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Premise: Eventually, the shelter received word that the alleged hijacker 5 miles away had been a medevac helicopter. Hypothesis: The shelter was not informed about the hijacking of the helicopter.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Unfortunately, the mistake is compounded and perpetuated by dragging in expressions like man in the street, the average working man , and others, and, as a result, the entire argument degenerates. Hypothesis: Expressions like man in the street help further the argument in question.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: They touch an object, hold it up, or point to it while looking at another person to make sure he or she notices. Hypothesis: They will never get attention by pointing at an object while looking at another person.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: His vigorous strides soon enabled him to gain upon them, and by the time he, in his turn, reached the corner the distance between them was sensibly lessened. Hypothesis: He walked quickly after them, having gained considerably upon rounding the corner.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: My usual partner.' Hypothesis: My usual partner told him to go away.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: This was followed by a second radio transmission, with sounds of screaming. Hypothesis: There was another radio transmission that had a lot of people screaming.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: When all the individual pieces of the garment have been modified and entered into the computer system, the final garment pattern is ready to be cut and sewn into a sample garment. Hypothesis: The final pattern would be ready to become a sample after the individual parts of the garment have been fixed and uploaded onto the computer system.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: NIPA had already recognized mineral exploration as investment, and in 1996, NIPA reclassified government purchases of plant and equipment as investment. Hypothesis: NIPA said mineral exploration is an investment, especially oil and gas.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: Our studies of business units with differing levels of the four practices indicate that firms with the complete set of practices achieve similar or slightly better performance in regard to the percentage of goods delivered complete and on time, although these differences between business units are not very dramatic. Hypothesis: Differences in business units that utilized the four practices to varying degrees were not very big.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Ocho Rios is Spanish for eight rivers, but this name is not descriptive of the area. Hypothesis: The area doesn't have eight rivers, only four.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: As early as January 1994, Bin Ladin received the surveillance reports, complete with diagrams prepared by the team's computer specialist. Hypothesis: Bin Ladin did not receive any reports until 1996.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: So it has gone, with conspiracism playing a role in crisis after crisis. Hypothesis: Conspiracy skips out on some crises
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: In the short term, U.S. consumers will benefit from cheap imports (as will U.S. multinationals that use parts made in East Asian factories). Hypothesis: U.S. consumers benefit from imports, while East Asian factories suffer.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: Each suit is ideally made from pattern pieces cut from the same ply of cloth and the same region of material. Hypothesis: Each suit should be made from pattern pieces cut from polyester.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Is there a favorite story or storybook or anything that you had when you were little that somebody read to you? Hypothesis: Did somebody used to tell you stories?
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Make-believe roles are not equally pleasurable'a feature of cooperation that is as true in everyday life as it is in fantasy play. Hypothesis: Cooperation may be less pleasurable at times, but are also necessary.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: well that's right because uh one day it'll be eighty and the next day it'll be about thirty below i tell you what and uh Hypothesis: The temperature is usually in the sixties all the time, it's constant.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: It lacked intelligence, introspection, and humor--it was crass, worthy of Cosmopolitan or Star . I do have a sense of humor, but can only appreciate a joke when it starts with a grain of truth. Hypothesis: The article was written in a crass manner.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Analysand , like several - nd words in English, is derived from the gerundive, and so means `(a person) to be analyzed. Hypothesis: Analysand does not come from gerundive and is not English
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: If you need to use the mail, it would be helpful if you sent your comments both in writing and on diskette (in Word or ASCII format). Hypothesis: We don't need more than one copy of your comments, either a diskette or writing will do.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: It's such a handicap not to read. Hypothesis: That was such a waste of time, definitely not worth reading.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: At the same time, the company began to redesign its logistics system'the method it used to move goods from suppliers, through warehouses, and to delivery at stores. Hypothesis: Goods were moved directly from the suppliers to the stores.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Restored in 1967, the beautiful exterior is complemented by the fine period furniture housed inside. Hypothesis: The restorations done to the structure is very promising.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: So, I said, No, I said, I'm not going to be able to go. Hypothesis: I said that I am not going to be able to go.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Always check with drivers and hotel employees to determine if road conditions are good before you depart. Hypothesis: The roads are always in good condition.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: It took me really a long time to sort what was going on in my mind out, she said. Hypothesis: My friend helped me to make sense of what was going on in my mind, she said.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: In the fall of 1993, another such delegation went to the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon for further training in explosives as well as in intelligence and security. Hypothesis: The same delegation returned to Lebanon the next year.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: The key question may be not what Hillary knew but when she knew it. Hypothesis: We know Hillary knew it, the question is when she knew it.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Instead of indulging in the usual teary nostalgia about baseball (that means you, Ken Burns), Will considered it as a craft, explaining exactly why a manager calls a hit-and-run now and not on the next pitch, how a pitcher sets up his fastball, why a shortstop moves in a step for one kind of double play and out a step for another. Hypothesis: Will is so passionate when he talks about baseball.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: The new rights are nice enough Hypothesis: In all honesty, the rights recently put in place are nowhere near enough
