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Zhao, who died at 85, was a reformer who was removed from office, and imprisoned, in 1989 after denouncing the use of force against student protesters in Tiananmen Square.
Zhao was arrested in 1989.
The U.S. state of Florida entered an agreement on June 24, 2008 to purchase the U.S. Sugar Corporation, the largest manufacturer of cane sugar in the U.S., in an effort to restore the Everglades. Terms of the agreement stated that the purchase would be completed within 75 days, but that U.S. Sugar would be able to operate for another six years. After that, the state of Florida will retain ownership of U.S. Sugar's manufacturing facilities in Clewiston, Florida, and 187,000 acres of fields that have grown sugarcane since the 1960s will be allowed to return to their natural state.
Florida is going to buy the Sugar Corporation.
For Bechtolsheim, who designed the prototype for the first Sun workstation while he was a Birkenstock-shod Stanford University graduate student in 1982, the new line of computers, code named Galaxy, is a return to the company's roots.
The Sun workstation was created by Bechtlsheim.
Elizabeth Dowdeswell is the Under Secretary General at the United Nations Offices at Nairobi and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme.
Elizabeth Dowdeswell is Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme.
The agreement also stated a period of transition for the Baltic countries to last until December 31, 1999. This was a much shorter period than that which was assigned to the Central European countries (their transition periods were declared to be 10 years). Estonia declined the transition period, Latvia received a transition period of four years, and Lithuania received a transition period of six years.
Baltic Countries join the EU.
A two-day auction of property belonging to actress Katharine Hepburn brought in 3.2 million pounds.
A two-day auction of property belonging to actress Katharine Hepburn brought in £3.2m.
Jose Padilla, who is a former Chicago gang member, was found by jury to be guilty of supporting Islamic terrorist groups abroad. The co-defendants, Adham Hassoun and Kifan Jayyousi were also found guilty on conspiracy to murder, kidnap, and maim people in a foreign country; conspiracy to provide material support for terrorists; and providing material support for terrorists.
Jose Padilla did not support terrorism.
The unconfirmed case in Dundee concerns a rabies-like virus known only in bats.
A case of rabies was confirmed.
"Our best evidence is that the crustal magma chamber is filling with molten rock. But we have no idea how long this process goes on before there either is an eruption or the inflow of molten rock stops and the caldera deflates again," added Smith. Volcanic activity in Yellowstone heats up underground water which create geysers of superheated water, and is responsible for the creation and continuous eruption of Old Faithful.
There is a volcano in Yellowstone.
The marriage is planned to take place in the Kiev Monastery of the Caves, whose father superior, Bishop Pavel, is Yulia Timoshenko's spiritual father.
Yulia Timoshenko is the daughter of Bishop Pavel.
Earlier this year reporter Judith Miller was jailed for refusing to name the US-government source who identified a member of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Valerie Plame.
Judith Miller is a member of CIA.
John Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, has topped the US dance chart at the age of 71 with a song supporting gay marriage.
Yoko Ono is John Lennon's widow.
Arromanches-les-Bains or simply Arromanches is a town in Normandy, France, located on the coast in the heart of the area where the Normandy landings took place on D-Day, on June 6, 1944.
The Normandy landings took place in June 1944.
When comparing Michele Granger and Brian Goodell, Brian has to be the clear winner. In 1976, while still a student at Mission Viejo High, Brian won two Olympic gold medals at Montreal, breaking his own world records in both the 400- and 1,500-meter freestyle events. He went on to win three gold medals in he 1979 Pan American Games.
Brian Goodell won three gold medals in the 1979 Pan American Games.
BBC Radio 1 bosses have today reversed their decision to censor the word "faggot" from the 20 year old "Fairytale of New York" song by The Pogues. The initial censoring of the song caused controversy recently as the song had been played for 20 years without censoring, and resulted in many people contacting the BBC saying the decision was "ridiculous". The ban was also ridiculed for the fact that it only applied to Radio 1 and not to Radio 2 or any other station on the BBC network.
