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La aventura de los romanos en hispania
Ano 218 a.C.: dos legiones romanas bajo el mando de Cneo Escipion desembarcan por sorpresa en la peninsula Iberica. Tienen como objetivo cortar las vias de suministro de los cartagineses, una estrategia mas en el transcurso de la segunda guerra punica, que enfrento a Roma y a Cartago por el control del Mediterraneo occidental. Sera el primer movimiento en un larguisimo proceso que culminara con la invasion y la colonizacion de Hispania, uno de los territorios mas codiciados por Roma, y uno de los ultimos en someterse totalmente a su poder. Fueron necesarios dos larguisimos siglos de lucha sin cuartel para doblegar el animo belicoso e inquebrantable de iberos, celtiberos, lusitanos, cantabros... En ese tiempo, la potencia latina utilizo el suelo hispano como escenario de sus guerras civiles y como fuente inagotable de recursos naturales y humanos para el Imperio. Debido a ello, la peninsula fue completamente romanizada y la impronta latina terminaria por definir el caracter de los habitantes de estas tierras.
How to Draw Manga Chibi
Another especially short tutorial on drawing chibi style. More details on eyes and clothes. But still felt lacking considering she messed up her own first tutorial and left an ear off the character.
Where Borders Bleed: An Insider's Account of Indo-Pak Relations
Where Borders Bleed is a keenly observed and anecdotal account of a factious landscape that has long engaged global attention: the Indo-Pak region. Covering almost seventy years of conflict, it chronicles the events leading up to Partition, reflects on the consequent strife, and provides a fresh, discursive perspective on the figures who have shaped the story of this land from Lord Louis Mountbatten and Muhammad Ali Jinnah to Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh. Covering historical, diplomatic and military perspectives, Where Borders Bleed is intrepid, engaging with a range of contentious issues that have shaped Indo-Pak relations water sharing, Kashmir and Article 370. Equally, it is speculative. It asks: would terror have affected the world the way it has, if PakIndia had been a benign single entity? What if India and Pakistan were to reunite, much like East and West Germany? As the now-largest nation in the world, would the mammoth PakIndia radically change the globe s geo-political framework? These questions combined with the author s own diplomatic access to rare archival material and key leaders across borders make this a one-of-a-kind book on the story of India and Pakistan. A compellingly written account of India, Pakistan and the history of the subcontinent, rich in anecdote. Written by India's former consul general to Karachi, the book presents rare archival material, interviews and insights into the lives of key Indo-Pak leaders. Engages with contentious issues that define Indo-Pak relations water sharing, Article 370 and Kashmir and speculates on the future of geopolitics had PakIndia been a single entity.
Catalina La Grande
Born a little German princess without a drop of Russian blood in her veins she came to embody Russia and as the country moved from war to war and conquest to conquest it was Catherine who became great. Those who served her throne, or her bed, were well rewarded while the serfs were condemned to ever-worsening conditions. Men were instruments of pleasure. The weak had to perish. The future belonged to men - and sometimes a man could have the outward appearance of a woman. She was proof of that. This literary tour de force paints an enthralling picture of Catherine, her seductions, her coaxings and her phenomenal devotion to politics and work, but it also brings the Russian court - with all its intrigues - brilliantly to life.
Tendre et violente Elisabeth (Les semailles et les moissons, #4)
A dix-neuf ans, Elisabeth est toute de grace impertinente et d'humeur libre et joyeuse. Ses parents, les amoureux des "Semailles et les moissons", ont vendu leur cafe du boulevard Rochechouart pour acheter un hotel a Megeve. Dans ce decor de vacances, c'est un va-et-vient de clients toujours changeants, toujours les memes. Ils temoignent a Elisabeth une admiration qui la flatte, mais elle refuse de se laisser entrainer dans une banale aventure saisonniere. Sure d'etre a l'abri des surprises sentimentales, elle n'en est que plus bouleversee lorsque surgit l'inquietante figure de Christian. Jamais Troyat ne s'est montre aussi puissant que dans la peinture de cette jeune femme comblee puis accablee par le destin qu'elle a choisi.
Starting school is full of fun in this laugh-out-loud sequel to The Cow That Laid and Egg and The Best Cow in Show. Marjorie the cow feels jolly proud when her daughter, Daisy, starts school. But lessons aren't as easy as they seem... Daisy can't hoof paint or swat flies like the other cows, and cowpat training is a disaster! Yet, Marjorie soon discovers that Daisy has a surprising talent to make her stand out from the herd!
Bonfire (Hours of the Night #1.5)
Silent night, holy hell. Thaddeus and Sarasija are spending the holidays on the bayou, and while the vampire's idea of Christmas cheer doesn't quite match his assistant's, they're working on a compromise. Before they can get the tree trimmed, they're interrupted by the appearance of the feu follet. The ghostly lights appear in the swamp at random and lead even the locals astray. When the townsfolk link the phenomenon to the return of their most reclusive neighbor, suspicion falls on Thaddeus. These lights aren't bringing glad tidings, and if Thad and Sara can't find their source, the feu follet might herald a holiday tragedy for the whole town. This holiday novella can be enjoyed alone or as book 1.5 of the Hours of the Night Series. Bonfire takes place the December after the events in Vespers.
Oltre : storia e analisi del capolavoro di Claudio Baglioni
Questo libro analizza un album che e un capolavoro della canzone italiana: Oltre, di Claudio Baglioni. Tutte le canzoni sono analizzate una per una, con particolare attenzione al rapporto tra parole e musica. Completano il libro un inquadramento storico dell'album, una rassegna stampa dell'epoca ed una lunga intervista a Pasquale Minieri, che racconta i retroscena della lavorazione del disco. Imperdibile per ogni baglioniano che si rispetti.
Sleuthing at Sweet Springs (Sleuth Sisters #4)
At a local nursing home, Faye meets a woman who insists she doesn't belong there. Though Faye suspects the claim is wishful thinking, she agrees to look in on Clara Knight's flock of chickens. Soon Barb and Retta must put aside their squabbling over the Oxford comma as the sisters become embroiled in murder and mayhem on what should be a peaceful little lake outside Allport, Michigan. The sleuths are determined to find out what's going on before more bad things happen. Can they save Clara from someone who wants her out of the way? Will they have to put their own lives in danger to do so? And can chickens play a role in a daring rescue?
Heaven can Wait
'Heaven can Wait' is the story of Faith Jones, an Angel who uses her empathic talents and ability to talk to the dead to bring comfort to the relatives of the deceased. In a world where the supernatural maintains an uneasy alliance with common humanity, Faith finds herself drawn into an alliance with Selene, a part-demon bounty hunter. Together the two women face personal horrors as they seek to unravel a dark and twisted mystery. A slightly different take on the urban fantasy genre, the rich characters, turmoil and humour will ensure the reader has a terrific experience.
Beacon of Love (Hometown Heroes, #1)
Welcome to Lindsey Point: home of a haunted lighthouse, a 50-year old murder mystery, and a romance about to erupt between travel journalist Sophie Smithwaite and hunky local handyman Lucas Oakes. He wants to protect the town's secrets. She's bent on uncovering them at all costs. As the mystery deepens, sparks fly and legends crumble. Is preserving tradition worth giving up a chance at true love? "Beacon of Love has likable characters, lively dialogue and a local mystery which needs to be solved. Well paced with just the right amount of humor, I found myself turning the pages to see just what was going to happen next...the scenes between Sophie and Lucas are fun, light and full of sexual tension..." ~Queen of the Night Reviews "I really enjoyed the premises of this story. True love...Secrets....New Love....Wonderful!" ~4-Stars on Goodreads "Beacon of Love by Allie Boniface was the perfect slice of heaven for me! Not only did we get a nice romance, but we also got to dig into an old mystery and try to solve a 50 year-old murder..." ~Romance Addict Book Blog *Note: this book was originally published in 2013 by Lyrical Press,
Daydreams: An End to My Nightmares
The author indicates that the words in this book will provoke you to stop looking for God just on Sundays, but rather to start seeking after God everyday! This book is filled with heart-touching, mind-transforming and life-changing Biblical truths. He conveys this though multiple medical diseases, family tragedy, parental divorce, and the deep feelings of being alone and angry. In Daydreams, Daniel Parkins challenges us to no longer be content with the walking nightmares we are often in, but to wake up and experience the joy and freedom it is to trust in our awesome God.
Heroine Worship (Heroine Complex, #2)
Asian-American superheroines Evie Tanaka and Aveda Jupiter protect San Francisco from perilous threats in the second book in Sarah Kuhn's snarky and smart fantasy trilogy * "The superheroine we've been waiting for." --Seanan McGuire Once upon a time, Aveda Jupiter (aka Annie Chang) was demon-infested San Francisco's most beloved superheroine, a beacon of hope and strength and really awesome outfits. But all that changed the day she agreed to share the spotlight with her best friend and former assistant Evie Tanaka--who's now a badass, fire-wielding superheroine in her own right. They were supposed to be a dynamic duo, but more and more, Aveda finds herself shoved into the sidekick role. Where, it must be said, she is not at all comfortable. It doesn't help that Aveda's finally being forced to deal with fallout from her diva behavior--and the fact that she's been a less than stellar friend to Evie. Or that Scott Cameron--the man Aveda's loved for nearly a decade--is suddenly giving her the cold shoulder after what seemed to be some promising steps toward friendship. Or that the city has been demon-free for three months in the wake of Evie and Aveda's apocalypse-preventing battle against the evil forces of the Otherworld, leaving Aveda without the one thing she craves most in life: a mission. All of this is causing Aveda's burning sense of heroic purpose--the thing that's guided her all these years--to falter. In short, Aveda Jupiter is having an identity crisis. When Evie gets engaged and drafts Aveda as her maid-of-honor, Aveda finally sees a chance to reclaim her sense of self and sets out on a single-minded mission to make sure Evie has the most epic wedding ever. But when a mysterious, unseen supernatural evil rises up and starts attacking brides-to-be, Aveda must summon both her superheroine and best friend mojo to take down the enemy and make sure Evie's wedding goes off without a hitch--or see both her city and her most important friendship destroyed forever.