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Fixing current levels of damage would be impossible. Hypothesis: The damage will be fixed next week.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: My dad still doesn't believe me. Hypothesis: My dad will believe every word I say.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Consider, for example, a 9-month-old infant who has never before seen a jack-in-the-box. Hypothesis: Every child older than 6 months has seen a jack-in-the-box before.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: How long, Thaler and Siegel ask, will it take most investors to get wise to the fact that the equity premium is just too damned high? Hypothesis: Thaler and Siegel think that many investors already know that the equity premium is too high.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: She had thrown away her cloak and tied her hair back into a topknot to keep it out of the way. Hypothesis: She put her hair up.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: And so, uh, those things come about through the work of reading rather than through listening to some person on the street corner or, uh, gazing on TV. Hypothesis: Those things happen because of the effort required to read instead of listening to someone talk.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Thus, while the fighter pilots under NORAD direction who had scrambled out of Langley never received any type of engagement order, the Andrews pilots were operating weapons free-a permissive rule of engagement. Hypothesis: Fighter pilots were scrambled out of Langley and were given engagement orders immediately.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: yeah i went to i went to uh Rice and we had the marching owl band which is quite a it's not known for its musical abilities more so its um comedy abilities Hypothesis: The owl band was well known for its music abilities.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: and my and my part-time work you know it's not our the restaurant our favorite restaurant in the town of Salisbury where actually we live you know where my where i'll return to my job or whatever we can normally eat out for um under fourteen dollars Hypothesis: My first part time job was in a restaurant in Salisbury where you could eat out for under $14.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: Bin Ladin had an important part in this activity. Hypothesis: He had nothing to do with these actions.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: Figure 7.2 depicts the weekly demand for a different SKU'the same single-breasted coat'but this time in a less popular size (43-regular). Hypothesis: Figure 8.6 is the monthly demand for an SKU of a double-breasted jacket.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: but uh that has been the major change that we have noticed in gardening and that's about the extent of what we've done just a little bit on the patio and uh and waiting for the the rain to subside so we can mow we after about a month we finally got to mow this weekend Hypothesis: We still won't be able to mow for a couple of weeks.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: i've even heard of some people being sexually abused Hypothesis: Some people are sexually abused by nurses.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: Fira is a shopper's paradise, a series of narrow alleys where you can wander free from the fear of traffic, although keep your eyes and ears open for donkeys. Hypothesis: Fira is built along a busy highway.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Don't remember. Hypothesis: I can't remember.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: The Celts arrived in the wake of the Roman withdrawal at the end of the fourth century. Hypothesis: The Celts arrived during the Roman withdrawal.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: The IUPUI Challenger Scholars are chosen from among outstanding students in the humanities, sciences, technologies and education who have chosen to pursue careers in teaching, at any level. Hypothesis: Candidates for the IUPUI Challenger Scholars are students who show academic excellence in the humanities, sciences, technology and education and who desire to pursue teaching careers.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Please make checks payable to IU Foundation for the Timothy J. O'Leary Periodontal Endowment Fund. Hypothesis: After making your check payable to IU Foundation, please don't forget to sign them.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: When my students and I approached the heart of the course'talking the English language'nothing seemed to work for me until I closed all the books and compelled two or three students at a time to put themselves in commonplace situations in which they had to speak English. Hypothesis: Some of the students liked my previous activities better than the new one.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: After bloody struggles, the Sunni became (and remain) the majority sect. Hypothesis: The Sunni are currently the majority sect after violent struggle occurred at some point in its history,
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: So anyway, so we, uh, got some response and, and kind of adjusted things, but after, uh, after a while we kind of went our separate ways. Hypothesis: We stayed together until the present day.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: At 9:00, American Airlines Executive Vice President Gerard Arpey learned that communications had been lost with American 77. Hypothesis: It wasn't until 10:00 that Gerard Arpey leaned that communication had been lost with American 77.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: What writers? Hypothesis: Was one of the writers C.S. Lewis?