"Fairytale of New York" does not contain the word "faggot".
Nike Inc. said, Monday, that its first-quarter profit grew 32 percent, as the world's largest sneaker and athletic apparel company posted broad gains in sales and orders.
Nike said that orders for delivery were up 11 percent from a year earlier, and it was optimistic about its growth prospects.
Munir Mezyed, a poet and critic, aroused the sentiments and emotions of the audience when he recited his smooth flowing poetry both in Arabic and English, which demonstrated his unique and overwhelming style.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing lived from 1729 to 1781.
Qin Shi Huang, personal name Zheng, was king of the Chinese State of Qin from 247 BCE to 221 BCE, and then the first emperor of a unified China from 221 BCE to 210 BCE, ruling under the name First Emperor.
Qin Shi Huang was the first China Emperor.
Meanwhile, in an exclusive interview with a TIME journalist, the first one-on-one session given to a Western print publication since his election as president of Iran earlier this year, Ahmadinejad attacked the "threat" to bring the issue of Iran's nuclear activity to the UN Security Council by the US, France, Britain and Germany.
Ahmadinejab threatens Iran nuclear activity.
Vice-President Álvaro Marcelo García Linera, a principal author of the draft constitution, hailed Sunday's referendum results, saying, "this will be an egalitarian Bolivia, a Bolivia that leaves behind a dark, colonial, racist past." Linera, however, has acknowledged that the government has provoked deep divisions and faces vehement oppositions from many of the traditional elite, coming from many mixed-race people in the fertile eastern lowlands which rejected the draft charter. "I am not saying there will be no more conflict, there will be tensions for a while, I say a decade ... but we will have built a state on three principles: the economy under state control, equality, and the territorial decentralization of power," he said. The new constitution was rejected in four opposition-controlled regions: the tropical lowlands of Pando, Santa Cruz, Tarija and Beni, which contain most of Bolivia's natural gas production and are responsible for most of its agricultural output.
Álvaro Marcelo García Linera belongs to the republican party.
Muslims are commanded not to take Jews or Christians for friends.
Jews and Christians pray as Muslims do.
In Wednesday's filing, Google said it planned to complete the IPO "as soon as practicable."
It's unclear whether Wednesday's twist will affect the timing of Google's initial public offering.
Iranian nuclear officials say 54,000 centrifuges would produce enough enriched uranium to fuel a 1,000-megawatt reactor, such as the one being built by Russia that is near completion at the southern city of Bushehr.
54,000 centrifuges would produce enough enriched uranium to fuel a 1,000-megawatt reactor.
An attempted carjacking Thursday evening in Johannesburg has left famous South African reggae star Lucky Dube dead. He was dropping his children off in the suburb of Rosettenville when he was attacked. Police said that three gunshots were fired through the car window, injuring Dube. His children were out of the car at the time. An injured Dube then attempted to drive his car away from the area, but hit a tree soon after. He died at the scene. The police suspect that three people were responsible for the attack.
Lucky Dube was a reggae star.
Mossad is one of the world's most well-known intelligence agencies, and is often viewed in the same regard as the CIA and MI6.
Mossad is an intelligence agency.
Hugh was also very supportive of Mustang's plan to become Fuhrer, doing whatever he can to, as he put it, to "help him from the bottom to the top."
Hugh assisted Mustang.
The focus on the engines and the fuel, stems from the pilot's radio call, shortly before the crash.
The pilot had been attempting an emergency landing, after both engines failed.
Tom Cruise is married to actress Nicole Kidman and the couple has 2 adopted children.
Tom Cruise is married to Nicole Kidman.
Theravada Buddhism is the official religion of Thailand and is the religion of about 95% of its people. The government permits religious diversity, and other major religions are represented. Spirit worship and animism are widely practiced.
The official religion of Thailand is Theravada Buddhism.