The Beatles Are Here!: 50 Years after the Band Arrived in America, Writers, Musicians Other Fans Remember
The arrival of the Beatles was one of those unforgettable cultural touchstones. Through the voices of those who witnessed it or were swept up in it indirectly, The Beatles Are Here!explores the emotional impact--some might call it hysteria--of the Fab Four's February 1964 dramatic landing on our shores. Contributors, including Lisa See, Gay Talese, Renee Fleming, Roy Blount, Jr., and many others, describe in essays and interviews how they were inspired by the Beatles. This intimate and entertaining collection arose from writer Penelope Rowlands's own Beatlemaniac phase: she was one of the screaming girls captured in an iconic photograph that has since been published around the world--and is displayed on the cover of this book. The stories of these girls, who found each other again almost 50 years later, are part of this volume as well. The Beatles Are Here!gets to the heart of why, half a century later, the Beatles still matter to us so deeply.
Out of Order (The Survivor's Club, #1)
Corinna "Corey" Nguyen's life seems perfectly average for a closeted bisexual whiz kid with her eyes on college and a budding romance with her friend Kate. Sixteen and navigating senior year with her tight-knit group of best friends through crushes, breakups, and pregnancy scares, Corey mistakenly believes that running for valedictorian and choosing the right college are the worst of her worries. That is, until prom night, when she's left alone and in shock, hiding inside a diner restroom, the only witness to a multiple homicide. With graduation looming, the pressure is on for Corey to identify the killer and ensure that the crime that has changed her life forever will not go unpunished.
Worth the Wait (Guthrie Brothers #2)
Ready or not...love will find a way Single dad Hogan Guthrie is getting his life back on track, and working as the "barbecue master" at a local diner is just a temporary detour. He and restaurant owner Violet Shaw constantly butt heads...until one night they end up mingling other parts instead. Hogan thought he had the recipe for happiness all figured out. But loyal, carefree Violet is daring him to trust his impulses...and see just how sweet small-town living--and loving--can be. Nathan Hawley traded his SWAT team credentials for a sheriff's badge, but a gorgeous new neighbor is shaking up his orderly life. Nathan has a hunch there's more to Brooklin Sweet than meets the eye--but given her caution about getting involved, he has his work cut out for him. Still, there's something about the elusive beauty Nathan can't walk away from--and helping her come to terms with her past might pave the way to the future they both secretly long for.
Ben Bir Orkestra Şefiyim
Orkestra sefi teriminin icinde bir hukmetme, yonetme ogesi vardir. Ama, kuru kuruya komut vermekten cok daha onemli olan, o komutlarin icerigini aciklayabilmek, onlari benimsetebilmektir. Bunu da nutuk atarak degil, davranislarinizla, devinimlerinizle, gercek etkileme gucunuzle, acik secik ve karsi konulmaz bir isinlamayla basarabilirsiniz. Kursude yerinizi alip da sozgelimi, Schumann`in ya da Beethoven`in bir senfonisi icin ilk olcuyu vurmaya hazirlandiginiz an, yuzlerce cift goz uzerinize dikilir; herkesin, isigini yakmaya ve icinin kivilcimini alevlendirmeye kostugu bir guc kaynagi gibi olursunuz. Iste o anda, o gune dek topladiginiz muzik bilgileri birikiminin hic onemi kalmaz artik; sizden istenen yalniz, yasamaniz, kalbinizin atisina yol vermeniz, ruhunuzdan titresimler yaymaniz, heyecanlarinizi dile getirmenizdir. Bu meslege kirk yilinizi verdiginiz halde, bogazinizi sikan o korkuyu, deniz baskini gibi yukselip alcalan o kacip gitme duygusunu hala icinizde duyuyor musunuz? Her konserde o costuran, korku veren yurek daralmasini daha da siddetlenmis olarak hissediyor musunuz? Cok iyi oyleyse. Durmadan ilerliyorsunuz, gorevinizi her gecen gun daha iyi kavriyorsunuz demek ki! -Charles Munch
Sir Chocolate and the sugar dough bees story and cookbook
A greedy snail damages the flower fields and the fondant bees are in danger of starving. Join Sir Chocolate on an adventure to find the fruit drop fairies who have magic healing powers and discover how to make some of his favourite foods on the way.
Books of Blood 1 (Books of Blood #1)
Volume One of Clive Barker's seminal Books of Bloodcontains the stories: 'The Book of Blood', 'The Midnight Meat Train', 'The Yattering and Jack', 'Pig Blood Blues', 'Sex, Death and Starshine', 'In the Hills, the Cities'. With the 1984 publication of Books of Blood, Clive Barker became an overnight literary sensation. He was hailed by Stephen King as "the future of horror", and won both the British and World Fantasy Awards. Now, with his numerous bestsellers, graphic novels, and hit movies like the Hellraiser, Clive Barker has become an industry unto himself. But it all started here, with this tour de force collection that rivals the dark masterpieces of Edgar Allan Poe. Read him and rediscover the true meaning of fear.
El Joven Poe #1: El misterio de la calle Morgue
En la calle Morgue, de la ciudad de Boston, a dos manzanas de donde vive Edgar Allan Poe, se comete el terrible asesinato de dos mujeres. Cuando uno de sus vecinos es acusado injustamente, Poe va a la policia y demuestra su inocencia. El inspector Auguste Dupin queda impresionado con la audacia de este joven de once anos y le pide ayuda para resolver el caso a cambio de una recompensa.
Left To Die (To Die, #1)
Length: 14 hrs and 48 mins Nothing's More Terrifying. . . One by one, the victims are carefully captured, toyed with, then subjected to a slow and agonizing death. Piece by piece, his exquisite plan takes shape. The police can't yet see the beauty in his work--but soon, very soon, they will. . . Than Being Left Alone. . . In the lonely woods around Grizzly Point, Montana, four bodies have been discovered. Detectives Selena Alvarez and Regan Pescoli have been hoping for a career-making case, but this is a nightmare. Even with the FBI involved, Selena and Regan have nothing to go on but a killer's cryptic notes, and the unsettling knowledge that there is much worse to come. . . To Die. . . When Jillian Rivers opens her eyes, she's trapped in a mangled car. Then a stranger, claiming to be a trail guide named Zane McGregor, pries her free. Though she's grateful, something about him sets Jillian on edge. And if she knew what lay out there in the woods of Montana, she'd be truly terrified. Because someone is waiting. . .watching. . .poised to strike and make Jillian the next victim. . .
Collateral Damage (Hidden Scars, #2)
Ten seconds can change everything. Daisy Conners fell in love with her best friend's brother when she was little more than a child. In the blink of an eye, he became everything - the boy who made her heart beat faster with a single look and turned her world upside down. But you know what they say about young love. When it was clear that he didn't feel the same way, she was forced to move on and let him go. Tucker Harrington is a broken man. Still reeling from a single incident years ago, he's resigned himself to spending his life alone. It's better that way. But then, why does the presence of his little sister's best friend make him forget that he's no good for anyone? And why is it so hard to just stay away from her? All it takes is one toe-curling kiss in the middle of the night to rock the shaky foundation of their friendship and resurrect every feeling Daisy has been keeping buried for years. Can Tucker finally let go and learn to accept the love that is right in front of him? Or is their relationship doomed before it even begins?
מבצע מלכה
hmtsb hkhbrty bshkbt y" shl tykvn byrm hpk lblty-nsbl. shny, n`rh ypypyyh vmtnsht, hy shvbrt lbbvt shr shvltt bkvlm byd rmh vmkhlyth my shyyk lkhbvrh hshltt hmqyph vth, vmy ynv shyyk lyh vlkn ynv rvy kll lhtyykhsvt. lyn, r`vt, ynyb vnmrvd hm rb`h khbrym hshyykym ltsd hl nkvn shl hsvlm hkhbrty. lkhr shshny shvbrt gm t lbv shl ynyb hm mkhlytym shhgy`v mym `d npsh, vhgy`h h`t l`shvt m`shh vlhdykh t shny mm`mdh kmlkt hshkbh. mbts` mlkh yvts ldrk! hkhbvrh mkhlyth shlyn ttpvs t mqvmh shl shny, vmmnt vth ltpqyd shvbrt hlbbvt hkhdshh: bvkhrym lh bgdym khdshym, ypvr mtym, mlmdym vth t klly hhtnhgvt hmtnshym hndrshym bm`mdh hkhdsh, vlbsvp, khry ymvnym mtyshym, mkhdyrym t "lyn hkhdshh" lkhbvrh hshltt shl hshkbh. vbtvk kl hqlkht hgv`sht, lyn mglh shysh klh shr ynm mshttpym bmshkhq kll. yvtm, hn`r hky khtyk bbyt hspr, tsvph mhtsd bhtrkhshvyvt hkhbrtyvt hmskhrrvt vmkhpsh tkvnvt nshkkhvt kmv pshtvt vknvt. mbts` mlkh tvrp mkhdsh t kl hqlpym bmshkhq hkhbrty: hv mpryd byn khbrym, yvtsr shybrvnvt lb ltsd hbvt khdshvt, vbsvpv ylmdv kl mshttpyv tvbnvt khdshvt `l `tsmm v`l khbryhm. mbts` mlkh hv sprh hkhdsh shl svprt rby-hmkr hpvpvlryt lyt rvtnr. byn spryh hqvdmym: qyts khd bykhd, tnv lgdvl bshqt, hrmt msk, m`vrb yrvshlmy, mldr v`vd.
A Girl Named Mary
A Girl Named Mary tells the story of Mary, the Mother of Jesus as a young girl. Though she has a much older sister, she's raised as an only child. Her cousin, Rebekka, is her closet friend and confidant. Together they grow and learn how to maneuver in a culture that is steeped in tradition. One that looks backward instead of forward for solutions to problems. Mary cares about others, helps the sick and disadvantaged and is a voice, albeit a young voice, for women. At twelve, Mary was betrothed to an older man who had sons her age. She resisted this arrangement strongly. She argued with her parents against the betrothal with every bit of logic and strength she had but found this tradition beyond her ability to fight. The marriage took place and she was rewarded by the birth of a beautiful baby boy, Jesus.
To Shield the Queen (Ursula Blanchard, #1)
In this compelling debut of her historical mystery series, Fiona Buckley introduces Ursula Blanchard, a widowed young mother who has become lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth I. Armed with a sharp eye, dangerous curiosity, and uncanny intelligence, Ursula pledges... To Shield the Queen Rumor has linked Queen Elizabeth I to her master of horse, Robin Dudley. As gossip would have it, only his ailing wife, Amy, prevents marriage between Dudley and the Queen. To quell the idle tongues at court, the Queen dispatches Ursula Blanchard to tend to the sick woman's needs. But not even Ursula can prevent the "accident" that takes Amy's life. Did she fall or was she pushed? Was Ursula a pawn of Dudley and the Queen? Suddenly Ursula finds herself at the center of the scandal, trying to protect Elizabeth as she loses her heart to a Frenchman who may be flirting with sedition against her Queen. She can trust no one, neither her lover nor her monarch, as she sets out to find the truth in a glittering court that conceals a wellspring of blood and lies.
