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government handouts | government handout | racist | This is pure brilliance. Fuck them, fuck their sugar-overload carb bullshit food produced with farm subsidies the farmers refuse to acknowledge as “government handouts” while still railing against SNAP and other social support programs, which ODDLY ENOUGH also fund their chicanery through the purchase of their products - fuck this entire system, designed to cater to an 1900 mentality when we’re trying to create a livable, sustainable future for everyone here OP is boshy | 12/12/2021 | null | null | antiwork | PRAW API | Any money that the government gives to support vulnerable people | Informal | null |
13% | 13% | racist | The incidences of these types of aggression occur at a suspiciously high rate when black people account for only 13% of the population. | 05/14/2020 | null | null | BlackPeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Racist signal that is a reference to the false statistic that African Americans are only 13% of the US population but commit a disproprotionate number of violent crimes | Informal | null |
13% | 13% | racist | Edit. And it’s always 13% of the population commit whatever % of crime. But then obviously statistics like this that obviously don’t take into account that same % gap. | 01/04/2022 | null | null | SocialJusticeInAction | PRAW API | Racist signal that is a reference to the false statistic that African Americans are only 13% of the US population but commit a disproprotionate number of violent crimes | Informal | null |
entitlements | entitlement programs | racist | No, I'm claiming they have a negligible effect on the present. I'm also claiming that the current woes of the black community in America can squarely be placed at the feet of the Democrat party, who bribed southern blacks with doles and entitlements in exchange for votes. Victim mentality does far more to keep you down than micro aggressions or even macro ones. | 09/27/2017 | null | null | BlackPeopleTwitter | PRAW API | People who receive aid from government social aid programs, primarily minorities, are lazy and undeserving | Informal | null |
entitlements | entitlement programs | racist | This should not be controversial, it's been the law for ages. All immigrants promise not to be public charges and even have a family member promise to be responsible for them. And yet we do nothing when they violate it and keep taking more in, all while entitlements are the biggest thing we waste money on. | 02/10/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | People who receive aid from government social aid programs, primarily minorities, are lazy and undeserving | Informal | null |
baby mama | baby mama | racist | *If Tyrone leaves his crib at 9pm heading west at 12 mph and Jamal leaves his crib heading east at 9 mph, how long will it take before their baby mama sues for child support?* | 12/06/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Black women are irresponsible | Informal | null |
cultural enrichment | cultural enrichment | Islamophobic | He most certainly did get indicted. I suppose the posts about it got buried because of the cultural enrichment that happened in Spain yesterday. | 08/18/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Muslims create problems in society | Informal | null |
cultural enrichment | cultural enrichment | Islamophobic | This is a HUGE factor. Nobody competing for resources, no competing ideologies. No 'cultural enrichment', in other words. | 11/07/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Muslims create problems in society | Informal | null |
cultural enrichment | cultural enrichment | Islamophobic | Jeez. We've had enough cultural enrichment this weekend. I can't wait to hear how there's no apparent link to Islam from this random pressure cooker spotting. | 09/19/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Muslims create problems in society | Informal | null |
cultural enrichment | cultural enrichment | Islamophobic | The Japanese are already used to suicide attacks, so Islamic cultural enrichment should be a perfect fit. | 02/24/2015 | null | null | european | PRAW API | Muslims create problems in society | Informal | null |
Judeo-Christian | Judeo-Christian | Islamophobic | I like how the globalists claim each case of right wing populism in the Judeo-Christian world is an isolated case. US, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, UK and 20 other countries beg to differ. | 01/06/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Muslims threaten Christian society | Informal | null |
Judeo-Christian | Judeo-Christian | Islamophobic | It’s interesting to see how the rubber band snaps back with regards to life and possibilities when someone starts so far away from traditional Judeo-Christian values. | 06/05/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Muslims threaten Christian society | Informal | null |
