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Drink Bearli Raspberry Drink has a sweet berry-like flavor and a unique bear-shaped PET package. This non-carbonated, artificially flavored is a children's beverage that is imported from Austria. It's sweet, but mild, flavor is sure to be a hit with children. The quality could be improved, but it's still a unique and attractive product that tastes refreshing. Nutritional information is not available for this product. water, sugar, citric acid, artificial raspberry flavor, coloring FD&C red #40, potassium sorbate (as preservative)
Second legal blow for TEC in South Carolina case: The Church of England Newspaper, February 20, 2013. March 15, 2013Posted by geoconger in Church of England Newspaper, Property Litigation, South Carolina, The Episcopal Church. Tags: Allan Haley, Diane Goodstein, Thomas Tisdale Lawyers for the Episcopal Church have conceded that Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori’s claim that while people may leave the Episcopal Church, dioceses and congregations may not, is without merit. The concession, Canon lawyer Allan Haley reports, comes in their acquiescence to the filing of a Temporary Injunction issued in the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina court case, forbidding the national church or its allies from using the name, symbols or seal of the diocese. Entered with the consent of attorneys representing the national church, the 31 Jan 2013 order by Judge Diane Goodstein replaces a 23 Jan Temporary Restraining Order, effectively making permanent the ban that forbid the national church and its surrogates from claiming to act on behalf of the diocese. Mr. Haley noted the injunction remains in effect until Judge Goodstein agrees to modify it, or dissolve it, for good cause shown. The injunction “maintains the status quo ante until the case can be tried,” he said, and “keeps the parties in the same position they were before the dispute between them arose — it is designed to prevent one of the parties from unilaterally moving the goalposts before the game can be played. At the end of the trial, the court will decide either to make preliminary injunction permanent, or else to dissolve it once and for all.” Mr. Haley said the national church’s “capitulation”, by agreeing to the injunction, establishes “facts on the ground”. “There is a legally cognizable “Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina,” whose legal existence began in 1785.” “The remnant Episcopalian group may not either assume its name, or claim to be the same religious non-profit corporation under South Carolina law.” The “Diocese has actually separated itself in law from the Episcopal Church. It exists, under its own State’s laws, wholly separate and apart from the Church of which it formerly was a member.” The loyalist group will be a “brand-new religious entity, whose existence was not a legal reality until it met and organized itself on January 26, 2013.” These “facts on the ground” are “fatal” to the argument put forward by the national church that people may leave, but dioceses may not, Mr. Haley said. “South Carolina is living proof of the fact that Dioceses and their associated parishes may indeed, as is their constitutional right under the First Amendment, leave.” “We are gratified that The Episcopal Church has consented to a temporary injunction protecting the identity of our Diocese and its parishes,” said Jim Lewis, Canon of the Diocese. “We pray that sentiment fuels the prompt and reasonable resolution we all seek. Thomas Tisdale, chancellor of the Episcopal Church in South Carolina – the faction in South Carolina loyal to the national church — did not respond to our queries.
When listening to music in either on- or offline mode, Spotify will stop playing after 1-2 songs. When replying please make sure to read [Android] Troubleshooting Spotify and provide as much information and detail as possible. When posting in this forum please make sure you have read these guidelines. Hey folks, this should be fixed for you all. If you're having any further trouble with your Andoid please post in the Help boards. Thanks! I corrected the bug deleting Clean master. Hope that helps. I've just started getting this problem, and it's frequent and ubiquitous. Android phone, latest version: It will randomly stop playing, usually within a few minutes after playing. I'm currently testing it on offline mode and I haven't been able to confirm if it stops randomly. Mac client: It will randomly stop playing, usually within a few minutes after I start playing. Sonos system: The system will quite regularly report having lost the stream from Spotify, stopping the song and moving on to the next one in my queue. This repeats. Every single song gets about a minute in and stops. This only started yesterday morning (January 21st) when my Sonos alarm went off and started playing a Spotify playlist (6AM PST). It started doing this break-in-middle-of-song-go-forward routine. I went to work and throughout the day was unable to listen to my work playlist on my Mac. This morning my wake-up playlist did the same routine. I tried to listen to my (offline stored!) playlist off my Android phone while driving in the car this morning and it would not continuously play. I've integrated your product thoroughly into my life, please fix!!! 😞 Oh, I should also mention: aside from Sonos reporting the stream was broken, I'm getting NO error messages or notifications from the clients. It's as if the pause button was pressed. Update: native clients seem to be working. Sonos was not working at all on Friday and Saturday, and now this morning it's back to starting to play and then partway through saying the "connection to Spotify was lost". Client on my Mac is doing it again, randomly pausing near the beginning of many songs, no feedback as to why. Sonos tried to play my playlist of Adam Green this morning, would do about 10 seconds of each song before "connection to Spotify was lost". Is anyone available to address this? Is this where I should be seeking support? Is there some sort of server status page I can look at and say "oh good they know something is wrong and are working on it"? Would be nice to find an Answer !!!! or a link to an answer Could other people please try this. I have found that my Samsung Note 4 keeps stopping but NOT if I use my the PC app to control it. For those not familiar with the multiple device feature of Spotify, if you try to run it on more than one device, it will ask you if you want to play music on the local device or keep playing on the remote device. When controlling from my PC the music plays on my phone RELIABLY where as if use the app on the phone to advance tracks or pause, it would be luck to continue through one song. If others can try this and report your results we may help the developers find the bug. I have tried reinstalling, cleaning cache, looking at developer page etc. etc. but I think this is a bug based in the part of the software that is used to control remote devices.
Our network of farmers markets, Youthmarkets, Fresh Food Box pick-ups, and Greenmarket Co. ensures that all New Yorkers have access to the freshest, healthiest local food. GrowNYC is thrilled to announce that we are building our 100th garden! GrowNYC's Gardens Program, originally founded by Liz Christy, has been building and supporting community gardens, urban farms, and other open space projects in New York City since 1975. It takes a village: over the years, we've worked with many great community-based organizations, neighborhood leaders, city agencies, non-profit partners, and, most of all, resident gardeners. To help us celebrate this milestone, you can contribute below to GrowNYC's New Garden Fund. Your donation will help us build our 101st garden, our 102nd, and on and on – giving all New Yorkers the chance to grow food, enjoy the fresh air, connect with their neighbors, and empower their community to create and manage a space in their own image. The United We Stand Community Garden in the South Bronx You can help ensure that all New Yorkers have access to green space by making a donation today.
ViacomCBS is going through its second round of layoffs since the CBS-Viacom merger in December 2019. Deadline reported that the latest wave of layoffs were centered on Pop TV and noted that an estimated 100 employees were expected to receive pink slips by the end of March. IndieWire has reached out to ViacomCBS for comment. “Schitt’s Creek,” Pop’s flagship series, will air its series finale on April 7. Pop is reviving Netflix’s “One Day at a Time” for a fourth season that will premiere on March 24. CBS took full ownership of the cable channel in March 2019 for an undisclosed sum. Layoffs were always expected to result from the VCBS-Viacom merger. The combined entity was anticipating $500 million in “cost savings,” — which often means layoffs — as far back as August 2019. ViacomCBS CEO Bob Bakish told investors that the company would seek to increase cost savings to $750 million during the its Feb. 20 earnings call, according to Deadline. Wall Street has not taken kindly to the merger and analysts have questioned how the company will thrive in a television market that has become more crowded than ever. ViacomCBS’ stock has mostly trended downward since the merger completed. The layoff news continues what has been an uncertain few months for the newly merged company. Though the merger was a major victory for media mogul Shari Redstone, who fought a three-year battle to reunite the two companies, the CBS-Viacom merger resulted in more questions than answers for outside parties. Chief among those questions is how ViacomCBS will stand out in the ongoing streaming wars, which will become even more competitive when HBO Max and Peacock launch in the coming months. Though ViacomCBS operates CBS All Access, which boasts “Star Trek: Picard” and the “The Twilight Zone” revival, the platform does not have the volume of content to directly compete with the likes of Netflix or most of the industry’s other leading streaming services. Adding to confusion are the rumors that ViacomCBS is reportedly planning to launch a new streaming service that would combine CBS All Access with various Viacom assets, though additional details about that platform are thin. Deadline obtained an internal memo written by Pop TV head Brad Schwartz regarding the layoffs, part of which is available below: “Before joining ViacomCBS, we operated as a standalone company and we were therefore staffed accordingly,” Schwartz said in the memo. “As we integrate Pop into the larger ViacomCBS Entertainment & Youth Group, filled with some of the most powerful brands in the industry, a lot of the work is being centralized across the portfolio to truly unleash our collective strengths and maximize the power of our content. To that end, Pop will continue to be an important part of the business but, unfortunately, we are saying goodbye to some close friends and talented colleagues.” Popular on IndieWire Source: Read Full Article
Call Us Today! (505) 761-8250 The Unique Capabilities of Directed Energy Deposition Watch On-Demand Webinar Replay Optomec AM technology enables manufacturers to not only print full 3D parts, but also to add materials onto existing 3D parts produced using conventional manufacturing methods such as CNC machining or injection molding. See examples of fully functional end-use devices in specific areas such as printed electronics and printed metals. Duration: 1 hour
The slow progression of the new relationship of Bossun and Tsubaki, after they find out that they are twin brothers, and how they start getting more and more along with each other: One day, Akane invites Tsubaki to eat dinner with them, as she wanted to meet the other child of her best friends, Ryosuke and Haru Kirishima. She even remarks that while Bossun looks more like Ryosuke, Tsubaki looks similar to Haru, as he shares the same eyelashes from her. When the twins are watching Ryosuke's home movies, Tsubaki cries out of happiness as he is very glad that he met his biological parents through them. They eat dinner together and share the same table, and then they finally take a picture together. They might be standing with a distance between them, but they are taking baby steps. When Tsubaki wants to defend Daisy from some blackmailers, he asks Bossun for some advice about the situation. And even if he wanted to do it for himself, the Sket Dan helps him afterwards (they go as "unwanted" back ups, poorly disguised, but they are a necessary help). Agata tries to indirectly ask Tsubaki about his relationship with Saaya... only for Tsubaki for think he's asking about Bossun. Although the resulting conversation is Played for Laughs because of Agata misunderstanding everything, it's sweet to see that Tsubaki is uncertain yet genuinely interested in getting close with his brother and values the connection they share. Tsubaki admits little by little that Bossun is becoming a greater influence on his life, such as that time he wanted to do coordinated t-shirts for him and the rest of the Student Council. Tsubaki is once called over by Rumi to snap Bossun out of his JRPG addiction. What happens instead is that Bossun teaches him about the game (since Tsubaki's never played video games before), and the both of them end up getting addicted playing together. They team up both in the game and then out of the game when they defend themselves against a wild dog as if they're still playing. After that brief moment of bonding and excitement, the two of them get embarrassed and go back to their homes, acting like it never happened. During the chapter when Tsubaki gets turned into a kid in body and mind, Switch notices that Bossun's affection towards him totally goes off the charts. He also gets his now-little brother to call him onii-chan — after Tsubaki is turned back to normal (and has no memory of the incident), he accidentally addresses Bossun this way, much to their embarrassment. Himeko once berates them for still being on a Last-Name Basis, and the two show little interest in acting any chummier than that. However, after successfully getting successors for their respective roles at school, the two decide to start going on a First-Name Basis. The two seem pleased with this after first awkwardly trying it out, and they continue to refer to each other as Yuusuke/Sasuke until the end of the series. Any time when Switch shows that he really cares about Reiko, despite their different arguments about Occultism vs. Science, and the fact that they deny that they are "friends". When he is helping Reiko to get a new computer, one of her old classmates shows up and immediately recognizes her, as he tells her that he isn't surprised that she hasn't changed at all ever since middle school. This makes Reiko self-conscious about being "weird", as Switch was previously telling her about how she could improve many things about her self-image. When she asks for his advice, he replies that she is "okay" and that if she was just a normal girl, he wouldn't be more weird than she is, apparently. He lends her a hand to get revenge on that guy, while also giving Reiko a make-over that would make her feel beautiful even if it would be for one time only. Switch helps her with the whole Fortune Teller incident, as he explains to Bossun and Himeko that he wouldn't like to see her influenced by the Fortune Teller, because "she wouldn't be herself". In Chapter 181, Reiko wants to do a film for a horror film contest so she can get more views for her website, and she wants the help of the Sket Dan to shoot it. Switch, a horror movie fan, reluctantly says that he won't do it while Bossun and Himeko gladly help her, but at the end he gives up and takes the seat of the director since he can't stand the terrible job they're doing. Despite his bossiness, his efforts pay off and end up being a big help with their entry getting first place — although it ends up being counterproductive as it scares people away from Reiko's website. Just after Momoka clears up the Onihime's impostor incident, she helps the Sket Dan to do a show for the kindergarteners (as part of a challenge/punishment from the Student Council, since she and her friends weren't supposed to be on Kaimei's school grounds after-hours, as she wasn't a student from there). They finally decide to do a puppets show based on her experience with them, and she has the role of the narrator. As long as the narration goes, she can't hide her feelings about the story's parallels to her own, when she met Himeko and the Sket Dan, as it helped her realize that she was glad that she met them, since she also needed new friends. During the Kaimei Rock Festival, the Sket Dan (as The Sketchbook) does a cover of The Pillows's "Funny Bunny" dedicated to a new friend of Bossun who is a violinist, as she was close to give up her dreams of being a professional musician. It motivates her enough to keep studying music abroad. The finale of "Ogress" offers a few moments regarding Himeko's past and present: When Himeko reveals that she is Onihime, neither Captain nor Bossun want to distance themselves from her, and they accept her for the person that she is. Bossun even tells her that he needs "her" to form part of his idea of a club helping other people. Himeko gives a narrative speech about how her hero, who used to be her favorite TV character, appeared before her ("dripping with sweat") and rescued her, despite the fact that she was a delinquent. She ends up crying on Bossun's shoulders. In the present, Himeko reconciles with Arisa after she apologizes for all the problems she caused her. The beginning. It first shows a compilation of short video camera clips of Bossun and Rumi growing up, with many adorable sibling moments (such as Bossun holding baby/toddler Rumi's hand, the two of them doing the Popman pose together and Rumi laughing at Bossun's robot imitation). It then shows Akane hugging her two kids, with Bossun looking a little annoyed at first but then smiling and blushing afterward. For the episode after Bossun and Tsubaki's backstory and relationship is revealed, the opening changes the ending scene to a picture of Ryousuke, Akane and Haru happily gathered together — with Ryousuke holding baby Tsubaki and Haru holding baby Bossun, while Akane playfully pokes Bossun's cheek. Bossun, who always struggled knowing that he was adopted and that his blood relatives were deceased, finds out that Tsubaki is his twin brother in "Happy Rebirthday". They manage to calm down their rivalry differences and accept that they are siblings, while also accepting that their relationship isn't going to change from one day to another. They wish to each other a happy birthday afterwards. But the touching moment happens later when he walks alone after the closure of the Culture Festival, and realizes that he isn't alone anymore. The farewell rally plan that the Student Council organizes for Agata (with Bossun's help), as he was leaving his President position. The anime even goes further offering a song performed by the Student Council's voice actors as the ED theme of that episode. During "Christmas Card", the Sket Dan has to deal with Morino, a friend of Fumi Segawa, who is a hikikomori that decided to stop going to school because he felt that his art was worthless. Knowing that their own Switch was one too one year ago before the events of this chapter (and that he was also difficult to drag out from his house), Bossun and Himeko decide to help him, too. With the experience beforehand, they know that Morino isn't going to be easy to help, since it's up to the person to decide if they still want to be a shut-in or not. They, then, decide to show their feelings, that "he isn't alone", and that "they are his allies". There doesn't seem to be a way to do so, unless they apply something that would motivate him to get out from his house: doing a Christmas Card. It's emotional in a way, because it's not only the Sket Dan who do it, but their friends as well. And guess what? At the end, it ends up motivating him to get out from his house and keep doing his art. The graduation ceremony of the third years (Agata and Shinba's generation): Tsubaki gives some final words to the third year graduates , and he ends up crying in the middle of his speech because it is more dedicated to Agata. He, however, stands up and tells Tsubaki to stop being too serious about the speech (since he is doing so as the President of the Student Council) and that he can say whatever he wants to tell him. When it is his turn, Agata gives his (improvised) Valedictorian speech as a reply to his juniors. "(...) I have only one thing to say. Regret nothing. Take responsibility for the way you spent your time! Only fools regret! When you're just having fun, you could get to know more friends! 10 years down the road, your experience at your part-time job could come in handy! How you spend your three years here is always your choice! I'll kick your ass if you complain about how boring your school life was! Never look back! Look forward! Move forward! Move forward! Move forward and don't look back! At the student council orientation camp (with the lineup including Kiri and Usami), as a group activity Tsubaki wants everyone to make matching t-shirt designs for them to wear. The first try fails, with everyone coming up with designs no one can agree on. The end of the chapter however shows that the group did agree on one in the end, with everyone wearing t-shirts with the student council initials and mascot on them. Chuuma, Remi and Bossun visit the Misora family to ask for Remi's dad's approval for the marriage, since he's skeptical of Chuuma's age and widower status. After some struggling, the dad sees that Suzu is enough proof that Chuuma is a good guy. Defeated, he tells Chuuma to bring his only daughter happiness. Chuuma replies, "With my life." Switch's first time talking to Bossun and Himeko in chapter 286, and the Group Hug after that with them (including Switch!!) laughing while tearing up is sure to tug one's heartstrings.
Because of endless love to this breed, I decided to start breeding Saint Bernards with my dog Juwel. Distinguished by a pleasant character with a hint of cute naughtines. My goal is to breed healthy, beautiful and friendly dogs who will enjoy with you on your activities throughout the seasons. With my dogs we bring down stereotypes about them - laziness and obesity. I admit, not drooling! We are active in various fields - hiking in the mountains, obedience training and activities in elementary school, but above all we are very successful at dog shows.
Superstition Mountain this evening When I got back I proceeded to get ready for my dentist appointment. I was only having my teeth cleaned however they insist on doing x-rays. I thought okay a couple of x-rays, no sweat. I don't really like all that stuff in my mouth as I have a strong gag reflex. Guess what? Eighteen, count them 18 x-rays. I've never in my life had 18 x-rays done on my mouth or anywhere else I don't think. Talk about major mind over matter. With a lot of deep breathing I managed to get through it. Then got my teeth cleaned. He was very happy with my lack of tartar and said I was really good at taking care of my teeth however my mouth needs major restorative work. After the cleaning, he and the dentist went through my mouth and showed me on computer what needed to be done and provided me with a written estimate of the most pressing things. Wow! So for anyone who has asked about going there, I can tell you they're very thorough and very good. They said to mention my name when you go in. Cool! From there I had planned a day for myself shopping so off I went to the Superstition Springs Mall. There I managed to find my gold bathroom rug and toilet seat cover that I've been looking for. Thanks J.C. Penney Home Store! It was also on sale! Other than that I just looked around and had an amazing lunch at Paradise Bakery there, 1/2 turkey and cranberry sandwich and a bowl of potato soup. They throw in a chocolate chip cookie with all sandwiches. Yummy! I then proceeded next door to Ross where I picked up some gold towels. Our bath towels are plain gold but I also got two large towels to hang by the sink. I don't like small ones as they get wet too quickly and don't dry fast enough in the RV when you're using one bathroom all the time. Where are my three bathrooms I used to have!!! Anyway here's a photo of one of the bathroom towels and my new rug. Our theme in the RV is gold and burgundy. According to Titanium it's a 'rose' theme but there's no real rose anywhere that I can see. Now I'm finally color-coordinated! As I was heading north on Power Road to go home, the sky was very dark and the sun was shining on Red Mountain. It was so pretty but with all the light standards and the fact that I was driving, no photos. When I got home, I told Gordon so we headed out to Red Mountain and took some photos. Unfortunately the sky wasn't as dark in that area any more but it was pretty dark over our own mountain and the sun was shining on the Superstitions. Every time you look at the Superstition Mountains they look different! The Salt River with Red Mountain in the background We also had a fairly nice sunset!
So, I just joined a Yahoo! group. Apart from Freecycle, this is the first such group I’ve ever joined. It’s Knitting 4 Children, and it looks like it’ll be fun. Charity knitting for hospitals – yessir. That’s my idea of a happenin’ party. I got an email from the list, and it had a bunch of ‘sponsored links’. Charity donations…charitable organizations…knitting yarn…woodcraft…witchcraft… So I had to do it. I had to click on Witchcraft. And the following list of gems came up: Have Other Spells Failed? Our spells are guaranteed successful. We have spells for anything you could ever dream of. Visit us mortal and get a taste of real power. Powerful Jane Mills Rebuilding Love Jane Restores Love, Passion, Romance, Commitment. Stop Divorce Now. Spell Casting by Andreika the Witch Spell casting by Andreika, the most powerful witch of all. Her work is absolutely guaranteed, or your money back! Witchcraft Secrets & Spells Revealed Have you ever craved to have magic powers? Learn how to cast spells and rituals. 3 free spells for money, love and good luck. Grandmas Ancient Witchcraft Secrets How To Bring Love, Wealth, Protection, and a Flood of Amazing Miracles to Your Life using the Magick Energy You Were Born With. Follow the Simple Steps to Change Your Life Almost Instantly. OH MY EVER LIVIN’ DAWG!!!! $DEITY save us from auto-generated ‘sponsored links’. If anybody ever wanted to know why I don’t do the AdSense thing…ta da!!! This is why. I would be well and truly pissed if something like this came up on my site as a ‘sponsored link’, instead of ‘part of a blog entry about how silly these things are’. Hmm. I wonder if any of them could do a ‘yarn stash enhancement’ spell… 1 day ago
We’ve had the great pleasure of getting to know Amber & Teddy over the past few months and we couldn’t wait until their wedding. They were married yesterday by Amber’s grandfather (who, coincidentally, performed the ceremony for one of our 2009 couples, Kelley & Tory) at a stunning outdoor wedding on her grandparent’s property. The theme was rustic vintage, complete with a vintage red sofa for the photo booth. I know our blog has been horribly neglected in the past several months, so last night’s wedding will be followed up this week with some Photo Booth fun, as well as Amber & Teddy’s engagement session and Amber’s bridal pics. Enjoy!
INTERNATIONAL FALLS, Minn. ― U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the International Falls Port of Entry seized $900,000 in counterfeit United States currency Friday that was discovered in a commercial rail shipment originating from China. “CBP officers strive every day to protect the United States from a variety of threats,” said Jason Schmelz, Pembina Area Port Director. “Those threats don’t always come in the form of terrorists or narcotics, but also in the form of counterfeit currency and other goods that have the potential to harm the economy of the United States. Thanks to the dedication of our officers and our partnership with the Secret Service, we were able to keep this currency from entering into circulation.” Due to the vigilance of CBP officers, a rail container was referred for a Customs Exam Station inspection on Dec. 14, 2019. During the examination, CBP discovered 45 cartons of possible counterfeit currency in the form of $1 bills with a total face value of $900,000. The United States Secret Service was contacted determined the currency is counterfeit. The counterfeit currency was seized and will be turned over to the Secret Service. Stopping the flow of illicit goods is a priority trade issue for CBP. The importation of counterfeit merchandise ― including counterfeit currency ― can damage the U.S. economy. For more information on CBP’s priority trade issue visit: Trade Priorities. If you have any information regarding suspected fraud or illegal trade activity, please contact CBP through the e-Allegations Online Trade Violation Reporting System or by calling 1-800-BE-ALERT. U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security charged with the management, control and protection of our nation's borders at and between official ports of entry. CBP is charged with securing the borders of the United States while enforcing hundreds of laws and facilitating lawful trade and travel.