Milan könyve (Bíborhajú, #4)
Tortenet egy Iudexrol, aki elvesztett valakit, es eleteben eloszor akkor kezdett erezni. Eltunt a Testorom! Nem mintha szuksegem lenne testorre, eppen nekem. Milan vagyok, Moldomus Iudexe! Tisztaveru! Biborhaju! Nincs szuksegem apro termetu, voros haju, tudalekos es felettebb bosszanto Trixie Testorre! A nagyanyjanal is oregebb vagyok, megis hogyan vedelmezhetne o engem? Megis meg fogom keresni! Hogy miert? Mert! Csak! Az enyem, es kesz! A fajtambol mar csak ketten maradtunk. Vagy megsem? Itt van ez a lany: Kendare, akinek eppolyan a szeme, mint a Testoromnek, es eppen olyan biborfennyel izzik, mint Claire White. Ha elalszik, magaval ragad az alomvilagaba, ami talan valosagos. Ha pedig felbosszantjak, kekesen fustolog. Komolyan! Egyutt indulunk Trixie keresesere, mielott baja esne, mielott mas talalna meg, mielott egyaltalan eszembe jutna, hogy miert is akarom olyan boszen megtalalni. Marpedig a jeget felolvasztja a tuz!
The Queen Elizabeth Family (Family, #4)
Mike, Belinda and Ann can hardly contain their excitement. They are going to America on the Queen Elizabethand will spend two whole weeks in New York! They have their most exciting adventures yet, exploring the decks of the enormous ship and experiencing the whirl, bustle and sheer size of life in America.
Life, in a Grain of Sand
These 30 short stories are a mixture of genres and points of view: they cover horror, espionage, through thrillers, humour, romance and MG. There is something for everyone. They were written in a month, one a day, approximately 1667 words each. They can be read over breakfast and will have you laughing and crying, thinking and cringing.
Shameless Embraces (Bound Hearts, #6-7)
Embraced Marey has run from herself and from Sax for over three years. Lost years, hiding in the home her parents left her, living on the fantasy, too wary to reach out and make real the dreams of the life and man that torment her. Sax Brogan is the embodiment of sinful and sexy - tall, dark, handsome and every inch of him the fantasy of Marey's dreams come to hot, throbbing life. And he's more than ready to claim his woman. Now the time has come for Marey to stop running and embrace not just the fantasy he represents, but also the reality. That is, if her ex-husband will let her live long enough to enjoy it... Shameless She's a temptation he can't afford. Ian Sinclair, the man with no heart, the ultimate Trojan, the untouchable, the unreachable, may just have met his match. As wild as the untamed winds, as innocent as love itself, Courtney's vivacious spirit shines as brilliantly as the brightest star. And he wants nothing more in life than to see the sweet innocence that is so much a part of her survive. That can never happen if he allows her to be drawn into the wicked, sexual excesses of his life. He's a hunger she can't deny. Courtney Mattlaw has understood her destiny her whole life. Her lifetime of happiness hangs on this moment in time, and forcing a man who feels he is unable to love, to trust his heart. Haunted. Filled with loneliness. Incomplete. Ian is the very breath of her soul. She knows the battle to steal his heart could ultimately destroy them both, but it's a risk she must take. When these two come together, sparks fly and the lust simmering between them ignites in a conflagration that will burn them to their souls and leave them...shameless.
Дъщерите на Ханна
Za zhivota na tri pokoleniia zheni, za liubovta, braka, detsata i sm'rtta razkazva bez santimentalnost modernata saga na Marian Frederikson. Predi poveche ot sto godini trinadeset godishnata Khana razhda nezakonno dete. Neinata d'shcheria Iukhanna t'rsi svoiata nezavisimost v golemiia grad, no nakraia se prevr'shcha v pokorna s'pruga i domakinia. Vnuchkata Anna, preuspiavashcha zhurnalistka i pisatelka, e s'vremenna zhena, koiato se vr'shcha k'm minaloto na svoia rod, za da razbere samata sebe si.
Monique de Wael -niminen 71-vuotias nainen on kertonut belgialaiselle Le Soir-lehdelle, etta Misha Defonsecan nimella kirjoitettu kirja 'Misha: Muistelma holokaustin vuosilta' eli Susilapsi on mielikuvituksen tuotetta.
Shroud of Darkness (Robert MacDonald, #39)
They were five strangers on a fogbound train-- a psychiatrist's pretty secretary, an agitated young man, a tweedy lady with a deep voice, a stockbrockerish businessman, and an eel-like "spiv." One was brutally attacked in the choking black fog in Paddington Station. Attempted murder became bona fide manslaughter, and examination of the intimate lives of the passengers involved Chief Inspector MacDonald in a macabre game of hide-and-seek in which one man tried to find his identity and another was ready to kill to preserve the shourd of darkness that obscured his.
An Accidental Murder (A Yellow Cottage Vintage Mystery, #1)
An alternate cover edition exists . Young widow, Isobella Bridges discovered and fell in love with The Yellow Cottage as a child. Many years later she returned to the Island, discovered it was for sale and bought it on a whim. Or so she thought. She had no idea at the time how much it would change her life, nor that it was yet to reveal all it's secrets. Ones that even Ella couldn't imagine. She purchased the cottage from an old lady, but this was no ordinary old lady. And she left her cat, but this was no ordinary cat. Ella soon realises that this isn't the only gift the old lady left. Having only been in residence a few short weeks, and still unpacking boxes, she receives a telephone call from her brother, inviting her up to London for Sunday lunch. This call sets in motion a series of events that puts Ella's life, and those of the people closest to her in danger. 'An Accidental Murder' is a cosy amateur sleuth novella, with a difference. Set in 1930's England, it is the first in the series of The Yellow Cottage mysteries. *Please note this is a novella of around 25,000 words.*
লিপি রহস্য
prcchd o alN krnn - shubhrniil ghoss aary bhttttshaalii / sbbyyesi chottder jgte ntun ek rhsybhediir aabirbhaab / yini shudhu aagneyyaastr nyy, prdhaant nirbhr kren mgjaastrer upr / aar se kaarnnei prpr caartti glp o upnyaas pujosNkhyaayy prkaasher sngge-sngge tumul aalorrn tull paatthkmhle / knnttkshodhn, sNketlipi, omr khaiyyaamer puthi ebN aakaaler khune nottish / aary bhttttshaaliir ghnisstth bndhu niilaadri sen praaktn pulish aphisaar / taaNr byyaane jhrrer gtite byye claa kaahinigulite ekisngge misheche bijnyaan-itihaas-rhsy aar ayaaddbhenycaar / e yen ek-ektti phor-in-oyyaan bmbshel / shess naa kraa prynt sbbyyesi paatthk asthirtaayy bhugben / - biyyer phlyaap theke
Diamond smugglers. A police conspiracy. High tech spies. Assassins intent on derailing Middle East peace talks. Customs Investigator James Winter must overcome them all if he is to save his career--and his life. Winter, an ex-MI5 operative wrongly accused of colluding with a smuggling ring that has a suspicious knack of avoiding the traps set by his team, battles to clear his name. As his wife undergoes cancer treatment, he finds it hard to balance time at her bedside with action to vindicate himself. After his suspension, he sets out to find how the smugglers manage the ring. An email from a bothersome high tech supplier prompts Winter to spring into action, putting him on the trail of a Mossad spy whom he discovered is somehow involved, and placing him right in front of the Syrian hit squad. Al-Jabib ran a gloved fingertip across the engraved skull and crossbones and felt a tingle of anticipation mix with his nerves. It was really happening; he, Bashar Al-Jabib, was about to initiate the most audacious operation in all Syrian history. He touched the locket that hung around his neck. "Mum and Dad, you'd be proud of me." In this fast-paced and suspenseful espionage thriller, Eavesdropuncovers an even bigger catastrophe as James Winter stumbles into an international mystery involving Mossad, a Middle East terror plot to destabilize Israel and the global political climate. With the help of a dubious partner, Winter risks his life, but will he be able to stop an international conspiracy and clear his name?
The White Giraffe
PA thrilling adventure classic-inthe- making!P The night Martine Allen turns eleven years old is the night her life changes completely. Martine's parents are killed in a fire, so she must leave her home to live on an African wildlife reserve with a grandmother she never even knew she had. When Martine arrives, she hears tales of a mythical animal living there ,a white giraffe. They say no one has ever seen the animal, but it does leave behind footprints. Her grandmother insists that the white giraffe is just a legend, but then one stormy night, Martine looks out her bedroom window straight into the eyes of the tall silvery animal. Could it be just Martine's imagination, or is the white giraffe real? And if so, why is everyone keeping its existence a secret?
Konstantinos Palaeologos
Son Bizans Imparatoru XI. Konstantinos Paleologos'un (1405-1453), "Romalilarin Gercek Imparatoru ve Otokrati" seklindeki azametli emperyal elkaba sahip oldugunda devraldigi Konstantinopolis, yani bir zamanlarin Yeni Roma'si, bu ihtisami yansitmaktan hayli uzakti. Yil 1449'du. Tarihin o doneminde ve dunyanin o parcasinda yukselen guc olan Osmanlilar, hakimiyetlerini yayarken etrafindan gelip gectikleri kadim imparatorluklarin bu aciz bakiyesine gosterdikleri tahammulun sinirina varmislardi. Sehri dort yandan kusatan ve karadan ikmal yollarini kesen Turklere karsi Kontantinos'un denizden yardim alabilecegi tek yer olan Hiristiyan Bati ise kiliselerin birligi adi altinda kendi Katolik inancini ve hiyerarsisini dayatmaktaydi. En muhtac olduklari anda buyuk bir dinsel kargasa ve bolunme yasayan Konstantinopolis'in Ortodoks sakinlerinin elinde kalan yegane koruyucu, tarihi boyunca sehrin taliplerini durdurmayi basarmis olan guclu surlariydi. Nitekim surlarda gedik acildiginda sehir de dusecekti. Donemin kaynaklarina gore iyi egitim almis, becerikli, sabirli, vizyon sahibi ve insanlari idare etmesini bilen bir hukumdar olan XI. Konstantinos, henuz vakti varken kacip kurtulmasi yonundeki telkinlere tenezzul etmemis, sayi ve askeri teknoloji acisindan kat be kat ustun Osmanlilara karsi sehri savunanlarin lideri olarak elinden gelen her seyi yapmistir. O gun muzaffer olan genc ve atilgan sultan II. Mehmed, "Fatih" namiyla yucelirken, elinde kiliciyla can veren Konstantinos da halki arasinda efsane mertebesine yukselmis, aslinda olmedigi, mermere donuserek uyudugu ve gunun birinde uyanip sehrini kurtaracagi inancina kaynaklik etmistir. Bizans uzmani Donald M. Nicol'un Atina'daki Gennadion Kutuphanesi muduru olarak calistigi donemde yazdigi elinizdeki biyografi, kisa ve talihsiz iktidari doneminde buyuk caresizlik icinde kivranan, bu durumdan kendini ve sehrini kurtarmak icin var gucuyle cabalayan ve sonunun geldigini anlayinca da bunu mertce karsilayan bir hukumdar portresi cizmektedir.