Two trains collided in Shandong, China 4:41am local time on Monday killing at least 71 people and injuring over 400, including four French citizens. It is still not known exactly how many people were on either of the trains. The collision occurred in Zibo when one of the trains traveling from Beijing to Qingdao jumped tracks and collided head on with a train traveling in the opposite direction from Yantai to Xuzhou. Both of the trains are reported to have been traveling at their maximum speeds when they collided.
Zibo is in the vicinity of Beijing.
Clonaid said, Sunday, that the cloned baby, allegedly born to an American woman, and her family were going to return to the United States Monday, but where they live and further details were not released.
Clonaid announced that mother and daughter would be returning to the US on Monday.
Mitsubishi Motors Corp.'s new vehicle sales in the US fell 46 percent in June
Mitsubishi sales rose 46 percent
An act signed into law by Afghan President Hamid Karzai last month dramatically rolled back the rights of women in that country, according to human rights groups and a United Nations report on the bill by the United Nations Development Fund for Women. The Afghan government has not provided a copy of the text of the Shia Family Law to the UN or to other outside groups requesting it, citing "technical problems", however, the UN and opposition politicians say that the bill contains numerous provisions restricting the rights of women, such as giving their husbands priority in court; requiring the husband's permission to leave the house, obtain education or employment, or to see a doctor; and reserving the custody of children to male relatives.
Hamid Karzai is an employee of the UN.
In the early Olympic games, athletes used to run a mile and then recite a poem. The first poet-in-residence of an English football team, Ian McMillan, remarked that football chants are like huge tribal poems. Generally, though, sport and poetry have never seemed natural companions in human enterprise. Until the New York Mets baseball team suffered in 2007 arguably the worst collapse in Major League Baseball history. To describe the anguish fans felt, The New York Times turned to a poet, Frank Messina. "Nothing was really representing the fan's point of view," Messina told Wikinews reporter David Shankbone in an interview. "There's a lot of hurting people out there who can't express what happened."
David Shankbone is an employee of The New York Times.
FMLN guerrilla units ambushed the 1st company of military detachment no. 2 Jr. Battalion at la Pena Canton, Villa Victoria Jurisdiction.
FMLN guerrilla units attacked a commercial company.
THE persistence and severity of the drought in the Murray-Darling Basin has been described as "unprecedented" after late summer inflows to the river system fell to a 117-year low. The "bleak'' outlook for next three months was adding to the grim news, the Murray-Darling Basin Authority said. Irrigation water for Australia's food bowl will be dependent almost entirely on rainfall as basin states hold back water for critical human needs. "The persistence and severity of this drought, particularly over the past three years, is unprecedented,'' authority chief executive Rob Freeman said as he delivered the basin's latest drought update.
The Murray-Darling Basin is in central Australia.
Once called the "Queen of the Danube," Budapest has long been the focal point of the nation and a lively cultural centre.
Budapest was once popularly known as the "Queen of the Danube."
The world's oldest known child has been discovered in East Africa in an area known appropriately as the Cradle of Humanity. The 3.3-million-year-old fossilized toddler was uncovered in north Ethiopia's badlands along the Great Rift Valley (map of Ethiopia). The skeleton, belonging to the primitive human species Australopithecus afarensis, is remarkable for its age and completeness, even for a region spectacularly rich in fossils of our ancient ancestors, experts say. The new find may even trump the superstar fossil of the same species: "Lucy," a 3.2-million-year-old adult female discovered nearby in 1974 that reshaped theories of human evolution. (Related: "Fossil Find Is Missing Link in Human Evolution, Scientists Say" [April 2006].) .
Lucy fossils have been discovered 3.3 million years ago.
The longest stay in space was 438 days by Valeri Polyakov.
The record for the longest stay in space, by a human, is 438 days.
An Iraqi official reported today, Saturday, that 68 Iraqi civilians were killed as a result of the American and British bombing on Iraq and that their funerals were held today in Baghdad.
The 68 civilians killed as a result of the Anglo-American bombing of Iraq, were buried today in Baghdad.
