. All of the volunteers looked tense, as they wait for Eliot’s announcement. Beep. “Sigulf Hrimgard and Arthfael Penndreic, please step forward.” Some of the volunteers sounded disappointed with the results. ‘It’s a miss, huh.’ Sigulf thought. ‘So my opponent is…’ “Arthfael Penndreic…” Yuu mumbled. “If I remember correctly, he is the latest in line from a renowned British knight family.” “A British knight…” Sigulf replied. “I think I saw him before. Must be fellow North Sea branch examinee.” “Hmm, what do you think?” “There’s only one way to find out.” “Right, I thought so. Well, do your best, Sig-kun!” Without saying anything, Sigulf nodded at Yuu’s encouragement and makes his way. As he finally arrived at the middle of the room, Sigulf found himself standing face to face with his opponent.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "1930", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Prologue, part 5", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
The following day, at the practice session… ‘As expected we couldn’t really come to an agreement…’ Sigulf thought as he observed his classmates. ‘Well then…’ “Guys, guys!” “Yes?” “Why don’t we use this?” he suggested while pointing to his own Organizer. “The Randomizer, duh!” Alba slapped her forehead upon realization. “Yeah, Sir Fortier used that too. So let’s—“ “I refuse.” Mei suddenly interrupted. “What? Why?” “One must be able to assert and see their view and stance goes through without relying on so-called luck!” “Err… Well, OK, but I thought luck is also a part of our ‘skill’ as a Duelist?” “…you just wanted to say that.” “I’m afraid I must agree with him, Mei-dono.” Reika responded. “Gununununu… But didn’t your practice yesterday felt lacking?” “Hmm… True, I would like to train more with Minato-dono, but at this situation, I believe choosing the fairest method would be the best option de gozaru.” “Ugh…” “…so no more complaints?” “Yes, fine by me.” Minato said. “Seriously, someone should’ve thought about it in the first place.” Sigulf sighed while starting the Randomizer. “I guess we’re all too gung-ho to fight each other…” “Ahahah, now that you mentioned it…” Beep! “Alright, let’s see who’s with who…” ——— They split and head to any unoccupied spots upon getting the results. “Mi, Minato-dono! I, I’m looking forward to today’s practice too!” Reika stammered nervously. “You don’t have to be that tense…” Minato responded with a wry laugh. Of course, not everyone was pleased with it. “Her again!?” Eurypha expressed her displeasure. “And why must I end up with you!?” “I could say the same thing!” Carmen shot back. “…hm? Wait a minute, this could be a good chance…” “For what?” “To settle once and for all who’s the better suitor for Minato!” “Bring it on! …w, wait, t, this should be who’s better among us! N, not about him!” “…did they forget that this is supposed to be warm-up practice?” Walter commented. “And, maaan… Why do I have to get stuck with a guy?” Anil didn’t say anything and simply tilted his head in mild confusion. Nearby, Yuu is facing Ilma. “Umm, I’m looking forward to today’s practice.” He slightly bowed. “Good for you, huh?” she sarcastically quips. “You can get back at me for yesterday.” “Huh? What did you do again?” There was a slight pause. “…you don’t remember?” “Err… Kannomine-san saying things?” “Tch, that’s it. I’m going to carve you real good.” “Wait, why are you getting angry!?” Not far from them, Alba and Mei are doing some light stretches. “Oh, so I get to fight Miss Highlander here. This gonna be interesting!” “You… If you keep treating me like some extra, you’ll regret it later! I AM the better duelist!” “Oi, oi…” Sigulf retorted from the other side, though Alba didn’t catch it. As for him, he got paired with Misha. “U, umm, please take good care of me…” Sigulf turned his focus back to Misha but he said nothing and merely stared. “…e, excuse me, is something the matter?” He got an unshakable feeling of suspicion, but… “…sorry, it’s nothing. Let’s get started.” “A, alright…” ‘This guy is scary!’ Misha thought. ——— Just like yesterday, there were no disturbances around the school grounds, making Sigulf’s duty a bit easier. Yuu too, was practicing as hard in the same spot. ‘He’s really into it…’ Before he got noticed, Sigulf wordlessly left the area. ——— And so on the next day’s training session… “So, are we going to use the Randomizer again?” Eurypha asked. “About that, please go on without me.” Sigulf said. “Huh? Why’s that?” “I’m sparring with Yuu today.” There was a short pause before Alba and Mei reacted with “”Eeeh!?”” “…what? What’s with that reaction?” “I don’t understand!” Mei quickly retorted. “Don’t you want to test your strength against someone from across the sea? Are you running away?” “Of course not. It’s just—“ “Then spar with me!” Alba interrupted. “We’re teammates, right?” “Err… What if I say I just wanted to help a friend?” “”…huh?”” “S, Sig-kun…” Sigulf doesn’t know whether Yuu was genuinely being touched or exaggerating it. Probably a bit of both. “…then what’s the point of suggesting random pairs in the first place?” “Because we can’t even come to an agreement last time?” “So you’re saying he’s already agreed?” “Wha— Aren’t you?” Sigulf turned to Yuu. “Ehh, I’d rather spar with girls…” he responded. “Oi, oi…” “But, accepting a friend’s goodwill is never a bad thing, so why not?” “…so he said.” “Sorry, Alba-san!” “Muuu…” Alba wanted to protest. “Sheesh… Oh well, it can’t be helped…” Mei sighed. “Why are you so eager on fighting me anyway?” “What, you don’t want a good fight?” “I do, but I thought you all aimed for him?” Sigulf motioned towards Minato. “Well true, we’re hyped upon hearing son of the famed Sanada is here…” she glanced at him for a while. “But, naah, I’d rather fight you.” “…no, seriously, but why?” “Because I like you. I like your attitude.” “Wha—“ The group, but especially Sigulf himself and Alba, were surprised at her declaration. Of course everyone else on the room got their interest pulled as well. “C, could this be…!?” one of them gushed. “…y, you sure can say those with a straight face.” “…wait, why are you stammering?” “M, Mei-dono…” Reika interrupted. “I believe that sounded almost like a love confession…” If anything, though, Mei looked more annoyed than embarrassed after a short silence. “Tch, people nowadays… Talk about lack of romance…” ‘So she’s talking about ‘that’ kind of romance, huh… But still…’ “Anyways, we gotta begin.” Sigulf said. “Can’t stand and chat here all day. Catch ya later.” “Ah right, I almost forget!” Eurypha realized. “Come on, let’s begin! Whose PO are we going to use?” Sigulf didn’t bother to hear the rest of it as he prepares himself to spar with Yuu. “Hey, Sig-kun. You don’t mind if I get a little serious here, right?” “Not at all. Show me what you got.” “Heheh, gladly!” Back to the other side, the group has finally decided the pairs for today. In a slight twist of irony, Minato end up facing Mei. “Pleased to train with you!” he bowed. “Oh, after Miss Highlander, now I get to fight Sanada’s son himself!” she mused. “Heh, maybe I’ll end up facing Dog Boy after all?” Nearby is the pair of Alba and Carmen. “Don’t look so sad.” The redhead suddenly said. “Huh?” Carmen leaned a bit and whispered, “I know how you feel. But don’t worry, I’m rooting for you!” “Wha, what are you getting at!?” “Ufufufufu… Well, with that out of the way, I guess this is a good chance to gauge the Class Heroine’s strength!” “…right, you’re a duelist too.” “Of course. And I won’t be content as long as I remain the number two!” “Rosales… Alright, let’s go!” Besides them, Ilma stares coldly at Misha. “W, what is it?” “I don’t like you.” “E, eeh!? B, but, I— What did I—“ “That way of talking irritates me.” “Ah…” Misha looks shocked for a while, but quickly regained composure, and unexpectedly wears a serious expression. “Y, you know…! If I put my mind on it, even I too…!” “Oh, nice.” She grinned. “Slightly less annoying.” ‘I’m not scared…! I must stop getting scared!’ Misha thought. Not far from them, Reika looks displeased as her partner turns out to be Walter. “…please don’t look at me like that. It hurts…” he lamented. And finally, Eurypha can only stare awkwardly towards Anil. “…” The boy clearly pays no attention and simply waits for the practice, but that’s not the case with her. ‘Uugh… I’m not good at dealing with silent-types like this…’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2074", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 4, part 4", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Sunday early morning. With the grass still wet with the morning dew and almost everyone still fast asleep, Sigulf woke up earlier and heads to the hill by himself once more. This time however, the air surrounding him feels different from yesterday. “…” Arrived at last, he saw Celina is already there, her back turned against him. Sensing his presence, she smiled. “I see you’ve decided to show up.” Celina said before turning to face him. “Good morning, and welcome back.” “Good morning.” Sigulf answered. “I don’t think I was gone for that long, though.” She chuckled at his response. “In any case, I’m glad you seem to be better now. I was kind of worried since you looked unenergetic yesterday.” ‘Ouch, too obvious. How embarrassing…’ “I’m sorry for that…” “There’s no need to apologize.” She reassured. “Well, before everyone wakes up, should we begin with the warm-ups, then?” “Sure. I’m in your care.” ——— With the warm-ups out of the way, Sigulf and Celina prepare themselves to face each other. Since Chelsea hasn’t show up yet, they have to use the system for the meantime. “Acknowledged. Safety mode sparring, initiated.” Having summoned their weapons, both of them get into fighting stance. Looking at her, Sigulf concludes that his chance of winning is still zero. ‘But it doesn’t matter.’ He thought. ‘Rather, I should focus on what I can do now: enter her domain, get my eyes and maybe my body used to her speed, and if possible, close the gap, even if I have to do it slowly.’ “En garde.” The system’s voice pulled Sigulf’s attention back to real life. Both fighters tensed as they wait for the cue. “Begin.” Dashing as fast as he can, Sigulf swung his axe and anticipated her counterattack. And just like yesterday, Celina successfully blocked his strike. However… “…” Noticing the glint in his eyes, Celina smiled before breaking the deadlock away. “You…” Having steeled themselves, both of them rushed and locked blades once again. ——— “Time’s up.” The system voice announced. “Haah…” Sigulf exhaled as he knelt. Just as he thought, one day won’t be enough to break her defenses. Yet… ‘My body somehow feels lighter. Strange…’ He mentally noted. ‘I think I was able to follow her movements a bit better. …or is it just my imagination? Anyways, I just have to keep trying.’ “Sigulf.” Celina suddenly called him and getting his attention. “Here.” She said, offering her hand with a smile. Sigulf took her hand, and this time, without any reluctance. “Just as I thought, that suits you better.” Celina continued. “Huh?” “There was no hesitation in your movements, your attacks rain down without falter. Just like that day.” “Ah… By that day, do you mean—” “Yes, the day Gallowglass earned their first victory. I wouldn’t forget what I got to see back then.” Sigulf wasn’t sure on how to react, as he never thought she would think highly on that duel. He was just fighting his best, after all. “That’s why,” she said, forming a fist and gently pushed it into his chest. “If you want to grow as duelist, then I want you to never forget that feeling as well. Surpass it.” “Yes…!” Celina smiled, and Sigulf was captivated by her for a moment before the sound of clapping took their attention. “Good work, both of you.” Chelsea said, surprising the two. “Chelsea!” Sigulf responded. “Where have you been?” Celina asked. “I thought you wouldn’t show up.” “Well, I haven’t said anything about coming to practice, have I? And you two were earlier than usual.” “Wait, were we?” Sigulf asked. “I didn’t notice…” “Seriously, Chelsea,” Celina pouted. “We can’t just sit back with these good 1st-years around.” “Yes, yes. I know you’re too absorbed in practice that you forgot to bring some water.” Chelsea sighed while showing a plastic bag. “…ah, my bad.” “Don’t push yourself too hard, alright?” Chelsea said as she hands a bottle to Celina. “…I’ll think about it.” “And Sigulf, here’s yours.” “Ah, thank you.” The two paused to drink before Celina continues, “We’ll take a short break. And then… Chelsea, spar with me.” “…did you even hear what I said?” “I did. You have 5-minutes to prepare.” “Oh, for Queen’s sake…” “Fufu…” Sigulf chuckled at their antics. “Ah, you’re laughing.” Celina pointed out. Sigulf blinked before finally realizing it himself. “I’m sorry…?” “Why are you apologizing?” Chelsea laughed. “You’re surprisingly cute when you do laugh.” “C, cute…?” “You sure you don’t need to warm up first?” Celina suddenly asked. “Come on, Cel. You begin to sound like auntie!” Chelsea protested, though she relents in the end. That leaves Sigulf preoccupied with his thoughts alone. ‘Why did I laugh? Am I… Having fun?’ Sitting under the tree, he decides to watch the council duo spars, while a thin smile formed in his face. ‘I see. I guess I am having fun.’ ——— About half an hour later, the three finally finished their morning practice. They decided to have a breakfast soon after, though Sigulf noticed that the girls ate less compared to himself. ‘I wonder if they actually already ate before practice?’ Leaving the café behind, the three gathered to close this morning’s session. “Good job for today, everyone! Yaay!” Chelsea cheered. “Thanks for having me.” Sigulf said. “You sure are energetic, despite not being up to it initially.” Celina pointed out. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? And Sunday is supposed to be rest day!” “I thought we still have the whole day for that? Oh, speaking of which, Sigulf…” Celina said, now shifting her attention towards the boy. “Yes?” “Are you free after this?” Sigulf nearly skipped a beat. ‘Could this be…!? No, no, calm down…’ “Umm, is this related to council duties?” “Ah, as expected. …or so I wanted to say. Actually, I wanted to finish some papers today and thought I’m going to need additional hands, but…” Celina trailed off as she eyed Chelsea. “Hey, we’re not finished yet, Cel!” Chelsea retorted. “And yes, you should relax once in a while.” “…so she said. Thus, I was thinking, would you join us for lunch?” Sigulf needed some moment to process her words before finally reacting, “Wait, me? Well, I don’t mind, but are you sure?” “That’s why I asked you in the first place.” ‘Who would’ve thought she invites me for lunch? Well, together with Chelsea, actually, but still… There’s no reason to refuse.’ “Alright then. Count me in.” “Good.” She smiled. “See you later at 11 then.” “And we get to shop before or after, right?” Chelsea suddenly added as she glomps Celina. “Ah, wait, Chel…! Oh, fine, it can’t be helped…” “You’re coming together! Maybe some cute clothes will make you less stuffy and rigid!” “Eeh? I don’t think they have anything to do with it…” “It is!” Chelsea retorted, earning another chuckle from Sigulf. “Ah, there you go, laughing again.” “I’m s— I can’t help it.” “Yeah, sure you are.” Chelsea laughed before she poked Celina’s cheek softly. “Now if only she can learn a thing or two from you.” “…what do you expect from me? It’s not like I never smiled or laughed at all.” Celina protested. “Then you should do it moooore.” Chelsea retorted as she tries to force a smile on Celina’s face using her fingers. “It’s good for PR, you know.” “I, I understand, so stop it already…” Again, Sigulf simply smiled while watching the council duo. ——— Parting with the council duo in the meantime, Sigulf is alone once more. “Alright, let’s see what should I do next…” Alternating between looking at the time and his surrounding, Sigulf suddenly remembers something. “Oh, right. I should check on Master. I wonder if she’s awake already.” ——— Arrived at the guesthouse, it took Sigulf a while before he found Vigdis’ room. However, someone was already there first, knocking at the door. “…oh?” the person said, having noticed Sigulf nearby. It was a lady, which Sigulf predicted is around his Master’s age. Judging from her clothes, the purple haired lady is a medical staff of sorts. The school nurse, perhaps. “May I help you?” the lady asked. “Ah… I want to check how’s my Master…” “Master? Oh, then you must be—“ Before she finished, however, the door opened, and Eliot appeared from inside. “Ugh, remind me why I should never touch alcohol anymore…” he mumbled to himself while clutching his head. “Sorry to disturb you, Mel. …oh, you’re here too, Hrimgard.” “Good morning, Sir.” Sigulf greeted. “Ah, so he is Vigdis’ disciple.” The lady said. The mention of her name made Sigulf a bit curious, but he decided to ask Eliot instead, “Is Master alright?” “She’s inside, still sleeping.” Eliot answered. “Sorry, I just woke up myself…” Sigulf entered the room without saying anything, and true to his words, Vigdis is soundly asleep. “I know you’re having such a good time after a while, but please take better care of yourself, Master.” Sigulf sighed, both from relief and exasperation. Sigulf then picked a nearby blanket and covered Vigdis with it. “Mm… Sigulf…” she mumbled in her sleep. “Master…” “Let’s take a bath together… Zzz…” “…” Sigulf nearly facepalmed himself if not for the nurse lady’s chuckling. “She’s always like that, huh?” the lady asked while still lending her shoulders to Eliot. “Yeah, to embarrassing levels…” “Well, she’s always been wild since back then. Though, I’m a bit surprised with her newfound liking in beer.” Sigulf said nothing to that as he understands the reason. Meanwhile, the lady helped Eliot to sit down in a sofa. “Thanks, Mel…” Eliot said. “No problem. I’ll get you some water.” “Please.” As the lady called Mel went to the kitchen, Sigulf took a seat nearby and asked Eliot, “Umm, Sir, is she—“ “Hm? Ah, right… You never met her before.” Eliot said while rubbing his temple. “Melanie Alderliesten. She’s our classmate from back then and this Academy’s nurse. Unless you screw up badly, I don’t think you will be seeing her anytime soon, though…” “I see…” Sigulf said nothing more as he shifts focus from Vigdis to Melanie. ‘Master’s another old classmate, huh…’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "1955", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 2, part 9", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Another Saturday morning, another chance for the island’s inhabitants to relax. In spite of that, though… “…alright, calm down. I can’t help it if don’t have cool clothes…” Sigulf is watching himself in front of the mirror, being kind of restless. Having won the inter-school match and enjoying the short after party, he is going to have a date with Celina today as promised. ‘…well, she probably doesn’t think much of this, so I shouldn’t be overly conscious either. A deal is a deal, after all…’ Sighing, he took one last look at the mirror before heading out. ——— However, Sigulf didn’t notice Chelsea who was waiting for him discreetly. “…there he is.” She immediately tailed him as soon as he stepped outside the dorm. ——— Meeting in the park was something Sigulf and Celina agreed with, as they were hoping not to draw unnecessary attention. And luckily for him, there were not much people around at this time. ‘Well, everyone’s too busy thinking for their own day off, anyway…’ Still, seeing a glimpse of her from afar made him nervous. ‘…Fenrir damn it, enough and let’s just do this already!’ Gathering his courage, Sigulf approached her and greeted, “Yo.” “Oh, hey there!” “I hope I didn’t make you wait?” “Not at all, don’t worry.” Sigulf checked his clock, and indeed, it’s still few minutes to their meet-up time. ‘But knowing her, there’s also the chance that she arrived even earlier…’ Sigulf returned his attention and admired her looks for a moment. ‘Ah, the noble girl in her casual clothes… How refreshing…!’ “Sigulf?” “Ah, sorry. Shall we go already?” “Sure. I’m looking forward to your guidance.” Celina giggled. The two departed for their destination, still not aware with Chelsea following them. “…what’s with him, being so happy like that?” “…what are you doing?” “Eep…!” “Waaah!?” Chelsea’s surprise ended up surprising the other party as well, who initially was curious on what she is doing. “…oh, so it was you, Alba.” Chelsea sighed. “Please don’t surprise me like that.” “Wha— It was your reaction that’s overblown!” Alba quickly snapped back. “…again, what are you doing here anyway?” “Ehh… Well, about that…” ——— At that time, the game center hasn’t been crowded yet, so Sigulf and Celina entered without hesitation. “Hee, I see they got lots of interesting stuffs… Photo booths and…” Celina commented. “Oh, UFO catcher? Those plush sure are cute…” ‘Well, you’re cute too when you admire them like that…’ Sigulf thought, getting a bit red. “You want to try them?” “Hmm… Let’s save it for later. First, let’s try what would you play here.” “We’re going with that?” he chuckled. “Well okay, then.” Heading a bit deeper, they still don’t realize Chelsea, and now with Alba, spying on them. “…what, so they are on a date.” Alba sighed. “Aren’t you worried?” “Why should I? She’s probably doing it as some kind of reward.” “Well…” ‘She’s not wrong…’ “…so, can I go home now?” “If you really want to… But don’t you find it strange that she even agreed in the first place? Did he use some kind of magic?” “M, magic?” “You know, like… Ancient Nordic charm magic? …hm?” Chelsea suddenly stopped to think. “Magical, charming pretty boy from the North… Oh my, he certainly is…!” “Isn’t it just you!?” “Shh! Not so loud! Besides, you know you do think he’s quite the looker.” “Eeh!? W, well…” Alba stammered out of embarrassment. “I can’t deny that…” “I know, right? So, you’re coming with me!” “…wait, that doesn’t make sense at all.” ——— Sigulf and Celina arrived at their destination not long after; the fighting game area. “I see these are the kind you would play.” She looked with a bit of wonder in her eyes. “Which one is your favorite?” “Umm, this one.” Sigulf pointed to a cabinet of a certain Japanese-made game. ‘Well, I’m not well versed on Japanese pop-culture, but…’ “I like the art style.” Celina commented. ‘Yup, same here.’ “OK, so how do you play this?” “Well, first, you either need a dedicated arcade card, or exchange your money for some coins…” “Mm-hm.” “And… The lever’s here for movement… These buttons are for attacking…” “Weak, medium, strong… Okay.” “And then, uh… I guess it’s easier to actually try it.” “I guess so.” she chuckled. “Would you please give me some demonstration?” “Eh? You don’t want to try?” “I’ll observe first.” she answered while taking out her wallet. “So—“ “A, ah, it’s alright. I can manage.” Sigulf hurriedly responded. “Oh, if you say so…” Sigulf quickly returned with few coins and began playing. “I’ll let you know that I’m not too good at this.” “Hmm? Why not?” “I’m more used to the console’s pads.” “Aah, I see. The one for home use. Now that you mentioned it, it would feel different…” Celina realized. “So you have one of them back home?” “Umm, actually no. I only tried it few times at someone’s house.” “Hmm…” Celina wondered why he didn’t use the word ‘friend’, but for now, she chose to watch Sigulf’s game. “A woman? Your pick is quite surprising.” “…I like her design.” “Ufufu, I see. She’s attractive indeed.” Sigulf somehow felt embarrassed on her pointing the fact out. Doubly so when he realized his character resembled Celina. ‘Flowing blonde hair, blue eyes… Oh Gerdr, I do have a type…’ Even so, Sigulf pressed on and won the match. “Hmm, the opponent felt a bit weak… Is it because it’s still the early stage?” “That, and I’m sure the staff deliberately set it to easy. The main draw is player versus player, after all.” “Hmm… Alright, it’s decided! Wait here.” “Eh?” Celina left for a short while and got herself a small amount of coins as well. “Player versus player, right?” she smiled. “So, do I sit over there?” “Ah, right. Same cabinet, the seat across.” “Got it!” Celina sat down, and few seconds later, the “Here comes a new challenger!” announcement could be heard. “Hmm, let’s see… I think I’ll go with her.” “Eh, a mirror match?” “Ufufu, I only studied the way you play after all.” “Well, okay. But I won’t hold anything back!” “Ooh, very nice! Bring it on, then!” ‘It’s not like I’m a master on this, but still…’ Sigulf thought. And predictably, he easily won the first round. ‘Alright, let’s keep this up.’ “Hmm, so that’s how you play. I understand now.” Celina muttered. ‘Eh?’ However, as soon as the second round started… ‘Wait, are you kidding me?’ She scored an upset win. And by the final round, Celina won cleanly. “Alright! Victory is mine!” ‘Scary! Did she just learned all that in a short time!?’ “…ah! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to—“ “Eh, no, it’s alright. I was actually really impressed…” ‘As expected from a genius…’ “But that means you can’t fight again unless you insert another coin, right?” “Well, yeah. But you still have the whole arcade mode.” “…isn’t it a bit boring? I’d rather have another match with you.” “You won it, you bought it.” Sigulf joked. “Oh, don’t be so miserly!” Despite all that, though, Celina end up laughing heartily. At that very moment, Sigulf was deeply captivated by her voice. ‘Ah, it can’t be helped if I wanted this as a real date…’ “…well, it can’t be helped. Just one match, okay? And then clear the arcade mode.” “Understood!” she giggled. Meanwhile, on another game’s separate area… “They… Sure are having fun…” Alba pointed out. “I never saw her like that before… Or him.” Chelsea grumbled. ——— A single match and a whole arcade mode later, both of them decided to move on to another game. “That was fun.” Celina said. “Maybe I should buy one later.” “You are not talking about the cabinet, are you?” “Ufufu, of course not. Alright, what should we try next?” “Well, people usually play racing games or shooter…” “Then let’s try the first one. Car racing to be exact.” “Oh? Okay, let’s go with that.” They took a slow walk through, observing which one to play judging from their demonstration screen, before finally making up their choice. “Let’s play this one. Street racing seems fun, and they claimed to have lots of selection.” “Sure! Okay, let’s see…” She muttered, mulling about which car to drive. “Ah, they have this one! It’s the same model as ours.” “Whoa, really? A muscle… Sedan? Kind of unexpected.” “Hahaha… Well, my mother actually wanted either an Aston or Lotus, but… Well, their better looking models aren’t reserved for saloons. And supercars aren’t really built for more than 2 passengers.” Sigulf paused to comprehend her statement. “…wait, your mother? I thought—“ “Oh my, did I say too much?” Celina laughed. “But yes, even I was surprised too. I guess my father’s interests rubbed to her.” “Ah, I see…” ‘Kind of makes sense. And sort of cool.’ ——— This time, due to randomly selected ever-changing track, Celina cannot keep up, ending in a 2-1 victory for Sigulf. “Aww, just when I thought I could take over…” “Haha, better luck next time.” ‘For real, though, it was rather close, actually…’ “Oh, quite the nerve to anger the Student Council President.” She suddenly said. “Umm, what?” “I am mad at your words. And I won’t talk unless you made up for it.” “…n, no, you’re not.” Sigulf retorted, stifling his laughter. ‘Why is she faking being upset? It looks kind of cute, though…’ Celina glanced at him and finally gave up. “Well, you’re right. How can I when I’m having fun?” “Well, glad that you are…” “But I still need some kind of compensation.” Sigulf blinked, and tilted his head a bit. “Is there something you wanted?” Now’s her turn to went temporarily silent. “…promise not to laugh.” “Let me guess. Is it the UFO catcher?” Celina vigorously nodded. ‘C, cute…’ “You should’ve said that earlier… Well, come on, let’s go.” “…alright. And thanks for not laughing.” “You’re welcome. But I might laugh if you keep being tense like that.” “Oh, you!” The two laughed it off while heading to their next destination, still oblivious with Chelsea and Alba’s presence. “They don’t even notice?” Alba asked. “That’s why it’s strange!” Chelsa responded. “Is it because the pink, nice atmosphere surrounding them?” “Pink what?” ——— Sigulf and Celina approached the machine and studied how it works from the instructions. “So, 1 coin per play, but if you entered 5, you got 1 bonus chance.” Sigulf noted. “We will still have enough for the photo booth, then.” “Oh, right. We shouldn’t forget that.” A small notice sticker on the mirror caught Sigulf’s attention. ‘Not rigged’ was all it says. ‘…so these machines are usually rigged? …never mind that, the notice only made it suspicious!’ He dismissed it either way and inserted 5 coins. “Wanna give a try?” “Oh, may I? Sure.” Sigulf stepped away and gave Celina the controls. “Waa, that hedgehog plush looks adorable! Alright, let’s get that one!” ‘By Gerdr, so are you, getting heated up on an UFO catcher. …but well, hedgehogs are cute.’ Unfortunately, the claw missed its mark and returned empty-handed. “Oh, seriously?” she laughed wryly. “Can I try? It’s that one, right?” “Yeah. Do your best…!” “Alright, let’s see…” Sigulf tried to concentrate… And spontaneously, he tapped into his instincts. “…!” Like a hunting wolf, he moved the claw with precision, and snatched the hedgehog plush. “Wow! How did you do that?” Celina said in amazement while receiving her plush. “Thank you!” “Oh, um, no problem.” ‘…did I just— It wasn’t even a duel…’ “I feel healed~ Why are hedgehogs so cute~?” ‘…well, she’s happy, so it’s fine.’ Sigulf can’t help but to crack a smile at the sight. And upon finally realizing it, Celina haphazardly tried to regain her cool. “…I suppose there wasn’t any problem with me admiring Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle?” “No, not at all…” ‘She gave it a name already…’ She cleared her throat before talking again, “So, we still can play 4 more times. Anything you want?” “Eh? Me?” he slightly widened his eyes. “A plush… I don’t know about that…” “Why not? Don’t you have one when you were younger?” “Ugh… Well, yeah, I did… But that was years ago! Don’t you think I’m too old for this?” “Isn’t it fine?” Celina laughed. “No need to be shy! So, which one is it? I’ll get it for you.” ‘…by Loki, she’s persistent when it comes to this.’ “Uuugh… …well, if you insist, then could you please get the blue whale one?” “Oh, that round one, right? Leave it to me. Ah, here, please hold her for a moment.” She said handing her hedgehog plush. This time, Celina moved the claw much better. “Ufufu… A young Sigulf carrying a whale plush around… Must be really adorable!” ‘Gah, this is both nice and embarrassing…!’ She finally managed to grab the plush before giving it to Sigulf. “Here you are!” “Umm, thank you…” “My pleasure!” Sigulf stared at his plush’s beady small eyes. ‘…there’s no way I can throw this away.’ “Should we grab anything else?” “Eh? You still want to go?” “Hmm… I wanted to give Chelsea and Alba a present too.” “Aah, I see…” ‘Well, as expected…’ “What do you think we should give them?” “Hmm, unicorn for Alba; that’s easy enough. As for Chelsea… A fox? Maybe?” “Is that how you see her?” Celina giggled. “Eh, well…” Not far from them, hiding behind the other machine… “Oh, quite the cheeky one, that Sigulf.” Chelsea smiled albeit not out of happiness. “Well, when you spy on them like this…” Alba pointed out. “Shush, you’re an accomplice too.”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2134", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 5: Blod Eld Daud: Fire Meets Ice, Part 1, part 1", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Sigulf remembers well what Celina said when they finally left the island. ‘I will see you again tomorrow…’ Tomorrow. They still have Sunday for another morning practice. Still, her words gave him joy and hope. Anticipation kept him up for the rest of the day. ‘…ah, I’m so lucky. I can’t wait to see her again…’ Sigulf thought. ‘Wait, I gotta sleep early, else I’ll miss training.’ And so, for the better or worse, when morning came, Sigulf doesn’t have much time to daydream. “Haah!” “Tch…!” Narrowly avoided a thrust from her spear, Sigulf quickly closed the gap and took a swing. “Interesting… However…!” Celina spun the other way around and slammed her Badb against his Fenrir. ‘Kh… So strong…!’ Sigulf was knocked back, but not by much. It encouraged him to charge in once again. “Yes, that’s it!” Celina praised, guarding against another powerful strike. “Give me all you have!” Yet despite the fact that Celina is still the stronger fighter, Sigulf showed less hesitation in his attacks. If anything, it enticed him to be even more aggressive. ‘Her power and speed… I think I’m getting closer… I can do this…!’ With a roar, Sigulf brought down his axe; Celina retaliated in response and bashed her weapon against his. “Feels like they are fighting better than before.” Alba commented from the sidelines. “And Siggy is smiling too, despite not having the advantage.” “I guess something good happened to them. Both gave out bright pink aura.” Chelsea giggled. “Pink…?” “Something good, I see…” Victoria mused. “Fufu, youth…” “Hmm? Did I miss something?” Vigdis asked. “…wait, is my boy hiding something from me!?” “Well, he’s already on that age.” Melanie responded. “Oh, and focus. Eliot’s waiting.” “Eeeeeehh?” ‘It’s not like we want to hide the fact…’ Sigulf noted in-between exchanging blows. ‘But if she hasn’t talked about it… Well…’ “You’re wide open!” “I won’t let you!” He was still aware enough to defend against her sudden lunge, leading to another deadlock. “Good move.” Celina gave a satisfied smile. “It’s all thanks to you.” Sigulf returned the sentiment. ——— The next day, Sigulf was just done with his breakfast and about to leave his room when he heard someone is knocking. ‘Hmm? Who could it be?’ He also sensed that it was a bit more crowded than usual outside, but he dismissed the thought. Of course, Sigulf immediately found the reason why as he opened the door. “…a, ah. Good morning.” “Good morning.” Greeting him with faint blush and a radiant smile, Celina was standing before his room. ‘Eh? Eeh!? Why is she— Wait, don’t tell me—‘ “I was wondering if we could walk to school together.” She continued. “I hope I don’t disturb you?” “No, not at all! I was just finished eating.” He reassured. “That’s good to hear.” Sigulf peeked behind her and saw that both Laine and Lindorm were there, trying to control the traffic. “Hey, hey, what are you guys doing here? There’s nothing to see, shoo shoo.” “You’re crowding the corridor. Please move.” “Yeah, get a move on already, or he’ll go all Nidhoggr on you.” ‘…they are so dedicated.’ Sigulf looked back at Celina, and she only let out a tired laughter. “Oh well…” he sighed. “Wait, you’re not with Chelsea today?” “Umm, she went ahead. She said hi, by the way.” “I see…” ‘She’s being considerate to us… I’m sure Celina knows too…’ “I know that we still have some time, but shall we depart to our classes?” she asked. “Oh, sure, let’s— Eh?” Sigulf was surprised when Celina offered her hand. “Then I shall escort you.” She chuckled. “Um, isn’t it the other way around?” “Oh, so you’d prefer doing the escorting?” “If you don’t mind, that is. Though to be honest, I don’t mind either way.” “Fufufu, well then…” She held his hand firmly. Sigulf could feel his heart beating faster, and judging by Celina’s rosy cheeks, she must have felt the same. “Together.” “Yeah, together…!” As soon as they began walking hand in hand, Sigulf swore he could hear the laments of despair coming from most other boys, and surprisingly, few girls. ‘I know I’m allowed to be proud of this…’ Bashful as they may be, the pair can’t hide their happiness, keeping their fingers intertwined along the way. ——— Sigulf knew that they are still going to see each other. Still, parting ways with Celina made him a bit lonely. “Good luck, and do your best on your studies.” “Yeah, you too.” “Fufu, see you later.” Sigulf nodded and waved her goodbye. ‘See you later…’ Those words did comfort him, and it was enough for now. “…alright, time to switch gears.” He entered his own classroom… and the other students’ focus instantly switched to him. ‘…here we go.’ The first thing he noticed was Alba and Yuu smirked knowingly at him. “Oh, there he is.” Yuu said. “…yo. Good morning.” Sigulf greeted them. There was no immediate answer… Until Alba and Yuu suddenly, and cheerfully, responded with ““Go explode!”” in unison. “Uhh, thanks… I guess?” “Ahahahah, you’re welcome!” Yuu began to pat Sigulf’s back, while Alba candidly elbowed his gut. “So you actually made your move, huh? You perverted reeajoo…!” “Oi, stop it. And what have you been teaching her?” “Hmm? That riajuu deserves to explode?” “…I don’t understand Japanese slang.” “Ahahah, I think you don’t have to worry about that.” “Amakawa…” Minato approached them. And when there is Minato, his groupies and Walter are bound to follow. “Congratulations, Hrimgard-kun!” “Congrats, man! You got guts!” “Oh, um, thanks, you two.” Sigulf then noticed that Eurypha has been staring at him. “What is it?” “I’m kind of surprised and kind of not… So, congrats, I guess?” she responded. “Just try not to hold her back.” “What?” “Well, little Eury here idolizes Miss Bartram very much, so…“ Carmen explained. “Who do you call ‘little’!? And w— …well, you’re not wrong about the idolizing part.” “Don’t worry, I won’t. I’ll do my best to support her. Way more than that, even.” “…tch, I was hoping you’d goof around and slack off instead, so—“ “”Hiltunen-san.”” Minato, and Yuu for some reason, reprimanded Ilma’s tone. “U, ugh… Fine, sorry.” “You should try to read the mood.” Yuu sighed. “Or even better, being more honest and—“ “No need for that.” Siegward cut him off. “Huh?” The silver-haired German approached, with Masaki following behind. “Class-traitor.” He growled at Sigulf. “…wait, what?” “Are you seriously still hung up on that?” Masaki retorted. “Don’t tell me this is one of your theatrics again…” Silence was the only thing coming from him. “…figures.” Everyone barring Siegward collectively sighed. “…what? Is there any problem?” he tried to defend himself. “Dude, don’t be such a killjoy!” Walter pointed out. “Grh… What am I supposed to do then?” “Now, now, we are all classmates; don’t you think we should be thoughtful for the occasion?” Arthfael intervened before turning to Sigulf. “Hrimgard, congratulations.” “Eh? Oh, thank you.” ‘His tone…’ “So, how are we going to celebrate?” Yuu asked. “Sig-kun and the others have Council jobs, after all.” “How about during lunch break? It’s not like we have any other options.” Alba suggested. “You’re right. And then… Oh, the place. For a change a pace, how about we eat at the school court?” “That sounds like a good idea.” Minato agreed. “Count me in!” Walter added. “…you guys just decided this on your own.” Sigulf pointed out. “What are you getting sulky for? You should be more cheerful about this!” Alba grinned. “Ah, I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can join you.” Arthfael suddenly spoke up again. “Eh? Why not?” “I already have my own regularly scheduled lunch with the others, so…” ‘…’ “Same here.” Siegward raised his hand. “Though obviously, not with his group of knights.” “Sorry about that.” Masaki gestured. “Eeh, seriously? I guess it can’t be helped…” Walter conceded. “So, the usual Council party?” “You’re not even—“ Eurypha was about to snap back, but gave up midway. “…ah, whatever. Then I’ll contact the President and the others.” “Guess there’s no stopping you guys…” Sigulf sighed. “Oh well, I don’t have any appointments, anyway.” Minato’s group then proceeded to ask Sigulf for more details, while Alba and Yuu were content with poking and teasing him. ‘…’ Still, Sigulf carefully and discreetly observed Arthfael from the corner of his eyes. ——— The whole school was abuzz with the news out. Even Eliot took some digs at Sigulf during homeroom. “Congratulations to our lucky lad here. Hopefully you can stay lucky throughout the year and maintain your grades. You’ve painted yourself as a big target, after all.” ‘…I know, but must he brought it up like this?’ On the other hand, he found it a bit funny that his female classmates came to thank him for the news. “Why did they…?” Sigulf asked Yuu. “I’m guessing it’s because they have less rivals now?” he tried to explain. “I mean, the school’s top maiden is out of equation.” “Ah, I see…” “But, well, it came as quite the relief for some of us too. If you can win the President’s heart, then…” “…oi, what do you mean by that?” And when lunch break finally came, the 1st-years met the Council duo on their way out. “Hey there, boys and girls! Thanks for inviting!” Chelsea greeted. “Seriously, you are too ecstatic for this…” Celina sighed. “And you should be too! It’s about you two, you know!” “Where’s Lindorm and Laine?” Sigulf asked. “For some reason, they insisted on doing their regular intel duty, so they can’t join us.” ‘…they are being dutiful at the strangest time.’ “Ah-hem!” Chelsea purposefully cleared her throat to grab everyone’s attention. “Without any further delay, let’s celebrate Celina and Sigulf officially going steady! You brought your own lunches, right?” “””Yeah!””” “Well then, let’s go~!” ‘Why is she the one leading? I guess that’s just so her…’ Sigulf and Celina looked at each other before sharing a wry laughter. But then again, there’s no denying that both of them do appreciate their friends’ sentiment. ‘This is very nice, actually… Not bad at all.’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "18093", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 7, part 5", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
The sky has turned orange when the Council group left the building. Outside the gates, they can see some students are still around, whether to train or have some fun in the Amusement District. “Alright, let’s begin our patrol!” Chelsea announced enthusiastically. “Err, Vice Prez,” Laine spoke up while raising her hand. “Since there’s so many of us, how about we split up?” “Yeah, let’s do that. 3 and 3 split, then?” Laine sighed. “We really have to show him the ropes, huh? Fine then…” “Please guide me, Senpai!” Minato said eagerly. Lindorm simply nodded, while Laine sighed again. “Alright, so we’ll take the Northern area, and you take the South.” Celina exclaimed. “Is that fine with you?” “Aye aye, Prez.” “Good. Then see you later at the front gate.” “””Yes, Ma’am!””” The group finally split up to begin their patrol. “A’ight, Amakawa. Better listen closely to what Lindy— I mean, we say, ‘kay?” “Understood, Senpai!” Chelsea chuckled. “He’s really into it.” “I guess having him with Laine and Lindorm was the right choice after all.” Celina added. “Come on, Chelsea, Sigulf. We mustn’t fall behind.” “I got your back!” “Understood.” ——— Minutes later, the three are walking among the Amusement District. Indeed, the two girls seemed to be unwinding themselves more than actual patrolling. Still, that’s not the thing that bugged Sigulf the most. ‘…why am I getting overly conscious here? It’s just an afternoon stroll.’ Sigulf thought, trying to keep few paces behind them. “Hm?” Celina noticed that Sigulf is a bit too far away. “Is something the matter?” “Huh? Oh, nothing…” Celina is still a bit unconvinced, but she couldn’t point out the problem either. Instead, Chelsea decided to step forward and approached Sigulf. “Hmm…” “…what is it?” “By any chance, are you—“ “…?” “Getting nervous from walking together with two beautiful upperclasswomen? …kidding, there’s no way, right?” “Eh…?” “…eh?” There was a momentary silence between Sigulf and Chelsea. “Eeh!? So I was right!? That was supposed to be a joke, though!” Sigulf couldn’t say anything and simply looked away, trying to hide his embarrassment. ‘More like just Celina… But still…’ he mentally corrected. “…what are you two doing?” Celina sighed. “I was just trying to break the ice.” Chelsea replied. “But it seems our new recruit has something else on his mind…” ‘Well shit… Gotta change the subject, or—‘ Luckily for him, Celina seems disinterested. “Yes, yes. It’s just the usual youth things, isn’t it?” “You’re no fun.” Chelsea pouted. “And why did you talk like some old lady?” “O, old lady? …well, anyways, let’s move on. We can’t stay here forever.” “Okaaay…” ‘Good thing she didn’t dig deeper.’ Sigulf thought with relief. ‘Now, while we’re at it…’ “Umm, Prez. May I ask something?” he dared himself to ask. “Hmm? What is it?” “How are we supposed to find the nobles in the first place?” “Ah, I see you’re still hung up on that. But don’t worry about that.” “What do you mean?” “It’s true that the Principal did expect us to something along that line, but in the end that’s not the main goal of our patrol. If anything we have to gather information and prepare for other non-noble-related problems.” “I see…” “Well, that, and the fact that you two destroyed some of them will surely inspire Arthfael and the likes to straighten the rest of the nobles.” “So, don’t get too tense like that!” Chelsea added. “Nothing’s better than gathering info while having a relaxing walk!” “Well… I suppose so…” “I know, right? So, should we grab something to eat?” Chelsea continued. Celina sighed again, “You are taking this too lightly, though…” “…I want a chocolate crepe.” Sigulf muttered. ——— Unfortunately for them, they didn’t get very far, as Celina got a phone call. “Laine?” Celina said as she saw the caller’s name before connecting. “Yes. What happened?” “Err, Prez?” Laine said from over the phone. “Could you come over here? Someone climbed a tree.” “…what?” “Some random kitten got stuck on a tree, and another random first-year tried to hel— Whoa, she nearly slipped! Anyways, you better hurry!” Laine cut the call without giving Celina the chance to reply, only sending coordinates for the place afterwards. “…you hear that?” “Yeah.” Chelsea answered. “What are cats doing here?” Sigulf asked. “If I remember correctly, the Japanese sponsors did bring few strays to this island. That, or they are local staff’s pets.” “So, just like the unusually high number of the cherry blossoms around?” “Mm-hm.” “OK, got it.” ——— Few moments later, they arrived at the scene, with some students already gathered there. ‘Isn’t that… Members of our class after all, huh?’ Sigulf thought, recognizing the faces of Alba, Yuu, Eurypha, Carmen, and Walter among the crowd. “Ah, Prez! You’re finally here!” Laine exclaimed. “Did someone get hurt?” Celina asked her. “No, but… Well…” she trailed off and eyed the tall tree nearby, where a girl could be seen crouching on one of the branches. ‘Ilma? And it’s quite high up there…’ Sigulf mentally commented. “Hiltunen-san!” Minato shouted. “Please get down from there! We will handle this!” Ilma ignored him, and slowly crawled forward towards the kitten. “Come here… Don’t be afraid…” she said in a low voice. Despite that, the kitten seems afraid and backed off instead. “…why are you— Come on, get over here…” Ilma tried again half insistently. ‘Well of course that kitten would be afraid…’ Sigulf mentally retorted. The kitten kept backing off until there’s no more branches to be stepped on. “!” “Oh my god, the kitten!” one of the spectators yelled as it falls. “Tch!” Ilma quickly kicked the branch with all of her strength and launches towards the kitten. “What is she doing!?” “Hiltunen-san!!” On reaction, Minato dashed as fast as possible and then dives, aiming to be the cushion for their fall. “Gotcha…!” Meanwhile, Ilma managed to catch the kitten mid-air. Hugging it close to her chest, she then flips her body, and ends up crashing Minato with her back. “Gwah…!” The two of them reeled over for a while, before finally stopping, lying motionlessly. “…” Almost everyone was stunned in silence, fearing that something bad has happened, until the kitten, apparently uninjured, let out a confused meow. “…ah, good to see you are okay.”  Ilma said to it. “I could say the same to you…” Minato added from under her. “S, someone get the nurse!” Another one from the crowd shouted. The crowd went alive once more; a mixture of cheering and commotion. The Student Council group, Eurypha, and Carmen approached them. “Amakawa!” “Rookie! Are you alive!?” Ilma slowly stood up, still holding the kitten, while Minato finally managed to sit on the ground. “Why did you do that?” Ilma suddenly asked him, without even bothering to turn around. “Huh?” “I didn’t ask for your help.” “What!? I was just—“ Ilma ignored him and begun to walk away. ‘That’s quite cold.’ Sigulf mentally commented. Minato sighed and tries to get up. However, as his legs are still not steady because of the previous impact… “!?” He slipped, and in desperation, tried to grab for something, only to completely pull Ilma’s skirt down. “Wha—“ Once again, almost everyone went silent. “Waaah!!” Chelsea finally screamed after she regained her composure, and covered both of Sigulf’s eyes. “Good kids mustn’t see this!” ‘Too late… Still, how in the Nine Worlds he managed to do that?’ “What is he doing!?” Celina expressed her shock and disbelief over what happened in front of her. “Aaamaaakaaawaaa…!” Eurypha could be heard growling in fury. “Even though he already has me? Unforgivable!” Carmen showed her dissatisfaction as well. “N, no! That wasn’t on purpose! It’s an accident!” Minato tried to explain himself, slowly backing away from Ilma. The Finnish girl, on the other hand, seemed to be unfazed. Putting down the kitten, she picked up her skirt and wears it once more. “Don’t worry.” She said. “Eh?” “I won’t challenge you to a duel or anything.” Minato was about to sigh when he suddenly felt a movement. Instinctively, he rolled away and finally realized that Ilma was just tried to assault him. “I’ll strangle you to death instead. So stop moving your sorry ass.” “That’s even worse!!” Minato managed to get up and quickly made his escape. “Ah! Come back here, you pervert!!” Eurypha yelled and chased him. “Minato! Don’t run away and explain yourself!” Carmen followed suit. “Perkele…!” Ilma muttered under her breath and joined the pursuit. “Oh boy…” Laine sighed. “Come on, Lindy. We don’t want our new recruit to harass the rest of the island.” Lindorm said nothing and simply nodded. “Heeey, girls!” Laine continued as they chased the four. “Don’t kill him just yet!” For the third time, the crowd was at a loss of words, before Chelsea broke it. “A, alright!” she exclaimed. “That’s it! No more show for today! Feel free to return to your previous activities and please be careful on your way home!” The mobs have no choice but to disperse. Some of them predictably complained about Minato’s predicament. Meanwhile, Alba quickly bolted off without getting noticed; partly to train some more, and partly to avoid Chelsea. Yuu, having noticed Sigulf, waved at him before going back. The Icelander returned the gesture. And the kitten’s mother finally showed up, taking it back home. Before long, only the three remained there. “Well, that should do it.” Chelsea said. “Now what?” “Hm? Oh, that’s right! Sigulf! What’s that about?” Celina addressed him. “Err… Even if you asked me…” Sigulf responded. “Well, as far as I know, he accidentally walked in on Hestianus changing once, and… fell on top of Rosales another time. Don’t know if more happened before and after.” “H, hmm… And he doesn’t seem to be the lying type.” “Yeah… Even my nose told so too.” “Uwah… That’s scary…” Chelsea commented. “Three times already? It’s like making lucky accidents is his innate talent. And an uncontrolled, always active one, at that.” The three fell silent for a moment, trying to comprehend the Minato phenomenon. “My head hurts.” Celina sighed. “Let’s buy some drinks first before we resume our patrol.” “Yeah, let’s do that.” Chelsea agreed. “Mm.” The three then headed to the nearby mini-mart. Midway, Sigulf stopped for a moment and looked back. ‘Lucky accidents, huh?’ He turned around and silently watched the two upperclasswomen in front of him. ‘Guess I have to thank him for this time.’
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "1941", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 1, part 10", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
As opposed to Sigulf’s composure, Siegward cannot stop his shaking right hand. ‘Dammit, not now…!’ He tried to fix his stance, only to inadvertently drop his Grimm. “Gh…!” “Oi, are you alright?” “I knew it.” Masaki stepped out from under the tree. “Heiden—“ “Stop…! Don’t come any closer…!” “Tch, acting all tough like that…” “You’re not going to get back at him?” Sigulf asked her. “And getting banned from fighting? No thanks, I’m not an idiot.” “Heh, guess I have to say ‘touche’ on that…” Siegward picked up his zweihander and forced himself to stand steady. “Don’t worry about me. Let’s go!” “If you say so…!” Seeing his opponent has made their mind, Sigulf attacked without hesitation. “Grh…!” “Why you…!” For every time their blades meet, Sigulf could feel that the German’s strikes are getting stronger and faster. ‘Oh, nice. Now this is more like it…!’ Not wanting to get his lead stolen, Sigulf intensified his offense. ‘Again…!?’ “There!” “Kuh…!” A sudden stray swing barely missed Siegward’s cheek. He tried to press on to avoid being overwhelmed again, but Sigulf is still too agile. “He’s actually not bad…” Chelsea commented. “Indeed. He could make it into the A-class.” Celina agreed. “It’s just… Unfortunate that his opponent is Sigulf.” “Gah…!” “Battle points, down by 10%.” “Ah, it’s not deep enough…” Another hit scored. Siegward retaliates in a desperate attempt to keep Sigulf away. “Haah, haah…!” His Grimm planted firmly into the ground. Siegward held into its grip to keep himself from keeling over. ‘…?’ “This is getting harder to watch…” Masaki muttered. ‘I’m… Not worthy…’ Siegward thought. ‘Grimm… I’ve been granted just another manifestation of the Gram… Not even the great hero Sigurd himself…! What is a sword without his origin’s mastery?’ Obviously, Sigulf was mildly confused at his condition, though that didn’t stop him from taking steps closer. ‘Sorry, but I won’t be holding back here…!’ He immediately broke into a run, ready to end the fight. “Wait, he’s going to attack just like that?” Chelsea pointed out to Siegward’s state of unpreparedness. “Tch, it’s over…” Masaki sighed, closing one of her eyes. ‘What should I do? …no, I won’t just be a footnote! No, no, no…!’ “Raaah!” “NO!!” “!?” Whether by instinct or something else, Siegward lifted his zweihander and guarded against the Fenrir cleanly. And this time, without getting gradually pushed back. ‘Oh…?’ “No no no no no no…!!” Siegward repeated, like a mad mantra. ‘Something’s definitely off here…!’ “OOOOAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” “What the—!?” An instant explosion of strength thrashed Sigulf away, saved only by properly blocking on time. “Where did all that power come from…!?” Chelsea echoed Sigulf’s sentiments. “Did… Did he just snap?” Masaki stared in disbelief. “UOOOOOAAAAHHH!!” In a completely different display from before, Siegward blitzed towards Sigulf without giving him any chance to recuperate. ‘Talk about a spike in both strength and speed…!’ he thought, now on the receiving end of the onslaught. Out of the blue, Siegward stopped at cutting away… Or rather, retracting his arms for a split second, preparing to unleash a piercing attack. ‘Shit, make it on time…!’ “GRRRRH!!” Unexpectedly to him, it broke through his defenses. “Wha—“ “ROAAAAAAAHHHH!!” And in an equally inhuman prowess, Siegward spun his whole body diagonally, bringing down his blade with full force. “Gah…!!” The monstrous impact sent Sigulf flying away. It took few rough bumps before he finally could stand up, and even then, he was coughing from the after effect. “Sigulf!” Celina shouted in worry. “Battle points, down by 40%.” ‘In just one strike? Give me a break…’ Sigulf slowly rose, and got a better look at his foe. ‘Oh, I see…’ Breathing heavily, slightly hunching in an almost primal stance, and holding his zweihander with just one hand. Siegward looks more like a rampaging beast. ‘To think I would see a berserker…’ In spite of, or maybe because of that, Sigulf let out a feral grin. ‘Heheh… Now we’re talking!’ “Sigulf… He smiled?” Relaxing his tense body, Sigulf closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Limiter: Laedingr, release.” A pale blue energy instantly surrounded him. Sigulf reopened his eyes and returned to his fighting stance. “Haah… Haah…” Siegward instinctively noticed Sigulf’s change and braced himself. “Let’s go, Sigurd’s Incarnate…!” Sigulf vanished. Siegward stood his ground. Less than a second and their blades clashed, loudly, dead in the center. “Grrrrrh…!!” “Heheheh…!” Once, twice, thrice… Both Sacred Arms exchanged strikes multiple times evenly with a thunderous ringing. “I… Never seen him like that before…” Masaki said, still in a shock. “Both blindingly fast and unimaginably powerful… I see Sigulf has tapped into something.” Celina commented from the opposing side. “Yaaaaah!!” “Ooooooh!!” A mutual hit as both fighters tried to blitz through each other. But as if ignoring the pain, they turned around right away and repeat pummeling their weapons against each other. “Battle points, down by 15%. 20% remaining.” “Battle points, down by 20%.” “They still keep going!?” Chelsea expressed her disbelief. “Sigulf still has the lead now, but…” “Raaaah!!” “Ooaaaaah!!” Another ferocious wild swings by both boys, landing on each other’s chest and left shoulder, respectively. And again, it didn’t slow them down despite the damage calculation. “Battle points, down by 15%. 5% remaining.” “Battle points, down by 20%. 20% remaining.” “Heidenreich’s catching up…!” Chelsea stated. “What is he doing!? If he got the next hit stolen…!” “…can you do it, Sigulf?” The repeated collisions of their blades got increasingly violent; neither Sigulf and Siegward seemingly paid attention to their own limits at this point. “You idiot…” Masaki clenched her fists and mustered her voice to finally let out a scream. “Go, Heidenreich!! Get him!!” Whether by impulse or he did hear her, Siegward swiftly shifted his movement and lifted his great sword high over. “…!!” “URROOAAAAAAAAAHH!!” “Sigulf!” A loud crash and a huge cloud of dust as soon as the Grimm struck the ground. “Haah… Haah…” Yet only silence followed. There was no damage counting as it became clear that Sigulf has successfully evaded, and now standing right behind him. “Tch… Dammit…” Siegward finally responded with a ragged breath. “Keeping my sanity is one of my strong points too.” As much as Siegward wanted to immediately turn around, Sigulf has already took the steps and delivered the finishing blow. “Gh…” Slowly but sure, Siegward lost his balance and hit the ground. “Battle points 0. Cannot continue duel. Winner, Sigulf Hrimgard from class A.” Masaki, who was getting excited for a moment, looks dejected by the results. “…too bad. That was kind of close.” “Aah… Phew…” Sigulf still end up dropping to his knee out of exhaustion, making the Council duo hurriedly approached him. “Are you alright!?” Chelsea asked. “I’m alright… I think. Just need a bit of breather.” “…here.” “Eh? Ah…” Sigulf was surprised, and embarrassed by Celina offering her hand, but he took it nonetheless and used it to help himself stand. “Congratulations.” “Oh, thank you.” “This may be sudden, but would you mind if I give you some questions and opinions on the way you fought?” Sigulf froze. “Err… Was it objectionable?” “It certainly raised some questions, to be frank.” “…parfait. Or after this, at the soonest.” Celina giggled. “Okay, sure.” Sigulf got a temporary relief as he approached Siegward, who was already helped by Masaki, and offered a handshake. “Nice fight.” “…I guess.” He answered, accepting it. “Remember anything?” “Kind of blurry… I was a bit surprised too.” “I’m not sure whether it’s my place to say this, but… You shouldn’t hold yourself back like earlier and just run wild. Well, with better control, at least…” Siegward was obviously confused. “…what? Me? Holding back? Why would I—“ “I don’t really know, either. But it felt like your movements seems restrained… No idea if consciously or not.” “…” “Huh, now that he mentioned it, maybe because you are trying too hard to build an icy cool image?” Masaki quipped. “…shut up, I am cool.” “Yeah, right. But, see, isn’t it better just to say and act what’s on your mind?” “I…” Siegward looked at his empty right hand. “Maybe it was because I was afraid of him, that I…” “Well, in the end, only you yourself know better.” Sigulf scratched his own head. “But yeah, rampaging all out like that is one of many ways to fight. And for me, at least, it does feel good. Don’t you think so?” “…haha, maybe.” ‘Strange, for some reasons, my shoulders feel lighter…’ Siegward thought. “Duh, what am I saying? Even though we’re both freshmen…” “No, it’s alright.” “Well… So, you sure you don’t want to join for some parfait?” “Maybe next time…” “If you say so… Well, catch you later. Oh, and hope that we’ll fight again.” “! …yeah!” Siegward watched as Sigulf parted with them and rejoined the Council duo. “…is it fine like this?” Masaki asked. “Can’t be helped. I just have to train harder. You’ll help, right?” “What makes you think I will?” “Well, you did cheer for me… I’m actually glad.” “Oh, I did.” She answered nonchalantly, making him slightly disappointed. “I did thought ‘this could be it!’, but…” “I see…” “Well, like you said, we just have to train harder. It’s not like we have any other options.” “…my gratitude, Masaki.” “…it’s Fukube to you. And don’t pull stupid shit like that one on my duel again.” “Sorry about that…” “But first, you have to rest and recover first. Doesn’t your muscles sore after going on a frenzy like that?” “…now that you mentioned it— Ow, ow, ow…” ——— Meanwhile, on Sigulf’s side… “So, mind if I ask now?” Celina said. “Oh, err… Is it about me being too reckless?” “Dangerously reckless.” She nodded in affirmation. “…I’m sorry about that. I got carried away…” “That means another heavier menu for our weekend, then.” “Yes, Ma’am!” “…why are you getting enthusiastic on that?” Chelsea pointed out. “She’s right, but good thing you won in the end.” “Which reminds me, I was actually glad knowing Chelsea is still worried about you during the duel.” Celina giggled. “Eh!?” “…wait, really?” “Well… Why would I want you to lose? We are still on the same Council.” “Hee… I’m so touched.” “…what’s with that deadpan delivery?” “…just kidding. But, really, I’m genuinely glad, so umm… Thanks.” “Yes, yes, but don’t get ahead of yourself…” Chelsea tried to dismiss. ‘Uwaa… So cold…’ “Sheesh, Cel. What are you getting at?” “Hm? Nothing? I thought it was a natural reaction to see friends care about each other?” “…” ‘I got a feeling she’s strangely sharp about this…’ Chelsea thought. “Putting that aside,” Celina continued and faced Sigulf once more. “That sudden burst of yours… Is it a new technique of sorts? I think it would be interesting if you use it next time we spar.” “Eh? Well… It’s nothing special, really. Just putting myself into a pseudo-berserk state…” “Oh, you can induce it? That’s honestly quite impressive.” “Maybe, but as you can see, it’s quite tiring. Not as bad as actually going berserk, but still…” “Why not? It would give you a better edge, so you won’t get trashed badly as usual against us.” Chelsea added. “…don’t remind me that.” “Shush, Chelsea.” “Eeeeh?” “Well, that,” Sigulf continued. “And I’m trying to build up strength first so I don’t really have to rely on those, even against you two.” “Oh, that’s quite the goal. But fair enough.” “…you’re going to just let him go?” “That’s all I wanted to know. Besides, I’m sure when the time comes, he will release Dromi or even Gleipnir on his own volition, right, Sigulf?” “Eh, ah… Um, right, someday.” ‘Well of course she would know about Fenrir’s myth…’ Celina chuckled knowingly, while Chelsea can only sigh. “Sometimes, I’m the one who couldn’t understand you two…”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "2185", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Chapter 5, part 15", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
“Atlantic Academy Station. We are arriving at Atlantic Academy Station. Please check—“ Awakened from his nap by the announcement, Sigulf Hrimgard quickly stood up while making sure his relatively light belonging is still intact. ‘Mm. All’s good.’ Done with that, he took a quick glance of his surrounding. Boys and girls around his age, preparing to drop off at the same destination as his. “We have arrived at the Atlantic Academy Station. Please watch your step. Thank you for using the Ocean Liner, and have a nice day!” As he steps out, a sudden Atlantic breeze passed by, as if to welcome the young, hopeful duelists-to-be. The air, he noted, is a bit warmer compared to his hometown back on Iceland. Sigulf then quickly moved a bit to secure a safe spot, so that he won’t obstruct the people behind. “Well, here I am.” He mumbled to himself. Now with a better look of his surroundings, Sigulf noticed the dome far deep in the middle of island, which is probably the arena itself. Surrounding it are most likely the training facilities, the learning institutes, the residential districts, and the entertainment square, which reaches as far as the station he’s currently in. Along the way, he also noticed the presence of flags, banners, and logos from the sponsors. “The lightning over the mountains… That’s the… Olympia? The raven and spear over there… Most likely the Bartram Family. Hmm…” Far in the horizons, he saw what appears to be a small fleet of personal carriers. ‘Probably someone related to the sponsors… Oh, wait, can’t stand here all day. Better get moving.’ Adjusting his shoulder-slung bag, Sigulf walks once more, being amused at what the entertainment square has to offer. ——— Despite its overly simplistic name, Atlantic Academy is the to-go place for aspiring young duelists all over the world. The name itself came after petty disagreements between its multi-national backers; some wanted Valhalla, another wanted Ares’, yet another – despite being Japanese – wanted either Camelot, Avalon, or Logres. Thus, the current name was picked for potentially being more neutral. The Academy was built on top of an artificial island floating in the North Atlantic Ocean. While there exists other means of transportation, the one that is iconic to this Academy is the ocean-crossing, magitek-powered bullet train; the Ocean Liner. In this academy, duelists-to-be will be taught and trained on a 5 days a week schedule over the course of 3 years. While graduates are free to decide what to do with their own future, most of talented alumni are usually being scouted by the most prestigious Pro Dueling Clubs of the world. ——— Somewhere along the road between the residential and entertainment areas, Sigulf was sitting alone on bench, munching his crepe; he wasn’t particularly hungry, but all the nice scents from the stalls tempted him to try a bite. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a particularly quiet experience either. Nearby, a group of mobs is gathering for some reason. “Ooh! I, is that…!?” one of the mob said in disbelief. “What’s with the commotion?” Sigulf wondered aloud as he trailed the mobs’ point of interest. There, a girl with bright pink twintails passed by, followed by her bodyguards. The mobs got even more crowded. “It’s her! The heiress of the Olympia!” one of the guys shouted. ‘Olympia…? Aah, I see. The wealthy family based in Athens.’ “I can’t believe she’s going to be a trainee on the same academy with us!” another shouted with soon followed by a loud cheering. “You must’ve heard about her skills then, right!? I heard she’s really good with the rapier!” yet another added enthusiastically. ‘Huh? I think I didn’t see her during the exams. Probably scholarship, or special invitation then.’ The girl smiled slightly without replying and keep walking, until— “Watch out!” an unknown boy’s voice called out. Bump. “Kyah!?” The girl fell flat on her bottom. “Aah, I’m sorry! Are you alright!” the boy, sounds concerned, extended his arms. The ‘culprit’ looks like… a normal Japanese boy. Though somehow, Sigulf’s instincts refused to think that this boy is ordinary. In any case, the girl seems not to be appreciating the gesture. “H, how dare you humiliate me like this!” “Eh…?” ‘Wait, what? So she’s like that, huh.’ “Get away from me! I can stand by myself!” The boy reluctantly backed away from the furious girl, who then dusts off her skirt. Meanwhile, her bodyguards are standing nearby. “Hmph! At the very least, you have the dignity to apologize! But, still! I, Eurypha Remi Garnetia Hestianus, will not forget this! Guards! Let’s go!” As Eurypha stormed off, the mobs began to disperse as well, with most of them grumbling because the Japanese boy ruined their fun. “E, eh? Why did she get mad?” “I wonder…” Sigulf chimed in, which surprised the boy a bit. “Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to. Anyways, is that yours?” Sigulf pointed to what seems to be a handkerchief, lying on the ground. The boy took a closer look. “This is… Ah, this must be hers!” the boy picked the handkerchief up. “Thanks for telling me! I’ll return this to her!” “Oh, yeah sure.” The boy waved and left Sigulf, running towards the dorm area. Sigulf simply finished his crepe and checked his clock. It’s still nowhere near midday, yet all of this made him a little bit tired. He shrugged and decided to head to the dorm as well. ——— After he got his keys, checked the AC/heater, bathroom, stove, and fridge, Sigulf immediately dived face-first into the bed. “Aaah… So comfy…” he mumbled. “Maybe I should take a short nap before a bit exploring. What was the curfew again… 7? 8?” But alas, it’s not even 30 minutes in, and yet there’s another commotion outside. “Dear Angrboda… Now what?” Opening his door, a group of boys are seemingly talking about the fuss. Sigulf decided to eavesdrop. “Wait, so you’re saying Miss Eurypha challenged that dude to a duel!? And it’s not even the official 1st day!” “That was what I said from the first time, you idiot!” “Even worse! Apparently that bastard walked in on her changing!” That last one made Sigulf nearly faceplanted. ‘Wait— How—‘ “Unforgivable! Let’s go cheer on Miss Eurypha then!” “Yeah! Let’s see her burn him to crisp!” “How dare he peek on her before us!” The group soon left for the main square. Meanwhile Sigulf was pondering what to do next. ‘Sounds like a petty quarrel to me. But still… If it’s a true duel, then they are supposed to accept it and go all out, right? Well, if they adhere to Knight’s Code of Honor anyways… Alright, consider this spying for information then.’ With that, Sigulf locks his room and heads outside to join the crowd.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1924", "id": "1926", "q": 0.8454545454545456, "title": "The Ulfhedinn of Dueling School - Prologue: 2117 (Einvígi á Atlantic), part 1", "author": "HokuouTenrou", "chapters": 99, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 30, "genre": [ "Action", "Fantasy", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Battle Academy", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Futuristic Setting", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magical Technology", "Male Protagonist", "Older Love Interests", "Protagonist Strong from the Start", "R-15", "Rivalry", "Romantic Subplot", "Strong Love Interests", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Weapons" ] }
Gabrielle was back at Elega waiting for evening to come, she was at the sanctuary with everyone. Skyler, Drake and Pain were there, as well as Fira and Lunara. Drake and Lunara awkwardly sat together while Pain and Fira were chatting away with her and Skyler. “You never told me that you two went to prom together! That’s so cute! I remember going to prom with Skyler, though we never kissed.” She put her lips to the cup of tea that Fira had provided. Skyler was chewing another snickerdoodle that Fira had made as well. “So why are we all here again?” Drake looked uncomfortable but also gave cues like he wanted to say something. “I thought it’d be nice to have a little party together, and Fira agreed.” She pointed to Fira, who waved as she got another cup of tea. “I made the snacks.” She put a hand to her face and went and sat down next to Pain, who had his more comfortable lower jaw on. “I wish I could have some, can you put some in a bag for later?” He pointed to his jaw and frowned. “Oh yeah, I forgot you can’t have food with that in, sorry sweetie.” She looked at him, visibly remorseful. “Oh no, it’s fine, as long as you save some tea and cookies for me for later.” He turned his frown into a smile. “He’s used to eating later,” Skyler said after gulping down the rest of the cookie he was working on. “I’m surprised you’re hungry still after our dinner.” She turned to him and he coughed. “Ah, I uh. Got some stuck in my throat.” Skyler coughed again and took a swig of tea. “You’re a bottomless pit, you know that?” She giggled and patted his back. “Demon, remember? Demons have big appetites.” Skyler smiled and bit into another cookie. “I can see that.” She giggled again. “Drake is half-demon, I don’t even wanna think about how much Dr. Gage spends on food.” Skyler shook his head. “Hey, I used to eat like a normal person up until a few years ago.” Drake huffed. “Couldn’t keep mother’s blood in, not after what happened.” Skyler’s smile faded. “I don’t like talking about it, you know that.” Drake folded his arms and furrowed his brow. ‘Sorry, sorry.” Skyler raised his hands. “It’s fine, you two, cool it.” Pain mediated the two arguing boys. “Understood.” Drake sighed. “What time is it?” Gabrielle asked Skyler. “It’s almost time, we should wrap up.” Skyler got up and brushed the cookie crumbs off of his clothes. Everyone said their goodbyes and parted ways. Gabrielle went with Fira and Lunara back to the castle. Once inside, she rushed to bed. She lied down, and waited to wake up. Time passed, and she wondered why she wasn’t waking up yet. A knock came, so she sat up. “Who is it?” She wondered why someone would be trying to contact her in between like that. “It’s Shai.” Shai opened the door, a white key in her claws. She did remember to lock the door, but she knew Shai had a key, since she was one of the owners of the castle itself. “What is it?” She got up and put on her slippers. “We have a problem. Come outside, you will see it.” Shai pointed out of the doorway. They went outside, and looked out, the sky was still evening. Fira ran up behind them. “Why haven’t I been able to wake up yet?’ Fira whispered with fear in her voice. “Someone cast a spell that has trapped Elega in evening.” Shai closed her eyes and shook her head slowly. “That’s terrible! I have to call Skyler.” Her first thought was to call him, and see if he was awake yet too. She summoned the flip phone that Zlyena gave her and gave Skyler a dial. “Hello? Gabby? What’s going on?” Skyler’s voice on the other voice soothed her anxiety. “Someone cast a spell that is keeping us from waking up.” She tried to stay strong but her voice still shook despite her wanting to keep it together. “Fuck! I’ll be right over! Don’t move, don’t do anything until I get there!” Skyler shouted, a boom came from the other end, signifying that he hit something. “Are you in Elega right now?” She was worried he wouldn’t be able to get to her if he wasn’t. “Yeah, my portal spells aren’t working. I gotta fly over. Love you. Goodbye,” he said. “I Love you too, bye.” She hung up. She waited for him to show up, and eventually saw his form in the distance. She ran up to the gate to meet him. She shouted for the gatekeepers to preemptively open the gate, that it was her husband who was arriving. They opened the gate, and she rushed out to meet him. She hugged him as soon as she got close enough. “Thank god you’re okay.” Skyler embraced her. “I don’t know what’s going on, are Pain and Drake still here?” She was worried that everyone would be separated. “I got calls from them too, they’re stuck here as well, we decided to meet up at the sanctuary, they are waiting for us there.” He frowned. “I’ll get Fira and Lunara.” She turned and started to walk back to the castle. “I’ll follow you.” He walked behind her. They got to the castle, and got Fira and Lunara. “I fell asleep.” Lunara rubbed her eyes. “She was tired.” Fira shrugged. “I was kind of tired too, but I couldn’t fall asleep.” She guessed that she just wasn’t sleepy enough to fully fall asleep like Lunara did. “I don’t have enough strength to carry you all, so we’ll have to get a carriage to the border and fight our way to the sanctuary.” Skyler frowned. “Where’s Drake?” Lunara sleepily looked up at Skyler. “He’s with Pain at the sanctuary.” Skyler smiled reassuringly. “Thank god, I was just about to ask about him.” Fira gave a sigh of relief. “We aren’t separated, that’s the good thing. I still have both mine and Drake’s machines as well. He decided to give his to me after something happened, not sure what, he didn’t want to talk about it,” Skyler said “Alright, I’ll ask Shai for two carriages.” She turned and walked up the stairs. She got up to the second floor and went to Shai’s office. Shai was sitting there at her ornate gold desk, awkwardly writing on a piece of paper. “Excuse me, ma’am, we need two carriages.” She looked through the door sheepishly. “Very well, I will write two vouchers for you, the Darkling boy and the girls.” Shai picked up a pad of smaller papers and began to jot something down. “Thank you, miss.” She slipped into the room. “Here, take these to the stables.” Shai tore off two pieces of paper and handed them to her. “Thanks, I’ll see you later.” She turned and started to walk out. “I hope so, Gabrielle, I hope so.” Shai whispered under her breath. She went back down to the first floor, and Skyler was surprisingly chatting with Lunara. “Oh, yeah, he hates those. Spicy food absolutely destroys his stomach.” Skyler laughed. “Really? I thought since he’s half-demon he’d like it, since all demons like spicy food, at least I think so.” Lunara shrugged with her hands. “Not all demons do, I prefer sweet food over anything. Anything smothered in honey or teriyaki is fine with me.” Skyler flicked his wrist. “You guys, we got it! I just have to show these to the stables and we’re set!” She waved the papers around happily. “Thank goodness, how many? Only two can fit in a cart.” He looked at the two papers intently. “Two carriages, that means we get to have a little joyride.” She smiled and tore the two pieces apart and handed one to Lunara. “This one is for us, right?” Lunara reluctantly reached for it. “Yes, go on, take it.” She grinned a little harder. Lunara snatched the paper and grabbed Fira’s hand. She stared at Gabrielle for a second, gave a single nod and then started towards the stables. “We should follow them.” Gabrielle grabbed Skyler by the hand and led him to the stables as well. It was only a short distance outside the castle to the stables. The air smelled musty in contrast to the beautiful ornate white and gold carriages. She walked up after Lunara handed the guard their voucher. She handed hers to the already slightly confused guard, who looked at them and slowly nodded. “You four can go ahead.” He pointed to the front two horse-drawn carriages that were already ready to go. The others behind had no horses. “Come on.” She yanked at Skyler’s hand, and he smiled. “Okay, okay, I’m going.” He let out a chuckle. She led him to the one in the front, since Fira and Lunara took the back one. She quickly got in and patted the seat next to her. He sat down and adjusted his trench-coat. The carriage started up and they slowly saw the stables fade into the distance. “So what are we going to do?” She turned to Skyler. “I’m not sure, but I’m ninety nine percent sure Wrackivorn did it.” He balled his fist. “Why would he do something like that? Wouldn’t it be suicide to make you angry?” She knew how powerful Skyler was, she felt it when his markings lit up. He was much more powerful than her. “He read the book, I’m not sure Turbuk told him about all the ass kickings he got from me. He’s fucking dead.” He turned away. “What?” She was caught off guard by how angry he was. “I’m thinking we should all team up and cut a swathe through their defenses and go straight for Wrackivorn, and then kill him, and if Turbuk is there, possibly kill him as well.” He huffed. “Killing doesn’t solve everything.” She pointed to the scar on his eye. She knew that he got that scar from him killing his own father. “It does solve most things though.” He turned to her and looked her dead in the eyes. She felt anger and vengeance radiating from him. “I get that you think that, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop you from doing it, but if it were me I would only kill if I absolutely had to.” She shook her head. “If he’s there, he’s dead.” He looked back away and off into the distance. “I know you’re angry, but can we please at least enjoy the ride a little bit?’ She put her hand on his. “Alright, alright, you’re right… I do need to cool it, at least for now.” He sighed and turned to her, his fist uncurled. “Thank you.” She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “You’ll have to deal with me being angry later anyways.” He let out a phew. “I know you’re mad, you have every right to be, I’m scared too, but we need to all be together first so we can figure out what to do.” She took her hand off his and put it on his shoulder. “Yeah, we’re both scared.” He turned away slowly. They were silent for a time, until she decided to speak up. “I’m kind of sad that I don’t get to see the trees this time.” She sighed, the beautiful crystal trees always mesmerized her, and she couldn’t see them because there were no trees in the part of Elega they were going through, since they were all harvested already and were just replanted. “Yeah, but I’m kind of glad you only get to see them from up above,” he said. “I’d like to see them from the ground as well, and maybe even up close.” She yanked on his sleeve. “We can take a detour back through there after we’re done.” He turned to her and smiled. “That’s the spirit.” She patted his arm. “We’re here.” The whip spoke up and stopped the carriage. “Alright, time to get out.” She patted Skyler’s knee and hopped out. The memory of getting attacked by those weird mole Darklings came back to her as she stared over the hole infested ground. She quickly walked around to meet Skyler, who was standing there. “Come on, we should get going.” She poked him. “Wait for us!” Fira shouted. She turned around and saw Fira dragging Lunara by the hand up to her. “Come on, we don’t have much time.” She motioned for them to follow her. She cautiously stepped onto the black ground, and tried to look out for holes. It was a little dark so she couldn’t see clearly. She held onto Skyler’s hand tightly as she walked forward. She squeaked as she felt the side of her foot slip into a hole she didn’t see. She lifted her foot and yanked at Skyler’s hand. “Are you alright?” Skyler caught her. “I’m fine, thank you.” She sighed exasperatedly, the holes were going to be a problem for her. She heard a yipe behind her, only to turn around and see Fira falling down a hole with Lunara. “Hold on.” Skyler turned to her and rushed over to the hole. She knew he was going to jump down, but didn’t know how quickly he would, so her arm painfully gained all of his weight. She let her feet go and she slid down, her arm twisted so she let go of his hand. The holes were longer than she thought they would be, it took a bit for them to get to the bottom. Once they reached the end of the hole she slid backwards into Skyler. “Oof.” Gabrielle got up and brushed the black dust off of her dress. “There you guys are.” Skyler gave a sigh of relief. Lunara and Fira were there, Fira was trying to get all of the black dust out of her hair, Lunara shrugged because everything she wore was already black. “I hope none of those mole boys show up.” She frowned and remembered how unnatural they looked crouched down so far that their knees stuck all the way out. “What this?” A tiny voice spoke. It was a Mole Darkling, like the ones she saw the first time she went over the border, she saw it’s milky white eyes open. “Oh no.” She groaned and put a hand to her head. “I’ll take care of it.” Skyler took off one of his gloves and his lower arm morphed into a blade. In two quick motions he jumped over and cleaved the Mole Darkling in half. “Will we see more down here?” She walked up to him. “I’m pretty sure there’s thousands of them down here.” He nodded. “Thousands?!” She was worried they would never get to the sanctuary at that rate. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll get through if you give it one good spell.” Fira walked up and grabbed her wrist. “Do you really think I could do it?” She was concerned about passing out again. “I’ll count how many, you did twenty before you passed out.” Skyler turned to her. “She passed out? When?” Fira gave a look of visible concern. “A little while ago when Zlyena was training her.” He turned to Fira and frowned. “I thought she had an infinite amount.” Fira’s face turned from concern to confusion. “Having an infinite amount of power doesn’t mean you can use it all properly. I know so.” He lifted his shirt and pointed to the large black scar on his belly. Gabrielle did recall that Skyler did have a super weapon when he was fighting The Lords of Darkness, but he still almost died. “Well, we should get going.” Fira turned around and started for the cave entrance. “Alright.” She grabbed Skyler’s hand again and led him into the cave. The cave had a skylight because of a single hole in the ceiling. She could hear skittering in the distance and wondered if they would be spotted soon. “How far away are we from the sanctuary?” Fira turned to Skyler. “Not too far, there should be an exit here somewhere that goes to a canyon.” He looked around. “I don’t remember seeing a canyon.” She remembered the layout of the Dark Lands from the air, and never once saw a canyon. “It’s called The Canyon of Illusion for a reason.” He shrugged. “Oh, so there’s a magical something or other that keeps it from being seen, right?” She sighed exasperatedly. “Basically, yeah.” He sighed as well. There was a tiny yelp, and another skitter noise. “I think I stepped on one of their feet.” Fira turned around, her face a mix of fear and embarrassment. “I’d get ready.” Skyler raised the blade of his lower arm and pointed to it. Fira and Lunara summoned their weapons, Lunara had a magical bow that glowed like the moon. There was much skittering and a bunch of Mole Darklings stared through the hallway of the cave. Lunara took aim and fired, her arrow ripping through a few of them. The rest of the Mole Darklings rushed the group. Fira tried to cut a swathe them away so she could get space, and Skyler jumped in and started to work on getting past them as well. “Move out of the way, Skyler,” she said as she closed her eyes and focused her energy forward. She heard a flash and a group of small squeaks. She opened her eyes again and a large open area was all that remained. “Skyler?” She looked around to see if he was there, she gave a sigh of relief when she saw he was at the far right end fighting a few of the Mole Darklings, who were throwing sticks and stones at him. “Yeah?” He had his blade covering his head to defend from the debris hitting him in the face. “Oh thank goodness.” She smiled, she was relieved that he wasn’t hit by her spell. “You told me to move, I did.” He turned to her and bonked one of them with the dull side of his blade. “I know, I just, I was still worried.” She clutched her hands together. “We don’t have time for that right now, I’d ready another.” He pointed to a gathering group of moles in the back. “Are they going to rush us?” Fira shouted. “Here they come.” Skyler drew back his blade as a bunch of Mole Darklings poured into the open space. “I don’t have time for this! Charlie!” Fira shouted, and the ground rumbled, a giant fireball came bursting out from under the floor, laying waste to most of them. “Who taught you that?” Lunara asked with wide eyes. “A funny skeleton girl, I talked to her when Pain was visiting Nagix, you know her right?” Fira turned to Lunara. “I know Nagix from Drake having check ups with her, but I’ve never seen a skeleton girl with her.” Lunara shrugged again. “She’s usually on the interplanetary ship she has, she’s confined to the back because she causes lots of ruckus usually.” Fira laughed. “We can talk about Rennaiyan later,” Skyler said as he cut up a few more Mole Darklings. “Okay.” Lunara nodded and fired another arrow. They spent the rest of their time quietly clearing out the rest of the Mole Darklings. Gabrielle had already begun to feel a little weak and her vision started to flicker, did she use too much energy? The next thing she knew, Skyler was yanking on her sleeve and asking if she was alright. She snapped out of her daze and apologized.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2573", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Night Chasers Part 1", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Drake had already plugged himself into the mainframe again, and met with a very sorry looking Glitch. He had a replacement arm that was a blue-ish emerald color, which was coated with a glaze of a light amber colored substance. The arm was fastened by square metal clamps that dug into his skin. One of his feet looked to be the same, meaning he had now lost his leg too. “How’s the new arm and leg?” He asked but with a disinterested tone. “Still hurts, Wira had to rip me open to put everything in.” He grimaced, and clutched his shoulder. “Is she licensed to do that sort of thing?” He asked, putting his hand to his chin. “I don’t think so, it was very… Messy, and she forgot to give me anesthetic beforehand so… If you felt a jolt at around five in the morning today, that was me.” Glitch looked away slowly, rubbing his new arm. “I guess a being created by mother’s mind wouldn’t be able to get one, either.” Drake forgot that it takes living in the human world for a while to be able to get those credentials. “She was created to run things and build Wire Girls and Tall Dolls, not to install arms and legs onto a Fallen that is flesh based.” Glitch looked back at him, his brow furrowed and his eyes squinting. “Alright, alright, I get it. I’m sorry you had to go through that.” He put his hands out in front of himself. “Yeah, well I didn’t appreciate being cannibalized either. Just because I was made of machine parts didn’t mean I didn’t feel pain.” Glitch slouched his head forward, signifying extreme disgust. “You didn’t deserve to have your own body anyways, father only did it to keep you away from me. I told you that if you let down your guard around me, bad things would happen. That wasn’t a warning, it was a promise.” Drake gave him the same look back. “Why did you let me live for so long then?” Glitch asked, his face softened to confusion instead of anger. “I wanted you to have a better taste of what you lost before I took it from you,” Drake said, making sure that his words were sharp. “Jesus, I thought you were warming up to me for a second too.” Glitch lurched his head back. “You killed the only girl who ever loved me, and made me a criminal. I only tolerate you, at least until you are gone.” Drake turned away in disgust. “So it was to satisfy you, at least your want for revenge. You didn’t have to lie to me, you know.” Glitch shook his head. “I didn’t want to… I didn’t want to give you that. I just want this to be over as soon as possible, every moment I have to deal with these outbursts and being around you is suffering.” He scrunched his nose slightly and furrowed his brow in disgust. “Oh right, I forgot that you were having those. Maybe that’s why you suddenly got really mad at me?” Glitch put an open hand to his chin, his metal claw of a thumb dug lightly into his face. “I hate this. I hate this so much. I’m not used to these emotions being so strong. It’s so difficult to control.” Drake put his hands on the sides of his face. “You aren’t used to the demonic energy yet, getting random zaps of it will do things to your mind. You should ask your half-brother how he dealt with it.” Glitch tried to smile, but it turned out to be more pained than was intended. “Don’t try to smile, it’s freaking me out.” He slightly put his hands out in front of himself. “Oh… Sorry.” Glitch turned away, and started to walk towards one of the elevators. “Where are you going?” Drake followed closely behind. “Wira said we need to find that boy, whoever he is.” He grabbed Drake’s arm and stuffed himself and Drake into the small elevator. “There’s barely any room, I think this is only meant for one person.” Drake raised and furrowed his eyebrows and frowned, he didn’t like being this close to Glitch in the least. “It’ll work, it might be a bumpy ride, but it’ll work.” Glitch carelessly pressed the button to go up. A loud clunking noise followed by a whirring sound resounded, and the shoddy metal box went upward quickly, the box made a loud metal on metal screeching noise as it constantly smacked back and forth against the shoddy metal shaft. “I’m taking the stairs next time.” Drake had bumped into Glitch a multitude of times during the ride. Every time the box moved backwards it flung him back into Glitch, and when it moved forwards it flung Glitch into him. “It’s much faster to do this. You can take a separate one next time.” He shrugged, and walked out onto the catwalk. Drake followed close behind and went up a ramp that led to one of the higher up open hallways, which were tall and had rudimentary railing that was slightly rusty. The burgundy colored paint on the walls and ceiling had places where the paint was chipping. He looked to Glitch, who was walking slowly, and wondered why, if he needed to find someone, was he walking so slow? “You seem to be taking your sweet time,” Drake said in annoyed tone. “I don’t think the little one will be able to go far. After all, his name is Boy, he must be a tiny thing if he was named that.” He folded his arms and shook his head. “Whatever.” Drake shrugged and continued to follow. They walked for a few minutes, past rusty doors with handwheels that would be more at home inside a submarine. Once they reached one somewhere in the middle of the hallway, there was a squeaking noise that came from behind the door, and the hand wheel on the door quickly turned. The door swung open, and a young man who wore all black with stringy black hair down to his chin walked out. He didn’t notice them at first, but then turned around, revealing that he too had a Fallen mouth. He scratched the ghost white skin of his face with pointy gloved fingers, fingers that were the same as Drake’s. That meant he also had claws for hands. “What the- Who are you?” Drake was surprised, he didn’t know there was another male Fallen walking around. Why hadn’t Wira told him about this? “Oh, it’s thing one and thing two! I’ve heard a lot about you from Wira. She didn’t tell you about me?” The stranger’s red colored eyes smiled back at them. “Don’t compare me to him.” Drake folded his arms, disgusted at even the thought of being compared to Glitch. “But we look almost exactly the same.” Glitch shrugged. “I don’t care,” Drake said with a harumph. “Looks like you two get along great.” The stranger said jokingly. “What’s your name, brother?” Glitch lightly pointed at said stranger. “The name’s Aiden. And I’m not your brother, I’m the first sired fallen. Your mother found out how to turn a dead person into a Fallen, subsequently reviving them. I had an… Altercation with an exorcist boy, back when I was still a vampire.” Aiden shrugged and smiled. “You don’t seem too worked up about it.” Drake was confused and jealous at the same time, and wondered how recent his siring was. “I’m still getting used to the changes that were made to my body, but so far I’m liking my new self.” Aiden struck two poses imitating what people do when they check themselves out in the mirror, his foot long tail fully clothed in black slapped against his leg as he turned around. “Jeez, the whole nine yards. Even the tail, too.” Glitch looked Aiden up and down. “I’m glad I never had to cut holes in my pants.” Drake tried to think on the bright side but was still jealous that he was having a better time with being a Fallen than he was. “Most Fallen I know hide their tails, except maybe Wire Girls, I’m proud of mine, though. Maybe you’ll get yours someday, like your half-brother.” Aiden smiled and flicked his tail. “Show off.” Drake looked away, his arms still folded, and gave out another harumph. There was an opening in the architecture of the flooring above them, and for every floor above their floor, there was a small two foot walkway that was for crossing. The awkward silence was broken by a distant yell that was held and got louder as it came closer. A loud thump resounded as a humanoid creature landed ungracefully in between Drake and Aiden, and the creature’s yell was silenced. “Mother?” Drake gasped and looked down at the creature that looked eerily similar to his mother. “Nope, that’s a Wire Girl, what happened, little lady?” Aiden put his hands onto his knees and leaned down. The creature, whose skin was a shiny greenish yellow metal, got to its hands and knees. The female creature had a Fallen mouth, but her teeth were made of shiny gray metal. The only organic thing about the girl was her long fluffy blonde hair. She got up and brushed the dust off of herself, her tail slightly shaking with each brushing movement. Her red colored eyes widened, and she looked both ways, from Glitch and Drake to Aiden. “B-Boys?! Here?!” She said, her voice in and of itself childlike. “Oh, that’s right, Wire Girls rarely ever see Fallen boys, thinking them all extinct.” Aiden laughed and got up. “I thought there were no boys left,” the Wire Girl said in a breathy voice. “What happened that made you fall?” Glitch spoke up and took two steps forward. The Wire Girl looked to the small metal wings on her back that were a mix of plane wings and butterfly wings. “My jetpack augment stopped working… Now I have to walk to the factory to get it fixed.” The Wire Girl groaned, and stood up. “Well you’d better get going then. I heard Boy was spotted in this area.” Aiden raised his hands in a grabbing fashion. “Oh, oh no! I’m out of here! G-Goodbye!” The Wire Girl ran past Glitch and Drake. “Green 137? What’s that supposed to mean?” Glitch turned around to face her. The Wire Girl turned around quickly. “Oh, that’s my name! Wire Girls don’t have human names, we get assigned a color based on our personality. Each Wire Girl gets a number correlated to the number of Wire Girls created under that color based on the number of that color built.” She smiled and turned around, then continued to run away. “Oh yeah, we’re looking for him, you said he was seen around here?” Glitch turned back to Aiden. “Yeah, but an incomplete Fallen is dangerous, they were all cleared out from the front area before you came, except for Boy, nobody can catch him since he’s a Tall Doll. They can jump like a flea, so they’re hard to catch if they have both legs. Other incomplete Tall Dolls will always come back to their designated area though, but not Boy, he was excommunicated at birth, and has no emotional connection to any home.” Aiden shrugged again. A loud boom rang out, and Aiden turned around. Another loud boom resounded shortly after, but much closer. “Speak of the devil.” Aiden folded his arms. “Shouldn’t you be running?” Glitch quickly ran up and put a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll make a run for it if he’s stupid enough to grab me. If he grabs you, wait a second until he starts monologuing, then scratch him.” Aiden held an arm straight out to keep Glitch from going any further. Another loud boom, and a large, purple skinned creature with a torso twice as long as a human’s, with thin arms and legs three times as long as a human’s, and a head twice as big as a human’s gripped the railing with large feet with claws that had the same feet as Zlyena, the back claw gripped the railing tightly. It’s short and fluffy white hair and purple eyes were also similar to Zoriyans. There was an open wound that did not bleed over where its heart was supposed to be, but only darkness lay within. “Holy shit.” Drake’s jaw dropped, he’d never seen any Tall Dolls before, and the fact Boy looked like a nightmare creature frightened him. “That’s not what I expected when I heard the name Boy.” Glitch looked at Boy with wide eyes. “Three of you. And one repaired, and what about me? Why do I get nothing?” Boy’s nose crinkled in disgust, and he grabbed Aiden with his free hand, his other one dug into the upper floor with the claws of his hands. “Agh, we meet again, asshole.” Aiden tried to loosen Boy’s grip with his right hand because his claws were digging into his flesh, his left hung loosely over Boy’s hand. “Some of you even know yet I’m always refused help. I’ve done everything in my power to fix the mistake Mother made, and what do I get in response? That there’s nothing they can do to help me, and to just live with it. Why shouldn’t I break you open and take what was denied from me my entire life?” Boy scrunched his spine and fit himself into the tall hallway, the back of his head scraped the roof. “Run!” Aiden shouted, and lifted his hand up in front of Boy, a swarm of bats came out from the palm of his hand. Boy yiped as the bats swarmed his face, and he dropped Aiden, who bolted after Drake and Glitch, who were already running for the open door Aiden came from. “No, the next one over! I’ll get it!” Aiden ran past the two and quickly used the handwheel and swung the door open. The three of them ran in, and Aiden used the handwheel to close it back up, in the same quick and unnatural manner he used to open it. There was a loud boom as Boy slammed his fists against the door. “Get back here! I’m not done with you yet!” He shouted as he continued to pound on the door, which caused the door to dent at points. “I’m going to preemptively say that I’m fine, by the way. He didn’t get me that deep, or break any stitches.” Aiden held a hand over his chest, and all his wounds slowly closed up. “Stitches?” Glitch pointed to his face, which was adorned with stitches. “Yeah, see?” Aiden pulled up his shirt to reveal a long thin wound stitched up in the center of his chest. A whirring siren that increased in tone to an ear piercing pitch flooded their ears and assaulted their senses. The pounding stopped, and everyone covered their ears. The siren lasted for a short time, and once it ended, Drake looked at Aiden, confused. Out of the corner of his eye he could tell that Glitch had the same expression. “That siren is to tell people The Witch is loose.” Aiden shrugged. “Her name is Dahlia, she’s an Aspect. A part of mother, like I am a part of you, Drake.” Glitch turned to Drake and took a step forward. “That’s right, Dahlia, The Witch of Shadow. We need to get to safety before she corrupts us. The alarm is to make sure that everyone has time to run. Being corrupted isn’t fun, I’ve heard horror stories from Wire Girls about it, we really need to leave.” Aiden walked up to the door and spun the handwheel to unlock it. “What if she finds us?” Drake walked up to Aiden. “Just don’t let her touch you, she can’t corrupt you if she doesn’t touch you.” Aiden opened the door and gestured frantically for them to step out. “Alright.” Drake walked back and grabbed Glitch by the arm. He felt ill for a second coming into contact with him, but he shook it off and tugged at Glitch for him to follow. “I’m not a child, let go of me.” Glitch yanked his hand out of Drake’s grasp and grimaced while quickly walking past him. They ran out into the hallway, there was a ramp that led down to the ground close by. Aiden turned and silently gestured in the direction of the ramp. Drake nodded and they all ran down it. As soon as they got in the middle of the structure, a black cloud materialized, and the female creature that tried to manipulate Skyler stepped out of it. “Well shit.” Aiden stopped running and held out his arm to block Drake and Glitch from going any further. “Oh look, a few new friends to play with.” Dahlia said suggestively, her right hand creeping down her chest and onto her thin, emaciated thigh. “Guess I have to do a repeat, go! Get out of here! I’ll follow!” Aiden raised his hand and bats poured out of his palm again and swarmed Dahlia. “Hey! No fair, get off! Why isn’t it working?” Dahlia tried using her shock powers but the bats were unaffected and continued to swarm her. Drake made a run for it, reflexively he looked back to see if Glitch was following. He was, so he turned back around, and skidded a bit to avoid running into Dahlia. He picked up the pace. He heard Aiden and Glitch’s panting as they ran behind him. The area he first saw when he landed in the Mainframe flashed in his mind, he thought that if he could run there, Dahlia would not be able to follow. He ran for a short while longer, until he could no longer hear the squishy footsteps of the two who were behind him. He turned around, and saw both Glitch and Aiden as they tried to catch their breath. “Why did you stop?” Drake shouted breathlessly. “Safe zone… We’re in the safe zone… Invisible, wall…” Aiden continued to pant and cough. “Invisible wall?” Drake walked up to where they were bent over. “Don’t.” Glitch grabbed Drake’s arm and yanked him backwards. “I’ll show him, just… Give me a second…” Aiden was still gasping for air. “There’s an invisible wall there... If you go past it... She’ll come for you again.” Glitch continued to drag Drake backwards as he tried to catch his breath. “I’m fine, I’m fine now… Just needed to recover from that sprint.” Aiden got back up and brushed himself off. “Where is this wall you two are so sure exists?” Drake turned to Aiden and gave him a confused shrug. “Observe.” Aiden held a hand out, and a yellow colored barrier appeared near where his hand stopped. “So she can’t get past that?” Drake leaned in to look closer. “Nope, we’re home free.” Aiden smiled and lowered his arm. “Oh, there you boys are!” Wira’s voice came from behind him. Drake turned around to see Wira as she walked quickly towards them, a weird contraption that looked like another machine like the one Skyler was given jammed under her arm. “What’s that thing you got?” Drake pointed to the contraption under Wira’s arm. “I had enough materials to make another machine like the one I gave Skyler, this one is yours. I was able to use a Wire Girl shoulder plate because… Well... “ Wira covered her mouth with her free hand “Well what?” Drake folded his arms for the umpteenth time. “You’re body type is very… Feminine.” Wira choked back a giggle. “I-M-My body type is not feminine!” Drake balled his fists and quickly shifted them to his sides. “I have the same body type, my friend. You just have to live with being androgynous.” Aiden walked up to Drake with a snarky grin. “I haven’t grown fully yet!” Drake stiffly turned to Aiden. “How old are you again?” Aiden put a closed fist to his hip. “I’m fourteen!” Drake yanked at his hair. “Jeez, I didn’t think you were that young. Doesn’t that mean your mother had you when she was really young?” Aiden raised his hands in shock. “Lyserge’s age of consent is fourteen, I didn’t make the laws.” Drake put his hands back to his sides. “Sheesh, it’s eighteen where I’m from.” Aiden hugged himself in discomfort. “They did it to minimize sexual assault lawsuits, Lyserge City fucking sucks.” Drake grimaced, thinking of all the young girls who have gotten accosted by crusty old lawmakers. “Enough of that, here you go.” Wira walked up and handed the device to Drake. “Thanks, I’ll ask Skyler how to use it.” Drake took it and nodded. “No problem. Now, I gotta go help a Wire Girl with a dysfunctional jetpack.” Wira turned around and walked away. “I’m going to go now, it was nice meeting you, Aiden.” Drake turned to Aiden and waved. “You too, I might come back sometime.” Aiden waved back. Drake disconnected his wireless connector and woke up in bed with the contraption in front of him. He rolled over to find Lunara awkwardly standing in the middle of his bedroom. “What? Who let you in?” Drake slowly got up and took the wireless connector off. “Y-Your dad let me in… I was worried about you, so…” Lunara fiddled with her dress. “You don’t need to worry about me, I’m fine.” Drake walked up and put a hand on her shoulder. “But I haven’t seen you for a while, and after all you showed me… I just wanted to talk to you again.” Lunara looked up at him. “You’d be better off not trying to get too close to me…” Drake recoiled his hand, he put it on her shoulder reflexively and as soon as he realize, he took it back off. “Why?” Lunara put two closed hands to her chin. “I’m too dangerous, you’ll get killed if you get too close to me.” Drake grabbed his own wrist and moved his hands close to his chest. “I don’t believe that, you don’t look dangerous at all.” Lunara lightly pounded the back of her feet on the floor. “Trust me, if you don’t want to end up dead, give up on me.” Drake turned away from her and walked out. In the hallway that he needed to go down to get to the front of the hospital, Nagix was leaning with her back against the wall, both her legs and arms were crossed. “What is it? What do you need?” Drake walked up to her, still a little tired from waking back up. “You missed your checkup. Even Pain never missed a checkup. I don’t want your fingers to fall off again.” She turned to him and squinted, clearly not pleased with him missing an appointment. “I know I know, I just… I was busy.” Drake tried to walk past her but she blocked his path. “I know you want to get closer to your mother, but you need to still be grounded in the real world too.” Nagix held out her hands as she tried to reason with him. “I don’t even know how long I was out but I really need to use the bathroom, could you move? I’ll tell my dad to reschedule.” Drake tapped Nagix’s shoulder and pointed to his belt. “Alright, but make an early one, I’m open and willing to check your hands anytime.” Nagix looked at him suspiciously and then turned around and walked out. He spent the rest of the day reading up on his studies, since he was homeschooled. He went to bed wishing he hadn’t told Lunara to stop trying to get close to him. He was just scared that she would end up like Marissa. He felt it was for the best, but simultaneously hoped that it wouldn’t change her mind and wished that it would. He liked her, but he was so afraid to get close to anybody.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2555", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - The Ex-Vampire, the Boy and the Witch", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