Su Seviyesi
"... Cunku gocup gideriz, guzellik ise kalicidir. Cunku gelecege yonelmis olmamiza ragmen guzellik ebedi simdiki zamandir." Su Seviyesi icin bir sehrin portresi denebilir. Ancak Nobel Odullu sair ve denemeci Brodsky'nin kalemi ve bakis acisi bu portreyi zeki, bilge, dokunakli ve tam anlamiyla zarif bir hale getiriyor. Brodsky bir flanor gibi Venedik'in caddelerinde, sokaklarinda, kanallarinda, su basmis kiliselerinde ve dehlizlere acilan eski yapilarinda dolaniyor; insanlari, mutfagi, tarihi, hatta giyim kusami hakkinda birbirinden ilginc bilgiler veriyor, tanik oldugu tuhaf anekdotlar anlatiyor. Bu su sehrinden unutulmaz kis manzaralari, sularin yukselmesiyle gelen olaganustu guzellikte goruntuler resmediyor. Boylece sehrin kiside uyandirdigi tuhaf, tekinsiz ama alabildigine siirsel imgelerin pesine dusup insanin suyla, dolayli olarak da onun yansimasi zaman ve guzellik kavramiyla ikircikli iliskisini irdeliyor - ama ancak bir sairin, hem de buyuk bir sairin yapabilecegi sekilde. Su Seviyesi, Venedik'i sularin kusatmasi gibi zamanin da insani kusattigi bir gerceklik resmediyor sakinmadan -- buna karsin "guzellik" veya "sevgi" gibi, zamani asmanin yollarini isaret ederek...
Reagan at Reykjavik: Forty-Eight Hours That Ended the Cold War
The dramatic, first-hand account of the historic 1986 Reagan-Gorbachev summit in Iceland--the definitive weekend that was the key turning point in the Cold War--by President Reagan's arms control director, Ken Adelman. In October 1986, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev met for a forty-eight-hour summit in Reykjavik, Iceland. Planned as a short, inconsequential gathering to outline future talks, the meeting quickly turned to major international issues, including the strategic defense initiative and the possibility of eliminating all nuclear weapons--negotiations that laid the groundwork for the most sweeping arms accord in history the following year. Scrupulously researched and based on now-declassified information, Reagan at Reykjaviktells the gripping tale of this weekend that changed the world. Filled with illustrative accounts of the private discussions between Reagan and his team, Ken Adelman provides an honest and up-close portrait of President Reagan at one of his finest and most challenging moments. Reagan at Reykjavik includes 16 pages of black-and-white photos and 11 illustrations.
The Visitor
The "magic" that once was America died horribly along with most of the Earth's inhabitants when an asteroid crashed into the planet sometime during the twenty-first century. Hundreds of years have passed, and all that remains of the time before are fragmented memories distorted by superstition -- as a tragically reduced populace suffers greatly under the tyranny of a repressive ruling order. But destiny has chosen Disme Latimer to lead a wasted world out of the darkness ... with a book. Written by a courageous scientist ancestor, it is a sacred, unsettling tome rife with disturbing ideas and revelations ... and an impossible hope that compels a gentle, troubled young woman to abandon her abusive home in search of truth and her true self. But common "wisdom" and lore warn of grave dangers out in the world. Evil is there, a malevolence beyond imagining. And in the depths of the Earth, a gargantuan beast asleep for centuries has begun to stir ...
Volition (The Perception Trilogy, #2)
Zoe Vanderveen is on the run with her captor turned rescuer, Noah Brody. They're in love. Or at least that's what he tells her. Her memories have returned but her feelings are dreamlike--thin and fleeting. Her heart can't be trusted. Just look at what happened with Taylor Blake. Senator Vanderveen's new team of cyborg agents are in hot pursuit, and a reward for their capture is broadcast nationwide. Record breaking cold and snow hinder their escape. Someone dies helping them. And their fight for survival has only begun.
Sherlock Holmes: Year One
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's dauntless detective returns in an all-new series of adventures exploring the sleuth's untold origins! Join Dr. John Watson as he meets young Sherlock Holmes in a fateful encounter that will forever shape both men's destinies! Mysteries and murders most foul abound as we discover clues that reveal just how Holmes became the world's most famous detective. Collecting the 6-issue series in one volume, plus bonus material and a complete cover gallery.
Stealing Mr. Right (Penelope Blue, #1)
"A sexy, fun, cat-and-mouse chase that hooked me from page one!" --Jennifer Probst, New York Times& USA TodayBestselling Author of The Marriage Bargain I'm a wanted jewel thief. He's FBI. What's that saying? Keep your friends close...and your husband closer. Being married to a federal agent certainly has its perks. 1. I just love the way that man looks in a suit. 2. This way I always know what the enemy is up to. Spending my days lifting jewels and my nights tracking the Bureau should have been a genius plan. But the closer I get to Grant Emerson, the more dangerous this feels. With two million dollars' worth of diamonds on the line, I can't afford to fall for my own husband. It turns out that the only thing worse than having a mortal enemy is being married to one. Because in our game of theft and seduction, only one of us will come out on top. Good thing a cat burglar always lands on her feet. Penelope Blue: Stealing Mr. Right(Book 1) Saving Mr. Perfect(Book 2) Seeking Mr. Wrong(Book 3) What People Are Saying: "The minute I finished reading...I started it over. That's how good this book is! I laughed, I cried, and I fell totally in love with Grant Emerson and Penelope Blue, one of the most fascinating book couples I've ever read."--Sandra Owens, author of the bestselling K2 Special Services series forStealing Mr. Right "Utterly unconventional and wonderfully smart."--RT Book Reviews4.5 stars TOP PICK forThe Derby Girl "Sensational sense of humor...and daring plot twists."--RT Book Reviews4.5 stars TOP PICK forIf I Stay
Naoki Urasawa's 20th Century Boys, Volume 20 (20th Century Boys, #20)
This is the story of a group of boys who try to save the world! As boys, Kenji and his friends came up with a bunch of stories about an evil organization bent on world destruction. As adults, someone is now turning their fantasies into reality! Reads R to L (Japanese Style), for audiences T+. Humanity, having faced extinction at the end of the 20th century, would not have entered the new millennium if it weren't for them. In 1969, during their youth, they created a symbol. In 1997, as the coming disaster slowly starts to unfold, that symbol returns. This is the story of a group of boys who try to save the world. There once was a hero who stood against evil. He sacrificed himself to save the world, and everyone believed he died on Bloody New Year's Eve. But eighteen years later, when the entire world is under the control of the enigmatic figure known as the Friend, the hero comes back! Kenji is back and is heading for Tokyo, where the Friend is preparing his next horrific plan. Meanwhile, Kanna and the rest of Kenji's group make their move toward the final battle! Could it finally be time for justice to rise once again?
Gillian of the Chalet School
Following events of The New Chalet School, Gillian of the Chalet Schoolshows Gillian Linton's time as head girl as well as the whole school coping with the new arrangements of mixing seniors, middles and juniors together in the separate Houses.
Little Red Lies
The war is over, but for thirteen-year-old Rachel, the battle has just begun. Putting childhood behind her, she knows what she wants - to prove she has acting talent worthy of the school drama club, and what she doesn't want - to romantically fall for someone completely inappropriate. Worries about her veteran brother's failing health and repugnance at her mother's unexpected and unwanted pregnancy drive her to seek solace from a seemingly sympathetic, but self-serving teacher. The lies she tells herself hoping to reach solutions to the problems complicating her life merely function to make matters worse. Ultimately, she finds a way to come to terms with life as it reaches an end and life as it begins.
A Biblioteca no Porão
Um velho cronista muda-se para o porao de sua casa levando junto o que tem de mais precioso: a biblioteca. Ali, como Henry Thoreau na sua cabana a beira do lago, ele pretende "enfrentar somente os fatos essenciais da vida". Rodeado de livros e de uma solidao so quebrada pela visita de alguns raros amigos, dedica-se a registrar suas impressoes sobre o mundo que o cerca e os autores que le. Surpreende-se ao descobrir que seu poema preferido de Borges e apocrifo. Conta como conheceu um antigo secretario de Mario de Andrade. Revela que Kafka amava as criancas e nao era o ser soturno que todos imaginavam. Escreve a Garcia Marquez para informar sobre o paradeiro do obscuro editor de seu primeiro livro. Conta como Hemingway veio a detestar Carmen Miranda e os brasileiros em geral. Comove-se com a sorte de um medico que escreveu duas duzias de romances e morreu inedito. Demonstra como a civilizacao pode transformar o fracasso aparente em sucesso retumbante, como no caso de Van Gogh. E narra muitas historias em que entram os cronopios de Cortazar, os expedicionarios do barao de Langsdorff e outros seres reais ou imaginarios, inclusive um gato filosofo. Enfim, um livro sobre o universo dos livros.