The longest mission which the Russian Salyuts supported was 63 days. The second generation Salyuts would fly missions much longer and would need to be resupplied from time to time.
Russians hold record for longest stay in space.
In November, the results of the 2008 United States Senate election in Minnesota showed Republican Norm Coleman with a 215 vote lead over the Democratic challenger Franken. The close margin ―less than 0.0075 percent ―triggered an automatic recount which resulted in Franken leading by 225 votes, the total ratified by the Minnesota Canvasing Board January 5. The Coleman campaign filed a motion January 6 in court to block the certification of Franken's victory and prevent Franken from taking a seat in the United States Senate. On March 31, a three-judge panel hearing the case ordered 400 additional ballots be counted.
Norm Coleman is a member of the Republican Party.
The World Health Organization moved Friday, to revise alarming predictions that a pandemic stemming from the bird flu virus ravaging parts of Asia, could kill as many as 150 million people.
The U.N. health agency has distanced itself from a top official's prediction that a global influenza pandemic could kill as many as 150 million people.
A prosecutor had urged a state judge to sentence Former Tyco International CEO, Dennis Kozlowski, to the maximum 15 to 30 years in prison for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the company.
Ex-Tyco CEO, Dennis Kozlowski, received 8-1/3 to 25 years in prison, Monday, for his part in stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the manufacturing conglomerate.
Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp., on Monday, threw their weight behind the next-generation, HD DVD format being promoted by Toshiba Corp., in a blow to Sony Corp.'s Blu-ray format.
Microsoft Corp. invented the next generation HD DVD format.
The FMLN has prudently taken time before adopting a definite position, meanwhile the government has increased its detentions and attacked the residences of leaders of the Social Christian People's Movement.
Social Christian People's Movement was attacked by FMLN.
The State of California Department of Occupational Health and Safety released its report on the September 5 fatal accident on Disneyland's Big Thunder Mountain Railroad attraction.
Disneyland has accident
Martin was taken to New Orleans Ochsner Foundation Hospital, where nurse Jinny Resor said he was treated for dehydration.
Martin works for the Ochsner Foundation Hospital.
The recent 14% hike in third class postage rates, accompanied by simultaneous double-digit paper price increases, has hit smaller catalogers especially hard.
The cost of paper is rising.
Today about 75% of people live in cities or towns. Art and culture are an important part of France.
75 people live in France.
In any case, the fact that this week Michael Melvill, a 63-year-old civilian pilot, guided a tiny rocket-ship more than 100 kilometres above the Earth and then glided it safely back to Earth, is a cause for celebration.
Michael Melvill guided more than 100 rocket-ships above the Earth.
Christopher Reeve, an actor and director who became an inspiration worldwide after being paralyzed in a horse riding accident, died Sunday of heart failure.
Christopher Reeve had an accident.
Further evidence emerged on Wednesday of the severe downturn in the aviation sector as Emirates pulled its giant Airbus A380s off the Dubai to New York route. The airline blamed the weakening global economy for the decision, an embarrassing U-turn only eight months after its A380 services were launched with the New York route. Emirates' failure to make New York work with the A380 has raised concerns about the large number of the double-decker aircraft ordered by the carrier. It is the A380's largest customer and has ordered 58 of the 500-seat aircraft. It operates two to New York, one to Heathrow and one to Sydney.
A380 has only 58 seats.
Rozsa ( Rose ) Hill , the third hill near the river, lies north of Castle Hill.
Rozsa Hill lies north of Castle Hill.
Deng Haihua, Ministry of Health spokesperson, expects the disease to reach its height between May and July. Yang Weizhong Deputy Director for the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said researchers are increasing research efforts to find a vaccine for EV71. Families are being instructed to embark on week-long disinfections with free medical supplies from local health authorities.
Deng Haihua is an employee of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
The papers presented show that all European countries are experiencing rapidly aging populations that will cause sharp increases in the cost of retirement income over the next several decades.
