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SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | she has been hired to assist on Mirrors Edge 2. what was wrong with 1? watch as she fucks everything up with SJW bullshit. We couldnt care less about feminism in video games, sure if the developers feel its a must to add that kind of stuff, go for it. | 10/18/2014 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | A sanity post highlights someone reacting reasonably to SJW bullshit and/or calling out said bullshit. | 04/08/2015 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Least helpful demographic? Yoga folks and white SJWs. Too woke for class solidarity. | 07/31/2019 | null | null | antiwork | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | Same here. My Dad is the only family I have, and he's the most based old man on the planet. My Mom was even more so. I can't imagine dealing with blood-related TDS. | 01/14/2020 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Easy solution: kill off all the indie games where you walk around aimlessly and have nothing in your hands (read: most of them). There isn't time to grope another player when you're holding an M16 and fighting off the Russians before the bomb explodes. So, SJWs, do you want VR to be nothing but hyper-masculine shooters with no female portrayal (to avoid harassment)? Do you? | 10/27/2016 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | The people who are causing the problem are the SJWs. You can't move the SJW stuff. Imagine you're being attacked by Nazis in the 40s. But you decide their belief that Jews should be exterminated is not really relevant to your discussion about their unethical behavior, so you decide never to mention their gassing of millions of people. That's just nonsensical. | 05/09/2015 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | The lawfully open-carrying pedestrian is also going to sue the ass off the pepper-spraying SJW before s/he starts his/her 8 year sentence at the state prison. | 09/03/2015 | null | null | SocialJusticeInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | whatever, i don't give a shit how many young women become SJWs. theyre loons and the more open they are with their craziness the easier they are to avoid | 04/30/2014 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | The city the plane landed at is one of the most SJW cucked city's in the world,where they OD'd on the hipster BS, it is called portlandia by other Aussies.So they would never confirm if it was a Islamic extremist anyway,this is the city that banned mentioning Muslim terrorist when its famous city chapel was found on a ISIS terror list at xmas. | 05/31/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Bring out segregated water fountains and such, SJW's have gone full circle. Seriously if you go left wing far enough you end up right wing and vice versa. | 05/25/2014 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | If not healthcare, Rand deserves to be the champion of something major. This guy fiercely battled Trump in the primaries, lost, and time and again has supported our President. Based AF. | 06/28/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | It's more of a comment on who did the conditioning and what they conditioned society to believe. The precursor of the modern day SJW started the conditioning back in the 70's actually with making sure that all crime statistics ever presented in a sociology class were male and reinforcing the women are wonderful affect. | 03/20/2015 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | By saying it, they can dismiss gg as being attacked for political views rather than give gg credibility by addressing the issues. I'm as far left as you can get politically without stepping into SJW territory and I support gg so his comment seemed like complete nonsense to me. | 07/26/2015 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | SJW don't realize without a healthy economy, you can't tackle social issues or it destroys the middle class. | 08/26/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | I think his current wife brought him to heel to the SJW agenda. I have had Sirius radio in my truck since I bought it 4 months ago and I have never once considered tuning into his show. | 09/02/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Oh you are not being disrespectful, I agree with you. Unfortunately, it is not politically convenient for people talk about the problems of the rural white poor in this country. I think a lot of SJW stuff is more like being a goth kid than anything. Its an identity to adopt so you can look cool to all your friends on twitter. They don't actually care about any of these problems in reality, they care about how they look to other people. | 08/19/2016 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | With a culture where no pride is based on education, indeed. Robbing someone is a right of passage and that's how you get mad respect yo. If you seek to learn then you're viewed as a cracker wannabe. | 12/28/2016 | null | null | uncensorednews | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | - six days old account - only posts stupid and offensive stuff in right leaning subs Found the SJW troll. | 01/12/2017 | null | null | uncensorednews | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Because the Cultural Marxists and their feminist/SJW pets are screaming loud enough that people buy into it. | 11/15/2015 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | In all seriousness it's probably not a bad idea regardless of SJW bullshit. Degrees are increasingly worthless in most fields these days, avoid