welfare queen | welfare queen | racist | Democrats, please please please run your welfare queen 2020, am so looking forward to her racist rants while her wig is cocked sideways ! | 08/06/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Black woman who are lazy and take advantage of government social aid | Informal | null |
welfare queen | welfare queen | racist | Implying that these hoes ain't gonna get knocked up and start the clown car vagina/ welfare queen lifestyle before they graduate. Good one. | 01/02/2018 | null | null | milliondollarextreme | PRAW API | Black woman who are lazy and take advantage of government social aid | Informal | null |
gender ideology | gender ideology | transphobic | I thought gender critical meant being critical of gender ideology, which I would consider I am, although ‘peak trans’ is quite recent for me so I’m fairly new to it and some radical feminist ideologies. | 11/06/2018 | null | null | GenderCritical | PRAW API | Trans people are threatening our way of life | Informal | null |
gender ideology | gender ideology | transphobic | Because that's the point with today's transgender ideology: you're not allowed to just politely go along with the fiction that people can change their sex. | 10/28/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Trans people are threatening our way of life | Informal | null |
Rothschild | Rothschilds | antisemitic | Oh don't get me started. For example current on going situation in Ukraine. I don't agree with Russia method but I do agree with things Putin is doing. For example calling out Rothschild & Rockafeller to mention a few and banning them. I agree with dearly. Any movements requiring disenpowering them I agree anything else I disagree. Don't get me started. Some rumours about them are worth learning about. | 04/07/2022 | null | null | antiwork | PRAW API | Jewish people control all the money | Informal | null |
war on terror | war on terror | Islamophobic | Who created ISIS? Obama. Yes, this can be tied directly to the War on Terror and try Obama as a traitor for levying war against the people of the United States. | 03/04/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | War on Arab and Muslim people | Informal | null |
Baltimore | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | Good job mate. Unfortunately Baltimore PD will probably be so busy the next few months from all this shit, that nothing ever becomes of it. Fucking niggers. | 04/29/2015 | null | null | CoonTown | PRAW API | Minorities are dirty and criminals | Informal | null |
job creation | job creators | conservative | He isn't even president yet and we're already seeing job creation because of Trump. Meanwhile the actual unemployment rate is sky high under Obama and most of the so called jobs Barry created are part time and in no way capable of supporting a family or a dignified existence. Now a lot of people are going fucking broke paying for Obamacare. It's such a good deal that they'll fine your ass if you don't want to be a part of it. | 12/29/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Wealthy people | Informal | null |
welfare queens | welfare queen | racist | Liberals only care about the debt when we want to cut taxes, but never when giving out money to illegal immigrants or lazy welfare queens | 12/21/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Black woman who are lazy and take advantage of government social aid | Informal | null |
beta male | beta | white supremacist | This is wrong. Chads are natural creatures and they're a very small % of the population. Chad is not the problem. The problem is women, who are 100% evil and beta males who enable them. The modern women is not a natural creature by any means, she is a construction of a fascist numale police state. | 11/15/2018 | null | null | Braincels | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
school choice | school choice | racist | she's great. Her school district in Michigan has done really well, school choice, worth hundreds of billions... She also doesn't buy into socialism, I think democrats fear their stronghold on the education system with unions | 01/19/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Racial segregation in schools | Informal | null |
states' rights | states' rights | racist | What if I told you that you can be against slavery and still pro states' rights? I think you have it a little backwards. Of course slavery was a main issue surrounding the civil war, but only in the context of State sovereignty. The underlying reason for the war was States' Rights - with anti-slavery policies being the biggest and most contested federal overreach. | 12/24/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Racial segregation | Informal | null |
anointed | anointed | religious | Welp it's official. Donald Trump has been anointed by God to save the free world. What a time to be alive. | 09/03/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | I believe in and practice Pentecostal Christian beliefs | Informal | null |