Ennustus (Tähtisilmät, #1)
Prinsessakaksoset Armada ja Elena on erotettu heti syntymastaan. He eivat missaan tapauksessa saa olla tekemisissa keskenaan ensimmaisten 13 elinvuotensa aikana, ettei kauhea ennustus toteutuisi. Niinpa tytot ovat elelleet omaa elamaansa toisistaan tietamatta - Armada kuningasparin kanssa Tahtilinnan valtakunnassa ja Elena kaukana, kaukana Suomessa, Pernaisten tuppukylassa isoaitinsa kanssa. Vaan saman tien kun totuus lipsahtaa Armadan korviin, han odottaa etta jaa yksin linnaan ja malttamattomana ja mokomaa naurettavaa ennustusta uhmaten kutsuu Elenan luokseen. Sisarukset ovat ulkonakoa lukuun ottamatta varsin erilaiset mutta loytavat silti nopeasti sielunkumppanuuden. Linna ilman aikuisten valvontaa tarjoaa tytoille unelmien temmellyskentan, ja linnan riemunkirjava asujaimisto tulee Elenalle tutuksi: minijattilaiset, iikkiaiset, allorulliaiset, heggo-hegot, tsontut ynna muut. Osaan olisi parempi olla tormaamatta iltapimealla! Riemukas yhdessaolo alkaa kuitenkin pian saada pahaenteisia piirteita, silla tyttojen maaginen 13-vuotispaiva on tulollaan... Mita on tuo hiuksianostattava jyrina linnan alta?
An Evening at the Garden of Allah: A Gay Cabaret in Seattle
"An Evening at the Garden of Allah" takes readers back in time with its vivid, exciting oral history of this shining moment in America's gay and lesbian past.
Masih Ada Kereta yang Akan Lewat
Tiga belas tahun yang lalu, karena takut ketinggalan kereta, Arini telah menumpang kereta yang salah. Kereta yang menjerumuskannya ke jurang penderitaan. Dia mengira tidak ada lagi kereta yang akan melintasi hidupnya. Tetapi dalam kereta api terakhir menuju Stuttgart, dia bertemu dengan Nick. Dan dalam diri lelaki yang lima belas tahun lebih muda itu, Arini sadar, masih ada kereta yang akan lewat. Kereta yang membawanya ke Jakarta. Mempertemukannya kembali dengan mantan suaminya. Yang pernah menjadikannya istri pulasan untuk menutupi skandal cintanya dengan Ira, sahabat Arini yang telah menikah.
Naoki Urasawa's 20th Century Boys, Volume 19 (20th Century Boys, #19)
This is the story of a group of boys who try to save the world! As boys, Kenji and his friends came up with a bunch of stories about an evil organization bent on world destruction. As adults, someone is now turning their fantasies into reality! Reads R to L (Japanese Style), for audiences T+. Humanity, having faced extinction at the end of the 20th century, would not have entered the new millennium if it weren't for them. In 1969, during their youth, they created a symbol. In 1997, as the coming disaster slowly starts to unfold, that symbol returns. This is the story of a group of boys who try to save the world. The man with the guitar heads for Tokyo and arrives at a rough-and-tumble border town with an ominous-looking checkpoint. Only those who have a pass may go through, and those who try to get by without one are summarily shot. Many have tried, and many are buried nearby. Who can change this horrific situation and get through the checkpoint? And who or what could be waiting on the other side?
Into Temptation
Into Temptation is the debut collection of poems from Sophia Blackwell, a regular on the UK poetry scene who has been holding crowds spellbound for over five years in bars, nightclubs, and festival tents. Sophia takes us through love in all its guises - burning obsession, one-night stands that last too long, domestic bliss, and the insecurities in even the most loving relationships. Here also is a series of elegies for the everyday - the quiet, mysterious pleasures of Tube journeys, cats, and spaghetti sauce. Into Temptation is all lipstick, corsets and hedonistic jazz-fuelled rhythms, raging against and revelling in life.
What the Dormouse Said: Lessons for Grownups from Children's Books
This one-of-a-kind collection reminds weary adults not to lose sight of the values and virtues they learned as kids. Here are over three hundred quotations from over two hundred well-loved children's books, such as Charlotte's Web, Peter Pan, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Eloise, Sounder, Number the Stars, and Goodnight Moon, organized by topic, among them Acceptance, Goodness, Family Woes, and Growing Old. On Silence: "I assure you that you can pick up more information when you are listening than when you are talking."--E. B.White, The Trumpet of the Swan. On Reverence: "Dying's part of the wheel, right there next to being born. . . . Being part of the whole thing, that's the blessing."--Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting. With clever illustrations from Pierre Le-Tan, here is a book to share with a friend or keep by your own bedside. It's the perfect gift for your sister, your mother, your brother, your nephew, your kid's teacher, your daughter away at college, your son in the Navy, your mailman, your priest, for the old lady next door, or for the baby just born. Most importantly, give it to yourself. It will help you remember why you loved reading in the first place.
When Good Toys Go Bad
In a world without men, one man stands out. Dara Athol should really get over this heterosexual thing. After all, in her twenty-third-century world, men are but a distant memory. Yet she can't help it; she's a self-admitted throwback. She tried the "couple" thing, but though she and Brynn are still friends with benefits, Dara finds true solace only in the arms of Kai143. A limited-edition android sex toy, an expensive service provided by The Consortium for those who want a taste of the exotic--making love to something with a Y chromosome. When Kai grows beyond his programming and begins to think and feel for himself, his feelings for Dara grow into forbidden love. Forced to go on the run from The Consortium, the police, and society itself, Dara and Kai fight for survival--and for the elusive possibility of a different kind of future. Product Warnings Contains an anatomically correct, fully functional android with no off switch. Like the Energizer bunny, he just keeps going...and going...and going...
Six Moon Dance
It was many years ago that humans came and settled the world of Newholme-cruelly bending the planet to their will; setting down roots and raising up cities and farms and a grand temple to their goddess.But now the ground itself is shaking with ever-increasing violence. And the Great Questioner, official arbiter of the Council of Worlds, has come to this isolated orb to investigate rumors of a terrible secret that lies buried deep within Newholme's past--a past that is not dead, not completely. And it will fall to Mouche, a beautiful youth of uncommon cleverness and spirit, to save his imperiled home by dicovering and embracing that which makes him unique among humans. For every living thing on newholme is doomed, unless Mouche can appease something dark and terrible that is coiled within...and surrender to the mysterious ecstatic revelry taht results when the six moons join.
Maiden - Valokuvat
Kukaan ei ole paassyt kameroineen yhta lahelle Iron Maidenia kuin yhtyeen pitkaaikainen hovikuvaaja Ross Halfin. Han on kiertanyt Maidenin mukana 1970-luvun lopulta asti ja dokumentoinut yhtyeen nousun brittilaisen metallin uhmakkaasta haastajasta globaaliksi raskaan musiikin valtiomahdiksi. Halfin on kuvannut Maidenia pienilla klubeilla ja valtavilla areenoilla, lavalla ja lavan takana, poseeraamassa levynkansiin ja unessa keikkabussin penkilla, kaikkialla missa metallin merkittavin yhtye on vuosikymmenten varrella liikkunut. Ross Halfin on yksi maailman arvostetuimpia musiikkivalokuvaajia. Han aloitti 1970-luvulla kuvaamalla Soundsiin ja oli 80-luvun alussa synnyttamassa Kerrang!-lehtea. Iron Maidenin lisaksi Halfin on kuvannut laajasti mm. Metallicaa, Ozzy Osbournea, Aerosmithia seka lukemattomia muita orkestereita ja artisteja.
The Pilgrim Adventure
Finn & Ginny's parents are lost back in time, and the two young twins have decided to go back to early America to find them. Their search takes the twins to the Mayflower where they discover that the Pilgrims had far more adventures than they had ever realized. This first book in the Our America series is designed to teach the real story of the Pilgrims in such a fun way that the reader won't even realize that it's educational. The Pilgrim Adventure is based on actual accounts written by the Pilgrims themselves, and kids who read this book will find that by the end of the story they may know more about the Pilgrim's adventures than their parents do. Ages 10 and up.
Dex (Impossible, #12)
Dexter Scott is in love. The only problem is, Katie is falling for another man. As his heart breaks, he turns to sex as his drug of choice to numb the pain. Can Dex learn to let go of his feelings for Katie, or will his obsession cause him to miss out on his chance to find true love?
Passion (Fallen, #3)
Luce would die for Daniel. And she has. Over and over again. Throughout time, Luce and Daniel have found each other, only to be painfully torn apart: Luce dead, Daniel left broken and alone. But perhaps it doesn't need to be that way. . . . Luce is certain that something--or someone--in a past life can help her in her present one. So she begins the most important journey of this lifetime . . . going back eternities to witness firsthand her romances with Daniel . . . and finally unlock the key to making their love last. Cam and the legions of angels and Outcasts are desperate to catch Luce, but none are as frantic as Daniel. He chases Luce through their shared pasts, terrified of what might happen if she rewrites history. Because their romance for the ages could go up in flames . . . forever. Sweeping across centuries, PASSION is the third novel in the unforgettably epic FALLEN series. From the Hardcover edition.
In the Heat of the Bite (Regency Vampyre Trilogy #2)
She makes him feel more alive than he has since he died... Chivalry is far from undead... Matthew Halkett, Earl of Blodswell, is one of the few men in the tonwho can claim to be a knight in shining armor--because that's precisely what he was before being turned into a vampyre. When he spies a damsel in distress in the midst of a storm in Hyde Park, his natural instinct is to rush to her aid... But not every woman needs to be rescued... Weather-controlling witch Rhiannon Sinclair isn't caught in a storm-- she's the cause of it. She's mortified to have been caught making trouble by the imposing earl, but she doesn't need any man--never has, and is sure she never will... But when Rhiannon encounters Matthew again, her powers go awry and his supernatural abilities run amok. Between the two of them, the tonis thrown into an uproar. There's never been a more tempestuous scandal... Praise for Lydia Dare: "Heartwarming romance, engaging characters, and engrossing plot twists...fast becoming 'must buy' books. I recommend them all." -Star-Crossed Romance Praise for The Taming of the Wolf: "A truly satisfying read...Ms. Dare, I'm ready for the next book please." -Once Upon a Romance"A compelling read that left me turning pages." -Fang-tastic Books "This series keeps getting better and better...flawless." -The Book Girl 5/5
New Moms, New Families: Priceless Gifts of Wisdom and Practical Advice from Mama Experts for the Fourth Trimester and First Year Postpartum
HAND IN HAND, TOGETHER WE CAN First-time moms strive to carry babies to term and experience easy labor. Few are prepared for the immediate challenges after delivery, the "fourth trimester." Thus, this unique and holistic collection of alternative tips and practical advice for Moms by Moms was born. Deepen your breath with essential oils and clean air. Warm your tummy with nourishing foods. Feel your center and strengthen your core with intuition. Share and rediscover with your baby the joy of nature and language. Learn to ask questions, settle anxieties, and employ strategies when you suspect developmental delays. Equip yourself with a postpartum depression-busting wellness plan as well as a process to become sensational in the face of being a single mom. Plan ahead with finances and luck cycles. Most importantly, awaken refreshed from great "mountain" feng shui. Let these amazing mama entrepreneurs and professionals from diverse fields of expertise hold your hand, save you time, change your life and give you more sleep! FOR MOMS BY MOMS ABOUT MOMS For the first time, new mothers can expect to find a book that is entirely devoted to smoothing out the rapid transition after delivery when creating a new family. This book, unlike many others, is focused on helping the new mom navigate all areas of care that a new arrival necessitates. The chapters in this book emerge as five sections: ~ Mama Care, especially for the first six weeks after delivery (with yummy postpartum recipes from Traditional Chinese Medicine traditions) ~ Self Care, to give new moms permission to care for themselves (including essential oils and cultivating one's Mother Intuition) ~ Baby Care, to make motherhood easier for mama (e.g., cloth diapering made easy) ~ Home Care, for peaceful havens (indoors and out) ~ Family Care, for easing into parenthood with a significant other (including financial planning and adventures in multilingualism) You asked for it. You have it. The sequel to the New Moms, New Families book is now out! BIRTH FORMATIONS: What Multiple Home Births Teach About Living, Laboring, and Mothering in the Now When asked by mamas of one and mamas of two how she does it, Ng delivers her nuts-and-bolts approach on how to actualize the New Age concept of living in the present moment before conception, during pregnancy, throughout delivery and in the midst of postpartum motherhood for the busy woman who desires to do and have it all.