postponing your career and getting into debt and instead get some work experience/build up a portfolio. | 09/03/2017 | null | null | CringeAnarchy | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Telling an SJW their visions are unworkable is an empty effort. If they listened, they wouldn't even be an SJW in the first place. | 03/22/2015 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | All they can do is highjack existing ideas and apply their concepts to it. It's because these people (SJWs) can't create anything interesting enough to spawn interest. How can they? | 05/06/2016 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | Awesome!Many 100's in SAC! Based Alt Knight was in Sac too. Outside of downtown to the North and East up to Tahoe is largely Trump Country. | 03/26/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | This could also remove a lot of SJW beliefs that looking at a woman is rape (even though they'll probably just say that white men wrote the curriculum and it's therefore invalid). | 01/25/2014 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | And...which of those two is Sophie Turner? I don't even know who the hell she is, let alone care about her SJW opinions. | 05/31/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Having the SJW crowd at your back is worth about fuck all though. Just the most worthless people, really. | 05/17/2013 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | That sounds like some SJW shit. Like people will ever be able to just pretend race doesn't exist. If they want to be proud of being black Americans ain't nothing wrong with that. | 03/05/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Just because lefties are all too willing to projectile vomit their SJW circlejerky verbal masturbation virtue signals at each other doesn't mean I need to sing my beliefs from my soap box too. | 02/06/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | Whoever that based fellow Masshole is, I just want to tell you that you aren't alone... Fucking Masshole. | 08/18/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Ha, all good my friend, thank you for asking. Just trying to get used to the way SJW's want people to talk about what happens to an innocent person who has their innocence stolenβer, I mean, their non-innocence debuted. | 09/25/2021 | null | null | SocialJusticeInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | These days even my nan has a internet connection, a facebook account etc... I will say though, LJ had its SJW types but it was contained, and it rarely brought in new numbers. I would say the rise of facebook, and the huge influx of people onto the internet with laptops, tablets and mobile phones has changed things because now it can reach almost anyone. | 01/26/2017 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | I don't agree with everything Liana says, but I think she would give a much fairer look at games than Anita EVER did or any SJW for that matter. | 05/02/2017 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | You guys *do* realize Jim Sterling is an 'SJW', right? He's said gross homophobic and misogynistic things long ago and *realized that they were gross homophobic and misogynistic statements*. He criticizes the game industry for its shitty portrayal of women and dismisses the claim the men are objectified as well. Seriously, when this whole 'gamegate' thing broke out, you guys put him on your big scary 'ESS-JAY-DOUBLE-EWES YOU SHOULD NOT SUPPORT' lists. | 11/15/2014 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | Well feminists are working on making it so that women are terrified of their own shadows. Terrified, weak women primed to be victims are what female empowerment is based on apparently. | 02/01/2015 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | No the Byzantine Empire fighting Islam from 620AD to 1453AD is what stopped the spread of Islam. Western Europe woke up 600 years late and was quite ineffectual, they also managed to backstab Konstantinople and weakened it for the Turkic invader. Crusaders meme is dumb Byzantium is based | 07/24/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | I think she hid her SJWness from us for a while, but it's starting to rear its ugly ass head on us. I've called her down several times and a lot of us are getting tired of her. Her days are likely numbered. | 04/16/2019 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | You didn't even see the episode so you have nothing to say about what you think might be in it. Also acting offended at shit you haven't even seen is an SJW tactic, get over it. | 03/27/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Come to /r/TumblrInAction. We have a fair share of sane trans commenters. The reason a lot of these trans people are batshit insane is because they get sucked into the SJW world by virtue of their existence. It takes a tough skin to not succumb before this SJW ideology because it seems extremely contradictory to oppose an ideology that touts trans people as totes awesome. | 11/10/2014 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | This fits inside the SJW mindset perfectly, any kind of success or achievement must be attacked, and that person must be bad. | 02/06/2017 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | For our safety, both physical and mental, we must assume that every person is an SJW. People have no right to be offended when we act coldly to them because if they are an SJW, our lives could potentially be ruined. Thus, everyone is Schrӧdinger's SJW. | 10/22/2013 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | I hadn't heard of Ngo before today. Thanks to SJW