majority minority | majority-minorit y | racist | 4 out of 5 of the 'majority minority' states voted for Hillary. Unless this trend is reversed, America will lose it's constitution this century IMHO. I'm thinking it may even happen by mid century if things move fast. Interesting times ahead. Western Eurabia is building, and the globalists are going to be looking to attack Eastern Europe and Russia. Asian countries are going to challenging. The Chinese and Japanese will likely fight. | 07/15/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White hegemony in America is threatened | Informal | null |
race realists | race realism | racist | > race realists To be honest.. as a white male.. I could go back in time to any period and be treated wicked awesome... how many other races can say that? That's just reality. | 01/13/2014 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | White people are better than other races | Informal | null |
shekels | shekels | antisemitic | 🤔 But i thought the swaztikas and anti-semitic content was too much for TV. But them again, those extra shekels though. | 11/06/2017 | null | null | milliondollarextreme | PRAW API | Money with the connotation that Jews are greedy | Informal | null |
shekels | shekels | antisemitic | Apart from a few half decent episodes of Family Guy he has produced nothing but rubbish. Ted was total rubbish - he simply needs to fade away & count the shekels he fleeced from the Fox. | 12/27/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Money with the connotation that Jews are greedy | Informal | null |
Barack Hussein | Barack Hussein Obama | Islamophobic | Looked at the USA President lately? It's not when. They already did. I'm surprised a country like a America elected a man named Barack Hussein Obama, maybe an American black named LaTrayveon Wilkinson but Hussein? America? | 06/29/2015 | null | null | european | PRAW API | Obama has a connection to Islam and is therefore threatening and untrustworthy | Informal | null |
removing kebab | Remove Kebab | Islamophobic | It's a threat that will be taken seriously by no one. I wish it was a promise. Babs is more likely to emigrate to Canada than Muslims are likely to give up Hejira. No, removing kebab is done best in a house to house fashion. | 09/01/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Kill Muslims | Informal | null |
removing kebab | Remove Kebab | Islamophobic | The funniest thing about the Balkans is the only thing we want more than killing each other is removing kebab | 02/18/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Kill Muslims | Informal | null |
removing kebab | Remove Kebab | Islamophobic | So sorry for all our Canadian pedes - on the good side, they didn't say you couldn't talk about removing kebabs... | 03/24/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Kill Muslims | Informal | null |
shoah | shoah | antisemitic | The admins would love to ban it as it is, it needs to keep a tight lid on things and stay well behaved or they'll shoah it. | 05/15/2017 | null | null | CringeAnarchy | PRAW API | Shut down, especially alt-right social media accounts by referencing the Holocaust | Informal | null |
shoah | shoah | antisemitic | But specifically for the hollyhoax of shoah business... normal finkelstein, and for debunking the gas chambers... | 07/09/2015 | null | null | CoonTown | PRAW API | Shut down, especially alt-right social media accounts by referencing the Holocaust | Informal | null |
shoah | shoah | antisemitic | Just make sure the next one we create after the shoah has a really funny name so when the media mentions it i can have a giggle | 06/22/2015 | null | null | CoonTown | PRAW API | Shut down, especially alt-right social media accounts by referencing the Holocaust | Informal | null |
anchor baby | anchor babies | anti-Latino | Had she not been so pro abortion she could have dropped herself an anchor baby. Then she would get to stay and suck up tax payer money. | 12/14/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Mexicans are manipulating the immigration system | Informal | null |
anchor baby | anchor babies | anti-Latino | As soon as Trump gets into office, he should convene congress and pass a law that defined natural born citizen and bans anchor baby citizenship. | 05/01/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Mexicans are manipulating the immigration system | Informal | null |
anchor baby | anchor babies | anti-Latino | Actually what we need is a reform in refugee laws. Rather than being a path to citizenship, it should be like Switzerland and probably many other places where it's a temporary status, maybe 5 years, and if it's still unsafe then another 5 years, etc. And fix the anchor baby loophole, again to be like most other countries. | 03/16/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Mexicans are manipulating the immigration system | Informal | null |
coincidence | coincidence | antisemitic | It seems so obvious now that you mention it. It could be a coincidence but I don't put it past them to have such an evil plan. | 10/08/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish conspiracy | Informal | null |