“You can stop carrying me now,” Skyler said worriedly. “I don’t even know how you’ve carried me this far.” “I exercise, and also you’re real skinny so you are pretty light.” Gabrielle shrugged. “I don’t think you’re well enough to walk by yourself, but if you want, I can give you my shoulder instead.” she said. “That would be better,” he said, nodding in agreement. Gabrielle stood him up, grabbed his left arm and put it over her left shoulder to support him. She was going to ask what happened to him that would turn him into a non-human, but she hadn’t found the right time to ask it. Black blood. She wondered what turned his blood black, how he could transform his arms. The scar? The vertical one on his eye? Those wounds. Those scars. How did he get them? She felt he had so many secrets, but she she decided to ask him all that later, when she could get him to a hospital bed. “Thanks, but I still don’t approve of you telling them we’re engaged,” he mumbled, his cheeks grayed again as he frowned and turned away. “What else are we going to do? Friends might not cut it for them,” she warned. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” he asked as they neared the outer gate. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of everything,” she assured him, picking up the pace as they get closer to their destination. “Hey!” she called up to the gate keeper who was up on the wall. “Let me in, I have wounded!” she shouted up at the man, who looked at the person she was carrying. An icy feeling of trepidation shot through her, and fear burned in her belly. After a long hard look, the man shouted for the gate to open. She sighed in relief, and walked inside as the gate opened, but the fear did not leave her, this was only one step of many to ensuring Skyler’s safety. As soon as she got inside, one of the guards noticed Skyler’s pitch black skin on his arms, and shouted for reinforcements. A dozen armed guards surrounded her. “Who let that horrible thing in?” one of them shouted, they all pointed their spears towards her and Skyler, fear and anger in their eyes. Gabrielle gripped his shoulder tighter in suspense, she realized this was going to be a lot more difficult than she thought it’d be. “What’s going on?” Shai’s voice could be heard from far away. The guards froze, some of them turning around and waiting for Shai to come up to them, some of them were too fearful of who Gabrielle was carrying to turn their back. “Don’t turn your backs on that monster, it could kill us all!” a guard warned, stabbing the air with his spear. Hatred. There was more hatred in his eyes than fear. Then a light appeared behind the guards, taking the shape of a door. A small girl with long blonde hair and pale blue skin lifted their pearl colored robes and stepped out of the bright doorway. Her eyes were closed. Two glowing white vertical scar-like markings trailed down the middle of her eyelids. “Step aside,” the girl said, her soft voice sounding more adult than her body. The girl dropped her arms to her sides, letting her long robes flow freely. As soon as the guards realized who she was, they all made way for Gabrielle, some of them bowing in the girl’s direction, some of them prostrating. “It’s really you,” Skyler sighed in relief. “You picked the best time to show up.” “Excuse me, O Great Immaculate Veil, I hope this does not offend you, but why are you letting a Darkling into our land?” a bowing guard said, his voice wavering. “He and I are related by blood,” the Immaculate Veil said. Shai had then made her way over to everyone, and bowed at the girl as well. “My lady Cara, what brings you here?” Shai said softly, but worriedly. “It matters not if he is a Darkling, my family is important to me,” Cara the Immaculate Veil said, turning her closed eyes towards Shai. “What do you- Oh,” Shai started to ask Cara a question, but then noticed Skyler resting on Gabrielle’s shoulder. “Lucky boy, if my lady wasn’t here, you’d be in deep trouble.” Gabrielle turned her head towards Skyler, then turned back to Shai and Cara. “Does this mean we aren’t in trouble? You all know each other, right? You know him, he would only use violence to defend himself or someone he cares about.” Cara and Shai looked at each other with worry on their faces, though Cara’s eyes never opened, then turned back towards her. Shai stood up and took a step back. “That may have been true about him in the past, but I know differently.” Gabrielle grips Skyler’s shoulder again. “I… I don’t believe that-” “It’s true,” Skyler interjected, lowering his head. “I… For half I couldn’t control myself, but for the other half… I became so corrupted, I started to… Like it,” he choked in a gasp as he tried to breath in. His arms were shaking, and the beginnings of tears pooled under his eyes. “Gabby, I… It wasn’t all the corruption’s fault, I gave into the disease,” he said, his voice wavering. “I admit it, I’ve got blood on my hands, but I’ve done whatever I could to make things right again, as much as I could, but… It’s impossible to, in the end, all those innocent people… They’re never coming back. Because of me,” he said, then took a breath through his clenched teeth, making a hissing noise. Two streams of black tears broke away from under his eyes and streamed down his cheeks. “There must have been something, like that corruption, that caused that,” Gabrielle said defiantly. “I refuse to believe that you did that yourself, there had to be some kind of influence.” She didn’t want to believe he would do such a thing, it had to be something else. Anything else. She thought of a dozen nightmare scenarios; him being controlled by some ungodly evil, him being deprived of all control of his body, and then him storming through the streets, killing innocent people on sight. That was the only scenario she could think of. She felt dizzy, faint even. She refused to believe he would kill innocent people unless he was completely controlled by something. There was no way. “Don’t. Don’t try to explain away my crimes. It doesn’t matter if I was influenced, it was my hands,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut, making more tears stream down his face. “I know you want to prevent yourself from doing such a thing in the future, I will ask Parliament to do the necessary preparations. It may be too early, but we should do the ritual the next morning,” Cara says, a look of concern on her face. “Ritual, what ritual?” Gabrielle asked in surprise, reflexively stepping forward, then wobbling from her faintness. Cara turned around, and started to slowly walk away. “To put a mark on him so the one who marks him can control him, it’s only feasible to do so when his power is as great as it is. But for now, follow me to the castle’s infirmary.”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2514", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Burdens", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
The group of three boys and three girls left the sanctuary. The terrain before them looked a lot more jagged and foreboding to Gabrielle. Her breathing became labored and her chest became tight. Something landed on her shoulder, so she turned to see Skyler’s hand resting on it. He gave her a reassuring smile and immediately her chest loosened up and the knot in her throat disappeared. They saw a barrack in the distance. Pain turned to the group and gestured them to get down. They all went down on their chests and army crawled up to it, pokey terrain be damned. Once they got up to the walls, they put their backs up to the wall, and sneaked to the entrance. “Okay, time to end this,” Pain whispered, and summoned his scythe. Everyone summoned their weapons as well, Skyler took off his glove and his lower arm morphed into a smaller sword. They went inside and attacked a group of Mole Darklings. After they quickly defeated those, they started going through the tents. The third tent they entered had a dark figure inside. It turned around, and it was absolutely horrifying. It had six black lidless spider-like eyes, a sideways mouth filled to the brim with thin sharp teeth, and fleshy pink tentacles protruding from the holes on the bottom of it’s pale face. “Oh Jesus.” Gabrielle’s stomach turned as she stared at the monster. “It’s a Cultist Darkling, one of the mages.” Skyler ran up to it. The Cultist raised it’s hands and black sigils formed in front of it, but before it could use the spell, He cut it in half. “Well, it was one.” He chuffed. “Keep your voice down, there could be others.” Pain quietly shushed him. “Alright,” Skyler whispered They kept looking through the tents, but there was nothing. “They must all be at the front except that one.” Pain shrugged with his hands. “Where’s the front?” Gabrielle was confused. “In front of the castle, of course.” Pain nodded slowly. “How close are we to the castle?” She asked. “We aren’t too far now. They probably already know we will show up, so there’s no sense trying to hide,” he said. “Well, we’d best be going.” Skyler turned and started to walk out of the barracks. They left the barracks and headed towards the front. They could see black figures in the distance, it was Wrackivorn’s army. A dark purple spell whizzed past Gabrielle’s head and almost hit Lunara. “Damned cultists,” Skyler growled, his lower arm turning into a large crossbow. “A crossbow? Where did you learn to do that?” Gabrielle was shocked, she didn’t think he could do anything more complex than a shotgun. “No time for that now, get down.” He launched a black arrow out of the crossbow. She looked over, and Pain pointed down to the black hole in the ground in front of them. “What about the Mole Darklings?” She was worried they would get attacked by those tiny monsters. “There are no holes in the bottom, I just dug it out.” He pointed to his scythe, a sharp tongue going back into one of the eyes. “Just get in.” Skyler daintily nudged her forward. Fira, Lunara and Drake were already in the hole by that time and were staring up at her with blank looks on their faces. She slid into the crevice, a cloud of dust forming behind her. She was surprised that Pain made a trench without kicking up even a tiny bit of dust. Pain and Skyler jumped in after her. Skyler went right to the front of the trench and started firing off arrows again. “Can you cast a spell from here?” Pain turned to her. Lunara was firing off glowing blueish-white arrows from her bow that glowed the same. Gabrielle nodded. She stepped up to the front of the trench and raised her hands. A large amount of white sigils materialized above her. They started to spin, and she closed her eyes, focusing her energy forward and outward. She heard a flash, so she opened her eyes. All the Mole Darklings out on the front were decimated. “Excuse me, god king Skyler.” An unfamiliar male voice spoke up. She turned around, and there was a pale floating figure cloaked in a gray hooded robe. He was tapping Skyler’s shoulder. Skyler turned and looked to him, confused at first, but then a smile broke out onto his face. “Ah, it’s you Gravekeeper Darkling guys, you sure do know how to show up at the right time.” Skyler turned to the floating cloaked man. “We will give you enough cover to get past the battlefront. May you succeed, my god king.” The man bowed, his long gray hair drooping with him. “You don’t have to keep calling me that, I’m really not that special.” Skyler gave a small frown. “Oh but you are! You are the chosen one who will end the war that has been waged for centuries! My men, fire!” The Gravekeeper Darkling turned and shouted. The Gravekeeper Clan seemed more human looking than the other clans, and if they didn’t float in the air, Gabrielle would have thought they were completely human, albeit their paleness. “Oh boy, not this again.” Skyler sighed, turned around and continued firing at the enemy. “Shouldn’t we be going?” Gabrielle prodded Skyler’s shoulder. “In a bit, yeah.” Skyler didn’t look at her and kept firing. “Alright, just tell me when.” She raised her hands and fired off another spell. “You should conserve your energy, I don’t want you to pass out again. I wish we had more time...” Skyler made a pained expression. “Should I stop?” She didn’t want to pass out either, but she also wanted to help. “I’m going to try something.” Fira stepped up and threw her sword forward, it landed its mark on a few enemies. She raised her hand, and her sword rose and flew back into her hand. “Wow.” Lunara stopped firing and stared at Fira. “Where’d you learn that?” Skyler’s face softened and he smiled. “I just kinda thought it up, I want to be useful too.” Fira smiled back. Dark purple spells whizzed above their heads from both directions. Gabrielle didn’t want to be in a war zone, it made her extremely anxious, she wanted to get out. She would catch looks at Skyler in between casting smaller spells, wondering if the look on her face would pressure him to move out of the ditch they were in. “Let’s go.” Skyler motioned for everyone to follow him. They carefully got out of the trench. Pain helped Fira up, and Drake and Lunara crawled out by themselves. Gabrielle got out by herself and helped Skyler up. “Trying to be the leader I see.” Gabrielle smiled. “I was going to help you up instead but this works too.” Skyler didn’t seem worked up about it. “Remember to zigzag when you run so they don’t know where to aim.” Pain looked at everyone. “Alright” Fira nodded, a fearful look on her face. They all started running for the front. There were a bunch of Darklings waiting for them. “Why were they waiting?” Drake turned his head towards Skyler as he ran. “I have no fucking idea.” Skyler sighed, visibly exasperated. A spell hit Lunara, and she dropped onto the black ground. Drake was the first one to stop, he quickly ran back to her, everyone else followed behind him. “Lunara! Are you alright?” Drake knelt down and helped Lunara up. “I think... I’ll be fine.” She was visibly shaken but only lightly injured. “Guy’s I’m sorry but we really, really have to go.” Skyler huffed, his hands on his knees. They continued running, and got to the front of the group. A few large lizard-like Darklings stared them down. “You may not pass,” One of them boomed, they were all clad in black armor and brandished axes. “Like that means anything.” Skyler morphed his lower hand into a large blade, like the first time Gabrielle had seen his lower arm transform. “We know why you came, godkiller.” Another one of them hissed. “Hey, thanks, that’s a nice title.” He smiled. “You slew your own father, bastard,” A third one spoke up. “And I’d do it again after what he did to Mother.” Skyler’s smile turned into a demonic grin and his face crackled as his Fallen mouth appeared. The three of the lizard-like Darklings roared and brought their axes down at Skyler. He jumped out of the way and hopped closer to the first one. He made one quick slash and the lizard-like Darkling’s axe holding arm was separated from his body. It made a pained screeching noise, and the other two hissed and brought down their axes again. One of the axes sliced a bit into his cheek and the side of his neck. “Ah, fuck.” He grabbed his bleeding neck and his mouth returned to normal. “Do you need me to heal you?” Gabrielle walked up to him. “Listen, we’ll hold them off, you go kill Wrackivorn,” Pain said. The lizard-like Darklings looked at them angrily Drake took off his shirt, revealing a large deformed scar over his heart, and a bunch of smaller circular scars across his chest in vital areas, with one large scar across his chest. “I’m ready.” He summoned the machine that Wira had made for him, and put it on his shoulder and neck as the lizard-like Darklings stared in confusion. Glitch materialized next to him. “G-Glitch? Is it really you?” Lunara ran up to Glitch. “Wow, it’s Drake’s scary twin.” Fira shuddered “I see you’ve gotten yourself into some deep shit.” Glitch looked to both Lunara and Drake. “Come on!” Drake removed his gloves and wiggled his clawed fingers. “Well fuck me this is bad.” Glitch looked up to the large, beastly enemies. “Let me heal you first.” Gabrielle brought her hands onto Skyler’s neck. “Okay but make it quick,” Skyler said, visibly worried. She healed him while Glitch, Drake, Lunara, Fira and Pain fought the lizard monsters. “Thank god they were distracted, stupid assholes.” Skyler smiled. “You two had better get going.” Pain turned his head towards Skyler. The four of them were busy fighting the giant monsters and distracting them from Skyler and Gabrielle. “Alright, thanks.” Skyler nodded. Gabrielle and Skyler slipped past the fight. “Let’s fly the rest of the way there.” Skyler sprouted his wings. “Okay.” Gabrielle nodded again. She got onto his back and he flew into the air. They were very close to the castle, so it wouldn’t take them long to get there. The black trees there had purple roses sprouting from their branches. “I see Wrackivorn hasn’t renovated since Pain was in power.” Skyler smiled. “Did Pain do this? It’s very pretty.” She had never seen purple roses, let alone ones that grew on trees. “Yeah, the Gravekeeper Darklings call him the God of Death.” Skyler didn’t slow down even though the beautiful trees were passing them by. “Are there any girl Gravekeeper Darklings?” She was going to ask that Gravekeeper Darkling earlier, but they were in the middle of fighting. “Yeah, although they all look very similar to each other.” Skyler gave a small nod. They saw the castle before them, it was large and strangely white, it was even Greek looking, with Greek pillars in the front. Skyler landed and she looked to him, confused as to why the castle was white. “Why is the castle… You know… Not black?” She did a double take to him and pointed at the castle. “White is the absence of color and shade, at least that’s what my father told me his father said.” Skyler shrugged. “Was your grandfather any different to your father?” She started to walk towards the castle. “Yes, my father was the one to start the war up again. My grandfather was the one who built the Ruby Citadel, which I want to reopen, it’s been closed for a long time, I want to share the knowledge of whatever is inside with the whole world.” His eyes sparkled as he talked about it. “That’s real nice of you, I’d like to see it too after we’re done here.” She smiled at him. “Let’s go, there’s not much time.” He patted her on the shoulder. She was scared but excited to go inside. She wondered what Wrackivorn looked like, and imagined a black Centaur as big as a building. She was sure that Skyler had the tools to defeat Wrackivorn, and he wouldn’t let Wrackivorn live unfortunately, even though she would like to talk Skyler out of it. Wrackivorn endangered her, and Skyler was hellbent on killing anyone who endangered the one he loved.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2577", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Night Chasers Part 3", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle put on her pretty red dress, she was so excited to go on a triple date. She didn’t know that Drake and Lunara had gone on a date the week before though, but luckily Lunara coaxed Drake into going. She felt bad about Pain going, because Fira told her that it hurts him to change his prosthetic jaws, but he really did want to go. “Are you almost ready?” Skyler peeked in, he wasn’t wearing his trench coat, he had a nice black dress shirt on with some black dress pants. “Are you trying to catch me in the middle of getting dressed?” She giggled. “I’ve seen you in less.” His cheeks turned gray. “Oh, you!” She blushed as well, and flicked her hand in his direction. “Well, you might wanna hurry up, it’s almost time to leave.” He lowered his head and quietly shut the door. She picked out a matching pair of red heels and put them on. She grabbed her purse and headed into the living room. Skyler was putting on a long dress coat. After he buttoned it up, she couldn’t hold in her chuckles. “You look like a super villain.” Some air escaped past her teeth as she tried to stifle her laughter. “Do I?” He looked down. “Yeah, I think you should have picked a shorter one.” She put a hand to her face. “Sheesh, is there anything I can do to make it look less super villainy?” He raised ends of the coat a little with his fingers. “Maybe a cute lapel pin would take the edge off, and I do mean edge.” She went into her room and looked in a clothes drawer for a cute pin for him to wear. “You keep your pins in there?” He peeked back in. “Oh, this one is just perfect.” She picked up a golden rose pin. “Can I keep it?” He slipped through the doorway and walked up behind her. “Of course.” She presented him with the pin. “Thanks.” He took the pin and kissed her on the cheek. She giggled again. She slipped past him and went to the door. They left in Skyler’s car to the restaurant. They arrived and got out, she noticed Pain and Fira first, and waved at them. Pain went over and hugged her. “How are you doing? It feels like forever since I last saw you! Thanks for keeping those guys occupied, by the way.” She patted Pain on the shoulder. “I didn’t have to use the book, I’m fine, Shai made Fira an honorary member.” Pain smiled. “Oh, that’s great! I heard horrible things about that book from people.” She shivered. remembering the horror stories Skyler and Elaine told her. “I’m glad you two are getting along.” Fira walked up to the two of them. “Wait, why do you have a ring? Did you and Skyler get engaged?” Pain looked down at the ring and looked up at Gabrielle “Well, yes.” Gabrielle nodded “That’s so sweet, I’m happy for you two.” Fira put her hands on her cheeks. “Looks like you two are about ready to tie the knot.” Pain grinned. “Where’s Lunara and Drake?” Gabrielle looked around. “Over there.” Fira pointed to the doorway to the restaurant. “Oh, I didn’t recognize them in those clothes.” She was surprised. Lunara was wearing white, which was the first time that she had ever seen her in those colors. Drake was wearing a dark blue suit. She had never seen him anything but black, and thought that goths are only supposed to wear black. “I told them not to wear their goth clothes this time.” Fira shook her head. “I’m surprised you didn’t tell me to not wear dark purple,” Pain said, adjusting his dark purple suit. “Oh no, you’re fine. I don’t think dark purple is a goth color, I’m trying to get Drake and Lunara to ease up on the goth clothes.” Fira giggled. “To be honest, I think you are right about Drake and Lunara being goths, I never see them wear anything but black, they’re mopey a lot, it really fits. I just didn’t realize until you told me they’d be losing the goth clothes.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Well, we should join up with them, come on.” Fira tugged at his suit. “Yeah, let’s go, Skyler.” Gabrielle turned to Skyler and grabbed his hand. “Alright.” Skyler smiled as she led him to the doorway. They got inside and got seated. Lunara and Drake looked surprisingly happy for people who weren’t wearing the type of clothing they usually do. They were seated next to Pain and Fira on the right side of the table, and Skyler and Gabrielle sat in the middle of the left side. “You seem to have cheered up after I got you to go.” Lunara grinned at Drake, who smiled back. “I’ve been told taking your advice is a good idea.” Drake nodded. “I’m so used to us spending time in Purgatory that going out became a foreign concept to me.” Pain smiled awkwardly. “Aw, but you know I love that place.” Fira rubbed Pain’s gloved arm. “I don’t think Lunara can say the same for the Mainframe.” Drake frowned. “It wasn’t that scary, I mean, the ground was slippery but other than that it was fine.” Lunara shook her head. “Oh, by the way, Gabrielle and Skyler are engaged now,” Pain said. “Really? That’s great!” Lunara smiled. “I had already heard about that from Skyler, since we’re family.” Drake shrugged. “Aren’t you happy for them still?” She turned to Drake. “Yeah, I am. I just already heard the news.” Drake lowered his head. “Oh, speaking of that, Skyler got a new scar. By the way, will you ever get those flare ups again?” Gabrielle looked at Skyler worriedly. “Oh, no. Now that they are all dead, that won’t be a problem anymore. I easily overpower their influence now, since I have all their pieces.” Skyler sighed and smiled. “Oh, that’s good! I really hated that I had to watch you sit there and hurt last time.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “I was told by that Adam guy, you know, the guy with the pea shaped head.” He made a gesture with his hands showing the shape of Adam’s head. “Oh yeah, he told you what to do to bring peace to Elega, I remember that.” She nodded slightly. “Yeah, glad all that shit is done and now we can relax while the new castle is being built.” Skyler leaned back and wrapped his hands behind his head. “I’m sure you’ll make a great king, not sure about me being queen though.” Her smile faded, she wasn’t really sure about her abilities. “You’ll be the best queen ever, I guarantee it.” He nodded at her reassuringly. “You always know what to say.” She leaned on her wrist. The waiter came up to the table and took their order, then went back to the back. They chatted for a little while until the waiter brought them their food. After that they started to eat. Skyler scooped a fork full of lasagna but some of it got on his right glove. “Ah shit.” He took some water and a napkin and rubbed the glop of sauce off. He took his glove off to let it dry. “You’re so messy.” Gabrielle laughed. “I’m sorry, they put a lot of sauce on this thing.” Skyler frowned and wiped his sauce covered lips with the still wet napkin. “It almost looked like blood,” Lunara said. “Yeah, like he’d eat anybody.” Gabrielle laughed again. “Uh… Well...” Skyler went silent. “Wait… You haven’t… Did you?” She put a hand to her face. “I was out of it but yeah, I have before. Demons are capable of digesting that kinda stuff. I just choose not to.” Skyler lowered his head again. “I can’t say if I have or not, I wouldn’t have been in control of my body if I did, but I do know Mother has, only when she was either really hungry or she was out of it,” Drake piped up. “You haven’t asked Glitch about that?” Lunara’s eyes widened. “I was too afraid to ask.” Drake shook his head “Okay, I think that’s enough of that talk for now.” Gabrielle was getting uncomfortable. “Alright.” Skyler nodded. Drake went silent and continued to eat his food. They continued to eat, mostly in silence, with some small talk sprinkled in. After everyone was done with their meal, everyone wondered who would pay the bill, and if it should be split. The door opened to their right, and a bunch of people in very familiar coats came in. “I’ll pay for it.” Skyler raised his right hand. One of them drew a gun and fired at Skyler. There was a loud ricochet noise, and Skyler lowered his right hand, which had morphed into a small shield. Everyone got up and drew their weapons. “I see Turbuk wants to say hello.” Skyler morphed the shield into a blade. “At least they let us finish eating first.” Pain chuffed with a smile. “Who are these people?” Lunara looked to Drake. “Demon Hunters,” Drake replied. “Oh, so that’s who they are.” Fira looked back. “Yeah, stay vigilant.” Pain brandished his scythe. They jumped into action and attacked the Demon Hunters. Pain and Skyler were slashing at them, while Lunara and Gabrielle were in the back, Lunara was shooting arrows and Gabrielle was casting weak light spells so she wouldn’t pass out. Drake had his gloves off and was clawing at a few Demon Hunters, while Fira was busy dodging and parrying a few of them on her own. Pain hacked a few of them in half, as did Skyler. Gabrielle and Lunara hit a few of them from afar, weakening them enough so Skyler, Pain and Drake could finish them off. Drake was covered in goo in the aftermath after how many he clawed, and Fira eventually finished off her opponents as she finished them off one by one. After the last one fell, Skyler morphed his arm back to normal and handed the stunned waiter his card, along with a twenty dollar bill lightly splotched with yellow goo. “Here’s a tip for being understanding.” Skyler grinned. “Th… Thank you,” The waiter said breathlessly and took his card and the twenty dollar bill. After the bill was paid, they left. Even though they were covered in goo, they still had a good time. “See you soon, everyone.” Skyler waved. “Don’t forget to stop by the hospital.” Drake waved back. “Congrats on the engagement, you two! I’m going to get cleaned up and then spend the rest of the day with Fira, you up for it, love?” Pain wiped some goo off his face and lovingly eyed Fira. “I wish we didn’t have to go, but alright. I’ll see you later Gabrielle, Lunara.” Fira waved. “Yeah, bye everyone! Have a great rest of your day!” Gabrielle waved too. They all parted ways and got into their cars. Everyone went home knowing that even though the war was officially over in Elega, conflict was always on the horizon. Gabrielle especially knew that it wasn’t over, because Skyler didn’t seem that happy about the confrontation. She remembered Skyler saying it was Turbuk who sent the Demon Hunters, and she was worried that she wouldn’t be able to go out by herself anymore without being prepared for battle. She sighed and looked at her ring. One story had ended, but another was just beginning.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2588", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Triple Date and Trouble", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle was still fast asleep when she felt something nudge her. In the inky blackness of her mind she knew something was there but her brain wouldn’t let her move. The next thing she knew she was flipped over from sleeping on her belly to being on her back, her brain sounded all the alarms, and her eyes snapped open. Skyler was looming over her, his hands on her upper arms. “What? What is it?” She lightly smacked one of his hands away, her brain still foggy. “It’s your day off, and Zlyena is an impatient woman, we need to be there in minutes.” He didn’t look pleased in the least about what he just said. “Why wake me up so early?” she said as she got up and rubbed the sand from her eyes. “She told me to wake you up, you were the one who told her your days off.” He took his hands off her arms and got stood back up. “Yeah, I got her number from that weird phone you gave me and I put it on my smartphone so it wouldn’t take forever for me to text her.” She never liked using a flip phone when she had one, and flip phones were notorious for taking forever to even input a single word in for texting. “Oh yeah, that’s fine, as long as you don’t tell people about her. She likes a bit of secrecy, choosing to live underground and all.” He shrugged his shoulders. “She lives underground?” She looked up at him, confused. Was she going undercover, or did she actually live below ground? “Yeah, she built a whole society for her people nearby Crayla Town, there’s a teleporter under there so they don’t actually have to land and stuff like that. Also that weird grapefruit looking fruit they have is an experience and a half. Imagine tasting every flavor! Sweet, sour, savory, spicy, all at once! No idea how that is even possible, but it’s a thing that exists.” He grinned and pointed to his mouth. “Wow, they really must find single flavor foods weird.” She got up and went to the closet, opened it and pulled at a gray dress, looked at it for a second, and decided against it. She pushed it back into the closet, and pulled on a red dress, she wasn’t going anywhere fancy, so she decided against that too. She shoved it back in and pulled out a blue one, which looked too much like sleepwear, so she put it back. “Having trouble deciding what to wear?” Skyler walked up and put his hands on her shoulders. “This always happens, and I don’t know what to do about it.” She grabbed a green dress with a darker green for the collar, “That one looks good, although the red dress was kinda nice too. A bit too fancy for the event, though.” “Maybe once this is all over I could use it when you take me out to dinner.” She took the green dress off the coat rack and turned to him. She tried her best to make puppy dog eyes at him. “You don’t have to make that face at me, I’ll take you, I promise, after this is all over.” Skyler smiled back at her. “Yay!” She did a happy little jig, hoping that things go well enough that they can have a nice dinner together. “Now I’m going to let you change. We’re taking my car today by the way.” He looked back as he was walking out of the room. “Yeah, because I have no idea where it is.” She stood there and took the dress off the hanger. “I’ll give you the address next time, but I have to go there too because she called me there as well.” He did a little wave and went through the door. She got dressed put on her black slip on shoes and her white coat, she’d always had a hard time with coat zippers, her hair would easily get caught in the teeth and she’d have to finegle it while pushing her hair back. She remembered that when she and Skyler walked to school together in middle school, he always zipped up her coat when she was cold. A sudden feeling of sadness hit her and before she could react, tears were pooling under her eyes and threatened to wet her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away, sniffled, and finished getting ready. He was hers now. There was no reason to feel sad. Why did she suddenly start crying? Was it because remembering all that happened to him while she was gone still filled her with guilt every time she thought about it? “You ok in there?” Skyler said as he lightly knocked on the closed door from outside. “I told you not to use that thing again.” She said in a scolding voice as she wiped her face again. She knew he could read her emotions, she didn’t know how it worked, but she guessed he it was something he had to actively do. “It turns on by itself at a certain intensity, I don’t know much about how this damn thing works either, you might be feeling mine soon too, I’m not sure.” He talked loudly so his voice could reach her through the wall. “I’m dressed now, you don’t have to keep shouting out there.” She walked over and opened the door. He was right outside it, and looked at her. “I hope she can tell me how to get me to not feel intense emotions from you, I should ask about that when we get there.” He put his hand to his chin and turned around She walked around him, and got almost the entire way around him when he spoke. “By the way.” He kept still, not even looking at her from the corner of his eye. She turned towards him. She didn’t feel the need to ask him what it was. “I don’t mind if you feel mine, but you may have to learn how to turn it off for other reasons.” He looked away and walked towards the door. She stayed silent, unable to find the words to convey how touching that was. But also was confused as to why she would ever have to turn it off. She followed him out, and kept pace with him. She looked at him and gave him an endearing smile. He looked at her from the corner of his eye and smiled back. There was something off about what he said earlier, so she was trying to cheer him up. They walked up to a new looking shiny black car. “My last one broke down on me recently, that’s why this one looks so new. Here.” He took out his keys and pressed a button on his key fob, and all the doors clicked open. “My last one didn’t have a key fob and I very much enjoy having one now.” He was still smiling as he opened the car door and got in. She went around and got in as he started the car. She then remembered that he woke her up in her room. “Wait a second, why do you have your car here? You teleported in, right?” She turned to him and his smile faded and his cheeks flushed gray. “Oh, I drove here but I teleported in anyways because I needed to wake you up quickly, and knocking on the door wasn’t quick enough,” he said as he pulled out of the driveway and drove out of the apartment complex. The passing scenery was familiar to her up until a certain point, when he turned into an area she didn’t recognize. She was usually very good at remembering where she has been, and has a good memory for directions, so she knew they were going someplace else. “We’re getting close” He quickly looked at her with a slight grin and then turned his attention back onto driving. He turned onto a side street past the rural housing area she had never seen before, and there was a single, abandoned looking shack. Her eyes went wide and she widened her closed lips as he started slowing down. That couldn’t be the place, could it? He turned onto the gravel side lane that was in front of the shack and stopped. “Here it is. Not much of a looker, is it? It’s not supposed to. They actually got a guy to make it look older than it is, which I didn’t know was a profession but I guess if it pays the bills, go for it.” He turned off and got out of the car, then slammed the door behind him. She got out and did the same, and reluctantly walked around the car, the gravel crunching under her feet. It turned to the shuffling of well kept grass as she stepped off of the road. The shack itself looked aged but all around it was green grass, not a bald spot or dead area to be seen. “Does someone do upkeep on the grass here?” She looked around and spotted sprinklers dug into the ground. She turned back around, and noticed grass clippings on the edge of the gravel road, someone had definitely been mowing, so she knew she wasn’t being somehow tricked by Skyler. “They pay someone to come mow it I guess, you’ll have to ask her about it.” He walked up to the shack and took out a keyring with two keys, one that was larger than the keyring itself. He shoved the key into the lock that was keeping the metal chains together around the shack. The lock opened and he gently slipped it off of one side, nails keeping the rest of the chain from falling down, and he let it fall and sway silently. He used the smaller key on the bronze door handle, and opened it. A rush of cool air blasted outwards, blowing her hair back. “Come on in.” He gestured towards the open door that had concrete stairs going downwards into blackness and made another slight smile at her. “What is that?” She grabbed her hair and tried to keep it from blowing back. “That’s the air conditioning, don’t worry about that.” He put his arm down and walked up and into the doorway. “I didn’t think aliens knew about air conditioning.” She walked up to him, still keeping her hands on her head. “Follow me.” He gestured inwards and started to walk down the stairs. She followed him down, the concrete stairs ending at black flooring. They walked through a small black hallway. Near the end, floodlights came into view. They came out onto the landing, which was very large. Past the metal railing was a huge area that stretched for miles that had exposed dirt with no grass. The only plant life there were a kind of strange plant she had never seen before. On the vines of the upwards growing plants that had stalks akin to corn plants were dark fruits, which she gathered must have been the fruit that Skyler had talked about earlier. Strange humanoid creatures with dark purple, almost pitch black skin and short fluffy silver hair tended to the plants. A ringing noise came from Skyler’s pocket, he quickly pulled out a similar cell phone to the one he gave her, and flipped it open. He put it up to his ear. “Yeah? … What is it? … Don’t ‘um’ me, just say it. … What?! We…” He quickly covered his free hand with his face. “No! We haven’t! She doesn’t even know about that yet! … No, I didn’t tell her!” He balled his hand into a fist and took it off his face, revealing grayed cheeks. “I don’t know about what now? There’s something you haven’t told me?” She got closer to him, hearing Elaine’s voice through the phone, even though she couldn’t understand what was being said. “She’s pestering me about us, because of the markings. Just because she was more  promiscuous when dating doesn’t mean that we have to do anything, even though…” He paused, and Elaine’s voice yelled into his ear. “Even though what?” She tugged at Skyler’s coat sleeve, she didn’t like that he had been keeping secrets from her, she felt her face scrunch up a little. “That technically… We’re kinda…” He looked away from her, Elaine still shouting in his ear. “Just tell her already!” Elaine shouted loud enough through the phone for Gabrielle to hear. “Married.” His posture curled in on itself and he tried to shield his face. “We’re what?!” She squeaked, keeping such an important thing from her was unheard of. How? What did she do? She looked down at her hand, the markings. That’s what it was. That’s the only thing she could think of. She looked back up at him and grabbed him by the shirt. “Wait, wait! I can explain!” He held his hands up, taking the phone away from his ear. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?! I would have given the ritual a second thought if I had known!” She yanked at his shirt, her brow furrowed. “I was going to tell you later, I swear! I just, I was scared that you wouldn’t go through with it! I wouldn’t have anyone to fall back on if I lost control if you didn’t! You won’t take it back, will you? Please don’t leave me to my own devices!” He closed his eyes, his blushing faded and his hands started to shake. “You should have told me! Why didn’t you trust me enough?” She was less angry now and more hurt than anything, why was he so scared that she wouldn’t do it? “I’ve had the rug pulled out from under me so many times, I wanted to trust you, I swear, but all the things that I’ve been through made me question everything. I didn’t want to lose you again.” He looked back at her, tears pooling under his eyes. Her face softened. She knew he felt remorse for not telling her. She couldn’t fault him for that, she hurt him too by leaving, even if it wasn’t her choice. She understood that she didn’t know everything about what happened while she was gone, and she couldn’t just take it back either. He wasn’t an evil person, but was still a slave to his own devices up until the ritual. “We’ll call it even, but no more hiding things from me.” She let go of his shirt and stepped back. “I gotta go Elaine, bye,” he said into the phone, and after a few seconds, flipped the phone closed, and put it in his pocket. “Was there really so much doubt in your mind that I’d do it if I had known?” She walked over to the railing and leaned on it, looking out over the rows of plants. “I was frightened at even the slightest chance that I wouldn’t have anyone to stop me if I couldn’t control myself. I’ve had it happen for so long, I just couldn’t take it anymore, and it would have been even worse now, with the power I’ve gained. I mistrusted myself more than i mistrusted you though, I hope you’ll believe me.” The sound of cloth shuffling against skin caught her ear, he was wiping his eyes. “I would have done it anyway, you dummy.” She brought her hand up and rested her head in her palm, her elbow supported by the metal railing. “Elaine was asking me if we had… Consummated yet.” He walked over, his hands in his pockets and his entire face turned gray. She sprung up from where she was leaning and snapped towards Skyler, her face instantly felt hot, and her heart, while she was getting up, had skipped a beat. “C-c-c-consummation?! Oh no no no no! Absolutely not! Not yet! Not for a good while!” She squeaked again and threw her hands out in front of her. “Wait, not yet?” He covered his face with both hands but parted his fingers so his wide eyes could still see her. “Ssshh! Just forget I said that!” She put her pointer finger up to her lips and shushed him. “Ah, you’re here,” Zlyena said as she walked out of the farthest back hallway leading to the landing. “Zlyena, Gabby has already seen the Zoriyans below, you should show her what you really look like.” He shook his head and snapped towards Zlyena, it was apparent he was trying to change the subject. “Well, I see no reason to keep this form if she’s already seen my people.” She relented. A flash of purple light cocooned her for a second and then disappeared. Her skin was like the rest of the Zoriyans, and she had equally silver hair that was short and fluffy. Two four inch cone-like horns came out of the middle of each top side of her head, and she stretched the two batlike wings that came out from behind her back. She looked like she wasn’t wearing anything yet there was no sight of unmentionable parts. A proud look beamed from her as she put her hands on her hips, sharp looking claws at the end of her fingers. A slight tap came from one of the claws on her feet, which had four toes in the front and a dewclaw poking out from the back of the heel of each foot. “Did you think I was kidding when I told you she was the queen? I know it’s hard to believe in ancient magical space aliens, but the proof is in the pudding.” Skyler put the knuckles of his closed hands on his hips and turned to Gabrielle with a sly grin. “So she’s an ancient magical space alien queen? That hurts just thinking about it.” Gabrielle put a hand up to her head, she could barely even process what she just said, let alone the concept of all those words put together. There was a stinging pain in the top left side of her forehead from just trying to slap all those words together, it sounded like word salad to her. “Try not to think about it too much and follow me instead.” Zlyena turned around and gestured for them to follow her. She and Skyler followed her into a maze of hallways, she wondered how all this could be underground, and how people haven’t found out about this underground hideout yet. “In here.” Zlyena opened the door and led them inside. It was a large red room with a single light to illuminate it all. The room was completely empty, save for a single small bookshelf in the corner, which had weird symbols on all of them. One looked familiar, a circle with two cone-like horns poking out the upper part of each side. She looked to Zlyena and realized that it was her symbol. “You have your own symbol in your own language?” She walked over to the books and picked one up. “The one that resembles me either means god or a powerful Zoriyan spell.” Zlyena walked up next to her as Gabrielle opened up a book The pages were all written in symbols she couldn’t understand, she flipped to the last few pages of the book and saw Zlylena's symbol there. “So this one would be a really powerful spell?” She pointed to the spell that had the symbol. “Yes, maybe I’ll teach you how to read it someday. It’s a bit like the english language, one symbol is one letter.” Zlyena lightly grabbed the book from her and placed it back on the bookshelf. Gabrielle noticed red markings on Zlyena’s ring finger, and looked up at her. “You’re… Marked too?” She fiddled with the darkened skin on her finger. “Yes. oh, and if you haven’t done it yet, having these markings is really good in be-” “Sssshhh! Don’t talk about that!”  Skyler interrupted and shushed Zlyena. “What? What is it?” Zlyena looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “Aren’t you two forgetting something?” he said with desperation in his voice, obviously trying to change the subject a second time today. “Oh, right, light magic.” She put a palm up to her face, as she had just remembered that she was there for light magic training. “I have to go over something with Skyler first, if you would let me.” Zlyena turned to Skyler. “What is it?” He walked up to the two of them with his hands in his pockets. “You’re probably rusty in hand-to-hand combat, so I’m going to need to give you a refresher course.” She walked over to the middle of the room, pointing for Skyler to come over. “Oh boy, this is going to be not fun.” He grumbled and walked over to face her. “Should I just watch?” Gabrielle turned away from the bookcase and towards the two. She felt weird all of the sudden, and Zlyena quickly turned around and grabbed the finger that had her black markings. “I’ll turn it off for you.” Zlyena then said something in a language she has never heard before, and the markings pulsated once, then went quiet. “No, no! Not right now! Shit! It’s all of them! All of them at once! Fuck, fuck!” Skyler frantically shouted, clutching the scar on his eye and his chest and fell to his knees. “What’s going on?” Gabrielle tried to run towards him, but was stopped by Zlyena. “He’s having a flare up, I wouldn’t go near him right now. You’ll see why.” She held her arm out in front of Gabrielle to block her path. “Flare up of what?” She turned to Zlyena, desperately grabbing her shoulder and shaking it. “His scars, sometimes the spirits of the Lords of Darkness he killed garner enough power to come back as spirits and activate his scars, causing him extreme pain.” Zlyena looked at her, stone faced. “No, stop it! Get out! Get out!” Skyler screamed, his Fallen mouth appeared, and ghostly white energy shot out of his scars and out his mouth. She remembered that was the same energy that one creature used that almost hit Elaine, and became even more fearful because she remembered how Skyler frantically told Elaine to get away when the demon creature used it. The energy went away, and he slumped over. She tried to get past Zlyena’s arm but her stance was stiff and she would not budge. Zlyena shook her head, and put her index finger to her lips, and tilted her head towards Skyler twice. He started to move, but his movements were erratic. “No, no, don’t you dare,” he said as he grabbed at something that wasn’t there. “On the count of three.” Zlyena whispered to her, and she nodded back at him. “I’ll count. One, two…” She paused and as soon as he put both his hands to his face, she knew it was the perfect moment. “Three.” Zlyena whispered, and they both ran towards him. She reached for the mark on the back of Skyler’s neck and touched it. She looked up at Zlyena, waiting for directions. Zlyena placed her hand on Gabrielle’s, and said some more words in her language. Skyler gasped, and looked around. “What, what happened? Why am I on the ground?” He looked up at Gabrielle who still had her hand on his neck, his eyes were half opened, and he rubbed his eye, and his face crinkled. “You had what Zlyena called a flare up.” She took her hand off of him and leaned down to his level, then put her hand on his head, and ruffled his hair slightly. “Fuck, my everything still hurts.” He clutched his chest as well. “Are you all right?” She got onto her knees too. “Yeah, just put me on a chair and let me sit for a while.” He started to get up, wobbled a bit but successfully stood up. “Alright, we passed a chair on our way here, let me get you it.” Zlyena went out of the room, leaving the two of them to stand in silence as Skyler groaned softly and gripped at his scars. She turned to him and hugged him, she was worried that he was still dangerous but couldn’t help wanting to comfort him. “I’m fine Gabby, I’m fine.” He mumbled and made a pained smile, but she knew that he was lying. “You don’t have to lie to keep me from worrying about you. I know you aren’t fine.” She squeezed him a little, but not too tightly, for fear of hurting him more. They stood like that for a few minutes, his pained smile faded, she knew he relented that he wasn’t fine. Zlyena came in with a wooden chair, and Skyler sighed in relief. “Gabby, let go so I can sit down.” He tried to move but she didn’t want to let go yet. “Ok, but you have to stay in the room, I’m not letting you out of my sight.” She let go and patted him on the back “Yeah, and Zlyena, you teach her light magic while I sit over there. We’ll have to do the hand-to-hand later,” he said and walked to the chair, then sat down. “Alright, come here Gabrielle. Let’s begin.” Zlyena gestured for her to come over. They spent the rest of the day of her practicing light magic while Skyler was in a corner of the room groaning silently for the first hour, but quieted down after that. After they were done, they both left. She asked him to hold her hand on the way up to the car, and he agreed to. He then drove her home, and at the door, she gave him a kiss. They told each other they loved one another, and parted ways. It was night time by the time she got back, so she went to bed. She had a hard time getting to sleep because of her worrying about Skyler, and then the thought of consummation popped into her head. She imagined Skyler looming over her in a compromised position, and she turned beet red and put her hands over her face. She tried to get that image out of her head, and she did, but it took a half hour for her to do it. She fell asleep late that night.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2553", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Back to Basics", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Pain went into Macabre Hearse and asked Elaine about what was left of Diana, who was the golem that almost killed the both of them. Elaine allowed Pain to go into where Diana was being kept, but Kalan said that it would be available to him only if he promised to not talk about the list of Terriyah’s cronies. Pain entered the portal, and Din was there, she was being kept in a pod covered in a clear glass-like substance. Her long and stringy blue hair sent Pain into a wave of painful emotions, how he had to leave her behind and how she didn’t even really love him. “I can’t believe it’s really you.” Pain shook his head, tears pooled from under his eyes. “You still haven’t gotten over that fact? I thought you had already long forgotten about me, since you never visit.” Din turned her head towards him, her black and hollow eye sockets stared through him. “I could never.” He tried to choke back a sob. “I know it was shitty, I admit it, but doing what I did was why I was created, I had no other purpose.” Din shook her head as well. “I believe in free will, even for golems, you aren’t a genie, you aren’t forced to do anything.” Pain shook his head even harder. “You aren’t going to ask me about the list, are you? I already told crow boy everything.” Din frowned. “I’m not, I had to promise not to.” He summoned not his scythe, but his old sword. “What are you doing?” She tried to get up, and smacked her head against the pod. She put a hand to her face. “Do you recognize this?” He made a pained expression and held up his sword with one hand. “Of course I do. It’s your old sword.” Her empty sockets widened. “Tell me, what was your reason for following her orders?” He walked up to the pod. “I had no choice, she read the book, Brian-” “Don’t… Don’t call me that.” He squeezed his eyes shut and tears rolled down his cheeks. “She would have killed me, I wanted to live, was that so bad?” She returned a pained expression. “Why couldn’t you have told me? I would have helped you. You know that.” He opened his eyes again and wiped his tears. “Ha, nobody could love a golem, it was pointless to try.” She laughed sadly. “I did.” He lowered his head. “You had no idea though.” She shook her head. “That didn’t matter, I still would have loved you, and yet you betrayed me, and him, for her, that evil archangel.” His sword clanged and then scraped across the front of the pod. “I had no choice, I’ve already told you!” She cried. “What was your reason?” He questioned as his sword broke through the pod’s barrier and planted itself firmly into Din’s shoulder. “I already told you my reason!” She grimaced and gripped her shoulder. “I’m not asking for her reason, I’m asking for yours.” He dug his sword deeper into the flesh of her shoulder, tears still rolling down his cheeks and wetting his face. “Go ahead. Kill me. I deserve it,” she said. “I’m not going to kill you, the scar this would makes will always remind you of your betrayal.” He pulled his sword out from her, and white blood oozed from the wound. “Fine then, leave me.” She boomed and gripped her wound. “If Hex would have broken up with you, you could have gone to me instead. I know you were scared, but telling the truth and facing the consequences is much better than living a lie.” He turned around and started to walk away, and his sword disappeared. “You and him aren’t the same person anymore, I’m thinking we would have ended up like you and Elaine.” She shook her head again. “I had to leave my old life behind when I came back, do you know how painful it was for me to have to forget about you? Why did you have to make me go through such a thing twice?” He turned his head towards her as he continued to walk away. “It was unavoidable, it was either keep secret or die.” She put her white blood covered hand up to the barrier. “Why did you try to kill Elaine when she revealed who you really were then?” He turned his head back and did not look at her. “I was angry, wouldn’t you be angry too if you had your life ruined?” She took her hand back off the barrier and put it back onto her wound. “How you acted only incriminated you.” He opened a portal back to Macabre Hearse. “Don’t take what I did as not loving him, I did, I still do!” She shouted. He went back through the portal, and went back to his room in Macabre Hearse. He felt that it would be the last time he would feel himself for a while, so he had to confront Din then. He sat in his room, the book in front of him. The door was locked, no one was going to stop him now. He was overwhelmed by fear and sadness that it had come down to that, having to give up a piece of his soul so his lover wouldn’t die. He placed his hand on the book, the bookmark he left firmly stuck inside. He had to carefully place it after counting the pages a few times without looking. His face was soaking wet with tears, he was scared of how much it was going to hurt after Elaine told him what happened when she read it.. His chest was tight with anxiety and stress. He sniffled, and took his hand off the book. He slid his hand in between the pages that were bookmarked, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. “Stop,” A female voice harshly whispered. He opened his eyes. The hand on the book had long fingers with claws, and a white glove. It was Shai, he recognized her voice in that moment and turned to look at her. “What? Why? You were the one who told me she couldn’t become one of the Veil of Light members, why would you stop me from following the only other path I can take to ensure her safety?” A rush of tears rolled down his already wet cheeks. “I do not usually do this, but I don’t want you to lose a part of your soul. I will make her an honorary member, just please, do not do this.” Shai shook her head. “You would… Do that for me?” He breathed a sigh of relief, and said relief washed over him, it felt like the whole world was lifted off his shoulders, the tightness in his chest subsided and he felt like he could breathe again. “I will ask Fira if she wants to first, I can make these kinds of executive decisions, and eventually she won’t have to be an honorary member anymore.” Shai nodded “Thank you, thank you so much.” He turned away, tears still falling from his cheeks, but he was crying because he was so relieved. He took the book back to Elaine’s room and had her lock it away, since it was so dangerous. Elaine was also relieved that Pain didn’t go through with reading it, saying that she had a really hard time with how she felt afterwards for a long time. They both went to Fira and asked her if she wanted to go through with becoming an honorary member, and Pain aired his grievances about how nerve-wracking it was that she was mortal, because she was so precious to him, he couldn’t bear the thought of her growing old or randomly dying one day. She hugged him and agreed to it. He let Shai and Fira go to where the Veil of Light was, because he and Elaine were not allowed to enter. She came back later and ran into his arms, she told him it was all done, and he didn’t need to worry about her dying anymore. Tears pooled under his eyes again, he was so happy she was safe. He embraced her, and let out a couple whimpers. She told him it was going to be okay, and they went about the rest of their day. Fira went with Pain back to Purgatory and hung out together. He still had to unlearn his intrusive thoughts of her mortality, but he was happy she was immortal.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2582", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - The Fate of a Soul", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Drake was in the Mainframe for the umpteenth time, he was plugging in more and more now, sometimes going an entire week mostly vegetating in his bed, only getting up to eat, bathe, and use the restroom. He had gotten used to Glitch’s presence, even though he still hated him. Wira had already trained him on how to use it outside the Mainframe, and was loathe to find that it summoned Glitch, who he wished would just stay inside the Mainframe forever. “So, you never told me why Glitch was able to come out of the Mainframe when I put on that machine, and it’s been bugging me for a while, how did he do that?” Drake huffed and crossed his arms at Wira. “I think the machine channels one Aspect, a physical representation of one’s inner self, and brings them to where you are. Your assigned aspect seems to be Glitch” Wira let out a single small laugh, then caught herself, and put a hand over her mouth. “Don’t laugh at my suffering.” Drake sighed a sigh of defeat, his entire face drooped as he frowned. “I’ve never seen another aspect besides the seven, never even knew Glitch was one until then. I don’t think he’s even a sin or a horseman, he’s just, a big ball of nihilism.” Wira shrugged, Deeana’s aspects were all based on the seven deadly sins and the four horsemen of the apocalypse, and Glitch didn’t fit the bill for any of them. “I’m right here, you know.” Glitch was standing a bit farther back away from Drake, his arms crossed and a very familiar scowl painted on his face. “I know, I just… This has never happened before, it’s kind of a historical moment here, in the scope of things.” Wira clasped her hands together and smiled A red flash of light went off at the area where Drake and Glitch first entered, and everyone looked over. Lunara fell onto her rear end, and let out a grunt. She got onto her feet and looked at the fleshy ground with a crinkled nose and a frown. “What the… How did a human get in here?” Wira’s eyes widened. Glitch made a very disconcerting small gurgly hissing growl through his teeth as he turned to look at Lunara. “Don’t you fucking dare,” Drake angrily said through his teeth as he turned to Glitch. He’d already lost Marissa, and he’d be damned if he let Glitch do the same with Lunara. “Drake? What is this place? Is this where you’ve been all this time? Who is that… Thing, that looks like you?” Lunara pointed to Glitch, fear etched onto her face as she slowly walked over, but in Drake’s direction. “So this is the girl you’ve been thinking about all this time.” Glitch stretched his sharp metal claw fingers, his gaze fixated on her. “I said don’t you dare!” Drake tried to run at Glitch to stop him, but Glitch held out his hand and a pulse of red energy came from him and hit Drake, knocking him on his back. “You don’t understand me at all still, even after all this time. That also means you don’t understand yourself either.” Glitch walked over to Lunara, who was trying to walk around him, and grabbed her arm. “Let her go!” Drake scrambled onto his feet and lunged at Glitch, who sent another, more powerful pulse of red energy towards him. Drake fell back again and gasped for breath. Glitch was in control now, he stared her down and strangely saw fear fade from her face. “You stare death in the face and yet I see no fear anymore, why?” Glitch reached for her neck. Lunara’s gaze did not shift, she stared defiantly at him. “I’ll kill you, I will. I’ve done it before!” Glitch shouted, clasping his hands around her neck. She barely even moved, and it was as if she was staring into his soul, it made him angry. Why? What made her lose her fear? Was she accepting death? “I’ll fucking kill you! I swear it!” He shook her a little bit, though it was aggressive. “You won’t.” She barely moved her mouth. She was resilient, even though his claws were digging into her skin, and little streams of blood slowly made their way down her neck. “Was that a challenge?” Glitch was confused and that made him even madder, he had no idea what was going through her mind. “You can’t bring yourself to.” She raised her right hand and rested it on his arm, which made his hand pull back a bit. “That’s a damn lie, you don’t know shit about me. You don’t know shit about him either, he barely knows his own potential, and you have no idea how much danger you are in.” Glitch snarled at her. “I can tell if someone has intent to kill or not. I don’t see that in you.” She pushed down on his arm, and his hand pulled back and off her neck. “You can’t be serious, I refuse to believe you’re a fucking psychic, there’s no way.” His hand stayed halfway between them, he was dumbfounded. She couldn’t know, could she? “Just because you’ve done it before, doesn’t mean you can bring yourself to do it again.” Lunara grabbed Glitch’s other hand and yanked it away from her neck. “Why… Why?” He felt hot tears pool under his eyes, he didn’t understand the emotions he was feeling, there was a pressure in the center of his ribs and over his heart, and he struggled to swallow with the lump that formed in his throat. The crushing pressure in Drake’s chest finally let up so he could breath. He sat up and saw Glitch confusedly wipe away tears that rolled down his face. “What’s going on? How’d you get him to stop?” Drake turned to Lunara, who looked back at him and didn’t say anything back as she wiped the blood from her neck. “I… I’m not a monster! I’m not!” Glitch shouted as tears continued to pour from his eyes. “What are you even talking about?” Drake was dumbfounded , what’s gotten into him? “It was never supposed to be like this! I shouldn’t have to go through all of this shit because of someone else’s decisions! It’s not fair! I have the same capability of emotions and ability to feel feelings than anyone else! Why treat me like I’m different or that I have no empathy?” Glitch angrily pointed at Drake as he backed away. “What are you talking about?” Drake had no idea what brought this on. What did Lunara do to him? “It’s okay to feel guilt.” Lunara looked back at Glitch and wiped her bloody hands on her dress. “No, it’s not fucking okay, it will never be okay.” Glitch turned to her while his arm covered his face. “What did you do to him?” Drake looked to her, not sure what to think. “You want to know the reason?! Well do you?! Fine!” Glitch swung his arm away from his face, he scowled and tears continued to fall. “Wh-,” Drake started to speak but he was cut off. “My entire existence consisted of being shoved aside and locked away, I’ve been treated like I shouldn’t be here when you humans are the ones who brought me here in the first place! how else am I supposed to feel?!” Glitch shouted, still angry. “If you weren’t so vengeful maybe people would have felt bad for you.” Drake frowned and got up. “I’ve been tossed aside like rotten garbage by humans my whole life, and you expect me to not to even feel a little bit vengeful?” Glitch balled his fists and huffed. “He couldn’t have been that bad, could he?” Lunara reached out towards Glitch, who hissed and backed away. “I was the Downtown Lyserge killer! I took his body to do it!” Glitch flung his arms outwards at his sides and pointed to Drake. “She’s not from here, idiot.” Drake stretched his lips outward with a frown and lowered his eyelids. “What? She’s not?” Glitch looked at him, his face still wet with tears, even though the water flow from his tear ducts had stopped. “I only showed her Lyserge a little while ago.” He shook his head. “I killed fifty people, including Drake’s girlfriend, Marissa. I loved her, too, which he still doesn’t believe to this day.” Glitch frowned again, and looked back at Lunara. “Killing that many people isn’t really what an empathetic person does.” She folded her arms. “Don’t you feel it too? That crushing hollowness inside you? So strong that it hurts? Doesn’t it hurt right here?” Glitch put a fist over his heart. “I don’t feel that. I feel fine, sans the blood running down my neck.” She wiped the blood from her neck again and wiped her hands on her dress like last time. “What? You… Don’t feel it? I thought everyone did.” His eyes widened with shock. “What? I don’t feel that either, I think it’s just you.” Drake never knew that Glitch felt that way, and thinking back, what he felt explained a lot. “So that means… No, No!” Glitch writhed and put his hands to his face and began to sob. “So you killed her because you thought everyone felt the same as you?! What were you thinking?! You could have asked anyone if they felt the same and they would tell you no! How could you be so stupid?!” It took Drake a second to process what Glitch’s shortsightedness actually entailed, and he was furious. His girlfriend was dead because of a misconception and that was unacceptable. “Oh god, no! Oh, oh god!” Glitch sobbed while doubled over. “What’s going on over there?” Wira walked up to the three, definitely because she heard Glitch sobbing “Glitch killed Marissa over a misconception and I… I’m so angry.” Drake balled his fists and huffed, he was halfway to jumping Glitch and attempting to beat him up. He looked to Lunara, who looked back at him for a second, then turned and walked in Wira’s direction. What’s going on over there?” Wira walked up to the three, definitely because she heard Glitch sobbing “Glitch killed Marissa over a misconception and I… I’m so angry.” Drake balled his fists and huffed, he was halfway to jumping Glitch and attempting to beat him up. He looked to Lunara and took a deep breath. If he attacked Glitch while he was down like that, even out of anger, what would Lunara think of him? “Oh, I heard about that from him. He has meltdowns from time to time, because he’s just a big ball of resentment and nihilism. Wait, How did a human get in here?” Wira looked to Lunara with wide eyes. “I touched the device that was on Drake’s neck, that’s the last thing I remember before arriving here.” Lunara shrugged. “Well, this is fortunately a problem that can be fixed, I’m going to have to call Zlyena about this and have her lead the human out of the Mainframe like she did for me” Wira turned around and started walking towards the large control center that everyone was standing in front of. “Oh, right, the way out, I forgot about that. So it was Zlyena that helped you escape?” Drake was initially surprised when he met up with her outside the Mainframe, but she was too busy talking with the others to tell him how. “Yeah, bring the human with you, and I’ll call Zlyena to fix this.” Wira motioned for them to follow. He looked to Lunara, who looked back at him for a second, then turned and walked in Wira’s direction. She led them up to the main console, and she opened a drawer that was below it. Drake peeked in, and it was a bunch of what he thought was crap. Hand sanitizer, stress balls, random bits of paper and some CDs that were in flimsy paper sleeves. She pulled out a very familiar looking phone, the one Zlyena gave him looked exactly like it. She flipped it open and pushed some buttons, then held it up to her ear. "Yeah, hey it's me, Wira. We've got a bit of a problem over here, a human touched Drake's wireless connector and got sucked into the Mainframe, could you come and lead her out?" Wira leaned on the console by her elbow, which made her look like a phone hogging teenager. "What about that scary looking version of you, Drake?" Lunara turned to Drake, visibly worried. "Let him get his emotions out, this is the second time I've ever seen him cry, but that's not going to make me feel sorry for him." Drake turned away, he was still angry at Glitch, he thought that Glitch was smarter than that, too. How such an intelligent being could do something so stupid escaped him. A bright light appeared out of nowhere right next to Wira, which made him and the others cover their eyes. A see-through Zlyena appeared, her hands on her hips and looking at Wira disapprovingly. "You're supposed to guard the Mainframe and not let foreign entities enter, I hope this is the last time I have to clean up your messes." Zlyena folded her arms and sighed. "I thought it was Dr. Gage's job to not let people into Drake's room while he's plugged in." Wira shrugged. "Oh, so it wasn't your fault?" Zlyena turned to Drake and glared at him. "I had no idea she was in my room, don't blame me." Drake shrugged at her too. "It's my fault," Lunara spoke up. "Oh, how so?" Zlyena's glare faded as she turned to Lunara. "I ran past Dr. Gage. He couldn't grab me in time, he told me not to go in, but I haven't seen him in forever!" Lunara threw her hands outwards from her sides. "And you touched the wireless connector and got stuck in here." Zlyena sighed again and shook her head. "Yes, but even though you are going to lead me out, it won't stop me from coming back." Lunara crossed her arms. "This place is dangerous, but you already knew that I'm guessing, seeing as you are still bleeding." Zlyena put a hand to her head. "I know that, there's a scary version of Drake here. But he's out there crying right now. You can hear him from here too, right?" Lunara pointed back from where she came in. Everyone went silent, and Drake heard the muffled sounds of sobbing for himself. He would have felt bad for Glitch if he hadn't killed Marissa, and could have forgiven him for the other murders, but killing Marissa was irredeemable in his eyes, and nothing that Glitch could ever do could change his mind about how evil he was. "Yeah, I can hear him. You'll have to follow me past him though." Zlyena started walking over to Lunara. "What will happen to him?" Lunara turned to Zlyena and reached out to touch her, but her hand went right through her. "Sorry, I'm using astral projection to be here right now, this is not my physical body." Zlyena gestured for Lunara to follow. The four of them left the console room, and as soon as they opened the door, Glitch's loud sobbing assaulted their ears. Drake almost felt bad for him, almost. They silently walked around Glitch, barely making any noise. Lunara turned around and bolted in Glitch's direction out of nowhere, and even though he tried to grab her arm to stop her, she was too fast. He wondered if her being fast on her feet was the reason she could outrun his father. "I'm sorry, but... You can't follow me." Lunara tried to put a hand on Glitch's shoulder, but he slapped it away. "Just go! I don't belong there! I don't belong anywhere! Fuck this! Fuck everything!" Glitch turned around and ran off. "Wait!" Lunara tried to run after him, but Drake grabbed her arm. "Leave him, he doesn't deserve your kindness." Drake lightly yanked on her arm, and gestured with his head to keep going. "You may hate him, but he barely even gave me a reason to." Lunara pulled her arm out of Drake's grasp. "You're bleeding because of him, that's not enough of a reason to not like him?" Drake didn't understand why Lunara was being so nice to Glitch even though he made her bleed and could have potentially strangled her. "He couldn't help it, he has metal claws for fingers, just like you." She pointed to Drake's outstretched hand. He looked down at his hand, and then back up to her. "I didn't scratch you when you pulled your hand away. If I'm perfectly able to keep myself from hurting you, he's just as able." Drake huffed and put his hand to his side. "Does it really matter? He may have drawn blood, but he's probably never met a human like me before." She looked down at the ground and intertwined her fingers. "He has, once." Drake turned away from her and walked back towards Wira. He listened to the sounds of her following him. The reason why Glitch almost strangled her was the reason why he told her to stay away. The reason why she kept persisting made him question if she had feelings for him or not. Actions speak louder than words, and both her actions and her words point him in that direction, even though he hoped that it was just out of the kindness of her heart instead. "Do you like me?" Drake said without turning his head to look at her. "What?" Lunara's footsteps stopped. "I said, do you like me? You know... Like that?" Drake finally turned his head to look at her. "What brought this on?" Lunara walked up to him, her eyes sparkling. He knew it.  The stars in her eyes gave it away. "All the things you've been doing. Dodging my father to get to me, touching the device and by extension, me. And being nice to Glitch, who you keep saying is a scary version of me. You treat him like you want to treat me, don't you?" Drake turned his head back to see where he was walking. "You keep telling me to stay away, and it's not fair. It's not fair to me, and it's not fair to you either. Just because there's danger involved doesn't mean my feelings are annulled." She grabbed his arm and walked to his side. "So you do like me." He didn't look at her, he thought that if he acted aloof that she would stop trying to get close to him. It wasn't like he didn't feel the same way, but he just wanted her to be safe instead of being with him, which would mean subjecting her to constant dangers. "You're not fooling anyone, you know." She yanked on his arm and glared at him, the beginnings of tears pooling under her eyes. "What are you talking about?" He pretended not to know the meaning behind what she was saying. She yanked his arm hard, which made him bump into her. They were chest to chest, and he could tell she was getting very aggravated at him by her shallow breaths. "Will you... Will you go out with me?" She stared him dead in the eyes as she visibly tried to hold back the tears that were about to completely come up out of her tear ducts. "How old are you?" Drake thought she looked younger than eighteen, which was not ok for him. He knew Lyserge would allow it, but he prefered the original age of consent that was eighteen. "Sixteen." She sniffled, and quickly wiped her eyes. "See me in four years." He turned away from her, but she grabbed at his arm again and yanked him back. "No! Ok, we won't even do anything, I just want to be with you is all," She forced words past what he believed to be a lump in her throat. He sighed, it would be just two teenagers dating, and he believed she would never let go of her arm if he didn't at least relent a little bit. But he had to say one more thing first. "You barely even know me." He turned to her, his words weren't angry, he said it in a low and calm tone. "Nobody ever got close to me like you did." She looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "You're more starved for affection than falling in love, then." He shook his head. "If you didn't love me, why did you take me there?" She lightly tugged at his arm again. Shit, he thought. She had a point. He had only ever showed a girl a beautiful place if he liked that girl. He showed Marissa the old clock tower, where they then would normally hang out in. Just thinking about her made his heart hurt, even after all those years. "I... I'll think about it, ok? Can we get you out of  here now?" He pointed at Wira and Zlyena in front of them, who were just standing there talking. She smiled, and bolted forward, yanking him with her. "You two lovebirds done?" Wira smiled and put a hand up to her mouth. "I said I'd think about it. Yes, we're ready." He looked back to Lunara, who's mood completely turned around with only a few words. They continued walking, her hand still on Drake's arm, her snug grip really was something else. He never knew she was so strong and fast, he just assumed she was either average or frail, he was thinking more frail because of her pale skin. They were led to what he believed to be a giant brain stem. "Here we are, you just slide down there and you'll wake back up next to Drake." Zlyena gestured for Lunara to come forward. Her nose crinkled and her eyebrows furrowed as her smile turned into a frown. "That's gross, are you sure there's no other way?" She clung to Drake's arm, which was falling asleep because of how tight her grip was. "You heard her, that's how Wira got out, right Wira?" He looked at Wira while facing Lunara. "Yes, it's not as gross as you think it is, either." Wira shrugged and continued to smile, only a little bit wider. "Ok... I'll see you in a bit, alright?" She looked up to Drake, who looked back at her. She then finally let go of his arm and walked up to the man sized circular opening next to the brain stem. She looked back at him, and all he could do was smile and wave. He hoped that saying he'd think about it would deter her from being so persistent from then on. She turned around and got down, and slid into the hole. He sighed and felt his smile fade as he returned his hand to his side, his arm still felt like it was getting pricked with pins and needles. He reached behind his neck and flicked the invisible switch, and woke up. He then warned Lunara not to touch the wireless connector again, and walked out. He needed some time to clear his head, and he went to the same old clock tower. As soon as he entered, he felt the emptiness inside him, the place was falling apart, more than it used to be when he and Marissa would hang out there. He went up to the top, and looked out over the balcony at the rest of the city. He wished Marissa was still alive, he found he'd been wishing that a lot more recently. If she was still alive, he wouldn't be having those troubles with Lunara. He still has mixed feelings about dating her, he would have to talk to Skyler about how he handles Gabrielle being in danger a lot, since he heard about her through talking with Skyler on the phone. He stayed there for a few hours, then went back home, and spent the rest of the day working on projects, like fixing his old lazer, the one that Glitch broke. Once he saw it was dark out, he headed to bed, and thought about all his relationship problems until he drifted off to sleep.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2560", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Desperation", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle woke up at Elega, and immediately rushed to the front gates. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw his black trenchcoat. He waved at her and she shouted at the guards to lift the gate. They obliged and she ran over and hugged him. “Get on my back, we’re going to go to the hideout I frequent,” Skyler said and turned around and gestured with his index finger towards his back. She saw that the bandages on his neck were gone, and a reflective golden rose head that was in full bloom was etched into the skin on the middle of the back of his neck, adorned with golden sepals as well. “Wow, that’s pretty! So that’s what the mark looks like.” She reached up to touch it, but noticed that there was still a small ring of scabbing around the edges of it. She pulled back her hand and frowned, remembering how painful it was for him to get it. “Don’t worry about it, just get on already.” He gestured again, “What, you’re going to let me piggyback?” Gabrielle widened her eyes a bit, she wondered if he was trying to pay her back for her kindness when he was wounded. “No, we’re flying there,” Skyler said, then sprouted spiky black wings out of his back. Gabrielle gasped, she knew he wasn't human anymore but didn’t know he had wings, she put a hand up to her mouth, and forgot what she was supposed to do, and just stared at him. “Get on, we don’t have much time, Wira only has a bit of time to teach me how to use that new contraption she and Nagix worked together to make,” he said, gesturing for her to come closer. She snapped out of her trance, shook her head and wrapped her arms over his neck. The sudden jolt that rocketed them into the air scared her, and she squeezed her arms around his neck without thinking. “Ggk, relax, arms, can’t, breathe.” Skyler grabbed her arms and pulled at them gently. She realized how hard she had been squeezing and relaxed her arms, but kept enough hold on his neck to keep her from falling off. “Why are we flying? Why can’t you just teleport me there?” Gabrielle shouted over the sound of the wind. “And miss this view?” Skyler shouted back at her. She looked down. He had flown off the main trail, and she could see a sea of bleached white trees below her. She gasped slowly, the trees were crystalline and caught the rays of the sun and reflected them back, making the branches sparkle with speckles of all the colors of the rainbow. “It’s beautiful,” She said breathlessly. “It’s only like this in the winter, any other time of year the leaves get in the way of the branches. I’ll bring you back here in the summer, too. The leaves on these trees are something else as well, it’s like a sea of light.” Skyler turned his head towards her and flashed her a smile, then turned his head back. She tightened her grip a little as he sped up, the ground below started to zoom past them. The trees beneath suddenly broke to plain white ground. The border came into closer view, where the white ground suddenly turned pitch black beyond a certain point. She relaxed her grip again as he was slowing back down again. The landscape of the Dark Lands was covered in a network of human sized holes a little ways back, that’s where those small creatures she believed to be Darklings lived. They flew past the stirred ground, and a sparse amount of spiky looking leafless black trees that slouched over in different directions came into view. “We’re almost there.” Skyler pointed forward, the abandoned temple came into view, it’s two gray brick towers poking up over the rest of its cathedral-esque structure. “It’s beautiful, why are you and the others the only people using it now?” Gabrielle turned her grip into something more of a hug, and rested her cheek on his shoulder. “It used to be a temple that the Light Side used. After the Lords of Darkness took the swathe of land it was on, it was left unused.” He took his left hand and placed it on top of hers. They continued until they reached the front of the temple, and Skyler brought himself back up and landed softly. Gabrielle let go, and felt Skyler lightly pull on her hand before it slipped out from under its pressure. They both went inside. Wira was sitting on the last bench closest to the opposite wall. Elaine was there as well, sitting close to the door that they both entered from, her arms folded and her body language was telling, she was antsy. There was a woman standing in between the first and second rows of tables with benches. She was tall, and had dark purple hair. Her beautiful violet colored eyes reflected the light from the glassless window from high up that was filtering in light. She wore a dark purple tank top with a necklace that had a dark purple, tear shaped gem at the end. She itched her hip through her black jeans, her black loafers making a shuffling noise as she scooted her left foot in front of herself. “Ah, he’s here.” The woman turned towards Skyler and Gabrielle, gesturing towards Skyler with a warm smile. “Oh, hey, Gabrielle, this is Zlyena, she’s the one who trained me to fight. She’s got some scary ability to sense how much magic someone or something has.” Skyler pointed to Zlyena “She’s also both mine and my mother’s guardian.” Elaine snapped her head towards Skyler. “What’s with you, Elaine? You seem on edge.” Skyler looked down at her worriedly. “I snuck out, and I’m hoping that Kalan doesn’t notice that I’m gone.” Elaine turned away with a frown. “Well, I guess he’s still concerned for you after what happened, you not telling him what was going on might be the reason why he’s being like that.” Skyler shrugged “He was bad before when Pain happened, but this is a whole other level of hovering. I had him go do some errands for me so I could sneak over here. I’m afraid of how closely he’ll hover if he finds out I snuck out.” She meekly looked back up at Skyler. “Enough of that, come here.” Wira gestured Skyler towards her, a single pauldron shaped contraption with wires and plates leading up to a wireless connector like Drake was given. “Is that the thing that’s going to help me kill Wrackivorn? That tiny centaur fuck is going to get it now.” Skyler frowned and rolled up his sleeve. “You have to take your trench coat off.” Wira frowned, and pointed to him. He looked down, then back at her. He took off his trenchcoat, and tossed it aside. “There, better?” He flashed a small smile, and outstretched his arms. “Your shirt too.” Wira did a dismissive gesture with her left hand, her right keeping the machine on her lap. “Oh, jeez... it won’t work with a shirt on?” Skyler’s face flushed gray, he put his arms down to his sides. “What’s wrong?” Gabrielle looked at him, he was looking straight down, she remembered that he’d only shown a little bit of the skin of his chest, enough to show his wounds. She never saw him with his shirt fully off. “Okay, fine…” He mumbled, and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. He took it off, revealing the scars that were once wounds that were stitched up. The scars were black, like the one on his eye. He had a lightly toned six pack and his pectoral muscles were also lightly toned, and his chest was hairless. “Wow, I didn’t know you were such a beefcake.” Gabrielle playfully pushed him and let out a giggle. “I’m not though, I don’t even work out, See these noodle arms?” He pointed to his upper arm that had almost no discernable muscle. “Enough with the lovebird talk, get over here, I don’t have much time, remember?” Wira gestured impatiently. Skyler looked at Gabrielle, shrugged, turned back to Wira and walked up to her. He grabbed the machine from her lap and examined it. “You sure this won’t suck me into the Mainframe?” Skyler asked, reluctantly putting the device onto his shoulder and connecting it to his neck. “Just turn it on with the switch in the back and see, if it sucks you in we’ll know and I can fix it later.” Wira folded her arms and crossed her legs. He reached behind his neck and found the switch Wira was talking about, and flipped it. He grasped his head and his Fallen mouth came up with the familiar sound of bones crunching. “Gabrielle, focus on the back of Skyler’s neck and close your eyes.” Zlyena gestured towards Skyler. Gabrielle did just that, and felt a presence as she focused. She heard Skyler cry out, accompanied by the loud squelching sound of what sounded like a plant growing. She opened her eyes, there was raw flesh under Skyler’s feet and it spread a few feet outwards. “What happened?” She ran up to Skyler, who was in the process of slowly taking his hands off his head. She walked onto the pinkish red flesh and it made a wet squishing noise as she walked over it. She grabbed his left wrist and spun him around. His eyes looked distant, he looked ahead in a trance. “What? What’s going on?” Skyler asked as he snapped out of it and shook his head.