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: There are no shares of a stock that might someday come back, just piles of options as worthless as those shares of Cook's American Business Alliance. Hypothesis: Those shares of stocks will never come back.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: The next morning they ate dry bread, two strips of lean meat, and two eggs fried in animal fat on a skillet of black scorched iron. Hypothesis: They ate a hearty breakfast before heading out for the day.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: In Mandarin the name America becomes `beautiful nation,' as Mr. Henn says. Hypothesis: Mr. Henn's wife does not agree that America translates to 'beautiful nation'.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: Smart men make good thieves, as long as they're desperate. Hypothesis: Most thieves are desperate.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: We're told that one aircraft is down but we do not have a pilot report that did it. Hypothesis: We're told that all of the aircraft are down and which pilots took action.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: FAA controllers at Boston Center, which had tracked the first two hijackings, requested at 9:07 that Herndon Command Center get messages to airborne aircraft to increase security for the cockpit. Hypothesis: FAA controllers told planes there was no reason to worry.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: But the long lead times they require will increasingly challenge such arrangements. Hypothesis: Long lead times require increasing challenged like arrangements.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Do you think Mrs. Inglethorp made a will leaving all her money to Miss Howard? I asked in a low voice, with some curiosity. Hypothesis: My voice came out very softly.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: The church of Panagia Theoskepastos houses a fine 14th-century icon, and the Catholic Cathedral has a tenth-century Madonna and Child. Hypothesis: The Panagia Theoskepastos church contains a 14th-century icon, while the Catholic Cathedral boasts a tenth-century Madonna and Child.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: The Praya, the promenade in front of the ferry pier, is a good place to observe the many junks and fishing boats in the harbor. Hypothesis: The Praya is situated behind the ferry pier.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: They claimed they had a bomb. Hypothesis: They did not say anything.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: However, what emerged were almost invariably autocratic regimes that were usually unwilling to tolerate any opposition-even in countries, such as Egypt, that had a parliamentary tradition. Hypothesis: Te regimes were unwilling to tolerate any opposition.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: The Black Cane Society is named after the Black Cane award which is given annually by the law students to the professor who is voted to be the most outstanding classroom teacher. Hypothesis: No professor has ever won the Black Cane award more than once.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: oh really it wouldn't matter if we plant them when it was starting to get warmer Hypothesis: The plants are strictly seasonal, only grown during the winter.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: the evidence in the published work is quite thin Hypothesis: The work is widely regarded to be historically accurate.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: They, they definitely had a lot of pride in, in the appearance of the studio and how well it was maintained, which was nice. Hypothesis: They didn't care about keeping the studio looking good.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: She buried his remains to spare her mother the gruesome sight. Hypothesis: The gruesome sight that her mother would have encountered was spared when she buried his remains.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Bin Ladin was also willing to explore possibilities for cooperation with Iraq, even though Iraq's dictator, Saddam Hussein, had never had an Islamist agenda-save for his opportunistic pose as a defender of the faithful against Crusaders during the Gulf War of 1991. Hypothesis: Saddam Hussein was an atheist and only was interested in Islam for PR.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: United 93 was spotted by another aircraft, and, at 10:01, the Command Center advised FAA headquarters that one of the aircraft had seen United 93 waving his wings. Hypothesis: United 93 was observed waving his wings by another aircraft.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: What to make of the fact that one may be henpecked but not cockpecked? Hypothesis: What to make of the fat that one may be gouged with spears but not slapped with turtles?
