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['Which softwares are mostly used for java?']
['<answer>For building Java applications the popular softwares are NetBeans Eclipse and IntelliJ', '<context>Some of th popular softwares for java are NetBeans, Eclipse and IntelliJ']
['What is Java JDK']
["<answer>Java jdk is short for Java development kit and it's basically a software development environment for building Java applications", '<context>Java development kit is basically a software development environment for building Java applications it has a compiler it has a bunch of code that we can reuse in Java Runtime environment']
['What is a command line application']
["<answer>Command line application are the ones that doesn't have a graphical user interface", '<context>command line application is not as exciting as an application with a graphical user interface like a mobile app or a desktop app']
['What are functions in java']
["<answer>Java is the smallest building block in Java programs are functions if function is a block of code that performs a task as a metaphor think of the buttons on the remote control of your TV each button performs task functions in programming languages are exactly the same for example we can have a function for converting someone's weight in pounds to kilograms.", "<context>Java is the smallest building block in Java programs are functions if function is a block of code that performs a task as a metaphor think of the buttons on the remote control of your TV each button performs task functions in programming languages are exactly the same for example we can have a function for converting someone's weight in pounds to kilograms."]
['What are the major steps involved in execution of a java program']
['<answer>Java program uses the Java compiler to compile our code into a different format called Java bytecode this Java compiler comes with the Java development kit which helps it process the bytecode.', "<context>there are basically two steps involved here compilation and execution in the compilation step the Java compiler to compile our code into a different format called Java bytecode so for execution part if you're on Windows machine this Java Virtual Machine converts or Java bytecode into the native code that windows can understand this architecture is the reason why Java applications are portable or platform independent we can write a Java program on a Windows machine and execute it on Linux Mac or any other operating systems that have a Java runtime environment "]
['What are the types of java classes?']
['<answer>ava class is public, public, private, and default or package level', "<context>Java class is public, public, private, and default or package level. The class now resides on the package comm Mako speelde. This is why it's called default modifier, also package level, because now, person can only be used from other classes within this package."]
['What are good programming practices']
["<answer>good programmer requires knowing how to write good code code that is clean and expressive that's what separates an outstanding programmer from an average programmer", "a good programmer requires knowing how to write good code code that is clean and expressive that's what separates an outstanding programmer from an average programmer"]
['What are variables in Java']
["<answer>variables in Java we use variables to temporarily store data in computer's memory", "<context>variables in Java we use variables to temporarily store data in computer's memory here is an example imagine in this program you want to store someone's age in the memory so we declare a variable like this ant age equals 30 so int or integer is the type of this variable so in this variable we can only store integers which are whole numbers like 1 2 3 4 numbers that don't have a decimal point."]
['What are primitive and non primitive types in java']
['<answer>we have two categories of types we have primitive types for storing simple values and non primitive types or reference types for storing complex objects', '<context>we have two categories of types we have primitive types for storing simple values and non primitive types or reference types for storing complex objects']
['what is the difference between primitive and non primitive data types?']
['<answer>The Primitive Data types in JavaScript include Number, String, Boolean, Undefined, Null and Symbol. The Non-Primitive data type has only one member i.e. the Object.', '<context>The Primitive Data types in JavaScript include Number, String, Boolean, Undefined, Null and Symbol. The Non-Primitive data type has only one member i.e. the Object.']
['what are strings in Java?']
["<answer>Let's consider a hello world program in a command line application the hello world that we have here is a string", "<context>we printed the hello world message on a terminal this hello word that we have here is a string or more accurately it's a string literal that means a string value now let's extract this from here and store it in a string variable so cut just before this line we type string now look this string class is defined in Java that Lang package"]
['Why do we get a compilation error in Java while processing a string?']
["<answer>let's say we want to surround a string with double quotes now here's the problem if we add a double quote here Java compiler thinks this is the termination of our string so it doesn't stand what we have after that's why we have a compilation error the fixes problem we need to prefix this double code with a backslash so using this backslash we have escaped the double quote now one more time let's add backslash double code here now let's run the program and we won't get the compilation error", "<context>let's say we want to surround the string with double quotes now here's the problem if we add a double quote here Java compiler thinks this is the termination of our string so it doesn't stand what we have after that's why we have a compilation error the fixes problem we need to prefix this double code with a backslash so using this backslash we have escaped the double quote now one more time let's add backslash double code here now let's run the program and we don't get the compilation error now."]