tantrums, now I have a pretty good idea that his work is probably worth looking into. Thanks for the reading recommendations, leftists! | 01/13/2021 | null | null | SocialJusticeInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | What a dumb broad. Her blame probably is based on her forgetting what dudes she slept with instead of hiding what she had done. | 02/03/2019 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | Isnβt that cool to be based considering all the places you could have come from if you are privileged? | 01/28/2022 | null | null | SocialJusticeInAction | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | Based unabashed brony 'pede knows what's up. Same tricks, different day. They just blind sided us with this one. | 08/13/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | I think he'll probably be dropped by sponsors if not the team very soon. He went too far. Companies will usually stand by their brand ambassador if it's garbage like SJW-ism and all that, but not standing for the anthem will cause too much backlash I feel. | 08/28/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Invented in america, adopted by germany. No one in germany would dare say anything politically incorrect, or they might be compared to a nazi. Germany is actually one of the most PC countries there is, what you're thinking of is SJW's, which is different than being PC. Being a SJW is like a nazi implementation of PC values. | 09/15/2016 | null | null | uncensorednews | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | They're trying to bow to the SJW authority so they don't become a target. Also realistically they're part of the reviewer/developer complex. | 01/04/2015 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | >If you saw this as a TIL, would your responses be exactly the same, or are you skewing your reaction because it was said from a feminist standpoint? It would depend on how it was presented. If it was link to a wikipedia article or some other reasonable source, I would care about it as much as I care about any other TIL post. That said, I could easily see an SJW using that information as some proof that men are dumb, rapists, etc, etc. | 09/28/2013 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | In fairness, over diagnosis does not seem to be an overriding concern in the SJW community. ^(But ^god ^forbid ^a ^doctor ^should ^deny ^anyone ^the ^status ^of ^their ^disability ^of ^choice...) | 01/15/2017 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | I don't remotely give a shit about this one or even consider it #gamergate related. This has nothing to do with rabid SJW bloggers who have infiltrated the gaming press and hate, attempt to shame, and vilify their audience. Gamespot has never been shown to hate gamers or push an extremist political ideology. | 10/18/2014 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | As for what Trump will do when he gets into office, well I don't expect him to be a hero that ends poverty and saves mankind. What I want from Trump is an end to SJW culture. Not to mention, given my choice between Hillary Clinton... | 05/16/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | Andrew Bogut is a pretty based Aussie, just not as outspoken about it. He was on Steven Crowder's show awhile back. | 02/15/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | You sound like SJW that's been triggered by someone who hasn't done an Individuality Studies course. | 10/21/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Pathological anger, obsession with victimization and paranoia are serious issues each and of themselves as well. Compound that and we seem to get what compiles the insanity of the modern SJW. | 10/21/2015 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Politics in Mexico is heated same as here. The SJW's like you see on TV don't represent hispanics. It's propaganda from the left. | 11/13/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | and it's only Oct. 8.... literally have a full month of leaks ahead of us. not to mention that hillary's campaign opened the door for trump to talk about bill's history of rape and sexual abuse and hillary's rape enabling. will SJW disavow the clintons for their disgusting behavior? | 10/08/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | I love it how suddenly the LA Times Tracking poll becomes relevant to Hillary supporters. Will they also consider the fact that Trump is almost tied with Hispanics and 6% up in general? nope. The education part is bullshit because everyone making 35k and up is a for Trump. This indicates that the Hillary is only popular with that SJW with a Japanese cultural basket weaving degree working at uni | 11/08/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Isn't this person one of the radical MTF trans SJW's? It's like with Muslim converts and them trying to prove they're the top Jihadist by being the most cruel. | 11/24/2014 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Can we spin this to call SJW's racist? They seem to scrutinize Japanese games as porn far more than American ones, The Last of Us 2 wouldn't be called porn when it has a literal sex scene with nudity. | 11/27/2020 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | This is what happens when you let your daughter apply to schools that are run by liberals and communists. Nip it in the bud, make sure your children apply to based colleges who do not employ feminist and communist professors. | 11/06/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Their domestic violence laws are perhaps the most sexist in the world as one example, they are in many ways an SJW paradise. | 