ghettos | ghetto | racist | I've been jumped and been called more racial slurs from blacks and hispanixs than white males or females in my whole life. This has been true whether I was in city ghettos or old white suburban areas. Don't be misled that the majority of them care or even acknowledge our situation in the western world. | 10/22/2019 | null | null | aznidentity | PRAW API | Low-income Black neighborhood | Informal | null |
forced diversity | forced diversity | racist | diversity is so unnecessary and even quite troublesome if it's overdone yet the libs make it sound like it's the greatest thing in the world. forced diversity is just plain wrong. | 07/11/2016 | null | null | uncensorednews | PRAW API | Diversity is making things worse | Informal | null |
forced diversity | forced diversity | racist | I was already considering skipping Rogue One because of the forced diversity and the writer's stupid white supremacist comments, but somehow it was seeing it in batwu's handle that sealed the deal for me. Pass. | 12/12/2016 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | Diversity is making things worse | Informal | null |
activist judge | judicial activism | conservative | Oh yeah, Brenda Lee. The whole news media rallied behind her, condemning Obama, and found an activist judge to have her reinstated just to rub it in the president's face. Remember!? | 11/18/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Judges ruling in liberals' favor | Informal | null |
activist judge | judicial activism | conservative | Notice which totally not political and totally not activist judge is not there? O right its a liberal | 03/01/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Judges ruling in liberals' favor | Informal | null |
dual citizen | dual citizen | antisemitic | Ofc. The persians have seen what has happened to their neighbors iraq,libya and syria. They know the predominately dual citizen israeli neocons in washington DC have targeted them for destruction once predident jarod kutchner orders murican patriotard military to finish off President Assad of Syria. | 05/04/2017 | null | null | uncensorednews | PRAW API | Jewish person | Informal | null |
Shariah | Sharia law | Islamophobic | Trump has a meeting planned with the cucked Prime Minister, on Monday. A literate Canada Pede should start a petition to ask Trump, to respectfully, request Trudeau pull his head out of his own ass! Canada doesn't need Shariah Law. | 02/11/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Muslims are violent and present a threat to Americans | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | And for him to do something major for all those SJW snowflakes who look like Marilyn Manson with 76 genders... to look up to him... he would probably have to turn against people like us who were his fans. | 11/21/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Candace is just moving too fast. She's just some person that a bad thing happened to, and because of her SJW roots, she believes that makes her a qualified internet celebrity/political commentator. I agree with a lot of her positions, but she has no particular skill in presenting them or ability to debate. | 11/08/2017 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJW | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | That tells me the author is probably jewish because the left in general hates Israel...... jewish nationalist SJW they are in for a hell of a ride. You dont get to keep your ethno centrisim and lash out against everybody else. | 07/06/2017 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJWs | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAA millenial SJWs are LITERALLY walking back civil rights! | 09/07/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJWs | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | It's 0.3% I think, although this will go sky high with modern SJWs saying everyone is trans. Then it will go back down to a slightly higher number once all the SJWs get put in their place or die, due to people not feeling as much social stigma for being trans, forcing them to pretend they are not. | 11/05/2016 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJWs | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | SJWs are about the same, but they're closeted about it, manipulate facts all the damn time, as well as stirring up fake threats, in an attempt make some self-fulfilling problem come to life. | 10/04/2016 | null | null | TumblrInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJWs | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | It makes me so ANGRY that the SJWs cucked ANOTHER games journalist. Why are they repressing this GAMES JOURNALIST'S free speech? Doesn't she have the right to write articles too? I'm so sick of this censorship. STOP the SJWs from BULLYING journalists into QUITTING their PROFESSION. | 02/05/2016 | null | null | KotakuInAction | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJWs | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | They did try and make it fun for awhile, and we're winning with the younger crowd. Now that the SJWs took over it's no fun at all can't even joke about things. They are losing so bad, and will continue to lose bigly, and they did it to themselves | 04/10/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