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Vatican II gave rise to a less hierarchical and more outward-looking Catholicism and set the stage for once-unthinkable innovations like plainclothes nuns and the celebration of the Mass in English and other modern languages. Hypothesis: Vatican II led to a greater centralization of power within the Catholic church.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: The slang of one military generation passes on to the next, so the Marines who called the Koreans gooks in the '50s and the Vietnamese gooks in the '60s and '70s were the linguistic heirs of the Marines who called the Nicaraguans gooks in 1912. Hypothesis: New military slang terms were created in the 1980s.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: Members receive a membership package that includes all of our educational material, a subscription to aakp RENALlFE, membership in a local chapter if applicable and assurance that your voice is heard in Washington, DC. Hypothesis: Members get a package that has all the materials in it for learning how to have healthy kidneys.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: This simple fact of sewing makes it very difficult to automate the process. Hypothesis: The plain idea of sewing renders it hard to automate the process.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: (I have often wondered why the publishers did not have the nerve to call themselves F**k and Wagnalls. Hypothesis: I wondered why the publishers didn't call themselves Fuck and Wagnalls.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: We do not have to differentiate between military or civilian. Hypothesis: They do not think any of the people are different.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: of course you got to charge it and keep your cash Hypothesis: You have to keep your cash and charge it.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: About thirty years ago, when I was concocting an epicurean dish and saw that I had no sherry on hand, I went to the liquor store and bought a bottle of muscatel that was being sold for an absurdly low price and that I thought might be exactly right for my sauce. Hypothesis: I used a really expensive sherry for my dish, as I never ran out while making it.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: 1 Lower and upper PMSD bounds were determined from the 10th and 90th percentile, respectively, of PMSD data from EPA's WET Interlaboratory Variability Study (USEPA, 2001a; USEPA, 2001b). Hypothesis: Lower and upper PMSD limits were determined via a random draw from a magician's hat.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: They must desire genuine communication and work toward attaining it. Hypothesis: They would want genuine communication and work towards getting it.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: hydrox It is wildly improbable that this is the name of a cookie and not a many-headed, bovine monster. Hypothesis: That name is extremely fitting for a cookie.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: They're taking us away this morning. Hypothesis: They are coming to get us today.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Pro-choicers point out that these close-up images literally cut the fetus's context--the woman--out of the picture. Hypothesis: Pro-choices say the close-up images are unfair.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: The analysis presented here is an attempt to address the second argument. Hypothesis: Nobody has attempted to address the second argument in any paper.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: In the 19th century, when Kashmir was the most exotic hill-station of them all, the maharaja forbade the British to buy land there, so they then hit on the brilliant alternative of building luxuriously appointed houseboats moored on the lakes near Srinagar. Hypothesis: The British alternatively built houseboats but they were not luxurious.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Where alternative country runs into trouble is its tendency to ignore what's durable about country in favor of its stereotypical hay-bales-and-whiskey-bottles shtick. Hypothesis: Country is often associated with things like hay bales and drinking whiskey.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Now suppose there is a private delivery firm in Cleveland that is competing with the postal service. Hypothesis: Imagine a Cleveland-based private delivery firm in competition with the postal service.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: In 2001, with Bin Ladin's help they re-formed into an organization called Ansar al Islam. Hypothesis: Bin Ladin helped reform a group called Ansar al Islam, which had died off in the war.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: In most methods, we plan for data collection, then we collect the information, then we analyze it, and then we write the report. Hypothesis: information is collected, analyzed, and then a report is written.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Let's Sports! (ad for an athletic club)' Hypothesis: The ad was brightly colored and had a football player on it.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Other development applications allow designers to begin with an actual garment and make appropriate changes to achieve the desired design or construction modifications. Hypothesis: Designers are able to begin with an actual garment and make changes to finish their design with other development applications.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: And as I look at the last slip in my random handful, again I encounter a classificatory Hypothesis: I had no more slips in my hand and could not look for them anymore.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Politically, it's anti-democratic, replacing congressional and executive branch decision-making. Hypothesis: It's anti-democratic and gives the decision-making to the executive branch.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Some bugs are hell to track down. Hypothesis: It is difficult to catch some bugs.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Windows 95 costs about $90 at my local computer superstore. Hypothesis: Windows 95 is a bargain.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: Parents reported significant benefits from Girl Scouting for their daughters and themselves. Hypothesis: Girl Scouting brought significant benefits to the parents.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: Two of them saw Thorn coming. Hypothesis: Nobody saw Thorn coming.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
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