Cellular Spirits
Eric Achak is a twelve-year-old unschooler who can see ghosts. He thinks he's the only one who has this problem until he meets Mr. Francis, who not only can see them but has developed a ghost-catching app that sucks ghosts into cell phones. Problem solved. Until he has new, bigger problems. Black Mist, leader of the Shadow Ghosts, is willing to do anything to get his hands on the captured ghosts in the phones. When a Shadow Ghost turns someone Eric cares about into a ghost, Eric knows he has to find a way to overcome his fears and work with his family to help Mr. Francis reverse the ghost-catching app and free the ghosts.
Flesh & Blood (Flesh, #2)
Detective Cristian Flesh is about to find out that he can only run from his past for so long. When a local man is attacked and the suspect is a hustler, Cristian knows there's more to the case than meets the eye. His investigation will lead him into a maze of lies, deceit, and underage prostitution. But that's only the beginning as people start disappearing and turning up dead. Cristian begins to realize that solving the case and stopping the murders won't be enough. If he wants to make his new life with lawyer Colby Maddox work, he'll need to face the demons of his past and put them to rest once and for all. Word count: 70,475
Kao u grobu (39 tragova, #4)
Nakon Labirinta kostiju u kojem je sve pocelo, Pogresne note koja je vodila u Bec te Kradljivca maceva koji se motao po Japanu, u cetvrtoj knjizi pustolovnog serijala 39 tragova Amy i Dan odlaze u Egipat kako bi pronasli sljedeci trag. Zajedno sa svojom bejbisitericom, pardon, dadiljom Nellie, otkrivaju razne tajne vezane uz ekaterinski ogranak obitelji Cahill i njegovo suparnistvo s ogrankom Thomas. Uspjesno ili manje uspjesno izbjegavajuci brojne druge clanove obitelji, kao sto su Irina, Jonah i Alistair, upoznaju i Hilary Vale, prijateljicu svoje bake. Premda se ona i njezin unuk Theo doimaju kao da zele pomoci, tesko im je slijepo vjerovati. No, kod nje dobivaju predmete koje je za njih ondje ostavila baka, pa Amy i Dan nastavljaju potragu. Nakon bliskog susreta s krokodilom i jos kojekakvim opasnostima, mladi Cahillovi moraju doznati i ponesto o Napoleonu, Thomasu Edisonu i Marie Curie, ali i o slikama i hijeroglifima, kako bi ih uzbudljiva potraga, protkana pogibelji, izdajama i obratima, dovela do zeljenog cilja.
Cellular Spirits
Eric Achak is a twelve-year-old unschooler who can see ghosts. He thinks he's the only one who has this problem until he meets Mr. Francis, who not only can see them but has developed a ghost-catching app that sucks ghosts into cell phones. Problem solved. Until he has new, bigger problems. Black Mist, leader of the Shadow Ghosts, is willing to do anything to get his hands on the captured ghosts in the phones. When a Shadow Ghost turns someone Eric cares about into a ghost, Eric knows he has to find a way to overcome his fears and work with his family to help Mr. Francis reverse the ghost-catching app and free the ghosts.
khnthiiekhaaphb singthiiekhaaehn lwnaelwaetepnsing`amphraangthangsin epnhnaakaakaehngkhwaamswyngaam chuengbdbangkhwaam`aplaksnkh`ngphuuswmkhamhwaanaelakaare`aaaicchthangpwnglwnepnkhwaamlwng klblbr`ngr`ykhwaamenaaehmne`aaaiwraawkabd`kch`nklinthiiekhaaaetnghnaasph ephuue`klbklin`suph`anaimphuengpraarthnaa mnusyepn`yaangniithukkhnhruue`eplaa?
Life Prep for Homeschooled Teenagers: A Parent-Friendly Curriculum for Teaching Teens to Handle Money, Live Moral Lives and Get Ready
"Life Prep for Homeschooled Teenagers" is a parent-friendly curriculum for teaching your teens how to live as morally and financially responsible adults. The book includes instructions for customizing the curriculum for all teens, whether they're work-bound or college-bound. Step-by-step projects (requiring minimal preparation by parents) teach your teens about credit cards, auto and health insurance, taxes, and many other subjects they'll face once they're on their own, and will get them ready for a life of managing their money with a goal of financial freedom. Reading and writing assignments review the principles your teens need to get along with family, friends and coworkers, and to live their values in their personal and work lives. This book is a compilation of all the practical things you wish you'd been taught in high school. Now you can make sure your teens are ready for life "out of the nest."
She Wolf #1
SHE WOLF is a surreal exploration in horror as the story follows a teenage girl who believes she's been bitten by a savage werewolf. Soon after she begins to experience feverish nightmares that seamlessly bleed into her everyday reality.
Vampirism And You! (Guidebook 01)
Louis' whole life was planned right to a bite on the neck at his seventeenth birthday. The British native has a whole lot of changes coming his way. There's the cravings, the urges, the relocation to rural USA...it's a lot for a teenager to handle. Throw in the possibility that he might not be as straight as he always thought and it's a tangled mess as Louis tries to navigate his new life as a vampire. Things aren't going to be easy though, and his foster-vampire Duncan is determined to make Louis a fine upstanding example of vampirism--or else. Louis has his handbook though to explain well, some things. But not everything. When a new vampire shows up in town, Louis thinks he's finally found someone to confide in, except Eli has his own agenda and Louis is about to find out that being a vampire means more than drinking blood and causing mayhem--there are also dirty politics, dark secrets, and a whole lot of reading assignments.
"Passengerfirmly establishes Cowie as a Scottish voice of worth."--Big Issue When concert violinist Milan discovers that his body is harboring his twin sister--a rare medical occurrence termed "fetus in fetu"--he embarks on the most intimate and unexpected relationship of his life.
Deception (Defiance #2)
Baalboden has been ravaged. The Commander's whereabouts are unknown. And with a ragged group of survivors struggling to stay alive, it's up to Logan to become the leader they need - with Rachel by his side. Under constant threat from rival city-state Carrington's army, which is after the device that controls the Cursed One, the group leaves their home and takes their chances in the Wasteland. But soon their problems intensify tenfold: Someone - possibly inside their ranks - is sabotaging the survivors, picking them off one by one. The chaos puts unbearable strain on Rachel and Logan, and it isn't long before they feel their love splintering. And soon the group begins to question whether the price of freedom may be too great - and whether they can make it out of the Wasteland alive. In this daring sequel to Defiance, with the world they once loved forever destroyed, Rachel and Logan must decide between a life on the run and standing their ground to fight.
A tradição da medicina
Este livro esclarece de forma exemplar a ligacao indelevel entre medicina e moral. Trata-se de reconhecer que a arte medica nao pode jamais se reduzir a tecnica e que o bom medico nao e apenas o que domina os conhecimentos cientificos e tecnicos, mas o conhecedor e praticante da arte do bom e do justo. Em uma das ultimas passagens da obra, Angotti assim se manifesta, proporcionando como que um resumo da mensagem que pretende difundir: O que o medico deve fazer diante de tudo o que foi exposto? O primeiro passo e praticar a boa medicina. Amar o paciente, ser caridoso, ter compaixao. O segundo passo e estudar profundamente, nao so para tratar o paciente de forma tecnica, mas tambem para se tornar um grande humanista. E necessario estudar medicina, filosofia, historia, ciencias sociais em geral etc. Na concepcao do grande medico humanista Jose de Letamendi e Manjarres: "O medico que so sabe medicina, nem medicina sabe". Essa frase de Letamendi precisa ser apreendida pela classe medica.
Wolf Pact, Part I (Wolf Pact, #1)
The ancient wolves were once proud guardians of time. Now they are enslaved in the underworld, mere extensions of Lucifer's will. Lawson's pack managed to escape this fate by fleeing aboveground. But when the hounds capture the girl Lawson loves, he will risk everything -- including his own brothers' freedom -- to win her back. Meanwhile, Bliss Llewellyn is adjusting to humanity after giving up her immortal vampire life. When her Aunt Jane is kidnapped by the Hounds of Hell, Bliss vows to do whatever it takes to save her -- even if it means joining forces with the dangerously good-looking boy with a wolf's soul and a too-intimate knowledge of Jane's captors.
Bailando con los osos
Los relatos de bailando con los osos estan escritos con un discurso poroso y dinamico. Hay una agilidad que tiene que ver con lo coloquial pero tambien hay una fluidez de otra indole, una fluidez jazzera, con la voluptuosidad y con la sintesis. Krapp tiene mano maestra para administrar la informacion en los textos: lo no dicho genera una tension deslumbrante Jorge Consiglio, LN.
Unleashing the Beast (Beast Trilogy, #1)
Lina and Terry have had the same argument over and over. Terry finally convinced her that he wasn't trying to give her away, that he was trying to find something exciting that both of them could share. He even offered to let her go first. The result was a little more than spectacular...it verged on a happy madness.
