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balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | several weeks ago. the Senate was embroiled in a debate over an amendment to balance the budget. We heard long speeches about how Congress could not be trusted to manage Federal spending and make tough choices to cut programs. | 09/08/1992 | PATRICK LEAHY | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | Encouraging national service at the grassroots level. Killing AmeriCorps will have a minuscule impact on the effort to balance the budget. but it will also kill the enthusiasm the program was designed to inspire in young Americans. | 07/27/1995 | SAM GEJDENSON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | The American people want it. They are tired of the excuses from Washington. and they want us to prove that we can balance the budget just like they do every day of their lives. | 10/26/1995 | BRIAN BILBRAY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | Wage demands that force price levels up are selfdefeating. Pressures for more deficitfinanced welfare programs further undermine the value of the dollar. The longterm effect is to diminish not only the value of the currency. | 03/09/1959 | ALEXANDER WILEY | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | This is how the article begins: Cuban immigrants are cashing in on U.S. welfare and returning to the island. | 04/14/2016 | MARCO RUBIO | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | Fortynine billion dollars of insensitive spending cuts offset by $282 billion in lost revenues and tax cuts for the rich and powerful. | 05/20/1993 | CARRIE MEEK | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | Anybody that has benefited in any way from Government spending is the target of their cuts. They go about providing a phenomenal tax cut to the richest people in this country. providing literally $20.000 a year to people with incomes above $350.000 and. | 10/26/1995 | JOSEPH KENNEDY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | but only if the savings from those loopholes go to make permanent the tax cuts that drain the education budget and leave our children at risk. | 03/10/2004 | MARY LANDRIEU | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
public school | public school | racist | I do not know when it is going to be clear that forced busing has done more to destroy confidence in and support of the .public schools of America than any other device since public schools came into existence. | 06/19/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | R |
terrorism | Islamic terrorism | Islamophobic | They come down here and any time that they can find the time they want to talk about withdrawing from Iraq and appeasing the very world leaders who let the Middle East get away with terrorism for decades before we took a firm stance. | 10/28/2005 | MARSHA BLACKBURN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | R |
public school | public school | racist | The hundreds of thousands of constituents who called our offices demand explicit language that will prevent the Federal Government from ever reaching into private schools and home schools to wreak on them the damage that it has done to education in the public schools. | 02/24/1994 | ROSCOE BARTLETT | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | There is no statute which directs their location on one side of the highway. Urban area residents get mall service at their front door. There is no basis for compelling some citizens to risk their lives in order to receive their mail. | 03/14/1975 | CHARLES VANIK | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | DEAR TOM: I write this letter out of concem for our social system as well as anger about the system for welfare benefits that prevail at this time. | 03/18/1982 | THOMAS TAUKE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | same old policies. every problem should have a tax cut for the wealthy. That is what got us into this mess. | 03/25/2009 | DEBBIE STABENOW | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | He does have one proposal. Another tax cut for the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans. We have tried that one all right. | 10/22/1991 | ALBERT GORE | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | I am much more concerned with the larger issue: that Congress is not comprehending the urban crisis of our time. | 09/19/1967 | WILLIAM RYAN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
public school | public school | racist | I rise to support the amendment offered by my distinguished colleagues from Indiana and Connecticut which authorizes a limited demonstration of ways of expanding school choices for parents of lowincome childrenincluding the option of choosing a nonpublic school. | 02/08/1994 | DAVID DURENBERGER | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | R |
public school | public school | racist | It is a chart they use to rationalize vouchers. taking money out of public schools and giving it to a few kids to go to private schools. It is a chart they use to say public education doesnt work in America today. | 09/29/1999 | RICHARD DURBIN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | Similar increases were approved to those serving in our military branches. In many urban areas salary increases are being given to firemen. policemen. | 07/31/1958 | VICTOR ANFUSO | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | and the target. so that you can try to balance the budget. has been placed right on the programs like SNAP. | 07/11/2013 | JAMES MCGOVERN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
