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urban | inner city | racist | restrictions on the use and sale of weapons seem like common sense. Those who live in urban areas. particularly the inner cities. | 06/17/1999 | LAMAR SMITH | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | There is no reason for this Congress to tell States that they should handle their own welfare problems. | 10/09/1997 | DAVID OBEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | we will not have these people on welfare rolls that the gentlewoman from California has identified here. | 05/26/1993 | CARRIE MEEK | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | This partnership has made the dream of home owning a reality for 28 lower income immigrant and minority families in the urban Chicago land area. | 06/21/1995 | PAUL SIMON | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | It may be that the" constituents of a few Senators and Representatives from the urban districts have no use for the seeds. | 02/07/1917 | JAMES VARDAMAN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | and what we are spending the dollars for. is a tax cut for those making over $200.000. and taking away money in this rescissions package from assisted housing that is needed all over the Nation for those who would need to have section 8 rental assistance. | 05/18/1995 | SHEILA JACKSON LEE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | the injection of an additional $20 billion into our volatile economy over the next several years would only result in further economic distress in the urban areas and the Nation as a whole. | 09/15/1974 | WILMER MIZELL | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | He said the one glaring difference between himself and Democratic rival Paul Tsongas was his support for a middleclass tax cut. | 03/10/1994 | FRANK WOLF | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | They chose to provide a massive tax cut to the wealthy the people who need it least and they chose it at the expense of Medicare. | 11/24/2003 | FRANK LAUTENBERG | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | to get better jobs. And the combination of the lack of welfare and the lack of this bizarre multiculturalist philosophy. we had people who integrated into American society. | 05/07/2002 | THOMAS TANCREDO | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | Finally. by requiring registration in welfare and unemployment agencies. it would be extremely difficult to prevent partisan encouragement or coercion. | 06/16/1992 | THOMAS EWING | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | The increase in energy price is also imposing a real economic hardship on thousands of urban citizens in my State. | 05/08/2001 | BOB ETHERIDGE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | energy development. urban encroachmentand the troubles go on. If we are to adequately protect our parks. | 09/29/1982 | JOHN WILLIAMS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | I honestly believe we can do tax cuts this year if we just get our nerve back to control wasteful government spending. | 09/16/1998 | MARK NEUMANN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | That is the gentlemans statement and not mine. We certainly do not need these studies in the urban areas. where most of the people live. | 09/20/1976 | JOHN ROUSSELOT | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | Immigrants become citizens not because they are attracted to Americas culture and creed. but because they are attracted by government social welfare and affirmative action programs. If these are available to noncitizens. | 07/19/2004 | THOMAS TANCREDO | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | many residents had been without heat or hot water for 2 years or more and 85 percent of the residents were welfare dependent. | 06/27/1990 | DON NICKLES | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | So TV broadcasters are now running ads and socalled public service announcements. claiming that TV will die without this huge corporate welfare program. this billions and billions of dollars they want to take away from the American taxpayers. | 04/17/1996 | ROBERT DOLE | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | We found common ground on national security reforms. We made sure rural and distressed urban areas benefited from the program. as was intended when it was first written. | 12/17/2015 | CHARLES GRASSLEY | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | The Republican Party in cutting $270 billion from health care for American retirees to give $245 billion in tax cuts. | 10/19/1995 | JOHN OLVER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | we have been down this road before. where we were offered trickledown tax cuts in the 1980s. that benefited the very well to do and did not get down to working men and women and those families. | 06/26/1997 | JOHN BALDACCI | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | who has worked with Mrs. Hills on community projects said of her: She has shown a deep concern and understanding of the plight in this nations urban areas. | 03/04/1975 | ALAN CRANSTON | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | older. more remote urban areas. I represent areas where new Jobs are desperately needed but public treatment plants cannot accept the waste of new employers. | 06/26/1984 | NANCY JOHNSON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | We were all well aware that the Republican tax cuts would put us in such a budget crisis that funding for all lowincome programs would be on the choppingblock. | 07/25/2003 | NYDIA VELAZQUEZ | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | Summer jobs as well as student loans. Do you know what is going to be cut with these tax cuts? We are talking about cutting an enormous amount. | 03/28/1995 | SHEILA JACKSON LEE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | the burden of which will fall primarily on the shoulders of the most vulnerable of our society. in order to provide a significant tax cut for the very wealthy. The future health security of our Nations seniors should not be jeopardized in order to create a pool of funds for a tax break which almost solely benefits upper income individuals. | 07/25/1995 | PAUL SARBANES | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | the Republicans would have cut Medicare by $270 billion over a 7 year period to finance a $245 billion tax cut primarily for Americas wealthiest people. | 05/16/1996 | JOHN