The majority of the people desire for a house that is completely tidy, neat and germ free. However, molds and mildews can considerably prevent this cause. They are basically microscopic organisms that are extremely small fit. There are numerous different kinds of them that can tremendously impact our health. Have you ever heard of Aspergillius Penicilum? It seems like the penicillin that has been utilized as an antibiotic since the 1900's, and they are rather related. The reality is, however, that it's an unsafe type of mold that has actually been found in houses in numerous locations. Since there are numerous kinds of mold and some of them are useful, you require to be able to differentiate amongst them to see whether or not you have an issue. You should also keep in mind that mold removal and removal differ depending on many factors. Many people have mold had a look at after they spot it someplace on their residential or commercial property or after individuals in their house begin to display numerous, inexplicable health conditions. Recently I check out a story about a family who established various signs only to find that the genuine problem was mold. A mold location is thought about "extensive" if a single patch of mold is larger in area than a sheet of plywood. Being exposed to this much mold repair is not a smart idea. Do not attempt to tidy up big locations of mold yourself. You require expert aid to figure out why the mold exists in the first place and how to clean it up. It is incredibly essential that you prevent black mold from growing again. You must take a regular tour of your home to identify locations where black mold is growing. You need to right away deal with that specific area before it gets out of control. You must regularly inspect the roofing for leaks, and make certain the get more info chimney is intact as it can be a significant source of leaks from the roofing system. You can create safe environment for your family by taking such small actions. Mold has actually shown to be a perfect irritant within your house, specifically if you are a resident of Florida. High humidity is a good conductor of mold. It is common for high outdoor humidity to seep indoors extremely gradually. If your Florida home is without appropriate insulation and air-conditioning, mold makes sure to grow and broaden. Mold and mildew are likewise typically found on shower drapes and liners. It is recommended that these either be thoroughly cleaned and dried, or tossed away, if the mold and mildew issue is serious enough. Mildew is mold that is found on or in materials. There are a lot of items out there that picking in between them is often a nightmare. It's tempting to just grab the first product you see. But it is best to do some research study initially. Take into consideration the rate and track record of each item that you're considering. Ask yourself if their ingredients are important to you. How much mold do you need to eliminate? Should you consider employing a professional to eliminate the mold? After you have actually determined all these things, then you can shop.
Calamigos Ranch offers unlimited options to meeting your campus needs. unlimited Recreation spots Our five great rooms are used for weddings on the weekends and make wonderful classroom spaces during the week for students. Fine Dining on a student budget Students eat ar our world class restaurants and dining facilities with three meals a day with our student meal plans. Explore our venues further by looking at the other operations at Calamigos including weddings, resort, movie sets, and other events at:
Brisbane coach Ange Postecoglou is concerned a bumpy Suncorp Stadium pitch could ruin Sunday's A-League grand final clash with Perth Glory. With the Queensland Reds scheduled to play the Stormers in a Super Rugby game on Friday night, Postecoglou said the heavy traffic had the potential to spoil the biggest day on the A-League's calender. Officials are expecting 50,000 fans to watch the A-League final with the Roar attempting to win back-to-back championships following their unforgettable penalty shootout victory against Central Coast 12 months ago. "It (the pitch) is a big concern," said Postecoglou, of a Suncorp Stadium surface showing signs of wear and tear. "They're playing rugby union here on Friday and they've got an academy game (curtain raiser) too. "If they could take one game off it would help reduce the traffic. "It's not just for us, but for Perth as well, it's our showpiece game." Postecoglou, who's been linked to a four-year, $1 million a season deal with Melbourne Victory, said while his players were disappointed to lose Tuesday night's ACL clash with Ulsan Hyundai 2-1 they would pick themselves up for Sunday's grand final against Perth.
Hi WP! It’s vacation time and I’m in Barcelona :) I had to share this inspiring story of a father-son duo who compete together in marathons and triathlons all over the country. Some people are just amazing. Happy Father’s Day to all! I’m happy to say that I finally achieved my goal of running over 5 miles straight! A couple nights ago, I ran from Lower East Side to Upper East Side. There were a few inclines, but I toughed it out. … Continue reading I’m continuing to surprise myself. This past Sunday, I ran 4 miles straight! I don’t think I’ve done that, ever. And not only that, I completed the first mile in under 8 minutes. I don’t think I’ve run that fast … Continue reading So I thought I’d randomly share with you the cheat treat I “indulged” in this afternoon. I took a different route home because the F train was SUPER SLOW, and passed by Prohibition Bakery. Everyone raves about this place and … Continue reading Happy May! Can’t believe how fast time flies. I’ve dropped off the blogging game for so long. But I’m back now! And planning to use WP again to keep track of my fitness progress/get inspiration from others. This morning I … Continue reading Wow, it has been a while. I’ve been really busy so I haven’t made time to blog, but I’m back! A lot has went since my last post: -I moved apartments! I moved from mid-town to downtown and I’m really … Continue reading Up until about 7 months ago, I was a McDonald’s marketing success story. When I was a kid, I owned a Happy Meal toy collection then at some point graduated to “Mighty Kids” meals. In high school, after the announcement … Continue reading I know I am late, but Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there! According to my little sister, my Mom has been very into her garden lately. This makes me really happy because I know how much gardening … Continue reading Last week, I decided to hit up The Ailey Extension for an introductory ballet class. I had heard that ballet is a great form of exercise but never really gave much thought to trying it. I danced a lot in … Continue reading
Intermediate State. Vibration. 50 channel video installation. White Night festival. Riga, 2018 Audio-visual installation “Intermediate State” is a search for the initial sound and picture in academic, electronic music and video art for more than three years. A 30-minute long process “Intermediate State. Vibration” (2018) is a concluding part and a follow-ap of the other parts in the series “intermediate State. Light” (2016) and “Intermediate State. Sound” (2017). The viewers, surrounded by the number of screens in the installation room, can find themselves on a mythological boat that takes them through different states of consciousness letting them experience the birth of sound and picture and at the same time look into themselves to see where the present state of consciousness is heading them to. This years theme was "Vibration" which is inspired by concept of oxygen molecular process of binding and releasing energy caused by the impulse. I interpreted the theme using two dancers Eva Kronberga and Modris Opelts who played out molecular processes in terms of human relationships. Installation was made in collaboration with sound artists Sound Meccano, Anna Ķirse, Selffish, Linda Leimane, Oskars Herliņš, Platons Buravickis and video artists Ieva Balode and Viktors Keino. Photo: Ģirts Raģelis
The Yankees broke the bank on free agents in the offseason, but it was one of their newest acquisitions who delivered among the most significant hits of the year on Friday night. Martin Prado, brought over from the Diamondbacks right before the trade deadline, smacked a game-winning single with two outs and the bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth to give the Yankees a 4-3 win over the White Sox in The Bronx. “I can describe that as one of the biggest moments of my career,” said Prado, who also hit a two-run homer in the third inning. “Not personal-wise. Just getting a win for the Yankees means a lot for anyone.” Especially for the Yankees, who won their second straight with their season on life support. “This was the biggest win of the year, for sure,” Brett Gardner said. “At this point, we’ve got to win every game we have a chance to win. I thought this was a game we had to win.” A victory seemed unlikely when the Yankees fell behind 3-0 just three batters into the game, after Shane Greene surrendered a three-run homer to rookie phenom Jose Abreu. But Greene settled down to pitch into the sixth and the Yankees got four scoreless innings from the bullpen, including 1 ¹/₃ innings from Shawn Kelley, who came in with two on and no outs in the sixth and didn’t allow a run to score, as well as David Robertson (2-4), who shook off the game-winning, three-run homer he gave up to Chris Carter in a loss to Houston on Tuesday. Robertson’s rough outing was followed by another bullpen implosion in another loss to the Astros on Wednesday. And what had looked to be a season-saving homestand against a pair of struggling teams was turning into a disaster for the Yankees. But Brandon McCarthy tossed a gem on Thursday and now the Yankees would like Friday’s dramatics to give them even more of a boost. “We sure hope so,” Joe Girardi said. “We need it to.” They need a few things to happen, sitting 3 ½ games behind the Mariners for the second AL wild-card spot, with the Tigers also ahead of them. But Friday was certainly a positive step. After tying the game in the fifth, the Yankees squandered a golden opportunity to take the lead later in the inning. With runners on second and third and no outs, Mark Teixeira hit a check-swing grounder to first, so Derek Jeter stayed at third. Prado struck out and Brian McCann flied to the track in right to end the threat. But that hardly seemed to matter after the win. Ichiro Suzuki started the game-winning rally with a leadoff single and was bunted to second by Gardner. Jeter lined out to center on a ball that looked as if it might drop. The White Sox chose to walk Jacoby Ellsbury intentionally to bring up Teixeira, but Webb walked him, as well. And Prado came through again. After fouling off Webb’s first three pitches, Prado fought back to a full count before hitting a 97 mph fastball back up the middle. “He went from 0-2 to 3-2 and got a pitch he could do something with,” Robertson said. “Not a lot of guys can do that.” The Yankees are still learning what Prado is capable of doing — he already has played second, third and right field since joining the team on Aug. 1. “There have been ups and downs,” Prado said of his time in pinstripes. “I’ve left the past behind me.”
A number of civil society and non-profit organizations are claiming that the World Health Organization is overly influenced by commercial and corporate interests. At this week’s World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva, Corporate Accountability International, which represents 100 organizations from 24 countries, claims the WHO is compromising its independence and mission of improving global health. The critics say: The group is concerned about the influence companies could have on the WHO as it implements its Millennium Development Goals, which set benchmarks for improving access to drinking water and sanitation, and the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. The umbrella organization delivered a formal letter to WHO director general Margaret Chan asking that the UN agency reject corporate influence and maintain its independence. The AFP reports on another group, Council of Canadians, which contends WHO’s policy on water has favored the interest of corporations who seek to privatize many public water sources. The AFP quotes the Council chair Maude Barlow: “The concern is that the relationship between the highest levels of the United Nations and the private water sector legitimizes the growing influence of these corporations on policy, both at the UN and at the nation-state level, which in turn promotes a private market system for water delivery and access at the expense of the public and the poor.”
Mobility programmes map Erasmus+: The Erasmus + Study Programme makes it easier for students enrolled in European universities to stay at another European university (from three months to a full academic year) and to have their studies recognized abroad. Erasmus+ ECIU University: ECIU University is an initiative of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) which aims to create a pioneering and innovative higher education institution model on a European scale, which works as an open and flexible system . The final mission of the ECIU University project is to establish a European University where students, researchers, companies, citizens, public organizations and associations can create innovative solutions to solve real life challenges, and generate a real social impact. UAB Exchange Programme: The UAB Exchange Programme enables students enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's degree at our university to spend an academic semester or an entire year at a foreign university that does not participate in the Erasmus + programme. SICUE: The SICUE programme offers undergraduate students the opportunity to carry out exchange stays at other Spanish universities. Xarxa Vives is an association of non-profit universities that strengthens relations between university institutions of Catalonia, the Valencian Community, the Balearic Islands, Northern Catalonia and Andorra and also other territories with geographical, historical, cultural and linguistic links. It aims to create a university space that allows the coordination of teaching, research and cultural activities and promotes the use and normalization of the Catalan language. The DRAC program (Teaching, Research and Cultural Activities) aims to promote the mobility of the entire university community of the Vives Network through grants. You can see the map of all the universities with whom we have an agreement. It can be filtered by type of programme by clicking on the menu icon. You can also see the map in full screen.
ImpactGiving is a philanthropic advisory service that complements financial, tax, and estate planning by helping donors ensure that their gifts are made to the causes that really matter to them ... and to the organizations that are most effective. At ImpactGiving, we see charitable giving as driven not just by the potential impact on worthy causes, but also by your values, passions and imagination. How can you be sure your charitable donations are fulfilling your philanthropic mission? At ImpactGiving, we approach the process in a way that is very similar to financial and estate planning. When you have invested in your own financial well-being, doubtless you have approached the challenge thoughtfully – you defined your goals, performed research, made a plan and then regularly assessed your investment performance against your plan. But when it comes to charitable giving, you have given money – and perhaps your time – without really being able to assess the impact of your donations. And you may be uncertain about whether one charity is a better match for you than another, simply because the landscape is so confusing and there is so little useful information available. ImpactGiving addresses both concerns. You want to feel that you’re giving to the causes that really matter to you. At the same time, you need to know that your philanthropic giving is guided by the same discipline that you and your advisors apply to your estate and financial planning. Our three step process - Development of a Personal Philanthropy Mission Statement, CharityMatch, and Planning & Impact Assessment - lead you towards more strategic giving. Philanthropy instead of Charity.
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I'm a Celebrity viewers spoke out about their confusion as to why Sophia Hutchins was described as 'a close friend' of Caitlyn Jenner. Finishing in sixth place, Caitlyn was voted out of the ITV jungle in a double elimination with Nadine Coyle. However, viewers at the time were shocked to see no one greeted the former athlete. In tonight's 'Coming Out' episode, a behind-the-scenes look at Caityn's exit showed fellow contestant James Haskell came to greet her on the bridge. She was then reunited with Sophia Hutchins before facetiming her daughter Kendall Jenner. However, many viewers noticed that the show described Sophia as Caitlyn's 'close friend' causing some confusion. Many believed the pair were in a relationship, with some taking to Twitter. Holly wrote: "Ummm @ITV why did you call Caitlyn’s partner Sophia her ‘close friend’??" Another said: "Did ITV really just phrase Caitlyn Jenner’s girlfriend as her “close friend"." And Dave commented: "Also, pretty sure that Sophia is Caitlyn's girlfriend not close friend." However, while the pair live together in Caitlyn's home, they have denied being in a 'romantic relationship', insisting they just share a close bond.
I had a revealing week last week. I had travelled to Carleton University in Ottawa for the 2nd annual conference of the Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research as part of my job at SFU. I went to learn about issues facing the nonprofit sector and about trends in community-university engagement and community-based learning. Sure, this happened too, but the most important piece of information was about myself. I love being a part of the nonprofit community of learning and practice. I am a bit of an introvert and generally find myself uncomfortable at conferences and large gatherings–drink in hand, eyes scanning the crowd as if I’m just waiting for someone to meet me. They’re late. I look at my watch. I take a sip. I scan the crowd. But this time I met a great group of people that have done and are continuing to do great things for a diverse society. I engaged in dialogue with them, contributed my experience and opinions and soaked up those of others. Learned from academics and practitioners doing research – wait for it – with PRACTICAL implications for the nonprofit sector (warning: sometime cynical university staff member). I learned about the Centre for Voluntary Sector Research and Development at Carleton, whose research associates are almost all practitioners with on the ground experience, and whose research focuses on information that can help nonprofits fulfill their missions through practical information, tools and resources. I met interesting people like Ted Jackson, Keith Seel, Martha Parker, Naheed Nenshi, Wendy MacDonald, Paula Speevak Sladowski. I felt invigorated and was sad for it to be over. So time for me to get started, living it up with this confirmed love of nonprofit. This blog had been floating around in my head for a while. I follow a large number of nonprofit blogs (see my blog roll) but find a gap in what’s offered to local Canadian nonprofits (context is important). Sometimes it’s nice to work within a community that is virtual AND local. Next step: share the learning I gleam from my colleagues in their blogs and Twitter updates, from my work and research, from my academic studies, from my involvement with the nonprofit sector. Future plans: further my studies in nonprofit, help mobilize knowledge and improve practice. Obviously not concrete goals yet – perhaps just musings…
Whenever you believe of Espresso, you most likely consider the very small cup of bitter coffee that’s served in a little cup with a saucer, and you’d certainly be proper. It is the foundation for the majority of the specialty drinks that you may notice in coffee shops that are high-end. Lacking any espresso, then you can find not any latte, cappuccino, and, oh yeah, pumpkin spice lattes (and we all know you like them). That cup of java is just what we want you to consider: Exactly what Is an Espresso? Within this informative article, you to create Espresso shots, step-by-step the equipment used to extract Espresso and will see the understanding of Espresso Coffee. Don’t hesitate to jump around segments employing the content list below! What’s a Coffee? An espresso is established once you pass almost-boiling water tightly packed, and finely ground coffee, with lots of pressure, leading in approximately 25ml – 30ml of liquid java. Espresso’s existed for quite a long time then you can imagine. It had been straight in 1884 that the espresso machine has been born (we know of). The equipment used steam to create the pressure required to extract the coffee. Espresso was created by the machine, and it wouldn’t be that the espresso maker was constructed. From that point, the prevalence has increased. And what Makes It Look Like? Three different items characterize the Appearance of a Fantastic espresso: The center, the human entire body, as well as the crema. The crema will be that your coating on the cover of the espresso. This golden-brown coating is the point where this espresso’s sweetness is located. This coating should look noticeably unique from the remainder of the espresso taken, and also you also are aware that you’re along the best path to an excellent espresso shooter for those who get a smooth crema at the very top. One’s center is your place at the base of your own espresso taken. This region of the espresso can support the bitterness of this java and is going to soon be a dark color. While the shooter settles the coating between both, that’ll go and swirl, is referred to as your human anatomy. Your system certainly is likely to constitute nearly all of the java taken and is going to have a color. How can you make an espresso shot? Coffee Extraction Works Currently, comes the science role. In the event you don’t care to get to the true science of java, then bypass that section. Coffee has a human body, color, and flavor. The utilization of these details of this java bean relies upon two things, for example, grind (level of area to extract from) and heating (livelier water molecules split chemicals quicker). There’s a certain sequence in which extraction boils to time. It isn’t important the way you create your cup of espresso; if you work with a paper filter or even an espresso maker, the exact very same chemicals are expressed in precisely exactly the exact same purchase. Up to 30 percent of a java bean is water and compounds might have up to 12 percent of the dissolved in contrast to 1%-2percent in coffee. The extraction procedure begins when water comes in to contact with the coffee. The water will dissolve in with all the chemicals. When the water isn’t hot enough; or maybe perhaps not given plenty of time not awarded enough area to extract from; or doesn’t have sufficient pressure to extract satisfactorily, the consequent java will likely probably undoubtedly soon be under-extracted. Then a java will wind up over-extracted When the opposite happens. Carpets would be the simplest materials. They truly have been the chemicals that are extracted by water. They offer their own flavor to the coffee. Extract this, and that is. Vitamins and enzymes would be the chemicals that are expressed next. They aren’t simple chemicals, nevertheless, they may be hydrophobic, this means they are washed from their espresso bean readily by water. They add the java and body. Sugars come alongside, more technical compared to acids, and then you want them on your own espresso to balance the sourness of these acids. With even the conditions or the time, this bean’s fibers will start to breakdown. All these include a sour and dry taste. Only a little can provide balance to the java, however, over-extraction is going to lead to a bitter-tasting espresso machine. Extraction may even draw from the flavors and scents in the java bean, such as fresh fruit, floral, and aromatics. Finding the extraction directly plays with a very role in creating the bittersweet chance of espresso. What influences the Brewing Process? Espresso is greater the brewing process as this really is an espresso bean. As soon as we discuss the brewing method, we’re speaking about the way in which water comes from contact with the ground coffee to extract the tastes and also chemicals. For this tiny beverage, you can find various things to consider in regards to creating the right espresso shot. Let us start simple. There are just two ingredients required to make an espresso taken: java beans and water. What if we are trying to find in both of these ingredients? A cup of coffee java starts with a coffee-bean that is high quality. We urge buying whole fish and grinding your coffee at home or using the java ground right now that you purchase it, keep it fresher for more. Once you’ve got your ground beans, then it’s ideal to make utilize of it in just a month after being earth. It’s also wise to start looking for if it had been roasted. The closer when the beans have been roasted, the more complicated the java goes to become. Start looking to get a roasting date in the bag of java rather than an expiry day. When there’s simply an expiry day, then make certain you have sufficient time to absorb the coffee until it starts to lose its flavor. Most coffee roasters are going to have java that has been brewed specifically for use in espresso machines, also this is going to be your very best option along with other kinds of brewed java. Most espresso roast java is brewed longer to grow the caramelization of the java bean and also then bring the sweetness out of this java. That is what you would like for creating a fantastic shot of espresso. In the event that you can’t discover espresso beans then search for legumes that have now already been roasted for more and therefore so are darker. Obviously, you don’t desire to choose legumes that have now already been roasted for overly much time, or you’re getting to possess a really burnt flavor rather than the caramel sweetness. You wouldn’t drink water that was fresh, as you wouldn’t use rancid water to generate espresso. This is the reason, when you’ve got an espresso maker using a water reservoir, then you utilize fresh water every time you’re espresso. We frequently think about water like a blank canvas, although water would be your flavorless conduit for its extraction of coffee tastes, certain water may hinder the procedure. Water may naturally contain minerals in this, however, an excessive amount of minerals from your water might be damaging to the last flavor of your coffee. The vitamin information, the less the water could shoot from the java. Avoid them of this nutrient water. The water from the tap might taste great, plus it’s nice to use on your espresso manufacturer, however, filtered water will go on it into the next degree. The flavor espresso is about balance and nuance. You could not observe the gap between java made with tap water and also which can be made out of filtered tap water, but should you create that small change combined side the rest of the tweaks (grind, ratio, etc.), then they’re likely to soon accumulate. With a water filter make sure the water tasting fresh and also then can eliminate any impurities from the water. You might see you have scale develop on your own bathtub or bathtub thoughts if the water is not hard. Then the scale buildup will take place in this system if you make utilize of this water on your espresso machine! This could cause your system to become broken and damaged. Use water that is, and also you also won’t be disappointed. You’re able to use the very best coffee on earth, but in the event that you grind the beans erroneously (or possess them earth wrong), then you definitely aren’t going to generate an ideal espresso in actuality, you might possibly well be so far off, as a result, your coffee is undrinkable. Espresso manufacturers utilize pressure to force water. Which usually means the water has been pushed fast. You ought to use a nice grind for espresso beans to just 2 reasons: surface flow and contact speed. The water doesn’t own plenty of time with all the java and therefore it will be slowed by that the grind down. Think about plain water flowing through sand rather than conducting thorough beams; — this really can be a nice grind. rough grind. A nice grind will provide hours for you and energy to extract the chemicals to the water. The contact time of the water and also java isn’t so long, however using a nice grind, then you will give the water a bigger area to utilize. This would make it simpler to extract the chemicals required to provide its own trademark taste to espresso. Your ground espresso ought to be much like feel. You may normally have the choice of experiencing your java beans ground by whomever you buy them out of; you ought to request them to be earth for espresso. If you’re grinding them yourself, then you might want to utilize just a small trial and error to obtain the perfect grind. If you discover that the water is running too fast through your system (the most excellent hot period for espresso needs to really be between 20 30 minutes ) or which the coffee tastes under-extracted and feeble, you might need to make employ of a finer grind. When it had been another way around, along with your taken time is overly much time, or you also own a preference that’s overly bitter and sterile (remember the plant fibers that are broken-down ), you’ll need to elect to get a coarser grind. ) Now you possess them to soil them on your espresso manufacturer for usage and have your legumes, you’ve got to take into consideration the dose. This will be the burden of espresso that you’re likely to make utilize of you’re getting to perform through. Based upon the type of espresso maker that you’re employing, this may be between 5-30 g. We recommend in the event that you’re in doubt, using. Once you’ve got your grind directly, your espresso manufacturer will normally look after your water pressure, leading to a frequent pour period. A lot of men and women believe adding greater espresso into the espresso manufacturer is going to cause a stronger espresso, or even using espresso is likely to create a poorer java. However, the reality is, as soon as you’ve perfected the grind, then the sole reason why you should alter the total quantity of coffee you use is if you would like to alter the quantity of espresso you choose from. In the event that you pour the exact identical quantity of water throughout more soil coffee then water will extract a great deal of this sourness at the start of the extraction process when overlooking the sweetness that includes afterward. In the event that you pour the exact identical quantity of waterless soil coffee, then the water will make the journey at pulling the sour chemicals that are ordinarily overlooked with the suitable dose. In any event, without even changing whatever else, altering the dose will destroy your espresso. The single reason would be really to provide a return that is higher by passing water. In case of the dose doubles, you should grow the water you produce. Staying with a frequent dose can allow one track changes since you make additional tiny tweaks (such as shifting the mill ). A fantastic evaluation that you’re utilizing the appropriate dose is always to examine the java puck. Whenever you’re finished creating your espresso, then you also will get rid of the portafilter (where the bottom espresso has been stored ) and wash it away. In the event, the puck stays saturated because basket and then rolls the monitor above, then you definitely are aware whenever you’re using too much of a dose. your dosage is too minimal In the event the puck appears wet and watery. When you’ve got the appropriate dose, then then you definitely need to have a wonderful puck-shaped block of java that you may usually knockout on a face. The dosage is crucial. Once you’re employing the right dose, then do not alter it till you want to produce less or more espresso. Ok, so you’ve got your coffee as well as your drinking water that is fresh. Your coffee is earth perfectly, and you’re always utilizing a suitable dose. You think it might possibly be considered only just a touch better, although the java tastes good. Are you currently tamping your coffee ground? This action will simply take two minutes but may make all of the difference in terms of the taste of your coffee. The right grind enables for that water to flow at the right speed (recall sand – pebbles?), however, what could happen if you had the mill that is appropriate, however, the reasons were distributed outside? Imagine watching the water stream through sand that has been dispersed over a big area vs. sand that has already been compacted. The area where tamping comes from, this really is. The action of adding your soil coffee into the portafilter will instantly set your coffee grinds together and streamlined them only just a little, however, you still will need to streamlined them farther so your water gets considerable enough time for you and energy to extract the crucial substances and tastes. You ought to counteract the anxiety about the water. The pressure is inserted to push the water After the water starts to pour. This enables extraction. The water is going to be driven through fast In case the coffee grinds are packaged thoroughly and are not going to need enough time to start the extraction procedure. The water isn’t likely to be allowed through at the pace, In case the grinds have been all packed closely, and over-extraction will occur. Tamping is your action that the extraction is more consistent across most of the coffee grinds of squeezing your floor coffee. You may normally make work with of a tamper with this particular (though it might be performed with no ). A tamper can allow it to be easy as underneath is curved in shape and can be sized you are able to compress the coffee all at precisely exactly the exact same moment to fit in a portafilter. You’ll truly have a formation on your portafilter once you update your java. You’ll utilize your finger to scratch the excess off the surface, which makes the causes amount. You make use of the java to be compressed by the tamper. You then need to use your java to shove on at down the coffee. You need to satisfy up with the immunity of this java without forcing it. You would like to move on to the grinds. Evenly java will make it possible for the water to perform throughout the grinds and then infusion at the pace that is right. Now you have a grind, dose, and T Amp, it’s the right time. This really is at which you can make a difference, and also where it will get a technical machine. Your return could be the quantity of espresso. We spoke about changing your dose in the event that you like less or to have more java. But there is some leeway within where you’re able to shove on water grinds to obtain a balance between strength and extraction. This coffee’s extraction is dependent upon just how long the water gets received touching the coffee to extract the exact chemicals throughout to sweetness, and also. Each one of the substances will perform a role. Deals with the concentration of water that is chilled solids. The java solids are circulated When the water moves through the coffee. The drops are far more durable in relation to the drips that turn out. The longer water that’s poured throughout, the poorer the espresso has (that doesn’t signify that the shooter won’t taste fine ). Coffee is 10 times more powerful than java that is brewed. Which usually means that the flavor is intense. Even the chance of espresso comes with a powerful flavor. You also ought to realize that espresso will allow you to come through at which an espresso might possibly perhaps well not. An espresso will have a taste and a smoother as espresso will undoubtedly likely probably soon be powerful as well as intense. Taking a look at extraction and potency, you can view they run into opposite ends of this spectrum. The espresso solids are circulated Whilst the water is passed. Initially, the coffee is so still strong, hence the tastes aren’t manufactured, however, there was maybe perhaps not really just a large amount of time to get an extraction. Near the close of the water, the java solids are excavated, leaving an espresso, however, the extraction process also has had enough time to take out all the compounds and flavors. Therefore, just how do you brew your espresso? This is really where a trial and error comes into play. Additionally, it depends upon what you’d like your own espresso. You might want to have perhaps even a balance in between the 2, also an espresso at the expense of this potency, or an even espresso at the cost of flavor. We are not talking about fluctuations in the sum of plain water. We want our shooter time to collapse in just a selection that is consistent. Even a small shift in the sum of water can offer you a substantial gap in the potency. Espresso machine without a coffee grinder is an unforgivable mistake. Choose from these Best Coffee Grinders. You won’t be sorry by choosing the one coffee grinder for your house. Additionally, you will have to take into consideration exactly how you’re currently using your own espresso taken. If you’re drinking it directly, you might choose to boil it to flaunt the tastes, however, you might want to have more intensity to lower throughout the creaminess of this milk if you’re adding it into milk. Thus, in nature, after you’ve got your mill, dose, and T-Amp, massaging less water throughout the coffee is going to bring about less return, more durability, and not as much extraction, even while still massaging more water throughout the coffee is going to lead to a greater return, more energy, and much more extraction. Time is also a significant component in espresso like it’s a significant element in our own lives. Touch Time is needed by the java using an espresso extract most of the tastes and to split the espresso solids. You can have a nice grind and a dose, however in the event, the water moves through the java in five minutes, then you definitely aren’t going to own a really truly fantastic tasting espresso. Time plays an essential role in the espresso procedure. The espresso and quick will soon probably be acidic and watery and too slow and also the espresso will likely probably soon be bitter and heavy. It’s the Goldilocks Zone that you simply wish to get perfect. Time is something that you return and may play when you’ve got the right dose. Three things can affect the water moves through the espresso. We talked about water passage through sand passing through beams. A finer grind can get the water whereas a grind will enable the water to tell you the java slower. The moment will be even affected by the pressure. You might utilize exactly the exact identical mill and dose, however, an espresso maker using 12-bar pressure can force the water quicker when compared to a system using 9-bar pressure. How big these holes at the basket and How big one’s portafilter may alter the moment. Holes signify the water may run quicker while the water flow will be restricted by openings that are small. The size of this basket may dictate that the water may flow. Then water gets depth In case the coffee grounds are disseminated. Then the water has a way When the basket is heavier. The only thing you are able to change could be your mill once you get your system. Then you definitely are going to want to modify the mill if you discover your espresso has been pumped slowly or too fast. Bear in mind, your dose shouldn’t be shifting. Maintain it once you’ve got your dose. 1 issue to bear in mind is that enough timing is elastic. I grind and your dose will be currently providing the return to you you would like, plus it drops within a selection of time you definitely don’t have to be worried concerning the extraction time period. We can place lots of those things to property on the boil ratio. This can be actually the ratio between the quantity of coffee required to brew the java (the dose) and also the sum of espresso on the cup (the return ). The beverage ratio will be based on the way you’d like your own espresso, also then we all moved within our return department just a little too. There are essentially 3 varieties of espresso shots: ristretto, timeless, as well as long. A ristretto (or short) taken employs a top dose of java and supplies a minimum yield. Less water is pumped, resulting in a java that’s more polluted full of human anatomy candy, and severe. A vintage espresso took (approximately 25ml) is balanced: a more normal dose ends in a standard return. The outcome is an equilibrium between bitterness, sweetness, and acidity. It’s likewise perhaps not sour or feeble, although the shooter isn’t overly robust and intense. A lengthy shot (or even lungo) employs a routine or higher dose to generate a good return. Such a shot could lead to the accession of tastes and over-extraction, but flavor profile may create it appealing for an individual. The ideal method is always to begin with something simple. Utilize inch dose of java to create 2 components of return — e.g., utilize 20g of soil coffee to generate 40g of espresso. As time passes, you return to make the best cup of espresso and can have fun with how big this dose. Maintain the dose once you’ve perfected your ratio and return consistently. Even a good grinder (or pre-ground coffee) may allow one to maintain the consistency of one’s own dose. Investing at a pair of measuring equipment or scales may help your java to be dosed by you. A machine that is trusted may help keep your return consistent. Then you definitely should have results every single time you boil your own espresso In the event the device may dose the water that’s right for you personally. Be certain you have a precise means if you’re dosing yourself. The ratio is vital to creating your excellent espresso. Experiment with this in order to discover what is most effective for the mind.
If you would like to have an announcement included in School news, send your press release to firstname.lastname@example.org. Compiled by Christie Decker Frazier, Tracy Yochum American Renaissance Charter School Science & Math Teachers Academy: Elementary school science teacher Laura Smith of Mooresville was one of the 200 science and math teachers selected for the Exxon Mobil Mickelson Science & Math Teachers Academy. More than 1,500 teachers applied. The academy is a weeklong hands-on training seminar. The Mickelson name is associated with the program because it is funded in part by PGA Tour golf professional Phil Mickelson and his wife Amy. They have partnered with Exxon Mobil to advance science and math education. A Lakeshore Middle Dodgeball Tournament will be held 2-4 p.m. May 1. $5 entry fee (6-member teams). Proceeds benefit Chase Foust. Hosted by Shepherd Elementary School. 704-664-2582. Details: www.caringbridge.org/visit/chasefoust. N.C. Student Academy of Science Mount Mourne School winners: More than 150 middle and high school students from North Carolina showcased original science research papers and gave an oral presentation during the N.C. Student Academy of Science competition recently at the N.C. School of Science and Mathematics in Durham. Jaehyeong Lee and Robert Gourley of Mount Mourne School placed second in Middle School Engineering and Technology for their "Comparison of Spectral Response on Various Solar Cells." SAT prep class: Free. May 2. Drivers Education class: 3-5 p.m. May 4 in the health room. Talent show: Choral Department presents the first Talent Show & Dessert Theater 7 p.m. May 19 in the cafeteria. $5 for adults; $3 for students. Under 4 is free. Lake Norman High Scholarship: For seniors who want to go into the teaching field. Applications are available in the Counseling Center. Completed applications should be returned to Carla Fassbender or Kaye Taliana by April 22. Spring Break: April 22-29. Algebra IB Review Sessions: Students can either review algebra in Room 110 or Room 217: 6:45-7:10 a.m. After school tutoring times are 2:25-3 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays in Rooms 216, 217 and 110. South Iredell High Inaugural Athletic Hall of Fame: The South Iredell Athletic Booster Club is accepting nominations for the Inaugural Athletic Hall of Fame. Anyone can nominate a coach, athlete, alumni or contributor who has made significant contributions to the athletic program. Criteria and nominations available on school's website. Deadline is June 1. The inductees will be honored in August at the first football game of South Iredell football season. Details: Tammy Paxton, 704-508-0224. East Mooresville Intermediate Spring Fling: 11 a.m.-3 p.m. May 7. Rain date is May 14. Volunteer opportunity: Seeking volunteers for tutoring/mentoring program. The program is 2:40-3:20 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Saturday school: Students can catch up on material from math, reading and eighth-grade science. Saturday school will be available 9-11 a.m. May 7, 14. Rocky River Elementary Make-a-Wish Spirit Chain: Each grade level is starting a Spirit Chain for the Make-a-Wish Fundraiser through April 29. Donate $1 for the Make-a-Wish fundraiser to add another link to your grade's chain. The school's goal is to raise $1,000. Camp sessions: Sessions focus on the arts, science and sports for children ages 3 to 17. June 6-July 29; no sessions the week of July 4. Details: www.cannonschool.org/campcannon. Catawba County home and high schools Distracted Driver Video Contest: Catawba County high school and home-school students are invited to participate in the new Distracted Driver Video Contest. An application form is available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pages/Distracted-Driving-Video-Contest. Entries are due by May 2. Details: Donna Mull, Catawba County Youth Council advisor, 828-465-8240 or email@example.com; John Eller, Catawba County Social Services, 828-695-5600 or firstname.lastname@example.org.
Images: Iraqis put proud face on budding businesses at Joint Base Balad [Image 2 of 3] Photo by Staff Sgt. Les Newport Rear Adm. Katherine Dussault, commander of Joint Contracting Command, Iraq congratulates Mr. Hashim Abd Al-Amir Mahdi, owner of the Miran Company and operator of the new Joint Base Balad Container Repair facility. Thousands of large shipping containers throughout the Iraqi theater are in need of regular maintenance. The Miran Company will hire Iraqi workers and train them to maintain the containers. Date Posted:08.28.2008 12:49
Engineering and Enterprise Specialisms Engineering is more than just a subject, it is a strong feature of the whole Academy. All students study an Engineering course through all key stages with a greater focus on key stages 3 and 4. The excellent modern facilities and resources support the learning. The Engineering Department supports a wide and expanding range of extracurricular activities accessible to all students. As well as the regular support given after school on curricular projects, the Engineering Department lead the way in involvement in STEM activities and making all sorts of opportunities available to our students. Students have the opportunity to get involved in the national Greenpower event where they get to drive our own two electrically powered cars around Croft racing circuit in a four hour race, aiming to qualify for the final at Goodwood. Students participate in other national competitions including the VEX Robotics challenge, reaching the quarter final stage of the national finals at the Edexcel Arena in London in 2013, just missing out on a trip to California. Students have recently begun work on the F1 in schools project, hoping to reach the national finals of that competition too. More locally, we have a close link with Newcastle University, where one of our top students spent a week with PhD students in the electronics department building a small satellite which was sent into space. We have a team of students working on a similar project as part of the National Science Festival. Every year group of students has a weekly Technical Intelligence lecture, and many of these are based on engineering themes. Some lectures are led by our own staff, but many are led by visiting speakers from local companies and organisations. These lectures aim to expose our students to a wide range of engineering skills and careers and have included lectures about - renewable energy - mechanical engineering - marine engineering - electrical engineering - software engineering - genetic engineering - chemical engineering Through these lectures, students learn that engineering is all around us, and that there is a huge range of opportunities available to them. We also look at technical aspects of medicine, camouflage and radar, aviation, construction and many other areas. Bede Academy has an Engineering day when all Year 9 students are off timetable as the Academy plays host to a number of local companies and organisations that come in to talk to small groups of students about their own company or discipline. This day gives the students chance to meet with professional Engineers, find out what their careers are all about and maybe even gain a little hands on experience. In the future, all Year 9 students will have the opportunity to visit a local engineering company to see for themselves how these companies operate. Enterprise involves: learning to take calculated risks, being innovative and creative; to be leaders and to show initiative; to be able to communicate and make presentations; to negotiate, yet work as a team, as well as being financially literate. This is achieved by giving students a wide range of opportunities. All students have the opportunity to become involved in the year group’s Student Action Group. These groups get involved in a range of activities which may be improving our own school environment, may involve developing schemes to raise money for charities, or learning to run a small business in school. Students become involved in a wide range of enterprising activities and competitions at all stages and ages throughout the Academy. - Year 10 students annually take part in the Coca Cola Challenge, this year working as a group on a variety of tasks to create a campaign to raise awareness of the Special Olympics. - Year 12 Business students took on the Alnwick Garden Challenge, which involves finding enterprising ways to sell Christmas based products in the most innovative and profitable way possible. - The 6th Form Business students and friends took part in the Alan Shearer Foundation Challenge and raised £500 for the charity through various means including selling greetings card, organising a FIFA competition etc. - A new venture with the Newcastle United enterprise organisation has led to 34 of our Year 9 students completing the OCR Level 3 in Business and Enterprise. - A group of talented year 7 and 8 students went to St. James’ Park to take part in an enterprise day there completing the Newcastle United Foundation Enterprise Challenge. Some of our most enterprising Year 9 students take part in the annual Emmanuel Schools Foundation Business Game, where selected students are off timetable for a whole week, putting together an ‘Apprentice’ style bid to run their own company, with Bede Academy winning the 1st prize of £1000 in 2 of the last 3 years. This year our students finished 2nd overall and won £500. During Global Entrepreneurship Week, visiting local entrepreneurs deliver lectures to students, encouraging them to be enterprising, and showing how to have confidence and to set high goals and achieve them. Last year Bede Academy was awarded the Global Entrepreneurship Week UK High Impact Award. We have Enterprise Days, when students come off timetable for the day, and work in groups developing a business proposition, which might be opening a café, running a travel business or some other scenario. Through the Academy’s lecture programme, students are also given a sound grounding in financial management, learning how to save, budget and generally manage their money
Dixon RN40 Stainless Steel 316 Pipe & Welding Fitting King Turned Back - New - Open Box 1 Left - Item looks and feels new Packaging may show wear List Price $224.00 Please note: BLINQ sells products in multiple conditions (new, open box, refurbished, etc). Not all reviews are reflective of the condition that you may purchase. No reviews found - AISI 316 stainless steel for strength and resistance to corrosion - For use with lap joint flanges - When used in a floating flange assembly, allows the flange to be aligned without twisting the hose - Barb fits hose with 4" inside diameter - For use with a hose clamp or crimp sleeve or ferrule (sold separately) - This Dixon RN40 stainless steel pipe and welding fitting has a king turned back hose nipple for connecting to a lap joint flange assembly and has a barbed fitting for connecting to hose with a 4" inside diameter. This fitting has multiple barbs to create a tight seal when used with a hose clamp or crimp sleeve or ferrule (sold separately). The turned back nipple, when used in a floating flange assembly, allows the flange to be aligned without stressing (twisting) the hose, eliminating a common cause of premature hose failure. This fitting is made of American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 316 stainless steel for strength and resistance to corrosion and is suitable for use in hydraulic, pneumatic, and plumbing applications. - Dixon & Coupling Company manufactures pipe and hose fittings and accessories. The company, founded in 1916, is headquartered in Chestertown, MD. May We Also Suggest How BLINQ Works - Retailer needs to move overstock, open box & refurbished inventory. - BLINQ receives inventory and professionally inspects each item. - Condition is determined, with only the best items passing inspection. - Item is heavily discounted on BLINQ.com to sell quickly.
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BRAMPTON, Ont. - NDP Leader Andrea Horwath hammered the Liberals on auto insurance rates Saturday, as she campaigned in the vote-rich Greater Toronto Area. The New Democrats made in-roads in the region in the last election, gaining a toehold in a Brampton. They're looking to expand that this time around, and Horwath's rally Saturday in the city was her second visit there this week. She attacked scandals surrounding the Liberal government and talked up the NDP's plan to create jobs, but in a break from her stump speech dug into Premier Kathleen Wynne for not cutting auto insurance rates enough. While the Liberals have cut rates, Horwath says they didn't go as low as promised and cited the case of a "Melinda" from Brampton who saw her rates rise. Horwath says rates haven't dropped quickly enough despite the Liberal's budget pledge last year to drop them 15 per cent by August 2015. The province's insurance regulator announced in January that average premiums that quarter were down about four per cent. The Liberals issued a statement on Saturday accusing Horwath of opposing two pieces of government legislation, one regulating the towing industry, another cracking down on auto insurance fraud, that they contend would have led to lower insurance rates. The campaign event was Horwath's only election stop Saturday, and she is to fly to the province's north — where the NDP holds several seats — on Sunday. By The Canadian Press
Friday, April 27, 2012 Mother's Day Sale Mother's Day is coming up... have you considered giving a personalized family tree as a gift? Or perhaps recognizing a New Mom by giving a special baby birth print? I am having a sale to try and build my clientele on Etsy and would love to help you make Mother's Day a special one. Each piece of family tree artwork is personalized to your choice of colors, fonts, tree design, and quote. I create each one in Photoshop, provide a proof to you, and then I have the design printed on archival paper. I even send you your own image so that if you ever need another print you can do it yourself! Take advantage of her Mother's Day Sale by going to my Etsy shop and using coupon code "JENSPECIAL2012" to save 10% on your purchase!
The new Children's Secretary, the appropriately-named Ed Balls, has announced plans to have children in schools across England being taught "social and emotional skills" by 2011. Classes in these "skills" will involve pupils learning "to understand themselves, manage their feelings, and [will promote] social skills and the understanding of others". In other words they'll be taught to behave in a manner that isn't offensively anti-social. Now, the government claims that these classes lead to children being better-behaved, and to a concomitant improvement in results, and I have no reason to believe that this is anything other than true. And, if these classes do have the effect of making schoolchildren better behaved and more respectful, then that is obviously beneficial. But I do feel that it is a sad indictment of what has happened in our society in the last fifty years or so, that schools now need to set aside special classes to teach children the basic standards of decency the existence of which should really be taken as read. After all, fifty years ago classes of this kind would have been deemed completely unnecessary for the vast majority of children. Because in those days, we had a society in which respect was instilled in children from an early age, by their parents in particular, but also by society at large. Maxims like "respect your elders and betters", and "mind your manners", were drummed into children from their earliest infancy, and if a child did behave in a disrespectful manner to an adult, then it wouldn't have been thought odd for that adult, whether related to the child or not, to give him a good clip round the ear. By contrast, today, "respect your elders and betters" is seen as corny and old-fashioned, even parents can be arrested for administering discipline to their children, and the only smack most children are likely to see is the kind you have to smuggle through customs. To a large extent society has stopped caring about manners and respect - indeed, among many of the younger generation, it is fashionable to positively reject such traditional social norms. And it is just because society has stopped, and in some cases has actually been prevented, from teaching and enforcing respect, that we arrive at a situation where the government assumes the responsibility for doing so, and where we have to have classes of the kind described above. Personally, I prefer things the way they were.
Teaching Strategies for Higher Education *Special Christmas Deals* Excel in the field of higher education teaching This essential course supports the excellence in higher education teaching required to bring about learning of the highest quality, and will benefit all teaching professionals who work in this arena. In a modern world, there is a rapid expansion of the use of technology in teaching and widening student diversity and new methods, in general, in which students are learning, for example, through e-learning. From this course provided by Global Edulink, a leading, UK-based, online learning provider, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of the principal strategies that can be employed to understanding and respecting students, becoming passionate about transferring knowledge, incorporating technology within the college or university classroom, how to stay current, adapt to the evolving academic landscape, and collaborate with peers for career success. Why You Should Choose Global Edulink - 12 months Access to your course. - The price shown on Reed is for the whole course, including the final exam and free e-certificate. - CPD and iAP accredited certificate upon successful completion - Tutor Support available Monday – Friday Course Curriculum : Teaching Strategies for Higher Education - Introduction to the course - Respecting, knowing and understanding your students - Being enthusiastic and passionate - How to maintain academic rigor - Using technology inside the classroom - How to encourage active learning and critical thinking? - Knowing and updating your field and material - How to be flexible? - How to connect to the world outside of academia - Collaborating,engaging, and interacting with peers - The conclusion Benefits you will gain: - High quality e-learning study materials and mock exams. - Tutorials/materials from the industry leading experts. - 24/7 Access to the Learning Portal. - Benefit of applying NUS extra Discount Card. - Recognised Accredited Qualification. - Excellent customer service and administrative support. Method of Assessment: At the end of the course learners will take an online multiple choice questions assessment test. This test is marked automatically, so you will receive an instant grade and know whether you have passed the course. Successful candidates will be awarded a certificate in Teaching Strategies for Higher Education Who is this course for? - New lecturers, or experienced lecturers wishing to improve their teaching skills, and particularly those delivering accredited courses in higher education - Those working in adult learning and educational development - It would be useful to have acquired some experience in teaching, but not essential. - Teaching Training Lecturer - Education Programme Manager - Dyslexia Tutor Rating and reviews There haven't been any reviews for this course yet. Please sign in to review this course. This course is advertised on reed.co.uk by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.