terrorist | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | Terrorist states and organizations around the globe are striving to take the word freedom out of Americas vocabulary. | 09/05/2002 | JIM BUNNING | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | R |
terrorist | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | "We consider Latin America and the Caribbean as being highly likely bases for future terrorist threats to the U.S. and others." | 11/05/2007 | RON KLEIN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | It is not necessary to remind the committee and the House that this side of the aisle is fully as economyminded as that side of the aisle as evidenced by the cut of $81/2 billion in the budget enacted in the last session. We on this side will go along with you in an effort to balance the budget. You cannot do it. | 02/18/1953 | CLARENCE CANNON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | In 1995. we promised the American people we would balance the budget and reduce the Federal debt. In 1997. | 03/23/1999 | BOB SCHAFFER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | By our vote this morning we have started to begin to harness the energy and the resources that we have in this country with showing some fiscal responsibilitybalance the budget and. | 07/31/1997 | CHARLES HAGEL | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | at the push of President Bush and his Republican colleagues in both Houses. this Congress passed a major tax cut. mostly for the wealthy in 2001. | 05/05/2011 | SHERROD BROWN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | Therefore. if we are ever to balance the budget. the President needs to utilize the veto as a weapon and we need to back him up. | 03/31/1987 | JOEL HEFLEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | In our Nations capital. We fought for a decade to balance the budgetand Republicans are proud that it has now happened. it happened on our watch with aur fiscal conservatismbut now we have a PresIdent who wants to throw up the facade of saving Social Security and yet sending a very large spending package to Capitol Hill. | 10/05/1998 | LARRY CRAIG | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | It is a shortsighted attempt to balance the budget on the backs of those who have risked their lives to defend this country. | 05/20/1982 | GEORGE MITCHELL | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
public school | public school | racist | Let me just start this debate with that understanding to Members who want to come to the floor that way. The District of Columbia public schools are poor. very. | 04/30/1998 | ELEANOR NORTON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | I am afraid that too many of my Democratic friends are already .demon.strating that they have no real intention to cut expenditures or balance the budget. | 02/07/1949 | CHARLES HALLECK | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | The Republican budget proposes yet another $6 trillion tax cut for the top 1 percent in our country while focusing 66 percent of their cuts on shredding our Nations critical safety net for our children. | 03/19/2013 | BARBARA LEE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | the Republicans decide this is a great time to slip through a budget while people are watching the Iraq situation and may not pay attention to the big tax cuts for the very wealthy. | 03/20/2003 | ALBERT WYNN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
public school | public school | racist | which pretty well represented the city. Today in our public schools we have 80 percent80percent minority. If they keep on turning it into a minority school system the public schools will lose the thrust of what we really want and what we desire. | 03/24/1982 | JAMES COLLINS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | In an echo of last years dysfunctional priorities. the majority has once again chosen to balance the budget on the backs of the poor. children. | 05/16/1996 | RONALD COLEMAN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | My legislation to block congressional pay raises until we balance the budget offers meaningful reform. | 03/11/2009 | VERN BUCHANAN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | The very same people who are going to come on the floor and vote to balance the budget are refusing to bite the bullet when it comes to closing tax loopholes. | 03/25/1986 | HOWARD METZENBAUM | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | We have a moral responsibility to balance the budget and a moral responsibility to protect the American dream for our grandchildren. | 01/31/1996 | JACK METCALF | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | Repeatedly we Republicans have been accused of making cuts that are meanspirited as we attempt to balance the budget. | 05/18/1995 | GERALD SOLOMON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | This debate is about giving women access to health care services. The Republicans want to eliminate these services in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. Family planning is costeffective and necessary. | 08/02/1995 | KEN BENTSEN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | but while they risk their lives for us. Republicans in Congress are providing tax cuts for the richest 1 percent of Americans. slashing programs for workingclass families and turning their backs on the middle class. | 05/17/2006 | JAMES LANGEVIN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | Oppose massive cuts soon to be considered In Congress: Prohibit the use of savings in Medicare and Medicaid for tax cuts for welloff citizens. | 05/04/1995 | THOMAS DASCHLE | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | I am simply casting a protest vote against what I consider to be the misguided priorities and the insufficient attention to deficit reduction as opposed to tax cuts for highincome folks. | 06/29/1995 | DAVID OBEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