National pension systems currently adopted in Europe are in difficulties.
PM tried to buy the Belin biscuit company from RJR Nabisco two years ago.
American tobacco companies began to diversify production.
Bunker started XenuTV in 1999 and began to make videos that he provided for the Lisa McPherson Trust. Bunker has been a critic of the Church of Scientology since 1997. In 2006, he won a Regional Emmy Award after he and KUSI-TV news reporter Lena Lewis produced a documentary news video on the issues with the United States - Mexico border with San Diego, California.
Church of Scientology includes Lena Lewis among its members.
With a 38-35 victory over the New York Giants at Giants Stadium Saturday night, the New England Patriots became the second team in the modern era of the National Football League to go undefeated (16-0) in the regular season. The only other team to have achieved this feat was the Miami Dolphins in 1972, who were 14-0 due to a different regular season structure at the time.
New England Patriots is the name of a fast food chain.
QNX Software Systems Ltd., a leading provider of real-time software and services to the embedded computing market, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Sachin Lawande to the position of vice president, engineering services.
Sachin Lawande Named VP of Engineering Services at QNX
He interviewed Shigeko Sasamori in December 2004. Ms. Sasamori was thirteen when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945).
In 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
There are actually good grounds to believe that legalization would reduce the costs of respiratory damage from marijuana smoking by encouraging the development of better smoke filtration technology, the substitution of more potent, less smoke-producing varieties of marijuana, and the substitution of oral preparations for smoked marijuana.
Drug legalization has benefits.
The humane organization, Caritas, quoting its branch in Iraq, announced today, in Germany, that several Iraqi hospitals, especially Saddam Hospital, which is considered the biggest hospital in Iraq, were hit in the American-British bombing of the Iraqi capital.
An official source for Caritas announced today in Germany, that several Iraqi hospitals, (excluding Saddam Hospital, which is the biggest hospital in Iraq,) were hit in the American-British shelling of Baghdad.
The probe looked into the October 2000 shooting-deaths of 13 Arabs, during violent demonstrations in northern Israel that erupted days after the start of a Palestinian uprising.
Israel will not prosecute the police who killed 13 Israeli Arabs during pro-Palestinian protests in 2000, because of a lack of evidence, an official inquiry said yesterday.
Officials claimed they were backed by influential members of the Santa Cruz business community of Croatian descent. The security vice-minister, Marcos Farfan, said that police have surveillance photographs of Mr Dwyer at various public events attended by Mr Morales, including a peasant rally near Santa Cruz and a visit to naval installations on Lake Titicaca. Mr Farfan said that Mr Dwyer was "following" Mr Morales and other officials as part of the preparations for the "assassination plot". He added that police experts are analysing contents reportedly found in computers taken from the rooms in which the men were killed.
Lake Titicaca has a naval installation.
Scott's execution led to outrage in Ontario, and was largely responsible for prompting the Wolseley Expedition which forced Louis Riel, now branded a murderer, to flee the settlement.
Louis Riel assassinated Scott.
The National Basketball Association (NBA) has released the rosters for the 2007 NBA All-Star Game. The starting rosters can be found on the newly launched 2007 All-Star Game website. The 56th All-Star Game is scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 18 at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. 2007 Eastern Conference All-Stars Starters Gilbert Arenas (Washington) Chris Bosh (Toronto) LeBron James (Cleveland) Shaquille O'Neal (Miami) Dwayne Wade (Miami) 2007 Western Conference All-Stars Starters Kobe Bryant (L.A. Lakers) Tim Duncan (San Antonio) Kevin Garnett (Minnesota) Tracy McGrady (Houston) Yao Ming (Houston) The All Star Website was also launched at about noon EST on January 26. The website features pictures of the players on the rosters and other information.
The Thomas & Mack Center was built by NBA.
A bus collision with a truck in Uganda has resulted in at least 30 fatalities and has left a further 21 injured.