06/09/2017 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Why do we even pretend anti GG SJW are anything but socially inept racist 20 year old men trying to carry the white man's burden as they try to speak for women and minorities. | 02/11/2015 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Video games are much bigger business. Money talks. Physical comic books are a very niche thing now, I mean they were always pretty niche, but in this digital age even more so, and niche things can get overtaken by small little cabals. But look at comic book movies, they're still very mainstream and now SJW crap, that's because comic book MOVIES are big business. | 03/21/2015 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | It's the same with the halloween costumes. Wear a poncho and sombrero? Every white SJW in a ten mile radius tells you how AWFUL that is. Every hispanic in a ten mile radius doesn't give a fuck. | 04/25/2014 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | 100%? >We've got no fresh new ideas. What do? > >Repackage it for SJWs. We may not make money for long... But we will fill our shelves with self congratulatory circle jerk award statues. | 01/04/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | ffffff you got taxed more than I made last year that is so brutal. I hate how all the SJW liberals believe it is right to steal from successful people. We all want to be successful don't we? I know I do. People like you motivate me to work harder, be more clever. If you live in Communist-Trudeau's Canada you would have been taxed 51% of your income. | 09/03/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | My school allows that, all I know is that if there's a school shooting, I don't think anyone would get harmed because one of the teachers is a retired Marine who served in Desert Storm and Iraq and he has a gun hidden in class and in his truck. Plus he's based as fuck | 02/14/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
single | lifelong bachelor | homophobic | I think if prostitution was legalized here in the states a lot of men would question dating a woman thatβs been single for a while but most men look past that nowadays and just think that their relationships didnβt work out. | 08/24/2018 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | Gay person | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | SJW Logic, stoop lower than your enemies because in actuality you are better than them and you don't have to show it. | 12/03/2014 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | The shield the SJW uses to protect themselves from color gradients, in order to maintain their black-and-white view of the world (with white being bad, of course!). | 01/18/2016 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | She owns her own standard sex toy shop, so this is pretty much a side-venture/expansion for her business. Sort of a typical SJW slippery slope of poor judgement. IE, always more concerned about whether or not they could than whether or not they should... | 12/29/2017 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | I am the last woman you would describe as a modern day feminist, but letβs be real. There are plenty of based women out there and just as many cucked men. Saying this is equivalent to βIt was her turn!β, IMO. | 04/05/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | A sanity post highlights someone reacting reasonably to SJW bullshit and/or calling out said bullshit. | 02/02/2015 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Finally, a SJW raging at Eminem! I was wondering when that'd happen. Certainly makes a lot more sense than raging at Blurred Lines, I'll give them that. | 01/07/2014 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Why are there no SJW comedians? Well, if you've ever noticed, Social Justice Warriors quite literally do not understand humor and take EVERYTHING as offensive. In other worlds, Social Justice is a mental disorder resulting in belligerence and an inability to understand humor. | 08/01/2015 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Bill Burr and Nick Dipaolo have podcasts and nobody shits on SJW's better than they do, especially Dipaolo. | 04/22/2016 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | There's no white boogy man holding people down. Actually they have more opportunities based on affirmitive action. Minorities get scholarships and school paid for just because of the color of their skin. | 08/04/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | SJW types despise justice, innocent until proven guilty trial by jury is antithetical to their beliefs. | 12/30/2013 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | It's a frustration I feel as well. I don't like SJW's and I don't like identity politics, but I am still liberal and am just as disgusted by the Right and what Trump has done to them. That's why I follow the issues from afar and try not associate with either side. | 05/16/2020 | null | null | SocialJusticeInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | You're right. I should never judge someone based on the content of their character. That's racist apparently. | 05/10/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | Thank you for your hard work based mod patriot! Is there any way to report via comments on alien blue?? | 03/31/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | Or Breath of the Wild! Not a huge fan of Zelda games in the past but this one is fucking awesome across the board. And the Japanese are usually based by default. | 03/17/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | That, in my mind, really sums up the SJW