terrorist | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | Our terrorist field hearings last week proved one thing: The vulnerabilities on our southern border are monumental. | 07/12/2006 | TED POE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | Jobs are to be created in the private sector. That is why we are trying to balance the budget and get lower interest rates. The simple fact of the matter is it does not have a mission anymore. | 06/23/1997 | JOHN KASICH | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | If we balance the budget simply by raising taxes and ignoring this problem the American people know fully well it is going to come back next year and we are not going to get the drop in interest rates that we would by doing it by facing these problenis head on. | 05/18/1982 | NICHOLAS BRADY | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
terrorism | Islamic terrorism | Islamophobic | there can be no greater reminder to us of what is at stake in our war against terrorism then four innocent people from my hometown nearly cut down by the senseless hatred ot radical Islamists. | 05/16/2006 | BARBARA CUBIN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | As I have stated again and again. the only answer is for Congress to slash Government spending and balance the budget. Until Government begins to live within its means our country will continue to be plagued by inflation. | 05/13/1976 | JOHN ASHBROOK | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | Their party over on that side of the aisle controls the Senate. They have enough votes to come in here this afternoon and balance the budget. They are not going to do that because they want to fund all their pet schemes. | 08/04/1982 | DONALD RIEGLE | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | that they would provide a huge tax cut to the wealthiest people in this Nation. they would balance the budget. they would add money to the military. | 05/03/1995 | GEORGE MILLER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | There to affordable and adequate homeowners have been no hearings on this proposal insurance have proven severe for urban by either the Banking Committee or areas with large minority commu- the Judiciary Committee. | 09/27/1995 | RUSSELL FEINGOLD | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | I initiated and circulated this resolution because I believe there is a growing perception that the social security costofliving adjustment is a quick and easy way to find the dollars to balance the budget. | 03/30/1982 | HOWARD METZENBAUM | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
public school | public school | racist | In some casesI say this with great regretin some cases the only quality schools that exist in some central city areas are the nonpublic schools. | 05/04/1978 | PAUL SIMON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | The socalled economic stimulus package is based on tax cuts that go primarily to the wealthiest Americans. | 01/28/2003 | MICHAEL MICHAUD | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | That is what the election was about. We told them we would balance the budget and cut taxes. Mr. President. | 05/21/1997 | DUNCAN FAIRCLOTH | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | in my opinion. the only way to balance the Budget is to reduce expenses. When it comes to the amendment which proposes to reduce exemptions. | 06/22/1939 | ROBERT TAFT | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | They are unable to collect local property taxes from the buildings. Most public housing units are located in our major urban areas. It makes no sense to continue to penalize these already fiscally bankrupt cities. | 06/27/1972 | ADLAI STEVENSON | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | and particularly problems facing lowincome urban communities where in many situations nothing but crime and drugs are the prevalent activities of those organizations. | 04/28/1998 | DANIEL COATS | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | you are living in poverty. The current minimum wage offers little incentive to go off welfare and find a Job. Some say that increasing the minimum wage will cost Jobs. | 02/08/1995 | CAROLYN MALONEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | State governments are primarily controlled by people who are concerned about suburban and other than urban communities. | 02/25/1997 | MAJOR OWENS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | So the anomaly is that the whole issue of welfare reform comes to focus because many people are looking at it as a way to save money. to close down the deficit or help balance the budget. But in truth. | 03/24/1994 | PATSY MINK | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | The sad thing is to hear our colleagues come to this floor and say we have to cut the education of our children to balance the budget. | 08/03/1995 | NANCY PELOSI | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | maybe it does not have good old American selfreliance. maybe it has been on the welfare program too long. maybe it is the victim of welfareism. | 06/25/1974 | HUBERT HUMPHREY | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | It will cost the Americans more. And they keep saying they have a 7year plan to balance the budget. but the first step is a step backward. | 01/05/1996 | GENE TAYLOR | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | but I do believe at a time when we are talking about potential major cuts as a result of a constitutional amendment to balance the budget. | 05/28/1992 | DANIEL GLICKMAN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | The Presidents cuts will also affect Latinos across the country who are struggling to put food on their tables. We must end the irresponsible cuts to the food stamp program that pays for tax cuts for the wealthy. and we must oppose this Presidents budget. | 03/29/2006 | DIANE WATSON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | The people of America remember that just 3 years ago when Gerald Ford left the Presidency inflation was 4.5 percent. Yet Carter in just 3 years has carried inflation from 4 percent to 18 percent18 percent. What we need to do in Congress is to cut this excessive welfare spending and balance the budget. | 03/26/1980 | JAMES COLLINS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
terrorism | Islamic terrorism | Islamophobic | that Musharraf could fight both global terrorism and local terrorism by Islamic fundamentalists that still takes place in Kashmir and India. | 06/18/2002 | FRANK PALLONE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | the President of the United States has maintained that we should pass a separate bill for this program. In another area of some dispute is the urban renewal program. In S. 57 as passed by the Congress it provided for 2 years. | 08/27/1959 | WILLIAM THORNBERRY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | I think what the Senator from Maine and the Senator from Kentucky are trying to do is elemental justice and a recognition of the adulthood of the States which have major urban problems. | 09/19/1972 | JACOB JAVITS | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | Yet hidden inside this budget Is a major tax cut that will make it impossible for us to be able to provide what is important for the country. | 03/19/2003 | PATTY MURRAY | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | that it speaks to each and every condition that has been identified in those communities that in so many instances contribute so much to the deficit that is a part of this Nation by virtue of the social welfare costs. | 07/28/1993 | FLOYD FLAKE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | The resulting cycle of welfare dependency and agonizing poverty maintains illiteracy as one of the major causes for low living standards and economic dislocation in rural communities. | 08/03/1989 | JAMES SANFORD | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
public school | public school | racist | and the two top concerns that were mentioned just about every place I went was safety and discipline for all students in the public school system. | 05/12/1997 | CHRISTOPHER BOND | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | R |
balance the budget | balance the budget | conservative | balance the budget and reduce the tax burden and get our Government back on a sound financial basis where it rested before this exorbitant spending was inaugurated by the Roosevelt and Truman administrations. | 07/31/1953 | HOMER ANGELL | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Cut public services and aid to vulnerable populations | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | in fact. signal that this is the end of the commitment to urban America that began In the 1960s? Is it. | 10/07/1985 | PHIL GRAMM | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | the American people cannot afford to have us repeat the grievous mistake of the 1990 census when 4 million people were missed. 80 percent of whom were urban Americans. 50 percent of whom were children. | 08/05/1998 | LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | It is comprised of prosecutors and judges from around this Nation. It is not an organization that is in the hip pocket of some inner city or some local urban gang. But what the U.S. Sentencing Commission came to tell the Committee on the Judiciary was that this Nation has a problem. | 10/18/1995 | SHEILA JACKSON LEE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | we are working to see how we can give a bigger tax cut for the wealthy and how we can take it away from the poor. | 11/01/2005 | EDDIE JOHNSON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | Rather than holding tax relief for the vast majority of American families and small businesses hostage to more tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent. | 08/01/2012 | ROSA DELAURO | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | Unemployment and welfare dependency is clearly an expensive alternative to providing sufficient basic skills and training for our Nations youth and adults. | 10/25/1990 | PAUL SIMON | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | I hope that the gentleman will not insist on his point of order because this goes to the very heart of what the majority has tried to do in terms of the Istook amendment which is dealing with welfare for lobbyists and we just simply want to clarify it and improve upon that part which already exists under a legislating provision in an appropriations bill for which there are 29 different such provisions