30 die in a bus collision in Uganda.
The World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have all been criticized for their role in catalyzing the harmful impacts of corporate globalization on people, the environment and sustainable development.
The World Bank is criticized for its activities.
President George W. Bush, who gave the keynote address and introduced his father, raved about the vessel: "She is unrelenting, she unshakeable, she is unyielding, she is unstoppable. In fact, she should have been named the Barbara Bush."
The name of George H.W. Bush's wife is Barbara.
The planet probably got this name due to its red color; Mars is sometimes referred to as 'the Red Planet'.
Mars is called 'the red planet'.
So far the British have preferred a policy of a voluntary approach to restricting advertising and high taxes on tobacco products.
Sales have declined due to restrictions on advertising.
Infertile women are vital for successful child-rearing despite being unable to produce children themselves.
Infertile women cannot produce children.
Greece objects to the neighbouring Skopje government using the name Macedonia, saying it implies claims on a Greek province of the same name.
Greece and Macedonia are in dispute over name.
Vanunu, 49, was abducted by Israeli agents and convicted of treason in 1986 after discussing his work as a mid-level Dimona technician with Britain's Sunday Times newspaper.
Vanunu's disclosures in 1968 led experts to conclude that Israel has a stockpile of nuclear warheads.
Ocean colour satellite remote sensing has developed rapidly within the last five years and satellite imagery is now processed automatically and made available via the WWW.
Ocean remote sensing is developed.
The so-called "grandmother hypothesis", based on studies of African hunter-gatherer groups, suggests that infertile women are vital for successful child-rearing despite being unable to produce children themselves.
The "grandmother hypothesis" suggests that infertile women are very important for raising children.
Nicholas Cage's wife, Alice Kim Cage, gave birth Monday, to a boy, Kal-el Coppola Cage, in New York City, said Cage's Los Angeles-based publicist, Annett Wolf. No other details were available.
Nicholas Cage is married to Alice Kim Cage.
Wal-Mart Stores has asked a US federal appeals court to review a judge's order approving class-action status for a sex-discrimination lawsuit.
A lawsuit was filed against Wal-Mart.
Protest votes as citizens of the 25 EU nations punished their governments.
The European Union is made up of 25 nations.
When the last member of the Hasmonean Dynasty died in 37 B.C., Rome made Herod king of Judah. With Roman backing, Herod (37-34 B.C.) ruled on both sides of the Jordan River. After his death the Jewish kingdom was divided among his heirs and gradually absorbed into the Roman Empire.
The Hasmonean Dynasty rules Jordan.
Mr David Herman, head of GM's local operations accused Mr Gerhardt Schroeder, prime Minister of Lower Saxony and a member of the VW supervisory board, of trying to use his political weight to influence the investigations by state prosecutors in Hesse into claims of industrial espionage against GM.
Gerhardt Schroeder was accused of helping VW.
The GDP report showed growth in business outlays advanced at a solid 8.9% pace.
The GDP was a disappointing report.
GUS on Friday disposed of its remaining home shopping business and last non-UK retail operation with the 390m (265m) sale of the Dutch home shopping company, Wehkamp, to Industri Kapital, a private equity firm.
Wehkamp was based in the UK.
Edward VIII shocked the world in 1936 when he gave up his throne to marry an American divorcee, Wallis Simpson.
King Edward VIII abdictated in 1936.
He tried to persuade a local banker to loan more money to the villagers, but the banker refused, insisting they didn't qualify for credit. So, Yunus started his own bank to help the poorest of the poor lift themselves up.
Yunus started his own bank to loan money to the villagers.
Animals are permitted to enter the UK 6 months later without quarantine as long as they have been treated for ticks, fleas and tapeworms between 24 and 48 hours before boarding the transport that will return the pets to the UK.
Quarantine is compulsory for animals to enter the UK.
Though Wilkins and his family settled quickly in Italy, it wasn't a successful era for Milan, and Wilkins was allowed to leave in 1987 to join French outfit Paris Saint-Germain.