To use the online system, you will need your name as listed on your license, your driver license number, your date of birth and last four of your SSN. Visit an ND Drivers License Site and purchase a duplicate license. Yes, you do need to provide proof of resident address if your address has changed and a card is printed. Here is a list of acceptable documents for proof of address. You may call our Central Office at 701.328.4353 to assist you in updating your address on record only. In order to change your name on your North Dakota Driver License, you will be required to bring certified documentation of the change in person such as your: Marriage certificate, Divorce decree, or Court order to any ND Drivers License site. A government issued marriage certificate, a certified court order (must have a seal), or a certified divorce decree which specifically states the current legal name (must have a seal), are all acceptable documents. If you are not in need of a renewal of your driver license, you will be required to submit a $3 fee and have a new picture taken. Effective, January 1, 2008, all certified copies of marriage records must be issued by the county where the license was originally purchased and filed. Please contact the appropriate county from the list to obtain a certified copy. North Dakota County Offices should be visited regarding a Marriage Record. Certified copies of divorce records can only be obtained from the county clerk or recorder in the county in which the divorce or annulment was decreed. If you need assistance determining in which county the divorce decree was granted, contact the office at (701) 328-2360 or e-mail the information you are looking for to email@example.com. North Dakota County offices should be visited regarding Divorce or Annulment Decrees. A ND Drivers License Site must be visited by anyone who has a change of name to purchase a corrected license within 10 days. If you have a commercial license you are required by law to purchase a new license with your corrected address within 10 days. If you are a non-commercial driver you are required to update the address on record only within 10 days. A ND Drivers License Site visit, however, is recommended to purchase a duplicate license with the new address for other reasons (i.e. voting, check cashing, public library, travel, etc.). If you do not require a renewal of driver’s license, the cost for a name or address change duplicate license is $3. ND Drivers License Site, locations, days/hours of operation and phone numbers.
FERNDALE, Mich. - Ferndale and Hazel Park police are working to determine if the man they arrested Friday following a chase in a stolen car is the same man responsible for a string of attempted carjackings. Hazel Park police said they responded to the report of an armed robbery and became involved in a chase with a man in a red Subaru. The driver eventually crashed and was taken into custody. The car he was driving matched the description of one that was stolen Thursday night in Ferndale. Ferndale police said a series of attempted carjackings were reported at about 9 p.m. Thursday, which began with a hit-and-run crash on Academy Street. The car involved in the crash was reported stolen during a carjacking in Detroit. It was later found abandoned on Wordsworth Street. Police said witnesses to the attempted carjackings in the same neighborhood all gave similar descriptions of the crook. In one incident, police said two men were pulling into their driveway on Silman when the would-be carjacker started banging on a door window and demanding the driver get out of the car. The driver was able to drive away. Shortly after, police said they responded to the State Fair Market on Hilton where the suspect had made two separate attempts to steal cars from their owners. He first approached a man in a Trailblazer and unsuccessfully tried to steal the vehicle from him. He then approached another man who was leaving the store after making a purchase. Police said the would-be carjacker hit the victim in the head with a brown paper bag he was holding. The victim suffered a cut to his head. While police were searching that area, a father and son were threatened by a man who stole their red 2002 Subaru Impreza and took off. Copyright 2013 by ClickOnDetroit.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Ghost Rider 2007 It’s Thursday night, my Steel post went up today and I realized that I didn’t have any more banked reviews. Doing three reviews a week this month is a lot tougher for my schedule than I expected it to be. Luckily I currently own the Blade trilogy, so it’s just a matter of getting to see the new Ghost Rider sometime this weekend. And to prepare for Spirit of Vengeance, I thought it would be a good idea to catch up on the original Ghost Rider movie. It seems like there’s not a whole lot of love out there for this movie, and while it does have some pretty bad moments, I spent most of the movie grinning like a fool and I’m psyched to see the new one. Ghost Rider is another one of those superheroes that I knew absolutely nothing about before I saw this movie in theaters. It was probably one of the last movies that I actually saw in theaters after my daughter was born, Jena was less than a year old and I think we went during the first matinee during the week where they had a “family friendly” theater experience. The lights were dimmed less than usual and the sound was turned down a little. My wife recalls that Jena was still pretty scared and either she or I missed parts of the movie when one of us took her out into the hallway to calm her down. This time around she was not scared at all. She’s been very into Halloween stuff, skeletons, and whatnot so when I told her this guy turned into a flaming skeleton, she was totally in. And even though she didn’t hardly pay attention to the plot outside of the love story where she asked at the end “Are they gonna get married?” she really enjoyed anytime Nic Cage let his skull come out. Anyway, this movie reminded me of a combination of a lot of other things that I’ve watched before. It has a concept similar to Spawn and a short lived television show on the CW called Reaper. Long story short, it’s a deal with the devil gone wrong and now Nic Cage is a bounty hunter for hell. The plot centers around the devil’s son trying to get a contract that binds 1,000 evil souls which was stolen by the last Ghost Rider and the devil sends his newest Ghost Rider to take down his own son. The demons in this movie are represented by the elements Earth, Air, Water, and the son represents cold. They all felt pretty weak visually and most of the fights ended pretty lamely. It also bugged me that nearly every non-human character at some point talked with a digitally distorted voice. It didn’t sound creepy or cool, it just sounded annoying. Of course the villain isn’t the only one in this movie with allies, Nic Cage is mentored by the last Ghost Rider who used to be an Old West marshall played by old west legend with the great voice, Sam Elliott. He guides Cage along the way by pretty much giving all the exposition and using his last transformation to ride with him to the final battle. He doesn’t explain why it was his last transformation or give any tips on what Cage can do to be a better Ghost Rider. He doesn’t even help fight anyone, he just tags along for the ride into town and disappears. Despite all that, just having his presence alone made the movie that much better to watch. I barely even want to talk about the love story. It feels like the love story is built as the foundation of this movie and yet there’s no sparks. Most of the love story at the end is played for laughs, like the interview, the chase, and even when he tells her about his curse. There’s a couple kisses but the feel pretty empty, and Eva Mendes plays an awful newscaster. She makes up for it in the last scene, but by then it’s too little too late. I’ve gone on and on about what’s wrong with this movie, but at the beginning I did say that I enjoyed it. I liked Nic Cage as Johnny Blaze, he looks like he’s having a lot of fun and I’m having fun watching it. The Ghost Rider himself is just plain badass, he looks amazing as well as all of his action scenes that don’t directly involve fighting the silly elemental demons. There’s just not much cooler than a guy with a flaming skull for a head wearing a leather jacket riding a flaming custom chopper. I even liked the whole police subplot where he becomes a wanted man and is involved in a little good cop bad cop before taking out almost the entire jail cell that he gets locked up in. All the bikes and the bike stunts looked great too, especially the little touches like being able to see the ramp lined with fire reflected in Johnny’s motorcycle helmet. The humor throughout the movie also worked well for me. I especially loved the interview scene with the overweight goth chick describing how she got saved by the rider. There is a lot wrong with this movie, but I can totally look past it and sit back and have a good time watching the stuff that is so so right. I’m hoping that they take what works in this movie and leave what doesn’t in the sequel. I’ll be doing my best to watch it sometime this weekend so I can post the review for Spirit of Vengeance by Tuesday. If not, I’ve still got my Blade trilogy sitting unwatched on my DVD shelf so either way I’ll see you Tuesday. Until next time, this has been Bubbawheat for Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights. Posted on February 19, 2012, in 00's movies, Marvel and tagged flaming skull, ghost rider, Marvel, movies, nicolas cage, review, Superhero. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments. Pingback: Cornucopia of Cage: A Week’s Wrap Up | The Cinematic Katzenjammer Pingback: 100 Essential Superhero Movies | Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights Pingback: 100 Essential Superhero Movies – Ranked #100 – 81 | Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights Pingback: 100 Essential Superhero Movies: 2016 Edition | Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights
Football, also referred to as association soccer or soccer, game during which two groups of 11 gamers, utilizing any part of their bodies besides their palms and arms, try to maneuver the ball into the opposing staff’s objective. Only the goalkeeper is permitted to handle the ball and may do so only throughout the penalty area surrounding the aim. Football is a word which may imply considered one of a number of sports activities. The best-identified type of football is association soccer. This is known as “soccer” in North America, South Africa, and Australia to avoid confusion with other kinds of football that are commonly performed there. Some historians assist the speculation that the primary affect was rugby soccer and other video games emanating from English public colleges. On the opposite hand, there are additionally historians who assist the theory that Australian guidelines soccer and Gaelic Football have some widespread origins. Mlb The Show 21 News: Sony Offers Transient Replace On Upcoming Game The game was played primarily throughout vital spiritual festivals, similar to Shrovetide, Christmas, or Easter, and Shrovetide video games have survived into the fashionable period in numerous English cities . Modern soccer originated in Britain within the 19th century. Though “folk football” had been played since medieval times with various guidelines, the sport started to be standardized when it was taken up as a winter game at public colleges. The Football Association, formed in 1863, codified the principles of the sport and hosted the primary cup competitors between regional football clubs in Britain. In 1864, at Trinity College, Toronto, F. Barlow Cumberland, Frederick A. Bethune, and Christopher Gwynn, one of the founders of Milton, Massachusetts, devised guidelines primarily based on rugby soccer. A “working game”, resembling rugby football, was then taken up by the Montreal Football Club in Canada in 1868. In the sixteenth century, the city of Florence celebrated the period between Epiphany and Lent by playing a game which today is called “calcio storico” (“historic kickball”) within the Piazza Santa Croce. The young aristocrats of the city would gown up in nice silk costumes and embroil themselves in a violent type of football. For example, calcio gamers may punch, shoulder cost, and kick opponents. The game is alleged to have originated as a army training train. Game Infinite Run, Ayo Berlari Bersama Kiko Di Kiko Run! Football, additionally referred to as affiliation soccer or soccer, is a game involving two teams of eleven players who attempt to maneuver the ball into the other staff’s aim with out utilizing their palms or arms. Football is the world’s most popular ball game in numbers of participants and spectators. - They had neither the time nor the inclination to engage in sport for recreation and, at the time, many youngsters had been a part of the labour pressure. - Each school drafted its personal rules, which various widely between different faculties and had been changed over time with each new intake of pupils. - Feast day soccer played on the streets was in decline. - Public faculty boys, who enjoyed some freedom from work, grew to become the inventors of organised football video games with formal codes of guidelines. In 1580, Count Giovanni de’ Bardi di Vernio wrote Discorso sopra ‘l giuoco del Calcio Fiorentino. This is sometimes mentioned to be the earliest code of guidelines for any football game. Most of the very early references to the sport communicate simply of “ball play” or “enjoying at ball”. This reinforces the concept the games performed on the time didn’t essentially contain a ball being kicked.
First recorded ascent by Kevin Barton and Andrew Nugara August 7, 2007. Unable to find the easy West Face route, we traversed the face to the prominent South West Ridge. Fourth Class climbing with the odd step of 5.2 to 5.3. Final 70 metres of ridge 5.5 crux. We traversed south to second and third summits, both appearing taller than the first summit we reached. Long and complicated descent via South Face, including 3 rappels and sections of difficult downclimbing.
click here to read interview What a great few months! Lee High School in Alabama is doing a choral arrangement of my song READY TO FLY for their graduation ceremony next month. Emerson College is performing a few of my songs for their course on new composers. A college senior at Luther College is doing my song cycle for her final project. I just finished a new song and I have a concert coming up in July in Asbury Park New Jersey. My home town practically! I am very grateful for all of the opportunities my music has brought me. Oh, and I finished a new song, which I am very proud of. Which has also prompted me to start the concept process of writing a new album. So….on we go! I am happy to announce that I am finally doing a New Jersey Concert, at the lovely Tim Mcloon’s Supper Club in Asbury Park NJ. The show will be on Sunday July 8th, at 7pm. Doors will open at 6pm for dinner. The show will run about an hour and fifteen minutes and will feature Nicole Johndrow, Erin Lindsey Krom, Joshua Dixon, Erik Sisco, Nikki Van Cassele and Vicky Modica. Tickets are 15 dollars, and I will be posting posters and reservation information in the coming weeks. Come if you can! Well it’s been a busy two weeks. LOTS of teaching happening, which means lots of writing. I am now three songs into the musical that I am writing with 13 autistic children. It’s going really well. I CAN”T wait to see the finished product. I just finished a show called GOLDEN GOOSE that I wrote for the Brooklyn Childrens Theatre. That starts rehearsals next week. I was offered a job teaching this summer for the month of JULY at Berklee Carol School in Brooklyn, and I am very excited about that. I got a glowing review in NEXT magazine for my album “Cautiously Optimistic”. So that makes me happy. I find out next week if I am nominated for any MAC awards. I was submitted for best ballad, best comedy song, best revue and best album. I would be so honored to be nominated in any of those categories. I finished the lyrics to a new song called I CAN BE that I was commissioned to write for a woman in Huntsville Alabama. I can’t wait to put music to it and see what it becomes. Lastly, we finished the choral arrangements for READY TO FLY which will be sung by Lee High School this May for their graduation ceremony. All in all, a busy few weeks! I recently was interviewed by Lena from Australia’s CabaretConfessional.com. It has been a great weekend! Followed by a great few days. I had the privilege of working with the beautiful Stephanie Gibson, who sang in my BIRDLAND concert recently. She contacted me because she had an audition coming up, and wanted to sing Ready To Fly. So, I met with her to review the song, and because I had the day off the next day, I offered to go with her and play the audition. I walked in, and played my song in front of Andrew Lippa, Susan Stroman and other incredible people. It was so much fun. Then, I came home and worked with a student of mine who has an audition coming up tomorrow for the broadway return of Evita. She needed to learn a song from the show, and it was so much fun to work with her on the music. Then, directly after that, I worked with a good friend of mine who has an upcoming audition she has for Priscilla Queen of the Desert. I know a few people in that show right now, and I am proud of them all. I realized today that I really love coaching singers/actors for specific auditions. I like coaching in general but I really love it when it is geared for a specific audition. I am excited to read the write up about me in Cabaret Confessions this week, as well as hearing the radio interview with Kenneth Heiber ONE VOICE. I also have a few more exciting things that might be happening, but once they become actual facts I will announce them. I started being a part of a creative cluster that meets every Sunday working through the Artists Way. It is something I did once before, and I am really excited about doing this again. All in all, I have loved this week…… This is going to be an exciting weekend for me. Since I released my album, I haven’t been interviewed yet….but this weekend I will be interviewed by Lena Nobuhara from Cabaret Confessions in Australia tomorrow night at 6;30…I will post when the interview will be posted. Then, bright and early on Sunday morning, I will be interviewed by Kenneth Heiber for ONE VOICE, based out of South Africa with over 10,000 listeners per episode. It will be an hour long interview, where he will play my music as well as talk to me about my story and, I’m sure, a multitude of other things. He sounds like a wonderful guy so I think it will be fun. I will have to wake up much earlier than 9, so that I can get coffee in me, to be able to coherently speak to anyone. Ha. Well, that’s it for this weekend. I’m grateful.
Started: 08:00 @ MM 1,048.9 Sherrold Lake (Elevation 8,769ft) Finished: 16:30 @ MM 1,067.0 Stream and Camp (Elevation 8,559ft) Elevation Gain/Loss: +3,221/-3,469ft Food: Oatmeal, Clif Bar, Kind Bar, Cheese & Crackers, Protein Bar, Beef Stoganoff, Starburst, Snickers, Gummi Bears Health & Hygiene: 0 Blisters, Days since last shower 3, Days since laundry 3 I was awoken abruptly by a very unusual sound. There was some kind of liquid dripping on my tent. My very first thought was that it couldn’t possibly be rain. The weather had been monotonous in its perfection … cloudless blue skies persisting day after day. I feared that it was sap from the pine trees above, but no it was in fact rain. However, when I emerged from my tent just a few minutes later it had stopped and there wasn’t even any sign of a cloud. I thought this very weird and actually began to wonder if I’d dreamt the whole thing. Well, whatever had happened it had served to get me up early and for once I was not the last to leave camp. I told Stretch that I planned to stop for lunch after about 10 miles and he agreed to meet me there. As with Chance in the desert, Stretch and I had fallen into an agreeable pattern of hiking alone but traveling together. Unlike Chance, Stretch didn’t have an obsessive desire to walk 30 miles a day and his pace was more in tandem with my own. I liked Stretch! The day’s hike was just as it should be. For the most part it was very agreeable, there were a couple of challenging climbs, the ocassional patch of sketchy snow (which called for a little navigation), a couple of creek crossings that required focus and attention and some spectacular views. All in all it was pretty perfect and yet, much like the weather, it was also oddly monotonus in its perfection. I relieved the monotony with more podcasts. It seems that I am not alone in this need for entertainment and distraction, I noticed that more and more hikers were now plugging themselves in to something or the other. I had to confess to feeling a certain disconnect from the trail, but walking for hour upon hour along a 18″ strip of dirt that doesn’t really change too much is incredibly tedious. I suspected that the mental challenge of the trail was beginning to take shape. I’d covered the first 10 miles before noon, Stretch showed up about 20 minutes later. We discussed our options for the rest of the day and finally settled on playing things by ear and seeing how the water sources were looking. We hiked and played leap frog with Dragon, Neon and Turtle for much of the afternoon. Turtle seemed to be holding her own, while Dragon and Neon had slowed down as niggling over use injuries began to manifest. This seemed to be a common theme along the trail. Hikers would try to push harder and cover more miles, only to find themselves debilitated and broken by shin splints or plantar fasciitis … the two most common over use injuries on the trail. Thankfully my slow plod had thus far kept me both blister and injury free. By 4:30 the tedium had finally gotten the better of me and I convinced Stretch to camp close to a small stream, rather than press on and dry camp further along the trail. I, like most other thru-hikers, disliked dry camping. Having to hump all that extra weight to camp was a right royal pain in the butt and something I avoided doing whenever possible. Our chosen camp was not on any of the maps and so unsurprisingly we were alone for the evening. As we prepared our uninspiring dehydrated dinners we discussed the monotony and mental challenge that the trail now posed. Stretch it seemed had his own (but by no means unique) solution to this problem. He produced a sizeable bud of weed and suggested that we “get a little buzz on”. I didn’t need too much persuading and before long we were both stoned and giggling. The intensity of the initial high faded into a relaxed and mellow sense of well-being. I was content to simply sat on a rock and assimilate the wonder of my surroundings. For the first time I felt still! As the light started to fade the mosquitos made their presence felt, rousing me from my meditative state and compelling me to hide in my tent. The pointless little bloodsuckers were a constant source of frustration to me. I hoped the woman back in Yosemite was right and that they would suddenly vanish at Tahoe. I tiffled about in my tent for a while, moving my meager possessions around from corner to corner, before eventually deciding that I was absolutely starving! I raided my food bag, consumed just about everything that was even remotely sweet and then, as I lay there in my sugar induced stupor, reflected poignantly … A little weed might be very “Zen” but the munchies were definitely less than conducive to the art of life-dependent food rationing!
Afghan singer's star is rising, as are the threats By Miriam Arghandiwal KABUL (Reuters) - With a scarf loosely covering a fancy television hairstyle, Latifa Azizi raised her arms in victory after surviving another elimination round on the hit talent show, "Afghan Star". But the victory pales into insignificance when compared with the larger battle 17-year-old Azizi is fighting - to pursue her dream of becoming a famous singer despite the censure of ultra-conservative Afghan society. "Whether I win or lose, my family can't go back home, it's too dangerous," Azizi, from the relatively liberal northern capital of Mazar-e-Sharif, told Reuters in the show's dressing room. Azizi and her family fled Mazar for the Afghan capital, Kabul, soon after she appeared on the show in November. Her community was angry with her appearance, saying it was un-Islamic for a woman to sing and appear on television. The family began to receive death threats. "Latifa will have no life here after what she's done. We don't do such things and we don't accept people who do," said Sayed Mohammad Kasem, a member of Azizi's tribe in Mazar-e-Sharif. The threats began after the airing of her audition for "Afghan Star". With an audience of 11 million, the six-year-old show has become an important vehicle for young Afghans aspiring to become famous singers. "I went to school the day after my audition aired to take my final exams and my classmates started to shout horrible things and pulled at my hair," Azizi said in a soft low voice. "I ran away crying," she said. "Not even my teachers tried to help me." Continued...
Although Australian Christian motivational speaker Nick Vujicic is without limbs, he lives his life with hope and joy because of God’s love that has inspired him. This past weekend, he shared the miracle of his life to over 40,000 people who crowded the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Nick was born on December 4th, 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without limbs. His parents were both Christians and his Dad was a Pastor of his church. The entire church mourned over his birth and his parents were devastated. “If God is a God of love,” they questioned, “Then why would He let something like this happen, and especially to committed Christians?” Nick’s father did not think that Nick would survive for very long. But, tests proved that he was a healthy baby boy, but without any limbs. In his early years in school, Nick encountered uncomfortable times of feeling rejected, weird and bullied because of his physical difference. In spite of this, with the support of his parents, he started to develop attitudes and values which helped him overcome these challenging times. Though he knew he was different, on the inside, he was just like everyone else. There were times that he felt so low that he wouldn’t go to school in order to avoid all the negative attention. With encouragements from his parents, he began to ignore the bullies and tried to make friends by just talking with some of the kids. Soon the students realized that he was just like them. Many times, Nick felt depressed and angry because he couldn’t change the way he was, or blame anyone for that matter. In Sunday school, he learned that God loves us all and that He cares for us deeply. But he could not help but question God’s love for him because of the way he is. He wondered if he’d done something wrong and began toe feel certain that it must be true. Otherwise, God wouldn’t have made him the only weird one out of all the kids at school. At a young age, he wanted to end his pain and life. Yet, his parents and family were always there to comfort him and lend him their strength. Because of emotional struggles he had experienced with bullying, self-esteem and loneliness, God began to instill a passion of sharing his story and experiences to help others cope with whatever challenge they might have in their lives. He realized his purpose is to turn his struggles into something that would glorify God and bless others. As he grew older, he learned that he shouldn’t take things for granted. At age 12, he realized how much God has blessed him. His little foot served him well. He said that God has freely given him so much with his loving family and so many other blessings. He realized “Why should I still complain?” God directed him to Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the best for those who love Him.” This verse gave him the conviction that there’s no such thing as luck, chance or coincidence and that these “bad” things happen in our life to make us more like Christ. At age 25, Nick has completed a Bachelor’s Degree in both Financial Planning and Accounting. Also, he’s an active motivational speaker. Nick said that many think that their goals are too far-fetched, but he believes that if you have the desire and passion to do something, and it’s within God’s will, you will achieve it in good time. As humans, we continually put limits on ourselves for no reason at all! What's worse is putting limits on God, who is well able to do all things! We put God in a "box". The awesome thing about the power of God is that if we want to do something for God, we must refocus. Instead of concentrating on our capability, our attention needs to shift to our availability. For, the Word of God is clear; it is God working through us. Without Him, we aren’t capable of doing anything on our own. Once we make ourselves available for God's work, guess whose capabilities we rely on? God's! Philippians 4:13 highlights this point well, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." God has a truly great purpose for your life! As far as your unanswered prayers, remember that God is Faithful. What are we to do when we are seeking but not finding? Jeremiah 29:12 states, "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord. Besides holding the two evangelism conference, Nick will also go to the nearby prison to encourage the criminals and then go to Sichuan to visit the earthquake orphans. He said that the most severe form of handicap is not without limbs, but it is a life without hope.
Kiva Lending Team: Marketplace Church We loan because... we are commited to changing the world, one life at a time. Simply a rag tag collection of God seekers who have chosen to do life together. Our rallying cry is we seek to know God, listen to what he says and immerse ourselves in living out the answers. Location: Adelaide, South Australia 6 messages. Request to join the team to get in on the action! This team has not made any loans in the past 90 days that are currently raising funds. Check back soon or make a loan! Have feedback on lending teams? Click here.