['What are arrays?']
['<answer>we use arrays to store an array to store items like a list of numbers or lists of people or list of people.', '<context>we use arrays to store an array to store items like a list of numbers or lists of people or list of people.']
['What are multi-dimensional arrays?']
['<answer>we use arrays to store a list of objects in Java we can also create multi-dimensional arrays for example we can create a two-dimensional array to store a matrix or we can create a three-dimensional array to store data for cube these are useful in scientific computations', '<context>we use arrays to store a list of objects in Java we can also create multi-dimensional arrays for example we can create a two-dimensional array to store a matrix or we can create a three-dimensional array to store data for cube these are useful in scientific computations']
['What are constants?']
['<answer>A constant is a value which we initialize, we cannot change its value later', "<context>for example let's declare a variable called pi and set it to 3.14 now here we need to add an F to represent this as a float because by default Java compiler sees this number as a decimal okay now you know that we use pi to calculate the area of a circle what if before we calculate the area of a circle I come here and type pi equals 1 then all our calculations are gonna get messed up we don't want this to happen that's when we use constants so if we type final here Java compiler will treat this as a constant so once we initialize this we cannot change its value later"]
['What are arithmetic operators in java?']
['<answer>In Java we have the same arithmetic operators that we have in math we have addition subtraction multiplication division and modulus which is the remainder of a division.', '<context>In Java we have the same arithmetic operators that we have in math we have addition subtraction multiplication division and modulus which is the remainder of a division.']
['how many bytes do we have in a short variable']
['<answer>2 bytes', '<context>2 bytes']
['how many bytes do we have in an integer']
['<answer>4 bytes', '<context>4 bytes']
['What is implicit type casting']
["<answer>so any values that we store in a short variable can also be stored in an integer variable right so when this piece of code is gonna get executed this is what's gonna happen first Java looks at the value in this variable it's 1 right it's going to allocate another variable an anonymous variable somewhere in memory we don't know where that is we don't know the name of that variable it doesn't have a name it's anonymous that variable is gonna be an integer then Java is gonna copy the value of x into that memory space and then it will add these two numbers together this is what we call implicit casting", "<context>so any values that we store in a short variable can also be stored in an integer variable right so when this piece of code is gonna get executed this is what's gonna happen first Java looks at the value in this variable it's 1 right it's going to allocate another variable an anonymous variable somewhere in memory we don't know where that is we don't know the name of that variable it doesn't have a name it's anonymous that variable is gonna be an integer then Java is gonna copy the value of x into that memory space and then it will add these two numbers together this is what we call implicit casting"]
['What is type casting']
['<answer>When Java is dealing with two different types of values one is a short the other is an integer one of these values should be converted to the other type so they are equal now this is called as type casting', '<context>When Java is dealing with two different types of values one is a short the other is an integer one of these values should be converted to the other type so they are equal now this is called as type casting']
['What is the scanner class in java?']
['<answer>Scanner is a class in java. util package used for obtaining the input of the primitive types like int, double, etc. and strings. It is the easiest way to read input in a Java program, though not very efficient if you want an input method for scenarios where time is a constraint like in competitive programming', '<context>Scanner is a class in java. util package used for obtaining the input of the primitive types like int, double, etc. and strings. It is the easiest way to read input in a Java program, though not very efficient if you want an input method for scenarios where time is a constraint like in competitive programming']
['What is the s+purpose of if statements in java?']
['<answer>if statements in Java if statements are extremely important because they allow us to use Java to make decisions', '<context>if statements in Java if statements are extremely important because they allow us to use Java to make decisions']
['What is control flow in java']
["<answer>control flow or controlling the flow of execution of our programs you're gonna start off by talking about comparison operators for comparing values", "<context>control flow or controlling the flow of execution of our programs you're gonna start off by talking about comparison operators for comparing values"]
['What are switch statements in java']
['<answer>The Java switch statement executes one statement from multiple conditions. It is like if-else-if ladder statement.', 'The Java switch statement executes one statement from multiple conditions. It is like if-else-if ladder statement.']
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