Wilkins departed Milan in 1987.
Since '82 Federal Chancellor (elected by "constructive vote of no confidence" against former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, Social Democratic Party (SPD); reelected 1983, 1987, 1991 and 1994). This makes Helmut Kohl the longest-serving chancellor of the Federal Republic, passing by Konrad Adenauer, the first chancellor, this October.
The name of Helmut Kohl's political party is the Christian Democratic Union.
Blue Mountain Lumber is a subsidiary of Malaysian forestry transnational corporation, Ernslaw One.
Blue Mountain Lumber owns Ernslaw One.
Congress leader Sonia Gandhi and BJP prime ministerial candidate LK Advani are among candidates whose seats are holding voting in the third phase. Results are due on 16 May and no party is expected to win a clear majority. Voters in the states of Bihar, Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal are casting ballots on Thursday. Voting is also being held in the federally-administered territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, and Daman and Diu.
Sonia Gandhi is winning in the Uttar Pradesh state.
New Zealand's Qualifications Authority said Friday that it still strongly discourages students from using anything other than full English, but that credit will be given if the answer "clearly shows the required understanding," even if it contains text-speak.
Full English is recommended by New Zealand's Qualifications Authority.
SCORES of fast food outlets have launched a legal challenge over payment and employment conditions for its workers, it emerged yesterday. The case is being taken by the newly formed Quick Service Food Alliance (QSFA), which also warned that current legislation would lead to job losses and businesses closures due to labour costs. The QSFA represents 170 businesses in the fast food sector including Subway, Supermacs and McDonald's. It said it was to take a High Court challenge to the rights of the Catering Joint Labour Committee (JLC) to set minimum wages and employment conditions for workers in the catering industry.
The Quick Service Food Alliance also includes McDonald's.
As hurricane Katrina moves beyond the Floridian peninsula, death tolls have begun to surface. On Friday, the official count was seven dead, at least five missing. 4 people in Broward, 3 in Miami. The forecast for Hurricane Katrina predicts that it will continue on its present northwesterly course and approach the panhandle of Florida and the Mississippi delta region in the next few days.
Hurricane Katrina hit Florida.
The Salt Lake City 2002 Winter Olympics will take place from February 8th to February 24th 2002. The Paralympics will take place in Salt Lake City from March 7th to March 16th 2002.
2002 Olympic Winter games take place in Salt Lake.
LISBON, Jan. 22 (Xinhuanet) -- Anibal Cavaco Silva, a former prime minister, won Portugal's presidential election on Sunday.
New Portuguese prime minister is elected.
Practically every architect of international stature has vied for the bonanza of public and private projects -- including Renzo Piano, Peter Eisenman, Philip Johnson, Rafael Moneo, Helmut Jahn and Richard Rogers.
Renzo Piano is an architect.
Whilst the Government has an absolute majority in the Australian Senate, it is not guaranteed that the necessary legislation will pass this house. Garnering the support of key Senator Joyce is critical to ensure that the bills will pass (as he will have the deciding vote) and he has already stated that, due to a damning report released earlier in the House of Representatives showing that fourteen percent of lines were faulty amongst other criticsm, that it has turned the "green [light] to amber" [1].
Mr Joyce is an Australian Senator.
The six-member delegation included lawyers from the Justice, State, and Homeland Security Departments, according to U.S. military sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because only Justice was allowed to officially disclose the mission. They were to spend a minimum of one hour with each of the Uighur (WEE-gur) captives, who are part of China's Muslim minority and who risk religious persecution if returned to their homeland. Each was captured in Afghanistan in late 2001 and handed over to U.S. forces, who interrogated them to learn about al-Qaeda's paramilitary training camp structure.
Six Uighurs were captured to gain information about al-Qaeda.
Though owning no trees and no waters, Takeshima Island has become the subject of a bitter political dispute between Japan and South Korea.
There is a territorial waters dispute.