KERRY | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | the administration and the majority in Congress have been pursuing an irresponsible fiscal policy of giving tax cuts mainly to the wealthiest Americans among us. | 11/17/2005 | CARL LEVIN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | We do this by cutting fraud and waste and reining in the exploding costs. Our tax cut reduces the tax burden on people who actually pay taxes. It closes loopholes. | 10/23/1995 | KAY HUTCHISON | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | The question of whether or not certain individuals are migrating to Wisconsin for the purpose of welfare shopping. | 03/13/1992 | HERBERT KOHL | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | and the lowincome housing credit--in order to pay for $245 billion in tax cuts that will disproportionately benefit the wealthy. | 10/25/1995 | WILLIAM COYNE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | Who are these foreign investors that are funding our government. that for the past 6 years funded tax cuts for folks in this country earning over $400.000 a year. while the rest of us were pretty much left to fend for ourselves? | 10/02/2007 | MIKE ROSS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | This administration and Congress had no qualms about passing enormous tax cuts amounting to $93.000 a year for millionaires and above. | 06/25/2003 | THOMAS HARKIN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | But we repealed the 1993 bill to actually give more dollars back to working Americans instead of the Government itself. Take a look at welfare reform. when the Democrats said they were responsible for the deficit. | 02/10/1999 | RANDALL CUNNINGHAM | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | He is deadly accurate in his comments about the impact this bill has on the welfare access that noncitizens will have. | 04/25/1996 | SPENCER ABRAHAM | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | but at this point. I want to focus my concerns on provisions that undermine the historic 1996 welfare reform bill. That bill changed the old broken welfare system into a new program -that encouraged people to work their way into selfsufficiency. | 12/20/2005 | JOHN ROCKEFELLER | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | future historians are likely to regard this as a momentous occasion in Congressa welfare bill is finally about to be approved by Congress and signed by the Presidenta bill which will effectively drive a nail in the coffin of the Great Society. | 08/01/1996 | JESSE HELMS | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | It is necessary that we discover the reason that our welfare system is producing criminals in significant numbers. | 05/22/1969 | MICHAEL FEIGHAN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | What else do the Republicans believe is less important than additional billions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy? | 05/17/2006 | FORTNEY STARK | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | and giving the food stamp program back to the States. giving welfare back to the States. Can you imagine 50 food stamp plans. | 01/27/1982 | PETER PEYSER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | Madam Speaker. this afternoon President Clinton will unveil his welfare reform proposals. I am anxious to see his legislation and hope the congressional leadership will proceed with hearings this summer. | 06/14/1994 | THOMAS EWING | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | many school buildings in Chicago and in urban centers across the Nation are dangerous and disruptive to student learning. | 06/27/1991 | PAUL SIMON | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | there have been comments made in the last few days about the proposed reforms that the House passed and the Republicans have promoted. The comments have also dealt with the welfare reforms that we have passed might hurt children. and we have heard comments about some of our reforms in welfare that may in fact. | 07/22/1996 | JOHN MICA | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | Current policies and antipoverty programs are not adequately addressing the close relationship between women and poverty. Welfare reform is urgently needed. particularly as it relates to women who may be trapped within the poverty cycle. | 04/05/1978 | MURIEL HUMPHREY | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | Welfare has gone from a shortterm stay to a way of life with 13 years being the average length of stay. | 03/22/1995 | SAXBY CHAMBLISS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | a major stumbling block to its orderly completion has arisen dealing with eligibility for a controversial urban segment. | 10/04/1984 | JENNINGS RANDOLPH | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | Our New Deal leaders seem to be very interested in the welfare of the Communist brethren in Spain and Moscow. | 01/26/1939 | JOHN SCHAFER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | we all know that we cannot balance the budget without the political will to address and to reform a failed welfare system in America. | 02/01/1996 | FRANK RIGGS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | Right now. under the new welfare legislation. the Government buys marginal lands here and there and turns them into playgrounds and recreation parks for the city poor. | 05/05/1934 | MAGNUS JOHNSON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | F |
welfare | welfare | racist | we reward those of our States that do the least in terms of social welfare for its citizens and ignore those others who make the effort to provide a modest minimum income. | 10/03/1969 | EDWARD KOCH | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | This is not surprising since black children in urban areas are the most endangered by the failures of public education. | 10/31/1997 | SUE MYRICK | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | This disparity is on track to continue to grow even greater because the latest statistics show that AIDS diagnoses among whites has decreased three percent from 2000 to These trends are especially evident in our urban areas. | 10/06/2005 | LUIS GUTIERREZ | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | the Republicans are financing tax cuts for the rich by waging war on working families and legal immigrants. | 06/25/1997 | NYDIA VELAZQUEZ | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | Many would go onto welfare rolls to