movement. Rather than saying, 'well this is too hard for me, I suck lol' they go 'how dare I be bad at this game, that's unpossible, the game must be too hard'. The world is expected to change to conform to their capabilities rather than trying to do something difficult. | 12/05/2017 | null | null | CringeAnarchy | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | At least those subjects leave the camps alive). Oh boy! Communism in its purest form sounds exactly what an SJW would like to live in! | 12/19/2015 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | When someone is critical of something you do, insult them and call them a racist. Sorry Dan, you're now the SJW you looked like. I also find it funny that a guy that believes the only reason Aliens are not making contact with us is because of 9/11 has anything to say about the mental capacity of anyone. | 07/20/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | Mods, if there was ever a time to sticky something and keep it stickied, this is it. Fuck getting this onto ALL. we need based autists to see this and start digging. | 12/03/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | yeah i think he was happy to get a canuck reporter to give a shit about his campaign and he wanted to get a canadian input on the pipeline idea...he's reaching out to canada (at least the based canadians, not the trudeau cucks) | 05/27/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Uh they hell they aren't. Transgender people probably want to fit in the most out of any group. These SJW are so stupid, they think all Trans* people are these non-passing drag-queen looking people. They aren't. Most will be or work towards looking like a cis man or cis woman. | 04/11/2014 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | >but it's not all that impossible to build yourself a bigger set of boxes when things just don't seem to fit. I wholeheartedly agree. I would say though that its harder for some than for others. And it's especially hard when you're stepping out of your comfort zone for the first time. I'm in the practice of expanding my mind, so it's easier, but I don't know about the SJWs. | 04/23/2014 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | It's actually one thing a lot of people here have in common with SJWs, otherkin, and MRAs; an odd inability to detect jokes, and an even odder inability to laugh at those jokes. How anyone could see the original post and *not* see that it's meant to be satirical is beyond me. | 04/23/2013 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | [ ] Check privilege [X] Abuse privilege Is this what SJW want? To score more oppression points? I swear its a game of whinging for them and winning is everything. Whoever whines the most is the SJW winner! | 10/04/2013 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | My SJW friend actually dreams of a world where asking someone's gender the moment you meet them is as normal as asking their name. | 07/07/2014 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Giving someone the option to play as a black woman isn't pushing an agenda. I'm racist, I fucking hate SJWs, and honestly I think you guys are being fucking retards about this. Stop being so triggered about the mere fact that black women exist and want to play their games as black women. | 06/15/2017 | null | null | CringeAnarchy | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | It's too easy; the stormfront crew always harps on miscegenation and tries to use polysyllabic / pseudo-scientific speech to make themselves sound more intelligent. SJW speech reeks of teenage angst. | 09/05/2014 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | DeNiro has lived in ultra-cucked Tribeca for decades. He also only dates black women (a girl he dated used to live in the apartment adjacent to mine). He's been an SJW for a long time; he couldn't be more different in real life from his film roles. | 11/18/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
based | based | white supremacist | Seriously dumb and self obsessed. Not based and not anyone I associate with. Has something like 9 kids with 7 women. | 02/05/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Endorsement of someone promoting racism or other bigotry | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Fuck right off! There was no problem posting a bunch of Carl the Cucks and Aids Skrillexes all over... Just because this SJW is MORBIDLY OBESE doesn't mean pics can't be posted. FPH is the same as crying racist, sexist, xenophobe... if MORBIDLY OBESE people can go around and say they are perfectly healthy and spout shit that they are being oppressed. Then non mentally ill people can tell them they are a fucking ham planets that are weeks away from a hearth attack and heart decease. | 05/18/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Bless your heart. Seriously. This SJW shit's gotten so bad that I almost immediately reflect to instant mistrust of most people self-identifying as feminists. The good 2nd wavers though? JESUS you people give me hope for the future. | 11/04/2014 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Rock Paper Shotgun also called for a boycott of PAX over the whole dick wolves situation. I used to be an avid reader and it was my first taste of having a SJW agenda shoved into my hobby. It was a bitter taste. | 01/30/2015 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Who cares? Stein pulls 100% from Clinton. Johnson on the other hand is probably 55/45 Clinton/Trump. Hopefully Cuckson keeps up his SJW routine and gets that to 75/25 by election day. | 09/06/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |