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who is the instructor
<answer> Mosh <context> Mosh is a software engineer with two decades of experience and has taught over 3 million people how to code and how to become professional software engineers. Lane is the password manager and VPN recommended by Apple and Google and it's a fantastic safeguard for keeping your information secure.
What are you learing in the course
<answer> java Programming <context> Mosh is a software engineer with two decades of experience and has taught over 3 million people how to code and how to become professional software engineers. Lane is the password manager and VPN recommended by Apple and Google and it's a fantastic safeguard for keeping your information secure.
what is jdk
<answer> java development tool <context> Java jdk is short for Java development kit and it's basically a software development environment for building Java applications.
what type of programming model is java
<answer> object-oriented programming <context> Java jdk is short for Java development kit and it's basically a software development environment for building Java applications.
what is function
<answer> it is building block in java <context> Java is the smallest building block in Java programs are functions if function is a block of code that performs a task as a metaphor think of the buttons on the remote control of your TV each button performs task functions in programming languages are exactly the same for example we can have a function for converting someone's weight in pounds to kilograms.
what does java need to run
<answer> java needs jdk 12 <context> Java is the smallest building block in Java programs are functions if function is a block of code that performs a task as a metaphor think of the buttons on the remote control of your TV each button performs task functions in programming languages are exactly the same for example we can have a function for converting someone's weight in pounds to kilograms.
is java platforn independent
<answer> yes <context> How to write and execute your first Java program so let's open IntelliJ IDEA here on the home screen let's create a new project alright on the left side select java and make sure project sdk is not
what is use to create java byte code
<answer> java complier <context> IntelliJ uses the Java compiler to compile our code into a different format called Java bytecode this Java compiler comes with the Java development kit.
what is platform indeoendent
<answer> it means it can run on any system <context> IntelliJ uses the Java compiler to compile our code into a different format called Java bytecode this Java compiler comes with the Java development kit.
what is default access modifers
<answer> public <context> ' So one thing that we saw in the program was access modifier. So these are nothing but modifiers right public as I said this public means the access modifier which shows that hello world could be accessed anywhere throughout your application. Meaning of other phase in some so basically it just trying to say that one of the aspects are one thing that access modifier could be used is to control the visibility of a particular class or a method as well. We have access modifier for your methods as well.
what is access modifier
<answer> Access modifier is visibility of component or visibility of a class or a method or instance variable <context> Access modifier is visibility of component or visibility of a class or a method or instance variable. In C we have inheritance, right say for example integer integer is a class as I said in object-oriented Paradigm or in Java everything could be visualized as a class. There is default is within a package public is accessible anywhere and protected is visible to the package and just the subclasses.
what is static method final
<answer> you can't change the function <context> static method final is nothing but you can't change it final as the name suggests. So final is like its final can't be changed once you have created it. abstract is a non access modifier and what it tries to say is say, for example, you have a shape class by itself wouldn't know what the implementation of area would be. It would be Side Square for rectangle its length into breadth or Circle.
what is integrated development environment
<answer> you don't have to type everything when you type S why you could see synchronized coming up here , you don't have to provide implementation of it, you just have the signature of it. <context> When you have this integrated development environment, you don't have to type everything when you type S why you could see synchronized coming up here. It's basically for memory visibility or what we are trying to say is so basically every processor has got its own cache. So when you use a volatile access specifier don't store it in Cash Store it directly into the main memory so that all the threats would g
where is instance of class created
<answer> Heap <context> An instance of a class is created in a part of a memory, which is called Heap. So when a space is allocated for an object in the Heap slot for each instance variable is values created. So unlike local variables, which are within the method scope, variable is within the class scope.
what is Constructor
<answer> a method which constricts an object of a class values can be assigned during the Declaration or within the Constructo <context> Constructor is nothing but a method which constricts an object of a class values can be assigned during the Declaration or within the Constructor. In Constructor instance variables can be accessed directly by calling the variable name inside the class. With static methods when instance variables are given access ability they should be using fully qualified name.
what is Non-static Fields instance variable
<answer> Non-static Fields instance variable cannot be referenced from static context <context> Non-static Fields instance variable cannot be referenced from static context. It is rare to use static variables other than declared final and used as public or private constants. It's mostly used for constants and static variables are created when program starts and destroyed when the program stops.
what is primitive variable
<answer> primitive is not object primitive is supported by language itself <context> Each variable in Java has a specific type which determines the size of memory. The set of operations that can be applied to the variable data types can be categorized into two major types primitive and non primitive. So basically primitive is not object primitive is supported by language itself, which is kind of it has got 8 primitive data types that is byte short integer. Then you have long float double character and Boolean. This is pretty much similar to other programming languages that you have by it consumes one one bite..
what is pointer
<answer> it pointers to address in memory <context> Java doesn't expose the pointer directly. It doesn't give you directly pointed to the memory location, but it gives you the reference variable. So you cannot manipulate memory location directly. You cannot add some values to memory location through pointers or something but through reference variable you can access it and assign someone yeah, it does not hold the object itself but it holds a reference address to the object ref
what is ternary operator
<answer> ternary operator is special type of operator <context> When you print a it would print 60 ternary operator, which is nothing but if a is less than b then the value of Should be assigned to tr or the value 200 in this case. The value 200 is been assigned is greater than b.
how many loops are there in Java
<answer> there are 4 types of loops <context> Java has four Loops, which is like after every iteration the value of variable or the iterating variables would be changed and would be checked against a condition and if it meets it would come out or if it made it would execute it again. You have do while construct which is guaranteed to be executed once because the condition is checked after the execution is done once. So yeah, this is pretty much similar to other programming languages.
what is if else
<answer> If the condition is true, then execute the conditional code or excute th else code <context> If else construct is similar to the ternary operator that we had so you could see here TR is equal to a plus b so basically the value if a is less than b which is in this case a is. equal to 10 and B is equal. to 20 if I is less. If the condition is true, then then execute the conditional code. That's what if else is.
what is java methods
<answer> it defines the operations and behavior of a class <context> n Java methods are defines the behavior of a class and define the operations through group of statements. Methods are more used to have reusability of a block of code that minimize redundancy. A method returns a null or a value using the written statement. Java has a class that can have multiple behaviors introduced into a class which means that you would potentially have multiple met
what is array
<answer> An array is group of like typed variables that are referred to by a common name. Specific element in an array is accessed by its index <context> An array is group of like typed variables that are referred to by a common name. Specific element in an array is accessed by its index as you could imagine since we are grouping you would have multiple elements. In Java when you define an array you either give the number of elements that you can store in the array, which is nothing but the array size or you have to give the values that a particular array would contain.
when is lenght of array set
<answer> The length of the array is set when it is declared and when an array is declared array index gets initialized <context> The length of the array is set when it is declared and when an array is declared array index gets initialized. GBM doesn't do anything different to actually executed. It's nothing different when it comes to actual preserving memory and stuff like that. The first case is 10 the second case is five though, but behind the scenes it's doing the same thing. GBM does the same stuff only thing is syntactically it's varying.
when is String
<answer> it is array of characters <context> String is not a primitive data type unlike character character character CHAR. String is the wrapper class to array of characters and this is specifically done so that Java has a mechanism to manage strings. Della strings are stored in string to love Heap area which we already discussed so we can see a string pool. String pool helps in Saving a lot of space for Java.
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