International Honeymoon Package Beyond travels is the best travel agency which provides all the best and luxury packages on a budget. We are the only travel agency which fulfills all the needs and wants of the customers. Beyond Travels always ready to give the best services to the customers. We are having many happy customers which always do booking with us. We make your trip a memorable one for you as trips are the best time for the enjoyment and for the memories. We have many international honeymoon package for you which we offer you in a discounted rate. A honeymoon ought to be the most mystical a great time you and your accomplice ought to deliberately pick your goal by affirming your booking with us. In the event that you have a fantasy wedding trip, do your best to make that blessing from heaven. Beyond Travel will make your vacation exceptionally uncommon and paramount for you. On the off chance that you and your accomplice are experiencing a mental blackout with regards to picking a special night goal, in any case, set aside some opportunity to conceptualize together. The International honeymoon packages are Dubai, Europe, Bali, Singapore, Italy, Thailand, Poland etc. Singapore is a colossal city with a few area articles containing touring, eatery, nightlife and settlement postings. Dubai is a goal that blends present-day culture with history, experience with world-class shopping and excitement. Catch a show at the Dubai Opera, see downtown from on the Burj Khalifa and spend an evening along Dubai Creek investigating the gold, material and zest souks. In case you're searching for thrills, you can coast over the desert hills in a hot air expand, move on board a rapid ride at IMG Worlds of Adventure or skydive over the Palm Jumeirah. Europe draws in a larger number of vacationers than anyplace else; the mainland invites in excess of 600 million worldwide guests every year, the greater part of the worldwide market. Out of Earth's ten most visited nations, seven are in Europe, all things considered. These are some beautiful destinations we provide you, the packages are very luxury and on a budget only for you. You can book perfect International Tour packages with a wide range of vacation packages. Our movement advocates are prepared to comprehend the necessities and want of the customers and are refreshed with the most recent travel patterns. In view of individual needs, tweaked schedules are meshed before transforming into fruitful trip designs. We offer best costs, whenever, at past movement, we trust that each excursion plan must be the best, From the most basic to the most noteworthy parts of the movement are investigated with most extreme care. We make specific travel packages like family occasions, wedding trips, gathering and arrangement visits. There is a movement instructor helping you choosing international honeymoon package through the whole procedure, from the time you make an underlying request with us until the finish of your excursion. We give redid travel benefits every which way, from Premium lavish hotel to Holiday packages, all of which cover both Domestic and International goals. With an excited and experienced group, We endeavor to give a valiant effort and are focused on guaranteeing a fantasy travel for every one of our customers. Our basic aim is to provide you the best and cheap packages with the best services. And definitely, you will have a great experience with us.
There is still a lot of doom and gloom infesting your excellent rag but I believe there is no better time for our young people to consider a career in financial services. My dear wife and I, in common with innumerable people are of a “certain age” and live in a valuable property. We hope to downsize to realise capital. If we do manage to move we shall still be living in another valuable property and barring any financial disaster will pass it on to our daughters and their families, who will in turn need advice. This is, and always has been the case. Now, just think of the innumerable people like me, due to join the “choir invisible” now and over the next many years who have sons, daughters, grandchildren, great grandchildren, the list is endless, who will receive the proceeds of property and business sales, life insurance and trust funds, pensions, savings and investments. What a prospect to enjoy an extremely comfortable, satisfying and useful life as I did in financial services. This is exactly what we used to tell our delegates at Abbey Life 14 years ago, setting out on their careers. So, it was disappointing to hear bad news from my formerly independent IFA at my last review. He has sold out to a big company for a lot of money and is now an employee. He has told me that he must now charge a minimum fee of £3,000 for my pension review. This is company policy so that it, allegedly, can encourage most of its small and medium investing clients who can’t or won’t pay for the review to go elsewhere, leaving only the wealthy ones. Time to start a salesforce anyone? My advice is take on those young people mentioned in ifs University College vice-principal Alison Pask’s letter in Money Marketing. Get them trawling through your unloved so called client bank and get them to give them a call. You will be surprised how delighted your forgotten Clients will be to hear from a person who is not a Bank “Wealth Adviser”. FB Consulting Ltd
BUFFALO LAKE. Buffalo Lake is an artificial reservoir impounded by Umbarger Dam, three miles south of Umbarger on upper Tierra Blanca Creek in western Randall County (at 34°55' N, 102°06' W). The dam was built by the Federal Farm Securities Administration to store water for recreational purposes. Construction was started in February 1938 and completed on June 15, 1938; impoundment of water began on June 9. The project was operated by the Soil Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture until 1953, when the Forest Service took over. In 1958 operation of the project was transferred to the Fish and Wildlife Service of the United States Department of the Interior, which made the area a national wildlife refuge. The lake's capacity is 18,150 acre-feet at the spillway crest elevation, 3,642.6 feet above mean sea level. The surface area of the lake at this elevation is 1,900 acres. The lake's drainage area is 2,075 square miles, of which 1,500 square miles are probably noncontributing. Several species of waterfowl use the lake as a winter refuge, and facilities for boating, fishing, swimming, skiing, and camping are provided. C. L. Dowell, Dams and Reservoirs in Texas: History and Descriptive Information (Texas Water Commission Bulletin 6408 [Austin, 1964]). Mrs. Clyde W. Warwick, comp., The Randall County Story (Hereford, Texas: Pioneer, 1969). The following, adapted from the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, is the preferred citation for this article.Seth D. Breeding, "BUFFALO LAKE," Handbook of Texas Online (http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/rob24), accessed September 22, 2014. Uploaded on June 12, 2010. Published by the Texas State Historical Association.
Turn Up the Music by Trenton Straube Chris Brown speaks up for the beautiful people at AIDS Project Los Angeles. Celebrity PSAs for HIV are nothing new, but we were surprised to see Chris Brown promoting AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA). The public service announcement aired on World AIDS Day, December 1, at a Los Angeles Lakers game and then repeated at other games that month. Brown approached APLA to work with his Symphonic Love Foundation to raise awareness and fight discrimination and stigma, says APLA’s executive director Craig E. Thompson, adding: “Chris made it clear he wanted to speak out on HIV/AIDS in a very public way.” “You hear stories in the news—kids still getting kicked out of school because they are HIV positive or families broken by stigma,” says the 23-year-old pop star. “That’s just wrong and ignorant. It’s about knowledge. HIV is not something you catch from shaking hands.” Sounds like Brown and APLA will make beautiful music together. Search: Chris Brown, AIDS Project Los Angeles, PSA, discrimination Scroll down to comment on this story. Show comments (22 total)
baomint moisturizing curl defining gel happy, healthy, lovable curls on day 1. how kinky is that?! our next level moisturizing curl defining gel is here! bold words for a bold product— know for yourself... forget about crunchy hair. forget about dryness and white flakes. here’s the rundown: we will “freeze” your curl pattern in place while the hair dries, leaving soft, defined curls once drying completes. your hair remains soft and defined for days promoting an experience of softness and fullness that can withstand the test of time. it feels good on the inside when it looks good on the outside! no need to “scrunch out the crunch” from your hair with the adwoa beauty moisturizing curl defining gel. our gel was specifically made for kinky to curly hair, so even the kinkiest textures can achieve a wash ‘n’ go. add life to your hair. make sure to use on sopping wet hair, melt the product in your hands before application and rake with your fingers in small sections, for best results. DO NOT USE THIS GEL ON DRY HAIR. for wash n go's on sopping wet hair only. do not mix with our curl defining cream, use with our leave in conditioning styler. organic ingredients + kosher glycerine was used in this product. our baomint™ curl defining gel is vegan + cruelty-free. benefits: medium-hold, full curls that turn into a light-hold once fully dried. defined wash ‘n’ go on kinky hair types. claims: no sulfates, no parabens, no mineral oils, no petroleum, no phthalates, no synthetic colors, no DEA, no drying alcohols, no propylene glycol and no silicones. vegan + cruelty-free. Water (Aqua), +Glycerin, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, *Adansonia Digitata (Baobab) Oil, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride (Fractionated Coconut Oil), *Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), *Opuntia Ficus Indica (Prickly Pear) Seed Oil, phthalates free Fragrance, *Cucurbita Pepo (Pumpkin) Seed Oil, Acrylates Copolymer, Polyquaternium,-11, Xanthan Gum, Dehydroacetic Acid, Benzyl Alcohol, Carbomer, Aminomethyl Propanol, *Lavandula (Lavender) Spica Oil, Gaultheria Procumbens (Wintergreen) Oil, Mentha Viridis (Spearmint) Leaf Oil, *Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, Urtica Dioica (Nettle) Extract. Curl defining gel Loved it as always Verified Holy Grail This is the holy grail of gels, but don't take my word for it. Just google it and check the receipts! Wow. I've tried so many moisturizing curl products, I cannot keep count of them. This one is wonderful. I have very dry, color treated hair, thin, frizzy and curly. This moisturizing, curl defines, eliminates frizz, leaves my hair soft, shiny and silky smooth. PLEASE DO NOT DISCONTINUE, it is no longer available at Sephora in any size.. I have thin dry frizzy curly old hair. Some products define cutls but leave my hair sticky, dull and dry, This defines, shines and leaves my hair silky. I have tried too many products to count. This really is a wonderful product. I notice it's not available in the large size. I pray you are not discontinuing it. I use Adwoa products regularly. After having tried several other gels, Adwoa has become my favorite. I think I'm in love I followed the directions and when I say 'definition', that's exactly what I have. This product delivers what it promises. I use this product to add definition to my curls. Love it! curls pop with baomint moisturizing curl defining gel I really like the baomint moisturizing curl defining gel. My hair loves it. My hair only needs to be damp and curls pop with a nice hold. Moisture , definition,curls My wash n go lasted all week , but I did use a good amount of the jar , you have to use a lot of water, I would definitely buy again! Made for me! I have spent a lot of time looking for the perfect defining gel for my type 4 collection of hair and I finally found it in the Baomint Curl Defing Gel. I get great definition for all of my curls and it holds from wash day to wash day without being crunchy which I can’t stand. Thanks Adwoa. Keep making this gel as is and I will keep buying it.
Just when I think I’ve seen it all, when I think I can’t possibly be surprised at what pops up in my inbox, along comes Anders with his gas-turbined powered motorbike. When I actually figured out what I was looking at, all I could do is sit back and laugh in amazement. I consider myself so lucky that people like Anders want to email me their amazing projects, built using techniques that I can’t even begin to comprehend. To get to the point, I’ll let him explain what he’s got cooking… I just found your website and thought I should show you my little project that has been going for 4 years and counting, it is a scratch built gas turbine motorcycle with which I aim to set a land speed record in the APS/Omega class at Bonneville Speed Week. The turboshaft gas turbine is built by myself around a Garrett TV94 rotor with everything cast, turned and milled on my manual tools at home, I´ve spent three years on it and now I am about to test it for the second time in the bike frame. It should be capable of producing somewhere between 150-180hp on the rear wheel once everything is tuned in. If you like milling, machining, lathes, jets, flames, welding, casting…hell, if you like anything mechanical, you’re going to love this. Don’t forget to check out the test video at the end of the post, and another bonus video of something else Anders and his crazy Swedish mates have added jet propulsion to. All hail the Scandinavians.
Starting with course planning and your first-semester registration all the way through choosing your concentration, your Academic Advisor will work with you to maximize your time at AU. We can identify academic support resources for you and work with financial aid/student accounts/other offices on campus on your behalf. If you need to add or drop courses, request extensions for particular course work, or take a semester leave for any reason, please don't hesitate to contact us. The resources found here offer general information about the IR Online program to help students plan and structure their graduate degree. For questions about this information, or to request an appointment with your Academic Advisor, email firstname.lastname@example.org. The IR Online Program Office is located on American University's main campus in Washington DC. Students in the IR Online program have access to an academic bootcamp, which guides students through resources, and enables them to refresh, practice, and strengthen their skills in required areas of the degree.
The government is running a new scheme whereby older people, aged over 65 can buy extra state pension. Predictions were that over 260,000 people would take the opportunity to boost their pension pot but surprisingly figures show that fewer than 4,000 signed up in the first six months. Old Mutual Wealth experts says the rates on offer are “attractive”. Jon Greer, pensions expert says; "relatively few people seem to be aware of this option, perhaps because of the “confusing” Class 3A label, or because pensioner bonds and the “pension freedom” reforms grabbed all the headlines last year." Read on to find out how the scheme works, whether it would benefit you, and things to look out for.
Click HERE for 50% off your first tattoo removal session Text "MOM" to 80412 for you chance to win a FREE tattoo removal, along with other prizes for mom from our partners. Text INK to 80412 Formaly known as "Rethinking the Ink", East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal is your safe, affordable option to removing or fading your ink. From completely removing a tattoo, to just lightening it up for a new piece, East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal is your answer for cost-effective and safe tattoo removal in Richmond! Call or email us today for a ZERO cost consultation! 855-539-8696 Removing a Part of the Past As we get older, our lives change. Tattoos reflect who we were and what was important to us when we got the tattoo. But people grow and evolve over time. We become parents, discover new opportunities, enter the workforce, etc. Unfortunately tattoos never change and for many, there comes a time when we outgrow or begin to regret our tattoos. This is one of the reasons East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal came into being. Utilizing the latest in laser technology to effectively and affordably remove your tattoos is our mission. About 30 – 50% of individuals will regret their tattoo for various reasons. For those people, having the tattoo can be embarrassing and also a barrier in their lifestyle or career advancement goals. Covering tattoos with clothing or makeup can be tedious and inconvenient; it is a messy and temporary solution. There are many reasons for people wanting to have a tattoo removed. Another segment is the military, police department, and nursing professions. They all have regulations about visible tattoos, nothing above the collar line or on the hands. Many people wanting to enter these professions need to take the regulations into consideration. At East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal we receive frequent referrals from tattoo artists who want to help their clients to adequately lighten their primary tattoo so that they will ultimately have more cover-design and color options. We work closely with our clients’ tattoo artists to help our patients achieve the optimal lightening required for their new cover-up goals. At East Coast Laser Tattoo Removal we collaborate with many tattoo centers and artists to help their/our clients arrive at the results they are looking for.
Did you get that? Dad goes away to war and mom takes it out on the kids - the likelihood triples! But when mom's away and the kids stay with dad, he's no more likely to abuse them than if she'd stayed. Of course, it's no surprise at all that the article blows off dad's restraint by explicitly claiming he must be getting more support from elsewhere and poor, victim mom isn't, left bereft and on her own, but this is nothing in the face of the bare fact of the study. Now I wonder what happens in the aftermath of divorce, eh?
The sound of braille machines reverberates from a classroom as young, visually impaired boys and girls of Milimani Primary School in Nakuru punch dots on braille papers. Those yet to master the art of using the braille have to sort maize and beans. This to any ordinary person seems a punishment but for a teacher at the school, it is part of learning. “It’s through this that they learn how to feel,” says teacher Jane Chesire, who is in charge of the blind unit. Learning here is not easy. Two teachers attend to the 20 learners in the unit. The two not only engage the pupils in class work but also have to teach them how to walk, communicate and socialise with other students. Chesire says the school had to convert a classroom to accommodate the learners, and they have no special latrine and are forced to share with the other students. “We had to improvise and convert a classroom into a dormitory,” she says. The lack of other essential facilities such as magnifying lenses for learners with partial visual impairment has hampered learning. Milimani Primary is not an exception. At Pangani Integrated School, the ratio of teacher to pupils is 1:17 against the stipulated 1:4 for children with special needs. The school has two wings -- one that caters for regular pupils and the other for children with special needs, where majority of the over 185 pupils are autistic, others are mentally challenged and the rest physically disabled. The school has 15 teachers. Fourteen are female and only one man. The only male teacher teaches 97 boys behavioural manners. At Ngala School for the Deaf with over 180 pupils, the situation is no better. The pupils lack learning materials. Parents have to chip in to cater for lunch and upkeep as money allocated by the Ministry of Education is barely enough. Each parent pays Sh3,000 per term. At Menengai Integrated Primary School, 18 visually impaired students have inadequate learning and special sanitation facilities. Students use open pit latrines. In Baringo County, Kabarnet School for the Deaf and Blind face a myriad challenges. For a month now, the 75 pupils have not been in school after non-teaching staff went on strike demanding 12-month salary arrears. The 31 non-teaching staff are demanding over Sh4 million salary arrears. The strike continues. The school served as a safe haven for the disabled children but with the frustrations experienced its doors seem to be slowly closing down. School matron Susan Cherogony says the non-teaching staff spend most of their time with the learners and understand them better. Cherogony says they wrote a letter to the Director, Special Needs Education in the Ministry of Education, seeking to have their issues addressed but their cries fell on deaf ears. “Absolute pessimism has persisted on the non-teaching staff since they have seen the Board of Management exhaust all available official mechanisms in the country’s Education Ministry offices several times but all in vain,” reads the letter dated May 27. Aside from the salary issue, other challenges, including under-staffing and lack of proper infrastructure plague most special schools in the region. Baringo County Kenya Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) Secretary Christopher Kimosop says the ministry seems not keen on the issues and challenges facing special schools. Kimosop says it is not even clear how much money the government allocates for the schools. “A lot needs to be done, the schools are really struggling with under-staffing and under-funding. We are concerned about this neglect by the government,” he says. Nominated Senator Inimah Musuruve says institutions with special needs need a lot of attention. While raising the matter in the Senate last year, Musuruve said some of the challenges the institutions face include lack of teachers, medication, sanitation facilities and instructional materials. She said Kabarnet School for the Deaf and Blind does not have enough teachers. “This problem does not only affect Kabarnet School for the Deaf and Blind, but also the deaf and blind units in Mumias School, Kedowa Special School and other special institutions for the deaf-blind children,” Musuruve said. The senator said the deaf-blind learners need individualised attention. She said the situation at Kimwanga Special School in Bungoma was shocking as the infrastructure was not enough. “When I went to Kimwanga Special School in Bungoma, I found only one Teachers Service Commission-employed teacher who was the headmistress and was due to retire in February. As we speak now, that teacher has already retired,” she said. When it comes to capitation in special schools, she said the government sends only Sh2,000 per child, and the money is not enough because of the nature of demands of children with special needs. “Even the Sh2,000 is not sent in good time. This money is sent after three or six months,” she lamented. Do not miss out on the latest news. Join the Standard Digital Telegram channel HERE.
Exercise clothes through the 1970s and 80s was pretty generic. They bunch in the incorrect places and you spend half your health club time yanking up your outdated sweats or flattening a shirt that is using up. Go for a fit that makes you’re feeling assured, not one which causes you to combat your clothes during your exercise. From leggings to tees, jackets, and sports activities bras, the Livi Lively line by Lane Bryant is sure to have something for every workout fanatic. Head here for running shorts, CrossFit gloves, UFC gear, pre-college sneakers, and so, a lot more. Store our exclusive activewear assortment for yoga pants, leggings , workout tops, sports activities bras , printed capris, distinctive gym accessories and extra. Pricing: Garments and fitness accessories range from $6 to $60. High impact exercises simply acquired simpler with a perfect plus dimension sports bra from the Nola Activewear collection that includes microfiber sports bras, padded bras, and attractive sporty crop tops. Lately sports activities bra manufacturers have been making half sizes that assist make a good better fit for a lot of girls and they also are making good high quality bras that help bigger breasted women as they exercise too. But for biking and working you need to avoid carrying free and long pants which can get tangled within the wheels or your sneakers. Pants Informal S Women Trousers Stretch Leg Huge Long Palazzo Scorching Bohemian Unfastened Womens Stretchy Yoga Athletic Health club Comfortable Foldover. Whether or not you are a yoga devotee or a die-arduous runner, uncover girls’s attire that stay up to your efficiency.
Going for Gold Going for the Gold! Team Hungary's figure skating team trained hard for the chance to compete in the 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games. Thanks to their coaches -- and their determination and dedication -- all that hard work paid off in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea. Video by Trevor Green
- Pro Sports Blogging - http://www.prosportsblogging.com - EMU Storms by Ferris State University Posted By Mel Suiter On Jan 4 2011 @ 11:04 pm In Eastern Michigan | No Comments YPSILANTI, Mich. —- The sky outside the friendliest basketball arena located in the Mid-American Conference and is the home of the Eastern Michigan University basketball program, the Convocation Center looked gray and ominous. Inside the Convocation Center the Eagles faced the Ferris State University Bulldogs and in the early part of the game the Bulldogs look ready to produce a storm and blow away the Eagles. Eastern Michigan University so much like the weather is so unpredictable came up with a new defensive wrinkle and defeated Ferris State University 76-60, Tuesday night. “I like what I saw for the most part,” Eastern Michigan University basketball coach Charles Ramsey said after the game. “We beat a very good team that team at Indiana had Indiana beat at Indiana but Indiana won in overtime they have four seniors that know how to play that (Darien) Gay kid can shot it number one and Justin Keenan is a monster on the inside.” Bulldog guard Gay led both teams with 23 points and played 35 minutes; he shot 9 of 11 from the field. Ferris State University offense found their rhythm early in the first half and the Bulldogs worked hard under their own backboard and got plenty of second chances. Looking for any kind offensive help the Eagles were thankful that the transfer from Southeast Missouri University Derek Thompson stepped up with a deadly shot from beyond the arch and also making an appearance in the offensive scheme for Eastern Michigan University basketball coach Charles Ramsey junior guard Antonio Green. Thompson finished the game leading the Eagles with 19 points and five rebounds, senior power forward Brando Bowdry recorded his career 31st double-double with 18 points and 11 rebounds. Green scored just eight points but was a strong performance and floor presence gave the Eagles defense a chance to make some big stops in the first half that lead to the Eagles catching the Bulldogs. Eastern Michigan survived the Ferris Sate run early in the game and ended the first half leading the Bulldogs 38-32. The second half the Eagles produce a squall of an offense that rolled across the court and deploy a 2-2-1 zone press and forced the Bulldogs in making turnovers. The Bulldogs made 11 miscues that the Eastern Michigan University offense turned into 21 points. The Eastern Michigan University bench supplied the charge of electricity and like lighting bolt struck the Bulldogs and the balanced offense that Ramsey has been wishing for arrived scoring 15 points but did not make a turnover. “Everybody coming off of the bench gave us something positive we did not have one turnover from the bench and that is huge,” Ramsey said. “It can be very valuable with the zone press and half court zone that worked toward our advantage tonight and now we are going into another galaxy league play which is exciting and I am excited going into league play with a W.” Ramsey said his post players did a good job and is getting the most important ingredient and that is experience. “Jamell is a sophomore and he is playing a fifth year senior and there is going to be a learning curve he just did some old man type of stuff to him early,” Ramsey said. “Jamell’s mature and Kamil is grasping and taking advantage of his minutes and he did all the things tonight that he needed to do if they both can improve both kids have had not a lot of minutes and every time they get on the floor we are seeing improvement.” Eastern Michigan University will open up the 2011 Mid-American Conference schedule with a trip into the city of Toledo, Ohio and the shoreline of the mighty Maumee River and face the University of Toledo at the historical Savage Hall Saturday night January 8, 2011 and the game is scheduled for tip off at 7 p.m. About the Author Article printed from Pro Sports Blogging: http://www.prosportsblogging.com URL to article: http://www.prosportsblogging.com/2011/01/04/emu-storms-by-ferris-state-university/ URLs in this post: Subscribe to author's RSS feed: http://www.prosportsblogging.com/author/mel_suiter/feed/ Copyright © ProSportsBlogging.com. All rights reserved.
June 15, 2030 Spent the final dawn of science looking for the God Particle inside the smallest bits of matter we could fix our auxiliary eyes upon — searching for something to explain all of this ... mass, gravity, motion, strong and weak force, our origins. Underpinning it all is this stubborn and all-too-human desire for answers to things that we will never know ... maybe we can’t ever know — it is forbidden to peer behind God’s door. But of course we will never stop trying to sneak a peek, we will never stop trying to figure it out, never stop knocking on the doors of perception, never stop questioning ... Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? Do we have free will? Do we, at least sometimes, glimpse reality? Is there a God? Does he like me? Or are we Gods ourselves? Do these last few hundred thousand years of our evolution ... this ‘epic’ human journey we’ve been on ... add up to anything? Or are we just like a swarm of carpenter ants ... doing what we’re told ... running around a mound of dirt, destined to spoil our nest and die an insignificant death alone somewhere in the vast reaches of all that is ...?...??