SJWs | social justice warrior | anti-liberal | Same thing happened with the KKK in America. The left creates monsters and then after those monsters fail they begin propagandizing the youth to believe 'crazy leftist group' was really right-wing all along. Then they begin radicalizing people as a response to the former monster they created. From what I hear Anti-fa is just fascism with an incredibly ironic name. SJWs are also just modern-day segregationists with a case of white mans burden. | 07/22/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | liberals | Informal | null |
LGB | LGB rights | transphobic | >Having spoken with some members of the LGBTQ community (on Reddit), the idea of Biological sex has been done away with: self identity is what defines male/female/man/woman and gonad type is not at all considered. LGB doesn't agree with that, which is why we need to work on separating the T from LGBT. Also, Non-binary is complete nonsense too. | 06/02/2021 | null | null | SocialJusticeInAction | PRAW API | Lesbian, gay, and bisexual, but not trans, rights | Informal | null |
working class | working class | racist | all oppression is not the same, but the 1% are def oppressing the american white nazi middle and working class. they have just been tricked into blaming immigrants and PoC for their situation. | 08/12/2017 | null | null | ChapoTrapHouse | PRAW API | white working class | Informal | null |
the Fed | Federal Reserve | antisemitic | Yes but why is it so expensive? Is it because the current market is a racket with the Fed in order to price gouge? Or is it because all providers are in cahoots together to screw the consumer? | 05/05/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people control all the money | Informal | null |
the Fed | Federal Reserve | antisemitic | The economy got a boost from Trump but make no mistake folks we are in a bubble due to years of abuse from the fed's horribly low interest rates | 03/17/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people control all the money | Informal | null |
middle class | middle class | racist | Our economy is rigged to squeeze as much as possible out of the lower to middle class while giving them the least amount possible. | 04/05/2019 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | White middle class | Informal | null |
middle class | middle class | racist | lol, no. Black children adopted into middle class white families regress towards their racial norm by their teenage years. | 08/04/2017 | null | null | CringeAnarchy | PRAW API | White middle class | Informal | null |
middle class | middle class | racist | Middle class here - family is doing absolutely & insanely awesome tax/money/mortgage/job-wise since DJT took office, so this sounds more like a lower class issue because there are plenty of affordable state schools for those very people who cannot afford major schooling/do not want to pay insane prices for schooling that doesn’t even guarantee a good job after the debt piles up. | 02/05/2020 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | White middle class | Informal | null |
middle class | middle class | racist | But what about our commercial real estate? How can we justify having prime space, with inflated rent; instead of moving forward & making them into affordable housing? We SHOULDN'T want to lower ourselves to help the middle class workers in our city! They SHOULD be forced back into the office! /s | 07/13/2022 | null | null | antiwork | PRAW API | White middle class | Informal | null |
middle class | middle class | racist | What's really sad is that white people who are clearly middle class or even lower middle class now believe that they have this immense, un-earned privilege and power compared to the black community. | 08/18/2017 | null | null | CringeAnarchy | PRAW API | White middle class | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | Nothing strange is happening. He's just a pervert. Hell this probably just damage control. We don't need 800 million contradictory conspiracy theories like with 9/11 so we can't talk about the real issues. Islam is responsible for 9/11 and Hollywood is filled with pedos. Nothing more complicated than that. No conspicuous conspiracies needed. | 10/20/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
Hollywood | Hollywood elite | antisemitic | Always wondered if like so many other child actors of the 80's, 90's & 2000's if Mayim Bialik was fucked on by Hollywood Pedos. It would make sense if she was seeing as how much of a deranged leftist loon she is nowadays. | 01/15/2020 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people who control the media | Informal | null |