increase the cost of this program. Some would be forced to move to urban areas where problems already exceed resources in many cases. The whole economy of tobacco producing areas would be adversely affected. | 07/15/1971 | HERMAN TALMADGE | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | in its wisdom. pours more money into social welfare programs. Let us look at some of the crime programs included in this bill: $40 million to let frustrated athletes play basketball. | 08/11/1994 | RON PACKARD | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | In short. to make room for huge tax cuts for the wealthy. they have abandoned seniors who are trying to stretch their Social Security checks and modest pensions to cover both food and medicine. | 03/23/2000 | THOMAS ALLEN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | A massive tax cut for our wealthiest campaign contributors paid for by eliminating the one tax break for the poor working stiff that even George Bush thought was a fantastic idea. | 05/16/1995 | MATTHEW MARTINEZ | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | Yet a program to stimulate the national economy is still hanging fire here while people try to profiteer by providing huge tax cuts for the wealthy while providing no help for people who are out of work. | 11/14/2001 | MAURICE HINCHEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | The cost includes child welfare expenditures for the children of adults who lack -the skills to get jobs. | 05/12/1992 | FRANK LAUTENBERG | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | then I am an isolationist. If to look after the welfare of our own people first. rather than play Santa Claus through an international WPA for backward and indolent nations is isolation. | 03/30/1950 | WILLIAM LEMKE | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | The main principle enshrined in this bill is the old Republican principle of trickledown economics. the failed idea that we need to give more tax cuts to the folks at the very. very top. | 08/02/2012 | TIM HOLDEN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | he was a stalwart of ethnic groups and worked tirelessly to improve their quality of life in a time when urban revitalization was only in its incipient stages. | 09/15/1987 | ROYDEN DYSON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | Mr. Speaker. I rise today in strong support of the urban aid package before us today. The dots which devastated sections of Los Angeles--including parts of my districtdemonstrated how quickly despair can erupt into rage in our inner cities. | 07/02/1992 | JULIAN DIXON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | violence. and despair found throughout our Nations urban areas. It is ludicrous to think we can compete internationally when the talents of these Americans go untapped. | 03/26/1992 | CHRISTOPHER DODD | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | and her fearless courage to fight for the right of the urban poor population to have access to adequate health care. | 02/22/1999 | FRANK LAUTENBERG | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | I find it difficult to understand how some of my colleagues on the other side would object to an extension of unemployment benefits for a year that are not offset but at the same time insist that we provide tax cuts to the very richest Americans. | 11/30/2010 | JOHN REED | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | Those are the ones they are going after to get the money for their tax cuts for their wealthy friends. | 02/28/1995 | MAURICE HINCHEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | this Congress can provide a massive dividend tax cut to the wealthiest and the richest in this country. | 04/10/2003 | JOSEPH CROWLEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | Senator BYRD and I are in full agreement. Neither one of us wants to see these savings used to provide tax cuts for rich people. The difference is that Senator BYRD is in the other body. | 05/18/1995 | DAVID OBEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | I cannot believe that the Congress will continue to allow this kind of welfare program to go unchallenged. | 03/19/1979 | JAMES COLLINS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | the truth of the matter is we have been told by our Surgeon General and other experts that the biggest problem children have in America today is not hunger but obesity. After 6 or 7 years of welfare reform. we need to get back to exercising. | 02/12/2003 | TOM FEENEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | As a further indicator of the high price that illiteracy exacts. 33 percent or more of persons receiving welfare are illiterate. Indeed. | 04/22/1987 | ALBERT GORE | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | The hubris of this administrations policies at home and abroad will cost America for decades to come It must stop now." She is talking about the Presidents tax cuts for the wealthiest citizens. The average millionaire gets a $93.000 tax cut. | 10/08/2003 | SHERROD BROWN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | entered the vocabulary of the police and the press. The urban welfare culture took root in those years. This was in no way a casual association. | 04/14/1988 | DANIEL MOYNIHAN | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | coming up with a bipartisan package to address some of the problems relating to urban unrest these days. | 05/12/1992 | NORVELL EMERSON | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | The congressional response is cutting Medicaid by $10 billion in order to continue to give even more tax cuts to the wealthiest 1 percent of people in this country. | 09/14/2005 | SHERROD BROWN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