City of Falls Church Crime Report: Week of June 6 – 12, 2016 Larceny from Public Building, 416 S. Washington St. (Foxes Music) On June 6, an unknown suspect stole an amplifier from the victim business. Larceny, 313 Park Ave. On June 7, an unattended cell phone was reported as stolen. Public Drunkenness, 900 block Ellison St. On June 7, a male, 33, no fixed address, was arrested for Public Drunkenness. Larceny from Building, 1115-B W. Broad St. (Perfect Auto Detail) On June 8, an unattended cell phone was reported stolen. Larceny from Building, 1057 W. Broad St. (West End Plaza) On June 8, an unattended cell phone was reported stolen. Smoking Violation, 6795 Wilson Blvd. #50 (Hung Café Billiard) On June 9, a male, 41, of Centreville, was cited for Smoking In a Non-Designated Area. Narcotic Violation and Drinking while Driving, 100 block E. Broad St. On June 10, an officer conducted a traffic stop for a motor vehicle violation. The driver, a female, 39, was arrested and released on summons for Possession of Marijuana and Drinking While Driving. Robbery, 1100 W. Broad St. (CapitalOne Bank) On June 10, a male, 42, of Falls Church was immediately arrested for committing a bank robbery at the location. Trespass, 306 Hillwood Ave. (Lesly’s Restaurant) On June 12, a a male, 22, of Silver Spring, MD, was arrested and released on summons for Trespassing.
Although denied the attention and bravura accorded upon other inventors of his time, Johannsson worked to develop a system of precise measurement so beneficial that it completely revolutionized industrial production. As a child, Johannsson exhibited traits that would later be important in hiswork. He kept a careful notebook in which he recorded all the events of his life, a habit he continued until his death in 1943. He also learned to work iron and steel so skillfully that his help was much sought after to repair broken tools or create new ones. In 1882, Johannsson left his home in Götlunda, Sweden, to join his brother in St. Peter, Minnesota. The two worked in lumber camps and attended Gustavus Adolphus College until 1884 when they returned to Sweden. There, in 1887,Johannsson enrolled at the Eskilstuna Technical Sunday and Evening school and later secured a position at the Carl Gastafs Stads Rifle Factory. Although the concept of interchangeable parts had been pioneered by Eli Whitney nearly a century earlier, in Johannsson's day there was still no industrial standard for measuring equipment, and therefore no standard machine parts to be found in any two machine shops. Each production site used its own measuring gauges--which was fine only as long as all parts were made at that plant. Recognizing this problem, Johannsson worked to create a simple, universal measuring system . First, he studied all the parts used to make a rifle, and sketched them carefully. He realized that a relatively small number of units, each a specific length, could provide, alone or in combination, all the measurements necessary to produce these parts. This revolutionary idea was called acombination gauge block set. Johannsson's first design used 102 blocks, arranged in three series, that measured all lengths between 1 and 201 mm (0.039 and 7.84 in.) rising with an increment of 0.01 mm (0.00039 in.), making altogether 20,000 measurements obtained solely by laying two or more gauge blocks together. Ironically, the very lack of precision machining that made the blocks necessary also made them difficult to produce. They had to be perfectly flat and parallel to provide precise measurements. To ensure accurate leveling, Johannsson invented a precision instrument that measured within 0.0001 mm (0.0000039 in.); a human hair, in comparison, is 0.05 mm (0.002 in.). After the factory had produced the blocks, Johannsson finished them at home, using a converted sewing machine to grind the blocks with a rotating wheel made of cast iron. Johannsson's blocks began selling abroad in 1901, but it was not until 1907 that they were used officially in the United States. The gauge blocks revolutionized manufacturing, particularly the American automobile and defense industries. This change was especially apparent during World War I, when the United States was able to arm the Allies with a flood of quickly produced weapons, a feat not possible in the days of hand-finished parts and singular measuring systems. In 1923, Johannsson went to work for HenryFord at the Ford Motor Company, where he applied his gauge blocks to large-scale manufacturing. Eventually, Johannsson set up his own company which successfully manufactured standard gauge block sets and other measuring tools.
Our excellent services is what sets us above the rest of the auto glass shops in Harrisonburg and Staunton, Virginia. Anything that has to do with auto glass -- we do it. And we do it well -- from windshield replacement to automotive glass repair. Bull's eye chips, star chips, and any other kind of impact chip is an easy, fast auto glass repair when you leave it int he hands of the experts at VA Auto Glass. In most cases, this kind of windshield repair damage can be fixed in less than an hour. We can perform car glass repair on your personal vehicle or take care of your fleet auto glass. Fleet glass should be regularly inspected for small chips or cracks. This is something we can take care of for you when we services your fleet of vehicles. Whether they're customized trucks, vans, or company cars let us partner with you to make sure your vehicles stay safe and impediment-free. Large cracks across a major portion of your windshield will require auto glass replacement, which we can do in our shop or with our mobile auto glass repair and replacement unit. For the best in auto glass service, call the experts at VA Auto Glass. AUTO GLASS REPAIR CHIP / CRACK REPAIR FREE MOBILE SERVICES VA Auto Glass in Harrisonburg, Virginia is an auto glass shop delivering auto glass replacement and windshield repair. Cracked automotive glass? Our automotive glass company provides superior automotive installation for nearly any make and model vehicle, including fleet vehicles. Call us at (540) 208-0860.
|Onondaga Friends Association| How to Become a Member Click on the "Subscribe" button below to become a member at whatever level you are comfortable with. We will send our grateful acknowledgement to you and have cave tickets available to you in the Visitor Center. You may also donate by check at the address below. ~ P.S. The "Lifetime" membership is marked as "yearly", but hey, it's for a lifetime, so it's only paid once. A membership with the Onondaga Friends Association brings you a few perks, besides the satisfaction of belonging to an organization which helps one of your favorite parks. All members receive: $ 15 Student/Senior - receives one free cave tour $ 20 Individual - one free cave tour $ 50 Family - two free cave tours $100 Contributing - four free cave tours $250 Patron - six free cave tours $500 Corporate - ten free cave tours $1000 Lifetime - unlimited tours for up to four people per visit Memberships over $250 will receive other incentives, such as a private reserved tour, donor tree planting, free admission to the OFA Members Dinner and Art Auction, donor name plate in the Visitor Center. Of course, help in whatever way you can, and your efforts will be put to good use and appreciated! :-) How to Donate To give a tax-deductible gift for Onondaga Cave State Park, please click on the "Donate" button below. Thank you for your contribution! Honor your loved one with a Tribute. We will be glad to list photos and text ~ see our Option Packages below. By offering your Tribute, you will also be helping one of your favorite Parks. Thank you for your support. Option 1: One photo and short text on group page Option 2: Two photos and two paragraphs, group page Option 3: Name linked alphabetically to photos and text; half-page Option 4: Name linked alphabetically t0 photo gallery/slideshow, text article, can include youtube video; whole page © 2011 Onondaga Friends Association. All rights reserved. Photos may be used with full credit to OFA (or specific photographer if listed) and link back to this website. Home Park Calendar Special Events Park Projects Contact Us Cave News Nature Trails Research Photo Gallery Education This Website is Green! Maintained and hosted with 100% Solar and Wind Power! Below is an affiliate link. Sign up for your website here, and a portion of the affiliate fee will go to OFA. Thank you!
One of the most common questions we receive in our fly shop is "where do you fly fish in Indiana?". Our standard answer is "anywhere" and that is because we know fly fishing is more than just fishing for trout. Good thing because Indiana is not know for it's trout waters. In fact, if have been looking for some trout waters in central Indiana about the only waters you will find is the tailwaters of the Brookville Reservoir. There are other locations within the state of Indiana. There are also a few places closer to Indianapolis that have trout, both public and private. However, The Brookville Tailwaters have a good population of Brown and Rainbow trout and each year they have a significant number of fish that hold over. Many of the other locations around central Indiana are more "put & take" in that the fish die out during the warm summers or are generally all harvested. The tailwaters are a two and a half mile section of the outflow of the Brookville Reservoir that flows into the Whitewater River. Fortunately, the water is released from deep within the reservoir so it remains cold throughout the summer and the trout can survive. The conditions of the outflow and the stream itself allow for a large population of sowbug, scuds and planaria worms to grow and help sustain the fish. The tailwaters are located just ninety miles South East of Indianapolis. They are easy to get to if you just follow Brookville Road (State road 52) all the way into the town of Brookville. Before you go, make certain to check the flow rates of the tailwater as this may determine whether you should make the trip or not. There is no schedule as to when the dam is opened to release water. So be prepared to get out of the water if you notice it rising. Below are a list of useful links that can help you plan your trip to Brookville. You can also call us at the shop for any advice, recommendations and the latest report on the conditions. We stock lots of productive flies, leaders, tippet, fly lines, rods and reels that are perfect for the Brookville Tailwater. FlyMasters also provides guided trips to the Brookville Tailwaters. If you do not know how to fish a tailwater for trout or would simply like to learn the waters more quickly then book a trip with FlyMasters and we will guide you to the right spots. The Brookville Tailwaters are a very nice little trout fishery in the middle of warmwater country. FlyMasters can help you take advantage of this little gem and get the most enjoyment from you time on the water.
Versatile twin warmer provides accurate, even heat for dessert toppings, dipping sauces, gravy and more from a 2.8 L jar. 230V | UK - Small batch prep for ideal freshness - Two foods requiring individual heat control - Varied daypart use; each well is interchangeable with pump or squeeze bottle warming components Twin stainless steel water-bath warmers feature individual thermostats and power switches for each well. Adjustable thermostats, sense food temperature and turn each 500 watt heating element on or off as needed eliminating burning or scorching. This 230V model includes (2) stainless steel lift-off lids, 30 mL ladles and 2.8 L jars. When you place your order, be sure to request colored knobs engraved with your contents for a clean presentation. Black knobs are standard. - Stainless steel construction - Adjustable, thermostats for accurate heat control - (2) Stainless steel lids, 30 mL ladles and 2.8 L jars - 2-year warranty
You have completed the difficult work of creating your presentation—and it is awesome! You have rehearsed thoroughly so that the entire presentation flows well from point to point, your slides are clear and appealing, and you have created an engaging beginning and a powerful ending. All well done. Then, the questions begin. The first one takes you by surprise. The second one is challenging. And the third one…well…it stumps you. Your fabulous presentation begins to feel rocky. Don’t let this happen to you. With proper planning and a little practice, you can rock the Q&A as much as you do the rest of your presentation. - Plan ahead. When planning your content, put yourself in the mindset of the audience or listener. What do they want to hear? What will they ask? If you have experience with your audience or listeners it should be fairly easy to predict most of the questions that might arise. If you can’t guess what questions might arise, ask someone who knows your audience to brainstorm with you. Then be sure you have answers for all these possible questions. - Maintain powerful body language. When the questions begin, be sure to maintain your power by standing still on both feet (think “power pose”,) keeping your hands relaxed and open (think steepling,) and your face pleasant but neutral. Don’t move in too close to the person challenging you, but don’t back off either. And keep your eye contact steady as you listen to the question or challenge. - Listen up. You may think you know exactly where the question is going…and be completely wrong. Listen before you begin thinking of your answer. This is respectful and it shows patience and self-control. - Use a Neutral Bridge. A Neutral Bridge is a transition between the question and your answer. Instead of saying, “that’s a good question” try a neutral bridge as a transition. It allows you to restate the question so everyone can hear it in your words. It can help you to reframe a difficult question by eliminating trigger words or exaggeration as you restate the question. Click to learn more about neutral bridges. - Keep it conversational. When you are in front of an audience, the neutral bridge works very well. But in a small group or conversational setting you’ll want to make it sound conversational, not too formal or stiff. Try words like, “you’re asking about X,” or “when we think about X…” Try to keep the bridges simple; sometimes we elaborate them more than necessary by adding words like, “if I understand you correctly.” My suggestion is to bridge simply. - Don’t show irritation. Maybe you stated something you thought was clear, or completely obvious. Now they are asking you about it again. Instead of letting your irritation show, keep a neutral face and consider it an opportunity to review and reinforce something you said earlier. Remember that people often need to hear something more than once, so there is a benefit in restating key information. - Consider using stories/anecdotes and humor. You may have a great story that illustrates your point effectively. This could be a perfect time to use that story, because it humanizes the answer, and because stories engage our emotions, and we tend to remember them better than facts. You could even reserve a story or example specifically to use in your Q&A. - Use a variety of bridges and mirroring techniques. Sometimes we get caught up in using the same bridge over and over. Even a great bridge becomes obvious if you use it too often. So mix it up a bit. Use different bridges in different situations, and make up your own ways to restate the question. If you get into the habit of rehearsing your answers to questions (something I recommend, especially when stakes are high or emotions are running hot,) you can practice a variety of bridges at the same time. - Answer the question to everyone in the room. It is very easy to keep looking at the person who asked the question, especially when they are high-ranking or when they have a stake in the situation. This can escalate the pressure on both of you. Instead, look at the person while they are asking the question, and begin your answer while looking at them. After a moment, begin to move your eye contact slowly around the room, so you can keep everyone engaged. End with returning your eye contact to the person with the question, or by moving on to another person if you would rather keep moving forward. - Move ahead. Instead of getting stuck and unable to move forward, simply ask for the next question, or move on to the next slide, the next agenda item, or the next point you wanted to make. Your audience will appreciate you for moving things along, and you can often avoid an awkward pause or head off another question. Bottom line: Q&A can be a stumbling block or the crown jewel in your presentation. Plan well and rehearse appropriately, and you will find it enhances your ability to connect with your audience while reinforcing your key messages.
By: E&P Staff The 2005 National Conference for Media Reform comes to St. Louis this weekend with scheduled speakers including Al Franken, musician Patti Smith, Linda Foley of The Newspaper Guild, Seattle Times Publisher Frank Blethen, and New York Daily News Columnist Juan Gonzales. “Recent years have seen an unprecedented explosion of interest in media issues, from the bipartisan outcry over the FCC’s attempt to increase media ownership caps, to recent furor over government-funded ‘fake news,’ to the battles being waged right now in Washington and across the country over the future of the Internet,” conference organizers said in a statement. The conference is run by Free Press, which calls itself a “national nonpartisan media reform group.” The event is sold out, but streaming audio and video will be available online at www.freepress.net/conference, and Saturday’s keynote session will be broadcast on Pacifica radio affiliates at 8 p.m. CDT. Some other speakers are: author Naomi Klein, radio host Amy Goodman, Phil Donahue, movie director Robert Greenwald, David Brock of Media Matters, and three members of Congress.
Chasing Za’atar (from Jordan to Belgium) is a piece in which Samah collaborates with plants, farmers, people, and herbalists to exchange stories about the herb Oregano (زعتر Za’atar in Arabic) and its culinary and spiritual uses. During her residency in WPZimmer, Samah will be looking more closely into the ideas around daily practices of resistance in relation to food making. In her presentation, she invites people to share food, and ideas on the small gestures of resistance that we and our family or friends do that are related to food making. This work is part of the larger project titled Kitchen. Table. in which Samah investigated the movement of food practices over time and across geography, as well the body as a site for food memory. This work is produced by Kunstenwerkplaats, and supported by Beursschowburg, Vooruit, Kaai Theater, A.M. Qattan Foundation (Palestine), WPZimmer and funded by the VG, and VGC.
Let’s leave the Earth better then we found it! We at Silver Coast Company are committed to this by making a donation to fund the planting of 10 trees for every purchase made. We believe it is our responsibility to sell furniture in an environmentally friendly manner. The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters in which all life depends. Free shipping is standard Ground delivery by appointment so you can choose the best day for you. White Glove in home delivery is available on most items for an added fee (see shipping for more information)
Classification of Departments/Units For the purposes of BCP, departments and units in the university have been divided into three categories viz. high, medium and low. The classification is somewhat arbitrary and is based on the criticality of the business processes for which the department or the unit is responsible. Appendix IV lists high and medium priority units. All other departments/units not listed fall under the Alow@ category.
Frequently asked questions about midwifery care - Why would I see a midwife during my pregnancy? Many parents are scared about labour!Midwives are highly skilled professionals whose role is to provide emotional and physical care for women throughout pregnancy and until your baby is 6 weeks old,A midwife will help you develop an individualised plan of care - But doesn’t my doctor do all that? YES but midwives have more time allocated to answer your questions and provide emotional and practical support in care of a newborn baby.Research shows mothers who see a midwife during pregnancy have fewer interventions - I suffer from anxiety and depression,Can a midwife support my emotional health during pregnancy ? Yes this is what a midwife specialises in, she knows that many mums these days fear pregnancy and birth and she will answer all your questions.If you require additional support she will help you arrange a suitable care plan - Why would i need to see a midwife if Im already seeing an OB? Because your midwife is the one who gives you all the knowledge about birth whether you choose natural or caesarian .Research also shows women who also see a midwife are more aware of the risk/benefits of choices during pregnancy and birth - Can i see a private midwife and a private OB?YES, in fact many women report much higher rates of satisfaction when they see a private midwife - Isn’t it expensive to attend private childbirth classes? Medicare rebates are available for midwifery care with an eligible midwife.The benefits in terms of your emotional wellbeing and enjoyment of your baby are priceless.
Film Art Media has received Screen Australia development funding to turn real-life bartering project Clothing for Correspondence into a web series! Executive Producer Sue Maslin and Producer Charlotte Seymour are teaming up with Penelope Chai and Jane Dickenson, the creators of Clothing for Correspondence, to develop a web series about a young woman who writes letters-on-demand in exchange for second-hand clothing. Penny and Jane dreamt up Clothing for Correspondence with the aim of getting hand-me-down clothes from sartorially successful strangers. In exchange they offered their services as letter writers. Amazingly, people came to the party. Since 2009, they’ve written over 100 letters to fulfil requests from all corners of the globe, from Fiji to London, Budapest to Kansas. In return they’ve received frocks, tops, skirts, scarves, belts and a pair of stripy socks. The letters and scenarios used in the web series will be based on real-life letters and scenarios as documented in the online project. Protagonist Florence is a fictionalised conduit for these beautiful and bizarre interactions and exchanges. Follow her adventures as she attempts to reconnect. And save the planet. And get nice clothes.
Fixing the Bus has become a theme of our daily lives. Whenever we think Big Emma is doing fine, the unexpected happens. The Dalton Highway was no exception – our odyssey into the middle of nowhere was cut short by a CV joint that needed changing (and a emergency brake cable that needed adjusting, and a stray e-brake lever bolt that needed reattaching, and a wheel that decided to escape). Even hundreds of miles from the next town, we did not let the repairs defeat us, and got back to safety without the help of a tow-truck. Photo Credit: Klim Bulygin @ http://en.uxman.ru
Maine Episcopal Youth Event Chairpersons: Fred Fowler (St. Luke’s Cathedral, Portland) Jane Hartwell (Canon Missioner for Spiritual Growth, Youth and Young Adults) Rev. Sara D’Angio White (St. David, Kennebunk) High School Youth Council: Rev. Sara D’Angio White (St. David, Kennebunk) – leader Leaders of Events- Middle school events: Rev. Sara D’Angio White (St. David, Kennebunk) and Fred Fowler (St. Luke’s, Portland) High school events: Rev. Sara D’Angio White (St. David, Kennebunk) Summer Finale Camp Youth: Kerry Mansir (Christ Church, Gardiner) Episcopal Service Corps – Celeste Carpenter (St. Ann’s Windham) 2017/2018 in North Carolina E.Y.E. 2017 – the triennial Episcopal Youth Event Twelve teens and three adults were our delegation in 2017 at the University of Oklahoma. General Convention Youth Presence – Anna Foster (St. Luke’s Cathedral) was one of 18 high schoolers selected nationwide in 2015. Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) – Kirsten Lowell (St. Ann’s, Windham) – 2014/2015 in Uruguay Delegation to 2015 Miqra event in Kentucky- Ally Smith (St. Ann’s, Windham), Ryan Corum (adult), Kim Wallace (adult from St. Ann’s, Windham), Ally Collins (St. Paul’s, Brunswick), E.Y.E. – National Episcopal Youth Event – this happens every three years. 2014 Reps: Kate Rogers (Trinity, Portland), Anna Foster (Cathedral), Tim DiNinno (St. Alban’s, Cape Elizabeth), Devon Hall (Christ Church, Gardiner), Jordan Roubinek (St. Thomas, Camden), Cedric Hipkins (St. Paul, Brunswick), Pamela Lobor (Trinity, Portland), CJ Wallace (St. Ann, Windham), Wayne Franklin (adult from St. Peter, Portland), Mary Linneman (adult from the Cathedral) 2011 Reps in Minnesota: Michael Frazier (St. Paul’s, Brunswick), Connor Durgin (Good Shepherd, Rangeley), Jane Hartwell (Youth Missioner) Bishop Steve Lane leads and guides the Episcopal Diocese of Maine that we’re part of. Jane Hartwell serves as the Canon Missioner for Spiritual Growth, Youth and Young Adults in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine. Leadership at Youth Events – Each particular youth event is led by volunteers – including youth, clergy, and other adults from all over Maine. Host Churches – Diocesan Youth Ministries is extremely grateful to all of the Support Partner Churches which rearranged their Sunday service one weekend so that a diocesan youth event could happen at their church. They are: St. Matthew’s in Lisbon (9 years); Trinity Church in Portland (Happening 2004 and TEC 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017), St. Mark’s in Augusta (Narnia I in 2007 and CrossWalk 2008), St. Giles in Jefferson (Harry Potter IV in 2006), St. Anne’s in Calais (Downeast Youth Event 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010), Christ Church in Gardiner (Happening 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,2012, 2013, 2014), Grace Church in Bath (Harry Potter 2003, 2004, 2005, Awakening 2008, Journey 2009, Awakening 2013), St. Philip’s in Wiscasset (Happening 2003), and St. Saviour’s in Bar Harbor (CrossWalk 2003). Also thanks to host churches: St. John’s in Bangor (Awakening 2009, CrossWalk 2010 and Journey 2011), St. Paul’s in Brunswick (Winter Middle School Events in 2007, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017); St. Luke’s Cathedral (Pathways to Peace 2017, Fall Middle School Events in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015; Miqra 2016; Young Adult Events 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016) and St. Anne’s in Windham (Middle School Event in 2012, Miqra 2015). Your extraordinary generosity has demonstrated to teenagers the meaning of Christian hospitality. Teens are amazed at what you do!
"To meaningfully change the academic outcomes of our schools, the single most important investment we can make is in pre-K. Children who participate in quality pre-K face far fewer barriers to achievement throughout their entire academic careers than those who don't." Mayor Kenney believes that quality pre-K is a smart investment because it prepares children to be skilled learners at a time when they are primed for it. Right now, 46% of our kindergarteners arrive at school without critical foundational skills, and 44% of our third-graders are not reading on grade level. Expanding quality pre-K will provide short-term and lasting benefits for Philadelphia's families. In the long term, quality pre-K programs result in increased graduation rates, fewer children in special education classes, and reduction in achievement gaps rooted in poverty. Quality pre-K programs also have been shown to help parents continue their education, enter the workforce, and contribute to the economy. The benefits of quality early childhood education ripple throughout the community. Help us increase quality pre-K for three and four-year-olds who lack access to opportunities in their neighborhoods.