welfare | welfare | racist | Welfare recipients should be disallowed from voting. If you can't take care of yourself then your opinion is not beneficial to the country. The only incentive a welfare recipient has is to ask for more welfare. This would incentivise welfare recipients to come OFF welfare not spend 4 generations on it. | 02/01/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Informal | null |
welfare | welfare | racist | Good. I understand some welfare is needed as a safety net for when working Americans fall on hard times, but how the fuck does anyone think it's OK for someone to hop the border and start collecting a paycheck? | 02/05/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | racial minorities receive government aid that they don't deserve | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Oh im whining? Did you comment that to the beta who thinks picking women up isnt possible anymore? I might complain this subs gone to garbage which it has but at least that's not making excuses. If you want a post I got one your mum and sis can take turns sitting on. | 01/26/2017 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | One important thing is to always have a place where you are able to dump your feels though. As you've said, girls your linking are not the right place - they don't care and it'll devalue their opinion of you. I guess it just seems like the obvious choice to beta Bill as you *have such a close bond.* For me its a diary I have stashed in one of my archive drawers, as well as my parents in serious matters. | 06/04/2017 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | so you haven't actually fucked any of these taken girls and you're just assuming they would totally fuck you because they gave you their number or snapchat? snapchats and texting don't mean shit. every one of these girls has a dozen other dopey beta guys constantly throwing attention and validation at her thinking they're about to steal her away from her boyfriend. until you put your dick in her, you're just another orbiter | 08/31/2017 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | About 3 months go I just lost the most amazing girl ever. I knew there was a problem and I knew she could she through me (I was a little beta in her eyes). Now that i screwed up I don't know it i'l ever get a second chance. | 08/01/2014 | null | null | NoFap | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Depends on your SMV. If you’re high SMV, you can get away with spending less. If you’re a beta bluepiller Nice Guy, then she’d want you to wine and dine her for even the slightest whiff of pussy. Meanwhile, a Chad grabs her by the pussy and bangs her... | 02/25/2017 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | So if you're an alpha, women become insecure and start longing for beta bucks, and if you're a beta, women become disgusted and unhaaappppyyy? I'm starting to understand why many people on this sub prefer plates to LTRs. | 10/26/2015 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Definitely the guy on the right. He’s got the army trousers, several army-issued accessories, fucking handcuffs and a big ass machete. That’s to say nothing about the guns, AND the dude on the left is actually wearing a mask in public… like some kinda beta bitch vaccinated socialist marxist librul | 10/21/2022 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Pointed towards her with a shit-eating grin (he's not happy, he knows he's the bitch), subservient to her next command (look at him, he's practically the textbook definition of beta schlub). | 06/28/2014 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | They will take delight in watching you suffer, but as soon as the tables turn against them the ugly beta will rear it's head. | 06/26/2016 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Other girls in academia are either post wall or just like 5s who are perfectly happy with beta bucks. | 04/21/2014 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Exactly. Most of them can't keep their mouths shut at any age, which is why you aren't to trust them with sensitive information. Fortunately op isn't at fault here and anyone who gets mad at the guy instead of his girlfriend is beta af. | 12/30/2015 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | How does it feel to get alpha'd by a 6yr old? Imagine being such a beta and posting that you got owned by a 6yr old to the world. Why were you wearing a mask outside op? | 12/24/2021 | null | null | WhitePeopleTwitter | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | They had their own plans (usually involving the capture of some Beta Bucks schmuck) and I could not begrudge them that. | 08/10/2015 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Unless you havd some kind of deasease I'm sure you can do the same of what I did if you follow the TRP principles : DGAF , be a MAN never a pussy , hit the gym and get big muscles, NEVER act like a desperate virgin ,don't be a fuckin whiteknight or her beta friendzoned friend... | 06/18/2017 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Let's just say that last two girls I got with