tax cut | cut taxes | racist | The purpose of passing those fraudulently shrunken appropriation bills was to open up enough room in that phony budget so that the majority leadership could pretend that there was enough room in that budget for the huge tax cuts which they then proceeded to pass.- the majority of benefits which went to those in our society who make $300.000 a year or more. | 11/02/2000 | DAVID OBEY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | Don't spend tax money on minorities | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | I want to start by commending the efforts of both the Energy and Commerce Committee and Banking Committee for focusing attention on the availability of insurance in urban America. | 07/20/1994 | JOHN MCMILLAN | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | in which an individual property owner can be wiped out and yet have no recourseno way to recover what in too many instances is an entire life savingsis so unjust as to be intolerable. It is a problem that has hit the urban small businessman with particular force. It is my intention as chairman of the Subcommittee on Urban Small Business Problems of the House Small Business Committee to propose that the subcommittee hold hearings on this question without delay. | 09/12/1966 | JOHN KLUCZYNSKI | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | one of the contributing factors leading to the discouragement and unhappiness across our land today has been the failure of the majority of Government programs aimed at solving the problems of the slums and urban America. | 09/20/1968 | PETER DOMINICK | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | why did the President never mention the decay of our cities and the urban problems that confront millions of Americans? | 01/22/1976 | CHARLES MATHIAS | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | I strongly support a tougher work requirement. But we want people moving off welfare onto the work rolls. We want them to be good parents and good workers. | 03/23/1995 | TIMOTHY ROEMER | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | I beHeve It is unconscionable for us to give aid to Russia and its Republics and none for the urban cities of America. | 08/06/1992 | BARBARA-ROSE COLLINS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | they wanted to spend more. And when we talked about welfare reform and the need to move people to work. they added $52 billion. | 11/18/2004 | KEVIN BRADY | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | one reason that Im proud to be a Republican is that I think our party looks to the futurewe expect people to make sacrifices today to protect the Nations wellbeing tomorrow. Thats the idea behind many of our welfare reform proposals. Thats why we believe in balancing the budget. | 09/29/1995 | SHERWOOD BOEHLERT | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | noise pounds at our ears. congestion threatens to immobilize many of our great urban centers. and our crumbling inner cities crime rates soar and urban stress mounts. | 04/20/1970 | WILLIAM SYMINGTON | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | This situation undoubtedly is due to effective law enforcement and education. both of which are more intense in the urban sections. The greater number of city accidents are due to the carelessness of pedestrians. | 03/23/1937 | ARTHUR CAPPER | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | I have stated repeatedly. that the best form of welfare is a job In the private sector. Provisions of this tax bill will have a detrimental impact on our ability to create jobs and hurt that form of welfare we all support. | 08/19/1982 | LARRY CRAIG | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | Mr. Speaker. it is clear that some in this body want to turn our Tax Code into a welfare system. Well. guess what? | 06/04/2003 | JEB HENSARLING | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | The establishment of a oneworld welfare systemwith the U.S. taxpayer picking up the tabis the latest scheme about to be slipped over on Mr. and Mrs. U.S. Citizen. | 12/04/1967 | JOHN RARICK | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | Sixtyfour percent of the citizens of California said they are fed up with their State becoming a welfare capital for illegal immigrants. | 03/20/1996 | NEWTON GINGRICH | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
welfare | welfare | racist | They have real compassion for working families who must work longer to pay for big Government. Theyre tired of a welfare state paid for by the middle class. And they seek to replace this welfare state with an opportunity society built on personal responsibility. | 01/22/1996 | LAMAR SMITH | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | The fact that it was improvised was seen as an assault on discipline. Jazz music happened to be the voice of a rising new black urban population. Throughout time art has always been controversial. | 10/11/1990 | JOHN CONYERS | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | we will betray all those denied equal representation today and who are denied a voice in their State government. Ever increasing urban problems will not be solved. Considering the issue of civil rights alone. | 08/19/1964 | JACOB GILBERT | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | it is clear that our Nations school system has not been operationally successful for vast numbers of children from our urban population centers. | 07/24/1968 | WILLIAM CAHILL | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | These rumors were being widely circulated and were believed in many urban ghettos as well as by those dissidents who are at odds with many of the policies of the United States. | 02/04/1971 | DANIEL INOUYE | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | One of our most neglected urban problems is the blight connected with the network of inland waterways which flow through our oldest cities. | 06/20/1980 | CLAIBORNE PELL | S | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
welfare | welfare | racist | This bill would reward bad behavior by guaranteeing Social Security benefits for illegal aliens and enabling them to collect welfare benefits paid for by American taxpaying citizens. | 06/27/2006 | VIRGINIA FOXX | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Formal | R |
urban | inner city | racist | in this election one cannot help but detect the fact that the people of a large urban community such as Chicago are becoming increasingly aware of these problems and particularly of the cost to local governments to meet these problems. | 04/03/1963 | ROMAN PUCINSKI | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |
urban | inner city | racist | proposed Office of Law Enforcement Assistance to pay particular attention to assisting programs designed to deal with riots. While mass violence in urban centers has been the primary public concern over the past few weeks. this should in no way obscure the importance of the bill in addressing itself to a more effective program dealing with less spectacular but equally dangerous criminal activity. | 08/02/1967 | RICHARD HANNA | H | null | Stanford Congressional Record | African American neighborhoods | Formal | D |