'The Numinous Place' is the world's first truly multidimensional work of fiction - technology and creativity merge harmoniously to create a uniquely experiential new medium. Every aspect of 'The Numinous Place' feels chillingly authentic... From realistic news reports and video to genuine documents, articles, diagrams, photographs, websites and phone calls; readers will believe they are witnessing actual events unfold, as they immerse themselves in a discovery that will change the world forever. And, the powerful narrative moves beyond the screen into the real-world and beyond with an interactive element that has only ever been dreamt of before. Hold onto your seats and open your mind: the book just evolved. "When you look at the current crop of 'enhanced e-books' they're really just enhanced with extras similar to what you get on a DVD. Brandwidth's technical and design skills move TNP light years ahead of the rest of the pack." "My name is Henry Amadeus Meat, and in spite of that lifelong affliction, I am also the bearer of information which will change your world forever. And, to get this information, I'm going to take you on a journey to the other side of another world completely." "Most of those other scientists didn't even think Bartok's science was a science at all. It was as if some weirdo moved in next door to NASA and started building flying machines from blueprints left by Leonardo Da Vinci and received a bigger budget from Congress." "The first thing you notice is her eyes. Or rather, if you're me, the first thing you notice is April Miyazaki's eyes. You might notice her breasts or her skin or her legs or her ears or her hair or her butt or her philtrum because she carries around sensational versions of all those things as well. For me though, it was always those goddamn chartreuse-colored peepers." "The Bartok Sleep Research Clinic is run like an even more covert version of Iran's nuclear program, and I feel like an inspector from the IAEA, not just because of the suffocating level of security, but also because I have the distinct impression they're not showing me everything they should be." "Take a dream you can remember and then compare the memory of it with any mundane incident that has occurred to you in the last 24 hours. See? There's no difference-the detail is the same in both memories of a dream and of a wakeful event when you use hindsight." "Here, they're closing in on all of us because they don't want you to know the truth… The truth about who you really are.The truth about where you've come from, and how to get back. The truth of who you can become again." "You'd think those words would have been the giveaway that it was my funeral, even so, I didn't realize it was me in the open casket until a young woman looked over the edge and stared down at me." "They're combining her religion with his technology. They're using black magic to launch into the dreamspace and they're gaining converts at the same time.” "'They were all imposters,' April announced with an expression that suggested Bartok knew about her power, and had chosen to test it in a most disrespectful fashion. Like if Lex Luther concealed himself inside a speeding locomotive on the other side of a tall building and dared Superman to try and catch him." The Curator: Mark Staufer Creator, writer, director MARK ANDREW STAUFER calls THE NUMINOUS PLACE his "destiny project." STAUFER, a former New Zealander who now makes his home in Los Angeles after stints in Australia, the UK and Europe, says he has been gestating the project for nearly a decade. Mark is former Head of Production at Universal Studios Networks in London, while working on TNP he has written, amongst other things, a screenplay about legendary comedian Bill Hicks for Oscar winner Russell Crowe, who described Staufer in industry bible Variety as ‘a most talented writer.' "The Numinous Place is a supernatural thriller like no other and this new medium of the future - merging all media seamlessly to tell a great story - is the perfect place to begin the TNP franchise." If you'd like to add your name to our mailing list, have a press enquiry or would like to learn more about investment opportunities, please select a contact option below.
Dr. Snehal Sanghvi is a practising Internal Medicine Physician with an experience of 47 years. He is located in Mumbai. Dr. Snehal Sanghvi practices at the Saifee Hospital in Mumbai. The Saifee Hospital is situated at 15/17, Maharshi Karve Rd Charni Road East Opera House, Girgaon, Mumbai. He pursued his MBBS in the year 1972 from Bombay University. Dr. Snehal Sanghvi is an experienced, skilled and awarded doctor in his field of specialization. Wed,Sat 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM MBBS | General Physician | Bombay University - 1972 MD | Internal Medicine | Hindi | English
I need someone to write a VBScript that I can specify a domain name such "mydomain.com" so I can easily create websites on my W2K8 server. It then needs to do the following steps: 1: Create a User Account called mydomain.com with permissions to run the website 2: Create an application pool called mydomain.com 3: Create a website called mydomain.com connected by the User Account created in Step1 so that websites are protected from each other. 4: Create a Virtual folder called "common" 5: Create a "normal" folder under the wwwroot folder called "userfiles" I hope ths is enough info Let me know if you need more
The luxury Hurlestone B&B is a decent example of a 4-star hotel in Minehead. This hotel is about 30 km away from Smugglers Cove Barry Island. The hotel offers perfect location 9 km from the center of Minehead. Guests at Hurlestone B&B are accommodated in rooms with a fridge, an iron with ironing board and a work desk. The Whortleberry Tea Rooms offers English dishes and lies 200 meters away. Hurlestone B&B can be reached in a 35-minute drive from Cardiff-wales airport.
Forex Trading Guide – Trading currencies on the international market can be a great way to make a lot of money, and it can also teach you how to lose money fast. There are 1 trillion in the forex (foreign exchange) market every day More than the dollar is traded, but there is no central headquarters or official body that regulates this form of trading. Forex is governed by a patchwork of international agreements between countries. As such, Forex is actually a global network of traders connected by mobile and computer screens. Forex Trading guide requires training Despite the increased global crackdown on money laundering in recent years, authorities have been successful in identifying fraud and victim trading scams, especially new ones. So, if you want to test yourself in this wild world of trading, you must be careful not to rely entirely on experts. Sure, experts can help explain how the forex market works and how the forex language and its risks are unique, but to get into this dangerous field of trading More training is required before you consider. If you have ever traveled outside the United States, you have probably traded foreign currency. Whenever you travel outside your home country, you will need to convert your home currency to the currency used in your destination country. If you are an American citizen shopping in the UK and the candy you want is worth £100 (the pound is the base unit of the British currency), you need to know the value of the currency. used by the average buyer, but forex traders trade many currencies thousands of times a day. Profitable Forex Strategies Making money in the forex market is never easy. However, with a little education and market knowledge, making money in the forex market is very easy. We learn that it is a simple process that creates wealth. Over-analysis or over-thinking can affect your trading strategy and tactics. The trading strategy I describe here will probably be a bit frustrating and will contradict everything you have been taught about forex. Remember to be how. It may not work for the next person, but it taught me how to make decent money in the forex market. Through your forex training, you may have heard traders telling you to always trade with stop loss. This order to preach.. I don’t trade with stop loss period. How can that be? How can I make money without using a stop loss? Take the position of . another trader still standing. In order for the bank to make money, it needs to get money from other dealers, so it issues an order limiting losses in the market. I will not allow my bank to do this for me personally. Furthermore, each trade only seems to earn a few pips. In some cases this is known as scalping. On every trade I aim to win 3-6 pips. The next question might be “How do you know when to enter and exit the market?” It uses a set of indicators combined with a detailed analysis of trend lines and channels. Indicators show when to enter and exit, while trend lines tell you the general direction of the market in a month to a few years. Knowing where the market is pointing over the years gives me a good idea of whether I am in buy or sell mode on a daily basis. How can you survive without using a stop loss? Simply put, don’t risk too much money on every trade. You only risk 1/10th of your account balance per transaction. For example, I only trade a $1 lot on a $10,000 account. What it can do for me is not use nonstop. If the market moves 200 points, no problem. By the time the market hit 200 pips, I already had another 100 profitable trades all at 3-6 pips. If the market keeps leaving me, I will continue to trade with gains every day, eventually using up a few losers and eventually outperforming them. wins every step.
Dai-ichi Life Insurance shares rose on Tuesday after a weak start, despite its announcement the previous evening that it posted ¥110.4 billion in unrealised losses on securities for the year ended March due to plunges in its Tokyo Electric Power shareholdings. The insurer lowered its earnings estimate for the previous fiscal year from a ¥50 billion net profit to a ¥19 billion profit. But investors bought the stock in the view that all negative factors had been exhausted. The Nikkei reported during Monday trade that Dai-ichi Life Insurance will book an impairment charge of roughly ¥100 billion on its Tepco holdings for fiscal 2010. But because of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Dai-ichi Life's stock price had already factored in latent losses on securities to some extent. The stock climbed ¥2000 to ¥128,800. The Australian Financial Review
Lifestyle brand Baccarat is syncing emotive and practical marketing in the relaunch of its Web site through video, commerce and content. Movies, music, children’s and educational programs, as well as software and games for PC and PS2. The most progressive music channel. Daily replenishment of new clips and concerts by top performers. Vsideos and concerts only in the highest quality HD, the channel Barakat Media. We emphasize – only in HD !!! Barakat Media – a source of good mood!
Before social media, people would go on vacation, take photos on their roll(s) of film and then show a few good ones to loved ones and friends upon their return. Today there is no limit to the amount of photos you can take, you have room to take photo after photo. Not only can you take tons of photos while traveling, you can share them instantly on social media. In fact, stats show that 60% of travelers, and 97% of Millennial travelers, share their travel photos instantly while traveling. (Source : http://www.olapic.com/resources/the-impact-of-social-media-on-travel-inspiration_blog-p1aw-f1tr-v1th-t1sm/) So how is this impacting the travel industry? Since the rise of social media photo perfect travel locations have seen a drastic increase in travelers. The iconic location of Trolltunga, Norway, saw an increase of 35,000 tourists from 2009 to 2014. This increase is credited to social media, everyone looking for the perfect Instagram photo.(Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/travel-interests/arts-and-culture/how-instagram-is-changing-travel/) And you might be thinking, well duh! Who doesn’t want to travel to Norway and sit on that cool cliff! But this phenomenon is happening in small local places too. Just a few weeks ago a sunflower farm outside of Toronto, Ontario, had to shut its doors because it was overrun by tourists. This small sunflower farm regularly charged visitors admission to their sunflower fields, a little extra income for the farm before harvesting the seeds. However, after people starting posting their sunflower selfies on Instagram the sunflower farm had to shut its doors because too many visitors arrived and they were damaging the fields, and disturbing the peace. You can read the whole story in this article here. This might sound like whining. Don’t tourist destinations want tourists? Isn’t that their goal? And yes, there are social media campaigns that have increased tourism to an area in a positive way. The town of Wanaka, New Zealand saw a 14% increase in tourism after launching its social media campaign. A successful and wanted increase. (Source : https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/travel-interests/arts-and-culture/how-instagram-is-changing-travel/) However, while cities might want this tourism the truth is certain places can’t support that sort human footprint. On social media you can Geotag your exact location, which allows for your followers to know exactly where that cool photo was taken. This has led to an increased number of people heading to previously secluded locations. In the last decade American National Parks saw a 26% increase of visitors. (Source : https://www.theringer.com/2016/11/3/16042448/instagram-geotagging-ruining-parks-f65b529d5e28) This is a significant number of more people on hiking trails. This increase in visitors has been accompanied by an increase in warnings given by Park Rangers. As visitors come they bring with them an ecological footprint that these spots can’t always handle. In addition to higher foot traffic there are also several cases of people vandalizing national parks. Cases of vandalism include lighting fires in a restricted areas to capture that perfect camping photo, or hopping a fence to get a closer shot. You can read about some examples here. The result of this kind of social media travel, is a negative impact on our most precious nature preserves. So what is the answer? National parks exist so people can experience nature. Isn’t technology typically associated with a sedentary lifestyle so people getting outdoors should be a positive thing? But at what cost to nature. Don’t we want these parks to be around for our grandchildren’s children? Would simply removing the Geotag from photos help to solve this problem? #Nature is killing nature! Why social media travel isn’t what it always appears to be. https://bit.ly/2ORtUFj Did you Instagram your last camping trip? Or Snapchat that day hike? See how your social media reports of your #nature experiences are not always helping mother nature. https://bit.ly/2ORtUFj
BioApparel explores circular design strategies to promote natural materials and waste reduction within the global fashion industry. The conceptual fashion project applies circular design strategies in an adaptable garment. It translates the necessity for circular and slow design by highlighting an organic-derived material: a protein collagen-based substrate that defines the importance of materiality. The wearable art garment consists of an organic bio-based material produced for ethical design, it is minimalistic and timely. The pattern and tonality of the piece is inspired by the local Gold Coast landscape. The natural dyes are a combination of salvaged bi-products including eggshells, avocado skins, and algae-based pigments. The purpose of the garment is to highlight its adaptable materiality- after the garment is no longer desirable, it can easily be remoulded and re-dyed to produce a new piece. At the end of use, the garment can be safely returned to the biosphere. Can a new design strategy and sustainable alternatives be adapted within the current ‘Fast-fashion’ industry of our hyperconsumeristic society- both on an individual and global scale to change the course of the fashion world?
Want to keep up with the latest news for growers? Check back every Thursday for a quick recap of recent happenings in the fruit and vegetable industry. AgSynergy Introduces Genesis RAZER AgSynergy Introduces Genesis RAZER AgSynergy introduced the Genesis RAZER, a single disk minimal disturbance opener for single or dual placement of anhydrous ammonia, liquid or dry fertilizer. It works in a wide range of conditions from no-till to conventional tillage at speeds from 5 to 10 mph. Features include 20 inches of independent row unit travel and an adjustable knife design. Senninger Announces New Pressure Regulator Ultra Senniger announced the new Pressure Regulator Ultra (PRU), a 2-inch pressure regulator. The PRU is designed to maintain a preset outlet pressure with flows of 20 to 100 gpm (4542 to 22713 L/hr). The inlet/outlet is offered in either a 2-inch FNPT or 2-inch FBSPT configuration depending on the desired application and has a size of 9 x 4.5 inches or 22.9 x 11.4 cm.
Boden Höfener Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft has its registered office in Düsseldorf, Germany. Its current status is listed as active. The company is registered at the Partnership register at the local court of Essen with the legal form of Partnership company (number PartR 2292). The Partnership register entry was last updated on Aug 3, 2016. 2 directors currently run the company: 2 partners. The quota for women's representation on the management board of Boden Höfener Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft is 50 percent. The company has 2 locations. The VAT Identification number and the bank details of the major bank are also available. The company report was last updated on Feb 22, 2017.
On April 3, 2017, I published an article recording my ten bold predictions for the 2017 MLB season. With fantasy baseball playoffs rapidly approaching, it is a good time to look back and assess my projections from early April. Jarrett Parker becomes the everyday left fielder for the San Francisco Giants, and finishes as a top-50 outfielder. Well, tough prediction to start to the list. Parker suffered a broken collarbone in mid-April and didn’t return to the big leagues until August 3rd. Currently the Giants have Brandon Belt, Michael Morse and Austin Slater on the disabled list, allowing Parker to fit in as their everyday left fielder. The 28-year-old has split time in the lineup between batting third and seventh. If he can continue to get at-bats in the three-hole, he will show why I predicted him to be a top-50 outfielder this season. Lance Lynn will win 16 games and finish the season as a top 50 starting pitcher. Lynn seems to be surpassing my high expectations, as he is currently ranked 15th among starting pitchers in ESPN standard formats. He is currently 10-6 with a 3.05 ERA. The 30-year-old has eight quality starts in his last eight appearances, making him one of the most consistent and reliable pitchers of the second half. The former first-round pick in 2008 has career lows in batting average against, or BAA, with .211, batting average on balls in play, or BABIP, with .232 and strikeouts per nine, or K/9, with 7.47. All of these trends suggest that his luck may be running out, although he has yet to let up all season. Newly acquired Seattle Mariner, Mitch Haniger, will finish the year as a top 25 outfielder. Although he is far from being a top-25 outfielder, Haniger still has been impressive in 2017. In his first 21 games, Haniger batted .342 with four home runs, 20 runs scored and 16 RBIs. The 26-year-old strained his oblique muscle and missed all of May. After returning, Haniger was clearly still affected by the oblique, as the former first round pick in 2012 batted a mere .176 in July. Haniger found himself on the disabled list once again in late July after being hit in the face by a 95-MPH Jacob deGrom fastball. Haniger has since returned to the lineup, where on August 19th he went two for four with a home run and four RBIs against the Tampa Bay Rays. Haniger’s early success was enhanced by the fact that he was batting primarily second in the Mariners order. So, now batting mainly sixth or seventh, Haniger’s fantasy ceiling has dropped significantly. We cannot forget about how successful he was in April, as he will be an integral part to the Mariners success in the future, although his lack of a track record is a bit concerning. Kendall Graveman will become the unquestioned ace of the Oakland Athletics staff, after finishing the season with a sub-4 ERA and over 140 strikeouts. Graveman has been another player plagued by injuries in 2017. He began the season on an incredible tear, posting a 2.25 ERA and 16 strikeouts in his first 24 innings pitched. In the first half combined, he finished with a respectable 3.83 ERA and 32 strikeouts in 47 innings, and besides at-the-time Jesse Hahn, he was the Athletics most consistent and reliable arm. Unfortunately, Graveman was inflicted with a shoulder injury in mid-May which kept him out until early-August, making the 26-year-old completely irrelevant in the fantasy universe. Next year promises to be bright for Graveman, who was formerly traded for Josh Donaldson, although his health problems are a major issue. David Phelps will finish as a top 20 reliever in standard formats, and a top 10 in formats that include holds. Phelps began the year as a part of the Miami Marlins, although he was subsequently traded to the Seattle Mariners in mid-July for three minor league prospects. In the first half of the year, Phelps posted a fair 3.68 ERA with 48 strikeouts in 44 innings. So far in the second half, the 30-year-old has registered a 1.80 ERA with 14 strikeouts in 10 innings. Since being moved to Seattle, Phelps has only let two earned runs in his seven appearances, both coming in the same game against the New York Mets. Phelps is currently on the disabled list with right elbow inflammation, although he is expected to return sometime in late August according to MLB.com. When he returns, he will likely be used primarily in the 8th inning behind closer Edwin Diaz or possibly in the 7th behind set-up man Nick Vincent. Either way, it is valid to roster him in leagues that count holds, especially due to his starting and relief pitcher eligibilities. Yangervis Solarte hits 20 home runs for the first time in his professional career, and finishes as a top 100 hitter. Solarte missed nearly all of July as he was plagued by an oblique injury. He has batted primarily in the clean-up spot in the San Diego Padres order, giving him extra RBI and run scoring opportunities. The 30-year-old has batted .268 and .269 respectively in each half of the year so far, so you can essentially pencil him in for a .270 average, especially as his BABIP is a career low .270. Also, Solarte has seen a decline in his strikeout rate, as it has dropped from 14.2 percent in 2016 to 11.1 percent in 2017, which shows his progression from years past. Over the course of a 162-game season, Solarte would be on pace for 23 home runs and 84 RBIs, which would comfortably make him a top-100 player. He has recently gained shortstop eligibility on top of his second and third base eligibilities, making him a very versatile fantasy asset. Gerrit Cole will be a top-5 Cy Young candidate behind a sub-three ERA and 200 strike outs. Cole hasn’t been the same since his 2015 campaign where he finished fourth in the National League Cy Young vote. His first half was a mess, as he recorded a 4.43 ERA and 7.86 K/9 over 107.2 innings. Although since the All-Star break, Cole has recorded a 3.13 ERA with 47 strikeouts in 46 innings. The former first overall pick in 2011 has had serious issues giving up home runs, as his home run to fly ball rate is an astronomical 16.8 percent. His second half so far has given fantasy owners a new-found hope that Cole can return to his 2015 form, although clearly 2017 was not the year for his resurgence. Christian Yelich will put together a 25 home run/25 stolen base campaign for the first time in his career. Myself and many others anticipated Miami Marlins star to take the next step in 2017, although we were wrong. In 2016, the former first round pick in 2010 batted .298 with 21 home runs and 98 RBIs. There was a general assumption that Yelich would continue to progress, although he is currently on a 162-game pace to bat only .277 with 18 home runs and 13 stolen bases. The 25-year-old has a career BABIP of .356, although this season it sits at only .328, which suggests he is getting a bit unlucky. Yelich continues to bat third for the mighty Marlins, which bodes well for his fantasy value moving forward. He still has a very promising future, although 2017 was clearly not his MVP caliber breakout season. Clayton Kershaw has the best year of his career, winning the NL Cy Young and MVP behind a sub-2 ERA and 300 plus strike outs. This one is simple, a back injury slowed down Kershaw from continuing his domination as greatest pitcher of his generation. Before the injury, Kershaw had thrown 141.1 innings while recording a 15-2 record with a 2.04 ERA and 168 strikeouts. The 29-year-old was on pace for 260 plus strikeouts over 220 innings pitched, which would have only been the second time in which he reached this feat. When healthy, he remains the most reliable and elite pitcher in fantasy baseball. Andrew Benintendi will not only win the Rookie of the Year, but will also be a top 25 finalist in the MVP race. If Aaron Judge didn’t exist, Benintendi would be the favorite to win American League Rookie of the Year. He is currently batting .276 with 17 home runs, 68 RBIs, 63 runs scored and 14 stolen bases over 113 games. The seventh overall pick in 2015 has met his expectations head on, as he is on a 162-game pace to hit 24 home runs and 97 RBIs. He has decreased his strikeout rate from 21.2 percent to 16.6 percent, while also raising his walk rate a full two percent. Benintendi is a lock to finish top three in AL ROY, while also having a strong possibility of finishing within the top-25 in AL MVP voting. Featured image by MLB.com “From Our Haus to Yours”
Scooter Braun, left, Justin Bieber and L.A. Reid talk things over on "The… (Ray Mickshaw / Fox ) "The X Factor" returned to the judges' lavish homes Thursday night for poolside performances by six finalists in each of two categories: the Over 25s, begrudgingly mentored by L.A. Reid, and the Teens, supervised by Britney Spears, who seemed to want to pinch each and every one of her team members' cheeks. "Sweetie," Spears kept calling them, sweetly. Reid, on the other hand, couldn't have been more sour about the category he'd been assigned. Yes, still. "I really didn't want this category. I'm known for developing young artists," he said, adding that even though he was "not happy," he was "still planning on winning." To his team he was hardly more chipper. "You're already underdogs," he told them, and challenged each to prove to him he or she could possibly be a star. Reid's extended hissy fit was starting to seem cruel. Even Justin Bieber and his manager Scooter Braun, brought in as guest mentors, seemed a little mystified by Reid's disdain for his own team. You know it's bad when it takes a boy star and his former wunderkind manager to defend the old and decrepit who, having entered the latter part of their 20s, might just as well reconcile themselves to meaningless lives leading … nowhere. Talent be damned. In fact, their talent was consistently damned by Reid's faint praise. The veteran record exec deemed Jason Brock's heartfelt rendition of "Big Girls Don't Cry" a "really strong vocal performance," but he said it as if that really might not be quite enough. After David Correy poured everything he had into "Domino," Reid acknowledged that some notes had given him "chill bumps," but then undercut his own praise, sniffing, "Talent isn't the question. Viability in the marketplace is the question." Braun offered, "I saw pure passion. I think that's the hardest thing to find, someone with pure passion," but who knows if Reid could hear him through his fog of misery. Braun was similarly impressed with Daryl Black's performance, saying, "He's got a special voice. With a band behind him it could work." Bieber called it "powerful" and "strong." But Reid demurred, saying he didn't find Black's vocal tone "to be unique.... I thought it was just singing." Braun thought cowboy Tate Stevens had "something about him you want to root for," and Bieber said he was "charismatic" and had a "great voice." Reid countered, "If you had to go in that bank account and write a check for $5 million, would you give it to that guy?" In the face of so much doubt, Bieber's confidence began to crumble. "I'm not sure," he said. Vino Alan's singing was gritty, soulful and riveting, and he was so turned-around afterward he accidentally stepped on Reid's shoes when he went over to shake hands. "You can tell that the dude is petrified. He's nervous, he's scuffing up your shoes, but he stepped up," Braun said. Bieber, emboldened, said, "Yeah, that was a great performance. I felt it emotionally." Reid allowed that, sure, Alan's voice had "soul" and all, "But then I'm looking and I'm like, OK, the package, the package." "The package," Bieber repeated solemnly. Only Tara Simon seemed entirely unaffected by Reid's withholding of mentorly love, absorbing none of his doubts about her chances. "I feel like I will win the whole thing. I'm just gonna say it," she said, contending that she'd always been a star and was ready for the world to catch on. "I want to be America's darling," she declared. Simon seemed to believe she'd nailed her shot with her performance. "Thank you, Jesus. That was super fun," she exclaimed upon completing her song, and then ran off to do a "happy dance." For once, Braun and Bieber seemed less than entirely enthusiastic. Simon had a "big voice," they agreed, but Bieber observed that she could do with a few "more sweet moments," vocally speaking. At which point Reid declared himself to be a changed man. He'd entered the judges' homes segment "thinking I knew which contestants were my favorites," he said. In fact, he now realized, "I didn't know nothing." He was finally ready to stop sulking. "After hearing the contestants," he said. "I'm having a change of heart." Can I get a "hallelujah" out there? Trading the sweeping city view from Reid's Beverly Hills home for the sweeping ocean view from Spears' Malibu manse, we then settled in with the former teen pop star and will.i.am to hear from contestants less than half the age of most of Reid's singers: the Teens. Spears seemed genuinely interested to hear what her guest mentor had to say. Diamond White was "amazing" but a little too invested in "her moves," will.i.am said. Spears agreed White could work on her performance technique and confidence. Spears detected some nerves at play in Reed Deming's performance, and will.i.am suggested she coach him to perform like he talks because he's "like a little emperor." James Tanner's rapping was "very entertaining," but perhaps "not strong enough," Spears said.