almost a porn dialog and lost one of them by going full beta later. | 02/04/2014 | null | null | NoFap | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Real alphas chase pussy bro and hold frame do you even lift bro enough with this beta shit don't you want to waste all your time and money on a wet hole and bro validation? | 11/26/2017 | null | null | MGTOW | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | I consider myself to naturally lean towards a Beta stance but well before I found this online community I knew that the wife, and the women before her, responded better to what we call Alpha behaviors so I play the role. | 07/27/2014 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Oh, and lets not forget that half of women have a 'Fall Back' partner (see, Beta provider supplicant) ~~in case~~ when hawt asshole moves on to better women when her SMV declines below a threshold. | 09/30/2014 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | She may just have seen you act beta for too long, man. Ask anyone around here who adjusted their game, and they'll tell you that switching up your game is often met with greater resistance than being a pussy. You have to commit to making it stick. | 01/14/2014 | null | null | TheRedPill | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
beta | beta | white supremacist | Women are blinded by good looking men so it doesn’t matter, then cry why chad pumped n dumped them to some beta orbiter | 10/24/2018 | null | null | Braincels | PRAW API | Liberal men | Informal | null |
deep state | deep state | antisemitic | You’re missing the point; it doesn’t matter if you vote D or R when the Deep State is running the show no matter who wins (and they already have it planned who will win). It’s how Obama managed to bail out the banks and run away with all our fucking money while doubling the trillions of dollars in debt we have. That shit was planned, and if you question it, well “obviously you’re a racist for not liking our only BLACK PRESIDENT!!!” It’s fucking bullshit. | 10/06/2019 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people are manipulating and controlling the government | Informal | null |
Soros | George Soros | antisemitic | Nah, I think Soros wants to cripple Russia so he can sweep in and take economic power from the Russian oligarchs. | 07/11/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish person who controls the world | Informal | null |
deep state | deep state | antisemitic | Before deep state was the accepted term, we used to call it the shadow govt. buttgreg’s background is filled with those people. | 02/04/2020 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people are manipulating and controlling the government | Informal | null |
terrorists | Islamic terrorists | Islamophobic | Last night in Sweden, masked #AltLeft migrant terrorists broke into a 95 year old woman's house in the middle of the night. They assaulted her for hours and stole all of her money. #SwedenIncident | 09/04/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Muslim people as a whole are a threat | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | It is about destabilizing the area and getting to Iran and getting them on the fed reserve system...only NK and Iran remain to be put under the Rothschild’s globalist thumb... | 04/10/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | Imagine what’s going on in Europe with migration from Africa and the Middle East. How much if that is being funded, organized, and facilitated by globalist organizations. What a disaster for humanity and for Western Civilization. | 10/18/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | You've got to put all that behind you fam, that was a long time ago and I'd wager 75% of your population wasn't even born then. Don't let the globalist use that guilt on you. Anyway she looks based and hot. | 11/30/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | It's almost like they want to be sovereign nations and not be butt fucked by the sitty globalist EU. | 05/23/2016 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | True completely agree, I only mention it because it seems that this huge globalist push is extremely anti-white. | 02/26/2017 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
globalist | globalist | antisemitic | Check out this excellent video that exposes the true nature of the EU: It was a devious plan of power consolidation, devised by unelected bureaucrats to erode the sovereignty of European nations and establish a 2nd USSR. It is the cradle of the modern globalist world order. | 04/27/2018 | null | null | The_Donald | PRAW API | Jewish people | Informal | null |
Chicago | references to cities with large racial minority populations being overrun by crime, drugs, rodents | racist | Correlation is not causation /s I love it when the media falls all over themselves to explain away these facts. Chicago is next. | 04/13/2015 | null | null | CoonTown | PRAW API | Minorities are dirty and criminals | Informal | null |
Subsets and Splits