“Look down.” Gabrielle pointed at the ground. Skyler followed her finger to the floor, and his brow furrowed. “The hell?” He put his right hand back on his head. “What’s that?” Elaine shouted. Gabrielle spun to the side, a cloud of black smoke was floating two feet above the ground. A pitch black foot with four clawed toes in the front and one in the back came out of the bottom of the cloud. The second foot came with the rest of the humanoid creature, it had pitch black skin in the same areas Skyler did, with claws on her hands as well. It was a female form in a sleeveless black dress that had a wet oily texture and went down to her shins. The humanoid woman had a black mask on, her piercing eyes were black where its whites should have been, and the iris had no striations. The outer layer of color was a creamy yellow, it stopped in a perfect hard outline for the white color on the inner part of the iris. Two long thin and sharp black horns stuck out from behind the upper back part of the helix of her ear in a sixty degree angle, and was seven inches long. Her skin was a sickly gray color and had darker blemishes sparsely dotting her skin. “Oh shit no, I’m out,” Wira said, her voice trembling, she quickly stood up and bolted out of the temple. “Where are you going? Come back!” Gabrielle shouted back at her, she hadn’t let go of Skyler’s wrist, to make sure that he knew that she was still focusing on him. “Who is that?” Skyler turned towards the mysterious and woman, who was demonic in appearance. “A friend,” The woman said, her voice was smooth like honey, her slightly higher pitch made her voice sound light and unintimidating. “If you were a friend, Wira wouldn’t have bolted. I know she has a good sense of who is bad and who isn’t.” Skyler frowned and turned towards the woman with the sickly sweet voice. “You should trust me, unlike that girl there. She’s dangerous, you should kill her before she kills you.” The mystery woman gestured towards Skyler, and he gripped his head again, a pained expression etched into his face. “Hey! What are you doing to my nephew, asshole?” Elaine got up and went over to the woman in a stride. Once she got close enough, she shoved the woman. Elaine’s lips curled in a snarl, her fangs in full view. “Who the fuck are you?” The woman said, her voice went from sweet to a demonic growl in no time flat. “I should be asking you the same thing, bitch.” Elaine put the back of her left hand up to her breast, and her other hand directly under in a loose fist. Sigils materialized from her left palm and a bastard sword materialized. She brandished it, and pointed it at the woman. “Fucking again? I’m sick of this.” Skyler was frowning as much as he could, his hands were no longer on his head, they were balled into fists at his sides. “Drop it.” The woman gestured towards Elaine. After a few seconds of nothing happening, Elaine burst into maniacal laughter. “You think you can manipulate me? My mind needs to be an impenetrable fortress, using the kind of magic I do. Black magic usually drives people nuts, and I’ve learned how to use extremely powerful black magic spells without a single thing happening to my mind.” Elaine boasted, her snarl turned into a toothy and prideful grin. “Fuck, I’ve had enough of this.” The woman raised her hand and brought it down, a translucent white residual version of her arm where it was before she brought it down appeared, and stretched upwards and forwards in an unnatural manner. The stretched version of the woman’s arm narrowly missed Elaine, who leaned backwards to avoid it, leaned back too far and fell back onto her rear end. “Elaine, don’t! She’s dangerous with that power!” Skyler shouted towards Elaine, who was in the process of getting up. She rubbed her rear end, her smile faded as soon as the strange stretchy arm came down, it went right through her sword so it was impossible for her to defend herself. “No, fuck that! I’ll kill her anyways!” Elaine pointed her sword towards the woman again. “No, you have to run!” Skyler put his hands out in front of himself, to gesture for her to stop. “Stop it!” Gabrielle shouted and closed her eyes. A translucent orb of magic with golden sigils encased her, and an area of the orb that was facing the woman lit up. Skyler pulled his hand away from the area just in time before a beam of light shot out from the orb, hitting the woman. An ear piercing screech rang out and a sizzling noise accompanied the cooking of the woman’s flesh under the light magic. The beam stopped and the woman was covered with burns, and smoke was slowly rising from her body. Elaine walked up to her and pushed her over. She stepped on the woman’s chest and pointed her bastard sword at her neck. “Serves you right.” Elaine leaned over the charred body below her. “Fuck this thing.” Skyler reached back and turned the machine off and promptly lifted it off his shoulder. He raised it up over his head. Gabrielle grabbed his arms and kept him from throwing the machine on the ground. A loud screeching noise came from the woman as she dissipated into ash, Elaine’s foot landing on the floor. “No, don’t! We need it!” Gabrielle squeaked. “I’ve had ten lifetimes worth of that shit and I don’t want to go through another second of it again.” Skyler kept trying to throw the machine, but Gabrielle was pulling back on his arms, making it impossible for him to throw it. “She’s right, you shouldn’t destroy it. It’s the only thing that will bring you and Wrackivorn onto the same playing field.” Zlyena walked up to them, and stopped a few feet away. “Fine, I won’t. But I’m not using this fucking thing unless I absolutely have to.” Skyler let the machine down slowly, and Gabrielle let go of her grip on his arms. “That’s the idea. I’m thinking maybe Gabrielle needs some training to counter that Aspect’s appearance.” Zlyena gestured with an open hand towards Gabrielle. “Sure, if it’ll make Skyler feel safer when he uses it.” Gabrielle turned towards her, and she smiled and nodded in return. “Well, if you don’t need me anymore, I’m going to slip back into my office before Kalan finds out I’m gone.” Elaine turned around and walked out. “I’ll have to do the training either here or after I get off work or I have a day off, I can’t forgo work for training.” Gabrielle extended an open hand, gesturing with her head for Zlyena to shake it. “Deal, Skyler already gave me your number so I’ll call you sometime tonight before you go to bed.” Zlyena grabbed her hand and shook it, a smile still on her face. She let go of Zlyena’s hand and turned to Skyler, who returned her gaze with a nervous smile, he turned to pick up his clothes, and put down the machine that he now hated, even though it was the only thing that could help him stop Wrackivorn. The weird woman freaked her out, but she was glad that Elaine was there to help, and that she had enough power to stop the woman from hurting anyone. She wondered what that weird ability that woman used was, and why Skyler was able to recognize it enough to determine how bad the situation was. She was thankful that someone was going to help her out with training besides the Mystic, who she rarely saw nowadays. She wondered how one woman was so ingrained in the lives of everyone important to her. She thought about how nice it was that Zlyena helped out so many people, and thought she should try to be more like her in the future.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2549", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - The Machine", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Today was the day, the day that Glitch would disappear forever. Wira told him the time frame of when he would be gone. He returned to the Mainframe, and didn’t see Glitch anywhere. Did he disappear already? He remembered getting random mood swings in the past mirrored with the time Glitch lost a limb, but he didn’t feel any different today. He kept walking, he knew there was a barrier Wira put up to keep him from going to different zones, and he wasn’t about to take a risk going into those sprawling hallways that his mother had constantly gotten lost in before. He got to the halfway point and still nothing. If he wasn’t there, but he wasn’t feeling aggravated, where was he? He wasn’t mad, just really confused. He arrived at the edge of the entrance zone, and found nothing. He turned around, thinking he would see nothing. There were two figures off in the distance. One was lying down, and one was looming over them. He quickly walked towards the two figures. As he got closer, he could see the figure looming over the other one had blonde hair, and the rest of her was white. Was it his mother, Deeana? He ran the rest of the way there. He could see an incomplete body made of metal, the same materials that WireGirls were made of, but he recognized the arms and legs, those belonged to Glitch. What were Glitch’s limbs doing on a metal body? Why was his mother there? “Mother?” He slowed down and put his hands to his knees, panting. “You’re just in time.” She turned towards him. She had something under her arm. It was a head made of metal, with very recognizable hair and mouth. “What-” Before he could say anything, she walked over and placed the head on the headless body. It clicked into place, and the body whirred to life. It lifted its hands and opened it’s eyes. “Mother? What… What’s going on? Why aren’t I dead? Why do I feel again?” Glitch was confused and visibly pained. His mother took a wire exactly like Wira’s from her makeshift belt of bandages, and stuck it onto his head, sticking the other end onto the back of his neck. “Why the fuck are you doing this?” Drake was enraged, he hated Glitch with all his might, and didn’t want to see him survive. “I wasn’t about to let another one of my children die.” She turned to Drake, stone faced. “He killed people! Lots of people! Not on accident, either! And he never felt one bit of remorse!” He angrily pointed to Glitch, who was in the process of sitting up. “I refuse to lose another child.” Not once did she soften her glare. “He has to die! Don’t you understand that?” He only relented because Glitch was going to be gone soon, now he felt that he needed to take matters into his own hands. “I won’t let you hurt him.” She threw up her hand, and a few red pentagram sigils materialized in front of her. “Why are you protecting him? You want to save people, right? Then saving him would bring harm!” He looked on in disgust as he saw Glitch get up and dust himself off. “You think I don’t feel any remorse? After what I had realized?” Glitch turned to Drake, a mix of confusion and agony etched into his face. “Don’t lie, I know you more than anyone else, you said the same to me, remember?” He didn’t believe Glitch, who had previously defended his reasons for killing people constantly. “Don’t come any closer!” She held her hand out further and the sigils started to spin “Why would you threaten to attack me like this? I’m not going to hurt you, I’m only after him! Don’t believe him!” He couldn’t believe that his own mother would do such a thing as attack him to defend Glitch. “I’m not lying, I have no need to. People change, Drake.” Glitch adjusted his shirt. “Are you saying that because she would defend you anyways? Aren’t you pissed off too? Didn’t you want to die?” He was brimming with rage, how could this happen? Why would his mother prevent Glitch from dying? He just couldn’t understand. “I did, want to die but I’m guessing this new body is immortal, and only the weapon Wira created can take me out. And I know she wouldn’t because I’m complete again, so I’m shit out of luck too here.” Glitch put a hand to his head. “So you’re just going to let this slide then?” He didn’t know what to do anymore, he was so confused and angry and nothing made sense. “Yeah, I’m going to have to keep on living. I would have preferred that she didn’t install a heart though.” Glitch clutched his chest. “Please, I didn’t want him to die, because he isn’t less precious than you, and you are not less precious than him. All my children are equally precious, and I couldn’t, I just couldn’t lose him...” His mother’s bandages under her eyes started to stain red as she cried tears of blood. “You can’t honestly believe that I’ll accept this, can you? I killed him because he was too dangerous, if I use the machine, he’ll come back, do you honestly want that to happen?” He knew that the machine, even though it had limited charges, could bring Glitch to Elega, or even the real world. “I won’t do anything to any innocents anymore, I already have enough innocent lives under my belt to live with.” Glitch slowly shook his head. “How am I supposed to believe you?” He needed proof to know that Glitch would not harm anyone else. “You’ll have to trust me.” Glitch looked down with a defeated expression. “I don’t know if I can.” He was slightly willing to give him the benefit of the doubt because of how his mother was acting, it tugged at his heart strings. “Ask her, the girl.” Glitch looked back up at Drake. “Her name is Lunara, she has a name.” He didn’t want Glitch to know Lunara’s name, but it had already slipped out. “Ask her what she feels about it, if you won’t listen to me, please, listen to her instead,” Glitch said. “Whatever.” Drake tried to get Lunara to see his side, but it was no use, he already knew what she would say, but he planned to ask her anyways. Drake angrily reached behind his neck and unplugged himself. He gasped and awoke, and turned to see Lunara reaching towards the device. “How many times do I have to tell you not to come here?” He sat up and glared at her as he removed the device from his neck. “You’re always in there, though. I told you that if you wanted to keep me away from the Mainframe, you had to go out more, and your father says you’ve barely left your room, so...” She sighed. “So I have a problem. Glitch isn’t going to disappear, and I don’t know what to do. Mother is protecting him, and he asked me to ask you if he has it in him to hurt anyone else after trying to strangle you.” He didn’t see the problem in just coming out with the information right then. “I know he doesn’t. Not just because most of him has been re-absorbed into you, but because he’s learned that not everyone feels like he does.” She looked at him sternly. “So you’re saying I should trust him.” He rubbed his upper arm and lowered his head. “Trust that he won’t hurt anyone else? Yes.” She nodded. He still hated glitch with a passion, but he had people that cared for him, both Lunara and his mother, so there must be some redeeming qualities about him, somewhere. “I don’t know if I can, after all he’s done.” He was still very sore about the death of Marissa, even after all those years. “I understand why you still hate him, but he’s you as much as you are him. I was scared of what would happen to you if Glitch died.” She reached out and grabbed his arm. “I’m sure I would have been fine.” He turned away. “I’m not certain either one of us could have been sure,” she said. “Nothing in this world is certain.” He looked back at her. “I get that, but I didn’t want you losing a part of yourself to be a risk,” she said. “If it meant never seeing him again, I wouldn’t have minded.” He huffed. “I don’t know if it’ll offend you but I’ll say it anyways, I’m glad he’s not dead.” She sighed. “Sometimes I think you prefer him over me.” He frowned at her. She had such a bleeding heart for Glitch. “He’s you though, I like you and him equally. He just doesn’t push me away like you do,” she said. “I’m not pushing you away, I warned you like once. I just didn’t want you to go into the Mainframe anymore.” He understood that he was addicted to being there, but now that Glitch wasn’t going to die, he didn’t know if he wanted to continue visiting all the time. “I told you, you’re there all the time.” She lifted her arms slightly and pumped them out to her sides once with her fists balled. “I most likely won’t keep up the same routine now that Glitch is alive and well.” He put a hand to his head. “Let me know when you’re about to go out, you know, with that phone Pain gave me.” She fished out the purple flip phone from her dress pocket and held it out in front of herself. “Your number is already in my phone’s database, mine should be in there too. I’ll let you know.” He turned and walked out. He retreated back to the clock tower. He recalled every step he took inside the now empty halls, and flashes of Marissa’s face came to him every once and a while when he walked up, causing him physical pain as he clutched his tightened chest. He didn’t know what to do, and quietly wished Marissa was still there to help him. It comforted as well as hurt him, looking over the balcony.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2571", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Plugged In", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
After the rest of the Mole Darklings were cleared, they continued on through the caves. “I wonder why they just suddenly stopped coming.” Gabrielle turned to Skyler. “They have pockets of activity, we might hit another pocket but I’m not sure.” Skyler looked just as confused as she was. “Don’t fall.” Fira was letting Lunara hang onto her as they scooted past the giant hole in the center of the room, leaving only a small bit of room to cross. Lunara made a small yelp noise as her foot slipped, she regained her footing, but not before almost taking Fira down with her. “So we may not see any more of them?” She yanked on his sleeve. “We may, we may not, I’d prepare for the former.” Skyler raised his lower arm blade and it morphed into a shotgun. “So, how exactly do you remember what the entirety of a shotgun is like? You know, to be able to turn your hand into one.” She pointed to it. “Lots of studies, you’d be surprised on how many times I got it wrong. Sometimes some pieces fell off or it’d blow up in my face.” He smiled awkwardly and imitated a cloud of smoke with his hand and shotgun. “How long did it take for you to perfect it?” She poked the cold steel of the barrel. “A few months. Come on, we should get going now.” He looked back at Fira and Lunara who had just crossed. “Alright.” She smiled and walked around, then grabbed his other hand. “You don’t need to hold my hand you know, I don’t own you.” He looked at her, visibly confused. “But I love you.” She tried to make puppy dog eyes at him. “I know. I just… Public displays of affection when we’re in danger?” He gave a confused frown. “It’s to help me feel safe.” She pouted. “I see, alright, just letting you know it isn’t a requirement.” He shrugged. She smiled and hugged his arm. “I wish Drake would let me hold his hand like that.” Lunara sighed “Aw, I’m sure it’ll work out in the end, Lunara.” Fira patted Lunara on the back. “I’ll put in a good word for you.” Skyler looked forward and winked. He spread his wings and gestured for Gabrielle to get on his back. She hopped on, and he glided over the hole quickly. They landed, and he let her off, she immediately grabbed his hand afterwards, and he let out a small chuckle. “You just can’t get enough of me, can you?” He shook his head slowly as he put his wings away. “Nope.” She gave her head two quick shakes. “I miss Pain already.” Fira whined. “We’ll be there in a bit, just a small walk through these caves and up the canyon and we’re there.” He pointed into the darkness. “Let’s go then.” She quickly but carefully walked forward. They quietly continued through the caves, stopping every time they heard a skittering noise. She held her breath in those moments, and slowly let her breath out each time the danger passed. She didn’t want to pass out in the middle of such a big quest, and was worried that if she had to cast one more spell that she’d faint again. They got to a small opening in one of the cave walls. “This should be it.” Skyler morphed his lower arm back to normal and put his glove back on, and stepped forward. He knelt down and squeezed through the hole. Once he arrived at the other side, his hand came back through and he made a gesture signaling to follow him. Gabrielle looked to Lunara and Fira, who all looked at each other. She turned back and proceeded to squeeze through after him. She popped out on the other side, and surprisingly, there were little black plants and a large expanse of black grass. Skyler outstretched his hand since she was still knelt down. “Oh it’s so pretty here, why haven’t you shown me this?” She asked as she took his hand and was helped up. “I was going to once you got more in tune with your abilities, since it’s pretty dangerous here.” Fira was the one who went through next, and then Lunara, who fell on her backside once she popped out. Fira helped Lunara back up and patted her on the back. “Why is it so dangerous here?” She reflexively grabbed Skyler’s hand. “Because a very powerful Darkling roams around here, and I didn’t want you to meet up with him.” He turned to her, visible worry on his face. “I’m sure we’ll be fine, I have you, remember?” She made her grip on his hand more snug. “I’m not sure if that’ll be enough, unless I use the machine.” He slowly shook his head again. “Oh… I didn’t think that he’d be that hard to beat.” She knew Wira gave him that super weapon for no other reason than to beat Wrackivorn, and using it on another enemy would probably be a bad idea since Wira did say that it had limited charges. “Yeah, I’m not kidding, that was to put it into perspective.” He shivered. “He must really be strong to make you scared like that.” She took her thumb and started to stroke his thumb with it. “I just hope we don’t meet up with him.” He sighed “I hope so too.” She nodded They continued up the canyon and crunched through the dry grass. She wondered if there were any Darkling Fleas that would infest her clothes, and prayed that that wasn’t the case. She didn’t want to ask Skyler since it seemed like such a silly question to ask, especially in front of Fira and Lunara, so she just hoped that there weren’t Darkling versions of fleas in Elega. The ground rumbled, and a large golem made out of black stone with black wood for a head and large branch horns rose from the ground. “Who dares?” The golem boomed. “Oh shit, it’s him,” Skyler whispered hoarsely. “Uh, H-hello, we just want to get past.” Gabrielle said meekly. “Oh, so you aren’t here for a fight? Prove it.” The golem’s round eye slots squinted. “Over here, Look!” Skyler shouted up at the golem and waved his arms, then turned around and pointed at the back of his neck. “Ah, a union. I see. Very well, you may pass.” The golem turned around and walked away. Skyler wiped his brow and let out a phew. “Holy fucking shit that was close.” Skyler shook a little still. “He seemed nice.” She put a hand to her mouth. “I didn’t know if he was the type to like or hate a Darkling who was in union with someone from the light side.” He let out a sigh of relief. “I thought you knew everything about this place.” She wondered if his knowledge was really that expansive about his own land, even though he had been there for years. “I barely even talk to the guy, and I was afraid he was going to get angry and try to squish us. He’s basically elder god tier powerful, and I don’t want to mess with that,” he said. “Oh, I’m surprised you’ve been here before, what with all the mole boys here.” She wondered if he had to constantly fight his way through to get there. “I usually go around, away from the Mole Darklings, also I can fly, remember?” He pointed to his back. “Oh yeah! I’m sorry, I’m just a little spacey.” She chuckled and put a hand to her head. “I can tell, you take a load off, don’t push yourself too hard, okay?” He grabbed her hand and held it in hers. “Aw, thank you.” She smiled and snuggled up to him. The flora and fauna of the canyon was quaint, there were small animals all around. She was surprised as they looked fluffier than she thought they would be. She then noticed one other one that was limping coming up to one. They both looked like larger, fluffier hedgehogs. The one that was originally by one of the wilted trees started to eat the sick one, the sight of it made her stomach turn. “They may look cute, but they’re rabid.” Skyler slowly shook his head again. “I don’t think I’d want to domesticate them anymore.” She shuddered. “Oh, horrible.” Lunara looked away in disgust. “Yuck.” Fira gagged. They continued past the disgusting scene, and up to a barren cliff. The ground was pointy and sharp, and puffs of black dust came up over their feet with each step. “We’re almost there, look.” Skyler pointed in front of himself. They had reached the top of the canyon, and in front of them was the sanctuary, just out of reach. “I’ll go on ahead.” Fira started to run towards the building. “Wait.” Skyler grabbed Fira’s arm. “What is it?” Fira turned around, surprised. “You don’t know how dangerous it is around here now, you can’t be going off by yourselves anymore. Stay with the group.” He let go of her arm. “Alright, I just… I wanted to see him as soon as I could.” Fira pouted. They walked to the sanctuary and went in. Fira immediately rushed to Pain and tackle hugged him. “I’m so glad you’re here, I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t” Fira sniffled as she held back tears. “It’s alright, I’m not going anywhere.” Pain embraced Fira. Lunara ran up to Drake but then stopped right in front of him. “Are you… Doing okay?” Lunara asked, her gaze averted. “Yeah, I’m alright.” Drake nodded. “That’s good.” Lunara played with her dress. “Alright, we have time for random stuff later, right now, we need to figure out what we should do.” Gabrielle waved everyone down. “I’m thinking we should just go straight for the castle, but we should also get to the Gravekeeper Darklings hideout on the way, they like me.” Skyler smiled. “Oh? That sounds good, what do you guys think?” She turned to the others. “I’m in, what about you, Pain?” Drake turned to Pain “I’m in as well. Girls?” Pain looked to Fira and Lunara. “Sounds good to me.” Fira nodded. “I’m in too,” Lunara whispered. “Well, that’s settled then. Should we head out now?” Gabrielle looked back to Skyler. “Yeah, I think we should.” He nodded slowly They all agreed to head out after they got ready. Everyone summoned their weapons and headed out. The evening sky was full of dark clouds, telling that rain was off in the distance. They stepped out into the cold dreary air again, and the overall energy of the place hit her again like a ton of bricks. The dark energy that the land radiated was heavy on her, and she was afraid she would be consumed by it. She fiddled with the markings on her finger, she hoped and prayed that Skyler’s mark would protect her from the forces of darkness.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2576", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Night Chasers Part 2", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle walked into work, and as soon as she walked in, she saw Skyler and Dr. Gage inside talking about something. “Oh, hello you two!” She said as she checked in. “No, don’t tell her, she doesn’t have to know.” She heard Dr. Gage whisper to Skyler. “You’re so scared of her finding out that you’d tell me to not talk about it? I decided today would be a good time for it because she can’t be kept in the dark forever.” Skyler whispered back to him. “What are you two talking about?” Gabrielle turned to them, hoping that after the debacle before, Skyler would tell her. “I’ll get Drake, she needs to know about this.” Skyler turned around and started to walk to the door. “Wait! Stop, I’ll tell her myself! Please, I wish you wouldn’t bring age into this, we all agreed that since it was her decision, we wouldn’t make a fuss about it.” Dr. Gage reached for Skyler frantically. “Gabrielle isn’t from there, you know as well as I do we need to explain it to her eventually.” Skyler turned back around and pointed at Gabrielle She was confused. Age? What about age were they talking about? “What is it?” She looked to the both of them, not sure how to feel. “Ah, um… Well you see.” Dr. Gage scratched the back of his head. “Fourteen.” Skyler spoke up. “Wait, wait! I was going to tell her! I swear! Just, give me time to think about how to say it in the right way!” Dr. gage held his hands out towards Skyler. “Fourteen?” Gabrielle had no idea what Skyler was talking about. “Okay, okay. You see…” Dr. Gage rubbed his hands together, a pained expression on his face. “What is it?” She was extremely confused, and couldn’t put two and two together. “I’m not… Originally from here, I came to Lyserge originally when I was sixteen, I made a pact with a light god that if I defeated the Destroyer that my world was being ravaged by, I’d be given a new life. There were setbacks though.” He folded his arms and looked away. “Why are you telling me all this?” She took a step forward, wondering what that had to do with anything. “The big setback was I was unable to have children, in exchange for the power to defeat the Destroyer.” He looked back at her and then let out a concerned sigh. “Oh… But Drake exists though, so that’s not true, is it?” She didn’t understand what he was getting at at all. “You see, I’m from another dimension entirely, and the rules are different there. I didn’t know that… I didn’t know when I came here things would be different. I had to change mine and Deeana’s age so we would not get in trouble here. I gave Jack this talk as well, when he found out out of boredom.” He gave Jack an awkward wave, and Jack waved back, then looked back to the screen. “Trouble? Age? You don’t mean… How old were you two?” She felt her face crinkle into a grimace, she was staunchly committed to eighteen being the legal age of consent, and anything under that made her skin crawl. “I hope you won’t look at me any different, I had no idea what I was getting into when I came here. I sort of… Surprised Zlyena with Drake’s existence, I kept him secret from her, because I didn’t want him to know about magic until he was older.” He looked down at his feet. “Are we going through this talk because of me and Skyler being magically married?” She intertwined her fingers as she tried to not think about something she felt to be morally wrong. “Yes. It’s a family secret. I told Jack to not tell anybody. I’m from a different dimension entirely, and the age of consent there was low because people didn’t live that long back where I’m from. I had no idea things were different here, and I understand how bad it is, Zlyena made sure to tell me how big of a mistake I made, when I legitimately did not know any better.” He sighed again and rubbed his arm. “Well, if you seriously didn’t know any better, I can’t fault you for that. Is it different in Lyserge?” She stepped forward. She had only heard Skyler talk about Lyserge in off-hand comments. “Their age of consent was the same as where I was from, fourteen. When I decided to come here, I realized that it was definitely a bad idea. Zlyena explained it to me, even though Deeana grew up in Lyserge and also did not know any better either. Her sister is adamant to get it changed back to eighteen any way she can, even though she has made peace with the fact that her own sister had a child when she was younger.” He looked back up at her and let his arms fall back to his sides. “Fourteen?! Jesus… I, I don’t know, that’s…” She was mortified, even though she couldn’t fault him for what he did at that age, it still made her stomach turn. “I myself was sixteen at the time, and I would hope you won’t tell others about this, it would be quite the scandal.” He lightly put his hands out in front of himself and smiled awkwardly. “That’s a lot to take in… does Drake know about this?” She was worried about how the news would affect Drake, even though they had barely met. “That’s one of the reasons why I didn’t tell him about his mother, he resents me greatly for it, but I was only trying to protect him.” He took a step back and put a hand to his face. “How was Drake even able to be… You know.. Born?” She furrowed her brow, unsure as to how it all happened. “His mother is the only survivor of a ritual that I’d rather not talk about. A side-effect of the ritual’s failure was her gaining the Azoth, which is the alchemical holy grail. It gives the holder the ability to create life from nothing. She knew about my inability to have children, and knew that she was the only one who could.” He looked to Skyler, who silently nodded back at him. “Oh, so she’s the only one who could? But why did she?” She was asking a lot of questions and she knew it, but she needed answers. “I was the only one who did not feel threatened or scared by her appearance when I first laid eyes on her. There’s a reason why her entire body is covered in bandages, and it isn’t pleasant. I found her while I was fixing the wiring below the hospital, I’ll never forget that absolutely miserable crying noise she made.” He recoiled at nothing and gripped his heart. “So she felt attached to you because of that? She did… Do it willingly, right?” Her face contorted at even the thought of it not being a willing act, on top of her being that young. “I was unwilling to do such a thing at first and had resigned myself to my fate. It took a lot of convincing from her for me to agree, we were both going through hard times, to say the least. We both had to leave our lives behind. She took me not being willing as me thinking she was too ugly to be touched, which wasn’t true, but there wasn’t much I could do to tell her otherwise. She already knew I had a hard time agreeing to trade my ability to have children for more power, so it hurt her deeply that I would refuse” He looked back to Gabrielle with a somber look on his face. “I don’t feel comfortable talking about this anymore…” She quickly walked to the doorway, but Skyler was still there. “Ah, um, Skyler… Could you move? I need to get to work.” She looked up and tried to smile. She heard a person enter the hospital behind her. She went to turn around, but Skyler put his hand on her shoulder and firmly pressed back, which kept her from turning. “Gabby, don’t look. Close your eyes.” Skyler took off his right glove, and his lower arm morphed into a shotgun. “W-What are you doing?!” She went to grab his arm but he grabbed her hand with his other arm. “Shoot already!” Dr. Gage shouted. She backed up and turned around, there was a man with a spiky green mohawk and a long beige coat that had the initials D.H on it, who was trying to stab Dr. Gage, who had his hands pressed against the blade from both sides. She heard a click behind her, and everything went black. A shot rang out, but she couldn’t see anything. When she reached for her face, she realized that Skyler’s hand was over her eyes. “What happened?! Let go!” She grabbed his hand and yanked at it, but it wouldn’t budge. “Keep your hands over her eyes until it turns yellow,” Dr. Gage said. “Fuck, more are coming. Jack, I could use a little help here.” Skyler said, and took his hand off of her face. All she could see was a puddle of clear yellow goo and clothes. She looked up at Skyler, not knowing what to think. “There… There was a guy there, but now… What’s going on here?” She looked back to Skyler’s right lower arm, which was still morphed into a shotgun. “Demon Hunters, you need to hide.” Skyler grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into the doorway. Dr. Gage ran up to them, splattered with the same clear yellow goo. “To think they’d come so quickly, now I wish I hadn’t given Madina the day off.” He grimaced and wiped some of the goo off of his face. “We know you’re in there, filthy Mags! Die like men, motherfuckers!” A man shouted at them “Mags? What are they talking about?” Gabrielle looked up at Skyler, still not able to process a lot of what was happening. “It’s a slur for anyone who uses magic or is made of it.” Skyler’s head was still turned away, his free hand balled. “Oh that’s horrible! I don’t understand that at all!” She put a hand to her face, surprised anyone would hate all magic or every magical creature. She stared at Skyler, and wondered how hard it must have been for him when he wasn’t human anymore. “I said go hide, hurry!” He looked back at her and lightly pushed her away. “No.” She gripped the sleeve of Skyler’s trench coat, she was too scared to leave, and didn’t want anything bad to happen to him. She wasn’t there for him before, and didn’t want to leave now. A man with a similar coat ran into the view of the hallway, and her vision went black again. She felt Skyler yank her to the left, then she heard another shot. “Stop it!” She was angry that Skyler was keeping her from seeing the fight even though she’s a nurse, and nurses aren’t supposed to be squeamish. She yanked at his hand again. “I don’t want you to see that,” Skyler spoke into her ear. The way he said it, half-breathless and in a low tone made her heart skip a beat. Even in moments of danger her emotions were getting the best of her. She had only known him when he was still young, him being all grown up was a foreign concept to her until recently. It was a trick of her mind but how he said those words sounded romantic and even sexual to a degree, even though it had nothing to do with what he was talking about. She snapped out of her lust-fueled daydreaming and pulled at Skyler’s arm again, it relented and she found the man had been reduced to a puddle of yellow goo and clothes like the other one. “You don’t need to do that for me, I’m a nurse, remember?” She huffed at him and gripped his hand. A sound like a machine releasing steam rang out, she wanted to look to see what it was but she did not want to stray too far from Skyler. “It’s been months, forgive me if I’m still a little rusty.” Dr. Gage smirked and in a flash of light, he summoned a lightly luminescent and transparent short sword with sigils etched onto it. The bottom part of the sword’s blade curved outward and had a circular indent slightly below the center part of the sword and in the middle of the curve. “Glad you finally had free hands to be able to do that.” Skyler sighed with a smile. Dr. Gage ran out, and she yanked on Skyler’s coat again. “Alright, stay close.” He turned to her and nodded. She took his hand and they both came out of the doorway. Jack was in the middle of fighting off a few of the Demon Hunters, his hand turned into a small jackhammer. He put it up to one of the Demon Hunter’s chest, and cylinders sprung out in a circular pattern near where his metal lower arm met flesh. With a mechanical hissing sound, the cylinders slammed back down, and the man went flying into the wall, blood spilling out of their mouth. “I could use some help here!” Jack shouted, and smacked another one of them with the metal of his arm. “I’ll clear this room real quick.” Skyler smiled, and the shotgun that his lower arm morphed into morphed into a serrated blade resembling a machete. He quickly ran towards one of them and, with one large sweeping motion, cut right through one of the men, who’s upper body slid off. “I thought you didn’t like killing?” Gabrielle walked up to him, confused, he cried about all the people he killed. “Not if they’re trying to kill me.” He looked back at her as his smile faded. Dr. Gage was up front, most of the men who came after him were already turned into yellow goo and a pile of clothes. He dug his blade into the chest of the last Demon Hunter, put his foot up to the man’s chest and pulled, the blade slicing down the man’s lower torso. Skyler took his lower arm blade and quickly stabbed into two of their chests, one that he stabbed  used a dagger and slashed at Skyler’s face. It cut into his left cheek, and black blood creeped out of the new wound. He wiped it and frowned angrily. He then turned to the last one alive, and quickly made a perpendicular slash across the man’s chest, and they fell back. “Motherfucker got me.” Skyler huffed and wiped more blood from the cheek wound. “I got a little scratched up too.” Jack turned his lower arm back to normal and raised his other arm, then pointed to bloody scratch marks. “I think it’s best if you two take the day off.” Dr. Gage turned around and, in another flash of light, the sword he was holding was gone. “Yeah, going to need to shut things down to clean up all this goo.” Jack laughed and pulled bandages out from his back pocket, and started to wrap them around the scratches. “Actually, why don’t you try your healing magic?” Skyler looked to Gabrielle and smiled. “Oh, I haven’t been able to yet… May I?” She looked up at him, and reached for his face. “Sure, just don’t burn me please.” He scrunched up in a recoiling motion. “Burn you?” She paused for a moment, and then remembered that when she used light magic last time, the darkling looking woman was burnt to a crisp. “Darkling, remember? If you use a normal light magic spell instead of a healing one, It’ll burn me.” His smile became a bit of a grimace. She closed her eyes and focused on the wound on his cheek. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes, and found that only a bit of blood remained of the wound. “Oh, good. I was scared you were going to scorch me for a second.” Skyler laughed awkwardly and wiped the remaining black blood off his cheek. She turned to Jack, who put the bandages back into his back pocket and walked up to her. “I guess it’ll save on bandages.” Jack shrugged and smiled, then put his left arm out. She held her hand out towards the scratch marks and closed her eyes, then focused again for a few seconds. She opened her eyes again and all that was left was the blood that was already outside of his body. “Thanks, you two should go home, I’ll clean up.” Jack nodded and walked past them. “Oh, ok. See you tomorrow.” She went up to the front and clocked back out. “I’ll go talk to Drake if he isn’t plugged in, though it would explain why he didn’t come to see what the commotion was.” Skyler turned around and kissed her on the forehead, and then walked to the other doorway. “Ok, see you tonight.” She awkwardly turned around and walked out while stepping over the yellow goo and piles of clothing. She got into her car and went home. Thinking about how happy Skyler was to kill, she never thought he had a violent bone in his body. He had killed Darklings in front of her before, but never Demon Hunters, even though they most certainly were not human. She did remember he had killed before, but thought that he wouldn’t be happy to do something like that. It was on her mind even when she was about to go to sleep, the reality of the man she loved enjoying taking the lives of others was something she would have trouble getting over.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2557", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - The Man From Another Dimension", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle was coming back to the castle after a scouting mission. She was surprised she didn’t see Skyler earlier, and was worrying that he may have gotten in trouble. She felt an instant rush of relief when she saw Skyler standing outside the gate. She ran up to him and tackle hugged him, she felt him fall back but regain his balance. “Whoa, hey there!” He laughed and took his hands out of his pockets to hug her back. “Where were you this morning?” She wanted to at least know the reason why he didn’t show up when she got to Elega. “I was helping a friend with some relationship issues. He said he’d talk to Death to see what he could do.” He shrugged with his hands. “Death? As in Death himself?” She was surprised that anyone could get an audience with the grim reaper. “Pain’s a pretty high level reaper now. After Fira helped him out, he started blasting through the ranks. I think he has enough experience under his belt to talk to Death.” He nodded. “Oh, I never knew he was a reaper. Even Fira never told me about that, even though she did say he carried a Scythe with red eyes on the hilt.” She hadn’t put two and two together until just then, and it made her feel silly. “That’s fine, it’s just his job title, not actually part of who he is,” he said. “Oh, well, I’m glad he’s doing better with his job now.” She was happy his best friend was doing alright, for the most part. “Aren’t you going to ask why he needs to talk to Death?” He looked at her blankly. “I’m guessing because he’s immortal and Fira isn’t?” She guessed that anyone with pale skin was immortal, like vampires being immortal. “You’d be right.” He frowned slightly. “If that’s the case, why haven’t you worried about me?” She was very sure she was mortal, just a normal human besides having magical powers. “Shai told me you’d be let into the Veil of Light soon, and that’s not something she says lightly. Anyone in the Veil of Light becomes immortal, so I don’t really have to worry about that.” His smile returned and he patted her shoulder. “Really? I was never told about that.” She was surprised and excited at the same time. “Yeah, you growing old and dying won’t be a problem neither you nor I will have to worry about soon.” He nodded again. “So I won’t age either? I’ll be like this for all eternity?” She admitted that it seemed a bit wrong, but she also decided that, if Skyler was ageless and deathless, that she’d want to be the same too, and not leave him alone because of dying of old age. “Yep, you’ll be just like me. Ageless and deathless.” He softly sighed out of his nose. “Aren’t you scared that I’ll die before I get in?” She wondered what would happen if she didn’t make it before she could become like Skyler. “If that ever happened, you know I’d use the book to bring you back. Losing a piece of my soul isn’t anything compared to how I’d feel losing you.” His face hardened. “You mean that forbidden book? You lose a bit of your soul if you use it?” The thought broke her heart. Him sacrificing a piece of his own soul to bring her back if she died was something she didn’t want to think about. “Yes, I only know a few people who have ever used it, two of them are the ones we’re fighting against, one of them is my aunt,” he said. “You mean Elaine used it? Why?” She didn’t notice anything off about Elaine, and didn’t think that there was a piece of her soul missing. “To bring the man she loved back to life, that’s why Pain exists.” He became visibly sad. “So did Pain and Elaine ever date before that happened?” She wondered why they didn’t help Elaine when she had almost died. “Nope, he hated her.” He frowned. “Oh, but why? She’s a good person for a demon, isn’t she?” She was confused, what could have made him hate her? “For one, Elaine tried to get him to fight her by faking his girlfriend’s death, he hated her ever since, but for the most part it was the golem, who was the girlfriend, that was controlling his emotions.” He sighed and shook his head. “Golem? I never heard about that either.” She didn’t know things were so complicated between Pain and Elaine, but a golem, a creature she thought was made of stone or clay, complicated things more. “Yeah, nobody knew what she really was, she fooled me too,” he said. “She must have hid herself very well.” She trusted Skyler, enough to know that he would have found out at the slightest hint of the golem’s true self. “She did, anyways let’s go inside, it’s pretty chilly out here.” Skyler gestured towards the gate. Gabrielle told the guards up top to open the gate. They walked in, and she reached out and held his hand. He turned to her, and she turned back with a smile. They walked into the castle, and she let him to her new room. “Wow. I thought you said you only had a small bed in a tiny room?” He looked amazed. The room was large and regal looking, The entire room was ornate, the checkerboard tiles and candlelight gave it almost an otherworldly look. The heavy golden curtains blocked out all the light of the outside world. There was a king sized bed covered in golden cloth as well. “That was the old room, they gave me a new one.” She was given a new one since she showed them how far she had come in terms of training. She had to explain to Shai she got her training from Zlyena, and even though Shai looked slightly angry, she begrudgingly let her continue to train her. “You must have come far for them to give you the VIP treatment.” He smiled at her. “They said they’d bring us food, I ordered food for two, by the way.” She put her hands behind her back. She hoped so much that he would show up that she even ordered dinner ahead of time. “You were expecting me, weren’t you?” He chuffed. “It was wishful thinking at least, I know what you like, so I ordered your favorites.” She remembered all the things he said he wanted to eat, but couldn’t because his family didn’t have enough money. He would bring a coupon book to school and drool over all the food he couldn’t afford. She used to sneak him out over to her place so she could have her parents feed him, because she knew that he wasn’t having dinner. She always used to make him lunches and bring them to school so he could eat, too. He couldn’t even afford cafeteria food, he depended on her for so much, it hurt when she had to leave. “Just like old times.” He gazed at her lovingly. “It should be here any minute now.” Her heart stopped for a moment because of the way he looked at her, and she peeked out of the door. She wondered when the butler would be arriving. “You don’t have to worry about that, it’s the thought that counts.” He let out a small chuckle and grabbed her hand, and held it in hers. “You must be hungry though, I hope they come soon.” She led him to the medium sized table that had two chairs that was in front of the bed. She wondered if he could feel her quickening pulse as he held her hand. “Alright.” He sat down, and slowly let go of her hand. “I’m sure they’ll be here shortly.” She sat opposite him, and adjusted her dress. There was a knock at the door. She perked up and quickly tapped her way over. She swung open the door, and a butler stood there with a silver platter with a large silver lid. “Your dinner, madame” The butler lightly bowed. “Oh, it’s not just for me, it’s for my bo- I mean, husband, as well.” In her romantic trance she had forgotten for a second she was magically married to Skyler. “Wait, did you just call me your husband?” Skyler piped up, she turned to him and he had a deer in the headlights expression on his face. “Well, you did tell me we’re married, at least magically.” She shrugged, She didn’t think it was that big a deal to correct herself. “Y-Yeah but.” He rubbed the back of his head, still looking stunned. “No buts, you’re the one who told me, so we are.” She jutted her head forward. He was the one that the ritual was for, for the most part, and she didn’t want him to feel like she was going to break up with him at any moment. “A-Alright.” His face flushed gray. “Excuse me, madam, you and your betrothed’s food.” The butler interjected. “Oh, yes, right this way.” She turned back to the butler and gestured for him to come in. The butler brought the platter in, and placed it on the table. “Your meal, ladies and gentlemen.” The butler took the lid off. A meaty smell assaulted her senses, there was steak, a large turkey, and a succulent honey smell coming from the ham. There was sides of fruits, veggies and greens but the big hitters were the slabs of meat. “It’s like the coupon book came to life.” Skyler gulped and mumbled. “Drooling yet?” She grinned over the rising steam coming off the plate. “Y-yeah.” His eyes were glued to the table. “Bon Appetit” The butler nonchalantly rattled off and turned and walked out. “Well, what are you waiting for? Dig in!” She giggled, he was still staring at the plate like he was under a spell. “O-oh, yeah.” He snapped out of it and grabbed the fork and steak knife beside him, and started to cut into the turkey. She turned to the same utensils and picked them up. She went for the ham instead, and left him to the turkey. She placed a slice of it on her plate, grabbed a bit of fruit and put that on the plate as well, and then started to eat. He was eating through the turkey at an alarming pace. It almost looked like he wasn’t even breathing in between bites, besides when he grabbed the cup of ice water and took a swig. She shook her head ever so slightly, he was a demon, so of course he would be partial to meat. The room was silent besides the active chewing noises coming from the both of them. She couldn’t help but smile as she chewed. Even though he was mostly focused on the food, he would look up from the table at her with sparkling eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She covered her mouth, since there was still a piece of ham she was working on. “You do so much for me all the time. You’re so generous and all, and I'm just, I’m in awe,” he said after he swallowed a mouthful of turkey. “Oh please, it’s nothing.” She gulped down the piece of meat she was eating and laughed. “No, I mean it, I didn’t expect anything like this.” He stopped eating for a second, even though he had a piece of meat floating in front of his face on top of his fork. “It’s just food, you don’t need to be this surprised.” She didn’t know what brought this up, was it the fact that she called him her husband? “I haven’t had the pleasure to eat like this for most of my life, you know, this is something big for me,” he said after inhaling another bite of turkey. They continued eating until all of it was gone. She would laugh at the occasional burp Skyler would do, he looked embarrassed each time, but she thought it was funny. The butler came back and took the leftover bones and bits of green that were on the plate out the door, along with the utensils and half-empty glasses. “You ate like a starved animal.” She laughed, impressed with how fast he powered through the meal. She was mesmerized by him the entire time. “H-Hey, come on now.” He flushed gray again and rubbed his upper arm. “Come on nothing, you could eat an entire horse in half an hour.” She smiled and flopped onto the bed. “I wasn’t eating that fast! Was I?” He put his hands back in his pockets. “I could have timed you, that was world record breaking amounts of eating speed. I was floored.” She chuffed. He was one to eat like he hadn’t eaten in days, but he was gulping his food down so fast that she had only seen him eat like that once before. “Really?” He didn’t seem to believe that. “Yes, really.” She lifted her head back up and got onto her elbows. “Let’s hope demon metabolism is higher than human metabolism.” He meekly played with his hands. “Did you completely forget the all you can eat buffet incident? You ate enough for ten people, I was having flashbacks of that.” She poked at her head. “I was hoping you forgot about that.” He lowered his head. “If your metabolism was higher than that, you’d be one lanky guy.” She eyed him up and down. “Aren’t I already lanky looking?” He was visibly confused. “I mean James the Killer lanky.” She cupped her hand to imitate how skinny his limbs would be and moved her hand from left to right. “As if I wasn’t James the Killer enough.” He let out a single awkward laugh. She sat up and tugged on his coat sleeve. “What is it?” He looked at her hand. “Come here.” She patted the space next to herself. She couldn’t stand to be too far away from him at that moment, and she desperately wanted to be closer to him. “Okay.” He sat beside her. “How do you feel about your new body anyways?” She flicked the cloth of his coat on his chest and placed her hand slightly under the cloth. She was worried about how he was doing, on top of all the other, more lewd things she was thinking of. “It’s been a few years, so I’m fine with it now. I had real bad alien limb syndrome but with my entire body for a while after, but that’s gone.” He put his hand on hers. “Are you… Sensitive about it?” She put her other hand on his inner thigh. She wanted him so badly, but didn’t know how else to convey it without sounding needy. “What exactly are you getting at?” He looked down at the hand she had on his thigh, his cheeks went gray. “I was asking because I’ve been worried about how you’ve been adjusting to it, what with the scars and all.” She lightly brushed her hand up and down his thigh. “I’m thinking you’re worried about something else, how… You know… It, looks.” He pointed down. “Oh, no, I wasn’t going to ask about that.” She took her hand off his leg. She felt conflicted, she wanted him and yet she didn’t want to let him know for various reasons, one of them being that she didn’t want to seem needy. “Oh, I thought you were. I uh, I can’t really control receiving your feelings if they are this strong, you know.” He pointed to the back of his neck. She was found out, her cover was blown. Her whole face went hot and she pulled her hand out from under his, and put it on her chest. Her heart was beating out of control, she was having a very hard time controlling her feelings for him. “You act different to how you feel, and it confuses me. You need to be more honest about what you really feel.” He slowly looked up at her. “Let’s do it, then.” She raised her hand back up at him and started to take off his coat. She was already found out so there was no use holding back. “Wait, what?’ His eyes went wide. “You want me to be more honest, so I will. I’m not joking.” She worked on taking off the other sleeve of his coat. “I thought you said that-” “I did, but that was because I didn’t want to admit we were married yet.” She let go of his sleeve and it flopped onto the bed behind him. “Are you sure?” He relaxed his eyes but he still had a stunned look on his face. “I’m going to explode, please, don’t keep me waiting for an answer.” Her whole body was hot, and she felt like her heart was going to bust it’s way out of her chest with how hard it was pounding. “Aren’t you going to ask me if I’ve done it before or not?” His stunned look turned into one of concern. “Are you comfortable sharing that with me?” She wasn’t going to ask him about his past endeavors, but he was the one who brought it up. “Would it make you feel better if I said I got checked and it came out clean?” He lightly scratched his chest. “You know I haven’t done anything at all that wasn’t with you, so I think that settles it.” She put her hand back on his thigh. She wanted him so badly she could barely contain herself. “Well, alright.” He turned his body towards her and leaned in. The heat radiating from her body was matched with his, and as soon as she felt it, her body got even hotter. There was a long silence, her heart was like a battering ram trying to break out of her rib cage. “You promise you’ll be gentle?” She placed her hands on his chest. “I promise.” He nodded and wrapped his hands around her waist. The rest of the night was a blur, but the image of Skyler’s bare chest was burned into her mind. The single black scar that ran from the center of his lower abdomen, where his belly button was, down to his right hip looked deep in the center, and she found herself reaching out and touching it from time to time. He assured her that it was fine, but to her it still looked like it hurt. She also found herself reaching up and touching the scar on his eye as well. He had to constantly say he was fine, but that wasn’t the reason why she would touch his scars. She wanted to make him feel better, and she thought her touch would somehow soothe him. The next thing she knew she was fast asleep in his arms. For someone with ghost white skin, he was very warm.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2568", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - A Romantic Evening", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
It had been a week since Pain last met Fira, but the gesture she made towards him was on his mind constantly. Was it flirting? Or was she looking for safety? He lay in his bed in Purgatory most of the day for each day ever since, his brain and his heart conflicted with each other. He sat up on his twin sized bed and decided that he had to do something, or he’d be thinking about it for the rest of his deathless life. He checked his phone, it was night time on Earth, so Fira should have been in Elega by then. He slid off the bed and used his phone to open up another portal, then walked through it. He arrived right outside the abandoned temple, and used his half-ghost powers to float upwards into the sky. His wings were useless but at least he was able to use being in between the spirit realm and the physical realm to his advantage. As he surveyed his surroundings while being a good ways up, he noticed something different about the land near the border. He decided to take a closer look, cutting through the air quickly as he swooped past. As he got closer, the many shapes of a large mob of darklings came into view. He narrowed his eyes in frustration, what was it this time that caught their attention? It didn’t take long for him to be above the group. What was happening below made him angry. Fira was there, her sword cutting through small swathes of darklings, but every swing that took a few out, more jumped in to replace the ones that were lost. “Come on! How many of you jerks are there? I’m just trying to get through!” Fira shouted breathlessly. “What do you think you assholes are doing?” Pain boomed,  folding his arms and glaring down at all the darklings below. Every darkling’s head snapped up in the direction his disembodied voice came from. Their eyes went wide and their bodies became stiff, all actions they were doing were cut short, a few of them in mid jump froze up and landed like they had just turned to stone. “Death! It’s death!” One of the darklings shouted, shakily pointing towards Pain “Scatter!” Another one of them said. They all quickly dispersed at once, some even trampling over each other or pushing each other out of the way to get to the holes they live in. “Oh, it’s you!” Fira wiped the sweat from her brow and then waved at him. “Didn’t I tell you it’s dangerous here? You came back even after that monster scratched you up? Why?” Pain floated down onto his feet, his brow furrowed in concern. “Shai- I mean, my… My instructor sent me out here, she wanted me to scout the abandoned temple again.” Fira looked down as she let go of the flaming sword in her grasp, letting the light wind blow the fire away. “Didn’t you tell her what happened last time?” He put a hand on her shoulder, he didn’t want to see her get hurt again. He knew that it was futile for her to fight so many darklings at once, even if they were not that smart and went single file into her blade, they would have eventually worn her out. “Yes, but she assured me that it was a one time thing, that something like that wouldn’t happen again.” She looked away with a frown. “Believe me, I know it isn’t like that, I experienced it firsthand, you don’t want to be here.” Pain clutched his chest with his free hand, where the three cuts of the Y incision pattern on his shirt met. He felt his face contort, remembering his Y incision being ripped open by the large two sided axe that Wrackivorn brandished. He remembered having to use his scythe as a crutch to limp away from the large, pitch black centaur demon as he laughed at his agony, he recalled clutching his lower jaw prosthetic in his free hand, trying not to pass out from the intense pain he was feeling as tears clouded his vision and blood filled his throat, causing him to cough and choke while struggling to breathe. “Are you alright?” Fira said as she squeezed his hand lightly Pain snapped out of his flashback and quickly shook his head to bring himself back to his senses. “You looked like you were really bothered by something for a second there, is everything ok?” Fira was looking back up at him, her brow furrowed with concern now. “Oh, yeah, just remembering getting dethroned. That had to be one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had. Not only because it hurt, but because I let my best friend down.” Pain squeezed his eyes shut and slowly shook his head, he said he would hold throne of the Lord of Darkness for Skyler, only to be bested by Wrackivorn. Skyler was the rightful heir to the throne, not Wrackivorn, he wasn’t closely related enough to have it. He knew why it was so easy for Wrackivorn to beat him. the evil warlock that put a price on his head, and directly lead to his demise, told Wrackivorn his only two weaknesses. That was the only way he could have known, he went for both weaknesses so early on that he didn’t have enough time to react. “Dethroned? What do you mean?” He felt her hand moved up to his wrist. He opened his eyes, and remembered that she didn’t know a thing about what happened. Her ruby red eyes were catching the light of the sun behind them, they weren’t wide with shock, but slightly wider than usual. It was apparent that she was transfixed on him, and it made him nervous. He thought about pulling his hand away, but didn’t want to give her any negative signals than he already had. “I was.. For a time, the only Lord of Darkness-” Fira gave a quick gasp in response “Wait, what?!” “Let me explain, I didn’t deserve the title, I was only holding it for my best friend, the true heir to that throne.” Pain averted his eyes. It didn’t take a lot of convincing from Skyler, he only had to take one look at his bleeding bandages to understand why it was so important for him to hold his place. “You’re best friends with the actual Lord of Darkness?” Fira’s face contorted in fear before him in his peripheral, he knew he had to respond quickly. “You’ve already seen his half-brother, Drake, and the two of them are on good terms with each other.” Pain looked back at her, and looked back to see her face soften back up again. “They’re related? He didn’t seem like a bad guy, I wonder what his half-brother is like.” Fira tilted her head slightly, he had saved face in terms of his best friend, which was a relief. He parted his lips, his bottom lip made of silicon and colored the same purple as the rest of his jaw prosthetic, and exhaled out of his mouth. He was glad the war between light and darkness was almost over, the polarizing effects it has on people who would, in any other setting, get along well, weren’t helping things. “If it was so off-putting to you, why didn’t you shy away from me when you were wounded?” He wasn’t angry, he was more confused than anything else. She was giving mixed signals. Her being comfortable around him, but recoiling at any mention of the Lord of Darkness, he didn’t look like a someone from her side of the land at all, and wondered why she was giving off such mixed signals. “You’re a fallen angel though, and your wings… What’s… What’s left of them, I mean... Aren’t bat ones, so I thought you still had good standing with heaven.” She looked away from him and gestured with her hand toward his back. “You’d be correct, but I don’t look like a light magic user, now do I?” he said with a close lipped smile, his purple lower lip rising up to keep his teeth from showing. “No, but…” She squeezed his wrist lightly, and looked at the hand that was squeezing it. “And what of Elaine? The demon woman from before? She didn’t look like she’d be on your side, but she is. You can thank her for my continued existence, she’s the reason I’m even here talking to you right now.” He stepped a bit closer to her. Her eyes widened with shock. “Oh, I… I didn’t know that! I’m terribly sorry, I just… I was trained to fight the forces of darkness, so… I’ve grown to have an aversion to Darklings and the like. Demons are different, I’d only heard stories about them, that the Lords of Darkness are descendants of them.” Fira looked back at him, her cheeks flush red with embarrassment. “It’s alright, I’m not angry at all. Actually, I want to show you something.” Pain pulled his hand back, and held his hands out. A black orb appeared and stretched horizontally, materializing his scythe. He stepped back from Fira, turned to the left, and brandished his scythe in his right hand, the red eyes that dotted the weapon staring into space. He raised his scythe, grabbed it with both hands and swung down, ripping a hole where the scythe connected in the air in front of him. “It’s just through here.” He took his left hand off his weapon and gestured towards the tear that he just made. Fira put a hand up to her mouth and stood there for a second. “What…? How did you do that?” She stepped towards it and gazed into the tear, it’s reflective surface like a mirror. “Reaper magic. Not many reapers have access to the place I opened a gateway to, it is of my own creation. I used whatever power I had leftover from my previous life that was stored up to create it. It’s very special to me, and I wanted you to see it.” Pain smiled warmly, and lowered his left arm a bit, still keeping the gesture. “That’s so sweet! I’m so flattered… But on one condition.” Fira took her hand off her face and put her hands over her dress, one hand over the other. “What is it?” He tilted his head at her, a smile still on his face. “We go in together, you being in front, and… You have to hold my hand while we go through.” Her cheeks flushed red and she brought her shoulders up to her neck while looking down. “Oh… R-really? Are you sure about that?” He felt blood rush to his cheeks and he turned his head away a little to avoid looking directly at her. “Yeah.” She extended her left arm out in front of her, her open hand waited to be grabbed. His hands fell to his sides for a moment, and he, with his cheeks still feeling hot as blood coursed through them, looked back at her. “All… Alright.” He didn’t know what else to say, but such a gesture made him start to tear up a little. Skyler was the only one who was there for him after every bad thing happened to him, and now that he has no time for him, he felt stranded. Skyler wasn’t able to be there after he was dethroned because he himself was still wounded. Her extended hand, however, was his saving grace. He quickly looked away, memorized where her hand was, and grabbed it with his right hand. He squeezed her hand with a delicate firmness, pressing down and over every area his gloved hand touched her skin. His heart was beating very fast, and was glad that he was wearing gloves, because it meant she couldn’t feel how fast his pulse was. He felt slightly dizzy for a reason that escaped him, and was glad that he had already turned his head before the dizziness hit. He said a silent prayer that his legs will work before he tried to move them. His right leg sluggishly dragged forward and to the left, and he wobbled a bit when his left foot moved to match where his right foot was going. He quickly raised his free arm to wipe away the tears before she could see, and squeezed his eyes shut again. After he took a deep breath, he let said arm fall to his side and walked forward, his knees miraculously started to work again, which was a lucky occurrence. Usually when he’s this excited, his knees will refuse to work, which made his previous relationships awkward sometimes. Was he getting better at controlling his emotions? He felt more about her than any of his other relationships, but even though his emotions towards her were so intense, he somehow fought back enough for his legs to not give way and stop working. He felt his arm pull Fira forward as he walked through the portal blindly. The feeling of her other hand grabbing his made his heart almost jump out of his chest again. He took another deep breath as he felt the purple roses that cover the ground of Purgatory crunch under his feet. He gave her hand a yank and opened his eyes, and the scenery, once it met his eyes, calmed him. Her left shoulder connected with him as she bumped into him. He let go of her hand and pulled it back, then spun around and gestured towards the scene before her as the portal behind them closed itself. The ground as far as the eye could see was covered in the same purple roses that they were standing on, A large gray castle was close by, it’s tower tops colored purple. He stepped to his left so she could see the ornate gazebo that was only a short walk to the castle, it was embellished in gold, and the mahogany wood glistened in the light of the sun. “So, what do you think?” Pain said with a smile, he had even created magical versions of the sun and moon to provide light to his world. He worked very hard to make his own special place perfect. “It’s beautiful, you made all this?” Fira put both hands to her face, eyes wide with wonder. “Yes. You’re the only human who’s stepped foot in here in a while, about two years, I think.” He turned and walked towards the gazebo, then gestured for Fira to follow him. “What other human has been here before me?” She asked, every step she took to keep up with him making a soft crunch as she stepped on the roses below. “Well, just two before you. They were… Past lovers,” Pain said as he pulled out a wooden chair as ornate as the rest of the gazebo, and sat down. He gestured to the chair next to him, inviting her to sit. “Really? So you’ve only shown your past girlfriends this place? So, does that mean…?” She stood there, an excited look on her face. He now knew that she felt the same. “I’m saying… That I really like you, and I wanted to show you this place because it might give me luck.” He felt his face heat up again, and turned his head away a bit, enough to still keep eye contact with her. He brought her to Purgatory because before, he would only bring girls there after he had already started dating them, and that maybe bringing her there before would mean they were destined to be together. If she said yes, he would do anything to keep her, and would do everything in his power to make sure that the relationship wouldn’t fall apart or that she would have to leave him. He already argued with the sun spirits about not asking Fira to join them, which they agreed that they wouldn’t. His most recent girlfriend became a moon spirit, so he was terrified that if he and Fira got together, that she would become a sun spirit and have to leave him, because spirits are not allowed to have relationships. “So… What kind of luck would liking someone need?” She said inquisitively while she smoothly walked over to the chair he was gesturing to, pulled it out and sat down. “Oh.. Well…” He painted himself into a corner, all of his previous comments came back to him all at once, he let too much of his feelings for her slip, all because of his big mouth and him not thinking straight. “Enough about that, why does your lower jaw look like that?” She put her elbows onto the table and pointed at his prosthetic jaw. “Oh, it’s a prosthetic, I lost my original one due to an… Unforeseen circumstance, one that is a very touchy subject for me. I’ll tell you someday but, not at the moment.” Pain looked away and closed his eyes, trying to force himself not to remember, to think about what’s going on right now instead. “Can you feel this?” She said, and without having time to react, he felt her hand caress his chin. “What are you…?” He opened his eyes and looked back at her, a small smile was on her face and her hand glided across the polished metal of his lower jaw. He immediately felt himself blush for the umpteenth time “Well, can you?” She asked with a giggle, her own cheeks becoming red. “Yes, I can. You’d be surprised how far technology has come in terms of sensory implants in prosthetics.” He wanted to pull her hand away from his chin, but didn’t want her to get the idea that he didn’t like her. “Then why doesn’t your jaw move?” She said and her hand moved up to where his jaw joint would have been. “They couldn’t make one that could let me do that without it hurting after a while. This one is much more comfortable.” He put a hand up to the same place on the other side of his lower jaw. “Hurt? Why would it hurt?” She pulled her hand back and her smile faded into a look of concern. “It’s complicated, long story short is the curse that keeps me in my body makes the wounds that were given to me unable to be closed and cause a lot of pain. And it only goes away with intense magical intervention. The thing holding my lower jaw in place is a special kind of magical adhesive that can essentially close the wound. The other lower jaw I use to eat and talk with can only keep the wound closed for a few hours before the adhesive starts to wear off, there’s too much movement involved there that the adhesive can’t take it… I’ve had the unfortunate experience of it slipping off before, it’s a work in progress.” He clutched his lower jaw with the hand he already had on it. “Oh, I’m… I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” She looked away with a frown. “It’s alright, don’t worry about it. I was asking the same questions too when I first got them both. The other lower jaw causes too much grief, I only use it when I’m going out in public.” He smiled at her, not a fake smile either, he remembered how nice it was sleep with his lower jaw adjustment after they found out that him not having a lower lip caused him to drool all over his bedding. “Pain! There you are!” A familiar voice called out. It was Matilda, the ghost from the middle ages that got too attached to him, so he made her his assistant. He looked over to see her floating over to the gazebo, her flowing purple dress fluttering wildly because she was gliding by so fast. Her long purple hair had gotten into her mouth, but she hadn’t seemed to notice yet. Her fair face was curled into an angry expression, making her icy blue eyes seem piercing. “What is it, Matilda? Can’t you see I have a guest?” Pain got up out of his chair, what was it now? Why was she so angry? Was it because he was neglecting his work? “It has been a whole week, you cannot keep him here forever! Only beings who understand human language can consent to staying here, remember? That is what we agreed on!” Matilda balled her fist in obvious rage. He knew who she was talking about. The cat that had been taken in a few months ago that hated humans, or anything that resembled them. His name in the book of death was Bub Roberts,the poor animal was more than mistreated by his owners, and the hate almost corrupted his soul. The last time he saw Bub, he was very loving, signaling the rehabilitation had worked. “Do we have to do this now?” He turned his head away from the both of them, embarrassed that he was shirking his responsibilities to impress the girl he liked. “You told me that you would release any spirit that was ready to be released that cannot understand human language, we have been through this a thousand times. You locked yourself in your room, which I cannot get into, for a week, and expect me to wait?” Matilda folded her arms and made an annoyed noise. “Fira, can you stay here for a bit? I need to take care of something.” He turned to Fira and put his left hand out in front of him, his palm facing her. “No, I want to go with you.” She got up and with one swift motion, grabbed his wrist. “Are you sure? I’m… Still not the best at my job, even after years of doing it. I may be the head of the reapers but… One aspect of the job still is very hard for me, and I still have trouble with it to this day. It’s hasn’t gotten better for me, even after all this time doing it.” He looked at her with desperate eyes, he didn’t want to have her see him like what he knows without a doubt he will be like when he releases Bub. “I don’t want to leave you alone like that, please let me come with you.” She looked back at him with the same desperate expression. He had two choices, risk ruining everything and brush her off, or risk ruining everything by letting her see what he’s like when it comes to reaping animals. Either one could end in less than good terms between him and Fira. On one hand, he could completely ruin any chance of a relationship with her by leaving her there; on the other hand, letting her follow him could end disastrously in terms of destroying any chance of romance. He paused, and took a moment to choose whether to leave her there or let her come with. “Alright, follow me.” He pulled his hand back and gestured for her to follow. He had decided on her being there, because if he was too afraid to show her his weaknesses, he would never fully be able to open up to her. He stepped back onto the rose covered ground, and lightly crunched his way towards the castle, the roses behind him magically regenerating themselves, only to be stepped on again by Fira, who followed close behind. He pushed the heavy wooden doors open and stepped inside. The inside of the castle looked very much like the insides of the castle on the light side of Elega, only the lighting was dimmer, and the velvet was purple, as were all the curtains. He went to the left, where he kept the animal spirits for rehabilitation. He could only handle a few at a time, the rest were in the Soul Bottle that was on his utility belt, it was a round bottle with small vertical creases in the black glass and with a dodecahedron of a crystal glass cap that kept the bottle closed. The souls inside are in stasis, so they don’t get too stressed inside. He walked into the room, and was immediately greeted by Bub, who snuggled his leg. He knew it was time, but he regretted having to leave him. Bub’s fur in his spirit cat form was light purple, as was the color of everything else on him. The lighter the purple, the purer the spirit. Bub was a dark purple when he first came to Purgatory, the anger and hate inside him made his spirit form look menacing. Now, besides the color, he looked like a normal cat. “Aw, what a cute kitty.” Fira kneeled down to pet Bub, who headbutted her hand. “Forgive me, Bub… I’ll miss you.” He said and felt his face contort into a pained expression as he materialized his scythe. “What are you doing?” Fira got up and looked up at him. “He can’t stay, I need to sever his ties to the human realm so he can go to heaven.” He gripped his scythe and tried to hold back the tears that were surely coming. “Are you crying?” She stepped closer to him, it was too late to wipe away the tears that had already formed and were cascading down his face. “Step aside, for your safety.” He pressed his eyelids together to force out the vision impairing tears. He looked at Bub, who looked at him with content eyes, not knowing what was about to happen. A hard lump had already lodged itself in his throat that made his breathing slightly labored. He held his scythe out in front of himself with his left hand, and ghostly strings that glowed with a soft white light appeared over Bub. He brought his weapon back, his hands far from steady, and with one swift motion, he cut every string. Bub laid down on his side and closed his eyes, his spirit form then slowly disintegrated. A loud clank rang out as he dropped his scythe, and it desintagrated a second after it hit the ground. He couldn’t handle the guilt and sadness that immediately overwhelmed him as soon as he cut the ties. He couldn’t see past the cloudiness of his tears, but he heard Fira’s footsteps quickly coming towards him. He fell forwards, just in time for her to catch him. He sobbed openly, and put his arms around her as he hid his face in her shoulder. “It’s ok, he’s in a better place now.” Fira reached behind him and patted his back. “It’s so hard. They don’t… They don’t understand! I can’t tell them how much I love them, that’s why it hurts so bad! If only they could understand what I say, it wouldn’t be like this!” He communicated telepathically while sobbing at the same time. “That’s not true, even if they knew it would still be hard.” She started to gently rub his back instead of patting it. “It goes for humans, too! When they’re that young I… I don’t even want to think about it!” He balled his fists, it was too much for him. He couldn’t tell her yet, but he usually would get a fellow reaper to cut the ties of children young enough to not understand speech, it was much too difficult for him to do. “The fact that you are like this shows that you care, it isn’t just a job. It’s something that you feel needs to be done, despite any emotions otherwise.” She hugged him and gave his back another couple pats. “Now you understand why I didn’t want to bring you here, right?” He pulled back a little and raised his head, his face wet with tears and snot. “Of course, but I care about you too much to let you go through that alone.” She grabbed her sleeve and used it to wipe his tears. “What are you saying?” He choked back more sobs and wiped the his nose on his upper arm. “I’m saying I want to be your girlfriend.” She grabbed his arm and gently pulled it outwards. “Wha-... Really? Even after all this?” His heart skipped a beat; He didn’t understand, he was so used to being berated for being a crybaby, that all of this took him by complete surprise. His whole body heated up this time, and this time, with her hand on the skin of his arm, she could definitely feel how fast his pulse was. “Yes, of course… Hey, are you alright? Your heart seems to be beating… A little fast.” She looked up at him with a worried expression. “I’m fine now, I just… I don’t know what to say, I-...” Her confession completely knocked what he just had to do out of his brain, along with everything else, his mind blanked. “So… What do you say? Can I?” She smiled at him, though a hint of worry was still on her face. “Of course, why did you think I brought you here? That was always my intention.” He grabbed her hand that was on his upper arm with his free hand, and entwined his fingers with hers. They spent the rest of the day there. They talked, laughed and had a wonderful time until the cloudless skies got dark. When Purgatory’s sun had just about completely set, Fira turned to Pain, her hands behind her back. “So, I guess it’s time to go back.” She grabbed his wrist and moved her hands down to his hand, then firmly grasped it. “Yeah, I’ll drop you off at the front gates, they won’t know anything different. Oh, by the way, I’ve made that abandoned temple we met at a little home away from home. So next time you want to go there, ask me, with this.” He pulled out a similar flip phone to his that was next to his own on his utility belt, and handed it to her. “Oh, isn’t this yours?” She reached for it with her free hand, but was just short of touching it. “It’s an extra I was given, my number is already on it.” He smiled at her and placed the phone into her hand. “So this is essentially giving me your number then?” She grinned and clasped the phone tightly in her hand. “Well, we need ways to contact each other” He nodded and used the hand that gave her the phone to materialize his scythe again. He pulled his other hand away from her and turned to the left, then promptly teared into the air to create another portal. “Where does this go? Does it go back to where we entered?” She asked as she pointed to it. “It goes to where we were before, yes. But the sun will be coming up in Elega when we get there, so the Darklings won’t want to come out of their holes.” He dematerialized his weapon and gestured towards the portal. “That’s good… Hey, can we… Hold hands again?” She meekly held out her left hand. “Of course, darling.” He winked seductively at her and grabbed her hand. “Wow, you got over being embarrassed real fast,” she said with a chuckle. “Well, it was only because we weren’t dating yet. I’m sure I’ll get embarrassed later though.” He chuckled back at her, and they walked through the portal together. The portal closed behind them after they stepped through. He turned to her and then felt her lips connect to the metal of his lower jaw where his lips sat, and felt her upper lip connect to his in between the zig zags of the metal of his prosthetic. As soon as he realized she had just kissed him, she pulled back, waved, and quickly walked back over the border. He put his hand up to his mouth as he blushed, and grinned.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2550", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Trouble Letting Go", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle woke up to the sound of her phone beeping, she rolled over and turned it off. She was waiting for Skyler for the entire time she was in Elega, but he didn’t show up. She waited hours in the castle for a guard to call her down and get him, too. Dazed, confused and angry, she punched her pillow. Where is he? There was a whooshing noise, and she could feel his presence behind her. “Where were you?!” She squeaked, rolled over and tackled Skyler, she put so much of her weight onto him that he almost fell over. “Woah, careful! You could’ve knocked me over!” Skyler said with a giggle as he patted her on the back. “You’d better tell me what you were doing,” She grumbled, her head buried in his chest “I was with Dr. Gage and a few of my friends, trying to figure out what we could do to get me more power. I don’t really want it, but I won’t be able to defeat him without more, after what I was told.” Skyler said. Gabrielle looked up at him, she didn’t know what he was talking about. “What do you mean ‘him’? Who’s ‘him’?” “Oh, yeah, you weren’t there… His name is Wrackivorn, he’s a cousin of mine. On my father’s side, obviously. Nobody on my mother’s side would do what he’s done. It’d be insane to have your soul get a second chance, only to trade it away for more power.” Skyler looked down, but averted his eyes. “What do souls have to do with this?” Gabrielle asked and tugged at his sleeve. Skyler stared at nothing for a moment. “It’s that… Book, again. A… Very bad person who I won’t name had it and let Wrackivorn borrow it, and Pain is one hundred percent sure that he read all of it. Pain’s a reaper, he can sense souls, and Wrackivorn didn’t have one.” “What does that mean, though?” Gabrielle was worried, something felt off about the way he spoke, and she couldn’t put her finger on what was wrong about the feeling she was getting off of him. “That book, I can’t even describe… And him… It’s worse than horrible, I don’t have the words for it. I’ve only heard a little of what is inside from Elaine, but even she couldn’t tell me some of the things she read off the cheat sheet she was given.” He raised his head and turned away from Gabrielle. “Cheat sheet? For a scary sounding book like that? Why’d she have one?” Gabrielle said and pulled at his coat. “The reason why Pain even exists is because she read a bit of it. Each page takes a part of the reader’s soul away, or rather, rips it out of them. She told me it was an extremely painful experience, but she didn’t want to lose him, so she did it, but he would never have died if it weren’t for that man, and I wouldn’t have died either.” Skyler looked back at Gabrielle, a pained expression etched into his face. “I’ll never forgive that guy,” Gabrielle said with hatred in her voice as she buried her head into his chest again and squeezed him tightly. He must have been shaken just remembering the guy, she thought. This was the first time Skyler actually talked about his death without dancing around the fact that he died, but she didn’t want to prod him for any more information, even though she wanted to know more. “Me neither, but enough about that, get dressed. We’re going to meet up at your work to continue brainstorming,” He said and patted her on the back. “Aw, but I had today off.” Gabrielle let go of him, fell backwards and plopped back onto her bed. “If you don’t feel up to it, I can go myself.” Skyler turned and started walking out. “No, I’ll go, I just don’t like the fact that I’m going to my workplace on my day off is all,” Gabrielle said as she got up and yanked at Skyler’s trench coat. “Alright, I’ll be in the front room waiting,” Skyler said and giggled again, looking back at her pouting face. Thirty minutes later, they were at the hospital. She knew he teleported so she pestered him to let her drive him there instead of him teleporting away. The car ride was silent for the most part besides him asking her how she was doing today, and her responding saying she was doing fine. She slammed the car door behind her, and heard the front passenger door slam as well. They both silently walked towards the entrance. Without a noise she took her hand and prodded at his and looked up at him. He smiled in response and held her hand. She put a hand to her chin, a warm and fuzzy feeling coursed through her body. They walked in together, and Jack was at the counter again.“Hey! What are you doing here on your day off? I never come near this place on my days off,” Jack said and laughed. Gabrielle walked around and faced Jack, his eyes widened a little as soon as he got a glimpse of them holding hands. “You know you should probably not do what I think you’re going to do here, don’t want you to get fired for having some…” Jack cleared his throat and raised his hand to do a quoting gesture, “fun, in the hospital.” Jack grinned, stifled chuckles barely escaped his throat. Gabrielle’s face turned beet red, and Skyler started laughing. She wondered if she should let go of his hand, but decided not to. Why was Skyler laughing? She didn’t think it was funny at all, more embarrassing than anything else. “I would never! And stop laughing, Skyler! It’s not funny!” Gabrielle said and lightly punched Skyler in the arm. “Sorry, sorry. I just couldn’t believe what he said.” Skyler rubbed his arm, a cheeky smile still etched onto his face. She leaned forward and stuck her finger out. “You’re wrong to think that I’d even consider doing a thing like that in a place like this. We’re here to see his friends and talk about what to do next, not… You know, that!” “I was joking, chill!” Jack laughed and made a dismissive gesture with is hand. “You’d better have been joking, pervert!” She wagged her finger at him, then stood up and led Skyler out of the room by the arm. “Do you even know where we’re going?” Skyler asked, pulling her back. “No, I just wanted to make it dramatic by leaving, sorry. Um… Can you show me where it is?” She turned around, embarrassed. “No problem, follow me.” Skyler walked in front of her and led her in the right direction. A small bit of walking later, she could hear distant conversation. “Well, I can have them make anything I want, just like your lower jaw, remember?” A female voice asked. A voice spoke inside her head that wasn’t her own, It was a velvety smooth male voice. “Yes, I remember, I’m wearing it right now.”“What the- what was that?” Gabrielle was filled with fear, she’d never experienced anything like that before. What was that voice? She was thoroughly freaked out. “Oh you remember Pain from before, right? The guy who gave me my clothes? That’s him, he’s just speaking telepathically, since his favorite prosthetic keeps him from talking normally.” Skyler turned around and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. They walked into the room, and she immediately notices Pain floating upside-down in the criss-cross position near the right wall. Their eyes met, she was completely floored. What the hell? She’d seen Skyler turn his arm into a blade, but this was a lot stranger. “W-who? Who or what is that?” She shakily pointed to Pain, who became stonefaced in response. “Gabby please, I know you didn’t get a good look at him but don’t call him an it, he’s very fragile. Pain, stop floating over there, you’re scaring her.” Skyler made a collection of downward sweeping motions with his hand. Pain nodded and turned himself right side up, then put his feet back on the ground. “I’m used to getting that kind of reaction first.” Someone responded. It was the same female voice from the hallway. She was a purple colored android, her outer layer looking like a skin tight suit. Her lower legs went outward like bellbottoms and ended over where her feet should have been, with a flat surface in the middle of the curve of the metal so she wouldn’t fall over, with a streak of light purple paint at the end. Her long purple hair reached down to her mid-back and didn’t have varying length at the end, it was a straight line all around at the end. Two pointy contraptions that looked like sensors poked upwards where her ears should have been. Her mouth had a thin bright red line around it and her lips looked like large upper and lower fangs, though there were teeth behind said lips. Her eyes were black where the whites of her eyes should have been, and the color of her eyes were a glowing red. “Oh, I didn’t expect someone from New Metropolis to be here, what’s your name?” Gabrielle was very interested, she’d rarely ever seen an android, since they all live in the New Metropolis area and built their own society. “Nagix, Nagix Brooks.” Nagix unfolded her arms and waved. “Oh, so did you use to be…?” Gabrielle was going to say it but she stopped herself, she didn’t want to sound racist, her voice was very similar to what African American women sound like.“You were going to say black, weren’t you?” Nagix said, her eyelids lowered, and she put a hand to her hip. “Oh, no I wasn’t! I just don’t know how to say it without offending you,” Gabrielle said, putting her hands in front of her. “It’s ok, I’m still my race even in this body, though.” Nagix did a dismissive hand gesture with her free hand. “Let’s not get too far into this, I need to go back to the mainframe soon.” Wira waved her arm. Gabrielle looked around the room, there was Pain, Wira who she didn’t know, Drake, who was sleeping in a chair, Nagix, and Elaine, who was buried in a book. “You’ll have to wait a little longer, Wira, I’m trying to find a certain spell.” Elaine turned a page, looking intently at the contents inside, which from where Gabrielle stood was a lot of red text and some sigils. “Is that your sister over there Skyler?” Gabrielle pointed to Wira. “Ah, technically yes. We decided on trying to siphon my mother’s power into me somehow, but we don’t know how to do that yet exactly.” Skyler waved to Wira, who waved back. “Is that how you’re going to get more power?” Gabrielle asked, tightening her grip on his hand. “Are you sure about this? It could be extremely dangerous,” Pain said, scratching an itch on his cheek. “I have Gabrielle to keep me in check, I’ll be fine. What do you think, Wira?” Skyler turned to Wira, who put her index finger to her cheek and thumb to her chin. “Maybe… An upgrade of the wireless connector?” Wira wondered. Drake shook his head as he woke up. “What about the wireless connector?” “That sounds like a plan, but how do we upgrade it? And do we have the parts for it after getting that one guy you told me about an arm?” Nagix asked. “My asshole demon side, yeah. I hope he didn’t set you back too much.” Drake pouted, and crossed his arms. “I have some spare chest parts from some trial version of an offshoot Wire Girl that was never mass-produced, which was how Boy was created. It was supposed to be a line of male Wire Girls, but the trials were unsuccessful.” Wira shook her head. “Boy?” Drake asked as he leaned over in his chair. “He doesn’t have a name, usually I give a color and a number to Wire Girls, and Tall Dolls choose their own names amongst themselves. Neither of them accepted him into their group, and he became an outcast, which made him increasingly angry, on top of being incomplete.” Wira lowered her head. “I’ll try to talk to him sometime,” Drake said while he leaned back into his chair. “I found it.” Elaine lifted her head from the book she was reading, and pointed to the sigil on the page. “Good, now we need the parts,” Nagix said and looked to Wira. “I’ll try to find a buffer version’s parts that could fit over Skyler’s shoulder.” Wira smiled, her strange mouth making her smile look menacing. “Do you have a neck plate though?” Nagix asked and folded her arms. “I’ll see if I can find one and finagle it to work,” Wira said and leaned against the wall. “I’m glad you called on me, I’m an expert on this, you know.” Elaine grinned pridefully. “Of course, Lady Elaine. You even knew the exact book it was in,” Pain said, bowing at Elaine with a hand behind his back and another on his chest. “I told you to stop calling me that, and stop bowing,” Elaine said in an annoyed tone. “Yes, my Lady,” Pain said and rose back up. Elaine groaned and put a palm to her face. “Oh whatever…” “He can’t stop being formal I guess,” Drake said with a grin. “It’s like a nervous tick for him when he’s around her.” Skyler said and shrugged his shoulders. “That’s really cute.” Gabrielle smiled. “Yeah she keeps telling him not to do it but he can’t help himself,” Skyler said as he walked up and ruffled Pain’s hair. “Cut that out,” Pain said with a smile but pushed Skyler’s hand away. “You’re such a goober, you know that?” Skyler let out a chuckle and patted Pain’s back. “I’m not a goober, I swear,” Pain said, lightly punching Skyler in the arm. “I think I need to get going now,” Wira said and started to walk out. “See you soon.” Drake waved at her. “What do you mean ‘see you soon’?” Skyler asked and turned to Drake “Father gave me a wireless connector.” Drake said with a pained grin. “You don’t seem too happy about that,” Skyler said. “Glitch was there, and until he’s gone I won’t be able to enjoy connecting to the mainframe.” Drake slammed his fist on the chair. “Oh shit, him?” Skyler scowled. “Yeah, him. I never want to see his damned face again, but I don’t want to stay away for too long,” Drake said as he looked away. “Is Glitch the other personality Skyler told me about?” Gabrielle asked. “Yeah, it would have never happened if my father didn’t want me to be human, he thought he could keep me from having demonic urges. It worked until a few years ago,” Drake said with a slight nod. “That’s terrible, I hope it works itself out soon,” Gabrielle said. She felt bad for him, having another side of him that he couldn’t control. “You think you could work with Wira on the device, Nagix?” Skyler asked, turning to the purple android. “Yeah, but only in short bursts. It might take a while to complete because of that,” Nagix said as she closed her eyes and nodded slightly. “Alright, I’ll see you all later then. See ya,” Skyler said and waved to the group.“Okay, bye.” Elaine said, her head back in the book she had. “See you later, brother,” Drake said as he smiled and put his hands behind his head while leaning backwards on his chair. “Yeah, see ya.” Nagix grinned and waved back. “See you tonight., Pain said with a wave. “Well that was quick,” she said as she walked out of the room with him. “Well we had to cut our time short last time and Wira and Nagix weren’t there, I reluctantly brought Elaine to Elega, but I had to make her promise she wouldn’t try to take it over.” Skyler grinned and shook his head. “What do you mean?” She asked. “I’ve had to stop her from toppling governments before, I wanted to preemptively tell her to not try that kind of shit there,” he said and sighed. “Oh, wow, she seems really… Aggressive.” Gabrielle’s eyes widened a little, she didn’t think that woman with the body of a child could be so power hungry. “Tell me about it, she runs a vigilante group with a name I have told her about ten times to change, but she won’t listen to me,” he said and looked at her. “What’s its name?” she asked, wondering how it would be as bad as the hero he wrote in english class in high school, Super Awesome Ranger isn’t exactly the most creative name to give a protagonist. “Macabre Hearse,” Skyler said and scowled. “That’s an interesting name. Never knew she was a goth,” she said, wondering how she came up with such a weird name. “It’s incredibly bad and I just want her to change it, but she keeps saying it’s the best name ever and that I just don’t understand genius.” Skyler shook his head again. “Ha, that’s great.” Gabrielle smiled and stifled a giggle. She was still holding his hand. She wondered why his mother’s power was so dangerous, and how he met Pain, who freaked her out in the beginning, but turned out to be a nice guy. She also liked Nagix, even though she was really awkward around her initially. They walked out together, and parted ways. She drove back home. The radio was drowned out by her own thoughts. She wished she was less awkward that day, and laughed at herself because of how silly she was.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2543", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Searching for Power", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Pain rolled over in his bed. He had been puttering along in his reaper job ever since Fira’s mortality hit him like a ton of bricks. He had just woken up from a nightmare where she had turned to dust. There was hardly a thing he could do about the situation, so he decided, as he sat up, to go ask Death what to do. He opened a portal and went through. The large expanse of dark skies greeted him. There was barren ground as far as the eye could see. A single white sigil was the only thing nearby. He took a small satchel from his belt, fished out some black dust from it, and set it in the center of his hand. Setting the satchel back into his belt, he blew the dust off his hand in the direction of the sigil. The sigil glowed a dark purple, and a large skeleton with a laurel wreath around its head emerged from the center, clothed in a light purple cape, and brandishing a tall scythe. It was Death himself. His hollow eye sockets stared back at him. “Hello my lord.” Pain took a bow. “What is it, Pain?” Death’s lipless mouth opened and closed, clacking each time his teeth hit each other. “I have… A question.” He played with his hands awkwardly. “Ask, and I may have the answer, though it may not be the answer you want.” Death leaned down slightly. “How would one be able to, say, keep a person from growing old and dying? As in, giving a mortal human immortality.” He looked away, ashamed of the question that had been haunting him. “There are many ways, are you looking to turn them into a Vampire? A Werewolf?” Death nodded. “No, I’d rather not have the person in question suffer with such things.” Pain shook his head, he didn’t want Fira to have to hurt others to survive. “Ah, that would exhaust most of the avenues that you could do what you wish. There, however, one more way, though I am not sure you would do such a thing.” Death put a thumb and index finger to his bony jaw. “Let me guess, The Forbidden Book.” He knew the forbidden book had spells for any situation, including granting immortality to anyone. “Yes, I see you already had the answer within you.” Death let out a single laugh and put a hand to his ribs. “I was afraid you were going to recommend it. Lady Elaine told horror stories of her reading it, and the hollow feeling that took months for her to get used to.” He grimaced, even though she didn’t feel that bad eventually, it still took her a long time to get used to it. “I’m afraid that unless you want to make her a creature that lives off the life force of others, you will have to use the book.” Death sighed. “She isn’t powerful enough to become part of the Veil of Light, Shai told me so. She said that it would be almost impossible for her to be strong enough in her entire lifetime.” Pain put a hand to his head, he had already exhausted every other avenue besides Death’s ability to make anyone a soul sucking monster, whether it be a Vampire or Werewolf, or The Forbidden Book. “I see, it must be that girl that I have seen you with that you are asking for. Selfless as always. You never had a problem like this before, why now?” Death scratched his skull. “I don’t know, it just didn’t hit me until recently. I guess it would have been because I never needed to think about it with my previous relationship, and suddenly having to worry about that now must have thrown me for a loop.” He shook his head. “I suppose, how is that Darkling fellow anyways?” Death left his mouth open. “He’s doing much better now. He and I are still best friends, it feels like our relationship went back to the way it was before, which is a relief.” Pain smiled, Skyler seemed very chill about the whole thing. “Anyways, you may get your chance, since The Forbidden Book has been lost by those who had it in their possession.” Death laughed and clutched his ribs again. “I have a small suspicion as to who has it.” He didn’t want to think about that unnamed man with the Fallen mouth that looked just like him, but surely it was in that man’s possession. “Ah, Yes, there are five of you now. I forgot.” Death nodded again. “I don’t think I’ll be able to get it from him that easy.” The unnamed Fallen version of him was adamant about nobody else using The Forbidden Book. “You could always explain that it isn’t for you.” Death shrugged with his long skeletal arms. “I don’t think that would be enough for him.” He knew that Fallen Hex, which is what he decided to name him, would never let him have it without a fight. “Well, you could always kick his arse and take it from him by force.” Death laughed again. “I might have to.” He wasn’t so positive about the situation. “Well if he’s going to be an arse about it, what else is there to do?” Death kneeled down further and let out a small chuckle. “I don’t even know if I can muster up enough courage, he radiates this creepy aura that makes me uneasy.” Pain shivered, the feelings he got when he first met him came back to him and made his stomach turn. “It’s funny that I’m not the same. Everybody seems to tell me I radiate a kind of zen aura instead.” Death chuckled again. “If I’m going to succeed I’m going to have to just power through it like I always do.” Pain sighed and wished life wasn’t so difficult for him. “I know you can do it. You won’t lose all your soul, let your master know, she will give you the cheat sheet she got from… Oh what was her name.” Death put a hand to the side of his head. “Zlyena.” Pain knew exactly who Elaine got the cheat sheet from. He wondered if she still had it. “Ah, yes, her. She has her fingers in about as many pies as I do at the moment.” Death let out another chuckle. “Responsibilities stack, unfortunately.” Pain shrugged, Zlyena was so quick to take in any magical creature that she amassed a large roster of people who needed her support. “It’s like a child trying to bring home any animal they find, only she somehow makes it work.” Death sat down. “I’ll go talk to Elaine, you have a good day, my lord.” Pain took another bow. “I’ll see you later then, friend.” Death waved and the sigil under him lit up again and he phased into the floor. He went back to Macabre Hearse, and knocked on Elaine’s office door. “Elaine? Are you in there?” He jiggled the door knob, it was locked. “What is it?!” Elaine shouted. “I need to talk to you.” He felt quite impatient and didn’t want to wait for her to open the door, so he phased through. “Argh! I wish you would stop doing that!” She got up and walked up to him. “Your door was locked.” He shrugged again. “Sometimes it’s locked for a good reason! What is it that you need?” She put her hands on her hips. “Do you still have that… Cheat sheet? The one you used to bring me back?” Pain played with his hands nervously. “What do you need that for? Are you planning on using it? If so, I’ve already warned you how bad it is.” She sighed. “Well… Yes. I want to make someone immortal.” He slowly nodded. “It’s that Fira girl you’ve been gushing over isn’t it?” She smiled. “Uh… Well...” He stopped playing with his hands and looked up at her. “You haven’t stopped talking about her to everyone but me, I’m guessing it’s because of our past. Kalan has been complaining that you won’t shut up about her though, which made me laugh.” She chuckled. “Oh. He didn’t seem that disinterested when I talked to him about her, though… It’s hard to read him.” Kalan was usually stone-faced and expressionless so it was hard to gauge whether or not anything was positive or negative to him. “Well he didn’t want to bother you, so he complained to me and told me not to tell you. By the way don’t tell him I told you.” She put her index finger up to her mouth in a shushing motion. “I won’t, don’t worry.” He smiled. “Let me go get it.” She turned around and went back to her desk. She took a key from the inside of her black knee-high legging shoe-sock hybrid and unlocked the bottom drawer. She shuffled around inside the drawer. “Aha! Here it is! It’s in Zoranian though.” She smiled and held up the cheat sheet which was a stack of black sheets of paper with white writings. There was a staple in the left corner. “You were the one who stapled it, didn’t you?” Pain raised an eyebrow. “Well, it was in a folder before.” She smiled and shrugged. “You’ll have to teach me how to get over the feeling you described once I do it.” He took a deep breath and sighed. “Yeah, I promise.” She handed him the papers. “Thank you.” He didn’t feel the need to be formal with her anymore, so he didn’t bow. “Thank god you stopped saying ‘my lady’ and bowing at me, that was so embarrassing.” She laughed. “Ah, yeah. It was because I wanted to thank you for bringing me back. I learned that me just being around is enough, so I don’t do that anymore.” He smiled back at her. “You’ve been doing a lot better as of late, I can tell.” She gave him a thumbs up. “Oh, by the way, how do you deal with Hex being mortal?” He completely forgot that, for all he knew, Hex was still mortal. “He’s not, had him trade his godlike powers in for immortality. Zlyena took him to The Veil of Light to do it, since I can’t go because I’m a demon.” She put her hands back to her sides and gripped the skirt of her dress. “Oh, so that’s how you consolidated that so nobody would try to kill him again.” He gave a relieved sigh, he didn’t want any more resurrected Brians walking around than him and Fallen Hex, two was already too much. “Is there anything else you need to talk to me about?” She smiled and played with her skirt. “Nope, have a good day.” He waved and walked out by phasing back through the door. He went back to Purgatory and waited for Fira to get out of high school. He was very excited because he had asked her to Prom earlier, because she didn’t have a date before. His new identity contained his old age, and he was under the maximum age which was twenty one, so he could go. He changed his jaw to his normal looking one for the event, and headed out. He showed up in a tuxedo Elaine had rented for him, and awkwardly waited at the entrance. “There you are!” Fira came out of a car wearing a beautiful flowing red dress with red gloves that reached halfway up her upper arm. Her hair was braided and she wore a beautiful rose hairpin made with pearls and rubies. “You look beautiful.” He was blown away, she looked perfect. The sweat of his hands made him start to lose his grip on the plastic corsage box behind his back. He brought it out, it was a rose corsage. She gasped and put her hands to her face. “It’s perfect, thank you!” She took it and put it on her left wrist. “Oh, yeah, you did tell me you’re left handed.” He helped adjust the corsage. “We should get in soon, I think it’s about to start.” She looked up at him and smiled. He took her hand and went inside, and like Fira said, the festivities were beginning. Someone was talking over the microphone in the ballroom, welcoming everyone to the event. There were red cloth covered tables covered in food and a large punch bowl at the far wall. “I wonder what the rest of the place looks like.” He peeked over and saw only white hallways. “Let’s go see!” She turned to him and started to go forward and yanked at his hand. She pulled him towards the back of the building. They came outside where there were many round wooden tables with the soft glow of metal lamps with butterfly designs on them. The cool spring air coasted over him and lightly chilled him, it wasn’t enough to make him cold, it was more relaxing than anything else. “It’s really nice out here.” He looked up at the trees behind the fence that had just started growing leaves again. “Let’s go back in, we can come back out here later.” She pulled on Pain’s hand again. “By the way, you can call me Brian, just for now.” He looked to her, he didn’t she knew his old human name, so he had to tell her. “That’s a very normal name for someone like you.” She smiled and giggled, and tugged on his hand another time. “Alright, alright. I’ll go.” He chuckled back and let her lead him back inside. Music was already playing, but it was fast party music, everyone was either dancing or enjoying the food. “Do you think I can dance without spilling any punch?” She turned to him, still smiling. “I’ll go get some and we can both find out for ourselves.” He let out a single chuckle and headed over to the punch bowl. There was a security guard there, possibly on punch bowl duty to make sure nobody spiked it, even though everyone there was under the age they could legally drink. He gave a single nod to the security guard, who gave one back. He waited in the disorderly line. Once it was his turn, he filled a single cup, since he didn’t feel like punch just yet. He brought it back to Fira who was waiting at the edge of the dance floor. She took it and took a sip. “Tastes like punch I guess.” She smiled again, and led him to the dance floor. The songs were all very upbeat. The dance floor was cool as well and the party lights lit up the room. They started dancing together, and he watched her cup in his peripheral vision to make sure it didn’t spill. The music pulsed and everyone on the floor felt like they were moving as one to the music. The lights mesmerized and enchanted and bounced off the chandelier above, scattering the light even more. He saw Fira take swigs of punch constantly until it was empty. “I’ll go toss this.” Fira pointed to her cup and headed for the trash can. He was so used to not exerting himself that he was panting, he wasn’t exhausted yet but he was close. He hoped that the slow songs would start soon so he could still keep up with Fira. She came back and they started dancing again. “You doing okay over there? You need a punch break?” She patted him on the shoulder. “I’m… Probably going to have to take you up on that offer.” He let out a single breathy laugh that sounded like a huff. “I understand, you’re not used to exercise, it’s so easy to put off, isn’t it?” She laughed again. “Yeah.” He smiled again and took her hand, and they both went to the punch bowl together. He waited in the messy line again until it was his turn. He got his turn, and filled two cups full. He turned to Fira and handed her one. “Let’s go outside to that one place.” She pointed to the hallway. “Alright, but we’ll check every once and a while to see if the slow dancing has started yet.” He nodded. “Oh, O-Okay...” She blushed and meekly grabbed his hand. He let her lead him back outside. The cooler air on his hot skin was amazing to him. He had already worked up a bit of a sweat, and was ready to sit down. She led him to a nearby table. “Thanks.” He let go of her hand and sat down. “So, are you enjoying it?” She sat down next to him on his right. “It’s time spent with you, I will never not enjoy that.” He winked and smiled another time. “R-Really?” She blushed, her smile faded and she turned her head slightly away, but she still made eye contact. “Of course, you know me.” He put an index finger to his collarbone as a gesture to himself. “Yeah.” She sighed and her smile returned. “How are you fairing though?” He put a hand on her knee. “I’m doing fine, a little tired though, and my feet are killing me.” She let out a phew and wiped her forehead. “I can imagine, are those heels?” He looked down and saw a pointed shoe poking out from under her dress. “Yeah.” She took a hand and slightly pulled up her dress, revealing a ruby red shoe with a two inch heel. “Those look pretty high, sheesh.” He didn’t think she would be wearing heels that high, and was surprised she could dance with such footwear. “I feel a few blisters but other than that I should be fine.” She massaged slightly under the shoe. “I’m glad you stopped, at least for now. Are you sure you want to even slow dance with blisters?” He was worried, he didn’t want to hurt her by continuing to dance with her even though she had blisters. “I’m not leaving without slow dancing with you, please, even just one song.” She begged, her eyes showing beginnings of tears. “We can slow dance all you want, but if it starts to get bad let me know immediately and we can stop.” He took his hand off her knee and took a sip of punch. They continued to talk while taking sips of punch for a time. He told her a bit about Elaine, and how she brought him back. He left out some details, because it was very difficult still to think about the feeling of waking back up. He discussed the feeling Elaine conveyed afterwards of an emptiness after she read the book. Fira was glad that it wasn’t the other way around, and he laughed awkwardly. He looked back at her and she had a look of visible confusion. They kept checking every once and a while to see if the slow dances were beginning yet. “The slow dances are starting.” Pain had just come back from one of his trips to check if they were. “Let’s go.” She got up and grabbed his hand again. They went inside and waited for the next song to come on while standing on the edge of the dance floor, still hand in hand. Another song started up, and they headed to the inner dance floor. Pain and Fira embraced and began to dance. The song was in Korean, and was from one of the most, if not the most popular K-Pop bands at the time. It was very slow and relaxing. This is the moment she would remember forever, he held her even closer. Fira gripped his arm and pulled him in as close as she could. They went around in circles, the scenery slowly spun around them. The night continued on and they kept dancing slowly. A while later Fira tugged on his sleeve. “B-Brian, my feet aren’t doing so good.” She frowned, and looked down. “It’s alright, let’s get some punch and go back outside.” He was caught off guard for a second once she had said his old human name. It felt like an eternity since he last heard it. “Yeah.” She nodded. He was the one to lead her to the punch bowl this time. The line was much shorter this time because most everyone was on the floor still. He filled up another two cups and led her outside again. He sighed in relief when the outside air hit his lightly sweaty skin. They talked some more and then he began to take her back out front so she could leave, on the way they passed a mirror. “Hey, do you… Want to kiss before we leave? That last one wasn’t really, you know… Your jaw was in the way.” She looked up at him with innocent eyes. “I’ll consider this one our first then.” He nodded. They kissed in front of the mirror. She pulled away slowly and tears pooled under her eyes. He comforted her and told her that she didn’t need to rush to leave. They slowly walked to the front while talking. He heard her sniffle, so he told her to turn around, and he wiped the wetness from under her eyes. She thanked him, and they continued. They got to the front of the building, and they said their goodbyes in between awkward strings of silence. She kissed him once more, and walked to the car, but before she went inside, she turned and waved. He waved back, and they parted ways.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2572", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - The Slow Dance of Death", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle turned in her bed as her alarm went off, she rolled over and quickly hit the button on her alarm clock to stop its loud beeping. Then she felt a familiar form next to her, which she knew was Skyler’s. She remembered what happened earlier and sat up as she wiped the sand from her eyes. As she looked over, she wondered if the painkillers left his system yet, and when her eyes met Skyler’s form, she found he was still fast asleep. “Skyler, are you alright? Wake up,” she whispered, lightly grabbing his arm and shaking him awake. He slowly opened his eyes and rose from her bed. He wore the same thing as the last time he woke up next to her, only this time he had bloody bandages around his neck. He groaned and brought his hand up to the nape of it, then sucked air through his teeth as he touched it, and his hand recoiled back. “It still hurts? I hope the pain goes away soon,” she said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. “Didn’t think touching it would hurt that bad, now I know better,” he grumbled as he got up, her hand sliding off of his shoulder in the process. “Does light magic really hurt that bad all the time?” Gabrielle asked as she got up herself. “It won’t do that much anymore, after this I’m basically safe if anybody who knows extremely powerful light magic tries to kill me. Except for maybe you.” He turned around and looked at her, a look of relief on his face. “I’m glad you’re functioning better, I thought you would still be under the painkillers… Wait, what do you mean ‘except for maybe you’? Why would I try to kill you?” She turned back at him with a mix of worry and shock plastered onto her face. “That’s the only person the mark you gave me won’t protect me from. And I’m the only person that the mark I gave you won’t protect you from,” he said and then pointed to the mark on her finger. “So you’re saying that if someone with black magic tried to kill me, it wouldn’t affect me as much?” Gabrielle said as she walked to her closet. “Exactly, though it’s not to be handed out like candy, marking someone is very serious. It should only be used if someone’s life is in great danger,” he said as he walked to the door. “Are you saying my life was in danger? How?” Gabrielle asked, looking back from her closet as she was in the middle of getting together her work dress. “You could have woken up at Elega a few months later, but I found out that a certain someone was back, and I didn’t know what he would do.” “You mean that Warlock you were talking about before? Oh, darn, what else was there?” she said, she remembered him saying something about a Warlock some time ago, and something about a throne, but she couldn’t remember the rest of it, and it drove her nuts. “Yeah, I thought it was right to tell you about it. I thought the throne was secure because my friend, who you saw before, he was at the door, he was holding it.” Skyler turned back away from the door and leaned on it while he folded his arms. “Holding it for who, you?” she asked and stood up. “Yeah. I was still in bad shape after the big fight that happened which resulted in all of the Lords of Darkness getting killed, so I had Pain hold the fort. Unfortunately, someone attacked him, overpowered him and stole the throne,” he said as he shook his head. “I have a hard time believing you are the rightful king of darkness.” She turned back to her closet and grabbed her work dress. “For a time I was trained to take on that role once it was given to me, until they found I wouldn’t break,” he said and stood back up. “I had no idea,” she said as she whipped back around, still clutching her work dress. “What do you mean ‘break?” “They didn’t exactly want someone who could think for themself, they wanted a puppet. Those who aren’t accustomed to being one are broken down mentally and rebuilt to serve that role,” he said as he turned around and put his hand on the doorknob. “That’s terrible, that won’t happen to me, will it?” she said and tried to find her work hat while still looking in his direction. “No, of course not. Parliament doesn’t dirty themselves with those kinds of tactics,” he said as he opened the door. “That’s a relief… Ah, you remember where the phone is, don’t you? You can call your friend to bring you your clothes again, I’ve got to get ready,” she said and turned back around and finally found her work hat, grabbed it and started to walk to the bathroom. “I know where it is, and thanks,” he said as he walked out. Gabrielle quickly got ready and went out into the living room. Skyler was sitting on the couch watching television. “I’ll just drink a breakfast shake and be off, I hope that’s ok,” she said, then walked to the fridge and grabbed one from it’s six pack container, then promptly drank it. “You don’t need my permission to do anything in your own house, silly. Oh, I heard it’s ‘take your kids to work day,’ say hi to my half-brother for me, you’ll recognize him by the metallic silver stripes in his hair,” Skyler said as he relaxed on the couch. “Silver stripes, huh? What a weird hairstyle,” she said with a giggle, and walked to the door. “He was born with them, funnily enough, that’s what Dr. Gage said.” He chuckled, then crossed his legs. “Well, I’d better get going now, love you, bye!” she said as she opened the door to leave. “Love you too, have a good day at work,” he said as he looked back up at her as she left. Gabrielle went inside the hospital and walked up to the monitor to slide her card. Behind the desk was a different person, it was a woman with black hair styled downwards into points at the ends. She was rubbing the pale skin of her lower arm while her red colored eyes seemed deep in thought. “Good morning,” Gabrielle said meekly, since the woman behind the counter seemed imposing. It must have been the vibes she was giving off, because her body language wasn’t all that noteworthy, it just felt like there was something off about her. “Yeah, whatever,” The woman grumbled with a sharp and slightly raspy voice, never once taking her eyes off the monitor in front of her. “Don’t mind her, she’s always like that,” an unfamiliar voice came from behind Gabrielle. She turned around, and a young man stood behind her, it was Skyler’s half-brother, she knew because of the large vertical metallic silver stripes in his chin length hair. He looked back at her with equally metallic silver eyes, she couldn’t tell if it was a trick of her eyes but she could have sworn that the colors of his eyes were moving like waves. He had gloves that went up to his elbows, and sharp claws on his hands as well, which was strange since his father didn’t have them too. She wondered to herself how everyone with claws on their hands keep getting elbow-length gloves. “Oh, you’re Skyler’s half-brother aren’t you?” Gabrielle asked and gave a small bow. “Oh, he’s told you about me? He usually doesn’t talk about me to other people, that’s a first. The name’s Drake.” He outstretched a hand for a handshake, and gave her a small smile. “Don’t do it, he might poke you with those sharp claws of his.” The woman grinned haughtily, she was looking away from the monitor and had her head tilted slightly. “Shut it Madina, don’t make me tell her more about you.” Drake leaned to the side to see past Gabrielle and frowned at Madina. “Now now, you two, stop it,” Gabrielle said and put a hand in between the two. “Alright, sorry.” Drake said and stood back up, his face turning red out of embarrassment. “I told you to focus on your work instead of instigating things with my son, Madina,” Dr. Gage said as he walked in. “Oh, Doctor, you’re here. I was just about to go to room 204.” Gabrielle said and put her hand back down to her side. “Speaking of that, you’ll have to follow me there, I have something to show you,” Dr. Gage said as he walked to the smaller hallway where all the rooms were. She followed Dr. Gage, Drake following closely behind her, to room 204 where Elaine was staying at. They went in, and Elaine was connected to only a heart monitor and a feeding tube, and she was no longer intubated. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be in a deep sleep. On a desk next to her hospital bed, there was a strange machine. It had metal on the top and bottom and blue glass for the middle portion that had a faint red glow inside of it, and it had wires coming out of it. “I’ve devised a treatment for Elaine. I will tell you where I got the ingredients for it later, but for now, I would like you to simply sit back and observe,” Dr Gage said as he grabbed the wires from the table and threaded them over to Elaine. Just as soon as he connected her to the device, her eyes shot open and she rose from the hospital bed all by herself. “What in the fresh hell?” Drake said as he covered his mouth in surprise “Drake, you cherub, is that really you?” Elaine asked and smiled warmly, revealing her fanged upper canines. Her eyes had no iris or pupil and were pure white, and she was turning her head from side to side, as if she was trying to find out where his voice was coming from. “How is she moving on her own? This is incredible! You told me it would take her at least another two weeks to even wake up, let alone sit up without any help!” Gabrielle said excitedly, she was full of adrenaline from witnessing such a medical miracle. “Hmm? A voice I don’t recognize? Drake, do you know this person?” Elaine said, turning her head towards him. “She knows Skyler, father told me about her, hey wait a minute,” Drake said, his eyes turning red and his teeth along with his jaw morphed into an identical maw that Skyler had once shown Gabrielle. “There’s no need for that, Drake. Don’t scare the nurse,” Dr. Gage said defensively, stepping back from his son. “I recognize that essence, is she here? And did she allow you to do this? What did you do to her?” Drake said in a menacing and demanding tone, his maw unmoving. “I told her about what her sister was going through, of course she did. I would never do anything to her without her consent, you and I both know that. I didn’t hurt her at all, and I’m honestly offended that you think I did,” Dr. Gage scolded Drake, and never once broke eye contact with him while doing so. Gabrielle was silent and frozen in fear. She felt that this was different than the last time she saw a maw like that, it wasn’t relaxed like when she saw Skyler’s face transform into that, it was more sinister. “So she is here! Where is she? You never told me Mother was here! I want to see Mother, right now!” Drake was talking himself into a tizzy, there was a mix of anger and desperation in his voice. “If I knew this was how you’d be acting I would have never let you come here, what’s gotten into you?” Dr. Gage asked, he looked stone faced but there was apparent worry in his voice. “I don’t have time for this. I need to see Mother, now!” Drake shouted as he moved his hand towards his chest, leaving a ghostly snapshot of his hand behind it. “Please forgive me for this, Drake,” Dr. Gage said and raised his wrist. A loud click resounded and a needle flew out of the sleeve of his coat, striking Drake in the neck. Drake yelped and recoiled backwards, gripping the needle that was poking out of his neck. He pulled it out, walked a few steps backwards and crumpled backwards onto the wall. Gabrielle turned around and walked up to Drake’s unconscious body. “Stop! I wouldn’t do that, he could wake up at any time and attack you, please leave him there for at least a few minutes before you go to retrieve him.” Dr. Gage stepped forward and put a hand into his pocket, he pulled out another needle and loaded it into the contraption that shot one at Drake earlier. “So this is my sister’s essence you are using, you never told me that last time you did this. You shouldn’t have brought Drake here, he wasn’t like this before his separate personality merged back into him, now every hint of his mother makes him go crazy.” Elaine said gravely as she blindly looked over to the wires connecting her to the machine. “I never knew that until just now,” Dr. Gage said and stepped forward, away from the wires. “I gave him a brush she was using for comfort reasons. He proceeded to freak out and demand information on where she was, when I had gotten the brush from her months prior. He didn’t like hearing that, and proceeded to have a mental breakdown.” Elaine looked back up and in Dr. Gage’s direction while she brought her other hand to the wires on her elbow. “I wasn’t about to reveal where she was because of how he was acting. His behavior would spook her,” Dr. Gage said as he walked over and picked up the spent needle next to Drake’s sleeping form, which had become normal again. “What’s going on in here? I heard Drake- oh jeez.” Skyler had just walked in on the current scene and jumped back when he saw Drake crumpled up on the floor. “Why didn’t you tell Dr. Gage that Drake can’t handle any hint of your mother without going ballistic?” Elaine asked Skyler with a disappointed tone in her voice. “Now that you’ve said it, I did feel her presence when I walked in… Wait a second, how are you sitting up and talking to me? I don’t understand anything anymore..” Skyler brought a hand up to his head. “Skyler! Thank goodness you’re here! How is your neck?” Gabrielle asked as she quickly walked up to him. “It still stings a little, but that’s not the big issue here, what happened to Drake?” Skyler said as he kneeled down over Drake. “He was acting violently, so I gave him the same tranquilizers as you, when you asked for them. I had some leftover,” Dr. Gage said, then looked back at Drake with a sad expression. “Anything in relation to Mother makes him go bonkers lately, it’s weird, I can’t explain it. I think it’d be best if I brought him to my place for a while,” Skyler said and picked him up off the floor, carrying him in his arms. “That’s too bad, she’s visiting the hospital right now, and I’m not sure when you’ll be able to see her again, as it has always been like that with her,” Dr. Gage said with remorse, turning back slowly to face the machine behind him. “That’s fine, us both being immortal makes the chance of me and her meeting up again one hundred percent. Doesn’t matter how many different worlds she falls into, she’ll come back eventually.” Skyler turned around with the fast asleep Drake in his arms. “I’ll see you tonight, won’t I Skyler?” Gabrielle asked as she spun around to face him, wondering if watching his half-brother would take priority over everything else. “Of course you will, I’ll have Pain take care of him after he wakes up,” Skyler said as he slowly walked out. Once the two left the room, she turned back around. Elaine had her head lowered and was gripping the white hospital gown she was in. Gabrielle was confused, was the treatment not working? Dr. Gage walked up to her and lightly placed a hand on her shoulder. “Now now, I’m sure he’ll show up soon,” he said as he knelt down. “I completely forgot until Skyler made me remember… He’s been here while I was asleep, right?” Elaine said with a shaky voice and looked up at Dr. Gage with the beginnings of tears in her milky white eyes. “He’s been here every day, I have visitor list to prove it,” Dr. Gage said, taking his hand off her shoulder and brought a bluetooth ear piece out of his pocket. He puts it on his ear and walks to the doorway. “Madina, I’m in room 204, could you get the visitor list for me?” he nodded a few seconds later and then took off the earpiece after shutting it off and then put it back in his pocket. Madina’s grumbles echoed off the sterile walls as she got closer to the room, getting closer until her thin form slinked into view. She handed Dr. Gage the visitor list on its clipboard with an intense scowl on her face. “Madina, if you don’t want to work here you could just quit, you know.” Dr. Gage lightly grabbed the list from her hand. “I can’t pay my bills with random gigs from nobodies, I’m still climbing that ladder, remember?” Madina said, her scowl deflating into a look of defeat and depression. “Also, I’m glad you decided to take my advice, it really is much better hearing you talk without your sentences being littered with curse words,” Dr. Gage said as he turned around and walked back to Elaine. “Oh so many colorful things I could say, but can’t. You will just have to feel my rage and displeasure instead.” Madina turned around and walked away. “Let’s forget she ever said that.” Dr. Gage knelt down and skimmed through the list. “You’ll have to read it out for me, I can’t see it.” Elaine reached out and felt for Dr. Gage, then found his arm and gave his sleeve a light tug. “Let’s go over the last week, ah, here, he’s come in sometimes multiple times each day. Other than Skyler, Pain has been here every day as well, and Kalan has come to check on you every other day.” Dr. Gage stood back up, pulling free of Elaine’s flimsy grip. “Do you think he’ll show up today?” Elaine asked, looking in Dr. Gage’s general direction. “What do you mean he has it?” A voice similar to Pain’s but angrier echoed so far that it reached their ears. “He’s here!” Elaine said excitedly, putting closed hands to her cheeks excitedly. “Uh oh, I’m in trouble now, I’ll be right back,” Dr. Gage said with a chuckle as he took the visitor list to the front. “You mean Pain and that guy are two separate people? They sound exactly the same, how does that work?” Gabrielle asked, looking to Elaine for answers. “Oh that, it’s a long story but… They used to be the same person. You’ll be able to tell they are different when you see Hex. They also act like two different people, too.” Elaine took her hands off her face and gripped her hospital gown again, wrinkling it. “I’ll ask you about it later then.” Gabrielle walked up to check Elaine’s vitals, which were all normal. Loud and fast footsteps thundered down the hall, coupled with heavy panting. A man who looked exactly like Pain, short and small framed with the same hairstyle, entered. His skin was a normal flesh color, which was the only thing that made him and Pain physically look different. “Elaine!” He shouted with tired relief in his voice and ran up to her, he threw his arms around her in a tight embrace. “Hex, it’s been too long.” Elaine returned his embrace, and moved her hand slowly across his back. “I love you so much, I’ve waited so long for this moment.” He put a hand on the back of her head and ran his fingers through her hair. “I love you, too, and I’ve been waiting to tell you that again for a long, long time.” Elaine rested her chin on his shoulder and closed her eyes. “I’m back, I see you two are getting along just fine.” Dr. Gage walked back inside. “Is this any different than how they’ve acted towards each other before?” Gabrielle asked as she turned towards him. “They used to hate each other, actually,” Dr. Gage said, a relieved look on his face. “Used to,” Hex said, not moving from the spot he was in. “There’s a very good reason for the sudden change, but it’s still a fresh wound so I wouldn’t ask,” Dr. Gage said as he turned around and walked to the doorway. “Okay, I won’t,” Gabrielle said, looking at the two lovers wistfully, thinking back to her intimate encounter with Skyler. “I have someone I want you to meet, if you would follow me,” Dr. Gage said, gesturing towards the hallway. “Are you saying that I can meet her?” Gabrielle asked, her eyes wide with shock. “Yes, follow me to the elevator.” Dr. Gage turned the corner and walked further down the hallway. “I didn’t know we had an elevator, I wouldn’t have taken the stairs all this time if I knew.” Gabrielle followed closely behind him as they walked further down the hall. He took a sharp right at the end of the hall, the elevator was crammed into a tiny corner, facing the bathrooms. He pressed the button to call it, and it opened. “Do you use it often?” Gabrielle said as she walked in with him. “Yes, I have to. I can’t constrain myself to one realm of existence. This elevator connects me to all of the hospitals I have built in this dimension and the next. I had moved Elaine from the floor she was on to here so you could take care of her, which is why Hex had to come here by his own volition.” he pressed the button that was labeled with the number Four, and folded his hands behind his back. “You have two hospitals in two different dimensions? I thought this was just a regular hospital.” Gabrielle put a hand to her head, all the confusing information she was getting was scrambling her brain. “There’s nothing regular about me and my job, I didn’t arrive where you first met me until I was already thirty years old. I was from a completely different dimension, much like Elega, but greener.” Dr. Gage grabbed the rail as the elevator rumbled. “How do you know about Elega?” Gabrielle asked as she walked backwards and grabbed the railing behind her. “I visit there from time to time, Drake has taken me there before to show me the new technology he has been working on. I also know that it is where Skyler was reborn into his new body, though it looked different back then. His hands and halfway up his lower arms were completely metal, and he had four fingers instead of five. His feet and halfway up his shin were metal, and he had four toes as well, only there was a fifth toe on the back of the back of his heel,” he said, looking up at nothing. “What changed him to how he looks like now?” she said as she gripped the railing behind her. “After he killed his uncle, he had enough power to change his physical form a bit. He used the power he gained from slaying the Centaur Brothers to complete his body. The exposed metal parts of his body were an addition his father made, to take away the skin on their upper arms and lower legs was, to Skyler’s mother, akin of taking an entire sense away from them. It was like leaving them deaf or blind.” Dr. Gage lowered his head and gripped the railing hard. “That’s terrible, I guess that’s one of the many reasons why he hated his father,” Gabrielle said, taking a hand off of the railing to brush the hair out of her face. “Believe me, I would have treated him differently. That monster didn’t fully appreciate Deeana or the powers she wields, he was too busy thinking about world domination. An heir was only a means to an end for him, he spat on the precious gift of life he was given, it was painful to watch,” he said as he shook his head in disbelief. “How long does it take to get to the fourth floor? We’ve been in here a while.” Gabrielle frantically looked around, wondering if everything was working as intended. “There are only two floors in the building you know, and I don’t have an elevator to the upper floor in the other building at Lyserge, only to the basement, so that makes three. The fourth floor goes to a floor that doesn’t exist in your reality, so it will take some time to get there.” he gripped the railings again as another rumble shook the cab of the elevator again. The light dinging sound that signaled that they reached their desired floor rang out, and the doors slid open. The musty smell of old sheets permeated the air. She stepped past Dr. Gage and entered the fourth floor. There were a bunch of couches covered with white linens, one with a damp spot on one of the seats, like someone was doused with water. On a couch in the right side of the room laid a short and lanky girl covered in bandages. Her long blonde hair was splayed out beneath her, and she had a large white seal plush that she was hugging. Her eyes were much like Madina’s, only they were more innocent looking. The claws on her hands and feet wiggled a little in their places, and the single claw on the back of each of her feet dug into the couch. “Max, why did you bring a nurse here? I said I was fine.” The girl rolled over and sat up, looking at Gabrielle with a soft and inquisitive gaze. “Well, my dear, she’s been hearing a lot about you from your sons, mostly Skyler. I thought she should meet the woman who brought her beloved back into the realm of the living.” he stepped out as well, the doors closing behind him. “Beloved? Oh, the markings on her finger, I see. So he finally has a beloved? I’m so happy for him, he’s been through a lot and needs the support.” Deeana hugged the plushie in her arms tightly, the features on the bottom of her face moving upwards slightly, though there was no discernable mouth or nose behind her bandages. “You’re Skyler’s mom? But you’re so small, how old are you?” Gabrielle asked, kneeling down slightly so she could be head-to-head with Deeana. “I’ve forgotten again, Max, can you use that thing again that tells my age in human years?” Deeana pointed to Dr. Gage’s pocket, resting her chin on the plushie in her arms. “Alright, one second.” Dr. Gage rummaged through the pocket she pointed too and took out a small finger clamp device with a screen on top. He walked up to her and put it on her middle finger. “Twenty eight, it says.” Dr. Gage pointed to the screen, which lit up with the exact numbers that he said. “Oh dear, I’m almost thirty. Did you ever freak out when you became thirty, Max?” Deeana asked, looking up at him, the lights in the room reflecting off of her eyes. “Not really, I don’t have much time to worry about age.” he took off the device and put it back into his pocket. “Is Elaine doing fine? Did the treatment go as planned?” Deanna criss-crossed her legs together and leaned back onto the couch. “Yes, as soon as I hooked her up to it, she sprang up and started chattering like she used to,” Dr.Gage laughed and patted Deeana’s head. “That’s good. I hope I gave you enough for her complete recovery, I’m not sure when I’ll teleport away again.” Deeana lowered her head, resting her chin on the soft plushie again. “That’s why I extracted as much as I could in those three days, I’m sure that it’s enough.” he took his hand off her head and brushed her bangs aside. “How are Skyler and Drake, by the way? It’s been so long since Drake has last seen me.” Deeana messed with her hair and put her bangs back in place. “Drake needs to stay away from the hospital Elaine is in for a while, I will be taking him back to Lyserge City in the morning. Skyler however is doing great, he just came in this morning and all his brain readings are mostly stable, the most stable I’ve seen them since before he was reborn.” Dr. Gage turned and started to walk back to the elevator. “I see, I sensed that Drake wasn’t doing so well, I suppose that’s how bad it is. I really wish he hadn’t cannibalized his other self, they were supposed to be in separate bodies for a reason. If he felt so threatened, he should have killed him instead of absorbing him back into himself. You’ll find out a way to suppress that other side of him, won’t you?” Deeana asked as she put the plushie down next to her and got up. “I really don’t like making my own son an unwilling patient, but when he was acting out today, something felt very wrong. I hope I can convince him to come in so I can figure out how to treat his strange behavior.” Dr. Gage pressed the first floor button on the elevator, and the doors opened. “I’m glad you came to visit me, I hope to see you soon.” Deeana quickly walked over to him and tugged on his sleeve. “You know you can just call me if you feel lonely.” he turned around and ran his hand across her cheek. “I don’t want to distract you from your work, you know that,” she said and stepped back a bit. “I told you to call me when you find yourself in a familiar place, didn’t I?” he asked as he walked over and held his hand out in front of the door to stop it from closing. “Alright, I’ll think about it.” She folded her arms and looked away. “Are we going already? There’s still so much I want to ask her.” Gabrielle walked over to them at a brisk pace. “I’m afraid we both need to get back to work. It was nice seeing you again, I hope your journeys aren’t as bad as that last one you told me about. Goodbye, Dee.” He stepped into the elevator cab with a small smile on his face and waved at her. “Goodbye Max, I’ll miss you. Oh, and it was nice meeting you, miss.” Deeana turned to Gabrielle who was walking into the elevator with him. “It was nice meeting you too, I hope I can talk to you more soon,” Gabrielle said and waved to her as the door shut. “Why do they call themselves Forsaken, anyways?” she said and turned to Dr. Gage. “They have two names actually, the Forsaken name is the one everyone else gave them, but they are known between each other as the Fallen. The name Forsaken could mean forsaken by god, but Fallen definitely means fallen angel. Every one of them has scars across their scapulas, including Drake, who only gained them when he was… Actually, I’d rather not talk about that.” he turned away and quickly grabbed onto the railing. “Skyler told me about it, that Deeana’s blood didn’t activate within him until he, well…” Gabrielle looked away as well, Drake is his son, and talking about something as painful as that was extremely difficult. “I know very well what you mean, let’s forget about that and get back to work,” Dr. Gage said and looked back up at her, then nodded. She nodded back, this was a huge piece of the puzzle for her, meeting Skyler’s mother. She wondered why Deeana was covered in bandages though, and wondered what she really looked like under them, since she couldn’t see her nose or mouth. She also wondered why Deeana wasn’t acting erratically even though her eyes were red, since when Drake’s eyes went red he started acting unstable. There was so much about this world she still didn’t know, and now she has to seek answers both in this world and Elega, which will prove difficult.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2529", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - The Fallen and Forsaken", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
“Let’s all get acquainted first. My name is Pain, and this here is Drake.” Pain pointed at himself and then gestured towards Drake. “O-oh… I’m, I’m Fira, and this is Lunara,” Fira awkwardly gripped her dress with one hand and then pointed to Lunara with the other. “Now that we all know each other’s names, It’d be a good time to tell you that it’s not safe here anymore, at least for right now,” Pain said, looking to the two Maidens of Battle. “Where should we go then?” Drake asked, still gripping his left arm. “We could always go to Elaine’s place, since it’s free from Demon Hunters.” Pain took a flip phone out from his belt and flipped it open. He pressed a few buttons on it and a button that had a circle with horns on it. He turned the phone away, and a light shot out of the screen. A door took shape and materialized, black in color and with a silver rose painted on its surface. The light faded, and he flipped the phone closed and put it back onto his belt. This type of magic is one that can transport anyone from one dimension to another. He was originally from where the door lead to, but he came over to help Skyler and hold the throne for him. He felt that Elaine’s hideout in Lyserge city was the safest place, he feared that Demon Hunters would try to kill the two ladies that found him, since Demon Hunters kill anyone with even trace amounts of magic on them, regardless of what side they are on. “If we go there, what will happen when we wake up? Why not take us back to our side?” Fira asked, stepping closer to Pain. “There’s a problem with you going there as well, I will make the necessary accommodations to make sure you wake up safely, but you can’t go back there, it’s too dangerous.” Pain looked at Fira, and even though they just met, he was already feeling his hopeless romantic side kick in, making him feel overprotective of her. “What? Why?” Fira said as she gripped the skirt of her dress. “We found out that some of the people in your Parliament are colluding with someone very dangerous. We need to make sure they are removed from their positions before you can return.” Pain warned as he walked up to the door that he summoned. “How do you plan on doing that? You don’t have any connection to our side to be able to do anything about it, and we have no way to talk to anyone at the castle either!” Fira shouted and folded her arms tightly over her chest and started to rub her arms in small quick motions. “We do have a few connections, but it will take a day or two for things to be resolved, so we are taking you to a safer place for now.” Pain walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Okay, Lunara knows the spell we need to set a new dream starting point anyways, so we should be fine.” Fira looked to Lunara and nodded. “Yeah, I do. I’m glad I asked Shai how to do it.” Lunara had folded her arms too, but the goosebumps on the bare skin of her arms signified it was more out of cold than anger or stress. “Great, follow me then.” Pain motioned all three of them, including Drake, to come over. Drake nodded and walked up behind him. Lunara and Fira looked at each other, then broke the stare and walked up behind Drake. Pain opened the door, the hum of a generator coming from the other end. It opened up into a hallway that was painted completely black, with a thin metal roof being the only thing that kept it from the elements. Pain walked through, and Drake quickly followed behind. Fira and Lunara linked hands and reluctantly stepped through. Greek pillars that blended into the surroundings because of the coat of black paint on them loomed above the four. There were pedestals between each that had a bouquet of red roses. The door in front of them was classic looking and made out of mahogany, it was the only thing that, besides the roses, was not painted black. A female’s shouting voice could be heard from behind the door, which made Pain worried. He recognized that voice, it was Elaine. She should still be in the hospital, he thought to himself, she wasn’t even awake the last time he saw her. He had even visited her when he was still recovering from his injuries after he was beaten by that pitch black colored centaur. They had to wheel him in on a wheelchair just for him to be able to visit her. Without thinking, he ran towards the door. He quickly grabbed the ornate doorknob and swung the door open. Elaine was there, looking like she did before the curse ever touched her. She was gripping the black dress she was wearing that went down to the middle of her shin, the claws on her feet unable to angrily dig into the black ground because of the black shoe socks she had on, so her toes curled inwards. She adjusted her blonde hair from under the thin black veil she was wearing. Her completely red eyes with no iris, pupil or whites seemed to glow brighter than usual because of her anger. She slammed her hands onto the black desk, a muted boom rang out because her hands were covered up to the elbow with black gloves. “Kalan, for the last time, give me the list! I command you!” Elaine shouted, leaning over the desk to try and loom over the man named Kalan sitting at it. Kalan looked silly sitting in a small chair, like a full grown adult sitting in a child’s chair. He brushed away his long wavy black locks, and adjusted the tie of his butler outfit. He looked up at her with a blank and distant stare, his dark green eyes showed no ounce of emotion. “Wow, he’s huge,” Fira said after she slipped through the door’s opening, commenting on Kalan’s large and muscular frame. “I was told by your nephew to not give the list to you, and the family of my master’s command coupled with my own thoughts on the matter override your command.” Kalan clasped his hands together, intertwining his fingers. “I don’t believe this, you’ve never disobeyed me before! Why now?!” Elaine threw her arms up in anger. “How are you… I can’t believe you recovered so fast!” Pain smiled, his teeth showing since he has no lower lip with his current prosthetic. Elaine turned around, putting her hands to her sides, “Thank goodness you are here Pain. Kalan isn’t doing what I tell him to! I don’t know what to do, this has never happened before!” she gestured towards Kalan with both her arms. Kalan shook his head and then brought his index finger to his lips, signaling that he should be quiet as well. “He and I both know what you would do with such a list, we can’t let you do such a thing. Think about what would happen to Skyler if you slaughtered Parliament members.” Pain put his hands in front of himself and shook his head. “Oh, so I was right about there being Parliament names in that list. All the more reason to give it to me.” She grinned and put a hand to her face haughtily, a scheming look in her eyes. “All the more reason to not give it to you, you mean.” Pain let his arms flop in front of himself as he lowered his head, she didn’t get it. He used to always hate the vigilante side of her, there seemed to be no end to her righteous indignation. Nobody was safe from her wrath if she got enough incriminating evidence on someone, even a politician could be slapped on the wrist in court and wind up dead the next day, that was her modus operandi. He knew that quirk was dangerous, but the revelations that came out of the golem they captured could spell doom for the peace that he and Skyler are so desperately fighting for, if the information he and Kalan gained got into Elaine’s hands. “You won’t comply either? You know what will happen if you don’t give it to me, the king will let them off easy, and what then? They would cause as much of a ruckus as I would by killing them. I’m trying to help you.” Elaine held up her hand, gesturing for him to relent and give her the names the golem told him. “You don’t trust the assembly that has your own grandmother on it to do the right thing?” Pain looked up at her, but still slouched. “Cara is too soft, she’d never excommunicate people, she always sees the best in even the worst people, that’s how I was born, remember?” Elaine stretched out her hand even further, furrowing her brow and clenching her jaw tightly. “I know that, but there’s one member in the Veil of Light that has lost all his patience. If I give the list to him, he has enough power to excommunicate all of the people on the list. He even works directly with Parliament,” Pain retorted, holding up an index finger. “Even if that person exists, I doubt he’ll believe you.” Elaine folded her arms and turned her head away from him in a huff. “If you can’t trust them, at least trust me. I would hope you would give me that much.” Pain lowered his hand and grasped a bottle on his belt. “Fine, but I will say I told you so if something bad happens,” Elaine said and turned to face Kalan, who was still looking up at her with a face devoid of emotion. “Get out of my chair already, Kalan, you’ve been commandeering it for about an hour, and I’m getting tired of standing already,” Elaine said as she gestured for Kalan to get up. “Yes, my lady.” Kalan stood up and walked over to the side of the desk. He loomed over her because of how tall he was. “We have a problem, by the way. We have a few guests who are to stay here until this whole thing blows over.” Pain pointed behind him to Fira, and Lunara as well, although she was peeking her head through the door’s opening. “You don’t have to ask me for something like that, Pain. You already know where the free guest rooms are.” Elaine went over and sat down and crossed her legs. “I thought I’d run it by you first. Come on, you two, let’s get you to your rooms, then you can explore a bit.” Pain turned around and gestured for both Fira and Lunara to follow him. Fira and Lunara looked at each other silently then followed Pain out of the room. Drake was leaning against a wall in the middle of the hallway. He looked to the others and walked up to them, silently joining the group. Pain walked with them down the hallway, then gestured for them to turn left down another hallway. He led them down that hallway until it opened up to another hallway with several doors. “Pick any one you like.” Pain held up his hand and made a sweeping motion with it. “I-I pick you!” Fira pointed at Pain, gripping her dress with the other hand again. Her cheeks went red as soon as the words escaped her mouth. That completely threw him off guard. It was then that the hopeless romantic side of him that overpowered him in that moment. His heart almost jumped out of his chest when she said it. He felt his own face get hot. He was going to correct her but he couldn’t find the words as to how, his mind went blank. He could only put his hand up to his heart in response. His heart was pounding so hard and fast that it made him feel dizzy for a short time. “I wouldn’t say that if you don’t mean it, he’s very fragile.” Drake walks up to Fira with his hands in his pockets. “I think he meant the rooms, not people, Fira,” Lunara said, pointing towards the doors. “I… I am not,” Pain said as he continued to try to calm himself down. “Sure, sure,” Drake said with a chuckle. “Don’t patronize me please,” Pain said with a huff. “Quit it, you two,” Lunara said as she folded her arms aggressively. “You guys, please. Here, I’ll choose this one.” Fira walked up to the middle right door and opened it. “Wait for me, I’ll make it your new designated bed,” Lunara said, unfolded her arms and quickly followed her. The two went inside, leaving Drake and Pain behind. Pain leaned against the corner of the hallway and took his hand off his chest to fold his arms. He had a lot of memories of this place, he remembered the first time Elaine showed him around after she had her friend make him his prosthetic jaw, and after Dr. Gage found a way to close up the Y incision on his chest. He remembered how she tried to act like nothing was wrong, but he could tell she was shaken. Having to go through losing someone she loved, even though she brought him back, it hit her hard. Not to mention her losing a piece of her soul twice. First by the forbidden book she had in her possession, and second by using a spell to merge with her past self, which involved transferring body, mind and soul. That was something he unfortunately couldn’t do himself, the curse that she used to bring him back made it so his soul could never leave his body again, and since the merging spell involves transposing the soul, it was impossible for him to do. She felt extremely guilty about it, and did whatever she could to rectify the situation. She let him stay in one of the guest rooms he was currently near until he could get a place of his own. She did a lot for him, not just to try and make him feel comfortable, but because she saw him as the person he used to be before he died. He and Elaine even dated for a time, because she thought that he didn’t change too much after dying and going to heaven, but he was too different now. He had become almost a completely different person. She loved Hex, not him. Fira and Lunara came back into the hallway, Lunara as usual was silent, and Fira was awkwardly gripping her dress again. Lunara turned around and waved, then went into the room to the right of them without saying a word. Fira stood there for a short time, exchanging awkward giggles with Pain. He didn’t want it to be completely silent, but the awkward giggling made things worse. He did it without thinking, and once he realized he was doing it, he turned away from her. He just didn’t know what to say, she was the only girl who had even the slightest bit of interest in him. The feelings he was getting made him nervous, what if he messed it all up and she lost interest? The silence broke as Lunara walked back out, she walked up to Drake who still had his hands in his pockets. Drake was looking the other direction, so Lunara tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped slightly and made a surprised vocalization, then turned his head towards her. “What is it?” Drake asked, then turned his body to face her direction. “When can we go exploring?” Lunara said, and used her right hand to rub her left arm. “Oh yeah, there’s something you two should see,” Drake said, walking back into the other hallway and gesturing for her and the others to follow. “Is he going to take us where I think he’s going to take us?” Pain asked, a small smile showing a little bit of his teeth. “Yeah, just follow me,” Drake said as he continued to walk down the hallway. Drake led them through the building and out the large doors made of thin metal that had ridges in them. Outside it looked just like a normal, albeit large storage facility. The clouds above obscured the sunlight, casting a shadow over the city. Cars rode on by, and the brick and mortar buildings next to the building they were in seemed out of place next to a large metal structure that seemed to be a wall that spanned such a distance that looked like it continued even out of sight. There was a roof and a walkway in the structure, so there must have been a way to get up onto the wall. He led the three to the entrance of the wall, which was a large double door made of metal. He pressed the button on the side and the doors opened, revealing an elevator. “We’re too far away from the stairs anyways, so let’s use this.” Drake gestured for them to follow him into the elevator. They all got in, and he pressed the button with the arrow pointing upward. The elevator closed its doors and dinged, and Pain grabbed the railing. Lunara just stood there, while Fira grabbed the railing with both hands. Drake however put his hands in his pockets and stood there next to Lunara. The elevator jostled a bit, making Lunara bump into Drake. “S-sorry,” Lunara said, taking her hand off his arm. “It’s fine,” Drake said and smiled warmly at her, making Lunara’s face turn red as she looked away. The elevator stopped with a ding, its doors slid open, they were on the walkway. Lunara quickly ran out, followed by Pain and Fira. Drake slowly walked out and the doors closed behind him. Lunara ran over to the railing, she gasped, her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide. Fira walked up to the railing as well. “What is it, Lunara?” Fira asked, leaning in to make sure Lunara was ok. “I… I can’t believe this!” Lunara said as she looked from side to side and even straight down. “Pretty neat, huh?” Drake said with a grin. “There’s no ground out there!” Lunara shouted as she looked back at Drake. “Let me explain,” Pain said, holding up his left index finger “Go ahead.” Drake took a hand out his pocket and brushed away a strand of hair that got in his face. “This isn’t Earth, this is Cluster. It’s called that because it is a bunch of floating continents. The planet that this ground came from collapsed in on itself. There was warning though, that’s why these giant floating cities exist. The atmosphere, the gravity, the ozone layer, it’s all man-made. Anti-gravity technology is the only thing keeping these big floating rocks afloat. Don’t worry though, if something breaks, there are backups, as well as one for the barrier that keeps the vortex from sucking everything into it.” Pain put down his hand, and went to the railing himself. He looked down at the barrier, the city casting its reflection on the water below. He hadn’t looked at it in a while. He thought about one of the few things that didn’t change, when he was depressed he would always come up to the wall and stare down at the sea below. A hand touched his shoulder, he looked up, and it was Fira. She smiled at him and patted him. He realized that he had a sad brow, and his face relaxed. He sighed, and nodded at her, saying nothing. He appreciated that she was trying to cheer him up. He thought he was already over what happened to him, but looking down at that clear blue water reminded him about right after he was able to after he came back to life. That crushing depression he felt when he found out he had to separate himself from his previous life. Elaine told him not to get too attached to his old friends and Hex’s girlfriend, who used to be his. He couldn’t look his old friends in the face anymore because he felt like a different person, a stranger. He had to make new friends, Elaine, Drake and Skyler were there for him, but every once and awhile he thinks about his old life. But he knows those moments will pass, and that he needs to enjoy the present.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2534", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - City in the Sky", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Drake left the three behind and they all went their separate ways after going to the edge of the city. Drake went back to the hospital his father worked at, where he lived. His father was married to his job and worked constantly, so his father building a bedroom for himself and his son seemed like a good idea, but it turned out to only blur the lines between work and rest. He loved and resented his father at the same time. For a majority of his life he always thought he never had a mother, and that he was a test tube baby. It was only a few years ago when he found out he actually had a mother, but she was dead. A year after that, his father admitted that his mother wasn’t dead, he was done with his constant lying. He thought about her constantly as of late, wondering why Father never told him about her before. Was it to protect him? Why did it take his suppressed demon side taking over for him to tell the truth? He entered the building, paying no mind to Jack, who was behind the front desk this time. He went over to where Elaine’s room was. He still felt remnants of his mother’s essence lingering in the air. “I knew you would come back here.” His father’s voice was right behind him. There was no fear or dissatisfaction in his voice when he spoke. He jumped, and spun around. His father, Dr. Gage, had his hands behind his back, and had a grin on his face. His father’s sudden change of mood from distant to loving unnerved him. His father had been lost in his work for months, which meant little or no time for him. “W-what is it? What’s got you so happy?” Drake said with an awkward laugh. His father took a hand out from behind his back. What he saw in his hands froze him in place. It was a device that had metal shaped to fit around the back of someone’s neck, in the middle of it there was a metal protrusion covered in many different colored wires that went outward. He knew exactly what this was. It was a device that connected straight to his mother’s mainframe. “You… How?” Drake said breathlessly, unconsciously reaching towards it. “I thought this would calm you down, I know how much she means to you. She gave me this before she left.” His father held up the contraption. Drake walked over, his heartbeat in his ears. He felt full of energy and tired at the same time, a flash of sickly warmth cascaded through his body. He reached out to touch it, but then he remembered gaining control of his body again with his hands covered in blood. He remembered the other half of him that was locked away, the one he cannibalized. He pulled his hands away. Thinking of Marissa, and how his other side had murdered her. He could never forgive himself for what happened to Marissa. It was years ago, but every time he remembered it still felt recent. It may not have been completely himself, but it was still his body. Her blood was still on his hands. Waking up to find that the one he loved was gone was physically painful, like dying all over again. He could still remember looking at her as she stared out over the balcony at the Weather Center. It was the highest place in Lyserge, and he would go there with her to just hang out. He remembered her smile, her laugh. He felt like his heart was going to collapse in on itself from the pain. “Will… Will he be there? The other me?” Drake asked while he clenched his hands into fists. “Haven’t you ever wanted to talk freely with him? Have you never had any questions to ask him?” His father lowered his hands a bit. “I’ve only ever talked to him about five times. Seeing myself in him was disgusting. I couldn’t take it anymore, all the innocent people he’s killed. You know I had to do it. It was a mistake to give him his own body.” Drake scowled, his gloved claws putting stabbing pressure on his palms. He hated his demon side, the one he named Glitch. He knew that Glitch was an extreme misanthrope, to the point of killing people just to remove them from existence, at least that’s what he thought. He only had second-hand accounts of what Glitch would do when his body was under Glitch’s control. He attacked his own father, killed countless innocent people, including Marissa. He didn’t talk to him much after they got separate bodies, because even being in the same room with him made him sick. Letting a psychopath have a superpowered android body was the worst idea. Glitch easily broke out and escaped into the city. The only thing he could do to rectify the situation was to kill him. He gave the bastard a few close calls, but eventually he did it, he finally got revenge. “He’s going away soon. You only have a finite amount of time before he’s completely gone. He can’t hurt you anymore, either. You can talk to him without fear now,” he said and held the machine up again. His hands relaxed, his fear of facing Glitch subsided. He needed her. So, so badly. He’d do just about anything to get closer to his mother. Why would he let his other self get in the way? He had to face the much more unsavory part of himself if he was going to get to know his mother better. He reached out for it again, taking it into his hands this time. He stared at it. Thinking of what it would be like to live inside his mother’s brain. He almost dropped it, then fumbled it as his hands shook. “Are you… Are you sure I can take this?” Drake said. “Yes, I’m sure,” his father said as he lowered his arms to his sides. His breathing became quicker, he clutched the device in his right hand, turned around and ran to his room. Bolting through the hallways, although he felt completely out of energy, he kept going. The rooms zoomed past him as he ran, and he gripped the contraption in his hand tightly, so it wouldn’t fall out of his grasp. He reached his room, and stopped in his tracks, slouching over and putting his hands on his knees. While he tried to catch his breath, he brought the hand that held the device up, and looked at it. A drop of sweat escaped his face and hit the glossy metal. This was it, he was finally going to be as close to Mother as he could possibly be. He rose up and opened the door to his room. On the plain white countertop sat an unfinished pair of augmented reality glasses he was working on earlier. He had been trying to make them look like regular glasses, using some recent technology. He was getting close, but he was working with flimsy material, and wanted material that was less prone to breaking. He walked over and laid down on his bed, the green bedding below him rustling slightly. He looked at the device, and on the back of it there was an arrow at the top end of the protrusion where it said to turn it. He put it onto the back of his neck, and turned the contraption. His vision went black and he felt an electric shock from the device go into and through his body. He instantly felt her presence, and the feeling of the soft bed below him was exchanged with the feeling of wood. He opened his eyes, and found himself on a wooden platform held up by chains that was lowering itself down. He sensed who he feared would be there, his other self. He hoisted himself up by his arm, and looked over to the other edge of the platform. There he was, Glitch. Staring back at him with red colored eyes. His Fallen mouth was showing, making his visage even more menacing. Glitch scratched at the stitches holding together his patched together skin; some were a raw pink, some were a sickly green, and some were a deathly blue, the rest were normal but all different variants of lighter pigments. Glitch’s right arm was missing, all that was left was a stump covered in patched together skin like the rest of him. He stood up slowly, not saying a word. Menacing stares didn’t phase him. He looked to the nearest wall, which was behind him. Protruding halfway out of the wall was a giant version of what his mother would have looked like if she was still human. She was covered in raw flesh, as was the rest of the wall. Various tubes, pipes and wires were connected to this giant version of her. All of them threaded out of sight. He remembered this place, this was where he went the first time he died. “You motherfucker,” Glitch said with vitriol in his voice. “What took you so long to respond, you murderer?” Drake retorted, clenching his hands into fists again. “Thought I could at least let you get your bearings again before I start explaining why what you did was fucked up.” Glitch looked away from him and the wall as he rolled his eyes. “Fucked up? And murdering Marissa wasn’t?” Drake said through his teeth as he clenched his jaw shut. “That’s something entirely different, and you know that. I am a product of your father’s want to keep you from being ostracized, taking that shit out on me instead of him isn’t exactly fair. I didn’t ask to exist. Never wanted to.” Glitch looked back at Drake and held up his hand. “Why did you do it? Why did you kill her?” Drake relaxed his jaw enough so the words he said would get through his teeth. He almost choked up as he tried to get those words out of his mouth. He never asked Glitch why he killed Marissa, since it was such a touchy subject. Too afraid to ask Glitch in fear of him mocking him over her death. “You know I had to do it. She was too pure for this world. I loved her too, you know. You could have asked me how I felt about her. But you never did. All you thought about was yourself, your loss. Not mine. You never once asked me how I felt. I’m not a cold unfeeling robot, I have emotions like anybody else in this god forsaken existence,” Glitch said, tears pooling slowly under his eyes. “I don’t get it, if you really loved her, wouldn’t you have wanted to spend more time with her?” Drake asked, confused because of the mixed signals he was getting from Glitch. “I didn’t want her to suffer. Existence is suffering, Drake. Why do you think I killed? Because I enjoy it? No, it’s because I was freeing them. She needed saving the most, I couldn’t stand seeing her suffer any longer. That world ruined her, turned her cynical. And yet she still tried. Tried to help me. Tried to save me, in her own way. But there’s no real escape from suffering besides death.” Glitch put his only hand up to his face to hide his tears. “If the world didn’t have suffering, there would be no meaning to happiness! The specter of death and the existence of suffering and pain is what gives life meaning! If nobody died and nobody got hurt, what kind of life would that be? It would be meaningless!” Drake shouted. “Isn’t that what humans call Heaven?” Glitch retorted as he took his hand away from his face, which was wet with tears. “That’s… Heaven and life is supposed to be different for a reason,” Drake said, now unsure about what he was saying before. “Don’t try to backpedal with me, if I was any different from what I am now, I probably wouldn’t be like this. I was pulled, kicking and screaming into life. My mission was to end all the suffering and let God sort them out. I didn’t destroy your body because I still had work to do,” Glitch said as he put his hand to the side of his head. “What about Mother? She can’t die, remember?” Drake asked as he tried to get the upper hand in the argument. “I know that, I knew from the start I couldn’t save her, and that’s what hurt me the most. It’s too late now, anyways. Soon I’ll be gone, and your race can continue its endless cycle of suffering. You win. Are you happy now? Does this satisfy you?” Glitch said with a shaky voice, tears ran down his face a second time. “I… It didn’t make me happy. I wasn’t seeking to be satisfied, I was protecting people from you,” Drake said “Liar, as soon as I was reintroduced to your body I felt the rush of satisfaction you had in what you did. I may not be able to control your body anymore but I can still feel your emotions. You wanted revenge, I get it. Since you think life still has meaning, me taking her away from both of us was a perceived slight against you. You wanted revenge. Why then, did you not chase after me immediately after I broke out when I got my own body? Was it because you questioned yourself? Maybe you knew, deep down, that I’m right,” Glitch said as he covered the stump where his arm once was. “I only felt that because I hated you, not because I wanted revenge,” Drake retorted. “Hated? As in, past tense? Is it different now, now that you know where I’m coming from?” Glitch said as he wiped his face dry. “Maybe I don’t hate you now, just resent you. But nothing will ever make us friends,” Drake said angrily. “It doesn’t matter now, anyways. I’m already starting to lose parts of myself. Soon, there won’t be anything left.” Glitch said with sadness in his voice, his hand trailing back to the stump where his arm was again. “Is that why your arm is gone?” Drake asked as he folded his arms. “Yeah. By the way, we’re almost there.” Glitch said, raising his hand away from the wall. “Almost where?” Drake said, since he had only been on the wooden platform before, and thought that the platform went nowhere. “You didn’t think this was all there was, did you?” Glitch laughed. Drake wondered where the platform was going to. He looked to the wall, they were at Mother’s ankles now, which meant that where her feet were, there was floor. He only saw the device he was wearing to get here when Skyler showed him his a few months back. He remembered wanting to borrow it, but Skyler refused. The interaction devolved into Drake trying to grab for it while Skyler kept it just out of his reach. He should have asked Skyler what he saw while he was there, instead of incessantly asking for him to give it to him. He felt stupid now, and wanted to see what was beyond the platform for himself.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2540", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Mainframe", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Off in the distance Gabrielle could see a white structure. She looked to Skyler, who’s purple bandages with blue markings were stained black. She worried about his wound, even though she thought that it wasn’t bleeding anymore. “Is this the Ruby Citadel?” She asked. “Yeah.” He gripped his bandaged wound. “Are you going to be alright?” She reached out and grabbed his bare arm. “I’ll be fine, I’ll be fine. You don’t have to keep worrying about me.” Skyler smiled and shook his head. “Alright, I was just checking up on you.” She let go of his arm and grabbed her dress. They continued to walk up to the citadel, until Skyler raised his arm to stop her. “Watch this.” He looked at her, then looked to the citadel. He raised his arms, and off in the distance the black ground turned white. The ground turned white up until it reached halfway across the citadel, he then lowered his arms, and the black ground stopped going backwards. “Wow, how did you do that?” She looked to him, amazed. He summoned a single black coin with unknown markings. “This stores all Wrackivorn’s powers, now that he is dead, I possess them. That doesn’t include the spells he got from the forbidden book, those can’t be transferred.” He flipped the coin and caught it. “Oh, thank goodness, I was worried you’d lose your soul.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, no, learned spells are only transferred if it comes to shadow magic. I’m the last of my kind left now, so I all of them, and I have to use my powers responsibly.” He smiled again. “Why did you have to change the ground?” She was confused as to why he already gave back so much land to her side. “Because the citadel wouldn’t open otherwise.” He chuffed. “Really? I thought they just closed it because they didn’t like it, not because the land was taken from us.” She thought that it was only because they wanted to keep whatever was inside secret, not because it was impossible to open because it had to be on both halves of land. “It’s because there needs to be peace and an agreement between both light and dark that they would keep it open and not try to take any more land, if any amount of land on either side is more than half, the citadel closes.” He pointed to it. “Should we go in?” She looked to it and then back at him. “Yeah, I want to see what’s inside, and, most likely, so do you.” He nodded. “Of course I do.” She nodded back and gave him a small smile. The doors creaked open, and inside was a giant library with beautiful statues of people on one side and shadow demons on the other. The inside was very spacious and there were breathtaking murals along the walls and ceiling. She looked to the one directly behind her and saw two figures, one dark male with short hair, and one light female with long curly hair, they were shaking hands. “Wait, is this supposed to be us?” She looked to Skyler, who turned around and walked up to the mural. “Wow, looks like it, they even got the hair down pat.” He gave a surprised smile. She stared at the mural for a few more seconds, but then got the overwhelming urge to open one of the books in the library. She turned back. “What are all the books here about?” She walked up to the bookshelves. She opened one, and even though the writing wasn’t English, she could understand it. “This is a… gray magic book?” She looked up to Skyler, who shrugged. “I guess it’s a combination of shadow magic and light magic. Must have been forbidden and got locked away after the war started up again.” He looked over her shoulder. “Can you read it?” She looked over. “Yeah, I can too, usually reading light magic spells hurts my eyes, but this doesn’t” He reached around and put his hand on her shoulder. “What else is there in here?” She put the book away and ran deeper into the citadel. “Whoa, slow down, there could be dangerous stuff in here.” Skyler ran after her. They ran to the center of the citadel, where there was a circular opening filled with white water. “Hmm, I’ve never seen anything like this before.” She reached down and touched it. A being came out from under the water, it had white skin and a large yet thin backwards pea pod shaped head and solid red eyes with no pupils or whites. It was wearing a long white poncho with gray magic markings around the bottom. The poncho had sleeves and it waved with sharp white hands. “Greetings, Light Maiden. It seems the war has finally ended, and my time of awakening Is now.” The creature smiled with its eyes, since it had no mouth. “Who are you?” She asked. “Ah shit, I hope it’s friendly.” Skyler ran up behind Gabrielle and stopped. He huffed, his hands on his knees. “I am Adam. It seems your betrothed’s power is waning, usually Darklings do not tire.” Adam looked to Skyler. “That’s a very normal name for a creature like you.” She looked Adam up and down. “I am named after the first human, I was sent by the Veil of Light to guard this place, since I am a member of it.” Adam pointed to himself. “Oh, that’s adorable.” She put a hand to her face and smiled again. “Ah, thank you, Light Maiden. And I suppose your betrothed is the King of Darkness?” Adam continued to stare at Skyler, who stood back up and coughed. “Well, I haven’t been crowned yet but I will be soon.” He lowered his head but kept looking upwards at Adam. “Oh that is fine. Do not worry. What of your brethren?” Adam put his index finger to his face. “They’re all dead, I’m the only one left.” He summoned a bunch of coins with slightly different symbols to Wrackivorn’s coin, along with the coin itself, into his hand and showed them to Adam. “I see, so that is all that is left of them. They must have really hated the light to not be swayed by the threat of death.” Adam looked to the coins and back up at Skyler. “I’m determined to do whatever I can to end the war, let me know how I can help.” Skyler bowed and the coins disappeared from his hand. “Have you given back any artifacts that were stolen?” Adam asked. “No, not yet, but there’s a lot, a giant display case full. I’m planning on returning it after I’m crowned king.” Skyler rose back up. “I assume you two have already consummated?” Adam looked to the both of them. “I-” Gabrielle started to try and say something, but Skyler piped up. “Yeah, I showed the bloody bed sheets to Shai, don’t worry.” Skyler nodded again. “Skyler! Don’t tell him that!” Gabrielle’s face crinkled and reddened in embarrassment and anger. “What? That’s kind of important, even if we didn’t do it immediately after the ritual, it had to be done eventually.” Skyler’s face flushed gray and he lowered his head again. “You don’t need to tell the nice man about our love life.” Gabrielle huffed. “Sorry, but it seems like he’s an important figure, so I thought I should tell him. Besides, he asked.” Skyler’s face became more gray. “It is fine, it is too late now, the cat is out of the bag anyways.” Adam giggled and held a hand to his face. “What else does he need to do? And no more asking personal questions.” Gabrielle frowned. “Other than being crowned king? He did the biggest one, which is why you are inside here, he gave the land back to your people, Light Maiden. Are you prepared to be crowned queen, by the way?” Adam looked to Skyler and then to Gabrielle. “Wait. I’m going to be queen?” She was surprised, she didn’t think she needed to be queen to make peace with the other side. “Well, a king must have a queen. I assume you will build a new castle on the border, yes?” Adam looked to both of them again. “The old king is alright, but I would prefer if you were ruler.” Skyler looked at her lovingly. “I have no idea how to run a country though.” She looked to Skyler again. She was worried that she would do something wrong and have the people knocking at her door with pitchforks and torches. “I’m sure Shai would teach you how.” Skyler waved his hand. “Do we really have to build a new castle here?” She looked back to Adam. “You can use the Ruby Citadel as a castle while the other one is being built.” Adam nodded. “Alright, it’s settled then. Can’t wait for this war to finally be over.” Skyler grinned. “Shouldn’t we go back so you can be crowned?” She looked to Skyler. “Yeah, let’s go.” Skyler took her hand in his. “I can’t wait!” She grinned and giggled. They bid goodbye to Adam, and went back to the dark side castle, on the way they noticed that the battle had ended and everyone was gone. Skyler went inside and picked up his clothes and put them on. He apologized for bleeding on her dress, but she just said she could easily get a new one. Skyler talked to the Gravekeeper Darklings about a coronation, and she smiled. She knew that Skyler would be a great king. Skyler then took her to the light side castle and she talked to Shai about her coronation as well. Shai already knew that Gabrielle was in line to become queen, but did not tell her because she did not want to worry her. She asked about how to wake up and Shai told her that Fira and Lunara had already awoken. Shai led Gabrielle to her room and they performed a spell that would wake her up. She woke up in the middle of the day, and thanked the powers that be that it was her day off. She called Skyler, who was already awake, and spent the day chatting and having fun with him. Off in the distance Gabrielle could see a white structure. She looked to Skyler, who’s purple bandages with blue markings were stained black. She worried about his wound, even though she thought that it wasn’t bleeding anymore. “Is this the Ruby Citadel?” She asked. “Yeah.” He gripped his bandaged wound. “Are you going to be alright?” She reached out and grabbed his bare arm. “I’ll be fine, I’ll be fine. You don’t have to keep worrying about me.” Skyler smiled and shook his head. “Alright, I was just checking up on you.” She let go of his arm and grabbed her dress. They continued to walk up to the citadel, until Skyler raised his arm to stop her. “Watch this.” He looked at her, then looked to the citadel. He raised his arms, and off in the distance the black ground turned white. The ground turned white up until it reached halfway across the citadel, he then lowered his arms, and the black ground stopped going backwards. “Wow, how did you do that?” She looked to him, amazed. He summoned a single black coin with unknown markings. “This stores all Wrackivorn’s powers, now that he is dead, I possess them. That doesn’t include the spells he got from the forbidden book, those can’t be transferred.” He flipped the coin and caught it. “Oh, thank goodness, I was worried you’d lose your soul.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, no, learned spells are only transferred if it comes to shadow magic. I’m the last of my kind left now, so I all of them, and I have to use my powers responsibly.” He smiled again. “Why did you have to change the ground?” She was confused as to why he already gave back so much land to her side. “Because the citadel wouldn’t open otherwise.” He chuffed. “Really? I thought they just closed it because they didn’t like it, not because the land was taken from us.” She thought that it was only because they wanted to keep whatever was inside secret, not because it was impossible to open because it had to be on both halves of land. “It’s because there needs to be peace and an agreement between both light and dark that they would keep it open and not try to take any more land, if any amount of land on either side is more than half, the citadel closes.” He pointed to it. “Should we go in?” She looked to it and then back at him. “Yeah, I want to see what’s inside, and, most likely, so do you.” He nodded. “Of course I do.” She nodded back and gave him a small smile. The doors creaked open, and inside was a giant library with beautiful statues of people on one side and shadow demons on the other. The inside was very spacious and there were breathtaking murals along the walls and ceiling. She looked to the one directly behind her and saw two figures, one dark male with short hair, and one light female with long curly hair, they were shaking hands. “Wait, is this supposed to be us?” She looked to Skyler, who turned around and walked up to the mural. “Wow, looks like it, they even got the hair down pat.” He gave a surprised smile. She stared at the mural for a few more seconds, but then got the overwhelming urge to open one of the books in the library. She turned back. “What are all the books here about?” She walked up to the bookshelves. She opened one, and even though the writing wasn’t English, she could understand it. “This is a… gray magic book?” She looked up to Skyler, who shrugged. “I guess it’s a combination of shadow magic and light magic. Must have been forbidden and got locked away after the war started up again.” He looked over her shoulder. “Can you read it?” She looked over. “Yeah, I can too, usually reading light magic spells hurts my eyes, but this doesn’t” He reached around and put his hand on her shoulder. “What else is there in here?” She put the book away and ran deeper into the citadel. “Whoa, slow down, there could be dangerous stuff in here.” Skyler ran after her. They ran to the center of the citadel, where there was a circular opening filled with white water. “Hmm, I’ve never seen anything like this before.” She reached down and touched it. A being came out from under the water, it had white skin and a large yet thin backwards pea pod shaped head and solid red eyes with no pupils or whites. It was wearing a long white poncho with gray magic markings around the bottom. The poncho had sleeves and it waved with sharp white hands. “Greetings, Light Maiden. It seems the war has finally ended, and my time of awakening Is now.” The creature smiled with its eyes, since it had no mouth. “Who are you?” She asked. “Ah shit, I hope it’s friendly.” Skyler ran up behind Gabrielle and stopped. He huffed, his hands on his knees. “I am Adam. It seems your betrothed’s power is waning, usually Darklings do not tire.” Adam looked to Skyler. “That’s a very normal name for a creature like you.” She looked Adam up and down. “I am named after the first human, I was sent by the Veil of Light to guard this place, since I am a member of it.” Adam pointed to himself. “Oh, that’s adorable.” She put a hand to her face and smiled again. “Ah, thank you, Light Maiden. And I suppose your betrothed is the King of Darkness?” Adam continued to stare at Skyler, who stood back up and coughed. “Well, I haven’t been crowned yet but I will be soon.” He lowered his head but kept looking upwards at Adam. “Oh that is fine. Do not worry. What of your brethren?” Adam put his index finger to his face. “They’re all dead, I’m the only one left.” He summoned a bunch of coins with slightly different symbols to Wrackivorn’s coin, along with the coin itself, into his hand and showed them to Adam. “I see, so that is all that is left of them. They must have really hated the light to not be swayed by the threat of death.” Adam looked to the coins and back up at Skyler. “I’m determined to do whatever I can to end the war, let me know how I can help.” Skyler bowed and the coins disappeared from his hand. “Have you given back any artifacts that were stolen?” Adam asked. “No, not yet, but there’s a lot, a giant display case full. I’m planning on returning it after I’m crowned king.” Skyler rose back up. “I assume you two have already consummated?” Adam looked to the both of them. “I-” Gabrielle started to try and say something, but Skyler piped up. “Yeah, I showed the bloody bed sheets to Shai, don’t worry.” Skyler nodded again. “Skyler! Don’t tell him that!” Gabrielle’s face crinkled and reddened in embarrassment and anger. “What? That’s kind of important, even if we didn’t do it immediately after the ritual, it had to be done eventually.” Skyler’s face flushed gray and he lowered his head again. “You don’t need to tell the nice man about our love life.” Gabrielle huffed. “Sorry, but it seems like he’s an important figure, so I thought I should tell him. Besides, he asked.” Skyler’s face became more gray. “It is fine, it is too late now, the cat is out of the bag anyways.” Adam giggled and held a hand to his face. “What else does he need to do? And no more asking personal questions.” Gabrielle frowned. “Other than being crowned king? He did the biggest one, which is why you are inside here, he gave the land back to your people, Light Maiden. Are you prepared to be crowned queen, by the way?” Adam looked to Skyler and then to Gabrielle. “Wait. I’m going to be queen?” She was surprised, she didn’t think she needed to be queen to make peace with the other side. “Well, a king must have a queen. I assume you will build a new castle on the border, yes?” Adam looked to both of them again. “The old king is alright, but I would prefer if you were ruler.” Skyler looked at her lovingly. “I have no idea how to run a country though.” She looked to Skyler again. She was worried that she would do something wrong and have the people knocking at her door with pitchforks and torches. “I’m sure Shai would teach you how.” Skyler waved his hand. “Do we really have to build a new castle here?” She looked back to Adam. “You can use the Ruby Citadel as a castle while the other one is being built.” Adam nodded. “Alright, it’s settled then. Can’t wait for this war to finally be over.” Skyler grinned. “Shouldn’t we go back so you can be crowned?” She looked to Skyler. “Yeah, let’s go.” Skyler took her hand in his. “I can’t wait!” She grinned and giggled. They bid goodbye to Adam, and went back to the dark side castle, on the way they noticed that the battle had ended and everyone was gone. Skyler went inside and picked up his clothes and put them on. He apologized for bleeding on her dress, but she just said she could easily get a new one. Skyler talked to the Gravekeeper Darklings about a coronation, and she smiled. She knew that Skyler would be a great king. Skyler then took her to the light side castle and she talked to Shai about her coronation as well. Shai already knew that Gabrielle was in line to become queen, but did not tell her because she did not want to worry her. She asked about how to wake up and Shai told her that Fira and Lunara had already awoken. Shai led Gabrielle to her room and they performed a spell that would wake her up. She woke up in the middle of the day, and thanked the powers that be that it was her day off. She called Skyler, who was already awake, and spent the day chatting and having fun with him.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2581", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - The Ruby Citadel", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle felt the dull warmth of her bed, then the cold of the room touching the left side of her body. She opened her eyes, and immediately felt sore. She got onto her elbows and felt something she needed to deal with. She grabbed the sheets and tossed them off of herself, revealing small stains. She took a deep breath and sighed, then sat up. She felt disgusting, only because of the feeling it gave off. She quickly got up and ran over to the bathroom, the soreness sending pangs of pain through her body as she ran. She cleaned herself up, and sighed again while sitting on the toilet. Skyler was probably out in the living room, had she slept in? It was another day off, so she didn’t feel the need to set the alarm. She felt a dull, pulsating ache in her hips, as if Skyler’s hands left an imprint on her sides. She rose up and went over to her clothes drawer, then grabbed a pair of replacement underpants and slip. She went back to the bathroom and closed the door. She looked down at the ones she was wearing, and wondered if she wanted to throw them away or save them. She tossed them into the cupboard under the bathroom sink to deal with them later. After she put clean clothes on, she opened the door, and warily traced her eyes along the carpeted floor, hoping that she wouldn’t see anything on the carpet. Thankfully there was nothing, no trail for her to clean up meant she only had to change her sheets. “I heard you running, you alright in there?” Skyler’s voice called out as she heard the door open to the left of her. He was standing there with a very worried look on his face. “I’m… I’m alright.” She reflexively looked down at her stained slip that was still in her hand. “Are you sure?” He walked up to her and placed his hand on her upper arm. “Yeah.” She didn’t look up from the balled up slip in her hand. She also wondered if she wanted to save it too. “Be honest.” He lightly grabbed her chin, and with little force, pushed on her chin to get her to look at him. She relented, and her eyes met his. There was something slightly different about the way he looked at her, though she couldn’t exactly place what it was. “I still hurt a little, but other than that I’m alright.” She sighed and smiled. “How bad is it?” He let go of her chin. “It’s not too bad, it just feels like you’re still squeezing my hips.” She placed a hand on one of her hips, where she still felt his touch. She watched his face flush gray, and he gulped. “A-Ah, I see. Sorry about that.” He averted his gaze. “It’s fine, I wanted it, remember? I was the one who propositioned you, silly.” She giggled and poked the tip of his nose. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I promised I’d be gentle. I guess I broke it.” He rubbed his upper arm. “I only wanted you to be gentle initially.” She shrugged, she didn’t feel like he broke any promises. “Really? You should have said so.” He looked back at her. “Oh no no no no, I’m afraid of how rough you’d have been if I clarified.” She wagged her finger. “I’m not a monster in that sense, you don’t have to be afraid of me like that.” He folded his arms. “Only because I knew you were feeling my emotions.” She didn’t want him to take her emotions as consent to be rougher, is what she was trying to say. “How was it, anyways?” He scratched his head and looked at her with sparkling eyes. “It was amazing, you don’t have to worry about that” She smiled at him again. “That’s good, I just wanted your first time to be special is all.” He breathed a sigh of relief. “It was, like I said, you don’t have to worry about it.” She shook her head. “Thank god you didn’t tell me to do any dirty talk, or I wouldn’t have known what to say. My mind was blank pretty much the whole time.” He let out an awkward laugh and rubbed his neck. “You did fine.” She shook her open hand. “Oh, hold on, let me get something real quick.” He quickly ran out of the room, his bare feet sounded mute on the carpeted floor. She went up to the doorway and looked out, he had his clothes, so why was he dressed like he just woke up? She saw him pick up a thin box out of his duffle bag, it was pink, was it for her? He walked back up to her and held it out. As soon as she read the words ‘Morning After’ she knew what it was. “Oh, right, because We… Didn’t have anything back there.” She felt her face get hot as she grabbed the box with her free hand. She didn’t know why she was so embarrassed, it had already transpired. Of course he would have thought of something like that, he was always thinking of her. “If you don’t want to, I can take responsibility for whatever the turnout is.” He looked at her with the softest expression she’d ever seen him make. “I’m not ready for that yet, you don’t have to worry about that.” She shook her head. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, it was the fact she didn’t think she was prepared enough. She also wanted to be married to him on human terms before even considering something like that. “Hey, it’s your body, remember? I don’t think I have the say to override somebody’s autonomy.” He shrugged and smiled. “I’d like to be human married to you first at the very least.” She let out a breathy sigh. “Well, you should probably take it soon then.” He raised his hand and patted her on the head. “Alright, I will.” She looked down at the box, and then to her stained slip. “You should probably do something about your old clothes first though.” He pointed to the slip. “I’ll toss it somewhere until I can figure out what to do with it.” She turned and went back to the bathroom. She quickly tossed the slip where she tossed her underpants and walked back to where she was. “That was fast.” He looked at her, visibly confused. “I’ll deal with it later.” She walked past him and started to open up the box. She went over to the kitchen and took the pill. She was worried that she would feel guilt, but she didn’t. As soon as she had finished gulping down water, she let out a deep sigh. It wouldn’t have exactly been a crisis, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t have been relieved if nothing happened, the pill was only to make sure nothing did. “You okay?” He walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Yeah, I’m alright.” She turned and gave him a closed eyed smile. She didn’t know why, but she felt the words ‘crisis averted’ pop up into her brain. She dismissed it as an intrusive thought. “Sorry about the bedding, by the way.” He lowered his head. “That wasn’t something you could control, I’ll just have to get new bedding.” She shrugged, she wasn’t that attached to her plain white bedding, and was thinking about replacing it anyways. “Alright, didn’t know if you liked your bedding or not is all.” He let out another relieved sigh. “How long was I out?” She opened her eyes again and looked at him. “About two hours maybe? I wasn’t timing you.” He rubbed his chin. “What time is it?” She looked to the oven’s clock, it was eleven in the morning, so he must have woken up at nine, tried to wait until she woke up, and eventually got up without her. “It was a good while, long enough for me to get up.” He awkwardly played with his hands. “So you did try to wait for me to wake up.” She was happy that he did, in fact, wait. “You were out like a light though, and I didn’t want to shake you awake or anything, so I just let you sleep,” he said. “That’s alright, at least you tried.” She gave a single nod. “I should get dressed and go now. I have some work later on today” He turned to his duffle bag and grabbed it. “Oh, yeah, where do you work?” She had always wondered where Skyler was working at. “I’m a school security guard. The kids love me, even though it was kinda difficult to get a concealed carry license for, well, my hands.” He pointed to his hand and grinned awkwardly. “Really? I never pegged you as a school security type.” She put a hand to her face, she was surprised that he would even go near a school after being treated like he did during his entire time there. “I know, right? After all that shit that happened to me before? You’d be surprised, though. They enacted a lot of anti-bullying laws now though so things are one hell of a lot better.” He nodded. “It’s already so late though.” She knew that schools started early, so he should have left by then. “Oh, I’m only there for after school curriculum today.” He started to walk to the bathroom. “Alright.” She watched him close the door behind himself. She sat down on the couch and waited in silence for a bit. She never intended to act so prudish around him, but it just turned out that way. She silently admitted to herself that it was because she had such a hard time controlling her romantic emotions towards Skyler. He came back out and he kissed her goodbye. She waved as she saw him walk away. She sat back on the couch, alone. She suddenly felt an overwhelming wave of sadness wash over her, and she couldn’t keep herself from crying, she already missed him so much, after such a tender moment with him. She calmed herself down with the fact that she would see him tonight, and that he wouldn’t be away from her for much longer.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2570", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Waking Up", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
It was the very next morning, and Gabrielle woke up to the sound of her phone’s loud beeping alarm. Yawning, she rolled onto her back and sat up, rubbing the crust out of her eyes. She patted down her nightstand until she found her phone, quickly unlocking it to silence the alarm. The clock said six thirty, she hoped that would be early enough to avoid morning traffic. Feeling a bittersweet happiness that she couldn't sleep in anymore because her mother was paying rent. Her mother always wanted her to be self reliant, and was so relieved when she was told the news that she got her dream job on top of it. She did miss her parents though, even visiting from time to time wasn't enough. Completely forgetting about the markings on her finger, she got ready, grabbed her purse, keys, and coat and headed out. She walked past her new 2049 calendar that hung on the fridge. It was finally the New Year. People back in the previous century were practically praying for flying cars, but cars still don’t fly. However, arguing with your car’s AI wasn’t something anyone expected. Gabrielle walked out of her apartment and felt the freezing cold of the outside hit her. Hunched over and shivering all around, she walked up to her white car and hurried to turn it on. Finally getting it to function, she blasted the heater onto her face, she was sure it froze out in the cold. Then, Gabrielle began her drive to Crayla Town   It used to be something else before 2023. Just a bunch of industrial, process and packaging plants and warehouses that didn’t bother anybody. But the flooding and proceeding mudslide irreparably damaged all of it. What happened after that? They built a town over it, and this was where Gabrielle was to work from now on. Gabrielle couldn’t believe she got a job at one of the most prestigious hospitals in the entire Pacific Northwest. One of the doctors that worked there, Dr. Gage, was the one that hired her. He Was always trying to find new cures to all sorts of things. From illnesses as bad as cancer to the common cold! He even tried finding remedies for mutations of diseases that could no longer be treated by antibiotics. Always wanting to help people, she remembers jumping into a program to become a registered nurse as soon as she got out of high school. It was about the feeling she got when she helped someone, it was about giving. A warm feeling welled up in her heart just thinking about it as the warm breeze of the car’s heater slowly drifted over and around her. Engrossed in all the things she imagined doing, the voices on the radio sounded muffled. She starts thinking back to the big move she had to do after she graduated middle school, and having to leave her best friend Skyler behind, who she knew since kindergarten. She wondered how Skyler is doing, he was always prone to bad behavior, she remembered how distant he started becoming in middle school, the warmth in her heart ran cold, and and heavy pangs of regret assaulted her, he was the only one she couldn’t help. Physical wounds can be easily healed, but a broken psyche was way out of her league. She hadn't thought of him in years, why now? She asked herself, shaking her head to snap herself out of it, she had to be dedicated to this job, a white hot sense of bravery welled up in her heart where the cold feeling had just been. A memory popped into her head, the time when she first met Skyler back in kindergarten, he was crying under a cherry tree, his scraped knees were bleeding badly, she felt the need to do something then as she did now, those large band aids and that disinfecting cream were the first steps she took to become a nurse. She wasn’t doing it for herself, she was doing it for people like him. She won’t ever forget that day, no matter how many years pass. The white hot feeling of bravery in her heart felt like it was bursting over, making her whole body feel warm, like it was vibrating. She liked him; his short black hair, gray eyes, fair skin, and lanky build, he was nice to her, and thinking about it, he might have liked her too, probably more than he let on. Feeling her face get hotter and heart flutter in her chest, she never dated anyone, it would have betrayed her feelings for him. She tried searching his name before, but nothing came up, that’s how badly she wanted to get back into contact with him. Her car’s navigation system told her that she’s nearing her destination, large dome on top of the building poked out over the rest of the buildings on the street, she followed the road, moving past small trees and little mom and pop shops. Why would a doctor this great put his hospital in an area like this? There were many people coming and going from those shops, some shops even had lines, Gabrielle guessed that having the hospital nearby has to be big for business. She arrived at her destination. It was a large two story building. four doors at the front, both of them are wheelchair accessible. On the far side of the building there sat an entrance for ambulances, three that are all parked outwards towards the road, no serious injuries this morning, she thought. She drove into the parking lot and parked in an employee only space, getting out and walking inside. “Welcome to Gage Hospital, how can I help you?” a male’s voice said brightly, She looked over to her left, the first thing that caught her eye about the man behind the counter was, that he doesn’t have a normal nose, it was nose-like in appearance but it turns out to be prosthetic, a square of plating on all four sides surrounded it, with scarring under his right eye that darkened his already tan skin. The dish heater beside him turned on, blowing around his short, light brown hair, messing up his feathered bangs. “Are you ok?” he asks, raising his prosthetic right arm to fix his hair, the prosthesis ending at the elbow.   She catches herself, her eyes widened and she put a hand to her mouth.“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude, it’s just-” “The prosthetics, I know, people are always staring at them when they first see ‘em, you’ll get used to it,” he said, smiling, revealing a dental augment that spanned three teeth wide on the upper-right side of his mouth, evening out until the middle where it’s pointed at the end like a fang. “Where did you get Nacron technology from? That’s very high end,” Gabrielle asked, wondering why someone with an augment that expensive would be working a desk job. “Somebody owed me a favor and I got it done, it helps with my other job,” he said, turning off the dish heater. “Are you the new nurse? I can get you situated over here.” He pointed to the monitor on the side of the desk looking outward. “Oh, yes, that’s me.” Gabrielle went over and slid her card and went through the necessary prompts. “Good morning, Jack,” a man with long white hair and fair features called out, dressed in the usual doctor garb, his voice was low and sounded aged, but his body looked no older than thirty. “Ah, the new nurse is here. I’m Dr. Gage” He smiled and bowed. “I hope our patients don’t give you too much trouble.” “I’m just itching to get to work is all,” Gabrielle said, finishing up with her calibration into the hospital’s system and then turned around to face Dr. Gage. Dr. Gage stood up. “We’ll need you to check on Elaine first, she’s still recovering, you can find out more about her state when you get her file.” She straightened her uniform. “I’ll be right there, which room is she in?” Dr. Gage smiled warmly, pointing her to the hallway to the left. “Room 204, I’m sure she’ll be happy to get to know you soon.” Gabrielle turned towards the hallway but stopped herself in the middle of turning. “Why didn’t you say ‘she’ll be happy to see you?’” Dr. Gage’s smile faded. “Because she hasn’t woken up yet.” She turned around towards the door as she heard someone enter. As soon as she saw him, an image of him flashed into her head, he was there before she woke up at Elega, she saw him leaning over her, his hand touched hers, she realized that this was the man who put the markings on her finger, and that none of what she saw, none of Elega, was a dream. He also looked extremely familiar. “Good morning Skyler,” Dr. Gage said, a smile returning to his face.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2509", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - First Day at Work", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
A low boom rang out as the platform hit the ground. Drake cowered and covered his head with his hands. Glitch, however, was not phased at all. Drake took his hands off his head once the boom had stopped echoing, and looked around. The floor was covered in the same raw, pink flesh that covered the walls, speckled with large, bolted down metal floors. Up in the metallic canopy of catwalks were square cages of varying sizes. Sprinkled in were a few elevators, which looked a bit unsafe, considering they had no doors and their boxes were guided with what looked to be random scraps of metal welded together. “Is this it?” Drake asked, stepping onto the raw, fleshy ground. “They sensed our presence and ran.” Glitch walked off the platform behind him. “They? Who are they? And, I suppose they would run, since you are around.” Drake walked up and ran his hand across the coarse metal that held one of the elevators together, and frowned. Shoddy craftsmanship, he thought, the floors look fine but they skimped out on the elevators. “You didn’t sense the presence of countless others? Wait, do you hear that?” Glitch asked, putting his only hand to his ear. A single pair of footsteps squelched on the fleshy floor off in the distance. A humanoid shape could barely be made out. “Who’s that?” Drake said, putting a hand above his eyes and squinting hard to try and make out the figure. After trying to discern who it was that was walking towards them, they looked at eachother. Drake shrugged, and started to walk towards whoever was there. Glitch stood there for a second, looked around, and then quickly walked in Drake’s direction. “Who do you think it is?” Drake turned to Glitch, who had caught up with him. “I’m not sure, I’ve only ever been on the platform, remember? That’s the only time you’ve ever seen me. I’ve never gone past that point,” Glitch said, his face contorting into a hideous frown due to what his teeth were like. Once they got close enough, whoever it was came into view. It was a girl, with short blonde hair spiked downwards. She had a Fallen mouth as well, but her skin wasn’t stitched up like Glitch’s, it was normal looking. There was a thick wire that was coming out of the left side of her head, fastened by a long metal wire cap. The wire trailed backwards behind her head and trailed off in the direction of her neck. Drake’s stomach dropped as soon as he noticed that she had metal claws for fingers, he quickly looked down to his left hand, and grabbed his middle finger with his other hand, then pulled the glove off. Under the glove he also had metal claws for fingers, but unlike her, he had scars that looped around his knuckles. He looked back up to her. “Who, or what, are you?” Drake asked. Losing his fingers was a traumatic experience, it was because of a fluke his father made the second time he was revived. The wires threaded through his body to disperse the nanites that regenerated his flesh cut off too early in one spot, and the nanites could not reach his fingers. He remembered the talk he had with his father after his fingers started to turn blue, then purple. Something went wrong, he was still technically dead. Blood was pumping, his brain was functioning, but his body didn’t completely catch up to his revived state. The nanites were the only thing he could do to keep his body from decaying, but in his rush to keep his son from turning into a living zombie, he made a mistake during the mostly non-invasive surgery. His father was too afraid to mess with the wires, and was afraid that the decomposition would spread to the rest of his body. The operation started only two hours after he told his father what was going on, enough for his friend with connections to get prosthetic fingers manufactured. The worst part was that the drugs that he was given weren’t working that well. It was his liver. It was taking longer than expected for all of his organs to catch up to him being alive again. He could barely metabolize anything, the anesthesia only partially worked, and his father didn’t want to have him overdose later. So he had to be conscious during the procedure, with nothing to numb the pain completely. He remembered begging and screaming for him to stop, or at least give him a break, only to be snubbed every time. It was so bad that he ended up vomiting because he was crying so hard. He could metabolize painkillers normally the next day, but the nightmares plagued him for months into the future. “I came here to greet you, since the others are too… Either shy or scared. Males are a rarity and are quite polarizing here. The only other male here is, well… A troubled boy. So most everybody thinks that all boys are volatile and unapproachable,” The woman said, fiddling with the wire coming out of her head. Drake snapped out of his flashback, there was another male here? Besides him, Glitch and Skyler, he thought nobody else survived the disease that wiped most of them out. “There’s another boy here? There’s only three I know of, and one is standing next to me. The other is my half-brother. This is impossible, I’ve only heard from Skyler that us three are the only males of our kind left!” Drake said, pointing at Glitch, who glared at him in response. “I keep telling them it’s because he is incomplete that he’s like that. Being incomplete, well, maybe have your friend over there describe it.” The woman gestured towards Glitch “I’ve never felt like this before, it’s not just a physical part of me that’s gone, it’s a part of my being, I feel. Like a part of my soul left with my arm. There’s an emptiness where it once was that constantly eats at me. I thought existence was suffering before, but this… This is a whole other level of suffering I wasn’t prepared for.” Glitch lowered his head and brought his hand to where his arm used to be. Drake recalled how he felt when he was getting his fingers replaced, it wasn’t just a physical pain. It felt like something inside him was being forcefully ripped out, and only strangely returned when his new fingers were implanted. He looked back down at his hand. “Do you think… That just replacing the missing part can bring that part of the soul back?” Drake asked, tracing the scars on his knuckles with his eyes. “No, only with materials made by Mother can one be re-completed,” The woman said, shaking her head. “So… Does that mean that my prosthetic fingers were made with materials from here?” Drake said, looking up at the woman. “Yes, also.... I will give your similar-looking friend over there a replacement arm, one that will patch up the hole and make him complete again.” The woman turned her gesture into a point. Glitch looked up at her with his eyes wide open. “You can do that?” Glitch asked, looking back to his stump. “Of course, but materials are few and far between, I’ve been saving them.” The woman said, then gave the wire cap on her head a twist. “Did you get a request for fingers a few years back, by any chance?” Drake said, then held up his hand. “I’d have to check the logs, but if you don’t feel incomplete, it should have come from here,” The woman said, putting her thumb and pointer finger to her chin. “What’s your name?” Glitch asked as he looked back at her. “Oh, I completely forgot to introduce myself! My name is Wira, I was the one who gave your friend’s father the device you are using to connect to Mother’s mainframe. It would have been rude if I hadn’t greeted a guest, so here I am.” Wira laughed as she took her hand off of her face and flicked her wrist in their direction. “So, how long do you think it’ll take for the others to start showing themselves?” Drake said as he slid his glove back on. “It’d take a lot of convincing, maybe if… Maybe if the male who lives here comes around, they would be more receptive of your presence?” Wira said as she lowered her arm to her side. “Enough talk of whoever that is, being incomplete like this is unbearable. I would like a replacement arm please, for the love of god,” Glitch said in a wobbly voice. “Oh, right. Your suspiciously similar-looking friend can follow me. You can go explore, um… Drake, right? I believe that’s what your father said what your name was,” Wira said, gesturing behind her to a tall hallway behind her. “Wait, how did you and my father meet anyways? How did he get the wireless connector from you?” Drake asked, holding up his hand to signal for her to stop. “I can leave this place for a short amount of time every once and awhile, but mostly I’m glued to the servers.” Wira turned her head but didn’t turn around. “Will Glitch stay if I leave?” Drake said, signaling to Glitch who was walking next to Wira. “Yes, your mind and hers are connected now. I know your similar-looking friend is part of you, but I’m not sure how.” Wira put her hands to her hips. “He’s the demon part of me that was “locked away since birth.” At least that’s what my father told me after I started remembering what happened when he took over my body, and he couldn’t hide it from me anymore,” Drake said, disdain in his voice. “Hm, weird. I wonder how he did that. Your father must be a genius. A genius who likes to keep his secrets at that.” Wira laughed. “As long as you can keep him busy, and out of my body, I’m fine with whatever you do,” Drake said as he turned around and walked away. He didn’t really want to explore, knowing that his psychotic other half was there made him ill. He hated his other side still, even after his tearful attempt to rationalize what he did. He went back to the platform, hoping that taking it up would take him out of the mainframe. As soon as he put both his feet back onto it, he woke up. He frowned and angrily punched his pillow, how could he have forgotten about Glitch? Meeting Glitch again completely spoiled the experience for him. He was just barely tolerating him until he found a way to pawn him off on someone else. He wanted to try again later, but the prospect of running into Glitch again made him wary. He sighed, took off the device, and got under the covers. Thinking about his encounter with his other self until he eventually drifted off to sleep.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2541", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - The Fourth", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Pain sat in the large bath that his castle had, and wondered how he could go about telling Fira about his stitches. He looked down, and saw the stitches on his chest going down into the water. He sighed, and wished they could have healed a long time ago. Every time he looked down he remembered what happened to him, and visions of that man would flash in his mind, which gave him a rush of adrenaline each time as his fight or flight response kicked in. This time he had the smell of the lavender bath bomb he used and the relaxing warm water to keep himself from having too big of a reaction. Only a single image flashed in his mind when he looked down, and it was gone in an instant. He shook his head, and felt some of the warm water come loose from his skin in drops. He opened his eyes back up and looked at his hand, then lightly wiggled his clawed fingers. He, since he had sharp claws, did not like to touch Fira with the ends of his fingers, he always kept the ends of his digits up, so as not to scratch her. He then looked to his pale skin, and even though he knew that blood was running through his veins, he wished he had color to his skin again. He took in a deep breath and let out another sigh. He was starting to get praise from other reapers because Fira had helped him overcome his emotions when reaping. He wished that he could tell the other reapers that it was a human girl that was responsible, and he did not improve by himself. With the help he received, he had even begun to let go of the emotions he still had for Elaine and Skyler. He slid down deeper into the water. He tried to not think about Fira’s mortality, but it came into his head every once and a while when he was about to go to sleep. It terrified him. He didn’t want to lose her. Telling her that he was bisexual was one thing, but his Y incision had a complicated story he didn’t think he could tell her. He let the steam of the bath lick his face as he lowered his head and closed his eyes. He didn’t feel like he wanted to be human again before he met Fira. He found himself wishing to be a regular human more and more often. He wanted to grow old together with her, but as an ageless deathless being, that was impossible, and even though he tried not to think about that either, there were soul crushing moments where that thought would invade his mind. All his current problems seemed to stem from him being unable to grow old and die, which was something that he had tried to change before, but he never found a remedy to his condition. He got up and grabbed the towel that was behind him, and wrapped it around his waist, then he tucked the end of the towel in. He heard the door slide open, and became confused, because he could have sworn he locked it before he came in. “Pain? Oh my-” Fira had just walked in. She had a hand over her mouth and was visibly staring at his chest. “Well, there’s no use in hiding it now.” Pain frowned, he was so deep in thought that he forgot to lock the door behind him. “Why didn’t you tell me you were hurt?” She walked up to him, took her shoes and socks off and stepped into the bath with him. “No, it’s fine, I’m alright.” He put his hands out in front of himself. She sloshed her way up to him and put her hands on his bare chest, over the stitches. “No you’re not. If you were fine how come you have stitches?” She furrowed her brow. He knew she was concerned for him, and if he lied to her now, she wouldn’t forgive him for it later. “No, this wound doesn’t completely heal. The stitches are permanent.” He shook his head again, but more softly. “What do you mean?” Her face softened, and she kept looking at him with sparkling eyes. “It’s an extremely rare type of wound that doesn’t completely heal.. I got this from... Being murdered, and when I was sucked back into my own dead body, the wound was there to stay. That’s also why I need the prosthetic jaw, because that wound can’t heal either.” He put a hand to her shoulder. “I knew you were a fallen angel, but I didn’t know anything about this.” Her eyes widened and tears started to form under her eyes. “Well, how else do you think fallen angels are created these days? Other angels are too scared to speak up and get tossed out of heaven.” He gave her a melancholy smile. “Don’t laugh at me because my dress is all wet though.” Fira frowned and looked down at the bottom of her dress that was softly floating in the water. “I won’t, you came up to me because you were concerned. It’s just like you to run headfirst into something you don’t fully understand.” His smile became a happy one. “I’m used to getting laughed at or berated for just rushing in, but I can’t help it.” She cupped her hands together. “I’d never do that, you know that.” He hugged her. “I know, it’s just, it’s just a force of habit.” She chuffed. “I hope you can unlearn to feel embarrassed for doing something selfless or heroic by being with me.” He pulled away and looked at her warmly. “I hope so too.” She smiled back at him. “If you’ll allow me, I’ll go get dressed now.” He pointed to the folded pile of his clothes. “O-Oh! I’m sorry! I’ll go!” She turned around and sloshed back out of the tub. “Yeah, I don’t think we’re at the point where you’d want to see me without the towel.” He chuckled. “I... I never said that.” She looked back at him over her shoulder. “Oh really now?” He grinned suggestively and started to reach down. “Eep!” She turned back and smacked her hands onto her face. He chuckled, she was still so innocent, it would be a while before she was comfortable with anything sexual at all. “See what I mean?” He turned and got out of the large tub. He heard the door slam behind him. “You still there?” He looked back and, sure enough, there was a shadow in the glass of the sliding door. “Y-yeah. What do you need?” Her shadow shuffled about. “Wait for your legs to dry before you put your shoes and socks back on.” He didn’t think she would wait long enough for him to get her a towel. “Oh! Okay... L-Let me know when I can come back in.” Her outline lowered as she sat down. “Alright, I will.” He let out another chuckle, though it was smaller and more breathy. He went over to his clothes, took another towel and started to dry himself off. The water on his skin was cold when in contact with the air, and goosebumps started to form all over his body. He frowned and patted his other towel at the goosebumps. His skin may have been pale but he wasn’t cold, like a vampire would be. If he was always cold, his skin wouldn’t get goosebumps, he wouldn’t feel cold either. He sighed and thought about how grateful he was that he at least wasn’t cold to the touch. After he dried himself off, he got dressed. He slid his shirt on carefully and tried not to catch his shirt on the stitches. He smiled because he was thankful he had already done his hair in the bath before she got there, he would have been embarrassed if she caught him in the short amount of time that he had his hair down. “Alright. You can come in now. “He turned around and reached down to pull the plug on the bath. He heard the door slide open again. The water groaned into the opening as he pulled the drain plug. “Where’s your gloves?” She carefully walked over, her feet still slippery with water. He stood up, a towel already in his hand. He held it out to her. “Here, use this to wipe yourself off. Maybe pat it on your dress too, it’ll dry faster that way.” He smiled and extended the arm holding the towel a little further. “Isn’t... Isn’t that the towel you used to dry yourself off with?” She put her hands together and her gaze darted from the towel to him. “Yes, why?” He didn’t see it as a big deal, the towel was still mostly dry. “Are you... Are you sure you want me to use this?” She slowly reached for the towel. “What, are you embarrassed because I used it?” He grinned at her. She was so adorable, even sharing towels got her all flustered. “Ma-Maybe...” Her hand hesitated, and her face flushed red. “You’re so cute.” He giggled, she was a little angel to him, she couldn’t even share a towel without turning as red as a tomato. “Don’t say stuff like that.” She quickly snatched the towel from his hand. “But it’s true.” His face started to hurt he was smiling so hard. “You’re such a butt.” She huffed and sat down, then started to pat her legs and feet dry. “I’m not patronizing you, I really mean it.” He leaned down and grabbed an end of the towel, and started to dry her other leg. She stopped moving and looked up at him, her face still extremely red. “What is it? I’ve touched you before, why is this any different?” He was purposefully trying to make her blush now. “Don’t say it like that.” She quickly turned her head away, “You don’t have to be embarrassed anymore, we’re dating, remember? It’s romantic.” He didn’t mean to turn the tables on her, he was only embarrassed because he didn’t want to mess up. Now that he was dating her, he was much more upfront and relaxed. “Well, if you put it that way.” She slowly turned her head back, her eyes were averted though. “You were so upfront before, this is a new side of you.” He shook his head, a smile still plastered on his face. “Well, you were the one who was embarrassed at first, and I thought it was cute.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I can understand that one hundred percent.” He lightly poked her flushed red cheek. “Is the guy who did it dead?” Her blush slowly started to fade. “Is the guy who did what what now?” He pretended to not know what she was talking about, and tilted his head. “The guy who gave you those stitches.” She looked up at him. “Are you talking about the guy who fixed me up or the guy who caused me to have to see the guy who fixed me up?” His smile faded, even though his face muscles still ached. “The second one.” Her blush was gone now. “Nope, he’s very much alive. He only technically did it though, in this timeline he hasn’t even laid a finger on me.” He slowly shook his head. “What? I don’t understand.” She started to get visibly angry, and balled her fists. “You see, the man who I used to be is still alive in this timeline. I’m from a timeline where he died and came back. It’s very complicated.” He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. “What?” Her face softened but her fists were still balled. “There’s a guy walking around that is a continuation of who I used to be, he and I used to be the same person. I don’t know if you’ve heard of the band Angels of Acid, but he’s the lead vocalist. His band name is Hex, technically he and I have the same name still. I can’t go by Hex anymore though.” He turned his head downwards, he didn’t want to confuse her but it was a very convoluted situation. “So you and Hex used to be the same person? How’d you get here?” Her hands relaxed, and she got up, already done with drying herself off. “Me and Elaine traveled back in time by a day, to warn Hex that he was going to die. He hated her and wouldn’t believe what she would say, so she had to show him. Coming face to face with his future resurrected self meant there was no room for doubt.” He pointed to himself. “Is Elaine that one short girl with the veil and the red eyes? I don’t remember all that well.” She took a step towards him. “Yes, that’s her. She’s with Hex now, so you don’t have to worry about that.” He shook his hand. “So you didn’t kill the guy who murdered you? Why?” She took another step forward and grabbed his arm softly. “Because he didn’t do it in this timeline, he’s a crazy bastard but holding grudges is bad for you. I let him go because I’m better than that, better than him.” He put his other hand on hers. “So you just let him go, to kill someone else?” She leaned in closer and tugged at his arm. “No, he’s in jail, Elaine made sure of that. It took a lot of convincing to keep her from killing him herself, it’s in her nature to do that. There’s vigilante in her blood, but I wanted justice, not revenge.” He intertwined his fingers with hers. “You’re a lot stronger than me, I would have cut him into little pieces.” Her face hardened again. “I know, I know you well enough to know you’d do something like that.” A smile returned to his face. “They’d be finding pieces of him for weeks.” She shook her fist. “I don’t doubt that.” He let out a single chuckle. “He’s probably glad he’s in jail, because if he wasn’t he’d have two people out for his head.” She huffed. “Well, I’m not one to dwell, it does come up often but I just let it roll off my back now. I can’t escape that part of me, so why be sad about it? Why worry? Why get worked up over something that’s never going to change?” He sighed, a smile still on his face. “I don’t know how you do it, I’d be scarred forever.” She let her free hand fall to her side and she looked back down. “I’m not going to spend my life constantly ruminating about what happened. That’s not a life I want to live. I want to be happy, I want to live, laugh and love like anybody else.” He raised his free hand. “You’re way, way stronger than me then.” She sighed back. “I think you’d find it in you to do the same too if you were in my situation. I wouldn’t sell yourself short.” He reached out and patted her on the head. “It’s okay to live just for revenge.” She peeked up at him past his hand. “I could have done that, but would you have ever fell in love with me if I was living that way?” He stared back at her and took his hand off. “Maybe.” She messed with her hair. “If you aren’t completely certain, then how do you know?” He breathed air out through his nose and closed his eyes. “I fell in love with you because you’re you, but even if your demeanor changes, I won’t leave.” She frowned and eyed him from the side. “I’m not so sure about that, if that was true for everyone, Elaine would never have broken up with me.” He opened his eyes again and darted them away. “It may not be true for everyone, but it’s true for me, and that’s all that really counts.” She turned her head back. “I believe you, I’m just having a hard time believing in myself.” He was still a bit hung up over Elaine, and even though those feelings are almost completely gone, those same feelings were very strong before, and not easily defeat-able. “If you can believe in me, you can believe in yourself, too.” She gave him a reassuring smile. “Believing in other people is easier if you trust other people more than you trust yourself.” He shrugged with his arms. “I know you can do it.” She gave a single nod. “I guess I may be selling myself short as well, though.” He smiled back at her. “Yeah, it’s not like you. You’re such an optimist, seeing you do that to yourself is surprising.” Her smile disappeared “I can’t be an optimist in every aspect of my life.” He tried to keep a can-do attitude for the most part, but some of his past self deprecating behaviors still hung around. They talked for a while longer, and after Fira put her shoes and socks back on, they spent the day in Purgatory. His intrusive thoughts about Fira growing old and dying kept inserting themselves into his brain, and he would go quiet for a second. He needed to do something about it, anything, he couldn’t stand that every second that passed could lead to her death, and it made him worried sick. He knew he was making her worry as well. Every time he paused, she looked at him with visible concern, and even though he didn’t want her to worry, he couldn’t help but feel anxious about her mortality.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2566", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Decisions for Incisions", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Drake was back in the Mainframe, he didn't know how to get to Boy, who he had seen a few times after they first met. No matter what he said, nothing would get through to him. He walked with Glitch up on one of the higher floors. "Are you sure this is where you saw him last?" He looked around, he did see claw marks on the railing, but that could have been from anything else. "Yeah, I have something to give him, I need to find him as soon as possible." Glitch frowned, and his eyes darted left to right. "You? Giving anything to anyone except for stab wounds? Has hell frozen over?" He scoffed. "Fuck you, ok? I'm not just a cardboard cutout of everything you hate about yourself. " Glitch's frown turned into a grimace. "Alright, alright, jesus." Drake lifted his hands to the sides of his face. Boy wasn't the best person to talk to, he was constantly bringing up that he was incomplete, it must have taken a harsh toll on Boy's sanity. He tried to get Boy to ask Wira for a replacement heart, but he said that he couldn't face Wira because of all the transgressions he had made towards the WireGirls and the server overall. "So, what are you going to give him?" Drake turned back to Glitch, curious as to why Glitch seemed to be warming up to Boy. "I'm not telling you shit." Glitch balled his fists and squinted his eyes at him. A flash of light and Lunara fell on her rear end next to Drake. "Again? Didn't I tell you to stop coming here?" He begrudgingly extended a hand and helped her up. "I got past your father again, it's way too easy, he's so slow." She awkwardly smiled at him. "Don't brag about not heeding my warnings." He wagged his metal claw of an index finger at her. "Wait, I think I hear him." Glitch hushed Drake and Lunara and put a hand up to his ear. He was right, there were booming noises that were in the distance that drew closer and closer. "What's going on?" Lunara wrapped her arms around Drake's arm. "Oh shit. You have to get out of here now!" He turned and grabbed the shoulder of Lunara's dress and spun around. He started to drag her behind him but then he felt the floor beneath him vibrate. "Fuck, fuck!" Drake turned back around to see Boy as he stared at Lunara with a confused look on his face. "What the-! What is that?!" She pointed at Boy. "Shut the fuck up, I've got this. Hey, you!" Glitch cupped his hands outwards on top of his face and shouted at Boy. Boy turned to him, visibly annoyed. "The girl is off limits." Drake quickly stepped in front of Lunara. "What? What is it?" Boy shrugged with his long arms. "I hate this fucking thing, so take it already." Glitch put his right hand in front of himself, and with one quick motion, plunged it into his chest. "No!" Lunara tried to get to Glitch but Drake held her back. Glitch ripped his heart out of his chest, and held it in front of himself. "Wh-What are you doing?" Boy looked at the heart, his eyes wide with disbelief. "I said take it, idiot." Glitch held it a bit more upwards towards Boy. "Why is he doing this?" Lunara started to cry and buried her head in Drake's shoulder. "I have an idea or two about why." Drake didn't really care for Glitch, so him doing something like that didn't phase him much. "But he's you, isn't he?!" Lunara shook him as tears streamed down her face. "He's not going to be around much longer anyways, so that doesn't matter." Drake looked down at her, confused as to why she was crying. "What? What do you mean?" She looked up at him with wet eyes. "He's being reabsorbed into my consciousness, that's why he has the metal arms and legs, he's going to be gone soon, so you shouldn't cry over him." Drake shook his head, he didn't feel that Glitch deserved any sympathy. "So you're going to kill him?" She furrowed her brow in anger. "At this point the deed is already done. He already lost his android body because of me, anyways." Drake shrugged. "How can you be so cruel to him? I don't understand!" She sniffled and more tears welled up in her eyes. "You don't know him like I do, he doesn't deserve your pity." Drake frowned, Lunara was being crazy, catching feelings for a psychopath like Glitch. "He's right, I'm going to be gone soon, but I can't wait any longer." Glitch coughed. "I can... Really have this?" Boy nervously reached towards the heart. "No! Don't! Put it back!" Lunara tried to get past Drake, but he held her back again. "Let him." Drake already tried to reason with Lunara, but she wasn't being very receptive. "Let me go!" She started to punch and kick Drake. "Ow, jesus! Stop that! What's gotten into you?" Drake started to get angry, she was so infatuated with Glitch that she, to him, probably liked Glitch more than she liked him. "I said let me go!" She landed a punch over his heart. That sent him into a flashback, he felt the lightning rod pierce his back again. The next thing he knew, he had his hands on her upper arms. He loosened his grip, which was tight. There was fear in her eyes. He must have blacked out. "Why are you doing this?!" She sobbed. He didn't mean to hurt her, and felt an instant wave of regret wash over him. "Oh god, I- I'm sorry I-" "Please, let me go!" She grabbed his arms and pushed him back. He let her loose, his hands were still in the air, in the same position he grabbed her in. He looked over, and Boy was already putting Glitch's heart into his chest. "You're too late, he's got it now." Glitch smiled sadly. "Why? Why wouldn't you let me stop him?" Lunara punched him in his arm. "Because it didn't matter." He covered his heart rather than his arm. "If it didn't matter, why did you stop me? If it really didn't matter, you would have let me help him!" She stepped back and wiped the tears from her eyes. She was right. If it really did matter, he wouldn't have held her back, and if it didn't matter enough to him, he would have let her go as soon as she started punching and kicking him. "Oh, Oh god!" Boy wailed, and covered his face. "Oh, yeah. Those are my emotions. You'll stop feeling those soon, it's just residual." Glitch chuckled. The hole over Boy's heart had already closed up by the time he put Glitch's heart in his body. Surprisingly there was no blood anywhere. Not on boy's hands, or Glitch's hand. "If it's too much, you could always give it back." Drake shrugged again. "No, I don't want it." Glitch shook his head. "Just admit you didn't want to live with what you did to Marissa anymore." Drake balled his fists. "You already know that's the truth, I didn't have to say a fucking thing." Glitch looked away. Boy wiped the tears from his eyes, though he still sniffled. "Asher." Glitch turned to Boy. "What?" Boy stared blankly at Glitch. "That's your name now, it's Asher." Glitch stepped back. "You... Named me?" Asher put a hand to his mouth. "I thought I'd give you a human name, nothing like that number color bullshit." Glitch smiled. "Asher... That's a great name... Th-... Thank you." Asher's eyes welled up with tears and he sniffled again. "What's going on over here?" Wira showed up and looked concerned as she peered into the hole in Glitch's chest. "Nothing, just giving a fellow reject a few gifts." Glitch still had a grin on his face. Wira turned around and saw that Asher's chest hole was gone. "You gave him your heart? Why?" Wira turned back to Glitch, who happily waved back at her. "Because I hated my emotions. I feel much better without them." He laughed and held a hand over the hole where his heart once was. "I thought you couldn't feel emotions if you didn't have a heart." Wira's eyes nervously darted from Drake back to Glitch. "I can't, and that's why i’m glad!" He gave a thumbs up. "Wow, he did a complete one eighty." Drake was surprised to see how Glitch was acting. He never thought he'd see the day where Glitch would be genuinely smiling and happy for a non-horrible reason. "Is he ok?" Lunara walked up to Glitch in a stiff manner. "I'm fine, girl. I'm fine. Feeling nothing is way better than feeling anything at all." He turned his smile on Lunara. "I don't think that's true. You can't feel love if you don't have any emotions." She shook her head. "Love was the reason I gave my heart to Asher. It's fine that I can't feel that emotion anymore." His smile faded. "You love that girl, don't you?" Asher pointed to Lunara, tears still streaming down his face. Glitch paused, and stared at her. "I used to." He turned and walked away.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2565", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Hearts and Names", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle woke up at Elega after a long day at work, and the fuss Drake made when he told her to tell Lunara to stop going into his room without permission and jumping into something he called the Mainframe with him. She ran to the gate as per usual, and smiled when she saw Skyler's familiar shape as it waved back at her. She felt like tearing through the gate just to get to him, but she wasn't that good with light magic yet, and the gate needed to be there. As soon as the gate was high enough she ran under it and hugged Skyler. "I missed you!" She felt her face muscles start to hurt because of how big her smile was. "I missed you too, we've got a big day ahead of us though, so get ready." Skyler outstretched his hand. She took it, and he opened a portal. They walked through it and appeared at the same hideout where Skyler had worn that machine. "Why are we here?" She looked around, there was nobody there. "It's time you learned the big spells." Zlyena appeared out of the ether. "Oh, really? I thought I was doing okay with the ones you taught me earlier, why the sudden difficulty spike?" She was worried that she wouldn't be able to do the spells without possibly hurting Skyler. "Well, a little birdie told me that we don't have all that much time until things get bad." Zlyena frowned. "Oh, after you're done, there's... Something I need to talk to you about." Skyler gave an awkward grin and looked away. "Oh, alright... It isn't something bad is it?" She already had so much on her plate, she didn't know if there was any room for more bad news. "Not... Necessarily." Skyler rubbed his arm. "Oh, well if it's not that bad, that's a relief." She sighed, she had already gotten over Skyler's bloodthirsty demeanor from the last time she saw him, she felt silly that she was so conflicted before. He was a demon, it was in his nature to be like that. "It's still a bit... Complicated." Skyler sucked air through his teeth. "Oh, well I'm sure we can work things out." She smiled at him, and remained optimistic. "Enough talk, come here." Zlyena waved her over. "Yes ma'am" She looked at Skyler for a second, then turned and walked to Zlyena. The spells that she was told to work on were difficult, she had trouble controlling where they were aimed, and almost hit Skyler a few times on accident. "Sorry, sorry!" She put a hand to the side of her face. "As long as you don't actually hit me there won't be much to be sorry about." Skyler smiled and shook his head. She continued to try and get the hang of the new spells she was being taught. After a while, she could aim the spells with a good amount of accuracy. "That's the ticket." Zlyena smiled and patted Gabrielle on the back. "So, you said there wasn't that much time left before things got bad, what did you mean by that?" She turned to Zlyena, who sighed. "Well, I heard from one of the Gravekeeper clan that Wrackivorn was planning on making a move." Zlyena looked down. "Who even is this Wrackivorn person anyways?" She was annoyed, she hated that he had started the war up again after Skyler worked so hard to end it. "He's an uncle of mine, he used to be the smallest, but Pain told me he was quite large when he got dethroned." Skyler put his hands in his pockets. "Oh, what does he look like?" She wondered if Wrackivorn looked a lot like Skyler. "He's one of the Centaur clan, obviously the same as my father and the one who gave me the scar on my eye. You probably already know what Centaurs are, half human and half horse. They are still Darklings, which are shadow demons, so his horse half is that of a black horse, like the rest of his clan, while they were still alive." He was visibly uncomfortable while talking about his family. "Oh, that's weird, you don't have the bottom half of a horse." She was confused, if his father's side was Centaur, why didn't he look like them? "Mother's genes are more prevalent, so I look way more humanoid with this new body. Fortunately for me. I don't have to be reminded of the bastards every time I look down." He smiled and let out a small laugh. "You can talk later, right now, you need to focus on honing your skills." Zlyena tapped her shoulder. "Oh, yes, sorry, I just..." She felt her face flush red, she really did want to know who foiled all of Skyler's plans to end the war. "It's fine, just focus on this right now." Zlyena gestured for her to not worry about it. She continued to work on improving her aim with the spells, while Skyler sat at one of the tables and watched her. "I'm starting to feel, weird." She grabbed her head, the room was spinning, did she try too hard? "Oh, it seems that you've reached your limit, I think we should stop for now." Zlyena caught her before she could fall backwards, and guided her to the same table Skyler was sitting at. "You ok?" He quickly walked up to her and helped lead her to a seat. "The room started spinning and I started to feel... Light headed." She felt like her head was floating up and down, and even though she tried resting her head on the table, it still felt like her head was moving. "You must've channeled a bit too much energy for your body to handle, light magic is safer because of the fact that it won't drive a person insane unless they go too overboard. All you really need to work on is your tolerance level for using a lot of high powered spells in a short amount of time." Skyler sighed sadly. She felt him run his fingers through her hair, and she closed her eyes. She was glad he was there, she would have felt so scared and alone without him. It was comforting, his fingers as they ran through her curly blonde hair. She then stopped feeling his fingers, so she opened her eyes and raised her head back up, and turned to see a very worried looking Skyler. "What's wrong?" She felt fine all of the sudden, so she didn't really know why he was worried. "You were asleep for two hours." He put a hand on her shoulder. "Really? It seemed like maybe a minute to me." She rubbed her eyes, and sure enough, there was sand. "You tuckered yourself out, no doubt about it." Zlyena's voice came from behind her. She turned and saw her sitting next to her, though there was relief on her face instead of worry. "So this was all to test my tolerance?" She felt a little mad about that, Zlyena should have known when she was doing in too much. "Only partially, I can't know your limits until you reach them." She smiled at Gabrielle. "You seem to not be worried about it like Skyler is, why is that?" She got a little bit madder because of the smile. "I used to run Cara ragged all the time, forgive me for not being worried." She blushed and averted her eyes. "She used to run me ragged too, only she kept having to teach me sanity defense spells a lot because I'd go nuts from time to time." He took his hand off her shoulder and frowned. "It's not my fault that you're inherently good at black magic and shadow magic, blame your parents." Zlyena huffed and cupped a hand to her face and set an elbow down onto the table. "I'll blame my father but Mother never chose that," he said with anger in his voice. "I don't think she meant it like that." She turned back to Skyler and saw him bearing his teeth. "Cara didn't choose to have a cursed bloodline either, nor did you, but we all have to make the best of what we have." Zlyena put her arm back down on the table. "I wish you wouldn't bring up my grandmother all the time." Skyler groaned. "She was the first one I ever trained on Earth, I'm just using her as an example." Zlyena shrugged. "You two, cut it out." She put her hands out to her sides in a stopping signal to both of them. "I'm sorry, Gabby. It's just, she went until you fainted! You can't expect me not to be at least a little bit angry about that." He balled his fists. "I know, and I'm fine now, you don't need to worry about me, see?" She stood up and twirled around. "I know, but that doesn't make me feel any less mad." He put a hand to his arm. "I think we should call it for today." Zlyena got up and started to walk away. "Alright, see you later Zlyena." Gabrielle smiled and waved. "Yeah, see you." Skyler grumbled. She kicked his foot, and he jumped up. "Yeah, see you!" He waved. After Zlyena walked out, they looked to each other. "So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" She sat down next to him. "Oh well, I wanted to tell you something, I've only dated once before and that, well..." Skyler rubbed the back of his head and looked away. "What is it?" She leaned in closer. "It was with... A guy." His face flushed gray. "Really?" She gasped, she had no idea he was into men. This was something she never knew about, and she thought she knew everything about him. "Yeah, I've been attracted to... Both genders, ever since I can remember. I never told you because I felt too... Disgusted with myself about it. I didn't tell anyone else either, or the shit I had to deal with would have ramped up tenfold." He turned back to her, he had a look on his face like he had done something wrong. "I don't think it's something to be disgusted about. You can't choose who you're attracted to." She put a hand on his shoulder. "I know that now, I was just, too scared to tell you until now, I mean. I was scared you'd want to reverse the ritual, and bad things would happen if you did. So I didn't say anything." He tilted his head. "So, who was the lucky guy?" She smiled and lightly shook his shoulder. "Uh, well..." He grinned and scratched his cheek. "Come on, you can tell me." She gave his shoulder a few pats. "It was Pain." He quickly looked away. "Oh! You mean the spiky haired floating guy?" She giggled. "Yeah, him, I told him to not do that around you because it would freak you out." He shook his head and blew air out of his nose. "Oh, it was a bit shocking initially, but I'm ok with it now." She waved her hands. "So you... Aren't weirded out that I'm bisexual?" He looked back at her. "Of course not, all I'm sad about is that you didn't feel comfortable enough to tell me back then." She put her hands behind her and intertwined her fingers. "Well, I would have, if I was able to." He looked back down and tilted his head. "Is there anything else you want to tell me?" She wondered if there was anything else he was hiding. "Besides working for the government and the time I had to chop my own hand off, I don't think there's much else." He shrugged. "You what?!" Working for the government was one thing, but him chopping his own hand off was a completely different thing altogether. "Oh, yeah. I got some of that weird gas that turned people into bloody puddles on my hand, so I had to use a fire axe to chop it off before it killed me." He just looked at her like nothing was wrong. "Okay, you never told me about that either, what kind of weird stuff have you been mixed up in?" She was flabbergasted that he didn't even have a hint of concern in his voice. "Well on the upside the government gave me a really nice prosthetic hand, but I think they made a clerical error when they installed retractable razor blades into the fingertips." He laughed and put his hands on his knees. "Oh my god." She put a hand to her head in frustration. "I think they just wanted me to be their attack dog, I was off my rocker quite a bit back then and they pretty much exploited that." He sighed and his smile faded. "That's horrible, the fact that they would use your mental instability as a tool instead of getting you help." She huffed and folded her arms. "Yeah, only Betty saw me as a person, the rest of my colleagues just saw me as an animal." He messed with his bangs. "Betty? Who's that?" She never heard that name before, but that woman he just named couldn't have been one of his former lovers, could she? "My sister, she's not with us anymore though," his voice wobbled a bit. "Oh, that's so sad. I'm sure she was a really nice girl." She hated that she felt relief when he said that Betty was a relative instead of a lover, she never thought of herself as a jealous type, but her emotions were a different beast. "I... Don't really want to talk about that right now." He sniffled and blinked a few times. "Alright, I won't press you." She leaned down, lifted Skyler's bangs and gave his forehead a kiss. "You didn't have to do that." His cheeks went gray and he played with his fingers. "It made you feel better though, didn't it?" She closed her eyes and grinned at him. "It snapped me out of it at least." He looked back up at her again with relief etched into his face. "Good. Now, are we ready to go back to the castle?" She outstretched her hand like he did before. “Well, there’s one more thing. I used to have four fingers and toes initially when I got my new body. I had to perfect my shadow magic to even get a fifth finger.” He blew air through the gaps in his teeth. “Really? So Betty only had four fingers on each hand and four toes on each foot?” She was real interested, and imagined him with one less digit on each limb, it made him seem more alien to her. “Yeah, all of the Forsaken were like that, I call them that because me and the rest of my brothers and sisters who shared a father were different.” He nodded. “Oh ok.” She nodded back at him. “I think it’s time we go.” Skyler got up and started to open a portal back. As he was opening the portal, she caught him wiping his eyes and she saw him shake his head. "You alright?" She grabbed hold of his hand. "Yeah it's just... Memories, you know?" He blinked a few times again and wiped his eyes one more time. "It's ok to cry, you know. You don't have to hide your emotions from me." She tightened her grip on his hand a little, and made it more snug. "It's not that, I just, if I let loose all the time most of my time would be dedicated to crying. It's a defense mechanism, I bottle up my emotions for a reason because letting them out would be dangerous and would take up a majority of my time. I don't have time to cry." He put a hand to his head. "I'm going to help make a world where you have all the time in the world to cry." She pulled him closer. "I'm sure a bit of time in the time cube would suffice." He smiled sadly. "No time cubes, I mean real time. You don't have to do it all the time, just bits throughout the day. You promise that you'll let your emotions out like that?" She widened her eyes and made a small frown as she tried to make puppy dog eyes at him. "If I find the time, sure. Maybe after this is all over, I could. How about I promise to do it after we beat Wrackivorn?" He returned her tightened grip by gripping back. "It's a deal." She smiled and patted his head. "He-Hey, come on!" He chuckled and closed his eyes again. "Your hair is fluffier than I remember." She used to give him headpats when they were young, but only when nobody else was around. "Oh, is it?" He opened one eye to look at her. "Yeah." She nodded. "Must be the new body, I didn't really get to pick and choose what I got back then." He shrugged with his hands. "No, I like it," she said. "Oh, that's good. I'm glad." He put his hands back down to his sides. "I'll see you later." She leaned in and kissed him on the lips, then let go of his hand and waved as she went through the portal. She walked back to the castle and found that Lunara and Fira were sent off on another mission. She was worried that since the war started up again, that they could get hurt, even though she knew they prepared for battle. She spent the rest of the night staring out onto the castle's interior from the balcony. She thought about Skyler and how he always bottled up his emotions, she wished he could be free to express his emotions more. A world where Skyler hid in his shell is not a world she wanted to live in, and she was determined to change that.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2564", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Acceptance", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Drake sat opposite of Lunara in a restaurant, they had just sat down and were about to order. This was their first date after Drake finally asked Lunara out. This was official, they were finally together, he was finally over his fear of her dying to Glitch. He thought about how he didn’t have to worry if Lunara was immortal or not, even though he is and she isn’t, because she passed all the tests that Shai gave her and was eligible to be part of the Veil of Light. “So, how’s your training going?” Drake had his elbow on the table and his closed fist under his chin. “It’s going fine, after I passed all the tests they kind of let up on me and weren’t so… Scrutinizing.” She smiled awkwardly and let out a single chuckle. “Oh, that’s good. You seemed really stressed for a while.” He smiled back at her. “Yeah...” Lunara looked down, they both went silent for a second. “Hey...” Drake felt guilty about pushing her away for so long, he felt he needed to apologize even more after he asked her out and apologized then. “Yeah?” She looked back up at him. “Again, I’m sorry that I was pushing you away so much...” He lowered his head. “It’s fine, it was because you were scared I was going to die. You’re not as dangerous as you think you are.” She put her elbows on the small table and intertwined her fingers, then put her chin in the middle of her fingers. “I know, I just… I still feel bad.” He shook his head. “Don’t feel bad, you were trying to protect me, albeit in the wrong way.” She shook her head back. The waiter walked up to the table, an empty serving tray in his raised hand. “Hello, what would you like to… Wait a minute, Drake?” The waiter piped up Drake looked up at the waiter, he had silver hair and purple eyes. “Asher? Is that you?” Drake smiled at who he thought to be Asher, who, to him, apparently had acquired a human form. “Yeah, it’s me. Zlyena landed this job for me. Oh… Can you tell Glitch thank you for the heart?” Asher looked from side to side. “Yeah, I see Zlyena told you he lived. He has a heart again now too, but strangely he’s much nicer now.” Drake nodded. “Yeah, she did. Anyways, what would you like to order?” Asher got out his notebook and put the empty serving tray under his arm. “I’ll have the burger, plain and dry with just the meat, the bun, and a slice of tomato, and a side of fries.” Drake looked at the menu. “Only tomato? That’s kinda strange.” Lunara giggled. “I don’t know why but I just don’t like anything else on my burger but that and possibly bacon.” Drake shrugged. “Ah, alright. And you, miss?” Asher looked to Lunara. “I would like the Fettuccine Alfredo.” Lunara looked to the menu as well. “Ah, the new Italian menu, I see. Anything to drink?” Asher looked to them both. “I’ll have a root beer.” Drake looked back up at him. “I’ll just have water..” Lunara looked up at Asher as well. “Very well, one burger nothing on it but tomato, side of fries, Fettuccine Alfredo, a root beer and a water, correct?” Asher started to jot down the order and looked up at them every few seconds. “Yes.” Drake nodded. “That’s right.” Lunara nodded as well. “Alright, thank you for your order. It will be here soon.” Asher finished jotting down the order and looked up from his notebook and smiled. “Okay.” Drake nodded again. Asher took the menus from them, then walked back into the back of the restaurant, leaving Drake and Lunara alone. “So, what about your dad?” Lunara looked back to Drake. “What about him?” Drake huffed, his dad had constantly apologized for hiding his mother’s true identity and state, but he still had sour feelings about it. “It’s father’s day, you should at least tell him happy father’s day. I told my father as much.” Lunara frowned. “I… Don’t know if I can bring myself to.” Drake frowned. “We’ll go see him together, how about that?” Lunara ran her finger in a circle on the table. “Well, if you’re with me, maybe...” He looked down. Asher brought the drinks and set them on the table. “One root beer for you, one water for you.” Asher smiled again “Thank you.” Drake grabbed the root beer and took a big sip. “I will be back soon with your order, sit tight.” Asher waved and headed back. “Alright.” Drake looked away from Asher and back to Lunara. “So, how are your fingers doing?” Lunara playfully stirred her water with the straw, the ice made quiet clinking noises against the glass cup. “They’re fine, I had them checked just yesterday. Dad is always afraid they are going to fall off again, even after he literally welded them onto my hands.” Drake looked down at his hand. “I don’t think you can weld metal with flesh, can you?” Lunara asked. “No, he put a special cap onto what was left of my fingers and cauterized them onto the ends. He welded the fingers onto that.” He shuddered, the memory of the painful heat came back into his head and disturbed him. “Did he have to thread the nerves?” She leaned in closer. “Don’t remind me.” He put his hands to the sides of his head and tried to make his mind blank, but the painful memories just kept rushing in. “Sorry... I’ll stop talking about it then, I was just wondering how it all worked.” Lunara frowned and lowered her head. “It’s fine, I’m alright, I just haven’t had to think about it in a while.” Drake put his hands back down onto the table and sighed as the memories faded, but the disturbed feeling remained. “Your order is here.” Asher came back with two plates. Asher put the plates down in front of the both of them. The burger was quite large, seeing as it was gourmet. Lunara smiled again as she looked at the plate of Fettuccine Alfredo. “Thanks.” Drake looked up at Asher and smiled again. “I’ll be back later with your bill.” Asher smiled back at him, and walked to the back. They mostly ate in silence, besides the random bit of small talk here and there. Drake was busy working on his hamburger, and got a third of the way into it before he started to feel full. “This is a bit too big for me.” Drake put the burger down. “You should have known it was going to be that big, gourmet burgers are always huge.” Lunara giggled. “I have a notoriously small stomach.” He pushed the plate away slightly. “I’m almost done with mine too. They gave me a lot.” She wiped the white pasta sauce from her upper lip. “I guess it was Italian gourmet.” He chuckled. “Good joke.” She giggled again. Drake watched Lunara eat until she was finished. Drake saw Asher walking by and waved him down. “I’d like my bill, please.” Drake pointed to the now empty plate of Fettuccine Alfredo. “Right away, sir.” Asher went up to the register and printed out the bill’s receipt. He went back to the table and handed the receipt to Drake, who placed his card onto the receipt. Asher took the card and ran it through. He came back and handed Drake’s card back to him. “Thank you for your service.” Drake took out a twenty dollar bill and slapped it onto the table. “Thank you, I hope to see you two again very soon.” Asher smiled again and took the twenty. “You know, I could have paid half.” Lunara turned to Drake after she got out of her seat. “Dad gave me his card, it should be fine.” Drake shrugged again. They got their things together and left the restaurant for the hospital. They got inside and Lunara bumped her shoulder into Drake and looked at him. “Go on, say it.” Lunara motioned towards Dr. Gage, who was working on something behind the counter. “Hey uh… Dad?” Drake piped up. Dr. Gage looked to Drake with widened eyes. “Did… Did you just call me Dad? I haven’t…. I haven’t heard that word from your mouth in years.” Tears started to form under the doctor’s eyes. “Ha-Happy Father’s Day,” Drake said, almost mumbling it as he looked away. “Thank you.” Dr. Gage smiled. “Hello, Mr. Gage...” Lunara waved. “Ah, this must be your new girlfriend, yes? I had heard from Nagix that you finally decided to date again.” He wiped the wetness from his eyes. “Yeah. This is Lunara.” Drake gestured to Lunara, who waved again. “It’s nice to meet you in different circumstances, and not running away from me into my son’s room.” Dr. Gage laughed. “I’m sorry, he wasn’t going out of his room and that was the only way I could get into contact with him.” Lunara slouched over. “It’s alright, he’s out and about now, which is good.” Dr. Gage waved his hand. They talked for a little while longer before leaving. Drake led Lunara to his special place, the old clock tower. He talked about how nobody else went in because of how decrepit it was, but it wasn’t rickety, and the floors were very solid. He led her up to the top and looked out from the balcony. Lunara was amazed at the view. Drake smiled at her, and quietly said in his head that he was going to move on from Marissa.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2584", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - First Date", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle woke back up in Elega, and rushed out of the castle to meet Skyler, who was waiting inside. She ran to hug him, and he embraced her back. He said there was something he had to show her. And he went inside the castle and had Shai open a portal. “Where are we going?” She asked as she turned to Skyler. “You’ll see.” Skyler grinned at her. “Why did Shai have to open a portal, why can’t you do it?” She wondered why he couldn’t just open a portal himself. “I don’t have access, Shai does.” He pointed to the white portal. “I guess because it’s white magic? Aren’t you scared of getting hurt?” She worried about where it was going to go, and if it would injure him. “I have my special shoe socks on, don’t worry about it.” He waved his hand slightly. “Okay, but I’m going first.” She lifted up her new dress, which was very regal looking with many golden markings on the bottom and golden accents on the shoulders and chest. She stepped through the portal, and what was there amazed her. It was a beach that stretched into infinity, the sand was a beautiful golden color and the water was a clear crystal blue. “Wow, it’s so beautiful.” She looked to Skyler who was just coming out of the other side of the portal. “Yeah, these are the Golden Sands, my grandmother allowed me to come here, she’s the protector of this sacred place. The mark you gave me ensures I won’t burst into flames” Skyler chuckled. “Why did you bring me here?” She gripped her dress and stepped further onto the sands. “You’ll find out soon, let’s keep walking. Let’s go this way.” Skyler pointed to a mountain of sand. “Okay.” She nodded and walked up to him They went up to the top of the sandy hill, the ground beneath them was hardened sand turned to stone on the way up. They got to the top, and they looked over the edge. The water and sand stretched out as far as the eye could see. “It’s so beautiful up here.” She looked around breathlessly. “I think it’s the perfect time to ask the question now.” He smiled. “What did you want to ask?” She turned to him as he started to lean down. He got on one knee, and she immediately knew what was happening. “Oh… Oh my god.” She covered her mouth. “Gabrielle Cruz, you have been the love of my life these past few months, and now it’s time to fulfill that promise we made under the cherry tree when we were young.” He took a small box out of his pocket and presented it to her. Her vision got cloudy because of the tears pooling under her eyes. She blinked hard and wiped the wetness away with her left hand, and sniffled. “I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for you. I owe you everything, and now, I’ve decided that you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.” He looked at her with bright eyes. She was silent, she had a knot in her throat on top of not knowing what to say. She had hoped that the day he would propose to her would come. “Gabby, will you marry me?” He flipped the box open, and the ring was gold with a golden rose head in the middle, with a diamond in the middle of the rose head. “Oh my god, yes!” She squeaked through the lump in her throat. She jumped up and down and hugged him. She held him tight. Tears spilled out and cascaded down her cheeks. She was so happy. She pulled away and wiped her eyes again, only to find something surprising. Skyler was crying too, but his tears weren’t black, they were clear. He intercepted a tear that was rolling down his cheek and held it out in front of himself. “Look, my tears aren’t black anymore, you’ve saved me.” He made a face as he tried to smile, his cheeks quivered and more tears rolled down his face. “I love you so much.” She stared lovingly at him. He took the ring from its box and slid it over the mark on her finger, even though it didn’t completely cover it. “Where’s yours?” She continued to stare at him “I have it right here.” He took out another box and opened it. It was gold as well, with a golden rose etched into it, and a diamond in the middle. It was like hers, but the rose was outside the ring for hers. He took off the glove on his right hand and slid it onto his ring finger. “Will that fit under your glove?” She was worried that his hand or the ring would get stuck in the glove. “It should, it’s thin enough.” He waved his hand gently. “That’s a relief.” She smiled at him and giggled “Do you want to go with me to return the weapon Wrackivorn stole to its owner?” He got up off his knees and brushed the gold sand off his pants. “That weapon that scarred you was stolen? How do you know the owner?” She was surprised, she thought Wrackivorn owned it fair and square. “Yeah, he’s an ancient demon who was liked a lot by the big man himself. My ancestors stole his weapons from him before they went to Elega.” Skyler nodded. “Alright, but you’ll be taking me out afterwards, right?” She put a hand to her face. “Of course, and you’ll be able to wear that cute red dress that you always wanted to wear.” He smiled again. “Then let’s go back.” She took his hand and started to walk back to where the portal was. The portal was closed and it was just a silky white jagged and half translucent line. She waved her hand around where it was and it opened back up again. They walked back through and greeted Shai, who asked about the rings. They explained, and she said that if she had known Skyler was going to propose to Gabrielle there, she would have allowed him in earlier. They went to the old sanctuary, and she was surprised to see two men who looked like Pain with a normal jaw and no bangs that were in neck chains, and with Dr. Gage holding said chains. One of them was dressed in in white with a sleeveless shirt and had silver eyes, he was smiling and tapping his foot, which had claws at the end, like his hands. The other one was dressed in black with the same kind of shirt only black, he was frowning and he glared at Gabrielle with red colored eyes. “Why do you have them chained like that? Isn’t that inhumane?” She looked to Dr. Gage. “Believe me, you wouldn’t like what would happen if I took the chains off.” Dr. Gage shook his head. “Where is it? I’ve been waiting like a good boy! I’ve wanted my old stabby back for so long! This is the last one, right? I got the rest from the nice man over there, yes?” The man in white looked to the man in black, who nodded and huffed. “Yes, Xhe, this is the last one.” Skyler summoned the axe that Wrackivorn had and tossed it over to Xhe, who caught it. “Oh, I remember this stabby, Shadow Vortex, I missed you.” Xhe started to cuddle it. “You can snuggle with it when we get home.” The man in black rolled his eyes. “How has the secret underground base below the hospital been, Pestilence?” Skyler smiled at the man in black. “It’s been fine, I like it here better though, feels more like home.” Pestilence smiled. “Oh, hello pretty lady!” Xhe waved Gabrielle down. “Oh Skyler this seems so mean, he seems so nice, besides the stabby comment.” She looked to Skyler. “He’s a lot more dangerous than he appears. Also, if you ever see him again, don’t ever ask him for help, or to help you in any way, if you even say the word help, you’re in deep shit.” Skyler frowned. “Someone needs helping? I’ve already got a stabby ready!” Xhe smiled and made stabbing motions with the axe. “Actually, I think you may be right.” She recoiled and put a hand to her chin. “Weren’t you going to introduce yourself, Xhe?” Skyler turned back to Xhe, who nodded. “I’m Xhe, and this is my boyfriend, Pestilence Machine, Pestilence for short. He’s a bit grumpy right now but he’s nice.” Xhe pointed to Pestilence Machine, who huffed again. “You’re lucky I can’t get mad at you.” Pestilence sighed. “Why is Dr. Gage in charge of these two?” She wondered why a doctor would be in charge of two dangerous people. “Well for one, he’s the one who helped make Xhe and Pestilence’s current android bodies, they are both androids, I know it’s hard to tell. They were fashioned after Pestilence’s vision of perfection, which is what Hex looks like. Xhe was a randomly chosen soul, basically Pestilence wanted a boyfriend and he won the demon lottery.” Skyler let out another singular chuckle. “Don’t tell me we don’t look amazing.” Pestilence’s smile turned into a wide grin. “I’d be a hypocrite if I said that.” Skyler shook his head. “Well, how did Wrackivorn and the others take your weapons, Xhe?” Gabrielle asked Xhe. “They said they would borrow it from my armory but they never gave them back.” Xhe folded his arms and frowned. “You have an entire armory?” She was surprised a regular demon would have enough weapons to own an armory. “He used to be Satan’s right hand man, of course he has an armory.” Skyler raised a finger. “I miss mister Satan sometimes, but Pestilence makes me happy, so I’m not sad about it.” Xhe hugged Pestilence, who smiled back at him. “You big puppy.” Pestilence ruffled Xhe’s spiky triangle of a haircut. Xhe made high pitched barking noises, and Pestilence laughed. “You know, he may have a few screws loose, but he’s really adorable.” She giggled again. “He acts like a kid but he’s ancient, even Dr. Gage isn’t sure why.” Skyler shrugged. “How old is Pestilence?” She asked. “A lot younger than Xhe but still probably a couple hundred years old.” He turned to her and put his hands in his pockets. “It’s weird that the younger one acts older.” She wondered what caused them to act completely different to their age. “I heard from Elaine that Xhe was always like that, and that she met him once before in hell. He looked a lot different than he does now, besides the height, he was always short.” He grinned again. “She’s been to hell? That’s terrible!” She never knew Elaine had went to hell, and always thought that it was a terrible place. “She’s a demon, hell doesn’t torture demons. She was fine down there.” He shook his head again. “Oh, okay, I was just worried.” She knew Elaine wasn’t a bad person, even though people thought the default for demons was bad. “She’s right about having tea with mister Satan on Tuesdays, you know. She wasn’t bluffing, I saw them.” Xhe giggled “I believed her.” Skyler waved his hand slightly. “She has prime real estate down there.” Pestilence said matter of factly “How do you know that?” Xhe turned to Pestilence with wide eyes. “I still keep in touch with the big man down below.” Pestilence gave a small smile. “Tell mister Satan I said hi then.” Xhe tugged on Pestilence’s shirt. “I will, I let him know how you’re doing, you think I wouldn’t? Or that he wouldn’t be interested?” Pestilence said calmly. “Oh, that’s good, I’m glad.” Xhe nodded again. “I think it’s time for us to go.” Skyler turned and started to walk away. “Okay! Bye nice shadowy guy! Bye pretty lady!” Xhe waved and grinned at them. “Bye Xhe!” She waved goodbye and turned around and went to catch up with Skyler. “I didn’t really like them anyways.” Pestilence huffed again. “Aw, come on. They were nice.” Xhe elbowed Pestilence lightly. “Bye, I guess,” Pestilence grumbled. Skyler and Gabrielle went back to the castle and waited for nightfall together. They enjoyed each other's company, and talked the day away. He told her about how selfless Elaine was, that not only did she give up a piece of her soul to bring Pain into the world, but she had also used herself as a human shield to protect one of her previous boyfriends from getting shot, which was the first time she had died. She was confused as to why she had a boyfriend even though she was told before that she fell in love with Hex early on. Skyler explained that she was trying to forget about him and move on, but none of her relationships worked out. She felt bad for Elaine, who gave up so much for the people she cared about. She said she wanted to be like Elaine, selfless and ready to lay down her life and even her soul for the people she cared about. But Skyler explained that she already was, and that her trying to control him while he was merged with Dahlia was extremely dangerous, as he knew that she was doing it. He was scared to tell her before because he didn’t want to scare her. She was surprised, she barely ever felt in danger in the past months, but she was more in danger than she thought she was. She hugged him, and told him that she was right to trust him. Skyler said that he was unsure about himself because of his past and dealing with mental instability. She understood what she was told before, that it took him a lot of time in therapy to even become remotely normal, but she still trusted him. She loved him with all her might, and she was prepared to spend the rest of her life with him.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2587", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Golden Sands, Questions, and Demons", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
It had been hours since Pain carried Drake to the abandoned temple that they had repurposed into a hideout in Elega’s dark lands. He had placed him in his the bed in his own room that was littered with scrap metal, a few completed machines here and there on his desk next to him. He wondered why Skyler suddenly showed up with his unconscious half-brother dangling limply in his arms, all that was said was that he had an altercation with someone. Pain sat at a table in the main hall, fitted with his more comfortable lower jaw prosthetic which was made out of metal and painted a cyber grape color. The metal rose halfway up his upper lip and was cut so the notches were in a zigzag, making it look like pointy teeth and ended halfway across each cheek. A few feathers on the top of his fluffy dark purple angel wings that were completely torn barely poked out from behind his back, large black stitches covering the exposed flesh at the ends of his useless wings. There was white stitching on his sleeveless black shirt that imitated a Y incision. He was in the middle of sharpening his scythe. He was slouching over it, the hilt sprinkled with lidless red eyes. The sound of the whetstone grinding across the edge of the scythe’s blade rang loudly in his ears. Footsteps echoed above the ringing as Drake walked in, rubbing the front of his neck. “Can you cut that out? You could wake up the dead just by sharpening that damned thing,” Drake said, waving him down. Pain’s eyes lit up at the sound of Drake’s voice, he put the whetstone down next to him and rested the scythe on his shoulder. “Drake! I’m so glad you’re up! Are you feeling alright?” He speaks telepathically, since he can’t move his mouth because the prosthetic he has on has no joint. “I’m alright, I don’t really remember what happened. I remember feeling Mother’s presence, and then next thing I know i’m lying in my room here. Do you know how I got here?” Drake asked as he took his hand off the bandage on his neck and tugged at his equally sleeveless black shirt. “Skyler brought you here, he only said you had an ‘altercation’ with someone but didn’t tell me what it was or with who,” Pain said and ran the claw tip of his deep dark purple glove across the edge of his scythe blade. “I’ll ask him about it later. By the way, when are you going to scout, if you don’t mind me asking?” Drake walked over and sat down at the same table bench then leaned on the edge of the table and folded his arms. “I wasn’t going to do it until you woke up, and not because Skyler said for me to watch over you, either. The sharpening was to calm myself a bit, I was having troubles controlling my worry.” Pain looked at him with blackcurrant colored eyes so dark it made his eyes look completely dilated. “Besides my neck hurting, I feel fine. I’m alright, Pain, you don’t need to worry about me. I have enough people worrying about me already, my dad is a worrywart when it comes to me.” Drake leaned his head back and closed his eyes. “What with you still being able to die, I think it’s warranted. You and Elaine have a lot in common in that regard, maybe she could teach you how to come back yourself, instead of Dr. Gage always having to bring you back.” Pain grabbed his scythe and put pressure on one of the eyes with his hand, it disappeared and popped back up lower down in the hilt. “I never thought about that, I guess I could ask her, me being half-demon and all. You think she could get me a good spot in hell?” Drake grinned and put his hands behind his head. “You could ask her to talk to the big man himself, she always brags about having tea with him on tuesdays,” Pain says with a giggle. “I don’t know if she’s trying to be edgy or is actually serious when she says that.” Drake leans forward and rests his hands on the bench, eyes still closed. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she was serious, she was the one who got me the reaper job, remember?” Pain says while adjusting the belt around his waist that had various jars and pockets in them. “I completely forgot about that, you never told me how she pulled that off,” Drake said, lazily kicking the floor. “She arranged it through death himself, apparently they know each other, what with her dying a lot. Her cheating death so many times got his attention, though he can’t really do much about it if hell just lets her go back,” Pain said and crossed his legs, his claw-ended toes lightly wiggling, wearing his shin-high sock shoes with cloth soles felt comfortable and freeing, Elaine having them made for him was nice of her. She was also the one who commissioned the creation of his lower jaw prosthetic. He preferred the one that was originally made for him than Dr. Gage’s anatomically correct one that started to hurt him after having it in for a while. He wondered how Elaine was doing since he couldn’t visit today. “You were at your dad’s work today, right? How is Elaine doing?” He did still care about her, even after the breakup. He was happy for Hex and Elaine, even though it made him that their relationship couldn’t satisfy her, she wanted the man he was and not the man he turned into. Heaven changed him. He used to be more opinionated and would go on diatribes about what he believed in, and would get angry at people for having different views than him. He remembered being angry a lot, but that all changed after experiencing heaven. He learned that treating people with kindness changed people’s minds more than going on rants. A lot of things were put into perspective for him, and things he used to prattle on about seem so minuscule now. He prefers enjoying life instead of constantly worrying and getting angry about things that he can’t change, that there’s always going to be injustice in the world no matter how hard you fight against it. “She’s fine, she was sitting up and talking which was a huge surprise, turns out that Father was using Mother’s essence to reverse the curse’s damage.” Drake turned his head and looked at Pain, an unsure look on his face. “I wish she would have told me about it, if what happened didn’t work, I would have done for her the same thing she did for me.” Pain looked back at Drake with a look of remorse, he wished he could have done something to help her, instead of her suffering in silence and slowly wasting away until she was able to break free. “If she didn’t want you to know about it, there must have been a reason why, I don’t think she even told Kalan, and he’s her familiar,” Drake put a hand on Pain’s shoulder. “But the requirements of breaking that curse could have been met by me, since technically he and I are the same person. She didn’t even attempt to see if it would work, and that’s what worries me. Do you think she didn’t ask me to out of shame? I never resented her, I even told her that, and I told her I still would do anything for her, so why?” Pain put a hand to his head, he had just let slip what he was thinking about over the last few weeks. He couldn’t hold it in anymore, he had to tell somebody how he was feeling. “She was probably too ashamed, she took breaking up with you pretty hard, you know,” Drake said, patting Pain’s shoulder a bit. There was an unintelligible shout coming from outside, which was female in nature. Pain looked in the general direction it was coming from, which was the front of the abandoned temple. The left door of the two old wooden doors that make up the front entrance moved slightly as the person outside hit the door. “Who’s that?” Pain got up and grabbed his scythe, then ran over to the doors, still slouching. “Careful Pain, you don’t know who or what that could be.” Drake got up as well, only he walked much slower. “It sounds like they need help though, I’ll just open the door a crack first.” Pain placed his hand on the wood of the door, a dark purple sigil etched itself into its surface and the door groaned as it opened slightly. Fira was there, looking at them and clutching her arm. The sleeve of her red dress had been torn and her hand was covering a bleeding cut. “Please, you have to help us! There’s this giant two headed dog monster chasing us, and my friend’s arrows are only making it madder!” Fira shouted, clutching the edge of the door. “Where’s your friend? You both need to get inside quickly, Dual Hounds are very dangerous,” Pain said. He could broadcast telepathic speech to multiple people at once, and made sure that Drake could hear his words as well. “Dual Hounds all the way out here? That guy is really going all-out, isn’t he?” Drake increased his pace to a brisk walk. “She’s over there, wait, you know who is doing all this?” Fira gestured with her head that her friend was further back. “I’ll tell you once you and your friend are safe.” Pain activates the sigil again and the door opens just enough for Fira to squeeze through. “Lunara, get over here! We need to get inside!” Fira shouted. A few low and booming barks came from close by as Fira ran into the temple. Footsteps could be heard and then Lunara came into view and also slipped inside. She carried a bow that glowed with a soft white light, an arrow with the same glow was loosely held by her right hand ready to be nocked. A white snaking sigil was on the back of her right hand. Pain used the sigil one more time and the door quickly closed. He turned to Fira, whose face was wet with tears, she looked at him with intense fear in her eyes. He reached out to her, gently tugging at her hand that was covering the gash. He looked at her reassuringly, and she relented, her hand slipping off of her arm. “Here, let me heal you.” Pain gently touched the wound, and it quickly shrank until it was no more. “How did you do that? You’re amazing!” Fira said, her fear instantly melting away into wonder. “I’m just thankful it wasn’t made with magic, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything about it,” Pain said as he patted the place where the wound once was. A loud growl resounded and the doors burst open, a gargantuan two headed dog that barely fit the door frame burst forth. A red snaking sigil appeared on Fira’s left hand and flames shot forth and morphed itself into the shape of a large Falchion sword. She grabbed the flaming hilt, the fire she summoned being unable to burn her. “I tried to fight it off, but it was too strong, what are we going to do?” Fira held up her sword as if she was going to use it as a shield. “I really wish Skyler was here right now.” Drake put his arms in front of himself. “We’ll have to make do. Do you think I can take this big guy out?” Pain says, brandishing his scythe. “Are you sure you want to fight right now? Aren’t you still recovering from getting dethroned by that centaur guy?” Drake says, running up behind Pain. “I’m alright now. I think I should at least try.” Pain turned his head, looked at drake and nodded at him in a reassuring manner. Pain turned back at the beast, lifting himself off the ground and glided over to it. He raised his scythe with both hands and sliced at the beast’s left neck. Both heads turned towards him, their maws almost grabbing him as they snapped shut, but he floated away. Still floating in the air, he levitated for a second and wiped the spittle off his face. A glowing arrow flies through the air and pierces the left eye of the right head. The monster turned both its heads towards Lunara, and lunged at her. “No you don’t!” Drake shouted and ran in front of her. Drake’s left arm became coated in what could only be described as a milky X-Ray resembling energy. It cast a very faint but haunting glow, and sparks flew out from his knuckles. He raised the glowing arm and with one motion, sliced the monster down the middle. It let out a pained howl and disappeared into a black smoke. Drake wobbled and stepped backwards as he gripped his arm, the ghostly energy quickly dissipated. A look of shock was plastered onto his face as he stood there. “That… Didn’t hurt?” Drake said with a tone of disbelief in his voice. “That’s strange, usually using that power leaves you doubled over in pain. Thank goodness it didn't happen this time.” Pain glided over to Drake, landed his feet onto the ground, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Was that light magic?” Lunara asked, walking up to Drake as her bow disappeared and the sigil on her hand faded. “It wasn’t. Please do not tell anyone you saw this, for his safety and yours..” Pain turned to Lunara, a look of concern on his face. “What do you mean?” Lunara said as she walked up to them. “It’s ok, I’ll tell them.” Drake turned around and looked up at her. “Tell us what?” Lunara asked, stepping closer to Drake “What you saw is a power that isn’t supposed to exist anymore, I’m not even going to tell you what it is, because I’m scared of someone repeating it. I want you all to not tell anyone what you saw, please.” Drake lowered his head and rubbed his left arm. Pain had seen Drake use that power once before, he remembered him doubled over in pain as he shook like a leaf. It was when he accompanied him to the castle where the Lords of Darkness once resided. There was a powerful wizard who he couldn’t get past. Drake was conserving it until he needed it, he didn’t want to ask Drake to use it because of what it does to him every time he uses it. It took a long time for Drake was willing to use it. Drake took out the wizard with a single sweep of his arm. Pain wondered what was different this time that would make using that power not hurt him. He also needed to tell the two women he met about that it’s not safe to be in the dark lands anymore, even though they had just gotten a taste. He was glad that the two light magic users found him and Drake when they did, and felt that he was redeeming himself in a way. Fira was looking up at him still with bright sparkling eyes of wonder, he felt his usually cold body become hot in response to the way she was looking up at him. He was still remorseful about not being able to stave off the centaur that overthrew him. The only reason why it happened was that he sent Drake away and tried to handle it all himself. He felt responsible for everything bad that was happening. The evil centaur that defeated him exploited all of his weaknesses, such as his lower jaw and the Y incision on his chest that never heals, which was only held together by stitches. He remembered how he got the wound, that evil sallow skinned doctor that abducted him that cold december night. He remembered waking up on an autopsy table jury rigged with restraints with duct tape over his mouth, and scarcely wanting to remember the horrors of what happened next. Every time he remembered what happened it made his skin crawl. It took years for the random flashbacks and nightmares to subside. Being able to come back to life was a gift and a curse at the same time, he was able to appreciate life more but he was also suffering because of what happened in the past. He eventually found out who that doctor worked for, and that the evil warlock Turbuk was the mastermind behind his murder. He also knew that Turbuk was the one who gave the evil centaur who overthrew him his powers. That act meant war for him.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2530", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Sanctuary", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
It felt like forever since Pain had seen Skyler face to face, and Pain was irrationally happy when he got the call that they were to meet up, at Skyler's apartment no less. Even spending time with Fira didn't keep his mind off of his best friend. He met Skyler at a low point in his life, while Elaine was visiting him because she heard that his last sister, Betty, had been murdered. The first time he ever saw him was when he was sitting at the edge of the hospital bed, bandages blotched with gray covered his chest. He was there at Skyler's apartment in a flash, and knocked on the door. There was leisurely footsteps, and the door opened. "Pain! It's so good to see you!" Skyler smiled and hugged him. "Good to see you too! God, it feels like forever since we met last." Pain returned the hug and laughed. "Come in, come in! There's something I need to talk to you about." Skyler smiled awkwardly and waved him in. "Sure! What is it?" He followed him inside and sat down on the left facing cushioned black chairs in front of the blank television that he used instead of a couch. "Well, it's about Gabrielle and me." Skyler sat down on the one opposite him. "Oh, is everything alright with you two? By the sound of your voice on the phone last time I couldn't hear a single bit of worry in your voice." He sat on the edge of the chair and was ready to listen intently to the conversation. "Well, I promised myself that I wouldn't keep any more secrets from her, and that includes... What happened between us." He sighed, and avoided eye contact. "Oh, you didn't tell her already?" Pain was confused, he thought people usually talked about their orientation while they were dating. "I haven't, have you talked to Fira about it either?" He scratched his cheek and looked back at Pain. "Well, yeah. I told her that I dated a guy, and she took it pretty well, to be honest. I’m perfectly comfortable with my sexuality, so I didn’t think much of it." Pain shrugged, Fira was okay with it, it wasn't about how someone 'took it', he told her almost immediately after they started dating, back in Purgatory. "I'm... Kind of afraid to tell her." Skyler smiled awkwardly again. "Are you still getting the feeling that liking guys at all is bad? You can't change who you are, remember?" He shook his head, Skyler told him before that he always felt like it was wrong to like the same gender, like it was a guilty pleasure. "That's not it. I'm afraid of how she's going to take it." He waved his hand and lowered his head. "I know a lot is riding on you two being together, but I don't know if it'd be alright for you to stay with someone who won't accept who you are. You have to tell her, and tell her why you never revealed it to her before. I know you were terrified back then, and didn't want to make anything worse than it already was, but that's over now. You just have to tell her that liking both isn't that big a deal, and you've learned to accept yourself." Pain sat back in his chair and frowned, he wished Skyler wouldn't feel like it was like telling someone that he had a disease, which he believed that was what was going on in his brain. "Well... I guess you're right. I think it's because I don't trust people to react rationally when I tell them about serious things like this." Skyler intertwined his fingers and looked down at his hands. "That's a whole different can of worms. I know you aren't comfortable bringing stuff like that up, so I'm not going to say anything. I just hope someday you can be more trusting of people when it comes to things like this. I know it's hard, after what you've been through, but that might not be something you can ever get over. All I can say is you need to take a leap of faith, coming from your perspective." He knew very well what happened with Skyler in the past, he told him everything about himself, and the same thing with his own self. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's time I opened up, no more hiding that part of me." Skyler smiled sadly, and sighed. "You being with her all the time like you are should be proof enough that you love only her. It... Hurts that I haven't been able to see you more often, but I know you're happy, and I should be happy that you're happy instead of being selfish." Pain shook his head again. It hurt to let him go, but he would have lost Skyler to the darkness that was eating away at him if he hadn't helped him defeat the Lords of Darkness. It was either be selfish and be with him until he was completely consumed by darkness, or set him free and help him see Gabrielle again. He even made the superweapon that helped Skyler do it, a scythe fashioned with Skyler's prosthetic hand. The hand's attachment when he died meant that he could convert that to shock power, an extremely large amount of it. Skyler channeled too much of it and it broke, but it had outlived its use because it broke after the last Lord of Darkness fell. "Hey, it's ok, we're still friends, I wouldn't abandon you, you know that." He got up and looked down at Pain. "I do, I just..." Pain got up, jumped up and hugged Skyler, his arms wrapping around his neck. "Wh- What are you doing?" He bent his knees a bit and Pain's feet touched the ground again. "I was just seeing if you'd pull away from me or not." Even though he was already moving on, those feelings he had for Skyler still lingered. "Why would I ever pull away from you?" Skyler returned the hug. It made him remember. All those moments they spent together. He felt a jolt of pain in his heart, he knew he could never be with Skyler again, but it didn't make it hurt less. "What's gotten into you? You doing alright?" Skyler patted him on the back. He let go but he slid his hands down onto the middle of Skyler's chest. "Would it be wrong if I said I still have feelings for you?" Pain looked away. Ever since he got back from heaven, he felt like a completely different person. Almost nothing between him and Hex were alike anymore. Hex may have had trouble letting old relationships go, but it felt three times as difficult. "You still have feelings for Elaine too, right?" He stood back up and placed a hand on Pain's shoulder. "Yeah, the only one I don't have feelings for anymore is Din, since she wasn't even a real person and it was all a lie. There's only hurt where those feelings used to be now." Pain clutched his chest. It wasn't fair that she was fake, just a golem. It made him want to give Elaine the list of all Din's cohorts, even though he knew it was wrong, just to get revenge, and then maybe it would hurt a little bit less. "You always were the hopeless romantic type, that's part of who you are, don't feel bad about it." Skyler smiled and patted Pain's shoulder. "You're right, but I hate it. I hate not being able to get over my feelings for people. It just causes so many problems for me. I know I'll be able to get over all this in time but it's going to take what will seem like an eternity to do it." His feelings constantly betray him, and even though he loved Fira, he still couldn't let go of the emotions he had for others, even though they started to slowly fade. Sometimes he wished that his feelings wouldn't fade, and that he could keep things how they were, but that would just be too painful. "They say that caring too much isn't a flaw, but I'm sure that you don't feel the same way." Skyler grabbed one of Pain's arms and took it of his chest. "It's got to be a flaw, it's got to be. You wouldn't believe how much trouble it's causing me." He took his arms back and let them fall to his sides. "I heard Drake's having problems too, there's this sixteen year old girl who's after his heart." Skyler let out a singular laugh. "Oh jeez, I'm glad Fira is eighteen, Elaine even confirmed it, even though I told her not to dig into Fira's identity." Pain sighed, Elaine was a bit overprotective still, after all the girls who broke his heart she was very wary about any new relationships besides Skyler who she cleared almost immediately. "Overprotective as always, she only agreed to me being with Gabrielle because she was a childhood friend, she gets worried over nothing and it makes her seem like a helicopter aunt." Skyler closed his eyes and shrugged. "She doesn't need to worry about you making bad decisions though. I've got a history." Pain frowned, he always wanted the next relationship to work out but it seemed like they never would. He doesn't want to lose Fira too, and it scares him to think about her mortality. "I've never regretted a relationship, so I can't say the same." Skyler shook his head. "I don't regret ours either, even though it ended." He looked up at Skyler and stared him dead in the eyes. "You don't need to be sad, I'm still here, you know. I haven't walked away, and you're the one who asked for us to break up, remember?" Skyler looked back down at him with a reassuring smile. "I know that. but that's because of what was happening to you. It wasn't because I wanted to, it was because I had to." He grabbed Skyler's trench coat sleeve. "I was slipping, you're right. I just didn't want to push you away." He averted his eyes away from Pain and his smile faded. "If I didn't take the initiative I'm not sure you'd be here right now." Pain looked down and his grip on Skyler's sleeve tightened. "You didn't make a mistake, neither did I, it just wasn't in the cards for us in the end." Skyler turned back towards him. "That's what hurts the most," he said. He had hoped things would have worked out, and that nothing bad would happen to Skyler, but Skyler, when he started to lose the fight against the darkness, even though he tried to act like nothing bad was happening, he could feel it. "Well, there's Fira, and Gabrielle has me, so you don't have to feel so bad about it anymore." Skyler put his hand on Pain's hand that was grabbing his coat sleeve. "Yeah, I prefer not to lose you, so at least I have that going for me." He smiled sadly. "By the way, how are you and Fira doing? Has she seen your stitches yet?" He took his hand off of his and let it fall back into place. "Oh, no, she hasn't. I'm thinking about how to go about that." Pain let go and frowned again. The stitches on his chest in the shape of a Y incision were very permanent. He didn't want to freak her out but didn't know how to let her know about it in a better way. "Well you just have to explain that you were put back into your own dead body, and the spell that put you back in made it impossible for the wound to close without special stitches." He shrugged again. "It's not that easy, Skyler. The floating and telepathy are cool, and she already saw what's left of my wings, but the stitches are another thing entirely. I have to explain to her what a Y incision is, on top of bringing up really bad memories." He put a hand to his head in frustration. He didn't want to dig up what happened again, but if she was to know everything about him, he would have to. "Oh, yeah... You had a real hard time getting over that. I could even see how haunted you were in your eyes when you told me about it." Skyler sucked air through closed teeth. "She's still young and probably doesn't know what it is, I'd be surprised if someone as innocent as her did." Pain took his hand off his head, raised his other hand and cupped it over the other. "You'd be surprised, there's lots of crime and medical shows out there, she might have even seen one while flipping channels." Skyler giggled. "I'm not so sure, but I guess I have a leap of faith to take too." Pain felt his face make an awkward grin. "Well, we've got to make preparations for tonight, so I think it's time we call it for now. I'll meet up with you tomorrow night though." Skyler hugged Pain, pulled away and smiled again. "Alright, I'll see you then, I should have expected that because it's so late already." Pain waved. They said their goodbyes and parted ways. He went back to his room and waited for Elaine to summon him. When she did, it was about whether or not incense worked for summoning, and he had to explain that candles were necessary, and that he didn't make the rules. She was angry because there was a sale at an incense store and she bought a bunch. Kalan saved the day when he offered to take it off her hands so he could use the incense in the daily rituals his clan held. He spent his time in Elega with Fira, and the time he had been with him almost made him forget about his feelings for past relationships. He was asked by her to take her back to Purgatory, and he was confused initially, but then she started to teach him how to control his emotions when reaping the certain souls he had trouble with reaping. He was extremely grateful for her help, and almost didn't want to part ways with her when night time in Elega came close. Being left alone to his own devices was the worst feeling, that small window where he had no one to depend on was extremely soul crushing. He was so glad that Fira was a part of his life, and that he felt he could learn to appreciate his past relationships without feeling so strongly about them.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2562", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - No More Secrets", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle felt the warm bed beneath her, and then something else. Something large. With her eyes still closed, she reached out and touched it. It felt warm. She traced her hand along the side of the figure and came to the conclusion that it was a person. Who was in her bed? She didn’t remember bringing anyone over, let alone allowing them to sleep next to her. Opening her eyes, she was met with a familiar face. Skyler laid there, still asleep. Her face went beet red, and she shook him awake. “Huh?” he grumbled as he slowly sat up. “How the hell did you get here?!” she squeaked, her heart beating out of her chest. Skyler scratched his head and yawned and pulled down on his black tee shirt, then looked at her.  “I did warn you about not sleeping in your own bed, didn’t I?” “You never mentioned that you’d be teleported into my bed! If you did, I would have left!” she said, covering her face. She felt hot embarrassment radiating from every pore in her body. “I don’t believe that. I’m sure you would have shook your head and told me you’d sit there no matter what,” he said with a grin, pulling up his black pajama shorts. She looked at his arms, his ghost white skin ended at his elbows, the skin on his lower arms and hands was pitch black. “Do they hurt?” she asked. “Hmm? What does?” he shifted in her bed, letting his legs dangle off the edge. “Your arms, do they hurt?” she sat up and scooted towards him, more worried than embarrassed. “Ah, no. The scar on my eye does sometimes, and, well, the wounds on my chest sting, though I should have the stitches out in a week or so,” he said in a relaxed tone. “You should stay in bed at least until they stop bleeding,” she said, and grabbed his shoulder. “They should have stopped weeping by now though,” he said and grabbed at the hand on his shoulder. “That’s not enough to get me to stop worrying, please let me at least look at them,” she begged, and placed her other hand on his back. “If it’ll get you to let me up, then alright,” he says, and rolls back his shirt revealing clean, unbloodied bandages. “That’s strange, weren’t your bandages stained with blood?” she asked, she could have sworn that they were stained last time she saw them. “The nurse at the infirmary changed them while you were out like a light on your chair,” he said with a chuckle. She unraveled his bandages to see the stitched up wounds that he had shown her before, but they weren’t bleeding. “See? I checked before I went to sleep, they were at the tail end of the weeping stage anyways. The reason why I was at the hospital when you were was because I had to ask the doctor about the weeping. He told me that it was normal for the kind of wounds I have, and that it’d go away in a few hours,” he explained, and traced a finger along the side of one of the stitched up wounds, where the skin turned black. “What do you mean ‘kind’ of wounds?” she said as she started to bandage him up again. “The weapons used on me were extremely rare and are meant to cause a lot of damage. Dr. Gage has a lot of knowhow on all types of weapons because you have to treat wounds made with different weapons differently,” he said and raised his arms in a stretch. “I’ll never forgive whoever did that to you,” she whispered angrily as she finished bandaging, disdain planted itself deep within her stomach, she knew she was overly protective of him, but if she wasn’t, who would be? “You don’t have to, they’re all dead anyways,” he said matter-of-factly, resting his closed fist on his chin. “Dead? Don’t tell me you killed them, did you?” she asked, she thought that if they had rare and deadly weapons they must have been powerful She would be surprised if they were. “I’m not saying it was easy, though it did happen.” He got up and stretched again. “Who were they, if you don’t mind me asking?” she said as she slid back to her side of the bed and got up. “Have you ever heard anybody on your side of the fence say anything about the Lords of Darkness?” he said, his back still turned to her. She gasped and froze, remembering that Shai had talked about the Lords of Darkness disappearing recently. She couldn’t believe that Skyler could kill all of them at once. Just how powerful was he? “So you have heard of them?” he smiled and turned towards her. “You’re the one who did it?” she said, turning towards him. “I have a good reason, but it’s a secret, for now,” he said, his grin turning into a wry smirk. “I don’t get it, aren’t you supposed to be on their side? Weren’t they your friends? Why kill them?” she asked, confused as to why he would kill those who are the same as him. “They were never my friends,” Skyler said, his smirk morphing into a scowl. “I had to deal with their shit for years. You have no idea how glad I am now that they’re gone.” he balled up his fists. “What did they do to you to make you so angry?” she said as she got up and walked to the end of her bed. “I can’t talk about it; what they did was the stuff of nightmares,” he said, then shakily relaxed his hands. “Worse than all those wounds and that scar on your eye?” she said, walking up to him. “They didn’t trust me, didn’t care for me, didn’t want me to even exist. They threw me away after they found I couldn’t be easily controlled. The promise my mother made to them was the only thing that kept me alive after I was given my new body, but it only applied to me.” he sighed and lowered his head. “It was luck that Mother found me, she begged them to give me a second chance, and paid a heavy price in return for it. They threw her away when they were done with her too, they were too busy with their master plan to care about other people. Why wouldn’t I be angry at them? Hate them even?” he said and turned his head towards her. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what to say,” she asked she put a hand on his shoulder. “I’d never seen such shameless evil the night I saw the monster who would be my future father,” he brought a hand up and looked at it. “Before you were reborn?” she said and stepped closer. “Yeah, I told you before. I got powers from him before I was reborn. He told me after I got my new body that he was the reason I lost my old one, that’s why he was the first one to go,” he squeezed his hand into a fist. “You killed him first? Why didn’t they try to avenge him?” she asked and slid the hand on his shoulder down to his upper arm. “Killing him was the reason why I have this scar on my eye,” he said, relaxed his hand and brought it up to his right eye. “They let you get away with just a scar?” she said and let go of his arm. “Remember, they had weapons that are supposed to cause long term damage, it may not be the case physically for the most part, what they do is damage all three anchors of existence; mind, body, and soul,” he said as he traced a finger across the scar on his eye. “The other ones you have will do that too?” she asked, hot electric worry shot through her body. “They’ll become scars, and when they decide to ache, which could be at any time, everything will. Even Dr. Gage doesn’t know how to remove them yet, or I wouldn’t have any,” he said and looked at her. “What will you do? If just one of them aching cripples you, how will you deal with four more?” she said, grabbed his upper arm and pulled it to her chest, holding it snugly to her body. “Dr. Gage made medicine that counteracts it, though it still hurts a bit when it happens,” he said, raised his hand and patted her on the head. “Oh, thank goodness for that… By the way, you don’t have outside wear or shoes with you,” she said and looked down at his bare feet, his lower legs were covered in black skin, stopping halfway up his shin, and his toes were clawed like his fingers were. “That’s ok, I can ask my friend to bring my pants and a pair of shoes over, he’s got a key to my place. Can I use your phone?” he asked, taking a step to his right, where the bedroom door was. Gabrielle let go of his arm and walked to the door. “Sure, it’s in the living room.” They both walked into the living room, which was minimalist, it was a small apartment so the kitchen and the living room were in the same room. On the far wall stood a flat screen TV, a simple tv stand below it. In front of it was a plain white three seat couch that had a chaise on the right side. In between the tv and the couch sat a glass table with a book sitting on it. To the left of the couch was a tiny wooden stand with a black landline phone sitting on top. She points to the phone. “You can call your friend, I need to get dressed, so my door is going to be locked.” she slipped back behind the door, closed and locked it. She felt a familiar feeling, the one that she used to have back before she left him. Her body became hot with bashfulness, she hadn’t felt this way in a long time, and thinking about him being so close made her heart flutter and her breath shorten. She used the excuse that she was getting dressed to regain her faculties. she was playing it cool for a while, but when the reality of the situation set in, that he was at her apartment, and it was a lot to handle.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2517", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - A Day Off with a Darkling Part 1", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
When she woke back at Elega, Gabrielle groaned - the weird position she was sleeping in pained her, there was a crick in her back from it. As she raised her head and placed a hand on her side, Skyler’s hand slid out from under her. She turned her head forward and felt a jolt of pain in her neck and she yiped, her hand reflexively shooting up to cover the aching spot. Her rear end was numb from sleeping on the chair so long, phantom pins and needles shot across her legs as she moved them around. While she was massaging her sore spots, Skyler slowly pulled his elbows up and hoisted himself to a sitting position. His head wobbled, and he brought a hand to his face. She let out another groan. “Are you alright?” He mumbled unintelligibly, “...ne. Fine.” “Fine what?” she asked as she stretched her right arm, her hand grabbing the left side of her neck. “Me, I’m… Fine,” he muttered, slurring his words. “You don’t sound fine,” she said, worried by his sudden change in speech. “Painkillers,” he groggily boomed, sliding his feet off the bed. “Don’t, you shouldn’t get, ah!” she yelped as she tried to get up, sharp jabbing sensations ran like a wave down both her legs. She desperately tried to stand so she could walk around the bed and stop him from trying to stand himself, she was afraid he’d fall flat on his face. He raised himself up and stood, went still for a few seconds, and turned around, his hands outstretched. “See? Fine,” he said with a smile, then wobbled and almost fell over, but he stepped in the opposite direction, keeping himself from falling. “No way I’m letting you walk by yourself like that. Wait for my legs to wake up first, you can use my shoulder again,” she said demandingly, she couldn’t see him making it that far without falling and hurting himself. Even if she was sore from sleeping on the chair, she refused to let him go without her, her and nobody else. She impatiently stomped her feet, trying to get her legs to awaken, it wasn’t as bad as before, but there was still numbness under the multiple sharp poking sensations. She waited in trepidation, luckily Skyler had his hands on the bed and was holding himself up that way, his head was lowered as it was slowly drifting from one side to the next. Relief washed over her as the sleepiness in her legs faded, and as soon as the numbness was gone, she bolted towards him. She grabbed his arm, pulling him towards her. He stumbled, and their heads collided. She shouted in pain, but put her other hand out and on his side to straighten him upright. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to do that,” she said with an awkward and wobbly voice. “Fine… I’m fine… I swear…” he said groggily, as if in a trance. She turned to look at his face, and found his eyes were mostly closed. “You must be half asleep, poor thing,” she said with a frown, and grabbed his arm. She strung it across the back of her neck and let his hand rest on her shoulder. She carefully pulled him closer, and his arm draped over her chest. His head found it’s way onto her shoulder, and their heads met ear to ear. His weight beared down on her, though it wasn’t a problem. “I see he has prepared himself sufficiently for what is to come,” Cara’s voice came from behind her. “He can’t even stand by himself, whatever it is it must be pretty cruel,” she said with venom in her voice as she turned both herself and him around. “You say that to me like I am the one who invented it. I assure you I am not, and I would appreciate it if you didn’t treat me like I did,” Cara said defiantly. “I don’t see why you couldn’t do anything about all the hate he’s getting just for being what he is,” she said, she resented her because there could have been something she could have done to change the people’s minds. “Even if I declared that Darklings were no longer our enemies, that would not change the hearts of the people. I don’t appreciate you blaming me for all of this at all, in fact, take that back. Right now,” Cara said, then started to open her eyes. As soon as she raised her eyelids, a bright light shot out from underneath them and bathed the infirmary in light. Gabrielle held a hand in front of her face and squinted her eyes. “What the- What are you doing?” “You need to understand that this world won’t bend to you every whim, child. I too, tried to change the world, as did others, just because you have power doesn’t mean that it has the impact to change the feelings of such a large group of people.” Cara’s eyes were completely open by this point, making everything a blinding white. Everything around Gabrielle seemed to disappear except Skyler and herself, and even her hand couldn’t keep the light from blinding her. Squeezing her eyes shut, she put her hand over her face in a futile attempt to keep the light out. Even with her eyes shut, the yellow color that she saw when her eyes were closed made it seem like it was the middle of a bright summer day. “Cara what are you doing? Close your eyes, you are scaring her,” Shai’s voice was a far away shout. Everything then went black, Gabrielle stood there for a few seconds, still on guard. “You can open your eyes now. Goodness Cara, what has gotten into you?” Shai’s voice was closer now, the sound of footsteps bounced off of the walls of the silent hallway. She opened her eyes and slowly took her hand off her face, Cara was standing there with a scowl like she had just eaten ten lemons and smelled something extremely bad all at the same time, contorting her fair countenance. Shai was next to Cara with her hand on her shoulder. “What happened Cara? You usually do not act this way,” Shai said worriedly, rubbing Cara’s shoulder. “Take it back…” Cara said, her scowl softening as her upper lip wobbled and tears pooled under her eyes. “What do you mean? What did she say to you?” Shai asked, leaning in closer. “I did everything I could, everything. I even tried to find the book,” Cara said as tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. “Don’t you think I feel responsible for what happens all my children and grandchildren? Don’t you think I agonize over the fact that I was the only one who was saved? That I had wished countless times that my daughters or grandsons were saved instead?” she clasped her hands together and lowered her head and sniffled. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I take back what I said,” Gabrielle said as she gripped Skyler’s shoulder. “We don’t have time for this Cara, the ritual is about to start,” Shai said and shook Cara lightly. “I know, I just… I couldn’t help it,” she said and wiped her tears, letting out another long sniffle. “I’ll be fine, just give me a second.” “Pull yourself together, we can’t be late,” Shai said and pulled her hand away. Cara’s head shoots up and then she spun around. “I’m ready, let’s go.” Someone tugged at Skyler, and Gabrielle’s head snapped to the right just as an armed guard gave another tug on his arm. Her grip slipped and Skyler tumbled into the guard, who grabbed him and started to pull him away. “What are you doing?!” Gabrielle shouted, and turned to run, she bolted towards the two and managed to grab the collar of Skyler’s trench coat. She yanked at it with all her strength to try and loosen the guard’s grip on him. “It’s ok, I called him here, he needs to be prepared for the ritual separately,” Shai said, and walked up to Gabrielle and tried and separate her from Skyler. “No, let him go!” Gabrielle cried while yanking Skyler’s collar again, her upper lip wobbled and tears pooled under her eyes. She wasn’t about to give up without a fight. She thought about the ritual again, and hated the idea. If she had to be separated from him, there was no telling what they would do to him while she wasn’t looking. She saw the looks the guards gave him when she first brought him to the enclave, there was no trusting the same people who had such disdain for him. “Gabrielle please, they aren’t going to do anything to him, just let them do their job,” Shai said as she grabbed her shoulder and pulled her backwards. “I don’t think this is right, I won’t let any guards take him. Bring someone else, I refuse to let a guard take him,” she said, trying to loosen the guard’s grip by pulling at the collar again. Shai sighed. “Alright, fine, I’ll call someone else. Guard, let him be,” she said as she let go of her shoulder and stepped away. The guard let Skyler go, and Gabrielle caught him before he fell. “Thank you,” she whispered as she stood Skyler up and lent her shoulder to him again. Someone else stepped out from behind the door next to them as the guard walked out. He was wearing a hooded cloak, and had the same features as the one who was sleeping next to her when Gabrielle woke up at Elega. “You… I remember you,” Gabrielle said as the man walked up to her. “You summoned me, my lady?” The man looked to Shai as he grabbed Skyler’s arm. “Yes, this man’s future guardian does not like guards it seems, she was very rowdy. Please take him to the stadium for us,” Shai said and pointed to the door. “Stadium? Don’t tell me you’re selling tickets for people to watch him get hurt!” Gabrielle snapped at Shai, she thought the ritual would take place in a quiet room with very little people. The thought of people cheering Skyler’s pain and jeering at him was sickening. “No tickets, and only those from Parliament and the Veil of Light are allowed to attend,” Shai said and stepped further back. “And that’s supposed to make things better?” Gabrielle said through her clenched teeth. The man in the hooded cloak pulled at Skyler, but Gabrielle had a hard grip on him this time. “Ma'am, please, the same thing was done for the last one who did the ritual,” he said and increased the strength of his pull. Gabrielle paused for a moment, a look of deep thought on her face. If the same thing was done before, then she shouldn’t have to worry. But if it was done so long ago, how is she to know that the people watching won’t act like jerks? Although, they are powerful people, and officials of the government, so if they acted in a rude way, they probably would be dealt with. She eventually loosened her grip enough for the hooded man to pull Skyler to him. “Thank you, I swear to take care of him,” he said as he slid his arms under Skyler’s arms and started to drag him away. “If you even hurt a single hair on him, I swear you’ll pay for it,” Gabrielle said, balling her hands into fists. “We will be taking another route to the stadium, follow us,” Shai said as she motioned for Gabrielle to follow her. She followed them down the hallway, through some paths and to the stadium. There were a large number of people in white robes, who stood on the cobblestone steps of the stadium and were facing the inwards. In the middle, Skyler was in the center, chained to a pole by his wrists and ankles. “What?! What is this?! What have you done to him?!” Gabrielle shouted, running down the steps and down to the ground floor where Skyler was. He was slumped over in an uncomfortable position, his head hung low, and his arms stretched backwards. “He’s a Darkling, what did you expect them to do? It’s for everyone else’s protection,” Shai said, then turned around and jumped up and onto the top wall of the stadium. She ran around until she reached the other side, then jumped down next to a man with long white hair in a ponytail, who was the only one who didn’t have a robe on. Cara held a frown that was small but deep, like she was trying to hide her disgust. She walked down a short ways down the steps and took the only free spot there was. Gabrielle got onto her knees and caressed Skyler’s cheek. His eyes were closed and his breathing was shallow. “He must be asleep.” She turned to the shackles that were holding him, then grabbed them and gave them a tug, but they wouldn’t budge. “He will be released once the ritual is over, Light Maiden,” A man who stood near Shai said. He had short white hair that was spiked upwards and a widow’s peak. “He’s not going to hurt anyone! Why restrain him like this?” Gabrielle cried, giving another strong tug Skyler’s shackles. “He’s a Darkling, that’s why,” The man with the long white hair said. “Shiro, I know you don’t like Darklings, but please give this one the benefit of the doubt, as he could be useful to us,” Shai said as she nudged Shiro. “Light Maiden, stand, so that the ritual may be performed,” The man with short white hair said. “...ie… That’s a lie,” Skyler mumbled, his head raising slightly. “Shiro, you… You met me at least three times before, you… Didn’t look at me like… Like that,” he slurred, then groaned, and leaned back so his arms didn’t stretch in such an odd way. “Don’t,” Gabrielle said as she put her hand under his chin to support his head. “You need to rest, here.” She puts a hand on his chest and lightly pushes him back until his back touched the pole. He lowered his head back down and let his arms fall onto his back. “Thank… You,” he said groggily, his eyes closed and he let out a sigh. “Again, please stand so that the ritual may be performed,” The same man with short white hair said. “My king, please, they are very close, as you can see by the mark on her finger,” Shiro said, not needing to put on airs anymore. The king frowned, and fixed his small round glasses. “I understand, but I can’t wait for much longer. You brought the person who is to teach her how to do it, yes?” He said impatiently. “Yes. Guards, open the gate.” Shiro said and motioned for the guards next to the door to the right of where Skyler was to do what he commanded of them. The guards nodded and opened the door. Dr. Gage walked out and up to the two of them. “Dr. Gage? What are you doing here?” Gabrielle said, her eyes wide with surprise. Why was he here? She thought he was a simple doctor, but now he was here, in Elega, to teach her how to perform a ritual she didn’t even know the details of. “I may be a simple doctor now, but back in the day I was a very powerful light magic user,” he said, and took a piece of paper out of his pocket. “What am I supposed to do?” she said and stood up. “Instead of teaching you how to do the spell, which would take an extremely long time, I decided to put the spell onto a special paper. All you need to do is get the chain and place the paper on the last link in the chain, then just close your eyes and concentrate as hard as you can.” He hands her the piece of paper. “I don’t see any chain,” she said and took the paper, she looked back at him with worry etched into her brow. “Each Darkling has a chain, it is in another plane that we usually can’t reach. You are marked by him though, and that mark gives you passage. Move him a little so you can fully see the back of his neck,” Dr. Gage said, gesturing towards Skyler. “I don’t see what the back of his neck has anything to do with it but… Alright.” She lightly placed her hand on Skyler’s shoulder and moved him to the left, leaving the back of his neck exposed. “Now, place your hand on the back of his neck, focus hard and push inwards,” Dr. Gage said, brushing his hair away from his face. She looked at Skyler’s neck, and wondered why he told her to do such a thing. She relented and took her hand off his shoulder, placing it in the middle of the back of his neck. She closed her eyes, and focused on her hand. When she felt she had focused enough, she gently pushed her hand forward, and felt skin give way to open air that was colder than the air around her. “That’s the ticket.” Dr. Gage said. As she opened her eyes, she found that her hand was inside Skyler’s neck, all the way up to her wrist. “What’s going on?” she said, her eyes wide with shock and fear. “You’re on the right track, keep going in further until you feel something metal,” Dr. Gage said as he leaned over a little to take a closer look. She couldn’t believe what was happening, and she was frozen in place due to being so afraid. “It’s alright, you’re not hurting him by doing this. Now, try to find something metal, please. We are on borrowed time here.” Dr. Gage assured her. He stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder, then lightly shook her. “A-Are you sure?” Gabrielle said, worried that if she put her hand in any further it would harm Skyler. “I’m sure. Please, this needs to be done, for his safety. Skyler told me he had put that mark on your finger because he was trying to protect you. You are about to do the same to protect him.” Dr. Gage took his hand off of her shoulder and stepped back. “Why would he tell you about that?” Gabrielle asked, she knew Skyler had been taking care of Elaine, but if he had only known Dr. Gage for a couple months, why would he tell him anything like that? “Because my son is his half-brother. That makes him family, and we don’t really keep secrets from each other because of that,” Dr. Gage said, then folded his hands behind his back. “Oh, I’m sorry, I-I never knew that,” she said, her cheeks becoming red as she lowered her head. “It’s fine, you didn’t know beforehand. Now, please follow my instruction.” Dr. Gage gestured to Skyler again. “Alright... I guess.” Gabrielle hesitated for a second, then pushed her hand further in. Once she was in up to her elbow, she lowered her hand and felt ground below. It was cold and had the texture of stone. As she felt around, her fingers started to numb due to the chill of the ground. She then moved her hand to the left, and felt a biting cold hit her fingertips, which made her reflexively jolt her hand back as she cringed. She relaxed her face and lowered her hand back down and touched the cold object, it had a metal texture, she thought it might be the chain, so she traced the shape of the object. It made her fingers really cold but she could make out the shape of chains. She grabbed the last link and put two of her fingers through the hole of the last link, then pulled. Skyler let out a noise of slight pain and surprise when she yanked the chain back. Her eyes went wide for a second, then her eyes relaxed and her expression turned to one of worry. As she stopped pulling the chain back, she looked at Dr. Gage, hoping to get a response. Dr. Gage just nodded at her. She looked back at Skyler, and closed her eyes. Then she started to pull the chain back slowly. Once she felt warmer air on her entire hand, she opened her eyes. The black metal chain in her hand glistened in the midday light. She brought up the paper that was in her other hand, which had sigils etched onto it in silver ink, in a language she could not understand. She lowered it onto the chain coming out of Skyler’s neck and closed her eyes. Once she did, she focused as hard as she could. The color under her eyelids brightened and her thumb and pointer fingers touched, the paper seemed to have disappeared from her hand. As she opened her eyes, a large warm metal padlock rested on her palm, it was around the last link in the chain, and was completely shut. The chain was tugged out of her hand from somewhere inside his neck, and it was quickly swallowed up and back inside wherever it was before. Skyler let out a loud blood curdling scream and black blood started to bubble from where the chain was coming out, which was the center. Dr. Gage quickly pulled out a roll of gauze bandages from his pocket and rushed over to him. Gabrielle stepped around to get in front of Skyler, got onto her knees and tightly embraced him. He was still screaming and it was hurting her ears, but she did not loosen her embrace to cover them. Tears pooled from under her eyes and ran down her face as she squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” Gabrielle held him and apologized over and over again. Dr. Gage put a hand to Skyler’s head and moved it away from the pole, then proceeded to cover his neck with bandages. Under Skyler’s screams the sound of hissing could be made out. The hissing got louder and Skyler was gasping for breath, and then he was barely able to let any sound out. Gabrielle felt intense sadness because of how much pain Skyler was in, she didn’t believe him that it would be this bad until he had let out that first scream. The hissing then started to lessen, and he was able to let out loud cries of pain instead of screams. Warm drops of tears hit Gabrielle’s back and rolled down her dress slowly. She loosened her tight embrace of him by a bit and hid her face with his shoulder. The hissing lessened even more and the cries of pain abruptly stopped. There was only gasps for air coming from him now. He rested his chin on her shoulder and let out guttural sounds every now and then as he tried to get enough air into his body to sustain him. “It is done, release him,” The king said, motioning for the guards. They came up to Skyler and held their hands over the shackles, the shackles broke open and crumbled to dust. They then walked back to guard the exit door. Gabrielle held onto him as his bindings were removed and he went forwards away from the pole. She looked up at Dr. Gage with her cheeks wet with tears. “How is this even ok to do? Why was there no other way?” she said as she looked at everyone who stood there and watched as the ritual was happening in dead silence. “I understand. If it was able to be done differently, I would have already suggested it.” Dr. Gage said solemnly, and stepped closer. “...Alright, I’m alright,” Skyler said, and grabbed Gabrielle’s arm. “We need to get you back to the infirmary. Right now,” she said and pulled away, but still held onto him by his arms. “I will show you the way, follow me,” Dr. Gage said, gesturing to the exit. Gabrielle got Skyler onto his feet and put his arm past her neck and over her other shoulder. She then proceeded to carry him while following Dr. Gage. Eventually they got to the infirmary, and she carefully laid him onto a hospital bed. She caressed Skyler’s cheek as he slept. As she sat down onto the chair next to the bed, Cara peeked in. “Is he alright?” Cara asked as she wiped tears from her cheeks. “I’ll make sure he is… Look, I’m sorry about earlier, I couldn’t control myself,” Gabrielle said as she lowered her head and continued to stroke Skyler’s cheek. “It’s not about that, I… I cannot get his screams out of my head,” Cara said, her upper lip wobbling slightly. “So it’s not just me, I hope it goes away soon for you too,” Gabrielle said as she raised her head back up to look at her. “I hope so as well,” Cara said as she slowly turned away and walked out. She pulled her hand back and crossed her arms in front of her, then laid her arms down onto the side of the bed, and placed her head onto her arms. She closed her eyes, and focused on her breathing. Eventually, the noise in her head faded, and her mind went blank as she fell into a deep sleep.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2527", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - The Ritual", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle woke up back at Elega, strangely not feeling sleepy at all. Her bed was warm from her body heat, and was so comfortable that she didn’t want to get up. Reluctantly getting up from her cozy bed, a pair of white slip on shoes sat at the foot of her bed. Smiling warmly she slipped the shoes on. She got up and walked out of her room and into the hallway. Fira noticed her and stopped mid-walk to talk to her. “Oh, good morning!” she said, giving her a wave. “Lunara said that before I went to sleep, I think she was trying to confuse me.” Gabrielle put a hand to her head - even though she said the right thing about being asleep on Earth while being awake here, it still hurt her brain a bit. She hadn’t gotten over it quite yet. “By the way, what do you think about this?” She held up her hand and showed Fira the markings on her finger. “Wow, I didn’t see that before, it’s so small.” Fira looked closer “I’d have the Mystic check it out, she’s better at these kinds of things than me, I just hit stuff with a sword.” she shrugged, then walked away. Walking downstairs, she confronted the mystic with the markings. “Oh, my, I didn’t see that before. It seems to be Zoriyan magic, that’s a very rare sight, I know very few users of it since it’s so ancient. Where did you get this?” “N-nowhere.” she mumbled, her face turning red. Looking closer at the markings, the Mystic grinned and gave her a knowing look. “Who’s the lucky man?” “W-what are you saying?” Looking for any other person in the room to help her situation, and finding no one, her face became even redder. “A mark like that means you belong to somebody.” “What?! He never told me-” Slapping her other hand over her mouth, she realized she may have just said something that could be easily misunderstood. “N-no this isn’t- We’re not- I’m not- Ohh.” Groaning, she threw her hands onto her head, confused and angry at the whole thing. “It’s ok, you don’t have to kiss and tell, darling,” the Mystic cooed, batting her eyes at her. “He’s going to get a piece of my mind when I see him again!” Balling her hands into fists, she angrily stomped the ground. “What’s going on?” Fira peeked out from behind the corner of the staircase. “Gabrielle has a boyfriend, those markings are basically a promise ring,” the Mystic said haughtily. “No!” Gabrielle squeaked, throwing her hands in front of her. “Don’t tell her that! Now she’s got the wrong idea too!” “Boyfriend? Sounds nice, I’m jealous,” Fira said wistfully. “Everyone cut it out, there is work to be done,” Shai said while walking down the opposite staircase. She carried a large white flower-like bulb, about as big as an orange. She went up to the two girls in a brisk pace, tossing the bulb at Gabrielle. Fumbling and then getting a hold of the bulb, Gabrielle looks up at Shai, confused. “What am I supposed to do with this?” “You are going on a scouting mission. Parliament said it was safe enough for you to go in alone, but I convinced them to let you have the shielding device I just gave you. The carriage to take you to the border is outside waiting.” Taking the bulb into her arms, she looked at Shai reluctantly. “Are you sure about this?” “I’m not, that’s why I gave you that bulb, good luck,” Shai said, waving goodbye and walking back up the stairs. Turning around and going out the doors, a horse drawn carriage waited for Gabrielle outside. She awkwardly walked past the driver and got into the vehicle. The carriage rocked into action and rumbled along the road. She peered out the window as the town rolled past. Noisy pedestrians walked closely around, sometimes casting a short glance inside. She had her hands pressed to the glass, she stared blankly out the window, watching the crowds pass by. The town slowly faded away into the distance, and nothing was left to look at but white ground and bleached, leafless trees. What came into view made her worried, the ground beyond the white landscape was completely black. She turned away and looked to the white bulb sitting next to her. Why a bulb? She didn’t know if it would work, and she wasn’t even told how to use it. Reaching the edge of the border, the carriage slowed to a stop. She stopped to wonder why it was only her that was chosen, and if Fira and Lunara had to do the same thing when they first arrived. Grabbing the bulb and stepping out of the vehicle, she looked to the driver, who gave her a nod and gestured towards the dark landscape that laid only yards in front of her. She took in a deep breath and squeezed the bulb tightly to her chest, she went over the border. Overwhelmed with worry, she felt stiff from bracing herself so hard, her heartbeat pounding heavily in her ears. Going deeper into enemy territory, even her own footsteps made her jump. Scratching noises pierced the silence, she only noticed now that the ground had man sized holes on the edges of the main stretch of land, though the ground was so dark, they were hard to see. Many short creatures with black skin crawled out of the holes. They were nose-less, with black eyes that had no pupils or irises, they had claws on their hands and feet and were extremely lankey. She heard the horse drawing her carriage neighed loudly in fear, the driver started shouting for the horse to calm down. She looked back just as they turned to run “Wait!” she shouted, turning around and trying to run away from the strange creatures. One of them twitched its long black antennae that rested backwards across its head. “Fresh meat!” One of them said. They all turned towards her, and a few of them lunged at her at the same time. Gripping the the bulb even tighter, she prepared for the shield to activate. Cold fear ran through her and her heart raced. A low boom rang out from her left, flinging the strange creatures back and knocking her over, the bulb slipping out of her grasp. Rolling over to get up, Skyler was standing next to her. He turned towards a group of the small imp-like creatures and his arm morphs into a long black blade. With one sweep, he cuts through one swathe of the creatures, who screech and dissipate. “It’s The Forsaken One, get him!” One of the creatures squeaked, the rest then started screeching and crawling towards him. “How did you do that with your arm?” Gabrielle called out to him. He took a forward swing with his arm blade, cutting through another chunk of creatures. “I’ll explain later,” he said, turning towards the creatures that gathered over to the right that were hissing and chucking little black rocks and bits of dead tree roots in their direction. The rocks lightly bounce off of him, and he stares at them with disapproval. They stopped tossing whatever they could throw, and looked at each other. Skyler kneeled down and took one step forward, digging his foot into the ground, the blade his arm turned into grew, and with one sweeping motion, cut through the entire wave of enemies in front of him. The rest of them looked on in shock as they heard the death cries of their brothers and sisters. “He’ll kill us all, run!” They all scattered, most frantically stampeding and pushing over each other to get to the holes in the ground to escape, some ran into the distance. Skyler gave a sigh of relief as he stood back up, his arm morphing back to normal. Gabrielle reached for the bulb that was lying on the ground, only for him to pick it up instead. “What were you doing out here? You just woke up yesterday, those Darklings could have killed you,” he said, crouching down to his knees and handing her the bulb. She quickly took it. “That doesn’t matter. I need to talk to you!” She demanded angrily. “The markings, the Mystic said they meant I ‘belonged’ to you, why didn’t you say anything?” she shouted, rolling over onto her hands to get up. She wondered why he kept such important information from her, she felt betrayed, anger was welling up inside her again like before. “They attacked me anyways, and they attacked you too! Why would you lie to me like that?” she said, turning towards him and gripping the bulb for dear life. “I wasn’t lying, I just didn’t expect some very sudden things to happen,” he said remorsefully. “If I had known the old Dark Centaur clan teamed up with the most dangerous Warlock in the multiverse, I wouldn’t have said that. I was sure that everything was going to be fine, but they took the throne. Now I’m afraid the war is going to start up again” “What? Wait, don’t try to change the subject! You… You should have asked me first before putting those markings on me,” she said coldly, still spurned by his decision to not ask her first. “And how would I have asked that exactly? You were asleep, that was the best way I knew how to at least assure your safety until you were powerful enough to hold your own out here,” he said, stepping towards her. “On earth, I saw you at the hospital, you could have done it there, why didn’t you?” she asked, stepping away from him and making her body rigid, a strong feeling of resentment welling up in her chest along with anger. “I didn’t want you to worry about me,” he mumbled, gripping his chest. “What?” Her body softened, worry about him? Why? Was something wrong? He was gripping his chest, did he get hurt? Her anger and resentment all but disappeared, she didn’t want to be, but she was instantly worried about him,. “I was at the hospital for a reason, not because you were there, either,” he said, throwing off his trench coat. Pulling his shirt up all the way and unraveling the blotchy black bandages underneath, she gasped when he revealed two black marks that went across his chest, one large, traveling diagonally down the left side of his chest, and a smaller horizontal one on the right, both had stitches in the middle and were weeping a black liquid. “What’s that black stuff?” she said as she leaned closer, a look of concern on her face. “Blood, my blood is black, not red.” he mumbled, turning away and re-bandaging his wounds. “Oh, my god,” she said, walking up to him and putting her hand on his shoulder. She thought he was just there to see her aunt, she didn’t know that he was there for himself. Feeling instant regret, she grasped his shoulder firmly, she hadn’t thought about how he was doing until he showed her his wounds. “It’s fine,” he murmured. With his back turned to her, she could see more black markings with stitches down the middle, two long parallel ones that went down each side of his back, stopping at his waist, and then two faded gray scars that cut across each of his shoulder bones. “I don’t believe you,” she said sternly, once he finished bandaging himself up, she raised her hand away from him, dropped the bulb, and placed both hands on each of his shoulders, pushing down firmly. “Sit down, you shouldn’t be standing when you’re hurt like that.” “I told you, it’s fine, I’m fine, it’s alright,” he tried to assure her, she wasn’t having any of it though. She needed to take him with her so he can find a place to rest. “What are you doing?” he asked as she pushed down harder, making him get down to his knees. “You’re wounded, and I’m going to get you to safety whether you like it or not,” Gabrielle demanded, grabbing his trench coat, putting the bulb in it, and put it on him. She turned around and kneeled down, grabbing his arms and pulling them over her shoulders, she then grabbed his knees and lifted him up, giving him a piggyback ride. “You don’t have to do this, put me down, I can walk I swear,” he pleaded, she shook her head in response, and started going towards the border. “No! I don’t belong there, you have no idea what they’ll do to me if you take me there!” he warned, trying to get his legs free. “I’ll tell them we’re engaged, then they’ll have to take you in. The markings on my finger will be proof enough,” she said, grabbing his legs even tighter. “You’d be lying to them, and you aren’t the lying type, remember?” he said, his face turning a light gray as he blushed. “It’s not lying, technically, just trust me. I won’t let them do anything bad to you,” she said assuredly, they can work out the kinks later, right now, getting Skyler to safety was her primary concern. “A-alright, fine, but don’t say I didn’t tell you so,” he said worriedly, and stopped trying to wiggle free.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2513", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Black Blood", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
All the air in Gabrielle’s lungs escaped her, she realized that all of what she thought was a dream last night was real. Even her getting up in the middle of the night, which she also thought was a dream. It was all too much for her to handle, Though her body tried to breath in, her throat was closed shut. She felt the room go cold, and time stopped for her. All the memories she had rushed back, the cherry tree, the promise they made, all those years at school rushed by in her head, until the day she left. She could still see the old Skyler reaching out to her, begging her not to go, and him fading from her vision as she turned away for that last time. He looked like what she saw in the vision she had before when he was leaning over her, only he had a long black scarf wrapped around his neck. He didn’t look surprised at all, like he knew she would be there. Her throat started working again, and a gasp finally escaped her lips as cool air filled her lungs. She felt numb, like her body was jelly, her head felt heavy, and her legs felt weak, like they could give in at any second. With her lungs full, Gabrielle tried to speak. “I-” “Ten years,” Skyler said, his voice warm and full of relief, like he had been trapped inside for that long. “It’s been a long, hard ten years. You have no idea how glad I am that we could finally meet up again, it feels like an eternity since last I saw you,” he said softly. Gabrielle wondered why he said he hadn’t seen her for ten years when he was in Elega with her just yesterday. Dr. Gage walked up to Skyler, a smile still on his face. “It seems you two know each other, Gabrielle is the new nurse here, she’s been assigned to your aunt for her first task today, I want you to show her to the room she’s staying in.” “Aunt? I thought you hated your family.” Gabrielle was surprised. Back in school he constantly talked about getting away from his family. His mother was an alcoholic, and his father believed in very archaic ways of discipline, both of which were obviously child abuse. He never told anyone but her about it, though, and somehow his parents were able to fool Child Protective Services. He was forced to wait until he was eighteen before he was able to move out. “It’s complicated, I’ll tell you more about it later.” Skyler walked past her and through the hallway, she turned around and followed him. “I’m just surprised, after all this time, I mean, you resented-” “Elaine had nothing to do with that, my old family knew, my new one is different,” he retorted, brushing his bangs out of his eyes. “So CPS finally caught up to them and you got into foster care after all? I’m so glad, I always hated how your parents treated you.” “Something like that” he mumbled. “Wait a second, this is not what I wanted to talk to you about. I wanted to talk to you about this.” She stopped walking and checked to see if the markings were still there, sure enough, they were. She held up her hand and pointed to the markings around her ring finger. “You did this. Why?” “How did you find out?” “I had a vision of you doing it while I was still asleep on Elega.” “Are you sure you can trust visions like that?” “Don’t try to fool me, I want this removed,” she said, urgency in her voice. “You don’t want to go back to Elega? You still aren’t strong enough to be awake there without it.” “W-well when I’m strong enough then.” she stuttered Skyler leaned over and whispered, “Those markings aren’t just to give you enough magic to stay awake, it’s there to tell anybody who wants to hurt you to leave you alone, it’s protection. I don’t care how many weird looks you’ll be getting, that place is too dangerous to not have it, especially with what title I think you got.” “How did you even learn to do something like this?” “I studied enough of it under an expert, my Aunt knows her.” Skyler gestures for her to keep walking. “Speaking of Elaine, come on, we should go see her now, we can argue about the markings later.” They headed to room 204 and went inside, and on the hospital bed lay a short and young looking girl with long stringy white hair and claws on her hands and feet. She looked almost skeletal, with skin pulled tightly over her bones and with barely any muscle or meat left on her. On top of being hooked up to a heart monitor, she was intubated and fitted with a feeding tube. “How awful,” Gabrielle whispered to herself. “She’s been like this for about a week, and hasn’t woken up since she got here. She was using every spell and potion under the sun just to keep functioning before, now she’s not allowed to use magic at all until she gets better, or she might die,” Skyler grimly explains. Gabrielle went over to the end of Elaine’s bed and took the clipboard from its place. She had been under a curse that was slowly eating away at her for years, and it only recently broke, prompting her to come here for treatment. “How will we know if she uses it?” Gabrielle asked, staring at Elaine’s file. “There’s a device in this room that senses when magic is used, it’ll sound an alarm if it catches anything. Dr. Gage will fill you in on what you need to do if that happens.” “Why’d he entrust walking me through this to you?” “Because I’ve been taking care of her until now. The hospital was low on staff until you came around, and this place is big, all of the nurses were spread a bit too thin for the amount of care she needs,” Skyler said while taking his large black scarf off and slinging it over his shoulder. “That’s weird, why isn’t there more staff here?” Gabrielle put away the clipboard and started to check over all the machinery Elaine was hooked up to. “It’s harder to take care of non-humans than it is to take care of regular humans, a lot of people aren’t cut out for the job, and it’s a lot more dangerous too. Ever since technology got past a certain point and magical creatures started appearing, hospitals like this started popping up to accommodate them, due to supply and demand, but I’ve heard of entire hospitals being destroyed because of a patient they couldn’t handle, and they had to start all over. That’s why hospitals like this are very understaffed.” “I would have thought that more people would want to work here what with all the progress being made,” Gabrielle said with a  frown. “Well until all the security kinks are worked out, not a lot of people feel that it’s very safe.” “There’s always as much risk as there is reward, I don’t understand,” she said, exasperation in her voice. “I’m not saying I’m against anyone doing it, I’m just saying that a majority of people are selfish,” Skyler said coldly. “You need to have more faith in humanity then,” she said with worry in her voice. She had hoped that he was alright while she was gone, but the way he said that made her immensely concerned. “After what I’ve been through since you left? It’s hard to have any faith at all,” Skyler grumbled, putting his hands in his pockets. “Nevermind what I said, how is she?” Gabrielle continued to look over the machines Elaine is connected to, all the while thinking up all sorts of nightmare scenarios that could have happened to Skyler while she was gone that would make him act like that. “Her vitals are all stable, except her blood pressure is low.” “Thanks, I’ll leave you to it. See you later.” Skyler turned around and started to walk out of the room. “Wait.” she stood up and turned to him, she felt so bad about not being there that she was desperate to make it right somehow going forward. “What is it?” “When will I see you again?” she asked, wanting to make sure she didn’t lose him again. Skyler turns his head and grins. “In your dreams,” he said, and walked out.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2512", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - A Fateful Meeting", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
A short time later, Gabrielle had set Skyler onto a bed in the castle’s infirmary. He hadn’t talked ever since Cara asked them to follow her there. Gabrielle was worried, he seemed shaken after he admitted to killing innocent people. “I’ve been meaning to ask you a few questions,” she said in a soft, hushed tone. She was sitting down in a chair next to the bed, worry filling her chest. “I’m guessing you want to know all the horrible things I did,” he said gravely, looking away from her. “That’s not what I was going to ask,” she retorted. She already felt the mood, and knew it wouldn’t be the right time. “I wanted to ask you how you turned your hand into a blade.” “Oh, that,” he said, perking up and looking back at her. “It’s an inherited trait. No dark magic involved. I got the ability to do that from my new mother,” he said with a small smile. “New mother? What do you mean?” she asked, her eyebrows twisting in confusion. “Oh, I... “ Skyler whispered, his smile faded. “This has to do with you not being human anymore, doesn’t it? You can tell me,” Gabrielle assured, her face softening into concern. “It might be too heavy for you to handle though,” he warned, lowering his head. “Too heavy? What do you mean?” Gabrielle said, leaning forward. “It’d make you sad if I told you.” he clasped his hands together. “You just mean that you were adopted right…?” she said, trying to find another explanation. “No, my new biological mother,” Skyler said with sadness in his eyes. “Don’t tell me, you…” she gasped and put an open hand to her mouth. The realization had hit her, his old human body was gone somehow, and her mind immediately jumped to him dying and getting a new body in some mysterious way. Sadness punched her in the gut, taking the wind out of her lungs and clouding her eyes with tears. She tried desperately to catch her breath past the newly formed lump in her throat. All of the good and bad times she had with him flashed in her mind. Something as horrible as dying happening to him was more than she could take. Pressure formed in her throat, chest and stomach as her feelings of sadness struggled to get out. “Gabby please,” Skyler said, he then sat up and slid to the edge of the bed and embraced her, resting her head on his shoulder. “Don’t cry, I’m right here.” He used it. The nickname that he gave her a long time ago. She remembered the countless times he said it, and another wave of crushing sadness hit her in the stomach. She put her hands on his chest. Her lips quivered as she tried to hold back from sobbing openly. All she could get out were gasps, sputters and silent cries as tears streamed down her face and onto Skyler’s shoulder. “I’m still here, I haven’t gone anywhere,” he said, consoling her. She felt the warmth of his body heat in her hands and from his left arm wrapped across her back. He always used to embrace her when she was sad, without fail. She remembered when the guy she asked out to prom in senior year rejected her, and the time she got the news of her dog being run over by a car. She even remembered him embracing her back in third grade when she started crying because her parents refused to let her go to a popular kid’s birthday party. “B-but…” she croaked, but found it hard to get words past the rock hard lump in her throat. “It’s okay, I’m still here. Not even death could keep me from you, I’m still kicking,” he said, squeezing her tightly. Those words were all it took. She planted her face into his shoulder and sobbed openly. Skyler rested his head on her shoulder, and closed his eyes. “It’s okay, I swear. I’m fine now.” She didn’t believe him, the fact that he went through dying crushed her, she felt so bad for him, not to mention that he was still bleeding from his stitches. “No, you aren’t,” she said defiantly, wrapping an arm over his shoulder and onto his back. “Come on, Gabby, please don’t cry. It’ll be fine. There’s nothing either of us can do about it now,” he said, then pulled away while still holding onto her. Covering her face with her hands, she started to sob more softly. “I… I’m sorry I ever left,” she said, shaking her head. “That was something you couldn’t control, and my new family was partially to blame for you not being able to find me earlier,” he said with a serious look on his face. “What do you mean?” Gabrielle said, looking up from her tear soaked hands. Skyler sighed, and closed his eyes again. “My new father. He came up with a plan to make it impossible for me to see you, I was given fake papers and moved out after the government found out about the power he gave me,” he said as a look of disdain swept across his face. “What power?” she said, then rested her hands on her lap. “The power to see people die in real time, something that took me months to turn off by myself. The government used me to help solve a string of very sensitive crimes,” he said, his expression morphing into one of pain. “That’s terrible, how did you stay sane?” she asked, a look of shock and concern on her wet face. “I didn’t,” he mumbled, and let go of her. “Anyone would still have a few screws loose after seeing everything I have. And it got worse after getting my new body. Morphing powers in my arms wasn’t the only inherited trait I got,” he said, looking haunted. “Death vision was also an inherited trait, he could give it to anybody, but his progeny all inherited a stronger version of it. That, and every kid Mother had with him inherited her cursed bloodline, which drives anyone with it insane eventually,” he said, and pointed to his head. “My half-brother was fine up until Demon Hunters killed him, and when his father brought him back, it was with a different personality. My mother’s blood activated when he was brought back, causing him to have split personalities. It took him months to even regain control of his mind,” he said with a frown. “My mother, him and me are the only ones of our kind left. My father had way more kids, but created an airborne disease that killed all of them but me. He was purposefully trying to get rid of me again, but I managed to fight it off after being as sick as a dog for months,” he said gravely, folding his arms. “I thought that Cara person said you were a Darkling, like those little ones that attacked us,” Gabrielle said, a look of concern on her face. “Darkling is the name given to every creature in the Dark Lands, not just those Mole Imps that you saw earlier,” he explained, tapping his fingers on his arm. “By the way, why did those imps call you the Forsaken One?” she said as she scooched forward in her chair. “I was wondering when you were going to ask me that. Forsaken is the name that my kind were given. I’m the only Darkling that is one is why. The scar on my eye is one way they can tell,” he said, scooched back and laid down on the bed. “What’s another way they can tell?” she asked, wiping her face dry. “Another way to tell is all Forsaken have a very distinct mouth, I’m not showing it right now because it’s scary looking,” he said, placing his hands behind his head and relaxing. “Scary looking? It can’t be that bad,” she said, wiping her wet hands on her dress. “Are you sure about that?” he asked, and turned his head towards her. “Show me, I’m not scared,” she said defiantly, gripping the cloth on her knees. He took his left hand from behind his head and brought it up to his face, he then touched his left cheek with his finger, and made sweeping motions across his skin, quickly drawing an invisible pentagram. His mouth stretched wide across his face and stopped almost at the edge of his face, leaving an inch and a half of cheek left on either side, the sounds of bones crunching rang out as his teeth sharpened and extended. His lips and nose disappeared, and the teeth on the right side of his mouth extended further. The right side of his mouth was stretched wide in a slight upward curve, the opening of his mouth at the top became slanted, revealing long, angler fish-like teeth, which petered out until it reached the left side, which were normal sized but sharp and pointed at the end. There were no rounded corners to his mouth, the edges of his mouth on the right side just ended in sharp corners that were almost symmetrical but not quite, and the left side didn’t have a rounded edge either. “Oh, my god,” she said with a gasp, covering her hands with her mouth. “I told you it was scary looking,” he said, his mouth unmoving as he spoke. He took his hand and pressed his thumb in the middle of his chin and his finger where his nose was. He pulled his fingers together, and more crunching noises resounded. He took his hand away to reveal that his mouth, lips and nose returned to normal. He put his hand back behind his head and turned toward the ceiling. “I didn’t always have the ability to hide it. In fact, it took a few years for that kind of technology to be created. Some kind of morphing magic combined with synthetic material that imitates organic structures. Imagine having to walk around with that scary looking mouth for years! It made a lot of bad first impressions, at the very least,” Skyler said, then breathed deep and rested his eyes. “So, what was that Cara girl talking about? The thing about a ritual, what did she mean?” Gabrielle asked, taking her hands off her mouth and leaning forward. “Oh, that. It’s basically the same kind of thing I gave you, only much stronger, and done with light magic instead of Zoriyan,” he said, and brought his knees up, arching his legs. “Where did you even learn that kind of magic? The Mystic said it was ancient,” she asked, scooching back in her chair and straightening herself. “That ‘Cara’ person you keep talking about is actually my grandmother. The one who trained her for battle was Zoriyan as well, actually, her battle trainer is queen of the Zoriyans. I was introduced to her after I was reborn, she taught me many things about fighting, both magic and melee,” he said, then rolled onto his side towards her and rested his arms in front of himself. “Your grandmother? She’s too young looking to be your grandmother,” she said, a confused look on her face. He laughed in response. “She’s way older than she looks, that’s what happens when your body stops aging,” he said as he tucked his hands under his head. She reached out and touched his elbow. “I’ll be here all night, so let me know if you need anything.” His eyes opened, and he looked up at her with an expression of shock and worry. “I really don’t think you should do that. You need to get to your own bed.” She shook her head. “No, I’m way too worried about you. I’m staying right here for the night, and there’s nothing you can say that will change my mind,” she said defiantly. “Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” he said and closed his eyes again.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2515", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Unfortunate Realities", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Beyond a small rural outer layer was a sprawling center castle, towering over the rest of the city. "Keep close to me," Shai said. Gabrielle looked on as both her and Shai walked through the capital. Shai signaled with her hand for her to come closer. "You will get lost easily, there are many people here," She said while the bustling crowds of people that passed by made it hard for Gabrielle to navigate. The dirt road felt soft on Gabrielle’s bare feet, and the crowds smelt like the inside of a barn. "And all of these people are magic users?" Gabrielle yanked at Shai's soft and silky feeling cloak as she got pushed back by a group of people, a whiff of lavender hits her nose as her head jutted forward as a passerby almost tripped her. The houses of the people here were relatively small, enough to house two or three people, they were nicely made, nicer than what she thought would be a medieval fantasy land, they looked almost modern. "Yes, magic is incorporated into the daily lives of all of the people here, from transportation to storing petabytes of cooking recipes into a single stone tablet," Shai clarifies while she nodded, almost making Gabrielle's grip on her cloak slip. "But if there’s so many people who use magic here, why do you need me?" Gabrielle asked, she pulled herself closer to her as to not get knocked away by another passing group of people. Shai turned her head slowly, and kept one eye on Gabrielle and one eye on the flow of pedestrian traffic. "Everyone has their place. Though, we will not know how much potential you have until we get you to the Mystic." After finally making it past the large crowds, the two arrived at the doors to the inner city. The two large wooden doors that looked extremely heavy and very hard to open. Shai broke away from Gabrielle's grip and walked up to the doors, holding her pointer finger up and signaled for Gabrielle to wait. She placed her hand on the doors, and white sigils spiraled out from where she touched. The doors groaned as they parted, and she signaled Gabrielle to follow her inside, she ran inside to catch up to her. "Where is this Mystic that you were talking about before?" "She is in the inner sanctum, trying to figure out what happened." "What? What happened?" "The Lords of Darkness just suddenly disappeared. No one knows why, and even the Mystic is having problems figuring out why they suddenly dropped off the map," Shai said, shaking her head. "This peace that has come from our enemies' overlords randomly vanishing is a suspicious one, I am just worried that something bad is going to come from this. Even though parliament feels at ease like the worst is over. I and the Veil of Light are on high alert, in case whatever may have happened upon them decides to happen upon us," Shai said as she looked away from the towers and walked around Gabrielle. The sky began to darken, time was starting to run short, she had to get Gabrielle to the Mystic before the sky turned dark, or her entire cycle of when she is supposed to be asleep or awake would be disrupted, her sleep cycle on Earth needed to be perfect or she wouldn’t have enough time in this realm to get anything important done. "How strong are, or were, the Lords of Darkness?" Gabrielle asked while turning around. She turned her face towards Gabrielle. "The forces of light and darkness have been warring in this world for thousands of years, and they have taken much of our land as a result. Whatever wiped them out is more powerful than even me, and that terrifies me." “That only halfway answers my question, how strong were they really?” Shai pondered for a second. “A single one of the Lords of Darkness is strong enough to take out about ten platoons worth of armed men with little effort, that’s how strong they are.” The castle's interior was immaculate. Winding staircases with red leather carpeting, a marble checkerboard floor, and golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling. A woman draped in a purple leather dress waved at them, her deep purple side-swept ponytail glistens under the warm light. "Shai, it's so good to see you," The woman cooed, clutching the skirt of her dress. "And I assume this is the new girl? Lovely. Come here, dear, I need to get a closer look at you." The woman beckoned with a sweet smile. "Is this her?" "Don't worry, she can sense how powerful you are by just looking at your aura, nothing complicated," Shai whispered discreetly, patting Gabrielle's shoulder. "But if I just woke up, doesn't that mean I'm weak?" Gabrielle whispers back, a concerned look on her face. She was willing to help but didn’t think she was capable enough. Shai turned towards her and shook her head. "This is not just about how much you have now, but how much you can hold. We will not know your potential until we can figure out how much magical power you can store in your body." Shai lightly pushed Gabrielle towards the Mystic. "There isn't much time, step forward dear," the Mystic said, motioning Gabrielle to come closer. Stepping forward, Gabrielle stood in silence, clutching the collar of her dress. Awkwardness prickled at her body, she was feeling inadequate, but didn’t want to say anything. The Mystic looked at her with her deep brown eyes, a gust of wind through an open window jostled the chandeliers, making the lights dance on both of their faces. The Mystic's eyes quickly widened in shock. "I don't see an end to it!" The Mystic leaned closer, squinting her eyes. "I don't believe it, her aura depth is endless, and she's sucking up energy from the atmosphere around her like a magnet and converting it into light magic, I've never seen this before in my entire life." The Mystic relaxed her eyes and folded her arms. "There mustn't be any other place or title for her but Light Maiden, I'm sure of it."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2505", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Of Dark Lords and Mystics", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Gabrielle and Skyler entered the castle, it’s exterior may have been white but it’s interior was all black. They entered the throne room where there were many statues of various Centaur Darklings along the walls, Wrackivorn was sitting with the back part of his horse body on the throne. He was clad in black armor, his glowing white eyes were similar to Shai’s. He carried a large two-sided axe with him. “You’ve been expecting me.” Skyler coolly took off his coat and removed his shirt. “You have destroyed my family, and now I will destroy you and all that you love.” Wrackivorn got up from his throne and galloped over. “We’ll fucking see about that.” Skyler summoned the machine, took off his coat, shirt and gloves and put it on before Wrackivorn could reach him. Another pulse of energy was emitted by Skyler, knocking Wrackivorn back and causing the earth under him to be covered in raw flesh. Skyler’s face crunched as his Fallen mouth came back out and he gripped his head. “Don’t think about her, she isn’t there, she isn’t there,” Skyler whispered to himself. “Die, wretch!” Wrackivorn tried to hit Skyler with the axe, but he caught it between his hands. “Don’t... fucking... interrupt me!” Skyler shouted, and a pulse of Shock energy came from him, radiating from his scars and into the weapon. Wrackivorn managed to keep a hold of his weapon as he was knocked back again. Dahlia materialized next to him in a cloud of black smoke. She walked up to him, and gave one glancing look behind her towards Gabrielle. He saw her eyes smile, and then she turned back to him. “Ah, revenge… Wonderful, wonderful revenge. I live and breathe for revenge, how about I help you? Are you willing to merge with me to defeat him?” Dahlia whispered into his ear. “I’ll do anything as long as he dies.” He pointed to Wrackivorn. “Good, it’s settled then, get ready.” She took off her mask to reveal a gray skinned face with small intricate black cracks around her eyes and mouth, she had a Fallen mouth as well, but her teeth were black. She jumped into him, and Skyler howled in pain and put his hands to the sides of his face. He grew Dahlia’s horns and his Fallen mouth’s teeth turned black. His eyes changed into hers and black cracks appeared around his eyes. Skyler’s new form terrified Gabrielle, she stood there for a few seconds while the two of them stood there. She thought he was scary before, but after merging with Dahlia, it changed him. She snapped out of it, then tried to focus all her energy on the mark on his neck. “What have you done? Merging is a forbidden act!” Wrackivorn was brimming with rage, the man who killed his family had just done something unspeakable. “Ah, so he’s just like me after all,” A combination of Dahlia and Skyler’s voice spoke. “I cannot allow you to live after this.” Wrackivorn readied his axe. “That is not for you to decide,” The two demons spoke in unison. Gabrielle tried to keep her fear from getting the best of her, but she was also scared that Skyler and Dahlia could never separate again and he would be stuck like that forever, on top of being scared that the new being that formed would turn it’s sights on her. The new Skyler jumped at Wrackivorn and slashed at him. It missed, so they slashed again, they hit Wrackivorn’s helmet and a loud clang resounded. They continued to fight, and every second Gabrielle could feel her consciousness fading, she was using too much energy, but she was scared that he would be corrupted forever. “I have no choice, you must be punished.” Wrackivorn raised his hand, but before the spell could finish, the new Skyler slashed at his neck. Black blood spilled from him. He used his axe in one final attempt to kill him, it barreled down onto the machine on the new Skyler’s shoulder, breaking the machine and cutting into the new Skyler’s flesh. The new Skyler screeched, but looked back to see a spell heading straight for Gabrielle. They jumped in front of the beam, and they were hit instead of her. “What? That was a forbidden spell to disintegrate anyone! How are you still alive?” Wrackivorn shouted. “Dahlia isn’t dead, and neither is Skyler.” Dahlia’s features faded from Skyler, and black blood dripped from his shoulder. “One of you had to die,” Wrackivorn growled. “Dahlia can never die, that’s why she took the hit instead of me.” Skyler gripped his bleeding shoulder. “Are you alright?” She didn’t feel he was safe enough but her concern was too great to stay where she was, so she ran up to him. “I’ll be fine, it’s over now.” He looked at her and then turned to Wrackivorn, who was desperately covering his wound to stop the blood. “How? But I’m immortal! Why aren’t my healing spells working?!” Wrackivorn cried. “Remember when I swallowed the Black Hole Sword? Yeah, I can only reuse a weapon’s power once, and I saved it for you.” Skyler neither smiled nor frowned. “You didn’t save it for the others?” Wrackivorn looked to him. “My old prosthetic hand was combined with a scythe, that gave me nigh infinite power. Unfortunately, it broke, just like you broke the machine, they destroyed it before they died.” Skyler shook his head. “Damn you, damn you to hell, you worm!” Wrackivorn bellowed. “Let’s go, The Ruby Citadel awaits.” Skyler turned and started to walk away. “Wait! Shouldn’t I heal you first?” She grabbed his arm. “No healing spells work, only special stitches and bandages will help, Pain has some outside, he came prepared.” Skyler’s Fallen mouth went away, and he smiled lovingly at her. She was so relieved that he was back. She felt pools of tears forming under her eyes, she couldn’t help but hug him. “Hey, hey. It’s okay.” Skyler patted her on the back. “I’m so glad you’re back.” She whimpered. “It was a mistake to merge with Dahlia, I’m so sorry. She initially didn’t want to separate, it was a trap.” He hugged her back. “Don’t ever do something like that again, promise me.” She pulled away and stared at him, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I promise, never again.” He nodded. She was so overcome by emotion that she forgot that he was bleeding for a second. Black blood stained her dress, she looked back up at him worriedly. He only smiled back at her. They left the throne room and went back outside. Pain was was waiting for them out front alone. “Where are the others?” Skyler looked around. “They went home. Here.” Pain handed Skyler purple bandages with light blue markings on them. “Thanks.” Skyler rolled the bandages onto his wound. “I’ll see you later, Pain.” Gabrielle waved. “I’m not going anywhere, at least not now, there’s someone I need to talk to.” He turned to look behind Skyler. There stood Fallen Hex, he was clad in black with a long black coat and long gloves covering his sharp claws. He, unlike Pain, did not have bangs on his hair. He had red colored eyes, and his Fallen mouth frowned. He was clutching a large black book under his arm. “Ah, it’s you. I need to talk to you.” Pain walked past Skyler and up to Fallen Hex. “You can’t have it.” Fallen Hex gripped the book tightly. “No, you misunderstand me, it’s not for me. It’s for someone else.” Pain waved his hand. “Wait, you aren’t actually asking him to give you the book, are you?” Skyler’s eyes widened and he looked over. “I have to, there’s someone I need to protect.” Pain looked back at Skyler, then turned back to Fallen Hex. “Turbuk didn’t use the book for himself but for Wrackivorn, you expect me to hand it to you even if it isn’t for yourself?” Fallen Hex scoffed. “Pain! I’m so glad I found you!” Fira shouted and ran up to Pain. “Fira! I thought you had gone home.” Pain turned to her. “I did, but I came back to look for you since you were gone.” She wrapped her arm in his. “I can’t go yet, I’m talking to someone.” He pointed to Fallen Hex. “Wait, why does he look like you? That’s not the real Brian is it?” She did a double take. “No, there’s actually five of us, he is from a different timeline, like I am.” He lowered his arm. “Is this who you are going to use it for?” Fallen Hex pointed to Fira. “… Yes, yes it is.” Pain nodded. “Come.” Fallen Hex gestured him over. Pain silently let go of Fira’s arm and walked up to him. “What’s going on?” Fira looked around. “Take my hand.” Fallen Hex outstretched his hand. Pain took it his hand, and closed his eyes. He grimaced, and threw back his hand. “Now that I know, I will allow you to do such a thing, but only once.” Fallen Hex took the book in his arms and handed it to Pain. “What was that?” He opened his eyes but still had a pained expression on his face. “We exchanged memories, it was to better help understand you. I know you will keep it safe.” He gestured for Pain to take the book. “Thank you, I promise not to lose it.” He took the book. “You came prepared to fight, but I am not that kind of man to hurt an innocent and you know this.” Fallen Hex frowned even harder. “I didn’t think it would be this easy.” Pain looked down. “It wasn’t, what got you here was difficult.” Fallen Hex shook his head. “Pain, what kind of book is that?” Fira went up and tried to open the book. “No! Don’t! It’s dangerous!” Pain pulled the book away from her. “Dangerous how?” She looked at him with a blank expression. “It could hurt you! This book isn’t for the faint of heart!” He put it under his arm, where she could not read it. “Oh, I… I’m sorry I… I didn’t know.” She frowned and lowered her head. “It’s fine, don’t worry too much about it, just steer clear of it.” He patted her on the shoulder. “Okay, I will.” She nodded. “I think I heard about this book, it’s that forbidden one, right?” Gabrielle turned to Skyler. “Yeah, you’re right.” Skyler nodded. “Oh he’s not going to use it, is he?” She grabbed his arm. “Unfortunately I can’t stop him, that’s his decision, not mine.” Skyler shook his head again. “Oh Skyler please! You have to!” She tugged on his arm. “I know why he’s going to use it and I can’t bring myself to tell him no.” He lowered his head. “Thank you, old friend.” Pain turned around and started to walk past Skyler. “Remember to go to Elaine after you use it, she’ll know what to do.” Skyler grabbed Pain’s arm. “I know.” Pain nodded again, and slipped loose of Skyler’s grasp. “Ah, there it is,” A low male voice spoke. “You motherfucker.” Skyler raised his head and his Fallen mouth appeared again. “Hand over the book.” A man with short black hair and clad in a long red robe came up and tried to grab the book. “Absolutely not, not to you or anyone but Fallen Hex.” Pain pulled the book away from the man. “Who is that?” Gabrielle turned to Skyler again. “That’s the man who signed both mine and Pain’s death warrant, he’s the reason either of us died in the first place.” Skyler was still shirtless and had no gloves, he had left his clothes behind. “Oh, my god.” She put a hand to her mouth. “You picked the absolute best time, asshole.” Skyler ran up and slashed at the man. It connected and he dug his claws into the man’s shoulder and dragged his claws across his chest. The man screamed and pulled away. “If you don’t die from this, I hope you live the rest of you life in misery for hurting me and everyone I love.” Skyler licked the man’s blood from his fingers. “That’s Turbuk, the evil warlock, if you were wondering.” Pain turned to Fira and Gabrielle. “Oh, so that’s Turbuk.” She turned to Turbuk, who was running away. A portal opened in front of Turbuk, and he jumped in. “Fucker got away again, but this time I chose to let him go.” Skyler smiled “Why did you let him go?” Pain looked up at Skyler. “I scratched him when I still had the Black Hole Sword powers in my claws, saved them just in case he showed up.” Skyler laughed. Gabrielle and Skyler bid Pain and Fira farewell and went to find the Ruby Citadel. Skyler told her that it was a giant white structure that was placed on what used to be the old border. He told her that he would bring the border back to the way it used to so it would open. She asked him if he should go get his shirt, coat and gloves back. He refused, and said he was leaving it behind for now, and would grab it later when he came back to be crowned King of Darkness. She asked him about the spell that kept Elega stuck in evening, and Skyler pointed up to the sky, it was already continuing on into the night. He said that without help she would be stuck in Elega for the rest of the night, and to go to Shai once they were finished at the Ruby Citadel.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2580", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - The Dark Horse of Revenge", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
People lay on the ground beneath a golden spire, where a tall black fence encased them. No noise. No invaders. Only the petals of the cherry trees above drifted into the sanctuary. The fence squeaked open. A man entered through the gate. After stepping in, the gate clanged shut, making him flinch. He treaded lightly, his steps barely making any noise. He made his way towards a prone body, a woman with curly blonde hair. He loomed over her. The shade he cast upon her obscured the radiance of the sunset. He kneeled. His fingers skimmed the air above her face, not quite touching, but revering. He then touched her ring finger, just below the third knuckle. Small black markings sprouted from where he touched. Her eyelids fluttered. He stood up, turned around and started to walk back the way he came. A single black tear ran astray of the vertical scar on his right eye. It grayed his ghost white skin, and his steps slowed. A gust of wind jostled his heavy black trench coat. He whimpered softly and wiped away the tear and continued walking. He then fixed his wind-tossed short black hair, and made sure every hair was back in place as he continued to walk away. He went through the gate and down the steps, leaving the woman behind. Waking up with a start, she shifted in her messy bed. A foggy feeling enveloped her, her head felt heavy, and her brain was still half asleep. She covered her face with her hands. She opened her eyes. Black markings on her ring finger were visible. "What?", she groggily whispered under her breath. Putting her hands on her knees, she hoisted herself up. While she walked to her bathroom, she struggled to deal with how heavy her head felt still. Flicking on the light switch, she threw her hands onto the sides of the sink. She looked up at the mirror; fair skin, a heart-shaped face, small nose, full lips, and mint green eyes welcomed her. She looked down at her hands, seeing the black markings that made a ring around her fourth finger. She lifted her hand. Tracing the markings all around the finger. "How’d I get these?" She whispered and eyed the weird squiggles that a ring could cover up. She decided not to, to make sure that nobody would get the wrong idea. She put a hand to her head, she felt too tired to deal with such a weird predicament at the moment. She realized that it might be early in the morning, remembering the window she walked past was dark. Walking back to her bed, she looked at the clock. Glowing red numbers confirmed it was three in the morning. She had to go back to sleep so she could start her new job as a nurse at the town nearby, she felt so happy that she could finally help people, remembering she wanted to be a nurse ever since she was small. She groaned and jumped back onto her bed.  She thought hard about the black markings and what she could do, until she drifted off to sleep. After a short time, she woke up. It was clear she was in a completely different place. She laid beneath a clear, dark blue evening sky, the treetops of the cherry trees above her head swayed gently in the breeze. She felt at peace here, like all her worldly worries were suddenly far away. She wore a beautiful white dress instead of her pajamas. She turned to get up, shaking cherry tree petals off of herself. There were other people next to her, all of them sleeping. A bell’s strong, deep and vibrating ring cut through the silence, and she looked to the golden spire, which seemed to be the source of the noise. Surprisingly, even though the sound was loud enough to cause ringing in her ears, the other people did not wake up. Looking to a sleeping man with long gray hair tied in a ponytail, she wondered how even a heavy sleeper could sleep through such a noise. She slowly started to reach out to the man, wondering if she could shake him awake. "I wouldn't do that Gabrielle," a female voice warned. Gabrielle quickly turned around, a short creature dressed in white robes embossed with gold borders and strange sigils stared back at her. It had a hood that resembled a straight wizard hat at the top, the hat-like hood's top bent back and had a big white tassel at the end. Below the hat, a hole for the creature's face which was shrouded by darkness, and two large and almost neon-like white eyes with no human features glowed brightly. "Who are you? And how did you know my name?" She asked with a shaky voice, she wasn’t scared of the creature in front of her, but it certainly weirded her out quite a bit. "I’m Shai, and I know all of the names of the people sleeping here; it is my job to watch over them." Brushing off the rest of the cherry petals on her dress, she looked up at the creature, confused. "You don't seem shy to me," She said with a less shaky voice, brushing all that she saw off as a weird dream. The creature's eyes squint angrily. "No, S, H, A, I. Shai!" the creature named Shai exasperatingly holds up its clawed and four-fingered fist covered in white cloth. "Oh! I'm sorry, it sounded like another word!” She said, an embarrassed look on her face. Usually the weird things she dreamt up don’t know her name, so this was new to her. "I came when I heard the bell," Shai said, her hand relaxed and pointed to the golden spire behind her. "It only rings when someone wakes up." She lowered her hand and put it in one of the gold embossed pockets on her robe. "What is this place? And why am I the only one besides you who’s awake?" She asked and looked around at the many sleeping people that lay on the ground. "This is the Field of Dreamers. Once a dreamer appears, the spire keeps track. Only if a dreamer has enough magical power will they awaken." Shai then pointed to the man next to her. "He does not yet have the power to enter into this world." "Why do you need magical power to wake up?" Gabrielle asked and gripped her dress, she felt like it should have been someone else instead of her to wake up. "Because this world is too dangerous for non-magic users," Shai warned, lowered her other hand, and put it into its respective pocket as well. "World? This isn't Earth, is it?" Gabrielle asked and put a closed hand to her chin, waiting for Shai's answer. "This world is Elega, not Earth."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2502", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Longing for the Dreamer", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
Author's note: Skimming this chapter is recommended, even though it introduces important characters, it's not the best chapter, please bear with me. -----   "So, what now?" Gabrielle sighed, sitting down on a nearby red velvet and gold chair. "The others are waiting for you upstairs to introduce themselves. They are in one of the side rooms," Shai said, gesturing towards the left staircase. Gabrielle gripped her dress and got back up. "What others? There's more than one Light Maiden?" Shai laughed at Gabrielle's question. "No, there is only one Light Maiden, but there is more than one Maiden of Battle." The Mystic nodded. "In this world, it’s become apparent that women are more adept at magic than men, that's why there are Maidens of Battle, they were created to effectively fight the forces of darkness, and even the Lords themselves. Though, Parliament has extremely high standards for who can be one, so there are only three, including you." She gestured at Gabrielle, warmly smiling. Gabrielle nodded and walked up to the steps of the left staircase. "So which room is it?" Gabrielle asked, looking back at Shai and the Mystic. "They are in the first room to the right when you walk up, they decided to go there so it would be less confusing,” the Mystic said, motioning her to go forward. Gabrielle looked back ahead and climbed the stairs. As soon as she reached the top, she looked to her right, two arched wooden doors adorned with gold. "Gold, like everything else in this place." She shook her head, going up to the doors and gave them a push. When the doors creaked open, Two girls turned to look at her. The room itself looking a lot like the rest of the inner sanctum. Checkerboard marble floors, two gaudy red velvet chairs. One sat in the left corner closest to the door, and one in the far right corner. A similar gold chandelier hung from the ceiling. "If you’re here, you must be strong enough to fight the armies of darkness!" One of the girls said, brushing back her long cherry red hair, her fiery red eyes sparkling in the warm light. "I'm Fira, and this is Lunara." The red haired girl gestures to the other girl who sat in one of the red velvet chairs. The other girl was playing with her hair band that kept her ponytail up high on her head, near the part in her hair. The girl caught herself and kept her hands busy by crossing her arms, brushing her hands over her fair skin. "She hasn't been cleared by Parliament yet, don't get too excited Fira," Lunara grumbled, frowning and crossing her legs. "You don't seem that happy to see me Lunara," Gabrielle said worriedly. "She's just having a bad day, she'll warm up to you eventually," Fira said, laughing awkwardly, gripping her short red dress. Gabrielle raises her hand. "Yes?" Fira asks. "Will the Mystic and Shai be joining us later?" Gabrielle whispers. Lunara shakes her head "Not today, it's much too late, we need to get back to bed to wake up, since it's night time already," she warned, taking her hands off her arms and unwrinkling her long black dress. "Going to bed to wake up? How does that work?" Gabrielle asked, covering her mouth with a closed palm. Fira went up to her up and puts a hand on her shoulder. "We need to get you into your new bed before too long, because we can only go to this world while we are asleep, when we wake up we go back to Earth." Gabrielle nodded. "So it's daytime here when it's night time on Earth, and it's night time here when it's day time on Earth, right?" Gabrielle pondered. Fira noddeds at her. "Yep, so we need to get you to your new bed where you’ll wake up each time you come here," she explains, lightly shaking her. "How are you going to do that? How will I wake up in the same bed each time? Don't I wake up back at the Field of Dreamers?" Gabrielle asked, confused. Lunara got up and went up to the door. "Nope, once you wake up initially you don't go back, that would make things very difficult for the people here, since it's a long walk. We just use a spell to make your new awakening spot the bed instead of the Field of Dreamers." Lunara motioned for Gabrielle to follow her. They all went a few doors down and opened the door. A large and plain looking king-sized bed sat in the middle of the room. "This is your room," Lunara said, walking up to the bed. "Get on the bed so we can cast the spell." She gestured towards the bed. Gabrielle went up to it and got on. Lunara held up her arm, white sigils materialized from her hand, Gabrielle looked up with a slightly worried look on her face, only just met Lunara, and yet she had to allow her to cast some sort of spell? Before Gabrielle could protest, the sigils burst and dissipated, Lunara lowered her hand. "The spell is done, you can go to sleep now. We'll be returning to our rooms too, good morning," Lunara said, walking out, followed by Fira, who gave her an excited wave on her way out. Deciding to get under the covers, Gabrielle thought about how all this was supposed to work, and if she’d still have the markings on her finger when she woke up, if the markings would fade in time, or if it was permanent, she looked at her left hand and sighed. She worried about how all this would affect her new job, and how she would find time to fight the forces of darkness here while being a nurse in the real world. She decided then that worrying would just make her sleep through her alarm. Trying to clear her mind and focus on her breathing, clearing herself of all thoughts, she relaxed, and drifted off to sleep shortly after.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2507", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - Back to Earth", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
After Gabrielle got dressed, she left her room. Skyler was in the kitchen, looking into the fridge. “What are you looking for?” she asked, smoothing out a wrinkle on her lilac dress. “Eggs,” he said bluntly, one arm shuffling things around inside. “You aren’t trying to make breakfast for yourself, are you?” she said, trying to put together what he was doing going through her food. “No, don’t be silly, it’s for both of us. Did you think I’d just do it for myself and have you make your own?” he laughed, food thumping and shuffling around inside. She tried to look over from where she was. “Ah, there it is!” He cheered, sliding the carton of eggs out and bringing them up to the counter. “What about your friend? Did you call him? You don’t know where I live, so I’d have to tell you the address.” She sat down next to the phone. “I have a GPS tracker on me at all times, even bring it to bed with me, just in case things like what occurred today decide to happen. My friend already knows how to access it, so I didn’t need you to tell him anything,” he said matter-of-factly, going back in to find something else. “Why would you have a GPS on all the time?” she asked, getting up and turning towards him in surprise and confusion. “Sometimes I lose control of my powers and teleport to places I don’t recognize. The GPS tracker is supposed to be able to tell me where I’m at when that happens. It’s a modified one so it doesn’t lose track of me just because I’m not on Earth, my friend had one of his friends do that for me. Ah, so you do have potatoes, good, I can work with this. Now, where’s that bacon?” he said, pulling out a potato. He put it next to the eggs and went back into the fridge to find the next ingredient. “Teleporting to some place other than Earth? What other places are there to teleport to?” She walked around the couch and towards the kitchen. “Elega, for example. That and Lyserge, but you wouldn’t know about that place. Ah, there it is, now it’s a party,” he said cheerfully as he dragged out a zipped up bag of bacon and added it to the row of other ingredients. “Elega? Does it happen while you are awake too? It only happens to me when I go to sleep,” she said and walked up to him. “Yeah, but I can go to both anytime I want. I was born on Elega, it would be silly if I couldn’t go from one place to the other if I felt like it. Lyserge may be a different story, but once you get the hang of using dimension jumping spells it’s pretty easy.” He walked over to the oven and pulled out the drawer under her oven, and started shuffling around inside. “Did your battle trainer teach you how to do that as well?” she said, then leaned onto the kitchen counter. “No, my aunt used to collect a lot of odd spellbooks, and I read a few, after asking politely of course.” He picked up two pans and a splatter screen and placed them on the stove, then started cooking. “I hope she’ll be ok without me today,” she said worriedly, thinking back to how bad Elaine’s condition was. “I’m sure Dr. Gage is working on a way to get her back to her old self again quickly, he’s a miracle machine, I’m sure she’ll be fine in his hands for today,” he said as he put a splatter screen over the bacon. “I do trust him, it’s just… Taking a day off when someone’s that ill, it seems a bit heartless for me, do you think I should have worked on my day off today?” she asked, feeling a bit selfish. “I’m worried about her too.” he said in a soft and serious tone. “But he gave you this day off knowing her condition. If it was as unmanageable as you think, he wouldn’t have given you the day off.” He looked at her and nodded reassuringly. “Ok, I’ll take your word for it. Anyways, I’m going to go freshen up. I’ll be in the bathroom.” she said meekly, then walked back into her room. She walked past her bed and to the sink, on the right side of the counter sat a small makeup bag. She looked into the mirror, and though she knew she was fine without makeup, she wanted to impress Skyler. Her cheeks went red again and her heart beat fast in her chest. Opening the makeup bag, she took out her foundation, a lip gloss, and some mascara. She decided against using lip liner, eye liner and lipstick because it would be too noticeable to him. She took out a makeup brush and applied the foundation, taking her time to make it look as perfect as possible, then put the lip gloss on. When she got to the mascara, she heard Skyler shout that breakfast was almost done. She was embarrassed, she realized too late that she had taken too much time applying her foundation. She breathed in slowly through her nose and out through her mouth a few times to calm herself down. Applying mascara while anxious could cause her to poke her eye on accident, which she wanted to avoid. She twisted the mascara bottle loose, and pulled out the applicator. Bringing it above her eye, she hesitated for a second, then ran it through her eyelashes. She then did the same for her other eye, and put the mascara back into its tube. While she put everything away, she heard Skyler shout that breakfast was done. “Oh, good timing,” she whispered to herself, and finished up. She walked into the living room, and the smell of bacon had hit her about a second after she got there. Her mouth started to water from the smell, and her stomach growled. “Your stomach seems to have woken up too,” Skyler said with a smile, he picked up two plates, both of them with scrambled eggs, bacon, and lightly fried potatoes, and brought the right one closer to her. She walked over and grabbed the plate that was outstretched towards her. Her heart stopped for a second as she felt her hands touch his, and she felt her whole body get hot. Skyler looked at her silently with desperate eyes that confused her. She shook the look he was giving her off and took the plate. She walked to the couch and sat down. Skyler stood there holding his breakfast. “I’m wondering why you picked an apartment so small you can’t even fit a dining table,” he walked up and sat down next to her, straight faced and looking ahead. “Are you feeling ok? You’ve been acting strange ever since I grabbed my plate,” she asked after swallowing a mouthful. Her body was still hot and she felt like her heart was going to explode, she was so close to him now that she was almost touching him. She felt the tension in the room, and found it hard to eat with it being so palpable. “I could ask you the same thing,” he said and turned towards her, a caring look on his face. “What do you mean?” she said and turned her head towards him. Their eyes locked. As he leaned in, she reciprocated, turning the rest of her body in his direction. As she closed her eyes and lightly pursed her lips, his warm breath smoothly coasted across the skin of her lips and chin. Soft and warm lips met with hers, and her heart almost shot out of her body. His arms wrapped around her back and pushed her in closer, and she connected with his chest. His heartbeat was fast too, and his body was emanating heat just like hers was. She put her hands on his chest, and his warmth increased. His lips parted slightly, and something hot and wet touched hers. It lightly prodded at her mouth, and she opened it slightly, letting his tongue slide inside. She took her tongue and slid it past his and out of her mouth, then slid it past his lips as well. Their tongues danced in each others mouths for a while, the taste of his spit was somehow sweet, like he ate candy before deciding to french kiss her. She wondered if her spit tasted too much like scrambled eggs, even though she hardly chewed it before swallowing, it was something she was worried about. She didn’t want her first kiss, or french kiss for that matter, taste like scrambled eggs. His body heat was extremely satisfying to her. She had always missed hugging him, he was the only one close enough to her to do such a thing. Her other friends were always fair weather friends, leaving her to fend for herself if a bully tried to cop a feel, and all the guys who asked her out only did it because she was pretty - not because of who she actually was. She was so sad when he said no when she asked him out, but she understood that he couldn’t reciprocate when he was having a tough time with family. This was all she ever wanted, she had waited most of her life for this moment, the only person she could really connect to on a romantic level actually returning the same feelings. After a while, they pulled back their heads. Skyler wiped the spit from his chin. “You knew exactly what I meant,” he said with a smile. “Skyler I…” She was about to say it but the last word caught in her throat. Even after doing all that, she was still worried he would say no. “Love you. Is that what you’re trying to say?” He leaned in and kissed her. She was so relieved, it was like the whole world was lifted from her shoulders. “I love you too, Gabby. And I won’t ever lose you again,” He said. “I.. Love you.” she said hoarsely, tears rapidly building up in her eyes and cascading down her cheeks. “It’s alright, Gabby, don’t cry.” he said, holding her close. There was a knock at the door. “He can wait, I’m not going until you’ve calmed down,” Skyler said, then ran his fingers through her hair. “I’m… I’m alright.” she said with a sniffle and pulled herself away. She was just so relieved that he felt the same way. She did her breathing exercises again as Skyler let go of her to go answer the door. When he opened the door, there was a short young man with skin white as a sheet standing there, a duffel bag in his hand and Skyler’s trench coat draped over his shoulder. The man ran his free hand over his medium length black spiky triangle styled hair, which spanned his entire head and firmly stood upwards, with a short amount of bangs on the right side of his forehead that was just gelled down in that one place, he then pulled his hand away and rubbed the residual hair gel onto his black pleather pants. “Teleporting around as per usual I see,” the man said jokingly, then pulled the coat off of his shoulder and handed it to Skyler. “Thanks Pain, you’re a real life saver, and no, it wasn’t me this time,” Skyler said and grabbed the coat from him. “I can tell, I was just joking around. Here, see you later,” Pain said and presented the duffel bag to Skyler. Skyler took it and nodded. “Yeah, tell Drake I’m not going to be there, I’ve got other plans.” Pain waved as he walked away. “Yeah, I’ll tell him. Good luck.” Skyler shut the door and locked it, then hung his coat on the coat rack nearby. He also put the duffel bag on the floor in front of the coat rack. “I hope it didn’t go cold,” Gabrielle said with a giggle. “There’s always the microwave,” Skyler said with a small grin as he walked back to his seat. Gabrielle took another fork full of fried potato and tasted it. “It’s still warm enough to eat.” “It wouldn’t have mattered either way, you worry too much,” he said as he sat down next to her. “Are you leaving after you finish breakfast?” she asked after a few bites. “Yes, but don’t worry, I’ll be there when you wake up at Elega. I need to prepare for tonight,” he said, then finished a piece of bacon. “What’s going to happen tonight?” she said after eating everything but the bacon. “Remember the ritual that Cara talked about? That’s going to have to happen tonight or we won’t be allowed to see each other,” he said, then cleaned his plate. “Is that because you’re a Darkling and i’m the Light Maiden?” she said, then took a bite out of a piece of bacon. “Yeah, it’s forbidden for any human to fall in love with a Darkling, unless the Darkling undergoes the ritual, which is pretty ancient since Elega has existed for a long time. Most people have forgotten about it, thankfully I and others found this loophole. After it’s all done, I can stay at the castle with you, though you aren’t supposed to let me out of your sight,” he said and picked up his plate. “Why would I have to not let you out of my sight?” she said, she had already finished her plate and was going to take it to the sink. “Either that or someone would have to be designated to watch me at all times, I may be allowed to stay there after the ritual but they still won’t trust me enough to go anywhere on my own within their territory,” he says as he gets up. “But that shouldn’t matter, right? It’s supposed to make sure you don’t do anything bad again, so that means that they are safe when you are around,” she said as she got up with her plate and put it away. “Not everyone is as trusting as you are,” he said, putting his plate in the sink next to hers. “Couldn’t you just tell everyone that the Immaculate Veil is your grandmother? Isn’t that enough to get people to trust you?” she asked, then grabbed his wrist while he was pulling his arm away from the sink. “That won’t be enough to erase thousands of years of fear, Gabby,” he said and placed his free hand on hers. “I know there’s still this huge war, but I wish they would at least treat you like a person.” She lowered her head. “I have to go get ready now, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. We’ll get to spend plenty of time together because of all this,” he said, and softly pulled his hand away. He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. She looked back up at him with a small frown, he let out a chuff and smiled again. “Just think of it like being able to go on extra long dates all the time. Even though we’ll be at home,” he said as he turned and went to the coat rack. She blushed and turned around. “Hey, can I ask you something?” “Sure, what is it?” he said and picked up his coat and duffle bag. “Earlier, on the couch, why did you decide to kiss me?” she said bashfully, raising her shoulders to hide her face in her hair. “That mark on your finger doesn’t just give you more magic,” he said while he walked slow walk to her room. “What do you mean?” she clasped her hands together and felt her body get hot again. “How did you think I know that you were being attacked by those Darklings? Those markings allow me to sense your emotions. Trepidation, fear, desperation… Love.” he said and turned to face her. “You mean… You could sense my emotions this whole time?” she said, surprised and embarrassed. She covered her face with her hands. She remembered all the times her feelings got the best of her when it came to him while he wasn’t around. She also felt that it violated her privacy, and even though she was a little mad at him for using the mark to pick up on how she was feeling, she didn’t wish that he had done differently. After all, she never would have gotten that far with him if he didn’t know how she really felt. “I only pay attention to the strongest ones, if that’s any consolation. And I won’t use it again unless it’s an emergency, if that will make you feel any better,” he said and continued to walk to her room. “I’ll trust you to keep your word, then,” she said as she peeked through her hands. “I know it’ll be impossible for me to know if I’m using it or not, but I couldn’t just ignore what I was sensing, I hope you’ll forgive me for using it in such a selfish way,” he said, then opened her bedroom door. “It’s ok, I forgive you, just don’t use it like that again,” she said, relieved, and took her hands off her face. “That’s a relief,” he said and smiled again, he then looked in her room and then back to her. “You don’t mind if I use your room to get dressed, do you?” “It’s fine, I’ll be out here,” she said and smiled back, then relaxed her shoulders and moved her hair out of her face. “I’ll in and out real quick, thanks,” he said with a nod, and went inside, closing the door behind him. She sat down and turned the television on. After she found a channel that was playing old rubber hose cartoons, she set down the remote. Feeling sentimental, she leaned on her elbow with an open hand, and thought about what just happened. Her hands still held the warmth of his chest, and the warmth of his lips still remained on hers. Phantom sensations of him holding her close still lingered on all the places he touched. Her head then felt cloudy, like she was in a dream. She hoped that it wasn’t - because it would have been cruel for her mind to imagine all the things she did with him only for it to disappear, leaving it an unanswered prayer. Even though she could hardly believe it was real, she was still riding high on the unexplainable feelings she got from that romantic encounter. The door opened behind her, she snapped out of her trance and got up as she spun around. “All done, sorry I stayed a bit longer than expected but, you know,” he said and blushed, his cheeks turning gray. “Where do you need to go? I wish you would stay longer,” she said, gripping the top of the couch seat. “Back to the hospital, I need to prepare for tonight,” he said as he walked to the door. “Hospital? Why would you need to go there? Is it really going to be that bad?” she said and got up from the couch. “Using light magic on a Darkling isn’t the most pleasant experience. I’m going to need some assistance if I’m going to go through it without it feeling worse than giving birth,” he said while he rubbed the back of his neck. “What do you mean by assistance?” she asked while she walked up to him. “Enough painkillers to kill ten elephants probably. If I’m acting a bit funny when you go back to Elega, it might be because of that, just letting you know beforehand,” he said as he looked back at her, his hand still on his neck. “I won’t do it if it’s going to hurt you that much,” she said as she grabbed his arm. “You don’t have much of a choice, you don’t want me in the royal prison or dead, this is the next best thing,” he retorted, took his hand of his neck and grabbed her free hand. “I don’t want any of that, is there really nothing else we can do?” she begged, turning her hand around in his and gripping it. “I’m afraid not, and there wouldn’t have been any options for us if the ritual was lost to history. I’m at least thankful for that,” he said, then pulled his hand back and wrapped his hands around her, bringing her in for a hug. “I just, I just don’t want to hurt you,” she said, then wrapped her arms around his neck. “It’ll only be the one time, think of it like giving me a tattoo, only it does more than just look pretty,” he said, pulling away and putting his hands on her arms. “Ok, I’ll try,” she said and nodded. He quickly kissed her on the lips and spun around. “Good, I’ll see you tonight then.” He opened the door and walked outside, then grabbed the door handle. Before he closed the door, he looked back at her. “Love you,” he said and smiled back at her. “I love you too,” she said, her face turning beet red. He exhaled, still grinning, and shut the door- Leaving her by herself.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2500", "id": "2523", "q": 0.7009090909090909, "title": "The Light Maiden’s Mark - A Day Off with a Darkling Part 2", "author": "AneiDoru", "chapters": 40, "rating": 3.8, "rating_ct": 11, "genre": [ "Adult", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Romance", "Sci-fi", "Smut", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Bisexual Protagonist", "Child Abuse", "Childhood Friends", "Demons", "Fallen Angels", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Gods", "Immortals", "Multiple Protagonists", "Schizophrenia", "Summoned Hero", "Tragic Past", "Transported into Another World", "World Hopping" ] }
It was another average day for the young Uzumaki Naruto. He woke up starving, since he hadn't eaten in days, so he tried to go out and find some food. All that was in his kitchen was old sour milk and jungle bread. He would have some instant ramen, but the last time some one broke into his apartment they pissed in all his cups of instant ramen. After his futile search for food around his house Naruto resorted to plan B. Plan B was scrounging around the alleyways and dumpsters for edible food. After around an hour of searching the best spots Naruto got lucky, he found a half eaten protein meal, and a barely drank bottle of water. Both were probably thrown away by a spoiled child. While eating his heaven sent meal Naruto started on the next part of his day's schedule. He started pranking. Naruto loved pranking mean people of the village, for a few different reasons. 1. As a means of trainings, and. 2. As a way to vent and give his meaningless life a bit of happiness. He usually pranked the drunk ninja and the elderly, because they were the ones who made his life the most miserable. Both of those groups would abuse Naruto physically and psychologically. Middle aged folk and most people sixteen and under simply ignored Naruto. Though some of the kids did try to bully Naruto. For that day's pranks Naruto didn't do anything special, he replaced a certain bar's alcohol stores with piss infused water. One wouldn't think that would work on trained ninja, but when someone is drunk enough they don't notice the difference in smell. Against the elderly Naruto didn't do something quite as hateful, no matter what Naruto did like Elderly people, and truthfully he didn't like being mean to them. However, Naruto was a prideful boy, he didn't appreciate being mentally abused, so Naruto would do some pranks on particularly mean oldies. That day Naruto took a bunch of Granny's panties and spread them through out the village, he figured it was innocent enough while still being embarrassing. After getting his daily dose of " trapping " and " stealth " training, Naruto returned to his home. Once home Naruto picked a book out of his secret stache. His stache consisted entirely of books given to him by his surrogate grandfather, Hiruzen Sarutobi, also known as The Hokage. There were twenty or so in the the stache and they all had to be hidden away otherwise they would be destroyed when someone broke into his house. For the most part the books were stories of legendary ninja, some real, some not, there were also some beginner ninja books. Naruto's favorite of the story books was the one of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. Naruto's favorite part of the man though was funnily enough his wife. She was also an Uzumaki, she loved ramen, she was drop dead gorgeous, and she had Kage level strength. Honestly if she around his age, or alive, Naruto would definitely try to befriend her. That day Naruto didn't pick up one of his story books however, instead he picked up one of the beginner ninja books. Specifically he chose the book " Beginner Chakra Theory and Chakra Control ". Catchy. Obviously the book featured a couple different chakra control exercises such as leaf sticking and tree walking, but the book also talked about chakra theory. Naruto already knew every detail of the chakra control chapters, so he skipped straight to the chakra theory. Naruto read through the worn pages intently, making sure he hadn't missed something from the dozen other times he'd read those very words. ' Since being spread the Sage of Six Paths, chakra has become a form of life energy that all living beings produce to some degree; those who run out of chakra will die. Produced within the "chakra coils" that mainly surround and connect to each chakra-producing organ, the energy circulates throughout the body in a network called the "Chakra Pathway System", which is similar to the cardiovascular system. Certain groups, such as shinobi, have learned to generate more chakra and release it outside their bodies through pressure points called tenketsu in order to perform jutsu. Chakra is created when two other forms of energy, known collectively as one's "stamina", are molded together. Physical energy is collected from each and every one of the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. Spiritual energy, is derived from the mind's consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience. These two energies becoming more powerful will in turn make the created chakra more powerful. Therefore, practicing a technique repeatedly will build up experience, increasing one's spiritual energy, and thus allowing more chakra to be created. As a result, the ninja is able to do that same technique with more power. This same cycle applies for physical energy, except the ninja needs to increase their endurance instead. Some unique individuals have substantial potential that enable them to exponentially increase their chakra reserves in a relatively short amount of time. At any given time, a ninja will have a "maximum" amount of chakra that they can form and use before it runs out and they need to rest to replenish it. With practice this maximum can be increased, but to a certain extent as they are limited to the quantity and strength of chakra that their genetics grants them. Each person's chakra is different and as such gives off a unique chakra signature, which sensor type ninja are able to detect. Chakra signatures are passed genetically, allowing a person's clan to be identified by their chakra; over time, entire populations can have perceptibly different chakra. One's chakra signature can be altered by absorbing DNA from multiple people, mixing various chakra signatures together to become a whole new one. Each person's chakra also has a unique "color" that can be seen by those with dōjutsu. Even if they are separated, changes made in the chakra signature of the original will result in the separated chakra mimicking those changes. While practically all types of jutsu require chakra to be performed, taijutsu does not; stamina is all that is needed. While the ninja still needs a set amount of chakra to live, regular taijutsu doesn't require any active molding or manipulation of chakra, with few exceptions. A standard attack like a punch or kick falls into this technique category. After re-reading the chapters for the umpteenth time Naruto went onto the next part of his daily schedule. That being physical training. The young blond had picked up physical training after reading his chakra theory book, and another book about the benefits of physical training. Naruto had always had a fairly strong physique being able to match people multiple years older then him, and being able to easily out last adults in stamina. To start his physical training Naruto went to the roof of his apartment and stripped down to his underwear. He wasn't scared of being seen since nobody else lived in the building. Naruto's training usually consisted of stretching and yoga before moving onto strength training. He would also increase his mental energy by meditating and connecting with nature. He would often combine both, meditating while doing yoga. That day he did just that. Through out his stretches and yoga Naruto oh so slowly entered a meditative state. He felt nothing, he thought nothing, he was nothing. Least that was his mind, his body was still moving. Specifically it was doing push-ups. After his push-ups was sit-ups after push-ups was squats and then last but not least was strength training using boulders. When Naruto was about to start running in place he was awoken from his state by rumblings in the air. While he was working out he hadn't noticed dark clouds flying in. Naruto excitedly grinned and lied down on a piece of wood. The wood was a bench to do bench presses. While still breathing heavily Naruto awaited the impending rain fall. A few minutes was all it took for Naruto's wish to come true. The rain came down and embraced the Earth like the cold soft embrace of Mother Death embracing a new soul. Feeling the soft rain Naruto feel into a depressing delusion of a mother lightly reprimanding her son. Naruto would often fall into such happy fantasies of a loving family. Rain often made him think of a mother. A hot summer made him think of an older brother or sister, and darkness a father. One of the reasons Naruto started meditating was because being in nature made him fall into such fantasies. In his dream he was fantasizing of a woman no younger then twenty no older than thirty; she was reprimanding likely for him pulling a prank; in the background was an indistinct figure who was clearly a man, even though he was indistinct one could see him barely holding in laughter. The rain was his mother, while the indistinct father figure was represented by the impending night. While dreaming Naruto didn't notice lightning flowing in the clouds above similar to a snake in grass. The lightning didn't disperse instead flowing around as though looking for a target somewhere on the Earth. After a few minutes it seemed to have found one in a certain blond haired orphan. The strike of lightning came down fast and unexpectedly, it was like a guillotine baring down on a neck. The bolt striked down directly on the seal that had a certain demon fox captive. It didn't do any damage, it did however insert a strange force into Naruto's body. In the outside world time had stopped it, inside of the young man's mental space it flowed quickly and evenly however. Inside young Naruto's a voice spoke out that could have made war veterans shiver in fear. " Hmm, oh, a soul, I haven't had one in years. " At that moment a nine tailed demon fox showed it self. It suddenly swallowed up the previously unknown energy. The fox then spoke up again. " Yum! Send me another, hehehe. " Before it could laugh anymore a voice spoke out. It sounded like an amused grandfather watching his playing grandchildren. " Ho, ho, what an unusual situation. " The Kyuubi instantly became defensive. Hair bristled, ears pulled back, swishing tails, the whole nine yards. " Who are you‽ Show your self! " " Oh settle down fox. If I was going to do something I would of already done it. " The Kyuubi realized that he was truthful so it settled down and said. " Then at least show yourself, please. " At that moment the young Naruto who had been laying on the floor knocked out from the influx of memories, from the soul; spoke up. " Where am I? What's going on? " The young bot was surprisingly calm considering the situation he was in. Unknown place, giant demon fox, disembodied voice, you know, things that would make children freak out normally. The Kyuubi spoke out in a soft voice. " I am the kyuubi, I am the reason that you are so hated. " Naruto didn't say anything just staring at the massive demon fox. His stare was so impassive and emotionless that the fox became slightly unnerved. No child should have such a stare. Eventually Naruto sighed an said. " And? " " And, what? " " And, why am I here, where am I, why are you the reason I am hated. " " Oh, alright hehehe. I guess I'll start from the beginning. So four years ago I was minding my own business laying around in my den at that time. All of a sudden some dastardly villain came and tried to trick me. After I beat on him a little bit he tricked me into looking at his eye's. His eye's known as Sharingan were able to just barely put me in a Genjutsu, only because I was so leisurely. Anyway long story short I was forced to attack your village where your father fought me. After a real battle he used an extremely powerful Seal that called upon the Shinigami. In return for me being sealed inside of you your father had his soul taken by the Shinigami. Since then I have been watching your memories like they were a television. And I'd like to say I'm truly sorry Naruto. I should have never let down my guard, but over the years I became arrogant. I . . . " During the entire explanation neither Naruto or the disembodied voice spoke, but when he heard the fox start to apologize he stuck his hand up. " No need to apologize, it's clearly not your fault. I don't blame either you or my father for my rough life. If anything I blame the villagers or that " Dastardly Villain. ". So please don't apologize. " " . . . " " . . . " Naruto, the fox, and the disembodied voice had a staring contest, though neither Naruto or the Kyuubi didn't know they were battling the voice. Eventually Naruto broke and said. " Alright what? Nobody's speaking. " " It's just, I don't know, I expected you you to be angrier. Maybe cry, I don't know I just didn't think you would be so calm and accepting. " " Would you rather I run around screaming and freaking out. " " It would make sense. " " Whatever. " The Kyuubi was surprised by her host's teenager like attitude. It seemed his recently gained memories were already influencing him. At that moment the disembodied voice spoke out. " Then I guess it's my turn to explain. I am a God, and I am playing, basically I am using your universe. You see many Gods will entertain themselves by taking souls from Type B universes. We will then insert that soul in a Type A universe, usually with a special power of some sort. " " Type A? Type B? " " Type B universe are universes without any special type of energy. Your universe is a Type A universe because it has Chakra. There are also Type C universes, but those are basically uninhabitable wastelands. Last but not least are God universes, those are basically the universes where Gods like myself live. " " Why do you play the game then, shouldn't Gods be omni-potent? " " No, we're definitely not omni-potent. God's are basically beings who have a certain amount of power while also having control over a certain aspect of the universes. I personally control reincarnation, one of the more complicated aspects. That little fox you have sealed away is a Demi-God, she controls rage and destruction. Both are extremely powerful aspects. Might I add that it is very rare two have control over two aspects of the universes. Once she reaches the God level she'll easily be one of the strongest. Oh before I forget you can just call me GoR. " While the fox was busy looking arrogant, Naruto had shining stars in his eyes. It seemed that no matter what type of life he lived nothing could suppress his true nature. " THAT IS SO COOL! I HAVE A GOD TRAPPED IN MY STOMACH! " " Settle down Naruto, I'm not done yet. " Naruto took a few deep breaths to return to his previously calm state. " ' Sigh ' Alright, alright, I'm settle. " The Kyuubi and the God of Reincarntion were clearly amused by Naruto barely restraining his excitement. " Anyway you should have been posseseed by the soul I summoned. He would have gained all of you memories, then using the power I gave him he would excel in your world. However that has backfired, I didn't account for the demon fox in your gut. So now you have gained his memories and the power I gave him. I'll tell you now that I will take most of those memories, however I will allow you to choose two sets to keep. You can keep any set of his memories, whether they be about his universe or your own. Maths, agriculture, anything I don't really care. I will also allow you to keep the power. " Hearing all of that Naruto pouted at the Kyuubi, not that she was the one that broke the bad news: just that she was the only one he could use his Puppy Dog Eye's Jutsu on. The Kyuubi who had been minding her own business instantly stiffened up, she tried looking away, but the eyes drew her in. It seemed ever a being of pure rage and destruction couldn't handle the legendary jutsu. " ALRIGHT! STOP! Please? GoR is there anyway you could concede something? " " Hhmmm, I guess I will give you a Max Level Skill. I'll have the skill inserted in your system. " " Sweet! . . . What's a system. " " Systems are an up-and-coming power in the game. They are unique, diverse, and plain entertaining. You'll be able to learn more about them from your new memories, if you choose to keep them. The system I have given you is called the Hardwork System. The harder you work the more benefits you'll get. The system despite being basic has the potential to be extremely OP ( Over Powered ). While I'm at it I guess I can explain your skill to you. The skill is called meditation and it can help you in a variety of ways. It can help build chakra, better you chakra control, and even train your elemental affinity. Anyway get to work Boy-o take all the time you need since time is stopped. " Naruto didn't even react to the fact that time had stopped. Instead he quickly started to immerse himself in the memories of his invader. The soul that had invaded his own was that of a young man who was around 30 years old, twenty-eight to be exact. He was something of a recluse, preferring to stay home and read than to spend time with other people. He had always been quite the reader growing up, able to read fairly well at the age of six. Well into his adult life he had would read instead of spending time with other people. If it wasn't for the fact that he needed money to live he would have been content being a non-religious hermit. His repetitive daily life was, wake up, read, eat, shower, go to work, come home, eat, read, sleep. The only thing the young soul could use to try and relate with other people was his love of music. While Naruto was going over the memories he couldn't for the life of him understand why GoR had decided on that young man. One thing that did surprise Naruto was when he came across an anime describing what could have been his life story. When he came across it he instantly spent days watching the anime. Not needing to eat or sleep really helped him binge. He would laugh and cry while watching, he also heckled himself considerably over his " love " of that Sakura bitch. What confused the young boy was how watered down the anime seemed to be of his life. When he asked GoR the old man explained the how there were likely an infinite number of universes each one different. After having finished the anime Naruto still in a bingy mood scrounged for anything to satiate his needs. Right when he was about to despair he discovered FanFiction, glorious beautiful FanFictions. Naruto instantly devolved into a mindless zombie that read whatever he could get his hands on. He probably could of made his invader cringe from his no-lifeness. Naruto fell in love with the different universes that were written down in a book format. He especially loved the harem fanfictions since they really stroked his ego. Though unfortunately for him he wasn't allowed to read any Lemons or he would get punished by the Kyuubi. He couldn't even sneak any since they were in his mental space, meaning she or GoR could know what he was going over at anytime. It was like that that Naruto spent years going over all of the memories his invader had had to offer. And while his body didn't show any growth, his mind did. Naruto had turned from a mature young man into a hermit of a pre-teen. Just a really short one. Honestly even with the entertainment Naruto would have become insane if it wasn't for the Kyuubi and GoR always keeping him company. " So why was this guy so obsessed with boobs? Personally I prefer butts or the beaver. " " NARUTO! I told you to stay away from those memories. " " I know Kyuubi, it's just, I've already gone over all of the other memories. ' " . . . Does that mean you are ready to choose your memories? " " ' Sigh ' I take it you can't count all of memories as one group? " " Sorry son, I tried everything, but there was nothing to be done. Maybe if I had a different God's Domain instead of Reincarnation. " " It's cool, I've made my decision. The memories I want are . . . "
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "8354", "id": "8355", "q": 0.8627272727272728, "title": "Hardwork System in Naruto - Chapter 1", "author": "WaterBear6", "chapters": 4, "rating": 4.7, "rating_ct": 9, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fanfiction", "LitRPG", "Martial Arts", "Romance" ], "tags": [ "Naruto", "Abandoned Children", "Abusive Characters", "Age Progression", "Based on an Anime", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Carefree Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist" ] }
Camera Shy   The sun had been fighting to stay up for a good part of the day, but it laid itself out awhile ago like an egg on a red hot iron pan. The brim of its light dimmed behind the canopy of trees in the grayed out horizon until it was snuffed. Purple haze and pink strident colors blazed through the normally blue sky and instantly, like a flash, turning black as night. Buildings, both tall and narrow, flat and long, and even some odd oblong ones grew shadows that blanketed the brown needles scattered across concrete ground and invaded the forestry with the retreating shades of trees. Eventually, the whole picture was nothing but darkness. Then the sky shown no light, not even the twinkle of stars, but one baleful moon that shown its lucid reflection behind passing clouds of the sunken sun's slumber behind the earth. Even if the cosmos was asleep, the people on this planet, on the island, and around a particular dorm had not fallen into that sleepy rhythm of night... A little lady, who's not very ladylike, no taller than a mail post, ran up the steps of a nearby building and peered around the sides to be sure no one noticed her arrival. This "Sneak" is hooded, purposefully hunched and zipping behind the shrouded manors to keep those who may be keeping a look out for her to be challenged. This is a common occurrence... for her, at least. Well, we know it is a girl, but no one would think that by catching a glimpse of her. Ah, wait, it has nothing to do with her looking like a boy, even if she is rather androgynous in those concealing clothes. Let's explain. The island is regularly known for having an all girl's campus, but there is a boy's side to the island, being rather difficult to traverse between the two, naturally, and guarded securely against those hardy individuals who would make the attempt to have some naughty fun. On that very important note, both sides of the island are strictly made to be unaware of each other. At least between the student bodies. Convenient, no? So, right now, this small lady is someplace she should not be snooping about without prior knowledge. Maybe it would interest the reader for us to delve into how she managed to get from point A to point B? ...Some other time. It is a long story and we want to get into what kind of trouble this brat is up to. So, another thing that should be considered a "no-no" is the little blonde opening up the boy's dorm. Casually trespassing by going into a hall, thankfully vacant, as a thought bubble pops up and displays her contemplating breaking into a room. A very specific room with a specific name written all over it. Well, not exactly all over, but she'd know which door to open once spotted. Have to find it first! She raises her head, looking at the numbers on each dorm room door, and counts the first few. "100, 102, 104, 106... Must be upstairs," Enya Beisser breathes whispered notes to herself before concluding the next destination. She runs quiet the rest of the way down the hall for that staircase at the end. And hurries up. In a minute, the door is nudged open enough for her to poke her head past the door and its frame, taking a note that big red Exit placard's light is flickering out above her noggin, and then ventures into the long stairwell corridor. Normally, there is an elevator for this sort of thing. The stairs being for emergency only, but for some reason the alarm isn't exactly working. There is a story behind that, but we are leaving that for later too. As for why she didn't take the elevator, because the probability of getting boxed in with somebody on their way to take a trip down or up the dorm complex. Best to walk where nobody treads, right? Wandering down, she commences to count down the numbers. At the number, 204, her fingers snaps excitedly together, a smile on her face beams mischievously at the doorway, and a hand digging into her hoody's poncho for some tools. The girl kneels down and in front of the door, with a clenched fist, she brings to bare a locks worst nightmare; a paperclip, loose wire while being inserted into the keyhole, a flat plastic card being slipped aligned with the door frame's latch, and tape for the door to never shut right. The lock-bar, which gets twisted open by the paperclip twirling that wire around in a knot inside until the contraption causes the knob's lock to click. The card slides to block the bar from locking into the latch, leaving the door to be simply pushed open, carefully taping to keep things easy for her later escape, and then she quickly, quietly, and with determination crawls on all fours, with the nearby coffee table obscuring her, inside with the door being gently nudged shut with a foot. While pulling her hoody back, she peeks around inside the room, focusing peripheral vision for movement, but joyously taking in the sights of this particular boy's dorm room being empty. Nice to notice he isn't about. She stands up with some relief, walking around a bit more carefree, looking at the many things in here and there, oh and eventually from a computer, which is covered in different newspaper and photo clippings. There are notes about the keyboard and a few sticky notes that are tacked onto various parts of the desk with scribbles of different hand-writings, possibly tips from other students or something, and with numbers on them. Looking elsewhere, she sees his bed, not exactly made tidy, with one side flapped open and a imprint centered on the pillow that has been fluffed upwards like an abused child abandoned in the corner, and a couple bundled up sheets thrown almost off the foot to spill in disarray. A slight wrinkle in her nose is made at that display. Looking behind her shoulder at the door, to be sure there is no sound or sight of him coming in anytime soon, she quickly makes his bed. Everything is torn off the bed to start from scratch. She throws up the sheets, flattens them down and tucks their corners in, folds back the head of the sheets so she may place the pillow properly inside, and then grabs the blanket to spread it over the whole furnish. When she finishes, taking a few steps back to appraise, there is a glint of light that catches her eyes, and a sight to behold when she focuses beneath the bed. Camera. HIS Camera! Oh! We haven't covered who this boy is, have we? Quite a chatty guy, hangs around a group of news freaks who believe the island has some big conspiracy, and dreams to one day be physically attached by the hip to this ex-fashion model turned business major and now teacher. The guy is even shorter than that bimbo! This bitch is like 5'11, if not a full whooping 6 foot giant, and he thinks his pecker is going to reach THAT!? Anyways... Blinking and shaking her head, leaning in, and eyeing the would-be photo journalist's 'Precious,' "He would never leave it in his room... Unless... Oh," the girl realizes a sound she has been putting off as background noise, but it may actually be of importance. There is a rushing noise. Like a muffled static, but the closer she walked to the bathroom, the louder, more distinct, and identifiable it became. Shower. Somebody is in the shower! HE'S HERE!! Been here the whole fucking time. A bit of anxiety washes over her. Biting on her lower lip, looking down and around back up to the door, shaking her head a little bit, but then the resolve slowly settles in. He's in there, but that shower is a good way to time when he gets out. Quickly, there was an idea hatched in her mind. Trying to keep herself from giggling uncontrollably from the switch of anxiety to excitement, with a mouth cupped up in a single hand in fact, she rapidly steps back to the bed to swoop down to pick up that camera, and inspects it when she regains some self control. Turning it over, she figures out how to take some snap shots of it by blinding herself a few times from the -Click- and quick -Flash-. Smiling, she figures exactly what she wants to do with this. Glancing over her shoulder, to make sure he isn't coming out of the bathroom yet, the girl sets the first part of her plan into motion. The camera is set down on his bed for the moment. The hoody she wears is unzipped, opened, and slipped down enough to hang off of her shoulders before it slowly slides onto the floor. The now revealed shirt is rolled up her flat tummy while thinking about what he might do when this is over. It stops being rolled around to the curves of her cleavage before hooking both fingers beneath the bunched roll and sports bra, and yanked up as one to bare a pair of full firm breasts. Bet this room, meant for the opposite gender, never thought it would get a glimpse of these, right? With a revealing pull, she tears away the rest of the shirt and bra overhead, throws it on the floor, and grabs up her hoody once more to put on and cover her nubile figure. Yep, she zipped it up all the way. Grabbing the camera off the bed, she twirls around on the ball of her feet wistfully, sits on the side-edge of the bed with a bouncy flop, and lays her back on the second bounce with blonde blossoming over the made bed around her golden crown like a big sunflower. Reaching a camera held hand up in the air above herself, the lens facing her, she takes a selfie snap shot of herself just laying there. Then she grabs a hold of the zipper, which is digging up the base of her throat to leave a little print. Slowly, she unzips, taking shot after shot after shot of herself as the zipper comes gradually down her exposing torso. Her tanned bosom, ribs, tummy, belly-button, and that narrow waist is revealed when the whole zipper pulls up and away from her hips. She smiles at the camera, front teeth nibbling on her lower lip like a naughty chipmunk, in the last few photos with her hand trailing down her bare abdominal to dive into those short shorts for him. Then she gets up, grabs her shirt and bra, takes the hoody off for a moment to get dressed, and throws the coat back on before collecting the camera again. She heads for the bathroom, figuring he has taken long enough in there, probably jerking off with thoughts about that tall bitch, opens the door slowly, aims the camera at where the shower's general direction is, and yells, "FIRE! FIRE! GET OUT! THERE IS A FIRE!" -Click- -Flash- -Click- -Flash- With the opening the shower door and frantic leaping out, a curse and smack is made from him a cartoonish slip, his wet glistening body is photographed a couple times by the hysterically laughing girl, and she gives him a guilt-tripped wave. The big boy, stunned, posing in hysterical shock for the photo shoot, slowly processes what is going on, and goes into an ashamed and frustrated rage, yelling at the retreating and giggling form. Running out of the room, she hangs his camera smoothly up on the doorknob by the strap, and then flees down the hallway for a quick escape before he gets enough ample time to go after her, butt-nekkid or not...
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "8323", "id": "8325", "q": 0.8763636363636362, "title": "Camera Shy - Camera Shy", "author": "mrsimple", "chapters": 1, "rating": 4.8, "rating_ct": 4, "genre": [ "Adult", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Mature", "School Life" ], "tags": [ "Androgynous Characters", "Carefree Protagonist", "Childish Protagonist", "Comedic Undertone", "Cute Story", "Delinquents", "Exhibitionism", "Nudity", "Oneshot", "R-15", "Romantic Subplot", "Short Story" ] }
Who Are You?   To sleep, breathe, taste, and so much more gave me the impression that whatever I knew about vampires was false. I had thought the very touch of this cool sheet over my body would be nothing more than a layer of inconsiderable weight. Instead, it was a comfort, cradled close to my bosom, wrapped around my vulnerability, and giving my senses closure as I drifted off to sleep. Waking up was very difficult. Before this became my home, Mom would have to wait for the alarm clock to finish its duty before ripping the sheets off of me. Of course, I was not a fan of the New Englands chilly Good-Mornings. I'd have to curl up in a ball just to regain a little bit of warmth. That would have been when Mom bombed me with ice cubes. It didn't matter if she got the bed wet. Those sheets were going in the wash, just like I was gonna be hitting the shower. Mom wasn't here. I’d slept in this bed for so long that my aching back was what woke me. There was no way to tell what time it had been in here. No clock. I hadn’t wasted a whole day in bed. A noisy bird gave me that chirping clue. Sitting up in bed, I felt something odd brush down my bare shoulders and arms. I blinked the blurry-sleep away to see my long hair. Long hair? I rubbed my eyes and shook my head. This was wrong. More than my mind was being altered here. I know for a fact that I had a dislike for long hair and would chop it off myself if my mom didn't do it for me. "Andie! Ah..." I stopped yelling for him and went silent when I saw a new item in the room. There was a full-length mirror set up in the corner of the room. I looked at the frame, at first. It was covered with another intricate webbing that I would have to clean off, but had an equally complex wood-carved design of its own beneath the spider-shroud. Then I looked at my reflection. If I was not sitting in bed, I probably would have been floored at what I saw staring back at me. This was not me. In my mind, I knew this was who I remembered being, but the fact that it felt wrong was a signal that I’d become someone else. This was not who I was. Slipping out of bed, I hurried to the mirror to see what more of myself was out of place. I couldn't recall what exactly was different. My hair, okay, that was one. The second would definitely be my face and I was certain that changed along with my hair overnight. Otherwise my mom would not have recognized me last night. I shook my head again and asked, "Who are you?" My eyes were not that color before. If I remembered, I was paired with someone in class that commented how dull everyone looked because we all had the same eyes. Brown. I had a dark and heavy set of brown eyes before. Not amber. It was like a solid-thin yellow ring around a dense golden flame before this red splotch sunk into those black pits in the center. Maybe these were vampire eyes? No—Mr. Corso's eyes were like mine once were, brown. Again, I tried to place what else I could tell that was outstanding on my face. Who was me and not. Did my brows lift this high in surprise before? It definitely made my eyes look bigger when I did that. What about my nose? Maybe I had a thicker nose before? I didn’t know. Were those my lips? These cheeks? Jaw? Chin? I grabbed at my face, feeling the supple and the full, its perfection in my hands. This wasn't me! "It's not me." I was shaking. I didn't bother to look at the rest of my body. I had a chance at that yesterday and knew something was wrong then. Right now, I was more interested in confronting Mr. Corso with more questions. Many more and very personal ones. There was a thumping rhythm in my head. I looked at myself one more time in the mirror and saw I was breathing rapid and shallow breaths. Maybe I should calm down first before finding him? No. I didn’t think so. Seeing my chest and shoulders were jumping with my panic, I had every right to freak out about this and he had to see what he’d done to me. Despite what he’d told me last night, not knowing what was done would drive me insane. Giving the dresser a quick glance over my bare shoulder, I wondered if I should grab something from there again or simply throw on what I wore yesterday. Did it really matter? I wasn’t allowed outside the house and the only judge of my dress was going to be a guy that could change anything, even my features, at will. Casting my gaze down on the cobwebbed floor, I searched for the outfit I’d discarded before hitting the hay. It took me a moment to realize it wasn’t there. Of course, if this mirror was moved in here during the night, it shouldn’t surprise me that my dirty clothes were nabbed. That thought made me scan the room for any other additions that I might have overlooked. Nothing stood out. Not right away, at least. Maybe once my head calmed and cleared, I could investigate again. I give the mirror a last glare before walking to the dresser. Just as before, I opened the top drawer to grab a pair of underwear. Laced, high-cut briefs, but red this time. Did I really want to wear red? For some reason, I felt like it was kinda flashy. Dirty, in a way. Putting it back, I grabbed another black pair. Slipping them on, I went for the next drawer. Again, it felt like it contained something wrong. I know I should be wearing a bra, but it felt off. Was I ashamed of my small size? It didn’t really matter, did it? Maybe I was a bit bigger? That could be why I was stunned yesterday about how slender I’d become. Then again, I was slim to begin with, right? This drawer was causing me no amount of trouble. I slammed it shut and went for the third drawer. Inside of it were plenty of tops to choose from. Last time was a tank top, but I felt like wearing something to cover my shoulders a little better. Maybe Mr. Corso would be less interested in giving me a bite if it was going to ruin one of the garments he’d paid for? Would he bite me? He did threaten… No, he’d warned me that was possible if he was in need. “Let’s see.” I stirred the drawer and fished for a full button-up, black, long-sleeved shirt to slip on. I refrained from buttoning it up right away, in case I didn’t appreciate what kind of pants were available to compliment it. Kneeling down to the next drawer, I took a look at what kind of bottoms were available. Jeans seemed to be a main theme in here. Maybe he was expecting me to do a lot of work around the house? Well, that narrowed my choices down and I gladly took one of the lighter blue pairs out. Stepping into the legs, I wiggled the pants on up to my hips and snapped them shut before continuing up to button up the shirt. “Finally.” I jumped and turned around to the opening door with Mr. Corso leaning inside the door frame. Looking and shaking his head, he had this expression like I had done something wrong. “You took your sweet time getting dressed. I’m going to regret the day you start putting on--” For a second, he flinched back, blinking, then looked back at me. “Never mind, I’ll just make it so you won’t need it.” His arms crossed, along with his ankle over the other, as he stared at me. “You called me like--” He paused and rolled his eyes up for a second to think about it. “Ten minutes ago? What’d I miss?” Recovered from his unexpected entry, I told him what he, and especially I, missed here. “What did you do to me? How am I different from what I was? I don’t mean the vampire bullshit.” Uncrossing his arms, he applauded my swearing. “This hair, I never had it long before. My eyes are brown, not whatever this is.” The rest of me I was uncertain about. Maybe my weight? “Did you-- Was I heavier? How much of me is me?” I held out my hands, imploring him to tell me with this open gesture. “Fuck that shit. I’m not going to start listing all I did or it’ll be dark out by the time I’m done.” That much!? “Is there any of my old self left?” I did intend that as a question for him to answer, but it was also directed at myself. Laying a hand on my forehead, I looked away from him to think on anything that could be left unaltered. Not my physical appearance, but memories. Those flashbacks on Memory Lane appeared to give me the best insight on what was obscured from my sight. After I’d stood there reminiscing for a few moments, Mr. Corso wasn’t talking, let alone answering me. I looked back at him and waited. He gave me a shifty-eyed confused look. “What?” Silent one moment, yelling the next. “I asked you what is left of me that didn’t change! What the fuck is wrong with you!? I can’t tell who the Hell I am anymore!” Those shallow breaths came back. “I’ve got these thoughts, making me feel worse every time I look at something about me that...” I hung my jaw and hesitated to say what I wanted to say, gaping. “It--my body--doesn’t look right. I’m not what I remember, but I can’t even do that! I don’t remember what I looked like.” Mr. Corso held his hand up, gesturing for me to be calm as he kicked off the door frame to approach me. “Chill out. Look at yourself and just tell me that you don’t like what you see. Whatever you want, I’ll fix it.” I backed away from him. “I want to be me!” He shook his head and squinted at me in confusion. “What does that mean exactly?” That hand he had gesturing for me to calm down was now palm up, gesturing for me to explain. He stood maybe a yard from me while I thought about what to tell him. I shook my head, not really knowing what it meant to be me when I don’t know who I was. “Who I was before--” “Before you came to this house?” He took another step towards me. “Yes. I want to know.” Another step. “You want to know who you were so you can be yourself?” One last step and he placed that hand on my shoulder. I stood stiff, afraid that he was going to pull me against him. He didn’t. That hand only rested on my shoulder while he leaned in to stare directly at me. Face to face. “You’re still you. Just in a different package. It was necessary.” “That’s not what I mean. I want to know so I can-- I can reflect?” He rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration. “You are one stubborn bitch. Have I ever told you that?” “I think so?” I felt him pat my shoulder. When he did that, this time I noticed that I had calmed down. Was that because of where the conversation was going, or had he done something? “Did you do that?” “Do what?” “Me calming down.” “I gave you a chill-pill.” Again, he shook his head. This time he did pull me against his chest in a hug. “I’m doing what I think is best for you. Maybe it isn’t the right thing for you, but it’s good for what you’ve become. Believe me, it is a really bad idea to go off your knocker on Day One of Immortality.” I stood still in his hug, not returning it, but not rejecting the affection. “I could’ve Royally fucked up, too. I’m kinda new to this.” That caught me off-guard. I could have sworn he said that his age was hundreds of years old. “I thought you said you were a French guy from the seventeenth century? Ow!” He smacked me in the back of my head. “Don’t call me a frog. I’m an Aguy.” “I know you are a guy.” “Aguy, as in Guiana et Gasconha?” Okay, he lost me. I shook my head against his shoulder. “What do they teach you kids in school?” He twisted around to hug me from the side, squatting down a bit to face me again and explain. “Just like calling someone a Norman, from Normandy, or Anginiven, from Anjou, I’m an Aguy from Guyenne. Specifically, I’m from Toulouse, Guyenne.” “But, that’s like saying I’m not American. That I should call myself a Mass-- I don’t know.” I gave him a shrug while lowering my head. “East Saxon.” I blinked and looked back up at him. “What?” “This is the county of Essex. You would be East Saxon.” I shook my head, pretty damn sure he was wrong about that one. “It’s easier than saying your a Massachusettsan.” “I think I’ll stick with American.” He grew a grin and nodded. “Good. Do you want to come downstairs?” Now I felt like he was messing with me with that France and Saxon subject to derail me. At the moment, I felt calm and more collected than I had when getting out of bed. I didn’t agree that it was a good idea to drop my problem with who I was and am, but I could put it on hold until after breakfast. Or lunch? “I’ve got dinner on the table.” “What time is it?” He stood straight back up and guided me to the door with his arm around my shoulders. “Late. It’ll be sundown in a hour.” I guess I did waste the whole day sleeping in. “Tell you what. Have a bite to eat and then we can pick up on the Hundred Questions. Deal?” I glanced up at him, realizing he wasn’t attempting to skip out on the whole ‘Me’ topic. Nodding, I accepted the idea. “Thanks.”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2868", "id": "2947", "q": 0.8663636363636364, "title": "Watching and Waiting - Chapter 3: Who Are You?", "author": "mrsimple", "chapters": 6, "rating": 4.7, "rating_ct": 13, "genre": [ "Adult", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Horror", "Mature", "Psychological", "School Life", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Abusive Characters", "Adopted Protagonist", "Appearance Changes", "Bickering Couple", "Blood Manipulation", "Bloodlines", "Brainwashing", "Bullying", "Cannibalism", "Caring Protagonist", "Confinement", "Forced into a Relationship", "Forced Living Arrangements", "Identity Crisis", "Mind Control", "Nudity", "Romantic Subplot", "Tomboyish Female Lead", "Transplanted Memories", "Vampires" ] }
The Parental Permission   Slowly, I curled up a bit more. My legs were laying over something rather than how they were hanging off of Mr. Corso's lap. Letting my hand roam, I felt over something cool, soft, and expansive. Sheets? They felt silky smooth. I pulled them more over my shoulder and remained curled up in a ball for a bit longer. It took me a moment to realize I felt the silk on my bare shoulder. Not only there, but across my entire naked body. That was enough for me to open my eyes and inspect where I was. I was half-expecting and afraid to find Mr. Corso in bed with me. After what had happened, I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't satisfied with just attacking me. He wasn't here. It looked as if the bed had been undisturbed until I’d slipped into it and found comfort. From what I could see, I was in a room that had two dressers against the wall and a lot of old decor etched into that wall. All around, that same pattern of decoration, not at all plain, but intricate as a spider’s web. Only it was woven with red and white. With my eyes adjusting, I realized they were actual cobwebs and the walls were red. That's creepy. I sat up in bed and raised a hand to my injured shoulder. There was an impression there, like he had taken a vicious bite that savaged me, but I felt no open wound. It was closed. Healed, but certainly marked. For that to happen, it made me wonder if he had some kind of skin-regrowth paste or something like that to fill in the wounds and heat it closed. Thinking about the wound and that pain it had caused, I recalled him saying I'd feel terrible when I woke up. I didn't. In fact, I felt fine. Not a million bucks, but not at all bad. Just okay. Even though I knew I was very far from being okay. Looking around again, I tried to spot the khaki vest and skirt, or that white shirt, underwear, shoes, socks, or something I had been wearing when I first came here. Maybe in the dressers? That was possible. It was a little creepy to go walking on a floor like this, seeing that it had webbing on it too, but I didn't see any spiders. So it should be safe for my bare feet. I slipped out of the covers and almost stood up, but sat there to stare down at myself. Paying attention to the floor, I noticed something funny about myself and couldn't quite place it at first. Was it just my imagination or was I more slender than I had been before? I knew I’d lost blood, and was really thirsty before too, but it would take time for me to get like this. More than mere hours. How long had I been in here? Looking around myself, I noted that I wasn't thin, like a skeleton. So not really long. In fact, it looked like I had some subtle cushion going in some places. Like my hips, having enough of a good pinch of skin to tell me they were growing out nice. A good sign that I hadn't become emaciated. My eyes focused down between my legs for a few moments. Something was off. I didn't really have an idea what it was that I found odd about what I was seeing. Every time I looked and thought about it, I felt like something was wrong, but natural. I closed my eyes to envision what I might be trying to figure out. Still, the image I was trying to picture didn't really match what I was seeing and told me something was wrong. I shook my head, not knowing what it was. For now, I ignored it because I was sure that I’d been running on borrowed time. I had no idea if or when Mr. Corso would be coming to check up on me. For all I know, he could be watching me right now. Still, I had to get out of here and getting dressed was a first mission priority for me. Walking to the dressers, I opened the first drawer to see what it had inside. There was an assortment of underwear of different colors and intricate lace. I grabbed some black lacy high-cut briefs, not really minding what would work with what I would wear. At least, considering the situation, I was in a hurry here. I slipped them up and on. The drawer below that had bras. For the briefest moment, I was considering what to wear from it until my perception started seeing this as all wrong again. Not wanting to waste time, I skipped the drawer and went for the next. Contemplating what was wrong could happen after I escape. Next drawer, I found an assortment of undershirts. Again, not caring at all what I wore, I picked the top one out for me to wear. This one was a black button-up V-neck sleeveless tank top. Taking a glance at the sorts of shirts in here, I noted that most were black. I shut the drawer and pulled the tank top over and on myself. Shaking my head, I didn't bother registering what else I threw on myself. Jeans, fine. Socks, okay. Actually, the bottom drawer had a ton of socks. No idea who all of these clothes belonged to, but there was a huge probability the owner gave consideration to what they wore daily. Having no idea where I might find shoes, I went with this outfit. I opened the bedroom door to reveal a hallway. It looked like I was upstairs, judging from the railing across from where I stood. Heading out, I went for the stairs and quickly padded my way down them. It looked like it was night, judging from the windows being completely black. Not seeing anyone, I went straight for the front door. I only stopped myself from opening it when I saw that the wagon was still blocking the door. Rolling it out of the way, I grabbed the doorknob, turned it, and pulled the door open. But I didn't go out. I took one step and felt my legs tremble, straining, resisting to take another step. Grabbing the doorframe, I tried to pull myself forward and out of the front door. In a few seconds, like I was struggling to lift myself up and out of a hole, I managed to throw myself out. I couldn't believe how much effort that had taken. Breathing heavily, I looked back at the house in wonder at what had happened. It was like I was being drugged, weakened, and nearly incapable of leaving. Now I felt very wrong. Like I shouldn't be here at all. Maybe not like that. More like, I should go back inside? Shaking my head, to be rid of these confusing thoughts, I got up off of the front lawn and scrambled to be on my feet. Immediately, I took off down the street to create as much distance from this place as possible. I had escaped. Now what? I tried to think of where to go from here. That house wasn't my home. I had a home somewhere. I was sure of it. The more I thought about it, the clearer it became and I knew my feet were gradually taking me back there. It didn't take that long either. In the driveway, I saw my mom's car, but knew my dad was working a night shift and wouldn't be home sometime until the late morning. That would mean the front door was unlocked. Heading up and opening the front door, I wanted to walk in. Again, that same resistance, but nowhere near as restraining as it had been when I left Mr. Corso's house. Inside, I wandered aimlessly, confused, and having to stop along the wall to recover. Something was disorienting me. "Max? Close the front door." I heard Mom and listened. Looking back, I did notice the front door still hung open. Hearing my mother's voice was reassuring, even if I didn't feel well. Leaning my hand against the wall, I returned to the front door to close it. When I was about to shut it, I saw Mr. Corso standing on the front of my porch. He was grinning at me, silently watching, waiting for me, and expecting something of me. I felt it too. Like I was supposed to either walk out and greet him or invite my neighbor inside. Just like when I’d escaped, I fought it down. My eyes couldn't break from his, but I did manage to shut the door in his face. I heard a laugh on the other side before I turned around and slumped onto the floor with my back pressed to the door. Letting out a shuddering breath, I felt more ill than I ever had before. Even when I was hurting from the attack, this felt worse. Almost quietly, I heard him tap at the front door. I reached over my head instinctively, wanting to open the door. I had to grab my arm with my other hand to stop. Something was very wrong with me. I didn't know what it was, but I knew it was in my head. He’d done something to my mind. It made the most sense of why I felt sick. "Mom!" I cried out while hugging myself. "MOM!" I couldn't control what I was doing for much longer, but maybe my mom could. She could call for help. Almost instantly, I heard her feet come rapidly from her room to the living room. Then she turned to look where I was and nearly crashed down into me to investigate what was wrong. "What's wrong? Max? Wha--Hold on." I don't know what she saw, but her eyes had a terrified look in them. She was going for the phone and dialing. I soon heard her speak in a hushed voice to what I could only assume was an operator. Possibly for the hospital? Was I that bad looking? I had to ask. "What's wrong with me?" Mom looked over and shook her head. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay. Just give me a-- Hello? Yes..." The rest I couldn't hear when she went back to hushing up. After the phone call, she hung up and grabbed a hold of her jacket. I saw her take out keys and gesture for me to stand up. I tried to stand and nearly fell over. She reached out and grabbed me under the arm, then helped with supporting me as she opened the front door. Instinctively, I felt both relief and a great fear as I knew who was waiting on the other side. Mr. Corso stood patiently leaning into a porch beam and smiled when he saw Mom and me. He nodded to my mother and snapped his fingers as she stepped out of the house. I tried to take a step, but my mom made it awkward as she stood stock still. "Mom?" I tugged on her arm and shoulder to get a reaction. She stared at Mr. Corso, not afraid, angry, or anything at all. It was like she'd become frozen and emotionless. "Don't worry. I'll take it from here." As soon as he said that, my mom let me go and I felt his hand lay on my shoulder. "Go ahead and get some sleep." I watched Mom turn around. "NO! Wait Mo--mMF!" His hand closed around my mouth. "Sshh, you want to wake the neighborhood?" He shook his head at me, amused. For some reason, he was finding this all very entertaining. I gave him an angry push, but he didn't flinch, let alone budge. "Come on. Let's go home." When he let go of my mouth, I told him, "This is my home." "No. You live with me, remember?" I shook my head. "Figures." This time, I watched him bring his own hand up to his mouth. What I saw next was both confusing and horrific. He took a bite into his hand, ripping out a chunk of his own skin, the wound glistening in the bright moonlight. That wasn't the worst part. There was no blood. It was like he’d just removed an adhered wrapper from his hand. Without warning, he thrust his wounded hand back around my mouth. This time, he shoved the injury against my lips, pressing it, forcing me to take that inside. When his fingers gripped tightly into my jaw, I lost against him with a single muffled cry. "Suck it up and let's go home." I watched him stare at me patiently. He was waiting for me. Did he really expect me to do that? "Come on. We don't have all night." It took him gripping my jaw until it felt like he could dislodge it for me to obey. In a firm bite, sinking my teeth down into the self-inflicted wound, I began to suckle up whatever came from him. At first, it was dizzying. I thought it was blood, but it didn't at all taste like that. I knew what my own blood tasted like, with that iron tang to it, and this didn't have any kind of recognizable flavor. After the first moment, I relaxed. He pulled me up against him and wrapped an arm around me while waiting for me to finish. Personally, I had no idea what it meant to finish. I just knew that was what he expected to happen before we started walking away. As I swallowed the last drop I could take, I let go of his hand and he ran his thumb over my lips to wipe off the little mess I had. Docile, but aware of what was going on, I walked with him back to his home. There were questions bubbling up in me, wanting to burst with answers, and I knew it would only be him who could pop them out. I had to wait, though. It was plain that he didn't want to be out and about. It took a little while for us to walk back to his home. We simply walked, compared to when I’d escaped and run away in a panic. Inside his house, he directed me to the dining room for me to sit in a familiar chair. He took his seat and waited for the questions to come up. "Wha-what happened?" "That's a bit broad. Mind narrowing that down for me?" "Back home--" "This is home. You don't want to live there anymore and I'm damn certain you felt that." He smiled and I could see that he barely restrained himself from laughing. "Why? What about my parents? They'll come looking for me." "I'm working on that, but for now, I'm your parent." I was about to protest, but, "Ah! Don't. You chose me, remember? I was the one, over everyone else, you confided in. Not your parents, teachers, police, no one. You picked me." This time, he did laugh. In a twisted way, I understood what he said. It was one of the thoughts in me that felt wrong, but natural. As if it was me who was wrong and him that had corrected it. Pointing out to me the mistake I’d made and forcing the solution upon me. Only I couldn't identify what problem he’d solved. I just knew that all the mishaps I’d had were generally being taken care of by him. "Could you tell me what you did? What is different?" "For your sanity's sake? No. Believe me, it is best that you remain ignorant of what I've done and to whom." What did he mean by that? "To whom? My parents?" "Nonono, I haven't touched them. That was obvious when your mother still recognized you. I will take care of that, but in no way do I intend on hurting them. They're not innocent, but also not guilty. Don't worry about them." That still didn't answer who he meant. "Who then?" "Don't worry about it. If you don't remember, that is for the better. It means you can start fresh without fear." He gave the top of my head a pat. "Really, don't worry so much. I know we had a bad start, but I fully intend to take care of your problems. Both of them, starting tomorrow." He laughed again, a bit sinisterly this time. "Anyways, I had no idea how much will you had. It is incredible." "A-am I being imprisoned here?" Mr. Corso's smile dropped. He took a look around the house, opened his mouth as if to say something, then just shut up. Returning his attention back to me, he shrugged. "Depends on how you look at it. I am not going to forbid you to invite people over, but I can't have you wandering around and getting lost in the world. Far too much can happen." Invite people? Who would I invite? "What people would I be inviting here if I never get the chance to meet them?" That made him smile and laugh again. "This is still a little new to me, but I can make some orders for you to connect with the world." Shrugging again, he got up from the seat to head for the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink?" "No. I'm not thirsty." Watching him enter the kitchen, I saw him peek back out at me when I said that. "Really? Well, I guess that accident worked." "Accident?" "I was going to make you a ghoul. I've quite a few of those running around." He shook his head. "Instead, you took my blood in full rather than partially." That really made no sense to me. I shook my head and said, "What?" "Hold on, I'm thirsty, if you are not. You have no idea how much of a glutton you really are." He waved his injured hand at me to emphasize that remark. Disappearing back in the kitchen, he took a minute before coming back out with a bottle, and sat, taking a swig directly from it instead of pouring a glass. "Ah, much better... Careful, if I don't have a drink, I'll do to you what you did to me." "What do you mean?" Rolling his eyes, he waved his hurt hand again. "Oh. Wait, does that mean I'm like you? I won't bleed if I am hurt?" "Oh, you'll bleed. I'm just so damn old that my blood has coagulated like jello." That made my stomach turn thinking about it. "You're fresh. Which means, very messy if I try tasting you. Hence, bottoms up!" He took another swig of the bottle and set it down on his thigh. "Just to clarify something. Are we vampires?" "Ah... You could say that. We don't grow fangs, but we do live forever... Well, at least as far I am aware it is forever. Never got that far to confirm it. Also, blood is a must. Doesn't have to be human blood and not nearly as much as the books or movies portray." He shook the bottle and sloshed it around. "Unless you let a certain someone drain you. Then it has to be human." I point to the bottle. "Human?" He nods. "From the neighborhood?" "No. This was mine back when I had more wine than blood running through my veins." He took another swig of the bottle. Suddenly, my eyes widen. "Did I drink that!?" He choked on the swig and swallowed hastily. "Ahem, sorry. Ah, well, yeah. I needed something to loosen your tongue and my personal vintage did the trick. Sixteen forty-two, Toulouse. That's where and roughly when I'm from." He offered the bottle to me. "Want a look?" I waved it away. "Okay. It'll be in the kitchen if you are ever curious." "Curious about what? I've already drank it. A few glasses of it." He shook his head. "That's tasting the wine in it. As you are now, you'd taste something far different than before your change." There, he said it. I knew about some changes, like the whole vampire thing, but I was sure there were other aspects I was missing. "Okay." "Do you have anymore questions?" "Right now, I think I want to process what I've already learned. Can I ask you again later?" Shrugging, he said: "Yeah. There’s no problem with that." "I, um... I'm going to head back to the bedroom--" "Your room." "My room and lie down." He nodded, stood, and offered me an arm. "Here, let me at least accompany you." I took his arm and stood up. We walked up the stairs and went to my room. I looked around the inside and planned to clean this place up after I rested. This made me wonder what other parts of the house needed to be given care. I knew the yard was heavily neglected. Even the house's exterior was in need of being maintained. Wood rot was a real thing and it amazed me that this house hadn't already begun to collapse. The door was closing behind me, but paused. "Max?" Turning away from the webbed walls, I looked back at him. "Yeah?" "You won't regret this. Even the whole overwhelming 'Living Forever' deal, I'll be there to help you. I won't turn you away. Not anymore." Smiling at him, I nodded. "Thank you, Andie." He returned the nod and closed the door. I knew I had recently come from this bed. That had been different. I was unconscious and going through some changes. This time, I intended to rest and relax. Tomorrow, I’d find out more and see where things went from here...
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2868", "id": "2924", "q": 0.8663636363636364, "title": "Watching and Waiting - Chapter 2: The Parental Permission", "author": "mrsimple", "chapters": 6, "rating": 4.7, "rating_ct": 13, "genre": [ "Adult", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Horror", "Mature", "Psychological", "School Life", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Abusive Characters", "Adopted Protagonist", "Appearance Changes", "Bickering Couple", "Blood Manipulation", "Bloodlines", "Brainwashing", "Bullying", "Cannibalism", "Caring Protagonist", "Confinement", "Forced into a Relationship", "Forced Living Arrangements", "Identity Crisis", "Mind Control", "Nudity", "Romantic Subplot", "Tomboyish Female Lead", "Transplanted Memories", "Vampires" ] }
Chapter 3 About two weeks after Naruto got the hard work system the young man woke up to multiple blue screen messages. All of them about basic techniques. [ Congratulations! The Tranformation Jutsu has reached Max Level! ] [ Congratulation the Tree Walking Exercise technique has reached Max level. ] [ Congratulations! Body Flicker technique has reached Max level. ] [ Congratulations! the Body Replacement technique has reached Max level. ] [ Congratulations! the Water Walking technique has reached Max level. ] " SWEET! " " Great job Naruto. You have completed the first steps to becoming a strong ninja. " Even most of his skills jutsus had been trained by the Shadow Clones one couldn't knock the little boys personal effort. After getting more proper nutrition from the Ninja Ramen Naruto started following a brutal full body workout regime. When he wasn't eating, sleeping, or pumping out clones Naruto was relentlessly working out. His hardwork had even caught the attention of two green spandex wearing . . . Creatures. He quickly befriended Maito Gai and Rock Lee. Being two of the few to recognize Naruto's existence not with hatred, Naruto soon became friends with the two. Though he would never embrace some of their . . . Extremities, Naruto happily embraced their hard work. Naruto even had an " appointment " with them that day. So he washed up, got dressed, and then headed to Ichiraku's Ramen. Once there he ate 5 bowls of Ninja Ramen, after that he went towards the North Gate of the village. Naruto was clad in a physical Transformation so that he could avoid the hatred of the villagers. Physical Transformation was something Naruto became able to do once he got to 3/4 of the Max Mastery of the Transformation Jutsu. The first thing he did was to transform a large spider, bigger than most dogs, and go around scaring a bunch of teenage girls. He was almost killed, but that didn't deter him any. If anything Naruto went even harder on the pranking. Going so far as to prank one of his new friends, Maito Gai. Basically Naruto transformed into Gai and then went around " YOUTHFULLY " confessing his love to various kunoichi around the village. Gai being such a youthful character went on over thirty dates during that week. He didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings. Naruto feeling bad about doing that to Gai decided to prank his " eternal rival " Kakashi. Naruto went around as Kakashi reading the newest Icha Icha Paradise out loud. Specifically around women, and mom's with their children. The real Kakashi got chased out of the village and was too scared to go back in for over a month. The best part was that nobody suspected Naruto, the Prank King. The reason being that the pranks were too " mature " and there was no way a four year old could pull them off. There was also the fact that Physical Transformation were a thing nobody except Naruto could do. The only reason he could do them was because of his abnormally thick chakra and his deep understanding of the Transformation Jutsu. While thinking such things Naruto finally reached the north gate of the village. His youthful friends were already doing some stretches. " What is up my youthful friends‽ " " NARUTO! You have decided to join us on this most youthful of days. " " Of course my most youthful friend Lee. How are you master Gai? " " I'm great young Naruto, though I thought I told you not to call me master. Just Gai. " " But you are my teacher. I wouldn't work as hard as you and I would've already hurt myself. You definitely are worthy of being my teacher. " " You would have healed within a day anyway. Anyway let us begin our youthful workout! " After that the three set off, surprisingly Naruto kept up fairly well despite having only just recently started training seriously. It helped that the other two were also wearing weights around their legs and shoulders that weighed them down considerably. Naruto also wanted to wear them, but Gai said that wearing weights while too young could stunt his growth. Lee had only just started wearing them that year for his sixth birthday. Naruto who was self conscious about his height obviously wouldn't want to risk it. Thanks to his recently proper nutrition he had already grown an inch or two in height, and he would likely keep up such a quick pace for a few months.  The three spent most of the day working out. They even performed static workouts while they were eating a dinner; which had been cooked by Gai. It seems that Gai being a bachelor who puts all his energy into everything he does was quite the good cook. One of the best in Konoha. Naruto would often send a shadow clone to Gai's residence to learn cooking from the man, even getting a skill from it.  After his dinner with Gai and Lee Naruto went to a cave hidden about three blocks from his apartment complex. The cave led straight to Naruto's underground complex, the only thing was that it was filled with potentially lethal " pranks ". Naruto had decided to use secret entrances located away from his base instead of having one inside of his base. He had also filled in the entrance located inside of his base.  Once inside of his base Naruto looked over his legion of shadow clones. Since he didn't have any new jutsus to work on Naruto had 700 clones working on chakra control, one hundred meditating and refilling dispersed clones, and the other 100 or so were doing their own thing.  Some were reading, some cleaning, a few were even trying to create their own techniques. No luck there though.  Since he didn't have much to do other than to read or relax Naruto decided to check out the system store.  Naruto had of course checked out the store before, mainly focusing on the most powerful jutsus and then fainting from their absurd prices. He had also checked out some of the other system upgrades and tokens. The tokens could have a wide variety of effects from quickening the rate at which Naruto builds muscle to granting Naruto infinite stamina. Tokens were also expensive of course. So Naruto decided to check out the roulette that day.  The roulette only cost 100 HWP ( Hard Work Points ) Naruto on average could gain 200 points a day. After two weeks Naruto had gained around 2,800 points. So he decided to use up 800 points. He had his eye on a couple tokens which were both extremely expensive, so he was trying save up a little. But he also knew it wouldn't hurt to spend his difference.  Once he had his system store open Naruto clicked on the roulette option. He was again told to go-fish, and so, he did. Naruto very eagerly stuck his recently tanned hand into the barrel of scrolls. So imagine his disappointment when the scroll he pulled out was blank apart from the big bold letters.  " Better Luck Next Time! " Naruto the ever emotional and apparently gambling addicted boy he was, tried again. He clearly didn't know the term poker face, though that didn't necessarily matter much in that situation.  Naruto ended up pulling three more black scrolls in a row. He decided to try one more time and if he got another blank scroll he was going to just save the other 300 points. Naruto depressedly stuck his hand into the barrel and held it in there for 777 seconds. The scroll he pulled out was different looking compared to the others, being larger and a darker shade of cream. Naruto opened the scroll his hopes clearly high only for them to be brought down ultimate layer of hell. The scroll read.  " HAIR GROWTH JUTSU " Below the name of the jutsu it read.  [ Grow any kind of hair you want wherever you want it. ] Naruto collapsed and groaned in defeat.He then and there decided never to spend more than five hundred HWP on the roulette at any time. As he was wallowing in childish despair Kurama spoke out.  " Don't knock the jutsu till you try it kiddo. " " Why? All it does is allow me to grow hair . I can already do that in case you didn't already know. " " This jutsu allows the growth of any kind of hair. " " So? " " ' Sigh ' Including chakra beast hair. You could grow real and honest to goodness whiskers based on my own. You could use them as sensors for chakra or movement. You could also grow hair as hard as steel, or even harder. " " Oh. OH! "  " Plus I beat you could even create your own special types of hair, with the proper understanding of biology of course. " Instantly instantly created 100 clones to start practicing on the jutsu.  " You guys just working on regular types of hair, barely changing anything. Maybe grow a beard or something. " " YES BOSS! "  Naruto then made 50 more clones. " You guys all use the physical transformation and go to the library. Read all the books you can on the human anatomy, especially hair. " " Yes boss! " Naruto to excited to relax went to Ichiraku's and ate 7 bowls of ninja ramen. By the time he was done Naruto went back to his depressing apartment to sleep, hoping he wouldn't have nightmares.        So I have like 15 chapters or 50,000 or so words worth of the novel. The only problem is the fact that they are all hand written. I had written them when I didn't have any other way of writing. The only problem is that it is a lot more boring copying chapters than free writing them.       
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "8354", "id": "9784", "q": 0.8627272727272728, "title": "Hardwork System in Naruto - Chapter 3", "author": "WaterBear6", "chapters": 4, "rating": 4.7, "rating_ct": 9, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fanfiction", "LitRPG", "Martial Arts", "Romance" ], "tags": [ "Naruto", "Abandoned Children", "Abusive Characters", "Age Progression", "Based on an Anime", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Carefree Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist" ] }
" Wait! " " What's up GoR? " " Before you decided I want Kurama to try something. I want you to try claiming two sets of memories. You should be able to claim two and then transfer them to Naruto. " The giant of a demonic fox exuded a type of happiness that seemed to go against her very being. She quickly decided on two sets of memories. " I'd like Mythologies and Religions please. " The man who had invaded Naruto had two hobbies on top of his way of life. His hobbies were Music and Mythologies/ Religions/ General Legends. His way of life was of course, reading. Naruto had already decided on what memories he wanted, but he really struggled letting go of Mythologies and Religions. Naruto who had heard what his mother figure said energetically jumped and gave one of her massive claws a bear hug. Kurama just grinned . . . A toothy . . . Nightmarish grin. None the less it was still a grin full of love. If he was visible one could of seen GoR smiling as well. It seemed that after years of watching the young boy both the God and Demi-God had a connection with the young blond. After a few seconds the Kyuubi flinched back a little and then smiled. " It worked! " All three of them were excited from the fact that Kyuubi acquired the memories. " Your turn Naruto! " " Music and Reading please. " A few seconds later Naruto also got an influx of memories. " Well I guess it's time for time to flow properly. What are your plans upon return? " " First and foremost I am going to find somewhere to secluded that I can train. I might even make/ find a secret base. That way I have a peaceful to train. Oh, and I'm going to train of course. " " Is that it? " " Yep. " Naruto smirked sneakily. " I might pull some pranks. " Naruto was kind of embarrassed saying that, he felt a tad bit immature saying that. He felt that it was childish to want revenge on the civilians. Thankfully Mama Kyuubi to the rescue. " You mean stealth and trap training? " " Yes, that. " " Hahaha. alright young man. It is time, know that I will always be watching over you. Even if I can't directly do anything. " Naruto who had been grinning frowned hearing the old man's words. He was barely holding back his tears. While trying to hold back his tears time returned back to normal. He was once again laying under a rain storm with nothing except his underwear. He tried going over his memories he noticed that he had distinct gaps in his memories. Even the memories of his universe had plenty of gaps. He couldn't remember any names of anything or how to perform certain jutsus. He did have memories that would give him an advantage, but for the most part his advantage wouldn't be OP. Sadly. Once he finished examining his memories Naruto quietly and calmly walked to his apartment, then to his bathroom. Once in there he dried off using a faded ragged towel. Then last fully Naruto went to his bedroom and switched into some clean clothes, and then laid down to sleep. Since technically Naruto hadn't slept in around 15 years. When Naruto finally woke up he groggily got off his bed. His cute but childish nightcap barely hanging onto his head. The nightcap had been a gift from someone anonymous who had left on Naruto's bed a little over a year ago. Despite how silly the monster looking nightcap was Naruto was still happy to wear it to sleep every night. " Kurama can you hear me? " " Loud and clear sweetie. " " Awesome. " Some time during time being stopped Naruto had torn part of the seal off allowing him to speak to Kurama whenever he wanted. Kurama could also give Naruto more chakra and she could use his senses. Once he had confirmed that he and Kurama could easily communicate, the young blond stripped down till he was naked. He went to his bathroom that was old and mildewy smelling. Naruto wanted to take a shower despite how much he loathed it. The main reason he hated it was because the hot water had been cut off from his apartment. Of course he hated them before moving into his apartment, way back from when he was in the orphanage. When he was in the orphanage he would be hosed off sometimes by a jutsu sometimes by a regular hose. One should understand that Naruto despite not being abused physically often, his mind had been worn down for years. Ignored, begging, scrounging for food, along with hundreds of other mental tortures were a part of the young boy's life. All of that added onto a moldable immature mind; it's a wonder Naruto could cope without his mind breaking apart. Thankfully Naruto had a new way to cope, a couple actually. First was music, the next was that he was able to talk with Kurama. Both would be able to let him handle even the harshest of lives. Once he finished scrubbing himself down in only three minutes; Naruto grabbed a random pen and paper to write up a plan. • Proper Nutrition.• Proper Workout Plan • Pranks!!!! " Umm, anything else you can think of Kurama? " " We need to get you a proper teacher, and you should try using your system. " " Great idea, and could you teach me? " " You know I very well could. I'll start making some jutsus that you can use. I've never had a need for human jutsus. Now say info. " " Info! "  System InfoStatusJutsu Roulette ( One Free )Store Naruto despite really, really, really wanting to do the jutsu roulette held off, instead opting to go for info. Hello youngster to the HardWork System! The Hardwork System won't give you immediate strength, in return for that it'll give you immense potential. The harder you work the better your results. Say you want to increase you stamina so you try jogging. You go out and jog at a moderate pace for an hour, that would be the considered the lowest amount of hardwork. While that would still provide you higher benefits than normal it would only provide you the lowest multiplayer. As you work harder and harder you'll get a better and better multiplayer. If you were to full on sprint as fast and hard as you could for an hour, you would get a multiplayer that made it seem like you sprinted for an hour. " So basically the harder I work the more of an effect I'll get. One hour could become twenty hours. " " Great job repeating what you just read. " " . . . Shut up. " " Hehehe. " " Honestly though I get that it'll be handy, but I just don't think it will make me OP. " " Keep reading kiddo. " Now I'm sure you're thinking " How will this let me become OP ". The answer is the shop. For every hour of hardwork you out in you'll get a certain amount of Hardwork points. You get a varied amount depending on the amount of hardwork you put in. Once you get enough points you can start buying different things that'll help you become stronger. You could buy a system upgrade that will give you a permanent multiplyer. You can also buy jutsus and techniques in the store, just know that they will be very expensive. The last thing you can buy are random roulette rolls that will allow you to roll a random jutsu or roulette in the roulette roll. Keep in mind however that while the roulette rolls are cheap it'll be very rare for you to actually get a decent jutsu.  " Alright, know I can see this all coming together. This'll be so freaking sweet. " Since he saw that he had nothing else to read in Info Naruto very quickly went to the Jutsu Roulette to use his free roll. When he used his roll a large barrel full of scrolls and water popped up in front of him. A screen also popped up that said. Go fish!  Naruto knew the classic card came and he knew to reach in and choose a random scroll. After a few minutes of messing around with his hand in the barrel Naruto finally pulled his hand and arm out of the barrel. He was holding a pristine cream colored scroll. Naruto slowly unrolled the scroll to reveal the words ( Shadow Clone Jutsu ). The scroll showed the handseals and how to mold the chakra to fuel the jutsu. The scroll also described the jutsu, such as how it was created, special tactics that can be used with the jutsu, even how the clones transfer memories back to Naruto when the disperse. " OOO Nice! " " You going to practice right now or wait? " " Yep, thankfully I don't have to worry about not having enough chakra, what with you giving me chakra and me already having my own massive reserves. " " Then get to it. Don't forget how handy this'll be to your training. " Both Naruto and Kurama had read multiple Fanfictions where Naruto became OP almost solely due to the Shadow Clone Jutsu. So he was very energetic while practicing the jutsu. It took Naruto about an hour to get the hand signs down. " Alright, so, I have the jutsu down and enough chakra to make over 120 clones. How do you think I should use this in the most efficient manner? " " You don't have anything super important right now that can be practiced by clones right now. So my suggestion would be to send the clones out to try and find a base, or somewhere secluded. Send out 50 to try and find a pre-made hidden base. Then send out seventy to the dump and some clan garbage sites to find some thrown away scrolls. Actually instead of sending out fifty just use the 50 to start digging out a base somewhere. While all of that is happening you can start meditating to regenerate you chakra and to build up your reserves. That way you can accomplish three birds one stone. Base building, building reserves, and grinding out Shadow Clone Mastery. " " That's why I love you. " " That and I am gorgeous." " Hehe. " Some would wonder why Naruto didn't just go to the library to get jutsus. The answer would be that Naruto isn't allowed in the library. A self made rule by the female librarian who of course, runs the library. For the rest of the day Naruto acted like a queen ant, constantly pumping out little minions. He stayed in meditation basically the entire time. The Meditation skill was already maxed out thanks to GoR. So thanks to that the skill level of of SCJ ( Shadow Clone Jutsu ) raised quickly along with his chakra reserves. Along with all of that his multiplier also increased creating a beautiful trifecta of goodness. At one point near the end of his session his reserves were increasing at a near instantaneous rate. Naruto stayed in meditation for two days straight, the only reason he " awoke " was because Kyuubi woke him up. She woke him up and told him to get some proper nutrition. Naruto probably could have stayed in meditation like that for a week without any serious repercussions, but better safe than sorry. By the time he had woken up his SCJ was Max level and he had well over 1,000 clones. Naruto also had enough Chakra to match 2 Kage, it's just his Chakra Control was about as good as a rock. Naruto also had a new hidden underground base bigger than the entirety of his apartment building; six academy level jutsu, and five new skills. The skills were. Mining which had originally been digging. Naruto had been excited to learn that skills could evolve since nothing had been mentioned in Info. This skill had been gained from the clones digging out his base. Carpentry. This skill had been gained after the clones had started building wooden supports and furniture for his base. Speed Reading. This skill was gained after Naruto read five books in under two hours. The books had of course been thrown away and in the garbage dump. Lumber Jacking. Naruto had been forced to cut trees for the supports in his base. Naruto actually had a decent business thanks to his lumber jacking skill. He would cut the wood and then split it up. He would then trade two of his planks of wood for one plank of a tugher desert wood. He could also sell it if he didn't need the extra wood. The last skill he gained was Low Chakra Control. It was naturally gained from performing his Shadow Clone Jutsu so many times. Naruto's status looked like. [ Name - Naruto Uzumaki ]Class - NoneTitles - Jinchurikki - Prankster - Cutie PieStr - 7Dex - 9Agi - 85Int - 13Wis - 20Chakra - 2 KageCha.C - 14Vit - 33Cha - 6 Skills - Mine Building 8 - Carpentry 13 - Speed Reading 4 - Lumber Jacking 20, Max - Low Chakra Control 3 - Stealth 40 - Trapping 37 Jutsus - Body Flicker - Body Replacement - Transformation - Shadow Clone 50 ( The other Academy Jutsus were basically useless so Naruto decided not to learn them. ) Str means strength, Dex means dexterity with the hands, feet, and body, Agi means speed, Int means intelligence which affects memory, clear headedness, and can protect against mental attacks. Wis is wisdom which affects critical thinking abilities and how well someone can mold chakra. Chakra is the amount of chakra. Cha.C is skill at controlling chakra or chakra control. Vit is vitality which affects health, stamina, and physical endurance. Cha is charisma which is how well someone can control other people and animals, usually good charisma comes with good looks. Mining - Skill at digging and setting up a mine. User can find valuable ores easier and has a sort of sixth sense with certain aspects of mining. Max level 20. Carpentry - Skill with building wooden structures. Increases speed, skill, and concentration when working with wood. Max level 100. Speed Reading - Increases reading speed. Max level 50. Increases Int and Wis by one point per level. Lumber Jacking - Increases efficiency when cutting, transporting, and selling trees. Gives a sixth sense towards finding rare trees and good plots of trees. Max level 50. Low Chakra Control - Increases skill in chakra control. Part of a set of skills together with Mid chakra control, High chakra control, and Perfect chakra control. Increases INT and WIS by 1 point per skill level and Cha.C by two points per level. Man level 20. Stealth - Increases all stealth related skills including, but not limited to, silent steps, shadow blending, crowd blending, and hiding in plain sight. At the highest level user can hide anywhere at will with few if anybody being able to find them. ( This doesn't apply to Gods. ) Max level 100. Increases Agi by 2 points per level. Trap Making - Branch of woodworking/ pranking/ blacksmithing skills. Allows user to have a sixth sense of trap ideas, where to place traps, and how much damage a trap will do. The more time, effort, and detail put in towards a trap the higher the chance for a trap to have a special effect. Body Flicker - User flows chakra through body for a quick burst of speed. Higher levels allows the skill to be used with less chakra while traveling farther distances with a higher speed. Max level 20. Body Replacement - User replaces body with an object, usually a log. At higher levels user can replace themself with larger or smaller objects, from a mountain to a grain of sand, with enough chakra. Max level 10. Transformation Jutsu - Basic Academy technique that allows user to turn into a different person using a basic and weak illusion. Shadow Clone Jutsu - Allows user to create physical clones of themself. Clones have the same memories of the user, but have their own free will and thought. When clones disperse user gains clones memories. Jinchurikki - Must host a Bijuu. Massively increases chakra reserves. Prankster - Must succesfully prank at least 100 different people. Increases Stealth and trapper skills. Cutie Pie - Memorable and cute face, increases charisma, especially among older women. The instant Naruto finished going over his status he was telepathically messaged by Kurama. " Naruto, honey, now that you have a start up you need to go get some food. Your body is using up nutrients it doesn't have. " Hearing her Naruto quickly left his apartment building while giving his clones certain instructions. Some he told to start meditating and pumping out clones, some he told to move his stuff to his basement, and others he told to start grinding some of his skills. It was only after he finished instructing the clones that he finally responded to the Kyuubi. " Alright Kurama . . . So why did you call me honey? " Inside his mind the Kyuubi had her paws on her nose, she had been hoping he hadn't caught her words. " I, just, uhh. I don't know, I just felt like it I guess. If you don't like it I won't anymore, sorry Naruto. " " . . . . . It's alright, just surprised me is all. I'll be honest Kurama you are my only friend right now that I can talk to, so you can call me whatever you want, as long as it isn't something derogatory of course. Anyway I think I'm going to go to Ichiraku's. The clones found out they have some new fancy ramen called Ninja Ramen, it's supposed to have enough nutrients to fuel a ninja's life style. " Having said that, the tiny boy set off at a quick pace towards Ichiraku's Ramen. While he was walking down the street Naruto felt a profound sense of loneliness. Even in the crowded street no glances fell onto his body. Nobody even touched him, instead giving him about a two feet wide berth. It was the occasional glares from the oldies that proved Naruto's existence that kept the young boy from falling into a deep depression. That isn't to say the young boy wasn't depressed, just not enough to really get in the way of his life. Even though that was the case, there had been times when Naruto fell into deep suicidal depressions, one of which being the day he was kicked out of the orphanage. That day, Naruto had tried killing himself three different times. The first time he tried jumping off the Hokage Monument, the second time he tried biting his tongue off, and the third time he antagonized a bunch of the villagers. He survived the first because Kurama had surrounded him in a layer of chakra, thanks to that he didn't die, just suffered extreme pain. The second time Kurama reconnected his tongue before he had bit all the way through it. Then the last time her healing kept him alive, that is until they lit his body on fire. At that time he was saved by Anbu who had been watching. While he was thinking of such things Naruto's previously light depression was bordering on suicidal. The only reason it wasn't full on suicidal was because he actually had a reason to live, Kurama. " Hey Naruto, what's up? " " Nothing much Ayame, just came by for some Ninja Ramen, I am starving. " " Then let me make a bowl for you real quick. " " Thanks Ayame. Oh three bowls by the way. " " Woah there Naruto, a single bowl should fuel a child for a week, are you sure you want three bowls? " " Yeah, like I said, starving. Besides I'm a growing boy, I need a lot of food. " " Fine, though make sure not to mention anything about growing, I want you to stay young forever. " Ayame then reached out and pinched the little cutie pie on the cheek. Naruto lightened up a little bit and forced out a smile. " There's my little cutie patootie. " " Hehehe, sttooopppp Ayame. " At that moment Teuchi, Ayame's dad and owner of Ichiraku's ramen, walked out from the kitchen holding onto a bowl of ramen. " Here you go Naruto, enjoy. " " Thanks Teuchi. " Before Teuchi could leave back into the kitchen Naruto already had the bowl finished. Ayame and her father just stared open mouthed at the young blond who was rubbing his belly, satisfied. Eventually both just chuckled and got back to making Naruto more ramen. About an hour later Naruto was inside his underground bunker watching his 1,000 clones hard at work. When they saw him they all greeted him by yelling out. " HELLO BOSS! " Naruto didn't even flinch, he was like a general looking over his soldiers. Eventually Naruto himself got to work doing physical workouts. A few hours after that Naruto went to sleep, 1,000 clones still hard at work.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "8354", "id": "9538", "q": 0.8627272727272728, "title": "Hardwork System in Naruto - Chapter 2", "author": "WaterBear6", "chapters": 4, "rating": 4.7, "rating_ct": 9, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fanfiction", "LitRPG", "Martial Arts", "Romance" ], "tags": [ "Naruto", "Abandoned Children", "Abusive Characters", "Age Progression", "Based on an Anime", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Carefree Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist" ] }
So, surprise surprise, I haven't forgotten this novel, matter of fact I frequently think about doing some writing for it and I have written up some chapters only to delete them. Anyway, the main problem I have with this story is that I started writing it during a time when my lap top was being repaired. Now I don't have a job, phone, or many other ways to entertain myself beyond reading on my laptop, so when said device was broken I resorted to writing to relive my occasional boredom.  I ended up writing quite a bit for this novel, 50,000 words or so, and I had full intentions of getting it completely up on the internet and then continue writing it here. The problem however was that when I started copying it, I realized this novel is trash, like 14 year old boy wrote it.  So I decided I'm going to rewrite it, this means that I won't be updating frequently, it could be months or days between updates. I felt bad for any of you all who enjoyed the few chapters out so far which is why I decided to write this note, I figured I'd let ya'll in on the situation.  Anyway, I should have a chapter put out soon, but don't get your hopes up, it could be out tomorrow or next month, who knows.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "8354", "id": "26761", "q": 0.8627272727272728, "title": "Hardwork System in Naruto - Not a chapter – Discussing future of the novel", "author": "WaterBear6", "chapters": 4, "rating": 4.7, "rating_ct": 9, "genre": [ "Action", "Adult", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fanfiction", "LitRPG", "Martial Arts", "Romance" ], "tags": [ "Naruto", "Abandoned Children", "Abusive Characters", "Age Progression", "Based on an Anime", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Carefree Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist" ] }
The Hundred Questions (part 1)   We had gone down and enjoyed the dinner in silence. I wasn’t really sure if he intended to have a chat while we ate or if he considered it improper to speak at all while chowing down. I enjoyed a real homemade meal without interruption anyways. There was no comparison between what he fed me last night and this incredible dish. It did occur to me that all I managed to eat last night was Mr. Corso’s blood, if I could consider that a meal. Again, the thought that he had red jelly flowing through his veins made my stomach flip. That was a thought I was glad to have after dinner had been finished off. He finally spoke up for the first time since we left my room. “Thirsty?” “Could I have water?” That was a question I wanted to ask. What could I eat and drink? Obviously, after having his cooking, I guessed I could eat just about anything. “Is water okay?” He hesitated before heading into the kitchen. Rolling his hands, gesturing at me in a funny way, he went over what I’d just said. “Can I have water? Are you asking me if you’d like some water or if it is safe to drink? Because I can at least testify it ain’t well water.” His posture gave me an impression he was ready to head into the kitchen once I clarified my meaning. “May I have water?” He thrust a triumphant finger in the air, looking down, nodding, and blindly walking away into the kitchen for my request. He came back out soon with both a glass of pure water and his own black bottle of that old blood-wine. That made me curious. “How much of that do you own?” Laughter. He lifted the bottle up, turned it around to the label and read it aloud. “Sixteen forty-one, Toulouse.” He set the bottle down on the table and my glass in front of me. It took me a second to figure out that the other bottle he had was from a year later. That didn’t answer my question. Was he suggesting there was a yearly batch of it? How much of it? I began to cringe harder as I mulled over the quantity. Did I really want to know now? I felt the need to wash my mouth out quickly and raised my glass to gulp a clear rinse down. “I’m not going to get used to drinking blood.” “Okay. You don’t have to so long you’re not hurt.” He held his hand up to show the injury he’d had yesterday was long gone. “See? One draught and swig later, I’m all better.” While he had his hand up, it snatched a box of Marlboros off the top shelf. I looked away and gave the window outside a glance. “Any chance I could go outside today?” “Tonight? Yeah, sure.” I could hear his voice become kinda muffled around the word ‘sure.’ Recalling how he had to wear full cover from the Sun, it made me wonder. “Sunlight burns us?” “Burns me. Fuck if I know about you. Go’fer it.” I was a little confused about something. My dad smoked, but went out to do so when he started to get cranky. It calmed him. Mr. Corso, on the other hand, appeared to get cranky after doing a puff. It made no sense. “Why do you smoke?” He pinched the cig between his fingers and removed it with a restrained cough. “Because I can. Problem with that?” I shook my head. It just added more questions. Ones that I thought could be left unanswered. Getting up out of my seat, I picked the plate off of the table to carry the dirty dish into the kitchen. This was my first time walking in and seeing what all he had available. It had a stocked rack of different bottles to one side, but nowhere near as much I had thought he might have in view of what I’d seen of his consumption. If he drank like he did last night, this all would be gone within a half year, maybe. On the counter, next to a double sink, there was a tray of cleaned dishes that still had the glistening evidence of being wet. Did he have company over earlier? I was looking at how many plates were drying in the tray when Andie yelled at me. “Trash what’s on the plate before you drop it in the sink.” Giving the plate a closer inspection, it only had a few greasy bits left on it. Too small for it to be considered a nibble, let alone a bite. Obeying, I turned and stepped on a pedal on the trashcan, and tilted the plate down to scrap away with a fork. All while I did this, I watched for his reaction to turn the dish in for the sink. Once he nodded, I complied with a quick rinse under the faucet and deposit. “Uh… Where is the soap?” I looked around for the detergent, expecting it to be sitting somewhere on the counter. Then I thought it might be below the sink where the pipes hung out. Squatting down, I opened that bottom cabinet up and saw what I was looking for. “Yeah, there. You good?” I gave him a quick glance over my shoulder, seeing him jut a thumb back into the dining room to gesture his leave. Nodding, he turned and left while I got up and squirted a dot to smear its sanitation over my dishes. This was another note on vampirism that appeared false. Running water over my hands didn’t do anything more than what it normally did. That was a relief. I really was in need of a shower for physical and emotional reasons. First, I wanted to try going outside. Placing the plate and its utensils in the tray to dry, I headed back to the dining room to give Mr. Corso a heads up on where I was heading. “Going to step out.” Sitting at the table again, he didn’t bother to look at me as he waved a glowing and smoking cigarette over his shoulder. He was facing the window, but keeping away from the warm ray of sunshine coming in. It just occurred to me that the location of the dining table was no accident. That explained a lot. I walked out and experimented with the sunlight. First, my hand. It didn’t burn. Felt warm, but certainly not close to being hot. Taking a step out, I got the full treatment bathed over me. Again, nice and warm. Maybe age had something to do with it? Mr. Corso’s age reminded me of what he said earlier about being new at this. Walking back in, I waved at him as I re-entered the dining room. He didn’t look. Something was definitely holding his attention outside. I turned around and backed up until I was at his distance from the window. Bending over, I tried to be in the same kind of perspective as he so I could catch what he was looking at. So far, I was clueless. Nothing was out of place and no one was around. Turning to face him, I asked the obvious question. “What are you looking at?” “Watching for your-- Never mind.” He put the cig back between his lips and inhaled before giving me his attention. “Well, you’re not crispy.” I nodded with a smile. “Yeah, sure, rub it in.” He waved at a seat, but reached out to grab and pull it out for me to sit in. “Sit.” Once seated, I asked the question that was confusing me about him. “Earlier, you said something about being new at this. I thought you were hundreds of years old?” “Yeah, yer right about that.” He pulled the cig out of his mouth and gave it a look before glancing back at me. “I meant you. I’ve never had experience with taking care of a kid before.” “Why did you do it?” He deflated and gave me a laugh, rolled his eyes, and shook his head with a curse. “Fuck if I know. I told you. Out of everyone in this Godforsaken world, you chose to talk to me about your problem.” Looking back at me, he was a bit more sincere about what he said next. “You didn’t randomly pick me. When I went over the options on who to tell, that was a command. I was trying to kick you out, just like how I ordered your mom to waltz right back into her house.” Waving a hand up in the air at me, he mimicked my voice. “You said, ‘I told you.’” I was lost for a moment. What problem did I have? Searching inwardly, I tried to recall why I had originally been brought to Mr. Corso’s home. Brought… I hadn’t come here by my free will. I was forced. Maybe I could trick him to reveal who my ‘problem’ was. Brainstorming about it for a moment, I came up with a good line that could get this ball rolling. “It’s not like I had much choice when being forced to come here.” With a shrug and shake of his head, he looked back out the window. “If they’d done anything to you, I would have put a stop to it.” They. More than one person. “Why didn’t you go with that rather than doing what you did to me?” I wanted to know more about who these problems were, but how he handled the situation did bug me a little more than it should have. “After this, take a shower and clean out those fucking ears. How many Goddamn times do I have to tell you? You chose me.” After he said that, he took his time dragging out that cig he held up to his mouth. I guess I was wrong about that cigarette? Maybe it was helping him cope with something else on top of dealing with me. Leaning my head back, I was wondering if he was smoking now because that ‘something’ happened to be my questioning. After all, he didn’t light up his cig until I spoke after dinner. Did that mean I was going to endure his attitude every time I had a question? Feeling irritated, I shook my head and got up out of my seat. “I’ll take the shower now.” Not bothering to see how he responded, I left. It took me a minute to find the bathroom. I had expected it to be upstairs, but it turned out to be a downstairs one. Unless there was a second one hiding upstairs somewhere? Maybe cobwebs were concealing its location? That was a project I was considering. This house needed cleared, cleaned, and sanitized. A whole lot of care was lacking here. For the moment, and day, that was going to be put on hold.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2868", "id": "2949", "q": 0.8663636363636364, "title": "Watching and Waiting - Chapter 4: The Hundred Questions (part 1)", "author": "mrsimple", "chapters": 6, "rating": 4.7, "rating_ct": 13, "genre": [ "Adult", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Horror", "Mature", "Psychological", "School Life", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Abusive Characters", "Adopted Protagonist", "Appearance Changes", "Bickering Couple", "Blood Manipulation", "Bloodlines", "Brainwashing", "Bullying", "Cannibalism", "Caring Protagonist", "Confinement", "Forced into a Relationship", "Forced Living Arrangements", "Identity Crisis", "Mind Control", "Nudity", "Romantic Subplot", "Tomboyish Female Lead", "Transplanted Memories", "Vampires" ] }
The Hundred Questions (part 3)   Dressed up, I gathered my dirty clothes and headed down the stairs for the dining room. “Andie?” He sat leaned back in his chair with one foot kept firmly on the floor for balance. When I said his name, he turned to look and raise a brow at me, probably confused about the clothes I held, but I was about to clear that up for the both of us. “Where do I put the dirty clothes?” He gave me a nod and laughed. “Just leave them and they’ll pick it up.” They? “Who will?” I guess that meant there were more than just us in this house? “Ghouls. I told you I had some.” I didn’t think they lived here. “Where are they?” He shrugged. “Living a life. Some have a family, others are busy with work or a hobby. Don’t worry, I pick which ones are allowed in your room. No felons or anything like that.” That was still not very reassuring and kept me confused about the matter. Did he imply they came from their own homes just to do our laundry? “None of them live here?” He gave me a funny look, grinned, shook his head, and restrained a laugh. “No. Like I said, they have their own lives.” The way he said that made me wonder what it meant to be a Ghoul. “What are Ghouls?” Before he answered, he offered me a seat at the table. I sat down my dirty clothes on the table and leaned my arms across them lazily. “Let me be frank first.” He sat upright, which made the front legs of his chair click down on the dining room floor. It looked like he was about to go for his cigarettes, but held back. One sigh later, he spoke calmly. “You were supposed to be added to them. A Ghoul.” “What would that have meant for me?” When I pictured ghouls, I envisioned them as zombies or half-dead cannibals. From what I recalled, I thought they were grave-robbers that ate the flesh off of the deceased. That was probably false, like everything else I’d come to learn about being a vampire. “You’d follow my orders. That would have been it. Being a Ghoul is like -- You know what a Thrall is?” I nodded, since I played a game that had a main character with that name. “Good. It is like that.” “What is the difference right now? I’m pretty sure--” “You would be considered a Thrall, but not a Ghoul. Ghouls are still--” He pauses a moment, I guess to consider how best to compare the differences between a Ghoul and whatever I was. “Since you went vampire, which I guess that’s what we are, that would make you a Vampire Thrall. See, Ghouls can’t make other Ghouls. You can.” “Because of what you said I did? I took to your blood fully?” He gave a shaky nod, like that was half-right. “Kind of. You did take to me fully, but I don’t give Ghouls my blood. They become Ghouls when I bite them.” Now I was more confused than before I asked about this. “I’m not sure if I understand. Did you give me your blood because of that?” “When I bite someone, I guess there’s a venom or something like that? I don’t know. Never went to turn and cough for a Doc, leave out asking about my gnashers. Anyways, it causes lots of pain. Enough that the mind can’t handle it and knocks you the fuck out.” He points at me. “You didn’t go down without a very big fucking fight. I’m talking about some serious high quality Iron Will shit there.” I softly replied with, “I remember.” “Yeah, well, you stayed awake long enough to feel that first Thirst. Ghouls need blood for that, kind of like a trigger, but it could have been any blood. Fucking Hell, they could have taken a piece of raw steak and enjoyed the saucy juice. That trace of blood in it would have sealed the deal.” He flips his hand up in the air, like I was presented before an invisible audience. “And here we have a surprise of the lifetime! Changing into something marvelous! That wine? Remember?” I nodded. “That should have taken care of it.” A loud clap! His hands held together as he looked at me over them, like he was in prayer. “I couldn’t believe you were already thirsty for more.” He shook his head and laughed. “So, I experimented. My blood, that thick crap in me right now, did the trick and knocked you out.” This conversation produced more questions with every answer I received. “You didn’t know -- Wait, you’re saying I was changing after being bitten? Into what? I thought Ghouls looked like normal people? Unchanged.” He held a hand up to stall for time. After a minute, he spoke. “This is not really easy for me to explain. Reason why is because I don’t understand half of what took place between us. I mean, between the bite and feeding you my blood.” He leaned in towards me, squinted, and asked in an ambivalent tone, “Do you really want to hear my half-baked idea on what could have happened?” He shook his head and gave an ambiguous statement, “I don’t want you to be misled.” “But what you told me, so far, has been accurate?” He nodded rapidly and gave a little laugh. “Ah, okay. I’ll--” What should I say? Just give it to me straight and I’d figure this out? “We’ll figure this out. If not, I can try finding out who might.” That made me wonder if he was referring to another vampire or just someone he could trust well enough to investigate what had happened. “Good to go on, then?” He held a thumbs-up for me to give him the ‘Okay’ or not. I nodded and he relaxed back into his chair, rocked back, and held a foot out in front of himself for balance again. “To be blunt, I imagined it.” I glanced away a second, processed what he said, and looked back at him confused. “You imagined what?” He covered his eyes and shook his head. “That’s the hard part of this explanation. It would be easy to say I imagined you.” His hand pulled away from his face enough to peek over his fingers at me. “No, that’s not right. Fuck... You reminded me of someone. Before the bite, but after, the longer I held you in my arms, the more you resembled -- Yeah.” He shrugged and kept quiet. I didn’t know what to say after that. From what he’d said, I looked like someone he knew. “Did I resemble her in any other way?” His grin told me I did before he nodded. “Your voice, not really, but the way you talk. You also have a knack for cleaning up after yourself. Even when I scared the shit out of you, packing that wagon back up with those boxed cookies.” Mr. Corso lifted his head up, dropped his hand down over his heart, and stared up at the ceiling. “She took control over the simplest matter. Like the garden, cooking, Hell, even my dress. She was someone for appearances, but not because she wanted to impress someone. It was order. It would be our destruction if we didn’t maintain our state, for appearances.” “That sounds normal. Like making the bed, taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and having breakfast in the morning. That’s initial structure for a daily life.” He pulled his attention away from the ceiling and stared at me. For a moment, I thought he was going to laugh. He kinda did, but it was a quiet laugh, like this was no matter to laugh at. “What?” “Nothing. Ah, tell me, could you--” He closed his mouth and took in a big breath, let it out slowly, and looked me over for a few seconds before he resumed. “Remind me, what’s your name?” “My name? Did you forget?” He waved and rolled his hand at me to gesture I go on. “Humor me.” “Ar--” I stopped before I said it. I left my mouth gaped, looked away from him to wonder what name I had been about to say. It was a familiar name, but didn’t feel right, then it left me. “May I see you look at me?” The way he phrased that made me think he wanted to order me to look at him, but he asked. I closed my mouth and turned to look back at him. “Could you tell me your last name, at least?” I tested it silently, just to feel if that felt wrong as well. It didn’t. “Audeline.” “Let’s call you by that name from now on. You don’t appear disturbed by it.” He remained silent, sighed, and nodded. I overheard him whisper, “Not so half-baked after all.” More questions branched out from every answer. I understood what he meant by ‘Hundred Questions’ now. “These changes. They happened after you gave me your blood?” I watched him nod in confirmation and then looked away from him to think about that. In another twisted way, I understood him once again. He imagined me as someone else and his blood manifested those changes. For now, I wanted to get through the initial questions I had. This would derail our discussion, but I wanted to know about this subject. “What is with all the jeans?” It took a moment for him to register what I said and then nodded. “Yeah, I hope that will be enough?” “Enough?” This time I was confused. “I asked and they told me--” “They. Ghouls?” He nodded. “Could you give them names?” “Ah, how about when you meet them? Some, I’m never letting them set eyes on you. It would cause problems.” I didn’t ask because I wanted to get back to the main subject of all of these jeans. “Jeans? What did they say about them?” He held up two fingers. “First, you would be going through clothes crazy fast. Second, since girls fluctuate with their weight, have a variety.” The image of a chubby, bouncing and rolling vampire popped in my head. I laughed. “Lemme guess, tubby blood-sucker on your mind?” I nodded and quietly calmed down. “Heh, sorry.” Took me a moment to put down the giddy picture in my head. “Do vampires gain weight?” “Yes and no. From my experience, only women.” I raised a puzzled brow at that answer. “Ah, let me correct that. Mothers.” I shook my head a little before he waved a half circle over himself to imitate a round belly. “Uhhh… I thought vampires couldn’t get--” “They can, if you feed a lot. I mean, A LOT. We are talking about an epidemic sweeping through the countryside. Both beast and men would keel over.” That made me wonder how many outbreaks throughout history were caused by these vampires. Again, this would derail from the subject I wanted to figure out first, but this sounded far more important than why I had only jeans to pick with my outfits. “How often does this happen?” He shook his head at me. “Doesn’t. Not anymore. Society has put aside folklore for a good reason. They don’t believe in it, that’s fine with me. Keeps us all under the radar.” I guess that meant it only happened while paganism and such were still a thing? “Does that mean it stopped after Christianity dominated?” That would totally make sense. “Yep. They swept out the old fogies that still believed in us and we kept to the ‘Shadows.’” With a shrug, he pointed at me. “I’m pretty sure I don’t have to worry about you -- Oh shit.” He started to laugh and I looked away. “Ha! Made ya blush.” No way, ever, would I end up like that. I knew for a fact that I’d never had an interest in relationships with anyone. Especially guys. That was a curious thought. Was I interested in girls? “Hey, look this way, will ya?” I faced him and hoped that my face was cleared up by then. “Sorry about that.” A laugh tried to break free from his smile, but he shook it off. A breather later, he resumed. “Yes, Christianity came in, but we, or I should say they, stopped. It was before I was born. I mean, really born into this world.” “Back to the jeans. Why would my weight fluctuate if it only happens under very special conditions?” He threw his hands up. “I took their advice and went with it. Women know their own kind, after all.” This still didn’t explain the jeans. “Why jeans?” “Why not? You want more pants? I can put an order in, but the jeans weren’t being used and I had a use for them. They gave them up for free.” Okay, they’re free, that explained the jeans. “Thank you.” How long did it take for me to finally get the riddle of the jeans answered? I sighed and contemplated if I wanted to ask him the next question on my mind or not. “Next thing I wanted to talk about is about my hair. I want it short, but I didn’t find any scissors.” “Would ya mind keeping it long for a bit?” How long was a ‘bit’ for an immortal? “How long?” “Until I can get a hold of someone. My regular barber is out on vacation.” I wondered how long that would be. A few days, a week? Month? I repeated, “How long?” “Until I get a call.” He got up out of his chair and walked out to the kitchen. “Drink?” Within the doorway, he paused and watched me until I responded. I shook my head, but I said, “Yes.” My attention wasn’t fully on him at the moment. It was probable that my thoughts had still been on my hair and these eyes. When he came back, I would have a question ready about these eyes. Did I want to ask him if the woman I resembled had eyes like these? Would he confirm that or say that I was better off not knowing? I could bring it up as a rhetorical question. That might work out in my favor. It could reveal a little more about this vampire business in the middle of it. He held a couple of black bottles. It didn’t occur to me that, when he asked if I wanted a drink, he meant that kind of ‘drink.’ I guess I’d find out what he meant about the differences in taste. He sat down in his seat with both bottles. I gave the drinks a glance, then looked across at him, and back at them again. “I did say yes.” “I heard ya. These are for me.” Why was I always so confused around him? “Gimme a moment?” One of the bottles was what he’d been at before and he was about to finish it off in one guzzle. Finished with a quick sleeve-wipe across his lips, he popped and waved the other bottle towards me in a salute. I waited until he finished the second one. Here I thought I was the one called a glutton. Back to the questions. “Andie? My eyes were brown. Are they like this now because I’m a vampire?” He shook his head a little while he rattled the second bottle for any drops left in there. “Nah, how we are before, we remain after our life-changing episode.” He had his eyes on the empty bottle. For some reason, he returned the bottle to his lips and stared at me over the black-glassed container. “Does that mean these eyes are -- Wait, no one has ever changed like I did?” He shook his head at me. “Why am I unique?” I had expected a laugh, shrug, maybe an eye-roll, something to tell me he didn’t know. Instead, he stared at me in silence. Then he handed the bottle to me. I didn’t know why until I took it from him. There was still weight in it. A look at the bottom showed me there was liquid in there. After a shake, it didn’t really move all that much. It was thick. My eyes widened as at the same time my whole body felt a shock, like static that pricked all over my skin, and some of the strength in me faltered. I nearly dropped the bottle, but managed to set it down on my thigh. I shook my head. “Drink up.” His open palm raised, as did my hand to my lips. I tilted my head to the side and stared in disbelief at him. The fucking liar. I felt the tight rim of the bottle push against my lower lip, but I didn’t open my mouth. “I told you, when it is needed. Only when that happens. Now drink.” With my other hand, I smacked the bottle out and away from me. If that bottle didn’t contain such a thick substance it would have splashed and spilled out. “You -- What the FUCK! How could you -- NO!” He held his hand up to calm me again. “You fucking listen to me! You said I wouldn’t be controlled anymore. Tell me, is the reason really that important?” He picked up the bottle after he got out of his seat. He stood over me and observed how pissed I was. Then he smiled. “Not afraid of me anymore? Glad that worked.” He sat the bottle back down on the table in front of me. “Hey, I’m sorry for dropping the bomb on you like that.” “What are you talking about?” I kept my eyes on him and waited for his explanation. “Last night, your speech improved, thanks to a little midnight snack.” His once injured hand waved at me. “From what I’ve seen, you’re becoming better. Not just looks, but you don’t stammer anymore. That’s just one thing I’ve noticed.” A bit of laughter and he added, “And you swear.” Stammer? “What if those were a part of who I am. Who I was.” “Let me make myself clear. Did you enjoy testing everyone’s patience? How long do you think it would’ve taken stuttering every question?” If he was implying I used to stutter regularly, then that still would have been a part of who I was. It would have frustrated me, but it would have been something I could have overcome. “So? What else? Is there something that you think could be better? I’m not good enough?” He held up his hand again to keep me cool. “What is it?” “Are you comfortable with who you are now?” What should I have said? Yes or no? I felt fine as I was, but there were a lot of things about myself I wanted answered! If I said yes, he’d drop the subject or I’d keep fighting. If no, then what? Would he change me back to what I was? “What if I said no? Wait! I’m being literal. What if?” I might not be afraid of him, not as much anymore, but that was only the unreasonable fear I harbored. There was every reason to be afraid of what he could do to me if I wasn’t happy with who I was now. He was a vampire. How hard could it be for him to simply kill me? “Then drink. It’ll build confidence. When I ask for your name, no more hesitation. Everything that feels wrong, won’t. Gone. All better.” The way that sounded disturbed me. Was he saying I’d kill what little of my old self remained in me? “Will I pass out when I drink this?” “Remember walking with me through the neighborhood?” I gave him a nod. “It’ll be like that.” “I guess there won’t be as many questions after I drink this, will there?” Figured he’d laugh and he did. “Thought so.” If I drank this, I’ll be tamed like a good little Vampire Thrall. “I’ll make a deal. You drink that, I’ll see about letting you go back to school.” He got my attention. “Do we have a deal?” I nodded and grabbed the bottle. Willingly, I brought the bottle up to my lips and gave the container a shake to get it going. It was like trying to get ketchup out. That was a disgusting way to think about it. Gradually, it made its way down and into my mouth. I swallowed it as quickly as I could, mustering what I could to keep it down, and waited until it had drooled its last drop. “Okay. If you have more questions, you good asking me about it in the morning?” We both were standing now. I handed him the empty bottle and he added it to the other on the table. Those two empty bottles made me wonder if he recycled or not. That was probably a question I’d forget about tomorrow. I just gave him a look, grabbed up the dirty clothes I had sitting on the table and turned away to go upstairs. “Hey! Trust me, okay? I really am trying to look out for you.” I stopped and gave him one more silent nod before retreating. Once I had the door shut behind me, I immediately went to the bed and sat down for a few seconds. I sucked in my stomach and tensed. Then I roughly jammed my fingers down my throat. Those dirty clothes sat in my lap for only a moment before I sunk my face down to vomit into the bundle. Gasping, I did this a few more times, muffling myself in the clothes, until I knew that vampiric blood was purged. I’d have to hide this somehow. Going to the bathroom would give me away, before or after I had acted, but I might find someway to cover this up. There were plenty of cobwebs for me to conceal the bundle. Down on my knees, I began to snowball the webbing around the messy bundle. It took a little while until I was satisfied with the disguise. I tossed the sticky ball off into the corner furthest from the door, and began to undress for bed. Maybe it was true that he was doing all of this to help me, but I wasn’t going to let him kill whoever I was.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2868", "id": "2952", "q": 0.8663636363636364, "title": "Watching and Waiting - Chapter 6: The Hundred Questions (part 3)", "author": "mrsimple", "chapters": 6, "rating": 4.7, "rating_ct": 13, "genre": [ "Adult", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Horror", "Mature", "Psychological", "School Life", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Abusive Characters", "Adopted Protagonist", "Appearance Changes", "Bickering Couple", "Blood Manipulation", "Bloodlines", "Brainwashing", "Bullying", "Cannibalism", "Caring Protagonist", "Confinement", "Forced into a Relationship", "Forced Living Arrangements", "Identity Crisis", "Mind Control", "Nudity", "Romantic Subplot", "Tomboyish Female Lead", "Transplanted Memories", "Vampires" ] }
Announcement This is another one of my short practice stories. Felt like writing it, did it, and done. Had no outline in mind and rather just wrote for the fun of it. More chapters to come.  Hope you enjoy! :)   Watching and Waiting "Go on! Don't wuss out on us now." I gave Bret a terrified look. "You've come this far. Get going!" He shoved me and I backed away from him towards the house. I stopped to give a pleading stare at Norton, who just grinned and shook his head, refusing to help me out. This time, Bret shouted: "GO!" Gripping tightly on the handle, I gave the red Radio Flyer a tug and pull. The cart, full of jumping colorful boxes, followed me on bouncing wheels over the uneven cement as I walkd up the middle of Mr. Corso's front lawn. His house was every imagining of the word haunted and unwelcoming. Black and brown, like the wood was always soaked from a non-existent rain. It gave off a dark atmosphere. Taking a moment, I stood still and took note that he didn't take much care of his garden. I thought, ’Maybe he doesn't care at all about it?’ It was a wonder that the homeowner’s association didn't cite him on the tall weeds crawling up the side of his house. In fact, I thought some of those could’ve been trees trying to root themselves into the foundation of his home. "Oh MaxINE, hurry it up and sell dem goodies!" Bret laughed when I turned to look back at the two. He bowed in a curtsy like he had a skirt on. It was obviously to mock the khaki Cadette's uniform they’d coerced me into. My grip on the black handle became painfully tight. I began to feel sick to my stomach, but I knew how much worse trouble I'd be in if I refused the two older teens. Taking in a deep breath, I held it in and waited a minute, concentrating on my lack of air rather than courage as I pushed onward to the door. For a moment, I didn't know what to do at the door. I couldn't figure out why until I realized I'd been searching for a missing button to ring Mr. Corso's doorbell. Maybe he didn't have one? In that case, I could use that knocker up in the middle of his door. I took the knocker in my hand and gave it a firm smack against the hollow plate. After a minute or so, I heard the sound of shuffling feet. A pair of eyes squinted out of the door's window, but not down at me. Then I heard those feet shuffle again, fading away. I knocked again. A silence followed for another minute. Again, I knocked, and a pair of rapidly stomping feet came to the door. The door flew open and I flailed backwards into the cart. "Ow," I moaned, sucking in air painfully. "Owww." I had collided with the furthest lip of the wagon and smacked the back of my head. The crinkling noise of the boxes told me I was crushing the cookies I was being forced to sell. Gulping, I quickly scrambled out of the cart to stand and be more presentable in front of the neighbor. Straightening the beret back on my head, I stammered a greeting. "Uh, hi. I'm do-doing a door to door coo-cookie sa-sale." From Mr. Corso's view, he probably saw me as some slim and short haired girl wearing a khaki vest over a white shirt. I was busy trying to pull back down a skirt in the same khaki colors, but awkwardly around my knees since I was taller than Bret's sister. This was not my uniform. I wasn’t even in Girl Scouts! I wasn’t a girl! Through a cigarette between his lips, he paused before making his statement. "...No soliciting. Fuck off." "Wait! I-I can't. I've got to sell all of these cookies by nightfall." That caused him to look over my shoulder with wide eyes and cough. "Fat fucking chance." The door was closing-- --and my foot got crushed before it could shut. I winced, gritted my teeth and bore it, determined to endure this pain rather than the beating I would get from Bret and Norton. The door opened a bit, Mr. Corso silent and stiff, watching me with those same wide eyes. "Kid, fuck off before I call the cops." That did sound a bit worse in the short term, but I knew my life would be a nightmare from then on if I failed. I shook my head, keeping my hurt foot exactly where I’d left it. He swung the door fully open and I expected him to step out to physically remove me. Instead, he just stood there with one hand in his robe pocket, the other pinching the glowing cig between his teeth, turning his cheek to blow smoke away, but still squinting down at me. It wasn't that bright out, but then again, I'd never seen Mr. Corso outside before. Likely his eyes were better accustomed to being indoors at almost all times. Looking him over, I saw how ratty his appearance was. Mostly, his loose fitting clothes gave him that characteristic. He was thin, but had a fine bone structure and a chin-length goatee that was accentuated by the buzz cut around his dark, short wavy hair. He had that same kind of gray band of hair that Marvel's Dr. Strange had going. He certainly did not look like the kind of guy who would buy cookies from a Girl Scout. Especially after “she’d” fallen and probably crushed the whole lot of them. "...Kid, you've got to a count of three- Wait, no, countdown from three." He nodded and continued. "If you haven’t turned around when time runs out, well, you'll be SOL too." He waited a moment, presumably to see if I would get going before he had to start. I stubbornly stood my ground. "Fuck's sake, THREE." Mr. Corso held up three fingers, then two. "TWO!" Instead of his middle finger dropping next, the index curled down to flip me off. "ONE... Okay, you're fucked." I honestly didn't know what he intended to do. The door was still open, but he turned his back to me and walked away. Leaning in, I tried to see into the house for what he might be up to. Backing away from the open door, I looked over my shoulder to see how Bret and Norton were reacting to this. I became pale and shook hard. Both had disappeared! I wasn't sure if they’d fled when Mr. Corso mentioned the police, or if they simply were hiding someplace to keep a watch on me. If it were the later, it would mean I had to continue this charade until I got paid for the consumable merchandise. Gulping, I turned back around to the open door of Mr. Corso's house. He now had on a pair of thin wire-framed glasses propped on his uncaring face. My eyes dropped to his hands, searching for whatever he might be holding: a phone, stick, bat, gun, something to drive me off. Nothing. Not a single thing was in his hands. What Mr. Corso had gone to do was made apparent when I looked over him. He no longer wore the robe, but instead a pair of ill-fitting dress pants, a nice white shirt one size too big for his thin figure, and a grey trench coat, stretching all the way to the floor like a cloak. He being pulled it more snugly over his shoulders before he flipped a hood over his head. Then he stepped outside. Carefully, I backed around the wagon in fright. I kept the wagon between me and Mr. Corso. Looking over my shoulder, I wanted to spot those two despite the fact that they could beat the shit out of me later for ruining this. For my safety, I returned my attention back on the reclusive neighbor. With that cig still in his mouth, he spoke one more time. "Kid, I gave you three chances." In the next second, he somehow had a hold of my shoulder. I didn't see him move or reach out before he had me. In the final second outside, I felt the rush of air as I was blindly hurled past and behind him into his house. This happened too fast for me to respond in any way. I was busy getting up off my elbows and knees when I dropped flat back on the floor after the red wagon crashed into my side. This time, I yelled out in pain. It was the corner of the wagon that managed to cause me to voice some protest. My hand rubbed tenderly along my side, over the ribs, to feel where I was struck if anything felt out of place. Between his clenched teeth on that cig, he spoke again. "You're fine." The sound of the door shutting brought my attention up and looking to where he stood. He walked toward me, but stopped to reach down, pick up the light beige beret, and inspect it while flipping it between his hands. He tossed it onto a dresser along the hall's wall and it landed perfectly on top of a dimly lit lamp. He leaned himself back, pocketing his hands, and watched me as I got up off the floor. I smoothed down the pleated skirt to my knees before facing him. I had been about to tell him off, say something like what he was doing could land him in more trouble than when he threatened me with the police. Then I thought better about who knew I was here. Bret and Norton, neither of whom would say a word about their involvement of forcing me into this situation. What else could I say or do? Looking down, the entire wagon was on its side, the boxes spilled across the floor. That was something, at least. I knelt down, righting the wagon and keeping it between me and Mr. Corso as I loaded the boxes back in. It kept my mind focused on something while I could feel a little assurance that there was some buffer keeping him away. I saw his brows rise at the sight of me picking up the boxes. He didn't say or do anything until I had the last box in the wagon. Then he drew his hand out of his pocket, instantly grabbing the long-necked handle to wheel the wagon away from me. He parked it squarely into the corner of the door and hall, turning it into an obstruction if I intended to escape out the front door. A hand gestured, out from his other pocket, for me to go into his dining room and probably take a seat. For a moment, I only stood where I was and did nothing. I wanted some more time to think. Maybe it would be a good idea to not piss him off more. Then I got moving into the dining room. Before I could pull a chair from the table to sit, he snatched one, turned it around, and presented it to me to settle in. "Sit." I did so without complaint. He grabbed another chair and dragged it over to place it in front of me, so we could face each other when he sat in it. "Before anything else happens, what's your problem?" "Wha-what do you mean?" "What game you got going on here? The deal?" Throwing his thumb over his shoulder, pointing behind himself, he spoke more harshly. "Back when I fucking warned you and told you to git." "I-I um..." Swallowing down what courage I could, I told him the truth. "They, uh, Bret and Norton, I mean... Bret has ah-a little sister in Girl Scouts. She's sick a-and can't--" "Fuck’s sake, kid. Hold on..." Mr. Corso got up out of his chair and walked away to another room. In a few short moments, I heard something pop, then silence, and finally watched as he returned with a tall glass of some dark liquid. "Drink this. It'll help." He sat back down and handed me the drink. It was a dark red liquid, no bubbles in it so definitely not carbonated. Was this wine? I brought it up to my lips and gave it a taste. It was odd to me; for being a drink, it gave me the impression that it had a dry texture. Maybe I could compare it to a very potent grape juice? Either way, I wasn't a fan and couldn't call it delicious. Mr. Corso kept staring at me. He was watching to make sure I drank it. Again, not wanting to anger him more than I already had, I endured the taste and gulped it down. I felt warmer after finishing it off, but not really sure what he meant by it helping me. He squinted one eye at me, took his cig out of his mouth and nodded. The adult got back up and walked on over to an ashtray, digging his unfinished cig into it. He went back into the room and just as quickly came back out with a black bottle. It looked like wine. "That's wine?" "Yeah, kid. Sixteen forty-two, Toulouse." No idea what that meant, but I nodded. He sat back down and poured me more into the tall glass. "Drink up, but stop if you start feeling a buzz. I don't want you getting sick on my floor." "A buzz?" "Tingly in the head. Warm and fuzzy inside. All cozy, you know?" Nodding again, not having a real idea what he was talking about, I just agreed. "Drink up, kid." "Max." "Pardon?" "It's Max. Max Audeline." "Auda... Heh, I didn't take you for a frog." "What?" Why did he call me a frog? "Frog?" "Don't worry about it. French Frogs are history. An old insult, like saying Germans are Sour Krauts." I was completely lost in his explanation. He shook his head and waved me off. "Forget it. Drink up and talk." One more glass down the hatch later, I resumed. "Bret's sister, she needed to collect money for her troop. She's sick and couldn't go around selling cookies. No one would risk buying them from someone sick, let alone her parents letting her out of the house while ill." I paused, actually feeling that warm fuzziness that Mr. Corso had told me about. "How do you fit in this?" I bowed my head and softly spoke. "Bret and his friend Norton, they like to mess with me since I'm not -- I don't... They can do whatever they want and I can't do anything about it." "So they dressed you up and cracked the whip? Is that it?" He gestured for me to continue or conclude with a wave of his hand. Letting out a sigh, I nodded. "Yeah. They wanted me to start selling cookies here first and go onto the next." He laughed and pointed down at the floor. "Here first? Of all the houses, they made you pick this one first?" Clueless, he threw his hands up in the air. "Why?" "I guess because no one has managed to get a sale here. Bret said if I could get you to buy and sign off for some cookies, I'd be on easy street. Maybe he wanted to get the most difficult house out of the way first? I dunno..." I shrugged while my voice trailed down to a softer tone, abandoning me. I went silent. The noise of his chair creaking caused me to look up. He leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest while watching me from down his shiny spectacles. He rolled his eyes, as if in afterthought, and pulled the hood off his head. Mr. Corso took off the coat and let it hang off the back of his chair. He blew out a sigh and shook his head. "Why the Hell have you not told your parents?" He shook his head at me again, like this was unbelievable. How could I tell him that part? It took me drinking to explain this much. If I told on Bret or Norton about what they did, what would my parents do? Go talk to their parents, likely. That would just piss them both off and get me into deep trouble. I shook my head silently to Mr. Corso. "Tell me, how old are Bret and Norton? Fifteen, sixteen?" "Both are eighteen... I think Norton is going to be nineteen next month?" This left him a little shocked. He stared at me for a few seconds with his mouth hanging open. "How old are you?" "Fourteen." "Kid, you could get cops involved with the shit they are pulling on you. They are adults." I shook my head again, knowing he wouldn't understand that I'd get into trouble in any case. If the police locked them up, it wouldn't be for long. Then they'd come out and come after me. I didn't want to imagine what they would do to me in retaliation. Silently, I bowed my head again. "Alright, first of all, I'm confused by one thing. Cookies? At your age? I'd see it from a little girl, but you'd be doing services like escorting the elderly across the street or some shit like that. Not selling cookies. That's... What, Brownies, right? You don't look like a sweet little Brownie to me." I shook my head, not having an answer to that question. "They told me what to do and I did it." I heard him laugh again. After getting over his laugh, he spoke. "Kid--" "Max." "Andie." "What?" I looked up at him in confusion. "What? What you mean what? You started it. Max, my name is Andie. Andie Corso." He gestured to himself and then pointed back at me. "Max, you've got to tell someone about those hooligans. Someone like you should never be living in fear of men like that." I'm not sure if it was the spirits that made me say this, but I said it. "I told you." That made him drop his pointing finger and stare at me. His gaze locked with mine without ever blinking. I didn't really know what to do. Should I have said something else? Done something? Maybe taken another drink? There was only one thing that I knew not to do. Not to break eye contact with him. I couldn't explain it. Finally, after what felt like forever, he nodded and stood up. "Alright, Max, you've told me, but you still didn't listen to me out there. I get you were scared, but I'm about to give you a lesson on why you shouldn't be afraid of guys like Bret and Norton." For a second, I imagined he was going to grin, smile sadistically, or say something like, “You should be afraid of me.” Something like that. He didn't. Even if he had, I wouldn't have had the chance to respond. Just as instantly as he’d grabbed me outside, he pulled me out of the chair. My only reaction was to seize up when I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. His arms constricted around my back and crushed me against his chest. I inhaled deeply when the acute pain in my shoulder became incredibly agonizing. There was an instinctual need to scream, but I was too physically, and probably mentally, shocked to have a voice yet. When I did regain my voice, I tried to scream. He grabbed the back of my head and shoved my face down into his shoulder. I muffled a cry into him while much more pain coursed through me. Then I started getting oddly cold. A headache was thumping in my skull. It grew worse as time stretched. Eventually, I stopped yelling into his shoulder and simply sobbed. I tried to grab and pull him off of me. I tried. I really did try... I felt us move. He sat back down in his chair and shifted me to sit in his lap. My hands, feeling that tingly sensation when the circulation cuts itself off, dropped down. I couldn't put up the fighting effort to pull him off of me. Worse, I felt myself becoming faint despite the piercing headache wrecking through my head. It wouldn't be long before I passed out, and then I had no idea what would happen to me. Resisting the darkness, I bit down on my lower lip to concentrate. A pain of my own making was better than dealing with the ones out of my control. I could regulate this one and the focus on it allowed my mind to keep me aware. At long last, he let go of my shoulder. I felt a chilling rush, like ice-cold water, where he had hurt me. It felt like there was a chunk missing, completely numb, but radiating that pain into the rest of my body. He pulled my face away from his shoulder and I got a look at his bloody face. He seemed surprised. "Still awake? That's a first. You are one stubborn bitch." Seeing and hearing him speak again made me want to ask so many questions, like what did he mean by that and what was he doing, but I didn't. Why would I? There were far more pressing matters running through my mind. Like that red mess on his face. Was that my blood? Did he bite me? That was the source of this near intolerable pain!? Instincts kicked in over reason and I wanted it resolved. The pain, I wanted it gone. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out except another sob. "Sshh, it's alright. Shit, I'm not even sure what to do now. Normally, you'd sleep, wake up, feel like shit until your first meal. Then, bam, you're feeling like a million bucks." He laughed, which was a very intimidating sight with my own blood dripping off his goatee. I think he saw how that frightened me and immediately he sobered up. Once again, he pulled my face down onto his shoulder and just began to pet the back of my head. I thought about biting my lip again, but if he was right about passing out and waking up, it meant I wasn't going to be killed. So I didn't resist anymore. Turning to roll my cheek down on his shoulder, I rested and prayed I'd fall unconscious soon. Little shivers ran up my spine as he began to rock back in his chair with me. "Sshh... Oh boy. You still awake?" I rubbed my cheek against his shoulder in my nod. "Fuck, uh, okay. Well, then..." He just kept rocking. I felt his chest rise and heard him sigh a couple of times, possibly in frustration, but it wasn't like I was trying to stay awake any longer. Maybe it was the fear in me pumping adrenaline and forcing me to remain alert? If that were the case, I'd be knocked out once that settled down. I swallowed, feeling very thirsty, having this cottony sensation in my mouth. My lips felt sticky, like the saliva that had been there was drying my lips together as an adhesive. That was how dry my mouth felt right now. I don't know exactly why I felt more in need of something to drink than relief from this pain, but I did. He pulled my cheek off of his shoulder, probably sensing how hard I was trying to swallow. "Already?" He shook his head and looked around for a moment. Then he settled his eyes back on my half-opened ones. I caught him biting and breaking the corner of his lip until it bled. Was he frustrated with me not being knocked out yet? I didn't want him to hurt me anymore, if he was pissed about it. For a minute, he didn't do anything except watch me slip in and out of consciousness. As I felt almost capable of finally falling unconscious, he did something that woke me right back up. His lips pressed against mine. A force, his tongue, pushed into my mouth for only a couple seconds to wedge my teeth apart. Then I tasted something being washed around my tongue as his wrestled with mine. I began swallowing whatever was pouring in. After a few minutes, I finally saw nothing more than the back of my eyelids...
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2868", "id": "2869", "q": 0.8663636363636364, "title": "Watching and Waiting - Chapter 1: Watching and Waiting", "author": "mrsimple", "chapters": 6, "rating": 4.7, "rating_ct": 13, "genre": [ "Adult", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Horror", "Mature", "Psychological", "School Life", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Abusive Characters", "Adopted Protagonist", "Appearance Changes", "Bickering Couple", "Blood Manipulation", "Bloodlines", "Brainwashing", "Bullying", "Cannibalism", "Caring Protagonist", "Confinement", "Forced into a Relationship", "Forced Living Arrangements", "Identity Crisis", "Mind Control", "Nudity", "Romantic Subplot", "Tomboyish Female Lead", "Transplanted Memories", "Vampires" ] }
The Hundred Questions (part 2)   When I walked in and closed the bathroom door behind me, I leaned back against it and whispered to myself. “What a joke.” He’d given me the opportunity to ask him that ‘Hundred Questions’ and we’d barely made it through one or two. If it was going to be like this, I wasn’t sure, but I might figure these answers out myself before he could empty a Marlboros box. No. I couldn’t. There was something wrong going on inside of my head and he knew each and every detail about it. Still irritated, I sat down on the bathroom tiles and hugged my knees to try calming down. I had a headache and wasn’t too thrilled about it. I’d like to think without the distraction. Maybe if the whole world stood still for me when I needed it, I’d be able to come up with better solutions to my life than the ones that led me here. What were some questions I wanted to directly ask him? I whispered softly my questions. “My hair. Was that something I could control or would it grow right back out the moment I cut it?” Lifting my gaze, I saw the bathroom mirror and thought about looking at my face again. I wouldn’t be able to tell anything different other than my eyes. “There we go. Why do I have these eyes?” I laughed quietly and shook my head. “What else?” I looked down my knees at my hands, turning them palm up and spreading my fingers out to see them for what they were. “Are these my hands? Will I have to learn to write again with these delicate fingers?” Delicate? Why did I say that? Were my hands rough before? Calloused? I dropped and let my hands hang limply between my closed legs. I didn’t know and wouldn’t find out without him answering me. Only what was wrong with me was reflected back, if I tried searching for those answers by myself, like looking in a mirror. A knocking on the door startled me to sit upright. “Hey, um, I want--” There was a pause before Mr. Corso resumed speaking through the door. “I’m sorry about back there. If you’re up to it, I promise to--” Again, he was silent, except I heard another knock. An odd one. I think he put his forehead on the door? “Could we try again? Please?” While he spoke, I was listening without having any kind of reaction. The moment he said ‘Please’ caused my lips to tug down. That irritation I had before was now in my eyes. They were watering. I breathed in a deep one and let it out slowly. “May I shower first?” Shit, my voice was cracking. I closed my eyes and bowed my head to try and calm down again. “Open the door.” I heard him step away while I got up off the floor. My hand went around the doorknob to open it-- Then I stopped, realizing what I was doing. That headache I’d had earlier re-announced itself, like I had forgotten it was there and it was presented with an encore. I stood still and waited a moment to collect my thoughts. He didn’t give me time to think. The knob twisted in my hand from his side of the doorway. I let go and backed away from the door. Mr. Corso took a quick glance in, reacted as if he was about to turn away, but faced me after his hesitation. I guess he wasn’t sure if I was dressed? Why would that matter? He’s undressed me once already. At least, I think he did? Maybe he left me with an order to do so and I obeyed it, like I was going to open the door for him. A wavering smile was on his face. He showed the palm of his other hand while still holding the door open. That hand raised, a wave given to me and then a gesture for me to come closer. I hesitated at first, but closed the distance between us after a moment. His smile no longer wavered. The door was given a small push to be fully open. His arms folded around me when I laid and rested my aching forehead on him. I asked him with a voice gone hoarse, “Are you making me do this?” There was a silence between us. I was about to take that as a ‘yes,’ but he finally answered. “I am.” I gave a short laugh at that. “Would--” He went quiet for a moment, sighed, and then continued. “You want me to stop.” That didn’t sound like a question. I rubbed my forehead against his chest, having nodded anyways. “Please?” I heard him laugh for a second. Then I felt him pat me on the back. “One more command and I’ll stop for awhile. I promise not to do any such thing unless for a very good reason.” I waited to hear what exactly this last command was supposed to be. I looked up to see why he had not spoken yet. Still smiling at me, he responded. “A good reason you would understand. Okay?” He nodded to me. “Deal?” I returned the nod and said, “Deal.” His hand slipped behind my head to hold me steady as he laid a kiss on my forehead. In my hair, he spoke softly, “Don’t be afraid of me.” The tension in me, the headache included, disappeared. He held me for a little longer. When he released me, he spoke one last time before he left me. “I’ll be at the table.” I supposed he wished to speak with me after I finished my shower. A pair of scissors. That was something I had begun to look for before I hopped into the shower. There were a stacked set of three drawers on each end of the sink’s counter. I checked each one, but none had any scissors. I suppose he didn’t cut his own hair often or he went to a stylist to take care of that. There was still a cabinet. I might get lucky in that one. Once opened, I took a peek and searched around for a pair. At least I knew where the towels were kept now. Still, no sign of what I had been searching for. I’d ask him about a haircut. After I undressed, I laid my outfit on the counter in the furthest corner from the shower. I stood in front of the mirror to inspect my shoulder. The impression remained, but the teeth marks that had been there were faded enough that I had to really look to see them. Did he really bite a chunk out of me or what? I rolled my shoulder and didn’t feel anything off about it. Might ask him about that too. When I hopped in the shower, it took me a minute to study how the faucet and showerhead worked. On my knees, I tinkered with the faucet, the knobs, and tried the loose button on the base of the faucet. At first, I thought it was broken and resigned myself to bathe. Luckily, I figured it out. I was accustomed to a push button, back at my old home, whereas the ‘loose button’ turned out to be a diverter that required I pull it. With a startled shriek, I fell back and scampered away from the spray of frozen water. Once I recovered, I carefully fine tuned the knobs and the water adjusted to a comfortable temperature for me to stand and walk under. After I finished with my shower, I accepted the fact I’d experienced this ‘wrong’ sensation for awhile, if not forever. Maybe I’d get used to it? Kind of like how someone can get used to a chronic illness. It’d be okay, I supposed. Dried and toweled up, my dirty clothes gathered, I left the bathroom to head straight up the stairs for my room. Another question I had for Mr. Corso: Where to store my dirty clothes? I’d yet to see a clothes hamper anywhere and I absolutely refused to toss my discarded outfits onto this cobwebbed floor. It made my skin crawl when I thought about spiders hidden beneath the white sticky threads that carpeted the floor. I made certain to be fully dried before I dug into my dresser drawers. Out of all the underwear, I continued to pick out the same kind of black pair. They had different lace patterns, but the type was the same. Once again, skipped the bras in the second drawer. I took out a regular V-cut black tee. Then the default drawers of jeans and socks. I’d have to question what was the deal with all these jeans.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2868", "id": "2951", "q": 0.8663636363636364, "title": "Watching and Waiting - Chapter 5: The Hundred Questions (part 2)", "author": "mrsimple", "chapters": 6, "rating": 4.7, "rating_ct": 13, "genre": [ "Adult", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Horror", "Mature", "Psychological", "School Life", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Abusive Characters", "Adopted Protagonist", "Appearance Changes", "Bickering Couple", "Blood Manipulation", "Bloodlines", "Brainwashing", "Bullying", "Cannibalism", "Caring Protagonist", "Confinement", "Forced into a Relationship", "Forced Living Arrangements", "Identity Crisis", "Mind Control", "Nudity", "Romantic Subplot", "Tomboyish Female Lead", "Transplanted Memories", "Vampires" ] }
Andric walked slowly throughout the day. As he walked, he became hungry, and he headed into the forest to find an area where nobody would interrupt him. First, he cast a spell to detect eyesight being placed on him or around him. The spell cost a large amount of mana, so it was impractical to use as a continuous-type spell. Luckily, nobody was looking in Andric’s direction, and the spell disappeared without flashing a bright red light. Next, Andric cast a spell on himself. His spell floated in front of his chest, then burst onto him. The mana inside it entered his body and converted the waste inside him into nutrients, which then recirculated through his body. A few seconds later, as his bloodstream received the nutrients, his hunger went away. After that, Andric cast another eyesight detection spell. Again, there was nobody looking at him. He confirmed that he was still safe, then picked up a stick. He cast a spell at the stick, causing it to explode into millions of fragments. The fragments collected into a ball, and the mass changed composition. Transmuting mass required a huge amount of mana, but Andric didn’t have any shortage of mana. The fragments of wood transformed into droplets of water, which floated in the air in front of Andric. After the stick fully transformed, Andric cast a continuous-type spell to allow him to slowly drink the sphere of water. Replacing a human’s need to eat and drink with magic was only slightly difficult. If Andric wanted to completely shift his body away from mortal nutrition, he could do so with only a few spells. However, to change back was much more difficult. For the sake of his growth and keeping up appearances in Einburg, Andric hadn’t changed his body to rely solely on mana for sustenance. Once his body required only mana to keep alive, ingesting normal food would become a hindrance. A magician could engrave their arcane core with one spell that would be continuously activated. Some chose detection-type spells, but truly wise magicians engraved their arcane core with a spell to provide their body with all the necessities it required. The spell Andric knew would recycle his sweat, blood, and waste, and allow him to live for hundreds of years without breathing, eating, or sleeping. If he ate food when that spell was engraved in his arcane core, he would permanently gain weight. After a period of time, he would eventually need to cut out his flesh to maintain a proper weight. Andric cast one more eyesight detection spell, and the results came up clean. He sat on a fallen tree trunk for a few minutes and finished drinking. In his growth period, he knew it was important to take in extra mass, so that was the only reason he continued to drink water after leaving Einburg. He estimated that he could stop in a few more years. Andric returned to the road after about fifteen minutes of rest. He had walked for hours, and he was surprisingly tired. He silently cursed at the inefficiency of traveling without flying, then continued on his way, occasionally taking breaks to rest his legs. The road through the forest was wide enough for three wagons to travel abreast. Over the years, the road had morphed from only a single-wagon width to three-wagons width. Although the road itself was nothing more than trampled dirt where no grass grew, it was a major road of Hochland. And, along major roads, bandits were always patrolling. An hour after Andric stopped to satiate his hunger, he saw a man further up the road, walking toward him. The man was dressed similarly to Andric, with simple clothes and a straw hat, but he also had a sword on his waist. Andric glanced at the forest around him, but he didn’t see any bandits hiding in the shadows. He kept walking, getting closer to the man in the straw hat. Andric wasn’t certain of how much time had passed between his original death and his reincarnation, but bandit techniques never changed. Andric and the man slowly approached each other, then passed each other. A second later, something sharp pressed against Andric’s back, and the man said, “Don’t make any moves.” Andric didn’t listen to the man and ran forward. He quickly escaped the reach of the man’s weapon, and he turned around while raising his hands. The man nimbly approached Andric, slowing down when Andric turned around. The man didn’t see any weapon on Andric’s body, so he switched his knife to his left hand and drew his sword. The man raised his sword in the air, as if he was about to chop it down onto Andric’s head. Andric backed up and created a spell in his hand, then tossed the spell out. The spell picked up speed on its own and crashed into the man, who panicked upon seeing the gaseous ball emerge from Andric’s hand. The spell was too fast for the man to react to. He swung his sword in the spell’s path, but the spell had already hit his body. He paused, waiting to see what would happen. Andric only grinned and waited with him. The next second, the man’s hands popped off at the wrists. They split off like chicken pulled from the bone, and two streams of blood erupted from the man’s arms. “Ah!” he screamed and fell backward. When he initially spotted Andric, he saw his age and figured him to be an easy target. However, he never expected that he would lose his hands by some mysterious martial technique. To the man without hands, it never occurred to him that a young man like Andric could be an accomplished martialist, and he didn’t even know what a magician was, so it was impossible for him to make that connection. Andric looked around and cast an eyesight detection spell. If there was someone watching him, the spell would send a ray of red light toward the person, making them easy to find. After Andric cast the spell, a single ray of light shone onto the man who lost his hands. “You work alone?” Andric asked. The ray of red light disappeared after a second, but the man without hands continued to hall a slight red glow about him. Andric sent out a pulse of mana, making the red glow disappear as well. “Yes!” the man painfully shouted. His arms were still bleeding, and he squirmed in pain. If given a few more seconds, he would die of blood loss. “That’s too bad,” Andric frowned and said. Andric had hopped the man would have some reinforcements in the forest. Then, he would be able to kill them and loot all their bodies. Andric waited for the man to pass out, then walked over to where the man’s hands fell. He picked up the hand that held the man’s sword, and he pried it from the man’s dead hand. The sword was made from cheap steel, but it would work as a weapon. Andric swung it a few times, but he didn’t feel comfortable with it. After all, even in his previous life, he had never used a sword. He walked back to the man’s body and stabbed him in the neck, ensuring he was dead. Then, he used the sword to tap the man’s clothes. Coins were made from metal, so they were easy to find underneath clothing. Sure enough, the man had a pocket sewn on the inside of his jacket, and the pocket contained a few silver and copper coins. The man had no luggage, making Andric think he wasn’t a simple traveler like himself. The man had no reinforcements waiting in the forest, but that wasn’t enough to rule out him being a bandit. It could be that he was going on his own for a little, or that he was a scout who was supposed to return somewhere if a merchant caravan was spotted. Because the man was dead, Andric couldn’t ask him any questions, so he had no way to know for sure. The man really could’ve been a traveler without any luggage who thought he could rob a stranger. Andric took the sword and the coins and continued walking. He left the body where it was, allowing animals in the forest to clean up the mess. He briefly considered the possibility of some authority finding the body and tracing it back to him, but he remembered that he hadn’t seen a single authority during his thirty-some days of traveling with the merchant caravan. For the first time in his new life, Andric had killed someone. He thought it would feel good, but, as he was walking away, he began to feel worse about it. The man deserved to die for the actions he took against Andric, but Andric’s mentality had unknowingly changed over the last fifteen years. His previous life had ended among scores of slaughter, but his new life was marked with a period of peace that lasted for fifteen years. After experiencing death, rebirth, and the unconditional love of a mother, it was impossible for Andric to remain unchanged. Andric held the sword with one hand and loosely slashed the air in front of him. He didn’t know any sword techniques, but he had learned a few things about swords from Instructor Hubert’s lessons. In the martial world, swords were the prefered weapon for martialists. Although there were also spears, axes, hammers, crossbows, whips, and daggers, all of them added together could not compare with the number of sword users. In the past, spears were the most famous weapon because of their ability to be used in army formations. Crossbows were also once famous, because they could be used to kill targets from a distance. Then, with the advent of martial techniques that allowed single martialists to contend with armies, army formations became less useful, and crossbows with a set limit to their power became too weak. Eventually, swords rose to become the dominant weapon across the world. There were many martialists who used swords or other weapons, but there were also many who didn’t use weapons. Unarmed martial techniques were some of the ones with the longest histories, and they were sometimes the most powerful. But, they were difficult to master, and their use would result in heavy strain being applied to the body. If a sword technique was used in conjunction with a weak sword, the sword would break. If a fist technique was used in conjunction with a weak fist, the fist would break. Obviously, one of these things was more detrimental to the martialist practicing the technique. Andric casually played with the sword. He didn’t expect to use it in actual combat. First of all, he was only at the third stage of the Human realm, placing him far below the strength of any Novice realm martialists. If there were two Human realm martialists trying to take his life, he had no confidence in being able to protect himself with his meager cultivation. He would need to rely on his magic, and he couldn’t use magic with a sword in his hand. He walked for a long time, until he saw something glisten inside the forest. He immediately thought of light reflecting against armor or weapons, and he dashed to hide behind a tree. He waited a few seconds, but he didn’t hear anything, so he cast one of his eyesight detecting spells to figure out what was going on. After the spell activated, it detected nobody looking in his direction, and he confusedly walked out from behind the tree. He slowly approached the location where he saw the flash of light. As he drew closer, he raised his guard. Once he arrived, a shiver ran down his spine. On the ground, under a thin cover of leaves, half a dozen mangled bodies were dumped into a pile. Their blood had long since washed away, and their flesh was rotting. Two of the bodies wore metal armor, which was what reflected the light that Andric saw. They appeared to be a family of four and their two guards, who had been slaughtered and abandoned in the forest.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2860", "id": "6089", "q": 0.7318181818181819, "title": "Shatter the Heavens; Slaughter the Gods - Chapter 12 – Line of Sight", "author": "Forrest", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.9, "rating_ct": 25, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Mature", "Seinen" ], "tags": [ "Cruel Characters", "Cultivation", "Cunning Protagonist", "Magic" ] }
The martial way was developed over the course of thousands of years, and its methods were tested by millions of people. To reach the state of mind that was required for the Novice realm, certain experiences needed to be had. Some people were simply incapable of changing their state of mind, and some people were born with the necessary state of mind. There was only one fact that stayed unequivocally true along the entirety of the martial way: only the strong survived. Andric, now a Novice realm martialist, emerged from his cave and breathed in the fresh air that was outside it. Winter had came. Andric quickly went back inside the cave and change into a fresh pair of clothes and a coat. He could’ve used magic to maintain his temperature, but wearing a coat in the winter would help him fit in, and his martial realm was enough to protect him from the most damaging chill. A thin layer of snow covered the ground. The nearby stream flowed normally. There were no birds in the sky. Andric looked down the stream, then started walking. He infused his feet with spirit energy, allowing him to move faster than normally possible through the snow. Wherever he stepped, he left a large footprint behind. “Silent Gallop.” He took two steps forward, and each one left only a tiny footprint. The steps made with the Silent Gallop Technique were silent to the point that not even the snow under Andric’s foot crunched when he stepped on it. ‘This is pretty good,’ he thought, and he continued to use the martial technique while moving alongside the stream. Andric traveled through the forest for several days, eventually reaching an area where the trees gave way to a plain. Many tree stumps were on the border of the forest and the plain, and a small house was located a short distance away. The stream passed by the house, flowing beyond sight. Having a house near the forest wasn’t a strange thing. The forest had an abundance of wealth inside, including wood for building or fires, meat from hunting, and plants for medicine. The stream could provide fish, and the nearby plains were excellent for farming. Andric considered whoever lived in the house by the forest to be lucky to have such a prime spot to make their home. Andric cautiously approached the house. He could see well-attended farmland beyond the house, but he didn’t see any farmers. There was a possibility that the inhabitants of the house were inside or were away. The best situation would them being at their house, because Andric would be able to ask them for directions to the nearest town. He had, unwittingly, lost his way in the forest, and he didn’t want to fly too high, where he would be able to see the nearby towns, but other people would be able to see him. Smoke billowed from the house’s chimney, but that wasn’t proof that someone was living there. Under the right conditions, a fireplace could burn for hours, enough for farmers to keep their house warm when they left in the morning until they returned at night. Andric stood in front of the door to the house and knocked on it, then took one step backward. He waited for a few seconds, and a young man answered the door. “Hello?” the man said, opening his door a crack and looking outside. “Hello, I don’t mean to bother you, but I was passing by, and I hoped you could tell me in which direction the nearest town is located,” Andric quickly explained himself while keeping his expression pleasant. He didn’t have any weapon on his body, and he was several years younger than the man inside the house. “Oh, there’s a town about twenty miles in that direction,” the man said and pointed away from the forest, further across the plains. He then said, “If you need it, I’ve got a place by my fire for you to warm up at.” “Many thanks, but I’ve business that can’t be delayed,” Andric replied, pleasantly surprised that the man had offered the shelter him for a short while. Andric couldn’t think of benefit the man would’ve gained by allowing a stranger into his home, unless he had a thing for human flesh. “Alright, safe travels,” the man said and closed his door. Andric took one last look at the house and began walking in the direction the man pointed to. There was less snow on the ground outside the forest, allowing Andric’s speed to increase slightly. He continued to use Silent Gallop, and he reached a small town just after sundown. The small town appeared to be around half the size of Einburg, and it was named Radegart. A few Novice realm guards patrolled the outside of the town. Andric asked one for directions to a tavern, and the guard led him the way there. In the middle of winter, the only a few crops could be grown. During the time that the farmers couldn’t work, they piled into taverns, drinking wine and eating meat. The moment Andric entered the tavern, dozens of eyes were placed on him, and they didn’t look away for several seconds. They quickly sized him up, but figured he was harmless because of his age. Andric might’ve reached the Novice realm and grown a little bit, but he was still only fifteen years old and had lived a sheltered life. The eight months spent in the cave had made his skin pale, contrasting significantly with the tanned skin of most of the townspeople. He ignored the stares and sat at an empty table. Around him, the conversations were either about farming or the martial way. Andric had never been to any of Einburg’s taverns, so it was a new experience for him. After a couple minutes of waiting, a generously endowed woman approached Andric to take his order. “Having something to eat or something to drink?” she asked, standing at the opposite end of his table. “Roast meat and wine. Also, how much is a room, here?” Andric asked and looked up. “It’s five copper coins per night, meals not included. It’ll be twenty copper coins for the roast meat and wine,” the woman replied, smiling politely. Andric reached into his bag of storage and took out a silver coin without hesitation. He had thousands of silver coins, so he could afford to spend money to sleep in a warm building. He handed the silver coin to the woman and said, “I’ll use the change to rent a room.” “Thank you very much,” the woman said, taking the silver coin, and walked to the kitchen. A short time later, a plate of roast meat and a large cup of wine was brought out to Andric. At the same time, a man came to give Andric the key to a room on the second floor. Eighty copper coins paid for the room for sixteen nights. In those sixteen days, Andric intended to study his meditation techniques and martial techniques further. At the moment, he had only skimmed over a few meditation techniques, and he only knew three martial techniques to the point of being able to use them outside of combat, but he was far from mastering them. Using the Silent Gallop Technique for several continuous days had lotted Andric a small amount of mastery over the martial technique, but he could only manage up to four steps before his chain of spirit energy broke, and the technique failed. Andric’s Burning Palm Technique and Bolder Crushing Sword Technique were only usable when he concentrated on the particular spirit energy movements that they required. In combat, they were useless to him. The roast meat from the tavern was warm and flavorful. Back in Einburg, his family rarely had meat. When traveling with the merchant caravan, the travelers had soup for meals. Until now, he had never had a large slab of meat on a plate for his meal. The wine was fragrant, but in an ordinary way. Andric hadn’t drank wine in Einburg, so he couldn’t compare the two towns based on their wines. Andric finished eating and went up to his room. When he entered, he found that the room was little more than enough space to fit a bed. The room had a small table with a lamp on it next to the bed, and that was all. Andric checked his bag of storage and sighed. The accommodations were minimal, but they were enough for him. He was only upset that there wasn't enough space in his room to practice his martial techniques. Andric laid on the bed, waiting to sleep. Below him, the townspeople inside the tavern were still very active, and much of their noise made it up to Andric’s room. He contemplated for a few seconds, then cast a spell on the floor. The burst across the entire room and coated all of the walls, the floor, and the ceiling. After it fully activated, Andric’s couldn’t hear a sound from downstairs, precisely the effect of the spell. The next day, Andric went out to a snowy field and furiously practiced the Burning Palm Technique. He was already at the first stage of the Novice realm, but he only practiced the first rank of the Burning Palm Technique. As such, he only used a miniscule amount of his total spirit energy, allowing him to practice the martial technique many times without needed to replenish his spirit energy reserves. The effects of the Burning Palm Technique were easily spotted when Andric held a ball of snow in his hand. When he did so, the ball of snow quickly melted into water and dripped out of his hand. At the first rank of the martial technique, he couldn’t increase the temperature of his palm more than fifty percent of his body temperature, but it was enough to make snow melt. Furthermore, he hands didn’t get cold from picking up snow. He practiced the martial technique all morning and well into the evening. He stepped forward and struck out with his palm, devoting muscle memory to the task. He thrust hundreds of times, and he only used spirit energy when he felt like the movement was correct. The most important part to using the Burning Palm Technique was having a correctly strained wrist. If the wrist was too lose, the martial technique wouldn’t activate, but if the wrist was too tight, the martial technique would overload with spirit energy before its effects could manifest. Andric studied the Burning Palm Technique and the Flaming Fist Technique, and he noticed that the two of them were similar in certain ways. Their visualization chants were only different by a few syllables, and their utilization of spirit energy was almost identical. They only significantly differed when the spirit energy was activated. After comparing the two martial techniques, Andric wanted to begin practicing the Flaming Fist Technique, but he held off. He decided to continue to practice the Burning Palm Technique until he mastered it, then to move onto other martial techniques. At noon, Andric went back to the tavern and ate lunch. The tavern didn’t have a variety of options beyond one type of meat and a few vegetables, but it had to be expected for during the winter. During the afternoon and throughout the evening, Andric continued to practice his martial techniques. From dawn until dusk, Andric practiced the Burning Palm Technique. The snow on the ground melted, but he could feel the heat of his palm increasing without needing something to test it on. Soon, he would reach completion with the first rank of the Burning Palm Technique.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2860", "id": "11931", "q": 0.7318181818181819, "title": "Shatter the Heavens; Slaughter the Gods - Chapter 18 – Martial Techniques", "author": "Forrest", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.9, "rating_ct": 25, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Mature", "Seinen" ], "tags": [ "Cruel Characters", "Cultivation", "Cunning Protagonist", "Magic" ] }
‘Not much time left.’ A figure stood at the top of a stone pillar, watching as an army approached him. The conglomeration of over one hundred thousand swordsmen, knights, archers, and magicians were slowly marching toward him, brandishing weapons or wands, ready to fight for their country. The figure on the stone pillar raised his own wand, and a portion of the army flinched. Very few of the soldiers were veterans of battles fought against the figure, but only because the figure was so ruthless with his methods. ‘Time to get started,’ the figure thought, as he cast the first spell of the fight. The figure laid at the base of the pillar, silently casting spells into the air while bleeding from his chest. His eyes clouded over, and he resorted to using spells that didn’t need to be aimed. His free hand was placed over the hole in his chest, and his other hand continued to cast spells through his wand. “Arminius!” a knight in golden armor shouted, approaching the injured figure. The figure launched a spell at the knight, but he wasn’t able to see to aim, and he missed. The knight raised his sword directly over the figure’s body and said, “The age of magicians is over; the age of the martial way has begun!” He stabbed downward, cutting into the figure’s neck and severing his head.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2860", "id": "2862", "q": 0.7318181818181819, "title": "Shatter the Heavens; Slaughter the Gods - Prologue – The Age of Magicians", "author": "Forrest", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.9, "rating_ct": 25, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Mature", "Seinen" ], "tags": [ "Cruel Characters", "Cultivation", "Cunning Protagonist", "Magic" ] }