Born of the Moon (After Undeath Book 2)
Life after death isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's been six years since Blaine Moreau returned to the world of the living, keeping only his fangs as a souvenir. Though he didn't expect the transition to be easy, a heartbeat comes with health problems, a sea of red tape, and the shine of new silver developing at his temples. Dealing with insurance claims and explaining away a shady employment history is enough without the added grief of being unable to satisfy his wife's dreams of having a family. Never mind old problems coming back to haunt him. Without their vampire god to lead them, the clan is subject to a slow extinction, one Grace isn't willing to accept. Clinging to her memories of their time together, she seeks Blaine, the only one who can help her have the life she wants. But he's not so eager to help. With everything else in shambles, the last thing he needs is undead on his doorstep. Especially when one has a simple suggestion that could solve all his problems-or destroy everything he's worked to build.
The Beginning (Night Dreams, #1)
Night Dreams is series of novellas that follow a Dream Psychologist, Dr. Joseph Rickettes, who has no choice but to live out the nightmares of his patients in hopes of curing them of their demons. He is bound by the demons in their dreams, while he struggles to make sense of the nightmares that plague his own life. Episode One - The Beginning focuses on how it all started for Joseph and how he came to possess his power, or curse, to delve into and live out, the nightmares of others.
Endeavour of Will
An Architect of Fate novella. Chaos Space Marines of the Iron Warriors Legion launch a devastating attack upon their hated foes the Imperial Fists, crippling one of their principal starforts. Unperturbed, the heroic Captain Darnath Lysander withdraws his warriors to a second stronghold, the Endeavour of Will, to weather the rest of the assault. But as the Iron Warriors' methods are revealed, critical and desperate decisions must be made, lest their insidious techno-contagion spread throughout the Imperial Fists' fleet and beyond...
Sweetwater (The Kihn #1)
They say you can never go home again that what we remember, is just that--a memory. Well, I'm on my way home, and I'm eager to test that theory. Little do I know that what awaits me will change my life forever. Sofie Reece is returning to Sweetwater, a sleepy little town nestled in the Ozarks to discover evil waiting for her. As supernatural beings, both good and evil, arrive in town, so does Lucas Santiago. Sofie senses a danger in Lucas but finds herself powerfully attracted to him. Though intimidated by his sexual appeal and power, she cannot help but fall for Lucas. As both the danger and their passion intensify, Sofie is unaware that Lucas has a dark secret - a secret that will blow her world apart... This book is intended for mature audiences. It contains sexually explicit content that some readers may find objectionable.
Goodbye Byline, Hello Big Bucks: Make Money Ghostwriting Books, Articles, Blogs, and More, Second Edition
You're not only a writer--you're a writer who writes for money. A freelancer. Someone who sells his or words for pay. So, let me ask you--how attached are you to your byline? How much does it matter to you? Nearly every writer wants recognition. But ditching your byline may be the smartest thing you ever do for your writing career. The market for talented ghostwriters is huge, and continuing to grow. Household names like Hillary Rodham Clinton, David Beckham, Donald Trump, Naomi Campbell, and Clay Aiken are all authors who used ghostwriters. An estimated 80 percent of celebrity-authored books are ghostwritten, and publishing experts say that half of The New York Times bestsellers are ghosted, too. But it's not just big names who hire ghostwriters and book collaborators; the market for writers who can pen someone else's book is broad and growing. Book publishers, literary agents, book packagers, corporations, and everyday people all pay ghostwriters to write their books. And that's just books. Ghostwriters now craft everything from blog posts to articles to content marketing pieces to white papers and even Tweets. Corporations are spending more than 40 billion dollars every year on content marketing, and need writers to ghost that work. If you're a freelancer who wants to branch into a growing, lucrative niche; a book author who wants to make more money in less time; or a writer who wants to be paid (and paid well) for your work, it's time to say, "goodbye" to your byline--and "hello!" to big bucks. Author Kelly James-Enger has published more than a dozen books under her name, ghostwritten a dozen books for clients, and been ghostwriting and coauthoring for more than a decade. She's also the author of books including Six-Figure Freelancing: The Writer's Guide to Making More Money, Second Edition, and Writer for Hire: 101 Secrets to Freelance Success.
Desejo Subtil (Wallflowers, #1)
Quatro jovens da sociedade elegante de Londres partilham um objetivo comum: usar os seus encantos femininos para arranjarem marido. E assim nasce um ousado esquema de seducao e conquista. A delicada aristocrata Annabelle Peyton, determinada a salvar a familia da desgraca, decide usar a sua beleza e inteligencia para seduzir um nobre endinheirado. Mas o admirador mais intrigante e persistente de Annabelle - o plebeu arrogante e ambicioso Simon Hunt - deixa bem claro que tenciona arruinar-lhe os planos, iniciando-a nos mais escandalosos prazeres da carne. Annabelle esta decidida a resistir, mas a tarefa parece impossivel perante uma seducao tao implacavel... e o desejo descontrolado que desde logo a incendeia. Por fim, numa noite escaldante de verao, Annabelle sucumbe aos beijos tentadores de Simon, descobrindo que, afinal, o amor e o jogo mais perigoso de todos.
Seiyuu-ka! 12
Shiro (Hime) akan mundur dari dunia seiyuu setelah mendapat peran utama di "Sakura iro no Honoo". Di film itu, ia mendapati bahwa selain Sakura Aoyama, idolanya, Senri Kudou juga akan berakting bersamanya. Di tengah usahanya menyembunyikan perasaan cinta dan berkonsentrasi pada pekerjaan, terjadilah situasi darurat akibat pendalaman karakter bersama Sakura. Kemudian, Senri akhirnya mengetahui identitas "Shiro"! Apakah impian Hime dan kawan-kawan akhirnya terwujud? Ikuti kisahnya di volume terakhir ini!
Graveyard Games
Kylie's always believed something inside her was missing. Lonely, longing restlessness drives her out into the city every night, searching for the unseen treasure to make her feel. But a stranger awaits her in the underground club known as the Graveyard...a dangerous and sensual and unreal beauty, offering a promise beyond Kylie's wildest desires.
The Revolutionary Paul Revere
"Quick in the saddle and fast out of town." Watch one of America's most remarkable heroes come alive through fast-paced prose and gripping storytelling. He's Famous for his Ride. He's Essential for So Much More. The story of Paul Revere is the story of the American Revolution. Always smack dab in the thick of things, he was an ordinary citizen living in extraordinarily turbulent times. Revere played key roles in colonial tax fights and riots, the infamous Boston Massacre, the Tea Party, the Battle of Lexington and Concord, and even the rati?cation of the U.S. Constitution. In this fast-paced, dramatic account, Paul Revere's life pulses with energy as author Joel J. Miller explores his family and church life along with his revolutionary contribution as a spy, entrepreneur, express rider, freemason, and commercial visionary. "The story of Paul Revere--a hero of Massachusetts, a hero of America--was never more timely. Nor has it ever been better told than by Joel J. Miller. The Revolutionary Paul Revere gallops along with all the drama and intrigue of a great novel, highlighting what makes Revere so essential in the story of America's founding and its growth as a force for freedom in the world. This is a vibrant, vital, and wonderful story." ?WILLIAM J. BENNETT, Author, America: The Last Best Hope and A Century Turns
The Ultimate Anti-Career Guide: The Inner Path to Finding Your Work in the World
The perennial wisdom teachings tell us that your vocation is not a means of survival in the world-it is a pure expression of your life force. Vocation arises not as a response to external forces, but authentically from within your own body. The Ultimate Anti-Career Guide is the first audio curriculum that adapts this classic approach to right livelihood to the challenges unique to our place and time. Since 1988, this life-changing workshop by Dr. Rick Jarow has helped thousands of frustrated job-seekers open to their intuition, transform their values into action, and answer their true calling-instead of just settling for a paycheck. What is an "anti-career"? It is a manifestation of the unique blueprint for your destiny encoded in your body since birth. The key to this revolutionary approach is your body's chakra system, the seven centers that govern the free flow of prana, or life force, through your body. Through a program of powerful meditations, you gain direct access to your chakras, clearing and aligning them with the energetic forces that make everything in life possible. You don't have to go out looking for a job, Dr. Jarow teaches. The job you were born to do will unfold in time, like a tree from a seed, as you let go of self-limiting concepts and open to the energy of creation-with The Ultimate Anti-Career Guide.
Personal Demon (Women of the Otherworld #8)
In her acclaimed Women of the Otherworld series, Kelley Armstrong has created a scintillating realm where the supernatural and the human coexist on the edge of darkness, romance, and eternity. Now Armstrong tells the captivating tale of a young woman with an insatiable lust for danger. She can't help it. It's in her blood. Tabloid reporter Hope Adams appears to live the life of an ordinary working girl. But in addition to possessing the beauty of a Bollywood princess, Hope has other unique traits. For she is a half demon--a human fathered by a demon. And she's inherited a hunger for chaos. Naturally, when she's chosen by a very dangerous group for a very dangerous mission that will take her through Miami's hot spots, she jumps at the chance. But Hope is a little too good at this job. And soon she's in a little too deep. To save herself, she'll have to unleash her most primal instincts--and open herself, mind and body, to everything she most fears . . . and desires.
Slow Hands
This is Maddy Turner's lucky day. The civilized society girl just bid on sexy rogue Jake Wallace at a charity bachelor auction--and won But Maddy knows Jake's dirty little secret. And it should keep her from trying out her new boy toy. Too bad she can't stop herself from indulging in raw, quite uncivilized sex all the same.... Jake Wallace is utterly bewitched by Maddy-- and utterly bewildered. How can this tantalizing woman melt so rapturously under his ministrations one moment, then turn into a haughty queen the next? He's determined to get to the bottom of Maddy's agenda. One slow, delicious inch at a time...
The Forgetting Curve (Memento Nora, #2)
Aiden Nomura likes to open doors--especially using his skills as a hacker--to see what's hidden inside. He just keeps pulling until one cracks open, exposing the flaws. The universe--or someone else--will fix things. It's like a game...until it isn't. When a Therapeutic Forgetting Clinic opens in Bern, Switzerland, near Aiden's boarding school, he knows things are changing. Shortly after, bombs go off within quiet, safe Bern. Then Aiden learns that his cousin Winter, back in the States, has had a mental breakdown. He returns to the US immediately. But when he arrives home in Hamilton, Winter's mental state isn't the only thing that's different. The city is becoming even stricter, and an underground movement is growing. With the help of Winter's friend Velvet, Aiden slowly cracks open doors in this new world. But behind those doors are things Aiden doesn't want to see--things about his society, his city, even his own family. And this time Aiden may be the only one who can fix things...before someone else gets hurt.