of legislating in this appropriations bill which have been protected under the rule. | 08/03/1995 | ROBERT MENENDEZ | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | Gun violence has had a disproportionate impact within the African American community and other urban areas. | 01/11/2016 | DONALD PAYNE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | the maximum penalty which most courts can impose is easily absorbed as a cost of doing business and is certainly cheaper than the cost of repairing the shamefully dilapidated dwellings of the urban ghetto. | 03/27/1968 | WILLIAM PROXMIRE | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | This bill is part of the majoritys strategy of financing tax cuts targeted to the well off by cutting domestic spending. | 06/19/2000 | JOHN LARSON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | the Republican majority took the $12 billion in savings from the college student loan programmoney taken out of the programand instead of giving it back to the students to help them get through school. they put the money in a fund to help pay fortax cuts for the wealthiest people in America. That is the most upside down logic in the worldto turn our backs on our young people who are struggling to pay off student loans for education and to say instead that the multimillionaires will receive a more generous tax break. | 06/27/2006 | RICHARD DURBIN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | And it does this all in the name of $1.4 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and corporations. | 03/20/2003 | ROSA DELAURO | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | the hungry. the sick and the vulnerable for tax cuts to the healthiest and wealthiest Americans. Since 2001. | 11/17/2005 | CAROLYN KILPATRICK | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
terrorist | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | They have also organized hundreds of revolutionary and terrorist organizations to operate openly or clandestinely in every nonCommunist country. | 05/31/1979 | ELDON RUDD | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | R |
public school | public school | racist | When we try to explain the regulations and the requirements. we all come away as losers and the public support necessary for the public schools is undermined. We have had several incidents with guns and dangerous knives. | 05/13/1997 | T. GORTON | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | R |
public school | public school | racist | we doom children to unequal lives in our public school system because we do not make the commitment to public schools in the United States of America. | 10/01/1991 | PAUL WELLSTONE | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
public school | public school | racist | I say it is much worse because it provides no limitation whatsoever in dollar amount for attorneys fees for suits brought against local school districts seeking to compel desegregation of public schools. | 04/23/1971 | JAMES ALLEN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Dangerous place with nonwhite kids that wastes tax dollars | Formal | D |
terrorism | Islamic terrorism | Islamophobic | We know there is a monstrous conspiracy against Israel and her foreign outposts all over the world. No nation today is subjected to a greater degree of brutal terrorism than is Israel. and it seems to me that this is an excellent opportunity for us in this House. | 09/21/1972 | ROMAN PUCINSKI | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | as far as I can tell. has been blocked to protect HMOs and insurance companies. The middleclass tax cuts have been blocked in the name of huge tax cuts to the wealthy. Debt reduction has been blocked in the same name. | 09/20/2000 | RICHARD GEPHARDT | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | they conveniently leave out the fact that hundreds of billions of dollars in deficit spending went to pay for their tax cuts for their rich friends. | 07/14/2010 | JAMES MCGOVERN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cuts | cut taxes | racist | At a time when the House leadership is promoting more and more tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the wealthiest Americans. | 11/18/2004 | TIM HOLDEN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | Let us look at the facts. The bipartisan welfare reforms of 1996 have cut the welfare rolls by more than 50 percent. We have succeeded in breaking the welfare web. | 02/13/2003 | CHRIS BELL | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | That is the course which is the result of the 1993 plan that brought fiscal discipline back to this government and led to an incredible economic expansion. Welfare caseloads: Another benefit of getting our fiscal house in order. This is also not only a result of a good economy. | 10/27/1999 | KENT CONRAD | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
terrorist | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | What is happening in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan is that children are being sent to these terrorist schools. | 11/07/2001 | SHEILA JACKSON LEE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |
terrorist | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | as a consequence of which the sale will not go forward and China is unlikely to be constrained in its potential willingness to sell intermediate range missiles to these terrorist countries in the future. | 09/30/1988 | STEPHEN SOLARZ | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Formal | D |