1 value
kind of makes you never wanna go on a chat room...people lie big time
Wow a real life documentary... i like the movie but the same time disheartened..
This is sort of like the realistic rapunzel
it makes me cry hearing her story, sometimes the law becomes too harsh on a person
any interesting series suggestions?<br>i watched this it was amazing and now i have nothing to watch sadly
Btw this is based on true story
It’s sad her life just been jail
The movie RUN 2020 starring Sarah Paulson is kind of like this
I wonder if her mother was alive and got caught would she have been in prison for life since she seems so awful
This gives me chills. I usually say to myself it’s not real... but this shot happened
It’s a shame how the healthcare system did see what was going on. This was obvious if you called the offices she came from
Why would the girl get sent to jail for something the mom did the mom totality deserved it
Also I don’t understand what illness she and her mom had but it was terrible!!!!!!!
Who is she engaged with and how in prison?
didn&#39;t realise until now that the girl playing Gypsy&#39;s neighbor/friend is the same girl who played Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I can finally sleep knowing why she looked SO familiar
I missed an episode of Austin and ally didn’t i
I cant believe this girl is in jail bcz she saved herself.yes thats how i see it.i felt suffocating just by watching this to the point i need to cry my lungs out.i cannot imagine i a million years what actually this girl experienced and in what lvl .she should be on mental rehabilitation rather jailr
I would watch that but my mom anet gon pay for it
Joey is an amazing actor and I cant wait to watch this. I know this show came out a year or so ago and im only watching it now because then i would have been scared to watch this lol
Someone know where i can download this serie?
not only did she endure torture from her mom for 23 years but add 10 years of prison :/
Where can I watch this
is this a movie or a series?
Joey king is like the only person I would know that would do good acting as her
the doctor...isnt that Annabelle from MAMA
this should be in NETFLIX but it doesn&#39;t
Gypsys` mother was the one who should have been locked up. Gypsy killed her in self defense.
Seems a little like the arc of Jessica Lange and her granddaughter in The Politician
How could dee dee trick all the doctor she meet.....
i tried to watch this movie and i couldn’t because it was too traumatising, i feel so bad for the real girl
hey anybody wanna give me their hulu password so i can watch this
Nice gyspy I would love to meet your mom
I feel like after everything she suffered of. She needed to go to jail and get well, recovered from all the traumas that she went through in her life. The judge was right at this point she was kinda dangerous for the society
I can&#39;t help but compare this with Eugenia Cooney&#39;s situation in a way..
I feel the most for her “boyfriend” that guy got the worst of it. He literally is not mentally all there.
The girl in real life killed her mother
So this is real because I saw the real watever her name is on YouTube
Where can I watch this for free without paying?
Lets talk about how they played them so well. Joey King nailed Gypsys voice, Nick did an amazing job by acting like this kinda pervy mysterious creepy old man vibe, and Patricia NAILED acting like DeeDee. The way she smashed the computer, the way she screamed at Joey, or the way she pulled Joey in the wheelchair, so much emotion!! It really showed that nothing is EVER what it seems.
I get chills just watching this.... scary
A little actress doesn&#39;t look anything like her, and she doesn&#39;t have blue eyes that killed her own mother and a bad movie.
Wait a minute, this ain&#39;t Kissing Booth
Who’s here from TikTok
She’s great actor
This trailer was out on my birthday! Omg!
Anybody else came here cuz of tiktok??? No? Only me? Okii
the real story of gypsi is so sad...and they just replicate the story of gypsi into a movie...as close as possible...and the actor of gypsi..almost looks like gypsi...
Joey really is a great voice actor she’s an adult acting like a child in this
:0 this gives me chills every time I see it it’s so creepy
I can’t wait until she can actually get out of prison. •o•!!
The movie is called: The Kissing Booth
its a true story
She looks like the girl from kissing booth
deleted scenes from the kissing booth
Where can i see this?
I just wanna know what&#39;s the age rating on this and we&#39;re can I watch it??
My cats names Gypsy I didn’t know it was a real name :/
That’s a spoiler
Because I don’t have hulu
Is this on Netflix too?
where to find thus movie?
Is this based off a true story?
Honestly she was forced by her mom to do awful things and her mom always physically and mentally abused her.....what do u think is gonna happen , people snap.....I&#39;m not saying she doesnt deserve what she got BUT I am saying that her mom was an evil woman that hurt the girl....someone can only take so much abuse
The acting in this, is phenomenal!
I was finding this on netflix, man! Thought it was a Netflix original
0__0 Bro
How dare she let her guinea pigs loose like that she could gave to someone
Can we just appreciate the woman who plays Gypsy&#39;s mother!!! Wow
I saw this
I want to watch this so badly, but I don’t have access to Hulu... might as well watch whatever clips I can get!
That girl plays im kissing booth-
Where can I watch this show? Except hullu.
Ikr really
where can i watch a hus?
This was based off a real thing
This is what happens when you kiss random people in a &#39;kissing booth&#39;
Bruh one of my family members went to school with DeeDee
Where can I watch it ??
Can we not make this some romantic drama. This really happened and people need to remember that.
<b>Eugene cooney</b>
What is the stryy can u tell me plz
WOW, this New serie is fantástic!!!!!
Can somebody say the whole movie or something to me?i don&#39;t get it
does anyone know where i can watch this movies ?
joey king is such great omg,she is amazing
This is Based on a true story on dr phill
<b>I am terrified—</b>
Gypsy is from my hometown.
Why does her voice sound the same as the real gypsy
Why did she go to prison?
Wrong thing for the right reason
Howard Stern brought me here.
Bless Youtube comment section. Been racking my brain on where i knew Joey King from
Why do I want this on Netflix
She’s 29 now
Ahhh the good ole Youtube comment section
Wow, she is the actress of The kissing stand
I just love this tv show LOL
Joey King is phenomenal in this movie!...