i can hear you but cant see you .
arent you back ?
where are you ?
no .
i said frustrated , now tell us how you got back .
he closed his eyes and sat down .
i imagined myself in my body , and what is was like to be back .
and then i was back to normal .
wait .
the wind picked up around him and then suddenly he was back , blue hair and all , standing beside his sitting , normal body .
wow how did you do that ?
emily gasped .
i imagined what it was like to fight that creature .
and then my body took over .
he explained , but i dont think he even understood .
then he was gone again and the real seth stood up .
try it .
i closed my eyes and thought of school and all of ms. stechers homework that i needed to do .
then my body was doing the rest .
i felt hot and cold , as the winds seemed to pick up .
i shivered and opened my eyes .
i was lying on the ground .
my hair brown hair flopped in my face as i sat up , seeing emily dash over to me .
seconds later jason walked through the trees , rubbing his face .
seth grinned at all of us ; we were back .
thats how it all started .
i dont know how we got the gift to become these different people , but we did .
thats the mystery and hopefully well solve it one day .
we were chosen for some unknown reason , but that reason doesnt matter .
all that matters is that we protect this town .
jasons eyes flashed .
i stood up and leaned over to him .
what jason ?
monsters , a whole bunch of them .
i saw the movement near the pond .
he pointed to the pond that was just nestled in the woods .
and with that , we were off .
running towards the pond to do what we do best , destroy monsters .
only this time it was different .
chapter 2 we ran and ducked behind a large boulder , huddling together .
we all sat down , closed our eyes , and concentrated .
i felt a shiver run through my body as i left it and entered my hunter form .
i followed emily , jason , and seth as we crept silently over to the monsters , splitting up to surround them .
i counted two thrashers , which surprised me .
i swear we saw more before .
the thrasher turned before we could execute a surprise attack .
seth marched over , swinging his sword .
jason threw knives calmly at the other monster while emily casted fire by his side .
i , however , was jumped on by something entirely new .
they were small and stubby , the size of dwarfs or gnomes .
their skin was shriveled and grey , and hung off their bodies like cold clothing .
their eyes were a bright yellow that matching their teeth and their fingers looked like gnarly old trees .
and the smell ; it was awful .
they grabbed my feet , back and tugged at my hair .
why does everything always happen to me ?
i complained .
no one heard me .
the ugly creatures continued tugging at me like annoying two year old , which made me get really annoyed .
get off me ugly looking toad dwarfs .
hey , thats what ill call you , toad dwarfs .
i smiled at my quick thinking .
i could be clever sometimes .
take that seth .
silly girl , were already called toad dwarfs .
the one on my leg croaked .
aw darn , never mind then .
so much for being clever .
the one on my back grabbed my hair .
he yanked it back .
ow !
it may be green but i still value it !
i grumbled , trying to pull my head free .
i also had no desire to be bald at 16 .
hes rising , hes rising !
the dwarf said excitedly .
his voice cracked at the last word .
who the heck is rising and why does it require pulling my hair out !
i snapped .
hes rising , hes rising !
he repeated , full of crazed excitement .
i swear i could feel him shaking from exhilaration .
whatever , youre now an official maniac .
i pulled out my hunting knife .
maniacs get destroyed by me .
no maniacs are allowed to exist except for me and emily .
he jumped off as i stabbed the one on my arm .
i grabbed my bow and shot him with an arrow before he his little legs could he him very far .
he fell to the ground , the arrow sticking straight up at the sky .
now the forest was maniac free .
i killed the others and looked up to find the thrashers dead too , probably courtesy of seth .
a few dwarfs were also lying dead in front of emily .
i walked back to my body and closed my eyes .
when i reopened them , i stood , stretching my legs .
the four of us headed back to the restaurant together , adrenaline still pumping through my veins .
i told emily and the boys about the freaky dwarves .
crazy right ?
i asked , running a hand through my hair .
no one said anything and emily produced a pencil out of her bag .
i need a piece of paper , jazell .
i ripped one out of my notebook and handed it to her .