Ta Cao Kong De Shi Meng Huan De Guang Shu ,Huan Shi Cui Ruo De Ren Xin ? Ta Hui Wei Zhe Ge Shi Jie Dai Lai Xi Wang ,Huan Shi Zou Xiang Hui Mie ? Chu Sheng Zai Pu Tong Jia Ting De Guang Liu ,Cong Xiao Bian Yong You You Yi De Se Cai Gan ,Neng Gou Jiang Kan Jian De Yan Se Bai Fen Bai Di Zhong Shi Cheng Xian Chu Lai ,Er Qie Wu Lun Shi Mo Xue Wen ,Zhi Yao Ting Guo Yi Ci Jiu Neng Li Jie . Fu Qin Gao Xing He Mu Qin You Mei Zi Qi Chu Dui Yu You Xiu De Er Zi Gan Dao Shi Fen Jiao Ao ,Dan Kan Zhu Zhe Wei Jing Shi Tian Cai Yi Bu Bu Cheng Chang ,Que Kai Shi Dui Ta De Cun Zai Chan Sheng Liao Kong Ju . Shang Liao Gao Zhong Yi Hou ,Guang Liu Geng Fa Zhan Chu Yi Zhong Yu [Guang ] You Guan De Te Shu Cai Neng ,Ta De Sheng Huo Ye Kai Shi You Liao Ji Da De Zhuan Bian ,Mei Dao Shen Ye Jiu Hui Qiao Qiao Wai Chu . Fei Chang Zai Yi Er Zi Zhe Xiang Guai Yi Xing Jing De Gao Xing Yu Shi Tou Tou Wei Sui Zai Guang Liu Hou Mian ,Lai Dao Yi Dong Fei Qi De Yin Le Ting ,Fa Xian Li Mian Ju Ji Liao Xu Duo Qing Shao Nian ,Men Wai Huan You Biao Che Zu Ba Shou ,Er Guang Liu Jing Ran Zai Wu Tai Shang Yi Bian Cao Kong Qi Cai Xuan Mu De Guang Shu ,Yi Bian Yan Zou Zhu Mei Miao De Yin Le ! Zhe Ge Bei Guang Liu Cheng Wei [Guang Le ] De Yan Chu ,Ju Shuo Kan Guo Hou Hui Rang Ren Shen Qing Qi Shuang ,Dui Wei Lai Chong Man Xi Wang ,Dan [Guang Le ] Ye Rang Qing Shao Nian Wei Zhi Chen Mi ,Pang Fu Du Pin Shang Yin Yi Yang . Sui Zhu [Guang Le ] De Ying Xiang Li Yue Lai Yue Da ,Yin Qi Liao Da Ren Men De Kong Huang He Ji Yu ,Er Mu Hou De Hei Shou Ye Kai Shi Chun Chun Yu Dong ......
Über uns der Himmel, unter uns das Meer
Australien 1946. Sechshundert Frauen machen sich auf eine Reise ins Ungewisse. Ein Flugzeugtrager soll sie nach England bringen, dort erwartet die Frauen ihre Zukunft: ihre Verlobten, ihre Ehemanner - englische Soldaten, mit denen sie oft nur wenige Tage verbracht hatten, bevor der Krieg sie wieder trennte. Unter den Frauen ist auch die Krankenschwester Frances. Wahrend die anderen zu Schicksalsgenossinnen werden, ihre Hoffnungen und Angste miteinander teilen, bleibt sie verschlossen. Nur in Marinesoldat Henry Nicol, der jede Nacht vor ihrer Kabine Wache steht und wie sie Schreckliches erlebt hat im Krieg, findet sie einen Vertrauten. Eines Tages jedoch holt Frances ausgerechnet der Teil ihrer Vergangenheit ein, vor dem sie ans andere Ende der Welt fliehen wollte ...
Welcome Home: Travels in Smalltown Canada
Across thousands of miles, the Canadian population clusters like loosely strung beads on the thread of the 49th parallel. This is truly Canada--a vast stretch of land and a bounty of small towns. In Welcome Home, Stuart McLean takes us on a heartwarming journey from one coast to the other to visit these small yet vibrant places and meet their remarkable citizens. We visit Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, an old-fashioned "cow town"; Dresden, Ontario, once a destination for escaped slaves using the Underground Railroad; St-Jean-de-Matha, Quebec, where the worldOs strongest man is buried; and Foxwarren, Manitoba, a quintessential hockey town. We wander along Main Street in Sackville, New Brunswick; explore Nakusp, B.C., which may have been the home of an illegitimate child of royalty; and watch the icebergs float by in Ferryland, Newfoundland. Each town Stuart visits tells us a little about Canada's rich and often forgotten history and a lot about who Canadians are today. With a storyteller's eye for detail and an effervescent sense of humour, Stuart McLean introduces us to seven truly wonderful places and dozens of extraordinary people.
I Was Wrong
The loss of Jim Bakker's empire, his money, his home, and his reputation in the two years leading up to his imprisonment in 1989 was only the beginning. In prison, he was to lose even more - his freedom, his sanity, his dignity, his confidence in his faith, and eventually even his wife. Inmate 07407-058, one-time confidant to presidents, had hit bottom. Jim Bakker was wrong about many things. Exactly what they were and how he came to confess them will surprise and inspire you. This is his story.
হাবলুদের জন্য প্রোগ্রামিং
yaaraa priikssaayy bhaalo nmbr paayy naa, yaader bhaalo sttuddentt hisebe gnny kraa hyy naa, taader prokssbhaabe gaadhaa, bld baa haablu hisebe smbodhn kraa hyy / esb haablu prraalekhaar maatthe, caakrir haatte kiNbaa premer ghaatte, anekttaai pichiyye thaake / haabluraa prraalekhaayy haablu hleo, duniyyaar sbkichute haablu naa / klaas phaaNki deoyyaar phndi, shrttkaatte paas kraar pddhti, phrendder pkett theke ttaakaa khsaanor sisttem, haabluder ceyye bhaalo keu jaane naa / taader prraalekhaa mne naa thaakleo, ttibhi siriyyaaler kaahini, sinemaar ddaayyaalg, inttaarnetter cipaa-caapaar khbr tthiki mne thaake / emnki esb jinise caalludero pechne phele deyy taaraa / se jnyi haabluder mto kre, caayyer dokaaner aaddddaar bhaassaa diyye, prograamiNke upsthaapn kraa hyyeche / yaate haabluraa haablu sttaaile prograamiNyyer mjaa peyye egiyye yete paare /
The Call of Eirian (The Faelin Chronicles, #2)
Faelin twins Diello and Cynthe, children of a Fae mother and a human father, found their lives changed forever the day their parents were brutally murdered by a goblin horde. They discovered that their parents' cautious ways hid a lifetime of secrets, including Eirian, a magical sword buried on their farm. Now their little sister has been taken by someone who wants that sword and the ultimate power that comes with it. The twins, along with their friends--a goblin boy and a talking wolf pup--will have to journey to Embarthi, the realm of the Fae, and seek the family they have never known to find their sister and the truth about their parents' mysterious past.
Solaris: The Definitive Edition
A classic work of science fiction by renowned Polish novelist and satirist Stanislaw Lem. When Kris Kelvin arrives at the planet Solaris to study the ocean that covers its surface, he finds a painful, hitherto unconscious memory embodied in the living physical likeness of a long-dead lover. Others examining the planet, Kelvin learns, are plagued with their own repressed and newly corporeal memories. The Solaris ocean may be a massive brain that creates these incarnate memories, though its purpose in doing so is unknown, forcing the scientists to shift the focus of their quest and wonder if they can truly understand the universe without first understanding what lies within their hearts. Translated by Joanna Kilmartin and Steve Cox.
Hot Wacks Book XV: The Last Wacks (Hot Whack Books)
Hot Wacks books are bootleg CD & record rating guides and discographies than can save you money. For the past 20 years, Hot Wacks books have been indispensable tools for the bootleg collector. You'll find bootleg listings with song titles, matrix numbers, recording sources, sound quality and specific comments for artists ranging from Aerosmith to Frank Zappa, arranged alphabetically by the artists' names, making this a complete and easy-to-use guide.
Toothpick House
Annie Heaphy, cab driving baby butch, lives a life of freedom in a shack on the Connecticut coast. Her dislike of Yalies and all they represent at first extends to beautiful, self-possessed Victoria Locke. Then they fall in love and both their worlds change forever. Toothpick House is their story, but it is also the story of the women's movement, the changes it brings to traditional lesbian lives, and the ways in which it affected all young women of the 1970s.
Trail of Bones
Where will you sleep tonight? A rip-snortin' adventure! Frogs pouring out of the air-vents, diabolical monkeys that can swear, an evil genius about to overrun earth from a contiguous world, a bag of bones that can walk and talk and bite off your nose. If you like to read, over your lifetime you are going to read a lot of stuff you will wish you hadn't. You can short-stop those regrets for at least a little while-by reading this book.
Hard Road: Bernie Guindon and the Reign of the Satan's Choice Motorcycle Club
The spiritual godfather of Canadian bikers tells the story of his fascinating life. You could call Bernie Guindon the Sonny Barger of Canadian bikers (but not to his face). The founder of Satan's Choice, Guindon led what was in the 1960s the second-largest biker club in the world (after the Hells Angels, which Bernie would join briefly in the early 2000s) to national prominence and international infamy. His life wasn't all bikes and crime. He was also a medalist in boxing for Canada at the Pan Am Games. That tension between the very rough life he was born into and the possibility for success in the straight world (and how aspirations in each fed his success in the other) layer Guindon's story, one of the great untold stories in biker history. Friends from the biker world and Guindon's family have given extensive interviews forHard Road, including his son, Harley, a convict and outlaw biker himself.
Jazz, Perfume & the Incident
In Jakarta's gleaming center a man and a woman watch each other from adjoining skyscrapers. The man, a journalist, has on his desk reports he doesn't dare publish of a massacre in East Timor. He contemplates the demands of truth and confronts the split in his world between a sophisticated urban life where the women waft by in signature perfumes, and the primitive oppression of Indonesia's army state in East Timor. Only jazz mediates. A music of raw emotion and powerful refinement, urbane yet born in the growl and moan of generations of slaves, jazz is not literal, but absolutely true. So too this novel, which defied Indonesia's regime of censorship and made available, in its pages, the heavily censored reality that journalists dared not report. In "Jazz, Perfume and the Incident," Seno Gumira Ajidarma combines the surreal and the actual in a way that forever changed Indonesian literature and political discourse.