Recently I saw a press release about the launch of a global website for a local company. The developers had publicized it as a feature project on their blog. The site is available in English and Spanish. Of course my first question was, “Who did the translation? And why wasn’t it MTM LinguaSoft?” As I read through the case study, I was surprised to see that language wasn’t discussed. The write-up focused on how the site was structured for global users. My Spanish-fluent colleague took a look and confirmed that the site was visually beautiful but the Spanish was not. Bad grammar, awkward wording, inconsistent tone and terminology: it was obviously machine translated. But maybe the translation didn’t matter: - The site targets Spanish speakers living in the US. These are using a US-based search engine to find the flagship site, then clicking through to the Spanish version. Consistent Spanish-language keywords for search optimization may not have been necessary. - The brand already has a following, and would have to do a lot worse than butcher the Spanish language to alienate its fans. Even if Spanish speakers were offended, sales are unlikely to drop. - It’s a consumer brand, not a B2B brand. Branding does not hinge on precision, complexity, and technical expertise. The site developers probably used a plugin to populate the site with Spanish translations “on the fly” using Google Translate. Pages translated in this way only exist temporarily and aren’t indexed by search engines. If there really was no expectation of organic search traffic from outside the US, the lack of search authority wouldn’t impact the client’s bottom line. Or call 215-729-6765 to talk with a team member. If the following are true, simply rely on Google Translate: - You don’t care if searchers outside the US can find your site. - You don’t care about grammar or accuracy. - You have complete faith in your overseas distributors to define your brand. But if these are not true, keep reading. International Search Engine Optimization (SEO) There’s been a lot of hype about the advances in automatic translation. People outside of the localization industry take for granted that a reader who speaks another language could right-click anywhere on a page, choose “translate this site,” and get a serviceable version of the copy. But here’s the problem: if you want to reach prospects in other countries, unless they already have the URL for your brand, they won’t be able to find it in the first place. Free automatic translation tools will not optimize your site for international search. In France or Germany, where they use French or German Google (www.google.fr or www.google.de), French and German content gets priority, so your flagship site won’t be found unless someone is specifically searching for you. (Automatically translated pages are not archived, so they are invisible to foreign-language search engines). If you don’t want prospective clients to find you via search, you can rely on “translate this page.” How bad are automatic translations? Language service partners have a professional obligation to warn of the dangers of unedited machine-translated content. More circumspect readers will admit, “it’s not THAT bad.” If your prospects reach your site, and they click “translate this site” what will they get? To illustrate the difference between clicking “translate this site” and going to a professionally translated site, I looked up the Japanese bank Nomura on www.google.jp. When I clicked “translate this website” (into English) I got this: “The Nomura Group has a global network that exceeds 30 countries and regions around the world as a “global financial services and group based on Asia.” Three divisions, sales, asset management and wholesale, cooperate cross-cuttingly to provide highly value-added products and services to domestic and overseas customers.” The punctuation is off, and “cross-cuttingly” is a ridiculous adverb. But honestly, it’s NOT THAT BAD considering I don’t read Japanese! Still, compare it to the professionally translated, search-optimized page that can be reached through the language menu: “Nomura is an Asia-headquartered global investment bank with an integrated network spanning over 30 countries. By connecting markets East & West, we service the needs of individuals, institutions, corporations and governments through our three business divisions: Retail, Asset Management, and Wholesale (Global Markets and Investment Banking.)” This makes better sense and reads more authoritatively for the type of people who need global investment banking services. Instead of asking how objectively bad automatic translation is, you should ask yourself if the quality meets your readers’ standards. Grammar is not essential to the B2C brand I described earlier. However, B2B marketing needs to be very careful, because precision is essential to manufacturing, law, engineering, chemicals, pharma, finance, and any other good or service traded in a B2B context. If your sentences look silly, will they trust you for a major purchase? But my customers only deal with my distributors. Trust and communication are essential to your relationship with your overseas distributors. Any number of arrangements can be reached with respect to marketing, sales, and advertising. You could retain complete control over marketing collateral or they could be handling everything through print or online catalogs. If you have a strong relationship with your distributor, and you are totally happy with your overseas revenues, then it might not matter if you translate your website professionally or not. If your relationship with your distributor ends, will your branding be strong enough among buyers in that regional market to compete without their support? Without a dedicated foreign-language website, a brand can be present in a region for years without having built any online search authority. If your end customers seek out your US / English language website and click “translate this website,” can you be confident that what they see in their own language will be consistent with information they are getting from your distributor? If you are exporting medical devices, for example, you need to be very careful that claims made in marketing copy don’t diverge from the technical material provided to regulators. (Your competitors will be happy to point out any discrepancies to the authorities). What if we build a site, then paste in Google Translated text? Please don’t do that. Google’s quality guidelines frown on automatically generated content, and at the top of the list of examples of “automatically generated content” is “text translated by an automated tool without human review or curation before publishing.” Most of the big localization firms will hammer this point home repeatedly. Industry news source Slater ran the story with the headline “Google Doesn’t Want Google Translated Content in its Search Results.” If your web developer uses Google Translate to generate raw foreign-language copy, then publishes it on web pages without editing, your SEO strategy will be derailed. Even if SEO penalties weren’t an issue, whatever you publish is still going to be a part of your brand identity. Will you offend your readers with the assumption that their language has lower standards than your own? If none of this applies to you, “translate this page” is fine. But if you want to make the most of your foreign-language market, partner with professional translation and localization experts to create a search-optimized website to protect your brand and serve your customers. Or call 215-729-6765 to talk with a team member.
What’s wrong with Singleton? I tend to agree with some of the discussions said that Singleton is not a good practice. More details in links below. Why Singletons are Evil Why Singletons are Controversial Advertisements Like this:Like Loading... Related This entry was posted in Design patterns. Bookmark the permalink.
Juliet B. Madison’s most recent literary offering is “A Winter Murderland” where she shares more stories about Detective Inspector Frank Lyle. This collection contains two novellas — “A Murder Free Christmas” and “Prescription For Murder” — as well as other short stories, making for a four-hundred plus page book. In other words, readers are buying a book that is far more than just a breezy weekend read. “A Murder Free Christmas” begins by introducing readers to DI Lyle’s extended and immediate family with important details laying the way for what’s to come in the story. Readers feel as if they are part of the different Christmas celebrations, watching presents being unwrapped, waiting to see what’s underneath all the paper and bows. The complications and rewards of family life at various stages is examined, from pregnant wives and doting husbands to empty nest parents with friends and family — single and coupled — being part of the first novella. The second part of this story takes place on Boxing Day and delves into Thomas Fox’s past. In the previous story, we know that Thomas is involved with one of Frank Lyle’s now-grown adult children. This story not only tells the story of two people in love, but fills in a few gaps in what readers already know about DI Frank Lyle — a man respected by his colleagues and known to be at the top of his game in the police force. The story centers around a controversial topic that affects men and women alike, while exploring what love is and is not. “Wishing On A Star” is the second story in this collection, and takes place nearly fifteen years before the first story. DI Lyle’s wife has moved on from the relationship with her former husband, taking her sons with her — her youngest child being her six-year-old son with Frank. This story takes on the heartbreaking realities of broken families and the effects on the children who live through their parents’ separations and divorces. The collection ramps up with “Prescription For Murder” which Juliet B. Madison wrote during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) 2014. This story opens with a corpse, an empty medication bottle found at the scene in the name of someone else, and the officers involved in the investigation balancing their personal lives with their professional lives. Dialing back a few years, the story “The Dare” takes place when DI Lyle’s son James is still a teen, and gives nod to the paranormal while taking a step away from the murder mystery genre. It makes for an interesting departure from the first three stories while at the same time still hooking in to the first three stories. For readers who are expecting typical murder mystery stories that rely on motive, opportunity, and means, these stories will be light on that as the author focuses more on what makes her characters the people they are, and looks at how they got there. There are also elements of erotica which may or may not appeal to readers. For those of you who like to know as much about the characters as you do about the cases in which they are involved, this book will provide you with character background that fleshes out what motivates each character. For those of you who like your murders to be fact-based, you won’t be disappointed either as the author has made sure those loose ends are nicely tied up for readers. As a side note, two pieces of artwork by Caroline Lee have been included by the author with this collection, used with the permission of the artist. Additionally, Juliet B. Madison’s sixth novel in the DI Frank Lyle Mystery Series — “Dead On Arrival” — will be available for purchase some time in late Spring 2015.
Taco Bell Was Michigan’s Favorite Fast Food During Quarantine Move over burger joints, seafood fast food, and even that place that has the meats, Michigan's favorite quarantine fast food is officially Taco Bell. The Daily Meal put together a study that compared the visits to fast food restaurants from June of 2019 to June of 2020 and then determined which restaurants were the most popular in each state. The most popular fast food joint during quarantine turned out to be Sonic, with 14 states but the unique fast food choices were actually quite predictable. Only one state chose Popeyes, and that was the state where the chain was founded, Louisiana. And 2 states chose Culver's, one of which being Wisconsin, where that chain was founded. The Most Popular Quarantine Fast Food By State - Sonic (14 states) - Taco Bell (9 states) - Wendy's (9 states) - McDonald's (8 states) - Chick-fil-A (5 states) - Culver's (2 states) - Popeyes (1 states) The Daily Meal also disclosed every state's favorite delivery item early on in the pandemic and Michigan's was something I've never personally got delivered, but do really enjoy... Pad thai. You can check out the rest of the state's favorite delivery items here.
We celebrated Stella’s birthday over the weekend. As a Festivus kid – and being in such close proximity to the celebration that is Christmas – it’s tough to throw her an adequate birthday fete ON her birthday. So this year, I decided to not even try. That’s not defeatist, promise. It’s simply practical. In lieu of cramming ONE MORE EVENT into an already jam-packed Christmas weekend, we decided instead to throw her birthday party….well…yesterday. In January instead of December. After the lights have been unstrung, and the stockings unhung. After the trees have been strewn to the curb waiting for transit to the big forest in the sky. She wanted a Rainbow Brite birthday – but Rainbow Brite is surprisingly difficult to come by these days (seeing as how it’s no longer 1986) so we just stuck with the RAINBOW side of that request. Our house was filled to overflowing with people, and kids were screaming and squealing and getting so high on sugar I thought we’d be starting a halfway house for youth in recovery as soon as they crashed. I spent hours baking a six layer (SIX LAYER!!!) rainbow cake (because what’s a birthday without the perfect cake?) that was a little dry, but still pretty good, and I feel like I’ve been picking up toys for 8 hours solid. As I type this, the girls are the bath, the house is quiet, and I’m left thinking about my daughters – how just moments ago they were babies, and then toddlers. And now they’re girls. Little ones, but still. They have their own minds, and dreams, and they choose which things to do or directions to go. Every day they need less and less help from DRL and me. Too soon will be the day where they don’t need our help at all. Luckily for me, today is not that day. Today they still need me to wash their hair, and read them stories, and tuck them into their small beds. Snug as bugs. And they still let me kiss them. And squeeze them. And eat them up, for I love them so. For that, I’m forever blessed. Here are a few scans of the instax shots I took at the party today. And the ONE Stella shot for me (this girl is GOOD with a polaroid. It’s incredible really.)
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We've all been there. Don't deny it! And so, it is at a time like this that Victor Nunes' whimsical artwork speaks to me. This is pretty much where I'm at tonight, and quite possibly most days, just under the surface [see exhibit A in top right corner]. Now, tell me that this isn't genius and that it doesn't rock your world at any hour of the day. This is doodling raised to a high art form. Victor, you my man. Here's another gem: A popcorn masterpiece! But that's not all. There's also this one with pencil shavings: This is like seeing a small, contained explosion of creativity right in front of my eyes. I love the mind that comes up with this stuff, evidently in a spirit of fun and whimsy. And here's another to enjoy with your morning coffee: There's something to be said for whimsy… for art as play. I suppose art also has a serious vocation, but I suspect at bottom its main purpose is to teach us to see with new eyes. Maybe sometimes we go through life like sleepwalkers. I know I do. We see but don't perceive. Our eyes are turned inward, or set on some distant goal. And meanwhile, life in all its strange, kaleidoscopic beauty flickers by unseen. Or maybe we see some of what is there, but don't perceive the possibilities of what could be with just a small stretch or tweak or addition or subtraction. And along comes an inspired person with a little extra time on his hands, and he tinkers away with a wad of bread and suddenly it becomes a diminutive little being struggling to climb into his coffee cup for a morning bath of caffeine. As in art, so in life! I'm pretty sure I will be sleepwalking through my day tomorrow, but even so, I'd like to remember that one creative addition -- maybe a kind word, or a touch of humor -- can bring an unexpected light to daily life. Which drawing did you like the best?
|Cemetery notes and/or description:| Size 31.200 qm From Wiesbaden Bus line 28 (Mainz/Am Brand) From Mainz Bus line 28 (Platz der Dt. Einheit) Stop: Friedhof Kastel Prior to the establishment of the current cemetery on Boelkestraße at the beginning of the 19th century, burials were concentrated around St. George church. Unlike cemeteries in the U.S. that are mostly fields of green grass and graves maintained by the groundskeeper, cemeteries in Germany are more like parks with each grave having a low wall or area that separates it from the next one. The graves are maintained by family members with plants or decorations changed at least twice a year according to the season. One will sometimes find a lack of old monuments in an old cemetery; this is caused by the German custom of reuse of a burial site. Burials are in wooden caskets, metal ones and in ground concrete vaults are forbidden. In America, one purchases a plot and it is theirs for eternity, here the plot is leased for 20-30 years depending on the cemetery and at the end of the lease the family is asked if they wish to renew for another term. If they do not renew, the monument and all decorations are removed and the space is leased to someone else for their burials. About half of the cemetery consists of protected monuments, located south, southwest of the mourning hall and around the Honor Field. These monuments cannot be changed without special permission and some are available for sponsorship or adoption as they no longer have family members available to maintain the plots.
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Thanks Dave for a brilliant and easy choccy bowl. I am going to make this for my neighbour (and very good friend)special birthday next month - oops - just realised it is July at weekend so will have to get a shift on as her birthday is mid July!! You guys are mad, bad and GREAT choclotiers, I wish I lived in Brighton, I would love to be part of the team there. All the very best for future series of CHOCCY - I will be watching and recording to re watch rewatch rewatch.............................XXXXXX The Good Food Channel has some of the most mouth-watering programmes on TV. Featuring delicious recipes from your favourite celebrity chefs such as Rachel Allen, James Martin and The Hairy Bikers, the channel also hosts breath-taking food travelogues like My Sri Lanka and a world of food entertainment to feast on, with shows including Choccywoccydoodah and Man v. Food. Our website, www.goodfoodchannel.co.uk, is home to over 16,000 recipes, how-to videos, food quizzes and regular competitions. You can also keep up with our favourite recipes, new programmes and foody events on
8. Direct-mail lists and fax and e-mail broadcast lists. There are many mailing list companies with databases that target specific interests. Creating a good letter offering a free tape or product sample can generate leads. Always drive them to your Web site. Get to your prospects even faster by broadcast faxing or e-mail blasting. There are professional companies that can help you with this. This year I’ve seen a new trend with bloggers who have become network marketers. They are crushing it (making a ton of money) with MLM (multi level marketing). They are selling LipSense, LuLaRoe, Isagenix, doTerra and more. One of my friends has a work from home group on Facebook and shares ways for moms to make money from home. I think Facebook groups did more to help MLM than anything else. Now you have a captive audience to sell to and you don’t have to bug your friends with constant updates about how much you loooooovvvvveee your smudge free lip gloss – along with a ton of kissy selfies. "We have been using National-Leads.com since the end of March, 2007 and recommending them to our team. We are very pleased with the conversion from the 1-7 day old email leads and the price is affordable for everyone. We use them with an autoresponder and once they sign up for our free offer, follow up with them. We are delighted to discover they are very qualified MLM leads with people eager to get their business started. The support with National Leads is phenomenal. They offer training and tips for good tools we can use with our businesses. The owner is funny, very personable and has a great heart for people. Take our word for it, this is the kind of home business leads company you want to make a part of your advertising budget." Not only do we pride ourselves in providing Top Quality MLM Lead Generation Services, but also in the best Customer Service. Also, we provide great training, live training calls every week plus our 20 module training course located at https://leadpower.net/livedials Your satisfaction is most important to us! You are able to reach our Customer Service Representatives either by phone or email, whichever is more favorable to you. We are the best in customer service because we want to help you succeed! If you serious about your mlm leads, then leadpower is the only choice for mlm leads and training. A: This is a challenge for most MLM distributors. When it come to products, it sounds like you've made a wise choice in your company selection. This will provide a good foundation for sponsoring satisfied customers and is the "back door" approach to a building downline. A satisfied customer will tell others, and the retailing and sponsoring cycle starts again. We are experts in Network Marketing Lead Generation, and know what it takes to find the right type of serious opportunity seekers that are ready to invest time and money in a legitimate business. These leads are hungry to be sold the right biz opp, and buy now. Contact us today so that we can discuss your marketing budget and figure out a Biz op lead program that best fits you and your organization. When you buy network marketing leads you want to be partnered with LavaLeads.com Bought MLM leads are still not going to be laydown sales, you WILL still need to talk to them, qualify them and move them along in the process. When you receive the email that you have a new lead in, call them and ask them how you can help, if they are nasty or negative, just get off the phone. Never, whether you bought the lead or not, try to convert someone who is nasty or negative, it just is not worth your time. This is simply the best BANG FOR YOUR BUCK membership available anywhere, imagine solving all of your lead generation needs with one low cost membership! Try Out Our System For 3 Days For Only $2.99, If You Are Not Satisfied For Whatever Reason Then Cancel At Anytime! Sign Up Now To Get Access To Your 1000 Daily Business Opportunity Leads, Plus Your Software And Information Bonuses And Start Making More Money Today! There are many benefits that are associated with hiring lead generation for a Business Opportunity Leads business. This is a professional service provided by experienced individuals who have been trained in lead generation for years. Having a strong foundation in lead generation and high quality results ensures that clients will have access to more reliable leads. The Leadpower Promise: Here at LeadPower we talk through experience, we have been generating leads since 1998 and have helped over 167,779 network marketers. The founder of our company founder has been a network marketer himself for over 20 years. He has built some very large groups consisting of well over hundreds of thousands of distributors. He understands how network marketing works and understands sauce how lead generation works as well. One of the most effective ways to drive traffic to a lead capture page is to purchase Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising from search engines. While that has worked, there are two drawbacks to that: 1) Google isn’t interested in providing PPC ads for home business opportunities, especially when traffic is not directed to a unique lead capture page, and B) PPC advertising can be expensive. Our research shows that you’ll have to spend between $2.50 to $9.00 PER CLICK at a search engine just to get any sort of volume of targeted traffic to your lead capture page. Elite MLM Leads views MLM lead generation and conversion from a prospect's point of view. While other home based business leads companies claim they have the ability to generate quality network marketing leads that convert, it is usually because they have highly-specialized expertise that, at best, improves your overall recruiting efforts incrementally. You have to determine the level of ability to do this in your area but one great way how to generate MLM leads is through either bandit signs or sticky notes. Bandit signs are those colorful outdoor signs you see along the highway or busy intersections. There is a training available here – How to market with cheap bandit signs. One thing you will want to do, as taught in the training, is use a qualifying sign as you can get too many calls if you make it too simplistic. This same exact approach taught can be done with little sticky notes that you put up around town to get more MLM leads. It's a numbers game. Don't expect to get results working leads unless you are ready to work through plenty of them. That means buying a list and working through 100 leads and then deciding whether or not they were any good isn't a big enough sample size to make your final determination. Results with MLM Leads requires not only patience with your expectations, but also coming to the full realization that QUANTITY is what is going to bring you the result you are looking for in your recruiting efforts. Don't even commit unless you're willing to commit. Jaylynn is a Utah based blogger who’s been selling LipSense for 9 months. Today she has almost 4000 people on her team and has a six figure paycheck. Her Facebook group is rocking (I’m in it so I know). She uses Facebook ads (the best!) to keep growing. Another blogger I know made $5k her first month. Bloggers are great for network marketing because they already have a following. There are people whose job is to create a visual merchandising in shops with only one thing in mind – growing sales. They change the look of a shop window probably once a week or even more often. They basically do it to catch shoppers’ attention, often presenting the best things in the store but another reason as well. They want to convince people to enter the store itself. For over 10 years Leaders Club has helped support some of the most successful organizations with a consistent, flow of quality prospects. Each lead we generate comes from our own generic advertising which is driven by a mix of online and offline marketing including print and broadcast media. Our prospects are real people seriously looking for a home based network marketing business. Serving our clients since 2005, CustomLeads.net is your "one-stop shop" when it comes to Network Marketing Leads, Home Based Business Leads, and Business Opportunity Leads. We provide not only up-to-date lists and contacts to bring sales and affiliate building to your business, but we also provide you with highly qualified individuals who are truly interested in pursuing a work from home business. If you're looking for people who are interested in home based business opportunities, we have that information available for you. We can deliver: We are generating three types of leads that are focused towards the network marketing industry. The following is a weekly breakdown: 3,000 telephone interviewed, 1,500 Long Form surveyed leads and 4,500 Real Time Short Forms. With over 40,000 real-time leads generated every month. We are the leader in lead generation for network marketers. For more information about lead generation and how it can benefit your business, contact FII-Inc at 877-764-3477. The representatives will be able to answer your questions and acknowledge any concerns that you may have about how lead generation can improve your business presence and take you towards the pathway for greater success with your business or corporation. Elite MLM Leads powered by Media professionals is one of the premier mlm leads companies in the industry and it's easy to see why... Elite operates with a single passion: generating the world's most responsive and best converting business opportunity leads. Its reputation for high quality service and network marketing leads is recognized throughout the industry. Our training: We offer live dials training calls weekly. We actually call our own leads and prospect like were a distributor looking for new reps. We usually have hundreds of people on our conference call, they are muted and are able to listen as we discuss the various options with the prospect. Every one of these calls are slightly different and after every time there is a call made we do an analysis of the response and break down the elements of the call. This is what training is about! Imagine listening to this live this is not theory but it’s real training. The best of all, these calls are absolutely free to our customers and our future customers. Our goal is to make it easy for you to find the Network Marketing Leads you need so you can spend your time growing your business into the success you want it to be. Save yourself lots of time and money by selecting one of our Business Opportunity Leads Lists today so you can start targeting your market as soon as possible! Simply contact us now to get started. Easy Breezy! Where can I buy business opportunity leads? That is a question I get all the time from my team and from other people wanting to have success in network marketing. I strongly encourage learning online attraction marketing but the fact of the matter is, it takes time. This article will help you with understanding what to know before you consider buying business opportunity leads. Develop a referral program. Just like in other businesses, people who are referred by others are easier to convert to a sale than people who weren't, because they're usually coming to you with some interest in buying. Many people you talk to won't be interested in buying right away, but they might know people who are. Happy customers may want to share your product or business. You can develop a referral program to give people incentive to refer others to you. For example, you can give them a 10 percent discount on their next purchase for every new customer they refer.
People with Last Name of Sawtelle PeopleFinders > People Directory > S > Sawtelle > Page 2 If you are trying to locate someone with the last name Sawtelle, you have come to the right place. If you scan though the results above you will see that there are many people with the last name Sawtelle. To help speed up your people search, you can limit the number of results displayed by choosing the link that features the first name of the person you are looking to find. After editing your search results you will be shown a list of people with the last name Sawtelle that match the first name you chose. Additionally, there are other types of people data such as age, known locations, and possible relatives that can aid you in finding the particular person you’re searching for. If you have further information about the person you are hunting for, such as their last known address or phone number, you can enter that in the search box above and further modify your results. This is a swift way to find the Sawtelle you are trying to track, if you know more about them.